[ [ { "Recap": [ "Sydney returns to S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 as a double agent and is as@@ signed with Marcus Dixon to travel to Mo@@ sc@@ ow to re@@ tri@@ eve some stolen files . In the process , however , she in@@ adver@@ ten@@ tly gives S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 access to a n@@ uc@@ lear weapon , which makes her travel to Ca@@ ir@@ o and face a dea@@ dly fo@@ e in order to fix things . Meanwhile , Will Ti@@ pp@@ in ( a jour@@ na@@ list and a close friend ) driven by pity and a secret devo@@ tion for her , begins to question the circumstances surr@@ ounding Danny 's death . He discovers weird details about the night of the murder , one being that someone had tried to help him escape by boo@@ king him a flight to S@@ in@@ ga@@ po@@ re . Sydney , who still ca n't come to terms with her father 's in@@ sin@@ ce@@ rity , re@@ conc@@ iles with him to a certain ext@@ ent when she discovers he was the one who bought plane tickets for Daniel and her ." ], "Transcript": [ "( Sydney , wearing a long black wi@@ g and black clothes , runs down a hall . Pan@@ ting . She 's being cha@@ sed by two men . )", "MAN 1 : Ar@@ re@@ te@@ z !", "MAN 2 : Ar@@ re@@ te@@ z !", "( They sh@@ out at her in French . Sydney flies behind a corner , fl@@ ings open a door and runs down a flight of stairs . The men are right on her tail . She runs down a hall , gun@@ shots fly . She di@@ ves in an elevator as bullets rid@@ dle the in@@ sides . The doors close . She hits floor twenty - eight . M@@ en sh@@ out in French . Inside the elevator , Sydney sla@@ ps a device on the wall of the elevator that makes the video of her in the control room scra@@ mble . She stares at the video camera in the upper corner of the elevator for a minute , climb@@ s up to the ceiling of the elevator and pops out . On top of the elevator , Sydney takes out a metal object , cla@@ mps it on the c@@ able next to the elevator , jumps across and sli@@ des down as the elevator goes up . The elevator dings at floor twenty - eight , with the two men waiting for her to come out ... only to find the elevator empty . )", "( In the basement , Sydney runs . She runs into a guard , bea@@ ts him . Outside , a stre@@ tch limo scre@@ e@@ ches to a hal@@ t . Door opens , Sydney jumps in . As the limo pulls away , we see the E@@ i@@ ff@@ el To@@ wer in the background . Inside the limo , Sydney pants and gives a small box to a large man smoking a ci@@ gar across from her . )", "( Cut to inside a van . Sydney and Vaughn sit at a table . He takes notes . )", "SYDNEY : That was three years ago when I met him for the first time . Leonard D@@ re@@ y@@ f@@ us -- he helps ban@@ k@@ roll S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 oper@@ ations . This guy is very hands - on . Not just in his business . He 's a real sli@@ me . He runs a di@@ vision in Gen@@ ev@@ a . Go - to guy for transp@@ ort . He 'll get anything , anywhere , fast . Sloane re@@ lies on him . He 's a big target .", "VAUGHN : Okay , good , list@@ en--", "SYDNEY : Also , there 's a crew just outside Me@@ mp@@ his . They provide fi@@ rea@@ r@@ ms . C@@ ust@@ o@@ m stuff -- gra@@ ph@@ ite , tit@@ ani@@ um , pla@@ st@@ ics .", "VAUGHN : Me@@ mp@@ his ?", "SYDNEY : Me@@ mp@@ his , E@@ gy@@ pt .", "( Cut to Me@@ mp@@ his , flashback . Inside a warehouse , Sydney and Dixon sit in front of a desk while two men stand behind it . )", "SYDNEY : ( voice over ) I know I just started working with you guys at the C.@@ I@@ .A. , but listen to me . If we 're gon na bring down S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , we have to elimin@@ ate their source of arms -- An@@ in@@ i H@@ ass@@ an .", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : Three of her ma@@ j@@ esty 's favo@@ ri@@ tes .", "( He gives a large gun to Dixon ; he admir@@ es it . )", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : ( gest@@ ures to other man to get other gun ) And now , the new design , as I promised . I named it \" Ab@@ enn@@ i . \" That 's my son 's name . It holds t@@ wel@@ ve rounds and it 's se@@ mi - au@@ tom@@ atic .", "( He tries loa@@ ding it ; looks to man . )", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : What the hell is this ?", "( They begin to speak in Ar@@ ab@@ ic , then shouting . Sydney tries speaking to them in Ar@@ ab@@ ic to calm them down . Dixon looks nervous . H@@ ass@@ an pulls a gun on the guy . )", "DIXON : N@@ O !", "( Too late . H@@ ass@@ an shoots his worker a few times in the chest . Sydney turns her head so she wo n't see . H@@ ass@@ an turns to them ; his cheek sp@@ lat@@ tered with the man 's blood . )", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : That was -- uh , sorry . I 'm sorry you had to see that .", "SYDNEY : ( voice over ) That was six months ago . I have friends from the M@@ id@@ dle E@@ ast . H@@ ass@@ an 's not one of them .", "( In the van . )", "VAUGHN : I do n't blame you . Li@@ st@@ en--", "SYDNEY : There 's more . We need to go after a gen@@ e@@ tic@@ ist in K@@ u@@ al@@ a Lu@@ mp@@ ur . He 's involved in@@ --", "VAUGHN : Okay , stop . You have to listen to me , okay ?", "SYDNEY : You said you wanted to talk about the plan . I 'm giving you the plan .", "VAUGHN : It 's not your job to give me the plan . I 'm giving you the plan . Tomorrow 's your first day back at S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Now , nothing should change . When you get your assignment , you 'll detail your mission on a paper bag . ( picks one up , showing her ) Ba@@ g . Then you 'll call this number . ( gives her card ) Me@@ mo@@ ri@@ ze it . After three ton@@ es , press the appropriate di@@ g@@ it -- one through six . E@@ ach cor@@ respon@@ ds to a trash can in a specific location . Now we 'll review your information , create a coun@@ ter@@ mission , and we 'll contact you po@@ sing as a wrong number . Joey 's Pi@@ zza . Any questions , so far ?", "SYDNEY : Yeah . Can you show me what a bag looks like again ?", "( Vaughn rolls his eyes . )", "SYDNEY : Now , you listen to me , Mr. Vaughn . I appreciate what your job is here , even though I think you 're a little young to be doing it , to estab@@ lish a proto@@ co@@ l between the C.@@ I@@ .A. and their latest double agent . But I 'm not sitting here to pick up the ins and outs of Lang@@ ley procedure . I am sitting here for one reason only , and that is to destroy S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 !", "VAUGHN : H@@ ey@@ !@@ --", "SYDNEY : After which I am out ! I want no more of this spy crap , that 's why I went to you in the first place . So , listen to me and I will hand you , in record time , the people who will ren@@ der S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 useless .", "VAUGHN : Re@@ cor@@ d time .", "SYDNEY : Two months . T@@ ops . And then I am out . I walk .", "( Pause . Vaughn takes a pad of paper and gives it to her . )", "VAUGHN : Dra@@ w me a map . Dra@@ w me a map of S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 and all it 's al@@ lies . How far you think it reaches .", "SYDNEY : Do I look like I 'm in J@@ unior High ?", "VAUGHN : ( raising voice ) Just draw me a S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 family tree !", "SYDNEY : B@@ rac@@ es on my teeth ...", "VAUGHN : ( over@@ la@@ pping ; shouting ) How far you think it goes !", "SYDNEY : ... Hea@@ d@@ g@@ ear ? Do you see a reta@@ iner ? !", "VAUGHN : Just DO I@@ T !", "( She stares at him and takes the pen and paper . With@@ in ten seconds , she has a simple map with about a dozen names . )", "SYDNEY : I do n't know what your problem is with me . Maybe it 's that I 'm a woman , or maybe you just do n't like my attitude , or something , and I 'm sorry about that . But I really do nt feel like wasting time here . Three 's only one way we can im@@ mo@@ bi@@ liz@@ e S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , and that 's M@@ Y way . So , forgive me for being for@@ th@@ right or ... female , but this is how it 's gon na be .", "( He nods slowly , stands and gets a map . He sp@@ reads it out in front of them . Hun@@ dre@@ ds , perhaps a thousand , names are aff@@ i@@ li@@ ated with S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 on the map . Sydney looks ama@@ zed at how deep this goes and how little she knew . )", "VAUGHN : Since I 've been at the C.@@ I@@ .A. , I 've only seen this map grow . This is what you 're in the middle of , Sydney . If shu@@ tting down the Lo@@ s Angeles cell was all we were after , we would have ra@@ ided that office three years ago . This is not about cutting off an arm of the monster . This is about killing the monster . And the work you have ahead of you -- the work your father has been doing -- it 's complicated , it 's poli@@ tical , and it is long term .", "( Sydney 's shocked . )", "VAUGHN : ( shows card ) Here , memo@@ ri@@ ze this .", "SYDNEY : I did .", "VAUGHN : Okay . I guess we 'll wait to hear from you .", "( She stands , gets ready to leave . )", "VAUGHN : Hey , wait .", "( He gets a bright yellow stic@@ ker from the above counter and sticks it on the inside of Sydney 's arm . She puts on her boo@@ k@@ bag ; he smiles . )", "SYDNEY : Thanks .", "VAUGHN : You 're welcome .", "( Sydney leaves the van . Outside , we see that the van has \" L.A. Coun@@ ty Bl@@ ood Do@@ nor D@@ ri@@ ve \" on it . It 's parked at the uni@@ versity . A guy walks past Sydney , who still looks stunned . )", "GU@@ Y : Hey , see you in class .", "SYDNEY : For sure .", "( She starts walking to her class . )", "( Franc@@ ie and Charlie -- Franc@@ ie 's boyfriend -- are helping Sydney move into her new house . Franc@@ ie un@@ wra@@ ps a plate . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Oh , look . This one 's chi@@ pped .", "SYDNEY : Oh , that 's okay . Those were my mom 's .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Oh .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : ( entering , carrying a box ) Okay , these are heavy .", "SYDNEY : Oh . ( laughs ) Put that down right ... right here .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : No problem .", "SYDNEY : Thank you .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Com@@ o s@@ i . ( to Franc@@ ie ) I need a massage later .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Okay , good to know .", "( Will enters with a bag of food . )", "SYDNEY : Hey , finally .", "WILL : I know , I 'm sorry . Lit@@ v@@ ack called ; I had to re@@ write a whole piece in the parking lot . ( to Charlie ) They did n't have any hor@@ ser@@ ad@@ ish .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : No , that 's cool .", "SYDNEY : That 's annoying .", "WILL : Yeah , no kidding . There 's a woman in Marina Del Ray who 's eating newsp@@ apers .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : She 's eating it ?", "WILL : She 's pregnant and apparently it 's a condition some women get before the@@ y-- ( motions to stomach )", "SYDNEY : E@@ ating newspaper 's a condition ?", "WILL : Yeah , yeah . This is what I write about . This is how I make a living . And L@@ int@@ back says my writing 's too jud@@ ge@@ mental and I 'm like , \" Well , who cares ? She 's not gon na read it anyway , she 's gon na swal@@ low it . \"", "( They chuckle . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Hey , what are you doing on T@@ hur@@ sday ?", "WILL : Probably re@@ writing this piece again .", "SYDNEY : Charlie got an offer .", "WILL : Hey , that 's great ! Where ?", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Le@@ ming Le@@ tt@@ er@@ man . That 's corporate law . Do@@ wn@@ town office .", "WILL : Yeah , yeah , yeah . I heard of that .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : We 're doing a dinner thing on T@@ hur@@ sday and you are requ@@ ired .", "WILL : Totally , totally there . Congratulations !", "( They shake hands . Will pauses and follows Sydney into her bedroom with a sandwich and drink in his hand . She hangs up some clothes . )", "SYDNEY : Hey .", "WILL : Do you want your - your food ?", "SYDNEY : Yeah , I just want to get the clo@@ sets done first so I feel like I live here .", "WILL : Well , here .", "( He takes some clothes from a box and helps her hang some up . )", "SYDNEY : Thanks .", "( Pause . )", "WILL : Sy@@ d , I 'm sorry . I ca n't take it .", "SYDNEY : Will , please . Let 's not do this again .", "WILL : C 'm on , you know me . You know I ca n't let this go !", "SYDNEY : Will , come on !", "WILL : You took Amy 's pas@@ sport !", "SYDNEY : I know !", "WILL : You took her credit card !", "SYDNEY : I know what happened !", "WILL : You disappeared !", "SYDNEY : I know !", "WILL : Sy@@ d , I can@@ 't--", "( Her pa@@ ger goes off . Sydney looks at it . )", "SYDNEY : It 's the bank .", "WILL : What was going on with Danny ? Because he must 've been in some kind of trou@@ ble@@ --", "SYDNEY : I need you to do something .", "WILL : You need me to shut up , I know !", "SYDNEY : I need you to accept what I 've already told you .", "WILL : You have n't told me anything , you 're being so va@@ gue !", "SYDNEY : I lost my mind a little . I started imag@@ ining things .", "WILL : Whatever the hell you 're talking about , maybe you 're not imag@@ ining it . Sy@@ d , this is what I do . I might be able to find something that the police over@@ looked !", "SYDNEY : Stop it ! Please . I 'm trying to move on here . I need your help to do that . Okay ?", "( Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . Sydney gets off the elevator , enters the white room . It lights up red . She enters the room , but it 's different now . All these people she sees every day , and now she 's lying . Marshall comes up to her . )", "MARSHALL : Oh , hey , Miss B@@ rist@@ ow .", "SYDNEY : Hey , Marshall .", "MARSHALL : Hey , listen , I do n't normally get over@@ ly personal . I do n't like to cross that line . You probably do n't know this about me , but I 'm really not much of a social p@@ es@@ on . I do n't like -- I like myself , I mean , I enjoy myself , I just do n't feel that kind of pressure when I 'm by my -- you ever feel that ?", "SYDNEY : You can say anything you want to me .", "MARSHALL : Okay . I just wanted to tell you that I 'm really sorry about your fi@@ ance , and it 's nice to have you back .", "SYDNEY : Thanks .", "( He smiles and walks away . )", "( Me@@ e@@ ting . Dixon , Sloane , Marshall and Sydney sit in the board room . )", "SLOANE : Let 's start with what we know . We 've received two pieces of int@@ el . The first is this intern@@ al me@@ mo from G@@ .@@ R@@ .A. head@@ quarters . It seems that certain files were repor@@ ted missing last week from the s@@ even@@ th floor of The A@@ qu@@ a@@ ri@@ um .", "DIXON : S@@ even@@ th floor ? That 's fore@@ ign intel@@ ligence .", "SLOANE : And we acqu@@ ired the second piece . A@@ bu@@ l H@@ asse@@ in Na@@ v@@ our . Mi@@ li@@ tary attac@@ he from Sud@@ an whom you 'll f@@ on@@ dly remember from last year . He 's on his way to Mo@@ sc@@ ow to meet these two gentlemen . Ka@@ z@@ im@@ its Che@@ be@@ k@@ o@@ v and L@@ ur@@ i Ka@@ po@@ che@@ v . Both I@@ D@@ 'd as members of the Rus@@ sian ma@@ fia . We think these are the men who stole the documents because the co@@ des identi@@ fied that these lost documents per@@ ta@@ ined to the So@@ vi@@ et - American n@@ uc@@ lear ar@@ sen@@ al during the Cold Wa@@ r .", "SYDNEY : Na@@ v@@ our 's buying twenty year old int@@ el records . Why ?", "SLOANE : That 's the part we do n't know . So , you are leaving tomorrow morning .", "( He gives black enve@@ lo@@ pes to Dixon and Sydney . )", "SLOANE : Your job is to prevent the trans@@ action and re@@ tri@@ eve the stolen files . Marshall , tell us what you got .", "MARSHALL : ( stands ) Okay . Who here has trouble falling asleep at night , hmm ? ( raises hand ) No one else does ? O@@ Kay . Well , anyway , myself , on occasion , I find it difficult to no@@ d off -- mind rac@@ ing , ideas , et ce@@ ter@@ a . So , this kind of per@@ tains to the whole sleeping thing . Now , I created this just for Na@@ v@@ our .", "( He puts on really big , black gloves and takes out a blue do@@ t from a conta@@ iner with the help of a pair of p@@ inc@@ ers . )", "MARSHALL : Now , you just take this kind of little round thing here . Pretty cool . You just touch it , just with your finger , your hand , you know , just barely touch it and you 're knocked out completely . It 's like free@@ bas@@ ing Th@@ or@@ a@@ z@@ ine . B@@ oom . Now , you only get two times on this thing . It only works twice , so you do n't want to use it three times 'cause ...", "DIXON : Do we need to use those gloves ?", "MARSHALL : Oh , no , we can make a nice ring , or - or perhaps an attractive cu@@ ff - cu@@ ff link . The reason why I 'm wearing the gloves , I accidentally touched this the other day and I fell and kn@@ cked my head on the desk and was out cold for twenty minutes . You guys should see this .", "( He turns to show a B@@ and - A@@ id that is on his neck . Sydney and Dixon try not to laugh . Sydney , smiling , makes eye contact with Sloane who is staring at her inten@@ tly . )", "MARSHALL : That 's not , um , I 'm trying to be kind of Pa@@ v@@ lo@@ vi@@ an about these pu@@ pp@@ ies . No pu@@ n intended .", "( Outside the board room , Dixon and Sydney walk to their des@@ ks . )", "DIXON : They keep coming back , do n't they ?", "SYDNEY : Who ? You mean Na@@ v@@ our ?", "DIXON : How is that man still able to walk after our app@@ ar@@ el ?", "SYDNEY : If it were n't him , it 'd be someone else .", "DIXON : Then let it be someone else . We kill ourselves to do the right thing , mean@@ while the bad people keep coming back .", "( Sydney stares at him . )", "SLOANE : Sydney , do you have a minute ?", "SYDNEY : Yes , of course .", "DIXON : I 'll be in Te@@ ch O@@ ps . ( leaves )", "SLOANE : I know it 's gon na take you some time to ad@@ just to being back . I just want to make sure you 're all right .", "SYDNEY : I 'm fine . Thanks .", "SLOANE : Good . I need to show you something .", "( Sloane opens an office door ; Sydney looks surprised . )", "SLOANE : I 'll leave you two alone . ( leaves )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : It 's all right , the room 's clean . No one 's listening . Hello , Sydney .", "SYDNEY : What is this ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I 'm here to tell you what you already know . That I work for S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , or so they think . I asked Sloane to do this .", "SYDNEY : Why ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Because it 'll faci@@ li@@ t@@ ate what we 're doing if they know that you know . It would n't hurt if you acted surprised when you left the office .", "SYDNEY : Since I 've known the truth about you , I 've asked myself questions . Th@@ ous@@ ands of questions . But this one I have to ask you now . When Danny was killed ... Dad ... did you know ? Did you know that 's what they e@@ w@@ re going to do ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Yes .", "( She sla@@ ps him . )", "SYDNEY : Do n't you ever speak to me again .", "( She leaves . )", "( In a mall food court , Sydney wri@@ tes on a paper bag . )", "SYDNEY : ( voice over ) A@@ bu@@ l H@@ asse@@ in Na@@ v@@ our is attemp@@ ting to pur@@ chase files stolen from the Rus@@ sian government . Sloane is sending us to Mo@@ sc@@ ow to prevent Na@@ v@@ our from getting the files .", "( Cut to a phone booth . Sydney presses a button and hangs up . )", "SYDNEY : ( V.O. ) Dixon will im@@ per@@ so@@ on@@ ate Na@@ v@@ our . My job is to break into Na@@ v@@ our 's hotel room and take the money for the buy . So , what 's next ?", "( Sydney walks by a garbage bag and throws the cru@@ mpl@@ ed up bag in the can . )", "( In Sydney 's new place , she un@@ pac@@ ks a box and st@@ acks books on a shel@@ f . She takes out a framed picture and smiles . The phone rings . She puts the picture on the shel@@ f -- it 's of her and Danny , both are smiling . )", "SYDNEY : Hello ?", "VOICE : Joey 's Pi@@ zza ?", "SYDNEY : I 'm sorry . You 've got the wrong number .", "( Con@@ ven@@ i@@ ence store . Sydney enters , wra@@ pping her car@@ di@@ gan sweater ti@@ ghter around her body . Vaughn stands nearby , looking at cer@@ eal . She goes behind him and opens the coo@@ ler door , looking at a bottle of V@@ 8 S@@ pl@@ ash . )", "SYDNEY : It 's me .", "VAUGHN : How you doing ?", "SYDNEY : How I 'm doing ? I 'd say things have been better . I 'm working with friends who have no idea who they 're really working for .", "VAUGHN : I heard Sloane had you meet your father .", "SYDNEY : Yes , he did . So , what 's my counter - mission ?", "VAUGHN : Na@@ v@@ our 's been on our short list for the past six months . In Au@@ gust , he attempted to pur@@ chase a nu@@ ke from Li@@ b@@ ya .", "SYDNEY : You already knew about Mo@@ sc@@ ow ?", "VAUGHN : No , we did n't . So , thank you for that .", "( Sydney closes the coo@@ ler door and moves beside him in the cer@@ eal aisle . )", "SYDNEY : Do n't mention it . ( shi@@ vers ) That was cold . So , what 's my move ?", "VAUGHN : Car@@ ry out your assignment . Get the documents . When you get back , make sure Y@@ O@@ U are holding the stolen files . We 'll exe@@ cute two brush passes at the airport termin@@ al .", "( He gets a sl@@ us@@ hie . )", "VAUGHN : First , one will take place at the gate . We 'll inter@@ c@@ ept the mate@@ ri@@ als and make a d@@ up@@ licate copy and then return them to you in a second pass to be execu@@ ted at the airport cur@@ b .", "SYDNEY : That 's it ?", "VAUGHN : That 's it . Want a S@@ l@@ us@@ ho ?", "SYDNEY : No , thank you .", "VAUGHN : They 're delicious .", "SYDNEY : No , thanks . I said I was cold .", "VAUGHN : ( looks at her ) Good luck .", "( New@@ sp@@ aper office . Will is at his desk , on the phone . )", "WILL : I can imagine , that must 've been devast@@ ating . Did he say anything to you after he drove over your cat ?", "( A pretty girl , Jenny , stands at his desk and smiles . He looks at her in reco@@ gn@@ ition . )", "WILL : Uh huh . Did he ever make any threats to you , or your cat ? Sure . No , I -- okay . You have my number at the paper . All right . Bye - bye . ( hangs up ) A man ran over his cat .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : I understand .", "WILL : We 're in a world where people drive over people 's cat@@ s .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : You did n't answer my question .", "WILL : Which - which one ?", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : What are you doing for dinner ?", "WILL : Jenny , you 're n@@ ine@@ teen years old .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : I 'm twenty . You know I turned tw@@ ent@@ y--", "WILL : We 're not having this conversation . I 'm anci@@ ent compared to you . Look . Look at me . Look how red my eyes are .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : ( smiles ) You do n't look too bad .", "WILL : Do me a favor . Can you pull me that file on Daniel He@@ ch@@ t ?", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : What , that murder ? Your friend ?", "WILL : Yeah . Do you mind ?", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : No , no .", "WILL : Thanks .", "( She starts to walk away , turns . )", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : You do n't take me seriously , do you ?", "WILL : No , I do n't .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : Hmm .", "( Mo@@ sc@@ ow . In a hotel lobby , Sydney walks in wearing a long blonde wi@@ g that 's bra@@ ided . She w@@ ears glasses and speaks to Dixon who stands near the counter via an ear@@ piece . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , do yo copy ?", "DIXON : Wow . That 's loud .", "SYDNEY : ( walking to elevator ) You told Marshall you wanted it lou@@ der . I was there .", "DIXON : Okay . My headache and I are 10@@ 17 .", "SYDNEY : ( in elevator ) Brea@@ k a leg .", "DIXON : You , too .", "( Up@@ stairs , the elevator dings and Sydney gets off . She w@@ ears a maid 's uniform and carries to@@ wel@@ s . )", "( At a bar , Dixon -- im@@ person@@ ating Na@@ v@@ our -- looks around . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm on fif@@ teen .", "DIXON : Get the cash quickly .", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "( Up@@ stairs , outside the hotel room . )", "SYDNEY : That is the plan .", "( She knocks . A man inside speaks Rus@@ sian , she speaks Rus@@ sian back . He opens the door and lets her in . )", "( At the bar , Dixon walks around and sees two Rus@@ si@@ ans . They wave at him . )", "DIXON : Che@@ be@@ k@@ o@@ v and Ka@@ po@@ che@@ v just showed up .", "( Up@@ stairs , in the hotel room . M@@ en speak Rus@@ sian . )", "DIXON : St@@ and by on the call .", "( Sydney makes the bed . The men leave . She goes to the suit@@ case , removes the case on her ring to show the blue sleeping do@@ t . She turns the ring so it 's on the inside of her hand . She goes to the body@@ guard who is sitting down and shakes his hand , speaking Rus@@ sian . He knocks out immediately . )", "SYDNEY : Wow . Bo@@ dy@@ guard 's out . Na@@ v@@ our 's in the shower , I 'm going in for the money .", "( Do@@ wn@@ stairs at the bar . The men wave at Dixon . )", "DIXON : Move fast . They spo@@ tted me .", "( Up@@ stairs , Sydney takes off her glasses and uses the arms as a lock picking device . She starts on the suit@@ case . )", "( Do@@ wn@@ stairs at the bar . )", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : Are you my Sun@@ d@@ an@@ ese friend ?", "DIXON : Uh , Mr. Che@@ be@@ k@@ o@@ v ? ( shakes hand )", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : Ka@@ po@@ che@@ v . I am the handsome one .", "( They chuckle . )", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : No protection with you ?", "DIXON : Why , should I not feel safe here ?", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : Here , here you feel very safe , yes .", "( They get a table . )", "( Up@@ stairs , Sydney picks the lock . An elevator dings . A man gets off and walks to Sydney 's room . )", "( At the club . )", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : I know the guy who owns this club . ( gest@@ ures to Che@@ be@@ k@@ o@@ v ) He thinks I bra@@ g too much . It 's true , I do ... I bra@@ g too much .", "( They chuckle . Dixon takes a drink . )", "( The man from the hallway speaks Rus@@ sian ; Sydney keeps picking the lock . )", "( At the bar . )", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : That 's the problem with Sud@@ an . There 's no place for fun .", "DIXON : It 's a nice change , being out of the Sud@@ an .", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : I thought you said you travel often .", "DIXON : Yes . Not often enough . ( laughs )", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : So , I can see you do n't have the money with you , is that correct ?", "DIXON : No , not at the moment . But the money 's very close .", "( The man from the hallway walks in , sees Sydney at the briefcase . He shou@@ ts in Rus@@ sian , pulls a gun . She throws the suit@@ case at him , the money emp@@ ties across the floor . She punches and kicks him . He throws her across the room , twice , the second time she lands on top of a dre@@ ss@@ er . On her back , she kicks him hard . P@@ us@@ hes hi@@ mm . K@@ ic@@ ks him . El@@ bo@@ ws him in the head . Na@@ v@@ our comes out of the shower , she puts him to sleep while speaking Rus@@ sian with her ring . She turns and sees the money -- all blank sheets spread out on the floor . )", "SYDNEY : ( to Dixon ) I got bad news . This was n't a buy . This was a hold - up . They were going to steal the files . There 's no money here .", "( B@@ ar . )", "DIXON : F@@ an@@ tastic !", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : What ?", "DIXON : ... Vo@@ dka . ( do@@ wns it )", "( In the hotel room , she takes out her b@@ raid and ri@@ ps off the maid uniform . Under@@ neath , is a light blue lat@@ ex dress . She goes to a mirror and app@@ lies dark red li@@ p@@ stick . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , do n't panic . I 'll be there in two minutes .", "( In his office , Vaughn tw@@ ir@@ ls a half dollar co@@ in between his fingers , looking worried and imp@@ ati@@ ent . Agent Weiss walks in . Vaughn sighs . )", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Any word from her yet ?", "VAUGHN : No . I do n't expect to hear anything ' til she gets back .", "( Be@@ at . )", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Your girlfriend 's name is Alice , right ?", "VAUGHN : Would you shut up ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : I 'm just checking to see@@ --", "VAUGHN : ( good - nat@@ u@@ re@@ dly ) Get out of my office !", "( At the bar , Sydney enters wearing her blue dress . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm in the bar . I can see you .", "( The Rus@@ si@@ ans give Dixon an envelope . )", "SYDNEY : Are those the files ? If they are , c@@ ough .", "( He coughs . )", "SYDNEY : Are they documents ? Are they on dis@@ k ?", "( He coughs . )", "SYDNEY : How many ?", "( He puts two fingers up against his cheek , pretending to think . )", "SYDNEY : Get ready to make the switch .", "( She walks to a table and takes some playing cards . She smiles at a man sitting there , takes his drink from him . She starts to walk over to the table . )", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : Just like a drug deal . Would you like to taste the co@@ ke ?", "( Sydney walks over , holding the drink . )", "DIXON : How do I know you have n't made cop@@ ies ?", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : Those dis@@ ks are enc@@ ry@@ p@@ ted .", "( Sydney preten@@ ds to fall and spil@@ ls her drink . The Rus@@ si@@ ans stand , she makes the switch . She apologizes to the men in Rus@@ sian and walks away with the dis@@ k . )", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : Okay , enough ! Now where 's the money ?", "DIXON : You 'll stay here . I 'll go get it . ( gets up )", "K@@ AP@@ O@@ CH@@ E@@ V : Sounds good .", "( Dixon stands , Che@@ be@@ k@@ o@@ v stands and points a gun at his stomach . )", "CH@@ E@@ BE@@ K@@ O@@ V : At first , I thought maybe Na@@ v@@ our sent you . But now I do n't even think that .", "( Sydney , walking away , looks over her shoulder to see the gun stuck in Dixon 's chest . She walks over to help . She kicks the chair that Ka@@ po@@ che@@ v 's sitting on , he falls . Dixon bea@@ ts Che@@ be@@ k@@ o@@ v up , el@@ bo@@ wing him on the back . She bea@@ ts up the other guy . K@@ ic@@ ks him several times . )", "( Lo@@ s Angeles . At the gate , Sydney walks with Dixon behind her . Vaughn , po@@ sing as a j@@ an@@ itor , walks by Sydney . She drops the dis@@ k into his tray of cleaning supp@@ lies . Con@@ tin@@ u@@ ing on , he goes into a room filled with C.@@ I@@ .A. ag@@ ents , stri@@ ps off the uniform and gives the dis@@ k to an agent sitting at a computer . )", "VAUGHN : Okay ! We got two three - and - a - half@@ ers here . We got ta move fast !", "AG@@ ENT : Let 's use the third and fourth cop@@ ies . Take about n@@ in@@ ety seconds .", "VAUGHN : They 're moving into custom@@ s , we 're talking seconds , not minutes !", "AG@@ ENT : I hope they 're not cor@@ rup@@ ted .", "( Sydney and Dixon walk through custom@@ s . She looks around nervously . )", "( In the C.@@ I@@ .A. room . )", "VAUGHN : They 're moving to the main termin@@ al ! How long is this gon na take ? !", "AG@@ ENT : Relax ! We know these dis@@ ks are n't normal , we 're moving as fast as we can !", "( Outside , Dixon and Sydney get to a black car waiting for them at the cur@@ b . She looks around for Vaughn . The dir@@ ver puts their bags in the trunk . )", "( C.@@ I@@ .A. room , m@@ ass hy@@ ste@@ ria . People talk over reach other . )", "AG@@ ENT : Let me see that d@@ ata as soon as it comes up ! I 'm not seeing it ! I 'm not seeing it !", "( At the cur@@ b . Sydney looks for Vaughn . )", "( In the room . )", "AG@@ ENT : Get me the other one ! I 'm not seeing it !", "( At the cur@@ b , Vaughn comes out . She stares at him . He walks quickly to her , almost jo@@ gging . Dro@@ ps the dis@@ k in her bag as Dixon moves to let her in the car . )", "( Sydney 's new home . She rushes in , moves to her bedroom , opens a drawer and takes out her engagement ring from Danny . She puts it on her finger and sighs . Later , Sydney sits in a bath@@ tub , staring at the ring . She 's on the ver@@ ge of tears . )", "( Rest@@ a@@ urant . Franc@@ ie , Charlie , Will and another girl -- possibly Will 's date ? -- sit together at a table . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : So , he says to me , \" Hey , honey ? I asked for bu@@ tter , like , an hour ago . \" And I 'm sitting there thinking , \" Uh , no , you asked the other black girl for bu@@ ter , you rich entitled son of a bitch . \"", "GI@@ R@@ L : Some people go out to eat -- and this is just my theory -- in order to abuse wait@@ ers .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : No question .", "GI@@ R@@ L : Cre@@ epy , is n't it ? There are some bad people in this world .", "( Sydney enters carrying a bottle of wine . She puts it in front of Charlie . )", "SYDNEY : Hello !", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Hey .", "SYDNEY : Sorry I 'm late . This is for the offer , and for helping me move .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Thank you . Wow . Look at this .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Well , now we 'll have something to drink when you guys come over .", "WILL : ( to Sydney ) Hey , can I talk to you for a second ?", "SYDNEY : Sure . I 'll be right back .", "( Will gets up and they leave for privacy . )", "( N@@ ear the bar ... )", "SYDNEY : What 's going on ?", "WILL : We 've known each other for three years . Just confirm that .", "SYDNEY : Yes . Three years .", "WILL : But it feels like a lot longer than that , right ? I mean , we know each other pretty well .", "SYDNEY : Yeah , we do .", "WILL : And you know I would never do anything to hurt you and you know I 'm a curious guy .", "SYDNEY : Will , what did you do ?", "WILL : You never gave me any information on Dan@@ n@@ y--", "SYDNEY : Oh , God , Will ...", "WILL : So , I looked around a bit and I found out one piece of information which you might not know but maybe you do .", "SYDNEY : What ?", "WILL : The night Danny was killed , did you know he was booked on a flight from L@@ .@@ A.@@ X@@ . to S@@ in@@ ga@@ po@@ re ?", "( Sydney fur@@ ro@@ ws her bow , confused , then re@@ covers . )", "SYDNEY : Yeah . I know that .", "WILL : You did ? You knew that ?", "SYDNEY : Danny had a conference . A medical conference . He wanted me to fly out and meet him afterwards . Have a week in Bal@@ i . ( starts to fake cry ) I spend all day , every day , trying not to see him the way I found him . And I know you mean well , and I love you for that , but please , please , let this go . Please .", "( Will has tears in his eyes . )", "WILL : Sy@@ d , I 'm sor@@ ry@@ --", "SYDNEY : It 's okay .", "WILL : I get it . I wo n't bring it up again .", "SYDNEY : Okay . I just need a minute .", "WILL : ( crying ) Sy@@ d , I feel horrible .", "SYDNEY : I 'm okay . I swear to God . I 'm okay . I 'll be right there , okay ?", "WILL : ( s@@ niffles ) Okay .", "( He leaves her . Sydney re@@ covers and stares ahead , having no idea about the ticket . )", "( Sloane 's office at S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . )", "SLOANE : D@@ oo@@ m@@ sday Six . That 's the name of the operation . It seems that during the Cold Wa@@ r , six fully armed n@@ uc@@ lear weapons were smu@@ gg@@ led into and buried within the Un@@ ited St@@ ates . De@@ ce@@ mber ' 8@@ 9 that information was dis@@ closed to the U.@@ S. government . Ne@@ ed@@ less to say , the bom@@ bs were quickly recovered and dis@@ armed .", "SYDNEY : And that was the information on those dis@@ ks .", "SLOANE : No . They realized a s@@ even@@ th nu@@ ke buried still right now somewhere in the Un@@ ited St@@ ates .", "SYDNEY : Where ?", "SLOANE : We do n't know yet . Those dis@@ ks were en@@ co@@ ded with a se@@ cti@@ onal enc@@ ry@@ ption . An@@ alys@@ is is still working on it . This is what we got so far .", "SYDNEY : ( reads ) \" Mi@@ lo@@ v@@ ich I@@ van@@ o@@ v . B@@ uck@@ ing@@ ham , V@@ ir@@ gin@@ ia . \" Who 's he ?", "SLOANE : We assume he 's the man Na@@ v@@ our was looking for . We have no file on him .", "SYDNEY : You think he 's baby@@ sitting the nu@@ ke .", "SLOANE : Yes . I do . I want you to go to that address , report back on I@@ van@@ o@@ v any ali@@ as@@ es , where he lives , where he works , the type of coffee he drinks . The whole deal .", "SYDNEY : Thanks .", "( She leaves . )", "( Vaughn 's office . The phone rings . )", "VAUGHN : Yeah ?", "SYDNEY : I 'm going to see I@@ van@@ o@@ v .", "VAUGHN : Who ?", "( She hangs up . )", "VAUGHN : Sydney ! Sydney !", "( Later , Vaughn and his boss walk to Vaughn 's office . )", "BO@@ SS : We have a name , and an address . We are not gon na sit on our hands here !", "VAUGHN : Sir , I know , I understand that but we can not move on that information !", "BO@@ SS : We can and we will !", "VAUGHN : Then we are ris@@ king Sydney B@@ rist@@ ow 's plac@@ ement in S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 and perhaps her life !", "BO@@ SS : That maybe the case and yes , we might lose a double in the proc@@ ess@@ --", "VAUGHN : Sir , she 's going to see him ! She 's on her way !", "BO@@ SS : We are talking about a n@@ uc@@ lear weapon here . What do you expect me to do ? Wait until B@@ rist@@ ow cont@@ acts us ?", "VAUGHN : Rea@@ d her file , sir ! Have you read her file ?", "BO@@ SS : B@@ rist@@ ow 's --", "VAUGHN : Do it ! Then you will learn what I have ! She 's an as@@ set ! She 's doing our work !", "BO@@ SS : She was supposed to contact you , and--", "VAUGHN : There was a good reason she could n't ! She is on her way to V@@ ir@@ gin@@ ia right now . If we send a team , we risk blowing her cover ! We can not afford to do that ! Rea@@ d her file !", "BO@@ SS : I 've read it ! What do you want ?", "VAUGHN : Five hours . Give her five hours .", "BO@@ SS : Five hours .", "VAUGHN : Thank you .", "( Boss leaves . Weiss , from the ad@@ joining office , comes in , having overheard everything . )", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Wh@@ oo@@ o . Im@@ pre@@ ssive .", "VAUGHN : ( scoffs ) Yeah .", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Bal@@ ls of ste@@ el !", "( Vaughn laughs . )", "WE@@ I@@ SS : No , that 's what I 'm gon na call you from now on . ( to agent walking by ) Hey . Have you met Bal@@ ls of Ste@@ el ?", "( V@@ ir@@ gin@@ ia . Sydney drives up in a car . She looks at the address -- 19@@ 3@@ 6 La@@ ke Ro@@ ad . She ve@@ ri@@ fies it in her no@@ te@@ pad . The address is a ce@@ me@@ tary . Cu@@ rious , she walks around in between the tom@@ b@@ st@@ ones and notices a grave that has dead gr@@ ass on it . She in@@ ches closer . Mi@@ lo@@ v@@ ich I@@ van@@ o@@ v 19@@ 2@@ 7 - 19@@ 7@@ 4 . )", "( S@@ hed . Sydney kicks down the door and grabs a sho@@ vel . H@@ ours later , Sydney 's digging the grave . She hits something and br@@ us@@ hes away the ground on a coffin . She opens the lid . The n@@ uc@@ lear bomb , w@@ ired to the lid , acti@@ v@@ ates and starts tic@@ king . She has two minutes left . )", "( Later , Sydney is on her cell phone talking to Marshall . )", "SYDNEY : We 've got a red wire , a yellow , a blue , a blue - white ! There 's a white wire , a yellow - red , and orange - red . A black , a white - black , an orange , a pur@@ ple , a pur@@ ple - white , a green , a green - white , red - white , green , blue , a light blu@@ e--", "MARSHALL : Okay ! Okay ! Cut the blue - white wire !", "SYDNEY : Okay , cutting the blue - white wire !", "MARSHALL : Oh , hold the phone ! ( fu@@ mbles with sheets )", "SYDNEY : DO@@ N@@ '@@ T T@@ ELL ME TO HO@@ L@@ D THE PHONE ! I'@@ M S@@ IT@@ T@@ ING ON A T@@ IC@@ KING N@@ U@@ C@@ LE@@ A@@ R BO@@ M@@ B !", "MARSHALL : Are there two ti@@ mer pan@@ els , or one ?", "SYDNEY : Just -- I only see one !", "MARSHALL : All right ! Try the blue wire !", "SYDNEY : \" T@@ RY I@@ T \" ? !", "MARSHALL : No , cut it ! Cut it !", "SYDNEY : Okay !", "( She does . The ti@@ mer stops at el@@ even seconds left . She cries out , sighs and drops the phone . )", "MARSHALL : Hello ?", "( Inside the van . )", "VAUGHN : You called S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 instead of the C.@@ I@@ .A. ! That is un@@ accep@@ table ! You should 've called me !", "SYDNEY : Y@@ O@@ U ! What would you have done ?", "VAUGHN : The C.@@ I@@ .A. , Sydney ! You know it has access to n@@ uc@@ lear sci@@ ences !", "SYDNEY : Give me a break , I had two minutes !", "VAUGHN : And going to V@@ ir@@ gin@@ ia without cont@@ acting us ? !", "SYDNEY : I DI@@ D contact you !", "VAUGHN : You are over - eager , you are being ir@@ responsible !", "SYDNEY : You know what ? Yes , S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 happens to have a n@@ uc@@ lear weapon and yes , that happens to be my fault . After I called Marshall , S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 knew I 'd found the bomb , but you know what ? We 're going to track it and steal it back !", "VAUGHN : It 's in Ca@@ ir@@ o .", "SYDNEY : What ?", "VAUGHN : When S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 picked up our nu@@ ke , they put it on a plane bound for E@@ gy@@ pt . And are you ready for this ? They sold the thing to An@@ in@@ i H@@ ass@@ an .", "( They sit down . )", "SYDNEY : H@@ ass@@ an ...", "VAUGHN : Yeah . Re@@ fle@@ cted on both our records , F@@ Y@@ I .", "( She looks at him . )", "VAUGHN : What ?", "SYDNEY : I told you I 've been there . H@@ ass@@ an 's . I can go back .", "VAUGHN : No . Ca n't do it .", "SYDNEY : Why not ? !", "VAUGHN : H@@ ass@@ an knows you . If you 're spo@@ tted , it 'll get back to Sloane .", "SYDNEY : Then we 'll just have to make sure they never see me .", "( M@@ id@@ dle of nowhere . Sydney 's father drives up . )", "SYDNEY : Thanks for meeting me here . I 'm sorry about hitting you .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You 're going to Ca@@ ir@@ o . Dev@@ lin told me .", "SYDNEY : Yeah , that 's why I had them call you . I need your help . S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 ca n't know that 's where I 'm going .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I 'll take care of it .", "SYDNEY : Dad ... it was you , was n't it ? Who bought the ticket to S@@ in@@ ga@@ po@@ re ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You were in T@@ ai@@ pe@@ i . I had arranged a flight for you as well , from S@@ in@@ ga@@ po@@ re . You cold have gone anywhere . I went to Danny 's apartment except it was too late . Just minutes too late .", "SYDNEY : Thank you . I have to go , obviously . ( smiles )", "( Sydney drives off . )", "( Vaughn 's office . He talks to a secre@@ tary . )", "VAUGHN : Tell Weiss I 'm in oper@@ ations and if Alice calls , just--", "( Boss stands in the doorway . )", "BO@@ SS : I need you .", "VAUGHN : Yeah , I know . ( to secre@@ tary ) Just call me if there 's anything . ( to Boss ) Let me just say this , about Bri@@ sto@@ w@@ --", "BO@@ SS : Do n't bother . Do n't apologize . You 're not in any trouble . V@@ ir@@ gin@@ ia was my call .", "VAUGHN : She 's inti@@ mat@@ ely familiar with H@@ ass@@ an 's base , she 's going to get in , dis@@ able the wea@@ pp@@ on . We are all over it .", "BO@@ SS : Well , you do n't have to be . That 's what I 'm here to tell you . You 're being pulled off the B@@ rist@@ ow case .", "VAUGHN : What ? Why ?", "BO@@ SS : Dev@@ lin wants a more seni@@ or officer . Apparently you were right ; this girl is pretty important to us .", "VAUGHN : Yeah , I know ...", "BO@@ SS : He wants you to over@@ see the office presen@@ tation at the D.@@ C.@@ I. non - pro@@ li@@ fer@@ ation meeting , which under the circumstances is pretty ir@@ onic .", "( Sloane 's office . Telephone rings . )", "SLOANE : Yeah . Yeah . S@@ end him in .", "( He walks to the door . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You hear from Sydney ?", "SLOANE : Yeah . What 's wrong with her ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : She went up nor@@ th . I think she just needed to get away .", "SLOANE : Is she okay ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : She will be . I think it 's hard for her , that 's all . Ac@@ c@@ ep@@ ting the news about what I do .", "( Pause . )", "SLOANE : Are you all right ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Yeah , of course . Why ?", "SLOANE : I do n't know . You seem a little ...", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : What ?", "SLOANE : Nothing , nothing .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I 'll see you tomorrow .", "SLOANE : Yeah , okay .", "( He closes the door . )", "( Ca@@ ir@@ o . Sydney pe@@ ers down the hall , wearing a black bur@@ no@@ o@@ se . She talks to the C.@@ I@@ .A. oper@@ ative over an ear@@ piece . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm in .", "( Sydney takes down a guard in the hallway . Th@@ ro@@ ws him to the ground . Another one comes out of a room . She el@@ bo@@ ws him in the stomach with the gun , throws him back in the room and to@@ sses the gun in there . She enters a bigger storage room and eyes a rec@@ tan@@ gu@@ lar box . )", "SYDNEY : I think I found it .", "OP@@ ER@@ AT@@ IV@@ E : C@@ op@@ y .", "( She opens the lid . It 's a nu@@ ke . )", "SYDNEY : Yeah , I found it .", "OP@@ ER@@ AT@@ IV@@ E : C@@ op@@ y . Com@@ m@@ ence dis@@ ab@@ ling .", "( Sydney un@@ zi@@ ps a package of too@@ ls and a di@@ a@@ gram ; un@@ scre@@ ws ti@@ mer pan@@ el . )", "SYDNEY : I 've got it open . I 'm going in for the co@@ re .", "OP@@ ER@@ AT@@ IV@@ E : C@@ op@@ y . Ra@@ dio silence until t@@ ask complete .", "SYDNEY : ( un@@ scre@@ wing it ) Listen , I know we just met on the flight over , but do you have to talk like such a ro@@ bo@@ tr@@ on ?", "OP@@ ER@@ AT@@ IV@@ E : Ra@@ dio silence request@@ ed .", "SYDNEY : I guess you do .", "( She opens the ca@@ sing and takes out a gold ball -- the co@@ re . A gun is pointed at her head . Her eyes gl@@ ance t@@ p@@ o the right ... it 's H@@ ass@@ an . )" ], "filename": "Alias_01x02.json" }, { "Recap": [ "Sydney 's life is in danger as she is sent to Ma@@ dri@@ d to re@@ tri@@ eve a 50@@ 0@@ -year - old ske@@ tch that conta@@ ins a set of bin@@ ary di@@ g@@ its on its re@@ verse , having to do with the Ram@@ bal@@ di arti@@ fact Sydney brought back from T@@ ai@@ pe@@ i . S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 needs the ske@@ tch to de@@ ci@@ pher the key to its work@@ ings . Meanwhile , Will Ti@@ pp@@ in continues his research into the cause of Danny 's death and discovers a strange an@@ om@@ a@@ ly concer@@ ning surveillance cameras in the zone of Danny 's apartment the night he was murdered . Will is not aware of the danger he is plac@@ ing himself in by doing this , but Sydney tries to make him stop . In Ma@@ dri@@ d , Sydney meets up with her dea@@ dly ne@@ mes@@ is , K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate agent Anna E@@ sp@@ in@@ o@@ sa , and a fight en@@ su@@ es to re@@ tri@@ eve the ske@@ tch . It ends up at a draw , as Anna keeps the key to a small suit@@ case Sydney has ob@@ ta@@ ined . In the end they have to make an arrangement to open the suit@@ case together , which has the two of them looking inside the suit@@ case in ast@@ on@@ ishment at something that remains un@@ revealed ." ], "Transcript": [ "( Con@@ tin@@ u@@ ing from last episode : Sydney is in Ca@@ ir@@ o , gun to her head , holding the plu@@ ton@@ i@@ um co@@ re of the nu@@ ke . )", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : ( speaks Ar@@ ab@@ ic )", "SYDNEY : I am holding enough plu@@ ton@@ i@@ um here to liqu@@ e@@ fy our in@@ sides in for@@ ty - eight hours .", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : Put it down .", "SYDNEY : If I put it down , you kill me .", "HA@@ SS@@ AN : Now . I 'm going to count to one .", "SYDNEY : Okay .", "( She throws the co@@ re in the air , takes the gun from H@@ ass@@ an and kicks him three times . She knocks him out with the last kick to the stomach , catches the co@@ re , and runs . She runs down the hall . )", "( After class , Sydney cor@@ ners her prof@@ essor . )", "PRO@@ FE@@ SSO@@ R : You 're falling behind , Sydney . And I do n't accept late papers .", "SYDNEY : Wait , okay . You know what ? Good point . You should n't . But I do have a real good excuse , okay ? I was on a business trip and my flight was del@@ a@@ yed .", "( Ca@@ ir@@ o . Gu@@ ar@@ ds shoot at Sydney , she flo@@ ps behind a wall and speaks to the C.@@ I@@ .A. oper@@ ative via her watch while bullets fly . )", "SYDNEY : I have the bomb and I 'm ready for ex@@ trac@@ tion !", "OP@@ ER@@ AT@@ IV@@ E : E@@ TA , two minutes !", "SYDNEY : I might not have two minutes !", "( Cl@@ ass@@ room , continu@@ ous . )", "PRO@@ FE@@ SSO@@ R : If you recall , I made it clear in my s@@ yl@@ lab@@ us that I was happy to accept your papers via e - mail , if you ca n't get them to me directly . You do have e - mail , do n't you ?", "SYDNEY : Yes , see , you 're not going to believe this , you 're not , but , there was a black@@ out where I was staying .", "( He looks at her du@@ bi@@ ously . )", "SYDNEY : Honestly .", "( Ca@@ ir@@ o . Ex@@ plo@@ sions in the distance . Sydney runs up the stairs , on her way to the exit but hears something fall . A s@@ light \" ping \" noise . She turns , horri@@ fied , and sees the co@@ re roll down the floor to the stairs . )", "( Cl@@ ass@@ room . )", "PRO@@ FE@@ SSO@@ R : Okay , stop . I can appreciate the comple@@ x@@ ities of pur@@ suing a gra@@ d degree with a full - time job , but it seems to me that your work is taking pre@@ ce@@ d@@ ence over your educ@@ ation . Now , admit it , Sydney . You 're dropping the ball .", "( Ca@@ ir@@ o . Sydney throws herself to the ground , grab@@ bing the co@@ re before it rolls down the stairs . Breathing heavily , she takes a gr@@ en@@ ade , pulls the pin , and throws it at the guards . Ex@@ plo@@ sion . Outside the warehouse , sand flies everywhere as a spo@@ t@@ light of a helicopter sh@@ ines down on her , its pro@@ p@@ ell@@ ors whi@@ r@@ ring . )", "( Cl@@ ass@@ room . )", "SYDNEY : The truth ... my job is a means to an end . And your class makes me feel like maybe , someday , I 'll be able to do more with my life .", "( Ca@@ ir@@ o . Inside the helicopter , Sydney sits , still pan@@ ting . She hands the co@@ re over to a C.@@ I@@ .A. oper@@ ative sitting next to her . He puts the co@@ re in a p@@ added briefcase . She looks out the helicopter grat@@ efully . )", "( Cl@@ ass@@ room . )", "PRO@@ FE@@ SSO@@ R : All right . Next paper 's due T@@ hur@@ sday . I assume that wo n't be a problem .", "SYDNEY : No , not at all . Okay . Thank you so much .", "( Her pa@@ ger goes off . She looks at it . \" SLOANE - 911 . \" )", "PRO@@ FE@@ SSO@@ R : Are you sure about that ?", "( Be@@ at . )", "SYDNEY : How 's Friday ?", "( Sydney 's new house . She gets c@@ ups of coffee for Franc@@ ie and herself . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : What 's crazy is Charlie has an amazing offer from F@@ le@@ ming Le@@ tt@@ er@@ man . It 's like , the most pre@@ sti@@ gi@@ ous law firm in L.A.", "SYDNEY : But Charlie 's not excited ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : He 's just kind of weird . He never wants to talk about it . He does n't bra@@ g . Would n't you bra@@ g ? I would . I would be non - stop talking about myself if a firm like that wanted me .", "SYDNEY : Just remember you and Charlie are coming from very different places . I mean , in his whole family , he 's first - gener@@ ation college .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : That 's true .", "SYDNEY : Not to mention law school . He 's probably nervous . He 's probably terrified .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : That 's kind of what my dad said . I called him last night to ask him what he thought . He said , \" Listen , mis@@ sy , give it a rest . You 're making something out of nothing . Charlie is one of the good ones . \"", "SYDNEY : Your dad is right .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : It 's just weird , having that feeling that someone you love is n't telling you everything .", "( Pause . )", "SYDNEY : I ca n't believe you can call your dad for advice . I ... I just ca n't imagine .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : You know , the worst thing is having a dad that is always right .", "SYDNEY : No , it 's not the worst thing . I ran into my father last week .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Where ?", "SY@@ DN@@ Y@@ E : Just - just out ... shopping . It was - it was so empty . It was n't empty , it was full , actually . F@@ ull of awk@@ war@@ dness and lame pauses and ... I do n't know .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Your dad , you know , he 's just ... he 's just your dad .", "SYDNEY : I do n't want it to be like that anymore , I 'm just sick of it . I mean , I always had this feeling that maybe someday , I do n't know , my dad and I would connect . That things could start to get better .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Well , you know my opinion of your dad .", "SYDNEY : I know .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : But listen . If you can find it in your heart to forgive him for being the kind of guy he 's been all your life , which I would find impossible and could never do , then you should make a real effort .", "SYDNEY : How do you even start something like that ? I have so many questions , I just ...", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : You can call the man .", "SYDNEY : I 'm not going to re@@ connect with my father over the phone .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Fine . Go to his work . Go to the air@@ plane fac@@ tory or whatever , and just start talking . You 're really good at talking .", "( Par@@ king lot . Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow gets out of his car , walks . )", "SYDNEY : Dad .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : ( turns ) Sydney , what are you doing here ?", "SYDNEY : I would have called , I just did n't know if that was--", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You should n't be here .", "SYDNEY : I told you I have a thousand questions . They 're keeping me awake at night .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Then take something .", "SYDNEY : Dad , did you know S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 was going to rec@@ ru@@ it me ? I mean , did you help ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : This is n't the time .", "SYDNEY : Then I need to ask you about mom .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y--", "SYDNEY : Was it just an accident ? Or - or did you tell her about what you were doing , like I told Danny ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Look where you are ! You 're exposed .", "SYDNEY : Dad , plea@@ se@@ --", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Do n't come here again . Not again .", "( He walks away . )", "( Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . Me@@ e@@ ting with Sloane , Marshall , Sydney and Dixon . )", "SLOANE : That device that you with@@ dre@@ w from Ta@@ e@@ pe@@ i last month remains in An@@ alys@@ is . They 're still trying to figure out exactly what it does and how it does it . At the time , I told you that V@@ as@@ car Mu@@ eller was the designer . In truth , Mu@@ eller was just an ac@@ ade@@ mic , a scienti@@ est who took another man 's ske@@ tches , trans@@ lated them into prac@@ tical construction plans and put it all together .", "SYDNEY : So then , who desig@@ ned it ?", "SLOANE : A man named Milo Ram@@ bal@@ di .", "DIXON : Never heard of him .", "SLOANE : That does n't surprise me . He died in 1@@ 4@@ 9@@ 6 . Ram@@ bal@@ di was P@@ ope Alexander V@@ I 's chief ar@@ ch@@ ite@@ ct , ex - communic@@ ated for here@@ sy , senten@@ ced to death for suggesting that someday , science could allow us to know God . After Ram@@ bal@@ di 's death , his work@@ shop was torn apart , his plans and ske@@ tches were tra@@ ded and sold for next to nothing . For the next five centu@@ ries , his work was sc@@ at@@ tered th@@ rough@@ out the world . No one is exactly sure what 's left , which is unfortunate because last Mar@@ ch , a Rus@@ sian hi@@ sto@@ rian happened upon one of Ram@@ bal@@ di 's early designs . She recogni@@ zed something that looked a lot like a tran@@ si@@ st@@ or .", "SYDNEY : I do n't understand . ( to Dixon ) Do you understand ?", "SLOANE : It seems that Ram@@ bal@@ di was a pro@@ phe@@ t . We acqu@@ ired one of his no@@ te@@ books from San La@@ zar@@ o . This is the an@@ alys@@ is report .", "( He gives it to Sydney . She reads . )", "SYDNEY : \" Ru@@ dem@@ ent@@ ary sche@@ matic for a transp@@ ort@@ able vo@@ cal communic@@ ator . \"", "SLOANE : The guy was drawing up plans for a cell phone around the time of the O@@ tt@@ oman emp@@ ire .", "DIXON : Come on !", "SLOANE : Rid@@ ic@@ ulous , right ? You know me . I am not a New A@@ ge kind of guy . I do n't believe in the power of the p@@ y@@ ra@@ m@@ id . I 'm not a big gran@@ ola fan . This sort of thing makes me roll my eyes . And then my eyes came across this .", "( He puts up another slide on the scre@@ ens in front of them . B@@ in@@ ary code fl@@ ashes across the screen . )", "SLOANE : W@@ ri@@ tten in 1@@ 4@@ 8@@ 9 .", "DIXON : Ram@@ bal@@ di wrote machine code ?", "MARSHALL : Actually , if - if I could ... it 's probably not machine code . I mean , the concept of zero 's been around , well , it pre@@ ce@@ des Ch@@ rist , and the nu@@ mer@@ al one has been around even longer than that . Actually , you know , P@@ to@@ le@@ my used zero as pun@@ c@@ tu@@ ation marks and in In@@ dian tex@@ ts , zero is more of a spiri@@ tual concept than an actual number . Of course , I do n't mean -- when I say \" In@@ dian , \" I do n't mean the kind with bow and ar@@ ro@@ w@@ s--", "SLOANE : Thank you , Marshall . We do n't know what it is . Ram@@ bal@@ di has become a priority for us . We want to learn what it is before anyone else does .", "SYDNEY : Have you tried running the sequ@@ ence ?", "SLOANE : It 's in@@ complete . The entire sequ@@ ence was written on the back of two Ram@@ bal@@ di ske@@ tches . We posse@@ ss one , and the other one is in this man 's private collection .", "( He puts a surveillance photo up on the scre@@ ens of a man . )", "SLOANE : Eduardo B@@ ene@@ gas . Span@@ ish . V@@ .C. Au@@ to enthusi@@ ast .", "MARSHALL : He also happens to own the lar@@ gest collection of por@@ no@@ gra@@ phi@@ c art in all of Ma@@ dri@@ d . Which ... I thought was an interesting fact . Sorry .", "SLOANE : We negoti@@ ated with him to buy one of the ske@@ tches , but suddenly he with@@ dre@@ w the piece . We believe that somebody ti@@ pped him off of its real v@@ au@@ le . We think it 's K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate . Unfortunately , they 're on to Ram@@ bal@@ di , too .", "( Sydney stares ahead . Suddenly , we see B@@ ene@@ gas having s*x with someone . A chain around his neck slams against his chest . He fl@@ ings the chain so it lands on his back . )", "SLOANE : ( voice over ) It 's possible K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate stole the key from B@@ ene@@ gas . Our d@@ ata recon@@ n@@ assa@@ ince di@@ vision thinks , although it has n't been confirmed yet , that he 's surrounded with a half - dozen body@@ guards . We 're talking about guys trained under the U.