{ "STAR--train--1": { "original dialog id": 1, "dialog index": 1, "original dialog info": { "AnonymizedUserWorkerID": "714682ad-f218-f762-7605-00e7c4baee47", "AnonymizedWizardWorkerID": "ab9f01dc-2cad-988e-9e96-f7509ea2a536", "BatchID": "woz_1589355382", "CompletionLevel": "Complete", "DialogueID": 1, "FORMAT-VERSION": 7, "IntroducesConflicts": false, "Scenario": { "Domains": [ "doctor" ], "Happy": true, "MultiTask": false, "UserTask": "You (Alexis) had an appointment with Dr. Morgan the other day. Unfortunately, you forgot to write down the instructions the doctor gave you. Please followup and find out how often to take your medicine.", "WizardCapabilities": [ { "Domain": "doctor", "SchemaImage": "doctor_followup.jpg", "Task": "doctor_followup" } ], "WizardTask": "Inform the user of his/her doctor's orders." }, "UserQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the assistant stay calm and helpful throughout the dialogue?" } ], "WizardQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user change his/her mind about what he/she wants at any time?" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user become aggressive or annoyed during the dialogue? (Note: some users may be instructed to be annoying.)" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Where you unsure about what to do at any time? (Feel free to send us an email with details.)" } ], "filename": "1" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "Hello, I'm really worried. I forgot what I'm supposed to do and forgot to write it down... What do I do?", "system response": "Could I get your name, please?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375697 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "ask_name", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "ask_name", "goodbye_1" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589375714 } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "My name is Alexis and my last doctor was Dr. Morgan, but now my doctor is Dr. Johnson and I forgot how to take my medicine.", "system response": "Your instructions are: Take your medicine before you go to sleep. If you experience nausea, please contact your doctor immediately..", "dialog history": " Hello, I'm really worried. I forgot what I'm supposed to do and forgot to write it down... What do I do? Could I get your name, please?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375736 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "doctor_inform_doctors_instructions", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "doctor_inform_doctors_instructions", "doctor_inform_nothing_found" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "doctor_followup", "Message": "Take your medicine before you go to sleep. If you experience nausea, please contact your doctor immediately." }, "UnixTime": 1589375820 } }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "Are you sure I'm supposed to take it before bed? I don't go to sleep every day because my sleep schedule is totally off right now because of the Coronavirus.", "system response": "Yes. It must be before bed or it will not be effective.", "dialog history": " Hello, I'm really worried. I forgot what I'm supposed to do and forgot to write it down... What do I do? Could I get your name, please? My name is Alexis and my last doctor was Dr. Morgan, but now my doctor is Dr. Johnson and I forgot how to take my medicine. Your instructions are: Take your medicine before you go to sleep. If you experience nausea, please contact your doctor immediately..", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375861 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "doctor_followup", "Message": "Take your medicine before you go to sleep. If you experience nausea, please contact your doctor immediately." }, "UnixTime": 1589375904 } }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Okay thank you. I will get back in touch if this doesn't help.", "system response": "Thank you and goodbye.", "dialog history": " Hello, I'm really worried. I forgot what I'm supposed to do and forgot to write it down... What do I do? Could I get your name, please? My name is Alexis and my last doctor was Dr. Morgan, but now my doctor is Dr. Johnson and I forgot how to take my medicine. Your instructions are: Take your medicine before you go to sleep. If you experience nausea, please contact your doctor immediately.. Are you sure I'm supposed to take it before bed? I don't go to sleep every day because my sleep schedule is totally off right now because of the Coronavirus. Yes. It must be before bed or it will not be effective.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375949 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "goodbye_1", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "goodbye_1", "anything_else" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "doctor_followup", "Message": "Take your medicine before you go to sleep. If you experience nausea, please contact your doctor immediately." }, "UnixTime": 1589375962 } } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": {}, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "", "dst knowledge": "", "intent knowledge": "", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to make an appointment with a doctor. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to make an appointment with a doctor. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to make an appointment with a doctor. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to make an appointment with a doctor. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users make an appointment with a doctor. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "STAR--train--2": { "original dialog id": 2, "dialog index": 2, "original dialog info": { "AnonymizedUserWorkerID": "1777b3e5-9e12-0a4d-288e-a8708b011a07", "AnonymizedWizardWorkerID": "6b581a55-ef03-0a99-5e5f-039779629c87", "BatchID": "woz_1589355382", "CompletionLevel": "Complete", "DialogueID": 2, "FORMAT-VERSION": 7, "IntroducesConflicts": false, "Scenario": { "Domains": [ "spaceship" ], "Happy": true, "MultiTask": false, "UserTask": "Your spaceship is under attack! You must enter the combat deck to mount a counterattack. Unfortunately, you are locked out. Please work with the spaceship's onboard computer to unlock the door. You (Han) are the ship's Chief Engineer. You have been a given a Access Code: 639431.", "WizardCapabilities": [ { "Domain": "spaceship", "SchemaImage": "spaceship_access_codes.jpg", "Task": "spaceship_access_codes" } ], "WizardTask": "Act as the spaceship's onboard computer and help the user unlock the combat deck." }, "UserQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the ship's computer unlock the door to the combat deck?" }, { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the ship's computer stay calm and helpful throughout the dialogue?" }, { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did you enjoy this task?" } ], "WizardQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user change his/her mind about what he/she wants at any time?" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user become aggressive or annoyed during the dialogue? (Note: some users may be instructed to be annoying.)" }, { "Answer": true, "Question": "Where you unsure about what to do at any time? (Feel free to send us an email with details.)" } ], "filename": "2" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "I need to get into the combat deck", "system response": "Please provide your rank.", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375958 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "spaceship_ask_rank", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "spaceship_ask_rank", "spaceship_ask_code_type" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589375998 } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "I am the Chief Engineer", "system response": "Please provide your name.", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376022 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "ask_name", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "ask_name", "spaceship_inform_nothing_found" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376047 } }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "Han", "system response": "Please enter the code.", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank. I am the Chief Engineer Please provide your name.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376055 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "spaceship_ask_code", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "spaceship_ask_code", "hello" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376067 } }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "639431", "system response": "Please specify the code type.", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank. I am the Chief Engineer Please provide your name. Han Please enter the code.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376079 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "spaceship_ask_code_type", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "spaceship_ask_code_type", "spaceship_inform_nothing_found" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376086 } }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "Access code", "system response": "Sorry, you are not authorized to unlock the door. Please obtain a clearance code from the Captain.", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank. I am the Chief Engineer Please provide your name. Han Please enter the code. 639431 Please specify the code type.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376099 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "spaceship_inform_outcome", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "spaceship_inform_outcome", "anything_else" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "spaceship_access_codes", "Message": "Sorry, you are not authorized to unlock the door. Please obtain a clearance code from the Captain." }, "UnixTime": 1589376226 } }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "I don't have access to the Captain. This is an emergency. The ship is under attack.", "system response": "The door is now unlocked.", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank. I am the Chief Engineer Please provide your name. Han Please enter the code. 639431 Please specify the code type. Access code Sorry, you are not authorized to unlock the door. Please obtain a clearance code from the Captain.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376266 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "spaceship_inform_outcome", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "spaceship_inform_outcome", "anything_else" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "spaceship_access_codes", "Message": "The door is now unlocked." }, "UnixTime": 1589376309 } }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "Thanks!", "system response": "Is there anything else that I can do for you?", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank. I am the Chief Engineer Please provide your name. Han Please enter the code. 639431 Please specify the code type. Access code Sorry, you are not authorized to unlock the door. Please obtain a clearance code from the Captain. I don't have access to the Captain. This is an emergency. The ship is under attack. The door is now unlocked.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376320 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "anything_else", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "anything_else", "spaceship_inform_nothing_found" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "spaceship_access_codes", "Message": "The door is now unlocked." }, "UnixTime": 1589376330 } }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "No thanks. Goodbye", "system response": "Goodbye.", "dialog history": " I need to get into the combat deck Please provide your rank. I am the Chief Engineer Please provide your name. Han Please enter the code. 639431 Please specify the code type. Access code Sorry, you are not authorized to unlock the door. Please obtain a clearance code from the Captain. I don't have access to the Captain. This is an emergency. The ship is under attack. The door is now unlocked. Thanks! Is there anything else that I can do for you?