{ "DSTC2-Clean--train--1": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 1, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "", "system response": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "hello and welcome to the cambridge", "system response": "What kind of food would you like?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "", 0.4154 ], [ "", 0.1401 ], [ "well", 0.1021 ], [ "that", 0.1016 ], [ "oh", 0.0499 ], [ "i'm", 0.0485 ], [ "", 0.0379 ], [ "food", 0.0357 ], [ "well", 0.0344 ], [ "that", 0.0343 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "moderately priced swedish food", "system response": "Sorry there is no swedish restaurant in the moderate price range", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What kind of food would you like?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "swedish" ], [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "moderately priced swedish food", 0.9891 ], [ "a moderately priced swedish food", 0.0054 ], [ "moderately priced swiss food", 0.0039 ], [ "uh moderately priced swedish food", 0.001 ], [ "moderately priced food", 0.0002 ], [ "moderately priced swedish swedish food", 0.0002 ], [ "moderately priced swedish code", 0.0002 ], [ "i moderately priced swedish food", 0.0001 ], [ "is moderately priced swedish food", 0.0 ], [ "moderately priced is food", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant food swedish, restaurant price range moderate" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "how about asian oriental", "system response": "yippee noodle bar is a great restaurant serving asian oriental food and it is in the moderate price range", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What kind of food would you like? moderately priced swedish food Sorry there is no swedish restaurant in the moderate price range", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "asian oriental" ] ], "asr": [ [ "how about asian oriental", 0.8698 ], [ "how about asian asian oriental", 0.0617 ], [ "how about a oriental", 0.0588 ], [ "how about a asian oriental", 0.0042 ], [ "how about the oriental", 0.003 ], [ "how about eastern oriental", 0.0008 ], [ "how about in oriental", 0.0006 ], [ "how how about asian oriental", 0.0004 ], [ "how about asian oriental a", 0.0004 ], [ "ah about asian oriental", 0.0002 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant food asian oriental" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "is there anything else", "system response": "Can I help you with anything else?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What kind of food would you like? moderately priced swedish food Sorry there is no swedish restaurant in the moderate price range how about asian oriental yippee noodle bar is a great restaurant serving asian oriental food and it is in the moderate price range", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "is there anything else", 0.9981 ], [ "is is there anything else", 0.0008 ], [ "uh there anything else", 0.0007 ], [ "is there a anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "and there anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "i there anything else", 0.0 ], [ "do there anything else", 0.0 ], [ "is their anything else", 0.0 ], [ "is there any else", 0.0 ], [ "his there anything else", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "could i have the addresses and phone number", "system response": "Sure , yippee noodle bar is on 40428 King Street City Centre", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What kind of food would you like? moderately priced swedish food Sorry there is no swedish restaurant in the moderate price range how about asian oriental yippee noodle bar is a great restaurant serving asian oriental food and it is in the moderate price range is there anything else Can I help you with anything else?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "could i have the addressess and phone number", 0.6151 ], [ "can i have the addressess and phone number", 0.3692 ], [ "could i have the addressess the phone number", 0.0038 ], [ "could i have the addressess phone number", 0.0032 ], [ "can i have the addressess the phone number", 0.0023 ], [ "i i have the addressess and phone number", 0.002 ], [ "can i have the addressess phone number", 0.0019 ], [ "could have the addressess and phone number", 0.0012 ], [ "can have the addressess and phone number", 0.0007 ], [ "i have the addressess and phone number", 0.0006 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request phone, restaurant request address" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "phone number", "system response": "The phone number of yippee noodle bar is 01223 518111 .", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What kind of food would you like? moderately priced swedish food Sorry there is no swedish restaurant in the moderate price range how about asian oriental yippee noodle bar is a great restaurant serving asian oriental food and it is in the moderate price range is there anything else Can I help you with anything else? could i have the addresses and phone number Sure , yippee noodle bar is on 40428 King Street City Centre", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "phone number", 0.9903 ], [ "the number", 0.0041 ], [ "phone phone number", 0.0041 ], [ "a number", 0.0007 ], [ "uh number", 0.0006 ], [ "i number", 0.0001 ], [ "phone number