[ { "info": [ { "sys": "i have a listing for [value_count] in the [hotel_area] of town , is that okay ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse", "[hotel_internet]": "no", "[hotel_pricerange]": "moderate", "[hotel_address]": "63 milton road", "[hotel_parking]": "no", "[hotel_phone]": "1223311625", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb41xa", "[hotel_area]": "north", "[hotel_stars]": "3", "[hotel_name]": "alpha-milton guest house" }, "act": { "hotel-select-none": "none", "hotel-inform-area": "north of town", "hotel-inform-choice": "one" }, "user_orig": "hi i am looking to find a guesthouse to stay at and it does not need to have internet .", "sys_orig": "i have a listing for one in the north of town , is that okay ?", "user": "hi i am looking to find a guesthouse to stay at and it does not need to have internet .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ] ] } }, { "sys": "the alpha minton guest house sounds like it will be perfect for you . it s a [hotel_pricerange] -ly priced , [value_count] star guesthouse in the [hotel_area] . can i book a room for you ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse", "[hotel_internet]": "no", "[hotel_pricerange]": "moderate", "[hotel_address]": "63 milton road", "[hotel_parking]": "no", "[hotel_phone]": "1223311625", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb41xa", "[hotel_area]": "north", "[hotel_stars]": "3", "[hotel_name]": "alpha-milton guest house" }, "act": { "hotel-recommend-name": "the alpha-minton guest house", "hotel-recommend-type": "guesthouse", "hotel-recommend-area": "north", "booking-inform-none": "none", "hotel-recommend-price": "moderately-priced", "hotel-recommend-stars": "3" }, "user_orig": "is that 3 star with a moderate price ?", "sys_orig": "the alpha-minton guest house sounds like it will be perfect for you . it 's a moderately-priced , 3-star guesthouse in the north . can i book a room for you ?", "user": "is that [value_count] star with a [hotel_pricerange] price ?", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "i have made a booking here is your information booking was successful . reference number is [hotel_reference] .", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse", "[hotel_internet]": "no", "[taxi_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[train_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[hotel_parking]": "no", "[hotel_phone]": "1223311625", "[hospital_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[hotel_area]": "north", "[bus_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb41xa", "[restaurant_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[police_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[hotel_name]": "alpha-milton guest house", "[hotel_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[attraction_reference]": "dgghj53e", "[hotel_pricerange]": "moderate", "[hotel_stars]": "3", "[hotel_address]": "63 milton road" }, "act": { "booking-book-reference": "dgghj53e" }, "user_orig": "please do , for 1 person , for 5 nights , starting thursday .", "sys_orig": "i have made a booking here is your information : booking was successful . reference number is : dgghj53e .", "user": "please do , for [value_count] person , for [value_count] nights , starting [value_day] .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "unfortunately there are no [restaurant_pricerange] -ly priced restaurant -s serving [restaurant_food] food on the [restaurant_area] side . would you like me to look in another part of town ?", "KB": 0, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223323737", "[restaurant_name]": "pizza hut city centre", "[restaurant_food]": "italian", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "cheap", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "restaurant-request-area": "?", "restaurant-sorry-price": "moderately priced", "restaurant-sorry-area": "north side", "restaurant-sorry-food": "british" }, "user_orig": "thanks . can you help me find a place to eat also ? i 'd like some british food , in the same price range as my hotel .", "sys_orig": "unfortunately there are no moderately priced restaurants serving british food on the north side . would you like me to look in another part of town ?", "user": "thanks . can you help me find a place to eat also ? i would like some [restaurant_food] food , in the same price range as my hotel .", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "food", "british" ], [ "area", "north" ] ], "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "[restaurant_name] is in [restaurant_area] . phone number is [value_count] and address is [restaurant_address] . would you like to make a reservation ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "de vere university arms regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223337766", "[restaurant_food]": "british", "[restaurant_name]": "restaurant one seven", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "moderate", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "restaurant-inform-phone": "01223365098", "booking-inform-none": "none", "restaurant-inform-address": "4 kings parade city centre", "restaurant-recommend-area": "centre", "restaurant-recommend-name": "the copper kettle" }, "user_orig": "yes , please look in another part of town .", "sys_orig": "the copper kettle is in centre . phone number is 01223365098 and address is 4 kings parade city centre . would you like to make a reservation ?", "user": "yes , please look in another part of town .", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "food", "british" ] ], "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "you table is booked for [value_time] on [value_day] . your reference number is [restaurant_reference] . is that all ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "de vere university arms regent street city centre", "[taxi_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[train_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223337766", "[hospital_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[restaurant_name]": "restaurant one seven", "[bus_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab", "[restaurant_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[restaurant_food]": "british", "[police_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[hotel_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[attraction_reference]": "bb26wx3r", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "moderate" }, "act": { "booking-book-reference": "bb26wx3r", "booking-book-day": "thursday", "booking-book-time": "17:45", "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "yes please for one person at 17:45 on thursday .", "sys_orig": "you table is booked for 17:45 on thursday . your reference number is bb26wx3r . is that all ?", "user": "yes please for [value_count] person at [value_time] on [value_day] .", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "food", "british" ] ], "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "when you would like to leave or arrive by ? what s your departure and destination ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "de vere university arms regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223337766", "[restaurant_food]": "british", "[restaurant_name]": "restaurant one seven", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "moderate", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "taxi-request-leaveat": "?", "taxi-request-departure": "?", "taxi-request-arriveby": "?", "taxi-request-destination": "?" }, "user_orig": "no , can you also help me book a taxi ?", "sys_orig": "when you would like to leave or arrive by ? what 's your departure/destination ?", "user": "no , can you also help me book a taxi ?", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "food", "british" ] ], "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "okay great ! your car will be a [taxi_type] and the contact number is [taxi_phone] . do you need help with anything else ?", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "general-none-none": "none", "taxi-inform-phone": "07675976580", "taxi-inform-type": "black bmw" }, "user_orig": "i would like to arrive by 17:45 to the 4 kings parade . pick us up at the alpha-minon guesthouse .", "sys_orig": "okay great ! your car will be a black bmw and the contact number is 07675976580. do you need help with anything else ?", "user": "i would like to arrive by [value_time] to the [value_count] kings parade . pick us up at the alpha minon guesthouse .", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "food", "british" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "alpha-milton guest house" ], [ "destination", "the copper kettle" ], [ "arriveBy", "17:45" ] ], "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } }, { "sys": "have a nice day .", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "nope . that 's all . thank you . bye now", "sys_orig": "have a nice day .", "user": "nope . that s all . thank you . bye now", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "food", "british" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "alpha-milton guest house" ], [ "destination", "the copper kettle" ], [ "arriveBy", "17:45" ] ], "hotel": [ [ "pricerange", "moderate" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] } } ], "file": "PMUL0195" }, { "info": [ { "sys": "okay , any type in mind ?", "KB": 0, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223323737", "[restaurant_name]": "pizza hut city centre", "[restaurant_food]": "italian", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "cheap", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "restaurant-request-food": "?" }, "user_orig": "i am traveling to cambridge and looking forward to try local restaurants .", "sys_orig": "okay , any type in mind ?", "user": "i am traveling to [value_place] and looking forward to try local restaurant -s .", "BS": {} }, { "sys": "okay . you mentioned finding a local restaurant , initially . would you like me to search for [value_count] ? if so , what kind of cuisine ?", "KB": 0, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223323737", "[restaurant_name]": "pizza hut city centre", "[restaurant_food]": "italian", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "cheap", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "general-none-none": "none", "restaurant-request-food": "?" }, "user_orig": "the train i 'm looking for should depart from stevenage and be leaving after 16:45. can you help ?", "sys_orig": "okay . you mentioned finding a local restaurant , initially . would you like me to search for one ? if so , what kind of cuisine ?", "user": "the train i am looking for should depart from [value_place] and be leaving after [value_time] . can you help ?", "BS": {} }, { "sys": "it depends on what your price range is .", "KB": 0, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223323737", "[restaurant_name]": "pizza hut city centre", "[restaurant_food]": "italian", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "cheap", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "restaurant-request-price": "?" }, "user_orig": "i 'm looking for something local . what do you recommend ?", "sys_orig": "it depends on what your price range is .", "user": "i am looking for something local . what do you recommend ?", "BS": {} }, { "sys": "unfortunately , there is not a singaporean restaurant in the [restaurant_area] of town . any