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376341 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "spaceship_bye", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "spaceship_bye", "ask_name" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "spaceship_access_codes", "Message": "The door is now unlocked." }, "UnixTime": 1589376348 } } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": {}, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "", "dst knowledge": "", "intent knowledge": "", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to solve issues with a spaceship. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to solve issues with a spaceship. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to solve issues with a spaceship. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to solve issues with a spaceship. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users solve issues with a spaceship. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "STAR--train--3": { "original dialog id": 3, "dialog index": 3, "original dialog info": { "AnonymizedUserWorkerID": "714682ad-f218-f762-7605-00e7c4baee47", "AnonymizedWizardWorkerID": "ab9f01dc-2cad-988e-9e96-f7509ea2a536", "BatchID": "woz_1589355382", "CompletionLevel": "Complete", "DialogueID": 3, "FORMAT-VERSION": 7, "IntroducesConflicts": false, "Scenario": { "Domains": [ "apartment" ], "Happy": true, "MultiTask": false, "UserTask": "Search for a 1 bedroom apartment. The unit should be on floor 15 or higher. Your price budget is 3996 credits. You would like to have a balcony that is NOT facing west.", "WizardCapabilities": [ { "Domain": "apartment", "SchemaImage": "apartment_search.jpg", "Task": "apartment_search" } ], "WizardTask": "Help the user find a specific apartment." }, "UserQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the assistant stay calm and helpful throughout the dialogue?" } ], "WizardQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user change his/her mind about what he/she wants at any time?" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user become aggressive or annoyed during the dialogue? (Note: some users may be instructed to be annoying.)" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Where you unsure about what to do at any time? (Feel free to send us an email with details.)" } ], "filename": "3" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "Hello!", "system response": "Hello, how can I help?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375241 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "hello", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "hello", "apartment_ask_balcony" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589375247 } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "I want a 1 bedroom apartment, on floor 15 or higher.", "system response": "What is your budget?", "dialog history": " Hello! Hello, how can I help?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375269 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "apartment_ask_price", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "anything_else", "apartment_ask_price" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589375298 } }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "3996 credits.", "system response": "OK, I found a free flat in One on Center Apartments, located near a School and a University, that is matching your search criteria.\nIt is on level 15, has 26 square meters and 1 bedrooms.\nIt has a south facing balcony and has an elevator, and comes at the price of 460 per month.", "dialog history": " Hello! Hello, how can I help? I want a 1 bedroom apartment, on floor 15 or higher. What is your budget?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375304 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "apartment_inform_search_result", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "apartment_inform_search_result", "apartment_inform_search_criteria" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "apartment_search", "BalconySide": "south", "FloorSquareMeters": 26, "HasBalcony": true, "HasElevator": true, "Level": 15, "MaxLevel": 15, "Name": "One on Center Apartments", "NearbyPOIs": [ "School", "University" ], "NumRooms": 1, "Price": 460, "id": 188 }, "UnixTime": 1589375444 } }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Perfect. I just want to clarify that the balcony is NOT facing west on this apartment?", "system response": "Correct. Balcony is facing south.", "dialog history": " Hello! Hello, how can I help? I want a 1 bedroom apartment, on floor 15 or higher. What is your budget? 3996 credits. OK, I found a free flat in One on Center Apartments, located near a School and a University, that is matching your search criteria.\nIt is on level 15, has 26 square meters and 1 bedrooms.\nIt has a south facing balcony and has an elevator, and comes at the price of 460 per month.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375479 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "apartment_search", "BalconySide": "south", "FloorSquareMeters": 26, "HasBalcony": true, "HasElevator": true, "Level": 15, "MaxLevel": 15, "Name": "One on Center Apartments", "NearbyPOIs": [ "School", "University" ], "NumRooms": 1, "Price": 460, "id": 188 }, "UnixTime": 1589375515 } }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "Perfect! I think that's the apartment that I want. Thank you!", "system response": "Would you like to search for any more apartments?", "dialog history": " Hello! Hello, how can I help? I want a 1 bedroom apartment, on floor 15 or higher. What is your budget? 