[ { "dialogue_idx": 0, "dialogue": [ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "eritrean" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Are there any eritrean restaurants in town?", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "eritrean" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Are there any eritrean restaurants in town?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about Chinese food?", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "No, there are no eritrean restaurants in town. Would you like a different restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about Chinese food?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I would like the East part of town.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "There is a wide variety of Chinese restaurants, do you have an area preference or a price preference to narrow it down?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I would like the East part of town.", "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "postcode" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Could I get the address, phone number, and postcode of Yu Garden?", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "Yu Garden is a chinese restaurant in the east area.", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "postcode" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Could I get the address, phone number, and postcode of Yu Garden?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you. That is all the information I needed. Bye bye!", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "Phone is 01223 248882, address and postcode are 529 Newmarket Road Fen Ditton C.B 5, 8 P.A", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you. That is all the information I needed. Bye bye!", "system_acts": [] } ] }, { "dialogue_idx": 1, "dialogue": [ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "german" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "german" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi, I'm looking for a nice German restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "asr": [ [ "How about European yeah? ", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no German restaurants listed, do you have another preference?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "How about European yeah? ", "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I don't care.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "Which area of town?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I don't care.", "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "area" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Can I have the address, phone number, and area for the most expensive one?", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "There are ten restaurants that fit that description. Do you have a price preference?", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "area" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Can I have the address, phone number, and area for the most expensive one?", "system_acts": [ "price range" ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you goodbye", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "Cambridge Lodge Restaurant is listed as expensive in the west area located at \t Cambridge Lodge Hotel 139 Huntingdon Road City Centre. Their phone number is\t 01223 355166. ", "turn_idx": 4, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "european" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you goodbye", "system_acts": [] } ] }, { "dialogue_idx": 2, "dialogue": [ { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "australasian" ], [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. ", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "australasian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a restaurant in the expensive price range that serves Australasian food. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ], [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I'd like to find some Mediterranean food and need to know their address and phone number.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "There are no restaurants matching your requests. May I help you find a different type of restaurant? ", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I'd like to find some Mediterranean food and need to know their address and phone number.", "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thank you!", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "There is an expensive restaurant that serves mediterranean food located at Thompsons Lane Fen Ditton. Their phone number is 01223 362525.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thank you!", "system_acts": [] } ] }, { "dialogue_idx": 3, "dialogue": [ { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "I am looking for a moderately priced restaurant.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Turkish food.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "What type of food would you like?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Turkish food.", "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ], [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Yes, please give me the one Turkish food restaurant's phone number and address please.", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "I have two restaurants in the Centre area of town. Would you like the information for both?", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "slot", "address" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Yes, please give me the one Turkish food restaurant's phone number and address please.", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you. ", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "Anatolia is located at 30 Bridge Street City Centre, phone number is 01223 362372", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "turkish" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "thank you. ", "system_acts": [] } ] }, { "dialogue_idx": 4, "dialogue": [ { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "food", "persian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. ", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "", "turn_idx": 0, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "persian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Hi I am looking for a persian restaurant in the west part of town. ", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food?", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "I'm sorry I do not have any Persian restaurants listed on the west side. Should I try Persian restaurants in all locations?", "turn_idx": 1, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "No thank you. Is there a restaurant with italian food?", "system_acts": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ] }, { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "Great! May I have the phone number please?", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "Prezzo is on the west side.", "turn_idx": 2, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "slot", "phone" ] ], "act": "request" }, { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Great! May I have the phone number please?", "system_acts": [] }, { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "Thanks, good night!", 1.0 ] ], "system_transcript": "The phone number is 01799 521260", "turn_idx": 3, "belief_state": [ { "slots": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "act": "inform" }, { "slots": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "act": "inform" } ], "transcript": "Thanks, good night!", "system_acts": [] } ] } ]