diff --git "a/dialogue-summarization/AMI/converted_examples.json" "b/dialogue-summarization/AMI/converted_examples.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/dialogue-summarization/AMI/converted_examples.json" @@ -0,0 +1,6255 @@ +{ + "AMI--train--1": { + "original dialog id": "TS3007d.json", + "dialog index": 1, + "original dialog info": { + "dialog history": [ + "A : Wouldn't wanna be Project Manager .", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : Uh , what we going to do .", + "A : Um , once again I'm uh gonna take minutes .", + "A : So , um no presentation for me .", + "A : Uh , first we have a prototype presentation by G_ and G_ .", + "B : ", + "C : ", + "A : Afterwards some uh", + "B : Yo .", + "D : J_ and J_ . ", + "A : eval eval evalu", + "C : Evaluation .", + "D : Evaluation .", + "B : Evaluation criteria .", + "A : evaluation", + "A : s sorry .", + "C : ", + "A : Uh evaluation crit criteria .", + "A : Uh , in combination with the finance I um uh I received uh a an uh an Excel uh file", + "B : ", + "D : Hmm .", + "A : which we have to fill in later on .", + "A : Um , you see .", + "A : Uh , and then we must see uh if we uh stay under the twelve and a half Euro .", + "D : Hmm . Interesting .", + "D : Ah , okay .", + "B : Oops .", + "A : So , that's uh that's a big", + "D : Cool . ", + "C : Mm-hmm . That's gonna be t problem .", + "A : l so let's uh wait it uh um", + "D : ", + "B : Some creative uh ", + "A : we have we have must uh ,", + "A : we must have uh some time for that uh because it will be uh yeah , quite a lot of mathematics .", + "B : Oh . Yeah .", + "A : And after that , uh uh an evaluation of uh the process how we uh how we have done it here with the SMARTboard , with the with our laptops , with the all uh all this .", + "A : And uh afterwards , uh we closing .", + "A : Once again , forty minutes ,", + "A : so uh let's start .", + "B : Ok okay .", + "A : I would g give the word to um G_ and G_ for the prototype presentation .", + "B : Shall I give a short introduction and then uh ", + "C : Yeah , well sure .", + "D : J_ and J_ .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : J_ and J_ .", + "B : J_ and J_ , okay .", + "D : Jane and Jane .", + "A : ", + "D : 'Kay guys , take it away .", + "C : Hi .", + "B : Take it away .", + "A : ", + "D : ", + "B : Um , this was our first concept .", + "B : We decided to use a single touch-screen .", + "B : So , we've worked out this concepts ,", + "B : how to how to hold it , where to put the buttons and and stuff .", + "B : And um , well , we began with uh with a form of shape , that is uh is easy to hold w in one hand , left or right handed .", + "C : ", + "B : So , we made i it a little bit less thick", + "B : and uh it has some ar artistic meaning .", + "B : No ?", + "B : This uh isn't nothing . ", + "D : ", + "A : ", + "B : Idea maybe uh is better .", + "A : ", + "B : Um well , during the meeting I showed you the concept of uh placing the buttons on top , usable with your thumb ,", + "B : and uh the menu structure , uh if necessary , with your other hand ,", + "B : so it's just gonna hold it easily .", + "B : And it has to be acce accessible with your uh other hand too , of course .", + "A : ", + "A : ", + "A : ", + "B : So we began uh working out a concept .", + "C : Yeah , uh well , and as you saw , we would just have the basic remote with the panel L_C_D_ uh screen .", + "C : Well , these would be the main buttons ,", + "C : h you could uh change them later on in your own profile if you want to .", + "C : But , well it's standard they will be delivered with this kind of uh set-up .", + "C : We have the more advanced menu uh setting right here .", + "C : We have the sub-menus and stu stuff .", + "C : We made a top oh , or a front view .", + "C : Just so like you wanna uh back view .", + "C : As you can see , this uh there , there are uh two uh weird bumps in it .", + "D : ", + "A : ", + "C : This is for uh the added uh effect of uh well uh y youth and dynamic .", + "C : And uh this is for the artistic effect .", + "C : Well , what we figured is uh we'll show you a picture later on ", + "A : ", + "C : you have more b a better idea after that .", + "C : But , idea is for to stay in balance with these two uh with these two .", + "D : Hmm .", + "C : And so when you put it on the table , it will just lay down .", + "C : It won't uh roll around or stuff .", + "C : But it will lie more in your hand like an old telephone maybe ,", + "C : or like these old uh phones .", + "A : Mm .", + "C : Y you you may get the idea .", + "C : So thi this is about uh how we figured it should be .", + "C : The s panel we g you would hide with some more uh rubber layers ,", + "C : like we discussed early on .", + "C : Uh , you would s you wouldn't see the uh straight panel , but more fluidly and round .", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : the panel just uh of course goes like this .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : But the overlaying layer is uh a little bit uh curved and stuff .", + "D : Okay .", + "A : No , okay .", + "C : And uh , in these bumps you could actually uh put some electronics", + "C : uh that would ", + "C : you can make a more thinner uh design ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : and that would actually look very nice , yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : And uh , about the colour , what have ", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Oh , we added that this um can be held with your hands for this ", + "B : maximum is om yeah , one and a half centimetres .", + "B : So , you have room here for your battery", + "B : and maybe even other um electronic chips .", + "B : S and you can just be the the layer of the touchscreen and some have some wires underneath it to make it as uh thin as possible in the middle for good grip .", + "D : Okay .", + "D : Hmm .", + "C : ", + "C : Yeah , f uh , as colours , do you do you have the picture in uh ", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Oh yeah .", + "C : Now , well this is the idea about uh the bumps .", + "C : Uh , you can see there's a v a very uh youthful uh dynamic uh exterior .", + "C : It uh ", + "C : you just want to hold it you uh you are young and uh dynamic like us .", + "D : 'S l ", + "D : it's like an uh Easter egg .", + "C : Yeah , it's like an e but this is for children .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : We we want a more adult version .", + "C : But , this is like a remote control for children .", + "D : ", + "A : It's called a weemote ", + "C : . A weemote .", + "D : Weemote .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Weemote .", + "C : Hey , that's actually a brilliant uh marketing stand .", + "B : ", + "D : Wait what I w got in mind . ", + "A : ", + "C : Uh , but ", + "B : Yeah . ", + "A : ", + "B : ", + "C : So this actually basic the idea .", + "C : We we just want to build a more uh adult vers adult version of of this .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Yeah , I can imagine that .", + "C : And and for colours , we we figured starting with basic colours like uh white or metallic grey .", + "C : Those are the technological colours actually ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : so it d", + "B : It would be best to to appeal to a broad public and make the covers exchangeable ,", + "B : so the young people will buy an orange and a red and blue and a purple ,", + "C : Or blue or whatever .", + "B : but when the o older people uh go in the shop and they see uh an orange um remote control , it would be less appealing than a white one .", + "B : And young people , we think , are a little bit more flexible ,", + "D : Hmm .", + "B : they think , ah I'll buy for a couple of Euros some noi nice hip uh ", + "D : Hmm .", + "D : Maybe it's an idea to sell it without a cover , so that you can pick a cover in the in the shop .", + "B : Well ,", + "B : um I think a cover is necessary ,", + "B : 'cause als otherwise you'll just have the L_C_D_ screen .", + "D : Yeah , okay . Yeah , okay .", + "B : So , there must be some cheap standard cover ,", + "D : Hmm . Mm .", + "B : um maybe white or something ,", + "B : that's could comes with it and you can buy ,", + "B : so we can make extra money .", + "A : Yeah , but uh you d you mustn't forget that uh our target aim is younger people .", + "D : Oui okay .", + "A : Uh , we had decided to uh put uh some flashy fruity colours in it ,", + "A : uh and uh in the survey from uh Milan and Paris uh it uh it came out that uh uh the d the older people are uh more willing to uh to spend money on extra features .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : So I think uh it will be a better idea to have some uh flashy fruity colours as as a standard ,", + "B : The other way around , you mean .", + "C : Oh yeah .", + "A : and for the people who uh really want uh a more sophisticated , more traditional look , they're willing to pay uh that .", + "B : Uh-huh .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : They want uh they want more luxury stuff ,", + "A : but they have the money to do it and they want to b to buy that .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : So , maybe it's an idea to put that as an extra and not as a standard .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah . Yeah , maybe yeah , perhaps you're right .", + "C : Uh , I I would I would actually agree with this sounds logical .", + "B : Okay , yeah .", + "D : An another idea .", + "D : Uh , maybe we could uh develop a cover uh with wood style .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : They'll please the elder users as well .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Well yeah ,", + "B : a colour of ", + "B : a wood style , a white c and uh a couple of h hip uh fruity colours .", + "A : ", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Yes .", + "C : Nah . Yeah .", + "B : And lea uh l delivered standard with a fruity colour , but not too not too much .", + "D : Not not too uh yeah .", + "B : This is banana and mango , not not purple or p orange and yellow .", + "D : Yeah , exactly .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : But , the mai I think th uh the standard must be some kind of uh uh attractive flashy colours .", + "D : Yeah . Or blue or ", + "A : Not too , but w a little ,", + "B : Ah . Mm-hmm .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "A : because that's our aim .", + "C : li like like this like this .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : This isn't this isn't too much , is it ?", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah , okay . No . Yeah .", + "D : .", + "C : I f", + "A : Well , the buttons don't have to be uh all uh all of ", + "D : Well I I I think so .", + "C : Yeah . The buttons ,", + "C : I ", + "D : Yeah , except for the buttons it's it could be a standard model .", + "A : yeah .", + "A : It ", + "B : Okay .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : uh something like this would be nice .", + "A : Okay .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Okay , that's that's it from us .", + "A : Thank you .", + "D : 'Kay , it's my time now .", + "B : It's my turn .", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : The Marketing Expert .", + "D : ", + "C : Uh-oh .", + "A : ", + "C : ", + "D : Okay .", + "B : ", + "C : ", + "D : During the ", + "D : Oh . ", + "C : ", + "B : ", + "D : During the design uh design life-cycle we uh", + "A : Sorry .", + "B : ", + "D : we made lot of requirements and trend analysis and stuff .", + "D : Um , now is the time to uh evaluate our prototype concept to uh to the past requirements .", + "D : So we are going to evaluate the design according to the past user requirements and trends analysis .", + "D : Um , we're going to do that with a seven point scale .", + "D : Opening a Word document now .", + "D : Okay .", + "D : One ", + "D : oh , okay , uh I have to expla explain something .", + "D : We have to uh be consensive about about things .", + "D : So , it has to be a group uh group decision .", + "D : Okay ?", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : so we gon we gonna evaluate the", + "D : Uh ", + "D : We're going to vote .", + "D : We ", + "D : yeah ? The prototype .", + "A : Yeah , the the thing we saw .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Okay , just saw .", + "D : Okay , one .", + "D : The remote control is designed for people with age below forty .", + "A : Yeah . Seven ?", + "D : ", + "D : Seven is false .", + "B : ", + "A : Uh , true .", + "D : Yeah , b one or ", + "A : Sorry .", + "A : Yeah , one I think .", + "D : Most true ?", + "C : Why ?", + "C : Yeah , it's not just uh designed for people under the age of forty . It's also designed for people above forty .", + "B : Mm .", + "D : Yeah ,", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : so ", + "D : so a o one is appropriate ?", + "C : So ", + "D : Or , more like a four .", + "B : No no , a little more in the middle .", + "B : No ,", + "C : I have ", + "D : Three .", + "B : uh three or yeah .", + "C : I've ", + "C : Yeah , two or three ,", + "C : because it's not just ", + "C : uh the qu question is aimed at is it designed for people with age below forty .", + "A : Okay .", + "C : But it's also designed for people of age above forty . So ,", + "D : Ah , exactly .", + "D : Exactly .", + "C : I'll say it's about three .", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : it will be primary appealing to to m minus forty , but also appealing to ", + "A : Okay .", + "D : Three .", + "A : ", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : But also for yeah , okay .", + "D : Uh , second .", + "D : The remote control is beautiful .", + "B : Yeah . ", + "C : ", + "B : It's ", + "A : ", + "B : Wow .", + "D : Yeah ,", + "C : ", + "D : acco according to us , it's one ? Or ", + "C : Yeah , I I think ", + "B : Yeah ,", + "A : Yeah . ", + "B : it's the marketing uh angle on television .", + "C : Yeah . ", + "D : Yeah ,", + "C : ", + "D : p s", + "B : We have a wonderful ", + "D : Of c of course you have to be uh very positive and uh enthusiastic about your own product .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : ", + "B : Well , it's also fancy then .", + "D : Three .", + "D : Uh , the remote control looks fancy .", + "C : Yes .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : One ?", + "B : Of course . We have a perfect remote .", + "C : Yes .", + "A : Yep .", + "D : Good .", + "D : Four .", + "D : The remote control has big , clear channel switching buttons .", + "B : Yes .", + "B : Yeah yeah ,", + "B : oh they have to agree but ", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Yes .", + "C : Leads to user face , yeah .", + "D : Daniel .", + "B : I'm the User Interface uh Expert . ", + "D : Uh , teletext buttons and volume buttons ?", + "B : Um , uh no .", + "A : No teletext buttons .", + "A : Teletext is in the menu .", + "B : You you've different menu .", + "D : False ?", + "C : Yeah , false .", + "B : And volume is impo", + "D : And volume ?", + "B : yeah .", + "A : Volume is true .", + "D : True .", + "C : Uh , hmm .", + "D : Big and clear ?", + "A : ", + "C : Yeah , the they are big and clear . .", + "B : Yeah yeah , big and clear .", + "A : Yeah , big and clear .", + "B : But you could make a teletext button uh six .", + "D : Hey .", + "B : Otherwise , the people who read this uh are gonna think we have no teletext button .", + "D : Hey .", + "D : Hide .", + "A : ", + "C : Yeah , but but the teletext button . Yeah , you can ch That's in a menu .", + "D : ", + "D : It's it's not ", + "C : So , it's w yeah , it it it", + "D : yeah , it ", + "C : it isn't entirely unclear ,", + "D : J", + "C : but", + "C : So , I wouldn't give it a seven .", + "C : I would give it a more a five or a six .", + "B : No .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Five ?", + "D : Okay .", + "C : Uh , I don I don't know .", + "C : What do you think , uh Mister Project Manager ?", + "D : Yeah ,", + "D : it's it's yeah .", + "A : Oh , okay . Well , I agree .", + "D : ", + "A : I was thinking very black and white .", + "C : Hmm .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : ", + "B : Black and red . ", + "A : Thank you J_ . ", + "C : ", + "C : ", + "B : Okay , don't forget to save it . Uh ", + "C : ", + "D : Red .", + "A : ", + "D : Okay . Volume .", + "D : The remote control is easy to be found .", + "B : Uh well , when we put in fancy colours , yeah", + "B : and ", + "A : Fruity . ", + "D : ", + "C : Yeah , it has these all these fruity colours and it has a strange shape .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : So , if you so if you have trouble finding it ", + "B : But , um it it's not making any sound uh ,", + "D : ", + "B : have we deciding ?", + "D : Oh , okay ,", + "D : but ", + "B : So ", + "D : If you put uh your normal uh remote control under your bed , or you throw this remote control under your bed , is it better findable ?", + "B : It'll make a difference .", + "B : We have the better re ", + "B : I don't know .", + "B : Yeah , I think so .", + "B : My remote control's black .", + "D : A li little bit maybe ?", + "B : A little bit , but yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Well , we p we can do it glow in the dark .", + "D : Four ?", + "B : Uh ", + "D : Fi", + "B : K yeah .", + "A : So , if it's in the dark place , you still see it glowing .", + "D : I ", + "B : Fo fo yeah fo five is .", + "D : Ah , I I I think five .", + "D : It's it's it doesn't really make a lot of ", + "C : Well , then uh then I'll go for four .", + "D : Four ?", + "C : Because uh four is between three and uh uh also between between true and false .", + "B : Yeah , okay , you're right .", + "C : Uh ,", + "D : Yes , but five is between four and six . ", + "A : I think ", + "C : so I'll I'll go for four .", + "A : Ah , you must see it as", + "A : uh , w uh according to uh the the other uh remote controls , there may uh uh be there in your uh T_V_ room , this one will stand out , I think .", + "C : Wha", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : B_ .", + "C : ", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , that that's a better question actually .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : it it's ", + "A : Exa", + "A : I think that that's what it's about .", + "B : If your uh fifteen remotes in a drawer , uh you find it , yeah ?", + "A : If it ", + "A : if this lying on your couch , you're you're you think what's that for kinda orange uh thing .", + "D : Yeah , yeah .", + "D : But but the survey under users was that they uh really lost it .", + "A : So ", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah , that's stupid . ", + "D : Like , no not uh not seeing it , but lost it in the house or something .", + "C : ", + "A : ", + "A : Okay .", + "B : Uh , but when you lost it you're just not ", + "D : But , okay .", + "C : Well , if i if you see a strange shape lying somewhere , uh then you'd uh recognise it as , whoa , that is strange .", + "A : That's our remote control . ", + "D : Yeah , okay . Yeah , I I agree , I agree .", + "B : Yeah , mostly when you lose your remote control , it it's under your ", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , what is that . Uh ,", + "D : Okay .", + "C : so it's ", + "B : Most of times when you lose it you're sitting on it . Uh ", + "D : Eight ,", + "D : the remote control has fresh , fruity colours .", + "A : True . ", + "B : Um I would call uh choose two ,", + "C : ", + "B : 'cause we decided not to make two f uh fresh colours , as it would not .", + "D : Yeah , yeah , not too flashy .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : The remote control is made of soft material .", + "A : ", + "B : Um ,", + "C : Yeah , rubber , is kind of soft .", + "B : kinda soft , but but not this .", + "A : Yeah , but not too soft we have decided .", + "D : Three ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Three , yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah yeah , easy to use ,", + "A : Easy to use . One .", + "B : very afford .", + "D : Easy to use ?", + "A : Yeah , can it be zero ? ", + "C : Well , I don yeah , it is kind of ", + "D : Top easy to use ?", + "D : It's it's not the most easy to use ", + "C : It ", + "B : No ,", + "C : No . Uh ", + "B : you can do two , because um", + "D : It can be easier .", + "B : it can be easier .", + "C : It could yeah .", + "D : Jus just with ten buttons , that's the easiest .", + "B : But then you're l", + "B : yeah , but then you'll lose ", + "C : Functional ability .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : function f yeah , functionality and our fancy uh look , so .", + "D : Yeah , but the most uh easy to use is just with one button", + "B : But ", + "B : It is r it is rather easy to use , because you have the primary buttons always visible .", + "A : ", + "D : on t", + "D : ", + "D : Yeah , okay , but easy n not not the most easy to use , I think .", + "C : .", + "B : ", + "C : No , it's it I I'll go for two .", + "B : No .", + "C : My vote's on two . ", + "D : Two ?", + "B : Yeah , m mine too .", + "A : Okay , two . Yeah , two .", + "D : We also have to compare it to the uh to the remote controls on the market nowadays . So ", + "B : Yeah , but waits just a minutes .", + "B : Inspiration .", + "A : What's the time ?", + "A : We also have uh to do the evaluation , uh the production costs and uh stuff .", + "B : These are the m regular remotes .", + "D : Yeah yeah ,", + "D : I'm uh hurrying .", + "D : Okay , eleven .", + "A : ", + "D : The remote control is innovative .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yes , true , one .", + "C : Yes .", + "D : A very ", + "A : You're agree , Tim ?", + "D : of course .", + "A : You haven't seen a more innovative uh thing in uh Paris ? ", + "D : The remote control has m remova removable from Multilux .", + "C : ", + "B : Yes , one .", + "B : Very multifunctional .", + "B : No .", + "A : ", + "D : The remote control , i it has speech recognition .", + "D : False .", + "C : Yes ,", + "A : False .", + "C : it ", + "B : This is used with speech recognition , this .", + "D : The remote control has built-in games ?", + "B : Yes .", + "A : ", + "B : But uh , maybe make it two , because the games are in a sub-menu and not uh it's not an entire game .", + "A : Yeah , but they are built in , so it's one .", + "C : Yeah , they are built in .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah , okay .", + "C : Not down .", + "A : Okay . ", + "D : And the last , paren parental advisory function . ", + "C : You really like the parental advisory . ", + "B : Yes .", + "A : Freak . ", + "D : Yes , I do .", + "B : Th did you make this or the ", + "C : Bu", + "D : Save as .", + "C : Yeah , he made it . ", + "B : Yeah , ", + "B : It changes it maybe .", + "D : Okay , I will uh", + "B : Oh yay .", + "D : do the the math .", + "B : Oh dear .", + "D : Now it's your turn .", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : thank you .", + "D : ", + "A : ", + "A : We'll see .", + "B : Hmm ?", + "A : Mm .", + "A : Okay , we have now to c uh to calculate the production cost .", + "A : If it's under uh twelve and half Euro , then it's uh ok uh okay .", + "A : But i is it if it is b", + "A : Huh ?", + "A : No , this isn't right .", + "A : Okay so , . Redesign .", + "B : If they're under twelve fifty .", + "A : Oh yeah , if they under Yeah .", + "A : No .", + "A : Oh yeah . Yeah , it's ", + "B : Yeah ? Cau 'cause so it's okay .", + "C : ", + "A : sorry .", + "A : Yeah , if the costs are under twelve and a half Euro , uh then we uh can uh ra uh move on to the project evaluation , as we have uh experienced it .", + "A : Otherwise , we have uh do uh have to do a little uh redesign uh thingy . So ", + "A : Uh , we have to fill in the numbers of the component uh components .", + "A : We have to uh fil uh , want to uh do it in and uh see uh if we stay under the twelve and a half Euro .", + "A : So , do we have uh a hand dynamo ?", + "C : No .", + "A : No .", + "A : That's zero .", + "C : Me , too .", + "B : Battery , yes . One .", + "C : Yes .", + "A : Battery , one ?", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : One , yeah .", + "A : Okay .", + "B : Kinetic , one .", + "A : Kinetic , one ?", + "C : Yeah . Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Okay , solar cells , zero .", + "B : ", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Okay , uh simple chip on print ?", + "C : Uh , n no .", + "D : No .", + "A : No ?", + "D : Advanced chip .", + "C : No .", + "A : No , advanced chip .", + "B : No .", + "C : Yes .", + "A : Sample sensor sample speaker ?", + "B : No , the advanced chip is uh ", + "C : No .", + "D : Advanced chip is three .", + "A : Three ?", + "D : Three Euros , yep .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Uh , we have one . We have one ", + "A : Yeah uh , but it it's one one thing , it's three Euro .", + "D : Okay , one piece , yeah .", + "C : .", + "C : No , sev zero .", + "A : Uh , what's the sample sensor ?", + "D : No .", + "C : Well , that's um ", + "D : Speech recognition , I think .", + "B : Yeah ,", + "C : yeah , speech recognition", + "B : you give it a sample , uh one .", + "A : Okay .", + "C : and s", + "A : Zero .", + "A : Uh , uncurved flat .", + "B : No .", + "D : No .", + "C : A zero .", + "A : No .", + "A : But is it s it's not made from a single uncurved thingy and then uh and then uh ", + "D : No .", + "B : You ", + "B : no .", + "C : No . No .", + "D : Thingy . ", + "A : no ? Okay .", + "A : So it's only uh once double-curved .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : Yes ,", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : 'cause um the layer around it fits around the bubbles on the o on the uh the back of the ", + "D : three .", + "D : Eight .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : We're now in a problem , 'cause uh we have uh reached eleven Euro yet .", + "C : ", + "B : Uh , we don't have anything else . So ", + "D : Okay , go on . Just go on .", + "C : ", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : but uh we have ", + "C : Just go on .", + "C : Then we'll see uh we'll we'll see uh wha how much we are over budget .", + "A : Okay .", + "B : Could you step a little to the right ma", + "D : Two .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Oh , sorry .", + "D : Two .", + "A : Uh , rubber .", + "B : Or ", + "A : You .", + "C : Zero .", + "B : And zero .", + "A : Titanium , no ? ", + "B : Special uh is the special colour ?", + "A : Special colour ?", + "B : Mm .", + "C : I don't think so .", + "C : No , this is a standard colour .", + "D : No .", + "A : Yeah , but we want to make uh the wood colours , uh that uh ", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : S", + "C : Yes , this is a special colour . ", + "B : Yeah , if if you're honest , we'll uh type one , special colour .", + "D : ", + "D : Yeah , but but D but Daniel , tha that's that's another brand .", + "C : That's an add-on .", + "A : Yeah , one .", + "D : That's another article", + "D : to sell .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah , but we we going to ", + "A : yeah yeah , that's true .", + "A : But yeah , it's it's it ", + "B : Uh , j maybe we'll finish uh the the list first and then look back , aye ?", + "D : That doesn't account for this . Producing this .", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : the push-button , no .", + "B : No .", + "B : Scroll wheel , no .", + "A : Scroll-wheel , no .", + "B : No .", + "A : No .", + "A : Oh , no .", + "B : ", + "A : Yes , one .", + "B : One , yeah .", + "A : Uh , button , no .", + "C : No .", + "B : No .", + "A : No , the the ", + "B : Mm , is it ", + "A : we don't have a s", + "C : These three .", + "B : No . No .", + "D : No .", + "C : Well , we're only four Euro over budget .", + "A : no . Okay .", + "A : Oh , okay .", + "B : So ", + "C : But ", + "A : So , um what's the thing we can change ?", + "B : No . No .", + "C : Well , other case , we can make it single-curved or uncurved .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Uh , can I uh I say something ?", + "B : Mm , single-curves .", + "D : Yeah , of course . ", + "A : No , can I say something uh as Project Manager ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Just cut off the kine", + "A : The kinetic thing , can we just skip it ,", + "B : yeah .", + "A : because uh you have to shake it , but that's not really innovative .", + "C : Yeah . Okay , sure .", + "B : Or ", + "B : yeah . ", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : we just put a good battery it it .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Mobile phones nowadays .", + "D : Daniel . Daniel ,", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yo .", + "D : what do you think about Here .", + "A : Sorry ,", + "A : yeah , yes . ", + "D : What do you think about uh putting a battery in it , but also selling like uh the covers , a docking station", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : just apart from the from the thing , so that you can uh put uh", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "D : rechargeable batteries in it and just ", + "A : Okay .", + "B : But you can use rechargeable batteries anyway , just you s you have to recharge them manual .", + "A : Yeah , and not really .", + "D : Yeah , yeah , okay .", + "A : But we ", + "A : if you forget about the kinetic ,", + "D : Just an idea .", + "B : Yeah ,", + "C : Yeah , sure .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : that's a cost reduc", + "A : well if we do that ,", + "A : we shall .", + "B : Ah . ", + "C : Okay ,", + "C : well you you can go from double-curved to single-curved .", + "A : So um ", + "D : Yeah , of course .", + "C : And that would solve the budget problem .", + "A : Uh , b but i but the single-curved is just oh ", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : so we have to bake the ba back flat , and then ", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : It's just yeah well , the single-curve that ", + "B : No , it's it's just one curve and not a back uh curved I think . Or ", + "A : Oh , okay , okay .", + "C : Yeah . Exactly , yeah .", + "B : Or are these two curves ? Uh ", + "A : So that's wh tha that's one option .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : ", + "A : And then w yeah , and then we could have it ,", + "D : Yeah , ", + "A : but uh it's its' well it's it's r it is the main point of the the the the look .", + "D : ", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : but what else uh do we have to cut out ?", + "C : We going to cut ", + "B : No advanced chip , uh that's a little bit of problem .", + "A : No , tho uh that that can be done .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : So uh ,", + "B : Although , can we make it with a regular chip ?", + "A : okay , a little less uh conversation .", + "B : Curvy .", + "D : Hey , those ar arcs , why are there for ?", + "A : Sorry ?", + "D : The blue blue uh", + "A : Fill in ", + "A : Just a", + "D : Okay .", + "B : Explanation .", + "A : explanation .", + "B : Twelve fifty .", + "C : ", + "A : I can delete it for you if you want .", + "B : Well ", + "C : ", + "D : No , no no .", + "A : So , if we do this , uh we're on uh twelve and a half Euro .", + "A : And we're done .", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : but does it fit with our design ?", + "B : Do we have to u adapt it ?", + "A : Uh well , the only uh thing that don't ", + "B : It's single-curves .", + "A : Yeah , single-curved , but there's a curve in it . So ", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : W", + "B : Could we just make the bubbles uh cut off the back , and then we're uh has ", + "C : Yeah , we just make it flat .", + "B : Okay .", + "D : But , wha 'Kay , look ,", + "C : But , you do l", + "D : what is the uh ", + "D : If you make it double-curved , it costs one Euro more .", + "B : More . Yeah .", + "D : But ", + "B : You make it optional .", + "D : No ,", + "D : but does it have a lot of extra uh ", + "C : Function .", + "B : Functional .", + "D : fun function more like ", + "C : Worth , does it have added worth ?", + "B : Uh , there's an a a athe aesthetic value , but not functionality .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : No , um ", + "A : Yeah , it's really a static value . Yeah .", + "D : Yeah , uh aesthetic .", + "D : I mean , uh you make like eleven and a half Euros profit instead of twelve and a half .", + "D : But I don't know if twelve and a half is uh a fixed uh fixed price .", + "C : Yeah , well let's assume it is .", + "A : Yeah , it is . Oh .", + "D : No , we can't go above that .", + "D : Yeah ?", + "C : We we should assume it i that it is .", + "A : Yeah , okay .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah , okay . Then it's okay .", + "C : But I I figured that the kinetic would be a marketing promotion .", + "C : R if you uh promote a kinetic um I kinetic remote control , I mean , that would b sell better than an a normal remote control .