of", 0.0 ], [ "the phone number", 0.0 ], [ "number", 0.0 ], [ "phone phone phone number", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request phone" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "thank you good bye", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What kind of food would you like? moderately priced swedish food Sorry there is no swedish restaurant in the moderate price range how about asian oriental yippee noodle bar is a great restaurant serving asian oriental food and it is in the moderate price range is there anything else Can I help you with anything else? could i have the addresses and phone number Sure , yippee noodle bar is on 40428 King Street City Centre phone number The phone number of yippee noodle bar is 01223 518111 .", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye", 0.3075 ], [ "thank you good goodbye", 0.247 ], [ "thank you bye", 0.247 ], [ "thank you goodbye", 0.1984 ], [ "thank thank you good bye", 0.0 ], [ "thank you good by", 0.0 ], [ "ah thank you good bye", 0.0 ], [ "thank thank you good goodbye", 0.0 ], [ "thank thank you bye", 0.0 ], [ "you good bye", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "restaurant": { "food": [ "canapes", "scandinavian", "sri lankan", "corsica", "russian", "singaporean", "korean", "vietnamese", "venetian", "middle eastern" ], "price range": [ "cheap", "moderate", "expensive" ], "area": [ "centre", "north", "west", "south", "east" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( canapes | scandinavian | sri lankan | corsica | russian | singaporean | korean | vietnamese | venetian | middle eastern ) | price range : ( cheap | moderate | expensive ) | area : ( centre | north | west | south | east )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "DSTC2-Clean--train--2": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 2, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "", "system response": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "hello and welcome", "system response": "What part of town do you have in mind?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "and that well", 0.1956 ], [ "and that will", 0.1627 ], [ "and that well", 0.0951 ], [ "i that well", 0.0902 ], [ "can that well", 0.0856 ], [ "and that will", 0.0791 ], [ "i that will", 0.075 ], [ "i'm that well", 0.0747 ], [ "can that will", 0.0712 ], [ "and i well", 0.0708 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "center", "system response": "What kind of food would you like?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "centre" ] ], "asr": [ [ "centre", 0.9533 ], [ "centre centre", 0.023 ], [ "the", 0.0215 ], [ "city", 0.001 ], [ "in", 0.0005 ], [ "the centre", 0.0005 ], [ "i", 0.0001 ], [ "centre a", 0.0 ], [ "centre of", 0.0 ], [ "city centre", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, "dst": "restaurant area centre" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "catalan", "system response": "What kind of food would you like?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "catalan" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can one", 0.2479 ], [ "can i one", 0.1776 ], [ "kettle one", 0.1094 ], [ "one", 0.1093 ], [ "kettle i one", 0.0783 ], [ "i one", 0.0783 ], [ "can hello one", 0.0626 ], [ "i i one", 0.0507 ], [ "can i hello one", 0.0449 ], [ "can don't one", 0.0409 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, "dst": "restaurant food catalan" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "catalan", "system response": "What kind of food would you like?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "catalan" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can that one", 0.2095 ], [ "is that one", 0.1858 ], [ "can have one", 0.0962 ], [ "and that one", 0.0914 ], [ "is have one", 0.0853 ], [ "in that one", 0.0784 ], [ "can one", 0.0729 ], [ "is one", 0.0646 ], [ "that one", 0.0638 ], [ "to that one", 0.0521 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, "dst": "restaurant food catalan" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "italian", "system response": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "italian" ] ], "asr": [ [ "ok don't in", 0.1705 ], [ "i don't in", 0.1574 ], [ "ok in", 0.1162 ], [ "ok don't don't in", 0.1124 ], [ "i in", 0.1072 ], [ "i don't don't in", 0.1038 ], [ "ok i don't in", 0.0658 ], [ "i i don't in", 0.0607 ], [ "ok don't", 0.0551 ], [ "i don't", 0.0509 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "price range" ] }, "dst": "restaurant food italian" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "moderate", "system response": "yippee noodle bar is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? italian Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "moderate" ] ], "asr": [ [ "moderate", 0.9985 ], [ "moderate moderate", 0.0006 ], [ "a", 0.0005 ], [ "the moderate", 0.0001 ], [ "moderate", 0.0001 ], [ "moderate", 0.0001 ], [ "ok", 0.0 ], [ "moderate is", 0.0 ], [ "moderate to", 0.0 ], [ "moderate it", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant price range moderate" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "is there anything else", "system response": "cotto is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? italian Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? moderate yippee noodle bar is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "is there anything else", 0.9984 ], [ "get