{ "a07edb12-6b91-4138-b11e-02421888d699": { "messages": [ [ { "text": "Hello", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:38:15Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "How are you doing today?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:38:20Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "whats up MD", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:38:29Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "im doing good", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:38:33Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "how are you doing?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:38:35Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Im alright, I just took a nap. But it was one of those naps that doesnt help anything. It just makes everything worse and you question all your life choices", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:39:21Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "oh wow haha", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:39:58Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "so you still feel tired huh?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:07Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Yeah", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:29Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "did you go to bed late?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:39Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "I have more of a head ache than anything else", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:40Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "dude thats terrible", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:53Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "No, Its just adjusting to a time change", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:55Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "But enough about me", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:40:59Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "What are you up to?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:41:04Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "im refining my skills on Sketch App", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:41:34Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "have you heard of Sketch?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:41:45Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "I havent", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:42:06Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "What is it?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:42:10Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "you know what adobe illustrator is right?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:43:03Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Yes", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:43:09Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "its a vector graphic editor like illustrator but its a lot more light weight and its for UX designers to design UI", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:43:42Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Oh nice!", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:45:31Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "What have you been practicing designing", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:45:41Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "Ive been trying to learn more tools on sketch and just get faster at it]", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:47:11Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "Im doing a free lance job for a professor for his app idea and he needs a mockup of what the app will look like for his pitch", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:47:44Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Wow that is cool! When is that all due by?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:48:28Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "this weekend haha", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:48:44Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Do you think you will finish or is that a pushy deadline?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:50:18Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "its a deadline I set haha", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:51:26Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "but I think Ill be able to finish", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:51:32Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "I hope...", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:51:35Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "if not I can push it back a little", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:51:40Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Well I wish you the best of luck with that deadline", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:52:05Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "thanks", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:52:58Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "do you have any personal projects you are working on\"?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:53:05Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Not really projects. I finished editing a bunch of engagement pictures. So now all I am really doing is just practicing some sketching", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:54:43Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "I can always practice and improve that skill", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:57:20Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "oh coooool!", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:58:26Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "was this a paid photoshoot?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:58:38Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Yep, I had a few that I did before I went home for the summer", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T19:59:55Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "engagement shoots or weddings are goooood money", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:00:24Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "but i hear in utah its super competitive", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:01:01Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Yeah there are so many, every other person takes pictures", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:03:47Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "Its easy to do it for friends and people you know but past that it is hard to get more business", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:04:10Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "yeah true", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:06:27Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "do you think if you wanted to pursue your photography you wuold have to move out of utah?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:06:53Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Um maybe, People need pictures everywhere", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:07:21Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "But I dont really want to do that, its fine for the side, but too hard to make a living on", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:07:45Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "Remind me what you want to do career wise?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:13:39Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "I want to become a UX desiner", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:13:55Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "if you werent Christian what religion would you be in if at all?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:20:16Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Hm", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:21:50Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "Maybe Buddhist", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:22:19Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "What about you?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:22:23Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "I think its a really peaceful practice and it would match my personality", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:26:38Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "I probably would be buddhist culturally because IM korean", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:29:40Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "but if i had a choice I wouldn't label myself as any religion", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:29:53Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "egnostic? is that the term?", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:30:04Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "I think that is a term but I dont know exactly what it means", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:30:16Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" }, { "text": "Thats really cool", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:30:20Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ], [ { "text": "I need to go. Thanks for chatting!", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:30:56Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Hope you have a good day!", "timestamp": "2018-05-02T20:31:04Z", "sender": "720840be-e522-47ba-9e9f-143f66372673" } ] ], "ratings": { "witty": 10, "upbeat": 10, "interesting": 10 }, "start": "2018-05-03T01:38:01Z", "prompt": "What's one thing your best friend doesn't know about you?" }, "58a21226-302d-4d83-a7f8-8e6ade072c84": { "messages": [ [ { "text": "hi", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:19:51Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "anyone here", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:19:57Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "hey whats up", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:19:58Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "yeah how are you", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:20:01Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "im good", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:20:04Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "im an international student from nigeria,and aspiring freshman", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:20:24Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "thats awesome", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:20:27Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "wow cool how did you feel when you got accepted?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:21:11Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "i was super excited,but definitely not as much as my parents, they freaked out, its always been a dream to got to BYU and serve a mission", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:22:21Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "im grateful to heavenly father", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:22:33Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:24:38Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "byu is one of the best schools out there", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:24:46Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "i know rightttt, its sooo cool, i love it, cant wait to get in and meet new people", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:25:12Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah i have been here for a while and i love it", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:26:48Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "what year are you in?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:27:06Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "this is my sophomore year", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:28:19Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "oh..nicee, did you serve a mission ?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:28:52Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:31:19Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "in nebraska", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:31:22Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "thats cool,are you an american?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:31:55Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah i am from america", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:32:05Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "have you ever been?