{ "Taskmaster3--train--1": { "original dialog id": "dlg-bca5ce0a-056f-446e-be94-3ba77b32a84f", "dialog index": 1, "original dialog info": { "vertical": "Movie Tickets", "scenario": "Auto template 1 with theater name error", "instructions": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer\u2019s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don\u2019t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including \u201csir\u201d \u201cmadam\u201d etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 name.movie No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 name.theater AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 name.theater AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets num.tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people people.tickets Who\u2019s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater \u2018var_theater_1\u2019.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for?\nhint user (mention \u2018var_genre_1\u2019 in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent\u2019s mistake: You wanted \u2018var_theater_1\u2019.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent\u2019s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 name.theater var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies name.movie var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes name.theater var_theater_1 date.showing var_date name.movie var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose \u2018var_movie_1_showtime_3\u2019)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of \u2018var_people\u2019 in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets name.movie var_movie_1 name.theater var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 num.tickets var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16", "system response": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 25, "end_index": 32, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 61, "end_index": 76, "text": "AMC mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now", "system response": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24.", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 62, "text": "MC Mercado 24.", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 48 | end_index : 62 | text : MC Mercado 24. | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 48, "end_index": 62, "text": "MC Mercado 24.", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16", "system response": "Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24.", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 59, "text": "AMC mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 77, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie theater_name AMC mountain 16", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 46 | end_index : 52 | text : action | annotations : (( name : name.genre ))) | ( start_index : 62 | end_index : 77 | text : AMC Mountain 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 77, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "yeah", "system response": "OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24. sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16 Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 55, "text": "AMC Mountain 16:", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 70, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 102, "text": "4:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 110, "text": "6:40pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 115, "end_index": 121, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 15 | end_index : 21 | text : action | annotations : (( name : name.genre ))) | ( start_index : 39 | end_index : 55 | text : AMC Mountain 16: | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 56 | end_index : 70 | text : No Time To Die | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 96 | end_index : 102 | text : 4:30pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 104 | end_index : 110 | text : 6:40pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 115 | end_index : 121 | text : 9:10pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 15, "end_index": 21, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 55, "text": "AMC Mountain 16:", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 70, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 102, "text": "4:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 104, "end_index": 110, "text": "6:40pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 115, "end_index": 121, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "yeah but 9.10pm will be perfect for me", "system response": "Great. And how many tickets?", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24. sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16 Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? yeah OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "9.10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_time 9.10pm", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16, movie showing_time 9.10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "myself and two other persons are going to see a movie", "system response": "All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24. sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16 Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? yeah OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? yeah but 9.10pm will be perfect for me Great. And how many tickets?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 74, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 93, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 101, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 111, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16, movie showing_time 9.10pm", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 42 | end_index : 47 | text : three | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 60 | end_index : 74 | text : No Time To Die | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 78 | end_index : 93 | text : AMC Mountain 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 94 | end_index : 101 | text : tonight | annotations : (( name : date.showing ))) | ( start_index : 105 | end_index : 111 | text : 9:10pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 74, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 93, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 101, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 111, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "yeah", "system response": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24. sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16 Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? yeah OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? yeah but 9.10pm will be perfect for me Great. And how many tickets? myself and two other persons are going to see a movie All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16, movie showing_time 9.10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "yes you can", "system response": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24. sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16 Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? yeah OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? yeah but 9.10pm will be perfect for me Great. And how many tickets? myself and two other persons are going to see a movie All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct? yeah Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16, movie showing_time 9.10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "ok thanks but i dont need anything again", "system response": "OK. Enjoy your movie!", "dialog history": " hi....am buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16 No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24. sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16 Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? yeah OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? yeah but 9.10pm will be perfect for me Great. And how many tickets? myself and two other persons are going to see a movie All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct? yeah Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets? yes you can OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC mountain 16, movie showing_time 9.10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "movie": { "showing_date": [ "twelfth of February", "17th", "today SUnday", "This Thursday", "PMtoda" ], "genre_name": [ "isney", "Documentry", "medy.", "(Romantic Comedy)", "dark comedies" ], "theater_name": [ "Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade", "clima ultraplex20", "Cinemark Dayton South", "Miami-Dade's V.I.P. theater", "smaller one" ], "name": [ "the wizard of oz", "the Manson Murder movie", "The hedgehog movie", "Birds of Prey'", "choices.\\rBackcountry" ], "showing_time": [ "5:10 PM", "6.30", "10am", "6:15 pm", "09:30PM" ], "tickets_num": [ "tickets p", "our tickets", "2 adult tickets and one child's", "2 adult and 2 children", "7" ], "preference_time": [ "between 4 and 5", "anytime", "ten", "8:15", "close to 3:00 PM" ], "ticket_price": [ "$5 extra", "$14 each", "12.69", "55", "7.50 for ages 12 and up" ], "location": [ "Sb", "Jefferson City MO", "Spring Hills right", "Ft. Worth TX", "New Orleans areas" ], "person_name": [ "brad pits", "Patrick Wilson", "James Cameron.