there anything else", 0.0005 ], [ "give there anything else", 0.0004 ], [ "ok is there anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "is is there anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "is their anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "you there anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "there anything else", 0.0001 ], [ "is there anything else a", 0.0 ], [ "could there anything else", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "could i get the phone number and", "system response": "The phone number of cotto is 01223 302010 .", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? italian Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? moderate yippee noodle bar is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate is there anything else cotto is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can i get the phone number and", 0.6569 ], [ "could i get the phone number and", 0.2108 ], [ "can i get the phone number number and", 0.0275 ], [ "can i get the phone and", 0.0275 ], [ "can i get the phone number", 0.0238 ], [ "can i get the phone number and in", 0.0213 ], [ "could i get the phone number number and", 0.0088 ], [ "could i get the phone and", 0.0088 ], [ "could i get the phone number", 0.0076 ], [ "could i get the phone number and in", 0.0068 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request phone" }, { "turn id": 10, "user utterance": "price range", "system response": "cotto is in the moderate price range", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? italian Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? moderate yippee noodle bar is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate is there anything else cotto is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate could i get the phone number and The phone number of cotto is 01223 302010 .", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "price range", 0.9955 ], [ "range", 0.0021 ], [ "price price range", 0.0019 ], [ "price priced range", 0.0002 ], [ "price rang", 0.0001 ], [ "price range", 0.0001 ], [ "price range is", 0.0 ], [ "price price range", 0.0 ], [ "a range", 0.0 ], [ "price range a", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request price range" }, { "turn id": 11, "user utterance": "could i get the phone number and price range", "system response": "The phone number of cotto is 01223 302010 .", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? italian Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? moderate yippee noodle bar is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate is there anything else cotto is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate could i get the phone number and The phone number of cotto is 01223 302010 . price range cotto is in the moderate price range", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ], [ "request", "price range" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can i get the phone number and price range", 0.8438 ], [ "could i get the phone number and price range", 0.096 ], [ "can i get the phone number and price rang", 0.0219 ], [ "can i get a phone number and price range", 0.0185 ], [ "can i get the phone number plea price range", 0.0069 ], [ "can i get the phone number can price range", 0.0052 ], [ "could i get the phone number and price rang", 0.0025 ], [ "could i get a phone number and price range", 0.0021 ], [ "can get the phone number and price range", 0.0016 ], [ "i i get the phone number and price range", 0.0014 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request phone, restaurant request price range" }, { "turn id": 12, "user utterance": "thank you good bye", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome What part of town do you have in mind? center What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? catalan What kind of food would you like? italian Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? moderate yippee noodle bar is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate is there anything else cotto is a nice place in the centre of town and the prices are moderate could i get the phone number and The phone number of cotto is 01223 302010 . price range cotto is in the moderate price range could i get the phone number and price range The phone number of cotto is 01223 302010 .", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye", 0.7415 ], [ "thank you good goodbye", 0.1196 ], [ "thank you bye", 0.1196 ], [ "thank you goodbye", 0.0193 ], [ "thank you good by", 0.0 ], [ "thank u good bye", 0.0 ], [ "thank you by", 0.0 ], [ "thank thank you good bye", 0.0 ], [ "thank you good night", 0.0 ], [ "a you good bye", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "restaurant": { "food": [ "canapes", "scandinavian", "sri lankan", "corsica", "russian", "singaporean", "korean", "vietnamese", "venetian", "middle eastern" ], "price range": [ "cheap", "moderate", "expensive" ], "area": [ "centre", "north", "west", "south", "east" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( canapes | scandinavian | sri lankan | corsica | russian | singaporean | korean | vietnamese | venetian | middle eastern ) | price range : ( cheap | moderate | expensive ) | area : ( centre | north | west | south | east )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "DSTC2-Clean--train--3": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 3, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "", "system response": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "hello and welcome to the cambridge", "system response": "What part of town do you have in mind?