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:33:17Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "yeah, twice, my uncles live in texas", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:34:12Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "wow that is cool", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:35:10Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "do you have any other family in america?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:35:21Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "yeah", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:35:24Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "so,what do you like doing for fun?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:35:35Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "i like to play volleyball what about you?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:36:06Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "i like soccer,table tennis,tennis,and badmington", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:36:52Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "i wanna workout and preactice then try out for the BYU football team after my mission", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:37:11Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "oh that is a good goal! Where are you going on your mission?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:37:37Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "i dont know yet", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:37:51Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "im not of age, ill go after one year in BYU", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:38:07Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "oh ok", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:38:43Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "how old are you 17?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:38:47Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "turning 17 june 20", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:39:02Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "you?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:39:09Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "oh wow so you have a while", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:39:14Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "btw it isnt a good idea to use your actual birthday", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:39:25Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "just year", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:39:26Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "and i am 21", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:39:28Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "ohhhh..ok", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:40:40Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "thanks for the info", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:40:49Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "thats cool", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:40:54Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "where would you go if money werent an object?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:41:51Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "hmmmm", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:43:08Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "ive honestly never thought of that", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:43:17Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "but i have always wanted to visit brazil", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:43:28Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "that would be cool", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:45:25Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "yeah", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:46:29Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "and you?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:46:34Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "where would you like to visit?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:46:48Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "i think it would be cool to visit europe", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:47:09Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "i think i would want to go to europe", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:50:27Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "oh,,,why?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:51:45Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "i want to go check out the people and the culture", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:52:27Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "i mean america kind of started of in europe you know what i mean?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:52:35Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "yeah,i understand, i think your reason is kinda cool, i eanna go to brazil cause of soccer,nigerians love soccer, and brazillians are really good", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:56:07Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "i would like to play with some of them.", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:56:21Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah they are really good", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:58:56Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "i think that is probably the most fanatic country when it comes to soccer", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:59:11Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "yes,i think it is", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:59:36Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "south americans love soccer a lot", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T23:59:48Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah i can certainly believe that", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:00:06Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "lol", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:00:26Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "is soccer your favorite sport?", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:01:51Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "nooooo", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:04:59Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "i really like table tennis", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:06Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "oh i really like it too", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:11Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "are you good?", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:13Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "what bout you", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:16Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "yeah,i am good", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:21Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "but not like asian good, those guys are amazing, im self taught though", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:45Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "yeah i am pretty good but not a master", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:46Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "same here'", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:05:53Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "i would like to play you sometime", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:06:05Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "that would be awesome", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:06:27Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "too bad we cant exchange contact information", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:06:27Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "unfortunately", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:06:31Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "i know", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:06:32Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": ":( :( :(", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:06:44Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "what else do you like to do?", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:10:05Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "video games, read,workout", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:11:07Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "what is your favorite video game?\\", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:11:32Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "you?", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:12:46Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "i like uncharted,and soccer", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:12:46Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "i have never played either", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:12:53Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" }, { "text": "but i used to be really big into eve online", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:12:59Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "uncharted is amazing", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:13:04Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "i have never played that do you play fortnite", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:13:32Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "i dont play fort nite a lot but my brother does and he is really good", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:14:01Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "well,its like 1 am here,i should get to bed, it was nice talking to you, have a great day.", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:14:11Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ], [ { "text": "ok it was nice talking have a good day!", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:14:21Z", "sender": "31267496-e50f-4f91-a197-c5b1bfde803b" } ], [ { "text": "thats nice. i wanna try dortnite", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:14:28Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" }, { "text": "thanks", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T00:14:31Z", "sender": "2cbc08d8-41dc-4372-af7d-781fbde3f2b1" } ] ], "ratings": { "witty": 7, "upbeat": 7, "interesting": 8 }, "start": "2018-05-10T05:19:04Z", "prompt": "Is there something that you don't know that you're embarrassed about not knowing?" }, "a8c67bac-868a-43a2-bf21-58fabe339db3": { "messages": [ [ { "text": "hi there", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T22:06:01Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" }, { "text": "are you there?", "timestamp": "2018-05-09T22:11:50Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ] ], "ratings": { "witty": 5, "upbeat": 5, "interesting": 5 }, "start": "2018-05-10T04:05:48Z", "prompt": "What would happen if two computers chatted with each other?" }, "cdf96a2c-1ba5-4375-a65e-917b151ce04e": { "messages": [ [ { "text": "good afternoon!", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T20:16:57Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Heyoo", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T20:17:03Z", "sender": "6dd41fff-8b63-44be-bae7-524ce4ca5796" } ], [ { "text": "hey I can't see my chat bubble.....", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T20:17:14Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ], [ { "text": "Finally someone is on", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T20:17:21Z", "sender": "6dd41fff-8b63-44be-bae7-524ce4ca5796" } ], [ { "text": "im sorry if you are there and can't talk to me.", "timestamp": "2018-05-10T20:17:30Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ] ], "ratings": { "witty": 1, "upbeat": 1, "interesting": 1 }, "start": "2018-05-11T02:16:37Z", "prompt": "Do you think computers will ever be given the right to vote?" }, "d64bccb6-4a10-4a44-94ae-e2bd478b4453": { "messages": [ [ { "text": "Hi who's this?", "timestamp": "2018-05-04T01:31:30Z", "sender": "549cc1d1-270e-4a53-b561-133a8d0086b4" } ] ], "ratings": { "witty": 5, "upbeat": 5, "interesting": 5 }, "start": "2018-05-04T07:31:13Z", "prompt": "If you were in power for a day, how would you try to improve the country?" } }