@@ E.@@ I. special forces . We also have reason to believe that B@@ ene@@ gas keeps the key on him at all times . So , the big question is , how did K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate swi@@ pe the key ?", "( B@@ ene@@ gas keeps having s*x with someone we ca n't see , until a hand belon@@ ging to a woman sli@@ thers up his back . She has a tat@@ too on her hand by her thu@@ mb . She takes the key . Back at S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 ... )", "SYDNEY : Ana . It was Ana , was n't it ?", "( Outside . A man picks up the li@@ tter . Sydney is on campus . She 's writing at a picnic table . )", "SYDNEY : ( voice over ) Eduardo B@@ ene@@ gas has a ske@@ tch drawn by Milo Ram@@ bal@@ di .", "( She sc@@ run@@ ches up the bro@@ wn paper bag . )", "SYDNEY : ( V.O. ) There 's a code written on the back .", "( She di@@ als a number on her cell phone , punches the appropriate number . )", "SYDNEY : ( V.O. ) S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 wants that code . The ske@@ tch is in a case . The case is in a v@@ ault . The v@@ ault is on the top floor of a car mus@@ eum owned by B@@ ene@@ gas .", "( Other part of campus . Sydney walks with Franc@@ ie and to@@ sses the bag in the garbage . The man colle@@ cting the garbage from earlier takes the bag and keeps walking . )", "SYDNEY : ( V.O. ) So , I 'm going to Ma@@ dri@@ d . What 's my counter mission ?", "( Sydney 's house . Will brings in a box for her ; she un@@ pac@@ ks . )", "WILL : So , it 's two thousand words or less on g@@ ene sequ@@ enc@@ ing in vir@@ us - resi@@ stant cab@@ ba@@ ges , all right ? And I 'm realiz@@ ing slowly that I might not have a real handle on the situation .", "SYDNEY : Which part ?", "WILL : Uh , just the part about the g@@ ene sequ@@ enc@@ ing in the vir@@ us - resi@@ stant cab@@ bage .", "( They both smile ; Sydney 's cell phone rings . )", "SYDNEY : Does n't your paper have a science cor@@ respon@@ dent ? ( in phone ) Hello ? Hi ...", "( The land@@ line phone rings . Will motions to Sydney if she wants him to answer . He does . )", "SY@@ N@@ D@@ EY : Okay , uh , yeah ...", "WILL : Hello ?", "SYDNEY : Okay , thanks , I will come by .", "WILL : Sorry , you have the wrong number .", "SYDNEY : Thanks so much .", "WILL : Okay , bye .", "( They both hang up . )", "WILL : So , you 're busy .", "SYDNEY : What was--", "WILL : You okay ? When you were on the phone , it looked like@@ --", "SYDNEY : It was Danny 's land@@ lord . They found some of his stuff in the garage .", "WILL : Oh , you all right ?", "SYDNEY : Yeah . Yeah .", "WILL : Do you want me to go -- I can get that stuff for you . Bring it back .", "SYDNEY : Would you mind ? It 's just , I have to go to San Diego for the bank tonight ...", "WILL : Yeah , yeah . Do n't worry about it , it 's done . It 's done .", "( He pat@@ s her arm and goes back to moving boxes . Sydney looks . )", "SYDNEY : So , who called ?", "WILL : Oh , it was a wrong number . They were looking for a pizza place .", "SYDNEY : You know what ? I think I 'm going to go for a quick run before my cab comes .", "( Outside in a park . Sydney runs and stops at a bench where Vaughn and his dog stand , stre@@ t@@ ching . She stands on the other side of the bench and stre@@ tches . )", "VAUGHN : Hey .", "SYDNEY : Hi .", "VAUGHN : Dev@@ lin wants you to follow through on Sloane 's orders . Apparently , we 're both after the same piece of missing code .", "SYDNEY : You 're kidding me .", "VAUGHN : Nope .", "SYDNEY : You already knew about Ram@@ bal@@ di ?", "VAUGHN : I did n't . The agency did . Dav@@ inc@@ i meets No@@ stra@@ dam@@ us -- personally , I do n't buy it .", "SYDNEY : Tell the C.@@ I@@ .A. station cl@@ erk in Bar@@ cel@@ ona to pre@@ p for a dead drop . Wor@@ st case , I 'll enc@@ ry@@ pt the code on a Ra@@ di@@ o@@ head MP@@ 3 and leave it on Au@@ di@@ o@@ gal@@ a@@ xy .", "VAUGHN : How did Rus@@ sian under@@ ground find out about Ram@@ bal@@ di ?", "SYDNEY : Hey , you 're the int@@ el guy .", "VAUGHN : ( smiles ) What can you tell me about this woman ? Ana E@@ sp@@ in@@ o@@ sa ?", "SYDNEY : She was born in Cu@@ ba , raised in Rus@@ sia . One of the last Cold Wa@@ r babies , go - to officer at K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate for wet work and active mea@@ sures . About a year ago , I had a meeting with an infor@@ m@@ ant in Y@@ u@@ go@@ sla@@ via . L@@ ow level ; just a guy with int@@ el who needed the money . Ana recor@@ ded the entire conversation with a par@@ abo@@ lic mic from the building next door .", "VAUGHN : How do you know ?", "SYDNEY : Because as I was shaking his hand to leave , she blew out the back of his skull with a sni@@ per ri@@ f@@ le , even though she got what she came for . Her way of telling me I was out of my league .", "VAUGHN : Be careful out there .", "SYDNEY : See you when I get back .", "VAUGHN : No , actually , you wo n't . Uh , I 'm being re@@ placed by a seni@@ or officer . It seems I was n't experienced enough to be your hand@@ ler .", "( Sydney and Vaughn suddenly both look sad and disappointed ; Sydney looks shocked . )", "VAUGHN : It was really good to meet you . Good luck in Ma@@ dri@@ d .", "( He walks away , giving a side look Sydney 's way . She watches him leave . )", "( Weiss ' office . Weiss sits behind his desk ; Vaughn pac@@ es and ran@@ ts . )", "VAUGHN : He 's an I@@ DI@@ O@@ T ! I mean , that 's the problem . So is Dav@@ en@@ port . I mean , they 're so involved in their own bu@@ rea@@ uc@@ rat@@ ic@@ --", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Pro@@ to@@ co@@ l , I know .", "VAUGHN : You know who 's replac@@ ing me ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Yes . Lam@@ bert .", "VAUGHN : Lam@@ bert ! LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T !", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Can I say something , and - and not just as a fellow officer , but as a very smart man ?", "VAUGHN : What ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : You 're starting to get a little too emotional about this .", "VAUGHN : Not this again ...", "WE@@ I@@ SS : You are . You are obviously attached to this w@@ om@@ an@@ --", "VAUGHN : This is your answer for everything !", "WE@@ I@@ SS : If you were paying me to analy@@ ze you--", "VAUGHN : Shut up ! Stop it !", "WE@@ I@@ SS : I got ta tell you , I 'd actually say that maybe you 're a little jealous .", "VAUGHN : Of Lam@@ bert ? ! Give me a break ! I mean , the guy may be seni@@ or ( points to brain ) but he 's j@@ unior . Trust me .", "WE@@ I@@ SS : And now he gets to see Sydney every week , and it 's making you crazy .", "VAUGHN : This is not about me !", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Yes , it is !", "VAUGHN : No , it 's not ! ( pauses ; sits ) She 's going to Ma@@ dri@@ d . There 's this other agent with K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate . She could not sound more dangerous . I 'm scared for Sydney . I know I 'm off the case . ( sighs ) But , I want her to come back .", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Well , look , there 's nothing you can do about it , and you do n't even know if this K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate woman will be in Ma@@ dri@@ d . So , why worry ?", "( Ma@@ dri@@ d . A@@ ir@@ port . We think it 's Sydney in Ma@@ dri@@ d , but then we see the same hand Sydney saw . The hand with the tat@@ too . Ana walks , carrying a briefcase , through the airport in Ma@@ dri@@ d . She smiles . )", "( Vaughn 's office . Lam@@ bert reads Vaughn 's file on Sydney . )", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : You sure wrote a hell of a lot about this B@@ rist@@ ow girl . Anything else I need to know about her ?", "VAUGHN : I think you 'll find that Sydney is quite capable of speaking for herself .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : ( sees a picture of her ) Look at her . Would n't kick that out of bed .", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Marshall meets with Dixon and Sydney . )", "MARSHALL : Okay , so , you 're going to Ma@@ dri@@ d tonight , and the fun@@ dra@@ is@@ er 's going to be at this Vi@@ e@@ ta Au@@ to Mus@@ eum , and you 'll probably want to dress nice , you know , dress to thri@@ ll . So , I thought maybe you 'd like to wear this necklace , huh ? Now , the p@@ ear@@ ls are actually fi@@ ber@@ glass . That 's better to , uh , tran@@ sm@@ it the vi@@ br@@ ations from your lar@@ y@@ n@@ x to the mic right inside the p@@ endant . Uh , you maybe you want to try it on ? Or , I - I could sample it ? Probably would n't match my ...", "( At the au@@ to mus@@ eum , Sydney enters wearing a red dress and a red wi@@ g . A man at the door compli@@ ments her on the necklace . In Span@@ ish , she thanks him and walks inside . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm in .", "DIXON : Roger that .", "( Me@@ e@@ ting . )", "MARSHALL : Last year , B@@ ene@@ gas l@@ ent some money to the para@@ military down in Col@@ om@@ bi@@ a , which well , uh , it did n't fly real well with the gu@@ e@@ ri@@ l@@ las , and so everyone 's going to be a bit jump@@ y tonight . But , see , that 's okay . We can use that because we 've got a normal - looking Span@@ ish pe@@ se@@ ta , right ? Wrong . Son@@ ic wave em@@ itter .", "( At the party , Sydney walks and takes the co@@ in out of her purse . )", "MARSHALL : ( voice over ) Just make sure you drop it near a window .", "( She does so . She looks around , walks , min@@ g@@ les in the crowd . Sydney feels someone 's eyes on her , looks up , and sees Ana po@@ sing as a waitress . They make eye contact . Ana win@@ ks at Sydney . )", "SYDNEY : Ana just crashed the party .", "( Dixon 's inside a van with camera scre@@ ens up everywhere . )", "DIXON : Careful , Sy@@ d .", "( Me@@ e@@ ting . )", "MARSHALL : Now , look , you guys . I do n't even want to tell you when you 're out in the field or like that , but the un@@ ve@@ iling of the proto@@ type would probably be a good time to , y'know , acti@@ v@@ ate the co@@ in because as hot as you look , they 'd be looking at the car , and not at you .", "( Mus@@ eum . )", "AN@@ N@@ OU@@ NC@@ ER : B@@ ene@@ gas Rac@@ ing is proud to present it 's new 6@@ 2@@ 7 - 1@@ 10 proto@@ type !", "( A sheet raises over the car , everyone app@@ lau@@ des . )", "MARSHALL : ( v@@ .@@ o . ) You take this pen right here , normal looking pen that you write with .", "( Sydney takes out the pen . )", "MARSHALL : ( v@@ .@@ o . ) C@@ li@@ ck that like that , and boo@@ m .", "( She clicks the pen and the window sha@@ tters . Everyone yells and runs . Sydney runs to the stairs . )", "( Me@@ e@@ ting . )", "MARSHALL : Now , the v@@ ault is on the top floor , so you 're going to have to b@@ y@@ pass all the security ca@@ m@@ ers and everything , so I got a remo@@ te mo@@ de@@ m . Re@@ mo@@ te mo@@ de@@ m . What you do is you wire it in the cen@@ tral jun@@ ction box , which is loc@@ ated on the first floor , then Dixon can loop the video signal .", "( Sydney is at the security boxes , un@@ locks it . Dixon sits in his van outside the mus@@ eum . )", "DIXON : Cen@@ tral pan@@ el , jun@@ ction box \" A. \"", "( At the security pan@@ el , Sydney opens box \" A. \" )", "SYDNEY : Damn it .", "DIXON : What ?", "SYDNEY : Ana 's already been here . She 's ta@@ pped into the alarm system .", "DIXON : Re@@ mo@@ te mo@@ de@@ m ?", "SYDNEY : Yes . Which means she 's got back - up .", "DIXON : All right , Sydney , leave it there , we 'll pi@@ gg@@ y@@ back off their signal . We do n't want to trigger the cen@@ tral alarm .", "( Sydney hoo@@ ks a wire into the remo@@ te mo@@ de@@ m that 's already there , thanks to Ana . )", "SYDNEY : Do you see Ana on any of the mon@@ itors ?", "DIXON : Not on any of these fe@@ eds .", "( Sydney hears metal b@@ anging from above . )", "SYDNEY : She 's in the duc@@ ts . I 'm heading for the elevator ! Did you ri@@ g the camera ?", "( She runs to the elevator , hits a button , and glances at the camera above her . Inside the van , Dixon looks at the same camera angle where nothing is shown . Sydney is hidden . In the control room , guards speak Span@@ ish . Sydney arrives at the top floor . There 's a glass door that pre@@ v@@ ents anyone from getting to the case with the ske@@ tch in it . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm running the lock des@@ cra@@ mb@@ ler .", "( Her eyes get wide as she sees someone wel@@ ding the metal floor from underneath . Someone cuts a small circle of the floor out , and Ana comes up . She 's on the other side ; the glass door div@@ ides them . She sees Sydney , bar@@ ri@@ ca@@ ded on the other side , and smi@@ r@@ ks . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , Ana 's in the v@@ ault .", "( Ana easily takes the case , gets ready to leave . )", "DIXON : The v@@ ault will un@@ lock in five seconds .", "( Suddenly , the des@@ cra@@ mb@@ ler stops at 7@@ 5 % . )", "SYDNEY : What 's wrong with the des@@ cra@@ mb@@ ler ?", "DIXON : They 're jam@@ ming your fre@@ qu@@ ency . I 'll try and find them !", "( Ana speaks into her watch , to the other K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate oper@@ ative , I 'm assuming . She goes up to the glass door , case in hand , and stares at Sydney . Ana kisses the door , leaving a red li@@ p@@ stick imp@@ rin@@ t on it . She drops the case through the hole she made , and jumps down , esca@@ ping . Al@@ arm bl@@ ares . Gu@@ ar@@ ds start running for the top floor . Sydney tries the elevator , nothing happens . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , the elevator 's locked down ! The des@@ cra@@ mb@@ ler 's still jam@@ med !", "( She 's trapped . Dixon is in the driver 's seat of the van now , comes closer to a white parked van . Inside , two K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate men just like Dixon look at mon@@ itors with ear pieces in them . )", "DIXON : Hold on , Sydney , I see them .", "SYDNEY : Hurry ! Hurry , they 're coming up !", "( Inside , Ana is walking away , speaks into her ear@@ piece . Dixon puts on his sea@@ t@@ belt and cras@@ hes into the van , sending it tu@@ mbling away on its roof . Sydney sees the lock des@@ cra@@ mb@@ ler begin to move again . )", "SYDNEY : We 're back online !", "( In the mus@@ eum , Ana walks conf@@ id@@ ently . A guard stops her and asks her in Span@@ ish to show him the case . She tells him to calm down , then el@@ bo@@ ws him in the throat . She kicks him , sending him to the ground . Par@@ ty guests gas@@ p . At the v@@ ault , the des@@ cra@@ mb@@ ler reaches a 100 % and un@@ locks the glass door . Sydney moves behind the door , and jumps down the hole made by Ana . Gu@@ ar@@ ds arrive and call on their wal@@ kie - tal@@ kies . Sydney runs in the mus@@ eum and sees the fallen guard . She runs down some stairs , throws her high heels off . She runs bar@@ e@@ foot .", "SYDNEY : I think she 's taking the nor@@ th corridor ! I 'm going to try to head her off !", "( Ana runs down the nor@@ th corridor . Sydney runs . Ana runs . )", "AN@@ A : I 'm headed to the cho@@ pper now .", "( Sydney and Ana are running par@@ alle@@ l to one another . Sydney reaches to a sta@@ ir@@ way up above . She sees Ana running her way , and notices a chain wrapped around the ban@@ ni@@ ster , hooked from up above . Sydney takes the chain and swings down , kicking Ana in the gut . Ana goes flying , so does the bag . Sydney tries running for the bag while Ana is on the ground , but Ana kicks her . Sydney falls . Sydney kicks her in the neck , Ana grabs a sle@@ d@@ g@@ ha@@ mmer and tries hitting Sydney a few times , but Sydney moves out of the way . Sydney kicks her . Ana grabs her arm , throws her back . Sydney do@@ d@@ ges her punch . Ana to@@ sses Sydney down the nearby flight of stairs and pauses to smi@@ r@@ k at Sydney who groans in pain . Ana runs . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , she 's going out back ...", "( Outside , Ana exits and runs . Sydney exits . )", "DIXON : Sydney ! Sydney , up there !", "( He points up and shows Ana climb@@ ing the stairs to the roof . )", "SYDNEY : Give me your gun !", "DIXON : Sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y--", "SYDNEY : Give me the gun !", "( Dixon hands it over . Sydney takes the gun , ai@@ ms , and shoots the stra@@ p of the bag off of Ana 's shoulder . The bag falls to the ground , in front of Sydney and Dixon . Ana turns and stares at her . )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "( At Danny 's apartment building , the door opens . )", "WILL : Hi , I 'm Will Ti@@ pp@@ in , I 'm a friend of Sydney 's . She asked me to come and pick up some of her stuff ?", "( Min@@ u@@ tes later , the land@@ lord comes out holding a box . Will is staring out the window . )", "LAN@@ D@@ LOR@@ D : This is all of it . They arrest anyone yet ?", "WILL : ( turns ) Uh , for the murder ? No , no , no , not yet . Excuse me , do you have any idea how long that traffic camera 's been there ?", "LAN@@ D@@ LOR@@ D : No , I do n't .", "( Will 's office , he 's on the phone . )", "WILL : But , do the traffic cameras take a picture at every red light , or just when a car 's in the inter@@ section ? Really ? Can we get a hold of every picture taken on J@@ une 8@@ th between midnight and six a@@ .@@ m@@ . at the corner of Ala@@ vis and Sun@@ set ? Okay , great . Call me back .", "BO@@ SS : Fi@@ ghting a traffic ticket ?", "WILL : I swear to God , the gen@@ e@@ c@@ tics piece is practically arri@@ ving on your desk as we speak .", "BO@@ SS : P@@ rac@@ tically .", "WILL : Very nearly practically . Almost con@@ current with this conversation .", "BO@@ SS : So , out of two thousand words , how many have you \" practically \" ty@@ ped ?", "WILL : Coun@@ ting the head@@ line ?", "BO@@ SS : Will , do n't make me regret hiring people in their tw@@ enti@@ es .", "( Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . Sydney 's cell phone rings . )", "SYDNEY : Yeah ?", "WILL : Hi , um , I do n't know if I 'm talking to the right person , but I need to borrow a million bucks . The O@@ l@@ sen twins went public , and I 'm looking to inv@@ est .", "SYDNEY : ( smiles ) You 'll need some col@@ lat@@ eral . I do n't think you 've got any .", "WILL : Well , have you seen my a@@ qu@@ a blue Che@@ vy ?", "SYDNEY : You mean , with the h@@ ul@@ a girl on the d@@ ash ? Yes , sa@@ dly , we 've seen that .", "WILL : ( big smile ) Welcome home .", "SYDNEY : Thanks .", "WILL : How was San Diego ?", "SYDNEY : B@@ oring . How 'd the article turn out ?", "WILL : B@@ oring . Listen , I do n't know , uh , you might be too wi@@ ped out , but some of us are going to have dinner tonight .", "SYDNEY : Love to . I could use some fun . Hey , you want to do it at my place ? I 'll order in .", "WILL : Great . Um , seven ?", "SYDNEY : How about seven - thir@@ ty ?", "WILL : Okay . I better get going before I get fired . Which is inev@@ itable .", "SYDNEY : Will ...", "WILL : Yeah ?", "SYDNEY : Nothing . It 's just ... it 's nice to be home .", "( Pause . )", "WILL : Yeah . Um , I 'll see you tonight .", "SYDNEY : ( smiles ) Okay .", "( Night time . P@@ la@@ in white van parked in an alley . Inside , Lam@@ bert and Sydney sit and talk . )", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : I want you to know that you 're going to like working with me .", "SYDNEY : Really ?", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Must have been , uh , oh , I almost do n't know how to say it , uh , devast@@ ating when Kenny was killed . But I want you to know that you can trust me . I understand you . I emp@@ a@@ thi@@ ze .", "SYDNEY : His name was Danny .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Danny ? Yes , of course , well , what happened to Danny was a tragedy and yet , uh , you did n't give up .", "SYDNEY : Mr. Lam@@ bert , I got your message . Is there a reason I 'm here ?", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : I just wanted to introduce myself , grab a little face time with my girl . I just wanted to make sure you do n't have any qu@@ e@@ ries I might be able to--", "SYDNEY : I 've got a qu@@ ery .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Yeah ? Sh@@ oot .", "SYDNEY : Are you insane ? Cal@@ ling me in here for a social event ? S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 has a di@@ vision whose sole responsibility it is to track their ag@@ ents and report back suspect activity . \" Your girl \" is ris@@ king her life , and you yours , every time we lay eyes on each other . So , do me a favor . Do n't be so friendly .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : I - I just love your spirit .", "SYDNEY : That 's hear@@ ten@@ ing . Are we done here ?", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Yeah , honey . We 're all done .", "SYDNEY : Great .", "( Sydney 's . Will , Sydney , Franc@@ ie and Charlie sit on the floor drinking mar@@ ga@@ ri@@ ta@@ s and playing poker . )", "WILL : No , I 'm telling you , I 'm completely - I 'm legally blind without my con@@ ct@@ acts in .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Great , another eye story .", "WILL : First day I went in my apartment , right ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Give me two .", "WILL : And I 'm in the kitchen , and I 'm eating cer@@ eal for like , five minutes . And I hear someone cou@@ ghing . I put on my glasses and there 's three men painting my walls . I totally forgot they were coming .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : That 's bad .", "SYDNEY : No , the bad thing was , he was naked .", "WILL : I was , yeah .", "SYDNEY : Na@@ ked .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : I naked clean .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : O@@ hhh , he loves to embar@@ rass me ...", "WILL : Wait , wait , wait , wait , de@@ fine \" naked clean \" for us .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : I clean naked ...", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Please do n't tell this story !", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : I clean our apartment naked . I like it .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : He loves to embar@@ rass me .", "WILL : You know , I 'm going to see that . I 'm going to raise it five .", "SYDNEY : Will , you 're blu@@ ffing .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : You h@@ ve the most obvious tell on the planet .", "WILL : Whoa , whoa , whoa . First of all , not even in the hard@@ cor@@ est of ways do I ever blu@@ ff .", "SYDNEY : You only raise when you 're blu@@ ffing !", "WILL : ( tries to be serious ) No , I do n't .", "SYDNEY : F@@ ull house .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Oh , man .", "( Will 's cell phone rings . )", "WILL : D@@ am@@ mit !", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : When Will blu@@ ffs , you can tell .", "WILL : ( gets up ) I 'll be right back .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : How come I can never tell with you ?", "( Sydney shrugs kno@@ win@@ gly . Will goes for some privacy . )", "WILL : Okay , okay , wait , wait , wait . What are you saying , all of the traffic cameras were out that night ? Okay , hold on . With@@ in a mile of Danny 's apartment ? Now , is that - is that a normal thing ? No , no , that does n't sound like a normal thing to me .", "( Back at the casino ... )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Look , I got a law review at six a@@ .@@ m@@ . , maybe we should go while we 're ahead .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : We should go , sure , sure , sure . Thank you , Sydney .", "( Charlie and Franc@@ ie kiss Sydney 's cheek . )", "SYDNEY : Good night .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Hey , see you later , Will .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Bye , Will !", "( Will 's still talking . )", "WILL : Thank you , Jenny . Thanks . That is weird , is n't it ? Yeah , okay .", "SYDNEY : What 's weird ?", "( Will turns , caught . )", "WILL : Huh ? Oh , a stupid article I got ta write .", "( She smiles . )", "( Later in the kitchen . Sydney gets a ju@@ g of ice cream out of the free@@ zer , Will is sitting on the counter . )", "SYDNEY : Look at this .", "WILL : O@@ ooh .", "SYDNEY : I do n't know what it is about te@@ qu@@ ila . It 's like a trigger . I always get this cra@@ ving .", "WILL : Yeah .", "SYDNEY : No , it 's more than a cra@@ ving . When I drink te@@ qu@@ ila , ice cream becomes ...", "WILL : Like a cha@@ ser ?", "SYDNEY : Like oxy@@ gen . Like a re@@ qui@@ re@@ ment . Fre@@ sh@@ man year , I did n't go to many parties . I could n't even say \" parties . \" But I did go to this one ...", "WILL : Uh huh .", "SYDNEY : I remember , I had some punch . It was mostly te@@ qu@@ ila and I got so wasted .", "( They laugh . )", "SYDNEY : It was pathetic . I went to this twenty - four hour market , I bought three p@@ ints of chocolate chocolate chip ice cream .", "WILL : My God , is this story going to end ?", "SYDNEY : Shut up ! ( sla@@ ps him )", "( Will squ@@ ir@@ ts chocolate sa@@ uce on his ice cream sun@@ da@@ e . )", "WILL : O@@ hhh ...", "SYDNEY : Mmm hmm .", "WILL : Oh , my God . This is excellent .", "SYDNEY : So much better .", "WILL : Sh@@ hh , you got ta try this . It 's a super comb@@ ination of chocolate , and chips , and it 's genius .", "( He fe@@ eds her some . )", "SYDNEY : Mmm ...", "WILL : Is n't it ?", "SYDNEY : Uh huh . Here .", "( She tries feeding him a spo@@ on@@ ful of hers , but some of it falls on his shirt . They laugh , Will stands up . Sydney gets a paper towel . )", "WILL : Thanks . No , thank you .", "SYDNEY : I 'm sorry , oh my God ... ( laughing )", "WILL : It 's good , no , this is good . My shirt did n't have enough ice cream on it .", "SYDNEY : ( wi@@ ping , laughing ) O@@ oops ...", "( They stop . Will looks down at Sydney . She kisses him . They break away . )", "SYDNEY : I should ... listen , I ... Will ...", "WILL : I left that box in my car . It 's Danny 's . I 'm going to go get it before I forget it .", "SYDNEY : Okay .", "WILL : Okay .", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Sloane walks with Sydney , Marshall tra@@ ils in front of them . )", "SLOANE : Marshall could n't open the lock box .", "MARSHALL : Uh , in my defense , it was ri@@ gged with a brand - new tech , an intern@@ al device that will destroy anything inside if opened without the key .", "SLOANE : Marshall , would you please go back to work ?", "MARSHALL : Just to cla@@ ri@@ fy , I 'm not being fired ?", "SLOANE : Back to work means not fired .", "( Marshall goes to his desk , Sloane leads Sydney inside a boar@@ d@@ room . )", "SLOANE : So , we needed a con@@ st@@ ig@@ ency plan . So , we brought in our best game the@@ ori@@ st .", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow turns around . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Hello , Sydney .", "SLOANE : Have a seat .", "( She sits near her father . )", "SLOANE : We ma@@ pped out a scenario where you would in@@ fil@@ tr@@ ate the K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate lab where we believe the key is being held . Jack thought -- your father thought it could be too big of a risk .", "SYDNEY : Why ? It sounds like the right move .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Obviously , we need the key . Obviously , they need the box . Six hours ago I cont@@ acted K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate and we settled on an arrangement . You and Ana will meet at a neu@@ tral location , undercover on both ag@@ en@@ ci@@ es ' security forces . To@@ gether , you 'll open the lock box .", "SYDNEY : Is this a joke ?", "SLOANE : As far as we know , the Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate does n't know the code was div@@ ided into two ske@@ tches . We have nothing to lose by letting them see what 's inside the box .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : This is a sy@@ m@@ me@@ tri@@ c scenario . It comp@@ lies both sides to adopt a mu@@ tually re@@ infor@@ cing course of action and close cooper@@ ation is one of the most stable strate@@ gic para@@ di@@ g@@ ms .", "SYDNEY : As@@ su@@ ming all pla@@ yers are rational . Plus , I 'm supposed to trust Ana E@@ sp@@ in@@ o@@ sa ?", "SLOANE : I need to brief the adv@@ ance team .", "( He leaves them alone . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Their first plan was suicide .", "SYDNEY : I could have handled myself .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Then we disagree . At least my way , you have a fighting chance .", "SYDNEY : Then I guess I should thank you .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Never crossed my mind .", "( He gets up to leave . )", "SYDNEY : Dad ?", "( He turns . )", "SYDNEY : Before I go , just answer my question about Mom .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Your mother knew I was C.@@ I@@ .A. , it was no secret between us . She died in the accident . I never lied to you about that .", "( Ne@@ ws stand , outside . Sydney stands near Lam@@ bert , looking though magaz@@ ines . He puts down a copy of \" Pi@@ pe Col@@ le@@ ctor 's Mon@@ th@@ ly , \" she picks it up . Inside , a ba@@ ggie is ta@@ ped to one of the pages . )", "SYDNEY : What is this ?", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Two - way ear@@ piece and tracking chip . We want you to tag Ana . We 've got a surveillance team on alert in Ber@@ lin .", "SYDNEY : No , no , no , whose idea was this ?", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : This is my op , Agent B@@ rist@@ ow .", "SYDNEY : This only works if everyone 's on their best behavior . And I 'm not going to be the one to break those rules , especially when there will be a dozen sni@@ pers waiting for me to look the wrong way .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : I hate to pull rank , but time is a fac@@ tor here .", "SYDNEY : Time is a fac@@ tor here . You know how much time ? S@@ even years . That 's how long I worked for S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 before I found out who they really are . And now that I know , my days of blind@@ ly following orders are over .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Who the hell do you think you 're talking to ?", "SYDNEY : I know exactly who I 'm talking to . Tell Dev@@ lin if Agent Vaughn is n't on the other end of this ear@@ piece when I turn it on , the C.@@ I@@ .A. gets nothing .", "LA@@ M@@ BER@@ T : Vaughn is a j@@ unior officer .", "SYDNEY : Then pro@@ mo@@ te him .", "( Off@@ ice at the newspaper . Will has a map of L.A. , and is showing his boss . )", "WILL : Daniel He@@ ch@@ t 's apartment was here , the cameras were off to here . He was rough@@ ly in the center of a one - mile video black@@ out the night he was killed . So , unless this is a coincidence , which seems highly doub@@ t@@ ful , there 's just no way this is straight B & E.", "BO@@ SS : Maybe , but E@@ is@@ en@@ ber@@ g is on the crime desk , and you are a staff reporter who 's way passed dead@@ line .", "WILL : Do n't make me regret working for people in their fif@@ ties .", "( She stares at him . )", "WILL : For@@ ties .", "BO@@ SS : One week .", "( Ber@@ lin . In a van , Dixon drives while Sydney is being w@@ ired by another agent . She talks on her cell phone . )", "SYDNEY : Franc@@ ie , sweetie , you 're overreacting .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Charlie 's cheating on me . I have the proof . F@@ ound something in his pocket . It 's a mat@@ ch@@ book with some girl 's name and phone number written in it .", "DIXON : C@@ op@@ y that . We 're five minutes out .", "SYDNEY : You ca n't be paranoid . That could mean anything .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : It says , \" I truly loved tonight . Rachel . \" The mat@@ ch@@ book is from a hotel .", "SYDNEY : Oh , F@@ ran , just do n't assume the worst yet . I mean , you wo n't know until you know and the truth is n't always what it looks like .", "( The agent touches her brea@@ st , she sla@@ ps his hand and says something in Ger@@ man . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Sy@@ d , where are you ?", "SYDNEY : I 'm actually with a Ger@@ man client , let me call you right back .", "( Inside a sta@@ di@@ um , an agent walks through . )", "AG@@ ENT : All right , hey , listen up . P@@ er agreement with the Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate , we 're going to div@@ ide the sta@@ di@@ um straight down the middle . They get the west side , we get the ea@@ st side . Al@@ ph@@ a team , you 're on rea@@ r over watch just in case they try to surprise us . Bra@@ v@@ o and Charlie tea@@ ms , you 're on counter sni@@ pers . Now the rules of engagement are : you 're authori@@ zed to fire only if our as@@ sets are fired upon .", "( A lot of sni@@ pers mar@@ ch up the steps to take position . )", "AG@@ ENT : Everyone hold your position , we 're waiting for B@@ rist@@ ow to go hot mic .", "( Sydney walks in with the lock box . Do@@ wn the sta@@ di@@ um steps . A sni@@ per is pointed at her . )", "SYDNEY : Who am I talking to ?", "VAUGHN : Your inv@@ is@@ ible friend .", "( Vaughn sits behind a computer and z@@ oo@@ ms in on Sydney walking in the sta@@ di@@ um . )", "SYDNEY : Good . Where are you ?", "VAUGHN : Sat@@ el@@ li@@ te rel@@ ay station back in L.A. , watching you from a two - hundred mile or@@ bit .", "SYDNEY : ( looks up at the sky ) My guar@@ dian angel .", "VAUGHN : I was going to say the same thing to you . Thanks for the pro@@ motion .", "SYDNEY : You 're welcome .", "VAUGHN : Hey , heads up .", "( A car drives in . Sydney looks at her watch . )", "DIXON : Tea@@ m leader , we 're hot .", "VOICE : C@@ op@@ y that .", "SYDNEY : She 's coming .", "( Back at S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , Sloane and Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow watch on a computer screen . )", "SLOANE : Have you two spoken about her mother ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Yes . She asked me about her death .", "SLOANE : Did you tell her the truth ?", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow shakes his head . )", "( In the sta@@ di@@ um , Sydney stands and waits . The car slo@@ ws to a stop , and Ana gets out . Vaughn watches from his desk , worried . The car drives away , and Ana walks on the field . A sni@@ per is pointed at her . She walks , calm and alo@@ of . They meet on center field , sni@@ pers all pointed . )", "AN@@ A : ( speaks Rus@@ sian ) How 's your Rus@@ sian these days ?", "( Sydney speaks Rus@@ sian , then swit@@ ches to Span@@ ish . Ana answers in Span@@ ish . )", "AN@@ A : I heard about your fi@@ ance . Very sad . I thought perhaps it was a security execu@@ tion s@@ anc@@ ti@@ oned by your emp@@ lo@@ yer . Maybe you said something in your sleep you should n't have .", "( Sloane and Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow watch . Vaughn from his desk . )", "AN@@ A : But then why would you be here in service for the men that killed your true love ?", "( Sydney wants to fight her , but looks at all the sni@@ pers . )", "SYDNEY : I take it you brought the key .", "AN@@ A : I take it you brought the box .", "SYDNEY : Once we see what 's inside , we go our separate ways .", "( Sydney nods toward Ana . She takes out the key . Vaughn looks really nervous . S@@ l@@ one watches with B@@ rist@@ ow . Sydney puts the box down on the ground , Ana takes the key and in@@ ser@@ ts it . They open it . A crac@@ k@@ ling sound is heard . Sydney 's eyes get wide ; Ana looks equ@@ ally surprised at its con@@ ten@@ ts . )", "SYDNEY : Oh , my God ." ], "filename": "Alias_01x03.json" }, { "Recap": [ "Sydney 's secret double agent stat@@ us is jeopardi@@ zed after she smu@@ ggles a bi@@ o@@ tech eng@@ ine@@ er into S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 from her mission in Ber@@ lin . Will meets a woman named Kate Jones who confesses that she was having an affair with Danny shortly before his death . Vaughn informs Sydney that her father may be working for a third secret oper@@ ative agency ( FBI ) , as he begins to feel increa@@ sin@@ gly attracted to her . The C@@ IA plan@@ ts a computer wor@@ m into the main@@ frame of S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 in order to track all their progre@@ sses and ob@@ tain inside intel@@ ligence . Kevin M@@ it@@ nick is a guest star of this episode ." ], "Transcript": [ "( Con@@ tin@@ u@@ ing from last week 's episode . Sydney is staring down at the operation in progress , when the body@@ guard she recogni@@ zed from earlier ha@@ ul@@ s her up by the hair . )", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : Re@@ co@@ gni@@ ze me now ?", "( He punches her . Sydney bl@@ acks out . )", "( Bo@@ dy@@ guard walks down a hall in the bo@@ iler room , dragging Sydney beside him by the stra@@ p of her shirt . He speaks in a wal@@ kie - tal@@ kie . )", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : Anyone else ? Keep looking .", "( He slams Sydney up against a wall . )", "SYDNEY : U@@ hhh ! U@@ hh .", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : I never did find out what you were doing in Cor@@ s@@ ica . Are you working for Di@@ mit@@ ri ?", "( She does n't respond , so he ban@@ gs her against the opposite wall , then cho@@ kes her . )", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : Tell me now , or you 're going in the fire .", "( He opens a heavy door that leads into the fire pit . F@@ la@@ mes li@@ ck the top of that room . )", "SYDNEY : A@@ hhh ...", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : Who sent you here ? Are you here alone ? Who sent you here ?", "( While getting ready to toss her over to the fire , Sydney slips his pen out of his shirt pocket . )", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : Answer me , you little bitch !", "( Sydney stab@@ s him in the neck with the pen , kicks him . She takes the poker for the fire , and hits his gun away . It flies into the fire . She slams the door shut with the poker , and hits the body@@ guard three times with it . He falls to the ground . She runs . )", "BO@@ D@@ Y@@ GU@@ ARD : Get to level \" C \" now ... she got away ...", "( Sydney runs down the hall , turns a corner , running . Two armed men come behind her , chasing her . She stops , sees two men coming from ahead and behind . She 's trapped . Sydney runs down the stairs nearby , while gun@@ shots fly around her . She sees more men coming behind her , and sees a tunnel on the wall above her . She jumps up , grabs the bar ahead , and kicks the cover of the tunnel in . Sydney sli@@ des down the tunnel , and grabs a hold of the little le@@ d@@ ges inside . Hol@@ ding on with her fingers , looking down the tunnel in fear , gun@@ shots boun@@ ce off the sides of the tunnel , all around her . Finally , one bullet hits the ledge she was holding on to , and breaks off . Sydney sli@@ des down the tunnel . )", "( Suddenly , it 's day@@ light . We see Sydney , wet and sp@@ ra@@ w@@ led out on a rock at the end of the tunnel . She 's unconscious . A young boy po@@ kes her several times , and she comes to . He speaks Span@@ ish to her , asking if she 's dead . )", "SYDNEY : Oh , my God ... what time is it ?", "( She catches herself , and asks in Span@@ ish . The young boy answers her . )", "( At the U@@ C@@ O , Dixon is inside the lobby . His cell phone rings . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , it 's me .", "( Sydney is on a bus with other people . The young boy stands beside her . )", "DIXON : Thank God . Where 've you been ? I did n't sleep last night .", "SYDNEY : That does n't matter . Listen to me . Have you spo@@ tted Pat@@ el ?", "DIXON : ( looks outside ) He just showed up . Ne@@ ws ag@@ en@@ ci@@ es are repor@@ ting he had an ar@@ r@@ hy@@ th@@ mia . Where did they take him ?", "SYDNEY : What I 'm about to say , Dixon , you just have to believe me .", "DIXON : Of course .", "SYDNEY : The bomb we 're looking for ... it 's inside of him .", "DIXON : What ! ?", "SYDNEY : Inside Pat@@ el ! They im@@ planted the bomb into his chest , like it was a pac@@ e@@ maker . A simple out@@ patient procedure . Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud just turned an Ed@@ gar P@@ ea@@ ce Pri@@ ze winner into a human bomb ! Which is not good .", "( At the U@@ C@@ O , Dixon watches as Pat@@ el goes through the metal dete@@ ctor . It goes off . He opens his shirt a little and shows the guard his b@@ and@@ age . )", "DIXON : Did you see the device ?", "SYDNEY : Yeah . It 's small , which means it 's probably on a wi@@ re@@ less remo@@ te . Look , get Pat@@ el and I 'll meet you directly behind the au@@ dit@@ ori@@ um .", "DIXON : I 'll get there as soon as I can .", "( On the bus , Sydney hangs up and gives the cell phone back to the boy . )", "( In the lobby , Dixon follows Pat@@ el and his guards . He watches from outside the conference room as they take Pat@@ el into a back room . He sees Pat@@ el 's name on the poster outside the room , and glances at his watch . Outside , prote@@ st@@ ors yell and have an@@ ti - U@@ C@@ O signs . Hor@@ ns hon@@ k . People yell . Sydney comes in the gang of prote@@ st@@ ors and looks around . Inside , people con@@ ver@@ ge inside the room . )", "S@@ PE@@ A@@ KER : Ladies and gentlemen ... it is my honor to officially open the 200@@ 1 mini@@ ste@@ rial conference of the Un@@ ited Com@@ mer@@ ce Or@@ g@@ ani@@ zation .", "( Applause . )", "( Outside , Sydney walks up to an ambulance . She speaks in Span@@ ish , tells the driver she is n't feeling well , and \" fa@@ ints . \" The driver , al@@ armed , gets out and goes to see if he can help her . Sydney snea@@ ks around the side of the ambulance and jumps in the driver side . She starts up the van . )", "D@@ RIVER : Hey !", "( And she takes off . )", "( In the back room , Dixon walks in , speaking fore@@ ign language . The guard stops him , but Dixon tries plea@@ ding . Finally , he turns to leave but punches the guard three times . The guard 's out . Pat@@ el looks at him , al@@ armed . Dixon tries speaking to him that he has to come with him , Pat@@ el refuses . Dixon apologizes , Pat@@ el looks confused , and then Dixon punches Pat@@ el in the face . Outside the au@@ dit@@ ori@@ um , Sydney pulls up in the ambulance . Dixon comes out , carrying Pat@@ el over his shoulders . Sydney opens the back doors and lets them in . )", "( Inside the au@@ dit@@ ori@@ um ... )", "S@@ PE@@ A@@ KER : Please welcome our ke@@ y@@ note spea@@ ker ... ladies and gentlemen ... D@@ hi@@ ren Pat@@ el !", "( Inside the ambulance , Pat@@ el is on a stre@@ t@@ cher . )", "DIXON : I just pun@@ ched D@@ hi@@ ren Pat@@ el in the face !", "SYDNEY : Any luck with the trigger ?", "DIXON : I wor@@ ship this man !", "SYDNEY : Dixon , when you were in the building , did you I.D. the trigger ? !", "DIXON : No , no ! I did n't see anyone !", "( Sydney takes off the b@@ and@@ age , revea@@ ling the inc@@ ision . )", "DIXON : Oh , God .", "( Inside the au@@ dit@@ ori@@ um , applause . Everyone looks to the back@@ room , expecting Pat@@ el to enter . He does n't . )", "S@@ PE@@ A@@ KER : Please , wait one moment . I will be right back .", "( In the back , Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud speaks f@@ rench into his communic@@ ator , and looks at the remo@@ te . The signal is fa@@ int , meaning Pat@@ el is n't around . )", "( Inside the ambulance , Dixon fills a needle while Sydney puts a gas mask over Pat@@ el 's face , pre@@ pping the an@@ es@@ the@@ sia . )", "SYDNEY : Look , I know you 've been field - trained , bas@@ ic medical , but can you really do this ? Pu@@ ll a bomb out of a man 's chest ?", "DIXON : Yeah .", "( They hear ti@@ res scre@@ e@@ ching . Dixon gets up , looks out the back window and sees a car coming . )", "DIXON : It 's Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud .", "( Sydney jumps to the front and starts up the ambulance . )", "( In the car ... )", "J@@ AC@@ Q@@ N@@ OU@@ D : There , in the ambulance !", "( Sydney scre@@ en@@ ches ahead while Dixon begins taking the sta@@ ples out of the inc@@ ision . )", "DIXON : Do n't forget this thing 's on a remo@@ te . You ca n't let them get within range !", "( She scre@@ e@@ ches around a corner , Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud behind her . In his car , Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud looks at the remo@@ te and sees the signal is getting stronger . )", "J@@ AC@@ Q@@ N@@ OU@@ D : Get me closer ! Get me closer !", "( Sydney rounds another corner sharply , making Dixon fall against the wall of the ambulance , his lat@@ ex gloves covered in Pat@@ el 's blood . He finally sits down again , and puts his hand in the cut . )", "DIXON : I can feel it !", "SYDNEY : Oh , God !", "( She scre@@ e@@ ches around another corner , but slo@@ ws down when she sees that ... )", "SYDNEY : The police have a ro@@ ad@@ block !", "DIXON : Get around it !", "SYDNEY : Oh , God !", "( She cras@@ hes through a metal gate , Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud is right behind her . )", "J@@ AC@@ Q@@ N@@ OU@@ D : ( to driver ) S@@ '@@ il v@@ ous pla@@ it ! Get me C@@ LO@@ S@@ ER !", "( Inside the ambulance ... )", "SYDNEY : You 've got to hurry !", "DIXON : They put an ad@@ he@@ sive on the inc@@ ision , it must have bled through ! It 's stuck !", "( Pat@@ el is coming to . He mu@@ mbles something , still drugged . Dixon 's eyes get wide . He puts more gas . Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud 's car is coming closer . )", "J@@ AC@@ Q@@ N@@ OU@@ D : C@@ loser ! B@@ on , bon ...", "( The signal is getting stronger . Dixon takes the bomb out of Pat@@ el 's chest . )", "SYDNEY : Oh , God ...", "( The bomb begins to be@@ ep . )", "SYDNEY : What 's that ? !", "DIXON : It 's on a remo@@ te ! Just keep driving !", "( Dixon stands up , bomb in hand . Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud 's car is approaching fast . )", "J@@ AC@@ Q@@ N@@ OU@@ D : Now !", "( He 's about to hit the button to set off the bomb , when Dixon opens the back door and throws the bomb at the car . Too late . Jac@@ q@@ n@@ oud hits the button ... and blows himself , and the car , up . The force of the explosion sends the car flying up and then down on its roof . The ambulance rides safely away . )", "SYDNEY : Nic@@ ely done !", "DIXON : Pat@@ el ... you 're going to be okay .", "( Sydney brea@@ thes heavily , in relief . )", "( In a room somewhere , Vaughn and Sydney sit across from each other . )", "VAUGHN : That 's insane !", "SYDNEY : No kidding .", "VAUGHN : Dixon just pulled it out of him .", "SYDNEY : Yeah !", "VAUGHN : P@@ ul@@ led a bomb out of D@@ hi@@ ren Pat@@ el .", "SYDNEY : The very one .", "VAUGHN : Damn .", "SYDNEY : Yeah .", "VAUGHN : Any luck with the al@@ li@@ ance member ?", "SYDNEY : The what ?", "VAUGHN : You were supposed to I.D. the minister S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 's been trying to protect .", "SYDNEY : Thanks , I remember . No , I did n't get it .", "VAUGHN : Sydney , if we 're going to take down S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 - -", "SYDNEY : Stop . No .", "VAUGHN : Look , I 'm ju@@ ust saying that identi@@ f@@ y@@ ing--", "SYDNEY : Look , I was busy trying to keep one of the most important human@@ it@@ a@@ ri@@ ans on the plan@@ e@@ t--", "VAUGHN : ... All the al@@ li@@ ance members is kind of cri@@ tic@@ al@@ --", "SYDNEY : ... From blowing U@@ P !", "VAUGHN : Fine !", "( Pause . )", "SYDNEY : Anyway . I have a paper to finish .", "( She gets up . Vaughn watches her walk to the door . )", "VAUGHN : Hey .", "( She turns . )", "VAUGHN : I have something for you .", "( He gets a thick file fol@@ der from his briefcase , walks over to her . )", "VAUGHN : I know you have a lot of questions about your father . I do n't know if you want this , but I cop@@ ied his file .", "( Sydney , stunned , takes it . )", "SYDNEY : Thank you .", "( He nods . She walks out , holding the file . He watches her . )", "( In a library on campus , Sydney reads her father 's file . Ca@@ se numbers . Her father 's picture . \" Con@@ f@@ identi@@ al \" and \" C@@ op@@ y \" are written on the sheets in big , bo@@ ld letters . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Sorry I 'm late .", "( Sydney quickly closes the file . )", "SYDNEY : Hey . It 's after one already ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : It 's one thir@@ ty .", "SYDNEY : Oh , God . You got to be kidding ...", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Okay , so I 'm in my O@@ per@@ ations and Te@@ ch@@ no@@ logy Man@@ a@@ gement class , and I realize two things . One , I prepared the wrong chap@@ ter .", "SYDNEY : No !", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I do n't want to talk about it . And two , you and I are going to have a Hal@@ lo@@ we@@ '@@ en party .", "SYDNEY : We are ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Gu@@ est list !", "( She gives Sydney a piece of paper , and they walk out together . )", "( Outside , Sydney and Franc@@ ie walk together , Sydney looks at the list . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : What , is it too big ?", "SYDNEY : I think you put down everyone we 've met since s@@ even@@ th grade . You invited Kenny .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : So ? He 's a kid . It 's Hal@@ lo@@ we@@ '@@ en .", "SYDNEY : Franc@@ ie , if you want to see Charlie again , you do n't have to throw a m@@ assive Hal@@ lo@@ we@@ '@@ en party and invite his nephew .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I love Kenny .", "SYDNEY : I know you do , but just admit you 're hoping , just a little , that Charlie will bring him .", "( Sydney stops , staring at something off - camera . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : What ?", "SYDNEY : Is that Will ?", "( Sure enough , Will is seen coming out of a campus building , talking on his cell phone . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Maybe he 's here to talk to you about the humili@@ ating kiss .", "SYDNEY : Stop calling it that .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : That 's what it was .", "( Will walks , and then sees Sydney and Franc@@ ie , and stops . He waves . Sydney smiles bri@@ ghtly . )", "WILL : ( on cell ) Uh , you know , I got to call you back . I got to go . I 'll call you back . Bye .", "( He walks up to them . )", "WILL : Hey .", "SYDNEY : What are you doing here ?", "WILL : Oh , I got this , uh , I 'm writing a story on S.@@ A.@@ T. 's . About how , like , the uni@@ versity is ... what are you guys doing ?", "SYDNEY : Just getting some lunch .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Oh , we 're having a Hal@@ lo@@ we@@ '@@ en party on Wed@@ ne@@ sday night .", "WILL : Oh , excellent . I do n't have to wear a costume , do I ?", "SYDNEY / FRAN@@ C@@ IE : No@@ .@@ /@@ Yeah .", "( They stare at each other . )", "WILL : Really . That 's ... confusing .", "( Sydney 's pa@@ ger beeps . )", "WILL : Let me guess -- the bank .", "SYDNEY : It 's a meeting with the higher - ups on these bad lo@@ ans .", "WILL : Okay , seriously , your job ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : It 's a problem , right ?", "SYDNEY : I should go .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : We know .", "SYDNEY : I 'll call you guys later , okay ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Okay .", "WILL : See ya .", "( Will watches Sydney walk away , with interest . )", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Bri@@ e@@ f@@ ing meeting . Sloane , Dixon , Sydney and Marshall sit in the board room . )", "SLOANE : This is Hen@@ sel Cor@@ por@@ ation . A Ger@@ many - based che@@ m@@ ical con@@ gl@@ om@@ erate . They make i@@ bu@@ prof@@ en , hand lo@@ tion , too@@ th@@ pa@@ ste . They also have a mul@@ ti - million dollar research and develo@@ pment fund with ties going back to World Wa@@ r I@@ I and the third re@@ ich . They do n't list the last part in their an@@ nu@@ al stock report . This is Jer@@ o@@ en S@@ chil@@ ler . He 's one of Hen@@ sel 's leading bi@@ o@@ tech eng@@ ine@@ ers . He lives in Ber@@ lin . We 've been in communic@@ ation with him since Au@@ gust . Now , the news is that Hen@@ sel has perfe@@ cted a v@@ acc@@ ine against biological weapons . S@@ chil@@ ler has access to that information . He wants to make a trade .", "SYDNEY : What does he want in exchange ?", "SLOANE : Sa@@ fe pas@@ sage to the Un@@ ited St@@ ates .", "DIXON : He lives in Ber@@ lin . Why ca n't he just take a cab to the airport ?", "SLOANE : Ger@@ many 's not the problem , Hen@@ sel is . Anyone who has top level clea@@ rance is closely surve@@ il@@ led . Your job is to I.D. S@@ chil@@ ler , get him away from Hen@@ sel and into the Un@@ ited St@@ ates .", "SYDNEY : What kind of ex@@ trac@@ tion ?", "SLOANE : Shi@@ pment . Hen@@ sel is up@@ gra@@ ding their in@@ tran@@ et with fi@@ ber op@@ tics . You go in as a R@@ h@@ ine Co@@ m net super@@ vis@@ or . Now , unfortunately , this is the last docu@@ mented photo of S@@ chil@@ ler . Uni@@ versity of H@@ am@@ bur@@ g , 19@@ 7@@ 5 . We had Te@@ ch do an age proc@@ essing to give you some idea of what he might look like today . You 'll find it in there . Marshall , go .", "MARSHALL : ( stands ) Right . Thank you . How is , uh , everyone ? Hello . Hope everyone 's planning on having an enjo@@ y@@ able All Hal@@ low 's Eve .", "SLOANE : Marshall .", "MARSHALL : Sorry . Okay . This is pretty incredible . Bus@@ iness card . Something you might , you know , hand out . Like , for in@@ stance , \" Hello , I 'm a R@@ h@@ ine Co@@ m net super@@ vis@@ or , how are you ? \" In Ger@@ man , of course . Because English would probably give you away . But the genius , the achi@@ ev@@ ement , is this . Even S@@ ony would be like , \" Well , Marshall , this is pretty cool . \"", "DIXON : What does it do ?", "MARSHALL : Now , what you do is , you place the card on top of this computer monitor . Now , there 's a tiny tran@@ sm@@ itter inside . This tran@@ sm@@ itter will over@@ ride the C@@ P@@ U and make the ne@@ twork think that you are the s@@ ys adm@@ in . The system ad@@ mini@@ str@@ ator .", "SYDNEY : Wow .", "MARSHALL : Oh , yeah . You 'll man@@ u@@ ally over@@ ride the company 's fire@@ wall , and then S@@ chil@@ ler will transfer the v@@ acc@@ ine for@@ mul@@ a from his office to a Can@@ a@@ dian - served web site , and then we 'll get the pass@@ word once he 's on American so@@ il .", "( Sydney and Dixon walk out of the meeting together . )", "DIXON : So , I got your voice mail ...", "SYDNEY : Seriously , please , do n't feel oblig@@ ated .", "DIXON : No , no , no . I asked Diane . We 're coming . All of us .", "SYDNEY : You do n't have to wear a costume .", "DIXON : You did n't need to say that .", "SYDNEY : ( laughs ) Good !", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Sydney .", "( Sydney and Dixon stop ; Sydney 's face immediately falls . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Could I have a minute ?", "DIXON : Oh , of course . ( to Sy@@ d ) I 'll see you at O@@ p Te@@ ch .", "( Dixon leaves . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I , um , we were closing a deal last T@@ hur@@ sday . I just could n't get away .", "SYDNEY : You said that when you called . That 's fine .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : This is an especially busy time for me , Sydney . There are six different cases I 'm over@@ seeing .", "SYDNEY : Mmm - hmm .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : So , until things slow down , we probably should n't make any plans .", "SYDNEY : I was n't going to pursue it .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I just wanted to cla@@ ri@@ fy .", "SYDNEY : Good .", "( He walks away . )", "( Night . Sydney drives up to a self - storage facility . One other car is parked there . She par@@ ks , gets out . Inside , Vaughn opens a cage door . )", "SYDNEY : Hey .", "VAUGHN : ( gest@@ ures to other man ) This is Paul K@@ el@@ vin . Sydney B@@ rist@@ ow .", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN : I know your father .", "( They shake hands . )", "SYDNEY : Really . I hear that a lot .", "VAUGHN : Okay , we got to move fast . Let me jump in here . The C.@@ I@@ .A. 's been watching Hen@@ sel Cor@@ p for years .", "SYDNEY : They 're not really crea@@ ting a v@@ acc@@ ine , are they ?", "VAUGHN : Yes , they are , but the U.