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "that's ok", 0.3537 ], [ "and ok", 0.1756 ], [ "that's what's", 0.1186 ], [ "that's ok the", 0.0871 ], [ "and what's", 0.0588 ], [ "that's ok that's", 0.0555 ], [ "that's ok perfect", 0.0481 ], [ "and ok the", 0.0432 ], [ "that's that's ok", 0.0302 ], [ "that's what's the", 0.0292 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "any part", "system response": "Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "cheap part", 0.386 ], [ "part", 0.1743 ], [ "cheap ok part", 0.1168 ], [ "can part", 0.099 ], [ "cheap you part", 0.0597 ], [ "ok part", 0.0527 ], [ "could part", 0.0367 ], [ "can ok part", 0.0299 ], [ "you part", 0.0269 ], [ "cheap ok you part", 0.0181 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ] }, "dst": "restaurant area dontcare" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "i dont care about the price range", "system response": "What part of town do you have in mind?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "i don't care about the price range", 0.9993 ], [ "i i don't care about the price range", 0.0003 ], [ "don't care about the price range", 0.0002 ], [ "i care about the price range", 0.0 ], [ "i don't care how about the price range", 0.0 ], [ "i don't don't care about the price range", 0.0 ], [ "i don't care about to price range", 0.0 ], [ "i don't care the price range", 0.0 ], [ "i don't care where about the price range", 0.0 ], [ "i don't care about about the price range", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, "dst": "restaurant price range dontcare" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "uh world food", "system response": "I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving world food", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right? i dont care about the price range What part of town do you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "world" ] ], "asr": [ [ "uh world food", 0.7228 ], [ "um world food", 0.1016 ], [ "uhm world food", 0.0947 ], [ "ah world food", 0.0431 ], [ "oh world food", 0.0331 ], [ "uh welsh food", 0.0014 ], [ "uh uh world food", 0.0011 ], [ "world food", 0.0008 ], [ "uh world food", 0.0008 ], [ "uh world food and", 0.0005 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant food world" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "how about mediterranean food", "system response": "Sorry would you like world or mediterranean food?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right? i dont care about the price range What part of town do you have in mind? uh world food I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving world food", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "asr": [ [ "how about mediterranean food", 0.9845 ], [ "how about mediterranean mediterranean food", 0.0056 ], [ "how about a food", 0.0055 ], [ "hi about mediterranean food", 0.0029 ], [ "ah about mediterranean food", 0.0004 ], [ "how how about mediterranean food", 0.0004 ], [ "how i about mediterranean food", 0.0002 ], [ "oh about mediterranean food", 0.0002 ], [ "how about mediterranean who", 0.0001 ], [ "about mediterranean food", 0.0001 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant food mediterranean" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "mediterranean food", "system response": "the gardenia serves mediterranean food", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right? i dont care about the price range What part of town do you have in mind? uh world food I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving world food how about mediterranean food Sorry would you like world or mediterranean food?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "mediterranean" ] ], "asr": [ [ "mediterranean food", 0.9999 ], [ "mediterranean mediterranean food", 0.0 ], [ "food", 0.0 ], [ "ok mediterranean food", 0.0 ], [ "mediterranean foods", 0.0 ], [ "mediterranean who", 0.0 ], [ "i food", 0.0 ], [ "mediterranean through", 0.0 ], [ "mediterranean food food", 0.0 ], [ "mediterranean", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant food mediterranean" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "is there anything else", "system response": "shiraz restaurant serves mediterranean food", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right? i dont care about the price range What part of town do you have in mind? uh world food I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving world food how about mediterranean food Sorry would you like world or mediterranean food? mediterranean food the gardenia serves mediterranean food", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "is there anything else", 0.9996 ], [ "is there a anything else", 0.0002 ], [ "is their anything else", 0.0 ], [ "is there anything else a", 0.0 ], [ "is there anything else i", 0.0 ], [ "is is there anything else", 0.0 ], [ "it there anything else", 0.0 ], [ "is there anything else s", 0.0 ], [ "is there anything else tv", 0.0 ], [ "the there anything else", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "could i have the addresses", "system response": "Sure , shiraz restaurant is on 84 Regent Street City