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Do you think ?", + "D : Yeah , I think so .", + "A : Well , now you can shake your remote control . ", + "C : No , well , y I mean uh , y you can go into your neighbour and tell him , ha , my k uh remote control is kinetic .", + "A : Kinetic .", + "C : You have standard old battery control uh remote con", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : What a what about all the m the environment freaks ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Not freaks ,", + "B : Yeah , but it doesn't fit in our co cost profile . So ", + "D : the envi", + "C : ", + "D : No .", + "C : True .", + "D : I I think it's it's ", + "D : It look like this one .", + "B : You ma can make an an especialised extra gold version .", + "A : Yeah ?", + "A : Who ", + "A : because if you want to go to kinetic , you're uh you're on thirteen and a half and you must go to flat ,", + "D : ", + "A : and I think now it's it's more of uh a compromise", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : thing .", + "A : And if you make the single curve ha just a big curve ,", + "D : ", + "A : then it's uh then it's uh ", + "B : Yeah , just one big curve . ", + "A : yeah , one big good curve .", + "C : ", + "A : I was going to uh say nasty words , but I don't .", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : This is strange by the way .", + "A : Wood is m is is is cheaper than rubber .", + "A : We thought that wood would be more expensive .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Uh , this uh American figures .", + "B : You just cut down some trees . ", + "A : Yeah , maybe .", + "A : But uh that ", + "A : this is this is it ?", + "A : Yeah . Okay , this is it .", + "D : This is it .", + "B : Whoever makes uh a remote control out of titanium .", + "A : I'm gonna save it .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yes . ", + "C : It is possible , but you can't use double uh curves for titanium .", + "B : No .", + "C : That's one of the functionability uh ", + "A : Okay , well ,", + "A : considering we have ", + "D : Ah no , we have to do all those hours again .", + "A : ", + "C : ", + "D : Go back .", + "D : One back ?", + "D : Costs on uh No redesign . ", + "C : ", + "B : ", + "A : Well , we were above , so we did a little redesign ", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : We sue . ", + "D : Yeah , okay , yeah .", + "B : We Yeah , we'll start her all o all over again .", + "A : Okay , um", + "A : now uh it's about time to uh talk about uh this project .", + "A : Uh , some uh things .", + "A : Were there uh room for uh ", + "A : was there room for creativity in our meetings or in your individual meetings ?", + "B : Um ", + "D : Hmm .", + "D : I I didn't think so . That there was a lot of room for it .", + "D : But , that's mainly because uh of the information that was delivered to us .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : It was just fixed information and get your stuff from there ,", + "D : and I couldn't go on on i on the internet and search my own stuff . Bu", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah , yeah , yeah .", + "A : That's true . I agree with that .", + "C : Well , I th I think you two , uh especially you and uh and uh Daniel , you d you you both had uh the less creative uh roles in the project .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah . That's true .", + "B : For us , there was a lot of creativity .", + "C : 'Cause I think m", + "B : We could just sign up an uh remote if we liked .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah , that's true .", + "C : I think Jeroen and I , we had a more design we could have more we had more room for creativity than than you two .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah . Yeah , that's true .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : Uh how about the leadership ? ", + "B : Uh ", + "C : Ha .", + "D : Leadership was uh crappy .", + "B : Crappy . Cra", + "C : Nah , the leadership wasn't crappy , it was the leader that was crappy .", + "A : ", + "B : Yeah . ", + "D : Okay .", + "A : Okay , thank you very much .", + "C : Nah . No ,", + "C : the leadership was okay . ", + "D : ", + "A : Now we're done . ", + "B : Yeah , example of crappy leadershi", + "D : No , leadership was uh", + "B : Okay , yeah .", + "D : Okay ,", + "C : Yeah , it was good .", + "D : I thought uh the first meeting was a little bit of unstructured meeting .", + "A : Yeah , that's true .", + "D : Uh , you could have ", + "D : but uh , it was your first ,", + "D : no uh no disrespect or something ,", + "D : but you could have uh structure it a l little bit more .", + "C : ", + "A : ", + "D : So like , I I was talking most of the time the first meeting meeting , and ", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : You could of said , shut up you fool . ", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : ", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah . I notice it too .", + "D : But ", + "A : I was a I was also very uh unhappy , uh very unsatisfied uh about the", + "D : About me . ", + "A : about the first meeting .", + "C : ", + "A : So , uh I hope uh uh the the the other meetings uh", + "D : Yeah , you made up . ", + "C : Try to learn from your mistake . And we will never do it again . ", + "A : get better", + "A : and uh I think the the last two meetings uh also we we reached uh some good decisions about uh talk ", + "D : No , it you did better .", + "B : Yeah , more more consensus .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Ev everybody w was agreeing every ", + "A : yeah .", + "D : Much more constructive .", + "A : Okay , so uh that's cool .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Uh , teamwork ?", + "A : Well , maybe that's uh only ", + "A : Yeah well , it's for us , because uh ", + "B : Well , we work together on a project , but everybody has his own task .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah", + "B : So , it is a little bit ", + "A : and it's wo more like presentation and some points were discussed .", + "D : ", + "B : Yeah . No ", + "A : But , really teamwork were you two uh ", + "D : Two guys .", + "B : Well , it went okay .", + "A : The ", + "C : Yeah , that went w it went well .", + "C : It's it's just uh ", + "A : Yeah ?", + "B : Stupid stupid pen , but uh ", + "A : No hard feelings .", + "C : Nah . Yeah , we we had some trouble with the pen , but ", + "A : ", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Now you you must push a little while .", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : but but draw something uh difficult .", + "C : Yeah , but us ", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : D uh just write your name right now .", + "B : Try to write your name ,", + "C : ", + "A : Okay .", + "B : in in writing letters , of course , yeah ?", + "B : Yeah , normally , uh this uh ", + "B : the w Block letter sign it , yeah ?", + "A : O Just uh ", + "B : Just just write your name in in one line .", + "A : okay .", + "B : If it's a little bit too small", + "B : bit quicker now .", + "B : It didn't ", + "A : You can be you can go quicker , 'cause then it it won't notice it .", + "B : Uh he he knows how it works , yeah .", + "C : Oh .", + "A : I follow the Master class for the SMARTboard ,", + "C : ", + "B : ", + "A : so I think that's the that's the main issue .", + "D : Okay .", + "A : Um , so uh about this one you were uh you're dealing with ,", + "D : Means .", + "C : ", + "B : Y well , yeah .", + "A : um the the the the digital pen .", + "B : Th the i", + "B : The idea is great , but it doesn't work properly . Uh ", + "A : Okay . Yeah .", + "D : Digital pen , I thought uh th the first time I did individual work , I used it .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : But , a and the first two meetings I brought it with me ,", + "D : but I didn't use it at all after the first the first meeting .", + "A : No .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : No , I have it working .", + "C : But , uh yeah , well uh ", + "D : It's it's not real real use for me .", + "C : No , it doesn't have that much added value to the ", + "A : Huh .", + "B : Nee .", + "A : Well ", + "B : As uh as I said a m a c few moments ago , it I would like , myself , to write with a normal pen ,", + "B : because must um ", + "B : Yeah , it's almost the same concept , but you can just sim more simply put it on our scanner .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : I it's the same concept as the pen , where you f have to download the software or s uh very uh slow .", + "A : M yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : And it is still your own handwriting uh popping up in uh Word .", + "B : Yes . No , and it doesn't give any added value .", + "A : No , uh that's true . No .", + "D : Not really , no .", + "A : And uh the SMARTboard is uh useful ,", + "A : but the the pen is I uh not user-friendly , I think .", + "B : Yeah , not user-friendly .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Be it it takes a lot of time to draw things and to write things ,", + "D : ", + "B : Yeah , and it's it's not very precise .", + "A : and that's the ", + "B : We're trying to m to ", + "D : Yeah ,", + "D : like when you do this .", + "B : Yeah , it may um ", + "B : Yeah , and tr try to wri write your name uh in a in a normal uh size , yeah .", + "B : Smaller .", + "D : Smaller ?", + "B : Yeah , smaller .", + "B : Just like when you're writing on a letter .", + "A : Yeah , but that's not th the the you ", + "A : when you at a foreign audience , you b don't gonna wr uh write uh small .", + "B : No ,", + "B : a as you saw on on this drawing , just open open this one or that one .", + "B : It's uh th it it ", + "B : Yeah , uh we had more problems even here", + "B : when we trying to draw these buttons , it's almost impossible to get clear uh when you're uh ", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Oh . Sorry .", + "A : But maybe there's some function with ", + "A : no , it isn't .", + "A : With uh ", + "B : And the eraser was another problem .", + "B : It w t is is this large .", + "B : And when you try to erase this line , y ", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Well , I'm gonna erase my uh name . ", + "B : I'm gonna erase my name there .", + "A : Yeah , it's a big uh big eraser .", + "D : Okay .", + "D : New ideas ?", + "B : M Abo What kind of new ideas ?", + "A : Um ", + "A : Well , the the idea of the touch-screen is uh ", + "D : ", + "D : Do you ?", + "B : Yeah , uh ", + "A : ", + "D : Go on . ", + "A : I'm just uh ", + "B : New ideas about uh the working of this software , about about the project , about the remote controls or ", + "D : Yeah . Mm , yeah , I think so .", + "A : I don't know what what I mean .", + "A : No .", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "B : Hello .", + "D : Did you heard what he said ?", + "C : Know what I mean . ", + "D : I don't ", + "D : I don't know what I mean .", + "D : Oh , I have some figure .", + "C : ", + "D : Here .", + "D : The eva the evaluation ,", + "A : Oh .", + "A : Oh yeah .", + "D : the mm the mean uh number is uh one point eight one point eight six .", + "A : That's interesting .", + "D : So that's fairly uh fairly good , I think .", + "A : Okay ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : because what does it mean ?", + "B : So true .", + "D : Uh , that uh", + "A : All the mo yeah , are between one and two .", + "D : all the requirements uh are true or very true , right . Yep .", + "A : Yeah . Oh , okay . Yeah , okay .", + "A : Thank you , expert .", + "D : ", + "C : ", + "A : But the new ideas found for uh wi with working with this uh software ?", + "B : Not really , just they have to improve it .", + "A : Not really , yeah ?", + "B : Uh , the concept is okay ,", + "A : Yeah , I think ", + "B : but it has to be quicker .", + "B : Uh , it is still opening my programme ,", + "B : n almo almost uh my entire computer is locked up during the process", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : and it , yeah , just takes too many time .", + "B : People will still feel the need to to write it quickly on uh a page and not download it and save it , and ", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : You had expected it to to be uh more more uh ", + "B : More user-friendly .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : 'Cause when you use a pen , you can just draw like you d draw normally ,", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : and you do", + "D : May maybe the idea you proposed is uh a screen here .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : And draw it , and it's it's placed over there .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah , that l", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Would be easier .", + "B : Or at least when you you don't have to adapt to the technology ,", + "B : just you can write in the way you normally write .", + "D : Hmm ? No .", + "B : And now you have to um keep constantly in mind that you're drawing on this screen .", + "B : And that's a very bad concept .", + "A : Yep , yep .", + "A : Yeah , that's true .", + "D : Ah , very bad .", + "B : Nah , okay , I I it's my opinion that I ", + "D : But ", + "D : I think this is better than regular flip-overs ,", + "D : but ", + "B : Yeah , it's can be saved easier .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : But if you're in normal flip-over you a lot of people write text .", + "B : There's no text option .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : And writing text uh , yeah , you've gotta really do your best to write some ", + "A : Yeah ,", + "A : and and maybe some uh functions for uh uh uh circle or uh a square .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : You have to draw it yourself now .", + "B : Or maybe even insert picture .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : If you have uh some presentation , and you have some f", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Or text function .", + "C : Just t t type text , and that that would be uh excellent .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Mean ", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah ,", + "D : but insert image isn't available ?", + "B : 'Cause then you could ", + "D : Here . Picture from scanner , clip-art .", + "A : Yeah , that that can be done already .", + "B : Oh , okay .", + "A : But not the the the the predefined uh squares I think uh ", + "B : So you can ", + "D : Hyperlink ?", + "D : Hey , what if you do like hyperlink ?", + "B : With uh W_W_ dot Google dot com .", + "D : Type type it ?", + "B : Oh yeah .", + "D : Re Real Reaction dot N_L_ .", + "B : Maybe .", + "A : Hmm ?", + "D : Yes , is now is okay .", + "A : Sorry ?", + "D : Okay ?", + "B : You'll just make a link in ", + "D : Huh .", + "B : Yeah . ", + "A : Well , that's nice .", + "B : There's one way to uh ", + "A : Is it ", + "D : 'Kay , double-click it .", + "B : Maybe if if you're not using the eraser ", + "A : Here . oh .", + "D : You're erasing .", + "A : Oh , sorry .", + "B : Something else th", + "B : Yeah , arrow .", + "D : Double-click it .", + "A : Yeah . Here , that .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : Well , it's ", + "A : So you have ", + "A : as you saw , you have a little uh ", + "A : Oh , you can ", + "A : Yeah ,", + "A : thank you .", + "A : You can go uh", + "B : Yeah , okay .", + "A : there .", + "A : So there the the the functionality is there ,", + "A : but it's not it's not ideal ,", + "B : But ", + "A : and it's it's very ", + "B : .", + "A : it costs a lot of time to uh", + "B : To use , yeah .", + "A : to use .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : And that's a pity ,", + "A : if you uh if you have uh thirty , forty minutes uh for this kind of things ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : And that's m", + "A : and we are now with four people ,", + "A : but it ", + "A : well , imagine you are here you're with the ten people and everyone uh ", + "B : ", + "B : That's mostly the case ,", + "B : from the over here with the managements you get two minutes to make your case ,", + "B : and if you have to do all this kind ", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Two minutes of drawing , yeah .", + "D : Yep .", + "B : You'll rather use PowerPoint and work it out in advance .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : And th the one or two things you have to draw when you're there , just use a flip-board .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : What I really miss also is uh", + "C : ", + "A : ", + "D : is a d is a turtle ", + "D : is a decision uh decision system", + "C : ", + "D : like um ", + "D : With the evaluation , you have to Polls like , what do you want , a one , a two ,", + "A : Yeah yeah .", + "D : maybe a a l a little application like uh uh give your own number and click one two three four five six seven .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah , just like he said with the with the a screen which you can write , also uh a kind of voting uh mechanism .", + "D : Yeah , j ju ju yeah , v voting application .", + "C : Oh .", + "D : Just a little group group decision application .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : But uh , problem is , well you can't discuss anything ", + "C : well you you ca uh you can ,", + "C : but you will discuss a lot less than l like we did now .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : We I mean uh w w w one one person s maybe said three .", + "C : But , well uh I we said uh , no I w th think two , because this and this ,", + "C : and then you can react uh on it .", + "C : But if you you put a three on it , uh just figure well , everybody knows what I'm knowing , so they'll all just put a two on .", + "D : Yeah , okay .", + "D : Yeah , of course . But , uh you can still discuss about it ,", + "C : Yeah , but it would yeah .", + "D : but but click it in an application , that's a lot easier to process .", + "C : Yeah okay , the for processing part .", + "D : The digit . Yeah .", + "C : But then uh , I think the idea of one person entering it and the rest uh discussing it , that uh isn't that bad idea , actually .", + "A : ", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : ", + "D : ", + "C : Not that your opinion isn't valued , but but still .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : ", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Okay .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : Okay , so ", + "B : Yo , manager .", + "D : That's it ?", + "A : Uh well , just about ,", + "C : ", + "B : When are w", + "A : because uh", + "D : ", + "B : When are we going to produce it ?", + "A : Yeah , tomorrow ?", + "D : Celebration .", + "A : Uh , the costs are within the budget .", + "A : Uh , the project is evaluated .", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : But , before we going to celebrate , uh I have uh a little question which you can't answer ,", + "A : because uh there must be some kind of end report .", + "A : I am busy with the end report right now .", + "A : You might thinking what the hell was he doing uh ", + "D : What is an end report ?", + "A : Uh about all the meetings , what we have decided ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : a r r a report of this day .", + "D : Yeah , yeah .", + "A : Uh , that must be made ,", + "A : but I don't know ,", + "A : here is uh standing uh whoa , we can celebrate now , but the end report is ", + "D : Oh , you ha you have ten minutes left , I uh read .", + "B : Oh .", + "D : You have now ten minutes left to finish up the end report .", + "A : Okay well , that uh that can be done .", + "A : Maybe we can do it uh together .", + "A : You can see what I've uh ", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : yeah ?", + "A : So I I s I will uh put it on a story-board .", + "C : Yeah , sure .", + "A : You can see it .", + "D : Um ", + "A : Because I think it will uh it must be uh ", + "D : You you already made a beta version , or ", + "A : Yeah , it's a three uh with seventy five uh ", + "D : Pages . ", + "A : Yeah , just about .", + "C : Y yikes . Seventy five pages .", + "A : Well , just a moment .", + "A : End report .", + "D : Okay , Daniel .", + "C : ", + "D : Do you want a chair maybe ?", + "B : A chairman . ", + "C : ", + "D : Hey ?", + "A : No no no ,", + "A : I'm just uh ", + "D : Oh , okay .", + "A : you can s you can read it", + "A : and uh here here it is . End report .", + "C : So you you finished it actually , and so we just have to read it and say yes or no ?", + "B : Yes . ", + "A : Well , this not nit it ", + "A : read-only .", + "A : But it's not uh fully finished yet .", + "D : Five minutes for finishing .", + "A : Um , this is about the functional design ,", + "A : the things yeah yeah .", + "D : Management Expert , you have to change that .", + "A : Oh yeah .", + "A : I'm uh ", + "D : Marketing .", + "A : when I said it , I remember I had it here .", + "B : It's a read-only version .", + "D : Yeah ,", + "D : but you can save it u the under another name .", + "B : Oh , okay .", + "A : Marketing Expert ,", + "A : okay . Um", + "A : about the three functions where uh which are most used and uh which must uh immediately be visible on our uh remote control .", + "A : Um , it must be uh simple to use , very clear what to do , and at the younger people .", + "A : So , this is really about wh uh what kind things uh must be in it and uh ", + "A : yeah .", + "D : Maybe um the ", + "D : ", + "B : Uh ", + "D : The ", + "A : Yeah , I understand you , I can talk a little bit Dutch . ", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : ", + "D : You Yeah .", + "C : ", + "D : No , you have to put uh , switch channels uh at the top , because that's the most used function and teletext at the second ", + "A : Oka okay , okay ,", + "A : I ", + "A : I really didn't knew that .", + "D : Oh nay ,", + "D : a volume changing , second .", + "A : So , this one's first .", + "D : S switch , yes .", + "A : You go there and you go there .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : So , okay .", + "D : Okay , go on .", + "A : Well , maybe I can then do it", + "A : one two three .", + "D : Yes , very good .", + "B : One two three .", + "A : If the order is in uh is is uh important ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : that's the word for .", + "D : The order .", + "A : Uh ,", + "D : ", + "A : then the conceptual design .", + "A : Uh , well all the things we have uh discussed ,", + "A : uh the energy , which uh turn out to be uh batteries ,", + "A : so that's ", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Well , okay , maybe you can add it later that we decided in the end because of the cost .", + "A : Yeah , because yeah .", + "A : Uh , he here it is still double-curve , the rubber , the flashy , the fruity , the removable .", + "D : Single-curves .", + "D : ", + "A : Uh , the buttons", + "C : It's not double .", + "C : Uh , it's not double anymore , eh ?", + "A : Hmm ?", + "B : A single-curved .", + "A : Not double anymore .", + "D : No , okay .", + "A : Nay but that this is what um ", + "C : Yeah , okay .", + "D : Was initial , the plan . The initial plan .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : And the the added functions like Tetris snake ,", + "A : it's under the parental control ,", + "C : ", + "A : the touch-screen .", + "C : On thing uh ", + "A : So , it's uh just a summary of what uh we had discussed uh ", + "C : One small thing uh ,", + "C : the added functions . Uh , was it included in the cost ?", + "C : I don't think so , eh ?", + "B : Ah , it's very cheap .", + "C : It's very cheap . ", + "A : Uh , it's very cheap ,", + "D : ", + "A : you you maybe you you you you come at uh ", + "D : No , it's it's not very cheap , but that ", + "B : ", + "A : It's very necessary .", + "D : no , but it's a development inside corporation .", + "C : ", + "D : Like , uh w we don't have to buy parental control .", + "D : Our own people can make that , I think .", + "A : Yeah , but it still has some ", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah , it it has some cost , but ", + "A : yeah . Okay ,", + "B : He'll do it in his free time . So uh ", + "A : but so we can discuss that uh", + "C : ", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : we can discuss that kind of things I think with the with the the board of uh ", + "B : Of directur or directors .", + "A : What's it what's the company called ?", + "A : I just keep forgetting it .", + "D : Real Reaction .", + "A : Real Real Reaction .", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Real Reaction , yeah .", + "C : ", + "B : You can ask your personal ", + "A : Okay , so uh anybody uh misses something here about uh ", + "B : Yeah , the end conclusion .", + "B : But uh ", + "A : Yeah , okay ,", + "A : that's that's what I'm gonna write b between now .", + "D : Okay . Still the end conclusion . That's all , I think .", + "A : But , i in here nothing uh ", + "B : Um , the decision to make um the buttons on the top , and the menu on the", + "A : Mm-hmm . Yes .", + "B : on the bottom .", + "B : And clearly ", + "B : Yeah , touch-screen you've mentioned .", + "A : Yeah , touch-screen I've mentioned .", + "D : Yeah , but but the the decisions are put in the uh conclusion , I think .", + "B : Okay .", + "D : Why we decided to use a flat uh L_C_D_ .", + "B : Okay , this n yeah .", + "A : Yeah , okay ,", + "A : well I gonna redesign uh something now .", + "D : Yeah . Um ", + "A : No .", + "B : Party party .", + "A : Because I think it will ", + "A : Oh , five minutes from to finish meeting .", + "B : Oh , before you change anything maybe you um save it first .", + "D : Save it .", + "D : Hmm .", + "B : You can't ", + "B : you can select file and export and then those J_ PEG files .", + "D : Yeah , but then you had the same thing .", + "B : Well , eight . And we have uh , another blank one .", + "D : Example of children remote .", + "B : Did we change anything ? ", + "D : Oh wait . Wait .", + "D : ", + "B : Wow .", + "C : ", + "B : Yeah . ", + "C : ", + "B : It's a new uh commercial logo .", + "D : Hmm .", + "D : That's a pity .", + "B : Don't save it , aye ?", + "A : ", + "A : Oh , that's cool , Tim .", + "B : Uh ,", + "A : Finish meeting now .", + "A : Well , I'm I'm", + "B : why are only the first five SMARTboard files", + "A : I'm going to finish my end report .", + "B : saved ?", + "C : Okay , um hereby is the meeting is finished . ", + "D : You declare . ", + "C : ", + "A : I am the one who can say that . Yeah ?", + "A : Hereby the meeting is finished .", + "A : Yeah ." + ], + "abstractive summary": [ + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.1", + "text": "The project manager opened the meeting and went over the agenda.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.2", + "text": "The user interface designer and the industrial designer presented their prototype design, describing the shape and layout of the remote.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.3", + "text": "The group discussed colour options and decided to make the standard remote in fruity colours, but with the option of buying different exchangeable covers which might appeal more to older buyers.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.4", + "text": "The marketing expert led the prototype evaluation and the group were happy with their product.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.5", + "text": "The group calculated the production costs.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.6", + "text": "The group were 4 euros over budget, so they decided to make the case single-curved and not to use kinetic energy.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.7", + "text": "The project manager led the evaluation of the project process.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.8", + "text": "The group felt that only the industrial designer and the user interface designer were able to be creative and work as a team.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.9", + "text": "It was felt that the first meeting was disorganised because of poor leadership but the leadership improved in the later meetings.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.10", + "text": "The group were also had problems with the digital pens.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.11", + "text": "The group helped the project manager fill in the final report before the close of the meeting.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.12", + "text": "The project manager will finish the final report.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.13", + "text": "The remote will come in fruity colours as standard with the option of buying different exchangeable covers.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.14", + "text": "The case will be single-curved instead of double-curved.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.15", + "text": "The remote will be battery powered and will no longer use kinetic energy.