{ "Disambiguation--train--1": { "original dialog id": "mul0001.json", "dialog index": 1, "original dialog info": { "goal": { "attraction": {}, "hospital": {}, "hotel": { "book": { "day": "saturday", "invalid": false, "people": "6", "pre_invalid": true, "stay": "1" }, "fail_book": { "stay": "2" }, "fail_info": {}, "info": { "internet": "no", "stars": "3", "type": "guesthouse" } }, "message": [ "you are looking for information in cambridge", "you are looking for a place to dine. the restaurant should serve indian food and should be in the expensive price range", "the restaurant should be in the centre", "once you find the restaurant you want to book a table for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday", "make sure you get the reference number", "you are also looking for a hotel. the hotel should have a star of 3 and doesn't need to include internet", "the hotel should be in the type of guesthouse", "once you find the hotel you want to book it for the same group of people and 2 nights starting from the same day", "if the booking fails how about 1 nights", "make sure you get the reference number" ], "police": {}, "restaurant": { "book": { "day": "saturday", "invalid": false, "people": "6", "time": "19:30" }, "fail_book": {}, "fail_info": {}, "info": { "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "pricerange": "expensive" } }, "taxi": {}, "train": {} } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food.", "system response": "i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "food", "indian" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "indian", 71, 77 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": 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"restaurant-inform", "pricerange", "that price range", 50, 66 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant food indian", "dst accumulated": "restaurant food indian , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre.", "system response": "i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ?", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "food", "indian" ], [ "pricerange", "expensive" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "pricerange", "expensive", 20, 29 ], [ "restaurant-inform", 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"booking-inform": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "restaurant-recommend": [ [ "area", "center of town" ], [ "food", "indian" ], [ "name", "saffron brasserie" ], [ "pricerange", "expensive" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-recommend", "name", "saffron brasserie", 18, 35 ], [ "restaurant-recommend", "pricerange", "expensive", 48, 57 ], [ "restaurant-recommend", "food", "indian", 58, 64 ], [ "restaurant-recommend", "area", "center of town", 83, 97 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant pricerange expensive", "dst accumulated": "restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday.", "system response": "booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq .", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "bookday", "saturday" ], [ "bookpeople", "6" ], [ "booktime", "19:30" ], [ "name", "saffron brasserie" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "bookpeople", "6", 28, 29 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "booktime", "19:30", 40, 45 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "bookday", "saturday", 49, 57 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { 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, restaurant booktime 19:30 , restaurant name saffron brasserie", "dst accumulated": "restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either.", "system response": "the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room?", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq .", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "3", 61, 62 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { 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"hotel internet no , hotel stars 3", "dst accumulated": "hotel internet no , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "that sounds great. please book that now.", "system response": "may i ask how many people are in your group?", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq . okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either. the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "internet", "no" ], [ "parking", "no" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { 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expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "i have 6 people in my group.", "system response": "how many days would you like to stay?", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq . okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either. the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room? that sounds great. please book that now. may i ask how many people are in your group?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "bookpeople", "6" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "bookpeople", "6", 7, 8 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [ "6" ], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "reference": "rf00jufq" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "time": [ "19:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "indian" ], "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "ticket": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-request": [ [ "bookstay", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "hotel bookpeople 6", "dst accumulated": "hotel people 6 , hotel internet no , hotel name alpha-milton guest house , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "2 nights, starting the same day as the reservation.", "system response": "i'm sorry. it looks like they're full. would you like me to look for something else?", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq . okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either. the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room? that sounds great. please book that now. may i ask how many people are in your group? i have 6 people in my group. how many days would you like to stay?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "bookday", "saturday" ], [ "bookstay", "2" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "bookstay", "2", 0, 1 ], [ "hotel-inform", "bookday", "saturday", 23, 31 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "stay": [ "2" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "reference": "rf00jufq" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "time": [ "19:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "indian" ], "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "ticket": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-nobook": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "hotel bookday saturday , hotel bookstay 2", "dst accumulated": "hotel day saturday , hotel people 6 , hotel stay 2 , hotel internet no , hotel name alpha-milton guest house , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "yes please. is there something else available in that area?", "system response": "i'm sorry, it looks like that is the only 3 star hotel in that area, would you like me to look somewhere else?", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq . okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either. the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room? that sounds great. please book that now. may i ask how many people are in your group? i have 6 people in my group. how many days would you like to stay? 2 nights, starting the same day as the reservation. i'm sorry. it looks like they're full. would you like me to look for something else?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": {}, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "stay": [ "2" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "reference": "rf00jufq" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "time": [ "19:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "indian" ], "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "ticket": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "that area" ], [ "stars", "3" ], [ "type", "hotel" ] ], "hotel-request": [ [ "area", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "3", 42, 43 ], [ "hotel-inform", "type", "hotel", 49, 54 ], [ "hotel-inform", "area", "that area", 58, 67 ] ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel day saturday , hotel people 6 , hotel stay 2 , hotel internet no , hotel name alpha-milton guest house , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "" }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "can we try for 1 night instead of 2? i'll need the reference number please.", "system response": "i was able to get one night, the reference number is 9xvt8m5t .", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq . okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either. the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room? that sounds great. please book that now. may i ask how many people are in your group? i have 6 people in my group. how many days would you like to stay? 2 nights, starting the same day as the reservation. i'm sorry. it looks like they're full. would you like me to look for something else? yes please. is there something else available in that area? i'm sorry, it looks like that is the only 3 star hotel in that area, would you like me to look somewhere else?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "bookstay", "1" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "bookstay", "1", 15, 16 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "reference": "9xvt8m5t" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "stay": [ "1" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "reference": "rf00jufq" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "time": [ "19:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "indian" ], "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "ticket": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-book": [ [ "bookstay", "one" ], [ "ref", "9xvt8m5t" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "booking-book", "bookstay", "one", 18, 21 ], [ "booking-book", "ref", "9xvt8m5t", 53, 61 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel bookstay 1", "dst accumulated": "hotel day saturday , hotel people 6 , hotel stay 1 , hotel internet no , hotel name alpha-milton guest house , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 10, "user utterance": "thank you so much!", "system response": "i'm glad to help, you're welcome!", "dialog history": " i'd really like to take my client out to a nice restaurant that serves indian food. i show many restaurants that serve indian food in that price range. what area would you like to travel to? i am looking for an expensive indian restaurant in the area of centre. i am not certain which restaurant you're asking , would you mind being more specific about it , saffron brasserie , curry queen , pizza hut cherry hinton or the nirala ? let's see , i'd like to know about the saffron brasserie . sure thing, please book for 6 people at 19:30 on saturday. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : rf00jufq . okay great! thank you so much. could you also help me find a 3 star hotel in the area. i don't need wifi either. the alpha-milton guest house is in the north and is moderately priced. it has 3 stars and no internet or parking. would you like to book a room? that sounds great. please book that now. may i ask how many people are in your group? i have 6 people in my group. how many days would you like to stay? 2 nights, starting the same day as the reservation. i'm sorry. it looks like they're full. would you like me to look for something else? yes please. is there something else available in that area? i'm sorry, it looks like that is the only 3 star hotel in that area, would you like me to look somewhere else? can we try for 1 night instead of 2? i'll need the reference number please. i was able to get one night, the reference number is 9xvt8m5t .", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "general-thank": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "reference": "9xvt8m5t" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "stay": [ "1" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [ "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "reference": "rf00jufq" } ], "day": [ "saturday" ], "people": [ "6" ], "time": [ "19:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "indian" ], "name": [ "saffron brasserie" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "ticket": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "general-welcome": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel day saturday , hotel people 6 , hotel stay 1 , hotel internet no , hotel name alpha-milton guest house , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day saturday , restaurant people 6 , restaurant time 19:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food indian , restaurant name saffron brasserie , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "general-thank" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "restaurant": [ { "address": "106 Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19214", "introduction": "curry garden serves traditional indian and bangladeshi cuisine cooked with fresh produce delivered every day", "location": [ 52.200187, 0.126407 ], "name": "curry garden", "phone": "01223302330", "postcode": "cb21dp", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Mill Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19182", "introduction": "the golden curry serves a variety of authentic indian dishes at their fully licensed restaurant", "location": [ 52.199289, 0.13974 ], "name": "the golden curry", "phone": "01223329432", "postcode": "cb12az", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Hills Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19220", "introduction": "the saffron brasserie serve a variety of dishes from their contemporary indian and bangladeshi menu. Catering for private parties of up to 100 guests is available upon request", "location": [ 52.196862, 0.129248 ], "name": "saffron brasserie", "phone": "01223354679", "postcode": "cb21la", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "8 Norfolk Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19187", "location": [ 52.204609, 0.137976 ], "name": "panahar", "phone": "01223355012", "postcode": "cb12lf", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "5 Jordans Yard Bridge Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19231", "introduction": "curry king serve a variety of indian dishes to eat in or take away catering for private parties of up to 40 guests is available upon request", "location": [ 52.209003, 0.118661 ], "name": "curry king", "phone": "01223324351", "postcode": "cb21ug", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "106 Mill Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19184", "introduction": "curry queen is the most popular indian restaurant in cambridge serving good indian cuisine including all the usual dishes", "location": [ 52.199332, 0.138395 ], "name": "curry queen", "phone": "01223351027", "postcode": "cb12bd", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "191 Histon Road Chesterton", "area": "north", "food": "chinese", "id": "19265", "introduction": "the golden wok serves a variety of traditional chinese meals including sweet and sour dishes as well as rice and noodles", "location": [ 52.220757, 0.111564 ], "name": "golden wok", "phone": "01223350688", "postcode": "cb43hl", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "82 Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton", "area": "south", "food": "chinese", "id": "19192", "location": [ 52.188528, 0.140627 ], "name": "the good luck chinese food takeaway", "phone": "01223244149", "postcode": "cb17ag", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "37 Newnham Road Newnham", "area": "west", "food": "indian", "id": "19255", "introduction": "the rice boat serves an authentic kind of indian cuisine that originates from the villages of kerala where the spice trade originated", "location": [ 52.199012, 0.113196 ], "name": "rice boat", "phone": "01223302800", "postcode": "cb39ey", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "59 Hills Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "lebanese", "id": "19221", "location": [ 52.195416, 0.13114 ], "name": "ali baba", "phone": "01462432565", "postcode": "cb21nt", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" } ], "hotel": [ { "address": "63 milton road", "area": "north", "internet": "no", "parking": "no", "id": "4", "location": [ 52.2173388888889, 0.127638888888889 ], "name": "alpha-milton guest house", "phone": "01223311625", "postcode": "cb41xa", "price": { "double": "80", "single": "45" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "3", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "732-734 newmarket road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "24", "location": [ 52.2176534, 0.1747439 ], "name": "leverton house", "phone": "01223292094", "postcode": "cb58rs", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "kingfisher way, hinchinbrook business park, huntingdon", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "22", "location": [ 52.3386166666667, -0.210897222222222 ], "name": "huntingdon marriott hotel", "phone": "01480446000", "postcode": "pe296fl", "price": { "double": "145", "family": "145", "single": "125" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "53-57 lensfield road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "29", "location": [ 52.1725982, 0.1112224 ], "name": "the lensfield hotel", "phone": "01223355017", "postcode": "cb21en", "price": { "double": "90", "family": "125", "single": "65" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "3", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "56 saint barnabas road", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "2", "location": [ 52.1986444444444, 0.138133333333333 ], "name": "alexander bed and breakfast", "phone": "01223525725", "postcode": "cb12de", "price": { "double": "50", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "sleeperz hotel, station road", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "no", "id": "14", "location": [ 52.194866, 0.134223 ], "name": "cityroomz", "phone": "01223304050", "postcode": "cb12tz", "price": { "double": "67", "family": "77", "single": "47" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "0", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "124 tenison road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "no", "id": "0", "location": [ 52.1963733, 0.1987426 ], "name": "a and b guest house", "phone": "01223315702", "postcode": "cb12dp", "price": { "double": "70", "family": "90", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "74 chesterton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "7", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "ashley hotel", "phone": "01223350059", "postcode": "cb41er", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "85" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "2", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "144 thornton road", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "17", "location": [ 52.226235, 0.091796 ], "name": "finches bed and breakfast", "phone": "01223276653", "postcode": "cb30nd", "price": { "double": "50", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "124 tenison road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "no", "id": "0", "location": [ 52.1963733, 0.1987426 ], "name": "a and b guest house", "phone": "01223315702", "postcode": "cb12dp", "price": { "double": "70", "family": "90", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" } ] }, "slots and values": { "hotel": { "day": [ "sunday", "monday", "mondaymoderate", "cheap", "$100", "dontcare", "expensive", "expensive", "expensive", "cheap|moderate", "moderate|cheap" ], "stars": [ "5", "2", "5", "4", "1", "4", "3", "2", "3|4", "3|4" ], "type": [ "dontcare", "bed and breakfast", "hotel|guesthouse", "guesthouse", "dontcare", "dontcare", "hotel", "hotel", "bed and breakfast", "dontcare" ] }, "restaurant": { "day": [ "wednesday", "tuesday", "thursday", "saturday", "dontcare", "dontcare", "wednesday", "monday", "friday", "monday" ], "people": [ "1", "2", "8", "2", "4", "3", "3", "8", "2", "3" ], "time": [ "17:15", "19:30", "20:00", "7pm", "14:40", "09:00", "01:00", "20:00", "18:15", "9" ], "area": [ "east|south", "dontcare", "east", "south", "west", "east", "dontcare", "east|south", "centre", "south" ], "food": [ "latin american", "tuscan", "new zealand", "italian|indian", "corsica", "sri lankan", "new