diff --git "a/rotten_tomatos.csv" "b/rotten_tomatos.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/rotten_tomatos.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,3006 @@ +,review,sentiment +0,Brimming with energy and spirit.,positive +1,"If it's not as emotionally haunting as Au Hasard Balthazar or Mouchette, it remains a powerful, compelling portrait of discipline, and humanity.",positive +2,"It does finally achieve its apparent aim: to tempt Miscavige's minions a little further towards the light, the better for us to witness their words and deeds, and thereby grasp the peculiarity of this particular credo.",positive +3,The film is tonally assured enough to render a literal reading somewhat unnecessary since it so purely channels the joy that drives its main character.,positive +4,The proverbial sun has set with enough grace to make us all feel a little apologetic for the doubt we all had on the character who was a champ well before he was ever a champion.,positive +5,"If Trainwreck frosts its cake with a you-have-to-laugh-or-you-would-be-crying-all-the-time icing, you can still taste that sadness in nearly every bite.",positive +6,Few performances are hardy enough both to blossom in the dark intimacy of live theater and bloom under the glaring eye of a movie camera. Ghostlight is not the exception.,negative +7,Resident Evil Vendetta takes the best aspects of the video game high points and makes an amazingly intense and action-packed thrill ride.,positive +8,"A star is born, albeit at the ripe age of 44, as the writer, director, producer and actress Radha Blank seizes her moment, often hilariously so, as the deadpan centre of this whip-smart comedy.",positive +9,"Anderson may yet be the heir to the screwball-comedy throne, but his creative blood needs a fresh infusion.",negative +10,"The sort of quirky, insiderish L.A. dramedy that tries but fails to make us care about its troubled young characters who are, you guessed it, looking for happiness.",negative +11,"If the 3D is passable and there are some moments of tension, Sanctum has big problems.",positive +12,Fans of cinematic dread should seek it out immediately.,positive +13,"Set to the operatic background score of an Old Spice commercial, all the emotional manipulation gets in the way of inspiration.",negative +14,"By messing with the geography of the apartment and the identities of its characters, The Father makes us see and digest and experience the frighteningly unsystematic loss of mental control.",positive +15,"The contrast between their menacingly macho appearance (due to their muscles and military gear) and their tenderness is endlessly endearing, and the film leans into this for our greatest delight.",positive +16,"Cheesy special effects, under drawn characters, simplistic writing (by a committee of scribes) and music video direction will likely draw the attention-deficit crowd",negative +17,"Even if the film itself is relatively conventional, its exposure of a squalid city's most benighted neighborhood and its introduction of hope into nearly hopeless lives give it strong human interest value.",positive +18,"Proof is a stirring motion picture that challenges our views on a great many things about life, some of which we take for granted.",positive +19,"Aside from a few mild swipes at the commercial film industry and New York pseudo-intellectual circles, the film is rather toothless.",negative +20,"The movie offers nothing new to the zom-com sub-subgenre, but has just enough solid laughs to warrant a watch.",positive +21,"Richard Donner directs more for speed than mood, but there are a few good shocks.",positive +22,"Bull Durham, the new baseball movie starring Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon, eases up on you, lazy as a cloud, and carries you off in a mood of exquisite delight.",positive +23,Stewart captures the essence of being in an oppressive environment.,positive +24,"Smarter than Tarantino, cleverer than Carnahan -- literary minded and violent and wickedly funny.",positive +25,One of the best thrillers to come along in a while.,positive +26,"Like Bellocchio's draggy, overrated Vincere, this movie wants us to believe in its depth, while mostly just skimming the surface.",negative +27,"Emotional, occasionally funny, and narratively unpredictable... I doubt any other blockbuster will manage to surpass Black Panther this year. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +28,"The movie offers a terrific playground for Mendes and Hawke to mess around in as these gleefully flawed, cartoonish and yet ultimately dimensional characters.",positive +29,"Turning his camera on works of art and the people who steer the distinguished London complex, the grand old man of hands-off documentaries studies paintings and bears witness to staff meetings, curatorial discussions and gallery talks.",positive +30,"The intention of both the writer, Shaun Grants, and director, Justin Kurzel, was to shed a light on the whys and wherefores of a person like Nitram. I don’t think they did.",negative +31,"Almost completely uninvolving, as well as being impenetrable.",negative +32,"An intriguing premise and bizarre opening show potential, but the film chooses the least interesting direction possible when it veers off on its road trip.",negative +33,"Wow, this movie is totally insane.",positive +34,"Lovely, well-acted with great set pieces, but edited into something choppy and less satisfying than one would hope",positive +35,"Even if it answers questions about Cruella de Vil that nobody ever really had, this runway is all slay, all day. This is the glam slam villain jam we didn't know we needed.",positive +36,Douglas is a maddeningly inconsistent stand-up special...,negative +37,"Truly, Sparks' Caucasian dreariness is a a force from which nothing, not even passably interesting directorial techniques can escape. A white hole, if you will.",negative +38,you'll be wishing they'd just call it quits,negative +39,"Pictorially and musically, the film is distinguished, and if the atmospheric continuity tends at one stage to become wearisome, the humor and philosophy of [the characters] amply compensate.",positive +40,Brunker and his co-writers find a way to deliver a multi-layered story that can grab toddlers while keeping older viewers entertained and not groaning at some propagandized messaging.,positive +41,"Blake Edwards' outrageous S.O.B. may never be held in the same regard as Sunset Boulevard or The Player, but as a searing satire about the underbelly of the Hollywood lifestyle, it still ranks as one of the best.",positive +42,A magnificently detailed portrait of Boston body politic with Mayor Marty Walsh as leading man.,positive +43,"An old-fashioned, white-knuckle adventure with the excellent Bridges adding another great characterization to his increasingly impressive resume.",positive +44,Perhaps this film does adhere admirably to the source material, but if so, it is at the expense of almost anything recognizable from the classic film. This is Fletch, without the edge.,negative +45,"Kingsman is a frenetic, witty blast, and just the kind of fresh take an increasingly overly serious, borderline stale genre needs.",positive +46,"We've seen and heard variations on these characters several times before. Somehow, though, it seems to work.",positive +47,A botched supernatural thriller with only some fiendishly clever death schemes to commend it.,negative +48,Steep is a visually exhilarating sports documentary that is also more than a little exasperating.,positive +49,"Frankly, it could have used a touch more disrepute.",negative +50,"It's hilarious, though probably not to anyone who hasn't already been watching it on television.",positive +51,"As far as purely aesthetic experiences go, I doubt anything I'll see anywhere this year will beat Jean-Luc Godard's Goodbye To Language.",positive +52,"The movie is a polished muddle, fitfully amusing but with no spine.",negative +53,"When Woody's writing is solid, his direction is always at its strongest and steadiest, and Melinda and Melinda is sound indeed.",positive +54,"I am a fan of The Muppets and I'm glad to see them making a comeback. Maybe if this movie is a hit, they'll make a sequel where they'll actually get to be the stars of their own film.",negative +55,...another soulful story about adolescents careering messily into first loves.,positive +56,"Director Tony Scott is smart enough to focus most of the movie where it should be, on Travolta and Washington.",positive +57,None of Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares are a patch on this.,positive +58,"Williams's bewildering, sinuous film encourages us to realise that getting lost is a destination in itself.",positive +59,"Its only aim is to make us jump, make us laugh, and send us off with a thrilling final shot that's everything a ""Cloverfield"" fan could want from a prequel.",positive +60,A touching ode to the rewards and challenges of female friendship...,positive +61,The special effects are jaw-dropping.,positive +62,There's nothing wrong with a little predictability and a comfortable presentation when it's a sweet and moving movie like 'Palmer.',positive +63,"What Catwoman: Hunted lacks in plot, it makes up for with chase/fight scenes.",positive +64,"What, might you ask, is the cause of all this cloak-and-dagger skullduggery? Well, I could tell you, but then I'd have to bore you.",negative +65,"Most certainly, it will make you root for the Roughriders on and off the court.",positive +66,...runs on circle-of-life blather and Casio-keyboard songs by Phil Collins. To call it bland would be an insult to Barry Manilow.,negative +67,18 to Party is a thoroughly lackluster endeavor. Roda's awful screenplay deflates any value from this derivative half-baked homage.,negative +68,...an exceedingly deliberate and predominantly uninvolving endeavor...,negative +69,"She is woman, but the Helen Reddy biopic doesn't roar.",negative +70,A movie that could have been a fun summer escape winds up with a 150-minute identity crisis.,negative +71,"Sturges veteran Demarest is at his peak here, as is Bracken, whose desperation is hysterical.",positive +72,It’s on the lower end of Russell’s filmography in terms of memorability, but is handled with such a light, circusy touch that it’s not a bad way to kill a few hours.,positive +73,"After a decade or so of suppressing his more lurid instincts, Oliver Stone is back in the bat-crap-crazy mode that made his Oscar-winning rap-sheet rep.",positive +74,Keira Knightley as Anna is supremely brilliant.,positive +75,"A little goes a long way, and despite the presence of the sleepily charismatic del Toro-his beleaguered Alejandro carries heavy baggage both in his heart and beneath his eyes-the Soldado man show does grow tiresome.",negative +76,"Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project reminds us that there is no such thing as objectivity when reporting on human behavior, and anyone who tells you otherwise is probably working for Fox News.",positive +77,"Occasionally pleasurable, but not entirely memorable.",negative +78,A damning indictment of the White House which concludes that 9/11 was less a failure of intelligence than a willful failure to act.,positive +79,"An artfully crafted film with subtle elegance, a moonshine drenched aesthetic and a set of performances that lift it well beyond many other Prohibition stories.",positive +80,"The film, at its best, is gross and silly and amiably unsettling, which may be all that counts.",positive +81,It feels like the middle of a trilogy, but it achieves its goal of creating uncertainty for what's to come.,positive +82,"From a director who's had a devil of a time lately comes a ""Twilight Zone""-ish horror movie.",negative +83,"If you're comfortable(or unaware) about the ambiguous origins of Drishyam, buy half a ticket to watch the second half. Or perhaps ask your friend's friend to watch it and interpret the plot to you.",positive +84,An overqualified adult cast and some fun moments can't entirely compensate for a defanged protagonist and too-static plot. This fantasy desperately needed a little more magic.,negative +85,"Parnassus is fun to watch a good deal of the time, and Gilliam is almost always visually surprising, but Ledger could have used a more momentous send-off.",positive +86,"As ludicrous and as unfocused as it all might be, Kong: Skull Island kept me amused for practically every second of its two-hour running time.",positive +87,"For all its fluffiness, Cute Girl sows the seeds of Hou's style, gesturing towards the realism and thematic richness of his later work.",positive +88,"If Mars Needs Moms had not have been produced using the mo-cap process -- which still hasn't fixed the problem where some folk have a spooky, neither-alive-nor-dead look -- it might have stood more chance of finding an audience.",negative +89,"a passable entertainment for kids that is hobbled badly by a formulaic plot and talking animals that, for the most part, don't have anything interesting to say",negative +90,"The NFL gets a ""special thanks"" in the end credits. Maybe it should have been the other way around.",negative +91,"Too much game, not enough heart.",negative +92,"The transformation of a fear-based man by a Zorba-the-Greek-like woman with a zest for life, enthusiasm, and creative daring.",positive +93,Tomorrow Never Dies brings non-stop action and thrills in a fun installment of the James Bond franchise.,positive +94,"A somewhat charmless affair which, while striking to look at, fails to come to dramatic life.",negative +95,...a serenely crazed view of the present. The master is back.,positive +96,"This movie, if it is as successful as it deserves to be, might just open slapstick-happy moviemakers' eyes to the idea that kids will flock to a story that explores dark issues.",positive +97,"A pleasant enough diversion, The Hero ... nevertheless sinks into a mire of clichs from which it never quite escapes.",positive +98,"With a plot as unfocused as its freshly graduated characters, the shaggy ""Pitch Perfect 3"" gets by on karaoke logic: What makes for a good time isn't the song you sing, but the company you keep.",positive +99,The year's smartest and spikiest date-movie so far.,positive +100,"A serious treatment might have been more informative, but probably not as entertaining.",positive +101,"As true story-based, blue collar heroes vs. sniveling bureaucrats stories go, one of the better ones. (Splice Today)",positive +102,A fairly unremarkable crime caper that boasts production value and an impressive cast but is hampered by a sub-par script.,negative +103,Traffics a kind of superficial gender essentialism that makes its themes feel more didactic than incisive, a reduction of thorny ideas to their most simplistic iterations.,negative +104,"We may not have gotten the John Wick sequel we wanted, but it's entirely possible it's the one we need for now.",positive +105,Laced with comic romantic touches.,positive +106,"Extremely funny, well written and sharply observed comedy with strong comic performances from its talented cast.",positive +107,"None of the characters is emotionally complex, or very smart, or motivated by reasons more complex than the movie's paint-by-numbers screenplay.",negative +108,"Single dad's struggles are poignant, somewhat mature.",positive +109,The movie ends with the door wide open for a sequel; one can't imagine anyone involved jumping at the thought.,negative +110,Porn Star runs out of insight and surprises long before the closing credits roll.,negative +111,"Often gets bogged down in cliches, but Henson is just so good, and Najafi's direction so solid, that the film resonates in spite of its occasionally wooden dialogue.",positive +112,"First Snow is solidly made -- which, for this sort of film, is nothing to sneeze at -- but it doesn't leave that strong an impression either. It's a decent freshman effort.",positive +113,"...captures what it must be like to have your life suddenly turned around into total chaos, the hopelessness, the helplessness, and the despair that descends when thrown into a dungeon where people all around you are being executed on a daily basis.",positive +114,"The screenplay, adapted by both Kidd and Schulman, apparently leaves out much of the book's biting black humour.",negative +115,"Representa mais um esforço acima da média deste cineasta que, mesmo aos 74 anos, não dá sinais de pretender diminuir seu ritmo de produção.",positive +116,The funny thing is that this sounds more interesting than it is.,negative +117,"[Hugh Jackman's] a consummate professional, and that job often includes grinning through material that's beneath him and a little bit embarrassing. Director Michael Gracey's biopic of circus impresario P.T. Barnum is both of those things.",negative +118,"It's fascinating, absorbing and ultimately amazingly feel good.",positive +119,"Enough macabre interests to maintain an absorbing sit, but to reach a point of actual momentum, one must accept O'Malley's overly cautious handling of the feature's fright factor.",positive +120,"Itâ(TM)s designed to be crowd-pleasing and tug on hearts across the board, but thereâ(TM)s a manipulative quality that will put a ceiling on business.",negative +121,Woman in Gold is a David-and-Goliath story.,positive +122,"""Mank"" is exactly the type of film its troubled subject would have loved to make: a deep dive that basks in an era riddled with corruption, wastes no time exposing those who were complacent, and still finds moments to appreciate motion pictures.",positive +123,"The plot is ""ice"" thin and Ice Cube can't hold a candle to Van Diesel in my opinion. If you like a lot of car explosions and action packed scenes you will like this movie.",negative +124,"More contrived than clever, ""Stage Fright"" wants to be the musical version of ""Scream."" It isn't.",negative +125,"The film realises Raftopoulos's desire to deliver a film that looks as if it's been distilled from reality but in this instance, naturalism isn't enough. The judicious injection of a sense of heightened drama could have made all the difference.",negative +126,Mediocre A&C packed with corn and laughs.,positive +127,A sharply acted and highly entertaining morality play.,positive +128,"[The movie] has more integrity than its creepshow peers. The story basically comes down to a dead-looking woman who doesn't want to be a mother fighting for parental custody against a long-dead woman who does. (Grad students, start your theses.)",positive +129,"This picture is 115 minutes of nearly wall-to-wall actor impressions, and that does get to be too much of a good thing, unfortunately.",negative +130,"Starting at infantile and regressing hysterically from there, Step Brothers flies on the comic chemistry of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.",positive +131,We are blessed with both the craft and the documentation of sublime empathy that Ali brings to the film,positive +132,"Maybe you see where all this is going. But even if you do, getting there is still good, queasy fun.",positive +133,"Despite a tacked-on framing device that mostly falls flat, Kevin Hart: What Now? proves to be a laugh riot thanks to the comedian's high-energy delivery and the broad spectrum of relatable topics he integrates into his set.",positive +134,"The unique tug-of-war with viewer expectations is undeniable, if not a pleasure in its own right.",positive +135,The audience has been delighted to spend some time with a couple of remarkable young ladies.,positive +136,This version lacks the occasional brilliant flashes of the first.,negative +137,"The film is no classic, certainly, but it's not one of those throwaway puff pieces, either.",positive +138,"After enduring a lot of jokes about May-December romances, Douglas comes bouncing back with one of his best performances.",positive +139,Carey's celebratory approach to bawdy one-liners marries form with content.,positive +140,"'The only truly interesting aspect found in ""The Core"" is Jon Amiel's thoughts as to what the inner parts of Earth might look like.'",negative +141,"Even at its most unbelievable, The Siege has the performances of Washington and Bening to fall back on, and a theme that understands that what's difficult is not choosing right from wrong but 'choosing the wrong that's more right.'",positive +142,Avoids many of the tragic biopic pitfalls.,positive +143,"Attack of the Clones is the best Star Wars installment since The Empire Strikes Back, hurtling along so quickly that you hardly notice the many moments when the story fails to make sense -- even on its own fantastical terms.",positive +144,Great comedic pairing. Good fun.,positive +145,"Effectively fashioned, as jolting as it is polished, as well as a surprising, insistently political work of commercial art.",positive +146,"Relish has a talented young cast, but Ward doesn't know how to use them. A laughably bad script tanks the entire experience.",negative +147,A soft-sell Nazi-era propaganda film that was used as a vehicle for its Swedish born redheaded star Zarah Leander.,negative +148,"Calvary, however, offers no redemption or even catharsis - at best, some talk of forgiveness - and McDonagh's crude drollery, if that's the word for it, feels forced, fake, as though anger is acceptable if delivered with a punch line.",negative +149,"Yet the images, and the actions within them, lack the acerbic edge that would really drive the knife in. Much like Brause himself, the film tends toward the handsome, yet hollow.",negative +150,Miller provides arresting visuals and attention to editorial detail, but he can’t shake the coldness of the material, which doesn’t reach the level of profundity the production is aiming to achieve.,negative +151,"Altman's film strikes an English observer as the purest, possibly the simplest Americana, the kind of thing which it takes an American to know about, which nobody else can understand so well.",positive +152,"Gina Prince-Bythewood’s action flick stars a number of young actresses joining the ranks of Agojie, but Mbedu really kills it with plenty of stunts and an emotional tale of mothers and daughters.",positive +153,... a technically impressive but altogether listless revenge tale ...,negative +154,"Not completely successful, but enjoyable enough",positive +155,"A chamber piece cousin to The Ice Storm, The Playroom hones in on the mentality of so many irresponsible '70s era parents whose children grew up to be much better people than their parents.",positive +156,"...only Isaac and Kroll get the spirit of their characters right. Worse, the very core of Addams Family magic - the highly charged eroticism of the Gomez and Morticia marriage combined with their offbeat parenting skills - is nowhere to be found.",negative +157,"... Stiller composes an egocentric protagonist to ridicule, whose extreme sensitivity could also be his last chance. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +158,Bracingly chilly!,positive +159,The cast (and the costumes) are worth the price of admission.,positive +160,"Audiences will have to be content with the admittedly lovely Provence landscape and Ridley Scott's slick, superficial direction. Those searching for anything more will be sorely disappointed.",negative +161,"Big, glossy, entertaining if not exactly compelling.",positive +162,...relies as much on the evocation of mood as it does on things that go bump in the night.,positive +163,"It doesn't do a lot of deep thinking, but unlike many futuristic combos of sf and f/x, it does make a statement: Freedom of opinion is a threat to totalitarian systems.",positive +164,"The animated shorts category is much stronger, with the two best coming at the art of 'toons from opposite quarters, aesthetic and commercial.",positive +165,"Salutes the vision that sees invisible things, cares for others, and refuses to abandon hope.",positive +166,The reputed world's most hated band is fighting the good fight.,positive +167,"Its' surreal and funny and at the exact same moments, sickening, verging on horror.",positive +168,"Sometimes, in spite of its blemishes, a film can make an impression. Heilstätten does this in the way it frames the whole piece, as well as presents the meta commentary within it.",positive +169,"A fanciful and enganging metaphysical mystery about a writer, two beauties, love and the challenges of the creative process.",positive +170,"Vigalondo may have made the most soulful film about gigantic, metropolis-smashing monsters yet.",positive +171,"A warm, winning, restless film...Beautiful, modestly progressive and heartfelt, with a wonderful, brash central performance from first-timer Waad Mohammed.",positive +172,I had no problem latching onto the two lead characters, believing their feelings of loss, and rooting for their inevitable reconciliation.,positive +173,"I enjoyed it more than Spirited Away, because it's more straight-forward. This one is weird, but it's also grounded to human emotions.",positive +174,"Even when he threatens to fall into an abyss of navel-gazing, Antonioni never fails to offer up striking images.",positive +175,"The best movie about who gangsters are, and how they came to exert such a magnetic pull on American culture.",positive +176,"""The Lost City"" isnt a big movie, even with its big stars. Its out to provide audiences with an undemanding good time. Its a modest goal, but its one the movie reaches.",positive +177,Rushdie's script is faithful to his source novel to a fault. The lesson is that writers revisiting their work for another medium sometimes can't see the story for the words...,negative +178,This wonderfully dark story offers a mix of solid laughs and great scares and really brings this Stephen King novel to life.,positive +179,"Faster and, if possible, furiouser than its predecessors.",positive +180,Simply delightful in just how stranger than fiction it manages to be.,positive +181,The locations and cinematography are wow-inducing.,positive +182,"In a world full of remakes, reboots and sequels a truly original film has become like the sasquatch of cinema, a mythical creature long thought to be lost forever. Finding Everything Everywhere All at Once feels just like that - mythical and just magical.",positive +183,"It's all very charming, often amusing, and there is hardly a dull moment.",positive +184,"It's a delightfully bloody trip to a grimy, but melodic, Victorian London.",positive +185,"Epic in length only and peppered with sniggering homophobia, the homage to Himself drags on for three hours going on three years.",negative +186,"The Batman is a journey through the seedy underbelly of Gotham filled with epic action, unmatched cast chemistry, and maniacal villains. Everything that DC fans have wanted, and more.",positive +187,"The real stars of the sequel are the dinosaurs...But look out for the flying Pteranodons, which we see flying off into the sunset as a precursor to yet another unnecessary sequel.",negative +188,"Streep and Springfield make a surprisingly sweet pair of retirement-age rockers, but the scattered story line keeps losing the beat.",negative +189,"Wakefield's trenchant coming-of-age tale uses a classic pairing of utterly contrasting types to ground his exploration of innocence and experience, of complacency and the thirst for adventure...",positive +190,The best way to describe the whole ordeal is cheap.,negative +191,"Despite all the good is posits, The Boss Baby can never escape looking like a fake movie inside a real one - and altogether feeling like a redundancy.",negative +192,"With an arch wink and a nod, THE ASSIGNMENT dissects society's norms via its less reputable elements as cleanly and mercilessly as Jane removed Frankie's manhood.",positive +193,"The sincerity with which the clichs get served up, and so on, make a relatively smooth viewing experience. But they also render what would have been an at times harrowing real-life story into something safe and bland.",negative +194,"Director Chris Robinson moves his camera aimlessly, cutting in and out of speeches as if he were just as bored as I.",negative +195,"Reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker: 'If I knew grandchildren were so much fun, I'd have had them first.'",positive +196,"If you're sick of Hollywood teen movies that can't see past the end of their next tube of lip gloss, this Aussie alternative is well worth checking out.",positive +197,"This film reaches deep, asking questions about what's important, what real problems look like and what we are capable of.",positive +198,"Rapidly burnt by a volcanically ludicrous story, Pompeii rumbles and crumbles, over-baking itself into a frothy crisp--puffery on the outside and clichéd passions within.",negative +199,"Martin plays Clouseau as a cartoon. We always are aware of the distance between the actor and the character, whereas with Sellers, Clouseau was a part of him.",negative +200,"Makes you wonder whether Britain and China were wrong to allow Hong Kong to remain a free-market capitalist province--though the movie does not compare in quality to ""Wall Street.""",positive +201,Has the so-called Romanian New Wave slowed to a trickle?,negative +202,"Yes, there are a lot of in-jokes, but they are consistently funny, and Ralph and Vanellope have a gift for turning standard tropes sideways.",positive +203,"[Cage is] funny in his misery, because he has a natural air of exaggeration: he carries his own storm cloud with him, almost like a cartoon of the sad and lonely guys he played in Moonstruck and Raising Arizona.",positive +204,"Ms. Rao does have an ace up her sleeve, though: Prateik, who in his first lead role gives a nuanced, career-making performance.",positive +205,The movie is a masterpiece of editing (by Sam O’Steen and Bob Wyman) and the acting is flawlessly delivered by a brilliant, tour-de-force cast. ,positive +206,"Manages to be both moving and poignant largely because of the superb acting, cinematography and direction.",positive +207,"The film is so much fun that at about the 30-minute mark, I found myself wishing Werewolves Within was a TV series titled Welcome to Beaverfield.",positive +208,"...as futuristic visions go, Babylon A.D. actually gets a lot right...",positive +209,I found the extremely uncomfortable torture and gore fascinating to watch.,positive +210,"Another penny saver for Full Moon, and an unfortunate unpleasant one.",negative +211,"Taken 2, taken to where? Taken to the cleaners? In the original movie, Bryan Mills had 96 hours to save his daughter, in the sequel it seems like they have spent 96 minutes on the script.",negative +212,"As a film, Vanity Fair has a lot going for it -- including acting and energy.",positive +213,"This is not only the best Spider-Man movie that has ever been made, but it ranks on the top of the very own superhero genre. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +214,"As an avid hater of reality television, the intelligence behind James Ronald Whitney's Games People Play was quite a surprise.",positive +215,"On a thin, slightly soiled dime, ""Weiner"" pivots from the mother of all comeback stories to an alternately fascinating, mystifying and appalling portrait of the quest for power at its most obsessive and self-destructive.",positive +216,Certainly original, often funny, and occasionally even inspired.,positive +217,"Not clever enough for Smith fans, not gross enough to compete on the Farrelly brothers' ground, the movie feels like a kind of self-congratulatory fake.",negative +218,Legion is hellishly bad.,negative +219,"A bona fide trash pastiche. So good it's bad, then? Almost, but the panache and playfulness machine-gun most of the shortcomings. DVD suppliers! Can we have the two films plus trailers in one now, please?",positive +220,"Olivier Assayas' three-part drama about Carlos the Jackal, the Venezuelan-born radical-Marxist terrorist of the '70s and '80s, is a rivetingly journalistic account of a scoundrel's rise and fall.",positive +221,"This lacklustre sequel to the 2015 hit Goosebumps hardly has enough jokes to qualify as a comedy, which leaves it stranded in the netherworld of near-horror, aimed at children supposedly not yet ready for the real thing.",negative +222,"Nope is a film of many ideas, competing for primacy in a script that somehow dodges being muddled -- and instead hits the screen as a cohesive and engrossing mosaic.",positive +223,The strength of the stylistic elements and Robbie's performance aren't sufficient to overcome the deficiencies of an initially derivative and ultimately off-kilter narrative.,negative +224,"It's probably best not to overthink a movie billed as a title fight between two of cinema's most iconic monsters, but as Godzilla vs. Kong pits these titans against each other... the results are surprisingly dull.",negative +225,Loving Vincent may not be unique but it's very special.,positive +226,"There are so many good reasons to bag ""The Bag Man."" Where to begin?",negative +227,"If Angel Eyes falters, it is because it becomes more obvious as it goes along, its sense of religiosity becoming less subtle.",positive +228,Meise performs all the signature movements of Almodóvar, Wong Kar Wai, Reynaldo Arenas or Pedro Lemebel adding an extra delay, as in a tragic tai-chi of Hanekian discipline.,positive +229,It's a feel-good film that actually makes you feel good.,positive +230,I won't divulge any more so you can experience the cool madness of The 11th Green for yourself. Suffice to say it's out of this world...,positive +231,"What happens when 144 tweets go viral? You get a stripper field trip that will make you heard spin like a top in Zola making you think twice about who to trust. Janicza Bravo...BRAVO! Riley Keough, Taylour Paige, Colman Domingo, Nicolas Braun SLAY",positive +232,"Empathetic and ethically compelling, it's tender and well-timed.",positive +233,The screenplay ... goes about the expected route in regards to the protagonists' superiors ... but it's in the central characters' actions that the film truly finds its edge.,positive +234,"The director of O Fantasma, Joao Pedro Rodrigues achieves his masterwork in this sublimely surreal, tragic yet transcendent melodrama celebrating the final choices of a Lisbon female impersonator.",positive +235,"The need for women in leadership positions, to champion and help young women join and stay in these jobs, is at a desperate high. Like coding itself, CODE might sound intimidating, but everyone is encouraged to give it a try.",positive +236,"Even when it strays from ... cinematic perfection, the memory of it remains, carrying the film through to its very bitter end.",positive +237,This taut and glamorous American giallo is so quintessentially '70s that its very existence feels like a day well spent at the museum of sleek lines and cocaine excess.,positive +238,Haseen Dillruba keeps us riveted for most parts at least. Taapsee and Vikrant are in top form ensuring we quite willingly get sucked into this pulpy universe.,positive +239,"A sex-free, PG-13 version of ""Freed"" could be cut without shedding a second of narrative coherence, such as it is; one could ask what the point of that would be, though similar queries might be leveled at the film as it stands.",negative +240,Sony Pictures' movie based on the Slender Man internet meme falls short of its source material's scary potential with a feature that's light on frightening moments and fails to invest in its titular creature character.,negative +241,Its familiar tale of an ambitious chorus girl's sudden rise to fame is pleasant enough but not fresh enough to hold my attention.,negative +242,"The success of Parasite is not merely marked by great filmmaking and an intriguing storyline, but deep within its foundations lies an overwhelming understanding on Bong's part of how bigotry operates at an almost molecular level.",positive +243,"Spy Game has blockbuster written all over it. The rental kind, not the box office kind.",negative +244,"Just about everything that could go wrong with this sequel did. From its tuneless songs to its flat footed dancing, there is no ""Mary Poppins"" magic on view anywhere.",negative +245,More like staying dead...a monotonous and unnecessary sequel that has all the grace and flow of a greased hog on rollerskates,negative +246,I think the film is too odd to win over its audience.,negative +247,Director Oliver Hirschbiegel uses a stark and spare style to depict the action. . . with breakdowns sudden and savage in contrast to the intermittent quiescence,positive +248,"There's so much to see, and so many little touches, that those who fall in love with it upon first viewing, and there will be many, will likely come back over and over.",positive +249,That first half is jaw-droppingly good.,positive +250,"A deep, engaging father-daughter story with very personal undertones. It's sophisticated and smart.",positive +251,This profound and immensely touching film in only 75 perfect minutes achieves the profundity of an epic.,positive +252,A well written and well-performed outlook on the lives of discharged soldiers even though it struggles to find its footing with a balanced narrative at times.,positive +253,"What Off the Map lacks in originality, it makes up for with its excellent cast and Scott's lyrical imagery.",positive +254,"Greatly shortened from Mr. Fierstein's long-running, Tony Award-winning play, the film version emphasizes the lovable at every turn, but the surprise is that it does this entertainingly and well.",positive +255,"The concept had potential, but the movie's broad approach (including a ridiculous turn by William Hurt as a mayor with a laughable dye job) drowns out its message.",negative +256,"A great film because of the way it moves beyond social commentary to show how each character, rich and poor, is isolated and at the same time unified by his fears and needs. We're all in a class by ourselves.",positive +257,"This dull, slow movie represents a major step back for director Craig Zobel, who looked like he was ready for the big time with his deeply unsettling ""Compliance"" a couple of years ago.",negative +258,Miike's seemingly offhand inventiveness is evident in almost every shot and cut.,positive +259,John F. Donovan may revisit a lot of familiar territory for Dolan but on this form it is good to welcome him home.,positive +260,French cinema's reigning - but sorely underappreciated - comic masters return with their distinctive brand of gawky slapstick.,positive +261,"The Hunt is a film that could have been soaked in agenda, but thankfully it leans much more on entertainment. And our hero character Crystal (Betty Gilpin) might be the most effective heroine since Sharni Vinson's turn in You're Next.",positive +262,"Crossing Over may hold some appeal for those who loved Crash, but this is a diluted cousin to a film that was overrated in the first place.",negative +263,"This lame crime drama would be as bad as it sounds, except Lewis is such a craftsman that he puts in enough of his noted touches to make it a less criminal watch.",negative +264,"Both the script and the direction, from Michael Showalter, move with such pleasing assurance, held aloft by warm currents of banter backstage and at the dinner table, that you don't notice the deceptions that Kumail practises in the name of deference.",positive +265,[Emma] Thompson deserves another best actress nomination and you will want to marry Stanley Tucci.,positive +266,"... lacks emotional depth and structural originality beneath its testosterone-fueled outbursts, despite a finale that packs a punch.",negative +267,A compilation of vignettes that connect somewhat loosely but make perfect sense. The connections work because Gary and Alana make them work. Because what matters is them.,positive +268,"Swardson and the gang generally opt for silly over edgy and outrageous, but Bucky is just too dashed-off a character for the movie to get by on that.",negative +269,"As a film and novel, Midnight's Children is a great baggy work ...",positive +270,"If you love slow moving character studies with a provocative subject matter, then go see this right now.",positive +271,Engaging children's entertainment.,positive +272,"A brief flashback sequence filled with breathtaking mastery of telling, evocative detail...with wit and style and chase scenes, and then brilliantly, perfectly resolved.",positive +273,I couldn't think of a more appropriate feature screenplay or leading role debut for Mooney than Brigsby Bear-an earnest salute to the weirdo in all of us.,positive +274,"The hook here - the interplay between our three leads and the twists, action, and humor that can be wrung from it-- is the end all and be all of The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil. It's designed to entertain you, and it does a great job at that.",positive +275,"An engaging mystery, a warm-hearted account of friendship and an exploration of courage in the face of prejudice.",positive +276,A moral and arid thriller where Morais finds the exact distance to avoid dramatic overloading his already sorrowful story of a young renegade. [Full review in Spanish],positive +277,"Trust the Man is one of those movies in which everyone is a writer, and all the writing sounds the same.",negative +278,"The Two Popes emerges as a attractive film with a lot of material for artistic, political and religious debate. Full review in Spanish",positive +279,"The Queen is the most reverent irreverent comedy imaginable. Or maybe it's the most irreverent reverent comedy. Either way, it's a small masterpiece.",positive +280,"The screenplay waits too long to start providing answers, causing the intrigue to morph into impatience, and finally into apathy. ",negative +281,A smart and steely first feature by Calgary filmmaker David Christensen.,positive +282,"Amid this special-effects maelstrom, Wade Watts never emerges as a character, and the taciturn Sheridan is in constant danger of being out-acted by his own avatar. Who can connect with a hero when he's just watching the story?",negative +283,"An ingenious way to bring the story to life, such an experimental visual form's potential to captivate might leave something to be desired.",negative +284,"Brian De Palma spent three years struggling to get The Black Dahlia made, which helps explain why the movie has the feel of something that was left in the oven too long: It's both overcooked and undernourishing.",negative +285,"When it comes to making films that work as much for the sake of artistic expression as for capturing a moment in history, there's little question Jackie might be one of the finest pieces of cinematic storytelling we see this year.",positive +286,"Even if it's a B-side, Ricki and the Flash will be worth seeing for Meryl Streep fans, music fans and, especially, anyone who's ever spent time in a working-class band. Sometimes it's the deep cuts you remember the best.",positive +287,"Provides a clear view of generational influence and personal struggle, managing to catch the dam breaks of emotion as the reality of loneliness and perceived hopelessness finally sets in.",positive +288,"The film is not without its flaws, but the story it tells is both terrifying and inspiring.",positive +289,"Directors David Moreau and Xavier Palud ... and screenwriter Sebastian Gutierrez ... cleave very close to the [original Hong Kong] film in many ways, yet the result is far less satisfying.",negative +290,Richard Linklater's adaptation of Maria Semple's novel is a critical (if characteristically humane) assessment of American society in spiritual crisis.,positive +291,"With a delicate palette and soft tones, the craftsmanship on display is impeccable, but the pulse-free drama - think crying over spilled milk - makes for muted impact.",positive +292,Stella Street is the road best not taken.,negative +293,Lily Collins best ever. She is the new Audrey Hepburn. Beatty's best since Bugsy.,positive +294,"...a quietly disturbing look at the choices placed before someone who is caught between two worlds, neither offering harbor.",positive +295,Why would anyone want to be caught dead with Bernie and his banal buddies a second time around? Relentlessly labored and pointless,negative +296,"Rebelle is full of such careful detail, and is carried so beautifully by Mwanza's performance, that questions of authenticity slide away.",positive +297,"Director Ken Loach has been flying the underdog flag for a staggering 52 years. And bless him, he still cares as fiercely as ever.",positive +298,"The photogenic actors are charmless, and the whole thing has the look and feel of a cheap made-for-cable television movie.",negative +299,"A man's-man of a genre pic that will satisfy the action audience while reminding more discerning viewers what they saw in director Joe Carnahan's decade-old breakthrough, Narc.",positive +300,"While technically there might be some glitches with some jagged camerawork at times, the novel effort makes up for that, especially some of the dialogues. Go watch Kempirve.",positive +301,"... the final result, while passable enough, is no particular treat ...",negative +302,"This film might be the ultimate temp job, but stars Chow Yin-Fat and Mira Sorvino deserve better work. ",negative +303,"Although an improvement on Southland Tales, Richard 'Donnie Darko' Kelly's cryptic moody thriller has a far-fetched premise that is not helped by a script filled with holes.",negative +304,A nearly perfect love story/murder mystery that unfortunately falters at the end.,positive +305,"feels a lot like a retread of Chinatown, only without the style and panache that Polanski brought to the table",negative +306,"[T]his is a film that owes more to Goodfellas than Bollywood in its determination to expose a complex, murderous system of repression...",positive +307,"This will probably not be to everyone's tastes considering the film's uncomfortable nature and the lack of clarity within the narrative, but this film offers a unique experience that'll leave you surprised and intrigued.",positive +308,Absurd and brilliant. Dupieux's return to the big screen is at turns wonderfully comical and viscerally tragic.,positive +309,"Emotion is often considered the enemy by experimental filmmakers, but Cohen's films depend on it.",positive +310,"In a film that unfolds unpredictably, with a Mobius-strip structure oddly like that of Pulp Fiction, the one constant becomes an air of foreboding.",positive +311,Great set-up. Lousy follow-through.,negative +312,"Mr. Daniels's luminous performance as the heroic colonel dominates ... half of the film. And when the actor all but disappears in Part 2, he is sorely missed.",positive +313,"Your Place or Mine may not qualify as a find, but it’s agreeable and affectionate and these days, that counts for a lot.",positive +314,"It exploits for entertainment the trauma it claims to shed a light on -- and it isn't even entertaining on its own terms, much less well made.",negative +315,An astonishing performance by Collette as the unhinged parent elevates the scarily nuanced narrative into a league of its own. Hereditary is an emotionally wrenching viewing experience.,positive +316,"We see trucks being unloaded at stadiums, lighting rigs going up, and electric guitars rocking out with post-punk clamor.",positive +317,"A dark and engaging action/drama laced with social critique and dystopian sci-fi. But most of all, it's the story of a girl and crushed innocence.",positive +318,"Unfortunately, you don't have to see Kindgom of Heaven to learn how it ends. You just have to turn on CNN.",negative +319,"Rooney Mara is a remarkable actress, suggestive, sober, but her presence does not alleviate in the midst of so much boredom. [Full Review in Spanish]",negative +320,Catching Fire is a good enough representation of the second book that it won't upset fans. Those who don't know the book will find a film that is a mildly altered version of the first movie in the series.,positive +321,It takes place almost entirely at night and director of photography Robert Elswit... carves out a marvelous neo-noir atmosphere of Los Angeles at night with his razor-sharp photography of the streets after dark...,positive +322,Surpasses its immediate predecessor.,positive +323,"Clint Eastwood's earnest, unapologetically sappy film nails the one thing it sets out to accomplish.",positive +324,There's no shortage of overbaked sex gags--and laughs--in this follow-up.,positive +325,"""Two Days, One Night"" brings back an edge to their reinvention of neo-realism, which had grown a bit cozy.",positive +326,"Really disappointing or, as one wag quipped, 'Honey, they shrunk the fun!'",negative +327,"Throughout the film, Pattinson's control of his accent, his ability to add complexity to an imbecilic character, and his comedic timing are new signs that he is more than that Twilight dream boy.",positive +328,An asinine, meandering horror comedy that's neither scary nor funny nor bonkers enough.,negative +329,"28 Days Later may be too obvious to score a knockout, but it's calibrated to satisfy genre fans, of whom there are many.",positive +330,"Has director Ivan Reitman always been this unfunny, and we didn't notice because he had Bill Murray covering for him?",negative +331,"For fans of dark, cerebral, Christopher Nolan type sci-fi or even time-related sci-fi this will be right up your alley.",positive +332,A horror movie that fleshes out its world building yet does little to move the story of Michael Myers forward.,positive +333,Stick around for the closing credits during which we see the actual Brown and Hudner and discover that the parts we thought might be artistic license turn out to be pleasingly true.,positive +334,It's a tedious experience of otherwise promising material and covetous cast.,negative +335,Powerful on so many levels.,positive +336,{Stowaway} completely mishandles any chance of a morality play by playing it too safe. It’s such a flat experience that it made me ponder whether the world is round after all.,negative +337,"This surprisingly zingy, throwback studio comedy is witty and observant on the dynamics between couples.",positive +338,Do we really know the ones we love? Stéphane Demoustier poses a difficult question in his tense courtroom mystery.,positive +339,"In 'Man Hunt,' tracking shots are literally tracking shots: When Lang's camera glides, it's in pursuit of a quarry, as if it were participating in what the movie's hero refers to as 'a sporting stalk.'",positive +340,"In time and sobriety, Ljoha’s poor user interface melts and morphs and the film becomes something of a buddy film sans the genre’s tropes.",positive +341,"For a premise with such lurid possibilities, Lars and the Real Girl is actually a sweet little comedy of romantic delusion and communal affection...",positive +342,The movie feels like a mixed-up collection of high points from a book.,negative +343,"The meaning of ""Soul"" also comes through in the pointillist realism of Pixar. As delightful as its imagery of the afterlife is, the best stuff might be back on Earth.",positive +344,"Clearly about the curse of celebrity culture but also hamfisted and confused. If you like nasties, this is very nasty indeed.",negative +345,Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul comes agonizingly close to being unwatchable.,negative +346,"If you like Bruce Lee, try to get Ng cast in a different biopic, but avoid this one like a one-inch punch.",negative +347,"This could very well be Stone's breakthrough role as she nails the part with just the right combination of smarts, approachability, snarky attitude and more. (Parental Review also Available)",positive +348,Accessible and informative.,positive +349,"It has that indefinable, effervescent something that, although it may not cure a bad case of indigestion, will go a long way to take that frown off your face after a hard day at the office.",positive +350,"[Aaron] Sorkin's script, which is based on the real-life Molly's memoir, has way too much dialogue and too many voice-overs for the genre. Stick with it. It builds to a worthy climax regardless.",positive +351,"If this sounds like a stunt, it is. But it's tough to get a book contract these days.",negative +352,"For die-hard fans of horror, Hatchet might feel like a reprieve, but it certainly isn't a healthy one.",negative +353,"In Arthur Hiller's rigid transcription of Neil Simon's Broadway one-acters set in Manhattan's Plaza Hotel, Matthau essays not one part but three. Each is unique, all are achingly comic.",positive +354,"Uneven, and you may have a scratched head putting all the pieces together, but Mak's handling of mood and action, plus an eye for arresting visuals, makes him a director of real promise.",positive +355,"Pompeii is a fascinating mystery, with enormous possibilities that the movie utterlyignores.",negative +356,A moody horror/thriller elevated by deft staging and the director's well-known narrative gamesmanship.,positive +357,"""Unbroken"" is a fascinating deconstruction of a man beaten to his core. An enlightening story, featuring star-making performances, and an abundance of masterclass filmmaking techniques.",positive +358,Most of the humor is about as fresh as the air left behind whenever Witherspoon uses a toilet.,negative +359,"The material may not be as inspired as The Hangover, director Todd Phillips' last outing, but it never bores and keeps the laughs in the theater so loud you'll miss enough few follow-up jokes to want to see the movie again.",positive +360,This doc does a splendid job of really making the case for why Vinton’s life was just as eye-opening as his output. It avoids hero worship to really find the honest truth of what this guy was able to do, and in that, you get all the admiration you need.,positive +361,This movie is as violent and bloody as the video game franchise on which it's based and is therefore best for fans of the video games and movies.,negative +362,Absurdly over-rated...,negative +363,"If The Wind Rises is indeed Miyazaki's last hurrah, he goes out on a graceful, all-encompassing note.",positive +364,A more complex film that pleasantly surprises. [Full review in Spanish],positive +365,"A well-made, high-spirited movie that (rare indeed) never takes itself too seriously... a perfect summer escape.",positive +366,"Endeavours to be a frank, honest look at the human beings behind eating disorders - to paint them as people, rather than as problems. And it very nearly succeeds. Nearly.",negative +367,A beautiful portrait of the men and women who refused to sit quietly while hundreds suffered.,positive +368,The complacency and lack of imagination are painful.,negative +369,"Perhaps Ten 'til Noon is not exactly Citizen Kane, and perhaps all of the puzzle pieces never add up to anything but an engaging hour in the theater, but watching all the bits come together keeps you awake for the length of the film.",positive +370,"Mamet can be an engaging cinematic con artist, but it's a lot more enjoyable to watch him making his money the old fashioned way: earning it.",positive +371,"I was really surprised by how much it moved me, how touched I was...",positive +372,"Very much an action movie, albeit one that's uncharacteristically mischievous and lighthearted...",positive +373,"There's storytelling vigor here and fine performances, plus some pointed exchanges about the burdens of cultural identity and emotional preservation in the aftermath of immense upheaval.",positive +374,Na Hong-jin's spellbinding and scatterbrained new film is 156 minutes of demented occult nonsense that gradually begins to feel less like a linear scary story than that it does a ritualistic invocation of the antichrist.,positive +375,East meets West in this less-than-special documentary.,negative +376,Pic offers auds few reasons to want to see it beyond its one-joke premise.,negative +377,Must be seen to be believed.,positive +378,The biggest potential pitfall is that Kenneth starts the film as such a weirdo that some audience members may have problems relating to him,negative +379,It's really bloody and really fun.,positive +380,"While familiar comedic chords are struck, the film feels unfocused and incomplete.",negative +381,"What makes See You Yesterday work for me is its fresh take on the overtold, worn-out, time-travel trope and the pitfalls of time travel. A fun and solid story that score big points with its originality and good lead performances",positive +382,Some intriguing ideas are compromised by clumsy execution in this muddled post-apocalyptic thriller that struggles to generate consistent suspense or emotional resonance.,negative +383,"This essence of teen boy fantasy, ""The Dirty Dozen"" with one guy playing all twelve parts.",positive +384,"""The Exploding Girl"" can be grouped with those dreaded ""mumblecore"" movies in which young people talk endlessly about their romantic entanglements and attend terrible parties.",negative +385,"A gangster film infused with Kirby crackles, trap music, and golden age science fiction, Archenemy is a little bit of everything with a whole lot to like.",positive +386,"When Bowling For Columbine hits its stride, which is to say, during the bulk of its running time, it's funny, incisive and fairly devastating.",positive +387,Writer-director (and cast member) Antonia Campbell-Hughes depicts an outsider’s vision of a remote Ireland that is as dreary and haunting as it is heady.,positive +388,"For some, The Goonies is a classic, but for others the film is simply a mediocre kids' flick.",negative +389,"A slow burn approach that delves into the psyche of the man who would become the Joker. It's an affecting and upsetting experience, but that's the point.",positive +390,Don't be surprised to see Pitt in the best-actor Oscar race come the new year.,positive +391,"Deerskin is a hilarious midlife crisis satire, with some of the darkest belly laughs I'm sure to have this year. You'll never look at a tacky jacket in the same light ever again.",positive +392,"The type of mainstream, commercial romance that's increasingly rare: one that never loses sight of actual tangible pain and hope in its beautifully portrayed characters.",positive +393,Tim Burton protege Shane Acker has proven a better student of the letter of his mentor's work than the spirit.,positive +394,"although it is a little more glossy than the novel it is based on, Love and Other Impossible Pursuits is a mature and thoughtful look at the dynamics of the 21st-century family unit.",positive +395,"The special effects surrounding these robots' radical changes isn't as wow-inducing as it was 11 years ago, but at least Bumblebee tries to tell a story while it employs them.",negative +396,"""Song"" broke ground for minorities, not for filmmaking",negative +397,Classic camp schlock.,positive +398,Rudd’s charisma brings a lightness of touch, and he provides some genuinely funny moments in the film. Majors brings the secret sauce as a great cartoon villain, but the talky script and messy action scenes suck away much of the fun.,negative +399,"As it stands, the film is competent enough to be bearable, but not enough to hammer home any points of interest.",negative +400,This comedy has a few violent scenes.,positive +401,"If Mt. Rushmore were to make a movie, it would probably look a lot like a Clint Eastwood movie.",positive +402,"The master of the pitch-black comedy, writer/director Martin McDonagh balances his newest, The Banshees of Inisherin, on a knife edge between hilarity and despair. And the thing about humour on a knife edge is that it’s sharp, but it stings.",positive +403,"""Shaun the Sheep Movie"" is a totally engaging, delightfully clever bit of filmmaking. The stop-motion clay animation is seamless and flawless.",positive +404,Some bad movies are so bad they are funny or fascinating or both. This one makes counting grains of sand seem more lively.,negative +405,"Your either going to love this or hate it, there simply is no compromised middle ground with this completely unhinged, ethereal take on corporate manipulation and slavery, class prejudices and racial perceptions.",positive +406,"Arguably Ozu's most effervescent film, Good Morning is a pleasantly amusing slice of life from the master.",positive +407,Younger children should be satisfied.,positive +408,"Hale County illustrates the sad truth of just how much of America, especially but not only the rural South, is still almost entirely segregated.",positive +409,"Jolie is far too good for this tripe but she does give the film its only believable moments, and for the first half, her concentration makes you watch her intently.",negative +410,"With this film, Mr. Baumbach has achieved a near-perfect balance between engagement and discomfort.",positive +411,Bumptiously entertaining.,positive +412,"Of all the plot twists that Julieta ventures and mostly pulls off, the best one is holding out the possibility -- the honest, though far from assured possibility -- of a happy ending.",positive +413,Blessed is uneven and overall not as good as Kokkinos's other films but it nevertheless contains some of her best work to date.,positive +414,"""Major League"" on the gridiron, if that's what you need",negative +415,"It takes a special actor's grace to survive a script as lame as My Fellow Americans, and James Garner has it. Without appearing to break a sweat, Garner makes each grotesquely desperate attempt at humor look smooth and assured.",negative +416,A stand up comedy routine delivered while driving an Uber car is still a stand up routine.,positive +417,Pride comes before the fall. In this instance, that happens in an extreme way.,positive +418,"The Men Who Stare At Goats is trying to be a smart, black, satirical comedy... Yet on the other hand, it's still trying to be a mainstream Hollywood movie. And whenever the two impulses come into conflict, Hollywood wins.",negative +419,"Irresistible keys its focus towards vital subject matter, but lacks the sharp precision needed to properly satirize the ambivalence of our political infrastructure.",negative +420,"Stark, raw and brutal, this isn't Hollywood's romantic version of the Mafia.",positive +421,"A well-executed, faithful version of the C. S. Lewis classic.",positive +422,"Let's go ahead and call Marielle Heller the most skillful director working in Hollywood at the moment, because I can't think of anyone else who could keep ""A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"" from collapsing into a bath of heartwarming schmoo.",positive +423,Every American should watch this once a year.,positive +424,Possesses a sunny optimism that filmgoers don't regularly see.,positive +425,"Holmes is an extremely amusing and engaging picture, taking care of all the expected detective work as it offers a few surprises of its own.",positive +426,What makes this festive fantasy engaging is the savvy way in which it debunks cold efficiency in favour of more wholesome values. It's just a pity Arthur himself is so bland.,positive +427,[The Disaster Artist] will surprise you at exactly the moment you think you've got it figured out.,positive +428,A political thriller afraid of politics and bereft of thrills.,negative +429,"The Divine Plan, both the actual events and the documentary, are brilliant. Orlando and Reznikoff bring the story to life in a way that I've never seen before.",positive +430,It's rightly one of the big-ticket cinematic events of the year - don't miss it.,positive +431,"Even Daryl Hall would have to admit this is one of the finest animated features committed to film, produced and packaged during Walt Disney's ballsiest years of control.",positive +432,"To put it in the reference-heavy parlance of The Gray Man: It's The Cringe Ultimatum, baby.",negative +433,Lively and moving documentary about six women who survived the Holocaust to live fruitful lives that serve to defy the Nazis' extermination plans.,positive +434,"Easily the worst film about boxing I've ever seen, and I've been trying to think of a sport-related flick equally as unappealing for the last week. I'm still drawing blanks.",negative +435,Hollywood calculation can't match the primitive eager-to-please quality that made those Hong Kong films refreshing; they were appealing because they were so free of irony.,negative +436,"This is a big screen movie, a whipsmart twist on a particular kind of romantic comedy typically associated with charmless big-budget American studio films.",positive +437,It is an escalator to nowhere rather than a definitive endgame.,negative +438,"It's got a gorgeous wrapper and a nut in the center, but it's not very sweet.",negative +439,Brad Pitt gives one of the best performances of his career. It's a deeply internalized performance but one where we can see and know everything he's feeling just by looking in his eyes.,positive +440,"Like Saving Private Ryan or Unbroken, this true story is so incredible that it seems like something Dreamworks would make up",positive +441,"As a documentary dissertation on all that it means to be male in the modern world, you'd be better off investing in the complete works of Ernest Hemingway and watching a few Samuel Fuller and/or John Milius films.",negative +442,The film offers a compassionate if shallow look at recovery and regaining trust. ,positive +443,"Mungiu's Beyond the Hills delicately explores a highly controversial, contemporary subject with the care and intelligence that it necessitates.",positive +444,"Marvel's second production leaves you with an unmistakable impression: The geeks have finally inherited their universe, and they're going to have as much fun with it as superhumanly possible.",positive +445,"Like all great works of art, the story's point has resonances beyond its era and even beyond the specific subject of gay people, generally. It's about what happens when people are marginalized.",positive +446,Depicts a marriage on the rocks.,positive +447,"Once in a Lifetime is riveting cinema for at least an hour, after which it starts to feel a bit like thumbing through a scrapbook. But American soccer fans -- and those interested in the business of sports -- will eat it up.",positive +448,"Elegant -- a tang of Merchant-Ivory, but with a distinct taste of its own.",positive +449,"Lon Chaney continues his spell weaving... in London After Midnight, a melodrama of such eerie prospecti as vampires who assume the form of winged rodents, corpses arisen from the grave, haunted houses and a master mind from Scotland Yard.",positive +450,Thrilling and ludicrous. The movie feels entirely instinctual.,positive +451,"Comes off more like a schizophrenic, self-aware jumble of genres -- not to mention a supreme waste of star power.",negative +452,"Marathon Man (1976) is a scary nightmare thriller, best known for the suspenseful pursuit scenes and a truly repellent scene of torture.",positive +453,"In Wonder, the beauty of the relationship between Isabel and Via is the insistence that Via does need her mother-a reminder that we are all hurting, we are all weak, and we all need one another, whether our needs are ordinary or extraordinary.",positive +454,"The film is all the more powerful for its grounding in fact. How powerful? Sufficiently, during most of its length, and extremely during several eruptions of searing drama.",positive +455,"It's a celebration of conformity, a film that begs for laughs by mocking and ridiculing anyone who harbors an original thought or action.",negative +456,The ever-present reminder of their discomfort is a big part of why the film is so compelling.,positive +457,Good melodrama.,positive +458,Shows Renoir knew how to imaginatively use special effects early on in his career.,positive +459,"As the middle panel in Hawks' Western trilogy (all starring John Wayne), the film is not as fresh as Rio Bravo, but it's superior to the third segment, Rio Lobo in 1970, due to the strong characterization and chemistry between Wayne and Robert Mitchum",positive +460,A touching documentary about the healing powers of music in a hospice setting.,positive +461,A deliciously Modern Gothic mix of Marx and Freud. Riffs on commerce and consumerism via comedic and horrific uncanny imagery.,positive +462,"Matching its intelligent and taut thrills with richly developed characters and thought-provoking questions, this is one of the decade's best sci-fi flicks.",positive +463,"A bloated, boring 123-minute mess of globby computer effects and soulless battles... ""Warcraft"" makes you fear for the future of movies.",negative +464,Isn't It Romantic is unnecessary but it is diverting all the same and even has some wise things to say about regressive rom-com tropes.,negative +465,Tarsem loses his audience in actionized nonsense, leaving the story's best ideas to remain under-developed, if developed at all.,negative +466,"Appreciate the effort to have this aspect of the film serve the 'playing a game' motif, but there's a point where 'ah-ha' becomes 'trying too hard.'",negative +467,Robert Pattinson's stare is almost thousand-yard enough to make the film's sense of tragedy feel downright Greek.,positive +468,The overall slant of the entire movie is a sort of half-hearted indictment of the Old South's code of ethics that was rooted in slavery.,positive +469,This trashy horror flick is one of my favorite Drew Barrymore movies.,positive +470,"The Woodsman proves any topic, even pedophilia, can be tackled onscreen if handled as expertly as it is here.",positive +471,A family drama about a clan of grifters evolves into a crime mystery and a devastating indictment not of lawbreakers but of the system that fosters them .,positive +472,An attempt at a old-fashioned conspiracy thriller about race and dark money in politics in America, 88 is numbingly artless, less a credible drama than a collection of characters lecturing each other.,negative +473,"What starts as a splatter-gun celebration of cyberspace spectacle becomes a savvy, sweet fable of friendship and online distraction, its in-jokes and emotional stakes interwoven with surprising subtlety.",positive +474,"For the most part, Olliver and Orshoski are smart enough to allow Lemmy's unique personality to come to them, as opposed to pushing a case for it.",positive +475,Will prove too depressing and long-winded for a significant number of U.S. audiences to embrace.,negative +476,You would think that the horrific case of the West Memphis Three would not need further retelling. This film has little to add to the conversation.,negative +477,"The film's main asset is undoubtedly the magnificent Goodall, as poised, articulate and engaged in her 80s as she was in her fearless 20s ...",positive +478,No one even gets dragged across concrete.,negative +479,"""Benda Bilili!"" is brutally real, a document of willpower that shows not only the magic of transcendence - which may be fleeting - but also the transformation of aspiring to it, every struggling step of the way.",positive +480,One of the better Hammer films.,positive +481,Ramsay seems intent on jettisoning anything which might arouse the slightest interest.,negative +482,"Though it'll be confined to the art house circuit, Stranger By the Lake actually has all the ingredients of a mainstream, page-turning summer beach read.",positive +483,"Equal parts sadness and inspiration, fury and compassion, the film is sure to divide audiences along ideological lines. But there's no denying the reality of Tomas Young's experiences. A man who has paid so much is more than entitled to his opinions.",positive +484,"So stuck is the movie inside the heads and hearts of its indisputably gifted makers, it never quite makes the leap into ours.",negative +485,Do you need a life pick-me-up? The dames are here for you.,positive +486,"Despite some distraction and not quite enough music, Soul manages to tap into deep emotion as its characters explore the limits of mortality and what it means to be passionate about life.",positive +487,Director Steven Spielberg has constructed a chillingly frightening film.,positive +488,"Joe's affectless state of mind is expressed through the gritty visual texture and cold, grey-blue palette, flat, detached dialogue and above all Ewan McGregor's performance.",positive +489,A forgotten masterpiece.,positive +490,Namaste England is just plain awful...,negative +491,A takedown of a lying president for his incompetent management of Covid in America.,positive +492,A welcome escape and eventual cult hit for comedy fans this summer.,positive +493,"The film doesn't earn many points for originality, but writer- directors Zach Lipovsky and Adam B. Stein show just enough low-budget gusto to suggest that they might have a future as B-movie mavens.",negative +494,Brushing your teeth is more fun,negative +495,"Aniara is astonishingly ambitious, an unlikely emotional rollercoaster anchored by a beautifully-realized protagonist who manages to maintain hope and optimism without being a Pollyanna.",positive +496,"Arthur and the Invisibles makes an excellent case against casting animated movies with celebrity voices. There are people who make their living as voiceover artists, and they would have been infinitely better than the lackluster Robert De Niro.",negative +497,"Aronofsky isn't known for subtlety, so what starts out as late-period Luis Bunuel-style ""Have I gone crazy or has everyone else gone crazy?"" absurdist farce eventually flash-segues to psychological-thriller to surrealist sensory-overload.",positive +498,"As flat or unwieldy as Unicorn Store can be at times, Larson invests Kit's love of all things bright, pastel and shiny with an affecting urgency, and ensures that her spirit animal is no gimmick.",positive +499,"A routine sci-fi/horror action-adventure, takes us where we've been countless times before.",negative +500,The Babadook's villains and victims are still running amok in my brain. I think they might be there for some time.,positive +501,Not one of Neeson's better action flicks,negative +502,"As effective as it is as a character study, the action becomes flat out thrilling and suspenseful, and this is a fascinating, dark misadventure into a life driven by pure, pathetic ambition.",positive +503,[A] vile mess.,negative +504,"It tells one woman's tale beautifully. The rest of her new country's story, however, is left unfinished... and unseen.",positive +505,"Gone Girl is Fincher at his wittiest and seedy in its chronicle of a marriage that bears unexpected, rotten fruit which a scandal hungry country devours with glee.",positive +506,delightfully crude and side-splittingly funny,positive +507,"""Shirley"" is often uncomfortable. It's also bold, darkly funny and ridiculously well-acted by star Elisabeth Moss.",positive +508,"Standard mystery, not nearly enough for Jennifer Connolly to do.",negative +509,"Don't arrive late, children, because what little energy exists gets expended early on.",negative +510,"If the situations are intentionally unreal, Sedgwick's performance could not be more real.",positive +511,"When the film tries to advance a plot it loses most of its energy and humor, and tells a rather weak story. It is only when the story-telling comes to a full halt for the sake of a joke that the film is really funny.",positive +512,"It's pretty close to being a disaster, and if not for a few energetic bursts of excitement and a rather nice bit of character acting from Pena there's little if anything here to warrant a recommendation.",negative +513,Anderson has balanced what's funny about his concept with a generous number of jokes on-screen... It makes me expectant again.,positive +514,"Almodóvar is the master craftsman here, but ultimately, the film is carried high on Banderas' shoulders. Even if you already know him outside of his more comic Hollywood work, he's on stunning dramatic form here as the frazzled artist.",positive +515,"...a clanking Frankenstein of a movie, stitched together from pieces plundered from the bodies of romantic comedies that went before.",negative +516,"Cars 2 is marginally better than its predecessor, but the same problem still remains: Cars just aren't very interesting as anthropomorphic animation vehicles (pun intended).",positive +517,An origin story that’s both sweet and bittersweet.,positive +518,"Unexpected romance, amusing pratfalls and comic performances combine to make 'Wild Hogs' a rollicking good time at the movies.",positive +519,"""Night on Earth"" sounds better than it turns out to be.",negative +520,"It has canonized, for our enjoyment and monstrous edification, the freak-out.",negative +521,Incredibles 2 gets an easy pass on character strength alone.,positive +522,Ellis and Mueller's terrific film turns the spotlight on a worthy subject and does him justice,positive +523,Finney's performance as cold-hearted Scrooge is a professional high-water mark.,positive +524,"Memoirs brandishes old-school razzle dazzle at the expense of subtlety and contemplation, coating his sound stage sets in delicately applied layers of cherry blossoms and snowflakes.",negative +525,"Because of his long friendship with Hondros, director Campbell has gotten key people on camera ...",positive +526,"An unpleasant, dramatically inert drama surrounding a Jonestown-type commune.",negative +527,"In their directorial debut, Britt Poulton and Dan Madison Savage fail to show the church in a neutral light, choosing instead to lean into a ""crazy cult"" caricature rather than evenly portray what is already a complex, divisive religious custom.",negative +528,"Whether one views this as a kitschy, campy spectacle or merely another splashy musical from the Dream Factory largely depends on one's tolerance for garish colors, kaleidoscopic set-pieces and the sight of Carmen Miranda and her juicy fruits.",positive +529,"La mano experta de Ang Lee logra sostener el relato durante sus dos horas y media de duración, con algunos picos de intensidad en un par de escenas brillantemente resueltas.",positive +530,"In Great Freedom, the question of love is refreshingly never too far from bodily intimacy, irrespective of what kind of love that is.",positive +531,"Worth is not a bad film, and for this time of year, I understand why it has arrived now. It just ultimately feels a little empty.",positive +532,"Overall, the film is easy enough to watch, short enough not to have you care about the lame 1-2-3 plot, and funny enough to make you smile if you're feeling blue.",positive +533,An hour of miscellaneous visions that will make more sense once Act II lurches to a close and we finally get to the good stuff.,negative +534,"It is Tarantino's best, bravest and most confrontationally impudent movie since Pulp Fiction.",positive +535,"There are ultimately kernels of truth buried amid the film's random yakking, mini-crises and bits of forced bad behavior, but they prove too little, too late.",negative +536,"The action and eye candy may be worth the ticket price, but this Bond needs to get back to business.",positive +537,An insanely difficult endurance race that few have ever finished is chronicled in this delightful documentary.,positive +538,"Despite it's heavy-handedness in the last act, Susanne Bier directs with fascinating awareness of her characters and with grace for the moments of compassion between two families trying to understand how humanity can be so merciless.",positive +539,"Despite a verbose script and the kneejerk sexism of Pascal, the visual beauty and narrative simplicity make the film a pleasure.",positive +540,[Rex Ingram] doubles ably as Adam and the Prophet Hezdrel.,positive +541,Audiences are in low-key hot mess territory with this disappointing mashup. With badly-lit hospital corridors, possessed elderly patients, and a nonsensical plot which would work better in The Twilight Zone, 'Disquiet' is best avoided.,negative +542,Even Allen's most loyal of fans must be starting to wonder why the once great director keeps on producing such dull material.,negative +543,"Mainly notable for the fact that its titular character, as played by Aaron Eckhart, is really, really ripped. If People magazine had existed in the 19th century, he surely would have been feted as the sexiest undead man alive.",negative +544,An engrossing Iranian film about two itinerant teachers and some lost and desolate people they encounter in a place where war has savaged the lives and liberties of the poor and the dispossessed.,positive +545,"The year's most captivating narrative experiment, and possibly the most engrossing coming-of-age movie in the history of the genre.",positive +546,"Black Panther boasts a sense of grandeur as it tells a sprawling Shakespearean tale that traverses the political, racial, ideological, familial and fantastical.",positive +547,See Richard Lester's one instead of this bland adaptation of the Dumas classic.,negative +548,An extremely well made but utterly preposterous show. It is so far out that it is off of any scale you can imagine.,negative +549,It's hard to go along for the ride when the characters act more like statuary than people.,negative +550,"Hardy signals to the audience that we shouldn't take ""Venom: Let There Be Carnage"" too seriously, whatever the body count, and just treat it like a very messy video game.",negative +551,"Forman's tormented, iconoclastic subjects are often pitted against iconic or impersonal antagonists, but Amadeus' conflict remains rivetingly intimate, in spite of its sumptuous, larger-than-life settings.",positive +552,Takes dicey material—the story of one privileged family's suffering during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami—and transcends its political incorrectness by focusing on the human condition.,positive +553,"Some may be surprised by the depth of McCarthy's work here, but this really shouldn't be surprising. In her best comedic creations, the actress can deliver a single line that all at once makes you guffaw, scratch your head, wince and feel pathos.",positive +554,A film about video games for people who hate video games.,negative +555,"Danny's a nice enough guy and it's a nice enough movie, if your standards aren't too strict and your tastes not too elitist -- and you don't get overly miffed about huge gaping plot holes all over a movie.",positive +556,"Was the world clamoring for another take on Kipling's stories? Has there been a movement to get more animals into films? Hasn't anyone got any original ideas using children, the jungle and a bunch of wild animals?",negative +557,"Pollack's attempts at myth-making yield the same results as his attempts at most anything else. Jeremiah Johnson is boring, overlong, and pointless.",negative +558,"A freaking delight. Ruben keeps the threat both palpable and eerily undefined, and his payoffs are both ridiculously scary and hilariously unexpected.",positive +559,"The Survivor wins on points, a decent and honourably intended picture about one man's ordeal in the horror of the Holocaust and the heartbreak that came afterwards.",positive +560,The film treats the audience with intelligence; it doesn't lay everything out and instead leaves you to do a little legwork too.,positive +561,"El filme provoca que la audiencia piense y medite sobre el mundo en que habitamos, as como en los obsoletos sistemas de gobierno que hemos creado como sociedad.",positive +562,"This film isn't just fun and funny and feel-good, it's hopeful, invigorating, and healing.",positive +563,"It has that vintage Polish pace, their signature arch pomposity and rhythmless weirdness, only this time the brothers had to go and make a cosmic allegory of American dreams.",negative +564,"Griffith can break your heart as a good woman staggering under the weight of life, especially after her character places her last bit of faith in a dangerously damaged man.",positive +565,A delightful fusion between Peele's sensibilities and Selick's expertise. While sometimes you can see the seams between the two styles, the end result is an original story which is always refreshing to see. ,positive +566,"Get Duked! is most charming as a teen hangout comedy, but it's not so memorable as a superficially topical anti-Brexit riff on The Most Dangerous Game.",positive +567,"Like Zoolander 2, Basic Instinct 2, and Dumb and Dumber To, Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles was one of those belated sequels requested by absolutely no one.",negative +568,"... neither witty nor insightful in its comic observations, instead relying on low-brow gags and stereotypes out of desperation.",negative +569,Drew Barrymore stars in a melodrama that borders on high-class kiddie porn.,negative +570,Sights, sounds and speed act as a unifying force in an assault on our senses. When the engine roars, our knees tremble. When the jets dive, swoop and pirouette like they were in a musical number, the adrenaline rush trickles into the rest of the body. ,positive +571,Intelligently addresses provocative issues... with two electrifying actresses.,positive +572,"Strangely, reality gets in the way of a hardened, difficult story about loss and guilt in Aftermath.",negative +573,A vibrant dramedy about the idiosyncratic relationship between a homeless elderly woman and a lonely playwright.,positive +574,Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory this ain't.,negative +575,Searching follows Eighth Grade as another thought-provoking film about the intersection between teens' lives and their presence-and reliance-on social media.,positive +576,What is there to say? Adam Sandler gives the performance of his career in a sea of diamond-encrusted Furbies.,positive +577,All the punk energy in the world can't distract from the second-rate Sundance-ness.,negative +578,"As a quiet, sad character piece, it strikes the appropriate nerves.",positive +579,"A little too deliberately balanced in its depiction of its three leads, but it largely makes up the difference with its informed grounding in the economic and social terrain of contemporary France.",positive +580,"Sunrise may not be the greatest film ever made (as the French critics once declared), but it certainly is one of the most lyrical, stunning, and influential works in cinema history.",positive +581,"I would have loved to see a genuine love story involving Ice Cube, Nia Long, and the challenge of a lifelong bachelor dating a woman with children. Sad that a story like that couldn't get made, but this shrill 'comedy' could.",negative +582,An enjoyable and subversive parody on both B-film horror stories from the 1950s and mental health caregivers by legendary French director Jean Renoir.,positive +583,"As a document of the ever-mutable musician's signature persona, a wraithlike androgyne with a head full of apocalyptic dreams, it's fascinating.",positive +584,"Ultimately, ""The Tale"" is a wrenching, heartfelt success.",positive +585,"The film has some beautiful animated sequences with Bre'r Rabbit and Br'er Fox, but the bad in the film would seem to outweigh the good.",negative +586,"Told from both sides, and certainly better than ""Pearl Harbor.""",positive +587,"At its core, this is a hilarious movie; it just happens to star two transgender women as the lead. That alone is worthy of note.",positive +588,"The Drop is one of the finest crime dramas you're likely to see in a long time, graced by some truly exceptional performances.",positive +589,"Cinematographer Manoj Kumar Khatoi's camerawork captures lush, stunning Kashmiri vistas... but it cannot pull Notebook out of the senseless narrative swamp that it wades through.",negative +590,"If the film's cultural work is finished, its historical place will always be secure.",positive +591,"What's really revolutionary about this film is the way Ivory photographs male bodies in what were, by the standards of mainstream cinema at the time, quite explicit sex scenes.",positive +592,"One of the best, and most lavish, action films in years, Casino Royale sets a new standard for espionage adventures that will be hard to top.",positive +593,"We know the Emergency happened. Can you provide us with insights that go beyond mere facts? And if you cannot, what is the point?",negative +594,"Two hours of non-stop, ear-shattering, humourless shrieking. It's simply unbearable. You soon find yourself begging for him to die.",negative +595,It has not sunk in yet in Hollywood that some cartoons are cartoons for a reason.,negative +596,"The movie is an exhilarating musical experience, an extraordinary testament to the unprecedented longevity and steady artistic growth of the band.",positive +597,"As usual, the Coens have reinterpreted our mythic tales and jolted our imaginations.",positive +598,"Breaking Dawn Part 1 is such a slow-moving, overstuffed chore of a movie, it is barely even worth calling a ""bridging film."" All you do is wait and wait and wait.",negative +599,"Food Club's often charming, eye-opening and honest look at growing older, the meaning of friendship and striving to better our lives. Cute.",positive +600,Talk about scary -- the entire last half of the flick is a spectral presence that can hardly be said to exist.,negative +601,"Buoyed by its good looking cast and entertaining script, John Tucker Must Die is witty and funny, as it reminds us that it is cool to be yourself - whoever you are.",positive +602,"Amy Berg's documentary is evenly paced and informative, never succumbing to hysteria.",positive +603,"Hunt, grievously miscast as the worldly Mrs. Erlynne...ends up looking like a once-fresh teenager, beaten down by the years, playacting in Mommy's oversized threads on a rainy day.",negative +604,"You may miss a few moments of ""An Open Secret,"" either while looking away during its unsettling stories or closing your eyes in frustration. This potent documentary elicits those kinds of reactions.",positive +605,"Beach Rats suffers from a surprising problem, though. In short, we've seen most of this before.",negative +606,"Cronenberg never strays from the big picture of a world not only comprised of destructive impulses, but designed to breed more of them.",positive +607,"Cars 2 is such a mess, it makes the original look like it ought to rank among Pixar's masterpieces by comparison.",negative +608,"... if I waver in my enthusiasm, less than easily charmed by a movie trying so cheerfully to entertain, it's because Kissing Jessica Stein is all too content to be a comedy of surfaces and stereotypes.",positive +609,"This sturdy account, with lots of striking details, sees no need to be preachy and judgmental about the damage done by British bombing raids. It lets the veterans give their thoughts on the matter, and these — unsurprisingly — are humane and reasonable.",positive +610,Felicity Jones and Armie Hammer remain eminently watchable...,positive +611,Why did Scorsese spend three decades thirsting to make this movie? It's nowhere clear on the screen.,negative +612,"Writer Patrick Tobin and director Daniel Barnz have a made a movie that, despite the clichd template, manages to hold your interest. The main reason for that are the fine performances, mainly by Aniston who pilots this thing.",positive +613,This tearjerker (based on the mega-best-selling book by R.J. Palacio ) is a blazingly humane and shamelessly wish-fulfilling film - the rare kind that will appeal to both kids and adults.,positive +614,"The demon Bughuul is not to be confused with 'gabagool,' which is merely a demonic deli meat.",negative +615,"It takes a little while to get going, but once it does The Festival is a funny take on a British summer institution.",positive +616,"Condon deserves credit for shaking up the usual biopic formula, modeling his narrative structure after Kinsey's famous sex interviews with the scientist himself (Liam Neeson) answering questions about his own sexual history.",positive +617,"Nothing in Vantage Point quickens the pulse as much as the realization that, with each successive turn of the wheel, we come one step closer to the end.",negative +618,"Folks who care won't learn anything and folks who don't, can't.",negative +619,"Wren's shallow cynicism and willingness to exploit others ultimately exposes her own vulnerability. Deeply unlikable, she remains sympathetic, both perpetrator and victim of the meat grinder that is the city.",positive +620,"mocks idiots, hypocrites, and all the other clueless denizens of life who make it difficult for everyone else, but the bile is balanced with affection for the ordinary people who make the world turn",positive +621,An inside joke gets turned inside out in this digital documentary about comedy and creepy feelings.,positive +622,Enjoyable in the moment.,positive +623,Speaks to the little kid in every Ghostbusters fan who wanted to strap on their own proton-pack and hunt down pesky spirits.,positive +624,"With Away We Go, Mendes has fallen through the rabbit hole and discovered connubial bliss.",negative +625,"The story, partly inspired by the bobsled comedy Cool Runnings, goes nowhere imaginative or risky, and the characters don't transcend their initial cartoonishness.",negative +626,An inscrutable experiment too fixated with its own self-reflexivity to ever be about anything in particular.,negative +627,Not even foxy sociopath Angelina Jolie can save this nut-house drama.,negative +628,"A finally unsatisfying experiment, but the understated performances help overcome the sense that the last people on Earth are movie stars.",negative +629,"Ted ends up undermining both halves of its whole, as well as its creator's clear intent to add something a little deeper to his crassness.",negative +630,"Anderson focuses entirely on cat-and-mouse capers, while failing to reflect in any serious way upon the real-world issues that his plot exploits, so the end result is a disappointingly empty exercise in genre.",negative +631,"Ruben Östlund holds a mirror, and depicts Gothenburg as it is, even if this is an image that not so many people want to see. Play is based on a true story, but the social, societal and moral issues discussed in it are universal and go beyond borders.",positive +632,"The clues here are less interesting than before, and their explanations slow the film down like molasses.",negative +633,Paul Newman-Robert Redford Western is as great as you remember.,positive +634,"""Echo Boomers"" is a thrilling and gritty ride into the psyche of Millennials who feel cheated by the system.",positive +635,The Exorcist still packs a wallop of terror for those with the strength of stomach for it.,positive +636,"Some of the early imagery... seems to suggest that anything is possible in this ""crazy"" universe, but the wrap-up is just so aggravatingly bland.",negative +637,"For all of its references to the deceptions of appearance, there's actually nothing underneath the surface of this film.",negative +638,"While ""The Last Lions"" lacks the visceral excitement of some other survival dramas, it has anthropomorphic heart to spare.",positive +639,The kind of lousy cinema that breathes and captures the imagination more than a conventionally good movie can.,positive +640,"Winter's Bone is raw, real, understated, fiercely intense and surprisingly gentle and decent amid bursts of ferocity in the rural crime culture where the story's set.",positive +641,"It remains to be seen whether Jigsaw can hook in new generations of horror fans or bring back the crowds which supported the highly profitable earlier films, but this genuinely is a fitting jumping-on point for the Saw saga.",positive +642,[Sukowa] and von Trotta accomplish something unusual in a movie: They make thinking dramatic.,positive +643,"What's so aggravating here is the grievous lack of wit, imagination and plain old story.",negative +644,Lazy but funny.,positive +645,"The sharp wit and commitment to damaged men remain, but with his newfound appreciation of what goes unsaid, The Descendants sees Payne finally becoming the filmmaker many have claimed he was all along.",positive +646,An absorbing tale of crime and non-punishment set after the bursting of Japan's bubble economy.,positive +647,"Why do we keep watching this sad, sad man? Because he's ecstatic as long as he avoids facing reality, and Douglas makes that ecstasy a marvelous thing to behold.",positive +648,"Do you want to feel good about the world? Like even though Trump is in power, all hope is not lost? Watch this movie and let the girl power magic wash over you.",positive +649,Kevin Macdonald excels at plotting out the many specific complications surrounding Houston.,positive +650,"In an impeccable alchemy, [director Hirokazu] Koreeda mixes [the film's] ingredients: the legal, the ethical, the emotional, the blood ties. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +651,The film is content as it is to run clever one-liners and 19th-century pop-cultural references into the same comedic whirlpool.,negative +652,The movie is clearly diluted for mass consumption.,negative +653,Feels less like going through the motions than returning to your favorite restaurant.,positive +654,"What seemed an inventive and engaging stretch of Murphy's comedic resources 11 years ago has congealed into predictable, processed fare. The prefabricated naughtiness of Norbit is guaranteed to drag the laughs out of you whether you like it or not.",negative +655,"Filmmaker Alex Gibney had access to those who knew the guy, the famous, the infamous and the obscure, and he paints a picture of a serious journalist who saw himself documenting 'the death of the American Dream.'",positive +656,"... A movie that lands like a big, warm hug.",positive +657,"It's a tremendous, awards-worthy performance from Carey Mulligan.",positive +658,"One character talks about molecules moving around in ecstasy, and I think this film has that kind of mystery.",positive +659,The filmmakers of Enhanced should have titled this movie Flimsy X-Men Ripoff if they wanted more truth in advertising. It's a formulaic and mindless flick about mutants being hunted by humans.,negative +660,"Made in the crappy Murray years between CADDYSHACK and RUSHMORE. A few laughs, but mostly forgettable.",negative +661,"Slickly entertaining docs like ""Operation Varsity Blues,"" meanwhile, ensure so gladiatorial a modern thumbs-down won't happen in the Netflix arena.",positive +662,As entertaining as it is wholesome.,positive +663,"While it lacks outright Cronenbergian pleasures, ""Maps to the Stars"" repeatedly connects as a dark comedy and insidious display of rancid human behavior.",positive +664,"In spite of its artlessness, you'll leave smiling and smooching your significant other.",positive +665,Fred e Ginger em seu melhor momento.,positive +666,"What this rough-around-the-edges but hugely likeable film lacks in budget it more than makes up for in energy, visual flair and, yes, punk spirit.",positive +667,There's something uniquely irritating about the kind of too-serious-for-its-own-good alternative-lifestyle drama subheading that Chris Mason Johnson's The New Twenty neatly falls under.,negative +668,"Gore is a little grayer and a little thicker around the midsection, but he's still tirelessly speaking truth to power on behalf of our ailing planet in his folksy Tennessee twang.",positive +669,Kaurismäki's delightfully delicate cautionary fable charts his unassuming hero's descent into an unforeseen nightmare of deceit and violence with a characteristically low-key blend of humane compassion and deadpan mordant humour.,positive +670,"Peckinpah's gentlest, boldest, and perhaps most likable film to date.",positive +671,"The first couple of acts of the Kendricks' latest, ""War Room,"" are so heavy on broad pulpit pounding that it's challenging to get swept along by the story's message.",negative +672,"Wrapped within this search for a pig is the bizarre underbelly of the culinary elite, insight on loss and the natural human craving for connection, and a complex bouquet of stark contrasts. The result is a totally unexpected, but utterly fascinating film.",positive +673,Messy and unlikeable.,negative +674,It's gripping stuff: decidedly non-showy but all the more authentic for it.,positive +675,"Glory is a tight, intelligent drama that builds its intensity in a real smart and organic fashion.",positive +676,"The film was mildly enjoyable, but could have been much better if Rudolph tried to put a coherent story together instead of just going for so much cheap comedy.",negative +677,"No one shoots a film like Kubrick, and this picture's visual style -- the incredible cinematography, lighting and production detail -- is simply mesmerizing and glorious to watch.",positive +678,"Jack Webb is a filmmaker who is more skillful than gifted, more sincere than brilliant, more likeable than prestigious. Which is to say that his film is nice to see.",positive +679,Your body may not be ready for what happens to bodies here…,positive +680,An improbably effective and affecting mix of raw emotions and exciting smackdowns.,positive +681,"It is a marvel of storytelling and character, telling a relatively familiar and potentially melodramatic tale in a way that feels different, new and profound.",positive +682,"I didn't understand Primer; worse yet, I didn't care.",negative +683,"The film was five years in the making by director Katrina Costello and, as with the case taken by McCormack and the Burren Action Group members, it is a testament to patience, determination and love of a place.",positive +684,Her story is indeed operatic with numerous personal and professional scandals and director Tom Volf has given it a proper frame in one of the year's most intriguing biographical docs.,positive +685,"A patchwork work of two creative pieces, and composed of two different personalities. [Full review in Spanish] ",negative +686,"A unique, well observed, raunchy musical that reiterates that no means no.",positive +687,A cut above the recent lot of slasher films...it does not feel as if it has to cater to audiences who want every plot point spoon fed to them.,positive +688,"In its deceptively modest way, this edgily sweet comedy gets closer to the bone of mother-son relationships than many a more solemn opus.",positive +689,"Definitely, 'Look Who's Back' it is an interesting and necessary film that features an excellent work of Oliver Masucci as Hitler, but it also becomes a little scattered as it progresses by its excessive length. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +690,"Unfortunately, neither Sendak nor the directors are particularly engaging or articulate.",negative +691,"You may never know whether Murphy has completely turned into a machine, but you know the movie has, and boredom sets in.",negative +692,"Greyish and ugly, the city is an image of the capitalist grief that feeds the desperate desire to escape. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +693,"Take every gangland cliche and put them together into one big jumble and that's what you'll find with ""Overrun.""",negative +694,Even less funny than Southland Tales and not nearly as adventurous.,negative +695,The 93-minute ride is exactly the fun summer blockbuster one might expect by sticking a movie star with a big cat and letting the fur hit the fan.,positive +696,Not that this guy ever knew she was gone, but Tanya Tucker has returned, and the results are marvelous.,positive +697,One of the best action thrillers of the '90s.,positive +698,"It's not quite as fresh or fun as the first film, but P.S. I Still Love You still has plenty to love about it - not least another loveable performance from Lana Condor.",positive +699,surrealist cinema begins right here,positive +700,It’s another win for Affleck as a director. I had a whale of a time, despite knowing almost nothing about the subject matter.,positive +701,"This marked institutional character, almost propagandist, without criticism, is indisputably its weakest point. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +702,"In fact Häxan is a deeply rationalistic piece of humanism, exposing the horrors of superstition and hysteria rather than of witchcraft itself.",positive +703,Some critics love to tear down a crowd-pleasing contender. Don't let them sway you. American Hustle is a good-time holiday movie.,positive +704,A thrilling film that defies easy categorization, even in terms of where its thematic interests lie.,positive +705,"For once ... I hope the filmmakers haven't ruled out another sequel. As Shrek Forever After proves, there's life in the big green guy yet.",positive +706,"Act of Valour might work as a recruiting poster for impressionable teenagers, but those who bravely serve in the armed forces deserve a better tribute that the naïve, sub-Team America nonsense served up here.",negative +707,Put quite simply, 2022’s Goodnight Mommy is a ghastly affair, one that would be deemed awful even if it wasn’t being unfairly compared to the film that inspired it, although “inspired” must be used loosely here.,negative +708,It's a wispy yet insightful and emotionally satisfying film...,positive +709,Crafted with a budget-minded luscious sense of period detail to distract from the rudimentary direction and clumsy screenwriting...,negative +710,Writer-director Ti West goes where many -- especially Stephen King -- have gone before...,negative +711,It's an understated yet transportive film that beautifully articulates the way children perceive and process loss and grief.,positive +712,"Trading in pleasures of a deliberately rarefied sort, writer-director Andrew Dominik's talky, character-rich genre piece largely short-circuits thrills to sketch a grimly funny portrait of thugs taking care of business, in every rotten sense of the word.",positive +713,Superhero films are rarely imbued with this level of emotional resonance and gravitas, and even though it doesn't reach the heights of the original Black Panther, it's still head and shoulders above the MCU's other post-Avengers: Endgame offerings. ,positive +714,The round and round of emotions and passion is pleasingly akin to Mike Nichol’s Closer. Audiard’s decision to shoot in black and white deepens the emotional murkiness the three central players navigate.,positive +715,"If Concussion had focused on Omalu's tireless efforts to expose CTE to the world, it would have been a powerful film. As it stands, it's just second-string.",negative +716,"If the patriarch of all vampires just ain't that tough, it's time to pack it in. In fact, it was time to pack it in before we were subjected to this movie.",negative +717,"One of the year's very best movies, worth seeing more than once.",positive +718,"A carefully conceived, dramatically honorable picture that treats its subject with clarity and intelligence, especially by contemporary standards.",positive +719,Never feels either real enough to move us deeply or bubbly enough to make us forget our woes.,positive +720,Ulmer brings an enormous amount of impressionistic creativity and (what are now considered) infamous noir tropes into the project without spending more money.,positive +721,"It's a love story drained of passion, trudging towards a bleak ending that's never earned.",negative +722,"If you ever yearned to see a version of 'Million Dollar Baby"" that has a completely feel-good last reel, this may be it.",positive +723,The yearning to become human again adds emotional heft to the gory dystopian mayhem.,positive +724,"The film works as a character piece, a message piece, and a tension filled film. It's one of those that should be viewed on as large a screen as possible and in the dark to get its full effect once the miners end up caught in the mine post explosion",positive +725,"The ending is sublime, a set piece that almost makes up for the overwhelming slightness of it all.",negative +726,"Brimming with heart... up there in the upper echelon of MCU movies, and in Mysterio fans are given a fascinating character who ultimately has a key, key role in changing the landscape of this shared Marvel realm.",positive +727,The meandering and sloppy finale only makes it even more ironically forgettable.,negative +728,"The story of Lorraine Hansberry told in this way, reminded me of how there are so many stories, ""Hidden Figures"" stories if you will, of Black women in history that we know so little about.",positive +729,Charming yet brutally honest..offers a certain mainstream appeal for anyone who's experienced love's thorny and persuasive illusions.,positive +730,Seeing Kevin Costner in a western family drama is a familiar and natural fit for him.,positive +731,It pulls off its conventional material in interesting ways.,positive +732,Great fun western,positive +733,"The swirl of storylines, plot twists and huge battles might prove a tad too intense for kids under 10, and even adults will have to pay close attention...Still, the film can't be faulted for its movement, humour or [its] sheer beauty.",positive +734,"... doesn't work and results in superficial entertainment devoid of any substance. [Full review in Spanish] +",positive +735,"Filling a movie with horror archetypes (narcissistic cheerleader, psychotic jock, sassy comedic foil) isn't necessarily a bad thing, but this is a movie that at times feels woefully archaic.",negative +736,"...a charming, pleasantly diverting movie that is hard to dislike.",positive +737,"There's plenty to scratch your head about here. Is it a drama? A comedy? And if it's a farce, what's it making fun of?",negative +738,"Mortal Kombat is a deeply flawed film...However, if you're a fan of the franchise, you might well find some things to like here. It is bloody, dumb and bloody dumb - but sometimes, isn't that just what you're looking for?",positive +739,The movie's magic comes not just from Baker's ability to thread comedy into down-and-out margin-dwelling drama but showing how dependent people's survival is on each other.,positive +740,"This is an on-the-ground (and under the ground!) portrait of a group of men who practice an ancient way of life, simply and joyously.",positive +741,"Stiller e Wilson certamente já provaram ser capazes de originarem uma franquia baseada não em personagens, mas em suas próprias personalidades.",positive +742,Nearly every scene along the way to the movie's Psycho-like conclusion is fundamentally silly in ways that don't always seem intended.,negative +743,Brilliant and riveting. Judi Dench gets my Best Actress vote! And I tell you why female teachers have sex with teen boys.,positive +744,"Subtle and understated, a meditation on morality, mortality and murder that escalates into a small emotional powerhouse.",positive +745,"An original story that just can't live up to the promise of it's ambition, ""John Dies at the End"" just isn't that good of a movie.",negative +746,"A misfire meant to be a franchise. The film is based on an old radio show, and the concept is interesting enough, but this movie just drags.",negative +747,"Pic relies on nerdy world-weary irony to carry the day, but doesn't convincingly draw its characters.",negative +748,All I can say is there's plenty of difficult people in Hollywood. We just aren't usually exposed to it. I think this film will speak for itself and the future of all involved.,positive +749,"Even the shoddiest of cliffnote 'authors' would be embarrassed over condensing a novel down to this elementary a form. Everything seems to work, but it's all too abbreviated to draw the audience in.",negative +750,"The problem facing John O'Hagan, the producer and director, is how to make a program about people doing and saying boring things that is not itself boring.",negative +751,"the story is just a set-up for the comedy, which Keaton executes with his trademark combination of perfectly timed derring-do and taciturn nonchalance",positive +752,"Deliciously dark and utterly gripping, this tightly-coiled teaser delivers disturbing answers to some very awkward questions.",positive +753,"For the comic actors, this project -- an enjoyable synthesis of improvisation and adherence to the original story -- seems almost too easy. You wonder why it took them so long.",positive +754,"Despite the thousands of miles which divide us from this little family in a far off speck of village, there is a strange community of spirit and understanding. And for this, Roy may take credit.",positive +755,"This slippery, undefined, but gaping loss makes Godard's forceful, elegant, and profound film all the more unshakable.",positive +756,"It is a gigantic, perverse admission of defeat.",negative +757,"To call this a movie a dog would also be an insult to canines, so let's just say Scooby-Doo 2 is a Scooby-Don't.",negative +758,"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel was such a worldwide sleeper hit, and its British-Indian cast so beloved, that it's no surprise that three years later they're back in Rajasthan.",positive +759,Wong and Park are strong enough as both writers and performers to lend it an overwhelmingly pleasant flavour.,positive +760,"An engaging and frequently moving drama with strong performances and a handful of genuinely stunning sequences, not to mention some world class horse-wrangling.",positive +761,"Performed by Zhao Tao... Qiao is a compendium of resistance and sacrifice, in an environment in which capitalism is taking over everything. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +762,It's not that it's entirely bad. I liked some of the music and Whitney Houston's singing.,negative +763,The Promotion has more work-life truth in it than a month of The Office or Dilbert.,positive +764,The 1970s really have been happy days for Ron Howard.,positive +765,"[Jackson] as an actor, the word that comes to mind is dull. Mind-numbingly dull. Mannequin dull.",negative +766,"Credibly generates suspense and maintains interest, even if one wonders why the filmmakers felt compelled to pursue this particular subject matter for their tale of a wronged man.",positive +767,[A] gripping story of young POWs forced to remove the millions of landmines along the coast of Denmark after World War II.,positive +768,"I had decent hopes for this high-concept, low-brow comedy; those hopes were quickly dashed.",negative +769,"It's just enough of a change of pace for Rohit Shetty to seem like a radical step forward without being so much of one as to be unrecognizable, as it's still funny and exciting, and the visuals pop.",positive +770,"A marvelous oddity the equivalent of a child's fanciful, monsters-in-the-closet imagination running wild and naked through Barry's uncensored libido.",positive +771,"It's a daring, interesting and never boring film. [Full review in Spanish] ",positive +772,"A modern love story filmed in a style reminiscent of glorious classic musicals, 'La La Land' emerges as a bittersweet treat for the eyes, the ears and the heart.",positive +773,"If the film is less than the sum of its parts, then some of those parts are touched by genius.",positive +774,"Executed more or less competently, though you get a sense that Gallo, aware of how thin the script actually is, is trying to apply a layer of Luc Besson-style Eurotrash tackiness to add interest to the otherwise flat proceedings.",negative +775,Aposta na ambigüidade e na sensação de estarmos acompanhando os fatos à medida que estes se desenrolam num ambiente de improviso que sempre valoriza o acaso.,positive +776,It was cute. It was fun. I enjoyed it,positive +777,"After 10 years, John Wayne finally arrives",positive +778,"... feels incomplete, as though the production ran out of time, money, or both.",negative +779,"The lessons are so treacly, and their delivery method so single-minded, that the Valley Girl phrase ""gag me with a spoon"" springs to mind.",negative +780,"The 33 is well-meaning, well-crafted and faithful to the source material, but ultimately it feels disappointingly formulaic.",negative +781,Alternately sweet and kind of creepy...an invitation you might want to skip.,negative +782,Younger viewers will likely be hooked on the sizzle of the film...,positive +783,A mostly pleasant entertainment.,positive +784,"Often playing as bright and colourful as the clown's outfit itself, Stitches is better as an idea than it is in execution.",negative +785,Lowbrow humor.,negative +786,"A Saturday morning kiddie cartoon stretched out to feature length, which by some lights is an awfully long time.",negative +787,"Though the movie about a moronic NASCAR racer overall is uneven and Ricky Bobby's saga lacks focus, the stupid-comical banter and the lampooning of this particular brand of car racing proves entertaining.",positive +788,"Nobody plays ambivalence better, and yet, Plaza allows herself to seem vulnerable here. It's just the thing ""Ingrid Goes West"" needs to cut through that thick-skin ironic veneer of contemporary Hollywood comedy.",positive +789,"I liked the set-up and the mythology. The villain took me out of it a lot, but other than that, I enjoyed the ride.",positive +790,"Cheap Thrills is a thoroughly nasty piece of work, which doubtless will be the strongest selling point for this worst-case scenario about steadily escalating dares and degradations.",positive +791,"After Yang/ is a treatise on memory, love and companionship. Of searching for happiness. A fragile meditation of grief and belonging.",positive +792,Um equvoco do princpio ao fim.,negative +793,"...Whilst it's not a flawless victory, it delivers enough B-movie fun to satiate the bloodthirsty.",positive +794,"The brilliant, unconventional structure adds to the immersive nature of ""Dunkirk,"" reinforcing the sense that the war is everywhere, that characters who haven't even met make decisions with life-or-death consequences for each other.",positive +795,"Next of Kin is an exceptional first film: strong writing, acting and camera work, made for only 20,000 Canadian dollars in 15 days.",positive +796,"First-time director John Glen knows what's needed to create suspense...put the series' trademark wit, women, and song alongside the high-stakes adventure of a more brutal 007. [Blu-ray]",positive +797,"Hoffman is understandably concerned about typecasting, but he is indeed the man for the job, recalling the intensity that Nicholas Cage brought to an Oscar-winning performance in Leaving Las Vegas.",positive +798,This is the Cinema of Attitude pampered beyond lousy teen comedy to some post-Tarantino end zone of stupified 'adulthood.',negative +799,"A feminist, anti-capitalist and, hurrying, apocalyptic argument, but, and above all, it is the portrait of a woman determined to turn her convictions into a source of inspiration. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +800,A simple film that tells a lot of stories and has amazing performances. [Full review in Spanish],positive +801,"Herbert Marshall, Claudette Colbert, Mary Boland and William Gargan star in an entertaining picturization of the novel by E. Arnot Robertson....",positive +802,MacGowan will also be remembered for his oddly contagious laugh.,positive +803,"Elia Kazan has directed this picture, his first, with an easy naturalness that has brought out all the tone of real experience in a vastly affecting film.",positive +804,Herzog's riveting Brechtian epic about a catastrophic expedition across the Andes and down the Amazon in 1560 is arguably his best work ...,positive +805,Engaging and beautiful cinema.,positive +806,"An unconvincing, stilted adventure with a very '70s looking Lee Majors cast as a Viking leading his men into the New World while searching for his missing father. A low-budget AIP cheesefest that, at least, isn't as boring as 2007's Pathfinder.",negative +807,"Myself, I loved it -- as much for the self-conscious banality and surreal pointlessness of its dialogue, which unravels over the course of 11 more or less unrelated vignettes, as for its austerely retro black-and-white photography.",positive +808,"Without Nighy’s refined performance as Mr. Williams, Living’s lasting impact would be fleeting, but his embodiment of revival, despite incurable limitations, gives this film an unlikely opening to redemption.",positive +809,"A generally inadequate treatment of the subject. A pity, in view of the magnificent job it might have done.",negative +810,"The period atmosphere is inviting, and the film achieves a meditative quality that precious few modern films have.",positive +811,"Presumably, we are meant to find this cute, rather than intensely depressing.",negative +812,"As remarkable and innovative as these [action] sequences are, they're few and far between.",negative +813,"Depp achieves one of his mightiest feats, rescuing the overly theatrical Libertine from itself.",positive +814,"At every turn where The Proposal could have seemingly gone in a less obvious direction, it just puts on the blinders and forges ahead with the cliches of this genre.",negative +815,[Carberry and Tweel] turn this odd story into something surprisingly touching about and compassionate toward these people.,positive +816,"With nary a single sympathetic soul in sight, it's impossible to care who does what to whom or when.",negative +817,Wanker Goths are on the loose! Run for your lives!,negative +818,This very early talkie should be seen for the heart-rending performance of the legendary stage singer Helen Morgan.,positive +819,"Celebrated at Sundance, this slight comedy of manners has winning performances and a glossy, glib charm that's hard to beat.",positive +820,"If the whole thing flags, then dive-bombs at the midway point, it's not because Farrell and Schumacher aren't trying hard, but because the filmmakers struggle to wedge in some meaning where none belongs.",negative +821,"Paradise Now underlines the absurd rituals of suicide missions, the ways that the perpetrators are induced into thinking that what they're doing is special.",positive +822,"The result isn't awful, but it is awfully familiar. When will someone make a film about being old, poor and ugly in Omaha?",negative +823,'Must Read After My Death' feels less like a documentary and more like a loud scream for help.,positive +824,"Its technical brilliance goes far to compensate for its rather bland, preachy storyline.",positive +825,"Any tennis fan interested in a straight-up account of what makes these fiercely talented players tick ... will find much to enjoy in ""Venus and Serena.""",positive +826,"As a politically-charged action film, it accomplishes the mission.",positive +827,A handsome production design and some heartfelt performances in minor roles deliver incidental pleasures but the film as a whole feels like a wasted opportunity.,negative +828,A poignant documentary that offers something to everyone of any generation.,positive +829,The impressionSliceleaves is of a sincere but overstuffed curiosity that will be an interesting footnote in Chance's career.,negative +830,"Despite occasional lapses into showy expressionistic slo-mo, Guerrero's direction demonstrates a patience and attention to emotional detail that allows the two young leads' performances to develop naturally.",positive +831,"Frankly, it's a pretty wretched story, but this small, cheap film has style to spare.",positive +832,"""The Wolverine"" is an erratic affair, more lumbering than compelling, an ambitious film with its share of effective moments that stubbornly refuses to catch fire.",negative +833,Zellweger...channels no one less than Marilyn Monroe. Just watch the word `booze' drip from her lips.,positive +834,Arun gives a wonderful arc to her character as we watch her grow and change in her amazing debut.,positive +835,"There's nothing wrong with ambiguity, but Year of the Dog seems more like a film that had a point of view, in some early draft, and then lost it in rewrites.",negative +836,It's hard to take the singing and dancing rebels seriously.,negative +837,"It's not so much untold as rewritten - if not by J.R.R. Tolkien than by some clever 12-year-old overstimulated by ""The Lord of the Rings.""",negative +838,Fascinating yet unsatisfactory.,negative +839,"Williams is very good as the subdued, slightly creepy cutter, but he could have benefited from some more explosive material.",positive +840,This film can't figure out where to go with its concept and increasingly unravels as it marches along.,negative +841,...it's hard not to root for all these characters to get what they want.,positive +842,"This is one of the best and bravest of recent adaptations of classic literature; if you're even a little bit intrigued, ignore what others say and don't let it pass you by.",positive +843,"A wounded, wondrous poem of a picture about many things, not limited to the needfulness of coupledom, loss, lingering, the parsing of love, the passing of language.",positive +844,"The entertainingly one-note Statham tossed together with chronically versatile James Franco-in a movie scripted by Sylvester Stallone, no less.",negative +845,It's handsomely mounted and David Oyelowo (Martin Luther King in Selma) gives a rousing performance as the idealistic Seretse.,positive +846,"This is yet another action-packed sequel with exquisite special effects, wonderful shots of an erupting volcano, which if seen in IMAX are captivating, and filled with various types of dinosaurs that couldn't possibly look more lifelike.",positive +847,"Maine's film captures something indelible about adolescent female desire, without condescending or objectifying, because she understands, subjectively, what that looks and feels like: all the confusion and shame, but yes, also the pleasure.",positive +848,Yet another mystifyingly lionized Sirkian soaper.,positive +849,"Despite the apparent ugliness and sloppiness of the piece, there's a real gem of inspiration at the core, and the character of Vincent is wonderful.",positive +850,A very unique and welcome cinematic experience.,positive +851,The most fascinating point made in the film is that it was Harryhausen who invented the way we all think dinosaurs moved. Those gestures - adopted as truth even by palaeontologists - first came from him.,positive +852,An often thrilling piece of oriental- meets- occidental hokum.,positive +853,"My problem is an acute allergy to repitition. Love, Actually and other champions of the romantic-comedy flyweight division make me break out in hives.",negative +854,This witty and wise comedy is easily the most thoroughly enjoyable animated movie since The Incredibles.,positive +855,"Not all the scenes are necessary, and a great deal of the movie is set-up, with Jackson reveling in his own return to Middle Earth. But it's an enjoyable experience.",positive +856,"For lovers of American filmmaking, ""These Amazing Shadows"" may be the ultimate sampler buffet.",positive +857,This magnificent piece of cinema history should be seen on the biggest screen possible.,positive +858,"It obeys every convention of the genre. But it does so with understatement, style and an exceptional group of actors who bring just the right balance of humor and restraint to their roles.",positive +859,"This documentary will leave you breathless from the breadth and depth of its storytelling. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is life-changing, revealing unheard of cruelty as well as unbelievable bravery.",positive +860,"Like its heroine, I Kill Giants isn't afraid to tackle the darkness or rage of little girls, or their fear and pain.",positive +861,"On screen and behind the camera, Viggo Mortsensen tells a sometimes difficult to watch but often all too relatable story about families unable to sever ties with their worst members, but also unable to make peace with them when they're around.",positive +862,The most inventive vampire picture of the last 80 years.,positive +863,Men provides a compelling and layered character study that grips you until its final act. The finale may be a bit much, but it will, at least, spark conversation. ,positive +864,"The film's final image is a poetic paean to the Book's living power—a power that The Secret of Kells, like Aisling, recognizes without, perhaps, fully understanding.",positive +865,Sam Rockwell delivers another outstanding performance in this saturnine meditation on greed set in backwoods Appalachia.,positive +866,"An immersive, compact and unpolished documentary ...",positive +867,This ends up more as a straight news report rather than offering the insight of a cinematic documentary.,negative +868,Don't Look Now is both a chilling horror film and a fascinating portrait of grief.,positive +869,"[Laura Albert] is a compelling storyteller, granting a tongue-in-cheek quality to support the documentary's rollercoaster journey concerning very real emotional traumas.",positive +870,This amalgamation of inspirational themes cuts a new notch on Eastwood's well-used viewfinder.,positive +871,"Duplex collapses in rubble long before the duplex of the film does, and it's not even interesting wreckage.",negative +872,A true treasure of cinema from one its masters.,positive +873,Pulpy entertainment.,positive +874,"Accuracy and realism are terrific, but if your film becomes boring, and your dialogue isn't smart, then you need to use more poetic license.",negative +875,Another foreign import founded on the belief that a good meal can solve anything...,positive +876,"Lacks the consistency, depth and suspense that would put it in a league with Eastwood's best work.",positive +877,"It's Fukumoto's wonderfully weathered countenance that makes Ochiai's film such an elegiac delight. On it, you can see the entire history of samurai cinema, or at least that essential part of it that died often, and beautifully so.",positive +878,It is good and worth seeing but not great.,positive +879,A winning cast helps sell [its] familiar premise...,positive +880,This gripping adventure shows Hollywood hasn't given up on thoughtful sci-fi just yet. A spectacular film and a surprising one.,positive +881,"Soderbergh frames each scene with the static realism of an Edward Hopper painting, and the result is a portrait of anesthetized lives silently screaming from inside a bubble.",positive +882,The sequel will likely be a disappointment to everyone except 10-year-old barf joke aficionados and a few stoned adults.,negative +883,"Like a lot of depictions of rock music on film, Bohemian Rhapsody lacks both the stylistic daring of a music video and the outright euphoria of a proper musical, but it gets closer to both with the Live Aid sequence.",negative +884,"Ellison has clearly taken great delight in creating a freakshow designed to offend, but by its end, Kuso might even qualify as moving.",positive +885,"Despite being jazzed up with woozy camerawork, kinetic editing and splashy graphics, 'We Are Your Friends' is old-fashioned hooey.",negative +886,"A charming, quirky and leisurely paced Scottish comedy -- except with an outrageous central gimmick that could have been a reject from Monty Python's Meaning of Life.",positive +887,"While Excalibur is uneven, it works pretty much as intended, as a mood piece, a hallucinatory evocation of legendary times and mystical adventures. The actor who holds it together is Nicol Williamson as Merlin.",positive +888,"There may be better straight introductions to the accomplishments of this most poetic of cinematic artists, but for the already initiated this will serve as a welcome remembrance.",positive +889,"[The] emotional outbursts feel genuine, necessary, even, but not forced.",positive +890,"More a film about unreasoning fear than the supernatural, this work demonstrates what a filmmaker can accomplish when he substitutes taste and intelligence for special effects.",positive +891,"Hardcore horror fans will no doubt be impressed, but the cultural justification for this level of hateful misogyny must be slim indeed.",negative +892,Blind Side uses old playbook to jerk tears.,negative +893,"It's a good movie. The book is something more - close to perfect, I would say - but since both incarnations emphasize the importance of tolerating human fallibility, I won't make too much of the discrepancy.",positive +894,A film geek's dream come true... Shaun is a delightful romp through bloody entrails and pints of beer.,positive +895,"A lightweight romance for the senior crowd, Last Chance Harvey does nothing in particular, but it does it fairly well thanks to stars Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson.",negative +896,"Recalling The Return of the Secaucus Seven rather than the more expensive but more superficial The Big Chill, Everything Relative is one of the best lesbian films yet.",positive +897,You can't sell a 100-year-old idea with futuristic frills. That just doesn't add up.,negative +898,'Wendy and Lucy' is the best feel-bad movie of the year.,positive +899,A week is too short a time frame. A longer view might have left a deeper impression.,negative +900,"...tells what could have been a bathetic story with persuasive compassion, admirable restraint and a painterly precision",positive +901,"A gorgeous, somnolent show that is splendidly mummified and thoroughly unsurprising.",negative +902,Superb performances from the film's central three leads with stunning cinematography which captures the film's intimacy.,positive +903,"takes the coming-of-age story into complex territory with an imperfect hero whose vulnerabilities serve as his imperative to prevail. Plus, a cracking good story that races across the screen the way Peter's heart does when he sees MJ.",positive +904,A small masterpiece of exquisitely subtle filmmaking.,positive +905,"While the gentlemen are extraordinary, the plot is anything but.",negative +906,"A talented ensemble helps this pull through despite a leaden lead, but it may still seem too childish for adults and too adult for kids.",positive +907,"That Morgan spends the entire second half of the film covered in feces doesn't seem like a commentary on actors wearing blackface (or Brownface) while they shuck and jive, but more like honesty about how he probably felt on the set.",negative +908,"He spends 100 or so minutes coiling his film tightly, before letting it explode in psychological warfare and horrible violence.",positive +909,"Ending on an unusual note, The Florida Project may take a little time to sink in but it's a commanding character study that will hopefully open eyes.",positive +910,"While some may find its joke thin from the outset, others will grok the deadpan absurdism at work here, and anyone would have to admire the singularity of vision required to steer such a willfully silly project over a long, long haul.",positive +911,There's little that's exactly new or fresh in Hammer Films' latest exercise in retro horror.,negative +912,"Robert Pattinson has to do an awful lot of hollow-eyed smouldering in this hammily enunciated French period drama, taken from the 1885 novel by Guy de Maupassant.",negative +913,"In a world where Pasolini's taboo shattering may now seem passé, it's still an unsettling venture which examines personal emptiness.",positive +914,Paul Gerstenberger's amusingly waggish screenplay keeps one attuned.,positive +915,Andrew Garfield and Claire Foy give two of the best performances of the year in director Andy Serkis' moving true story of polio victim Robin Cavendish.,positive +916,"Been there, done that, liked it much better the first time around - when it was called The Professional.",negative +917,"Zwick's latest film, Defiance, is based on an exceptional true story. Regrettably, the movie is anything but exceptional, and represents Zwick's most disappointing work in more than a decade.",negative +918,O'Connell is terrific.,positive +919,"It's a very thin fable where the lesson's obvious from the beginning... But I have to say that Bella Thorne is very committed to the part, and I really think that Jake Manley has an integrity to this film that makes it a stronger film than it had to be.",positive +920,"...a wheel-spinning opening hour that's rife with pointless, incoherent action sequences...",positive +921,Penn's direction intuitively acts as a spiritual proxy for McCandless' own rapturous way that he processes his journey.,positive +922,"It is incumbent on us to inspect the real horrors of our time, but we don't have to traffic with Hitchcock's giggling obscenities.",negative +923,"If Spielberg and Hanks' filmographies were social structures, Bridge Of Spies would be satisfyingly upper-middle class.",positive +924,"Ultimately, Venom is neither here nor there, and its failure to be self-aware makes it feel like a movie from a different superhero era at times.",negative +925,Argentinian cinema does not usually present female protagonists like Clara. [Full review in Spanish],positive +926,"The dispiriting experience of watching “Champions” is slowly realizing that, notwithstanding an off-color line here or there, it’s exactly the sort of formulaic crowd-pleaser that just about anybody might have directed.",negative +927,captures the feel and essence of Dean Koontz's writing,positive +928,"Creepy psychothriller features great performances, twisty plot and superbly crafted moments of tension.",positive +929,"[The film conjures] inexplicable dread, on a night that feels brighter than day.",positive +930,"Gives the 'Law and Order' treatment to an early case of Thurgood Marshall...if accurate, it's entertaining and informative, although Josh Gad's character was not the novice this film portrays him to be.",positive +931,"Don't see it for psychological complexity, social comment, acting, plot or humour; go, if you must, just for kicks.",positive +932,Think of Friends in movie format. A group of people who are either friends or are related somehow attempt to navigate love.,positive +933,"The result is the most novelistic and experiential offering yet for [Cuarón], but make no mistake: Roma is not a film of gimmicks.",positive +934,"Propelled forward by tremendous performances, Precious is a pedestrian exploration of social themes and mental, physical and sexual abuse.",positive +935,"There's a vast world of difference between fun and stupid, and Zombieland: Double Tap manages to be consistently entertaining without actively causing brain trauma to viewers.",positive +936,"Hellbender combines folk horror with a punk-rock, femme-powered rage.",positive +937,"It has a verve and vitality that's been missing from [Coppola's] pictures for 25 years, and its various and visible flaws all result from too much of that verve rather than too little.",positive +938,It may not be a great film and its story's originality suffers... but it's shot with a very good rhythm and it hits the right notes when recalling the strengths of the [original] Predator starring Schwarzenegger. [Full review in Spanish],positive +939,"""The Violent Heart"" is rigged to mislead.",negative +940,"(...) Un film colectivo irregular, con segmentos olvidables, otros muy bizarros, y algunos realmente sorprendentes.",positive +941,"Swallow is indeed a terrifying horror movie, but one that says more about everyday life reminding the audience that the scariest things can be in our own minds.",positive +942,It's as full of rich characters as it is smart popcorn-movie scares.,positive +943,"Each imagistic sequence in ""Youth"" is like an island that happens to be united to other free-standing islands. Each scene has a life of its own.",positive +944,"It's a potent mixture of elements, and Parallel Mothers somehow works even if upon second-glance, the over-arching structure might seem to be manipulative. It isn't, in any way.",positive +945,"It leaves the audience with neither a sense of uplift nor devastation, but, rather, with something more akin to intellectual appreciation.",positive +946,By any standard it's impressive anime; as a feature debut it's a remarkable achievement.,positive +947,An eerie evocation of the nightmare of war.,positive +948,The biggest flaw of Love Wedding Repeat however is how it wastes the Repeat aspect of its title... Best to simply RSVP “not attending” because this is one wedding that should be avoided at all costs.,negative +949,A must-see for any grownup who calls himself or herself a rock fan.,positive +950,The Meddler feels toned down a few notches from your typical movie comedy. It feels like life.,positive +951,[A]cademic research has never been shown with such visual verve. . . [E]ach professor's personality and expertise [is put] in sharp relief both comic and poignant.,positive +952,"Photographed handsomely with wide-angled majesty, the film does precious little myth-making, though Harris subtly twists some of the genre's conventions.",positive +953,"Cats may very well be the most unique film of the year, certainly released by a major studio, and you'll love it and hate it but you sure won't forget it.",positive +954,"If the director occasionally strays into bombast, . . .he still manages to make a strong case for war between democracy and capitalism, two systems conjoined in Western thought, but now terribly at odds.",positive +955,This movie is hilarious.,positive +956,"It's the sort of glamour-meets-violence drugs-crime story on which lads' mags thrive: unqualified, over-reverent and hysterical.",negative +957,"Bridge of Spies is an inspiring drama about a man, like any of us, who struggled to do the right thing. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +958,Amy Adams looks and sounds as if she indeed emerges from a fairy-tale land.,positive +959,... if you can't guess what happens from here out you're the one person we can recommend to see this film.,negative +960,La La Land captures the nostalgic joy of old Hollywood while infusing it with a generous helping of the new.,positive +961,"Seldom these days does one encounter such an intricate narrative so persuasively performed by the entire cast, most notably by Ms. Winslet and Mr. Wilson as the adulterous lovers.",positive +962,"It demands thought, compels the attention, and refuses to be dismissed.",positive +963,"""Vox Lux"" paints a sharp, shellacked portrait of a ghost in the celebrity machine.",positive +964,"Blessed with so much talent in front of and behind the camera, I'm pretty sure even Joel Schumacher wouldn't be able to make a total mess of it.",positive +965,"It goes down smoothly, thanks in large part to Joseph Gordon-Levitt's grounded lead performance and Marc Webb's slick direction, but it seems like every other scene coughs up a dispiriting cliché.",positive +966,These scenes flow like treacle and then the movie really slows down.,negative +967,"DiCillo hasn't lost his gift for artfully skewering both those basking in fame's spotlight and those lurking in the shadows, while still finding a measure of affection for all of them.",positive +968,"Even by the debased standards of later films released under the National Lampoon banner, this is sorry stuff.",negative +969,"A frenetic, kinetic, but largely insipid speed through the lives of ostensibly random people in modern day Warsaw.",negative +970,"Well-portrayed by Pugh and Cassidy, which drives this film to unexpected destinations. ",positive +971,"The plot is ungainly and awkward, the dialogue is clumsy and unfunny and the characters are forgettable bores.",negative +972,"""Finding Fela!"" the documentary is almost as much a paradox as the man himself, stuffed full of information but leaving nagging questions, making us move to the music before hammering us into submission.",negative +973,"...a rich melange of tumultous and sensual events. The story, acting, direction, set design and costuming fluidly combine to give a passionate portrait of living and loving on the edge of despair in a place and time where there was no tomorrow.",positive +974,"An adaptation with wit, clarity and heart, and an above-the-line triumph of a different sort, because it so clearly represents an across-the-board uniformity of vision with no sacrifice of quality.",positive +975,...a gritty yet erratic drama that succeeds mostly as a showcase for several above-average performances.,positive +976,"This earnest and contrived story of an aging rancher estranged from his daughter-in-law meanders predictably towards the inevitable reconciliation, without ever feeling genuine.",negative +977,"But Suffragette isn't about difficult questions, it's about creating a character to have enacted on her all the odious offenses of the early twentieth century",negative +978,Joan Crawford gives one of her most iconic (Oscar-winning) performances in Michael Curtiz's quintessential film noir and woman's picture of the 1940s.,positive +979,"Joyful, fun and alive with warmth and sincerity, Girl Asleep is a treasure.",positive +980,"A fable-like, elemental story that sketches its characters too faintly to develop much power.",negative +981,A documentary that looks at everyday humanity as a work of art.,positive +982,"Tonally and thematically The King's Man is all over the place, in a way that lays bare the cynicism of Vaughn's own mission: to appear transgressive yet reassuringly conventional.",negative +983,"Kaneto Shindô may be the least namechecked of Japan's go-to Golden Age directors. This ghost story, however, proves that he's ripe for reappraisal...",positive +984,"Potentially the most culturally relevant film of the fall, masterfully made and one heck of an emotional roller coaster. From moment to moment ""Boys State"" veers from exciting to troubling to amusing, and it's never anything less than utterly riveting.",positive +985,"Both engrossing and deeply flawed... Still, and perhaps because so few movies have been made about the subject of women on the brink of momentous decisions, we are captivated by Varda's observations. ",positive +986,"Playing a restless CEO fleeing his corporate and familial responsibilities in Toronto for the vineyards of Italy, Pantoliano gives a curious edge to the film, turning a stock hero into something a titch more complicated and compelling.",positive +987,"The movie is sloppily edited, the gags limply staged, the dialogue and jokes stiff and stale. Even the action on the basketball court is unimaginative and boring.",negative +988,"Shot for maximum impact, between the lurid color, wild plot turns, and thumping, party-ready soundtrack -- The Lost Okoroshi has the potential to cross over to a wider, youth-oriented audience.",positive +989,"You're liable to leave the theater with the strains of ""Mademoiselle from Armentieres"" ringing in your ears and visuals that will haunt you, possibly for years.",positive +990,"Visually, the film is flawless - from the impeccable styling and opulent palaces to the vintage cars, no cost has been spared to create the royal experience.",positive +991,"A highly entertaining, colorful and effective screen musical comedy.",positive +992,"It's tawdry ""Sleeping With the Enemy""-style fun while it lasts, boasting a better cast and splashier production values than the next closest Lifetime movie, while being so ridiculous at times that audiences can't help but talk back to the screen.",positive +993,"The compelling documentary An Unreasonable Man carries the tag line, 'Ralph Nader: How do you define a legacy?' but it might just as easily have asked, 'Who gets to define the legacy?'",positive +994,"Affectionate, often clever and unflaggingly funny!",positive +995,"Turns out you can make a robo-comedy today, if you know what you're doing.",positive +996,An overwrought and undercooked exercise in dramatic tedium and awkward self-seriousness.,negative +997,"A moving, galvanising work that tackles this horrific humanitarian crisis with a fresh eye and ear.",positive +998,The sequel to the film Sandakozhi 2 is devoid of interesting themes or fresh ideas.,negative +999,"Using lightweight video cameras and an energetic youthful cast, the filmmakers show a carnival of human foibles.",positive +1000,"Although the story's engagement levels can dip between set pieces, the skill of Mendes' collaborators elevates 1917 to something a little more than the marketing hooks would imply, even if technical prowess still dominates the emotions of the characters.",positive +1001,"Treeless Mountain casts a sad, pellucid spell. It looks at life from three feet off the ground and meets the hardening gaze of its 6-year-old protagonist head on.",positive +1002,"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 is a fine finish to a franchise that most, including myself, wish would never end.",positive +1003,"Identity is the unwelcome new face of Hollywood horror: loud, empty, unimaginative and as far from Alfred Hitchcock as a movie can be.",negative +1004,"Lang's movie is that rare thing, a nail-biting soul-searcher. While M steers clear of analyzing deviance, it is startling in its musings on which punishment fits an inhuman crime.",positive +1005,How many times can the nightmare that is Sandra Bullock keep recurring?,negative +1006,"Brotherhood of the Wolf supplies enough to satisfy many tastes without overwhelming them. It is one of the most sporadically inspired films of recent memory; and I would say, prematurely, of all time.",positive +1007,This was sweet and charming at the time but now it just lacks either the comedy or sophistication of kids' fantasy film that we've all become accustomed to.,negative +1008,Emily Blunt (is) the perfect Poppins for this whimsy-filled throwback to a bygone Disney era.,positive +1009,Generic but harmless comedy.,negative +1010,All this melodramatic wackiness might be entertaining B-movie material if it weren't dragged down by boringly deadly battles between cartoon characters.,negative +1011,A work blessed with keen insight into the heart and soul.,positive +1012,These movies simply know what they're doing. They retain the spirit and the humane reassurance of the source material.,positive +1013,Kevin Hart and Tiffany Haddish fail to get the laughs in over-the-top comedy that makes Road Runner look subtle by comparison.,negative +1014,With care, thoughtfulness and rigor, Schrader and the filmmakers of “She Said” craft a film that shows the process of building this paradigm-shifting piece of journalism in a manner that is simultaneously thrilling and grindingly methodical,,positive +1015,"This is not a stressful watching but a contained, introspective experience that stresses issues like social identity and trauma.",positive +1016,"The movie is bloated by empty, unhealthy and unnecessary calories.",negative +1017,It's The Matrix spliced with David Lean,positive +1018,"It was only in the second half... that the film seemed to lift off of its own accord, and I realised I was watching something exceptional.",positive +1019,A film about dynamic teamwork... and of an intense day in the kitchen that could turn into a tragedy. [Full review in Spanish],positive +1020,"Cruelly, the display of sorrow never takes command, with most of the film an unsatisfactory soap opera that never seizes an illuminating essence.",negative +1021,Sure to wind up in some Oscar contention as many films about rape, the male perspective, and period pieces do, [The Last Duel] is one to skip.,negative +1022,"'Tower Heist' is a low-rent payback caper involving the staff of the titular high-rent tower. It's Donald Trump's Tower. Oddly, The Donald doesn't have a cameo.",negative +1023,The two central performances ultimately save the movie.,positive +1024,"Infinitely re-watchable and a lighthearted spectacle of amusingly terrifying heights, Skyscraper defines the notion of a film that's far better than it has any right to be.",positive +1025,"Whedon and his large, capable cast (even larger for this follow-up) deliver enough adventure, laughs and flat-out spectacle to ensure that audiences will feel as if they have gotten their money's worth ...",positive +1026,"Fans of the first two ""American Pie"" movies should definitely come back for a third slice. Everyone else might want to cautiously poke at it with a fork first.",negative +1027,"It's a lovely film, with scattered wrenching moments, but it lacks the mannered impact of the rest of Ozon's oeuvre.",positive +1028,Plays out as a droll comedy that held my attention throughout.,positive +1029,"The result is unpretentious, mindless Bollywood entertainment.",positive +1030,"Let there be light? Eh, not so much.",negative +1031,"The love scenes between Sook-hee and Hideko are beautiful, explicit, and funny, displaying a candor about sexuality that's not intended to shock but to draw you in-it's the most normal thing about this flamboyant, acerbic film.",positive +1032,It doesn’t have the impact of Pixar’s best, but it’s a fantastic space adventure with a lot of heart and sweetness woven into the story.,positive +1033,An experiment in tedium that's filled with more of the sickeningly gory nonsense we've come to expect from the Friday the 13th series.,negative +1034,"If there's something surprising in this movie is, without a doubt, Vanessa Kirby, whose character works so well to the point of outshining the rest at times. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +1035,At times predictable. At times overwrought. Most often a tad too silly.,negative +1036,While the cast and animation remain the works of geniuses, the story ultimately struggles with flawed ideas and executions ultimately hurting the film's final potential. .,positive +1037,Insufferably naive.,negative +1038,The end credits play over a series of still drawings of Ray and the steamball's further adventures and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them looks more interesting than the movie.,negative +1039,"Finds great power in the idea of the blank page, and in the life-changing power of words, and he does so in the most subtle and deeply beautiful ways.",positive +1040,"How is it, by the way, that a park has actual talking bears and nobody seems to care? How is this park losing money, anyway?",negative +1041,"It may have you reaching for your Kleenex at the end, but at least Dear Frankie triggers audience sniffles the old-fashioned way: it earns them.",positive +1042,I hoped the ground would open up and gobble up whole the movie. What a disaster.,negative +1043,"What the film occasionally lacks in human finesse, it makes up for in sheer anything-goes resolve.",positive +1044,"Boiled down to its essence, this is little more than a cheesy vehicle for Carvey's one-shot gags, and an inconsistent one at that.",negative +1045,"This brave undertaking is surely not aimed at the masses, and may be destined to be a cult title in an otherwise worn thin genre.",positive +1046,A few jokes and improved technical aspects can't quite counter overall boredom.,negative +1047,"In stunningly composed images by Teshigahara and cinematographer Hiroshi Segawa, that eroticism becomes overwhelming.",positive +1048,It is the ultimate example of how the medium can sway our thought process ... It is the art form operating at its highest capability.,positive +1049,A brisk dream of 65-minutes built entirely out of her family’s super 8 camera home movies that is all fleeting memories stung with melancholy and bliss.,positive +1050,Has obviously been made for an audience that has never seen a movie before.,negative +1051,"Deliciously twisty, until it has too many twists.",positive +1052,"Still more evidence of how healthy and alive the Iranian cinema is, even in a society we think of as closed.",positive +1053,A lavish biopic that gives Li one of his juiciest roles but is relatively light on the action his fans have come to expect.,negative +1054,"Speculative pic on how Gaul's answer to Shakespeare found inspiration in an involuntary gig giving a nobleman acting lessons is sumptuous, touching and often laugh-out-loud funny.",positive +1055,"Fargeat's sunny, Morocco-set film first deconstructs, then rebuilds those mechanics from an uncompromising feminist perspective.",positive +1056,The film only partially lives up to its promise.,negative +1057,An unbalanced, unexciting slog that promised a lot but, frustratingly, doesn’t deliver.,negative +1058,There is no such thing as a minor Terence Davies.,positive +1059,"It is crazy, pulpy fun -- some parts of it more than others -- but it has some of the flaws that dog each director's movies and, at 191 minutes, it gives audiences a bit too much of their money's worth.",positive +1060,"Ten years after Garden State, Zach Braff returns to directing with this funny and heartwarming take on fatherhood.",positive +1061,It's movies like this that the art house was made for.,positive +1062,Anyone looking for a general overview of the director will do better looking elsewhere.,negative +1063,"[Shyamalan's] most meditative and lovingly rendered offering thus far, if also his least fun.",negative +1064,Captive humans and exotic animals are an odd mix in mushy melodrama.,positive +1065,"Bichlbaum and Bonanno's pranks are clever and amusing parodies of post- globalizationimperialism. They are, however, about all The Yes Men has to offer.",positive +1066,"A richly-realized, deeply-heartfelt character study in the vein of Tender Mercies and Bound for Glory, this sterling directing debut by actor Scott Cooper looks perfectly pitched to finally win Jeff Bridges his very long overdue Best Actor Academy Award.",positive +1067,"Throughout Harmonium, writer-director Kji Fukada works in a rapt and lucid hyper-textural style that suggests a merging of the sensibilities of Alfred Hitchcock and Yasujir Ozu.",positive +1068,The visuals in Randall Cole's paranoia chiller 388 Arletta Avenue evoke Michael Haneke's Cach and Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window in the way they make domesticity seem terrifying.,positive +1069,"In his eagerness to convince those still skeptical about his message, Gore... tries to show that the commitment to a sustainable planet is also a commitment to economic development. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1070,"The film could have been one of the year's finest, if only it was more accessible.",positive +1071,"Okay, so the plot's as fantastical and absurd as that whole, awful era, but damned if it isn't a good time.",positive +1072,"Bad things happen, Jarecki says with panache, but he doesn't have much to say about why; he's more interested in the how.",positive +1073,[The] kind of flatfooted incompetence that can turn a sane person into a dedicated bad movie watcher for the rest of their days.,negative +1074,"OPENING DAY REVIEW. Heartwarming but lacking grit. With just two scenes, Juliette Lewis walks off with the movie.",negative +1075,"Spirit, animal, and human worlds coexist in dreamy harmony in this remarkable drama, winner of the 2010 Cannes Palme d'Or.",positive +1076,This exploitation of a Hollywood mystery from past times earns its keep with stylish taste and proportion. It goes wrong --way wrong-- only in its length.,positive +1077,The curio documentary will attract a certain kind of viewer.,positive +1078,"Based on the jolly, jazzy score that keeps From Up on Poppy Hill lively, the latest from Studio Ghibli appears to have missed its calling as a Broadway musical.",negative +1079,"...may never reach comic heights but, nonetheless, maintains a good-natured charm.",positive +1080,Letters to God is preaching to the choir.,negative +1081,"Whilst it isn't always desirable to see only one side of the story, Matangi/Maya/M.I.A feels like it is giving a voice to a controversial artist who, as an outspoken woman of colour, deserves to tell her story uninterrupted.",positive +1082,Compensates for a lack of revelation with portentous music and a rather ham-fisted narration by the actor Peter Fonda.,negative +1083,"It's a fiercely compelling tale, the acting is among the year's best, so I wish Cuesta had been content to leave it at that.",positive +1084,"Whether or not you are familiar with the band or their music, this movie will fill you with a rare kind of musical euphoria. You'll love it.",positive +1085,There's just not much going on in these 106 minutes of ain't-it-cool quasi-nostalgia.,negative +1086,"Reminiscent of ""Charlotte's Web,"" it's a touching, tender tale for tiny tots...",positive +1087,"It is surprising how the movie (which was shot, incidentally, in Majorca without the Greek crisis in mind) is not embarrassing, but actually dovetails with yachtings and oppressions in contemporary Greece.",positive +1088,"For one to drone on about lousy, lumpy tennis is to miss the point of Wimbledon, which is about lousy, lumpy love.",negative +1089,There are confusing films and then there's The Gunman.,negative +1090,"Is [the significance] for Davis to set a precedent as the first African-American Heissman Trophy winner? I mean, honestly, are they going to make a biopic about Halle Berry and Denzel Washington's Oscar wins?",negative +1091,"Superhero sequel has more action, bigger stakes and a sprawling cast, adding up to big-time popcorn satisfaction.",positive +1092,"Enjoyable, blackly comic drama with a great script and a terrific central performance by Sam Rockwell.",positive +1093,"There's a lot to value, even if it drinks a little too deeply from the well of stock Euro-assassin-movie characters and situations.",positive +1094,"This is lowest-common-denominator gibberish that follows an extras-crowding, helicopter shot-abusing arc to a leaden finale.",negative +1095,"It isn't the blatant affronts - the aspects aimed to shock - that upset me, but the fact that the film lacks heart.",negative +1096,This movie is too anodyne to be vulgar and way too self-conscious to be clever.,negative +1097,I can't imagine this blandness was intentional. Why set up a great premise only to flatten it out?,negative +1098,"It's disturbing, funny, uncomfortable, heartbreaking, and absolutely facsinating.",positive +1099,"""Indiana"" is a road movie with similar textures as ""Sangre Sabia,"" the exceptional, strange, and supernatural film by John Huston. It argues that what's between us is nothing, but nothing bad. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +1100,"Split creates dark, claustrophobic and almost asphyxiating atmospheres, and amazing dialogues. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1101,"Unassuming yet powerful, the film shows that Iranian indie rock is more authentically alt than any underground scene in the Western world.",positive +1102,"Seen today, Cruising isn't the lurid gay-bashing pulp it was labeled at the time. But neither is it a particularly adept crime procedural.",negative +1103,The Big Wedding is the kind of movie that gives boomers a bad name.,negative +1104,"Where Wild Bunch used brute force, Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid favours elegy; the effect is less shattering, but the tone of savoured melancholy is just as haunting. ",positive +1105,"If you like Frank Capra-like movies, then this is for you.",positive +1106,The series continues to frustrate with its disingenuous argument for the importance of asserting individuality.,negative +1107,"This is really one man's look back in anger, joy and sentimentality. ""Robbie Robertson on the Band"" would be a more accurate description.",negative +1108,"In the end, viewers are as frustrated as they are hooked. Thewlis and the character he makes so riveting deserve better.",negative +1109,"By this time, 50 years later (!), the foundation of this kind of film is held near and dear to moviegoers the world over.",positive +1110,"It's a film that very much works on a surface level - stylistic, vibrant and vivacious from a visual perspective, but when digging deeper there's really little substance.",negative +1111,"As much as I respect Climates, I can sympathize with viewers who will balk at the film's pretensions and glacial pacing.",positive +1112,"Given the film comes in at a shade under 80 minutes, Weitz deserves credit for packing a lot in; it's an economical movie in every way, but one rich in life ...",positive +1113,"Surprise! Zorro, The Gay Blade is a splendid farce, so good-natured and unpretentious that one chuckles at even the corniest of its jokes.",positive +1114,"In the climactic run, Stewart's lazy direction and sloppy editing make ""the most grueling race in the world"" a jog in the park",negative +1115,One of the best American films of the year.,positive +1116,[A]n example of the Hollywood blockbuster mentality at its cheesiest.,negative +1117,"This is an engaging ensemble piece, acted with vehemence and sincerity, though it concludes a little melodramatically.",positive +1118,Shows you how glaringly artificial almost every other movie really is.,positive +1119,"The 'North by Northwest' of a new generation it is not, but 'Treasure' provides two hours of easy escapism...",positive +1120,Scorsese's best film since Goodfellas... a celebration of the transportive joy that comes from watching [movies].,positive +1121,"It underestimates its viewers, losing the nostalgic halo that could have worked as a impeller of empathy towards the story. [Full Review in Spanish]",negative +1122,"Certainly, the filmmaker's talent remains intact and this Leap Into the Void is rich in filmic events big and small, which make it never boring, but rather fastidious.",negative +1123,Smith has delivered the popcorn movie of this holiday season.,positive +1124,"Riding the current wave of horror movies populated with American travelers preyed upon by torturing crazies, ""Turistas"" plays its suspense trump card as the first American film shot entirely in Brazil.",positive +1125,Maybe the CIA tried to stop this movie as a public service.,negative +1126,"The bright idea of the first Ip Man was to use a real person's life as the rough outline for a conventional martial arts adventure. That basic premise still has some juice left, given that it's always a joy to watch Yen work.",positive +1127,"If you're looking for something hip, brisk and sexy, then this is a pretty decent proposal.",positive +1128,Underwhelming.,negative +1129,"The birth of Parinya's gender struggle is Freudian to the nth degree, but the confusion is evoked as a magical-realist pageantry of clashing cultural and sexual signifiers.",positive +1130,"Ageing, isolation, broken families, memory and the impact of modern technology are all playfully woven through a smart, comforting narrative that's at once immensely satisfying yet wonderfully unexpected.",positive +1131,"Indebted plainly to the most questing, good-humored, and circumspect works of Éric Rohmer, Wheel feels buoyed no matter where its stories go by its light and graceful form.",positive +1132,"It delivers all the races and crashes you could possibly desire, and a little more.",positive +1133,"Live at the Apollo is her funniest and most thoughtful stand-up yet, but it proves she still has room to grow as a comedian, if she doesn't devote herself to movies full-time.",positive +1134,"Few books in the American canon are as beloved as 'Little Women,' or as adapted. In Gerwig's version, it's four sisters, similar but different, trying to find their way in an America trying to find its footing.",positive +1135,We care enough to see where things go, but them ending up dead or alive is inconsequential since the gore is the star. I would have liked a story.,negative +1136,"I felt overly manipulated and sensed they were trying too hard to make a point, but unsure what point to make.",negative +1137,The film is cocktail of comedy and heist with a large shot of social realism.,positive +1138,"With these evildoers exuding such charisma, it's no wonder that the film's message about the immorality of gun-running gets diluted.",negative +1139,"A Prophet, Jacques Audiard's masterful prison saga, will undoubtedly be considered to be one of the great films of 2010, if not the coming decade.",positive +1140,Ever wonder what your pets do while you're at work all day? Me neither. But that's the premise of the thoroughly entertaining The Secret Life of Pets.,positive +1141,"This is a film that carries more weight in the moments when people are not talking, and the unseen energy and tension on screen is palpable.",positive +1142,Two movies for the price of one. Half is about the famous French cooking maven (and CIA agent). The other is about a blogger who launched a writing career blogging about her attempt to cook all the recipes in Child's cookbook. All it is lacking is a plot.,negative +1143,"Most of the plot is predicable after the initial setup and that is okay. The point is not to guess the next plot twist, but to identify with the characters and vicariously live their romance and have that illicit fling you subconsciously always wanted.",positive +1144,Its final shot is a beautiful masterstroke of the separation and desire involved in personally connecting with a piece of art and is the kind of frame-worthy moment that more students should be learning about.,positive +1145,Weakly written and cynically contrived ...,negative +1146,"Balabanov has crafted horror setpieces as vile (and strangely aesthetically pleasing) as anything you might see in contemporary torture porn, but Cargo's slow-burn build give each act of rape, murder, torture and necrophilia that much more weight.",positive +1147,"By no fault of Lane and Gere's, Nights in Rodanthe turns out to be an evening of disappointment at the movies.",negative +1148,More straightforward than most of Denis' works but is unmistakably hers in the way she suspends her complex characters in the sweaty grasp of a tropical setting.,positive +1149,Breathes life into a dying cinematic genre.,positive +1150,The film is inspiring because it has a semi-happy ending attached to a love story.,positive +1151,Hit-and-miss comedy delivers the unsurprising news that opposites attract.,negative +1152,"works more than it doesn't, but it's hard not to wish that Ross had made his targets a little less broad and his own perspective a little more nuanced",negative +1153,"A dreamlike experience, from the shocking prologue with a woman being dragged across the floor, to the (almost) permanent feeling of suspense. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1154,Harlan's cinematography and Tiomkin's eerie early electronic score (he used a theremin) provide enough chills to satisfy any horror fan.,positive +1155,Wells is masterfully using the cinema form for a powerful, intimate discourse on memory and connection, as profound as Hirokazu Koreeda's 'After Life,' but subtler. It's a beautiful achievement, worthy of many viewings.,positive +1156,"The film holds you at arm's length, never quite letting you all the way in, never fully showing the ugliest or rawest moments... Van Groeningen takes an extremely granular approach to non-linear storytelling that works until it doesn't.",positive +1157,"Well, I guess this proves that Americans aren't the only ones apt to characterize the French as obnoxious, power-hungry fops.",negative +1158,Lashed together with bands of humour.... is a darkish parcel of stumbling humanity in search of answers we all seek - like the meaning of life,positive +1159,"Cargo is, in the end, a muddled concoction of many interesting ideas that don't flow together.",negative +1160,"With Vaughn virtually asleep on the job throughout, his two very uncomfortable-looking castmates are hardly going to step in and save the day.",negative +1161,"Constrained by a formula as restrictive as the elements that define haiku or iambic pentameter, scripter Eric Heisserer and first-time feature helmer Steven Quale nevertheless generate a respectable amount of suspense in Final Destination 5.",positive +1162,"I believe gallant Robert Eads and Southern Comfort, Kate Davis' 2001 documentary about his final year deserves commemoration.",positive +1163,"The weaving in of animation is an unnecessary gimmick that adds nothing to the film's presentation and, in fact, only serves to mute its emotional impact even further.",negative +1164,It's hugely sad that the Emeryville studio have turned in their first dud but the stark reality is that Cars 2 really offers very little for neither kids nor adults.,negative +1165,Winchester misfires,negative +1166,"Michael Gracey taps into his visual effects background to create a feast of style, spectacle, song and sexiness, the latter brought to us by a pair of dashing leading men in Hugh Jackman and Zac Efron.",positive +1167,"a top-notch nail-biter, dripping with atmosphere and boasting a host of creepy tropes expertly deployed to maximise a thick ambience of hope mixed with dread.",positive +1168,"The ideas are thin, and the scene-by-scene execution of them is bumbling.",negative +1169,I’m now officially a Bond fan and “Skyfall” only cemented that.,positive +1170,"It doesn't help that Pitt... is at his most blank and monotonous here, delivering his least effective performance since Louis the reluctant bloodsucker in Interview with the Vampire.",negative +1171,"The Bad Guys is a boon for Dreamworks Animation. With 14 books and counting in the series, there is plenty of source material from which to draw new stories, so we can expect to see much more of these badgood guys for years to come.",positive +1172,"The movie looks like it was made for broadcast television, the place where words and pictures go to die.",negative +1173,"A sci-fi production that skewers globalization challenges the intellect but fails to stir the emotions, a victim of an inadequate budget.",negative +1174,"It's her first feature, having previously created shorts, and it's impressive how much she's able to pull from this simple premise.",positive +1175,It's a sad and compelling piece that is totally convincing and doesn't require a knowledge of baseball.,positive +1176,The most visually arresting and memorable Marvel film to date.,positive +1177,"An effective cinematic way to approach art; not as a Ken Burns panning motion across a single image, but as a series of static and dolly shots to give the viewer time to take in the work, and also to move around it.",positive +1178,"It's all lightly done, and Raimi never forgets his family-friendly, crowd-pleasing remit by making everything visually breezy and morally comprehensible.",positive +1179,"Inspires respect for its first-rate performances, artful construction and meticulous understatement.",positive +1180,"The first half's pretentiously doom-laden vibe suggests the film is slowly tunneling up its own rigor-mortised rectum. Patience, however, will be rewarded.",positive +1181,"The theme of innocent love is so prevalent and it feels good to watch unconditional displays of it, even within an animated fictional film.",positive +1182,"Sit-com stuff, then, with laboured farcical interludes, and a mushy post-feminist sensibility. Funny notwithstanding.",positive +1183,"A shrill, yappy live-action comedy that proves considerably more annoying than adorable despite an accompanying charitable marketing campaign designed to draw attention to animal welfare causes.",negative +1184,Charles Edward Pogue and Cronenberg's intelligent script and Goldblum's heartfelt performance make this outlandish story perfectly feasible.,positive +1185,"Bad Times at the El Royale is a rollicking good time of '60s nostalgia, paranoia, and dark comedy you'll want to see again as soon as the credits start.",positive +1186,"Surely one of the silent era's most spectacular epics (which is saying something), this is well worth catching not just for the gripping chariot race and the harrowing battle scenes between the Romans and the pirates, but also for the very human drama.",positive +1187,Predictable animated swashbuckler with a few chuckles.,negative +1188,"The real dilemma in the sadly unfunny ""The Dilemma"" is that several different movies are going on in director Ron Howard's first nondrama in 11 years.",negative +1189,"Hey, it's not Shakespeare, but it doesn't need to be...",positive +1190,"Western Stars is deeply invested in The Myth of Bruce Springsteen, as though he's invited the audience into his barn, but not into his heart.",positive +1191,"This smart, whimsical, extremely quirky and devilishly entertaining portrait of the poet is far from being a traditional biography but it joyfully celebrates the spirit of the man and his momentous times.",positive +1192,One of Altman's most atmospheric films.,positive +1193,"""Heart of a Dog"" begins as one thing and ends as another, which might throw some viewers off, especially those unaccustomed to Anderson's artful mischief.",positive +1194,The most unsettling and outright disturbing film of the year.,positive +1195,"It's affecting, and the tone, which is polemical, is also rueful and realistic.",positive +1196,"Noise, noise, noise. Crunched metal and shattered glass. More noise. Revving engines. Vin Diesel's giant head. Hot chicks in tight miniskirts. Even more noise. The end.",negative +1197,Another 1980's sex comedy. It gets old before it gets over.,negative +1198,"Part reality, part fantasy and all compassion. It is a strangely moving experience for the historically aware filmgoer.",positive +1199,"Like its hapless hero, Wah Do Dem simply mopes along before aimlessly stumbling to a halt.",negative +1200,"The term science fiction is too easily associated with empty-headed blockbusters, but this is the real thing.",positive +1201,"A lovely piece of escapist fare, You Can't Take it with You is an amusing screwball comedy with a bit of serious subtext which seems simplistic by today's standards.",positive +1202,"The mood is terrorized and often brutal, but the behavioral observations and some of the tenderness periodically call to mind early Cassavetes.",positive +1203,"Whatever limited charms the first version had -- mostly David Cross' portrayal of Ian, the greedy manager who exploits the furry creatures -- have since soured.",negative +1204,"If being seated at Table 19 is a drag, watching the film of the same name is worse.",negative +1205,It's an exciting yarn... and does not disappoint the action junkie. It's just not great.,positive +1206,Penn is such an intelligent performer that it's easy for us to believe everyone else in the film sees a different side -- a different life -- of the enigmatic Pippa Lee -- and that there are still many other sides to this fascinating character...,positive +1207,Spielberg's most dramatically inert movie in 20 years.,negative +1208,If you enjoy watching realistic people realistically reacting to a slightly-supernatural situation set among the lights of Las Vegas... roll the dice on 'The Cooler.',positive +1209,"Although the filmmakers use the soldiers' own words, they fail to create believable characters who can engage the audience.",negative +1210,"""The Edge of Heaven""'s intricate, almost melodramatic plot shamelessly employs coincidences-much the way ""Babel"" did-but where that movie's tragic events seemed gratuitous and strained, Akin has a richer, deeper sense of character.",positive +1211,"Worth every penny spent in the making, and worth every dollar forked over for a ticket, Inception may just be the best movie of 2010.",positive +1212,"The main problem is that it takes potshots at about everything that is wrong with society. You feel like you're watching a subject taking shape in the creator's mind and then being abandoned for something else...the acting is world-class, however.",positive +1213,"Kruger's surprise ending fails to pack the kind of wallop to justify the momentary head-scratching, while there are too few moments leading up to the big reveal that will give audiences the kind of jolt they're expecting.",negative +1214,"'Sin City' won't move you or inspire deep thought, but it might rattle you and make you sweat, with all that stark black-and-white heat.",positive +1215,"A crisp, procedural-type throwback to 1980s-style financial world thrillers about rich men behaving badly and skirting danger.",positive +1216,More harmless than entertaining.,negative +1217,"""A solid blend of splatter and spooky.""",positive +1218,Rory Culkin brings a sort of quiet confidence to his role as Scott.,positive +1219,"Easily the most enjoyable Allen flick since Everyone Says I Love You, and on a par with his 1970s and early 1980s work.",positive +1220,"So few films these days are built on a bedrock of suspense and while See For Me may retread some of your existing favorites, those tropes and those setpieces are never not a kickass night at the movies.",positive +1221,"Made me long for the days when epics were photographed with the beauty and clarity of Lawrence of Arabia, Ben-Hur and Spartacus.",negative +1222,The ghost busters of The Conjuring 2 are scary good.,positive +1223,"Hogancamp's story is oddly inspiring even in this flawed film, but watch the documentary instead.",negative +1224,It is more op-ed than movie.,negative +1225,This work manages to dehumanise an entire region while providing little entertainment value.,negative +1226,"The sight of portly Canadian singer-actor Jack Black in Mexican luchador or wrestling tights is almost funny enough to base an entire feature, but not quite.",negative +1227,"Although these characters are far from the heroes known through comics and cartoons, producers have understood that sometimes less is better. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1228,"It's like Slumdog Millionaire, but without any of its optimism, and it's all the better for it.",positive +1229,"The mere fact of having a cast of titans deserves, automatically, an above-average score in any printed or cybernetic media that approaches film criticism. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1230,"...a wild ride. Miike's visuals have to be appreciated as Manji does battle with constantly inventive weaponry against an array of increasingly ridiculous, but entertaining foes.",positive +1231,"Successfully maintains a surprising degree of intrigue and intensity, not through an overly clever storyline, but with an air of unpredictability within its characters.",positive +1232,"The movie has the confidence of an artist who's survived some wild years himself, experimenting with style and dispassion and realizing that sweet abandon is more than enough.",positive +1233,"David Fincher's smartly written, expertly told chronicling of the dawn of the Facebook era ... is just that compelling, that engrossing, that hard to resist. Kind of like a certain website I know.",positive +1234,"Despite some gags which use the benefit of hindsight too much for their own good, this is a smart piece of filmmaking which suggests Linklater is already one of the more formidable talents of the 90s.",positive +1235,"If someone is that bored with their own life, it's not clear why we should bother listening in, no matter what they've accomplished.",negative +1236,"Overwhelmed by events, intimidated by the ultra-right, intellectually lazy, distant from the population and its problems and feelings, the liberals find it almost impossible to summon up anything meaningful to say.",negative +1237,"A literate deconstruction of action movie tropes, while also being intelligent enough to actually offer a passable genre movie in the process.",positive +1238,"At least there's Shaye and Bell, who are remarkable in their dedication to the material, trying to make their character pain feel real. It's unfortunate they're not the stars of the film.",negative +1239,"The truth is, 'First Man' is such a gem technically that it demands viewing on a big screen. Find it in IMAX if you can.",positive +1240,"Robin Campillo's outstanding AIDS activist drama melds the personal, the political and the erotic to heart-bursting effect.",positive +1241,"'Beatriz at Dinner' is a slender movie (83 minutes, with credits), and that's as it should be - it's a short story, really, about polite society and unspoken power, keenly observed and delicately played.",positive +1242,Cloying but satisfying.,positive +1243,"...it gives us a glimpse of what those silly people in black-and-white ... must have found so thrilling, engaging and ultimately heartening when they watched those quaint gray ghosts dancing on a screen they imagined was silver, so unrecoverably long ago.",positive +1244,Surviving Christmas wusses out by trying to make itself a warm holiday movie.,negative +1245,"A blue-chip cast and handsome stagings do little to prevent this French movie being a muddled, pretentious washout. Substantial re-editing might have helped.",negative +1246,The whole thing comes off like a particularly amateurish episode of Bewitched that takes place during Spring Break.,negative +1247,"This movie feels like it should have been made when it took place... it feels like it wants to be an 80s thriller, but it's failing miserably.",negative +1248,"Tense, chilling and earnest Cold War political thriller.",positive +1249,"The boldest provocation of Mitchell's sweet, tender and gently funny film may be its exuberant celebration of community and togetherness at a cultural moment rife with fatalism and disconnect.",positive +1250,"The story is drawn together logically and comprehensively, leaving the viewer to make up their own mind about organ trafficking.",positive +1251,It probably will make you think about your own familial relationships.,positive +1252,"Mulligan uses her beguiling smile to defuse the dramatic underpinnings of the story, and Sheen adds another shading to his gallery of great performances. But it's Belgian actor Schoenaerts who will leave the target audience atwitter.",positive +1253,"While the acting is good, the narrative is flat and repetitious. The director doesn't connect the scenes into a meaningful character study.",negative +1254,A series that is largely engaging and provocative.... It can - and should - be watched in one sitting. When it ends...most viewers will want more.,positive +1255,"A powerful, chilling, and affecting study of one man's dying fall.",positive +1256,"Even when things get a little crazy and maybe even too soapy, ""Your Sister's Sister"" always feels like it's rooted in a tangible reality, a place of unpredictability and abiding humanity.",positive +1257,"It's a highly recommended and raw look at the fierceness of the drag competitions, and how the LGBTQ community has made so much progress since 1968 and yet still has so far to go.",positive +1258,Ultimately breaks down under the weight of too many characters and unbelievable twists.,negative +1259,"Really, though, Under the Silver Lake's most easily definable problem is a simple one: it's a little dull.",negative +1260,"It's about the human mind, about the way we grow enslaved by the particular things that turn us on, and forgive ourselves our trespasses.",positive +1261,"Regardless of politics, it's fascinating to see how the White House works.",positive +1262,"Not only is this film persistently unfunny, but it is consistently uninvolving.",negative +1263,"Kartheiser does ""befuddled"" well, and the rest of the cast brings their A-game, but the true standout is Bob Stephenson, exuding insecurity, dread, and a plethora of other emotions with the ease of a true screen stalwart.",positive +1264,"Dee Dee is the most humorous band member, as he remembers the halcyon days of pre-fame Forest Hills: 'We would hang out, sniff glue or smoke pot... listen to the Stooges...'",positive +1265,"We get it: The male villain is a stand-in for the patriarchy, and for women, it’s an uphill battle just to survive. No need to bludgeon us over the head with it.",negative +1266,"Like too many animated threequels, it feels like a multi-part episode of the animated series.",negative +1267,"Frequently difficult to watch, White Girl is the powerful feature debut of a filmmaker with original vision and clear talent -- and a movie that proves a lead actress can possess the gift of transformative performance skills.",positive +1268,Less a study in madness or love than a study in schoolgirl obsession.,negative +1269,Very relatable for Irish Catholics like me.,positive +1270,"For those of us who can remember, it's a deliriously evocative nostalgia trip, as well as a timely reminder of more spontaneous times.",positive +1271,"An excoriating, urgent look at the sordid world of global sex trafficking, anchored by a head-turning performance from newcomer Mrunal Thakur.",positive +1272,[Paltrow and Affleck] are very attractive people but don't give the impression they've ever lost anything other than their way to an Oscar after-party.,negative +1273,"It is a failed attempt to analyze what it means to rebel in the twenty-first century, and as such ends up being a party, not for the ages or the record books, but instead for the dustbin of rancid ideas and concepts better left forgotten.",negative +1274,"Even in a picture where the smallest gears all work perfectly and harmoniously, Emmanuel Lubezki's cinematography is a unifying and galvanizing force.",positive +1275,Neveldine and Taylor latch onto Nicolas Cage's spasmodic reverie of elated exaggeration in this wild-hair sequel. His performance is the reason this disposable movie is so entertaining ... and why we shouldn't close the book on him quite yet.,positive +1276,"If you really want to appreciate this film, go see all the hood movies from the 90s - good and bad.",negative +1277,Steal This Movie puts a fresh spin on the late '60s.,positive +1278,Depicts the amoral world of masterless warriors whose lives are filled with unending violence and betrayal.,negative +1279,"Bad Moms is both very funny, and deep enough to transcend stock movie mom archetypes to tell a story about personal dignity, and how it's okay to let yourself down.",positive +1280,Makes you wish that Duigan had either worked to make the film believable as serious drama or gone unabashedly for tear-jerking.,negative +1281,"There's a super-insane film inside ""Welcome to Me,"" one that, as it happens, takes up about 80 percent of the picture. What's another 20 percent?",positive +1282,Queen Latifah is convincing as Bessie.,positive +1283,"Though the cast is very strong, the film regrettably fails to match up to its distinct potential.",positive +1284,"No child is an island, but neither are the parents.",positive +1285,"Somehow, Bruckheimer keeps the sentimentality to a minimum and keeps his story moving at a very nice pace: four fast quarters and a halftime.",positive +1286,"There's a chill about ""The Mountain"" that's conveyed in visual terms. And then it all, slowly and then completely, falls apart.",negative +1287,Too much of the movie putters along on autopilot.,negative +1288,Silly Molly.,negative +1289,"It may seem like this is merely an exercise in style and to be honest, it is. Soderbergh's clearly fascinated by the physicality of Carano as a fighter and Haywire's sole reason for existence is to highlight those skills.",positive +1290,This gentle father-son(ish) tale about an expert surfer and his teen apprentice is a rare 'family' movie that isn't preachy or insipid.,positive +1291,"No one expects gutsy filmmaking in a musical. But that's just what King's Speech Oscar winner Tom Hooper delivers in Les Misérables. Damn the imperfections, it's perfectly marvelous.",positive +1292,"Like Chinatown before it, this twisted and twisting tale of cops, crime, corruption and hangers-on in 1950s Los Angeles artfully evokes the flip side of the City of Dreams.",positive +1293,An engrossing psychological thriller.,positive +1294,"The gangster part of the movie is riddled with cliches, but strikes gold with its depiction of immigrants on a train headed north. An excellent debut by a Japanese-American director.",positive +1295,...an adult movie that actual adults might like.,positive +1296,"In the end, Prancer is a simple pleasure as the story of one special child's faith in the spirit of Christmas, a faith that changes her family and her community for the better.",positive +1297,"Whether or not you've studied piano, or any musical instrument, it is fascinating to observe Bernstein's gentle but rigourous technique in correcting errors, training the musicians' bodies, and helping them to locate their own place within the piece.",positive +1298,"Sheen and Langella originated their respective roles in the play, and it's clear why Langella won a Tony for his.",positive +1299,"Dillon and director Hamer manage to give us a real Bukowski by avoiding the overly dramatic histrionics that sometimes marred Barbet Schroeder's similarly themed 1987 booze-drama, Barfly with Mickey Rourke.",positive +1300,"A Mighty Heart is scrupulously journalistic, a would-be documentary that tells in rigorous detail but explains almost nothing. Who, what, when and where are covered, but not why.",negative +1301,"It could be funnier, sharper, more probing, but at its best it is sexy, and that's always something to celebrate.",positive +1302,Confirms me in the belief that this gifted film maker is the sad victim of his supreme lack of discipline.,negative +1303,"Billed as Hollywood's first major film about interracial marriage (though no kiss on the lips is allowed), the film begs one question: What mother in her right mind would object to Poitier as son in law--he's handsome, renowned professional, and gentleman",positive +1304,"""Funny Boy"" ambitiously braids internal and external conflict, familial and national strife, to engrossing if somewhat heavily condensed effect.",positive +1305,"You have to be more incredible than this to compete in today's marketplace, but ""pretty OK"" will have to do for now.",positive +1306,Pacino and company mark time in this preposterous copycat killer thriller.,negative +1307,Tedious and self-congratulatory. Wears out its welcome after about a half hour.,negative +1308,The cast is as scattershot as a moonshiner's raccoon hunt.,negative +1309,Flame & Citron examines the moral shadings of the Danish resistance during World War II without turning into a revisionist bore.,positive +1310,"For pure enjoyment, for a good time at the movies, for something that will delight and exhilarate and send audiences out laughing, satisfied and thoroughly worked over, it's hard to imagine anything beating ""White House Down.""",positive +1311,Pfeiffer and De Niro have a blast with their roles.,positive +1312,"Problem is after the laughs stop, it's hard to care what happens to these immoral wise guy criminals.",positive +1313,"Rather than consider how someone like Terry Gilliam [think ""Brazil""] might approach Thurber's socially ripe source material, they have merely imposed a formulaic script that still doesn't hit its marks.",negative +1314,"has all the audacity of Christopher Nolan's Inception, without the credibility ... ends up as a jumble of style over substance, leaving us feeling hoodwinked,""",negative +1315,"Even though it isn't as lean and mean as the first film, Ted 2 is still a bagful of naughty fun.",positive +1316,A strange yet riveting portrait of a marriage enduring a year spent making as little environmental impact as possible.,positive +1317,Director John Lasseter and his happy swarm of colleagues have got it right with this beautifully crafted dazzler.,positive +1318,"Sturdy, engrossing if patience-testing drama about the money game the Dutch played with the Nazis in financing their resistance during World War II.",positive +1319,Not so much the culmination of '70s porn-chic cinema as its purposefully degraded last hurrah,positive +1320,... essentially launched the heist film as a genre of its own and set the blueprint that all subsequent heist dramas built upon.,positive +1321,"Though lackadaisical pacing steals a lot of the tension, especially in the shrug of a climax, Dead Kids is full of wondrous scene-by-scene oddities[...]",positive +1322,"The comedic concept of Judd Apatow's 40-Year-Old Virgin may never again be topped, but Apatow, today's King of Comedy, actually managed to make Knocked Up a better movie.",positive +1323,This barely recommended effort doesn't offer much hope for the series' creative energy.,positive +1324,"Logan Lucky feels like the work of a filmmaker with nothing to prove, neither sententious seriousness of purpose nor technical knowhow.",positive +1325,"David Cross, who also wrote the script, is content to come across like a grumpy old man. His comedy is one-note, furious, and fun-enough",positive +1326,Shakespearean drama as penned by a love-struck pubescent girl.,negative +1327,"After a short while, Attraction seems to just drone on like a broken record.",negative +1328,"It doesn't matter how we think we remember the moments, how they look now, in this edition, will force a shift in memory that we'll most likely be grateful for.",positive +1329,"I am immediately moved by his folkloric melodrama about love, prejudice and injustice in the indigenous town of Xochimilco. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1330,A film noir from Ray in which nothing intriguing happens in the hour and a half that the upstart affair lasts. [Full review in Spanish],negative +1331,"Deadpan, determinedly low key and deeply absurd, the films of Corneliu Porumboiu are very much a particular taste, and ""The Treasure"" is no different.",positive +1332,A powerful drama about real people whose stories carry a crucial message for our times,positive +1333,"Julianne Moore is absolutely outstanding in this role, giving an Oscar-worthy performance.",positive +1334,"The most perverse thing in the film is Marion Cotillard, whose big-eyed vulnerability makes her an outside-the-box Lady Macbeth.",positive +1335,"What is the opposite of a crowd-pleaser? A crowd-splitter, maybe? Whatever you call it, ""The Lighthouse"" is one.",positive +1336,A movie with incomparable biteand strength.,positive +1337,"A ravishing, frenetic fever dream that flounders dangerously close to turning into a cinematic nightmare.",positive +1338,"Genuinely creepy, satirical and occasionally daft horror tales with a distinctly moral bent.",positive +1339,"In terms of comedic and dramatic content, The Intern is hit-and-miss. Notions about ageism and corporate prejudice against female CEOs are grazed but not explored in a meaningful or compelling way.",negative +1340,"The directing is sure-handed, the script intelligent, and the acting strong, especially the amazing performance from Foxx.",positive +1341,"Given the dismal reception that greeted their last comedy, Mail Order Bride, you'd think filmmakers Doug Bollinger and Robert Capelli Jr. would have considered alternate career choices.",negative +1342,"It's a very empathetic portrait, but it also shows the complexity of this family... I think it's most poignant when it focuses on the children.",positive +1343,Fans of Louis Sachar's superb 1998 young-adult novel will be delighted to know that his debut screenplay richly embellishes the book's good parts.,positive +1344,"This is, without doubt, the least-Ben Wheatley Ben Wheatley movie ever",positive +1345,Depraved but curiously vibrant druggie musical horror pic.,positive +1346,"American Woman seems to be nudging its way above decent almost from the start, and just keeps nudging: while the inspiration to put it over the top is never quite there, the consistent effort is gratifying.",positive +1347,... everything about this movie was so contrived and it feels so written.,negative +1348,"A singular sensation, filled with behind-the-scenes backstory and archival clips of Bennett himself dancing, gorgeously.",positive +1349,"The famously elusive filmmaker transforms the legendary story of Captain John Smith and Pocahontas into a poetic, ravishingly beautiful meditation on the collision of two cultures in 17th century Virginia.",positive +1350,"Garfield's turn as Peter Parker is unbearably mannered and close to unwatchable at times. It's almost as if he's over-demonstrating the awkward, underdog charm of Parker.",negative +1351,"On a technical level Buried is impressive, at times blisteringly suspenseful, making the most of a ripping score and Reynolds' fully charged agony...",positive +1352,It's all a bit hackneyed and cliched.,negative +1353,...may very well suffer from mismatched sensibilities.,negative +1354,"What did it mean to be born, to grow up in, to die in, the 20th century? Well, it meant a lot of different things.",positive +1355,"Strong performances from the entire cast led by Jim Gaffigan give the film its beating heart, and when paired with more abstract scientific concepts West explores, the eventual alignment of the mind and body is a mighty thing to behold.",positive +1356,With Wright's first foray into non-fiction filmmaking the director has crafted a lengthy yet loving portrait of the duo.,positive +1357,The heartfelt performances and compelling story make A Better Life a worthy alternative to the loud and boisterous blockbusters invading multiplexes this summer.,positive +1358,"As indie-film nerd-mances go, this one is genuinely sweet.",positive +1359,"Despite its low budget and lack of superstar names, Thousand Pieces of Gold is an epic motion picture, and one of the best Westerns to come along in several years.",positive +1360,But even a star as bright as Majors’ can’t shine enough to eclipse just how unapologetically transitional and transactional Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is.,negative +1361,Cox's towering performance makes Churchill feel as though it's stepping into fresh territory.,positive +1362,Pollard valiantly tries to cover as many bases as possible.,positive +1363,Eva Green gives an absolutely stellar performance in Alice Winocour's exceptional film.,positive +1364,There are monsters in Southbound that are among the best I've seen onscreen in a long time,positive +1365,Madden does a competent job transferring the film from stage to screen.,positive +1366,"The documentary, made after Isherwood's death and with Bachardy's enthusiastic participation, is as much a love story as a chronicle of Bachardy's maturation into a man and an artist.",positive +1367,"even with Smith's considerable charm and his proven track record as Independence Day weekend movie god, Hancock doesn't succeed as a truly satisfying holiday-movie blockbuster.",negative +1368,Endures as one of the finest political satires.,positive +1369,The concept is fun, as we’ve seen the older characters become their younger selves, and vice versa, but not a 30-year-old pining to be an old lady. There’s some inherent humor in that alone, but nothing especially clever ever comes from it.,negative +1370,Eye-glazingly pointless and totally underwhelming.,negative +1371,"The messages in animated features tend to get repetitive but Smallfoot feels fresh with its exploration of power, truth, control and ""fake news"".",positive +1372,"In a basic way Tommaso is about being an artist, and the trade-offs and negotiations that go along with that.",positive +1373,"It's a bit of a hokie film, but compelling nonetheless.",positive +1374,Shocking but straightforward chiller.,positive +1375,What I like best about Crazy, Stupid, Love. is the structure, and how seemingly frivolous subplots come together and inform the others in crucial ways during a hilarious screwball climax.,positive +1376,"A movie about real people sinking into an abyss as unrelenting as the sand surrounding them. It offers no easy answers or hopeful pleas, but it demands to be seen.",positive +1377,"LeBeouf's casting was inspired, because his chemistry with Gottsagen lights up the screen and LeBeouf, who has always been a good actor who made bad choices, gets the chance to really show what he can do.",positive +1378,"a rousing fable about a decent, goodhearted man achieving great heights",positive +1379,"Explorers remains a hopelessly schizophrenic film, obscenely eager to compromise its own originality.",negative +1380,"A messy, unfocused conglomeration of concepts that is hampered not only by the limitations under which it was shot, but by its fatal lack of cohesion.",negative +1381,"Resurrection is at its best when it's messy and unafraid to leave threads dangling. Ultimately, I'm not sure if it's more than a well-made psychological thriller, but there are scenes that I know will stick with me.",positive +1382,"Supernova should have been an emotional tour de force - instead, it settles for being merely polite.",negative +1383,Those going in expecting Happy Gilmore Gets A Remote will be gravely disappointed.,positive +1384,"The exhibits in this ""Night at the Museum"" may still come to life nightly. But their latest movie stays stubbornly inert.",negative +1385,"Stop-action animation of painted sculptures creates beautiful, full-bodied characters with bemused sophistication and tender charm, where the odd becomes sweetly normal.",positive +1386,An intermittently entertaining wallow through the director's familiar fetishes.,negative +1387,"Whether focused on Lili's face or standing back to take in her long limbs, Caroline Champetier's enthralling black-and-white camerawork is at once nimble and evocative.",positive +1388,"This is another solid work from Senez, even if the film never quite packs the same punch as his knockout debut did.",positive +1389,"The gist of the critical response has been that ""The Tender Bar"" follows a well-worn path. Fair enough, but is that such a sin?",positive +1390,"Beach Rats isn't a failure but it never fully lives up to the promise of its presence, as it's apprehensive to fully dive into the nature of toxic masculinity that may cause someone to hide their true selves out of fear of judgment by their friends.",negative +1391,"Part nature doco, part fly-on-the-wall look at local traditions (including elders who believe a girl's place is in the yurt), it's an empowering piece.",positive +1392,"[Chihwaseon] rushes through the life of its subject in nimble leaps and bounds, concentrating on the livelier and more spectacular parts and avoiding the dull historical and biographical stretches.",positive +1393,"A solid fantasy flick, with a great role for star Purefoy.",positive +1394,"Eastwood has an artisan's innate grasp of structure and pacing, but also directs like a guy who's late for dinner.",positive +1395,Mafia blood and true love are strange bedfellows in this black comedy whose wonderful title promises more than the film offers,positive +1396,"A wonderfully touching but thoroughly offbeat romance, interlaced with songs.",positive +1397,"Like all the director's films, it's a mood piece that still retains a strong element of social and political criticism.",positive +1398,"Thirteen is all about maintaining a barely perceptible smirk behind an impassive pose. The line between cool and cold is a thin one, however. Cool isn't the word for Thirteen; it's just smug.",negative +1399,A nasty enough little revenge thriller powered by eight cylinders of pure malice and hatred.,positive +1400,"Somewhere in here, there's a remarkable film about an absent father trying to make good with a daughter who never loses faith. Unfortunately, that film is submerged by Cahill's distracted approach to make the film 'palatable'.",negative +1401,"Hollow, amateurish provocation with phony characters and an off-putting plot.",negative +1402,"Along the way, Siri exposes French hypocrisy -- showing that the Algerian rebels were only doing what the French Resistance did in battling the Nazis who ruled their country in WorldWar II.",positive +1403,"Francis Lee's portrayal of Dorset and his sense of the period feels authentic, lived-in and tactile and Mary and Charlotte's relationship feels of a piece with that.",positive +1404,[Matthew Vaughn] doesn't take his foot off the gas for a second. [Full review in Spanish],positive +1405,"Although he's the darling of many critics, I still don't understand the fascination with David Gordon Green and his films.",negative +1406,"A tense thriller full of great performances, ""The Town"" is a heist film that rivals ""Dog Day Afternoon"" and ""Heat.""",positive +1407,There are some genuinely stupendous action sequences here.,positive +1408,"It's something you might watch on a plane. Right now, that's no putdown: an unappreciated comfort from happier times.",positive +1409,"Seriously. Bad. There, I just saved you 9 dollars.",negative +1410,You probably couldn't stand an entire evening of Zehnder's music but the film offers a charming insight into a little known segment of world music.,positive +1411,"By dismembering Craven's landmark extremities, Iliadis celebrates his source for all the wrong reasons.",negative +1412,"has an unfortunately schlockly, straight-to-video title that undercuts what is otherwise a smart cautionary tale built on an all-too-believable premise",positive +1413,"Apart from an extraordinary scene of attempted reconciliation between Shepard and Lange ""Don't Come Knocking"" is an inflated drama that lies stagnate on the screen.",negative +1414,"The previews make Dan in Real Life look like a tepid romantic comedy that makes little use of Steve Carell's gifts. Well, the previews are right.",negative +1415,"Helmed by Werner Herzog with that heavyweight cast, it should have been so much better.",negative +1416,Draft Day might bypass realism for drama but it's still a fun watch.,positive +1417,"The film's sheer lack of everything that customarily passes for comic fuel -- energy, wit, character, fun, a plot -- renders Nacho Libre a torturous patience tester of the first order.",negative +1418,"'Wonder Woman 1984' is an effective comic-book movie that leans heavily on wholesomeness and optimism, leaving out any kind of moral ambiguity or nuance for bright colours and popcorn-friendly action and adventure.",positive +1419,Vincent Price starts his scary-reign in colourful gothic horror style.,positive +1420,The Lovebirds feels like an antiquated '80s comedy filtered through a modern lens.,negative +1421,...shows how even the most rigid autocracies are still composed of humans who occasionally push back against their propaganda-soaked environments.,positive +1422,This arrestingly assembled documentary is very entertaining.,positive +1423,"Ant-Man And The Wasp is an ideal popcorn flick that is perfect escapism. The film is heartfelt, hilarious, action-packed and is the first Marvel film to have a female superhero in its title!",positive +1424,"Osment's the weak link in the movie and because of the substantial amount of time he spends on screen, his weak link status is highly noticeable and very distracting.",positive +1425,This may be the first true romance for the computer age.,positive +1426,"Rory J. Saper's performance as Rufus makes for a compelling story about the inner-turmoil of a vampire. Unfortunately, just about everything else in the movie knocks it back down to mediocrity.",negative +1427,"In Antonioni's vision of the world, these characters have a hard time functioning in anything resembling a satisfying way in a world that has become more complex and layered.",positive +1428,"Sincere without being cloying, moving without being manipulative. Though often relegated to minor status in Campion's filmography, this is a striking and powerful debut feature.",positive +1429,"This Goosebumps ride may be bumpy, but it works and it is worthwhile.",positive +1430,A heartfelt documentary about the charismatic and idealist leader of Chile who sought to bring a fair and free world to his people.,positive +1431,"One of Woody Allen's weakest, most static films, inspired by Ingmar Bergman's serious dramas on the one hand and by Lana Turner's scandalous life on the other.",negative +1432,By the end things are much different. Characters have been impacted. Relationships have been affected. Most importantly it sets before us a very interesting landscape and the potential for some incredibly intriguing storylines. ,positive +1433,...it all unfolds against a lush and stunning backdrop.,positive +1434,"The cityscapes, action sequences and phantoms and the sheer scale of the film are jaw-dropping.",positive +1435,This movie about killer worms really buggged me.,negative +1436,The whole thing's basically Theseus' paradox as performed by a cast of sentient automobiles.,positive +1437,"Nationalism, protectionism, bigotry and stunning cruelty are the order of the day. The film is precise and stark in black and white. Even the weather and the animals and birds are foretelling doom.",positive +1438,"Blatantly comic characters undercut the credibility established by Mr. Herzog's naturalistic performance, and sink the horror premise as quickly as it surfaces.",negative +1439,A worthy sequel certain to scare the bejesus out of Scream franchise fans with a strong stomach for gratuitous gore.,positive +1440,"The film is a complete family package, with humour engaging audiences all through its two and half hours.",positive +1441,"Never more or less than what it appears to be, the film is a slow honky-tonk thud-beat, only intermittently punctuated by a joke or idea.",negative +1442,Monday is as honest and passionate about its characters as it is in love with its setting.,positive +1443,"Every time you're ready to write off Hollywood comedies, along comes a picture like Young Adult to keep hope alive.",positive +1444,And casting Wilson just doesnt work...never do we feel a connection or chemistry between the two characters.,negative +1445,"'""Bringing Up Bobby"" is hardly an auspicious debut for Janssen as a director, but, at the same time, there's enough there to suggest that a next attempt would be worthy of investigation...",negative +1446,A lot of great talent on display here.,positive +1447,"The Nun is a sloppy cash-grab that further dilutes The Conjuring brand, a cinematic universe that is hilariously more profitable than the DC comic book umbrella.",negative +1448,"'Mouton' begins as a naturalistic European drama, the likes of which we have seen often enough before. Yet a stylistic break, both embracing and rejecting actual nonfiction images, makes it one of the boldest films of the year.",positive +1449,"Malibu's Most Wanted absconds with a simplistic but imaginative plot and elevates it beyond the realm of sketch comedy into legitimate cinematic territory - for real, y'all.",positive +1450,"We are ourselves almost too deeply involved with the beauty and the miracle of sheer thought transfiguration to realize what a stride forward art has taken, film art if you wish to deride and to deify that much maligned abstraction.",positive +1451,"Wes Craven's presence is felt; not the Craven of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' or 'The Hills Have Eyes,' but the sad schlock merchant of 'Deadly Friend.'",negative +1452,Hell and Back is a far cry from something you would sell your soul for.,negative +1453,"Around the World in Eighty Days may have its faults and lost some of its original allure, but it remains a sure-bet even today.",positive +1454,"The Florescu brothers have obvious talent, and the ability to present the drama of everyday life. That needs to be developed.",positive +1455,"The Crazies is the sharp, sophisticated horror remake we've been waiting for.",positive +1456,"So we think Mexico is an extremely violent place, but are a bit confused to be frank.",negative +1457,"Films about the Iraq war continue to come and, I hope, will keep coming. Among the most recent, The Battle for Haditha is especially notable.",positive +1458,A masterful invocation of the gray areas in which pleasure and pain, attraction and repulsion, can commingle in uncomfortable fashion. ,positive +1459,Writer/director Carlota Pereda makes good use of the sundrenched Spanish town the film is set in, building a level of tension from multiple angles before finally unleashing more of a vicious streak to lead into the bloody climax.,positive +1460,[A]n elegant portrait of everyday life in an era plagued by devastation.,positive +1461,"Yes, the premise is a bit threadbare but this is an intimate, lyrical documentary that offers a subtly effective snapshot of life as a young woman on the threshold of adulthood.",positive +1462,"The laughs can't compensate for the lack of logic, which only gets worse in the second half.",negative +1463,A compulsively watchable drama which taps into some genuinely intriguing themes.,positive +1464,"Doesn't deliver a lot of high notes, but it's not unwatchable (especially if you enjoy the vampire genre). ""Morbius"" is not as great as you'd hoped, but not as bad as you feared.",positive +1465,"The movie’s getting-down-on-the-youngs’-level pose often feels rather condescending, the result of a bad assumption about younger audiences’ capacity to understand or connect with something that isn’t spoon fed to them.",negative +1466,By the end of the film I had a lump in my throat and a genuine affection as well as respect for the film,positive +1467,"God, I wish I'd seen Yes, God, Yes when I was a teen.",positive +1468,"You probably won't find yourself humming any of The Prom's tunes. The choreography is forgettable. Some of the performances, which are supposed to be parodies of the characters, are simply too exaggerated to be funny.",negative +1469,"Besides the good laughs, Keep The Change enchants with the authenticity, zaniness, and warm-heartedness that naturally emerge from the sympathetic characters.",positive +1470,"Schemers meet their match in ""The Weasels' Tale,"" Juan José Campanella's crowd-pleasing Argentine comedy.",positive +1471,"At a moment when Rambo-style blood-baths are thought to have fallen from favor, along comes Predator, which may not be the daintiest movie ever made but is a knock-your-socks-off thriller. Originality and pep still go a long way in moviemaking. ",positive +1472,"Three female friends grow up in a small town in Ireland in the mid-50s and attend college in Dublin in this nostalgic soap opera that's vaguely evocative of Peyton Place, though generally less memorable.",negative +1473,'Norm of the North' is truly 'January junk.',negative +1474,I had the sensation of sitting through a fourth-grade school play that contained no children of my own: the very definition of a nightmare.,negative +1475,The movie feels flattened by relaxers when it should have been teased into a wicked curl.,negative +1476,As a lover of music I enjoyed learning about the process and hearing lots of great Tom Petty songs!,positive +1477,At least Peter Rabbit knows how to finish on time. [Full Review in Spanish],positive +1478,"Soderbergh taps into modern fears and does it to expose timeless truths about who we really are. The players change, the technology changes, the rules of the game change but the game doesn't.",positive +1479,"The actors' unforced chemistry defies the artifice. Olmos' delectable hamminess and Hamilton's unfussy performance convey volumes. Ross, guarded and resilient, is a revelation.",positive +1480,"The spare, relentlessly controlled debut feature of the Mexican director Michel Franco, Daniel & Ana advances on minimal dialogue and with virtually no musical accompaniment.",positive +1481,"For Hollywood, love is the province of an aristocracy of the Beautiful and the Blessed. But in the world of Italian For Beginners, love is for us.",positive +1482,"Deeper meaning rises sneakily to the surface in the offbeat, austere Prince Avalanche, writer-director David Gordon Green's re-imagined, loose adaptation of a 2011 Icelandic film.",positive +1483,"The decline of a subject like Ferenc Molnar's Olympia, however, a lively and theatrically effective satire on the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, into the characterless insignificance of A Breath of Scandal, is nothing short of mysterious.",negative +1484,I have some admiration for this film. But I also have no desire ever to see it again.,positive +1485,"Mystery Road, not far from Massacre Creek, is a place where mysteries are finally solved in Ivan Sen's powerful and gripping murder mystery. It has the makings of a genuine modern Australian myth, a rare thing in Australian cinema and one to be cherished",positive +1486,"Deeply cinematic ... Hay and Manfredi's plot is complicated and satisfying and pays off, big time ... even within the sub-genre of dinner-party horror, The Invitation is one of the classy affairs ... [and] drenched in casual, comfortable diversity.",positive +1487,A movie you seem to watch through translucent eyelids...,positive +1488,...great-looking but awful.,negative +1489,"Like the inspiration for its title, there's a wild sweetness to the people - and maybe even to the land - depicted with such breathtaking honesty and raw beauty in ""American Honey.""",positive +1490,Scorsese and this mind-blowing cast are all about perfection.,positive +1491,"Like wine, [the movie] also requires time and space to breathe, and writer-director Cédric Klapisch certainly gives us more than enough time to indulge.",positive +1492,"With few exceptions, people who produce and direct their own scripts and insist on casting themselves in the lead roles are a self-absorbed sort.",negative +1493,One of the things the film captures most astutely is the beginnings of the American media frenzy that has become a staple of the news cycle.,positive +1494,"For The Way of Water, the decadence is more than enough -- for cinemas that have been starved of authentic spectacle, finally, here’s a gorgeous three-course meal of it.",positive +1495,The biggest achievement of Call Me by Your Name is that it manages to depict something universal about first love and first loss...,positive +1496,Postman Pat: the Movie doesn't get a stamp of approval.,negative +1497,"No fan of linear narrative, intent only on revealing things through a glass darkly, writer-director Denis Ct wants us to be puzzled. He succeeds rather too well.",negative +1498,"In an industry saturated by superhero content, the universe created by Kōhei Horikoshi has been a breath of fresh air among the anime community. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1499,It takes more than lovely scenes to make a really satisfactory entertainment.,negative +1500,The movie boils down to a lot of tough-talking men trying to out-tough-talk each other. It's well-staged action stitched together by nonstop pissing-match dialogue.,positive +1501,"All hail Helen Mirren, who delivers a master class in acting in The Queen.",positive +1502,"Like Greek gods before them, superheroes are our modern myths, so why shouldn't they examine issues of the classic texts in our time? The end credit sequence actually gives this idea a visual corollary, as it shows a giant Hellenistic statue.",positive +1503,"The cinematography is wonderful, but the plot is too vague. There could be a message here, but it's buried too deep to dig out.",negative +1504,"The gothic horror setting is delectable, but this is far from the Holy Grail of spin-offs. Could we not have had Sister Act 3 instead?",negative +1505,"Sometimes uneven and sometimes beyond gross, but more often it's funny, smart and different.",positive +1506,"[Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am] does a nice job revealing her wonderful persona, uncovering her backstory and establishing her firm place in American history in a way her followers will appreciate and others will admire.",positive +1507,"Skyline might be a midnight B-movie, but it's also hopelessly inept and a grievous waste of time and talent with no ending whatsoever.",negative +1508,"Instead of something in the vein of Anne Rice, you get an Eat Pray Love alternative with wanderlust swapped for blood lust. Gauche as that may sound, it's actually quite striking.",positive +1509,"Gains profundity with Danish actor, Mads Mikkelsen. [Full review in Spanish] ",positive +1510,"... doesn't offer much of a return, regardless of the offbeat potential of its premise.",negative +1511,"Not too shabby, but the masters of the genre could certainly have cooked up something more tasty.",positive +1512,As a faith-based drama, Running the Bases has the expected religious preaching. Some of the movie's supporting performances are subpar. But this good-natured movie is saved by an appealing lead performance by Brett Varvel and some laugh-out-loud comedy.,positive +1513,"""The Five-Year Engagement"" is one of those movies that you badly want to like much more than you actually do.",negative +1514,"The Gray Man is a popcorn movie for the weekend, when in reality it doesn’t take any risks. [Full review in Spanish] +",positive +1515,"Diverge is fun, engaging, and a refreshing reminder that sci-fi films don’t need a substantial budget to look polished or to peak one’s interest.",positive +1516,"Labaki's use of abrupt tonal shifts can be jarring, but her narrative is ambitious and anything but typical.",positive +1517,"It's the filmic equivalent of Cafe del Mar easy listening: it's watchable. The direction and music and cinematography are so seamlessly invisible, and the lead performances so natural, the film appears to be directed on autopilot.",negative +1518,"Forster might miss the magic elsewhere, but when his film turns its attention to the theater and the whole theatrical experience, you realize he's a major filmmaker.",positive +1519,"There's a keen intelligence behind all that gleeful degradation and it pays off in a finish that's at once ironic, satirical, and perversely satisfying.",positive +1520,Gorgeous big production of a light romantic fable. ,positive +1521,"Sporting one of the greatest titles ever, Park Chan-wook's 2002 thriller is similar to Oldboy in its subject matter but far plainer in its execution.",negative +1522,"The movie has plenty of action, but it is hampered by fits and starts. Dead spots, where characters simply stand around and spew expository dialogue, abound.",negative +1523,"By the time we reach the climactic karaoke smackdown, we have learned more about Freddy Krueger(TM)s personal hygiene challenges -- and how to make a shockingly bad movie -- than we ever wanted to know.",negative +1524,This misleadingly titled tale of a dentist who sees dead people attempts to be a supernatural romantic-comedy in the manner of the old TOPPER movies from the '30s.,positive +1525,"Synchronicity is a methodically paced excursion into a thrilling sci-fi experience, winning over audiences with passionate genre charms.",positive +1526,"Though it's a familiar plot about kids learning discipline and teamwork through sports, The Grizzlies is brought to life through the specifics that make the characters and their sense of place -- and of displacement -- central to the story.",positive +1527,"Brand can be funny in supporting parts. But he doesn't yet know how to command a front-and-center role, and Arthur groans with the effort from its first moments...",negative +1528,"Steven Soderbergh's well-researched, convincing, courageously bleak drama about how a lethal virus could decimate the human race.",positive +1529,Barbershop 2 works best when its characters are being funny and fighting with each other or lambasting pop-culture blemishes ...,positive +1530,"The film was made entirely before the invasion and hasn’t been updated to acknowledge it, but viewed at the present point, it serves not only as an international political thriller but as a kind of elegy to the era of Russian history that has just ended,",positive +1531,"As its name suggests, ""Keep Quiet"" is a somber, careful documentary, but despite its measured tone its subject matter is wall to wall disturbing.",positive +1532,"With Brontes' camera sometimes right up in their faces, the actors create an intense intimacy that's a thrill to experience. They also share a palpable sexual chemistry that fires up this drama.",positive +1533,"Though it goes on a bit and loses its way in places, this funny and occasionally disturbing satire of the art world is a deserving winner.",positive +1534,"A problem arises with the sequel, however, when the bosses have already been vanquished in the previous movie.",negative +1535,"Vinterberg's best filmmaking since his Dogme '95 entry ""The Celebration.""",positive +1536,"It's a broadly forgiving portrait of an impossible, irascible talent, who seems to have treated life much like his instrument.",positive +1537,"It is not a sequel, just another retread of tired material in a franchise that is more than ready for the big comic book bonfire. And why the title? There is nothing amazing about it.",negative +1538,Highly entertaining!,positive +1539,"Admission wants to win a place in our hearts, but after 108 minutes of relatively hard labour the majority of viewers probably won't let it in.",negative +1540,"As with Ed Wood, which paid tribute to the director of Plan 9 From Outer Space - another film that does not deserve its reputation as one of the worst ever made - The Disaster Artist champions the value of persistence in the face of all odds.",positive +1541,People who miss seeing it are missing some of autumn's best smiles.,positive +1542,"Mutiny on the Bounty is one of the best pictures that have been made, and this is largely due to the facts it was made from.",positive +1543,"This lively film takes a ""greatest-hits"" approach to Reich, who fears that we're headed for another financial debacle if we don't take a more serious approach to taxes and education.",positive +1544,Never dull.,positive +1545,Critics are foolish to believe they have the critical tools to make meaningful judgments about a movie as confounding as Bright. They just don't. I don't. We have to admit this fact and surrender to Bright.,negative +1546,"1959 Biblical epic has fierce blood-spilling, cruelty.",positive +1547,So little is done with the emotions running through this husband across the years that the ups and downs of his torturous marriage merely register as repetitive blips on a fairly unchanging screen.,negative +1548,"The character's not as iconic as Foxy Brown, and yet Friday is Grier's best role from this era, because it gives her the most notes to play.",positive +1549,"Its final act is a perfectly orchestrated thirty minute face off, which is aimed at blockbuster purists. Epic in ambition and monumentally bombastic in its world building, Godzilla vs. Kong feels designed for cinema.",positive +1550,"He tends to start with a small idea, then figure out the big idea behind his observation, then figure out the shortest way to communicate the absurdity of that imbalance - the absurdity of putting so much stock into the smallest thing possible.",positive +1551,The prospect of Kaufman's directorial debut was really exciting -- which makes the lugubrious result that much more disappointing.,negative +1552,"Pointless, charmless remake of the Preston Sturges classic.",negative +1553,"Architecture has never been more romantic than in ""Columbus,"" single-name director Kogonada's stunningly beautiful film.",positive +1554,"After Innocence is, without making it overly obvious, anti-death penalty on the grounds that a just society cannot afford to make any mistakes that we cannot attempt to rectify.",positive +1555,"The closer Happy Life gets to finally finding any joy in the fans of this pass scene, the more depressing it becomes.",positive +1556,You'll never think of your computer in the same way.,positive +1557,"This is a Neil LaBute film, and sexual fun as the average Joe might perceive it is not high on his list of priorities.",positive +1558,"The triumph of the film lies not just in the force and range of the performances, but in Minghella's creation of an intimate epic: vast landscapes mingle with the minute details of desire, and the combination is transfixing.",positive +1559,The sort of innovative storytelling that will see Where the Wild Things Are mentioned in the same breath as some of the best family films ever made.,positive +1560,"If you do decide to travel abroad, this film offers some tips on how to stay safe and sane - that is, if you can extract them from the teasingly elliptical, flashback-addled, nerve-racking narrative.",positive +1561,"Not entertaining at all, regardless of whether you believe it or not. It comes across as a bunch of talentless high school kids making a home-grown version of Jackass",negative +1562,"A curious case of a sort of ""grief peep show,"" an episodic drama with a lot hidden in its middle.",positive +1563,"Like any culmination of a long-running series, there's purpose and emotion as this blockbuster intertwines its many strands, provides a gripping payoff and paves - as always - another path forward.",positive +1564,"The story is secondary to Miles' journey of finding the resolve, strength and belief in himself needed to become a Spider-Man.",positive +1565,A sweet but inconsequential romantic comedy.,negative +1566,There are just enough Woody sight gags and one-liners for this film to keep its head above water.,negative +1567,"Even when the movie's overplayed or undercooked, its roughhousing energy grows on you.",positive +1568,"The film is a work of craft, from the actors like Mr. Downey, who can deliver a comic line with the timing of a mouse trap, to the editors, Jeffrey Ford and Lisa Lassek, upon whom so much of the movie's very elegant fluidity rests ...",positive +1569,Gregory Hines as a cyborg hunter? The casting couldn't be more perfect if Ben Vereen were cast as the lead in Terminator 5.,negative +1570,"Early on we see the guys, crammed into a small room, rip through a version of Up on Cripple Creek so transcendent it could only be played by musicians connecting on a spiritual level.",positive +1571,"Frame to frame, yawn to yawn . . .",negative +1572,"It starts off at a listless, unflattering pace, but before the show is over, the Technicolor VistaVision musical is resuscitated, finishing off with a flair. ",positive +1573,"There's an unshakable menace that lingers, a tale of guilt and regret that burrows its way under the skin.",positive +1574,"Infinity War works on a visual, narrative and emotional level.",positive +1575,McConaughey brings a rough-around-the-edges humanity to his character...whose gradual transition from homophobic swindler to altruist is handled with a refreshing degree of nuance.,positive +1576,"A new, and arguably improved, Walking Tall, starring pro wrestler-turned-actor, The Rock.",positive +1577,"Proof that Hollywood can make riveting ""true story"" dramas, even by sticking to the facts.",positive +1578,Skolimowski and Piaskowska have produced a film that takes us on a thoughtful journey that offers much to contemplate about the essence of being.,positive +1579,"[Snapping] from big to small to big to small, special effects transform Rudd into a micro-Bruce Lee. He appears to be having a blast. I know I was.",positive +1580,A gripping exercise in visual storytelling.,positive +1581,"Try and find this film, watch it and talk about it. The issues that it covers are ones that beg to be discussed, and this piece has only scratched the surface.",positive +1582,"An up-close and personal look at the psychology of war -- their war and, by extension, all war.",positive +1583,"You can't spend this much time being too cool for school and earn a sentimental rimshot--it's the boy who cried ""human.""",negative +1584,...benefits from the uniformly superb performances...,positive +1585,An intelligent cat and mouse thriller with Pacino and Williams taking turns at being the cat.,positive +1586,"Despite a fairly intriguing first hour that captures the original film's leisurely pace and street-smart mood, what finally conks Shaft's afro is a third act that lacks a compelling, forward-moving plot.",positive +1587,Misfire with Streisand doesn't know if it's funny or pitiful. But it IS depressing.,negative +1588,Unpredictable and gratifying.,positive +1589,"The real-life heroes in this story deserve better than a formulaic, poorly shot melodrama.",negative +1590,Homage of movie musicals of years past has a certain charm but fails to live up to its illustrious predecessors.,negative +1591,"Eight Below proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Paul Walker is a walking Botox laboratory, devoid of any screen presence or the necessary emotional projection to sell this film.",negative +1592,"Complex, intellectually rigorous and yet incredibly enjoyable on multiple levels.",positive +1593,"[A] sensitive, luxuriantly filmed documentary ...",positive +1594,More than content to simply toss the same exact formula into the microwave and deliver its lukewarm cinematic leftovers to an always-hungry audience.,negative +1595,"Advertising's a great documentary subject. Unfortunately, 'Art & Copy,' as slick and stylish as it is, doesn't do an adequate job of exploring its subject.",negative +1596,"A celebration of excess that will certainly entertain diehard fans, but is also easily the most insular and self-congratulatory Fast film yet.",positive +1597,"Even for those of us who aren't comic-book devotees, Captain America: Civil War scores as pure cinematic escapism.",positive +1598,The sweet and sentimental Summerland could be the closest most of us get to a British seaside vacation this year.,positive +1599,"It's basically a one-joke movie, but DeVito manages to make the joke hold up.",positive +1600,"Mongol is a little slow at times, but you do a get a good history lesson while you get to see blood spraying and bodies flying all over the place.",positive +1601,"Its cheesy earnestness goes down relatively smoothly, and with a shout-out to Nintendo maestro Shigeru Miyamoto and an offhand reference to ""Super Mario Bros.,"" it demonstrates that it knows its gaming stuff.",positive +1602,"If Napoleon Dynamite's Napoleon and Deb lived happily ever after and had a kid, that kid might be Spork.",positive +1603,"Lion starts strong and finishes on a teary high, with its comparatively lesser moments buoyed by the presence of Patel.",positive +1604,[A] purposefully infuriating documentary.,positive +1605,the 'reality drama' that unfolds on-screen takes viewers away from the real ecological issue (much as it took Stewart away from his diving),negative +1606,"Although its story is horrifying, Osama wisely makes its points through irony and understatement.",positive +1607,"Warm in its loving yet unforgivingly inconsistent depiction of everyday people, relaxed in its perfect quiet pace and proud in its message. I loved this film.",positive +1608,An affectionate skewering of a genre that is too often portrayed as purely harmless escapism.,positive +1609,This is a wise-guy opera with barely one memorable aria.,negative +1610,"In all, something of a squandered opportunity.",negative +1611,Babel is arresting thanks to the complexities of the storytelling and Inarritu's deft ability to massage the audience.,positive +1612,"Aileen Wuornos is raw, fascinating and less than ideally organized. But as a portrait of a world obsessed with cashing in on tragedy, it couldn't be more timely.",positive +1613,The Fabelmans may be a light, average film that's not particularly memorable, but thanks to an exceptional ensemble and an intriguing story of how a cinematic genius got his start, it becomes well-worth the somewhat lengthy two and a half hour investment.,positive +1614,"Given how bare-bones the plan is, it's reasonable to wonder how the movie fills its excessive two-and-a-half-hour runtime, which typically signals at least some misjudged form of ambition or indulgence.",negative +1615,"As infomercials go, the doc is funnier than a Sham-Wow! spot, but it's still an infomercial.",positive +1616,"The edges might have been sanded off, but this is one guided wildlife tour worth taking.",positive +1617,Absorbing and ultimately uplifting.,positive +1618,"This is the same Enterprise crew we've known for 40-plus years, but they're just different enough to pop a few surprises on you.",positive +1619,"Despite the fun of the third act, it can't erase those first 90 minutes, and the harsh tonal shift between the two.",negative +1620,A brilliant cast shines in David O. Russell's deliriously funny account of the notorious Abscam case.,positive +1621,Its empathy and artful way of conveying honest observation struck a chord with me...,positive +1622,"Robin did not review ""Battlefield Earth""",negative +1623,"Yet, as captivating of an examination it is, the film constantly threatens to lose its audience, its pace, and lack of empathy for its characters disconnecting. The inevitability of Monday has found this film.",negative +1624,"Rather than being informative or pointed, Spurlock presents as mostly smug and smarmy.",negative +1625,For all its slick surface pleasures, this wild ride through the life and career of The King winds up providing little insight that couldn’t be found on a placard at Graceland.,negative +1626,"Susan Tyrrell, an Oscar nominee for her supporting role in 1972's Fat City, offers the most inventive acting as the family's suspicious maid; everything else about this soapy drama is rote and predictable.",negative +1627,Interviews with the mothers and footage of the birth process combine to offer intimate portraits of women preparing for and experiencing this natural phenomenon that has become increasingly mechanized.,positive +1628,While the script is shaky, Knock at the Cabin features some of M. Night Shyamalan's best direction in a while.,positive +1629,"Somewhat erotic and warm, and pleasant to gaze at.",negative +1630,"Transformers: Age of Extinction, despite the hopeful ring of finality in the title, is merely another chapter in the saga, and far and away the worst one so far.",negative +1631,Murphy once swore never to make another "Beverly Hills Cop" movie and never to work with John Landis again. He should have kept both promises.,negative +1632,"Onward is a masterpiece, and an unmissable fantasy adventure from Pixar. Stars Chris Pratt and Tom Holland steal the show, and this is a vibrant, wonderfully exciting world we definitely hope to return to.",positive +1633,"Neeson's acknowledgment of - and possible own fatigue with - portraying characters like these gives the latest iteration of an increasingly familiar story surprising emotionality, without depriving audiences of the expected brutality and body count.",positive +1634,Mr. Holmes is a solid (if unremarkable) period drama that is anchored by a great Ian McKellen performance as an old Sherlock Holmes,positive +1635,“Running time” takes on more than one meaning when it comes to this compact thriller for which Franka Potente probably wishes she could have been paid by the kilometer.,positive +1636,"There's plenty of skin and acrobatic positioning in Catherine Breillat's The Last Mistress, but the ferocious passions they signify are far more interesting.",positive +1637,"Brace yourself for several extended, sexually-explicit scenes which would qualify as soft porn. Rebels in heat looking for release, not for love or a relationship.",positive +1638,Eternals has a lot of heart and beauty that drips off the screen when you watch it.,positive +1639,The rather depressingly realistic approach to adult relationships... piles on grottiness and misery to a point beyond which it gets absurd.,negative +1640,"It's a great day in America when the complicated looks so easy, and when we expect smart storytelling as a rule, not the exception.",positive +1641,It's remarkable how the result of a good movie can be boiled down to good writing and acting. [Full review in Spanish],positive +1642,"For its merits as a dynamic nonfiction piece incisively dealing with a pivotal issue from heartbreakingly human angle, ""Us Kids"" is indispensable viewing for anyone who genuinely cares about the future of this country beyond ""thoughts and prayers.""",positive +1643,Staub and Dan Walser largely avoid the hood clichés in showing how strangers can discover and come to respect each other over a fireside chat and John Coltrane.,positive +1644,"Despite its refreshingly straightforward style and compelling performers, the movie feels encased in an invisible, filmy membrane of its own. Soderbergh keeps his characters on one side of the wall and his audience on the other.",negative +1645,Dom's adventures make for a pretty thin garment in which to cloth such an outsize antihero.,negative +1646,"Where Murder On The Orient Express succeeds is in Branagh's fast pacing and the suspense he maintains throughout; each suspect is given screen time, and each has a plausible reason for murder, but none of them are lingered on for too long.",positive +1647,"At one point, a filmmaker must draw a line in the sand so his audience knows how to react. This movie dances across such a line until it is no longer there.",negative +1648,"The need to ""honor"" the original 'Candyman' is a fatal flaw, which complicates the storytelling and the moralizing. The filmmakers should have been allowed to ""rip-off, don't remake"" this IP.",negative +1649,"A wearisome, empty-headed mess, barely feeling as if it is a completed film at all. When it is over, its memory—just like an otherworldly probe—all but entirely vanishes in an instant.",negative +1650,"The film struggles mightily to dramatize the work of reading, writing, and editing, with loud scratches of red pencil on paper.",negative +1651,An icy and humorless -- but entirely suspenseful -- film that works mostly because of its unpredictability.,positive +1652,"Despite the inconsistencies, Skyscraper manages to take Dwayne Johnson and make him an immortal and infallible being that still connects perfectly with who sees it: his admirers... [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +1653,"This style may make the film's subject matter more ""acceptable"" to a wider audience, but it also greatly stifles its impact, making it a largely unmemorable experience that illuminates little and impresses even less.",negative +1654,I have to admit that I had a pretty good time watching the film unfold in its amiably haphazard fashion.,positive +1655,"This isn't a movie, it's a rapsheet, a series of assaults committed against its cast and its viewers.",negative +1656,"A hell of a drug, the kind of movie that seems almost purposely designed to convince all but the most jaded members of its audience of the expressive power of the medium.",positive +1657,"Secretariat is a good-natured but thunderingly clichéd triumph-against-the-odds tale, almost every line a cornball aphorism about following your heart.",negative +1658,"A barbed romantic comedy with a distinct debt to the Farrelly brothers' gross-out-plus-sentimentality formula, Just Friends is a welcome antidote to the usual seasonal sweetness.",positive +1659,"It's arguably the most beautiful of rock movies, while the musical highlights - 'The Weight' with the Staples Singers, Van Morrison's firebolt 'Caravan', every Levon Helm vocal - still astound.",positive +1660,"A revved-up vision of gloriously twisted design, propulsive momentum and resonant mythmaking.",positive +1661,"It's all the more frustrating when the film starts to feel draggy and repetitive, and then kind of sidesteps its own climax. But along the way it brims with joy and pain, discovery and oblivion. And that makes it well worth seeing.",positive +1662,"It presents four people who no longer care to exist, then fails to make a strong case for why their continued existence is necessary or desirable.",negative +1663,The movie quickly sinks into a terminal case of the cutes and extreme predictability - amid the usual surfeit of wacky supporting characters.,negative +1664,"Dough is fun, a sweet-natured confection with a hopeful message about unity that is well-suited for our socially complex, divided times.",positive +1665,"None of the characters seems particularly believable, except Lake's; she brings some feeling to a thin role. And the campy, ""outrageous"" comedy is pretty thin, too.",negative +1666,The enthusiastic ensemble cast works so well together that you'll swear they've been doing it for years. They are so perky and cute that they're a hard act not to adore.,positive +1667,It's a shame that a movie with so many genuinely funny and talented people involved wasn't better.,negative +1668,"The film didn't move or surprise me per se, but it's definitely a solid addition to Mr. Burton's impressive resume and should fulfill all those who adore him.",positive +1669,The movie spins and spins, slowly dissipating its energy until it turns itself from a potentially great film into a merely adequate one.,positive +1670,"Unflinching, graphic depictions of illicit sex and boil-lancing are memorable, but the family's moral ambiguities and sense of lost prestige are what fascinate the most.",positive +1671,A real step up for Apatow. His masterpiece? Quite possibly.,positive +1672,It's a thriller that feels like a documentary.,positive +1673,That the main characters are played by James Franco and Jonah Hill makes it more interesting - a good thing because most of the story is two guys sitting around talking. You'll be glad it's them.,positive +1674,"The pangs of unrequited love are a familiar staple in high-school movies, but it's not often that they involve an altercation with a flying saucer.",positive +1675,"An entertaining piece of pure Frenchness which reminds us of the value of older people in a world where the potential for lifelong ''education, education, education'' exists everywhere all of the time.",positive +1676,This is a film that skims the surface layer of politesse from human interactions and reveals us as the blustering bundles of ego that we all are.,positive +1677,"It's the end of the world, and we sure do know it, but in this umpteenth version of the apocalypse, I am dying from ennui.",negative +1678,While there is nothing wrong with being compared to a master of body horror, Possessor removes Cronenberg from his fathers shadow to show an original, provocative, and ambitious auteur in not just one of the 2020s best horror films.,positive +1679,"Nothing wrecks the mood of a high-toned British period piece about erotic obsession quicker than an unintentional laugh. In which case, prepare for Asylum to be derailed by snorts in all the wrong places.",negative +1680,"In this highly entertaining documentary, directed by Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow, De Palma mounts a robust defence of the more contentious moments of his career, while also taking a few well-aimed potshots at the current state of the film industry.",positive +1681,Top-notch summer entertainment.,positive +1682,Love's Kitchen is a rural British romcom that appears to have been assembled by a committee of village idiots.,negative +1683,"To describe Happy Together as unpredictable is an understatement, as Wong's free-style film-making steers the narrative in any number of directions. ",positive +1684,"The flaws in The Golden Bowl, like the crack in the bowl itself, don't detract from its intriguing beauty.",positive +1685,"it is a German film that is being hailed for its stylishness, even to the degree that it's worth seeing just for its look...",positive +1686,"Evokes profound melancholy over its characters' personal losses and the real-world plight of black Americans, while also nurturing a vital existential truth: A person is more than the four walls that surround them.",positive +1687,"Chan has resorted to the use of two things I thought I'd never see in association with him: CGI and a stunt-man. And those elements are all that's needed to make this movie seem like every other low-budget, run-of -the-mill action film out there.",negative +1688,"Somewhere between the mixed messages and the innuendo is a poisonous combination that may be worse than snake venom. That's not to say that this kid movie doesn't have some redeeming aspects, but they may be buried deep in the Australian outback.",positive +1689,"Sisters are doing it for themselves in this jolly college horror flick - if by ""it"" you mean horrible slaughter and softcore nudity.",negative +1690,A fire-sale slapstick scenario.,negative +1691,At its best this is a CQ (as in chuckle quietly) comedy rather than an LOL (as in laugh out loud) affair.,negative +1692,As far as animation geared toward younger audiences, Puss In Boots: The Last Wish feels like older crowds were taken very much into consideration when they were writing and animating this gem.,positive +1693,"Flight is a messy return to live-action filmmaking for Zemeckis, but its strongest scenes -- and especially that plane crash -- are reason enough to be glad he's back.",positive +1694,"As icky a comedy as you're likely to see this year, Flower comes from an angry place - one that is clearly more concerned about sounding provocative and clever than having anything meaningful to say.",negative +1695,"While an inspirational faith-based film, FATHER STU is all over the map in tone and the storytelling is often lazy. You will, however, shed a tear because you are invested in Stu's journey and the stellar cast.",positive +1696,"Funny when you least expect it and driven by great performances from Bridges and Steinfeld, True Grit is every bit as good as it looks, but it's far from the Coens' best.",positive +1697,... we get action sequence after action sequence...,positive +1698,it's probably the most fun I've had in a theater being on the verge of losing my cookies,positive +1699,"Gervais' irreverent fable looks at truth, lies, and faith.",positive +1700,Fantastic Four is a movie that could have been a lot better - but it could also have been a lot worse.,positive +1701,Weirdness for weirdness' sake is celebrated here with an unsavory relish that is anything but viewer-friendly.,negative +1702,"Using the clever premise, it packs a lot of thrills into a short space while keeping the level of tension consistently high.",positive +1703,The remainder of the picture suffers from a predictable lack of originality. But the inability to consistently entertain is an issue of its own creation.,negative +1704,"A devastating portrait of the way things have always been done clashing with the urgency of reality, of a person against a system.",positive +1705,"This isn't to diminish The Valet's good times, only to admit that it'll inevitably wind up with an English-language makeover and an 8 p.m. slot on ABC.",negative +1706,A series of nonsensical vignettes strung together with even more nonsense,negative +1707,The Avengers will undoubtedly please nearly all fanboys and most other moviegoers hoping for the quintessential popcorn flick experience.,positive +1708,Undersea Barbie adventure will enchant little ones.,positive +1709,"Fox can't decide if Walk on Water is a terrorist thriller or a gay buddy story, and neither can the viewer.",negative +1710,"In attempting to keep faith with the original novel, Branagh concentrates too much on design and content, and loses the heart and soul of the story in the process.",negative +1711,There isn't a moment in this film that doesn't make you metaphorically hold your breath. It just reminds you that nothing has changed and makes you ponder (gulp) will it ever?,positive +1712,"Just as Beethoven's composing process is equated to that of a sculptor like Michelangelo, Grabsky has sculpted a mesmerising film ripe with crescendos and modulations that allow us an even greater appreciation of the man's music",positive +1713,"Overlord is almost something special, with its manic depravity and Nazi-stomping speculative-fiction escapism. Had it been finessed to maximize its weirdness, it could have been a From Dusk till Dawn bit of inspired horror-hued tonal mashup.",positive +1714,"The special is actually a bit more emotionally grounded than the series had been in a while... But most of this special is just comedy -- fast, furious, very strange comedy from some of the best practitioners in the business.",positive +1715,Abdellatif Kechiche takes all the time in the world to narrate the emergence and possible sentimental catastrophe of this young couple... [Full review in Spanish],positive +1716,"With heart, laughs and one of the purest on-screen friendships this year, it is hard not to fall in love with The Peanut Butter Falcon.",positive +1717,"Favouring long, oblique takes, this is 'slow cinema' so slow that, an hour or so in, even one of its protagonists nods off.",positive +1718,"As offbeat as this tale may seem, they make it seem true-to-life, as do the scruffy suburban locations.",positive +1719,"Most of the credit for The Challenger's success belongs to Hurt, who has made a career of bringing slightly damaged, awkwardly distant but morally grounded characters to life. His portrayal of Feynman hits all the right notes.",positive +1720,"The story rarely flows because of the mise-en-scène, with too many contrivances and without confidence in the full comedy of the general plan. [Full Review in Spanish]",negative +1721,"As disgusting as the movie is, the ride is never dull, but there's no need to take on the film to begin with unless there's something a little off inside your head.",negative +1722,"Knoxville's arrival marks the end of Dogtown as a free-flowing lark and the beginning of the film's over-determined and predictable ""rise-and-fall"" story arcs.",negative +1723,"It is a straightforward, stark, no-frills story, which Saulnier's script tells with no extraneous sub-plots or characters padding the narrative.",positive +1724,"A visually marvellous work, with stunning imagery and design.",positive +1725,"Mickey Blue Eyes has most of the ingredients in place for another one of those married-to-the-mob comedies, but the central character has to hold it together, and Hugh Grant is wrong for the role.",negative +1726,It's such a visual stunner you might well forget how humdrum a story it encompasses.,positive +1727,Anyone who's not profiting directly from this arrangement won't want to stick around to hash out the details.,negative +1728,"Campion and company may like to think they've made something provocative, moody and new but it's really just Looking For Mr. Goodbar with extra nuts.",negative +1729,"Don't count on being swept away by this contrived, predictable shipwrecked romance.",negative +1730,"[A] frightening, darkly comic picture ...",positive +1731,Todd Glass has put together a truly strange and subversive hour of comedy.,positive +1732,"[T]here is a wonderful, dark creative spark in its approach that is deeply unsettling and lingers in your brain long after the house lights have gone up.",positive +1733,"Rife with nods to B-horror and kaiju fare, Violence Voyager is a brutally inventive nightmare born of a singular, disturbing vision.",positive +1734,A very frank and gritty story about two brothers.,positive +1735,You don't need to be a fan of eccentric Japanese sculptor and installation artist Yayoi Kusama to appreciate this documentary about her life and career.,positive +1736,"A professionally crafted family film that reserves all its challenging moments for its characters, letting the audience bask comfortably in the approach of a predetermined warm and fuzzy ending.",positive +1737,Yet his [Tom Cruise's] charisma is what keeps Barry Levinson’s film running smoothly.,positive +1738,"And so I have to wonder: in a world with basically unlimited entertainment options, with multiple projects in every conceivable genre, who is The Bookshop even for?",negative +1739,"A warm, lovely film about platonic affection and the human need for connection.",positive +1740,"The effects are obviously a bit rough around the edges, and the acting is very mixed.",negative +1741,"It's set up as a descent into the heart of darkness, but it ends up playing out in pallid shades of grey.",negative +1742,"And Then We Danced is thus part political rebellion, part masterpiece romance, and a true privilege to witness.",positive +1743,"In many ways it's the best horror film I've ever seen. At the same time, it's hard to recommend; I believe I will be struggling to forget this film as long as I live. I doubt I'll succeed.",positive +1744,This was so bold and so different.,positive +1745,A one-of-a-kind story about filmmaking dreams deferred and eventually realized. (Broad Street Review),positive +1746,Ana de Armas’ portrayal of Norma is powerful, her performance suggesting layers and levels Dominik just isn’t interested in probing.,positive +1747,"Thanos is an idiot, but neither he nor the filmmakers know this.",negative +1748,"Compelling, stunning and exhilarating, there are not enough superlatives to describe Whiplash and the impact of its lead performances.",positive +1749,"... the detail is fascinating and it is mesmerizing to watch this idealistic rebellion swamped by obsession, revolutionary fervor and the psychotic drive of Andreas Baader...",positive +1750,Gast's presentation is super-slick and surprisingly dynamic for a film concerned with still images.,positive +1751,"Snappy, sarcastic, implausible caper that looses almost all momentum 1 hour in. Also, how do you feel about Bill Nighy and Emily Blunt making out? If you just threw up in your mouth a little, you might wanna avoid this.",positive +1752,"An uplifting documentary about a musician, but also about sympathy, compassion, and basic humanity.",positive +1753,Inside Out is outstanding. Astonishing. Sensational.,positive +1754,There's not so much separation after all from this kind of testosterone-fuelled **** opera and the typical Sandra Bullock romantic comedy.,negative +1755,[Back to Bataan achieves] that new steely-hard objectivity which Hollywood itself has finally caught up with in its approach to total war.,positive +1756,"King Richard sits on its throne due to Will Smith. Without him, the long runtime and cliches might have been more of a bother. Instead, this is a solid studio crowd-pleaser.",positive +1757,"The main problem with Mirrors is its truly clunky screenplay, which fails to support the often stylish visuals.",negative +1758,"This forced, charmless multi-character movie pretends to show women in all their glorious variety, but it really just traffics in the same old cliches.",negative +1759,Enables us to ride the waves of emotion during Beethoven's premier performance of the majestic Ninth Symphony and to savor the composer's spiritual perceptions of his music.,positive +1760,Definitely one of the worst films of the year.,negative +1761,"Despite the trope of the predatory lesbian being the engine behind its plot, Notes on a Scandal is delicious fun. A most enjoyable entry into the hagsploitation genre with serious art house credentials.",positive +1762,A witty satire on TV news? No. An inspiring lesson about following your heart? Nope. The worst comedy you'll see all year? Oh yes.,negative +1763,They get some amazing sounds from unusual sources... This film is a visual and auditory experience.,positive +1764,"Years may pass for these characters, but they aren't growing up alongside their audience.",negative +1765,A vital moment in the career of one of cinema's most important directors and a searingly tense thriller in its own right.,positive +1766,The special kind of history project that can expand your film knowledge as much as it might warm your heart.,positive +1767,"The final result, however, is a complete oddity that is less an interesting political satire and more the piercing examination of butter carving competitions that no one ever asked for.",negative +1768,"Despite the veneer of vomit-stained raucousness, it's fairly mild stuff ...",negative +1769,"Lacklustre, featuring little by way of horror or indeed comedy, relying on thinly spread visual gags over real thought.",negative +1770,"It's short enough, straight-up, moves fast and keeps you guessing. I didn't hate this, I even had fun...",positive +1771,"Man, ""Baggage Claim"" is terrible.",negative +1772,"""Higher Ground'' is a noble failure, a case of an artist loving a character so much that she loses sight of why.",negative +1773,"The more you ruminate on Synecdoche, New York, the more resonance you find in it.",positive +1774,"That kind of finely honed opening, introducing and previewing what's to come in the full production like an overture in a Broadway musical, is documentary filmmaking at its best.",positive +1775,Sonic Youth should sue.,negative +1776,"The Maze Runner generally has ambitious production values, is well edited and boasts a thumping score. Think of it as Lord Of the Flies meets Alien.",positive +1777,Most interesting is a look in how the 4Chan malcontents grew into a group so antisocial it viewed the rise of Trump as its own victory.,positive +1778,"The biggest problem is the script, which is poorly constructed and unconvincing on every level. It also takes frequent lurches into ridiculousness.",negative +1779,"This adaptation of Thompson's 1952 novel about a cunning, psychotic sheriff's deputy in a small Texas town locates the killer inside him and immerses us in the cold calculation and horrible logic that pull him from one murder to the next.",positive +1780,"A kluge of bad science and worse science fiction clichés, it tries to be atmospheric and scary but succeeds only at being frustrating and tedious.",negative +1781,"It seems to please the Baby Boomer generation, but it didn't please me.",negative +1782,"Overall, the film leans too much on tacky wallpaper, Todd Rundgren cuts, and Tyler's radiant niceness.",negative +1783,"While the use of animation recalls the tone of Terry Gilliam's work on the old BBC shows, the big problem is just how whimsical it all feels.",negative +1784,"An instance of too many ideas & narrative styles, Dead Night fails to work how it should. A valiant turn from Crampton sadly cannot save this jumbled & confusing story.",negative +1785,"Like the movie she's in, Olive is smart, sarcastic, and never snarky.",positive +1786,"A hive of broad, brilliant performances.",positive +1787,"Is it possible to enjoy the company of the world's most irritating woman? Mike Leigh's surprisingly sunny dramedy makes a pretty good case that, in fact, it is.",positive +1788,A great cinematic touchstone.,positive +1789,"A tour-de-force from Brazil that brought its director and co-writer, Héctor Babenco, international celebrity. Forty years on, the film packs no less a gut punch than on its initial release.",positive +1790,"It's cool, but it's also good, in the way Oscar winning movies are good. Go see it.",positive +1791,"As directing debuts go, Coriolanus could easily pass for the work of an accomplished master, and though the storytelling lends itself to easy confusion (owing more to the source material than to the execution), the emotional impact reads loud and clear.",positive +1792,[The movie] makes up in vitality what it loses in veracity.,positive +1793,"The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild feels like a tangent, or perhaps a try-out pilot for a small screen Crash & Eddie ‘toon. What it doesn’t feel like is a feature film.",negative +1794,Actually I quite enjoyed the movie--but how do I get rid of this awful discharge?,positive +1795,"Filmed in Spain and Canada, Red Lights is limply staged and even more uninspiringly shot - everywhere looks like nowhere. The effect of all this is a total lack of emotional connection to these characters right from the start.",negative +1796,"Brought to the screen by Ryuichi Hiroki, a master of the genre, ""Namiya"" comes off like the Japanese version of a Nicholas Sparks vehicle, minus the love story.",positive +1797,"Driven by a whip-smart script from James and co-writer Christian White, Relic is a rich and layered text that's both harrowing and emotionally nuanced and textured.",positive +1798,"Much like his hero, Christopher Nolan's goal seems to be to take the humor and wildness out of imagination, to see invention in rigidly practical and scientific terms.",negative +1799,The guiltiest of guilty pleasures; campy sci-fi soft core that will have you rolling with laughter.,positive +1800,A captivating and intriguing work of cinema which will stay with you long after the credits roll.,positive +1801,"While its well-founded intentions and creative intuitions are palpable, not even a tortuously acrobatic performance from Aaron Taylor-Johnson saves A Million Little Pieces from consistently sober storytelling.",negative +1802,"Light, but lovely. John Cena and Kate McKinnon are great here. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1803,"You get the feeling that the filmmakers did their homework and that they're here to represent a harsh reality.""",positive +1804,This is Marvel movie light. It's meant as teen-friendly summer popcorn entertainment. And at that it succeeds.,positive +1805,"It can't keep up the pace and it fails to generate the laughs that adults have enjoyed in Disney's past two summer hits, Mulan and Hercules.",negative +1806,"This triple-Oscar-winning boxing drama is shot through with genuine impassioned commitment, born of the fact that Sylvester Stallone realised that this was his best hope of stardom.",positive +1807,"At 134 minutes, Speed Racer throws so much color on the screen for so long, younger viewers (and even some not-so-young ones) will get worn out and want this ride to stop.",negative +1808,Stiller's scenes with the gifted Adam Driver escalate into generational comic warfare of a high order. Baumbach touches a raw nerve.,positive +1809,"De Palma's approach is more derivative than in the vein of an homage, and his pacing is way off the mark.",negative +1810,Strong performances and interesting ideas make the film worth a gamble but it's far from the relationship classic it longs to be.,positive +1811,THE LITTLE HOURS dares to be different in a world of filmmaking that exclaims the only way to be successful is to assimilate.,positive +1812,"Deeply uncomfortable but profoundly rewarding. Retrograde is quite a ride. + +",positive +1813,"The movie on its own terms is an entirely likable thriller, if a bit light on intelligence and personality.",positive +1814,There has to be a few advantages to never growing old. Like being able to hit on a 15-year old when you're over 100.,positive +1815,"The sheer, obstinate oddness of 'Tale of Tales' sends crowd-pleasers like 'Game of Thrones' and 'The Hobbit' scuttling into the shadows.",positive +1816,"Arnaud Desplechin's sprawling family drama is sharply observed and superbly acted, but it's also far too long and fails to engage on an emotional level.",positive +1817,"A tender, tragic love story of sorts from first-time helmer Patric Chiha.",positive +1818,"Amidst quotes and references to 90s movies, a lot of fun, and fast-paced action scenes that are always comprehensible, these bad guys start looking at themselves in the mirror... [Full review in Spanish]",positive +1819,"Not all of Kajillionaire works (especially during its opening hour), but it ends up being July's most profoundly moving work to date by the conclusion.",positive +1820,"It's a thoroughly enjoyable film, with candid interviews with people involved in making the movie as well as various pundits.",positive +1821,"Entirely flat, despite the gimmicky effects",negative +1822,A disappointment on every count.,negative +1823,Mother knows best in this unforgettable thriller.,positive +1824,"There's great charm, and also discomfort, in watching these highly motivated, excited women learn the tricks of a trade practiced very differently from their own, and casually swap horror stories of life under the Taliban.",positive +1825,"...it makes use of too much manipulation and miserabilism, which turns the film into quite the uncomfortable experience. [Full review in Spanish]",negative +1826,"It's depressing that such a lavish and expensive production, starring an important actor like Tom Cruise, could be devoted to such a shallow story.",negative +1827,"Horror Express looks back not entirely nostalgically at British imperialist values from the turn of the century... It's a fun ride while it lasts, even if few of its images are likely to remain imprinted on your retina.",positive +1828,Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade closed the decade in style.,positive +1829,"It's a powerful, well-crafted film and a striking depiction of a side of growing up few filmmakers have tried to put on film. Fewer still have captured it with this sort of honesty and emotional gravity.",positive +1830,"She shoehorns their personal details into predictable teen movie narrative arcs, draining any life out of them in the process and turning them into annoying caricatures. narrative arcs, draining any life out of them in the process and turni",negative +1831,"In Garbage Dreams, Mai Iskander's handsomely shot and intermittently fascinating look at Cairo's Zaballeen community of trash collectors, the filmmaker documents an entire population faced with extinction.",positive +1832,Benefits from its economy as well as its comedy.,positive +1833,It's not whether this prequel can mint money; that's a given. The questions is: Can the minions carry a movie all by their mischievous mini-selves? 