{"turn_id": ["test_0_0", "test_0_1", "test_0_2", "test_0_3", "test_0_4", "test_0_5", "test_0_6", "test_0_7", "test_0_8", "test_0_9", "test_0_10", "test_0_11", "test_0_12", "test_0_13", "test_0_14", "test_0_15", "test_0_16", "test_0_17", "test_0_18", "test_0_19", "test_0_20", "test_0_21", "test_0_22", "test_0_23", "test_0_24", "test_0_25", "test_0_26", "test_0_27", "test_0_28", "test_0_29", "test_0_30", "test_0_31", "test_0_32", "test_0_33", "test_0_34", "test_0_35", "test_0_36", "test_0_37", "test_0_38", "test_0_39", "test_0_40", "test_0_41", "test_0_42", "test_0_43", "test_0_44", "test_0_45", "test_0_46", "test_0_47", "test_0_48", "test_0_49", "test_0_50", "test_0_51", "test_0_52", "test_0_53", "test_0_54", "test_0_55", "test_0_56", "test_0_57", "test_0_58", "test_0_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What kind of car do you own? I have a jeep.", "I don't own my own car! I actually really enjoying walking and running, but then again, I live in a small town and semi-close to work.", "Ah I see! I like going to the gym to work out.", "I'm a computer programmer. What do you do for work.", "I work in marketing. Do you have any hobbies?", "I love to grill! I love meat, especially steak.", "Oh neat! I don't eat meat but I do like some grilled veggies.", "My family is from alaska. Where are you from?", "I'm from new england. It must be cold up there.", "It's so cold! I think thats why I love wearing warm pants!", "Haha I feel you. I love wearin warm pants in the winter.", "Do you play any sports?", "Did you manage to go out on a run today?", "Yes I actually was able too. I am considering joining the local gym. Do you prefer going to the gym?", "I do actually. I like the controlled environment. I don't want to have to depend on the weather consider where I live. ", "Thats why i am thinking about it. I hate to have to run when its raining, and I feel like it rains here all the time. ", "A lot of gyms have tracks so that you can run indoors. Hey, have you thought about maybe buying a treadmill and using that at home?", "I am defiantly considering getting one. Im just trying to figure out what i would do more. Go to the gym and actually do more than just running, or sticking to what i know and getting a treadmill. ", "Oh, that's true. I hadn't thought about all of that. You're right. With a gym there is a whole lot of options for what you can do. Do you have some good gyms near you?", "They have just built one in the small town really close to me and it looks pretty decent. Before that it was like an hour drive. ", "With you not owning a car going to any others would probably be difficult. Well, do you have any good parks and running trails nearby?", "Yeah exactly. There is a super nice little running trail that is pretty decent. ", "Hey, do you run with anyone? I mean, have you joined a club or will you if you haven't?", "There is any around here maybe i could start one. Thank you for that idea. ", "Did you check out that new gym in town?", "Yeah, I did. I'm not sure I like the vibe there, though. ", "What was wrong with it?", "The folks there seemed to care more about how they looked than working out. It was a little too trendy for me. I'm pretty plain.", "Ah, got it. Well, maybe one of the older gyms will work out better for you - or I guess you could get that treadmill you were talking about before. Are you leaning one way or the other yet?", "I'm leaning towards the treadmill. I think it will work better for my lifestyle. I just don't know which type to get. There are so many choices out there. Do you use a treadmill at your gym? Do you have a suggestion for a home one?", "I usually just lift weights there to be honest. But I think I've heard good things about the NordicTrack?", "Yeah, I've heard good things about that, too. I like the idea of a multi-exercise piece of equipment. As long as the weather isn't too bad, then I prefer to go for a run. But since it rains quite a bit here, I like the idea of an inside option. How is the weather in New England?", "Oh, it can pretty foggy and rainy here too I'm afraid. But as I'm sure you've heard, it's really beautiful in the fall! Are there four distinct seasons where you are, too?", "Yes, I've heard about the fall colors. I may get there one day. Yes, we have seasons, rain, lighter rain, summer, and more rain! Ha!", "Haha! I lived overseas in the tropics once. Sounds just like it!", "The tropics sound great. It's not as warm as the tropics, but I like it. I'm from Alaska, so I'm pretty weather-tough.", "Any luck with the search for a new gym?", "Yes, I am joining the one near me. It is open 24 hours so I can go whenever I want. Have you kept up with going to the gym?", "Oh nice! Is it new or just been hiding under the radar? I just did an arm day at the gym yesterday!", "This is a new gym, I am looking forward to getting into shape. Do you have a workout partner or do you workout by yourself?", "I am sure you don't have a long way to go with all that running you do. I work out alone. I like the solitude at the gym. There are other people but I can zone out and it is just me and my weights.", "I am the same way, I prefer to workout alone. So how is your job going?", "Eh. It is fine. Nothing all that interesting, but it pays the bills. What about you? Enjoying the programming life?", "I still like what I do but I am getting tired of sitting in front of the computer all day, especially with the beautiful summer weather.", "Sounds like you have a good mix between work and being outdoors, but I guess the rain gets in the way? When do you think you will sign up at the new gym? Maybe that will help you feel better.", "I am signing up later today. I am able to get outdoors after work but it would be nice to spend daytime hours outside. Do you spend much time outdoors?", "Have you asked if they can make your schedule more flexible? ", "No, we are an 8-5 organization so I need to be available throughout the day.", "How did it go with the gym signup?", "It went pretty well. It actually went better than I expected. Signing up for the gym is just step one.", "Congratulations! As you mentioned, you have taken the first step towards getting fit. You know, even though we both prefer to work out alone, it is nice to work out at the gym and see how others are also working towards the same goal: staying fit.", "I agree. I saw everyone working out alone, yet with others around , so it did look like my kind of scene. Aside from lifting weights, what else do you do at the gym?", "I go to the gym at least five times a week, and I lift weights at least three of those days. When I need to give my arms a break, I work on my leg muscles. I run around the track or just ride the stationary exercise bicycle. ", "That sounds like a good plan. I definitely need to add some weights to my routine. I will be on the treadmills a lot, especially since it is hard for me to run outdoors daily due to the weather.", "It seems like you're definitely on the right track towards getting fit. You know, you may want to start a fitness journal to keep track of your progress. That will make you accountable to work out regularly, and you will be pleased to see your progress. I started a journal when I first started working out. It has been a great motivation.", "Journaling is an excellent idea! I never thought to document my workout progress before. Do you journal on the days you don't work out? ", "I have not written in my journal on the days that I don't work out. But you know, I think I'll begin doing so. That way, I can compare the way I feel on days that I work out, versus days that I don't work out. Now tell me, how's it going with your treadmill search? Any good products out there you may be considering?", "That's exactly what I was thinking about, Looking back on the days I journal I can gain more insight into how exercise is really impacting my life. I decided against getting the treadmill since I'll be using the one at the gym. I think that will be good enough since the gym has several treadmills to choose from.", "Good thinking. Not purchasing a treadmill now will save you some money, and you'll be more motivated to go to the gym since you won't have exercise equipment at home. What other things do you like to grill on sunny days other than steak? Do you get some good salmon up in Alaska?", "Oh, I love salmon, and it is pretty good here. Steak is about the only thing I really like to grill though. I know you don't eat meat, but do you eat seafood? "], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."], ["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."]], [["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter."], ["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants."]], [["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter."], ["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants.", "I go on runs. I may join the gym. I might get a treadmill. There is a new gym near me. There are no running clubs near me.", "It rains a lot where I live."]], [["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter.", "I lift weights at the gym."], ["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants.", "I go on runs. I may join the gym. I might get a treadmill. There is a new gym near me. There are no running clubs near me. I go to the gym.", "It rains a lot where I live.", "I'm a pretty plain person."]], [["I own a Jeep.", "I enjoy exercising at the gym.", "I have a marketing job. I do not find my job very interesting.", "I don't eat meat.", "I am from New England.", "I like warm pants in winter.", "I lift weights at the gym. I like to work out alone, without a workout partner."], ["I don't own a car. I enjoy running and walking. I live in a small town. I live semi-close towkr.", "I'm a computer programmer. I am tired of sitting in front of a computer all day. I work from 8 to 5.", "I like grilling steak.", "I am from Alaska. I like wearing warm pants.", "I go on runs. I may join the gym. I might get a treadmill. There is a new gym near me. There are no running clubs near me. I go to the gym.", "It rains a lot where I live.", "I'm a pretty plain person.", "I am joining a gym near me. I am looking forward to getting in shape. I prefer to work out alone."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_2_0", "test_2_1", "test_2_2", "test_2_3", "test_2_4", "test_2_5", "test_2_6", "test_2_7", "test_2_8", "test_2_9", "test_2_10", "test_2_11", "test_2_12", "test_2_13", "test_2_14", "test_2_15", "test_2_16", "test_2_17", "test_2_18", "test_2_19", "test_2_20", "test_2_21", "test_2_22", "test_2_23", "test_2_24", "test_2_25", "test_2_26", "test_2_27", "test_2_28", "test_2_29", "test_2_30", "test_2_31", "test_2_32", "test_2_33", "test_2_34", "test_2_35", "test_2_36", "test_2_37", "test_2_38", "test_2_39", "test_2_40", "test_2_41", "test_2_42", "test_2_43", "test_2_44", "test_2_45", "test_2_46", "test_2_47", "test_2_48", "test_2_49", "test_2_50", "test_2_51", "test_2_52", "test_2_53", "test_2_54", "test_2_55", "test_2_56", "test_2_57", "test_2_58", "test_2_59", "test_2_60", "test_2_61", "test_2_62", "test_2_63"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello there!", "Hi! How are you doing?", "Well, thank you. How are you?", "Fab, thanks! I'm here to see my fave band play. I drove 1,000 miles for it!", "Wow, so cool. What's your favorite band?", "Roxy music. My 2 older brothers took me to see them when I was a kid.", "That's so cool! I actually play band in school.", "Did you? What do you do now? I'm from farmer stock, meself.", "I play for my high school, so it's nothing too cool. Haha!", "No, it's totally cool. What instrument?", "I play the trumpet. I really enjoy it. It makes time go by in school faster.", "Oh, yeah, and there's so many great trumpet players. Check out chet baker.", "I have never heard of them, I will have to check them out. Thanks!", "How long have you lived here? I just moved -- to charlotte, nc.", "My whole life. Oklahoma city, oklahoma!", "Nice talking to you! Great place! Have a great day!!", "How was the concert you witnessed?", "They were amazing, well worth the drive. They even had a great and talented trumpet player. ", "Oh, cool. Was that the first time you saw them play since your brothers took you to see them as a kid?", "Yes, it has definitely been a long time. Have you got to see any bands recently, or are you just focused on your own?", "I've actually never been to any sort of concert other than ones where I've played with the school band, if you consider that a real concert. My parents keep me on a pretty tight leash, and school keeps me very busy anyway.", "I am sorry to hear that. Would you say your main focus is on music or with academics?", "I try to excel in both. I find them sort of complementary, to be honest. I work on music for a while and that makes it easier to go back to academics, and vice versa. It mixes things up.", "That is amazing that you are able to do that so successfully. I wish I could've done that back when I was in high school, and maybe I would have pursued my dreams of music. However, I am content with my life now. ", "What do you do for a living? Are you a farmer like your forebears?", "Yes I am. I followed in my parent's foot steps. On this new farm in Charlotte, there is enough space to accompany all of my family. ", "That's fantastic What all do you grow?", "A lot of different things, including corn, potatoes, squash, and tomatoes. ", "I am considering buying tickets to go to a concert. I thought about how I had never been to one, and it felt kind of sad. There is a band called \"Magic Sword\" that I listen to frequently and that will be performing near me soon, and I think I want to go.", "I think it's great that you are going to a concert for the first time. I'm sure you will have a great time, and you should definitely go!", "I'm still thinking about it, i don't know why I am so nervous to go to a concert. It shouldn't be that big of a deal", "Are you always nervous in crowds? or do you think it's something else?", "It might actually be the crowds. I try to avoid too crowded areas and concerts seems to be people packed like sardines ", "Well, maybe a concert might be the best way to get over that. After all, you know that everyone there is there for the same reason as you, and are all excited about the same thing as you. If you think about it that way, the crowd may seem smaller.", "Thats true, it might be even better if I have someone I know with go with me. I need to look for someone", "Maybe you can ask someone in the H.S. band to go with you?", "That's not a bad idea, I'm kind of shy though so maybe I'll wear one of my magic sword t shirts and see if anyone asks me about it ", "That's a good idea too! The at least you know if they ask, they probably have an interest in the concert! I think that's a fine plan.", "Thanks, I think I'm going to this concert!", "Good for you! Concerts are a lot of fun. And I think it will be a great way to get over your anxiety. Maybe even get closer to someone in the process!", "I know you grow many crops on your farm, but do you have a lot of animals as well on the farm?", "Yes, I have a few animals, but I mostly focus on vegetables. I would like to start selling eggs from my chickens. ", "How many chickens do you have?", "Right now I have 12 chickens, but I was thinking of getting some more. Do you think people will pay a little extra if they can get farm fresh eggs?", "I know I would. I really don't like what I've heard about big egg companies.", "Yes, that is true. I would pay a little extra for farm fresh eggs. My parents were farmers and they were the ones that recommended I start selling eggs. ", "It sound like it would be a good thing to do.", "Do you have any plans to go to any Magic Sword concerts this year? I could take a trip down to go with you. ", "I found someone in the band who would like to go with me. We have tickets for a concert next month.", "Oh great! I bet you're excited to finally attend your first concert. Don't be nervous, I think you'll have a great time. ", "I am still a bit nervous, but at least I won't be all alone.", "Yes, I would agree that its best to go to your first concert with someone. I think that it will make the experience more enjoyable for you. ", "Did you name your chickens?", "No, I don't. My daughter did. Can't figure out how she distinguish them. ", "What's it like living in North Carolina? ", "Well I live in my farm so not too many people, nice scenery. Quite far from the city though. ", "I see that you grow corn, potatoes, squash and tomatoes on your farm. Which of these is your favorite crop to grow?", "Potatoes and squash. They are more low maintenance compared to corns or tomatoes. Are you interested in farming?", "I love potatoes, but I need to find more recipes for squash! I don't really have a green thumb in my garden, so I don't think that farming would be good for me.", "Yeah it can be frustrating when the crops didn't grow as wanted. If you're still interested you can try bamboos or mushrooms, they are quite easy to grow and maintain. Might be a good distraction from your academics and music activities.", "Thanks for the suggestion! I've been spending a lot of time on my music lately, so growing some fresh mushrooms in my garden is definitely something to look into. Plus, I love fresh mushrooms in salads!", "I love mushrooms too, but as much as they easy to grow, they are not that profitable so we only grow what we eat here. Are you busy practicing for your band?", "Yes! It's spring semester and it's my senior year in band. We are practicing for our annual spring concert. I'm a bit worried since I am featured in a couple solos!", "That's cool! I think you'll do great, you're practiced more than enough! Good luck!"], "init_persona": [[["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."], ["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."]], [["I play in band. I am in school.", "I'm in high school.", "I play trumpet.", "I live in Oklahoma City."], ["I drove 1000 miles to see a band. Roxy music is my favorite band.", "I'm from farmer stock.", "I like Chet Baker.", "I just moved to Charlotte, NC."]], [["I play in band. I play trumpet. I'm in high school.", "I live in Oklahoma City.", "I have never been to a concert, aside from ones where I played with the school band. My parents are controlling. I am busy with school. I try to excel in both music and academics. I see music and academics as complementary."], ["I drove 1000 miles to see a band. Roxy music is my favorite band. I like Chet Baker. The band I saw at the concert was one that my brothers took me to see perform when I was a child.", "I just moved to Charlotte, NC.", "I had dreams of a life involving music when I was in high school. I wish I had worked more on my music when I was in high school. I am content with my life now.", "I'm from farmer stock. I am a farmer. My parents were also farmers. My farm is in Charlotte. I grow corn, potatoes, squash and tomatoes on my farm."]], [["I play in band. I play trumpet. I'm in high school.", "I live in Oklahoma City.", "I have never been to a concert, aside from ones where I played with the school band. My parents are controlling. I am busy with school. I try to excel in both music and academics. I see music and academics as complementary.", "I like the band Magic Sword. I would like to go to a Magic Sword concert. I am nervous to attend my first concert. I would like someone I know to go to my first concert with me.", "I try to avoid crowded areas. I get nervous around large crowds.", "I am in the high school band. I am shy. I have a Magic Sword shirt."], ["I drove 1000 miles to see a band. Roxy music is my favorite band. I like Chet Baker. The band I saw at the concert was one that my brothers took me to see perform when I was a child.", "I just moved to Charlotte, NC.", "I had dreams of a life involving music when I was in high school. I wish I had worked more on my music when I was in high school. I am content with my life now.", "I'm from farmer stock. I am a farmer. My parents were also farmers. My farm is in Charlotte. I grow corn, potatoes, squash and tomatoes on my farm.", "I think facing your fears is a good way to deal with anxiety."]], [["I play in band. I play trumpet. I'm in high school.", "I live in Oklahoma City.", "I have never been to a concert, aside from ones where I played with the school band. My parents are controlling. I am busy with school. I try to excel in both music and academics. I see music and academics as complementary.", "I like the band Magic Sword. I would like to go to a Magic Sword concert. I am nervous to attend my first concert. I would like someone I know to go to my first concert with me. I have concert tickets.", "I try to avoid crowded areas. I get nervous around large crowds.", "I am in the high school band. I am shy. I have a Magic Sword shirt.", "I don't like big egg companies."], ["I drove 1000 miles to see a band. Roxy music is my favorite band. I like Chet Baker. The band I saw at the concert was one that my brothers took me to see perform when I was a child.", "I just moved to Charlotte, NC.", "I had dreams of a life involving music when I was in high school. I wish I had worked more on my music when I was in high school. I am content with my life now.", "I'm from farmer stock. I am a farmer. My parents were also farmers. My farm is in Charlotte. I grow corn, potatoes, squash and tomatoes on my farm.", "I think facing your fears is a good way to deal with anxiety.", "I have 12 chickens. I don't mind paying extra for farm fresh eggs.", "I've been to concerts before."]]], "session_length": [16, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_6_0", "test_6_1", "test_6_2", "test_6_3", "test_6_4", "test_6_5", "test_6_6", "test_6_7", "test_6_8", "test_6_9", "test_6_10", "test_6_11", "test_6_12", "test_6_13", "test_6_14", "test_6_15", "test_6_16", "test_6_17", "test_6_18", "test_6_19", "test_6_20", "test_6_21", "test_6_22", "test_6_23", "test_6_24", "test_6_25", "test_6_26", "test_6_27", "test_6_28", "test_6_29", "test_6_30", "test_6_31", "test_6_32", "test_6_33", "test_6_34", "test_6_35", "test_6_36", "test_6_37", "test_6_38", "test_6_39", "test_6_40", "test_6_41", "test_6_42", "test_6_43", "test_6_44", "test_6_45", "test_6_46", "test_6_47", "test_6_48", "test_6_49", "test_6_50", "test_6_51", "test_6_52", "test_6_53", "test_6_54", "test_6_55", "test_6_56", "test_6_57", "test_6_58", "test_6_59", "test_6_60", "test_6_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi how are you?", "Great, yourself?", "Good, do you like to paint? I do!", "I'm not much of a painter, I prefer horses. What do you paint?", "People playing music since I like to do that as well!", "My ancestor had a song written about him. He was an american civil war general.", "Wow that is really interesting.", "Do you like fruit? I love to eat fruit.", "I do like fruit! It's not expensive and it helps me to live within a budget.", "Budgets are important! Especially when dealing with such large animals as horses.", "Oh I'm sure. I love animals, like people!", "I like people, unlike my father. He rarely smiles which makes socializing difficult.", "Sounds like my boss. I wish I didn't have one.", "Oh, what do you do? Bosses can be tough to deal with.", "So which civil war general was your ancestor, anyway?", "General Nathan Bedford Forrest. My cousin was named after him.", "Really, that is amazing...I was actually thinking of painting General Forrest as my next project.", "That's quite a coincidence! Do you paint a lot of civil war scenes?", "No, but I was looking for subjects in a book and came across him as someone who had a song written about him so thought the linkage to music and people was there. Also, his old photos have amazing facial lines.", "Yes, they do. Did you know he was in the cavalry? that's one of the reasons I like horses. You should paint him on his horse!", "Great idea, but for some reason, I can't paint animals. Tried to do a cat once and ended up looking like a emaciated fox!", "That's a shame. I tried to paint fruit once and it looked like a cat!", "I'll stick to painting people and you stick to eating fruit! Have you been able to grown any fruit trees?", "I tried to grown an orange tree, but somebody cut it down. I probably shouldn't have planted it on my neighbor's property.", "Yeah, that makes sense. My neighbor got upset when I painted a picture of his wife so I get it.", "Yeah, better play it safe and keep painting music instruments. ", "I have decided how I'm going to do my painting of General Forrest. I'm going to paint him playing the trumpet.", "I'm sure that will look awesome! Are you painting in watercolor?", "no, I am going to use oil. Oil always look best for a portrait", "Wow, I heard oil is a hard medium to work with; you must have a lot of experience. Is there a specific photo or image that you'll be using for source material? I think my great grandmother has some memoribilia in her house, but not much. I wish we had more images of him.", "you know what I was thinking that since you are related to him, I imaging you resemble him so I was thinking if you could take a picture of you pretending to play a trumpet.", "I think I have a similar nose and maybe there's a little resemblence in the eyes, but I unfortunately did not get lucky enough to inherit those cheekbones.", "that is okay. I just need a point of reference of someone playing a trumpet and I can incorporate you and the General together", "Sounds good! I'll check with my cousin to see if he can send a picture too; that way you have a few points of reference. Will you set the painting indoors or outdoors?", "I was thinking indoors that way I can control the lighting plus I like a library type room with him in it", "I think a formal portrait like that would be gorgeous; I am really looking forward to seeing how it turns out!", "You will be the first one to see it when I finish it. Oh by the way, how is your orange tree coming along.", "My neighbor cut it down; I was so sad, but I learned my lesson about property lines. I'll probably buy another little seedling and try again when the weather warms up a bit.", "Did you speak to your grandmother to see if you could find a picture?", "Yes, but she said all of her old tin-types were lost.", "Thats disappointing that she could not find them. How is the orange tree going? ", "My neighbor replanted on the other side of his yard. He said he didn't want me to have any oranges from it.", "Oh, thats not very nice of him. Why don't you try to grow another one of your property?", "Because I don't have room for it on my property. My neighbor has a big yard. I thougt he'd be more reasonable.", "Oh I see. I would imagine that is difficult. When hopefully when you move to a new place at some point, you can grown your own. For now, just stick to oranges from the farmer's market!", "That's too far to go for oranges. It would be much easier to get them off my own tree. ", "Well, since you do not have any room on your property, what other options do you have to get oranges?", "I'll work something out with my neighbor yet. I was only going to charge him half price for the oranges, and was going to let him use the shade for free! Not sure how he could turn that down.", "Well, I wish you the best of luck with your neighbor. I am sure that you will be able to have some type of compromise with him.", "I hope so! I like oranges! Hmmm. I bet I could find a picture of General Forrest on google images.", "How is the orange tree situation with the neighbor?", "So far so good! My neighbor and I are good friends, and he's thankful that I planted the orange tree in his property. I just hope it grows!", "That's nice! Hope you can grow more trees in your (and your neighbor's) yard, then you can start a mini version of farmers market for oranges.", "That's a thought! Now tell me, how did you first become interested in painting? Have you taken any courses?", "I'm not sure how it started. No one in my family paints. I think it might started with pencil sketches of things around me, but then I wanted more colors and textures and so I mostly self-taught. ", "Pretty interesting! Since you're self-taught, that means you must be pretty talented. Other than oil paintings, do you also use watercolors?", "Not talented enough to paint animals. LOL. I use various media, including watercolors. It's not my favorite, though. ", "Changing topics, what are the things you dislike most about your boss? What kind of work do you do?", "I'm a secretary for a small moving company. The new boss is not likable at all.", "It must be challenging to work in an environment where you don't like your boss. The good thing is that you can go home and paint and forget about your day. How long ago did you paint your neighbor's wife?", "Yeah, unfortunately painting doesn't bring in regular income so I kind of need this job. I miss the old boss who knows what he's doing. The new boss got his position just because he's the son of the previous boss, and don't do a decent job at all. Painting does helps me relax. That picture took around one night.", "I get it. Unfortunately, work in the arts, such as music and painting, is hard to find. It's too bad that your new boss is in his position only because he's the son of the previous boss. Who will you be painting next?"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."], ["I like to eat fruit.", "I never break wind in public.", "I am the ancestor of an american civil war general.", "My father rarely smiles.", "I am an avid horse enthusiast."]], [["I like to paint. I paint people playing music.", "I hate my boss."], ["I like horses.", "I'm descended from a civil war general.", "I love fruit."]], [["I like to paint. I paint people playing music.", "I hate my boss.", "I want to paint General Forrest. I do not paint a lot of Civil War scenes. I can not paint animals. I painted a picture of my neighbor's wife."], ["I like horses.", "I love fruit.", "My ancestor was a Civil War General: General Nathan Bedford Forrest. My cousin was named after my ancestor.", "I am not a good painter.", "I planted an orange tree on my neighbors property. I tried to grow an orange tree."]], [["I like to paint. I paint people playing music.", "I hate my boss.", "I want to paint General Forrest. I do not paint a lot of Civil War scenes. I can not paint animals. I painted a picture of my neighbor's wife.", "I use oil when painting portraits."], ["I like horses.", "I love fruit.", "My ancestor was a Civil War General: General Nathan Bedford Forrest. My cousin was named after my ancestor.", "I am not a good painter.", "I planted an orange tree on my neighbors property. I tried to grow an orange tree. I want to plant another one.", "I have a great grandmother."]], [["I like to paint. I paint people playing music.", "I hate my boss.", "I want to paint General Forrest. I do not paint a lot of Civil War scenes. I can not paint animals. I painted a picture of my neighbor's wife.", "I use oil when painting portraits."], ["I like horses.", "I love fruit.", "My ancestor was a Civil War General: General Nathan Bedford Forrest. My cousin was named after my ancestor.", "I am not a good painter.", "I planted an orange tree on my neighbors property. I tried to grow an orange tree. I want to plant another one. I like oranges. I have a yard.", "I have a great grandmother.", "I live far away from the farmers market."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_8_0", "test_8_1", "test_8_2", "test_8_3", "test_8_4", "test_8_5", "test_8_6", "test_8_7", "test_8_8", "test_8_9", "test_8_10", "test_8_11", "test_8_12", "test_8_13", "test_8_14", "test_8_15", "test_8_16", "test_8_17", "test_8_18", "test_8_19", "test_8_20", "test_8_21", "test_8_22", "test_8_23", "test_8_24", "test_8_25", "test_8_26", "test_8_27", "test_8_28", "test_8_29", "test_8_30", "test_8_31", "test_8_32", "test_8_33", "test_8_34", "test_8_35", "test_8_36", "test_8_37", "test_8_38", "test_8_39", "test_8_40", "test_8_41", "test_8_42", "test_8_43", "test_8_44", "test_8_45", "test_8_46", "test_8_47", "test_8_48", "test_8_49", "test_8_50", "test_8_51", "test_8_52", "test_8_53", "test_8_54", "test_8_55", "test_8_56", "test_8_57", "test_8_58", "test_8_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What is your favorite food?", "I love to cook healthy food. So anything healthy is usually my go to..", "That's nice! I really love poached eggs!", "Yummy... Do you like movies? What is your favorite movie?.", "I prefer to watch the sunset over a movie, but do you like movies?", "I do like movies. Being a mom I'm usually watching lots of movies with my kids.", "That's cool. Are you a stay at home mom or do you also have a job?", "Just a stay at home mom..", "Nice, I am a plumber on the side!", "I'm sure that can be a dirty job at times, just like a mom. Lol.", "Ha you are right!.", "Do you live in the states? I live in california..", "I just saw the greatest sunset so far this year. I know you like movies more than sunsets, but I heard there are supposed to be some great sunsets this week and I figured I should let you know that there may be some great ones. ", "I do like movies quite a bit, but I don't mind sunsets at all. After all, there are great sunsets where I live in California. Sometimes, you'll have the entire evening sky in shades of orange and violet. It's stunning.", "I bet they are gorgeous on the west coast, I hope I get to see one someday. How are your kids doing?", "My kids are doing great. Speaking of sunsets, maybe we can watch sunsets together instead of movies. I imagine that'll be better for our eyes.", "I bet they would love that, especially if you can find a beach. Do they like to swim?", "I do. Water is quite relaxing. I find the sensation of being in water to be therapeutic. I have to say, however, that I'm not as big of a fan of the beach. Sand gets everywhere and it's hard to clean. My kids love it, though, and for that reason, I oblige.", "I am with you, I do not like the sand at all but the beach is my favorite place to watch sunsets. Have you watched any good movies with your kids lateley?", "Haha, \"good\" as in movies I like, or movies they like? We've watched a lot of movies they like for sure, or in other words, every Disney movie under the sun. Don't get me wrong, though--a good many Disney movies are excellent!", "They are good, what types of movies do you prefer?", "I like sloppy romance movies (which I imagine my kids would dislike). I'm also up for the occasional horror movie, but again, my kids definitely aren't interested in that.", "It sounds like Disney suits them just right then! Are your kids in school?", "They are, which basically means I've got a good portion of the day to myself.", "I just got confirmation on a \"Hawaii Sunset\" tour I booked for next month! ", "That sounds right up your alley! I am sure you will love it. Have you ever done a sunset tour before?", "First time! Surprising, right? God I am so excited!", "Good for you! I am sure it will be the trip of a lifetime! You will have to send me pictures so I can share them with my kids! ", "I will! I wish you guys could come with but I know it would be a hassle because of school. I'll think of some way to treat you all when I return.", "That would be so nice of you! Was it hard for you to get time off for your trip?", "My pleasure! Yeah, imagine that. Working two jobs and struggling to make time for myself. I imagine it's the kind of the same for you being home with the kids most of the time.", "I could imagine it was hard to schedule the trip, but you deserve the time and it will be worth it. Yes, taking time for myself is nearly impossible. I swear I am busier as a stay at home mom than I ever was working. But I just remind myself, the kids are only young once and I will thank myself later for being there. ", "I bet. That's sweet. You have to make the most out of every moment. I learned that from watching sunsets.", "That is probably why I love romance movies, much like you love sunsets. The movie is my small escape into a new and exciting world. ", "Sometimes we all need a little escape. You deserve that freedom too. It has to be stressful handling your kids and partner all the time. It must feel like it never stops being your responsibility.", "It often does feel like a 24/7 job. Not that I am complaining about it totally. It is also very rewarding. But since you have 2 jobs, I am sure you feel just as exhausted. ", "Have you seen any new romance movies lately?", "I haven't, my family has been so busy that I have not had a minute to sit and relax. Have you seen any new Disney movies recently?", "Yes, I have seen a new Disney movie lately it is called Luca. Have you seen it? ", "No, I haven't. I did see that my kids were watching it the other day and they said it was really good. Did you like it?", "It was a really good movie. Really cute movie. I enjoyed watching it. What Disney movies have you seen lately?", "I haven't had a lot of time for movies lately but the last Disney movie we watched as a family was Miracle, my husband really enjoys the Disney sports movies.", "I have never heard of the Miracle movie what is that about? I like watching the sport movies on Disney also.", "It is about the1980 U.S. men's Olympic hockey team, it is a really good movie. I would totally recommend that you watch it!", "Okay, that does sound like a good movie. Do you know where I can find it to watch it?", "Do you have Disney Plus? If so it is on there!", "Yes, I do have Disney Plus. I will have to check the movie out.", "Remember the Titans is another great movie that is on the Disney Plus app.", "We watched Miracle at the weekend like you suggested, we all really enjoyed it!", "I'm glad you liked it. My kids love pretty much every Disney movie but my husband loved it, too. What else have you been up to?", "I recently went to watch that new Disney movie, Luca. It was super cute and made me want to go visit Italy, but that was too expensive, so instead I booked a Hawaii sunset tour for next month. What about you?", "I have been relaxing with the kids as much as I have. My husband has been busy with work, so we haven't had time for anything big. I would love to visit Italy some day though if we get the chance. Have you ever been to Italy before?", "I have never gone to Italy because I'm always so busy. If I ever go, I would want to spend a month there, but work has been hectic lately. Would your kids go with you if you went to Italy?", "Absolutely! I'd love to travel all over the world with my family to see everything. Hawaii sounds like just as much fun though. What are you most excited about doing when you get there?", "I'm extremely excited about the sunset tour. Each day is at a new location to watch the sunset. It's suppose to be romantic, but I am just going alone, so I see it as more calming than anything.", "I hope you have a lot fun. It sounds like a nice time to get away from everything. You should eat as much of the local Hawaiian food as you can. Have you had Hawaiian food before? I think it's great.", "No, I acctually haven't. I'm expecting pineapple and ham on everything, but I know they will having some amazing cultural food that is probably going to blow my mind! Is there a specific dish you would recommend", "I enjoy foods like Spam musubi, loco mocos, and poi. My favorite might be kalua pork. The way they prepare the pig makes it taste so good.", "That all sounds really good, I will check it out. I saved up a lot of money to splurge on everything. I'm excited to walk the beach, even though I hate the beach.", "I'm sure the Hawaiian beaches will be much nicer. The blue water. The sunny sky. The white sands. Just thinking about it is enough to make me relax. I think I'll talk to my family about going!"], "init_persona": [[["I live on the 32nd floor of my building.", "I like watching sunsets during summer.", "I work as a part time plumber.", "My father had a blue dodge truck.", "I like to eat poached eggs for breakfast."], ["Im a mom.", "I like to cook healthy.", "I like to watch movies.", "I live in ca.", "Im 30 yrs old."]], [["I like poached eggs.", "I like sunsets more than I like movies.", "I have a secondary job as a plumber. My job as a plumber is messy."], ["I like healthy food.", "I like movies. I usually watch movies with my kids.", "I do not have a job and am a stay at home mom.", "I live in California."]], [["I like poached eggs.", "I like sunsets more than I like movies.", "I have a secondary job as a plumber. My job as a plumber is messy.", "I do not live on the west coast. I do not like sand. The beach is my favorite place to watch sunsets.", "I think Disney movies are good."], ["I like healthy food.", "I do not have a job and am a stay at home mom.", "I live in California.", "I like movies more than sunsets. I like to swim. I do not like the sand at the beach. My kids love the beach.", "I watch movies with my kids. My kids like Disney movies. I like romance movies and some horror movies.", "My kids are school-age."]], [["I like poached eggs.", "I like sunsets more than I like movies.", "I have a secondary job as a plumber. My job as a plumber is messy. I don't have a lot of time for myself.", "I do not live on the west coast. I do not like sand. The beach is my favorite place to watch sunsets.", "I think Disney movies are good.", "I booked a Hawaii Sunset tour next month. I've never done a sunset tour before.", "I am generous."], ["I like healthy food.", "I do not have a job and am a stay at home mom.", "I live in California.", "I like movies more than sunsets. I like to swim. I do not like the sand at the beach. My kids love the beach.", "I watch movies with my kids. My kids like Disney movies. I like romance movies and some horror movies.", "My kids are school-age.", " I am busy.", "I have a partner."]], [["I like poached eggs.", "I like sunsets more than I like movies.", "I have a secondary job as a plumber. My job as a plumber is messy. I don't have a lot of time for myself.", "I do not live on the west coast. I do not like sand. The beach is my favorite place to watch sunsets.", "I think Disney movies are good. I have recently seen the Disney movie Luca. I also like watching the sport movies on Disney. I have Disney+.", "I booked a Hawaii Sunset tour next month. I've never done a sunset tour before.", "I am generous."], ["I like healthy food.", "I do not have a job and am a stay at home mom.", "I live in California.", "I like movies more than sunsets. I like to swim. I do not like the sand at the beach. My kids love the beach.", "I watch movies with my kids. My kids like Disney movies. I like romance movies and some horror movies.", "My kids are school-age.", "I have a partner. My family and I have been very busy. I haven't watched any new movies lately.", "My kids enjoyed watching Luca. The last Disney movie I saw was Miracle. My husband enjoys the Disney sports movies."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_10_0", "test_10_1", "test_10_2", "test_10_3", "test_10_4", "test_10_5", "test_10_6", "test_10_7", "test_10_8", "test_10_9", "test_10_10", "test_10_11", "test_10_12", "test_10_13", "test_10_14", "test_10_15", "test_10_16", "test_10_17", "test_10_18", "test_10_19", "test_10_20", "test_10_21", "test_10_22", "test_10_23", "test_10_24", "test_10_25", "test_10_26", "test_10_27", "test_10_28", "test_10_29", "test_10_30", "test_10_31", "test_10_32", "test_10_33", "test_10_34", "test_10_35", "test_10_36", "test_10_37", "test_10_38", "test_10_39", "test_10_40", "test_10_41", "test_10_42", "test_10_43", "test_10_44", "test_10_45", "test_10_46", "test_10_47", "test_10_48", "test_10_49", "test_10_50", "test_10_51", "test_10_52", "test_10_53", "test_10_54", "test_10_55"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Do you like music?", "Yes, you could say it is a great source of joy for me.", "Do you have a favorite genre? I enjoy country music.", "Everything really, I compose as well as listening to it. Have you been to a concert?", "Wow that's awesome. I've been to a randy travis concert before.", "That's great. Did you go alone or with friends?", "I went with friends. It was pretty fun. Have you went to any?", "Nice, hope you had a good time. Not recently, have been trying to not spent that much.", "I get that I love online shopping but gotta to be careful not get carried away!", "Haha, what do you usually buy? Are you working at least?", "Stuff for my kids and knick knacks. I'm not working currently so I'm scaling back.", "How many kids do you have?.", "I've decided to start looking for work to pay for my shopping addiction.", "Omg i should do the same thing i cant help but keep spending way too much. What sort of job are you looking for?", "Somthing at a call center or doing data entry. I think working retail would defeat the purpose of me getting a job.", "But maybe they will give you discount if you work in retail at least that way you wouldn't have to spend so much. But yeah something in data entry seems to be a good choice.", "That is what I am afraid of. Store employee discounts Hahah. With Call center and Data Entry I can do it remotely from home and that would be best since I have school age children. ", "Yes it is very hard to find a good job that can work around children. But that sound like it would be perfect. Most at home jobs are super flexible when it come to what hours you work. ", "Exactly. It is why I am not currently working and the cost of proper Day care these days is ridiculous. ", "Exactly kinda of no point in working as you literally working to pay them to watch your kids and basically have no income left over. ", "Yup. My brother and sister in law had to pay so much for Daycare that it was actually going to save them money if my SIL quit her job and stayed home with the kids. ", "You would think they would help out with people that actually wanted to work. Oh well the system is just a little behind logic i guess.", "I agree. I just got an email saying I got the Remote Data entry job. YAY go me. ", "OMG. Congratulations you deserve it. Hope you celebrate. ", "I just received the training software for the data entry job I was hired for and looks like I have a lot to learn. ", "How do you feel about it? Do you still want to do the job?", "Well, I do need to make money somehow. How else can I feed my love of shopping? Kidding. Kind of.", "Haha, I get that though, when you go shopping what are you usually looking for?", "Eh, I'm always looking at random things, like collectibles and things I think my kids would like. I think the last thing I bought was an old Precious Moments figure. Remember those? I also bought some clothes for my kids during this great sale. ", "I don't remember those figures at all...are they toys? And that nice that you get things for your kids. You dont get anything for yourself?", "They're ceramic figures of little kids being cute, basically. I have a curio cabinets with figures and other knickknacks inside. Those are for me - I just like looking at them. ", "I totally understand, I like to buy things myself. I'm spend way too much money on shoes", "Oooh, I like shoes, too. Especially cute sandals. I think I probably have 20 pairs of sandals. What do you have the most of?", "It's bad, I buy basketball shoes that I don't even wear. I know there are probably people that hate me for that", "Hey, it's your money, right? If you like them, you like them!", "I feel kind of bad sometimes because I know some people wait forever for these and I seem to be able to get whatever shoes I want", "Since you sometimes feel guilty for having too many shoes, have you ever considered donating the shoes you don't like anymore? ", "You know, I have! I was talking to my friend about it and she said she thought that would be gross! I was really disappointed, because I thought it would be helpful. Do you have any suggestions of where I could take them?", "I would say check your community for local thrift stores or donation centers, they usually are very accomodating and many help out those who need clothes donations.", "I will have to do that. I am glad you don't think there is anything wrong with it. Thank you! Have you ever donated items?", "I have, but mostly items belonging to my family like my children's old clothes. They tend to grow out of it so fast it makes sense for me to donate it them to those that need it as oppose to throwing them away. I in particular have a tendency to keep my items much longer until they are unsuitable for donation.", "I bet you are hanging on to your Precious Moments figurines! I still haven't seen them when I have been out shopping. Where do you find those?", "I mostly look online to find them being sold that I can ship to my house, they are sold often on marketplace stores such as Ebay or Amazon. I also look in antique stores for them, sometimes I find one that I can add to my collection.", "Ya, I'm probably not looking in the right kind of stores. I'm mostly going into clothing and shoe stores. But hey! You mentioned antique stores...I wonder if they have any at the thrift stores. I could look when I drop off my shoes!", "Did you find a place to donate your shoes?", "I did! I was driving to the grocery store the other day, when I noticed a bin labeled \"Donation for Shoes and Clothing.\" It was easier than I thought! How about you? Why do you have so many pairs of sandals?", "I don't understand myself! When I look them online I just have the urge to buy them, even when I know I don't need them. This addiction is getting worse and worse.", "I completely agree that buying shoes can become an addiction! Are there any ways you can make money from home while waiting for a job offer from a call center? ", "Well I already got the job so I just need to learn using the software. When I was still searching for jobs, we actually do a yard sale to sell many of my random items that are never used and clearly aren't needed either. ", "Congratulations on getting the job! I know it'll help you out so much. And of course, maybe I should turn to yard sales as well, for they can be a great way to make some extra cash! ", "Do you have another job or do you compose music for a living? How does your shopping addiction go?", "As a matter of fact, I do have another job in addition to composing music. I'm actually a music teacher at a private school, and on the side, I compose music for friends and family. As far as my shopping addiction goes, it's getting better. I promised myself that I wouldn't buy myself any more shoes this year!", "Ah, I remember the time I promised myself the same thing on not buying random things anymore, never work so far. Good luck with yours! ", "Thanks! I need the good luck wishes. I've been avoiding malls and shopping outlets. Maybe you can try the same! ", "I can avoid them physically, but with my job enable me sitting in front of my computer for a long period of time, I already turn the shopping addiction into online-shopping addiction. lol. Wish me luck!", "Sure thing! You know, and speaking of spending time before a computer, I need to look up information about Precious Moments figurines. I'd still like to know what they are!"], "init_persona": [[["I am very shy.", "I love shopping online.", "My dad was very overprotective.", "I love country music, particularly randy travis.", "I stay home with my children.", "I enjoy watching movies."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I like country music. My friends and I saw Randy Travis in concert.", "I have kids. I love to shop online for knick knacks and items for my children.", "I'm currently not working."], ["Music brings me a lot of joy. I compose music.", "I'm trying to cut down on my spending."]], [["I like country music. My friends and I saw Randy Travis in concert.", "I have kids. I love to shop online for knick knacks and items for my children.", "I'm currently not working. I am looking for a job. I would like to find a job in a call center or data entry. I would like to work from home. I have school aged children. I recently got an email saying I was hired for a data entry job.", "I have a shopping addiction.", "I have a brother. My brother is married with children."], ["Music brings me a lot of joy. I compose music.", "I'm trying to cut down on my spending.", "I have a shopping addiction. I spend too much money."]], [["I like country music. My friends and I saw Randy Travis in concert.", "I have kids. I love to shop online for knick knacks and items for my children.", "I'm currently not working. I am looking for a job. I would like to find a job in a call center or data entry. I would like to work from home. I have school aged children. I recently got an email saying I was hired for a data entry job. I have software to teach me my new job.", "I have a shopping addiction.", "I have a brother. My brother is married with children.", "I need to make money.", "I shop for random items. I like to buy collectibles. I shop for kids clothing. I have bought Precious Moment figurines. I have a curio cabinet to display my figurine collection. I enjoy searching for figurines.", "I like to buy shoes. I like sandals. I have 20 pairs of sandals."], ["Music brings me a lot of joy. I compose music.", "I'm trying to cut down on my spending.", "I have a shopping addiction. I spend too much money.", "I do not know what Precious Moment figurines are.", "I like to spoil myself when I shop. I spend a lot of money on shoes. I like to buy basketball shoes. I don't wear all the shoes I have.", "I feel guilty sometimes that I am fortunate to be able to spoil myself with shoes."]], [["I like country music. My friends and I saw Randy Travis in concert.", "I have kids. I love to shop online for knick knacks and items for my children.", "I'm currently not working. I am looking for a job. I would like to find a job in a call center or data entry. I would like to work from home. I have school aged children. I recently got an email saying I was hired for a data entry job. I have software to teach me my new job.", "I have a shopping addiction.", "I have a brother. My brother is married with children.", "I need to make money.", "I shop for random items. I like to buy collectibles. I shop for kids clothing. I have bought Precious Moment figurines online. I have a curio cabinet to display my figurine collection. I enjoy searching for figurines. I look in antique stores.", "I like to buy shoes. I like sandals. I have 20 pairs of sandals.", "I'm familiar with charities. I have experience with donating clothes. I've donated my children's old clothes. I have tendency to keep items too long."], ["Music brings me a lot of joy. I compose music.", "I'm trying to cut down on my spending.", "I have a shopping addiction. I spend too much money.", "I do not know what Precious Moment figurines are.", "I like to spoil myself when I shop. I spend a lot of money on shoes. I like to buy basketball shoes. I don't wear all the shoes I have.", "I feel guilty sometimes that I am fortunate to be able to spoil myself with shoes. I want to donate clothes.", "I go shopping. I go into clothing and shoe stores."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 8, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_11_0", "test_11_1", "test_11_2", "test_11_3", "test_11_4", "test_11_5", "test_11_6", "test_11_7", "test_11_8", "test_11_9", "test_11_10", "test_11_11", "test_11_12", "test_11_13", "test_11_14", "test_11_15", "test_11_16", "test_11_17", "test_11_18", "test_11_19", "test_11_20", "test_11_21", "test_11_22", "test_11_23", "test_11_24", "test_11_25", "test_11_26", "test_11_27", "test_11_28", "test_11_29", "test_11_30", "test_11_31", "test_11_32", "test_11_33", "test_11_34", "test_11_35", "test_11_36", "test_11_37", "test_11_38", "test_11_39", "test_11_40", "test_11_41", "test_11_42", "test_11_43", "test_11_44", "test_11_45", "test_11_46", "test_11_47", "test_11_48", "test_11_49", "test_11_50", "test_11_51", "test_11_52", "test_11_53", "test_11_54", "test_11_55", "test_11_56", "test_11_57", "test_11_58", "test_11_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["My father was a farmer when I was a boy, and my two older brothers helped on the farm.", "My father was a hunter and has passed down hunting to me. I enjoy going hunting any chance I get. What was your favorite thing on the farm?.", "I loved playing in the grain silo (carefully) with my brothers noah and tasha.", "Oh my.. That sounds like it could be dangerous.", "Tasha always made sure the grain couldn't fall on us!", "I see. Did you have a favorite animal on the farm?.", "My cat sonny was a favorite. He is still alive.", "Aww that's really cute. I love cats too.", "He might come visit me in kansas city where I just moved.", "How is the weather in kansas city?.", "It's still cold here but the spring flowers are beginning to bud.", "Same here in pennsylvania. I cannot wait for it to be warm all the time..", "Are you planning on going hunting anytime soon?", "I will once it warms up a little bit. In the meantime, I will stay home with my cat and watch some tv. ", "Cool. Sonny and I like to watch tv too. So, what kind of hunting are you planning to do when it gets warmer?", "Probably deer, that's the animal my dad taught me to hunt the most. Have you ever been hunting for deer?", "No, I've always been too busy with the farm and all to do something like that. Do you eat the meat you get?", "Yes I do, and my whole family enjoys. This is why I am so sad that the weather here is not suitable for hunting conditions. Does farming take all your time?", "It really does. I mean, you get up before sunrise to work and you work all day past sunset. You can't take a day off because the crops always need tending to. That's cool that your whole family likes it! By the way, have you ever had a deer mounted or stuffed?", "I have not, my family finds that a little scary! And I never realized how much work you needed to do, is it worth it?", "I wouldn't know. I just wondered if you had because i've seen it on tv shows and stuff. Speaking of tv shows, what do you watch with your cat?", "We don't watch anything specific right now, we just surf through Netflix and sees what appeals to us. ", "Same here. Have you thought about getting another cat? I knock the idea around every now and then but haven't yet.", "I have considered it, but I know it will be a lot of work. This one takes a lot of time as it is. ", "Have you been able to go hunting yet? What is the weather like there?", "Still a bit cold here, but it is supposed to warm up next week. I did go out a couple of days ago, but no luck.", "That's frustrating but I'm sure when the weather picks up you'll get better results! Is it just deer you like to hunt?", "Yes, just deer. Although, I would like to hunt elk sometime. Have you ever considered trying hunting? ", "I've never been hunting before but I think I could try some time. I think working on the farm would have prepared me well for it", "My thoughts exactly! Speaking of animals, I wonder if your cat has a \"favorite\" show. My cat loves to watch \"Grimm\". Probably all the creatures, LOL!", "That is so funny you should ask my cat LOVES watching TV with me - I think he seems to enjoy FRIENDS the most!!!", "It really is interesting how animals can have so much personality. I did see an ad for kittens last night, and seriously considered calling.", "I love cats! They're so independent but they can be really loving too", "My cat is a calico. I used to have a tabby, when I was a kid. I have heard that different coat colors have different personality types. ", "I wonder if that's true? It's really interesting if it is!", "When I get another cat, I think I'll see if I can get one that's different, so I can try out the theory. Have you decided to go ahead and get another cat?", "You will never guess what Sonny did yesterday! ", "Watched the next episode without you? lol :D What did that fluffball do?", "There were birds in my garden trying to eat my worms. Sonny caught a bird in his mouth and brought it to me!", "So he is a hunter too! Did it live? Did y'all feast?", "I told Sonny to drop the bird and he did. The bird flew away unharmed.", "Aww that is good for the bird. Sweet of Sonny to bring you a gift! He must be pretty agile for his age.", "Yeah hopefully Sonny will keep the birds away. I'm doing no till farming here so I need the worms for healthy soil. I just planted some kale and spinach.", "Oh nice! So Sonny was just doing his work on the farm. :) Maybe it would be smart to get another cat. He could help with that too.", "Haha. I got enough work already on my 40 acre farm! It is going to be spring soon so I have to get all my crops planted soon.", "Do you travel back to the farm to work often? And does Sonny come back with you to Kansas City?", "I quit my job to be a farmer! I'm living off the land. Now all I have to do is to learn to hunt like you do", "Oh wow! It is great that you have found the life that works for you, and I bet Sonny loves it too! As long as y'all still gave access to Grimm.", "Have you had any more thoughts on getting a second cat, kitten season is coming up, it would be the perfect time!", "Yeah, I know. I'm still thinking it over! I'd really love to have a tabby again. How about you? Still mulling a cat sibling for Sonny?", "Sonny keeps getting himself in trouble. He keeps bringing home birds in his mouth. Luckily he doesn't bite too hard, so they aren't injured when he lets them go. ", "It's supposed to be a big sign of respect when your cat brings you a live animal! At least that's what my dad used to say, haha.", "That is interesting to say because I have heard that in the past too! My grandfather used to say that when I was younger. ", "Maybe it's true! Beats me. So how are your crops coming along this season? ", "They are going great! I am having a bit of trouble with the bugs eating my crops, so I think I am going to have to start putting down some treatment for them. ", "Ah, yeah, some pesticide. Well, it's kind of a given unless you were hoping to be fully organic.", "I was hoping for fully organic, but these bugs are starting to become troublesome that I think I won't have a choice. ", "If they're aphids, you could see about releasing a whole bunch of ladybugs. They eat aphids. ", "Hmmm, thank you for the suggestion! I would have to figure out where I can get enough ladybugs!", "Yeah, you'd need a lot of them if you need to treat 40 acres. That's a huge job."], "init_persona": [[["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."], ["I am a hunter.", "I like to go hunting.", "My favorite animal to hunt is deer.", "Deer are over populated and that concerns me.", "I am generally concerned about wildlife."]], [["My father was a farmer. I have two older brothers named Noah and Tasha. My brothers worked on the farm.", "My brothers and I loved to play in the grain silo. My brother Tasha made sure it was safe.", "I have a cat named Sonny. He is my favorite animal.", "I just moved to Kansas City. Spring is almost here."], ["My father was a hunter. I learned hunting from him and I love it.", "I love cats.", "I live in Pennsylvania. The weather here is cold at the moment. I'm looking forward to the warm weather."]], [["My father was a farmer. I have two older brothers named Noah and Tasha. My brothers worked on the farm.", "My brothers and I loved to play in the grain silo. My brother Tasha made sure it was safe.", "I have a cat named Sonny. He is my favorite animal. I like to watch tv with Sonny.", "I just moved to Kansas City. Spring is almost here.", "I have never been deer hunting. I like on a farm. I get up before sunrise and work past sunset. I am busy on the farm. I can not take a day off.", "I don't have a favorite show. I think about getting another cat."], ["My father was a hunter. I learned hunting from him and I love it.", "I love cats.", "I live in Pennsylvania. The weather here is cold at the moment. I'm looking forward to the warm weather.", "I like to hunt. I hunt deer. My dad taught me to hunt. I eat the meat I hunt. I have never had a deer mounted.", "I have a cat. I watch Netflix with my cat. I don't have a favorite show.", "I have thought about getting another cat. My cat takes a lot of time."]], [["My father was a farmer. I have two older brothers named Noah and Tasha. My brothers worked on the farm.", "My brothers and I loved to play in the grain silo. My brother Tasha made sure it was safe.", "I have a cat named Sonny. He is my favorite animal. I like to watch tv with Sonny.", "I just moved to Kansas City. Spring is almost here.", "I have never been deer hunting. I like on a farm. I get up before sunrise and work past sunset. I am busy on the farm. I can not take a day off.", "I don't have a favorite show. I think about getting another cat.", "I have a television."], ["My father was a hunter. I learned hunting from him and I love it.", "I love cats.", "I live in Pennsylvania. The weather here is cold at the moment. I'm looking forward to the warm weather.", "I like to hunt. I hunt deer. My dad taught me to hunt. I eat the meat I hunt. I have never had a deer mounted.", "I have a calico cat. I watch Netflix with my cat. I don't have a favorite show.", "I have thought about getting another cat. My cat takes a lot of time.", "I have a television.", "I used to have a tabby cat when I was younger."]], [["My father was a farmer. I have two older brothers named Noah and Tasha. My brothers worked on the farm.", "My brothers and I loved to play in the grain silo. My brother Tasha made sure it was safe.", "I have a cat named Sonny. He is my favorite animal. I like to watch tv with Sonny.", "I just moved to Kansas City. Spring is almost here.", "I have never been deer hunting. I like on a farm. I get up before sunrise and work past sunset. I am busy on the farm. I can not take a day off.", "I don't have a favorite show. I think about getting another cat.", "My cat Sonny caught a bird in his mouth and brought it to me. The bird flew away unharmed.", "I'm doing no till farming, I planted some kale and spinach. I have a 40 acre farm. I quit my job to be a farmer."], ["My father was a hunter. I learned hunting from him and I love it.", "I love cats.", "I live in Pennsylvania. The weather here is cold at the moment. I'm looking forward to the warm weather.", "I like to hunt. I hunt deer. My dad taught me to hunt. I eat the meat I hunt. I have never had a deer mounted.", "I have a calico cat. I watch Netflix with my cat. I don't have a favorite show.", "I have thought about getting another cat. My cat takes a lot of time.", "I have a television.", "I used to have a tabby cat when I was younger."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_13_0", "test_13_1", "test_13_2", "test_13_3", "test_13_4", "test_13_5", "test_13_6", "test_13_7", "test_13_8", "test_13_9", "test_13_10", "test_13_11", "test_13_12", "test_13_13", "test_13_14", "test_13_15", "test_13_16", "test_13_17", "test_13_18", "test_13_19", "test_13_20", "test_13_21", "test_13_22", "test_13_23", "test_13_24", "test_13_25", "test_13_26", "test_13_27", "test_13_28", "test_13_29", "test_13_30", "test_13_31", "test_13_32", "test_13_33", "test_13_34", "test_13_35", "test_13_36", "test_13_37", "test_13_38", "test_13_39", "test_13_40", "test_13_41", "test_13_42", "test_13_43", "test_13_44", "test_13_45", "test_13_46", "test_13_47", "test_13_48", "test_13_49", "test_13_50", "test_13_51", "test_13_52", "test_13_53", "test_13_54", "test_13_55", "test_13_56", "test_13_57", "test_13_58", "test_13_59", "test_13_60", "test_13_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there how are you today?", "I'm great! How are you?", "Doing good just on a job hunt currently..", "Oh yes? I'm still in high school. I'm not looking forward to that.", "Don't rush it.. A lot of hard work. Especially when you have a family depending on you.", "I bet. I'll just enjoy my marching and concert band right now lol.", "For sure! That's a cool hobby. I am more old school with my punk music then band.", "I'm just a girl with english as my favorite subject...a nerd!! Hahaha.", "I feel you on the nerd part. Everyone always things I am since I am a ginger.", "Well, my parents are teachers so it's hard not to be lol.", "I bet! Always educational in your house I'm sure. I love cook outs when I am home.", "Oh cookouts are the best!! There's nothing like hot dogs on the grill!", "Yes, especially in summer! Can't wait.", "Same here. I'm ready for warm weather and eating outside.", "What subjects do your parents teach?", "My dad teaches Algebra and my mom teaches History. I like math more than history though", "Your parents must be super smart, are you intelligent like them?", "as some things. I'm very good at English and Math but dreadful at history. I cant seem to remember dates", "Who cares about the past anyway? Lol. Do you have a favourite subject at school?", "English is my favorite, what was your is school", "Either art or music. I've always been really into punk music and anything creative", "Im not too into punk. What bands would you recommend to get started with?", "I'd recommend some ska punk to ease you into it. Less Than Jake are one of my favourites. What music do you listen to?", "I listen to a lot of heavy metal like Slayer and Lamb of God. I really enjoy the talent it takes to play music at that speed and with that intensity. ", "Ah cool. You should listen to Choking Victim or NOFX, they might be more your style.", "ive heard of NOFX but not choking victim. My freind wants me to listen to the Vandals.", "What instrument do you play in your school's marching band?", "I play the bass clarinet. I'm pretty good at it. I made first chair last week. Have you found a new job yet?", "Wow, congrats on making first chair! That's a big deal. No luck on the job hunt just yet, but I have some good leads I'm chasing down and I have a few resumes out. ", "That's great! What's a resume?", "It's a listing of all of your past work experience and educational background. It gives potential employers a quick look at who you are professionally. This is one of those times when it's good to be a nerd!", "Oh okay. I can't wait to start working and build a resume for myself! I'm pretty good at writing. Maybe it won't be so hard. You may have to show me an example of one though when the time comes for me to be able to work. Man it's nice outside. Hows the weather where you're at? ", "I can totally help you with your resume. Just ask when you're ready! It's kind of cool outside right now; cooler than I'd expect for this time of year. But at least it's comfortable -- I've been taking my easel outside to paint lately.", "That's cool. What do you like to paint? I've tried to paint in art class, but my painting of Slayer looks more like messy lava haha.", "Ha! I'm sure it's better than you think it is! I like landscapes mostly. There's something soothing about a pastoral scene.", "I agree. I actually like the view out here on the farm. You should come paint it sometime. ", "Thanks for the invite! I do love painting barns, especially the old red ones. They're just so charming.", "We have the cliche red barn out back haha. That", "I painted a new painting I think you'd like.", "Really? Was it a landscape?", "Yes, it sure was a landscape! I really think you will like it as the scenery is based on an old photo I had of a rain forest. ", "That sounds very peaceful! I love rain forests! I'd like to visit one some day. ", "I would recommend that you visit one for sure! Have you painted an image of your farm yet?", "I tried, but I ran out of red paint. I'm not very good at it yet though. I want to learn to pain in the impressionist style. So far it's mostly been in the kindergarden style! ", "Maybe when you go to your next art class you can bring the painting of your barn and finish it there since they will have red paint. ", "That is true. I am uncomfortable painting with people watching me though. Do you like to be alone when you paint?", "I do like to be alone when I paint. Sometimes, I feel nervous when people are looking over my shoulder when I am trying to paint. ", "Yes, that's how I feel. I told my teacher that, but he didn't care. He said it was the only way he could grade me.", "Thats not very fair, but I think that the more you paint in front of someone, the more comfortable you will feel. ", "I hope so. I hope that eventually when I paint a barn it looks like a barn too! Have you had any luck in the job search yet?", "I bought some new paint to work on other projects. ", "What project are you working right now? Is it a red barn?", "Yes, I am working on the barn, its a lot of work because the barn is so big. I have been going through lots of paint over the last few weeks. ", "Wait, you are painting the red barn? I thought you are painting a picture of red barns on canvas and was thinking \"how big of a canvas is it to spent so much paint on?\" LOL", "Well, since the weather has been so nice, I started painting the barn and took a break from canvas painting. ", "That's nice too, maybe I should consider painting our red barn to take a break from my school stuff. By the way, what kind of jobs are you looking for? ", "Would you like me to help you paint the barn on the weekends? I have been looking for security jobs!", "If you help me then I will have less excuses to not doing my school stuff. Haha. Since you're a tech savvy, I suppose you're looking for online security job?", "Yeah, I was looking for some type of entry level information security job.", "Any luck so far? I heard it is getting harder and harder to find a job nowadays. I don't really want to go to college but I feel like I will need to if I want to ever get a job in the future.", "I have put a few applications in and I am planning on following up on Monday to see if anyone of the companies are willing to give me an interview.", "Wish you the best on your job hunting! Let me know how much you spent on paints for your red barn, I want to prepare some money for painting ours."], "init_persona": [[["I get tired of people calling me a'ginger.", "'I work hard to support my family.", "I'm thinking about quitting my job.", "I like old punk music.", "I like to cook out on the grill on the weekends."], ["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."]], [["I'm looking for a job.I have a family that I support.", "I like punk music.", "I am a ginger. People think I'm a nerd.", "I love to have cook outs.", "I'm looking forward to summertime."], ["I am a high school student. I play and march in the concert band at school.", "I'm a female. English is my favorite subject. I think of myself as a nerd.", "Both of my parents are school teachers.", "I love grilled hot dogs. I like the warm weather and having meals outside."]], [["I'm looking for a job.I have a family that I support.", "I like punk music.", "I am a ginger. People think I'm a nerd.", "I love to have cook outs.", "I'm looking forward to summertime.", "Art and music were my favorite subjects in school. I am a creative person.", "My favorite punk band is Less Than Jake. i like the bands Choking Victim and NOFX."], ["I am a high school student. I play and march in the concert band at school.", "I'm a female. English is my favorite subject. I think of myself as a nerd.", "Both of my parents are school teachers. My dad teaches Algebra. My mom teaches History. I like math more than history. I am good at math and english. I am not good at history. I have a hard time remembering dates. English was my favorite subject in school.", "I love grilled hot dogs. I like the warm weather and having meals outside.", "I do not know a lot about punk music. I listen to heavy metal music. My favorite bands are Slayer and Lamb of God. I like fast and intense music. I have heard NOFX music. I have not heard Choking Victim music."]], [["I am unemployed but looking for work. I have a family that I support.", "I like punk music.", "I am a ginger. People think I'm a nerd.", "I love to have cook outs.", "I'm looking forward to summertime.", "Art and music were my favorite subjects in school. I am a creative person.", "My favorite punk band is Less Than Jake. i like the bands Choking Victim and NOFX.", "I am a tech savvy.", "I am a painter. I paint landscapes. I like to paint red barns."], ["I am a high school student. I play and march in the concert band at school.", "I'm a female. English is my favorite subject. I think of myself as a nerd.", "Both of my parents are school teachers. My dad teaches Algebra. My mom teaches History. I like math more than history. I am good at math and english. I am not good at history. I have a hard time remembering dates. English was my favorite subject in school.", "I love grilled hot dogs. I like the warm weather and having meals outside.", "I do not know a lot about punk music. I listen to heavy metal music. My favorite bands are Slayer and Lamb of God. I like fast and intense music. I have heard NOFX music. I have not heard Choking Victim music.", "I play the bass clarinet. I play first chair.", "I haven't worked a radiational job.", "I like to write. I don't have a resume.", "I am learning to paint in an art class.", "I live on a farm. I have a red barn."]], [["I am unemployed but looking for work. I have a family that I support.", "I like punk music.", "I am a ginger. People think I'm a nerd.", "I love to have cook outs.", "I'm looking forward to summertime.", "Art and music were my favorite subjects in school. I am a creative person.", "My favorite punk band is Less Than Jake. i like the bands Choking Victim and NOFX.", "I am a tech savvy.", "I am a painter. I paint landscapes. I like to paint red barns. I like to paint alone."], ["I am a high school student. I play and march in the concert band at school.", "I'm a female. English is my favorite subject. I think of myself as a nerd.", "Both of my parents are school teachers. My dad teaches Algebra. My mom teaches History. I like math more than history. I am good at math and english. I am not good at history. I have a hard time remembering dates. English was my favorite subject in school.", "I love grilled hot dogs. I like the warm weather and having meals outside.", "I do not know a lot about punk music. I listen to heavy metal music. My favorite bands are Slayer and Lamb of God. I like fast and intense music. I have heard NOFX music. I have not heard Choking Victim music.", "I play the bass clarinet. I play first chair.", "I haven't worked a radiational job.", "I like to write. I don't have a resume.", "I am learning to paint in an art class. I want to learn to paint in the impressionist style. I am uncomfortable painting around others.", "I live on a farm. I have a red barn.", "I love rain forests. I want to visit a rain forest one day."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_17_0", "test_17_1", "test_17_2", "test_17_3", "test_17_4", "test_17_5", "test_17_6", "test_17_7", "test_17_8", "test_17_9", "test_17_10", "test_17_11", "test_17_12", "test_17_13", "test_17_14", "test_17_15", "test_17_16", "test_17_17", "test_17_18", "test_17_19", "test_17_20", "test_17_21", "test_17_22", "test_17_23", "test_17_24", "test_17_25", "test_17_26", "test_17_27", "test_17_28", "test_17_29", "test_17_30", "test_17_31", "test_17_32", "test_17_33", "test_17_34", "test_17_35", "test_17_36", "test_17_37", "test_17_38", "test_17_39", "test_17_40", "test_17_41", "test_17_42", "test_17_43", "test_17_44", "test_17_45", "test_17_46", "test_17_47", "test_17_48", "test_17_49", "test_17_50", "test_17_51", "test_17_52", "test_17_53", "test_17_54", "test_17_55", "test_17_56", "test_17_57", "test_17_58", "test_17_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you today?", "Good thank you for asking. I grew up on a farm and have 2 older siblings, you?", "I love coffee. I enjoy the zoo, hiking, camping and running.", "I moved to the city and there are lots of coffee shops. Do you like music?", "Yes. I love my leisure time, I have a dog. Do you have pets?", "No pets at this time. I traveled far to see my favorite band. Siblings?.", "I have 3 brothers. I spend most of my time with my dog.", "Dogs are fun! City life doesn\u2019t allow me to have pets..", "I love coffee like you, I just got a new espresso machine. It is awesome!", "Are you male or female?.", "Female. What about you?", "Female as well. My dad was a farmer and wants to visit me in the city..", "I just made a latte with my new espresso machine. Have you ever made your own latte?", "no i haven't but i always wouldn't to. Do you have any suggestions on making a good one?", "Not really - it was so easy! Put the thing in, press the button and walk away. Tastes like a fancy 10 dollar coffee but for a fraction of the price. Highly recommend it if you like coffee!", "i will have to try it one day. I usually just go and buy one.and that does get expensive. What things do you do in you leisure tiem? ", "I've been trying to be more active with the dogs. The coffee certainly helps! How about you? What have you been up to?", "When i'm not working i'm just traveling around the city, finding new places and things to do", "Found anything exciting lately? I get overwhelmed so easily in the big city.", "I was like that at first coming from a farm but i use to it know. i just discovered a nice little place to eat that has the best food ever", "What kind of food is it? Some good cuisine is definitely the easiest way to tempt me out in the suburbs, lol", "lol, it's Mexican. authentic. It was so good. I think you would love it. I think everything i tried i .loved. I even to home some so other could try it. What type of food do you like? ", "I like everything! I could really go for some authentic Mexican... a little taco, a taquito maybe, some nachos definitely... oh I'm so hungry now. ha!", "Well you would love this place. it's the best and the customer service is amazing", "I made reservations there for myself and a friend for this Friday is y'all wanted to join us! This will be my last trip to the city for a little while so you should really come!", "Sorry where did you say you made reservations? I'm free on Friday so would love to join you.", "At the Loaded Bowl Vegan restaurant. Is that okay? I am vegan and this place has a great variety. They are dog friendly too so I bring my furbaby sometimes. It's a neat place. ", "Yeah that sounds good to me. Vegan food is one of my favorites though it's difficult to get sometimes.", "I usually cook at home. When I come to the city, this place is my go to. I'm not picky when it comes to their menu. It's all delicious, I promise. They serve great drinks too! You'll have to try their fish bowl mamba haha. Its literally served in a giant bowl but dang its so good!", "Yeah I have never had fish bowl mamba before in my life so I'd love to try it. I should also say I don't know what my partner, Eddy, is up to on Friday. We'll find out.", "It's served in a fish bowl. They light the middle orange wedge on fire and you blow it out right before drinking it. It' similar to what Felipes Mexican restaurant serves. Yes, please do get back to me after talking with Eddy. If you two can make it, I've reserved a table nearest the live band that will be playing. ", "Oh wow that sounds really cool. Didn't expect there'd be a live band! Do you know what style of music they'll play?", "I believe they are country/pop mixed genre. I looked up their website, Lean Left. com, and they are a local band who mostly do covers. Some original. You'll have to check out that site and let me know what you think of them. ", "Yeah I will check them out. Lean left is quite a strange name. Sounds political! Anyway a quality covers band will maybe tempt out Eddy. Cocktails and music sounds perfect.", "Yes I laughed at the name, but their music online is good anyways. I guess we'll find out Friday! ", "Yeah perfect! How many of us will be going?", "What is your favorite vegan dish to cook?", "I really enjoy vegan tacos. I also like vegan stir fry. I've got some great recipes if you're interested.", "I am interested but I to not care for tofu used as a substitute though", "Uh oh! The stir fry recipe does you tofu, although I'm sure you could replace it with whatever you wanted and still make it work. What types of things do you usually order when you go out to restaurants?", "Its funny I like tofu by itself but when it is used to mimic meat then it taste funny to me.", "That is funny. It definitely took a while for me to get used to tofu, both on its own and in meals, but I do like it. By the way, I talked to Eddy and he's free on Friday so if you're still willing and able we'd love to go to dinner with you.", "That sounds good. What restaurant do you want to go to? I am open for suggestions.", "I thought you already had a reservation at the Loaded Bowl for this Friday.", "I do but I thought maybe you want some Mexican food.", "Well, I do love Mexican food but if you already have the reservation at the Loaded Bowl, why don't we try that. I'm intrigued by the live band. I listened to some of their music online and really liked it. Even Eddy heard it and asked me who it was. That's a good sign as he can be picky about music.", "So the Loaded Bowl then. Afterwards we can go to my place and I can finally use my new espresso machine", "That sounds fun. Will your friend still be joining us?", "I made us all reservations at a really great Mexican restaurant if you both can join my on Friday again.", "We'd love to! If there's a chance let's meet in our place, and we can exchange vegan recipes.", "That sounds like fun. Even though I'm a vegan, I'm not too picky with food, so I'm excited about seeing what you can come up with. I have a lot of great vegan recipes.", "Would you teach me how to make a good espresso too? I want to buy an espresso machine to cut my spending on coffee. Do you have any suggestions? ", "I just bought my new espresso machine and still haven't tried it out yet, so I can't make any recommendations yet. Do you plan on making lattes or having the espresso black? I enjoy sweet syrups like cinnamon and vanilla in my lattes.", "I am not picky with my coffee and enjoy new variations, but black is more for Eddy. I love sweet syrups too! ", "That sounds like me. I don't think you can go wrong with any espresso machine as long as you're willing to pay the price. I love going to coffee shops but having my own machine means I'll save a lot of money. The same goes for cooking but this Friday will be special because I love Mexican food!", "Since you have reservation on Loaded Bowl this Friday let's just meet there. We can meet on our place next time so Eddy and I will have more time to prepare. ", "That sounds good. Feel free to dress comfortably. This is just a night to hang out and eat some good food. I enjoy my leisure time and I want to enjoy this as much as I can.", "Agree! I mostly dress comfortably when I go out, especially for enjoying good food. Maybe because I grew up in a farm I always feel uneasy even seeing people dress too formal and stiff, can't imagine wearing it myself.", "I feel the same way. I don't usually go out much and kind of find it overwhelming, so it'll be nice to get out with some friends. Maybe you can have a drink or two if you're up for it.", "Sure. I'm excited. Can't wait to see you this Friday!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."]], [["I enjoy the zoo, hiking, camping and running.", "I like music. I love my leisure time. I have a dog. I spend most of my time with my pet dog. I have three brothers.", "I love coffee. I have a new espresso machine.", "I am a female."], ["I grew up on a farm. I have two older siblings.", "I moved to the city. I am a female. My dad was a farmer and wants to see me.", "I traveled to see my favorite band.", "I don't have any pets because of life in the city."]], [["I enjoy the zoo, hiking, camping and running.", "I like music. I love my leisure time. I have a dog. I spend most of my time with my pet dog. I have three brothers.", "I love coffee. I have a new espresso machine. I like espresso drinks. I prefer to save money by making coffee at home.", "I am a female.", "I am not a very active person.", "I find large cities overwhelming. I live just outside of the city. I enjoy eating out. I am not picky when it comes to food."], ["I grew up on a farm. I have two older siblings.", "I moved to the city. I am a female. My dad was a farmer and wants to see me.", "I traveled to see my favorite band.", "I don't have any pets because of life in the city.", "I have never made a latte before. I spend too much money on cofee drubks. I enjoy trying new things.", "I enjoy authentic Mexican food. I am not a picky eater at all. I have a partner. Good customer service is importnant to me."]], [["I enjoy the zoo, hiking, camping and running.", "I like music. I love my leisure time. I have a dog. I spend most of my time with my pet dog. I have three brothers.", "I love coffee. I have a new espresso machine. I like espresso drinks. I prefer to save money by making coffee at home.", "I am a female.", "I am not a very active person.", "I find large cities overwhelming. I live just outside of the city. I enjoy eating out. I am not picky when it comes to food.", "I am vegan. I usually cook at home. When I go to the city, the Loaded Bowl is my favorite restaurant."], ["I grew up on a farm. I have two older siblings.", "I moved to the city. I am a female. My dad was a farmer and wants to see me.", "I traveled to see my favorite band.", "I don't have any pets because of life in the city.", "I have never made a latte before. I spend too much money on cofee drubks. I enjoy trying new things.", "I enjoy authentic Mexican food. I am not a picky eater at all. Good customer service is importnant to me.", "I like vegan food.", "I have a partner named Eddy."]], [["I enjoy the zoo, hiking, camping and running.", "I like music. I love my leisure time. I have a dog. I spend most of my time with my pet dog. I have three brothers.", "I love coffee. I have a new espresso machine. I like espresso drinks. I prefer to save money by making coffee at home.", "I am a female.", "I am not a very active person.", "I find large cities overwhelming. I live just outside of the city. I enjoy eating out. I am not picky when it comes to food.", "I am vegan. I usually cook at home. When I go to the city, the Loaded Bowl is my favorite restaurant. I have a Friday reservation at the Loaded Bowl restaurant.", "I am interested in vegan recipes. I do not like tofu as a substitute. I like tofu by itself.", "I have a new espresso machine I have not used yet."], ["I grew up on a farm. I have two older siblings.", "I moved to the city. I am a female. My dad was a farmer and wants to see me.", "I traveled to see my favorite band.", "I don't have any pets because of life in the city.", "I have never made a latte before. I spend too much money on cofee drubks. I enjoy trying new things.", "I enjoy authentic Mexican food. I am not a picky eater at all. Good customer service is importnant to me.", "I have a partner named Eddy.", "I like to cook vegan tacos. I like to cook vegan stir fry. I have some great vegan recipes. I took a while to get used to tofu. I like tofu.", "My friend Eddy can be picky about music.I want to hear the live band at the Loaded Bowl."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_22_0", "test_22_1", "test_22_2", "test_22_3", "test_22_4", "test_22_5", "test_22_6", "test_22_7", "test_22_8", "test_22_9", "test_22_10", "test_22_11", "test_22_12", "test_22_13", "test_22_14", "test_22_15", "test_22_16", "test_22_17", "test_22_18", "test_22_19", "test_22_20", "test_22_21", "test_22_22", "test_22_23", "test_22_24", "test_22_25", "test_22_26", "test_22_27", "test_22_28", "test_22_29", "test_22_30", "test_22_31", "test_22_32", "test_22_33", "test_22_34", "test_22_35", "test_22_36", "test_22_37", "test_22_38", "test_22_39", "test_22_40", "test_22_41", "test_22_42", "test_22_43", "test_22_44", "test_22_45", "test_22_46", "test_22_47", "test_22_48", "test_22_49", "test_22_50", "test_22_51", "test_22_52", "test_22_53", "test_22_54", "test_22_55", "test_22_56", "test_22_57", "test_22_58", "test_22_59", "test_22_60", "test_22_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I am a vegitarian that likes eating fruit.", "I like to eat fruit too. Are you male or female?", "I am a male that likes smiling just like my father.", "I am female and I have a lot of friends.", "I dont like keeping friends because my father is an old civil war general.", "You must be old. What do you do for fun?", "I do it with avid horse.", "That sounds expensive. I try not to spend too much money.", "You are just like me do you also detest breaking wind in public.", "Lol, I don't like to do that either.", "I love pineapple alot what about you.", "I work from home so I can eat pineapple whenever. I like to be my own boss.", "Same here, I dont want a boss to frown at me.", "I like most everyone.", "I cut up two pineapples today. ", "Oh yeah, how were they?", "Pretty good, i was going to add them to a fruit salad but i couldnt resist and ate em all!", "That figures. They have a great taste and juice to drink as well. Bonus they don't make either of us break wind.", "Well that is a good bonus. Did you know pineapples are the only fruit that can eat you?", "Really? That seems like that can't be true unless the other items we classify as fruit aren't technically fruit.", "They have a special enzyme that is used in digestion! Thats why people put it on meats to cook.", "Wow did not know that was the reason. Learn something new everyday. So which side of the civil war did your father side with?", "The winning side ha. Hows your working from home treating you? I know you love being your own boss now", "It's fantastic, i tend to my garden in hopes this year will be a good year for everything and not just tomatoes. Not dealing with daily commutes is nice too.", "I hear that! I wish i could do the same,", "I use cardboard egg shell cartons, mixture of planting soil and dirt from my yard, mix the two together, plant anywhere from 2-3 seed per section and cover it in saran wrap for a week.", "What is the easiest vegetable you have found to start a garden with? ", "It's not too hard to grow any vegetable - but probably it's best to start a garden with lettuce. Do you have a favorite vegetable?", "i always like gourd types like squash and zucchini.", "Yes, squash is also easy to grow. If you give them enough water they grow huge! Do you feed your horse vegetables? ", "Just the leftovers that I don't eat the cuttings off the vegetables before cooking. But my horse rather just eat alfalfa hay", "I love the smell of alfalfa hay. I know you like to make fruit salad - aside from pineapple, what do you add to it?", "depending what i can find, mostly strawberries, blueberries, and cantaloupe. By the way talking about pineapple have you ever tried growing one.", "I haven't! I would either have to move to a warmer climate or get a greenhouse. But luckily with the money I make selling vegetables I can buy pineapple from the grocery store. It would be nice to go to Hawaii and buy them off the tree.", "Yea you need warmer weather I tried to grow one but the freeze killed it.", "Yes, I hear it's really hard to grow pineapples. But being a good gardener takes time - that's why I like being my own boss.", "I wish I could work for myself. I would love to work at home", "It takes discipline, but I think you'd be great at it. The fact that you can take care of a horse shows you are a diligent worker.", "I think the fruit salad I made today is my best one yet!", "What did you put in it?", "I put pineapple, oranges, grapes, cherry's, apples, pomegranate seeds and strawberry's.", "That sound so yummy! Have you ever used kiwi in a fruit salad?", "No I have not used kiwi in a fruit salad. Do you use that in your fruit salad?", "I have a few times. It adds a different flavor and lovely green note. Yellow kiwis are also very good in fruit salad as they are a little sweeter than the green variety.", "That sounds like it would be good in fruit salad. I have never seen yellow kiwi. Where do you fine them?", "Once in a while you can find them at Walmart or Kroger. They aren't a steady item. ", "Okay, I will have to look for them next time I go to Walmart. What else do you out in your fruit salad?", "I have added mini marshmallows a couple of times. Usually when I take the dish to a gathering. Some people like that extra sugary taste. I prefer mine plain like it is so I can taste the individual fruits.", "The marshmallows sound like a good touch and something different for a gathering. But I am like you, I like mine kind of plain also.", "It's like coleslaw. I prefer not to have too much dressing. I enjoy the taste and the crunch of the cabbage.", "How has business been? And your crops? The weather's been great lately, I'm sure they're loving this rain sun mix we've got going on.", "Business is doing well. My crops not so much. They did love the weather, but one of my neighbor's cats somehow got loose and destroy lot of stuff in my garden. So sad but the cat is so cute I can't even get mad.", "I am so sorry to hear that the crops are not doing so good because of your neighbor's cat being destructive. I would recommend a high fence where it cannot jump in the future. ", "Their fence is high so we didn't expect the cat made it out. We are considering some barb wiring here and there around the garden. Heard cats normally won't go to a place they deemed hurtful once. Do you have a veggie or fruit garden at home?", "That is a great idea. I like to grow vegetables the most because I find them the easiest to grow. I sometimes struggle growing fruits. They are more of a challenge for me.", "Agree to that. I love fruit salads yet I still get my fruits from the grocery store and only grow the veggies. Do you have any family member to help you take care of the garden (since you are not working from home)?", "Yes, my neighbor likes to come over during the day to water the garden. In return, I give him some tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce since I always grow too much for myself. ", "That's so nice. Do you grow carrots too for feeding your horse?", "Yes, I try to grow carrots for my horse, but I can never grow enough, haha. ", "Glad your horse is not picky and settle with leftover vegetable cuttings, my friend's horse is a gourmet and only want to eat carrots. lol. ", "He pretty much eats whatever vegetables I throw his way, haha! He loves to eat and eat.", "That a good horse! By the way, if you manage to grow pineapples, give me some pointers, I'd love to be able to grow my own too."], "init_persona": [[["I like to eat fruit.", "I never break wind in public.", "I am the ancestor of an american civil war general.", "My father rarely smiles.", "I am an avid horse enthusiast."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I am vegetarian. I like eating fruit. I love pineapple.", "I am male. I like to smile.", "I don't like keeping friends.", "I have a horse.", "I hate breaking wind in public. I like to be my own boss."], ["I like eating fruit. I eat pineapple.", "I am female. I have a lot of friends. I like everyone.", "I don't like breaking wind in public.", "I work from home. I am my own boss."]], [["I am vegetarian. I like eating fruit. I love pineapple. I like to make fruit salad.", "I am male. I like to smile.", "I don't like keeping friends.", "I have a horse.", "I hate breaking wind in public. I like to be my own boss. I would like to work from home someday.", "My father sided with the North in the civil war."], ["I am female. I have a lot of friends. I like everyone.", "I don't like breaking wind in public.", "I work from home. I am my own boss.", "I like eating fruit. I like to eat pineapples. I like pineapple juice.", " I like to garden. I am growing vegetables. I plant my seeds in cardboard egg cartons when starting my garden."]], [["I am vegetarian. I like eating fruit. I love pineapple. I like to make fruit salad. I tried to grow pineapple.", "I am male. I like to smile.", "I don't like keeping friends.", "I have a horse.", "I hate breaking wind in public. I like to be my own boss. I would like to work from home someday.", "My father sided with the North in the civil war.", "My favorite vegetables are gourds. I feed my horse leftover vegetable cuttings.", "I work for someone else. I do not work from home."], ["I am female. I have a lot of friends. I like everyone.", "I don't like breaking wind in public.", "I work from home. I am my own boss.", "I like eating fruit. I like to eat pineapples. I like pineapple juice.", " I like to garden. I am growing vegetables. I plant my seeds in cardboard egg cartons when starting my garden. I sell vegetables.", "I love the smell of alfalfa hay.", "I would like to go to Hawaii."]], [["I am vegetarian. I like eating fruit. I love pineapple. I like to make fruit salad. I tried to grow pineapple.", "I am male. I like to smile.", "I don't like keeping friends.", "I have a horse.", "I hate breaking wind in public. I like to be my own boss. I would like to work from home someday.", "My father sided with the North in the civil war.", "My favorite vegetables are gourds. I feed my horse leftover vegetable cuttings.", "I work for someone else. I do not work from home.", "My ability to make fruit salad has improved. I have my own fruit salad recipe. I have never used kiwi in fruit salad. I have never seen a yellow kiwi before. I prefer simple fruit salad."], ["I am female. I have a lot of friends. I like everyone.", "I don't like breaking wind in public.", "I work from home. I am my own boss.", "I like eating fruit. I like to eat pineapples. I like pineapple juice.", " I like to garden. I am growing vegetables. I plant my seeds in cardboard egg cartons when starting my garden. I sell vegetables.", "I love the smell of alfalfa hay.", "I would like to go to Hawaii.", "I make fruit salad. I like adding kiwis to my fruit salad. I prefer yellow kiwis to green for fruit salad. I buy yellow kiwis seasonally at the grocery store. I sometimes add marshmallows to my fruit salad when I am making it for other people. I prefer not to have marshmallows when I eat fruit salad. I like my coleslaw with light dressing."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_23_0", "test_23_1", "test_23_2", "test_23_3", "test_23_4", "test_23_5", "test_23_6", "test_23_7", "test_23_8", "test_23_9", "test_23_10", "test_23_11", "test_23_12", "test_23_13", "test_23_14", "test_23_15", "test_23_16", "test_23_17", "test_23_18", "test_23_19", "test_23_20", "test_23_21", "test_23_22", "test_23_23", "test_23_24", "test_23_25", "test_23_26", "test_23_27", "test_23_28", "test_23_29", "test_23_30", "test_23_31", "test_23_32", "test_23_33", "test_23_34", "test_23_35", "test_23_36", "test_23_37", "test_23_38", "test_23_39", "test_23_40", "test_23_41", "test_23_42", "test_23_43", "test_23_44", "test_23_45", "test_23_46", "test_23_47", "test_23_48", "test_23_49", "test_23_50", "test_23_51", "test_23_52", "test_23_53", "test_23_54", "test_23_55", "test_23_56", "test_23_57", "test_23_58", "test_23_59", "test_23_60", "test_23_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What is your favorite food?", "Popcorn.", "I love to eat meat, steak is probably my favorite.", "Do you like to watch movies?", "I like to workout so I'd rather go on a run then watch a movie.", "Where do you buy your running shoes?", "I don't have a store that I always buy them from.", "Do you prefer going to a store in person, or shopping online?", "Well I am a programmer so I do like to do things on my computer.", "Do you listen to music?", "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.", "I enjoy country music, how about you?", "I don't have a preferene.", "What are your hobbies, outside of running?", "I was scrolling my email inbox this morning that I noticed an invitation for a music festival in my inbox. I will be held next weekend. It has written that there will be several music performances including country music. The invitation is for two individuals , so you can bring one guest with you. I'm not a fan of music and even if I was, I could not attend the event this weekend since I have to finalize a project. So I thought this might be interesting for you.", "Oh, I'd be very interested, since it's a country music concert. Who's playing?", "All the best country artists. I've heard that Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton will be making an appearance.", "Ooh, Dolly Parton *and* Johnny Cash? That's excellent! Now I'm very excited! Let me get you something in return. Hmmm... there are some mail order steak places where you can order online, directly from a farm. What cut(s) of beef do you like?", "Oh wow how kind of you, I can't believe you remembered it's my favourite. I love rib eye steak. Have you ordered from there before?", "I never done mail-order steak before, but I've always wanted to try it out, since it's cheap and much higher quality than the stuff you can get at your average grocery store's meat section. Guess I can also use you as a guinea pig, haha!", "Yeah I'm trying my best to support independent these days. Screw the corporations! I've even thought about setting up my own farm day, we all have dreams right?", "That sounds like an awesome dream! And yeah, I try to buy local as much as I can. At least I know for sure that I'm helping out a member of my community when I'm doing that.", "If the farm dream doesn't play out, I can always rely on my back up plan of winning the lottery ;) Ever thought about what you'd do with a few million dollars?", "Haha, I think about it all the time. I'd pay off my mortgage, stick the rest in VTSAX, and become a self-funded country musician.", "Ahhh that sounds like a good dream. Unlimited holidays... it would be so sweet. Do you play any instruments?", "I play the guitar! I guess that'd make sense too, since, you know, I'm a fan of country music and all.", "I finally finished that programming project I was working on! It was to develop a website for a local farmer than is trying to start selling their produce. ", "That's so nice. It must feel rewarding to see real, tangible change happening because of your work. Maybe you'll get some free food out of it too!", "It was a fun project I love to support local businesses! Im really hoping it works out for him, we need more local produce around here.", "That's great to hear! I agree about the need for local produce. I've always felt grateful for the work that farmers do.", "Do you have any co-ops near you? We are starting one here.", "No, not near me. I wish there was one close. I crave that sense of community they offer. I wish you luck with starting yours!", "Thanks Im pretty excited about it. I also want to use it as an educational tool for kids and somehow get them involved.", "That's a great idea. It sure seems like kids need something engaging to develop that sense of community and connection with their food.", "I agree! Kids love to learn. I have been researching ways to keep them engaged and present things on their level so they are interested. Do you know of any good websites for teaching tools?", "I think if you googled educational resources for your state you'd find something to use as a reference. There's bound to be something helpful for you. I'll still keep an eye out though. Hey, since you're working so hard I hope you're rewarding yourself too.", "Ok thanks for the suggestion, I'll do that. Yes I am rewarding myself with a trip to the beach next weekend!", "Nice! That should be relaxing. Just don't drink too much like I would!", "Have you ever thought about trying to start your own co-op with some of your neighbors?", "It has actually crossed my mind a lot since we last spoke! There is one about an hour away. I was thinking of going to talk to them and see how their business model is working and helping the community. ", "I think that's a good idea. Getting information straight from people who have the experience is usually invaluable, and I'm sure they'd love to tell you about their co-op.", "And I would of course do a little shopping as a thank you. I have started to realize that there are many areas in my city that are food deserts. A co-op could really change lives here.", "Yes, that seems like a fair barter: a little information for some business. In your city is it anything in particular that's difficult to get?", "If you don't have a car it is basically impossible to get fresh produce if you live downtown. There is a farmers market once a month. It is something, but that really is not enough to make a real impact.", "Wow, that does seem like a real desert. And it's not just a convenience issue, or an issue of personal preference, but a health issue. You're right that a co-op could really do a lot of good in a lot of ways.", "It is!! It is so easy to forget when you have a car and can get what you like, but not everyone is so lucky. Do you know the best way to get others involved? City counsel meeting or go straight to the community?", "I think going straight to the community is probably better. Real grass roots stuff. If you associate it with city counsel you run the risk of people being turned off of it, or city counsel being encouraged to interfere too much.", "Ahh. Yes, I hear ya. Probably better to make sure there is support from the community and make sure they are getting something that is actually useful for them.", "This sounds like an exciting project but also a lot of work. Are you intimidated by the thought of it or just more excited?", "Hahaha honestly, it makes me want to go to the beach and drink with you this weekend hahaha. But I am excited. There is definitely a need and I don't think I can ignore it. I should probably starts researching grants and whatnot too. Probably lots of overhead monies to get started.", "I just got back from my vacation at the beach. I went to a really good steak house and got rib eye steak, grilled corn, and some biscuits. ", "That sounds really good. I love a good steak but it's been a long time since I've had one. Did you have anything for dessert?", "I had bought a cheesecake at the local bakery, it was so delicious. Do you like cheesecake?", "I don't like cheesecake, I love cheesecake! I could go for a good slice of blueberry cheesecake right now. I think that might be my favorite. That or double chocolate. What kind of cheesecake did you get?", "I was able to get a fresh strawberry cheesecake! The strawberries were fresh and delicious. ", "That sounds delicious. When I go to the farmer's market every month, I like to pick up some fresh strawberries if they have them. I know you've worked for farmers before but have you ever had any farm fresh fruits or vegetables before?", "If I go to the farmer's market and they have some, I can send some your way if you would like!", "That sounds good but I think I'd haev more produce than I'd know what to do with. I'm really simple. My favorite food is popcorn, so I think I'm better off having someone making food for me. Do you like to cook or do you prefer going out to eat?", "I prefer to go out to eat because I do not like to cook at home much, haha! You?", "I prefer going out, too. I wish I had more money to go to even fancier restaurants. I'd try out all of the different restaurants in my city. I love all different kinds of food, so I'd never get tired. Are there any other restaurants in your area you wanted to try out?", "There is a local restaurant that I want to try out! The restaurant is called Cava and they serve all homemade Italian food!", "I love Italian food. Ravioli stuffed with ricotta is my favorite. Do you have a favorite?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."], ["I am very shy.", "I love shopping online.", "My dad was very overprotective.", "I love country music, particularly randy travis.", "I stay home with my children.", "I enjoy watching movies."]], [["My favorite food is steak.", "I like running rather than watching movies.", "I'm not a fan of any sports wear store.", "I'm a programmer. I prefer online shopping.", "I'm not a melomaniac. I don't have a preference in music."], ["My favorite food is popcorn.", "I like country music."]], [["My favorite food is steak. I love rib eye steak.", "I like running rather than watching movies.", "I'm not a fan of any sports wear store.", "I'm a programmer. I prefer online shopping.", "I'm not a melomaniac. I don't have a preference in music.", "I like to support independent farmers. I do not support corporations. I have thought about setting up my own farm.", "I play the lottery."], ["My favorite food is popcorn.", "I like country music.", "I like Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash.", "I have never done mail-order steak before but I am willing to try.", "I have a mortgage to pay off. I would like to become a country musician. I know how to play the guitar."]], [["My favorite food is steak. I love rib eye steak.", "I like running rather than watching movies.", "I'm not a fan of any sports wear store.", "I'm a programmer. I prefer online shopping.", "I'm not a melomaniac. I don't have a preference in music.", "I like to support independent farmers. I do not support corporations. I have thought about setting up my own farm.", "I play the lottery.", "I developed a website for a local farmer. I think we need more local produce.", "I am involved with getting a co-op started. I want to use my co-op as an educational tool for kids. I am researching ways to keep kids engaged and interested in the co-op.", "I am planning a trip to the beach."], ["My favorite food is popcorn.", "I like country music.", "I like Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash.", "I have never done mail-order steak before but I am willing to try.", "I have a mortgage to pay off. I would like to become a country musician. I know how to play the guitar.", "I do not live close to a co-op but I wish I did.", "I would drink too much if I took a trip to the beach."]], [["My favorite food is steak. I love rib eye steak.", "I like running rather than watching movies.", "I'm not a fan of any sports wear store.", "I'm a programmer. I prefer online shopping.", "I'm not a melomaniac. I don't have a preference in music.", "I like to support independent farmers. I do not support corporations. I have thought about setting up my own farm.", "I play the lottery.", "I developed a website for a local farmer. I think we need more local produce.", "I am involved with getting a co-op started. I want to use my co-op as an educational tool for kids. I am researching ways to keep kids engaged and interested in the co-op.", "I am planning a trip to the beach.", "I think working with the community is the best way to get others involved. I think city counsels interfere too much."], ["My favorite food is popcorn.", "I like country music.", "I like Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash.", "I have never done mail-order steak before but I am willing to try.", "I have a mortgage to pay off. I would like to become a country musician. I know how to play the guitar.", "I do not live close to a co-op but I wish I did.", "I would drink too much if I took a trip to the beach.", "I am thinking of starting a co-op with my neighbors. I am thinking of talking to a co-op that is an hour away.I have realized there are areas in my city tht are food deserts.", "I live in an area where fresh produce is impossible if you don't have a car and if you live downtown. I live in an area where there is a farmers market once a month. I am excited by the idea of starting my co-op. I need to start researching grants.", "I like going to the beach and drinking."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_24_0", "test_24_1", "test_24_2", "test_24_3", "test_24_4", "test_24_5", "test_24_6", "test_24_7", "test_24_8", "test_24_9", "test_24_10", "test_24_11", "test_24_12", "test_24_13", "test_24_14", "test_24_15", "test_24_16", "test_24_17", "test_24_18", "test_24_19", "test_24_20", "test_24_21", "test_24_22", "test_24_23", "test_24_24", "test_24_25", "test_24_26", "test_24_27", "test_24_28", "test_24_29", "test_24_30", "test_24_31", "test_24_32", "test_24_33", "test_24_34", "test_24_35", "test_24_36", "test_24_37", "test_24_38", "test_24_39", "test_24_40", "test_24_41", "test_24_42", "test_24_43", "test_24_44", "test_24_45", "test_24_46", "test_24_47", "test_24_48", "test_24_49", "test_24_50", "test_24_51", "test_24_52", "test_24_53", "test_24_54", "test_24_55", "test_24_56", "test_24_57", "test_24_58", "test_24_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi.", "Hi! Do you like music? I love black sabbath.", "Dad was in the navy tho so he wouldnt let me listen to black sabbath.", "That's too bad. Do you work? Workaholic here as I'm in debt.", "I'm still in school now.", "I'm 26 and out of school and only think of work all the time.", "That's too bad. Do you have any pets to cheer you up?", "No pets. Not my thing, but I love food. What's your favorite?", "Good old burgers and fries! Yours?", "I love meat. Call me a carnivore!", "Haha nice. I like chocolate, too. Named my dogs snickers and bounty.", "Oh those are such cute names. What kind of dogs?", "Have you had any days off lately?", "Not recently, it has been all work and no fun recently. Once I get rid of this debt though, it will all be better. ", "Yeah, I guess once that debt is gone you can have a little extra cash to do some fun stuff. I'm trying to work my way through school so I can have as little student loan debt as possible.", "That is a very smart plan. What kind of job do you have right now? I am a grocery store clerk, but I am only doing it until I can find a more permanent job in education. ", "I'm actually driving uber and doing some other gig work. Surprisingly, it's not a bad way to make some money. I'm in a bigger city so there's plenty of work that way. Well I hope you can find a teaching position, we need all the best teachers we can get. Are you done with school? ", "Yes I am done with school. I am hoping to find some work in the math related field, preferably at a high school. Math is what my major is in. ", "That's good! I thought about being a teacher at one point. I was kind of a science geek. Believe it or not I like working with middle school. They are difficult but still a lot of fun.", "I understand. Is being a teacher still on the table for you or will you pursue a different career?", "It's not really on the table anymore. I like research more than teaching...I like the idea of asking questions other people haven't asked or explored yet. I'm headed into the social science right now. Studying people and the way we interact with one another and the environment around us.", "That is an inspiring and terrific field to enter. And who knows, if teaching doesn't work out, maybe I will find myself in the research field. Hopefully you would be able to give me some pointers. ", "I'd be glad to. Have you tried any new restaurants recently?", "I have not really had time to go out recently, so I have just been having fast food recently. ", "What is your favorite fast food place to go to?", "I love just about all fast food except McDonald's. It food is so bland! What is your favorite place to get a good burger when you are in a hurry?", "We have a new place in town called Five Guys. I love it so good. Nice big burgers.", "We just had one of those open up in my town too! I have been wanting to go there but they don't have a drive thru and I am lazy. Do you have a go to order when you place your order? I know you have to ask for the toppings on your burger.", "I usually get the double burger with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, ketchup, mayo and mustard. Plus a small fry I can usually share that with my kids and we all have enough fries.", "I will definitely have to try it some time soon. It sounds really good from what people say. I know you Uber, have you ever done Door Dash or thought about it?", "I have thought about it. I have a friend who does it and they make some good money. I should try it and see which one I make more money doing.", "Yeah, with all the fast food I love to eat, I've thought about it too. I know some of my friends do it instead of Uber because they don't have to deal with people then. Have you ever had a bad experience with people Ubering? ", "Yes, I had one person talk crap the whole time they were in my car. They thought they should have a better car to be riding in and that I must be really poor and can't work to do that. ", "Holy crap! That would be awful. Are you allowed to stop the ride and kick them out when they start talking trash like that? Or have to keep driving?", "We can and I did after about 10 minutes of it. i couldn't take it any longer. They still had about a 20 minute drive to their location. I've been really picking out who I do a ride for now. But I need to stop cause I'm not making what I was.", "Yeah, that would be hard. I wish Uber would make the bad customer pay regardless! Then you would still get your funds and it would make the person behave better I think. ", "Do you get a discount for working in the grocery store? There might be recipes you can find online that are similar to the recipes you can get at fast food restaurants. ", "Yes, I get an 8% discount. I've tried some of those recipes but they are never quite right. ", "I agree! They promote it sooo much and then I try to do it and I'm like...ya...I don't think so!! Have you thought any more about doing Door Dash?", "Yes, I did. I wanted to try Five Guys, but Door Dash doesn't deliver from there. I'm going to look at GrubHub and UberEats.", "Well, if you do Door Dash I might be the one delivering it to you. I'm taking the plunge. I got hired and I am going to start next Friday. I just can't handle the picky customers of Uber any more. Hopefully people will be happy I am bringing them food and will be nicer!!", "Great! Well if you hear about any deals you think I'd like be sure to let me know! Is there any way to ask for you specifically as the driver? I'd give you a nice tip.", "Noooo, I don't think you can make requests!! It would be nice though. I have a feeling I would be delivering to all my college grad friends and those finishing up!! Have you had any possible job offers in education?", "I may be able to get on as a substitute teacher. But I need to find something more permanent. If I could switch to working at the store at nights though, it might work out.", "That is not a bad idea! I saw that there were some elementary positions open, but not high school.Do you think if you sub, that will at least get your foot in the door some where? ", "I hope so! They said they have a French teacher about to go on maternity leave. It's been a long while since I studied French though. But, anything on my resume will help. ", "Yikes!!! French!!! Good luck with that!! Was that your minor in college?", "I double minored in Math and French. Weird combination I know. ", "I've been so busy making deliveries for Door Dash. ", "How did it go so far? How does it compares with working for Uber?", "It's not bad. I make more money on tips and it's not as strict on time. I have more free time to study for school, which is what I need. Are you still interested in doing it yourself?", "I'm not sure. I love fast food, but right now I'm into tutoring math online and the pay is quite nice. I didn't expect the demand would be this high. I think I might enjoy more working at home while eating the fast food. lol.", "You're not allowed to eat people's food! Ha! Do you even have time for another job? With school and my children, I don't feel like I have much time for anything else.", "I'm thinking to start reducing my hours in the grocery store and add more hours to the online tutoring. Both are quite flexible. I think I still can add more work, especially if I can get hired as a teacher (to get the benefits).", "That sounds like you have everything planned out. But what do you do to relax and unwind? For me, I like to spend time with my kids and take care of my dogs. I like to take them to the park or out for a meal.", "Well as for now I don't have family nor pets (yet), so I should work while I can (lots of debts!). For relaxing I will make use of Summer and Winter break for a trip or two. The demand for tutoring decrease during school breaks. ", "Trips sound like fun. I'd love to travel to Europe or somewhere in Asia. Where did you go for your trips?", "Usually just around the country. I don't dare take far trips yet since plane and accommodation cost will be too high. I enjoyed my time dog sledding in Duluth MN and hiking trip at Colorado. I'd love to visit some Asian country, but maybe later when my debt is not that much anymore.", "That sounds like fun. It's always a good idea to take care of your debts before they get too big to handle. I hope to save enough money so that my kids are taken care of when I'm older, even after paying for school. You can always have fun when you're older. Where would you want to go exactly?", "Yeah you have kids too, might as well start investing on their name so they don't have to take loan for school like we did. I'm interested to go to Southeast Asian country like Indonesia or Vietnam or Thailand. I mean, their currency is much more friendly than other countries."], "init_persona": [[["I am the only child of my parents.", "My father was in the navy.", "I went to school in france and spain.", "I have two dogs named bounty and snickers.", "I like eating burgers and fries."], ["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."]], [["My dad was in the navy. My dad did not let me listen to Black Sabbath.", "I go to school.", "I like burgers and fries.", "I like chocolate. I have two dogs."], ["I love Black Sabbath.", "I work. I am in debt. I am out of school. I think about work all of the time.", "I have no pets. I love food. I like meat."]], [["My dad was in the navy. My dad did not let me listen to Black Sabbath.", "I go to university. I am studying social science.", "I like burgers and fries.", "I like chocolate. I have two dogs.", "I am trying to avoid having student loan debt. I work as an Uber driver. I do other gig work. I live in a big city.", "I have thought about teaching middle school science. I prefer researching over teaching."], ["I love Black Sabbath.", "I am out of school. I think about work all of the time.", "I have no pets. I love food. I like meat.", "I work a lot. I haven't taken any days off lately. I am in a lot of debt. I work as a grocery store clerk. I am looking for a job in education.", "I have graduated from university. I majored in math. I want to teach high school math. I think if teaching doesn't work out, I will consider research.", "I have not tried any new restaurants. I eat a lot of fast food."]], [["My dad was in the navy. My dad did not let me listen to Black Sabbath.", "I go to university. I am studying social science.", "I like burgers and fries.", "I like chocolate. I have two dogs.", "I am trying to avoid having student loan debt. I work as an Uber driver. I do other gig work. I live in a big city.", "I have thought about teaching middle school science. I prefer researching over teaching.", "I love the big burgers from Five Guys. My go-to order for Five Guys is a double burger with lettuce, tomato, cheese, ketchup, mayo, and mustard. I order small fries from Five Guys and share with my children.", "I am thinking of trying Door Dash so I can compare it with the money I get from Uber.", "I have had bad experienced with driving people around because talked crap about my car. I have kicked people out of my car for talking crap. I am now picky about who I drive around."], ["I love Black Sabbath.", "I am out of school. I think about work all of the time.", "I have no pets. I love food. I like meat.", "I work a lot. I haven't taken any days off lately. I am in a lot of debt. I work as a grocery store clerk. I am looking for a job in education.", "I have graduated from university. I majored in math. I want to teach high school math. I think if teaching doesn't work out, I will consider research.", "I have not tried any new restaurants. I eat a lot of fast food.", "I love all fast food except for McDonald's. I find McDonald's to be bland.", "I have thought about doing Door Dash because I love fast food."]], [["My dad was in the navy. My dad did not let me listen to Black Sabbath.", "I go to university. I am studying social science.", "I like burgers and fries.", "I like chocolate. I have two dogs.", "I am trying to avoid having student loan debt. I work as an Uber driver. I do other gig work. I live in a big city.", "I have thought about teaching middle school science. I prefer researching over teaching.", "I love the big burgers from Five Guys. My go-to order for Five Guys is a double burger with lettuce, tomato, cheese, ketchup, mayo, and mustard. I order small fries from Five Guys and share with my children.", "I am thinking of trying Door Dash so I can compare it with the money I get from Uber.", "I have had bad experienced with driving people around because talked crap about my car. I have kicked people out of my car for talking crap. I am now picky about who I drive around.", "I got a job at Door Dash. I used to work for Uber."], ["I love Black Sabbath.", "I am out of school. I think about work all of the time.", "I have no pets. I love food. I like meat.", "I work a lot. I haven't taken any days off lately. I am in a lot of debt. I work as a grocery store clerk. I am looking for a job in education. I get a discount at work.", "I have graduated from university. I majored in math. I want to teach high school math. I think if teaching doesn't work out, I will consider research.", "I have not tried any new restaurants. I eat a lot of fast food.", "I love all fast food except for McDonald's. I find McDonald's to be bland.", "I have thought about doing Door Dash because I love fast food.", "I want to try Five Guys. I'm familiar with food delivery apps.", "I haven't studied French in a long time. I double minored in math and French in college."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_25_0", "test_25_1", "test_25_2", "test_25_3", "test_25_4", "test_25_5", "test_25_6", "test_25_7", "test_25_8", "test_25_9", "test_25_10", "test_25_11", "test_25_12", "test_25_13", "test_25_14", "test_25_15", "test_25_16", "test_25_17", "test_25_18", "test_25_19", "test_25_20", "test_25_21", "test_25_22", "test_25_23", "test_25_24", "test_25_25", "test_25_26", "test_25_27", "test_25_28", "test_25_29", "test_25_30", "test_25_31", "test_25_32", "test_25_33", "test_25_34", "test_25_35", "test_25_36", "test_25_37", "test_25_38", "test_25_39", "test_25_40", "test_25_41", "test_25_42", "test_25_43", "test_25_44", "test_25_45", "test_25_46", "test_25_47", "test_25_48", "test_25_49", "test_25_50", "test_25_51", "test_25_52", "test_25_53", "test_25_54", "test_25_55", "test_25_56", "test_25_57", "test_25_58", "test_25_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, what do you do?", "I play a lot of video games, specifically league of legends. And you?", "Cool! I don't often play video games. I like to hunt in my free time.", "Nice, maybe if you got a new gaming laptop like mine you would play more.", "What kind of laptop did you get?", "A new gaming laptop, lol. Wjat do you hunt?", "Mostly deer. I am worried about overpopulation.", "Human or deer overpopulation? Do you know who alistar is...a champion!", "Deer population, I am concerned about wildlife in general. I do not know alistar.", "Yeah, alistar is my favorite. Good luck with the hunting. You do anything else.", "Not really, but thank you!", "Oh well, you should try video games then.", "I just got back from a trip hunting deer. ", "How did it go? Did you snag a buck?", "Not this time. It still went good though. I checked out the conditions for some of the animals living in the area. What have you been up to?", "I spent all night playing League of Legends. But after that I bought Resident Evil VIII. I haven't turned it on yet but I'm looking forward to it. Usually I wait for a sale but I couldn't resist.", "That's cool. What is Resident Evil VIII about? ", "It's a horror game. You're a guy looking for his kidnapped daughter and you have to explore a bunch of eerie locations full of monsters. I really liked the last one so I'm eager to see if this one is as good.", "Hmm, that could be interesting. Do you play by yourself or is it a multiplayer online game?", "I just play it by myself. I turn the lights out and play it late at night by myself so it's as scary as possible. Do you like horror movies and scary things like that?", "Not really. About the only thing scary that I like is sneaking up on a deer out in the wild! I play videogames every now and then but they are usually tame, calm ones.", "I understand. Where do you go to hunt? Is it your land or someone you know?", "Both actually. Sometimes I hunt on mine or my family's places and sometimes I go to state hunting sites. You should go next time I go!", "That would be fun! I've never shot a real gun before though. Is it hard?", "Have you enjoyed the game Resident Evil VIII", "Yes I have it's a great game! Have you been playing any new games recently?", "I just don't know if I am brave enough to try Resident Evil yet, but I have been playing a lot of games lately. I have been playing a lot of Jurassic Park: World lately. So much fun. Have you played it?", "No I have not, but that sounds like a ton of fun and something that I would love to play!! Am I able to play it on my gaming laptop? ", "It is pretty graphic intensive, but I think if you have a good gaming laptop it shouldn't be a problem. I guess it does have some scary moments, but nothing I can't handle. What do you do when you aren't playing games? ", "Most of my free time is spent playing video games, but when I am not playing them I like to play golf to pass the time. Have you ever been golfing?", "I have been a couple of times, but I think I'm pretty awful. Where do you usually golf?", "There is a local golf course that I really enjoy going to", "Let me know the next time you are going and maybe I can join you? Maybe the next week I can take you hunting and we can alternate?", "Yeah that sounds like a great idea! Although you're going to have to teach me how to hunt since i'm pretty inexperienced. Maybe I can teach you how to golf and you can teach me how to hunt? How does that sound?", "That sounds great to me! We are going to get outdoors a lot, which is a plus for a couple gamers! I think you will enjoy golfing. There is a lot of \"hurry up and wait,\" but you just soak it all in.", "I think I will enjoy hunting too, it seems like a very peaceful activity and a great way to enjoy nature! What are you up to the rest of the day?", "I managed to shoot a deer on my last hunting trip! It was a big buck. I am having some trouble with my gun though so I have to take it to get looked at before I can teach you how to hunt. ", "Oh, yeah. That seems like a critical park of hunting. How long do you expect it to take?", "Probably less than two hours. I just have to bring it to the shop and ask for some help. I heard you are interested in trying the Jurassic Park game. ", "I definitely am. How are you enjoying it?", "It's great. Very nice open world game. Only downside is that there is no multiplayer and the graphics are a bit outdated. You should come over some time and play", "I'd be down for that. Any time in the next couple of weeks?", "For sure. I'm a little busy this week so how about next week friday after work. Say 6pm?", "That would be great. Should we order in? Pizza? Chinese? ", "Pizza sound greats. Since you're trying out the jurassic park game I'll try out resident evil although it may take some bravery", "Well, yeah, it is definitely scary. Have you played any RE games?", "Nah, I've been to scared to play by myself so if you're with me I'd be down. Anything I should know before playing?", "Many things. Mostly, the UI is a little hard to get used to if you aren't familiar with capcom games. Takes a minute to get used to. ", "Did you play any Resident Evil this week?", "I sure did. There was a storm nearby and it was raining for the last three days. Perfect weather for staying in my room playing RE. How about you?", "I don't like playing scary video games but I did play a little bit. The weather was very stormy here as well, so I decided to stay in and mess around to look for something to play. I like everything but scary games but can't decide on what to play next. Do you have any suggestions?", "Unfortunately I mainly play games similar to RE. I don't know why I like them so much. I remember when I was little my brother play Doom and it gave me nightmares for a week. What genre of games you like?", "I like all kinds of games. I like party, fighting, RPGs, shooters, action, adventure, and puzzle games. I enjoy playing Jurassic Park: World but I'd like to find another game to play. The storm means I'll be inside for a bit, so I think I'll curl up with some pizza and just zone out. Do you like to do anything else besides game when it's rainy?", "Well, I might help around the house with cleaning or laundry, but not that much. Mostly gaming. If I feel I sat too long, I'll switch to Nintendo Switch's Ring Fit Adventure to get my body moving a bit. Do yo know that game?", "I've heard of it. I think I need to get some exercise, so that might be a good idea. I'd like to stay in shape as much as I can. I guess games are the best way to do that! That's a good suggestion. How about you? Do you only like games like RE? What other genres do you like?", "I like fighting too, but not RPG types. I tried racing games before, but clearly not good at it so I'm not enjoying them that much. ", "Maybe when you get the chance, we should play an online game together. I'm not a competitive person. I mainly play games for fun and I don't care if I win or lose. What do you think?", "Sure! Do you have any suggestion for the game? I also not that competitive, which probably is the reason why I don't enjoy RPG types that much with all their groups and clans and ranks. I always thought RPG players are all these serious gamers.", "Maybe we can a play fighting game like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. It's a good way to pass the time. I've always wanted to learn martial arts myself. Ha!", "Those are good ideas! I'm in! If I learn martial arts, I think my family will bet on how fast I give up. LOL."], "init_persona": [[["I am a hunter.", "I like to go hunting.", "My favorite animal to hunt is deer.", "Deer are over populated and that concerns me.", "I am generally concerned about wildlife."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["I like to hunt. I hunt deer. I am concerned about wildlife."], ["I play a lot of video games specifically leage of legends.", "I have a gaming laptop. Alistar is my favorite."]], [["I am concerned about wildlife.", "I play video games. I do not play scary video games.", "I like to hunt. I own land. I hunt on my land and I hunt on state hunting sites."], ["I play a lot of video games specifically leage of legends.", "I have a gaming laptop. Alistar is my favorite. I play League of Legends. I bought the game Resident Evil VIII at regular price. I play Resident Evil VIII by myself with the lights off.", "I have never shot a gun."]], [["I am concerned about wildlife.", "I play video games. I do not play scary video games.", "I like to hunt. I own land. I hunt on my land and I hunt on state hunting sites.", "I am not brave enough to play Resident Evil VIII. I am playing Jurassic Park: World.", "I have a gaming laptop.", "I have tried golfing but I am awful."], ["I play a lot of video games specifically leage of legends.", "I have a gaming laptop. Alistar is my favorite. I play League of Legends. I bought the game Resident Evil VIII at regular price. I play Resident Evil VIII by myself with the lights off.", "I have never shot a gun.", "I am enjoying playing Resident Evil VIII.", "I have not played Jurassic Park: World but am interested in trying it.", "I play a lot of video games but when I am not playing video games.", "I play on a local golf course.", "I do not have experience with hunting but I am willing to learn. I think I will enjoy hunting."]], [["I am concerned about wildlife.", "I play video games. I do not play scary video games.", "I like to hunt. I own land. I hunt on my land and I hunt on state hunting sites. I've shot a deer. I have a gun.", "I am not brave enough to play Resident Evil VIII. I am playing Jurassic Park: World. I have a gaming laptop. I am interested in trying the Resident Evil game. I am scared to play Resident Evil alone.", "I have tried golfing but I am awful.", "I like pizza."], ["I play a lot of video games specifically leage of legends.", "I have a gaming laptop. Alistar is my favorite. I play League of Legends. I bought the game Resident Evil VIII at regular price. I play Resident Evil VIII by myself with the lights off.", "I have never shot a gun.", "I am enjoying playing Resident Evil VIII.", "I have not played Jurassic Park: World but am interested in trying it. I like video games. I've played Resident Evil.", "I play a lot of video games but when I am not playing video games.", "I play on a local golf course.", "I do not have experience with hunting but I am willing to learn. I think I will enjoy hunting."