zealand", "korean", "barbeque", "new zealand" ], "name": [ "hk fusion", "la tasca", "cam", "the grafton hotel", "pizza express", "yipee noodle bar", "the varsity restaurant", "the alex", "tandoori", "clowns cafe" ], "pricerange": [ "dontcare", "moderate|cheap", "expensive", "expensive", "moderate", "moderate", "moderate", "dontcare", "dontcare", "moderate|cheap" ] } }, "intents": { "hotel": [ "Hotel-Inform", "Hotel-NoOffer", "Hotel-Recommend", "Hotel-Request", "Hotel-Select" ], "restaurant": [ "Restaurant-Inform", "Restaurant-NoOffer", "Restaurant-Recommend", "Restaurant-Request", "Restaurant-Select" ], "booking": [ "Booking-Book", "Booking-Inform", "Booking-NoBook", "Booking-Request" ], "general": [ "general-bye", "general-greet", "general-reqmore", "general-welcome" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( restaurant : (( address : 106 Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19214 | introduction : curry garden serves traditional indian and bangladeshi cuisine cooked with fresh produce delivered every day | location : (52.200187 | 0.126407) | name : curry garden | phone : 01223302330 | postcode : cb21dp | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Mill Road City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19182 | introduction : the golden curry serves a variety of authentic indian dishes at their fully licensed restaurant | location : (52.199289 | 0.13974) | name : the golden curry | phone : 01223329432 | postcode : cb12az | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Hills Road City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19220 | introduction : the saffron brasserie serve a variety of dishes from their contemporary indian and bangladeshi menu. Catering for private parties of up to 100 guests is available upon request | location : (52.196862 | 0.129248) | name : saffron brasserie | phone : 01223354679 | postcode : cb21la | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 8 Norfolk Street City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19187 | location : (52.204609 | 0.137976) | name : panahar | phone : 01223355012 | postcode : cb12lf | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 5 Jordans Yard Bridge Street City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19231 | introduction : curry king serve a variety of indian dishes to eat in or take away catering for private parties of up to 40 guests is available upon request | location : (52.209003 | 0.118661) | name : curry king | phone : 01223324351 | postcode : cb21ug | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 106 Mill Road City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19184 | introduction : curry queen is the most popular indian restaurant in cambridge serving good indian cuisine including all the usual dishes | location : (52.199332 | 0.138395) | name : curry queen | phone : 01223351027 | postcode : cb12bd | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 191 Histon Road Chesterton | area : north | food : chinese | id : 19265 | introduction : the golden wok serves a variety of traditional chinese meals including sweet and sour dishes as well as rice and noodles | location : (52.220757 | 0.111564) | name : golden wok | phone : 01223350688 | postcode : cb43hl | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 82 Cherry Hinton Road Cherry Hinton | area : south | food : chinese | id : 19192 | location : (52.188528 | 0.140627) | name : the good luck chinese food takeaway | phone : 01223244149 | postcode : cb17ag | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 37 Newnham Road Newnham | area : west | food : indian | id : 19255 | introduction : the rice boat serves an authentic kind of indian cuisine that originates from the villages of kerala where the spice trade originated | location : (52.199012 | 0.113196) | name : rice boat | phone : 01223302800 | postcode : cb39ey | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 59 Hills Road City Centre | area : centre | food : lebanese | id : 19221 | location : (52.195416 | 0.13114) | name : ali baba | phone : 01462432565 | postcode : cb21nt | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant )) | hotel : (( address : 63 milton road | area : north | internet : no | parking : no | id : 4 | location : (52.2173388888889 | 0.127638888888889) | name : alpha-milton guest house | phone : 01223311625 | postcode : cb41xa | price : ( double : 80 | single : 45 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 3 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 732-734 newmarket road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 24 | location : (52.2176534 | 0.1747439) | name : leverton house | phone : 01223292094 | postcode : cb58rs | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : kingfisher way | hinchinbrook business park | huntingdon | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 22 | location : (52.3386166666667 | -0.210897222222222) | name : huntingdon marriott hotel | phone : 01480446000 | postcode : pe296fl | price : ( double : 145 | family : 145 | single : 125 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 53-57 lensfield road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 29 | location : (52.1725982 | 0.1112224) | name : the lensfield hotel | phone : 01223355017 | postcode : cb21en | price : ( double : 90 | family : 125 | single : 65 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 3 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 56 saint barnabas road | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 2 | location : (52.1986444444444 | 0.138133333333333) | name : alexander bed and breakfast | phone : 01223525725 | postcode : cb12de | price : ( double : 50 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : sleeperz hotel | station road | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : no | id : 14 | location : (52.194866 | 0.134223) | name : cityroomz | phone : 01223304050 | postcode : cb12tz | price : ( double : 67 | family : 77 | single : 47 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 0 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 124 tenison road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : no | id : 0 | location : (52.1963733 | 0.1987426) | name : a and b guest house | phone : 01223315702 | postcode : cb12dp | price : ( double : 70 | family : 90 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 74 chesterton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 7 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : ashley hotel | phone : 01223350059 | postcode : cb41er | price : ( double : 75 | family : 85 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 2 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 144 thornton road | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 17 | location : (52.226235 | 0.091796) | name : finches bed and breakfast | phone : 01223276653 | postcode : cb30nd | price : ( double : 50 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 124 tenison road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : no | id : 0 | location : (52.1963733 | 0.1987426) | name : a and b guest house | phone : 01223315702 | postcode : cb12dp | price : ( double : 70 | family : 90 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse )))", "dst knowledge": "( hotel : ( day : ( sunday | monday | mondaymoderate | cheap | $100 | dontcare | expensive | expensive | expensive | cheap|moderate | moderate|cheap ) | stars : ( 5 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3|4 | 3|4 ) | type : ( dontcare | bed and breakfast | hotel|guesthouse | guesthouse | dontcare | dontcare | hotel | hotel | bed and breakfast | dontcare )) | restaurant : ( day : ( wednesday | tuesday | thursday | saturday | dontcare | dontcare | wednesday | monday | friday | monday ) | people : ( 1 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 3 ) | time : ( 17:15 | 19:30 | 20:00 | 7pm | 14:40 | 09:00 | 01:00 | 20:00 | 18:15 | 9 ) | area : ( east|south | dontcare | east | south | west | east | dontcare | east|south | centre | south ) | food : ( latin american | tuscan | new zealand | italian|indian | corsica | sri lankan | new zealand | korean | barbeque | new zealand ) | name : ( hk fusion | la tasca | cam | the grafton hotel | pizza express | yipee noodle bar | the varsity restaurant | the alex | tandoori | clowns cafe ) | pricerange : ( dontcare | moderate|cheap | expensive | expensive | moderate | moderate | moderate | dontcare | dontcare | moderate|cheap )))", "intent knowledge": "( hotel : ( Hotel-Inform | Hotel-NoOffer | Hotel-Recommend | Hotel-Request | Hotel-Select ) | restaurant : ( Restaurant-Inform | Restaurant-NoOffer | Restaurant-Recommend | Restaurant-Request | Restaurant-Select ) | booking : ( Booking-Book | Booking-Inform | Booking-NoBook | Booking-Request ) | general : ( general-bye | general-greet | general-reqmore | general-welcome ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a hotel and find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Disambiguation--train--2": { "original dialog id": "mul0002.json", "dialog index": 2, "original dialog info": { "goal": { "attraction": {}, "hospital": {}, "hotel": { "fail_info": {}, "info": { "name": "bridge guest house" }, "reqt": [ "area", "internet", "stars" ] }, "message": [ "you are traveling to cambridge and looking forward to try local restaurants", "you are looking for a place to dine. the restaurant should be in the moderate price range and should be in the centre", "make sure you get food type", "you are also looking for a particular hotel. its name is called bridge guest house", "make sure you get area, whether they have internet, and star of the hotel" ], "police": {}, "restaurant": { "fail_info": { "area": "centre", "pricerange": "cheap" }, "info": { "area": "centre", "pricerange": "moderate" }, "reqt": [ "food" ] }, "taxi": {}, "train": {} } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "looking for a place to eat in the city center.", "system response": "there are many options to choose from. do you have a type of food in mind?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "area", "centre", 39, 45 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "choice", "many" ] ], "restaurant-request": [ [ "food", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "choice", "many", 10, 14 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant area centre", "dst accumulated": "restaurant area centre", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "i'd like to have some chinese food.", "system response": "that narrows down the restaurant choices to 10. is there a price range you would like to stay in?", "dialog history": " looking for a place to eat in the city center. there are many options to choose from. do you have a type of food in mind?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "food", "chinese" ] ], "restaurant-request": [ [ "food", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "chinese", 22, 29 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "chinese" ], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "choice", "10" ] ], "restaurant-request": [ [ "pricerange", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "choice", "10", 44, 46 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant food chinese", "dst accumulated": "restaurant area centre , restaurant food chinese", "intent": "restaurant-inform, restaurant-request" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "i am looking for a moderately priced place to eat, i am also looking to book a room in the bridge guest house hotel.", "system response": "which dates will you be staying at the bridge guest room house?", "dialog history": " looking for a place to eat in the city center. there are many options to choose from. do you have a type of food in mind? 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i'd like to have some chinese food. that narrows down the restaurant choices to 10. is there a price range you would like to stay in? i am looking for a moderately priced place to eat, i am also looking to book a room in the bridge guest house hotel. which dates will you be staying at the bridge guest room house? before i commit i have a few questions. what area is the hotel located in? the hotel is in the south area.", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "parking", "yes" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [ "bridge guest house" ], "parking": [ "yes" ], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "chinese" ], "name": [], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "internet", "yes" ], [ "parking", "yes" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "hotel parking yes", "dst accumulated": "hotel name bridge guest house , hotel parking yes , restaurant area centre , restaurant food chinese , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "ok, 2 questions. 1 - what are the moderately priced restaurants in the center of town; and 2 - how many stars does the bridge guest house have? thanks!", "system response": "the bridge guest house is a 3 star lodging.", "dialog history": " looking for a place to eat in the city center. there are many options to choose from. do you have a type of food in mind? i'd like to have some chinese food. that narrows down the restaurant choices to 10. is there a price range you would like to stay in? i am looking for a moderately priced place to eat, i am also looking to book a room in the bridge guest house hotel. which dates will you be staying at the bridge guest room house? before i commit i have a few questions. what area is the hotel located in? the hotel is in the south area. does it provide free parking? yes, free parking and free wifi!", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-request": [ [ "stars", "?" ] ], "restaurant-inform": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "pricerange", "moderate" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "pricerange", "moderate", 34, 42 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "area", "centre", 71, 77 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [ "bridge guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "chinese" ], "name": [], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "name", "the bridge guest house" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "name", "the bridge guest house", 0, 22 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "3", 28, 29 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant area centre , restaurant pricerange moderate", "dst accumulated": "hotel name bridge guest house , restaurant area centre , restaurant food chinese , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "hotel-request, restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "that was all the questions i had. thank you very much for helping me.", "system response": "i'm happy i could help you today. have a wonderful day!", "dialog history": " looking for a place to eat in the city center. there are many options to choose from. do you have a type of food in mind? i'd like to have some chinese food. that narrows down the restaurant choices to 10. is there a price range you would like to stay in? i am looking for a moderately priced place to eat, i am also looking to book a room in the bridge guest house hotel. which dates will you be staying at the bridge guest room house? before i commit i have a few questions. what area is the hotel located in? the hotel is in the south area. does it provide free parking? yes, free parking and free wifi! ok, 2 questions. 1 - what are the moderately priced restaurants in the center of town; and 2 - how many stars does the bridge guest house have? thanks! the bridge guest house is a 3 star lodging.", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "general-thank": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [ "bridge guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "general-bye": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel name bridge guest house , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "general-thank" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "restaurant": [ { "address": "Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "italian", "id": "19213", "introduction": "the simple menu and kitchen concept at pizza express has retained its freshly made ideal and you can still watch your pizza being prepared for you", "location": [ 52.201743, 0.124843 ], "name": "pizza express", "phone": "01223324033", "postcode": "cb21db", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "De Vere University Arms Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "19211", "introduction": "adjoining the de vere university arms restaurant one seven is located at the forefront of regent street, and provides a birds eye view to take in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Enjoy beautifully created food which is always complemented by a fine selection of wines in a truly relaxing and contemporary atmosphere", "location": [ 52.20103, 0.126023 ], "name": "restaurant one seven", "phone": "01223337766", "postcode": "cb21ab", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "11 Peas Hill City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19242", "introduction": "jinling noodle bar serves a wide range of chinese and shanghai dishes reflecting many different flavours and ingredients", "location": [ 52.204453, 0.118693 ], "name": "jinling noodle bar", "phone": "01223566188", "postcode": "cb23pp", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "83 Regent Street", "area": "centre", "food": "modern european", "id": "3697", "introduction": "de luca cucina bar in the heart of cambridge is a stylish spot to enjoy food, wine, cocktails and coffee all in a vibrant atmosphere. The cocktail bar at the front is perfect for coffee and light meals in the day and cocktails in the evening. An open kitchen provides real excitement with head chef darren kiegher and his team preparing simply delicious italian food using locally sourced ingredients.", "location": [ 52.2002, 0.1268 ], "name": "de luca cucina and bar", "phone": "01223356666", "postcode": "cb21aw", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "roasted barbary duck breast served with sweet potato wedges and mange tout with a red wine sauce", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Doubletree by Hilton Cambridge Granta Place Mill Lane", "area": "centre", "food": "modern european", "id": "10347", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.20025, 0.11659 ], "name": "riverside brasserie", "phone": "01223259988", "postcode": "cb21rt", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "59 Hills Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "lebanese", "id": "19221", "location": [ 52.195416, 0.13114 ], "name": "ali baba", "phone": "01462432565", "postcode": "cb21nt", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "35 Saint Andrews Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "international", "id": "19235", "introduction": "the varsity restaurant serves a variety of international and vegetarian dishes and can cater for private parties of up to 40 guests upon request", "location": [ 52.202793, 0.123488 ], "name": "the varsity restaurant", "phone": "01223356060", "postcode": "cb23ar", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "15 - 19 Trumpington Street", "area": "centre", "food": "european", "id": "4607", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.19934, 0.12146 ], "name": "hotel du vin and bistro", "phone": "01223227330", "postcode": "cb21qa", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Crowne Plaza Hotel 20 Downing Street", "area": "centre", "food": "international", "id": "14742", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.20342, 0.12171 ], "name": "bloomsbury restaurant", "phone": "08719429180", "postcode": "cb23dt", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "coconut and red chilli monkfish", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "14 -16 Bridge Street", "area": "centre", "food": "spanish", "id": "12566", "introduction": "la tasca is a spanish tapas restaurant and bar offering over 30 tapas dishes", "location": [ 52.20903, 0.1183 ], "name": "la tasca", "phone": "01223464630", "postcode": "cb21uf", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "12 Norfolk Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19186", "introduction": "lan hong house serves great value home cooked authentic chinese food with over two five dishes available from the buffet", "location": [ 52.204609, 0.137976 ], "name": "lan hong house", "phone": "01223350420", "postcode": "cb12lf", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "6 Lensfield Road", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "13071", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.1987, 0.12578 ], "name": "the oak