Centre", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right? i dont care about the price range What part of town do you have in mind? uh world food I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving world food how about mediterranean food Sorry would you like world or mediterranean food? mediterranean food the gardenia serves mediterranean food is there anything else shiraz restaurant serves mediterranean food", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "address" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can i have the addressess", 0.6083 ], [ "could i have the addressess", 0.3626 ], [ "i have the addressess", 0.0153 ], [ "ok can i have the addressess", 0.0046 ], [ "can i get the addressess", 0.0031 ], [ "ok could i have the addressess", 0.0028 ], [ "could i get the addressess", 0.0019 ], [ "can great have the addressess", 0.0005 ], [ "and can i have the addressess", 0.0005 ], [ "i i have the addressess", 0.0004 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request address" }, { "turn id": 10, "user utterance": "thank you good bye", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello and welcome to the cambridge What part of town do you have in mind? any part Let me confirm , You are looking for a restaurant in the cheap price range right? i dont care about the price range What part of town do you have in mind? uh world food I'm sorry but there is no restaurant serving world food how about mediterranean food Sorry would you like world or mediterranean food? mediterranean food the gardenia serves mediterranean food is there anything else shiraz restaurant serves mediterranean food could i have the addresses Sure , shiraz restaurant is on 84 Regent Street City Centre", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye", 0.4031 ], [ "thank you bye", 0.2317 ], [ "thank you good goodbye", 0.2315 ], [ "thank you goodbye", 0.1331 ], [ "thank thank you good bye", 0.0001 ], [ "ok thank you good bye", 0.0001 ], [ "you good bye", 0.0001 ], [ "thank thank you bye", 0.0001 ], [ "thank thank you good goodbye", 0.0001 ], [ "ok thank you bye", 0.0001 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "restaurant": { "food": [ "canapes", "scandinavian", "sri lankan", "corsica", "russian", "singaporean", "korean", "vietnamese", "venetian", "middle eastern" ], "price range": [ "cheap", "moderate", "expensive" ], "area": [ "centre", "north", "west", "south", "east" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( canapes | scandinavian | sri lankan | corsica | russian | singaporean | korean | vietnamese | venetian | middle eastern ) | price range : ( cheap | moderate | expensive ) | area : ( centre | north | west | south | east )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "DSTC2-Clean--train--4": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 4, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "", "system response": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "noise", "system response": "What part of town do you have in mind?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "", 0.1746 ], [ "", 0.1587 ], [ "phone", 0.1276 ], [ "phone", 0.116 ], [ "number", 0.1148 ], [ "number", 0.1043 ], [ "phone number", 0.0839 ], [ "phone number", 0.0762 ], [ "what", 0.023 ], [ "what", 0.0209 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "west part of town", "system response": "Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? noise What part of town do you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "west" ] ], "asr": [ [ "west part of town", 0.8481 ], [ "the west part of town", 0.1398 ], [ "in west part of town", 0.0036 ], [ "part of town", 0.0035 ], [ "west west part of town", 0.0031 ], [ "the part of town", 0.0006 ], [ "what part of town", 0.0005 ], [ "the west west part of town", 0.0005 ], [ "west western part of town", 0.0003 ], [ "i west part of town", 0.0001 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "price range" ] }, "dst": "restaurant area west" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "cheap", "system response": "la margherita is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? noise What part of town do you have in mind? west part of town Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "cheap" ] ], "asr": [ [ "cheap", 0.9959 ], [ "cheaper", 0.0027 ], [ "cheap cheap", 0.0006 ], [ "uh", 0.0003 ], [ "a", 0.0002 ], [ "ah", 0.0001 ], [ "cheap", 0.0001 ], [ "cheap", 0.0 ], [ "cheap uh", 0.0 ], [ "cheap is", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant price range cheap" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "do you have another option anything else", "system response": "thanh binh is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? noise What part of town do you have in mind? west part of town Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? cheap la margherita is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "do you have another option anything else", 0.7238 ], [ "you have another option anything else", 0.126 ], [ "do you have another anything else", 0.0447 ], [ "do you have another option options anything else", 0.0418 ], [ "do you have another option option anything else", 0.0211 ], [ "do you have another uh anything else", 0.014 ], [ "do you have another option can anything else", 0.0078 ], [ "you have another anything else", 0.0078 ], [ "you have another option options anything else", 0.0073 ], [ "do have