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.16", + "text": "The production costs were 4 euros over budget.", + "type": "problems" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.17", + "text": "Which features should be changed to reduce production costs.", + "type": "problems" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.18", + "text": "There were not enough opportunities for creativity and teamwork.", + "type": "problems" + }, + { + "id": "TS3007d.dharshi.s.19", + "text": "The digital pens did not work very well.", + "type": "problems" + } + ], + "extractive summary": [ + "A : Um , once again I'm uh gonna take minutes .", + "A : Uh , first we have a prototype presentation by G_ and G_ .", + "A : Uh evaluation crit criteria .", + "A : Uh , in combination with the finance I um uh I received uh a an uh an Excel uh file", + "A : which we have to fill in later on .", + "A : Uh , and then we must see uh if we uh stay under the twelve and a half Euro .", + "A : And after that , uh uh an evaluation of uh the process how we uh how we have done it here with the SMARTboard , with the with our laptops , with the all uh all this .", + "A : Once again , forty minutes ,", + "A : I would g give the word to um G_ and G_ for the prototype presentation .", + "B : Shall I give a short introduction and then uh ", + "C : Yeah , well sure .", + "B : Um , this was our first concept .", + "B : We decided to use a single touch-screen .", + "B : And um , well , we began with uh with a form of shape , that is uh is easy to hold w in one hand , left or right handed .", + "B : Um well , during the meeting I showed you the concept of uh placing the buttons on top , usable with your thumb ,", + "B : and uh the menu structure , uh if necessary , with your other hand ,", + "C : Yeah , uh well , and as you saw , we would just have the basic remote with the panel L_C_D_ uh screen .", + "C : Well , these would be the main buttons ,", + "C : h you could uh change them later on in your own profile if you want to .", + "C : We have the more advanced menu uh setting right here .", + "C : We have the sub-menus and stu stuff .", + "C : As you can see , this uh there , there are uh two uh weird bumps in it .", + "C : This is for uh the added uh effect of uh well uh y youth and dynamic .", + "C : And so when you put it on the table , it will just lay down .", + "C : The s panel we g you would hide with some more uh rubber layers ,", + "B : But the overlaying layer is uh a little bit uh curved and stuff .", + "C : you can make a more thinner uh design ,", + "B : So , you have room here for your battery", + "B : S and you can just be the the layer of the touchscreen and some have some wires underneath it to make it as uh thin as possible in the middle for good grip .", + "C : Uh , you can see there's a v a very uh youthful uh dynamic uh exterior .", + "D : it's like an uh Easter egg .", + "C : Yeah , it's like an e but this is for children .", + "C : We we want a more adult version .", + "C : So this actually basic the idea .", + "C : We we just want to build a more uh adult vers adult version of of this .", + "C : And and for colours , we we figured starting with basic colours like uh white or metallic grey .", + "C : Those are the technological colours actually ,", + "B : It would be best to to appeal to a broad public and make the covers exchangeable ,", + "B : so the young people will buy an orange and a red and blue and a purple ,", + "B : but when the o older people uh go in the shop and they see uh an orange um remote control , it would be less appealing than a white one .", + "B : And young people , we think , are a little bit more flexible ,", + "B : they think , ah I'll buy for a couple of Euros some noi nice hip uh ", + "D : Maybe it's an idea to sell it without a cover , so that you can pick a cover in the in the shop .", + "B : um I think a cover is necessary ,", + "B : So , there must be some cheap standard cover ,", + "A : Yeah , but uh you d you mustn't forget that uh our target aim is younger people .", + "A : So I think uh it will be a better idea to have some uh flashy fruity colours as as a standard ,", + "A : and for the people who uh really want uh a more sophisticated , more traditional look , they're willing to pay uh that .", + "C : Yeah . Yeah , maybe yeah , perhaps you're right .", + "D : Uh , maybe we could uh develop a cover uh with wood style .", + "B : a wood style , a white c and uh a couple of h hip uh fruity colours .", + "B : And lea uh l delivered standard with a fruity colour , but not too not too much .", + "A : But , the mai I think th uh the standard must be some kind of uh uh attractive flashy colours .", + "A : Not too , but w a little ,", + "D : Um , now is the time to uh evaluate our prototype concept to uh to the past requirements .", + "D : Um , we're going to do that with a seven point scale .", + "D : We have to uh be consensive about about things .", + "D : We're going to vote .", + "D : The remote control is designed for people with age below forty .", + "C : Yeah , it's not just uh designed for people under the age of forty . It's also designed for people above forty .", + "C : Yeah , two or three ,", + "D : The remote control is beautiful .", + "D : acco according to us , it's one ? Or ", + "D : Of c of course you have to be uh very positive and uh enthusiastic about your own product .", + "D : Uh , the remote control looks fancy .", + "D : One ?", + "D : The remote control has big , clear channel switching buttons .", + "B : Yeah yeah ,", + "D : Uh , teletext buttons and volume buttons ?", + "A : Teletext is in the menu .", + "A : Volume is true .", + "C : Yeah , the they are big and clear . .", + "C : I would give it a more a five or a six .", + "D : The remote control is easy to be found .", + "B : Uh well , when we put in fancy colours , yeah", + "C : Yeah , it has these all these fruity colours and it has a strange shape .", + "D : If you put uh your normal uh remote control under your bed , or you throw this remote control under your bed , is it better findable ?", + "B : It'll make a difference .", + "A : Well , we p we can do it glow in the dark .", + "C : Because uh four is between three and uh uh also between between true and false .", + "A : uh , w uh according to uh the the other uh remote controls , there may uh uh be there in your uh T_V_ room , this one will stand out , I think .", + "A : if this lying on your couch , you're you're you think what's that for kinda orange uh thing .", + "B : If your uh fifteen remotes in a drawer , uh you find it , yeah ?", + "D : But but the survey under users was that they uh really lost it .", + "B : Yeah , that's stupid . ", + "B : Most of times when you lose it you're sitting on it . Uh ", + "D : the remote control has fresh , fruity colours .", + "B : Um I would call uh choose two ,", + "B : 'cause we decided not to make two f uh fresh colours , as it would not .", + "D : Yeah , yeah , not too flashy .", + "D : The remote control is made of soft material .", + "C : Yeah , rubber , is kind of soft .", + "A : Yeah , but not too soft we have decided .", + "A : Three , yeah .", + "A : Easy to use . One .", + "D : It's it's not the most easy to use ", + "D : Jus just with ten buttons , that's the easiest .", + "D : Yeah , but the most uh easy to use is just with one button", + "B : It is r it is rather easy to use , because you have the primary buttons always visible .", + "A : Okay , two . Yeah , two .", + "D : The remote control is innovative .", + "D : The remote control has m remova removable from Multilux .", + "D : The remote control has built-in games ?", + "B : But uh , maybe make it two , because the games are in a sub-menu and not uh it's not an entire game .", + "A : Yeah , but they are built in , so it's one .", + "D : The remote control , i it has speech recognition .", + "D : False .", + "D : And the last , paren parental advisory function . ", + "A : Okay , we have now to c uh to calculate the production cost .", + "A : Yeah , if the costs are under twelve and a half Euro , uh then we uh can uh ra uh move on to the project evaluation , as we have uh experienced it .", + "A : Otherwise , we have uh do uh have to do a little uh redesign uh thingy . So ", + "B : Kinetic , one .", + "B : Battery , yes . One .", + "D : Advanced chip .", + "A : So it's only uh once double-curved .", + "A : We're now in a problem , 'cause uh we have uh reached eleven Euro yet .", + "C : Then we'll see uh we'll we'll see uh wha how much we are over budget .", + "B : Special uh is the special colour ?", + "A : Yeah , but we want to make uh the wood colours , uh that uh ", + "C : No , this is a standard colour .", + "C : Yes , this is a special colour . ", + "B : Yeah , if if you're honest , we'll uh type one , special colour .", + "D : Yeah , but but D but Daniel , tha that's that's another brand .", + "D : That's another article", + "C : Well , we're only four Euro over budget .", + "C : Well , other case , we can make it single-curved or uncurved .", + "B : Mm , single-curves .", + "A : The kinetic thing , can we just skip it ,", + "A : because uh you have to shake it , but that's not really innovative .", + "D : What do you think about uh putting a battery in it , but also selling like uh the covers , a docking station", + "B : But you can use rechargeable batteries anyway , just you s you have to recharge them manual .", + "C : well you you can go from double-curved to single-curved .", + "B : so we have to bake the ba back flat , and then ", + "B : No , it's it's just one curve and not a back uh curved I think . Or ", + "A : but uh it's its' well it's it's r it is the main point of the the the the look .", + "B : No advanced chip , uh that's a little bit of problem .", + "A : So , if we do this , uh we're on uh twelve and a half Euro .", + "D : If you make it double-curved , it costs one Euro more .", + "B : Uh , there's an a a athe aesthetic value , but not functionality .", + "D : But I don't know if twelve and a half is uh a fixed uh fixed price .", + "C : Yeah , well let's assume it is .", + "C : But I I figured that the kinetic would be a marketing promotion .", + "C : No , well , y I mean uh , y you can go into your neighbour and tell him , ha , my k uh remote control is kinetic .", + "B : Yeah , but it doesn't fit in our co cost profile . So ", + "A : because if you want to go to kinetic , you're uh you're on thirteen and a half and you must go to flat ,", + "A : and I think now it's it's more of uh a compromise", + "A : Well , we were above , so we did a little redesign ", + "A : now uh it's about time to uh talk about uh this project .", + "A : was there room for creativity in our meetings or in your individual meetings ?", + "D : But , that's mainly because uh of the information that was delivered to us .", + "D : I I didn't think so . That there was a lot of room for it .", + "D : and I couldn't go on on i on the internet and search my own stuff . Bu", + "C : Well , I th I think you two , uh especially you and uh and uh Daniel , you d you you both had uh the less creative uh roles in the project .", + "C : I think Jeroen and I , we had a more design we could have more we had more room for creativity than than you two .", + "A : Uh how about the leadership ? ", + "D : I thought uh the first meeting was a little bit of unstructured meeting .", + "D : but you could have uh structure it a l little bit more .", + "D : So like , I I was talking most of the time the first meeting meeting , and ", + "A : I was a I was also very uh unhappy , uh very unsatisfied uh about the", + "A : and uh I think the the last two meetings uh also we we reached uh some good decisions about uh talk ", + "B : Yeah , more more consensus .", + "D : No , it you did better .", + "A : Uh , teamwork ?", + "B : Well , we work together on a project , but everybody has his own task .", + "A : and it's wo more like presentation and some points were discussed .", + "A : But , really teamwork were you two uh ", + "C : Nah . Yeah , we we had some trouble with the pen , but ", + "B : D uh just write your name right now .", + "B : Uh he he knows how it works , yeah .", + "B : The idea is great , but it doesn't work properly . Uh ", + "D : It's it's not real real use for me .", + "B : I it's the same concept as the pen , where you f have to download the software or s uh very uh slow .", + "A : Be it it takes a lot of time to draw things and to write things ,", + "B : And the eraser was another problem .", + "B : M Abo What kind of new ideas ?", + "A : Well , the the idea of the touch-screen is uh ", + "B : New ideas about uh the working of this software , about about the project , about the remote controls or ", + "A : I don't know what what I mean .", + "D : the mm the mean uh number is uh one point eight one point eight six .", + "D : So that's fairly uh fairly good , I think .", + "D : all the requirements uh are true or very true , right . Yep .", + "B : People will still feel the need to to write it quickly on uh a page and not download it and save it , and ", + "A : You had expected it to to be uh more more uh ", + "B : More user-friendly .", + "B : And now you have to um keep constantly in mind that you're drawing on this screen .", + "B : And writing text uh , yeah , you've gotta really do your best to write some ", + "C : Just t t type text , and that that would be uh excellent .", + "D : Here . Picture from scanner , clip-art .", + "A : But not the the the the predefined uh squares I think uh ", + "A : So there the the the functionality is there ,", + "A : but it's not it's not ideal ,", + "A : it costs a lot of time to uh", + "B : To use , yeah .", + "A : Uh , the costs are within the budget .", + "A : Uh , the project is evaluated .", + "A : because uh there must be some kind of end report .", + "A : Uh about all the meetings , what we have decided ,", + "A : here is uh standing uh whoa , we can celebrate now , but the end report is ", + "D : You have now ten minutes left to finish up the end report .", + "A : Maybe we can do it uh together .", + "A : So I I s I will uh put it on a story-board .", + "A : Um , this is about the functional design ,", + "D : but you can save it u the under another name .", + "B : It's a read-only version .", + "A : about the three functions where uh which are most used and uh which must uh immediately be visible on our uh remote control .", + "A : Um , it must be uh simple to use , very clear what to do , and at the younger people .", + "D : No , you have to put uh , switch channels uh at the top , because that's the most used function and teletext at the second ", + "D : a volume changing , second .", + "D : S switch , yes .", + "A : then the conceptual design .", + "B : Well , okay , maybe you can add it later that we decided in the end because of the cost .", + "A : Uh , he here it is still double-curve , the rubber , the flashy , the fruity , the removable .", + "C : It's not double .", + "A : Nay but that this is what um ", + "D : Was initial , the plan . The initial plan .", + "A : And the the added functions like Tetris snake ,", + "C : the added functions . Uh , was it included in the cost ?", + "C : I don't think so , eh ?", + "A : Okay , so uh anybody uh misses something here about uh ", + "B : Yeah , the end conclusion .", + "A : that's that's what I'm gonna write b between now .", + "D : Yeah , but but the the decisions are put in the uh conclusion , I think .", + "A : well I gonna redesign uh something now .", + "B : Oh , before you change anything maybe you um save it first .", + "A : Finish meeting now .", + "A : I'm going to finish my end report ." + ] + }, + "log": [] + }, + "AMI--train--2": { + "original dialog id": "TS3003c.json", + "dialog index": 2, + "original dialog info": { + "dialog history": [ + "A : Okay . Uh", + "A : good afternoon .", + "D : Good afternoon .", + "A : This is our third meeting already .", + "A : I hope you enjoyed your lunch . ", + "A : I did anyway . ", + "A : Um let's see .", + "A : Presentation three .", + "A : Okay", + "A : this is um the second phase uh we're going to discuss today .", + "A : It's the conceptual design meeting .", + "A : And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components . Uh conceptual specification of design . And also trend-watching .", + "A : Um these are hopefully the points you addressed in uh your pre uh presentations", + "A : you're going to show me in a few minutes .", + "A : Um but first I'll show you the agenda .", + "A : Uh first the opening .", + "A : Then we have three presentations .", + "A : Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts .", + "A : How we're going to make it .", + "A : And then we're closing .", + "A : We have about forty minutes .", + "A : Uh so I suggest let's get started .", + "A : Uh did someone encounter any problems during the preparation ?", + "A : No ?", + "B : No .", + "D : ", + "A : Everything fine ?", + "A : That's nice .", + "A : Then a little uh thing about the last meeting .", + "A : Uh these are the points um we agreed on . The requirements and the target market .", + "A : Uh requirements are uh teletext , docking station , audio signal , small screen , with some extras that uh button information .", + "A : And we are going to use default materials .", + "A : Um does somebody have any comments on these requirements ? Maybe ?", + "A : No ?", + "A : These are just the the things we thought of ,", + "A : so maybe if you figured something else or thought of something else , just let me know .", + "A : And maybe we can uh work it out .", + "A : And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers .", + "A : So", + "A : now everybody knows what we're do we're doing ,", + "A : um I suggest let's get started with the presentations .", + "A : So", + "A : shall we keep the same uh line-up as uh last time ?", + "D : Sure .", + "A : Okay .", + "D : I'll start off then .", + "A : Good luck . ", + "D : Doh .", + "D : 'Kay", + "D : I'm uh gonna inform you about the trend-watching I've done over the past few days .", + "D : Um we've done some market research .", + "D : We distributed some more enquetes , questionnaires .", + "D : And um besides that um I deployed some trend-watchers to Milan and Paris to well get all of the newest trends .", + "D : And I've consulted some additional trend-watch trend-watchers , after the original trend-watchers return , about what the the best design would be .", + "D : Um okay", + "D : these are some overall findings .", + "D : Um most important thing is the fancy design .", + "D : Um the research indicated that that was by far the most important factor .", + "D : Um innovativeness was about half as important as the fancy design .", + "D : By innovativeness this means um functions which are not featured in other remote controls .", + "D : Um about half of , half as important as the innovativeness was the was easy to use .", + "D : Um for our um group , we're focusing on the people of sixty to eighty y years old , this is um , these factors are slightly more equal .", + "D : 'Kay", + "D : these are some more group specific findings .", + "D : Uh the older people prefer dark colours .", + "D : Uh they like recognisable shapes , and familiar material .", + "D : And our surveys have indicated that especially wood is pretty much the material for older people .", + "D : Um this is , this image will give you a little bit of an impression about um the look-and-feel that um the remote should have .", + "D : Um this leads us to some personal preferences .", + "D : Uh the remote control and the docking station should uh blend in in the in the room .", + "D : Um so this would mean no uh eye-catching designs .", + "D : Just keep it simple", + "D : and ", + "D : Well", + "D : the docking station and small screen would be our main points of interest ,", + "D : because this would be the These would uh be the innovativeness in the remote control .", + "D : So this would be very important that we at least include these features .", + "D : Um well the trend-watchers I consulted advised that it b should be , the remote control and the docking station should be telephone-shaped .", + "D : So you could imagine that uh the remote control will be standing up straight in the docking station .", + "D : This is not really ", + "D : This is pretty much a new shape to uh older people .", + "D : So they would prefer uh a design where the remote control just lies flat in the docking station .", + "D : So it would be kinda more telephone-shaped .", + "D : Um besides that we would advise um to bring two editions , one with a wood-like colour and maybe feel , and one with a grey-black colour .", + "D : The wood-like for the more uh exclusive people . People with more money .", + "D : Uh the grey-black colour for well people with less means .", + "D : That would be all .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : Thank you .", + "A : Any questions about the the trends ?", + "D : Any questions ?", + "A : Mayb", + "B : Mm no .", + "A : No ?", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : we go on to the next one .", + "B : ", + "A : ", + "B : Um 'kay um yeah .", + "B : uh some uh research uh a about um designing of an interface .", + "B : Um the uh last meeting uh we had a about um uh using a f few buttons .", + "B : So uh um uh", + "B : that's w what I what I want to uh uh to do in uh our design .", + "B : So um", + "B : finding an attractive uh way to control uh the remote control . Um the uh I found some uh something about uh speech uh recognition .", + "B : So", + "B : maybe uh we can uh use uh that . Um ", + "B : Uh and uh using a little uh display .", + "B : So um", + "B : findings .", + "B : Um yeah", + "B : just um we have just to focus on the primary um functions .", + "B : So uh", + "B : only uh buttons uh for uh sound , um for uh on-off , um uh shifting u up uh sa uh ca channel or uh down shifting down .", + "B : Um uh let's see . Um yeah and Uh", + "B : we uh need some uh new a attractive functions", + "B : uh uh which attract uh uh people for using it .", + "B : So uh", + "B : it's uh like a speak uh speech uh recognition and um a special button for selecting uh subtitles .", + "B : Just uh what we uh mentioned uh last uh meeting .", + "B : Um and yeah", + "B : overall um user-friendly .", + "B : So uh", + "B : using uh large large buttons . Um ", + "B : It's uh possible to uh uh to make um quite cheap uh system for uh speech uh recognition .", + "B : Um you can think about um uh when you lost your um remote control , you can uh call it and um it gives an um sig signal .", + "B : So uh uh yeah .", + "B : And and uh for uh shifting up a sen uh c ch channel or uh for um uh putting out uh sound or something , you can uh just give a sign uh say um sound off", + "B : or A and", + "B : uh yeah .", + "B : Television uh put the sound off uh put the sound off uh . Um ", + "B : Let's see . Uh yeah .", + "B : I was thinking about the special uh button for uh subtitles ,", + "B : um just one button to keep it uh simple .", + "B : Uh one push on the button uh you get uh uh small uh subtitles .", + "B : Um double push push um , if double click , um so uh you get uh big uh subtitles , for uh people uh um uh which c f uh who can't uh read small uh subtitles .", + "B : So uh Um Yeah", + "B : and w we have to keep uh in general buttons", + "B : uh so um", + "B : we've got um the buttons we have to use . The on-off , sound on-off , sound higher or lower , um the numbers , uh zero to uh uh nine . Um the general buttons m more general b one button for shifting up and shifting down uh channel .", + "B : Um also we want to uh use a little d display uh for um for displaying the uh the functions of the buttons .", + "B : And um we can uh build in a function f which uh shows the channel or some uh which the t television is on .", + "B : So um", + "B : made a little uh picture of uh it .", + "B : Um See . Um yeah .", + "B : Just um we can put uh the on-off button uh over in this uh corner ,", + "B : um almost uh e all uh remote controls uh are using a on-off button on that place .", + "B : Um so uh people uh will uh recognise uh um the button .", + "C : ", + "B : So um ", + "B : D display uh of it , it's uh just a small display .", + "B : Uh um you can put it uh on top .", + "B : Um it's uh most uh uh place where people uh , most of looks at .", + "B : So uh um", + "B : and a special uh button for shifting up uh and uh shifting down uh channel , um it's uh on place where um the thumb of of the ", + "B : So you you can uh easily uh shift up or shift down .", + "B : Um it's uh quite uh handy place .", + "B : So um and uh", + "B : all the f functions for subtitle uh one button , uh for sound uh ", + "B : Uh and uh for our design , um uh we have to discuss about it uh I think uh so uh the form of it", + "B : so ", + "A : Okay .", + "B : And that's it .", + "A : Uh thank you . ", + "C : Okay .", + "C : About the components design .", + "C : Um for the energy source we can use a basic battery", + "C : or , a as an optional thing , a kinetic energy , like in a watch ,", + "C : which you just shake and it produces energy .", + "C : But if we choose for that option , the docking station would c become obsolete .", + "C : So I don't think it's really an option .", + "C : Uh for the casing , uh the uh manufacturing department can deliver uh a flat casing , single or double curved casing .", + "C : It's really up the the design that we're gonna use .", + "C : It's uh doesn't uh imply any technical restrictions .", + "C : Uh as a case supplement , we could um , I thought of that l later , uh a rubber uh belt , like a anti-slip .", + "C : Uh for the b buttons , we can use plastic or rubber .", + "C : And the chip-set , um it says simple here ,", + "C : but it should be advanced ,", + "C : because we're using an L_C_D_ uh screen .", + "C : And as uh the trend-watcher presentation showed , um people like wood ,", + "C : but it raises the price", + "C : and it doesn't really fit the image , unless we would start two product lines .", + "C : Form should follow function overall .", + "C : Um well the kinetic energy source is rather fancy .", + "C : But depends on what we want .", + "C : I think we should disc discuss that .", + "C : Um for the case , uh the supplement and the buttons , it really depends on the designer .", + "C : And the chip-set uh really should be advanced", + "C : because otherwise uh it would really be a simple uh remote control .", + "C : And that's it .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : Thank you .", + "A : So", + "A : that brings us to the discussion about our concepts .", + "A : Mm .", + "D : ", + "A : 'Kay . So", + "A : these are the points we have to discuss .", + "A : Um first I think we can talk about the energy source ,", + "A : since that's um has a pretty big influence on production price , uh and image .", + "B : ", + "A : Uh so", + "A : uh f I think first of all we have to see uh it is possible to introduce kinetic energy in our budget , I think .", + "C : Yes", + "C : w", + "C : there there are four options .", + "C : We could use the basic normal battery .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Uh a hand dynamo .", + "C : But I don't think that's really an option .", + "A : Okay . ", + "B : ", + "D : ", + "C : You don't wanna swing before you can watch television .", + "A : ", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Uh solar cells .", + "C : But not every room is very light", + "B : Mm .", + "C : so it's not a very good option .", + "A : No .", + "C : Or the kinetic energy .", + "A : Yeah . Okay .", + "D : And how exactly does the kinetic energy work ?", + "C : Well", + "D : You just ", + "C : y you basically shake your remote , and then it powers up .", + "D : You use it and it works .", + "B : ", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Okay .", + "B : Nah .", + "D : Well", + "D : personally I don't think that older people like to shake their remote control before they use it .", + "B : ", + "C : Yeah . That's true .", + "D : And besides that you mentioned it would make the docking station obsolete .", + "C : Oh .", + "D : And I think our docking station could be one of the marketing issues with which we can um", + "D : get great popularity for our product .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : But", + "D : Um wel", + "B : what's the function ?", + "B : Yeah f for loading up uh the batteries", + "B : .", + "D : Yeah", + "D : you could load up the batteries ,", + "B : B b", + "D : you could um insert the find the lost remote control function in there .", + "B : Okay", + "B : but uh it won't use uh much e energy uh I I believe .", + "B : Uh it's uh just a small display", + "B : so I believe uh it will run on one battery for um six months or f or or more .", + "B : So I believe one battery uh is just enough .", + "A : Uh ", + "B : Uh so ", + "A : Uh well", + "A : I think uh elderly people just like to have everything in place .", + "D : That's true . ", + "A : And I don't think they they like uh remotes just laying everywhere in their rooms .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : So maybe a docking station will help them give the remote a place .", + "B : Yeah . That's true . Yeah .", + "A : And also what you said . Um you can introduce voice recognition by uh finding back your remote .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : But I think it's um more efficient and cheaper to put it in the docking station .", + "A : So you have a but button on your docking station which you can push , and then it starts beeping .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : And then we can we can still use the voice recognition , but maybe then for only the the channels .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Uh .", + "A : That's safe .", + "D : I'm wondering um what will the voice recognition mean for the production price ?", + "A : Yeah . That's a good point .", + "C : Mm I don't have any information on pricing .", + "C : So I'll have to ask the manufacturing department .", + "B : Mm .", + "D : 'Cause in our earlier um market research ,", + "D : if you'd allow me to go to the flat board , SMARTboard .", + "A : Yeah , sure . Go ahead .", + "D : Um so", + "D : it was open here .", + "D : Um we also um asked if w they would , if people would pay more for speech recognition in a remote control .", + "D : Well", + "D : you can see here , our target group would not do that .", + "A : No .", + "D : So if that would increase the price for which we're selling our remote control", + "B : Mm .", + "D : I would greatly advise not to do it .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : I think that would be better to uh insert in our other product , that is meant for the", + "B : ", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : younger people .", + "C : But that would also go for the L_C_D_ screen then I guess .", + "B : 'Kay .", + "C : It's a bit higher percentage ,", + "C : but ", + "D : Um well", + "D : this is", + "D : Yeah", + "D : but this is", + "D : here the question was , would you prefer it .", + "D : So that doesn't really mean they wouldn't pay extra for it .", + "D : And on top of that the L_C_D_ screen would um help in making the remote control easier to use .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : And I think a voice recognition function would not make the remote control much easier to use .", + "C : Okay .", + "A : Easier to use ?", + "A : No ,", + "A : I think that's a good point .", + "B : But uh is uh our uh research um about um bi large uh L_C_D_ sh uh display , or uh just a small one uh we want to uh use ?", + "D : Um well", + "D : this was for like an L_C_D_ screen like you would have on a on the the most advanced mobile phones .", + "B : Okay .", + "D : So pretty large .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : I personally think the L_C_D_ screen we wanna use , with the extra information , I think nobody has anything against it .", + "A : Because it's just uh some extra information ,", + "B : No .", + "A : and it's easy to ignore as well .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : So if you don't wanna use it you just don't use it .", + "A : And um yeah", + "A : I think the um ", + "A : Maybe we have to uh discard the voice recognition .", + "A : Because it will increase cost uh signifi uh significantly .", + "A : And I don't think the I don't think it will be a lot easier to use , as well .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : So", + "A : that brings us back to the energy .", + "A : If we don't have the voice recognition , it will it won't use a lot of energy to use . Um ", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "A : So", + "A : in that case we could use kinetic uh energy ,", + "A : but I think just a simple battery which you can reload on a docking station is just as good .", + "A : And much cheaper as well .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : So ", + "C : And that's the best choice .", + "A : Okay", + "A : let me just choose for the battery .", + "A : That brings us to the chip .", + "C : Well", + "C : there isn't any choice there", + "C : because we're using the the the the display .", + "A : Just the advanced .", + "C : So it's gotta be advanced .", + "A : Okay", + "D : 'Kay .", + "A : , advanced chip .", + "A : And then we get to the point of the case .", + "A : Um which brings us a little bit back to marketing as well .", + "A : Uh if we wanna choose for wood or the black and grey . Or both ?", + "A : Um as we saw there is not ", + "A : Yeah", + "A : wood is a lot more expensive to produce .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Um but I think it will attract elderly people who wanna have something exclusive ,", + "A : which they can show off to their grandkids .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Look I've got a new remote control , and uh ", + "C : ", + "D : Well", + "B : Uh I dunno .", + "D : And I think most important factor there is the wooden colour .", + "D : So it wouldn't actually have to be wood ,", + "A : Yeah . That's right .", + "D : if it's just", + "D : wood-coloured .", + "B : Mm .", + "A : But with colour was a lot more expensive ? Or ?", + "C : Mm I dunno .", + "A : You don't know ?", + "C : I'll have to uh research .", + "A : I think so", + "A : because ", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Probably .", + "B : Mm .", + "A : It's a lot more difficult to to handle and to to get in the right shape .", + "B : Uh is it possible uh to make um changeable uh case .", + "B : So um uh", + "B : you 'cause", + "B : uh Yeah", + "B : with uh mobile phones uh uh so uh like the Nokia mobile phones , uh when you can change the case of it .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Change the cases . Yeah .", + "B : So", + "B : maybe it's possible uh possibility .", + "B : So um um", + "B : you have just to make one um standard um remote control ,", + "B : and um yeah you can sell uh few uh ", + "A : You can sell the cases .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : I think that's a very good option .", + "A : Because um then you can advertise as well", + "A : with the ", + "A : Give your grandfather a new case for his remote control , or whatever . ", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : Because that's a it's something extra ,", + "A : it's something other remotes don't have ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : which we can get a great advantage point .", + "D : Yeah that is true .", + "A : So", + "A : and then you can make them with colour . Black and grey , other colours as well .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : We would have to look carefully into the design though .", + "A : Costs .", + "D : 'Cause we would have to make one w uh control which would fit in with a wooden cover and a plastic cover . The more original one , or the more standard one .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah . So", + "D : So that would ", + "A : you suggest we should design two different telephones", + "A : on which you can apply , yeah remote controls , on which you can apply different case covers , for example .", + "D : Well", + "D : I wouldn't design a telephone", + "C : ", + "D : but ", + "B : ", + "D : Well", + "D : no", + "D : I think w we should just , we should then just design one um", + "A : Remote .", + "D : one remote ,", + "D : but it would have to be fancy with either the wood cover or the plastic one .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Okay .", + "D : So ,", + "D : but that shouldn't be too much of a problem .", + "A : So", + "A : everybody's okay with the changing covers ?", + "C : Yes .", + "A : I think that's a good uh good option .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Changing case covers .", + "D : Um I heard our Industrial Designer talk about uh flat , single and double curved .", + "C : Yes .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Could you explain that a little more ?", + "C : Well", + "C : the the general like most older remotes are flat , just straight .