bistro", "phone": "01223323361", "postcode": "cb21eg", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "chargrilled rib eye steak with truffle butter mixed salad and fries", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "4 Kings Parade City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "19226", "introduction": "the copper kettle serve a variety of english dishes at their restaurant including full english breakfasts lunches, roast dinners and baked potatoes. a takeaway menu is also provided", "location": [ 52.204387, 0.117841 ], "name": "the copper kettle", "phone": "01223365068", "postcode": "cb21sj", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "40428 King Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "asian oriental", "id": "19175", "introduction": "yippee noodle bar serves a variety of oriental and vegetarian dishes at their restaurant they also have a bar area and offer a take away service", "location": [ 52.207446, 0.122788 ], "name": "yippee noodle bar", "phone": "01223518111", "postcode": "cb11lh", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "183 East Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "19171", "introduction": "cotto is a restaurant cafe and bakery all rolled in to one. The restaurant upstairs is open for dinner from wednesday to saturday consisting of one menu of between three to five dishes tailored to the day the cafe and bakery offer cakes and other delicacies", "location": [ 52.204703, 0.133238 ], "name": "cotto", "phone": "01223302010", "postcode": "cb11bg", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "33 Bridge Street", "area": "centre", "food": "european", "id": "6780", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.20951, 0.11669 ], "name": "galleria", "phone": "01223362054", "postcode": "cb21uw", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "poached fillets of monkfish in lemongrass with sweet red chilli cream sauce and tiger prawns with leeks and mushrooms served with rice", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Corn Exchange Street", "area": "centre", "food": "gastropub", "id": "31390", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.204424, 0.12046 ], "name": "the cow pizza kitchen and bar", "phone": "01223308871", "postcode": "cb23qf", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "wasabi spiked hamburger", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "39 Burleigh Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19173", "introduction": "shanghai family restaurant comprises a french cafe on the lower level and a chinese restaurant upstairs", "location": [ 52.206111, 0.132969 ], "name": "shanghai family restaurant", "phone": "01223301761", "postcode": "cb11dg", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Jesus Lane Fen Ditton", "area": "centre", "food": "italian", "id": "19269", "introduction": "the simple menu and kitchen concept at pizza express has retained its freshly made ideal, and you can still watch your pizza being prepared for you. This branch has live jazz music", "location": [ 52.208252, 0.119957 ], "name": "pizza express Fen Ditton", "phone": "01223324033", "postcode": "cb58ba", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "30 Bridge Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "turkish", "id": "19232", "introduction": "anatolia is a basement restaurant that serves a variety of turkish and vegetarian dishes and cater for private parties of up to 80 guests upon request", "location": [ 52.209632, 0.117213 ], "name": "anatolia", "phone": "01223362372", "postcode": "cb21uj", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "King Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "turkish", "id": "19178", "introduction": "efes restaurant serve a variety of turkish dishes including kebabs in truly authentic surroundings.", "location": [ 52.207312, 0.124201 ], "name": "efes restaurant", "phone": "01223500005", "postcode": "cb11ln", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" } ], "hotel": [ { "address": "151 hills road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "11", "location": [ 52.1725982, 0.1112224 ], "name": "bridge guest house", "phone": "01223247942", "postcode": "cb28rj", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "90", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "3", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "517a coldham lane", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "3", "location": [ 52.1963733, 0.1987426 ], "name": "allenbell", "phone": "01223210353", "postcode": "cb13js", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "35" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "n": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "328a histon road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "13", "location": [ 52.227589, 0.112288 ], "name": "city centre north b and b", "phone": "01223312843", "postcode": "cb43ht", "price": { "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "0", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "5 mowbray road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "10", "location": [ 52.1815361111111, 0.150375 ], "name": "aylesbray lodge guest house", "phone": "01223240089", "postcode": "cb17sr", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "95", "single": "65" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "back lane, cambourne", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "28", "location": [ 52.2213805555556, -0.0680333333333333 ], "name": "the cambridge belfry", "phone": "01954714600", "postcode": "cb236bw", "price": { "double": "60", "single": "60" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "74 chesterton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "7", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "ashley hotel", "phone": "01223350059", "postcode": "cb41er", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "85" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "2", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "52 gilbert road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "6", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "archway house", "phone": "01223575314", "postcode": "cb43pe", "price": { "double": "70", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "41 warkworth street", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "15", "location": [ 52.20439812598512, 0.13059139251708984 ], "name": "el shaddai", "phone": "01223327978", "postcode": "cb11eg", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "62", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "0", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "sleeperz hotel, station road", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "no", "id": "14", "location": [ 52.194866, 0.134223 ], "name": "cityroomz", "phone": "01223304050", "postcode": "cb12tz", "price": { "double": "67", "family": "77", "single": "47" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "0", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "710 newmarket road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "8", "location": [ 52.2176534, 0.1747439 ], "name": "autumn house", "phone": "01223575122", "postcode": "cb58rs", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" } ] }, "slots and values": { "hotel": { "day": [ "friday", "sunday>monday", "wednesday|friday", "friday>tuesday", "mondaymonday", "tuesday", "sunday>monday", "sunday>monday" ], "people": [ "3", "7", "5", "7", "5", "2", "5", "4", "8", "3" ], "stay": [ "5|4", "5|4", "4", "4", "1", "3", "8", "7", "4", "1" ], "area": [ "dontcare", "west", "north", "centre", "dontcare", "west", "east", "west|centre", "north", "east" ], "internet": [ "no", "no", "free", "free", "yes", "free", "no", "no", "dontcare", "no" ], "name": [ "autumn house", "allenbell|alexander bed and breakfast", "super 5", "cherr", "bridge guest house", "acorn guest house", "the ashley hotel|lovell lodge", "sleeperz", "doubletree by hilton cambridge", "city centre north b and b|el shaddai" ], "parking": [ "dontcare", "free", "yes", "yes", "dontcare", "dontcare", "free", "yes", "yes", "yes" ], "pricerange": [ "moderate", "cheap", "moderate|cheap", "cheap|moderate", "dontcare", "$100", "cheap|moderate", "expensive", "moderate|cheap", "moderate" ], "stars": [ "dontcare", "4", "4|5", "4|5", "2", "1", "0", "dontcare", "3|4", "4|5" ], "type": [ "hotel|guesthouse", "bed and breakfast", "dontcare", "hotel", "hotel", "guesthouse", "dontcare", "bed and breakfast", "guesthouse", "hotel|guesthouse" ] }, "restaurant": { "day": [ "dontcare", "saturday", "monday", "friday", "saturday|thursday", "sunday|thursday", "sunday|thursday", "thursday", "tuesday", "friday" ], "people": [ "3", "6", "7", "7", "8", "4", "3", "3", "4", "7" ], "time": [ "4pm", "21:45", "17:00", "08:45", "12:15", "12:30", "14:15", "18:45", "8pm", "19:00" ], "area": [ "west", "east|south", "north", "west", "dontcare", "east|south", "west", "east|south", "west", "east" ], "food": [ "scottish", "afternoon tea", "mediterranean", "english", "new zealand", "belgian", "eastern european", "kosher", "christmas", "new zealand" ], "name": [ "dif", "rice boat", "la mimosa", "loch fyne", "kohinoor", "tandoori Palace", "south", "ashley hotel", "pizza hut cherry hinton|alimentum", "shanghai" ], "pricerange": [ "moderate|cheap", "expensive", "moderate|cheap", "expensive", "moderate|cheap", "cheap", "expensive", "moderate", "dontcare", "cheap" ] } }, "intents": { "hotel": [ "Hotel-Inform", "Hotel-NoOffer", "Hotel-Recommend", "Hotel-Request", "Hotel-Select" ], "restaurant": [ "Restaurant-Inform", "Restaurant-NoOffer", "Restaurant-Recommend", "Restaurant-Request", "Restaurant-Select" ], "booking": [ "Booking-Book", "Booking-Inform", "Booking-NoBook", "Booking-Request" ], "general": [ "general-bye", "general-greet", "general-reqmore", "general-welcome" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( restaurant : (( address : Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : italian | id : 19213 | introduction : the simple menu and kitchen concept at pizza express has retained its freshly made ideal and you can still watch your pizza being prepared for you | location : (52.201743 | 0.124843) | name : pizza express | phone : 01223324033 | postcode : cb21db | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : De Vere University Arms Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : british | id : 19211 | introduction : adjoining the de vere university arms restaurant one seven is located at the forefront of regent street | and provides a birds eye view to take in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Enjoy beautifully created food which is always complemented by a fine selection of wines in a truly relaxing and contemporary atmosphere | location : (52.20103 | 0.126023) | name : restaurant one seven | phone : 01223337766 | postcode : cb21ab | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 11 Peas Hill City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19242 | introduction : jinling noodle bar serves a wide range of chinese and shanghai dishes reflecting many different flavours and ingredients | location : (52.204453 | 0.118693) | name : jinling noodle bar | phone : 01223566188 | postcode : cb23pp | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 83 Regent Street | area : centre | food : modern european | id : 3697 | introduction : de luca cucina bar in the heart of cambridge is a stylish spot to enjoy food | wine | cocktails and coffee all in a vibrant atmosphere. The cocktail bar at the front is perfect for coffee and light meals in the day and cocktails in the evening. An open kitchen provides real excitement with head chef darren kiegher and his team preparing simply delicious italian food using locally sourced ingredients. | location : (52.2002 | 0.1268) | name : de luca cucina and bar | phone : 01223356666 | postcode : cb21aw | pricerange : moderate | signature : roasted barbary duck breast served with sweet potato wedges and mange tout with a red wine sauce | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Doubletree by Hilton Cambridge Granta Place Mill Lane | area : centre | food : modern european | id : 10347 | introduction : | location : (52.20025 | 0.11659) | name : riverside brasserie | phone : 01223259988 | postcode : cb21rt | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 59 Hills Road City Centre | area : centre | food : lebanese | id : 19221 | location : (52.195416 | 0.13114) | name : ali baba | phone : 01462432565 | postcode : cb21nt | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 35 Saint Andrews Street City Centre | area : centre | food : international | id : 19235 | introduction : the varsity restaurant serves a variety of international and vegetarian dishes and can cater for private parties of up to 40 guests upon request | location : (52.202793 | 0.123488) | name : the varsity restaurant | phone : 01223356060 | postcode : cb23ar | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 15 - 19 Trumpington Street | area : centre | food : european | id : 4607 | introduction : | location : (52.19934 | 0.12146) | name : hotel du vin and bistro | phone : 01223227330 | postcode : cb21qa | pricerange : moderate | signature : | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Crowne Plaza Hotel 20 Downing Street | area : centre | food : international | id : 14742 | introduction : | location : (52.20342 | 0.12171) | name : bloomsbury restaurant | phone : 08719429180 | postcode : cb23dt | pricerange : moderate | signature : coconut and red chilli monkfish | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 14 -16 Bridge Street | area : centre | food : spanish | id : 12566 | introduction : la tasca is a spanish tapas restaurant and bar offering over 30 tapas dishes | location : (52.20903 | 0.1183) | name : la tasca | phone : 01223464630 | postcode : cb21uf | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 12 Norfolk Street City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19186 | introduction : lan hong house serves great value home cooked authentic chinese food with over two five dishes available from the buffet | location : (52.204609 | 0.137976) | name : lan hong house | phone : 01223350420 | postcode : cb12lf | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 6 Lensfield Road | area : centre | food : british | id : 13071 | introduction : | location : (52.1987 | 0.12578) | name : the oak bistro | phone : 01223323361 | postcode : cb21eg | pricerange : moderate | signature : chargrilled rib eye steak with truffle butter mixed salad and fries | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 4 Kings Parade City Centre | area : centre | food : british | id : 19226 | introduction : the copper kettle serve a variety of english dishes at their restaurant including full english breakfasts lunches | roast dinners and baked potatoes. a takeaway menu is also provided | location : (52.204387 | 0.117841) | name : the copper kettle | phone : 01223365068 | postcode : cb21sj | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 40428 King Street City Centre | area : centre | food : asian oriental | id : 19175 | introduction : yippee noodle bar serves a variety of oriental and vegetarian dishes at their restaurant they also have a bar area and offer a take away service | location : (52.207446 | 0.122788) | name : yippee noodle bar | phone : 01223518111 | postcode : cb11lh | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 183 East Road City Centre | area : centre | food : british | id : 19171 | introduction : cotto is a restaurant cafe and bakery all rolled in to one. The restaurant upstairs is open for dinner from wednesday to saturday consisting of one menu of between three to five dishes tailored to the day the cafe and bakery offer cakes and other delicacies | location : (52.204703 | 0.133238) | name : cotto | phone : 01223302010 | postcode : cb11bg | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 33 Bridge Street | area : centre | food : european | id : 6780 | introduction : | location : (52.20951 | 0.11669) | name : galleria | phone : 01223362054 | postcode : cb21uw | pricerange : moderate | signature : poached fillets of monkfish in lemongrass with sweet red chilli cream sauce and tiger prawns with leeks and mushrooms served with rice | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Corn Exchange Street | area : centre | food : gastropub | id : 31390 | introduction : | location : (52.204424 | 0.12046) | name : the cow pizza kitchen and bar | phone : 01223308871 | postcode : cb23qf | pricerange : moderate | signature : wasabi spiked hamburger | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 39 Burleigh Street City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19173 | introduction : shanghai family restaurant comprises a french cafe on the lower level and a chinese restaurant upstairs | location : (52.206111 | 0.132969) | name : shanghai family restaurant | phone : 01223301761 | postcode : cb11dg | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Jesus Lane Fen Ditton | area : centre | food : italian | id : 19269 | introduction : the simple menu and kitchen concept at pizza express has retained its freshly made ideal | and you can still watch your pizza being prepared for you. This branch has live jazz music | location : (52.208252 | 0.119957) | name : pizza express Fen Ditton | phone : 01223324033 | postcode : cb58ba | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 30 Bridge Street City Centre | area : centre | food : turkish | id : 19232 | introduction : anatolia is a basement restaurant that serves a variety of turkish and vegetarian dishes and cater for private parties of up to 80 guests upon request | location : (52.209632 | 0.117213) | name : anatolia | phone : 01223362372 | postcode : cb21uj | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : King Street City Centre | area : centre | food : turkish | id : 19178 | introduction : efes restaurant serve a variety of turkish dishes including kebabs in truly authentic surroundings. | location : (52.207312 | 0.124201) | name : efes restaurant | phone : 01223500005 | postcode : cb11ln | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant )) | hotel : (( address : 151 hills road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 11 | location : (52.1725982 | 0.1112224) | name : bridge guest house | phone : 01223247942 | postcode : cb28rj | price : ( double : 75 | family : 90 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 3 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 517a coldham lane | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 3 | location : (52.1963733 | 0.1987426) | name : allenbell | phone : 01223210353 | postcode : cb13js | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 35 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | n : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 328a histon road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 13 | location : (52.227589 | 0.112288) | name : city centre north b and b | phone : 01223312843 | postcode : cb43ht | price : ( single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 0 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 5 mowbray road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 10 | location : (52.1815361111111 | 0.150375) | name : aylesbray lodge guest house | phone : 01223240089 | postcode : cb17sr | price : ( double : 75 | family : 95 | single : 65 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : back lane | cambourne | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 28 | location : (52.2213805555556 | -0.0680333333333333) | name : the cambridge belfry | phone : 01954714600 | postcode : cb236bw | price : ( double : 60 | single : 60 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 74 chesterton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 7 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : ashley hotel | phone : 01223350059 | postcode : cb41er | price : ( double : 75 | family : 85 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 2 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 52 gilbert road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 6 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : archway house | phone : 01223575314 | postcode : cb43pe | price : ( double : 70 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 41 warkworth street | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 15 | location : (52.20439812598512 | 0.13059139251708984) | name : el shaddai | phone : 01223327978 | postcode : cb11eg | price : ( double : 60 | family : 62 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 0 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : sleeperz hotel | station road | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : no | id : 14 | location : (52.194866 | 0.134223) | name : cityroomz | phone : 01223304050 | postcode : cb12tz | price : ( double : 67 | family : 77 | single : 47 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 0 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 710 newmarket road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 8 | location : (52.2176534 | 0.1747439) | name : autumn house | phone : 01223575122 | postcode : cb58rs | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse )))", "dst knowledge": "( hotel : ( day : ( friday | sunday>monday | wednesday|friday | friday>tuesday | mondaymonday | tuesday | sunday>monday | sunday>monday ) | people : ( 3 | 7 | 5 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 3 ) | stay : ( 5|4 | 5|4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 4 | 1 ) | area : ( dontcare | west | north | centre | dontcare | west | east | west|centre | north | east ) | internet : ( no | no | free | free | yes | free | no | no | dontcare | no ) | name : ( autumn house | allenbell|alexander bed and breakfast | super 5 | cherr | bridge guest house | acorn guest house | the ashley hotel|lovell lodge | sleeperz | doubletree by hilton cambridge | city centre north b and b|el shaddai ) | parking : ( dontcare | free | yes | yes | dontcare | dontcare | free | yes | yes | yes ) | pricerange : ( moderate | cheap | moderate|cheap | cheap|moderate | dontcare | $100 | cheap|moderate | expensive | moderate|cheap | moderate ) | stars : ( dontcare | 4 | 4|5 | 4|5 | 2 | 1 | 0 | dontcare | 3|4 | 4|5 ) | type : ( hotel|guesthouse | bed and breakfast | dontcare | hotel | hotel | guesthouse | dontcare | bed and breakfast | guesthouse | hotel|guesthouse )) | restaurant : ( day : ( dontcare | saturday | monday | friday | saturday|thursday | sunday|thursday | sunday|thursday | thursday | tuesday | friday ) | people : ( 3 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 7 ) | time : ( 4pm | 21:45 | 17:00 | 08:45 | 12:15 | 12:30 | 14:15 | 18:45 | 8pm | 19:00 ) | area : ( west | east|south | north | west | dontcare | east|south | west | east|south | west | east ) | food : ( scottish | afternoon tea | mediterranean | english | new zealand | belgian | eastern european | kosher | christmas | new zealand ) | name : ( dif | rice boat | la mimosa | loch fyne | kohinoor | tandoori Palace | south | ashley hotel | pizza hut cherry hinton|alimentum | shanghai ) | pricerange : ( moderate|cheap | expensive | moderate|cheap | expensive | moderate|cheap | cheap | expensive | moderate | dontcare | cheap )))", "intent knowledge": "( hotel : ( Hotel-Inform | Hotel-NoOffer | Hotel-Recommend | Hotel-Request | Hotel-Select ) | restaurant : ( Restaurant-Inform | Restaurant-NoOffer | Restaurant-Recommend | Restaurant-Request | Restaurant-Select ) | booking : ( Booking-Book | Booking-Inform | Booking-NoBook | Booking-Request ) | general : ( general-bye | general-greet | general-reqmore | general-welcome ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a hotel and find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Disambiguation--train--3": { "original dialog id": "mul0005.json", "dialog index": 3, "original dialog info": { "goal": { "attraction": {}, "hospital": {}, "hotel": { "fail_info": { "area": "west", "internet": "no", "stars": "3" }, "info": { "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "stars": "3" }, "reqt": [ "parking", "address", "phone" ] }, "message": [ "you are traveling to cambridge and looking forward to try local restaurants", "you are looking for a restaurant. the restaurant should be in the expensive price range and should serve seafood food", "once you find the restaurant you want to book a table for 8 people at 19:45 on friday", "make sure you get the reference number", "you are also looking for a place to stay. the hotel should have a star of 3 and doesn't need to include internet", "the hotel should be in the west", "if there is no such hotel, how about one that has free wifi", "make sure you get whether they have free parking, address, and phone number", "you also want to book a taxi to commute between the two places", "you want to make sure it arrives the restaurant by the booked time", "make sure you get contact number and car type" ], "police": {}, "restaurant": { "book": { "day": "friday", "invalid": false, "people": "8", "time": "19:45" }, "fail_book": {}, "fail_info": {}, "info": { "food": "seafood", "pricerange": "expensive" } }, "taxi": { "fail_info": {}, "info": { "arriveby": "19:45" }, "reqt": [ "car type", "phone" ] }, "train": {} } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town?", "system response": "yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "food", "seafood" ], [ "pricerange", "expensive" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "pricerange", "expensive", 13, 22 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "seafood", 23, 30 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-inform": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "restaurant-inform": [ [ "area", "centrally located" ], [ "food", "seafood" ], [ "name", "loch fyne" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "seafood", 25, 32 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "name", "loch fyne", 51, 60 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "area", "centrally located", 70, 87 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant food seafood , restaurant pricerange expensive", "dst accumulated": "restaurant food seafood , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number.", "system response": "booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today?", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "bookday", "friday" ], [ "bookpeople", "8" ], [ "booktime", "19:45" ] ], "restaurant-request": [ [ "ref", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "bookpeople", "8", 24, 25 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "booktime", "19:45", 36, 41 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "bookday", "friday", 45, 51 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-book": [ [ "ref", "j5q03qcs" ] ], "general-reqmore": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "booking-book", "ref", "j5q03qcs", 94, 102 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant bookday friday , restaurant bookpeople 8 , restaurant booktime 19:45", "dst accumulated": "restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "restaurant-inform, restaurant-request" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help.", "system response": "we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay?", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "internet", "no" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "3", 35, 36 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "name", "the alpha-milton guest house" ], [ "stars", "3" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "name", "the alpha-milton guest house", 24, 52 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "3", 58, 59 ], [ "hotel-inform", "area", "north", 94, 99 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel internet no , hotel stars 3", "dst accumulated": "hotel internet no , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "no i need a hotel in the west. can you search again please?", "system response": "unfortunately there are no 3-star hotels in the west area.", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today? yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help. we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "west" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "area", "west", 25, 29 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "west" ], "internet": [ "no" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "3" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-nooffer": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "stars", "3-star" ], [ "type", "hotels" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-nooffer", "stars", "3-star", 27, 33 ], [ "hotel-nooffer", "type", "hotels", 34, 40 ], [ "hotel-nooffer", "area", "west", 48, 52 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel area west", "dst accumulated": "hotel area west , hotel internet no , hotel stars 3 , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "are there any hotels that fit that description with free wifi without three stars?", "system response": "we have just the place. the huntington marriott hotel is a 4 star place with wifi that is located in the west. will that be okay?", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today? yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help. we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay? no i need a hotel in the west. can you search again please? unfortunately there are no 3-star hotels in the west area.", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "internet", "yes" ], [ "stars", "dontcare" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "west" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "dontcare" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "west" ], [ "internet", "yes" ], [ "name", "the huntington marriott hotel" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "name", "the huntington marriott hotel", 24, 53 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "4", 59, 60 ], [ "hotel-inform", "area", "west", 105, 109 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel internet yes , hotel stars dontcare", "dst accumulated": "hotel area west , hotel internet yes , hotel stars dontcare , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "sure as long as they have free parking as well. can you give me the address and phone number please?", "system response": "there is free parking. the phone number is 01480446000, and the address is kingfisher way, hinchinbrook. will that be all for today?", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today? yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help. we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay? no i need a hotel in the west. can you search again please? unfortunately there are no 3-star hotels in the west area. are there any hotels that fit that description with free wifi without three stars? we have just the place. the huntington marriott hotel is a 4 star place with wifi that is located in the west. will that be okay?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "parking", "yes" ] ], "hotel-request": [ [ "address", "?" ], [ "parking", "?" ], [ "phone", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "west" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [ "yes" ], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "dontcare" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "address", "hinchinbrook" ], [ "address", "kingfisher way" ], [ "parking", "yes" ], [ "phone", "01480446000" ] ], "general-reqmore": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "phone", "01480446000", 43, 54 ], [ "hotel-inform", "address", "kingfisher way, hinchinbrook", 75, 103 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel parking yes", "dst accumulated": "hotel area west , hotel internet yes , hotel parking yes , hotel stars dontcare , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive", "intent": "hotel-inform, hotel-request" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "i also need a taxi booked to commute the two places and need it to get to the restaurant by 19:45", "system response": "sure thing! i've booked a yellow tesla for you. if you need it, the contact number is 07855855225. is there anything else i can help with today?", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today? yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help. we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay? no i need a hotel in the west. can you search again please? unfortunately there are no 3-star hotels in the west area. are there any hotels that fit that description with free wifi without three stars? we have just the place. the huntington marriott hotel is a 4 star place with wifi that is located in the west. will that be okay? sure as long as they have free parking as well. can you give me the address and phone number please? there is free parking. the phone number is 01480446000, and the address is kingfisher way, hinchinbrook. will that be all for today?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "booktime", "19:45" ] ], "taxi-inform": [ [ "arriveby", "19:45" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "booktime", "19:45", 92, 97 ], [ "taxi-inform", "arriveby", "19:45", 92, 97 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "west" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [ "yes" ], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "dontcare" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [ { "phone": "07855855225", "type": "yellow tesla" } ] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [ "19:45" ], "departure": [ "huntington marriott hotel", "huntingdon marriott hotel" ], "destination": [ "loch fyne" ], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "taxi-inform": [ [ "phone", "07855855225" ], [ "type", "yellow tesla" ] ], "general-reqmore": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "taxi-inform", "type", "yellow tesla", 26, 38 ], [ "taxi-inform", "phone", "07855855225", 86, 97 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant booktime 19:45 , taxi arriveby 19:45", "dst accumulated": "hotel area west , hotel internet yes , hotel parking yes , hotel stars dontcare , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive , taxi arriveby 19:45 , taxi departure huntington marriott hotel , taxi destination loch fyne", "intent": "restaurant-inform, taxi-inform" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "i just want to make sure it'll arrive in time for the restaurant reservation at 19:45. can i get a contact number and type of car the taxi would be?", "system response": "the car is a yellow tesla. the contact number is 07855855225.", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today? yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help. we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay? no i need a hotel in the west. can you search again please? unfortunately there are no 3-star hotels in the west area. are there any hotels that fit that description with free wifi without three stars? we have just the place. the huntington marriott hotel is a 4 star place with wifi that is located in the west. will that be okay? sure as long as they have free parking as well. can you give me the address and phone number please? there is free parking. the phone number is 01480446000, and the address is kingfisher way, hinchinbrook. will that be all for today? i also need a taxi booked to commute the two places and need it to get to the restaurant by 19:45 sure thing! i've booked a yellow tesla for you. if you need it, the contact number is 07855855225. is there anything else i can help with today?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "booktime", "19:45" ] ], "taxi-inform": [ [ "arriveby", "19:45" ] ], "taxi-request": [ [ "phone", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "booktime", "19:45", 80, 85 ], [ "taxi-inform", "arriveby", "19:45", 80, 85 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "west" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [ "yes" ], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "dontcare" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [ { "phone": "07855855225", "type": "yellow tesla" } ] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [ "19:45" ], "departure": [ "huntingdon marriott hotel", "huntington marriott hotel" ], "destination": [ "loch fyne" ], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "taxi-inform": [ [ "phone", "07855855225" ], [ "type", "yellow tesla" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "taxi-inform", "type", "yellow tesla", 13, 25 ], [ "taxi-inform", "phone", "07855855225", 49, 60 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant booktime 19:45 , taxi arriveby 19:45", "dst accumulated": "hotel area west , hotel internet yes , hotel parking yes , hotel stars dontcare , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive , taxi arriveby 19:45 , taxi departure huntingdon marriott hotel , taxi destination loch fyne", "intent": "restaurant-inform, taxi-inform, taxi-request" }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "thank you very much for all of your help today.", "system response": "you are welcome very much. thank you for using our service.", "dialog history": " is there any expensive seafood restaurant in town? yes, there is an upscale seafood restaurant called loch fyne which is centrally located. would you like me to make a reservation for you? can i get a booking for 8 people at 19:45 on friday? send me the reference number. booking was successful. the table will be reserved for 15 minutes. your reference number is : j5q03qcs . is there anything else i can help you with today? yes, i also need a place to stay a 3 star preference and it does not have to have the internet, thanks for your help. we have just the place. the alpha-milton guest house is a 3 star place that is located in the north. will that be okay? no i need a hotel in the west. can you search again please? unfortunately there are no 3-star hotels in the west area. are there any hotels that fit that description with free wifi without three stars? we have just the place. the huntington marriott hotel is a 4 star place with wifi that is located in the west. will that be okay? sure as long as they have free parking as well. can you give me the address and phone number please? there is free parking. the phone number is 01480446000, and the address is kingfisher way, hinchinbrook. will that be all for today? i also need a taxi booked to commute the two places and need it to get to the restaurant by 19:45 sure thing! i've booked a yellow tesla for you. if you need it, the contact number is 07855855225. is there anything else i can help with today? i just want to make sure it'll arrive in time for the restaurant reservation at 19:45. can i get a contact number and type of car the taxi would be? the car is a yellow tesla. the contact number is 07855855225.", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "general-thank": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "west" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [ "yes" ], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "dontcare" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "reference": "j5q03qcs" } ], "day": [ "friday" ], "people": [ "8" ], "time": [ "19:45" ] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [ "seafood" ], "name": [ "loch fyne" ], "pricerange": [ "expensive" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [ { "phone": "07855855225", "type": "yellow tesla" } ] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [ "19:45" ], "departure": [ "huntingdon marriott hotel", "huntington marriott hotel" ], "destination": [ "loch fyne" ], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "general-bye": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "general-welcome": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel area west , hotel internet yes , hotel parking yes , hotel stars dontcare , restaurant day friday , restaurant people 8 , restaurant time 19:45 , restaurant food seafood , restaurant name loch fyne , restaurant pricerange expensive , taxi arriveby 19:45 , taxi departure huntingdon marriott hotel , taxi destination loch fyne", "intent": "general-thank" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "restaurant": [ { "address": "The Little Rose 37 Trumpington Street", "area": "centre", "food": "seafood", "id": "19223", "introduction": "using the freshest seafood from the loch of the same name, loch fyne restaurants serve a variety of shellfish and smoked fish all of which are complimented by an extensive wine list. Non-seafood dishes are also available", "location": [ 52.200693, 0.119744 ], "name": "loch fyne", "phone": "01223362433", "postcode": "cb21qy", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "4 - 6 Rose Crescent", "area": "centre", "food": "spanish", "id": "19237", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.206098, 0.118713 ], "name": "la raza", "phone": "01223464550", "postcode": "cb23ll", "pricerange": "cheap", "signature": "seafood paella", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "12 Lensfield Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19219", "location": [ 52.198696, 0.12578 ], "name": "golden house", "phone": "01842753771", "postcode": "cb21eg", "pricerange": "cheap", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way", "area": "south", "food": "portuguese", "id": "12238", "introduction": "It's Nandos", "location": [ 52.19017, 0.13699 ], "name": "nandos", "phone": "01223327908", "postcode": "cb17dy", "pricerange": "cheap", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Newmarket