@@ S. army has been doing par@@ alle@@ l research that we thought was years ahead of the Ger@@ man@@ s . Until we got your int@@ el .", "SYDNEY : S@@ O , what are we afraid of ?", "VAUGHN : S@@ chil@@ ler and his team have develo@@ ped what we call mic@@ ro - en@@ cap@@ su@@ lated cy@@ to@@ c@@ ines . They acti@@ v@@ ate the imm@@ une cells in your re@@ spir@@ atory tr@@ act . Do you know anything about this ?", "SYDNEY : A little . You ?", "VAUGHN : A little . Enough to know that S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 could sell this v@@ acc@@ ine to a ra@@ dic@@ al leader who wants to protect his own people ... and start an all - out biological war .", "SYDNEY : What am I supposed to do in Ber@@ lin ?", "VAUGHN : Well , instead of shi@@ pping S@@ chil@@ ler , who we 'll get out through B@@ am@@ ber@@ g , we 'll ship K@@ el@@ vin . He 's already been pre@@ pped to im@@ person@@ ate S@@ chil@@ ler . Now , based on available photogra@@ ph@@ s , we think he 's a pretty god match . You 'll make the switch in the building 's garage .", "SYDNEY : You sure you 're up for this ?", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN : I 'm not looking forward to it , if that 's what you mean .", "SYDNEY : What about when Sloane wants you to give him the v@@ acc@@ ine ?", "VAUGHN : He 'll give them false information . K@@ el@@ vin 's got a plane waiting .", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN : I 'll see you in Ber@@ lin .", "SYDNEY : Okay .", "( Vaughn lets him out . He turns back to Sydney . )", "SYDNEY : I 've got to tell Dixon .", "VAUGHN : No . Absolutely not .", "SYDNEY : How am I supposed to make a double switch inv@@ is@@ ible to my partner ? He 'll be there .", "VAUGHN : You can not tell him the truth . I mean , he might already know who he 's working for .", "SYDNEY : You do n't know him .", "VAUGHN : That 's my point .", "SYDNEY : But I do .", "VAUGHN : Look , you might be right about Dixon , but you ca n't volunte@@ er a man for double agent duty if he has n't asked for it . I mean , his whole life , his family ? You 'd be putting all that at risk . You . Is that a decision you want to make for him ?", "( In Ber@@ lin , Sydney , in disgu@@ ise , mar@@ ches up to Hen@@ sel Cor@@ por@@ ation . She goes to the desk , speaking Ger@@ man , and gives them the business card . He lets her in after checking the sign - in sheets . At the elevator , the guard holds the door open for Sydney . She pushes a button , and the doors close . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm in .", "( Outside the building , Dixon stands . )", "DIXON : C@@ op@@ y that . All 's quiet out front .", "( Inside , Sydney gets off the elevator and walks down a hall . She enters S@@ chil@@ ler 's office , and speaks Ger@@ man . )", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : You are the agent ?", "( Sydney puts the business card on the monitor and sits down . They speak Ger@@ man . O@@ uti@@ s@@ de , Dixon gets a box and a pipe leading into the building . On the computer , a pop up box reads \" C@@ rac@@ ked . Ac@@ cess granted . \" )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , I think someone might be following me . meet me at E@@ in@@ set@@ z@@ un@@ g instead of behind the building .", "DIXON : C@@ op@@ y that . I 'm starting the gas now . You 'll have two minutes until people re@@ gain consciousness .", "( Sydney speaks Ger@@ man , and gives S@@ chil@@ ler a gas mask . )", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : What 's this ?", "( She tells him to put it on in Ger@@ man , she puts one on herself . The gas starts pil@@ f@@ ering in . In the control room , er@@ ror messages bl@@ ink on the compu@@ ters . The guard is passed out , his face on the ke@@ y@@ board , unconscious . The computer in S@@ chil@@ ler 's office is up@@ loa@@ ding the files to the F@@ T@@ P ser@@ ver . )", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : C@@ op@@ y ! We got it !", "SYDNEY : Come on .", "( They leave , gas m@@ asks on . They step over un@@ con@@ si@@ ous people . Dixon pulls up in a van . Sydney and S@@ chil@@ ler walk in the building 's garage , gas m@@ asks now off . A C.@@ I@@ .A. man hi@@ ds behind a pil@@ lar . When they get close , the man pushes S@@ chil@@ ler into a waiting black van . Sydney keeps walking . Paul K@@ el@@ vin , now wearing glasses and a suit , comes out of another van and falls into step beside Sydney . They walk out together . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , I 'm on K@@ o@@ eni@@ g Str@@ as@@ se .", "DIXON : I 'm on my way .", "( He takes off . Sydney and K@@ el@@ vin / S@@ chil@@ ler run out together , and hop inside the van . The van pulls away . )", "( Will and Franc@@ ie decor@@ ate Sydney 's place for the party . )", "WILL : When you asked me to help you set up , you did n't say , \" Will you help me set up all day ? \" , did you ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : We 're almost done .", "WILL : Almost done ? What 's left to cover that we have n't already covered with corn ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I work with a professional party plan@@ ner , this is what I do . So , what 's going on with work ? You always talk about work and you have n't even mentioned it today .", "WILL : You want the truth ?", "( Franc@@ ie turns . )", "WILL : I was n't working on a S.@@ A.@@ T. story . When I bu@@ mped into you guys ? There is no S.@@ A.@@ T. story . I was trying to track down a woman named Kate Jones . She was supposed to be seated next to Danny on a flight from S@@ in@@ ga@@ po@@ re to H@@ ong K@@ ong .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Oh , Will , you ca n't do this !", "WILL : What was Danny doing on a flight to H@@ ong K@@ ong , if Sydney was supposed to meet him in S@@ in@@ ga@@ po@@ re ? Now , Kate Jones and Danny were the only two people to miss that flight . The ON@@ LY two . I was at the medical school because I thought that maybe they 'd have her name on file . Franc@@ ie , there 's too many things about Danny 's death that do n't make any sense . One of them is this woman . Now I looked up every Kate , Kathy , Katherine , Ka@@ th@@ leen Jones in L.A. coun@@ ty , plus I have a contact at the airport who said that--", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Will , you ca n't do this . Nothing is going to bring Danny back . And when Sydney finds out what you 've been up to , which you know she will ... just think about that .", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "( C.@@ I@@ .A. safe@@ house . The real S@@ chil@@ ler is being interrog@@ ated by Vaughn . )", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : I want to see Mr. Sloane .", "VAUGHN : Mr. S@@ chil@@ ler , I 've explained this . Sloane is not here . You tell us the pass@@ word to the web site , and we will@@ --", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : I only talk to Sloane . That was the agreement . If you were who you say you are , you would know that .", "VAUGHN : Mr. S@@ chil@@ ler , I swear to you . Sloane is a liar . He has nothing to do with the C.@@ I@@ .A.", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : So you say Sloane is a fraud ? How do I know it 's not you who is the fraud ?", "VAUGHN : You do n't ... but you will .", "( He goes into the next room where Sydney , Weiss and a ha@@ cker have been watching . )", "VAUGHN : How fast can we get a plane to Lang@@ ley ?", "SYDNEY : Why ?", "VAUGHN : He wants proof that we 're C.@@ I@@ .A. and I do n't think he 's going to believe us unless we walk him in the front door .", "H@@ ACK@@ ER : Hey , Vaughn , we 're in .", "SYDNEY : What 's this ?", "VAUGHN : This is the main reason we made the switch in Ber@@ lin .", "H@@ ACK@@ ER : We had K@@ el@@ vin give Sloane access to a bo@@ gus web site with just enough real information about the v@@ acc@@ ine to keep them occupied for months .", "SYDNEY : Is that really worth ris@@ king a man 's life ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : No , there 's more . Once S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 down@@ loa@@ ds and runs the bo@@ gus program , it 'll give us a back door into their computer sy@@ ste@@ ms .", "SYDNEY : In other words , we have access to their entire ne@@ twork , files , cont@@ acts , accounts ?", "VAUGHN : This is a huge step in shu@@ tting down S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 .", "SYDNEY : Nice .", "H@@ ACK@@ ER : It was Agent Vaughn 's idea .", "VAUGHN : You look so surprised .", "SYDNEY : No , I ...", "VAUGHN : Yes , it was my idea .", "SYDNEY : A@@ ma@@ zing idea .", "VAUGHN : Thank you . I know .", "( Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . K@@ el@@ vin , po@@ sing as S@@ chil@@ ler , takes a drink of water . Sloane pac@@ es , ob@@ serves . Marshall sits behind a computer . )", "MARSHALL : This is very exciting .", "SLOANE : Go tell An@@ alys@@ is .", "( He does . )", "SLOANE : It 's good to finally meet you .", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN / S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : You see , the trav@@ les was not so easy , so forgive me for being so ...", "SLOANE : No , no , no , not at all . So , we have two hundred thousand dollars in cash , waiting for you .", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN / S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : Thank you .", "SLOANE : You 're welcome . It 's yours , as soon as you tell us and we confirm , the location of the plant .", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN / S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : Pl@@ ant ? Which plant ?", "SLOANE : Where the proto@@ ty@@ pes are being made . The v@@ acc@@ ine in@@ ha@@ ler . You do know the location of the plant ?", "K@@ EL@@ V@@ IN / S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : You see , I did n't get the information about any proto@@ ty@@ pes . I was never privile@@ ged to such information .", "SLOANE : I have reason to believe you were . So , why do n't you think about it ? Why do n't you think about everything ?", "( He walks out . )", "( Outside the room , Dixon sits at a computer . Sloane approaches . Dixon turns . )", "DIXON : How 's S@@ chil@@ ler ?", "SLOANE : I want to talk to you about your report .", "DIXON : Is something wrong ?", "SLOANE : You wrote that Sydney changed the pick up from E@@ in@@ set@@ z@@ un@@ g to the rea@@ r exit .", "DIXON : I met them on K@@ o@@ eni@@ g Str@@ as@@ se .", "SLOANE : Was this decided upon before the ex@@ trac@@ tion ?", "DIXON : D@@ uring .", "SLOANE : Why ?", "DIXON : She thought someone was following her .", "SLOANE : Did you see someone following her ?", "DIXON : No , but I was outside the whole time .", "SLOANE : I see .", "DIXON : If Sydney said there was someone following her , there was someone following her .", "( The party . Sydney , dressed up as Alice in Won@@ der@@ land , walks up to Franc@@ ie -- dressed up as a cheer@@ leader -- and Will -- dressed up as Richard Ni@@ xon -- who are dancing with a little boy . )", "SYDNEY : Hey , Kenny !", "( Doorbell rings . Sydney takes the pa@@ il of candy , and answers . Dixon , his wife Diane , and two kids in costu@@ mes stand there . )", "KI@@ DS : T@@ rick or treat !", "SYDNEY : Hey , guys ! There 's more candy in there . Come on in !", "DI@@ ANE : Good to see you .", "SYDNEY : Good to see you .", "DIXON : Sy@@ d , can I talk to you for a second ?", "( They go in ano@@ the room , close the door . )", "SYDNEY : What 's up ?", "DIXON : Sy@@ d , we 've been working together a lot of years . I trust you . I trust you , and I love you .", "SYDNEY : I know .", "DIXON : So , if some@@ th@@ n@@ g 's up , you 'd tell me .", "SYDNEY : What are you talking about ?", "DIXON : Sloane is asking about Ber@@ lin . He thinks someone might have gotten to S@@ chil@@ ler . He thinks he might be a plant . He wanted to know why you had me change the pick up to K@@ o@@ eni@@ g Str@@ as@@ se .", "SYDNEY : I told you , I thought I was being followed .", "DIXON : Sy@@ d , is there something I should know ?", "SYDNEY : No .", "( Dixon almost smiles in relief , and nods as if he knew Sydney would n't keep things from him . )", "DIXON : Listen , uh , Sloane says there 's a proto@@ type -- an in@@ ha@@ ler for the v@@ acc@@ ine . He wn@@ ats us to go get it , but S@@ chil@@ ler wo n't give up the location , which makes no sense . That man should know where it is , and has everything to lose by not telling us .", "SYDNEY : What 's going to happen to him ?", "DIXON : Oh , I think S@@ chil@@ ler is in trouble , but , Sy@@ d , I think you are , too .", "( At the food and drinks , Franc@@ ie stands , alone . Looking sad . Will walks up to her and takes off his Ni@@ xon mask , takes a bowl of sn@@ acks . )", "WILL : Okay , now , here 's my question . Who eats this crap ? I mean , it 's like Mar@@ zi@@ pan , but it 's worse . If it 's a question between this or , like , dirt , I would be all over the dirt .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Would you shut up about the candy corn ?", "WILL : Okay . You 're bu@@ mmed the kid came , and Charlie did n't .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : SH@@ H !", "WILL : What ? You gave me some advice , and I took it . Now it 's my turn to give you some .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : What advice did I give you ?", "WILL : About the Kate Jones thing . I 'm giving it up , you 're right . It can only end badly . So , it 's my turn to give you some . You love Charlie . You do n't want to lose him , so do n't be an idiot , okay ? You got to talk to him , and do n't deny it . Do n't wait . Do n't p@@ iss me off . That 's exactly what I did when I first met Sydney , okay ? So , use me as a cauti@@ on@@ ary tale and call Charlie .", "( He gives her the phone . She takes it , and kisses him on the cheek . His cell phone rings . )", "WILL : Yeah . Will Ti@@ pp@@ in .", "VOICE : Hi , this is Kate Jones . You called me ?", "WILL : Yeah . Um , yeah . Did you know a guy named Daniel He@@ ch@@ t ?", "VOICE : Yes ... I did . Very well .", "( At the C.@@ I@@ .A. safe@@ house , Sydney bur@@ sts in the back@@ room . Weiss and Vaughn are there . )", "SYDNEY : You ca n't go to Lang@@ ley !", "VAUGHN : What are you talking about ? The plane leaves in an hour .", "SYDNEY : K@@ el@@ vin could be dead by then . Sloane 's looking for more than just the pass@@ word . In@@ for@@ mation S@@ chil@@ ler would have . I mean , this could be it . If this goes badly , they 'll know I 'm a double .", "VAUGHN : So , what the hell are we going to do ?", "SYDNEY : That 's why I came here . I need to talk to S@@ chil@@ ler right now .", "( She enters the room . S@@ chil@@ ler looks up . )", "( Outside , she walks up to a parked car where Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow sits . )", "SYDNEY : I would n't have called unless I had no choice .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : It 's all right . What is it ?", "SYDNEY : There 's a C.@@ I@@ .A. officer named Paul K@@ ev@@ lin@@ --", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Yes , I know about Ber@@ lin . Paul 's a friend .", "SYDNEY : Then you should know his life 's in danger . He 's in custody , and Sloane wants int@@ el K@@ ev@@ lin does n't have . I have the information K@@ ev@@ lin needs , but I ca n't get it to him . Sloane 's already too suspicious of me , but since he trusts you ...", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Sloane put a call in to me . That must be why .", "SYDNEY : Why would he call you ?", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow walks to Sloane 's office . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : ( voice over ) He finds me useful in difficult situ@@ ations .", "( He enters the office . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I 'm surprised you 're not home with Emily .", "SLOANE : I would be , but we have a problem .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Oh ?", "SLOANE : S@@ chil@@ ler wo n't talk . I do n't trust that man , so I want proof .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Pro@@ of .", "SLOANE : That he 's telling us everything . That he is who he says he is .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I understand .", "( At the safe@@ house , Sydney and S@@ chil@@ ler . )", "SYDNEY : Ar@@ vin Sloane is not aff@@ i@@ li@@ ated with the Un@@ ited St@@ ates government . He is just a man who used me ... the same as he was going to use you .", "( Sloane watches via video , Jack enter the interrogation room and see his friend . K@@ el@@ vin stands , looking at Jack in reco@@ gn@@ ition . Jack punches him . )", "SYDNEY : He made me think I was giving myself to God and country , but it was all a lie ... a lie that cost my fi@@ ance his life . If I go back to S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 without the location of that plant , they will take the life of another innocent man .", "( Inter@@ rog@@ ation room . Jack throws Paul up against the wall . )", "K@@ EV@@ LIN / S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : U@@ hhh !", "( Jack throws him against another wall . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I need to prove you 're S@@ chil@@ ler , and I 'm S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Paul , I have to hurt you .", "( At the safe@@ house . )", "SYDNEY : There 's only one person who can stop that , and I 'm talking to him right now . Mr. S@@ chil@@ ler ... please .", "S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : It 's B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler . The plant is in B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler .", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow throws K@@ ev@@ lin / S@@ chil@@ ler up on a table , twi@@ sting his arm back . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : The plant is loc@@ ated in B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler , near the Black For@@ est .", "( He breaks K@@ ev@@ lin 's arm . S@@ ound of a bone crac@@ king . )", "K@@ EV@@ LIN / S@@ CH@@ IL@@ LER : A@@ A@@ A@@ A@@ H ! B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler ! It 's in B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler !", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Me@@ e@@ ting . )", "SYDNEY : ( voice over ) Sloane called us in this morning . Our mission is to go to B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler tonight , steal the v@@ acc@@ ine in@@ ha@@ ler and blow up the plant . I do n't know how much longer I can do this . Sit in these meetings with Sloane . Look at him as if I do n't des@@ pi@@ se him , as if I do n't want to lea@@ p across the table and use the skills I 've learned , against him . So , what the hell do I do next ? What 's my counter mission ?", "( G@@ as bar . Sydney climb@@ s out . Next to her car is Vaughn , filling up his own car . )", "SYDNEY : He practically apologized .", "VAUGHN : Sloane did ?", "SYDNEY : For thinking maybe I 'd ma@@ i@@ lied him the wrong guy . Imagine that .", "VAUGHN : And your reward for a job well done is destroying the B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler plant .", "SYDNEY : Sloane says Hen@@ sel 's produc@@ ing supp@@ lies for a Ne@@ o - Na@@ z@@ i terro@@ rist fac@@ tion .", "VAUGHN : That is such a load . Sloane wants the v@@ acc@@ ine tech .", "SYDNEY : Why ? He thinks he has the for@@ mul@@ a already .", "VAUGHN : It took Hen@@ sel five years to go form for@@ mul@@ a to proto@@ type . Sloane wants to skip that step .", "SYDNEY : How 's K@@ el@@ vin ?", "VAUGHN : Home with his family . Ar@@ m in a cast . He 'll be fine .", "SYDNEY : What about S@@ chil@@ ler ?", "VAUGHN : On his way to the mid@@ west somewhere with two hundred grand of Sloane 's money in his pocket . Of all of us , I 'd say he 's the luck@@ iest .", "SYDNEY : That 's for sure . What 's my counter ?", "VAUGHN : All right . You 'll break into the building as planned . Now , while Dixon sets the explo@@ si@@ ves , you 'll re@@ tri@@ eve the in@@ ha@@ ler and ren@@ dez - v@@ ous with the C.@@ I@@ .A. team , which will already be inside the building . They will switch the in@@ ha@@ ler . By this time , Dixon should have ex@@ ited the building . You 'll dis@@ able the explo@@ sive while the C.@@ I@@ .A. team sear@@ ches the rest of the lab 's main computer system .", "SYDNEY : So , what , you 're just going to steal their files ?", "VAUGHN : This is n't s@@ anc@@ ti@@ oned research , and based on this v@@ acc@@ ine , Lang@@ ley wants to know what else Hen@@ sel 's up to .", "SYDNEY : So , I get out with the switched in@@ hal@@ ers . Dixon tries to blow the charge .", "VAUGHN : Nothing happens .", "SYDNEY : By this time , security 's on their way and we ca n't get back in .", "VAUGHN : That 's the plan .", "( Sydney appears to be deep in thought . )", "VAUGHN : You all right ?", "SYDNEY : What do you know about case 3@@ 3@@ 2@@ L ? There 's some missing pages in my father 's person@@ nel file , and refer@@ ences to case 3@@ 3@@ 2@@ L@@ .", "VAUGHN : And Agent Cal@@ der .", "SYDNEY : You read that , too .", "VAUGHN : Yeah . Actually , it spar@@ ked my cu@@ ri@@ ou@@ sity , too . I went to Re@@ cor@@ ds to re@@ tri@@ eve the case file , but it was missing . There 's no record of it anywhere . There 's one more thing . Cal@@ der was n't C.@@ I@@ .A. , he was F.@@ B.@@ I.", "SYDNEY : Why would the F.@@ B.@@ I. be working with my father ?", "VAUGHN : They would n't .", "SYDNEY : Unless they suspe@@ cted him of selling secrets .", "( Vaughn looks down , sil@@ ently confir@@ ming . )", "( New@@ sp@@ aper . Will is on a land@@ line phone in an office , packing his things , getting ready to leave . )", "WILL : Yeah , yeah , yeah , I know . I 'm going to Han@@ co@@ ck Par@@ k Home As@@ soci@@ ation 's meeting . No , no , after coun@@ ty records . Yeah . Wait , you know what ? I 'm on my cell . ( fa@@ kes phone problems ) I ... an@@ 't ... you 're ... a@@ king ... up ... an@@ 't ... ear ...", "( He hangs up . His cell phone rings as he walks out of the office . )", "WILL : Yeah . Will Ti@@ pp@@ in . Hey , S@@ cour@@ za . What 's up , man ? Um , no , I did n't get a fa@@ x . ( checks the fa@@ x machine ) Are you sure it was Kate Jones ? Yeah . Where was she headed ? Sa@@ o P@@ au@@ lo ? Her social security number , yeah , give me her social security number . ( pause ) What ?", "( B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler . Sydney and Dixon climb over a wall , jump down . They walk to the plant together , both dressed in black from head to toe . They lift the cover of an en@@ try way . )", "DIXON : Let 's go .", "( Sydney jumps , then Dixon jumps . They land in between walls , and walk in , cra@@ wling under . Sydney climb@@ s up a la@@ dder with Dixon behind . They 're now inside the lab . They run across a hallway , inside the lab . Dixon cr@@ ou@@ ches down , un@@ zi@@ ps his back and takes out the explo@@ sive . Sydney changes the w@@ ires around so that the alarm goes off . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm going for the in@@ ha@@ ler .", "DIXON : I 'll see you outside in ten .", "( The al@@ arms go off in the main room . People leave the room to find the problem . Sydney runs down a hall . )", "( At a restaurant , Will sits . )", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : Mr. Ti@@ pp@@ in ?", "WILL : ( looks up ) Yes .", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : I 'm Kate Jones .", "( Will shakes hands with the attractive , young , blonde woman . )", "( Sydney runs while the guards run to find the problem on the floor below her . She watches them leave , and looks . Dixon sets up the explo@@ si@@ ves in the lab . It starts to be@@ ep . Dixon leaves . He runs and climb@@ s down the la@@ dder , runs in between the walls , climb@@ s out , success@@ fully ex@@ iting the building . Sydney runs in the lab where the al@@ arms are going off and where the people left from . She sees the cabin@@ et full of in@@ hal@@ ers . She opens the door and stea@@ ls them all . She closes the door and runs out . )", "( At the restaurant . )", "WILL : Forgive me if I ask you anything that 's too in@@ tr@@ usive . That 's just sort of my job .", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : It 's okay .", "WILL : Can you start by telling me what your relationship was with Daniel He@@ ch@@ t ?", "( She does n't answer . )", "WILL : Miss Jones ?", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : Danny and I were having an affair .", "( Will stares , shocked . )", "( Sydney runs down some stairs , where four C.@@ I@@ .A. men wait . )", "SYDNEY : Sorry I 'm late .", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : Not at all . Let 's see what you got .", "( She gives them the in@@ hal@@ ers . )", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : These are 4@@ 5@@ s ? ( she nods ) I need three of them .", "( The agent beside him hands them over . )", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : So , you 're B@@ rist@@ ow .", "SYDNEY : Yeah .", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : Vaughn 's told me about you . He likes you .", "SYDNEY : Yeah ?", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : Res@@ pe@@ cts you .", "( Sydney tries to stop herself from smiling . He gives her the in@@ hal@@ ers . )", "SYDNEY : I 've got a bomb to dis@@ enga@@ ge .", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : Yeah , please . We 'd appreciate it . Be about ten more minutes . Good luck .", "SYDNEY : Thanks !", "( She runs back upstairs . )", "( The restaurant . )", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : I twisted my ankle , and went to uni@@ versity hospital . Danny treated me . And he asked me out .", "WILL : Danny asked you out .", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : Yeah . I knew that he had been seeing someone , but I was n't really thinking so much about her .", "( Sydney scra@@ mbles her way to the bomb that Dixon just set up . Outside , Dixon waits nervously . He looks around , then at his watch . )", "DIXON : Sy@@ d , come on !", "( Inside , she success@@ fully dis@@ enga@@ ges the bomb and runs out . The C.@@ I@@ .A. men work in the computer lab , taking pictures . )", "( At the restaurant . )", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : We had talked about going to H@@ ong K@@ ong , but at the last minute , he just broke it off . That 's all it was , really . I guess it was one of those relationships that just kind of happen , until they do n't .", "WILL : ( see@@ thing ) I see .", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : Is there anything else that you want to know ?", "WILL : Yeah , actually , there is one more thing . I have a contact who tracked your credit card from another one of your f@@ lights out of L@@ .@@ A.@@ X@@ . From that , they got your social security number . I did a trace on it . See , here 's what does n't make any sense , Kate Jones ... you DI@@ ED in 19@@ 7@@ 3 .", "( She looks suddenly upset . )", "KATE J@@ ON@@ ES : I have to go .", "( She gets up and walks out . )", "WILL : Who are you ? WH@@ O THE H@@ ELL AR@@ E Y@@ O@@ U ?", "( Outside the plant , Sydney runs up to Dixon in the bus@@ hes . )", "SYDNEY : Got them .", "DIXON : Is everyone out of the building ?", "SYDNEY : We 're good .", "( Dixon hits the de@@ ton@@ ator , but nothing happens . He tries again ... nothing . )", "SYDNEY : Come on , we 've got to go .", "( Dixon does n't move . )", "SYDNEY : Dixon , we do n't have time to go back . Dixon , what are you doing ?", "( He takes out a second device from his bag . )", "DIXON : I brought a secon@@ d@@ ary de@@ ton@@ ator , in case there was a fre@@ qu@@ ency j@@ am like in Per@@ u , remember ? Did you get the in@@ hal@@ ers ?", "( Inside the plant ... )", "C.@@ I@@ .A. MAN : You good to go ?", "( Outside , Dixon hits the button , and the plant explo@@ des . The C.@@ I@@ .A. men , the int@@ el they found , the in@@ hal@@ ers ... are blown up . Sydney stares , horri@@ fied . B@@ its of the explosion hit them . )", "DIXON : All right , let 's go .", "( He 's ca@@ sual about it , but Sydney stays . )", "DIXON : Sydney ? We 've got to run . Sydney ! We 've got to move ! NO@@ W ! Sydney !" ], "filename": "Alias_01x05.json" }, { "Recap": [ "Sydney becomes convinced that her father was responsible for the death of her mother , Laura B@@ rist@@ ow , 20 years earlier , as she discovers both were involved in a car accident while her father was trying to escape from FBI . She also suspects he might have been a double agent for the K@@ G@@ B . A@@ mid@@ st all this conf@@ usion , Sydney is made to go undercover in a mental inst@@ itu@@ tion in Buc@@ ha@@ rest to get information from She@@ par@@ d , a man who has been un@@ consci@@ ously pro@@ gra@@ mmed to be a dea@@ dly ass@@ ass@@ in . In the meantime Will Ti@@ pp@@ in discovers the true identity of Kate Jones ( E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz ) , the woman who claim@@ ed to have had an affair with Danny . Franc@@ ie is relieved to learn that Charlie is not having an affair with another woman but trying to be a sin@@ ger son@@ g@@ wri@@ ter and that the woman is the pi@@ ano player he is rehear@@ sing with . Marshall Fl@@ in@@ k@@ man , the chief tech@@ nic@@ ian at S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , finds the computer wor@@ m planted in the S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 main@@ frame by the C@@ IA and tells Sloane , who congratul@@ ates him and tells him it was part of a special security test he 's passed . Sloane now has suspic@@ ions that someone in S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 is a mo@@ le and this sets him on his path of finding who it is . Sydney 's cover at the as@@ yl@@ um is blown when it is revealed that an agent from the K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate is in charge there who also wants to know things from She@@ par@@ d ." ], "Transcript": [ "( Con@@ tin@@ u@@ ing from last week 's episode . B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler . Dixon stands , Sydney kne@@ els in the bus@@ hes , staring at the building that just explo@@ ded , horri@@ fied . )", "DIXON : Sydney , we 've got to run ! Sydney , we 've got to move ! Sydney , we 've got to move , now ! What 's the matter , are you hurt ?", "SYDNEY : No ...", "( Three guards run to them , speaking in Ger@@ man . )", "DIXON : Let 's go ! RU@@ N !", "( Dixon and Sydney take off , and the chase is on . They run through the trees , the three guards behind them . )", "DIXON : Go , go , go , go ! G@@ O !", "( The guards begin shooting . Sydney 's running , tears strea@@ ming down her che@@ eks . )", "DIXON : Do n't stop !", "( More gun@@ fire . Dixon stops running and hides behind a tree . Sydney keeps running and jumps behind a fallen tree , laying on the ground . W@@ rac@@ ked with tears and guilt , she stays there , hiding . One of the guards with a flash@@ light in hand comes closer . Suddenly , Dixon takes him and kicks him . P@@ un@@ ches him . In the background , Dixon and the guard gr@@ unt and punch , Sydney sits there in almost a cat@@ at@@ onic state , crying . Dixon punches the guard one last time , and he falls . )", "DIXON : Come on , Sydney . We 've got to go .", "( In the self - storage facility , Vaughn and Sydney meet . )", "SYDNEY : I could n't move . Dixon had to drag me to my feet , just to get to the van . When he asked me what was wrong , why I had just frozen ... I made up something about having a flashback to Danny .", "VAUGHN : You did everything you could .", "SYDNEY : I was supposed to stop the de@@ ton@@ ation . I did n't . And because of that , four C.