{ "FRAMES--train--1": { "original dialog id": "train_1", "dialog index": 1, "original dialog info": { "scenario": { "db_id": "U22HTHYNP", "db_type": "booking", "task": "book", "items": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 9 }, "price": 2118.81, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Scarlet Palms Resort", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Goiania", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 37 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 10, "min": 37, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 10, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 37 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 37, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 22, "year": 2016, "day": 3, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2369.83, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Sunway Hostel", "country": "Argentina", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Rosario", "category": "2.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 9 }, "price": 2375.72, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Scarlet Palms Resort", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Goiania", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 30 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 1, "min": 30, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 1, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 30 }, "arrival": { "hour": 18, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 30, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 13 }, "price": 2492.95, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Hotel Mundo", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI", "FREE_PARKING" ], "dst_city": "Manaus", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 2538.0, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.22, "vicinity": [], "name": "The Glee", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Recife", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } } ] } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "I'd like to book a trip to Atlantis from Caprica on Saturday, August 13, 2016 for 8 adults. I have a tight budget of 1700.", "system response": "Hi...I checked a few options for you, and unfortunately, we do not currently have any trips that meet this criteria. Would you like to book an alternate travel option?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "sorry", "slots": { "dst_city": "Atlantis", "or_city": "Caprica", "str_date": "Saturday, August 13, 2016", "n_adults": "8", "budget": "1700" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book dst_city Atlantis, book or_city Caprica, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults 8, book budget 1700", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Atlantis, book or_city Caprica, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults 8, book budget 1700" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "Yes, how about going to Neverland from Caprica on August 13, 2016 for 5 adults. For this trip, my budget would be 1900.", "system response": "I checked the availability for this date and there were no trips available. Would you like to select some alternate dates?", "dialog history": " I'd like to book a trip to Atlantis from Caprica on Saturday, August 13, 2016 for 8 adults. I have a tight budget of 1700. Hi...I checked a few options for you, and unfortunately, we do not currently have any trips that meet this criteria. Would you like to book an alternate travel option?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "dst_city": "Neverland", "n_adults": "5", "budget": "1900", "or_city": "Caprica", "str_date": "August 13, 2016" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book dst_city Neverland, book n_adults 5, book budget 1900, book or_city Caprica, book str_date August 13, 2016", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Neverland, book or_city Caprica, book str_date August 13, 2016, book n_adults 5, book budget 1900" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "I have no flexibility for dates... but I can leave from Atlantis rather than Caprica. How about that?", "system response": "I checked the availability for that date and there were no trips available. Would you like to select some alternate dates?", "dialog history": " I'd like to book a trip to Atlantis from Caprica on Saturday, August 13, 2016 for 8 adults. I have a tight budget of 1700. Hi...I checked a few options for you, and unfortunately, we do not currently have any trips that meet this criteria. Would you like to book an alternate travel option? Yes, how about going to Neverland from Caprica on August 13, 2016 for 5 adults. For this trip, my budget would be 1900. I checked the availability for this date and there were no trips available. Would you like to select some alternate dates?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "negate" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "flex": false, "or_city": "Caprica" } }, "intent": "negate", "dst": "book flex False, book or_city Caprica", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Neverland, book or_city Caprica, book str_date August 13, 2016, book n_adults 5, book budget 1900, book flex False" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "I suppose I'll speak with my husband to see if we can choose other dates, and then I'll come back to you. Thanks for your help", "system response": "", "dialog history": " I'd like to book a trip to Atlantis from Caprica on Saturday, August 13, 2016 for 8 adults. I have a tight budget of 1700. Hi...I checked a few options for you, and unfortunately, we do not currently have any trips that meet this criteria. Would you like to book an alternate travel option? Yes, how about going to Neverland from Caprica on August 13, 2016 for 5 adults. For this trip, my budget would be 1900. I checked the availability for this date and there were no trips available. Would you like to select some alternate dates? I have no flexibility for dates... but I can leave from Atlantis rather than Caprica. How about that? I checked the availability for that date and there were no trips available. Would you like to select some alternate dates?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "thankyou" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "", "slots": {} }, "intent": "thankyou", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Neverland, book or_city Caprica, book str_date August 13, 2016, book n_adults 5, book budget 1900, book flex False" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "travel": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 9 }, "price": 2118.81, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Scarlet Palms Resort", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Goiania", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 37 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 10, "min": 37, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 10, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 37 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 37, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 22, "year": 2016, "day": 3, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2369.83, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Sunway Hostel", "country": "Argentina", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Rosario", "category": "2.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 16, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 9 }, "price": 2375.72, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Scarlet Palms Resort", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Goiania", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 30 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 1, "min": 30, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 1, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 30 }, "arrival": { "hour": 18, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 30, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 13 }, "price": 2492.95, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Hotel Mundo", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI", "FREE_PARKING" ], "dst_city": "Manaus", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 51 }, "arrival": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 51, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Porto Alegre", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 2538.0, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.22, "vicinity": [], "name": "The Glee", "country": "Brazil", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Recife", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } } ] }, "slots and values": { "book": { "dst_city": [ "Ulsan", "calgary", "chicago", "Asian", "busan", "Burlingtonian", "Toluca", "baltimore", "Sendai", "Kocchi" ], "or_city": [ "London, England", "diagon alley", "St. Petersburg", "montreal", "PORTO", "rome", "Puebla", "san jose", "campinas", "osaka" ], "str_date": [ "6TH", "today", "August 31st", "Monday, the 12th", "AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH", "August 31st", "August 27th", "September 8th", "17", "friday sept 2 2016" ], "n_adults": [ "My lover, Juliette, rides out with me", "14 adults with me", "my three best friends and myself", "a date I wanted to bring", "friend tagging along", "a couple", "Two", "I will also be traveling with my assistant", "me and ma gurls", "husband" ], "budget": [ "35400", "3100", "$6400", "$5000", "18600", "13100 dollars", "7000", "4500", "free", "14700" ], "flex": [ false, true ], "n_children": [ "grandson", "darling little munchkins", "darling little munchkins", "set of twins", "three", "our son", "5", "7", "six of us with myself included", "three" ], "end_date": [ "13", "24", "September 5th", "august 30th", "following Tuesday", "12 September", "Twenty Fourth Day Of September", "Sep 16", "september 17", "29th" ], "arr_time_or": [ "1:00 am" ], "seat": [ "BIZ", "business", "biz", "First class", "Economy", "first class", "upgrade", "economy", "Business" ], "max_duration": [ "8 day", "under ten days", "15", "12", "6", "18", "18 days", "shortened my trip by one day", "week-long", "one night" ], "category": [ "nice", "Highest", "highly rated", "PAMPERED", "nice", "Higher", "better than 3", "3.0", "BETTER", "3" ], "breakfast": [ false, true ], "seat_ok": [ true ], "duration": [ "the longer", "11 days", "8-day", "6 day", "15 days", "15 day", "longer", "not really long", "the longer", "the longer" ], "price": [ "1808.68USD", "too expensive", "better value", "1651. 40 USD", "pricey", "too expensive", "under $400", "$2866.11", "7146.39", "$2866.11" ], "name": [ "serene garden", "Hotel Vanilla", "Echo", "Glacier", "tower hotel", "brass", "Majesty Hotel", "plaza serene", "Traveller", "the Kirei" ], "downtown": [ true ], "spa": [ true ], "min_duration": [ "four days", "longer period", "9 days", "10 days", "5 days", "13", "4", "9 days", "longest", "longer period" ], "wifi": [ false, true ], "action": [ "book" ], "count": [ "No other choices", "ONE", "the only options", "two", "only thing", "only", "all you have", "none at all" ], "budget_ok": [ true ], "intent_ok": [ true ], "dep_time_dst": [ "3:00am", "1:00am", "3 am" ], "parking": [ true, "-1" ], "dep_time_or": [ "7:00 am", "10 am" ], "museum": [ false, true ], "beach": [ false, true ], "count_name": [ "one", "two", "EVERYTHING", "only thing", "only", "all", "all 4", "3", "only choice" ], "gst_rating": [ "unrated", "9.32", "10", "8.98/10", "6.91/10", "0/10", "unrated", "8.37", "highest", "8.8" ], "park": [ false, true ], "airport": [ true ], "impl_anaphora": [ "category", "price" ], "mall": [ true ], "amenities": [ "-1" ], "vicinity": [ "-1" ], "palace": [ true ], "shopping": [ false, true ], "count_dst_city": [ "several", "all", "a few", "two" ], "cathedral": [ true ], "university": [ true ], "n_adults_ok": [ true ], "count_seat": [ "two" ], "market": [ true ] } }, "intents": { "book": [ "null", "negate", "request", "goodbye", "affirm", "switch_frame", "inform", "moreinfo", "request_compare", "thankyou", "greeting", "confirm", "request_alts" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( travel : (( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 51) | arrival : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 51 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 51) | arrival : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 16 | min : 51 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 16 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Porto Alegre | duration_days : 9) | price : 2118.81 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 7.15 | vicinity : () | name : Scarlet Palms Resort | country : Brazil | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Goiania | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 2 | min : 37) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 10 | min : 37 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 10 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 2 | min : 37) | arrival : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 4 | min : 37 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 22 | year : 2016 | day : 3 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Porto Alegre | duration_days : 7) | price : 2369.83 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Sunway Hostel | country : Argentina | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Rosario | category : 2.