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : And uh our d manufacturing department can also deliver single curved or double curved ca curved cases .", + "D : And what would single curved and double curved mean ?", + "C : Um it would just only affect the form , for as far as I know .", + "C : So", + "C : it's j really just up to the design department what we're gonna use .", + "D : Okay .", + "C : It doesn't really matter for the price or the functionality .", + "D : So", + "D : we can pretty much just do whatever we want .", + "C : Pick one you like ,", + "C : yes .", + "A : Mm . Okay .", + "D : 'Kay .", + "D : That's good .", + "A : Uh but the form has to be um It has to ", + "A : It's has to be possible to stand up ?", + "A : Or just only to lie down ?", + "D : No", + "D : just to lie down .", + "B : okay .", + "A : And the the cover of the the docking station is also", + "D : We'll go for that .", + "A : on top of the television then ? Or not ?", + "D : Well", + "D : or besides it .", + "A : And you can just yeah then click it in .", + "A : That's okay .", + "A : Um so", + "A : the interface . What type of interface do we want to use ?", + "A : Um maybe you can make a little drawing of it on the", + "D : ", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : on the the board .", + "B : Mm .", + "A : Does somebody have ideas for a form", + "A : or", + "B : Uh we can just use the regular form of it ,", + "B : but it's um not quite uh fancy .", + "B : So um ", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Um you uh said you wanted to put the um changing channels button on the right side ,", + "D : so you could , so your thumb would be easily ", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Well uh", + "D : I think that was a very good point", + "D : 'cause I pointed out earlier that a lot of remotes cause R_S_I_ .", + "D : So that would be great for that .", + "B : ", + "D : Um I thought maybe we could just make one of those buttons on both the left and the right side .", + "B : For uh Uh for ", + "D : For left-handed users also .", + "B : Yeah yeah .", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Mm .", + "B : Yeah", + "B : we", + "B : Is it possible to um program it s so uh you got on the left side uh or on the right side uh buttons for for shifting u up and shifting up ? And on the uh other uh uh o other side uh buttons for uh shifting , uh for for the sound ?", + "D : For the volume .", + "B : Or Or isn't it ?", + "D : Um well", + "A : Mm .", + "D : that could", + "D : Yeah", + "D : we could do that", + "D : but I'm not sure if that would be very good for the easy , ease of use .", + "A : Usabili", + "A : Yeah ease of use will be a lot more difficult ,", + "B : Yeah okay .", + "A : and then it's ", + "B : Uh .", + "A : ", + "D : But if we would make um a changing channels and changing volume button on both sides , that would certainly yield great options for the design of the remote .", + "B : Mm .", + "D : 'Cause it could be made all symmetrical and stuff .", + "B : Yeah", + "B : but ", + "A : But you have extra buttons .", + "B : ", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : So people can get confused .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : That is true .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Especially if they have the same writings on it .", + "B : See um yeah .", + "B : Or we have to make a left uh For lefties", + "A : Can't we make uh Can't we make a remote which you can flip over and use on the same", + "B : and ", + "B : Um ", + "A : functions as the normal one ?", + "B : ", + "B : You mean um ", + "A : Then you have to ", + "B : Yeah", + "B : if ", + "A : Let's see if I ca", + "A : A blank one .", + "A : And then you get ", + "A : Here's a little L_C_D_ screen .", + "A : Uh now I have to think .", + "A : It's a plus and a min .", + "A : No it's not very handy I think .", + "B : Mm no .", + "A : Because the plus and the min will be opposite", + "A : and all kinds of ", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : ", + "A : No that's not gonna work . I guess .", + "A : Maybe we should ", + "B : Um ", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : But is it a problem that left-handed persons use a different hand ?", + "A : I think the functions are", + "A : that basic that nobody should have any problems with uh choosing a channel", + "D : Yeah . That is true .", + "A : or ", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : It's just uh u using uh your thumb .", + "A : Y yeah . Yeah .", + "B : So um", + "B : it's ", + "A : I think we could just uh leave it a normal shape .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Uh but maybe we have to make it a l a bit more fancy . In one or ano another way .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Um ", + "C : I think we should start by by choosing a case .", + "C : Because that's the basis you're building on .", + "B : Yeah yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : Um yeah", + "C : So", + "C : I could draw them out .", + "A : just ", + "C : Let's look at the flat case .", + "C : Oh .", + "C : It's from the side", + "C : so it's rather normal .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : The the single curved so I'm not really sure what they're gonna look like , but I think it's something like this .", + "C : So", + "C : this type should be better for you", + "C : or better Should prevent repetitive strain injury a bit .", + "A : Easier ?", + "C : And the double curved s looks something like this I guess .", + "B : Mm .", + "C : So", + "C : th those are the three options we have .", + "A : 'Kay .", + "D : Mm .", + "A : I suggest um the single curved ,", + "A : because maybe the curve is pretty good to put the the screen in .", + "B : ", + "A : Uh so that elderly people can uh use the remote control", + "A : and at the same time look easily at the screen ,", + "A : because it's a bit , it has a bit of a angle .", + "B : So um ", + "B : Do you say this", + "B : um S uh Uh", + "B : you got like uh sort of a I believe There ?", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "B : So um", + "B : you want to put a display over here ? Or not ?", + "A : Yeah . I think so . Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Um Yeah . Uh", + "A : But now it's ", + "B : we can make it um ", + "A : Do you have it upside down", + "A : or ", + "B : Mm ?", + "A : Do you have it", + "B : That's the top .", + "B : So uh", + "A : this that's top ? Okay .", + "B : this top .", + "B : This down .", + "B : Um maybe it's possible to uh make this side like", + "B : um Let's see . Um ", + "B : Colour uh", + "B : okay .", + "B : Uh to make this side um like mm the right colour .", + "A : ", + "B : Um bit like so uh um in the form of your hand .", + "B : So um ", + "B : Uh it's an ", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : So so", + "B : the remote control have to um lay in your hand .", + "B : So uh", + "B : it's possib um yeah for s so and", + "A : So", + "A : get your mouse .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : And to put uh the the buttons for um changing uh the channel uh over here uh ", + "A : Yeah . That's a good one .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : But I think it's better to put the screen uh on top .", + "B : Uh rem", + "A : So", + "A : just flip it a hundred and eighty degrees around", + "A : then you get here .", + "B : Yeah", + "B : but this place um ", + "A : If you can have this one , you turn it like this .", + "A : And then flip it upside down .", + "B : Uh it's ", + "B : Yeah", + "B : I dunno um ", + "A : Because uh maybe your hand is in the way , if you have the display here .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : It's more logical to have it on top as well", + "B : ", + "C : because , like on your mobile phone , it's always above .", + "A : I think i", + "B : Yeah", + "B : so ", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : On top .", + "B : So ", + "A : Yeah . ", + "B : ", + "C : Oh", + "C : maybe you should just s start on a blank page .", + "A : . So", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : then we get ", + "A : Here's ", + "A : That's the curve .", + "B : Five minutes . ", + "A : Here the display , and then buttons .", + "A : Yeah", + "A : and then we can have a little bit off here and here maybe .", + "A : Just that's for left hand and right hand users .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : And then h the rest of the buttons over here .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : But um the on-off button , um still on the top uh ", + "A : Yeah still here", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : jus", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : That's ", + "D : And I'd prefer the corners to be round .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah . 'Kay .", + "D : Think that would be better .", + "A : Should be more bit more friendly ,", + "A : yeah .", + "D : Friendly on the eye .", + "A : 'Kay .", + "A : Supplements . That's okay .", + "A : Where's my mouse ?", + "A : Then We've got a general idea of the concepts and the materials we're going to use .", + "A : So now", + "A : for the next meeting uh we'll have to look at the look-and-feel design .", + "A : It's important that the corporate design image uh is going to be in the remote .", + "A : So check out the corporate website maybe .", + "A : The user interface design , it's the same story .", + "A : And product evaluation .", + "A : So the Industrial Designer and User Interface Designer are going to work together on this one .", + "A : But you're going to get your instructions I think sended by the coach .", + "A : So", + "A : just um I will put these um minutes on the in the folder .", + "C : Okay .", + "A : And then we're going to uh try to finish our project ,", + "A : and uh make a good design for all the grandfathers and grandmothers , I think .", + "D : ", + "B : ", + "C : ", + "A : Which are ", + "A : Uh let's see .", + "A : I'm not sure if you're going to start right away to work together", + "A : or ", + "A : I think you're going to fill in the questionnaires first .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : And then you'll get a message .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : So", + "A : that's uh basically it .", + "A : Maybe this one ?", + "A : Then we can save this one in the folders group .", + "A : Uh yes , it's here .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : SMARTboard , there it it .", + "A : So", + "A : if you wanna have a look at it , it's over there in the projects folder .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : And then I guess we'll start in thirty minutes again .", + "A : Thank you .", + "D : Very good .", + "C : Okay .", + "B : Okay ." + ], + "abstractive summary": [ + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.1", + "text": "The project manager opened the meeting and recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.2", + "text": "The marketing expert discussed his personal preferences for the design of the remote and presented the results of trend-watching reports, which indicated that there is a need for products which are fancy, innovative, easy to use, in dark colors, in recognizable shapes, and in a familiar material like wood.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.3", + "text": "The user interface designer discussed the option to include speech recognition and which functions to include on the remote.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.4", + "text": "The industrial designer discussed which options he preferred for the remote in terms of energy sources, casing, case supplements, buttons, and chips.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.5", + "text": "The team then discussed and made decisions regarding energy sources, speech recognition, LCD screens, chips, case materials and colors, case shape and orientation, and button orientation.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.6", + "text": "The team members will look at the corporate website.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.7", + "text": "The user interface designer will continue with what he has been working on.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.8", + "text": "The industrial designer and user interface designer will work together", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.9", + "text": "The remote will have a docking station.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.10", + "text": "The remote will use a conventional battery and a docking station which recharges the battery.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.11", + "text": "The remote will use an advanced chip.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.12", + "text": "The remote will have changeable case covers.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.13", + "text": "The case covers will be available in wood or plastic.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.14", + "text": "The case will be single curved.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.15", + "text": "Whether to use kinetic energy or a conventional battery with a docking station which recharges the remote.", + "type": "problems" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.16", + "text": "Whether to implement an LCD screen on the remote.", + "type": "problems" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.17", + "text": "Choosing between an LCD screen or speech recognition.", + "type": "problems" + }, + { + "id": "TS3003c.rdhillon.s.18", + "text": "Using wood for the case.", + "type": "problems" + } + ], + "extractive summary": [ + "A : It's the conceptual design meeting .", + "A : And a few points of interest in this meeting um are the conceptual specification of components . Uh conceptual specification of design . And also trend-watching .", + "A : Um but first I'll show you the agenda .", + "A : Uh first the opening .", + "A : Then we have three presentations .", + "A : Uh after that we have to come to a decision on remote control concepts .", + "A : Then a little uh thing about the last meeting .", + "A : Uh these are the points um we agreed on . The requirements and the target market .", + "A : Uh requirements are uh teletext , docking station , audio signal , small screen , with some extras that uh button information .", + "A : And we are going to use default materials .", + "A : And we're going to target uh sixty to to eighty year old customers .", + "A : um I suggest let's get started with the presentations .", + "D : I'm uh gonna inform you about the trend-watching I've done over the past few days .", + "D : Um we've done some market research .", + "D : We distributed some more enquetes , questionnaires .", + "D : And um besides that um I deployed some trend-watchers to Milan and Paris to well get all of the newest trends .", + "D : Um most important thing is the fancy design .", + "D : Um the research indicated that that was by far the most important factor .", + "D : Um innovativeness was about half as important as the fancy design .", + "D : By innovativeness this means um functions which are not featured in other remote controls .", + "D : Um about half of , half as important as the innovativeness was the was easy to use .", + "D : Um for our um group , we're focusing on the people of sixty to eighty y years old , this is um , these factors are slightly more equal .", + "D : Uh the older people prefer dark colours .", + "D : Uh they like recognisable shapes , and familiar material .", + "D : And our surveys have indicated that especially wood is pretty much the material for older people .", + "D : Um this leads us to some personal preferences .", + "D : Uh the remote control and the docking station should uh blend in in the in the room .", + "D : Um so this would mean no uh eye-catching designs .", + "D : Just keep it simple", + "D : the docking station and small screen would be our main points of interest ,", + "D : because this would be the These would uh be the innovativeness in the remote control .", + "D : Um well the trend-watchers I consulted advised that it b should be , the remote control and the docking station should be telephone-shaped .", + "D : So you could imagine that uh the remote control will be standing up straight in the docking station .", + "D : This is pretty much a new shape to uh older people .", + "D : So they would prefer uh a design where the remote control just lies flat in the docking station .", + "D : Um besides that we would advise um to bring two editions , one with a wood-like colour and maybe feel , and one with a grey-black colour .", + "D : The wood-like for the more uh exclusive people . People with more money .", + "B : uh some uh research uh a about um designing of an interface .", + "B : Um the uh last meeting uh we had a about um uh using a f few buttons .", + "B : that's w what I what I want to uh uh to do in uh our design .", + "B : just um we have just to focus on the primary um functions .", + "B : finding an attractive uh way to control uh the remote control . Um the uh I found some uh something about uh speech uh recognition .", + "B : only uh buttons uh for uh sound , um for uh on-off , um uh shifting u up uh sa uh ca channel or uh down shifting down .", + "B : we uh need some uh new a attractive functions", + "B : it's uh like a speak uh speech uh recognition and um a special button for selecting uh subtitles .", + "B : overall um user-friendly .", + "B : using uh large large buttons . Um ", + "B : It's uh possible to uh uh to make um quite cheap uh system for uh speech uh recognition .", + "B : Um you can think about um uh when you lost your um remote control , you can uh call it and um it gives an um sig signal .", + "B : And and uh for uh shifting up a sen uh c ch channel or uh for um uh putting out uh sound or something , you can uh just give a sign uh say um sound off", + "B : Television uh put the sound off uh put the sound off uh . Um ", + "B : I was thinking about the special uh button for uh subtitles ,", + "B : um just one button to keep it uh simple .", + "B : Uh one push on the button uh you get uh uh small uh subtitles .", + "B : Um double push push um , if double click , um so uh you get uh big uh subtitles , for uh people uh um uh which c f uh who can't uh read small uh subtitles .", + "B : we've got um the buttons we have to use . The on-off , sound on-off , sound higher or lower , um the numbers , uh zero to uh uh nine . Um the general buttons m more general b one button for shifting up and shifting down uh channel .", + "B : Um also we want to uh use a little d display uh for um for displaying the uh the functions of the buttons .", + "B : And um we can uh build in a function f which uh shows the channel or some uh which the t television is on .", + "B : made a little uh picture of uh it .", + "B : Just um we can put uh the on-off button uh over in this uh corner ,", + "B : D display uh of it , it's uh just a small display .", + "B : Uh um you can put it uh on top .", + "B : and a special uh button for shifting up uh and uh shifting down uh channel , um it's uh on place where um the thumb of of the ", + "C : About the components design .", + "C : Um for the energy source we can use a basic battery", + "C : or , a as an optional thing , a kinetic energy , like in a watch ,", + "C : But if we choose for that option , the docking station would c become obsolete .", + "C : So I don't think it's really an option .", + "C : Uh for the casing , uh the uh manufacturing department can deliver uh a flat casing , single or double curved casing .", + "C : It's really up the the design that we're gonna use .", + "C : Uh as a case supplement , we could um , I thought of that l later , uh a rubber uh belt , like a anti-slip .", + "C : Uh for the b buttons , we can use plastic or rubber .", + "C : And the chip-set , um it says simple here ,", + "C : but it should be advanced ,", + "C : because we're using an L_C_D_ uh screen .", + "C : And as uh the trend-watcher presentation showed , um people like wood ,", + "C : but it raises the price", + "C : and it doesn't really fit the image , unless we would start two product lines .", + "C : Um well the kinetic energy source is rather fancy .", + "C : But depends on what we want .", + "C : Um for the case , uh the supplement and the buttons , it really depends on the designer .", + "A : that brings us to the discussion about our concepts .", + "A : Um first I think we can talk about the energy source ,", + "A : uh f I think first of all we have to see uh it is possible to introduce kinetic energy in our budget , I think .", + "C : We could use the basic normal battery .", + "C : Uh a hand dynamo .", + "C : there there are four options .", + "C : But I don't think that's really an option .", + "C : Uh solar cells .", + "C : But not every room is very light", + "C : Or the kinetic energy .", + "D : And how exactly does the kinetic energy work ?", + "C : y you basically shake your remote , and then it powers up .", + "D : personally I don't think that older people like to shake their remote control before they use it .", + "D : And besides that you mentioned it would make the docking station obsolete .", + "D : And I think our docking station could be one of the marketing issues with which we can um", + "D : get great popularity for our product .", + "D : you could um insert the find the lost remote control function in there .", + "B : Uh it's uh just a small display", + "B : so I believe uh it will run on one battery for um six months or f or or more .", + "A : I think uh elderly people just like to have everything in place .", + "A : And I don't think they they like uh remotes just laying everywhere in their rooms .", + "A : So maybe a docking station will help them give the remote a place .", + "A : And also what you said . Um you can introduce voice recognition by uh finding back your remote .", + "A : But I think it's um more efficient and cheaper to put it in the docking station .", + "A : So you have a but button on your docking station which you can push , and then it starts beeping .", + "A : And then we can we can still use the voice recognition , but maybe then for only the the channels .", + "D : I'm wondering um what will the voice recognition mean for the production price ?", + "C : Mm I don't have any information on pricing .", + "D : Um we also um asked if w they would , if people would pay more for speech recognition in a remote control .", + "D : you can see here , our target group would not do that .", + "D : I would greatly advise not to do it .", + "D : So if that would increase the price for which we're selling our remote control", + "C : But that would also go for the L_C_D_ screen then I guess .", + "C : It's a bit higher percentage ,", + "D : here the question was , would you prefer it .", + "D : And on top of that the L_C_D_ screen would um help in making the remote control easier to use .", + "D : And I think a voice recognition function would not make the remote control much easier to use .", + "A : I personally think the L_C_D_ screen we wanna use , with the extra information , I think nobody has anything against it .", + "A : Because it's just uh some extra information ,", + "A : Maybe we have to uh discard the voice recognition .", + "A : If we don't have the voice recognition , it will it won't use a lot of energy to use . Um ", + "A : in that case we could use kinetic uh energy ,", + "A : but I think just a simple battery which you can reload on a docking station is just as good .", + "A : And much cheaper as well .", + "C : And that's the best choice .", + "A : let me just choose for the battery .", + "A : That brings us to the chip .", + "C : there isn't any choice there", + "C : because we're using the the the the display .", + "C : So it's gotta be advanced .", + "A : And then we get to the point of the case .", + "A : Uh if we wanna choose for wood or the black and grey . Or both ?", + "A : wood is a lot more expensive to produce .", + "A : Um but I think it will attract elderly people who wanna have something exclusive ,", + "D : And I think most important factor there is the wooden colour .", + "A : But with colour was a lot more expensive ? Or ?", + "C : I'll have to uh research .", + "A : It's a lot more difficult to to handle and to to get in the right shape .", + "B : with uh mobile phones uh uh so uh like the Nokia mobile phones , uh when you can change the case of it .", + "B : Uh is it possible uh to make um changeable uh case .", + "B : you have just to make one um standard um remote control ,", + "A : I think that's a very good option .", + "A : You can sell the cases .", + "A : and then you can make them with colour . Black and grey , other colours as well .", + "D : We would have to look carefully into the design though .", + "A : Costs .", + "D : I think w we should just , we should then just design one um", + "D : one remote ,", + "D : but it would have to be fancy with either the wood cover or the plastic one .", + "A : everybody's okay with the changing covers ?", + "A : I think that's a good uh good option .", + "D : Um I heard our Industrial Designer talk about uh flat , single and double curved .", + "C : the the general like most older remotes are flat , just straight .", + "D : And what would single curved and double curved mean ?", + "C : Um it would just only affect the form , for as far as I know .", + "A : It's has to be possible to stand up ?", + "A : Or just only to lie down ?", + "D : just to lie down .", + "A : the interface . What type of interface do we want to use ?", + "B : Uh we can just use the regular form of it ,", + "D : Um you uh said you wanted to put the um changing channels button on the right side ,", + "D : so you could , so your thumb would be easily ", + "D : Um I thought maybe we could just make one of those buttons on both the left and the right side .", + "D : For left-handed users also .", + "B : Is it possible to um program it s so uh you got on the left side uh or on the right side uh buttons for for shifting u up and shifting up ? And on the uh other uh uh o other side uh buttons for uh shifting , uh for for the sound ?", + "D : but I'm not sure if that would be very good for the easy , ease of use .", + "A : Can't we make uh Can't we make a remote which you can flip over and use on the same", + "A : No that's not gonna work . I guess .", + "A : But is it a problem that left-handed persons use a different hand ?", + "A : I think the functions are", + "A : that basic that nobody should have any problems with uh choosing a channel", + "A : I think we could just uh leave it a normal shape .", + "C : Let's look at the flat case .", + "C : The the single curved so I'm not really sure what they're gonna look like , but I think it's something like this .", + "C : or better Should prevent repetitive strain injury a bit .", + "C : this type should be better for you", + "A : I suggest um the single curved ,", + "A : because maybe the curve is pretty good to put the the screen in .", + "B : the remote control have to um lay in your hand .", + "B : Um bit like so uh um in the form of your hand .", + "B : And to put uh the the buttons for um changing uh the channel uh over here uh ", + "A : But I think it's better to put the screen uh on top .", + "D : And I'd prefer the corners to be round .", + "B : But um the on-off button , um still on the top uh ", + "A : Then We've got a general idea of the concepts and the materials we're going to use .", + "A : for the next meeting uh we'll have to look at the look-and-feel design .", + "A : It's important that the corporate design image uh is going to be in the remote .", + "A : So check out the corporate website maybe .", + "A : The user interface design , it's the same story .", + "A : And product evaluation .", + "A : So the Industrial Designer and User Interface Designer are going to work together on this one .", + "A : But you're going to get your instructions I think sended by the coach .", + "A : just um I will put these um minutes on the in the folder .", + "A : I'm not sure if you're going to start right away to work together", + "A : I think you're going to fill in the questionnaires first .", + "A : And then you'll get a message .", + "A : Then we can save this one in the folders group .", + "A : if you wanna have a look at it , it's over there in the projects folder ." + ] + }, + "log": [] + }, + "AMI--train--3": { + "original dialog id": "IS1008a.json", + "dialog index": 3, + "original dialog info": { + "dialog history": [ + "C : Oops", + "C : That's as far as it goes .", + "A : Hi guys", + "A : uh good morning everybody here .", + "A : And uh I want to introduce myself ,", + "A : uh my name is uh Shrida Daseri", + "A : and uh I'm a project manager for this new project which we are going to discuss now .", + "A : So I want to introduce first of all uh the names and the colleagues here .", + "A : And what you're uh drawing ?", + "B : Uh sure", + "B : my name is Agnes", + "B : and I'm an user usability user interface designer .", + "D : My name is Ed", + "D : and I do accounting .", + "A : Uh how you spell your name uh ?", + "D : E_D_ .", + "A : E_D_ okay .", + "D : Mm .", + "A : And ?", + "C : Do you also do marketing ?", + "D : No .", + "A : So only accounting ?", + "D : Accounting , yes .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : And ?", + "C : And I'm Christine ,", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "C : and my role in this uh scenario is to be the industrial designer .", + "A : Industrial designer .", + "C : But I'm not really one .", + "A : So who is uh marketing , nobody in the market", + "D : Marketing is uh , is me .", + "A : It's you , okay .", + "A : So thanks for coming for the meeting first of all ,", + "A : and uh we have a long time , just twenty-five minutes to discuss about uh this project and the the project initiation .", + "A : First of all I want to ask uh Mister Ed about your uh marketing plan and your product plan and uh ", + "D : Well I think that we'll see that throughout the day in how we're going to put this together as a marketing to to market the product .", + "D : We'll have to see on a through discussion on where we're gonna go from here and from with this .", + "A : Mm-hmm", + "A : but uh do you already have like a functional design or a technical design or ", + "D : Uh for the moment not yet .", + "A : Oh for the moment not yet , okay ,", + "A : but uh what's what's your uh ", + "A : do you have some project plan , something with you or ", + "D : Good question .", + "D : No ,", + "D : this is like I said that we have to be discussed between all of us and we'll go from there .", + "D : We'll have to simply we'll have to work on it together .", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : so uh by when you think you can uh give me some kind of uh project plan , okay ,", + "A : a discussion with uh ", + "D : Certainly by the next meeting .", + "A : By next meeting , okay that will be great .", + "A : Uh Okay ,", + "A : so there's any questions or uh first of all about uh this project ?", + "C : What is the goal of the project ?", + "A : Uh the goal of the project I think maybe I'll uh hand out to the Ed , okay ,", + "D : ", + "A : so to explain uh what is the project because he's in the sales and the accounting .", + "C : ", + "D : I'm in the sales I'm supposed to explain them what to do .", + "D : We have to define exactly what our product is , from uh ", + "A : Yes ,", + "A : so can you explain uh what exactly the product is ?", + "D : From what I had in mind we're supposed to be marketing coffee ,", + "D : is that right ?", + "A : Oh I think uh , if I'm not wrong , we're making the remote control .", + "B : Um I was wondering ", + "D : Remote controls ,", + "D : 'cause I had two different things .", + "D : I had a first part of mine was to make a remote control for a new f remote control for television ,", + "D : and afterward I had a discussion about coffee so ", + "A : Yes .", + "D : we'll start with the remote control for television then .", + "D : So we're have to design something that is very user friendly .", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "D : Something uh visual that has something that will will draw people to buy the product ,", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "D : because I think everybody's experienced with uh remote controls ,", + "D : and some remote controls are are worth uh throwing out the window .", + "D : Uh th most of them ar", + "D : I don't know", + "D : we're have to come up with a new idea on how to make it a lot easier to use ,", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "D : 'cause a lot of times uh spend uh half a day through the instruction book trying to figure out how to use it .", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Mm .", + "A : And uh what abo uh", + "A : Christine , what about your uh the industrial design plan ?", + "A : Are you have a design already on this product or uh you're still working on the design ?", + "C : Um no , I I have not begun working on the design ,", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "C : and um I uh", + "C : I actually didn't know we were designing a remote control ,", + "C : I thought we were designing a new monitor .", + "C : Um the website I went to look at had some announcements about an introduction of a um uh some sort of a seven inch um monitor ,", + "C : and um I understood that that was the project goal .", + "C : So um I'm glad I didn't d do any work um ahead of time", + "C : because uh I clearly didn't understand the project goal .", + "A : Okay .", + "C : Um I just did s see that we were starting a new project together", + "C : and there was going to be a four member team composed of these people ,", + "C : and um that's about uh that's ", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "C : and I I read through the different steps , and what my responsibilities were relative to the steps .", + "A : So uh you'll be leading the team for your design team or how many members is working in the team , for the design ?", + "C : Uh for the industrial design ?", + "A : Yes .", + "C : Um well , I would th think that depends on how much money you give us .", + "D : ", + "A : Okay .", + "A : That's ", + "C : Um because uh , you know , you can uh you can make it uh you have different choices with different financial models .", + "A : Yeah , but uh before we talk about uh the finance , okay , uh do you have some idea how we can uh sell this product or project in the market", + "A : and how much is going to benefit to the company and uh of course it's to the individual also .", + "C : Well , you know um ,", + "C : I kind of think that in general you have to do uh um y you have to have something that's very fashionable , that's uh very attractive that um people see and recognize uh its goal , and uh they immediately wanna have it uh have one of their own .", + "C : So it would really would need to um ", + "C : something like the iPod would be good , seems to have caught on fairly well ,", + "C : so um d uh", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "C : you know , I don't care what it does , just so it looks cool .", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : but uh uh when you think you can give me like a kind of design on the functional design or the technical design ?", + "C : Well , uh I've got a lot of other projects I'm doing right now um", + "C : and so I'll have to wait and see how those uh how those go .", + "C : If they uh go quickly then uh it could be a month .", + "C : If um if I run into any problems in my other projects it might be six months .", + "A : Yeah , but uh I need something in the writing ,", + "A : so like uh what's your functional design , what's your technical design , and uh how many people you need for this project , and what's the time frame you're looking , okay , and what is the budget , maybe uh initial budget you're looking , okay , and uh how is going to the market , okay ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : so you've you've had to meet with the marketing team and how they're going to market and what are the marketing strategic plan , okay ,", + "A : when are you going to introduce , okay , and by the time you introduce the product and uh you know there there would be a competition ,", + "A : okay , so I need some kind of uh uh the plan in the writing from you .", + "C : And when would you like that ?", + "A : Okay , and it's po", + "A : B as soon as possible .", + "C : Uh well if uh if we have enough time uh then d do you think um two weeks is a is close enough ?", + "A : Yes I think uh that would be good ,", + "A : because I need to go to the management and uh tell them what we are going to do , and uh what cost is , okay , and what's the time frame and what's the project plan ,", + "A : because uh without any uh documentations , I cannot go to the management and say , so we are going to do this and we need this much money ,", + "A : okay , so then it's it's difficult for me to say , okay , that's the reason I need uh some kind of plan from you , initially , okay ,", + "A : then we can have the further discussion again .", + "C : Uh are there other people who will be contributing to the plan ?", + "A : Yes , of course ,", + "A : if you need some help , uh so let me know .", + "A : So , who are the people you need uh from the marketing or uh the technical side or uh the administration point of view , okay , to add in any documentation , or some technical point of view ,", + "C : ", + "A : so just let me know so I can uh coordinate all the teams .", + "C : Okay , I'll get back to you on that .", + "A : Yes .", + "A : Thank you .