Road Fen Ditton", "area": "east", "food": "indian", "id": "19272", "introduction": "pipasha restaurant serves a variety of indian dishes to eat in or take away a delivery service is also available", "location": [ 52.212992, 0.157569 ], "name": "pipasha restaurant", "phone": "01223577786", "postcode": "cb58pa", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Mill Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19182", "introduction": "the golden curry serves a variety of authentic indian dishes at their fully licensed restaurant", "location": [ 52.199289, 0.13974 ], "name": "the golden curry", "phone": "01223329432", "postcode": "cb12az", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton", "area": "north", "food": "asian oriental", "id": "19261", "introduction": "saigon city serve vietnamese chinese and thai cuisine to eat in or take away", "location": [ 52.218164, 0.143209 ], "name": "saigon city", "phone": "01223356555", "postcode": "cb41nl", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "italian", "id": "19210", "introduction": "Pizza hut is a large chain with restaurants nationwide offering convenience pizzas pasta and salads to eat in or take away", "location": [ 52.20103, 0.126023 ], "name": "pizza hut city centre", "phone": "01223323737", "postcode": "cb21ab", "pricerange": "cheap", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "1 Kings Parade", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "6941", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.20439, 0.11784 ], "name": "the cambridge chop house", "phone": "01223359506", "postcode": "cb21sj", "pricerange": "expensive", "signature": "lamb barnsley chop potato and garlic bake greens and gravy", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Corn Exchange Street", "area": "centre", "food": "gastropub", "id": "31390", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.204424, 0.12046 ], "name": "the cow pizza kitchen and bar", "phone": "01223308871", "postcode": "cb23qf", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "wasabi spiked hamburger", "type": "restaurant" } ], "hotel": [ { "address": "96 barton road", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "20", "location": [ 52.2283801, 0.0782873 ], "name": "hobsons house", "phone": "01223304906", "postcode": "cb39lh", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "110", "single": "59" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "3", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "732-734 newmarket road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "24", "location": [ 52.2176534, 0.1747439 ], "name": "leverton house", "phone": "01223292094", "postcode": "cb58rs", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "732-734 newmarket road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "24", "location": [ 52.2176534, 0.1747439 ], "name": "leverton house", "phone": "01223292094", "postcode": "cb58rs", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "kingfisher way, hinchinbrook business park, huntingdon", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "22", "location": [ 52.3386166666667, -0.210897222222222 ], "name": "huntingdon marriott hotel", "phone": "01480446000", "postcode": "pe296fl", "price": { "double": "145", "family": "145", "single": "125" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "151 hills road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "11", "location": [ 52.1725982, 0.1112224 ], "name": "bridge guest house", "phone": "01223247942", "postcode": "cb28rj", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "90", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "3", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "56 saint barnabas road", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "2", "location": [ 52.1986444444444, 0.138133333333333 ], "name": "alexander bed and breakfast", "phone": "01223525725", "postcode": "cb12de", "price": { "double": "50", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "kingfisher way, hinchinbrook business park, huntingdon", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "22", "location": [ 52.3386166666667, -0.210897222222222 ], "name": "huntingdon marriott hotel", "phone": "01480446000", "postcode": "pe296fl", "price": { "double": "145", "family": "145", "single": "125" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "5 mowbray road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "10", "location": [ 52.1815361111111, 0.150375 ], "name": "aylesbray lodge guest house", "phone": "01223240089", "postcode": "cb17sr", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "95", "single": "65" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "5 mowbray road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "10", "location": [ 52.1815361111111, 0.150375 ], "name": "aylesbray lodge guest house", "phone": "01223240089", "postcode": "cb17sr", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "95", "single": "65" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "back lane, cambourne", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "28", "location": [ 52.2213805555556, -0.0680333333333333 ], "name": "the cambridge belfry", "phone": "01954714600", "postcode": "cb236bw", "price": { "double": "60", "single": "60" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" } ] }, "slots and values": { "taxi": { "arriveBy": [ "08:15", "07:45", "12:15", "02:30", "02:30", "15:23", "09:30", "13:05", "13:15", "13:00" ], "departure": [ "magdalene college", "nandos city centre", "ruskin gallery", "kings hedges learner pool", "copper kettle", "anatolia", "holy trinity church", "saint barnabas press gallery", "the gallery at twelve", "meze bar" ], "destination": [ "j restaurant", "archway house", "london liverpool street train station", "hk fusion", "prezzo", "cineworld cinema", "milton country park", "graffiti", "travellers rest", "abbey pool and astroturf pitch" ], "leaveAt": [ "23:30", "12:30", "09:00", "04:15", "21:45", "05:30", "24:45", "04:45", "16:45", "10:30" ] }, "hotel": { "day": [ "wednesday|friday", "monday", "sunday", "thursday", "dontcare", "friday", "monday", "saturday", "thursday", "tuesday" ], "people": [ "2", "5", "7", "4", "1", "2", "7", "3", "5", "3" ], "stay": [ "6", "4", "1", "4", "3|1", "6", "3", "1", "3|1", "1" ], "area": [ "west|centre", "west", "dontcare", "east", "east", "centre", "west", "dontcare", "centre", "east" ], "internet": [ "free", "dontcare", "dontcare", "dontcare", "no", "free", "free", "no", "no", "free" ], "name": [ "no", "nusha", "the worth house", "super 5", "the worth house", "ashely hotel|lovell lodge", "lan hon", "express by holiday inn cambridge", "arbury lodge guesthouse", "alpha-milton guest house" ], "parking": [ "free", "dontcare", "free", "yes", "yes", "yes", "free", "no", "no", "no" ], "pricerange": [ "cheap", "cheap", "cheap>moderate", "expensive", "moderate", "cheap|moderate", "cheap>moderate", "cheap", "cheap>moderate", "cheap" ], "stars": [ "dontcare", "2", "5", "dontcare", "2", "dontcare", "4|5", "1", "2", "5" ], "type": [ "bed and breakfast", "bed and breakfast", "hotel|guesthouse", "bed and breakfast", "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel", "bed and breakfast", "guesthouse", "guesthouse", "dontcare" ] }, "restaurant": { "day": [ "tuesday", "sunday", "dontcare", "monday", "dontcare", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "sunday|thursday", "wednesday" ], "people": [ "7", "4|7", "6", "7", "4|7", "4|7", "7", "6", "4|7", "7" ], "time": [ "17:30|16:30", "15:30", "21:45", "13:30", "09:45", "13:00", "17:15", "11:00", "10:15", "1345" ], "area": [ "centre", "centre", "north", "west", "west", "centre", "north", "east|south", "west", "dontcare" ], "food": [ "indian|african", "halal", "russian", "mexican", "catalan", "belgian", "afternoon tea", "asian oriental", "vietnamese", "british" ], "name": [ "nirala", "the peking restaurant: ", "adden", "kohinoor", "hotel du vin and bistro", "cambridge lodge restaurant", "don pasquale pizzeria", "hobsons house", "the peking restaurant: ", "galleria" ], "pricerange": [ "cheap", "moderate|cheap", "moderate|cheap", "expensive", "moderate|cheap", "cheap", "moderate", "dontcare", "cheap", "expensive" ] } }, "intents": { "taxi": [ "Taxi-Inform", "Taxi-Request" ], "hotel": [ "Hotel-Inform", "Hotel-NoOffer", "Hotel-Recommend", "Hotel-Request", "Hotel-Select" ], "restaurant": [ "Restaurant-Inform", "Restaurant-NoOffer", "Restaurant-Recommend", "Restaurant-Request", "Restaurant-Select" ], "booking": [ "Booking-Book", "Booking-Inform", "Booking-NoBook", "Booking-Request" ], "general": [ "general-bye", "general-greet", "general-reqmore", "general-welcome" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( restaurant : (( address : The Little Rose 37 Trumpington Street | area : centre | food : seafood | id : 19223 | introduction : using the freshest seafood from the loch of the same name | loch fyne restaurants serve a variety of shellfish and smoked fish all of which are complimented by an extensive wine list. Non-seafood dishes are also available | location : (52.200693 | 0.119744) | name : loch fyne | phone : 01223362433 | postcode : cb21qy | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 4 - 6 Rose Crescent | area : centre | food : spanish | id : 19237 | introduction : | location : (52.206098 | 0.118713) | name : la raza | phone : 01223464550 | postcode : cb23ll | pricerange : cheap | signature : seafood paella | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 12 Lensfield Road City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19219 | location : (52.198696 | 0.12578) | name : golden house | phone : 01842753771 | postcode : cb21eg | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Cambridge Leisure Park Clifton Way | area : south | food : portuguese | id : 12238 | introduction : \"It s Nandos\" | location : (52.19017 | 0.13699) | name : nandos | phone : 01223327908 | postcode : cb17dy | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Newmarket Road Fen Ditton | area : east | food : indian | id : 19272 | introduction : pipasha restaurant serves a variety of indian dishes to eat in or take away a delivery service is also available | location : (52.212992 | 0.157569) | name : pipasha restaurant | phone : 01223577786 | postcode : cb58pa | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Mill Road City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19182 | introduction : the golden curry serves a variety of authentic indian dishes at their fully licensed restaurant | location : (52.199289 | 0.13974) | name : the golden curry | phone : 01223329432 | postcode : cb12az | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton | area : north | food : asian oriental | id : 19261 | introduction : saigon city serve vietnamese chinese and thai cuisine to eat in or take away | location : (52.218164 | 0.143209) | name : saigon city | phone : 01223356555 | postcode : cb41nl | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : italian | id : 19210 | introduction : Pizza hut is a large chain with restaurants nationwide offering convenience pizzas pasta and salads to eat in or take away | location : (52.20103 | 0.126023) | name : pizza hut city centre | phone : 01223323737 | postcode : cb21ab | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 1 Kings Parade | area : centre | food : british | id : 6941 | introduction : | location : (52.20439 | 0.11784) | name : the cambridge chop house | phone : 01223359506 | postcode : cb21sj | pricerange : expensive | signature : lamb barnsley chop potato and garlic bake greens and gravy | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Corn Exchange Street | area : centre | food : gastropub | id : 31390 | introduction : | location : (52.204424 | 0.12046) | name : the cow pizza kitchen and bar | phone : 01223308871 | postcode : cb23qf | pricerange : moderate | signature : wasabi spiked hamburger | type : restaurant )) | hotel : (( address : 96 barton road | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 20 | location : (52.2283801 | 0.0782873) | name : hobsons house | phone : 01223304906 | postcode : cb39lh | price : ( double : 75 | family : 110 | single : 59 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 3 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 732-734 newmarket road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 24 | location : (52.2176534 | 0.1747439) | name : leverton house | phone : 01223292094 | postcode : cb58rs | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 732-734 newmarket road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 24 | location : (52.2176534 | 0.1747439) | name : leverton house | phone : 01223292094 | postcode : cb58rs | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : kingfisher way | hinchinbrook business park | huntingdon | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 22 | location : (52.3386166666667 | -0.210897222222222) | name : huntingdon marriott hotel | phone : 01480446000 | postcode : pe296fl | price : ( double : 145 | family : 145 | single : 125 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 151 hills road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 11 | location : (52.1725982 | 0.1112224) | name : bridge guest house | phone : 01223247942 | postcode : cb28rj | price : ( double : 75 | family : 90 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 3 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 56 saint barnabas road | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 2 | location : (52.1986444444444 | 0.138133333333333) | name : alexander bed and breakfast | phone : 01223525725 | postcode : cb12de | price : ( double : 50 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : kingfisher way | hinchinbrook business park | huntingdon | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 22 | location : (52.3386166666667 | -0.210897222222222) | name : huntingdon marriott hotel | phone : 01480446000 | postcode : pe296fl | price : ( double : 145 | family : 145 | single : 125 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 5 mowbray road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 10 | location : (52.1815361111111 | 0.150375) | name : aylesbray lodge guest house | phone : 01223240089 | postcode : cb17sr | price : ( double : 75 | family : 95 | single : 65 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 5 mowbray road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 10 | location : (52.1815361111111 | 0.150375) | name : aylesbray lodge guest house | phone : 01223240089 | postcode : cb17sr | price : ( double : 75 | family : 95 | single : 65 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : back lane | cambourne | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 28 | location : (52.2213805555556 | -0.0680333333333333) | name : the cambridge belfry | phone : 01954714600 | postcode : cb236bw | price : ( double : 60 | single : 60 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel )))", "dst knowledge": "( taxi : ( arriveBy : ( 08:15 | 07:45 | 12:15 | 02:30 | 02:30 | 15:23 | 09:30 | 13:05 | 13:15 | 13:00 ) | departure : ( magdalene college | nandos city centre | ruskin gallery | kings hedges learner pool | copper kettle | anatolia | holy trinity church | saint barnabas press gallery | the gallery at twelve | meze bar ) | destination : ( j restaurant | archway house | london liverpool street train station | hk fusion | prezzo | cineworld cinema | milton country park | graffiti | travellers rest | abbey pool and astroturf pitch ) | leaveAt : ( 23:30 | 12:30 | 09:00 | 04:15 | 21:45 | 05:30 | 24:45 | 04:45 | 16:45 | 10:30 )) | hotel : ( day : ( wednesday|friday | monday | sunday | thursday | dontcare | friday | monday | saturday | thursday | tuesday ) | people : ( 2 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 7 | 3 | 5 | 3 ) | stay : ( 6 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 3|1 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 3|1 | 1 ) | area : ( west|centre | west | dontcare | east | east | centre | west | dontcare | centre | east ) | internet : ( free | dontcare | dontcare | dontcare | no | free | free | no | no | free ) | name : ( no | nusha | the worth house | super 5 | the worth house | ashely hotel|lovell lodge | lan hon | express by holiday inn cambridge | arbury lodge guesthouse | alpha-milton guest house ) | parking : ( free | dontcare | free | yes | yes | yes | free | no | no | no ) | pricerange : ( cheap | cheap | cheap>moderate | expensive | moderate | cheap|moderate | cheap>moderate | cheap | cheap>moderate | cheap ) | stars : ( dontcare | 2 | 5 | dontcare | 2 | dontcare | 4|5 | 1 | 2 | 5 ) | type : ( bed and breakfast | bed and breakfast | hotel|guesthouse | bed and breakfast | hotel|guesthouse | hotel | bed and breakfast | guesthouse | guesthouse | dontcare )) | restaurant : ( day : ( tuesday | sunday | dontcare | monday | dontcare | monday | tuesday | wednesday | sunday|thursday | wednesday ) | people : ( 7 | 4|7 | 6 | 7 | 4|7 | 4|7 | 7 | 6 | 4|7 | 7 ) | time : ( 17:30|16:30 | 15:30 | 21:45 | 13:30 | 09:45 | 13:00 | 17:15 | 11:00 | 10:15 | 1345 ) | area : ( centre | centre | north | west | west | centre | north | east|south | west | dontcare ) | food : ( indian|african | halal | russian | mexican | catalan | belgian | afternoon tea | asian oriental | vietnamese | british ) | name : ( nirala | the peking restaurant: | adden | kohinoor | hotel du vin and bistro | cambridge lodge restaurant | don pasquale pizzeria | hobsons house | the peking restaurant: | galleria ) | pricerange : ( cheap | moderate|cheap | moderate|cheap | expensive | moderate|cheap | cheap | moderate | dontcare | cheap | expensive )))", "intent knowledge": "( taxi : ( Taxi-Inform | Taxi-Request ) | hotel : ( Hotel-Inform | Hotel-NoOffer | Hotel-Recommend | Hotel-Request | Hotel-Select ) | restaurant : ( Restaurant-Inform | Restaurant-NoOffer | Restaurant-Recommend | Restaurant-Request | Restaurant-Select ) | booking : ( Booking-Book | Booking-Inform | Booking-NoBook | Booking-Request ) | general : ( general-bye | general-greet | general-reqmore | general-welcome ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Disambiguation--train--4": { "original dialog id": "mul0006.json", "dialog index": 4, "original dialog info": { "goal": { "attraction": {}, "hospital": {}, "hotel": { "book": { "day": "monday", "invalid": false, "people": "3", "stay": "5" }, "fail_book": {}, "fail_info": {}, "info": { "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "stars": "4", "type": "hotel" } }, "message": [ "you are traveling to cambridge and looking forward to try local restaurants", "you are looking for a place to stay. the hotel should be in the type of hotel and should be in the centre", "the hotel should include free wifi and should have a star of 4", "once you find the hotel you want to book it for 3 people and 5 nights starting from monday", "make sure you get the reference number", "you are also looking for a restaurant. the restaurant should serve australasian food and should be in the moderate price range", "the restaurant should be in the same area as the hotel", "if there is no such restaurant, how about one that serves british food", "once you find the restaurant you want to book a table for the same group of people at 18:30 on the same day", "make sure you get the reference number" ], "police": {}, "restaurant": { "book": { "day": "monday", "invalid": false, "people": "3", "time": "18:30" }, "fail_book": {}, "fail_info": { "area": "centre", "food": "australasian", "pricerange": "moderate" }, "info": { "area": "centre", "food": "british", "pricerange": "moderate" } }, "taxi": {}, "train": {} } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "i'm looking for hotels in the center.", "system response": "the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "type", "hotel" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "type", "hotel", 16, 21 ], [ "hotel-inform", "area", "centre", 30, 36 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "pricerange", "affordable pricing" ], [ "stars", "four" ] ], "hotel-recommend": [ [ "name", "the alexdander bed and breakfast" ], [ "name", "the gonville hotal" ] ], "hotel-select": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "general-reqmore": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-recommend", "name", "the alexdander bed and breakfast", 0, 32 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "four", 66, 70 ], [ "hotel-inform", "pricerange", "affordable pricing", 81, 99 ], [ "hotel-recommend", "name", "the gonville hotal", 101, 119 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel area centre , hotel type hotel", "dst accumulated": "hotel area centre", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi.", "system response": "there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer?", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "internet", "yes" ], [ "stars", "4" ], [ "type", "hotel" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "type", "hotel", 21, 26 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "4", 37, 38 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-select": [ [ "choice", "two" ], [ "pricerange", "cheap" ], [ "pricerange", "expensive" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-select", "choice", "two", 10, 13 ], [ "hotel-select", "pricerange", "expensive", 26, 35 ], [ "hotel-select", "pricerange", "cheap", 60, 65 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel internet yes , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel", "dst accumulated": "hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel stars 4", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "i don't have a preference.", "system response": "the university arms hotel fits all of your criteria, would you like me to book a room?", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either? i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi. there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "pricerange", "dontcare" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "pricerange", "dontcare", 2, 25 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [ "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "hotel" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-inform": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "hotel-inform": [ [ "name", "university arms hotel" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "name", "university arms hotel", 4, 25 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel pricerange dontcare", "dst accumulated": "hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel pricerange dontcare , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "yes, please book a room for 3 people and 5 nights.", "system response": "what day would you like to start your reservation?", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either? i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi. there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer? i don't have a preference. the university arms hotel fits all of your criteria, would you like me to book a room?