""" Copyright (c) 2023, salesforce.com, inc. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache License 2.0 For full license text, see the LICENSE file in the repo root or https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 """ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # key used for direct usage SPEAKER1 = "user" SPEAKER2 = "system" ORI_DIAL_ID = "original dialog id" DIAL_IDX = "dialog index" ORI_DIAL_INFO = "original dialog info" TURN_ID = "turn id" USR_UTT = f"{SPEAKER1} utterance" SYS_UTT = f"{SPEAKER2} response" DIAL_HIST = "dialog history" ORI_USR_ANN = f"original {SPEAKER1} side information" ORI_SYS_ANN = f"original {SPEAKER2} side information" LOG = "log" # # # output for different task # domain prediction DOM = "domain" # intent prediction, including dialog act prediction if intent missing INTENT = "intent" INTENT_SPLIT = " , " # dst DST = "dst" DST_ACC = "dst accumulated" DST_SPLIT = " , " # # # used for external knowledge EK = "external knowledge" EK_DST = "dst knowledge" EK_INTENT = "intent knowledge" # non-flat external knowledge dictionary EK_ORI = "external knowledge non-flat" TOD_EK = "metadata" TOD_LENGTH = 10 # DOM_EK = "domains" INTENT_EK = "intents" DST_EK = "slots and values" DST_LENGTH = 10 # # # prompt for each dialog PROMPT = "prompt" PROMPT_DST = "prompt for dst task" PROMPT_INTENT = "prompt for intent prediction" MULTIWOZ_DOMAINS = ["taxi", "police", "hospital", "hotel","attraction","train","restaurant"]