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : And uh Ed uh so what's what do you think about uh this uh project for the remote control", + "A : and d do you have some already planned something for your marketing strategy or uh the sales strategy ?", + "D : Well not yet other than uh doing research and taking remote controls and looking what other companies have to do uh , what they're building , their designs , their ideas ,", + "A : ", + "A : Hmm .", + "D : uh also have to pinpoint which market we're gonna go into .", + "A : ", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "D : It should be a fairly large market because uh the number of people that uh the competition ,", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "D : uh th I agree it has to be something it has to be something new ,", + "D : it has to be something that that draws people saying eh , I like this .", + "D : Whether it works or not , they have to first say I like this , I like the design ,", + "D : and then it's gotta be simple to use .", + "A : Yes , so what I uh prefer maybe uh you need to interact uh more with the Christine , okay ,", + "A : because you know what she is going to do it , okay ,", + "A : and you know how to sell it . Okay ,", + "A : because uh she is doing the design ,", + "A : but you are the core because you are in the marketing , okay ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : so because you need to sell and you're the responsible for the all the money , the finance , okay , tomorrow .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : So , what I prefer , okay , so you need to interact with the Christine more and uh within her team , okay , who is using the functional design or technical design , okay ,", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : and uh you need to come up with some kind of plan , okay , how we are going to do the your sales plan , okay ,", + "D : Do we already have a cost limit on this , th an idea of how much uh we want to market this for , how much it's gonna sell for ,", + "A : th", + "A : Th That that's", + "D : that's up that's up to us to decide , eh ? ", + "A : Yes , that's you have to decide , okay ,", + "A : so the best thing is you uh both of uh the Christine and you discuss with yourself , okay , and come up with the cost ,", + "A : and how we are going to compete in the market , okay , in the the technically , or in the sales wise , okay , the commercial wise , okay .", + "A : Then uh we have to design , okay , how long it will take the whole project , okay , how much is going to cost us , and how much we are going to benefit for the company .", + "A : Okay , of course it's it's uh of benefit for everybody individually .", + "A : Okay , so I think it's uh maybe if we can uh give me some kind of your uh the sales plan , okay , including the technical what uh she's going to talk to you within the team , okay , then it will help me to discuss with the management for further , okay , and put it in the the proper project plan .", + "D : Very good .", + "A : Okay , and if you need uh any coordination in between uh compared to the maybe the some technical vendors or commercial vendors , okay , depends if you want to have some uh uh marketing plan or technical plan , okay , so you let me know .", + "A : Okay , I can coordinate ,", + "D : Very good .", + "A : or maybe uh , you are my coordinator , am I right ?", + "B : Mm .", + "A : Between uh all the coor", + "B : Well , no , not exactly .", + "B : I mean my job from what I understood was to look at the usability requirements and make sure that the product is usable , it's acceptable to the people who are gonna use it and look at the best ways to do that .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : So I think I'll have to interact with Christine and discuss with her , so that she's not designing something that my studies will show right off the bat that it's not going to work ,", + "A : Th Christine , yeah .", + "A : Which is ", + "B : and so it's sort of it's a loop that feeds in ,", + "B : but I don't think necessarily that I'm in a coordinating position for it .", + "A : Yes .", + "A : Yeah , so basically you need to interact with Christine more , okay , for the user acceptability , okay , and the testing , okay ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "A : then you will ", + "B : Which will also feed into the marketing ,", + "A : Yes .", + "B : because depending on what users want , depends on how you sell it , what tag lines you attach to it , how you try to make it more attractive to users .", + "A : Yes .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : So I think all three groups will need to interact quite a bit .", + "B : Um , and then", + "B : I guess build the plan based on all of that ,", + "B : because I think you need to take all the factors into account .", + "A : Yep .", + "A : But what I request , okay , keep Ed in the loop , okay , in between your uh meeting and Christine meeting , because uh he should know what's happening .", + "B : Yeah , of course .", + "B : Yeah , we can C_C_ him on any discussions or documents that are passed around .", + "A : Yes .", + "A : Okay and please please copy all the mails , okay , all the discussions to me , okay ,", + "B : Sure .", + "A : so I need to submit to the management .", + "B : No problem .", + "A : So any questions for uh time being ?", + "C : ", + "D : No .", + "B : So , the immediate next step is to start determining the functional design , or", + "A : Yes .", + "B : okay .", + "A : Okay .", + "A : To come up with the functional design and uh to discuss with Ed , okay , and how it's going to be work ,", + "A : and uh first of all with your user acceptance , okay , how it looks like and how it's going to be work in the market , okay ,", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "A : so then we can discuss about uh further things .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : So , we'll meet when the we'll discuss on the further meeting .", + "A : It's okay ?", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Thanks for coming .", + "C : Would you mind um at the conclusion of our meeting could could you send us a copy of your slides ?", + "A : Yes , I will . Yes .", + "B : Mm-hmm ,", + "B : yeah , that would be useful .", + "A : I'll copy , uh", + "A : le let us keep all the emails and all the copies , okay , share each other , okay , so you know everybody what's happening , okay ?", + "B : Sure .", + "A : And if anything you need anytime so please either you can call me , or just send me email , or uh just come and uh knock my door , okay ,", + "A : so I'm available here .", + "A : It's good ?", + "B : Okay .", + "A : Okay , thanks for coming and uh I wish you a nice time then .", + "C : Thank you .", + "B : Thanks .", + "B : Thank you .", + "A : Okay , see you later . Bye ." + ], + "abstractive summary": [ + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.1", + "text": "The group introduced themselves to each other and discussed their roles in the project.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.2", + "text": "The Project Manager opened a discussion about the project plan and asked the Marketing Expert to prepare an overall plan for the project.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.3", + "text": "The Marketing Expert presented the initial aim of the project: the creation of a fresh, user-friendly remote control device.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.4", + "text": "The Project Manager asked the Industrial Designer to create a functional design plan for the device, then asked the Marketing Expert about ideas for the sales strategy.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.5", + "text": "The Marketing Expert presented an initial sales plan: to analyze the competition and to pinpoint the target marketing group.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.6", + "text": "The Project Manager instructed all participants to work together on their respective design plans.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.7", + "text": "The Project Manager decided that the design plans will be discussed at the next meeting, and that the next step will be to come up with a functional design of the device.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.8", + "text": "The Marketing Expert will prepare a sales plan for the product and discuss the project budget and the sales strategy.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.9", + "text": "The Industrial Designer will prepare an initial functional design.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.10", + "text": "The User Interface Designer will contribute studies on user requirements to the functional design.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.11", + "text": "The Project Manager will post his presentation to be available for all participants.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.12", + "text": "The group will discuss the design plans of the three experts at the next meeting.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.13", + "text": "The group will first work on a functional design of the device.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "IS1008a.JacquelinePalmer.s.14", + "text": "The group did not receive sufficient information about the project in advance to be prepared to create a project plan in the first meeting.", + "type": "problems" + } + ], + "extractive summary": [ + "A : uh good morning everybody here .", + "A : And uh I want to introduce myself ,", + "A : uh my name is uh Shrida Daseri", + "A : and uh I'm a project manager for this new project which we are going to discuss now .", + "A : So I want to introduce first of all uh the names and the colleagues here .", + "B : my name is Agnes", + "B : and I'm an user usability user interface designer .", + "D : My name is Ed", + "D : and I do accounting .", + "C : Do you also do marketing ?", + "A : So only accounting ?", + "C : And I'm Christine ,", + "C : and my role in this uh scenario is to be the industrial designer .", + "A : So who is uh marketing , nobody in the market", + "D : Marketing is uh , is me .", + "A : So thanks for coming for the meeting first of all ,", + "A : and uh we have a long time , just twenty-five minutes to discuss about uh this project and the the project initiation .", + "A : First of all I want to ask uh Mister Ed about your uh marketing plan and your product plan and uh ", + "D : Well I think that we'll see that throughout the day in how we're going to put this together as a marketing to to market the product .", + "D : We'll have to see on a through discussion on where we're gonna go from here and from with this .", + "A : but uh do you already have like a functional design or a technical design or ", + "D : Uh for the moment not yet .", + "A : do you have some project plan , something with you or ", + "D : this is like I said that we have to be discussed between all of us and we'll go from there .", + "D : We'll have to simply we'll have to work on it together .", + "A : so uh by when you think you can uh give me some kind of uh project plan , okay ,", + "D : Certainly by the next meeting .", + "A : so there's any questions or uh first of all about uh this project ?", + "C : What is the goal of the project ?", + "A : Uh the goal of the project I think maybe I'll uh hand out to the Ed , okay ,", + "A : so to explain uh what is the project because he's in the sales and the accounting .", + "A : so can you explain uh what exactly the product is ?", + "D : From what I had in mind we're supposed to be marketing coffee ,", + "A : Oh I think uh , if I'm not wrong , we're making the remote control .", + "D : 'cause I had two different things .", + "D : I had a first part of mine was to make a remote control for a new f remote control for television ,", + "D : and afterward I had a discussion about coffee so ", + "D : we'll start with the remote control for television then .", + "D : So we're have to design something that is very user friendly .", + "D : Something uh visual that has something that will will draw people to buy the product ,", + "D : because I think everybody's experienced with uh remote controls ,", + "D : we're have to come up with a new idea on how to make it a lot easier to use ,", + "D : 'cause a lot of times uh spend uh half a day through the instruction book trying to figure out how to use it .", + "A : Christine , what about your uh the industrial design plan ?", + "A : Are you have a design already on this product or uh you're still working on the design ?", + "C : Um no , I I have not begun working on the design ,", + "C : I actually didn't know we were designing a remote control ,", + "C : Um the website I went to look at had some announcements about an introduction of a um uh some sort of a seven inch um monitor ,", + "C : and um I understood that that was the project goal .", + "C : Um I just did s see that we were starting a new project together", + "C : and there was going to be a four member team composed of these people ,", + "A : So uh you'll be leading the team for your design team or how many members is working in the team , for the design ?", + "C : Um well , I would th think that depends on how much money you give us .", + "C : Um because uh , you know , you can uh you can make it uh you have different choices with different financial models .", + "A : Yeah , but uh before we talk about uh the finance , okay , uh do you have some idea how we can uh sell this product or project in the market", + "A : and how much is going to benefit to the company and uh of course it's to the individual also .", + "C : I kind of think that in general you have to do uh um y you have to have something that's very fashionable , that's uh very attractive that um people see and recognize uh its goal , and uh they immediately wanna have it uh have one of their own .", + "C : So it would really would need to um ", + "C : you know , I don't care what it does , just so it looks cool .", + "A : but uh uh when you think you can give me like a kind of design on the functional design or the technical design ?", + "C : Well , uh I've got a lot of other projects I'm doing right now um", + "C : If they uh go quickly then uh it could be a month .", + "C : If um if I run into any problems in my other projects it might be six months .", + "A : so like uh what's your functional design , what's your technical design , and uh how many people you need for this project , and what's the time frame you're looking , okay , and what is the budget , maybe uh initial budget you're looking , okay , and uh how is going to the market , okay ,", + "A : so you've you've had to meet with the marketing team and how they're going to market and what are the marketing strategic plan , okay ,", + "A : when are you going to introduce , okay , and by the time you introduce the product and uh you know there there would be a competition ,", + "A : okay , so I need some kind of uh uh the plan in the writing from you .", + "A : because I need to go to the management and uh tell them what we are going to do , and uh what cost is , okay , and what's the time frame and what's the project plan ,", + "A : because uh without any uh documentations , I cannot go to the management and say , so we are going to do this and we need this much money ,", + "C : Uh are there other people who will be contributing to the plan ?", + "A : if you need some help , uh so let me know .", + "A : So , who are the people you need uh from the marketing or uh the technical side or uh the administration point of view , okay , to add in any documentation , or some technical point of view ,", + "A : And uh Ed uh so what's what do you think about uh this uh project for the remote control", + "A : and d do you have some already planned something for your marketing strategy or uh the sales strategy ?", + "D : Well not yet other than uh doing research and taking remote controls and looking what other companies have to do uh , what they're building , their designs , their ideas ,", + "D : uh also have to pinpoint which market we're gonna go into .", + "D : It should be a fairly large market because uh the number of people that uh the competition ,", + "D : uh th I agree it has to be something it has to be something new ,", + "D : Whether it works or not , they have to first say I like this , I like the design ,", + "D : and then it's gotta be simple to use .", + "A : Yes , so what I uh prefer maybe uh you need to interact uh more with the Christine , okay ,", + "A : because you know what she is going to do it , okay ,", + "A : but you are the core because you are in the marketing , okay ,", + "A : So , what I prefer , okay , so you need to interact with the Christine more and uh within her team , okay , who is using the functional design or technical design , okay ,", + "A : and uh you need to come up with some kind of plan , okay , how we are going to do the your sales plan , okay ,", + "D : Do we already have a cost limit on this , th an idea of how much uh we want to market this for , how much it's gonna sell for ,", + "D : that's up that's up to us to decide , eh ? ", + "A : Yes , that's you have to decide , okay ,", + "A : so the best thing is you uh both of uh the Christine and you discuss with yourself , okay , and come up with the cost ,", + "A : and how we are going to compete in the market , okay , in the the technically , or in the sales wise , okay , the commercial wise , okay .", + "A : Then uh we have to design , okay , how long it will take the whole project , okay , how much is going to cost us , and how much we are going to benefit for the company .", + "A : Okay , so I think it's uh maybe if we can uh give me some kind of your uh the sales plan , okay , including the technical what uh she's going to talk to you within the team , okay , then it will help me to discuss with the management for further , okay , and put it in the the proper project plan .", + "A : Okay , and if you need uh any coordination in between uh compared to the maybe the some technical vendors or commercial vendors , okay , depends if you want to have some uh uh marketing plan or technical plan , okay , so you let me know .", + "A : or maybe uh , you are my coordinator , am I right ?", + "B : I mean my job from what I understood was to look at the usability requirements and make sure that the product is usable , it's acceptable to the people who are gonna use it and look at the best ways to do that .", + "B : So I think I'll have to interact with Christine and discuss with her , so that she's not designing something that my studies will show right off the bat that it's not going to work ,", + "B : because depending on what users want , depends on how you sell it , what tag lines you attach to it , how you try to make it more attractive to users .", + "B : So I think all three groups will need to interact quite a bit .", + "A : Okay and please please copy all the mails , okay , all the discussions to me , okay ,", + "B : Yeah , we can C_C_ him on any discussions or documents that are passed around .", + "A : But what I request , okay , keep Ed in the loop , okay , in between your uh meeting and Christine meeting , because uh he should know what's happening .", + "B : So , the immediate next step is to start determining the functional design , or", + "A : To come up with the functional design and uh to discuss with Ed , okay , and how it's going to be work ,", + "A : and uh first of all with your user acceptance , okay , how it looks like and how it's going to be work in the market , okay ,", + "A : so then we can discuss about uh further things .", + "C : Would you mind um at the conclusion of our meeting could could you send us a copy of your slides ?", + "A : Yes , I will . Yes .", + "A : And if anything you need anytime so please either you can call me , or just send me email , or uh just come and uh knock my door , okay ," + ] + }, + "log": [] + }, + "AMI--train--4": { + "original dialog id": "ES2005b.json", + "dialog index": 4, + "original dialog info": { + "dialog history": [ + "C : Um minutes from the last meeting which were essentially that we uh had decided on roles for each of you ,", + "C : however , um there are some changes that I've got from on high", + "C : that um", + "D : Okay . ", + "C : are a bit uh ", + "C : well w what I didn't actually realise it was that the uh this is for a specific television .", + "D : Okay .", + "C : So the all in one idea goes out the window .", + "C : And they require that the uh", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : actually I'll get to that at the end point number four ,", + "C : um we'll get what you've got and then we can see what we can adapt from it .", + "C : So um , presentations ,", + "C : were you anybody got , raring to go ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Raring to go ?", + "C : Okay . Good stuff .", + "C : Mm .", + "B : Um . So how ", + "C : Oh I need to plug you in . ", + "A : ", + "B : S ", + "D : Wow . ", + "C : Just about .", + "A : It's a inspired design .", + "B : ", + "D : ", + "B : Sh do you want me to hold it ?", + "C : Uh there we go ,", + "C : just screw 'em on in .", + "C : Gonna have to swap them round so ", + "B : ", + "C : now , it was function F_ eight .", + "B : So , after that ?", + "B : F_ eight .", + "B : f oh sorry F_ eight .", + "C : That's the wee blue one .", + "C : Blue one F_ eight .", + "C : Should do it , good one .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Uh , me again , Rajan the Marketing Expert .", + "B : Uh , as we have decided in the last meeting that I have to find out ,", + "B : sorry , yeah sure .", + "C : Hold on , sorry .", + "C : and if you just click that it'll go ahead , one at a time .", + "B : Yeah , yeah .", + "B : Uh actually , sorry I have to see the other , sorry .", + "C : Sorry , uh .", + "B : Yeah , thank you .", + "C : ", + "B : Uh , yes , I have to look at the uh market potential for this product ,", + "B : uh , like consumer likings and everything ,", + "B : what is the potential for this product", + "B : and are we able to achieve our a net profit or our aims or not ?", + "B : Then ", + "C : P press F_ five to start it first .", + "B : Sorry .", + "B : Okay . Yeah , I can , okay .", + "A : Hmm .", + "C : Jesus .", + "B : Uh then uh the methodology I adopted to find out all this was market survey .", + "B : A a detailed market survey on consumers was done to find out their likings and dislikings , what they prefer what they not prefer , w what problems they do encounter in all this type of things .", + "B : And what we got was , we found that if you uh , what they th what problems they are having with different uh remote controls available in the market .", + "B : Seventy five percent of users they do find it that the remote controls available in the market are ugly .", + "B : They are not so good looking .", + "B : So , we have to put stress on this ,", + "B : uh we have to take care of this fact also like our design , uh should be appropriate , should be good looking for the consumers .", + "B : And yes that's wi uh this will definitely , this can definitely put uh uh enhance our sales .", + "B : Uh and even uh the good thing about this is that eighty percent of users they are willing to pay high uh pay more for this uh good looking remote controls also .", + "B : So even if the available market goes for the available ", + "B : uh even if the market goes for the available remote control is less even then we can sell it at twenty five Euros ,", + "B : which maybe which may seem quite high but if our looks are are if the re remote control we design have a good better uh better look uh designs , then we can hope that consumers will prefer these g remote controls .", + "C : Excellent .", + "B : Then ", + "B : And the second thing , some some companies they think that they should have more and more functions of the users uh or in their remote controls ,", + "B : but rather than those having more functions in the remote controls we should emphasise what actually consumer want , what they operate , rather than making it too complicated .", + "B : Because mostly it has been found that fifty percent of the users they use only ten percent of the buttons ,", + "B : so there is no point of having ninety percent buttons making the remote controls too bulky , too complicated too expensive a because I think I believe that technology is useful only if uh the consumers they want to use it .", + "B : Otherwise there is no point of having all this type of things .", + "B : So this will not only reduce the cost of our remote controls but it will increase our profit also .", + "B : So we have to take care of this fact also .", + "B : Then .", + "B : Uh it was function I want to go to .", + "C : Oh you wanna go back ? Just escape .", + "B : Uh , escape , okay", + "B : thank you .", + "B : Then if we look at this slide ,", + "C : Okay .", + "B : uh these are in your shared documents , you can see ,", + "C : Okay .", + "B : like ", + "B : Uh , sorry .", + "D : So , sorry ", + "D : I was just gonna say ,", + "D : what was the question for this ?", + "D : Or is are you coming on to that ?", + "B : Ah t look all the market potential , what uh how we should design consu our remote controls , what they should be there so as to en enhance our profit , enhance our sales .", + "D : Okay .", + "D : So these percentages are are what ?", + "B : Yeah , these are different age group persons", + "B : like uh", + "B : sorry ,", + "B : I can open it in another way .", + "C : Okay . Speech recognition .", + "B : Uh , yes .", + "B : If we look at the costs whether the consumers they are willing to uh pay more for speech recognition in a remote control or not , we can find that they up to a thirty five years age group we have a very good disliking for this uh this uh point , like for speech recognition in a remote control .", + "A : ", + "B : So we can emphasise on this point also like ,", + "B : because it will definitely enhance our sales in this ag in this particular age group from uh fifteen to thirty five ,", + "D : Hmm .", + "B : and I uh and I think that most of the users of the rem uh T_V_ are belong to this age group .", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : So we should look ", + "C : We're als we we're looking at who buys it as well . ", + "B : Yeah . We can look at that that factor also , so yes . ", + "C : Uh , which I think the twenty five to thirty five is uh usual , sort of .", + "D : Mm , mm .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : So , and ", + "C : ", + "B : ", + "B : And then ", + "C : Fifteen to twe", + "B : Yes . I think so .", + "C : ", + "B : Uh if we look at this data how how uh h how what are the problems the consumers are facing with the existing remote controls in the market .", + "B : They find that thirt uh thirty five percent uh thirty four percent of the consumers they find too difficult to operate a remote control .", + "B : So it should be in such a way that it should be easy to learn how to operate these remote controls", + "B : and we should provide pl uh spe uh proper manuals for its use also so as that people consumers could easily learn .", + "B : They need not to have any , much technical knowledge to see uh to know how to operate these remote controls .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "B : So this is also a very goo uh major factor to loo uh take into consideration to enhance our profits and sales .", + "B : So um this is all about", + "C : Okay . ", + "C : ", + "B : uh market potential by me .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Uh , yes ,", + "B : th thank you .", + "C : Okay , thank you .", + "C : Um , follow on with Helen ?", + "C : Yeah please .", + "D : Yep , sure , that's cool , um ", + "B : Yeah we have to take that out .", + "C : Oh , so we do yeah .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Sorry .", + "C : Fun and games .", + "B : ", + "B : Sorry .", + "C : Don't know if the cable's gonna be long enough .", + "B : Uh sorry ,", + "C : I think I just kicked over whatever it runs on underneath as well .", + "B : I have . ", + "B : Brian , this one also I . Yeah .", + "C : Okay .", + "D : I can turn my computer quickly if that's okay .", + "B : Thank you very much Brian .", + "B : If you want me to help , yeah .", + "D : Um , yep .", + "C : ", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Okay , and then what do I press , F_ eight ?", + "B : Uh F_ eight . Function F_ eight .", + "C : Function F_ eight .", + "D : Oh right .", + "B : Mm s .", + "D : Okay , cool .", + "B : It's not coming .", + "D : Oh .", + "B : Function F_ eight , okay .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah . No signal .", + "D : ", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : Computer .", + "C : There you go .", + "B : Computer adjusting , yeah .", + "D : Okay . Cool .", + "D : Okay and then how do I press the the big one , to get it on to the big ", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Uh F_ five .", + "D : F_ five", + "D : and I press that again to get it off as well do I ?", + "C : Um , F_ five and escape'll bring it back and just uh the left button for advancing .", + "B : Escape .", + "D : Okay , so um I'm the interface design designer ,", + "D : User Interface Designer sorry ,", + "D : uh I'm concerned with um w what effect the apparatus should have on the user", + "D : and um I'm I'm also ", + "D : I want to point out that our motto , put the fashion in electronics ,", + "C : ", + "D : so obviously we as a company we want to make our products trendy and fashionable , it's a big concern of ours .", + "D : Okay , and how do I press n just the next button ?", + "C : Uh just a left uh", + "D : The arrow ?", + "D : Okay .", + "C : left mouse button .", + "D : So um I looked at existing designs", + "D : and also um the information that Raj gave us was very useful about what people like , what people dislike .", + "D : Um and what people fashionable , because we said people between twenty five and thirty five were the main um buyers of of our T_V_ I think .