other preferences ?", "KB": 0, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "regent street city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223323737", "[restaurant_name]": "pizza hut city centre", "[restaurant_food]": "italian", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "cheap", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb21ab" }, "act": { "general-none-none": "none", "restaurant-sorry-area": "centre of town", "restaurant-sorry-food": "singaporean" }, "user_orig": "actually i am craving singaporean food , price is no object . i would also like something in the centre area .", "sys_orig": "unfortunately , there is not a singaporean restaurant in the centre of town . any other preferences ?", "user": "actually i am craving singaporean food , price is no object . i would also like something in the [restaurant_area] area .", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "food", "singaporean" ], [ "area", "centre" ] ] } }, { "sys": "yes , there s a place called [restaurant_name] .", "KB": 2, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "52 mill road city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223311911", "[restaurant_name]": "kymmoy", "[restaurant_food]": "asian oriental", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "expensive", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb12as" }, "act": { "restaurant-inform-name": "kymmoy" }, "user_orig": "do you have any asian expensive restaurants ?", "sys_orig": "yes , there 's a place called kymmoy .", "user": "do you have any asian [restaurant_pricerange] restaurant -s ?", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "area", "centre" ] ] } }, { "sys": "enjoy your stay in [value_place] !", "KB": 2, "source": { "[restaurant_area]": "centre", "[restaurant_type]": "restaurant", "[restaurant_address]": "52 mill road city centre", "[restaurant_phone]": "01223311911", "[restaurant_food]": "asian oriental", "[restaurant_name]": "kymmoy", "[restaurant_pricerange]": "expensive", "[restaurant_postcode]": "cb12as" }, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "thank you so much for your information .", "sys_orig": "enjoy your stay in cambridge !", "user": "thank you so much for your information .", "BS": { "restaurant": [ [ "pricerange", "expensive" ], [ "food", "asian oriental" ], [ "area", "centre" ] ] } } ], "file": "PMUL4478" }, { "info": [ { "sys": "there are [value_count] museums in the city . do you have a particular area of town that you are interested in ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[attraction_address]": "98 king street", "[attraction_postcode]": "cb11ln", "[attraction_area]": "centre", "[attraction_phone]": "1223314960", "[attraction_openhours]": "?", "[attraction_name]": "broughton house gallery", "[attraction_pricerange]": "free", "[attraction_entrance fee]": "free", "[attraction_type]": "museum" }, "act": { "attraction-request-area": "?", "attraction-inform-type": "museums", "attraction-inform-choice": "23" }, "user_orig": "i 'm looking for museums to visit in town . what are my options ?", "sys_orig": "there are 23 museums in the city . do you have a particular area of town that you 're interested in ?", "user": "i am looking for museums to visit in town . what are my options ?", "BS": { "attraction": [ [ "type", "museum" ] ] } }, { "sys": "i recommend the museum of archaeology and anthropology in the [attraction_area] of town . how does that sound ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[attraction_address]": "98 king street", "[attraction_postcode]": "cb11ln", "[attraction_area]": "centre", "[attraction_phone]": "1223314960", "[attraction_openhours]": "?", "[attraction_name]": "broughton house gallery", "[attraction_pricerange]": "free", "[attraction_entrance fee]": "free", "[attraction_type]": "museum" }, "act": { "attraction-recommend-name": "museum of archaeology and anthropology", "general-none-none": "none", "attraction-recommend-area": "centre of town" }, "user_orig": "i have no idea . could you suggest one that sounds interesting ?", "sys_orig": "i recommend the museum of archaeology and anthropology in the centre of town . how does that sound ?", "user": "i have no idea . could you suggest [value_count] that sounds interesting ?", "BS": { "attraction": [ [ "type", "museum" ] ] } }, { "sys": "the phone number is [attraction_phone] and the address is [attraction_address] . in what area would you like the hotel to be in ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[attraction_address]": "98 king street", "[attraction_postcode]": "cb11ln", "[attraction_area]": "centre", "[attraction_phone]": "1223314960", "[attraction_openhours]": "?", "[attraction_name]": "broughton house gallery", "[attraction_pricerange]": "free", "[attraction_entrance fee]": "free", "[attraction_type]": "museum" }, "act": { "attraction-inform-address": "downing street", "hotel-request-area": "?", "attraction-inform-phone": "01223333516" }, "user_orig": "can i get the phone number and address please . i also need a hotel with free parking .", "sys_orig": "the phone number is 01223333516 and the address is university of cambridge , downing street . in what area would you like the hotel to be in ?", "user": "can i get the phone number and address please . i also need a hotel with free parking .", "BS": { "attraction": [ [ "type", "museum" ] ] } }, { "sys": "i found the [hotel_name] that meets your requirement -s . would you like me to book your stay ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_name]": "alexander bed and breakfast", "[hotel_internet]": "yes", "[hotel_address]": "56 saint barnabas road", "[hotel_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb12de", "[hotel_parking]": "yes", "[hotel_phone]": "1223525725", "[hotel_pricerange]": "cheap", "[hotel_area]": "centre", "[hotel_stars]": "4", "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse" }, "act": { "booking-inform-none": "none", "hotel-inform-name": "alexander bed and breakfast" }, "user_orig": "near the museum if possible . i 'm looking for a guesthouse with free parking .", "sys_orig": "i found the alexander bed and breakfast that meets your requirements . would you like me to book your stay ?", "user": "near the museum if possible . i am looking for a guesthouse with free parking .