### Knowledge Grounded Dialogues Below is a general format for knowledge-grounded dialogues: ```js { "dataset_name--train/val/test--dialog_id": { "original dialog id": str, "dialog index": int, "original dialog info": dict, "log": [ { "turn id": int, "user utterance": str, "system response": str, "dialog history": str, "original user side information": dict, "original system side information": dict, "external knowledge": str, }, ... ] // "prompt": list, # To be added }, ... } ``` Please refer to each dataset folder for more details. Acknowledgement: Under this folder, a portion of the datasets has been further refined based on the work done by [UnifiedSKG](https://github.com/HKUNLP/UnifiedSKG). We extend our profound appreciation for their valuable work. If you use their work, please also give them due citation. Thank you!