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Okay .", + "D : So um what they like and what they find fashionable .", + "C : 'Kay .", + "D : And ergonomics ,", + "D : we said um ,", + "D : I don't know I haven't actually been able to do any of this myself ,", + "C : ", + "A : ", + "D : but um maybe that comes up ,", + "D : I don't know .", + "C : That can come under Arlo as well .", + "D : And the findings , well", + "D : the basic that was the basic function to send messages to the television set .", + "D : That's what people want to do .", + "C : Uh .", + "D : Um , so they need to be included , um ,", + "D : but I've got some pictures here of some leading ones .", + "D : I don't know how to get to them ,", + "D : do I press F_ five is it ? escape ?", + "C : Uh if you if you escape then you can see your bar .", + "D : Oh okay , cool .", + "D : I haven't got my glasses on so I hope it's this one .", + "C : Uh okay .", + "D : These are two leading um remote controls at the moment .", + "D : You know they're grey ,", + "C : 'Kay .", + "D : they've", + "D : I mean this one's got loads of buttons ,", + "D : it's hard to tell from here what they actually do ,", + "C : ", + "D : and they don't look very exciting at all .", + "D : Um , personally I prefer this one just because it's looks easier use ,", + "D : it's a bit more sleek with more of this silver stuff ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "D : um , but there you go , that's what we're up against ,", + "D : and I think we can do much better than that .", + "C : ", + "C : We hope so .", + "A : Of course . ", + "D : Um", + "D : hang on .", + "D : F_ five ,", + "D : okay , sorry .", + "C : ", + "D : Personal preferences .", + "D : Um , well I think we need to l I think the ergonomics is quite um important , um", + "C : ", + "C : Yeah , particularly if we've uh there was a bit in Raj's about R_S_I_ and things as well .", + "D : Uh-huh .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : And um I thought not too edgy and like a box ,", + "D : more kind of hand-held more um not as uh computery and", + "C : Organic .", + "D : or organic , yeah , more organic shape I think .", + "D : Um simple designs , like the last one we just saw ,", + "D : not too many buttons", + "D : and as Raj pointed out , only ten percent fifty percent of people only use ten percent of the buttons ,", + "B : ", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "D : so I think what we can miss out on the buttons we can make up for in design and and how nice it looks .", + "C : Sales , .", + "C : Okay .", + "D : Um , hand-held and portable I think is portamint is important", + "D : because T_F_T_ have just um released um I think is it a a remote control for presentations or uh and a big seven inch big screen , anyway , so um ", + "C : Yeah it's like a , yeah .", + "C : ", + "C : It's . ", + "D : Yeah , no seven inches isn't that big", + "D : but um anyway um so hand-held and portable", + "D : and uh m I thought about other functions for T_V_ but as you pointed out people don't actually want that ,", + "C : Right .", + "D : so maybe we forget about that .", + "C : And also the company want to keep it stuck to the T_V_ for uh to keep down the production time .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : It's for one T_V_ oh right okay , sure .", + "D : And so the last thing I thought", + "D : w which I quickly mentioned in the other one", + "D : was maybe a bit of a gimmick to set us apart from other people , like glow-in-the-dark", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Exactly . Yeah .", + "D : um which does already e exist but it's not very widely used I don't think .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : Easy finder with the a whistle function or something ,", + "C : Okay .", + "D : or rechargeable station because it's a pain when you run out of batteries .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : And I think that , yep , that's it .", + "C : That's cool .", + "A : So uh , I noticed your talk about speech recognition and whistling ,", + "D : Okay ?", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : and uh I was just curious to know , have we done any research into how many people can whistle ?", + "A : Um , or if ", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : is that a function we want in the remote ?", + "D : Um , I haven't been able to ", + "C : Um , do you have trouble whistling ?", + "A : I don't , but I I know a lot of people do right .", + "C : Really ?", + "C : Ooh . ", + "A : Yeah", + "A : it just", + "A : I mean it has to be a certain kind of whistle too , right ?", + "D : Mm-hmm , yeah", + "C : Yeah , I suppose that's true .", + "D : or some sort of voice ", + "C : Well I suppo uh you could y you could have the", + "C : you could have the basically um instead of a whistle if it's got the voice recognition you could have it just , you know , where are you ? . ", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : That's costly though .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Um a much easier thing is just any loud noise like clapping um , shouting , you know ,", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Sounds good .", + "A : uh and then , what would the response be ? It beeps back at you or something ?", + "D : Yeah , something .", + "A : Okay .", + "D : ", + "A : Well , uh let me set this up .", + "A : So I plug it in , press F_ five ?", + "A : Function F_ five ?", + "C : Function F_ eight for the um the uh ", + "A : Or function F_ eight ?", + "A : Okay .", + "D : Oh you need to twiddle the thingamibobsy thing .", + "A : Okay . I think it's uh just to lock it in .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : It's got it .", + "D : Okay .", + "A : Okay .", + "C : ", + "A : Um .", + "A : So as the Industrial Designer my job is to take an input from you guys ,", + "D : ", + "C : Alright .", + "A : um so it's good you went first ,", + "D : ", + "A : and I jotted down some notes as to what are the b needs and uh what kind of novel features we can add to differentiate our product from the others .", + "C : Let's remember that .", + "A : Um so Raj told us that uh consumers are willing to spend more for fancy products ,", + "A : and um he also mentioned that uh the current products don't always match users' operating behaviour .", + "A : Um , a lot of the buttons aren't used ,", + "A : and uh ", + "A : he mentioned that they're not fun to use .", + "A : And uh a novel feature which uh we just brought up was this this automatic speech recognition feature or noise detection feature for when you lose the remote ,", + "C : ", + "A : there could be a little microphone on it ,", + "A : and any noise over a certain threshold um it'll pick up as a a distress signal um from you and it'll beep back and say you know oh here I am or something of this sort .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : But sure surely that would have to be um sort of specific rather than above a threshold 'cause if you had a loud movie on you're likely to get it beeping back at you .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Oh yeah , yeah , that's true .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Well maybe you could have a", + "A : um hmm ", + "A : tha that would be a consideration to take into account yes .", + "A : Um .", + "C : Sorry I didn't mean to derail you there . ", + "A : Yeah well tha that's uh for later down the road um ,", + "A : and then as for the user interface it should be trendy ,", + "A : um and not computery ,", + "D : ", + "A : right , so more low tech and not too many buttons .", + "C : ", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : So I took these all into consideration", + "A : and also I have some limitations from the boss .", + "C : ", + "A : Right um ,", + "A : and practical limitations which I kinda threw out the window .", + "C : ", + "A : And so I did a little research", + "A : and unfortunately all I had to work on was our uh our corporate archives of the great products we've made before ,", + "D : ", + "A : which include , you know , um space craft , coffee makers , and bullet trains ", + "C : Ah is that what that is ? ", + "A : Or uh or a high speed train .", + "D : ", + "A : Right", + "A : and having personally worked with all these products uh I have a great deal of experience with uh with industrial design of these .", + "D : ", + "C : Well that's cool .", + "C : If you if you can build space craft you'll have no problem with a remote control , yeah .", + "A : Right . So ,", + "D : Yeah sure .", + "A : I figured , just put 'em all together .", + "C : ", + "A : You got a a caffeine powered space shuttle train transport to your T_V_ , and um", + "D : ", + "C : ", + "B : Hmm .", + "A : as for the user interface problem , you know , too many buttons . Give it one button", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "B : ", + "A : and and it's a you know , for the the cowboy in all of us ", + "A : I I'm not quite sure what the the function is there but ", + "C : Right okay . ", + "D : Well I like that design . ", + "A : Yeah it's a g I mean you could have a you know a ", + "C : Is that just switches on the speech recognition and it's entirely speech operated , is it ?", + "A : Right .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : ", + "A : So I think I I missed the budget thing ,", + "A : it was fifty million Euros ?", + "D : ", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : And we gotta sell twenty five of them ?", + "D : Yeah ,", + "A : Right . Okay . ", + "D : not a problem .", + "B : Fifty million was uh prof", + "C : Ah now it's fif fifty million Euros we've gotta uh we've g ", + "D : ", + "B : As a profit .", + "A : Oh okay , so I I mixed those numbers .", + "C : gotta make profit ,", + "C : so we're making that at twelve and a half Euros a time .", + "D : ", + "A : Okay .", + "A : Well I guess more realistically then , we need a product that's got some kinda nifty outer casing ,", + "A : cheap plastic uh , you know ,", + "A : um that should be just like uh a tenth of the price maybe or less .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : An energy source which'd probably just be uh your regular batteries ", + "C : Okay .", + "A : um , we don't wanna have it ", + "C : Would it be possible to have the rechargeable idea ?", + "C : Is that is that gonna mark up a lot ?", + "A : Uh .", + "D : Or a little base station or something , .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah , yeah , we could do that too .", + "A : Um , I hadn't thought of that .", + "A : Yeah .", + "D : That might cost more though ,", + "D : 'cause obviously with batteries we don't need to provide , well we provide the first batteries , but it's more , it's that's cheaper to just provide batteries .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "A : Right .", + "C : I mean if you think about these base stations now it's essentially just a a lead with a sort of self connecting brake in it ,", + "D : A battery in it , kinda .", + "C : so I don't think it'd up up the price that much .", + "A : Right ,", + "D : Okay .", + "A : so so ", + "A : the unirs the user interface", + "D : Okay .", + "A : uh the canonical user interface for these would be just a bunch of buttons ,", + "A : but since we're a cutting edge company , we uh of course will have alternatives like uh speech recognition , whistling recognition and rocket power", + "C : ", + "C : Okay . ", + "A : behind our product .", + "D : ", + "A : Um and lastly the transmission interface is uh , just some engineering thing you don't have to worry about .", + "C : Okay . ", + "A : Um so here's you know , a great schematic that my uh apprentice designer gave me .", + "D : ", + "C : ", + "A : Um as you can see the the remote control have parts and those parts look like that", + "A : and um ", + "A : you know it's got a little operating procedure that looks something like that .", + "A : And I suppose you all know how it works because we've all used it", + "A : and we wouldn't be in a company designing remote controls if we didn't know what they were so ", + "A : uh personal preferences , I think uh programmable options which um just require a small amount of memory ,", + "A : uh non volatile memory ,", + "A : just um so the user can put in their favourite channels and maybe their preferred volume settings so that when they turn it on it's not blasting .", + "D : Mm .", + "D : Mm that's a good idea actually I like the programmable options .", + "B : Yeah , me too .", + "A : Oh okay .", + "A : And the uh , the bells and whistles that we mentioned you know , they take more budgeting , um more technical uh expenditure of effort", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : and it's also much more likely to not work if if we add these bells and whistles .", + "C : Right .", + "D : Mm 'kay .", + "A : ", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : That's all I got .", + "C : 'Kay ,", + "C : thank you very much ,", + "C : um I'll take that back .", + "A : ", + "C : ", + "C : ", + "A : Ooh that's tight .", + "C : Right , also so um a notice I got not very long before the meeting ,", + "C : so didn't manage to forward it on to you ,", + "C : it is ", + "C : let's see ,", + "C : I'll find it myself , um ", + "C : ", + "C : Ta", + "A : Okay , I don't think we need to screw it in .", + "C : nah . ", + "A : Just push it .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : We had that um to dis-include teletext um because it's become outdated , and everybody uses the internet anyway .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Um , dunno what Oracle would have to say with that but never mind .", + "C : Um it's only for the television ,", + "C : which I'm presuming means it's for a specific television ,", + "D : Okay .", + "C : and um instead of colours and sorta colour options , they want corporate colour and slogan somehow implemented in the new design .", + "D : Corporate colour .", + "C : Yellow .", + "D : Okay .", + "A : Yellow . ", + "C : I presume .", + "C : Um , everything , all their sort of uh you know the uh corporate website and everything's yellow .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : And the logo uh the sort of slogan we put the fa fashion in electronics uh ", + "C : I don't know exactly how sort of incorpor", + "C : I mean , I guess if you're going for a sort of globular shape you could kind of have it working its way round it or something .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : Uh , where am I ? ", + "D : Okay .", + "C : ", + "C : Okay , so , we have to decide on which functions we're going to actually have .", + "D : 'Kay .", + "C : Uh , now ,", + "C : we had as listed options we had", + "A : ", + "C : speech recognition potentially ,", + "C : flat screen interface , L_C_D_ interface um", + "C : we also want to limit the number of buttons", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : so we'll pretty much take that one as read .", + "C : We'll use the the basic functions for a television .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : No teletext .", + "C : Um ", + "C : okay hold on .", + "D : Although the the danger with that is , it could look a bit cheap .", + "C : Not enough buttons you mean ?", + "D : Yeah .", + "D : Well ", + "C : So sorta strike a balance between a a few and a ", + "D : Mm .", + "C : or it looks like we're just cutting on the um ", + "D : On the number of buttons , kind of functions and stuff .", + "C : I do however have this from over my head , that they don't want teletext on it .", + "D : Mm-hmm , okay .", + "D : Okay , cool .", + "C : Uh maybe Raj you could find out what people would think about that ,", + "C : or maybe they'll send", + "B : About cost .", + "C : some information about that ,", + "C : about um what people ,", + "C : whether people would require um teletext in a remote teletext option in a remote control .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Okay um .", + "C : So uh I take it your position Arlo is that the bells and whistles we've gotta come up with the a gimmick but not too complicated a gimmick .", + "A : Yeah yeah .", + "C : Um so I mean a a the sort of inkling I'm getting from little bits of um web chatter that I'm getting sent is that they're quite interested in a T_F_T_ display , interactive display .", + "C : However that does sound a bit like the", + "C : more complicated design that rav uh sorry Raj um", + "C : ", + "C : said people didn't like .", + "D : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "C : Although I guess if there's a sort of ", + "C : If you think about standard interfaces that people use already , sort of Windows-style drop down menus or whatever ,", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : I think maybe that's a bit , going a bit far", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : but you know like in a basic sense that you could have your basic selection of buttons ,", + "C : and if you hit a sort of menu at the top you have", + "C : um it goes to a different selection of buttons ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : so it sorta keeps it simple .", + "D : Okay .", + "C : Um glow in the dark , is that sort of with a light inside it or is it sort of glow in the dark material ?", + "D : Um ", + "B : Uh .", + "D : Glow in the dark material I was thinking .", + "C : Okay .", + "C : So ", + "D : Um , so I I guess that would be cheaper than a light I think .", + "B : I ", + "B : Uh may I say something about ?", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Uh actually I think it's really really very important point uh as if we look at the market", + "B : because people mor fifty percent people they find that the remote controls are often lost somewhere in the remote , in the room .", + "B : But ", + "D : Often lost s was that ,", + "C : Lost , yeah .", + "B : yeah are lost", + "D : yeah .", + "B : and means they forget where they have kept the remote control last time .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "B : But if we add speech recognition as well as glow in the dark then both these factors will help their locating the remote control ,", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "B : like if they come and speak something at the remote control uh replies to something something and it glows in the dark .", + "B : Both these factors uh both these points will help them to locate the where they have kept this remote control ,", + "C : That's cool .", + "D : Mm-hmm ,", + "D : mm-hmm .", + "C : That's cool .", + "B : and this will definitely enhance our uh market sales ,", + "B : so we should take it into consideration also .", + "C : Okay , cool .", + "C : Um", + "A : Well hmm .", + "C : speech recognition I take it ", + "D : ", + "A : Oh it's ", + "C : I don't , I've ", + "C : I know of no products um that use speech recognition well .", + "A : They're act there", + "A : there was a remote control that came out two years ago that had a some basic speech recognition on it .", + "A : You could programme it with your channels and then you say you know like uh B_B_C_ one and it goes to that channel .", + "C : Really ?", + "A : Yeah ,", + "A : it didn't work very well though because of this noise interference problem .", + "D : Mm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : They mentioned you know if the television says you are listening to B_B_C_ one .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : or a yeah an advert an advert for B_B_C_ two on B_B_C_ one'll switch the channel for you kinda thing .", + "D : ", + "A : Right , right ,", + "A : and so there was a lot of this , you'd be watching the T_V_ and then all of a sudden it'd it'd pick up a noise and turn it off or you know or turn the volume off or something ,", + "C : ", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm .", + "D : 'Kay .", + "A : but if you can work around that that noise problem ", + "C : Uh-huh .", + "D : Well what about ", + "A : ", + "D : this might get a bit too expensive actually ,", + "D : but what about um something that's built into the T_V_ um that you can press and it'll send out a little signal", + "D : you know like the ones that we can't hear or something", + "C : Ah , that's a good idea .", + "A : ", + "D : um that that will activate the remote control starts to beep .", + "A : Right .", + "C : So like a kind of backwards remote from the telly . ", + "D : If you find if y", + "A : Right and then it would do just you know , uh subtractive kind of cancellation of the noise .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : What you could do then would be you have uh a remote controlled by the T_V_ speaker ,", + "A : or not a remo I'm sorry ,", + "A : a microphone by the T_V_ speaker and a transmitter there that sends back to your remote ,", + "A : 'cause you can't um expect uh the the television manufacturers to to put that feature into their T_V_s .", + "D : Mm . Yeah , that's the only thing , yeah .", + "A : But yeah , then you have like the little se separate module by the T_V_ speaker", + "C : That we should just stick on ,", + "C : yeah .", + "D : That comes with our remote control .", + "A : which ", + "A : Right ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : and then the remote control would know um what's being produced by the television .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : And that's a sort of basic R_F_ kind of frequency so it'll be cheap .", + "A : Right , right .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Right , right .", + "A : Um . ", + "A : Yeah that's certainly possible", + "A : then an another thing was about this losing the remote and trying to find it again .", + "A : If you do have this sorta speech interface to it , you don't even need to find it .", + "A : You just say you know , um whatever you whatever you want the remote for ,", + "A : you know to change the channel or to uh turn the T_V_ on and off ,", + "A : you just shout your command to it and it would do it for you if it's within you know , within hearing range .", + "C : Uh-huh .", + "A : And uh you know it could be somewhere in the room y that you've no idea where it is and it would still do its job .", + "D : That could also be built into the T_V_ though , which might make our remote control a bit obsolete .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Well , hopefully we're uh we're ahead of the curve . ", + "C : It might do us out of a job .", + "D : Yeah , okay .", + "C : Um ", + "C : Okay .", + "C : I like the whole sort of remote feedback thing .", + "C : Um so I think rather than ", + "C : and that also kind of takes out the speech recognition in terms of the interference of it not working very well and things like that ,", + "D : Mm .", + "A : Hmm .", + "D : And the expense .", + "C : so I th", + "C : yeah and expense and the time .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : So I think if we're going to go ", + "C : well I mean like the thing about the there's the problem with the T_F_T_ or the L_C_D_ kind of thing is if you're also wanting the the kind of", + "C : uh organic globby sort of feeling to it then you might have trouble incorporating the screen .", + "D : Mm .", + "C : Um , but I guess not", + "C : I thin we'll just we'll just pretend that's not a problem .", + "C : Um uh ", + "C : and how are you about the glow in the dark material ?", + "C : Is that ", + "A : Um .", + "D : Maybe not even all of it", + "D : 'cause we said um colours and fashion w were important", + "D : so maybe um just like a little l line that's kind of around the outside and then you can make the rest a different colour .", + "A : Mm .", + "C : Contrast contra well .", + "A : Yeah , no th the material's cheap but it's just uh the the glow in the dark material needs some light to charge it you know ,", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : and then uh if you're , if you're sitting in the dark for too long it uh it won't glow any more .", + "C : Yeah , okay .", + "C : So if it's dow it's d uh", + "C : yeah .", + "C : Or if it's down under the couch cushions", + "A : Right .", + "C : um which is where I usually find mine .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Right .", + "C : Um ", + "C : Okay , well we can use ", + "C : we can still use the glow in the dark as a gimmick essentially ,", + "D : Yeah ,", + "D : 'cause what I thought , main ", + "C : um if we're gonna have to ", + "C : if we're gonna have the logo on as well ,", + "C : bright yellow logo in our our um", + "C : slogan .", + "D : Slogan , yeah .", + "C : Uh then you know they're gonna be fairly brightly coloured anyway ,", + "C : and we can have sort of a a a trimming as well , of the glow in the dark material , just as gimmickyness .", + "D : Right .", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "D : 'Cause yeah , that w more than finding it , that was more like you know if you're watching a film in the dark , you can um still see the remote control .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Alright , so n sorta if if if we're gon if we're gonna go with the idea of um uh of feedback , sort of remote finder , then that kinda stuffs that one out then .", + "D : That was more of a a gimmick .", + "C : Do you think ?", + "D : Mm .", + "C : Uh it makes it fairly unnecessary then .", + "D : Yeah , unnecessary . Yeah .", + "C : Okay .", + "C : Um , okay so scratch that .", + "C : Uh so we've got", + "C : do we want to go with the T_F_T_ idea or the is that far too expensive ?", + "A : Um yeah we're getting a lot of features now ,", + "A : I I think ", + "C : Well I mean I think I think the sort of find the finder things I mean it's uh I could probably write the circuit diagram for that myself .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Um ", + "A : Well , I think a consideration too is that these uh remotes get abused a lot ,", + "A : you know they get thrown around ,", + "D : Mm .", + "A : there's a good chance the the T_F_T_ screen would break or uh get damaged .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : They're pretty fragile .", + "D : So is that one of our definite requirements that they wa that it needs a T_F_T_ screen ?", + "C : Okay .", + "C : Um no , I mean that was going on ravs uh Raj's sort of um marketing research I guess .", + "C : Um ", + "C : Uh ", + "C : So we'll stick with sort of programmability um for the buttons that we do have .", + "C : Um . ", + "C : So that's sort of included in your sub-module kind of stuff , um ", + "A : Yeah mm .", + "C : ", + "C : Uh you were finding out about teletext .", + "C : If you could find out that uh ", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Totally , it takes cheap speech recognition ,", + "B : she they wi", + "C : Um I think we're gonna scratch the speech recognition as a bit of a", + "A : Oh .", + "C : um expensive ,", + "D : Yeah you think so ?", + "C : no ?", + "A : Oh no it's it's much cheaper than the T_F_T_ , it's just a microphone and some some integrated circuits .", + "C : Oh right , okay .", + "C : Is it not the circuits that cost ", + "A : And it'd it'd be a small vocabulary speech recognition system ,", + "A : like a ", + "C : Oh right , okay .", + "A : ", + "C : Uh well that kind of takes back the R_F_ the R_F_ remote sort of idea as well .", + "D : Okay .", + "A : ", + "C : Um .", + "C : Five minutes .", + "C : Okay .", + "C : Decisions .", + "C : Uh , votes , let's vote .", + "C : Who wants T_F_T_ ?", + "C : No-one does .", + "A : ", + "B : ", + "C : Excellent ,", + "C : so we'll go with speech recognition , yeah ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : Mm-hmm , that's cool .", + "A : Okay .", + "C : Um , speech recognition , limited buttons , organic design .", + "D : Um", + "C : And what else was I thinking of that I haven't written down and therefore fallen out my head ,", + "C : programmability .", + "B : Glow in dark .", + "C : Uh ", + "D : if it's not too expensive s I think it's a good gimmick .", + "C : Uh o okay .", + "A : Yeah . ", + "C : And also , integrating the , remember to integrate the logo and the s slogan . ", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Okay , so .", + "C : Um can you put all these reports in the project documents folder if they're not already in there as well .", + "C : So , it just helps me summarize them .", + "A : Yeah yeah .", + "B : Here ? Sure .", + "A : ", + "C : And um I'll put any ", + "C : I'm I'm putting anything I do in there anyway ,", + "C : so uh ", + "D : And where is it sorry ?", + "C : Uh pro uh project documents .", + "C : On", + "A : So it should be when you save", + "C : A_M_I_ scenario controller .", + "A : on your desktop , so it goes save as , or ", + "D : Oh .", + "B : Uh it is in shared documents ?", + "A : And then uh hit that little folder up thing again .", + "C : Where am I ?", + "B : Projoct uh projector .", + "C : Project documents , yeah , it's on your desktop as well .", + "A : Again .", + "A : All the way to the top , yeah that's up to desktop .", + "A : Right and then project documents .", + "D : Okay , cool .", + "B : Hmm . It is not giving anything .", + "C : ", + "B : Shared documents .", + "C : And I will tr ", + "C : getting strings of um information ,", + "C : I'll try and forward any specific to anybody in particular ,", + "C : as soon as I get them now , rather than ", + "A : ", + "C : I was about to sort of tell you about the changes before the meeting , and then the meeting turned up , so ", + "C : ", + "D : Okay .", + "A : Mm .", + "A : Did you get my email ?", + "C : I did . ", + "A : Okay .", + "A : Just making sure .", + "C : ", + "C : ", + "D : Okay .", + "D : What I thought as well about the material is um maybe not this kind of material , but maybe more like um this kind of rubbery material ,", + "C : So ", + "D : it's a bit more bouncy ,", + "D : like you said they get chucked around a lot .", + "D : Um , a bit more durable and that can also be ergonomic", + "C : Okay .", + "D : and it kind of feels a bit different from all the other remote controls .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : The rubber rather than ", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : More sort of um flesh-like than plasticky sort of .", + "D : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "A : Wow .", + "B : Um but we have to take care like ", + "C : ", + "D : ", + "A : ", + "B : But we have to take care of our children also", + "B : if they ", + "B : means if children catch hold of your or if they chew it it shouldn't be too harmful .", + "B : So , whatever material we use it should be yeah .", + "C : Oh no , ethics , that's gonna cost us money . ", + "D : ", + "B : So we have to safety point of view also , we have to take care .", + "C : ", + "C : Okay , safety .", + "A : ", + "D : Oh I think wi with the more organic shape of it it won't be as it won't as have many sharp corners as that , so that's something good , um ", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : I dunno , I mean ", + "C : It sme ", + "A : We could go comp yeah .", + "C : smells good for children . ", + "D : ", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : We could go completely out of the box and make the thing a big red ball foam ball .", + "C : ", + "B : ", + "A : And it's got the thing on the inside .", + "A : And there's no buttons at all ,", + "A : it's always on , and just yell at it , and it works .", + "B : ", + "D : That's a good idea .", + "C : That sounds ,", + "A : And then ch children will love it . ", + "C : yeah it's gonna have to be it's gonna be have a big yellow foam ball , yeah , sorry .", + "D : Interesting .", + "A : Oh yellow , yellow ball . Right .", + "D : Yeah , d with the colour , um does it have to be all yellow , do you know ?", + "C : Please God no .", + "C : Um . Well , I wouldn't th I mean ,", + "D : No .", + "C : my reaction to an all-yellow remote control wouldn't be anything other than horror , so", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : I think just having it", + "B : Small logo with the like a small yellow strip or y yellow with the logo in it .", + "D : Having a little bit .", + "C : surrounding the logo .", + "D : Okay cool .", + "D : Mm mm .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : Mm-hmm , okay .", + "D : Cool .", + "C : And I'll see if I can argue with boss about putting the ", + "C : what was it ?", + "C : We put we put fashion into ", + "C : Whoops ,", + "C : it's not working .", + "C : Can't believe I've forgotten it .", + "C : We put the fashion in electronics", + "D : Oh yeah , that's a good one that .", + "C : . I bet that'll catch on well .", + "D : Yeah so .", + "C : Okay , any last", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : worries , queries ?", + "A : Twelve thirty .", + "C : Okay .", + "C : S s ", + "A : ", + "B : Hmm .", + "C : I know what you're thinking .", + "D : ", + "A : ", + "B : ", + "C : Okay then , lunchtime ,", + "C : yay .", + "B : That's good .", + "C : Okay , that felt a bit more like a something with order and and reason to it than the last one .", + "B : ", + "B : ", + "C : This is quite fun actually .", + "D : Wow .", + "A : Mm .", + "D : Has anybo oh .", + "C : I really don't ", + "D : Has anybody pressed okay ,", + "D : it vibrates .", + "D : It's pretty cool .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Check here .", + "C : Wow you've your first page .", + "C : I was just writing really big . ", + "D : Yeah , got small writing .", + "A : Yeah I've been using up the pages .", + "D : I don't wanna waste it .", + "C : I've finished the meeting now .", + "A : Another questionnaire .", + "C : Oh , everybody needs k questionnaire .", + "B : ", + "C : " + ], + "abstractive summary": [ + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.1", + "text": "The Marketing Expert presented requirements of users as found in a company market study.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.2", + "text": "The study showed that users want a fancier-looking but uncomplicated remote control, and are interested in speech recognition.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.3", + "text": "He presented the age groups polled and said that the target marketing group should be users aged fifteen to thirty-five.