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 51) | arrival : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 51 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 51) | arrival : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 16 | min : 51 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 16 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Porto Alegre | duration_days : 9) | price : 2375.72 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 7.15 | vicinity : () | name : Scarlet Palms Resort | country : Brazil | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Goiania | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 30) | arrival : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 1 | min : 30 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 1 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 30) | arrival : ( hour : 18 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 30 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 17 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Porto Alegre | duration_days : 13) | price : 2492.95 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Hotel Mundo | country : Brazil | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI | FREE_PARKING ) | dst_city : Manaus | category : 2.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 51) | arrival : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 51 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 51) | arrival : ( hour : 19 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 51 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 19 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Porto Alegre | duration_days : 4) | price : 2538.0 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.22 | vicinity : () | name : The Glee | country : Brazil | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Recife | category : 4.0 star hotel ))))", "dst knowledge": "( book : ( dst_city : ( Ulsan | calgary | chicago | Asian | busan | Burlingtonian | Toluca | baltimore | Sendai | Kocchi ) | or_city : ( London | England | diagon alley | St. Petersburg | montreal | PORTO | rome | Puebla | san jose | campinas | osaka ) | str_date : ( 6TH | today | August 31st | Monday | the 12th | AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH | August 31st | August 27th | September 8th | 17 | friday sept 2 2016 ) | n_adults : ( My lover | Juliette | rides out with me | 14 adults with me | my three best friends and myself | a date I wanted to bring | friend tagging along | a couple | Two | I will also be traveling with my assistant | me and ma gurls | husband ) | budget : ( 35400 | 3100 | $6400 | $5000 | 18600 | 13100 dollars | 7000 | 4500 | free | 14700 ) | flex : (False | True) | n_children : ( grandson | darling little munchkins | darling little munchkins | set of twins | three | our son | 5 | 7 | six of us with myself included | three ) | end_date : ( 13 | 24 | September 5th | august 30th | following Tuesday | 12 September | Twenty Fourth Day Of September | Sep 16 | september 17 | 29th ) | arr_time_or : ( 1:00 am ) | seat : ( BIZ | business | biz | First class | Economy | first class | upgrade | economy | Business ) | max_duration : ( 8 day | under ten days | 15 | 12 | 6 | 18 | 18 days | shortened my trip by one day | week-long | one night ) | category : ( nice | Highest | highly rated | PAMPERED | nice | Higher | better than 3 | 3.0 | BETTER | 3 ) | breakfast : (False | True) | seat_ok : (True) | duration : ( the longer | 11 days | 8-day | 6 day | 15 days | 15 day | longer | not really long | the longer | the longer ) | price : ( 1808.68USD | too expensive | better value | 1651. 40 USD | pricey | too expensive | under $400 | $2866.11 | 7146.39 | $2866.11 ) | name : ( serene garden | Hotel Vanilla | Echo | Glacier | tower hotel | brass | Majesty Hotel | plaza serene | Traveller | the Kirei ) | downtown : (True) | spa : (True) | min_duration : ( four days | longer period | 9 days | 10 days | 5 days | 13 | 4 | 9 days | longest | longer period ) | wifi : (False | True) | action : ( book ) | count : ( No other choices | ONE | the only options | two | only thing | only | all you have | none at all ) | budget_ok : (True) | intent_ok : (True) | dep_time_dst : ( 3:00am | 1:00am | 3 am ) | parking : (True | -1 ) | dep_time_or : ( 7:00 am | 10 am ) | museum : (False | True) | beach : (False | True) | count_name : ( one | two | EVERYTHING | only thing | only | all | all 4 | 3 | only choice ) | gst_rating : ( unrated | 9.32 | 10 | 8.98/10 | 6.91/10 | 0/10 | unrated | 8.37 | highest | 8.8 ) | park : (False | True) | airport : (True) | impl_anaphora : ( category | price ) | mall : (True) | amenities : ( -1 ) | vicinity : ( -1 ) | palace : (True) | shopping : (False | True) | count_dst_city : ( several | all | a few | two ) | cathedral : (True) | university : (True) | n_adults_ok : (True) | count_seat : ( two ) | market : (True)))", "intent knowledge": "( book : ( null | negate | request | goodbye | affirm | switch_frame | inform | moreinfo | request_compare | thankyou | greeting | confirm | request_alts ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a trip. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a trip. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a trip. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a trip. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a trip. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "FRAMES--train--2": { "original dialog id": "train_2", "dialog index": 2, "original dialog info": { "scenario": { "db_id": "U21RP4FCY", "db_type": "booking", "task": "book", "items": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Toronto", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 1864.38, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 8 }, "arrival": { "hour": 6, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 8, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 8 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 8, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Melbourne", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2038.8, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "El Mar", "country": "Dominican Republic", "amenities": [], "dst_city": "Punta Cana", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 57 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 57, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 57 }, "arrival": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 57, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Tampa", "duration_days": 13 }, "price": 2081.2, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "El Mar", "country": "Dominican Republic", "amenities": [], "dst_city": "Punta Cana", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } } ] } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me?", "system response": "when would you like to travel and how many people will you be?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "da_label": "greeting" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "dst_city": "Gotham City" } }, "intent": "greeting", "dst": "book dst_city Gotham City", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults", "system response": "do you have a budget?", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "str_date": "-1", "n_adults": "5", "n_children": "12" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "yes i do, it is around $2200", "system response": "where will you be travelling from?", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "budget": "$2200" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book budget $2200", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "We are from Neverland", "system response": "We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city?", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "or_city": "Neverland" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book or_city Neverland", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Neverland" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "we can depart from Toronto", "system response": "Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations?", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "or_city": "Toronto" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book or_city Toronto", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "hmm what options would i have out of Toronto?", "system response": "Would you be interested in Calgary?", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city? we can depart from Toronto Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "or_city": "Toronto" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book or_city Toronto", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "that would be nice", "system response": "I have a departure from Toronto to Calgary on August 17 returning on August 24. Does that work for you?", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city? we can depart from Toronto Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations? hmm what options would i have out of Toronto? Would you be interested in Calgary?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "switch_frame" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "offer", "slots": {} }, "intent": "switch_frame", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "No sorry i was planning on getting a tan this vacation. Thanks, is there anywhere else? Thank you\nis there anywhere else?", "system response": "How about a trip to Dominican Republic? it is quite cheap at this time of year.", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city? we can depart from Toronto Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations? hmm what options would i have out of Toronto? Would you be interested in Calgary? that would be nice I have a departure from Toronto to Calgary on August 17 returning on August 24. Does that work for you?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "request_alts" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": {} }, "intent": "request_alts", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "What options do you have available for me?", "system response": "I have the el Mar hotel available in Punta Cana this week.", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city? we can depart from Toronto Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations? hmm what options would i have out of Toronto? Would you be interested in Calgary? that would be nice I have a departure from Toronto to Calgary on August 17 returning on August 24. Does that work for you? No sorry i was planning on getting a tan this vacation. Thanks, is there anywhere else? Thank you\nis there anywhere else? How about a trip to Dominican Republic? it is quite cheap at this time of year.", "original user side information": { "da_label": "request" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "offer", "slots": {} }, "intent": "request", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" }, { "turn id": 10, "user utterance": "That sounds interesting. how many stars does the hotel have?", "system response": "2.5 stars. You would have to fly out of Melbourne though", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city? we can depart from Toronto Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations? hmm what options would i have out of Toronto? Would you be interested in Calgary? that would be nice I have a departure from Toronto to Calgary on August 17 returning on August 24. Does that work for you? No sorry i was planning on getting a tan this vacation. Thanks, is there anywhere else? Thank you\nis there anywhere else? How about a trip to Dominican Republic? it is quite cheap at this time of year. What options do you have available for me? I have the el Mar hotel available in Punta Cana this week.", "original user side information": { "da_label": "switch_frame" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "inform", "slots": {} }, "intent": "switch_frame", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" }, { "turn id": 11, "user utterance": "Ahh...maybe another time", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hello there i am looking to go on a vacation with my family to Gotham City, can you help me? when would you like to travel and how many people will you be? Not sure when we want to leave, but we are 12 kids and 5 adults do you have a budget? yes i do, it is around $2200 where will you be travelling from? We are from Neverland We have nothing available leaving from Neverland, are you able to depart from another city? we can depart from Toronto Gotham City is not a destination we travel to. Are you interested in any other destinations? hmm what options would i have out of Toronto? Would you be interested in Calgary? that would be nice I have a departure from Toronto to Calgary on August 17 returning on August 24. Does that work for you? No sorry i was planning on getting a tan this vacation. Thanks, is there anywhere else? Thank you\nis there anywhere else? How about a trip to Dominican Republic? it is quite cheap at this time of year. What options do you have available for me? I have the el Mar hotel available in Punta Cana this week. That sounds interesting. how many stars does the hotel have? 2.5 stars. You would have to fly out of Melbourne though", "original user side information": { "da_label": "goodbye" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "", "slots": {} }, "intent": "goodbye", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book str_date -1, book n_adults 5, book n_children 12, book budget $2200, book or_city Toronto" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "travel": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Toronto", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 1864.38, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 8 }, "arrival": { "hour": 6, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 8, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 8 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 8, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Melbourne", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2038.8, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "El Mar", "country": "Dominican Republic", "amenities": [], "dst_city": "Punta Cana", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 57 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 57, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 57 }, "arrival": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 57, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Tampa", "duration_days": 13 }, "price": 2081.2, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "El Mar", "country": "Dominican Republic", "amenities": [], "dst_city": "Punta Cana", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } } ] }, "slots and values": { "book": { "dst_city": [ "Ulsan", "calgary", "chicago", "Asian", "busan", "Burlingtonian", "Toluca", "baltimore", "Sendai", "Kocchi" ], "or_city": [ "London, England", "diagon alley", "St. Petersburg", "montreal", "PORTO", "rome", "Puebla", "san jose", "campinas", "osaka" ], "str_date": [ "6TH", "today", "August 31st", "Monday, the 12th", "AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH", "August 31st", "August 27th", "September 8th", "17", "friday sept 2 2016" ], "n_adults": [ "My lover, Juliette, rides out with me", "14 adults with me", "my three best friends and myself", "a date I wanted to bring", "friend tagging along", "a couple", "Two", "I will also be traveling with my assistant", "me and ma gurls", "husband" ], "budget": [ "35400", "3100", "$6400", "$5000", "18600", "13100 dollars", "7000", "4500", "free", "14700" ], "flex": [ false, true ], "n_children": [ "grandson", "darling little munchkins", "darling little munchkins", "set of twins", "three", "our son", "5", "7", "six of us with myself included", "three" ], "end_date": [ "13", "24", "September 5th", "august 30th", "following Tuesday", "12 September", "Twenty Fourth Day Of September", "Sep 16", "september 17", "29th" ], "arr_time_or": [ "1:00 am" ], "seat": [ "BIZ", "business", "biz", "First class", "Economy", "first class", "upgrade", "economy", "Business" ], "max_duration": [ "8 day", "under ten days", "15", "12", "6", "18", "18 days", "shortened my trip by one day", "week-long", "one night" ], "category": [ "nice", "Highest", "highly rated", "PAMPERED", "nice", "Higher", "better than 3", "3.0", "BETTER", "3" ], "breakfast": [ false, true ], "seat_ok": [ true ], "duration": [ "the longer", "11 days", "8-day", "6 day", "15 days", "15 day", "longer", "not really long", "the longer", "the longer" ], "price": [ "1808.68USD", "too expensive", "better value", "1651. 40 USD", "pricey", "too expensive", "under $400", "$2866.11", "7146.39", "$2866.11" ], "name": [ "serene garden", "Hotel Vanilla", "Echo", "Glacier", "tower hotel", "brass", "Majesty Hotel", "plaza serene", "Traveller", "the Kirei" ], "downtown": [ true ], "spa": [ true ], "min_duration": [ "four days", "longer period", "9 days", "10 days", "5 days", "13", "4", "9 days", "longest", "longer period" ], "wifi": [ false, true ], "action": [ "book" ], "count": [ "No other choices", "ONE", "the only options", "two", "only thing", "only", "all you have", "none at all" ], "budget_ok": [ true ], "intent_ok": [ true ], "dep_time_dst": [ "3:00am", "1:00am", "3 am" ], "parking": [ true, "-1" ], "dep_time_or": [ "7:00 am", "10 am" ], "museum": [ false, true ], "beach": [ false, true ], "count_name": [ "one", "two", "EVERYTHING", "only thing", "only", "all", "all 4", "3", "only choice" ], "gst_rating": [ "unrated", "9.32", "10", "8.98/10", "6.91/10", "0/10", "unrated", "8.37", "highest", "8.8" ], "park": [ false, true ], "airport": [ true ], "impl_anaphora": [ "category", "price" ], "mall": [ true ], "amenities": [ "-1" ], "vicinity": [ "-1" ], "palace": [ true ], "shopping": [ false, true ], "count_dst_city": [ "several", "all", "a few", "two" ], "cathedral": [ true ], "university": [ true ], "n_adults_ok": [ true ], "count_seat": [ "two" ], "market": [ true ] } }, "intents": { "book": [ "null", "negate", "request", "goodbye", "affirm", "switch_frame", "inform", "moreinfo", "request_compare", "thankyou", "greeting", "confirm", "request_alts" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( travel : (( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 2) | arrival : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 2 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 2) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 2 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Toronto | duration_days : 7) | price : 1864.38 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Amusement | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Calgary | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 8) | arrival : ( hour : 6 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 8 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 8) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 8 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Melbourne | duration_days : 7) | price : 2038.8 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : El Mar | country : Dominican Republic | amenities : () | dst_city : Punta Cana | category : 2.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 57) | arrival : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 57 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 57) | arrival : ( hour : 17 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 57 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 17 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Tampa | duration_days : 13) | price : 2081.2 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : El Mar | country : Dominican Republic | amenities : () | dst_city : Punta Cana | category : 2.5 star hotel ))))", "dst knowledge": "( book : ( dst_city : ( Ulsan | calgary | chicago | Asian | busan | Burlingtonian | Toluca | baltimore | Sendai | Kocchi ) | or_city : ( London | England | diagon alley | St. Petersburg | montreal | PORTO | rome | Puebla | san jose | campinas | osaka ) | str_date : ( 6TH | today | August 31st | Monday | the 12th | AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH | August 31st | August 27th | September 8th | 17 | friday sept 2 2016 ) | n_adults : ( My lover | Juliette | rides out with me | 14 adults with me | my three best friends and myself | a date I wanted to bring | friend tagging along | a couple | Two | I will also be traveling with my assistant | me and ma gurls | husband ) | budget : ( 35400 | 3100 | $6400 | $5000 | 18600 | 13100 dollars | 7000 | 4500 | free | 14700 ) | flex : (False | True) | n_children : ( grandson | darling little munchkins | darling little munchkins | set of twins | three | our son | 5 | 7 | six of us with myself included | three ) | end_date : ( 13 | 24 | September 5th | august 30th | following Tuesday | 12 September | Twenty Fourth Day Of September | Sep 16 | september 17 | 29th ) | arr_time_or : ( 1:00 am ) | seat : ( BIZ | business | biz | First class | Economy | first class | upgrade | economy | Business ) | max_duration : ( 8 day | under ten days | 15 | 12 | 6 | 18 | 18 days | shortened my trip by one day | week-long | one night ) | category : ( nice | Highest | highly rated | PAMPERED | nice | Higher | better than 3 | 3.0 | BETTER | 3 ) | breakfast : (False | True) | seat_ok : (True) | duration : ( the longer | 11 days | 8-day | 6 day | 15 days | 15 day | longer | not really long | the longer | the longer ) | price : ( 1808.68USD | too expensive | better value | 1651. 40 USD | pricey | too expensive | under $400 | $2866.11 | 7146.39 | $2866.11 ) | name : ( serene garden | Hotel Vanilla | Echo | Glacier | tower hotel | brass | Majesty Hotel | plaza serene | Traveller | the Kirei ) | downtown : (True) | spa : (True) | min_duration : ( four days | longer period | 9 days | 10 days | 5 days | 13 | 4 | 9 days | longest | longer period ) | wifi : (False | True) | action : ( book ) | count : ( No other choices | ONE | the only options | two | only thing | only | all you have | none at all ) | budget_ok : (True) | intent_ok : (True) | dep_time_dst : ( 3:00am | 1:00am | 3 am ) | parking : (True | -1 ) | dep_time_or : ( 7:00 am | 10 am ) | museum : (False | True) | beach : (False | True) | count_name : ( one | two | EVERYTHING | only thing | only | all | all 4 | 3 | only choice ) | gst_rating : ( unrated | 9.32 | 10 | 8.98/10 | 6.91/10 | 0/10 | unrated | 8.37 | highest | 8.8 ) | park : (False | True) | airport : (True) | impl_anaphora : ( category | price ) | mall : (True) | amenities : ( -1 ) | vicinity : ( -1 ) | palace : (True) | shopping : (False | True) | count_dst_city : ( several | all | a few | two ) | cathedral : (True) | university : (True) | n_adults_ok : (True) | count_seat : ( two ) | market : (True)))", "intent knowledge": "( book : ( null | negate | request | goodbye | affirm | switch_frame | inform | moreinfo | request_compare | thankyou | greeting | confirm | request_alts ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a trip. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a trip. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a trip. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a trip. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a trip. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "FRAMES--train--3": { "original dialog id": "train_3", "dialog index": 3, "original dialog info": { "scenario": { "db_id": "U22HTHYNP", "db_type": "booking", "task": "book", "items": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 6 }, "price": 5482.15, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.86, "vicinity": [], "name": "Hotel Richard", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Toronto", "category": "3.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 5648.4, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 6.37, "vicinity": [], "name": "Cosmos Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Kingston", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 9, "min": 36 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 36, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 9, "min": 36 }, "arrival": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 36, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 5851.61, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.98, "vicinity": [], "name": "The Regal Resort", "country": "Germany", "amenities": [ "FREE_WIFI", "SPA" ], "dst_city": "Mannheim", "category": "5.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 6 }, "price": 7081.11, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.86, "vicinity": [], "name": "Hotel Richard", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Toronto", "category": "3.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 7089.29, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.22, "vicinity": [], "name": "Ebony Manor Inn & Suites", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI", "FREE_PARKING" ], "dst_city": "Kingston", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 23, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 8445.37, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Vertex Inn", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "San Antonio", "category": "2.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 23, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 10960.45, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Vertex Inn", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "San Antonio", "category": "2.0 star hotel" } } ] } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016", "system response": "And what would be your maximum budget for this trip?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "da_label": "greeting" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "dst_city": "Caprica", "or_city": "Busan", "str_date": "Sunday August 21, 2016", "end_date": "Wednesday August 31, 2016" } }, "intent": "greeting", "dst": "book dst_city Caprica, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Wednesday August 31, 2016", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Caprica, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Wednesday August 31, 2016" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "Actually it's unlimited for this trip", "system response": "How many adults and how many children will be making this trip?", "dialog history": " Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016 And what would be your maximum budget for this trip?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "budget": "-1" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book budget -1", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Caprica, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Wednesday August 31, 2016, book budget -1" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "2 adults", "system response": "I have no trips to Caprica from Busan. I do have a trip to Mannheim, Germany, one to Kingston , Canada, and another to Toronto Canada. Would you like to select alternate dates or an alternate travel destination?", "dialog history": " Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016 And what would be your maximum budget for this trip? Actually it's unlimited for this trip How many adults and how many children will be making this trip?