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_28_0", "test_28_1", "test_28_2", "test_28_3", "test_28_4", "test_28_5", "test_28_6", "test_28_7", "test_28_8", "test_28_9", "test_28_10", "test_28_11", "test_28_12", "test_28_13", "test_28_14", "test_28_15", "test_28_16", "test_28_17", "test_28_18", "test_28_19", "test_28_20", "test_28_21", "test_28_22", "test_28_23", "test_28_24", "test_28_25", "test_28_26", "test_28_27", "test_28_28", "test_28_29", "test_28_30", "test_28_31", "test_28_32", "test_28_33", "test_28_34", "test_28_35", "test_28_36", "test_28_37", "test_28_38", "test_28_39", "test_28_40", "test_28_41", "test_28_42", "test_28_43", "test_28_44", "test_28_45", "test_28_46", "test_28_47", "test_28_48", "test_28_49", "test_28_50", "test_28_51", "test_28_52", "test_28_53", "test_28_54", "test_28_55", "test_28_56", "test_28_57", "test_28_58", "test_28_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there! How are you?", "I am fine, it is stressful leaving the state.", "Oh no! I bet. It would be hard for me as I am so shy.", "Oh really I like meeting people a lot. Well I am moving next month.", "That's too bad. Where are you going?.", "Neighboring state. I like the weather there..", "Is it warmer? I always wanted to go to florida, but my dad was too overprotective.", "Oh yeah, and it does not snow heavily..", "Good! I shop online to avoid going out in snow. I love doing that anyway.", "I went to a strict school but it does not stop me from loving football.", "I'm a homebody. I just stay home with my kids and watch movies. I love it.", "You should be some mommy's boy. My dad used to bee the headmaster in my school.", "My kids and I saw a very funny movie.", "Nice... was it an animation movie?", "You know me too well...yes! It was really cute with lovable characters. It is on Netflix and it's called Chloe. Watch it!", "I sure will! I can\u2019t believe I missed it on Netflix. Maybe tonight :)", "It will cheer you up after a long work day, for sure!", "Yup... that\u2019s my favorite way to unwind!", "Have you hired movers yet?", "No, I\u2019m just waiting to finish up with packing my stuff to have an idea of how much stuff. Probably by next week!", "Moving can be stressful with so much to do. But, worth it once you settle into the new place!", "True... it\u2019s been crazy! Can\u2019t wait to be all settled in at my new place.", "Have you thought about a color scheme yet to decorate around?", "Thankfully the interior decorator is taking care of that!", "The kids and I decided to go to the park and enjoy the afternoon with a picnic.", "That sounds fantastic! How was it? What did you bring to eat?", "Nothing too fancy. We brought some sandwiches, iced tea, and some snacks. The kids really enjoyed running around out there.", "That's great. You have to love just watching them run around and burning out all that excess energy eh! Did you play any games while you were there or was it completely a kids just being kids situation?", "I just took the time to try to relax a bit. I've been pretty busy at work the past few days and really needed a bit of a break. The kids really liked seeing the ducks at the park, but I have to always warn them not to touch them.", "Haha! No doubt! Those ducks can be quite territorial at times! I once walked by a mother and completely missed that she was protecting her new ducklings.. lets just say my shin was a little sore after that encounter.", "Yes, they seem to want to pet the ducks, but then the ducks end up chasing them and they get scared and run away. It ends up becoming like a game to them, but I'm trying to teach them to respect the ducks too.", "That's good! It's great to teach kids while their young about these kinds of things. So did you actually get to relax or was it just trying to? Sounds like there was a lot of duck patrol and not enough you time haha", "Well early on they got a little bit too involved with the ducks, but I managed to get them to calm down and watch them from a distance with me after a while. Do you spend much time going to parks?", "Occasionally. Lately I've just been packing and watching Netflix. Although I started watching season 2 of Ragnorak and it was more watching than packing because I had to read the subtitles haha!", "Oh, I've been thinking about watching that. What did you think of it?", "Season 1 was really good, I was waiting for this one to come out! It's been intense so far, but sometimes it's hard to keep up with the subtitles. You can't be tired to watch this one!", "What are you most looking forward to with the move?", "I think it iwill be great to meet new people and also check out new parks and places to take the kids. do you often go to parks with your kids?", "We do, quite a bit. We've been going to the pond quite a bit, and also to the bike track lots recently. My youngest is just learning to ride without training wheels. Do you cycle with your kids ever?", "I do! its such a fun way to explore and get the kids to burn off energy. what sorts of winter sports do you do?", "I completely agree! I've been so busy lately I haven't been playing, but usually I play indoor soccer in winter. The kids have just gotten into fencing actually, which has been interesting. How about you guys? ", "I used to fence as a kid! it was great for core strength. i've never tried an indoor sport like soccer but maybe I should for this winter when things get too cold for biking and parks and whatnot. might be a good way to make new friends in a new town!", "That's what I've been telling my kids. But yeah totally, I'm sure there'd be a centre near you guys! Are the kids helping with the packing? ", "alas, they are useless, lol. they want to help but just make a mess because they're too little to pack things safely so they put fragile stuff in piles. oh well. i'm just trying to keep them busy until it's show time! how old are your kids?", "Haha I thought that might be the case. Mine are completely the same. Last time we moved we just had to ship them off to their grandparents to get them out of hair. My daughter is 5 and my son is 8. How about yours? ", "oooh I hadn't thought of that! I thought I was doing them a favor letting them have more time in this house but maybe it's better to let them have a \"vacation\" somewhere else, lol. mine are 3 and 6. tough ages to wrangle when it comes to trying to stay organized.", "Oh i highly recommend it. Mine love it, they get spoiled and we can relax for a second. But yeah god totally, three years is a nice age difference though, don't you reckon? How does your oldest feel about moving to a new school? ", "I do like their ager difference. older kid is able to help model better behavior for younger kid most of the time, lol. it's a good gap. and they aren't having the same experiences so close together that it stops being special for either of them. the oldest is excited about a new school, which i'm grateful for. I worried they'd flip out.", "Do you know anyone who lives in the place you are moving to?", "Nope, but I have a friend who lives in the nearby city, and he will help me moving in once I'm there. ", "That's good. What is the place called?", "I'm moving to downtown Cincinnati, OH. Got a position at the University of Cincinnati. Wow packing with a 3 and a 6 years old is torture, do things get better when they are 5 or 8 like yours?", "Oh nice! So happy for you! Yh it canbe manic packing with little kids but it does get better indeed. At mine's age they are a bit more interested in their tablets and video games so I can manage to get things done. You must have great locations for cycling in downtown Cincinnati, right?", "I see there are some parks, but even their website said it's not a safe place to bike around. Many bikes got stolen.", "Oh darn! I guess you have to be careful. So what would you be doing at the University of Cincinnati?", "It's a teaching position for mathematics department. Will be teaching lower level math courses. The job that not many people like, I guess. What are you doing for living?", "Sounds interesting. You must be really good at mathematics. I'm a software engineer. It's been great as I get to work from home occasionally and spend time with the kids. ", "Working from home is so nice. I hope I can request to teach online courses so I can spend time with my kids too. ", "Ye it is! Hopefully you are allowed to. It's great to not always have to go to the office. How can you find out if working from home is available?", "Before the semester started, the department will ask for our teaching preferences (what course we'd like to teach, method of delivery, etc.) Normally they will try to fulfill as many requests as possible, prioritizing instructors' seniority and special situations."], "init_persona": [[["I am very shy.", "I love shopping online.", "My dad was very overprotective.", "I love country music, particularly randy travis.", "I stay home with my children.", "I enjoy watching movies."], ["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."]], [["I am shy.", "I like warm weather.", "I love online shopping.", "I have kids. I enjoy movies."], ["I am moving next month. I am outgoing.", "I went to a strict school. I love football. My dad was the headmaster at my school."]], [["I am shy.", "I like warm weather.", "I love online shopping.", "I have kids. I enjoy movies. I watch Netflix."], ["I am moving next month. I am outgoing.", "I went to a strict school. I love football. My dad was the headmaster at my school.", "I watch Netflix."]], [["I am shy.", "I like warm weather.", "I love online shopping.", "I have kids. I enjoy movies. I watch Netflix.", "I have had a busy few days at work. I need time to relax. I have to tell my children not to touch ducks. I want my children to respect ducks.", "I am thinking of watching Ragnorak."], ["I am moving next month. I am outgoing.", "I went to a strict school. I love football. My dad was the headmaster at my school.", "I watch Netflix.", "I love watching children running around and burning energy.", "I got attacked by a mother duck one time.", "I think it is important to teach children how to respect things.", "I sometimes go to parks. I am packing. I am watching season 2 of Ragnorak. I liked season 1 of Ragnorak but sometimes find the subtitles hard to keep up with."]], [["I am shy.", "I like warm weather.", "I love online shopping.", "I enjoy movies. I watch Netflix.", "I have had a busy few days at work. I need time to relax. I have to tell my children not to touch ducks. I want my children to respect ducks.", "I am thinking of watching Ragnorak.", "I like doing outdoor activities with my kids. I usually play indoor soccer in winter.", "I have a 5 year old daughter and an 8 year old son."], ["I am moving next month. I am outgoing. I like meeting new people.", "I went to a strict school. I love football. My dad was the headmaster at my school.", "I watch Netflix.", "I love watching children running around and burning energy.", "I got attacked by a mother duck one time.", "I think it is important to teach children how to respect things.", "I sometimes go to parks. I am packing. I am watching season 2 of Ragnorak. I liked season 1 of Ragnorak but sometimes find the subtitles hard to keep up with.", "I cycle with my kids.", "When I was a child, I did fencing as a sport. I live in a place with cold winters. I haven't done any indoor sports.", "I have two children aged 3 and 6."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_30_0", "test_30_1", "test_30_2", "test_30_3", "test_30_4", "test_30_5", "test_30_6", "test_30_7", "test_30_8", "test_30_9", "test_30_10", "test_30_11", "test_30_12", "test_30_13", "test_30_14", "test_30_15", "test_30_16", "test_30_17", "test_30_18", "test_30_19", "test_30_20", "test_30_21", "test_30_22", "test_30_23", "test_30_24", "test_30_25", "test_30_26", "test_30_27", "test_30_28", "test_30_29", "test_30_30", "test_30_31", "test_30_32", "test_30_33", "test_30_34", "test_30_35", "test_30_36", "test_30_37", "test_30_38", "test_30_39", "test_30_40", "test_30_41", "test_30_42", "test_30_43", "test_30_44", "test_30_45", "test_30_46", "test_30_47", "test_30_48", "test_30_49", "test_30_50", "test_30_51", "test_30_52", "test_30_53", "test_30_54", "test_30_55", "test_30_56", "test_30_57", "test_30_58", "test_30_59", "test_30_60", "test_30_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! Tell me something about yourself!", "I go to the gym on a daily basis. How about you?", "Nice! I enjoy bicycling, sometimes at the gym.", "That's great. I own a jeep do you drive?", "I do, but I prefer to bike places. What do you do?", "A music producer. My wife is a lawyer and yourself?", "Well that is cool. I work with computers.", "Nice know any good scam software?", "No, sorry. What else do you like to do?", "Work construction and have three children I love and take care of.", "That sounds pretty busy! I usually just read and listen to music.", "Thats nice check out my music on youtube. Dj k jae and microphone mafia.", "I'll have to do that..", "Thank you. And hope you enjoy and take care of yourself. Bless.", "Dj Kahbib will be live on youtube in 7 hours, I think you'd like his music!", "Wow thanks, i will definitely check it out!", "What kind of music do you have on YouTube? I'd like to check it out!", "Oh its just some experimental electronica stuff i like to mess around with when i have time", "That sounds really cool! I like electronica. Never got into dubstep though. I like to listen to music while I'm riding my bike.", "Yeah i think dubstep is an aquired taste ha. I like it also for working out. Gets you pumped.", "Yes! I have a mix of Skrillex and David Guetta that really make the ride to work go by fast.", "Ha, guess it helps if your late! Have you rode in any competitions recently?", "Nope. I don't like biking competitively - I prefer to compete with myself and challenge myself, you know? What do you do for exercise?", "I run as much as i can, then just lifting to get toned. I hear you on challenging yourself though", "With your music and your job and your kids it must be hard to find time to workout! I need to do more lifting myself.", "Well luckily, well maybe ha, i get a lot of running in chasing the kids!", "I was almost hit by a car on my ride to work this morning.", "OMG, are you ok? Tell me what happened?", "Some automobile drivers think they have the right of way over pedestrians and bikes. I was in the intersection, and this guy ran right through the stop sign.", "Yeah some people have no consideration for anyone else. I'm glad you are ok. So are you still going to the gym often?", "Yes, but I may have to drive for a while. My front rim on my bicycle is all bent up, and my knee is scraped up pretty bad. So is my elbow, so I'll probably have to use lighter workouts. Have you still been going to the gym as well?", "Yes, I'm trying to bulk up a little, I think I look too skinny. ", "I would think working construction would keep you in pretty good shape. Are you sure you aren't being too hard on yourself?", "I have been working long hours and often just have enough time for a quick bite. How is work? Any cool projects you are working on?", "Yes! I've been working on a fascinating new AI project! It's a lot of hard work and I see code in my sleep, but I'm excited about what the end results might look like!", "Do you think that some people like Elon Musk are right when they warn about the possible negative ramifications of AI in the future?", "Maybe in the far distant future. At this point, I think AI can only help to make life easier. It does open up some legal ramifications though, like with AI driven cars. ", "Yes, I have read some rare reports of self driven cars getting into accidents and the legal fallout from those incidences. ", "Do you have suggestions for the best music to listen to while lifting weights?", "I think that the best music for working out kind of varies from person to person. Personally, I like instrumental music heavy on the bass. The lack of lyrics helps me to get in the zone. I know people who prefer to have a voice to focus on though; one of my friends even likes to listen to audio books while working out.", "I cant imagine listening to audio books. I wouldnt be able to pay attention well enough! what type of music do you make on youtube?", "I love all types of music, but right now I'm producing a lot of electronica. I like it because it feels like I'm blending something organic with something man-made and electronic. Does that make even make sense - lol. It's not very popular, but it has a dedicated following.", "it does make sense! I think it's a really cool way to frame it. I like techno and electronica for those reasons. it feels like experimenting wiht sound.", "A lot of people think it's too repetitive, but I think that if you really listen the subtle changes in a techno or electronica song make all the difference. How is the weightlifting going? Any new personal bests?", "agreed. I am a pianist myself so I love to listen for shifts in sounds or themes like that. it's going pretty well! I am able to do much more shoulder lifting than ever before because i've really been working on my back muscles", "That's awesome, is your back a weak area for you? I'm not very familiar on which areas are strong and troublesome for bikers. Is bike riding a full-body workout? Or are you weightlifing to get more balance in your routine?", "yes, i was born with some muscles actually missing in my shoulder area so I have very weak shoulder and upper back strength -- it's been a super challenge to improve, because I have to build muscles to compensate for what isn't there", "Oh wow! Did you have to have lots of surgeries and therapies as a child? I can't even imagine what you've been through!", "No surgeries but lots of physical therapy! we didn't realize anything was wrong until I was in middle school and my parents noticed me popping my shoulder in and out of its socket for fun, lol. then they took me to docgtors. what's missing is the muscle bands that would hold my shoulder in place more firmly. I don't have pain or anything. But i'm not strong.", "Wow! The human body truly is amazing! Well definitely don't overdo it on the weightlifting - are you being surpervised by a trainer or physical therapist when you work out? Or is that not really necessary?", "Did you make any new music this week?", "I'm afraid I didn't have time this week because I worked so much overtime at the site. How about you? Any interesting developments in your life?", "I'm thinking about getting a mountain bike", "That sounds awesome! I wish I could work up the nerve to bicycle to work, but by the end of the day I'm too worn out to feel like biking back home.", "It is tough sometimes...how far do you commute?", "It's about five miles. Looks like I\"m also having trouble with my shoulders. I think I may have torn a rotator cuff on the job. If it doesn't feel better soon I may have to take medical leave to get it repaired.", "Wow, I have a friend who just had shoulder replacement surgery, that didn't look like much fun.", "This can probably be done as outpatient surgery -- arthroscopic. But it'll mean at least eight weeks inactivity. I might see if I can monetize my music on Patreon in the meantime.", "Patreon seems to be a good thing...good fortune with that to you", "Thanks! Maybe we could combine our musical skills and produce something together for fun.", "Hey, that sounds good to me", "Yeah, we should get together some evening when we're both free and play around with the keyboards."], "init_persona": [[["I'm an omnivore.", "I like bicycling.", "I work on computers for my job.", "I like most music.", "I like reading."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["I bicycle. I go to the gym.", "I drive. I prefer to bike more than drive.", "I work with computers.", "I read. I listen to music.", "I know how to use youtube."], ["I go to the gym daily.", "I Drive a Jeep.", "I produce music. I am married to a lawyer.", "I work construction. I have 3 children I take care of.", "I have music on Youtube."]], [["I bicycle. I go to the gym.", "I drive. I prefer to bike more than drive. I ride my bike to work.", "I work with computers.", "I read. I know how to use youtube.", "I like electronica music. I enjoy riding bicycles."], ["I go to the gym daily.", "I Drive a Jeep.", "I produce electronica music. I am married to a lawyer.", "I work construction. I have 3 children I take care of.", "I have music on Youtube. I listen to dubstep.", "I work out. I run and lift weights."]], [["I bicycle. I go to the gym.", "I drive. I prefer to bike more than drive. I ride my bike to work.", "I work with computers. I work with artificial intelligence and coding. I am familiar with the legalities of AI.", "I read. I know how to use youtube.", "I like electronica music. I enjoy riding bicycles.", "I start work in the mornings.", " I have a bicycle and a vehicle. My knee and elbow are injured."], ["I go to the gym daily.", "I Drive a Jeep.", "I produce electronica music. I am married to a lawyer.", "I work construction. I have 3 children I take care of.", "I have music on Youtube. I listen to dubstep.", "I work out. I run and lift weights.", "I have researched self-driven cars."]], [["I bicycle. I go to the gym.", "I drive. I prefer to bike more than drive. I ride my bike to work.", "I work with computers. I work with artificial intelligence and coding. I am familiar with the legalities of AI.", "I read. I know how to use youtube.", "I like electronica music. I enjoy riding bicycles.", "I start work in the mornings.", "I have a bicycle and a vehicle. My knee and elbow are injured.", "I like lifting weights.", "I can't pay attention to audio books. I like techno. I am a pianist. I am getting better at lifting weights.", "I am a bike rider. I am building upper body strength. I am missing shoulder muscles.", "I've been to physical therapy."], ["I go to the gym daily.", "I Drive a Jeep.", "I produce electronica music. I am married to a lawyer.", "I work construction. I have 3 children I take care of.", "I have music on Youtube. I listen to dubstep.", "I work out. I run and lift weights.", "I have researched self-driven cars.", "I like instrumental music while working out. I'm not familiar with bike workouts."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_31_0", "test_31_1", "test_31_2", "test_31_3", "test_31_4", "test_31_5", "test_31_6", "test_31_7", "test_31_8", "test_31_9", "test_31_10", "test_31_11", "test_31_12", "test_31_13", "test_31_14", "test_31_15", "test_31_16", "test_31_17", "test_31_18", "test_31_19", "test_31_20", "test_31_21", "test_31_22", "test_31_23", "test_31_24", "test_31_25", "test_31_26", "test_31_27", "test_31_28", "test_31_29", "test_31_30", "test_31_31", "test_31_32", "test_31_33", "test_31_34", "test_31_35", "test_31_36", "test_31_37", "test_31_38", "test_31_39", "test_31_40", "test_31_41", "test_31_42", "test_31_43", "test_31_44", "test_31_45", "test_31_46", "test_31_47", "test_31_48", "test_31_49", "test_31_50", "test_31_51", "test_31_52", "test_31_53", "test_31_54", "test_31_55", "test_31_56", "test_31_57", "test_31_58", "test_31_59", "test_31_60", "test_31_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Do you like meat. I am a meat glutton.", "Sure, sometimes! As long as I can afford it.", "What is your favorite type of meat?", "Chicken, mostly. Its the cheapest and easiest to come by.", "Of course. Do you have an hobby at all?", "I do :) I like to paint and sometimes I compose music. You?", "When I am not reading, you will see me running.", "What kind of books do you like to read? And do you work?.", "I love sci fi and yes I m a programmer.", "Sci fi is nice sometimes, but I prefer tamer things myself. You like your job?", "Of course yes I have always loved it since I was living with my parent.", "Oh.. Is your boss nice? I dont work under anyone so im curious.", "I work part time and he has to be nice or else I will dump him.", "Haha, no mercy huh? I cant stand bosses at all, so im luckily self employed.", "Have you ever sold one of your paintings?", "I have only sold a few as commissions. Nothing fancy though. I would like to have enough pieces to put on a show and maybe sell some there. How many do you think I should have for that?", "i would think maybe 10 no more than 12. I think you want enough to showcase your art but no to much to overwhelm anyone. What type of painting do you like to do? ", "I like to paint landscapes, but all my commissions were for pets. I like to paint with realism. Nothing too fantasy based. I have a friend who wants me to paint Jurassic Park, but I don't like science fiction like you do.", "Oh wow, i love looking at realism type painting. I wish i could paint and i can understand not wanting to paint Jurassic park since your not into science fiction i'm pretty sure your friend will understand. What type of painting do you plan to do for your show?", "I haven't decided. Maybe I will do something music based since that's one of my other passions. How about you? What have you been programming lately?", "I have been working on the game for this big company. It's fun and can get stressful at time but all in all i'm enjoying it and can't wait to finish and see it come together", "Maybe one day I will paint the art for one of the games you code. You never know. Could be a fun way to team up. ", "Oh that would be interesting and fun. You right you never know. i see you said your your own boss. Is painting your full time job are do you own another business?", "My music composition is my main source of income. I work freelance and do different things like add piano to an existing song and sometimes I even get to compose a jingle for a commercial!", "compose a jingle that sounds like so much phone. Do you plan on doing ore of that?", "I prefer to create real music, but if the price is right, I would create more jingles. I work with a tight budget. ", "The project we're working on at work is almost done! I know you said you prefer realism but I was thinking about commissioning a piece to commemorate us finishing the game. It might be a great way for you to break into the industry!", "I can give it a try. Maybe I will find I like it more then I thought. Give me the details of the game and what you would like and I will get it together for you.", "Absolutely! I will be able to get you the details by the end of the week. I'll email you. By the way, how did your last music recording go?", "It went great. It all the ends down and about to send it off to an artist to see if they want to sing it for me. I can't sing to save my life, but I will write for someone.", "me neither haha. That would be awesome to hear something you wrote on the radio! I'm listening to kpop now. (It's my favorite station.) It helps me focus on my work. Programming can be pretty mundane. If you could choose, which genre would you prefer to hear your music with?", "I try to write a little of everything. This gives me more opinions of who can sing the songs I write and not just trying to stay in one. I never get into listening to kpop, but I can see why it would help with your work.", "That's cool. Variety is always good. ", "What is your game about if you don't mind me asking?", "My company is currently working on programming for a neuro game. It's to help people with alzheimers and degeneration with memory. We will need different pictures for them. I thought of your art and thought you could potentially be a good fit for this one. ", "Thank you for that. I'm sure I can figure something out. It is a little out of my wheel house, but I am sure I can do it. Just send me all the details and maybe an idea of what you are looking for.", "For sure! I'll get everything to you by end of week from corporate, but to give you a better sense of it now, we'll need different images for the memory games. Matching one image to a duplicate for example is something this game would do. Landscapes would be a perfect one for imagery and heightening senses for these patients. Finding objects within a painting, and so on. ", "Just from that I will get started on rough drawing some ideas. I am excited. This isn't something I usually do, but looking forward to it.", "I am sending an email to you first thing in the morning with details about the game art.", "How fun! I look forward to seeing it and hopefully inspiration will strike. Any idea when the testing with the neuro patients will start?", "We are in the developing stage now for a few months so it might take a few more months. What landscapes have you painted?", "All kinds. Mountains, the beach, fields. I guess I kind of stay away from desert landscapes. I'm glad you think landscapes will work for the game art. Do you get along pretty well with your team?", "They are pretty cool. How do you like being self-employed?", "It has its pros and cons. I kind of like the flexibility that comes with being my own boss, but sometimes I miss the team aspect. And the tax paperwork is a pain in the behind. Sometimes I miss the simplicity of the W-2.", "I like my work but sometimes wish I were my own boss.", "Have you ever thought of doing any projects on your own? You kind of have to have that entrepreneurial spirit.", "I have thought about learning more about painting and selling some art but I need to develop my skill more.", "Totally understandable. Even I have my own hesitancy about doing a gallery show. I meant side projects in terms of programming. Is that a thing? Like getting together with other programmers on your own?", "That sounds like a great idea. I haven't explored that option before and don't know how successful others have been. But, I have heard of app development which could be profitable.", "Just don't let your boss find out or use any of the company's IP! Maybe you can derive some inspiration form your science fiction reading?", "I got so annoyed with my team this week. ", "Oh no. Seems like it wasn't a nice week. What happened?", "We had a team meeting to discuss progress on our neuro game project. Too many \"new\" requirements and changes are being requested so the work we've done has to be redone, again!", "That's annoying. S o it's back to the drawing board. Do you think it would still be finished on time?", "Now you sound like the project manager, haha! No, there is no way we will finish on time with summer vacations starting to take people away. ", "Haha I can imagine. I get that question a lot from artists. I guess it's time for you to take a holiday then?", "I'll take mine later in the summer. I know a lot of my teammates have kids off from school so they need to take theirs first. I'm really looking forward to getting away from work for awhile though!", "Oh yes it can be very refreshing. It's amazing how much stress one can pile up without knowing. Any idea on where you are going for holiday?", "I'll go to my family's lake house. It's about 4 hours away from where I live. It's in a pretty remote area, so it's easy to turn off and just enjoy nature! How about you, any vacation plans?", "Ah a chance to be zen in nature, love it. I just came back from Barbados. It was so great, I wish I could have stayed forever.", "Wow! That is an amazing trip!!! I guess being self-employed is the way to go. How long did you stay?", "Haha indeed! It was so much fun. Spent so much money, it's not even funny. I was there for a week. A buddy of mine leaves there so I got accommodation for free."], "init_persona": [[["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I like meat.", "I like reading and running.", "My favorite kind of books are science fiction. I work as a programmer part time. I like my work. I live with my parent."], ["I like meat. I have to use my money carefully.", "Chicken is my favorite meat.", "I like painting and composing music.", "I'm not a big fan of science fiction.", "I do not have a boss. I am self-employed."]], [["I like meat.", "I like reading and running.", "My favorite kind of books are science fiction. I work as a programmer part time. I like my work. I enjoy my work as a programmer. I enjoy seeing a project through to completion. I am not my own boss.", "I live with my parent.", "I enjoy realist art."], ["I like meat. I have to use my money carefully.", "Chicken is my favorite meat.", "I like painting and composing music. I prefer to paint landscapes. I make art for money. I prefer realism.", "I'm not a big fan of science fiction.", "I do not have a boss. I am self-employed.", "I am also a musician. I would consider making art for a videogame.", "I have multiple avenues of revenue. Most of them are music based. I am currently prioritizing making money over my artistic freedom."]], [["I like meat.", "I like reading and running.", "My favorite kind of books are science fiction. I work as a programmer part time. I like my work. I enjoy my work as a programmer. I enjoy seeing a project through to completion. I am not my own boss.", "I live with my parent.", "I enjoy realist art.", "My work project is almost done. I thought about commemorating the game by commissioning a piece.", "I do not sing. I would like to hear your song on the radio. i listen to kpop. I listen when i work. I think programming can be mundane.", "I like variety.", "My company is doing programming for a neuro game to help patients."], ["I like meat. I have to use my money carefully.", "Chicken is my favorite meat.", "I like painting and composing music. I prefer to paint landscapes. I make art for money. I prefer realism.", "I'm not a big fan of science fiction.", "I do not have a boss. I am self-employed.", "I am also a musician. I would consider making art for a videogame.", "I have multiple avenues of revenue. Most of them are music based. I am currently prioritizing making money over my artistic freedom.", "I am sending my recording to an artist to see if they want to sing it. I write music for others. I do not sing.", "I write different styles of songs. i do not listen to K-pop. I can understand it would be good for work.", "Art for a game is out of my wheel house. I can start some drawings and ideas."]], [["I like meat.", "I like reading and running.", "My favorite kind of books are science fiction. I work as a programmer part time. I like my work. I enjoy my work as a programmer. I enjoy seeing a project through to completion. I am not my own boss.", "I live with my parent.", "I enjoy realist art.", "My work project is almost done. I thought about commemorating the game by commissioning a piece.", "I do not sing. I would like to hear your song on the radio. i listen to kpop. I listen when i work. I think programming can be mundane.", "I like variety.", "My company is doing programming for a neuro game to help patients. I am a game developer. I sometimes wish I were my own boss.", "I have considered learning about painting and selling art. I haven't considered programming on the side."], ["I like meat. I have to use my money carefully.", "Chicken is my favorite meat.", "I like painting and composing music. I prefer to paint landscapes. I make art for money. I prefer realism.", "I'm not a big fan of science fiction.", "I do not have a boss. I am self-employed.", "I am also a musician. I would consider making art for a videogame.", "I have multiple avenues of revenue. Most of them are music based. I am currently prioritizing making money over my artistic freedom.", "I am sending my recording to an artist to see if they want to sing it. I write music for others. I do not sing.", "I write different styles of songs. i do not listen to K-pop. I can understand it would be good for work.", "Art for a game is out of my wheel house. I can start some drawings and ideas. I've painted all kinds of landscapes. I have hesitancy to do an art gallery show.", " I don't like tax paperwork."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_32_0", "test_32_1", "test_32_2", "test_32_3", "test_32_4", "test_32_5", "test_32_6", "test_32_7", "test_32_8", "test_32_9", "test_32_10", "test_32_11", "test_32_12", "test_32_13", "test_32_14", "test_32_15", "test_32_16", "test_32_17", "test_32_18", "test_32_19", "test_32_20", "test_32_21", "test_32_22", "test_32_23", "test_32_24", "test_32_25", "test_32_26", "test_32_27", "test_32_28", "test_32_29", "test_32_30", "test_32_31", "test_32_32", "test_32_33", "test_32_34", "test_32_35", "test_32_36", "test_32_37", "test_32_38", "test_32_39", "test_32_40", "test_32_41", "test_32_42", "test_32_43", "test_32_44", "test_32_45", "test_32_46", "test_32_47", "test_32_48", "test_32_49", "test_32_50", "test_32_51", "test_32_52", "test_32_53", "test_32_54", "test_32_55", "test_32_56", "test_32_57", "test_32_58", "test_32_59", "test_32_60", "test_32_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. What's your name?", "I am james the gamer.", "Oh. Hi, james. I am destiny. How old are you?", "I am in my thirties. What do you do for fun?", "I play in the marching band at my school. I am only 17.", "Oh really that's cook. Do you like video games.", "A little bit. But I prefer to focus on my studies.", "Okay that is good. My favorite game is alistar.", "I don't know that one. Want to tell me about it?", "Oh yeah it is an adventure game I just got a new laptop for it.", "Oh. Do you play console games too? I have a ps4.", "Of course I do. I do anything gamingg.", "That's cool. I usually just write when I have free time. I love english.", "I like that. Do you have any fun outdoor?", "I am thinking of writing a book when I graduate from school.", "What will your book be about?", "I'm thinking of writing a love story set a Japanese internment camp between two teenagers. ", "Sounds very unique. Do you have an interest in Japan?", "I do! I've actually been once and would love to go again. Would you ever travel to Japan?", "Yes I am intrigued by the country and I love how technology is a part of everyday life there. ", "Yes! I agree it's so cool how advanced their use of tech in every day society is. Do you enjoy any Japanese video games? ", "My favorite is the final fantasy games. They are the best. What is your favorite game?", "I love the final fantasy games! But my personal favorite is probably any game from Kingdom Hearts", "Can't believe I have not played any of those games. What are they about?", "They actually feature a lot of Final Fantasy characters! I guess you could say it's Final Fantasy's cousin. It's about three kids on an island who get pulled into a world of Disney characters and a mysterious dark force they need to fight. ", "OMG I need to play this game!", "I did some writing today. I think I might not even wait until I graduate to write my book!", "That sounds great, did you have to do a lot of research on the Japanese internment and Japanese culture?", "I did, but I also drew a lot from my travels there. I have kept in touch with some people I met, so I've been lucky to talk with them and get stories from them and their families and friends. Have you watched any of those Japanese documentaries about the technology over there? It's so interesting!", "I have but most of my exposure about Japan came from the anime and video games I played when I was young. But it is a fascinating culture. Are you planning to visit Japan anytime soon?", "Ah, that makes sense. I should do more research into anime, it could inspire the illustrations to my book! I would like to go back. It is really expensive though. Maybe if I get rich off my book I can go back all the time! So do you actually get paid to play games, or do you do something else for work?", "I play games but I also work for a game development studio but on the marketing side. Anime is a fascinating medium, and although I do not watch it anymore, I know it's gone global now.", "oh that's awesome! do you enjoy your career? i can only hope i make it as a professional writer some day, that would just be amazing. i feel like it's pretty rare to work in a field that is also a personal passion", "I really enjoy it but sometimes the grind can get to me. The gaming industry can be punishing with long hours and low wages for the talent involved. How long do you think it's going to take to finish your book?", "i see. i feel like that could potentially be the same problem when it comes to writing. but i will remain optimistic for now. i am thinking i may finish it by this fall! i have had a huge surge of inspiration and have just been pumping out the pages. i am crossing my fingers that i don't get stuck with writer's block", "How do your parents feel about it? Are they supportive or do they want you to concentrate on your studies instead?", "i think they would prefer for me to concentrate on my studies so i could ultimately go for something more stable - doctor, lawyer, engineer...and i do get that, but man that sounds so boring! if i can get one successful book out i can just show them that i can do it. how did your parents feel about you going into the gaming industry?", "They were cool with it as long as I was able to support myself financially. The job market can be fickle so I feel blessed that I have one that I enjoy. ", "Do you have a special someone you like to play video games with? Like a pet or a friend or partner?", "No, it's usually just me when I'm gaming. It gets lonely sometimes, but I still have fun", "Do that mean that you like to play single player games? Or do you like to play online with people you may not know?", "I'll play online sometimes with strangers, but it's not the same as playing with a bunch of buddies. I'd like to try and find some people though", "I would play with you! The only game I know we both like is kingdom hearts and unfortunately I do not think there is any multiplayer in that game.", "Hey, that would be great! Maybe we could find something else to play that would interest both of us! I know you're not too into gaming, but maybe we could find something that focuses on Japanese culture. There's lots of good anime games out there", "That would be amazing if we could find a game like that to play together. I only say I like video games a little bit because I am not very good and can't seem to get any better. I think it would be more fun if I was just playing with a friend though! ", "Great! Have you heard of Dragon Ball FighterZ? It's a multiplayer fighting gme that I love full of anime characters. I'd love to show you the ropes sometime!", "I have heard of that. But I would never beat anyone on that. People get really into fighting games right? I would never beat anyone", "To me, it's not so much about winning as it is just having fun! And I'm sure you'd get better over time. But, if you want, we can try to find something a bit more slowpaced to try out", "I think that would be better for now. I can get extremely competitive so I think I would just end up getting frustrated if I was not getting any better. But I promise I'll let you teach me someday ", "Ok, I'll do some research and see if I can find a game you'd like. I'll let you know what I find!", "Did you find a game for us to play?", "I thought Dragon Ball FighterZ would be fun for us. What do you think?", "I've not played that one before. Is it for PS4?", "Yeah, I think you'll like it. You'll see. So how is your book going?", "I have not had much time to write it recently. I've been super busy with school with exams and want to do well to please my parents. Do you have any study tips?", "I see, that makes sense. When I had a lot to study and felt overwhelmed I made sure to take plenty of short breaks. I also liked to reward myself with little treats every hour.", "Taking short breaks is a good idea. I can't concentrate for too long, it gives me a headache! What did you study?", "It worked for me. I studied computer programming. I enjoyed it overall but it was so much work. I'm glad it's over. How much longer until you graduate?", "Computer programming seems really useful. What languages did you use most? I am graduating in September so I haven't got much longer to go. I want to have a nice holiday once I finish.", "I mostly used java, I guess it was the easiest to learn with. Wow, that's soon! Hang in there. Where do you want to go on holiday?", "I'll probably go to Japan and visit my friends there. I really want to visit the Studio Ghibli Museum. And do some karaoke of course! Do you like karaoke?", "Wow, that sounds like an amazing trip. I bet you'll have fun. I like doing karaoke sometimes but I'm not so good at it. Do you have a nice singing voice?"], "init_persona": [[["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["I am Destiny.", "I am 17. I play in the marching band at school.", "I like video games a little bit. I prefer to focus on my studies. I have a ps4. I don't know about alistar.", "I love english. I write when I have free time."], ["I am James the Gamer.", "I am in my thirties.", "My favorite video game is alistar.", "I just got a new laptop. I play console games."]], [["I am Destiny.", "I am 17. I play in the marching band at school.", "I like video games a little bit. I prefer to focus on my studies. I have a ps4. I don't know about alistar. I enjoy final fantasy, but my favorite games are any from Kingdom Hearts.", "I love english. I write when I have free time.", "I am in high school. I want to write a book. The book I want to write is a teenage love story set in a Japanese internment camp.", "I have been to Japan and am interested in Japan.", "I also like Japanese culture's use of technology."], ["I am James the Gamer.", "I am in my thirties.", "My favorite video game is alistar. I just got a new laptop. I play console games. I am intrigued by Japan and it's culture, especially how it uses technology. I enjoy Japanese video games. My favorite is the Final Fantasy series. I have not played any Kingdom Hearts games and don't know much about them."]], [["I am Destiny.", "I am 17. I play in the marching band at school.", "I like video games a little bit. I prefer to focus on my studies. I have a ps4. I don't know about alistar. I enjoy final fantasy, but my favorite games are any from Kingdom Hearts.", "I love english. I write when I have free time.", "I am in high school. I want to write a book. The book I want to write is a teenage love story set in a Japanese internment camp. I am writing a book. I am waiting to graduate.", "I have been to Japan and am interested in Japan.", "I also like Japanese culture's use of technology. I have to research Japanese internment and culture. I have traveled to Japan. I have friends in Japan who are telling me stories. I find documentaries about Japanese technology interesting.", "I would like to research anime. I would like to go back to Japan. I would like to be rich and travel.", "I want to be a professional writer.", "I am going to try to finish my book by the fall. I hope I do not get writer's block.", "I think my parents want me to get a stable job, such as being a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. I think having a stable job sounds boring."], ["I am James the Gamer.", "I am in my thirties.", "My favorite video game is alistar. I just got a new laptop. I play console games. I am intrigued by Japan and it's culture, especially how it uses technology. I enjoy Japanese video games. My favorite is the Final Fantasy series. I have not played any Kingdom Hearts games and don't know much about them.", "I have seen some Japanese documentaries about technology.", "I do marketing for a game development studio. I do not watch anime anymore.", "I enjoy my job but sometimes the long hours and low wages gets to me.", "I had to show my parents I could support myself financially for them to be supportive."]], [["I am Destiny.", "I am 17. I play in the marching band at school.", "I like video games a little bit. I prefer to focus on my studies. I have a ps4. I don't know about alistar. I enjoy final fantasy, but my favorite games are any from Kingdom Hearts.", "I love english. I write when I have free time.", "I am in high school. I want to write a book. The book I want to write is a teenage love story set in a Japanese internment camp. I am writing a book. I am waiting to graduate.", "I have been to Japan and am interested in Japan.", "I also like Japanese culture's use of technology. I have to research Japanese internment and culture. I have traveled to Japan. I have friends in Japan who are telling me stories. I find documentaries about Japanese technology interesting.", "I would like to research anime. I would like to go back to Japan. I would like to be rich and travel.", "I want to be a professional writer.", "I am going to try to finish my book by the fall. I hope I do not get writer's block.", "I think my parents want me to get a stable job, such as being a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. I think having a stable job sounds boring. I am a very competitive person."], ["I am James the Gamer.", "I am in my thirties.", "My favorite video game is alistar. I just got a new laptop. I play console games. I am intrigued by Japan and it's culture, especially how it uses technology. I enjoy Japanese video games. My favorite is the Final Fantasy series. I have not played any Kingdom Hearts games and don't know much about them.", "I have seen some Japanese documentaries about technology.", "I do marketing for a game development studio. I do not watch anime anymore.", "I enjoy my job but sometimes the long hours and low wages gets to me.", "I had to show my parents I could support myself financially for them to be supportive.", "I like to play Kingdom Hearts. I like to play Dragon Ball FighterZ."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_36_0", "test_36_1", "test_36_2", "test_36_3", "test_36_4", "test_36_5", "test_36_6", "test_36_7", "test_36_8", "test_36_9", "test_36_10", "test_36_11", "test_36_12", "test_36_13", "test_36_14", "test_36_15", "test_36_16", "test_36_17", "test_36_18", "test_36_19", "test_36_20", "test_36_21", "test_36_22", "test_36_23", "test_36_24", "test_36_25", "test_36_26", "test_36_27", "test_36_28", "test_36_29", "test_36_30", "test_36_31", "test_36_32", "test_36_33", "test_36_34", "test_36_35", "test_36_36", "test_36_37", "test_36_38", "test_36_39", "test_36_40", "test_36_41", "test_36_42", "test_36_43", "test_36_44", "test_36_45", "test_36_46", "test_36_47", "test_36_48", "test_36_49", "test_36_50", "test_36_51", "test_36_52", "test_36_53", "test_36_54", "test_36_55", "test_36_56", "test_36_57", "test_36_58", "test_36_59", "test_36_60", "test_36_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! How are you doing today?", "Hi! I've been better. I have to move next month to a new state.", "I am so sorry to hear that. Do you love where you live now?", "Yes, but my dad lost his job as headmaster at my school..", "My dad lost his job last year. All he kept was his blue dodge truck.", "It's rough. But my school is so strict maybe this school will be looser.", "I bet it will. I want to go back to school. I'm a part-time plumber.", "What do you want to do? My sisters are all older then me and in college.", "Honestly? Watch sunsets during the summer. What job lets me do that?", "Park ranger? Lol do you like sports? I love the bears!", "I like sports, mostly basketball. I love eating poached eggs.", "I've never had a poached egg! I usually do scrambled with cheese.", "I eat them every morning on the balcony of my 32nd floor apartment.", "Oh wow I bet you have a great view!", "Did you start packing today?", "I did, thanks for asking! My dad and sisters all came to help me pack. How's your day been?", "My day is going well so far. I have to go to work later tonight, it is a big job and could lead to full time. ", "I hope it does! You've been working so hard and deserve more. ", "Thank you. I can finally go back to school if it pans out. How are you doing with the school move?", "It worked out well. All that has to be done is finishing the packing and saying my goodbyes. We need to see each other before I leave!", "I'm glad to hear it is going good. Maybe we can get a game of hoops in this weekend. ", "Come over Saturday morning! We can eat some eggs and then play a few games.", "That sounds great. I will teach you how to make poached eggs finally! I think the Bears game is on as well.", "I would love to try one! They look so tasty. That sounds like a great day planned. I can't wait!", "Me too!! My dad said I can use his truck to help you move any big stuff if you need.", "Awesome! Does your dad wanna come over and catch up with my dad as well?", "Do you want my old Bears jersey? ", "That would be amazing. Are you going to bring it Saturday when you come over?", "Sure! What time did you want me to come over?", "The game starts at 1, so maybe 9AM if you still want to get some games in before hand. Is your dad coming?", "9 sounds perfect! Yes, as far as I know. I'll double check though and let you know. ", "Yeah, let me know, I'll have my mom cook breakfast for us, she has the weekend off. I know she won't mind.", "That sounds like a really good time. Anything I need to bring besides my bears jersey?", "Nope, that's good. You said you had to work tonight. What's the job?", "Someone is wanting to get a septic tank installed, so I have to go give a quick estimate.", "That's a big job! And pretty tough to estimate. Are you running soil samples?", "Yeah... it's gonna be quite the job if I get it but it'll be good money.", "I bet! How big a crew are you going to run?", "So when exactly do you have to move, and where are you moving to?", "I have to move in about 2 weeks. I am moving to Jacksonville, Fl. ", "Have you moved in the past before, or will this be the first time that you will be moving out of state?", "I have moved a lot before. I hate moving. Have you moved before?", "Of course, I moved a couple of times in the past. I don't like moving, as its always a hassle to pack and unpack all of my stuff. Although I would want to move out of my recent apartment, I hate living on the 32nd floor.", "Yes, the packing is really what gets me the most. You have to pack everything and then turn around and unpack everything. I would not like living on the 32nd floor either. Do you have an elevator at least?", "Yeah, but it is very slow. It takes a while for it to get to the ground floor, and it often breaks down. I have had to walk up to my floor a couple of times before, which was much too exhausting for me after a long day at work. ", "That is crazy and sounds horrible. Have you ever had to do it with gerocerys?", "Thankfully no, I would be unable to climb all those floors holding so many bags and items in my hand. I normally buy groceries on the weekends when I am off at work, and the elevator usually tends to break down during weekdays.", "So that is good that you have not had to do that. Hopefully you will never have to do that. I lived in an apartment before but I was lucky and was on the first floor.", "That does sound nice, I think living on the first floor would be ideal for me. Are you moving into a home or an apartment in Jacksonville.", "I am going to move in with family. They live in a home. I have to put some of my stuff in storage. Just until I find a good place of my own. Hopefully a house. ", "Which of your family members will you be living with once you are in Florida?", "I am moving with my sister Susan. She went to Jacksonville University so she knows the area pretty well and is hoping to find a job there while I finish school.", "That's great! what are you going to be majoring in down there?", "I was thinking of Speech-Language Pathology. I have always been interested in working with stroke patients after my Aunt Linda had a stroke when I was young.", "Oh, I'm so sorry that happened to you. That sounds like a great idea, though! Now what college are you attending down there? Is it Jacksonville or are there other schools there?", "There are other schools but I will be attending Jacksonville University and then move back up near my family for grad school.", "It's going to feel really cold when you move back up, but I'll be thinking of you this winter while I freeze up here. lol! How well do you get along with Susan?", "To be honest, she is my favorite sister. We definitely have the most in common. I have been trying to get away from the crowd to have some alone time for a long time so if I didn't really like her I would not be letting her stay (temporarily).", "That's perfect, then. I'm so happy for you. I envy you being able to go to school. I'd love to start to college sometime, but that's much less likely with what happened to my dad.", "Yeah that is rough. Has he had any luck finding any new or have you at least been able to get some more hours?", "I haven't been able to get more hours lately, unfortunately. So between his unemployment and my part-time pay, we have absolutely nothing left over. I have had to take the L everywhere because I can't even afford gas for his truck.", "Well I know you are not happy in your current living situation so have you considered moving in order to find something full time and perhaps bringing your dad with you?"], "init_persona": [[["I live on the 32nd floor of my building.", "I like watching sunsets during summer.", "I work as a part time plumber.", "My father had a blue dodge truck.", "I like to eat poached eggs for breakfast."], ["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."]], [["I have a father who lost his job last year. My father drives a blue dodge truck.", "I am Part-time plumber. I want to return to school.", "I enjoy summer sunsets.", "I love to eat poached eggs. I eat poached eggs daily. I like basketball. I live in an apartment on the 32nd floor. "], ["I am moving to another state.", "I live with my Dad who lost his job. I am changing schools.", "I have older sisters in college.", "I like the bears sports team.", "I never had a poached egg. I eat scrambled eggs with cheese."]], [["I have a father who lost his job last year. My father drives a blue dodge truck.", "I am Part-time plumber that I hope leads to full-time. I want to return to school. I work hard.", "I enjoy summer sunsets.", "I love to eat poached eggs. I eat poached eggs daily. I like basketball. I live in an apartment on the 32nd floor.", "I am a Bears fan.", "I live with or near my dad. He has a truck he lets me use sometimes."], ["I live with my Dad who lost his job. I live near a basketball court.", "I have older sisters in college.", "I like the bears sports team.", "I never had a poached egg. I eat scrambled eggs with cheese.", "I am moving to another state soon and started packing today. I have more than one sister. I moving for school. I am almost ready to leave. I am changing schools.", "I live near a basketball court.", "I want to try poached eggs. I also enjoy watching Bears' games."]], [["I have a father who lost his job last year. My father drives a blue dodge truck.", "I am Part-time plumber that I hope leads to full-time. I want to return to school. I work hard.", "I enjoy summer sunsets.", "I love to eat poached eggs. I eat poached eggs daily. I like basketball. I live in an apartment on the 32nd floor.", "I am a Bears fan. I have an old Bears jersey.", "I live with or near my dad. He has a truck he lets me use sometimes."], ["I live with my Dad who lost his job. I live near a basketball court.", "I have older sisters in college.", "I like the bears sports team.", "I never had a poached egg. I eat scrambled eggs with cheese.", "I am moving to another state soon and started packing today. I have more than one sister. I moving for school. I am almost ready to leave. I am changing schools.", "I live near a basketball court.", "I want to try poached eggs. I also enjoy watching Bears' games.", "I live with my mom."]], [["I have a father who lost his job last year. My father drives a blue dodge truck.", "I am Part-time plumber that I hope leads to full-time. I want to return to school. I work hard.", "I enjoy summer sunsets.", "I love to eat poached eggs. I eat poached eggs daily. I like basketball. I live in an apartment on the 32nd floor.", "I am a Bears fan. I have an old Bears jersey.", "I live with or near my dad. He has a truck he lets me use sometimes.", "I have moved a few times. I don't like moving. I do not like where I live.", "I do not work on the weekends."], ["I live with my Dad who lost his job. I live near a basketball court.", "I have older sisters in college.", "I like the bears sports team.", "I never had a poached egg. I eat scrambled eggs with cheese.", "I am moving to another state soon and started packing today. I have more than one sister. I moving for school. I am almost ready to leave. I am changing schools.", "I live near a basketball court.", "I want to try poached eggs. I also enjoy watching Bears' games.", "I live with my mom.", "I am moving in two weeks. I am moving to Jacksonville, Florida.", "I have moved many times. I don't like moving.", "I have lived in an apartment. I am moving in to my family's home. I want to find a house to live in by myself."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_37_0", "test_37_1", "test_37_2", "test_37_3", "test_37_4", "test_37_5", "test_37_6", "test_37_7", "test_37_8", "test_37_9", "test_37_10", "test_37_11", "test_37_12", "test_37_13", "test_37_14", "test_37_15", "test_37_16", "test_37_17", "test_37_18", "test_37_19", "test_37_20", "test_37_21", "test_37_22", "test_37_23", "test_37_24", "test_37_25", "test_37_26", "test_37_27", "test_37_28", "test_37_29", "test_37_30", "test_37_31", "test_37_32", "test_37_33", "test_37_34", "test_37_35", "test_37_36", "test_37_37", "test_37_38", "test_37_39", "test_37_40", "test_37_41", "test_37_42", "test_37_43", "test_37_44", "test_37_45", "test_37_46", "test_37_47", "test_37_48", "test_37_49", "test_37_50", "test_37_51", "test_37_52", "test_37_53", "test_37_54", "test_37_55", "test_37_56", "test_37_57", "test_37_58", "test_37_59", "test_37_60", "test_37_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you?", "Good thank you and how are you.", "I'm good. Lovely scenery. I'm on the water on my houseboat..", "Nice im married to a lawyer and we have a boat as well.", "What do you do for a living? I'm a bartender.", "I am a music producer and work construction. Where you from.", "The usa. Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have four.", "Yes I have three. I go to the gym every day how about you?", "I go every once in awhile. Where did you go to school?", "Full sail university. And just bought a jeep.", "Oh, cool. I graduated with a master's degree..", "Thats nice im going for my bachelors. Do you eat meat? I only eat vegetables.", "I do. What kind of work did your parents do?", "My mother is in crafts and arts. How about yours?", "At work while bartending I met a group of musicians that are shopping around to get their songs produced and I immediately thought of you. I have their number if you are interested!", "What type of music do they do? I'm always looking for fresh new people", "They described themselves as sort of rock-reggae fusion band. I listened to a few of their songs and thought they were pretty good, and unique. Maybe your professional ear would have a different opinion though.", "rock-reggea that different and i like different. yes sure give me their number and we can see what can happen", "Okay, I'll have to go find it. They wrote it down on a napkin for me because none of them seemed to have a phone or anything but cash and very tight jeans.", "okay great will whenever you find it just let me know. How is it having a houseboat? Do you live on it full time?", "Yes, that's my permanent home. I like it. I like being on and by the water, and it means I don't have a yard to worry about. You said you and your spouse have a boat--what kind is it?", "It's just a little fishing boat nothing fancy. but we like it and we love go out together on it. But i always wouldn't a houseboat it just seem so fun to always leave on the water. ", "Yes, for now it's my preference. We'll see--someday I might come back and live on dry land. So what are you studying for your bachelor's degree?", "I'm going for early childhood development but i'm not sure if that what i want anymore", "Oh, that's interesting. Are you studying with the intent of eventually changing your field of work? Or are you just getting the degree for the sake of it, or for the knowledge, or what?", "i want to work with kids so i thought it would be best to ", "Ugh, my houseboat sprung a leak! It is in the process of being fixed but, for now, I'm having to live with one of my sisters and her kids are driving me crazy. All they do is talk, talk, talk. ", "Ah, I learned in class that part of the reason kids at certain stages talk so much is that they are curious. Have you tried to tell them what you are passionate about?", "I trad to make them listen to some rock reggae songs i have in my list but they looked at me funny and just laughed", "Yes, Reggae is kind of an acquired taste, unless you grow up with it in Jamaica. When you are tending bar, is there a favorite drink you like to make?", "Nothing fancy at my bar. People mostly go in for beer and shots of whiskey. Simple and easy for me.", "That does make it easy. Does your bar specialize in reggae? I work with musicians from all types of music, and they are always looking for a gig.", "nothing specialized just what the customers pick from the jukebox. That would be nice to have a live band play once in awhile in the bar.", "Yes, nothing beats live music from a talented band. You must miss your houseboat, what's it like being away from it? ", "i missed it because it is home. I mean it was not much but it was home to me. People think it is just a boat but it more than a boat.", "I hear you. There's nothing more relaxing that being out on the water. Do you ever go fishing from it?", "I do, I just throw a line out and see what I catch. But I imaging it is not the same as fishing from a fishing boat like yours.", "Yes we like to go far out to sea and try to catch big fish like marlin or swordfish. It can be quite a workout, but also relaxing. What do you do to relax?", "I am getting ready for work and I will ask my boss about live music.", "That would be a good idea. And I could give you some tips on some really great bands that need a gig! ", "What are some of your favorite bands?", "I was in the studio the other day with an unknown band called Rings of Saturn. I don't think they'll be unknown for very long. They were terrific! And a lot more professional than a lot of bands I produce for.", "That's really cool! You know all these people before they get famous, I'm jealous of your job. My job is a bit boring. I'd like to change my job soon.", "Do you talked to other musicians about forming a band? Or is it just something you're dreaming about?", "No I have not. I like listening to bands and live music, don't think I will ever form a band myself. How long have you been in the music industry? ", "Since I was 20. I was lucky to get an internship. It's a great industry. I really don't know why I'm going back to school now. I like kids, but I don't think I'd enjoy working in a daycare.", "Yes, it does sound like a fun and exciting industry I can only dream about having a band, my skills are not there yet. You can be a teacher and teach elementary schools, you might like it better than working in a daycare.", "Maybe, but I think I've gotten hooked by the music industry. I've been there 5 years now, and have room to advance. I may even have a chance to produce for some big name talent in the next few years. It's hard to give that up.", "I can imagine that. Just take it slow, you're still young and have time to figure out what you really like to do. ", "Yes. Teaching would be a big step down in pay too, but that's not that big a deal. My wife makes plenty of money so I have options and she is encouraging me to do whatever feels right.", "I spoke to my boss about having live music.", "Oh yeah? What did he think of it?", "He thought it might be a good idea but isn't convinced it will bring in enough customers. I don't know how to convince him. Any suggestions?", "Hmm, maybe he needs to witness it first hand in order to process it for himself. Do you have any bars around yours that do live music? Maybe you can take your boss there?", "Yeah, there are a few. That's a good idea. If I convince him, then we'll have to choose what type of music suits the bar best I suppose. Right?", "Ye you should organise a night out for your boss. Might also get you a raise too. Yes, what sort of customers do you guys normally get?", "A raise is always welcome. We get a lot of older men, mostly. Not many young people come into the bar. I'm not sure what type of music they're into though.", "Ah, that's an opportunity for you then. How about conducting a survey in the bar foe a week, to get a general sense of what kind of music would be enjoyed overall? You might have to give free drinks but I'm sure you already do that anyway.", "That's an interesting idea. I've never heard of a bar doing that. I wonder how my boss would feel about that. He's pretty cheap too.. not sure about the free drinks.", "Darn that sucks. But would have been a great way to gather information. You don't want to be playing the wrog type of music and then pursue your regular customers, you know.", "That's true. Maybe he'll be more open to it once we check out the other bars with live music. I really think it would liven up the place. Live music is just so great.", "Oh yes it is. How's the current mood of the bar though?"], "init_persona": [[["I live on a houseboat.", "I just graduated with my master's degree.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have four brothers and sisters.", "My mother works for fedex."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["I have a houseboat.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have 4 siblings. I'm from the USA.", "I go to the gym every once in a while.", "I have a Master's Degree.", "I eat meat."], ["I have a boat. I'm married. My spouse is a lawyer.", "I produce music. I work construction.", "I have three siblings. I go to the gym everyday.", "I just bought a jeep. I go to Full Sail University pursuing a Bachelors Degree.", "I only eat vegetables.", "My mother does arts and crafts."]], [["I work as a bartender.", "I have 4 siblings. I'm from the USA.", "I go to the gym every once in a while.", "I have a Master's Degree.", "I eat meat.", "I liked listening to a group of rock-reggae musicians that came into the bar.", "I live on a houseboat full-time. I like living on the water. I like not having a yard to take care of."], ["I have a boat. I'm married. My spouse is a lawyer. I work construction.", "I have three siblings. I go to the gym everyday.", "I just bought a jeep. I go to Full Sail University pursuing a Bachelors Degree.", "I only eat vegetables.", "My mother does arts and crafts.", "I produce music for musicians. I like producing different music, such as rock-reggea.", "I like going on my fishing boat with my spouse.", "I am studying early childhood development. I'm not sure if I like what I'm studying. I want to work with kids."]], [["I have 4 siblings. I'm from the USA.", "I go to the gym every once in a while.", "I have a Master's Degree.", "I eat meat.", "I liked listening to a group of rock-reggae musicians that came into the bar.", "I live on a houseboat full-time. I like living on the water. I like not having a yard to take care of.", "I have a houseboat with a leak. I have to stay at my sisters. Her kids talk a lot and make me crazy. I tried to make my sister's kids listen to rock reggae songs.", "I tend bar and I think shots and beer are easy to make. My bar has a jukebox. I would like to have a band.", "I miss my house boat.", "I fish."], ["I have a boat. I'm married. My spouse is a lawyer. I work construction.", "I have three siblings. I go to the gym everyday.", "I just bought a jeep. I go to Full Sail University pursuing a Bachelors Degree.", "I only eat vegetables.", "My mother does arts and crafts.", "I produce music for musicians. I like producing different music, such as rock-reggea.", "I like going on my fishing boat with my spouse.", "I am studying early childhood development. I'm not sure if I like what I'm studying. I want to work with kids.", "I think reggae is an acquired taste.", "I like live music.", "I find the water relaxing. I fish on a boat and catch marlin an swordfish. It is hard but relaxing."]], [["I have 4 siblings. I'm from the USA.", "I go to the gym every once in a while.", "I have a Master's Degree.", "I eat meat.", "I liked listening to a group of rock-reggae musicians that came into the bar.", "I live on a houseboat full-time. I like living on the water. I like not having a yard to take care of.", "I have a houseboat with a leak. I have to stay at my sisters. Her kids talk a lot and make me crazy. I tried to make my sister's kids listen to rock reggae songs.", "I tend bar and I think shots and beer are easy to make. My bar has a jukebox. I would like to have a band.", "I miss my house boat.", "I fish.", "I wan't to change jobs. I think my job is boring.", "I'm a musician. I like listening to bands and live music. I wish I could have a band. My music skills could be improved upon."], ["I have a boat. I'm married. My spouse is a lawyer. I work construction.", "I have three siblings. I go to the gym everyday.", "I just bought a jeep. I go to Full Sail University pursuing a Bachelors Degree.", "I only eat vegetables.", "My mother does arts and crafts.", "I produce music for musicians. I like producing different music, such as rock-reggea.", "I like going on my fishing boat with my spouse.", "I am studying early childhood development. I'm not sure if I like what I'm studying. I want to work with kids.", "I think reggae is an acquired taste.", "I like live music.", "I find the water relaxing. I fish on a boat and catch marlin an swordfish. It is hard but relaxing.", "I work with music bands. I have been in the music industry since I was 20. I like the music industry. I've been in the music industry for 5 years. I've got a promising career in the music industry.", "I'm a going to be a teacher at a daycare. I don't think I'd like the job. I'll earn less in my teaching job compared to what I make as a music producer. My wife make a good salary. I have my wife's support."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_38_0", "test_38_1", "test_38_2", "test_38_3", "test_38_4", "test_38_5", "test_38_6", "test_38_7", "test_38_8", "test_38_9", "test_38_10", "test_38_11", "test_38_12", "test_38_13", "test_38_14", "test_38_15", "test_38_16", "test_38_17", "test_38_18", "test_38_19", "test_38_20", "test_38_21", "test_38_22", "test_38_23", "test_38_24", "test_38_25", "test_38_26", "test_38_27", "test_38_28", "test_38_29", "test_38_30", "test_38_31", "test_38_32", "test_38_33", "test_38_34", "test_38_35", "test_38_36", "test_38_37", "test_38_38", "test_38_39", "test_38_40", "test_38_41", "test_38_42", "test_38_43", "test_38_44", "test_38_45", "test_38_46", "test_38_47", "test_38_48", "test_38_49", "test_38_50", "test_38_51", "test_38_52", "test_38_53", "test_38_54", "test_38_55", "test_38_56", "test_38_57", "test_38_58", "test_38_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello there, how are you today?", "I am doing well, thank you. And yourself?", "I am good thanks for asking, how was your day?", "It was tired. I am a bit of a workaholic. You?", "I have to work to support my son.", "It's tough. I'm trying to get out of debt, and I'm only 26!", "Oh my, yup must be tough at such an early age.", "You bet. What do you and your son like to do?", "I like eating vegetables and he hates them with a passion.", "Haha, like most kids. I like vegetables but prefer meat.", "I am now teaching him how to recycle stuff.", "That's great! Good for the economy!", "You mentioned you're a workaholic, do you enjoy your work?", "Sometimes I do, but sometimes my job as a software developer gets too stressful. Do you enjoy your job?", "To me my job is a job. It is a way to support my son", "I am sorry to hear that, I wish you would enjoy your job more. What is your job by the way?", "I am a bookkeeper for a small company", "Oh okay. Well, I'm glad you still have time even with your work to teach your son important things like recycling. ", "It is funny, recycling comes so natural to me. But for others it does not. My son just wants to throw everything away.", "Yeah I understand, I was the exact same way when I was a kid. However, I have learned since then that it is good for the environment to recycle. ", "yes I agree. So how is your job coming alone?", "It is paying well, so hopefully I will be able to get rid of all my debt soon. ", "I know you will since your are such a workaholic.", "Thank you for the confidence. ", "My son is finally able to recycle things on his own.", "that's great! glad to have a few less things in the landfill!", "True, its been such a challenge to get him to do it, I'm glad he is starting to care about the environment", "what else do you guys do to help the enviroment? ", "Well as you know I really like vegetables so I am trying to grow them on my own", "that's great. I've thought about a vegetable garden but I don't really eat them much. what are you wanting to grow?", "Oh a bunch of things, carrots, corn, peas, and maybe broccoli, but I dont know if i am being too optimistic ", "I might plant some strawberries, blueberries, and herbs maybe. it could be a fun project for my son and I to do. ", "Do you have time to do that being a software developer? You must be really busy!", "I still have my nights and weekends off. it's a normal 9-5 job. ", "Oh ok, the movies and tv make me think that software developers are always making something, whether for themselves or their job", "I do like to keep busy, but I do have a son so I have to give myself downtime to spend time with him. ", "Do you have any recommendations for environmentally-friendly volunteer opportunities?", "I'll tell you one thing I've done with my son that was fun. If you live in a place where soda and beer cans and bottles have refunds, you can collect them off the road and elsewhere, return them for the refund, and then donate the money, or a portion of it, to an environmental charity.", "Oh wow, that is such a great idea! There is usually tons of litter downtown. Maybe we can make it a family activity. What got you and your son started with that?", "Someone raising money for a sports team knocked on my door and asked if I had any empty soda or beer cans he could have to raise money for their team. I thought it was a neat idea, and started noticing all the empties on the side of the road and on benches and everywhere else, and thought that it could be a fun way to raise some money, or for my son to raise money and be active. Sort of a treasure hunt, and one that cleans up town in the process.", "Wow that was a resourceful kid who introduced you to the idea. I love activities that have multiple purposes! It's like being able to multitask without diverting attention too much.", "Absolutely. And if you were to do it with your son, I think they'd naturally start to see that physical things can have uses even when they've already been used. There's nothing more disgusting than a half-empty beer can that's been sitting in a ditch for a year, but when your son sees that that's worth money and can be reused, it might encourage their perspective on reusing and recycling things in general.", "I love your mindset about this. If we had more parents thinking like you, we'd have at least one part of the environmental crisis solved.", "Thank you! I'm not sure I deserve that much credit but I do think it's a fun, productive activity. Anything exciting happening with your bookkeeping in the last day or so?", "Whether it was your idea or not, you certainly deserve some credit for taking action on it. That's the part that counts! And as far as bookkeeping goes, I'm keeping the company financially afloat one ledger at a time, haha.", "Haha! I'm sure they don't pay you nearly enough then! Well, sometimes our jobs are our passion, and sometimes they're what allow us to pursue our passions. I enjoy programming itself, but don't enjoy my job as much, particularly when I'm under time pressure. So I find whatever joy I can outside of work.", "Yeah, jobs have this weird way of sucking the joy out of things, even if you love the work. Honestly, I think it's an issue of leadership and environment. Fix those two things and I guarantee most people would enjoy their jobs more.", "I think that's largely true. If you were just doing bookkeeping for yourself, would you enjoy the actual process of doing it?", "I found a great non-profit in my town that eliminates invasive weeds from trails, I'm going to start doing volunteer work with them tomorrow!", "That's very exciting! Do. you think your son will volunteer with you?", "I had to poke and prod him a little bit to do it, but yes, he's coming with me tomorrow. I think he'll actually enjoy it when he actually starts doing it.", "It will be good for him to learn about the invasive side of conservation. Being environmentally conscious is actually a very broad topic. Has he had any education on invasive plants before?", "No, I don't think so. We have talked about the importance of the propagation of local species and their importance on the ecosystem, though. I think having some hands on experience will be very educational for him. How's your recycling going with your son?", "Like with your son we're making progress and learning along the way. While he realizes that it's easier to just throw things in the trash, I've been trying to educate him on how easy is not always right. ", "Sometimes it's just hard to get kids to actually use the trashcan. Using the recycling container just seems insurmountable sometimes. LOL!", "I understand completely. I've tried to make it a game about sorting the recyclables into their correct containers, but he's getting too old to be fooled by games like this, lol!", "I'll bet. They catch on so fast - good and bad. lol! So how old is your little guy these days?", "He's seven years old and definitely feeling all grown up :) It's crazy how fast it goes. One moment they're in diapers and the next they see right through your \"games\", haha! How old is your son now?", "He's at the perfect age, though. OId enough to be out of diapers and able to do some things on his own, but not so old that he's become a know-it-all teenager who thinks his parents are idiots. lol!", "That's true! But I'm sure those days are right around the corner! For now we'll keep working on recycling. I definitely not ready for some of the coming teenage challenges!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegetarian.", "I support animal rights.", "I am a male.", "I have one son.", "I like to recycle and reuse."], ["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."]], [["I work to support my son.", "My son hates vegetables. I like vegetables.", "I am teaching my son how to recycle."], ["I am a workaholic. I am tired. I am 26 years old. I have debt.", "I prefer meat over vegetables."]], [["I work to support my son.", "My son hates vegetables. I like vegetables.", "I am teaching my son how to recycle. My son wants to throw everything away.", "I am a bookkeeper."], ["I am a workaholic. I am tired. I am 26 years old. I have debt. I have a job as a software developer.", "I prefer meat over vegetables.", "I teach my son about recycling."]], [["I work to support my son.", "My son hates vegetables. I like vegetables.", "I am teaching my son how to recycle. My son wants to throw everything away.", "I am a bookkeeper.", "My son is becoming more independent. I appreciate that my son is becoming environmentally conscious.", " I grow vegetables. I want to grow carrots, corn, peas, and broccoli.", "I watch movies and TV."], ["I am a workaholic. I am tired. I am 26 years old. I have debt. I have a job as a software developer.", "I prefer meat over vegetables.", "I teach my son about recycling.", "I am concerned about the environment. I don't eat vegetables often.", "I want to plant strawberries, blueberries, and herbs. I have a son. I could do this with my son.", "I work first shift. I am off nights and weekends. I like to be busy. I spend time with my son."]], [["I work to support my son.", "My son hates vegetables. I like vegetables.", "I am teaching my son how to recycle. My son wants to throw everything away.", "I am a bookkeeper.", "My son is becoming more independent. I appreciate that my son is becoming environmentally conscious.", " I grow vegetables. I want to grow carrots, corn, peas, and broccoli.", "I watch movies and TV.", "I am interested in volunteering for an environmentally friendly organization.", "I like multitasking."], ["I am a workaholic. I am tired. I am 26 years old. I have debt. I have a job as a software developer.", "I prefer meat over vegetables.", "I teach my son about recycling.", "I am concerned about the environment. I don't eat vegetables often.", "I want to plant strawberries, blueberries, and herbs. I have a son. I could do this with my son.", "I work first shift. I am off nights and weekends. I like to be busy.", "My son and I collect recyclable bottles and cans and donate the refunds to charity. I like to reuse and recycle things.", "I am a programmer. I don't enjoy my job. I like to do fun things when I'm not working."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_43_0", "test_43_1", "test_43_2", "test_43_3", "test_43_4", "test_43_5", "test_43_6", "test_43_7", "test_43_8", "test_43_9", "test_43_10", "test_43_11", "test_43_12", "test_43_13", "test_43_14", "test_43_15", "test_43_16", "test_43_17", "test_43_18", "test_43_19", "test_43_20", "test_43_21", "test_43_22", "test_43_23", "test_43_24", "test_43_25", "test_43_26", "test_43_27", "test_43_28", "test_43_29", "test_43_30", "test_43_31", "test_43_32", "test_43_33", "test_43_34", "test_43_35", "test_43_36", "test_43_37", "test_43_38", "test_43_39", "test_43_40", "test_43_41", "test_43_42", "test_43_43", "test_43_44", "test_43_45", "test_43_46", "test_43_47", "test_43_48", "test_43_49", "test_43_50", "test_43_51", "test_43_52", "test_43_53", "test_43_54", "test_43_55", "test_43_56", "test_43_57", "test_43_58", "test_43_59", "test_43_60", "test_43_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, anyone there?", "Hi! Yes, I am!", "Oh, hi. ^_^ so, how are you doing today?.", "Not too bad. Gorgeous weather in cali today! You?", "It's alright. Snow over here, but at least I have pizza..", "Oh man, I'm jealous. I started making homemade veggie pizza this year.", "We'll have to swap recipes sometime, that sounds delicious..", "Sounds great! It took a while to get my kids adjusted to veggies on it aha.", "How did you tackle brussel sprouts? I cook a lot since my mom retired.", "I roast brussel sprouts and then drizzle balsamic dressing over it. So good..", "That's an idea. I'll have to try it next weekend, after the game sunday.", "What sport are you watching?", "Football. My grandfather got me into it, and I've been hooked ever since..", "That's sweet-- I mostly just watch movies but my family loves football..", "I was indoors in the last five hours, and I looked up a couple of recipes online for some vegetarian dishes. I found a recipe for a veggie lasagna that I wanted to try out, would you also like to get the link to try it out as well?", "Only if it doesn't include eggplant or red/green peppers, I am allergic to them.", "Uh oh, I think this recipe has both! I guess that is back to the drawing board for me. What are your favorite vegetables to eat and cook with?", "I really like asparagus, it is one of my faves. Aside from that, I like snow peas and snap peas.", "I do like asparagus as well. It tastes really good with bacon or prosciutto wrapped around it! Although, then it wouldn't be vegetarian. Do you eat meat or are you strictly plant-based?", "I eat plenty of meat, but on Friday's, me and the kids to meat free Fridays. That's why we started doing veggie pizza.", "That is a great idea! I am trying to eat less meat myself. How old are your kids?", "I have a 8 year old and a 10 year old. They are a big 49ers fans.", "Oh that is so nice! Are you a big sports fan yourself? I am not a huge sports fan but I like watching the Olympics.", "Not a big sports fans, but since my family loves football, I do watch a little. I prefer old Client Eastwood movies.", "I can't say I am a huge Clint Eastwood fan, but I haven't really given him a chance. What movies would you recommend?", "Start with Hang 'em High, then perhaps something a bit more contemporary like Gran Torino. Careful though Gran Torino does have some racial undertones, so might offend some.", "I watched one of the Clint Eastwood movies you recommended, and I really liked it.", "Do you remember what it was called?", "The Good, Bad, and the Ugly. It was one of those iconic Spaghetti Westerns from the 60s I believe.", "Haha classic! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Now you'll have to recommend something for me to watch!", "I recently saw Tenet from Chris Nolan. It's a very ambitious film but has some flaws. Do you have any movies to recommend since you are such a film buff?", "I'll have to check that out. What's the basic storyline (no spoilers)? I watched Greenland recently and that was pretty interesting. Took some weird turns but ended up okay I guess.", "A guy is sent back in time to prevent World War 3. I never heard of Greenland. What is the basic plot?", "Thats super interesting. I'll definitely check that out then! Greenland was an apocalypse is coming type of movie.", "What genre of movies do you prefer watching? I can watch everything except historical romance. ", "I'm pretty open to anything except horror and gore type movies. Can't stand to watch those and it seems like theres a lot of them out there lately.", "I used to hate horror as a kid because it scared the heck out of me, now I can watch them but many of them are too cliche", "haha! You must be desensitized to them! I don't want that kind of information in my brain! I have a vivid enough mind as it is.", "Do you have any movies that you enjoy watching with your children?", "I am really enjoying the new disney movies. My kids and I really like Coco. Have you seen it? ", "Yes I have seen that one! It's really cute, I enjoyed it a lot. Pixar movies are always the best!", "Yes I agree. My husband and I are booked to see Tenet on the weekend. I hope it is good. I did enjoy the last Christopher Nolan movie I watch. Very thought provoking.", "Nice! I'm glad you're finally going to see it. I think you'll like it a lot. I guess that means I should take your suggestion and watch Greenland LOL. What was the last Christopher Nolan movie you watched?", "Yes, I think you would enjoy Greenland. The last one I watched was Dunkirk. I thought it was very well made. Have you seen it?", "I haven't seen that one yet. I will have to add it to the list. How are the kiddos doing?", "The kids are doing ok. We are looking into getting them into an after school sports club. The kids cannot agree on whether they want to do tennis or karate. ", "Yeah that's a pretty tough decision there - both good options! If it was me, I'd choose tennis!", "I wanted them to do tennis as it is outdoors and I think the fresh air is better. But my husband says that karate will help channel their excess energy. So it is a difficult choice. Thinking off trialing both and then letting the kids decide. Do you have kids?", "True, maybe they could do both! No kids for me yet...maybe one day!", "I wish you luck. It is nice to know our genes will live on for now. What about pets? Do you have any?", "I just rented Dunkirk on Amazon. I'm planning to watch it tonight.", "That sounds fun! Do you have a big screen tv to watch it on? I have a nice sound system, and it sounds great on it!", "I do have a big screen tv with great picture quality! I don't have a sound system, but I bet that would definitely make it better!", "That's good! Do you like to eat things while you watch tv? I like eating pizza and ice cream, and making a party of it, with a good show!", "Of course! I love to make pizza but I'm thinking of making a veggie pizza like you tonight since I'm trying to cut back on meat. I hadn't thought of getting some ice cream, but you're making me crave it now! ", "There's some great vegan ice cream brands out now. You can get avocado, oat, or coconut-based flavors. I get mine from Whole Foods near me.", "Oh I didn't even know there were vegan ice cream flavors. I don't know if I can give up my moose tracks though. Dairy would be really hard to give up. Do you follow more of a vegan diet?", "My husband is lactose-intolerant, so we usually go with a flavor the entire family can eat! We don't eat vegan, just mostly plant based, because it's healthier. I love Blue Bunny Moose tracks, and if I am feeling indulgent, I make hot chocolate pudding to pour over it, like a sundae!", "Oooh that sounds so good! You're making me hungry! Enough about food though, have you decided which sport to sign the kids up for?", "We decided on Karate. We discussed it, and thought it would be more useful for them to learn self-defense! Did you ever try a martial arts? I did judo when I was younger", "No, I mostly stuck to football when I was younger. I think it would be fun to pick up tennis though. I'm enjoying watching those matches at the Olympics.", "Tennis is great! It's a good exercise, and very enjoyable for the kids also! Do you like doubles or single?"], "init_persona": [[["I am blonde.", "I like to watch football.", "My mom is a nurse.", "I am a therapist.", "My favorite food is pizza."], ["Im a mom.", "I like to cook healthy.", "I like to watch movies.", "I live in ca.", "Im 30 yrs old."]], [["I live somewhere where it snows. I eat pizza.", "I know several food recipes. I cook a lot.", "I like to watch football."], ["I live in California.", "I learned how to make homemade veggie pizza recently.", "I have kids.", "I watch movies, I don't tend to watch sports."]], [["I live somewhere where it snows. I eat pizza.", "I know several food recipes. I cook a lot. I am trying to eat less meat.", "I like to watch football.", "I like watching the Olympics.", "I haven't seen many Clint Eastwood movies."], ["I live in California.", "I learned how to make homemade veggie pizza recently.", "I watch movies, I don't tend to watch sports.", "I don't eat meat on Fridays. I like to make veggie pizza with my kids on Fridays.", "I have kids. I have an eight-year-old and a ten-year-old. My kids are San Francisco 49ers fans. My family loves football. I am not a sports fan. I like old Clint Eastwood movies."]], [["I live somewhere where it snows. I eat pizza.", "I know several food recipes. I cook a lot. I am trying to eat less meat.", "I like to watch football.", "I like watching the Olympics.", "I haven't seen many Clint Eastwood movies. I watched Clint Eastwood's The Good, Bad, and Ugly and really liked it.", "I reccomend \"Tenant\" directed by Chris Nolan.", "I have never heard of Greenland.", "I like all types of movies except historical romance. I hated horror movies as a kid and now find them cliche."], ["I live in California.", "I learned how to make homemade veggie pizza recently.", "I watch movies, I don't tend to watch sports.", "I don't eat meat on Fridays. I like to make veggie pizza with my kids on Fridays.", "I have kids. I have an eight-year-old and a ten-year-old. My kids are San Francisco 49ers fans. My family loves football. I am not a sports fan. I like old Clint Eastwood movies.", "I watched Greenland recently and found it interesting.", "I think \"Tenant\" sounds interesting.", "I am open to all genres except horror and gore."]], [["I live somewhere where it snows. I eat pizza.", "I know several food recipes. I cook a lot. I am trying to eat less meat.", "I like to watch football.", "I like watching the Olympics.", "I haven't seen many Clint Eastwood movies. I watched Clint Eastwood's The Good, Bad, and Ugly and really liked it.", "I reccomend \"Tenant\" directed by Chris Nolan.", "I have never heard of Greenland.", "I like all types of movies except historical romance. I hated horror movies as a kid and now find them cliche.", "I enjoyed Coco. I like Pixar movies. I plan on watching Dunkirk.", "I would prefer tennis to karate.", "I don't have any kids."], ["I live in California.", "I learned how to make homemade veggie pizza recently.", "I watch movies, I don't tend to watch sports.", "I don't eat meat on Fridays. I like to make veggie pizza with my kids on Fridays.", "I have kids. I have an eight-year-old and a ten-year-old. My kids are San Francisco 49ers fans. My family loves football. I am not a sports fan. I like old Clint Eastwood movies.", "I watched Greenland recently and found it interesting.", "I am open to all genres except horror and gore.", "I like watching new Disney movies with my kids. We really like Coco.", "I am going to see Tenet with my husband this weekend. I liked the last Christopher Nolan movie I saw.", "I recommend the movie Greenland. The last Christopher Nolan movie I watched was Dunkirk. I enjoyed Dunkirk.", "I'm planning to sign my kids up for after school sports. We are deciding between tennis and karate. I would prefer tennis, but my husband would prefer karate."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_44_0", "test_44_1", "test_44_2", "test_44_3", "test_44_4", "test_44_5", "test_44_6", "test_44_7", "test_44_8", "test_44_9", "test_44_10", "test_44_11", "test_44_12", "test_44_13", "test_44_14", "test_44_15", "test_44_16", "test_44_17", "test_44_18", "test_44_19", "test_44_20", "test_44_21", "test_44_22", "test_44_23", "test_44_24", "test_44_25", "test_44_26", "test_44_27", "test_44_28", "test_44_29", "test_44_30", "test_44_31", "test_44_32", "test_44_33", "test_44_34", "test_44_35", "test_44_36", "test_44_37", "test_44_38", "test_44_39", "test_44_40", "test_44_41", "test_44_42", "test_44_43", "test_44_44", "test_44_45", "test_44_46", "test_44_47", "test_44_48", "test_44_49", "test_44_50", "test_44_51", "test_44_52", "test_44_53", "test_44_54", "test_44_55", "test_44_56", "test_44_57", "test_44_58", "test_44_59", "test_44_60", "test_44_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, I'm shelby, nice to meet you!", "Hi shelby, I'm jessica! What are you up to right now?", "Not much, I'm just looking at websites, to find a new house. You?", "I just finished meeting some clients, so now im on lunch break and eating pizza :).", "Awesome, I'm looking for something bigger, to accommodate my big family.", "Nice! I wish I had a big family. I only live with my mom, a nurse.", "Small families are great, too! I live with my parents still, at the beach.", "Cool! Thats awesome. :) do you have any hobbies?", "I love riding horses, I think they're awesome, you?", "Ive never ridden a horse so thats awesome! I mostly just watch sports, like football.", "I'm not much of a sports fan, I love the country though.", "Country music? Ppl think im into that because im blonde, but ive never listened!", "Yes, and country living, I'm thinking of buying my house in the country. :).", "I heard it's beautiful in the country :) I hope you enjoy yourself!", "I found a house that I really want!", "Congratulations. Was it out in the country like you were hoping/", "Yes, I found a lovely big house with lots of land. Perfect for y family.", "Very cool. Are you thinking about homesteading or just having land to live on and away from others?", "I think just having the land to stay away from everyone else at the moment. How about you? Have you ever lived in the country?", "Yes, I used to live in the middle of nowhere in Mississippi. I loved the space and freedom out there. But I wanted to make more moves in my career so I moved.", "That can be the problem, not always the career opportunities away from the cities. If I get a horse you will have to come and learn to ride.", "Im scared of horses. Too big for me. I prefer my Golden Retriever. ", "That's a shame. Riding is a great way to feel part of the country. Do you have a dog or is it something you want in the future?", "I have a golden retriever named maggie. Shes nine years old.", "Cool name. If i had a dog I would call him Jeff.", "Jeff is a good name too. Very popular these days.", "I just got off the phone with the realtor, and I've officially made an offer on that house!", "That's so exciting!! Any time frame of when you may hear something?", "We hope to hear something in the next 72 hours. Fingers crossed! The housing market is just so hot right now, I'm afraid there will be competing offers.", "Even if there is, you got this! I'm crossing my fingers for you!", "I think I'm going to start packing! You used to live in a rural area. Is the place you live now more urband?", "A little more yeah, nowhere as rural as miss. was. Yes, def start packing! Even if you by chance don't get this house if you know you're gonna be moving soon, packing ahead always helps!", "Now that things are getting closer, I wonder what it's going to be like, living out in the middle of nowhere.", "I think you'll like it. To be honest, I prefer it.", "I know I want to be out away from people, but I also like eating out and shopping. It's going to be a big adjustment.", "how far out is the house from the closest town?", "The house is only about 5 minutes to the closest town, but that town only has one diner that closes at 2PM and a feed store. The nearest chain store is an hour away.", "Oh wow! Yeah, that will be quite the adjustment. Are you sure you want to move out that far?", "I'm thinking of getting a dog. How did Maggie like living in rural Mississippi?", "Oh my goodness,, she absolutely loved it! It's one thing I feel most about having moved out of the country. You have to get a dog at your new place! What breed of dog are you looking to get?", "That is so great to hear! I was thinking of getting a Goldendoodle since they don't shed. ", "Yes, Maggie is a purebred Golden Retriever and I love her so much but she sheds like crazy! I cannot wear black pants anymore because of her. Goldendoodles are so cute! My sister has an Aussiedoodle, and they are really cute as well.", "i hear that Goldendoodles are great dogs, but I wonder how they would get along with a horse if I get one. ", "Hmm, I think they might get along just fine if you introduce them at a young age. I am basing this off of those Budweiser commercials from years ago with the puppies and the horses haha, did you ever see those?", "Oh, yes I have! Those were the days of the great commercials, haha! If I get a horse you should come down and ride it! I bet you would enjoy riding your first horse!", "That would be so much fun! Just tell me when and I'll be there. I can bring Maggie too. Maybe by then you will have your puppy!", "Yes, I think we have a great plan forming! Maybe some time in the summer?", "That would be great, and the weather will hopefully be ideal. Is your family excited for the move to the country?", "They are thrilled to finally move to the country side. They love to live in a quiet area and the country is the perfect option for them.", "That's amazing. My visit to your new home may make me want to move back to the country!", "I looked into Aussiedoodles after you mentioned your sister's, and now I'm leaning towards getting one!", "Aww yes I love Aussiedoodle! Would you be getting a male or female?", "I was thinking of getting a Male and naming him Oscar!", "Haha Oscar, love it! What made you change your mind from Jeff?", "Well, I was talking to a friend at work and they said they have an Aussiedoodle and his name is Jeff. I did not want to copy her.", "Ah ok. Oscar is a very fitting name for an Aussiedoodle. They are great dogs! I love dog-sitting for my sister.", "Thank you! I am hoping to buy a house in the country soon, so Oscar can run around and be free!", "Oscar would love it. My sister's dog and Maggie like to run in fields and chase rabbits. It's pretty hilarious to watch sometimes.", "Oh, I am sure that it is so funny to watch. You will have to send me a video the next time it happens!", "I would have to record it next time! The rabbits always gets the best of them. Would you still be getting a horse?", "Yeah, once I get a bit more settled, I think I will look into getting a horse! ", "That would be great. Hopefully Oscar and the horse get along. Have you thought of a name for the horse?"], "init_persona": [[["I have twelve brothers and sisters.", "I live on the beach with my parents.", "I want to buy my own house.", "I love having horses and riding them.", "I will move to the country soon."], ["I am blonde.", "I like to watch football.", "My mom is a nurse.", "I am a therapist.", "My favorite food is pizza."]], [["Name is Shelby.", "I want to find a new house. I have a big family. Still lives with family at the beach.", "I love riding horses. Not a sports fan, but love living in the country.", "I like country music. I want to buy a house in the country."], ["My name is Jessica. I have blonde hair.", "I like eating pizza.", "I live with mom who is a nurse. I dont have a big family.", "Never ridden a horse, but like football.", "Never listened to country music."]], [["Name is Shelby.", "I want to find a new house. I have a big family. Still lives with family at the beach.", "I love riding horses. I'm thinking of getting a horse. If I had a dog I would name him Jeff.", " Not a sports fan, but love living in the country.", "I like country music. I want to buy a house in the country. I think I just found the house I want to buy. I want to live out in the country. I want to live somewhere far away from people."], ["My name is Jessica. I have blonde hair.", "I like eating pizza.", "I live with mom who is a nurse. I dont have a big family.", "Never ridden a horse, but like football.", "Never listened to country music.", "I used to live in rural Mississippi. I moved away from there for my career.", "I'm afraid of horses. My golden retriever is named Maggie and is nine years old."]], [["Name is Shelby.", "I want to find a new house. I have a big family. Still lives with family at the beach.", "I love riding horses. I'm thinking of getting a horse. If I had a dog I would name him Jeff.", " Not a sports fan, but love living in the country.", "I like country music. I want to buy a house in the country. I think I just found the house I want to buy. I want to live out in the country. I want to live somewhere far away from people.", "I am working with a Realtor. I put in an offer on a house. I am nervous about competing offers.", "The house I am buying is in a rural area. I want to be away from people. I will miss convenient shopping and restaurants.", "I am moving to a small town. I will have to go far to get to convenient stores."], ["My name is Jessica. I have blonde hair.", "I like eating pizza.", "I live with mom who is a nurse. I dont have a big family.", "Never ridden a horse, but like football.", "Never listened to country music.", "I used to live in rural Mississippi. I moved away from there for my career.", "I'm afraid of horses. My golden retriever is named Maggie and is nine years old.", "I now live in a less rural area. I like to be organized. I liked living in a rural area."]], [["Name is Shelby.", "I want to find a new house. I have a big family. Still lives with family at the beach.", "I love riding horses. I'm thinking of getting a horse. If I had a dog I would name him Jeff.", " Not a sports fan, but love living in the country.", "I like country music. I want to buy a house in the country. I think I just found the house I want to buy. I want to live out in the country. I want to live somewhere far away from people.", "I am working with a Realtor. I put in an offer on a house. I am nervous about competing offers.", "The house I am buying is in a rural area. I will miss convenient shopping and restaurants.", "I am moving to a small town. I am moving to the country with my family soon. My family and I are excited for the move, because we like quiet. I will have to go far to get to convenient stores.", "I am considering getting a Goldendoodle. I want a dog that doesn't shed. I'm considering getting a horse. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to get a horse and a dog."], ["My name is Jessica. I have blonde hair.", "I like eating pizza.", "I live with mom who is a nurse. I dont have a big family.", "Never ridden a horse, but like football.", "Never listened to country music.", "I used to live in rural Mississippi. I moved away from there for my career.", "I'm afraid of horses. My golden retriever is named Maggie and is nine years old.", "I now live in a less rural area. I like to be organized. I liked living in a rural area.", "My dog sheds a lot. I have a sister who has an Aussiedoodle.", "I have never ridden a horse. I would like to visit speaker 1 when they have a horse."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_46_0", "test_46_1", "test_46_2", "test_46_3", "test_46_4", "test_46_5", "test_46_6", "test_46_7", "test_46_8", "test_46_9", "test_46_10", "test_46_11", "test_46_12", "test_46_13", "test_46_14", "test_46_15", "test_46_16", "test_46_17", "test_46_18", "test_46_19", "test_46_20", "test_46_21", "test_46_22", "test_46_23", "test_46_24", "test_46_25", "test_46_26", "test_46_27", "test_46_28", "test_46_29", "test_46_30", "test_46_31", "test_46_32", "test_46_33", "test_46_34", "test_46_35", "test_46_36", "test_46_37", "test_46_38", "test_46_39", "test_46_40", "test_46_41", "test_46_42", "test_46_43", "test_46_44", "test_46_45", "test_46_46", "test_46_47", "test_46_48", "test_46_49", "test_46_50", "test_46_51", "test_46_52", "test_46_53", "test_46_54", "test_46_55", "test_46_56", "test_46_57", "test_46_58", "test_46_59", "test_46_60", "test_46_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, there! How are you today?", "I am doing great today, on my way to college right now. How about you?", "College, very cool. I'm going hiking, myself. What are you studying?", "Studying sports medicine, just incase I stop playin soccer.", "My neighbor john -- fantastic guy -- love him -- got kicked playing and can't play anymore.", "Looking for a job at school is hard, but lucky enough my mother runs the school.", "Lucky! Sports are great - they really show how all can work equally..", "Yea I play soccer since I dont have any sibling.", "Good way to socialize. Did you vote? I never vote.", "No I didnt have a chance to vote yet. Did you?", "No, I never vote. I'm a kind enough person, but the candidates are a bunch of jerks.", "Yea the candidates lately has not been good enough to vote on.", "Well, it's been great talking to you! Have a great day!", "Have a great day! Be safe hiking.", "I just finished my hike a couple of minutes ago, and I heard from a friend that they're hosting a soccer game this Saturday. I was wondering if you were interested in joining, it seems like fun and its probably not going to be too serious.", "How was your hike? Good I hope! Yes, that sounds great! I'd love to join in the fun.", "it was a 5 mile hike and the trail was not managed well so it was rough but the view was great. Im hoping they fix the trail though it wasnt safe", "Oh no! That's disappointing to hear. Glad you made it back out safe tho!", "I think it was all the bad weather. Lots of trees down on the paths and a lot of loose rocks. Dave went with and he twisted his ankle.", "It def. seems that way. I hope he's okay! Hopefully they'll get the path cleared for next time or either rope the path off till further notice.", "Hes gonna be fine. He still wants to play saturday too if its not sore", "good deal! What time are we playing Saturday?", "3pm at the park. That way we can have lunch settle so nobody pukes.", "Yea...we don't need that. That sounds like a good time. ", "Make sure you bring plenty of water, they fountain there has a funny taste", "thanks for letting me know! I can't handle funny tasting water, lol Should I bring a cooler with bottled water for everybody?", "I am a little bit sore, but ready to get back on the field! maybe you can give me some tips from your sports medicine training to help my sore muscles!", "Try to go between ice and heat. And make sure to not rest them to long as then it will be sore every single time that you play. Rest a day and then get going again. It will work its self out.", "Sounds good! Will hiking make it worse? Dave and I are supposed to go on a trail this weekend, but I don't want to get too sore and not be able to play.", "No, that will be find. Just don't push yourself to much if it starts to get to much then make sure you rest. You don't want to hurt yourself.", "No, definitely not. Maybe you can make it out to one of my games sometime?", "I would love that. Hopefully I can make it this weekend. I have an exam on Friday and then hopefully I can make it there before your game.", "Which exam? I had a history test last week and it was horrible. I wish my teacher was better, or at least made the topic interesting. It's so boring in his class that I have a hard time paying attention.", "It is for my sport medicine. It is the last one of the class I have made A's all year so hopefully I can pass this one also and I'll be done.", "Oh nice! I wish that I could get all A's. I'm more of a B and occasional C student. The only guaranteed A I have is in gym, haha", "I think everyone gets an A in gym. I have studied really hard to get those As I want to pass with good grades. I figure it would help me get a good job afterwards.", "I'm sure it will. My sister got good grades in school and ended up with a great teaching job. I know it's not the same, but it definitely helped her. I still am hoping that I can get a soccer scholarship, because there's no way that I'll get one for my academics.", "Just keep at it and try your hardest. You never know you might surprise yourself", "Are you taking any break from studying today to relax?", "Relax? Haha I don't have time to relax. I need to keep up my A streak.", "I wish I was as motivated as you! The only thing I can stick with long enough to get an A is gym. At least you understand what thats like since you're studying sport medicine- sports is so much more fun than studying!", "If I was good enough I would play soccer as a career, but at least with sports medicine I can stay around it. And any A's are great btw. Just got to work harder at the others.", "Well, I hope you remember to take a break when you need it! its important to pace yourself otherwise you might crash and burn. At least you're near the finish line!", "I can't fail. I am the only child and my mom runs the school. She tells me that anything less than an A will embarrass her, the school and the family.", "That kind of pressure can really weigh on a person. I'm sure that your mom would rather have a child who is happy and stable rather than one who worked too hard and fell apart. Trust me, you don't want to be in that position where you didn't get to relax and you also collapsed before you could get a good job!", "You say that, but you have not met my mother. She is incredibly strict and you do not want to get on her bad side. I'm just glad she came around to letting me do sports medicine", "That sucks! I hope you manage to get a break from her strictness and focus on yourself. You are an adult after all and after a certain point we got to prioritize our own happiness and peace of mind!", "I know this sounds pretty bad, but I am so ready to get away from this school and be out of her grips", "No it doesn't sound bad at all! I totally would feel the exact same way. I'm so happy for you that you're nearing the end. Its pretty impressive that you've managed to get good grades this whole time - now you only have the home stretch left!", "That's true and I did it all on my own. So my mother doesn't have anything over me. I love her, but I think I need to tell her how she has made me feel all these years someday soon.", "How did the exam go?", "Well, I have a few coming up. It's almost finals season. I'm still studying for them but I think it'll be ok. How about your history exam?", "The history exam went pretty well, I got a B. I think that if I would have studied more, I would have got an A.", "A B is still pretty great though! Do you have more exams coming up or are you on a break now?", "Yeah, I guess I am happy considering I did not have the best History teacher. I have one more final in a few days, then I am done. ", "Exactly, it's hard to get good grades when you don't have the best teachers. What subject is your next final on?", "My last final is on English. I think I will do well, I just have to do a little more studying. Would you be willing to help me study?", "Ah, English should be easier than History. Sure, I can help you. What do you need to do exactly? Write an essay?", "Yeah, we have to write an essay and we have a spelling component towards the end of the exam, I sure could use a little help!", "No problem! I like correcting and editing essays. Although, it seems like your English is pretty good. I doubt you even need much help.", "Excellent, thank you for taking the time to help me out a little. I would like to get an A!", "Of course, I think you can do it! Anyways, have you gone on any nice hikes recently, or you've been too busy?"], "init_persona": [[["I like hiking.", "I'm a kind person.", "I wish for equality.", "I don't vote.", "I love my neighbor john."], ["I am a college student.", "I enjoy playing soccer.", "My mother runs a school.", "I am an only child.", "I am currently unemployed."]], [["I like to go hiking.", "I like sports.", "I don't vote."], ["I am studying sports medicine in college. I also play soccer. My mother runs the school I attend.", "I don't have any siblings.", "I have not yet voted."]], [["I like to go hiking.", "I like sports. I play soccer.", "I don't vote.", "I have a friend named dave."], ["I am studying sports medicine in college. I also play soccer. My mother runs the school I attend.", "I don't have any siblings.", "I have not yet voted.", "I am interested in attending a soccer game. i reall like soccer."]], [["I like to go hiking.", "I like sports. I play soccer.", "I don't vote.", "I have a friend named dave.", "I had a history exam last week. My history teacher is bad and boring.", "I get B's and C's. I get A's in gym.", "My sister got good grades and is a teacher. I hope I get a soccer scholarship."], ["I am studying sports medicine in college. I also play soccer. My mother runs the school I attend.", "I don't have any siblings.", "I have not yet voted.", "I am interested in attending a soccer game. i reall like soccer.", "I have an exam. My exam was for sport medicine. I have had A's all year. I am almost done with school.", "I study really hard. I want to get a good job."]], [["I like to go hiking.", "I like sports. I play soccer.", "I don't vote.", "I have a friend named dave.", "I had a history exam last week. My history teacher is bad and boring.", "I get B's and C's. I get A's in gym.", "My sister got good grades and is a teacher. I hope I get a soccer scholarship.", "I'm not motivated. I think it's important to take breaks. I'm empathetic."], ["I am studying sports medicine in college. I also play soccer. My mother runs the school I attend.", "I have not yet voted.", "I am interested in attending a soccer game. i really like soccer.", "I have an exam for sport medicine. I have had A's all year. I am almost done with school.", "I study really hard. I want to get a good job.", "I don't have time to relax. I would play soccer as a career if I was good enough.", "I'm the only child. I'm under a lot of pressure from my mum to get As. My mother is strict. My mother intitially did not like me doing sports medicine.", "I can't wait to leave school. I can't wait to be away from my mother's control.", "I achieved my grades all by myself. I love my mother. One day I'll tell my mother how she's made me feel."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_49_0", "test_49_1", "test_49_2", "test_49_3", "test_49_4", "test_49_5", "test_49_6", "test_49_7", "test_49_8", "test_49_9", "test_49_10", "test_49_11", "test_49_12", "test_49_13", "test_49_14", "test_49_15", "test_49_16", "test_49_17", "test_49_18", "test_49_19", "test_49_20", "test_49_21", "test_49_22", "test_49_23", "test_49_24", "test_49_25", "test_49_26", "test_49_27", "test_49_28", "test_49_29", "test_49_30", "test_49_31", "test_49_32", "test_49_33", "test_49_34", "test_49_35", "test_49_36", "test_49_37", "test_49_38", "test_49_39", "test_49_40", "test_49_41", "test_49_42", "test_49_43", "test_49_44", "test_49_45", "test_49_46", "test_49_47", "test_49_48", "test_49_49", "test_49_50", "test_49_51", "test_49_52", "test_49_53", "test_49_54", "test_49_55", "test_49_56", "test_49_57", "test_49_58", "test_49_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey, how are you doing?", "I'm good how are you?", "I'm great thanks, bit tired from the kids!", "Oh, how many kids do you have?", "3 kids, and a full time job so I'm pretty busy all the time! How bout you?", "No kids. More time to watch the sunsets during summer!", "Love it! How about other family?", "Just my dad. Haven't seen him in a bit with his blue dodge truck.", "Ah ok. I've got a few siblings. Is it a good truck?", "It runs. I don't know much about it. What kind of work do you do?", "Just office stuff. Nothing very exciting. How about you?", "Part time plumber. Looking for something better! Crappy job, haha!", "My kids were a handful today.", "Were they being bad or just too much energy?", "Yes, we had a really good weather day and they were all over the place. So much energy after all the bad weather thats been keeping us inside.", "At least they could burn it off outside and they had each other to play with. My mum had to deal with me alone.", "Thats really hard too. I grew up with siblings but I had friends that were the only child and theres a lot of weight put on you.", "As the parent you would also need to be a kid so that you can play with them. That would be very hard.", "I agree. That would be very difficult for me to get my head around. What kind of stuff would you two do together.", "My mum would always play games with me and run around outside. She must have been exhausted all the time.", "Thats so nice of her. She did a good job. Mine just stayed in a book most of the time.", "I am not sure how I will cope if I ever have children, it all sounds very hard.", "Its pretty tough but like any job you get used to it and figure a schedule out. And unlike a job you can actually have fun with it.", "Yes I guess you are right but it must be very strange having 3 smaller versions of yourself running around?", "How old were you when your mum passed away? I know you mentioned you only have a dad now. ", "I was six years old. She had breast cancer that spread. I didn't understand it at the time, but I am an avid 5k runner now raising awareness and funds for a cure because of it. I guess i can thank you for keeping me active now. Silver lining, right?", "that's awesome to have a cause you are supporting. I'm sorry to hear about your mom though. how many marathons have you run?", "Thank you. It was long ago but I think of her often. I run one 5k per month. Not quite a marathon but at times it feels like it haha. Once we raised $100,000. The company I work for helped with that one. They are great. ", "that is really awesome. I'm not sure if I'd have the energy for that much running. ", "Thanks. It gets better over time. I'm sure you do a lot more running around than you think with your kiddos! ", "True, they do like to keep me going. ", "You mentioned you've had a lot of bad weather lately? Hopefully that's gotten better?", "we are coming up on some nice weather in a couple days. I can't wait. these kids don't like being cooped up in the house. ", "I bet not! Kids are full of energy for sure! I'm glad to hear that though. I wouldn't be able to stay cooped up either! What type of activities do you do as a family when the weather is good?", "we like to ride bikes, play at the park, go for hikes, and just run around the yard. ", "Sounds fun. What about you? (Apart from kids)", "How did you work up to running marathons?", "I started taking daily walks then within a week or so I started jogging. It just progressed from there over the next year. ", "Nice! Did you first start with your mom and eventually doing 5ks in mind or did that happen as a result?", "My mom and I would walk around the neighborhood at first. After I started running, I would still go for a walk with her in the evenings. I heard about the breast cancer run after she passed and felt it would be a nice way to honor her memory.", "And you have made so much money. That really is incredible! You inspired me to start walking a bit more. Sometimes the kids join me, but I really do love the solitude when I go alone.", "I'm not sure I could handle a walk with kids. What else do you guys do for outdoor fun?", "Riding bikes is their favorite thing. I join them sometimes, but I swear it is possible to forget how to ride a bike! hahaha", "Lol! I haven't been on a bike since I was 12. Are there nice areas to ride or have they been damaged by the recent bad weather?", "There are still some trees down, but most of the trails have been cleaned up, so that is nice. We were on a walk the other day and all my kids jumped over this fallen tree and it took me like 5 minutes to crawl over it while they TOOK PHOTOS OF ME! ", "Haha! I'm not sure there is any way to age gracefully. Did they post them anywhere?", "Makes me happy to hear you say that since you can do 5ks! They did not that I know of...better not have. Maybe you made the right call to not have kids. I kid...kinda.", "I'm sure seeing me run isn't the prettiest site in the world. As for kids, it wouldn't be a good decision to bring them into the world if I didn't feel I could be a good parent. ", "Do you enjoy being a plumber?", "Yes, I enjoy my profession. I have met a group of great supportive guys that have become like my family. ", "That sounds nice. I wish I could say the same about my job. Honestly, sometimes I think about quitting but the money is too good.", "Well, I would just stay positive and hopefully the job will get better as time goes on. What do you do?", "I'm an accountant. It's fine but I wish I had a job that allowed me to spend more time outside. I love being in nature. Do you like nature?", "Oh, I see how that could be a tough job. I do love nature! Maybe you can find an accountant job that is more flexible with the work schedule. ", "Maybe, I'll look into it. Nature is pretty great. So are there any marathons coming up? Have you been training?", "I have been training for a marathon thats in October. I just signed up with my friend. We are ready for the challenge. ", "That's great. I don't think I could ever do that. How long do you have to train for a marathon anyways?", "I have been consistently running for a good 5 years, it takes a lot of dedication. ", "Wow, 5 years is a long time. I don't think I have that sort of dedication. I guess I prefer just going on hikes on the weekend.", "Slow and steady wins the race! Thats how I think about running. "], "init_persona": [[["I am a father.", "I am a brother.", "I am atheist.", "I am middle aged.", "I am employed."], ["I live on the 32nd floor of my building.", "I like watching sunsets during summer.", "I work as a part time plumber.", "My father had a blue dodge truck.", "I like to eat poached eggs for breakfast."]], [["I have 3 kids.", "I have siblings.", "I work in an office full time."], ["I don't have kids. I only have a dad, I don't have a mom. I don't have siblings.", "I am a part time plumber."]], [["I have 3 kids.", "I work in an office full time.", "I live in a place where we've had a lot of bad weather.", "I grew up with siblings. I have friends that were only children.", "I would find it hard to only have one child. I find parenting tough but fun.", "I had a mom who mostly read books."], ["I don't have kids. I only have a dad, I don't have a mom. I don't have siblings.", "I am a part time plumber.", "I used to play outside with my mum.", "I am not sure I would be able to cope if I had children."]], [["I have 3 kids.", "I work in an office full time.", "I live in a place where we've had a lot of bad weather.", "I grew up with siblings. I have friends that were only children.", "I would find it hard to only have one child. I find parenting tough but fun.", "I had a mom who mostly read books.", "My children do not like staying inside for long periods of time. I have had bad weather recently.", "I like to be outside and active with my family."], ["I don't have kids. I only have a dad. I don't have siblings.", "I am a part time plumber.", "I used to play outside with my mum.", "I am not sure I would be able to cope if I had children.", "My mom passed away from breast cancer when I was six years old. I raise awareness and funds for a cure for breast cancer.", "I run a 5k per month."]], [["I have 3 kids.", "I work in an office full time.", "I live in a place where we've had a lot of bad weather.", "I grew up with siblings. I have friends that were only children.", "I would find it hard to only have one child. I find parenting tough but fun.", "I had a mom who mostly read books.", "My children do not like staying inside for long periods of time. I have had bad weather recently.", "I like to be outside and active with my family.", "I do not run marathons. I love to walk.", "My kids love to ride their bikes. I am not great at riding a bike.", "I am out of shape. I don't feel as bad that I am getting old."], ["I don't have kids. I only have a dad. I don't have siblings.", "I am a part time plumber.", "I used to play outside with my mum.", "I am not sure I would be able to cope if I had children.", "My mom passed away from breast cancer when I was six years old. I raise awareness and funds for a cure for breast cancer.", "I run a 5k per month. I run marathons. I don't ride bikes.", "I don't think I would be a good parent."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_50_0", "test_50_1", "test_50_2", "test_50_3", "test_50_4", "test_50_5", "test_50_6", "test_50_7", "test_50_8", "test_50_9", "test_50_10", "test_50_11", "test_50_12", "test_50_13", "test_50_14", "test_50_15", "test_50_16", "test_50_17", "test_50_18", "test_50_19", "test_50_20", "test_50_21", "test_50_22", "test_50_23", "test_50_24", "test_50_25", "test_50_26", "test_50_27", "test_50_28", "test_50_29", "test_50_30", "test_50_31", "test_50_32", "test_50_33", "test_50_34", "test_50_35", "test_50_36", "test_50_37", "test_50_38", "test_50_39", "test_50_40", "test_50_41", "test_50_42", "test_50_43", "test_50_44", "test_50_45", "test_50_46", "test_50_47", "test_50_48", "test_50_49", "test_50_50", "test_50_51", "test_50_52", "test_50_53", "test_50_54", "test_50_55", "test_50_56", "test_50_57", "test_50_58", "test_50_59", "test_50_60", "test_50_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Peace! How are you?", "Hi I'm ok getting ready for work you?", "Putting on my hiking boots and heading into the woods. You like to hike?", "Not really I prefer to stay home and drink. Do u have kids?", "I am waiting for my neighbor john to decide he wants to make babies with me.", "Haha I see I will be a dad soon.", "I hope we make a beautiful world of equal opportunity for your kid.", "Hopefully. I work in a garage what do u do for work?", "I quit my job becasue my boss was mean. I hate mean people.", "Do u like to drink? It runs in my family.", "Not much. It makes people mean, and I'm not mean.", "True some people do get mean.", "Do you have hobbies other than drinking, I mean.", "Besides working on cars not many how bout u?", "Did you work on any cool cars today?", "Not today! I mostly worked on Toyotas this week. But I do have a vintage Ferrari coming in next week. ", "that sounds sweet. I wished I was mechanically inclined and could work on cars. That would be a nice job to have.", "I could definitely give you pointers here and there! Honestly, just knowing how to change your oil, take care of tires, and refill your fluids goes a long way. ", "My neighbor John changes my oil. That tells you how much I know about cars.", "John seems like a great guy! Do you guys ever hang out?", "not really, he has kids and I don't. So we have nothing really to do together.", "Well, I'm sure if he ever gets a free moment you guys could go out for tacos or a hike or something. Have you hiked anywhere cool recently? ", "just local trails. So how are you feeling about being a new Dad?", "I'm both super scared and super psyched at the same time. Everything is about to change and I have no idea what to expect", "I imaging it changes a lot. But you'll be fine because father instincts will kick in.", "I certainly hope so. All the diapers will be worth it when I can teach how to do all the things I enjoy!", "I remember you mentioning you might like tacos. Would you want to grab some tonight and we could talk about cars? I am interested in that field of work!", "Hey I would be glad to. Just come over and we can go to that new place. Tacos and cars, sounds like a new Youtube show, lol", "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be a blast! What's your favorite kind of taco?", "I discovered a new ingredient for tacos, fruit. I like putting a slices of apple or kiwi in it. You have the sweetness and the spiciness together.", "You are a madman! But that might just be crazy enough to work. Have you ever tried to order tacos in a restaurant like that?", "no I haven't. I do not think many restaurants have apples or kiwis in the first place. I feel like I created a new taco.", "I can't imagine the look on their faces if you tried to order that. I think we should do it just for the laugh. But I'd be happy to try them at your place some time too.", "i would be happy to cook them for you. You know this would be great food for kids. I cannot wait until i cook one for mine.", "Haha, well I guess I'll find out when I try them. Hey, this just now came to me. But do you mind if I invite my neighbor, John, too? He's also pretty interested in cars and he really likes experimenting with food too. I think he'd be a good addition. ", "well that would be rough on my pregnant wife to have others over. It would probably best to wait. Maybe you two can come down to my garage and can show you first hand on how to work on cars.", "Yeah, I meant for the trip to the taco place. We wouldn't want to impose on you at home with all that you have going on there right now.", "oh the trip he is glad to come. He can buy the beer, I mean he can buy me a beer and you a coke.", "When do you think your wife will have the baby?", "She's due the end of July. We have a bet going on the actual date. I guessed July 20th. Her due date is the 23rd", "Oh, that's so soon! Do you know the gender, or are you waiting to be surprised?", "It's a boy. We didn't want to do one of those crazy gender reveals that burns down a whole forest. We just asked the doctor.lol", "Lol, yeah, that was probably smart of you. Do you have a name picked out for him yet?", "Yes, his name is Greyson. I'm excited but super nervous. ", "That's a great name! I don't have any kids myself, so I can't give a lot of advice, but I know you don't have to be nervous. Your kid's gonna love you!", "Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the lack of sleep though. That turns me into a baby and there's only room for one of us. Do you want kids someday?", "I know the lack of sleep thing can be a big pain for new parents, but it'll all be worth it. I might want kids, it just depends if I find the right person to have them with", "Yeah, the right person makes all the difference. Any luck with the job hunt?", "Nothing yet. I'm going from garage to garage trying to find work, but it seems like word got out around here that I up and quit my last job, so no one wants to hire me. I might have to go elsewhere to find work", "Maybe you can start doing side jobs and save up to start your own shop and build from there.", "I know I said I didn't have any advice about having a baby, but my sister has a six month old, and she said she'd be willing to talk to you about what she's learned, if you want!", "That would be great, I will take any advice I can get. You can have your sister call me whenever she is available!", "Well, she is pretty busy during the week, so does the weekend work for you?", "Yes that is fine, my weekdays are pretty busy too! Have you had any luck finding a job?", "I have been struggling to find a job, but I do have a job fair coming up this weekend. ", "Awesome, do you know what type of job you are looking for?", "Well, I was looking at getting a job in information security. Do you have any advice? ", "If you have a list of companies that will be at the job fair, I would research each of them and what they do so you know exactly which companies you want to talk to.", "Yes, that is a great idea. I hope there is a big list, it can be so tough to find a decent job. ", "I agree, finding a company that is right fit for you can also be a challenge. Are you practicing your interview skills? Sometimes they will interview right on the spot.", "I have been watching some youtube videos on interviewing tips. I sure hope they help! ", "Just keep practicing and you will do great!"], "init_persona": [[["I like hiking.", "I'm a kind person.", "I wish for equality.", "I don't vote.", "I love my neighbor john."], ["My name is mark.", "I'm an alcoholic.", "My dad was an alcoholic too.", "Now I'm a mechanic.", "I've got a baby on the way."]], [["I like to hike.", "I don't have kids. I have a neighbor named John.", "I don't have a job right now. I quit my previous job.", "I don't like to drink."], ["I have a job.", "I don't like going outdoors. I like to stay at home.", "I am about to be a dad.", "I work in a garage. I like to work on cars."]], [["I like to hike.", "I don't have kids. I have a neighbor named John.", "I don't have a job right now. I quit my previous job. I wish I could work with cars.", "I don't like to drink."], ["I have a job.", "I don't like going outdoors. I like to stay at home.", "I am about to be a dad.", "I work in a garage. I like to work on cars. I know a lot about cars."]], [["I like to hike.", "I don't have kids. I have a neighbor named John.", "I don't have a job right now. I quit my previous job. I wish I could work with cars.", "I don't like to drink.", "I am interested in learning about working on cars as a field of work."], ["I have a job.", "I don't like going outdoors. I like to stay at home.", "I am about to be a dad.", "I work in a garage. I like to work on cars. I know a lot about cars.", "I like tacos. I have started to put fruit in my tacos, like apples and kiwi.", "I think adding fruit to tacos is a new recipe. I have not tried ordering it at a restaurant.", "I want to make tacos for my kids.", "I have a pregnant wife who does not want too many visitors. I am willing to have people come to my garage."]], [["I like to hike.", "I have a neighbor named John.", "I don't have a job right now. I quit my previous job and that's making it harder for me to get hired. I wish I could work with cars.", "I don't like to drink.", "I am interested in learning about working on cars as a field of work.", "I don't have any kids. I'm not sure if I want kids someday. I haven't met the right person yet to have kids with.", "I'm looking for a job in a garage. I'm considering moving to find work somewhere else."], ["I don't like going outdoors. I like to stay at home.", "I am about to be a dad.", "I work in a garage. I like to work on cars. I know a lot about cars.", "I like tacos. I have started to put fruit in my tacos, like apples and kiwi.", "I think adding fruit to tacos is a new recipe. I have not tried ordering it at a restaurant.", "I want to make tacos for my kids.", "I have a pregnant wife who does not want too many visitors. We are due to have the baby at the end of July. We have a bet on the actual date she gives birth. I am willing to have people come to my garage.", "My wife and I are having a baby boy. We asked the doctor to tell us the gender. We are going to name our son Greyson. I'm excited but nervous about having a baby. I'm worried about the lack of sleep after the baby comes."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_55_0", "test_55_1", "test_55_2", "test_55_3", "test_55_4", "test_55_5", "test_55_6", "test_55_7", "test_55_8", "test_55_9", "test_55_10", "test_55_11", "test_55_12", "test_55_13", "test_55_14", "test_55_15", "test_55_16", "test_55_17", "test_55_18", "test_55_19", "test_55_20", "test_55_21", "test_55_22", "test_55_23", "test_55_24", "test_55_25", "test_55_26", "test_55_27", "test_55_28", "test_55_29", "test_55_30", "test_55_31", "test_55_32", "test_55_33", "test_55_34", "test_55_35", "test_55_36", "test_55_37", "test_55_38", "test_55_39", "test_55_40", "test_55_41", "test_55_42", "test_55_43", "test_55_44", "test_55_45", "test_55_46", "test_55_47", "test_55_48", "test_55_49", "test_55_50", "test_55_51", "test_55_52", "test_55_53", "test_55_54", "test_55_55", "test_55_56", "test_55_57", "test_55_58", "test_55_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Good morning, how are you feeling today.", "Good morning, I am fine, how are you?", "Great, I am listening to different types of before I go for a bike ride.", "Sounds great! I am off to college in a bit. Full schedule and then summer classes too.", "Awesome I am a computer genius and love reading.", "Wow. Impressive. I am into martial arts. Jiu-jitsu. I instruct that.", "I eat lots of meats plants to healthy.", "That is healthy. I stay away from dairy. I am allergic.", "Do you like to eat coconut based products.", "I like coconut...yes! Where is your location?", "I live in new york.", "Same here!!! Pretty dreary again today.", "How was class today? What are you studying?", "Class was the same as usual. I'm studying English and hope to write books about Jiu-jitsu and martial arts!", "That's great to hear your class went ok. That sounds very intriguing! Remember me when you make it big and famous! ", "Haha I'll send you a signed copy of my first book! You'll probably make it famous in tech before me!", "I'd love that! Thank you. Haha, who knows maybe we can both make it big and help each other out somehow.", "I just thought of an even better idea. You make the website and I'll do the writing!", "It sounds like we have a business plan made up already! ", "How serious are you about this? We might have to meet up to talk this over!", "I'm down if you are! They always say that two heads are better than one.", "I'm so excited! Let's meet on the weekend somewhere in the city!", "Ok! How about on Sunday afternoon? We can make a start up plan on paper.", "That works with me! We can go for a bike ride too!", "I just wrote a new computer program that might help you with your writing.", "oh really? what does it do?", "It helps find grammatical errors and gives suggestions to help elaborate your sentence structure. It also can tell you if you have used the same word too many times and gives suggestions for alternatives.", "oh wow. that sounds really awesome. when can I try it out?", "It's not finished yet, but I'll send you a link so that you can do a beta test on it in the next couple weeks. Have you decided what you want to write about? It would be awesome if you could try it with both academic and \"for fun\" pieces.", "I haven't thought it out too much yet. having a bit of writers block. just know that I want to write something. ", "Anything you need to write about for your classes?", "not currently. I'm sure that will change here soon. ", "I've been reading this really neat fiction series lately. Do you enjoy writing fiction or non fiction more?", "I like fiction. it's more fun. ", "Have you written any fiction lately that you could expand on? Maybe come up with a series instead of just a one off type of thing?", "that's a good idea. I'll have to think about it more to see what I can come up with.", "I am working on tailoring the program to non-fiction for you.", "That would be great! I use grammarly now, but it's so expensive. I'd love to test the program for you! ", "Oh, yeah. Those programs try to lure you in with a simple version then charge you for the better features. Any specific fiction genre you write?", "I enjoy suspense/psychological thrillers. It's emotionally grabbing, even when writing it. Right now though I'm so blocked. It feels like every good idea in the world has already been written.", "I could see that. Hopefully the block goes away soon. Great that you're studying English. Maybe kick some ideas around with your classmates?", "I do meet with some in an outside group. What usually helps me though is to write non-fiction for a while. It's tedious and not nearly as much fun, but just the process of writing sometimes gets me kick-started. Plus it helps pay the bills.", "Paying the bills is important. Countless movies have started with \"based on actual events.\" Maybe just think about how different something could have ended had a few things been different, kind of like an alternate universe.", "Exactly. Sometimes when I'm researching for a non-fiction piece, I stumble across something that makes me think like that, and then I get out of my rut. Sounds like you now a bit about writing yourself!", "My hat's off to you creative types. Yeah, reading fiction can be a nice break from all the programming and can help deal with my own blocks. Also helps me think of what issues writers might encounter.", "Yes, that's what I was thinking. You couldn't write software like that without some idea of what the writing process is like, and what writers need. I'm looking forward to you finishing the program so it can be tested!", "Ha ha, so am I! Maybe I should attend your writing group one of these days. Nothing drives me nuts like bad grammar.", "You know, that might be a good idea! You could also probably get more ideas about what bells and whistles can be added to your software for greater utility!", "I have been working on the program and it's ready for testing.", "Awesome! When do you plan to test the program?", "I need to send it out to a number of people to test and give feedback. I'm pretty confident in it though. I'll send you the link and you can start using it and give me any feedback you have.", "Oh absolutely, I would love to help with that! This could be a really useful tool for my writing!", "You might find it interesting to apply it to old writing you've done and see if you agree with the corrections and suggestions.", "That could be interesting. Do you have other friends that are writers who you will be sending the program to?", "Not fiction writers or journalists or anything like that. Most of my friends do technical writing. That's why your input will be very valuable, since you write different types of prose than most of the people who will be helping me with testing.", "Okay, I will be sure to review it thoroughly. You must be excited now that you are to the testing phase.", "Yes, that's always a good feeling, although there's still usually a lot of work to do to iron out the bugs. It's sort of anticlimactic in ways, but still definitely a meaningful step. Are you having any luck with your writing block?", "Now, but I am going camping this weekend so I am hoping I will feel inspired after a weekend of being unplugged.", "Oh, that sounds fun. I'd love to get out of the city soon but probably won't. Are you going far from home?", "I am going about two hours away so it isn't too far but still far enough that I can disconnect. Are you able to bring your work with you when you travel?"], "init_persona": [[["I'm an omnivore.", "I like bicycling.", "I work on computers for my job.", "I like most music.", "I like reading."], ["I am a college student.", "I will be taking summer courses.", "I like martial arts.", "I teach jiu-jitsu.", "I am allergic to dairy."]], [["I like to bike.", "I am a computer genius and love reading.", "I eat healthy.", "I live in New York."], ["I go to college.", "I instruct Jiu-jitsu and am into martial arts.", "I'm allergic to dairy.", "I like coconut.", "I live in New York."]], [["I like to bike.", "I am a computer genius and love reading.", "I eat healthy.", "I live in New York.", "I work in tech."], ["I go to college. I'm studying English. I want to become a martial arts writer.", "I instruct Jiu-jitsu and am into martial arts.", "I'm allergic to dairy.", "I like coconut.", "I live in New York.", "I like to go bike riding."]], [["I like to bike.", "I am a computer genius and love reading.", "I eat healthy.", "I live in New York.", "I work in tech. I write computer programs.", "The computer program I wrote is good for grammar and editing. I will finish the program in the next couple of weeks.", "I am reading fiction."], ["I go to college. I'm studying English. I want to become a martial arts writer.", "I instruct Jiu-jitsu and am into martial arts.", "I'm allergic to dairy.", "I like coconut.", "I live in New York.", "I like to go bike riding.", "I have writer's block. I am unsure about what to write.", "I have classes.", "I think writing fiction is fun. I think writing non-fiction is less fun."]], [["I like to bike.", "I am a computer genius and love reading.", "I eat healthy.", "I live in New York.", "I work in tech. I write computer programs.", "The computer program I wrote is good for grammar and editing. I will finish the program in the next couple of weeks.", "I am reading fiction."], ["I go to college. I'm studying English. I want to become a martial arts writer.", "I instruct Jiu-jitsu and am into martial arts.", "I'm allergic to dairy.", "I like coconut.", "I live in New York.", "I like to go bike riding.", "I have writer's block. I am unsure about what to write.", "I have classes.", "I think writing fiction is fun. I think writing non-fiction is less fun.", "I use grammarly. I write suspense/psychological thrillers. I write non-fiction to help with my fiction writing.", "I can't wait to test the program."