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.4", + "text": "The User Interface Designer presented several competitors' remotes and discussed the features that would make their own device more user-friendly.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.5", + "text": "The Industrial Designer gave a presentation on important internal components that would keep the project within its budget, and discussed possible materials and programmable features.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.6", + "text": "The Project Manager gave several new requirements for the project to the group.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.7", + "text": "The group discussed the features they would like to incorporate into the design in light of the new requirements and budget constraints.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.8", + "text": "They decided to keep speech recognition as one of their components, and decided to include some programmable features, limit the number of button functions, and make the remote yellow and glow-in-the-dark, in an organic shape.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.9", + "text": "The Program Manager said that he would ask to what extent the company motto had to be incorporated into the design.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.10", + "text": "The Project Manager will ask to what extent the company logo must be incorporated into the design.", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.11", + "text": "The remote will feature speech recognition and programmable channel and volume preferences.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.12", + "text": "The number of button functions will be limited to make the remote user-friendly.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.13", + "text": "The remote will have an organic shape and feature some yellow coloring and glow-in-the-dark material.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2005b.JacquelinePalmer.s.14", + "text": "The group seemed to have some minor technical difficulties when opening their presentations.", + "type": "problems" + } + ], + "extractive summary": [ + "C : well w what I didn't actually realise it was that the uh this is for a specific television .", + "C : So the all in one idea goes out the window .", + "C : now , it was function F_ eight .", + "B : f oh sorry F_ eight .", + "C : and if you just click that it'll go ahead , one at a time .", + "B : Uh , yes , I have to look at the uh market potential for this product ,", + "B : Uh then uh the methodology I adopted to find out all this was market survey .", + "B : Seventy five percent of users they do find it that the remote controls available in the market are ugly .", + "B : uh we have to take care of this fact also like our design , uh should be appropriate , should be good looking for the consumers .", + "B : Uh and even uh the good thing about this is that eighty percent of users they are willing to pay high uh pay more for this uh good looking remote controls also .", + "B : but rather than those having more functions in the remote controls we should emphasise what actually consumer want , what they operate , rather than making it too complicated .", + "B : Because mostly it has been found that fifty percent of the users they use only ten percent of the buttons ,", + "C : Oh you wanna go back ? Just escape .", + "B : If we look at the costs whether the consumers they are willing to uh pay more for speech recognition in a remote control or not , we can find that they up to a thirty five years age group we have a very good disliking for this uh this uh point , like for speech recognition in a remote control .", + "B : because it will definitely enhance our sales in this ag in this particular age group from uh fifteen to thirty five ,", + "B : They find that thirt uh thirty five percent uh thirty four percent of the consumers they find too difficult to operate a remote control .", + "D : Yeah . No signal .", + "B : Computer adjusting , yeah .", + "C : Um , F_ five and escape'll bring it back and just uh the left button for advancing .", + "D : uh I'm concerned with um w what effect the apparatus should have on the user", + "D : I want to point out that our motto , put the fashion in electronics ,", + "D : the basic that was the basic function to send messages to the television set .", + "D : but I've got some pictures here of some leading ones .", + "D : These are two leading um remote controls at the moment .", + "D : I mean this one's got loads of buttons ,", + "D : Um , personally I prefer this one just because it's looks easier use ,", + "D : it's a bit more sleek with more of this silver stuff ,", + "D : Um , well I think we need to l I think the ergonomics is quite um important , um", + "D : And um I thought not too edgy and like a box ,", + "D : so I think what we can miss out on the buttons we can make up for in design and and how nice it looks .", + "D : was maybe a bit of a gimmick to set us apart from other people , like glow-in-the-dark", + "D : Easy finder with the a whistle function or something ,", + "D : or rechargeable station because it's a pain when you run out of batteries .", + "A : and uh I was just curious to know , have we done any research into how many people can whistle ?", + "A : is that a function we want in the remote ?", + "C : you could have the basically um instead of a whistle if it's got the voice recognition you could have it just , you know , where are you ? . ", + "A : Um a much easier thing is just any loud noise like clapping um , shouting , you know ,", + "A : uh and then , what would the response be ? It beeps back at you or something ?", + "D : Oh you need to twiddle the thingamibobsy thing .", + "A : So I plug it in , press F_ five ?", + "A : and I jotted down some notes as to what are the b needs and uh what kind of novel features we can add to differentiate our product from the others .", + "A : And uh a novel feature which uh we just brought up was this this automatic speech recognition feature or noise detection feature for when you lose the remote ,", + "A : there could be a little microphone on it ,", + "A : and any noise over a certain threshold um it'll pick up as a a distress signal um from you and it'll beep back and say you know oh here I am or something of this sort .", + "C : But sure surely that would have to be um sort of specific rather than above a threshold 'cause if you had a loud movie on you're likely to get it beeping back at you .", + "A : and then as for the user interface it should be trendy ,", + "A : right , so more low tech and not too many buttons .", + "A : So I think I I missed the budget thing ,", + "A : it was fifty million Euros ?", + "C : so we're making that at twelve and a half Euros a time .", + "A : Well I guess more realistically then , we need a product that's got some kinda nifty outer casing ,", + "A : An energy source which'd probably just be uh your regular batteries ", + "A : cheap plastic uh , you know ,", + "C : Would it be possible to have the rechargeable idea ?", + "A : Yeah , yeah , we could do that too .", + "D : Or a little base station or something , .", + "A : uh the canonical user interface for these would be just a bunch of buttons ,", + "A : but since we're a cutting edge company , we uh of course will have alternatives like uh speech recognition , whistling recognition and rocket power", + "A : Um and lastly the transmission interface is uh , just some engineering thing you don't have to worry about .", + "A : Um so here's you know , a great schematic that my uh apprentice designer gave me .", + "A : uh personal preferences , I think uh programmable options which um just require a small amount of memory ,", + "A : just um so the user can put in their favourite channels and maybe their preferred volume settings so that when they turn it on it's not blasting .", + "A : And the uh , the bells and whistles that we mentioned you know , they take more budgeting , um more technical uh expenditure of effort", + "A : and it's also much more likely to not work if if we add these bells and whistles .", + "C : Right , also so um a notice I got not very long before the meeting ,", + "C : We had that um to dis-include teletext um because it's become outdated , and everybody uses the internet anyway .", + "C : Um it's only for the television ,", + "C : and um instead of colours and sorta colour options , they want corporate colour and slogan somehow implemented in the new design .", + "C : Um , everything , all their sort of uh you know the uh corporate website and everything's yellow .", + "C : And the logo uh the sort of slogan we put the fa fashion in electronics uh ", + "C : Okay , so , we have to decide on which functions we're going to actually have .", + "C : speech recognition potentially ,", + "C : flat screen interface , L_C_D_ interface um", + "C : we also want to limit the number of buttons", + "C : Um so I mean a a the sort of inkling I'm getting from little bits of um web chatter that I'm getting sent is that they're quite interested in a T_F_T_ display , interactive display .", + "C : Um glow in the dark , is that sort of with a light inside it or is it sort of glow in the dark material ?", + "B : But if we add speech recognition as well as glow in the dark then both these factors will help their locating the remote control ,", + "C : I know of no products um that use speech recognition well .", + "D : but what about um something that's built into the T_V_ um that you can press and it'll send out a little signal", + "D : um that that will activate the remote control starts to beep .", + "A : You just say you know , um whatever you whatever you want the remote for ,", + "A : you just shout your command to it and it would do it for you if it's within you know , within hearing range .", + "C : I like the whole sort of remote feedback thing .", + "C : we can still use the glow in the dark as a gimmick essentially ,", + "C : and we can have sort of a a a trimming as well , of the glow in the dark material , just as gimmickyness .", + "A : there's a good chance the the T_F_T_ screen would break or uh get damaged .", + "C : So we'll stick with sort of programmability um for the buttons that we do have .", + "C : Uh maybe Raj you could find out what people would think about that ,", + "C : Um I think we're gonna scratch the speech recognition as a bit of a", + "A : Oh no it's it's much cheaper than the T_F_T_ , it's just a microphone and some some integrated circuits .", + "C : so we'll go with speech recognition , yeah ?", + "C : Um , speech recognition , limited buttons , organic design .", + "B : Glow in dark .", + "D : if it's not too expensive s I think it's a good gimmick .", + "C : And also , integrating the , remember to integrate the logo and the s slogan . ", + "C : getting strings of um information ,", + "C : I'll try and forward any specific to anybody in particular ,", + "D : What I thought as well about the material is um maybe not this kind of material , but maybe more like um this kind of rubbery material ,", + "D : Um , a bit more durable and that can also be ergonomic", + "B : So we have to safety point of view also , we have to take care .", + "C : And I'll see if I can argue with boss about putting the ", + "C : We put the fashion in electronics", + "C : Okay , that felt a bit more like a something with order and and reason to it than the last one .", + "C : Oh , everybody needs k questionnaire ." + ] + }, + "log": [] + }, + "AMI--train--5": { + "original dialog id": "ES2002d.json", + "dialog index": 5, + "original dialog info": { + "dialog history": [ + "B : Okay we all all set ?", + "B : Right .", + "B : Well this is the uh final detailed design meeting .", + "B : Um we're gonna discuss the look and feel design , the user interface design , and we're gonna evaluate the product .", + "B : And the end result of this meeting has to be a decision on the details of this remote control ,", + "B : like absolute final decision ,", + "B : um and then I'm gonna have to specify the final design in the final report .", + "B : So um", + "B : just from from last time to recap ,", + "B : we said we were gonna have a snowman shaped remote control with no L_C_D_ display , no need for talk-back ,", + "B : it was hopefully gonna be kinetic power and battery uh with rubber buttons ,", + "B : maybe backlighting the buttons with some internal L_E_D_s to shine through the casing ,", + "B : um hopefully a jog-dial ,", + "B : and incorporating the slogan somewhere as well .", + "B : Anything I've missed ?", + "A : No .", + "B : Okay", + "B : um so uh", + "B : if you want to present your prototype go ahead .", + "D : Uh-oh .", + "D : This is it ? ", + "A : Ninja Homer , made in Japan . ", + "D : Um , there are a few changes we've made .", + "D : Um , well look at the expense sheet , and uh it turned to be quite a lot expensive to have open up and have lots of buttons and stuff inside ,", + "B : Okay .", + "B : Mm .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "D : so instead we've um ", + "D : this is gonna be an L_C_D_ screen , um just a a very very basic one ,", + "D : very small um with access to the menu through the the scroll wheel and uh confirm", + "D : um button .", + "C : Mm 'kay .", + "D : Uh , apart from that , it's just pretty much the same as we discussed last time .", + "A : And there isn't uh d it doesn't open up to the advanced functions ?", + "A : the advanced functions are still hidden from you , but they're hidden in the sense that um they're not in use .", + "C : Where are they ?", + "A : Um they're in the L_C_D_ panel and the jog-dial ?", + "C : Ah , right .", + "A : Okay 'cause ", + "C : Great .", + "B : So w what kind of thing uh is gonna be ", + "D : ", + "A : The L_C_D_ panel just displays um functionally what you're doing .", + "A : If you're using an advanced function right , like um c brightness , contrast , whatever , it will just say ", + "C : Right .", + "C : Okay .", + "A : You know it's like", + "A : it only has four columns , it's a very simple L_C_D_ like ,", + "C : Right .", + "A : whereas many the minimum amount we need that the user will automatically know like this is brightness or this is contrast .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Right , 'kay .", + "B : Okay cool .", + "A : It might even be one , a bit more complex L_C_D_ panel with pictures like maybe the sun or the , you know , the the symbols of the various functions .", + "C : Okay", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "B : Oh right okay .", + "C : and what is this here ?", + "B : Cool .", + "A : That's a number pad .", + "C : Okay so the number pad is ", + "B : Where are we gonna have the slogan ?", + "C : 'Kay , great .", + "A : Um they're al along this ", + "D : You know ,", + "D : just like right inside there .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Okay cool .", + "A : You have this space here ,", + "A : and then you have this thing on the side as well , or at the bottom .", + "B : ", + "B : Okay .", + "A : 'Cause slogans are usually quite small , right ,", + "A : they're not like huge", + "C : Mm .", + "A : so they're s", + "C : Yep .", + "A : Say a button's about", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Looks good .", + "A : say a button's about this size , right ,", + "C : Yep .", + "A : so you would still have plenty of space for a slogan , say even for that .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : So if this isn't to scale , what kind of dimensions are you thinking about here ?", + "D : Well we want the other buttons to be big enough to push easily with a finger", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "D : so we reckon maybe that'll be about the same size as the palm of your hand . ", + "C : Okay .", + "A : Yep", + "A : so that would be about a centimetre for a button ,", + "A : so one two three four centimetres .", + "A : Plus maybe half o five", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : About nine in total .", + "A : six seven eight ,", + "B : Six , seven , eight , nine , ten .", + "A : about yeah nine total .", + "B : So we're talking about ten centimetres .", + "C : That sounds good . Yeah .", + "B : That would be good .", + "C : Yep .", + "B : So ten centimetres in height .", + "A : Nine , ten .", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Okay um .", + "C : That'd be good ,", + "C : in fact a pen is about ten centimetres usually ,", + "C : so that would be ", + "C : that sounds like a really good size , if you see it there .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : That's great", + "B : and it's very bright as well .", + "C : Mm .", + "B : So um okay .", + "C : Is it possible ", + "C : uh I'm just gonna bring up the idea of colours .", + "C : Is these are these the colours that of production , or is this just what we had available ?", + "D : Well I'm ", + "D : We're gonna have again the the sort of the foggy um yellow from last time that lit up when you pushed the button .", + "C : Right .", + "D : Um ", + "B : Okay so just ", + "B : could you just list all the things that it does s so I can write them in the report .", + "D : But um ", + "D : this button um , because it's red it's sort of very prominent , we're gonna use it as uh it can be the power button", + "D : if you hold it for maybe two seconds it'll send a stand-by signal .", + "A : Excuse me .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "D : Um apart from that it's gonna be used as a confirm button for the L_C_D_ screen", + "A : Sure .", + "B : Okay .", + "D : and you use this as a jog-dial .", + "B : Okay", + "B : so that's like an okay button , right .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Oh we've discussed how h high it is , but how wide is it ? ", + "D : I don't know .", + "D : ", + "B : Okay .", + "C : How high is it ?", + "A : No as in the height , but what about the width ?", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : Didn't put five centimetres .", + "B : Oh oh", + "B : like depth of the actual thing .", + "A : Do we need five ?", + "A : I don't think five is ", + "D : Um .", + "A : be about th three and a half .", + "C : Okay .", + "D : Something by there .", + "B : Oh is this k to get an idea of scale from your from your thing there okay .", + "A : Yeah , yeah .", + "C : Sure .", + "B : So you can power on and off ,", + "C : Three and a half .", + "B : what else can you do ?", + "D : Um you can skip straight to a channel using these buttons .", + "B : Okay .", + "D : Um , were gonna have the volume control here ,", + "D : but um because we've got the the L_C_D_ and the jog-dial we just thought we'd um use that as the volume .", + "B : Okay jog-dial for volume .", + "B : And what else do you do with the jog-dial ?", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "D : Um you can use it for um more advanced functions like contrast , colour and ", + "B : Contrast ,", + "B : brightness ,", + "D : Um yeah .", + "B : yeah ,", + "B : and anything else ?", + "D : Um just whatever else we wanted to include as the advanced functions ,", + "D : um we didn't actually go through and specify the ", + "B : Well of the designers what are they ?", + "D : Uh what can a T_V_ do ?", + "A : Okay things like um brightness , contrast ,", + "B : Uh-huh .", + "A : um maybe tuning the channels .", + "B : Okay channel tuning .", + "A : Um .", + "B : That's a good one .", + "A : What else ?", + "A : Um the various inputs .", + "A : Are you having a V_C_R_ , are you having you know which input do you have ?", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "C : mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay", + "B : auxiliary inputs .", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "C : probably colour or sharpness .", + "A : Um .", + "A : Yep ,", + "A : colour , sharpness .", + "B : Sharpness .", + "A : Um a lot of these things will have to be um free and open for users to define them .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay what about uh sound settings", + "B : ? Uh d can you change any of those at all ?", + "C : Audio .", + "A : Audio , we have like your basic y your base , your mid-range , your high range .", + "D : Um .", + "D : the the balance hmm .", + "A : Um .", + "A : Yep ,", + "A : left-right balance ,", + "A : um maybe even pre-programmed sound modes ,", + "A : like um the user could determine like a series of sound modes ,", + "B : Okay .", + "A : and then what could happen would be um when you click on that then it would go to that setting .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay ,", + "C : Mm 'kay .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : is there anything else at all it can do ?", + "B : That ", + "B : 'cause that's that's fine .", + "B : Just need to know so I can write it down .", + "B : Okay um right", + "B : I g I guess that's it ,", + "B : so we can now um ", + "B : We can now have a little look at the the Excel sheet and price listing ,", + "B : and see if we need to", + "D : Mm-hmm .", + "B : um if we need to rethink anything at all .", + "B : So um", + "B : for this first part here power-wise , have we got battery ?", + "A : The battery .", + "B : Do we have kinetic as well ?", + "A : No .", + "B : No .", + "B : Okay ,", + "A : Um .", + "B : just battery .", + "A : We need an ", + "B : And that's because of cost restraints is it ?", + "A : Yep .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Okay", + "B : um what about the electronics here ?", + "A : Yeah advanced chip .", + "A : We need an advanced chip I think , yep .", + "B : Advanced chip .", + "A : Let me just confirm that .", + "A : Yes I think so .", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Okay um", + "B : the case , what does it mean by single and double , do you know ?", + "D : Um I think single would just be sort of one sort of oval whereas double is this sort of thing .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : So we want double-curved ?", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : Um .", + "A : Plastic .", + "B : Is there any rubber at all in the buttons or any", + "A : I think we're gonna have to skip the rubber .", + "B : Okay ,", + "A : Um .", + "B : um and we wanted special colours didn't we ?", + "A : Yep .", + "B : So I'll have to put that ", + "B : Oh no wait we ", + "B : ho how many colours have we got there ?", + "A : For the case itself , one colour . It's one special colour .", + "B : Just one colour , okay .", + "A : 'Cause the case unit itself , the rest of our components go on top of it .", + "B : Okay", + "C : Mm .", + "B : so interface-wise , is it this third option we have , the two of them there ?", + "A : Yes .", + "A : One and the L_C_ display .", + "B : Okay", + "B : and then buttons , we have what , two colours ?", + "A : How many ", + "D : Um we have um got some push buttons as well .", + "C : Or even clear .", + "A : We've got push buttons as well .", + "B : Like uh oh wait", + "D : 'Kay .", + "B : so push button and integrated scroll wheel push", + "B : okay .", + "D : So I reckon we've got one button for this thing 'cause it's just one big sheet of rubber .", + "B : Uh-huh .", + "D : I'm not sure if that counts but ", + "B : Okay .", + "A : Okay let's just be safe and put like say four buttons for that one .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : Okay um", + "A : and maybe a special colour for the buttons , so maybe four again .", + "B : Four .", + "D : You can see we're we're all very far beyond the ", + "B : So w why are we arriving at the number four ?", + "B : Where does the number four come from ?", + "A : 'Cause that's one button by its the complexity of twelve buttons .", + "B : Okay right ,", + "B : so we're writing down four .", + "A : So we're just estimating that yeah it would be less .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : How about these ?", + "B : Are we wanting them in ", + "A : No .", + "B : no", + "B : they're just ", + "B : is everything gonna be plastic ?", + "A : Yep .", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : So we're w w quite far over .", + "D : ", + "A : ", + "B : Now we're gonna ", + "B : something's gonna have to go .", + "B : Um we're at sixteen point eight and ", + "C : Uh how mm-hmm ", + "C : how are we going to achieve this high-end product if ", + "B : Well we h something has to go to the tune of two point t three Euro ,", + "C : We only have very sparse ", + "B : so", + "B : let me see ,", + "B : what are we ", + "C : Two point three ?", + "B : I mean ", + "C : Four point three", + "C : no ?", + "B : oh yes", + "B : sorry ,", + "B : four point three .", + "B : My maths is all out .", + "D : Well we could take out ones by making it single curved , just fill in those bits .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : And then where is the ", + "A : How much would that save us ?", + "B : How much would that save us ?", + "A : That will only save you one .", + "D : That is one .", + "B : One .", + "A : The other thing could be that um you could take away the L_C_D_ panel and the advanced chip together ,", + "A : um because when you", + "A : do something on the T_V_ , the T_V_ responds and reacts as well ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : so the user could be looking at the T_V_ and pushing his thing", + "D : That's fair enough , yeah .", + "A : so we may not need to ", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : so when we scroll we need just some way to get the T_V_ to respond ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay so ", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : which I think is a technically doable thing so ", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : So w what's our reviewed suggestion ?", + "A : ", + "B : Um take away the L_C_ display ?", + "A : Yep .", + "A : And the advanced chip goes away as well .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : To be replaced with a", + "A : Regular chip .", + "B : regular chip .", + "A : Yep .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : So what that means is that um ", + "B : And so we've got point three to get rid of .", + "B : Um and we ha", + "B : where are the four the four push buttons are where exactly now ?", + "A : The twelve buttons that you see there .", + "B : Twelve buttons .", + "D : That's um one piece of rubber but it's gonna have twelve button things underneath so ", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Functionally you're gonna have to intercept ", + "A : So four is a good estimate for ", + "B : Do you think ?", + "A : Yeah ,", + "A : so you can't actually cut ", + "A : It's like three times the number of buttons , four , eight , twelve .", + "B : Like is is that one big button or is it twelve buttons ,", + "B : how can it be something in between ?", + "A : It It needs to be more than one big button because if you open up your phone , underneath there's actually one button underneath , it's just that the panel itself is a single panel .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Mm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay", + "B : well we have point three to get rid of somewhere .", + "A : We just report that it has to be over budget ,", + "B : Mm .", + "C : ", + "A : or the colours , you could take away s colours for th for the buttons .", + "B : No can do .", + "C : Yeah", + "C : we could just go with um ", + "D : Yeah w", + "A : Normal coloured buttons .", + "B : Well do you want colour differentiation here ?", + "A : No that's not the button we're talking about .", + "D : Um ", + "B : Oh yeah sorry yeah then . ", + "A : That's ", + "A : the buttons only refer to the pad so ", + "B : Right", + "B : so ", + "A : Should we take that off uh ?", + "B : Ah .", + "D : ", + "A : Hey it's back to the original .", + "B : That's it .", + "C : Hmm .", + "A : Um so then these just become normal coloured buttons ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : so that might be some some way of cutting the cost .", + "C : Mm .", + "B : Okay ,", + "B : ach that's a shame .", + "B : Um right ,", + "B : so take away that completely ?", + "B : Ah .", + "B : And now we're under budget .", + "B : So we do have point five Euro to play with if we wanted .", + "C : ", + "D : So I reckon ", + "B : Um ", + "C : How about with embossing the logo , isn't that going to cost us some money ?", + "B : Doesn't say so . ", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : That's a freebie .", + "D : Reckon that probably counts as a special form for the buttons .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah that's a good idea .", + "B : Just one ?", + "B : Does that mean that one button has a special form or ", + "D : I think there's just one button so", + "B : Yeah okay .", + "D : handy .", + "A : ", + "B : Well well there we go .", + "B : So I'm just gonna have to redraw this now .", + "B : So we're not gonna have the L_C_D_ anymore ,", + "B : and we'll just gonna have an on t on the T_V_ it'll show you what you're doing ,", + "B : which I think is fair enough ,", + "B : and so this is gonna be one big thing here .", + "B : Um .", + "C : Was the goal in your in your prototype design that it be as low profile as possible ?", + "A : What do you mean by profile ?", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : Sort of flat as possible .", + "A : No .", + "D : You see I envision it as being um quite deep", + "D : sort of deep enough to be comfy to hold in your hands rather than being wide and flat .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah", + "C : that's what I was thinking , to", + "C : Sure , okay .", + "A : We didn't have enough Play-Doh to make it three D_ . ", + "D : ", + "C : Yeah alright yeah fair enough .", + "C : Okay , just thought I'd ask .", + "A : So there's one more dimension to the thing which we need to to add ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : and you might want to add in the report ,", + "A : length , width , and height .", + "B : Right okay .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : So just to well to be thorough then ,", + "B : width-wise we're looking at about what three centimetres or something ?", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Okay", + "B : and then so height-wise ", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : How how tall do you envisage it being ?", + "B : About that big ?", + "D : Yeah it works , yeah .", + "A : Two .", + "B : About two centimetres , okay .", + "C : Two's not very high at all though .", + "C : Maybe a bit higher ?", + "A : This is about this is about two .", + "A : Slightly more than two , so ", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : See , about that thick .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Maybe closer to three even or two and a half .", + "B : Ach , that is ", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Okay .", + "B : Okay we'll s we'll say two point five .", + "B : Okay um", + "B : so we have it within cost anyway .", + "B : Um so yeah", + "B : project evaluation is this point .", + "B : Um .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Right uh .", + "B : Okay so can we close that ?", + "B : This is what it's the final spec that it's gonna be .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Someone is gonna have to ", + "B : yeah that's fine that's fine .", + "C : Um it's probably just ", + "C : I dunno if it's worth getting into ,", + "C : but um just in in that we want this to be stylish , should we think a little bit more out of the box in terms of a button grid ,", + "C : because I've seen there's lots of devices out there that that instead of taking your standard nine nine square grid , and they have it sort of stylized or in different concept that that ", + "A : I think that's something that's very hard to catch ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : so you you restrict the number of people who wanna try something .", + "C : Sure , okay .", + "A : The the look and the colour is something which is cool ,", + "C : Yeah , alright .", + "A : but I think that there's also that factor of if it's too unfamiliar", + "C : Okay , sure .", + "A : then um because when you put it on the shelf ", + "C : What about button shape ?", + "C : Square buttons ?", + "A : Yeah", + "A : button shape might be a good idea to change , rather than rather than positioning ,", + "C : Okay .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : 'cause I think positioning is we're kinda engrained into the the telephone kind of", + "C : Sure .", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : pad .", + "B : Right um .", + "B : So at this point we uh ,", + "B : let me see ,", + "B : discuss uh how satisfied we all are with um with these four points ,", + "B : with the room for creativity in the project , and leadership and teamwork ,", + "B : and the stuff we had around us I guess .", + "C : Mm 'kay .", + "B : Um ,", + "B : let me see uh ", + "C : Do you want me to d um ", + "C : Do you want me to do my um design evaluation last ?", + "B : Yeah I wasn't really sure what that was ", + "A : Maybe we should do the design evaluation first .", + "C : Or ", + "B : Yeah", + "C : Evaluation .", + "B : , yeah go for that first .", + "B : I wasn't entirely sure what uh who was supposed to be doing that ,", + "C : Okay .", + "B : but y you go for it .", + "C : Sure .", + "C : Um , alright so the way this works , I'm gonna need to plug into PowerPoint ,", + "B : ", + "B : Okay .", + "C : I'll try and do it as quick as possible .