another option anything else", 0.0056 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "could have the phone number", "system response": "The phone number of thanh binh is 01223 362456 .", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? noise What part of town do you have in mind? west part of town Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? cheap la margherita is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range do you have another option anything else thanh binh is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can i have the phone number", 0.5698 ], [ "could i have the phone number", 0.4222 ], [ "i i have the phone number", 0.0018 ], [ "can have the phone number", 0.0017 ], [ "could have the phone number", 0.0013 ], [ "can i have their phone number", 0.0009 ], [ "i have the phone number", 0.0008 ], [ "could i have their phone number", 0.0007 ], [ "can i know the phone number", 0.0005 ], [ "can i i have the phone number", 0.0004 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request phone" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "thank you good bye", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? noise What part of town do you have in mind? west part of town Would you like something in the cheap , moderate , or expensive price range? cheap la margherita is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range do you have another option anything else thanh binh is a nice restaurant in the west of town in the cheap price range could have the phone number The phone number of thanh binh is 01223 362456 .", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you good bye", 0.6286 ], [ "thank you good goodbye", 0.1622 ], [ "thank you bye", 0.1622 ], [ "thank you goodbye", 0.0419 ], [ "ok thank you good bye", 0.0029 ], [ "ok thank you good goodbye", 0.0008 ], [ "ok thank you bye", 0.0008 ], [ "uh thank you good bye", 0.0004 ], [ "ok thank you goodbye", 0.0002 ], [ "uh thank you good goodbye", 0.0001 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "restaurant": { "food": [ "canapes", "scandinavian", "sri lankan", "corsica", "russian", "singaporean", "korean", "vietnamese", "venetian", "middle eastern" ], "price range": [ "cheap", "moderate", "expensive" ], "area": [ "centre", "north", "west", "south", "east" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( canapes | scandinavian | sri lankan | corsica | russian | singaporean | korean | vietnamese | venetian | middle eastern ) | price range : ( cheap | moderate | expensive ) | area : ( centre | north | west | south | east )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] }, "DSTC2-Clean--train--5": { "original dialog id": "", "dialog index": 5, "original dialog info": {}, "log": [ { "turn id": 1, "user utterance": "", "system response": "Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "dialog history": "", "original user side information": {}, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] } }, { "turn id": 2, "user utterance": "hello welcome to the cambridge system", "system response": "What part of town do you have in mind?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "", 0.1494 ], [ "i", 0.125 ], [ "", 0.1191 ], [ "well", 0.1116 ], [ "i", 0.0997 ], [ "i well", 0.0934 ], [ "well", 0.0889 ], [ "for", 0.0745 ], [ "i well", 0.0745 ], [ "that", 0.064 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "area" ] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 3, "user utterance": "east", "system response": "What kind of food would you like?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "area", "east" ] ], "asr": [ [ "east", 0.9966 ], [ "eastern", 0.0013 ], [ "east east", 0.001 ], [ "the", 0.0009 ], [ "in", 0.0001 ], [ "east uh", 0.0 ], [ "east a", 0.0 ], [ "east i", 0.0 ], [ "", 0.0 ], [ "i east", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, "dst": "restaurant area east" }, { "turn id": 4, "user utterance": "expensive", "system response": "What kind of food would you like?", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind? east What kind of food would you like?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "price range", "expensive" ] ], "asr": [ [ "expensive", 0.9983 ], [ "expensive expensive", 0.0006 ], [ "", 0.0004 ], [ "a expensive", 0.0004 ], [ "uh", 0.0001 ], [ "expensive", 0.0001 ], [ "expensive uh", 0.0 ], [ "the", 0.0 ], [ "i expensive", 0.0 ], [ "expensive i", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [ "food" ] }, "dst": "restaurant price range expensive" }, { "turn id": 5, "user utterance": "any type", "system response": "yu garden is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind? east What kind of food would you like? expensive What kind of food would you like?", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "food", "dontcare" ] ], "asr": [ [ "any type", 0.9923 ], [ "any type", 0.002 ], [ "any type", 0.002 ], [ "any type is", 0.0008 ], [ "any it type", 0.0008 ], [ "is type", 0.0008 ], [ "any type of", 0.0004 ], [ "any type uh", 0.0004 ], [ "any type a", 0.0003 ], [ "any any type", 0.0003 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant food dontcare" }, { "turn id": 6, "user utterance": "is there anything else", "system response": "sitar tandoori is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind? east What kind of food would you like? expensive What kind of food would you like? any type yu garden