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "n_adults": "2" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book n_adults 2", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Caprica, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Wednesday August 31, 2016, book budget -1, book n_adults 2" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Do you have anything for San Antonio as a destination?", "system response": "Yes, I do. I have one for 8445.37 USD. Would you like to book this package? The guest rating is 7.15/10 and there is free parking and free wifi. Leaving Sunday, August 21st at 11:00 a.m. and returning Sunday, August 28th at 1:00 a.m.", "dialog history": " Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016 And what would be your maximum budget for this trip? Actually it's unlimited for this trip How many adults and how many children will be making this trip? 2 adults I have no trips to Caprica from Busan. I do have a trip to Mannheim, Germany, one to Kingston , Canada, and another to Toronto Canada. Would you like to select alternate dates or an alternate travel destination?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "dst_city": "San Antonio" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book dst_city San Antonio", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city San Antonio, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Wednesday August 31, 2016, book budget -1, book n_adults 2" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "Is breakfast included?", "system response": "Yes, it is.", "dialog history": " Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016 And what would be your maximum budget for this trip? Actually it's unlimited for this trip How many adults and how many children will be making this trip? 2 adults I have no trips to Caprica from Busan. I do have a trip to Mannheim, Germany, one to Kingston , Canada, and another to Toronto Canada. Would you like to select alternate dates or an alternate travel destination? Do you have anything for San Antonio as a destination? Yes, I do. I have one for 8445.37 USD. Would you like to book this package? The guest rating is 7.15/10 and there is free parking and free wifi. Leaving Sunday, August 21st at 11:00 a.m. and returning Sunday, August 28th at 1:00 a.m.", "original user side information": { "da_label": "switch_frame" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "inform", "slots": {} }, "intent": "switch_frame", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city San Antonio, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Wednesday August 31, 2016, book budget -1, book n_adults 2" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "That sounds great. 1:00 am return on Sunday August 28th is very early in the morning...", "system response": "Would you like to book this package?", "dialog history": " Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016 And what would be your maximum budget for this trip? Actually it's unlimited for this trip How many adults and how many children will be making this trip? 2 adults I have no trips to Caprica from Busan. I do have a trip to Mannheim, Germany, one to Kingston , Canada, and another to Toronto Canada. Would you like to select alternate dates or an alternate travel destination? Do you have anything for San Antonio as a destination? Yes, I do. I have one for 8445.37 USD. Would you like to book this package? The guest rating is 7.15/10 and there is free parking and free wifi. Leaving Sunday, August 21st at 11:00 a.m. and returning Sunday, August 28th at 1:00 a.m. Is breakfast included? Yes, it is.", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "arr_time_or": "1:00 am", "end_date": "Sunday August 28th" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book arr_time_or 1:00 am, book end_date Sunday August 28th", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city San Antonio, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Sunday August 28th, book budget -1, book n_adults 2, book arr_time_or 1:00 am" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "Yes I would. Thanks for your help.", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hi I'd like to go to Caprica from Busan, between Sunday August 21, 2016 and Wednesday August 31, 2016 And what would be your maximum budget for this trip? Actually it's unlimited for this trip How many adults and how many children will be making this trip? 2 adults I have no trips to Caprica from Busan. I do have a trip to Mannheim, Germany, one to Kingston , Canada, and another to Toronto Canada. Would you like to select alternate dates or an alternate travel destination? Do you have anything for San Antonio as a destination? Yes, I do. I have one for 8445.37 USD. Would you like to book this package? The guest rating is 7.15/10 and there is free parking and free wifi. Leaving Sunday, August 21st at 11:00 a.m. and returning Sunday, August 28th at 1:00 a.m. Is breakfast included? Yes, it is. That sounds great. 1:00 am return on Sunday August 28th is very early in the morning... Would you like to book this package?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "thankyou" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "", "slots": {} }, "intent": "thankyou", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city San Antonio, book or_city Busan, book str_date Sunday August 21, 2016, book end_date Sunday August 28th, book budget -1, book n_adults 2, book arr_time_or 1:00 am" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "travel": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 6 }, "price": 5482.15, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.86, "vicinity": [], "name": "Hotel Richard", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Toronto", "category": "3.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 5648.4, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 6.37, "vicinity": [], "name": "Cosmos Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Kingston", "category": "2.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 9, "min": 36 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 36, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 9, "min": 36 }, "arrival": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 36, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 5851.61, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.98, "vicinity": [], "name": "The Regal Resort", "country": "Germany", "amenities": [ "FREE_WIFI", "SPA" ], "dst_city": "Mannheim", "category": "5.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 6 }, "price": 7081.11, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.86, "vicinity": [], "name": "Hotel Richard", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Toronto", "category": "3.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 14 }, "arrival": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 14, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 7089.29, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.22, "vicinity": [], "name": "Ebony Manor Inn & Suites", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_WIFI", "FREE_PARKING" ], "dst_city": "Kingston", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 23, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 8445.37, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Vertex Inn", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "San Antonio", "category": "2.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 28, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 12, "min": 24 }, "arrival": { "hour": 23, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 24, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 21, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Busan", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 10960.45, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 7.15, "vicinity": [], "name": "Vertex Inn", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "San Antonio", "category": "2.0 star hotel" } } ] }, "slots and values": { "book": { "dst_city": [ "Ulsan", "calgary", "chicago", "Asian", "busan", "Burlingtonian", "Toluca", "baltimore", "Sendai", "Kocchi" ], "or_city": [ "London, England", "diagon alley", "St. Petersburg", "montreal", "PORTO", "rome", "Puebla", "san jose", "campinas", "osaka" ], "str_date": [ "6TH", "today", "August 31st", "Monday, the 12th", "AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH", "August 31st", "August 27th", "September 8th", "17", "friday sept 2 2016" ], "n_adults": [ "My lover, Juliette, rides out with me", "14 adults with me", "my three best friends and myself", "a date I wanted to bring", "friend tagging along", "a couple", "Two", "I will also be traveling with my assistant", "me and ma gurls", "husband" ], "budget": [ "35400", "3100", "$6400", "$5000", "18600", "13100 dollars", "7000", "4500", "free", "14700" ], "flex": [ false, true ], "n_children": [ "grandson", "darling little munchkins", "darling little munchkins", "set of twins", "three", "our son", "5", "7", "six of us with myself included", "three" ], "end_date": [ "13", "24", "September 5th", "august 30th", "following Tuesday", "12 September", "Twenty Fourth Day Of September", "Sep 16", "september 17", "29th" ], "arr_time_or": [ "1:00 am" ], "seat": [ "BIZ", "business", "biz", "First class", "Economy", "first class", "upgrade", "economy", "Business" ], "max_duration": [ "8 day", "under ten days", "15", "12", "6", "18", "18 days", "shortened my trip by one day", "week-long", "one night" ], "category": [ "nice", "Highest", "highly rated", "PAMPERED", "nice", "Higher", "better than 3", "3.0", "BETTER", "3" ], "breakfast": [ false, true ], "seat_ok": [ true ], "duration": [ "the longer", "11 days", "8-day", "6 day", "15 days", "15 day", "longer", "not really long", "the longer", "the longer" ], "price": [ "1808.68USD", "too expensive", "better value", "1651. 40 USD", "pricey", "too expensive", "under $400", "$2866.11", "7146.39", "$2866.11" ], "name": [ "serene garden", "Hotel Vanilla", "Echo", "Glacier", "tower hotel", "brass", "Majesty Hotel", "plaza serene", "Traveller", "the Kirei" ], "downtown": [ true ], "spa": [ true ], "min_duration": [ "four days", "longer period", "9 days", "10 days", "5 days", "13", "4", "9 days", "longest", "longer period" ], "wifi": [ false, true ], "action": [ "book" ], "count": [ "No other choices", "ONE", "the only options", "two", "only thing", "only", "all you have", "none at all" ], "budget_ok": [ true ], "intent_ok": [ true ], "dep_time_dst": [ "3:00am", "1:00am", "3 am" ], "parking": [ true, "-1" ], "dep_time_or": [ "7:00 am", "10 am" ], "museum": [ false, true ], "beach": [ false, true ], "count_name": [ "one", "two", "EVERYTHING", "only thing", "only", "all", "all 4", "3", "only choice" ], "gst_rating": [ "unrated", "9.32", "10", "8.98/10", "6.91/10", "0/10", "unrated", "8.37", "highest", "8.8" ], "park": [ false, true ], "airport": [ true ], "impl_anaphora": [ "category", "price" ], "mall": [ true ], "amenities": [ "-1" ], "vicinity": [ "-1" ], "palace": [ true ], "shopping": [ false, true ], "count_dst_city": [ "several", "all", "a few", "two" ], "cathedral": [ true ], "university": [ true ], "n_adults_ok": [ true ], "count_seat": [ "two" ], "market": [ true ] } }, "intents": { "book": [ "null", "negate", "request", "goodbye", "affirm", "switch_frame", "inform", "moreinfo", "request_compare", "thankyou", "greeting", "confirm", "request_alts" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( travel : (( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 4) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 29 | min : 4 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 29 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 4) | arrival : ( hour : 21 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 4 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 6) | price : 5482.15 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.86 | vicinity : () | name : Hotel Richard | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Toronto | category : 3.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 14) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 14 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 14) | arrival : ( hour : 19 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 14 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 7 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 4) | price : 5648.4 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 6.37 | vicinity : () | name : Cosmos Inn | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Kingston | category : 2.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 9 | min : 36) | arrival : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 30 | min : 36 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 30 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 9 | min : 36) | arrival : ( hour : 16 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 36 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 7 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 4) | price : 5851.61 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.98 | vicinity : () | name : The Regal Resort | country : Germany | amenities : ( FREE_WIFI | SPA ) | dst_city : Mannheim | category : 5.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 4) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 29 | min : 4 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 29 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 4) | arrival : ( hour : 21 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 4 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 6) | price : 7081.11 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.86 | vicinity : () | name : Hotel Richard | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Toronto | category : 3.