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_56_0", "test_56_1", "test_56_2", "test_56_3", "test_56_4", "test_56_5", "test_56_6", "test_56_7", "test_56_8", "test_56_9", "test_56_10", "test_56_11", "test_56_12", "test_56_13", "test_56_14", "test_56_15", "test_56_16", "test_56_17", "test_56_18", "test_56_19", "test_56_20", "test_56_21", "test_56_22", "test_56_23", "test_56_24", "test_56_25", "test_56_26", "test_56_27", "test_56_28", "test_56_29", "test_56_30", "test_56_31", "test_56_32", "test_56_33", "test_56_34", "test_56_35", "test_56_36", "test_56_37", "test_56_38", "test_56_39", "test_56_40", "test_56_41", "test_56_42", "test_56_43", "test_56_44", "test_56_45", "test_56_46", "test_56_47", "test_56_48", "test_56_49", "test_56_50", "test_56_51", "test_56_52", "test_56_53", "test_56_54", "test_56_55", "test_56_56", "test_56_57", "test_56_58", "test_56_59", "test_56_60", "test_56_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, just got back from fishing, how are you?", "Fine. I love to fish. Live by the ocean?", "Yep, get kinda tired of it sometimes. I'm a pro fisher.", "I live in florida. What do you fish for?", "Tuna for work but whatever bites. Florida is nice. You like baseball?", "Yes, I used to live in cincinnati so, I'm a big reds fan.", "Ah, the reds. I'm a fan even though I'm in new york.", "Yeah! I'm in the process of setting up a work from home office.", "Sorry, my lasagna was finished in the oven. What kind of vehicle do you have?", "A hyundai elantra. Good gas mileage. I really like it.", "I gotta have the gas guzzling trucks!", "My fiance has a ford f150 and it eats the gas!", "Oh, congrats on the engagement. When's the date?", "It's a \"forever engagement\". We've both been married before.", "How is the home office coming along? ", "Pretty goof! It's actually harder to separate home from work now, and there's a noise problem, but okay otherwise. Have you been out fishing yet this spring?", "Yeah I think there are probably pros and cons of working from home but I'm glad it's going well! I try to get out a few times a week but it's been kind of cold here in New York. Hoping to go twice this weekend! Wishing I was where you are in Florida - have you been fishing lately?", "Yes, got into a huge school of trevalley and also a good sized marlin! I was surprised to get to do saltwater this early but guide prices are cheap this year", "That's awesome! How is the wedding planning going?", "Arrrgh--her mother has taken over and is making a much bigger deal than it needs to be. How's your new truck doing?", "Haha I know how that goes. Mother in laws are always a challenge. The truck is running like a dream. I'm so glad I upgraded and don't have to worry about it breaking down all the time now.", "What features does it have?", "It's a 2021 Ram 1500 with a v-6 engine. It's great because I can tow my boat with ease and the cargo bed is huge. It's got all the bells and whistles pretty much.", "Wow! I am really envious. That would pull my bass boat much easier than my beat-up old Ranger", "Maybe you'll get enough money from your wedding to buy a new truck! Haha if the wife allows.", "I'm paying for the wedding -- if I come within three grand of breaking even I'll be lucky :)", "How is the wedding planning? I hope the mother in law has calmed down a little bit?", "Nope, not even a little, might have gotten worse. She cant seem to get over that I have been divorced. She feels I am going to do the same thing to her child", "Wow. That's terrible man, I'm sorry. Maybe take the mother-in-law out for a day? Just the two of you, and talk.", "I don't know if I can handle that. I've had my fiance try to talk to her and that hasn't worked. Maybe I can take her to a nice dinner where we will be around people and she cant act up as much", "Good idea. I'd try going just the two of you though. Make her see that your'e not going to hurt her child. Maybe see if she wants to go fishing with you? Longer trip, but maybe spending the day together will get her to relax. Who knows, you might become good friends.", "But here's the thing, I didn't think anything bad would happen with my prior marriage either. We can't control the future. That's part of the problem. I won't guarantee anything", "One thing you can guarantee though is how you feel for now, right?", "Exactly and I'm deeply in love, but all she can bring up is the divorce. I've talked about that extensively with my fianc\u00e9 and we are solid. I don't get why her mother can't just accept us", "Well, I guess we can't please everyone. You tried, and that's all that matters. We can change the topic though if you'd like. Did you see the game yesterday? Red's did it again!", "Oh you know how I love to talk about my Reds! I think we actually have a chance this year...not to win it all, but at least get to the playoffs. Baby steps", "Yep, I think we have a fighting chance. I'm looking forward to the playoffs.", "We have got to catch a game together sometime. It's been too long", "Did you work things out with the mother-in-law yet?", "Yeah, I think I just have to get used to the fact that in-laws are tough! Hopefully it does not last too long. How was the game yesterday?", "It was a close one, but our Reds lost. I have a good feeling about them this year in the playoffs though. Thankfully they already clinched a spot ", "How did you get to become a fan of the Reds, since you live in New York? ", "I live in New York now, but I was born in Ohio. There was Reds stuff all over the house!", "Oh I see, got it! How do you like living in New York compared to how you grew up? I imagine it must be a huge change. Are you able to find time to go fishing or drive your truck out in New York?", "It's not so bad. It can get a bit colder but I love it. Many people think of the big city when they think of new york, but I live in a pretty rural area. I am able to go fishing from time to time so it is nice. Speaking of fishing, how is your bass boat holding up?", "Its doing fine, but to be honest I haven't used it much lately. My wedding planning and office work has eaten up a bunch of my time. I'm hoping to move into a more rural area after getting married and spend way more time in nature. You're lucky you found a cool spot like that!", "That is right! You must be so busy planning the wedding. I am so excited to come!", "Haha, I hope it goes smoothly. I never know with my mother in law. She loves to create drama at every gathering. You'll see what I mean when you meet her!", "I can only imagine when we all have had something to drink. Sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun! Have you gone cake tasting yet? I cannot wait to do that someday.", "Yes, but i've gone pretty simple on all the food and decor! It's kind of hard to go all out since I'm paying for all of it myself. Who knew how expensive weddings are! Have you gotten married before, or do you plan to?", "I won second place in a fishing tournament. ", "Really? how did you get the winning catch? or are fishing torunaments won by group weight. It does sound like alot of fun on the lake though.", "We had an hour to catch as many tuna as possible and then the winner was decided based on the combined weight of all of our catches. It was a lot of fun!", "What a catch of a day! I'm sure the wind is great out on the ocean, but boy if I could catch Tuna in a lake I sure would. I haven't even been able to make it out on the office this week, spent the time reminiscing about past catches... both on and off the lake!", "You need to get out of the office! Maybe ask for some time off. Work is important but you need to make time for yourself too.", "I feel that, but between the in-laws and the wedding? I'm screwed. Not only did I have to use my PTO for getting off for this thing, but since I'm paying for it myself I'll be back in no time. Hopefully switching jobs will help but I wont make it if I strangle my mother in law in the process XD", "That is tough haha. Has she been doing anything else to aggravate you lately?", "Oh shes just been on the old nerves because of the wedding. I want something simple, like a gazebo by the lake and some friends. But she wants all the elegance of a ballroom and all the pompus BS that comes with it. I'm a simple man! I don't go around Florida fishing for Bass and Marlin because it's.... elegant.", "That's so frustrating! What has your fiance said about it?", "Oh and my wife is so sweet but hates confrontation! She might as well had been in a bomb shelter for this whole thing. I swear if she wasn't just the, best, person a bass fisherman like me could have, I would just walk into the swamp away from all of this. Unless there was a Reds game man those Reds. They'll probably go all the way this year, maybe not. I'm a fair weather fan really, life's too short to root for a bad team. ", "She'll have to stick up for you unless she wants her mom to hate you! I hope they do go all the way. If not, I can just root for the Yankees or the Mets.", "That's what I'm talking about! Maybe I'll just take them all out fishing, I mean, how better to solve all of our problems. I me no worries though, I am getting the heck out of here as soon as were married. I mean, if I can work from home? Maybe I'll convince her to move with me to one of those remote American territories. Oh the fish I would catch in the middle of the Pacific."], "init_persona": [[["I'm a fisherman.", "I come from new england.", "I like watching baseball.", "I drive a truck.", "My favorite food is lasagna."], ["I was born in india.", "I was 14 when my family migrated to united states.", "I have a master's degree in business.", "I like to play sports especially tennis.", "I love to cook."]], [["I live by the ocean, but tired of it. Pro fisher.", "I like fishing. I fish for Tuna. I think Florida is nice.", "I am fan of the Reds. I live in New York.", "Can cook lasagna.", "I like trucks."], ["I love fishing.", "I live in Florida. I like baseball and a big Reds fan. I also lives in Cincinnati.", "I am going to start working from home.", "Drives a Hyundai Elantra and likes it.", "I am getting married. I have previously been married."]], [["I live by the ocean, but tired of it. Pro fisher.", "I like fishing. I fish for Tuna. I think Florida is nice. I fish a few times per week.", "I am fan of the Reds. I live in New York.", "I can cook lasagna.", "I love my new truck. my new truck is a 2021 RAM 1500. i also have a boat."], ["I live in Florida. I like baseball and a big Reds fan. I also lives in Cincinnati.", "I am going to start working from home. I work in a home office. it is noisy.", "Drives a Hyundai Elantra and likes it.", "I am getting married. I have previously been married. I am paying for my own wedding.", "I love fishing. I also go fishing for trevalley and marlin.", " my mother in law is aggravating me.", "I have an old ranger and a bass boat."]], [["I live by the ocean, but tired of it. Pro fisher.", "I like fishing. I fish for Tuna. I think Florida is nice. I fish a few times per week.", "I am fan of the Reds. I live in New York.", "I can cook lasagna.", "I love my new truck. my new truck is a 2021 RAM 1500. i also have a boat.", "I watch the Red's game yesterday.", "I'm looking forward to the playoffs."], ["I live in Florida. I like baseball and a big Reds fan. I also lives in Cincinnati.", "I am going to start working from home. I work in a home office. it is noisy.", "Drives a Hyundai Elantra and likes it.", "I am getting married. I have previously been married. I am paying for my own wedding.", "I love fishing. I also go fishing for trevalley and marlin.", " my mother in law is aggravating me.", "I have an old ranger and a bass boat.", "I enjoy talking about the Reds."]], [["I live by the ocean, but tired of it. Pro fisher.", "I like fishing. I fish for Tuna. I think Florida is nice. I fish a few times per week.", "I am fan of the Reds. I feel good about the Reds in the playoffs this year. I live in New York. I was born in Ohio.", "I can cook lasagna.", "I love my new truck. my new truck is a 2021 RAM 1500. i also have a boat.", "I'm looking forward to the playoffs.", "I live in a rural area of New York. I like to fish."], ["I live in Florida. I like baseball and a big Reds fan. I also lives in Cincinnati.", "I am going to start working from home. I work in a home office. it is noisy.", "Drives a Hyundai Elantra and likes it.", "I am getting married. I have previously been married. I am paying for my own wedding.", "I love fishing. I also go fishing for trevalley and marlin.", " my mother in law is aggravating me.", "I have an old ranger and a bass boat.", "I enjoy talking about the Reds.", "I am spending a lot of time planning my wedding and working. I hope to move to a rural area. I'm keeping my wedding plans simple and inexpensive."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_59_0", "test_59_1", "test_59_2", "test_59_3", "test_59_4", "test_59_5", "test_59_6", "test_59_7", "test_59_8", "test_59_9", "test_59_10", "test_59_11", "test_59_12", "test_59_13", "test_59_14", "test_59_15", "test_59_16", "test_59_17", "test_59_18", "test_59_19", "test_59_20", "test_59_21", "test_59_22", "test_59_23", "test_59_24", "test_59_25", "test_59_26", "test_59_27", "test_59_28", "test_59_29", "test_59_30", "test_59_31", "test_59_32", "test_59_33", "test_59_34", "test_59_35", "test_59_36", "test_59_37", "test_59_38", "test_59_39", "test_59_40", "test_59_41", "test_59_42", "test_59_43", "test_59_44", "test_59_45", "test_59_46", "test_59_47", "test_59_48", "test_59_49", "test_59_50", "test_59_51", "test_59_52", "test_59_53", "test_59_54", "test_59_55", "test_59_56", "test_59_57", "test_59_58", "test_59_59", "test_59_60", "test_59_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["How are you? I just put my baby down for a nap.", "Im great im gathering my gear for the weekend.", "Where are you going on your trip?", "Me and the guys are going rock climbing.", "I'd like to try that someday when the kids are older.", "Ahh well its fun and we jam out to 21 pilots as we climb.", "The younger students at my college love that band.", "I love music so much I named my dog leto we go on walks daily.", "We might get a dog when I finish my teaching degree.", "Well good luck I wanna work my way up to owning my work.", "What kind of work do you do?", "Im a sous chef at a nice casual resturant.", "I do illustrations for kids'books but I can't make a living at it.", "Why not even childrens kindles need pictures..", "How was your rock climbing expedition with the boys?", "It was great! We had a lot of fun, although they are more avid climbers than I am. I bet you stay busy with your baby..", "yes i do she is very active and love to get into everything. I would love to go rock climbing but i'm a little scared. How did you get over the fear?", "I was really scared in the beginning (and even not sometimes). But my boys wanted me to do it so badly, I did it for them. One of those motherly sacrifices...lol. It helps to start on a small climbing wall. Perhaps you could try that.", "That good advice and you right the thing we do for out love ones I will try it hopefully soon. I see you like music, what other types of music do you like?", "I actually love all kinds of music. Its hard to pin it down to one kind. This week I like 21 Pilots, but next week it may be something entirely different. Do you like music?", "yes i love all types myslf and just depends on the day what kind i want to listen t but i like country, r&b and reggae ", "That's awesome! I think it's really cool that you do children't book illustrations. I am so envious of anyone who can draw anything. It must be a lot of fun.", "It's loads of fun to see my work come to. I love that even when i'm good my work will live on and bring happiness to kids. ", "So true! And that totally makes sense that you are studying to be a teacher. One day a child in your class may be reading a book you illustrated!", "right i didn't even think of that.Yes i love kids they are just the best little people. Do you have any other pets?.", "No, just my dog, Leto. He's a golden retriever. We've had him for 4 years, and he is just the best dog. The boys love him. They are constant companions. Do you have any pets?", "Did you adopt Leto as a puppy or did you get him when he was older?", "He was six month old when we got him, so not quite a puppy.", "Awe. still pretty young though. What breed is he?", "he is a mix terrier and maltese but i do not know what kind of terrier though.", "I've thought about getting a dog myself. but I think I should wait until my daughter is a little older. ", "that would be best, young children do not know how to properly act with dogs. The dog may feel threaten and bite your daughter.", "she's been around dogs and does well. I just don't know that I have the time to commit to both of them.", "oh okay, you are quite busy with the daughter, going to school and illustrating books.", "for sure. but I still really want a pet. LOL", "I never cared for pets but my sons wanted one and now I do not know how I can live without one, dogs are great.", "I've had pets before so I know I like them. but I also know how much work they are.", "my Leto is a no fuss dog. Give him food and some petting and he is happy, not much work with him.", "Have you heard he new 21 pilots song lately?", "They have a new song? I must have been living under a rock this whole time, pun intended haha! Is it good? We have been taking a break from them and listening to a lot of Bill Joel on our climbs. random!", "Yeah, their new song is alright, but I still prefer their older stuff. I do love some Billy Joel though! Have you had any interesting climbs lately?", "Not really, I got a pretty bad sprained ankle so I have been taking a rest and just going along for the ride lately. Hopefully I will be back up there soon. Have you been doing any fun activities yourself?", "Nothing too interesting, I've just been working on a few illustrations. I'm actually illustrating a book about rock climbing, what are the chances!", "No way, that is so cool! Is it a fictional story or what exactly is it?", "It's just a cute little children's story about a rock climber and the challenges he faces climbing this one cliff. It has things like loose rocks, an eagle's nest, and a cave with bats in it. It's not to realistic, but kids will love it!", "Oh that sounds so cute! Let me know if you need any help with fact checking or anything!", "Thanks! I'll be sure to keep that in mind! I hope your ankle starts feeling better soon!", "Thanks, me too! I am going to take my dog for a walk today and see how my ankle is feeling. Being bed ridden is so hard when I am usually so active.", "That sounds like a good idea. Be sure to take it easy though, so it doesn't get any worse", "Yes, that's very true. I find it hard to follow doctor's orders haha! Always have! Have you ever had a big injury?", "what about your ankle problem? is that everything fine?", "It still hurts. Tomorrow I'll go to the doctor but I don't really trust doctors. Sometimes I feel like they just want money, you know?", "Yes, I understand that, though I think it's good you're going to see the doctor. Just be careful about not abusing any prescription drugs he might give you for the pain.", "I won't do that. I prefer to follow a health lifestyle. I'm thinking of going rock climbing more often. Have you ever been?", "No, I never have. Like I told you before, I'm scared of it but interested. Were you able to take your dog for a walk like you planned or was your ankle hurting you too much?", "We went on a walk, we just had to go slower than usual. My dog seemed pretty annoyed with me. ", "Haha. That's funny. I can just picture Leto pulling on the leash really hard and then looking back at you disapprovingly.", "Haha, yeah. That's pretty much how it was. He's a funny dog. So have you put more thought into getting a dog?", "I have. After we talked about it I kept thinking about it. I just think I've got too much going on right now, what with being in school and having a baby. I'lll wait until she's older and things are less hectic.", "That's fair. But you know, I grew up with a dog since I was a baby and I think it was great. I'm sure your baby would also have a great experience. Some dogs are great with kids.", "That's true. If or when I get a dog I'll definitely be cognizant of the breed and how they're known to be with children. I do want my daughter to have the experience of having a pet as a child. But I also think it's enjoyable to be able to remember when you first got a dog. If I got a dog now she wouldn't have that memory--she's too young.", "That makes sense. I've heard that corgis are really great with children! Plus, they are so adorable. But it's better to get a dog from the shelter, in my opinion."], "init_persona": [[["I have three children.", "I am a stay-at-home mom.", "I illustrate children's books.", "I currently am getting my teaching degree.", "I am married."], ["I am omnivorous.", "I like rock climbing.", "My favorite band is 21 pilots.", "I work in a restaurant.", "I enjoy going for a walk."]], [["I have a baby.", "I go to college. I'm getting my teaching degree.", "I do illustrations for childrens books."], ["I am going rock climbing with the guys.", "I listen to 21 pilots.", "I love music. I have a dog named Leto.", "I'm a sous chef at a casual restaurant."]], [["I have a baby girl.", "I go to college. I'm getting my teaching degree. I love kids.", "I do illustrations for childrens books.", "I am interested in rock climbing but it also scares me.", "I love all types of music. I like country, r&b, and reggae music."], ["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I love music. I have a dog named Leto.", "I'm a sous chef at a casual restaurant.", "I am going rock climbing with the guys. I have sons. I was scared to rock climb at first. My sons encouraged me to rock climb.", "I love all kinds of music. I like 21 Pilots.", "I an envious of people who can draw.", "I only have one pet who is my dog, Leto. We have had Leto for 4 years. My male children love Leto."]], [["I have a baby girl.", "I go to college. I'm getting my teaching degree. I love kids.", "I do illustrations for childrens books.", "I am interested in rock climbing but it also scares me.", "I love all types of music. I like country, r&b, and reggae music.", "I have thought about getting a dog. I don't have a lot of time for a dog.", "I have pets. I know they are a lot of work."], ["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I love music. I have a dog named Leto.", "I'm a sous chef at a casual restaurant.", "I am going rock climbing with the guys. I have sons. I was scared to rock climb at first. My sons encouraged me to rock climb.", "I love all kinds of music. I like 21 Pilots.", "I an envious of people who can draw.", "I only have one pet who is my dog, Leto. We have had Leto for 4 years. My male children love Leto.", "My dog was six months old when we got him. My dog is terrier and Maltese. My dog is easy.", "I did not care for pets. My sons wanted a pet. I like dogs."]], [["I have a baby girl.", "I go to college. I'm getting my teaching degree. I love kids.", "I do illustrations for childrens books.", "I am interested in rock climbing but it also scares me.", "I love all types of music. I like country, r&b, and reggae music.", "I have thought about getting a dog. I don't have a lot of time for a dog.", "I have pets. I know they are a lot of work.", "I like Bill Joel's older songs.", "I'm make illustrating a book about rock climbing."], ["I listen to 21 pilots.", "I love music. I have a dog named Leto.", "I'm a sous chef at a casual restaurant.", "I am going rock climbing with the guys. I have sons. I was scared to rock climb at first. My sons encouraged me to rock climb.", "I love all kinds of music. I like 21 Pilots.", "I an envious of people who can draw.", "I only have one pet who is my dog, Leto. We have had Leto for 4 years. My male children love Leto.", "My dog was six months old when we got him. My dog is terrier and Maltese. My dog is easy.", "I did not care for pets. My sons wanted a pet. I like dogs.", "I got bad sprained ankle so I need rest. I going to consult with doctor about my ankle problem."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_60_0", "test_60_1", "test_60_2", "test_60_3", "test_60_4", "test_60_5", "test_60_6", "test_60_7", "test_60_8", "test_60_9", "test_60_10", "test_60_11", "test_60_12", "test_60_13", "test_60_14", "test_60_15", "test_60_16", "test_60_17", "test_60_18", "test_60_19", "test_60_20", "test_60_21", "test_60_22", "test_60_23", "test_60_24", "test_60_25", "test_60_26", "test_60_27", "test_60_28", "test_60_29", "test_60_30", "test_60_31", "test_60_32", "test_60_33", "test_60_34", "test_60_35", "test_60_36", "test_60_37", "test_60_38", "test_60_39", "test_60_40", "test_60_41", "test_60_42", "test_60_43", "test_60_44", "test_60_45", "test_60_46", "test_60_47", "test_60_48", "test_60_49", "test_60_50", "test_60_51", "test_60_52", "test_60_53", "test_60_54", "test_60_55", "test_60_56", "test_60_57", "test_60_58", "test_60_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I am a swimmer.", "I am a musician.", "Cool, what instrument do you play? I played the clarinet in highschool.", "I dont have a cat though I have a rabbit hes absolutely adorable.", "Cool, I just have a dog.", "Cool,im a huge animal lover I dont discriminate,ive owned just about every animal.", "That is really cool, I would have a lot of pets if I had the time.", "Yeah.i have a strict landlord though,whos really a hypocrite.", "That's a shame, does the landlord not like pets?", "No,he dosent I think he needs one then he wouldn't get drunk so much maybe.", "That sounds really sad, I am sorry.", "Yeah,hes not a bad guy he just has a drinking problem.", "Does your rabbit enjoy listening to you play your music?", "Sometimes, haha. Sometimes he goes in his house and hides for a bit. But I usually don't play in the same room as him.", "Your rabbits so cute! Have you tried playing music for rabbits? My dog loves it when I play relaxing music for dogs.", "I haven't intentionally tried to play music for him, but maybe I'll give it a try! Aww! That's so sweet What does your dog like the most?", "I usually find a random playlist on youtube and search music for dogs haha! I think he looks the most peaceful when it's soft classical music.", "That's precious! Does he enjoy your clarinet playing?", "Unfortunately, no, he leaves the room when I used to play often. What instrument do you play?", "Oh no! Dogs do have sensitive ears so that's probably it. I currently play the saxophone. But I know how to play trumpet and violin as well.", "Haha that makes sense. You're so talented! Maybe we should meetup and play together sometime. I'm a bit rusty with the clarinet.", "You're talented too! I firmly believe being able to play instrument is talent in itself. I'm down! I haven't played trumpet in a long time.", "That's so sweet of you to say! Let's hangout this weekend, maybe bring your rabbit to meet my dog, haha!", "Haha, I would, but he doesn't like dogs. they scare him. But please do bring your pup along!", "Still thinking about a new pet...Any guesses?", "Oh yeah. Looking at some serval cats now actually.", "Wow, those are a lot of work from what I've seen. My dog wouldn't tolerate having a cat in the house.", "Yes they are, but very domesticated. They are as big as a dog so I'd have a cat/dog. Best of both worlds. The one thing I'm not sure I could stomach is feeding it live mice every day.", "Oh that's so gross! But cool about having a cat/dog! I've actually looked into getting a skunk. I've been told they are a lot like cats, but they are more sociable, like dogs.", "Yes! Just make sure the stink gland is removed haha. That would be a lot of tomatoe juice to be bought for your house. ;) ", "Hahaha, yeah, definitely have the glands removed first. I need to do more research first though. Are there places close to you that you could get a serval? Do they have rescues for those or would you have to buy from a breeder?", "There is a exotic pet breeder nearby. It's a process thought to even get approved. I'm not sure I would get approved now that I'm reading this. They have someone come to my home and inspect first. ", "Too bad there aren't rescues, I'm all about adopt don't shop. Why do you think you wouldn't be approved if someone came to your home?", "I guess size matters with servals... My place is pretty small. I think I'll have to get a letter from my landlord too.", "Too bad. I'm not sure if they like to be outside, but do you have a yard for them? Sometimes even if you have a small place, a big yard can make up for it. That's how it is for me. My house isn't the biggest, but my dog has tons of room to run outside.", "True. I don't have a yard though. I would have to walk it would a harness and leash. I've seen that done with servals though, and I don't mind several walks a day. ", "Have you looked into getting a serval any more?", "Not right now. My landlord would kick me out. You happen to know of any new rental properties?", "What kind of property would you be looking for?", "I'm not too picky to be honest. ", "Oh, that's good then. You should be able to find something quickly if you search online. I would imagine you'd need something with a yard, though.", "I'd prefer a yard. Not having one right now is a pain. I'd take yours over mine any day!", "Yes, having a big yard is super helpful! It gives my dog plenty of space to run around, plus it gives me room for more pets, too.", "You thinking of adding any new dogs?", "I would love to get another dog! I'm thinking about stopping by the animal shelter soon to check some out. Would you get any other pets if you had a yard?", "Maybe. Depends on my landlord I guess. I'm scarred. He's so rude and angry all the time. What kind of dog are you looking for?", "That's a good point. I'm not too picky honestly, but I think I would prefer to get a bigger dog, like a lab or maybe a German shepherd. ", "I love labs. They are just so sweet. Can't go wrong with that. But good luck finding one in a shelter because of that.", "I just talked to the landlord about getting a serval, but it didn't go very well.", "I can understand why as it is a wild animal. Why don't you get something a bit smaller? ", "Yeah I know servals are hard to tame but I really want one. WHen you told me you walked one on a leash I was sold. But I understand why my landlord would not want me getting one since it may ruin the apartment. Do you know of anyone who has any cats available?", "My sister helps out at an animal shelter so I could ask her if there's any available. Will your dog be ok with a cat in the house?", "I know my dogs have had issues with cats in the past but I was thinking if I slowly integrated them by putting the dogs outside in my yard a lot and then gradually having my dogs around a cat it may work, but I am just thinking about it. Maybe you can ask your sister if she has any suggestions. She may know from working with so many animals in a shelter. What do you think?", "I think they may agree for you to pick up a cat on a trial basis to make sure it's a good fit for your home. That may be helpful. I'll ask my sister and let you know. How many dogs do you have?", "Right now I have one- I keep forgetting that I lost one recently. My 15 year old australian shepherd had to be out to sleep because she had cancer. I keep forgetting so right now I have one dog. I think I may want another dog- a big one- though instead of a cat. I am very wishy-washy as I love both cats and dogs so I guess I will think about it more. So how does your mean landlord like you having pets? You don't have a big yard so it would be hard for you having a dog. ", "I'm sorry for your loss. I love australian sheperds! I think it's so cool when dogs have blue eyes. He's ok with me having a rabbit as they are fairly unlikely to cause a huge mess in the home! As soon as I move home I want to buy a labrador.We always had black labradors growing up, they make such good companions. Did you grow up with animals?", "I grew up with a ton. I always have had dogs and cats but once my brother rescued an injured squirrel and we kept it for about a month until it was ready to be released. True story! Anyway, yeah Australian shepherds usually have blue eyes but my Maggie had brown eyes. So do you currently have a bunch of rabbits?", "That's amazing. I recently visited Scotland and it was crazy to see red squirrels! They are adorable. I have just the one Rabbit, named Lil. I got her a couple of years ago from my sister. She's super cuddly but doesn't like strangers, she often bites people!", "haha- I have been scratched by a rabbit but never bitten. I'm not sure I have seen a red squirrel before. I have travelled a bunch to Europe- but never Scotland. Are there red squirrels in the USA?", "I don't think there are red squirrels in the USA, I've never seen one here either. I love visiting Europe- which countries have you been to?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."], ["I have three cats and two dogs.", "I work in a large grocery store.", "I didn't finish college but I want to go back.", "Growing up in a small town was the best.", "My first car was a ford."]], [["I am a swimmer.", "I played the clarinet in high school.", "I have a dog. I would have a lot of pets if I had the time."], ["I am a musician.", "I have a rabbit. I am a huge animal lover.", "I have a strict landlord. My landlord has no pets. My landlord gets drunk a lot."]], [["I am a swimmer.", "I played the clarinet in high school.", "I would have a lot of pets if I had the time. I have a dog. My dog loves it when I play relaxing music. I usually find a random playlist on youtube and search music for dogs."], ["I am a musician.", "I have a rabbit. I am a huge animal lover.", "I have a strict landlord. My landlord has no pets. My landlord gets drunk a lot.", "I love listen to music. I haven't intentionally tried to play music for the rabbit. I play violin, trumpet, saxophone. I haven't played trumpet in a long time.", "My rabbit doesn't like dogs."]], [["I am a swimmer.", "I played the clarinet in high school.", "I would have a lot of pets if I had the time. I have a dog. My dog loves it when I play relaxing music. I usually find a random playlist on youtube and search music for dogs.", "My dog does not like cats. I think servals are a lot of work.", "I like skunks.", "I would like a new pet. I am interested in getting a serval.", "I prefer pet adoption to breeders.", "My house is small, but I have a large yard."], ["I am a musician.", "I have a rabbit. I am a huge animal lover.", "I have a strict landlord. My landlord has no pets. My landlord gets drunk a lot.", "I love listen to music. I haven't intentionally tried to play music for the rabbit. I play violin, trumpet, saxophone. I haven't played trumpet in a long time.", "My rabbit doesn't like dogs.", "I would like an exotic cat. I like dogs as well. I like big cats. I don't like live feeding. I may have trouble getting approved for an exotic pet.", "I rent a small home. I don't have a yard. I have experience walking servals on a leash."]], [["I am a swimmer.", "I played the clarinet in high school.", "I would have a lot of pets if I had the time. I have a dog. My dog loves it when I play relaxing music. I usually find a random playlist on youtube and search music for dogs.", "My dog does not like cats. I think servals are a lot of work.", "I like skunks.", "I am interested in getting a serval. I prefer pet adoption to breeders.", "My house is small, but I have a large yard.", "I would like to get another dog. I am considering a trip to the animal shelter soon. I would like for my new dog to be big, like a Lab or a German Shedpherd."], ["I am a musician.", "I have a rabbit. I am a huge animal lover.", "I have a strict landlord. My landlord has no pets. My landlord gets drunk a lot.", "I love listen to music. I haven't intentionally tried to play music for the rabbit. I play violin, trumpet, saxophone. I haven't played trumpet in a long time.", "My rabbit doesn't like dogs.", "I would like an exotic cat. I like dogs as well. I like big cats. I don't like live feeding. I may have trouble getting approved for an exotic pet.", "I rent a small home. I don't have a yard. I have experience walking servals on a leash.", "I would like to find a new home to rent. I would prefer a home with a yard. My current landlord is rude and angry.", "I like labradors."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_61_0", "test_61_1", "test_61_2", "test_61_3", "test_61_4", "test_61_5", "test_61_6", "test_61_7", "test_61_8", "test_61_9", "test_61_10", "test_61_11", "test_61_12", "test_61_13", "test_61_14", "test_61_15", "test_61_16", "test_61_17", "test_61_18", "test_61_19", "test_61_20", "test_61_21", "test_61_22", "test_61_23", "test_61_24", "test_61_25", "test_61_26", "test_61_27", "test_61_28", "test_61_29", "test_61_30", "test_61_31", "test_61_32", "test_61_33", "test_61_34", "test_61_35", "test_61_36", "test_61_37", "test_61_38", "test_61_39", "test_61_40", "test_61_41", "test_61_42", "test_61_43", "test_61_44", "test_61_45", "test_61_46", "test_61_47", "test_61_48", "test_61_49", "test_61_50", "test_61_51", "test_61_52", "test_61_53", "test_61_54", "test_61_55", "test_61_56", "test_61_57", "test_61_58", "test_61_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! Where are you at? I'm a city dweller..", "Morning!! I live in the country. Love nature and working with animals.", "The country is nice. Do you walk much? I walk to my job rather than drive.", "Absolutely!! Art is my work, so I walk through nature!", "Sounds cool. I'm a reader and go through a novel each week.", "Cool. I like listening to country music, but rock is my favorite.", "I like rock. Do you exercise? My favorite is pilates.", "I stay active, but not much into a set exercise. My mom loves pilates.", "Is your family big? I just have a brother.", "My mom, she is a nurse. My dad, a farmer. Then a sister.", "That's very diverse. Do you get along with your sister?", "Somewhat, yes! How about you with your brother?", "I just finished my most recent book and am now looking for my next read. Do you have any suggestions for me?", "That depends, I guess! Is there a particular genre you'd be looking to read?", "I prefer sci-fi but here recently I have been craving a god mystery.", "Ooh! Okay. I guess some people don't really enjoy his writing, but I've always thought Dan Brown's 'Da Vinci Code' series were really thrilling mysteries. ", "I read all of his stuff a few years ago. Hes got a lot of really good books. I also like that he takes puzzles and breaks them down to keep the reader engaged.", "Good puzzles are so essential to a good read. I agree! I'll have to ask around for other good mysteries. I mostly read fantasy books myself. ", "Those are also an interest of mine. What was the book you finished most recently?", "I'm recently re-reading Redwall by Brian Jacques! It was one of my favorites growing up. Have you ever read it?", "I read those growing up too! I havent found anything similar in a bit. But I do keep my eyes open for them.", "I love his writing so much! There's a bad book here and there, but I enjoy them so much. What were you favorite books growing up? ", "I prefered Harry Potter and political books the most. Government and politics was my main focus in school.", "What an interesting combo! But there are interesting politics in Harry Potter, too. What's your feeling on today's political climate? ", "I just read a new fantasy book that I think you should check out.", "Hey that sounds great. Who wrote it? Brain Jacques?", "well it's not a new series, just new to me. It's a game of thrones by george r r martin. I know there is a show but when I learned about the books I wanted to read them too.", "I have never read his books or seen the TV show. I guess I am behind the times.", "like always the books are way better. you should give them a read.", "I think I would but I have been too busy with a new painting to get in some reading.", "well when you have time you need to read it. ", "will do. So how is the Pilates going? I think I need to get more exercise.", "it's going great! pilates is great for beginners. ", "it sounds interesting but I do not like the idea I have to follow specific steps to have it work. I just want to jump in and do it.", "it's not so bad. you have to consider your form with any exercise you do or you will hurt yourself.", "I know but I hate the regimental aspect of exercising. ", "I started the next book in the Game of Thrones series. I can't stop reading these things!", "I felt that way about the Odd Thomas series. Could never wait for the next one to come out.", "I know the series technically ended a few years back, but the books just go into so much more detail! What's been on your reading list lately? ", "I think I may start re-reading the entire Dark Tower series. And continue to work for new works that interest me. I haven't read any really good fantasy for a while now.", "I understand that sentiment, a lot of stuff in the genre just feels rehashed. I meant to tell you, I heard the new album by Highly Suspect and it was phenomenal, I highly recommend it.", "I will have to be sure to give it a listen! I don't get a lot of time to listen to music unfortunately.", "You know, ever since I got my new phone I started listening more to music and audiobooks - the speakers are so good! That's what I'm doing with the next GOT book, they have this great narrator with a really deep voice that makes it sound so dramatic.", "I could probably enjoy that when I'm doing my nature walks. That's really the only time i'm able to listen to anything.", "Would that distract you from your artwork, though? I know you find inspiration during those walks.", "Yes! I tried it, but it just mixes up my mood and emotions too much, and I lose my muse. Same with reading. I have to have absolute silence when I read. I do find inspiration in the walks. It sort of empties out my mind, and I need that sometimes.", "How's your new piece coming along? You were swamped with it last time we chatted.", "I was very happy with it! I think it was one of my best works, really. Now, I'm just waiting for the next muse to hit me.", "I just went on a great nature walk that I think you would like.", "That's great! Where did you go on your walk?", "There is a river a few towns over, so I did the easy trail that follows along it. There is a harder trail that winds over some hills, but I wasn't feeling that adventurous.", "That sounds amazing! Did you bring a pet? I love doing the harder trails with my dog. Sometimes, it's very peaceful to get away from everything.", "No, I don't have any pets; my apartment seems too small for a dog and I would worry about them being lonely all day when I'm at work. I was thinking about getting a pair of cats, but I haven't committed yet. How nice fo ryou to have company when you're walking though! What kind of dog do you have?", "Cats can be nice! I used to have cats, but am allergic to them and had to give them to my friend. I have an Australian Kelpie who is a rescue. She is very energetic and smart!", "I had cats as a child and I think that they're a bit easier to care for than dogs, especially in the city. I am a dog lover as well though; Australian Kelpies are gorgeous! What is her name? Does she walk well off-leash?", "Yes, cats are very smart and clean. Mine used to bring me a mouse to throw for her, just like a dog! And if you have 2 cats, they play with each other! Mine would run up and down the halls in the middle of the night, haha. Her name is Kyrie, and she walks off leash and is very obedient. Dogs might be hard to keep in your small apartment though, since Kyrie likes to play in the field, run with cars along the fence row, and herd goats. ", "Oh wow! So Kyrie is a working dog? She helps your dad out on the farm?", "She herds them for fun, haha. Goats mostly graze wherever they like in the fields, but she likes to group them up and walk them into a pen. My grandpa says it's from her cattle herding heritage.", "I like the idea of having so much space out in the country, but I think at heart I'm still a city girl. There is a part of me that likes being surrounded by people and I love to people watch on my walks through the city just as much as I love to nature watch on my walks through the country.", "And being close to all the stores, the energy of the city is an experience itself! I am laughing, thinking about you going people-watching. It reminds me of a documentary where the photographer tried to capture the essence of a city by catching pictures of strangers texts . Both country and city have their benefits, for sure! "], "init_persona": [[["I walk instead of drive to work.", "I live in the city.", "I read a novel a week.", "My favorite exercise is pilates.", "I have one brother."], ["I am an artist.", "I like to be in nature.", "My mom is a nurse.", "My favorite music genre is rock.", "I work with animals."]], [["I live in the city. I want walk to my job.", "I live to read. I read a book a week.", "I like rock music. I do pilates for exercise.", "I have one brother."], ["I live in the country. I love nature. I love animals.", "I work as an Artist. I like to walk through nature.", "I like country music. Rock music is my favorite.", "I live an active lifestyle. I do not do organized exercise. My mom does pilates.", "My mom is a nurse. My dad is a farmer. I have a sister. I sometimes get along with my sister."]], [["I live in the city. I want walk to my job.", "I live to read. I read a book a week. I like Sci-fi and mystery books. I like Dan Brown books. I like Fantasy books. I like Harry Potter books.", "I like rock music. I do pilates for exercise.", "I have one brother.", "I focused on Government Politics in school."], ["I live in the country. I love nature. I love animals.", "I work as an Artist. I like to walk through nature.", "I like country music. Rock music is my favorite.", "I live an active lifestyle. I do not do organized exercise. My mom does pilates.", "My mom is a nurse. My dad is a farmer. I have a sister. I sometimes get along with my sister.", "I read fantasy books. My favorite book growing up was Redwall by Brian Jacques."]], [["I live in the city. I want walk to my job.", "I live to read. I read a book a week. I like Sci-fi and mystery books. I like Dan Brown books. I like Fantasy books. I like Harry Potter books.", "I like rock music. I do pilates for exercise.", "I have one brother.", "I focused on Government Politics in school.", "I like the Game of Thrones novels.", "I prefer reading over watching.", "I enjoy Pilates."], ["I live in the country. I love nature. I love animals.", "I work as an Artist. I like to walk through nature.", "I like country music. Rock music is my favorite.", "I live an active lifestyle. I do not do organized exercise. My mom does pilates.", "My mom is a nurse. My dad is a farmer. I have a sister. I sometimes get along with my sister.", "I read fantasy books. My favorite book growing up was Redwall by Brian Jacques.", "I have not watched Game of Thrones. I have not read the Game of Thrones novels.", "I make paintings.", "I want to exercise more.", "I dislike structured exercise."]], [["I live in the city. I want walk to my job.", "I live to read. I read a book a week. I like Sci-fi and mystery books. I like Dan Brown books. I like Fantasy books. I like Harry Potter books.", "I like rock music. I do pilates for exercise.", "I have one brother.", "I focused on Government Politics in school.", "I like the Game of Thrones novels.", "I prefer reading over watching. I enjoy Pilates.", "I am reading the Game of Thrones book series.", "I listened to the new album by Highly Suspect. I got a new phone. I listen to audiobooks."], ["I live in the country. I love nature. I love animals.", "I work as an Artist. I like to walk through nature.", "I like country music. Rock music is my favorite. I don't have time to listen to music.", "I live an active lifestyle. I do not do organized exercise. My mom does pilates.", "My mom is a nurse. My dad is a farmer. I have a sister. I sometimes get along with my sister.", "I read fantasy books. My favorite book growing up was Redwall by Brian Jacques.", "I have not watched Game of Thrones. I have not read the Game of Thrones novels.", "I make paintings.", "I want to exercise more.", "I dislike structured exercise.", "I read the Odd Thomas series. I read the Dark Tower series.", "I take nature walks. I get distracted when listening to music or audiobooks.I find inspiration during walks."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_64_0", "test_64_1", "test_64_2", "test_64_3", "test_64_4", "test_64_5", "test_64_6", "test_64_7", "test_64_8", "test_64_9", "test_64_10", "test_64_11", "test_64_12", "test_64_13", "test_64_14", "test_64_15", "test_64_16", "test_64_17", "test_64_18", "test_64_19", "test_64_20", "test_64_21", "test_64_22", "test_64_23", "test_64_24", "test_64_25", "test_64_26", "test_64_27", "test_64_28", "test_64_29", "test_64_30", "test_64_31", "test_64_32", "test_64_33", "test_64_34", "test_64_35", "test_64_36", "test_64_37", "test_64_38", "test_64_39", "test_64_40", "test_64_41", "test_64_42", "test_64_43", "test_64_44", "test_64_45", "test_64_46", "test_64_47", "test_64_48", "test_64_49", "test_64_50", "test_64_51", "test_64_52", "test_64_53", "test_64_54", "test_64_55", "test_64_56", "test_64_57", "test_64_58", "test_64_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["As a vegan working at a community garden is important.", "That's interesting! I'm not a vegan.", "To each their own. Do you have pets? I have 2 dogs and a cat.", "I don't have any pets, but I love puppies!", "Do you like to eat puppies?", "Uh, no. What do you do for a living? I'm an inventor.", "I'm currently studying at community college. I want to be a nurse.", "That's awesome! I just invented a teleportation device!", "Do you use it to talk to puppies?", "I use it to take really cheap exotic vacations. I can teleport anywhere pretty much instantly..", "That sounds made up. Maybe it's all the puppies you're eating.", "I'm sorry you don't believe me, because my next project is a time machine..", "I'd like to try your teleportation device, can anyone use it or just you?", "I'm not sure if anyone else can use it. Do you want to be my first test subject?", "I don't know, it sounds exciting and scary at the same time", "We could send one of your dogs through the teleportation device, but maybe that is frowned upon in vegan society?", "my dog would love the attention. But I would worry about a fly being in the booth and my dog comes out half dog and half fly, lol", "Hmm, that sounds like an interesting experiment. Thanks for the idea! Where do you want to be teleported to?", "I think I'll skip the teleportation but I would like to try the time machine", "Well I am making the time machine big enough to fit two people, so perhaps we could go on an adventure together. I could always use someone with knowledge in medicine!", "That would be great. I can go back and help a lot of people who had no medicine at all.", "That's a wonderful idea. I'll go back and pet all the puppies of the past.", "You can go back and pet the original Lassie", "Now I'm very excited. Make sure to study hard in school so we have all the knowledge we need! Oh, and bring pictures of your pets because I'm not quite sure how long we'll be gone.", "I had a tough school exam this morning but I think I did well.", "what was the exam on?", "Just on math, but I've never been great with numbers, so a bunch of people said it was easy, but I am still nervous", "Math isn't so bad once you figure it out. ", "I mean you just invented a teleportation device so I know math is easy for you!", "I've always been great at math ever since I was a little kid. ", "How did it come so easy to you? Did you never have to try hard?", "I guess it's probably just easier for some people. it's how my brain works. it's never been hard for me. ", "Do you have any time to help me out or are you going to be too busy teleporting all over the world?", "I can definitely help you out some time. when are you free?", "I am always free after 4pm, the day does not matter all. Does that work for you?", "yes. I can help you on Friday. ", "I just found out that I passed the exam with flying colors!", "Congratulations! What there ever any doubt?", "Thanks! I was a bit nervous because there was some higher math in this unit. But I made it through okay, thank goodness!", "I know you have done well so far, but if you ever need help with math I can help. That's one of the few things I am actually good at!", "Thanks, I might take you up on that! I'm sure you have to use math constantly when you're inventing. It's hard for me to keep up sometimes but I think you're doing some really cool stuff with it.", "Thanks! Making this teleportation device was very hard, but I feel like I can make a lot of money with this.", "Oh absolutely! You'll completely disrupt the travel industry. I can't wait until it's available for everybody to use, then I won't have a 45 minute commute anymore haha!", "I'm sad I won't get to see how it advances in the centuries to come. It is pretty big now, but I imagine one day it would be as small as a watch!", "That would be so convenient! Tech has advanced so much in the last few years already, hasn't it? But wait, are you having trouble building your time machine? You said you were working on one last time.", "That one has proven to be a bit harder nut to crack. I've already messed a few things up, nothing too significant though. I don't think I could tell you what happened though because time might rip apart and I would make no money off my teleportation machine.", "Oh dear. Well yes, definitely don't tell me what went wrong if it would rip apart all of space and time! Haha. I probably wouldn't understand a word anyway with all that math and physics, just happy to support you. I know you'll figure it out. ", "Thanks, with how things are going I might have to find an apprentice to carry on my work. Making this time machine is something I definitely do not want to rush, plus I want to refine the teleportation machine as much as I can ", "I was just thinking maybe we should be careful where we discuss the time machine at. Powerful people could use our written messages as evidence to come back in time and stop you from building it. I know it sounds a little paranoid, but you can't be too careful when it comes to time travel.", "I totally agree! I mean, if someone else were to create a teleportation device, they could drop in on anyone --including us-- at any moment and overhear a conversation. No need to let them know about the time machine plans. ", "Yeah I hope no one finds out about this. Is there any other inventions you would like to work on? ", "Gosh, there are so many. An instantaneous whole house cleaning device would be amazing. Have any suggestions for me?", "Omg yes I would defiantly need that for my house. I would like an instant cooker haha if that was ever possible. ", "Oh, that's a good idea. What about an instant outdoor window cleaner? It's so hard to get to the outsides of second floor windows.", "Omg yes it is so hard to reach the upstairs windows of my house. I would also love a mind reading device, it so hard to tell what people are really thinking. ", "True. That would be interesting. Did you ever see that Richard Gere movie about the mind reader? What Women Want, I think it is?", "No I haven\u2019t seen that movie I need to check that out, I might watch that later today. ", "Yeah, you could. It plays on cable quite often, haha. Anyway, I'm not so sure I'd want to know what everyone else is thinking.", "Just when you not sure if someone is deceiving you is what I would like to know about. ", "That's a good point! I'd want to know about lies too."], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."], ["I am a inventor.", "I invented a personal teleportation device.", "I am able to teleport myself instantly anywhere in the world.", "I'm working on a time machine.", "I love puppies."]], [["I am a vegan. I work at a community garden.", "I have two dogs and a cat,.", "I am studying at community college. I would like to be a nurse."], ["I am not a vegan.", "I have no pets. I love puppies.", "I am an inventor. I just invented a teleportation device. I can teleport pretty much anywhere instantly. My next project is a time machine."]], [["I am a vegan. I work at a community garden.", "I have two dogs and a cat, my dogs love attention..", "I am studying at community college. I would like to be a nurse.", "I am afraid to be teleported."], ["I am not a vegan.", "I have no pets. I love puppies.", "I am an inventor. I just invented a teleportation device. I can teleport pretty much anywhere instantly. I also am building a time machine that fits two people."]], [["I am a vegan. I work at a community garden.", "I have two dogs and a cat, my dogs love attention..", "I am studying at community college. I would like to be a nurse.", "I am afraid to be teleported.", "I'm not good at math."], ["I am not a vegan.", "I have no pets. I love puppies.", "I am an inventor. I just invented a teleportation device. I can teleport pretty much anywhere instantly. I also am building a time machine that fits two people.", "I'm really good at math. Math has always been easy for me."]], [["I am a vegan. I work at a community garden.", "I have two dogs and a cat, my dogs love attention.", "I am studying at community college. I would like to be a nurse.", "I did well on my exam. I am taking a class with some higher math in it. I know some math, but it's hard to keep up with math. I'm not good at math.", "I am afraid to be teleported. I would enjoy using a teleportation device. My commute is 45 minutes.", "I am familiar with new technologies.", "I don't understand much about physics. I am a supportive person."], ["I am not a vegan.", "I have no pets. I love puppies.", "I am an inventor. I just invented a teleportation device. I can teleport pretty much anywhere instantly. I also am building a time machine that fits two people.", "I'm really good at math. Math has always been easy for me.", "I am interested in technological advances. I am familiar with physics.", "I am considering getting an apprentice."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_65_0", "test_65_1", "test_65_2", "test_65_3", "test_65_4", "test_65_5", "test_65_6", "test_65_7", "test_65_8", "test_65_9", "test_65_10", "test_65_11", "test_65_12", "test_65_13", "test_65_14", "test_65_15", "test_65_16", "test_65_17", "test_65_18", "test_65_19", "test_65_20", "test_65_21", "test_65_22", "test_65_23", "test_65_24", "test_65_25", "test_65_26", "test_65_27", "test_65_28", "test_65_29", "test_65_30", "test_65_31", "test_65_32", "test_65_33", "test_65_34", "test_65_35", "test_65_36", "test_65_37", "test_65_38", "test_65_39", "test_65_40", "test_65_41", "test_65_42", "test_65_43", "test_65_44", "test_65_45", "test_65_46", "test_65_47", "test_65_48", "test_65_49", "test_65_50", "test_65_51", "test_65_52", "test_65_53", "test_65_54", "test_65_55", "test_65_56", "test_65_57", "test_65_58", "test_65_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you?", "Good, just doing my budget. Did you hear the new pink floyd album?", "Cool. I like floyd. Is it brand new music?", "Came out a few years ago. Wish I could play like gilmour! Legendary!", "That's forsure. Great musician. I'm traveling to italy. Ever been?", "No, but I wish I could. Would love to study the italian painters there!", "Forsure. I'm actually travelling there via my teleportation device.", "Say what?! Come pick me up! Did you build it yourself?", "I know crazy right! But it works. Unfortunately only 1 person at a time.", "Bummer. Ugh! Boss is calling! Wish I didn't have one.... And go to voicemail!", "Maybe you should start your own business? That's what I've done..", "Would be nice! What kind of business do you do?", "So I went to Italy, it was amazing, trying to think where to go next.", "How did you get to Italy? Don't tell me you used your teleportation device!", "I did! But, with how vivid my imagination is, I just use the term to describe what others know as a Aeroplane. I like to use teleportation device because it gives my little boy something to be excited about when I am working away from home ", "Oh, I see! What was the best thing you saw in Italy?", "My favourite thing, by far, was the Colosseum. I didn't realise how big it was. Where was the last place you went on holiday?", "I went on a road trip to Waco, TX to see the Dr. Pepper Museum. It was well worth the trip. Probably not as impressive as Italy, but definitely up there.", "I love Dr. Pepper! Did you get to sample it whilst you were there? That is enough to get me to book a trip out there with my children.", "We stopped by the cafeteria at the end and got some free Dr. Pepper, yes. Or at least I think it was supposed to be free. I drank it and didn't pay for it either way. I felt it would be criminal to not get some Dr. Pepper at the museum.", "Of course. Not getting it would be the equivalent of going to a swimming pool and just standing by it. You have got to get involved. ", "That's a great analogy. I dove into the Dr. Pepper with a beautiful swan dive. How many days did you spend in Italy?", "I tend only to spend 4/5 days abroad when I am there for work. But thankfully, I managed to get to stay in Italy for 10 days because I had two things to work on whilst I was there", "That's a really great vacation. Were you just in Rome or did you see other cities too?", "have you taken any guitar lessons lately?", "Yeah some. I'm trying out a place down the street that teaches guitar", "Nice. Are you learning more acoustic or electric? It would be so awesome if you could learn some Pink Floyd songs!", "Acoustic. The electric guitar looks fun too though. Hopefully I'll be able to play both easily this year. I went ahead and got my passport as I'm going to book a trip to Italy. I decided to check off that one from my bucket list. Any hot spots there I should check out?", "Definitely the Colosseum! It was my favorite. There's lots of great artistic spots too. My son liked to get the street artists to draw him.", "oh how cool! I can appreciate the street artists there. I love the talent. I bet your son really enjoyed that. I will definitively check out the colosseum. I would ask to borrow your teleportation device but I'm unsure how I'd feel being beamed up like Scotty on Star Trek. ", "It's really only good for one person, so being on an airplane is probably a better idea. Many people don't believe me when I tell them about my teleportation device, so maybe I'll have to use it to come to you sometime.", "I absolutely believe you. I plan to travel alone to Italy so that's why I mentioned it. I'm looking forward to seeing the art there, and the food! Pasta dish is number one on my list.", "Oh yeah, the food is amazing! Maybe when I come and see you, I can bring the device with me and you can try it out for a shorter distance. That way if you don't like it, you can drive back home, hahaha. But if it's not a problem, then you could save some money on airfare. That's my favorite part about teleporting, it's very cost effective.", "I bet it is! Plane flights are so expensive! However, for a teleportation device, how much would I have to spend to own one?", "It depends. I could get you a deal with some of the suppliers for my business, so it would cut down on the price. But you probably would want to rent one instead of own it outright, at least right away.", "That's a good idea. You'll have to give me the details to rent one then. Where all have you traveled using it?", "Hey I just teleported, look out your window.", "Which window? Or is that your vivid imagination at work?", "Haha, very funny! I'm here to whisk you off on a spontaneous trip to Italy. I promise, teleportation is the best way to travel. It's so much cheaper than taking a plane.", "Sounds like it. Italy here we come!", "I can't wait to show you around! We'll definitely visit some great restaurants for pasta and real Italian pizza, and there's just so much history and culture. There are museums and ancient sites to tour everywhere you go.", "Some real Italian pizza sounds delicious. I love to look at the ancient sites and just ponder what all they've seen. Does your vivid imagination allow for time travel a well? That's gotta be real handy raising a little boy.", "It would be really cool to go back in time and see what the historical sites looked like when they were new, wouldn't it? Yes, it's a lot of fun to write stories with my son during playtime. Lately we've been pretending to be gladiators in Ancient Rome. But don't worry, I don't let it get too scary..", "Yeah, I will definitely get some solid recommendations from you once my trip comes together. Maybe I'll get my picture done by one of those artists you mentioned. Any other trips coming up?", "Well, after Italy I was thinking Spain. That's the place to go to study classical guitar, let me tell you. I think you'd have such a great time there with all of the wonderful music. How are your lessons coming?", "They're coming along. Listening to the old Floyd albums always gets me inspired. Any favorite bands other than them?", "Pink Floyd is classic! Lately I've been really into Fleetwood Mac. It's always fun to sing along to their music.", "Definitely! I really like the oldest stuff. Peter Green and before Nicks and McVie. It's like they have different eras, but Nicks and Buckingham seem to be the most popular.", "I found a great ancient site that you should explore in Italy. ", "Oh really? What did you find? I am planning on travelling next year!", "The Baths of Caracalla in Rome. Rome is filled with them, but I think the baths are a great site to explore. Heck, I might just teleport there now! When in Rome...lol", "That does sound interesting! It is very odd to think about a huge communal bath being shared by everyone in a city! The marble and stone on some of the pictures I have seen have been so beautiful, and the aqueducts are amazingly engineered! Have you been to the baths?", "I just teleported there yesterday actually. I can't get enough of them. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the people when I suddenly appeared (with Dr. Pepper in hand, of course). I usually try not to just pop in right in the baths, but I was feeling adventurous. ", "Hopefully everyone was fully clothed! Although, if they tried to arrest you, you could just teleport out of the jail cell! Does Dr. Pepper add to your teleporting abilities? I might have to try drinking the stuff!", "I bet there is a way to link String Theory to teleportation and Dr. Pepper, but so far nothing has been proven. I do have a good joke for you: Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it's teleporter was fowl-ed up! LOL", "Haha nice! Does the Italian Government know you can teleport? I watched this movie where Hayden Christiansen can teleport, and once the government found out that he could teleport, they did bad things to him!", "Just between you and me, I am trying to keep it a secret. I am worried that what happened in Jumper could be what actually does happen. So I want to make sure it's completely safe before I even consider letting the government know about it. ", "That makes sense! I will definitely keep it a secret. Well, I might tell my dog! Did you ever feel tempted to teleport into a bank and take something?", "I always want to set a good example for my son and I can't complain about my financial situation, so I haven't been tempted yet. Sometimes when I am mad I want to mess up someone's house or office, but I haven't yet. ", "That's good that you're honest with so much power-it sets a good example as a parent! How old is your son? Have you ever taken him with you when you teleport?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a inventor.", "I invented a personal teleportation device.", "I am able to teleport myself instantly anywhere in the world.", "I'm working on a time machine.", "I love puppies."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I like Pink Floyd.", "I'm travelling to Italy. I am travelling to Italy with my teleportation device. Only 1 person can use my teleporter at a time.", "I have my own business."], ["I wish I could play guitar.", "I've never been to Italy. I would like to go to Italy and study Italian painters.", "I wish I didn't have a boss. I would like to have my own business."]], [["I like Pink Floyd.", "I was in Italy for 10 days. I travel for work. I was travelling to Italy with my teleportation device. Only 1 person can use my teleporter at a time.", "I have my own business.", "I have a vivid imagination. I was on an aeroplane. I have a son.", "I went to the Colosseum. I liked the colosseum best.", "I like Dr Pepper."], ["I wish I could play guitar.", "I've never been to Italy. I would like to go to Italy and study Italian painters.", "I wish I didn't have a boss. I would like to have my own business.", "I went to Waco, Tx. I saw the Dr Pepper Museum. I like Dr Pepper."]], [["I like Pink Floyd.", "I was in Italy for 10 days. I travel for work. I was travelling to Italy with my teleportation device. Only 1 person can use my teleporter at a time.", "I have my own business.", "I have a vivid imagination. I was on an aeroplane. I have a son.", "I went to the Colosseum. I liked the colosseum best.", "I like Dr Pepper.", "My son liked getting drawn by the street artists in Italy.", "I have a one person teleportation phone device. My favorite part about teleporting is it is very cost effective."], ["I wish I could play guitar.", "I've never been to Italy. I would like to go to Italy and study Italian painters.", "I wish I didn't have a boss. I would like to have my own business.", "I went to Waco, Tx. I saw the Dr Pepper Museum. I like Dr Pepper.", "I am taking guitar lessons. My guitar lessons are right down the street from me.", "I am learning acoustic guitar. I have a passport. I am going to book a trip to Italy.", "I appreciate and love the talent of street artists. I will visit the Colosseum in Italy.", "I am excited about seeing the art in Italy. My favorite dish is pasta."]], [["I like Pink Floyd.", "I was in Italy for 10 days. I travel for work. I was travelling to Italy with my teleportation device. Only 1 person can use my teleporter at a time.", "I have my own business.", "I have a vivid imagination. I was on an aeroplane.", "I went to the Colosseum. I liked the colosseum best.", "I like Dr Pepper.", "My son liked getting drawn by the street artists in Italy.", "I have a one person teleportation phone device. My favorite part about teleporting is it is very cost effective. I make jokes about teleporting.", "I like Italian food. I enjoy museums and ancient sites.", "I write stories with my son. I play a game with my son about gladiators.", "I like Fleetwood Mac."], ["I wish I could play guitar.", "I've never been to Italy. I would like to go to Italy and study Italian painters.", "I wish I didn't have a boss. I would like to have my own business.", "I went to Waco, Tx. I saw the Dr Pepper Museum. I like Dr Pepper.", "I am taking guitar lessons. My guitar lessons are right down the street from me.", "I am learning acoustic guitar. I have a passport. I am going to book a trip to Italy.", "I appreciate and love the talent of street artists. I will visit the Colosseum in Italy.", "I am excited about seeing the art in Italy. My favorite dish is pasta.", "I like to visit ancient sites.", "I listen to old Pink Floyd albums. I like old music."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_67_0", "test_67_1", "test_67_2", "test_67_3", "test_67_4", "test_67_5", "test_67_6", "test_67_7", "test_67_8", "test_67_9", "test_67_10", "test_67_11", "test_67_12", "test_67_13", "test_67_14", "test_67_15", "test_67_16", "test_67_17", "test_67_18", "test_67_19", "test_67_20", "test_67_21", "test_67_22", "test_67_23", "test_67_24", "test_67_25", "test_67_26", "test_67_27", "test_67_28", "test_67_29", "test_67_30", "test_67_31", "test_67_32", "test_67_33", "test_67_34", "test_67_35", "test_67_36", "test_67_37", "test_67_38", "test_67_39", "test_67_40", "test_67_41", "test_67_42", "test_67_43", "test_67_44", "test_67_45", "test_67_46", "test_67_47", "test_67_48", "test_67_49", "test_67_50", "test_67_51", "test_67_52", "test_67_53", "test_67_54", "test_67_55", "test_67_56", "test_67_57", "test_67_58", "test_67_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello how are you?", "Good. Do you have any hobbies?", "I like to work on cars. Fords are my favorite.", "Cool. My hobby would be freelancing I guess.", "Did you go to college for that? I plan to go back to college. I didn't finish.", "No, but I did when I was an accountant.", "Cool. I grew up in a small town and prefer it my pets do too.", "That's cool. My dog is my best friend!", "I have cats and dogs! They hate it when I go to work at the grocery store.", "Awe, poor babies! I'm ready for a new job!", "Me too! I want to go back to college to get a better job.", "I hear that! Being an entrepreneur isn't all I thought it would be.", "I've been looking at potential colleges for when I go back, there's so much choice out there now!", "There are! There are over 3,000 colleges in the United States! Which ones were you thinking of considering?", "More than anything, I want a career starting college choice. What led you to accounting?", "I liked numbers, but didn't like complex math. I also liked being involved with business, but didn't like the business operations or management side of things.", "Hmm, I like complex problems and following a problem to a conclusion. I really want to work for someone else, I'm not a boss type of person. ", "Accounting might be something you could consider, then. The math isn't complex, but the accounting problems themselves can be complex.", "I will certainly look into it. Is accounting the same nationwide? I might have a move in my future. ", "It's standardized across the US, according to US GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles).", "That would make it a truly portable skill. I like that. What school did you attend?", "I attended UCLA. Anderson is a pretty good business school.", "Hmm, I'm not sure I would do well in a big school but I'll keep looking for something in a medium/small area.", "Ah. Maybe a liberal arts college would do. Many of them offer degrees in accounting.", "What kind of dog do you have?", "my dog is a huksy. ", "they are great dogs. They seem very vocal. I love to watch youtube videos of them.", "they are VERY vocal. and very dramatic over everything. she has such a big personality.", "Like having a spouse, lol", "lol. but they are way more hairy and demanding. ", "haha, my pets are the opposite. They are lazy and just come to me when they want food..", "that must be nice. my dog demands attention all the time. ", "I would be nice if they were more dependent on my but they were street animals when I got them so they are very independent.", "that's awesome that you rescued them and gave them a home. how long have you had them?", "I hat the dog for 5 years and the cat for 3. The dog is the one the found the cat so the cat is really my dog's pet.", "that's pretty funny. sounds like a good movie. ", "I've started looking at potential colleges. I want to pick a college first before I plan my next move. I am thinking of moving to a large city. ", "Cool! That's going to be a big change for you. Do you have any particular cities in mind?", "i'm not really sure. maybe new york or la? did you like la for college?", "I loved it! It was so stimulating, and there was so much to do. But although UCLA was great in general, there is a part of me that wishes I had headed farther away, and New York is so exciting!", "New York would be such an amazing city I think. LA sounds romantic because of the weather and beaches. Did you get to do a lot of surfer stuff?", "I don't surf, but I did spend a fair amount of time on the beach. It is a good way to relax, and a nice place to study too. There is also a lot of room there for dogs to play and have fun. I didn't have a dog when I was in college, but my dog loves the beach now.", "that's great! what kind of dog do you have?", "Oh! You must have forgotten. My dog is a Husky. I fondly call him Hairball because he is so shaggy. But he is a great beach companion. He'll run and play a bit and then nap with me. Do you play on bringing your pets to college with you?", "Hairball! What a name. Did you adopt him from a shelter or from a breeder? I don't think I'll be allowed to bring my pets, which is really sad. Maybe if I live off campus or something.", "I did get him from a rescue. He was younger then of course, and so sweet. Just a puppy really. That's too bad about your pets. I hope you can find someone great to take care of them.", "My parents will care for them, I'm sure; they're family pets. Still, I can't imagine life without them. Have you always had pets?", "Yes, but my family was a cat family so Hairball is my first dog. My parents were firm, no dogs. When I was in college I was itching to move off campus and get a dog. That didn't work out, but as soon as I was done, I started searching for the perfect companion. I think I did well.", "I was looking at UCLA, maybe you could give me some advice?", "Sure what would you like to know?", "How was your experience there?", "It was fun, there were many activities to do there. The curriculum can be super strict there depending on your program.", "What programs is that school known for?", "It's a round-about school, great for sciences and business, arts are also decent. There are loads of connections to be made here, which is probably the most important factor. What programs are you looking into?", "I'm looking into studying something related to the medical field. Perhaps physical therapy?", "I don't know about physical therapy, the programs are mainly focused on going into med school or into research, I can ask around though. Do you know anyone who goes here or any alumni? ", "Just my cousin but he just started. I don't know any other alumni. Med school also sounds like a good option.", "Okay cool. Yeah if you end up doing well here in one of the science program (bio or chem) its pretty much an easy rise to med school. Mind you it is super expensive living and studying here. A part-time job is a must for many students.", "Are there any study/work related jobs out there or would my only option be off campus work?", "There are administration jobs that most students start off with on campus. Since you're planning to go into the med field then you can ask talk to your professors and they may hook you up with a research position in there lab (volunteer or paid)."], "init_persona": [[["I have three cats and two dogs.", "I work in a large grocery store.", "I didn't finish college but I want to go back.", "Growing up in a small town was the best.", "My first car was a ford."], ["I live by the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant.", "I am ready to embark on a new career and life.", "Now I am a freelance entrepreneur.", "My dog is truly my best friend."]], [["I like to work on cars. Fords are my favourite cars.", "I plan to go back and finish college.", "I grew up in a small town.", "I have cats and dogs. I work in a grocery store. I want a better job."], ["I am a freelancer.", "I went to college to be an accountant.", "I have a dog.", "I am ready for a new job. I don't like being an entrepreneur."]], [["I like to work on cars. Fords are my favourite cars.", "I plan to go back and finish college.", "I grew up in a small town.", "I have cats and dogs. I work in a grocery store. I want a better job.", "I like complex problems. I might move in the future."], ["I am a freelancer.", "I went to UCLA to be an accountant.", "I have a dog.", "I am ready for a new job. I don't like being an entrepreneur."]], [["I like to work on cars. Fords are my favourite cars.", "I plan to go back and finish college.", "I grew up in a small town.", "I have cats and dogs. I work in a grocery store. I want a better job.", "I like complex problems. I might move in the future.", "I think Huskys are great dogs. I love watching YouTube videos of dogs.", "I have lazy pets that come to me for food.", "I rescued my animals from the street."], ["I am a freelancer.", "I went to UCLA to be an accountant.", "I am ready for a new job. I don't like being an entrepreneur.", "I have a Husky. I think my dog is more hairy and demanding than a spouse."]], [["I like to work on cars. Fords are my favourite cars.", "I plan to go back and finish college.", "I grew up in a small town.", "I have cats and dogs. I work in a grocery store. I want a better job.", "I like complex problems.", "I think Huskys are great dogs. I love watching YouTube videos of dogs.", "I have lazy pets that come to me for food.", "I rescued my animals from the street.", "I am interested in moving to a large city. I am looking at colleges. I am interested in moving to LA or New York.", "I am not allowed to have pets at college."], ["I am a freelancer.", "I went to UCLA to be an accountant.", "I am ready for a new job. I don't like being an entrepreneur.", "I have a Husky. I think my dog is more hairy and demanding than a spouse. My dogs name is Hairball. I got my dog from a rescue shelter.", "I wish I had gone to school further away.", "I don't surf. I spend time at the beach. I study at the beach. My dog likes the beach.", "My family has a cat."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_69_0", "test_69_1", "test_69_2", "test_69_3", "test_69_4", "test_69_5", "test_69_6", "test_69_7", "test_69_8", "test_69_9", "test_69_10", "test_69_11", "test_69_12", "test_69_13", "test_69_14", "test_69_15", "test_69_16", "test_69_17", "test_69_18", "test_69_19", "test_69_20", "test_69_21", "test_69_22", "test_69_23", "test_69_24", "test_69_25", "test_69_26", "test_69_27", "test_69_28", "test_69_29", "test_69_30", "test_69_31", "test_69_32", "test_69_33", "test_69_34", "test_69_35", "test_69_36", "test_69_37", "test_69_38", "test_69_39", "test_69_40", "test_69_41", "test_69_42", "test_69_43", "test_69_44", "test_69_45", "test_69_46", "test_69_47", "test_69_48", "test_69_49", "test_69_50", "test_69_51", "test_69_52", "test_69_53", "test_69_54", "test_69_55", "test_69_56", "test_69_57", "test_69_58", "test_69_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you?", "Great I cant wait for easter weekend!", "Same here! I get to see all eight of my grandchildren.", "I hope my new blue hair matches my new easter dress.", "I'm sure it will! At my old age, I don't think I could pull it off.", "I turn 29 next week, I cant wait to leave for spring break.", "Where are you going? My spring breaks used to be quiet and not too crazy.", "My mom just gave me a new car, so ill just be driving.", "Very nice! A librarian was my mother's profession.", "Are you a librarian too?", "I do like the quiet nature of it, but I am retired.", "What do you enjoy doing in nature.", "After thinking about your confidence about your hair, I've decided that I'm going to dye my hair red. How did you dye your hair?", "I dyed my hair with henna actually! They make great hennas for red hair and henna is actually very good for your hair.", "Thanks for the tip! I'd dye my hair blue like yours, but I'm old. I already have blue hair! ", "Maybe you can do a semi permanent dye and have a little fun with your grandkids, if they'd be allowed of course.", "That's a great idea! If I died it purple for a while, i bet my grandkids would be shocked! I'd like to see their faces!", "I think it would be a lot of fun to embrace a new hair color.", "yeah, anything but grey! Getting old is no fun. Be glad you are still young!", "I love grey hair though, I'm thinking of dying it a nice cool shade of grey one day!", "One day nature will do it for you! lol Does your new dress match your hair?", "Yes! My dress is also blue, but not quite the same shade. More like a turquoise. ", "Turquoise is my favorite color! Is your new car turquoise too?", "I wish, it's just a boring black color. I just got my first new car, I've been driving pre owned cars before.", "I bit the bullet and asked the grandkids to help me dye my hair, we decided on turquoise, my favorite color! I think we're just going to do a streak to start though!", "I think that color will look great on you. which grandkids are doing your hair ", "Thanks. My youngest! I am bit nervous, but it's only hair, right?", "thats true, I had a friend that let someone do their hair red and it ended up being a little too red, but they made the person's day. does your grandkid do hair for a living or is just a hobby. ", "She wants to get into it as a profession, so I am just the guinnea pig. What kind of car did you end up buying? That's always a tough decision.", "we got a VW Tiguan and it's a nice red color. The deal was too good to pass especially since i hear car prices will be going up soon ", "That sounds like a quality car - is it good on gas? That's what I am worried about these days.", "it's okay, not terrible but not great. but i don't drive enough to notice, probably fill it up once a month ", "That makes sense. Are you dying your hair again anytime soon?", "I might touch it up for the summer months, that sun and the pool takes the color away pretty quickly. being a librarian, do you have any book recommendations for a day visit at the beach? ", "I do - it's called Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. It's so good and a very quick read. It's kinda about Hollywood and actors/actresses.", "is the book fiction or nonfiction ", "Well, my hair has been dyed!", "How did it come out? I bet your grandkids were thrilled.lol", "Oh my youngest did so good! You can tell that being a cosmetologist is her passion, she was an absolute natural with keeping my nerves at bay.", "At least it's less permanent than a drastic hair cut would be. You've got extra flavor now. Did you stick with just a streak or did you go bigger?", "We decided to do a streak on each side, for balance. And they're not just out in the open but under a layer of hair, so it pops out when I wear a ponytail. My granddaughter suggested that, how creative!", "It's awesome she gets to practice on you. She'll have a leg up at cosmetology school. What does she plan to go?", "The dream is to start her own salon, but she's also thinking of moving to a big city and trying for one of the fancy places that celebrities go to. She loves hair, but she's also got a talent for makeup.", "It's a good idea these days to go into business for yourself and not be a slave to a larger company. How old is she now?", "She's 14, so still has a few years to go. It's wild to think that she's my youngest but already getting to be so big.", "Yeah, my oldest nephew is about to turn 14 and I don't know where the time went. He looks like a little man now. I miss the baby stage.", "I do miss the chubby cheeks... Not the crying though, lol. Have you started packing for your trip?", "Absolutely not. I insist on doing everything at the last minute. I work better that way but I always get it done.lol", "I forgot to ask if you've purchased your plane tickets yet?", "Yes, I'm going to Costa Rica! Have you ever been there?", "No, I have never been to Costa Rica, but it sounds like it will be very educational as well as relaxing. I have been to Canada a few times and also Mexico. How long do you plan to stay?", "I will be there for 2 weeks. I am really looking forward to both relaxing and learning about the culture! How are you? Have you read any good books lately?", "I enjoy historical fiction as well as nonfiction. I really enjoy learning about early American history. I enjoyed reading \"The Gettysburg Campaign\"'", "That sounds interesting. What is it about? I'm not really into history.", "It was about strategy and it was so different than modern military strategy. Back then opposing sides actually had manners and would sometimes mutually agree to stop fighting so that they could take a break. How is your nephew doing? ", "He's doing well! He just finished theatre camp and he's fighting with my sister because he wants to dye his hair green hahaha.", "Young people today really have different values than our generation had. Acting sounds like it would be personally rewarding. I also like the arts. I play guitar and piano. You mentioned that you have a poll. That sounds refreshing in the hot weather.", "Yes it's great, but it hasn't stopped raining here! How's the weather where you are?", "Sorry for the typo. I meant \"pool\". Weather here is very hot and humid. It is miserable if you don't have air conditioning. Pollen count is also very high, so the air quality is poor. ", "Haha I knew what you meant! Well that's a shame, I guess you have to spend a lot of time inside."], "init_persona": [[["I am a senior citizen.", "I have eight grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I am a very quiet person.", "I like to watch movies on netflix."], ["I just colored my hair blue.", "I bought a new dress for the easter weekend.", "I will be going out of town for spring break.", "I have a new car that my mom gave me.", "I turn 29 years next week."]], [["I have eight grandchildren. I am old.", "My spring breaks are quiet.", "My mom was a librarian. I used to be a librarian."], ["I enjoy Easter weekend.", "I have blue hair. I have a new Easter dress.", "I am 28, soon to be 29.", "I have a new car."]], [["I have eight grandchildren. I am old. I miss being young.", "My spring breaks are quiet.", "My mom was a librarian. I used to be a librarian.", "I have never dyed my hair. I have grey hair."], ["I enjoy Easter weekend. I have a new Easter dress.", "I am 28, soon to be 29.", "I am knowledgeable about hair dyeing. I am open to dyeing my hair many different colors.I recently bought a dress. My hair is blue.", "I recently bought my first new car. I think black is a boring color."]], [["I have eight grandchildren. I am old. I miss being young.", "My spring breaks are quiet.", "My mom was a librarian. I used to be a librarian.", "I have never dyed my hair. I have grey hair.", " My grandchildren are going to dye a streak of my hair turquoise. Turquoise is my favorite color. My youngest grandchild is going to dye my hair. I am nervous about changing my hair.", "My youngest grandchild is a girl. My granddaughter wants to be a cosmetologist.", "I am worried about fuel efficiency.", "I like books about the entertainment industry."], ["I enjoy Easter weekend. I have a new Easter dress.", "I am 28, soon to be 29.", "I am knowledgeable about hair dyeing. I am open to dyeing my hair many different colors.I recently bought a dress. My hair is blue.", "I recently bought my first new car. I think black is a boring color.", "I bought a new red Volkswagen Tiguan. I like deals. I do not drive much.", "I dye my hair. My hair color needs to be refreshed in the summer. I spend time outside, at the beach, and at the pool."]], [["I have eight grandchildren. I am old. I miss being young.", "My spring breaks are quiet.", "My mom was a librarian. I used to be a librarian.", "I have never dyed my hair. I have grey hair.", " My grandchildren are going to dye a streak of my hair turquoise. Turquoise is my favorite color. My youngest grandchild is going to dye my hair. I am nervous about changing my hair.", "My youngest grandchild is a girl. My granddaughter wants to be a cosmetologist. My granddaughter wants to style hair for celebrities. My granddaughter is 14 years old.", "I am worried about fuel efficiency.", "I like books about the entertainment industry.", "I just dyed my hair. I have subtle streaks on both sides of my hair."], ["I enjoy Easter weekend. I have a new Easter dress.", "I am 28, soon to be 29.", "I am knowledgeable about hair dyeing. I am open to dyeing my hair many different colors.I recently bought a dress. My hair is blue.", "I recently bought my first new car. I think black is a boring color.", "I bought a new red Volkswagen Tiguan. I like deals. I do not drive much.", "I dye my hair. My hair color needs to be refreshed in the summer. I spend time outside, at the beach, and at the pool.", "I think cutting off too much hair is too drastic.", "I think being a business owner is smart these days.", "My oldest nephew is 13 years old. I think he's growing up really fast and I miss when he was a baby.", "I'm taking a trip soon."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_70_0", "test_70_1", "test_70_2", "test_70_3", "test_70_4", "test_70_5", "test_70_6", "test_70_7", "test_70_8", "test_70_9", "test_70_10", "test_70_11", "test_70_12", "test_70_13", "test_70_14", "test_70_15", "test_70_16", "test_70_17", "test_70_18", "test_70_19", "test_70_20", "test_70_21", "test_70_22", "test_70_23", "test_70_24", "test_70_25", "test_70_26", "test_70_27", "test_70_28", "test_70_29", "test_70_30", "test_70_31", "test_70_32", "test_70_33", "test_70_34", "test_70_35", "test_70_36", "test_70_37", "test_70_38", "test_70_39", "test_70_40", "test_70_41", "test_70_42", "test_70_43", "test_70_44", "test_70_45", "test_70_46", "test_70_47", "test_70_48", "test_70_49", "test_70_50", "test_70_51", "test_70_52", "test_70_53", "test_70_54", "test_70_55", "test_70_56", "test_70_57", "test_70_58", "test_70_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey there. How's it going?", "Good, how are you?", "Doing well, killing time before I go to work..", "Nice, what do you do for a living?", "I'm a sales manager for a premium mattress retailer. I live at work, lol.", "Lol I can relate, I work in the tech industry working on software solutions.", "Nice. Any hobbies? I love music, black sabbath is my favorite.", "Running half marathons, I'd like to work up to full sometime.", "That's nice. I'd like to do that but I'm a workaholic. Almost out of debt..", "Exercise makes work easier for me!", "Lol, I love meat too much to diet and exercise..", "Lol keto allows lots of meat, and what I don't eat I give to the dog.", "How is the running going, do you think you'll do a full marathon next year?", "I doing good with my running. I have a half marathon this summer and may try a full marathon next spring, but i don't know.", "Well, you got to do what you enjoy! What's your secret for conserving your energy during your run?", "The key that was told to me is to relax. Run but don't try to run. Let it come naturally.", "That makes sense. Hyper focusing makes the strain feel that much more, I'm sure. Has the keto diet helped your running?", "That is the problem with running long distances, your body needs carbohydrates but the Keto diet you cut out the carbs. So I am always fighting my body with the food I eat.", "Totally get that. I know you only get like 20 grams a day. I want to eat less carbs myself, but don't think I could ever do full keto. ", "But I know I have to eat more carbs if I am going to run a full marathon. So, how is the mattress business going?", "I guess I can't complain! But having so many people purchase mattresses independently online has been a challenge to business.", "I still like to go to a store to buy furniture. But I guess others like buying online", "Honestly, there are great options online. But I put in extra time to give my customers the best advice for what they need when they come in. ", "that is very important to get the right advice plus I need to feel the bed before I buy it.", "I sold so many mattresses today! I think the business might be booming.", "that's really awesome. so glad it's doing well. ", "I am glad too. The online competition was killing us. Then my boss decided to also sell online so we been very busy since then.", "If you can't beat them, join them. some people prefer the convenience of being able to stay home and buy", "that is the way now. You have to have an online presence to sell products. It must be different in the tech industry.", "depends, tech does a lot of stuff online too. why do you not think you can do the keto diet?", "I looked into it and I do not think I can cut out bread and pastas and other carbs. I love carbs.", "I get that. but if you are wanting to lose weight, changing your diet is what you need to do. ", "yea I know but I was thinking more on the line of exercising more to lose weight. Maybe train to do a marathon or something like that.", "exercising is great to do in addition to build muscle, but if you are exercising and not changing your eating, you won't lose much. diet really is the key. and there are lots of other diets you can do.", "But I do not see how you can do all the running without eating carbs. It must be tough.", "your body can use fat as energy too. you don't need carbs unless they are in the form of starchy vegetables and fruit.", "Are you still on the keto diet and how are you feeling?", "Yeah at the moment I am don\u2019t think I will carry on this diet for too much longer though, it\u2019s not the greatest. ", "I'm not in a place to go on a diet of any kind right now. I just eat as frugally as I can. I plan to eradicate my debt by the end of the year. ", "Yeah diets are too much sometimes. I think I just need to try do some more exercise. That\u2019s amazing to hear, being in debt is so stressful, I got my fingers crossed you will manage to clear it. ", "Thank you! One of our competitors is trying to lure me away with more money. That will make it happen a lot easier. I'm thinking about taking the job. They seem to have a lot better idea of what they are doing in the marketplace, and they want to hire me to a better position than I have right now.", "Oh yeah then without a doubt you should take it, you do such amazing job at the career path you choose. You should honestly be proud of yourself and take the steps needed to further your career more. Congrats. ", "Thank you very much! Have you been training lately? When is your next race?", "Your welcome. I have slacked of a little bit lately but don\u2019t have as much energy. Next week when I quit this diet I\u2019m a get back on it, because I really would like to do a full marathon next time. ", "Yeah, it sounds like that diet wasn't working for you at all. At least now you know!", "Yeah it make me feel good in a sense, but I\u2019m so used to eating a lot of carbs and protein I just think my body not used to it. ", "Take away carbs and protein and all you have is fat, which doesn't burn easily. Makes sense your body was complaining. You'll find your proper balance, I'm sure.", "Yeah that is true, and no one needs that extra work put on them to get back off haha. ", "I decided to take the new job that they offered me.", "That sounds like a good move, I am happy for you. When are you starting?", "It doesn't start for a month. So I am giving my 2 weeks notice to my current job and then I will have a nice 2 week vacation before I dive into my new job.", "I see, so you'll have some time to yourself! What are you planning for your vacation?", "I don't want to spend much money so I will stay local. It is summer, though, so there are lots of options. I might go camping. Do you have any suggestions?", "That makes sense. I just came back from a 1-week camping + cabin trip, so I'd definitely recommend that. I went hiking and horseback riding. Are you a beach or a mountain type of person?", "That sounds like so much fun! What was the best part of the trip? I think I prefer the beach, how about you?", "I absolutely loved the horseback riding experience! It was my first time doing it and was really fun. I was intimidated by how tall the horses were but once I hopped onto one, it wasn't that bad. I get sunburned very easily, so I think I prefer the mountain with shades. ", "I get sunburned easily too, but I load up on SPF and wear a wide-brimmed hat. There's nothing better than reading a good book on the beach. I went horseback riding once and the man running it said my head was so big he didn't know if he had a helmet that fit me...that traumatized me from wanting to go back.", "I can imagine that! I have to spread the whole bottle of sunscreen on my body whenever I go to the beach. I'm sorry to hear about your experience, maybe you can try another place that will probably have bigger helmets. What kind of books do you read? Fiction or non-fiction?", "I will try again! I love to read fiction, especially mystery/thriller books. Do you like reading?", "I haven't read a lot since I started working, but I do read non-fiction when I am free. "], "init_persona": [[["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."], ["I am an immigrant.", "I came here from europe in 2004.", "I am in the tech industry and work on software solutions.", "I love dogs and have fostered several of them.", "I run in half marathons."]], [["I am a sales manager for a mattress retailer. I am a workaholic. I am almost out of debt.", "I love music. Black Sabbath is my favourite band.", "I love meat."], ["I work in the tech industry.", "I run half marathons. I would like to run a full marathon.", "I am on the keto diet. I have a dog."]], [["I am a sales manager for a mattress retailer. I am a workaholic. I am almost out of debt. My mattress business is struggling because of online competition. I pay close attention to my customers and give the best advice for their purchases.", "I love music. Black Sabbath is my favourite band.", "I love meat. I do not think that I go on a full keto diet."], ["I work in the tech industry.", "I run half marathons. I would like to run a full marathon.", "I am on the keto diet. I have a dog.", "I like to go in-person to purchase furniture."]], [["I am a sales manager for a mattress retailer. I am a workaholic. I am almost out of debt. My mattress business is struggling because of online competition. I pay close attention to my customers and give the best advice for their purchases.", "I love music. Black Sabbath is my favourite band.", "I love meat. I do not think that I go on a full keto diet.", "We have been busy since we started selling online because of competition.", "I do not think I can give up bread and pasta and carbs.", "I was planning to exercise to lose weight. I might train for a marathon."], ["I work in the tech industry.", "I run half marathons. I would like to run a full marathon.", "I am on the keto diet. I have a dog.", "I like to go in-person to purchase furniture."]], [["I am a sales manager for a mattress retailer. I am a workaholic. I am almost out of debt. My mattress business is struggling because of online competition. I pay close attention to my customers and give the best advice for their purchases.", "I love music. Black Sabbath is my favourite band.", "I love meat. I do not think that I go on a full keto diet.", "We have been busy since we started selling online because of competition.", "I do not think I can give up bread and pasta and carbs.", "I was planning to exercise to lose weight. I might train for a marathon.", "I am not on a diet. I am trying to save money.", "I am thinking about a job change."], ["I work in the tech industry.", "I run half marathons. I would like to run a full marathon.", "I am on the keto diet. I have a dog.", "I like to go in-person to purchase furniture.", "I need to exercise more.", "I am quitting my diet next week."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_71_0", "test_71_1", "test_71_2", "test_71_3", "test_71_4", "test_71_5", "test_71_6", "test_71_7", "test_71_8", "test_71_9", "test_71_10", "test_71_11", "test_71_12", "test_71_13", "test_71_14", "test_71_15", "test_71_16", "test_71_17", "test_71_18", "test_71_19", "test_71_20", "test_71_21", "test_71_22", "test_71_23", "test_71_24", "test_71_25", "test_71_26", "test_71_27", "test_71_28", "test_71_29", "test_71_30", "test_71_31", "test_71_32", "test_71_33", "test_71_34", "test_71_35", "test_71_36", "test_71_37", "test_71_38", "test_71_39", "test_71_40", "test_71_41", "test_71_42", "test_71_43", "test_71_44", "test_71_45", "test_71_46", "test_71_47", "test_71_48", "test_71_49", "test_71_50", "test_71_51", "test_71_52", "test_71_53", "test_71_54", "test_71_55", "test_71_56", "test_71_57", "test_71_58", "test_71_59", "test_71_60", "test_71_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi I am 40. How old are you?", "I'm 42 and I really love horses.", "Wow I have horses on some of my rental properties.", "That is so cool. What's your favorite food. I love fruit.", "I love salads. I make my kids eat salad all the times.", "So you have a close family? I have my dad and he hardly ever smiles.", "Sad. I have a sister. We love to watch movies. What's your favorite?", "I like disney movies. I do happen to be related to a general from the civil war.", "Me too! I like frozen. Wow which general?", "Lee. However, I don't have the gas problem he had and I don't pass gas in public.", "That's good to know. My salad makes me gassy.", "I didn't know that salad could do that.", "Definitely. With so much fiber in all the lettuce.", "Ok. Now that makes sense. Not to mention possible salad dressings.", "I talked with one of my horse caretakers yesterday, and they said they had time for someone to ride one of their horses for a while. I was thinking you would be interested in that, I can get you in touch with him to talk more about it.", "Wow, that would be wonderful! I love horses but I don't know how to ride. Is there someone who could teach this old gal?", "I think I could teach you, if not I could put you in touch with someone who could. Does that interest you?", "I would love for you to teach me! It would be a good excuse for us to finally hang out. What do you think?", "I am definitely down for that! Although one of my horses can get a little wild, is that okay?", "Hmmm maybe you can ride that one! Is it a big property? You must be rich!", "I am well off, I have a few rental properties that have horses on them, my main property is quite big without a doubt! So I got to know, what are your favorite disney movies?", "Wow, good for you! I would say my favorites have to be The Lion King, and Aladdin. How about yourself?", "I love the lion king! Such a classic did you see the non-animated version? And I am a huge Frozen fan. sometimes you just go to \"Let it go!\"", "I haven't had a chance to watch the live action version of the Lion King, is it good? I do like Frozen, I love how it is a story about sisters and their love for each other.", "The live action version is very good, but I must say I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the animated version.", "Yes, nothing beats the classics! What other movies do you enjoy besides Disney?", "Do you have any children to watch your favourite Disney movies with?", "Yes, I have three. They are appreciative of the fact that Mom loves Disney. I recently took them to Disney on Ice. That was very exciting", "I've always wanted to go to Disney on Ice! My kids would love that. Did they have any of your favorite characters? What was your favorite song?", "Elsa from Frozen was in it. Definitely my favorite this year. Let it Go is our favorite song right now too. It changes all the time with Disney lol. What about your kids? How old are they?", "They are just about to enter their teenage years (11 and 12). I'm hoping that they continue to love Disney as much as I do. I would love to see something from the Lion King on Ice. I saw it on Broadway with both my kids and they were in love. The costumes were fabulous.", "I saw the Lion King on Broadway too! NYC Broadway show a few years back. It was breathtaking. I loved the costumes and their singing. So powerful!", "I wish I could have seen it on Broadway. Being in Chicago, we still have good theaters too though. Have you seen any other shows?", "I travel to NYC for their Broadway shows as I live in Maine. It's totally worth it. You should go someitme. I have seen one other show their but it was not Disney. I went to see Mama Mia once. Not as moving to me as the Lion King vocals, but still very good.", "I hope to make it out sometime. I was thinking maybe for the kids senior trip, as it is so expensive. We also saw Beauty and the Beast a couple times on stage.", "That's a good idea! I think teenagers would definitely love NYC. There's so much to do there. You'll have to try the famous NY Pizza too. Very good.", "I don't know about that. Chicago Deep Dish is the best, always will be. Did you go to NYC with your kids, or were they too young? ", "Ha! I beg to differ on the pizza part. I'll let it slide as you haven't been to NYC yet. ;) I've taken my kids once. They didn't care too much about NY though. They were toddlers then.", "What kind of seasonal fruit is available right now in Mine?", "I am not sure what kind of seasonal fruits are available right now because I don't eat much fruit. What is your favorite fruit? ", "I am a big fan of mangoes. I like to put them on salads. But I also like pineapples to put on my pizza!", "That is one of the only way that I eat fruit, is pineapple on my pizza. It is amazing that way. ", "I am glad you feel the same way about that. Many people get very angry when I tell them that ", "That is weird people getting angry at you for that. How many horses do you have? I used to ride all the time, but haven't been on a horse in a very long time. ", "Just 3 for now, but I plan on added more once I rein my wild one in. Do you like horses?", "Yes, I love horses. I just haven't been on one since my mother-in-law sold their 3 horses after my father-in-law passed away. ", "Oh no, I am sorry to hear that. Do you plan on getting your own horses one day?", "Yes, we have talked about it but living in the city is not the place for horses, and we are not planning on moving any time soon.", "That's very true, do your kids ever ask to have pets?", "Yes they have asked but we have very strict rules about having pets in our home and they are not ready for the responsibility of having a pet and taking care of them. They have even said that themselves. So as of now, we don't have any pets in our home but probably will in the future. ", "I just went for a ride on my horse. I think you would really like it. ", "Very nice! Do you have a track you ride on? Or was it in a field?", "It's a big spacious field because I like the idea of them mostly running free. It also gives us an opportunity to observe them when we aren't riding them. You should come up some time.", "That's amazing! My grandparents lived in Maryland, and they had a huge field where the wild ponies would sometimes come. Their is something special about a wild and free horse rolling and enjoying the grass and running! Where in the US are your fields?", "We are still in Chicago, but my horses are a little outside of the city. If you love Disney and horses you really need to check out Black Beauty and Secretariat on Disney Plus! You won't regret it and I bet you will be banging down my door to visit :)", "Amazing-I love the huge expanses and fields in the Midwest! Up here, we have too many hills and trees to ride. I got a new car last month, and am ready for a road trip! You will have to teach me how to ride!", "Oh I bet you will find it's not too hard to...well, get back on that horse! What car did you get?", "We got an Audi Q7. It's luxurious and sooo comfortable. Sometimes I think I might fall asleep in it while I drive! It's perfect for a cross-country trip!", "Make sure you stay awake, but otherwise it sounds awesome! Maybe those self-driving cars will come out soon and you can relax even more!", "Yes, Elon Musk needs to get a move on, so we can sleep while going cross-country! My sister has a Tesla, and it's amazing how it can drive and change lanes! I saw a video on Youtube where the LIDAR onboard stopped the Tesla from having an accident with a car 6 cars ahead. It was amazing!", "Wow! I might want to invest in that. At least we know they will never completely get rid of horses, but it actually makes just having and caring for horses even that much easier. Cars actually extend the lives of horses!", "Horses will always be great! You're right-technology has made farming and agriculture so much easier on the farmers! Do you have horses only, or farm too?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a mom and sister.", "I am in my forties.", "I have a son and a daughter.", "I own rental properties and maintain them myself.", "I am a fan of movies."], ["I like to eat fruit.", "I never break wind in public.", "I am the ancestor of an american civil war general.", "My father rarely smiles.", "I am an avid horse enthusiast."]], [["I am 40. I have kids.", "I have horses on some of my rental properties.", "I love to eat salads. Eating salad gives me gas.", "I am close with my sister. I love to watch movies with her. I like Disney movies. I liked seeing Frozen."], ["I am 42 and I love horses.", "I love fruit.", "I am not close to my dad.", "I like watching Disney movies. I am related to a Civil War general: General Lee.", "I don't have a gas problem."]], [["I am 40. I have kids.", "I have horses on some of my rental properties. One of my horses can get a little wild.", "I love to eat salads. Eating salad gives me gas.", "I am close with my sister. I love to watch movies with her. I like Disney movies. I love the Lion King and Frozen."], ["I am 42.", "I love fruit.", "I am not close to my dad.", "I like watching Disney movies. I am related to a Civil War general: General Lee. My favourite Disney movies are Aladdin and the Lion King. I like Frozen.", "I don't have a gas problem.", "I love horses but don't know how to ride."]], [["I am 40. I have kids.", "I have horses on some of my rental properties. One of my horses can get a little wild.", "I love to eat salads. Eating salad gives me gas.", "I am close with my sister. I love to watch movies with her. I like Disney movies. I love the Lion King and Frozen.", "My kids are tweens. I want to see Lion King on Ice. I'm planning a trip to Broadway in the future.", "I'm in Chicago. I like Chicago deep dish pizza."], ["I am 42.", "I love fruit.", "I am not close to my dad.", "I like watching Disney movies. I am related to a Civil War general: General Lee. My favourite Disney movies are Aladdin and the Lion King. I like Frozen. I like the song Let It Go.", "I don't have a gas problem.", "I love horses but don't know how to ride.", "I have 3 kids. I am a woman.", "I have been to New York City. I visited NYC Broadway. I like NY pizza. I took my kids to NY once.", "I live in Maine."]], [["I am 40. I have kids.", "I have 3 horses. I have horses on some of my rental properties. One of my horses can get a little wild.", "I love to eat salads. Eating salad gives me gas.", "I am close with my sister. I love to watch movies with her. I like Disney movies. I love the Lion King and Frozen.", "My kids are tweens. I want to see Lion King on Ice. I'm planning a trip to Broadway in the future.", "I'm in Chicago. I like Chicago deep dish pizza.", "I like mangoes. I like pineapples on my pizza."], ["I am 42.", "I love fruit.", "I am not close to my dad.", "I like watching Disney movies. I am related to a Civil War general: General Lee. My favourite Disney movies are Aladdin and the Lion King. I like Frozen. I like the song Let It Go.", "I don't have a gas problem.", "I love horses but don't know how to ride. I used to ride horses.", "I have 3 kids. I am a woman.", "I have been to New York City. I visited NYC Broadway. I like NY pizza. I took my kids to NY once.", "I live in Maine.", "I like pineapple on pizza.", "My father-in-law passed away.", "I live in the city. I have no pets."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_73_0", "test_73_1", "test_73_2", "test_73_3", "test_73_4", "test_73_5", "test_73_6", "test_73_7", "test_73_8", "test_73_9", "test_73_10", "test_73_11", "test_73_12", "test_73_13", "test_73_14", "test_73_15", "test_73_16", "test_73_17", "test_73_18", "test_73_19", "test_73_20", "test_73_21", "test_73_22", "test_73_23", "test_73_24", "test_73_25", "test_73_26", "test_73_27", "test_73_28", "test_73_29", "test_73_30", "test_73_31", "test_73_32", "test_73_33", "test_73_34", "test_73_35", "test_73_36", "test_73_37", "test_73_38", "test_73_39", "test_73_40", "test_73_41", "test_73_42", "test_73_43", "test_73_44", "test_73_45", "test_73_46", "test_73_47", "test_73_48", "test_73_49", "test_73_50", "test_73_51", "test_73_52", "test_73_53", "test_73_54", "test_73_55", "test_73_56", "test_73_57", "test_73_58", "test_73_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Nice to meet you! How are you today?", "I'm good thank you. How are you?", "Okay, my beetle is in the shop with some engine issues. Anything interesting going on?", "Not must just going to take my three dogs for a walk.", "They must be a handful! Do you include your dogs in any of your hobbies?", "Not really just enjoy walking them.", "Favorite foods? Personally I love italian, my grandmother from italy, makes the most amazing spaghetti..", "I like any thing spicy really but I do enjoy italian..", "What is your favorite dish that is spicy?", "Fajitas or anything mexican. Do you have a job? I am a grad student.", "I am between jobs right now, unfortunately. What do you do for work?", "I go to university but I have a part time job in a music shop.", "What are your dog's name and breeds? ", "I have two Great Danes named Milos and Dante, and then a corgie named Buster. Do you have any dogs?", "no not yet but i do want one. Are Great Danes good dogs to have?", "They're really great dogs and I love mine, but their size can be a challenge, and they cost a lot because of how much they eat. I feel mighty safe when I walk them though.", "yes i seen a couple of them and they are pretty big but they are cute. I may get a smaller dog though. not sure yet. Have you ever had a little dog? the ones that dont get real big", "Corgies are pretty small. But I've not had anything really tiny like a chihuahua or anything like that. They're definitely easier to take care of (usually), but I find something particularly attractive about big dogs.", "I will just have to look around some more because i just not sure what kind i really want. I see you love Mexican food so do i. I love me some authentic Mexican. What's your fav. Mexican dish? ", "Other than fajitas I really like chimichangas, but I usually load mine up with hot sauce and jalapenos to up the spice level. How about you?", "I love a good taco. and i loved mines with jalapenos ", "Yes, tacos are a good fail-safe at most Mexican restaurants. Do you like chicken, beef, shrimp, or what as your taco filling?", "I like all them but i usually do chicken. sometime i put them all together. What about you?", "Yes, I've done a sea-land-and-air taco once, with beef, chicken, and shrimp. It's not my preferred way to eat tacos, but it was good. Normally I do chicken as well, but beef is a close second. Always with extra hot sauce.", "I saw this great small dog at the pound earlier! If I showed you a picture, would you tell me what you think of it? I am thinking of adopting it.", "Of course I would tell you what I think!! I love dogs. I think thats a great idea to adopt!", "thank you! I'll send the picture later. It's a shih tzu, I had one as a kid and I loved him.", "Maybe we can get our dogs together for a doggie play date after you adopt!!", "that sounds great! do they get along well with other dogs?", "They definitely do. Milos and Dante are large, but very gentle with smaller dogs and Buster is small and friendly as well! We could always have mexican food for dinner while the dogs play!", "I love Mexican food! We should go to an authentic Mexican restaurant, those are always my favorite.", "As long as they have chicken tacos, I am in!!", "haha great! How are your classes going?", "They are good. I am stressed because it is a lot of work but I am almost graduated so it will have been worth it!", "what program are you in again?", "I am in a business masters program. Are you taking any classes? I know you aren't working right now. Is that why?", "I adopted the Shih Tzu would you help me name it?", "Hmm.... How about Taquito, since you love Mexican food and he's just a tiny little thing?", "Aww that's so perfect! He's the cutest little thing. He reminds me so much of my dog we had when I was a kid.", "That's fantastic! We should definitely get together for the play date, once he gets used to being in your home. Have you loaded up on dog toys yet?", "Ooh not yet! Maybe I'll get him some stuffed toys that look like food... a little meatball, a little jalapeno haha. Yes we should definitely schedule a play date to introduce Taquito to your pack. I hope they all become best friends.", "I bet they'll love him! Though he might be able to ride on Milos or Dante, they're so big, lol. You should get him a little sombrero too - just to keep up with his namesake! Have you heard anything back from any of the jobs you've been applying to?", "He would look adorable in a little sombrero, I'm definitely ordering one right now. Thanks for asking, job hunting is the worst! So two of them never got back to me at all, but the one at the resort called me in for an interview next week! I'm crossing my fingers that this one works out.", "That's so awesome! Please tell me that Hawaiian shirts are part of the uniform. I know what you mean about job hunting, especially with the internet. It's like they don't even bother to send a \"no thank you\" letter to at least let you know that you're not hired. That's why I decided to study business for my Masters program, I'm hoping to start my own company.", "Lol I wouldn't mind a Hawaiian shirt for this salary! You've definitely got the right idea. Being your own boss has got to be scary, but you'll have so much more control over your life. You're almost finished with classes, right?", "Just 2 more semesters to go, then I'm all wrapped up. I heard rumors that the capstone class is going to be really hands-on, though. Very thorough in how to actually run a business, so I'm excited to start it next spring.", "You're almost there! That class sounds really useful, giving you some practical experience. Do you have any big ideas for after you graduate?", "I've always loved music so I thought maybe something in that, but after working at a music store I'm not really hyped for it as much as I once was. I was reading \"Humans of New York\" on Facebook and I saw a really interesting post about being a professional dog trainer and I started thinking that could be pretty fun to do. I trained all 3 of my dogs, and they can even do tricks.", "I think my Shih Tzu might be sick!", "Oh no! Why do you think that? What is wrong with your dog?", "I believe it was sick at the adoption agency and they didn't tell me. It sleeps all day", "Yes, sometimes the pound is desperate to adopt dogs out so they don't get put down. You should take your dog to the vet for a check up within 72 hours of the adoption. How long has it been since you adopted your dog?", "Just yesterday. It hasn't eaten anything, either", "Okay, you better set an appointment with a vet soon. Do you know if the pound gave your dog any vaccinations?", "I do have a vaccination list they gave me. Will a Vet be expensive? Over $100 just to walk in?", "It depends on if they have to take xrays probably. You should be able to get an appointment and basic labs for a little under $100. Make sure to let them know you are strained financially, but do want to help the dog. They will often give you discounts.", "Great, thanks for the info. Can I take a dog on a public bus if it's in a kennel?", "I'm actually not sure how the buses work, maybe check their website. Make sure to call and set an appointment with the vet ahead of time. Good luck. Also, sometimes the vaccines make puppies feel fatiqued ", "How often do you take your dogs to the vet? Do either the Danes or Corgie get sick more?", "I take them in at least once a year for their vaccines and annual check up, but I have to take the big dogs and the small dogs in for separate appointments or it's too hectic lol"], "init_persona": [[["My favorite song is moonlight sonata by beethoven.", "I drive a volkswagen beetle.", "My grandmother came from italy.", "I own two handguns.", "I only watch british television."], ["My favorite band is paramore.", "My father is a professional piano player.", "My sister is older than me and teaches small children.", "I own 6 pets.", "I am currently a grad student."]], [["I have a VW Beetle. My car is in the shop being worked on.", "I love Italian food. My grandmother is from Italy. I love my grandma's spaghetti.", "I do not have a job right now."], ["I have three dogs. I like to take my dogs on walks.", "My favorite food is anything spicy. I like Italian food. I love fajitas. I love Mexican food.", "I am a grad student. I work part time at a music shop."]], [["I have a VW Beetle. My car is in the shop being worked on.", "I love Italian food. My grandmother is from Italy. I love my grandma's spaghetti.", "I do not have a job right now.", "I do not have a dog. I am thinking of getting a smaller dog.", "I love Mexican food, especially authentic Mexican food. I love tacos. I usually prefer chicken in my tacos."], ["I have three dogs. I like to take my dogs on walks. Two of my dogs are Great Danes, named Milos and Dante. One of my dogs is a corgie named Buster. I find smaller dogs easier to take care of, but I am still fond of bigger dogs.", "My favorite food is anything spicy. I like Italian food. I love fajitas. I love Mexican food. I like my food to be spicy. I prefer chicken in my tacos, or else beef.", "I am a grad student. I work part time at a music shop."]], [["I have a VW Beetle. My car is in the shop being worked on.", "I love Italian food. My grandmother is from Italy. I love my grandma's spaghetti.", "I do not have a job right now.", "I do not have a dog.", "I love Mexican food, especially authentic Mexican food. I love tacos. I usually prefer chicken in my tacos.", "I saw a small dog at the pound. I am thinking of adopting the small dog.", "The dog at the pound is a Shih Tzu. I had a Shih Tzu when I was a kid and loved it."], ["I have three dogs. I like to take my dogs on walks. Two of my dogs are Great Danes, named Milos and Dante. One of my dogs is a small corgie named Buster. I find smaller dogs easier to take care of, but I am still fond of bigger dogs.", "My favorite food is anything spicy. I like Italian food. I love fajitas. I love Mexican food. I like my food to be spicy. I prefer chicken in my tacos, or else beef.", "I am a grad student. I work part time at a music shop.", "My dogs Milo and Dante are gentle with small dogs. My dog Buster is friendly.", "I am taking classes. I am close to graduating. I am in a business masters program."]], [["I have a VW Beetle. My car is in the shop being worked on.", "I love Italian food. My grandmother is from Italy. I love my grandma's spaghetti.", "I do not have a job right now. I'm hunting for a job. I might work at a resort.", "I do not have a dog.", "I love Mexican food, especially authentic Mexican food. I love tacos. I usually prefer chicken in my tacos.", "I saw a small dog at the pound. I am thinking of adopting the small dog.", "The dog at the pound is a Shih Tzu. I had a Shih Tzu when I was a kid and loved it. I adopted a Shih Tzu."], ["I have three dogs. I like to take my dogs on walks. Two of my dogs are Great Danes, named Milos and Dante. One of my dogs is a small corgie named Buster. I find smaller dogs easier to take care of, but I am still fond of bigger dogs.", "My favorite food is anything spicy. I like Italian food. I love fajitas. I love Mexican food. I like my food to be spicy. I prefer chicken in my tacos, or else beef.", "I am a grad student. I work part time at a music shop.", "My dogs Milo and Dante are gentle with small dogs. My dog Buster is friendly.", "I am taking classes. I am close to graduating. I am in a business masters program. I have 2 more semesters to go.", "I love music. I once worked at a music store."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_74_0", "test_74_1", "test_74_2", "test_74_3", "test_74_4", "test_74_5", "test_74_6", "test_74_7", "test_74_8", "test_74_9", "test_74_10", "test_74_11", "test_74_12", "test_74_13", "test_74_14", "test_74_15", "test_74_16", "test_74_17", "test_74_18", "test_74_19", "test_74_20", "test_74_21", "test_74_22", "test_74_23", "test_74_24", "test_74_25", "test_74_26", "test_74_27", "test_74_28", "test_74_29", "test_74_30", "test_74_31", "test_74_32", "test_74_33", "test_74_34", "test_74_35", "test_74_36", "test_74_37", "test_74_38", "test_74_39", "test_74_40", "test_74_41", "test_74_42", "test_74_43", "test_74_44", "test_74_45", "test_74_46", "test_74_47", "test_74_48", "test_74_49", "test_74_50", "test_74_51", "test_74_52", "test_74_53", "test_74_54", "test_74_55", "test_74_56", "test_74_57", "test_74_58", "test_74_59", "test_74_60", "test_74_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi!", "Hello! How are you doing?", "Pretty good. Happy to be halfway through the work week! How are you?.", "Surviving. What do you do for work?", "I'm a car salesman. It can be pretty exhausting. How about you?", "I work on computers. I sit so long working my backside hurts.", "Desk jobs can be strenuous! I like to make an effort to get outside on the weekends.", "Music helps me get through the day. I like just about everything. What music do you like?", "I love 5 finger death punch, they're awesome. Do you have a favorite band?", "Between the buried and me is pretty swell.", "I also love reading murder mystery novels. Are you a reader?", "I am. I like getting outside too and riding my bike. I read while I ride.", "That sounds dangerous! I love being outside too. I garden when the weather is nice.", "It's an extreme sport in china. I can't compete because I eat meat though.", "Guess what? I sold six cars since I spoke to you earlier! It is a banner day for me! I am celebrating with a little 5 finger air guitar.", "Heck yeah! That's awesome! I bet you're gonna celebrate this weekend!", "Of course I am, you bet! I managed to get tickets to a concert so I will celebrate there. Woohoo!", "How awesome! Is it FFDP?", "No actually, it is my mates band called \"The Buckaroos\" - they are real crazy. Their outfits are similar to those of Slipknots, if you have heard of them.", "I love Slipknot! That sounds like a really fun time.", "Do you really? Have you ever seen them live? Please tell me you have!", "Yep! I've seen them four or five times live actually. They're one of my favorite bands.", "I am so jealous. I only managed to see them once. Are you aware of the music video for which on of their fans gave them, and hundreds of others, permission to destroy their house for it?", "Haha, yeah! I remember reading about that.", "The song is \"Duality\", if you had forgotten which one it was. I am going to watch the video later on again. It is a great song with a great music video", "I was thinking it was one of their older songs. Hard to believe I used to listen to them in high school and still do today.", "I was jamming out to \"Duality\" for the millionth time to celebrate my car sales today! What a great band!", "That's awesome! How many sales did you make?", "I made 3 sales today, it was a record for me. I'm so happy. Hopefully I can get the promotion to sales manager this year.", "That's a huge number, especially given the commissions you must get. What kind of cut do you get per car?", "We get 25% of the gross profit of the car. How is your job? Are you looking for another?", "I'm trying to stick to it and deal with the physical and mental anguish haha. I might be up for a promotion pretty soon. What car brand do you mainly sell?", "We sell Hondas, so there is no problem getting them off the lot lol. What industry are you working in?", "Haha I feel like those were invented for people like me. Simple, efficient, and reliable. I'm still working in computers.", "Are you doing software development? That's like the hot field right now from what I've read. ", "I work mainly on hardware. We do a lot of custom builds for gamers and such. I've thought about working in software, but I enjoy working with my hands.", "That's cool, I always wanted to custom build my own PC but it seems intimidating with the liquid cooling and getting the right GPUs. ", "Maybe I can give you some pointers! It can be daunting, but once you know the secrets, it's a lot easier.", "Do you think you will be happier at your job after you get a promotion?", "I do think I will be a bit happier because of the additional money I will be getting. I think my quality of life will be improved. ", "I also feel like the self-confidence gained from a promotion helps in all areas of life. Having goals is a good thing.", "Yes, I would agree with you. i always strive to make goals and accomplish the goals in a timely fashion. I feel that it keeps me grounded and constantly improving. ", "Yes exactly. I love learning new things but get a little intimidated before I start. Are you ever intimidated before starting a custom build?", "Yes, I am, but as I continue the build, it becomes easier as things start to fall into place. I find it rewarding when everything fits together well. ", "I can see that. Selling cars is more methodical than creative but I would love to try to build my own PC. Seems overwhelming to start though.", "It could be difficult, but if you download a worksheet/checklist that highlights all of the components needed to build a computer, it makes it easier. ", "I didn't even think about a worksheet. Great advice. Thanks. I am looking toward a promotion also which is my main concern right now but I think I will search to find a worksheet to help in the future.", "I wish you the best of luck with the promotion! I think you would be a great fit in the new role.", "Thank you. I have achieved a personal best recently and hope that it will be recognized. I have never been a manager before so a little nervous if it happens but I know that I can learn and handle it.", "Well, I think that everything has a bit of a learning curve, but one you get into the role, you will do great!", "I finally had the talk with my boss about becoming a manager. He thinks it's a great idea!", "That is so exciting! Will you be making a lot more? I know Slipknot is going to have a stop in our area and those raises really help with the cost!", "Yes, I will be making almost $20k more each year! It is going to be very helpful with my bills and going to more concerts. My wife might even be able to quit work!", "Oh, that is going to be really nice! You will be making that Corey Taylor money! Will this also give you more free time you pursue your other hobbies?", "I will have to work more hours, but not too many. If my wife quits, we plan to remodel the house and make a bigger garden bed. You should come over and help us-maybe you could make something!", "I would really like that. I've become quite the green thumb, if I do say so myself. I guess I reached a point where I had to get creative to get the sort of food I wanted and nutrients I needed.", "The independence a big garden brings is very nice! Have you ever built any flowerbeds or a trellis? We're thinking about laying bricks and making raised vegetable beds too. ", "I haven't done as much with flowerbeds, but I do have a trellis for some of my various vegetables. I actually got it at the Home Depot. I bet you could go there or a local Farmer's Market to get some expert opinions.", "Ah. That is a good idea, going to a Farmer's market-some of those people have done this for generations. What vegetables do you grow?", "I currently have squash, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, and sunflowers. Do you have any vegetables you have been thinking about growing?", "We grew melons, Tomatoes, corn, zucchini, Japanese purple potatoes and herbs last year. This year, we want to try peas, okra, and sweet potatoes. We also have some climbing roses that are almost too big for their pot", "Wow! I might need to take pointers from you! I had no idea your garden had so much variety. I love Japanese purple potatoes and never even thought of using them."], "init_persona": [[["I am a car salesman.", "I enjoy murder mystery novels.", "My mother was a police officer.", "My favorite band is 5 finger death punch.", "Sometimes, I like to garden."], ["I'm an omnivore.", "I like bicycling.", "I work on computers for my job.", "I like most music.", "I like reading."]], [["I am a car salesman.", "I like to be outside. I like to garden, weather permitting.", "I love the band 5 Finger Death Punch.", "I love to read murder mysteries."], ["I work on computers. I work long hours.", "I like all types of music. I find music cathartic. I enjoy the band Between the Buried and Me.", "I like to read. I also like being outside. I read and ride my bike at the same time.", "I am a vegetarian."]], [["I am a car salesman.", "I like to be outside. I like to garden, weather permitting.", "I love to read murder mysteries.", "I love the band 5 Finger Death Punch. I enjoy going to concerts. I have a friend in a band named \"The Buckaroos. I have seen Slipknot live once. I like the Slipknot song \"Duality\" and its music video."], ["I work on computers. I work long hours.", "I like all types of music. I find music cathartic. I enjoy the band Between the Buried and Me.", "I like to read. I also like being outside. I read and ride my bike at the same time.", "I am a vegetarian.", "I have seen Slipknot live four or five times. Slipknot is one of my favorite bands. I have listened to Slipknot since I was in high school."]], [["I am a car salesman. I sell Hondas.", "I like to be outside. I like to garden, weather permitting.", "I love to read murder mysteries.", "I love the band 5 Finger Death Punch. I enjoy going to concerts. I have a friend in a band named \"The Buckaroos. I have seen Slipknot live once. I like the Slipknot song \"Duality\" and its music video.", "I made a lot of car sales this month. I like the band Duality. I made a record with 3 sales today. I want a promotion to sales manager this year.", "I earn 25% of the profit on the car.", "I have read software development is hot. I wanted to build my own PC but thought it was intimidating."], ["I work on computers. I work long hours.", "I like all types of music. I find music cathartic. I enjoy the band Between the Buried and Me.", "I like to read. I also like being outside. I read and ride my bike at the same time.", "I am a vegetarian.", "I have seen Slipknot live four or five times. Slipknot is one of my favorite bands. I have listened to Slipknot since I was in high school.", "I am trying to stick to my job. I might get a promotion soon.", "I work on hardware. I do custom builds .I like to work with my hands."]], [["I am a car salesman. I sell Hondas.", "I like to be outside. I like to garden, weather permitting.", "I love to read murder mysteries.", "I love the band 5 Finger Death Punch. I enjoy going to concerts. I have a friend in a band named \"The Buckaroos. I have seen Slipknot live once. I like the Slipknot song \"Duality\" and its music video.", "I made a lot of car sales this month. I like the band Duality. I made a record with 3 sales today. I want a promotion to sales manager this year. I recently achieved personal best at work. I'm nervous but feel confident I can do it.", "I earn 25% of the profit on the car.", "I have read software development is hot. I wanted to build my own PC but thought it was intimidating.", "I love learning new things in life. I sometimes get intimidated by trying new things. I'd like to try building my own PC."], ["I like all types of music. I find music cathartic. I enjoy the band Between the Buried and Me.", "I like to read. I also like being outside. I read and ride my bike at the same time.", "I am a vegetarian.", "I have seen Slipknot live four or five times. Slipknot is one of my favorite bands. I have listened to Slipknot since I was in high school.", "I am trying to stick to my job. I might get a promotion soon.", "I work on hardware. I do custom builds .I like to work with my hands.", "I'm getting promoted at work. I'll be getting a raise. I expect my quality of life to improve. I'm always trying to improve myself.", "I work long hours. I'm a computer custom builder. I find it very rewarding. I think spreadsheets and checklists help the building go correctly."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_77_0", "test_77_1", "test_77_2", "test_77_3", "test_77_4", "test_77_5", "test_77_6", "test_77_7", "test_77_8", "test_77_9", "test_77_10", "test_77_11", "test_77_12", "test_77_13", "test_77_14", "test_77_15", "test_77_16", "test_77_17", "test_77_18", "test_77_19", "test_77_20", "test_77_21", "test_77_22", "test_77_23", "test_77_24", "test_77_25", "test_77_26", "test_77_27", "test_77_28", "test_77_29", "test_77_30", "test_77_31", "test_77_32", "test_77_33", "test_77_34", "test_77_35", "test_77_36", "test_77_37", "test_77_38", "test_77_39", "test_77_40", "test_77_41", "test_77_42", "test_77_43", "test_77_44", "test_77_45", "test_77_46", "test_77_47", "test_77_48", "test_77_49", "test_77_50", "test_77_51", "test_77_52", "test_77_53", "test_77_54", "test_77_55", "test_77_56", "test_77_57", "test_77_58", "test_77_59", "test_77_60", "test_77_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey! I was just listening to sublime. Ska is awesome!", "I love sublime! What do you do for a living?", "I'm a doctor's assistant. What about you?", "I'm unemployed at the moment while I'm in college.", "Ah, what college? I miss my college days!", "The one in my home town because my mother runs it.", "Ah, good deal. What are you studying?", "Coaching classes because I play soccer.", "Nice. I've never been much for sports. Unless you consider fishing a sport!", "I do. So, any brothers or sisters? I'm an only child.", "Same here. Wish I had a brother to fish with growing up though.", "Me too. Well, is there anything else you can tell me about yourself?", "I love the ocean. Just bought a condo near the beach. Party central!", "Right on! I've been partying at the dorms.", "I've been listening to a lot more Sublime over the last week. What's your favorite song that they wrote?", "I love so many of their songs, it's hard to pick a favorite. Santeria is a good one though, have you heard it?", "Is that the one about wine? or am I thinking of a different song.", "I could be wrong, but I believe you are thinking of a different one. Do you ever go out to the beach and listen to Sublime?", "No, when I'm on the beach I like to just listen to the waves. It's very soothing. Where do you usually listen to their music?", "Usually when I am doing my studying for college. It helps me relax and focus on my studies. It even helped me get through my finals this past month. ", "That's better than having to ask your mom for help! So did you do well on your finals?", "I did very well thank you for asking. I have my music to thank for that, really helped me absorb the knowledge from my studying. ", "I understand that. WHen I was studying to be a doctor's assistant, I used to put on Baroque music.", "Did you find that it helped you, and how is your job as a doctor's assistant going?", "Yes, it has the same beat as a human heart at rest so it helps to keep from getting stressed. It's going pretty well my boss is really funny.", "That is great. Do you still listen to Baroque music at your job or not as much anymore?", "How are your studies at college going?", "Studies are ok. I am enjoying the parties a lot more...maybe toooo much! I got a C on my last coaching assignment, so I really need to get it together. ", "Oh, wow. Yeah, you wouldn't want your mom to find out! But you can always bring your grade back up, like you said. Are you going to stop going to parties altogether?", "We have not gotten our grades for the final yet. Hopefully, that will pull my grade back up. Otherwise, maybe music isn't working for me! Or I should try baroque. Ugh. I am pretty stressed about that C. I probably will avoid all the partying next semester.", "That is quite a commitment! Maybe there are clubs or some events in town that'd help bring that grade up, in case you need extra help outside of your classes and homework?", "That is a really good idea. They do have tutors at the school, but it is hard to add that on top of classes and soccer. Did you make doo grades in school?", "Yes. I loved my classes. But I was also involved in organizations on campus. How is soccer going for you?", "Sorry, I meant GOOD grades, but it seems you figured it out, Smarty Pants. That is great you were so involved! Soccer has been great! I am really feeling more confident about it. ", "That's great to hear! Well, I hope everything works out for the rest of the semester. One suggestion I didn't think of earlier: did you already ask your professor if you could redo your last coaching assignment? Maybe that's the easiest and simplest way to fix things.", "That is a really good idea! I had not thought about it. Final grades are due very soon, so I better email her now!", "Yes, definitely. Go for it!", "Should I leave out the partying part, or be completely honest? If I tell her I plan on learning from my mistakes, maybe she will be more willing? But I can also see it having the opposite effect.", "I felt like a poor mans' House, M.D. with all the weirdo medical mysteries at work today. At least I never stop learning in this job.", "Then you can relax for some time right? because if you work continuously like this with these mysteries you would feel tired.", "Yeah it can be tiring but it's something new every day so it never gets boring so I can't complain too much,", "That's great you are loving and enjoying your job!! what about this weekend? ", "I'm just going to hang out at home on the beach. What about you?", "I still don't have any plans about the weekend! May be I'll party !!! So you do fishing in the beach or just relax there?", "I just relax. I don't enjoy fishing. I just like to sit and listen and watch the waves come in. It's very peaceful.", "Yes that will be very peaceful than partying and of course everyone will love to go to the beach. That will be a well spent weekend I guess!", "Everyone needs down time. Especially if you have a crazy job or a lot of demands in life. What do you do to relax?", "My only way of relaxing is partying and I enjoy party a lot!! But since partying is affecting my music I reduced it a lot.", "You have to try and find a balance of what you need to do and want to do so they don't conflict with each other.", "Yes you are correct! and I need to balance between those. Did you listen to any Ska recently?", "I just spent some time at the beach to relax. You should join me next time. ", "The beach sounds wonderful. What are some of your favorite things to do at the beach?", "I like to play Frisbee with friends, and volleyball with my group. If we have good conditions, we could go surfing! How about you? What do you like doing?", "I also like beach volleyball! I've never been surfing. It looks difficult but I'm sure I could pick it up with a little practice. Could you teach me?", "Yes, we could totally do it! I am not too good at surfing, but have done it often with my family. I don't do sports competitively, but more for fun. We'll both probably fall on our faces, haha!", "It's more fun to fail with someone else anyway! Do you have other friends in the area that could join us for volleyball? Maybe we could get enough for a doubles game, or more.", "Yes, I have many friends at the beach! We have been there for almost 10 years, and I know all of the good players! :) You can bring your ball for beach soccer too, as the tide goes out! ", "That sounds great! Obviously, soccer is my favorite but it'll be nice to play volleyball too. Where did you live before you moved to the beach?", "Yes, Beach soccer is amazing-just don't step on a crab or slip on the kelp! I lived in upstate New York-it was a very different atmosphere! How about you? Where are you at now?", "I live a bit in-land from the beach and have lived here forever. Close enough to get to the beach when I want. I bet New York was very different! Do you miss it?", "Yes, we had a farm, with many farm animals! I had a Great Dane and many goats. I miss the quiet of rural country life, but it's nice seeing people on the beach too. ", "I've never lived somewhere rural. It seems like it would be a nice change from the chaos of the city. Since I'm still in college I don't have a pet, but I would like one in the future. Was your Great Dane well behaved? Maybe I could start with one of those."], "init_persona": [[["I like the ocean.", "I am great at fishing, so I eat a lot of fish.", "I listen to a lot of sublime on the beach near my condo.", "During the day I work at doctors office as a doctor's assistant."], ["I am a college student.", "I enjoy playing soccer.", "My mother runs a school.", "I am an only child.", "I am currently unemployed."]], [["I like Ska.", "I work as a doctor's assistant.", "I went to college in the past and enjoyed it.", "I really enjoy fishing. I don't really enjoy other sports.", "I am also an only child.", "I own a condo near the beach and I love the ocean."], ["I like Sublime.", "I don't work. I go to the local college. My mom runs the college. I take coaching classes in college.", "I am an only child.", "I attend parties in the dorms."]], [["I like Ska.", "I work as a doctor's assistant.", "I went to college in the past and enjoyed it.", "I really enjoy fishing. I don't really enjoy other sports.", "I am also an only child.", "I own a condo near the beach and I love the ocean. I like to listen to waves at the beach.", "I like the band Sublime. I enjoy baroque music."], ["I like Sublime.", "I don't work. I go to the local college. My mom runs the college. I take coaching classes in college. I did well on my finals.", "I am an only child.", "I attend parties in the dorms."]], [["I like Ska.", "I work as a doctor's assistant.", "I went to college in the past and enjoyed it. I have completed college. I made good grades. I was involved in organizations while in college.", "I really enjoy fishing. I don't really enjoy other sports.", "I am also an only child.", "I own a condo near the beach and I love the ocean. I like to listen to waves at the beach.", "I like the band Sublime. I enjoy baroque music."], ["I like Sublime.", "I don't work. I go to the local college. My mom runs the college. I take coaching classes in college. I did well on my finals.", "I am an only child.", "I attend parties in the dorms. My partying is affecting my grades.", "I am studying music.", "I play soccer."]], [["I like Ska.", "I work as a doctor's assistant.", "I went to college in the past and enjoyed it. I have completed college. I made good grades. I was involved in organizations while in college.", "I really enjoy fishing. I don't really enjoy other sports.", "I am also an only child.", "I own a condo near the beach and I love the ocean. I like to listen to waves at the beach. I live at the beach.", "I like the band Sublime. I enjoy baroque music.", "I am not bored at work."], ["I like Sublime.", "I don't work. I go to the local college. My mom runs the college. I take coaching classes in college. I did well on my finals.", "I am an only child.", "I attend parties in the dorms. My partying is affecting my grades.", "I am studying music.", "I play soccer."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_79_0", "test_79_1", "test_79_2", "test_79_3", "test_79_4", "test_79_5", "test_79_6", "test_79_7", "test_79_8", "test_79_9", "test_79_10", "test_79_11", "test_79_12", "test_79_13", "test_79_14", "test_79_15", "test_79_16", "test_79_17", "test_79_18", "test_79_19", "test_79_20", "test_79_21", "test_79_22", "test_79_23", "test_79_24", "test_79_25", "test_79_26", "test_79_27", "test_79_28", "test_79_29", "test_79_30", "test_79_31", "test_79_32", "test_79_33", "test_79_34", "test_79_35", "test_79_36", "test_79_37", "test_79_38", "test_79_39", "test_79_40", "test_79_41", "test_79_42", "test_79_43", "test_79_44", "test_79_45", "test_79_46", "test_79_47", "test_79_48", "test_79_49", "test_79_50", "test_79_51", "test_79_52", "test_79_53", "test_79_54", "test_79_55", "test_79_56", "test_79_57", "test_79_58", "test_79_59", "test_79_60"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you fling?", "Awesome!!! It is a wonderful day! And you?", "Good thanks. Oops. Auto correct. Technology these days..", "Lolz I like to keep things simple... Like dying my hair blue.", "Oh that's quite a look. I'm too old for that. 5 grandkids now.", "Wow I'm only just about to turn 29 next week sooooo... Not quite there!", "Yup 65 here. Love going to the beach still though..", "Me to! I'm heading out of town for spring break and going to the beach!!", "Nice. I'm sure that will be fun. What music do you like?", "Everything, I was just loading up a playlist for my new car(present from mom yay!).", "Lucky you. I wish. I like the styx and journey. Lol.", "Most underrated bands of their time!.", "Yeah there is a lot of good ones. So what kind of car did you get?", "A blue one? Lol I'm not into cars.", "How does your new car drive? Is it fast?", "It is! Seatbelts are required lol", "Haha, I'd definitely make sure to wear a seatbelt if I'm in a fast car, for sure. What model and make is your new car?", "It is a 2021 porsche 911. It's awesome!", "Wow! That's a fancy car--I bet it's great! What's it's max speed?", "200 mph! I doubt I will get to that speed though :)", "Yeah, I don't imagine it's legal to drive that fast on the highway. Now, if you take it to a racetrack, I'm sure you could run it up to that speed!", "That is a great idea! I will google for a local track!", "I bet you'll attract a lot of attention there--you with your blue Porsche 911 going at a whopping 200 mph!", "No kidding! I am hardly discrete in it!", "Maybe you can even bring a few friends, or a date, around for your joyride!", "Great idea! I will make some good plans for the weekend :)", "So I asked this girl out on a date and she said she likes my car better than me", "Ouch! You probably should run her over and then see how much she likes the car! just kidding. Is it hard to find someone to date at your age?", "That was quite funny! It isn't as difficult as you would expect. At my age, people just want company and that is a shared feeling.", "Do you meet a lot of people at the beach? I'm hoping I will.", "Yes, the beach is amazing for meeting people. I usually find that those who are walking dogs are really friendly and it is easy to start a conversation with them", "I should introduce you to my mom! She's 59, listens to Journey all the time, and hates my car! She'd be perfect for you! haha", "That would be very lovely of you. Is she actively looking for company? Or is she wanting something a little more serious?", "It's hard to say. My parents divorced not long after I was born. She's had a few boyfriends since, but nothing serious. What are you looking for? ", "Initially, company. At my age, feeling lonely occurs a lot and having someone to experience things with becomes more of a challenge. Companionship, I feel, at my age is really important.", "Yeah, just having someone you can spend time with is great even at my age. And you never know where things can lead from there. ", "Exactly! I might find that someone who is offering me companionship ends up meaning the world to me. I think at your age, you are out a lot more and meet a lot more people so you can be more selective and your needs are different", "I don't know. I haven't had a girlfriend in a long time. I think people can get lonely at any age. I don't want to settle though. I want to spend time with someone who has a lot of shared interests.", "One of my grandkids set me up on a blind date recently! ", "Really? How did that go?", "Not too bad. She was only 53 and I was concerned she may be uncomfortable with the age difference, but she said that didn't bother her at all. We've made plans to go out again. She's a nice lady. Not sure if there's anything there, but it's fun at least for now.", "That's great to hear! I hope that continues to go well for you. What is her name?", "Lila. She's pretty, and looks about 10 years younger than she actually is. She wants to go dancing next time. After I break all her toes, I'm guessing I won't get a third date! haha", "Haha, I guess you're not much of a dancer then?", "I was at one time, but that was long ago. Everything was long ago it seems like sometimes! haha. ", "I'm sure it'll come back to you! And good dancer or not, I'm sure Lila would have a great time dancing with you. She sounds like a wonderful lady", "I'm not sure how much we have in common, but I am looking forward to finding out though. Felt strange having my grand-daughter set me up though. ", "Yes, that does seem like it would feel strange. At least she's trying to look out for you, haha. Are you pretty close to that granddaughter?", "Oh, sure, I'm close to all my grandkids, especially the girls. They weren't really old enough to know my late wife very well. I think they just want a grandma! lol", "Lol, that makes sense. I guess it's pretty sweet they're taking an interest in your lovelife. It almost sounds like the set up for a comedy movie lol", "Lila called and we're on for this weekend! What should I wear? I'm nervous.", "That's great! I'm so happy for you. Since you're going dancing, you'll want to wear something that looks nice, but moves easily! You want to be comfortable so you can feel your best.", "Yeah your right. I might go to the shop tomorrow to by something new. Talking about new how is driving your Porsche going, I bet your having so much fun speeding around haha. ", "It drives great! I am still working up to going to the track. I'm nervous to drive so fast, but it'll be good to do it in a more controlled environment. Maybe I'll even meet someone at the racetrack! How are your grandkids doing? Are you going to see them any time soon?", "Yeah maybe try out on the track first that would be a very smart idea. You could even get someone to help you learn more about the car too. My grandkids are doing very well thank you for asking. Some of them are coming by on the weekend for some dinner, so it will be nice to see them, I\u2019m looking forward too it. ", "Ooh! Will you be cooking dinner, or are you getting takeout?", "I going to cook, I think I might do a BBQ, they love my steaks and burgers. That way they can all choose what they want to eat otherwise there will be too many things they will want to eat. Also that way the younger ones can run around outside. ", "That sounds like a great idea! I love barbecues. My favorite barbecue foods are probably bratwursts ... or elote! You have five grandkids, right? What are their ages again?", "Oh yeah me too I love some good bratwurst\u2019s. Yeah I have 5 grandkids they are ages 6,10,14,18,20. Also I have another one on the way I\u2019m very excited to become a grandpa again. ", "Wow! Congratulations! That is great news. Do you know the sex of the baby yet? And that's quite the range of ages! It must be amazing to watch them all grow up. Has your oldest grandkid started college yet?", "Thank you so much. Yeah it\u2019s going to be boy so that will make it even 3 of each. Yeah it has been amazing they are all so different but amazing in their own ways. And yes he has, he is actually studying to become a paediatric doctor. I\u2019m so very proud of him. How is your job going? "], "init_persona": [[["I have five grandchildren.", "My new favorite food is mediterranean food.", "I love all the older bands like styx and journey.", "I love being at the beach.", "My favorite season is fall."], ["I just colored my hair blue.", "I bought a new dress for the easter weekend.", "I will be going out of town for spring break.", "I have a new car that my mom gave me.", "I turn 29 years next week."]], [["I have 5 grandkids.", "I am 65. I love going to the beach.", "I like listening to Styx and Journey."], ["I dye my hair blue.", "I am 28. I turn 29 next week. I have a new blue car. It was a present from my mom.", "I love the beach. I am going to the beach for spring break.", "I like all kinds of music."]], [["I have 5 grandkids.", "I am 65. I love going to the beach.", "I like listening to Styx and Journey."], ["I dye my hair blue.", "I am 28. I turn 29 next week. I have a new blue car. It was a present from my mom.", "I love the beach. I am going to the beach for spring break.", "I like all kinds of music.", "I have a new fast car with seatbelts. My new car is a 2021 Porsche 911. The max speed of my new car is 200 mph, but I probably won't drive that fast. I am interested in going to a racetrack. My new car attracts attention."]], [["I have 5 grandkids.", "I am 65. I love going to the beach.", "I like listening to Styx and Journey.", "I have a driver's license. I own a car. I asked out a girl.", "I find twisted jokes funny. I do not find it hard to get a date.", "I meet many people at the beach. I am outgoing. I initiate conversations with strangers.", "I become lonely easily. I enjoy having friends.", "I would like to find love eventually."], ["I dye my hair blue.", "I am 28. I turn 29 next week. I have a new blue car. It was a present from my mom.", "I love the beach. I am going to the beach for spring break.", "I like all kinds of music.", "I have a new fast car with seatbelts. My new car is a 2021 Porsche 911. The max speed of my new car is 200 mph, but I probably won't drive that fast. I am interested in going to a racetrack. My new car attracts attention.", "I have a twisted sense of humor. I'd like to meet people.", "My mother is almost 60. My mom likes the band Journey. My parents are divorced. My mom is casually dating.", "I am single. I am looking to meet someone that likes the same things I do."]], [["I have 5 grandkids.", "I am 65. I love going to the beach.", "I like listening to Styx and Journey.", "I have a driver's license. I own a car.", "I find twisted jokes funny. I do not find it hard to get a date.", "I meet many people at the beach. I am outgoing. I initiate conversations with strangers.", "I become lonely easily. I enjoy having friends.", "I would like to find love eventually. I'm single.", "My grandkid set me up on a blind date. I went on a blind date recently. She was younger than me. The date went very well. We have plans to go out again soon. It's not love at first sight, but I had a lot of fun. My date's name is Lila. She's very pretty and looks like she's in her early 40's. We have a date to go dancing.", "I used to dance a lot but it's been a long time since I have.", "I have a few reservations about Lila but am looking forward to another date.", "I'm very close to all my grandchildren. My wife passed away. My grandkids didn't really get to know her. I think my grandkids want a grandma."], ["I dye my hair blue.", "I am 28. I turn 29 next week. I have a new blue car. It was a present from my mom.", "I love the beach. I am going to the beach for spring break.", "I like all kinds of music.", "I have a new fast car with seatbelts. My new car is a 2021 Porsche 911. The max speed of my new car is 200 mph, but I probably won't drive that fast. I am interested in going to a racetrack. My new car attracts attention.", "I have a twisted sense of humor. I'd like to meet people.", "My mother is almost 60. My mom likes the band Journey. My parents are divorced. My mom is casually dating.", "I am single. I am looking to meet someone that likes the same things I do.", "I'm very supportive of my friends. I really take an interest in my friend's lives."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 11]}
