## Structure of the Data Each dialogue is represented as a json object with the following fields: * **dialogue\_id** - A unique identifier for a dialogue. * **turns** - A list of annotated agent and user utterance pairs having the following fields: * **system\_acts** - A list of system actions. An action consists of an action type, and optional slot and value arguments. Each action has the following fields: * **type** - An action type. Possible values are listed below. * **slot** - Optional slot argument. * **value** - Optional value argument. If value is present, slot must be present. * **system\_utterance** - The system utterance having the following fields. * **text** - The text of the utterance. * **tokens** - A list containing tokenized version of text. * **slots** - A list containing locations of mentions of values corresponding to slots in the utterance, having the following fields: * **slot** - The name of the slot * **start** - The index of the first token corresponding to a slot value in the tokens list. * **exclusive\_end** - The index of the token succeeding the last token corresponding to the slot value in the tokens list. In python, `tokens[start:exclusive_end]` gives the tokens for slot value. * **user\_acts** - A list of user actions. Has the same structure as system\_acts. * **user\_utterance** - The user utterance. It has three fields, similar to system\_utterance. * **user_intents** - A list of user intents specified in the current turn. Possible values are listed below. * **dialogue\_state** - Contains the preferences for the different slots as specified by the user upto the current turn of the dialogue. Represented as a list containing: * **slot** - The name of the slot. * **value** - The value assigned to the slot. The list of action types is inspired from the Cambridge dialogue act schema ([DSTC2 Handbook](http://camdial.org/~mh521/dstc/downloads/handbook.pdf), Pg 19) . The possible values are: * AFFIRM * CANT\_UNDERSTAND * CONFIRM * INFORM * GOOD\_BYE * GREETING * NEGATE * OTHER * NOTIFY\_FAILURE * NOTIFY\_SUCCESS * OFFER * REQUEST * REQUEST\_ALTS * SELECT * THANK\_YOU The possible values of user intents are: * BUY\_MOVIE\_TICKETS