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 14) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 14 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 14) | arrival : ( hour : 19 | year : 2016 | day : 25 | min : 14 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 7 | year : 2016 | day : 25 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 4) | price : 7089.29 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.22 | vicinity : () | name : Ebony Manor Inn & Suites | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI | FREE_PARKING ) | dst_city : Kingston | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 24) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 24 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 24) | arrival : ( hour : 23 | year : 2016 | day : 21 | min : 24 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 21 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 8) | price : 8445.37 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 7.15 | vicinity : () | name : Vertex Inn | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : San Antonio | category : 2.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 24) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 24 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 12 | min : 24) | arrival : ( hour : 23 | year : 2016 | day : 21 | min : 24 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 21 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Busan | duration_days : 8) | price : 10960.45 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 7.15 | vicinity : () | name : Vertex Inn | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : San Antonio | category : 2.0 star hotel ))))", "dst knowledge": "( book : ( dst_city : ( Ulsan | calgary | chicago | Asian | busan | Burlingtonian | Toluca | baltimore | Sendai | Kocchi ) | or_city : ( London | England | diagon alley | St. Petersburg | montreal | PORTO | rome | Puebla | san jose | campinas | osaka ) | str_date : ( 6TH | today | August 31st | Monday | the 12th | AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH | August 31st | August 27th | September 8th | 17 | friday sept 2 2016 ) | n_adults : ( My lover | Juliette | rides out with me | 14 adults with me | my three best friends and myself | a date I wanted to bring | friend tagging along | a couple | Two | I will also be traveling with my assistant | me and ma gurls | husband ) | budget : ( 35400 | 3100 | $6400 | $5000 | 18600 | 13100 dollars | 7000 | 4500 | free | 14700 ) | flex : (False | True) | n_children : ( grandson | darling little munchkins | darling little munchkins | set of twins | three | our son | 5 | 7 | six of us with myself included | three ) | end_date : ( 13 | 24 | September 5th | august 30th | following Tuesday | 12 September | Twenty Fourth Day Of September | Sep 16 | september 17 | 29th ) | arr_time_or : ( 1:00 am ) | seat : ( BIZ | business | biz | First class | Economy | first class | upgrade | economy | Business ) | max_duration : ( 8 day | under ten days | 15 | 12 | 6 | 18 | 18 days | shortened my trip by one day | week-long | one night ) | category : ( nice | Highest | highly rated | PAMPERED | nice | Higher | better than 3 | 3.0 | BETTER | 3 ) | breakfast : (False | True) | seat_ok : (True) | duration : ( the longer | 11 days | 8-day | 6 day | 15 days | 15 day | longer | not really long | the longer | the longer ) | price : ( 1808.68USD | too expensive | better value | 1651. 40 USD | pricey | too expensive | under $400 | $2866.11 | 7146.39 | $2866.11 ) | name : ( serene garden | Hotel Vanilla | Echo | Glacier | tower hotel | brass | Majesty Hotel | plaza serene | Traveller | the Kirei ) | downtown : (True) | spa : (True) | min_duration : ( four days | longer period | 9 days | 10 days | 5 days | 13 | 4 | 9 days | longest | longer period ) | wifi : (False | True) | action : ( book ) | count : ( No other choices | ONE | the only options | two | only thing | only | all you have | none at all ) | budget_ok : (True) | intent_ok : (True) | dep_time_dst : ( 3:00am | 1:00am | 3 am ) | parking : (True | -1 ) | dep_time_or : ( 7:00 am | 10 am ) | museum : (False | True) | beach : (False | True) | count_name : ( one | two | EVERYTHING | only thing | only | all | all 4 | 3 | only choice ) | gst_rating : ( unrated | 9.32 | 10 | 8.98/10 | 6.91/10 | 0/10 | unrated | 8.37 | highest | 8.8 ) | park : (False | True) | airport : (True) | impl_anaphora : ( category | price ) | mall : (True) | amenities : ( -1 ) | vicinity : ( -1 ) | palace : (True) | shopping : (False | True) | count_dst_city : ( several | all | a few | two ) | cathedral : (True) | university : (True) | n_adults_ok : (True) | count_seat : ( two ) | market : (True)))", "intent knowledge": "( book : ( null | negate | request | goodbye | affirm | switch_frame | inform | moreinfo | request_compare | thankyou | greeting | confirm | request_alts ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a trip. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a trip. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a trip. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a trip. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a trip. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "FRAMES--train--4": { "original dialog id": "train_4", "dialog index": 4, "original dialog info": { "scenario": { "db_id": "U21RP4FCY", "db_type": "booking", "task": "book", "items": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 2, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Baltimore", "duration_days": 11 }, "price": 692.14, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 57 }, "arrival": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 57, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 57 }, "arrival": { "hour": 18, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 57, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Pittsburgh", "duration_days": 11 }, "price": 1406.7, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 39 }, "arrival": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 39, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 39 }, "arrival": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 39, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Alexandria", "duration_days": 9 }, "price": 1542.75, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 4, "min": 41 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 41, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 4, "min": 41 }, "arrival": { "hour": 23, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 41, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Houston", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 1586.25, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 4, "min": 33 }, "arrival": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 2, "min": 33, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 2, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 4, "min": 33 }, "arrival": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 33, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 22, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Tampa", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 1833.58, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 10, "min": 55 }, "arrival": { "hour": 14, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 55, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 10, "min": 55 }, "arrival": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 55, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Leon", "duration_days": 11 }, "price": 3114.41, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 11, "min": 12 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 12, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 11, "min": 12 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 12, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Brasilia", "duration_days": 10 }, "price": 3757.5, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 8, "min": 26 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 26, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 4, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 8, "min": 26 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 26, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Fortaleza", "duration_days": 9 }, "price": 3767.8, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 10, "min": 31 }, "arrival": { "hour": 14, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 31, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 10, "min": 31 }, "arrival": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 31, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Campinas", "duration_days": 11 }, "price": 3874.24, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 10, "min": 30 }, "arrival": { "hour": 13, "year": 2016, "day": 5, "min": 30, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 3, "year": 2016, "day": 5, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 10, "min": 30 }, "arrival": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 30, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 14, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Barcelona", "duration_days": 10 }, "price": 4337.85, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 46 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 46, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 2, "min": 46 }, "arrival": { "hour": 20, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 46, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 18, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Cancun", "duration_days": 3 }, "price": 1252.97, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 38 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 38, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 38 }, "arrival": { "hour": 22, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 38, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "New York", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 1331.28, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 9 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 9, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 9 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 9, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 18, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Los Angeles", "duration_days": 3 }, "price": 1359.74, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 12 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 12, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 7, "year": 2016, "day": 29, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 12 }, "arrival": { "hour": 21, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 12, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 18, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Puebla", "duration_days": 3 }, "price": 1371.18, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United States", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "St. Louis", "category": "3.5 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 38 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 38, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 30, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 3, "min": 38 }, "arrival": { "hour": 22, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 38, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 19, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "New 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Louis", "category": "5.0 star hotel" } } ] } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August", "system response": "For how many days?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "da_label": "greeting" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "dst_city": "St. Louis", "str_date": "17th of August" } }, "intent": "greeting", "dst": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "I need to back by the 31st", "system response": "What will your departure city be?", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "request", "slots": { "end_date": "31st" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book end_date 31st", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "I\u2019m from Calgary", "system response": "I have a direct flight leaving from Calgary on August 18 and returning on August 28th. Does that work for you?", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days? I need to back by the 31st What will your departure city be?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "or_city": "Calgary" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book or_city Calgary", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st, book or_city Calgary" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Yes that sounds perfect may you please tell me about the destination place", "system response": "It is the Glorious Cloak inn hotel in St. Louis. It has a 3-star rating.", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days? I need to back by the 31st What will your departure city be? I\u2019m from Calgary I have a direct flight leaving from Calgary on August 18 and returning on August 28th. Does that work for you?