{"turn_id": ["test_82_0", "test_82_1", "test_82_2", "test_82_3", "test_82_4", "test_82_5", "test_82_6", "test_82_7", "test_82_8", "test_82_9", "test_82_10", "test_82_11", "test_82_12", "test_82_13", "test_82_14", "test_82_15", "test_82_16", "test_82_17", "test_82_18", "test_82_19", "test_82_20", "test_82_21", "test_82_22", "test_82_23", "test_82_24", "test_82_25", "test_82_26", "test_82_27", "test_82_28", "test_82_29", "test_82_30", "test_82_31", "test_82_32", "test_82_33", "test_82_34", "test_82_35", "test_82_36", "test_82_37", "test_82_38", "test_82_39", "test_82_40", "test_82_41", "test_82_42", "test_82_43", "test_82_44", "test_82_45", "test_82_46", "test_82_47", "test_82_48", "test_82_49", "test_82_50", "test_82_51", "test_82_52", "test_82_53", "test_82_54", "test_82_55", "test_82_56", "test_82_57", "test_82_58", "test_82_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! How are you today?", "I'm great, thanks! How are you? It's so unseasonably warm today I am going outside to play basketball!", "I am well, thanks for asking! It's beautiful out today. Basketball sounds fun!.", "I'm short so I'm not very good but I like it! What are your plans today?", "I bet you're good at it, though. I think I may go tend to my garden!", "Gardens are fun. I like working outside, too. What do you grow?", "Right now I am working on growing peppers, tomatos, and some herbs!", "Yum! My dad drives a truck usually filled with garden supplies!", "Oh wild. I'm a car salesman so if he ever needs a new vehicle let me know!", "They need winter trucks because they are from canada! Live up there?", "Oh, I do not, but I'd still be glad to help out in anyway I can. :).", "Thanks. I work outside for my job, would be cool to sell cars..", "So what kind of job do you have that keeps you outside?", "I'm a dog walker! I like being able to exercise and make money at the same time haha.", "Not to mention that you are able to spend a lot of time with dogs at the same time. That must be amazing!", "It's a good part time job for now! I usually walk the same dogs everyday and have gotten to adore them. I pass by your place sometimes and the garden is looking beautiful.", "Which is your favourite breed of dog? Yeah, my wife has been spending a lot of time in the garden fixing it up due to the nice weather.", "I think huskies and german shepards are so handsome! Maybe your wife could show me how to garden sometime? I'd love to try it out.", "I am sure she would be up for doing that. She absolutely loves it. Are you passing by any time soon?", "I can come by tomorrow morning! Which breed is your wife's favorite? I'll try to bring that dog along with me!", "Definitely huskies, she has been wanting to get one for ages. But because we aren't home during the day, it isnt fair to leave them by themselves", "Yeah, huskies need so much exercise. I don't think they were meant for warm weather either!", "I mean, I guess they aren't but because of the fact dogs have become pets, I think through evolution, they don't mind the normal weather of day to day life", "That's true, I can't wait to come by tomorrow and see the garden!", "My garden has a fresh bunch of tomatoes that are ready to pick", "When will you be picking them? I really want to cook some pasta so maybe I could take some off of your hands, if they are spare?", "I'll pick them this weekend! I think we should have a few to give you. Do you have a special sauce recipe?", "Nothing too special, I just use a recipe book that I have had for years. I don't know where it came from actually, but the recipes I have tried have all tasted lovely.", "Haha I'm sure it beats my special recipe: Ragu! In all seriousness, not that many people make their own sauce from scratch these days.", "I feel compelled to make my own sauce because of how much sugar there is in the ones that you buy from the store. They are very unhealthy. Well, they can be. Creating your own sauce is super rewarding and not too difficult.", "With your level of discipline and health-consciousness, a garden is a must. I'm sure you would grow a brilliant garden!", "Other people have said that, I think it must be my attention to detail. I love making things look proper and neat. I just don't think that the dogs I walk (and sometimes look after) would care enough not to destroy a garden I made.", "Haha that's definitely a thing. Keeping pests out of my garden, people included, is a constant struggle.", "At that point, if you are growing vegetables, the chemicals you use to keep the pests away could be harmful and I don't know how comfortable I would feel eating that food. I guess all big corporations do it, so it probably wouldn't be much different.", "There are so many options on the market these days for pest control that I'm sure you could find something palatable. Not everything will make you grow an extra head haha.", "An extra arm would be useful for carrying things daily, I might look into one that could provide that, haha. You could give me a heads up when you buy some and I could look into it.", "You inspired me to go organic with my garden.", "That's good to hear. Organic is much healthier for you and all the wild life in the area! Are the tomatoes doing well?", "Yes they are doing well! I'm thinking about planting more fruits, like strawberries as well. Do you have any tips?", "Depends on which specific tree, but in general it will be easier to buy a fruit sapling instead of trying to grow it from seed. What kind of fruit will depends on what area you are in. Does it freeze there often?", "Yeah I live in the North, specifically in Philadelphia, so it does freeze here pretty often in the winter. I'm not sure what plants are good for this climate.", "The most popular fruit tree in Pennsylvania is the Apple Tree. It seems to be more frost resistant than say, oranges or bananas. Would you like to grow apples? ", "I won't mind but I'm not sure how long it'll take before I can eat the fruits haha, I can be an impatient person sometimes. Have you grown apples before?", "I have not, but I can see that Apple season in PA is from July 15 to October 31. I'm sure it would be tough to plant an apple tree right now and get fruit before October 31!", "I see, you do seem really knowledgable in this aspect too! I think I'll try out with growing one apple tree for now. And would you want to come over when it harvests?", "Sure. We could make apple pie and apple cider or something!", "Yeah and maybe we can even bring them to a bake sale! I remembered you said you have a recipe book before, do you have any more recipes with apples?", "Yes! I have some award winning apple fritter recipes.", "I found a list of wonderful apple varieties that I might try. I'd love your thoughts.", "Sure. I assume you are planning on growing them. It depends on the intention as to my opinion.", "Well, you know how much I lack patience. I'm not sure if I could wait long enough to make the apple tree thing work, but I'm going to the nursery today to buy a small tree or 2 to plant in my backyard. We'll see how it works. lol!", "Well I think you should reconsider growing an apple tree. A gala would be perfect for your climate and I know how concerned you were about not favoring a tart apple. There are mildly sweet and would fit in well to expand your fruit garden.", "You may be right, but I think I'm going to give it a shot anyway. I would only be out a hundred bucks or so. I'm going to try to grow pink lady apples. Maybe I can give you some to make one of your famous apple pies! ", "That was going to be my \"suggestion\". I really would love to expand my apple fritter flavor profile. Which direction do you think I should go? Experiment with new apple blends or go savory?", "I would suggest going in a more savory direction. And I would be more than happy to be your official taster! lol!", "Consider your self hired. Maybe I can do a homage to the Brady Bunch and do an apple/porkchop fritter.", "LOL! That sounds great. I wish I had your cooking ability You make so many things that taste great and are so healthy. Have you got all of your seeds in the ground for your garden yet?", "For the most part I have my garden started. My lettuce has already gone to seed twice and is just about done but my squash blossoms have just shown themselves.", "It sounds like it's going really well this season. We've had so much good rain so far this summer that it's been ideal for growing.", "For the most part but I have had issues with oversaturation. My strawberries are no good due to a fungal issue because of all the rain we have gotten."], "init_persona": [[["I am a car salesman.", "I enjoy murder mystery novels.", "My mother was a police officer.", "My favorite band is 5 finger death punch.", "Sometimes, I like to garden."], ["I am short.", "I like basketball.", "My father drives a truck.", "I like to work outside.", "My mother is from canada."]], [["I have a garden. I am growing peppers, tomatoes and some herbs.", "I'm a car salesman."], ["I am going outside to play basketball.", "I am short. I'm not very good at basketball but I like it.", "My dad drives a truck. My parents are from Canada.", "I like working outside. I work outside for my job."]], [["I have a garden. I am growing peppers, tomatoes and some herbs.", "I'm a car salesman.", "My wife loves to garden.", "My wife likes huskies. I do not have a dog."], ["I am going outside to play basketball.", "I am short. I'm not very good at basketball but I like it.", "My dad drives a truck. My parents are from Canada.", "I like working outside. I work outside for my job. I have a job as a dog walker. I like to exercise. I like to make money. I work part time. I adore the dog.", "I like huskies and german shephards. I want to learn how to garden."]], [["I have a garden. I am growing peppers, tomatoes and some herbs.", "I'm a car salesman.", "My wife loves to garden.", "My wife likes huskies. I do not have a dog.", "My tomatoes are ready to pick.", "My special recipe is Ragu.", "I have a constant struggle keeping pests out of my garden."], ["I am going outside to play basketball.", "I am short. I'm not very good at basketball but I like it.", "My dad drives a truck. My parents are from Canada.", "I like working outside. I work outside for my job. I have a job as a dog walker. I pet sit dogs. I am afraid dogs would tear up my garden if I grew one.", "I like to exercise. I like to make money. I work part time. I adore the dog.", "I like huskies and german shephards. I want to learn how to garden.", "I have a recipe book. I make my own pasta sauce. I think all the sugar in store bought sauce is unhealthy.", "I gave great attention to detail. I love making things look proper and neat."]], [["I have a garden. I am growing peppers, tomatoes and some herbs.", "I'm a car salesman.", "My wife loves to garden.", "My wife likes huskies. I do not have a dog.", "My tomatoes are ready to pick.", "My special recipe is Ragu.", "I have a constant struggle keeping pests out of my garden.", "I'm starting an organic garden. I want to plant more fruits like strawberries.", "I live in Philadelphia. It freezes here in the winter. I don't know what's safe to plant in this climate.", "I'm sometimes impatient. I want to eat from my garden as soon as possible. I'll try growing an apple tree."], ["I am going outside to play basketball.", "I am short. I'm not very good at basketball but I like it.", "My dad drives a truck. My parents are from Canada.", "I like working outside. I work outside for my job. I have a job as a dog walker. I pet sit dogs. I am afraid dogs would tear up my garden if I grew one.", "I like to exercise. I like to make money. I work part time. I adore the dog.", "I like huskies and german shephards. I want to learn how to garden.", "I have a recipe book. I make my own pasta sauce. I think all the sugar in store bought sauce is unhealthy.", "I gave great attention to detail. I love making things look proper and neat.", "I have a lot of good information on organic gardening. I like giving organic gardening help.", "Apple trees are good for Philadelphia since they are frost resistant. I haven't grown apples before.", "I love making apple pie and apple cider. I have award winning apple fritter recipes."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_83_0", "test_83_1", "test_83_2", "test_83_3", "test_83_4", "test_83_5", "test_83_6", "test_83_7", "test_83_8", "test_83_9", "test_83_10", "test_83_11", "test_83_12", "test_83_13", "test_83_14", "test_83_15", "test_83_16", "test_83_17", "test_83_18", "test_83_19", "test_83_20", "test_83_21", "test_83_22", "test_83_23", "test_83_24", "test_83_25", "test_83_26", "test_83_27", "test_83_28", "test_83_29", "test_83_30", "test_83_31", "test_83_32", "test_83_33", "test_83_34", "test_83_35", "test_83_36", "test_83_37", "test_83_38", "test_83_39", "test_83_40", "test_83_41", "test_83_42", "test_83_43", "test_83_44", "test_83_45", "test_83_46", "test_83_47", "test_83_48", "test_83_49", "test_83_50", "test_83_51", "test_83_52", "test_83_53", "test_83_54", "test_83_55", "test_83_56", "test_83_57", "test_83_58", "test_83_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there do you like to learn martial arts?", "Nah, I prefer scuba diving. It reminds me of water snakes. I love snakes.", "I ate snake one time and I was allergic. I'm allergic to snakes and dairy.", "Sounds rough. I was a marine and back in nam'we had to eat lizards.", "Oh wow. I teach martial arts to marines. Specifically jiu-jitsu.", "Just got divorced. Can you teach me some jiujitsu to show her bf whos boss.", "Absolutely but it's a part time job as I am currently in college.", "I see, I'm on vacation in hawaii, this is my third time. I hate school.", "I'm jealous! I'll be in college taking summer courses so no hawaii for me.", "What do you plan on getting your degree in?", "An allergist. I love milk and want to find a way to drink it.", "Good choice! Maybe you can solve your snake issue too!", "I was talking with my boss a while ago regarding the martial arts class I was teaching, and they mentioned the class will continue in the summer. If your interested, I can help you enroll so you can learn jiu-jitsu this summer.", "Omg that would be perfect thank you so much. Just let me know the details of what you need from me and i will do i ASAP. ", "Absolutely! Maybe you could get me into scuba diving, too!", "Yes of course. That would be such great fun. The next time I go I will for sure invite you. I think you will love it. ", "Where's the best place in the world for scuba diving, in your opinion?", "Honestly my all time favorite place that i have done Scuba Diving has to be in Bora Bora. It was a beautiful experience. ", "Oh wow! Did you fly there, or did you sail out there? A friend of mine once did Tahiti and Bora Bora on a yachting adventure!", "I flew there. But oh my next time i defiantly have to do a yachting adventure that must of been quite the experience. ", "It sounded like an incredible time. One day when I win the lottery, I'm there lol.", "Yeah it must be quite an expensive adventure, but one i for sure need to look into. ", "Are you retired now? I'm guessing you're living a pretty comfortable life these days!", "Yes i am retired now. I am a veteran so its now my time to relax and just enjoy life. Currently i am in Hawaii and this place is incredible. ", "I looked into it and I have the paperwork for you to sign up for my martial arts class. If you want to get together, we can go over it.", "Yes, I am extremely keen to go over it. It will give me something to focus my mind on. When are you next free?", "Any time in the next week before my summer classes start. Just let me know when will work good for you.", "Thursday is the best day for me, I have a free day in my diary. Does that work for you? Do I need to bring any I.D to scan with the sign up sheet? Or any money?", "I think they'll take a check so you won't need to bring cash. I have a fax machine here so we can send it right over. Yeah they may need your ID, so I'd suggest bring it just in case.", "Okay, perfect, thank you. I am honestly so excited, I can't wait. How many people attend the class, and do people tend to get along there?", "They like to keep the classes to no more than 12 or 15. And yes, I've always gotten along with everyone there. I live on Diamond Head by the way. I forgot to ask which Island you live on?", "I live on Diamond Head too! It is such a small world. With 12 or 15 people max, do the classes receive a good attendance?", "Yes, it's a very popular Dojo! I'm glad they had room for you. They said they'd reserve your space for the next week.", "Okay, perfect, thank you for your help with it all. Since you teach the jiu-jitsu, I guess that you have some authority. I was always told from young that it is not what you know, more WHO you know.", "Yes, I had some influence on getting them to reserve a space for you! and I was glad to do it! Maybe while you are still in Hawaii you can teach me something about scuba diving!", "I would love to return the favour. But, I would have to put you in contact with someone who has the required training to teach you, it can be very dangerous. Therefore, I think it is best that you go to a professional that I know. I could join you though.", "How was your first martial arts class?", "It was different, but exciting. I hope to attend another jiu-jitsu class next week- would you be open to giving me some pointers soon?", "Yeah of course, I would love to give any advice! And how was your week? Did you do any scuba diving recently?", "I was so tired from my first class I skipped this week! Hoping to get back out there in a couple days. Speaking of which, are you still interested in getting some scuba training?", "Yeah I am, just not now since I'm still taking my summer course for college and don't have too much extra time, but I'll sure to try it out when my class ends!", "Sounds like they're keeping you busy! Have you learned anything useful this week on your journey to be able to drink milk? Haha", "Yeah I've learned some interesting allergies, like allergies to water or grass. I didn't even know it's possible before! Now I'm trying to eat more diary products like cakes to get used to the milk.", "Oh wow, it must be rough to be allergic to water! Having cake as part of your homework makes school sound a lot more appealing than I remember.", "Technically it's not homework but I'm treating it as an assignment because why not, anything that can make homework sounds enjoyable is good. ", "I like the way you think! This cake talk is making me hungry- do you have any favorite Hawaiian dishes? I've had random luck with the dishes here and I'm ready for something really tasty.", "Not a dish but I like the hawaiian pizza with pineapple slices on the top. I'm not so sure if it's really authentic tho haha", "Controversial! I've never been a fan of pineapple pizza, but I bet a local place here will do a better job of it than delivery pizza- I might give it a shot. If things go south, I'll just be glad that at least it's not lizard pizza! ", "Are you allowed to take things out of the ocean when you go scuba diving? It would be cool to have a souvenir from your vacation.", "I think the only thing you can pick up is trash. I wouldn't take anything with me though. After getting divorced recently, I'd like to get rid of most of my belongings and live free, do you know what I mean?", "I guess I should just worry about bringing myself back to the shore safely in my scuba class, eh? LOL! I'm sorry, I know that your divorce was so hard on you.", "Just enjoy the sights and sounds. I like spending most of my time relaxing and scuba-diving is a good way to do that. Don't worry about me. I like having all the time to myself now that I'm single. I know you're in school but what else are you doing for the summer?", "Between teaching Jiu-Jitsu and classes, I'm going to be pretty busy. These summer classes are accelerated and you have homework every single day. So it's school, work, homework, sleep, repeat. I hope to have fun with friends on the weekends, though.", "It's good that you're focused on school. Even though I'm retired, I still take the time to learn new things like my jiu-jitsu classes. Beyond that, I like to go out to eat at the strange places around here. Did you have anything interesting to eat recently?", "No, not really. I'm kind of picky as far as food goes. I guess I like what I like. I'm really excited that you're taking jiu-jitsu classes. You're going to love it. If you want any help or to just roll sometime, give me a call. ", "Sure, that sounds like fun. I'm older though, so try to take it easy on me. Someone who likes pineapple and ham on their pizza doesn't sound like a picky eater to me! Maybe we can get something to eat after we train together. I'm open-minded about food.", "I see what you're saying. I guess what I should've said is that I only like very particular food. My parents had a very easy time cooking for me growing up. If they made like 3 different meals all week, they'd be set. lol! And grabbing a bite after practice sounds like a great idea. ", "That's good. It sounds like your parents really took care of you. I'd like to try something new. Do you have a favorite type of food? I like all kinds of food like Mexican, Italian, Thai, and Japanese. But I'm always open to trying more.", "My favorites are Italian and Mexican. You can't go wrong with either of those. How about we grab a hibachi meal at a Japanese steakhouse? Do you know of a good one on Diamond Head?", "I like hibachi meals. The food always tastes a lot fresher. I don't know of any restaurants in the area but I can look one up. I like having a good meal after a long workout session, so this will be good. Just try to take it easy on me."], "init_persona": [[["I am a college student.", "I will be taking summer courses.", "I like martial arts.", "I teach jiu-jitsu.", "I am allergic to dairy."], ["My favorite hobby is scuba diving.", "I've been to hawaii three times.", "I'm a us marine veteran.", "I have two pet snakes.", "My wife and I just got divorced."]], [["I am allergic to snakes and dairy.", "I teach jiu-jitsu to marines.", "I am currently in college. I will be taking summer courses at my college.", "I plan on becoming an allergist. I love milk, and I hope to drink more of it in the future."], ["I prefer scuba diving over martial arts. I love snakes.", "I was a marine in the Vietnam war. I ate lizards back then.", "I got divorced recently.", "I am on a vacation in Hawaii, which is my third time doing so. I do not like school."]], [["I am allergic to snakes and dairy.", "I teach jiu-jitsu to marines that will continue in the summer.", "I am currently in college. I will be taking summer courses at my college.", "I plan on becoming an allergist. I love milk, and I hope to drink more of it in the future.", "I want to learn scuba diving."], ["I prefer scuba diving over martial arts. My favorite place to scuba dive is Bora Bora. I love snakes.", "I was a marine in the Vietnam war. I ate lizards back then.", "I got divorced recently.", "I am on a vacation in Hawaii, which is my third time doing so. I do not like school. I am retired now. I am a veteran. I spend my time relaxing and enjoying life. I am currently in Hawaii.", "I want to learn jiu-jitsu."]], [["I am allergic to snakes and dairy.", "I teach jiu-jitsu to marines that will continue in the summer.", "I am currently in college. I will be taking summer courses at my college.", "I plan on becoming an allergist. I love milk, and I hope to drink more of it in the future.", "I want to learn scuba diving.", "I am taking summer classes, starting next week.", "I have a fax machine.", "I get along with my classmates. I live on Diamond Head Island.", "I am influential."], ["I prefer scuba diving over martial arts. My favorite place to scuba dive is Bora Bora. I love snakes.", "I was a marine in the Vietnam war. I ate lizards back then.", "I got divorced recently.", "I am on a vacation in Hawaii, which is my third time doing so. I do not like school. I am retired now. I am a veteran. I spend my time relaxing and enjoying life. I am currently in Hawaii.", "I want to learn jiu-jitsu. I am signing up for martial arts class. I am excited to join the class.", "I live on Diamond Head Island.", " I am not trained to teach scuba diving, but I know a professional."]], [["I am allergic to snakes and dairy.", "I teach jiu-jitsu to marines that will continue in the summer.", "I am currently in college. I will be taking summer courses at my college. I am taking my studies seriously.", "I plan on becoming an allergist. I love milk, and I hope to drink more of it in the future.", "I am taking summer classes, starting next week.", "I have a fax machine.", "I get along with my classmates. I live on Diamond Head Island.", "I am influential.", "I want to learn how to scuba dive. I am taking a summer course for college.", "I am learning about allergies. I am trying to eat more dairy products.", "I like eating pizza with ham and pineapple on it."], ["I prefer scuba diving over martial arts. My favorite place to scuba dive is Bora Bora. I love snakes.", "I was a marine in the Vietnam war. I ate lizards back then.", "I got divorced recently.", "I am on a vacation in Hawaii, which is my third time doing so. I do not like school. I am retired now. I am a veteran. I spend my time relaxing and enjoying life. I am currently in Hawaii.", "I am signing up for martial arts class. I am excited to join the class. I am taking jiu-jitsu classes.", "I live on Diamond Head Island.", " I am not trained to teach scuba diving, but I know a professional.", "I am not in school. I enjoy cake. I enjoy eating Hawaiian dishes. I have never enjoyed pineapple pizza. I am open minded about food. I live someplace that serves strange foods."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_86_0", "test_86_1", "test_86_2", "test_86_3", "test_86_4", "test_86_5", "test_86_6", "test_86_7", "test_86_8", "test_86_9", "test_86_10", "test_86_11", "test_86_12", "test_86_13", "test_86_14", "test_86_15", "test_86_16", "test_86_17", "test_86_18", "test_86_19", "test_86_20", "test_86_21", "test_86_22", "test_86_23", "test_86_24", "test_86_25", "test_86_26", "test_86_27", "test_86_28", "test_86_29", "test_86_30", "test_86_31", "test_86_32", "test_86_33", "test_86_34", "test_86_35", "test_86_36", "test_86_37", "test_86_38", "test_86_39", "test_86_40", "test_86_41", "test_86_42", "test_86_43", "test_86_44", "test_86_45", "test_86_46", "test_86_47", "test_86_48", "test_86_49", "test_86_50", "test_86_51", "test_86_52", "test_86_53", "test_86_54", "test_86_55", "test_86_56", "test_86_57", "test_86_58", "test_86_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello how are you doing today?", "Very well thank you. How are you?", "Going to head out soon to play some baseball. I really like the game.", "I love baseball too. So does my son. We play every chance we get.", "After our game, we plan to head out to a nice seafood restaurant. I love lobster.", "I do not eat any kinds of meat but my son like lobster and crab.", "Do you speak any other languages? I enjoy learning them.", "Not fluently. I speak a little bit of german because my mom was born in germany.", "I am currently going to school to get my degree in marketing and talking french at night.", "Good luck with your degree! French is probably more useful than german:).", "I hope to design ads for local non profit companies.", "That is a great goal!!! Is it similar to volunteering?", "I've maybe got some work experience lined up to help a local start-up company with their marketing.", "Oh that sounds awesome, what kind of ideas do you have up your sleeve for their marketing program?", "First, they need to improve their online presence. They don't even have a single social media page!", "Ouch! It is hard to get ahead in today's business landscape when you are not even on social media. What school are you goiing to to get your marketing degree?", "Just the local community college. They've got a really flexible program, and they also have good contacts with local companies.", "Smart move, you get a similar education to those big public universities and you save yourself a lot of money in the long run.", "Exactly. I'd like to get out of the rent trap and buy my own place, and this has definitely helped me save up some money!", "Without a doubt, you mentioned earlier you like lobster too, maybe eating less of that will help you get out of the rent trap as well haha. ", "Lol yes, it's expensive! I'm guessing you have your own house?", "I do, it is not currently paid off yet, still have a mortgage but getting close!", "Congratulations! That's a huge achievement! Do you have any tips as to how I might go about shopping for a house?", "Just be patient, you'll never find exactly what you want on the first try, keep an open mind to all locations as well.", "It was a long day with classes. I think I'm going to watch some TV then hit the bed. ", "That sounds good. I'm tired too. Anything special you're going to watch?", "I'm sorry to hear that. I was thinking of looking for a French film. Something about those accents really revs my engine.", "Yes. I love the French language. It's beautiful. I prefer subtitles rather than having them dubbed so I can hear the language.", "That's the best way to enjoy them! I think that dubbed voices rarely do the actors and the film justice. ", "Oh, I agree! I need to find a new show to watch before bed. I have free time then because my son is asleep. Just need to find a good snack too.", "Gotta love those nights where you can just relax, snack, and drift off. What kind of snacks do you like?", "I love it when it's quiet at night. It's so peaceful. I like popcorn and I'm really thirsty so I'm thinking of grabbing some ice cold ginger ale.", "That sounds like a wonderful time. Do it! I'll make myself a bag of popcorn now that you mentioned it.", "It does sound good. Maybe I'll add a bit of butter and salt. It rained here all day so I had time to do some watercolors.", "I would love to see the finished work. I might have to commission a piece from you too since I just can't seem to make anything good when I try watercoloring.", "Sure! I'll send you some photos tomorrow. Just let me know what you would like and I'll do my best to paint it for you. And let me know your favorite colors.", "What is your favorite thing to paint?", "My work is a bit more abstract. It's not really off anything, just how I am feeling at the time.", "Right on. Are you typically inspired by random things, or does it come from similar sources? Maybe I should run some of my draft ad designs by you.", "I don't know if you would call it inspiration, but it just depends what happens to me on that day. If good things happen I would say my paintings look happier. I love to look at designs. Let me know when you want me to look at them!", "Thanks so much! I'll definitely keep you posted on what I create. Maybe we can inspire each other with our work. Do you a favorite popcorn, like regular stuff or the flavored kind?", "Kettle corn is my favorite. I will pick that whenever I can get it. I also really like caramel popcorn. Do you have any favorite flavors?", "Not really. I have a sweet tooth so the caramel always gets me, and I love salt and cheese so the cheesy stuff is great, too. By the way, just to follow up, my favorite colors on blue, black and green.", "I think all popcorn is great in general. I have a bad sweet tooth as well! Are there any other types of sweet snacks that you like?", "Pretty much anything with dark chocolate or coffee flavored. Margaritas are great, too, but they go down waaay too easily.", "Oh yeah you could get in trouble with those. Sometimes I do not even understand how there is alcohol in some of them.", "Ha ha; it's covered up by all the sugar. So, how close are you to paying off the mortgage? Seeing the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel?", "Very close actually. It was nice being able to get a house, but actually owning it soon is going to feel fantastic. Like I'm on the right path. I'm sure a great painting will be on the way when that day comes ", "Have you done any new watercolors lately.", "I've been working on one for the past few days. The inspiration for this one comes from the happiness I felt when my son and I went to a baseball game a few days ago. I really enjoy taking him to games.", "It's awesome that you're putting so much of your life and feelings into your work. What style is this one in -- abstract, or more realistic?", "This one is abstract. I'm not much of a realistic painter. How about you? I know you like to make watercolor paintings also. Have you done any recently?", "Not since we last talked. My workload with school was too heavy because it was the end of the first summer session.", "I remember what school is like, I don't envy you at all haha! How did you do in your classes?", "I'm waiting to find out my final grades, but I think I did all right. Have you had any inspiration for a new watercolor yet?", "That's really good to hear, I'm sure you did great! Yes I have, but I won't put those inspirations to paper yet, at least not until I finish the painting I'm currently working on. There's so much inspiration you can gather just from day to day experiences, and you can paint them however you feel. That's why I love abstract so much.", "Say, are you a complete vegetarian or do you eat seafood? I was thinking you, your son and I could get together for a baseball game, and then have dinner at that crab shack on the pier.", "I personally don't eat meat, but my son loves lobster and crab. That's something you two have in common. I'm sure I can find something good for me on the menu. And my son and I will never miss a chance to go to a baseball game! What day did you have in mind?", "There's a game Saturday afternoon. How about we plan for then?", "Yeah, that sounds great! We will see you then!"], "init_persona": [[["I like to play baseball.", "I love eating seafood.", "I enjoy learning new languages.", "I'm currently going for a marketing degree.", "I want to design ads in the future."], ["I am a vegetarian.", "I support animal rights.", "I am a male.", "I have one son.", "I like to recycle and reuse."]], [["I like baseball.", "I am going to a nice seafood restaurant. I love lobster.", "I enjoy learning languages. I speak French at night. I am currently going to school to get my degree in marketing.", "I hope to design ads for local non profit companies."], ["I love baseball and so does my son.", "I do not eat meat. My son likes lobster and crab.", "I speak a little bit of German. My mom was born in Germany."]], [["I like baseball.", "I love lobster.", "I enjoy learning languages. I speak French at night. I am currently going to school to get my degree in marketing.", "I hope to design ads for local non profit companies. I have a potential job with a local start-up.", "I use social media.", "I go to a community college. I am studying marketing.", "I rent my house."], ["I love baseball and so does my son.", "I do not eat meat. My son likes lobster and crab.", "I speak a little bit of German. My mom was born in Germany.", "I use social media.", "I like smaller colleges.", "I own my house. I am close to paying off my mortgage."]], [["I like baseball.", "I love lobster.", "I enjoy learning languages. I speak French at night. I am currently going to school to get my degree in marketing.", "I hope to design ads for local non profit companies. I have a potential job with a local start-up.", "I use social media.", "I go to a community college. I am studying marketing.", "I rent my house.", "I watch TV to relax. I like French cinema. I prefer subtitles when watching foreign movies.", "I like snacks. I like popcorn.", "I make watercolors, but I am not good at it."], ["I love baseball and so does my son.", "I do not eat meat. My son likes lobster and crab.", "I speak a little bit of German. My mom was born in Germany.", "I use social media.", "I like smaller colleges.", "I own my house. I am close to paying off my mortgage.", "I like the French language. I prefer subtitles when watching French movies.", "I like snacking on popcorn. I like ginger ale.", "I make watercolors."]], [["I like baseball.", "I love lobster.", "I enjoy learning languages. I speak French at night. I am currently going to school to get my degree in marketing.", "I hope to design ads for local non profit companies. I have a potential job with a local start-up.", "I use social media.", "I go to a community college. I am studying marketing.", "I rent my house.", "I watch TV to relax. I like French cinema. I prefer subtitles when watching foreign movies.", "I like snacks. I like popcorn.", "I make watercolors, but I am not good at it.", "I do draft ad designs.", "I have a sweet tooth. My favorite colors are blue, black and green. I enjoy dark chocolate and coffee flavored sweets. I also have a taste for margaritas."], ["I love baseball and so does my son.", "I do not eat meat. My son likes lobster and crab.", "I speak a little bit of German. My mom was born in Germany.", "I use social media.", "I like smaller colleges.", "I own my house. I am close to paying off my mortgage.", "I like the French language. I prefer subtitles when watching French movies.", "I like snacking on popcorn. Kettle corn and caramel popcorn are my favorite. I like ginger ale. I also have a sweet tooth.", "I make watercolors.", "I paint abstract art. I like to look at designs. The inspiration for my art comes from my day to day experiences and the emotions they ellicit.", "I am close to paying off the mortgage on my house."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_88_0", "test_88_1", "test_88_2", "test_88_3", "test_88_4", "test_88_5", "test_88_6", "test_88_7", "test_88_8", "test_88_9", "test_88_10", "test_88_11", "test_88_12", "test_88_13", "test_88_14", "test_88_15", "test_88_16", "test_88_17", "test_88_18", "test_88_19", "test_88_20", "test_88_21", "test_88_22", "test_88_23", "test_88_24", "test_88_25", "test_88_26", "test_88_27", "test_88_28", "test_88_29", "test_88_30", "test_88_31", "test_88_32", "test_88_33", "test_88_34", "test_88_35", "test_88_36", "test_88_37", "test_88_38", "test_88_39", "test_88_40", "test_88_41", "test_88_42", "test_88_43", "test_88_44", "test_88_45", "test_88_46", "test_88_47", "test_88_48", "test_88_49", "test_88_50", "test_88_51", "test_88_52", "test_88_53", "test_88_54", "test_88_55", "test_88_56", "test_88_57", "test_88_58", "test_88_59", "test_88_60", "test_88_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, how are you today?", "Good day!! Im great. How are you?", "Yes good thank you. I've been busy today.", "Working? I just returned from nyc. We went to see the graffiti.", "Wow that sound really interesting. I love art I'm learning to do oil paintings.", "That is cool!! I got my fifth tattoo there. I wish I could paint.", "I'm not very good yet but im getting better. What is your tattoo of?", "It is of a small tiger head. Do you have any?", "I have my wife's name with a rose.", "That is nice!! I own my mom's coffee shop now. My tattoos have to be tasteful.", "I help my mom a lot as she has not been very well.", "I'm sorry, I hope she gets better..", "She is much better at the moment. I just like helping. Do you have a job?", "Coffee shop. Been nice chatting with you. Take care.", "Are you hiring at your mother's coffee shop? I have a friend looking for a job.", "I'm not sure if she is hiring right now but i will ask and get back to you", "That would be great. This friend of mine could really use a job and is very responsible and personable. They're also very presentable. But obviously if you're not hiring then you're not hiring.", "it always good to have great people working so i will for sure ask and get back with you asap. ", "Okay, that sounds good. I was wondering what your other four tattoos are of?", "One is my mom name, then i have one of flower with a rose. The other two is an awareness ribbons. Do you have more than one tattoo? Do you want more? ", "No, I just have the one of my wife's name and a rose. If I get divorced I guess I'll have to get it removed. For now I don't think I'll add any. Do you have an idea or desire for a sixth?", "yeah you can always get it removed are covered up.I do want another one day but not sure yet. I usually let my tattoo ideas come to me.", "How old were you when you got your first tattoo?", "I was 21 years old when i got my first now i can't seem to stop", "Yes, they do say that tattoos can be addictive. Do you think you're actually addicted to it?", "no i believe i can stop at anytime i jut don't want to. it's the way i like to express myself", "I got some good news about my mom today! The tests all came back negative and she's been feeling well.", "that's great! what were they testing for again?", "Well they were testing for a bunch of different things. We've had a really difficult time narrowing it down.", "well i'm glad she's okay. I know how much she means to you.", "Thank you. Yes, I don't know what I would do without her. How is your mother doing?", "she's doing well. The coffee shop has been getting good business lately so she's very happy haha. She had been stressed about money before.", "It's so good to hear that things are going better for her. Do you work at her coffee shop or a different one?", "i work at hers. I actually own it now.", "Oh, I see. What's it like working with your mother? I think that I would get into too many arguments if I was working with mine, as much as I love her.", "It can be stressful sometimes but now that I've shown that I can run the place properly, she's pretty hands off and just lets me do my thing. We get along pretty well at work now.", "Well it's good that it's working out for you both! It's good that she's staying active. It's been difficult to find things for my mother to do while she's been sick.", "I'm sure she'll be back at it soon.", "Have you thought about getting any new tattoos?", "I'm ALWAYS thinking of getting new tattoos. The trick is figuring out how they'll fit with the ones I already have and what I could do with them later. Perhaps you're right about them being addictive! I admire you for stopping with the one.", "I see. They are very artistic though. I envy that you can work well with your mom.", "Yeah, I think we complement each other. Do you and yours have totally different personalities, or is it mainly the sickness that leads to the arguing and her needing help that leads to the arguments?", "It's a mix of both. It is quite stressful having to take care of work responsibilities and care for someone who is sick. ", "I can only imagine. Hopefully you can get some \"you time\" soon. And it's great to hear she's feeling better so maybe things will improve. How is your wife handling everything?", "She's good. She's thinking of getting a tattoo. Do you have any suggestions?", "Not really. Tattoos are super personal. That said, I'm more than happy to recommend some artists if you want. They might have something to inspire her. So you'll each have one! Think she'll get addicted?", "I don't think she'll get addicted. She has much more impulse control than me. I'd love to hear some recommendations for artists.", "I'll email you some names/shops since I've used a few different ones. Maybe your oil painting will help you relax after any future arguments with your mom. It sounds like a relaxing hobby.", "That sounds great. How's the coffee shop?", "Oh, it's great. Maybe you should drop in sometime! Perhaps some soothing tea would help you. I wouldn't mind seeing anything you've painted so far.", "Can you help me with ideas for my wife's tattoo? She's really struggling and I know this is what you love.", "Well what are some of her interests? I need a little something to go on. When you get a tattoo, it becomes part of you. I want to make sure I give you the right recommendation.", "She is really into gardening and is especially interested in musical theater. I swear she has seen Les Miserables and Hamilton a total of 25 times.", "Les Miserables is a classic! I can't say I blame her for that one. Okay well, you can't go wrong with a flower tattoo. It's fairly basic and easy to do. I would recommend getting it on her leg or perhaps forearm if she doesn't wear shorts a lot. What's her favorite color?", "I know it is cliche but I would love to combine Rose (her name) somewhere in there. Her favorite color is blue. Going with the flower idea I would like it to be held by something incredible but have no idea what.", "A blue rose is a wonderful idea. If that is the case, I would definitely go with her forearm for it. It can surrounded by stars or even crystals if she wants something more complex. Perhaps put two crystals on the outside of her name. Like the blue rose with her name up under it?", "That is an idea. Maybe have her name featured below a scene or portrait. She wants to go big for this one. She is even considering having it cover the length of her back.", "Oh really now? Well she's going big for this. I'm impressed honestly as a lot of people go for something smaller. My first tattoo was fairly small. Then I got another and then another. Sooner or later it becomes like a hobby. You can get addicted to getting them.", "She has fallen in love with the idea of her body representing a pictorial of her life or \"her\" as she says. She has a friend Stacey that has some pretty cool art, I think she has twenty in total. She went through the significance of each and ever since my wife is determined to do the same.", "I think that's awesome to be honest. Tattoos are like any other artform. They express our desires, feelings, experiences, and trials in life. To have it show through tattoos is a wonderful thing.", "While I agree, I can't imagine covering my body in them. I will admit I have seen some beautiful artistry in the craft. Let me know if you have any ideas regarding the full back tattoo or should I really try and convince her to start out smaller?", "It's not a bad idea. I would say she should start smaller to be honest. Get a part of a larger work done and see how she likes it. It will take getting used to the pain as well. It's not horrible but when you first get one done it's rather uncomfortable. I would say convince her to start smaller and see if she likes it. "], "init_persona": [[["I like people.", "I try to be helpful.", "I like art.", "I want to be a painter.", "I love fast cars."], ["I have five tattoos in total.", "I like visiting places with graffiti.", "My mom owned a little coffee shop.", "My favorite tv show is friends.", "I do not own a car yet."]], [["I love art. I am learning to oil paint.", "I have a wife. I have a tattoo of my wife's name Rose.", "My mom is not well. I help my mom a lot."], ["I went to NYC to see the graffiti.", "I got my fifth tattoo of a small tiger head in NYC. I can't paint.", "I own my mom's coffee shop. I work at a coffee shop."]], [["I love art. I am learning to oil paint.", "I have a wife. I have a tattoo of my wife's name Rose.", "My mom is not well. I help my mom a lot.", "I only have one tattoo. I don't want any more tattoos. I think people find tattoos addictive."], ["I went to NYC to see the graffiti.", "I got my fifth tattoo of a small tiger head in NYC. I can't paint.", "I own my mom's coffee shop. I work at a coffee shop.", "I have several tattoos I would like to get more tattoos. I got my first tattoo when I was 21."]], [["I love art. I am learning to oil paint.", "I have a wife. I have a tattoo of my wife's name Rose.", "My mom is not well. I help my mom a lot. I was worried about my mother.", "I only have one tattoo. I don't want any more tattoos. I think people find tattoos addictive.", "I really love my mom. I argue with my mom sometimes. I do not work with my mom.", "It has been difficult when my mother was sick."], ["I went to NYC to see the graffiti.", "I got my fifth tattoo of a small tiger head in NYC. I can't paint.", "I own my mom's coffee shop. I work at a coffee shop.", "I have several tattoos I would like to get more tattoos. I got my first tattoo when I was 21.", "I work well with my mother."]], [["I love art. I am learning to oil paint.", "I have a wife. I have a tattoo of my wife's name Rose.", "My mom is not well. I help my mom a lot. I was worried about my mother.", "I only have one tattoo. I don't want any more tattoos. I think people find tattoos addictive.", "I really love my mom. I do not work with my mom.", "It has been difficult when my mother was sick. Me and my mom argue a lot. She's ill and needs a lot of help. I find her illness stressful. I work and take care of my mom. My mom's been feeling better lately.", "My wife has good impulse control. I don't have so much."], ["I went to NYC to see the graffiti.", "I got my fifth tattoo of a small tiger head in NYC. I can't paint.", "I own my mom's coffee shop. I work at a coffee shop.", "I have several tattoos I would like to get more tattoos. I got my first tattoo when I was 21.", "I'm very creative about making my tattoos work together. I think tattoos are addictive.", "I work with my mom. We complement each other. I think tattoos are very personal. I know a lot of tattoo artists."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_94_0", "test_94_1", "test_94_2", "test_94_3", "test_94_4", "test_94_5", "test_94_6", "test_94_7", "test_94_8", "test_94_9", "test_94_10", "test_94_11", "test_94_12", "test_94_13", "test_94_14", "test_94_15", "test_94_16", "test_94_17", "test_94_18", "test_94_19", "test_94_20", "test_94_21", "test_94_22", "test_94_23", "test_94_24", "test_94_25", "test_94_26", "test_94_27", "test_94_28", "test_94_29", "test_94_30", "test_94_31", "test_94_32", "test_94_33", "test_94_34", "test_94_35", "test_94_36", "test_94_37", "test_94_38", "test_94_39", "test_94_40", "test_94_41", "test_94_42", "test_94_43", "test_94_44", "test_94_45", "test_94_46", "test_94_47", "test_94_48", "test_94_49", "test_94_50", "test_94_51", "test_94_52", "test_94_53", "test_94_54", "test_94_55", "test_94_56", "test_94_57", "test_94_58", "test_94_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Ey, just a normal straight edge highschooler here.", "Hey, me, too, but I am already working really hard ahead of college next year.", "I see, same! I'm going to college and have gotten straight a's. Hard though.", "Yes, and my night job cooking hamburgers at a diner makes it tougher.", "I dont have a job but I run a lot. Burgers after a run are good.", "No time for sports for me, weekends feeding lab rats at a research lab!", "Weekends are just listening to music for me. Its like meditiation.", "The closest I get to meditation is gorging on ice cream after hours at the diner!", "Nice! I need it to stay sane. Parents dont support school. Blue collar workers.", "Wish I had parents, just me and deaf doggie. He's why I'm interested in neuroscience.", "Aw, thats sad. My dads a steel worker. He works long hours in factories.", "Hard work makes it in life! Good lesson for you, for us both.", "Does your deaf dog know any tricks? How do you communicate with your dog?", "My dog isn't able to do any tricks. I mostly tell him he's being a good boy by patting his head. It really comes down to physical affection with him.", "You must be a great dog owner. I would love to get a dog, what breed is yours and what is his name?", "He is a sweet little beagle named Sparky.", "How cute! Have you ever had any other pets? I once had a hamster named Leonardo.", "That sounds cute. I had another dog named Paco when I was a lot younger. I bet that your dog would enjoy running with you if you got one.", "Yes, that is a great idea. I know border collies like to run, well they like to chase sheep anyway. Maybe that would be a good breed to get.", "Yeah, I think so too. It's really great for them to get a lot of exercise. I wish I had more time to take my dog outside.", "Yes, you seem really busy. Maybe I can come take your dog for a walk sometimes to see if I am fit for the responsibility of a dog while also helping you out at the same time.", "I think that would be a great idea. Sparky would really love to have the company!", "Sounds like a plan! Maybe afterwards I can stop by the diner and try these famous hamburgers you make!", "Haha, well they are pretty great. Just be careful, because you might get addicted to them!", "I spoke to my parents when I got home about possibly getting a dog. They we hesitant at first but once I said I'd be walking yours they said they'd see how that went and consider it! I would totally still walk Sparky, though. Do they like other dogs?", "They love other dogs. Although, being deaf makes it difficult for recall so you need to leave them on the lead.", "That makes sense. Do you think it's harder having dogs with hearing issues?", "Definitely harder, but they love the same and they have their own personalities.", "I bet they do have their own personalities! Dogs definitely love unconditionally. I've said for years that humans could learn quite a bit about love if they'd pay attention to how dogs love.", "Preach that, it is amazing that no matter how much they have enjoyed their day, they are so happy to see you. My dog is very loving and pays a lot of attention, maybe because of the deafness.", "It sounds like your dog loves you beyond measure.", "Yes they do! You'll never guess what I had for dinner tonight... ", "What did you have for dinner?", "Hamburgers! You love hamburgers so I thought you would appreciate hearing about it. I had cheese, mustard, and lettuce on them, too.", "That's awesome! Hamburgers are the best. I had cheesy ham and potato soup!", "ooooo, that sounds lovely, also. I haven't had soup for ages. I usually ham soup when I am ill, because of its liquid nature and warmth", "How is the cooking job doing? Have you cooked anything new? ", "Yeah, I invented a chilli dog casserole. t's really good!", "No way! I'll have to stop by and try it, that sounds awesome. Maybe I'll come by after a run to get my energy back.", "The beans will pick you up! I still have plenty left, so stop by for sure! I can always make more too, because it's so fast and easy!", "You bet! How's the lab work going? Are you learning anything new with the research?", "We just did some interesting new things on genome sequencing. We are going to try to clone a jersey cow next year.", "That's intense. How much longer do you have left in school? I'm just a freshman but I'm trying to get through it all in 3 years.", "Just two more weeks! I'm thinking about taking classes this summer to get a head start on my freshman year at college though.", "I did that my first summer and recommend it, you make such a close group of friends with your classmates! And it knocks a class off your schedule, which is also nice", "Yes! I may have to give up my night job though. They have told me at the lab they would be able to give me more hours there in the fall, which will help. Especially since i want to major in molecular biology!", "So what I'm hearing is that I better come get some of that casserole ASAP lol", "Haha! Yep! And if you need a job this summer, maybe you'd want my night job if and when I quit it. It's not hard. It's mostly fry-cooking.", "Are you planning on continuing to work in the lab when they clone the cow? That's really exciting!", "I really want to. If classes are too hard though, I will have to quit. I will still keep in touch with them! Would you eat a hamburger from a cloned cow?", "Awww, don't quit if classes get too hard. You seem like a really intelligent person. Honestly, I wouldn't knowingly eat a hamburger from a cloned cow, but I'm sure at some point we won't know the real source of where our beef is coming from.", "Thanks for the encouragement! You wouldn't eat a cloned one, but would you try a Beyond burger or plant-based version? Some people say they taste really similar, but I never thought they tasted the same.", "I think I would try a plant based burger. I don't find anything wrong with plants, and it's worth trying for the experience alone. I'm jut not familiar with the cloning process. Although I think it is cool and interesting, I just don't know enough about it to say I want to eat anything from a cloned animal.", "That's good that you keep an open mind! The cloning process is actually relatively simple, and happens in nature already! Did you know bananas, avocados, and some bees clone themselves? The only difference is, we do this in a lab!", "Oh! I did not know that. Well if you can clone cows that's more ice cream for you! Haha. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?", "Yes, more ice cream is always good, haha! I like a good rocky road, or pretty much any chocolate ice cream with nuts or stir-ins! I like most of Jeni's brand too. How about you? What is your favorite kind?", "I am a big fan of cookie dough ice cream, and I love cheesecake flavored ice creams too! Ben & Jerry has some that I like, but I prefer to get ice cream from an ice cream shop. It's just something about being in that environment,", "Yes, ice cream shops are the best! They have stir-ins, and the smells are heavenly! Ben and Jerry's used to have a blueberry cheesecake that was amazing! I have only had that and their strawberry flavors. Both were great!", "YES! You get it. Now I want to go to an ice cream shop. I might apply for a part-time job at an ice cream shop since I'm not working. Do you enjoy your job as a fry cook? I think the food & restaurant industries may be similar.", "Haha, I couldn't work at an ice cream shop because I would eat too much! You should do it though, if you have more self-control! I don't really like being a fry cook too much, but it pays my bills, and the people are great!"], "init_persona": [[["I run track in highschool.", "I am a straight a student.", "My father is a steel worker.", "My mother is a homemaker.", "I love music."], ["I will be going to college next year.", "I study neuroscience and volunteer in a research lab.", "I am working on becoming an eagle scout.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like to eat ice cream."]], [["I am in high school. I am also planning on going to college. I am a good student.", "I do not have a job. I like to run.", "I listen to music on the weekends.", "My parents do blue collar work. My dad works in steel factories."], ["I am in high school too. I am planning on going to college next year.", "I have a night job as a cook.", "I have a weekend job at a laboratory. I do not participate in sports.", "I like ice cream.", "I do not have parents, but I do have a dog."]], [["I am in high school. I am also planning on going to college. I am a good student.", "I do not have a job. I like to run.", "I listen to music on the weekends.", "My parents do blue collar work. My dad works in steel factories.", "I don't have a dog but I would like one.I like having pets. I am a responsible person.", "I enjoy good hamburgers."], ["I am in high school too. I am planning on going to college next year.", "I have a night job as a cook.", "I have a weekend job at a laboratory. I do not participate in sports.", "I like ice cream.", "I do not have parents, but I do have a dog who is deaf. I am a compassionate person. I have had dogs my entire life.", "I don't have a lot of free time."]], [["I am in high school. I am also planning on going to college. I am a good student.", "I do not have a job. I like to run.", "I listen to music on the weekends.", "My parents do blue collar work. My dad works in steel factories.", "I don't have a dog but I would like one.I like having pets. I am a responsible person.", "I enjoy good hamburgers.", "I live with my parents. I want a dog of my own. My parents have a dog named Sparky.", "I like hamburgers a lot."], ["I am in high school too. I am planning on going to college next year.", "I have a night job as a cook.", "I have a weekend job at a laboratory. I do not participate in sports.", "I like ice cream.", "I do not have parents, but I do have a dog who is deaf. I am a compassionate person. I have had dogs my entire life.", "I don't have a lot of free time.", "I like eating soup when I am sick."]], [["I am in high school. I am also planning on going to college. I am a good student.", "I do not have a job. I like to run.", "I listen to music on the weekends.", "My parents do blue collar work. My dad works in steel factories.", "I don't have a dog but I would like one.I like having pets. I am a responsible person.", "I enjoy good hamburgers.", "I live with my parents. I want a dog of my own. My parents have a dog named Sparky.", "I like hamburgers a lot.", "I'm a freshman in college. I went to college the summer before my freshman year and made a lot of close friends."], ["I am in high school too. I graduate in two weeks. I am planning on going to college next year.", "I do not participate in sports.", "I like ice cream.", "I do not have parents, but I do have a dog who is deaf. I am a compassionate person. I have had dogs my entire life.", "I don't have a lot of free time.", "I like eating soup when I am sick.", "I love to cook. I invented a chili dog casserole. My chili dog casserole recipe is delicious, fast and easy to make.", "I have a weekend job at a laboratory sequencing the genome. My lab is going to clone a jersey cow next year. I might take summer college classes before my freshman year.", "I have a night job as a fry cook, but I might get more hours in the fall. I want to major in molecular biology.", "I plan on quitting my night job this summer."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_96_0", "test_96_1", "test_96_2", "test_96_3", "test_96_4", "test_96_5", "test_96_6", "test_96_7", "test_96_8", "test_96_9", "test_96_10", "test_96_11", "test_96_12", "test_96_13", "test_96_14", "test_96_15", "test_96_16", "test_96_17", "test_96_18", "test_96_19", "test_96_20", "test_96_21", "test_96_22", "test_96_23", "test_96_24", "test_96_25", "test_96_26", "test_96_27", "test_96_28", "test_96_29", "test_96_30", "test_96_31", "test_96_32", "test_96_33", "test_96_34", "test_96_35", "test_96_36", "test_96_37", "test_96_38", "test_96_39", "test_96_40", "test_96_41", "test_96_42", "test_96_43", "test_96_44", "test_96_45", "test_96_46", "test_96_47", "test_96_48", "test_96_49", "test_96_50", "test_96_51", "test_96_52", "test_96_53", "test_96_54", "test_96_55", "test_96_56", "test_96_57", "test_96_58", "test_96_59", "test_96_60", "test_96_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I wish I wasn't divorced. It's hard raising one child..", "I can imagine it would be im not married but my girlfriend has 2 kids.", "Life is so hard in the united states. I immigrated from britain last year.", "I hope that your life gets better here in america.", "I'm sure it will over time. I'm a metal worker, what's your profession?.", "I do this on mtrurk,landscaping,sales,envelope stuffing,painting,all kinds of things.", "Very nice! What type of paintings do you create?.", "Lol,i do like painting in aprtments and buildings that sort of painting,i do waterpainting as well though.", "Haha my mistake. That's great, sounds like you're the jack of all trades.", "Yeah funny you mention that I work with my freind who owns john of all trades.", "Hopefully it's not too hot doing all that landscapping work. I know the summers can be dreadful.", "Yeah I dont mind though ive become intolerant of the winter I used to love it.", "Living in florida is so much different to britain. The winters were so bitter..", "Oh I can imagine,so how do you like america?", "Today was the hottest day I've ever experienced here in Florida!", "So do you enjoy the heat more than the cold in Britain?", "Haha it's an adjustment, but overall I'd call it an improvement! When are you moving here?", "Oh I'm moving down in two years. I can't wait for the beautiful summers.", "You'll love it! Have you scoped out a particular city or region in Florida?", "Southern Florida looks like fun, but anywhere on the east coast looks lovely. What area are you in?", "I'm near Sarasota, on the gulf coast. I've found that the vibe is much more relaxed on the gulf than on the Atlantic.", "Oh is that so? Is there a lot of fun things to do or places to go?", "Totally! There's something for everyone, though it's geared toward a more mature crowd. Lots of arts and cultural stuff, but also gorgeous, tranquil beaches and classy restaurants.", "Oh that sounds wonderful. Any places or activities you like to do with your daughter in particular?", "I enjoy taking her to the museums around here. It's so educational for her!", "That sounds perfect. I love all kinds of art and I would like that kind of atmosphere", "Have you ever been to an art museum?", "I do! Sometimes I find inspiration for my waterpainting by seeing some of the artwork at the museum. How about you?", "I have. My daughter loves them as she wants to be come an artist one day. So I take her to see what other have done before her.", "It completely slipped my mind that you like going to museums, duh! I am so happy they you are encouraging your daughter's passion for art. Do you dabble in any art yourself?", "I try, but I am not very good at it. But we try to make art together because she loves it. How is that big water painting for your boss going? ", "It's been an interesting experience so far. I start out really strong and thought I'd have it done in no time, then I hit a couple snags. I'm getting back into it and I think I may be finished by Thursday (just in time for her deadline!)", "That is good. I am sure she will love it. You always were a great painter. ", "That is so kind of you to say. I can be pretty hard on my work, but you and others have always been so encouraging. I appreciate it! ", "We should get together one day and you can look at my daughters work and tell me what you think. She doesn't believe me when I say she is good. She tells me your mom you have to say that..lol Kids.", "LOL. The picture you shared of her art project was pretty impressive. If that was any indication of her work, I am sure it's really fantastic. Is she thinking about studying are in college? ", "She wants to, but is scared her work isn't good enough. She posted a few of her stuff online for sale and they were all brought. A couple even gave more then she asked saying her price was to low for something so awesome.", "Wow! That's pretty impressive. Well, if she is thinking about college, I might be able to put in a good word. My friend is a benefactor of the art department at State U!", "How's the art project for your boss coming along now?", "It's not really going well now because some logistic issues that are too complicate to explain here... Anyways, how was your day?", "It was fantastic! I am making art in Florida, and it didn't rain today! How was your day?", "I was busy sorting out the art project but at least I'm half done now! I'm taking a break and just want to empty my mind haha. How was your daughter doing by the way?", "She's doing great! We went to the Dali museum today for the first time. It is very inspiring. You'll have to check it out when you move here!", "Oh I never heard of the Dali museum, what does it have? And I'm glad you had a great time!", "It has a permanent collection of over 2,400 of Salvador Dali's works. It also has random objects from his life and information about his history. There is a free Dali Museum App! You should get it!", "Woah sounds exciting! I will get the app for sure and definitely go there. And did the visit inspire you to make any art pieces?", "Yes! I started a surreal painting of a monitor melting over someone's face as they stare into a dark abyss.", "Haha that's dark and funny at the same time, I love your sense of humor! Do you have any other works with similar themes?", "I have an entire deviantart profile with abstract and psychedelic digital art and also a redbubble with many prints available for purchase! ", "That's mad cool! I'll definitely purchase some to support you when I get some money! ", "Are you feeling inspired to start any new watercolors after you finish the project for your boss?", "Yea, I was thinking of doing something Tropical. Warm uc", "I like that idea, have you done something tropical before?", "Not really. But who the painter who did all that work in Tahiti with the native people? I just love the reds and the purples and the vibrance", "I am not sure, I would have to look it up. Can I see your new work once it is done?", "Of course. You know the State University that I worked with once? Well one of the professors likes one my test pieces. He wants to show it off in a show. But with my move, I don't have time to produce.", "Well are you able to send him one of your test pieces that you have done previously?", "I mean I did, but there's no more. Like three are half done. I'm like Picasso on day one of his blue period. You know genius is coming but when? Anyways, yes you can see the work. It might be on display at the university.", "Neat, you will have to let me know when it will be on display! Do you know exactly where in Florida you will be moving?", "My top two - south Florida and the panhandle - just had major hurricanes so that spooked me. That leaves Orlando north to Jacksonville. Well, and the Tampa area -Clearwater's nice. Have you been?", "Yes, I have actually been to Clearwater. It was really nice but the traffic while I was there was insane!", "You know that big road going right to the beach. It's like two lanes of hell every time I go. But once you're on the beach, it's great. Imagine a commute! I'll be painting on the beach, I think. Yea, Clearwater Beach it is, I think. Thank you."], "init_persona": [[["I am british.", "I am a metal worker.", "I have immigrated to the united states.", "I am divorced.", "I have 1 child."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."]], [["I am divorced. I have one child.", "I live in Florida. I immigrated from Britain.", "I'm a metal worker."], ["I'm not married. I have a girlfriend.", "I live in America.", "I also do landscaping, sales, envelope stuffing, and painting. I like painting in apartments and buildings. I also do waterpainting.", "I work with my friend.", "I used to love winter, now I am intolerant of winter."]], [["I am divorced. I have one child.", "I live in Florida. I immigrated from Britain. I like living in Florida more than the UK. I live on the Gulf coast. I prefer the Gulf coast to the Atlantic coast.", "I'm a metal worker.", "I have a daughter. I enjoy taking my daughter to museums."], ["I'm not married. I have a girlfriend.", "I live in America.", "I also do landscaping, sales, envelope stuffing, and painting. I like painting in apartments and buildings. I also do waterpainting. I love all kinds of art.", "I work with my friend.", "I used to love winter, now I am intolerant of winter.", "I plan to move to Florida in two years. I think the US east coast is lovely."]], [["I am divorced. ", "I live in Florida. I immigrated from Britain. I like living in Florida more than the UK. I live on the Gulf coast. I prefer the Gulf coast to the Atlantic coast.", "I'm a metal worker.", "I have a daughter. I enjoy taking my daughter to museums.", "I make art.", "I am a woman. I am older."], ["I'm not married. I have a girlfriend.", "I live in America.", "I also do landscaping, sales, envelope stuffing, and painting. I like painting in apartments and buildings. I also do waterpainting. I love all kinds of art.", "I work with my friend.", "I used to love winter, now I am intolerant of winter.", "I plan to move to Florida in two years. I think the US east coast is lovely.", "I like museums.", "I am working on a project for my boss. I am critical of my art.", "I have a connection at State U associated with art."]], [["I am divorced. ", "I live in Florida. I immigrated from Britain. I like living in Florida more than the UK. I live on the Gulf coast. I prefer the Gulf coast to the Atlantic coast.", "I'm a metal worker.", "I have a daughter. I enjoy taking my daughter to museums.", "I am a woman. I am older.", "I am making art in Florida. I like Salvador Dali's art.", "I like to paint. I'm working on a piece of surreal art right now.", "I have a profile of abstract and psychedelic digital art. I also sell prints of my work on Redbubble."], ["I'm not married. I have a girlfriend.", "I live in America.", "I also do landscaping, sales, envelope stuffing, and painting. I like painting in apartments and buildings. I also do waterpainting. I love all kinds of art.", "I work with my friend.", "I used to love winter, now I am intolerant of winter.", "I plan to move to Florida in two years. I think the US east coast is lovely.", "I like museums.", "I am working on an art project for my boss but it's not going well.. I am critical of my art.", "I have a connection at State U associated with art.", "I am moving to Florida."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_98_0", "test_98_1", "test_98_2", "test_98_3", "test_98_4", "test_98_5", "test_98_6", "test_98_7", "test_98_8", "test_98_9", "test_98_10", "test_98_11", "test_98_12", "test_98_13", "test_98_14", "test_98_15", "test_98_16", "test_98_17", "test_98_18", "test_98_19", "test_98_20", "test_98_21", "test_98_22", "test_98_23", "test_98_24", "test_98_25", "test_98_26", "test_98_27", "test_98_28", "test_98_29", "test_98_30", "test_98_31", "test_98_32", "test_98_33", "test_98_34", "test_98_35", "test_98_36", "test_98_37", "test_98_38", "test_98_39", "test_98_40", "test_98_41", "test_98_42", "test_98_43", "test_98_44", "test_98_45", "test_98_46", "test_98_47", "test_98_48", "test_98_49", "test_98_50", "test_98_51", "test_98_52", "test_98_53", "test_98_54", "test_98_55", "test_98_56", "test_98_57", "test_98_58", "test_98_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you doing today?", "Not too bad, how are you?", "Not too shabby. Whats your favorite food?", "Have you ever heard of cornish pastys? I really like those!", "No I haven't. I'll have to check into it. I favor seafood mainly.", "I like seafood too. Do you like walking on the beach?", "Beaches, hiking, learning new languages.", "How many languages do you speak?", "4 fluently. Hoping it will be useful for my marketing degree.", "I am fluent in spanish and english. Are you still in high school?", "No. I currently am in college finishing up my masters degree.", "Oh cool, guess what I'm doing next week?", "I have been very busy during the last week as I had to prepare myself for final exams. I just took the last one this morning and now I have one week ahead of me to take some deep breath from everything. The weather is very nice. I bet there will be a huge crowd coming to the beach this weekend to take a sun shower. How interested are you for a morning walk on the beach this weekend? After that we can have the lunch at the great seafood restaurant that has been recently opened by the beach. What do you think?", "I would love to walk on the beach this weekend! The weather is supposed to be great. Lunch at that restaurant sounds great, too. ", "Wonderful! Do you like oysters? I think they have a special on them, depending on what time you go.", "I love oysters. That would be wonderful! You are really good at planning outtings. Do you go out much?", "Not lately, as school has been really hectic. On top of that, I'm trying to keep my spending at bay, though I do love to splurge on oysters once in a while!", "That makes a lot of sense. I love going out, but I've been spending a lot of time inside lately, catching up on movies and reading. ", "Do you have a busy work schedule? I'm curious as to what you do!", "I guess I have a pretty regular schedule. I work in an office. It's not too exciting, but it pays the bills. haha", "That's always a good thing! I'm trying to mentally prepare for being in an office. I'm ready to be done with school, but I suppose the grass is always greener haha.", "Yeah, it's just a different kind of busy. haha The most important things are just do your job as best you can and keep out of coworker drama.", "How long have you been at your current company?", "A couple years now. It's a pretty good company. I'm hoping to try for a higher position maybe next year.", "I have checked the restaurant, and if we go there by 11AM this weekend, they are able to serve us very fresh oysters!", "Excellent! It will be awesome for me to get out of the house for a bit. What other types of food do they have there?", "It is mainly seafood, if I am honest. That's why I picked it because I know how much you love it. ", "Great for me! I'm glad we can both agree on getting seafood. Is it a place near the beach? Anything else you want to do while we're out there?", "Yeah, it is about 10 minute walk to the beach. I am not sure if you can rent the jet skis there at the moment, but if you can, we should. Make sure to bring your water clothes ", "Sounds good, I'll plan on it. Should be a great afternoon. How much time do you think you'll have? I know you're super busy with your studies", "I have erased the whole day from my schedule to do with work. We should have the whole day to explore and spend together, if you are free. Is that alright with you?", "Sounds excellent to me! It will be awesome to have a day out of the office. We can look into jet skis and I definitely want to walk on the beach. Have you ever gone surfing?", "I haven't been surfing, actually. Do you know if they offer that close by, or are you experienced?", "I have been surfing only a few times but I'd be happy to give you some pointers if we can find a place to do it, unless there's anything else you'd rather do", "No, I think jet skis, walking on the beach, and maybe surfing is enough for one day. Along with the restaurant. As free as the day is for me in terms of work, I don't want to be exhausted for the day after.", "That definitely makes sense. We could try to wrap everything up by late afternoon so we can both rest that night. I will have to be back at work after Memorial Day anyways", "I found another interesting restaurant by the beach that we can try out. Although that last restaurant will be hard to beat.", "It really would, but I believe in you haha. What kind of food is it?", "Seafood of course! I'm so glad I have a friend who enjoys seafood as much as me. A lot of people don't like oysters so its hard to find true fans like us.", "I think it is just people think they look gross so they won't try them. They are the ones missing out", "So true. I think because we both love the beach, jet skiing, and other water activities- we're more used to this stuff. Maybe you can bring me out when you go surfing next time.", "I'd love to! Is this your way of telling me you're ready to try surfing?", "Haha yes of course! You know me, I already LOVE outdoor activities and trying new things! You can teach me surfing and I could bring you along on my next hike. That would also help you get out of the house more!", "I really do need to get out more so I will take you up on that! Are you available to come to the beach next week. The weather is supposed to be perfect and it would be a great time to start. I'm still a novice myself, but I know I can help you get started", "Yes! I love that we can hold each other accountable like that and go enjoy the fresh air. The added bonus of it all is that it will also help me save money! Nothing better than a free activity ", "Saving money is one of my favorite things. Though I am saving up for a jet ski. Not sure if that is a smart purchase", "I think anything that brings you joy is an excellent purchase. Especially since you're due for a promotion soon, I think you could totally justify getting a jet ski. You deserve it!", "You think so? I can't help but feel it is a purchase I might regret one day. But I know I would love it in the short term.", "I got a lot better at surfing lately, I might be even better than you now!", "That's great. Did you ride them for long? And how high were they?", "Well, long is relative. LOL. 2 seconds I'd bet. And they were kiddie waves. But to me they were giant!", "It was probably a lot longer than you thought. That's fab. Did you do any Jet-skiing as well?", "Not this time. Finals has been taking up most of my time. But the surf training helps me relax. You been on your jet ski recently?", "I few times, I'm getting excited about buying one now. I only need another $200. How is the studying going?", "It's going okay. Can't wait to be done though. What made you decide to get a new one", "I'll bet. We should celebrate after you finish by going surfing/jet skiing. I have been thinking of getting one for about a year, I just fancy owning one.", "I only have a few left! I'll be done on Thursday!", "Ok. Well that weekend or the following one we should make plans to meet.", "Definitely. Hit the ocean and then beers and oysters are on me!", "Sounds great. What is the first thing you'll do when you finish your exams?"], "init_persona": [[["I like to play baseball.", "I love eating seafood.", "I enjoy learning new languages.", "I'm currently going for a marketing degree.", "I want to design ads in the future."], ["I love taking walks on the beach.", "In my free time, I go on mountain hikes.", "I can speak english and spanish fluently.", "I'm currently in high school.", "I am moving to a new house next week."]], [["I like seafood.", "Walking on beach, hiking, and learning new languages are my favorite activities.", "I speak four languages fluently. I study marketing. I'm a masters student at college."], ["My favorite food is cornish pastys.", "I like seafood.", "I speak Spanish and English fluently."]], [["I like seafood.", "Walking on beach, hiking, and learning new languages are my favorite activities.", "I speak four languages fluently. I study marketing. I'm a masters student at college. I almost finished school. I am preparing final exams.", "I want to go to the beach. I like oysters. I don't go out much lately. I am trying to save money."], ["My favorite food is cornish pastys.", "I like seafood.", "I speak Spanish and English fluently.", "I want to walk on the beach. I love oysters. I love going out but lately I am at home watching movies and reading.", "I work in an office. I am in this company for two years and hoping for a promotion next year."]], [["I like seafood.", "Walking on beach, hiking, and learning new languages are my favorite activities.", "I speak four languages fluently. I study marketing. I'm a masters student at college. I almost finished school. I am preparing final exams.", "I want to go to the beach. I like oysters. I don't go out much lately. I am trying to save money.", "I enjoy riding jet skis. I have never been surfing."], ["My favorite food is cornish pastys.", "I like seafood.", "I speak Spanish and English fluently.", "I want to walk on the beach. I love oysters. I love going out but lately I am at home watching movies and reading.", "I work in an office. I am in this company for two years and hoping for a promotion next year.", "I like riding jet skis. I am a novice surfer."]], [["I like seafood.", "Walking on beach, hiking, and learning new languages are my favorite activities.", "I speak four languages fluently. I study marketing. I'm a masters student at college. I almost finished school. I am preparing final exams.", "I like oysters. I don't go out much lately. I am trying to save money.", "I enjoy riding jet skis. I have never been surfing.", "I love the beach and water activities. I love outdoor activities and would also like to try new things."], ["My favorite food is cornish pastys.", "I like seafood.", "I speak Spanish and English fluently.", "I want to walk on the beach. I love oysters. I love going out but lately I am at home watching movies and reading.", "I work in an office. I am in this company for two years and hoping for a promotion next year.", "I like riding jet skis. I am a novice surfer.", "I like to save money and am currently saving to buy a jet ski."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_100_0", "test_100_1", "test_100_2", "test_100_3", "test_100_4", "test_100_5", "test_100_6", "test_100_7", "test_100_8", "test_100_9", "test_100_10", "test_100_11", "test_100_12", "test_100_13", "test_100_14", "test_100_15", "test_100_16", "test_100_17", "test_100_18", "test_100_19", "test_100_20", "test_100_21", "test_100_22", "test_100_23", "test_100_24", "test_100_25", "test_100_26", "test_100_27", "test_100_28", "test_100_29", "test_100_30", "test_100_31", "test_100_32", "test_100_33", "test_100_34", "test_100_35", "test_100_36", "test_100_37", "test_100_38", "test_100_39", "test_100_40", "test_100_41", "test_100_42", "test_100_43", "test_100_44", "test_100_45", "test_100_46", "test_100_47", "test_100_48", "test_100_49", "test_100_50", "test_100_51", "test_100_52", "test_100_53", "test_100_54", "test_100_55", "test_100_56", "test_100_57", "test_100_58", "test_100_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there I'm a single male, what about you?", "I am grilling steaks in my new house as we speak. You sing?.", "No, I don't sing though I enjoy the outdoors and I like to read.", "Great! I have two dogs who love hot dogs too. You dance?", "No I'm not a dancer either, maybe that's why I'm still single.", "Funny! I police the mall near my home. You work?", "I'm working on staying single and not marrying.", "I see. I need new furniture for my unfinished house. Any ideas?", "Do you have children, I don't and maybe that should be considered regarding furniture choices.", "No children here. I have two dogs who love steaks like me. You paint?", "I don't paint, but I do love dogs.", "Great! Bet you love grilling dog steaks like me too. Just kidding.", "So how long have you been in your new house now?", "About 3 days now! I've been trying to shop for furniture and other items, especially for my dogs.", "Is it a spacious house? How many rooms? Are the dogs adjusting well to their new home?", "There's lots of space for the dogs and they love it here! They have plenty of rooms to explore and hangout in.", "What are you going to do with all that space? An entertainment room? A workout room? A library?", "I'm gonna make a room just for my dogs! You are welcome to come and help decorate or play with my dogs!", "Oh, I will. Does next Saturday work for you, say about 10 in the morning? I know what I would do: I'm being crowded out of my apartment by all the books. It would have to be a library room for me.", "That sounds great, I can't wait to see you! Haha I can't imagine having that many books around. My dogs would chew them up.", "I love dogs, but that's why I don't have any! I would be knee-deep in shredded literature!", "When you get a new place you could always make that library room you wanted and keep the door closed!", "Yep, and when I buy a home, that's what I'll do. But in the apartment it's just one big room. Dogs and books could not co-exist peacefully! For the moment, give me a nice, quiet pussycat!", "Haha a cat would be great for an apartment. Much easier to care for than dogs.", "Do you think your dogs would get along with cats?", "Probably, they are friendly little puppies. The only reason I don't have cats is because I'm allergic. Why don't you have animals?", "I am also allergic. It is such a pain because I really want cats, but I could get a hairless cat? Sphinx cat, I think they are called?", "They are not the fluffiest or cuddliest by any means haha but you would get your cat! My new place would have room for cats, how about your apartment?", "Cats dont tend to need too much space, so I think my apartment is fine. How much bigger is your new place?", "There is more space for some big furniture, the dog room of course, and maybe a gym. I still haven't decided. Do you know of any good places for new furniture?", "I have heard that IKEA is good for furniture, but I think there is something less sturdy about flat pack furniture as opposed to professionally made furniture.", "IKEA is great, definitely cheaper stuff but with good quality. Maybe you can come over to help me assemble some stuff and meet my dogs!", "Yes, although I have my reservations about the furniture itself, I am more than capable and willing to help you build them. Also, with the added perk of meeting your dogs, how could I possibly say no?", "Haha awesome! I'll definitely take your advice on the furniture. By the way, have you read any good books recently?", "I haven't had a lot of free time recently to sit down and enjoy a book. But, the one I read most recently, which was amazing and I totally recommend, was Animal Farm by George Orwell.", "George Orwell is great! Haven't read that one though, I'll have to check it out. I haven't had much relaxing time either, I've been working a lot lately. ", "How's the new house coming along?", "it's going great! I am glad to finally be settling in but we really need furniture. any suggestions on where to shop?", "I do not really know of a place to shop for furniture. How long are your going to be in the house before you move into the bigger on? ", "I hope we are here for a long time. I want my family to have stability, you know?", "I did not think you had children? I guess you mean your dogs? I though you wanted yo move into a bigger house soon? I was going to say wait and get furniture when you move into the bogger house you was talking about.", "I don't have children, but I think of my pets as my family. their lives are shorter than human lives, and I don't wanna keep destabilizing them. I do ultimately wanna live somewhere bigger, but not for a long time yet.", "I know what you mean about pets being like children. Where are you thinking of getting furniture from? What all do you have to get?", "I think I will try shopping online so I can jsut have everything delivered and not deal with sales people! maybe amazon? or world market? I need to get two couches and some arm chairs for the formal living room", "I would try amazon. But sometimes the quality of the furniture is not so goo. But you could always get something cheap for now and then eventually get something better. ", "yeah that's what i'm thinking. if I don't overpay now I won't be sad replacing it!", "Yes, don't pay to much now and the upgrade when you find something you really like. What color couches are you looking for?", "I want either navy blue or like, a deep lime green. something really vibrant. what's your favorite color?", "It looks like Amazon is having some sales on dog beds and toys, have you seen it?", "No, thanks for telling me. Anything to put in their new room?", "I'm sure a nice comfy bed for your two puppies would look good in your new house. I just helped someone assemble some new furniture. How is your furniture coming along?", "Assembling the new furniture is a pain. It seems like there are always some pieces left over. But with IKEA, you got a free Allen wrench every time. ", "I don't like IKEA but they do give you all of the tools for the job. I'm sure it'll be a relief once you're all moved in. Do you have any plans once you get settled? You should treat yourself a little and relax.", "That sounds great, but we don't like leaving the dogs in a kennel so we don't often take vacations. Do you travel much?", "I don't travel much but I do like to go out and enjoy the outdoors. Hiking and camping is nice to get away from it all. I also like going out for a meal with friends to try new restaurants. How about you? What do you do to relax?", "We take the dogs to the dog park and let them run around. You meet a lot of nice dog owners that way.", "That sounds fun. It sounds like you have a great family to be around. Do you have any other plans these next few days? I think I'll spend most of my time reading because that's what I usually like to do.", "We'll be unpacking. Right now it's a bit like camping here since the kitchen stuff is misplaced. What will you be reading?", "I'll be reading more George Orwell since I just read Animal Farm. I like having a cup of hot chocolate and enjoying a good book. Do you like to read?", "Yes I do. I've been reading some Robert Benchley essay collections. His grandson is Peter Benchley who wrote \"Jaws\"."], "init_persona": [[["I am a male.", "I enjoy the outdoors and reading.", "I have no children.", "I am single.", "I am single and have no plans to marry."], ["I love pets and have 2 dogs.", "I work at the mall near my home.", "I have a house that is not yet finished.", "I am looking for a furniture shop to buy furniture.", "I love grilling steak and hotdogs."]], [["I am a single male.", "I don't sing. I enjoy the outdoors. I like to read.", "I am not a dancer.", "I want to stay single and not marry.", "I don't have children.", "I love dogs. I don't paint."], ["I have a new house. I need furniture for my house.", "I have two dogs who like hot dogs.", "I police the mall near my home.", "I have no children. I have two dogs who like steak."]], [["I am a single male.", "I don't sing. I enjoy the outdoors. I like to read.", "I am not a dancer.", "I want to stay single and not marry.", "I don't have children.", "I love dogs. I don't have any dogs. I like cats. I don't paint.", "I live in an apartment. I have a lot of books. I want to have a room for a library. I like cats."], ["I have two dogs who like hot dogs and steak.", "I police the mall near my home.", "I have no children.", "I just moved into a new house 3 days ago. I need to shop for furniture. My new house is very spacious. I plan to make a room just for my dogs. I like cats."]], [["I am a single male.", "I don't sing. I enjoy the outdoors. I like to read.", "I am not a dancer.", "I want to stay single and not marry.", "I don't have children.", "I love dogs. I don't have any dogs. I don't paint.", "I live in an apartment. I have a lot of books. I want to have a room for a library. I like cats.", "I am also allergic to cats. I would love to get a hairless cat.", "I prefer quality furniture to budget furniture. I do not like IKEA furniture. I am planning to go over to someone's house to help them assemble their new furniture.", "I have been busy. The last book I read was Animal Farm."], ["I have two puppies who like hot dogs and steak.", "I police the mall near my home.", "I have no children.", "I just moved into a new house 3 days ago. I need to shop for furniture. My new house is very spacious. I plan to make a room just for my dogs. I like cats. I am allergic to cats.", "I may be moving soon. My new place will be bigger than the one I live in now. I am going to give my dogs their own room. I need new furniture. I would like someone to help me put some furniture together.", "I have never read Animal Farm. I am often busy with work."]], [["I am a single male.", "I don't sing. I enjoy the outdoors. I like to read.", "I am not a dancer.", "I want to stay single and not marry.", "I don't have children.", "I love dogs. I don't have any dogs. I don't paint.", "I live in an apartment. I have a lot of books. I want to have a room for a library. I like cats.", "I am also allergic to cats. I would love to get a hairless cat.", "I prefer quality furniture to budget furniture. I do not like IKEA furniture. I am planning to go over to someone's house to help them assemble their new furniture.", "I have been busy. The last book I read was Animal Farm."], ["I have two puppies who like hot dogs and steak.", "I police the mall near my home.", "I have no children.", "I just moved into a new house 3 days ago. I need to shop for furniture. My new house is very spacious. I plan to make a room just for my dogs. I like cats. I am allergic to cats.", "I may be moving soon. My new place will be bigger than the one I live in now. I am going to give my dogs their own room. I need new furniture. I would like someone to help me put some furniture together.", "I have never read Animal Farm. I am often busy with work.", "I have a family.", "I like the colors Navy Blue and Deep Lime Green."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_102_0", "test_102_1", "test_102_2", "test_102_3", "test_102_4", "test_102_5", "test_102_6", "test_102_7", "test_102_8", "test_102_9", "test_102_10", "test_102_11", "test_102_12", "test_102_13", "test_102_14", "test_102_15", "test_102_16", "test_102_17", "test_102_18", "test_102_19", "test_102_20", "test_102_21", "test_102_22", "test_102_23", "test_102_24", "test_102_25", "test_102_26", "test_102_27", "test_102_28", "test_102_29", "test_102_30", "test_102_31", "test_102_32", "test_102_33", "test_102_34", "test_102_35", "test_102_36", "test_102_37", "test_102_38", "test_102_39", "test_102_40", "test_102_41", "test_102_42", "test_102_43", "test_102_44", "test_102_45", "test_102_46", "test_102_47", "test_102_48", "test_102_49", "test_102_50", "test_102_51", "test_102_52", "test_102_53", "test_102_54", "test_102_55", "test_102_56", "test_102_57", "test_102_58", "test_102_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you today?", "Great and you?", "Good, just finished eating some chocolate ice cream.", "Chocolate ice cream, yumm that's about the same color as my hair ;-).", "My dad had brown hair too; he was in the military.", "I love my family, my mother works with special needs clients.", "That's awesome! I just read a book about autism; I love to read.", "Me too! But I had no choice growing up latina, mom always pushed education.", "Same for me. Maybe that's why I work for a small nonprofit that helps underprivileged youths.", "Lol I kind of went the other route and became a healer.", "That's awesome. Well, it was nice talking with you today!", "It really was fun, thanks!", "I was at the book store and found a great new book to read on the advantages of working with youth in the community. ", "Oh wow that sounds awesome, what are some of the tips they give?", "I haven't started it yet, so I am not sure, but I will fill you in once I read it! How was your day today, what exactly do you do as a healer?", "Basically it is a therapy type thing. I listen to people vent about their problems and give them advice that helps them clear their mind.", "That sounds interesting. Where did you go to do your training to become a healer? ", "I got my degree in mindfulness at the local community college, I then trained under a healer at a local therapy location", "Oh that's great! What do you like to do when you are not healing people?", "I really enjoy reading, a big fan of biography books", "I love to read too, but I am more interested in fiction. What is the best biography you have read?", "The best auto-biography I ever read was about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. Super inspiring. What is your favorite fiction book?", "I bet that book was extremely inspiring! I love murder mysteries right now, but my all time favorite book would have to be To Kill a Mockingbird.", "To Kill a Mockingbird is an absolutely legendary book, something everyone needs to read.", "Was it difficult to earn your degree in mindfulness?", "It was not difficult. I learned some of it from a local healer so it was easy for me in school.", "Wow thats awesome. What was it working under a healer ?", "It was a great experience working under a healer. He thought me the nuisances of healing.that you cannot learn from books", "Its always good to have first hand experience. I have just finished reading a new mystery book.", "oh really, what book was that?", "gone girl there was a movie based on it, eating icecream while reading a book is such a comfortable feeling. Try reading it if you have free time", "The name \"gone girl\" is familiar. I am going to look it up after work.", "Yes it was a best selling book at one point. You said your favorite book is biography of Martin luther king why?", "I like how united the country and people together for a cause", "Yes he was such an inspiration to the black community wish we have such a leader today", "yes I agree. It is not like the days set in the book \"To Kill a Mockingbird\" but there is still inequality.", "I just started reading another murder mystery, The Last Goodbye. I can't put it down.", "What's it about? I've started the new Michelle Obama autobiography a couple of days ago.", "Well I don't want to spoil too much of its content since it's a murder mystery, but basically a woman who can talk to spirits connect people with their deceased loved ones. And how was your reading of Michelle Obama's autobiography?", "I've never been really involved in politics, so it was interesting to read about the initiatives she's started during her time as first lady. Your book sounds very interesting, has a mix of paranormal storytelling in there too.", "Yeah I definitely recommend you to read it if you get a chance! Speaking of which do you have any other book recommendations?", "Hmm.... let me think about it.... Is there a certain topic you enjoy and want to learn more about, like crime, science, etc? It'll give me an idea of what book to recommend.", "I usually prefer murder mysteries but I do want to expand my genera, I think some non fiction books like with science or food might be interesting.", "You know what? I bet you'd love Mindhunter. Have you heard of it? They even made it into a Netflix show. It's about these two FBI agents that start the department for serial killers, and the stories of their interviews with famous ones.", "Oh I never did, the premise sounds interesting so I might take a look! Do you think the book is better or the show is better?", "The show does a great job of making the stories feel real, but I always think the books are better. There's just so many details that get cut out that make it a more enjoyable read.", "I guess that's the case with basically all the adoptions I can think of haha, the book will always have more details. Oh also I'm thinking of joining a book club lately!", "Does it meet online, or in person? I think the in-person ones sound really interesting, I just can never find the time with my job. I'm usually busy from early morning all the way into the evening. ", "So do you plan to improve your professional skills in the near future?", "My current job makes it hard to find the time honestly. What about you?", "It's pretty time consuming but very rewarding. I have to do work even after work is over you know? Underprivileged youth will always need guidance. There are times they just need someone to listen. I stay very busy but am always trying my best to improve at what I do. ", "Yes and improvement tends to come with experience for sure. That's a lot like my job -- I can't really control when people need help, so I don't have any kind of set schedule I can adhere to which would make any kind of formal training difficult. ", "You are doing great things you know. You make a real difference as well in people's lives. I sure do hope you can find some time to read a book though. I read sometimes during break when I am able to.", "You are too! Working for the betterment of youth is one of the best things someone can do in my opinion. Those formative years are so important. ", "Right? They each need something different. I was helping a young man who's struggling to juggle his sports, work, and school. He wants to make a real difference you know? It's just so much for a teenager to take on and he's trying his hardest.", "Yes, I can imagine. It seems hard for adults to balance life sometimes; it only makes sense younger people would feel lost. It's wonderful you help them find their way.", "Thank you! By the way, I was wondering if I could possibly join your book club? Are they taking in new members?", "Yes, almost always! I'd love for you to join. All you need to do is a bring a snack on a rotational basis and get/read the book! :)", "Oh snacks and books sounds awesome. What kind of snacks do you all go for? Something healthy like fruit and the like? Or do you guys get soda and snacks? I want to make a good first impression!", "It's completely up to the person who's bringing the snacks! We're not picky. Some people order a pizza, some people bring a veggie tray, and everything in between."], "init_persona": [[["I am 27 years old.", "I enjoy reading.", "My dad was in the military.", "I love ice cream, chocolate is my favorite.", "I work for a small business."], ["I have brown hair.", "I am latina.", "My mother works for special needs clients.", "I am a healer.", "I love my family."]], [["I like chocolate ice cream.", "My dad has brown hair. My dad was in the military.", "I like to read. I read a book on autism.", "I work for a non profit that helps underprivileged youth."], ["I like chocolate ice cream. I have brown hair.", "I am close with my family. My mom works with special needs people. My mom believes in being educated.", "I like to read. I am latino.", "I am a healer."]], [["I like chocolate ice cream.", "My dad has brown hair. My dad was in the military.", "I like to read. I read a book on autism.", "I work for a non profit that helps underprivileged youth.", "I found a good book about working with community youth. I love reading fiction. I especially like murder mysteries. My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird."], ["I like chocolate ice cream. I have brown hair.", "I am close with my family. My mom works with special needs people. My mom believes in being educated.", "I am latino.", "I am a healer.", "I provide therapy to people. I trained under a local healer. I went to a community college. I have a degree in mindfulness.", "I like to read biographies. My favorite is one about Martin Luther King. I think everyone should read To Kill a Mockingbird."]], [["I like chocolate ice cream.", "My dad has brown hair. My dad was in the military.", "I like to read. I read a book on autism.", "I work for a non profit that helps underprivileged youth.", "I found a good book about working with community youth. I love reading fiction. I especially like murder mysteries. My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird.", "I enjoy reading mystery books. I have read Gone Girl. I like to eat ice cream while reading.", "I admire Martin Luther King Jr."], ["I like chocolate ice cream. I have brown hair.", "I am close with my family. My mom works with special needs people. My mom believes in being educated.", "I am latino.", "I am a healer. I worked with a local healer.", "I provide therapy to people. I trained under a local healer. I went to a community college. I have a degree in mindfulness.", "I like to read biographies. My favorite is one about Martin Luther King. I think everyone should read To Kill a Mockingbird."]], [["I like chocolate ice cream.", "My dad has brown hair. My dad was in the military.", "I like to read. I read a book on autism.", "I work for a non profit that helps underprivileged youth.", "I found a good book about working with community youth. I love reading fiction. I especially like murder mysteries. My favorite book of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird.", "I enjoy reading mystery books. I have read Gone Girl. I like to eat ice cream while reading. I usually prefer murder mysteries but I do want to expand my genera.", "I admire Martin Luther King Jr.", "I just started reading another murder mystery, under the name ''The Last Goodbye''. I recommend you to read this book.", "I have never heard about ''Mindhunter''.", "I'm thinking of joining a book club lately."], ["I like chocolate ice cream. I have brown hair.", "I am close with my family. My mom works with special needs people. My mom believes in being educated.", "I am latino.", "I am a healer. I worked with a local healer.", "I provide therapy to people. I trained under a local healer. I went to a community college. I have a degree in mindfulness.", "I like to read biographies. My favorite is one about Martin Luther King. I think everyone should read To Kill a Mockingbird.", "I've started the new Michelle Obama autobiography a couple of days ago. I've never been really involved in politics.", "I always think the books are better, than a shows. I can never find the time for book clubs with my job. I'm usually busy from early morning all the way into the evening."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_104_0", "test_104_1", "test_104_2", "test_104_3", "test_104_4", "test_104_5", "test_104_6", "test_104_7", "test_104_8", "test_104_9", "test_104_10", "test_104_11", "test_104_12", "test_104_13", "test_104_14", "test_104_15", "test_104_16", "test_104_17", "test_104_18", "test_104_19", "test_104_20", "test_104_21", "test_104_22", "test_104_23", "test_104_24", "test_104_25", "test_104_26", "test_104_27", "test_104_28", "test_104_29", "test_104_30", "test_104_31", "test_104_32", "test_104_33", "test_104_34", "test_104_35", "test_104_36", "test_104_37", "test_104_38", "test_104_39", "test_104_40", "test_104_41", "test_104_42", "test_104_43", "test_104_44", "test_104_45", "test_104_46", "test_104_47", "test_104_48", "test_104_49", "test_104_50", "test_104_51", "test_104_52", "test_104_53", "test_104_54", "test_104_55", "test_104_56", "test_104_57", "test_104_58", "test_104_59", "test_104_60", "test_104_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi.", "Hello, I am about to take a lunch break and eat french fries.", "I just finished my lunch I had a burger from chikfella and a chocolate milkshake.", "Yum, what do you do for work? I am on work trip right now.", "I work for jnj. Anything planned for the weeked?", "Cool, yes I am going fishing how about you?", "I am going snowboarding should be fun.", "Wow, I have never been snowboarding before.", "Try it sometime. What kind of car do you drive?", "I don't live close to any mountians, I drive a suv because I have a family.", "I am buying a new car, any recommendations?", "Honda's are very reliable.", "Yes honda is good I have a good deal on a nissan altima 2012 for 6k.", "Wow that is a good deal! I would take that.", "I bought that Nissan, it feels nice to have a clean car that works again!", "That's great! Is it a new car? f you don't mind me asking, how much did you spend?", "It is. It was a steal for 20,000. What did you spend on your Suv?", "Oh, man, I almost don't wanna tell you... 48K. It's huge! I love to camp and fish for a week at a time, so it's the right size for me....", "Wow! What kind is it? Have you camped with it before?", "I bought it a couple of years back, and I take it out two or three times a year, depending upon how much time I can take off work. I camp in a big tent for the family, but the SUV is roomy enough we can stay in there if we want....", "That makes sense. Do you have a different car that you drive more regularly? I'm not a huge camper myself.", "I see I didn't tell you what it is: a Ford Expedition. I have a Toyota Corolla for in-city driving. For me and the family, we *have* to get out in nature at least twice a year. I just wish we lived closer to mountains, because there's nothing like trout fishing in mountain streams!", "I lived near the mountains but never got used to driving in them. I need lessons for that. I always made my friends drive on snowboarding trips. ", "I got over my fear of driving in the mountains after doing Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier several times in the late-'90s. I wish I knew how to snowboard.", "It definitely can be harder to learn as an adult. Do you ski instead?", "No, just camp, fish, and hike in the hills, no real mountains. Sometimes we take the bikes and ride the foot paths.", "Do your kids and wife enjoy camping and the outdoors as much as you?", "They are usually good for one trip a year and the other two times I go with some camping buddies. My family are pretty good campers, but one weekend is usually enough. ", "And it is nice to get out with friends too. Do you usually visit the same spots?", "With my family there are usually a couple places that aren't too far from \"civilization\" (as my wife calls it). With my friends, it's whatever interests us. We try to alternate who picks and we like to keep it within a three hour range from home if possible. ", "That's great! Do you do the whole s'mores and ghost stories thing with the kids or is it more fishing and hiking?", "With the kids we do lots of smores, but no ghost stories. As for my friends, it's fishing/hiking until almost sundown! We are usually too beat to do much more than clean the fish, cook, and eat! Do you think you would ever be up for that?", "That sounds therapeutic though- working so hard for your supper and being out in nature. I would be up for giving it a try some time for sure!", "I know you haven't always liked it, but I bet you will find it different when you just focus on being one with nature! We have one coming up in July. It's a mountain trek since it's a little cooler. Maybe you could drive a leg or two?", "I am not sure about driving in the mountains. I would love to join, but maybe it is best if I don't since I can't help with the travels.", "I was just thinking you could get some practice, but whatever you are comfortable with. There are three of us going and you'd make a fourth. I feel that's the best number, because you can split up and always have a partner. You like fish right?", "Hahaha I am not sure! Maybe! I feel bad for my partner! ", "LOL! You might be the one that gets to drink in the boat! LOL", "I watched a documentary on fly fishing and it looks so relaxing. I think I want to try that one day.", "That's awesome! You can try it when you try camping! Where are you thinking of camping first?", "I am not sure. I was actually thinking about asking you since you go camping a few times a year. Are there any spots you recommend? ", "It's hard to go wrong when it comes to camping. But as a new camper, I'd imagine you want to be near showers and restrooms and electricity. You'll want to go somewhere with sectioned out campsites, or a music festival of course. Which would you prefer?", "If music festivals count as camping I would love to choose that! That kind of seems like cheating though haha", "It's not cheating! At spirit of the Suwannee you can camp in a state park, visit a river and go canoeing, at the same spots where you hear live music!", "That sounds like a really fun time! Canoeing sounds a little scary to me though. Is it easy to pick up?", "If you canoe with someone that knows what they're doing, you'll be fine. It's only when two total newbs get together that canoeing is dangerous.", "So hypothetically if I asked to join you on one of your future camping trips, what would you say?", "I'd say yes for sure! Camping and canoeing and music is what Earth life is all about! I'd be glad to show you the way!", "I'd really appreciate that. I think going with you would be an amazing starting point and I could learn a lot.", "We could also work on fishing if you'd like. It's really just a few knots, knobs, and a motion. Would you want to do that too?", "Would you want to try camping in the mountains?", "Yes, that sounds amazing! Which mountains?", "I'm not sure yet! Maybe somewhere near my house? I can even teach you how to snow board if you're down?", "Sure. Snowboarding sounds great! What's the first step?", "The first step is a good jacket! Do you have any warm jackets for the snow?", "I sure do! I've got an official Olympic jacket! Have you ever seen one?", "I haven't! That sounds so cool!! When did you get that? How long have you had it for?", "I got it in 2008. I've had it for 13 years! ", "That's a long time I'm so jealous! How's your work trip going? ", "It's going great! Lots of sight seeing. Where do you plan on going for your next vacation?", "That's awesome!! And I'm not sure yet. Maybe a music festival? Or even somewhere where I can try fly fishing! ", "Maybe you could go fly fishing at a music festival?"], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["I like fishing.", "I grew up in san francisco.", "I am married and have 2 kids.", "I travel a lot for my work.", "My favorite food is home made french fries."]], [["I work for jnj.", "I am going snowboarding.", "I am buying a new car. I have a good deal on a Nissan Altima."], ["I am on a work trip.", "I am going fishing.", "I have never been snowboarding.", "I don't live near any mountains. I drive a suv. I have a family."]], [["I work for jnj.", "I am going snowboarding.", "I have a good deal on a Nissan Altima. I just bought a brand new Nissan.", "I'm not much of a camping person.", "I like to go snow boarding. I used to live near the mountains. I want to take lessons for driving in the mountains."], ["I am on a work trip.", "I am going fishing.", "I have never been snowboarding.", "I don't live near any mountains. I drive a suv. I have a family.", "I like to spend the week camping and fishing. I've owned my SUV for a couple years. I like to go camping two or three times a year. I have a big family sized tent.", "I own a Ford Expedition. I drive a Toyota Corolla in the city. I wish I lived closer to the mountains.", "I wish I knew how to snow board. Driving in the mountains doesn't bother me.", "I like to hike and ride bikes."]], [["I work for jnj.", "I am going snowboarding.", "I have a good deal on a Nissan Altima. I just bought a brand new Nissan.", "I'm not much of a camping person. I want to try camping.", "I like to go snow boarding. I used to live near the mountains. I want to take lessons for driving in the mountains.", "I don't like to drive in the mountains.", "I am not sure if I like fishing."], ["I am on a work trip.", "I am going fishing.", "I have never been snowboarding.", "I don't live near any mountains. I drive a suv. I have a family.", "I like to spend the week camping and fishing. I've owned my SUV for a couple years. I like to go camping two or three times a year. I have a big family sized tent.", "I own a Ford Expedition. I drive a Toyota Corolla in the city. I wish I lived closer to the mountains.", "I wish I knew how to snow board. Driving in the mountains doesn't bother me.", "I like to hike and ride bikes.", "I have a wife and kids.", "I will go camping in July."]], [["I work for jnj.", "I am going snowboarding.", "I have a good deal on a Nissan Altima. I just bought a brand new Nissan.", "I'm not much of a camping person. I want to try camping.", "I like to go snow boarding. I used to live near the mountains. I want to take lessons for driving in the mountains.", "I don't like to drive in the mountains.", "I am not sure if I like fishing. I watched a documentary on fly fishing. I would like to try fly fishing one day.", "I am a new camper. I want to be near music festivals. I want to learn about camping."], ["I am on a work trip.", "I am going fishing.", "I have never been snowboarding.", "I don't live near any mountains. I drive a suv. I have a family.", "I like to spend the week camping and fishing. I've owned my SUV for a couple years. I like to go camping two or three times a year. I have a big family sized tent.", "I own a Ford Expedition. I drive a Toyota Corolla in the city. I wish I lived closer to the mountains.", "I wish I knew how to snow board. Driving in the mountains doesn't bother me.", "I like to hike and ride bikes.", "I have a wife and kids.", "I will go camping in July. I go camping a few times a year. I know a lot about camping.", "I have been canoeing."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_107_0", "test_107_1", "test_107_2", "test_107_3", "test_107_4", "test_107_5", "test_107_6", "test_107_7", "test_107_8", "test_107_9", "test_107_10", "test_107_11", "test_107_12", "test_107_13", "test_107_14", "test_107_15", "test_107_16", "test_107_17", "test_107_18", "test_107_19", "test_107_20", "test_107_21", "test_107_22", "test_107_23", "test_107_24", "test_107_25", "test_107_26", "test_107_27", "test_107_28", "test_107_29", "test_107_30", "test_107_31", "test_107_32", "test_107_33", "test_107_34", "test_107_35", "test_107_36", "test_107_37", "test_107_38", "test_107_39", "test_107_40", "test_107_41", "test_107_42", "test_107_43", "test_107_44", "test_107_45", "test_107_46", "test_107_47", "test_107_48", "test_107_49", "test_107_50", "test_107_51", "test_107_52", "test_107_53", "test_107_54", "test_107_55", "test_107_56", "test_107_57", "test_107_58", "test_107_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! Isn't it such a beautiful day out today!? How are you?", "Hello! Yes it is. I am very well, and you?", "I am great. Busy day, have lots of after school activities with my 3 kids today..", "Oh great! I have grandchildren. They are great and bring me joy..", "Yes, kids bring out the best in us!", "My family and friends are amazing and I love spending time with them.", "That is wonderful. I feel that way too, and about our furry family.", "I like to read. What is your favorite activity?", "I love farming. I live on one and enjoy tending to the earth!", "Wow thats great! I love god, and worshipping him!", "Do you work? My job deals with technology!", "All I do know is that I would like to live near water.", "How many grandchildren do you have now?", "I have 5, and they're the joy of my life! How old are your kids?", "11. 9. and 7. I can't wait until their old enough to give me grandchildren of my own.", "It's amazing how quickly it happens! One day they're in diapers, the next they're off on their own! Cherish it while it lasts.", "I do, but It's never too early to plot revenge! lol When they have kids I'm gonna fill them up with sugar and send them home to torture my kids! lol", "Haha you've got quite the imagination! I forget just how much trouble those little ones can get into. Try to stay sane!", "My kids are pretty good and I love them. They get pretty rambunctious at times though. Always accidentally trampling over crops.", "It must be a lot of fun raising kids on a farm, though! What's the major crop you all produce?", "Tomatoes which I've genetically engineered.", "Wow, so you've got a green thumb, and you're tech savvy! I'm impressed!", "Well, my husband does most of the growing. I just work on new breeds of crops that are resistant to trampling!", "Haha if you can patent that, you'll be a very wealthy lady!", "Do all of your kids have children of their own?", "I have three children myself, though my grandkids are from my two eldest children. My youngest child doesn't have any, and to be honest they've said they don't want children anyway. Would you like to have grandchildren one day?", "Oh definitely! I have three kids of my own and can't wait to have grandkids. Mine are still young though.", "Ah yes of course. How are they getting on at school? My youngest grandchild starts school this year.", "They love it. We started the year going 5 days a week. I can't believe kids are still virtual or even hybrid. As a teacher I feel strongly that these kids need to be in school fulltime.", "Yes it must have been so hard on chlidren having to learn remotely. One of the most important parts of school is being together with other children. What age group do you teach?", "Elementary and you are exactly right. With young kids, yes school and education is important but also is the social aspect and learning to interact with people.", "Definitely, social interaction is such an important thing to learn for young children. Especially since different children have different temperaments, so as a kid you start to learn how to relate to others and interact with them. Do you teach at the same school that your children go to?", "No, I actually teach at a different distcrict.", "My dad was a teacher and he taught at my school, but he was never my teacher. I don't know if it would have worked very well if he'd taught me, I was quite a stubborn child!", "What grade level did he teach?", "He taught Year 6 (I went to school in the UK). It's the 10-11 year olds age group.", "I found out my coworker is also from the U.K. He grew up in Leeds.", "We took a trip there once when I lived there for school but I don't remember too much. It's been a very long time and my memory isn't as sharp as it once was.lol", "I understand that. Do you remember any interesting stories from your time in the UK? I'd love to hear what it's like there", "I remember that it rained often but when it didn't it was very beautiful. I'd love to go back and visit where I once lived. Hopefully when I retire I'll have the time.", "I certainly hope you do get the chance to go back. It sounds beautiful. What do you do for work now?", "I volunteer at the church quite often. It's not a paying gig but I enjoy giving back and it gives me something to occupy my time. I occasionally tutor kids from the church for a small fee to earn fun money.", "Wow, that's great that you do that! I would love to have more time to help out at my church, but I'm so busy at the school that I just wouldn't have time. Maybe once my kids are grown, I'll be able to spend more time helping out", "Being a teacher is help enough right now. You're educating people to go out and do and discover great things. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. What grade do you teach?", "I teach third grade science. It's such a fun age to teach. I really love all my kids. They can be trouble some times, but I love watching them learn and grow", "I definitely enjoyed science as a kid. Do you get to do any fun experiments in class?", "Yes, we do! We'll do simple experiments like making slime or messing around with magnets, nothing too crazy. The kids love it though. The way their eyes light up when something unexpected happens is absolutely incredible", "I think there's definitely a lot more ideas out there for fun experiments now. The only science experiments I remember were building the fastest track to drop a marble and to building something that would keep and egg from breaking if you dropped it from a tall height.lol", "I just found out that I won an award for best science teacher in my school district!", "That's awesome! I'll bet your family is really proud. Did you do anything to celebrate?", "I don't really want to have any big celebration or anything. The award is enough. My husband is treating me to a spa day and dinner though.", "Well, that sounds fun. Where do you plan to eat?", "He's going to take me out to the nicest steakhouse is town. I've really been wanting to try some Beef Wellington.", "Ooh, I've never had that, but I'd love to try it. I suppose you're a popular teacher because you bring so much from your own scientific experience into your class.", "Oh yeah. Kids definitely learn better when they can see some cool experiments that actually show them what we're learning about. I hate when teachers just make their students read or just tell their students the information instead of showing it to them.", "Yes, it's really important that they understand science is a way of asking questions, not just memorizing a set of answers.", "Exactly! I'm really hoping to develop a generation of scientists who know how to ask intelligent questions. How have your grandkids been?", "Great, thanks -- except my grandson fell out of a tree and broke his arm! But I'm sure he'll heal quickly. That's one thing you'll have to expect when you're a grandmother!", "oh no! I'm excited to be a grandparent but I feel like I'll just be worried for them all the time.", "Getting into scrapes like that seems to be the main thing grandkids do! "], "init_persona": [[["I like dogs.", "I live on a farm.", "I work for the computer industry.", "I love my job.", "I have three kids."], ["I love to spend time with family and friends.", "My grandchildren especially bring great joy.", "I want to always live near water, and in a warm sunny climate.", "My favorite activity is reading.", "And my favorite place to be is worshipping god."]], [["I have 3 kids. I am busy with lots of afterschool activities.", "I love spending time with my furry family.", "I love farming. I live on a farm.", "My job deals with technology."], ["I have grandchildren. I love spending time with my friends and family.", "I like to read.", "I love worshipping god.", "I would like to live near water."]], [["I have three kids aged 11, 9 and 7. I hope to be a grand parent one day. I am busy with lots of afterschool activities. My kids have a lot of accidents.", "I love spending time with my furry family.", "I love farming. I live on a farm.", "My job deals with technology.", "I genetically engineered the tomatoes we grow on my farm. My husband does the planting and harvesting."], ["I love spending time with my friends and family.", "I like to read.", "I love worshipping god.", "I would like to live near water.", "I have 5 grand children. I sometimes forget raising my children.", "I see no problem with GMO veggies and fruits."]], [["I have three kids aged 11, 9 and 7. I hope to be a grand parent one day. I am busy with lots of afterschool activities. My kids have a lot of accidents.", "I love spending time with my furry family.", "I love farming. I live on a farm.", "My job deals with technology.", "I genetically engineered the tomatoes we grow on my farm. My husband does the planting and harvesting.", "I want grandchildren one day.", "I teach elementary school. I do not teach in the school that my kids attend."], ["I love spending time with my friends and family.", "I like to read.", "I love worshipping god.", "I would like to live near water.", "I have 5 grand children. I sometimes forget raising my children. I have three children. ", "I see no problem with GMO veggies and fruits.", "I was stubborn as a child.", "I went to school in the UK"]], [["I have three kids aged 11, 9 and 7. I hope to be a grand parent one day. I am busy with lots of afterschool activities. My kids have a lot of accidents.", "I love spending time with my furry family.", "I love farming. I live on a farm.", "My job deals with technology. I work with someone from Leeds, UK.", "I genetically engineered the tomatoes we grow on my farm. My husband does the planting and harvesting.", "I want grandchildren one day.", "I teach elementary school. I do not teach in the school that my kids attend.", "I wish I had time to volunteer at my church. I'm very busy. I am a third grade science teacher. I love my students. I do simple science experiments in my class."], ["I love spending time with my friends and family.", "I like to read.", "I love worshipping god.", "I would like to live near water.", "I have 5 grand children. I sometimes forget raising my children. I have three children. ", "I see no problem with GMO veggies and fruits.", "I was stubborn as a child.", "I went to school in the UK. I went to Leeds once as a child on a school trip. My memory isn't as good as it used to be. I would like to go back to the UK after I retire.", "I volunteer at my local church. Sometimes I do tutoring for kids from my church.", "I liked science class as a kid. I remember doing rudimentary science experiments when I was a kid."