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "bookpeople", "3" ], [ "bookstay", "5" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "bookpeople", "3", 28, 29 ], [ "hotel-inform", "bookstay", "5", 41, 42 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [ "3" ], "stay": [ "5" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [ "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "hotel" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-request": [ [ "bookday", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "hotel bookpeople 3 , hotel bookstay 5", "dst accumulated": "hotel people 3 , hotel stay 5 , hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel pricerange dontcare , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "please start the reservation on monday. what is the reference number? i also need a restaurant that serves australasian food at a moderate price in the same area as the hotel", "system response": "i am sorry but there are no restaurants in that area which meet your criteria. would you like me to search for another type of cuisine?", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either? i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi. there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer? i don't have a preference. the university arms hotel fits all of your criteria, would you like me to book a room? yes, please book a room for 3 people and 5 nights. what day would you like to start your reservation?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "bookday", "monday" ], [ "type", "hotel" ] ], "restaurant-inform": [ [ "area", "centre" ], [ "bookday", "monday" ], [ "food", "australasian" ], [ "pricerange", "moderate" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "bookday", "monday", 32, 38 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "bookday", "monday", 32, 38 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "australasian", 107, 119 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "pricerange", "moderate", 130, 138 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "area", "centre", 152, 161 ], [ "hotel-inform", "type", "hotel", 169, 174 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [ "monday" ], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [ "university arms hotel" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [ "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "hotel" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "australasian", "australian" ], "name": [], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-nooffer": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "restaurant-request": [ [ "food", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "hotel bookday monday , hotel type hotel , restaurant area centre , restaurant bookday monday , restaurant food australasian , restaurant pricerange moderate", "dst accumulated": "hotel day monday , hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel name university arms hotel , hotel pricerange dontcare , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel , restaurant area centre , restaurant food australasian , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "hotel-inform, restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "could you see if there is a restaurant that serves british food in the same area as the hotel?", "system response": "certainly, we have either restaurant one seven, the oak bistro, the copper kettle, cotto. can i book a table at one, if so how many will be dining?", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either? i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi. there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer? i don't have a preference. the university arms hotel fits all of your criteria, would you like me to book a room? yes, please book a room for 3 people and 5 nights. what day would you like to start your reservation? please start the reservation on monday. what is the reference number? i also need a restaurant that serves australasian food at a moderate price in the same area as the hotel i am sorry but there are no restaurants in that area which meet your criteria. would you like me to search for another type of cuisine?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "type", "hotel" ] ], "restaurant-inform": [ [ "food", "british" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "british", 51, 58 ], [ "hotel-inform", "type", "hotel", 88, 93 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [ "university arms hotel" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [ "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "hotel" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "british" ], "name": [], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-inform": [ [ "none", "none" ] ], "booking-request": [ [ "bookpeople", "?" ] ], "restaurant-select": [ [ "name", "cotto" ], [ "name", "restaurant one seven" ], [ "name", "the copper kettle" ], [ "name", "the oak bistro" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-select", "name", "restaurant one seven", 26, 46 ], [ "restaurant-select", "name", "the oak bistro", 48, 62 ], [ "restaurant-select", "name", "the copper kettle", 64, 81 ], [ "restaurant-select", "name", "cotto", 83, 88 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel type hotel , restaurant food british", "dst accumulated": "hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel name university arms hotel , hotel pricerange dontcare , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel , restaurant area centre , restaurant food british , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "hotel-inform, restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "three people please, on monday at 18:30.", "system response": "booked you a table at the oak bistro. your reference number is ssutw528 .", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either? i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi. there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer? i don't have a preference. the university arms hotel fits all of your criteria, would you like me to book a room? yes, please book a room for 3 people and 5 nights. what day would you like to start your reservation? please start the reservation on monday. what is the reference number? i also need a restaurant that serves australasian food at a moderate price in the same area as the hotel i am sorry but there are no restaurants in that area which meet your criteria. would you like me to search for another type of cuisine? could you see if there is a restaurant that serves british food in the same area as the hotel? certainly, we have either restaurant one seven, the oak bistro, the copper kettle, cotto. can i book a table at one, if so how many will be dining?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "bookday", "monday" ], [ "bookpeople", "3" ], [ "booktime", "18:30" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "bookpeople", "3", 0, 5 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "bookday", "monday", 24, 30 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "booktime", "18:30", 34, 39 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [ "university arms hotel" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [ "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "hotel" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "the oak bistro" ], "reference": "ssutw528" } ], "day": [ "monday" ], "people": [ "3" ], "time": [ "18:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "british" ], "name": [ "the oak bistro" ], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "booking-book": [ [ "name", "oak bistro" ], [ "ref", "ssutw528" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "booking-book", "name", "oak bistro", 26, 36 ], [ "booking-book", "ref", "ssutw528", 63, 71 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant bookday monday , restaurant bookpeople 3 , restaurant booktime 18:30", "dst accumulated": "hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel name university arms hotel , hotel pricerange dontcare , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel , restaurant day monday , restaurant people 3 , restaurant time 18:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food british , restaurant name the oak bistro , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "thank you very much for your help.", "system response": "you are welcome.", "dialog history": " i'm looking for hotels in the center. the alexdander bed and breakfast is a good recommendation. it has four stars and affordable pricing. the gonville hotal is also a good choice. would you like the address to either? i would like for the hotel to have a 4 star rating and include free wifi. there are two, one in the expensive price range, one in the cheap price range. which do you prefer? i don't have a preference. the university arms hotel fits all of your criteria, would you like me to book a room? yes, please book a room for 3 people and 5 nights. what day would you like to start your reservation? please start the reservation on monday. what is the reference number? i also need a restaurant that serves australasian food at a moderate price in the same area as the hotel i am sorry but there are no restaurants in that area which meet your criteria. would you like me to search for another type of cuisine? could you see if there is a restaurant that serves british food in the same area as the hotel? certainly, we have either restaurant one seven, the oak bistro, the copper kettle, cotto. can i book a table at one, if so how many will be dining? three people please, on monday at 18:30. booked you a table at the oak bistro. your reference number is ssutw528 .", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "general-thank": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "internet": [ "yes" ], "name": [ "university arms hotel" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [ "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "hotel" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [ { "name": [ "oak bistro" ], "reference": "ssutw528" } ], "day": [ "monday" ], "people": [ "3" ], "time": [ "18:30" ] }, "semi": { "area": [ "centre" ], "food": [ "british" ], "name": [ "oak bistro" ], "pricerange": [ "moderate" ] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "general-welcome": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel area centre , hotel internet yes , hotel name university arms hotel , hotel pricerange dontcare , hotel stars 4 , hotel type hotel , restaurant day monday , restaurant people 3 , restaurant time 18:30 , restaurant area centre , restaurant food british , restaurant name oak bistro , restaurant pricerange moderate", "intent": "general-thank" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "restaurant": [ { "address": "De Vere University Arms Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "19211", "introduction": "adjoining the de vere university arms restaurant one seven is located at the forefront of regent street, and provides a birds eye view to take in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Enjoy beautifully created food which is always complemented by a fine selection of wines in a truly relaxing and contemporary atmosphere", "location": [ 52.20103, 0.126023 ], "name": "restaurant one seven", "phone": "01223337766", "postcode": "cb21ab", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "6 Lensfield Road", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "13071", "introduction": "", "location": [ 52.1987, 0.12578 ], "name": "the oak bistro", "phone": "01223323361", "postcode": "cb21eg", "pricerange": "moderate", "signature": "chargrilled rib eye steak with truffle butter mixed salad and fries", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "4 Kings Parade City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "19226", "introduction": "the copper kettle serve a variety of english dishes at their restaurant including full english breakfasts lunches, roast dinners and baked potatoes. a takeaway menu is also provided", "location": [ 52.204387, 0.117841 ], "name": "the copper kettle", "phone": "01223365068", "postcode": "cb21sj", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "183 East Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "british", "id": "19171", "introduction": "cotto is a restaurant cafe and bakery all rolled in to one. The restaurant upstairs is open for dinner from wednesday to saturday consisting of one menu of between three to five dishes tailored to the day the cafe and bakery offer cakes and other delicacies", "location": [ 52.204703, 0.133238 ], "name": "cotto", "phone": "01223302010", "postcode": "cb11bg", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "106 Mill Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19184", "introduction": "curry queen is the most popular indian restaurant in cambridge serving good indian cuisine including all the usual dishes", "location": [ 52.199332, 0.138395 ], "name": "curry queen", "phone": "01223351027", "postcode": "cb12bd", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "74 Mill Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "indian", "id": "19180", "introduction": "kohinoor serves a variety of indian and vegetarian dishes at their restaurant a takeaway and delivery service is also available", "location": [ 52.200422, 0.135784 ], "name": "kohinoor", "phone": "01223323639", "postcode": "cb12as", "pricerange": "cheap", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "88 Mill Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19185", "introduction": "rice house serve a variety of popular chinese dishes at their restaurant", "location": [ 52.199332, 0.138395 ], "name": "rice house", "phone": "01223367755", "postcode": "cb12bd", "pricerange": "cheap", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "30 Bridge Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "turkish", "id": "19232", "introduction": "anatolia is a basement restaurant that serves a variety of turkish and vegetarian dishes and cater for private parties of up to 80 guests upon request", "location": [ 52.209632, 0.117213 ], "name": "anatolia", "phone": "01223362372", "postcode": "cb21uj", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "22 Chesterton Road Chesterton", "area": "north", "food": "french", "id": "19264", "location": [ 52.213742, 0.1242 ], "name": "restaurant two two", "phone": "01223351880", "postcode": "cb43ax", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "21 Burleigh Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19172", "location": [ 52.206111, 0.132969 ], "name": "hk fusion", "phone": "01223355909", "postcode": "cb11dg", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" } ], "hotel": [ { "address": "regent street", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "30", "location": [ 52.19942, 0.12722 ], "name": "university arms hotel", "phone": "01223351241", "postcode": "cb21ad", "price": { "double": "124", "family": "144", "single": "104" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "kingfisher way, hinchinbrook business park, huntingdon", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "22", "location": [ 52.3386166666667, -0.210897222222222 ], "name": "huntingdon marriott hotel", "phone": "01480446000", "postcode": "pe296fl", "price": { "double": "145", "family": "145", "single": "125" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" }, { "address": "710 newmarket road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "8", "location": [ 52.2176534, 0.1747439 ], "name": "autumn house", "phone": "01223575122", "postcode": "cb58rs", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "124 tenison road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "no", "id": "0", "location": [ 52.1963733, 0.1987426 ], "name": "a and b guest house", "phone": "01223315702", "postcode": "cb12dp", "price": { "double": "70", "family": "90", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "warkworth terrace", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "31", "location": [ 52.1963733, 0.1987426 ], "name": "warkworth house", "phone": "01223363682", "postcode": "cb11ee", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "95", "single": "55" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "56 saint barnabas road", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "2", "location": [ 52.1986444444444, 0.138133333333333 ], "name": "alexander bed and breakfast", "phone": "01223525725", "postcode": "cb12de", "price": { "double": "50", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "172 chesterton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "23", "location": [ 52.2157138888889, 0.133519444444444 ], "name": "kirkwood house", "phone": "01223306283", "postcode": "cb41da", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "130", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "41 warkworth street", "area": "centre", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "15", "location": [ 52.20439812598512, 0.13059139251708984 ], "name": "el shaddai", "phone": "01223327978", "postcode": "cb11eg", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "62", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "0", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "732-734 newmarket road", "area": "east", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "24", "location": [ 52.2176534, 0.1747439 ], "name": "leverton house", "phone": "01223292094", "postcode": "cb58rs", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "90", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "kingfisher way, hinchinbrook business park, huntingdon", "area": "west", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "22", "location": [ 52.3386166666667, -0.210897222222222 ], "name": "huntingdon marriott hotel", "phone": "01480446000", "postcode": "pe296fl", "price": { "double": "145", "family": "145", "single": "125" }, "pricerange": "expensive", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "hotel" } ] }, "slots and values": { "hotel": { "day": [ "monday", "dontcare", "tuesday", "wednesday", "sunday", "monday", "friday", "mondaychinese", "modern english", "venetian", "international", "latin american", "cantonese" ], "name": [ "cambridge punter", "tandoori palace", "yu garden", "de luca cucina and bar riverside brasserie", "cafe uno", "the cow pizza kitchen and bar", "primavera", "bridge", "restaurant one seven", "autumn house" ], "pricerange": [ "moderate|cheap", "moderate", "dontcare", "expensive", "moderate|cheap", "dontcare", "cheap", "expensive", "moderate", "moderate" ] } }, "intents": { "hotel": [ "Hotel-Inform", "Hotel-NoOffer", "Hotel-Recommend", "Hotel-Request", "Hotel-Select" ], "restaurant": [ "Restaurant-Inform", "Restaurant-NoOffer", "Restaurant-Recommend", "Restaurant-Request", "Restaurant-Select" ], "booking": [ "Booking-Book", "Booking-Inform", "Booking-NoBook", "Booking-Request" ], "general": [ "general-bye", "general-greet", "general-reqmore", "general-welcome" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( restaurant : (( address : De Vere University Arms Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : british | id : 19211 | introduction : adjoining the de vere university arms restaurant one seven is located at the forefront of regent street | and provides a birds eye view to take in the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Enjoy beautifully created food which is always complemented by a fine selection of wines in a truly relaxing and contemporary atmosphere | location : (52.20103 | 0.126023) | name : restaurant one seven | phone : 01223337766 | postcode : cb21ab | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 6 Lensfield Road | area : centre | food : british | id : 13071 | introduction : | location : (52.1987 | 0.12578) | name : the oak bistro | phone : 01223323361 | postcode : cb21eg | pricerange : moderate | signature : chargrilled rib eye steak with truffle butter mixed salad and fries | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 4 Kings Parade City Centre | area : centre | food : british | id : 19226 | introduction : the copper kettle serve a variety of english dishes at their restaurant including full english breakfasts lunches | roast dinners and baked potatoes. a takeaway menu is also provided | location : (52.204387 | 0.117841) | name : the copper kettle | phone : 01223365068 | postcode : cb21sj | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 183 East Road City Centre | area : centre | food : british | id : 19171 | introduction : cotto is a restaurant cafe and bakery all rolled in to one. The restaurant upstairs is open for dinner from wednesday to saturday consisting of one menu of between three to five dishes tailored to the day the cafe and bakery offer cakes and other delicacies | location : (52.204703 | 0.133238) | name : cotto | phone : 01223302010 | postcode : cb11bg | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 106 Mill Road City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19184 | introduction : curry queen is the most popular indian restaurant in cambridge serving good indian cuisine including all the usual dishes | location : (52.199332 | 0.138395) | name : curry queen | phone : 01223351027 | postcode : cb12bd | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 74 Mill Road City Centre | area : centre | food : indian | id : 19180 | introduction : kohinoor serves a variety of indian and vegetarian dishes at their restaurant a takeaway and delivery service is also available | location : (52.200422 | 0.135784) | name : kohinoor | phone : 01223323639 | postcode : cb12as | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 88 Mill Road City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19185 | introduction : rice house serve a variety of popular chinese dishes at their restaurant | location : (52.199332 | 0.138395) | name : rice house | phone : 01223367755 | postcode : cb12bd | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 30 Bridge Street City Centre | area : centre | food : turkish | id : 19232 | introduction : anatolia is a basement restaurant that serves a variety of turkish and vegetarian dishes and cater for private parties of up to 80 guests upon request | location : (52.209632 | 0.117213) | name : anatolia | phone : 01223362372 | postcode : cb21uj | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 22 Chesterton Road Chesterton | area : north | food : french | id : 19264 | location : (52.213742 | 0.1242) | name : restaurant two two | phone : 01223351880 | postcode : cb43ax | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 21 Burleigh Street City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19172 | location : (52.206111 | 0.132969) | name : hk fusion | phone : 01223355909 | postcode : cb11dg | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant )) | hotel : (( address : regent street | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 30 | location : (52.19942 | 0.12722) | name : university arms hotel | phone : 01223351241 | postcode : cb21ad | price : ( double : 124 | family : 144 | single : 104 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : kingfisher way | hinchinbrook business park | huntingdon | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 22 | location : (52.3386166666667 | -0.210897222222222) | name : huntingdon marriott hotel | phone : 01480446000 | postcode : pe296fl | price : ( double : 145 | family : 145 | single : 125 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel ) | ( address : 710 newmarket road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 8 | location : (52.2176534 | 0.1747439) | name : autumn house | phone : 01223575122 | postcode : cb58rs | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 124 tenison road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : no | id : 0 | location : (52.1963733 | 0.1987426) | name : a and b guest house | phone : 01223315702 | postcode : cb12dp | price : ( double : 70 | family : 90 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : warkworth terrace | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 31 | location : (52.1963733 | 0.1987426) | name : warkworth house | phone : 01223363682 | postcode : cb11ee | price : ( double : 75 | family : 95 | single : 55 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 56 saint barnabas road | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 2 | location : (52.1986444444444 | 0.138133333333333) | name : alexander bed and breakfast | phone : 01223525725 | postcode : cb12de | price : ( double : 50 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 172 chesterton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 23 | location : (52.2157138888889 | 0.133519444444444) | name : kirkwood house | phone : 01223306283 | postcode : cb41da | price : ( double : 75 | family : 130 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 41 warkworth street | area : centre | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 15 | location : (52.20439812598512 | 0.13059139251708984) | name : el shaddai | phone : 01223327978 | postcode : cb11eg | price : ( double : 60 | family : 62 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 0 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 732-734 newmarket road | area : east | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 24 | location : (52.2176534 | 0.1747439) | name : leverton house | phone : 01223292094 | postcode : cb58rs | price : ( double : 60 | family : 90 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : kingfisher way | hinchinbrook business park | huntingdon | area : west | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 22 | location : (52.3386166666667 | -0.210897222222222) | name : huntingdon marriott hotel | phone : 01480446000 | postcode : pe296fl | price : ( double : 145 | family : 145 | single : 125 ) | pricerange : expensive | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : hotel )))", "dst knowledge": "( hotel : ( day : ( monday | dontcare | tuesday | wednesday | sunday | monday | friday | mondaychinese | modern english | venetian | international | latin american | cantonese ) | name : ( cambridge punter | tandoori palace | yu garden | de luca cucina and bar riverside brasserie | cafe uno | the cow pizza kitchen and bar | primavera | bridge | restaurant one seven | autumn house ) | pricerange : ( moderate|cheap | moderate | dontcare | expensive | moderate|cheap | dontcare | cheap | expensive | moderate | moderate )))", "intent knowledge": "( hotel : ( Hotel-Inform | Hotel-NoOffer | Hotel-Recommend | Hotel-Request | Hotel-Select ) | restaurant : ( Restaurant-Inform | Restaurant-NoOffer | Restaurant-Recommend | Restaurant-Request | Restaurant-Select ) | booking : ( Booking-Book | Booking-Inform | Booking-NoBook | Booking-Request ) | general : ( general-bye | general-greet | general-reqmore | general-welcome ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a hotel and find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a hotel and find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Disambiguation--train--5": { "original dialog id": "mul0007.json", "dialog index": 5, "original dialog info": { "goal": { "attraction": {}, "hospital": {}, "hotel": { "fail_info": {}, "info": { "area": "north", "stars": "4", "type": "guesthouse" }, "reqt": [ "postcode", "phone" ] }, "message": [ "you are traveling to cambridge and looking forward to try local restaurants", "you are looking for a place to stay. the hotel should be in the type of guesthouse and should have a star of 4", "the hotel should be in the north", "make sure you get postcode and phone number", "you are also looking for a particular restaurant. its name is called sesame restaurant and bar", "make sure you get food type", "you also want to book a taxi to commute between the two places", "you want to leave the restaurant by 15:45", "make sure you get contact number and car type" ], "police": {}, "restaurant": { "fail_info": { "name": "rice boat" }, "info": { "name": "sesame restaurant and bar" }, "reqt": [ "food" ] }, "taxi": { "fail_info": {}, "info": { "leaveat": "15:45" }, "reqt": [ "car type", "phone" ] }, "train": {} } }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call?", "system response": "what specific time do you want to leave?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "taxi-inform": [ [ "destination", "the airport" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "taxi-inform", "destination", "the airport", 43, 54 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [], "type": [] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [ "the airport" ], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "taxi-request": [ [ "leaveat", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "taxi destination the airport", "dst accumulated": "taxi destination the airport", "intent": "taxi-inform" }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "never mind. i'm looking for a guesthouse to stay at. it must be in the north and 4 stars.", "system response": "the acorn guest house is in the north and is rated 4 stars.", "dialog history": " i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call? what specific time do you want to leave?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "stars", "4" ], [ "type", "guesthouse" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "type", "guesthouse", 30, 40 ], [ "hotel-inform", "area", "north", 71, 76 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "4", 81, 82 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "north" ], "internet": [], "name": [], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "guesthouse" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "area", "north" ], [ "name", "acorn guest house" ], [ "stars", "4" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "name", "acorn guest house", 4, 21 ], [ "hotel-inform", "area", "north", 32, 37 ], [ "hotel-inform", "stars", "4", 51, 52 ] ] }, "dst": "hotel area north , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse", "dst accumulated": "hotel area north , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse", "intent": "hotel-inform" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "okay great. could i have their postcode and phone number?", "system response": "the phone number for acorn guest house is 01223353888. the postal code is cb41da. is there anything else i may help you with?", "dialog history": " i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call? what specific time do you want to leave? never mind. i'm looking for a guesthouse to stay at. it must be in the north and 4 stars. the acorn guest house is in the north and is rated 4 stars.", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "hotel-request": [ [ "phone", "?" ], [ "postcode", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "north" ], "internet": [], "name": [ "acorn guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "guesthouse" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "hotel-inform": [ [ "name", "acorn guest house" ], [ "phone", "01223353888" ], [ "postcode", "cb41da" ] ], "general-reqmore": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "hotel-inform", "name", "acorn guest house", 21, 38 ], [ "hotel-inform", "phone", "01223353888", 42, 53 ], [ "hotel-inform", "postcode", "cb41da", 74, 80 ] ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel area north , hotel name acorn guest house , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse", "intent": "hotel-request" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "yes i am looking for information on the sesame restaurant and bar.", "system response": "the sesame restaurant and bar serves chinese food, located in the centre area at hills road city centre, postal code cb21nw17. you can contact them at this phone number, 01223358899.", "dialog history": " i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call? what specific time do you want to leave? never mind. i'm looking for a guesthouse to stay at. it must be in the north and 4 stars. the acorn guest house is in the north and is rated 4 stars. okay great. could i have their postcode and phone number? the phone number for acorn guest house is 01223353888. the postal code is cb41da. is there anything else i may help you with?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "name", "sesame restaurant and bar" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "name", "sesame restaurant and bar", 40, 65 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "north" ], "internet": [], "name": [ "acorn guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "guesthouse" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "restaurant-inform": [ [ "address", "hills road city centre" ], [ "area", "centre area" ], [ "food", "chinese" ], [ "name", "sesame restaurant and bar" ], [ "phone", "01223358899" ], [ "postcode", "cb21nw17" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "restaurant-inform", "name", "sesame restaurant and bar", 4, 29 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "food", "chinese", 37, 44 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "area", "centre area", 66, 77 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "address", "hills road city centre", 81, 103 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "postcode", "cb21nw17", 117, 125 ], [ "restaurant-inform", "phone", "01223358899", 170, 181 ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant name sesame restaurant and bar", "dst accumulated": "hotel area north , hotel name acorn guest house , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse , restaurant name sesame restaurant and bar", "intent": "restaurant-inform" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "i need a taxi to commute between the two places. i want to leave the restaurant at 15:45. can i get the phone number and type of car?", "system response": "a red volkswagen will take you from the acorn guest house to the sesame restaurant and bar. the contact number is 07193707133", "dialog history": " i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call? what specific time do you want to leave? never mind. i'm looking for a guesthouse to stay at. it must be in the north and 4 stars. the acorn guest house is in the north and is rated 4 stars. okay great. could i have their postcode and phone number? the phone number for acorn guest house is 01223353888. the postal code is cb41da. is there anything else i may help you with? yes i am looking for information on the sesame restaurant and bar. the sesame restaurant and bar serves chinese food, located in the centre area at hills road city centre, postal code cb21nw17. you can contact them at this phone number, 01223358899.", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "taxi-inform": [ [ "leaveat", "15:45" ] ], "taxi-request": [ [ "phone", "?" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "taxi-inform", "leaveat", "15:45", 83, 88 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "north" ], "internet": [], "name": [ "acorn guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "guesthouse" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [ { "phone": "07193707133", "type": "red volkswagen" } ] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "destination": [ "acorn guest house" ], "leaveat": [ "15:45" ] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "taxi-inform": [ [ "departure", "acorn guest house" ], [ "destination", "sesame restaurant and bar" ], [ "phone", "07193707133" ], [ "type", "red volkswagen" ] ] }, "span_info": [ [ "taxi-inform", "type", "red volkswagen", 2, 16 ], [ "taxi-inform", "departure", "acorn guest house", 40, 57 ], [ "taxi-inform", "destination", "sesame restaurant and bar", 65, 90 ], [ "taxi-inform", "phone", "07193707133", 114, 125 ] ] }, "dst": "taxi leaveat 15:45", "dst accumulated": "hotel area north , hotel name acorn guest house , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse , restaurant name sesame restaurant and bar , taxi departure sesame restaurant and bar , taxi destination acorn guest house , taxi leaveat 15:45", "intent": "taxi-inform, taxi-request" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "ok, great. thank you very much for your help.", "system response": "do you need any further assistance today?", "dialog history": " i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call? what specific time do you want to leave? never mind. i'm looking for a guesthouse to stay at. it must be in the north and 4 stars. the acorn guest house is in the north and is rated 4 stars. okay great. could i have their postcode and phone number? the phone number for acorn guest house is 01223353888. the postal code is cb41da. is there anything else i may help you with? yes i am looking for information on the sesame restaurant and bar. the sesame restaurant and bar serves chinese food, located in the centre area at hills road city centre, postal code cb21nw17. you can contact them at this phone number, 01223358899. i need a taxi to commute between the two places. i want to leave the restaurant at 15:45. can i get the phone number and type of car? a red volkswagen will take you from the acorn guest house to the sesame restaurant and bar. the contact number is 07193707133", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "general-thank": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "north" ], "internet": [], "name": [ "acorn guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "guesthouse" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [ { "phone": "07193707133", "type": "red volkswagen" } ] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "destination": [ "acorn guest house" ], "leaveat": [ "15:45" ] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "general-reqmore": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel area north , hotel name acorn guest house , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse , restaurant name sesame restaurant and bar , taxi departure sesame restaurant and bar , taxi destination acorn guest house , taxi leaveat 15:45", "intent": "general-thank" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "no, that is all. thank you.", "system response": "outstanding. have a good rest of your day!", "dialog history": " i need a taxi to take me to the hotel from the airport now, can you give me the number to call? what specific time do you want to leave? never mind. i'm looking for a guesthouse to stay at. it must be in the north and 4 stars. the acorn guest house is in the north and is rated 4 stars. okay great. could i have their postcode and phone number? the phone number for acorn guest house is 01223353888. the postal code is cb41da. is there anything else i may help you with? yes i am looking for information on the sesame restaurant and bar. the sesame restaurant and bar serves chinese food, located in the centre area at hills road city centre, postal code cb21nw17. you can contact them at this phone number, 01223358899. i need a taxi to commute between the two places. i want to leave the restaurant at 15:45. can i get the phone number and type of car? a red volkswagen will take you from the acorn guest house to the sesame restaurant and bar. the contact number is 07193707133 ok, great. thank you very much for your help. do you need any further assistance today?", "original user side information": { "metadata": {}, "dialog_act": { "general-thank": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "original system side information": { "metadata": { "attraction": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "name": [], "type": [] } }, "hospital": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": { "department": [] } }, "hotel": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "stay": [] }, "semi": { "area": [ "north" ], "internet": [], "name": [ "acorn guest house" ], "parking": [], "pricerange": [], "stars": [ "4" ], "type": [ "guesthouse" ] } }, "police": { "book": { "booked": [] }, "semi": {} }, "restaurant": { "book": { "booked": [], "day": [], "people": [], "time": [] }, "semi": { "area": [], "food": [], "name": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "pricerange": [] } }, "taxi": { "book": { "booked": [ { "phone": "07193707133", "type": "red volkswagen" } ] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "departure": [ "sesame restaurant and bar" ], "destination": [ "acorn guest house" ], "leaveat": [ "15:45" ] } }, "train": { "book": { "booked": [], "people": [] }, "semi": { "arriveby": [], "day": [], "departure": [], "destination": [], "leaveat": [] } } }, "dialog_act": { "general-bye": [ [ "none", "none" ] ] }, "span_info": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "hotel area north , hotel name acorn guest house , hotel stars 4 , hotel type guesthouse , restaurant name sesame restaurant and bar , taxi departure sesame restaurant and bar , taxi destination acorn guest house , taxi leaveat 15:45", "intent": "general-thank" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": { "restaurant": [ { "address": "17 Hills Road City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19222", "introduction": "sesame restaurant and bar offers a wide variety of traditional chinese cuisine for lunch or dinner with wifi access and a television screen in the basement", "location": [ 52.197154, 0.129511 ], "name": "sesame restaurant and bar", "phone": "01223358899", "postcode": "cb21nw", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19212", "introduction": "charlie chan serves a variety of popular chinese dishes at their restaurant", "location": [ 52.201743, 0.124843 ], "name": "charlie chan", "phone": "01223361763", "postcode": "cb21db", "pricerange": "cheap", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "24 Green Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "thai", "id": "19236", "introduction": "bangkok city serve a variety of authentic dishes to eat in or take away", "location": [ 52.206504, 0.119157 ], "name": "bangkok city", "phone": "01223354382", "postcode": "cb23jx", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "north american", "id": "19209", "introduction": "gourmet burger kitchen has a trendy interior and, although a bit more expensive than the average high street burger joint, the delicious burgers and other dishes are huge and freshly prepared with large side orders to match. Catering for vegetarians is provided", "location": [ 52.20103, 0.126023 ], "name": "gourmet burger kitchen", "phone": "01223312598", "postcode": "cb21ab", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "40428 King Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "asian oriental", "id": "19175", "introduction": "yippee noodle bar serves a variety of oriental and vegetarian dishes at their restaurant they also have a bar area and offer a take away service", "location": [ 52.207446, 0.122788 ], "name": "yippee noodle bar", "phone": "01223518111", "postcode": "cb11lh", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Regent Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "italian", "id": "19213", "introduction": "the simple menu and kitchen concept at pizza express has retained its freshly made ideal and you can still watch your pizza being prepared for you", "location": [ 52.201743, 0.124843 ], "name": "pizza express", "phone": "01223324033", "postcode": "cb21db", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Napier Street City Centre", "area": "centre", "food": "chinese", "id": "19174", "introduction": "tang chinese is a buffet restaurant and bar serving a variety of dishes for lunch and dinner there is also a takeaway menu available", "location": [ 52.207702, 0.133982 ], "name": "tang chinese", "phone": "01223357187", "postcode": "cb11hr", "pricerange": "expensive", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Fen Ditton", "area": "east", "food": "italian", "id": "19275", "introduction": "pizza hut is a large chain with restaurants nationwide offering convenience pizzas pasta and salads to eat in or take away", "location": [ 52.209742, 0.146975 ], "name": "pizza hut fen ditton", "phone": "01223323737", "postcode": "cb58wr", "pricerange": "moderate", "type": "restaurant" }, { "address": "169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton", "area": "north", "food": "asian oriental", "id": "19261", 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"location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "arbury lodge guesthouse", "phone": "01223364319", "postcode": "cb42je", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "100", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "52 gilbert road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "6", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "archway house", "phone": "01223575314", "postcode": "cb43pe", "price": { "double": "70", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "62 gilbert road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "no", "id": "9", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "avalon", "phone": "01223353071", "postcode": "cb43pd", "price": { "double": "65", "single": "45" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "78-80 milton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "21", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "home from home", "phone": "01223323555", "postcode": "cb41la", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "105", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "172 chesterton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "23", "location": [ 52.2157138888889, 0.133519444444444 ], "name": "kirkwood house", "phone": "01223306283", "postcode": "cb41da", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "130", "single": "50" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "78-80 milton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "25", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "limehouse", "phone": "01223300552", "postcode": "cb42je", "price": { "double": "75", "single": "40" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "152 chesterton road", "area": "north", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "32", "location": [ 52.2309912, 0.1295545 ], "name": "worth house", "phone": "01223316074", "postcode": "cb41da", "price": { "double": "60", "family": "85", "single": "49" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "5 mowbray road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "10", "location": [ 52.1815361111111, 0.150375 ], "name": "aylesbray lodge guest house", "phone": "01223240089", "postcode": "cb17sr", "price": { "double": "75", "family": "95", "single": "65" }, "pricerange": "moderate", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" }, { "address": "53 roseford road", "area": "south", "internet": "yes", "parking": "yes", "id": "27", "location": [ 52.1725982, 0.1112224 ], "name": "rosa's bed and breakfast", "phone": "01223512596", "postcode": "cb22ha", "price": { "single": "25" }, "pricerange": "cheap", "stars": "4", "takesbookings": "yes", "type": "guesthouse" } ] }, "slots and values": { "taxi": { "arriveBy": [ "03:45", "04:15", "22:30", "20:15", "09:15", "23:15", "18:15", "07:00", "12:45", "22:15" ], "departure": [ "ashley hotel", "india house", "dojo noodle bar", "arbury lodge guesthouse", "the oak bistro", "museum", "nusha", "downing college", "london liverpool street train station", "birmingham new street train station" ], "destination": [ "lensfield hotel", "cafe uno", "stansted airport train station", "don pasquale pizzeria", "yippee noodle bar", "peterborough train station", "rice boat", "norwich train station", "wagamama", "limehouse" ], "leaveAt": [ "21:15", "18:30", "11:45", "22:45", "24:30", "14:45", "13:00", "23:30", "03:45", "10:00" ] }, "hotel": { "day": [ "saturday", "dontcare", "mondaytuesday", "friday>tuesday", "wednesday|friday", "dontcare", "wednesday|friday", "thursday", "wednesday|friday" ], "people": [ "6", "7", "5", "4", "8", "6", "6", "3", "3", "3" ], "stay": [ "5", "5", "3", "3", "3|1", "2", "2", "6", "4", "4" ], "area": [ "west", "dontcare", "north", "centre", "west|centre", "dontcare", "centre", "west|centre", "north", "west" ], "internet": [ "dontcare", "dontcare", "free", "no", "no", "yes", "free", "free", "yes", "no" ], "name": [ "bridge guest house", "alexander bed and breakfast", "wankworth house", "el shaddia guesthouse", "finches b and b", "finches b and b", "a and b guest house", "marriot hotel", "ashely hotel|lovell lodge", "dontcare" ], "parking": [ "dontcare", "free", "free", "no", "no", "free", "free", "yes", "dontcare", "free" ], "pricerange": [ "cheap>moderate", "cheap", "dontcare", "dontcare", "$100", "moderate", "$100", "cheap|moderate", "moderate", "dontcare" ], "stars": [ "3|4", "3|4", "2", "dontcare", "1", "4", "0", "3", "dontcare", "5" ], "type": [ "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel", "hotel|guesthouse", "hotel", "hotel|guesthouse", "bed and breakfast" ] }, "restaurant": { "day": [ "saturday|thursday", "friday", "monday", "sunday|thursday", "saturday", "monday", "wednesday", "wednesday", "friday", "tuesday" ], "people": [ "1", "4", "3", "8", "3", "1", "3", "4|7", "5", "7" ], "time": [ "15:30", "16:30", "15:30", "1145", "09:30", "19:00", "15:30", "16:00", "1330", "17:00" ], "area": [ "north", "south", "south", "centre", "centre", "centre", "west", "east|south", "north", "east" ], "food": [ "polynesian", "malaysian", "spanish", "polish", "new zealand", "modern global", "belgian", "polish", "european", "international" ], "name": [ "pizza hut fenditton", "the river bar steakhouse and grill", "ian hong house", "the kohinoor", "dojo noodle bar|j restaurant", "chiquito restaurant bar", "the varsity restaurant", "yippee noodle bar", "pizza express", "maharajah tandoori restaurant" ], "pricerange": [ "moderate|cheap", "moderate", "dontcare", "expensive", "moderate", "expensive", "moderate", "moderate", "moderate|cheap", "expensive" ] } }, "intents": { "taxi": [ "Taxi-Inform", "Taxi-Request" ], "hotel": [ "Hotel-Inform", "Hotel-NoOffer", "Hotel-Recommend", "Hotel-Request", "Hotel-Select" ], "restaurant": [ "Restaurant-Inform", "Restaurant-NoOffer", "Restaurant-Recommend", "Restaurant-Request", "Restaurant-Select" ], "booking": [ "Booking-Book", "Booking-Inform", "Booking-NoBook", "Booking-Request" ], "general": [ "general-bye", "general-greet", "general-reqmore", "general-welcome" ] } }, "external knowledge": "( restaurant : (( address : 17 Hills Road City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19222 | introduction : sesame restaurant and bar offers a wide variety of traditional chinese cuisine for lunch or dinner with wifi access and a television screen in the basement | location : (52.197154 | 0.129511) | name : sesame restaurant and bar | phone : 01223358899 | postcode : cb21nw | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19212 | introduction : charlie chan serves a variety of popular chinese dishes at their restaurant | location : (52.201743 | 0.124843) | name : charlie chan | phone : 01223361763 | postcode : cb21db | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 24 Green Street City Centre | area : centre | food : thai | id : 19236 | introduction : bangkok city serve a variety of authentic dishes to eat in or take away | location : (52.206504 | 0.119157) | name : bangkok city | phone : 01223354382 | postcode : cb23jx | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : north american | id : 19209 | introduction : gourmet burger kitchen has a trendy interior and | although a bit more expensive than the average high street burger joint | the delicious burgers and other dishes are huge and freshly prepared with large side orders to match. Catering for vegetarians is provided | location : (52.20103 | 0.126023) | name : gourmet burger kitchen | phone : 01223312598 | postcode : cb21ab | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 40428 King Street City Centre | area : centre | food : asian oriental | id : 19175 | introduction : yippee noodle bar serves a variety of oriental and vegetarian dishes at their restaurant they also have a bar area and offer a take away service | location : (52.207446 | 0.122788) | name : yippee noodle bar | phone : 01223518111 | postcode : cb11lh | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Regent Street City Centre | area : centre | food : italian | id : 19213 | introduction : the simple menu and kitchen concept at pizza express has retained its freshly made ideal and you can still watch your pizza being prepared for you | location : (52.201743 | 0.124843) | name : pizza express | phone : 01223324033 | postcode : cb21db | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Napier Street City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19174 | introduction : tang chinese is a buffet restaurant and bar serving a variety of dishes for lunch and dinner there is also a takeaway menu available | location : (52.207702 | 0.133982) | name : tang chinese | phone : 01223357187 | postcode : cb11hr | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : Cambridge Retail Park Newmarket Road Fen Ditton | area : east | food : italian | id : 19275 | introduction : pizza hut is a large chain with restaurants nationwide offering convenience pizzas pasta and salads to eat in or take away | location : (52.209742 | 0.146975) | name : pizza hut fen ditton | phone : 01223323737 | postcode : cb58wr | pricerange : moderate | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 169 High Street Chesterton Chesterton | area : north | food : asian oriental | id : 19261 | introduction : saigon city serve vietnamese chinese and thai cuisine to eat in or take away | location : (52.218164 | 0.143209) | name : saigon city | phone : 01223356555 | postcode : cb41nl | pricerange : expensive | type : restaurant ) | ( address : 12 Lensfield Road City Centre | area : centre | food : chinese | id : 19219 | location : (52.198696 | 0.12578) | name : golden house | phone : 01842753771 | postcode : cb21eg | pricerange : cheap | type : restaurant )) | hotel : (( address : 154 chesterton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 1 | location : (52.2157138888889 | 0.133519444444444) | name : acorn guest house | phone : 01223353888 | postcode : cb41da | price : ( double : 75 | family : 105 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 82 arbury road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 5 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : arbury lodge guesthouse | phone : 01223364319 | postcode : cb42je | price : ( double : 75 | family : 100 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 52 gilbert road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 6 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : archway house | phone : 01223575314 | postcode : cb43pe | price : ( double : 70 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 62 gilbert road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : no | id : 9 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : avalon | phone : 01223353071 | postcode : cb43pd | price : ( double : 65 | single : 45 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 78-80 milton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 21 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : home from home | phone : 01223323555 | postcode : cb41la | price : ( double : 75 | family : 105 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 172 chesterton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 23 | location : (52.2157138888889 | 0.133519444444444) | name : kirkwood house | phone : 01223306283 | postcode : cb41da | price : ( double : 75 | family : 130 | single : 50 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 78-80 milton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 25 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : limehouse | phone : 01223300552 | postcode : cb42je | price : ( double : 75 | single : 40 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 152 chesterton road | area : north | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 32 | location : (52.2309912 | 0.1295545) | name : worth house | phone : 01223316074 | postcode : cb41da | price : ( double : 60 | family : 85 | single : 49 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 5 mowbray road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 10 | location : (52.1815361111111 | 0.150375) | name : aylesbray lodge guest house | phone : 01223240089 | postcode : cb17sr | price : ( double : 75 | family : 95 | single : 65 ) | pricerange : moderate | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse ) | ( address : 53 roseford road | area : south | internet : yes | parking : yes | id : 27 | location : (52.1725982 | 0.1112224) | name : \"rosa s bed and breakfast\" | phone : 01223512596 | postcode : cb22ha | price : ( single : 25 ) | pricerange : cheap | stars : 4 | takesbookings : yes | type : guesthouse )))", "dst knowledge": "( taxi : ( arriveBy : ( 03:45 | 04:15 | 22:30 | 20:15 | 09:15 | 23:15 | 18:15 | 07:00 | 12:45 | 22:15 ) | departure : ( ashley hotel | india house | dojo noodle bar | arbury lodge guesthouse | the oak bistro | museum | nusha | downing college | london liverpool street train station | birmingham new street train station ) | destination : ( lensfield hotel | cafe uno | stansted airport train station | don pasquale pizzeria | yippee noodle bar | peterborough train station | rice boat | norwich train station | wagamama | limehouse ) | leaveAt : ( 21:15 | 18:30 | 11:45 | 22:45 | 24:30 | 14:45 | 13:00 | 23:30 | 03:45 | 10:00 )) | hotel : ( day : ( saturday | dontcare | mondaytuesday | friday>tuesday | wednesday|friday | dontcare | wednesday|friday | thursday | wednesday|friday ) | people : ( 6 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 8 | 6 | 6 | 3 | 3 | 3 ) | stay : ( 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3|1 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4 | 4 ) | area : ( west | dontcare | north | centre | west|centre | dontcare | centre | west|centre | north | west ) | internet : ( dontcare | dontcare | free | no | no | yes | free | free | yes | no ) | name : ( bridge guest house | alexander bed and breakfast | wankworth house | el shaddia guesthouse | finches b and b | finches b and b | a and b guest house | marriot hotel | ashely hotel|lovell lodge | dontcare ) | parking : ( dontcare | free | free | no | no | free | free | yes | dontcare | free ) | pricerange : ( cheap>moderate | cheap | dontcare | dontcare | $100 | moderate | $100 | cheap|moderate | moderate | dontcare ) | stars : ( 3|4 | 3|4 | 2 | dontcare | 1 | 4 | 0 | 3 | dontcare | 5 ) | type : ( hotel|guesthouse | hotel|guesthouse | hotel|guesthouse | hotel|guesthouse | hotel|guesthouse | hotel | hotel|guesthouse | hotel | hotel|guesthouse | bed and breakfast )) | restaurant : ( day : ( saturday|thursday | friday | monday | sunday|thursday | saturday | monday | wednesday | wednesday | friday | tuesday ) | people : ( 1 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 4|7 | 5 | 7 ) | time : ( 15:30 | 16:30 | 15:30 | 1145 | 09:30 | 19:00 | 15:30 | 16:00 | 1330 | 17:00 ) | area : ( north | south | south | centre | centre | centre | west | east|south | north | east ) | food : ( polynesian | malaysian | spanish | polish | new zealand | modern global | belgian | polish | european | international ) | name : ( pizza hut fenditton | the river bar steakhouse and grill | ian hong house | the kohinoor | dojo noodle bar|j restaurant | chiquito restaurant bar | the varsity restaurant | yippee noodle bar | pizza express | maharajah tandoori restaurant ) | pricerange : ( moderate|cheap | moderate | dontcare | expensive | moderate | expensive | moderate | moderate | moderate|cheap | expensive )))", "intent knowledge": "( taxi : ( Taxi-Inform | Taxi-Request ) | hotel : ( Hotel-Inform | Hotel-NoOffer | Hotel-Recommend | Hotel-Request | Hotel-Select ) | restaurant : ( Restaurant-Inform | Restaurant-NoOffer | Restaurant-Recommend | Restaurant-Request | Restaurant-Select ) | booking : ( Booking-Book | Booking-Inform | Booking-NoBook | Booking-Request ) | general : ( general-bye | general-greet | general-reqmore | general-welcome ))", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users complete multiple tasks, e.g. find a taxi, find a hotel, and find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] } }