@@ I@@ .A. ag@@ ents were killed .", "VAUGHN : You had no way of knowing Dixon had a second trigger . There was nothing you could do .", "SYDNEY : I could 've told him the truth . Dixon needs to know who he 's really working for .", "VAUGHN : Sy@@ d@@ ne@@ y--", "SYDNEY : I know , I ca n't p@@ u his family at risk .", "VAUGHN : Or yourself .", "SYDNEY : I know all of that , but it 's the right thing to do . Those men died for no reason .", "VAUGHN : No . Those men died for their country .", "( Sydney looks away , turning her back to him . )", "SYDNEY : Sydney , I 'm sorry . I 'm sorry you had to go through that .", "( At Sydney 's house , she sits in front of the coffee table , going through pictures . C@@ and@@ les are lit . She g@@ ing@@ er@@ ly picks a framed picture up . It 's of her mother . She smiles sa@@ dly . The door opens , and Franc@@ ie enters . )", "SYDNEY : Hey .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Hey .", "SYDNEY : You worked late .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : B@@ ar associ@@ ation dinner . One of the lawyers wn@@ ated to sue me because his chicken was under@@ coo@@ ked . Can you believe that -- an ob@@ no@@ x@@ ious lawyer ?", "SYDNEY : What about your ob@@ no@@ x@@ ious lawyer ? Have you talked to him ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I 'm meeting Charlie for lunch this week .", "SYDNEY : That 's good .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Sy@@ d , he 's going to break up with me .", "SYDNEY : Did he say that ? He did n't say that .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : He did n't have to . He was sneaking around on me . He was with that girl , Rachel . And there 's stuff he 's doing that he ca n't tell me about ? Please .", "SYDNEY : I do n't think he 'd be meeting with you just to break up with you . Guys do n't do that . If they want to end things , they just van@@ ish . Right ?", "( Franc@@ ie spots the picture of Mrs. B@@ rist@@ ow that Sydney was looking at . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Your mom was so pretty .", "SYDNEY : Yeah , she was . Thanks .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I got to go change . I feel a bin@@ ge coming on .", "( Sydney smiles at her . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Hey , how was your trip ?", "SYDNEY : Oh . Not good . I was working with these people who ... they were termin@@ ated .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Oh , man . The e@@ co@@ no@@ my sucks .", "( Later , in bed , Sydney reads . The phone rings beside her ; she answers . )", "SYDNEY : Hello ?", "HE@@ LE@@ N : This is Hel@@ en Cal@@ der , you left me a message ? Something about my husband having worked with your father ?", "( The next day , Sydney is meeting with Mrs. Cal@@ der at her house . They drink tea . )", "SYDNEY : I know that your husband worked with the F.@@ B.@@ I. and that his job was to investigate C.@@ I@@ .A. ag@@ ents that were suspe@@ cted of spying for Rus@@ sia . My dad was one of the ag@@ ents that your husband investig@@ ated . I know that much . Did he ever mention the name Jack B@@ rist@@ ow ?", "HE@@ LE@@ N : I 'm sorry . B@@ ent@@ ley did n't talk much about his work .", "( Sydney looks up and sees a picture on the man@@ tle of a smiling man . )", "SYDNEY : He looks kind .", "HE@@ LE@@ N : Oh , he is .", "SYDNEY : I thought B@@ ent@@ ley was dead ?", "HE@@ LE@@ N : Oh , oh , dear , no . That is n't B@@ ent@@ ley . That 's my boyfriend , G@@ ary .", "( Sydney smiles she@@ ep@@ ish@@ ly . Mrs. Cal@@ der gets up and moves to the drawer of a cabin@@ et , gets out a framed picture . She shows Sydney . )", "HE@@ LE@@ N : This is B@@ ent@@ ley . He was n't so nice .", "( Sydney looks shocked as she holds the picture . )", "SYDNEY : When did B@@ ent@@ ley pass away ?", "HE@@ LE@@ N : 19@@ 8@@ 1 , in a car accident .", "( The breath catches in Sydney 's throat . )", "SYDNEY : Do you have a copy of this ?", "HE@@ LE@@ N : I think so .", "( At Sydney 's house , she enters and runs to her bedroom . She finds a hat box on one of her shel@@ ves , and puts it on her bed . Fran@@ tically , she ri@@ ps off the lid and starts flying through the gathered pictures and little pieces of paper . Finally , she finds pur@@ chase -- a newspaper cli@@ pping . The head@@ line reads \" Two D@@ ie In I@@ cy Col@@ li@@ sion . \" There 's a picture of B@@ ent@@ ley , and a picture of Sydney 's mother . Not believing it , and needing confir@@ mation without a doubt in her mind , Sydney grabs her purse and takes the picture of B@@ ent@@ ley Cal@@ der that she got from Hel@@ en . She holds the picture from Hel@@ en up to the newspaper . It 's the same man . B@@ ent@@ ley Cal@@ der , the agent that was investigating her father , died in the same car accident as her mother . )", "( S@@ el@@ f - storage facility . )", "SYDNEY : For the last twenty yers , I thought I knew how my mom died . She and my dad had been out at the movies , te@@ hy@@ w ere coming home late and a man -- some po@@ stal worker -- was driving , coming from the other direction . The police said alcohol was n't a fac@@ tor . This man must 've l@@ al@@ en asleep . His car dri@@ f@@ ted over the white line . My dad sw@@ er@@ ved , and they went of the C@@ any@@ on Cre@@ ek bridge . I always told myself that my mom did n't have time to know what was happening . Now I know that Cal@@ der was hun@@ ting down a K@@ G@@ B agent -- my@@ f a@@ ther . So what happened that night was no accident . Cal@@ der was probably chasing them , they probably lost control and the cars crashed . Whatever it was , it brings me back to the same conclusion . If my father had n't been a double agent , my mom would still be alive today . I 'm sorry to lay all this on you , it 's just that I have no one to talk to about this .", "VAUGHN : It 's okay .", "SYDNEY : I want to report him .", "VAUGHN : What ?", "SYDNEY : I want to turn him in .", "VAUGHN : For what ? For being under suspic@@ ion twenty years ago ? The A@@ gency knows that .", "SYDNEY : What about the file -- the one you pulled for me ? There were pages missing . Maybe it did n't end twenty years ago , maybe he 's still working for Rus@@ sia !", "VAUGHN : Stop . Okay ? Stop . What matters , what is important , is taking down S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Jack -- your father -- is helping us do that !", "SYDNEY : So , you 're suggesting , once again , that I do nothing ?", "VAUGHN : Not about this ! We have too much work to do , and your relationship with him@@ --", "SYDNEY : I was n't supposed to do anything about Dixon , either . Let me ask you this -- is anything EV@@ ER un@@ accep@@ table to you ? !", "VAUGHN : I understand that we 're talking about your dad here , and that if he did sell secrets , or is selling secrets , that would be hard .", "SYDNEY : I would hope that would be hard on you , too !", "VAUGHN : Before you do anything , let me find out if he 's under suspic@@ ion , if he 's being tracked . Just give me two days , all right ?", "( Uni@@ versity campus . Franc@@ ie and Charlie sit on a bench together . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I get it . You wanted to do it in person , but instead of coming right out with it , you 're making all kinds of small talk . Which I think is really pathetic .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Fran@@ ci@@ e--", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I 've always suppor@@ ted you , no matter what . And the ide a@@ that you would sneak around behind my back and lie to me about it , is just the worst part . I can@@ 't--", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Fran@@ ci@@ e--", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : After all that we have been through .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : I want to be a sin@@ ger .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : A sin@@ ger .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : I was n't going to say anything until I had everything set up . That woman -- Rachel -- she plays pi@@ ano . When you saw us that night , we were rehear@@ sing . We have our first gi@@ g this Friday night .", "( He gives her tickets . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : A sin@@ ger ?", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Sweetheart , I 'm sorry I was n't up - front about this before , but being a lawyer , it 's been my goal -- my family 's goal -- forever , and the thought of me doing something else ... I 've been wanting to do something else . F@@ ran , I 've been to afraid to admit that .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : You 're not breaking up with me ?", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Are you kidding ? You 're my baby .", "( They kiss . )", "( Will 's newspaper office . He walks down the hall , talking on his cell . )", "WILL : Charlie singing ? I would n't miss it .", "( He pat@@ s someone on the back with a newspaper . )", "GU@@ Y : Hey , Will .", "WILL : ( keeps walking ) Yeah , yeah , yeah . I will be there . Yes . Yes . Best behavior , I got it .", "( He 's at his desk , and sees Jenny sitting in his chair behind it . He hangs up . )", "WILL : Get off my chair .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : How 's Sydney ? That was Sydney , right ?", "WILL : Okay , you got to stop doing that . Anybody call when I was out ?", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : Yep . A guy from the D@@ M@@ V . He ran the license plate you cop@@ ied off of Kate Jones ' car .", "WILL : The woman pretending to be Kate Jones . According to her social security number , the real Kate Jones died in 19@@ 7@@ 3 .", "( He di@@ als the phone . )", "WILL : Hello , Hank ? Hello , it 's Will . Hey , you come up with anything ? Did that match the license plate number for 6@@ 6@@ 3 , Sam , T@@ an@@ go , Frank ? Oh , you 're the best . Bye . ( hangs up ) Okay ...", "( He wri@@ tes on a pad of paper . Jenny reads over his shoulder . )", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : \" E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz . \"", "WILL : E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz is living proof that someone 's covering up Danny 's murder . And she was definitely lying about having an affair with him . 2@@ 2@@ 3 Whit@@ ley P@@ lace , Hol@@ ly@@ wood .", "( Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . Sydney walks in the white room , it ill@@ u@@ min@@ ates red . Inside , she walks in between the phone ban@@ ks . Sloane approaches . )", "SLOANE : Good work in Ger@@ many , Sydney . The in@@ ha@@ ler proto@@ type 's safely in An@@ alys@@ is . The B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler fac@@ tory was de@@ mo@@ li@@ shed without any ca@@ su@@ al@@ ties .", "SYDNEY : Thanks . Dixon deserves the credit . Not me .", "( They walk into a meeting room . Jack , Marshall , Dixon , Sloane , Sydney . )", "SLOANE : Jack will no longer be working out of Jen@@ nings A@@ er@@ o@@ space . His assignment there is complete . As of today , he will be working here with a cover as port@@ fo@@ li@@ o manager for Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . This way , he can more acti@@ vely partic@@ i@@ p@@ ate in the planning and execu@@ tion of missi@@ ons .", "( Everyone expe@@ cts a reaction from Sydney . )", "SYDNEY : ( forced smile ) Good .", "SLOANE : Jack .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Two months ago , F@@ T@@ L vac@@ ated their forward base at R@@ ou@@ ba@@ i@@ x and their support station at Chan@@ i@@ ers . All the heavy equipment was moved , including the T@@ -@@ 4@@ 7@@ s . At the time , recovery team found this at Ro@@ ba@@ i@@ x .", "( He passes a gree@@ ting card over to Sydney . The front has a big yellow smi@@ ley face . She opens it . A MI@@ D@@ I - type j@@ ing@@ le plays and inside the card says \" Happy Bir@@ th@@ day ! \" . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Last week , we learned that F@@ T@@ L also abandoned their transfer facility at K@@ en@@ il@@ work . Our recovery team did a swe@@ ep , they returned with this .", "( He passes another card down . It 's the same as the one before . Dixon opens one , hears the j@@ ing@@ le , and immediately closes it . )", "DIXON : Is the ink en@@ co@@ ded ?", "( Marshall 's eating something , quite lou@@ dly . )", "MARSHALL : Oh , that was my first thought as well . ( beat ) You want some fri@@ tter ? It 's apple .", "( He holds out the fri@@ tter to Dixon . )", "SLOANE : An@@ alys@@ is stu@@ died the music sample . They f@@ ou@@ d@@ n an iden@@ tical pattern of numbers buried in the higher fre@@ qu@@ en@@ ci@@ es . It 's not noise . It is where they hide the code .", "SYDNEY : Have we de@@ ci@@ phe@@ red it ?", "SLOANE : No .", "( He clicks a remo@@ te , a picture of a large ship pops up . )", "SLOANE : \" Bar@@ rage \" -- it 's a con@@ ver@@ ted sal@@ v@@ age tu@@ g . F@@ T@@ L uses it as a flo@@ ating lab . W@@ ea@@ p@@ on design , d@@ ata storage , cry@@ p@@ to . An S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 com@@ man@@ do team stor@@ med the ship last night as it was passing through the Pan@@ am@@ a Can@@ al . They brought back this .", "( He clicks a button , something else comes up . Dra@@ wings . )", "SYDNEY : What is it ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : F@@ T@@ L 's latest code machine . Without this device , we 're unable to read any of their communic@@ ations .", "DIXON : How does it work ?", "MARSHALL : Very well . Heh . Uh , we don't -- we do n't know yet .", "SLOANE : The team gathered what they could . Unfortunately , there was a self - destruc@@ t on the ship . Ne@@ ed@@ less to say , they left fair@@ ly quickly .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : From what they gathered , only eight of these de@@ co@@ ders have been produc@@ ed . One of them is cur@@ r@@ ently in the pos@@ session of this man .", "( A picture of the man in question pops up . )", "SLOANE : John S@@ my@@ the ... owner of the H@@ ob@@ bes End photo gallery in London . He 's also an F@@ T@@ L oper@@ ative . One of the code mach@@ ines is being held in the gallery , a@@ waiting pic@@ k@@ up next Tu@@ es@@ day . You leave for London tonight .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : We want to find out where F@@ T@@ L re@@ loc@@ ated , and what they 're up to . Your job is to bring back the en@@ co@@ ding machine .", "( Sydney is leaving . The door to the white room opens . Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow is following her . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I would have told you about the reali@@ gn@@ ment , but you were in B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler . ( lower voice ) I heard about what happened . It 's tragic .", "SYDNEY : I know about you ! That you were hun@@ ted by the F.@@ B.@@ I. ! And I know that mom died because they went after you .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Sydney ...", "SYDNEY : Every time I think I know just how awful you are , I learn something worse .", "( She gets inside the elevator . )", "SYDNEY : But this time , I 'm going to make sure you pay .", "( The doors close . )", "( G@@ olf driving range . Vaughn walks up , holding a conta@@ iner of balls . He walks up beside Sydney , puts a small box down . She t@@ kes it , opens it . It 's a child 's plastic bug that little kids use to fri@@ ghten people . )", "SYDNEY : What 's this ?", "VAUGHN : A bug .", "SYDNEY : What are you , t@@ wel@@ ve - years - old ?", "VAUGHN : No , a bug . We did n't know about S@@ my@@ the .", "SYDNEY : After we get the code machine , they 'll s@@ can for listening dev@@ ices .", "VAUGHN : Te@@ ch@@ no@@ logy on this thing is totally p@@ assive . The guys at Lang@@ ley actually cri@@ bbed the design from a Rus@@ sian device they pulled from the American emb@@ assy . The thing only works when we hit it with a micro@@ wave bea@@ m off an or@@ bit@@ al sat@@ el@@ li@@ te . Then it acts as a micro@@ phone . It 's completely un@@ dete@@ c@@ table .", "SYDNEY : And if they find it , they 'll just think it 's a bug .", "VAUGHN : Exactly .", "SYDNEY : What about the code machine ?", "VAUGHN : Chan@@ ces are , we wo n't have time to pull a switch , so deliver it to S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . When they break the code , they 'll infor@@ m their aff@@ i@@ li@@ ate off@@ ices through the computer ne@@ twork . Thanks to you , we 're still down@@ loa@@ ding from their main@@ frame .", "SYDNEY : How much have you gotten so far ?", "VAUGHN : Almost two per c@@ ent .", "SYDNEY : In all this time , that 's all you got ?", "VAUGHN : If we take too much , too quickly , they 'll notice the lea@@ k . But we 're patient . We can get all their intern@@ al files and then we can do some real damage .", "SYDNEY : Good .", "VAUGHN : Oh , I checked around about your dad . He 's cl@@ ena . No intern@@ al investig@@ ations that--", "SYDNEY : I told him .", "VAUGHN : To@@ ld him what ?", "SYDNEY : That I know everything -- about Cal@@ der , his spying for the K@@ G@@ B , the accident .", "VAUGHN : Damn it ! I told you not to say anything .", "SYDNEY : I 'm sorry , but I do n't care . If you 'd been in my position , you probably would n't have been able to control yourself , either .", "VAUGHN : You 're just going to have to learn how to do that .", "SYDNEY : Do n't lecture me about my father . Because of the spy trade , my mother is dead . You could n't possibly understand what it 's like to have a parent die that way .", "( Vaughn 's silent . He looks down . )", "VAUGHN : There 's a book back at Lang@@ ley . They keep it locked up under glass , and behind it is a mar@@ ble wall with stars car@@ ved in it . It 's a memorial to the ag@@ ents the company lost in action . Fa@@ mi@@ lies are never told how they died , or even where . Only that they wo n't be coming home . I was eight when my father became one of those stars . At the funeral , there 's a proto@@ co@@ l the A@@ gency represen@@ t@@ ative has to follow . What to say , whose hands to shake . You 're ad@@ mon@@ ished -- that is actually the word they used , \" ad@@ mon@@ ished \" -- not to be con@@ sp@@ ic@@ ul@@ ously emotional .", "SYDNEY : Vaughn , I 'm so sorry ...", "VAUGHN : The ag@@ ents that died in B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler . I 've been asked to represent the A@@ gency at their fun@@ ear@@ ls .", "( He ca@@ su@@ ally , distrac@@ tedly , hits one of the gol@@ f balls . )", "( In an apartment building , Will w@@ la@@ ks don@@ w the hallway . He finds apartment 2 and knocks . )", "WILL : De@@ li@@ very . Got a package for E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz .", "( She opens the door . )", "WILL : I just need five minutes .", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : How did you know my name ?", "WILL : I wo n't use it , if that 's what you 're afraid of .", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : Just leave me alone ! I do n't know anything !", "WILL : See , it 's people w@@ oh say that that always know much more than they think they do . Do you know how they kil@@ ed him ? Danny He@@ ch@@ t ? They broke into his apartment , and they shot him in his bath@@ tub !", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : I do n't know anything !", "WILL : It was three bullets . It was two here ( gest@@ ures ) and one straight through the heart .", "( E@@ lo@@ ise / Kate Jones moves into her apartment and gets her purse . )", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : I 'm warning you !", "WILL : Come on , I just want five minutes .", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : Okay , I have pe@@ pper sp@@ ray !", "( She sp@@ ra@@ ys it in his eyes . Will falls back in the hallway , clu@@ t@@ ching his face . )", "WILL : O@@ W@@ W@@ W ! Oh , God , my eyes !", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : I told you ! Okay , I warned you ! Now , just go away !", "WILL : My eyes ... okay !", "( She slams the door . )", "( London . Inside the art gallery , dance music plays . Sydney and Dixon are there , in disgu@@ ise . )", "SYDNEY : You ready ?", "( He nods . )", "SYDNEY : It should take me about twenty seconds to get down the hall .", "( Sydney makes her way over to the exit where a guard stands . She eats something off of a tray a waiter holds . Dixon , looking at the pieces , takes out a ci@@ gar and lights up . People stare , once they smell the smoke . A man gest@@ ures to the guard . The guard goes to Dixon . While he 's away , Sydney slips past the ra@@ iling and goes down the hall . )", "OFF@@ IC@@ I@@ AL : Excuse me , sir . Hello . Actually , this is a non - smoking gallery .", "DIXON : ( French accent ) Not anymore .", "OFF@@ IC@@ I@@ AL : Well , I 'm afraid if you do n't put that thing out , we 're going to have to escort y@@ u out the door .", "DIXON : What kind of a deal you think I can get if I take the entire collection ?", "( Be@@ at . )", "OFF@@ IC@@ I@@ AL : I 'll go call the owner .", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "( Do@@ wn the hall , Sydney walks down the hall . Ar@@ ound the corner is the office . S@@ my@@ the is inside . The phone rings . )", "S@@ M@@ Y@@ THE : Yeah ? I 'll be right there .", "( He hangs up . On his way out , he hits the numbers for the alarm to set . The motion sen@@ s@@ or arms . He leaves . He walks past Sydney who was hiding around the corner in the otherwise deser@@ ted hallway . She throws her purse and it stops the door from closing , wed@@ ging itself between the door and the wall . She enters the office , picking up her purse . She sees the motion se@@ nor ar@@ ming . She takes a hat off of the desk and throws it on top of the motion sen@@ s@@ or alarm , en@@ ab@@ ling her to move without setting it off . She looks around , and puts on her green sun@@ glasses that match her li@@ me green dress . She sees where the v@@ ault is hidden behind the wall with the x - ray glasses and takes off her watch . )", "( S@@ my@@ the , Off@@ ici@@ al , and Dixon walk around . )", "S@@ M@@ Y@@ THE : Che@@ ster Con@@ l@@ on is an a@@ ward winning artist .", "DIXON : It is almost Ke@@ e@@ fer@@ es@@ que .", "S@@ M@@ Y@@ THE : I said the same thing .", "( A man coughs from the ci@@ gar smoke . )", "DIXON : This bothering you , by the way ?", "S@@ M@@ Y@@ THE : Not at all .", "( Sydney has her watch stra@@ pped onto the v@@ ault 's door . As she moves the dial , the watch will be@@ ep twice whenever she comes to the right di@@ g@@ it . It beeps , she turns the dial for the other number . It beeps . She opens the v@@ ault and finds the code machine , puts it in her green purse . She closes the v@@ ault door and t@@ kes her watch , puts it back on . She finds the plastic bug that was hidden in between her brea@@ sts and sticks it under the counter in the office . Just then , the hat falls off of the motion sen@@ s@@ or and she moves -- the alarm goes off . )", "( Inside the gallery ... )", "DIXON : I 'm temp@@ ted , but I do n't know .", "S@@ M@@ Y@@ THE : Sir , I 've already offered to come down ten per c@@ ent .", "DIXON : T@@ en per c@@ ent is not twenty per c@@ ent .", "( Dixon spots the guard over S@@ my@@ the 's shoulder getting noti@@ fied of the alarm going off . )", "( Sydney is walking down the hall , out of the office . She hears someone coming closer . She pan@@ ic@@ ks , and goes back to the office . She tries opening the door but the door is locked . She has nowhere to go . The guard comes around the corner ... Sydney is n't there . She 's in the open ceiling , stra@@ dd@@ ling a pipe above the guard 's head . He looks around , goes to the office door to open it . Suddenly , steam starts blowing through the pi@@ pes . Sydney 's mouth is ga@@ ping open -- she touches the pipe , and a sign that says \" Ex@@ tre@@ me H@@ eat -- Dan@@ ger of S@@ cal@@ ding \" is shown . She holds herself up above the pipe , w@@ inc@@ ing in pain as the pipe she 's laying her body on top of , gets ho@@ tter . The guard drops the keys , tries again . He goes inside . Sydney w@@ inc@@ es , trying not to yell out in pain . Me@@ tal cl@@ an@@ ks . The man hears it , and goes to see what that was . He moves down the hallway . Sydney climb@@ s over to the other pi@@ pes par@@ alle@@ l to her , swings over the one sm@@ al@@ ler pipe that is not sc@@ al@@ ding hot with her green purse in her mouth . She moves like a gy@@ m@@ n@@ ast . The guard comes back , goes inside the office . She hangs down off the pipe , and runs . )", "( Inside the gallery . )", "S@@ M@@ Y@@ THE : I 'll eat the ta@@ x , but that is it .", "( Sydney walks over to them . )", "SYDNEY : ( French accent ) Che@@ rie , I think I prefer the Lam@@ bor@@ gh@@ in@@ i .", "DIXON : You are the birthday girl . ( turning to S@@ my@@ the ) Could you do something with this ?", "( He gives the ci@@ gar to S@@ my@@ the ; Dixon and Sydney walk out together . )", "( Lo@@ s Angeles . Sydney sits on her bed , dressed for work . Franc@@ ie stands in front of the full l@@ ength mirror , trying on a top that would go over her tank . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : He does n't sing in the car . He does n't sing in the shower . He does n't even sing at the national an@@ them at baseball games . I mean , he does n't even h@@ um .", "SYDNEY : ( re : the top ) To , like , \" I 'm with the band . \" Kind of .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : If he had a good voice , he would have used it somewhere once . I would have heard it . You 're going to be there , right ? I mean , I need you there .", "SYDNEY : Of course I 'm going to be there .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : When he 's not -- if he 's not good -- he 's going to be so devastated . You know that .", "SYDNEY : Or it could be the start of something great .", "( She gets up , walking out . )", "SYDNEY : Ra@@ id my closet !", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Thanks , but , I got boo@@ bs .", "( At the club , Franc@@ ie , Sydney , Will and Amy sit . Charlie and Rachel stand in front of them . )", "RACHEL : Hi , I 'm Rachel .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Hi .", "RACHEL : Charlie has told me so much about you .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Really ?", "RACHEL : Going for your M@@ B@@ A , best cook ever . You 're like this my@@ th@@ ic person .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Okay , I like her !", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : This is Will .", "WILL : You know anything about me ?", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : And Sydney .", "SYDNEY : Hi .", "WILL : ( gest@@ ures ) This is my sister , Amy .", "AMY : Hi .", "( Will 's cell phone rings . )", "WILL : Will Ti@@ pp@@ in .", "VOICE : It 's E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz .", "WILL : Sorry , I ca n't hear you . Hold on .", "( He moves away so the others wo n't hear , nam@@ ely Sydney . )", "SYDNEY : This is so exciting !", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : A little terri@@ fying .", "RACHEL : We 've got to get ready .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : You guys are going to be great .", "( They walk away . Franc@@ ie turns to Sydney . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : This is going to be a disaster .", "SYDNEY : Stop it !", "( At another corner of the bar , Will talks in his cell phone . )", "WILL : Hi .", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : Are you all right ?", "WILL : You mean can I see again ?", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : I feel horrible .", "WILL : No , it 's okay . I was wearing my glasses .", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : I 'm really not a bad person .", "WILL : No , I never said you were a bad person . You just got to tell me . Help me out here , please .", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : They gave me two thousand dollars cash to say that I was having an affair with Danny He@@ ch@@ t .", "WILL : Well , who did ? Who gave you the money ?", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : I was in between jobs , my car was broken . It 's still broken . Anybody in my position would have done the same thing .", "WILL : Can I buy you a cup of coffee , huh ? Me@@ et you in person ?", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : Why do n't you come by my apartment tomorrow afternoon ?", "WILL : Yeah , yeah , yeah . How about three o@@ '@@ clock ? I have a great car mechan@@ ic , if you need one , too .", "( In her apartment , E@@ lo@@ ise stares straight ahead , listening to all the com@@ motion at the bar , de@@ pressed and afraid that maybe her life is in danger . That she might not ever hear all that again . )", "WILL : Hello ? Hello ?", "KATE / EL@@ O@@ I@@ SE : Yeah , I 'm here ...", "WILL : Listen , everything 's going to be okay .", "( She hangs up . Applause . Charlie takes the stage . Will moves over to the bar with Sydney , Franc@@ ie and Amy . )", "WILL : ( to Sydney ) It was a fact - che@@ cker . How 's Franc@@ ie ?", "SYDNEY : A wreck .", "( The micro@@ phone wh@@ ines with fe@@ ed@@ back . Charlie stands in the back , looking really nervous . Everyone is quiet . Franc@@ ie looks scared for him . Charlie does n't move . )", "SYDNEY : W@@ HO@@ O - HO@@ O ! CH@@ AR@@ LIE ! W@@ HO@@ O - HO@@ O !", "( Sydney shou@@ ts this while pu@@ mping her fi@@ st in the air . Everyone laughs , including Sydney . Charlie smiles , the nervous tension effe@@ cti@@ vely broken . He moves to the micro@@ phone . Rachel starts playing on the ke@@ y@@ board . Franc@@ ie closes her eyes , maybe the song has special meaning ? )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : ( singing ) When the road gets dark , and you can no longer see . Just let my love throw a spar@@ k . And have a little faith in me .", "( Franc@@ ie looks blown away at his talent . )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : ( singing ) When the tears you cry are all you can believe . Just give these loving arms a try , and have a little faith in me . Have a little faith in me . Have a little faith in me ...", "( Franc@@ ie is bea@@ ming with pride . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : That 's my boyfriend .", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : ( singing ) Have a little faith in me . Have a little faith in me .", "( Perhaps the next day or Mon@@ day , Sydney walks into S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , slow motion . )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : ( voice over , singing ) When your secret heart can not speak so easily ... come here , dar@@ lin ' , from a whisp@@ er start . To have a little faith in me . Have a little faith in me .", "( She puts her things down at her desk . Star@@ ts to take off her coat . Dixon comes up behind her and takes it off of her . She bri@@ ghtly smiles at him . )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : ( voice over , singing ) Have a little faith in me , have a little faith in me . Have a little faith in me ...", "( In a meeting with Sydney , Marshall , Sloane , Dixon and Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow . Sydney puts her thu@@ mb on the co@@ ding machine she stole from the gallery . It makes a noise . )", "SYDNEY : It tic@@ kles . What just happened ?", "MARSHALL : It took a piece of your thu@@ mb . A spe@@ ck . A cell . And this is , like , true genius . It created a code based on your DNA .", "SLOANE : That 's how the code from those gree@@ ting cards worked . The en@@ co@@ ding was DNA based .", "SYDNEY : Whose ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : We know he was the rec@@ ep@@ i@@ ent of one of the cards . ( A picture comes up . ) Gar@@ eth Par@@ kis@@ ho@@ ff , leader of the F@@ T@@ L cell in R@@ ab@@ at .", "SLOANE : That 's the good news . We know it 's Par@@ kis@@ ho@@ ff .", "( Marshall ty@@ pes on his laptop , quickly and lou@@ dly . )", "SLOANE : The bad news is Par@@ kis@@ ho@@ ff is dead . We need a sample of his DNA , and we do n't know where he 's buried . Marshall . Marshall .", "MARSHALL : ( per@@ ple@@ xed ) The system 's ... a little slu@@ gg@@ ish .", "SLOANE : Marshall , get Fisher .", "( Marshall takes his laptop and runs out . )", "SLOANE : Last month we received int@@ el that Par@@ kis@@ ho@@ ff was ass@@ as@@ sin@@ ated by Martin She@@ p@@ hard .", "( A picture of She@@ p@@ hard comes up . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : She@@ p@@ hard 's an interesting case . His sub@@ conscious is pro@@ gra@@ mmed to react to a simple ph@@ ra@@ se . Say it to him , and he 'd do what you 'd asked . Even kill . Say it again , and those acts would be er@@ as@@ ed from his conscious mind . He 'd have no rec@@ ol@@ le@@ ction of the acts he 'd committed .", "SLOANE : Now , we have known for some time what that ph@@ ra@@ se is .", "( Sloane places a fol@@ der in front of Sydney . )", "SYDNEY : Oh , it 's by John Don@@ ne .", "SLOANE : Right . And we want you to get close enough to She@@ p@@ hard , rec@@ ite the po@@ em , and get him to tell you where Par@@ kis@@ ho@@ ff is buried .", "SYDNEY : Where is he ?", "SLOANE : She@@ p@@ hard checked himself in a mental inst@@ itu@@ tion in Buc@@ ha@@ rest , sou@@ ther@@ n Rom@@ an@@ ia .", "( Marshall and Fisher enter . Marshall goes to Sloane . )", "MARSHALL : U@@ mm , if you do n't mind , there 's something kind of weird going on with the computer ne@@ twork .", "SLOANE : Marshall .", "MARSHALL : There 's kind of a b@@ and@@ with lea@@ k ...", "SLOANE : Why do n't you get me a report by the end of the day ?", "( Marshall leaves . )", "SLOANE : Agent Fisher will be your support on this one . His ali@@ as is Dr. Carlos F@@ on@@ tan@@ e@@ tta .", "SYDNEY : Hello . Nice to meet you .", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Nice to meet you .", "SLOANE : The M@@ ang@@ alo@@ v clinic is expecting Dr. F@@ on@@ tan@@ e@@ tta to check a patient in the day after tomorrow . You are that patient .", "( Sydney walks down a street outside Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine . Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow jo@@ gs up to her . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Your hand@@ ler 's un@@ available . Once you loc@@ ate Par@@ kis@@ ho@@ ff , he wants you to rel@@ ay the co@@ ordin@@ at@@ es@@ --", "SYDNEY : V@@ augh@@ ns ' at a funeral . Four hero@@ es who died because of people like you .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You are to rel@@ ay the correct co@@ ordin@@ ates to S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Once they have de@@ co@@ ded the message , you are to infor@@ m@@ --", "SYDNEY : Go to hell !", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : ( grabs her arm ) People 's lives are at stake ! Your life !", "( Sydney tries walking away . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : What you think you know , you do n't know .", "SYDNEY : Then explain it to me !", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You do n't have clea@@ rance .", "SYDNEY : ( furious ) C@@ lea@@ rance ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Yes .", "SYDNEY : To be told how my mother died .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : There are rules , Sydney .", "SYDNEY : Then you break them !", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Just think about what you 're saying . Ac@@ ting ca@@ vali@@ er about breaking the rules . Think about the last time you did something like that . I 'm not a perfect man , I know that . But I am smart enough not to draw simple conclusions and then act upon them . I would think if anyone had learned that lesson , it would have been you .", "( He walks away . Sydney looks like she 's fighting back the ur@@ ge to hit him . )", "( Rom@@ an@@ ia . Ma@@ g@@ an@@ lo@@ v clinic . It 's dirty . The walls are covered in sp@@ lat@@ ters on old , din@@ gy paint . Sydney is being whe@@ eled in a wheelchair down the hall by an or@@ derly . A doctor -- K@@ rus@@ h@@ ni@@ k -- and Fisher walk with them . )", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Miss D@@ ic@@ a@@ mi@@ la is bi@@ po@@ lar . We were doing some , uh , relief work up in the nor@@ th when she suffered a psycho@@ tic break . She 's suffering from au@@ dit@@ ory halluc@@ in@@ ations . She thinks that her government wants to kill her .", "( As they wheel her by , Sydney sees She@@ p@@ hard . They make eye contact . )", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Her pre@@ vious doctor sub@@ m@@ itted her for some rather experi@@ mental treatment . Li@@ thi@@ um sub@@ stitu@@ tes , neu@@ rol@@ in@@ gu@@ i@@ stic re@@ pro@@ gra@@ mming . All of which had no effect on her condition . I 'm still trying to find her parents , but until then , I need a place for her .", "( They come to a stop in front of Sydney 's new room . )", "DR . K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Is she taking any anti@@ psycho@@ tics ?", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : O@@ lan@@ z@@ ap@@ ine , twenty milli@@ gra@@ ms . Q@@ P@@ M .", "( The or@@ derly un@@ locks the door . Sydney grun@@ ts , eyes wide , and flies into Fisher 's arms , pretending to be her condition . )", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Sh@@ hh ...", "SYDNEY : Au@@ u@@ u@@ h@@ h@@ hhh !", "( The or@@ derly takes her . )", "SYDNEY : Au@@ gh@@ hhh ! U@@ GH !", "( He puts her in the dirty room . She cla@@ ws at the door@@ frame , tries to get away . )", "DR . K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : There are other inst@@ it@@ uti@@ ons in Buc@@ ha@@ rest , how is it you honor us ?", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Uh , the consu@@ late . They direc@@ ted me here .", "( They lock the door on Sydney . )", "DR . K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : This way . We 'll get her admitted .", "( Pan@@ ting , Sydney stares . They walk away . She immediately stops the fac@@ ade , and goes back to being Sydney . She stares in the hallway . A man screams in the distance . )", "( Will walks in the hallway outside E@@ lo@@ ise 's apartment . He knocks on apartment two , but the door opens a little . )", "WILL : Miss K@@ ur@@ tz ? I 'm coming in . Easy on the pe@@ pper sp@@ ray .", "( Will enters , looking around . The entire apartment is cleaned out . Everything 's gone . She 's gone . His lead is gone . He touches the wall . Fre@@ sh paint , still wet . )", "( Fun@@ eral for one of the C.@@ I@@ .A. ag@@ ents . An American fla@@ g is dra@@ ped over the ca@@ sk@@ et . Vaughn 's eyes fall on a little bl@@ ond eight - year - old boy , sitting down beside the grieving wi@@ dow . Vaughn brings a me@@ d@@ al to the wi@@ dow . She takes it . Vaughn moves down to the little boy , who is crying softly . He kne@@ els down , eye contact with him . The boy whi@@ mp@@ ers . )", "VAUGHN : Your dad was a hero .", "( The boy lun@@ ges at Vaughn , hugs him tight . Vaughn hugs him back . )", "( In a room at Cre@@ d@@ it D@@ au@@ ph@@ ine , Marshall ty@@ pes . He sees a gra@@ ph of what I 'm assuming is down@@ load times and what files are being down@@ loaded . )", "MARSHALL : Oh , no . Oh , no .", "( He stu@@ mbles out of the room , running . Outside , he runs into someone , goes up to Sloane . )", "MARSHALL : That lea@@ k ! The gli@@ tch ! There 's a wor@@ m ! There 's a ha@@ cker in our ne@@ twork ! They 're down@@ loa@@ ding all the files off the ser@@ ver !", "( He runs into the main control room . )", "MARSHALL : Got to cut the hard line !", "( He fli@@ ps a switch . The compu@@ ters power down . \" Intern@@ et connection lost \" is the signal behind on the monitor . Marshall leans against the machine , gas@@ ping . )", "( Sloane walks into his office , picks up a phone , di@@ als . )", "SLOANE : Hello , Al@@ l@@ an . We need to meet . I think we have a mo@@ le .", "( In the ca@@ fe@@ teria at the inst@@ itu@@ tion , Sydney walks in line and gets a goo@@ p@@ y mess on her tray . She sees Martin sitting alone at a table . She stares at him , sits down . )", "SYDNEY : Hi .", "( In the doctor 's main office , K@@ rus@@ h@@ ni@@ k walks around where Fisher sits . )", "K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Sorry to keep you waiting .", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Oh , this is not a problem .", "K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Two more forms and her ad@@ mission is complete .", "( He sits down . Behind Fisher , a TV sits where it spots all the video ca@@ m@@ ers . He watches . )", "K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : By the way , while you were waiting , I called the consu@@ late . Yes , I am speaking at the U.@@ N@@ . conference on re@@ fu@@ ge@@ es in New York next month . I called them about a vis@@ a . Nat@@ urally , I thin@@ ked them for having refer@@ red our inst@@ itu@@ tion and I was surprised to hear that they were un@@ aware of any such recomm@@ end@@ ation .", "( In the ca@@ fe@@ teria , Martin stares at Sydney , pan@@ ting . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : ( whispering ) Do I ... know you ?", "SYDNEY : No man is an island , entire of itself . Every man is a pe@@ ice of the contin@@ ent .", "( Martin jumps up and cho@@ kes her , throwing her against the table . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Who ... are ... you ?", "SYDNEY : Ugh !", "( She punches him once . She goes to punch him again , but he grabs her fi@@ st , stopping her . He throws her down against the table where they were eating . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Who ... are ... you ?", "( He cho@@ kes her . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : H@@ U@@ H ?", "( The doctor 's office . )", "FI@@ SH@@ ER : Oh yes , of course . That is because the consu@@ late refer@@ red me to the local health department . They made a recomm@@ end@@ ation .", "K@@ RU@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Well , that explains it .", "( He sees the camera over Fisher 's shoulder . He sees Sydney being cho@@ ked . )", "( Sydney is cou@@ ghing . An or@@ derly gets Martin off of Sydney . They stu@@ n him an electri@@ c pro@@ d and struggle with him , carrying him away . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : A@@ AU@@ GH@@ H@@ H@@ H@@ H@@ H@@ H !", "( They push him away . Sydney coughs , and gets up . Martin tears himself away from the or@@ der@@ lies , and tries to get at Sydney again . He 's stunned again . An or@@ derly takes Sydney away . )", "OR@@ DER@@ LY : We know what you 're doing , Miss B@@ rist@@ ow .", "( She tries kicking him . Two other men come and drag her away . She kicks in the air , trying to get away . )", "( Agent Weiss walks down a hall in the C.@@ I@@ .A. office , reading something from a file fol@@ der . Another agent comes up to Weiss . )", "AG@@ ENT : Hey , where 's Vaughn ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : He 's covering the fun@@ er@@ als . B@@ ad@@ en@@ we@@ iler ? Why , did you finally get a date ?", "AG@@ ENT : You know that assignment B@@ rist@@ ow 's been sent to ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Yeah .", "AG@@ ENT : The doctor who 's running the place -- K@@ rus@@ h@@ ni@@ k ?", "WE@@ I@@ SS : Mmm - hmm .", "AG@@ ENT : He 's with K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate .", "( Weiss stops dead in his tracks . )", "( Three or@@ der@@ lies take Sydney down some stairs , in a straight jacket . She speaks Rom@@ an@@ ian to them . She struggles . Grun@@ ting . She suddenly head bun@@ ts one guy , kicks the other two . They go down . She runs down the hallway with the jacket still on , goes around a corner , and duc@@ ks ina room . They run past her . Inside the room she 's in , Sydney sees that a piece of the cage that covers the windows is broken . She puts her back to th window , backs in and the ledge of the broken cage un@@ lat@@ ches the jacket as she moves down . Her arms are free . She takes the ties on the arms , stands on them , b@@ ends down , and pulls the jacket off . She stands up , completely free , and stops . She sees Fisher sitting in a chair -- she 's in the office . His back is turned to her and he 's not moving . Sydney moves closer to him . )", "SYDNEY : Fisher ?", "( She in@@ ches closer , almost too scared to see . She hesit@@ antly turns Fisher around , and sees that his throat is sli@@ t . He 's dead . Bl@@ ood covers his white shirt . Sydney gasps . )" ], "filename": "Alias_01x06.json" }, { "Recap": [ "After helping She@@ par@@ d escape from the as@@ yl@@ um in Buc@@ ha@@ rest Sydney discovers the sho@@ cking connection he has with her past . He was brain@@ washed by S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 and pro@@ gra@@ mmed to kill her fianc\u00e9 , among others . Sloane is confronted by Alli@@ ance represen@@ t@@ ative Ala@@ in Christ@@ op@@ he after the computer wor@@ m affair blows up , whom suggests that one or more mo@@ les may have in@@ fil@@ tr@@ ated S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Will Ti@@ pp@@ in continues to investigate the E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz ( ali@@ as Kate Jones ) , who now claims to have been Danny 's mi@@ stress . He makes an appointment with her , but when he goes to her place it has been emp@@ tied and re@@ pain@@ ted and she is gone . Later , she 's found dead in Echo Par@@ k . Sydney , in the meantime , understands that She@@ par@@ d is not really responsible for Danny 's murder but he 's been used by the S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 very much like herself . She lets him go and tells S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 that he went totally insane and committed suicide jumping from a bridge near the f@@ ron@@ ti@@ er with Buc@@ ha@@ rest . Up@@ on her return to Lo@@ s Angeles , she learns the truth about her father 's involvement in her mother 's death 20 years earlier . It was his fault because he was fle@@ eing from another car when they had the accident . But Sy@@ d also learns for sure that he was not involved with the K@@ G@@ B . He tells her that during the Cold Wa@@ r everybody was suspicious of illegal acti@@ vit@@ ies , so he was investig@@ ated as a routine process ." ], "Transcript": [ "( Sydney stares at Fisher 's dead body . She looks around fran@@ tically , and runs out of the office . She runs down a hall , tries a door . )", "OR@@ DER@@ LY : H@@ EY !", "( She turns to see an or@@ derly headed her way . She runs down a hall , he 's following right behind . Sydney goes into a room , closes the door behind her and runs for the back door . It 's locked . She tries a window nearby , slams on it . The or@@ derly enters . Ad@@ v@@ anc@@ ing on him , Sydney gets into a fighting stance . He comes closer , tries hitting her . She hits him . He slams her knees with the sho@@ cking w@@ and . Sydney falls to the ground , and on her back , kicks him in the ch@@ in / neck . The or@@ derly stu@@ mbles back and she takes his keys , grab@@ bing the wire / string on it , and tries stran@@ g@@ ling him with it . Another or@@ derly comes in with a tran@@ qui@@ liz@@ er . Sydney holds the first or@@ derly that she was stran@@ g@@ ling in front of her , the second or@@ derly shoots the first or@@ derly with a dar@@ t instead of her . She drops him . Suddenly , Sydney ar@@ ches up , in shock . She turns to see Dr. K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k standing with a tran@@ qui@@ liz@@ er gun behind her . She 's shot in the back with a dar@@ t . W@@ oo@@ zy , Sydney te@@ e@@ ters from side to side and then falls in a hea@@ p on the floor . )", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , Sloane and Jack are in a meeting room together . )", "SLOANE : Jack , I thought you should know Sydney and Fisher missed their scheduled contact . What are you thinking ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Wor@@ st case is they 're not alone in there . Maybe someone po@@ sing as a patient , or a doctor .", "SLOANE : Come on , Jack . Sydney 's a smart kid , we 've seen her through worse than this .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Maybe not .", "SLOANE : Maybe not . But , I believe in her . I believe in her as if she were my own daughter .", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow free@@ zes . Sloane 's saying this in a way that he 's almost threatening , getting his point across . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : That 's nice to hear . ( gets up ) When 's her next scheduled contact ?", "SLOANE : T@@ en hours . Then we 'll know how hot the water is .", "( As@@ yl@@ um . Sydney lays in a tank of water with ele@@ ct@@ ro@@ des on her head . Dr. K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k and an or@@ derly stands above her . She gasps . )", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Let us not waste time . I know that you work for S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , I know that you are here to find out where Martin She@@ par@@ d buried Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v . That you need Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v 's DNA to read F@@ T@@ L code . What I do not know is whether you have succe@@ e@@ ded .", "SYDNEY : Since we 're not playing games , which is ref@@ re@@ shing , I 'd like to know who 's asking .", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : My aff@@ i@@ li@@ ation is un@@ important .", "( He nods to the or@@ derly . The or@@ derly swit@@ ches a dial up , a s@@ light buzz@@ ing can be heard . )", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : You have until the machine charges . Answer my question .", "SYDNEY : Wait , this ca n't be the best version of this conversation ! Look , She@@ par@@ d did n't talk ! I do n't know where Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v is buried ! Wait , I 'm telling you , I do n't know anything ! Wait !", "( The electri@@ c charge crac@@ kles . Sydney flo@@ ps in the water , ele@@ ct@@ ro@@ cu@@ ted . )", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow enters a Chinese restaurant . )", "JOEY : Ah , Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow , your usual table is waiting for you , sir .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Thank you , Joey .", "( He enters a tea room in the back where Vaughn waits . Up@@ on entering , Vaughn stands . )", "VAUGHN : Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow , I 'm sorry about the@@ --", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow grabs Vaughn , twi@@ sts his right arm back and slams him against the wall . Vaughn c@@ rin@@ ges and faces the wall , his head turned back . Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow takes out a gun and ai@@ ms it high enough so Vaughn can see . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Who are you ?", "VAUGHN : Uh , I 'm C@@ IA oper@@ ations officer Vaughn . I 'm Sydney 's hand@@ ler . I cleared this meeting with Dev@@ lin . Cre@@ tch@@ mer walked me through your S@@ .O.@@ P. , we 're safe .", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow lets him go , puts his gun away . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Are Sydney and I swit@@ ching hand@@ lers , or is this a special occasion ?", "VAUGHN : No . We have a problem .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Fisher has n't made contact . I know .", "VAUGHN : No , we believe K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate had an agent waiting in the hospital .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 does n't have confir@@ mation of that .", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow sits . )", "VAUGHN : C.@@ I@@ .A. does . We have an ex@@ trac@@ tion team waiting on the ready line out of Ser@@ bi@@ a . I want to pull Sydney out of there .", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow stares at the standing Vaughn with much con@@ temp@@ t and maybe a little dis@@ gust on his face . He looks at the empty chair , as if it 's im@@ polite that Vaughn is n't sitting . Vaughn notices and takes a seat like he 's a schoo@@ l@@ boy waiting to be punished by the princi@@ pal . )", "VAUGHN : I was hoping that maybe we could co@@ ordin@@ ate this together .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Mr. Vaughn , you 're young and you 're eager , and I understand that . But one thing you 're not , and this is something only time can provide , really ... is wise .", "( He ca@@ su@@ ally pours tea and takes a drink . )", "VAUGHN : You do n't think this is the right move .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Listen carefully , Mr. Vaughn . Even with a min@@ imal ex@@ trac@@ tion team , you ca n't guarantee conta@@ in@@ ment . And if Sloane finds out , Sydney 's dead anyway .", "VAUGHN : Re@@ tire her early . Pu@@ ll her out of service !", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : And in the process , expose her oper@@ ations at S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 .", "VAUGHN : Sydney 's life is worth the risk !", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Not to Sydney ! Taking them down is what gets her up in the morning . Or ... did you think it was those meetings she has with you ?", "VAUGHN : Hey ! What is your problem with me ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : You pulled my file last week , that 's my problem , Mr. Vaughn . Now , did cu@@ ri@@ ou@@ sity get the better of you , or were you trying to impress my daughter ?", "VAUGHN : ( sighs ) She thinks you were K@@ G@@ B . But , I 'm sure you already knew that . So , what I 'm wondering is what were you doing checking up on me checking up on you ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : This meeting is over .", "( He leaves Vaughn sitting at the table alone . )", "( In the interrogation room . Sydney lays in the tank , her body li@@ mp . )", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : She@@ par@@ d told her nothing . She would 've talked by now . Kill her .", "SYDNEY : You ca n't torture She@@ par@@ d for information ... E@@ le@@ ct@@ ro@@ shock wo n't work . F@@ T@@ L trained him to forget everything you did . That 's why you 're here po@@ sing as a shrink . You 're K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate ... are n't you ?", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : What makes you think I work with K - Di@@ rec@@ tor@@ ate ?", "SYDNEY : Your accent 's Geor@@ gi@@ an . Geor@@ gia , former So@@ vi@@ et Uni@@ on -- their main rec@@ ru@@ iting ground . She@@ par@@ d thinks I 'm a patient . He 's more likely to t@@ ust me than you .", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Except he has already attacked you .", "SYDNEY : Which I could use to s@@ eal his transfer@@ ence by bringing his guilt to the surface and then forgiving him .", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : I suppose you 'd like your life in return . If you 'll get She@@ par@@ d to recall the location of Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v , you might just live out your life in a Che@@ ch@@ ny@@ an intern@@ ment camp . You have until lock@@ down tonight .", "( The or@@ derly takes off the wrist brac@@ es that hold Sydney 's arms above her head . She brea@@ thes heavily and ru@@ bs her w@@ rist@@ s grat@@ efully . )", "( Outside the as@@ yl@@ um on a ter@@ race , She@@ par@@ d sits alone , cr@@ ou@@ ched down . Sydney , dressed in the clothes she had on before , steps out the window onto the ter@@ race . She approaches . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Stay away from me ...", "SYDNEY : I 'm here to help you .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I do n't want your help . I 'm not open to your help .", "SYDNEY : I think I know what 's happening to you .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I 'm sure you do , because you 're one of them . You know the words that are going on in my head ! I know I 've seen you somewhere before ... I 've seen you before ...", "SYDNEY : ( confused ) No , you have n't .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I thought I was safe here . I thought I was safe here . I thought I was safe here .", "SYDNEY : What I 'm about to say to you is the truth , so you got to listen to me .", "( She touches him on the arm but he fl@@ in@@ ches and jer@@ ks away . )", "SYDNEY : They 're going to kill us both if we do n't help each other to get out of here .