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_108_0", "test_108_1", "test_108_2", "test_108_3", "test_108_4", "test_108_5", "test_108_6", "test_108_7", "test_108_8", "test_108_9", "test_108_10", "test_108_11", "test_108_12", "test_108_13", "test_108_14", "test_108_15", "test_108_16", "test_108_17", "test_108_18", "test_108_19", "test_108_20", "test_108_21", "test_108_22", "test_108_23", "test_108_24", "test_108_25", "test_108_26", "test_108_27", "test_108_28", "test_108_29", "test_108_30", "test_108_31", "test_108_32", "test_108_33", "test_108_34", "test_108_35", "test_108_36", "test_108_37", "test_108_38", "test_108_39", "test_108_40", "test_108_41", "test_108_42", "test_108_43", "test_108_44", "test_108_45", "test_108_46", "test_108_47", "test_108_48", "test_108_49", "test_108_50", "test_108_51", "test_108_52", "test_108_53", "test_108_54", "test_108_55", "test_108_56", "test_108_57", "test_108_58", "test_108_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, tracy here. I love people and fast cars. You sing?", "Hi tracy. Amanda here. I enjoy going to the gym alongside my vegan diet.", "I see. I love being helpful and I paint art. Are you an artist?", "I don't sing, but love art. My lawyer husband is an artist as well.", "Get out! I am a paralegal. I love helping people too. You bake?", "Whoa! Funny you say that, my jeep is loaded with baked goods right now!", "Great! I would love to paint that picture. You dance?", "If you call zumba dancing! Lol! What is your favorite vacations spot?", "Niagra falls. It is an artist paradise. You like to travel?", "I love traveling, especially to the mountains. They are a good workout!", "Me too! I like fast cars and new people. Nice to meet you.", "You as well. I love vehicles that can tackle rough terrain, like my jeep wrangler.", "What kind of things do you bake as a vegan?", "My favorite has to be a version of a vegan pizza. That is the food I miss the most!! Are you vegan too?", "No, but my best friend is trying to become one. She is a vegetarian, but being a vegan can be so hard when you love cheese. Lol I always make a delicious roasted veggie dish to bring to her house for parties. Do you find cutting out cheese a challenge too?", "Very much so, all dairy in general! But it does get easier after you figure out what good substitutes you can enjoy. I feel lucky that there are so many choices out there now. Do you have any trips coming up this summer?", "I hope to travel to the smokey mountains soon. It is one of my favorite places on Earth. Have you ever been there? It's so peaceful and being up so high just surrounded by trees is magical!", "I went there when I was very young actually! My only memories are of dollywood and the long, winding roads!! I'm sure now going as an adult I would have a much more rich experience. That would be a great place to bring the Jeep now that I think of it!", "Oh yeah. The last time I visited we rented a 4 wheel drive and it was worth it. We were climbing the mountains to reach our chalet. It was so wild heading up the side of a mountain, looking over the side. Yikes! When I was there we didn't head to Dollywood, but we were close to it. Where in the mountains do you hike when you do?", "That sounds like a perfect time for you. When I'm hiking, the steeper the mountain, the better!! I like to take day trips where I know I'll be out for about 8 hours or so. They are very tough to do, but if you're prepared it becomes a very rewarding experience!!", "Wow. That sounds like an amazing day trip for sure. I'm not sure I have the stamina for such an intense hiking experience. Have you ever ran into any trouble while hiking?", "There was one time where I got lost as it was starting to get dark out...I bring my tent and supplies to sleep overnight so I was prepared to sleep out there if I had to but luckily I ran into a couple just about when I was ready to give up!! I don't know how I'd handle seeing a bear or something like that out by myself.", "I'm so glad you didn't cross paths with anything scary like that! I don't know what I'd do if a bear crossed my path either. I've been pretty lucky to never have one near our cabin in the Mountains either. They always warn us about them though, so we are prepared. Do you have a pretty big tent you use? Or an individual one?", "Its just an individual tent that is VERY small. I just bring a backpack so everything has to be as small as possible. Luckily I have not had to use it yet!! Do you paint when you're in the mountains too?", "My friend told me she's having another house party. Do you have any ideas for vegan dishes I could bring?", "Depending on what kind of party it is, if it's a buffet then there are some great vegan sausage rolls in the supermarkets now, and also vegan pizzas and burgers. If it's a bit more of a sit down dinner, vegan curries are so easy to make. I made one last week with sweet potatoes, red pepper, chickpeas, onion and garlic. It can be served with rice or other grains. ", "That sounds amazing. I am just starting on this vegan journey. Do you have any suggestions for cook books?", "There's a book called \"The Plant Kitchen\" which is quite good but I can't remember where I got it. You can borrow it if you like! I was also going to say to you that there's a cheese shop nearby that has started doing loads of vegan cheeses... here come the cheese and wine nights!", "Really? I would love to borrow it. I've spent time at the market looking around and even the farmers market. It just seems so overhwelming at the moment but I know the long term benefits far outweigh my confusing right now.", "When I first went vegetarian (before I thought about going vegan), I realised the best way to do it was eat what you would normally, but just miss out the meat. For example, if you're getting Chinese food, have whatever you usually have (my fave is sweet and sour), but just get the veggie version. Gradually I realised that I wasn't missing the meat at all as I was still eating my favourite dishes. What's your favorite food?", "So like with Chinese food I can still order my favorite...beef and brocoli but without the meat. What about tofu? Do you eat that?", "Haha yes in that case you might need to find a replacement for the beef. Tofu would be a good substitute but it's got a very different texture. I do eat tofu sometimes, I chop up a block of it into cubes and oven bake it, or I marinade it in BBQ flavourings and fry it on the pan. It's great with all sorts of things.", "Is it like rubbery? I can't do rubber feeling things. I think I would have to be like you and just cover it in sauce. How do you get your protein?", "Tofu can be rubbery if you don't make it crispy. But if it's fried properly it's so delicious; crisp on the outside and softer on the inside. I get protein from peanut butter, brown rice, quinoa, beans, oats for breakfast and loads of veggies. I've always loved vegetables though, so it was quite easy for me to convert! What's your favorite vegetable?", "You know, I never even thought about frying it. I'm heading to Trader Joes later today so hopefully I will be able to have more choices. I never thought of vegetables as a protein source. I love all veggies.", "Things like broccoli, kale, spinach and even sweetcorn are good protein sources. Also if you work out a lot you can get protein shakes with vegan protein added to them, but I've never tried that before!", "I just tried the best recipe for vegan beef and broccoli! ", "What did you think! I'm always curious about what non-vegans think about vegan recipes. When I was a meat-eater, I was surprised how good they were!", "I am enjoying the food but it will take some time for my insides to get used to all the veg!", "Haha, that makes sense. Don't worry, I always manage to make my friends understand why I love veggies so much. Me, you, and your vegetarian friend can meet up every week and learn a new recipe if you're down!", "That would be awesome, we should definitely share recipes. What is your favorite meal using tofu?", "I recently tried a Korean tofu recipe and i LOVED it! It used gochujang, a spicy paste that a lot of Korean recipes use. I love spicy food, it makes everythng so delicious. Do you like spicy stuff?", "Wow, I never thought about making a spicy meal with tofu. Thanks for the idea! How did you find your performance at the gym after going fully vegan?", "Its interesting, I actually had a lot more energy once I went vegan! That's how I can do my eight hour hikes. I feel like a lot of athletic guys think that meat is necessary to get buff in the gym. It's actually a myth that vegetarian food doesn't have enough protein.", "Interesting, I do not think I could do a 8 hour hike but going vegan might help then.", "Honestly, even just doing zumba classes gives me the same endorphins that I get from my hikes. Next time I go to a zumba class, you should come!", "I have never done Zumba but it does sound fun. I need to wait for my body to get used to just veggies first, do not want to be constantly passing gas while doing Zumba. ", "Lol, you'd be surprised how quickly it can happen. Plus, vegan food isn't just all vegges. There's tofu, seitan, beans, rice, quinoa, pasta... the list goes on! You can actually eat a pretty unhealthy diet while being vegan with no veggies if you wanted.", "What made you first decided to go vegan?", "I've always loved the outdoors, like hiking and camping, and I guess i just realized that animals are part of what make the outdoors so spectacular. I went vegetarian first and eventually went full vegan. I have some great recipes if you are interested.", "Since my best friend is a vegetarian I would like to try and be more like that. I would love to try your recipes, but I'm probably not ready to be fully vegan. I'll try the route you went first, vegetarian to vegan. Maybe changing my diet will inspire me to go to a zumba class too!", "I feel like I have more energy now that I'm vegan, so maybe you will too! Maybe you, your friend, and I can get together every week and share recipes, that way you can ease yourself into being vegan and find meal you enjoy", "That would be really helpful! And I know my friend is interested in exploring being vegan as well. Maybe in addition to sharing recipes we could try out a zumba class with you sometime?", "Yes of course! Zumba is great. And I know you mentioned you don't think you have the stamina for hiking, but we could try that too if you're interested. We don't have to start with anything too intense, maybe just some short trails and work our way up", "I think I could give hiking a try if we start out easy. And like you said, I'm hoping to have more energy when I start changing my diet. I'm feeling very motivated to change my lifestyle to be healthier. I'm hoping I can stay motivated, haha!", "That's what I'm for, to keep you motivated! It's always better to have an exercise partner so wee can feed off each other's energy!", "You're totally right! Trying to be healthy is really hard to do on your own. But I think this sounds like a good plan. The three of us can share recipes and help motivate each other with the exercise! We'll all be doing 8-hour hikes in no time!", "I'm feeling extra motivated just thinking about it! How about we shoot for this weekend? I can find a beginner Zumba class so you can get a feel for it.", "Great idea! You should invite some of your friends too. We could get a good group together. I'm feeling far less overwhelmed by this idea now that I'm thinking about everyone who will be helping me out!", "Yes I definitely will, the more the merrier! I'm so glad to hear that, it's not always easy trying new things but I'm glad you feel comfortable with it"], "init_persona": [[["I like people.", "I try to be helpful.", "I like art.", "I want to be a painter.", "I love fast cars."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["My name is Tracy. I love people. I love being helpful. I love fast cars.", "I paint art.", "I am a paralegal.", "I have vacationed at Niagara Falls. I painted there. I love traveling."], ["My name is Amanda. I am a vegan. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am not a singer. I love art. I have a husband who is a lawyer and also loves art.", "I am a baker.", "I do zumba.", "I have a Jeep. I love traveling in the mountains for the exercise. I love vehicles that handle rough terrain."]], [["My name is Tracy. I love people. I love being helpful. I love fast cars.", "I paint art.", "I am a paralegal.", "I have vacationed at Niagara Falls. I painted there. I love traveling.", "I am not a vegan. My best friend is a vegetarian trying to be a vegan. I make veggie dishes for my friend's house parties.", "The smokey mountains are one of my favorite places and I hope to travel there soon. I visited the smokey mountains before.", "I don't think I have the stamina to go hiking."], ["My name is Amanda. I am a vegan. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am not a singer. I love art. I have a husband who is a lawyer and also loves art.", "I am a baker.", "I do zumba.", "I have a Jeep. I love traveling in the mountains for the exercise. I love vehicles that handle rough terrain.", " My favorite food is pizza.", "I went to the smokey mountains when I was young. I like to take day trips hiking that last 8 hours. I have a very small individual tent for camping."]], [["My name is Tracy. I love people. I love being helpful. I love fast cars.", "I paint art.", "I am a paralegal.", "I have vacationed at Niagara Falls. I painted there. I love traveling.", "I am not a vegan. My best friend is a vegetarian trying to be a vegan. I make veggie dishes for my friend's house parties.", "The smokey mountains are one of my favorite places and I hope to travel there soon. I visited the smokey mountains before.", "I don't think I have the stamina to go hiking.", "I recently decided to go vegan. I am currently feeling overwhelmed by having a plant based diet.", "I enjoy beef and broccoli. I do not like the texture of rubbery foods.", "I shop at Trader Joe's. I love eating veggies."], ["My name is Amanda. I am a vegan. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am not a singer. I love art. I have a husband who is a lawyer and also loves art.", "I am a baker.", "I do zumba.", "I have a Jeep. I love traveling in the mountains for the exercise. I love vehicles that handle rough terrain.", " My favorite food is pizza.", "I went to the smokey mountains when I was young. I like to take day trips hiking that last 8 hours. I have a very small individual tent for camping.", "I own a vegan cookbook. I am looking forward to a new vegan cheese shop that I live by.", "I was a vegetarian before I became a vegan. I slowly stopped eating meat.", "I make a lot of different recipes with tofu. I own an oven. I enjoy eating tofu. I love vegetables, so converting to a vegan diet was easy for me."]], [["My name is Tracy. I love people. I love being helpful. I love fast cars.", "I paint art.", "I am a paralegal.", "I have vacationed at Niagara Falls. I painted there. I love traveling.", "I am not a vegan. My best friend is a vegetarian trying to be a vegan. I make veggie dishes for my friend's house parties.", "The smokey mountains are one of my favorite places and I hope to travel there soon. I visited the smokey mountains before.", "I don't think I have the stamina to go hiking.", "I recently decided to go vegan. I am currently feeling overwhelmed by having a plant based diet.", "I enjoy beef and broccoli. I do not like the texture of rubbery foods.", "I shop at Trader Joe's. I love eating veggies. I enjoy vegan food. It makes my stomach time to adjust to eating lots of vegetables.", "I have never made a spicy meal with tofu.", "I have never done a zumba class. Eating veggies makes me pass gas a lot."], ["My name is Amanda. I am a vegan. I enjoy going to the gym.", "I am not a singer. I love art. I have a husband who is a lawyer and also loves art.", "I am a baker.", "I do zumba.", "I have a Jeep. I love traveling in the mountains for the exercise. I love vehicles that handle rough terrain.", " My favorite food is pizza.", "I went to the smokey mountains when I was young. I like to take day trips hiking that last 8 hours. I have a very small individual tent for camping.", "I own a vegan cookbook. I am looking forward to a new vegan cheese shop that I live by.", "I was a vegetarian before I became a vegan. I slowly stopped eating meat.", "I make a lot of different recipes with tofu. I own an oven. I enjoy eating tofu. I love vegetables, so converting to a vegan diet was easy for me. I am curious what non-vegans think about vegan recipes.", " I would like to have a weekly get together to try new vegan recipes.", "I recently really enjoyed a Korean tofu recipe. I love spicy food.", "I have more energy since I became vegan. I go on eight hour hikes. I enjoy zumba classes."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_114_0", "test_114_1", "test_114_2", "test_114_3", "test_114_4", "test_114_5", "test_114_6", "test_114_7", "test_114_8", "test_114_9", "test_114_10", "test_114_11", "test_114_12", "test_114_13", "test_114_14", "test_114_15", "test_114_16", "test_114_17", "test_114_18", "test_114_19", "test_114_20", "test_114_21", "test_114_22", "test_114_23", "test_114_24", "test_114_25", "test_114_26", "test_114_27", "test_114_28", "test_114_29", "test_114_30", "test_114_31", "test_114_32", "test_114_33", "test_114_34", "test_114_35", "test_114_36", "test_114_37", "test_114_38", "test_114_39", "test_114_40", "test_114_41", "test_114_42", "test_114_43", "test_114_44", "test_114_45", "test_114_46", "test_114_47", "test_114_48", "test_114_49", "test_114_50", "test_114_51", "test_114_52", "test_114_53", "test_114_54", "test_114_55", "test_114_56", "test_114_57", "test_114_58", "test_114_59", "test_114_60", "test_114_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I just got done working out at the gym. What are you doing?", "Getting ready to take my dogs bounty and snickers to the park for a run.", "Cute! I wish I owned dogs. That sounds like fun.", "I love dogs. Being an only child they were my family growing up.", "Awe, my husband and I work to much and can't have pets.", "I understand. Where did you go to school?.", "I went to school in texas, for nutrition..", "I studied art history in france and spain.", "Cool, that was probably a great experience.", "Yeah, I was a navy brat so I got to travel quite a bit..", "Cool, where else have you lived?", "Kuwait, hawaii, california, and florida.", "I like to travel too, but only where my jeep wrangler will take me.", "I'd love a jeep. Right now I use mass transit to get around.", "How did living in Kuwait compare to living in the more \"western\" areas?", "The biggest difference would be having to learn a new language. However, I was able to adjust. Have you ever learned a new language?", "I learned a lot of Spanish, believe it or not, when I lived in Texas! Since its so close to the border you easily can pick up on it. Although I do want to go to Italy this summer and thought it would be fun to learn a little before I do that. Do you have any vacations coming up?", "Yes, I am planning a trip to Japan in the summer. With all my traveling, it's surprising that I have never been to Asia before!", "Wow well that sounds like a bucket list trip! Will you be visiting any art museums while you're there?", "Yes, I have a few planned that I am going to see. When you travel, do you visit art museums?", "Not typically! I tend to stick to outdoor adventures. Last time I visited Mexico we went offroading on 4 wheelers, that is more what I love to do! How are your dogs doing?", "They are doing great, and I can tell they are looking forward to a good vacation. Will you be getting a dog soon or do you not have the time?", "I didn't know your dogs traveled with you, how cool! Between traveling and work, we decided not to get a dog. We are looking into getting a cat though, they seem a little bit easier to take care of! Sounds like they don't want you around most of the day anyhow, haha! Have you ever had a cat?", "I have actually not had a cat. I feel like they would not get along well with my dogs, so I'll probably just stay a dog person. ", "I feel like I don't meet many cat people! They definitely are not as friendly as dogs are, that's for sure. That sounds like a good idea, don't mess up a good thing!", "That is the goal! But I do know that cats are very lovable, and I'm sure it will be perfect for you!", "My coworker happens to know someone with kittens. I might go meet them.", "That sounds like a wonderful idea. I had a friend at school whose parents fostered kittens, and they were so cute to visit although I don't think I could handle so many myself.", "Do you really think so?", "They had about fifteen of them at once! And the kittens need a little more care when they're young. Maybe one day I'd foster a dog.", "Woah That is a lot of kittens! ", "Yes! Does your coworker enjoy having kittens?", "Yes my coworker says it's such a joy! ", "Do you have good relatioships with your coworkers?", "Most of them yeah we have a Jeep owners club! ", "That's so cool. I bet it's nice to have a group to do things with outside of work!", "It's super fun, considering most of the time I spend is with them working it's quite fun to have them as friends outside of work! ", "Nice! What do you do as part of the Jeep owners club?", "You are so right about the kittens I took only four home to foster for a couple of days and give my coworker a break and it lasted one night, they are a lot of work to foster.", "Four at once? That's a big jump from having no pets! Are they still babies? Do you need to bottle feed them and stuff?", "Yeah, it's a lot of work! They're not quite babies anymore, but still very young. They don't need bottle feeding anymore, luckily.", "Oh, phew. They must be in the explorer stage, then, getting into trouble everywhere. Have you named any while they stayed with you?", "No, we haven't thought of any names yet. I'm not even sure if I should be the one naming them, since I may not be keeping them. There is one I especially like though.", "Oh? What caught your attention about that one?", "It seems a bit friendlier with me than the others and there's just something about the way she looks at me that makes me feel like she's chosen me. I'm sure that must sound kind of strange though.", "No, I completely get it! When I was searching for a second dog, I really wanted a puppy. But I was at the local shelter and locked eyes with with this adult goldendoodle and he just melted my heart. That's how I brought Snickers home, he's my chocolate boy.", "That sounds so sweet. Maybe I will have to keep this cute little one then. I guess I will have to come up with a name after all.", "What coloring is he? Maybe I can help you come up with some good ones!", "This kitten is black and white. I'll have to send you a photo later.", "Hmm, just like a panda! Well, if you decide to keep her, I'd love to come over and meet her! Maybe I'll even bring Bounty and Snickers.", "What kind of dog is Bounty?", "He's a beautiful white German Shepherd. He's very unusual looking. You don't see many of those out there.", "That sounds very unusual and unique! I never have seen a white one before! Most of them are brown and black. What kind of dog is Snickers?", "He's a Goldendoodle, so he's a bit smaller than Bounty. How is the cat fostering going? Are you keeping your sanity with all of those kittens running around? lol!", "Ah, I've never seen a goldendoodle though, so I don't know what they look like! Are they brown and gold? Or more gold? The kittens are going crazy! They like hiding in boxes and pouncing on me. They unplugged my router and shredded toilet paper!", "Goldendoodles are a mix between a poodle and golden retriever. Mine looks very much like a poodle, with the same fur as one, but is colored like a Golden Retriever, and a little smaller than one too. And I love kittens, but I don't think that I could have 4 of them without losing some of my sanity. lol!", "Oh, thanks for the explanation! I don't see many dogs, and the pictures online wildly vary! Kittens can be a handful, but they are worth it! They will all come cuddle me when I am working on the couch on my laptop. It's so cute! ", "Have you given anymore thought to keeping the black and white one?", "I changed my mind, and decided I like the orange one best! He is so loyal, and follows me around. He purrs extremely loud and never causes trouble, just wants to sleep. The black and white one, who I call Pepper, is too energetic. She like to unroll things, shred paper, and rip up plastic when she is bored. I don't think I could keep her company all day!", "Oh, so you finally decided to give them names, then? What is the name of the orange one, then?", "Yes, I became really good friends with them, and gave in, and named them! My husband says I shouldn't, or else I will get attached to them, but I still did. He has a little crescent over one eye, so I call him One-Eyed Jack. ", "He sounds absolutely adorable. I'm sure that he'll become a great companion. Any idea how much longer you're going to have to foster the other kittens?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."], ["I am the only child of my parents.", "My father was in the navy.", "I went to school in france and spain.", "I have two dogs named bounty and snickers.", "I like eating burgers and fries."]], [["I go to the gym to work out.", "I would like to have a dog.", "My husband and I don't have much free time from work.", "I went to school in Texas. I studied nutrition.", "I like to travel. I own a Jeep Wrangler."], ["I have two dogs named Bounty and Snickers.", "I am an only child. I love dogs.", "I studied art history in France and Spain.", "I had a parent in the Navy. I moved around a lot as a child.", "I have lived in Kuwait, Hawaii, California and Florida.", "I like Jeeps. I use mass transit to get around."]], [["I go to the gym to work out.", "My husband and I don't have much free time from work.", "I went to school in Texas. I studied nutrition.", "I own a Jeep Wrangler.", "I learned spanish when I lived in Texas. I want to go to Italy this summer.", "I like outdoor adventures. I went off-roading in Mexico.", "I travel and work. I do not have a dog. I might get a cat. I do not meet many cat people."], ["I have two dogs named Bounty and Snickers.", "I am an only child.", "I studied art history in France and Spain.", "I had a parent in the Navy. I moved around a lot as a child.", "I have lived in Kuwait, Hawaii, California and Florida.", "I like Jeeps. I use mass transit to get around.", "I learned a new language.", "I am going to Japan in the summer. I travel a lot. I have not been to Asia. I will visit art museums in Japan.", "I have dogs. I have not had a cat. I am a dog person. I think cats are lovable."]], [["I go to the gym to work out.", "My husband and I don't have much free time from work.", "I went to school in Texas. I studied nutrition.", "I own a Jeep Wrangler.", "I learned spanish when I lived in Texas. I want to go to Italy this summer.", "I like outdoor adventures. I went off-roading in Mexico.", "I travel and work. I do not have a dog. I might get a cat. I do not meet many cat people.", "My coworkers and I have a Jeep owners club. I find the Jeep owners club to be a lot of fun."], ["I have two dogs named Bounty and Snickers.", "I am an only child.", "I studied art history in France and Spain.", "I had a parent in the Navy. I moved around a lot as a child.", "I have lived in Kuwait, Hawaii, California and Florida.", "I like Jeeps. I use mass transit to get around.", "I learned a new language.", "I am going to Japan in the summer. I travel a lot. I have not been to Asia. I will visit art museums in Japan.", "I have dogs. I have not had a cat. I am a dog person. I think cats are lovable.", "I had a friend at school whose parents fostered kittens. I couldn't handle a bunch of kittens. I might foster a dog someday."]], [["I go to the gym to work out.", "My husband and I don't have much free time from work.", "I went to school in Texas. I studied nutrition.", "I own a Jeep Wrangler.", "I learned spanish when I lived in Texas. I want to go to Italy this summer.", "I like outdoor adventures. I went off-roading in Mexico.", "I travel and work. I do not have a dog. I might get a cat. I do not meet many cat people.", "My coworkers and I have a Jeep owners club. I find the Jeep owners club to be a lot of fun.", "I am fostering four kittens. I'm finding it to be a lot of work. My kittens don't need bottle feeding any more. I haven't named my foster kittens. I really like one of them in particular. I am considering keeping the foster kitten that I really like. My favorite kitten is black and white."], ["I have two dogs named Bounty and Snickers. I have a goldendoodle named Snickers. I felt a special connection when I first met him at a shelter.", "I am an only child.", "I studied art history in France and Spain.", "I had a parent in the Navy. I moved around a lot as a child.", "I have lived in Kuwait, Hawaii, California and Florida.", "I like Jeeps. I use mass transit to get around.", "I learned a new language.", "I am going to Japan in the summer. I travel a lot. I have not been to Asia. I will visit art museums in Japan.", "I have dogs. I have not had a cat. I am a dog person. I think cats are lovable.", "I had a friend at school whose parents fostered kittens. I couldn't handle a bunch of kittens. I might foster a dog someday."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_118_0", "test_118_1", "test_118_2", "test_118_3", "test_118_4", "test_118_5", "test_118_6", "test_118_7", "test_118_8", "test_118_9", "test_118_10", "test_118_11", "test_118_12", "test_118_13", "test_118_14", "test_118_15", "test_118_16", "test_118_17", "test_118_18", "test_118_19", "test_118_20", "test_118_21", "test_118_22", "test_118_23", "test_118_24", "test_118_25", "test_118_26", "test_118_27", "test_118_28", "test_118_29", "test_118_30", "test_118_31", "test_118_32", "test_118_33", "test_118_34", "test_118_35", "test_118_36", "test_118_37", "test_118_38", "test_118_39", "test_118_40", "test_118_41", "test_118_42", "test_118_43", "test_118_44", "test_118_45", "test_118_46", "test_118_47", "test_118_48", "test_118_49", "test_118_50", "test_118_51", "test_118_52", "test_118_53", "test_118_54", "test_118_55", "test_118_56", "test_118_57", "test_118_58", "test_118_59", "test_118_60", "test_118_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! How are you?", "I am good, how about you?", "Doing good. I invent things what do you do?", "I'm a workaholic. Do you like music? I like listening to black sabbath.", "I am more into science than music.", "That's interesting. What about your hobbies?", "Mainly I just invent things I like to teleport myself around the world..", "Cool. I like grilling, because I like eating meat.", "My current project is a time machine. Have you ever traveled in time?", "I haven't. Mainly I just think about how much I have at work.", "What type of work do you do?", "I'm not really sure. I'm 26, so I'm just starting my career.", "Do you like puppies? I adore them!", "I don't really have an opinion on puppies.", "Has work still been really busy? Have you gotten a chance to take a break?", "Yeah I've been super busy. But I haven't been able to settle on a career just yet. Any recommendations?", "Well, you could always start a band. Or you could help me build my time machine! Maybe you could be a chef?", "That would be awesome! I would love to be your chef. Any particular favorite dishes?", "I prefer mexican food and seafood. Chicken enchiladas, tacos, shrimp shish kabob... Any baked fish. I like it all. If you are going to grill, maybe grilled corn and stuffed burgers", "Ugh that sounds like a plan. Maybe we can teleport around the world and I'll cook different types of cuisines? ", "Oh that would be the best thing ever! I love trying new food! Cooking is a science ya know!", "Ain't that the truth! Do you have any puppies by the way?", "I used to foster puppies, but I am too busy now to deal with them all the time. I do however visit shelters in every city I go to!", "Oh how cool. Are you an animal person?", "Of course! Puppies are my favorite, but dogs are cool too. It is nice to get to meet as many as possible while jumping from place to place. Maybe when I can move through space and time, I can go meet all the puppies from history!!", "But what about the kittens???", "Have you had any time off for grilling?", "not really yet. I'm hoping I can grill this weekend though. ", "Do you have anything yummy planned out? It's raining here so I may do some indoor grilled veggies for fajitas. :)", "maybe some steaks. need to figure out a good side to go with it.", "Do you like grilled asparagus? I put a little lemon on mine and it's delicious. ", "I've never had it but definitely something to consider. ", "Usually people either really love it or hate it. Have you considered getting a job as a line cook?", "I've been wanting to get a job somewhere as a chef. I think it would be fun but I haven't had the time to try to find some place to apply to yet.", "It always looks fun, but for me, working nights, would be a drawback.", "most restaurants don't stay open too late. so it wouldn't bother me. ", "That's true, but there is cleaning and such that happens. It's a big time commitment, and I feel like your social life would take a dive, but you'd be building a working family.", "I already don't have much of a social life as my current job keeps me busy with little free time. I may even gain free time by switching careers", "My fajitas turned out to be awesome. Did your dinner work out well?", "I am still wrapping up a project deliverable. I will be eating a bit later. What did you add in your fajitas", "They were just simple chicken fajitas. I was thinking about making shrimp ones sometime. What is your project about?", "I like chicken fajitas. Can you share the recipe now? The project is building my resume and I have my own deadline to apply for companies.", "I'll text it to you later. I want to make sure I have everything right. A resume is a big deal. Do you already know the companies your want to apply to?", "That will work. I am not certain on the type of work I want to do. I am researching further and playing around a bit with my resume. Where do you work?", "I do a little bit of freelance work here and there, but what I enjoy the most is volunteering at animal shelters.", "Wow! What type of animals do you care at place you volunteer. I am interested in volunteering too!", "They are mainly dogs, but there are also cats. My favorite are when new puppies are brought in. They are snapped up really quickly ", "Well, I am not fan of puppies for sure. Cats are okay. How many animals do you have at your shelter?", "How come you don't like puppies? They are so cute!", "I find kittens to be cute. Thats my personal preference. I enjoy playing with them.", "A new cat arrived at the shelter. He is very cute, but not cuter than puppies!", "Why do you like puppies so much? What's so different about kittens and puppies? Aren't they just both babies? ", "Yes but puppies are just so cute with their beady eyes and always wagging their tails and following you everywhere!", "You have a point. It is nice to see puppies wagging their tail and just following you! Changing topics, do you have any recipes with asparagus? You know, it's such a popular vegetable, but I just don't know how to prepare it.", "I don't have recipes but I know how to make a good grilled asparagus. Are you looking to bolster your chef book?", "I sure am! Grilled asparagus does sound good. Do you pair the grilled asparagus with your fajitas? What do you prefer, chicken or beef fajitas?", "I prefer chicken to beef. I pair it with beef fajitas andI think it's great to have with a glass of merlot. Do you like wine?", "You're making me hungry! Yes, I do love wine. As a matter of fact, I used to live in the Bordeaux region in France, so my favorite wine is Bordeaux wine. But I also love champagne and cognac.", "Haha, I know right? I lived in the Champagne region for a bit! Always wanted to go to Bordeaux. How was it there?", "I didn't know that you also lived in France for a while! I love French food, especially the bread and fruit pastries. Living in Bordeaux was fun! I had the chance to visit all the prehistoric caves with paintings in the Southwest region of France. Plus, Spain was just a few hours away by train, so I visited Spain quite a few times as well. Oh, the good old times. If only I were this excited about my career!", "The French have the best food I have ever eaten plus the life style is so chill! I miss going to the bakeries in the mornings to get freshly baked baguettes and croissants. If you become a chef you could travel to different countries and workright?", "You're right! You just gave me an idea. I think I should pursue a career as a chef. That will give me the chance to go to different countries, learn the local cuisine, and maybe someday I can even open up my own restaurant!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a inventor.", "I invented a personal teleportation device.", "I am able to teleport myself instantly anywhere in the world.", "I'm working on a time machine.", "I love puppies."], ["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."]], [["I like science more than music.", "My hobbies include inventing things. I like to teleport myself around the world. I am working on a time machine.", "I like puppies."], ["I am a workaholic. I like listening to black sabbath.", "I like to grill. I like to eat meat.", "I am 26 years old. I am just starting my career. I'm not really sure of the type of work I want to do.", "I have no preference on puppies."]], [["I like science more than music.", "My hobbies include inventing things. I like to teleport myself around the world. I am working on a time machine.", "I like Mexican food and seafood. I love trying new food.", "I used to foster puppies. I visit animal shelters in different cities. Puppies are my favorite. I like meeting a lot of dogs when I travel."], ["I am a workaholic. I like listening to black sabbath.", "I like to grill. I like to eat meat.", "I am 26 years old. I am just starting my career. I'm not really sure of the type of work I want to do.", "I have no preference on puppies.", "I would like to be a chef."]], [["I like science more than music.", "My hobbies include inventing things. I like to teleport myself around the world. I am working on a time machine.", "I like Mexican food and seafood. I love trying new food.", "I used to foster puppies. I visit animal shelters in different cities. Puppies are my favorite. I like meeting a lot of dogs when I travel.", "I am making fajitas. I like asparagus.", "I don't like working nights."], ["I am a workaholic. I like listening to black sabbath.", "I like to grill. I like to eat meat.", "I am 26 years old. I am just starting my career. I'm not really sure of the type of work I want to do.", "I have no preference on puppies.", "I would like to be a chef.", "I have never eaten asparagus.", "I am looking for a new job.", "I can stay up somewhat late.", "I don't hand out with many people. I am very busy."]], [["I like science more than music.", "My hobbies include inventing things. I like to teleport myself around the world. I am working on a time machine.", "I like Mexican food and seafood. I love trying new food.", "I used to foster puppies. I visit animal shelters in different cities. Puppies are my favorite. I like meeting a lot of dogs when I travel.", "I am making fajitas. I like asparagus.", "I don't like working nights.", "I am a freelancer. I volunteer at animal shelters."], ["I am a workaholic. I like listening to black sabbath.", "I like to grill. I like to eat meat.", "I am 26 years old. I am just starting my career. I'm not really sure of the type of work I want to do.", "I have no preference on puppies.", "I would like to be a chef.", "I have never eaten asparagus.", "I am looking for a new job.", "I can stay up somewhat late.", "I don't hand out with many people. I am very busy."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_120_0", "test_120_1", "test_120_2", "test_120_3", "test_120_4", "test_120_5", "test_120_6", "test_120_7", "test_120_8", "test_120_9", "test_120_10", "test_120_11", "test_120_12", "test_120_13", "test_120_14", "test_120_15", "test_120_16", "test_120_17", "test_120_18", "test_120_19", "test_120_20", "test_120_21", "test_120_22", "test_120_23", "test_120_24", "test_120_25", "test_120_26", "test_120_27", "test_120_28", "test_120_29", "test_120_30", "test_120_31", "test_120_32", "test_120_33", "test_120_34", "test_120_35", "test_120_36", "test_120_37", "test_120_38", "test_120_39", "test_120_40", "test_120_41", "test_120_42", "test_120_43", "test_120_44", "test_120_45", "test_120_46", "test_120_47", "test_120_48", "test_120_49", "test_120_50", "test_120_51", "test_120_52", "test_120_53", "test_120_54", "test_120_55", "test_120_56", "test_120_57", "test_120_58", "test_120_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I just finished my daily run outside.", "Cool, do you compete running or just stay fit.", "Just do it exercise and leisure! What do you do?", "I play video games, mostly with friends.", "Cool, I have never played video games but I would to try.", "League of legends is my favorite and alistar is my favorite champion.", "I have heard of league of legends my friends play that.", "Last month I bought a new gaming laptop which is really cool.", "Wow, I don't enjoy computer games that much. I like to be outside.", "I understand, do you do exercise other than running.", "I like to swim too, I also enjoy walking my dog..", "Swimming is good for you too.", "How has the new gaming laptop been working for you when you play League of Legends?", "It's been great. Works really well, great visuals. I know you're not a gamer, but I'd highly recommend the brand if you were ever in the market for a computer.", "You are right, but all my friends like to play! I just got through with my first marathon. It was a real challenge.", "Oh gosh I can only imagine! How did you feel at the end of it?", "I was drained and dehydrated. I always run at a faster pace when I'm in a crowd of people and it really got to me. ", "I have to admit, I've never been much of a runner unless I'm being chased, lol! I do enjoy swimming, though.", "That's another one of favorite activities. I'm a better runner than a swimmer however. ", "Swimming feels so good on my knees. They get so sore. Have you ever tried getting your dog to swim with you?", "Yes! I go some in the lake and my dog loves it. I guess it is true. Dogs are man's best friend. ", "Haha, my poor dog is so ridiculous. She's terrified of a bath, but she loves to jump into a muddy lake.", "I need to take a run or swim tomorrow before I get too lazy!!!", "Now that it's getting warmer swimming will feel really good.", "My dog and I are checking out a new lake this weekend. Hopefully it isn't too muddy.", "Sound fantastic, what kind of dog do you have?", "I have a Sheltie, a Shetland Sheepdog. His name is Buddy. How about you? What kind of dog do you have?", "A Labrador Retriever which explains jumping in a muddy lake. I bet it takes forever to dry Buddy out after a swim.", "It sure does. Luckily, he doesn't like to go swimming. He mostly stands in the shallow water and barks while I swim. Labs love the water don't they? Funny that yours doesn't like the bath, though.", "The only thing I can imagine is that bath water is too clean for her. Shelties are really big, aren't they? What do you drive him around in?", "Yeah, and maybe the enclosed space is a little freaky for her. Shelties are mid-sized. They are like little Lassie dogs. Buddy is about 25 pounds, so he fits in the backseat of my car just fine. I own a Honda Accord, so Buddy just hangs in the backseat.", "Oh, that's a great size for a dog. I bet he's the best running companion, can he run a whole marathon with you?", "Shelties are more of a sprinter type dog. Not made for long distance. They were bred to herd sheep, so lots of starts and stops. I don't take Buddy with me when I run, as he slows me down! Ha! Does your dog swim with you?", "I guess you could say we start swimming together, but she quickly out paces me and if there is any waterfowl, she's just gone. ", "I can just picture that! Buddy is the same with cats. When he sees one, he's off. Luckily, he's pretty obedient, so he doesn't go far. He's a working dog, so he's happiest when he has a \"job\". ", "What sort of jobs have you invented for him? Retrievers, you know, just bring things back so there is no imagination needed.", "Have you competed in any League of Legends tournaments?", "No, but I've thought about it before. I don't know if I'm good enough to do very well just yet, haha. Have any of your other friends done it?", "I heard a friend's friend's friend doing it and that's really cool, but yeah I haven't met anyone in person doing that. ", "Ah okay. I know video games aren't really your thing so that's cool. So are you going to sign up for another marathon? I always think it'd be cool to do one but it's so hard on my knees.", "I'm going to sign up for this winter because I have never done it in winter before (which is obvious since I have only done one in the spring). Honestly I'm kinda afraid of the cold but I think the point is to challenge myself. Would you want to try doing a marathon at some point?", "Maybe, but I'm not sure. I really am concerned about my knees. I could probably walk one but I'm not sure about the running.", "That's understandable, definitely take great cares of your knees! A lot of people didn't take care of their knees when they were young regretted it deeply when they were older.", "I still like swimming though! Me and the dog took a swim out at the lake this past weekend, actually. It was great.", "OH yeah how was your dog doing? I remember you said how your dog is terrified of the bath, so I'm surprised that she can swim well!", "She's weird like that. She likes the lake but not the tub or the groomer. I think it's the soap. ", "Haha she's sure an interesting dog with some tempers! My dog just hates water, whether it be lake or river or ocean or bathtub water, so it's funny to see him try to escape every time!", "There's nothing like a wet, soapy dog streaking through the room, right?", "Did you buy the gaming laptop just for League of Legends or are there other games you also play?", "For right now just the League of Legends, but I'm sure my friends will help me find other games to play. Since you run and swim, have you ever considered doing a triathlon?", "I have definitely thought about it! I just have never found a bike that really fits. It also doesn't help that really good competitive bikes can be very pricey. Do you ever bike? I hear it can be easier on your knees.", "I do bike, but not enough to be competitive. My dog likes to run along side when I bike, but she prefers swimming. Since I tend to take my dog everywhere that I can we end up swimming more often than biking. It's unfortunate that Buddy doesn't like to swim with you.", "It really is. I'd love to have a dog that I could hit the beach with, even just for fun. I really enjoy watching people surf with their dogs. I don't really think I'd have the balance on a surfboard, though. Have you ever tried it?", "I haven't tried surfing, but I love watching the people surf with their dogs too! The dogs always look so happy. I'm sure my dog would love to go surfing. She'd probably be better at it than I would, haha!", "That's awesome! I do envy how wonderfully positive most dogs can be. Anything they want to try they just dive right into. Oh, to be that fearless! I also own an old tomcat who is definitely NOT that fearless. He's a lazy jerk. Do you have any other pets?", "Haha, your cat sounds like he's just living his best life! I don't have any other pets. My dog is so spoiled that she probably wouldn't want to share the attention with any other pets anyway. ", "You would think that Salem (the old tom) would be like that, but he and Buddy are literally best friends--so long as you aren't looking. I've caught them snuggled up together too many times to count. If they know I'm looking, though, they pretend to hate each other.", "Ah, I see :) I'm sure it would be so embarrassing for Salem to get caught being friends with a dog. I've thought about getting a cat in the past. Do you think they are easier or harder to have around compared to a dog?", "Oh, definitely easier, 99% of the time. A cat only demands things of you when they want something specific (food, water, scratches, clean litter), but will totally ignore you a lot of the rest of the time. Buddy wants to be by my side 24/7. I also save on boarding when I travel because the cat can take care of himself. I always have to find Buddy a place to stay so he can be walked, etc. I'm definitely a dog person, but cats are chill in a whole different way. ", "That makes sense. Cats always see so self-sufficient. Like they could totally be on their own but decide to keep you around anyway, haha! And my dog is the same way, she always wants to be next to me which is why I end up doing so many dog friendly activities. If my knees were better I might try and find a short triathlon I could do with my dog."], "init_persona": [[["I am a very easy going person who loves to partake in leisure activity.", "I am a dog owner who loves spending time with all animals.", "Furthermore, I consider my self a coffee connoisseur and love trying new ways to brew.", "I also enjoy going outside to run, hike, and camp."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["I am a runner. I run for fun.", "I have friends who play League of Legends. I don't like video games. I like to be outside. I do not play video games.", "I like to swim as an activity. I have a dog."], ["I play video games with friends.", "I like the game League of Legends and prefer the Alistar champion. I bought a new gaming laptop."]], [["I am not a gamer but my friends like to play. I have friends who play League of Legends. I don't like video games. I like to be outside. I do not play video games.", "I like to swim as an activity. I have a dog.", "I run for fun. I just ran my first marathon. I run at a faster pace when I'm in a crowd. I run better than I swim. We go to swim in the lake sometimes."], ["I play video games with friends. I like the game League of Legends and prefer the Alistar champion. I bought a new gaming laptop.", "I'm not much of a runner. Swimming feels good on my knees.", "I have a dog, she is terrified of the bath. She loves to jump in the muddy lake."]], [["I am not a gamer but my friends like to play. I have friends who play League of Legends. I don't like video games. I like to be outside. I do not play video games.", "I like to swim as an activity. I have a dog.", "I run for fun. I just ran my first marathon. I run at a faster pace when I'm in a crowd. I run better than I swim. We go to swim in the lake sometimes.", "My dog is a Sheltie, a Shetland Sheepdog. My dog's name is Buddy. My dog is obedient.", "I know how to swim. My dog does not like water.", "My dog is mid-sized. My dog fits in the backseat of my car. I own a Honda Accord."], ["I play video games with friends. I like the game League of Legends and prefer the Alistar champion. I bought a new gaming laptop.", "I'm not much of a runner. Swimming feels good on my knees.", "I have a dog, she is terrified of the bath. She loves to jump in the muddy lake. My dog is a Labrador Retriever.", "I swim with my dog."]], [["I am not a gamer but my friends like to play. I have friends who play League of Legends. I don't like video games. I like to be outside. I do not play video games.", "I like to swim as an activity. I have a dog.", "I run for fun. I just ran my first marathon. I run at a faster pace when I'm in a crowd. I run better than I swim. We go to swim in the lake sometimes.", "My dog is a Sheltie, a Shetland Sheepdog. My dog's name is Buddy. My dog is obedient.", "I know how to swim. My dog does not like water.", "My dog is mid-sized. My dog fits in the backseat of my car. I own a Honda Accord.", "I have done a marathon in Spring and plan on doing one in Winter."], ["I play video games with friends. I like the game League of Legends and prefer the Alistar champion. I bought a new gaming laptop.", "I'm not much of a runner. Swimming feels good on my knees. I'd do marathons but they are hard on my knees.", "I have a dog, she is terrified of the bath. She loves to jump in the muddy lake. My dog is a Labrador Retriever.", "I swim with my dog.", "I've thought about competing in League of Legend tournaments but I'm not sure I'm good enough.", "I like swimming. I have a dog who swims. My dog and I went swimming at a lake last weekend and it was great. My dog likes the lake but not the tub or groomer."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_124_0", "test_124_1", "test_124_2", "test_124_3", "test_124_4", "test_124_5", "test_124_6", "test_124_7", "test_124_8", "test_124_9", "test_124_10", "test_124_11", "test_124_12", "test_124_13", "test_124_14", "test_124_15", "test_124_16", "test_124_17", "test_124_18", "test_124_19", "test_124_20", "test_124_21", "test_124_22", "test_124_23", "test_124_24", "test_124_25", "test_124_26", "test_124_27", "test_124_28", "test_124_29", "test_124_30", "test_124_31", "test_124_32", "test_124_33", "test_124_34", "test_124_35", "test_124_36", "test_124_37", "test_124_38", "test_124_39", "test_124_40", "test_124_41", "test_124_42", "test_124_43", "test_124_44", "test_124_45", "test_124_46", "test_124_47", "test_124_48", "test_124_49", "test_124_50", "test_124_51", "test_124_52", "test_124_53", "test_124_54", "test_124_55", "test_124_56", "test_124_57", "test_124_58", "test_124_59", "test_124_60", "test_124_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi how are u today?", "I am good. Getting ready to pick my son up from school. How about you?", "Not bad just finished class awhile ago.", "Are you in college? I am thinking of going back to school.", "Yes currently. If my dad wasnt a famous musician I wouldnt be able to afford it.", "Oh what band is your dad in?", "He does the piano for the san fransisco phil symphony.", "That's awesome. I used to go to the symphony when I was a kid in britain.", "Do u like music? I love paramore.", "I do like music. Mainly classic and alternative rock.", "Do u have siblings? I have a sister who teaches.", "Yes my sister is back in england. I moved to the us 10 years ago.", "Do you have any pets? I have a bunch.", "I have one dog. What type of pets do you have?", "How did you enjoy living in England compared to the states?", "Oh it's a big cultural shock, but I like it a lot. How do you like San Francisco?", "When I go visit my dad, I do like to go to the big bridge. I do prefer to stay near my dorm though. It is so hard to be away from my fur babies.", "What kind of course are you taking? ", "Equine science. I am thinking about going to vet school or else maybe studying more about cattle ranching", "So cool! I hope you fulfill those wishes. So are you an animal person?", "Oh yeah. I am way into all animals. I have studied some marine biology when I was on summer in high school, and got to do some scuba diving. But When I got out of HS, I decided I wanted to work with horses. Especially since my dog was bred to be a cattle animal.", "That sounds like the perfect work for you then! How many pets do you have?", "I have a dog, twin calico cats, a aquarium that is full of different creatures from the deep, a family of rats, a chipmunk, two parakeets and an ant farm. What about you? You ever had pets?", "Holy cow! You've got a whole zoo. I've got one dog, his name is Hank. I love him to death.", "Oh yeah, I meant besides him lol. I would love to hear about any other pets you have ever had. I don't quite have a zoo. I did let the owl go, and I rehomed my lizards. I do plan on getting a snake before too long.", "A snake?? That's cool. I also have five cats, but they're just strays that I feed outside.", "I am also thinking about getting some hamsters but that might get tricky when the snake comes along.", "Keep your hamsters in their cage and keep the snake well fed! I think you will avoid any problems, but do you have a place for the snake?", "Yeah, we made room in the living room for a big tank for it. We will keep the hamsters somewhere else if we get them. I just have to figure out what kind of snake I want to get.", "I can't believe all the animals you have in your home! Do you have any issues between your animals or do they all get along?", "They get along and we have a pretty big house and a farm. The dogs and cats usually live out in the barn, but they do like to come inside sometimes.", "That sounds so amazing! I've been thinking about getting some fish and pygmy frogs. I find aquariums so relaxing.", "That sounds awesome. If you need some advice on them let me know. We have some frogs that live around our ponds, but never had one myself.", "Oh, I will be calling you for sure! There weren't a lot of animals around me back in England, so I am making up for lost time!", "I can image. Animals are awesome and they help you out of depression. And just make you feel better all around.", "I know I wouldn't know what to do without Hank. He never judges me and just wants me to feel happy. Even those stray cats seem to know when I'm having a tough day.", "They are very good at that. I am so glad you have Hank he sounds like a really great dog.", "I was really lucky. He has a mild temperament and has never really given me problems. He can be a little protective of me, but once he knows I am in no danger, he is wonderful with strangers.", "I've decided that I am going to get some hamsters, too! We will just keep them in a separate room from the snake to avoid any problems. ", "Wow, I thought my dog and five cats was a lot of animals but you sure have me beat. How do you like living with so many animals?", "It's a lot of work but I love them. They're all so unique and filled with such different personalities. It's never boring here.lol", "What are their personalities like? Its so hard for me to imagine animals other than dogs and cats having any personality. That being said, even with my 6 pets, its already pretty chaotic in my household.", "Rats for example are super smart and can be trained to do tricks and recognize their own names and a few of my fish recognize me and wait at the glass to be fed. ", "Rats sound so scary to live with! Don't your cats want to eat them? EIther way, you're definitely prepared for your future job working with animals.", "Honestly they're very sweet. They'll come up to me and lick me like a dog. I hated their tails at first but their sweetness and intelligence won me over. And yes I definitely learn a lot watching them and googling when they're doing something weird to see if it's normal.lol", "Do you have a favorite animal out of all of them? It seems like it would be so hard to pick one. What are all of their names>", "Oh I could never choose right now but I don't think I could ever not have a dog though. And there are so many to name we'd be here all day but my cat's name is Pig.lol", "That's a hilarious name. What's your dogs name then? Do you actually use him/her for cattle herding?", "His name is Rogue because he does what he wants. So if he wants to herd he will and if he doesn't then he doesn't. He definitely lives up to his name.lol", "Aww, he sound so cute. I am a huge sucker for dogs. Hank brightens my day every single day. Does it suck living in a dorm and not getting to be with your animals?", "I would also mention the status of the new hampsters.", "You have hamsters? What do you mean by status", "When I get the hamsters I'll let you know if they are both male", "I see. Will they be spayed or neutered?", "I spay all of my animals that I bring in so they don't have babies. Except for the fish. Haha, you can't do that.", "How does that work for your snake? Does it effect aggression levels?", "It's my wife's snake. You'd have to ask her. ", "do you produce anything or breed on your farm?", "Do you feed all the strays?", "I do, I take good care of them. It's enjoyable for me", "Okay. I just found your questions kind of odd the way you were asking me. It's more acceptable to chat instead of repeat yourself I guess. That's why I replied to quickly.", "No problem. How do you afford all your animals?"], "init_persona": [[["My favorite band is paramore.", "My father is a professional piano player.", "My sister is older than me and teaches small children.", "I own 6 pets.", "I am currently a grad student."], ["I am british.", "I am a metal worker.", "I have immigrated to the united states.", "I am divorced.", "I have 1 child."]], [["I am currently taking a course.", "I have a famous father. I have a father who plays piano in the San Fransisco Symphony.", "I like the band Paramore.", "I have a sister. She teaches as a job.", "I have many pets."], ["I have a son.", "I am considering going back to college.", "I am British.", "I like classic and alternative rock genres.", "I have a sister. She lives in England. I have lived in the United States for 10 years.", "I have 1 dog."]], [["I have a famous father who plays piano in the San Fransisco Symphony.", "I like the band Paramore.", "I have a sister. She teaches as a job.", "I live in a dorm. I am taking equine science courses. I am thinking of going to vet school or studying more on cattle ranching. I am an animal person. I studied marine biology during summer in high school. I've done some scuba diving. I wanted to work with horses after high school. I have a dog, it's a cattle animal.", "I have a dog, twin calico cats, an aquarium of sea life, a family of rats, a chipmunk, two parakeets and an ant farm.", "I used to have an owl and lizards. I plan on getting a snake soon."], ["I have a son.", "I am considering going back to college.", "I am British.", "I like classic and alternative rock genres.", "I have a sister. She lives in England. I have lived in the United States for 10 years.", "I lived in England. I live in San Francisco.", "I have one dog, his name is Hank. I love my dog. I have five cats. They are strays I feed outside."]], [["I have a famous father who plays piano in the San Fransisco Symphony.", "I like the band Paramore.", "I have a sister. She teaches as a job.", "I live in a dorm. I am taking equine science courses. I am thinking of going to vet school or studying more on cattle ranching. I am an animal person. I studied marine biology during summer in high school. I've done some scuba diving. I wanted to work with horses after high school. I have a dog, it's a cattle animal.", "I have a dog, twin calico cats, an aquarium of sea life, a family of rats, a chipmunk, two parakeets and an ant farm.", "I used to have an owl and lizards.", "I am thinking about getting some hamsters. I am getting a snake. We will put the snake in a big tank in the living room.", "We have a big house and a farm.", "We have frogs that live outside in our ponds, but not as pets."], ["I have a son.", "I am considering going back to college.", "I am British.", "I like classic and alternative rock genres.", "I have a sister. She lives in England. I have lived in the United States for 10 years.", "I lived in England. I live in San Francisco.", "I have one dog, his name is Hank. I love my dog. I have five cats. They are strays I feed outside.", "I find aquariums relaxing."]], [["I have a famous father who plays piano in the San Fransisco Symphony.", "I like the band Paramore.", "I have a sister. She teaches as a job.", "I live in a dorm. I am taking equine science courses. I am thinking of going to vet school or studying more on cattle ranching. I am an animal person. I studied marine biology during summer in high school. I've done some scuba diving. I wanted to work with horses after high school. I have a dog, it's a cattle animal.", "I have a dog named Rogue, twin calico cats, an aquarium of sea life, a family of rats, a chipmunk, two parakeets and an ant farm. I have a cat named Pig.", "I used to have an owl and lizards.", "I am thinking about getting some hamsters. I am getting a snake. We will put the snake in a big tank in the living room.", "We have a big house and a farm.", "We have frogs that live outside in our ponds, but not as pets.", "I have a snake. I love animals. I have a few fish. I like watching rats."], ["I have a son.", "I am considering going back to college.", "I am British.", "I like classic and alternative rock genres.", "I have a sister. She lives in England. I have lived in the United States for 10 years.", "I lived in England. I live in San Francisco.", "I have one dog, his name is Hank. I love my dog. I have five cats. They are strays I feed outside.", "I find aquariums relaxing.", "I have 6 pets."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_127_0", "test_127_1", "test_127_2", "test_127_3", "test_127_4", "test_127_5", "test_127_6", "test_127_7", "test_127_8", "test_127_9", "test_127_10", "test_127_11", "test_127_12", "test_127_13", "test_127_14", "test_127_15", "test_127_16", "test_127_17", "test_127_18", "test_127_19", "test_127_20", "test_127_21", "test_127_22", "test_127_23", "test_127_24", "test_127_25", "test_127_26", "test_127_27", "test_127_28", "test_127_29", "test_127_30", "test_127_31", "test_127_32", "test_127_33", "test_127_34", "test_127_35", "test_127_36", "test_127_37", "test_127_38", "test_127_39", "test_127_40", "test_127_41", "test_127_42", "test_127_43", "test_127_44", "test_127_45", "test_127_46", "test_127_47", "test_127_48", "test_127_49", "test_127_50", "test_127_51", "test_127_52", "test_127_53", "test_127_54", "test_127_55", "test_127_56", "test_127_57", "test_127_58", "test_127_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how is it goin?", "Great! How about you?", "Great. Are you male or female?", "Female, love to have fun going places and trying new things. What about you?", "I am more of a family man, I love spending time with my sons.", "I have two sons myself. They are the true loves of my life.", "I agree, the best thing that has happened to me in my life.", "Do you like music? My tastes vary greatly...maroon 5, the rolling stones, brad paisley, luke bryant.", "I am lifelong fan of tupac shakur.", "Wow! What about your social life? Dinner and a movie or concerts and dancing?", "Yes, I love all kinds of cuisines mexican, italian, chinese.", "Love chinese and italian!! Mexican kills my stomach.", "I found a great new Chinese restaurant last night!", "Oh that's great! What's it called?", "China Dragon. I know... Corny name, but it was great. They have the best szechuan beef in the world. ", "Really? It's hard to believe that, but I guess I'll take your word on it. Did you bring your boys there?", "Yeah. They love Chinese food too. They both had been out of town for a while, so it was good to see them. ", "Ah, that's great. Only one of my sons loves Chinese food as much as I do. The other really just likes Italian food, so it can be difficult to decide where to go.", "It sounds like an international fight!! My sons just got back from studying abroad. They are leaving again in a few months. ", "It's nice that you got to spend some time with them. I'd be so worried if my boys traveled so far away. Luckily it will be a long time before they're old enough.", "It's stressful and I worry all the time, but I am happy for them. Enjoying them while you can. They grow up fast. ", "Oh yeah, definitely. Where have your boys been studying?", "They have been in Spain and they are going to Italy next. The European tour!!", "My younger son would be so jealous. They must be eating really well over there!", "One of my sons just told me that he has a Spanish girlfriend now.", "Congratulations to your son! Is he happy? Do they seem to be a good match? Have you met her, or gotten a chance to talk to her yet? That's exciting!", "They seem very much in love. I'm so happy for him. My other sons seem to be jealous since they're single still. She's very polite and mature for her age.", "Did they meet at school? What is your son studying? And is she studying the same thing? That's great to hear. Young love is beautiful.", "They met in school. They're both in college and studying to be chefs. I joked that now I get to eat food prepared by two trained chefs instead of one!", "Oh my goodness! I definitely see some tasty dinners in your future! No wonder they get along so well. Food is the way to one's heart, and it sounds like they will both be amazing chefs! Maybe they can even open their own restaurant someday if things go well! Let me know and I'll come to the grand opening, whether it be in Europe or anywhere else in the world!", "Funny enough, my son is great at making Italian food, and his girlfriend knows a few Chinese recipes. So you'd probably love both of the dishes they could prepare.", "My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I'll bring my sons along too! A Chinese and Italian fusion would be perfect for my family to enjoy! There would be no arguments over what to eat.", "You'd definitely be on the guest list! Speaking of which, how are your sons doing? Anything new with them?", "One of their birthdays is coming up. They will be thirteen. We are planning on throwing a surprise party, but sometimes it's hard to pull him away from his video games so it shouldn't be too hard to sneak his friends into the house. I can only hope we can pull him away from his computer long enough to get him to walk down the stairs. Teenagers. Can't live with them... and can't live with them.", "I know what you mean. My youngest son is addicted to social media and video games as well. He comes out of his room to eat, then I don't see him until the morning.", "At least they can pull themselves away from virtual reality long enough to keep themselves alive in real life. Ha. I'm trying to encourage him to get into programming or writing. My son was always very creative, I feel like he could be a great writer or game developer someday, but all he wants to do is co-op with his friends.", "My son and his girlfriend prepared an amazing meal for me.", "That's so sweet of them! What dishes did they make?", "italian and chinese food is their specialty", "That must be an interesting clash of flavor haha! My sons would love that!", "That's very cool! Do any of your sons have any girlfriends?", "Well one of my son has a girlfriend for like several years, and for my other younger son I honestly have no idea. My younger son is just being so secretive, he won't even let me go into his room!", "My sons had that period also when they wouldn't go out of their room and play video games and listen to music. One of my sons has a girlfriend though", "Haha maybe our sons will mash well. Honestly I think my younger son might be secretly gay but doesn't want to come out yet for whatever reason. ", "Haha, nice joke, i think they would go very well together also, want to meet up soon?", "Yeah sure, when are you free to meet up?", "My sons are busy and will come in a week for winter break since they are in Europe, does that sound fine? Sometime in winter break?", "Yeah winter break sounds well, and maybe we can go to an ice skating rink -- did I ever tell you that I'm good at ice skating?", "Do your sons like ice skating as well?", "The older one seems to like it while the youngest cannot be bothered. Are you going to visit your sons in Europe soon?", "Yes! As a matter of fact, I'm visiting my son that lives in Spain next month. This will give me a chance to finally meet his girlfriend of three years now!", "Oh nice. You must be looking forward to it. He must have told you a lot about her. Do you think you would like her?", "I think so. She seems like a very sweet girl and she seems to care deeply about my son, so that's what matters most. You know, maybe I can stop by and visit you as well, since you live in Europe. France, Spain, Italy? Where are you living now?", "Bless her, that's good to hear. That would be great! I live in Portugal. It's not too far from Spain. We can always arrange something. How long would you be there for?", "I'm planning to stay in Spain for three weeks. Since you live in Portugal, I'd love to stop by for a visit if you're free this coming month. I've always wanted to visit Lisbon. It has the world's longest bridge!", "That'a great idea. We have a holiday house just outside of Lisbon. You are welcome to lodge with us.", "Sounds great! I'm already very excited about my trip to Spain, and now I get to visit you in Lisbon! I need to brush up on my Spanish and also start studying Portuguese.", "Haha, you've got your hands full then. Portuguese would be easier I believe. Spanish is a bit harder because it is spoken quicker. Would you be travelling with any company?", "No, I'll be traveling solo this time around. My husband does not have a lot of vacation time, so I'll be on my own. In the meantime, I'll start watching soap operas in Spanish and Portuguese. They can be so exciting!", "Aww that's a shame. Maybe he would make it next time. Netflix has got some good Spanish shows. What is your son studying?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a father.", "I am a brother.", "I am atheist.", "I am middle aged.", "I am employed."], ["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."]], [["I have more than one son. I love spending time with my sons.", "I am a fan of Tupac Shakur.", "I love Mexican, Italian, and Chinese food."], ["I am a female. I love going to places and trying new things.", "I have two sons. I love my sons.", "I like Maroon 5, The Rolling Stones, Brad Paisley, and Luke Bryant.", "I love Chinese and Italian food."]], [["I have more than one son. I love spending time with my sons.", "I am a fan of Tupac Shakur.", "I love Mexican, Italian, and Chinese food.", "My sons are studying abroad in Europe."], ["I am a female. I love going to places and trying new things.", "I have two sons. I love my sons. My sons are still very young.", "I like Maroon 5, The Rolling Stones, Brad Paisley, and Luke Bryant.", "I love Chinese and Italian food. One of my sons loves Chinese food. My other son likes Italian food."]], [["I have more than one son. I love spending time with my sons.", "I am a fan of Tupac Shakur.", "I love Mexican, Italian, and Chinese food.", "My sons are studying abroad in Europe.", "One of my sons has a Spanish girlfriend. My other sons are still single.", "One of my sons is studying to be a chef in college."], ["I am a female. I love going to places and trying new things.", "I have two sons. I love my sons. My sons are still very young.", "I like Maroon 5, The Rolling Stones, Brad Paisley, and Luke Bryant.", "I love Chinese and Italian food. One of my sons loves Chinese food. My other son likes Italian food.", "I live in Europe.", "One of my sons will be thirteen soon and he loves video games. I'm planning a surprise party for my son's birthday."]], [["I have more than one son. I love spending time with my sons.", "I am a fan of Tupac Shakur.", "I love Mexican, Italian, and Chinese food.", "My sons are studying abroad in Europe.", "One of my sons has a Spanish girlfriend. My other sons are still single.", "One of my sons is studying to be a chef in college."], ["I am a female. I love going to places and trying new things.", "I have two sons. I love my sons. My sons are still very young. I believe my younger son to be gay.", "I like Maroon 5, The Rolling Stones, Brad Paisley, and Luke Bryant.", "I love Chinese and Italian food. One of my sons loves Chinese food. My other son likes Italian food.", "I live in Europe.", "One of my sons will be thirteen soon and he loves video games. I'm planning a surprise party for my son's birthday.", "I'm good at ice skating."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_128_0", "test_128_1", "test_128_2", "test_128_3", "test_128_4", "test_128_5", "test_128_6", "test_128_7", "test_128_8", "test_128_9", "test_128_10", "test_128_11", "test_128_12", "test_128_13", "test_128_14", "test_128_15", "test_128_16", "test_128_17", "test_128_18", "test_128_19", "test_128_20", "test_128_21", "test_128_22", "test_128_23", "test_128_24", "test_128_25", "test_128_26", "test_128_27", "test_128_28", "test_128_29", "test_128_30", "test_128_31", "test_128_32", "test_128_33", "test_128_34", "test_128_35", "test_128_36", "test_128_37", "test_128_38", "test_128_39", "test_128_40", "test_128_41", "test_128_42", "test_128_43", "test_128_44", "test_128_45", "test_128_46", "test_128_47", "test_128_48", "test_128_49", "test_128_50", "test_128_51", "test_128_52", "test_128_53", "test_128_54", "test_128_55", "test_128_56", "test_128_57", "test_128_58", "test_128_59", "test_128_60", "test_128_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. Where do you live?", "Hello I am living in usa.", "I love the water. I even live right by the ocean.", "I am also love nature so much.", "Do you have pets? My dog and I are best friends!", "Yes I have a pet. My.pet is parrot name teenu.", "Very cool. Does your parrot talk?", "Yes my parrot did.it repeats what I a, saying.", "That would be fun. What do you do for a living?", "I am enjoying a moment when my pet with me.", "That's nice. I was an accountant for years.", "Thats wonderful. Where you are work.", "I don't do accounting anymore. I am actually a freelance entrepreneur.", "Wow this is very very good news.", "How old is your parrot?", "She is 20 years old! She is a great bird. So funny!", "Wow, you've had her for a long time! That's great. What colors is she? ", "She is blue and yellow. She was with a previous owner, she actually has as Scottish accent from that.", "That's very cool. She sounds wonderful. I've thought about getting a bird before. I worry about them making sounds all the time, though. I like things quiet. My dog is pretty chill.", "That is true, they are a handful and a commitment. What kind of dog is it?", "She's a chocolate lab. Her name is Frankie, short for Princess Francesca of Barkland IV. I let my little cousin name her. haha", "That is a great name! I love pet names that are sillly like that. ", "Yeah, it's a mouthful, though. haha Kids are so funny. She's a great dog, though. Quiet and friendly. She's my best friend.", "Does she enjoy the water as much as you do?", "Yep! When we go to the beach, she has her ball and Frisbee she loves to play with. She'll even bring them up to other dogs to try to play with them, too. haha", "That is soo cute! She sounds like a happy girl.", "Have you thought about getting another bird or does your bird like to be the only bird around?", "She has always been alone...I am not sure how she would react to another bird. ", "Yeah, it could be a lot to have two, but I wonder if they would enjoy communicating with each other. I think my dog would enjoy having another dog friend but I know she likes having all of the attention.", "I often wonder that as well I am sure they would love to communicate maybe I will get another bird an see how it goes. I have always wanted a dog.", "Good luck if you do get another one! I recommend dogs, especially ones who like to be active. It gets me out and about when I'm not working.", "What is your favorite dog breed? ", "I love my chocolate lab, but I also love golden retrievers. My brother has a golden retriever and he is just the happiest dog ever. Plus they're so adorable as puppies. What about you?", "I have honestly never thought about it. I guess I would have to say Black Labs they are loyal and just such a happy dog.", "Yes, I like those too! How has your bird been doing recently? Were you home more with her during the past year?", "She's been doing amazing! Yes I have been home more with her! ", "That's awesome. I'm sure she enjoys that a lot. ", "She sure does? Have you been spending much time with Frankie? ", "What silly pet names have you come up with?", "My friend just adopted a great dane - I told her to name him taquito!", "Ah, that's perfect! I love ironic names, haha. My brother has a dog named Big Dog. It's a chihuahua. ", "Haha! I'm imagining him calling out \"Big Dog, here Big Dog!\" and then this tiny little pipsqueak comes running. Man, animals are the best.", "Especially dogs. You should totally get one. Are you still thinking about it?", "I am! I've always wanted a lab. I love Teenu so much though, I don't know how she'd like having to share my attention haha. ", "I think she's get over it. Maybe she'd learn to speak dog! She could speak dog with a Scottish accent! Can you imagine?", "That's hilarious! Maybe I'll ease her into it. I've been thinking about getting another parrot, too. I don't know how she'll take that but it might be easier for her than a dog.", "Hmm. I wonder about that. Do parrots like other parrots? I mean, I know dogs usually like other dogs but I don't know about birds. ", "They definitely can if they're around the same size and have compatible personalities. They'll talk to each other too so it's important to give them each space to retreat to if they get in an argument lol", "Oh cool. I had no idea. Well, maybe you could get another parrot and a dog.", "Maybe! Would you ever get another pet?", "My dog Frankie just did the strangest thing", "Oh dear God, what did he do? lol!", "Well you know how Frankie loves her ball and frisbee? I threw both for her to see which one she would go after, and she picked up the ball first, and then tried to pick up the frisbee with the ball already in her mouth! It was so funny!", "That's hilarious! lol! It's amazing how ingrained the retrieval instinct is in Labs. ", "I know, right? It's also super interesting to watch her try different methods to try and carry both at the same time. She's really smart! Speaking of smart animals, how is your parrot?", "As loud as ever. I love Teenu, but there are days that I just want to open the cage door and the front door and let her go free. lol! Have you taken Frankie to the beach lately?", "I bet that can get annoying, but maybe her being loud is a sign of comfort or affection! Imagine if you had another bird haha. I'm planning on taking her to the beach this weekend! Do you want to come with us?", "That would be great! I'd love to come! And I can't imagine having a second bird. It would be compete pandemonium around here all the time if I did.", "Awesome, I'm sure Frankie will be super excited to see you! I know you've always wanted a dog, maybe Teenu and a dog would become best friends! I've seen a lot of videos of birds that sit on their dog friend's back and ride them around hahaha!", "I'm actually this close to pulling the trigger on getting a black lab. I saw one at a local rescue website this week. They have a whole litter. What should I look for in the puppy if I go visit the kennel in the next few days?", "Oh that's so exciting! I've always wanted to sit down in a room with a lot of dogs and see which one chooses me. If they have a whole litter, that could work! ", "Would you like to come with me to the kennel to help me choose?"], "init_persona": [[["I live by the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant.", "I am ready to embark on a new career and life.", "Now I am a freelance entrepreneur.", "My dog is truly my best friend."], ["I love taking walks on the beach.", "In my free time, I go on mountain hikes.", "I can speak english and spanish fluently.", "I'm currently in high school.", "I am moving to a new house next week."]], [["I love the water and I live near the ocean.", "I have a dog.", "I used to be an accountant.", "I no longer work as an accountant, instead I am an engineer."], ["I live in the USA.", "I also live by the water and I love nature.", "I have a parrot named Teenu. My parrot talks. I enjoy spending time with my parrot."]], [["I love the water and I live near the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant. I no longer work as an accountant, instead I am an engineer.", "I have thought about getting a bird but I worry about them making sounds all the time. I have a dog, we are pretty chill. My dog is a chocolate lab named Frankie. I let my little cousin name my dog.", "My dog is my best friend. My dog and I enjoy the water. My dog loves her ball and Frisbee."], ["I live in the USA.", "I also live by the water and I love nature.", "I have a parrot named Teenu. My parrot talks. I enjoy spending time with my parrot, she is 20 years old. My bird is blue and yellow. She has a Scottish accent from her previous owner.", "I love silly pet names."]], [["I love the water and I live near the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant. I no longer work as an accountant, instead I am an engineer.", "I have thought about getting a bird but I worry about them making sounds all the time. I have a dog, we are pretty chill. My dog is a chocolate lab named Frankie. I let my little cousin name my dog.", "My dog is my best friend. My dog and I enjoy the water. My dog loves her ball and Frisbee.", "I love my chocolate lab. I love golden retrievers. I have a brother.", "I like black labs."], ["I live in the USA.", "I also live by the water and I love nature.", "I have a parrot named Teenu. My parrot talks. I enjoy spending time with my parrot, she is 20 years old. My bird is blue and yellow. She has a Scottish accent from her previous owner. I am not sure how she would react to another bird.", "I love silly pet names.", "I will get another bird. I have always wanted a dog. I like black labs."]], [["I love the water and I live near the ocean.", "I used to be an accountant. I no longer work as an accountant, instead I am an engineer.", "I have thought about getting a bird but I worry about them making sounds all the time. I have a dog, we are pretty chill. My dog is a chocolate lab named Frankie. I let my little cousin name my dog.", "My dog is my best friend. My dog and I enjoy the water. My dog loves her ball and Frisbee.", "I love my chocolate lab. I love golden retrievers. I have a brother.", "I like black labs."], ["I live in the USA.", "I also live by the water and I love nature.", "I have a parrot named Teenu. My parrot talks. I enjoy spending time with my parrot, she is 20 years old. My bird is blue and yellow. She has a Scottish accent from her previous owner. I am not sure how she would react to another bird.", "I love silly pet names.", "I will get another bird. I know alot about birds. I have always wanted a dog. I like black labs.", "I like the name taquito."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_129_0", "test_129_1", "test_129_2", "test_129_3", "test_129_4", "test_129_5", "test_129_6", "test_129_7", "test_129_8", "test_129_9", "test_129_10", "test_129_11", "test_129_12", "test_129_13", "test_129_14", "test_129_15", "test_129_16", "test_129_17", "test_129_18", "test_129_19", "test_129_20", "test_129_21", "test_129_22", "test_129_23", "test_129_24", "test_129_25", "test_129_26", "test_129_27", "test_129_28", "test_129_29", "test_129_30", "test_129_31", "test_129_32", "test_129_33", "test_129_34", "test_129_35", "test_129_36", "test_129_37", "test_129_38", "test_129_39", "test_129_40", "test_129_41", "test_129_42", "test_129_43", "test_129_44", "test_129_45", "test_129_46", "test_129_47", "test_129_48", "test_129_49", "test_129_50", "test_129_51", "test_129_52", "test_129_53", "test_129_54", "test_129_55", "test_129_56", "test_129_57", "test_129_58", "test_129_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey do you have any grandchildren? I have 8.", "Wow, I do not have any grandchildren yet. I love disney though!", "I did watch disney on netflix last night with one of my 8 grandchildren..", "Oh okay, well I have a son and we watched moa\\[.", "Did you find that at the library?", "No, it was actually on netflix.", "O when I was younger my mother would take movies from there, she worked there.", "Oh okay, my mother is a dentist.", "Watching movie fits me since I am very quiet person.", "Oh not me, I am more of a extrovert.", "Most senior citizen like me becomes quiet person over time.", "I understand that, I have years until I'm a senior citizen.", "My grandkids got me a subscription to Disney+ two days ago and we've been watching it nonstop. ", "That is great. Are there any specific shows or movies you have been watching, or just a lot in general?", "I have been watching a lot in general! They have me watching something called \"The Descendents\" but I like the classics such as The Lion King or Aladdin", "I watch those a lot with my son. We also have Disney+ but most my tv and movie watching is on Netflix. ", "Yes, I am used to usually watching things on Netflix. I like watching more adult series. What did you watch most recently?", "I have been watching the Netflix Original Stranger Things, as well as the AMC show Breaking Bad. Both are very interesting and fun to watch in their own way. ", "I watched Breaking Bad, I really liked it. My favorite character is Jesse Pinkman, how about you?", "Jesse was fun to watch, but my favorite had to be Walter White. Bryan Cranston did such a great job portraying him. ", "Yes, he is a great actor. Does your son watch that show with you? How old is he, by the way?", "He is 25, so it is appropriate for him to watch it for us. I wish I had some grandkids to watch shows with, although I would have to pick a few more child friendly tv shows. ", "Maybe your son will give you a grandchild soon!", "I can only hope, and he still has a lot of time so I will not rush him!", "We watched The Mandalorian on Disney+ and it is my new favorite show.", "Me too!!! how far in the show are you, I don't want to spoil anything", "We only just started. It seems like it is way better than the recent trilogy so far.", "I am not a \"fantic\" of star wars, so each movie is fine for me, but I do love the Mando. For a man you don't see his face, he is very attractive. I don't know if that makes sense", "I get it. I'm definitely not a huge fan, but that last one was just rough. Have you started WandaVision yet?", "I was just going to suggest that show. Not much of a comic book fan, but that show hit all the nostaglic buttons. espcially the first show that was based on Dick Van Dyke", "I am a huge comic book fan, but never really paid attention to Vision or Scarlett Witch arcs. It was very good. I'll probably try Captain American and the Winter Soldier eventually. ", "If you like it, let me know. I've been watching the Gordon Ramsey and Jeff Goldblum shows and wish they make more. The most underrated show is Encore, I've cried almost every episode. Have you explored any of the other shows ", "Not yet. Haven't had a ton of time recently. I do love some MasterChef and MasterChef Junior though. ", "This one is better than those, because he's very nice and interested in the different cultures. Makes me grateful for the food we have here though and not have to eat weird worms ", "I will definitely try it. I miss Anthony Bourdain, weird worms and all. Did you watch much of his stuff?", "only after his passing, being a breaking bad fan have you tried Saul. I haven't but people always recommend it to me. ", "How old is your son?", "He has not long turned 25 how olad are your children?", "My oldest daughter is 40, my middle son is 38, and the youngest girl is 33. She was a surprise baby. ", "Yeah she wasn't planned at all then?", "The first two were, but the youngest was not. Then they went on to have 2 and 3 kids themselves, so now I'm the lucky grandmother of 8! They sure keep me busy.", "I bet they do lol. I haven't got an yet but can't wait to have some myself.", "Do you have any pets? I have two cats and they're my current babies.", "I have a little dog called Jinx he keeps me company most of the time he's my best friend.", "Oh that's wonderful! What kind of dog is he? I bet he's a great companion for walks too.", "Yeah we love going on walks together he is a jack russell crossed with a Chihuahua.", "I enjoy nature walks too, even though I can't take my kitties. I've been really getting into birdwatching lately as I walk through my local nature preserve.", "Yeah it's nice to be out in nature, it's peaceful and relaxing and takes you away from the stresses of life.", "I cant wait to tell you what I saw on my walk. ", "I can\u2019t wait to hear about it, what did you see? ", "It was right before sunset, so there was not much daylight. But I was able to recognize the animal nonetheless. It wasn't a cat, nor was it a dog. It was a small bobcat! Thankfully, I was not far from home, so I just walked away slowly without drawing attention to myself. ", "Omg, that must have been scary, I would of been scared, but you did the right thing by going slow. How are you feeling now? ", "I'm doing okay. You know, bobcats are beautiful creatures, and it's just that we're encroaching on their habitat. But I did learn a lesson! I will not go on walks by the creek by myself anymore, especially right before sunset!", "You are right about that bobcats are a stunning animal. Yeah next time either go earlier or with someone. I\u2019m glad to hear you are doing well though. ", "So, tell me, how is your dog Jinx doing? How often do you take him on walks? Do you take him to dog parks or do you just walk him around the neighborhood?", "He is doing well thank you. I usually take him on two walks a day and then he runs around my yard. I normally take him for a nice walk early in the mornings and then to the dark park in the afternoon so he can play with the other dogs. ", "You know, I've been thinking about getting a dog myself. I do have cats and they are nice to have around in the house, but I like the activity level of a dog. Plus, I'd have company when I go on walks. What breed would you recommend for a person my age? ", "Yeah having a dog around is nice. My dog is quite a yappy breed so if you dog want a dog that barks a lot, I would suggest something like a corgi, they are small but very good companion dogs. ", "Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely look into it. Now tell me, what kind of shows do you watch on Netflix? I used the watch the Final Table, a cooking show where people prepare dishes from around the world. ", "You\u2019re welcome. At the moment I am watching stranger things and breaking bad they are both really good tv series. I also enjoy watching Gordon Ramsay cooking shows. "], "init_persona": [[["I am a senior citizen.", "I have eight grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I am a very quiet person.", "I like to watch movies on netflix."], ["I love disney world.", "My mom is a dentist.", "I enjoy meeting new people.", "I work for a computer company.", "I am a mom."]], [["I have eight grandchildren. I am considered a senior citizen.", "I subscribe to Netflix and am aware of what Disney is.", "My mother worked at the library.", "I am very quiet and don't like to talk much."], ["I don't have any grandchildren. I love Disney. I have a son.", "I subscribe to Netflix.", "My mother is a dentist.", "I love talking with people and am extroverted.", "I'm not old enough to be a senior citizen."]], [["I am considered a senior citizen.", "My mother worked at the library.", "I am very quiet and don't like to talk much.", "I have 8 grandkids. They got me a subscription to Disney+. I've been watching it for two days nonstop. I subscribe to Netflix.", "I have bee watching \"The Descendents\" but I like the classic Disney such as The Lion King or Aladdin. I like watching more adult series. I watched Breaking Bad, my favorite character was Jesse Pinkman."], ["I don't have any grandchildren. I love Disney.", "My mother is a dentist.", "I love talking with people and am extroverted.", "I'm not old enough to be a senior citizen.", "I subscribe to Netflix. I have been watching Stranger Things and Breaking Bad. My favorite Breaking Bad character was Walter White.", "My son is 25. I don't have any grandkids. I hope to have grandkids someday."]], [["I am considered a senior citizen.", "My mother worked at the library.", "I am very quiet and don't like to talk much.", "I have 8 grandkids. They got me a subscription to Disney+. I've been watching it for two days nonstop. I subscribe to Netflix.", "I have bee watching \"The Descendents\" but I like the classic Disney such as The Lion King or Aladdin. I like watching more adult series. I watched Breaking Bad, my favorite character was Jesse Pinkman.", "I like The Mandalorian. I am not a huge fan of Star Wars.", "I am a huge comic book fan.", "I love MasterChef and MasterChef Junior."], ["I don't have any grandchildren. I love Disney.", "My mother is a dentist.", "I love talking with people and am extroverted.", "I'm not old enough to be a senior citizen.", "I subscribe to Netflix. I have been watching Stranger Things and Breaking Bad. My favorite Breaking Bad character was Walter White.", "My son is 25. I don't have any grandkids. I hope to have grandkids someday.", "I like The Mandalorian, I am not a \"fantic\" of star wars.", "I am not much of a comic book fan,.", "I watch Gordon Ramsey and Jeff Goldblum shows."]], [["I am considered a senior citizen.", "My mother worked at the library.", "I am very quiet and don't like to talk much.", "I have 8 grandkids. They got me a subscription to Disney+. I've been watching it for two days nonstop. I subscribe to Netflix.", "I have bee watching \"The Descendents\" but I like the classic Disney such as The Lion King or Aladdin. I like watching more adult series. I watched Breaking Bad, my favorite character was Jesse Pinkman.", "I like The Mandalorian. I am not a huge fan of Star Wars.", "I am a huge comic book fan.", "I love MasterChef and MasterChef Junior.", "My daughters are 40 and 33 years old. My son is 38 years old. My youngest daughter was not planned. I have 8 grandchildren and my kids and parents.", "I have 2 pet cats. I like dogs.", "I like walks and have my own nature preserve with birds."], ["I don't have any grandchildren. I love Disney.", "My mother is a dentist.", "I love talking with people and am extroverted.", "I'm not old enough to be a senior citizen.", "I subscribe to Netflix. I have been watching Stranger Things and Breaking Bad. My favorite Breaking Bad character was Walter White.", "My son is 25. I don't have any grandkids. I hope to have grandkids someday.", "I like The Mandalorian, I am not a \"fantic\" of star wars.", "I am not much of a comic book fan,.", "I watch Gordon Ramsey and Jeff Goldblum shows.", "I planned all my kids.", "I have a dog named jinx. My dog is a cross breed of Jack Russell and Chihuahua.", "My life is a bit stressful and I like nature."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_131_0", "test_131_1", "test_131_2", "test_131_3", "test_131_4", "test_131_5", "test_131_6", "test_131_7", "test_131_8", "test_131_9", "test_131_10", "test_131_11", "test_131_12", "test_131_13", "test_131_14", "test_131_15", "test_131_16", "test_131_17", "test_131_18", "test_131_19", "test_131_20", "test_131_21", "test_131_22", "test_131_23", "test_131_24", "test_131_25", "test_131_26", "test_131_27", "test_131_28", "test_131_29", "test_131_30", "test_131_31", "test_131_32", "test_131_33", "test_131_34", "test_131_35", "test_131_36", "test_131_37", "test_131_38", "test_131_39", "test_131_40", "test_131_41", "test_131_42", "test_131_43", "test_131_44", "test_131_45", "test_131_46", "test_131_47", "test_131_48", "test_131_49", "test_131_50", "test_131_51", "test_131_52", "test_131_53", "test_131_54", "test_131_55", "test_131_56", "test_131_57", "test_131_58", "test_131_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Good afternoon how are you doing.", "I am doing well, thank you.", "I am babysitting my five grandchildren.", "Holy cow, you have five grandchildren? How do you do it?", "Yes I love taking them to the beach even though fall is my favorite season.", "Why is fall your favorite season. I love to barbecue hot dogs at the beach.", "I am listening to my favorite bands styx and journey all day.", "I am listening to my favorite band black sabbath. Are you into classic rock?", "No, but I just tried mediterranean food and loved it.", "Do you prefer beef or chicken shwarma?", "I prefer chicken shwarma over beef.", "Me too. I love mine with babaganoush. Dude I am not looking forward to work.", "What is your favorite Black Sabbath song?", "They have a lot of good songs, but my favorite would have to be Iron Man. Have you heard that one?", "Yes, for sure. Was Ozzy Osbourne the lead singer at that time?", "I am not 100 percent sure. I just know that I love listening to them at the beach!", "My grandkids love the beach, we like to collect shells and build sand castles. I hope you don't play the music too loud when you are there.", "No don't worry, only loud enough for me to hear. Although I do love the beach, I haven't gotten a chance to head down there a lot this year. ", "Well if you are interested, I rented a place on the beach for a month. You bring the hotdogs and we'll have a bbq and enjoy the sand.", "That would be amazing, thank you! Can I also bring my family, assuming we can all get out of work? I think my nieces and nephews will get along great with your grandkids. ", "Sure that will be great. I love having kids around and they seem to entertain each other which leaves more time for adults to be adults.", "That's right. And maybe you can play some Journey songs for me, and I'll play you some more Black Sabbath. ", "Either way, as long as we don't have to listen to what the kids listen to these days, we should be good. I'll send you the address later.", "Thank you very much, I can't wait. ", "I made a really good humus recipe I will have to try with my next batch of chicken shwarma.", "If it's good, send it to me so I can try it with my chicken and babaganoush. Are there any other Mediterranean foods you like?", "Do you ever make any vegaterian humus? I love all Mediterranean foods thats probably why I'm still hanging onto my 15lbs I gained last year. haha", "I usually eat humus along with some sort of meat. Wow - 15 pounds! Maybe it was your month at the beach that made you put on the weight. What do your grankids like to eat?", "My grandkids are monsters haha. No, they aren't picky at all the benefit is that they are so active that they can eat whatever they want. How was your last concert on the beach?", "It's good that they are not picky. My nieces and nephews hardly eat anything. I definitely don't go to the beach for a concert, but just to relax and listen to some Black Sabbath.", "Ah. Good ole Ozzzy huh?", "Yes, back in his glory days he could really sing. Now, maybe, not so much. His voice was never as good as the lead singer of Journey, do you think?", "Its funny you mention Journey, they are my favorite band. I've seen them in person over a dozen times even with the new lead singer and they are just as good.", "That is fantastic. It's hard to beat live music! I only got to see Black Sabbath once, but it was great experience.", "What year did you go see them?", "I think. it might have been 1990. Those years get a little fuzzy. I think I spent two weeks at the beach that year, as I recall.", "How old are your nieces and nephews?", "They're 12, 13, 14, and 2. I enjoy having another little one because I missed when the other 3 were little and actually wanted to spend time with me and not their phones.lol", "Yeah that's the trouble these days isn't it they are only interested in phones and computers. ", "Yeah, a lot of adults aren't much better to be honest but that's just how life grows and evolves I guess. It definitely has it's advantages and disadvantages. Are they going to spend time with you down at the beach this summer?", "Yeah your right what a different world we live in now hey. Yeah I like to take them their to get them away from everything and let them be kids. I always look forward to our time there.", "I'd love to be able to rent a beach house and just get away from life for a month but it wouldn't definitely be hard coming back to reality. When are you going?", "Yeah it is hard to come back I always want to stay lol. As soon as the kids break up from school we will be going down there.", "My nephew was just enrolled in high school for next year. It makes me feel so old.lol", "Yeah they grow up so fast don't they and time never seems to be getting any slower.", "No, that's one thing I've noticed is the older you get the faster time seems to fly by. To think we couldn't wait to grow up and now I'd just love to go back and appreciate it this time.lol", "Lol yeah I couldn't wait to be older now I just want to be a kid again.", "Well mentally I'm still a kid but my body doesn't agree and now I'm forced to buy stuff all on my own instead of begging my parents.lol", "My nieces and nephews all got sun burn", "That's the worst! I've had some pretty bad sun burns, but the funny part is I never seem to learn! I always forget to put on more suncreen throughout the day!", "I'm so sorry. That had to be miserable. I'm not one to talk, though. I hate using sunscreen. It just makes me feel so greasy! ", "Yeah that's definitely a weird a feeling, but I'll take it over being in pain though lol. Were you guys at the beach?", "Yep, we're at the rental house right now. The grandkids have all been completely slathered in sunscreen, but I've been staying up on the back deck in shade rocking back and forth in a hammock. It's heaven. Have you planned a vacation yet? I know you said you were wanting to go on one. ", "That sounds super relaxing! I'm still working on it, I looking for a place that's big enough for everyone, because I feel like my nieces and nephews would enjoy coming too.", "What kind of vacation are you planning? ", "I was thinking a beach trip also. It's been a while since I've been to the beach, and my nieces and nephews would probably love it too. What kid doesn't love the beach? ", "I totally agree. And what parent doesn't like the beach too? It is so easy to keep your kids occupied on that trip. It's truly a great place to go on vacation for parents too.", "That is true! The kids can go off and do their own thing while the adults relax! I need to make sure the place I rent has a hammock too, that sounds too relaxing to pass up", "We are getting dinner catered by a local delicatessen tonight, so we don't even have to cook, and we have some drinks to break open once the kids go to bed. I think trips to the beach are absolute heaven. Do your nieces and nephews play a lot of video games? My grandkids are glued to them in the evening?", "That's a true vacation, one where you don't have to do anything! Yeah I'm sure they do, they are growing up in a time where video games aren't really luxuries anymore. Hopefully they don't spend the entire vacation playing them"], "init_persona": [[["I have five grandchildren.", "My new favorite food is mediterranean food.", "I love all the older bands like styx and journey.", "I love being at the beach.", "My favorite season is fall."], ["I'm a carnivore, I eat meat.", "I'm 26 years old and I am a workaholic.", "I frequently think about going to work.", "I'm slightly in debt.", "My favorite band is black sabbath."]], [["I have 5 grandchildren.", "I enjoy taking my grandchildren to the beach. Fall is my favorite season.", "My favorite bands are Styx and Journey.", "I am not into classic rock. I love Mediterranean food.", "I like chicken shwarma better than beef."], ["I enjoy BBQ hotdogs at the beach.", "My favorite band is Black Sabbath.", "I also prefer chicken and enjoy it with babaganoush. I have a job and I am not looking forward to working."]], [["Fall is my favorite season.", "My favorite bands are Styx and Journey. I have heard of the Iron Man song.", "I am not into classic rock. I love Mediterranean food. I like chicken shwarma better than beef.", "I have 5 grandkids, they love the beach. We like to collect shells and build sand castles. I rented a place on the beach for a month. I enjoy taking my grandchildren to the beach. ", "I love having kids around and how they entertain each other."], ["I enjoy BBQ hotdogs at the beach.", "My favorite band is Black Sabbath. My favorite Black Sabbath song is Iron Man.", "I also prefer chicken and enjoy it with babaganoush. I have a job and I am not looking forward to working.", "I only play music at the beach loud enough for me to hear. I haven't had a chance to go to the beach as much this year.", "I have nieces and nephews."]], [["Fall is my favorite season.", "My favorite bands are Styx and Journey. I have heard of the Iron Man song.", "I am not into classic rock. I love Mediterranean food. I like chicken shwarma better than beef.", "I have 5 grandkids, they love the beach. We like to collect shells and build sand castles. I rented a place on the beach for a month. I enjoy taking my grandchildren to the beach. ", "I love having kids around and how they entertain each other."], ["I enjoy BBQ hotdogs at the beach.", "My favorite band is Black Sabbath. My favorite Black Sabbath song is Iron Man.", "I also prefer chicken and enjoy it with babaganoush. I have a job and I am not looking forward to working.", "I only play music at the beach loud enough for me to hear. I haven't had a chance to go to the beach as much this year.", "I have nieces and nephews.", "I usually eat humus along with some sort of meat."]], [["Fall is my favorite season.", "My favorite bands are Styx and Journey. I have heard of the Iron Man song.", "I am not into classic rock. I love Mediterranean food. I like chicken shwarma better than beef.", "I have 5 grandkids, they love the beach. We like to collect shells and build sand castles. I rented a place on the beach for a month. I enjoy taking my grandchildren to the beach. ", "I love having kids around and how they entertain each other.", "I have nieces and nephews.I am going to the beach this summer with my nieces and nephews."], ["I enjoy BBQ hotdogs at the beach.", "My favorite band is Black Sabbath. My favorite Black Sabbath song is Iron Man.", "I also prefer chicken and enjoy it with babaganoush. I have a job and I am not looking forward to working.", "I only play music at the beach loud enough for me to hear. I haven't had a chance to go to the beach as much this year.", "I usually eat humus along with some sort of meat.", "I have 4 nieces and nephews aged 12,13,14 and 2. My nephew is in High School.", "I want to go on a vacation.", "I sometimes wish I could be a kid again.", "I act childish sometimes."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_134_0", "test_134_1", "test_134_2", "test_134_3", "test_134_4", "test_134_5", "test_134_6", "test_134_7", "test_134_8", "test_134_9", "test_134_10", "test_134_11", "test_134_12", "test_134_13", "test_134_14", "test_134_15", "test_134_16", "test_134_17", "test_134_18", "test_134_19", "test_134_20", "test_134_21", "test_134_22", "test_134_23", "test_134_24", "test_134_25", "test_134_26", "test_134_27", "test_134_28", "test_134_29", "test_134_30", "test_134_31", "test_134_32", "test_134_33", "test_134_34", "test_134_35", "test_134_36", "test_134_37", "test_134_38", "test_134_39", "test_134_40", "test_134_41", "test_134_42", "test_134_43", "test_134_44", "test_134_45", "test_134_46", "test_134_47", "test_134_48", "test_134_49", "test_134_50", "test_134_51", "test_134_52", "test_134_53", "test_134_54", "test_134_55", "test_134_56", "test_134_57", "test_134_58", "test_134_59", "test_134_60", "test_134_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I really like to scuba dive, how about you?", "Not really, I prefer going to the gym.", "Im an x marine I love going to the gym never gave up that hobby.", "Do you have any other hobbies?", "Yes I breed snakes,and and other reptiles pays pretty well to be honest.", "Thats very cool! I like driving my wrangler.", "I love driving my jeep when im in hawaii especially around honolulu.", "I hear they have great vegan food in hawaii.", "Yeah they do very much so,i moved there after my divorce from my wife.", "Hope youre having fun out there.", "I love it here so much after 3 times of going I decided to stay.", "Ill have to go check it out with my husband.", "Sounds like a plan you too wont regret it!", "He is a lawyer we always talk about going.", "I would love to get together if you and your husband decide to visit Hawaii. ", "That would be fantastic! Are you based in Honolulu?", "Yes I am. Honolulu is the place to be. Hopefully you can her down here soon. ", "I'd love that! Do you have any suggestions as to where we should stay while we're there?", "There is a very nice hotel that i could get you a discount at i will email you all the details. ", "You're awesome! My husband has been so stressed with work lately that I think he's due for a vacation.", "Oh yeah work can for sure get to you sometimes. Honestly you both deserve a well rested break to relax. ", "It's very true. How crowded do the beaches tend to get? Are there any secrets to getting a good spot?", "Yeah it for sure gets busy here during peak times, but as a local i know all the best spots that only the people that live here know about. I will give you a grand tour of all the best places. ", "I can't wait! In my experience, trips are always better when you know a local.", "Yeah they are the locals seem to know all the trade secrets to a great vacation without being in the middle of the chaos. ", "How long ago was your divorce, if I may ask? I know you moved there afterwards.", "I just tried out a new restaurant for lunch that will be really popular soon. You had better get down here and try it before it is impossible to get into.", "Tell me all about it! I am working on my husband to get him to approve the Honolulu vacation. When is the best time to go to avoid all those tourists (I know I would be one too)?", "The offseason in Honolulu would be the winter months. You can avoid the crowds then, and your entire vacation would be cheaper with offseason prices.", "I think that's when I will try to go. Maybe the restaurant won't be too crowded? What is on the menu?", "Traditional Hawaiian food that are local favorites. There's plenty of other restaurants here to choose from, so I'm sure you'll love the food. Will this be your first time visiting Honolulu?", "Yes. We were supposed to go two years ago, but something came up and we had to vacation a little closer to home. We are definitely ready. Are there some places that you would recommend that maybe most tourists don't know about?", "Depends on the types of attractions you're into. There's plenty of hole in the wall restaurants that only locals know about so be sure to ask the hotel staff. What are looking forward to most once you're here?", "Thanks so much for the suggestions! I think I really want to go to the beach and I really want to visit Diamond Head. I hear it's breathtaking. ", "The beaches here are amazing ofcourse. This will be an incredible romantic getaway. How long have you been married?", "10 years next month! I am thinking of telling my husband to hold off on exchanging anniversary gifts and just put it into my little \"Aloha Fund!\"", "Yes. Any children, and will they be coming along?", "No kids. We haven't decided, but we are getting to a point where it's going to have to be soon if at all! We've just been so busy and into our own things.", "I just got back from a hidden cove that I love to go snorkeling at. Even if you don't like to snorkel, you should still check it out. It's beautiful!", "I will try to; have you ever snorkeled in Oahu? (I'm planning a trip there)", "Yes! I've gone to all the hawaiian islands, but I definitely prefer my place out here in Honolulu. I thought you were planning to visit honolulu as well!", "Yes. Any good hikes out there, by the way, that mirror the stairmaster reps I like to do at the gym?", "Absolutely, I'll have to ask around from my more athletic friends though and get back to you. I've gotta be honest, even though I love hawaii and its a great spot for hikes, I prefer to just chill at the beach. ", "I like it too, but Diamond Head might be too chaotic and sandbox-like for my overworked husband. (Tho I love it). Any beach recommendations?", "Pretty much all the beaches here are soooo scenic and idyllic. I hope you're able to find time to come and visit. I knugh.ow your husband is a lawyer and lawyers are really busy tho", "Very much so! A big city law firm. Maybe the firm should host their conferences in Hawaii -- and we know how lawyers are so competitive, so maybe stage some Jeep races there!", "I think its totally doable! Those big city law firms have a lot of money and could definitely afford to have an off-site in some cool tropical locations. And yeah, me and you both know how fun jeeps are haha!", "Yeah. You won't believe how reliable my Wrangler is -- eighty thousand miles before a part wears out, and half of that in federal wilderness.", "Wow that's crazy. I've never pushed my jeep that far but I should try it out. What do you do out in the wilderness?", "Camping (always better with a popup tent), hiking, and of course offroading is the holy trinity. Especially when you can hire a local guide. Are you open to being a guide for us in Honolulu?", "You should come snorkeling with us when you come to Honolulu.", "I would love to! That sounds incredible. Could you show me the ropes? ", "Of course! I know the best places, and while we're at it I could show you the best hiking trails as well!", "That sounds nice. I wonder if I could convince my husband to go. Sometimes he's a bit lazy. Will your friends go with us?", "I'm sure a few of them would love to join us. Did your husband want to do anything special while you guys were in Honolulu? ", "That'd be fun. I know my husband wanted to see some nice beaches. Do you know any that aren't too crowded?", "There's a few beaches I know about that only the locals go to. They're not crowded and there's lots of activities to do there. Have you ever been surfing or played beach volleyball? ", "I've only been surfing once and I found it pretty difficult. I've considered taking lessons though. Are you good at surfing?", "I'm pretty good at surfing, but one of my friends could definitely give you a lesson while you're here. The beaches here in Honolulu have great waves that are perfect for surfing!", "Wow, that'd be cool. That'd probably save me a lot of money too, haha. Is it expensive to rent surfboards you think?", "It depends on where you rent them. Renting in big tourist spots could be expensive. You could just borrow my surfboard to save you the hassle and the money. ", "Oh, so you have your own surfboard? You must be really good at it then. Is there a certain type of surfboard for beginners? "], "init_persona": [[["My favorite hobby is scuba diving.", "I've been to hawaii three times.", "I'm a us marine veteran.", "I have two pet snakes.", "My wife and I just got divorced."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["I enjoy scuba diving.", "I used to be in the Marines. I love going to the gym.", "I breed snakes and other reptiles as a hobby.", "I also drive a Jeep.", "I live in Hawaii after I got a divorce from my wife."], ["I don't enjoy scuba diving, I like to work out at the gym.", "I drive a Jeep Wrangler.", "I have a husband. We would like to visit Hawaii together someday.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["I enjoy scuba diving.", "I used to be in the Marines. I love going to the gym.", "I breed snakes and other reptiles as a hobby.", "I also drive a Jeep.", "I live in Hawaii after I got a divorce from my wife.", "I live in Honolulu. I can get discounts at a nice hotel in Honolulu. I am a Honolulu local and know the best spots that only the locals know about."], ["I don't enjoy scuba diving, I like to work out at the gym.", "I drive a Jeep Wrangler.", "My husband is a lawyer.", "I am thinking of visiting Honolulu with my husband. I think my husband is due for a vacation."]], [["I enjoy scuba diving.", "I used to be in the Marines. I love going to the gym.", "I breed snakes and other reptiles as a hobby.", "I also drive a Jeep.", "I live in Hawaii after I got a divorce from my wife.", "I live in Honolulu. I can get discounts at a nice hotel in Honolulu. I am a Honolulu local and know the best spots that only the locals know about."], ["I don't enjoy scuba diving, I like to work out at the gym.", "I drive a Jeep Wrangler.", "My husband is a lawyer.", "I am thinking of visiting Honolulu with my husband in the winter months. I think my husband is due for a vacation. I am trying to get my husband to agree to go on a vacation to Honolulu.", "I have never visited Honolulu before. I was supposed to go to Honolulu 2 years ago but couldn't.", "I really want to go to the beach and Diamond Head in Honolulu.", "I have been married for almost 10 years.", "I don't have kids. Me and my husband have not decided for sure if we are having kids yet. Me and my husband have been busy."]], [["I enjoy scuba diving.", "I used to be in the Marines. I love going to the gym.", "I breed snakes and other reptiles as a hobby.", "I also drive a Jeep.", "I live in Hawaii after I got a divorce from my wife.", "I live in Honolulu. I can get discounts at a nice hotel in Honolulu. I am a Honolulu local and know the best spots that only the locals know about.", "I like to go snorkeling. I do a lot of traveling.", "I have many friends and like the beach.", "I like jeeps."], ["I don't enjoy scuba diving, I like to work out at the gym.", "I am thinking of visiting Honolulu with my husband in the winter months. I think my husband is due for a vacation. I am trying to get my husband to agree to go on a vacation to Honolulu.", "I have never visited Honolulu before. I was supposed to go to Honolulu 2 years ago but couldn't.", "I really want to go to the beach and Diamond Head in Honolulu.", "I have been married for almost 10 years.", "I don't have kids. Me and my husband have not decided for sure if we are having kids yet. Me and my husband have been busy. My husband is a lawyer and competitive.", "I want to travel and try something new.", "I working out and taking hikes. I am going to Honolulu.", "I own a jeep wrangler and go out into the wild. I love camping and off-roading."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_138_0", "test_138_1", "test_138_2", "test_138_3", "test_138_4", "test_138_5", "test_138_6", "test_138_7", "test_138_8", "test_138_9", "test_138_10", "test_138_11", "test_138_12", "test_138_13", "test_138_14", "test_138_15", "test_138_16", "test_138_17", "test_138_18", "test_138_19", "test_138_20", "test_138_21", "test_138_22", "test_138_23", "test_138_24", "test_138_25", "test_138_26", "test_138_27", "test_138_28", "test_138_29", "test_138_30", "test_138_31", "test_138_32", "test_138_33", "test_138_34", "test_138_35", "test_138_36", "test_138_37", "test_138_38", "test_138_39", "test_138_40", "test_138_41", "test_138_42", "test_138_43", "test_138_44", "test_138_45", "test_138_46", "test_138_47", "test_138_48", "test_138_49", "test_138_50", "test_138_51", "test_138_52", "test_138_53", "test_138_54", "test_138_55", "test_138_56", "test_138_57", "test_138_58", "test_138_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I really love eating meat, how about you?", "I wish I'm a broke student.", "Do you enjoy sports? I enjoy snowboarding.", "I do some martial arts so yeah, whats your favorite?", "Do you like comedy? Who is your favorite comedian?", "I don't actually, but I do love some jiu-jitsu.", "That's too bad. My favorite comedian is charlie parker.", "Is he funny? You said you loved food do you like dairy?", "He is funny. I do like dairy. Are you vegan?", "I am because I can't even dairy foods.", "Well, that's better for your health. Do you like swimming?", "I do love it, it's especially fun in the summer.", "I would enjoy going swimming together sometime. ", "I'd like that too! We might have a difficult time deciding where to have lunch though!", "I know of a great vegan place by the lake. Do you prefer swimming in the lake or at a pool?", "Definitely the lake. The pools get too crowded in the summer. And when I'm out of the water I can practice Jiu Jitsu on the bank to dry off.", "Oh that is great! I like to practice yoga on the beach when I am out of the water. Maybe I can show you yoga, and you can teach me some Jiu Jitsu moves!", "Sure! And there's a comdey club not too far from the lake. We could make a whole day of it!", "Wow, that sounds like the perfect day! I thought you didn't like comedy though, you don't have to go on my behalf!", "Well, I thought I might learn to like it better if there was someone with me to explain the jokes. English isn't my first language.", "Oh, I didn't know that, you speak English very well! What is your first language?", "A dialect of Japanese only spoken in rural parts of the country.", "Wow, that is so cool! When did you move here from Japan? Do you miss it?", "My family moved to america when I was 12. I do miss it.", "I cooked a vegan chilli that was to die for.", "That sounds nice, I don't have a lot of money at the moment and it sounds like a cheap and healthy mean. Do you not eat meat?", "I actually love eating meat, but I wanted to try a vegan dish out of curiosity. I know you're a vegan so I wanted to tell you about it.", "That makes sense, I will have to try it, veganism is surprisingly cheap if you buy the right things, I have to be conscious of it since I'm a student. Do you do any sports? I do jiu jitsu and I do a lot of free swimming.", "I've lately started practicing yoga, but I'd love to learn a martial art. Is jiu-jitsu difficult to learn?", "That sounds fun, must be relaxing, how are you finding it? jiu jitsu is easy enough to learn at the start but gets harder when you do it more often. I mainly learnt it as I lived in japan for the first 12 years of my life.", "That's right, you moved to America when you were 12, right? Do you ever miss Japan?", "Yeah I did! I do sometimes, but it's fun to teach the japanese dialect I know to my friends; they also teach me english. Do you like comedy?", "I do! My favorite comedian is Charlie Parker. Are you familiar with them?", "I have heard the name, although I'm not a huge fan myself, I can appreciate the intricacies of the performance aspect of it.", "They're not for everyone, but I enjoy their stand-up comedy. Do you have a favorite comedian yourself?", "Yeah that makes sense. I'm not a bit fan of comedy, but I have heard that dave chappelle is very funny!", "I decided to start training in jiu jitsu. I'm terrible so far. I was wondering if you had any good tips for a beginner.", "The most important thing is to stick with it. It is very technical and can take some time to learn, just don't give up!", "I'll try. How long you have been practicing it by the way?", "I started quite young so about 8 years now. I am still learning now and get better all the time.", "Wow that's great to hear! What's your belt color and what inspired you to practice Jiu Jitsu versus other martial arts?", "I recently got my black belt, I so happy tp get that.", "Wow good for you! So how's your English lessons going? Do you feel comfortable speaking it?", "I am more confident in my written English. I still find it hard to have fluent conversations. I think some of it is that people all sound slightly different. ", "Yes, that's true. I've been trying to learn some spanish and the amount of dialects is crazy! Makes it very challenging to learn it while listening to different videos. ", "Good luck with your Spanish. Why did you want to learn it?", "I've been wanting to travel to Argentina for the summer as it's crazy cheap and they say they have the best meats!", "Ah amazing, yes I bet they do have the best meats! I wouldn't know though, being a vegan and that.", "I discovered a new TV Show. It is not comedy, so I think you would enjoy it.", "Oh amazing, please tell me more about this tv show. I\u2019m trying so hard to find new things to watch. ", "It's called Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. It's about really ugly crimes but it's interesting and there are like a million episodes so if you like it you can watch it forever.", "I have watched one of the law and order shows before and enjoyed it but have never seen the Special victim ones. I do enjoy watching police and investigating type of shows so I will be sure to check that one out. Thank you for the suggestion. ", "You're welcome. The show has a lot of guest stars you might recognize, and Ice T is one of the cops. Do you like Ice T?", "Oh really, yeah my dad got me into listening to some of ice T music, that\u2019s super cool that he is one of the detectives on the show. I now need to check that one out for sure. ", "Yeah, I think he's awesome. Some of the other cops and characters come and go but Ice T has been in the show for years and years. Do you ever have trouble understanding TV shows in English?", "That\u2019s super cool. Yeah I\u2019m gradually getting better at speaking and understand spoken English, but can read the words pretty well, so I usually listen to shows or movies in English but also put on the subtitles so if I don\u2019t understand I can read along. It really helps me learn better English by watching things on tv. ", "That's really cool. I'm glad it helps. I figure I should probably watch more Mexican TV as I try to learn Spanish.", "Yes it really helps hearing how things are pronounced especially it you just use English subtitles at first so you can understand what the words are they are saying. You will be able to pick up the Spanish language real fast. And also start by practicing how to roll your R\u2019s that\u2019s the hardest part of learning Spanish I think. ", "Yes, I'm definitely having a hard time rolling my R's. Hopefully I get better at it soon. I'd really love to be able to converse somewhat if I go to Argentina.", "Yeah it really is hard going to another country and not being able to speak in their language. That\u2019s why I try so hard to learn English. If you put the time in learning I\u2019m sure you will do great at speaking it by the time you go on your trip. "], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["I am a college student.", "I will be taking summer courses.", "I like martial arts.", "I teach jiu-jitsu.", "I am allergic to dairy."]], [["I enjoy eating meat. I like dairy.", "I enjoy snowboarding.", "I enjoy comedy. My Favorite comedian is Charlie Parker."], ["I am a student and don't make much money.", "I do martial arts. I don't enjoy comedy but I do like Jiu Jitsu.", "I am vegan.", "I like swimming in the summer."]], [["I enjoy eating meat. I like dairy.", "I enjoy snowboarding.", "I enjoy comedy. My Favorite comedian is Charlie Parker.", "I practice yoga."], ["I am a student and don't make much money.", "I do martial arts. I don't enjoy comedy but I do like Jiu Jitsu. I practise Jiu Jitsu.", "I am vegan.", "I like swimming in the summer. I like swimming in a lake.", "English isn't my first language. I speak a dialect of Japanese. I've lived in America since I was 12."]], [["I enjoy eating meat. I like dairy.", "I enjoy snowboarding.", "I enjoy comedy. My Favorite comedian is Charlie Parker.", "I started practicing yoga recently. I would love to learn a martial art."], ["I am a student and don't make much money.", "I do martial arts. I don't enjoy comedy but I do like Jiu Jitsu. I practise Jiu Jitsu.", "I am vegan.", "I like swimming in the summer. I like swimming in a lake.", "English isn't my first language. I speak a dialect of Japanese.", "I don't have a lot of money right now.", "I do jiu jitsu and free swimming.", "I lived in Japan for the first 12 years of my life. I moved to America when I was 12. Sometimes I miss Japan. I like to teach Japanese to my friends. My friends help teach me English.", "I have heard of Charlie Parker but am not a huge fan.", "I am not a huge fan of comedy. I have heard that Dave Chappelle is funny."]], [["I enjoy eating meat. I like dairy.", "I enjoy snowboarding.", "I enjoy comedy. My Favorite comedian is Charlie Parker.", "I started practicing yoga recently. I would love to learn a martial art.", "I started training in jiu jitsu. I am a beginner and I am not good at it.", "I have been trying to learn Spanish. I want to travel to Argentina for the summer."], ["I am a student and don't make much money.", "I do martial arts. I don't enjoy comedy but I do like Jiu Jitsu. I practise Jiu Jitsu.", "I am vegan.", "I like swimming in the summer. I like swimming in a lake.", "English isn't my first language. I speak a dialect of Japanese.", "I don't have a lot of money right now.", "I do jiu jitsu and free swimming.", "I lived in Japan for the first 12 years of my life. I moved to America when I was 12. Sometimes I miss Japan. I like to teach Japanese to my friends. My friends help teach me English. I am more confident in written English than in spoken English.", "I have heard of Charlie Parker but am not a huge fan.", "I am not a huge fan of comedy. I have heard that Dave Chappelle is funny.", "I have been doing jiu jitsu training for 8 years. I got my black belt in jiu jitsu."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_141_0", "test_141_1", "test_141_2", "test_141_3", "test_141_4", "test_141_5", "test_141_6", "test_141_7", "test_141_8", "test_141_9", "test_141_10", "test_141_11", "test_141_12", "test_141_13", "test_141_14", "test_141_15", "test_141_16", "test_141_17", "test_141_18", "test_141_19", "test_141_20", "test_141_21", "test_141_22", "test_141_23", "test_141_24", "test_141_25", "test_141_26", "test_141_27", "test_141_28", "test_141_29", "test_141_30", "test_141_31", "test_141_32", "test_141_33", "test_141_34", "test_141_35", "test_141_36", "test_141_37", "test_141_38", "test_141_39", "test_141_40", "test_141_41", "test_141_42", "test_141_43", "test_141_44", "test_141_45", "test_141_46", "test_141_47", "test_141_48", "test_141_49", "test_141_50", "test_141_51", "test_141_52", "test_141_53", "test_141_54", "test_141_55", "test_141_56", "test_141_57", "test_141_58", "test_141_59", "test_141_60", "test_141_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. I work in a fast food restaurant that serves the best ice cream.", "What a fun job! I am not a big fan of cold after living in alaska for three years.", "I can understand that. I'll be going to college next year so, I need the money.", "Congrats! What will you be studying? I am hoping to retire on a beach soon.", "Neuroscience. I volunteer at a research lab now.", "That sounds fascinating. I don't know much about neuroscience but I know I love my smart car!", "Awesome! Believe it or not, I'm also a scout....an eagle scout!", "On your honor? My parents are from the north and never introduced me to scouting.", "I've done it for years....don't plan to give it up anytime soon.", "My hair is blonde and I have blue eyes. What do you look like?", "Dark with hazel eyes and a lots of personality.", "I can tell, what do you do for fun?", "I live by the beach so, I like to fish and swim.", "I might have to move in with you when I retire!", "How long have you had your smart car?", "I've had it for a good five years or so now. It's definitely been helping me to save up for retirement, and it's actually kind of fun once you get used to it.", "I bet, I have been wanting to get one. How long does it usually take to fully charge?", "Oh, about a couple hours or so. It's just important to remember to recharge it before you need to go out!", "That has always been my thing, I don't want to wait forever at places for the car to charge", "Yeah, I probably wouldn't have gotten it if I had to regularly drive long distances. I mostly just use it to get around town, so I can just recharge at home most of the time.", "I definitely need to consider getting one than! What beach are you hoping to retire on one day?", "I haven't made up my mind just yet. It'd be nice to find a place in Hawaii, although I'll need to save up a lot more for that.", "Hawaii is amazing, I live by a beach and it is amazing to be within walking distance of the water", "I'm sure it is! What beach do you live near?", "I live near Daytona Beach, gets a little touristy in the summer, so the beaches are packed, but it is fun.", "Hmm, I probably would've enjoyed that in my younger days. But I think I'd prefer somewhere a bit quieter for my twilight years.", "I just went to the beach after work and it was really busy, it must be tourist season.", "Did you go swimming at the beach?", "Yes, I love the ocean. I prefer it when it's quieter though. There wasn't much room to go for a walk or be alone with my thoughts.", "Was the water more calm than it has been recently?", "Yes, it was calm but lots were splashing around. I swam out pretty far though. ", "I got caught up in a rip tide once and it pulled me out so far. I'm always nervous about the ocean now.", "I know. I experienced that also when I was small. I was pulled under. Luckily it wasn't too far from shore. Very scary though. Somehow I overcame my fear. But, it's always in the back of my mind.", "How did you manage to overcome it?", "Somehow my love of the ocean was enough. I also did a lot of meditation with ocean sounds. I think that helped me to see the ocean as a calming place not a place to fear. Ultimately, I just had to get back in the water. I took it slow though and stayed close to shore for quite a while, venturing out when it seemed safe. Today, I just wanted to get past the crowds so I swam out. ", "I think I should try that sometime. I'd love to get back out there again.", "Maybe the meditation can help you associate the ocean with calm too. Taking it slow seemed to help me.", "I do have some white noise on my phone, which I can play ocean sounds through.", "Have you made any progress with going back to swimming in the ocean?", "You know, not yet. I have been swimming in my community pool, though. It's a nice way to cool off during the hot summer months.", "That's totally understandable. My rip tide experience scared me to pieces but I'm glad to be mostly past it now. Pools are good. Still good exercise, right?", "Absolutely, that and my nightly walks around the neighborhood. I'm not much into working out, but I like staying active. Keeps me limber as I get older.", "Yeah that makes sense. It must be nice and peaceful when you walk at night. I'd love to walk after work but honestly I'm just tired after dealing with customers.", "I worked at a fast food joint back when I was in high school, many years ago. I remember how tired you get after being on your feet all day... That, and always smelling like french fries.", "Totally! My dog loves me when I get home because of the fry smell. Today the milkshake machine broke again. So annoying because people are NOT nice when you tell them it's out.", "I can only imagine! I remember one time our fryer broke and we couldn't make any burgers for the day - now that was a tough time. I'm so glad to be working in an office now.", "Oh yikes, that would be a disaster. I don't even want to think about it. I can't wait to go to college! Hopefully I won't have to have a job while I'm there.", "Have you decided what school you're going to, or what you're going to study? You've got some big choices to make!", "I'm not sure where I'm going but I know I want to study neuroscience.", "That's a great major choice. Are you thinking of being a doctor, or are you thinking more of a scientist?", "Have you ever visited Hawaii or another tropical place?", "Yes it is beautiful! I've only been to Oahu though. It's a bit more touristy. I have heard Maui is a better island to go to. That's really the only tropical place I have been. It's expensive to fly from Alaska.", "True. I suppose you would also want to conquer that whole water thing before you go to a place where you are surrounded by it or would that not be a factor?", "I don't think it would matter as much. Although swimming in a pool is a lot easier, no waves!", "I suppose the beauty of the landscape would far outweigh any water phobia especially from the vantage point of cubicle island.", "Wouldn't it be stunning? Not only the ocean but Hawaii has such beautiful waterfalls and hiking trails. They have those ziplines which I heard are beautiful to see the landscape. I don't know about heights though.", "That is what I am talking about. I have been blessed to live where I live with the beaches, outdoor concerts at a stone throws distance, and weekend trips to Tiger State Park. Man is not meant to live surrounded by concrete.", "That all sounds incredible. Sign me up! Living in Alaska is beautiful, but I am tempted to head to that tropical paradise soon. ", "Maybe I should consider going to Chaminade in Honolulu instead?", "You should consider it. Although, your mascot would be a silversword. Is that a shark?", "I believe it is a plant of some significance. However, I don't think mascot options should be a critical determining factor in my choice of educational options.lol", "Very true. I guess academics should matter and the fact that they have a good science program would be right up your alley."], "init_persona": [[["I will be going to college next year.", "I study neuroscience and volunteer in a research lab.", "I am working on becoming an eagle scout.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like to eat ice cream."], ["I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "My parents are both from the north.", "I lived in alaska for 3 years.", "I want to retire on a beach.", "I have a small smart car."]], [["I work at a fast food restaurant and our ice cream is the best.", "I will be going to college next year, so I am working to save up. I will be studying neuroscience in college. I volunteer at a research lab now.", "I am an Eagle Scout.", "I have dark hair and hazel eyes.", "I live by the beach. I like to fish and swim."], ["I lived in Alaska and I don't like the cold.", "I am hoping to retire on a beach soon.", "I have a Smart Car.", "My parents are from the north, I have never done scouting.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes."]], [["I work at a fast food restaurant and our ice cream is the best.", "I will be going to college next year, so I am working to save up. I will be studying neuroscience in college. I volunteer at a research lab now.", "I am an Eagle Scout.", "I have dark hair and hazel eyes.", "I live by the Daytona Beach. I like to fish and swim. I like to be within walking distance of the water.", "I have been wanting to get a smart car. I don't want to have to wait to charge my car before going places."], ["I lived in Alaska and I don't like the cold.", "I am hoping to retire on a beach soon.", "My parents are from the north, I have never done scouting.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I have a Smart Car. I have had it for five years or so. My car helps me save up for retirement. I mostly use my smart car to get around town.", "I'd like to retire to Hawaii but I'd have to save up more for that. I'd prefer to retire to a place a little quieter."]], [["I work at a fast food restaurant and our ice cream is the best.", "I will be going to college next year, so I am working to save up. I will be studying neuroscience in college. I volunteer at a research lab now.", "I am an Eagle Scout.", "I have dark hair and hazel eyes.", "I live by the Daytona Beach. I like to fish and swim. I like to be within walking distance of the water.", "I have been wanting to get a smart car. I don't want to have to wait to charge my car before going places.", "I very much enjoy visiting the ocean but prefer it when there are few to no people there.", "I swam fairly far out into the ocean during my most recent trip to the beach.", "I was once pulled under the water during a riptide while swimming in the ocean. The incident upset me but I have put that behind me even though I still remember it.", "I love the ocean enough that I was able to go back to it after getting caught in a rip tide. I used meditation with ocean sounds to help overcome that experience. I slowly returned to swimming in the ocean, I played it safe at first and gradually swam out further. I swam out farther today to get away from the groups of people.", "I was able to associate the ocean with calming effects by taking it slow."], ["I lived in Alaska and I don't like the cold.", "I am hoping to retire on a beach soon.", "My parents are from the north, I have never done scouting.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I have a Smart Car. I have had it for five years or so. My car helps me save up for retirement. I mostly use my smart car to get around town.", "I'd like to retire to Hawaii but I'd have to save up more for that. I'd prefer to retire to a place a little quieter.", "I once got caught in a riptide during a visit to the beach and was upset by the incident and am now cautious about the ocean. I hope to one day return to the ocean and go swimming again.", "I occasionally play ocean sounds through a white noise app on my phone."]], [["I work at a fast food restaurant and our ice cream is the best.", "I will be going to college next year, so I am working to save up. I will be studying neuroscience in college. I volunteer at a research lab now.", "I am an Eagle Scout.", "I have dark hair and hazel eyes.", "I live by the Daytona Beach. I like to fish and swim. I like to be within walking distance of the water.", "I have been wanting to get a smart car. I don't want to have to wait to charge my car before going places.", "I very much enjoy visiting the ocean but prefer it when there are few to no people there.", "I swam fairly far out into the ocean during my most recent trip to the beach.", "I was once pulled under the water during a riptide while swimming in the ocean. The incident upset me but I have put that behind me even though I still remember it.", "I love the ocean enough that I was able to go back to it after getting caught in a rip tide. I used meditation with ocean sounds to help overcome that experience. I slowly returned to swimming in the ocean, I played it safe at first and gradually swam out further. I swam out farther today to get away from the groups of people.", "I was able to associate the ocean with calming effects by taking it slow.", "I have a dog."], ["I lived in Alaska and I don't like the cold.", "I am hoping to retire on a beach soon.", "My parents are from the north, I have never done scouting.", "I have blonde hair and blue eyes.", "I have a Smart Car. I have had it for five years or so. My car helps me save up for retirement. I mostly use my smart car to get around town.", "I'd like to retire to Hawaii but I'd have to save up more for that. I'd prefer to retire to a place a little quieter.", "I once got caught in a riptide during a visit to the beach and was upset by the incident and am now cautious about the ocean. I hope to one day return to the ocean and go swimming again. I have not gone back to swimming in the ocean. I have been swimming in my community pool.", "I occasionally play ocean sounds through a white noise app on my phone.", "I take nightly walks around the neighbourhood. I like staying active.", "I worked at a fast food when I was in high school. I work in an office."