is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "is there anything else", 0.9643 ], [ "is there any else", 0.0188 ], [ "is there anything any else", 0.0112 ], [ "is there anything nothing else", 0.0049 ], [ "is there any any else", 0.0002 ], [ "is there else", 0.0002 ], [ "is there a anything else", 0.0002 ], [ "is there anything anything else", 0.0002 ], [ "is there anything kind else", 0.0001 ], [ "is there any nothing else", 0.0001 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" }, { "turn id": 7, "user utterance": "could i have their phone number and the type of food", "system response": "The phone number of sitar tandoori is 01223 249955 .", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind? east What kind of food would you like? expensive What kind of food would you like? any type yu garden is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive is there anything else sitar tandoori is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ], [ "request", "phone" ] ], "asr": [ [ "can i have the phone number and the type of food", 0.6177 ], [ "can i have the phone number the type of food", 0.1085 ], [ "can i have the phone number and and type of food", 0.1003 ], [ "can have the phone number and the type of food", 0.0445 ], [ "could i have the phone number and the type of food", 0.0443 ], [ "can i i have the phone number and the type of food", 0.0437 ], [ "can i have the phone number and type of food", 0.0176 ], [ "can have the phone number the type of food", 0.0078 ], [ "could i have the phone number the type of food", 0.0078 ], [ "can i i have the phone number the type of food", 0.0077 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request food, restaurant request phone" }, { "turn id": 8, "user utterance": "type of food", "system response": "sitar tandoori serves indian food", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind? east What kind of food would you like? expensive What kind of food would you like? any type yu garden is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive is there anything else sitar tandoori is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive could i have their phone number and the type of food The phone number of sitar tandoori is 01223 249955 .", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [ [ "request", "food" ] ], "asr": [ [ "type of food", 0.9968 ], [ "type type of food", 0.0011 ], [ "of food", 0.001 ], [ "type the of food", 0.0009 ], [ "i of food", 0.0001 ], [ "type of food", 0.0001 ], [ "type uh of food", 0.0 ], [ "type of food uh", 0.0 ], [ "type a of food", 0.0 ], [ "type of food", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "restaurant request food" }, { "turn id": 9, "user utterance": "thank you good bye", "system response": "", "dialog history": " Hello , welcome to the Cambridge restaurant system? You can ask for restaurants by area , price range or food type . How may I help you? hello welcome to the cambridge system What part of town do you have in mind? east What kind of food would you like? expensive What kind of food would you like? any type yu garden is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive is there anything else sitar tandoori is a nice place in the east of town and the prices are expensive could i have their phone number and the type of food The phone number of sitar tandoori is 01223 249955 . type of food sitar tandoori serves indian food", "original user side information": { "turn_label": [], "asr": [ [ "thank you goodbye", 0.306 ], [ "thank you good", 0.247 ], [ "thank you goodbye bye", 0.247 ], [ "thank you good bye", 0.1993 ], [ "uh thank you goodbye", 0.0002 ], [ "uh thank you good", 0.0002 ], [ "uh thank you goodbye bye", 0.0002 ], [ "uh thank you good bye", 0.0001 ], [ "ah thank you goodbye", 0.0 ], [ "ah thank you good", 0.0 ] ] }, "original system side information": { "system_acts": [] }, "dst": "" } ], "external knowledge non-flat": { "metadata": {}, "slots and values": { "restaurant": { "food": [ "canapes", "scandinavian", "sri lankan", "corsica", "russian", "singaporean", "korean", "vietnamese", "venetian", "middle eastern" ], "price range": [ "cheap", "moderate", "expensive" ], "area": [ "centre", "north", "west", "south", "east" ] } }, "intents": {} }, "external knowledge": "()", "dst knowledge": "( restaurant : ( food : ( canapes | scandinavian | sri lankan | corsica | russian | singaporean | korean | vietnamese | venetian | middle eastern ) | price range : ( cheap | moderate | expensive ) | area : ( centre | north | west | south | east )))", "intent knowledge": "()", "prompt": [ "This is a bot helping users to find a restaurant. Given the dialog context and external database, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "This bot assists users to find a restaurant. Based on the dialogue context and information from the external database, please generate an appropriate response for the user.", "This bot helps users to find a restaurant. Based on the conversation history and available external data, please generate a relevant system response for the user.", "The purpose of this bot is to assist users to find a restaurant. Considering the dialogue context and the information available in the external database, please provide a fitting response for the user.", "This bot is designed to help users find a restaurant. By utilizing the current dialog context and external resources, generate a fitting response for the user." ] } }