[ "{\"search_info\": [{\"timestmamp\": 1532340320889, \"button_name\": \"top-change-reservation\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1532340419156, \"field_name\": \"customer-name\", \"field_value\": \"Edward hall\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1532340420306, \"field_name\": \"customer-final-action\", \"field_value\": \"no_reservation\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1532340422018, \"button_name\": \"agent-end-conversation\"}], \"action\": {\"status\": \"no_reservation\", \"name\": \"Edward hall\", \"flight\": []}, \"intent\": {\"return_month\": \"Sept\", \"return_day\": \"13\", \"max_price\": 5000, \"departure_airport\": \"IAD\", \"max_connections\": 1, \"departure_day\": \"11\", \"goal\": \"change\", \"departure_month\": \"Sept\", \"name\": \"Edward Hall\", \"return_airport\": \"ATL\"}, \"timestamps\": [1532340243, 1532340256, 1532340271, 1532340294, 1532340299, 1532340318, 1532340329, 1532340365, 1532340378, 1532340403], \"dialogue\": [\"customer: Hello.\", \"agent: Hello. How may I help you?\", \"customer: Can you help me to change my recent reservation because my trip dates are got postponed?\", \"agent: I will help you with that please share your name to proceed further?\", \"customer: Edward hall here.\", \"agent: Please wait for a while.\", \"customer: Sure, take your own time.\", \"agent: There is no active reservation found under your name to amend it.\", \"customer: That's ok, thank you for checking.\", \"agent: Thank you for choosing us.\"], \"expected_action\": {\"status\": \"no_reservation\", \"name\": \"Edward Hall\", \"flight\": []}, \"correct_sample\": true}", "{\"action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Stephen Evans\", \"flight\": [1006]}, \"intent\": {\"return_month\": \"Apr\", \"return_day\": \"5\", \"max_price\": 1000, \"departure_airport\": \"HOU\", \"max_connections\": 1, \"departure_day\": \"3\", \"goal\": \"book\", \"departure_month\": \"Apr\", \"name\": \"Stephen Evans\", \"return_airport\": \"LAS\"}, \"timestamps\": [1518078655, 1518078670, 1518078716, 1518078717, 1518078742, 1518078746, 1518078759, 1518078772, 1518078787, 1518078789, 1518078792, 1518078827, 1518078837, 1518078846, 1518078847, 1518078857], \"dialogue\": [\"customer: HI.\", \"agent: Hello. How may I be of your address?\", \"customer: I want to book a flight ticket to Las Vegas with price under 1000. Can you please help me with it?\", \"agent: Sure, can I know your connection limit?\", \"customer: I need a single connection.\", \"agent: Please let me know your boarding and landing points.\", \"customer: Airport codes are HOU-LAS.\", \"agent: Kindly share your planned travelling dates to proceed further.\", \"customer: Travel dates are 04/03 and 04/05.\", \"agent: Please wait a while.\", \"customer: Ok.\", \"agent: We found a Frontier airline matching your essential details with one connection and the flight number-1006.\", \"customer: Please proceed booking with the name Stephen Evans.\", \"agent: Your booking has been processed successfully.\", \"customer: Thanks for the help.\", \"agent: You're welcome. Happy journey.\"], \"expected_action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Stephen Evans\", \"flight\": [1006, 1017]}, \"correct_sample\": true}", "{\"search_info\": [{\"timestmamp\": 1530014855515, \"button_name\": \"top-book-flight\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014866408, \"field_name\": \"departure_day\", \"field_value\": \"04/03\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014872133, \"field_name\": \"return_day\", \"field_value\": \"04/05\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014875003, \"field_name\": \"from_city\", \"field_value\": \"CLT\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014876803, \"field_name\": \"from_city\", \"field_value\": \"ORD\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014881516, \"field_name\": \"to_city\", \"field_value\": \"ATL\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014882157, \"field_name\": \"flight_search_submit\", \"field_value\": \"\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014912858, \"field_name\": \"customer-name\", \"field_value\": \"Gary Taylor\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014914523, \"field_name\": \"customer-final-action\", \"field_value\": \"book\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530014916732, \"field_name\": \"customer-flight-number\", \"field_value\": \"1014\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1530015110299, \"button_name\": \"agent-end-conversation\"}], \"action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Gary Taylor\", \"flight\": [1014]}, \"intent\": {\"return_month\": \"Apr\", \"return_day\": \"5\", \"max_price\": 1000, \"departure_airport\": \"ORD\", \"max_connections\": 1, \"departure_day\": \"3\", \"goal\": \"book\", \"departure_month\": \"Apr\", \"name\": \"Gary Taylor\", \"return_airport\": \"ATL\"}, \"timestamps\": [1530014779, 1530014792, 1530014815, 1530014842, 1530014850, 1530014853, 1530014870, 1530014894, 1530014899, 1530014906, 1530014919, 1530014984, 1530015036, 1530015045, 1530015059, 1530015074], \"dialogue\": [\"customer: Hello.