3996 credits. OK, I found a free flat in One on Center Apartments, located near a School and a University, that is matching your search criteria.\nIt is on level 15, has 26 square meters and 1 bedrooms.\nIt has a south facing balcony and has an elevator, and comes at the price of 460 per month. Perfect. I just want to clarify that the balcony is NOT facing west on this apartment? Correct. Balcony is facing south.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375536 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "apartment_ask_search_more", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "apartment_ask_search_more", "apartment_ask_elevator" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "apartment_search", "BalconySide": "south", "FloorSquareMeters": 26, "HasBalcony": true, "HasElevator": true, "Level": 15, "MaxLevel": 15, "Name": "One on Center Apartments", "NearbyPOIs": [ "School", "University" ], "NumRooms": 1, "Price": 460, "id": 188 }, "UnixTime": 1589375551 } }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "No thank you.", "system response": "Thank you and goodbye!", "dialog history": " Hello! Hello, how can I help? I want a 1 bedroom apartment, on floor 15 or higher. What is your budget? 3996 credits. OK, I found a free flat in One on Center Apartments, located near a School and a University, that is matching your search criteria.\nIt is on level 15, has 26 square meters and 1 bedrooms.\nIt has a south facing balcony and has an elevator, and comes at the price of 460 per month. Perfect. I just want to clarify that the balcony is NOT facing west on this apartment? Correct. Balcony is facing south. Perfect! I think that's the apartment that I want. Thank you! Would you like to search for any more apartments?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589375560 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "goodbye_2", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "goodbye_2", "apartment_inform_nothing_found" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "apartment_search", "BalconySide": "south", "FloorSquareMeters": 26, "HasBalcony": true, "HasElevator": true, "Level": 15, "MaxLevel": 15, "Name": "One on Center Apartments", "NearbyPOIs": [ "School", "University" ], "NumRooms": 1, "Price": 460, "id": 188 }, "UnixTime": 1589375571 } } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": {}, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "", "dst knowledge": "", "intent knowledge": "", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find an apartment or schedule an apartment viewing. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find an apartment or schedule an apartment viewing. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find an apartment or schedule an apartment viewing. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find an apartment or schedule an apartment viewing. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find an apartment or schedule an apartment viewing. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "STAR--train--4": { "original dialog id": 4, "dialog index": 4, "original dialog info": { "AnonymizedUserWorkerID": "348e8d2f-ab94-60d9-68e4-3b9a35a75d8b", "AnonymizedWizardWorkerID": "eae96765-3d74-8647-cc03-fc417533d9b1", "BatchID": "woz_1589355382", "CompletionLevel": "Complete", "DialogueID": 4, "FORMAT-VERSION": 7, "IntroducesConflicts": false, "Scenario": { "Domains": [ "weather" ], "Happy": true, "MultiTask": false, "UserTask": "Please find the weather for Tuesday in Detroit.", "WizardCapabilities": [ { "Domain": "weather", "SchemaImage": "weather.jpg", "Task": "weather" } ], "WizardTask": "Tell the user the weather." }, "UserQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the AI Assistant tell you the weather?" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the AI Assistant say something about rain?" }, { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the AI Assistant stay calm and helpful throughout the dialogue?" } ], "WizardQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user change his/her mind about what he/she wants at any time?" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user become aggressive or annoyed during the dialogue? (Note: some users may be instructed to be annoying.)" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Where you unsure about what to do at any time? (Feel free to send us an email with details.)" } ], "filename": "4" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "hello", "system response": "Hello, how can I help?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589374306 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "hello", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "hello", "out_of_scope" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589374313 } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "I want to know the weather in Detroit on Tuesday?", "system response": "It will be Sunny all day on Tuesday in Detroit, with temperatures of around 30 degrees celsius.", "dialog history": " hello Hello, how can I help?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589374332 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "weather_inform_forecast", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "weather_inform_forecast", "goodbye_1" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "weather", "City": "Detroit", "Day": "Tuesday", "TemperatureCelsius": 30, "Weather": "Sunny", "id": 537 }, "UnixTime": 1589374359 } }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "Thank You", "system response": "Is there anything else that I can do for you?", "dialog history": " hello Hello, how can I help? I want to know the weather in Detroit on Tuesday? It will be Sunny all day on Tuesday in Detroit, with temperatures of around 30 degrees celsius.