{ "MIT-Movie--train--1": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 1, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "what movies star bruce willis", "system response": "", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "BOI format": "O O O B-ACTOR I-ACTOR" }, "original system side information": {} } ] }, "MIT-Movie--train--2": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 2, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "show me films with drew barrymore from the 1980s", "system response": "", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "BOI format": "O O O O B-ACTOR I-ACTOR O O B-YEAR" }, "original system side information": {} } ] }, "MIT-Movie--train--3": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 3, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "what movies starred both al pacino and robert deniro", "system response": "", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "BOI format": "O O O O B-ACTOR I-ACTOR O B-ACTOR I-ACTOR" }, "original system side information": {} } ] }, "MIT-Movie--train--4": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 4, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "find me all of the movies that starred harold ramis and bill murray", "system response": "", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "BOI format": "O O O O O O O O B-ACTOR I-ACTOR O B-ACTOR I-ACTOR" }, "original system side information": {} } ] }, "MIT-Movie--train--5": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 5, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "find me a movie with a quote about baseball in it", "system response": "", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "BOI format": "O O O O O O O O O O O" }, "original system side information": {} } ] } }