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "area", "centre" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "museum" ] ] } }, { "sys": "you are welcome and i hope you enjoy your museum visit .", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse", "[hotel_internet]": "yes", "[hotel_pricerange]": "cheap", "[hotel_address]": "56 saint barnabas road", "[hotel_parking]": "yes", "[hotel_phone]": "1223525725", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb12de", "[hotel_area]": "centre", "[hotel_stars]": "4", "[hotel_name]": "alexander bed and breakfast" }, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "no , i 'm not ready to book quite yet . thanks for your help . bye .", "sys_orig": "you 're welcome and i hope you enjoy your museum visit .", "user": "no , i am not ready to book quite yet . thanks for your help . bye .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ], [ "area", "centre" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "museum" ] ] } } ], "file": "MUL1196" }, { "info": [ { "sys": "the first train leaves on [train_day] at [train_leaveat] and arrives at [train_arriveby] . should i book it for you ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[train_arriveby]": "05:58", "[train_duration]": "47 minutes", "[train_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[train_departure]": "cambridge", "[train_price]": "9.80 pounds", "[train_day]": "friday", "[train_destination]": "kings lynn", "[train_leaveat]": "05:11", "[train_trainid]": "tr3112" }, "act": { "train-inform-day": "friday", "booking-inform-none": "none", "train-inform-leaveat": "05:11", "train-inform-arriveby": "05:58" }, "user_orig": "hello , i am looking for a train heading to cambridge and i will be departing from kings lynn .", "sys_orig": "the first train leaves on friday at 05:11 and arrives at 05:58. should i book it for you ?", "user": "hello , i am looking for a train heading to [train_destination] and i will be departing from [train_departure] .", "BS": { "train": [ [ "departure", "kings lynn" ], [ "destination", "cambridge" ] ] } }, { "sys": "thank you . enjoy your trip .", "KB": 2, "source": { "[train_destination]": "cambridge", "[train_leaveat]": "05:11", "[train_price]": "9.80 pounds", "[train_departure]": "kings lynn", "[train_day]": "monday", "[train_arriveby]": "05:58", "[train_duration]": "47 minutes", "[train_trainid]": "tr4943" }, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "no , not at this time . thank you , good bye .", "sys_orig": "thank you . enjoy your trip .", "user": "no , not at this time . thank you , goodbye .", "BS": { "train": [ [ "departure", "kings lynn" ], [ "destination", "cambridge" ] ] } } ], "file": "SNG01471" }, { "info": [ { "sys": "i can help you . which part of town ?", "KB": 0, "source": { "[hotel_name]": "a and b guest house", "[hotel_internet]": "yes", "[hotel_address]": "124 tenison road", "[hotel_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb12dp", "[hotel_parking]": "no", "[hotel_phone]": "1223315702", "[hotel_pricerange]": "moderate", "[hotel_area]": "east", "[hotel_stars]": "4", "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse" }, "act": { "hotel-request-area": "?" }, "user_orig": "i am looking for information . can you help me with a place to stay while i 'm in town ?", "sys_orig": "i can help you . which part of town ?", "user": "i am looking for information . can you help me with a place to stay while i am in town ?", "BS": {} }, { "sys": "okay , how about the [hotel_name] ? it s located on [hotel_address] . would you like me to make a reservation ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_name]": "acorn guest house", "[hotel_internet]": "yes", "[hotel_address]": "154 chesterton road", "[hotel_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb41da", "[hotel_parking]": "yes", "[hotel_phone]": "1223353888", "[hotel_pricerange]": "moderate", "[hotel_area]": "north", "[hotel_stars]": "4", "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse" }, "act": { "booking-inform-none": "none", "hotel-inform-address": "154 chesterton road", "hotel-inform-name": "acorn guest house" }, "user_orig": "the north part of town is where i want to go and include free parking and should have a star of 4", "sys_orig": "okay , how about the acorn guest house ? it 's located on 154 chesterton road . would you like me to make a reservation ?", "user": "the [hotel_area] part of town is where i want to go and include free parking and should have a star of [value_count]", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ] } }, { "sys": "the booking was successful . you have a reservation for [value_count] people , staying [value_count] nights a [hotel_name] starting on [value_day] . your reference number is [hotel_reference] .", "KB": 2, "source": { "[hotel_type]": "guesthouse", "[hotel_internet]": "yes", "[taxi_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[train_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[hotel_parking]": "yes", "[hotel_phone]": "1223353888", "[hospital_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[hotel_area]": "north", "[bus_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[hotel_postcode]": "cb41da", "[restaurant_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[police_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[hotel_name]": "acorn