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "moreinfo" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "inform", "slots": {} }, "intent": "moreinfo", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st, book or_city Calgary" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "That sounds lavish, what type of flight would that be?", "system response": "You would be flying business class, for a grand total of only $1858.14", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days? I need to back by the 31st What will your departure city be? I\u2019m from Calgary I have a direct flight leaving from Calgary on August 18 and returning on August 28th. Does that work for you? Yes that sounds perfect may you please tell me about the destination place It is the Glorious Cloak inn hotel in St. Louis. It has a 3-star rating.", "original user side information": { "da_label": "request" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "inform", "slots": {} }, "intent": "request", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st, book or_city Calgary" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "Are there any possible flights with economy class?", "system response": "I have a package at the Lunar whcih has a 5 star rating on an economy class flight on the same dates for $1558.00", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days? I need to back by the 31st What will your departure city be? I\u2019m from Calgary I have a direct flight leaving from Calgary on August 18 and returning on August 28th. Does that work for you? Yes that sounds perfect may you please tell me about the destination place It is the Glorious Cloak inn hotel in St. Louis. It has a 3-star rating. That sounds lavish, what type of flight would that be? You would be flying business class, for a grand total of only $1858.14", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "seat": "economy" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book seat economy", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st, book or_city Calgary, book seat economy" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "that sounds even better.", "system response": "This deal includes free breakfast and free wifi. Would you like me to book it for you?", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days? I need to back by the 31st What will your departure city be? I\u2019m from Calgary I have a direct flight leaving from Calgary on August 18 and returning on August 28th. Does that work for you? Yes that sounds perfect may you please tell me about the destination place It is the Glorious Cloak inn hotel in St. Louis. It has a 3-star rating. That sounds lavish, what type of flight would that be? You would be flying business class, for a grand total of only $1858.14 Are there any possible flights with economy class? I have a package at the Lunar whcih has a 5 star rating on an economy class flight on the same dates for $1558.00", "original user side information": { "da_label": "switch_frame" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": {} }, "intent": "switch_frame", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st, book or_city Calgary, book seat economy" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "Yes please, that sounds wonderful. thank you", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hey, i Want to go to St. Louis on the 17th of August For how many days? I need to back by the 31st What will your departure city be? I\u2019m from Calgary I have a direct flight leaving from Calgary on August 18 and returning on August 28th. Does that work for you? Yes that sounds perfect may you please tell me about the destination place It is the Glorious Cloak inn hotel in St. Louis. It has a 3-star rating. That sounds lavish, what type of flight would that be? You would be flying business class, for a grand total of only $1858.14 Are there any possible flights with economy class? I have a package at the Lunar whcih has a 5 star rating on an economy class flight on the same dates for $1558.00 that sounds even better. This deal includes free breakfast and free wifi. Would you like me to book it for you?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "thankyou" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "", "slots": {} }, "intent": "thankyou", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city St. Louis, book str_date 17th of August, book end_date 31st, book or_city Calgary, book seat economy" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "travel": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 2, "month": 9 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 6, "min": 0, "month": 9 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 15, "year": 2016, "day": 26, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Baltimore", "duration_days": 11 }, "price": 692.14, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 9.16, "vicinity": [], "name": "Palacio Tranquila", "country": "United 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"August 31st", "Monday, the 12th", "AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH", "August 31st", "August 27th", "September 8th", "17", "friday sept 2 2016" ], "n_adults": [ "My lover, Juliette, rides out with me", "14 adults with me", "my three best friends and myself", "a date I wanted to bring", "friend tagging along", "a couple", "Two", "I will also be traveling with my assistant", "me and ma gurls", "husband" ], "budget": [ "35400", "3100", "$6400", "$5000", "18600", "13100 dollars", "7000", "4500", "free", "14700" ], "flex": [ false, true ], "n_children": [ "grandson", "darling little munchkins", "darling little munchkins", "set of twins", "three", "our son", "5", "7", "six of us with myself included", "three" ], "end_date": [ "13", "24", "September 5th", "august 30th", "following Tuesday", "12 September", "Twenty Fourth Day Of September", "Sep 16", "september 17", "29th" ], "arr_time_or": [ "1:00 am" ], "seat": [ "BIZ", "business", "biz", "First class", "Economy", "first class", "upgrade", "economy", "Business" ], "max_duration": [ "8 day", "under ten days", "15", "12", "6", "18", "18 days", "shortened my trip by one day", "week-long", "one night" ], "category": [ "nice", "Highest", "highly rated", "PAMPERED", "nice", "Higher", "better than 3", "3.0", "BETTER", "3" ], "breakfast": [ false, true ], "seat_ok": [ true ], "duration": [ "the longer", "11 days", "8-day", "6 day", "15 days", "15 day", "longer", "not really long", "the longer", "the longer" ], "price": [ "1808.68USD", "too expensive", "better value", "1651. 40 USD", "pricey", "too expensive", "under $400", "$2866.11", "7146.39", "$2866.11" ], "name": [ "serene garden", "Hotel Vanilla", "Echo", "Glacier", "tower hotel", "brass", "Majesty Hotel", "plaza serene", "Traveller", "the Kirei" ], "downtown": [ true ], "spa": [ true ], "min_duration": [ "four days", "longer period", "9 days", "10 days", "5 days", "13", "4", "9 days", "longest", "longer period" ], "wifi": [ false, true ], "action": [ "book" ], "count": [ "No other choices", "ONE", "the only options", "two", "only thing", "only", "all you have", "none at all" ], "budget_ok": [ true ], "intent_ok": [ true ], "dep_time_dst": [ "3:00am", "1:00am", "3 am" ], "parking": [ true, "-1" ], "dep_time_or": [ "7:00 am", "10 am" ], "museum": [ false, true ], "beach": [ false, true ], "count_name": [ "one", "two", "EVERYTHING", "only thing", "only", "all", "all 4", "3", "only choice" ], "gst_rating": [ "unrated", "9.32", "10", "8.98/10", "6.91/10", "0/10", "unrated", "8.37", "highest", "8.8" ], "park": [ false, true ], "airport": [ true ], "impl_anaphora": [ "category", "price" ], "mall": [ true ], "amenities": [ "-1" ], "vicinity": [ "-1" ], "palace": [ true ], "shopping": [ false, true ], "count_dst_city": [ "several", "all", "a few", "two" ], "cathedral": [ true ], "university": [ true ], "n_adults_ok": [ true ], "count_seat": [ "two" ], "market": [ true ] } }, "intents": { "book": [ "null", "negate", "request", "goodbye", "affirm", "switch_frame", "inform", "moreinfo", "request_compare", "thankyou", "greeting", "confirm", "request_alts" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( travel : (( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 2) | arrival : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 2 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 2) | arrival : ( hour : 16 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 2 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 15 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Baltimore | duration_days : 11) | price : 692.14 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 8 | min : 26) | arrival : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 4 | min : 26 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 2 | year : 2016 | day : 4 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 8 | min : 26) | arrival : ( hour : 21 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 26 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Fortaleza | duration_days : 9) | price : 3767.8 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 3 | min : 38) | arrival : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 30 | min : 38 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 8 | year : 2016 | day : 30 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 3 | min : 38) | arrival : ( hour : 22 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 38 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 19 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : New York | duration_days : 4) | price : 1331.28 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 11 | min : 12) | arrival : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 4 | min : 12 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 2 | year : 2016 | day : 4 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 11 | min : 12) | arrival : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 12 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 13 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Brasilia | duration_days : 10) | price : 3757.5 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 4 | min : 17) | arrival : ( hour : 7 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 17 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 3 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 4 | min : 17) | arrival : ( hour : 18 | year : 2016 | day : 18 | min : 17 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 14 | year : 2016 | day : 18 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Calgary | duration_days : 10) | price : 1858.14 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 7.15 | vicinity : () | name : Glorious Cloak Inn | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 4 | min : 17) | arrival : ( hour : 7 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 17 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 3 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 4 | min : 17) | arrival : ( hour : 18 | year : 2016 | day : 18 | min : 17 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 14 | year : 2016 | day : 18 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Calgary | duration_days : 10) | price : 1558.2 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.98 | vicinity : () | name : Lunar | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 5.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 10 | min : 31) | arrival : ( hour : 14 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 31 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 10 | min : 31) | arrival : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 31 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 15 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Campinas | duration_days : 11) | price : 3874.24 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 4 | min : 17) | arrival : ( hour : 7 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 17 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 3 | year : 2016 | day : 28 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 4 | min : 17) | arrival : ( hour : 18 | year : 2016 | day : 18 | min : 17 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 14 | year : 2016 | day : 18 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Calgary | duration_days : 10) | price : 1489.77 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 7.15 | vicinity : () | name : Glorious Cloak Inn | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 10 | min : 55) | arrival : ( hour : 14 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 55 | month : 9) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 6 | min : 0 | month : 9)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 10 | min : 55) | arrival : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 55 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 15 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Leon | duration_days : 11) | price : 3114.41 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 3 | min : 38) | arrival : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 30 | min : 38 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 8 | year : 2016 | day : 30 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 3 | min : 38) | arrival : ( hour : 22 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 38 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 19 | year : 2016 | day : 26 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : New York | duration_days : 4) | price : 1628.75 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 9.16 | vicinity : () | name : Palacio Tranquila | country : United States | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : St. Louis | category : 3.5 star hotel ))))", "dst knowledge": "( book : ( dst_city : ( Ulsan | calgary | chicago | Asian | busan | Burlingtonian | Toluca | baltimore | Sendai | Kocchi ) | or_city : ( London | England | diagon alley | St. Petersburg | montreal | PORTO | rome | Puebla | san jose | campinas | osaka ) | str_date : ( 6TH | today | August 31st | Monday | the 12th | AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH | August 31st | August 27th | September 8th | 17 | friday sept 2 2016 ) | n_adults : ( My lover | Juliette | rides out with me | 14 adults with me | my three best friends and myself | a date I wanted to bring | friend tagging along | a couple | Two | I will also be traveling with my assistant | me and ma gurls | husband ) | budget : ( 35400 | 3100 | $6400 | $5000 | 18600 | 13100 dollars | 7000 | 4500 | free | 14700 ) | flex : (False | True) | n_children : ( grandson | darling little munchkins | darling little munchkins | set of twins | three | our son | 5 | 7 | six of us with myself included | three ) | end_date : ( 13 | 24 | September 5th | august 30th | following Tuesday | 12 September | Twenty Fourth Day Of September | Sep 16 | september 17 | 29th ) | arr_time_or : ( 1:00 am ) | seat : ( BIZ | business | biz | First class | Economy | first class | upgrade | economy | Business ) | max_duration : ( 8 day | under ten days | 15 | 12 | 6 | 18 | 18 days | shortened my trip by one day | week-long | one night ) | category : ( nice | Highest | highly rated | PAMPERED | nice | Higher | better than 3 | 3.0 | BETTER | 3 ) | breakfast : (False | True) | seat_ok : (True) | duration : ( the longer | 11 days | 8-day | 6 day | 15 days | 15 day | longer | not really long | the longer | the longer ) | price : ( 1808.68USD | too expensive | better value | 1651. 