\\r\\rNot", "MAYA ERSKINE", "The Rock" ], "release_date": [ "Sept. 272019", "January 3 2020", "mid of July", "his week.", "December" ], "critic_review": [ "best score", "Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family", "Most critics are giving it a positive review", "5.5/10;", "Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score" ], "audience_review": [ "its quite good!", "most highest rated movie", "it has not received great reviews", "terrible ratings", "e\\rratin" ], "other_description": [ "escapism feels really good", "Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor", "really good!", "something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters", "It is a Korean art house drama" ], "total_price": [ "$31.98", "39.34", "$22.10", "$2", "$26 per person plus tax" ], "screening_type": [ "max.", "D-BO", "premium large", "IMAX!", "t" ], "plot_description": [ "It's about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board", "hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor.", "is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist", "atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever.", "eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks" ], "seating": [ "to the back around the left", "somewhere in the back row", "1st class", "mid section", "two rows from the back" ], "rating": [ "(PG-13", "R-rating", "R-Rotten", "higher rating", "PG-rating" ], "character_name": [ "Daniel Craig's", "Sophie", "Elsa the Snow Queen", "Nana", "Enitan" ], "duration": [ "one hour and 45 minutes", "1 hour 49 minutes", "2 hours 1 minute", "1 hour and 46 minute", "93 minutes" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( movie : ( showing_date : ( twelfth of February | 17th | today SUnday | This Thursday | PMtoda ) | genre_name : ( isney | Documentry | medy. | (Romantic Comedy) | dark comedies ) | theater_name : ( Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade | clima ultraplex20 | Cinemark Dayton South | \"Miami-Dade s V.I.P. theater\" | smaller one ) | name : ( the wizard of oz | the Manson Murder movie | The hedgehog movie | \"Birds of Prey \" | choices.\\\\rBackcountry ) | showing_time : ( 5:10 PM | 6.30 | 10am | 6:15 pm | 09:30PM ) | tickets_num : ( tickets p | our tickets | \"2 adult tickets and one child s\" | 2 adult and 2 children | 7 ) | preference_time : ( between 4 and 5 | anytime | ten | 8:15 | close to 3:00 PM ) | ticket_price : ( $5 extra | $14 each | 12.69 | 55 | 7.50 for ages 12 and up ) | location : ( Sb | Jefferson City MO | Spring Hills right | Ft. Worth TX | New Orleans areas ) | person_name : ( brad pits | Patrick Wilson | James Cameron.\\\\r\\\\rNot | MAYA ERSKINE | The Rock ) | release_date : ( Sept. 272019 | January 3 2020 | mid of July | his week. | December ) | critic_review : ( best score | Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family | Most critics are giving it a positive review | 5.5/10; | Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score ) | audience_review : ( its quite good! | most highest rated movie | it has not received great reviews | terrible ratings | e\\\\rratin ) | other_description : ( escapism feels really good | Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor | really good! | something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters | It is a Korean art house drama ) | total_price : ( $31.98 | 39.34 | $22.10 | $2 | $26 per person plus tax ) | screening_type : ( max. | D-BO | premium large | IMAX! | t ) | plot_description : (\"It s about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board\" | hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor. | is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist | atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever. | eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks ) | seating : ( to the back around the left | somewhere in the back row | 1st class | mid section | two rows from the back ) | rating : ( (PG-13 | R-rating | R-Rotten | higher rating | PG-rating ) | character_name : (\"Daniel Craig s\" | Sophie | Elsa the Snow Queen | Nana | Enitan ) | duration : ( one hour and 45 minutes | 1 hour 49 minutes | 2 hours 1 minute | 1 hour and 46 minute | 93 minutes )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a movie ticket. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a movie ticket. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a movie ticket. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a movie ticket. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a movie ticket. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Taskmaster3--train--2": { "original dialog id": "dlg-c9064676-75fe-4d0a-83c2-497e1f2115a6", "dialog index": 2, "original dialog info": { "vertical": "Movie Tickets", "scenario": "Auto template 1 with theater name error", "instructions": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer\u2019s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don\u2019t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including \u201csir\u201d \u201cmadam\u201d etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 name.movie No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 name.theater AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 name.theater AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets num.tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people people.tickets Who\u2019s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater \u2018var_theater_1\u2019.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for?\nhint user (mention \u2018var_genre_1\u2019 in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent\u2019s mistake: You wanted \u2018var_theater_1\u2019.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent\u2019s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 name.theater var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies name.movie var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes name.theater var_theater_1 date.showing var_date name.movie var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose \u2018var_movie_1_showtime_3\u2019)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of \u2018var_people\u2019 in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets name.movie var_movie_1 name.theater var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 num.tickets var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater.", "system response": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 39, "end_index": 46, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 54, "end_index": 69, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "I'm hoping there's an action movie showing.", "system response": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24.", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 22, "end_index": 28, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 67, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie genre_name action", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 53 | end_index : 67 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 67, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater.", "system response": "Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24.", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 35, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 77, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 46 | end_index : 52 | text : action | annotations : (( name : name.genre ))) | ( start_index : 62 | end_index : 77 | text : AMC Mountain 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 52, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 62, "end_index": 77, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Yes, the Mountain 16.", "system response": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24. Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater. Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?", "original user side information": { "apis": [ { "index": 6, "args": { "name.genre": "action", "name.theater": "AMC Mountain 16" }, "response": { "name.movie_1": "No Time To Die" }, "name": "find_movies" }, { "index": 6, "args": { "name.theater": "AMC Mountain 16", "name.movie": "No Time To Die" }, "response": { "time.showing_1": "4:30pm", "time.showing_2": "6:40pm", "time.showing_3": "9:10pm" }, "name": "find_showtimes" } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 54, "text": "AMC Mountain 16:", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 69, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "4:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 103, "end_index": 109, "text": "6:40pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 120, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 14 | end_index : 20 | text : action | annotations : (( name : name.genre ))) | ( start_index : 38 | end_index : 54 | text : AMC Mountain 16: | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 55 | end_index : 69 | text : No Time To Die | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 95 | end_index : 101 | text : 4:30pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 103 | end_index : 109 | text : 6:40pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 114 | end_index : 120 | text : 9:10pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 14, "end_index": 20, "text": "action", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 38, "end_index": 54, "text": "AMC Mountain 16:", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 69, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "4:30pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 103, "end_index": 109, "text": "6:40pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 114, "end_index": 120, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "Yes, the 9:10pm sounds perfect for my schedule.", "system response": "Great. And how many tickets?", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24. Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater. Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? Yes, the Mountain 16. OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_time 9:10pm", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action, movie showing_time 9:10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "Three, since it'll just be my two friends and I.", "system response": "All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24. Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater. Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? Yes, the Mountain 16. OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? Yes, the 9:10pm sounds perfect for my schedule. Great. And how many tickets?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 74, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 93, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 101, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 111, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action, movie showing_time 9:10pm", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 42 | end_index : 47 | text : three | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 60 | end_index : 74 | text : No Time To Die | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 78 | end_index : 93 | text : AMC Mountain 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 94 | end_index : 101 | text : tonight | annotations : (( name : date.showing ))) | ( start_index : 105 | end_index : 111 | text : 9:10pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 74, "text": "No Time To Die", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 78, "end_index": 93, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 94, "end_index": 101, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 105, "end_index": 111, "text": "9:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "Yes, that's correct.", "system response": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24. Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater. Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? Yes, the Mountain 16. OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? Yes, the 9:10pm sounds perfect for my schedule. Great. And how many tickets? Three, since it'll just be my two friends and I. All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action, movie showing_time 9:10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "Absolutely!", "system response": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24. Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater. Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? Yes, the Mountain 16. OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? Yes, the 9:10pm sounds perfect for my schedule. Great. And how many tickets? Three, since it'll just be my two friends and I. All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct? Yes, that's correct. Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "original user side information": { "apis": [ { "index": 14, "args": { "name.movie": "No Time To Die", "name.theater": "AMC Mountain 16", "time.showing": "4:30pm", "num.tickets": "three", "date.showing": "tonight" }, "response": { "status": "success" }, "name": "book_tickets" } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action, movie showing_time 9:10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "No thanks, I'm good.", "system response": "OK. Enjoy your movie!", "dialog history": " I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater. No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you\u2019re looking for? I'm hoping there's an action movie showing. Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24. Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater. Oh, sorry about that. So you\u2019re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right? Yes, the Mountain 16. OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work? Yes, the 9:10pm sounds perfect for my schedule. Great. And how many tickets? Three, since it'll just be my two friends and I. All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct? Yes, that's correct. Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets? Absolutely! OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie theater_name AMC Mountain 16, movie genre_name action, movie showing_time 9:10pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "movie": { "showing_date": [ "twelfth of February", "17th", "today SUnday", "This Thursday", "PMtoda" ], "genre_name": [ "isney", "Documentry", "medy.", "(Romantic Comedy)", "dark comedies" ], "theater_name": [ "Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade", "clima ultraplex20", "Cinemark Dayton South", "Miami-Dade's V.I.P. theater", "smaller one" ], "name": [ "the wizard of oz", "the Manson Murder movie", "The hedgehog movie", "Birds of Prey'", "choices.\\rBackcountry" ], "showing_time": [ "5:10 PM", "6.30", "10am", "6:15 pm", "09:30PM" ], "tickets_num": [ "tickets p", "our tickets", "2 adult tickets and one child's", "2 adult and 2 children", "7" ], "preference_time": [ "between 4 and 5", "anytime", "ten", "8:15", "close to 3:00 PM" ], "ticket_price": [ "$5 extra", "$14 each", "12.69", "55", "7.50 for ages 12 and up" ], "location": [ "Sb", "Jefferson City MO", "Spring Hills right", "Ft. Worth TX", "New Orleans areas" ], "person_name": [ "brad pits", "Patrick Wilson", "James Cameron.\\r\\rNot", "MAYA ERSKINE", "The Rock" ], "release_date": [ "Sept. 272019", "January 3 2020", "mid of July", "his week.", "December" ], "critic_review": [ "best score", "Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family", "Most critics are giving it a positive review", "5.5/10;", "Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score" ], "audience_review": [ "its quite good!", "most highest rated movie", "it has not received great reviews", "terrible ratings", "e\\rratin" ], "other_description": [ "escapism feels really good", "Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor", "really good!", "something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters", "It is a Korean art house drama" ], "total_price": [ "$31.98", "39.34", "$22.10", "$2", "$26 per person plus tax" ], "screening_type": [ "max.", "D-BO", "premium large", "IMAX!", "t" ], "plot_description": [ "It's about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board", "hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor.", "is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist", "atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever.", "eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks" ], "seating": [ "to the back around the left", "somewhere in the back row", "1st class", "mid section", "two rows from the back" ], "rating": [ "(PG-13", "R-rating", "R-Rotten", "higher rating", "PG-rating" ], "character_name": [ "Daniel Craig's", "Sophie", "Elsa the Snow Queen", "Nana", "Enitan" ], "duration": [ "one hour and 45 minutes", "1 hour 49 minutes", "2 hours 1 minute", "1 hour and 46 minute", "93 minutes" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( movie : ( showing_date : ( twelfth of February | 17th | today SUnday | This Thursday | PMtoda ) | genre_name : ( isney | Documentry | medy. | (Romantic Comedy) | dark comedies ) | theater_name : ( Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade | clima ultraplex20 | Cinemark Dayton South | \"Miami-Dade s V.I.P. theater\" | smaller one ) | name : ( the wizard of oz | the Manson Murder movie | The hedgehog movie | \"Birds of Prey \" | choices.\\\\rBackcountry ) | showing_time : ( 5:10 PM | 6.30 | 10am | 6:15 pm | 09:30PM ) | tickets_num : ( tickets p | our tickets | \"2 adult tickets and one child s\" | 2 adult and 2 children | 7 ) | preference_time : ( between 4 and 5 | anytime | ten | 8:15 | close to 3:00 PM ) | ticket_price : ( $5 extra | $14 each | 12.69 | 55 | 7.50 for ages 12 and up ) | location : ( Sb | Jefferson City MO | Spring Hills right | Ft. Worth TX | New Orleans areas ) | person_name : ( brad pits | Patrick Wilson | James Cameron.\\\\r\\\\rNot | MAYA ERSKINE | The Rock ) | release_date : ( Sept. 272019 | January 3 2020 | mid of July | his week. | December ) | critic_review : ( best score | Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family | Most critics are giving it a positive review | 5.5/10; | Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score ) | audience_review : ( its quite good! | most highest rated movie | it has not received great reviews | terrible ratings | e\\\\rratin ) | other_description : ( escapism feels really good | Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor | really good! | something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters | It is a Korean art house drama ) | total_price : ( $31.98 | 39.34 | $22.10 | $2 | $26 per person plus tax ) | screening_type : ( max. | D-BO | premium large | IMAX! | t ) | plot_description : (\"It s about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board\" | hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor. | is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist | atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever. | eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks ) | seating : ( to the back around the left | somewhere in the back row | 1st class | mid section | two rows from the back ) | rating : ( (PG-13 | R-rating | R-Rotten | higher rating | PG-rating ) | character_name : (\"Daniel Craig s\" | Sophie | Elsa the Snow Queen | Nana | Enitan ) | duration : ( one hour and 45 minutes | 1 hour 49 minutes | 2 hours 1 minute | 1 hour and 46 minute | 93 minutes )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a movie ticket. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a movie ticket. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a movie ticket. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a movie ticket. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a movie ticket. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Taskmaster3--train--3": { "original dialog id": "dlg-ddee80da-9ffa-4773-9ce7-f73f727cb79c", "dialog index": 3, "original dialog info": { "vertical": "Movie Tickets", "scenario": "4 exchanges with 1 error and predefined variables", "instructions": "SCENARIO: Pretend you\u2019re *using a digital assistant to purchase tickets for a movie currently showing in theaters*. {{LIST The entire conversation needs to follow the structure given below *in the TASK section*., You already know which movie you want to see as well as all the details (which you can pick from the section below)., The conversation ends with *a successful ticket purchase*., Do not include any extras like \u201cthank you\u201d or \u201cgoodbye\u201d or \u201chello\u201d etc. }}\n\nDETAILS: This is *made up data* which you should use to complete your dialog creation (since there are actually no movies playing anywhere right now due to COVID-19).:\n{{LIST You are interested in seeing either *No Time To Die* OR *Mulan*., There is one theater in your town: *Mountain AMC 16*., Showtimes for Mulan: 4:00pm 6:10pm 8:30pm 10:40pm, Showtimes for No Time To Die: 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:30pm 9:40pm, Make sure to include the number of tickets.}}\n*USE THIS Structure*\nUser: (Express desire to buy movie tickets and include TWO of the details needed for the purchase--one should be the movie name. See DETAILS section above.)\nAssistant: (Confirm the TWO details given so far and ask for confirmation *make one of the details incorrect*.)\nUser: (Alert the assistant of the detail that is wrong and give the right value.)\nAssistant: (Correct the wrong value, repeating back the correct value.)\nUser: (Confirms the correction, *THEN adds the THREE remaining details*.)\nAssistant: (Confirms all five details then asks if this is correct and whether they can go ahead with the purchase.)\nUser: (Answers yes.)\nAssistant: (Indicates successful purchase saying \u201dYour tickets are confirmed and they\u2019ve been sent to your email address.\u201d)\n\nTASK: *Write the transcript* of your spoken conversation according to the structure given above. Make sure it includes one exchange where *one of the details the assistant confirms is incorrect* (movie, theater, showtime, number, tickets or day).\n\nSPEAKING STYLE: {{LIST The assistant is polite and efficient, The assistant\u2019s speaking style should match yours but they are not overly formal or too casual, Don\u2019t call your assistant by name (e.g. \u201cJohnny\u201d or \u201cAlexa\u201d or \u201cSiri\u201d or \u201cAssistant\u201d or \u201cComputer\u201d). Just assume they\u2019re already listening to you.}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_slots The users discusses *each of these details*: 1) movie, 2) theater, 3) showtime, 4) number of tickets, 5) day.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_error_exchange The conversation includes *one exchange where one of the details the assistant reads back is wrong* and so the user must point it out so it can be corrected.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_details The assistant *confirms all the ticket details* together just before booking.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_purchase The assistant *completes purchasing the tickets* saying *\u201dYour tickets are confirmed and they\u2019ve been sent to your email address.\u201d*}}\n" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "I would like to buy 2 tickets to see Mulan.", "system response": "You would like to purchase 1 ticket to see Mulan. Is this correct?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 20, "end_index": 21, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "1", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 48, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan", "dst accumulated": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 27 | end_index : 28 | text : 1 | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 43 | end_index : 48 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "1", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 48, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "No. I would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan.", "system response": "You would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan. Is this correct?", "dialog history": " I would like to buy 2 tickets to see Mulan. You would like to purchase 1 ticket to see Mulan. Is this correct?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 30, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 46, "end_index": 51, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan", "dst accumulated": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 27 | end_index : 28 | text : 2 | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 44 | end_index : 49 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "Yes. I would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan at 4:00 PM at Mountain AMC 16 on Friday, May 1st.", "system response": "You would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan at 4:00 PM at Mountain AMC 16 on Friday, May 1st. Is this correct? Would you like to confirm purchase?", "dialog history": " I would like to buy 2 tickets to see Mulan. You would like to purchase 1 ticket to see Mulan. Is this correct? No. I would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan. You would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan. Is this correct?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 30, "end_index": 31, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 47, "end_index": 52, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 56, "end_index": 63, "text": "4:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.preference" } ] }, { "start_index": 67, "end_index": 82, "text": "Mountain AMC 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 86, "end_index": 101, "text": "Friday, May 1st", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 60, "text": "4:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 79, "text": "Mountain AMC 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 98, "text": "Friday, May 1st", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan, movie preference_time 4:00 PM, movie theater_name Mountain AMC 16, movie showing_date Friday May 1st", "dst accumulated": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan, movie preference_time 4:00 PM, movie theater_name Mountain AMC 16, movie showing_date Friday May 1st", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 27 | end_index : 28 | text : 2 | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 44 | end_index : 49 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 53 | end_index : 60 | text : 4:00 PM | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 64 | end_index : 79 | text : Mountain AMC 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 83 | end_index : 98 | text : Friday | May 1st | annotations : (( name : date.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 28, "text": "2", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 44, "end_index": 49, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 53, "end_index": 60, "text": "4:00 PM", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 79, "text": "Mountain AMC 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 83, "end_index": 98, "text": "Friday, May 1st", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "Yes.", "system response": "Your tickets are confirmed and they've been sent to your email address.", "dialog history": " I would like to buy 2 tickets to see Mulan. You would like to purchase 1 ticket to see Mulan. Is this correct? No. I would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan. You would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan. Is this correct? Yes. I would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan at 4:00 PM at Mountain AMC 16 on Friday, May 1st. You would like to purchase 2 tickets to see Mulan at 4:00 PM at Mountain AMC 16 on Friday, May 1st. Is this correct? Would you like to confirm purchase?", "original user side information": { "apis": [ { "index": 6, "args": { "name.movie": "Mulan", "name.theater": "Mountain AMC 16", "num.tickets": "2", "time.showing": "4:00 PM", "date.showing": "Friday, May 1st", "seating": "any" }, "response": { "status": "success" }, "name": "book_tickets" } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie tickets_num 2, movie name Mulan, movie preference_time 4:00 PM, movie theater_name Mountain AMC 16, movie showing_date Friday May 1st", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "movie": { "showing_date": [ "twelfth of February", "17th", "today SUnday", "This Thursday", "PMtoda" ], "genre_name": [ "isney", "Documentry", "medy.", "(Romantic Comedy)", "dark comedies" ], "theater_name": [ "Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade", "clima ultraplex20", "Cinemark Dayton South", "Miami-Dade's V.I.P. theater", "smaller one" ], "name": [ "the wizard of oz", "the Manson Murder movie", "The hedgehog movie", "Birds of Prey'", "choices.\\rBackcountry" ], "showing_time": [ "5:10 PM", "6.30", "10am", "6:15 pm", "09:30PM" ], "tickets_num": [ "tickets p", "our tickets", "2 adult tickets and one child's", "2 adult and 2 children", "7" ], "preference_time": [ "between 4 and 5", "anytime", "ten", "8:15", "close to 3:00 PM" ], "ticket_price": [ "$5 extra", "$14 each", "12.69", "55", "7.50 for ages 12 and up" ], "location": [ "Sb", "Jefferson City MO", "Spring Hills right", "Ft. Worth TX", "New Orleans areas" ], "person_name": [ "brad pits", "Patrick Wilson", "James Cameron.