[ { "tripleset": [ [ "First Clearing", "LOCATION", "On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville" ], [ "On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville", "CITY_OR_TOWN", "Callicoon, New York" ] ], "subtree_was_extended": false, "annotations": { "source": [ "WikiTableQuestions_mturk" ], "text": [ "First Clearing\tbased on Callicoon, New York and location at On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville" ] }, "struct_in": "First Clearing : location : On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville | On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville : city_or_town : Callicoon, New York", "text_in": "", "seq_out": "First Clearing\tbased on Callicoon, New York and location at On NYS 52 1 Mi. Youngsville" }, { "tripleset": [ [ "[TABLECONTEXT]", "MARKER_NAME", "Old Turnpike" ], [ "[TABLECONTEXT]", "[TITLE]", "List of New York State Historic Markers in Sullivan County, New York" ] ], "subtree_was_extended": true, "annotations": { "source": [ "WikiTableQuestions_mturk" ], "text": [ "Old Turnpike is a Historic Marker in Sullivan County, New York." ] }, "struct_in": "[TABLECONTEXT] : marker_name : Old Turnpike | [TABLECONTEXT] : [title] : List of New York State Historic Markers in Sullivan County, New York", "text_in": "", "seq_out": "Old Turnpike is a Historic Marker in Sullivan County, New York." }, { "tripleset": [ [ "Antalya 15, Turkey", "SURFACE", "Hard" ], [ "Antalya 15, Turkey", "OPPONENT", "Tereza Martincov\u00e1" ], [ "Antalya 15, Turkey", "SCORE", "6-4, 6-3" ], [ "15 April 2013", "TOURNAMENT", "Antalya 15, Turkey" ] ], "subtree_was_extended": false, "annotations": { "source": [ "WikiTableQuestions_mturk" ], "text": [ "Tereza Martincov\u00e1" ] }, "struct_in": "Antalya 15, Turkey : surface : Hard | Antalya 15, Turkey : opponent : Tereza Martincov\u00e1 | Antalya 15, Turkey : score : 6-4, 6-3 | 15 April 2013 : tournament : Antalya 15, Turkey", "text_in": "", "seq_out": "Tereza Martincov\u00e1" }, { "tripleset": [ [ "2 April 2012", "TOURNAMENT", "Ribeir\u00e3o Preto, Brazil" ], [ "Ribeir\u00e3o Preto, Brazil", "SURFACE", "Hard" ] ], "subtree_was_extended": false, "annotations": { "source": [ "WikiTableQuestions_mturk" ], "text": [ "Beatriz Haddad Maia played on 2 April 2012\tin Ribeir\u00e3o Preto, Brazil\ton a hard surface." ] }, "struct_in": "2 April 2012 : tournament : Ribeir\u00e3o Preto, Brazil | Ribeir\u00e3o Preto, Brazil : surface : Hard", "text_in": "", "seq_out": "Beatriz Haddad Maia played on 2 April 2012\tin Ribeir\u00e3o Preto, Brazil\ton a hard surface." }, { "tripleset": [ [ "5", "STADIUM", "shea stadium" ] ], "subtree_was_extended": false, "annotations": { "source": [ "WikiSQL_decl_sents" ], "text": [ "The week 5 game is played in Shea Stadium." ] }, "struct_in": "5 : stadium : shea stadium", "text_in": "", "seq_out": "The week 5 game is played in Shea Stadium." } ]