40 USD | pricey | too expensive | under $400 | $2866.11 | 7146.39 | $2866.11 ) | name : ( serene garden | Hotel Vanilla | Echo | Glacier | tower hotel | brass | Majesty Hotel | plaza serene | Traveller | the Kirei ) | downtown : (True) | spa : (True) | min_duration : ( four days | longer period | 9 days | 10 days | 5 days | 13 | 4 | 9 days | longest | longer period ) | wifi : (False | True) | action : ( book ) | count : ( No other choices | ONE | the only options | two | only thing | only | all you have | none at all ) | budget_ok : (True) | intent_ok : (True) | dep_time_dst : ( 3:00am | 1:00am | 3 am ) | parking : (True | -1 ) | dep_time_or : ( 7:00 am | 10 am ) | museum : (False | True) | beach : (False | True) | count_name : ( one | two | EVERYTHING | only thing | only | all | all 4 | 3 | only choice ) | gst_rating : ( unrated | 9.32 | 10 | 8.98/10 | 6.91/10 | 0/10 | unrated | 8.37 | highest | 8.8 ) | park : (False | True) | airport : (True) | impl_anaphora : ( category | price ) | mall : (True) | amenities : ( -1 ) | vicinity : ( -1 ) | palace : (True) | shopping : (False | True) | count_dst_city : ( several | all | a few | two ) | cathedral : (True) | university : (True) | n_adults_ok : (True) | count_seat : ( two ) | market : (True)))", "intent knowledge": "( book : ( null | negate | request | goodbye | affirm | switch_frame | inform | moreinfo | request_compare | thankyou | greeting | confirm | request_alts ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a trip. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a trip. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a trip. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a trip. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a trip. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "FRAMES--train--5": { "original dialog id": "train_5", "dialog index": 5, "original dialog info": { "scenario": { "db_id": "U22HTHYNP", "db_type": "booking", "task": "book", "items": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Houston", "duration_days": 12 }, "price": 1607.78, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Houston", "duration_days": 12 }, "price": 1810.76, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 16 }, "arrival": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 16, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 16 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 16, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Minneapolis", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 1852.59, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 55 }, "arrival": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 55, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 55 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 55, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "London", "duration_days": 6 }, "price": 2132.26, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 48 }, "arrival": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 48, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 48 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 48, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Toronto", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 2154.91, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 41 }, "arrival": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 22, "min": 41, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 22, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 41 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 41, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "London", "duration_days": 5 }, "price": 1897.54, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 44 }, "arrival": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 44, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 44 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 44, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Vancouver", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 1990.24, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Toronto", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2102.23, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 52 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 52, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 52 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 52, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Las Vegas", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 2139.87, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Pittsburgh", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2158.23, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } } ] } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "I'm looking for a trip to Gotham City leaving from Kakariko Village on Saturday, August 13, 2016. 3 adults for no more than $2400 USD.", "system response": "I have a trip available to Vancouver for these dates within your price range. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "dst_city": "Gotham City", "or_city": "Kakariko Village", "str_date": "Saturday, August 13, 2016", "n_adults": "3", "budget": "$2400 USD" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book dst_city Gotham City, book or_city Kakariko Village, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults 3, book budget $2400 USD", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book or_city Kakariko Village, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults 3, book budget $2400 USD" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "I'd like to adjust the departure city to Caprica.", "system response": "Still no availability for this destination. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates?", "dialog history": " I'm looking for a trip to Gotham City leaving from Kakariko Village on Saturday, August 13, 2016. 3 adults for no more than $2400 USD. I have a trip available to Vancouver for these dates within your price range. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "suggest", "slots": { "or_city": "Caprica" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book or_city Caprica", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Gotham City, book or_city Caprica, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults 3, book budget $2400 USD" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "The dates cannot be changed. How about going to Theed with 14 adults, leaving from Kakariko Village, on a budget of $2900?", "system response": "Still no availability.", "dialog history": " I'm looking for a trip to Gotham City leaving from Kakariko Village on Saturday, August 13, 2016. 3 adults for no more than $2400 USD. I have a trip available to Vancouver for these dates within your price range. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates? I'd like to adjust the departure city to Caprica. Still no availability for this destination. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates?", "original user side information": { "da_label": "inform" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "no_result", "slots": { "flex": false, "dst_city": "Theed", "or_city": "Kakariko Village", "n_adults": "with 14 adults", "budget": "$2900" } }, "intent": "inform", "dst": "book flex False, book dst_city Theed, book or_city Kakariko Village, book n_adults with 14 adults, book budget $2900", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Theed, book or_city Kakariko Village, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults with 14 adults, book budget $2900, book flex False" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Then I will bring my business elsewhere. Thank you.", "system response": "", "dialog history": " I'm looking for a trip to Gotham City leaving from Kakariko Village on Saturday, August 13, 2016. 3 adults for no more than $2400 USD. I have a trip available to Vancouver for these dates within your price range. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates? I'd like to adjust the departure city to Caprica. Still no availability for this destination. Would you like to increase your budget or adjust the dates? The dates cannot be changed. How about going to Theed with 14 adults, leaving from Kakariko Village, on a budget of $2900? Still no availability.", "original user side information": { "da_label": "thankyou" }, "original system side information": { "da_label": "", "slots": {} }, "intent": "thankyou", "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "book dst_city Theed, book or_city Kakariko Village, book str_date Saturday, August 13, 2016, book n_adults with 14 adults, book budget $2900, book flex False" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "travel": [ { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Houston", "duration_days": 12 }, "price": 1607.78, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 1 }, "arrival": { "hour": 17, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 1, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 16, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Houston", "duration_days": 12 }, "price": 1810.76, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 16 }, "arrival": { "hour": 1, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 16, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 0, "year": 2016, "day": 31, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 16 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 16, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 8, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Minneapolis", "duration_days": 4 }, "price": 1852.59, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 55 }, "arrival": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 55, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 55 }, "arrival": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 55, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 10, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "London", "duration_days": 6 }, "price": 2132.26, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 48 }, "arrival": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 48, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 27, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 48 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 48, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 19, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Toronto", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 2154.91, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 8.8, "vicinity": [], "name": "Obsidian Gem Inn", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_BREAKFAST", "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Vancouver", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 41 }, "arrival": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 22, "min": 41, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 2, "year": 2016, "day": 22, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 41 }, "arrival": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 41, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 9, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "London", "duration_days": 5 }, "price": 1897.54, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 44 }, "arrival": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 44, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "BUSINESS", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 44 }, "arrival": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 44, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Vancouver", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 1990.24, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 2 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 2, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Toronto", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2102.23, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 52 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 52, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 25, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 0, "min": 52 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 52, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Las Vegas", "duration_days": 8 }, "price": 2139.87, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } }, { "trip": { "returning": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 5, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 4, "year": 