'Fraid not.,negative +1834,Look at the Pictures: It restores a sense of the forbidden to Mapplethorpe that's been lost in the years of worship.,positive +1835,"Billy Zane proves he should be Superman, and Catherine Zeta-Jones breaks out before Zorro. Very campy, but well worth it.",positive +1836,"At its best, the movie makes you feel like a kindred spirit.",positive +1837,"Even with his weaker movies, Woody Allen is more astute than about 80 percent of filmmakers out there.",positive +1838,"Crazed Fruit was like nothing anyone in Japan had seen before, at least from one their own. If the film doesn't seem quite so groundbreaking today, it is only because its style and themes have been driven into the ground by countless others.",positive +1839,The performers nearly sabotage the effort.,negative +1840,"Aniston impressively handles a wide range of emotions -- from alienation to lust to fear to resignation to despair to sadness to hope -- she's also good, as would be expected, in some of the film's lighter moments.",positive +1841,"Ordinary Love is an honest reflection of what it takes to live through sickness and health, once the passionate bells and whistles have faded, and hold steady for whatever lies ahead.",positive +1842,"Bland, bloodless thriller.",negative +1843,"The film jogs along uncertain whether it is aiming to be an episode of Friends or a Farrelly brothers farce. Overrun with fart jokes, it is fitfully funny and hamstrung by a sentimental and implausible plot.",negative +1844,"Even at the end of three hours, the accents still never stopped being an annoyance.",negative +1845,"A ""just say no"" (or ""nyet"") PSA disguised as a thriller.",negative +1846,"Talley's accomplishments are many, but like the man himself, the movie doesn't veer into hyperbole and aggrandizement. In keeping with its subject, it keeps things quietly honest.",positive +1847,What he's achieved here is a beautifully crafted movie likely to have audiences talking long afterward.,positive +1848,"It wants to be a serious movie about relationships, but it also has a responsibility to the boxoffice, so at times it reaches for an outrageousness that betrays its attempts at humanity.",negative +1849,As a portrait of teenage sociopathy - whether real or affected - it's a worthwhile and delightfully misanthropic watch.,positive +1850,"Inspired casting of voice actors is one of several pleasures in this fun film for children, which has enough social satire to satisfy adults as well.",positive +1851,"Coupling that dynamic with the emotional substance of Ishmael's existential woe makes Headshot a soul-rattling, hand-wringing affair made with Tjahjanto and Stamboel's daringly aggressive sense of craft.",positive +1852,"For a movie that might have offered a new twist of the mistletoe, The Preacher's Wife delivers the Scrooge-like acceptable market minimum.",negative +1853,"Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon have told their own story in a funny, highly engaging way that doesn't feel precious or sanitized, but instead is relatable and engrossing from start to finish. And you'll laugh a hell of a lot.",positive +1854,It has all the philosophical depth of a greetings card message but it's underscored with a nasty little edge of misogyny.,negative +1855,"Neither drama nor comedy, it's safe stuff, and most un-Muppetlike. So much for great expectations.",negative +1856,"Visually stunning, this documentary by Chinese-Canadian filmmaker Yung Chang is part travelogue, part social critique of China's economic miracle and the sweeping cultural changes it is forcing in its wake.",positive +1857,An excruciatingly tense teen film that's too good for teens.,positive +1858,A camp delight of a documentary that relishes in a queer sensibility...,positive +1859,"The measured interaction of Luchini and Knudsen is a pleasure, with his querulous intelligence and her considered energy creating a dynamic that speaks to their character's quietly held desires.",positive +1860,As lifeless a comedy as you're likely to find this summer.,negative +1861,"Witchcraft remains a fine metaphor for girls claiming agency society may not want them to have. 24 years later, Legacy goes much further.",positive +1862,"The risible special effects and the clumsy acting recall not Roger Corman productions but the ineptitude of Ed Wood, though the result is far less endearing.",negative +1863,"At some point, Piranhas stops trying to be even mildly unique and starts sluggishly going through the motions.",negative +1864,Reveals the Truth,positive +1865,"Undeniably sweet, but it is also undeniably slight, and not remotely as visually rich as we've all come to expect from Studio Ghibli.",positive +1866,Too superficial to shock or surprise.,negative +1867,"Kidnapped is a middling film, although it does have some impressive elements.",negative +1868,"Although it's a bit of a mishmash of grainy videos and media footage, the journey is always engaging. Unlike a lot of music biographies that tell you how to feel, Mystify gives its audience the space and wherewithal to put the pieces together.",positive +1869,Quirky comedy.,positive +1870,DiCaprio never measures up to the task of creating a plausible interpretation of what enabled Hoover to be both heroic and maniacal.,negative +1871,The documentary lasted 80 minutes but the message was beautifully succinct.,positive +1872,"Performances are raw and resonant. The young actors bring a natural energy to their roles, including a terrific sense of physicality.",positive +1873,"Mean Streets (1973) is Martin Scorsese's third full-length feature film - and first important film, with energizing early 60s girl-group and hit rock 'n' roll songs. With a script co-written by the director and Mardik Martin, the original film...",positive +1874,"It has some of the same comic absurdism that ran through Chris Morris's Four Lions, but the satire is combined with lyricism and a sense of mounting tragedy.",positive +1875,"Nothing in this pseudo-comedy, which resembles episodes from three different sitcoms strung together, remotely approximates real life.",negative +1876,A movie that has pleased the public. [Full Review in Spanish],positive +1877,"For what it is and for whom it is intended, it's not a bad movie, just an indifferent one.",negative +1878,The director Eric Steel follows the lead of his introverted protagonist and takes an understated approach to the story.,positive +1879,The very first movie I have seen in the secret agent series to warrant a recommendation.,positive +1880,"While nothing will be as powerful as seeing it live on stage, Hooper directs the film with a straight forward brashness that shows a brave faith in his actors and the material.",positive +1881,"Since this is a Martin Scorsese picture, the film is as much about the power of the image as it is about the power of God.",positive +1882,A surprisingly fine and forceful character study.,positive +1883,"The truth-based story moves at a slow, nerve-paring speed: that is its genius.",positive +1884,"And yet, by now it all comes together into a personal vision, imbecilic and undeniably whole.",positive +1885,Woh Lamhe leaves you cold with its relentless interplay of grief and tragedy.,negative +1886,These kinds of manipulative flourishes constantly threaten to steer the film away from fact and toward fiction.,negative +1887,It raises the inherent implausibility of the rom-com narrative to a new level.,negative +1888,"There are occasional moments that work - a scene here and there - but overall this is a film that, like Hart, should never have sought the spotlight.",negative +1889,"Next time you feel like you're getting fooled again by a demagogue, rent this movie and get centered",positive +1890,"Best-known for the Netflix series The Naked Director, Uchida has dedicated his career to championing marginalised voices, and Midnight Swan appears to have struck a chord with mainstream audiences.",positive +1891,"There's an enjoyable, go-for-broke bullishness in ""Non-Stop"" that echoes its star, Liam Neeson.",positive +1892,These Final Hours is easily my favourite Australian film in years.,positive +1893,"Retaliation isn't hatefully dumb - it's entertainingly dumb. But even after the umpteen millions it cost to make, it never comes close to capturing the imagination like three 3/4"" action figures can.",negative +1894,It’s dull and wearisome and any attempts to resonate do so in the most calculatingly maudlin ways.,negative +1895,"While the overall story stretches credulity and Arab geography for the most part is ignored, for entertainment value The Kingdom rules.",positive +1896,"Breakfast of Champions -- the movie -- isn't the book, but it's probably the best screen adaptation Alan Rudolph or any other director could hope to get out of the source material.",positive +1897,"The movie hovers somewhere between art film and artsy film, the former being something desirable and the latter something that strives failingly toward the former.",negative +1898,"Untold manpower, pixels, and money culminate in the gangbusters final installment. It can't redeem the useless tedium of the first two, which exist for gargantuan profits and structural necessity.",positive +1899,"Rather than evoking neo-realism, it recalls some of the thrillers of French director Jean-Pierre Melville, which synthesized American film noir and European art films into a lean hybrid.",positive +1900,"The spare, humanist influence of Ozu is plain to see here, but Fukada's tone is all his own, simultaneously shot through with violence and compassion.",positive +1901,Shoreditch's very own supermodel Agyness Deyn reinvents herself as an actress in this above-bog-standard gritty Brit drama.,positive +1902,"Though a notch above Made of Honor on the tolerability scale, Vegas takes a shot at love with all the romantic know-how of Tila Tequila.",negative +1903,The Life of Reilly is a tender tale of semi-triumph.,positive +1904,blunt and brutal,positive +1905,Very effective thriller. More scary than sexy.,positive +1906,Paterson is beautiful throughout.,positive +1907,Don't waste your time boarding this Flight.,negative +1908,"If a film could collapse in on itself, due to its slavish devotion to a specific subset of 1980s entertainment, Ready Player One would be that black hole.",negative +1909,The subtle veil of horror draped over things we take for granted as good and wonderful aspects of humanity is deeply unsettling...,positive +1910,"Oh brother, George, where art thou going with this?",negative +1911,"A darkly comic caper movie that's also a frenzied gay romance...not perfect, to be sure, but distinctive.",positive +1912,"Deals with the darker side of growing up, toxic masculinity and substance abuse",positive +1913,Maintains its suspense even though the conclusion is well known.,positive +1914,"Lord of Illusions is also quite repulsive, as it mixes the '40s-style film noir detective genre with ritual killings and supernatural demons.",negative +1915,"Manhattan is more mature, Hannah And Her Sisters has greater range, Zelig is more technically ambitious, but nowhere else does Allen make for such great company.",positive +1916,"Watching the film is often frustrating, but only because it surrounds its interesting subject with half-baked narrative devices, none of which accentuate his story, so much as they drown it out.",negative +1917,"Provides many of the same laughs (unintentional for the most part), based on the return of the senselessly evil possessed toys.",negative +1918,"The bigness of the battle scenes in this part of ""The Hobbit"" masks the fact that Jackson and his co-writers ... have left themselves too little of Tolkien's story to fill a third movie.",positive +1919,"Arguably the subtlest, most carefully textured film of Cronenberg's career.",positive +1920,Between Olivia Munn and newcomer Taegen Burns this melodrama almost makes it.,negative +1921,"It's amazing how much this film does accomplish, given its modesty of both means and scale.",positive +1922,Challenging docudrama about a quixotic crop artist.,positive +1923,"Mr. Spielberg, you have restored my faith in sci-fi -- and more importantly, you have restored my faith in you.",positive +1924,"Anything touched by PJ Harvey is bound to be worth the trouble; even better, Hartley has made one of his better, least grating films.",positive +1925,"Even if your interest is not piqued by the story, the performances alone - especially that by McDormand as the flawed and furious protagonist - make it worth your time.",positive +1926,"How do we loathe thee, The Number 23? Let us count the ways.",negative +1927,"Though it's packed with immaculate design and eye-catching aerial set pieces, the film is ultimately let down by a script that leans too heavily on fantasy adventures of yesteryear.",positive +1928,"By the end, the story does overrun the characters; but we only know them in a superficial way, so it seems natural for them to be secondary to the plot.",positive +1929,"All the stories deal with sex, all three segments tend to photograph their leading actors unflatteringly and all three reveal prominent writer-directors at low ebb.",negative +1930,"Under Wilder's imaginative direction, Milland has been able to convey just what an uncontrollable craving for liquor does to a man's mind, his body and soul.",positive +1931,"How much of this is new and how much has already aired on the History Channel? The film is so mediocre it hardly matters. Diogo Morgado is appealing, if a bit too full of himself.",negative +1932,"J. Edgar is a love story. The fact that one of the lovers is someone you wouldn't want at your dinner table means that the film is handsome, well crafted, but not nearly as involving as it might have been.",positive +1933,...Spontaneous is a home run.,positive +1934,"Unfortunately, if the new animated Sinbad were among the stories she told, poor Sahrazad wouldn't have lasted five minutes.",negative +1935,"What makes Slither work is how nimbly it slaloms from yucks to yuks, slip-sliding from horror to comedy and back again on its gore-slicked foundation.",positive +1936,I found it very hard to get past the eroticised approach to rape and sexual violence which is a pervasive stain on this otherwise intriguing film.,negative +1937,"Hoffman and Streisand give energetic, game performances, but the movie provides them with dispiritingly little material.",negative +1938,"Winogrand's verite style is jaw-dropping. So is his perceptiveness in chronicling an America undergoing a social metamorphosis in the 1960s. His mixture of blacks and whites in black and white are stark, haunting and revealing.",positive +1939,"The film, which is superb, reunites Hanks with his Captain Phillips director, Paul Greengrass, and the reunion is a thrilling one, for the two seem to be learning from one another as they go along...",positive +1940,Bleak but expertly rendered.,positive +1941,Awesome special effects emulating the terrifying splendor of the end of days collide with an austere portrait of the varying reactions and outlooks that people are apt to experience as they stare death irrefutably in the face.,positive +1942,"Occasionally, Reeves forgets what movie he's in and strikes a Neo-like pose.",negative +1943,Featuring two remarkable performances,positive +1944,"The plot should be an excuse for comic invention, but it mostly just gets in the way, which makes me think that a feature film isn't really what Phil and his ilk need or deserve.",negative +1945,How can you not like a movie as good-hearted as this one?,positive +1946,"It has its heart in the right place. If only it had kept a check on its lungs, it might have been a winner.",negative +1947,A steamy lust triangle that would be better if you didn't get the feeling that the guys were competing (kinda like in the cockfight) and Karinna is just the prize that goes to the victor.,negative +1948,"The Man Who Copied unfolds into a movie with a split personality, and the second half is no reproduction of the first.",positive +1949,"It's in te reo but The Dead Lands never feels like it's trying too hard to say anything important. All the same, it may well become a very important film.",positive +1950,A silly western that has Billy the Kid (Bob Steele) become the hero.,negative +1951,There is almost nothing slipshod about the film and I suspect that it will only seem more impressive the further we get from the flurry of hype ...,positive +1952,"Amidst the doom and gloom of all of the 2005 summer blockbusters, this is a light, airy, fun-filled bubblegum romp.",positive +1953,"""Spencer"" is a devastating and grotesque depiction of the iconic royal.",positive +1954,"The landscapes are lovely, and Huppert rises to her usual high form.",positive +1955,"There's no arguing the immensity of it or the beauty of its visual images. But what's around the many show-stopping moments is too generic to send us out of the theater properly awestruck, reverent and wowed.",negative +1956,Titanic will give you your money's worth.,positive +1957,"An enjoyable film, made more so by the performances ... and by dozens of thoughtful touches like Bill Frisell's delicate score.",positive +1958,"Charlie Says wasn't made to glorify the Manson family, but unfortunately the film's acid-drenched orgies are its most compelling parts.",positive +1959,"Starting from a graphic novel, Sena has turned out your standard TV crime show bloated with a monstrous FX budget.",negative +1960,"One of cinema's most heartfelt and sustained (it runs over three hours), if cynical, visions of an individual's powerlessness.",positive +1961,"Though it never teeters into sentimentality, Not One Less inspires genuine tears and laughter.",positive +1962,Melville handles with consummate cinematic mastery the suspenseful set-pieces.,positive +1963,The real-life story behind The Magdalene Sisters is harrowing enough without writer-director Peter Mullan's melodramatic embellishments.,negative +1964,"In a year filled with underwhelming horror films, it's ultimately more of the same, a game where the biggest loser is the audience.",negative +1965,The fun in Goldmember lies in the bottomless capacity by writers Myers and Mike McCullers for raunchy jokes that are both sophomoric and funny.,positive +1966,"Behrman has crafted a classic high school tale of outsiders finding themselves ... The images are sumptuously saturated and gorgeously crafted, and the soundtrack thrums and whines with anxiety and racing pulse.",positive +1967,"The moral incoherence of “Holy Spider” arises precisely from... pretensions, which the movie ultimately can’t reconcile with its garden-variety bloodlust.",negative +1968,"A blistering, on-point expose of the movers and shakers who paved our way into a senseless conflict.",positive +1969,"The Wachowski Brothers, with their vision of this mysterious future world and a new era of cinema, have kicked off 2003's blockbuster summer with a ten-megaton explosion.",positive +1970,"""The Skeleton Twins"" is a lovingly calibrated mix of heartbreak and hopefulness, guilt and the will to do better.",positive +1971,"Amponsah's lines of inquiry could be sharper, but he successfully humanises the people behind the headlines.",positive +1972,"The piece skips along at a good pace, sending forth its chuckles and never becoming over-serious in its play of adventure and romance.",positive +1973,A witty black comedy with sociological aspirations that hits unexpected emotional marks while nimbly sidestepping clichs.,positive +1974,"The truth is that only Rami Malek stands out, although totally delivers, making an impression with every gesture and penetrating look. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +1975,"Iraq in Fragments ... appears to be asking a simple, but often unmentioned, question: Oh yeah, what about the people of Iraq?",positive +1976,"Stands apart for its raw, quiet emotion and its shattering sense of truth.",positive +1977,"Movingly and not-always-convincingly recognizes well-explored truths about the land of opportunity, a melting pot where many have been cooked.",positive +1978,"Although Damon is on brilliantly bumbling form, The Informant! ultimately comes off as Soderbergh's Burn After Reading - a diversionary lark until he gets back to serious filmmaking.",positive +1979,The performances of Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba that manage to keep the film in sync. [Full review in Spanish],positive +1980,The movie finds moments of quiet empathy and observation...,positive +1981,"It's all stunningly visualized with sweeping drone footage, offering sumptuous perspectives on far-flung worlds that seem even further away as we're all homebound these days.",positive +1982,"As Murphy himself decries in the first few moments of the film, ""Horrible, horrible, horrible, that was terrible.""",negative +1983,"There's not much action in The Men Who Stare at Goats, despite ostensibly being a ""war movie"" -- but then again, that's about what you'd expect from a film about a military unit trained to fight with their minds instead of guns. And while the satir",positive +1984,"The Godfather Coda is not worthless, nor is it wholly necessary.",positive +1985,"You can sense the director, Sarah Smick, gearing up to make a point. It proves rather obvious: Real connections are meaningful and too much Facebook is bad.",negative +1986,"The whole film ... is not thrilling or moving; it is interesting, which is fine by me but will not make it a huge success.",negative +1987,An enormously entertaining and surprisingly touching bio-pic.,positive +1988,"There's enough there to make young children and dullards laugh. But when all you've got comedically is the occasional flash of bare Minion booties, you've got problems.",negative +1989,Mirrormask is as breathtakingly beautiful to behold as it is tedious to slog through.,negative +1990,"Adapting his own autobiographical novel, director Dai Sijie's intimacy with his subject allows for a remarkably assured mise-en-scene.",positive +1991,"not without its magical moments, but you really have to want them.",positive +1992,"It's one of the best, most gripping, and smartest films of 2020.",positive +1993,What a relief it is to spend quality movie time with an adolescent girl who isn't pining for a boy or obsessed with social media.,positive +1994,No one could say it overstays its welcome ... [but] I wish they'd indulged themselves a little more.,negative +1995,"Festival is a perfect example in my view, of one of the few types of cinema in which filmic technique validly takes a secondary position to literary-musical content.",positive +1996,A thrillingly paranoid tale of a businessman (Dennis Weaver) and his apocalyptic duel with the driver of a monster truck.,positive +1997,Only on DVD will the movie achieve its true destiny as the perfect slumber-party rental for 12-year-old girls.,negative +1998,"[Maggie's Plan is] plainly shot, casually paced and at times horribly repetitive.",negative +1999,"A cross between Bend It Like Beckham and Cool Runnings, you can see what Disney is pitching from a mile away, but it's polished and pleasant.",positive +2000,Avoids the slickness and self-congratulatory winks of many other comic action films.,positive +2001,"With its light-hearted entertainment, the story of 'The Princess' depicts what a strong woman is capable of and exhorts viewers to ""believe in themselves."" This refreshing take on a fairy tale world is definitely fun to watch.",positive +2002,"Fraser brings earnest sincerity to the role of the heroic dad, but all the lip quivering in the world can't overcome the movie's turgid presentation.",negative +2003,"Though shocking violence and black humor run through the length of the movie, what comes through most strongly is its pessimistic political conscience; were the movie less earnest, it might seem Verhoeven-esque.",positive +2004,The story's the thing. And this one is as subtly deep as it is ridiculously fun.,positive +2005,The movie is a caper without playfulness or wit -- it's accomplished but not much fun.,negative +2006,"This Brit import has several things going for it, including the best 10 opening minutes of any movie we've seen this year.",positive +2007,"Not only does it rehash the original's elements, its story is one of the most unimaginative I've seen.",negative +2008,"LaChapelle does offer a revealing slice of South Central life, but treads some dicey waters.",negative +2009,"Blessed with crisp dialogue, bright wit and a strong lead performance.",positive +2010,"Bogs down in its story, heavy-handed themes, and way too many callbacks to the previous films (including actual footage lifted from them). Whereas the first film had exciting action and special effects, here it feels rote and far too heavily edited.",negative +2011,"You are Constance Wu as she experiences extreme culture shock, not of race, but of money. You feel the tension upon her first exposure and you can't help but empathize with her fear, love, joy, confusion, heartbreak and determination.",positive +2012,"Starting in a cartoonish way, it grows into a well-developed soap opera -- in the best sense of the term.",positive +2013,Beware of nattily dressed strangers knocking at your door ...,positive +2014,"While Cinderella will have its fans (people love a singalong no matter what), this is an update that is neither needed nor likely to enter the pantheon of classic adaptations.",negative +2015,It's amusing by any standard - the offbeat story of two nerdy lonelyhearts who decide to spend a summer on the wild side.,positive +2016,"If ""Don Jon"" feels like a film that is spread too thin amongst multiple genres, it only goes to hint that Gordon-Levitt might be as talented behind the camera as he is in front.",positive +2017,Shoah remains today an essential film to educate about the history of the Holocaust and the issue of intolerance.,positive +2018,The first was far too much really; just multiply the gore by three.,negative +2019,Patriots Day lands between the absorbing and the problematic.,positive +2020,"Having already demonstrated the worst that the horror, action and fantasy genres have to offer, Uwe Boll tries his hand at political/cultural satire with Postal and comes up with something smelling awfully similar to feces.",negative +2021,The Exiles is an essential text for understanding political activism and how it changes a person. ,positive +2022,"It's a wonderful premise, but -- perhaps due to the shoestring budget -- the execution is terrible: visually ugly, with inadequate sound recording/mixing, and performances that rarely seem well coordinated.",negative +2023,"The real world is not a just or simple place, this thorough, compelling documentary points out, no matter how deeply we may wish it were.",positive +2024,"A war movie both impassioned and generic; often, despite the film's palpable sense of importance at bringing such an under-sung skirmish to the screen, it feels impassioned about remaining generic.",negative +2025,"If we were playing by mob rules, this movie would get the 'slicer' treatment for trying to impersonate a Scorsese picture.",negative +2026,"Finally, a good zombie movie with some decent fart jokes.",positive +2027,This is just a big waste of time and money, and I have to hope these filmmakers don’t try to make a movie about the early days of Creed next.,negative +2028,"It's hard to fully explain just how glorious this is. In one fell swoop, this film sets a whole new standard for how you tell an animated story. There's nothing else like it.",positive +2029,a puzzle with a solution that is elegant yet savage,positive +2030,"Eastwood's most optimistic film, narrated with an astonishing skill and has a great cast. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2031,... because all the GOOD looking girls are on THEIR side of the camp!,positive +2032,"It's a suspenseful, sensual, exciting movie, and therefore a deeply haunting one as well.",positive +2033,"That caper is skilfully set against a prison environment shaped by racist policy, shown here to be a ladder climbed most easily by the cruel and manipulative.",positive +2034,"How Harald Zwart, the director, justified bulking the film up to 140 minutes defies understanding.",negative +2035,"If Melville is creatively a great whale, this film is canned tuna.",negative +2036,"Handsomely filmed on silvery 35mm and high-definition by Kaye himself, the shrewdly edited pic balances a full spectrum of views from all sides of the abortion debate without obviously taking a position itself.",positive +2037,There's only so much a two-dimensional art form can do to honor a fourth-dimensional artist.,negative +2038,"I like cheap exploitation as much as the next guy, but not when it tries to disguise itself with transparently insincere humanist indie trappings.",negative +2039,The stars never fully align as the interesting threads Morley scatters about come to nothing in a dime-a-dozen ending.,negative +2040,"It's a fun watch. As for the plot itself, yeah it's going to be predictable as ever, but that's part of the cheesy charm. You'd be mad to take this movie seriously.",positive +2041,"Miles Robbins flourishes in the role of Luke, switching from vulnerable loner to suave romancer with ease.",positive +2042,"UglyDolls may be forgettable but... nah, that's all I got.",negative +2043,"Hardy is immaculate as Leo, from accent to demeanour. Now on his fourth film with Hardy, Oldman is a pleasure to watch, and even the smallest of roles have been carefully cast ...",positive +2044,An absolute landmark in schlockisity.,negative +2045,"It's a curious film in some ways, taking what could be an exciting epic adventure in the style of David Lean and turning it into something introspective, slightly morose and anti-climactic. Yet there is a persistent, beady-eyed intelligence at work.",positive +2046,"Viewers who give Aronofsky a chance will find that, despite differences of opinion and belief, there's plenty of universal value in this gripping tale of good overcoming evil.",positive +2047,"Not bad at all (the music is a little trite), but where is the incentive to experience it? Less a horror film than a misery spree.",negative +2048,"Its battle scenes are dynamic, its pageantry spectacular and its characters appealing.",positive +2049,"What I love most about Repo! is how fun the music is. While not everyone is a trained singer, they all bring an electric energy to the performances.",positive +2050,"One of the classic movies pairing suave gaunt Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes and plump Nigel Bruce as his bumbling Boswell, Dr. Watson.",positive +2051,"The human half of the narrative is so captivatingly loopy and well-expressed, that the film would be just as good if there were no monsters in it at all.",positive +2052,"Kaufman directs this sprawl of ideas, twisted chronologies and bitter regrets with a tightly disciplined control of the material.",positive +2053,The jitters linger long after the movie ends.,positive +2054,"Fools feels like an unhinged romantic comedy that forgot to take its meds. It's rough and raw, with comedy of a regretful-after-sex variety. Lots of emotional eggshells for the two fragile souls to be fearful of breaking.",positive +2055,"the drama is cheesy, simplistic and too stodgy in its presentation to really hold up to its historic framing and epic sweep",negative +2056,Might not satisfy those wanting something more substantial.,positive +2057,All these angles and stories are fascinating -- and the year-in-the-life concept allows room for them -- but Page One has the distracted quality of a news junkie's Twitter feed.,positive +2058,"As Another Round becomes a cautionary tale on the consequences of alcohol abuse, Mikkelsen's potent performance and the ultimately life- affirming message make it all very easy to knock back.",positive +2059,"Ready to Wear is to filmmaking what paper dresses were to fashion -- thin, trendy, and disposable.",negative +2060,"Spider-Man 2 is a fun, engaging film that makes you care about its characters even as they go through their preposterous comic book adventures.",positive +2061,Start writing your Twilight for Elephants fanfic mashups now!,positive +2062,"Predictably uneven, but the effort is commendable.",positive +2063,"...doesn't quite capture the magic of the old television series, but it makes a good stab at trying.",positive +2064,"You say, Enough zombies already? No, please, make room for Fido. A shotgun wedding of George Romero and SCTV, it's madly funny -- a treat for moviegoers who don't mind gnawed-off limbs with their high jinks.",positive +2065,The Nambi Effect is full of zeal and adventure, but leaves you wanting.,positive +2066,"A solid, worthwhile documentary. If the film is workmanlike at times, it is also elegantly cleareyed.",positive +2067,"Combining the immediacy of the Internet and the wise perspective of history, Startup.com proves that investing in real-life drama can reap rich dividends.",positive +2068,...there just isn't enough happening here to keep the viewer engaged for 89 minutes...,negative +2069,"Todd Phillip's lack of restraint in The Hangover brought a wild, yet funny energy. Unfortunately, that same approach makes Due Date a chaotic, humourless mess.",negative +2070,Honeycomb’s low budget works in its favor to create a film that feels invitingly magical while also being scary.,positive +2071,Tom Cruise is granted ample opportunity to pull off death-defying stunts that range from HALO jumps to motorcycle chases to a helicopter chase that is an all-timer in terms of both thrilling action and crisp direction,positive +2072,Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins is a manageable watch that translates a toy into a movie. It's not the height of these things but it's also not the bottom. It's just aight to death.,positive +2073,A nicely acted father daughter story with more dramatic meat on its bones than you expect.,positive +2074,The best horror movies leave the most frightening elements to an audience's imagination. Leatherface is not one of those movies.,negative +2075,The Sorcerer's Apprentice's spell still works.,positive +2076,Just throwing Neeson at a generic script isn't enough.,negative +2077,"You've made a great film, Charlie Brown.",positive +2078,Probably the scariest movie you will see all year.,positive +2079,Once or twice the film coaxes a laugh.,negative +2080,"Robespierre and co-writer Elisabeth Holm craft an indelible portrait of the women in the Jacobs family, each at different life stages yet all struggling to feel the love with important companions.",positive +2081,There is a slightly surreal feeling to it... it's a bit Twin Peaksy.... I thought it was really charming.,positive +2082,"Meet Oliver Stone, practitioner of smash-mouth film-making.",positive +2083,"The film is beautifully acted by all, but Nora-Jane Noone, as the sloe-eyed orphan Bernadette, is first among equals here, and a genuine find.",positive +2084,I just didn't buy it for a second.,negative +2085,"Sadly, once the film runs out of its trailer moments, it becomes something of a clumsy mess, stumbling over itself to get to its blunt, heavy-handed message.",negative +2086,"The concept of combining Adam Sandler and horror is not a bad one. But this is no Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein. Instead, Hubie Halloween inspires mild dread for all the wrong reasons.",negative +2087,"Parents and married couples, especially, will get a lot out of the biting commentary in Carnage. Not a cinematic triumph but a good way to flex the frontal lobe of your brain for a bit.",positive +2088,"A rousing piece of work that, while traditionally structured, washes over us with such emotional resonance that it creates an almost religious experience.",positive +2089,Watching “Pacifiction” is a chore, a deathly slow, ponderously heavy slog through a political allegory that confounds the viewer at every turn.,negative +2090,"What's surprising is how easy it is to follow the plot, and how the coincidences don't get in the way.",positive +2091,"Enhanced by Tatum’s relaxed, slightly dopey charm.",positive +2092,Alfonso Cuaron delivers his best film since Children of Men.,positive +2093,"It takes a special kind of talent to make a film as shockingly bad as Welcome to Marwen, and Robert Zemeckis is up for the challenge.",negative +2094,"Hatching may not be a groundbreaking horror film, but it certainly is a compelling one that gives wing to new metaphors.",positive +2095,"Stilted, obvious, and cruel... No longer an absurdist of gore, Raimi is now a reveler in it.",negative +2096,"Give me more about these songs, the effect they have on the world, and why losing them is its own sort of disaster...[don't] preach at me unless it's Sunday morning, because YESTERDAY should've been a Saturday night and a lot more fun when it ended.",negative +2097,[A] tedious procession of mildly scabrous smoking room stories.,negative +2098,The years most entertaining animation.,positive +2099,One of the benefits is Carano's screen presence and an ability to kick booty approaching that of Jason Statham.,positive +2100,"Plot rehash aside, it's hard not to like 30 highly trained stunt dogs. You won't be howling with laughter or at the moon or anything else, but the movie is surprisingly sweet.",positive +2101,"There is an edgy, uncomfortable quality to Christine that makes her difficult to be around but Hall incorporates all the conflicts and contradictions into a detailed, truly multilayered performance.",positive +2102,"Mortdecai isn't all that funny, quick-witted, or even that interesting. It's yet another misunderstood outsider, fish-out-of-water, unreal, and oblivious hero scenario for Johnny Depp.",negative +2103,As Binoche has gotten older her work has grown deeper and her characterizations more daring.,positive +2104,"Queen remains Kidman's show, and if still with a movie star-ish aura, she is a treat. Herzog, however, never attains real complexity or an understanding of Bell's interior life. But damn if the desert doesn't look splendid.",positive +2105,Bullet to the Head indicates that we're rapidly approaching an era of big-bang movies with stars on mobility scooters.,negative +2106,"Rare for a rom-com in the age of e-mail, director Nigel Cole (Calendar Girls) is more interested in physical than verbal repartee.",positive +2107,Are we 100% positive that this film is not real footage from the Iraq war? Bigelow has directed one of the most intense and realistic films to come out in years.,positive +2108,An enjoyable thriller.,positive +2109,It's practically impossible to not fall in love with the film.,positive +2110,Let's try to move on from Star Wars if we can ... and instead talk about Eddie Redmayne's er... new hope for Oscar success.,positive +2111,"Snyder allows us to experience the conflicting emotions and traumas as these teens take matters into their own hands, both by protesting in the streets but also by having each other's backs.",positive +2112,"The film is not entirely logical, but it raises pleasing questions and looks beautiful.",positive +2113,An uneven affair.,negative +2114,We expected more. A lot more.,negative +2115,"Though Cheadle is good as a man pushed to his breaking point at every moment, the movie belongs to Gleeson, who keeps his character enigmatic even while engaging in every possible act of slovenly excess and gross negligence.",positive +2116,I liked it even better the second time when I knew where we were heading.,positive +2117,"...If you're wondering where the sober Republic turned into all-American spectacle, check out Jason Reitman's The Front Runner, a somewhat surgical dissection of Gary Hart's downfall, and a gentle probe into the modern media's frontal lobe.",positive +2118,Its desperate efforts to ape The Hangover come with but one redeeming feature - it finally ends.,negative +2119,"A Piece of Work is about an individual and about a career, but it's also about the nature of work, and about our fears that when the work stops coming in, we've outlived our usefulness.",positive +2120,An emotionally wrenching story of survival and remembrance of things past.,positive +2121,A gripping story of the craving of two very different men for power and acceptance that becomes a larger story of accountability and meaning.,positive +2122,Neither diabolical nor legendary. [Full review in Spanish],negative +2123,This is the film that brought Clint Eastwood (and his reefer smoking habit) back from Sergio Leoneland to Hollywood,positive +2124,Ray Greene has put together a well-documented record of schlock films with mainly interviews of those responsible for its success.,positive +2125,A fitting tribute to a life well lived in spite of the overwhelming odds stacked against her, it is surely a sign of a remarkable woman that we are left wanting more,positive +2126,"A charming, overly sweet and conventional comedy that has two bona-fide Movie Stars (capitalized for emphasis) doing plenty of heavy lifting to infuse soul into the formula.",positive +2127,"The car is the only spatial reference Panahi provides, and within that small vehicle, we are offered his silent dissent and resistance as well as his unquenchable need to make movies.",positive +2128,"""Spring Breakers"" is a visual feast with at least a dozen scenes that will be ripe for the picking at the end of the year when someone does a supercut of 2013's most memorable movie moments.",positive +2129,"Down to Earth feels like a movie placed in a cage by studio suits, the better for draining all daring and creativity.",negative +2130,Imaginative and well-paced.,positive +2131,"You'll come out of the movie happier than you went in, and humming a few peppy new tunes to boot.",positive +2132,Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile is the sort of uplifting musical comedy that we need right now.,positive +2133,Boston Strangler isn’t a true crime film that hits Fincher heights, but it’s still an incredibly fast-paced and gripping story of tense, hard-hitting journalism.,positive +2134,"Not only very interesting but also incredibly beautiful ... it's a fun documentary, and that's a treat almost as rare as some of the exotic fruit it showcases.",positive +2135,"A sobering comedy, a darkly comic tragedy and a socially valuable scream that demands our attention (and that of the Americans). He shows that deep down, for all the whoops of God Bless America across the nation, it's actually 'godless America'",positive +2136,"Wilson, who delivers overdone sarcasm in a slightly Fozzie Bear voice, is a well-imagined creation. His place in the film's plot, however, is generic: he's a grouch warmed up by the discovery that he has a teenage daughter.",negative +2137,Hardly an enlightened examination of modern manhood.,negative +2138,"Without extreme glorification and a welcome self-parody, [this documentary] honors the events that happened 16 years ago. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2139,"This is simply a cold and calculated revenge thriller that is satisfied to offer a few shocks, good performances with a little sex and violence thrown in for good measure.",negative +2140,A new and rather breathtakingly misconceived attempt to revisit a vintage TV show that did not under any circumstances need to be revisited.,negative +2141,"It will surely drive away some audiences, but Jimena Montemayor's direction brings out the most human sides of these actor's performances. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +2142,"Good but not great. The meatier story always follows the introduction, right?",positive +2143,"Is it a great movie? No, but it's something rare in any medium, film or otherwise: a work in which form really is content.",positive +2144,"Fontaine masterfully creates a portrait of two strong men in conflict, inextricably entwined through family history, each seeing himself in the other, neither liking what he sees.",positive +2145,Deadwood: The Movie reunites the principal characters and serves each of them exceedingly well. Who could ask for anything more?,positive +2146,"Thanks to the smaller moments between various character pairings, ""Paul, Apostle of Christ"" ends up working. (Full Content Review for Parents - Violence, etc. - also Available)",positive +2147,"Honed to a gem, 'My Father, My Lord' is a miniature without an ounce of fat among its vignettes of laconic dialogue. A glance or few words carry optimal weight.",positive +2148,"A deeply weird movie, tailored for a very specific grindhouse type of audience, and brought to life by Cage's cock-a-doodle performance.",positive +2149,"is, among other things, the ultimate fictional study of life under Putin, and I don't doubt it's the kind of film they could kill you for making.",positive +2150,"There are long, droning bouts of dialog about nothing meant to link scenes together, but all Boarding Gate really does is fixate on watching Asia Argento do stuff.",negative +2151,"It serves to showcase both Armando Bo's undeniable talent behind the camera, and Francella's in front of it. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2152,Fun...Probably the most Catholic film you’ll see this year.,positive +2153,The portrayal of its young lovers torn apart by murder so cruel has a certain power that intrigues and engrosses.,positive +2154,"All the boys might love Mandy Lane -- discerning horror fans, however, will not.",negative +2155,"It's one of those movies I can't be sure you'll be tempted by, but I'm certain that if you are, you'll like it very much.",positive +2156,"Thanks to some good filmmaking decisions, “Emergency” is rife with tart observations about campus life.",positive +2157,"""Jane"" and its treasure trove of never-before-seen video footage, audiences have a luscious glimpse into what makes this champion of animal behavioral research and nature who she is today and how she began her crusade.",positive +2158,"Tellingly, little actual dancing is shown as Read snoops backstage, only scratching the surface of the scandal, though with plenty of simmering intrigue and splendid archive material.",positive +2159,Nanny McPhee is back -- and she still knows best.,positive +2160,"Hart has fashioned a tale of matriarchal inheritance, but one whose fierce message is undercut rather than deepened by its child's-book clarity.",negative +2161,A poignant snapshot of black struggle that humanizes a range of social issues through the first-hand experiences of one young woman.,positive +2162,"It's Wilkinson who's the true standout as a boozy, belligerent, woefully compromised soul.",positive +2163,It's a powerful film that is just a tad too neat in its resolution.,positive +2164,"The sinister ambiance has a terrible grace, but its raw and honest portrait of grief and guilt is ultimately diminished by the supernatural horror that is also at play.",negative +2165,channels the grief of a hurting nation.,positive +2166,"Under Michael Apted's direction, Belushi gives it a good try. But we will have to wait for another role before we can decide whether Belushi can play it straight.",negative +2167,"Good performances and interesting, though undeveloped narrative ideas in this debut feature from writer-director Christina Choe.",positive +2168,"Despite some massive flaws and a disappointing over-reliance on jump scares, The Unborn is comfortably the best entry yet from Platinum Dunes, Michael Bay's previously remake-happy horror production outfit.",positive +2169,"Big Momma is back, the question is: Why? In the name of all that is decent and thoughtful and pleasant, why?",negative +2170,"Davis is the reason this movie stands to be something more than a straight-to-oblivion telepic. We feel her pain, and we want to see justice done.",positive +2171,"Tells a pretty hoary old story, but does it with just enough style and conviction to get by.",positive +2172,Who cares about subpar computer-generated work when Guy Pearce is a one-man cartoon badass spectacle all to himself?,positive +2173,"The performances from Tessa Thompson and Lily James convince me in this crime-slashed and neo-western drama that represents Nia DaCosta's directorial debut, even if the narrative is not as strong. [Full review in Spanish]",negative +2174,"Hard-pounding, compassionate and entirely captivating, it offers an insightful peek inside the pressure-cooker in which American service members operate.",positive +2175,"While the politics of racism, bigotry and hate are the underlying current to the setting, it is the gentle love story that develops between two lonely, and very different in many ways, people who find each other despite the above-named obstacles.",positive +2176,Gondry connects the guys' toil and glee with a kind of old-time neighborhood hominess that's dying away and a jazzed creative joy that never will.,positive +2177,It's hard to take and utterly unforgettable.,positive +2178,"This terminally sappy romance delivers heartache, sacrifice, a make-out scene in the pouring rain, and not one but two autistic characters.",negative +2179,"It's more a taut psychological thriller than a geek show. And in doing away with the original's reliance on dialogue to make clear its ideological thrust, Eisner has crafted a leaner and more effective film.",positive +2180,Defangs one of English literature's most iconic works of satire and replaces its wit with Star Wars jokes.,negative +2181,"The Grocer's Son offers a nicely observed portrait of a man in search of himself, finding his purpose, and finding that, in fact, it is possible to go home again.",positive +2182,"The best Israeli film since Late Marriage, this classic Wedding saga about a complex political situation on the Syrian-Israeli border never loses sight of its humanism",positive +2183,"It's a stark snapshot in which all is revealed about the 'daily life of mankind,' as the director once offered by way of description.",positive +2184,"But somehow, despite the simple and sometimes obtuse storytelling, there is something strangely intimate and mesmerising about this film.",positive +2185,Very dumb and surprisingly lethargic...a clumsy collection of genre cliches.,negative +2186,"A duly international, duly orthodox, duly commercial production. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2187,The Operative gets lost in its own machinations and clichés too much for me to highly recommend it.,negative +2188,"The movie pulls the rug out from under the audience several times, but in the end there is not much underneath.",negative +2189,"The Great Pretender manages to illustrate the irrefutable truth that life and romance is messy, but also quite entertaining.",positive +2190,"A thoughtful, deeply felt movie of great sweetness, unfolding at an unhurried pace.",positive +2191,There were a number of ways Heller and Schmiderer could have made for a more enticing way to watch.,negative +2192,This is modern day John Cassavetes with tattoos and punk music.,positive +2193,Casting any movie for kids with both Elliott and Chevy Chase is the cinematic equivalent of child abuse.,negative +2194,"Silly slapstick movie has some violence, salty language.",positive +2195,"This powerful, provocative movie breaks your heart and sends a chill up your spine simultaneously.",positive +2196,"With striking imagery of Austin's upward rising skyline, the film follows some of the city's talented but struggling music makers.",positive +2197,"A brilliant example of a book-to-film adaptation that managed to stay faithful to the novel, while also injecting the story with its own inventive style.",positive +2198,Viewers will find enough to keep their attention. Just don’t expect the experience to last much beyond the end credits or hold up under scrutiny. ,negative +2199,"It often is thrilling, thanks to the mystery and magnetism of the tiny, titanic actress it's built around and the stupefying beauty of its setting.",positive +2200,"A penetrating look at traditional Japanese culture, and tasty treat for sushi snobs.",positive +2201,"Whereas Capote was cold and atmospheric and almost surgical in its storytelling, Infamous is told in a more accessible and emotionally gratifying manner.",positive +2202,"Wanderlust may fail as satire, but its absurdist slant and eye for detail sustain it through its cruder passages.",positive +2203,"The kind of film that defines guilty pleasure. Stallone and Schneider are miscast, but the mindless sci-fi action is fun.",positive +2204,"Seems more informed by low-budget History Channel programs and the proto-metal Norse lore of Led Zeppelin's ""Immigrant Song.""",negative +2205,[Has] a surprising and somewhat disappointing climax. ... Davis’s lived-in performance, full of fierceness and flickers of vulnerability, gives this tale its heart.,negative +2206,"No Blade of Grass lacks the primitive power of Wilde's earlier films... in its social attitudes and theorising, it exposes the shallowness of Wilde's conception of man as an animal dressed in civilised trappings that can, all too easily, be slipped off.",negative +2207,An unimaginative plot with dull characters that aren't as endearing or memorable as they could have been.,negative +2208,"If you want pinpoint accuracy, watch a documentary. If you want to see top-notch actors inhabit characters in genuine and ultimately moving ways, The Duke is a much better option.",positive +2209,"A mishmash which pretends to atmosphere with snips and snaps of Shakespeare, Auden, Yeats, Hughes, Plath, etc.",negative +2210,The Lighthouse an interesting movie; it's the performances that make it a good one.,positive +2211,"For those who liked the first movie and find a plethora of penis jokes hilarious, this is a fitting sequel. But others should stay away.",negative +2212,"The film reminds us that without investigative reporting there's no democracy, and that traditional expectations around impartiality and objectivity may be untenable in the face of horror.",positive +2213,"An interesting documentary, though not as deep or as absorbing as Shohah.",positive +2214,"The Blakes are hardly sympathetic figures, so when their lives are threatened, I began to silently root for their demise, if it promised to hasten the movie's end.",negative +2215,Pretty tame 'Zoo',positive +2216,"With a story articulated from the famous existence of a double of the monarch, the film escapes from realism with diverse touches of fantastic cinema. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +2217,"Let down by a disappointing script, dodgy dialogue, poor CGI effects, panicky editing and a subplot that's both morally reprehensible and entirely out of place.",negative +2218,... a classical Western that invites us to savor no-nonsense camaraderie between two shootists for hire.,positive +2219,"[A] wild ride, and a worthy addition to a series to which so many feel an immense affinity.",positive +2220,One or two provocative bits emerge from the incoherence.,negative +2221,"A smartly compelling, emotionally engaging and stylishly executed film ...",positive +2222,"As the doomed princess, Q'orianka Kilcher ... has imperially striking features but limited acting skills.",negative +2223,"For a franchise whose creepiness bona fides have relied primarily on slow builds and letting the viewer soak in the frame, this film is awfully dependent on stock-issue jump scares",negative +2224,Mere fashionistas pale alongside the tenacious commitment of the utterly obsessed subject of this diverting documentary-one of New York's great characters.,positive +2225,"Ciao! Manhattan is ultimately a testament to the odd, elastic nature of the '60s.",positive +2226,"[A] dull, clumsy little movie.",negative +2227,"With steely tenacity and persistence, these women place themselves into terrifying situations to interrogate corrupt police officers and potentially violent Hindu Nationalists, with a deft and skill not seen by many top network reporters.",positive +2228,Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will appeal to family audiences... even if it doesn’t break new ground elaborating the franchise’s sprawling universe of intersecting characters and plotlines.,positive +2229,"As the movie inches along, its virtues turn into faults. Its elliptical style leaves unanswered questions, the pace begins to feel choppy, and the lyrical pauses become a recurrent tic.",negative +2230,"The movie is completely innocuous, passably enjoyable in fits and spurts, and clearly a giant mistake.",negative +2231,"Rocket Science flies beyond the standard teen preoccupations, moving into territory that combines humor and eccentricity with fragile hope and ambition, making for a film that embraces every awkward angle of adolescence.",positive +2232,Old fashioned in the best sense of the word. A triumph and a stirring story not to be missed.,positive +2233,"Somehow, Foster and Howard make it work.",positive +2234,"Wolfe successfully conveys the high-stakes intensity of Barbara's experience. But while the character is credibly immersed in the dark, strange, paranoid, animistic world she has created for herself, the filmmakers never really get inside her head.",negative +2235,just goes through the motions of parodying one movie after another without any apparent stab at wit or humor,negative +2236,An experiment with the spirit of Percy Adlon's 1987 Sugar Baby ... Isolde Fischer gives a star-making performance.,positive +2237,The cinema of animation is seldom quite so bad-ass.,positive +2238,"[A] lurid but undeniably powerful story, and the lead performances are compelling.",positive +2239,"It's a strong film: chastening, shocking, steeped in fractious ironies.",positive +2240,"All in all, it's the jewel in the Pink Panther series.",positive +2241,"Trick 'r Treat is a really good film. In fact, it's so unusual in its practical F/X approach and retro direct to video charms that a second viewing is definitely needed before confirming its almost masterpiece status.",positive +2242,"Compared to the fast paced action of Bournes and Bonds this is a low key, character-driven piece.",positive +2243,This well-designed and executed piece of entertainment is actually very satisfying.,positive +2244,"Here, over four-and-a-half hours, Wiseman shows us not only see how much Boston's government is overseeing, but we're seeing how many dedicated people are doing that work.",positive +2245,"The pacing is so poky, and the situations so loopy, that the movie skirts the line between unintentionally comic and knowingly pretentious.",negative +2246,Turns out as bad as the star's recent string of dreadful films except for the fascination to look at it as one would a car crash.,negative +2247,"Seven years after Divine Intervention, director Elia Suleiman returns with more humorous-sad stories from his native Palestine, couched in the ironic autobiographical language at which he is grandly adept.",positive +2248,"Even as Freeheld only makes a brief note about the brutal practices of the health care and insurance systems, leaving that argument to another movie, it seems overwhelmed by the story it means to tell.",negative +2249,Rosaline is a comical and updated portrayal of Romeo and Juliet from a new perspective and tone that is not afraid to have some fun with the original material to make itself unique compared to other re-tellings.,positive +2250,The only possible excuse for the new film Hanging Up has to be that it looked great in a deal memo.,negative +2251,"Rarely has a film been so serious in its underlying implications and intent, and yet so moronic in its execution.",negative +2252,"You're going to feel like a kid again, and you're going to leave a wiser adult.",positive +2253,"The comedy in the film is howlingly funny. But as the title suggests, there is also a funeral, which has some very poignant scenes.",positive +2254,"The story simply plugs away without introducing anything new or exciting, and often just repeating with slight variation. It's relatively dull even for a children's caper movie.",negative +2255,"Don't get attached to anybody, or anything. Poor actors. They took off to make a movie in Africa and all they got was a stinking, fake-blood-soaked t-shirt.",negative +2256,"""The Purge"" is one of those unimaginative horror flicks that depend on skreeky music and sudden appearances to startle, but never actually frighten, the audience.",negative +2257,"The superb music and acting is enough to make this experiment a success, but just because Haynes didn't blow up the lab doesn't mean he made a scientific breakthrough.",positive +2258,The most entertaining and engrossing romantic film to hit theaters in ages...,positive +2259,"A coming-of-age comedy drama that has a somewhat honest commentary on self-acceptance, maturity and terminal illness, but fails to escape the conventional formulas of family melodrama. [Full review in Spanish]",negative +2260,Soapy but affecting.,positive +2261,Peter Nicks' Homeroom is a deft portrait of the power of social movements and the connection between technology and change.,positive +2262,"Despite the measured pace and the predictable bitter sweet mood, the film is only occasionally enchanting",negative +2263,"There is a lot of well-meaning ignorance floating around this story, but ignorance is only well-meaning if it does more good than harm.",negative +2264,Kurt Russell creates the most unforgettable role of his career: the criminal/hero Snake Plissken.,positive +2265,"It boasts (nearly) all the elements of a perfectly fine, even very good, movie, without ever quite becoming a movie at all.",negative +2266,I would recommend the film to fans of socially conscious dramas or those who love to explore vulnerability in an invulnerable world.,positive +2267,"90 minutes of intelligent drama, followed by 45 minutes of knuckleheaded sensationalism that nearly sinks the whole film.",positive +2268,"There's no denying that it's also an all-around crowd-pleaser, offering as much excitement and emotion as any movie in recent months.",positive +2269,[Leah] Meyerhoff explained how difficult casting Davina was and how the filmmaking team went through hundreds of actresses before they found Dyer. I wish this writer-director had put that same effort into writing a coherent script for her talented actors.,negative +2270,"Stallone’s creation of Rocky in 1976 spliced New Hollywood grit with fairy tale appeal, letting it thrive in Star Wars’ blockbuster world. It proves malleable enough to go on without him, finding heroic character in more complex circumstances.",positive +2271,An illuminating and sometimes annoying anatomy of a narcissistic midlife crisis ...,positive +2272,"An empty, exhausting exercise, a pumped-up adrenaline rush that despite all the running around, goes nowhere.",negative +2273,"Wood's movements are spasmodic and graceless. The director Robert Mulligan can't quite find the rhythm, either. Some of the picture is whimsical, some of it as lugubrious as a horror movie.",negative +2274,"Harrowing. A Hijacking may last only a shade under 100 minutes, but the memory, like the captives' trauma, will last much longer.",positive +2275,"It's a disturbing, challenging drama, but one that perhaps begins to lose its narrative focus as the story proceeds.",positive +2276,"Standard, semi-stupid '60s sex comedy, but Rock and Gina make a comely pair.",positive +2277,"Loach, then, is still the best at what he does - speaking the truth to power on behalf of those whose voices are so often unheard. And he can still appeal to the head as much as the heart.",positive +2278,"A thoughtful, atmospherically heavy study of reactions to an inexplicably inhumane act.",positive +2279,"This is a film about race in America, centering on a young, bright yet unformed university student of mixed race, peculiar background and vague ambitions looking for a place to fit in.",positive +2280,Ryan Zaragoza's Welcome to the Blumhouse horror offering might teach you something even if it doesn't scare you.,positive +2281,"Annihilation is a heart-wrenching examination of loss, of stability, and of attempting to simply keep everything together when your whole world is falling apart.",positive +2282,A uniquely and even inspirationally personal work -- particularly if you're down with the movie's message that personal expression is mass culture's Public Enemy No. 1.,positive +2283,It's puzzling why a talent like Macy bothered with a project that is so long on sentiment and short on comic relief - and unclear on what it wants to say on a variety of hot-button topics.,negative +2284,"A half-baked, poorly argued assault on the very notion of the sanctity of intellectual property posing as cutting-edge cinema.",negative +2285,An esoteric magical mystery tour of what the human mind is meant to know and the consequence of pushing the fragile human psyche to assimilate what is, inherently, beyond its understanding. ,positive +2286,Alexander limps along from one fancy set to another.,negative +2287,"Killer Joe, packed with miserable stereotypes doing miserable things with no sense of a higher purpose, plays like a dramatized version of The Jerry Springer Show.",negative +2288,"Stella comes straight from the 'designer problems' school of screenwriting, a genre in which stories are built around wealthy, gorgeous people who have to create their own miseries in order for anything remotely dramatic to occur.",negative +2289,Alison Klayman's fascinating study of an incredibly smart man with stupendously stupid ideas.,positive +2290,"Early in The Hot Flashes, Brooke Shields is seen reading Menopause For Dummies, and it doesn't take long to realize that's precisely what you're watching.",negative +2291,"It's a sweet film, mildly pleasant to watch, but it's not worth the trip or even a detour.",negative +2292,"The Coens have adapted Charles Portis's novel, not the Marguerite Roberts screenplay, and the result is breathtaking",positive +2293,"Takes what it has, runs with it and bounces around within its parameters to mostly engaging effect.",positive +2294,"At its heart, Birdman is a character drama, and it's going to naturally appeal to anyone who has worked with actors.",positive +2295,"Whatever one's reservations about the film, young Etel is utterly, endearingly appealing as the gentle-souled Damien.",positive +2296,"Not even Sherlock Holmes could make much sense out of the overplotted, murky mess that is Sherlock Holmes, although Arthur Conan Doyle's legendarily brainy detective would probably never buy a ticket to a movie as elephant-footed as this one...",negative +2297,"There's not enough story here for something half that length, so we're subjected to numerous pointless and irritating song-and-dance numbers designed to nudge the lame plot towards its conclusion.",negative +2298,"In more ways than one, Bond is back.",positive +2299,...the film's various problems [are] exacerbated by a ridiculously overlong running time (it's 125 minutes!),negative +2300,"What an obscenity. Call it ""The Bourne Abortion.""",negative +2301,"If there's a better concert documentary out there than Woodstock, I haven't seen it.",positive +2302,Leaves behind any sticky realities of the modern era and attempts to capsulize the romanticism so characteristic of 80s blockbuster cinema ... The meat of Top Gun: Maverick is a juicy, adrenaline-pumping good time.,positive +2303,"Nicely done crime thriller, with some great visual set pieces.",positive +2304,This sicko black comedy is a near masterpiece in outrageous schlock shock.,positive +2305,"""The Tomorrow War"" spends most of its time in the future, but its central theme is timeless: the replayed tragedy that sometimes you don't come home the same from war.",positive +2306,"Howard is the movie's sole saving grace, but his presence serves as a constant reminder that his similarly themed Hustle & Flow (2005) is a vastly better film.",negative +2307,Weird: The Al Yankovic Story is an absolute riot of a musical biopic parody.,positive +2308,"The story of an old man's stubbornness and pride in the face of youthful competition is not a new one, but Himalaya delivers it with extraordinary visual grace.",positive +2309,"A Hijacking delivers all the thrills the title suggests, but in none of the places you'd expect them.",positive +2310,"Studio Ghibli has pulled it out of the bag yet again, offering a miniature corrective to the brash 3D beasts customarily trained on the Haribo demographic.",positive +2311,"By and large, ""Your Highness"" is a Cheech and Chong movie in period drag, so it's no wonder it goes up in smoke.",negative +2312,"I had trouble staying with the varied animation styles, and the sense of humor is all over the place, but the well-researched narrative drive pulled me through.",positive +2313,"Ingrid is a kind of monster created and enabled by social media. To me, this was a very disturbing movie. Ingrid's mental health problems, her rage and her violent impulses are the least disturbing things about it.",positive +2314,"Young or old, Elmo fan or not, anyone can find something of real value in Clash's story.",positive +2315,"Mixes likeable personalities, inventive photography and cutting, and wall-to-wall toe-tapping music to paint a picture of a subculture that is at once exhilarating, silly, perverse, hopeful and always fun.",positive +2316,"Electric Boogaloo is a superficial examination of the Cannon story, but a hugely entertaining one.",positive +2317,"It may not be faithful to the original book, but now kids and parents will be able to enjoy both together.",positive +2318,Bodies Bodies Bodies is filled with great dialogue, an intriguing plot, and social commentary that will surely make for fantastic conversation.,positive +2319,"It is defiantly [director Kirsten Johnson's] film, her testament, and her way of looking at the world.",positive +2320,It's amazing what adding a 'Dumb and Dumber' cast member can do to a teen franchise.,positive +2321,...a must for Kubrick aficionados...,positive +2322,Screwball monkeying around with Grant and Rogers.,positive +2323,"Given its morbid, somewhat clichéd premise, I was pleasantly surprised by ""The Pretty One."" While no classic, it is both refreshingly quirky and more sensitive than expected.",positive +2324,"Good movies make you feel, even if that feeling is not good. Chon ensures you'll have feelings at the end of Blue Bayou, just not the happy ones.",positive +2325,"A creepy, smartly written and very entertaining low-budget chiller.",positive +2326,"You can almost feel Brosnan's glee as he allows himself to let it all hang out, both figuratively and (almost) literally.",positive +2327,"Certain scenes in By the Gun pack a powerful punch, but it doesn't coalesce into a satisfying whole.",negative +2328,"Against the odds, it actually adds up to a satisfying, relevant take on one of the greatest of American tales.",positive +2329,"You might not be able to fully commit to a side through this one, but it undoubtedly will force you to think.",positive +2330,Richard Linklater flexes his creative muscle in a unique way.,positive +2331,An emotionally powerful cinematic testimony about that horrific late summer day.,positive +2332,Hermia & Helena's breeziness is complemented by melancholy.,positive +2333,"It's a little more than half and half, definitely fun to watch with some memorable parts.",positive +2334,Anna Faris and Chris Evans have enough charm to almost pull this off. Almost.,negative +2335,Milloy's biggest sin is not failing to come up with a single surprise--it's failing to come up with a single reason to care.,negative +2336,2020's best coming of age drama.,positive +2337,"Milla Jovovich sashays through the ludicrous mayhem once more, this time in 3D.",negative +2338,"There's never a dull moment, but there's nothing to make a lasting impression, either.",negative +2339,"Olinka Berova is so expressionless that she makes the original's Ursula Andress look like Meryl Streep, but she's hardly the only flaw in this lackluster fantasy flick.",negative +2340,"Although the story is rather thin, it should please most audiences, for it has both popular and classical music, the adolescent players are appealing, and there is considerable comedy as well as youthful romance.",positive +2341,"It is a very compelling movie, despite the fact that the story hops around back and forth in its time line like a crazed wallaby.",positive +2342,Former commercials director Hughes probably relies a tad too much on his old job for the whiplash editing...but there's a lot going on here that's worth a look.,negative +2343,Any slasher worth its salt knows how to manufacture scares, and unfortunately, Leone continues to struggle on this front. While Terrifier 2 has enough meat on the bone to avoid the torture-porn label, it strays dangerously close.,positive +2344,It’s visually and technically magnificent, but woefully deficient in plot, characterization and dialogue. ,negative +2345,"The franchise has always been at its best when engaging in moments that are either slyly subversive or accidental genius. And the less certain you are which is which, the better it's doing.",positive +2346,An admirable documentary about an unusual concert tour.,positive +2347,"Spurlock's light touch keeps Super Size Me entertaining and educational, without sacrificing one for the other.",positive +2348,"Grab the soundtrack, which highlights the great voices amongst the cast, and enjoy the best bits of the film through your iPod.",negative +2349,"Come Play didn't do much of anything for me, but if you've got a pre-teen that wants to get into horror movies (and you want to make sure there's no fountain of blood), you could do worse than Come Play.",negative +2350,"I'll give Assayas credit for taste. His emotionally minimalist actress is extraordinary to watch. The story he's compelling her to animate doesn't really fit her, though.She's so good that just by trying it on she makes the movie watchable.",positive +2351,"A high-concept contraption done well, Sky may be overlong (at 121 minutes) and silly, but is what it is-and it is fun.",positive +2352,"What was the point of any of it? Only 'Dr. Boll' seems to know. On second thought, based on the evidence in front of the camera, maybe he doesn't.",negative +2353,"Angelina Jolie's Unbroken should have been called ""Unendurable."" It's the Oscar-season equivalent of torture porn.",negative +2354,A mud-simple horror trudge set in a swamp colony of Abercrombie models.,negative +2355,"[Avelino] shows an almost tender restraint in his story-telling, not pounding us with a message but simply looking steadily at how guns have made these lives difficult.",positive +2356,"These are among sporadic scenes of interest captured by director James, but if a larger point is being made, it's hard to say what.",negative +2357,"Truth be told, this is the sort of film that, 30 years ago, would have gone speedily to VHS, and which should quickly suffer the equivalent fate today.",negative +2358,Fresh and quite marvelous.,positive +2359,This hugely successful tear-jerker boasts some magnificent on-screen chemistry between Jack Nicholson and Shirley MacLaine.,positive +2360,"A movie that could have gleefully gone over the edge, but lacks the confidence in its own premise to truly get as weird or as funky as the concept demands that it goes.",negative +2361,Timely commentary on clash between conservative Islamic forces vs. traditional culture. More than a feel-good success story of the joys of music as a universal language..,positive +2362,Douglas is fun to watch. Little else in this movie is.,negative +2363,"I don't hate Stillwater and indeed, there are stretches where it is reasonably compelling, but considering the pedigree of those involved and the generally meh results, I cannot regard it as anything other than a bit of a disappointment.",negative +2364,"It's the sense that everything has been building to this moment and now, as the fun truly begins, there's nothing left to do but sit back and revel in the spectacle of it all.",positive +2365,...the picture’s been infused with a woefully, aggressively over-the-top feel that prevents the viewer from embracing the material for the entirety of its short-yet-not-short-enough runtime...,negative +2366,Alejandro Loayza Grisi’s vision is equally stunning and devastating.,positive +2367,Terrific performances by Shannon - who also was a highlight of Nichols' thriller Take Shelter - and Lieberher are the anchors to the storytelling.,positive +2368,"Let's leave it at this: Redford's film farewell reminds us of what made his career so memorable, but it definitely won't be among the many movies for which he's long remembered.",positive +2369,Kubrick's spellbinding 1980 horror epic is one of the true masterpieces to come out of the genre. And Nicholson's descent into unbridled insanity is simply unforgettable.,positive +2370,"Jerry Maguire is, ultimately, a failed idealism.",negative +2371,"""The Dog"" is a humbly extraordinary film.",positive +2372,It is a comedy that invites laughter. It is a drama that inspires sorrow. It is a political statement that provokes rage.,positive +2373, A thoroughly engrossing account of how one of the touchstone stories of our time came to light, one door knocked-on, one tearful recollection at a time.,positive +2374,"There's little reason to see the claustrophobic ""Chronicling a Crisis"" unless you have a fascination with the Kolleks.",negative +2375,It's so many different kinds of movie at once. It has this incredibly rich sense of place and its economic echoes are so relevant today.,positive +2376,"Perhaps its greatest mistake is failing to flesh out the universe its characters live in.... We spend too much time with Russ and Carol, who never are allowed to feel three dimensional.",negative +2377,... Dramatic moments work better than most of the comedy.,negative +2378,The Cured is a gritty take on the genre that fits nicely into the new type of storytelling that these stories need to embrace in a post-Romero world.,positive +2379,"After several pointless studio remakes (In-Laws, Nancy Drew), Andrew Fleming is back on terra ferma with this spoof of Tucson Arizona and delusional drama teachers, dominated by a strong performance from British icon Steve Coogan.",positive +2380,"It's cynical dramedy for people who pride themselves on being smart -- that is, unsentimental.",negative +2381,"a potent, ultimately disheartening slow-burn drama",positive +2382,"""Teen Wolf Too"" is so awful you want to howl out loud...",negative +2383,The film achieves a perfect equilibrium between a lyrical metaphor and a heroic prose. [Full Review in Spanish],positive +2384,"The scars of the heart have their outward reflection on these dark, broken streets, with little pockets of warmth and solace in the pubs where Londoners huddle.",positive +2385,Untraceable feels sleazy and gratuitous.,negative +2386,"For all its time-worn situations and observations, Delirious has a truth or two to impart about our lust for celebrities.",positive +2387,"The simple chase set-up is promising, but the follow-through is curiously lethargic and suspenseless.",negative +2388,The action becomes a who's-going- to-get-sliced-and-diced-next gore fest.,negative +2389,"Its been awhile since Ive gotten completely immersed in a horror film, and MOTHER is one I dont think Ill ever be able to escape.",positive +2390,"[PODCAST] ""Possession"" holds the watermark for the most bizarre cinematic experience you will ever have. No other film begins to approach the madness of romantic obsession and political oppression that this film does.",positive +2391,Wilder has kept his direction hard-hitting and has sharpened the characterizations of the men with many revealing and forthright touches.,positive +2392,"It's another triumph from one of the world's best new filmmakers, and it is not to be missed.",positive +2393,"Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things treats its subject matter with thoughtful and meticulous nuance. It's a fascinating and intelligent study of growing LGBT acceptance in Nunavut.",positive +2394,One of the best of 2010. (Parental Review also Available),positive +2395,"Director Todd Field carefully catches the nuances of relationships between lovers, spouses, parents and children.",positive +2396,"While The Devil's Carnival fails to deliver the story and character's with anything beyond superficial motivations, it thankfully brought the creepy surrealism... but not much more.",negative +2397,"To quote a line from the movie, bad things happen and people get hurt.",negative +2398,More wacky than wack.,negative +2399,The story is not only full of holes; it is also replete with coincidental narrative embellishments stitched on as an afterthought to keep the holes from showing too much.,negative +2400,It's the opposite of a vanity project.,positive +2401,"Wilder shows sparks of greatness, more as director than actor. But while he seems to have the potential to make excellent films someday, this one will probably be remembered as a brief stop along the way.",negative +2402,Feels like one of those goofy old Star Trek episodes in which Kirk and Spock go back in time to make some sort of baldly allegorical point.,negative +2403,"A visual knockout of a horror film that blends elements of fantasy, gore, and delivers a scathing critique of the entitlement of the wealthy.",positive +2404,Just plain generic.,negative +2405,"Erin Brockovich has an earthy, bare bones authenticity to it, thanks in large part to Soderbergh's simple shooting and editing style that is pseudo-documentarian.",positive +2406,Its lack of a compelling storyline and overreliance on so-so slapstick will limit its appeal to easily distracted preschoolers.,negative +2407,"Deadpan humour does arise out of simple edits, such as a close-up of [Laurentiu] Ginghina talking that cuts to a mid-shot which reveals he has been brandishing a pointer and standing in front of a whiteboard the whole time.",positive +2408,Enjoy it and then forget it...,positive +2409,"More Than Blue is not going to go down as one of the greatest love stories of all time, but it has everything required in a romantic comedy particularly a message of love that looks out for the other person's interests above our own.",positive +2410,"Thankfully, despite this feeling like a bit of a walk-through now and then, the performances save the day.",positive +2411,The sheer dumbness of the plot (other than its one good idea) and the movie's inescapable air of sleaziness get you down.,negative +2412,"James Bond battles terrorists, criminals, and a sore shoulder in his 19th adventure, which is both propelled and circumscribed by the well-worn formulas that guide its path.",negative +2413,"It's a letdown. The script is clunky, the plot barely worth dwelling on, and the most compelling character development arcs belong to the wrong people.",negative +2414,"Like most family affairs, the film isn't perfect but it is memorable, and provides a passable high when it is over-one that you haven't felt from a Rob Reiner production in ages.",positive +2415,[Shane] Meadows' fictionalized version of these events is at least as vivid -- and at times as hard to watch -- as some of Ken Loach's more stark dramas.,positive +2416,Julian Temple has done cinematic justice to the punk humanist born John Graham Mellor.,positive +2417,"Estes' debut feature's strength lies in its crackling intensity, ultra-sharp character insights and an affinity for teenage protagonists who look and sound like real teens.",positive +2418,Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny proves one thing: Rock and roll never dies. It just gains weight.,positive +2419,"Not as sweet as its title suggests, this subversive contemporary coming-of-age comedy resonates with enough character-driven authenticity to overcome its far-fetched contrivances.",positive +2420,"Doueiri deserves credit for the courage of his effort, for his obvious desire to go beyond the fictional boundaries of moviemaking to illustrate the continuing plight of the Lebanese people.",positive +2421,"As it goes about hitting its predictable marks, including a reassuring burst of moral outrage, Rendition suffers, finally, from not being extraordinary enough.",negative +2422,So sad this is Hepburn's last performance.,negative +2423,... sobering documentary ...,positive +2424,...depicts a man whose entire world exists in a tug-of-war between the Civil War and Civil Rights.,positive +2425,"It might not be the best or strongest iteration of Holmes, as much as a fun girl-friendlier spin on it, but there's no doubt it's perpetually entertaining.",positive +2426,Brosnan is fast becoming the second best 007 -- effortlessly competent and coolly sexy.,positive +2427,"Rock keeps the film hoppin', punching along at a strong pace. And, as soon as Bernie Mac pops his head into the picture, the belly laughs start to roll.",positive +2428,"Answering the central riddle of what is going on in this herky-jerky, weirdly gleeful psycho-thriller seems like a lose-lose situation for the audience. +",negative +2429,Barbet Schroeder completes his Trilogy of Evil with this chilling look at the Buddhist monk whose Islamophobic rhetoric is stoking ethnic cleaning in Myanmar.,positive +2430,"A typically wrenching film for Farhadi, one that morphs from a quiet family drama to a tale of revenge, and is all the more impressive for how seamlessly it executes that shift.",positive +2431,"Since none of the characters are terribly bright or likable, the experience of watching the film is like being trapped inside a locked car stuck in neutral.",negative +2432,You're gonna have a good time (at least some of the time) while they do their thing.,negative +2433,"Rifkin very deeply understands fanboy culture, and there's a moral spine to this Burt Reynolds fanboy's movie.",positive +2434,"A sack full of Americana, playfully presented",positive +2435,"Long, tedious and often unintentionally hilarious.",negative +2436,"Perhaps the most oft-quoted line from 300 is ""Tonight, we dine in hell!"" Chowing down on a box of Butterfinger Minis during a screening of Meet the Spartans, you will truly understand what that line means.",negative +2437,"Top End Wedding is uplifting, and offered me something I had not experienced before as a viewer in a mainstream theatre - the chance to see First Nations people, relationships, and culture presented from a position of strength and normality.",positive +2438,Elvis & Nixon tells the story behind the most requested photo of all time at the National Archives: the White House meeting between Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon.,positive +2439,"Though Liyana often feels more like an exercise in storytelling than a complete narrative, it is heartwarming to see the kids light up as they work together to create art out of their hardship.",positive +2440,"A movie that, for all its good intentions, feels thoroughly phony and mildly embarrassing, like an extended PSA about inappropriate touching.",negative +2441,"Apples suggests, with great pertinence, that pandemics create new normals and nothing is set in stone. That said, Nikou's career seems like something we can bank on.",positive +2442,certainly a step up from Norbit...,positive +2443,"It asks us to sympathize with teenage boys being groomed for National Socialist glory, and for that reason alone, it absorbs.",positive +2444,There's nothing here that's compelling enough to merit buying a ticket.,negative +2445,Lost In Beijing is most noted for several thumb-nosing gratuitous sex scenes that got the movie reprimanded by the censors back home.,negative +2446,"Leading the defense in the 1969-70 trial of the Chicago Seven, William Kunstler became a radical and a celebrity, and this vivid documentary captures how those two facets of his life worked together in morally urgent and contradictory ways.",positive +2447,"Paul is more defiant, a flicked Vulcan sign saying 'like it or leave it'. I liked it, loads.",positive +2448,"Beyond Borders has good intentions and wants to call attention to the plight of refugees, but what a clueless vulgarization it makes of its worthy motives.",negative +2449,"In the end, the genre-bending of ""Vic + Flo Saw a Bear"" makes way for a grim romanticism. Vic and Flo's fate is simultaneously terrifying and achingly hopeful.",positive +2450,"Don't judge this one too soon - it's a dark, gritty story but it takes off in totally unexpected directions and keeps on going.",positive +2451,The most exciting thing about David O. Russell's operatic-comedy American Hustle is how every piece of it double plays us.,positive +2452,"The Slender Thread is a carefully constructed study in suspense, its climaxes well sustained.",positive +2453,Vartolomei is revelatory in the role. She toes the line between tragic and empowering in a way that makes it hard to believe the Romanian actor has so few credits to her name beyond short films.,positive +2454,"Looper provides some breathtaking moments of action and food for thought, although we'd go easy on the latter.",positive +2455,This is one of the finest Westerns since Unforgiven.,positive +2456,Never quite grounds itself or finds a through line of storytelling reality to pass for anything more than a temporary distraction while things whiz by on screen and characters smirk at themselves and the audience. ,negative +2457,"For a story with only one possible outcome, [i]Away From Her[/i] is full of twists and turns.",positive +2458,"While it offers an almost surreal (and sometimes dated) look into our culture and its obsession with ephemeral fame and social media, its ambitious style ends up playing against its storytelling strengths. [Full Review in Spanish]",negative +2459,"Foul-mouthed and funny, 'Going the Distance' is a youthful romance for grownups.",positive +2460,"In The Yakuza, for the last time as a lead, Mitchum was vibrantly alive.",positive +2461,"Out Cold is like the Caddyshack of snowboarding, just with a fraction of the laughs.",negative +2462,Little is done to support the premise other than fling gags at it to see which ones shtick.,negative +2463,Poorly conceived and executed.,negative +2464,Processing such delirium, "Elvis" is an opus of exhaustion. Luhrmann’s fever dream veers from campfire fable to therapy session and is as gaudy as its subject.,positive +2465,"The production elects for pure laziness, trusting audiences will be sufficiently razzled-dazzled by a return visit to the bottom of the barrel, now 20% deeper.",negative +2466,"I was less than thrilled with the prospect, after seeing the film's mediocre trailer, of spending two plus hours with ""The Chronicles of Narnia."" But, boy, am I glad I did.",positive +2467,"Is Woody Allen's commonplace pessimism really inevitable? While pondering this, we can have a good laugh at this black comedy. ",positive +2468,"The drinks and their consumption look mighty glamorous in ""Hey Bartender,"" Douglas Tirola's tidy and ingratiating documentary ode to high-end mixologists.",positive +2469,"The Force Awakens is an exciting, nostalgic, powerful and moving film, that is capable of generating accelerated heartbeats and knots in the throat. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2470,"Esposito remains masterfully confident throughout, broaching difficult subjects with a tone that veers from the performative to the conversational. It's one of the most crucial hours of comedy you'll see this year.",positive +2471,"Count me among those who bail. Gangster Squad may be a poor movie, but it's a top-a-the-heap gangsta pitcha.",positive +2472,"While 2011's Rise of the Planet of the Apes doesn't achieve the near-classic quality of 1968's original Planet of the Apes, it's close.",positive +2473,"Superman is good, clean, simple-minded fun...",positive +2474,"In the last line of the film, as the final credits thankfully disappear, Richie casually says ""that was a waste of time wasn't it?"" Yes. Definitely.",negative +2475,"Lucia Lucia is well acted and creatively shot, but the problem is that at its core lies a mystery that isn't terribly interesting.",negative +2476,"Nonsensical dialogue, painful acting, lots of strobe lights, and even more fighting -- what more could a person want? Perhaps a beheading? Miami Connection has that, too.",negative +2477,"...incredibly well cast, a fact that might have as much to do with it's persistence in the collective imagination as anything else.",positive +2478,"The Hollywood ending, like too much of this promising film, suggests the recipe book.",negative +2479,Savor every image and every sound. Few directors have created audiovisual landscapes as lush as Antonioni's.,positive +2480,An extinction-level turkey, this stinker of a dino disaster movie plays like a Jurassic Park tribute band: you vaguely recognise the tunes, but it leaves you pining extremely hard for the original.,negative +2481,"Cameron's noble edge defines the mood of the film.. And most notably, erases the cold technological edge that generally suggests machines are evil and humans are good.",positive +2482,A light documentary with a strong heart.,positive +2483,Precisely all that you'd hope for but far more adorable than you can imagine.,positive +2484,"There's a timeless charm to The Old Man and the Gun, easily obsessed in the breezy chemistry of its two elegant stars.",positive +2485,A wittily self-referential romp about the disillusionment of age.,positive +2486,The glib affirmation of rape culture provides more underlying horror than viewers may bargain for.,negative +2487,"Senna is earnest, eloquent, and impossibly charismatic, and his rocketing ascension through the ranks of professional drivers - gunning his car at more than 200 m.p.h. down the straightaways - is something to behold.",positive +2488,"Epic in scope and imagery, the film is a haunting look at mankind's capacity for inhumanity, as well as survival.",positive +2489,"A respectable effort, but far from an inspired one.",positive +2490,Eng’s Therapy Dogs is as authentic a high school movie as it gets.,positive +2491,There's enough that's right about Love to compensate for what's wrong with it.,positive +2492,"It's a warm-hearted effort with all the right impulses, but the laughs aren't there. Its trio of big names would have done well to stop trying so hard and start trusting their own talent.",negative +2493,Magical filmmaking and the new definitive work of Favreau's career.,positive +2494,"The usual collection of television spots, trailers, and crew biographies are also included, as well as detailed stats on Jordan's regular season and postseason careers -- a nice finishing touch to a classy digital tribute to a living legend.",positive +2495,"Perfunctory, sour, overly racist.",negative +2496,"Powerful, disturbing, funny, thought provoking, moving and infuriating.",positive +2497,"Realistic and moving, with beautiful cinematography, this is a stirring call for awareness of the plight of deaf schoolchildren.",positive +2498,"When a movie that you expected so little from delivers even less, you know it's bad,",negative +2499,"Sebastin Silva's troubling psychological thriller largely eschews cabin-in-the-woods convention, and cements Juno Temple as one of the most compelling young actresses working today.",positive +2500,Anti-Obama documentary trades objectivity for persuasion.,negative +2501,"Persuasively damning... some might say these ideas are still being exhaustively (though inexplicably) debated as a political issue, but perhaps the film's greatest strength is in making its hysterical, activism-now urgencies an emotional issue.",positive +2502,Despite [its] flaws it is pleasing to see a film that neither looks nor sounds like any other Irish film historically or contemporaneously being made.,positive +2503,How appropriate that Woo's awkward sci-fi nutty narrative is about memory loss seeing as though this convoluted clunker is utterly forgettable.,negative +2504,"It's a smooth, dreamy-looking film on the surface, but its two leads, Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz, are so out of sync and polarized they spoil the movie like acid curdles milk.",negative +2505,"This dark and sometimes grimly amusing film has been compared to the work of Brian de Palma, but to me it seems more like a blending of Hitchcock and Luis Bunuel.",positive +2506,"May not have much of a brain, but it's definitely got a pulse.",positive +2507,Director Denis Dercourt proves there are still unexpected twists to be found on the well-traveled road of the revenge mystery.,positive +2508,"Your workplace's holiday celebration may not live up to Office Christmas Party, but you and your coworkers can have a good time watching it -- just don't tell HR.",positive +2509,It is a blessing that this film was made and the inspiring story of India's greatest sporting hero told to a generation who might otherwise never have known the legend of 'The Flying Sikh.',positive +2510,"This above-average anime puts character development before action, although there are still enough fisticuffs, robots and monsters to hold the interest of the genre's core otaku (fan boy) audience.",positive +2511,"Effective Hallmark sentiment, some terrific darkly humorous banter from Octavia Spencer and Tig Notaro's case workers, and a grand lump-in-the-throat finale that salutes foster carers.",positive +2512,"Rarely has the tinderbox nature of the Middle East been so accurately lensed, on such an intimate scale, as in Scandar Copti and Yaron Shani's powerful Ajami.",positive +2513,Musicals attempting to emulate the razzle and dazzle of cinema now come full circle to to multiplexes in Chicago,negative +2514,"Dumb fun that actually is fun, and there's always a place for that.",positive +2515,"If the action scenes aren't up to par, and the passion isn't in evidence, then what is there? This movie is fine, and dull.",negative +2516,"The accents are pleasing to the ears, but other than that it is trite and shameless, willing to do anything to please.",negative +2517,"It's not a perfect movie by any means. But like a good candidate, it finds its legs in the homestretch.",negative +2518,Heartfelt and lyrical personal coming-of-age story.,positive +2519,"Every shot is staged like a Renaissance painting; bodies move and dance together, even in stillness, turning the anxious, oppressive energy of dysphoria into liberating spiritual passion. A tender work of abstraction from one of India's queer icons.",positive +2520,"When it's over, the positive feelings have outweighed the negative ones, and Pearl Harbor will go down as a success.",positive +2521,"The maid runs away screaming, something that you'll feel like doing many times during the movie.",negative +2522,The plot is familiar and reminiscent of Disney films of the 1960s (updated perhaps),negative +2523,A mercurial sequel that can’t match its predecessor.,negative +2524,"Taylor really pulls out all the stops for the film's climax, an epic dustup in which the antagonists whiz back and forth between different realms through wormholes in space... Fast moving, fun, and deftly edited, it ensures the movie goes out on a high.",positive +2525,...the plot of Queen Latifah and Katie Holmes' 'Mad Money' is more doable.,positive +2526,Ambitiously layered and almost completely incoherent.,negative +2527,"The philosopher Hannah Arendt once wrote a book about the banality of evil. After seeing Cocktail, I want to write one about the evil of banality.",negative +2528,"Eduardo Sanchez may have one horror classic with his name on it, but Lovely Molly shows that Blair Witch didn't establish a new name in horror. It was only lightning in a bottle.",negative +2529,[Features] a handsome lyrical view of America right through the fantastically photographed shots of 1970 culture floating and shooting into the air.,positive +2530,"Taken as individual 10-minute shorts, the videos are somewhat informative, but very personal portraits of people who make the behemoth known as Disney go.",positive +2531,It's a treat to see Broderick and Lane reprising their roles - both actors are extremely funny and display impressive singing and dancing skills.,positive +2532,"Cooperstein's direction is right on the mark, going for the rich subtext of feeling as Jessie is forced into the arms of man after man on the dance floor.",positive +2533,"Chill Factor is a picture well below zero, a thriller that confuses pace with tension and wisecracks with humor.",negative +2534,"The actors all do their job, but the film is so careful to be prison lite that nothing seems real: even the dust of the prison grounds is air-brushed.",negative +2535,"It moves away from Russell to something else, somewhere else, to scenes and images that are beside the point. But that is the point.",positive +2536,"Sometimes a movie is so amiable and well-intentioned, you're willing to let implausibility slide by. I overheard a filmgoer say after the preview screening, 'It's not often enough that you leave a film with a smile on your face.'",positive +2537,Taking Lives has such a diabolically wonderful premise for a thriller that watching it sink into the abject silliness of The Silence of the Hermit Crabs is all the more disheartening.,negative +2538,"...Hannah Montana: The Movie, its light and empty, cotton candy made out of sugar substitute, not the real sweet deal.",negative +2539,A film that sheds a lot of light on its subject but at times can be a little too blissed out for its own good.,positive +2540,"The roots are shallow, but the sequel is good-natured, high-spirited and perfectly enjoyable if you take it for what it is.",positive +2541,"Brahms: The Boy II is a kind of self-indulgent exercise by the director who perhaps wanted to explore another tangent to his earlier film. It's neither here nor there and seems a bit pointless, really.",negative +2542,"Rings proved to be nothing short of a complete waste of time, and if this video ended up on my laptop, tablet or any other digital device I'd delete it off of the hard drive without a second's hesitation.",negative +2543,"I have a soft spot for it, because I saw it so many times as a kid, but this is not a good movie.",negative +2544,"Essentially, The Scorch Trials makes up for the humdrum YApocalypse of its first half by going a little bonkers in its second.",positive +2545,SECRET SUPERSTAR is a really super powerful, emotional coming-of-age film with a heartfelt mother-daughter relationship at its core. The simple, almost fairytale-like narration is perfectly legitimate in transporting this empowering and inspiring story.,positive +2546,"Essential entry in the biker-flick craze of the 1960s and '70s, a heartfelt plea for nihilism and abnormalcy in a world enslaved by Civilization.",positive +2547,"Brief glimpses of numerous showbusiness celebrities and Tallulah Bankhead's funny caricature of a demure housewife are hardly enough to outweigh the many deficiencies of this strained, synthetic comedy-drama.",positive +2548,"The affectionate ribbing of the cultural milieu and Joan Chen's sly performance raise this a cut above the...[formulaic] lesbian romances and ""my crazy family"" comedies.",positive +2549,"An outrageous and imaginative summer comedy aimed primarily at young males, but it is often so funny that it may well connect to a broader audience.",positive +2550,It's the cinematic equivalent of a flavored rice cake -- palatable while you're chewing and completely forgotten 10 minutes later.,negative +2551,Uneven but often sidesplitting.,positive +2552,"It may be cruel to assign a movie's faults to a dead man, but the weakness in ""tick, tick... BOOM!"" is Larson's story and song score.",positive +2553,"... the most cerebral of first contact films, a science fiction drama about communicating across cultures and across species and even across time without a common language, while failing to communicate within our own world.",positive +2554,"Some of 007's earlier adventures fail to hold up, but in a post-'Taken' world, 'Licence to Kill' certainly aged well and is a under-appreciated gem in the Bond catalog.",positive +2555,"Among the myriad problems with this unconvincing, unfunny and often sleazy comedy from Todd Phillips (The Hangover) is that co-star Miles Teller's David doesn't get much of a conscience until he's held at gunpoint.",negative +2556,"Talk to Her is a sad falsetto ballad, holding onto hope like a dove cupped in two gentle hands in the midst of blood-splattered bullhorns and slow death.",positive +2557,"Like the teenage girls who monopolize its attention, ""Kill Me Please"" is moody, lovely, preening and libidinous.",positive +2558,"Though there are fewer dead-air gaps between words (gaps that in New Moon you could drive a truck through and still have time to file a nail), it still cries out for a transfusion.",negative +2559,A light (and slight) surrealistic comedy of emotional waywardness -- intriguing enough to qualify as a playful lark.,positive +2560,"The movie doesn’t have the classic comic-book pow of Black Panther, and it’s easily 20 minutes too long. Yet Wakanda Forever has a slow-burn emotional suspense. Once the film starts to gather steam, it doesn’t let up.",positive +2561,The documentary is well shot as we fly through the mountains of Romania, like a dragon, reflecting Yuguo’s dream.,positive +2562,Eddie Redmayne has triumphed again with another remarkable performance as one of the world's first transsexuals,positive +2563,A perfect mixture of talent in front of and behind the camera.,positive +2564,A tentative return to Signs-era form for Shyamalan, but it stops just short of being great by spelling itself out a little too neatly for its themes to truly resonate.,positive +2565,A lacerating revenge-thriller... There is no warmth or wit in Sentinelle; it's an exercise in unsubtle retributive justice.,positive +2566,"Imaginative and engaging follow-up, which revolves around a decidedly fresh story line that presents its stars with new challenges, obstacles and emotional opportunities.",positive +2567,"A pretentious, random, uninspired, boring, incomplete and entirely unoriginal story.",negative +2568,You'll just have to see it to believe it.,positive +2569,"Sometimes the stories we think we know, the stories where we don't want to hear another word, turn out to be the most involving of all, the ones we in fact know the least about. So it is with ""Last Days in Vietnam.""",positive +2570,A series of exceptionally clever camera close-ups shows with breath-taking clearness each movement of Marion's death-defying feats and at the same time the severe nervous strain which she is undergoing.,positive +2571,... at Casa Roshell women love and accept themselves as they are. [Full review in Spanish],positive +2572,It feels like somewhere between vision and production the film-maker lost his way.,negative +2573,"Playful, light-hearted and fun, with an impressive cast of Aussie stars and some fine stop-motion animation. As it stands, at 74 minutes, it's not quite as smart (or rewarding) as one would hope.",positive +2574,"29th Street is a movie of considerable energy and good humor, with the expansive Aiello, the uninhibited Kazan and the screwy LaPaglia having a lot of fun with the material.",positive +2575,"Watching this won't save your soul, but only remind you that life, like a magic trick, is a passing amusement.",positive +2576,Interesting as filmmaking per se but fails to hold up in its professedly objective treatment of a homegrown facet of violence.,negative +2577,The fact it's based on truth doesn't prevent it from feeling like a rather horrifying and misguided cartoon portrayal of working-class life.,negative +2578,"Though there's quite a bit of familiar material on show here, this exercise in football nostalgia has an interesting, original focus...",positive +2579,Amsterdam is able to bring a few performances to the table that are worthy of raving about, but the overall experience is disappointing. The tone is all over the place, and the story feels disjointed.,negative +2580,Clueless about love, weird about sex and dumb about movies. ,negative +2581,"[Magic Mike XXL] has an easy, engaging flow, at once natural and dreamlike.",positive +2582,Formulaic movie draws some laughs from pratfalls.,positive +2583,"Professor Marston and the Wonder Women aims to shake you up, make you think and maybe even squirm a little.",positive +2584,"Despite its obvious political bent, the film doesn't spare either side, which paints a troubling portrait of a country all too keen to sell out its morality when it becomes inconvenient to do otherwise.",positive +2585,Losier has made a quietly revolutionary work that treats a pair of people on the fringes with the decency all humans deserve.,positive +2586,"It's an immensely successful film, and a story worthy of its subject.",positive +2587,Overall, Final Cut is a remake done right.,positive +2588,It has the grim grip on our imaginations of an accident we notice just before it happens.,positive +2589,"At times cold, at others quietly appalling, it is a film that feels too real, and perhaps that is ultimately a compliment to its director and performances.",positive +2590,Brings little new to the table.,negative +2591,"It's not good, because of course it isn't, but worst of all, Critters Attack! is depressingly low on charm.",negative +2592,A by-the-numbers sports drama with a death grip on clichs and acting every bit as flat as the mat...,negative +2593,"'Wonder Woman' falls victim to over reliance on computer graphics and it's too long. But that's counterbalanced by a story grounded in real emotions and characters who inhabit a three-dimensional world, albeit a comic-book-inspired, fantastical one.",positive +2594,"A sentimental, visually stunning adaptation of the Reif Larsen novel.",positive +2595,A complex but incredibly accessible look at online life in all its dark menace and strange potential.,positive +2596,"It's possible that the lackluster script, with its go-nowhere plotting and surface-level emotions, could have been rendered watchable by a talented and charismatic actor. But with Walker, it never stood a chance.",negative +2597,"A whimsical film noir, probably the only such animal.",negative +2598,"La preuve qu'il est encore possible de produire de belles choses lorsque la passion est au rendez-vous, mme si cela signifie parfois travailler avec des matriaux uss...",positive +2599,"With The Other Boleyn Girl, the sheen and shine of the clothing and sets can't quite blind us to the fact there's very little drama under all the drapery, and you'll recall the textures of the fabrics long after you've forgotten the threads of the plot.",negative +2600,"Underneath the achingly beautiful surface, a sense of opportunities lost and roads not taken often lurks.",positive +2601,"Somewhere in here, there's a pretty decent movie.",negative +2602,"Sweet but not sentimental, sad but not cynical, Two For Joy is a welcome new take on a British realism with disarmingly impressive performances from its young cast.",positive +2603,"The theme seems to be a kind of late-Edwardian Euro whimsy along Wodehousian lines... except that Wodehouse was really funny, and Anderson really isn't.",negative +2604,This one captured my eye as well as my intrigue for this continuing storyline in ways I had not anticipated,positive +2605,"If you're going to remake a classic movie, The Wolfman is an excellent example of how to do it right.",positive +2606,"While Confession of a Burning Man manages to accurately capture the Burning Man spirit, it falls just short of capturing the entire Burning Man experience.",positive +2607,Required viewing for anyone who thinks the modern media created the social ills that accost us so frequently today.,positive +2608,Contemplative study of the basis of man and purpose and it explores that theme with consistency and integrity.,positive +2609,"A masterpiece that merges the Bard's bittersweet wisdom with the wit, style, and idealism of '30s Hollywood musicals.",positive +2610,"No, I don't want no Skrull A Skrull is a guy that can't get no love from Kree Hangin' out the earthbound side Of an Accuser's ride Trying to holler at Fury",positive +2611,"With her declarative snap and ability to go for the jugular, Thompson truly seems like a born talk-show host. Even when she's just riffing, she grounds ""Late Night"" in something real.",positive +2612,"The heart of Hogan's film is in the right place, and Collette is masterful as an agent of anarchy.",positive +2613,"An important, heart-soaring record of a group of incredibly brave people doing something almost everyone would tell them is impossible.",positive +2614,"Through the years, [it's] become genre classic of its own.",positive +2615,Aronofsky rewrites the language of film to create a dizzying journey into the abyss. The best film of 2000.,positive +2616,"begins as a fairly intriguing study of alienation, only to end up as a far-fetched ""let's get outta here!"" thriller. ... Ruby proves to be so adept at last-minute disappearances, you'd think her grandfather was Houdini.",negative +2617,"Diner is a funny, affectionate film... If you're over 30, you may be surprised to remember what a drab era it was and hopeful that men will never again be as dense.",positive +2618,The Intern is an insubstantial Nancy Meyers comedy kept afloat by Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway's screen chemistry.,positive +2619,"Surprising, sweet and charming, David Wain proves himself a comic director par excellence.",positive +2620,Paradise Now stands as evidence of troubled and troubling times.,positive +2621,"In all honesty, what I would have rather watched than this sometimes confusing film was a film strictly about the woman that inspired the Freda character. It seems like it would have been a more inspiring story.",negative +2622,"If you are an extreme sports junkie, Point Break is cocaine. If you are a fan of good writing, it's a placebo.",negative +2623,"Although this stylish and ominously paced vehicle starts with a full itinerary, it never makes a vital connection.",positive +2624,"It may not be the most original comedy ever, but what Role Models lacks in originality of concept, it makes up for in the natural wittiness of its actors.",positive +2625,"The idea of a single-take shot may suggest something static, but Berberich's camera glides through scenes, helping the viewer to not only concentrate on what is being said, but also allowing us time to consider these thoughts at a normal pace.",positive +2626,"A high-end version of one of those direct-to-video kids' movies that play on the Disney Channel all throughout October, all cobwebbed tombstones behind iron cemetery gates and dead leaves crunching underfoot.",positive +2627,"The horror here is derived from an inability to cope, to gain closure, to accept that, despite what mainstream movies tell us, not every loose end in life ties itself up in an immaculate bow.",positive +2628,"This film has plenty of bad attitude for sale, but the black humor only delivers sporadically on the laughs.",negative +2629,"If John Wick is Buster Keaton, [Odenkirk's] Hutch is Harold Lloyd.",positive +2630,What’s stifling for [its lead] Ana is the mark of a taut drama in which the political becomes personal in unshakeable ways.,positive +2631,"As far as live-action reimaginings of fairy tales are concerned, this is one of the more inventive ones and is unquestionably better than 2011's Red Riding Hood misfire.",positive +2632,"""12 Years a Slave"" works on so many levels -- some topical, some timeless -- that it's almost impossible to count them.",positive +2633,Curious paring of Williams and Altman in a live action adaptation of the famous cartoon. Altman's odd sound techniques are not well suited for the material.,positive +2634,"While this feels like familiar territory for Baumbach, he manages to deliver something that feels at least a little fresh, thanks in part to the capabilities of the extraordinary ensemble.",positive +2635,"The movie has a few perky, funny moments, but Slade is determined to stretch things out until one no longer cares what happens to his star-crossed lovers.",negative +2636,"The complexity might require a second viewing, but there is compensation in the realistic acting by a cast of non-pros and the eye-grabbing, hand-held lensing by Boaz Yehonatan Yacov.",positive +2637,"If this is what Park Chan-wook can bring to the American film world, then hopefully he will stay for a very long time.",positive +2638,"This lavish Spanish production begins to plod after a brisk, lively first half.",negative +2639,"A smart, provocative chiller with a strong perspective.",positive +2640,"he General is the highlight of his career's tragicomic performances, featuring not just the awe-inspiring stunts that were his bread and butter, but also a level of fluidity only he and Chaplin attained at the top of their games.",positive +2641,There's a better movie to be made that combines the talents of everyone involved but You People isn't it.,negative +2642,Isn't It Romantic earns its place in the pantheon of romantic comedies. [Full review in Spanish],positive +2643,"It's certainly not for everyone -- basically, the embodiment of ""art house cinema"" -- but those into the dark, the quirky and the risqu should find plenty to appreciate.",positive +2644,"Diesel isn't amusing, so he merely comes off as a showy actor in a bad wig.",negative +2645,"The real Mars may be nothing like it appears in this movie, but it sure does make you want to visit anyway.",positive +2646,One gets the feeling that a lot of the meaning of this film ended up on the cutting room floor.,negative +2647,It successfully takes on the theme from Gaslight.,positive +2648,A strong piece of mass market filmmaking.,positive +2649,"Tonya's hardships were depicted with straightforwardness; however, the film's narrative was not so effective, perennially wobbling between the cheaply dramatic and the absurdly comic.",negative +2650,"Casino Royale is right up there with my favourite films, let alone Bond films. Well paced, well shot, well acted and lots of fun and clever nods to past Bond-isms. Top marks.",positive +2651,"A gripping, provocative documentary.",positive +2652,The zombie film has never been so funny or so cool.,positive +2653,"The theft itself, and the subsequent (overdone) trial scene that functions as its prologue and aftermath, are in many ways secondary to the film’s humane charms. What’s best about The Duke are its witty grace notes.",positive +2654,Forgettable Tom Hanks comedy made early on.,negative +2655,"Even though its a little predictable, this uncomplicated story captures your atention from the beginning. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2656,"Robert Downey, Jr.'s effortlessly nuanced performance as Tony Stark is a dark delight that combines pop-culture wit and genuine emotional depth.",positive +2657,"F9 is a stupendously stupid movie. Total nonsense. Bombastic and, forgive the pun, ludicrous. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a lot of fun watching it. I now support multi-million-dollar goofball productions.",positive +2658,They're not too old for this shit.,positive +2659,"While it may not be exactly the movie that die-hard Paranormal Activity fans may be expecting, the fact that Next of Kin plays around with expectations in such a clever way here works in the film's favor.",positive +2660,"What a better cinematic palette we would have if stars wielded their clout like this more often.""",positive +2661,"Polemical as it is, Death in Sarajevo is a hotel movie, one that fluidly entertains even as it educates.",positive +2662,The film's family entertainment value is of a high standard. I still would have hoped that there could have been something more in here.,negative +2663,A much-needed wake-up call to face the fact that state-sanctioned usury and exorbitant late fees are destroying the prospects of working class citizens of ever achieving anything approaching the American Dream.,positive +2664,"Landais has made a version of ""Aspern"" that is too often uncertain and unconvincing despite the good work of his female stars.",negative +2665,A bona fide Third World thriller that deserves to be seen without all the prejudicial baggage and BS that has swirled around the movie for the last few months.,positive +2666,"2018's Halloween is a great addition to the Halloween franchise, and by cutting off all of the previously existing sequels, it's able to not only make Michael Myers a true creature of terror, but also comments, subtly, on the current true crime culture.",positive +2667,A bold (and lovely) experiment that will almost certainly bore most audiences into their own brightly colored dreams.,negative +2668,The Christina Applegate renaissance is in serious jeopardy.,negative +2669,"The script, co-written by Seidelman, based on her mother Florence's adventures in a butterfly-balloted suburban retirement community, feels like it was written by Neil Simon on a bad comb-over day.",negative +2670,"Even when Yard occasionally becomes too hammy for words, or the ""evil"" performances cross into cartoon, the film remains an overwhelmingly infectious experience.",positive +2671,Parker uses the same overbearing touch in David Gale that he did in Angela's Ashes and Mississippi Burning.,negative +2672,Doesn't amount to much.,negative +2673,Give me a Shaun action-figure tie-in over Minions Tic-Tacs or Icees any day.,positive +2674,A sensitive and cumulatively moving account of private grief in the aftermath of very public atrocity.,positive +2675,"While it lacks Spider-Man's emotional wallop, X2: X-Men United represents the purest translation of comic book action to the big screen.",positive +2676,The screenplay by Robert A Stemmie and Karl Hartl both plays the game...and acknowledges that [Holmes and Watson] are fictional creations.,positive +2677,"It takes a village to burn itself to the ground, and no one is better at contextualizing such huge events, and structuring the information into a clear and transparent narrative, than documentarian Alex Gibney.",positive +2678,"An unusually pitched portrait of a culinary genius from the Gordon Ramsay school of shouty chefs who needs to learn to, like, chill out. But that high energy never fully translates to the screen.",negative +2679,"A feeble call to arms, and inept entertainment to boot.",negative +2680,"It's marked by fine performances from a great cast, but it's hard to escape the fact that The Debt takes itself very, very seriously, to its own detriment.",positive +2681,"From opening to closing credits, there isn't a single genuine moment.",negative +2682,In practice Lee doesn't quite handle this vertiginous tone switch.,negative +2683,The first film in terms of Oscar hopefuls this year that can truly be considered a contender.,positive +2684,"Whether it's a product of the city's laid-back, party-hearty nature or a fault of the filmmaking, Sons makes for a pleasant sit but doesn't really have the substance to deliver the aimed-for tenor of inspirational struggle.",negative +2685,"As the hard-boiled professional fisherman who gives his ample ingenuity to a cause, Mr. Bogart is almost as impressive as he was as Rick, the Casablanca host.",positive +2686,All is covered with Altman's own winning sense of humour and perspective which is what transforms what might otherwise have been a banal biographic doc into something a little more compelling.,positive +2687,"A magnificent reimagining of the classic Christmas tale filled with beauty and magic, but most importantly, it's a tale that gives strength, power and intelligence to the lead character, a girl, Clara.",positive +2688,"Even at 89 minutes, you can feel the oxygen running out of this movie.",negative +2689,"The brilliance with this one is pretty subtle, which ought to make it a film you want to watch over and over again.",positive +2690,The ensuing action-adventure may promise more than it ultimately delivers but remains fun for long periods.,positive +2691,What mitigates this willful narrative vagueness are the performances.,positive +2692,Alex Tse's script adheres to the basic outline of the original while sprinkling in some fresh touches. Director X nimbly moves the various chess pieces of the plot about while showing a distinctive flair for outlandish action sequences.,positive +2693,...this is a superb cast that knows how to put the right spin on clever dialogue - even when they're playing thinly drawn characters in a dated and unnecessary story.,negative +2694,"Brie Larson's directorial debut Unicorn Store is a wonderful debut, a film full of great laughs, terrific performances, clever observations, and a huge, rainbow-coloured heart.",positive +2695,"With family comedies so few and far between, it's a pity this one couldn't have been better.",negative +2696,"""Run Lola Run"" is the music video you've been dreaming for movies to be.",positive +2697,"For every laudable moment in Never Look Away where the filmmaker finds truth in his characters and their reality, there's another that removes us so far from caring for them that it's hard to find our way back.",positive +2698,"Timely, taut, spellbinding and surprisingly heartwarming. It might be the most important documentary about Israeli-Palestinian relations since Promises.",positive +2699,"Shouldn't therapy, at least in art for or about childhood, be fun? The book was entrancing. The book deserved better. Happily there is still time, before the world ends, for someone else to film it. For now: return to Sendak.",negative +2700,"Just like Walt used to make! This might've started as a Fox movie but has come home, as it's classic Disney entertainment at its finest. Harrison Ford also returns to form.",positive +2701,"Combining elements of a D-grade erotic thriller and a deconstructed international thriller, Boarding Gate proves duly snazzy and sleazy - kinda skanky in a highfalutin' way.",negative +2702,A Top Gun for the NASCAR set.,positive +2703,"As in his previous films, McNaughton has an uncanny mastery over reality: this film -- the locations, the people, the emotions -- rings true.",positive +2704,"It crams in all of the best Bugs and Daffy Duck cartoons from the post-war period, plus a dizzying 15-minute compilation of Roadrunner sketches.",positive +2705,"You'll be embarrassed, sad, happy then exhausted.",positive +2706,"Duvall as rough, tough Marine in downer story of family conflict",positive +2707,"Novelist Jack Finney's body snatchers have appeared in some fine movies, but the only disturbing-looking thing here is what they've done to Nicole Kidman's lips.",negative +2708,"Lying brushes more big ideas than commonplace comedies, but hasn't taken those ideas through enough drafts to work out their implications or -- harder still -- make them killingly funny.",negative +2709,A meaningful engagement with elder care, dementia and mortality, born of the director’s own experiences with his mother and his near-fatal brain haemorrhage.,positive +2710,It's pretty special stuff as offered up by Donoghue and director Lenny Abrahamson.,positive +2711,A creepy little thriller that holds your interest. Plus it features 60's star Rita Tushingham in a lead role.,positive +2712,"These days, people are more interested in Kurosawa than he is in being Kurosawa.",negative +2713,Maria Demopoulos and Jodi Wille's disturbing film is an object lesson in psychological manipulation.,positive +2714,"On the surface, nearly none of it is clever, which is quite disappointing in a movie about espionage and duplicity and triple-crosses.",negative +2715,"Despite being formally unusual, it's always emotionally accessible if not emotionally overwhelming.",positive +2716,[Woodley] spends much of the second [film] captured by the society's merciless overlord (Kate Winslet) and locked into a psychoactive contraption that subjects her to various traumatic hallucinations. Any movie critic can relate to that.,negative +2717,"If I want to spend 90 minutes with better lighting on the ninja's body than the fighting, give me Lucinda Dickey in Ninja III: The Domination any day of the week.",negative +2718,It works as a funny and slicker-than-expected parody of the genre.,positive +2719,"Malloy's film works for hardcore fans, but also should function as a taster for novices; there's enough tantalising clips and stories to spark interest in the toughest genre of films ever made.",positive +2720,This whimsical French comedy about the ramifications of clandestine good deeds and the courage to follow one's own heart is also a celebration of the boundless potential of cinema itself.,positive +2721,"In a way, this failure is a product of its success: so adept is Blamire's backhanded homage that it results in a film every bit as gruelling as its antecedents.",negative +2722,"It's not mankind that's been shrunk, it's Payne's conception.",negative +2723,Someone should've told the filmmakers of Love Type D that it's neither funny nor cute to do a romantic comedy about a woman who spends most of the movie stalking an ex-boyfriend who dumped her. It's pathetic ... [And it's] an appalling mess of a movie.,negative +2724,"From its slow-burning beginning, The Guardians develops into an epic melodrama. It's a wartime story in which, for a change, the men are relegated to supporting roles.",positive +2725,Martel achieves a distinctive marriage of realism and spirituality.,positive +2726,Gloria Swanson deserves to be called iconic in Billy Wilder's priceless 1950 classic.,positive +2727,"The sights are ga-ga, but the storytelling gets fairly turgid.",negative +2728,...tells a moving tale of a man's love for his sons and the lengths he is willing to go to return his boys home.,positive +2729,A coy and hollow parody.,negative +2730,"The first twenty minutes are great with Wahlberg stealing the show as a wannabe inventor but when the Transformers arrive onscreen, it all goes downhill.",negative +2731,"An achievement of accomplished filmmaking and superb acting, L.I.E. puts you in the tough spot of unraveling how you feel about what you've viewed.",positive +2732,"Perhaps the most charitable way to look at Split is that is a cry for help by its director. ""Stop me before I film again,"" he seems to be saying.",negative +2733,"Pleasingly adult material powered by elegant, muscular performances. A strong adaptation of a slippery novel.",positive +2734,Upbeat celebration of outstanding kids who spell to win.,positive +2735,"This is a sprawling complex mystery that, while it's sometimes too tangled for its own good, has an absorbing central story.",positive +2736,"If you want a reminder that misogyny is alive and well, this is the documentary for you. It actually ends on a bright note, but the road there is brutal",positive +2737,"Two of Us delivers a rare and restrained portrait of enduring love, especially between women of a certain age, right up to its devastatingly moving final frame.",positive +2738,"Gemma Arterton grabs hold in this at times uneven but satisfying, escapist story about an author living in the British countryside during WWII--really about nostalgia and (importantly) hope for a better time",positive +2739,"Whatever you may think about Gibson the man, Apocalypto shows he's determined to lay all his art and sweat and blood up there on the screen.",positive +2740,"It's probably too much to ask James to channel Robert Mitchum in ""Cape Fear,"" but a little gleam in the eyes or a baring of fangs would have been welcome.",negative +2741,It felt a little cold to me...and that's what keeps this movie from being great.,positive +2742,An exploration of the dynamics of sadness and the liberating qualities of love.,positive +2743,An earnest (yet flawed) drama that's absolutely worth celebrating for representation's sake - and worth a watch.,positive +2744,"Rather than spend undue attention on these elements, Pellington works his magic by tapping into the talents of his leads. Both MacLaine and Seyfried use their eyes and the act of watching to reveal who these women truly are.",positive +2745,"A must-see for Weird Al fans who haven’t been treated to significant Weird Al-style comedy in a movie since 1989’s UHF. Fans of absurdity and parodies also might enjoy it, but the 2010 Funny or Die short serves up a lot of the same comedic beats.",positive +2746,[Liman] reminds you that he was put on this earth to make popcorn thrillers. The ingenuity he brings to this disposable project is a sign of why Hollywood blockbusters continue to rule the globe.,positive +2747,"Much better than the first, abysmal, sequel.",positive +2748,A riveting coming of age story that should have universal applicability.,positive +2749,"Unlike last year's silly 'Wonder Woman,' while both are impossible fantasies that defy credibility, this one is peripatetic entertainment that doesn't distort history or use real people's names...'Raiders of the Lost Ark' on steroids.",positive +2750,"There are flourishes of brilliance, particularly in score, costumes and set design. However, this brilliance is often buried beneath messy, disjointed action sequences and a story that fails to make any sense at all.",positive +2751,"The only attractive feature is an occasional shot of Louis in the ring, showing him fighting; but even these scenes have been handled poorly.",negative +2752,"There is cuteness and chuckle-worthy visual and verbal jokes, but the film-maker weaves in that element that eludes others: heartfelt emotion.",positive +2753,... a muddled and relentlessly downbeat examination of marriage and mortality that's more pretentious than profound.,negative +2754,"The movie makes sure to never forget that these are all people, stupid, flawed people; the banality of evil is so prevalent here that you'll occasionally laugh just to keep from cry.",positive +2755,Sometimes it's so goofy you want to slap it for foisting so many dud slapstick gags. And sometimes it's so intentionally goofy you have to laugh.,negative +2756,"Their chemistry is the best [part] of this film that is more foolish than the previous, less credible and less funny. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2757,"It's to first-time filmmaker John Dullaghan's credit that he offers a portrait of the Southern California poet and novelist that digs beyond Bukowski's hard-drinking, hard-loving persona.",positive +2758,"Woody Allen's Take the Money and Run has some very funny moments, and you'll laugh a lot, but in the last analysis it isn't a very funny movie.",negative +2759,What a disappointment.,negative +2760,"Finding the right balance among tones and subtexts can be tricky. In this case, despite some flourishes, the film lacks a deeper resonance.",negative +2761,"[The Rock bought] the rights to her tale after seeing a doco about her wrestling family, produced this biopic, and then cast himself as her jacked Jiminy Cricket. It's a fiction, and also one of the best f***ing ideas I've ever heard.",positive +2762,A fair and balanced exposé as well as a powerful wake-up call for a systemically broken system that's in desperate need of significant repair.,positive +2763,"Maybe they shouldn't have done it as a musical, but other than that I think it is a fabulous film. ",positive +2764,Oscar Isaac upstages impressive visual effects and set design,positive +2765,"With impressive agility, ""Wadjda"" finds room to maneuver between harsh realism and a more hopeful kind of storytelling.",positive +2766,"I Love You, Stupid is fine and nothing more, but maybe something slightly less.",negative +2767,Those with warm memories of the BBC television serial in the 1980s will find much in this Brideshead to enjoy.,positive +2768,"This is one well-made thriller, and for a director who wants to work in that genre, this is as strong a first feature as any filmmaker could hope for.",positive +2769,"Despite its obvious currency, it's more yesterday than tomorrow.",negative +2770,This edition -- clean and tight as Scott would have it -- presents a strong case for Alien as both the greatest horror film and the greatest science-fiction film ever made.,positive +2771,"Not perfect, by any means, but a top night out",positive +2772,"Fearless as a fatwa and subtle as a Second Coming, Religulous is a revelation.",positive +2773,"A top-to-bottom miracle of a film, burly in its philosophy and graceful in its style.",positive +2774,"""The Kingmaker"" chills the soul by presenting shantytown residents and school kids who extol the Marcos regime and even endorse its eight-year period of martial law.",positive +2775,"DIG! is part post-grunge version of A Star is Born, part Cain and Abel fable of split fraternal affinities, and part reiteration of the oldest story in rock music: the impossibility of reconciling success with integrity.",positive +2776,"Bathed in an atmosphere of nightmare, dread and otherworldliness that is unlike anything else in American horror cinema.",positive +2777,"The incessant talk that continues from start to finish might just be the movie's strongpoint -- and given how clumsy and contrived it is, that's saying something.",negative +2778,"An old-fashioned, hand-tinted postcard that's as inert as it is pretty.",negative +2779,After Earth is an underwhelming exercise in science fiction that barely registers as entertainment.,negative +2780,"It's too bad-in the right, Herzogian hands, this could have been one of the great Man vs. Nature epics in cinema. Instead it's a boring, lame Moby Dick spin-off.",negative +2781,It's Kate Beckinsale who is fantastic and she is able to hold the strong premise long enough to keep my interest in a politically-charged thriller.,positive +2782,"Too slow, both leads seem self-conscious.",negative +2783,"In true Hitchcockian fashion, Everybody Knows is an absorbing film filled with twists and turns and the mesmerizing ambiguity of ""who dunnit"".",positive +2784,"A rare bird, not because of what it's like but because it makes you ask: why was it made? [Full review in Spanish]",negative +2785,"As both war epic and historical character piece, it feels weirdly insubstantial.",negative +2786,"The film's tonal and situational shapeshifting doesn't go to the surrealist lengths of Luis Buñuel's The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, but James Vaughan similarly indulges in burlesquing upper-middle-class complacency.",positive +2787,"one of the sloppiest pieces of hackwork to be put out by a major studio recently. In fact, this flaccid comedy's only laughs come from its sheer ineptitude.",negative +2788,...levitates above its limitations thanks to its three leads.,positive +2789,"Frenetic to a fault, bordering on sensory overload, this is a van ride to be remembered.",positive +2790,"With the studio seemingly more interested in mini-Marvel-esque universe building than basic storytelling, I'll be bracing myself for another underwhelming, rather than amazing, Spider-Man.",negative +2791,"In Theo Anthony's excellent new documentary Rat Film, these parasitic little critters seem to be scuttling about wherever the camera happens to look.",positive +2792,The Final Girls offers a lovely twist on the horror genre and some good laughs for movie fans of every stripe. Nice to see the more ludicrous elements of retro slasher fare get the mockery they deserve.,positive +2793,"While the first ninety minutes or so are sporadically amusing, if hardly classic, the sag of the last thirty leaves one anxious for it all to end.",negative +2794,"The performances are great, it looks great, the clothes are great. Sometimes that's enough for me.",positive +2795,"A delight for very young children and any parent who'll get the Attorney General joke of ""Geneva Convention? I don't care if it's a Star Trek convention!""",positive +2796,"Brandon Cronenberg's slick, strenuously naughty Infinity Pool, letting the characters descend into a moral freefall without any real downside gets tiresome fast.",positive +2797,It’s tame, like really tame, with a distinct 80s screwball comedy feel. The comedy is cringe-worthy but wholesome, and we laugh with the foibles, not at them.,positive +2798,A convoluted mess that will likely appeal to neither the young nor the old.,negative +2799,"Hepburn's sparkle and charm prove as irresistible as ever, but it feels like there's so much more to say.",positive +2800,Dark Glasses may be an overfamiliar and unambitious victory lap for Dario Argento, but it’s still a gas to see the 81-year-old auteur back in the filmmaking saddle.,negative +2801,"Green, along with writer Scott Teems (That Evening Sun) do a wonderful job of mixing the past with the present to remind movie goers of where the franchise started and how far it has come.",positive +2802,The Signal is clever in its execution of recycled concepts.,positive +2803,Quality escapism and a nice rebound for Emmerich after a pair of career lows.,positive +2804,The transition from imagined drama to reality grows tedious.,negative +2805,"With its astute capsule biography of DeMille and firsthand accounts from people who worked with him, the film pays tribute to one of Hollywood's most innovative and commercially successful founding fathers.",positive +2806,Payne's film alone would be worth the price of admission.,positive +2807,"Slow and uneventful, like a cross-country Greyhound bus trip that never stops.",negative +2808,"Greed isn't merely good here, it's God; and He's about to smite His acolytes with blazing Old Testament relish.",positive +2809,"While it's pretty effervescent for the first hour, things really take a dire turn toward the end. The whole thing nearly becomes undone at that point.",negative +2810,"It's not a perfect film - the ending couldn't possibly live up to the build-up, for instance - but it is just a tremendous amount of fun.",positive +2811,"A handsomely shot, well-appointed film that, while lacking nuance, is still one of the most imaginative and stylish incarnations of the Holmes legend we've seen in some time.",positive +2812,The state of the Muppet union remains strong...self-reference sits comfortably along hip pop-cultural references for the 'rents: stylish parodies and retro musical numbers along with vintage Muppet gags...,positive +2813,It's too bad that a movie so lovingly steeped in music hasn't more rhythm and flow.,negative +2814,A stony-faced Tara Sutaria comes off as too self-conscious in her attempt to play Mia. It is Ananya Pandey who stands out among what is otherwise a mediocre cast.,negative +2815,A tender and thoughtful comedy that proves that showcases the ones who dream and the huge determination of the human spirit.,positive +2816,Stallone delivers a touching and wonderfully understated performance.,positive +2817,"A well-intentioned but stodgy cinematic fleshing out of an obscure footnote in aviation history, Hawaizaada takes eons to climb to cruising altitude.",negative +2818,"I'm laughing but I don't really care about anybody in this movie... Even with something like Sausage Party, as nasty as those sausages were... their story was their priority.",negative +2819,The quintessential '80s artifact -- though in this case I mean that in the best way possible. It arrived at a time when earnestness hadn't yet been overwhelmed by cynicism.,positive +2820,"If ""Silent Night"" ultimately aces its peculiar tone, it struggles with having anything to say.",positive +2821,"In addition to being dull, Untraceable is a monster hypocrite, wagging its finger at the mass audience's appetite for strictly regimented, 'creative' torture scenarios. This film is not really in a position to point a finger.",negative +2822,"It's based on a true story, which is a very inspiring story, sure ... but as a drama, it just isn't interesting.",negative +2823,"Mesmerizing, everything on the screen helping us follow her routine with a domestic rigor that replaces dramatic structure.",positive +2824,"As hokey and tone-deaf as it is implausible, this sloppy romance drama makes for one long, hard slog.",negative +2825,"The Edgertons are a clever pair, all right, even if The Square seems repetitive and sometimes a bit hackneyed.",negative +2826,Mank is well worth watching and is sure to be in the conversation for year-end awards.,positive +2827,Intriguing experimental feature takes playful aim at the North Korean propaganda machine.,positive +2828,"[Populaire] does run through the expected paces with admirable style, with a glossy, Technicolor production design that sometimes makes it seem it might have been made in the '50s, not just set there.",positive +2829,"The film is a vital, evocative reminder of a turbulent time that paved the way for hard-fought freedoms. For that alone, it's of value for younger audiences, gay or straight.",positive +2830,"Amistad is neither as good as it ought to have been nor as wretched as its detractors claim: it's a fine, skillful drama that suffers primarily from Spielberg's chronic insecurity about whether or not we're being moved by the story he's telling.",positive +2831,"The show's brilliant conceit seems mild. In its own way, this is just another teen movie.",negative +2832,"A great big lumpen mass of a movie that won a couple of Oscars (including one for Best Picture) and is studded with stars, but ultimately collapses under the weight of the clichés it carries round with it.",negative +2833,It's a measure of the movie's success that one oscillates between two despairs -- noting the abject failure of the system and the utter futility of revolt.,positive +2834,"The film is gritty and tense, and explodes with ferocity.",positive +2835,"Epic it indeed is, full of magnificent set pieces - sprawling space battles and incandescent lightsaber duels - gripping performances and a number of truly stunning surprises.",positive +2836,The Heat may not set the box-office ablaze it should be packing more than enough heat to justify that rumored sequel.,positive +2837,One of the very best children's movies of the past quarter-century.,positive +2838,"A disarmingly-endearing homage to the Silent Film era! If you're familiar with the surreal cinematic stylings of Dominique Abel and Fiona Gordon, then you have an idea of what sort of treat's in store.",positive +2839,"All of the kids in ""I Wish"" come across as real and believable, a tribute to Koreeda's directing skills working with children.",positive +2840,"You can laugh at American Violet, but most defendants are scared into pleading guilty and need all the poster girls they can get.",positive +2841,"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, whatever its defects, is the perfect representatives of Lorelei Lee, and... Dorothy. ",positive +2842,"Em alguns momentos, não sabemos direito se devemos rir ou chorar depois de ouvirmos certos diálogos, mas esse é o charme do filme.",positive +2843,A glibly sour and sentimental thriller.,negative +2844,"Anchored by a dazzling turn by Samara Weaving, Ready Or Not brilliantly fuses thrills, satire, laughs and horror. Don't count to 100 - just go and see.",positive +2845,A raunchy and frequently hilarious follow-up to the gifted Korean American stand-up's I'm the One That I Want.,positive +2846,The Outpost reveals a career-changing performance from Caleb Landry Jones despite little cinematic creativity that starts to resemble a video game.,negative +2847,"While it's regrettable that Nerve's last act doesn't live up to the lead-in, it still delivers an entertaining and provocative hour and thirty-six minutes.",positive +2848,"An entertaining nonsense film from AIP directed by the master of making the meaningless film, Edward L. Cahn.",negative +2849,"Now, this is a poorly made film, but can a good film be made according to this moral framework?",negative +2850,"On a deeper level, ""Shoot Me"" is an unflinchingly honest examination of a woman who is aware that the end is approaching.",positive +2851,"These are icons, not accessories in some Hot Topic cover version of ""Teenage Lobotomy.""",negative +2852,"Jon M. Chu deserves an award for making a two-hour movie about magic interesting, exciting, and pretty damn fun.",positive +2853,"As good as much of the music is, the film still feels like a studio concoction...But, to paraphrase words of wisdom from a previous generation of young dancers from Dick Clark's American Bandstand, it's got a good beat and it's easy to dance to.",positive +2854,"Like its title heroine, it's sparkly, pretty and flirty -- but often all wet.",negative +2855,This existential tale about an afterworld exclusively for suicide victims and a handful of newcomers attempting to navigate the landscape pulsates originality through its uncanny way of incorporating the familiar into the offbeat.,positive +2856,"Hootnick's approach is far from perfect (formally or politically), but at least it is engaging and worth debating.",positive +2857,Gus Van Sant has made his Malcolm X.,positive +2858,"Damn, this is Wayne's movie.",positive +2859,"Not even the reassuring familiarity of the Waters stock company (including Mink Stole, Ricki Lake and, pointedly in this case, Patty Hearst) is enough to fully redeem this effort.",negative +2860,"Initially gripping, eventually cloying POW drama.",negative +2861,"Craig Robert's film debut takes on the diferent tropes of the teen comedy genre but infuses them with dark and acid humor, making it a much more enjoyable experience. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2862,"Gordon-Levitt's uptight everyman hero fully earns our sympathy and Kendrick is superb as the rookie therapist, but the film suffers from an overly strong dose of Rogen's crudity and mawkishness, which must surely be reaching its use-by date soon.",positive +2863,"With a riveting performance, Cate Blanchett creates one of Woody Allen's most memorable movie characters in years.",positive +2864,A picture like The Blair Witch Project just takes your breath away.,positive +2865,"Shackled by sports-movie clichés, a reductive view of how creativity works, and, most importantly, Natalie Portman's limitations as an actress.",negative +2866,"The most devilish behavior in Emily Rose comes from bait-and-switch marketers who are selling it as if it were an Exorcist-style movie, when it's really a melodrama.",positive +2867,"The character is as eccentric as he is lovable and could only have arisen from the imagination of Chema García Ibarra, [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2868,"In lesser hands, Tokyo Drift could've been the series' early death knell, but Justin Lin's confident, propulsive direction makes it a fun, and ultimately necessary, adjunct.",positive +2869,"Battle of the Sexes is not deep enough to speak truth to the enduring powerful impact this match had then and continues to have, now that sports again is a battleground in our never-ending cultural wars.",positive +2870,Edward Burns is fast turning from American indie success story to bad Woody Allen imitation with his tired tales of Manhattan.,negative +2871,Equal parts gossipy tell-all and poignant portrait of a man whose life is revealed to be rather more complicated than the sunny sex romp Bowers describes.,positive +2872,"Even as you watch, though, you begin to wonder how much is real life and how much of what you see was ""staged"" because the teens knew a camera was watching.",positive +2873,"In a sense, it's sort of the Return of the Jedi of the Mad Max series: It's solid, it's engaging, but yeah, it's also a kind of a step down from the previous two",positive +2874,Sigurður Sigurjónsson and Theodór Júlíusson are utterly convincing as the battling brothers whose alienation is expressed more through morosely bearded gesture than drunken buckshot dialogue.,positive +2875,"Lawrence does the best with what she is given, and her penultimate scene shows a good deal of strength and power, but Russell's messy movie ultimately lets her down.",negative +2876,"Hopefully, this is the death-knell for Austin Powers, who went just a little too far this time.",negative +2877,Getting Gertie's Garter is another product of that school of cinema thinking which holds that a bludgeon is more effective than a rapier.,negative +2878,"The staggering landscapes of this mountainous land are captured beautifully as director Dirk Simon picks apart contradictions within Tibetan society. Philip Glass, Thom Yorke and Damien Rice provide terrific musical accompaniment.",positive +2879,"Admittedly, there are a lot of documentaries like this, made by citizen journalists recording uprisings in their homelands, but this is one of the best of the recent crop, and a timely reminder of a conflict that's slipped out of the headlines of late.",positive +2880,Engaging narrative documentary follows five football freestylers busking their way from Britain to Argentina,positive +2881,"A tribute that knows how to stay at the necessary distance to avoid making serious mistakes, a caution that, on the other hand, ends up preventing Tolkien from flying beyond, becoming another generic biopic. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +2882,"As so often with films reverently dealing with theatre folk, the directing itself becomes exasperatingly theatrical and inert.",negative +2883,Typical action fare that features great chemistry between the leads and Lundgren in a role that may surprise some.,positive +2884,The Pale Blue Eye is a period procedural with mood to spare.,positive +2885,"Its knockabout humor grows on you, as does Anne Hathaway.",positive +2886,A delightful comedy about two dying men who travel the world to discover the joy in their lives.,positive +2887,"The brain, science tell us, is one of the most complex things in all creation, and the movie's depiction of it is a thing of ingenious splendor, a mix of fantastically cartoonish sight gags and sublime comedic riffs.",positive +2888,Not Reitman's most exciting work but still a watchable political thriller.,positive +2889,"An orgy of macho posturing and cheap film-school tricks masquerading as style, a supposedly comic dance of violence and gore that repulses rather than entertains.",negative +2890,"A film about circus arts, friendship and integration, but also a historical and political portrait of the domain of colonial spirit. [Full review in Spanish]",positive +2891,"A fantastic premise anchors this movie, but what it needs is either a more rigid, Blair Witch-style commitment to its mockumentary format, or a more straightforward, dramatic treatment, with all the grandiosity that that implies.",positive +2892,"Washington as a filmmaker works in big, unsubtle moves, but this is a sizable story in the never-ending racial struggle so we'll let it slide.",positive +2893,"Although it might be described as a kind of ghost story, 'When Marnie Was There' offers evidence of the Studio Ghibli belief that animation should not be restricted to tales of talking animals, one-eyed minions and other impossibilities",positive +2894,"A Hard Day works best when it doesn't try so hard. Unfortunately, that is not much of the time.",negative +2895,Has no sense of its own ridiculousness.,negative +2896,"In it Edward Abeles who created the role of Monty Brewster in the stage version of the story, duplicates his success and there is every reason why the film should score a hit equal to that of the play and of the book itself.",positive +2897,It’s shock value for the sake of shock, resulting in a shockingly stupid movie,negative +2898,"A sense of dread permeates Bryan Bertino's small-scaled, slow-burning supernatural thriller [which] keeps one unnerved up to its abrupt-perhaps overly abrupt-conclusion.",positive +2899,"The adaptation transposes the rhythms of her trek as a languid but never lingering odyssey, as anchored by Mia Wasikowska's relentless performance",positive +2900,"Overall, the movie is a winner that should propel Wiig to a big-time movie career.",positive +2901,A ballsy little number that decided to sit on the fence halfway through and revert back to the usual horror clichs we've become accustomed to over the years.,negative +2902,"This movie risks a most interesting mix of intense action, humor, and genuine character development.",positive +2903,"A poorly balanced, overlong picture that is neither outrageously funny in its levity nor incredibly awe-inspiring in its action sequences.",negative +2904,"Thirty years ago this would have been dismissed as drive-in fare and, frankly, it's not much more than that today.",negative +2905,You've got to admire Springsteen's chutzpah in documenting and cataloguing his creative process with a borderline-Kubrickian obsessiveness long before his reputation warranted it...,positive +2906,Twists become foreseeable and the conflicts are mostly what was predictable.,negative +2907,A bomb rightly considered one of the worst British films ever made.,negative +2908,Stick It may be tough to stick out unless you're a girl between the ages of 11 and 16.,negative +2909,Bad Moms 2 chugs along as entertainment and is quickly forgotten.,positive +2910,"Well made and acted, with an effective cinematography, the film is an amoral, pagan, and godless party. [Full Review in Spanish]",positive +2911,"Some movies practically dare you to give up. ""Aloft"" is a beautifully shot, frustratingly vague and deeply ponderous mystery/spiritual journey about terminally unhappy souls.",negative +2912,Hill manages to paint - with tenderness and without judgment - the personality of each of the teenagers. [Full review in Spanish],positive +2913,Dreary sports drama based on true story has mature themes.,negative +2914,"Midway through, an eerier theme creeps in, all the more powerful for Herzog's lack of insistence. By the 'end of the world' he means the end of the world.",positive +2915,"Censor is a smart, stylish, unsettling chiller with an irresistible meta twist.",positive +2916,Del Toro has crafted a darker yet equally more emotional version of Pinocchio. It is exquisitely animated with rich textures, gorgeous lighting, and mostly welcome character reinventions. It is absolutely a contender for this year's best animated film. ,positive +2917,"I liked it because it was so endlessly, grotesquely, inventive.",positive +2918,"Jack Nicholson's small-time detective Jake Gittes, like other noir heroes, suffers from a shadowy past and fears: For him, Chinatown is not just a place, but a spiritual landscape and a melancholy, fatalistic state of mind.",positive +2919,"The dialogue is witty, the situations the lovable characters find themselves in amusing, and the direction maintains a Monty Python-esque vibe of ridiculous yet charming the whole way through.",positive +2920,There is surprisingly little emotional impact from such an incredible story.,negative +2921,"Allen's script is, again, a mess, a first draft that needed at least a couple more passes through his legendary Olympia typewriter; his dialogue, which used to be such a pleasure to listen to, has become almost unbearable in its awkward clumsiness.",negative +2922,"So while Macdonald manages to come up with one of the most impressively brutal cut-to-black endings in recent memory, the rest of this feature cannot hope to match the power of his cast.",negative +2923,"It's an animated feature bursting with life. Turning Red explores important messaging on puberty, sexual repression, and culture clashes along with Pixar's infectious spin.",positive +2924,"let your mind go, forgive the wear and tear of time and enjoy the adventure",positive +2925,The trippy last hour is jam packed with artfully arranged action scenes that manipulate time in increasingly psychedelic ways.,positive +2926,"A movie that ultimately has more cult than mass appeal, how much you enjoy Bad Lieutenant will probably come down to how much you like Werner Herzog rather than Nicolas Cage. A notoriously eccentric director, his latest film is nowhere near as mainstream",positive +2927,"In Taken, an excruciating atavism of a movie, father knows best in the worst way -- and he's ready to enforce it, come hell or high melodrama.",negative +2928,The Three Marias is thoroughly 'an eye for an eye' biblical revenge drama.,negative +2929,"At 210 minutes, some might wish Peter Jackson had been just a mite less enchanted by the Tolkien mythology, but I wouldn't have missed it for anything.",positive +2930,"The cast, on the whole, creates believable characters in an unbelievable situation.",positive +2931,"...a complicated and not altogether successful rumination on identity, technology, terrorism and the nature of truth.",positive +2932,"MOTHER'S DAY is the worst kind of romantic comedy. It's soulless, uninspired and void of any real laughs.",negative +2933,It's a product of a dangerous sort of tunnel vision that afflicts a number of documentarians these days.,negative +2934,An appealing celebration of a musical artist who can literally sing anything and knock your socks off.,positive +2935,"Co-directors Benson and Moorhead cleverly maintain the likelihood of this most unlikely of holiday romances, taking their time to let the narrative breathe and flow.",positive +2936,Just another woman in peril saga you'd see every night on bad TV. The whole sci-fi angle never really reaches the surface.,negative +2937,"Como curiosidade sobre os bastidores da jovem Hollywood, o filme funciona muito bem. Pena que a histria de amor entre Ameche e Faye atrapalhe um pouco.",positive +2938,Slick. Stylish. Creative. Original. Beyond cool. A new day has dawned in the genre with Daybreakers.,positive +2939,"It cries from and for the hearts of victims and leaves its viewers moved, shattered, outraged. And impotent in the face of the ugliness visited on the souls of good and innocent people.",positive +2940,"The third film exists primarily as a glib, referential monument to the whole stupid enterprise.",negative +2941,"It's terribly cast, poorly conceived, extremely light on action, features a romance that is not remotely romantic, doesn't feature a single memorable, ""gosh, that was great"" repeat-to-your-friends moment in a positive way...",negative +2942,"Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane ... no, it's the biggest turkey of the year, featuring a would-be Superman so wooden he might as well be acting in a pine box lined in kryptonite.",negative +2943,"...long, actionless, and slow...annoying and inscrutable...There were a couple of things good about it, however. Samantha Morton gives a fine performance...and the cinematography of late 19th Century Ireland is rewarding.",negative +2944,"As usual with this genre, there's no story; the Wayanses simply pummel the audience with gag after gag.",negative +2945,Don't bother seeing this; just buy a few albums of music by Tchaikovsky and let it go at that.,negative +2946,"The effects are amazing and fans will enjoy the references to the comics, but the film is something of a disappointment overall because it tries to do too much.",positive +2947,Highly entertaining but ludicrous fantasy sci-fi film set in the 19th century.,positive +2948,"Despite its slickness, virility, occasional humor and, if it may be repeated, authentic professional approach, it is well-made but awfully familiar fare.",positive +2949,A poorly fit project for Roth who simply doesn't have the skill to invoke a lot of the nostalgic Amblin qualities that he allegedly aims for.,negative +2950,A solid thriller grounded by its compelling, human protagonist.,positive +2951,"With a whopping fifteen Academy Award nominations on her resume', and an almost guaranteed number sixteen thanks to her performance here, she (Streep) continues to amaze.",positive +2952,"Even if it doesn't convince us they're likely to conquer death before it comes for them, the film does prompt interesting debates about just how desirable an unlimited stay on Planet Earth would be.",positive +2953,"For devotees of gonad cinema, there may not be a better time to be had at the movies right now than the first 20-ish minutes of Seraphim Falls.",positive +2954,"Unfortunately, Provost mostly avoids Leduc's substantial literary contribution in favor of depicting her life solely through her friends and mentors, and her mother Berthe with whom she had a dysfunctional relationship.",negative +2955,"It's sometimes funny, often silly but never really transcendent, though the same could probably be said of the original, as well.",positive +2956,"An effective, but little-known action-thriller about a military-training exercise taken too far by a crazy commanding officer.",positive +2957,"Apocalypse Now did help provide me, and many of my generation, with a vision of what film art could achieve, a vision so magnificent it doomed us to spend much of our subsequent moviegoing lives in a funk.",positive +2958,"What emerges, finally, is an urgent distress call from one of America's many, predominately black inner cities cast adrift by decades of municipal neglect and institutional racism.",positive +2959,"If The Crow is forgettable entertainment, it can stand as an eerie epitaph for an actor who looked like he was on the way to better things.",negative +2960,There's little here to titillate or inform us.,negative +2961,"Has two advantages over rival Space Chimps: it's marginally smarter and in 3-freaking-D. These are watery compliments for a pleasant, unassuming film.",negative +2962,"Much has been made of the absence of Bond's signature quips, but there's something else that's absent: interest.",negative +2963,Like watching an episode of TV reality show Big Brother crossed with American Psycho . . .,negative +2964,"Trouble the Water, along with Spike Lee's extraordinary four-hour epic, When the Levees Broke, remains one of the most eloquent records we have of a tragedy that brought out some of the most impressively alive men and women in New O",positive +2965,"Skull Island, for a lot of reasons, shouldn't work-until, suddenly, it does. (Splice Today)",positive +2966,Reduces a potentially fascinating film into merely another cautionary story about a self-absorbed celebrity-junkie-whore.,negative +2967,"It is shattering, devastating and unforgettable. Jane Alexander deserves an Oscar for her performance as the mother of the family.",positive +2968,The dark twisted humour of two little boys really did tickle my slightly deviant funny bone and I found myself thoroughly enjoying this southland romp.,positive +2969,"Could have made a nice short film, but it tries viewers' patience by having the story stretched to over an hour and a half with little happening.",negative +2970,The charm of the film is in some individual performances and musical numbers.,positive +2971,"It's a tad inconsequential, but Travis Mathews offers a believable slice of San Franciscan life with his graphic debut feature.",positive +2972,"It's possible this sub-""Three's Company"" level farce will hit you harder in the funny bone than it did me, but I think as a film, it's just sort of a grand mess, regardless of if it's funny or not.",negative +2973,"Look, I'm not saying it makes sense, but Cruella kinda rocks. It has no business being this fun, but a delightful surprise for sure.",positive +2974,"Last time Swankatron went a-courting awards, she did so with the amazing Million Dollar Baby. But this biopic of legendary pilot Amelia Earhart is a hundred times blander.",negative +2975,"[An] illuminating, frightening and amusing film.",positive +2976,"Alternating between slapstick satire and black comedy, A Private Function is full meal of comic study and insight.",positive +2977,"Little did Elizabeth know that after starring in the spoof Scary Movie, she'd soon find herself in another parody of bad horror films -- one that doesn't know it is one.",negative +2978,"The filmmakers have found a way to refresh our eyes and enhance our appreciation for this rich, amazing creation.",positive +2979,"The movie shifts so quickly into clich, and then morphs into a poorly conceived and bleakly misanthropic morality tale.",negative +2980,"The War With Grandpa is a fairly by-the-numbers, all-ages comedy that offers a few moments of genuine hilarity amidst baffling dramatic scenes.",positive +2981,"You may be pleasantly surprised by how affected you are by the small kindnesses the boy finds... And you may be absolutely shocked at how moved you are when finally, gratefully, Carlitos' journey comes to a joyful end.",positive +2982,The similarities between this doomsday adventure and Michael Bay's overblown Armageddon are too numerous to ignore; the crucial difference is that this one is actually pretty good.,positive +2983,"It's the rare summer spectacle that, tacked-on coda notwithstanding, might actually warrant repeat viewings.",positive +2984,"Aspires to be a self-actualization session for stifled wives, a plea for gay rights, a Holocaust story and a class in pastry appreciation, all at once...",negative +2985,Wimbledon is convinced that there's nothing funnier in the world than seeing a grown man have a conversation with a dog.,negative +2986,In their first masterpiece, the Coens first delight with sheer kinetics, then dazzle with colorful colloquialisms & verbal voodoo, and eventually disarm you with the grace and guile through which they examine modern foibles, failures and forgiveness.,positive +2987,Even his [Brendan Fraser] unblemished commitment to the role can't redeem this intimate behind-doors drama from excessive pathos and an inordinately staged posture that makes it less genuine than it was supposed to. ,negative +2988,While Just Go With It never descends into full-on unfunniness -- the absurd interjections of Nick Swardson as a German sheep trader named Dolph Lundgren see to that -- it seriously struggles to draw laughs consistently.,negative +2989,"The story could use a little tightening in places where the pace slackens, but overall this is a lovely debut. It's an homage to Montiel's family and old friends, and to the ghost of his old self.",positive +2990,The most shocking thing about New In Town is the sheer lack of care that seems to have gone into it. It's as if a terrible TV script has been pulled out of a dusty drawer and padded out into a movie.,negative +2991,"Big and raw, it also feels slightly rambling, perhaps trying to tell too much in one go",positive +2992,A marvel of vérité nightmare atmosphere.,positive +2993,"Hail the brilliant, astonishing Christian Bale. He's the only actor currently acting in movies. Bale makes a huge commitment to all his characters.",positive +2994,"The power couple's onscreen chemistry, which should be the film's strongest calling card, is merely adequate, a major disappointment for those expecting a tug o' war between screen titans.",negative +2995,What Yan and Hodson accomplish with Birds of Prey is the balance that's sometimes lacking in comic book films: They fulfill both the demands of the story and the demands of the characters.,positive +2996,"Far superior to the 1934 Robert Donat version, like the book itself, the 2002 version of Monte Cristo is certain to become a classic for the ages.",positive +2997,"As debuts go The Cured is a strong one, and I'm curious to see what Freyne has up his sleeve next. But while I do feel like those intrigued by the scenario will be satisfied, for my part I still couldn't help but want more.",negative +2998,A smart and empathetic portrait of the African-American community's struggle with the issue of same-sex marriage,positive +2999,Ma Rainey's Black Bottom is a lively and vibrant picture. Chadwick Boseman is on a whole other level here and a force of nature.,positive