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Then you 've got a real problem , because I 'm not leaving here . I would rather die than leave the way I am now .", "( He leaves and goes back inside . From up above , Dr. K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k looks . )", "( A patient is whe@@ eled by . Sydney is taken down the hall with an or@@ derly , who is grab@@ bing her arm . )", "OR@@ DER@@ LY : Do you have the chart Dr. K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k asked for ?", "( She sees two or@@ der@@ lies behind her . One takes a key and puts it in one lock . The other or@@ derly takes a similar key , puts it in the other lock on the other side of the door . The red light above the door turns green , the security buzz@@ er goes off , and it opens the exit door . )", "( In a so@@ la@@ ri@@ um , the or@@ derly pushes Sydney in . She gives him a dirty look , but sees She@@ par@@ d sitting at a table by himself , drawing . He 's drawing a b@@ are tree blowing in the wind , with a yellow sky . )", "SYDNEY : Y@@ el@@ low sky . Interesting choice .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I told you , stay away from me .", "SYDNEY : I know that you 're starting to remember some things , and I know you think that I had something to do with them , but I did n't .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : P@@ iss off .", "SYDNEY : You ca n't see col@@ ors , can you ?", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Who are you ? If you 're not one of the people that did this to me , then how do you know that ?", "SYDNEY : I 'll tell you what you need to know , but first you have to help me . I was sent here to get some information from you , but I do n't even care about that anymore . All I care about is that the main exit door has a du@@ el - key lock . That means it takes two people using two keys at the same time to open the door .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I told you , I 'm not leaving here .", "SYDNEY : No , please believe me . There are other people here who want to find out what 's in your head , and when they do n't , they will kill us both .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : You want me to believe you , but you do n't tell me anything ! I know I 've seen you somewhere .", "SYDNEY : Okay , okay , look ... you were trained . You were pro@@ gra@@ mmed to follow orders .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Whose orders ? Whose orders ? To do what ? To do@@ --", "SYDNEY : To kill .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : No ...", "SYDNEY : The things you 're remembering , they 're real . Look , I know it 's hard to hear . Li@@ st@@ en--", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : No ... no ... no ...", "( He stands , taking his drawing . )", "SYDNEY : You just have to accept that you did these things ! When you 're following or@@ der@@ s--", "( Martin bo@@ l@@ ts . Sydney contr@@ on@@ ts him , he backs against the window . )", "SYDNEY : When you 're following orders , you 're trained to see everything in black and white ! To keep you de@@ tac@@ hed from what you have to do ! Look , you 're not supposed to remember everything , but you are ! Your training must be short - circu@@ iting . Look , what you did@@ --", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : ( whi@@ mper@@ ing ) Yeah , yeah ... stop ... stop ...", "SYDNEY : ( fran@@ tic ) It 's so painful to remember that you 're seeing in black and white all the time , it 's a defense mechan@@ ism ! But it 's good ! It means you 're starting to heal ! You 're starting to get better and better !", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : STO@@ P I@@ T , P@@ LE@@ A@@ SE ! GU@@ ARD ! Take me to my room ...", "GU@@ ARD : ( to other ) Take him . ( to Sydney ) Lock@@ down !", "SYDNEY : Tell Dr. K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k I have the information he needs .", "( At the newspaper , Will sits at his desk . Jenny comes by . )", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : A me@@ mo from legal about rep@@ ort@@ ers quo@@ ting other rep@@ ort@@ ers .", "WILL : What 's it say ?", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : Cut it out . Happy Thanksgiving !", "WILL : Thanks , Jenny !", "( He sees a computer on a col@@ league 's desk . A picture of E@@ lo@@ ise / Kate is shown , with a head@@ line underneath . The reporter 's working on the la@@ y@@ out . )", "WILL : ( standing ) Hey , can you sc@@ roll back down for a second ?", "RE@@ P@@ OR@@ TER : Did you get the me@@ mo ?", "WILL : Can you just show me the damn picture ?", "RE@@ P@@ OR@@ TER : All right , je@@ ez . Her name was E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz . Lo@@ cal girl . F@@ ound shot to death in Echo Par@@ k . Did you know her ?", "( In another room , Will and his boss . )", "WILL : She said her name was Kate Jones , but it was really E@@ lo@@ ise K@@ ur@@ tz . She was my source in the Danny He@@ ch@@ t investigation . That means she was more than a source , she was involved somehow ! She was trying to tell me something , and now she 's dead !", "BO@@ SS : You 're not hearing me , Will . I am not saying there is nothing here .", "WILL : You wo n't even pub@@ lish this even though I was investigating one murder , and now th@@ are are two ? I mean , is n't that enough ?", "BO@@ SS : The fa@@ st@@ est way to be dis@@ cred@@ ited is to au@@ th@@ or a conspir@@ acy theory without background . Believe me , I have seen this . You might as well pub@@ lish your own home@@ page .", "WILL : Will you at least just take a look at my notes ?", "BO@@ SS : Leave them on my desk when you go . I 'm not telling you to drop this , I 'm not being a monster . I 'm telling you to bring it back to me when it 's more develo@@ ped .", "( As@@ yl@@ um . She@@ par@@ d is in bed , alone , on his back . He 's whi@@ mper@@ ing in his sleep , his head rolling back and forth . He hears voices mur@@ mur@@ ing , a bird flying by . Black and white fl@@ ashes of a person , for a second . Martin whi@@ mp@@ ers . Another flash . It 's a back of someone 's head . Martin 's eyes f@@ lic@@ ker , he mo@@ ans in his sleep . We see that the person is Danny . Black and white flash of a framed picture . It slowly comes into focus , and it slowly comes into color . It 's a framed picture of Sydney , sitting in front of a birthday cake with a ban@@ ner behind her that says \" Happy Bir@@ th@@ day Sydney . \" Martin 's eyes pop open in fear . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Oh , my God .", "( In another part of the as@@ yl@@ um , Sydney is being us@@ he@@ red down some stairs by an or@@ derly . )", "OR@@ DER@@ LY : We are coming to you now , Doctor .", "SYDNEY : What is that tat@@ too on your arm ? Sp@@ itz@@ n@@ as Speci@@ al For@@ ces ? I almost got a tat@@ too once . I was on the guy 's cha@@ ir@@ --", "( She punches him , kicks him . He tu@@ mbles down the stairs , and falls to the ground , unconscious . Sydney takes the keys from his belt . )", "( Sydney walks down the hallway in the as@@ yl@@ um , n@@ earing the security door , dressed in a j@@ an@@ itor 's uniform . She has a hat on , her hair t@@ uc@@ ked underneath . An or@@ derly meets her with a plat@@ ter of pills . He stops , stares at her . She keeps walking , trying to go un@@ noticed . In front of the security door , she takes out her mo@@ p and mo@@ ps the floor , waiting for everyone to pass . She 's now alone . She whi@@ ps off the head of the mo@@ p and attac@@ hes the key from the other or@@ derly on to the head of the mo@@ p . Stan@@ ding , she holds the mo@@ p out in one hand and tries to put the key in the lock on the other side of the door . She misses , and then it sli@@ des in . Stre@@ t@@ ching , Sydney takes another key and puts it in the lock on the other side of the door nea@@ rest to her . Both keys are in . She 's about to turn them and is about to escape , when she 's z@@ app@@ ed from behind by the or@@ derly she met in the hallway . She falls . )", "DR . K@@ RE@@ SH@@ NI@@ K : Take her .", "( The doctor and the or@@ derly both take Sydney down the hallway . She struggles . They take her down a hall , but suddenly She@@ par@@ d comes out of a room with a fire ext@@ in@@ gu@@ isher and hits Dr. K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k on the back of the head . He falls . Sydney punches the or@@ derly , kicks him . She jumps and kicks him . He falls to the ground . She takes the or@@ derly 's electri@@ c sho@@ cker and z@@ a@@ ps K@@ re@@ sh@@ ni@@ k . He falls back to the floor . )", "SYDNEY : Hur@@ ts , does n't it ?", "( She takes his keys . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : You 're right , I do n't want to die in here .", "SYDNEY : How did you get out of your room ?", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Oh , I 've got good at it . I pretended -- I pretended to swal@@ low my tongue , and I lif@@ ted the keys . ( shows them )", "( Sydney stares at him . She takes the keys and runs to the door . She goes to one lock , Martin goes to the other . He puts the key in , and stops . He 's scared . He looks at Sydney . )", "SYDNEY : Hey , look at me . You can do this .", "( He stares at her , shaking slightly . )", "SYDNEY : You think I 'd help you get out of here if I thought you 'd kill someone ?", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Unless you 're planning on killing me .", "SYDNEY : ( sincere ) Why would I do that ?", "( He stares at her inten@@ tly . She gives him an encoura@@ ging no@@ d , and squee@@ zes his shoulder gently . He nods . She nods . To@@ gether , they slide the keys in and they run out . A car drives down the street in front of them and stops when the driver sees Sydney and Martin come out of the as@@ yl@@ um . Sydney runs to the driver 's side , the man steps out . She punches him , taking him down , and takes the gun . )", "SYDNEY : Sorry . ( to Martin ) Get in !", "( He climb@@ s in the pass@@ enger side , and they pe@@ el out . )", "[SCENE_BREAK]", "( At S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 , Marshall is listening to music in his office on some head@@ phones , ty@@ ping on a ke@@ y@@ board . He b@@ ops along to the music . Sloane enters . He takes them off , start@@ led . )", "MARSHALL : Whoa . Hey , company . ( jumps up ) Uh , here . I 'm totally a mess in here . Sorry . Let me just -- I was n't really expecting anyone !", "( He clears off a jacket that was on a big red inf@@ lat@@ able chair . It should belong in a college dor@@ m , really . Sloane stares at him . )", "MARSHALL : Want to have a seat ? I got a minor form of sco@@ li@@ o@@ sis , so the air er@@ gon@@ im@@ ically hugs me . ( hugs himself ) Oh , you want to stre@@ tch out ? I can inf@@ late the couch .", "( He holds up an inf@@ lat@@ able couch that 's not inf@@ lated yet . )", "SLOANE : I 'll stand .", "MARSHALL : Oh , by the way , I sc@@ an@@ ned every b@@ y@@ te of the computer ne@@ twork . You 'll be happy to know no more vir@@ us . That lea@@ k is plu@@ gged . Even better news , since it was exp@@ or@@ ting files at such a low b@@ and@@ with . Only three per c@@ ent@@ --", "SLOANE : Marshall , the vir@@ us was a security section dri@@ ll .", "MARSHALL : A dri@@ ll ? Like a test ?", "SLOANE : You were the only one who caught it , and much faster than anyone an@@ tici@@ p@@ ated . So , good work .", "MARSHALL : Um , I -- I -- I mean , that lea@@ k was transferred over an un@@ secure net connection . Is n't that a little risky ?", "SLOANE : Security section was surve@@ illing it the whole time . I just wanted to let you know .", "MARSHALL : Okay , thanks ...", "( Sloane leaves . )", "( C@@ ab@@ in in the woods . She@@ par@@ d sits in front of the fire , staring at nothing . Sydney fli@@ ps over a m@@ at , and takes out a pan@@ el of a false floor . There 's a kit in there . Sydney opens the lid and finds pack@@ a@@ ged food and a cell phone . She di@@ als . )", "( Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow drives down a street in Lo@@ s Angeles and answers his phone . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Yes .", "SYDNEY : Dad ? Where 's Vaughn ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I had his number for@@ war@@ ded . Are you all right ?", "SYDNEY : I 'm at the safe house .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Any trouble finding it ?", "SYDNEY : It only took six hours of driving through the for@@ est in the dark .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Is She@@ par@@ d with you ?", "SYDNEY : Yes .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Get to R@@ in@@ as airport in T@@ ir@@ ana . There 's a char@@ ter flight waiting for you under K@@ ra@@ ja Pe@@ tro@@ l Cor@@ p@@ . The har@@ dest part 's over , Sydney . We 'll talk when you get back .", "( Sydney hangs up , and goes to She@@ par@@ d with some food . They sit in front of the fire . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Why me ? Why did you ever come talk to me ?", "SYDNEY : I was looking for a man .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Who ?", "SYDNEY : A man who you killed and buried . His name was Gar@@ eth Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v . That 's what I was sent in to find .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : The man I killed ? The first time I had the ima@@ ges in my head , it was like a sei@@ z@@ ure . Fl@@ ashes of people , places . A street sign . I thought I was remembering bad dreams because it was in black and white , but it was so vi@@ vid . It was so vi@@ vid ! I did n't know how much of it was real . I found the street . I heard there had been a murder . A sho@@ p@@ keeper recogni@@ zed me . I was convinced I had to be delusional . I could n't be a killer . I could n't be a killer .", "( He starts to cry . Sydney has tears in her eyes . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Where you found me was as remo@@ te a place as I could find to lock myself away in case ... in case I was wrong .", "SYDNEY : ( crying ) It 's not your fault .", "( He breaks down , crying softly . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I feel like I 've been stolen from myself ... I do n't know if there was ever a me ... I do n't know who ... Please , tell me who you are , Sydney . Maybe that will help me to under@@ stan@@ d--", "SYDNEY : How did you know my name ?", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I do n't ...", "SYDNEY : How did you know my name ?", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : ( crying ) The ban@@ ner .", "( Sydney sucks in a breath . )", "SYDNEY : What ... ban@@ ner ?", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : It said \" Happy Bir@@ th@@ day , Sydney . \"", "( Fa@@ de into , black and white , the picture of Sydney . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I heard the water running .", "( Black and white . Danny stu@@ mbles around a corner , drunk . He goes into the bathroom . Martin follows . Danny goes in the other room , and when he 's about to come back into the bathroom , Martin hides behind the corner . Danny comes in , wi@@ pes at his face . He goes to the sink , spl@@ ashes his face . Martin is seen behind Danny , wearing a black s@@ ki cap over his head , bar@@ ing his face . Danny turns , and tre@@ mbles upon seeing the gun . Martin shoots him . )", "( Sydney gasps , shaking a little . )", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I 'm ... so sorry ...", "( Sydney jumps up , crying , and runs out of the cabin . She flies down the stairs , r@@ ounding a corner . Run@@ ning , crying , running where ? She finally stops behind a tree , so@@ bbing . She looks back at the cabin , and collap@@ ses . She so@@ bs , covering her face with her hands , crying out to no one . )", "( Sydney comes back inside , crying . She@@ par@@ d sits in front of the fire , a blank stare on his face . )", "SYDNEY : The man you were ordered to kill was my fi@@ ance . His name was Danny .", "( Martin closes his eyes , w@@ inc@@ ing . They 're both op@@ en@@ ly crying . She sits down . )", "SYDNEY : I told Danny I 'm a spy because he was the one part of my life I could n't stand to be a lie . So when S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 found out , they called in one of their hit men . Someone they 'd al@@ rea@@ y@@ d en@@ li@@ sted . They called on you . I think the man who pro@@ gra@@ mmed you is named Mc@@ C@@ ul@@ l@@ ough . He 's their ne@@ ur@@ o tech .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Mc@@ C@@ ul@@ l@@ ough ... yeah , yeah ... he 's in here ... ( points to his mind )", "SYDNEY : The ir@@ ony is they never lied to me about what would happen if I told someone . It was the one thing they said that turned out to be true . Now I 'm a double agent for the C.@@ I@@ .A. and I will be until S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 is gone .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : Will ... finding where Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v is buried help you to take down the people that did this to us ?", "SYDNEY : Yes .", "MAR@@ T@@ IN : I left his body in mar@@ sh@@ land on the Lou@@ is@@ ana / Texas bor@@ der off the I@@ -@@ 10 .", "( S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Sloane and Sydney in a meeting . )", "SLOANE : So , what 's the deal ?", "SYDNEY : She@@ par@@ d wo@@ te down the location of Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v 's body . In exchange , I helped him escape the as@@ yl@@ um .", "SLOANE : I see . Where is She@@ par@@ d now ?", "SYDNEY : He committed suicide . Something went wrong with his pro@@ gra@@ mming . He started remembering what he 'd done . S@@ napp@@ ed . When we were cro@@ ssing over the bor@@ der into Bul@@ ga@@ ria , he jumped . Th@@ rew himself off of the bridge into La@@ ke S@@ cu@@ tar@@ i . There 's no way he could have survived .", "SLOANE : Well , if by some miracle , he did survive , I 'm sure we 'll hear about it sooner or later .", "( S@@ el@@ f - storage facility , meeting with Sydney and Vaughn . )", "SYDNEY : I told S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 She@@ par@@ d was dead . I was going to lie to you about it , too , but the truth is I ca n't stand lying to anyone else .", "VAUGHN : Well , I appreciate that . I will be honest with you , too . There are people at the A@@ gency who will want him found .", "SYDNEY : He 's as much a victim of S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 as I am . She@@ par@@ d buried Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v 's body in a Lou@@ is@@ ana mar@@ sh@@ land . Sloane sent out a for@@ ensics team to get a DNA sample . They should be able to use it to de@@ code the F@@ T@@ L message by tonight .", "VAUGHN : We were worried .", "SYDNEY : Yeah , I know . The C.@@ I@@ .A. hates to lose its as@@ sets .", "VAUGHN : No , I mean , I was worried for you . In fact , I , uh , I cont@@ acted your father . Just so you know , he , um , he knows I pulled his file and he suspects you 've seen it .", "SYDNEY : It 's ... okay .", "( Pa@@ ger beeps . They both look at their respe@@ ctive pa@@ gers . )", "VAUGHN : It 's me . That 's what I thought . looks like our S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 computer vir@@ us is turning out to be a gold mine .", "SYDNEY : Good . Maybe we can get head of them for once .", "VAUGHN : Why do n't you go home , get some rest ? Happy Thanksgiving .", "SYDNEY : ( remembering ) Oh , God ...", "( Sydney runs in her house . S@@ mo@@ ke bil@@ lows out from the o@@ ven where Franc@@ ie stands . )", "SYDNEY : Franc@@ ie ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Okay , were you ever going to call me back ?", "SYDNEY : I 'm sorry .", "( Franc@@ ie starts opening windows to let out the smoke . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I mean , where the hell have you been ? I left , like , three messages !", "SYDNEY : I know , my trip was ext@@ ended ...", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : You ca n't just disappear on me like that !", "SYDNEY : What 's burning ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : It 's just a little o@@ ven fire .", "SYDNEY : Franc@@ ie , I just moved in here !", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : I fri@@ ca@@ s@@ se@@ ed the turkey .", "( Sydney laughs a little . )", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : You okay ?", "( Sydney hugs her tight . )", "SYDNEY : I 'm glad to be home .", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : Okay , but the turkey is really burning . I mean , it 's burning .", "( Sydney and Franc@@ ie start swa@@ tting at the black smoke with o@@ ven mit@@ ts . )", "SYDNEY : Oh , great , Franc@@ ie ... what 'd you do ?", "( Mon@@ tage of them cooking , laughing , ta@@ sting the food . Sydney takes a drink , smiling . Charlie comes in with a bou@@ quet of flowers . Franc@@ ie kisses him . Sydney hugs Charlie , he swings her around . )", "( Later , Sydney is dressed up . She opens the door to find Will and Jenny . Jenny holds a bottle in her hands . )", "WILL : Hey .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : Hi .", "WILL : Uh , Sydney , this is Jenny . She works with me .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : Hi ! ( laughs ) Thanks for letting me crash your party . I would have totally brought some wine , but I got car@@ ded . So , c@@ ider .", "SYDNEY : C@@ ider 's perfect , thank you . Okay , come in .", "WILL : ( to Sydney ) Wow , you look great .", "SYDNEY : Is that the sweater I got you for Christmas ?", "( Her hand l@@ ing@@ ers on him . )", "WILL : Uh , yeah . That 's not why I wore it .", "J@@ ENN@@ Y : ( laughs ) I 'm going to go put that on ice .", "WILL : Okay .", "( They watch her walk away . )", "SYDNEY : She 's cute .", "WILL : Hmm ? Yeah . That 's the new inter@@ n . She 's , uh , her parents are in Europe . So , I felt bad .", "SYDNEY : That 's Jenny .", "WILL : Mmm - hmm . It 's stri@@ ctly professional .", "SYDNEY : Really ?", "WILL : What are you saying ?", "SYDNEY : Hmm ? Nothing .", "WILL : ( smiling ) O@@ oo@@ ooh ...", "( At the table , everyone sits . )", "EV@@ ER@@ Y@@ ONE : Happy Thanksgiving !", "( They all eat and laugh , drinking wine . )", "WILL : ( quietly to Jenny ) Are you turning twenty - one ?", "( She grin@@ s . )", "WILL : Jenny !", "( She laughs . Charlie cl@@ inks his glass . )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Um , somebody 's always got to ban@@ g the glass . This year , it 's me . I wanted all of you to be here for what I 'm about to do , which is probably going to be one of the most embarrassing moments ever . This thing 's burning a hole in my pocket .", "( He takes out a ring box . He gets down on a knee . )", "CH@@ AR@@ LIE : Franc@@ ie ... you 're my last stop . Baby , will you marry me ?", "FRAN@@ C@@ IE : O@@ hhh ... yes . Yes , Charlie , I will .", "( They kiss . Sydney and everyone cla@@ ps . Sydney has tears in her eyes . Jenny , caught up in the moment , kisses Will . )", "WILL : Okay , watch the tongue .", "( Sydney hugs Franc@@ ie . Will hugs Charlie . )", "SYDNEY : ( whispering ) Glad you 're taking it slow .", "( Knock on the door . Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow stands , holding a newspaper . Sydney opens the door . )", "SYDNEY : Dad .", "( She closes the door and comes out . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : ( re : the newspaper ) This was on your la@@ wn .", "SYDNEY : It 's my neigh@@ bor 's . I 'll give it to him .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Oh .", "SYDNEY : Do you want to come inside ?", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : She@@ par@@ d killed Danny . I 'm assuming you know that .", "SYDNEY : If I had n't , thank you for breaking it to me so gently .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : I 'm telling you because I do n't want you to think it 's my mission in life to keep things from you .", "SYDNEY : Then why do you ?", "( He takes out a piece of paper . )", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : F.@@ B.@@ I. report signed by the de@@ pu@@ ty director under Carter , clea@@ ring me of having any invol@@ v@@ ment with the K@@ G@@ B . Sydney , you have to understand it was the he@@ ight of the Cold Wa@@ r . After they caught Boy@@ ce and Lee in ' 7@@ 7 , everybody was under suspic@@ ion . I suppose , in a way ... your mother 's accident was my fault since the F.@@ B.@@ I. was after me . If I could give her back to you , I would . ( re : the report ) Take it .", "SYDNEY : I do n't need to . You should stay .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Work .", "SYDNEY : I 'm glad your trip went well .", "MR . BRI@@ STO@@ W : Happy Thanksgiving .", "SYDNEY : You , too .", "( He leaves . )", "( Sloane and Sydney in a meeting . )", "SLOANE : We found Per@@ k@@ as@@ ho@@ v 's body and ran a DNA sample through the gen@@ etic de@@ co@@ der you ob@@ ta@@ ined last week . It de@@ co@@ ded the F@@ T@@ L comm@@ unique . Here 's the full text .", "SYDNEY : \" Po@@ ssi@@ ble location of Ram@@ bal@@ di arti@@ fact discovered in T@@ un@@ is@@ ia . Di@@ g proce@@ eding . \"", "SLOANE : Well , now we know where all those F@@ T@@ L ag@@ ents went off in such a hurry .", "SYDNEY : So , I 'm off to T@@ un@@ is@@ ia .", "SLOANE : Actually , no . We sent an adv@@ ance team there on a rec@@ on mission and by the time they got there , the dig had been ev@@ ac@@ u@@ ated . F@@ T@@ L must have found what was buried there . We then trac@@ ed the shipment out of E@@ l Ke@@ f to the department of eng@@ ine@@ ering science at O@@ x@@ ford . F@@ T@@ L has no idea what they 've un@@ covered or else they would n't risk sending it to civi@@ li@@ ans for an@@ alys@@ is . But whatever it is , some of the best minds in the word are studying it as we speak . The uni@@ versity is holding a reception for visiting prof@@ ess@@ ors tomorrow night . You 're going as a sc@@ out for the Marissa F@@ oundation , looking for grant cand@@ id@@ ates . Now , Sydney , keep in mind that F@@ T@@ L is likely to have a large presence there to make sure that we do n't try what we are about to try .", "( New@@ sp@@ aper office . Will and his boss walk together . )", "BO@@ SS : In the interest of fair@@ ness , I r@@ er@@ ea@@ d your notes last night .", "WILL : No , I know . You know what ? There was n't much there anyway .", "BO@@ SS : Well , you just need a lot more shoe lea@@ ther if you want to go with the story you 're looking for .", "WILL : No , you 're right , actually . I think it 's better if we drop the whole thing .", "BO@@ SS : No , you 've got enough , Will , for an initi@@ al piece on why the police are not more curious . So , you take it from that angle . We go to press on Tu@@ es@@ day .", "WILL : Well , wait , wait , I 'm not , I mean ... wow . Thank you . Tu@@ es@@ day , though . Is that , like , set ?", "BO@@ SS : Will , are you on do@@ pe ?", "WILL : Huh ?", "BO@@ SS : Just twenty - four hours ago , you were begging me to pub@@ lish this .", "WILL : I know . Here 's the thing . Danny He@@ ch@@ t , the murder that started this whole thing , he is my friend 's ... he was my friend 's fi@@ ance . I just ... after seeing her last night , I 'm having second thoughts . She does n't know that I was doing the story .", "BO@@ SS : Well , why did n't you tell her ? I 'd think she 'd want someone to investigate it .", "WILL : I did tell her , a while ago , and she asked me as a favor to drop it . I just do n't want to hurt her , that 's all .", "BO@@ SS : Oh , I 'm genu@@ in@@ ely sorry to hear that , Will , because this is now a legitimate piece and if you do n't want it , I will give it to somebody else . Do n't chicken out on me now .", "( S@@ el@@ f - storage building . Vaughn and Sydney . )", "VAUGHN : Whatever the Ram@@ bal@@ di arti@@ fact turns out to be , the C.@@ I@@ .A. wants photogra@@ ph@@ s of it . You 'll do it in your hotel room , we 'll plant a sub@@ min@@ i camera in the Bi@@ ble . There 's one more thing . One of our Rom@@ an@@ ian as@@ sets spo@@ tted Ana E@@ sp@@ in@@ o@@ sa leaving the psychiat@@ ric hospital after you escaped . Be careful . She 's on this .", "( Sydney stands , no@@ dding . )", "VAUGHN : Oh , how was your Thanksgiving ?", "SYDNEY : Good . My friend got engaged .", "VAUGHN : What 's her name ?", "SYDNEY : Franc@@ ie .", "( He nods , smiling . Maybe because the C@@ IA mon@@ itors her friends , too ? )", "SYDNEY : How was yours ?", "VAUGHN : Uh , ty@@ pical . Sp@@ ent it with my mom .", "SYDNEY : What about -- is it Alice ?", "VAUGHN : Yeah . We broke up .", "( He looks down . She smiles , and leaves . )", "( Sydney comes home , talking on her cell . She goes through her mail and finds a post@@ card . The drawing that She@@ par@@ d was doing is on the front , but this time with a blue sky . She turns it over . From She@@ par@@ d , it says \" Bl@@ ue sk@@ ies again . I owe you . \" She smiles . )", "( Sloane sits in his office . Ala@@ in talks over the spea@@ ker phone . )", "A@@ LA@@ IN : Security section has made us aware of the concern that you may have a mo@@ le in your department .", "SLOANE : It would appear so .", "( Sydney walks in S@@ D@@ -@@ 6 . Jack is at his desk , nods to an agent . )", "A@@ LA@@ IN : There are some in the al@@ li@@ ance who believe you may have more than one .", "SLOANE : Well , if that 's true , Mc@@ C@@ ul@@ l@@ ough will draw them out .", "( Sydney walks to Mr. B@@ rist@@ ow and puts a Tu@@ pp@@ er@@ ware dish down with Thanksgiving meal inside . He smiles a little . She smiles back . )", "A@@ LA@@ IN : It is our intention to make an example of them .", "SLOANE : I know . I 'm taking care of it ." ], "filename": "Alias_01x07.json" } ] ]