guest house", "[hotel_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[attraction_reference]": "z45i87ld", "[hotel_pricerange]": "moderate", "[hotel_stars]": "4", "[hotel_address]": "154 chesterton road" }, "act": { "booking-book-name": "acorn guest house", "booking-book-reference": "z45i87ld", "booking-book-people": "3", "booking-book-day": "sunday", "booking-book-stay": "4" }, "user_orig": "that sounds perfect . i need a room for 3 people and 4 nights starting from sunday .", "sys_orig": "the booking was successful . you have a reservation for 3 people , staying 4 nights a acorn guest house starting on sunday . your reference number is : z45i87ld .", "user": "that sounds perfect . i need a room for [value_count] people and [value_count] nights starting from [value_day] .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ] } }, { "sys": "i would recommend [attraction_name] . would you like more information ?", "KB": 2, "source": { "[attraction_address]": "between victoria road and the river", "[attraction_reference]": "xxxxxxxx", "[attraction_postcode]": "cb43px", "[attraction_area]": "north", "[attraction_phone]": "1223302579", "[attraction_openhours]": "?", "[attraction_name]": "jesus green outdoor pool", "[attraction_pricerange]": "?", "[attraction_entrance fee]": "?", "[attraction_type]": "swimmingpool" }, "act": { "attraction-recommend-name": "jesus green outdoor pool", "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "thank you ! i also need a swimming pool in the north area of cambridge .", "sys_orig": "i 'd recommend jesus green outdoor pool . would you like more information ?", "user": "thank you ! i also need a swimming pool in the [attraction_area] area of [value_place] .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "sure ! the address is [attraction_address] , the postcode is [attraction_postcode] , and the phone number is [attraction_phone] .", "KB": 2, "source": { "[attraction_address]": "between victoria road and the river", "[attraction_postcode]": "cb43px", "[attraction_area]": "north", "[attraction_phone]": "1223302579", "[attraction_openhours]": "?", "[attraction_name]": "jesus green outdoor pool", "[attraction_pricerange]": "?", "[attraction_entrance fee]": "?", "[attraction_type]": "swimmingpool" }, "act": { "attraction-inform-address": "between victoria road and the river", "attraction-inform-phone": "01223302579", "attraction-inform-postcode": "cb43px" }, "user_orig": "can you please provide me with the address , postcode and phone number ?", "sys_orig": "sure ! the address is between victoria road and the river , the postcode is cb43px , and the phone number is 01223302579 .", "user": "can you please provide me with the address , postcode and phone number ?", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "do you have a arrival time in mind ?", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "taxi-request-arriveby": "?" }, "user_orig": "lastly a taxi from the hotel to the pool please .", "sys_orig": "do you have a arrival time in mind ?", "user": "lastly a taxi from the hotel to the pool please .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "jesus green outdoor pool" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "when is your arrival time ?", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "taxi-request-arriveby": "?" }, "user_orig": "i want to to leave the hotel by 10:30 .", "sys_orig": "when is your arrival time ?", "user": "i want to to leave the hotel by [value_time] .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "jesus green outdoor pool" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "your taxi have been booked for a [taxi_type] and its contact number is [taxi_phone] .", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "taxi-inform-phone": "07055228719", "taxi-inform-type": "black volvo" }, "user_orig": "my arrival time will be 17:00 .", "sys_orig": "your taxi have been booked for a black volvo and its contact number is 07055228719 .", "user": "my arrival time will be [value_time] .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "jesus green outdoor pool" ], [ "arriveBy", "17:00" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "thanks for inquiring with us and have a great day", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "thanks . that is all for today .", "sys_orig": "thanks for inquiring with us and have a great day", "user": "thanks . that is all for today .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "jesus green outdoor pool" ], [ "arriveBy", "17:00" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "it sure is . thanks .", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "thanks . i hope your day is good too .", "sys_orig": "it sure is . thanks .", "user": "thanks . i hope your day is good too .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "jesus green outdoor pool" ], [ "arriveBy", "17:00" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } }, { "sys": "thank you for using our service .", "KB": 0, "source": {}, "act": { "general-none-none": "none" }, "user_orig": "good . glad to hear it . you can end this conversation now . i do n't need anything else .", "sys_orig": "thank you for using our service .", "user": "good . glad to hear it . you can end this conversation now . i do not need anything else .", "BS": { "hotel": [ [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ], "taxi": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "jesus green outdoor pool" ], [ "arriveBy", "17:00" ] ], "attraction": [ [ "type", "swimmingpool" ], [ "area", "north" ] ] } } ], "file": "PMUL3490" } ]