\", \"agent: Hello, do you need any help from us?\", \"customer: Can you please help me in reserving my flight from ORD to reach ATL?\", \"agent: Sure, could you please share your departure and arrival day?\", \"customer: Thank you, my travelling dates are Apr 3rd and Apr 5th.\", \"agent: Ok, could I have your name please?\", \"customer: I am Gary Taylor.\", \"agent: Ok, do you need direct or connecting flight?\", \"customer: I prefer a single connecting flight.\", \"agent: Ok, do you have any other specifications?\", \"customer: I don't have any other specifications.\", \"agent: The economy class with flight number 1014 of Frontier airline is available having fare as 200 and connection as 1, is it ok for you?\", \"customer: Yes, please proceed by booking.\", \"agent: Ok, your reservation is confirmed. The departure time is 6:00 hours and the arrival time is 10:00 hours.\", \"customer: Thank you for the help.\", \"agent: Thank you for reaching our service.\"], \"expected_action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Gary Taylor\", \"flight\": [1014, 1020, 1021]}, \"correct_sample\": true}", "{\"search_info\": [{\"timestmamp\": 1528211747101, \"field_name\": \"customer-name\", \"field_value\": \"Donna Evans\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211831285, \"button_name\": \"top-book-flight\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211833236, \"field_name\": \"max_connection\", \"field_value\": \"1\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211847733, \"field_name\": \"departure_day\", \"field_value\": \"02/01\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211850581, \"field_name\": \"return_day\", \"field_value\": \"02/03\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211872844, \"field_name\": \"to_city\", \"field_value\": \"OAK\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211876500, \"field_name\": \"from_city\", \"field_value\": \"PHL\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211883973, \"field_name\": \"flight_search_submit\", \"field_value\": \"\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211933476, \"field_name\": \"customer-final-action\", \"field_value\": \"book\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211936636, \"field_name\": \"customer-flight-number\", \"field_value\": \"1018\"}, {\"timestmamp\": 1528211972428, \"button_name\": \"agent-end-conversation\"}], \"action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Donna Evans\", \"flight\": [1018]}, \"intent\": {\"return_month\": \"Feb\", \"return_day\": \"3\", \"max_price\": 1000, \"departure_airport\": \"PHL\", \"max_connections\": 1, \"departure_day\": \"1\", \"goal\": \"book\", \"departure_month\": \"Feb\", \"name\": \"Donna Evans\", \"return_airport\": \"OAK\"}, \"timestamps\": [1528211735, 1528211740, 1528211814, 1528211822, 1528211838, 1528211854, 1528211870, 1528211881, 1528211897, 1528211919, 1528211947, 1528211956, 1528211957, 1528211971], \"dialogue\": [\"customer: Hi. Donna Evans here.\", \"agent: Hello, how can I help you today?\", \"customer: I would like to prefer a flight with lay-by option for my business trip to Oakland. Can you book a flight ticket?\", \"agent: Sure, let me know your travel dates please?\", \"customer: The trip dates are from 01 Feb to 03 Feb.\", \"agent: Can I know your airport codes?\", \"customer: The airport codes are from PHL to OAK.\", \"agent: Any preferences you have?\", \"customer: No, that is it.\", \"agent: Spirit Airlines has a connecting flight with number 1018 for fare 200, shall I proceed?\", \"customer: I am fine with the airlines. You can book the flight ticket.\", \"agent: Your ticket is reserved in economy class.\", \"customer: Thank you.\", \"agent: Thank you for opting us.\"], \"expected_action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Donna Evans\", \"flight\": [1018]}, \"correct_sample\": true}", "{\"action\": {\"status\": \"book\", \"name\": \"Gregory Allen\", \"flight\": [1000]}, \"intent\": {\"return_month\": \"Oct\", \"return_day\": \"12\", \"max_price\": 5000, \"departure_airport\": \"ORD\", \"max_connections\": 0, \"departure_day\": \"10\", \"goal\": \"book\", \"departure_month\": \"Oct\", \"name\": \"Gregory Allen\", \"return_airport\": \"EWR\"}, \"timestamps\": [1519915651, 1519915670, 1519915730, 1519915733, 1519915825, 1519915833, 1519915843, 1519915912, 1519915943, 1519916019, 1519916027], \"dialogue\": [\"customer: Hello.\", \"agent: Hello. How can I help you?\", \"customer: I am Gregory Allen. I want to attend a live music concert in EWr, can you please find a flight from ORD?\", \"agent: Sure, I will help you to book a flight. Can you please share me your travelling dates?\", \"customer: I want to start my journey on 10/10 and my return will be on 10/12.\", \"agent: Please hold on for a moment.\", \"customer: Ok, take your time.\", \"agent: Here, I found a flight for you with single connection. Shall I proceed for booking?\", \"customer: Please proceed.\", \"agent: Your ticket is booked with flight number 1000 and airline is Southwest.\", \"customer: Thank you for booking.\"], \"expected_action\": {\"status\": \"no_flight\", \"name\": \"Gregory Allen\", \"flight\": []}, \"correct_sample\": false}" ]