# ECTSum: A New Benchmark Dataset For Bullet Point Summarization of Long Earnings Call Transcripts Long Paper Accepted at the EMNLP 2022 Main Conference!
  • Paper: https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.748/
  • Poster: https://rajdeep345.github.io/files/pdf/research/ECTSum_EMNLP2022_Poster.pdf
  • Pre-recorded Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DW2i2ApgiE6V7ViiayX5zdJSRXdAEbsy/view
  • ## Dataset The ECTSum dataset can be found under the `data` folder. ## Codes Codes and instructions for our proposed model ECT-BPS can be found under `codes/ECT-BPS`
    Codes and instructions for our baseline models can be found under `codes/baselines` ## Data Preparation for ECT-BPS ### Preparing the data for training the Extractive Module #### Imports `pip install sentence-transformers`
    `pip install num2words`
    `pip install word2number`
    #### Prepare the data `python prepare_data_ectbps_ext.py` #### Data Location The data is saved at `codes/ECT-BPS/ectbps_ext/data/`.
    Processed data is already uploaded at this location. ### Preparing the data for training the Paraphrasing Module #### Imports `pip install sentence-transformers`
    `pip install num2words`
    `pip install word2number`
    #### Prepare the data `python prepare_data_ectbps_para.py` #### Data Location The data is saved at `codes/ECT-BPS/ectbps_para/data/para/`.
    Processed data is already uploaded at this location. #### Prepare the data with numericals masked `python prepare_data_ectbps_para_mask.py` #### Data Location The data is saved at `codes/ECT-BPS/ectbps_para/data/para_mask/`.
    Processed data is already uploaded at this location. ## Updates
  • 1st November 2022 - ECTSum Dataset released
  • 30th November 2022 - Codes and Instructions released for training the Extractive Module of ECT-BPS
  • 3rd March 2023 - Added the Prediction Pipeline for the Extractive module.
  • 5th March 2023 - Codes released to prepare the data for training the Paraphrasing Module
  • 7th March 2023 - Codes released to train the Paraphrasing Module of ECT-BPS
  • 8th March 2023 - Google Colab Notebook released for training and testing the Paraphrasing Module