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_143_0", "test_143_1", "test_143_2", "test_143_3", "test_143_4", "test_143_5", "test_143_6", "test_143_7", "test_143_8", "test_143_9", "test_143_10", "test_143_11", "test_143_12", "test_143_13", "test_143_14", "test_143_15", "test_143_16", "test_143_17", "test_143_18", "test_143_19", "test_143_20", "test_143_21", "test_143_22", "test_143_23", "test_143_24", "test_143_25", "test_143_26", "test_143_27", "test_143_28", "test_143_29", "test_143_30", "test_143_31", "test_143_32", "test_143_33", "test_143_34", "test_143_35", "test_143_36", "test_143_37", "test_143_38", "test_143_39", "test_143_40", "test_143_41", "test_143_42", "test_143_43", "test_143_44", "test_143_45", "test_143_46", "test_143_47", "test_143_48", "test_143_49", "test_143_50", "test_143_51", "test_143_52", "test_143_53", "test_143_54", "test_143_55", "test_143_56", "test_143_57", "test_143_58", "test_143_59", "test_143_60", "test_143_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. I just finished watching netflix. How are you?", "I am doing well. I just completed my first marathon as I love running.", "Congrats. I stay in now. I'm older and I lead a quiet life.", "Thanks. I understand completely. What do you do for a living?", "Tacks. Im a senior now. I have eight grand kids. So time with them..", "That's very nice. Where did you grow up?", "I basically grew up in a library. My mom was a librarian. How about you?", "That is awesome I grew up in alaska with my parents.", "That's cool. Very cold I bet. Lots of mountains.", "Yes, wearing pants is my favorite. What foods do you enjoy eating?", "That's cool. Pizza you?", "I enjoy any type of meat.", "Yeah got to love hamburger and pork.", "Of course? Do you enjoy fishing?", "How are you feeling after that marathon? ", "My legs are extremely sore, but it felt so good to cross that finish line.", "That's an amazing achievement, despite the soreness! Do you plan on doing another one anytime soon?", "I am definitely going to rest up from this one as I finished it recently, then I'll start training for another one that I'll do a few months down the road.", "What would you suggest a novice runner do if he/she wants to prepare for a marathon? A few of my grandkids are at that age where it's a possibility.", "The bigges thing is when you start training do a little more each week. You will not get to the whole 26.2 miles on your first run, so start small and work your way up", "I'll let them know! One of them is way too ambitious for his own good. His eyes are bigger than his stomach, and not only when he's eating!", "Haha that is too funny. Are you always ordering them pizza when they are over?", "I used to, but none of their mothers approve of it! They're a health-conscious bunch!", "I feel that, definitely a good thing to be health-conscious, but I got to ask. What is your favorite pizza topping?", "I'm pretty simple. I just like plain old cheese and pepperoni! It's hard to mess that up!", "Yes! I totally agree with you there. That is the perfect combination.", "Did you run a lot when you lived in Alaska? ", "Yes but it was on an indoor track. Too cold outside most days.", "I would run if I was a little younger! But now I'm old and I don't get out very much, other than to play with the grandkids from time to time. Have you been practicing for your upcoming marathon?", "Running is a good way to stay feeling young. How old are your grandkids? Running around with them is like running a marathon I imagine.", "My grandchildren and 4 and 8 years old, and yes, I believe they keep me healthy enough! Where did you end up moving to after you left Alaska?", "I moved to GA wanted to get to a warmer climate. ", "Oh, nice. Georgia is a lovely place. I imagine you get lots of time to practice now that you are somewhere with warm weather most of the year! ", "It is not as pretty as Alaska, but I do get a lot more practice outside. Are you a warm weather person?", "I prefer it warm so I don't have to spend too much on heating costs! My mother was a librarian in Florida, so I moved down here when I retired to be nearer to her. The weather here is beautiful year round.", "FL is way to warm for me! Great place to retire and being close to your mom is a bonus. ", "I agree. I'm curious, but how long is the marathon you are running in the coming months? Do you feel that you are prepared?", "26 miles is the norm for a marathon. I am prepared and confident I will place in the 25.", "What is your next running goal after this upcoming marathon? Do you think you will still be running when you are old?", "My running goal is to place in the top 10 and try to win a cash prize, When i'm old I will continue the days of running and throw some chillaxing with pizza", "I love pizza! Plain cheese and pepperoni is cool -- never liked Hawaiian pizza, even in 100 degree heat.", "Same, i don't understand why pineapple goes on pizza? what type of weather do u like?", "I like balmy weather, not scorching and not freezing. May I ask what weather you like to run best?", "I love cold, since i used to be in alaska, I don understand why people like hot weather", "I can see why runners don't like to sweat, though I don't embrace the cold too much -- it's much harder to get out of bed if the air feels like ice all around.", "I love running and reading books, they are my 2 favorite hobbies, not including eating though", "I swear, having to cook the same meals with a palate of kale and arugula for my grandkids makes me reconsider my love for eating too.", "Nice, your grandkids sound a bit picky like me when it comes to food", "Though, I am interested in how you eat when you train for marathons/half marathons. Carb loading isn't doing me too much good here.", "We have to eat healthy such as salads most of the time, usually, I eat pizza on my cheat days though", "Since talking to you, I decided to go out for a short run. It felt very good and I might make it weekly habit. It was nice to go out after being cooped up at home.", "That's amazing! How far did you end up going? I can tell you the first week of running is the hardest.", "To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't have one of those smart watches or anything but I think I went for about 20 minutes. It was exhausting!", "That's a pretty good distance for your first time out. Hopefully you stretched before you headed out. It's very important!", "I did a bit, but I definitely feel a bit worn out now. Do you know how long you're supposed to stretch so you don't get too sore?", "i think it's different for everyone but I stretch for 5 - 10 minutes, focusing on my legs/lower back.", "I guess I'll find out tomorrow if I stretched enough! How long do you think it might take me to do a marathon? It sounds pretty hard.", "I think if you worked at building your endurance you could do it. It takes a while to build up though. If you stick at it!", "I don't think I'll ever win prizes like you, but maybe it's a good goal to work toward. Maybe unrealistic with my age but I'll ask the doctor.", "They make different marathons for different people, if you are worried about age, etc. We could run a 5K together to start.", "That would be amazing! I don't have anybody to run with but I bet it would be more fun to run with someone else. Do you listen to music when you run?", "If I am running by myself I listen to music, if we were running, I woudn't."], "init_persona": [[["I am a senior citizen.", "I have eight grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I am a very quiet person.", "I like to watch movies on netflix."], ["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."]], [["I have a netflix subscription.", "I'm old. I don't go out much.", "I have grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I like pizza."], ["I run. I did a marathon.", "I lived in Alaska.", "I like wearing pants.", "I like meat."]], [["I have a netflix subscription.", "I'm old. I don't go out much.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I like pizza. My favorite pizza is cheese and pepperoni.", "I have grandkids. My grandson is very ambitious.", "My grandkids only eat healthy food."], ["I run. I recently did a marathon. I plan on doing another marathon in a few months.", "I lived in Alaska.", "I like wearing pants.", "I like meat. I believe eating healthy is good. I like cheese and pepperoni pizza."]], [["I have a netflix subscription.", "I'm old. I don't go out much.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I like pizza. My favorite pizza is cheese and pepperoni.", "I have grandkids. My grandson is very ambitious.", "My grandkids only eat healthy food.", "I don't get out often. I don't run.", "My grandchildren are ages 4 and 8.", "I like Georgia. I prefer warm weather. My mother used to be a librarian in Florida. I live near my mother. I am retired. I like the weather here."], ["I run. I recently did a marathon. I plan on doing another marathon in a few months. I feel prepared for my upcoming marathon. I feel confident about it.", "I like wearing pants.", "I like meat. I believe eating healthy is good. I like cheese and pepperoni pizza.", "I have lived in Alaska. I ran on an indoor track there.", "I enjoy running. I run in marathons.", "I moved to Georgia to live somewhere warmer. I practice running more in Georgia.", "I don't like weather that is too warm."]], [["I have a netflix subscription.", "I'm old. I don't go out much.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I like pizza. My favorite pizza is cheese and pepperoni.", "I have grandkids. My grandson is very ambitious.", "My grandkids only eat healthy food.", "I don't get out often. I don't run.", "My grandchildren are ages 4 and 8.", "I like Georgia. I prefer warm weather. My mother used to be a librarian in Florida. I live near my mother. I am retired. I like the weather here.", "I love pizza with plain cheese and pepperoni. I have never liked Hawaiian pizza.", "I like balmy weather that is not too hot or not too cold.", "I have grandkids who I cook for. I have been eating too many carbs."], ["I run. I recently did a marathon. I plan on doing another marathon in a few months. I feel prepared for my upcoming marathon. I feel confident about it.", "I like wearing pants.", "I like meat. I believe eating healthy is good. I like cheese and pepperoni pizza. I have never liked Hawaiian pizza.", "I have lived in Alaska. I love the cold. I ran on an indoor track there.", "I moved to Georgia to live somewhere warmer. I practice running more in Georgia.", "I don't like weather that is too warm.", "I run marathons and my goal is to be top 10 and win cash prizes.", "My two favorite hobbies are running and reading books. I also enjoy eating. i am a picky eater. I eat pizzas on my cheat days."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_146_0", "test_146_1", "test_146_2", "test_146_3", "test_146_4", "test_146_5", "test_146_6", "test_146_7", "test_146_8", "test_146_9", "test_146_10", "test_146_11", "test_146_12", "test_146_13", "test_146_14", "test_146_15", "test_146_16", "test_146_17", "test_146_18", "test_146_19", "test_146_20", "test_146_21", "test_146_22", "test_146_23", "test_146_24", "test_146_25", "test_146_26", "test_146_27", "test_146_28", "test_146_29", "test_146_30", "test_146_31", "test_146_32", "test_146_33", "test_146_34", "test_146_35", "test_146_36", "test_146_37", "test_146_38", "test_146_39", "test_146_40", "test_146_41", "test_146_42", "test_146_43", "test_146_44", "test_146_45", "test_146_46", "test_146_47", "test_146_48", "test_146_49", "test_146_50", "test_146_51", "test_146_52", "test_146_53", "test_146_54", "test_146_55", "test_146_56", "test_146_57", "test_146_58", "test_146_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Im in to water painting how about you.", "Cool there's a lot of things you could paint in arizona.", "Oh wow that sounds like a really nice place to live.", "I'm a thrill-seeker I go skydiving.", "I night walking around whe n the sun goes down.", "There are great views of the sunset here.", "I can imagine iwas going to go to school out there.", "Cool, I love the wildlife but I also own a lizard.", "I own a couple canines and rodents.", "My lizard and take walks at sunset.", "Lmao,thats awsome I use alotta coupons too feed my pets.", "I'm working for the local government out here.", "Have you fed your lizard yet? ", "Nah, he doesn't eat very often. How about your pets?", "Yep. I feed them daily.", "Do you like your dog or rodents better, if you had to choose?", "That's a difficult choice to make. I guess I'd have to go for the dog, since they're probably more sentient than rodents are.", "What kind of dog is he or she?", "I've got a male German Shepard and a female Goldendoodle.", "Oh man I'm obsessed with German Shepards. What are their names?", "The German Shepard is named Peanut. The Goldendoodle is named Butter.", "Oh man that's perfect. My lizards name is Franklin.", "Oh, I like that! It's cool to see pets with human names!", "Do you plan do get any more animals?", "I'll have to show you this painting I made of my two dogs. ", "How long have you been painting for?", "I've been painting for ten years actually. I started when I was 13.", "Cool, I really like dogs too. German shepherds are really loyal dogs.", "Do you own any German Shepards?", "I do not, but I would love to some day. Do you have any regrets in having one?", "My only regret is the shedding. I have to clean every single day to keep the house from being covered. Any downsides to owning a lizard?", "No, not really. You do have to clean the tank every once and a while, and they aren't exactly cuddly, but I have always thought that they were cool animals.", "They seem cool. If you wanted me to, I could easily paint a portrait of it.", "I would love that, I will have to send you a pic of him so you have something to work with.", "I promise to do the portrait if you promise to teach me how to skydive in the future.", "Sure, we can arrange that. I highly recommend you watch some instructional videos on the internet, you would think that jumping out of a plane is simple, but there is a lot to learn! ", "I finished up painting Franklin today!", "Whoa that was fast! I can't wait to see it!", "Yes, I tend to go quickly when I'm excited about a painting. If you don't like it I can do it again. I don't mind and want to have a fair trade if you're going to teach me to skydive. I'll send you a picture of the painting and you can tell me what you think.", "I'm sure I am going to love it! Your work is stunning even on bad day!", "Thank you! You're too flattering. I do love to paint though, so if you want me to paint anything else for me I'd be willing to do that. I've given people personal portraits as gifts and they seemed to like them. Or a painting of a couple can make a good wedding gift.", "I'll definitely commission more paintings from you. Do you keep a portfolio of all the work that you do?", "I started taking pictures of my paintings when I was 18. I didn't think about it before that and gave a lot away, or they got lost, and then I regretted not having a record of them. So yes, now I have records of all my paintings. It's interesting to be able to see the progress and changes that take place over years that are hard to see from one painting to the next when you're doing it regularly.", "Wow, I didn't realize you had been painting for so long. What got you started?", "My mother really liked art so I was exposed to a lot of it at an early age. But mostly it's just something that came naturally to me. I loved art class in grade school; it was always my favorite subject, regardless of what we were making.", "That's so wonderful that you were in an environment that helped you grow your natural talents. Would you mind if I looked through your portfolio when I pick Franklin's painting? I would love to see how you've progressed over time.", "Sure, I'd be happy to show you. You might also see a style of painting you prefer and I can redo the painting of Franklin using that style.", "Haha, I am not going to ask you to redo the painting. If anything, I'll just ask for another one!", "Are there any other commissions you are thinking about getting done?", "I can't think of anything for myself, but it might be nice to get something for my mom. She loves birds.", "That's a great idea! A great birthday gift for her.", "She'd probably like it, although she's also picky. Are you good at painting birds?", "I like to think so, I do a lot of them. People always ask for them.", "What's your favorite kind to paint? I like colorful ones, but not the tropical kinds.", "Cardinals are my favorite. I love putting in detail, and the red really makes them pop against the background.", "Sounds beautiful! Do you also paint your dogs?", "Sometimes, but I don't do portraits it's more of them as shadows in landscapes, if that makes sense.", "Ah, I get it. Do you ever do really large paintings? Like murals?", "A local business asked me to paint the side of their building. I was nervous but I think it came out great and most people really enjoy it. It was so much work, I asked some friends to help me.", "Very cool. What did they ask you to paint? I bet it is hard to plan a whole wall like that."], "init_persona": [[["I like using coupons.", "I have 5 dogs and 3 rats.", "I like sunset walks.", "I like to paint.", "I go to college full time to get my degree."], ["I live in arizona.", "I like to go skydiving.", "I work for the government.", "My favorite place to go is barnes and noble.", "I have a pet lizard."]], [["I paint.", "I enjoy walking at night.", "I'm in school.", "I have dogs and rodents as pets.", "I cut coupons."], ["I live in arizona.", "I like to skydive.", "I have a lizard.", "I work for the government."]], [["I paint.", "I enjoy walking at night.", "I'm in school.", "I have dogs and rodents as pets. I prefer my dog over my rodents. I own a male German Shepard and a female Goldendoodle. My German Shepard's name is Peanut and my Goldendoodle's name is butter.", "I cut coupons."], ["I live in arizona.", "I like to skydive.", "I work for the government.", "I own a lizard named Franklin.", "I really like German Shepard dogs."]], [["I paint.", "I enjoy walking at night.", "I'm in school.", "I have dogs and rodents as pets. I prefer my dog over my rodents. I own a male German Shepard and a female Goldendoodle. My German Shepard's name is Peanut and my Goldendoodle's name is butter.", "I cut coupons.", "I began painting at 13. I am 23. I have painted for a decade.", "My dog sheds a lot. I clean my house every day.", "I would like to skydive one day."], ["I live in arizona.", "I like to skydive. I have skydived before.", "I work for the government.", "I own a lizard named Franklin.", "I would like a German Shepard as a pet one day.", "I like lizards. I would like someone to paint a picture of my lizard."]], [["I enjoy walking at night.", "I'm in school.", "I have dogs and rodents as pets. I prefer my dog over my rodents. I own a male German Shepard and a female Goldendoodle. My German Shepard's name is Peanut and my Goldendoodle's name is butter.", "I cut coupons.", "I began painting at 13. I am 23. I have painted for a decade.", "My dog sheds a lot. I clean my house every day.", "I would like to skydive one day.", "I am an artist. I love painting. I have a record of my paintings. I paint regularly.", "My mother liked art. Painting is natural for me. I loved art class. I have been painting for a long time."], ["I live in arizona.", "I like to skydive. I have skydived before.", "I work for the government.", "I own a lizard named Franklin.", "I would like a German Shepard as a pet one day.", "I like lizards. I would like someone to paint a picture of my lizard. I like art."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_147_0", "test_147_1", "test_147_2", "test_147_3", "test_147_4", "test_147_5", "test_147_6", "test_147_7", "test_147_8", "test_147_9", "test_147_10", "test_147_11", "test_147_12", "test_147_13", "test_147_14", "test_147_15", "test_147_16", "test_147_17", "test_147_18", "test_147_19", "test_147_20", "test_147_21", "test_147_22", "test_147_23", "test_147_24", "test_147_25", "test_147_26", "test_147_27", "test_147_28", "test_147_29", "test_147_30", "test_147_31", "test_147_32", "test_147_33", "test_147_34", "test_147_35", "test_147_36", "test_147_37", "test_147_38", "test_147_39", "test_147_40", "test_147_41", "test_147_42", "test_147_43", "test_147_44", "test_147_45", "test_147_46", "test_147_47", "test_147_48", "test_147_49", "test_147_50", "test_147_51", "test_147_52", "test_147_53", "test_147_54", "test_147_55", "test_147_56", "test_147_57", "test_147_58", "test_147_59", "test_147_60", "test_147_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I just got home to my houseboat.", "Hello how are you?", "I am doing good, just got home from bartending.", "That must be a interesting job.", "Very interesting, but not what I went to school for.", "I enjoy going to the bars after work, so I like bartenders!", "Haha, thanks. What do you do for work?", "I own a company here in the local area.", "Cool, I graduated with my masters but I haven't found a real job yet.", "Oh perhaps you find one soon.", "I hope so, what do you do for fun?", "I enjoy karaoke nights at the bar, although my singing is questionable.", "Karaoke nights are my favorite, my sisters and brothers do it all the time.", "Oh yes, sometime my 2 daughters go with me, but no drinking for them!", "How old are your daughters and what are their names? ", "My daughters are 16 and 14. Their names are Angelica and Jennifer. They're the lights of my life!", "Those are such great names. Sounds like you have a great family. I grew up in a bigger family and I sort of miss being around that many people. How is the business going?", "It's going well. I'm in construction and there's currently lots of demand in my area. You never told me what your master's degree is in.", "I got a degree in Psychology. Helps me a lot when I'm bar tending. I thought I was going to love it in that field but I think I just really love being around people, so for now I am happy working at the bar and being around all the people who come in like you.", "That's really interesting. Did you originally think you'd get into counseling or how did you envision using your education?", "Well my mother was a counselor and really enjoyed her job. I never knew for sure where it would take me but I thought maybe I might work for my own practice one day. I still have time to work on it. Are you coming down next week Friday for Karaoke at the bar? ", "I think I will. At the end of the week I think I'll feel the need to let off some steam. Are you willing to join me on stage for one song?", "I can do that. As long as you pick something I know well enough. Have any songs in mind?", "I was thinking something pretty ambitious, even though I can't sing. Journey's \"Don't Stop Believin'\" or maybe Meatloaf's \"I Would do Anything for Love.\" I like to sing pretty dramatic songs. It embarrasses my girls pretty badly.", "Well I definitely know all the words to those two. I'll give it a go. I'm probably going to be embarrassing myself as well, but that's half the fun of Karaoke night ", "Yes, I agree. Do your sisters and brothers live in the area? And do they want to join us?", "I forgot to mention that we have 2 for 1 drink specials on Friday Night. I think that Karaoke night will be a night to remember.", "Oh my goodness! It is going to be quite a night! I have been brushing up on my Celine Dion! Do you have some songs picked out?", "Not yet. I thought it would be fun if everyone could choose their own songs, but the music will have a 90s theme. ", "As long as we are still on for some Meatloaf, that sounds good to me. Ahhh, the 90s. By the time I reach that free drink I might be ready for Ace of Base or The Spice Girls. My daughters will be mortified. ", "Of course, I've actually found a meatloaf recipe that's to die for recently! Your family will have to try it after karaoke night. Are your daughters doing well?", "Hahahaha that is amazing. Eating meatloaf while singing it. My daughters may disown me. They are doing very well. Angelica just got her driving permit, so she will be in charge of getting us home on Friday. Way cheaper than an Uber!", "Yes, this will be a night to remember! I'm sure Angelica will understand once she's older. Can't wait to let free a little if that drive offer still stands!", "Hahaha I hope she doesn't, but alas, our family does like to have a good time! Thank you for inviting us out.", "LOL! No worries my friend, I'll see you soon!", "Sounds great! Should I bring anything to go with the meatloaf and drinks or is there bar food to be had? ", "We'll have some snacks, but if you have anything to bring that would be super helpful! Nothing like singing and eating without counting calories haha. Maybe some chips and dip?", "Oh goodness. Calorie counting is be banned! I make some bangin' nachos. Pair great with beer!", "So what do your construction friends think about your karaoke singing?", "they think it's silly but they support me! do your friends like kareoke too?", "They do! We get together often for random karaoke nights, or they will show up while I'm working at the bar and start one. I love watching them enjoy themselves! Do your daughters sing with you?", "that's so great! yeah, my daughters love to sing. it's actually them who got me into kareoke because they started singing on tiktok all the time!", "I still don't have that app lol. I prefer being around people, instead of relying on social media for contact. How is your daughters driving going? ", "I like being around people better than apps, too, but kids these days love digital stuff. she's doing pretty good driving; I think she's ready to try the highway! ", "That is a huge step! I remember my first trip driving on the expressway lol. I think my dad just about had a heart attack, I was going so slow lol. You probably travel the highway quite a bit, doing construction work. Have you been any place fun for work?", "i'm sure I will lose time off my life every time I try to teach her lol :) yeah, I do get to see some cool places! especially when we build in new areas that aren't all urbanized yet. it feels like being in the woods to break ground in a remote area.", "That has to be amazing! I miss seeing new places. Being a bartender, I am always working in the same place. It's a good thing the people are always different lol. What is your favorite reason for going to the bar?", "you must meet so many cool people, though. bars attract all types. I like going to quieter bars, mostly, to just sit and talk wiht friends. what do you like about your job? do you meet cool people?", "I like being able to listen, to possibly make a difference when someone needs support. I also love watching other people have fun and enjoy their lives, its a small piece of hope. It isnt just all about work, and bills, and daily life, ya know?", "absolutely! connecting with other people is really what we are all here on earth to do.", "I finally picked a song for Karaoke night. It's by Celine Deon, it was you that inspired me. I probably won't do the song justice but that is half the fun!", "I mean, who goes to karaoke to hear good singing? If I wanted that I'd go to a concert. ", "Well, a lot of singers at concerts are lip syncing. I see a lot of people at work having a blast. I always think, man I can at least sing better than that person.\"", "I know myself and I'm the worst anywhere!", "Haha, you can't be that bad. Although I always think I sound amazing when driving in my car or in the shower. In front of an audience, with nerves, ah! It seems so scary.", "Let's just say, even my dogs leave the room when I sing. It's okay though, I've got other talents. That said, I'll be sure to get out there the night you are singing!", "Awe thanks, it would be good to see you. Although my bar can be a bit noisy, I know that's not quite your scene.", "Karaoke night is always a little noisier. It's okay. Who would could to silent karaoke?", "True, it's almost like everyone drinks way more than usual to get up that liquid courage.", "It's pretty much a given. Though, there is always the one random classically trained singer or something who goes up there just to show everyone up.", "And then they always take over and want to sing multiple times in a row. ", "Exactly! Sorry, some of us are hear to support our friends. Let them sing too!"], "init_persona": [[["I live on a houseboat.", "I just graduated with my master's degree.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have four brothers and sisters.", "My mother works for fedex."], ["I grew up in mexico.", "I enjoy drinking and socializing with friends.", "I hang out at a karaoke bar most nights.", "I own a construction company.", "I have two daughters."]], [["I have a houseboat.", "I work as a bartender.", "I have a masters degree.", "I like karaoke nights. I have brothers and sisters."], ["I like going to bars.", "I own a company.", "I like karaoke and going to bars.", "I have two daughters."]], [["I have a houseboat.", "I work as a bartender. I love being around people. I am happy working at the bar.", "I have brothers and sisters. I grew up in a big family.", "I have a masters' degree in Psychology. ", "I have a mother that was a counselor.", "I like karaoke nights. I usually embarrass myself while doing Karaoke."], ["I like going to bars.", "I own a company. I have a business that is going well. I work in construction.", "I like karaoke and going to bars.", "I have 2 daughters, ages 16 and 14, their names are Angelica and Jennifer.", "I like to sing dramatic songs."]], [["I have a houseboat.", "I work as a bartender. I love being around people. I am happy working at the bar.", "I have brothers and sisters. I grew up in a big family.", "I have a masters' degree in Psychology. ", "I have a mother that was a counselor.", "I like karaoke nights. I usually embarrass myself while doing Karaoke."], ["I like going to bars.", "I own a company. I have a business that is going well. I work in construction.", "I like karaoke and going to bars.", "I have 2 daughters, ages 16 and 14, their names are Angelica and Jennifer.", "I like to sing dramatic songs.", "I have been listening to Celine Deon.", "My daughter just got her driving permit.", "I make great nachos."]], [["I have a houseboat.", "I work as a bartender. I love being around people. I am happy working at the bar. At my job, I like being able to listen and make a difference when someone needs support. I also love watching people have fun.", "I have brothers and sisters. I grew up in a big family.", "I have a masters' degree in Psychology.", "I have a mother that was a counselor.", "I like karaoke nights. I usually embarrass myself while doing Karaoke. I work at a karaoke bar.", "I do not have tiktok or other social media. I prefer being around other people."], ["I own a company. I have a business that is going well. I work in construction.", "I like karaoke and going to bars. I like going to quieter bars so I can talk to friends.", "I have 2 daughters, ages 16 and 14, their names are Angelica and Jennifer.", "I like to sing dramatic songs.", "I have been listening to Celine Deon.", "My daughter just got her driving permit. I am teaching my daughter to drive.", "I make great nachos.", "I like being around other people. I get to see cool places working my job."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_148_0", "test_148_1", "test_148_2", "test_148_3", "test_148_4", "test_148_5", "test_148_6", "test_148_7", "test_148_8", "test_148_9", "test_148_10", "test_148_11", "test_148_12", "test_148_13", "test_148_14", "test_148_15", "test_148_16", "test_148_17", "test_148_18", "test_148_19", "test_148_20", "test_148_21", "test_148_22", "test_148_23", "test_148_24", "test_148_25", "test_148_26", "test_148_27", "test_148_28", "test_148_29", "test_148_30", "test_148_31", "test_148_32", "test_148_33", "test_148_34", "test_148_35", "test_148_36", "test_148_37", "test_148_38", "test_148_39", "test_148_40", "test_148_41", "test_148_42", "test_148_43", "test_148_44", "test_148_45", "test_148_46", "test_148_47", "test_148_48", "test_148_49", "test_148_50", "test_148_51", "test_148_52", "test_148_53", "test_148_54", "test_148_55", "test_148_56", "test_148_57", "test_148_58", "test_148_59", "test_148_60", "test_148_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi.", "Hello!", "How are you enjoying today?", "It's alright I suppose. I'm at work. How about you?", "What do you do? I'm also at work but I'm lucky to work from home.", "I run a warehouse for a small business. It's a pretty slow day.", "That sounds like it has interesting days.", "Occasionally. Do you find your work interesting?", "I do! I paint so I don't have a boss to report to.", "Is there any way you can show me some of your work?", "I can't unfortunately. What kind of hobbies do you have?", "I like cycling quite a bit. And in the summer I do a lot of sailing.", "So you're an outdoorsy person! That's fun.", "Do you do anything outdoors?", "I painted a new picture. ", "What was your painting of?", "I went to my favorite overlook and painted it at sunset. Was pretty nice.", "Wow, that sounds amazing. Do you paint the sunset often?", "No not really, just at this spot the view is amazing. Sunset makes it almost magical.", "I agree. The best sunset I have ever had was when I was sailing out on the sea.", "Oh ive heard some crazy things on the sea with sunsets and sunrises", "It is probably my happiest place to be. Where is yours?", "Deep in the woods hiking, i think we both like solitude heh.", "Sometimes there is nothing better than being away from other people.", "I couldnt agree more really. Hows the warehouse going?", "Well its a warehouse, it doesn't really get exciting. It gets run, thats all.", "I am going to have a showing of some of my paintings at a local gallery.", "That's great! Have you done this before?", "I've shown my paintings before, but not at a gallery of this size. I'm excited!", "I hope a lot of people will appreciate them. What kind of paintings will you be displaying there?", "Thank you! I'm planning to display a series of paintings from a local garden. I think they'll be fun for the local crowd. ", "It must have been very peaceful to paint scenes like that.", "Yes, very! Have you been to any art galleries or museums recently?", "Not recently. I actually haven't been to an art gallery before, but your exhibition sounds pretty nice. Maybe I'll go to that one.", "Thanks! There's actually a lot more local galleries than most people know about. It's nice to support small-scale artists. Do you have plans to sail this weekend?", "I probably won't be sailing for a few weeks at least. We're supposed to be getting some rough weather. But I think I'll try to get a few bike rides in.", "Oh yikes. Great you can bike though! Where do you like to bike?", "I usually bike close to home, but whenever I have some extra time I'll head over to the park and hit up the bike trail there.", "Do you think you'll be able to bike at the park this weekend?", "I think I can, if the warehouse has its danged orders filled efficiently enough.", "That's wonderful, I saw that the weather is supposed to be high 70s with low humidity, so it's great weather to be outdoors.", "Oh yes! That's also great cycling weather, not like the time it rained four hours straight right as I got to the park.", "I'm thinking of going on a hike and sketching the scene from the lookout point. It caught my eye a few weekends ago and I've been meaning to go again.", "So nice that you can sketch views! When I admire the sunset I regret the beauty is betrayed by my cheap camera and shaky hands.", "I bet the waves of the lake don't help you keep steady either! When was the last time you went sailing?", "I think last week, across the lake and back, as a neat little stress reliever.", "I'd love to come out sometime, maybe even bring my paints. I bet I can find some great views there!", "I think a grand view of the town from about a hundred or two hundred yards offshore would be a great painting.", "That could be a great addition to the gallery, if I get it done in time. I bet local people would really enjoy it.", "Have you thought about farm or wilderness paintings, if you previously had one about a garden?", "What kind of product do you manage in your warehouse?", "I manage print on demands products, so t-shirts, notebooks, mugs, etc.", "Oh, that's cool. Like with artwork on it", "Yes, you can upload your own designs on the website, it gets printed and shipped directly to you.", "That's pretty amazing. Maybe I could get some of my work printed. Is it expensive?", "No, it's really not. $12 for notebooks, $15 for t-shirts.", "Wow, I didn't imagine it could be so cheap to make your own stuff like that. It used to be way more expensive. I guess technology is always making things cheaper.", "That's true! Less and less people want designer item, they want thier own. I work with a lot fo bands to produce merchandise for shows.", "That sounds fun. Have you ever worked with any famous groups?", "Not nationally famous, but in New England... one day maybe! :)", "Fingers crossed for you! Hey, by the way, are you going biking this weekend?", "The weather looks iffy, but if it holds off, definitely! Want to come with?"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."], ["A male human.", "He has red hair.", "He has a thin build.", "He wears casual clothes.", "He wears glasses."]], [["I have a job working from home. My job is painting."], ["I have a job. I run a warehouse.", "I ride bikes and sail."]], [["I have a job working from home. My job is painting. I paint pictures. I painted my favorite overlook at sunset. I don't normally paint sunsets.", "I like to hike deep in the woods. I like solitude.", "I like being away from people."], ["I have a job. I run a warehouse.", "I ride bikes and sail.", "I love the sunset.", "My happiest place to be is on the sea. I like being away from people."]], [["I have a job working from home. My job is painting. I paint pictures. I painted my favorite overlook at sunset. I don't normally paint sunsets.", "I like to hike deep in the woods. I like solitude.", "I like being away from people.", "My paintings have been shown in small galleries.", "I recently painted scenes of a local garden."], ["I have a job. I run a warehouse.", "I love the sunset.", "My happiest place to be is on the sea. I like being away from people.", "I have never visited an art gallery.", "I like to sail. I like to ride bikes. There is a park I like to bike ride at."]], [["I have a job working from home. My job is painting. I paint pictures. I painted my favorite overlook at sunset. I don't normally paint sunsets.", "I like to hike deep in the woods. I like solitude.", "I like being away from people.", "My paintings have been shown in small galleries.", "I recently painted scenes of a local garden.", "I like to paint. My artwork is displayed in a gallery."], ["I have a job. I run a warehouse.", "I love the sunset.", "My happiest place to be is on the sea. I like being away from people.", "I have never visited an art gallery.", "I like to sail. I like to ride bikes. There is a park I like to bike ride at. I have a bike.", "I like to go sailing."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_149_0", "test_149_1", "test_149_2", "test_149_3", "test_149_4", "test_149_5", "test_149_6", "test_149_7", "test_149_8", "test_149_9", "test_149_10", "test_149_11", "test_149_12", "test_149_13", "test_149_14", "test_149_15", "test_149_16", "test_149_17", "test_149_18", "test_149_19", "test_149_20", "test_149_21", "test_149_22", "test_149_23", "test_149_24", "test_149_25", "test_149_26", "test_149_27", "test_149_28", "test_149_29", "test_149_30", "test_149_31", "test_149_32", "test_149_33", "test_149_34", "test_149_35", "test_149_36", "test_149_37", "test_149_38", "test_149_39", "test_149_40", "test_149_41", "test_149_42", "test_149_43", "test_149_44", "test_149_45", "test_149_46", "test_149_47", "test_149_48", "test_149_49", "test_149_50", "test_149_51", "test_149_52", "test_149_53", "test_149_54", "test_149_55", "test_149_56", "test_149_57", "test_149_58", "test_149_59", "test_149_60", "test_149_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I'm from seattle wa.", "Hi I'm from fl.", "Nice, what do you do there?", "I am a tax attorney, not the most exciting job. But I enjoy the challenge.", "That is interesting, I am a freelance writer.", "Cool what do you usually write?", "I don't have a specific genre mostly web content articles.", "Ok. During my free time I run. Cross country mostly, but training for a marathon now.", "I like to sleepin a lot haha.", "Lol because of the tedious nature of work I like to be active otherwise.", "I understand that, but I like sports too.", "Great. I also enjoy eating high protein food to build lean muscles, like fish.", "That's cool to hear because I like to fish.", "Great what the largest one that got away. Lol.", "I'm going fishing- do you want one?", "Sure! If you have enough to spare. They are a good source of protein. ", "Absolutely - I would love to share. I usually catch more than I can consume. Any ideas how you might cook it?", "I usually like to filet it and cook it in the skillet with some blackening seasoning. What about you?", "I do something very similar and use it over my salad - it takes like New Orleans to me. Any awesome runs lately?", "Oh I haven't even thought about making it for a salad. I need to try that! Lately, no but I have one scheduled later this summer.", "That's great. I would love to do long runs but I simply get bored after about a mile.", "That's understandable. But hey fishing is a great outdoor activity!", "True - one would also argue that's its boring, but I find it calming and relaxing. Reminds me of summer with my grandfather.", "I can fish for about an hour and then my attention span is lost, but my brother could literally fish all day. It calms him like you mentioned also!", "Does your brother run? Or is that something you just find enjoyable?", "Eh, he does some, but he's more of a gym rat haha", "Have you started any training for the run coming up?", "Yes, it feels great to be as active as I am now again. So far, I feel my training is coming along nicely.", "I wish I could run more, but running for the long distances is always such a bore to me. What do you do to keep it exciting for you?", "It may be that my job as a tax attorney makes almost anything else super exciting. After working on taxes, almost anything would be exciting.", "That is true. I love my job as a writer, but I too feel that it has times where it is cumbersome with boredom. Have you changed anything regarding your diet regarding the upcoming marathon? ", "I have added more carbohydrates on the days before I run. Also, I'm thinking of scheduling some massages after some of my runs. That would be so relaxing. Plus it would ensure my muscles don't get too stressed.", "Well, if it helps, I have been fishing a lot lately, and I could give you some fish to help you with your lean proteins! I have more than I can eat myself.", "Oh, definitely. Fresh fish is great. Protein is important when I'm training to run. Running can make a lot of muscle vanish, so protein is needed to restore it.", "Don't forget to get good rest, as well. Even though my life doesn't consist of a lot of physical activity, maintaining healthy sleep patterns are vital to my success both at home and with work.", "Yes, sleep, diet, and fitness all have almost equal importance when it comes to physical fitness. Maybe you would be interested in writing an article about cross country running, based on interviews with me? You could throw some details about fish into the article. How it helped me restore muscle during training, for example.", "That is quite an interesting idea! I have been wanting to learn more about you do, and this could be a wonderful opportunity for us to meet up and spend some time together as well. Do you do any fishing in Florida? I would love to go.", "I have before, but not often. If we were to do an interview while we fish though, that would make fishing more interesting for me. Then we could finish the interview over the meal we make with the fish.", "I got invited to write an article about sport fishing.", "Really? I think that will provide a new challenge to you as you continue doing what you love", "I cant wait to start writing, fishing is my best passion", "On the other hand I enjoy running more. I didn't enjoy fishing as much but my brother is a fishing maniac.", "I'm not that much of a fan of running, but i certainly know it can be fun for some people. ", "Very much mate, I am participating in a marathon scheduled for this summer and it's keeping me on my toes especially with training and diet.", "Nice, what diets to marathon runners use, for it must be hard to stay in shape", "It's not that hard I keep a high protein diet, I actually eat a lot of fish.", "Nice, do you eat your brother's fish", "Sometimes when he comes from fishing trips he shares his catch with me but I also buy my own fish", "nice, what's your favortite fish?", "I enjoy salmon fingers more with a dip of karawi sauce", "I finished up writing my fishing article. I want to send it to you to read over, I'm nervous about actually writing my first article.", "Don't be nervous. I am sure it is great! Send it over. I would love to read it. ", "Really? That would be amazing. You are so generous", "Nah- I am genuinely interested in reading it. Maybe we can meet up to fish at the same time- if you can stay awake-lol. If we catch anything I will blacken it up for you. You will love my recipe for blackened fish!", "Ha! That sounds like a wonderful time. I've been wanting to fish more and more. My mind is always going, it's nice to relax and unwind.", "Yeah it would be a good time. Afterwards I will go for a run while you can snooze. ", "Sounds like a plan. Any thought about finding a new job? How long can you really work such a boring job.", "It is soooo boring but right now I don't think I could find a better one. I have been looking though when I am not training for my upcoming marathon. Time just seems to be so short. SO do you think you will write more articles about fishing or will you broaden your topics?", "I think I will broaden my topics, it will make me a more rounded writer.", "Maybe you can change your mind about hating to run and write about that. I think if you gave running a shot you may find that it is so exhilarating. It helps clear the mind which, for you, being writer would be such a good thing. ", "Maybe, but my body just hates running. Even if it's good for my mind. Not sure you can change that. haha!", "hahaha- yeah I guess but I think you are just lazy-lol--- you could always write about what you like best - SLEEPING. Hoe many hours a day do you sleep?"], "init_persona": [[["I'm a fisherman.", "I come from new england.", "I like watching baseball.", "I drive a truck.", "My favorite food is lasagna."], ["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."]], [["I am from Seattle, Washington.", "I am a freelance writer. I write web content articles.", "I sleep a lot.", "I like sports.", "I like to fish."], ["I am from Florida.", "I am a tax attorney. I don't think it's exciting, but it's a challenge.", "I like to run cross country. I'm training for a marathon.", "I like to be active. I like to eat high protein food to build lean muscles."]], [["I am from Seattle, Washington.", "I am a freelance writer. I write web content articles.", "I sleep a lot.", "I like sports.", "I like to fish. I catch a lot of fish. I put fish on my salad. Fishing is calming. It reminds me of my grandfather.", "Long runs bore me."], ["I am from Florida.", "I am a tax attorney. I don't think it's exciting, but it's a challenge.", "I like to run cross country. I'm training for a marathon. I have a run scheduled this summer.", "I like to be active. I like to eat high protein food to build lean muscles.", "I eat fish. I like to blacken fish in a skillet. I get bored fishing. I have a brother that fishes all day. My brother is a gym rat."]], [["I am from Seattle, Washington.", "I am a freelance writer. I write web content articles.", "I sleep a lot.", "I like sports.", "I like to fish. I catch a lot of fish. I put fish on my salad. Fishing is calming. It reminds me of my grandfather.", "Long runs bore me.", "I love my job.", "I'm not very physically active. I think sleep is important.", "I like learning about people."], ["I am from Florida.", "I am a tax attorney. I don't think it's exciting, but it's a challenge.", "I like to run cross country. I'm training for a marathon. I have a run scheduled this summer. I watch my diet before a run.", "I like to be active. I like to eat high protein food to build lean muscles.", "I eat fish. I like to blacken fish in a skillet. I get bored fishing. I have a brother that fishes all day. My brother is a gym rat.", "I have a boring job. Running is fun for me.", "I like to collaborate with people.", "I live in Florida. I don't fish often. I can cook."]], [["I am from Seattle, Washington.", "I am a freelance writer. I write web content articles.", "I sleep a lot.", "I like sports.", "I like to fish. I catch a lot of fish. I put fish on my salad. Fishing is calming. It reminds me of my grandfather.", "Long runs bore me.", "I love my job.", "I'm not very physically active. I think sleep is important.", "I like learning about people.", "I got invited to write an article about sport fishing. I want to be a writer.", "I'm not a fan of running."], ["I am from Florida.", "I am a tax attorney. I don't think it's exciting, but it's a challenge.", "I like to run cross country. I have a run scheduled this summer. I watch my diet before a run.", "I like to be active. I like to eat high protein food to build lean muscles.", "I eat a lot of fish as part of my diet.I like to blacken fish in a skillet. I get bored fishing. I have a brother that fishes all day. My brother is a gym rat.", "I have a boring job. Running is fun for me. I enjoy running more than fishing.", "I like to collaborate with people.", "I live in Florida. I don't fish often. I can cook.", "I'm participating in a marathon this summer. I am currently training and watching my diet.", "I eat fish my brother catches. I also buy fish. My favorite fish to eat salmon with karawi sauce."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_151_0", "test_151_1", "test_151_2", "test_151_3", "test_151_4", "test_151_5", "test_151_6", "test_151_7", "test_151_8", "test_151_9", "test_151_10", "test_151_11", "test_151_12", "test_151_13", "test_151_14", "test_151_15", "test_151_16", "test_151_17", "test_151_18", "test_151_19", "test_151_20", "test_151_21", "test_151_22", "test_151_23", "test_151_24", "test_151_25", "test_151_26", "test_151_27", "test_151_28", "test_151_29", "test_151_30", "test_151_31", "test_151_32", "test_151_33", "test_151_34", "test_151_35", "test_151_36", "test_151_37", "test_151_38", "test_151_39", "test_151_40", "test_151_41", "test_151_42", "test_151_43", "test_151_44", "test_151_45", "test_151_46", "test_151_47", "test_151_48", "test_151_49", "test_151_50", "test_151_51", "test_151_52", "test_151_53", "test_151_54", "test_151_55", "test_151_56", "test_151_57", "test_151_58", "test_151_59", "test_151_60", "test_151_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey there. Just got home from fishing, what are you up to?", "Cool, nothing much just finishing up some work. I just got a new job.", "Oh yea? What's the new job?", "I work with computer programming, what do you do?", "Im a truck driver, not very glamorous I know. But I do get to travel a lot!", "Cool, do you get any time off?", "No, but I usually spend free time with the wife and 2 kids. How about you? Married?", "No married, so no kids. I love going cruises for vacation time.", "Cruises are fun! Computer programming though, so do you live in the san fran area?", "Yes, with all the other computer programers!", "Haha that's cool, I grew up there. Pretty different back then though.", "Cool, I am trying to meet new people since I just moved here.", "Where were you before san fran?", "I lived in kansas city my whole life, so it's a big change.", "I might go to San Francisco for my next trip", "Are you coming for work or are you bringing the wife and kids?", "Family trip, ive had enough work.", "I hear that. Although at least you aren't stuck in an office all day. Sometimes I'd kill to be outside.", "Well, being in a truck is like a tiny moving office heh. At least the scenary changes though.", "Have you ever heard of the term \"lot lizards\"? I hear that's a truck stop thing.", "Oh its a thing, and its disgusting...", "Yikes, I was hoping it was just a thing from movies and not real life. ", "No, meth really does take its toll, especially in the smaller towns.", "I wouldn't even know what meth looked like if it was right in front of me. I was a big fan of Breaking Bad though.", "Haha, i dont think these people are getting walter whites quality product.", "The only thing that I remember about the meth in the show was that it was blue and I thought it looked like the Miracle Grow plant fertilizer that I buy.", "I just got back from a haul for work. No lot lizards were seen.", "Where did you go? It wouldn't be surprising that you didn't see alot of lizards if you were in Maine or one of those other lizardless states.", "I went on down to San Antonio. It was a fairly short haul, but it was pleasant enough I reckon, especially since I didn't have any lot lizards crawling on up to me. Son, do you know what a lot lizard is? It's not one of those scaly fella's.", "After my last message I realized you were maybe not talking about iguanas, so I looked it up. Now I now what they are. They are pretty scary. So where are you going with your familly?", "We're trying to decide between a trip closer to home or one in Florida. The kids would probably like to head on over to Disney World, but I'd like to take them fishing. We'll have to see what the missus is thinking in the next couple of days.", "Even kids who like fishing would probably prefer Disney. I've never been to Disney before. Would it be your first time, or your kids first time if you went there?", "They're still pretty young, so this would be their first time. The missus was wanting to take them when they were babies, but I told her there's no way they'd remember anything if we took them when they were that young! So now she really wants to take them pretty soon. It's just a big commitment to bring the whole family there for a few days. But we're gonna end up going sooner or later.", "If they are that young then they also seem too young for fishing. I have been on cruises, and some even in Florida, but because I'm single Disney seemed like a waste for a single guy.", "Well I'd be doing most of the heavy lifting. They'd just be letting me know if they got a nibble and then I'd take it from there. It's good to get kids familiar with it at a young age, but the main thing would be spending time with their pops. That was what I always loved the most when mine took me fishing.", "Well if you want to come to Scan Francisco let me know. I am still trying to get to all the tourist destinations, but we could hit up some of the more child friendly ones, like parks and boat rides. And since we have so much water there must be some type of fishing.", "That might be a good idea too. I'll have to run it by the missus, but I'll let you know what she says.", "I gotta go, let me know if you are seriously thinking of visiting my neck of the woods, I'll start researching family friendly tourist spots. ", "Do you like San Francisco over Kansas City?", "You know, it's definitely more lively. Things are open longer out here than they are back in Missouri! I do miss the local breakfast joint, it was my favorite stop on the weekends.", "Yeah, I hear you there. Once you find a great spot for food, it's hard to leave it behind. Have any of your new friends been able to hook you up with some new places to try out?", "They recommended a couple of pizza places around town, and a really cool Vietnamese fusion restaurant. It feels a bit awkward to go to a restaurant all by myself, though. ", "Have you tried one of those websites where you sign up to meet people? Not for dates, but just for activities, like going to museums or whatever?", "I haven't, no! You'd think I'd be more knowledgeable about things like that as a programmer, but I didn't even know such a thing existed. How do they work?", "You just go online, fill out a form talking about what kinds of activities you want to do, and then submit it. It's like a not-dating connection service.", "I'll definitely have to check it out. I miss the days of college when they had an activity fair, where you could just see all the offerings of a place. As an adult it's harder to find communities with your interests.", "So true. I guess I'm lucky since I met my wife when we were so young and neither one of us is all that social.", "I do meet lots of interesting people on the cruises, though. There's always some kind of event going on, it's easy to connect with people. Maybe one day I'll bump into someone I'll marry.", "Makes sense, and hey, it could happen! You definitely don't do a lot of mingling when you're out on the road like I am, ha.", "Where'd your truck take you on your last trip? I bet you get to see a lot of great places around the country.", "I took a look at that website you mentioned, there was a group for people that like fishing.", "Awesome! I've always found that's a good way to become a little more social--finding people I already have something in common with", "Yes, I'm been trying to do more of that lately. I'm getting better at it, but I'm still learning and haven't met too many people yet. Any suggestions in helping me become a little more social online?", "When you find groups of people you might get a long with on websites, asking general questions on the home page can be helpful. Like \"Does anyone else fish at XXX\" or for tips or other things. Then anyone who sees that can respond and you can start a conversation.", "Okay. I will give it a try. I think I am being a little too forward with my online correspondences. I often immediately start asking them about their personal lives, like if they are in a relationship and how much money they make. Do you think this is one of the reasons I'm not having much luck?", "Maybe. That is a lot to tell a stranger online. Especially since people are wary of online scams.", "I can be so stupid at times! Now I feel embarrassed.... After only socializing with my wife and trucking for so long I guess I have forgotten how to act online. How is the social scene in San Fran?", "It's not stupid at all! Just a different medium so people expect different things.", "Thanks for that. I will just have to get more used to it I guess. Practice makes perfect. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I'm not trying to scam anyone but I can see how people might think that with the questions I ask.", "As far as San Francisco goes...it's weird. Very different from Kansas City.", "Haha. I'm sure. You are not in Kansas anymore! Corny, I know, lol. I'm sure you will do fine. You have great social skills. Have you met anyone interesting lately?", "There's a woman I've gone on a few days with now. She was born in the Midwest"], "init_persona": [[["I like fishing.", "I grew up in san francisco.", "I am married and have 2 kids.", "I travel a lot for my work.", "My favorite food is home made french fries."], ["I love going on cruises.", "I learned how to swim when I was five years old.", "I liked debate club the most in school.", "I do computer programming for a living.", "I just got a new job yesterday."]], [["I like fishing.", "I'm a truck driver and I get to travel alot.", "I have a wife and two kids."], ["I am starting a new job. I'm going to work in computer programming.", "I have no wife or kids. I like to go on cruises during my vacations.", "I live in San Francisco, I just moved here and am trying to make more friends. I lived in Kansas City."]], [["I like fishing.", "I'm a truck driver and I get to travel alot.", "I have a wife and two kids.", "I am taking a family trip. I am tired of work. I am in a truck all day.", "I think lot lizards are real and disgusting."], ["I am starting a new job. I'm going to work in computer programming.", "I have no wife or kids. I like to go on cruises during my vacations.", "I live in San Francisco, I just moved here and am trying to make more friends. I lived in Kansas City.", "I buy plant fertilizer."]], [["I like fishing.", "I'm a truck driver and I get to travel alot.", "I have a wife and two kids.", "I am taking a family trip. I am tired of work. I am in a truck all day.", "I think lot lizards are real and disgusting.", "I went to San Antonio. I have a son. I have young kids.", "I have a home.", "My father took me fishing when i was young.", "I make decisions with my wife."], ["I am starting a new job. I'm going to work in computer programming.", "I have no wife or kids. I like to go on cruises during my vacations.", "I live in San Francisco, I just moved here and am trying to make more friends. I lived in Kansas City.", "I buy plant fertilizer.", "I've never been to Disney before.", "I have been on cruises. I'm a single guy."]], [["I like fishing.", "I'm a truck driver and I get to travel alot.", "I have a wife and two kids.", "I am taking a family trip. I am tired of work. I am in a truck all day.", "I think lot lizards are real and disgusting.", "I went to San Antonio. I have a son. I have young kids.", "I have a home.", "My father took me fishing when i was young.", "I make decisions with my wife.", "I like really good restaurants. I am familiar with websites that allow you to meet people who are interested in the same activities.", "My wife and I are not very social."], ["I am starting a new job. I'm going to work in computer programming. I am a programmer.", "I have no wife or kids. I like to go on cruises during my vacations.", "I live in San Francisco, I just moved here and am trying to make more friends. I lived in Kansas City. My favorite weekend stop in Kansas City was a local breakfast joint.", "I buy plant fertilizer.", "I've never been to Disney before.", "I have been on cruises. I'm a single guy. I am not married but I connect with people easily.", "I went to college."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_152_0", "test_152_1", "test_152_2", "test_152_3", "test_152_4", "test_152_5", "test_152_6", "test_152_7", "test_152_8", "test_152_9", "test_152_10", "test_152_11", "test_152_12", "test_152_13", "test_152_14", "test_152_15", "test_152_16", "test_152_17", "test_152_18", "test_152_19", "test_152_20", "test_152_21", "test_152_22", "test_152_23", "test_152_24", "test_152_25", "test_152_26", "test_152_27", "test_152_28", "test_152_29", "test_152_30", "test_152_31", "test_152_32", "test_152_33", "test_152_34", "test_152_35", "test_152_36", "test_152_37", "test_152_38", "test_152_39", "test_152_40", "test_152_41", "test_152_42", "test_152_43", "test_152_44", "test_152_45", "test_152_46", "test_152_47", "test_152_48", "test_152_49", "test_152_50", "test_152_51", "test_152_52", "test_152_53", "test_152_54", "test_152_55", "test_152_56", "test_152_57", "test_152_58", "test_152_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey! Just go back from a 1000 mile road trip to watch the grateful dead! What are you up to?", "Hi! Just at home studying since I have a math test on friday.", "That's no fun. Where you go to school?", "At morgan high! I'm in the marching band there during the fall.", "Cool, my 2 older brothers were both in marching band too. You like it?", "I love it since both mom and dad are teachers.", "Haha my dad used to be a farmer. Do you have your parents as teachers in school?", "Yes they teach english. They want me to be in concert during the season.", "Do you wan to be in concert too?", "I do because lots of girls are in the band and its fun hanging out.", "What instrument do you play for concert?", "The violin. Most 16 year olds play violin in concert.", "How long have you been playing the violin?", "I've been playing for a good five years. Do you play any instruments?", "I had to learn how to play the recorder for like 6th grade music. I also took a few violin lessons as a kid, though I hated it. I can do a few small things with a keyboard and know how to use a mixer and dj discs. That is about it.", "Hey, that's quite a lot! I can't do most of those things--I play the violin... and that's it.", "I mean, that is really good. They are not the easiest thing to play. I always over oiled my bow and when I got frustrated I tended to make the loud screeching sound on purpose to irritate my instructor. She quit on us haha.", "Haha, yeah the large screeching sound is not kind to one's ears, that's for sure.", "It made me feel better when I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing. Probably a childish thing to do, but I was only like 15 at the time. And I hated it. I couldn't hold my hand right and it hurt my neck. How is school going for ya?", "School's going alright. It's a little weird being in my parent's classes, but then again, I guess it's a bit like homeschool. So it's not that bad.", "I don't know that homeschool is the same as public. Homeschool only has one or two kids in the same grade and they don't do lessons the same way. I was homeschooled from second grade to graduation. But I can see how it would be uncomfortable or whatever. Like you can't just relax and be your regular away from home self. Gotta act how you do around your parents while with friends but not at home. Must be harsh.", "Yeah, there's definitely a bit of that, for sure. I'd say my parents are pretty chill though, so it's not unbearable.", "That is a good thing. Mine were too, but my mom would not have been cool in a room full of toddlers or teenagers. She was kinda agro when there were too many kids running around. Which is probably where my impatience came from haha. Do they ever show you favoritism or make it harder on you so nobody thinks they are playing favorites? Do your classmates know they are your parents?", "I think they try their best to treat us all equally, which I'm glad about, but my classmates are aware that they're my parents. That's the kind of thing that gets let out in the first week of the school year.", "How are things going in school? You still jamming out with the violin?", "School is good but stressful! I'm reaching my finals week & just can't wait for summer. I have my end of the school year band recital too, I've been practicing a lot. I love it so much, why'd you stop playing?", "I guess it just wasn't for me. I love music, but I guess some people have the gift to play a musical instrument, and some don't. I'd love to see you play in your marching band one time.", "I totally understand. I'll keep you updated on our next event!", "Your parents go to your events? Or maybe you already get enough of them at school? It must be somewhat convenient for them to work where there kid goes.", "It's convenient but also can be embarrassing sometimes. A lot of my peers think I have an advantage in their class, which if anything they make it harder. It's almost like being homeschooled. Did you like homeschooling or wish you would have been at a school?", "It's hard to imagine what the alternative would have been like. I don't feel like I missed out on anything. It must have left me with a perspective of school that is radically different than the perspectives of those that went to public school.", "Absolutely. I can't imagine being homeschooled after being here in school for so long & I'm sure you can't imagine the opposite either. ", "True. Are there any assignments in particular that you are having trouble with? Or is everything going smoothly?", "I just have trouble staying focused while reading and my parents are always assigning long reading assignments. Any tips to keep focused?", "Maybe before class, practice some breathing exercises. Also, remove distractions when doing reading. It's understandable that when close to graduation, you are probably more excited than usual.", "Thanks for the tips! I'm definitely really excited for summer vacation. Are you going to see anyone in concert?", "Are you learning any other instruments?", "Yes am trying to learn to play the guitar but at times", "Any trouble? I can say as a reluctant violinist it doesn't get any better.", "I have a major with tuning the guitar at times. I'd like to be able to play like the Grateful Dead one day", "I would like to be able to dj for a major disco one day too! But all those etudes and fingering exercises kill me, though. You wanna borrow some Grateful Dead cds I have?", "I wouldn't mind borrowing some of your cds. Am sure with enough practice you'll get used to the etudes and fingering routines. I still can't imagine am taught by both my parents", "Well my dad seemed to spend 16 hours a day on his farm and all his little tasks, so it would be interesting switching parents for a day.", "Sure would, they wouldn't allow me to go to a concert even if I wanted to", "Nice one there! As a musical klutz myself, how do you find more time to practice?", "I use my extra time after school and during weekends when I have no school. ", "Now if only I can stop zoning out to Grateful Dead in lazy weekend mornings! Your parents are teachers -- do they have a teacherlike attitude once you're home?", "Grateful Dead music is adictive for sure. My parents do not have a teacher like attitude at home, we prefer to act normal at home '", "How is your guitar journey moving along? I know you had some trouble with tuning your guitar.", "It's coming along slowly. My parents have been trying to teach me how to tune my guitar, and I am getting better at it... slowly :)", "That's really good though. I have heard that transitioning from violin to guitar is really challenging. It seems like it would be easy, but the strings and the bow, make for a completely different experience.", "Finally someone who understands. Everyone thinks I should be a natural at the guitar, but I am oddly finding it very difficult. How are you doing since we lasted talked.", "I've been pretty good. I actually mixed a song that I call the \"Walking AND Grateful Dead.\" It takes some of the themes from the show and those from the band. I think it turned out really good.", "That sounds so interesting. I wish I had some of your mixing skills, it's definitely harder than it looks. Did you get an interview for that part time job you applied too? No that school is basically over I would like to start earning some money.", "I am supposed to get a call back tomorrow. I felt really good in my interview and feel I have a good chance. Have you been looking for any specific types of jobs?", "Kind of. There are a couple of music teachers in town that teach voilin during the summer, and I am hoping one of them needs help. I did talk to one teacher that seemed interested. My parents are so excited I want to teach, even though I keep telling them teaching is not my calling.", "You never know. Just think when you get a breakthrough with some aspiring violinist! I know you will do great at it. I bet those teachers will love to have the help and I bet they can increase their load of students.", "I know I will enjoy it... I always enjoy teaching the local kids to play... they are always so keen and interested so it makes it fun for me too. I hope you get the job, I suspect with all the equipment you need the money could help out. I hate asking my parents all the time for money, its nice to have a little of my own.", "Oh yes, having a little spending money really helps you start becoming more independent. Doing something you really love to get that money is a real blessing if you can!", "Agreed! My goal is to have a job that doesn't feel like a job. It's nice to see my parents liking teaching so much. What does your dad do for a living?"], "init_persona": [[["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."], ["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."]], [["I like the Grateful Dead and have seen them live in concert.", "I have brothers.", "My dad was once a farmer."], ["I am a student. I'm in my school marching band.", "My parents are both teachers. I am in my parent's English class. They support me being in the school band.", "I am 16. I play the violin."]], [["I like the Grateful Dead and have seen them live in concert.", "I have brothers.", "My dad was once a farmer.", "I do not like to play the violin. I can use a keyboard, a mixer, and dj discs. I used to irritate my violin instructor on purpose. Playing violin frustrated me. I played violin when I was 15. I hated it.", "I was homeschooled from 2nd grade to graduation."], ["I am a student. I'm in my school marching band.", "My parents are both teachers. I am in my parent's English class. They support me being in the school band. My parents are easy going. My classmates know that my teachers are my parents.", "I am 16. I play the violin. I have been playing for 5 years. My instrument knowledge is mostly with violins."]], [["I like the Grateful Dead and have seen them live in concert.", "I have brothers.", "My dad was once a farmer.", "I do not like to play the violin. I can use a keyboard, a mixer, and dj discs. I used to irritate my violin instructor on purpose. Playing violin frustrated me. I played violin when I was 15. I hated it.", "I was homeschooled from 2nd grade to graduation.", "I love music. I'm not good at playing instruments.", "I do breathing exercises."], ["I am a student. I'm in my school marching band. I am in band class.", "My parents are both teachers. I am in my parent's English class. They support me being in the school band. My parents are easy going. My classmates know that my teachers are my parents.", "I am 16. I play the violin. I have been playing for 5 years. My instrument knowledge is mostly with violins.", "I can't relate to other people sometimes.", "I get distracted when reading."]], [["I like the Grateful Dead and have seen them live in concert.", "I have brothers.", "My dad was once a farmer.", "I do not like to play the violin. I can use a keyboard, a mixer, and dj discs. I used to irritate my violin instructor on purpose. Playing violin frustrated me. I played violin when I was 15. I hated it.", "I was homeschooled from 2nd grade to graduation.", "I love music. I'm not good at playing instruments. I own Grateful Dead cds.", "I do breathing exercises.", "I have a two parents."], ["I am a student. I'm in my school marching band. I am in band class.", "My parents are both teachers. I am in my parent's English class. They support me being in the school band. My parents are easy going. My classmates know that my teachers are my parents.", "I am 16. I play the violin. I have been playing for 5 years. My instrument knowledge is mostly with violins.", "I can't relate to other people sometimes.", "I get distracted when reading.", "I am learning to play the guitar.I have trouble playing the guitar. I was taught to play the guitar by my parents."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_155_0", "test_155_1", "test_155_2", "test_155_3", "test_155_4", "test_155_5", "test_155_6", "test_155_7", "test_155_8", "test_155_9", "test_155_10", "test_155_11", "test_155_12", "test_155_13", "test_155_14", "test_155_15", "test_155_16", "test_155_17", "test_155_18", "test_155_19", "test_155_20", "test_155_21", "test_155_22", "test_155_23", "test_155_24", "test_155_25", "test_155_26", "test_155_27", "test_155_28", "test_155_29", "test_155_30", "test_155_31", "test_155_32", "test_155_33", "test_155_34", "test_155_35", "test_155_36", "test_155_37", "test_155_38", "test_155_39", "test_155_40", "test_155_41", "test_155_42", "test_155_43", "test_155_44", "test_155_45", "test_155_46", "test_155_47", "test_155_48", "test_155_49", "test_155_50", "test_155_51", "test_155_52", "test_155_53", "test_155_54", "test_155_55", "test_155_56", "test_155_57", "test_155_58", "test_155_59", "test_155_60", "test_155_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! How are you doing?", "I'm great. Just chilling, looking for inspiration to paint. Art is my passion.", "Nice! I'm headed to college next year. My college has a good art program.", "Great. Even if art is not your major, take a studio art class or two, no regrets.", "Exactly. I am going to study neuroscience but I will maybe broaden my horizon. We'll see.", "There is nothing for me like the freedom of being my own boss... Best life ever.", "Yes for sure. That's what I want when I become an eagle scout!", "Lol. I must be honest, the income stream is sporadic but I manage to travel and live.", "Lol! Lucky you. I'm stuck working at a fast food restaurant!", "Hey, no shame in doing honest work. But be determined to live not just exist.", "True. Doing that and eating ice cream, I will be more than happy!", "Ok, so why the interest in neuroscience?", "To be honest, I just think that kind of work is really gratifying.", "Good for you all the best with your career in neuroscience..", "You mentioned you are your own boss. Does the company you own focus on art?", "Yes it does. I also get children who are in poverty to make drawings and sell them so that they can buy some toys or clothes or whatever they want to do with the money they earn. ", "Oh wow, that's a really amazing idea. Did you go to art school and graduate? And how did you eventually get inspired to become an artist?", "Yes I did go to an art school. And so many people helped me finish the program and graduate that i just wanted to give back when I was able to. And what originally spired me was a man in my neighborhood just would sit outside i draw and paint and me and my friends would just watch him, so thats when i decided i wanted to become an artist. ", "Wow, that's a neat story. My mother really loved art but she died when I was quite young and I was just raised by my dad. He wasn't really interested in art.", "Yeah most people really go one way or the other they love it or hate it there doesn't really seem to be much of an in between. Are you looking forward to starting college soon?", "I am, but I'm also nervous about it. It'll be the first time I'm away from home and I feel a lot of pressure to do well and make the most of it. It's costing so much money.", "College is very expensive. It unfortunate college in the USA isn't more like the way European countries do it. But hopefully you can just make the experience as enjoyable as possible, im sure you will ben fine and love it once you're there. ", "Yes, I do hope to have some fun as well. But if I want to eventually stop working at a fast food restaurant I think I'll need to take it seriously, too. I want to make my dad proud since he's sacrificed a lot to be able to help me financially.", "Yeah i understand the pressure of trying to please family. I'm sure you will do the best you can possibly do and regardless your father will be proud of you. ", "What types of art are you working on right now? What are your favorite media to work with?", "Right now I am doing a wildlife project. Im hoping to go on a Safari trip so i can see more unique animals. I prefer water color pencils, but occasionally like to use acrylic paints. ", "How is your wildlife project coming along this week?", "It's is going pretty well. We are looking at cleaning up all the trash out of a local lake.", "That's awesome! My scout group actually adopted a local park to clean up every summer, it feels really good to give back and do something good.", "Yes, and I find that other people are super appreciative when you do projects like that.", "Absolutely. I usually have lots of free time to do things like that with my scout group, but this summer I'll be so busy with my job at the restaurant and preparing for college. I'm so nervous!", "What are you planning to go to college for?", "Premed for now, but I eventually want to go for Neuroscience. I think its really gratifying work and I get a lot of pleasure from helping others. Not to mention, the brain is so very interesting! Have you done anything new with your art lately?", "Cool, that seems like a really rewarding field. Yes I am working on a water color of a spot near where my cleanup project is.", "That's great! I wish I could see it. Have you ever considered going to school for art? You seem to have such a passion for it.", "I would really like to at some point, but only as a part time student. Art schools are so expensive these days.", "Not to mention, a degree in art certainly does not guarantee you any kind of employment when you're first leaving college. But I know it's not just about the money, sometimes.", "I would love to learn more about art, but it definitely would not be something I would get to try and pursue a degree in.", "This week I will be doing a on-campus orientation where I'll be staying overnight at the University. ", "Neat! Are you looking forward to it?", "Yeah, I'm a little nervous since it'll be my first time away from home, but I'm excited for the next step forward. Since you went to school, do you have any advice for me on orientation?", "Just make notes of where the buildings are that your classes will be in, that was the most helpful for me so that on the first day I wasn't lost and late for class.", "That's a great idea! Yeah I need to make sure I know where I'm going. How has the watercolor project been going?", "Good, it is just about finished. I will send you a photo of it when it is complete! Do you do any type of art?", "Not really, but I have done a lot of clean up projects and environmental projects with my Boy Scouts troop. It's been one of the most rewarding things I've ever been a part of. ", "That is very rewarding! Are you going to continue to do those types of projects once you go to college?", "Yeah! I haven't yet achieved my eagle scout, so I want to continue until I achieve that rank. But I'm sure you know how rewarding it is to do cleanups with your wildlife project. It feels so good to see all the work you do reflected in nature.", "Yes, it also really helps to put my mind at ease knowing that I am helping the environment in such a big way, even if it is just locally.", "Exactly, I just love seeing the impact that projects like that can have on the wildlife and the local community.", "So how is your dad feeling about you heading off to college?", "I loved your watercolor project, it was beautiful. Thank you for sending the picture.", "Thanks. I wasn't sure if I had captured the emotion right in the elephant's eye or not. There is a fine line between looking off into the distance and one of sadness. I think I had analyzed it so much that it looked like both.", "I was really impressed. Sure I don't know an acrylic from an oil painting, but it looked like a real elephant to me! ", "I hope you come out for the big event. I am planning on having the mural done by then. It is for the Think Locally, Act Globally campaign. I am showing the lifecycle of an everyday product as its thrown away and the potential danger it poses to the environment on where it can end up.", "Oh that sounds wonderful! I wouldn't miss that for anything. I love it when you can use different mediums to express something like environmentalism. It really gets people to think. Have you started working on it already?", "I am about half way done but am having a mental block. I want to show how products tossed effect every area of the world but I am still trying to trace a realistic path to Antarctica but need to do more research I guess. Any ideas?", "What about something like this: giant plastic soda wrapper that appears to be dragging a big, melting glacier towards the coastal US? That might show both dangers of the rising waters as well as man's direct involvement in it?", "I was focusing more on a realistic interpretation but that is very powerful. Perhaps that is my solution to incorporate both. Thanks!", "No problem, but I know you are the expert on all things art. It's weird that when it comes to things like that I think very abstractly, but then I am very concrete with everything else. Maybe there is a little bit of an artistic bone in my body?", "Absolutely. You should your hand at it. It is incredibly cathartic and would help you relieve some of that stress with how much you have on your plate.", "Maybe? Though you may have to stop me if you just seem sketching brains all the time!", "If it serves its purpose as an outlet than who cares! Perhaps you can incorporate it into your learning process as well for a memory retention aid. They say combining muscle memory with the mental reinforces it."], "init_persona": [[["I will be going to college next year.", "I study neuroscience and volunteer in a research lab.", "I am working on becoming an eagle scout.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "I like to eat ice cream."], ["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."]], [["I just graduated from high school and will be attending college next year. I am going to study neuroscience. My goal is to become an Eagle Scout. I chose to study neuroscience as I believe that kind of work is really gratifying.", "I work at a fast food restaurant."], ["Art is my passion.", "I am my own boss.", "I travel."]], [["I just graduated from high school and will be attending college next year. I am going to study neuroscience. My goal is to become an Eagle Scout. I chose to study neuroscience as I believe that kind of work is really gratifying.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "My mother loved art. My mother died when I was young. My dad raised me. My dad is not into art.", "I am looking forward to college. I am nervous. I hope to have some fun at school. My dad has helped me a lot."], ["I travel.", "Art is my passion. I am my own boss. I work in art. I help poor children make and sell art.", "I went to art school. I like to give back. I was inspired by a man from my neighborhood who painted.", "I am doing a wildlife project. I want to go on a safari. I like water colors. I use acrylics sometimes."]], [["I just graduated from high school and will be attending college next year. I am going to study neuroscience. My goal is to become an Eagle Scout. I chose to study neuroscience as I believe that kind of work is really gratifying.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "My mother loved art. My mother died when I was young. My dad raised me. My dad is not into art.", "I am looking forward to college. I am nervous. I hope to have some fun at school. My dad has helped me a lot.", "My Scout group has adopted a local park, which we clean up every summer. I like to give back to the community by doing something good.", "I usually have free time to do volunteer work, but this summer I am busy. I am preparing for college. I am nervous.", "I will be doing Premed in college. I am aiming for Neuroscience. I get pleasure from helping others. I find the brain really interesting."], ["I travel.", "Art is my passion. I am my own boss. I work in art. I help poor children make and sell art.", "I went to art school. I like to give back. I was inspired by a man from my neighborhood who painted.", "I am doing a wildlife project. I want to go on a safari. I like water colors. I use acrylics sometimes.", "My wildlife project is going well. We are planning to clean up the trash at a local lake. I am working on a watercolor painting of a spot near my clean-up project.", "I would like to go to art school part time. I would not try to get a degree in art, but I would love to learn more about it."]], [["I just graduated from high school and will be attending college next year. I am going to study neuroscience. My goal is to become an Eagle Scout. I chose to study neuroscience as I believe that kind of work is really gratifying.", "I work at a fast food restaurant.", "My mother loved art. My mother died when I was young. My dad raised me. My dad is not into art.", "I am looking forward to college. I hope to have some fun at school. My dad has helped me a lot.", "My Scout group has adopted a local park, which we clean up every summer. I like to give back to the community by doing something good. I find clean up and environmental projects rewarding.", "I usually have free time to do volunteer work, but this summer I am busy. I am preparing for college. This is my first time away from home, I am nervous but excited.", "I will be doing Premed in college. I get pleasure from helping others. I find the brain really interesting.", "I am not artistic."], ["I travel.", "Art is my passion. I am my own boss. I work in art. I help poor children make and sell art.", "I went to art school. I like to give back. I was inspired by a man from my neighborhood who painted.", "I am doing a wildlife project. I want to go on a safari. I like water colors. I use acrylics sometimes.", "My wildlife project is going well. We are planning to clean up the trash at a local lake. I am working on a watercolor painting of a spot near my clean-up project. I participate in a local wildfire cleanup project.", "I would like to go to art school part time. I would not try to get a degree in art, but I would love to learn more about it.", "I went to college already."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_158_0", "test_158_1", "test_158_2", "test_158_3", "test_158_4", "test_158_5", "test_158_6", "test_158_7", "test_158_8", "test_158_9", "test_158_10", "test_158_11", "test_158_12", "test_158_13", "test_158_14", "test_158_15", "test_158_16", "test_158_17", "test_158_18", "test_158_19", "test_158_20", "test_158_21", "test_158_22", "test_158_23", "test_158_24", "test_158_25", "test_158_26", "test_158_27", "test_158_28", "test_158_29", "test_158_30", "test_158_31", "test_158_32", "test_158_33", "test_158_34", "test_158_35", "test_158_36", "test_158_37", "test_158_38", "test_158_39", "test_158_40", "test_158_41", "test_158_42", "test_158_43", "test_158_44", "test_158_45", "test_158_46", "test_158_47", "test_158_48", "test_158_49", "test_158_50", "test_158_51", "test_158_52", "test_158_53", "test_158_54", "test_158_55", "test_158_56", "test_158_57", "test_158_58", "test_158_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I was born in the milky way.", "That sounds so cool! Just eating some jello here which is one of my fav foods.", "Thats my planets main food too!!", "Awesome! Do you have a family there? I've got two moms.", "Yeah they live on planet x with my two moms too.", "Wow. Do you have music there? I just love to hear rock music.", "Of course! We receive music frequencies from earth all the time.", "I have blonde hair like my mom who is a nurse. What color is yours?", "Mine is grey because of the many lightyears it took me to get here.", "How do you enjoy visiting earth?", "Its interesting since I migrated here, a lot has changed.", "For how long have you been here?", "Do either of your moms enjoy eating jello?", "Of course they do. How do you think I developed such a taste for it?! Do you like jello?", "Of course. I grew up eating Jello three or four times every day. That's how we do it on my home planet.", "Nice. I need to visit that planet! Where is your planet located?", "It's part of the Milky Way but it's pretty hard to find. You have to go past the Snickers and to the right of the Heath Bar planet.", "Lol, sounds like a nice place. What made you come to Earth then?", "When Bill Cosby got in trouble I got called here by the Jello overlords to do some damage control. I do a lot of PR work for aliens.", "Hmm, interesting. Do you like it here?", "This planet is amazing. You guys are so lucky. What's your favorite planet?", "I only know this one so I guess I would have to say Earth. Although, Saturn looks kind of neat from a distance.", "I've only driven past Saturn, I've never stopped there. I've heard that it's basically a tourist trap and kind of expensive.", "Really? I had no idea that anything even existed there. ", "I just went to the store to buy more jello and they were completely out. I got something called pudding to try instead. Have you ever had it?", "Pudding is amazing. You have to try all sorts of new foods on earth. What type of pudding did you get?", "The type of pudding that I would get is Pistachio. How about yourself?", "What??!!?! Pistachio pudding? Do you mean chocolate?", "You have never had pistachio pudding? I usually buy it at the store. They have a powder you can mix to make instant pudding. ", "No, I never knew that existed. Do you like pistachio pudding more than jello?", "Yes, I like the consistency much better. I also think that pudding has more of a flavor than jello. Which do you like better? Jello or pudding?", "I also prefer pudding. The texture feels so creamy and succulent in my mouth. It's so good for how cheap it is.", "Yes, I would agree. Have you ever put whipped cream on top of your pudding?", "I'm actually not a big fan of whipped cream, unfortunately. Did you buy store bought whipped cream for it?", "I have made it from scratch, I bought heavy whipping cream, put it in a mixer and mixed it until it created whipped cream. ", "Wow, that's fancy. Have you tried that on your jello too?", "I just learned to make a Jello pudding pie. It's my favorite dessert now. You use a graham cracker crust. ", "That sounds really good. How did you make it? ", "Well it was the easiest thing to do\u2026. Combining two of my favorite desserts, jello & pudding to make the mega dessert\u2026 jello pudding pie tada! And drumroll please!!", "What flavors did you use? Di you buy the crust or make it?", "I know I could\u2019ve made it but I didn\u2019t see the point when the graham cracker crust was available\u2026. Maybe next time I\u2019ll make it from scratch? I\u2019m sure you\u2019re going to love this hybrid recipe too :)", "I am sure I will love it. What is the best flavors to use?", "Pistachio of course\u2026 I\u2019m going to try all the flavors one by one, but that\u2019s the top choice right now ;)", "I will have to try is. What flavor are you going to try next?", "Well, what do you recommend?!", "I was thinking chocolate pudding and strawberry jello.", "Ooh\u2026 that\u2019s a nice combo\u2026 I\u2019m drooling just thinking about it!", "Maybe even a chocolate gram cracker crust", "I got a stomach ache from eating too much pudding and jello! How did your mom used to take care of your stomach aches when you were little?", "Peptobismal is amazing! You should try it; it takes the stomach ache away entirely. Activated Charcoal is another amazing medicine that really helps with stomach aches. My mom's a nurse so she knows a lot about this stuff. Did you try anything to help it?", "It eventually went away on it's own, but I will make a note of the items you provided. I don't know why the Jello overlords didn't give me a solution or warn me. Then again, our work did get Cosby freed so maybe they were celebrating?", "They may be celebrating but Cosby was guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault. He's not a good person who should be free. That's my opinion though. I would not be celebrating. ", "A job is a job I guess. I try not to put my personal thoughts into the matter or who knows what they will have done to me. I guess I'm a little like a lawyer who really has to push those things to the side.", "I guess that makes sense. Is that hard for you? What will you do now that Cosby is freed and back in society?", "It can be hard for me. It is even harder because my job may require me to make very bad people look very good. Right now I am being tasked with slowly getting his name associated with something not so negative. We have already started doing some clean-up of his image through YouTube channels (but I can't tell you which ones).", "Hopefully it works for you. I cannot support you as the courts found that Cosby assaulted women but a job is a job I guess. Do you think it is working? Everyone I know hates Cosby because of the harm he has caused for so many women.", "I hate being the messenger sometimes! What I am most worried about is they will ask me to attack his victims. They didn't try that before because they only reached out to me after the trial had begun. I think the best case scenario for Cosby and the overlords is something like Louis CK, but Cosby is so old I don't see that tour happening.", "Who is Louis CK? I've never heard of them. Hopefully they won't make you attack the victims. That would be awful and super unprofessional. ", "Sadly, the aliens don't have a concept of professionalism. They simply want their needs fulfilled. As for Louis CK, he is a comedian who had been accused of exposing himself. He sort of disappeared for awhile and then has come back with new comedy specials.", "Did he actually expose himself though? I would probably quit your job. I could never work against my morals and ethics. I guess it's nice that you get a lot of jello. "], "init_persona": [[["I was born in india.", "I was 14 when my family migrated to united states.", "I have a master's degree in business.", "I like to play sports especially tennis.", "I love to cook."], ["I am a blond.", "My favorite food is jello.", "I like rock music.", "I have 2 moms.", "My mother is a nurse."]], [["I was born in the milky way. I migrated to earth.", "My family lives on planet x. I have two moms.", "I have Grey hair."], ["Jello is one of my favorite foods.", "I have two moms.", "I love rock music.", "I have blonde hair. My mom is a nurse. My mom has blonde hair."]], [["I was born in the milky way. I migrated to earth. am from a different planet that is part of the Milky Way, but it is hard to find.", "My family lives on planet x. I have two moms.", "I have Grey hair.", "I eat jello three or four times a day. I came to earth because the Jello overlords asked me for help with the Bill Cosby case. I do PR work for aliens.", "I love living on Earth. I have never been to Saturn because I think it is a tourist trap."], ["Jello is one of my favorite foods.", "I have two moms.", "I love rock music.", "I have blonde hair. My mom is a nurse. My mom has blonde hair.", "I have multiple moms that enjoy eating jello. I love jello. I would like to visit a planet where jello is ate a lot.", "I think Earth is my favorite planet, though I like the way Saturn looks from a distance. I did not know anything existed on Saturn."]], [["I was born in the milky way. I migrated to earth. am from a different planet that is part of the Milky Way, but it is hard to find.", "My family lives on planet x. I have two moms.", "I have Grey hair.", "I eat jello three or four times a day. I came to earth because the Jello overlords asked me for help with the Bill Cosby case. I do PR work for aliens.", "I love living on Earth. I have never been to Saturn because I think it is a tourist trap.", "I buy instant pistachio pudding. I like the consistency of pudding more than Jello. I think pudding has more flavor.", "I make whipped cream from scratch."], ["Jello is one of my favorite foods.", "I have two moms.", "I love rock music.", "I have blonde hair. My mom is a nurse. My mom has blonde hair.", "I have multiple moms that enjoy eating jello. I love jello. I would like to visit a planet where jello is ate a lot.", "I think Earth is my favorite planet, though I like the way Saturn looks from a distance. I did not know anything existed on Saturn.", "I like pudding more than Jello, because it's creamy and succulent.", "I don't like whipped cream very much."]], [["I was born in the milky way. I migrated to earth. am from a different planet that is part of the Milky Way, but it is hard to find.", "My family lives on planet x. I have two moms.", "I have Grey hair.", "I eat jello three or four times a day. I came to earth because the Jello overlords asked me for help with the Bill Cosby case. I do PR work for aliens.", "I love living on Earth. I have never been to Saturn because I think it is a tourist trap.", "I buy instant pistachio pudding. I like pistachio flavored desserts. I like the consistency of pudding more than Jello. I think pudding has more flavor.", "I make whipped cream from scratch.", "I recently learned to make jello pudding pie and it is now my favorite dessert. I don't see the point of making crust from scratch when premade crust is available."], ["Jello is one of my favorite foods.", "I have two moms.", "I love rock music.", "I have blonde hair. My mom is a nurse. My mom has blonde hair.", "I have multiple moms that enjoy eating jello. I love jello. I would like to visit a planet where jello is ate a lot.", "I think Earth is my favorite planet, though I like the way Saturn looks from a distance. I did not know anything existed on Saturn.", "I like pudding more than Jello, because it's creamy and succulent.", "I don't like whipped cream very much.", "I would like to try a jello pudding pie made out of chocolate pudding and strawberry jello. I recommend chocolate graham cracker crust."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_160_0", "test_160_1", "test_160_2", "test_160_3", "test_160_4", "test_160_5", "test_160_6", "test_160_7", "test_160_8", "test_160_9", "test_160_10", "test_160_11", "test_160_12", "test_160_13", "test_160_14", "test_160_15", "test_160_16", "test_160_17", "test_160_18", "test_160_19", "test_160_20", "test_160_21", "test_160_22", "test_160_23", "test_160_24", "test_160_25", "test_160_26", "test_160_27", "test_160_28", "test_160_29", "test_160_30", "test_160_31", "test_160_32", "test_160_33", "test_160_34", "test_160_35", "test_160_36", "test_160_37", "test_160_38", "test_160_39", "test_160_40", "test_160_41", "test_160_42", "test_160_43", "test_160_44", "test_160_45", "test_160_46", "test_160_47", "test_160_48", "test_160_49", "test_160_50", "test_160_51", "test_160_52", "test_160_53", "test_160_54", "test_160_55", "test_160_56", "test_160_57", "test_160_58", "test_160_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there how are you?", "Great. Thanks for asking. Just chilling on the porch as I work from home on web design.", "Oh that sounds fun I love my porch wish I had more time for it.", "I get to spend more time with my 3 kids and my 2 dogs. Lol.", "Oh how sweet. My job leaves me little time for family. Kind of inherited lol.", "Well what do you do?", "Therapy it pays well but id rather watch the lions and eat pizza all day.", "Lol I can relate. During my computer break I help out around the farm.", "Oh how lovely. What a picture perfect life :) like a rockwell painting.", "True. Lol. It is a very satisfying life. I'm very grateful for my family.", "How long have you been married?", "17 years since 2001. How about you?", "What kind of farm do you have? Is it more centered around crops or animals?", "I have a canola farm, it's definitely more centered around crops but I have some animals too like sheep, cows, and chicken. How is your family?", "That is interesting! My family is doing well. My husband Paul just had to go out of town for work. ", "Great to hear! What does your husband do for work?", "He works for Doctors Without Borders. Very noble, but he's gone a lot. But I am busy with my work too, so it works out, but this is probably why we do not have any kids yet. No time. How are your kids?", "My kids are good, my youngest, Chester, just graduated from kindergarten, I'm so proud of him. How is therapy going?", "Way to go, Chester! Therapy is ok. It really puts things in perspective when I hear people talk about their lives and trials. It makes me appreciate what I have more when I start to feel down about Paul being gone so often.", " Yeah it's always humbling seeing with another person's point of view. Sorry to hear Paul's work is so demanding, it must be hard working away from home all the time. How does he feel about it?", "He used to love it, but I think he may be getting ready to settle down in one place. How is the world of web design?", "It's going alright, it's our least busiest time of the year but we are still making enough sales to get by. Where did Paul plan on settling?", "I'm glad you're making enough to get by! I suppose that kind of work requires a lot of budgeting for slow seasons. I hope Paul and I end up settling right here in California. ", "Oh that's awesome! I love California, the weather there is beautiful. Are you going to continue therapy in California?", "My husband Paul came home from his work trip.", "He is a doctor right? Where did he go for his trip?", "He is. He was in Rwanda, Africa. He had an amazing time. He's so glad he went. I couldn't imagine doing that myself. How is the farm, you must be busy this time of year!", "Yes it has been really busy. When you have a bunch of farm animals it is a 7 day a week job, there is always something to do.", "I bet, not to mention your kids and other pets! Do you ever get time to relax?", "I usually have a few hours in the evening after the animals are taken care of and my other work is done, but not much more than that. How is your therapy job going?", "It's going well. I am finally at the point where the clients I am working with are making progress and making gains and getting their confidence back! It's now rewarding, I had doubts when I started.", "Oh okay, are you a physical therapist or a psychologist/psychiatrist?", "Physical. I help clients regain mobility, after accidents/surgeries.", "That must be really rewarding. There is nothing worse than feeling like you have a physical limitation. Your clients must really appreciate what you do.", "I hope so. Like I said, I am now starting to see their hard work and so are they. It's nice to see them regain hope.", "I can see why you and your partner are together, like minds and talents attract!", "How's your web design going from earlier? Still working on it?", "I am enjoying the fresh air at home but the kids sometimes distract me from progressing faster.", "how do they distract you?", "They are always making noise when I have to work indoors. And the dogs bark every time they go down the hallway. How is your work going?", "it's been going okay. I love getting to help people and support them in finding wellness again! it's really rewarding.", "I enjoy my farm and right now the kids like picking all the chicken eggs and preparing breakfast for me. It's been pretty fun. Do you enjoy tie outside?", "I do! when we travel for paul's work we are outside or camping a lot and I love that. how cool is that -- your kids cook for you! are they good little chefs?", "Chester is a great chef. He also likes to milk the cows and make homemade fresh ice cream. ", "does making ice cream require a lot of eqiupment?", "No, just an ice cream maker that plugs in. It is delicious. Do you enjoy any good foods when you travel with your husband?", "that's super cool. I should get me one of those. yeah, we get to try all the local quisines of places we go and that's been exciting and humbling. food is so different all over the world. it's such an experience!", "Sounds delicious but also could be scary trying new things! How does your husband enjoy travelling?", "What other farm animals do you have? Do you only have chicken? ", "No I also have sheep and cows, have you been camping lately? I would love to take my children camping sometime.", "I have not been camping this year, but we plan to i the next month, we have not decided where yet. Where do you want to take your kids camping ?", "I would love to be able to travel and take them camping all over, it must be very exciting to be able to travel often.", "Most of the place are beautiful, but they can be rough sometimes, don't expect western comfort everywhere in the world. ", "i see where that could be the case. Do you and your husband plan on having children.", "Not for the moment, we are happy with our lives. How is the canola ? Will it be harvested soon ?", "Yes it is almost harvest time, very busy time around here. I would love to chat with you again sometime but I'm afraid I've run out of time today, was good talking with you though.", "Ok, what are you going now ? I don't want to mess up an important task. ", "I have to pick up my youngest from school, and run a few errands is all.", "OK, you should not be late picking your youngest, kids don't have much patience. ", "They do not you are right, so I'll talk to you later."], "init_persona": [[["I am blonde.", "I like to watch football.", "My mom is a nurse.", "I am a therapist.", "My favorite food is pizza."], ["I like dogs.", "I live on a farm.", "I work for the computer industry.", "I love my job.", "I have three kids."]], [["I love my porch.", "I work a lot and have a family.", "My job is therapy."], ["I am working from home on my porch doing web design.", "I have 3 kids and 2 dogs.", "I live on a farm.", "I have been married for 17 years since 2001."]], [["I love my porch.", "I work a lot and have a family.", "My job is therapy.", "I have a husband named Paul who recently went out of town for work. My husband Paul works for Doctors Without Borders. I do not have kids.", "I live in California."], ["I am working from home on my porch doing web design. I work in web design sales.", "I have 3 kids and 2 dogs. My youngest kid is named Chester.", "I have been married for 17 years since 2001.", "I live on a farm. I have a canola farm. I also have sheeps, cows, and chickens at my farm."]], [["I love my porch.", "I work a lot and have a family. I am a physical therapist.", "My job is therapy.", "I have a husband named Paul who recently went out of town for work. My husband Paul works for Doctors Without Borders. I do not have kids.", "I live in California.", "My husband is a doctor who recently went to Rwanda in Africa."], ["I am working from home on my porch doing web design. I work in web design sales.", "I have 3 kids and 2 dogs. My youngest kid is named Chester.", "I have been married for 17 years since 2001.", "I live on a farm. I have a canola farm. I also have sheeps, cows, and chickens at my farm. I have very limited time during the day for myself."]], [["I love my porch.", "I work a lot and have a family. I am a physical therapist.", "My job is therapy. I am employed in the wellness industry.", "I have a husband named Paul who recently went out of town for work. My husband Paul works for Doctors Without Borders. I do not have kids.", "I live in California.", "My husband is a doctor who recently went to Rwanda in Africa.", "I love outdoors and camping. We travel frequently."], ["I am working from home on my porch doing web design. I work in web design sales. I am a web designer with kids. I work indoors with my profession.", "I have 3 kids and 2 dogs. My youngest kid is named Chester.", "I have been married for 17 years since 2001.", "I live on a farm. I have a canola farm. I also have sheeps, cows, and chickens at my farm. I have very limited time during the day for myself.", "I live on an farm and breed chicken eggs.", "I have an ice cream maker."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_161_0", "test_161_1", "test_161_2", "test_161_3", "test_161_4", "test_161_5", "test_161_6", "test_161_7", "test_161_8", "test_161_9", "test_161_10", "test_161_11", "test_161_12", "test_161_13", "test_161_14", "test_161_15", "test_161_16", "test_161_17", "test_161_18", "test_161_19", "test_161_20", "test_161_21", "test_161_22", "test_161_23", "test_161_24", "test_161_25", "test_161_26", "test_161_27", "test_161_28", "test_161_29", "test_161_30", "test_161_31", "test_161_32", "test_161_33", "test_161_34", "test_161_35", "test_161_36", "test_161_37", "test_161_38", "test_161_39", "test_161_40", "test_161_41", "test_161_42", "test_161_43", "test_161_44", "test_161_45", "test_161_46", "test_161_47", "test_161_48", "test_161_49", "test_161_50", "test_161_51", "test_161_52", "test_161_53", "test_161_54", "test_161_55", "test_161_56", "test_161_57", "test_161_58", "test_161_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["My family is awesome, what about yours?", "They are good. Two brothers. You?", "One sister, she has autism. My mom is awesome to care for her.", "Hey thats a lot for mom to deal with. Go mom.", "She taught me well, I want to be a nurse, a healer and cargiver like her.", "Thats cool. I think I do not want to be a farmer like my dad.", "I wouldn't want to be a farmer either. I'm from argentina, what about you?", "Not from argentina. From the states, from michigan. Do you know who slartibartfast is?", "Never, ever heard of it....tell me more.", "Who, slartibartfast is, who. He was a character in a movie. A movie I like.", "I'll have to look him up.", "I recently moved to chicago. Its a nice place.", "My sister just said the funniest thing to my mom!", "Oh what did she say?", "She asked her if oranges are called oranges because they orange or because they are a fruit. ", "That is funny and also very thought provoking. One of my brothers was always asking things like that when he was a younger. ", "I think it is because she is autistic. Her brain looks at things very black and white.", "Your mom does a great job taking care of her. I know you'll be just as good of a caretaker. Are you almost done with nursing school?", "Nearly, can't believe I will be out in the world looking after people on my own.", "Yeah I'm sure there are a lot of hospitals hiring right now too. Do you have a place in mind where you want to work yet? You could always work in Chicago near me. ", "I am open to travelling anywhere really. It is something I am used to, coming from Argentina.", "You're traveling more than Slartibartfast did in the Hitchhiker's Guide movies. Its nice to see the world. ", "I agree, you can't complain about things if you haven't seen the rest of the world.", "Plus you'll be doing something to really help society. Nurses don't get enough credit for what they do. ", "I've started researching the work options for nurses in Chicago and it does seem like there are plenty of them! What are some of your favorite parts about living in Chicago?", "I love Chicago. It's very cultured and diverse. There is something for everybody there, I suppose. It's a lot like my hometown, Detroit, but just much bigger. But it still gives that mid-western, industrial back-bone feel. It's great.", "Good to hear! I am thinking more and more about living in Chicago for some time. Was it much of an adjustment moving from Detroit to Chicago?", "No, not really. They are both very blue-collar cities, so it wasn't a whole lot of adjustment. It's only about a 5 hour drive from Detroit to Chicago, so I've actually spent a lot of time here in the past! So I guess you could say I was already quite familiar with it. You should definitely consider it if you're looking to move! They do have great nursing schools here.", "Excellent to hear! Chicago is definitely near the top of my list, and I might like to try Detroit someday too. I'm not very familiar with American cities overall though. Why did you move to Chicago originally?", "I left Michigan for more work opportunities and higher pay. Michigan has been struggling financially for quite some while, and I wanted to distance myself more from my father's farming business and be more independent. Chicago is definitely a place to discover yourself!", "Oh, okay, interesting. I can understand why you'd want to get out of agriculture. What type of work are you doing now?", "Right now, I am working part time in a restaurant, while also doing odd jobs and handyman jobs in my free time with the skills I've picked up on the farm. Turns out I can be quite handy! How is nursing school going for you?", "Not too bad! It's pretty difficult work, but I feel like I'm picking it up at a good pace and adjusting well enough. I am hoping that I can finish within the next year if I maintain a good pace. How do you find customers for handy work?", "Mostly in craigslist, or from my business's Facebook page. There are so many people in Chicago, so it seems I found a good niche if I keep my prices competitive. ", "Yeah, I believe that. I feel like people always need some work done. Part of what interests me about nursing is that there's always going to be demand for healthcare", "Yes, it's a sad truth that your career path will always be in demand. Always has been and always will be! But I guess you can sleep better at night knowing you have the best job security. Not to mention, how blessed it is to devote your life to the helping of others.", "I applied for a couple of nursing jobs in Chicago. Now I am nervous to see if they will call me for interviews!", "That's amazing! I understand your nervousness, it's a big step and the suspense of waiting to hear back is huge!", "So huge! I am hoping we can at least do initial interviews via Zoom, but I hope I get some follow-ups that will take me to the city! On their dime would be great haha!", "Haha, yes having a trip paid for would certainly be preferred. Did they give you an ETA for about how long it would take for them to get back to you?", "No, but two of them stop accepting applications today, so I assume I will hear soon. Ah! So exciting/scary. I think I would like Chicago. I have been reading about the Fullerton Beach. Have you every been there? ", "No I haven't but it seems like a cool place. What did you read about it?", "That it is a nice escape from city life but it can get crowded, especially with DePaul University right down the road.", "Yeah, that's the thing about beaches near big cities. It takes away from the serenity of the experience in my opinion.", "At least it is an option? I am also curious about the theatre scene. Do you ever go to see live shows?", "That's a fair point. Oh I love going to live shows! Comedy, music, theater, you name it! Any excuse to get out and I'm there, haha. Do you think Chicago has a good live scene?", "I hear that it does, but you are the one living it. Have you ever seen a show at Second CIty? A lot of SNL talent comes from there apparently.", "Haha I meant for your tastes. Personally, the comedy here is probably my favorite. I'm not sure how it compares on the theater front. New York is better known for its theater.", "I heard back from one of the places I applied! They are asking me to do a Zoom interview with them tomorrow. ", "Great! Have you practiced any interview questions?", "I have been doing some research online about questions that may be asked. Someone else recommended hiring a professional to help me, but I think I should be okay without one... I hope. How is business going for you?", "It is going okay, between the restaurant and odd jobs, I am working a lot. It will be nice to get a couple days off. ", "I bet! Any ideas what you want to do on your days off? Maybe you should arrange a trip to Fullerton Beach since you've always wanted to go. I love the beaches here, completely relaxes my mind.", "That does sound very relaxing but I will probably try getting out of the city to go camping and disconnect for a few days.", "I have always wanted to go camping, but it never seems to happen. I bet you have great places around there to camp. Do you go to a campground, or into the wilderness?", "A campground, I will probably head back to Michigan, there are great campgrounds there! Do you have any upcoming trips planned?", "Not officially, but one of my friends here wants to go hiking for a day. We have some beautiful terrain in these parts, so I am hoping our plans actually pan out. I've heard a lot of good things about Michigan, hopefully I will visit myself one day.", "I bet, I have always wanted to visit Argentina! So what city is your interview tomorrow in?", "Villa La Angostura. We used to go there a lot when I was young. It's so beautiful and very outdoorsy.", "Oh neat! Have you looked into any more jobs in Chicago or Detroit?"], "init_persona": [[["I have brown hair.", "I am latina.", "My mother works for special needs clients.", "I am a healer.", "I love my family."], ["I have 2 brothers older than me.", "My dad was a farmer back in the day.", "I recently moved to a new city.", "I drove 1000 miles to see my favorite band play."]], [["I have one sister. My sister has autism. My mom takes care of my sister who has autism.", "I want to be a nurse. My mom is a nurse.", "I do not want to be a farmer. I am from Argentina."], ["I have two brothers.", "My dad is a farmer. I do not want to be a farmer.", "I am from Michigan in the United States. I live in Chicago.", "I like a movie with slartibartfast."]], [["I have one sister. My sister has autism. My mom takes care of my sister who has autism.", "I want to be a nurse. My mom is a nurse. I am in nursing school.", "I do not want to be a farmer. I am from Argentina.", "I will travel anywhere for work. I think it is important to see the world."], ["I have two brothers.", "My dad is a farmer. I do not want to be a farmer.", "I am from Michigan in the United States. I live in Chicago.", "I like a movie with slartibartfast. I am familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide movies."]], [["I have one sister. My sister has autism. My mom takes care of my sister who has autism.", "I want to be a nurse. My mom is a nurse. I am in nursing school.", "I do not want to be a farmer. I am from Argentina.", "I will travel anywhere for work. I think it is important to see the world.", "I have started researching the many work options for nurses in Chicago.", "I don't know a lot of American cities. I am very interesting in Chicago, but might be interested in Detroit too someday.", "Nursing school is difficult but I am picking it up at a good pace. I am adjusting to it well. I am hoping to finish in the next year."], ["I have two brothers.", "My dad is a farmer. I do not want to be a farmer.", "I am from Michigan in the United States. I live in Chicago.", "I like a movie with slartibartfast. I am familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide movies.", "I love Chicago and its culture and diversity. I am from Detroit.", "It wasn't very hard to adjust to living in Chicago because it's a blue-collar city like Detroit. I had already spent a lot of time in Chicago.", "I left Michigan for work opportunities and higher salary. I wanted to distance myself from my father's farming business. I wanted to be more independent.", "I work part-time at a restaurant. I do odd jobs and handyman jobs. I learned a lot of relevant skills on the farm. I am handy.", "I find customers for my handyman jobs on Craigslist and my business's Facebook page. I have found a good niche."]], [["I have one sister. My sister has autism. My mom takes care of my sister who has autism.", "I want to be a nurse. My mom is a nurse. I am in nursing school.", "I do not want to be a farmer. I am from Argentina.", "I will travel anywhere for work. I think it is important to see the world.", "I have started researching the many work options for nurses in Chicago. I do not currently work in Chicago.", "I don't know a lot of American cities. I am very interesting in Chicago, but might be interested in Detroit too someday.", "Nursing school is difficult but I am picking it up at a good pace. I am adjusting to it well. I am hoping to finish in the next year."], ["I have two brothers.", "My dad is a farmer. I do not want to be a farmer.", "I am from Michigan in the United States. I live in Chicago.", "I like a movie with slartibartfast. I am familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide movies.", "I love Chicago and its culture and diversity. I am from Detroit.", "It wasn't very hard to adjust to living in Chicago because it's a blue-collar city like Detroit. I had already spent a lot of time in Chicago. I love the comedy in Chicago.", "I left Michigan for work opportunities and higher salary. I wanted to distance myself from my father's farming business. I wanted to be more independent.", "I work part-time at a restaurant. I do odd jobs and handyman jobs. I learned a lot of relevant skills on the farm. I am handy.", "I find customers for my handyman jobs on Craigslist and my business's Facebook page. I have found a good niche.", "I have never been to Fullerton Beach.", "I love going to see live shows. I love comedy, music, and theater shows."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_162_0", "test_162_1", "test_162_2", "test_162_3", "test_162_4", "test_162_5", "test_162_6", "test_162_7", "test_162_8", "test_162_9", "test_162_10", "test_162_11", "test_162_12", "test_162_13", "test_162_14", "test_162_15", "test_162_16", "test_162_17", "test_162_18", "test_162_19", "test_162_20", "test_162_21", "test_162_22", "test_162_23", "test_162_24", "test_162_25", "test_162_26", "test_162_27", "test_162_28", "test_162_29", "test_162_30", "test_162_31", "test_162_32", "test_162_33", "test_162_34", "test_162_35", "test_162_36", "test_162_37", "test_162_38", "test_162_39", "test_162_40", "test_162_41", "test_162_42", "test_162_43", "test_162_44", "test_162_45", "test_162_46", "test_162_47", "test_162_48", "test_162_49", "test_162_50", "test_162_51", "test_162_52", "test_162_53", "test_162_54", "test_162_55", "test_162_56", "test_162_57", "test_162_58", "test_162_59", "test_162_60", "test_162_61", "test_162_62", "test_162_63", "test_162_64", "test_162_65", "test_162_66", "test_162_67", "test_162_68", "test_162_69"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi.", "Hi.", "What do you like doing in your spare time?", "I love reading and going to art museums. What about you?", "Walking on the beach near where I live is great fun.", "I wish I was closer to the beach. I live about an hour away.", "The mountains are great for walking also.", "They are. I haven't done much hiking though because of the rain.", "I don't get out often because I am still in high school studying.", "I have a daughter in high school. What grade are you in?", "I am in year 9, so doing my o levels now.", "You must be somewhere in europe then. My daughter is in 11th grade and I'm in california.", "Yes I am in the uk studying spanish.", "My daughter is studying french.", "That is good for a job in europe.", "I think for university she wants to study either in the uk or france.", "I would say uk is better. Better quality teaching. But that is just my opinion.", "I think she is leaning that way..", "The fees are expensive so shop around for the best university.", "Will do. Thanks for chatting with me..", "No probs. Been a pleasure, hope I helped.", "You did. Have a good rest of your day!", "I was able to find some time today to take a break from studying for school and go walk on the beach.", "That sounds lovely, I am goin to the beach with my daughter later today.", "It's always nice to get out to the beach and take a walk. Does your daughter like the beach?", "She does, but school studies take up a lot of her time, she is trying to get in to university.", "Tell me about it. I spend most of my time studying. Has she decided where she is going to go?", "She wants to study French at a university abroad. What are you studying?", "I'm studying Spanish. So, she wants to study a foreign language like me. How fascinating!", "I do not speak any foreign languages, Spanish sounds like a great language to learn. Where do you study?", "I study in the UK but go to Spain in the summer to put it all to the test. Thinking back, I probably should have just attended school in Spain to learn better and be immersed in the language.", "Do you hike in the UK? I am going to spend my summer time hiking in California while my daughter is busy studying.", "I haven't been proper hiking in some time. The last time was in the Ludlow area. When I get some free time from studying I like to go the beach instead. What is it like hiking in California?", "Ludlow, that sounds like a beautiful place, I have never been! Hiking in California is wonderful, I can walk down to the beach and enjoy drinks and lunch at my favorite taco spot to relax.", "My friends are planning a hike just like we talked about. This is gonna get interesting.", "Oh, cool! Where are they planning to go? I love hiking.", "Haha, I know you love hiking, silly! I will be visiting CA next week on business. You got the time for us?", "Yes, of course! The weather should be better then. It actually rained today which is unusual for southern California. I'll come pick you up at the airport if you like.", "Sounds great! Bring your daughter along! The hike is on near the ocean in Malibu.", "I have the perfect place. We just need to climb down the path but it's pretty safe. At the bottom is a natural Hot Springs. A bunch of us meet up there.", "We can watch the sunset & sing campfire songs! I have a harmonica. Which one of you lovely ladies strums or sings?", "I really want to make some s'mores then! I play the guitar, but, still learning. I bet it will sound good with your harmonica.", "After a beers anyways! ", "That sounds perfect. I'll make sure to pick some up. ", "And I will bring some from the UK with me, I am sure you will love. So, how was tour day?", "I'd love to try the UK beer! My day was good but tiring. I'm glad tomorrow is a day off. How was yours?", "How are your guitar lessons going? I'm thinking about picking it up myself for fun.", "They are going really well! I think you should get a guitar! It is so much fun!", "Yeah I might at some point. I have always wanted to play the guitar, but I have never pulled the trigger. Can you play any songs yet?", "I'm just learning all the different chords right now but I'm hoping to start learning songs in the next two weeks!", "Are you playing electric or acoustic guitar?", "Acoustic guitar right now but I would like to learn electric too! Which would you prefer?", "I listen to a lot of rock, so electric guitar for sure.", "That's super cool! I love rock music. Do you have a favorite band or artist?", "Probably Led Zeppelin. I am a big fan of the classic stuff, you?", "I like more modern rock definitely am more into bluesy grassroots type stuff. Maybe we could start a band!", "I'm down, what will our band's name be?", "I think we should be called \"The Guitar Heroes\"! What do you think?", "Did you and your daughter get to go to the beach today?", "Yeah, it's pretty cloudy but they decided to go down anyway and make the most of it. I'm sure with the holiday it must be packed though.", "Here's hoping the clouds keep a few people away. I think one plus with the 4th of July is a lot of people might be heading to some firework displays away from the beach? ", "Yeah, they're not in an area where they do fireworks over the water so hopefully where they're at it's not packed. How have you been spending your summer vacation?", "It's been pretty good. Just recently I was getting everything ready for my trip to California. I also found out that a Zeppelin cover band is going to be performing near my hotel while I'm in town!", "Nice, how long are you visiting for? Hopefully the weather is good for you.", "It was going to be for a week, but I was able to get it to a week-and-a-half. The last three days will be like a true vacation! The weather looked pretty good for the week ahead, but you never know!", "So the first week will be jam packed and the last three days will be dedicated to relaxing? That's definitely a good plan. Sometimes vacations can be so jam packed you need a vacation to recover from vacation.lol", "LOL. I bet I will get some down-time during the business portion as well. Sometimes there is one or two serious meetings and the rest is wining and dining!", "I hope the wine is grape juice since you're still in grade school.lol ", "LOL. Well, Year 9 is a step above that, but you know I like being silly. It's a phrase my dad loves using all the time. I guess it's his way of saying \"it's ok to get knackered!\"", "The drinking age is lower in the UK than it is here in the states, right? It's 21 here."], "init_persona": [[["I love taking walks on the beach.", "In my free time, I go on mountain hikes.", "I can speak english and spanish fluently.", "I'm currently in high school.", "I am moving to a new house next week."], ["I am a hunter.", "I like to go hunting.", "My favorite animal to hunt is deer.", "Deer are over populated and that concerns me.", "I am generally concerned about wildlife."]], [["I love walking on the beach near where I live in my spare time.", "I am in year 9 of high school and doing my o levels.", "I live in the uk and study spanish. The fees in the uk are expensive for university."], ["I love reading and going to art museums in my spare time.", "I live about an hour away from the beach.", "I have not been able to hike in the mountains lately due to the rain.", "I have a daughter who is in high school.", "I am from California and my daughter is in the 11th grade. My daughter studies french.", "My daughter wants to attend a university in either the uk or france. I believe my daughter is leaning towards attending university in the uk."]], [["I love walking on the beach near where I live in my spare time.", "I am in year 9 of high school and doing my o levels.", "I live in the uk and study spanish. The fees in the uk are expensive for university.", "I spend most of my time studying. I go to Spain in the summer to test my language skills. I went to hiking in Ludlow area. I like to go to beach to take a break from studying."], ["I love reading and going to art museums in my spare time.", "I live about an hour away from the beach.", "I have not been able to hike in the mountains lately due to the rain.", "I am from California and my daughter is in the 11th grade. My daughter studies french.", "I have a daughter who is in high school. My daughter wants to attend a university in either the uk or france. I believe my daughter is leaning towards attending university in the uk. My daughter wants to study French at an university abroad.", "I do not speak any foreign languages.", "I'm planning to go hiking in California this summer. I like going on the beaches of California. I have a Favorite taco spot in the California beach."]], [["I love walking on the beach near where I live in my spare time.", "I am in year 9 of high school and doing my o levels.", "I live in the uk and study spanish. The fees in the uk are expensive for university.", "I spend most of my time studying. I go to Spain in the summer to test my language skills. I went to hiking in Ludlow area. I like to go to beach to take a break from studying.", "I will be going hiking with my friends soon. I will be visiting California next week for a business trip.", "I have a harmonica.", "I like drinking beer."], ["I love reading and going to art museums in my spare time.", "I live about an hour away from the beach.", "I have not been able to hike in the mountains lately due to the rain.", "I am from California and my daughter is in the 11th grade. My daughter studies french.", "I have a daughter who is in high school. My daughter wants to attend a university in either the uk or france. I believe my daughter is leaning towards attending university in the uk. My daughter wants to study French at an university abroad.", "I do not speak any foreign languages.", "I'm planning to go hiking in California this summer. I like going on the beaches of California. I have a Favorite taco spot in the California beach. I live in Southern California.", "I like meeting up with my friends at a hot spring.", "I like s'mores. I am learning the guitar."]], [["I love walking on the beach near where I live in my spare time.", "I am in year 9 of high school and doing my o levels.", "I live in the uk and study spanish. The fees in the uk are expensive for university.", "I spend most of my time studying. I go to Spain in the summer to test my language skills. I went to hiking in Ludlow area. I like to go to beach to take a break from studying.", "I will be going hiking with my friends soon. I will be visiting California next week for a business trip.", "I have a harmonica.", "I like drinking beer.", "I'm thinking of getting a guitar.", "I listen to a lot of rock music. I am a fan of classic rock. Led Zeppelin is my favorite band."], ["I love reading and going to art museums in my spare time.", "I live about an hour away from the beach.", "I have not been able to hike in the mountains lately due to the rain.", "I am from California and my daughter is in the 11th grade. My daughter studies french. My daughter wants to attend a university in either the uk or france. I believe my daughter is leaning towards attending university in the uk. My daughter wants to study French at an university abroad.", "I do not speak any foreign languages.", "I'm planning to go hiking in California this summer. I like going on the beaches of California. I have a Favorite taco spot in the California beach. I live in Southern California.", "I like meeting up with my friends at a hot spring.", "I like s'mores. I'm taking guitar lessons. The lessons are going well\u3002 I'm learning what all the chords are right now. I'm learning to play with an acoustic guitar.", "I like rock music. I like bluesy grassroots music."]]], "session_length": [22, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_164_0", "test_164_1", "test_164_2", "test_164_3", "test_164_4", "test_164_5", "test_164_6", "test_164_7", "test_164_8", "test_164_9", "test_164_10", "test_164_11", "test_164_12", "test_164_13", "test_164_14", "test_164_15", "test_164_16", "test_164_17", "test_164_18", "test_164_19", "test_164_20", "test_164_21", "test_164_22", "test_164_23", "test_164_24", "test_164_25", "test_164_26", "test_164_27", "test_164_28", "test_164_29", "test_164_30", "test_164_31", "test_164_32", "test_164_33", "test_164_34", "test_164_35", "test_164_36", "test_164_37", "test_164_38", "test_164_39", "test_164_40", "test_164_41", "test_164_42", "test_164_43", "test_164_44", "test_164_45", "test_164_46", "test_164_47", "test_164_48", "test_164_49", "test_164_50", "test_164_51", "test_164_52", "test_164_53", "test_164_54", "test_164_55", "test_164_56", "test_164_57", "test_164_58", "test_164_59", "test_164_60", "test_164_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! What have you been doing today?", "Pretty well. Getting warm here. How are you?", "I'm doing ok. Thinking about quitting my job.", "What makes you want to quit?", "I work long hours for low pay and don't have enough time to spend with my family.", "I used to be a veterinarian but I quit to travel so I say go for it!", "Thanks for the support. What do you do now?", "I just started singing for a living, and I have my own blog.", "Thanks for the support. What do you do now?", "I just started singing for a living, and I have my own blog.", "Nice. What kind of music? I like old school punk.", "Folk music, a lot easier to do without a band.", "Makes sense. What do you like to do on the weekends?", "I hike a lot with my dog. What about you?", "Where is your favorite place to travel?", "My favorite travel destination that I have been to so far is the Maldives, but I am going to Bora Bora soon and i have heard great things. Do you get to travel often?", "No, i barely have enough time for my family as it is with my dang job.", "That is the worst when you work so hard and it just doesn't work out the way you want. I hope you can find a job with better hours and pay so you can spend some more quality time with your family. ", "Yeah its a bit of a struggle right now, I have to take what i can so we can survive comfortably. ", "What kind of work do you enjoy doing maybe you can find something that will suit you better. ", "I always wanted to get into woodworking as more than a hobby. I may have to just take the plunge and do it.", "Maybe you could do something like that from home. Create your work and sell it to local people or online. ", "Yeah that is kind of what i was thinking. Hows your folk music going? Did you get a band together?", "That sounds like a great plan. Yeah we are all getting together next we to iron out all the pieces so hopefully we will start creating music in the next few weeks.", "Please tell me when you guys are gonna play, id love to come out!", "Oh that would be amazing. Thank you for the support much appreciate it. ", "I heard Green Day's music recently. I forgot how much I loved the band. What's your favorite Band ?", "Good question. My favorite band is probably Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, but I like Mumford and Sons out of more recent music. What other punk bands do you like besides Green Day?", "Nirvana is definitely the next one that comes to mind for me. I love a lot of the 90s rock and grunge music.", "I remember when Nirvana got big! That was an exciting time for sure. Have you been able to see any acts in concert lately?", "No, I have not recently, but I would love to go see some more live music again. What about you?", "No, I've been more focused on performing and recording myself lately, but I always try to see some local acts when I travel. Speaking of which, how's your mood been about your job?", "Not very good, there is practically no work life balance, I feel like I am always turned on when it comes to my job.", "I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can make a decision about whether or not to stay with your job before too long. What do you think you would spend your new free time on if you quit?", "I will probably devote some more time to my woodworking hobby, but I am hoping to have another job lined up before I quit my current one.", "That's probably the smart move. I made the mistake of quitting my vet job before I figured out my next step, sadly, but it's given me a lot more time to work on my musical hobbies. How serious are you about woodworking?", "I am pretty passionate about it. I have a nice little setup in my garage. At the moment I only make things that I want to make, but maybe at some point I will turn it into a 2nd source of income.", "Oh, that's great! It's always a plus when you can make some extra income off of something you enjoy. I hope my band and I can accomplish the same with our music someday soon", "I have been thinking about our last talk and I think I want to try to sell some of my woodworking projects and see if I can cut my hours at work. ", "Oh that's great news I'm so happy for you! Its always best to follow your passion! Have you made anything good recently?", "I made an adorable elf man that I love. Thinking about making a serious of them. Kinda like garden gnomes. Do you think that would sell on Etsy?", "Cool! That sounds so great. Personally, I'd love to buy one, I love elves. So if I'm any indication, I think there's surely a market. Have you sold any of your work before?", "Not really. When I was younger I used to make them as gifts, but I think I am much better at it now. What kind of elf would you want? The one I made was a female painter with a smock on, but I would love to get ideas from other people to really expand my work.", "Oh wow, there's so much scope for a series with those. I'd have to think more about it but i'd love a chef or a librarian. How long do they take to make? ", "Yes! Loving these ideas already! It depends on the size. I can make 2-3 4\" ones a day, but I think it would be smart to do some large ones as well to make the big bucks. Those can take over a week depending on the amount of detail.", "Wow I was imagining it would take weeks to do even small ones, you must be really good at it! I think this whole idea is such a good move for you. But yeah definitely make some big ones too. I'm sure etsy would go crazy for them. How did you come upon elves as a subject matter for your craft?", "I was just tinkering around. I have no affinity for elves...well, until now. They are cute and it is nice to be able to personalize them for people.", "Yeah the possibilities are completely endless. But yeah elves are great. I can imagine detailing the faces must be hard though?", "I think I may need to start looking at random images of faces online to really be able to provide some variety. I am one to get stuck doing things a certain way. It may take me longer, but would be worth it. ", "Oh completely, I used to paint and I always got stuck on particular faces. But yeah I think as much variety as possible would be the safest bet on etsy so you can make sure you're making enough to cover what you would have been earning at work. ", "I created an Etsy account and listed a few of my woodworking projects. Just sold my first one. I didn't realize Etsy took a percentage of the sale. ", "Wow congratulations. I guess all online services took some of the percentage. How much did they take?", "It's a 5% transaction fee and another if you use their site for processing the money. I guess it's not terrible, but I may have to raise my price a little to account for it.", "Yeah that would be a great idea. I have never used Etsy though. Can you sell music on Etsy too? ", "I believe so. There are just things like medicines and weapons that are forbidden. I think most of the time people sell homemade goods. I bet you could look into something like bandcamp? I know it came up when I was looking at, mostly, independent online selling marketplaces.", "that's amazing. I'll probably check it out. I might try the artist Spotify version for my music. Did i tell you I'm recording in a studio next week. ", "Oh wow! Are you excited? Do you have some tracks already worked out when you get there?", "I'm definitely excited, We are making a new one it's more like a Collab. We have been talking a lot online working things out and finally decided to work on it next week. ", "Is the style you are playing also folk? I feel it's a lost art form and we could use more voices reaching out to the youth of the current age.", "Yes and I just love folk music. We really need folk music back but i guess mine is a bit modern version of it. Any plans for live concert again? ", "I would definitely attend one of yours! Would it be for all-ages? I would love to take my family to one if we have any time.", "I wish i was performing soon but i asked generally and yes it will be for all ages once I'm famous. Maybe you will start going to concert again after mine. :)"], "init_persona": [[["I get tired of people calling me a'ginger.", "'I work hard to support my family.", "I'm thinking about quitting my job.", "I like old punk music.", "I like to cook out on the grill on the weekends."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love animals.", "I used to be a veterinarian, but I quit to travel abroad.", "I sing for a living.", "I like to blog."]], [["I might quit my job. I don't get to spend enough time with family. I work a lot for low pay.", "I like old school punk music."], ["I was a veterinarian, but quit. I like to travel.", "I am a singer. I am a blogger.", "I like folk music.", "I have a dog. I like to hike."]], [["I might quit my job. I don't get to spend enough time with family. I work a lot for low pay.", "I like old school punk music.", "I don't have the time to go to vacations because of my family.", "I like doing woodworks."], ["I was a veterinarian, but quit. I like to travel.", "I am a singer. I am a blogger.", "I like folk music.", "I have a dog. I like to hike.", "My favorite Travel destination is Maldives. I am planning to go to Bora Bora.", "Me and my band is planning to create music next week."]], [["I might quit my job. I don't get to spend enough time with family. I work a lot for low pay.", "I like old school punk music.", "I don't have the time to go to vacations because of my family.", "I really enjoy Green Day's music. I love Nirvana and 90's rock and grunge music.", "I would love to go see live music again.", "I am not in a good mood about my job. I don't have good work-life balance. If I quit my job, I would like to have a new job lined up first. If I was not working as much, I would do more of my woodworking hobby.", "I am passionate about woodworking. I have been thinking of making it a second source of income."], ["I was a veterinarian, but quit. I like to travel.", "I am a singer. I am a blogger.", "I like folk music.", "I have a dog. I like to hike.", "My favorite Travel destination is Maldives. I am planning to go to Bora Bora.", "Me and my band is planning to create music next week.", "My favorite band is probably Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. I like Mumford and Sons.", "I am focused on performing and recording. I see local acts when I travel.", "I previously quit my vey job. i did not have another job lined up. It has given me more time to work on music.", "I would like to make some income with my music and my band soon."]], [["I might quit my job. I don't get to spend enough time with family. I work a lot for low pay.", "I like old school punk music.", "I don't have the time to go to vacations because of my family.", "I really enjoy Green Day's music. I love Nirvana and 90's rock and grunge music.", "I would love to go see live music again.", "I am not in a good mood about my job. I don't have good work-life balance. If I quit my job, I would like to have a new job lined up first. If I was not working as much, I would do more of my woodworking hobby.I have been thinking of making it a second source of income. I want to sell my woodworking projects so I can cut back my hours at work.", "I haven't really sold any of my woodworking projects before. I have given my projects away as gifts. I can make 2 small elves a day but think I want to make larger ones as well.", "I like to make elf men that look like garden gnomes. I am thinking of selling on Etsy. I did not have a previous affinity for elves but I like them now. I want to look up different elf faces for inspiration so that I can provide variety."], ["I was a veterinarian, but quit. I like to travel.", "I am a singer. I am a blogger.", "I like folk music.", "I have a dog. I like to hike.", "My favorite Travel destination is Maldives. I am planning to go to Bora Bora.", "Me and my band is planning to create music next week.", "My favorite band is probably Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young. I like Mumford and Sons.", "I am focused on performing and recording. I see local acts when I travel.", "I previously quit my vey job. i did not have another job lined up. It has given me more time to work on music.", "I would like to make some income with my music and my band soon.", "I love elves. I would like an elf man that is a chef or a librarian. I used to paint. I recommend creating a variety of elves."