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589374372 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "anything_else", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "anything_else", "weather_inform_forecast" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "weather", "City": "Detroit", "Day": "Tuesday", "TemperatureCelsius": 30, "Weather": "Sunny", "id": 537 }, "UnixTime": 1589374386 } }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "No that is all", "system response": "Thank you and goodbye.", "dialog history": " hello Hello, how can I help? I want to know the weather in Detroit on Tuesday? It will be Sunny all day on Tuesday in Detroit, with temperatures of around 30 degrees celsius. Thank You Is there anything else that I can do for you?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589374392 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "goodbye_1", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "goodbye_1", "weather_inform_nothing_found" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "weather", "City": "Detroit", "Day": "Tuesday", "TemperatureCelsius": 30, "Weather": "Sunny", "id": 537 }, "UnixTime": 1589374401 } } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": {}, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "", "dst knowledge": "", "intent knowledge": "", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to get weather information. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to get weather information. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to get weather information. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to get weather information. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users get weather information. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "STAR--train--5": { "original dialog id": 5, "dialog index": 5, "original dialog info": { "AnonymizedUserWorkerID": "eae96765-3d74-8647-cc03-fc417533d9b1", "AnonymizedWizardWorkerID": "6b581a55-ef03-0a99-5e5f-039779629c87", "BatchID": "woz_1589355382", "CompletionLevel": "Complete", "DialogueID": 5, "FORMAT-VERSION": 7, "IntroducesConflicts": false, "Scenario": { "Domains": [ "trip" ], "Happy": true, "MultiTask": false, "UserTask": "Follow the instructions and comments of the MTurk System bot (darker yellow boxes in the dialogue). Do not end the dialogue before the MTurk System bot (not the assistant) has told you to do so. ", "WizardCapabilities": [ { "Domain": "trip", "SchemaImage": "trip_directions.jpg", "Task": "trip_directions" } ], "WizardTask": "Follow the flow charts and help the user. Some facts you should be aware of: \n\n* At the beginning of the conversation, the user's location is Airport\n* At the beginning of the conversation it is 1pm" }, "UserQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": true, "Question": "Did the assistant stay calm and helpful throughout the dialogue?" } ], "WizardQuestionnaire": [ { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user change his/her mind about what he/she wants at any time?" }, { "Answer": false, "Question": "Did the user become aggressive or annoyed during the dialogue? (Note: some users may be instructed to be annoying.)" }, { "Answer": true, "Question": "Where you unsure about what to do at any time? (Feel free to send us an email with details.)" } ], "filename": "5" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "Hello! I need help getting to my interview", "system response": "Where do you need to go?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376446 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "trip_ask_arrival_location", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "trip_ask_travel_mode", "trip_ask_arrival_location" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376471 } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "My interview is near Broadway and Main.", "system response": "Where are you departing from?", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376485 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "ask_departure_location", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "ask_departure_location", "trip_ask_arrival_location" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376498 } }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "I don't know, I'm lost in the city.", "system response": "When are you going to start your trip?", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376512 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "trip_ask_departure_time", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "trip_ask_departure_time", "hello" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376535 } }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Right now, please", "system response": "Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit?", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376560 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "trip_ask_travel_mode", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "trip_ask_travel_mode", "trip_inform_simple_step_ask_proceed" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "UnixTime": 1589376573 } }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview.", "system response": "Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions?", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376594 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "trip_inform_simple_step_ask_proceed", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "trip_inform_detailed_step", "trip_inform_simple_step_ask_proceed" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589376687 } }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information?", "system response": "Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks.", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions?", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376725 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589376858 } }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "Okay, and what next, please?", "system response": "Continue for 1.6 km. Turn left at the brown church on Murray.", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions? I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information? Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376885 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589376934 } }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "Okay, and then?", "system response": "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions? I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information? Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks. Okay, and what next, please? Continue for 1.6 km. Turn left at the brown church on Murray.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376946 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "trip_inform_detailed_step", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "trip_inform_detailed_step", "trip_instructions_done" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589376985 } }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "Great, and after that?", "system response": "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station.", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions? I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information? Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks. Okay, and what next, please? Continue for 1.6 km. Turn left at the brown church on Murray. Okay, and then? Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589376997 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "trip_inform_detailed_step", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "trip_inform_detailed_step", "trip_ask_departure_time" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589377013 } }, { "turn id": 10, "user utterance": "What about the intersection of Broadway and Main?", "system response": "That will be Broadway and Main.", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions? I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information? Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks. Okay, and what next, please? Continue for 1.6 km. Turn left at the brown church on Murray. Okay, and then? Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see. Great, and after that? Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589377032 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589377078 } }, { "turn id": 11, "user utterance": "Ah okay, I see. Thank you very much!", "system response": "Thank you and goodbye.", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions? I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information? Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks. Okay, and what next, please? Continue for 1.6 km. Turn left at the brown church on Murray. Okay, and then? Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see. Great, and after that? Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station. What about the intersection of Broadway and Main? That will be Broadway and Main.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589377087 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "goodbye_1", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "goodbye_1", "out_of_scope" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589377101 } }, { "turn id": 12, "user utterance": "Thanks, goodbye.", "system response": "Is there anything else that I can do for you?", "dialog history": " Hello! I need help getting to my interview Where do you need to go? My interview is near Broadway and Main. Where are you departing from? I don't know, I'm lost in the city. When are you going to start your trip? Right now, please Do you want to drive, walk, or use public transit? Whatever is the fastest, please! I have to get to my interview. Go east on Forbes towards Murray. Can I proceed or do you require more detailed instructions? I can't believe I managed to get lost, imagine my luck, right? I actually don't know which way is East, could you give more information? Drive towards the tall brown building on Forbes and turn right at the Starbucks. Okay, and what next, please? Continue for 1.6 km. Turn left at the brown church on Murray. Okay, and then? Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see. Great, and after that? Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station. What about the intersection of Broadway and Main? That will be Broadway and Main. Ah okay, I see. Thank you very much! Thank you and goodbye.", "original user side information": { "Action": "utter", "Agent": "User", "UnixTime": 1589377108 }, "original system side information": { "Action": "pick_suggestion", "ActionLabel": "anything_else", "ActionLabelOptions": [ "anything_else", "goodbye_1" ], "Agent": "Wizard", "PrimaryItem": { "APIName": "trip_directions", "DetailedDrivingInstructions": [ "Drive east (towards the tall brown building) on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right at the Starbucks and drive for 1.6 kilometers. Once you see a brown church, turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue. It will be the first traffic light you see.", "Your destination will be on the right just after the fire station." ], "DrivingInstructions": [ "Go east on Forbes towards Murray", "Turn right and drive for 1.6 kilometers and turn left on Murray", "Drive for 700 meters until you reach Wilkins Avenue", "Your destination will be on the right" ], "TravelMode": "Driving", "TripLengthMinutes": 76, "id": 53 }, "UnixTime": 1589377162 } } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": {}, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "", "dst knowledge": "", "intent knowledge": "", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to get navigation. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to get navigation. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to get navigation. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to get navigation. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users get navigation. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] } }