\\r\\rNot", "MAYA ERSKINE", "The Rock" ], "release_date": [ "Sept. 272019", "January 3 2020", "mid of July", "his week.", "December" ], "critic_review": [ "best score", "Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family", "Most critics are giving it a positive review", "5.5/10;", "Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score" ], "audience_review": [ "its quite good!", "most highest rated movie", "it has not received great reviews", "terrible ratings", "e\\rratin" ], "other_description": [ "escapism feels really good", "Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor", "really good!", "something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters", "It is a Korean art house drama" ], "total_price": [ "$31.98", "39.34", "$22.10", "$2", "$26 per person plus tax" ], "screening_type": [ "max.", "D-BO", "premium large", "IMAX!", "t" ], "plot_description": [ "It's about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board", "hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor.", "is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist", "atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever.", "eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks" ], "seating": [ "to the back around the left", "somewhere in the back row", "1st class", "mid section", "two rows from the back" ], "rating": [ "(PG-13", "R-rating", "R-Rotten", "higher rating", "PG-rating" ], "character_name": [ "Daniel Craig's", "Sophie", "Elsa the Snow Queen", "Nana", "Enitan" ], "duration": [ "one hour and 45 minutes", "1 hour 49 minutes", "2 hours 1 minute", "1 hour and 46 minute", "93 minutes" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( movie : ( showing_date : ( twelfth of February | 17th | today SUnday | This Thursday | PMtoda ) | genre_name : ( isney | Documentry | medy. | (Romantic Comedy) | dark comedies ) | theater_name : ( Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade | clima ultraplex20 | Cinemark Dayton South | \"Miami-Dade s V.I.P. theater\" | smaller one ) | name : ( the wizard of oz | the Manson Murder movie | The hedgehog movie | \"Birds of Prey \" | choices.\\\\rBackcountry ) | showing_time : ( 5:10 PM | 6.30 | 10am | 6:15 pm | 09:30PM ) | tickets_num : ( tickets p | our tickets | \"2 adult tickets and one child s\" | 2 adult and 2 children | 7 ) | preference_time : ( between 4 and 5 | anytime | ten | 8:15 | close to 3:00 PM ) | ticket_price : ( $5 extra | $14 each | 12.69 | 55 | 7.50 for ages 12 and up ) | location : ( Sb | Jefferson City MO | Spring Hills right | Ft. Worth TX | New Orleans areas ) | person_name : ( brad pits | Patrick Wilson | James Cameron.\\\\r\\\\rNot | MAYA ERSKINE | The Rock ) | release_date : ( Sept. 272019 | January 3 2020 | mid of July | his week. | December ) | critic_review : ( best score | Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family | Most critics are giving it a positive review | 5.5/10; | Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score ) | audience_review : ( its quite good! | most highest rated movie | it has not received great reviews | terrible ratings | e\\\\rratin ) | other_description : ( escapism feels really good | Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor | really good! | something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters | It is a Korean art house drama ) | total_price : ( $31.98 | 39.34 | $22.10 | $2 | $26 per person plus tax ) | screening_type : ( max. | D-BO | premium large | IMAX! | t ) | plot_description : (\"It s about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board\" | hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor. | is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist | atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever. | eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks ) | seating : ( to the back around the left | somewhere in the back row | 1st class | mid section | two rows from the back ) | rating : ( (PG-13 | R-rating | R-Rotten | higher rating | PG-rating ) | character_name : (\"Daniel Craig s\" | Sophie | Elsa the Snow Queen | Nana | Enitan ) | duration : ( one hour and 45 minutes | 1 hour 49 minutes | 2 hours 1 minute | 1 hour and 46 minute | 93 minutes )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a movie ticket. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a movie ticket. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a movie ticket. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a movie ticket. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a movie ticket. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Taskmaster3--train--4": { "original dialog id": "dlg-198bde90-8189-4546-a575-b5bb4080ed68", "dialog index": 4, "original dialog info": { "vertical": "Movie Tickets", "scenario": "Auto template 2 success", "instructions": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer\u2019s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*. For example if the instruction says \u201cSay you haven\u2019t decided\u201d don\u2019t write \u201cI haven\u2019t decided\u201d. Instead write something like \u201cI don\u2019t know\u201d or \u201cI\u2019m not sure\u201d etc., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don\u2019t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including \u201csir\u201d \u201cmadam\u201d etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_2 name.movie Mulan}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 name.theater AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 name.theater AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE location location Creek\u2019s End, Oregon}}\n{{HIDE genre_2 name.genre Disney}}\n{{HIDE movie_2_showtime_1 time.showing 5:00pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_2_showtime_2 time.showing 7:10pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_2_showtime_3 time.showing 9:45pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets num.tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in going out to the movies var_date.)\nforce assistant OK. And where will you be seeing the movie?\nhint user (Include \u2018var_location\u2019 in your answer)\nforce assistant var_location. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind?\nhint user (In your own words, mention \u2018var_movie_2\u2019 and that kids are involved)\ncall resolve_movie name.movie var_movie_2\nresponse resolve_movie name.movie var_movie_2\ncall find_theaters name.movie var_movie_2 location var_location\nresponse find_theaters name.theater var_theater_1 name.theater var_theater_2\nforce assistant Sure. var_genre_2 seems like a great choice. In var_location, I see that var_movie_2 is showing in two theaters: var_theater_1 and var_theater_2.\nhint user (In your own words, let the agent know you\u2019d much prefer \u2018var_theater_2\u2019 because it\u2019s closer.)\ncall find_showtimes name.movie var_movie_2 date.showing var_date name.theater var_theater_2\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_3\nforce assistant No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for var_movie_2 at var_theater_2 are var_movie_2_showtime_1, var_movie_2_showtime_2, and var_movie_2_showtime_3. Which is best for you?\nhint user (Choose the earliest one, var_movie_2_showtime_1)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (include \u2018var_num_tickets\u2019 in your answer )\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_2 at var_theater_2 var_date at var_movie_2_showtime_1. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets num.tickets var_num_tickets name.movie var_movie_2 name.theater var_theater_2 date.showing var_date time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_1\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie", "system response": "OK. And where will you be seeing the movie?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon", "system response": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind?", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 41, "end_index": 60, "text": "Creek's End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie location Creek's End Oregon", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 0 | end_index : 19 | text : Creek\u2019s End | Oregon | annotations : (( name : location ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids.", "system response": "Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24.", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 36, "end_index": 43, "text": "'mulan'", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 12, "text": "Disney", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 62, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 80, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 109, "end_index": 124, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 129, "end_index": 143, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie name 'mulan'", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan'", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 6 | end_index : 12 | text : Disney | annotations : (( name : name.genre ))) | ( start_index : 43 | end_index : 62 | text : Creek\u2019s End | Oregon | annotations : (( name : location ))) | ( start_index : 75 | end_index : 80 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 109 | end_index : 124 | text : AMC Mountain 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 129 | end_index : 143 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 12, "text": "Disney", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 62, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 80, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 109, "end_index": 124, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 129, "end_index": 143, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "alright. i would prefer the 'AMC Mercado 24' as it is quite closer to me", "system response": "No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you?", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24.", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 28, "end_index": 44, "text": "'AMC Mercado 24'", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 94, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 102, "text": "7:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 114, "text": "9:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24'", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan', movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24'", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 60 | end_index : 65 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 69 | end_index : 83 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 88 | end_index : 94 | text : 5:00pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 96 | end_index : 102 | text : 7:10pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 108 | end_index : 114 | text : 9:45pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 94, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 102, "text": "7:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 114, "text": "9:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "alright. 5:00pm works fine for me", "system response": "Great. And how many tickets?", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. alright. i would prefer the 'AMC Mercado 24' as it is quite closer to me No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 9, "end_index": 15, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_time 5:00pm", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan', movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24', movie showing_time 5:00pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "three tickets please", "system response": "All . Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct?", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. alright. i would prefer the 'AMC Mercado 24' as it is quite closer to me No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? alright. 5:00pm works fine for me Great. And how many tickets?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 5, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 60, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 78, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 86, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 96, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie tickets_num three", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan', movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24', movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 37 | end_index : 42 | text : three | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 55 | end_index : 60 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 64 | end_index : 78 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 79 | end_index : 86 | text : tonight | annotations : (( name : date.showing ))) | ( start_index : 90 | end_index : 96 | text : 5:00pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 37, "end_index": 42, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 55, "end_index": 60, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 64, "end_index": 78, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 79, "end_index": 86, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 90, "end_index": 96, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "yes, all correct.", "system response": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. alright. i would prefer the 'AMC Mercado 24' as it is quite closer to me No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? alright. 5:00pm works fine for me Great. And how many tickets? three tickets please All . Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan', movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24', movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "yes please go right ahead.", "system response": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. alright. i would prefer the 'AMC Mercado 24' as it is quite closer to me No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? alright. 5:00pm works fine for me Great. And how many tickets? three tickets please All . Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct? yes, all correct. Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan', movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24', movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "no, that would be all. thank you.", "system response": "OK. Enjoy your movie!", "dialog history": " hi, i would like to book a ticket for a movie OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? i would love to see it at the theater at Creek's End, Oregon Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? yes i would love to watch the movie 'mulan' with my kids. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. alright. i would prefer the 'AMC Mercado 24' as it is quite closer to me No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? alright. 5:00pm works fine for me Great. And how many tickets? three tickets please All . Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct? yes, all correct. Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets? yes please go right ahead. OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name 'mulan', movie theater_name 'AMC Mercado 24', movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "movie": { "showing_date": [ "twelfth of February", "17th", "today SUnday", "This Thursday", "PMtoda" ], "genre_name": [ "isney", "Documentry", "medy.", "(Romantic Comedy)", "dark comedies" ], "theater_name": [ "Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade", "clima ultraplex20", "Cinemark Dayton South", "Miami-Dade's V.I.P. theater", "smaller one" ], "name": [ "the wizard of oz", "the Manson Murder movie", "The hedgehog movie", "Birds of Prey'", "choices.\\rBackcountry" ], "showing_time": [ "5:10 PM", "6.30", "10am", "6:15 pm", "09:30PM" ], "tickets_num": [ "tickets p", "our tickets", "2 adult tickets and one child's", "2 adult and 2 children", "7" ], "preference_time": [ "between 4 and 5", "anytime", "ten", "8:15", "close to 3:00 PM" ], "ticket_price": [ "$5 extra", "$14 each", "12.69", "55", "7.50 for ages 12 and up" ], "location": [ "Sb", "Jefferson City MO", "Spring Hills right", "Ft. Worth TX", "New Orleans areas" ], "person_name": [ "brad pits", "Patrick Wilson", "James Cameron.\\r\\rNot", "MAYA ERSKINE", "The Rock" ], "release_date": [ "Sept. 272019", "January 3 2020", "mid of July", "his week.", "December" ], "critic_review": [ "best score", "Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family", "Most critics are giving it a positive review", "5.5/10;", "Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score" ], "audience_review": [ "its quite good!", "most highest rated movie", "it has not received great reviews", "terrible ratings", "e\\rratin" ], "other_description": [ "escapism feels really good", "Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor", "really good!", "something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters", "It is a Korean art house drama" ], "total_price": [ "$31.98", "39.34", "$22.10", "$2", "$26 per person plus tax" ], "screening_type": [ "max.", "D-BO", "premium large", "IMAX!", "t" ], "plot_description": [ "It's about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board", "hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor.", "is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist", "atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever.", "eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks" ], "seating": [ "to the back around the left", "somewhere in the back row", "1st class", "mid section", "two rows from the back" ], "rating": [ "(PG-13", "R-rating", "R-Rotten", "higher rating", "PG-rating" ], "character_name": [ "Daniel Craig's", "Sophie", "Elsa the Snow Queen", "Nana", "Enitan" ], "duration": [ "one hour and 45 minutes", "1 hour 49 minutes", "2 hours 1 minute", "1 hour and 46 minute", "93 minutes" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( movie : ( showing_date : ( twelfth of February | 17th | today SUnday | This Thursday | PMtoda ) | genre_name : ( isney | Documentry | medy. | (Romantic Comedy) | dark comedies ) | theater_name : ( Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade | clima ultraplex20 | Cinemark Dayton South | \"Miami-Dade s V.I.P. theater\" | smaller one ) | name : ( the wizard of oz | the Manson Murder movie | The hedgehog movie | \"Birds of Prey \" | choices.\\\\rBackcountry ) | showing_time : ( 5:10 PM | 6.30 | 10am | 6:15 pm | 09:30PM ) | tickets_num : ( tickets p | our tickets | \"2 adult tickets and one child s\" | 2 adult and 2 children | 7 ) | preference_time : ( between 4 and 5 | anytime | ten | 8:15 | close to 3:00 PM ) | ticket_price : ( $5 extra | $14 each | 12.69 | 55 | 7.50 for ages 12 and up ) | location : ( Sb | Jefferson City MO | Spring Hills right | Ft. Worth TX | New Orleans areas ) | person_name : ( brad pits | Patrick Wilson | James Cameron.