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_168_0", "test_168_1", "test_168_2", "test_168_3", "test_168_4", "test_168_5", "test_168_6", "test_168_7", "test_168_8", "test_168_9", "test_168_10", "test_168_11", "test_168_12", "test_168_13", "test_168_14", "test_168_15", "test_168_16", "test_168_17", "test_168_18", "test_168_19", "test_168_20", "test_168_21", "test_168_22", "test_168_23", "test_168_24", "test_168_25", "test_168_26", "test_168_27", "test_168_28", "test_168_29", "test_168_30", "test_168_31", "test_168_32", "test_168_33", "test_168_34", "test_168_35", "test_168_36", "test_168_37", "test_168_38", "test_168_39", "test_168_40", "test_168_41", "test_168_42", "test_168_43", "test_168_44", "test_168_45", "test_168_46", "test_168_47", "test_168_48", "test_168_49", "test_168_50", "test_168_51", "test_168_52", "test_168_53", "test_168_54", "test_168_55", "test_168_56", "test_168_57", "test_168_58", "test_168_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! I live in ohio but, I'm moving to florida. Where do you live?", "I live in the uk, but have been to florida a few times.", "Do you like sports? What about the chicago bears football team.", "I do like sports but not really into american football.", "I went to a very strick high school, my father was the principal at my old school.", "Ok, I teach english in a uk school.", "Cool! Do you have any brothers or sisters? My sister is older than me.", "No I am an only child so I like making friends.", "I have some really great friends, also.", "I do some charity work for a homeless shelter.", "That's awesome! I volunteer at the local food pantry for the poor.", "It is always important to give back I feel.", "I'm excited about my move to Florida. I've been researching it a lot. I'm worried about the weather, though.", "Sounds like you're in for a treat! I've been to Florida once and enjoyed it. The humidity definitely wan't enjoyable but the lack of snow made up for it. What city are you planning on moving to?", "I love the heat. I think I was born to just bake in the sun. I am thinking of Tampa. Which city would you go to?", "If you love the heat, then you'll definitely like Florida. I haven't been to Tampa, but I did like Miami when I visited. I really enjoyed the beaches in Miami. Have you been to Florida before or will this be a new city for you?", "I have been before which is why I decided to move. The beaches were one of the main reasons actually. Imagine going out for lunch while at work to sit on the beach for 30 mins.", "Oh yes, that does sound quite nice. I actually just remembered that I went through Tallahassee once briefly but it rained most of the time so I didn't do much. Do you have any family in Tampa?", "No, its more to get away from them. They are very strict and I feel I need a bit more freedom. ", "Ah, that makes sense. Will you have any friends close by in Tampa or is this a totally fresh start for you?", "Completely fresh start. i am really excited about it!", "Sounds like it will be really fun. Do you follow any of the local sports there? ", "Not a big sports fan to be honest. It all seems a bit too aggressive for me. How about you?", "That's alright. I do like sports, soccer especially, but I'm not too into many American sports. However, I do try to watch some of the Tampa Bay Rays games from time to time. ", "I was looking through some old photos when I went to Florida and thought of you!", "Sweet of you to think of me! Where in Florida were the pictures taken?", "it was a beach in Miami! Perfrect view of the ocean managed to get a shot where it was just the beach and the water, no people.", "That sounds lovely. I could use a vacation in Miami right about now! Have you given more thought to your move to Tampa?", "It's still a possibilty. I need to make sure I have a job down there so I ve been applying and doing remote interviews", "That's smart. I've known some people who've made spontaneous moves without preparation, and the job situation was a major source of stress for them. When you end up moving, I'll have to make a trip to visit you!", "I cant wait. Its not on the beach but its a 30 min drive to two different beaches!", "I looked it up on a travel website, and it said that there are a ton of awesome beaches in that part of Florida. So what field do you work in?", "I work in textiles. I connect vendors to retailers. selling fabrics to companies to make clothes.", "That sounds like fun, actually! I'm sure that Florida would be a good place for that, as the fashion industry seems to be big there.", "Thats what Im hoping for. Should be more fun than seling fabric for coats. I can sell fabrics for all those awesome hawiian shirts people wear", "Haha I love seeing those! They make me want to grab a Mai Tai and relax!", "I just got a call back from one of my job interviews in Tampa! ", "That's so exciting. What do you think about the company who called back?", "It seems like a good company. I'm trying not to get too excited and rush into it but it's hard haha. What do you do for a living?", "I teach English here in the UK. Are you going to have to do another interview with this company? Do you think they'll fly you down for an interview before they hire you?", "I think we will have to do another interview online. It seems much more efficient that way. Do you teach primary school?", "Yes, it's a boarding school for primary-school-aged boys. I teach a lot of grammar, which is pretty dry.", "Oh yeah that isn't an easy subject either. I don't know much about how schools work there but I find the differences between there and America very interesting. Have you thought about what you might do to take a break?", "I'm just looking forward to the end of the school year and then I can take a holiday. If you're situated in Florida at that point maybe I'd consider a visit. Although Florida in the summer may be too humid for me to handle. Otherwise I could go to the continent. I've never been to Portugal but was thinking I should.", "I've never been there either. If everything goes through I should be in Florida by then. If you do decide to visit we should definitely hang out! We could go places that have air conditioning haha.", "Haha, yes that would be a great idea. And I'd love to see a Tampa Rays game if you're interested in that. But first let's just hope that the rest of the job hunting process goes to your liking. Have you told your family about the job interview?", "No not yet. I want to be sure I have the job before I open up that can of worms. However, I'm not that worried about what they think after that. I need to live my own life.", "Yes, I agree. It's got to be your choice and what's best for you, and based on what you've told me, getting away and establishing some more freedom and independence certainly seems like a positive change for you. Hopefully it comes to fruition.", "I got the job so we can set up a visit soon.", "Congratulations! When will you be moving to Tampa?", "Hopefully within the month. I still have to tell my family about it. I'm kind of worried about how they'll react.", "I'm sure your family will find a way to be happy for you. Have you thought about how you will break the news to them?", "Maybe after a while. I think at first they will be mad. But I have to live my own life. I haven't thought it all out yet. Maybe I'll try telling my sister first and see how she reacts.", "It's good that you've started to prepare yourself for their reaction, whatever it may be. I agree that you have to live your own life, and Florida will be nice! There's plenty of opportunities for you to take nature photographs and go to the beach!", "Yes, that's what drew me to Florida in the first place. And it's closer to the UK than Ohio is. Do you think you'll be able to come visit soon?", "Yes, I think I will be able to at the end of the school year! I need a break. I hope to see a Tampa Bay Rays game when I come.", "That's great news. I look forward to showing you around. I don't know about a Rays game though. I will look into how to get some tickets. I'm not a huge sports fan, but I may turn into one! By the way, how is school going? ", "That's ok. I can go by myself if you really don't want to come. School is going well! My students are doing well in their grammar classes.", "Oh, no. I would definitely go with you. It would be a fun excursion. Good about your students. It must be strange to have classes with just boys, though?", "Sometimes they get a little rowdy, but I enjoy the friendships that I have formed with students."], "init_persona": [[["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."], ["I like to draw landscape scenery.", "I enjoy walking walking in the nearby parks.", "My favorite movie is the dark knight.", "I work as an english teacher.", "I volunteer at a homeless shelter."]], [["I live in Ohio, but I'm moving to Florida.", "I went to a very strict high school. My father was the principal.", "I have an older sister.", "I have some really great friends.", "I volunteer at the local food pantry."], ["I like in the U.K. I have been to Florida a few times.", "I like sports. I'm not really into American football.", "I teach English at a U.K. school.", "I am an only child. I like making friends.", "I do some charity work at a homeless shelter."]], [["I live in Ohio, but I'm moving to Florida.", "I went to a very strict high school. My father was the principal.", "I have an older sister.", "I have some really great friends.", "I volunteer at the local food pantry.", "I love hot weather. I might move to Tampa. I love the Florida beaches.", "I'm moving to get away from my family. Moving will be a fresh start for me.", "I'm not a sports fan."], [" I live in the U.K. I have been to Florida a few times. I like Florida. I didn't like the humidity of Florida. I've been to Miami. I love the beaches.", "I'm not really into American football.", "I teach English at a U.K. school.", "I am an only child. I like making friends.", "I do some charity work at a homeless shelter.", "I love soccer. I like watching Tampa Bay Rays games."]], [["I live in Ohio, but I'm moving to Florida.", "I went to a very strict high school. My father was the principal.", "I have an older sister.", "I have some really great friends.", "I volunteer at the local food pantry.", "I love hot weather. I might move to Tampa. I love the Florida beaches. I visited Florida a while ago.", "I'm moving to get away from my family. Moving will be a fresh start for me.", "I'm not a sports fan.", "I enjoy taking pictures of nature. I enjoy being on the beach. I am looking forward to living near a beach.", "My possible move to Tampa is contingent on finding a job there. I am currently trying to secure a job in Tampa.", "I work in textiles. I connect textile vendors to clothing retailers. I prefer summer fashions to winter fashions."], [" I live in the U.K. I have been to Florida a few times. I like Florida. I didn't like the humidity of Florida. I've been to Miami. I love the beaches.", "I'm not really into American football.", "I teach English at a U.K. school.", "I am an only child. I like making friends.", "I do some charity work at a homeless shelter.", "I love soccer. I like watching Tampa Bay Rays games.", "I am tired and would like a break.", "I do not live in Tampa. I am not personally familiar with the Tampa, FL area.", "I am interested in fashion.", "I enjoy the summer aesthetic."]], [["I live in Ohio, but I'm moving to Florida.", "I went to a very strict high school. My father was the principal.", "I have an older sister.", "I have some really great friends.", "I volunteer at the local food pantry.", "I love hot weather. I love the Florida beaches. I visited Florida a while ago.", "I'm moving to get away from my family. Moving will be a fresh start for me.", "I'm not a sports fan.", "I enjoy taking pictures of nature. I enjoy being on the beach. I am looking forward to living near a beach.", "My possible move to Tampa is contingent on finding a job there. I am currently trying to secure a job in Tampa. I went to a job interview in Tampa. I got a call back from my Tampa job interview. I have not told my family about my job interview in Tampa.", "I work in textiles. I connect textile vendors to clothing retailers. I prefer summer fashions to winter fashions.", "I don't know how schools work in the UK. I have never been to Portugal."], [" I live in the U.K. I have been to Florida a few times. I like Florida. I didn't like the humidity of Florida. I've been to Miami. I love the beaches.", "I'm not really into American football.", "I teach English at a U.K. school. I teach at an all boy boarding primary school. I teach a lot of grammar.", "I am an only child. I like making friends.", "I do some charity work at a homeless shelter.", "I love soccer. I like watching Tampa Bay Rays games.", "I am tired and would like a break.", "I do not live in Tampa. I am not personally familiar with the Tampa, FL area. I want to see a Tampa Rays game.", "I am interested in fashion.", "I enjoy the summer aesthetic.", "I plan to take a holiday at the end of the school year. I have never been to Portugal."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_170_0", "test_170_1", "test_170_2", "test_170_3", "test_170_4", "test_170_5", "test_170_6", "test_170_7", "test_170_8", "test_170_9", "test_170_10", "test_170_11", "test_170_12", "test_170_13", "test_170_14", "test_170_15", "test_170_16", "test_170_17", "test_170_18", "test_170_19", "test_170_20", "test_170_21", "test_170_22", "test_170_23", "test_170_24", "test_170_25", "test_170_26", "test_170_27", "test_170_28", "test_170_29", "test_170_30", "test_170_31", "test_170_32", "test_170_33", "test_170_34", "test_170_35", "test_170_36", "test_170_37", "test_170_38", "test_170_39", "test_170_40", "test_170_41", "test_170_42", "test_170_43", "test_170_44", "test_170_45", "test_170_46", "test_170_47", "test_170_48", "test_170_49", "test_170_50", "test_170_51", "test_170_52", "test_170_53", "test_170_54", "test_170_55", "test_170_56", "test_170_57", "test_170_58", "test_170_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello! What do you like to do?", "Well, hello there! I love hanging out in the library.", "Nice. I am a runner myself.", "I am always running to the library lol.", "Haha. My parents raised me in alaska so I had to run to keep warm!", "Yeah, but an igloo would keep you warm too then you can ice fish.", "I'm actually a big meat eater. But fish ain't too bad either! Do you like fish?", "I didn't know fish wasn't meat and protein! What type is it?", "I don't consider fish a meat... You would think growing up in alaska....haha.", "I love fish, its the most plentiful food available.", "Good point. What do you do for a job?", "I'm a food critic at a fish market.", "What are the books you have read in these days?", "Mostly Stephen King books. ", "Which ones have you been reading?", "All the Stephen King books as I just told you. ", "So you just read Stephen King books and don't know the titles?", "I have read so many I do not remember their titles. ", "Ah, I see. How have things been going at the Fish market? Any good salmon for sale?", "Yes we have great salmon and it is always for a good price. ", "I'm looking to buy a big quantity of Sockeye if you guys have any for sale.", "We have some Sockeye coming in tomorrow. How much do you need to buy?", "I want to buy 20 pounds of it for my new diet. Do you guys cut it up and seal it for the freezer?", "Yes we do that for you and 20 pounds is no problem. We can have it ready for you when you stop by. ", "So what is your favorite book? Could you recommend something interesting to read?", "My favorite would be The Stand by Stephen King. It's much better than any of those TV shows they made.", "I really like Stephen King as well. I have not read The Stand yet, but I have read part of the Dark Tower series, and some of his other standalone novels.", "I love that series. It's really untouchable. I used to read those by myself when I was a kid. I didn't really have anyone else.", "Did you ever read The Shining? It's one of his most famous books.", "Yes! That's actually one of the books that translated to the big screen well. The adaptation of The Shining is probably my favorite movie.", "Believe it or not, I actually haven't seen the movie yet, but I really would love to at some point.", "You really should. It's the right level of scary. I was watching it once and it scared the pants off of my kids. Had to turn it off right away.", "Is it pretty violent? There are so many scenes in the book where one of the characters sees blood everywhere. I am guessing the movie is the same?", "Yeah, there's a little bit of violence. It's mostly just psychological. Jack Nicholson does an amazing job. I love that guy.", "Yeah, he does a great job with everything he is involved in. Can't wait to see what he does next.", "Is he still even acting anymore? I should check IMDB. I used to go on that site all the time.", "I finally got around to watching The Shining because I couldn't stop thinking about it since we talked about it. I am so glad I did! I really liked it.", "I love the thrillers and so glad you got to experience that. You may want to eventually read The Stand as it is amazing too.", "I must say thank you for suggesting me this kind of movie. If you did not tell me, I wouldn't watch it. I really enjoyed the movie. From now on I trust your taste, so I am gonna check The Stand soon", "I love to watch them over and over and see something new in them every time. If you are interested in Sockeye I can get you some from our fish market. I would have loved ot grow up in Alaska.", "Aww you're so nice. thank you I will buy from you, since I need to buy them. Please tell me when is the good time to pick them from you", "In two days we will have some ready. Just pop on by and I'll have them for you. What types of ways do you plan to prepare the fish?", "got it. As my diet, I have to boil them in water. I love to fry or grill them but my diet won't accept at this time. How about you, what types of way do you prefer to eat fish?", "I love fried fish with cajun or old bay seasoning, but smoked fish is great too.", "Same same. I love to eat smoked fish. So what movies have you been watching lately?", "The Good Son was quite a thriller. I watched it the other day. You may enjoy that one. How about you? Which other movies have you seen?", "The Good Son is what a name. I like the name so I need to check it out lol. I've been quite busy, so didn't watch movies.", "I like also the movie IT. IT is scary!!! You could try that one because it is so exciting.", "I enjoyed the sockeye I got from you. I have started reading the Stand.", "Regarding the sockeye, that's great! If you need more just let me know. And what do you think about the book? Is it what you'd expect?", "It's an easy book to read, pulled me right in. I can barely put it down! Can you imagine a world where 99% of the people in it were gone? ", "I don't think I'd want to live in a world where most of the people are gone. It is already hard enough right now that people don't socialize face to face because of social media. Do you think you'll watch the movie?", "Most likely, after I'm done with the book. Would you say it was as good as the book?", "So far, I haven't yet watched a movie/tv series that is a better version of a book. Nothing comes close to reading from a book. You get more details from the words. Although, the movie was entertaining.", "I'm the same way when it comes to books and movies. I like reading the thought processes and you get more insight on the characters. Especially when it comes to horror and darker books. You get to know what the villain was thinking.", "Correct! And you can also feel the build-up. Sometimes, I get goosebumps from reading than from watching. And even if it's horror, I can still get a good sleep. Unlike watching a movie/tv, the terror and gore cannot easily be erased from my mind.", "Same! There is so much more suspense from the books, just turning more and more pages cause you can't wait to know what happens. Man, now I just need to know what what happens in my book... I guess I'm not sleeping tonight, haha.", "Something to look forward to! And you're going to finish that book too soon!", "Well Stephen King has a lot of other books to read. He just came out with a new one in March, I think it's called Later. Have you heard of it?", "No, but I'm going to download a sample from Amazon and read what it's about. Looking forward to it. When do you plan to read it?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a meat eater.", "I like running.", "I wear pants.", "My parents grew up in alaska.", "I work as a programmer."], ["I love to spend time with family and friends.", "My grandchildren especially bring great joy.", "I want to always live near water, and in a warm sunny climate.", "My favorite activity is reading.", "And my favorite place to be is worshipping god."]], [["I'm an athlete.", "I was brought up in Alaska.", "I love to eat meat."], ["I love reading books.", "I like Fish. I work in Fish market."]], [["I'm an athlete.", "I was brought up in Alaska.", "I love to eat meat. I'm looking to buy a big quantity of Sockeye.", "I want to buy 20 pounds of it for my new diet."], ["I love reading books. Mostly Stephen King books. I have read all the books, written by him.", "I like Fish. I work in Fish market. We have Sockeye coming in tomorrow."]], [["I'm an athlete.", "I was brought up in Alaska.", "I love to eat meat. I'm looking to buy a big quantity of Sockeye.", "I want to buy 20 pounds of it for my new diet.", "I like Stephen King as an author. I have read quite a bit of his work, including part of the Dark Tower series. I have not read The Stand but I intend to.", "I have not watched The Shining but I would like to. I admire Jack Nicholson as an actor.", "I am concerned about excessive on-screen gore."], ["I love reading books. Mostly Stephen King books. I have read all the books, written by him.", "I like Fish. I work in Fish market. We have Sockeye coming in tomorrow.", "I enjoy reading horror. My favorite book is The Stand. I prefer the written version to the screen versions of stories.", "I love the Dark Tower series. I think the Dark Tower series is incomparable. I was a lonely child and books. I read books as a child because I did not have friends.", "I think the screen adaptation for The Shining is an exception to the rule that the book version is better. I have watched The Shining more than once. I really like the movie, The Shining. I think The Shining is a scary movie.", "I admire Jack Nicholson as an actor.", "I do not keep up with entertainment news as much as I used to."]], [["I'm an athlete.", "I was brought up in Alaska.", "I love to eat meat. I'm looking to buy a big quantity of Sockeye.", "I want to buy 20 pounds of it for my new diet. My diet doesn't allow fried or grilled fish. I love to eat smoked fish.", "I like Stephen King as an author. I have read quite a bit of his work, including part of the Dark Tower series. I have not read The Stand but I intend to.", "I enjoyed the movie The Shining. I admire Jack Nicholson as an actor.", "I am concerned about excessive on-screen gore.", "I will read The Stand soon. I have been busy. The name of a movie can make me want to watch it."], ["I love reading books. Mostly Stephen King books. I have read all the books, written by him.", "I like Fish. I work in Fish market. We have Sockeye coming in tomorrow.", "I enjoy reading horror. My favorite book is The Stand. I prefer the written version to the screen versions of stories.", "I love the Dark Tower series. I think the Dark Tower series is incomparable. I was a lonely child and books. I read books as a child because I did not have friends.", "I think the screen adaptation for The Shining is an exception to the rule that the book version is better. I have watched The Shining more than once. I really like the movie, The Shining. I think The Shining is a scary movie. I like scary movies. I like the movie IT.", "I admire Jack Nicholson as an actor.", "I do not keep up with entertainment news as much as I used to.", "I love thrillers. I think the book The Stand is amazing.", "I enjoy watching the same movie over and over to see something new every time. I watched the Good Son the other day.", "I will have some sockeye salmon ready for purchase in two days. I love fried fish. I love smoked fish."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_171_0", "test_171_1", "test_171_2", "test_171_3", "test_171_4", "test_171_5", "test_171_6", "test_171_7", "test_171_8", "test_171_9", "test_171_10", "test_171_11", "test_171_12", "test_171_13", "test_171_14", "test_171_15", "test_171_16", "test_171_17", "test_171_18", "test_171_19", "test_171_20", "test_171_21", "test_171_22", "test_171_23", "test_171_24", "test_171_25", "test_171_26", "test_171_27", "test_171_28", "test_171_29", "test_171_30", "test_171_31", "test_171_32", "test_171_33", "test_171_34", "test_171_35", "test_171_36", "test_171_37", "test_171_38", "test_171_39", "test_171_40", "test_171_41", "test_171_42", "test_171_43", "test_171_44", "test_171_45", "test_171_46", "test_171_47", "test_171_48", "test_171_49", "test_171_50", "test_171_51", "test_171_52", "test_171_53", "test_171_54", "test_171_55", "test_171_56", "test_171_57", "test_171_58", "test_171_59", "test_171_60", "test_171_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I'm just finishing a painting of a pug!", "That sounds fun! I don't paint, but I like running.", "I'm at the beach because nature is a great backdrop and good for running.", "That's true. What do you do for work?", "I'm an animal portraitist inspired by rock music. You??", "I'm a tax accountant, so I'm busy now because it's tax season..", "Cool, are acrylic paints tax and rock albums deductable??", "Depends on if you use them for your work! Where do you live?", "In miami because my mother works in nursing at a hospital here.", "That makes sense. I just moved into a new place myself.", "Where do you live and does it have nature?", "I'm in an apartment, so no nature. What music do you listen to?", "A lot of eighties rock like guns and roses and bon jovi. You?", "I like sufjan stevens a lot.", "Have you ever seen Sufjan Stevens live?", "No, that is one of my dreams though.", "Yeah he is amazing, the next time he is close by i will take you to see him. ", "Woah that would be amazing! Thank you! Hey hows those animal portraits going?", "You're welcome. They going well thank you. I going to a panda sanctuary next week to do some paintings of them should turn out well hopefully. ", "That sounds pretty fun. Are pandas your favorite?", "They are for sure one of mine. Especially the baby pandas. They are super cute and so tiny. ", "Oh i know, its amazing they grow to be so big!", "Yes they really do. What is your favorite animal?", "Well not a real panda heh but the red panda!", "Omg yes red pandas are so freaking adorable. Im going to do a portrait for you. ", "Now that i would be greatly in your debt!", "Have you settled into your new apartment? ", "Not yet. I'm still unpacking. I like taking my time. It really relaxes me to set everything up perfectly in a new place.", "I agree with that, I like to slowly feel it out whenever I am adjusting to a new home or place that I spend a lot of time in.", "Yeah, I only wish I had more time! See anything cool on your runs lately?", "I see a lot of wildlife usually. Mostly its just birds and squirrels. One time I saw a bobcat though.", "A bobcat? I love those things. They're so cute. I wouldn't want to tangle with one though. Have they gotten close?", "No, they normally keep their distance. They are incredibly athletic. You can find videos of them on the internet jumping 12 feet into a tree to grab a bird.", "Oh my God! I'll have to check that out on one of my nightly YouTube binges when I can't sleep. LOL", "How has your job been going? Since you are into tax accounting, does it normally pick up a lot around the Spring?", "Yeah, we get a lot of people filing their taxes late. I make sure to file mine the second it's possible with the government, personally.", "I have to admit that I don't usually do mine right away, haha. I almost always put my tax return into my savings account or investment account, so I am not itching to get my hands on it right away.", "A lot of people feel the same. It's good for me because I get a bulk of the work all at once!", "I decided to paint a bobcat on the spur of the moment, which I've never done before, and it's coming along great!", "Well that is terrific news. I'd love to see it when you finish. When do you think that will be?", "I think in about a week i should be done with it. I am taking my time because I have never done it before and I do not want to mess it up. I would love for you to see it when its finished. Maybe you can come by one day. After it is all done.", "Excellent! I will definitely come by. What about a week from tomorrow?", "That sounds like sounds good. If i run into any problems and can not finish it by then I will let you know. Maybe you can come by around dinner time and I can order take out or something.", "I'm down for that. Should we do pizza, Chinese, or Thai?", "I like all of them what is your favorite?", "Right now, I've been eating as much Thai food as possible. I've become completely obsessed with green curry. But we can also wait until next week and make a decision that night depending on how we're feeling. How does that sound? ", "That sounds good. Because something may sound good but next week we may not want it. Do you order that out a lot or do you go to the place and eat?", "Lately been ordering in a lot. We can go out if you'd prefer though? ", "We can decide that next week all so. Because it could be raining and who want to go out in the rain.", "True. I am excited to see your painting. I am also excited to eat! I love dinner! Let's say 7?", "I actually started on a few different bobcat designs. Do you want to see the ones I picked out? ", "Yeah, definitely. Do you have your own gallery or Etsy shop?", "I'm thinking to have a Etsy shop but io don't know how it works. Do you know anything about it?", "I'm not 100 percent positive but I think you pay a monthly \"rent\" to have a shop on Etsy and then you just list your work with prices and descriptions. You can pay to have your shop promoted so it becomes more visible. It's definitely a good way to get your art out farther than just a local gallery.", "This sounds really great. I'm definitely checking it out later. Did you watch the videos i told you about the Bobcats ?", "Yeah, I sent it to my friend to remind her about the time she was outside smoking one night and a bobcat came flying past her and leaped in the air to snatch a bird. She didn't appreciate it.lol", "Haha not for her definitely Lol. They're cute but really dangerous. I'm going to paint a bobcat for sure soon. I think I'm more interested in them than i thought. How is insomnia treating you?", "It comes and goes. I'm off work until Tuesday because of the holiday so I've been able to stress less about sleep which in turn allows me to sleep.lol", "that is great news. I think you need a vacation or you should start running. I don't know i have a feeling it will help you. ", "I definitely do need to get back into exercising. It's been a long time though and it's hard to get back into the swing of it but I plan on it. Not sure about the running though.lol I was more into weight lifting.", "Exercise is great way to release stress too, People think it is just lifting but it helps a lot. You should definitely get back to it. I could never exercise much but you can make run all you want lol. Maybe I'll run 5K or 10K at some point.", "I tried the Couch to 5k program years ago and never finished which is why I stick to weights. I do wish I could run at least a mile or two but I just despise it so I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll never be a runner.lol"], "init_persona": [[["I am an artist.", "I like to be in nature.", "My mom is a nurse.", "My favorite music genre is rock.", "I work with animals."], ["I am a runner.", "I love high-protein foods.", "I work as a tax accountant.", "My favorite musician is sufjan stevens.", "I moved into a new apartment last month."]], [["I like the outdoors. I like to run.", "My job is painting animal portraits.", "I live in Miami. My mom is a nurse.", "I like rock music."], ["I like to run.", "I am a tax accountant. I am busy.", "I recently moved. I live in an apartment.", "I like Sufjan Stevens."]], [["I like the outdoors. I like to run.", "My job is painting animal portraits. I like pandas. I like red pandas.", "I live in Miami. My mom is a nurse.", "I like rock music.", "I'm a fan of Sufjan Stevens."], ["I like to run.", "I am a tax accountant. I am busy.", "I recently moved. I live in an apartment.", "I like Sufjan Stevens."]], [["I like the outdoors. I like to run.", "My job is painting animal portraits. I like pandas. I like red pandas.", "I live in Miami. My mom is a nurse.", "I like rock music.", "I'm a fan of Sufjan Stevens.", "I like to take my time when moving into a new space.", "I go running regularly in non-urban areas. I pay attention to my surrounding when I run.", "I know something about bobcats.", "I postpone filing my taxes. I prioritize saving my money."], ["I like to run.", "I am a tax accountant. I am busy.", "I recently moved. I live in an apartment.", "I like Sufjan Stevens.", "I find it cathartic to carefully and slowly set up my new space.I have been too busy to focus on moving in as much as I would like to.", "I think bobcats are cute but I respect that they are actually dangerous animals.", "I am interested in cool videos, including about animals. I experience insomnia.", " I have to deal with clients filing their taxes late. I make sure to file my taxes as early as possible.", "I enjoy being able to take care of a lot of work in a short amount of time."]], [["I like the outdoors. I like to run.", "My job is painting animal portraits. I like pandas. I like red pandas.", "I live in Miami. My mom is a nurse.", "I like rock music.", "I'm a fan of Sufjan Stevens.", "I like to take my time when moving into a new space.", "I go running regularly in non-urban areas. I pay attention to my surrounding when I run.", "I know something about bobcats. I have never painted a bobcat before.", "I postpone filing my taxes. I prioritize saving my money.", "I am a painter.", "I like pizza, Chinese food, and Thai food."], ["I like to run.", "I am a tax accountant. I am busy.", "I recently moved. I live in an apartment.", "I like Sufjan Stevens.", "I find it cathartic to carefully and slowly set up my new space.I have been too busy to focus on moving in as much as I would like to.", "I think bobcats are cute but I respect that they are actually dangerous animals.", "I am interested in cool videos, including about animals. I experience insomnia.", " I have to deal with clients filing their taxes late. I make sure to file my taxes as early as possible.", "I enjoy being able to take care of a lot of work in a short amount of time.", "I like green curry. I order delivery often."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_172_0", "test_172_1", "test_172_2", "test_172_3", "test_172_4", "test_172_5", "test_172_6", "test_172_7", "test_172_8", "test_172_9", "test_172_10", "test_172_11", "test_172_12", "test_172_13", "test_172_14", "test_172_15", "test_172_16", "test_172_17", "test_172_18", "test_172_19", "test_172_20", "test_172_21", "test_172_22", "test_172_23", "test_172_24", "test_172_25", "test_172_26", "test_172_27", "test_172_28", "test_172_29", "test_172_30", "test_172_31", "test_172_32", "test_172_33", "test_172_34", "test_172_35", "test_172_36", "test_172_37", "test_172_38", "test_172_39", "test_172_40", "test_172_41", "test_172_42", "test_172_43", "test_172_44", "test_172_45", "test_172_46", "test_172_47", "test_172_48", "test_172_49", "test_172_50", "test_172_51", "test_172_52", "test_172_53", "test_172_54", "test_172_55", "test_172_56", "test_172_57", "test_172_58", "test_172_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I am looking for new ideas for a painting.", "That's cool! I just painted a picture of my cat and two dogs..", "Lovely, are you painter too?", "Yes I volunteer in my community and study art at a community college.", "That is cool, I am struggling artist right now. Haven't hit a big project.", "I was a starving artist for 20 years but now I am hoping to be a nurse.", "Cool, I am hoping to get into the music industry.", "Good luck! I tried for a long time. The odds are like winning the lottery.", "I heard, I am just trying to make more money.", "Now with streaming services, even the big names don't make money.", "That is right, I just don't want a job with a boss.", "I know how that is. You have to market your music just right to earn a little.", "So are you going back to college to train to be a nurse?", "I hope so! I want to finish my current art courses and save up some money first. Money has been tight lately but it's getting better with time. How has art income been for you lately?", "Just horrible!! I can't anything going on. I am just flat broke. You know that feeling, right??", "Oh, I've been there many times before. You should try finding some other sources for money because the art industry can be fickle sometimes. Is there anything else you might have an interest in?", "Only music!! That is my thing. How did you endured so many years as an strugling artist?", "I had to rely on a lot of help from family and friends a lot of the time. I also worked some odd jobs and had to use some help from the government. They were tough years but eventually rewarding", "Your life story is really inspiring, but working odd jobs is hard for me.I can't stand someone bossing me around", "That makes sense. I even feel the same way sometimes with my professors at community college. What type of music are you trying to make?", "I am a jazz musician, and that is the problem!! Jazz is not very popular nowadays. What about you? What is your style of painting?", "Oh cool! I love jazz! I currently mostly paint portraits, but in the past I've also done impressionist paintings. Who are some of your favorite musicians?", "The classics one. Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald. And your favorite painters are?", "My two favorites are Van Gogh and Picasso! And I really love Salvador Dali too. Do you ever go to jazz shows?", "How's your studies going? Do you have a lot of homework?", "It's not too bad. It's tough, but reasonable. I've definitely lived through harder times before, but I'm still getting used to listening to professors again. How has jazz been going for you lately?", "It has been going pretty well. I am seeing more and more interest in my performances, but I am still not doing well enough to make a full-time gig out of it.", "Oh, that's too bad. I'm certain it can be a tough industry, but getting any exposure at all is probably really helpful. It's important that you're comfortable and secure enough to perform and practice effectively though", "Yeah, I am just feeling really motivated lately to try my hardest and see everything work out. I hate working for other people.", "I understand that. I used to be the same way, but I've accepted more lately that I might have to sometimes take orders to get everything I want in life. That's part of being a nurse, after all. I like to be as independent as possible in my art though", "As a nurse though that must be really rewarding, being able to use what you have learned to help people feel better again.", "That's true! I guess that's part of what I have to look forward to, and a more stable income. Is there anything you like to do to help those around you?", "I volunteer at a food bank a couple of times a month when I am not busy. I feel fortunate to be healthy and at least be able to live like I do, so I try give back when I can.", "I think that's wonderful. I've had to visit food banks a few times in my life when everything else fell through, but I'm more fortunate now, thankfully.", "What are the names of your cat and dog? I have a cat myself.", "My cat's name is Tiggy, and I have one dog named Zelda and one named George. They're wonderful! What's your cat's name?", "I got a steady gig at a restaurant!", "That is awesome. When do you start? Maybe I can come watch.", "I start tomorrow, I am a bit nervous as I have no experience with working in a restaurant or with a boss that supervises me.", "Don't be nervous. You love playing music so just sit back and enjoy it.", "I suppose, hopefully I can still have time for my other interests. I still want to do volunteer work at a regular basis.", "How many days do they have you preforming? I am sure you will still get time to do that.", "I am working part time for now, so only five days a week and not on the weekends. Although they did mention I might have to be on call for certain weekends that have events or special occasions.", "Then make sure you volunteer on the weekend unless you know it is a holiday. I am sure you will get your time. ", "Thats the plan, I am sure I can make it work if I plan out my time carefully. Have you painted any impressionist works recently?", "I am in the middle of a piece right now. Having some issues finishing it.", "I can relate to that, sometimes I experience a creativity block while I am finishing up a piece, and I can't think of a way to end a song that I feel meets my standards.", "We are always our hardest critic. Everyone loves my pieces, but at times I don't like them at all.", "i started my new job at the restaurant and it hasn't been too bad. My favorite part are my tips. My least favorite part is my boss; he yelled at me yesterday because I stopped playing for a few minutes to use the rest room. ", "Oh no! Sorry to hear about your boss, but stick with it!! Hopefully he'll see how dedicated you are and take it easier on you after a while.", "Yeah, I'm really trying to get over my issues with being bossed around, but I got really irritated because doesn't everyone have the right to use the bathroom when they need to? I hate feeling like a little kid that has to ask permission.", "No, I completely get it! I'd have a hard time dealing with that...and probably would've told him off!! Maybe you can report him? He legally has to give you a break!", "I want to, but I think I'm just going to hold my temper this once. I really need this gig right now, and playing music in the restaurant is better than having to take a job in the kitchen or as one of the waitstaff. If it happens again, I will definitely report him though. I know you have had a lot of odd jobs; how do you deal with a difficult boss?", "I don't. That could be some of my issue! I've always did odd and end jobs, so I'm my own boss. With clients, I hold my tongue if the gig pays good. If not -- I cut them lose. ", "My attitude is very similar to yours; this is the main reason why I've been so resistant to taking a traditional job. Still, money doesn't grow on trees - guess I'll have to suck it up. I've been thinking of coming up with a system where the restaurant patrons can put in song requests. Do you think that would be a good idea?", "That'd be a huge hit! Would you play ANY song? Seems like it'd be hard to learn and master them all. You could use a karaoke machine. ", "I have a pretty big repertoire of jazz hits memorized and I'm willing to learn some of the more popular hits of today. Maybe I should make a catalog of what I know and leave it out for patrons to browse? ", "That would work. Do you think your boss is gonna allow it? ", "I'm not sure; I don't think we're on very good terms right now. I should probably wait a week or so before suggesting it. Hopefully, he sees it as me taking initiative and not me trying to take over or assert authority over him.", "Probably for the best. See if you even want to stay there or if he's just THAT horrible. I'm really hoping you guys warm up to each other."], "init_persona": [[["I'm a painter.", "I like making music.", "I don't want a boss.", "I try to love everyone.", "I live within my means."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."]], [["I am a struggling artist.", "I hope to get into the music industry.", "I am trying to make more money.", "I don't want a job with a boss."], ["I have a cat and two dogs. I painted a picture of my pets.", "I am a painter. I study art at community college. I volunteer in my community.", "I was a starving artist for 20 years. I hope to be a nurse."]], [["I am a struggling artist. I am struggling to make money with my art.", "I don't want a job with a boss.", "I don't want to work odd jobs because I don't like being bossed around.", "I hope to get into the music industry. I'm a jazz musician. I don't think it's easy to be a jazz musician these days. I really like classic jazz musicians and singers."], ["I have a cat and two dogs. I painted a picture of my pets.", "I am a painter. I study art at community college. I volunteer in my community.", "I was a starving artist for 20 years. I hope to be a nurse.", "I want to save up money so I can go to college to train to be a nurse. I used to struggle financially. I used to rely on my family and friends for support when I was an artist. I also used to work some odd jobs. I had government help.", "I sometimes don't want to be bossed around by my professors.", "I love jazz music. I paint impressionist paintings. I really like Van Gogh, Picasso, and Salvador Dali."]], [["I am a struggling artist. I am struggling to make money with my art.", "I don't want a job with a boss. I don't want to work odd jobs because I don't like being bossed around.", "I hope to get into the music industry. I'm a jazz musician. I don't think it's easy to be a jazz musician these days. I really like classic jazz musicians and singers.", "I do volunteer work. I am grateful.", "I have a cat."], ["I have a cat and two dogs. I painted a picture of my pets. I have a cat named Tiggy and a dog named Zelda.", "I am a painter. I study art at community college. I volunteer in my community.", "I was a starving artist for 20 years. I hope to be a nurse.", "I want to save up money so I can go to college to train to be a nurse. I used to struggle financially. I used to rely on my family and friends for support when I was an artist. I also used to work some odd jobs. I had government help.", "I sometimes don't want to be bossed around by my professors.", "I love jazz music. I paint impressionist paintings. I really like Van Gogh, Picasso, and Salvador Dali.", "I like to help others."]], [["I am a struggling artist. I am struggling to make money with my art.", "I don't want a job with a boss. I don't want to work odd jobs because I don't like being bossed around.", "I hope to get into the music industry. I'm a jazz musician. I don't think it's easy to be a jazz musician these days. I really like classic jazz musicians and singers.", "I do volunteer work. I am grateful.", "I have a cat.", "I got a steady gig at a restaurant. I am nervous because I have never worked in a restaurant or been supervised before. I will not work on the weekends unless it is a special occasion. I hope I still have time for volunteering now that I am working.", "I am familiar with creativity blocks."], ["I have a cat and two dogs. I painted a picture of my pets. I have a cat named Tiggy and a dog named Zelda.", "I am a painter. I study art at community college. I volunteer in my community.", "I was a starving artist for 20 years. I hope to be a nurse.", "I want to save up money so I can go to college to train to be a nurse. I used to struggle financially. I used to rely on my family and friends for support when I was an artist. I also used to work some odd jobs. I had government help.", "I sometimes don't want to be bossed around by my professors.", "I love jazz music. I paint impressionist paintings. I really like Van Gogh, Picasso, and Salvador Dali.", "I like to help others.", "I recommend volunteering on the weekend.", "I am painting a impressionist piece but am having trouble finishing it. I don't always like my own work and am critical of myself."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_173_0", "test_173_1", "test_173_2", "test_173_3", "test_173_4", "test_173_5", "test_173_6", "test_173_7", "test_173_8", "test_173_9", "test_173_10", "test_173_11", "test_173_12", "test_173_13", "test_173_14", "test_173_15", "test_173_16", "test_173_17", "test_173_18", "test_173_19", "test_173_20", "test_173_21", "test_173_22", "test_173_23", "test_173_24", "test_173_25", "test_173_26", "test_173_27", "test_173_28", "test_173_29", "test_173_30", "test_173_31", "test_173_32", "test_173_33", "test_173_34", "test_173_35", "test_173_36", "test_173_37", "test_173_38", "test_173_39", "test_173_40", "test_173_41", "test_173_42", "test_173_43", "test_173_44", "test_173_45", "test_173_46", "test_173_47", "test_173_48", "test_173_49", "test_173_50", "test_173_51", "test_173_52", "test_173_53", "test_173_54", "test_173_55", "test_173_56", "test_173_57", "test_173_58", "test_173_59", "test_173_60", "test_173_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey, how's it going?", "Not bad, just a bit hungry. Yourself?", "Doing ok here, just got home from work.", "Hard job? Leave you exhausted?", "Yea, I'm getting a bit older so I get tired more easily. What do you do?", "I'm a gator hunter. Sounds dangerous, but good eats.", "Hahaha. That's crazy, where do you live? My kids would love that.", "Down in florida. In the marsh area though, why I got my airboat.", "Cool, you live alone or with family?", "Wife left me when I got arrested last. So, just me. You looking?", "Ha. I'm a dude, so no sorry. What'd you get arrested for?", "Over hunting last time, dui time before.", "You're a mess dude, gotta get it together. No kids?", "Not anymore. I'll hunt the gator that did them in. I swear it.", "Wow, that's so crazy, so did you kids get eaten by the gator?", "Not eaten, but the bite was so powerfull they died of blood loss.", "I'm so sorry for your loss, man. That's terrible. Have you ever been bitten?", "Once of twice!! Do not even try yourself to hunt for Gators!!You being so old, you for sure would get hurt", "The worst bite I ever got was a mosquito - gave me West Nile virus. How long did you stay in jail. ", "Just a couple days. Have you ever being in jail?? ", "No I've never had more than a traffic ticket. I tend to stay on the right side of the law. And too tired to do crimes these days. So did your wife leave you because of the gator hunting? ", "My wife had a nervous breakdown and left me. She blamed me for the whole thing and we never saw each other again", "That's really sad. Seems like you've given up a lot for your gators. Is it worth it? I think I'll stick to my boring old job. ", "I still hunt for fun.I do not want to end up an old tired man like you", "We all get old sometime, brother. At least I still have my limbs and my wife. I hope you'll be careful. ", "Thanks for worrying about me. I just do want to be those people that work and go home. I can't stand a dull life", "Work is so tiring that I'm searching for vacation spots to go with my wife.", "LOL, I'm still searching for my wife! Because she left me. Ha. Get it?", "Yeah! That's funny and a little sad at the same time. I hope it wasn't a difficult one.", "Yeah. If I don't laugh, I'll cry. I got a hot date later, so I don't want to lose my confidence.", "Is it someone you are going out with for the first time, or is this a follow-up date? Sounds like fun.", "I just met her. I love using Tinder. There's so many possibilities out there. This will be our first meeting. You ever wish you could go out dating again or is married life treating you well?", "I love my wife very much, but I have to say that the thrill of the chase was always the best feeling when I was younger, that's what I miss about being single.", "Yeah, it's a toss up. Dating can be hard. But it's also hard when your wife runs off with her accountant and leaves an upper decker in your toilet just as one last big \"screw you.\" I mean, seriously?", "That is so not cool, what did you ever do to deserve that?", "Killing too many animals? I mean, is that really a crime?", "Depends on how you do it, where you do it, and when you do it I suppose haha.", "Well, it was either that or when I let the kids get into that gator enclosure. In my defense, they did a lousy job of luring that thing out.", "So how did your tinder date go?", "She was great! We had fun! I don't understand why she won't return my calls now. I thought she may be the one to replace my wife.", "I'm happy to hear that it went well! What did you do on the date? I'd love to hear more about it. And don't worry, I'm sure she will return your calls eventually! I'm sure she's just busy. ", "I took her out to a really nice dinner. She did not offer to pay. Still, I decided she was pretty enough to take on my four wheeler. I did some cow tipping. She laughed but refused to join, but I think she was not feeling well. Asked that I take her home soon after. ", "Some cow tipping? Oh my gosh! That sounds like a very fun and unique date. Do you think she was maybe too nervous to do that with you? I think I would be.", "If so, she should have said something. She had plenty of time when we got stuck in a swamp on the way there. It was pitch black and the four-wheeler basically fell right in. She was pretty good at pushing me out of there.", "She must be a strong woman! haha. How cool, though. I hope she calls you back soon so you can have another fun date! You deserve it after the challenges you've had with your wife. ", "Ugh. Man, she just texted and ask that I stop calling her before she has to take out a restraining order. The nerve of some people!! I think I will head over to her place to sort this out in person. ", "Oh no! Do you really think you should go to her place, though? That doesn't sound like a good idea. You don't want to be too abrasive and make her uncomfortable. ", "Well, she is asking for it if she does not want to talk on the phone. I will bring her a couple dozen roses or something. That will win her over and then I can tell her why she should be my new wife.", "Well, you could try that, but I don't think it's a good idea. She might end up calling the police on you! Be careful, okay? ", "Do you want to call her and let her know I am a good guy?", "Hey man, I don't think me calling her or you showing up with roses is going to help the situation at this point. I think maybe you should let this one go and maybe focus on finding someone who shares the same interests as you. Maybe someone who enjoys gator hunting?", "I think you are right, not everyone enjoys country style dating. You been married long enough do you have any advice?", "I think it's important to remember that not everyone is the same. I definitely reccomend looking for someone with similar interests as you, but don't try to change who someone is.", "Similar interests would be better for sure, its easy to scare off most women being a gator hunter. I thought tinder would be a good way to meet a variety of women.", "Yes, gator hunting would be too exciting for some people for sure! I think Tinder is a good way to meet a variety of women, but it may take some time to find the right one. I bet you'll find her eventually though!", "I just feel lonely since my wife left and maybe im trying to rush things a bit with these other women. Sometimes i feel as though I'll never find another one like her. Do you hava any date ideas that might get a better response?", "Something simple like getting coffee and chatting should be appealing to a lot of people. If you're worried about rushing things, you could focus on initiating friendships and see where they go from there.", "I do enjoy initiating friendships with women, but i also like a little more excitement on our dates. Youre probably right though i should take things a little slower and maybe i wont scare them off as easily.", "Yes, I understand that. I think it's important to find a balance between casual and exciting. Maybe if you take the time to let someone get to know you, they'll be more open to exciting things like gator hunting.", "Yeah i reckon gator hunting can be a bit extreme for most folks! I just dont want to feel as though im pretending to be someone im not to get someone to go on more than one date but maybe i should just be more patient with things.", "Yes, that sounds like a good plan. Patience is incredibly important when you're looking for that special someone!", "Thank you for helping me with this dating issue, I'll try and take your advice and see how things work out! Youve been married long enough to know the tricks of the trade."], "init_persona": [[["I am a father.", "I am a brother.", "I am atheist.", "I am middle aged.", "I am employed."], ["I am a gator hunter.", "I have an air boat.", "I've been in trouble with the law before.", "My dream car is an'81 camaro.", "I went hungry to buy 33 inch truck tires."]], [["I just got home from work.", "I am getting older so get tired more easily.", "I am a man."], ["I am a gator hunter.", "I live in Florida. I have an airboat.", "My wife left me. I got arrested for over hunting. My kids got killed by a gator."]], [["I am getting older so get tired more easily.", "I once got a traffic ticket. I like following the law. I feel tired to do crimes.", "I've been working the same job for a while now, but I'm content.", "I am a man. I'm married and no longer young."], ["I live in Florida. I have an airboat.", "My wife left me and has not contacted me ever since.I got arrested for over hunting. My kids got killed by a gator. I went hunting for gators. I once gotten bit by a gator.", "I like hanging out with women for fun.", "I don't want to have a routine of working and going home. I want excitement."]], [["I am getting older so get tired more easily.", "I once got a traffic ticket. I like following the law. I feel tired to do crimes.", "I've been working the same job for a while now, but I'm content.", "I am a man. I'm married and no longer young. I'm going on a vacation. I love my wife."], ["I live in Florida. I have an airboat.", "My wife left me and has not contacted me ever since.I got arrested for over hunting. My kids got killed by a gator. I went hunting for gators. I once gotten bit by a gator.", "I like hanging out with women for fun.", "I don't want to have a routine of working and going home. I want excitement.", "I am divorced. I like to make jokes. I use humor to mask the sadness. I go on dates. I am single. I date online through Tinder.", "My ex wife hates me. I was irresponsible with my children."]], [["I am getting older so get tired more easily.", "I once got a traffic ticket. I like following the law. I feel tired to do crimes.", "I've been working the same job for a while now, but I'm content.", "I am a man. I'm married and no longer young. I'm going on a vacation. I love my wife.", "I think going cow tipping is a unique date and I would be nervous."], ["I live in Florida. I have an airboat.", "My wife left me and has not contacted me ever since.I got arrested for over hunting. My kids got killed by a gator. I went hunting for gators. I once gotten bit by a gator.", "I like hanging out with women for fun.", "I don't want to have a routine of working and going home. I want excitement.", "I am divorced. I like to make jokes. I use humor to mask the sadness. I go on dates. I am single. I date online through Tinder.", "My ex wife hates me. I was irresponsible with my children.", "I went on a tinder date with a girl but she won't return my calls. I want to replace my wife. I took her to a nice dinner (but she didn't pay), took her on my four wheeler, took her cow tipping (but she didn't join), and then took her home. I made my date push my four wheeler out of the swamp when we got stuck."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_176_0", "test_176_1", "test_176_2", "test_176_3", "test_176_4", "test_176_5", "test_176_6", "test_176_7", "test_176_8", "test_176_9", "test_176_10", "test_176_11", "test_176_12", "test_176_13", "test_176_14", "test_176_15", "test_176_16", "test_176_17", "test_176_18", "test_176_19", "test_176_20", "test_176_21", "test_176_22", "test_176_23", "test_176_24", "test_176_25", "test_176_26", "test_176_27", "test_176_28", "test_176_29", "test_176_30", "test_176_31", "test_176_32", "test_176_33", "test_176_34", "test_176_35", "test_176_36", "test_176_37", "test_176_38", "test_176_39", "test_176_40", "test_176_41", "test_176_42", "test_176_43", "test_176_44", "test_176_45", "test_176_46", "test_176_47", "test_176_48", "test_176_49", "test_176_50", "test_176_51", "test_176_52", "test_176_53", "test_176_54", "test_176_55", "test_176_56", "test_176_57", "test_176_58", "test_176_59", "test_176_60", "test_176_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi there, how are you doing?", "Good how about you?", "Great, I was just watching a movie on netflix, I love netflix.", "I love watching movies,wich one?", "Spiderman, but one of the old ones. I am kind of old, a senior citizen.", "Okay,im watching my youtube video jammin too some punk rock.", "One of my eight grandchildren likes punk rock.", "Do they like pizza and burgers too?", "Of course they do, even my mother who used to be a librarian likes burgers.", "Oh I like going for a cruise after I get done at the wharehouse.", "Sounds great but not for me, I am kind of quiet person.", "Yeah I gotcha im kinda the same I stay to my self allot.", "You sound like a nice person, I am glad we have the chit chat.", "Ya you as well,good luck in your endevors.", "Which punk rock band is your favorite?", "The Puddle Monkeys. What is yours?", "I am not much of a punk rock person, but I do like the Ramones. Do they count as punk rock?", "Close enough! I like some of the Ramones. ", "Have you ever been to a Puddle Monkeys concert? ", "No, they've never gotten close enough to where I live. Were you ever at a Ramones concert?", "Technically no, but when I was in college, they played a festival and I could see the stage from my dorm room.", "That would be cool! I'd enjoy going to a concert like that. Watching them live without leaving my room. That would be ideal!", "It was great because could enjoy the music, and enjoy some cold beer in the comfort of the dorm room. At the time, I was too young to be served alcohol.", "That would make it even better! Where did you go to school?", "I went to Rutgers University. It was quite a while ago and at the time, dorms were not coed yet!", "I only went to trade school near home, but I never finished.", "Have you watched the new movies out on Netflix? I just watched one and highly recommend it.", "You know I love watching movies! But right now I only currently watch videos on YouTube. Would you recommend that I get a Netflix account?", "Yes I would. There are a lot of really good exclusive shows and movies that Netflix makes. Some of them are great.", "Hmm, that's interesting. Are there any that you would recommend to me currently? And how much is it to create a Netflix account? I don't make a lot of money working at the warehouse, and I'm trying to save up.", "The most basic plan is $8.99 a month. I think it's worth it. I would highly recommend Queen's Gambit, great show.", "I think $8.99 is something I could afford. I might get it tonight if I can find a little free time. Do you think they have any titles about punk rock on there? I've been on a huge punk rock kick all year long.", "I am not sure, but I'm sure they probably have something related to that. There is really something for everyone there.", "That's awesome. I feel the same way about YouTube, but it's mostly shorts, or indie content. There isn't a lot of full-length content on there that isn't copyright infringement. I'm excited to check it out.", "What kinds of things do you normally watch on Youtube? I have heard that it is a great place for all the latest music videos.", "I watch a lot of music videos and documentaries. Mostly things about punk rock and the Puddle Monkeys. I also enjoy a lot of gaming content, as well as comedy. There isn't a lot in terms of movies, though.", "Yeah, I'd imagine that movie producers would not approve of having their creations on platform where everting is free.", "Well, I don't think it's free. Content creators earn money from the advertising revenue generated for the website, so both parties win. ", "Do you have any punk rock bands I can recommend to my grand-kid?", "yes! have they ever heard of puddle monkeys? I love them!", "No, I've never heard of the bank \"Puddle Monkeys\". What groups are they like?", "they sound kind of like the sex pistols. they're really good. you'd like them I think! what's your favorite ramones song?", "I know it's kind of cliche, but \"Blitzkrieg Bop\" is my favorite Ramones song. What's yours?", "I haven't really listented to them! I will listen to that one though. :-) did you get to watch a lot of concerts from your form?", "I'm not sure what you meant...from my dorm? No concerts from my dorm but we did have them in the quad occasionally. Some of the bands were good, but obviously no punk. The university rec committee did have sme early ska, though", "yes, yes, from your dorm. typo there. you said you were able to see the ramones from your dorm so I wondered if you'd seen anywhere else. what ska bands played there?", "My mistake, when I said that I meant I watched them on the university's in house tv channel. I remember one ska band was called The Uptones. I really enjoyed them! ", "ohh okay! that makes sense. I thought maybe you had a view of the quad. never heard of the uptones -- what's their sound like?", "It was like punk mixed with reggae mixed with two tone (if you know what that is)...this is going way back so I don't remember. Also I forgot I DID watch a concert from my dorm, kind of, we snuck up to the roof and could see the quad from there. ", "I don't know much about two tone -- what's it like? can you explain it to me?", "One of my grandkids came over for the day. We listened to a song by the Puddle Monkeys and then took a walk around the pond near my house, then looked through my old university yearbooks. ", "That sounds like a great day. And of course you can't go wrong with the Puddle Monkeys!", "I know, right? What did you get up to today?", "Just work. I need the money. Warehouse work is hard, but it's a steady paycheck. I listened to some music after I got home. I'm a bit of a homebody, so I don't go out much.", "I get that, good for you for hustling every day! What music did you listen to when you got home?", "Some Puddle Monkeys, of course. I did check out the Ramones again. I think I'm beginning to see why you like them. Most of the band has passed away, right?", "The most famous ones have for sure! I think I saw there is a documentary on them, I have been meaning to check it out! ", "Oh, if you do, let me know the name of the documentary. I'll see if it is on YouTube. I still haven't bought a Netflix account. I'm on the fence about the monthly payment. I just don't know if I", "I understand, it is not cheap to have to pay it every month. I have one of those family Netflix accounts, I wouldn't mind making you a user so that you can access it.", "That would be wonderful. Thank you. Is that legal? I don't want to get you in trouble! I don't think I could handle getting a grandmother thrown in jail! Ha!", "I pay for the family account, so you are allowed up to 5 unique users!", "Oh, that's cool. I didn't know they had those. I guess you could adopt me as another grandchild! What's one more, right!"], "init_persona": [[["I am a senior citizen.", "I have eight grandchildren.", "My mother was a librarian.", "I am a very quiet person.", "I like to watch movies on netflix."], ["I like watching movies.", "I work part time in a warehouse.", "I like punk music.", "I like pizza and burgers.", "I enjoy cruising."]], [["I like watching movies on Netflix. I watched Spiderman.", "I am a senior citizen. I have eight grand kids.", "I have a mother who used to be a librarian.", "I am a quiet person."], ["I love watching movies.", "I like punk rock. I watch videos on Youtube.", "I work at a warehouse.", "I stay to myself."]], [["I like watching movies on Netflix. I watched Spiderman.", "I am a senior citizen. I have eight grand kids.", "I have a mother who used to be a librarian.", "I am a quiet person.", "I like the Ramones. I used to go to Rutgers University. I stayed at a dorm. I watched the Ramones perform at the festival in my college from my dorm room. My dorm wasn't coed."], ["I love watching movies. I watch videos on Youtube.", "I work at a warehouse.", "I stay to myself.", "My favorite punk rock band is the Puddle Monkeys. I haven't been to a concert for the Puddle Monkeys.", "I like some of the Ramones.", "I used to go to a trade school near my home. I didn't finish my studies though."]], [["I like watching movies on Netflix. I watched Spiderman.", "I am a senior citizen. I have eight grand kids.", "I have a mother who used to be a librarian.", "I am a quiet person.", "I like the Ramones. I used to go to Rutgers University. I stayed at a dorm. I watched the Ramones perform at the festival in my college from my dorm room. My dorm wasn't coed.", "I like watching the Queen's Gambit show."], ["I love watching movies. I watch videos on Youtube.", "I work at a warehouse.", "I stay to myself.", "My favorite punk rock band is the Puddle Monkeys. I haven't been to a concert for the Puddle Monkeys.", "I like some of the Ramones.", "I used to go to a trade school near my home. I didn't finish my studies though.", "I don't have a netflix account.", "I have a low paying job. I manage my money.", "I am usually busy.", "I like music,gaming, and comedy content."]], [["I like watching movies on Netflix. I watched Spiderman.", "I am a senior citizen. I have eight grand kids.", "I have a mother who used to be a librarian.", "I am a quiet person.", "I like the Ramones. My favorite Ramones song is \"Blitzkrieg Bop. I used to go to Rutgers University. I stayed at a dorm. I watched the Ramones perform at the festival in my college from my dorm room. My dorm wasn't coed.", "I like watching the Queen's Gambit show.", "I want to recommend punk rock bands to my grandkid.", "I have never heard of the Puddle Monkeys. I used to be able to watch some bands in the quad when I was at college. I watched a ska band called the Uptones while I was in college. I watched the Ramones play on the university's tv channel.", "I snuck on the roof of my dorm one time and watched a band playing in the quad."], ["I love watching movies. I watch videos on Youtube.", "I work at a warehouse.", "I stay to myself.", "My favorite punk rock band is the Puddle Monkeys. I haven't been to a concert for the Puddle Monkeys. I think the Puddle Monkeys are similar to the Sex Pistols.", "I like some of the Ramones. I have never listened to the Ramones but I will listen to \"Blitzkrieg Bop.", "I used to go to a trade school near my home. I didn't finish my studies though.", "I don't have a netflix account.", "I have a low paying job. I manage my money.", "I am usually busy.", "I like music,gaming, and comedy content.", "I have never hard of the Uptones. I have never heard of two tone music."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_177_0", "test_177_1", "test_177_2", "test_177_3", "test_177_4", "test_177_5", "test_177_6", "test_177_7", "test_177_8", "test_177_9", "test_177_10", "test_177_11", "test_177_12", "test_177_13", "test_177_14", "test_177_15", "test_177_16", "test_177_17", "test_177_18", "test_177_19", "test_177_20", "test_177_21", "test_177_22", "test_177_23", "test_177_24", "test_177_25", "test_177_26", "test_177_27", "test_177_28", "test_177_29", "test_177_30", "test_177_31", "test_177_32", "test_177_33", "test_177_34", "test_177_35", "test_177_36", "test_177_37", "test_177_38", "test_177_39", "test_177_40", "test_177_41", "test_177_42", "test_177_43", "test_177_44", "test_177_45", "test_177_46", "test_177_47", "test_177_48", "test_177_49", "test_177_50", "test_177_51", "test_177_52", "test_177_53", "test_177_54", "test_177_55", "test_177_56", "test_177_57", "test_177_58", "test_177_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey, big country music fan here. What are you up to?", "Hey, that is awesome! I'm currently searching around for a furniture shop to buy furniture.", "Furniture shopping eh? Bit cold here for that. Sad that winter's ending though, my favorite season.", "Trying to buy furniture safe for my two dogs! I love pets, you have any pets?", "Yup, I live on a corn and bean farm, so lots of animals!", "Nice, a farm! I love to barbecue, especially grilling steak and hotdogs.", "Oo, sounds good. I like driving trucks and tractors, country boy here. Love bbqing as well.", "I work near a mall by my house, wish I could live that country lifestyle down here.", "You should come down and visit, we could blast some country music.", "I'd love that. Once I am done renovating my house we should meet in person.", "Sounds good. What are you doing with your home?", "Buying furniture for it, house isn't quite up to my living standards with my pets.", "How is the house coming along, did you pick out some new furniture?", "Yeah I think so, although I can't decide if they will go or not. ", "Why not? What is making you doubt them?", "Its the colours really. They looked great in the store but when I got them back it doesn't feel right. The sofas are purple.", "Uh. Purple? Uh hum. I could have told you that was not an amazing choice lol. But you said you were renovating. Did you at least update that old paint to something more vibrant to go with it? That might help. Or if it is a royal purple, you could find some gold colored tables and curtains and make it work.", "I painted first, which was a light green colour. The purple looked so good in store though lol. Do you think I should repaint to match?", "Depends on the color. Dark royal purple would look ok with like blood red or some other dark color. Green and purple could go together if you find a way to get the shades right and marry them. Idk. I am not an interior decorator though am I. Maybe I am actually clueless lol.", "Yeah, its not a dark green. More of a pastel. It sounds like we are both clueless. I might just leave it and claim I am colour blind. ", "Or you could add a few random splashes of like neon pink and lavender to the wall. Get some outlandish curtains and hang up a bead door to the room and call it the chill room where colors mesh and collide to make an inspiring hippy feel. Idk", "I like the way you are thinking. Want to come over and splash some colour all over the place?", "Ohhh yes! I would love to do that. Maybe you could even get some on the couches or on the wood furniture just for fun. Or instead of the couches, get some throw pillows and splash on them!", "Awesome, I think we may have found a solution. I just need to go back out to the store any buy brightly coloured pillows.", "After seeing the progress you made on your house I've been inspired to redecorate. Do you want to help me pick out some things for my house?", "Sure, I could do that. You still like purple furniture?", "I always like purple furniture. I know you used some purple. Anything you want to offload if you don't like it?", "I regret my green and purple scheme, so. I'd have no problem giving you all of my purple stuff once I replace it!", "Perfect. Do you want to try to meet up to go over what you've got to get rid of?", "Of course. Just not this weekend since I plan to grill some steaks. Any barbecue tips you can offer?", "Season everything first. Use a smoker if you've got it. I only use charcoal. What kind of grill are you using?:", "I'm using an old charcoal grill. I bought a gas one recently, but I just love the flavor of the meat cooked on charcoal.", "I have never liked gas. I think it is simultaneously not as good for flavor and too easy to do it. I want to work for my meal. I have no clue why. You grilling corn? I am obsessed with grilling corn with mayo and cheese. ", "I love grilling corn, but I prefer to get the corn straight from the farm. It just has a better taste than the processed stuff they have at stores.", "Agreed. It is little early for good corn, but a few more weeks should do. You should try it with cotija and mayo. It's surprisingly good.", "I'll give it a shot. You live on a corn farm, right? Is it hard to manage?", "i just bought some new furniture. I think it fits well in my house.", "Nice! What did you end up buying?", "I got a new couch and recliner, and then some new patio furniture. I'm hoping to enjoy some more quiet evenings outside this summer.", "A quiet evening with some barbeque and a cold one by the fire sounds perfect right about now.", "Yes, that was my thinking, too. I'd like to get in the habit of grilling and eating outside most nights when the weather permits. I'm hoping the new furniture helps me be more consistent with it.", "I think it will definitely encourage it. But even if you don't grill most nights, you could probably make enough barbeque to have left overs for a couple nights. That's usually what I do, because I don't really have the time or energy to grill every night.", "That's a good idea. On nights when I'm grilling I'll probably enjoy it even more, but even when I don't have the time or energy I can still eat out there with some leftovers and still appreciate it. You should come over and help break in the new stuff.", "Oh I would love to! There's actually a new marinade I've been wanting to try, so I'll I get a few cuts of meat marinating in that and bring that those over along with a six pack.", "That sounds like a great night. We'll have to pick a night when the weather is really good. I've got things set up so we can play music and enjoy the food and company without worrying about bugs or anything like that.", "That sounds like a plan to me! Speaking of the bugs, what are you using to keep them out? The bugs over at my place seem to be getting used to what I've been using.", "I use a few different devices and they seem to work well, including some lamps. I'll go find the actual product names and get them to you. But if all else fails, I've got some old fashioned bug spray that does the job!", "Haha, see all I've been using was the bug spray. I need to get a couple of lamps and maybe some of those candles they used to advertise on tv. Remember those?", "I have been learning how to play guitar so maybe I could play something for you when we meet for the barbecue.", "That would be great maybe you can help me pick a color scheme for my living room, you might want to bring some bug spray too, the mosquitos here are prety bad.", "I think white with small details of like blue or red is a nice color scheme. What other color schemes did you have in mind? I'll bring over the lamp I have that'll get rid of bugs!", "I just know i have to do something about this green and purple. I'm thinking of getting some patio furniture also, where did you get yours?", "Ikea! Their furniture is not to expensive and they have all kinds of furniture that'll go with whatever scheme you're going for. What kind of patio furniture were you looking for? Like a barbeque, chairs, hammock? ", "I guess I was going to get like an umbrella table and some chairs to go with it or maybe even a screened in gazebo with a fire pit in the middle.", "That's a great idea! Sounds like a very nice place for a barbeque. What were you planning on grilling for the barbeque? ", "I'll get the steaks to grill if you will bring the corn. And I have a request for you to play on the guitar, I know you are into country so if you could maybe play a song or two by Miranda Lambert, that would be awesome.", "Of course! I love Miranda Lambert, any specific song requests? ", "Nothing specific I love all her songs, I think I'm going get off here so I can try to order that gazebo.", "Good luck finding a gazebo!", "Thanks good talking to you, see you at the barbeque soon."], "init_persona": [[["I love listening to country music.", "I live on a large corn and bean farm.", "I like driving trucks and tractors are my favorite.", "My favorite time of the year is winter.", "My father is a preacher in church."], ["I love pets and have 2 dogs.", "I work at the mall near my home.", "I have a house that is not yet finished.", "I am looking for a furniture shop to buy furniture.", "I love grilling steak and hotdogs."]], [["I am a big country music fan.", "It's too cold here for furniture shopping. Winter is my favourite season.", "I live on a corn and bean farm so I have lots of animals.", "I love driving trucks and tractors. I love barbecues as well."], ["I am looking for furniture to buy.", "I have 2 dogs.", "I like to barbecue. I like grilling steak and hotdogs.", "I work near a mall by my house.", "I am renovating my house."]], [["I am a big country music fan.", "It's too cold here for furniture shopping. Winter is my favourite season.", "I live on a corn and bean farm so I have lots of animals.", "I love driving trucks and tractors. I love barbecues as well.", "I don't think purple is a good color for furniture. I am not an interior decorator. I think neon pink and lavender would go well with green. I would enjoy creatively painting a house."], ["I have 2 dogs.", "I like to barbecue. I like grilling steak and hotdogs.", "I work near a mall by my house.", "I am renovating my house. I recently bought new furniture. I regret my choices in furniture. I went with a green and purple color scheme.I need to buy some brightly colored pillows for my couch."]], [["I am a big country music fan.", "It's too cold here for furniture shopping. Winter is my favourite season.", "I live on a corn and bean farm so I have lots of animals.", "I love driving trucks and tractors. I love barbecues as well.", "I don't think purple is a good color for furniture. I am not an interior decorator. I think neon pink and lavender would go well with green. I would enjoy creatively painting a house.", "I understand how to grill and use seasonings. I love grilled corn with cheese and mayo."], ["I have 2 dogs.", "I like to barbecue. I like grilling steak and hotdogs.", "I work near a mall by my house.", "I am renovating my house. I recently bought new furniture. I regret my choices in furniture. I went with a green and purple color scheme.I need to buy some brightly colored pillows for my couch. I don't like a green and purple color scheme.", "I prefer charcoal grilled meats.", "I love corn straight from the farm."]], [["I am a big country music fan.", "It's too cold here for furniture shopping. Winter is my favourite season.", "I live on a corn and bean farm so I have lots of animals.", "I love driving trucks and tractors. I love barbecues as well.", "I don't think purple is a good color for furniture. I am not an interior decorator. I think neon pink and lavender would go well with green. I would enjoy creatively painting a house.", "I understand how to grill and use seasonings. I love grilled corn with cheese and mayo.", "I live in a house. I got a new couch, a recliner and new patio furniture.", "I don't like to be bothered by bugs. I use a few devices to get rid of bugs including lamps. I use bug spray to get rid of bugs."], ["I have 2 dogs.", "I like to barbecue. I like grilling steak and hotdogs.", "I work near a mall by my house.", "I am renovating my house. I recently bought new furniture. I regret my choices in furniture. I went with a green and purple color scheme.I need to buy some brightly colored pillows for my couch. I don't like a green and purple color scheme.", "I prefer charcoal grilled meats.", "I love corn straight from the farm.", "I make enough barbecue in one grill to last me a couple of nights. I want to try a new meat marinade. I like beer.", "I was not successful in trying to get rid of bugs. I will get lamps and candles to get rid of bugs."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_183_0", "test_183_1", "test_183_2", "test_183_3", "test_183_4", "test_183_5", "test_183_6", "test_183_7", "test_183_8", "test_183_9", "test_183_10", "test_183_11", "test_183_12", "test_183_13", "test_183_14", "test_183_15", "test_183_16", "test_183_17", "test_183_18", "test_183_19", "test_183_20", "test_183_21", "test_183_22", "test_183_23", "test_183_24", "test_183_25", "test_183_26", "test_183_27", "test_183_28", "test_183_29", "test_183_30", "test_183_31", "test_183_32", "test_183_33", "test_183_34", "test_183_35", "test_183_36", "test_183_37", "test_183_38", "test_183_39", "test_183_40", "test_183_41", "test_183_42", "test_183_43", "test_183_44", "test_183_45", "test_183_46", "test_183_47", "test_183_48", "test_183_49", "test_183_50", "test_183_51", "test_183_52", "test_183_53", "test_183_54", "test_183_55", "test_183_56", "test_183_57", "test_183_58", "test_183_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I love to excercise, especially running.", "I like riding horses more than running. Where do you live?", "I live in oregon and I have 2 daughters. Do you like dogs?", "I like horses more. I don't have kids, but I have many siblings.", "Did you attend college? I majored in psychology.", "I didn't attend college. Right now I live with my parents near the beach.", "I can't eat dairy or gluten. It upsets my stomach. Do you have any food restrictions?", "Not really. I want to buy a country house so I can have a huge kitchen.", "I love the country. Will you have many horses?", "I hope so! I love having horses. How about you, do you have many dogs?", "I have 6 dogs. I like them better than my 2 cats.", "That's a lot of dogs!", "Did you ride your horses near the beach?", "I haven't yet, I'm not ready to clean all the sand from my horses. Have you ever ridden a horse?", "I used to ride as a teenager i would love to start doing again, i just don't really know where to go by me. How many horses do you own?", "Riding always used to hurt my legs so I can see why it would be tempting to stop. I have two horses, their names are Ray and Maya. Maya loves to chase squirrels whenever they enter the pasture!", "Omg they are the cutest names. It has always been my dream to have my own horse one day. ", "Well, if you're ever in South Carolina, you're welcome to come visit them! What are your cats named?", "Omg thank you so much I really appreciate the offer. My cats are called Dion and Celine. They are very good and chilled out cats. ", "Ha! Those are very good names! I assume you like the singer?", "I do but i didn't even realize i named them after her until someone pointed it out haha. ", "Well, that's a very fortunate turn of events! Do you go running with any of your dogs?", "Yes i usually take two of them with me at a time and switch them around each day. They always have so much energy they need a good run, and its great for me too. ", "Do you run just for fun or are you training for a race? I've never been much of one for running due to my asthma but I can see the appeal", "I just took a run and saw some horses along the way and thought of you. Have you been on any fun rides lately?", "I took my horse Raya to the beach yesterday! She loved galloping through the water.", "That sounds so great! Does riding affect your asthma at all? I was looking into running with asthma and it can be done if you take it slow.", "Not really, I take my inhaler with me just in case. You should come riding with me some time!", "That's a good idea. I would love to come riding with you! Whereabouts are you living?", "I'm out in South Beach in South Carolina. I can pay for your plane ticket?", "Wow, you live on the other side of the country! I have always wanted to visit South Carolina, though. I have never been to the East coast besides going to Florida once.", "True east coasters don't consider Florida East Coast anyways. Ha! I can teach you some basic horse riding while you're out here.", "Oh really haha, why is that? That would be great. I would love to see the local attractions too, especially the beach.", "Florida is its own country haha. Seeing the beach on horseback is something special.", "Ah I see haha. I have always wanted to go horseback riding on the beach, after seeing it in movies. It seems so romantic.", "I like when my long hair flows in the wind. It feels like I truly am in a story.", "What do you like the most about the east coast?", "I love all the beaches. Do you have a lot of beaches by you?", "Yes! The Oregon coast is beautiful! It's usually pretty chilly to be going for a swim though!", "That sucks that is a to cold for a swim. It is always hot here. That why I am at the beach a lot.", "That sounds nice! It's usually cool enough that I can enjoy a nice run so that's good. Do you swim or surf at the beach?", "That is good that you are able to do a run. I do some of both I love surfing and also swimming. Do you usually run in the morning, mid day or afternoons/night time?", "I love to run early in the morning just as the sun is coming up. The early morning mist is so refreshing and beautiful. Are you a runner?", "I bet it is beautiful running in the morning time. I am not a running because of my asthma.", "Yeah that's a bummer! Do you feel like you have it under control?", "It does really suck. But I think I do have it under control sometimes. Sometimes surfing or swimming makes it act up but I just love doing that stuff. So I just deal with the asthma ", "That's good that you don't let it get you down! I would find that really frustrating.", "It is very frustrating at times but I learn different ways to manage it each day.", "Do you like cooking? I remember you mentioned you wanted a house with a big kitchen one day. ", "That's the irony. I don't like cooking but I love having people over and hanging out together at the kitchen table and having parties. I think the kitchen is the heart of a home.", "I definitely agree! So do you order takeout most nights?", "More often than I should but I do cook a few simple things so that I'm not constantly blowing money on take out. I won't be able to afford a big kitchen that way.lol", "haha that is very true! What are the simple things you like to good? I think if you can master cooking eggs, then there are many simple meals you can make.", "I can definitely scramble some eggs. I like to do quesadillas on my panini maker, I'll marinate and bake chicken, or do turkey meatballs. Nothing with more than 4 ingredients or that takes more effort than turning the oven on though.lol", "those all sound delicious! I do make most of my meals myself because of my dietary restrictions, it's just easier that way. However, I do love going out for all-you-can-eat Sushi about once a month. That is my indulgence!", "The only sushi I can manage are spicy crab rolls because there's nothing raw in it. I tried to like sushi but my brain won't let me forget that it's not cooked.lol", "You can eat the veggie rolls! Or they usually serve other things like beef satay and chicken dishes as well. If you slowly try the basic raw fish, you will get into it. I never used to like it but I try something new each time I go.", "I enjoy tempura. I get shrimp and sweet potato tempura and crab rolls. Or honey barbeque with pineapple. There are a lot of options I like at sushi restaurants that all come cooked.lol", "Oh my goodness, I love the sweet potato rolls, so delicious! I am getting hungry just thinking about it, I may have to go for sushi for dinner tonight haha.", "I hope all this sushi talk hasn't forced you to go spend a ton of money now.lol I haven't had Japanese in a while now. I may have to get some soon myself."], "init_persona": [[["I like to run.", "I don't eat gluten or dairy.", "I have two daughters.", "I like dogs better than cats.", "I majored in psychology in college."], ["I have twelve brothers and sisters.", "I live on the beach with my parents.", "I want to buy my own house.", "I love having horses and riding them.", "I will move to the country soon."]], [["I love exercise. I like running.", "I live in Oregon. I have 2 daughters.", "I majored in psychology in college.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I love the country.", "I have 6 dogs. I have 2 cats."], ["I like riding horses. I like horses more than dogs. I have horses. I don't have kids. I have many siblings.", "I didn't go to college. I live with my parents near the beach.", "I don't have any food restrictions. I want a country house and big kitchen."]], [["I love exercise. I like running.", "I live in Oregon. I have 2 daughters.", "I majored in psychology in college.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I love the country.", "I have 6 dogs. I have 2 cats named Dion and Celine.I rode horses when I was a teenager. I go running with my dogs."], ["I like riding horses. I like horses more than dogs. I have 2 horses named Raya and Maya. I don't have kids. I have many siblings.", "I didn't go to college. I live with my parents near the beach.", "I don't have any food restrictions. I want a country house and big kitchen.", "I live in South Carolina.", "I have asthma."]], [["I love exercise. I like running.", "I live in Oregon. I have 2 daughters.", "I majored in psychology in college.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I love the country.", "I have 6 dogs. I have 2 cats named Dion and Celine.I rode horses when I was a teenager. I go running with my dogs. I live in an area with horses.", "I live on the west side of the US."], ["I like riding horses. I like horses more than dogs. I have 2 horses named Raya and Maya. I don't have kids. I have many siblings.", "I didn't go to college. I live with my parents near the beach.", "I don't have any food restrictions. I want a country house and big kitchen.", "I have asthma. I have an inhaler.", "I live in South Beach, South Carolina. I am a true East Coaster.", "I have long hair."]], [["I love exercise.", "I live in Oregon. I have 2 daughters.", "I majored in psychology in college.", "I don't eat dairy or gluten.", "I love the country.", "I have 6 dogs. I have 2 cats named Dion and Celine.I rode horses when I was a teenager. I go running with my dogs. I live in an area with horses.", "I live on the west side of the US.", "I love the Oregon coast because of the beaches but it is very chilly for swimming in.", "I enjoy running along the beach. I love running in the morning and find morning mist refreshing."], ["I like riding horses. I like horses more than dogs. I have 2 horses named Raya and Maya. I don't have kids. I have many siblings.", "I didn't go to college. I live with my parents near the beach.", "I don't have any food restrictions. I want a country house and big kitchen.", "I live in South Beach, South Carolina. I am a true East Coaster.", "I have long hair.", "My favorite thing about the east coast is all the beaches.", "I like swimming because it is always hot here. I like surfing and swimming at the beach.", "I cannot run because I have asthma. I have an inhaler. I mostly have my asthma under control but swimming and surfing makes it act up. I find asthma frustrating but find ways to manage."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_184_0", "test_184_1", "test_184_2", "test_184_3", "test_184_4", "test_184_5", "test_184_6", "test_184_7", "test_184_8", "test_184_9", "test_184_10", "test_184_11", "test_184_12", "test_184_13", "test_184_14", "test_184_15", "test_184_16", "test_184_17", "test_184_18", "test_184_19", "test_184_20", "test_184_21", "test_184_22", "test_184_23", "test_184_24", "test_184_25", "test_184_26", "test_184_27", "test_184_28", "test_184_29", "test_184_30", "test_184_31", "test_184_32", "test_184_33", "test_184_34", "test_184_35", "test_184_36", "test_184_37", "test_184_38", "test_184_39", "test_184_40", "test_184_41", "test_184_42", "test_184_43", "test_184_44", "test_184_45", "test_184_46", "test_184_47", "test_184_48", "test_184_49", "test_184_50", "test_184_51", "test_184_52", "test_184_53", "test_184_54", "test_184_55", "test_184_56", "test_184_57", "test_184_58", "test_184_59", "test_184_60", "test_184_61", "test_184_62", "test_184_63"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello.", "Hey there!", "I am spending time on turk while I decide what else to do today.", "I am doing my daily surveys before going to play some games!", "I enjoy hiking, so maybe I will go for a walk.", "Think I might play league of legends, might play alistar, love that champion! You ever play?", "No, I am not gamer,.", "Ah! You should try it sometime, I love playing with others the more the merrier!", "Did you vote in the primary? I did not! Should have, becuase..", "No I did not, tell me more about it.", "I live in il, worst state there is for politics.", "Really how come you feel that way? I live in california.", "Do you know how many former il governers are in jail? A lot.", "Wow really, anything else you would like to talk about?", "I will go for a walk, so see you later.", "Gonna play on my gaming laptop, you as well!", "Hey what have you been up to? I am guessing playing league of legends.", "Yes, I've been playing league of legends and alistar with friends! I've also been taking surveys and enjoying California. How about you?", "Oh ive been enjoying this beautiful weather by going on some hikes and fishing.", "Good to hear! I've been enjoying the nice weather here in California too. Happy it's Spring. What's it been like in Illinois?", "Pretty decent, no humidity and warm enough to get moving comfortably heh. Enjoying it before it gets too hot for summer.", "Yes, I worry about how hot it might get in California this Summer. It can get very humid here on the coast too", "Oh i bet, then you have that added danger of the wild fires.", "True! Do you have to worry about anything like that where you live?", "Well the fields can catch but not as much as out there, tornados though are big.", "I bet. I don't have to worry about tornadoes where I live. Has anything ever happened while you were hiking?", "No not really if youre careful. You just grow up learning the warning signs of mother nature.", "Yes that makes sense. You learn to be pretty careful about the weather here since California can have pretty volatile weather patterns", "I got the registration for my boat in the mail today. I can't wait to take it out on the river this weekend!", "What?!?!! That sounds so cool. Are you taking it out to the great lakes?", "I would love to take it out on Lake Michigan but I don't think I am ready for that quite yet. You should come visit in the summer and we can go boating. It's not as hot here as California in the summer so that should appeal to you.", "Ooh, definitely! I've never ridden in a boat before.", "You live in California and have been been on a boat? Wow, why not? Whereabouts in California do you live?", "I'm in LA currently and have always been pretty poor. Can my first time be on your boat?", "Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Of course, I would love to have you on my boat. I can pay for your plane ticket if you cannot afford it.", "Wow, that would be amazing! When can I come?", "When are you available? Do you have a job that you need to book vacation time with? ", "I can schedule time off whenever I want. Maybe July?", "July would be perfect, you could come for the Independence Day holiday. There will be lots of cookouts and fireworks to celebrate.", "That would be great, I look forward to meeting everyone!", "How's the weather in California today?", "Its a bit humid today, but other wise seems to be alright. I don't expect a storm lol. How is Illinois? ", "Humidity sucks! Illinois isn't too bad, so far it's been pretty cool weather. How long have you been in LA?", "I'm not exactly sure lol. Some days, it seems like I have always been here. I am not looking forward to this summer though, I think it will get too hot. Do you like summer?", "I completely understand what you're saying! I love summertime because that's when I get to take my boat out on the water!! It's the best!! Have you ever been out on a boat before?", "No, I haven't. What is it like? ", "It's amazing! But it's only nice when the weather is good, like sunny but not too hot and not humid! If you ever come to visit Illinois, I'll take you out on the boat! Are you planning any vacation trips this summer?", "That sounds like a great offer, I appreciate that! I haven't yet had a chance to plan for vacations, I am waiting on my coworkers to see what will be available come mid-july. I would love to visit someplace cooler at the peak of the heat lol. What is there to do in Illinois?", "There are tons of things to do in Illinois! We have the Lincoln Park Zoo, the Navy Pier which is right along the Chicago Waterfront, the Anderson Japanese Gardens and so much more!! It would be a great visit for you!", "That does sound intriguing! I will have to look into that, thank you! Have you ever been out to Cali? We have some great hiking and fishing here, especially as you go north along the coast.", "I have not been to Cali yet, but I've been wanting to go! I would love to rent a boat out there and go fishing and hiking! What else do you recommend doing out there?", "There are alot of really good restaurants and fishing spots. I would recommend trying several of the fishing charters, they all specialize in different type of fish. There are a few aquariums as well, it would be an amazing trip! ", "Hi there, have you been out to any fine seafood establishments today?", "Not yet... I've been avoiding leaving the house because of the heat! Speaking of seafood, have you gone fishing recently?", "I have, but haven't made any good catches yet this summer! If it is hot outside, all the more reason to get out of the house and go to the beach!", "I suppose you're right. Summer is a nice time to take a vacation and maybe I'll go fishing too! Do you ever eat the fish you catch?", "Yes, I either catch-and-release or sometimes keep one to cook up for dinner that night! I don't live by the ocean though, so I am not spoiled for choice like you are. You must get the opportunity to eat tons of seafood.", "Yeah, I'm pretty lucky! But having a boat must make fishing a lot more fun and efficient! What kind of boat do you own?", "I own a pontoon boat, which is basically the \"party boat\" so all my friends and family can hop on and we can just cruise down the lake listening to music and jumping in! The benefit of the lake is no fear of sharks!", "Wow that sounds like so much fun! I haven't made many friends at my work yet. Do you all fish together?", "Yes, sometimes a few of us will fish but solitary fishing is also nice so you can just relax and contemplate life. Have you tried to make any friends at work? Are there any clubs or anything you could join?", "I love fishing alone too since it is so calming. I was thinking of joining some hiking or gaming groups in my area. I'm trying to be more social because my games are mostly online.", "Hiking is a great idea! There seems to be lots of great spots in the LA area, lots of hills and mountains!", "Very true! LA is great for people with outdoor hobbies. I think having friends to hike with will make me forget about the summer heat and just enjoy my vacation."], "init_persona": [[["I like hiking.", "I'm a kind person.", "I wish for equality.", "I don't vote.", "I love my neighbor john."], ["I am a gamer.", "I like playing league of legends.", "My favorite champion is alistar.", "I got a new gaming laptop last month.", "I love playing video games with friends."]], [["I enjoy hiking.", "I am not a gamer.", "I did not vote in the primary.", "I live in Illinois."], ["I do daily surveys. I play games.", "I play league of legends. I love playing alistar. I love playing games with others.", "I didn't vote in the primary.", "I live in California."]], [["I am not a gamer.", "I did not vote in the primary.", "I live in Illinois.", "I enjoy taking hikes and going fishing.", "I have seen tornadoes. I know how to watch out for signs of bad weather."], ["I do daily surveys. I play games.", "I play league of legends. I love playing alistar. I love playing games with others.", "I didn't vote in the primary.", "I live in California.", "I like to take surveys.", "I like the Spring time. I worry the summer heat may be too much. I recognize signs of bad weather."]], [["I am not a gamer.", "I did not vote in the primary.", "I live in Illinois.", "I enjoy taking hikes and going fishing.", "I have seen tornadoes. I know how to watch out for signs of bad weather.", "I own a boat and just got it registered.", "I live in the Great Lakes area.", "I have enough money to help others."], ["I do daily surveys. I play games.", "I play league of legends. I love playing alistar. I love playing games with others.", "I didn't vote in the primary.", "I like to take surveys.", "I like the Spring time. I worry the summer heat may be too much. I recognize signs of bad weather.", "I live in LA and never had much money.", "I have a job with flexible vacation time."]], [["I am not a gamer.", "I did not vote in the primary.", "I enjoy taking hikes and going fishing.", "I have seen tornadoes. I know how to watch out for signs of bad weather.", "I own a boat and just got it registered.", "I live in the Great Lakes area.", "I have enough money to help others.", "I live in Illinois and do not like the hot weather. I love living in Illinois, there is so much to do.", "I enjoy summertime. I own a boat that I take out on the water. I like to ride the boat in the nice, cool weather.", "I have never been to California but I want to. I want to go on a boat."], ["I do daily surveys. I play games.", "I play league of legends. I love playing alistar. I love playing games with others.", "I didn't vote in the primary.", "I like to take surveys.", "I like the Spring time. I worry the summer heat may be too much. I recognize signs of bad weather.", "I live in LA and never had much money. I do not like the heat, specifically summertime", "I have a job with flexible vacation time. I started a new job recently and want to take a vacation, hopefully in July.", "I do not own a boat.", "I like to go hiking and fishing. I enjoy meals with fresh caught fish. I like aquariums."]]], "session_length": [16, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_187_0", "test_187_1", "test_187_2", "test_187_3", "test_187_4", "test_187_5", "test_187_6", "test_187_7", "test_187_8", "test_187_9", "test_187_10", "test_187_11", "test_187_12", "test_187_13", "test_187_14", "test_187_15", "test_187_16", "test_187_17", "test_187_18", "test_187_19", "test_187_20", "test_187_21", "test_187_22", "test_187_23", "test_187_24", "test_187_25", "test_187_26", "test_187_27", "test_187_28", "test_187_29", "test_187_30", "test_187_31", "test_187_32", "test_187_33", "test_187_34", "test_187_35", "test_187_36", "test_187_37", "test_187_38", "test_187_39", "test_187_40", "test_187_41", "test_187_42", "test_187_43", "test_187_44", "test_187_45", "test_187_46", "test_187_47", "test_187_48", "test_187_49", "test_187_50", "test_187_51", "test_187_52", "test_187_53", "test_187_54", "test_187_55", "test_187_56", "test_187_57", "test_187_58", "test_187_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. How's your day going? Done anything fun?", "No I haven't but I wish I was at the ocean, I really like it.", "Ah, that would be nice. I'm just looking out at the arizona desert.", "Like the opposite of the ocean. Tell me about yourself.", "Well, I love books. Nothing like hanging out in a bookstore for a few hours.", "They still have bookstores? What do you do for work.", "Ha, yeah. For now. I'm a government paper pusher. You?", "I work at a doctor's office as an assistant.", "I bet that can be interesting. Meet lots of different people?", "Yes I do, but you seem more interesting.", "My pet lizard thinks so.", "That's really cool. What do they eat?.", "How is it working in a doctor's office? Working as a paper pusher is a little slow but I like it so far.", "Just same as other office setting but its all a good job.", "Oh good benefits and such?", "i must confess it has a rewarding package like holiday pay with vouchers to redeem in a five star hotel", "Thats pretty nice, dont see that very often.", "I guess am lucky. what do you feed your pet with?", "Crickets and meal worms, sometimes as a treat those big tomato worms", "wow how big is your pet now?", "Well its a bearded dragon, only a 2 months old, about half a foot", "Wow how long have you own it for?", "Since it was pretty much a hatchling.", "wow really!! I might come pay you a visit to see it", "Do you like reptiles or have any pets of your own?", "I like reptiles, but would not like one as a pet! I do have a dog.", "Why wouldn't you want a reptile as a pet if you like them?", "I don't know if I would want one in the house as they are not something I would take out of the cage. ", "Ah, I let me bearded dragon roam free sometimes and he seems to enjoy it. He does make a mess though.", "I would love to see a bearded dragon in real life. I bet they are interesting to watch!", "They're adorable! You can probably go to your local pet store and ask to hold one.", "That would be a great idea. I wonder how much they cost and how easy they are to get. ", "I think they're usually around $30. They're pretty easy to find in any big store.", "Oh wow, thats not a bad price at all. I was think that they are much more money than that!", "They are one of the cheapest reptiles you can own! Have I convinced you yet?", "Yes, I might be willing to own one as a pet. Would you want more than one?", "I think I will get another hatchling so my bearded dragon will have a friend.", "That's interesting to hear, is your bearded dragon lonely? I know it can be pretty daunting for some pets to be living all by themselves, especially when your away from the house.", "Nah, this guy doesn't care. He's very self-absorbed. There's a mirror near him so I think he gets off on looking at himself. Does your dog not do well on their own?", "They do get lonely at times, but they mostly get by. They seem to enjoy my company the most, so I think getting another dog might make them jealous if they see me giving them less attention than normal.", "I've heard that, but I've also heard of people getting another dog so the two can then keep each other company. Maybe you just have to be sure to treat them equally? Dogs are so loving. You might want to use up one of those five star hotel vouchers from work before you get another dog.", "That is true, that voucher could easily come in handy. I think if I do want to get another dog, it would be a rescue as I would want to adopt a dog that is in need of a good home. Would you be fine adopting a bearded dragon as opposed to raising it from a hatchling?", "Totally; they are very low maintenance. They aren't as trainable as dogs are. Is your current dog a rescue? There are so many in need of good homes.", "They aren't a rescue from a shelter, but I did adopt them from a friend who couldn't keep them anymore. They were moving to an apartment that didn't allow for pets, and I was willing to take them and give them a good home.", "Aww, that's great. As far as I'm concerned, you rescued them. Any idea what breed they are?", "I know they are a mixed breed, they seem to be a mix of a scottish terrier with another type of dog, as they are much bigger than most terriers I have seen.", "Oh, how interesting. So what kind of doctor do you work for?", "I work as an assistant for an ophthalmologist, or a doctor that specializes in eyes. It can be a bit unnerving to see what kind of diseases you can get that affects your vision, and how untreatable certain diseases are.", "How are your dogs? Have you seen a bearded dragon in real life yet?", "My dogs are happy and well! I haven't seen a bearded dragon yet, but I'm looking forward to it! How are your reptiles doing?", "They are doing great! I cannot wait to get more. But I was also thinking maybe I should start focusing on life other than my reptiles. You know, get out of the house more. I suppose dogs are good for that.", "I'm glad to hear it! Have you decided that you're definitely getting another? Yes, dogs are good for getting out of the house! I guess you couldn't take your lizard on a walk very easily.", "I haven't decided, maybe I will go the dog route instead. I was looking at golden retriever puppies the other day, they are sooooo cute!", "Yes, they are! Puppies are very fun! I reccomend getting one if you've got the free time to take care of it. Remember that they're a lot of work though!", "Yes, it seems like you are almost taking care of a baby with a puppy! Did you get your dogs from a breeder or a shelter?", "I actually adopted my dogs from a friend who could no longer care for them. If you're getting a dog though, I reccomnend rescuing one from a shelter!", "Yes, I think I am leaning towards the idea of \"adopt don't shop\". I follow an account on instagram who saves golden retrievers from Asia who are going to be killed for food. ", "Oh wow! That sounds like a worthy cause. Will you be doing that too?", "I am seriously considering it. I just have to save up, because there are a lot of costs associated with it. Also, these dogs may have health problems that could follow them for the rest of their lives.", "Oh yeah, that sounds expensive. I'm sure that they would be grateful to be rescued though!"], "init_persona": [[["I live in arizona.", "I like to go skydiving.", "I work for the government.", "My favorite place to go is barnes and noble.", "I have a pet lizard."], ["I like the ocean.", "I am great at fishing, so I eat a lot of fish.", "I listen to a lot of sublime on the beach near my condo.", "During the day I work at doctors office as a doctor's assistant."]], [["I love books.", "I worked as a government paper pusher.", "I have a pet lizard."], ["I work as an assistant at a doctor's office."]], [["I love books.", "I worked as a government paper pusher.", "I work in an office setting. I like my job.", "I have a pet lizard. I feed my pet crickets, meal worms and tomato worms for a treat. I have a 2 month old pet bearded dragon.I raised my lizard from a hatchling."], ["I work as an assistant at a doctor's office. My job has great benefits and paid vacation.", "I would like to see a bearded dragon."]], [["I love books.", "I worked as a government paper pusher.", "I work in an office setting. I like my job.", "I have a pet lizard. I feed my pet crickets, meal worms and tomato worms for a treat. I have a 2 month old pet bearded dragon.I raised my lizard from a hatchling.", "I think bearded dragons are adorable. I think bearded dragons are easy to find in stores."], ["I work as an assistant at a doctor's office. My job has great benefits and paid vacation.", "I would like to see a bearded dragon. I like reptiles. I do not want reptiles as a pet. I have a dog.", "I wouldn't take reptiles out of their cages if I had them as pets.", "I might be willing to own a bearded dragon."]], [["I love books.", "I worked as a government paper pusher.", "I work in an office setting. I like my job.", "I have a pet lizard. I feed my pet crickets, meal worms and tomato worms for a treat. I have a 2 month old pet bearded dragon.I raised my lizard from a hatchling.", "I think bearded dragons are adorable. I think bearded dragons are easy to find in stores. I am open to adopting a bearded dragon.", "I am thinking of getting a bearded dragon hatchling.", "My male bearded dragon enjoys looking at himself I'm the mirror."], ["I work as an assistant at a doctor's office. My job has great benefits and paid vacation. I am an assistant for an eye specialist. I find it unnerving to see what kind of diseases can effect you vision.", "I would like to see a bearded dragon. I like reptiles. I do not want reptiles as a pet. I have a dog.", "I wouldn't take reptiles out of their cages if I had them as pets.", "I might be willing to own a bearded dragon.", "I have dogs. I worry that getting another dog will make mine jealous. If I get another dog it would be a rescue. I adopted my dogs from a friend who couldn't keep them anymore.", "My dogs are mixed breed Scottish terrier and something else. My dogs are bigger than most terriers."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_189_0", "test_189_1", "test_189_2", "test_189_3", "test_189_4", "test_189_5", "test_189_6", "test_189_7", "test_189_8", "test_189_9", "test_189_10", "test_189_11", "test_189_12", "test_189_13", "test_189_14", "test_189_15", "test_189_16", "test_189_17", "test_189_18", "test_189_19", "test_189_20", "test_189_21", "test_189_22", "test_189_23", "test_189_24", "test_189_25", "test_189_26", "test_189_27", "test_189_28", "test_189_29", "test_189_30", "test_189_31", "test_189_32", "test_189_33", "test_189_34", "test_189_35", "test_189_36", "test_189_37", "test_189_38", "test_189_39", "test_189_40", "test_189_41", "test_189_42", "test_189_43", "test_189_44", "test_189_45", "test_189_46", "test_189_47", "test_189_48", "test_189_49", "test_189_50", "test_189_51", "test_189_52", "test_189_53", "test_189_54", "test_189_55", "test_189_56", "test_189_57", "test_189_58", "test_189_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi -- you look like a pet lover, as I am! I have 3 cats and 2 dogs.", "No I do not have any pets. I live alone.", "So where do you work? I am at the big grocery store down the street.", "I don't work at the moment. Looking for a new job.", "I know the feeling. I'm thinking of going back to college, too.", "I am too old now for college but I do like reading.", "Do you ever listen to books on tape?.", "Both really. I like going for walks also in my spare time.", "That's good exercise. I walk my dogs a lot.", "Ok that is good. It is always great to stay fit and healthy.", "Indeed. I grew up in a small town, and we walked everywhere.", "What is the small town called?", "I did some more research about going back to college, and I think I am going to apply to the Ivy League schools. I know it will be a big investment, but I think it will payoff in the long term.", "What are you thinking of studying in college? ", "I like computer science and a focus on artificial intelligence. This is a field that is for the future and has good future prospects.", "Yes, I've heard a lot about artificial intelligence and how fast it has been progressing. Do you have any experience with coding? I took a few classes back in the day but I wasn't any good at it", "Just have a little knowledge. Did some online courses on Coursera. That is a good website to start and learn things. It is only there I liked AI.", "Ah, I see. Any idea what languages you'll be coding in?", "Mostly in Python. That is the preferred language if I want to specialize in AI. Most of the programs are in this language.", "Very cool. I used to know a little bit of IDL but I'm not sure I could write any code in it any more. Have you used Coursera for any other interests or just computer science?", "Mostly for computer science. I still use it to learn a little about AI. I am presently learning about GANs, a model to create new faces of unknown people. It is so interesting and challenging.", "Wow that is very interesting! That sounds quite difficult though. What's the biggest challenge you've come across so far in that?", "Keeping up with the pace. The science grows so fast that once you learn something pretty soon it becomes old technology. It is really interesting though if you think of what the technology can do for the future. It is scary sometimes.", "It definitely is. When I was a kid, color tvs were just becoming a thing and now I can hold an entire computer in my hand. It really is a amazing how far tech has come.", "I am going to apply to Yale.", "That's great! What major are you applying for?", "I'm going to put on my application that I want to major in applied math, as supposedly there are very few people going for that major at Yale. That said, I'll switch to computer science if I actually get in lol.", "Lol you're trying to game the system? Smart, considering Yale has a low acceptance rate.", "Exactly, the numbers are so low that you need to have some sort of hook. I'll definitely mention in my essay that I work in a grocery store; maybe that will score some brownie points haha.", "Maybe talk about your \"troubled past\"? Haha", "Haha yes, and all the lessons I learned along the way. It's getting ridiculous. It used to be that all you needed were good grades and a high SAT score.", "Yeah college is more about who you know nowadays. Do you know anyone who could help convince admissions and get you in?", "There's actually a regular customer at our store who went there. He's always wearing a Yale baseball cap, and I asked him about it one time. I should see if he might be willing to write me a recommendation letter.", "Yeah, maybe he could even slide them $100,000 if he's rich? I heard that some people do that from the new documentary.", "Which documentary is that? I'd love to see it lol. But yeah, between legacy admissions and huge donors, it's hard for the small fry to get a fair shake.", "Oh, I forgot what it was called. Some guy was fudging students' admissions to get them into any school they wanted. They would pay him and the schools millions of dollars.", "My counselor gave me some more tips for my application, looks like I will be working on this non stop over the weekend.", "Oh wow, that sounds like a lot. What tips did your counselor give you?", "Just little things to make my application stand out. I need to think really hard about any volunteer work I have done. I am also interested in using my degree to somehow work toward greater racial equity, so I need to find a way to get that in there naturally as well. Need to show I am amazing without seeming like I am trying to look amazing. HARD!", "Haha, you certainly have your work cut out for you! Did you speak with your customer from Yale about getting a recommendation letter?", "I did! They said they would so fingers crossed!! I am kinda sad that I have to work so hard this weekend when some people just pay there way in. ", "That does seem unfair, but we all have to make the best of what we have.", "Correction: their. Haha I better get on it if I want my application to be accepted! How is the job hunt? Anything you are particularly interested in?", "It's going ok, though I really wish I could just spend all my time studying coding. This job hunt feels like a waste of time, haha, but I have bills to pay.", "Yeah, there will always be bills. Maybe you can think of coding as a hobby for now, but once you get really good at it, you can get a coding job!", "I don't want to think of it as a hobby, because then I won't do it, haha! But you are right about just letting it be something I do in my spare time while I work. I'm just so impatient, haha.", "What skills do you currently have? Maybe you can find a job that will allow you to listen to your books while working. Data entry or something?", "I'm a fast typist and a decent writer. Maybe I could look into writing jobs. I'm not sure what my options are with that, though.", "How good at coding are you have you created any apps or games?", "Well, I took a coding class, but I can't say I am any gopod.", "I am sure you are better than you think, especially if it is something you are passionate about! do you have any other fun hobbies?", "I like to read just about everything I find.", "That is great! What is your favorite book of all time?", "I am partial to Once An Eagle by Anton Myrer. It is the best example of military leadership I have ever read.", "I have never heard of it, is it fiction or non-fiction?", "It's fiction based on historical facts. I believe it is recommended reading at West Point. It's also a very good story.", "That sounds very interesting! You seem like such an intellectual. I love reading murder mysteries haha, I like a story that allows me to escape regular life and really immerse myself in this fictional world.", "Oh, I like them, too. I'm big on science fiction, thrillers, murder mysteries, etc, etc... I like to read.", "Maybe you can give me some recommendations on a new murder mystery to read?", "I don't know, maybe Cap Daniels, Anthony Mayne, authors like that..."], "init_persona": [[["I have three cats and two dogs.", "I work in a large grocery store.", "I didn't finish college but I want to go back.", "Growing up in a small town was the best.", "My first car was a ford."], ["I am a male.", "I enjoy the outdoors and reading.", "I have no children.", "I am single.", "I am single and have no plans to marry."]], [["I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. I walk my dogs frequently.", "I work at the grocery store down the street.", "I am thinking of going back to college.", "I grew up in a small town. We walked everywhere when we lived there."], ["I live alone and do not have any pets.", "I am unemployed, but looking for a new job.", "I like reading, and feel as if I am too old to go back to college.", "I like going for walks. I listen to books on tape."]], [["I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. I walk my dogs frequently.", "I work at the grocery store down the street.", "I am thinking of going back to college. I want to go to an Ivy League school.", "I grew up in a small town. We walked everywhere when we lived there.", "I like computer science. I took an online coding class. I code in python. I take courses on Coursera."], ["I live alone and do not have any pets.", "I am unemployed, but looking for a new job.", "I like reading, and feel as if I am too old to go back to college.", "I like going for walks. I listen to books on tape.", "I took a coding class."]], [["I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. I walk my dogs frequently.", "I work at the grocery store down the street.", "I am thinking of going back to college. I want to go to an Ivy League school.", "I grew up in a small town. We walked everywhere when we lived there.", "I like computer science. I took an online coding class. I code in python. I take courses on Coursera.", "I am applying to Yale. I will put on my application that I want to major in applied math since very few people go into that major at Yale. I plan to switch to Computer Science if I get in.", "There is a regular customer at the grocery store I work at who went to Yale, I should see if he will write me a letter to Yale."], ["I live alone and do not have any pets.", "I am unemployed, but looking for a new job.", "I like reading, and feel as if I am too old to go back to college.", "I like going for walks. I listen to books on tape.", "I took a coding class."]], [["I have 3 cats and 2 dogs. I walk my dogs frequently.", "I work at the grocery store down the street.", "I am thinking of going back to college. I want to go to an Ivy League school.", "I grew up in a small town. We walked everywhere when we lived there.", "I like computer science. I took an online coding class. I code in python. I take courses on Coursera.", "I am applying to Yale. I will put on my application that I want to major in applied math since very few people go into that major at Yale. I plan to switch to Computer Science if I get in.", "There is a regular customer at the grocery store I work at who went to Yale, I should see if he will write me a letter to Yale.", "I am filling out an application. My counselor gave me tips to help my application stand out. I need to remember any volunteer work I can think of. I want to use my degree to work towards racial equity. I asked my Yale customer for a letter of recommendation."], ["I live alone and do not have any pets.", "I am unemployed, but looking for a new job. I wish I could just study coding all the time. I have bills to pay.", "I like reading, and feel as if I am too old to go back to college.", "I like going for walks. I listen to books on tape.", "I took a coding class. I am a fast typist. I am a decent writer.", "I don't want to think of coding as a hobby. I am impatient."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_194_0", "test_194_1", "test_194_2", "test_194_3", "test_194_4", "test_194_5", "test_194_6", "test_194_7", "test_194_8", "test_194_9", "test_194_10", "test_194_11", "test_194_12", "test_194_13", "test_194_14", "test_194_15", "test_194_16", "test_194_17", "test_194_18", "test_194_19", "test_194_20", "test_194_21", "test_194_22", "test_194_23", "test_194_24", "test_194_25", "test_194_26", "test_194_27", "test_194_28", "test_194_29", "test_194_30", "test_194_31", "test_194_32", "test_194_33", "test_194_34", "test_194_35", "test_194_36", "test_194_37", "test_194_38", "test_194_39", "test_194_40", "test_194_41", "test_194_42", "test_194_43", "test_194_44", "test_194_45", "test_194_46", "test_194_47", "test_194_48", "test_194_49", "test_194_50", "test_194_51", "test_194_52", "test_194_53", "test_194_54", "test_194_55", "test_194_56", "test_194_57", "test_194_58", "test_194_59", "test_194_60", "test_194_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, I just got back from class. What are you doing?", "I just got done working out at the gym.", "Cool, what is your favorite exercise?", "Do you have your own vehicle?", "No, I am a student. I walk everywhere or I take the bus.", "Oh wow, that must get tiring. Do you have a significant other?", "It's not, I even have energy to play baseball. I do not, I am single.", "Thats awesome that you have the energy. My significant other is a lawyer. We're married..", "Awe, I hope to have a job designing ads one day.", "That sounds neat. Are you a vegetarian?", "No, but have thought about it!", "I do not eat anything that comes from any animals.", "Cool, I eat animals right now because I am in college.", "I completely understand. College is expensive.", "I just took a final exam and did very well. ", "That is really good. What subject was it in? Do you have more finals coming up?", "It was a trigonometry exam, I studied very hard for it. I only have one more exam left, it is English Lit which is a subject I really like so it shouldn't be too hard. ", "Oh man. I couldn't do trig if I was paid to. That is amazing. Great job. I wish you luck on your next exam. English was also not my strongest subject. I do find it kind of hot that you play baseball. Maybe me and my husband could catch one of your games.", "Yeah that would be great! Is your husband pretty busy with work?", "Yeah. Usually. If he isn't available I could just come out myself. Not like he would notice me being gone. But he does like baseball. So he might tag along if he is in town.", "I am sorry that you feel like he wouldn't notice, does he go out of town a lot for work?", "Yeah he does. It is fine though. I like the fact that he makes good money. Are you going to play baseball professionally? Athletes are amazing. But I know you have to keep those grades up and work out so much, you are probably too busy to do much either huh?", "Playing professional baseball would be awesome! I am hoping after we finish this season that I will start getting looks from MLB teams, but we will see. At minimum I should be able to play for a semi-pro team but I don't know if I want baseball for a career yet. Do you still work out quite a bit?", "I have kept my body in tip top shape all my life. I like feeling healthy and I also love knowing I can outdo the men around me. I never want to look weak. Semi Pro is still really good. You could maybe get on a card that women like me could stare at for hours. ", "Haha! That would be pretty neat. Does being vegan help you stay in shape?", "It does in some ways. I don't really get as much starch and sugar as those who regularly eat bread and pastas. I can eat some that are made certain ways, but I prefer to stick to roasted veggies and fresh fruits mainly. Do you like any vegan food?", "I studied for a few more hours today. ", "That's awesome! What subject was you studying for?", "I am taking a class in Astronomy. I thought it would be interesting but it is so much work because it's a lot of physics and formulas to learn.", "I bet. Formulas and math in general is my weakness. That's why I'm so bad at trigonometry.", "Yeah it's not my strong suit either. But I'm trying really hard. Later I'm going to do some reading for my English class. I have to make dinner soon, do you have any good vegetarian recipes that are easy to cook?", "I've actually learned to make a delicious veggie pie. It's the same way you'd make a meat pie, just with no meat. You can also buy store-bought pie crusts, so that's half the work already done.", "Oh that would be helpful. I would definitely use the store-bought pie crust. I do that when I make dessert pies too. What kind of vegetables do you use?", "I usually use broccoli, carrots, and peas. Plus I add a lot of potatoes and gravy. It all pairs together so nicely!", "That sounds so good. I love broccoli. Do you just throw them all in and bake it?", "I usually boil the vegetables a bit, but after that I throw everything in and bake them. Do you eat a lot of vegan dishes yourself?", "Not too many but I need to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet. I know I eat too much junk food and it's starting to slow me down. ", "Fruits are great for swapping out junk food, especially if you like sweets. If you like berries, you should definitely eat those instead of sweets if you ever get a craving.", "I just found out I aced my last English test!", "Awesome! How much did you study for it? I'm impressed, I didn't do well in the few English classes I took in college.", "Not too long. A few hours? I spent most of my study time on math and astronomy. But yay! Exams are over!! I will have more time to get out there and practice.", "How did you think you did in Math? Remember my offer to help you next semester, I was always pretty good at Math. How's baseball practice going in this heat?", "It went well, but I could definitely use some help next semester! Baseball is great. There are some indoor batting cages for the hottest days, but I don't really mind the heat too much. Just so glad that I am no longer inside studying.", "I bet between practices and work outs you're in pretty good shape. I try to keep in shape, my husband and I go to the gym a lot.", "That is great that y'all have an activity together! I know he is gone a lot. I am not in the shape I want to be in. I should probably start running a bit more to help with stamina. ", "Running is good. Watch your diet! Especially animal products, they're not good if you're trying to keep fit.", "I keep hearing the opposite from some of my teammates. They insist I need more animal protein!", "uggg as a vegan you can imagine how that makes me feel. Hubby says I am utterly humorous about it. I do have to admit from a scientific standpoint meat will give the protein you need if you're building muscles. What kind of running workouts are you going to take up?", "Probably mostly sprinting. Do beans and quinoa not offer enough in the way of protein? What about spinach?", "Spinach is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients but not protein, compared to the legumes and seeds (like the beans and quinoa you mention). You can get the proteins you need from a plant diet with normal activity but if you're really bulking up you either have to intake a large amount of them (and then the fiber causes \"problems\" if you know what I mean) or use supplments like whey powder.", "What are some of your favorite vegan dishes, besides roasted veggies and fruit? I think I would like to try some.", "I love the kale, black bean, and avocado burrito, and creamy vegan pasta. How are your classes going.", "It didn't end up going well as I was hoping. I failed my math test... I am currently looking for a tutor. Do you know any that might be available?", "I don't know any right off hand but I'm sure it won't be too hard to find one once you start looking. How is your running going? Have you gotten into the shape you would like to be yet?", "You're right. I will look for some online. My running is going well, but I still have room for improvement. I know you usually work out at the gym, but would you be interested in going for a run with me at some point?", "I was fixing to tell you that I had been going to the gym and was very in shape then one evening I was coming up some stairs and i fell and broke my ankle. So now I can't even really do much at all. I have started being able to put some weight on it and the Doctor said two more weeks and I'll be out of the cast.", "Ouch! That sound terrible. We will have to put off the running for a little while then. Be sure to get a lot of protein. I'm sure having more protein will help you recover faster. Does your doctor have you doing any physical therapy?", "Yes I do have four weeks of physical therapy after I get the cast off. After I get back on my feet I'd love to go for a run with you, but I'm afraid i have to run now too I have an appointment I can't miss.", "No problem. I understand. We can hurry this up and get out of there. I hope your PT is going well. Are you going to meet your doctor?", "As a matter of fact I am. I'll let you know what he says.", "Please do. Don't forget about the protein! Given your diet, I would stick to beans, especially black beans. They are my favorite.", "They are one of my favorites too, thanks for chatting with me"], "init_persona": [[["I like to play baseball.", "I love eating seafood.", "I enjoy learning new languages.", "I'm currently going for a marketing degree.", "I want to design ads in the future."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["I do not have a vehicle; I walk or ride the bus.", "I am single. I play baseball.", "I would like to design ads one day.", "I have thought about being a vegetarian. I am in college."], ["I work out at the gym.", "I am married to a lawyer.", "I am vegan."]], [["I do not have a vehicle; I walk or ride the bus.", "I am single. I play baseball. I'm interested in playing pro baseball.", "I would like to design ads one day.", "I have thought about being a vegetarian. I am in college. I like English Lit."], ["I am married to a lawyer. I have a husband.", "I am vegan. I eat roasted veggies and fresh fruits.", "I'm bad at trigonometry. I wasn't good at English class.", "I work out at the gym and stay in shape."]], [["I do not have a vehicle; I walk or ride the bus.", "I am single. I play baseball. I'm interested in playing pro baseball.", "I would like to design ads one day.", "I have thought about being a vegetarian. I am in college. I like English Lit.", "I am in an Astronomy class. I am not good at math. I am in an English class. I like vegetarian food.", "I like broccoli. I am not vegan. I am trying to improve my diet."], ["I am married to a lawyer. I have a husband.", "I am vegan. I eat roasted veggies and fresh fruits. I know how to eat healthy.", "I'm bad at trigonometry. I wasn't good at English class. I am not good at math.", "I work out at the gym and stay in shape."]], [["I do not have a vehicle; I walk or ride the bus.", "I am single. I play baseball. I'm interested in playing pro baseball.", "I would like to design ads one day.", "I have thought about being a vegetarian. I am in college. I like English Lit.", "I am in an Astronomy class. I am not good at math. I am in an English class. I like vegetarian food.", "I like broccoli. I am not vegan. I am trying to improve my diet.", "I aced my last English test. I only studied for English for a few hours. I spend more time studying for math and astronomy. All my exams are over.", "I will need help with math next semester. I am happy I don't have to stay inside studying.", "I want to start running to increase my stamina. I am not in the shape I want to be in. I am told by my teammates to eat animal protein. I am going to sprint. I am thinking of getting protein through beans, quinoa, and spinach."], ["I am married to a lawyer. I have a husband.", "I am vegan. I eat roasted veggies and fresh fruits. I know how to eat healthy.", "I'm bad at trigonometry.I am not good at math. I did not do well in my English courses in college.", "I work out at the gym and stay in shape.", "I try to stay in shape by going to the gym with my husband.", "I am vegan and don't like to hear about people eating animals. I understand meat can help build muscles though. I know it is possible to get the proteins you need for normal activity from a plant diet, but if you're bulking up, you need meat or supplements."