2016, "day": 24, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "seat": "ECONOMY", "leaving": { "duration": { "hours": 1, "min": 4 }, "arrival": { "hour": 12, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 4, "month": 8 }, "departure": { "hour": 11, "year": 2016, "day": 17, "min": 0, "month": 8 } }, "or_city": "Pittsburgh", "duration_days": 7 }, "price": 2158.23, "hotel": { "gst_rating": 0, "vicinity": [], "name": "Amusement", "country": "Canada", "amenities": [ "FREE_PARKING", "FREE_WIFI" ], "dst_city": "Calgary", "category": "4.0 star hotel" } } ] }, "slots and values": { "book": { "dst_city": [ "Ulsan", "calgary", "chicago", "Asian", "busan", "Burlingtonian", "Toluca", "baltimore", "Sendai", "Kocchi" ], "or_city": [ "London, England", "diagon alley", "St. Petersburg", "montreal", "PORTO", "rome", "Puebla", "san jose", "campinas", "osaka" ], "str_date": [ "6TH", "today", "August 31st", "Monday, the 12th", "AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH", "August 31st", "August 27th", "September 8th", "17", "friday sept 2 2016" ], "n_adults": [ "My lover, Juliette, rides out with me", "14 adults with me", "my three best friends and myself", "a date I wanted to bring", "friend tagging along", "a couple", "Two", "I will also be traveling with my assistant", "me and ma gurls", "husband" ], "budget": [ "35400", "3100", "$6400", "$5000", "18600", "13100 dollars", "7000", "4500", "free", "14700" ], "flex": [ false, true ], "n_children": [ "grandson", "darling little munchkins", "darling little munchkins", "set of twins", "three", "our son", "5", "7", "six of us with myself included", "three" ], "end_date": [ "13", "24", "September 5th", "august 30th", "following Tuesday", "12 September", "Twenty Fourth Day Of September", "Sep 16", "september 17", "29th" ], "arr_time_or": [ "1:00 am" ], "seat": [ "BIZ", "business", "biz", "First class", "Economy", "first class", "upgrade", "economy", "Business" ], "max_duration": [ "8 day", "under ten days", "15", "12", "6", "18", "18 days", "shortened my trip by one day", "week-long", "one night" ], "category": [ "nice", "Highest", "highly rated", "PAMPERED", "nice", "Higher", "better than 3", "3.0", "BETTER", "3" ], "breakfast": [ false, true ], "seat_ok": [ true ], "duration": [ "the longer", "11 days", "8-day", "6 day", "15 days", "15 day", "longer", "not really long", "the longer", "the longer" ], "price": [ "1808.68USD", "too expensive", "better value", "1651. 40 USD", "pricey", "too expensive", "under $400", "$2866.11", "7146.39", "$2866.11" ], "name": [ "serene garden", "Hotel Vanilla", "Echo", "Glacier", "tower hotel", "brass", "Majesty Hotel", "plaza serene", "Traveller", "the Kirei" ], "downtown": [ true ], "spa": [ true ], "min_duration": [ "four days", "longer period", "9 days", "10 days", "5 days", "13", "4", "9 days", "longest", "longer period" ], "wifi": [ false, true ], "action": [ "book" ], "count": [ "No other choices", "ONE", "the only options", "two", "only thing", "only", "all you have", "none at all" ], "budget_ok": [ true ], "intent_ok": [ true ], "dep_time_dst": [ "3:00am", "1:00am", "3 am" ], "parking": [ true, "-1" ], "dep_time_or": [ "7:00 am", "10 am" ], "museum": [ false, true ], "beach": [ false, true ], "count_name": [ "one", "two", "EVERYTHING", "only thing", "only", "all", "all 4", "3", "only choice" ], "gst_rating": [ "unrated", "9.32", "10", "8.98/10", "6.91/10", "0/10", "unrated", "8.37", "highest", "8.8" ], "park": [ false, true ], "airport": [ true ], "impl_anaphora": [ "category", "price" ], "mall": [ true ], "amenities": [ "-1" ], "vicinity": [ "-1" ], "palace": [ true ], "shopping": [ false, true ], "count_dst_city": [ "several", "all", "a few", "two" ], "cathedral": [ true ], "university": [ true ], "n_adults_ok": [ true ], "count_seat": [ "two" ], "market": [ true ] } }, "intents": { "book": [ "null", "negate", "request", "goodbye", "affirm", "switch_frame", "inform", "moreinfo", "request_compare", "thankyou", "greeting", "confirm", "request_alts" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( travel : (( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 1) | arrival : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 1 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 8 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 1) | arrival : ( hour : 17 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 1 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 16 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Houston | duration_days : 12) | price : 1607.78 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.8 | vicinity : () | name : Obsidian Gem Inn | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Vancouver | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 1) | arrival : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 1 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 8 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 1) | arrival : ( hour : 17 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 1 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 16 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Houston | duration_days : 12) | price : 1810.76 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.8 | vicinity : () | name : Obsidian Gem Inn | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Vancouver | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 16) | arrival : ( hour : 1 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 16 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 0 | year : 2016 | day : 31 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 16) | arrival : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 16 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 8 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Minneapolis | duration_days : 4) | price : 1852.59 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.8 | vicinity : () | name : Obsidian Gem Inn | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Vancouver | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 55) | arrival : ( hour : 2 | year : 2016 | day : 25 | min : 55 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 2 | year : 2016 | day : 25 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 55) | arrival : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 55 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 10 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : London | duration_days : 6) | price : 2132.26 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.8 | vicinity : () | name : Obsidian Gem Inn | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Vancouver | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 48) | arrival : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 48 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 27 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 48) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 48 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 19 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Toronto | duration_days : 8) | price : 2154.91 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 8.8 | vicinity : () | name : Obsidian Gem Inn | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_BREAKFAST | FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Vancouver | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 41) | arrival : ( hour : 2 | year : 2016 | day : 22 | min : 41 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 2 | year : 2016 | day : 22 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 41) | arrival : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 41 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 9 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : London | duration_days : 5) | price : 1897.54 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Amusement | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Calgary | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 44) | arrival : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 44 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : BUSINESS | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 44) | arrival : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 44 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Vancouver | duration_days : 7) | price : 1990.24 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Amusement | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Calgary | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 2) | arrival : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 2 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 2) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 2 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Toronto | duration_days : 7) | price : 2102.23 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Amusement | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Calgary | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 52) | arrival : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 25 | min : 52 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 25 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 0 | min : 52) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 52 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Las Vegas | duration_days : 8) | price : 2139.87 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Amusement | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Calgary | category : 4.0 star hotel )) | ( trip : ( returning : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 4) | arrival : ( hour : 5 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 4 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 4 | year : 2016 | day : 24 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | seat : ECONOMY | leaving : ( duration : ( hours : 1 | min : 4) | arrival : ( hour : 12 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 4 | month : 8) | departure : ( hour : 11 | year : 2016 | day : 17 | min : 0 | month : 8)) | or_city : Pittsburgh | duration_days : 7) | price : 2158.23 | hotel : ( gst_rating : 0 | vicinity : () | name : Amusement | country : Canada | amenities : ( FREE_PARKING | FREE_WIFI ) | dst_city : Calgary | category : 4.0 star hotel ))))", "dst knowledge": "( book : ( dst_city : ( Ulsan | calgary | chicago | Asian | busan | Burlingtonian | Toluca | baltimore | Sendai | Kocchi ) | or_city : ( London | England | diagon alley | St. Petersburg | montreal | PORTO | rome | Puebla | san jose | campinas | osaka ) | str_date : ( 6TH | today | August 31st | Monday | the 12th | AUGUST TWENTY FIFTH | August 31st | August 27th | September 8th | 17 | friday sept 2 2016 ) | n_adults : ( My lover | Juliette | rides out with me | 14 adults with me | my three best friends and myself | a date I wanted to bring | friend tagging along | a couple | Two | I will also be traveling with my assistant | me and ma gurls | husband ) | budget : ( 35400 | 3100 | $6400 | $5000 | 18600 | 13100 dollars | 7000 | 4500 | free | 14700 ) | flex : (False | True) | n_children : ( grandson | darling little munchkins | darling little munchkins | set of twins | three | our son | 5 | 7 | six of us with myself included | three ) | end_date : ( 13 | 24 | September 5th | august 30th | following Tuesday | 12 September | Twenty Fourth Day Of September | Sep 16 | september 17 | 29th ) | arr_time_or : ( 1:00 am ) | seat : ( BIZ | business | biz | First class | Economy | first class | upgrade | economy | Business ) | max_duration : ( 8 day | under ten days | 15 | 12 | 6 | 18 | 18 days | shortened my trip by one day | week-long | one night ) | category : ( nice | Highest | highly rated | PAMPERED | nice | Higher | better than 3 | 3.0 | BETTER | 3 ) | breakfast : (False | True) | seat_ok : (True) | duration : ( the longer | 11 days | 8-day | 6 day | 15 days | 15 day | longer | not really long | the longer | the longer ) | price : ( 1808.68USD | too expensive | better value | 1651. 40 USD | pricey | too expensive | under $400 | $2866.11 | 7146.39 | $2866.11 ) | name : ( serene garden | Hotel Vanilla | Echo | Glacier | tower hotel | brass | Majesty Hotel | plaza serene | Traveller | the Kirei ) | downtown : (True) | spa : (True) | min_duration : ( four days | longer period | 9 days | 10 days | 5 days | 13 | 4 | 9 days | longest | longer period ) | wifi : (False | True) | action : ( book ) | count : ( No other choices | ONE | the only options | two | only thing | only | all you have | none at all ) | budget_ok : (True) | intent_ok : (True) | dep_time_dst : ( 3:00am | 1:00am | 3 am ) | parking : (True | -1 ) | dep_time_or : ( 7:00 am | 10 am ) | museum : (False | True) | beach : (False | True) | count_name : ( one | two | EVERYTHING | only thing | only | all | all 4 | 3 | only choice ) | gst_rating : ( unrated | 9.32 | 10 | 8.98/10 | 6.91/10 | 0/10 | unrated | 8.37 | highest | 8.8 ) | park : (False | True) | airport : (True) | impl_anaphora : ( category | price ) | mall : (True) | amenities : ( -1 ) | vicinity : ( -1 ) | palace : (True) | shopping : (False | True) | count_dst_city : ( several | all | a few | two ) | cathedral : (True) | university : (True) | n_adults_ok : (True) | count_seat : ( two ) | market : (True)))", "intent knowledge": "( book : ( null | negate | request | goodbye | affirm | switch_frame | inform | moreinfo | request_compare | thankyou | greeting | confirm | request_alts ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a trip. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a trip. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a trip. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a trip. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a trip. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] } }