\\\\r\\\\rNot | MAYA ERSKINE | The Rock ) | release_date : ( Sept. 272019 | January 3 2020 | mid of July | his week. | December ) | critic_review : ( best score | Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family | Most critics are giving it a positive review | 5.5/10; | Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score ) | audience_review : ( its quite good! | most highest rated movie | it has not received great reviews | terrible ratings | e\\\\rratin ) | other_description : ( escapism feels really good | Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor | really good! | something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters | It is a Korean art house drama ) | total_price : ( $31.98 | 39.34 | $22.10 | $2 | $26 per person plus tax ) | screening_type : ( max. | D-BO | premium large | IMAX! | t ) | plot_description : (\"It s about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board\" | hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor. | is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist | atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever. | eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks ) | seating : ( to the back around the left | somewhere in the back row | 1st class | mid section | two rows from the back ) | rating : ( (PG-13 | R-rating | R-Rotten | higher rating | PG-rating ) | character_name : (\"Daniel Craig s\" | Sophie | Elsa the Snow Queen | Nana | Enitan ) | duration : ( one hour and 45 minutes | 1 hour 49 minutes | 2 hours 1 minute | 1 hour and 46 minute | 93 minutes )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a movie ticket. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a movie ticket. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a movie ticket. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a movie ticket. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a movie ticket. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "Taskmaster3--train--5": { "original dialog id": "dlg-664c2ad5-d7cd-4c20-a985-cc61363eeca7", "dialog index": 5, "original dialog info": { "vertical": "Movie Tickets", "scenario": "Auto template 2 success", "instructions": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer\u2019s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*. For example if the instruction says \u201cSay you haven\u2019t decided\u201d don\u2019t write \u201cI haven\u2019t decided\u201d. Instead write something like \u201cI don\u2019t know\u201d or \u201cI\u2019m not sure\u201d etc., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don\u2019t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including \u201csir\u201d \u201cmadam\u201d etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_2 name.movie Mulan}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 name.theater AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 name.theater AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE location location Creek\u2019s End, Oregon}}\n{{HIDE genre_2 name.genre Disney}}\n{{HIDE movie_2_showtime_1 time.showing 5:00pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_2_showtime_2 time.showing 7:10pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_2_showtime_3 time.showing 9:45pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets num.tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in going out to the movies var_date.)\nforce assistant OK. And where will you be seeing the movie?\nhint user (Include \u2018var_location\u2019 in your answer)\nforce assistant var_location. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind?\nhint user (In your own words, mention \u2018var_movie_2\u2019 and that kids are involved)\ncall resolve_movie name.movie var_movie_2\nresponse resolve_movie name.movie var_movie_2\ncall find_theaters name.movie var_movie_2 location var_location\nresponse find_theaters name.theater var_theater_1 name.theater var_theater_2\nforce assistant Sure. var_genre_2 seems like a great choice. In var_location, I see that var_movie_2 is showing in two theaters: var_theater_1 and var_theater_2.\nhint user (In your own words, let the agent know you\u2019d much prefer \u2018var_theater_2\u2019 because it\u2019s closer.)\ncall find_showtimes name.movie var_movie_2 date.showing var_date name.theater var_theater_2\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_3\nforce assistant No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for var_movie_2 at var_theater_2 are var_movie_2_showtime_1, var_movie_2_showtime_2, and var_movie_2_showtime_3. Which is best for you?\nhint user (Choose the earliest one, var_movie_2_showtime_1)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (include \u2018var_num_tickets\u2019 in your answer )\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_2 at var_theater_2 var_date at var_movie_2_showtime_1. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets num.tickets var_num_tickets name.movie var_movie_2 name.theater var_theater_2 date.showing var_date time.showing var_movie_2_showtime_1\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n" }, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "I'd like to go to the movies tonight.", "system response": "OK. And where will you be seeing the movie?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 29, "end_index": 36, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_date tonight", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon.", "system response": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind?", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 23, "end_index": 42, "text": "Creek's End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie location Creek's End Oregon", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 0 | end_index : 19 | text : Creek\u2019s End | Oregon | annotations : (( name : location ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 0, "end_index": 19, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that.", "system response": "Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24.", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 27, "end_index": 32, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 12, "text": "Disney", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 62, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 80, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 109, "end_index": 124, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 129, "end_index": 143, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie name Mulan", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 6 | end_index : 12 | text : Disney | annotations : (( name : name.genre ))) | ( start_index : 43 | end_index : 62 | text : Creek\u2019s End | Oregon | annotations : (( name : location ))) | ( start_index : 75 | end_index : 80 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 109 | end_index : 124 | text : AMC Mountain 16 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 129 | end_index : 143 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 6, "end_index": 12, "text": "Disney", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.genre" } ] }, { "start_index": 43, "end_index": 62, "text": "Creek\u2019s End, Oregon", "annotations": [ { "name": "location" } ] }, { "start_index": 75, "end_index": 80, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 109, "end_index": 124, "text": "AMC Mountain 16", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 129, "end_index": 143, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "The AMC Mercado 24 is a bit closer to me, how about that one?", "system response": "No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you?", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24.", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 4, "end_index": 18, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 94, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 102, "text": "7:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 114, "text": "9:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan, movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 60 | end_index : 65 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 69 | end_index : 83 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 88 | end_index : 94 | text : 5:00pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 96 | end_index : 102 | text : 7:10pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))) | ( start_index : 108 | end_index : 114 | text : 9:45pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 88, "end_index": 94, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 96, "end_index": 102, "text": "7:10pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 108, "end_index": 114, "text": "9:45pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "Book it for 5:00pm.", "system response": "Great. And how many tickets?", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. The AMC Mercado 24 is a bit closer to me, how about that one? No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 12, "end_index": 18, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "movie showing_time 5:00pm", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan, movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24, movie showing_time 5:00pm", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "There are three of us.", "system response": "All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct?", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. The AMC Mercado 24 is a bit closer to me, how about that one? No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? Book it for 5:00pm. Great. And how many tickets?", "original user side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 10, "end_index": 15, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] } ] }, "original system side information": { "segments": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 91, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, "dst": "movie tickets_num three", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan, movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24, movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "(( start_index : 42 | end_index : 47 | text : three | annotations : (( name : num.tickets ))) | ( start_index : 60 | end_index : 65 | text : Mulan | annotations : (( name : name.movie ))) | ( start_index : 69 | end_index : 83 | text : AMC Mercado 24 | annotations : (( name : name.theater ))) | ( start_index : 84 | end_index : 91 | text : tonight | annotations : (( name : date.showing ))) | ( start_index : 95 | end_index : 101 | text : 5:00pm | annotations : (( name : time.showing ))))", "external knowledge non-flat": [ { "start_index": 42, "end_index": 47, "text": "three", "annotations": [ { "name": "num.tickets" } ] }, { "start_index": 60, "end_index": 65, "text": "Mulan", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.movie" } ] }, { "start_index": 69, "end_index": 83, "text": "AMC Mercado 24", "annotations": [ { "name": "name.theater" } ] }, { "start_index": 84, "end_index": 91, "text": "tonight", "annotations": [ { "name": "date.showing" } ] }, { "start_index": 95, "end_index": 101, "text": "5:00pm", "annotations": [ { "name": "time.showing" } ] } ] }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "That's correct.", "system response": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. The AMC Mercado 24 is a bit closer to me, how about that one? No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? Book it for 5:00pm. Great. And how many tickets? There are three of us. All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan, movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24, movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "Yes go ahead with the purchase.", "system response": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. The AMC Mercado 24 is a bit closer to me, how about that one? No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? Book it for 5:00pm. Great. And how many tickets? There are three of us. All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct? That's correct. Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan, movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24, movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "Nope that's everything, thank you.", "system response": "OK. Enjoy your movie!", "dialog history": " I'd like to go to the movies tonight. OK. And where will you be seeing the movie? Something in downtown, Creek's End, Oregon. Creek\u2019s End, Oregon. Got it. Is there a particular movie you have in mind? My kids really want to see Mulan so I'm taking them to see that. Sure. Disney seems like a great choice. In Creek\u2019s End, Oregon, I see that Mulan is showing in two theaters: AMC Mountain 16 and AMC Mercado 24. The AMC Mercado 24 is a bit closer to me, how about that one? No problem. It looks like tonight\u2019s remaining showtimes for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 are 5:00pm, 7:10pm, and 9:45pm. Which is best for you? Book it for 5:00pm. Great. And how many tickets? There are three of us. All right. Let me confirm that you\u2019d like three tickets for Mulan at AMC Mercado 24 tonight at 5:00pm. Is that all correct? That's correct. Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets? Yes go ahead with the purchase. OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "segments": [] }, "dst": "", "dst accumulated": "movie showing_date tonight, movie location Creek's End Oregon, movie name Mulan, movie theater_name AMC Mercado 24, movie showing_time 5:00pm, movie tickets_num three", "external knowledge": "()", "external knowledge non-flat": [] } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "movie": { "showing_date": [ "twelfth of February", "17th", "today SUnday", "This Thursday", "PMtoda" ], "genre_name": [ "isney", "Documentry", "medy.", "(Romantic Comedy)", "dark comedies" ], "theater_name": [ "Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade", "clima ultraplex20", "Cinemark Dayton South", "Miami-Dade's V.I.P. theater", "smaller one" ], "name": [ "the wizard of oz", "the Manson Murder movie", "The hedgehog movie", "Birds of Prey'", "choices.\\rBackcountry" ], "showing_time": [ "5:10 PM", "6.30", "10am", "6:15 pm", "09:30PM" ], "tickets_num": [ "tickets p", "our tickets", "2 adult tickets and one child's", "2 adult and 2 children", "7" ], "preference_time": [ "between 4 and 5", "anytime", "ten", "8:15", "close to 3:00 PM" ], "ticket_price": [ "$5 extra", "$14 each", "12.69", "55", "7.50 for ages 12 and up" ], "location": [ "Sb", "Jefferson City MO", "Spring Hills right", "Ft. Worth TX", "New Orleans areas" ], "person_name": [ "brad pits", "Patrick Wilson", "James Cameron.\\r\\rNot", "MAYA ERSKINE", "The Rock" ], "release_date": [ "Sept. 272019", "January 3 2020", "mid of July", "his week.", "December" ], "critic_review": [ "best score", "Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family", "Most critics are giving it a positive review", "5.5/10;", "Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score" ], "audience_review": [ "its quite good!", "most highest rated movie", "it has not received great reviews", "terrible ratings", "e\\rratin" ], "other_description": [ "escapism feels really good", "Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor", "really good!", "something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters", "It is a Korean art house drama" ], "total_price": [ "$31.98", "39.34", "$22.10", "$2", "$26 per person plus tax" ], "screening_type": [ "max.", "D-BO", "premium large", "IMAX!", "t" ], "plot_description": [ "It's about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board", "hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor.", "is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist", "atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever.", "eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks" ], "seating": [ "to the back around the left", "somewhere in the back row", "1st class", "mid section", "two rows from the back" ], "rating": [ "(PG-13", "R-rating", "R-Rotten", "higher rating", "PG-rating" ], "character_name": [ "Daniel Craig's", "Sophie", "Elsa the Snow Queen", "Nana", "Enitan" ], "duration": [ "one hour and 45 minutes", "1 hour 49 minutes", "2 hours 1 minute", "1 hour and 46 minute", "93 minutes" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( movie : ( showing_date : ( twelfth of February | 17th | today SUnday | This Thursday | PMtoda ) | genre_name : ( isney | Documentry | medy. | (Romantic Comedy) | dark comedies ) | theater_name : ( Bessemer Premier 14 Promenade | clima ultraplex20 | Cinemark Dayton South | \"Miami-Dade s V.I.P. theater\" | smaller one ) | name : ( the wizard of oz | the Manson Murder movie | The hedgehog movie | \"Birds of Prey \" | choices.\\\\rBackcountry ) | showing_time : ( 5:10 PM | 6.30 | 10am | 6:15 pm | 09:30PM ) | tickets_num : ( tickets p | our tickets | \"2 adult tickets and one child s\" | 2 adult and 2 children | 7 ) | preference_time : ( between 4 and 5 | anytime | ten | 8:15 | close to 3:00 PM ) | ticket_price : ( $5 extra | $14 each | 12.69 | 55 | 7.50 for ages 12 and up ) | location : ( Sb | Jefferson City MO | Spring Hills right | Ft. Worth TX | New Orleans areas ) | person_name : ( brad pits | Patrick Wilson | James Cameron.\\\\r\\\\rNot | MAYA ERSKINE | The Rock ) | release_date : ( Sept. 272019 | January 3 2020 | mid of July | his week. | December ) | critic_review : ( best score | Rotten Tomatoes 72%.Family | Most critics are giving it a positive review | 5.5/10; | Backcountry has a 91% rotten tomato score ) | audience_review : ( its quite good! | most highest rated movie | it has not received great reviews | terrible ratings | e\\\\rratin ) | other_description : ( escapism feels really good | Oscar or BAFTA rely on overused tropes or overwrought dialogue to win an audience favor | really good! | something with a blend of cool action sequences and comedy that has really likeable characters | It is a Korean art house drama ) | total_price : ( $31.98 | 39.34 | $22.10 | $2 | $26 per person plus tax ) | screening_type : ( max. | D-BO | premium large | IMAX! | t ) | plot_description : (\"It s about a fishing expedition getting ugly as the crew faces not only severe weather but a traitor on board\" | hat focuses on the relationship between a teenager and his elderly neighbor. The teenager is attempting to cheer up the elderly neighbor. | is about a famous diamond dealer played by Ryan Reynolds who leaves his European life in Antwerp to pursue a less than genuine romance with an American con artist | atch is about Old Man McCormick enjoys his quiet days on the river until an unwanted package changes things forever. | eye candy! Explore Yosemite in all its glory in this award-winning film that delves into the wonders of one of the United State\u2019s most iconic national parks ) | seating : ( to the back around the left | somewhere in the back row | 1st class | mid section | two rows from the back ) | rating : ( (PG-13 | R-rating | R-Rotten | higher rating | PG-rating ) | character_name : (\"Daniel Craig s\" | Sophie | Elsa the Snow Queen | Nana | Enitan ) | duration : ( one hour and 45 minutes | 1 hour 49 minutes | 2 hours 1 minute | 1 hour and 46 minute | 93 minutes )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to book a movie ticket. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to book a movie ticket. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to book a movie ticket. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to book a movie ticket. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users book a movie ticket. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] } }