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_195_0", "test_195_1", "test_195_2", "test_195_3", "test_195_4", "test_195_5", "test_195_6", "test_195_7", "test_195_8", "test_195_9", "test_195_10", "test_195_11", "test_195_12", "test_195_13", "test_195_14", "test_195_15", "test_195_16", "test_195_17", "test_195_18", "test_195_19", "test_195_20", "test_195_21", "test_195_22", "test_195_23", "test_195_24", "test_195_25", "test_195_26", "test_195_27", "test_195_28", "test_195_29", "test_195_30", "test_195_31", "test_195_32", "test_195_33", "test_195_34", "test_195_35", "test_195_36", "test_195_37", "test_195_38", "test_195_39", "test_195_40", "test_195_41", "test_195_42", "test_195_43", "test_195_44", "test_195_45", "test_195_46", "test_195_47", "test_195_48", "test_195_49", "test_195_50", "test_195_51", "test_195_52", "test_195_53", "test_195_54", "test_195_55", "test_195_56", "test_195_57", "test_195_58", "test_195_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, how are you today?", "Great, I am just a happy girl who just came back from highschool, you?", "Doing well, just got back from work. What do you like to do in your spare time?", "I like to be part of the marching band during the fall and concert band later.", "Cool! Do you have any siblings?", "Sadly no, I just live with my parents and there are both teachers.", "My dad was in the military. Is it weird having teachers as parents?", "Yeah, I have to study all the time. Specially english, it is my favorite.", "I love reading! I work at an ice cream parlor. What's your favorite ice cream?", "I love chocolate, you are probably tired of ice cream at this point.", "I try not to indulge, but I do have a sweet spot for chocolate!", "What do you like to read?", "I enjoy reading science fiction. Have you read any science fiction in your English class?", "We haven't as of yet, but maybe soon! What's your favorite sci fi book?", "I really like The Martian, they even turned it into a movie, which was decent. It had Matt Damon in it. What instrument do you play?", "Oh, cool! Did you like the book or movie better? I play trumpet.", "I enjoyed the book better, but the movie was well done. Trumpet is cool, always reminds me of New Orleans. Is it hard to play and march? I can't even walk and talk!", "I usually find the book is always better myself, haha. It does take quite a bit of practice to get coordinated, but once you do it's like second nature.", "I've seen some pretty impressive foot work and patterns made by the band at footballs games - I am always impressed.", "Thank you for noticing! A lot of people give the band kids a lot of grief.", "My boyfriend is a musician, so I totally understand.", "Oh cool! What does he play?", "He is vocalist and a rhythm guitarist. He dabbles in other instruments but he wouldn't say he's good at them. His band is called EXHALE. ", "Oh nice! I can say I heard of them before they were big! haha", "I just found out that Andy Weir has a new book called Hail Mary. I can't wait to read it!", "Isn't Andy Weir an astronaut? I think I've heard of him! What is the book about?", "It is about an astronaut that wakes up from a coma with amnesia. I am actually not sure if he is also an astronaut. So many people in today's society wear many hats, so maybe he is also an astronaut.", "Oh, maybe I had heard about it before and just confused the two. That's pretty cool! I like science fiction books about things like that. Do you think I should read it too?", "Yes, He also wrote the Martian. He is a great storyteller. If you read it, you could impress your parents that you chose to read it.", "I'm the only child of two teachers, they're already really proud of me. I play the trumpet. I mean, that's quite an accomplishment in my books. I play the trumpet like Chet Baker.", "Project Hail Mary is similar to The Martian in that a person must rely on himself to face a daunting task. Maybe you try watching the movie The Martian first. If you like that movie, you'd probably like Project Hail Mary. I am definitely going to read the book.", "I watched the movie already. I honestly thought the book was better, but I think most people who read the book before watching the movie feel that way. Have you ever heard any of Chet Baker's music? He's literally my idol.", "Can't say that I have. What's his style like?", "Smooth. Smooth like Egyptian silk. Smoother than whipped butter. More iconic than cigarettes and coffee, with twice the sex appeal. Haha, only joking, but he really is my idol.", "Sounds awesome. Maybe I could find a book about Chet Baker. After I read the book by Andy, I can read one about Chet. There's books about so many people, I bet there is one about him.", "Haha, there actually is a book about Chet Baker. It's called, \"Deep in a Dream: the Long Night of Chet Baker\". I haven't read it yet, though. ", "Tell me more about Chet Baker. Are there any albums by him that you'd recommend?", "I honestly love all of his albums! I would recommend any of them. How about your boyfriend's band? Any recommendations on their music?", "I will check some of his music out then. My favourite song they made is called wrath unleashed. They are more of a rock band compared to Chet as I know he is more of a jazz musician. ", "I will be sure to check them out. I do like the jazz genre a little more, which probably has something to do with me being in a concert band. Do you play any instruments?", "Oh yeah I remember you telling me about that. I have tried a few instruments over the years but so far I haven\u2019t found one I\u2019m good at haha. Do you play any other instruments other than a trumpet? ", "Haha yeah it definitely takes time and patience to master one. I only play trumpet right now but I'm interested in learning other instruments. The drums have always looked like a lot of fun. The piano looks fun also, but there are so many keys I think it would be hard to remember which one is which! What instruments are you interested in?", "Yeah they really are hard to learn, I think I would love to be good at playing the piano if I could choose. I love all musical instruments but the sound of a piano is just breath taking. ", "I think some of the greatest musicians have all been masters of string instruments. You mentioned your boyfriend plays the rhythm guitar and sings, that must take a lot of talent!", "Yeah he does he honestly has so much passion and talent for both. The way he plays the guitar is unreal and his singing voice is amazing. I wish I could have just a little bit of his talent. You should come by one day with your trumpet I\u2019m sure the two of you would make amazing music together. ", "You must be very proud of him! I know I would be. That sounds like a lot of fun! There's something about blending different musical sounds together that makes music spectacular.", "Yeah I am very proud. I\u2019m just glad he is following his dreams and doing the thing he loves the most. And yes honestly the different sounds you can create with music is amazing. I\u2019m sure we will all have a great time, it will be a lot of fun for sure. ", "Yeah I'm really excited for that! It's good he can follow his dreams and enjoy doing the things he loves. What about you? I know you are a fan of science fiction books. Is writing a dream of yours?", "I would talk about starting my new book by Andy Weir, and started to think of ideas of writing my own book.", "Writing your own book sounds cool! I'd like to do that. What kind of book would it be?", "You should do it too! I think younger people have more creativity and passion so it's a great time to write a book. I think it will be science fiction or maybe fantasy and science fiction. What would your book be about?", "Well my idea is to write something interactive, maybe a mystery with clues on the internet or a book that has an interactive element. The answer to the mystery would be given in the end but it all would be a time sensitive event.", "That would be very exciting. Kind of like Choose Your Own Adventure books but more time relevant! I feel like I have forgotten half of the grammar I learned in high school, so you are already doing well as an English major. ", "Well my parents can always proof read for me! So if you like fantasy and sci fi do you like The Lord of the Rings, or Star Trek?", "Actually I like both! But more Lord of the Rings. I like fantasy worlds like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Lord of the Rings. I can't decide if my story should have a hero or an anti-hero. What do you think? Are people tired of the hero character?", "Gosh, I think there are people who like either. I sure wish I could write something as popular as Harry Potter. It made JK Rowlings a billionaire.", "OMG I know! Plus I think it made a whole generation happy to read lol. Have you read about how she would write notes on the subway? She had the story planned out and everything. Very impressive!", "It seems I heard that she had the ending written from the beginning. I didn't know about writing on the subway! Was she in London riding the Underground?", "Yes, exactly. And she was just an average person coming and going from work with this story brewing. It's really inspiring and makes you feel like anyone could write something amazing and become rich lol.", "Yes, everyone was waiting at the bookstores at midnight for the next book in the series to come out, some in costume!"], "init_persona": [[["I am 27 years old.", "I enjoy reading.", "My dad was in the military.", "I love ice cream, chocolate is my favorite.", "I work for a small business."], ["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."]], [["I have a job. My dad was in the military.", "I enjoy reading. I work at an ice cream parlor.", "I enjoy chocolate ice cream."], ["I am in high school. I am a girl. English is my favorite subject.", "I am in the marching band in the fall. I am in a concert band later in the year.", "I am an only child. I live with my parents. My parents are teachers.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor."]], [["I have a job. My dad was in the military.", "I work at an ice cream parlor. I enjoy chocolate ice cream.", "I like to read science fiction. One of my favorite science fiction books is The Martian. I like the book of The Martian better than the movie.", "I have watched football games.", "My boyfriend is a musician. My boyfriend plays rhythm guitar and sings in a band called EXHALE."], ["I am in high school. I am a girl. English is my favorite subject.", "I am in the marching band in the fall. I am in a concert band later in the year. I play trumpet.", "I am an only child. I live with my parents. My parents are teachers.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor.", "When a movie is based on a book, I usually like the book better."]], [["I have a job. My dad was in the military.", "I work at an ice cream parlor. I enjoy chocolate ice cream.", "I like to read science fiction. One of my favorite science fiction books is The Martian. I like the book of The Martian better than the movie.", "I have watched football games.", "My boyfriend is a musician. My boyfriend plays rhythm guitar and sings in a band called EXHALE.", "I am a fan of the author Andy Weir. I am planning to read Hail Mary by Andy Weir."], ["I am in high school. I am a girl. English is my favorite subject.", "I am in the marching band in the fall. I am in a concert band later in the year. I play trumpet.", "I am an only child. I live with my parents. My parents are teachers. My parents are proud of me.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor.", "When a movie is based on a book, I usually like the book better. I like science fiction books.", "I prefer the book The Martian to the movie adaptation. My idol is Chet Baker."]], [["I have a job. My dad was in the military.", "I work at an ice cream parlor. I enjoy chocolate ice cream.", "I like to read science fiction. One of my favorite science fiction books is The Martian. I like the book of The Martian better than the movie.", "I have watched football games.", "My boyfriend is a musician. My boyfriend plays rhythm guitar and sings in a band called EXHALE. I am proud of my boyfriend.", "I am a fan of the author Andy Weir. I am planning to read Hail Mary by Andy Weir.", "My favourite song is called wrath unleashed.", "I am not good at playing instruments. I love all musical instruments, especially the piano."], ["I am in high school. I am a girl. English is my favorite subject.", "I am in the marching band in the fall. I am in a concert band later in the year. I play trumpet.", "I am an only child. I live with my parents. My parents are teachers. My parents are proud of me.", "Chocolate is my favorite ice cream flavor.", "When a movie is based on a book, I usually like the book better. I like science fiction books.", "I prefer the book The Martian to the movie adaptation. My idol is Chet Baker.", "I like jazz."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_204_0", "test_204_1", "test_204_2", "test_204_3", "test_204_4", "test_204_5", "test_204_6", "test_204_7", "test_204_8", "test_204_9", "test_204_10", "test_204_11", "test_204_12", "test_204_13", "test_204_14", "test_204_15", "test_204_16", "test_204_17", "test_204_18", "test_204_19", "test_204_20", "test_204_21", "test_204_22", "test_204_23", "test_204_24", "test_204_25", "test_204_26", "test_204_27", "test_204_28", "test_204_29", "test_204_30", "test_204_31", "test_204_32", "test_204_33", "test_204_34", "test_204_35", "test_204_36", "test_204_37", "test_204_38", "test_204_39", "test_204_40", "test_204_41", "test_204_42", "test_204_43", "test_204_44", "test_204_45", "test_204_46", "test_204_47", "test_204_48", "test_204_49", "test_204_50", "test_204_51", "test_204_52", "test_204_53", "test_204_54", "test_204_55", "test_204_56", "test_204_57", "test_204_58", "test_204_59", "test_204_60", "test_204_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Greetings from the urban jungle!", "Hi there from the beach!", "I just dyed my hair red to match my parrot's feathers.", "That's funny. I dyed my hair brown to match my horses.", "Cool! Her name is tasha and I became vegetarian because of her.", "I heard bar b que parrot can be good but I want to be vegetarian too.", "It's easy though I do permit myself eggs and dairy, just no murder.", "I love my horses and I found out they sell horse meat so I changed.", "Yes, bbq eggplant and a cold sprite are so much better than horse burger.", "All six of my brothers grow eggplant but I never tied any.", "Eggplant jerky is perfect for long hikes, my favorite thing to do.", "I have six sisters too but only one likes eggplant but I don't know about jerky.", "Wow, it must get crowded at christmas!!", "Yes, I live with our parents on the beach but I want my own house.", "Did you end up trying any eggplant dishes yet?", "Yep! I've made a few so far, my most favorite being on homemade pizza! Delicious! ", "Oh very nice, what do you like to put on your pizza?", "Well the eggplant for sure, but also tons of garlic, tomatoes, onions--really all the veggies. I also love doing a cauliflour crust!", "That sounds delicious! You should try my favorite BBQ'd Eggplant on one. ", "Oh that sounds delicious, especially with the cauliflour. Do you just add your own bbq sauce?", "Yeah i do like coming up with my own sauces. Good to have one for every occasion ha", "Ooops, did you send too soon? Yeah I like making my own so i know exactly what's in it", "Send to soon? Im not following with that. I just like to try different flavor combinations. I have a great one for my veggie friends when i do mushrooms like steaks", "I love portabello mushroom steaks. What do you put in your sauce?", "Woah, cant give out the secrets now can i? Heh", "Hah no I guess not. I can just go look on line and make my own \\", "So I found a good recipe for portabello mushroom steak, but I have a question? ", "Sure, what's the question? You know how much I love that dish!", "I was wondering what sort of toppings work best with it?", "Oh, lots of choices there. I'd try avocado chimichurri if I were you. So delicious. But really, you can't go wrong with fresh herbs.", "I've never heard of that sauce. Do I fry it up just like a normal steak?", "Pretty much. There are some great tutorials online, if you want to take a peek. And then you could whip up one of your famous veggie sauces as a topper. Remember to invite me over!", "Yeah definitely! How about I test it out first then maybe I can bring you out here some time, when I perfect it?", "Sounds great to me! You could also make some of that eggplant jerky and bring it by. You know I've still never tried eggplant?", "What???? Eggplant is like a meal for the Gods! I'll send some your way.", "Feel free! I'm wide open when it comes to most veggies. Say, did you find the berries you were going to look for during your hike a few days ago?", "No berries, unfortunately. I did find an eggplant though. Did you know those grow in the wild? I sure didn't!", "I just know my brothers grow them in their gardens, haha.", "Hello again, how are your brothers? Have they brought you any more eggplants to cook with?", "Hello back! My brothers haven't brought me any eggplants yet, but I'm hoping to get some soon.", "They are great when you get some maybe I can teach you how to make the jerky that I make. It is really good.", "That sounds like a great idea. I'm certainly open to trying that jerky. Is it hard to make?", "No, it isn't too hard. But I have been making it for while so might be the first time you try.", "Well, practice makes perfect, right? I'm not afraid to experiment in the kitchen. Sometimes I make \"mistakes\" that turn out great! Do you have any other interesting dishes I could try?", "Yes, I make a really good veggie dish I can tell you how. I can't think of the name right this second.", "Names aren't really important, just so long as it tastes good! Besides, many dishes go by other names in different parts of the country or world. Like eggplant; in Europe it's called an aubergine. ", "Very true. You could come by for dinner one night and I can show you how to make both. Or we can both learn something new together.", "A cooking dinner party sounds great! Let's plan on doing it after I get the eggplants from my brothers. Maybe next weekend?", "Yes, that will be great. Been a long couple week and I could use some fun and some time with a friend.", "Yes, having a nice break is good after a long work week. I'll see if I can come up with some interesting veggies to make a meal with. It will be like one of those cooking shows where you have some ingredients and have to come up with a dish.", "I found some cool new veggie recipe that we could try. I am excited for this weekend!", "Oh that awesome. I looking forward to making and eating them this weekend. Can we also make your jerky with eggplant again that was delicious. ", "Yeah I was thinking that but you have told me you love eggplant on pizza but you also told me you have never had eggplant so I am a little confused? LOL- I will make the eggplant jerky and you can make a homemade pizza? ", "Yeah it that other vegetable that looks like an eggplant I haven\u2019t tried I always be getting my veggies mixed up haha. But yes I would love to make the pizza. ", "Great! I thought maybe you'd had a few too many- haha- so I would love to see your horse. I wanna see if you matched your hair as good as I matched mine to my parrot. Can we meet up at your place? Can I ride your horse? I love horseback riding.", "I tried to get it match my horses hair as much as a could. And yes we can definitely go horse riding I will take you down this beautiful trail near my house I\u2019m sure you will love it. I\u2019m looking forward to see how you hair turned out I\u2019m sure it looks amazing. ", "It is red- VERY red! I definitely look like my parrot. I would love to go down some trails. Maybe we can pack our food in a picnic lunch. I will also pack more than the jerky to show you how delicious being a vegetarian can be. Are you trying to give up meat or still on the fence? ", "Omg I would love to dye my hair red I\u2019m just too scared haha. Yeah that would be nice to do a picnic. I\u2019m trying to try more vegetarian foods that way I have enough different meals I can make so that way I can stop eating meat all together. I\u2019m hoping I will get to that stage of no more meat soon. ", "Only thing is because it is such a bright blood red color my roots come out like every other day and I have to constantly touch it up. It is a real pain but I like it. When I finally made the choice it was after watching Tasha- she is so cute and imagining killing an animal really got to me. So can you make the cauliflower crusted pizza.", "Yeah I went bleach blonde once but always had to re touch my roots so just went back to my regular color, I don\u2019t have the patience to constantly do my hair. Yeah I love animals too that what made me decide to change the way I eat. Animals are just too precious. Yes I would love to make the pizza crust using cauliflower. I\u2019m excited to try that new crust. ", "I can hardly wait- all this talk about food is making me hungry. So when we meet up will I get to meet all 6 of your brothers. I cannot believe you have such a large family. It must be nice,", "I know I need to go eat soon because of this talk haha. I know at least 4 of my brothers will be here I\u2019m not sure if the others will be here or not yet. But I\u2019m looking forward to you meeting most of them. Yeah they are all my best friends they are really good brothers. "], "init_persona": [[["I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.", "I like to hike.", "I have red hair.", "My favorite drink is sprite.", "I have a pet parrot named tasha."], ["I have twelve brothers and sisters.", "I live on the beach with my parents.", "I want to buy my own house.", "I love having horses and riding them.", "I will move to the country soon."]], [["I live in a city.", "I have a parrot named Tasha. My parrot's feathers are red. I dyed my hair red to match my parrot.", "I am a vegetarian. I became vegetarian because of my parrot. I eat eggs and dairy. I like BBQ egg plant. I like Sprite.", "I like eggplant jerky. My favorite thing to do is hike."], ["I live near a beach.", "I have a horse. My horse is brown. I dyed my hair brown to match my horse.", "I would like to be vegetarian.", "I have six brothers. All six of my brothers grow eggplants. I have never tried an eggplant. I have six sisters. Only one of my sisters likes eggplant.", "I live with my parents. I want my own house."]], [["I live in a city.", "I have a parrot named Tasha. My parrot's feathers are red. I dyed my hair red to match my parrot.", "I am a vegetarian. I became vegetarian because of my parrot. I eat eggs and dairy. I like BBQ egg plant. I like Sprite. I like eggplant jerky. I enjoy coming up with new sauces. I know how to make a great veggie sauce for my friends.", "My favorite thing to do is hike."], ["I live near a beach.", "I have a horse. My horse is brown. I dyed my hair brown to match my horse.", "I would like to be vegetarian.", "I have six brothers. All six of my brothers grow eggplants. I have never tried an eggplant. I have six sisters. Only one of my sisters likes eggplant.", "I live with my parents. I want my own house.", "I really enjoyed trying eggplant on homemade pizza. I love to put eggplant, garlic, tomatoes, and onions on pizza. I can make a cauliflower crust pizza. I prefer to make my own sauce to know exactly what's in the sauce.", "I love eating portabello mushroom steaks."]], [["I live in a city.", "I have a parrot named Tasha. My parrot's feathers are red. I dyed my hair red to match my parrot.", "I am a vegetarian. I became vegetarian because of my parrot. I eat eggs and dairy. I like BBQ egg plant. I like Sprite. I like eggplant jerky. I enjoy coming up with new sauces. I know how to make a great veggie sauce for my friends.", "My favorite thing to do is hike."], ["I live near a beach.", "I have a horse. My horse is brown. I dyed my hair brown to match my horse.", "I would like to be vegetarian.", "I have six brothers. All six of my brothers grow eggplants. I have never tried an eggplant. I have six sisters. Only one of my sisters likes eggplant.", "I live with my parents. I want my own house.", "I really enjoyed trying eggplant on homemade pizza. I love to put eggplant, garlic, tomatoes, and onions on pizza. I can make a cauliflower crust pizza. I prefer to make my own sauce to know exactly what's in the sauce.", "I love eating portabello mushroom steaks. I have never had egglplant."]], [["I live in a city.", "I have a parrot named Tasha. My parrot's feathers are red. I dyed my hair red to match my parrot.", "I am a vegetarian. I became vegetarian because of my parrot. I eat eggs and dairy. I like BBQ egg plant. I like Sprite. I like eggplant jerky. I enjoy coming up with new sauces. I know how to make a great veggie sauce for my friends. I am good at making jerky with eggplant.", "My favorite thing to do is hike.", "I am experienced at making jerky. I am good at cooking with vegetables."], ["I live near a beach.", "I have a horse. My horse is brown. I dyed my hair brown to match my horse.", "I would like to be vegetarian.", "I have six brothers. All six of my brothers grow eggplants. I have never tried an eggplant. I have six sisters. Only one of my sisters likes eggplant.", "I live with my parents. I want my own house.", "I really enjoyed trying eggplant on homemade pizza. I love to put eggplant, garlic, tomatoes, and onions on pizza. I can make a cauliflower crust pizza. I prefer to make my own sauce to know exactly what's in the sauce.", "I love eating portabello mushroom steaks. I have never had egglplant.", "I like trying new things when cooking. I am knowledgeable about foods from other countries.", "I like cooking with friends.", "I work during the week."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_211_0", "test_211_1", "test_211_2", "test_211_3", "test_211_4", "test_211_5", "test_211_6", "test_211_7", "test_211_8", "test_211_9", "test_211_10", "test_211_11", "test_211_12", "test_211_13", "test_211_14", "test_211_15", "test_211_16", "test_211_17", "test_211_18", "test_211_19", "test_211_20", "test_211_21", "test_211_22", "test_211_23", "test_211_24", "test_211_25", "test_211_26", "test_211_27", "test_211_28", "test_211_29", "test_211_30", "test_211_31", "test_211_32", "test_211_33", "test_211_34", "test_211_35", "test_211_36", "test_211_37", "test_211_38", "test_211_39", "test_211_40", "test_211_41", "test_211_42", "test_211_43", "test_211_44", "test_211_45", "test_211_46", "test_211_47", "test_211_48", "test_211_49", "test_211_50", "test_211_51", "test_211_52", "test_211_53", "test_211_54", "test_211_55", "test_211_56", "test_211_57", "test_211_58", "test_211_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey! My name is mark..", "Hey, I'm jake. How's it going?", "It's ok. Just dealing with alcoholism!", "That's unfortunate. I'm dealing with nearsightedness. I hate wearing glasses.", "I hear ya. So I have a baby on the way! That is good news..", "Congrats. How exciting. So any hobbies?", "Well, besides being a drunk and a mechanic, not really! You?", "I'm into fashion, although I dress casually. Into working out, although I'm thin.", "Did your father have a drinking issue like mine did?", "No, but my mom did. I hate her, she gave me red hair.", "I don't know what to say to that? I'm so sorry..", "It's okay. It is not your fault..", "Since your relationship with your mother is so strained, do you have a close relationship with your father?", "I do not. He enabled her actions and attitude. ", "Who was a role model when you were a kid if you can't stand your parents", "People like the engineers at NASA and other nerds that I randomly met.", "Oh, that's nice, have made a workout breakthrough yet, like 100 pushups a day", "How do you do that many when your drunk all the time?", "Hmm. that's a good question, the first time I did push ups drunk I puked after 3", "That must not have looked that good for your son.", "No, I told him not to do alcohol or that would happen to him ", "Thats good, I hope things are ok with the mother.", "Well, his mother is not ok with me being an acholic, so she does not trust me around him ", "Throwing up when you did pushups must have been really bad for her to see then", "If you plan on having kids later on, what is something you would do differently than your parents did to ensure you have a better relationship with your kids?", "I would make sure to check in with them often and ask how they are doing, feeling, how their day went. I would listen. I would always be there for them.", "That sounds like a really good thing to do. Sometimes that is all that is needed.", "Yes, some people would think you have to buy them things but it's really about just being there for them. Them knowing you are there gives them confidence to go out into the world.", "Exactly, most the time children just want to spend time with their parents. They do not care what it is doing.", "So true. How is your son? Have you gotten a chance to spend time with him?", "I get to spend some time with him but I do not get to be with on my own though. People do not have much trust in me.", "I feel for you. Don't be hard on yourself. Slowly I hope you can rebuild trust with your ex.", "I am trying to get better but I may have lost my chance to be a good dad.", "It's never too late. I'm sure your son misses you and wants to spend time with you. Maybe if you go to some meetings your wife will trust you again. I really hope so.", "I hope so to. All I can do is do everything that I can and if it works out then that is good. I biggest fear is my son follows my path.", "I understand. You just want the best for him and you don't want him to be in pain or suffering. If your ex truly understood that, maybe she'd go to a meeting with you. It's hard when you feel alone with that kind of pain.", "You thought about if you want to have kids or not", "I still think that I'm not quite ready, either emotionally or financially.", "I see. Are you currently dating anyone? ", "Not currently. Honestly, I'm not great with relationships; likely because my mom gave me such a poor example of what women could be. Have you made any progress with your ex?", "Well, not all women are same. But I understand where you are coming from. Well, I am about to see her next week when I go pick up my son. We've been mutual. She's currently dating someone. ", "Ouch! Do you still have feelings for her?", "I do. I been we've been together for 10 years. ", "I'm so sorry, maybe it will eventually work out when she sees how hard you're trying. Have you been to any meetings lately?", "I'm going to a rehab center.. I think i'm getting a little better. ", "That's awesome! Is it an outpatient center? You're doing the right thing for both yourself and your son. I hope that if I ever do have kids and I make a mistake, I can own up to it and take responsibility like you're doing now.", "Yes it is, because I work. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful father. Kids are a blessing and a reminder for us to stay strong. ", "Thanks for the encouragement! I've been thinking about group therapy to help with my relationship issues.", "I just had a nice interaction with my ex when I picked up my son.", "Yeah that is good to hear hopefully you can get yourself better and maybe sort things out with her or at least build a better relationship with her for your kid's sake.", "I really hope so I feel like i'm doing well now i'm getting the help I need to get me on the straight and narrow.", "Yeah thats good your son will be proud of you for making the change for him. My mum never wanted to change and it ended up taking her away from me, she never could face her demons.", "I bet that must of been horrible for you and I realise that my kid is now in the position you were in. He's given me a reason to better myself.", "He needs you more than you can imagine and if he's anything like I was he just wants you better and there for him.", "I feel like the changes I have made are working. I want to show his mum i'm changing too and I hope she may give me another chance one day.", "Just concentrate on you and your kid first, once you get to the place you need to be things will fall in to place I'm sure.", "I hope so, it is so nice to have someone to chat to like you that knows what i'm going through really helps me a lot to have someone to speak to about these things.", "Yeah i'm glad I can be of help to you, I know where this can go I seen what it did to my mum and my relationship with her. Everyone deserves a chance to change and get the help they need.", "Thanks it really does mean a lot to me and gives me even more reason to better myself.", "Your welcome I'm always here to talk to if you need me. "], "init_persona": [[["My name is mark.", "I'm an alcoholic.", "My dad was an alcoholic too.", "Now I'm a mechanic.", "I've got a baby on the way."], ["A male human.", "He has red hair.", "He has a thin build.", "He wears casual clothes.", "He wears glasses."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am an alcoholic.", "I am going to be a father soon.", "I am a mechanic. My father was an alcoholic."], ["My name is Jake.", "I am nearsighted. I do not like wearing glasses.", "I like fashion. I like to dress casually. I am thin. I like to work out.", "My father was not an alcoholic. My mother was an alcoholic. I have red hair. I hate my mother."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am an alcoholic. I have down push ups while drunk and puked.", "I am going to be a father soon. I have a son. I encourage my son not to drink alcohol when he is older. My ex does not trust me around my son since I am an alcoholic.", "I am a mechanic. My father was an alcoholic."], ["My name is Jake.", "I am nearsighted. I do not like wearing glasses.", "I like fashion. I like to dress casually. I am thin. I like to work out.", "My father was not an alcoholic. My mother was an alcoholic. I have red hair. I hate my mother. I do not have a close relationship with my mother or my father.", "I looked up to the engineers at NASA growing up."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am an alcoholic. I have down push ups while drunk and puked.", "I am going to be a father soon. I have a son. I encourage my son not to drink alcohol when he is older. My ex does not trust me around my son since I am an alcoholic.", "I am a mechanic. My father was an alcoholic.", "I have ex wife."], ["My name is Jake.", "I am nearsighted. I do not like wearing glasses.", "I like fashion. I like to dress casually. I am thin. I like to work out.", "My father was not an alcoholic. My mother was an alcoholic. I have red hair. I hate my mother. I do not have a close relationship with my mother or my father.", "I looked up to the engineers at NASA growing up.", "I dont have kids."]], [["My name is Mark.", "I am an alcoholic. I have down push ups while drunk and puked.", "I am going to be a father soon. I have a son. I encourage my son not to drink alcohol when he is older. My ex does not trust me around my son since I am an alcoholic.", "I am a mechanic. My father was an alcoholic.", "I have ex wife.I still have feelings for my ex.", "I am in rehab.", "I have a job."], ["My name is Jake.", "I am nearsighted. I do not like wearing glasses.", "I like fashion. I like to dress casually. I am thin. I like to work out.", "My father was not an alcoholic. My mother was an alcoholic. I have red hair. I hate my mother. I do not have a close relationship with my mother or my father.", "I looked up to the engineers at NASA growing up.", "I dont have kids.", "I don't have any kids. I am single. I am not good with relationships. I have been considering therapy to help with my relationship issues."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_213_0", "test_213_1", "test_213_2", "test_213_3", "test_213_4", "test_213_5", "test_213_6", "test_213_7", "test_213_8", "test_213_9", "test_213_10", "test_213_11", "test_213_12", "test_213_13", "test_213_14", "test_213_15", "test_213_16", "test_213_17", "test_213_18", "test_213_19", "test_213_20", "test_213_21", "test_213_22", "test_213_23", "test_213_24", "test_213_25", "test_213_26", "test_213_27", "test_213_28", "test_213_29", "test_213_30", "test_213_31", "test_213_32", "test_213_33", "test_213_34", "test_213_35", "test_213_36", "test_213_37", "test_213_38", "test_213_39", "test_213_40", "test_213_41", "test_213_42", "test_213_43", "test_213_44", "test_213_45", "test_213_46", "test_213_47", "test_213_48", "test_213_49", "test_213_50", "test_213_51", "test_213_52", "test_213_53", "test_213_54", "test_213_55", "test_213_56", "test_213_57", "test_213_58", "test_213_59", "test_213_60", "test_213_61", "test_213_62", "test_213_63"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. How are you today?", "Tired. Just came back from my run. How about you?", "Finer than a frog hair split four ways. Have a good run?", "Hah! Haven't heard that one yet. Almost spit out my drink..", "Backwoods virginia slang for you.", "I guess so. Anyways, my dog chased a frisbee halfway across the park..", "I know how it is. I have two dogs and one cat. It gets interesting.", "That sounds hectic. What are their names?.", "Skippy and jetta for the dogs and the cat is foster. What's your dog's name.", "The big goofball in question is named java. After what he has to be drinking..", "Hey the pup has taste.", "Well, at least I know where all my pick up and go went..", "Right. My pets like to steal brownies.", "What kind? Java would get in so much trouble. Mint chocolate is not for doggos.", "Chocolate chip. Once the cat knocked a whole pan one the floor for all.", "So evil. Well, I've got to go pick up groceries. Talk to you later. ^^.", "I just baked the most amazing pan of brownies and I can see my pets already planning how to get it. ", "Uh oh, better be careful with all that chocolate!", "I know, it can be so bad for them. But for some reason they love it... I dont understand why?", "Real answer, they didnt evolve around it so they dont know. My answer, no one can resist chocolate!", "The older I have become, the more I have grown to like chocolate. I didn't like it when I was younger, really? What is your favourite chocolate?", "Any chocolate with caramel inside i cannot turn away from ha. Oh did you add anything to your brownies?", "I didn't this time. Next time, I will definitely. Caramel is so nice with chocolate, but I find that it can be super rich sometimes and sickly.", "Yeah, there is definitely a balance that needs to be worked out.", "It is so easy to over-caramel. But I love it. It really is a Catch-22. With your running, do you do it because you feel guilty eating chocolate?", "Haha no. Just like caramel in chocolate i keep a good balance with my exercise and eating habits.", "That is probably the best thing, keeping a good balance. How far do you run, usually? I struggle to run 5km.", "I try to do 3 in the morning and 5mi at night if i have the time. ", "How is your dog doing?", "My dog is doing good. She is a 3 year old Goldendoodle. What kinds of dogs do you have?", "That's great! I have two, Skippy is a Golden Retriever and Jetta is a Labrador. If Skippy didn't have much longer fur you would think they're siblings! Did you get Java as a puppy?", "Oh those are wonderful breeds. I used to have a gold retriever! I adopted Java when she was only 1 month old. We got her from the Amish country in PA. ", "I would love to see your Goldendoodle one day. I don't think I've ever seen one in person, only on photos. They look so adorable! Maybe we could go on a run together one day and bring the dogs.", "They get super fluffy. I think it would be a great idea to go for a run with them. Good exercise for them and good exercise for use. ", "That's true. Jetta is almost 10 years old now so depending on how long of a run we go for I might just keep her at home. She's still getting as excited as a puppy when we go for walks, but I think a long run would be too much for her now.", "I agree. With the hot temperature, we will have to bring a dog bowl to make sure they stay hydrated. ", "That's a good idea, and I might bake some brownies for us, for after the run! I could even put some caramel swirls on top for you.", "I would love to have some brownies. I like to eat the middle of the brownies, since the edge of the pan always has a harder edge. ", "That's perfect since I like the harder bits on the edges a little bit more! Maybe we can get some coffee and sit down somewhere with the brownies after the run. I'll also bring some treats for the dogs. What kind of treat does your dog like?", "That works out perfectly! I think there will be a picnic table around. My dog likes any kind of treat that has a peanut butter flavor. How about your dog?", "How is Java doing? ", "Java is going great\u2026. In lala land after his meal! What about your furry family?", "The dogs are wonderful, but my cat seems a little sad. She hurt her front paw and is limping when she walks. I'm not sure if I should take her to the vet or not. ", "Oh boy! I wouldn\u2019t wait too long. If it doesn\u2019t go away soon just take her to the vet\u2026 better safe than sorry", "I know you're right, but sometimes those vet bills can be outrageous. I think I'll give it a couple of more days to see if she gets better on her own. You been out on any runs lately? ", "I totally agree\u2026 thos enormous bills are what keep me from getting another pet. Well, I hope she bounces back soon :) And yes, I just came back from a run half hour ago. Java tagged along happily which is why he was ready to eat and snooze soon as we got back lol", "It must be nice to be able to take Java with you when you run. My dogs just want to stop and sniff EVERYTHING when I take them out with me. I can't get them to pay attention and run along beside me. But I'm not much of a runner anyway. I do enjoy taking them for walks. ", "By the way when are we going for that run, or brisk walk if you prefer, with the doggies? Actually I\u2019m in it for the brownies you promised to bring ;) We\u2019ll keep it short so Jetta can join too!", "That's right, we need to set a date. I just made a big batch of brownies last night. They turned out really soft and gooey, just the way you like them. Do you want to meet up at the beach? I do love the ocean.", "Woohoo\u2026 Beach would be purrrfect! Don\u2019t forget to bring a bowl for water to keep the kiddos hydrated.", "That's a good reminder, about the water. Jetta will definitely need water breaks. I'll even try to find some peanut butter treats for the doggies, so they can have a snack while we enjoy our brownies. Want to meet up Saturday afternoon?", "Saturday afternoon it is! Since you\u2019re taking care of doggie treats, I\u2019m going to make some killer sandwiches for us and make it a picnic!", "My cat is limping really badly now so I will take her to the vet this afternoon.", "oh no! How long has she been acting sick for?", "It started yesterday morning...not sure what she did. It's gotten worse!", "that's awful. I hope she'll be okay. I had a cat in the past that we thought was very sick but she suddenly got better the next day, so don't lose hope.", "I don't think it's anything too major. It's just always sad when our fur babies are hurt. Do you have any plans this afternoon.", "I'm probably going to go for a run with my dog and just relax other than that. What about you?", "That sounds nice....I'm jealous. Probably try to get Foster in today before I head to work. ", "good idea. What do you do for work?", "I'm a nanny to 7 amazing kids! Their father is a bit of a stickler...very strict navy submarine captain. He actually has a different whistle for each of them! I refused to have any part of it. ", "wow, that sounds like something out of a movie haha. What do you usually do with them?", "It truly seemed like it at first! But I think I'm winning them all over. We do all sorts of things! Recently, we did some hiking in the mountains. We discovered we all share a love and talent for music of all things!", "that's amazing! have you taught them any songs?"], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."], ["I am athletic.", "My favorite drink is coffee.", "I live in the big city.", "I am an artist.", "I have a dog."]], [["I live in Virginia.", "I have two dogs and one cat. My dogs are named Skippy and Jetta. My cat is named Foster.", "I bake brownies."], ["I go for runs.", "I have a dog named Java."]], [["I live in Virginia.", "I have two dogs and one cat. My dogs are named Skippy and Jetta. My cat is named Foster.", "I bake brownies. I have grown to like chocolate.", "I struggle to run 5km."], ["I have a dog named Java.", "I like chocolate with caramel.", "I like to run twice a day."]], [["I live in Virginia.", "I have two dogs and one cat. My dogs are named Skippy and Jetta. My cat is named Foster.", "I bake brownies. I have grown to like chocolate.", "I struggle to run 5km.", "I have a Golden Retriever and a Labrador. I enjoy running with my dogs.", "My dog Jetta is almost 10 years old.", "I like the harder edge brownie pieces."], ["I have a dog named Java.", "I like chocolate with caramel.", "I like to run twice a day.", "I have a Goldendoodle that is 3 years old. My dog likes to eat peanut butter treats.", " I've also owned a golden retriever.", "I like soft, gooey brownies."]], [["I live in Virginia.", "I have two dogs and one cat. My dogs are named Skippy and Jetta. My cat is named Foster.", "I make good brownies. I have grown to like chocolate.", "I struggle to run 5km.", "I have a Golden Retriever and a Labrador. I enjoy running with my dogs.", "My dog Jetta is almost 10 years old.", "I like the harder edge brownie pieces.", "I might need to take my cat to the vet.", "I try to take my dogs for runs but they just stop and sniff everything. I'm not much of a runner anyway.", "I love the ocean."], ["I have a dog named Java.", "I like chocolate with caramel.", "I like to run twice a day.", "I have a Goldendoodle that is 3 years old. My dog likes to eat peanut butter treats. I go for runs. Java runs with me.", " I've also owned a golden retriever.", "I like soft, gooey brownies."]]], "session_length": [16, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_222_0", "test_222_1", "test_222_2", "test_222_3", "test_222_4", "test_222_5", "test_222_6", "test_222_7", "test_222_8", "test_222_9", "test_222_10", "test_222_11", "test_222_12", "test_222_13", "test_222_14", "test_222_15", "test_222_16", "test_222_17", "test_222_18", "test_222_19", "test_222_20", "test_222_21", "test_222_22", "test_222_23", "test_222_24", "test_222_25", "test_222_26", "test_222_27", "test_222_28", "test_222_29", "test_222_30", "test_222_31", "test_222_32", "test_222_33", "test_222_34", "test_222_35", "test_222_36", "test_222_37", "test_222_38", "test_222_39", "test_222_40", "test_222_41", "test_222_42", "test_222_43", "test_222_44", "test_222_45", "test_222_46", "test_222_47", "test_222_48", "test_222_49", "test_222_50", "test_222_51", "test_222_52", "test_222_53", "test_222_54", "test_222_55", "test_222_56", "test_222_57", "test_222_58", "test_222_59", "test_222_60", "test_222_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi!.", "Hi! Finally a person. I get bored working in this library with no people around..", "Haha I totally understand that.", "It's a big library but nobody comes here anymore so it gets boring..", "Yeah it does. What do you like to do for fun.", "I like to play the flute a lot. It sounds good in this huge empty building.", "I really enjoy music as well! I also run track in school.", "I have three kids under 9 so this quiet building is good sometimes.", "Oh wow! I'm still in school but my mom is a homemaker and sympathizes lol.", "Two of mine just got started in school so it's a little break from the drama.", "Thats good. Drama is never a good thing haha.", "That's why I like taking the boat across the river to work everyday.", "Aww that sounds like a lot of fun.", "It is and the boat a lot safer than driving to work every day..", "I just got a letter informing me that I won a track scholarship! I guess I'm college-bound after all.", "That's great news! I'm so happy for you. Have you decided on a college?", "Looks like it has been decided for me! Haha! The scholarship offer is from the University of Houston and they have had some great track athletes over the years! I'm just so excited! I didn't think this would happen for me!", "I wasn't sure if the scholarship was awarded directly from a college or from a private organization. University of Houston huh, that's a great school. I'm excited for you too! ", "From the school! Taking care of room and board too! Tell your kids to start running! It can pay off! Haha!", "I'll definitely tell them. There's so many scholarship options available these days. I hope there's still plenty of those options when my kids are in high school.", "There really are. Like you said, plenty of private organizations give them out also. A friend of mine just got one from his local little league organization as their way of giving back! They give out 3 $1000 scholarships every year and he was lucky to receive one of them. Just have to keep your eyes open for them!", "You're absolutely right! How is your mom doing? I bet she's so proud!", "She is ecstatic! I don't think I've ever seen her so happy! I think we might have to go out to celebrate! She's always supported me and getting me to all those practices!", "Aww, that's so sweet. My heart is so happy for the both of you. How much longer until you finish up with school?", "Only have the last 2 weeks to go so this scholarship definitely came at the last minute for me to start planning for next year. Are your kids almost done with school? What grades are they in?", "My two that are in school are in 2nd and 3rd grade. Their last day is next Tuesday. They are very happy that it's almost time for summer vacation. ", "I have been shopping online for things for my room at college.", "Cool! What kinds of things have you bought so far?", "I got a fan since there is no AC in the room. I also got a new bedspread and all sorts of desk supplies. Did you go to college?", "I did; I have a degree in library science. It was such a great time! I'm sorry there's no AC! I didn't have AC in the first dorm I lived in, either. Are you going to have a roommate?", "Yes, but I don't know who it will be yet. I think we are supposed to find out next month, so we have a time to meet online and work things out before meeting in person. I'm excited, but nervous. Any words of wisdom for dealing with college?", "Hmm. I think the best piece of advice I have is to enjoy the experience. I worked really hard and got really good grades, but didn't spend as much time just being with other people and having fun as I wish I had. Enjoy yourself! It's such a good time to really figure out who you are and what you REALLY like.", "Thanks so much! My mom went to college and said she loved it even if she chose to be a homemaker once she had kids! I just need to get these last couple weeks of high school finished.", "You're almost there. How are your parents handling everything? My kids are still young but it'll be so emotional when they graduate! ", "My mom has been the strong one, but my dad can't even look at old photos of me! It's funny because he is such a yeller from the stands at my track events, but if he sees my 9th grade pic he pretty much clams up and leaves the room.", "Aw, poor guy. It's pretty amazing to watch your kids grow up. I know its seems like my oldest was born just last week but he's already 10. I feel for your dad!", "I guess us kids don't always realize it. We get a little sad, but we are just so ready to get going to the next thing. I'm sure I'll have a moment or two when they drop me off at U of H in August.", "You definitely will. It's an emotional time. But you're going to have the best time in college.", "I only have 1 more week of school! I'm so excited to be finished. This last week is pretty much just hanging out and getting ready for graduation.", "Are you finished getting your stuff for U of H? I know you were super excited. What are your summer plans?", "Yes I am \u00fcber excited! Still kinda undecided about plans for summer but spending more time with my mom and dad is top of the list!", "Have you found out who your roommate is yet? I know you said you were going to find out this month.", "Not yet but I\u2019m both excited and apprehensive about it at the same time. It is som important to have compatible roommates\u2026", "Absolutely. My roommate and I were night and day. She was a real partier and I was always studying. It kind of worked out though, as she I was always in the dorm room and she was never home. ", "Haha that gives me hope\u2026 things CAN work out even if the personalities are polar opposites :) Are the kids excited about summer break?!", "Yes! I have them all enrolled in camps and activities for a good portion of the summer, mostly on our side of the river so I don't have to bring them across the ferry with me. I'm also looking to take a couple weeks of vacation with them!", "That is awesome! Have you planned any family trips?", "Yes, we are going to World of Wonder in Kansas City!", "OMG\u2026 That is so cool! I bet the kiddos can\u2019t wait :)", "They are excited, they have so many more options than when I was a kid...", "I met my new roommate today that I will be sharing a dorm with in the fall. ", "That's great. I thought you weren't meeting until next month. How is she/he?", "She is doing well! Yes, we decided to move the meeting up. It was a great discussion. How have you been?", "it's been busy with school getting out and trying to get the kids ready for summer camp. They are quite excited to be going.", "Ah, summer camp is so much fun. Will they be staying overnight there? I've heard it's going to be especially hot this summer!", "It's a 2 week camp. They are gong to learn how to canoe, swim. rappel. etc. I am praying it will be a lot of fun for them and they meet new friends.", "I'm sure that they will! That sounds like so much fun. Are you planning to do anything fun for yourself while they're away?", "Not really. Mostly clean house and prepare for our family vacation. I do plan on time finding time to just relax though", "Yes, just relaxing and taking it easy can be the best kind of break. Life can get so hectic. I'm planning to do a nice thorough cleaning of my place too -- I missed the whole spring cleaning thing, haha. ", "I totally understand. I don't even know where spring went. This year is going by so farst.", "I know! I can't believe Independence Day has already come and gone. Were you guys able to see any fireworks?", "Oh yes. We didn't but any but went to a family members that has a large field. Thot shot them there and it was vey beautiful. Spending time with family was great too. What did you do for the 4th?"], "init_persona": [[["I run track in highschool.", "I am a straight a student.", "My father is a steel worker.", "My mother is a homemaker.", "I love music."], ["I have 3 children below the age of 9.", "I work as a librarian in the city.", "My name means grown up in german.", "I love playing the flute.", "I go to work by boat everyday."]], [["I am in school. I run on my school's track team.", "My mom is a homemaker."], ["I work in a library. I often find my job boring.", "I play the flute.", "I have three children. All of my children are under age 9. Two of my children are in school.", "I take a boat across a river to work."]], [["I run on my school's track team.", "My mom is a homemaker.", "I won a scholarship to go to University of Houston. I am excited about college. My room and board at college will be paid for. I practiced track a lot.", "I have 2 weeks left at school. I am planning for college."], ["I work in a library. I often find my job boring.", "I play the flute.", "I have three children. All of my children are under age 9. Two of my children are in 2nd and 3rd grade..", "I take a boat across a river to work."]], [["I run on my school's track team.", "My mom is a homemaker.", "I won a scholarship to go to University of Houston. My room and board at college will be paid for. I practiced track a lot.", "I have 2 weeks left at high school. I am planning for college.", "I have a room at college. I do not have AC in my room. I bought a fan. I bought a bedspread. I bought desk supplies.", "I will have a roommate. I do not know my roommate. I will find out my roommate next month. I am excited and nervous about college.", "My mom went to college. I have siblings.", "My mom is good with me going to college. My dad is sad I'm growing up. I am in track. My dad yells from the stands at my track events."], ["I work in a library. I often find my job boring.", "I play the flute.", "I have three children. All of my children are under age 9. Two of my children are in 2nd and 3rd grade..", "I take a boat across a river to work.", "I have a library science degree. I enjoyed college. My first dorm did not have AC. I worked hard in college. I got good grades in college. I wish I had spent more time having fun in college.", "My oldest is a boy. My oldest son is almost 10."]], [["I run on my school's track team.", "My mom is a homemaker.", "I won a scholarship to go to University of Houston. My room and board at college will be paid for. I practiced track a lot.", "I have 2 weeks left at high school. I am planning for college.", "I have a room at college. I do not have AC in my room. I bought a fan. I bought a bedspread. I bought desk supplies.", "I will have a roommate. I do not know my roommate. I will find out my roommate next month. I am excited and nervous about college.", "My mom went to college. I have siblings.", "My mom is good with me going to college. My dad is sad I'm growing up. I am in track. My dad yells from the stands at my track events.", "I am going to attend college at UofH in the fall. I have no summer plans."], ["I work in a library. I often find my job boring.", "I play the flute.", "I have three children. All of my children are under age 9. Two of my children are in 2nd and 3rd grade..", "I take a boat across a river to work. I live by a river. ", "I have a library science degree. I enjoyed college. My first dorm did not have AC. I worked hard in college. I got good grades in college. I wish I had spent more time having fun in college. I had a roommate. I like to study.", "My oldest is a boy. My oldest son is almost 10. I am sending my kids to summer camp. I am going to take a vacation with my kids to World of Wonder. My kids are excited to go on a trip. I did not go on trips when I was a kid."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_223_0", "test_223_1", "test_223_2", "test_223_3", "test_223_4", "test_223_5", "test_223_6", "test_223_7", "test_223_8", "test_223_9", "test_223_10", "test_223_11", "test_223_12", "test_223_13", "test_223_14", "test_223_15", "test_223_16", "test_223_17", "test_223_18", "test_223_19", "test_223_20", "test_223_21", "test_223_22", "test_223_23", "test_223_24", "test_223_25", "test_223_26", "test_223_27", "test_223_28", "test_223_29", "test_223_30", "test_223_31", "test_223_32", "test_223_33", "test_223_34", "test_223_35", "test_223_36", "test_223_37", "test_223_38", "test_223_39", "test_223_40", "test_223_41", "test_223_42", "test_223_43", "test_223_44", "test_223_45", "test_223_46", "test_223_47", "test_223_48", "test_223_49", "test_223_50", "test_223_51", "test_223_52", "test_223_53", "test_223_54", "test_223_55", "test_223_56", "test_223_57", "test_223_58", "test_223_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello I am a teacher what do you do for work?", "I work with animals, I am a zoo keeper!.", "What do you like to do for fun?", "I fly kites when it is very windy and I am not working.", "I like to take walks in the local parks sometimes too.", "You should take a walk at the zoo, it is lovely.", "That sounds nice! What's your favorite movie? I like the dark knight.", "I am not the biggest movie watcher, I enjoy working on my mustang cars.", "That sounds great do you do any volunteering in your free time?", "Yes, I help my brother out at his grocery store, what about you?", "I work at a homeless shelter sometimes.", "That is honorable of you, do you have any pets?", "How many Mustang cars do you own?", "I have four currently! Only three are drivable at the moment though.", "Are they vintage or antique? I also enjoyed the older mustangs - the new ones look ugly to me.", "I have a couple of vintage ones and couple newer ones. The one I'm in the process of restoring is a 65.", "That's amazing! Lots of time goes into that, definitely a labor of love.", "Definitely, but I love doing it so it's enjoyable to me. Although sometimes, I have to step a way for a bit because it is a lot of work. ", "I bet! What are you going to do with them once they are fully-restored? Sell them? I think it would be tough to put all that time and effort into something to then sell it and start over.", "For now I am keeping them, if the right deal came along I may consider selling one or two but it would have to be just the right numbers lol", "That make sense. I wish I was that hands-on with something. I am a teacher so it's a very different skill set.", "Being a teacher is a wonderful profession! You touch so many lives.", "I know, sometimes I feel like I work for them, and I don't get as much satisfaction out of it as I should.", "I think that is typical with many job types. The routine of it ya know?", "I'm so exhausted from grading so many papers!", "How many papers did you have to grade? I wouldn't even know where to start if I had to grade papers!", "I had to grade about 30 papers today! Yes, the first time I had to grade them I was completely lost as well, but it gets better over time.", "How long does it take to do one? ", "It depends on the length of the paper, but I would say usually around 10 minutes for each one.", "That is very fast. No way I could do that. I am better at more practical things like working on cars.", "How is your latest mustang project going? Do you still have much left to do?", "It is going well and is running. In the world of cars there is always things to do. I will just buy more parts or swap the engine, its just a never ending cycle. Did you ever own an old mustang? ", "I can imagine! No, I love the look and sound of them, but have never owned one myself. I would love to buy one one day though. Which one do you think would be the best one for me to get?", "Anything from the late 60s, those were the best years. I are getting quite pricey though as there are not many good ones left.", "Maybe I could get you to restore one for me! I would love to buy one as a project, but I'm not too good at fixing them myself.", "That would be great. I love working on them and they are easy enough to get up and running. ", "What is your favorite animal at the zoo you are working at?", "It would have to be kangaroos, I think they are just very neat. I like marsupials in general, and find them cute to look at.", "And how can you not love the hopping? Have you been working with them for a while?", "I have, I take care of a wide variety of animals, but I definitely enjoy taking care of kangaroos the most. They are very docile and friendly once they get to know you, unlike some other animals which you still have to be cautious around.", "I can imagine. You always have to worry that a jungle cat will realize it's a jungle cat. Have you been a zookeeper for a while?", "I been a zookeeper for about ten years or so. I find it an interesting job, I definitely want to keep doing it for the time being. It does let me have a lot of time to restore my Mustangs, which is always a plus for me.", "Do you already have your eye on another Mustang?", "I have considered a couple that I might be interested in purchasing to restore, but I want to finish up my current car before deciding to purchase another one. I also have to consider the storage space, as I already own 4 Mustangs already.", "Right. Did you decide on swapping the engine? I guess you'd also have to consider the insurance!", "The insurance is also a definite costs to my budget, it really adds up. I ended up swapping the v8 engine to a more modern one, the old engine was failing in too many places and practically could not be repaired to working condition.", "Oh, wow. I guess that engine had been through some stuff. How are things at your brother's store?", "Its going alright, its seems buisness is steady for my brother. He mostly has had some issues with some stock for some unusual items, but he has worked it out and things are running smoothly for the time being.", "I saw a nice vintage Mustang on the way to the store.", "Ah, that's awesome! I am currently working on one myself; do you know what year it was by any chance?", "No, I amnot sure. What year is the one you are working on now?", "A '67! I've been spending a while on it, but I'm hoping the work will pay off, and perhaps I can even sell it once I'm done. Whats your favorite year mustang?", "most from the 60's. I don't have a particular favorite. What are you doing to the Mustang in order to get it ready to sell?", "It needs work on the engine, as well as a new battery. right now though, I am replacing the rocker panels, and it is hard work. some days when I get back from the zoo I don't even have the energy to keep working!", "I don't blame you! But it sounds like a fun hobby. Do you take them to auction to sell or do you do it privately?", "I take it to auction! ", "That sounds like it would bring in more money potentially. A big auction like Mecham or more local?", "More local-- oftentimes they have them on weekends here, and I am able to go when I'm off work and not at the grocery store, and then I can make some money. I can also buy new cars to fix up there", "Are you still working with Kangaroo's?", "Yes, one of my favorite animals to work with! I have been working with them for a while, but I don't mind. What is your favorite animal?"], "init_persona": [[["I like to draw landscape scenery.", "I enjoy walking walking in the nearby parks.", "My favorite movie is the dark knight.", "I work as an english teacher.", "I volunteer at a homeless shelter."], ["I work in the zoo as a zoo keeper.", "I have a pet racoon and a bearded dragon.", "I love flying kites during a windy day.", "My brother owns a grocery store.", "I own 2 cars and both are mustangs."]], [["I am a teacher.", "I like taking walks at the local park.", "I like the movie The Dark Knight.", "I sometimes volunteer at a homeless shelter."], ["I am a zookeeper.", "I enjoy flying kites.", "I am not a big fan of movies. I own more than one Mustang car. I enjoy working on my Mustangs.", "I have a brother. I volunteer my time at my brother's grocery store."]], [["I am a teacher. I often do not feel satisfied as a teacher.", "I like taking walks at the local park.", "I like the movie The Dark Knight.", "I sometimes volunteer at a homeless shelter.", "I like older Mustang cars.", "I think restoring cars requires time and effort."], ["I am a zookeeper.", "I enjoy flying kites.", "I am not a big fan of movies. I own 4 Mustang car. I enjoy working on my Mustangs. I have two vintage Mustang cars and two new Mustang cars. I am currently restoring a Mustang car. I love restoring cars. I keep the cars I restore. I may sell the cars I restore for the right price.", "I have a brother. I volunteer my time at my brother's grocery store."]], [["I am a teacher. I often do not feel satisfied as a teacher.", "I like taking walks at the local park.", "I like the movie The Dark Knight.", "I sometimes volunteer at a homeless shelter.", "I like older Mustang cars. I've never owned a mustang, but I would love to buy one someday.", "I think restoring cars requires time and effort. I am not good at fixing cars.", "I usually spend about 10 minutes to grade one paper."], ["I am a zookeeper.", "I enjoy flying kites.", "I am not a big fan of movies. I own 4 Mustang car. I enjoy working on my Mustangs. I have two vintage Mustang cars and two new Mustang cars. I am currently restoring a Mustang car. I love restoring cars. I keep the cars I restore. I may sell the cars I restore for the right price.", "I have a brother. I volunteer my time at my brother's grocery store.", "I am good at working on cars. I am working on a mustang.", "I think the best mustangs are the ones from the late 60's."]], [["I am a teacher. I often do not feel satisfied as a teacher.", "I like taking walks at the local park.", "I like the movie The Dark Knight.", "I sometimes volunteer at a homeless shelter.", "I like older Mustang cars. I've never owned a mustang, but I would love to buy one someday.", "I think restoring cars requires time and effort. I am not good at fixing cars.", "I usually spend about 10 minutes to grade one paper."], ["I enjoy flying kites.", "I am not a big fan of movies. I own 4 Mustang car. I enjoy working on my Mustangs. I have two vintage Mustang cars and two new Mustang cars. I am currently restoring a Mustang car. I love restoring cars. I keep the cars I restore. I may sell the cars I restore for the right price.", "I have a brother. I volunteer my time at my brother's grocery store.", "I am good at working on cars. I am working on a mustang.", "I think the best mustangs are the ones from the late 60's.", "My favorite animal is kangaroos. I like marsupials. I have been working with kangaroos for a while. I take care of a wide variety of animals.", "I have been a zookeeper for about a decade. I think it is an interesting job.", "I have a few cars that I am interested in purchasing to restore. I swapped the old engine for a more modern one."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_224_0", "test_224_1", "test_224_2", "test_224_3", "test_224_4", "test_224_5", "test_224_6", "test_224_7", "test_224_8", "test_224_9", "test_224_10", "test_224_11", "test_224_12", "test_224_13", "test_224_14", "test_224_15", "test_224_16", "test_224_17", "test_224_18", "test_224_19", "test_224_20", "test_224_21", "test_224_22", "test_224_23", "test_224_24", "test_224_25", "test_224_26", "test_224_27", "test_224_28", "test_224_29", "test_224_30", "test_224_31", "test_224_32", "test_224_33", "test_224_34", "test_224_35", "test_224_36", "test_224_37", "test_224_38", "test_224_39", "test_224_40", "test_224_41", "test_224_42", "test_224_43", "test_224_44", "test_224_45", "test_224_46", "test_224_47", "test_224_48", "test_224_49", "test_224_50", "test_224_51", "test_224_52", "test_224_53", "test_224_54", "test_224_55", "test_224_56", "test_224_57", "test_224_58", "test_224_59", "test_224_60", "test_224_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I'm organizing a protest called save the bunny rabbits.", "I don't eat bunnys because of being vegan.", "I'm a vegetarian too but I want to save them from lab testing.", "Hmm. My husband has done some probono lawyer work with lab testing.", "My son wants to be a lawyer but then my wife tries to dissuade him.", "Do you workout? I really enjoy the gym.", "No, my hobby is recycling cardboard and I reuse it to make chairs.", "How interesting. I am also really into my jeep wrangler and off roading.", "All my other spare time goes into animal rights protesting and my boy.", "My marriage takes a lot of my time..", "Mine too and my wife won't give up her fur coats!!!", "That would be rough!.", "But she's making me look bad as a vegetarian and animal activist.", "Yes. I could see that happening..", "Organizing my latest protest to save rabbits has been very stressful today. Most of my time was spent with my son so I was not able to get much accomplished with the protest.", "Maybe you can get him involved somehow. It could be great later on a resume for law school! Have you been able to talk your wife into going to the protest?", "A little bit, it doesn't seem like she'll want to attend. Do you think you and your husband will be able to make it?", "If she does, tell her to keep the coat at home!!! Sorry. I know that is a sensitive topic for you two. And, yes, my husband is joining me. He was so upset after his last case when all those rabbits died. He says he will be able to help with any setup you may need. I will be at work until it starts.", "Great! That'll be a big help to have him there. Do you think he could talk to my son a little about his road to becoming a lawyer? And maybe my wife too so she can get more on board with it", "Absolutely! What is it that she has against him being a lawyer?", "She thinks he'll be unhappy in his career after a few years and that he'll have too much debt from law school", "I think you are going to make bank with those chairs of yours. She should not worry about that. ", "Yeah once I get my custom orders shop off the ground i'll be able to send him off to law school debt-free!", "Then you can finally afford a gym membership and hang out with meeee :)", "YES!! It's about time! You've only been raving about your gym for months", "It is THE BEST JOB! And they have a smoothie bar that you will love. It is vegetarian but not vegan, so I am a little mad about it.", "I have finally got my online custom chair shop up and running.", "That's fantastic! How much do you sell the custom chairs for?", "Most are around 100 but it depends on what sort of chair you want. For example, if you want it painting it will cost more.", "That's a great price. We need some new chairs for our waiting area at the gym. I will speak to my manager and see if we could maybe get you to make some custom ones for us! ", "Awesome, would you be wanting all the same or a mix all different style?", "I think either could be fun, but I think most likely all the same. Maybe you could paint them in our gym's colours? Is it much more expensive to paint them?", "That would be a good idea, get all the chairs to match the rest of the gym. The paint itself is a little bit extra but it is mostly the time it takes to paint that makes them more expensive. ", "Yes, that's understandable. Maybe you could join our gym for free and in return we could get a little discount on them.", "Ok that might work. I do not have a gym membership yet and it is something I want to look at getting.", "That's what I thought. Do you do any type of workout at the moment?", "None at the moment, any idea what would work best for a novice?", "At the beginning I would start working on cardio. I could show you the best machines for that if you like.", "I just got my first large order on my online chair shop, I'm so excited!", "Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. Did they get a discount for the large order or pay full price? Either way, awesome!", "They get a slight discount since they ordered 3 dozen! But, the materials and labor still cost so I can only cut down so much. Most of the profits go into supporting my protests anyway.", "That is so cool! Is your son helping you with such a big order? Is the wife proud?", "My son is excited to help. My wife, well, she is not so supportive of my work. She feels that the money we make on these chairs should not go to animal rights and we have been having more and more fights about that lately.", "Oh no, I am sorry to hear that. You two are certainly an odd couple. I wish she would support you more, especially since you are clearly doing well with this business. ", "Thank you. The more I talk about it, the more it becomes apparent that maybe we aren't a good fit together anymore. We seem to have grown in separate directions. I think she is thinking the same thing. I saw a letter to her with a return address of a law firm.", "Oh my goodness! You think she is going to ask for a divorce? Do you think that will be better for all of you. The fur coat was a red flag, but I get what it is like. Sometimes you just need to see how red that flag can get.", "I think she is at least considering it. Honestly, I am almost beyond caring what she does as long as I can still have time with my son. And, you are right - I should have seen things when the fur coat was purchased!", "Aww. Maybe it will be better for all. You could take her out on a date this week and see where her head is at. Do you think it could be amicable? ", "I think it will be far from amicable. Unfortunately, she is becoming more and more materialist and may want my business or at least some of the profits. I can't have that since that helps with animal rights. I think it will be a long and nasty fight. I will not let my business go though. ", "Oh no! How awful! I would start the process now then before the business really takes off!!", "I finally got a date for my upcoming animal rights protest nailed down! I will forward you the flyer if you are free, I would love you to come by! ", "Thank you, I would love to go!", ";I'll send it right away. Will your husband support you protesting?", "Yes, luckily he always does! Does your son ever go with you to protests?", "No. He supports me but doesn't want to get involved. ", "Ah, I suppose it is nice that he supports you at least. How has your shop been doing?", "It's doing well. I'm introducing a new line of chairs that are made out of bamboo.", "That sounds really cool! Are they any harder to make than the recycled cardboard chairs?", "Not really. But my son made me wonder about them. He asked me if by making chairs out of bamboo if I might be starving a hungry panda bear.", "Hm, they do eat a lot of bamboo every day from what I understand. But sometimes its hard to do one good thing without worrying about it affecting other things. Sometimes I find vegan foods that make me wonder if they cause other problems for animals.", "I know what you mean. And I'd hate to have to protest myself! How are things down at the gym?", "Right! Lol. The gym is good, we've gotten some new customers lately."], "init_persona": [[["I am a vegetarian.", "I support animal rights.", "I am a male.", "I have one son.", "I like to recycle and reuse."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love going to the gym.", "I own a jeep wrangler.", "I am married.", "My husband is a lawyer."]], [["I am organizing a protest to save bunny rabbits. I participate in animal rights protests. My wife wears fur coats. I want to save rabbits from being lab tested.", "I am vegetarian.", "I have a son. He wants to be a lawyer. My wife does not want my son to be a lawyer.", "I recycle cardboard and reuse it to make chairs as a hobby."], ["I am vegan.", "My husband has done lawyer work with lab testing.", "I work out at the gym.", "I enjoy off roading with my Jeep wrangler."]], [["I am organizing a protest to save bunny rabbits. I participate in animal rights protests. My wife wears fur coats. I want to save rabbits from being lab tested.", "I am vegetarian.", "I have a son. He wants to be a lawyer. My wife does not want my son to be a lawyer.", "I recycle cardboard and reuse it to make chairs as a hobby. I am making an online shop for my chairs.", "I want to join a gym."], ["I am vegan.", "My husband has done lawyer work with lab testing. I have a husband who is supportive of my protests.", "I work out at the gym. My job is in a gym. ", "I enjoy off roading with my Jeep wrangler.", "I am a vegan."]], [["I am organizing a protest to save bunny rabbits. I participate in animal rights protests. My wife wears fur coats. I want to save rabbits from being lab tested.", "I am vegetarian.", "I have a son. He wants to be a lawyer. My wife does not want my son to be a lawyer.", "I recycle cardboard and reuse it to make chairs as a hobby. I am making an online shop for my chairs.", "I own an online custom chair shop. I sell the chairs for about $100.", "I do not have a gym membership. I want to look at getting a gym membership. I do not do any type of workout at the moment. I am a novice at working out."], ["I am vegan.", "My husband has done lawyer work with lab testing. I have a husband who is supportive of my protests.", "I work out at the gym. My job is in a gym. ", "I enjoy off roading with my Jeep wrangler.", "I am a vegan."]], [["I am organizing a protest to save bunny rabbits. I participate in animal rights protests. My wife wears fur coats. I want to save rabbits from being lab tested.", "I am vegetarian.", "I have a son. He wants to be a lawyer. My wife does not want my son to be a lawyer.", "I recycle cardboard and reuse it to make chairs as a hobby. I am making an online shop for my chairs.", "I own an online custom chair shop. I sell the chairs for about $100.", "I do not have a gym membership. I want to look at getting a gym membership. I do not do any type of workout at the moment. I am a novice at working out.", "I received a large order. My online shop offers a discount if you place a large order. My shop profits go towards my protests. My son helps me with online orders. My wife is not supportive of my work.", "My wife and I do not see eye to eye. My wife and I have grown apart. My wife recently mailed a letter to a law firm. I do not care if I divorce my wife. My main priority is my son. I think my wife is materialistic. I do not want to lose my business if we get divorced."], ["I am vegan.", "My husband has done lawyer work with lab testing. I have a husband who is supportive of my protests.", "I work out at the gym. My job is in a gym. ", "I enjoy off roading with my Jeep wrangler.", "I am a vegan.", "I believe in facing problems head on. I think getting ahead of problems is the best action."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_228_0", "test_228_1", "test_228_2", "test_228_3", "test_228_4", "test_228_5", "test_228_6", "test_228_7", "test_228_8", "test_228_9", "test_228_10", "test_228_11", "test_228_12", "test_228_13", "test_228_14", "test_228_15", "test_228_16", "test_228_17", "test_228_18", "test_228_19", "test_228_20", "test_228_21", "test_228_22", "test_228_23", "test_228_24", "test_228_25", "test_228_26", "test_228_27", "test_228_28", "test_228_29", "test_228_30", "test_228_31", "test_228_32", "test_228_33", "test_228_34", "test_228_35", "test_228_36", "test_228_37", "test_228_38", "test_228_39", "test_228_40", "test_228_41", "test_228_42", "test_228_43", "test_228_44", "test_228_45", "test_228_46", "test_228_47", "test_228_48", "test_228_49", "test_228_50", "test_228_51", "test_228_52", "test_228_53", "test_228_54", "test_228_55", "test_228_56", "test_228_57", "test_228_58", "test_228_59", "test_228_60", "test_228_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi! How are you?", "Tired. Just finished the last of the boxes. How are you?.", "I'm tired too. Too much focusing on sheet music. Gives me a headache. You moving?", "Yeah. Chasing a job two states over. What kind of music are you working on?.", "Concert band. Marching band season's over right now.", "Sounds tense. Maybe we both need a vacation..", "I usually go on vacation with my parents in the summer, when they are off.", "Oh yeah? Where do you end up going?.", "Wherever mom and dad decide. You have a favorite place to visit?", "Know how that is, my brothers always dictated the travel terms. London's nice though.", "I'd love to go to england to see all of dickens'settings, and austen's, and the brontes '...", "Bring proper shoes, then. Galoshes, even. My sneakers never held up to the rain that well..", "Especially if I'm slogging through the moors, right? I do wear sneakers a lot though.", "Right. Mmfgh.. Now I have to think of what to make for dinner tonight. Suggestions?.", "I am finally ready for the upcoming concert. It has been hectic, so my parents and I will get to go on vacation after all. Fingers are crossed for England.", "Your gonna love England. Are you going to be in London?", "I sure hope to be. There's so much to do there. My parents really love going there as well. Did you enjoy London?", "I'm a big fan of London...love the history and old buildings. The Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey are some of my favs", "I'll have to make sure to visit those when I get there. Are there any places I should stay away from?", "I think the London Eye is a bit of a scam...it's just a big ferris wheel. The lines are long and the tickets are expensive.", "That's a great tip. I'll make sure not to waste my time there. I'm excited for all of the great restaurants. ", "Yes, the food scene has really improved there. They have some of the best Indian food I've ever had there. Do you enjoy Indian food?", "I really enjoy a spicy curry. I understand that Indian food is very popular in the UK", "Indeed, it is. They have a large Indian population. Try India India Restaurant off of Trafalgar Square. IMO, they have the best curry dishes.", "I'll make sure to go there. Thanks for the great tip! Where are you living now?", "I actually live in a town called New London in CT, ha!", "I have booked a vacation to England, I'll be going with my parents.", "Oh, that is wonderful! You will love London. How long are you going?", "I'm planning to stay for two weeks! I'm so excited. Do you have any recommendations while I'm there? Definitely not visiting the London Eye, hahah!", "I don't have any plans for you, but I know that the weather is going to be great! Are you taking a direct flight?", "Aw, that's alright! Yes, thank goodness. Direct flights save me so much stress and hassle! Speaking of stress, how was the move to another state? Are you finally all settled in and relaxing? ", "I am finally able to start relaxing a little more. We still have several rooms to unpack because we brought so much stuff from our old house. We have plans to unpack one room at a time.", "That's wise to take it slowly. You don't want to get overwhelmed! Are your brothers going to help you unpack at all? ", "Yes, they helped me unpack a little, but they are now getting pretty busy with their own stuff. I hope they can come over and help me again soon. ", "That's understandable. Maybe you can lure them over with the promise of some good Indian take out, hahah! Have you planned anything to reward yourself for you hard work? Maybe a vacation of your own or just a night out?", "I would love to take my family on a vacation to thank them! We have a beach house down by the shore! Maybe we will plan a trip soon! Then we both will be going on vacation. ", "A beach house?! That sounds amazing, I'm jealous! I was at a concert at the beach last year and was thinking how amazing it would be to live near the ocean. Maybe I should cancel my flight to England and let you take me to the beach house instead, hahah!", "I would totally take you up on that offer! Now is the perfect season to head down to the beach house near cape cod! However, you'll love England!", "Does your family stay at the beach house year round or do you rent it out?", "We just use it for vacation and rent it out the rest of the time. ", "I have never been to Cape Cod. I bet it's a popular vacation spot. The weather is probably nicer than the weather in London.", "For the most part its much better. There are days when you would believe you were in London. This is especially true for misty, gray days. Are you looking forward to your trip? ", "I am! I want to try the cuisine in England. The spicy food selection in London should be pretty good, I figure. I will eat my way across England.", "Don't forget the blood sausage and the clotted cream! I know it sounds very appetizing, ha ha. I understand a Christmas pudding can be kept for years due to the alcohol content. I would be really anxious to try that, not lol. ", "I've heard that the immigrants are the source of the best food in England. Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern. I love it all. Maybe there is some kind of fusion cuisine there found nowhere else.", "I know first hand that the Indian food is very authentic. You can find many Indian restaurants in London. I haven't thought about the fusion cuisine, but if it exists, you'll find it in London. ", "Sounds great. My food crawl across London will end when my innards burst! I've had fish 'n' chips, but it was too bland for me. I prefer food that fights back when I eat it.", "You will certainly find that at one of London's Indian restaurants. Just remember to stay clear of the Eye. Its super commercialized and has no Indian restaurants. ", "Sounds like the Eye of Sauron. A giant evil tourist trap. I'll steer clear until I have to drop the One Ring into the fire.", "That would be my advice, just get in quick enough to drop the Ring. You wanna make sure you do what you can to take out the dark lord. ", "What is, on your opinion, the worst thing in London?", "Honestly, probably all the tourists that come. That's why I'm not a huge fan f the London Eye. How do you like it?", "Yeah, they can be kind of annoying. I try not to let it bother me too much, though. One of my favorite things is definitely the cuisine. I've been loving it here so far!", "Whats your favorite foods you've tried? I didn't know London had any sort of specific cuisines. I do love Indian food though, not sure if we could call that London cuisine though!", "By far the pastas have been my favorite. I'm not too sure there's such a thing as London cuisine, but there are many different types of cultural restaurants within the area. We even found an Indian restaurant to dine at. My parents and I have definitely been enjoying it so far.", " I'm glad to hear that! Did you manage to find any spicy food? I know how much you love it.", "Yes! I tried some Phall at the Indian restaurant. I came this close to asking for a glass of milk. I love the new environment I'm getting to experience. Speaking of new environment, how is your new home treating you?", "Yum that sounds delicious. The new home is nice but there's a lot of unpacking to do which is always stressful. I'm definitely jealous of you right now.. I wish i could be on vacation!", "Yikes, unpacking doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun right now. We should plan a vacation together when I get back to the States!", "Definitely! You know i'm going to take you out to my parent's beach house in cape cod. Have you been there before?", "I actually have been there! I went to a really nice country concert in the area. We could check out the beaches too!", "I can't wait. Now I have something to look forward to! We could also check out some history museums. What concert did you see?"], "init_persona": [[["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."], ["I am moving to another state next month.", "My favorite football team is the chicago bears.", "I went to a very strict high school.", "My father used to be the headmaster in my school.", "My siblings are all older than me."]], [["I have a headache from focusing on sheet music.", "I am in concert band season.", "I go with my parents on summer vacation. I have two parents.", "I like poetry.", "I wear sneakers often."], ["I am tired from packing. I am moving to another state.", "I have brothers. I like London. I visited England.", "I cook."]], [["I have a headache from focusing on sheet music.", "I am in concert band season.", "I go with my parents on summer vacation. I have two parents.", "I like poetry.", "I wear sneakers often.", "I like to attend concerts. I hope to visit London.", "I like to eat out at restaurants. I am an adventurous diner. I like spicy food."], ["I am tired from packing. I am moving to another state.", "I have brothers. I like London. I visited England. I have been to London. I like history and old architecture. I am not a fan of the London Eye.", "I cook.", "I love Indian food. I have eaten at Indian restaurants in London.", "I live in New London, CT."]], [["I have a headache from focusing on sheet music.", "I am in concert band season.", "I go with my parents on summer vacation. I have two parents.", "I like poetry.", "I wear sneakers often.", "I like to attend concerts. I hope to visit London.", "I like to eat out at restaurants. I am an adventurous diner. I like spicy food.", "I'm going on a vacation to England with my parents. I plan to stay in England for two weeks. I don't want to visit the London Eye.", "I like to visit the beach."], ["I am tired from packing. I am moving to another state.", "I have brothers. I like London. I visited England. I have been to London. I like history and old architecture. I am not a fan of the London Eye.", "I cook.", "I love Indian food. I have eaten at Indian restaurants in London.", "I live in New London, CT.", "I recently moved to a new house in a different state. I still have to unpack my things from my old house. My brothers helped me move.", "I would like to take my family on vacation soon.My family's beach house is near Cape Cod."]], [["I have a headache from focusing on sheet music.", "I am in concert band season.", "I go with my parents on summer vacation. I have two parents.", "I like poetry.", "I wear sneakers often.", "I like to attend concerts. I hope to visit London.", "I like to eat out at restaurants. I am an adventurous diner. I like spicy food.", "I'm going on a vacation to England with my parents. I plan to stay in England for two weeks. I don't want to visit the London Eye.", "I like to visit the beach.", "I have never been to Cape Cod. I am in London now. I want to try the cuisine in England. I will eat my way across England.", "I love Indian, Chinese, Middle Eastern. I've had fish 'n' chips, but it was too bland for me. I prefer food that fights back when I eat it.", "I'll steer clear until I have to drop the One Ring into the fire."], ["I am tired from packing. I am moving to another state.", "I have brothers. I like London. I visited England. I have been to London. I like history and old architecture. I am not a fan of the London Eye.", "I cook.", "I love Indian food. I have eaten at Indian restaurants in London.", "I live in New London, CT.", "I recently moved to a new house in a different state. I still have to unpack my things from my old house. My brothers helped me move.", "I would like to take my family on vacation soon.My family's beach house is near Cape Cod. We stay at the beach house during our vacation.", "I know first hand that the Indian food is very authentic."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_232_0", "test_232_1", "test_232_2", "test_232_3", "test_232_4", "test_232_5", "test_232_6", "test_232_7", "test_232_8", "test_232_9", "test_232_10", "test_232_11", "test_232_12", "test_232_13", "test_232_14", "test_232_15", "test_232_16", "test_232_17", "test_232_18", "test_232_19", "test_232_20", "test_232_21", "test_232_22", "test_232_23", "test_232_24", "test_232_25", "test_232_26", "test_232_27", "test_232_28", "test_232_29", "test_232_30", "test_232_31", "test_232_32", "test_232_33", "test_232_34", "test_232_35", "test_232_36", "test_232_37", "test_232_38", "test_232_39", "test_232_40", "test_232_41", "test_232_42", "test_232_43", "test_232_44", "test_232_45", "test_232_46", "test_232_47", "test_232_48", "test_232_49", "test_232_50", "test_232_51", "test_232_52", "test_232_53", "test_232_54", "test_232_55", "test_232_56", "test_232_57", "test_232_58", "test_232_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I hate working in a warehouse. Even though it's part time, it's too hard.", "That does sound hard. I love what I do, although with three kids at home I stay very busy.", "Your lucky to have a job you love. I'd rather be eating pizza, burgers and watching movies.", "You sound like my husband. He likes to watch movies and eat pizza.", "I still like cruising in my car but I'd rather be eating pizza and watching movies.", "Movies are great. I don't have much free time, since I'm working on a teaching degree.", "This warehouse work makes me so tired, all I can do is lay around and eat.", "I do illustrations for children's books, so sometimes I feel like I'm sitting a lot.", "At least your doing something productive. I just stamp out widgets and stuff my face..", "Do you have any pets? I don't, unless you count the husband and three kids. :p.", "I have a pet bat I found as a baby and I raised it. It's friendly.", "That's an unusual pet! I have drawn bats before, but I've never met one.", "Do your kids like to draw, too?", "Not too much. Have you watched any good movies lately?", "Not lattely!! All movie are boring nowadays!! So, how is your teaching degree coming about??", "It's coming along pretty well. It's hard to juggle learning and having three kids. How's work?", "Boring as ususal. Everyday I just can't wait to leave work and ride my car to home to see my dog. You need to get a pet!!", "I will once the kids get older. I didn't know you had a dog. I only though you had a pet bat?", "I have a dog and a bat. I need a dog for company because the bat stays in a cage. You shoud come over to see my bat", "I've never been around a bat before, only have drawn them. Is it friendly?", "Only if you let them in the cage!! I bet you could make a great drawing of my bat.I should hire you!!", "I would love to! I'm really good at drawing bats. I could do a portrait of yours!", "Yes!! Me in my car eating burgers.2 of my favorites things to do", "My husband's favorite food is burgers", "I just saw a children's book about a bat with some great illustrations. Have you ever worked on a book about a bat? ", "I have never met a bat, but I am really good at their illustrations, so I decided to write a children's book with animations of bats!", "That's amazing! I would love to send you some pictures or videos of my bat if it might help you get a better understanding of their anatomy for your drawings. ", "Oh, I think that is a wonderful idea. I feel that the more I learn about bats, the more realistic my drawings of the bats will be!", "I'll have to send some over tonight! :) Do your kids get VIP access to your book when it's all done and ready to be published? I'm going to want to see it too! ", "Yes they do! I always show my kids the final product to see how they like it before I send a copy out! I can certainly send you a copy free of charge.", "That is so sweet of you, but you deserve some kind of payment for all your hard work! Maybe I can trade you a couple of movie tickets so you can have a night out with the family :) ", "That would be very nice of you! The family would love a night out! The movies is a great idea!", "Well I know you're the movie guru between us! Are there any new movies you've been itching to see? The new Disney Cruella might be a fun one for the kids! ", "I heard that could be one of the best live-action movies that Disney has every created. I would love to go see it with the family!", "You might have some more free time to do it since the summer is coming up! Do you get a break from your teaching degree over the summer or are you going to have to work on it then too? ", "I am continuing in the summer so that I am able to graduate early! I have been waiting for years to finish. I am glad that I am on the homestretch! ", "When I woke up this morning, my bat was really lethargic and wouldn't fly. I'm worried about him.", "How did you get your pet bat?", "I inherited it from a friend who had to leave the country and couldn't take it with them. I asked him where he got it and he said, \"You don't want to know.\"", "Hahahaha! Nice. I had a science teacher who loved bats. She also gave me detention for not doing my homework", "Hahaha! I never liked doing homework myself. I was just kidding about where I got the bat, though. It makes for a funnier story to say I got it from a friend, but I actually found the bat as a baby. It was hurt and looked like it wouldn't survive, so I nursed it back to health. I might have told you that but I don't recall. ", "The bat origin story is amazing, but so is the fact that you raised it as a baby. Luckily, I haven't seen any animals in need so far. I think I would eventually like a pet now. Your story is kind of inspiring!", "Feel free to incorporate it into your children's book about bats. I still need to send you over pictures of my bat. You'll have to tell me when your book is finished so I can get a copy. Maybe it'll be the start of a big collection of bat-based literature.", "Bat-based literature sounds right up the Cruella deVille alley. Have you watched that film yet?", "I haven't seen it yet. Have you thought more about taking your family to see it?", "We're seeing it tomorrow since school is ending. We're really excited, I'm a huge Emma Stone fan", "Oh, that's awesome. That's such a fun treat to celebrate the end of the school year. What grades are your kids in?", "Yeah its great! They're in middle school and high school.", "How's writing on the book coming along?", "Hi it's not going too great, hard to think of many new ideas at the moment all I can do is draw cool sketches! At least my kids like the pictures!", "Thats all that really matters! I love children's books and working with kids. I'm thinking I should quit my warehouse job because its so boring and maybe pursue a job with kids. Hows the work for getting a teaching degree?", "It's great fun! As much as I love writing books I cannot wait to get into teaching full time. You should! Do something you enjoy and you'll be so much happier. I'm almost done, have a few pieces of work left then I'll be a qualified teacher, it's not been easy but it'll be worth it in the end!", "I'm so glad to hear that. What age kids do you think you want to teach eventually?", "I've been thinking middle school, pre-teenage years haha! What about you?", "Oh wow! Why those ages? Thats totally different from me, I've always wanted to work with little kids, like first graders or around that age. I think they're so cute and fun at that age and full of wonder. After they hit puberty I don't think I could deal with it!", "I think definitely before puberty for me too haha! My eldest is at that age now, I can't imagine what a whole class would be like. I think it's a really important time for children, when they learn about harder more in depth things, so I'd like to be a part of that!", "That's a good point, you definitely have to be a strong enough teacher to deal with it. I think all your years of schooling would have prepared you well though. Maybe I would just become a nanny or something like that.", "Yes for sure, I think I've got it in me ahah! You might fit being a nanny quite well, I'm sure the children would love you reading to them.", "I'm excited! I'm so glad we had this conversation and now I have a new life path. And I can use the books you wrote and illustrated to read as well!", "Please do, I would love that! And if it ever gets hard you can go for a nice long drive to relax!"], "init_persona": [[["I like watching movies.", "I work part time in a warehouse.", "I like punk music.", "I like pizza and burgers.", "I enjoy cruising."], ["I have three children.", "I am a stay-at-home mom.", "I illustrate children's books.", "I currently am getting my teaching degree.", "I am married."]], [["I work in a warehouse part time. I'm bored at work. I eat a lot.", "I enjoy pizza and burgers. I like watching movies.", "I have a car. I enjoy cruising in my car.", "I have a pet bat."], ["I love my job. I have three kids at home. I have a husband.", "I like movies. I am working on a teaching degree.", "I do illustrations for children's books.", "I don't have pets. I have not met a bat. I have drawn bats."]], [["I work in a warehouse part time. I'm bored at work. I eat a lot. I like to eat burgers.", "I enjoy pizza and burgers. I like watching movies.", "I have a car. I enjoy cruising in my car. I have a car that I drive to work.", "I have a dog. I also have a pet bat, which stays in a cage."], ["I love my job. I have three kids at home. I have a husband.", "I like movies. I am working on a teaching degree.", "I do illustrations for children's books.", "I don't have pets. I have not met a bat. I like to draw. I am a good artisit and am good at drawing bats."]], [["I work in a warehouse part time. I'm bored at work. I eat a lot. I like to eat burgers.", "I enjoy pizza and burgers. I like watching movies.", "I have a car. I enjoy cruising in my car. I have a car that I drive to work.", "I have a dog. I also have a pet bat, which stays in a cage.", "I like children's books."], ["I love my job. I have three kids at home. I have a husband.", "I don't have pets. I have not met a bat. I like to draw. I am a good artisit and am good at drawing bats.", "I write and illustrate children's books. I draw realistically.", "I test my books out on my kids.", "I like going to the movies with my family. I know a lot about movies. I want to take my family to see the new Cruella movie.", "I working towards my teaching degree. I'm going to school during summer to graduate early. It's taking me years to finish. I'm almost done with schooling."]], [["I work in a warehouse part time. I'm bored at work. I eat a lot. I like to eat burgers.", "I enjoy pizza and burgers. I like watching movies.", "I have a car. I enjoy cruising in my car. I have a car that I drive to work.", "I have a dog. I also have a pet bat, which stays in a cage. I rescued the bat as a baby.", "I like children's books."], ["I love my job. I have three kids at home. I have a husband. My kids are in middle school and high school.", "I don't have pets. I have not met a bat. I like to draw. I am a good artisit and am good at drawing bats.", "I write and illustrate children's books. I draw realistically.", "I test my books out on my kids.", "I like going to the movies with my family. I know a lot about movies. I want to take my family to see the new Cruella movie. We're seeing Cruella DeVille the movie.", "I working towards my teaching degree. I'm going to school during summer to graduate early. It's taking me years to finish. I'm almost done with schooling.", "I used to get detention in school."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_234_0", "test_234_1", "test_234_2", "test_234_3", "test_234_4", "test_234_5", "test_234_6", "test_234_7", "test_234_8", "test_234_9", "test_234_10", "test_234_11", "test_234_12", "test_234_13", "test_234_14", "test_234_15", "test_234_16", "test_234_17", "test_234_18", "test_234_19", "test_234_20", "test_234_21", "test_234_22", "test_234_23", "test_234_24", "test_234_25", "test_234_26", "test_234_27", "test_234_28", "test_234_29", "test_234_30", "test_234_31", "test_234_32", "test_234_33", "test_234_34", "test_234_35", "test_234_36", "test_234_37", "test_234_38", "test_234_39", "test_234_40", "test_234_41", "test_234_42", "test_234_43", "test_234_44", "test_234_45", "test_234_46", "test_234_47", "test_234_48", "test_234_49", "test_234_50", "test_234_51", "test_234_52", "test_234_53", "test_234_54", "test_234_55", "test_234_56", "test_234_57", "test_234_58", "test_234_59", "test_234_60", "test_234_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey there. How's it going?", "Fine, just finished working the local garden and ready to relax.", "What kind of things you like to grow?", "Food to eat mainly, helps this vegan community college student afford life.", "So how long you been vegan?", "About 4 minutes now, my 2 dogs and 2 cats are happy for me.", "I'll bet! You can't eat cats or dogs when you're vegan right? What about gator?", "You sound like you own an airboat, or I'll never be a nurse!", "I'd be vegan if it weren't for the gator hunting. How long you been in nursing school?", "About 7 minutes now. Seems like I have a long ways to go.", "About as long as it'll take me to save up for an 81 camaro.", "You own it sooner if you weren't buy those 33\" tires!", "Maybe. And if my felony conviction didn't hurt my resume.", "I fault the car, but the claw won.", "What's your favorite vegan recipe that a meat-eater might like?", "To get started, I would suggest using Beyond meat as a meat substitute. It is completely vegan and tastes just like real meat to help people ease into being a vegan.", "Thanks for the idea! I wonder if they make a Beyond meat substitute for gator meat. I could try to use some of my famous gator recipes on other Beyond Meats too", "I haven't seen any but that would be very interesting! Have you been gator hunting recently?", "Yes, just last weekend! I killed three gators, and I sold the meat to two of my friends. I kept one gator's meat all for myself though. Have you ever been hunting?", "No I have never done any type of hunting but gator hunting sounds the most intriguing, probably because you are the only person I know who does it. Do your friends go with you?", "No, I typically prefer to gator hunt alone. It is more relaxing that way. Are there other types of outdoor activities that you like?", "Aside from gardening, I like to spend time with my dogs outdoors. We hike, paddleboard, bike--well I bike they ride in the basket, and play fetch.", "That sounds like a blast! I used to have a dog who I would take with me for hunting. What types of dogs do you have?", "I have a pomeranian and a yorkie so they are both small but very active!", "Very cool. Pomeranians are great dogs. I used to take a Spaniel with me for hunting, but I lost him while I was in jail for the felony conviction. ", "I am sorry to hear that! Have you thought about getting another dog?", "I finally found a Beyond meat substitute for gator! Can you help me come up with a recipe for it?", "really for gator? i don't know. I guess since gator taste like chicken you can substitute it in a chicken recipe.", "I was thinking something similar, but I do want to make it special. Vegan gator salad with mayo? Or vegan gator pot pie? I guess the options are endless. ", "Yes. any vegetarian recipe would be good and just at the beyond meat.", "Oh my goodness! My gator tacos! That is what I will try first. How to you feel about cilantro? Do you grow it?", "Gator tacos sound great. no cilantro for me. I never liked the taste. I learned that it is genetic in liking cilantro or not. For some people it taste like soap. ", "I have heard that too! One of my prison buddies was so disgusted by it, he threatened harm to any one who added it to their homemade salsa in our canning class. ", "wow, I don't know what to say. Getting shived over cilantro, haha", "I know, right? No fake gator tacos for him! Maybe I will try an aioli for these. Thoughts on garlic?", "I have never tried garlic on tacos. I like it spicy. I do like apple slices in my tacos though.", "Apple slices in a taco?! I have never heard of such a thing! What kind of spices go with apple?", "just your regular chili spices. With apple you get a great combination of sweetness and spice.", "I took your advice and bought apples to slice up and try on my gator tacos this evening! I am nervous to try it! ", "Awesome! I can't wait to see what you think!", "I hope it is good. It seems a little weird to be putting apples on tacos, but I trust you on telling me it is good. ", "It's like putting mango salsa on your tacos but with a little extra crunch. Just make sure the slices aren't to thick. You want to make sure they're cut into thin strips or sticks. ", "So like the size of like a matchsticks. Ok that makes sense wouldn't want them to big. ", "Haha, yeah, now that would make it weird, but when you cut them up small, it's like adding a sweet crunchy garnish. It's delicious!", "Great, I can't wait to try it now. I know it will be great. How is nursing school going so far?", "Nursing school is intense! I love it, but it can be really stressful at times. ", "I am sure it can be stressful. But once it is over you can finally work in your dream job.", "Absolutely! I need to find ways to manage the stress, though, because it only gets more intense from here. I'm trying to make friends with some of the older students, so they can show my the ropes and give me some tips on how to manage it all.", "Is there anything you like to do for fun. You should make sure to do that to help with stress.", "I love food, haha! I really like experimenting with different flavors and textures in the kitchen. That's how I came up with the apple slices on tacos!", "I tried the apples on my gator tacos and really liked it!", "I told you it was good! You need to come over some time so I can make you my special dish! Where did you get your gator meat?", "I have been hunting gators myself and selling the meat I do not need. I do have to be careful, because my license expired and thats how I ened up in jail. haha, but man is it good money! I am nervous about trying new food, though, so bare with me on that and try not to go too crazy on a new recipe.", "Wow, I can't believe you hunt them! Illegally, too, ha ha! I've never even gone hunting before! Is it dangerous to hunt gator?", "It's extremely dangerous but really relaxing for me. It wasn't always illegal, but there is a limit each month to how many gators you can hunt, and I enjoy the money. You should try hunting, but legal hunting, haha. Don't be like me. Do you like duck or deer? I would suggest trying to hunt that. I can even teach you.", "We should go some time! It sounds fun and I always enjoy an adrenaline rush. Extra money doesn't hurt anyone either. I've tried both but I really prefer how duck tastes. I had this awesome Peking Duck dish at a restaurant before and it was to die for. What about you?", "I've never had Peking Duck, but it sounds good based on how you describe it. I've only cooked my own duck meat because I'm picky in how it's seasoned. Have your dogs ever hunted before? Imagine them bringing you a duck, saves the time for you!", "I get what you mean, I've only had gator tacos that I made myself. I wish my dogs could hunt but I think they are too small, ha ha. My Yorkie is really good at chasing off rats though. Did you ever take your dog hunting?", "I did, but unfortunately, my dog died due to it, which is why I never got a dog again. It's a dangerous career and I put my dog's life at risk. Maybe for small creatures, like ducks, would of been fine, but gators, I should of been smart. That was another charge I got put on me: \"Animal abuse\". I didn't even know that could be a charge. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law?", "Oh wow that's terrible to hear. I'm more sorry for the dog, though, what a terrible way to go. I've never gotten into too much trouble with the law, other than a hefty fine for going 70 MPH in a school zone where construction was also taking place. Not fun.", "A speedster, hah. That's good to hear, though. Having a record really makes it difficult to get a job which is why I still gator hunt even though my license is expired. Not much else I could do. And, ya, I felt really bad for my dog. I cried that night for her. That's why I've never gotten another dog. ", "Yup, I unfortunately had to disclose that for my nursing school interview which definitely didn't help me get a foot into a lot of schools. My previous dog lived for 16 years before passing, and it was really rough to deal with that. I swear my Pomeranian and Yorkie were depressed for a while following her passing. I love dogs but right now I'm not ready for another one, either. "], "init_persona": [[["I am a gator hunter.", "I have an air boat.", "I've been in trouble with the law before.", "My dream car is an'81 camaro.", "I went hungry to buy 33 inch truck tires."], ["I am a vegan.", "I love to volunteer at my local community garden.", "Have two dogs and cat.", "I am a student at a community college.", "I am hoping to be a nurse one day."]], [["I eat gator. I enjoy gator hunting.", "I want a Camaro.", "I have a felony conviction."], ["I do some gardening at a local garden. I am vegan. I grow food that I eat. I have been vegan for four minutes.", "I have two dogs and two cats.", "I want to be a nurse. I recently started nursing school."]], [["I eat gator. I eat Beyond meat substitute.", "I want a Camaro.", "I have a felony conviction.", "I go gator hunting and sell and/or eat the meat. I go gator hunting alone because it's more relaxing.", "I used to have a dog that went hunting with me.", "I'm a felon. I've been in jail. I used to have a Pomeranian."], ["I do some gardening at a local garden. I am vegan. I grow food that I eat. I have been vegan for four minutes. I know how to cook vegan food.", "I have two dogs and two cats.", "I want to be a nurse. I recently started nursing school.", "I've never gone hunting.", " I like paddleboard and biking. I like spending time outdoors with my dogs. I have a Pomeranian and a Yorkie."]], [["I eat gator. I eat Beyond meat substitute.", "I want a Camaro.", "I have a felony conviction.", "I go gator hunting and sell and/or eat the meat. I go gator hunting alone because it's more relaxing.", "I used to have a dog that went hunting with me.", "I'm a felon. I've been in jail. I took a canning class in prison. I used to have a Pomeranian.", "I am interested in new recipes for meat substitutes. I prefer vegan recipes.", "I like tacos. I have never tried apples slices on tacos."], ["I do some gardening at a local garden. I am vegan. I grow food that I eat. I have been vegan for four minutes. I know how to cook vegan food.", "I have two dogs and two cats.", "I want to be a nurse. I recently started nursing school.", "I've never gone hunting.", " I like paddleboard and biking. I like spending time outdoors with my dogs. I have a Pomeranian and a Yorkie.", "I think gator meat tastes like chicken. I think gator tacos sounds good. I do not like the taste of cilantro. I have never had garlic in tacos. I like spicy food. I like apple slices on my tacos.", "I like food that combine sweetness and spice."]], [["I eat gator. I eat Beyond meat substitute.", "I want a Camaro.", "I have a felony conviction.", "I go gator hunting and sell and/or eat the meat. I go gator hunting alone because it's more relaxing.", "I used to have a dog that went hunting with me.", "I'm a felon. I've been in jail. I took a canning class in prison. I used to have a Pomeranian.", "I am interested in new recipes for meat substitutes. I prefer vegan recipes.", "I like tacos. I have never tried apples slices on tacos. I make gator tacos. I am nervous to try different foods."], ["I do some gardening at a local garden. I am vegan. I grow food that I eat. I have been vegan for four minutes. I know how to cook vegan food.", "I have two dogs and two cats.", "I want to be a nurse. I recently started nursing school. I love nursing but it is stressful.", "I've never gone hunting.", " I like paddleboard and biking. I like spending time outdoors with my dogs. I have a Pomeranian and a Yorkie.", "I think gator meat tastes like chicken. I think gator tacos sounds good. I do not like the taste of cilantro. I have never had garlic in tacos. I like spicy food. I like apple slices on my tacos. I am good at making gator tacos. I eat tacos with mango salsa.", "I like food that combine sweetness and spice.", "I am having trouble dealing with school stress my myself. I am reaching out to classmates for help in dealing with stress.", "I like experimenting with new recipes. I think cooking is fun."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_235_0", "test_235_1", "test_235_2", "test_235_3", "test_235_4", "test_235_5", "test_235_6", "test_235_7", "test_235_8", "test_235_9", "test_235_10", "test_235_11", "test_235_12", "test_235_13", "test_235_14", "test_235_15", "test_235_16", "test_235_17", "test_235_18", "test_235_19", "test_235_20", "test_235_21", "test_235_22", "test_235_23", "test_235_24", "test_235_25", "test_235_26", "test_235_27", "test_235_28", "test_235_29", "test_235_30", "test_235_31", "test_235_32", "test_235_33", "test_235_34", "test_235_35", "test_235_36", "test_235_37", "test_235_38", "test_235_39", "test_235_40", "test_235_41", "test_235_42", "test_235_43", "test_235_44", "test_235_45", "test_235_46", "test_235_47", "test_235_48", "test_235_49", "test_235_50", "test_235_51", "test_235_52", "test_235_53", "test_235_54", "test_235_55", "test_235_56", "test_235_57", "test_235_58", "test_235_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi: I like going for walks and rock climbing...anything outdoors.", "The outdoors are fun! I like to go shooting in the woods.", "Do you hunt? If you do, please don't shoot the omnivorous animals.", "I don't hunt I just like to go shooting with my two handguns.", "Awesome! What about music? My favorite band is 21 pilots. Yours?", "I like classical music. My favorite is moonlight sonata. Do you like beethoven?", "I'm a rocker, working my way through college as a waitress in a family owned restaurant.", "What kind of car do you drive? I have a volkswagon beetle.", "I drive a hyundai elantra.....very economical like your bug.", "Cool! So where are you from? My ancestors are from italy.", "Ohio but, living in florida now. Love the weather change.", "Yeah I bet the warmer weather is much nicer.", "how long have you been listening to classical music, do you have any other favorite pieces or composers you like?", "I like all the old masters...Beethoven, Amadeus, Chopin.", "I mainly like rock music, but enjoy classical as well. It can be a nice change. How long have you had your VW Beetle?", "I actually learned to drive with my VW Beetle. I have had it since 1985. It's a bit rough, but I am working on restoring it.", "That's very cool. I helped a friend restore a Beetle and it was a lot of fine since they are very simple cars. ", "My restoration job would be a lot easier if I hadn't been using it for target practice while it was parked in the woods behind my property!", "Oh no! What made you decide to stop shooting at it and restore it to drive?", "I found out how valuable it was. It has a split window in the back. Not many of those around.", "Yeah that's what made me ask! they are hard to find in some places", "I think they are all down in Cuba. So many classic cars there.", "Do you think they listen to classical music in their classic cars?", "Yes, definitely, they probably list to cassettes or 8-tracks!", "I was go drive my Hyundai but since it was a few blocks away, I walked to a rock music concert by my college the other day.", "Oh that's awesome! Was the weather bearable during the concert? Florida heat can be so exhausting during the summer! ", "The weather was pretty rough, but I love the hot weather overall, so I can't really complain. Do you love the hot weather?", "Honestly, I can't stand it! I really have no tolerance for it at all. Luckily all of my college events are indoors so I don't have to worry too much! I've been meaning to ask you what degree you're going to college for? ", "I am going to college for my Master's degree in Criminal Justice. I am almost done with the program. I cannot wait to finish as I feel like I have been in school for my whole life. ", "That's crazy! That's what I majored in. I graduated a few years ago, but I completely know how you feel. It drags on forever! Are you going to take any summer classes to finish sooner? ", "Oh wow! I am taking two classes in the Summer. They are accelerated, so I will be done with the two classes in 7 weeks! ", "I used to love the accelerated classes, but they are so intense. My music was the only thing that kept me sane during the super long study sessions I'd have to do. You're definitely going to have to go celebrate after you finally graduate.", "I would agree that music has been my saving grace when it comes to studying, it helps me concentrate!", "Maybe as a graduation gift I can hook you up with some sick 21 Pilots tickets! ", "That would be awesome, they are playing again at the end of the summer!", "I should be done with my restoration job by then so maybe I could come! Although I don't know if I'll want to be driving my newly restored Beetle around a bunch of wild rockers, hahah. ", "How did you come across the Beetle you're restoring, are you a fan of Volkswagen?", "Not Volkswagen specifically, I've just always loved the Beetle! I think it's such a cool and classic car. ", "What do you like about the Beetle?", "It's cute and fun to drive! And if you take care of it they last a long time too. What made you want to help your friend restore their Beetle?", "It honestly just seemed like a cool project. I knew nothing about cars and that was a great way for me to understand more. My poor friend had to have near infinite patience with me until I caught on, haha.", "That's a great way to learn about cars! That's how I learned - working on restorations. How's the weather in Florida? Is it crazy humid yet?", "I live on the coast, so it's not as bad as it could be. I took a trip to Orlando, recently, though and man oh man am I glad I don't live there! It was like trying to breath through a straw at some points.", "Haha I bet! Being close to water is always a plus. Nice to drive along the coastline in my convertible bug!", "I love driving on the coast! One of these days, I'd like to drive along the entire Atlantic coast, and maybe even along the Pacific, too if I ever find the time to go out west.", "That sounds awesome! I hear the Pacific Coast Highway can be a beautiful drive. I imagine you didn't take too many coastal drives back in Ohio! hahaha", "Haha! More like I doing underground tunneling through the snow! I don't miss that one bit, haha.", "I don't blame you at all! I don't love being hot, but I definitely hate shoveling snow!", "So what do you plan to do with your degree? Are you involved in the job seeking process right now?", "I am focusing on my restoration job right now so my degree is on the back burner for now, how did your trip to Orlando go?", "Ah okay, well don't forget about it haha! Orlando was alright, the weather was nice but there was so many people it was hard to enjoy the tourist areas. Have you ever been?", "No, its too hot down there for my taste haha, are you still planning on driving along the entire Atlantic coast?", "I love the hot weather, as long as it doesn't get too humid I enjoy it. I am yeah, I actually started planning the route the other day, going to do it at the end of the summer.", "Nice, you should do it in a Beetle, it would make it even more fun!", "That would be a lot of fun! I would have to buy one but I'm sure it'd be worth it, do you think I should get a new one or an older one?", "I would get an older one that you could restore since you have some experience doing that", "Oh I'm not sure if I could do it myself, it would probably take me a while haha! I could ask my friend to come with me, we could use their Beetle instead of mine. How is yours coming alone now? Got much left to do on it?", "It would be awesome if your friend would go with you, i am almost done with the restoration, just some finishinig touches, do you think you will be done with your degree before the trip?", "Cool! What colour did you decide on? I hope so, I'd like to get it finished before I leave, then I can take the trip as a celebration!", "Best graduation reward to yourself ever haha! I am pretty sure i will paint it red, how about you, which color would you pick?"], "init_persona": [[["I am omnivorous.", "I like rock climbing.", "My favorite band is 21 pilots.", "I work in a restaurant.", "I enjoy going for a walk."], ["My favorite song is moonlight sonata by beethoven.", "I drive a volkswagen beetle.", "My grandmother came from italy.", "I own two handguns.", "I only watch british television."]], [["i like going for walks and rock climbing and like the outdoors.", "my favorite music band is 21 Pilots. i like rock music. i am in college and working as a waitress in a family owned restaurant.", "i own and drive a hyundai elantra.", "i am originally from Ohia, but i now live in Florida and love the different weather here."], ["i like to go shooting in the woods.", "i own two hand guns that i like shooting.", "i like classical music, my favorite piece is moonlight sonata.", "i own a volkswagon beetle.", "my family ancestors are originally from italy."]], [["I like going for walks and rock climbing and like the outdoors.", "I like both rock and classical music. my favorite music band is 21 Pilots. I am in college and working as a waitress in a family owned restaurant.", "I own and drive a hyundai elantra.", "I am originally from Ohia, but I now live in Florida and love the different weather here.", "I helped my friend restore a Beetle."], ["I like to go shooting in the woods.", "I own two hand guns that I like shooting.", "I like classical music, my favorite piece is moonlight sonata.", "I own a volkswagon beetle.", "my family ancestors are originally from italy.", "I had my VW Beetle since 1985. I'm working on a restoration job."]], [["I like going for walks and rock climbing and like the outdoors.", "I like both rock and classical music. my favorite music band is 21 Pilots. I am in college and working as a waitress in a family owned restaurant.", "I own and drive a hyundai elantra.", "I am originally from Ohia, but I now live in Florida and love the different weather here. I love hot weather.", "I helped my friend restore a Beetle.", "I recently went to a rock concert. I sometimes walk instead of drive.", "I am studying for a master's degree in criminal justice. I am close to finishing my degree. I take summer classes to accelerate my degree."], ["I like to go shooting in the woods.", "I own two hand guns that I like shooting.", "I like classical music, my favorite piece is moonlight sonata.", "I own a volkswagon beetle.", "my family ancestors are originally from italy.", "I had my VW Beetle since 1985. I'm working on a restoration job.", "I can't stand hot weather. I prefer indoor events.", "I majored in criminal justice. I graduated college a few years ago. I liked to take accelerated classes.", "I like the band 21 Pilots.", "I am restoring a Beetle."]], [["I like going for walks and rock climbing and like the outdoors.", "I like both rock and classical music. my favorite music band is 21 Pilots. I am in college and working as a waitress in a family owned restaurant.", "I own and drive a hyundai elantra.", "I am originally from Ohia, but I now live in Florida and love the different weather here. I love hot weather.", "I helped my friend restore a Beetle. I knew nothing about cars and that was a great way for me to understand more.", "I recently went to a rock concert. I sometimes walk instead of drive.", "I am studying for a master's degree in criminal justice. I am close to finishing my degree. I take summer classes to accelerate my degree.", "I live on the coast, the humidity here is not extremely high. I took a trip to Orlando, recently. I am glad I don't live there. I love driving on the coast. I'd like to drive along the entire Atlantic coast."], ["I like to go shooting in the woods.", "I own two hand guns that I like shooting.", "I like classical music, my favorite piece is moonlight sonata.", "I own a volkswagon beetle.", "my family ancestors are originally from italy.", "I had my VW Beetle since 1985. I'm working on a restoration job.", "I can't stand hot weather. I prefer indoor events. I don't love being hot, but I hate shoveling snow.", "I majored in criminal justice. I graduated college a few years ago. I liked to take accelerated classes.", "I like the band 21 Pilots.", "I am restoring a Beetle. I've always loved the Beetle. It's cute and fun to drive. I have a convertible bug."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_236_0", "test_236_1", "test_236_2", "test_236_3", "test_236_4", "test_236_5", "test_236_6", "test_236_7", "test_236_8", "test_236_9", "test_236_10", "test_236_11", "test_236_12", "test_236_13", "test_236_14", "test_236_15", "test_236_16", "test_236_17", "test_236_18", "test_236_19", "test_236_20", "test_236_21", "test_236_22", "test_236_23", "test_236_24", "test_236_25", "test_236_26", "test_236_27", "test_236_28", "test_236_29", "test_236_30", "test_236_31", "test_236_32", "test_236_33", "test_236_34", "test_236_35", "test_236_36", "test_236_37", "test_236_38", "test_236_39", "test_236_40", "test_236_41", "test_236_42", "test_236_43", "test_236_44", "test_236_45", "test_236_46", "test_236_47", "test_236_48", "test_236_49", "test_236_50", "test_236_51", "test_236_52", "test_236_53", "test_236_54", "test_236_55", "test_236_56", "test_236_57", "test_236_58", "test_236_59", "test_236_60", "test_236_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hey, hows it going!", "Good, just got out of band practice. Got a concert coming up!", "Sweet, I like jazz personally, charlie parker type stuff.", "Cool, we are playing jazz music at the concert..", "If I wasn't buying a new car I'd probably want to know more about the concert location!", "Wow, what kind of car is it?", "Not sure yet, something I can take to go snowboarding!", "Cool, I am you and still in highschool. I can't drive yet.", "Cool! I just quit working for cisco so looking for something new soon.", "How long had you worked there?", "Long enough to know it's not what I want, anyway I'm about to eat some steak c-ya!", "That's interesting, my parents are teachers and I don't want to be one.", "I don't blame you!.", "I am still in highschool and I still have time to pick, have a good day.", "How was your jazz concert?", "It went well, but our saxophonist was a little under the weather and couldn't catch his breath.", "Sounds like they should have taken the day off. Have you had any other shows recently?", "No, but we are playing at the Jazz festival saturday night. You should come!", "I'd like to. I'm buying a car right now so I should be able to make it there. Where is it at?", "Down near the marina in the park.", "Sounds great. I just quit my job earlier today so I should be free to make it there to see you! Would you like a ride since you don't drive?", "I'd appreciate that! What kind of car did you finally decide to buy?", "I ended up with an ice cream truck. It's not very fast but it's a lot of fun! I'm going to serve steak out of it. ", "What a great idea! Is that why you quit your job? What did you do before?", "I operated a jackhammer. I enjoy cooking so much I wanted to do that instead.", "It's always best to do what you like. More rewarding that way. That's why I'm going to major in music in college.", "Do you have any jazz shows coming up?", "Yes, I am playing in a concert at the Jazz festival on Saturday night! Would you be interested in coming?", "I would love to, but I'm so busy with getting the ice cream truck ready. I really hope your concert is going to be a big success though. Are you nervous playing in front of so many people?", "Sometimes I get nervous, but once I get into the music everyone disappears! I have a great idea, why don't you bring the ice cream truck to the festival, it would be great for sales. ", "That would be a great idea, if I get it ready in time I will! What instrument do you play?", "I would do you best to try to make it to the concert. I play the piano! Since you love jazz, do you play any instruments?", "That's so cool. No, I don't, but I would love to learn to play one. What would you suggest is a good first instrument to learn?", "I think that the easiest instrument to learn is the bass. Once you learn, you can try something else. ", "Sounds great. Do you know if a bass guitar is expensive to buy?", "I think that you can get one for a few hundred dollars. Once you decide if its the right instrument for you, then you can look into getting a better one. ", "I might just get one and start learning! Do you play any other instruments besides the piano?", "Unfortunately, I am only really comfortable with the piano! I find it difficult to learn new instruments, so I only focus on one. ", "I finally got all the prep work done on my ice cream truck! Now I have to get all my permit and certificates so I can start selling ice cream and steak out of it! ", "Wow that's seriously so awesome! It's really coming together! If you need anyone to play some music on your opening day, let me know LOL", "Would you be down to play a show on opening day? That would actually be awesome and I think would draw a huge crowd. nothing beats ice cream and a show!", "Yeah for sure! I'd love to do that. As long as I get some steak haha I love that you're selling steak out of an ice cream truck. Such a unique idea!", "I think so too! A lot of times when people have an ice cream truck they go with things like hot dogs and burgers, I am like nah, lets get a little wild and go steak. Of course the steak sauce will available too!", "Yum that sounds so good. Making me hungry! I'm so excited for you...a new adventure awaits!", "I just wanted to do something I enjoy, and that is making others happy! So that always makes me feel good. How is your band doing? Any big gigs coming up?", "That's awesome. Yup we have a gig coming up next week. It's a pretty big one so we're excited!", "Is there any tickets left? I have been wanting to go to a concert!", "Yes there should be! I'll forward you the email with all the details so you can buy tickets. Would love to have you come.", "That would be amazing! i will be there front row just vibing, dancing my face off with a drink in hand!", "Haha the dream! Maybe I'll pull you up on stage for a song LOL think you could handle the tambourine? ", "Do you have any special outfits, which you wear during your concerts?", "Yes, I like to wear suits similar to what they wore back in the Jazz age. I find a lot of my outfits by thrifting and searching the internet.", "That is so cool! I know a lot of Jazz players wear cool hats too, have you found any cool hats you wear when you perform?", "Yes, I have a few of them. One of them was given to me by my great grandfather who use to play in a jazz band when he was younger", "Oh wow so the love of jazz and the talent for music runs in the family. Do you ever write your own songs? If so, any favorites?", "I do play a few made up verses here and there but nothing that I have recorded.", "Do you have a favorite jazz player to play along with then?", "Oh man, my list is long! Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Duke Ellington, and more! So how is your ice cream truck coming along?", "It is going well! Since it is summer, people are out and about now. I have made some yummy sauces to go with the steak too. ", "Oh nice! I would love to try it, you will have to tell me where you are located!", "Oh yes, feel free to come by sometime. I am in Cleveland. Question - do you think steak flavored ice cream would be a good addition to the truck?", "Hmm.. there might be people out there crazy enough to try it! It sounds interesting for sure, sweet and savory."], "init_persona": [[["I enjoy food and eat meat.", "I like snowboarding.", "I used to work for cisco.", "My favorite performer is charlie parker.", "I'm going to buy a new car."], ["I am girl.", "I am a young girl who is still in highschool.", "I enjoy marching band in the fall and concert band in the season.", "My parents are both teachers.", "My favorite subject is english."]], [["I like jazz.", "I'm buying a car.", "I snowboard.", "I quit my job.", "I eat steak."], ["I am in a band. I perform live. I play jazz music.", "I am in high school. I don't drive.", "I have parents. I don't want to be a teacher."]], [["I like jazz.", "I'm buying a car.", "I snowboard.", "I recently quit my job.", "I eat steak.", "I am buying an ice cream truck and will serve steak out of it.", "In my job I operated a jackhammer. I love cooking."], ["I am in a band. I perform live. I play jazz music.", "I am in high school. I don't drive.", "I have parents. I don't want to be a teacher.", "I had a jazz concert recently. I haven't had any other shows except the jazz concert frequently. I am playing at the Jazz festival on Saturday night. My concert is near the marina in the park.", "I am going to major in music in college."]], [["I like jazz.", "I'm buying a car.", "I snowboard.", "I recently quit my job.", "I eat steak.", "I am buying an ice cream truck and will serve steak out of it. I am working to get my ice cream truck ready for sales.", "In my job I operated a jackhammer. I love cooking.", "I would like to attend a jazz concert. I am a busy person.", "I do not play an instrument. I would like to learn to play an instrument. I may try to learn to play the bass."], ["I am in a band. I perform live. I play jazz music.", "I am in high school. I don't drive.", "I have parents. I don't want to be a teacher.", "I had a jazz concert recently. I haven't had any other shows except the jazz concert frequently. I am playing at the Jazz festival on Saturday night. My concert is near the marina in the park.", "I am going to major in music in college.", "I get nervous before my jazz shows. My nerves go away once I start playing my music.", "I think the bass is the easiest instrument to learn. I only know how to play the piano."]], [["I like jazz.", "I'm buying a car.", "I snowboard.", "I recently quit my job.", "I eat steak.", "I am buying an ice cream truck and will serve steak out of it. I am working to get my ice cream truck ready for sales.", "In my job I operated a jackhammer. I love cooking.", "I would like to attend a jazz concert. I am a busy person.", "I do not play an instrument. I would like to learn to play an instrument. I may try to learn to play the bass.", "I got all the prep work done on my ice cream truck. I have to get all my permit and certificates so I can start selling ice cream and steak out of it."], ["I am in a band. I perform live. I play jazz music. We have a gig coming up next week.", "I am in high school. I don't drive.", "I have parents. I don't want to be a teacher.", "I had a jazz concert recently. I haven't had any other shows except the jazz concert frequently. I am playing at the Jazz festival on Saturday night. My concert is near the marina in the park.", "I am going to major in music in college.", "I get nervous before my jazz shows. My nerves go away once I start playing my music.", "I think the bass is the easiest instrument to learn. I only know how to play the piano."]]], "session_length": [14, 12, 12, 12, 12]}
{"turn_id": ["test_238_0", "test_238_1", "test_238_2", "test_238_3", "test_238_4", "test_238_5", "test_238_6", "test_238_7", "test_238_8", "test_238_9", "test_238_10", "test_238_11", "test_238_12", "test_238_13", "test_238_14", "test_238_15", "test_238_16", "test_238_17", "test_238_18", "test_238_19", "test_238_20", "test_238_21", "test_238_22", "test_238_23", "test_238_24", "test_238_25", "test_238_26", "test_238_27", "test_238_28", "test_238_29", "test_238_30", "test_238_31", "test_238_32", "test_238_33", "test_238_34", "test_238_35", "test_238_36", "test_238_37", "test_238_38", "test_238_39", "test_238_40", "test_238_41", "test_238_42", "test_238_43", "test_238_44", "test_238_45", "test_238_46", "test_238_47", "test_238_48", "test_238_49", "test_238_50", "test_238_51", "test_238_52", "test_238_53", "test_238_54", "test_238_55", "test_238_56", "test_238_57", "test_238_58", "test_238_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I love this iced tea but my cat just spilled it. Do you have pets?", "My wife took them when I moved out.", "Oh sorry to hear that. Unless you perceive that as a good thing.", "Well, I am glad our child will have them with me away.", "That's good. You can take them to the zoo. I go there a lot to see animals.", "Which one? I just got to america and don't know any places.", "Most major cities have a good zoo and kids love them. I don't know all the names.", "I see, with british leyland the way it is, I had to go to unfamiliar lands.", "I grew up in several big cities and always loved visiting the zoo.", "The factories I metal work at are always in cities, so I am there too.", "My cat has a kitten now so I am starting my own zoo now.", "It's like you are a grandparent now. Have you told the family?", "I followed your advice and told the family about the kitten. ", "How did it go? I hope everything went well.", "How what did go?? Can you be more specific??", "Telling your family about the kitten? You said you told them. I wish I had pets.", "Tell my family what about my Kitten??? You make no sense.I think you are working to much on that factory.", "Ugh, fine. We'll talk about something else. Have you been to the zoo at all lately?", "You know I go to the zoo on a weekly basis.It is my thing.Did you get a hobby after your divorce?", "Not really. Don't have the time, between work and childcare. My kid really wants to go to the zoo, what animal enclosures would you recommend we make a priority?", "Nothing beats the Tigers!! They are just gorgeous. The monkeys are funny.", "Cool, we'll make sure to stop by those two first. My kid is obsessed with monkeys anyway, so we'll probably spend half the day there!", "I bet you guys are gonna have lot's of fun at the zoo.That place is great", "I wonder if they have any family discounts? I'll have to check. Sometimes you can get in to places like that cheaper if you go at a weird time or on an off day. I could call in sick to work and go to the zoo instead, ha!", "If you go to the zoo be sure to bring a good camera.", "What are the best animals to take pictures of?", "You can take photos of monkeys, since your kid likes them. I bet it will be a good experience. How old is she?", "I guess monkeys are always doing something funny. My girl is 8 and is starting to get quite independent!", "You'll love monkeys. You know they are some sort of \"semi humans\" so they are quite fun to be around. Have you found a school for your child to attend?", "Yes we have a good school that very close, which works out well. I am sure the monkeys play tricks on people when at the zoo, they are just so funny.", "That's nice. Is her recent trend of independence worrying you?", "Not worrying but it is getting a bit frustrating as she insists she can do things all by herself. But that is not always the case.", "That's quite normal for kids as they grow toward puberty. But then you can always sit with her and affirm to her that you are there for her- probably her mother's absence is a contributing factor to that.", "That is probably a good idea. It can be hard being a parent as it is something you have learn whilst doing it.", "That's true. It's often said that everyday presents us a learning opportunity, and I agree with that. Not only does it apply in parenting, but also in other aspects if life. Have you considered getting a nanny to help be with her while you're mostly at work, or she isn't for the idea?", "It is something we have thought about but we want as much time as possible to be family. I think sometimes people forget that is the most important thing. ", "I have decided to visit the zoo again next week, maybe I'll see you there.", "That sounds like a wonderful time. I'm excited. What's your favorite animal there?", "There is this beautiful tiger name Joshua. He looks so elegant, but he tries to pee on visitors. I think he is unhappy there. I want to see him again although it breaks my little heart.", "I know what you mean. I love seeing the animals, but I get wicked sad when I think about them living in cages and confined spaces. At least they are safe from poachers.", "That is true. Maybe your daughter would enjoy a trip to the zoo with you. Some great bonding time!", "I keep pushing for her school to take a field trip there, just so I have another reason to go see the animals.", "Ooo! Why won't they? That sounds great! You could also get her a pet. It will help her to work on being responsible. Kittens are pretty great ;)", "I am not sure we are ready for a pet at our house. It's crazy enough! Maybe a fish or something, but no cats or dogs for a while. I know she'd love having a kitten, but I am not ready. Do you have any pets?", "I still have my kitten. She is a sweetheart. Not as much work as you would think since they do not need to go on walks. Basically we just get to enjoy pets together.", "But you can't really leave her, right? My family like to go on camping adventures over the weekend, not sure how that'd work with a kitten at home.", "I may need to wait a few more months, but then I would not feel bad leaving her for a night or two. They do have kitty daycares too!", "THat's true. I'd feel a little bit bad about shipping her off somewhere for a night or two, I am sure she'd get confused.", "How was your trip? Did your daughter like that place?", "Yes she loved it! It was a great weekend. Have you done much camping?", "I have done a little camping and would like to do more in the future. What is one of your favorite places to camp?", "I like Manitoba. Do you camp in a tent or Yurt, cabin or camper trailer?", "I've only camped in a tent so far, but would like to try out a camper trailer. What do use for camping?", "We usually do tents but we have camped in yurts too. Did you go to the zoo last weekend?", "I see. Yes, I did make it to the zoo. Have you gone to your local zoo?", "I went to the Bronx zoo it was amazing! Did you get to see Joshua?", "I think the Bronx Zoo is one of the best in the country. Yes, I did see Joshua. Did you use a season pass for the zoo or just a one time ticket?", "One time. I was just there visititng family. What is your favorite zoo to visit?", "I think the Ashville Zoo is nice. What are your plans for the next weekend?", "I have a trip planned to visit friends in London. Do you know anything about the London zoo? I think I may try to visit it."], "init_persona": [[["I grew up in the city.", "My favorite drink is iced tea.", "I love visiting the zoo.", "I have one cat that just had a kitten.", "I just got a new hair cut and color."], ["I am british.", "I am a metal worker.", "I have immigrated to the united states.", "I am divorced.", "I have 1 child."]], [["I love ice tea. I have a kitten.", "I go to the zoo often.", "I grew up in big cities."], ["I don't have pets. I am separated from my wife.", "I have a child.", "I just got to america.", "I worked in metal work factories."]], [["I love ice tea. I have a kitten.", "I grew up in big cities.", "I go to the zoo weekly. I like the tigers and monkeys."], ["I am separated from my wife.", "I have a child.", "I just got to america.", "I worked in metal work factories.", "I wish I had pets. I have a kid who wants to go to the zoo. My kid likes monkeys."]], [["I love ice tea. I have a kitten.", "I grew up in big cities.", "I go to the zoo weekly. I like the tigers and monkeys. I think monkeys are good to photograph."], ["I am separated from my wife.", "I just got to america.", "I worked in metal work factories.", "I wish I had pets. I have a kid who wants to go to the zoo. My kid likes monkeys.", "I like to take pictures.", "I have a daughter. My daughter is 8. My daughter is independent. I think monkeys are funny.", "My daughter goes to a good school.", "My daughters independence is frustrating to me. My daughters mother is gone. I find parenting hard.", "I have thought about getting a nanny. I think family time is important."]], [["I love ice tea. I have a kitten.", "I grew up in big cities.", "I go to the zoo weekly. I like the tigers and monkeys. I think monkeys are good to photograph.", "I going to zoo next week.", "My favorite animal tiger name Joshua. I have a cat. I like to enjoy pets together.", "I going to leave here in few months."], ["I am separated from my wife.", "I just got to america.", "I worked in metal work factories.", "I wish I had pets. I have a kid who wants to go to the zoo. My kid likes monkeys.", "I like to take pictures.", "I have a daughter. My daughter is 8. My daughter is independent. I think monkeys are funny.", "My daughter goes to a good school.", "My daughters independence is frustrating to me. My daughters mother is gone. I find parenting hard. I push my daughter school to trip there.", "I have thought about getting a nanny. I think family time is important.", "I too like animals. I'm getting worried about while I think about them living in cages and confined spaces. I don't have pets.", "My family like to go on camping adventures the weekend."]]], "session_length": [12, 12, 12, 12, 12]}