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Um , this is um ", + "C : I'll just go over your head", + "C : if that's okay .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : I don't think you need the power ,", + "C : ", + "A : so ", + "C : What's that ?", + "A : No , that's okay that's okay .", + "C : I don't need the PowerPoint ?", + "A : No , the power cord itself .", + "C : Oh course ,", + "A : Yeah ,", + "C : yeah that's true .", + "A : so then you have a bit more freedom to ", + "C : Let me get that .", + "C : A bit more .", + "B : ", + "C : Okay ,", + "A : You you still have your blue fingers .", + "C : so what this is is a set-up for us to um uh use a kind of a like a ", + "D : ", + "D : Is it ?", + "A : You killed a monster .", + "D : ", + "C : The idea is that I've set up ", + "C : I've reviewed all of the um the points of discussion from the beginning ,", + "C : and used that as a criteria of evaluation for the um uh for the current design uh th or the plan ,", + "C : and uh so we can review that .", + "C : Uh I think it's gonna end up being sort of elementary", + "C : because we're sort we're in n we're not gonna probably use it to change anything but ", + "C : Doesn't seem like it's going , does it ?", + "B : Oh there it is .", + "C : Yeah , okay great .", + "C : Uh and I'm gonna write up our results on the board ,", + "C : so this'll be a way for us to go through and decide if we're um sort of review where we stand with it .", + "C : Okay , so um ", + "C : So to sort of b bring together two things , sort of design goals and also the market research that we had ,", + "C : uh when we rate this , one is v high in in succeeding or fitting to our original aim and seven is low ,", + "C : okay .", + "B : Mm 'kay .", + "C : So these i these i th are the ", + "C : and um we've been asked to uh to collectively rate this ,", + "C : so what we can do is try and just y work on a consensus system so", + "C : we just come to an agreement .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Okay ?", + "C : So the first one uh , stylish look and feel .", + "A : I rate that pretty highly .", + "B : Well yeah ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : I mean compared to most remote controls you see that's pretty good .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : I dunno like a six or something .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah", + "B : What does anybody else think ?", + "C : um me uh my only reservation with it was that we basically went with yellow because it's the company's colour ,", + "B : Mm .", + "C : and I don't know if yellow's gonna really be a hit .", + "B : Mm .", + "C : But ", + "B : Okay .", + "D : I'm seeing five then .", + "C : What do you guys think ?", + "B : I would say five or six .", + "C : Okay .", + "B : David ?", + "A : Yep I'm fine with that .", + "C : Okay let's go with five then .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Fi oh uh just actually the opposite .", + "A : It's one to seven , right ?", + "C : The ", + "B : Oh yes", + "B : sorry then", + "C : So it meant three ,", + "B : , then I would say two or three .", + "C : okay .", + "A : Wait ,", + "A : what's the scale , one to seven , right ?", + "D : One's high-ish isn't it ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , one is high .", + "D : Ah , okay", + "D : so yeah , two or three .", + "C : 'Kay ", + "A : Okay ,", + "A : it's upside-down .", + "C : Let's go with two point five then .", + "D : ", + "B : ", + "C : Okay , um ", + "C : control ", + "C : high tech innovation .", + "A : ", + "B : Well it has the wee jog-dial", + "C : We had to remove ", + "B : but ", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : so we've had to remove a few of our features we wanted ,", + "B : Mm .", + "C : but jog-dial", + "C : 's good .", + "B : I'd go with three or four ,", + "A : Say it's more", + "D : Eight", + "D : three .", + "A : medium ,", + "B : maybe three .", + "A : but going towards a little bit higher than medium kind of thing .", + "C : Okay ,", + "B : Yeah about three , okay .", + "C : three ?", + "A : Yep .", + "C : Okay , um ", + "A : ", + "C : Style reflects a fruit inspired colour , design .", + "C : I shouldn't have said colour , but just ", + "A : Lemon .", + "B : Well that's kind of ", + "A : Okay , the blue the blue colours and don't re don't actually represent the colour ,", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : Sorta .", + "A : except for the b the the red button ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : they because for want of a ", + "C : Okay .", + "B : But the yellow , I mean it could be a lemon yellow colour ,", + "C : Right . Yeah , could be . Yeah .", + "A : Yeah ,", + "A : the the yellow is more representative of the colour ,", + "B : couldn't it ?", + "A : but the button itself , the blue can be anything else .", + "C : Okay .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Okay", + "C : so we'll go two .", + "D : ", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Yeah ?", + "C : Okay ,", + "C : and um design is simple to use , simple in features .", + "B : Well yeah ,", + "B : I mean it's really basic looking", + "C : F f yeah f fairly basic ,", + "B : isn't it ?", + "B : I mean I'd give that nearly a one .", + "C : you guys think ?", + "D : Yeah one .", + "A : Yep , that's fine .", + "C : Yeah , one ?", + "C : Okay . ", + "C : Um , soft and spongy , have we achieved that ?", + "C : We've used mostly plastic in the end so it's going to be quite a bit of a compromise for price .", + "D : Yeah I think it's about five .", + "C : Five ?", + "B : Five ?", + "D : Yeah well we have to use uh plastic", + "B : That's really low .", + "D : so it's probably gonna be ", + "B : Yeah I suppose mm 'kay .", + "C : That's ", + "C : Um", + "A : Yeah ,", + "C : could we have used an entirely rubber frame to it ?", + "A : company logo .", + "C : Was that an option ?", + "D : I think I'd probably increase the cost .", + "A : I think it'll be cost prohibitive ,", + "D : We've only got like what , ten cents left so ", + "C : It would cost more than plastic .", + "A : yeah .", + "C : Okay ,", + "C : logo , we've got it in there , haven't we ?", + "A : Yep .", + "B : Yep .", + "B : Gonna have that on the side , aren't we ,", + "B : like there or something ?", + "C : Huh .", + "C : And um it's within budget , yep .", + "C : It is , isn't it ?", + "D : Yeah .", + "C : Okay ,", + "C : so we can say then that uh out of a possible ", + "C : or what would be our goal here ?", + "B : Out of forty nine , I guess .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : out of forty nine with with zero being the highest .", + "C : We are at uh two , seven , eight , ten , fifteen point five .", + "B : 'S pretty good .", + "C : So it's pretty good .", + "C : Translates to something like about approximately seventy two percent efficacy of our original goal .", + "C : Right ?", + "B : Uh yeah .", + "C : I think 'cause if you turn that into a hundred it would be about", + "B : Twice that ,", + "C : about thirty one ,", + "B : about thirty one .", + "C : and then invert that , it's ", + "B : So yeah ab well yeah about sixty nine , seventy percent yeah .", + "C : Oh right , about seventy , yeah seventy percent .", + "B : It's pretty good .", + "C : Okay , good .", + "C : That was just a little formality for us to go through .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Yep , oh", + "C : hundred pound pen . ", + "D : ", + "B : ", + "C : Sorry ", + "C : alright .", + "B : Nobody saw it , honestly . ", + "C : No .", + "A : The cameras did . ", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : Is that you all have all finished , or ", + "C : Yeah that's that's me .", + "C : I did have one other um one other frame I thought ,", + "C : I mean I I d not knowing how we would deal with this information ,", + "C : I thought okay in theory this kind of a process would be about refining our design , revisiting our original goals .", + "B : Uh-huh .", + "C : It's not something I need to p push through ,", + "C : but I thought should we thinking more about the dimensions , um sort of like more of a three dimensional shapes as well as opposed to just that flat um ", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Could our design involve a series of colours so that it's more of like a line where we have like sort of the , I don't know like the harvest line or the vibrant ,", + "A : Yep .", + "C : I dunno the ", + "C : Whatever", + "C : just some theme and then we have different tones , lime green , lemon .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : It's just discussion .", + "C : I mean obviously we can just abandon this ,", + "C : it's fine .", + "C : I'm just thinking about what we originally set out to do .", + "C : Um , yep", + "B : Right .", + "C : so there . That's all .", + "B : Okay , great", + "B : um are you submitting the the um evaluation criteria or am I ?", + "B : I don't know what your instructions have been .", + "C : Um , I think to record it and uh I haven't been asked to submit it yet .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Okay ,", + "B : uh just wondering if I need to include it in the minutes ,", + "D : ", + "B : because if you're submitting it anyway then ", + "C : I will , yeah .", + "B : Okay great .", + "A : It keeps getting too big .", + "B : Cool", + "B : . Um right ,", + "B : uh well next up then , because we've done finance , is the project evaluation .", + "A : 'Kay I'm I'm listening", + "A : I'm just trying to incorporate the logo into the the thing , so I'm playing with the Play-Doh as well .", + "D : ", + "B : Oh right , okay .", + "D : ", + "A : Just in case you're wondering , why is he still playing with the Play-Doh ? ", + "C : Huh .", + "A : Just about right", + "D : ", + "A : L_E_G_O_ Lego . ", + "D : My leg . ", + "B : Right , okay .", + "B : Um well do you wanna um just individually say what you think about about these four points and ", + "B : or not those four points , my four points ,", + "B : sorry ,", + "B : forgotten that .", + "B : You got a different uh ", + "C : ", + "A : ", + "B : ", + "C : Yep .", + "C : I like those printer cables that just have the two little butterfly clips like that .", + "B : Oh yeah , they're good aren't they , yeah .", + "C : It's really quick .", + "B : Right okay ,", + "C : To use .", + "B : um yeah here we are .", + "B : Uh as a note we'll do this", + "B : alphabetically .", + "B : Um do you wanna start Andrew ?", + "C : Sure ,", + "C : um so what is it you're asking of me now ?", + "B : I don't know ,", + "B : just um your opinion on those four those four points really and how we used them .", + "C : Or sort of our work on setting this up .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Well , is it ", + "C : uh okay I'll just go through your system then .", + "C : The the room uh is fairly institutional ,", + "C : but um the main thing is , I think um our use of this space is more just to report on things as opposed to be creative and constructive", + "C : and it would probably help to um have l sort of a cumulative effect of we have ideas and we come back and then the ideas are still in discussion , you know ,", + "C : as in other words this this room is sort of a centre point of creativity ,", + "B : Uh-huh .", + "C : whereas in reality as we've gone through this , it's not really the centre point of creativity , it's more just a", + "B : Well d do you feel though that that you were able to have quite a lot of creative input into the thing ?", + "C : d debating ", + "C : Yeah , yeah", + "C : but that's just", + "C : the thing is the quest in terms of the the first point there , the room ,", + "C : it feels as though the creativity goes on when we leave , and then we come here and then we kind of put out our ideas and then , you know .", + "B : But I don't I don't think it means the room as in this room .", + "B : I think it means like you know ", + "C : Oh ,", + "C : oh right right , oh right okay room for creativ", + "B : Yeah . ", + "C : Oh right I just looked up and saw okay whiteboard , digital pens , the room .", + "B : Room .", + "B : Oh yeah . ", + "C : No , of course , yeah .", + "B : Well I dunno", + "B : do you th", + "C : Sorry .", + "B : I think it means um I think it means did you feel you were able to give creative input so ", + "C : Huh .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah", + "C : I th okay on th um yeah dif", + "C : answering the question uh in those terms I'd say that actually there's sort of a tease of creativity", + "C : because we're asked to work through this , but actually the guidelines are fairly contrived in terms of um okay fashion trends , say fruit and vegetable colour scheme ,", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "C : but then i then we're told okay use the co company company colours .", + "B : Mm .", + "C : So what do we do .", + "C : We're told okay um think in terms of style and look and feel and technology , but build something for twelve and a half pounds ,", + "B : Okay .", + "C : so actually the creativity was more more of like a um a f sort of a f formality then an actual ", + "A : You feel like you're caged within whatever y", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Yeah within the constraints", + "A : It's like a balloon in a cage , it can only go so big and not hit the side .", + "C : the ", + "B : ", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "A : The constraints do come in very fast .", + "B : Okay uh do you know what ,", + "C : So ", + "B : actually let's take each point and everybody discuss it , I think .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : So still on the topic of room for creativity uh next up is Craig .", + "D : Um I agree with his point", + "D : it's um it is quite a lot of fun t to go and then you have sort of hit the end then go right , gotta cut everything out 'cause we don't have enough money .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Yeah .", + "C : Yep .", + "A : I think another point is that the meetings um are more brainstorming sessions than meetings ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : so time is also a very s um strong factor , and structure .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : Because for a brainstorming meeting you want a structure that allows you to allows ideas to get tossed , um to be evaluated , and to be reviewed , and to get feedback and come back .", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "B : Mm .", + "C : mm-hmm .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "A : And I guess that point about the room not being r very friendly to that , I think that's a very big thing ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : and I think the fact that we're wearing these things restricts ", + "C : Yeah , sure .", + "A : I feel it 'cause I wear m my glasses , right , and that but that irritates me right", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : it it it does actually you know affect how , w whether you feel comfortable to communicate .", + "C : New creativity .", + "A : I feel like I'm hiding behind the equipment , rather than the equipment is helping me , and you know .", + "C : Yep .", + "C : Right .", + "B : So you think a more relaxed atmosphere would be more kind of conducive to creative thought or ", + "A : Not not so much an atmosphere ,", + "A : the atmosphere is very relaxed ,", + "A : but the the gear", + "B : Yeah ,", + "B : but actual environment ?", + "A : yeah", + "A : you know that creates boundaries to that um", + "C : Mm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : and and the time the time given also restricts ", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : Very good .", + "B : Um what about leadership ?", + "A : ", + "B : I don't know if that means like , if I did a good job or something .", + "B : I don't really know .", + "A : ", + "C : Yeah , well well I mean", + "C : my sense on that is sort of what kind of guidance and direction , encouragement ", + "B : From like your personal coach person and stuff like that , do you think maybe ?", + "C : Yeah from ", + "C : and you as well I think , just sort of acting as team leader .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Um yeah I think I think it's", + "A : Excuse me .", + "C : I think it's good .", + "C : I mean my personal views on on leadership is that effective effective leadership sort of um gives people a certain room for freedom and delegation ,", + "C : but then to come back with something that they take great ownership and", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "C : you know , innovative thought with .", + "A : ", + "C : In in reality I think here the the different elements of leadership such as the the original b briefing and then the personal coach and the and then you know having having you with your the meeting agenda is actually quite a quite a quite a con confining framework to work within .", + "C : And so it is leadership almost to the point of sort of disempowering the the the team member , so ", + "B : Uh-huh ,", + "B : okay .", + "C : But it's not bad leadership , it's just sort of s fairly strong , you know .", + "C : It turns it turns the individual into more of like a um sort of a predetermined mechanism , as opposed to a sort of a free ", + "B : So you think maybe a little too controlling or ", + "A : ", + "C : Yeah , oh yeah , without without a doubt .", + "A : I think controlling is not the right word ,", + "A : I think the interactions are very structured .", + "C : Yeah maybe not co confining .", + "A : I think structure is probably what you're saying that , each individual is structured to one particular task , and one parti rather than controlling .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "C : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : I don't think there's a sense of control 'cause all the decisions have been made in terms of a , like a consensus right , we go around and we think about it ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "A : but that you know process actually says you have to do it in a certain way .", + "B : Uh-huh .", + "C : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : It doesn't tell you , you know , some ways that you might wanna be a bit more creative in terms of the process you know , not the ", + "C : Mm .", + "C : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Okay ,", + "B : uh what about teamwork ?", + "C : Um did , you wanna comment Craig ?", + "D : Uh , reckon that was a bit hard because we could only discuss things in the meeting .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "D : If we could just go up to somebody outside the meeting and have a quick talk with them , that would've been a lot easier .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Fully agree .", + "A : I think you tried to use the common share folder to to to to communicate ,", + "A : but um it just comes back to us so slow in the email", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Mm .", + "A : um it it doesn't have a , you know , a messenger will go .", + "C : ", + "B : Did uh did you guys get the email I sent you ?", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : Not just yet .", + "A : Yeah .", + "B : Oh that's alright .", + "C : Yeah , got the email .", + "B : I was wondering if that got there okay .", + "A : Okay .", + "B : Okay , um so um to s to", + "B : to summarize the teamwork issue , saying that if we could communicate outside the meeting , you know just like quick questions , quick thoughts , whatever , it probably would be bit easier .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "A : I think the tools that they were given , the tool set that were given to us are fancy but they don't support collaboration , I think that's the word .", + "C : in it ", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "C : mm-hmm ,", + "A : They don't support the team working together , you know ,", + "C : mm-hmm ,", + "B : Oh right , okay .", + "C : exactly .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : I mean if you ", + "A : they're still very individual tools .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : I mean sort of taking upon that idea , w the way I see this i is that it's uh the the s the structure in which we've we've approached this whole task is quite contrary to the p principle of teamwork", + "C : because the the tasks were d d sort of um divided , and then the work went on in isolation", + "B : Mm .", + "C : I I don't know what you guys did while you were together , maybe that was a bit different ,", + "C : but um", + "A : We had Play-Doh fun .", + "C : yeah ,", + "C : but um but actually if you if you imagine not entire the completely same task given to us but us said okay , first thing we have to do is come up with um let's say um a design concept ,", + "C : and we sit here together and do it ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : well that's what teamwork is .", + "C : To s to say okay go off and don't talk to each other , it's actually p sort of predisposes you to quite the contrary of teamwork .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Um not that we haven't done I think the best we could have done .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : I'm not dissatisfied with it .", + "B : Right ,", + "B : uh anything else to say on teamwork at all ?", + "A : No , not really .", + "B : Okay ,", + "B : um what about the you know how we used the whiteboard , the digital pens , the projector , stuff like that ?", + "B : Um did anybody think anything was like really useful ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : anything was pretty un f", + "B : ", + "B : unsupportive ?", + "C : I think the whiteboard , for me , is the kind of thing I would use all the time ,", + "C : but it's um not quite as useful as to us as it could have been ,", + "C : maybe just in the way that we we use it , in the sense that once we have an idea out there or while work was going on in between meetings , that could have been up on a board uh you know as opposed to in like in text .", + "B : Mm .", + "C : Um , and then we could then keep our ideas sort of building on that .", + "C : I know that people who design cars and you know in aviation they quite often just have a simple like fibreglass prototype", + "C : and it's completely you know um abs abstract from the final product , but they use it as a kind of a context to sort of walk around and puzzle and and point and discuss", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : And point at ?", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : and and", + "C : and in a way everybody's as we discuss things in the in theoretically and out of our notebooks ,", + "C : we're just ", + "C : we're actually just each of us discussing something that's in each of our own minds .", + "C : It wasn't until we had this here , you know ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : like at one point I peeked across and looked at Craig's paper and I'm like , now I know what he's thinking 'cause I saw his book .", + "B : Ah .", + "C : But the b the b whiteboard could've actually been this kind of continuing um ", + "B : So do you think producing a prototype earlier in the process woulda been a good idea ?", + "C : Think could be , yeah .", + "A : I think um the the focus of it a lot was the PowerPoint as opposed to the to the whiteboard ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "A : and I think that m um is also does you know hinder us and things I think .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : It will be cooler to have the whiteboard rather than the the PowerPoint ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : or maybe the whiteboard and the PowerPoint in the same place ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : you know in the centre of the ", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : because the PowerPoint was provided to us while we had time to prepare ,", + "C : whereas I can imagine if I'd been encouraged to use Paintbrush , for example , or whatever , I would've actually used it ,", + "B : Alright .", + "C : um 'ca you know ,", + "C : just 'cause that's sorta how we what we were set up to to use while we had our time .", + "B : Okay uh ", + "A : I think that there were too many PowerPoints in the meetings .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "D : Yeah .", + "A : 'Cause the plug-in and the plugging spent we spent a lot of time doing that .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : And a lot of the information on the PowerPoints , I don't think , you know , we needed to actually it could have , we could have gone through it verbally ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : No ,", + "C : not quite .", + "A : especially my slides ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : I felt that they just you know ", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : as opposed to having to present them .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : What about the digital pens , did you find them easy enough to use ?", + "A : Yep clunky .", + "C : Sure , yeah .", + "D : Oh they're a bit clunky .", + "A : Agreed . ", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah . ", + "C : Yep .", + "B : Clunky , okay .", + "C : Mm .", + "B : Um ", + "A : Having to tick it before you go off was a bit hindering as well ,", + "B : ", + "C : Mm .", + "A : 'cause you're half way through a thought , and then you run out of paper and then you have to jump .", + "B : Yeah .", + "B : I know ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : I think at the very start of today I like wrote a whole load of stuff , didn't click note on one ,", + "B : then went back and wrote one tiny wee thing on the another page , but then did click note ,", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : and so I'm quite worried that I've just written over the top of it or something ,", + "C : Hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm , mm-hmm .", + "B : but they'll have my paper anyway um", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : and haven't done that since .", + "A : But I think the pen is v is very intuitive ,", + "A : everybody knows how to use it ,", + "A : we don't have to worry .", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "B : Yeah ,", + "C : mm-hmm ,", + "A : So I think the pen's good .", + "B : yeah .", + "C : mm-hmm .", + "C : ", + "A : It's about the best thing . ", + "D : ", + "C : And o on the topic of the technology , it just occurred to me that we actually didn't need to move our computers because each computer has all of the files .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : It just occurred to me that they all ", + "A : Yeah", + "A : we only needed one computer and ", + "C : We only actually needed one computer .", + "B : Yeah , that's true .", + "C : If there had been a fifth , that coulda just been sitting there ready to go the whole time .", + "D : Good point .", + "A : And the computer may not um be conducive to a meeting because um you tend to look at your computer and wanna have the urge to check something , you know ,", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : ", + "A : it's useful but ", + "B : Do you think the computers just provide distraction in a meeting ?", + "A : I think too many computers are just distracting .", + "D : Yeah .", + "B : Okay .", + "A : Um ", + "B : I know I I like to have things written down in front of me actually ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : like a lot of the stuff that was emailed to me I ended up you know like writing down there or something so I could look at it really quickly and not have the distraction of all of that ,", + "C : Yep .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Yep .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : um I don't know about anybody else .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Um ", + "B : what else", + "B : uh any wh I do", + "B : I'm not really sure what they're looking for when they say new ideas found .", + "B : Um I don't know is ", + "D : Is this for the project or ", + "B : could you think of like anything else that would have been helpful today at all ?", + "C : Well", + "C : , the w main one for me is that uh the process na in a natural f context would not have been interrupted by this necessity to discommunicate ourselves from each other .", + "B : Mm .", + "C : So ,", + "B : Yeah", + "B : if we just had uh ", + "C : that's kind of a new idea for me is like just sort of that idea ,", + "C : well you know it's kind of s hard to keep f working forward on a team a team based project when when you're told you must now work away from your team .", + "B : ", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Yeah", + "B : I I dunno", + "B : I think it was quite good that we had time limits on the meetings because they really could have run on", + "B : and like my experience with meetings is that they really do , and you can spend a lot of time talking about ", + "C : Oh yeah .", + "C : Yeah ,", + "C : yeah .", + "B : The only thing is though like when we had our meeting about the conceptual design , I thought there maybe another fifteen minutes would have been useful there", + "B : but um yeah .", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "C : mm-hmm ,", + "C : mm-hmm .", + "B : I really thi i I think maybe if we'd like all been working in the one room ,", + "B : and they just said you know like every hour or something everybody make sure yo you know just have a have a short meeting and then just c", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : just to have like something written down ,", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : just like you know a a milestone if you like um rather than having meetings , but ", + "B : There you go .", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : Um so in closing ,", + "B : I haven't got my five minutes to go . Thin", + "B : Oh there it i", + "D : ", + "B : Five minutes to go . ", + "B : Wonderful .", + "B : Okay um", + "B : are the costs within the budget , yes they are .", + "B : And is the project evaluated , yes it is .", + "B : So now celebrate .", + "D : ", + "C : Great .", + "C : So it ", + "A : And we have Ninja Homer .", + "C : So now we ", + "D : Oh yeah .", + "A : ", + "B : Well apparently now I write the final report .", + "D : Do we know what the other ones are ?", + "B : What are you guys doing now ?", + "C : I I don't know .", + "A : ", + "B : You dunno ?", + "D : Oh wow . ", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : That is lovely . ", + "D : Hey yeah ,", + "D : I said Ninja Homer . ", + "C : What did you call it ?", + "A : Ninja Homer .", + "A : See it looks like Homer Simpson", + "C : Huh , huh .", + "A : but it's electronic so it's made in Japan .", + "B : So is that j is that just is that just a logo or does it do anything ?", + "C : Logo .", + "D : ", + "A : Yeah it's just a logo .", + "B : Just a logo", + "B : and then like Ninja Homer ,", + "C : Huh .", + "A : Ninja Homer . ", + "B : right okay . ", + "C : Mm .", + "A : The the red is supposed to represent the whatever else you wanna print on the side of it .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : I think it's quite nice .", + "C : Fashion technology or something .", + "B : ", + "A : You can wear Homer ,", + "A : you can throw Homer when you're frustrated , doh . ", + "C : Hmm , hmm , hmm .", + "D : ", + "B : Oh no , that's cool ,", + "B : it's got ", + "B : I'm kind of ", + "C : Hmm .", + "A : It's clunky .", + "B : I'm slightly gutted that we couldn't get plastic and rubber ,", + "B : I think that would have been nice .", + "C : Yeah , yeah .", + "B : ", + "B : Ah well ,", + "B : maybe from now on real reaction should give us more money .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "A : Oh , I did learn something new , Play-Doh is useful .", + "C : Hmm .", + "C : ", + "B : Play-Doh s", + "A : No it is it is .", + "A : It is useful and in in in in in in in um conceptualizing , in being creative .", + "C : Huh .", + "C : Huh .", + "B : Really ?", + "A : 'Cause like you say , it's something you can put your hands on and feel and touch and get a sense for .", + "C : Yeah .", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : Like we were playing with the Play-Doh and the ideas came with the Play-Doh rather than with everything else .", + "B : Did they ?", + "A : You might wanna write that down .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : It's just , I'm just fiddling with the Play-Doh , and I'm going yeah yeah it's kinda cool .", + "B : Okay .", + "B : Play-Doh .", + "C : No , it's true , yeah .", + "D : Guess I'd forgot how good s Play-Doh smells .", + "C : Hmm .", + "B : Yeah , it smells funny doesn't it . Um ", + "C : And some Play-Dohs are actually I think edible", + "C : aren't they ?", + "A : No , all Play-Doh is edible .", + "B : Yeah like the stuff for ", + "D : I think they're all non-toxic 'cause it's aimed for like two-year-olds .", + "B : I think it has to be , yeah .", + "A : It's just wheat ,", + "A : it's the stuff that your mom could make with preservatives and uh ", + "C : Wow , hmm .", + "B : Yeah um so to", + "B : wha what are your summarising words about Play-Doh ?", + "A : It's helpful to the creative process .", + "C : Huh .", + "A : Um it engages all your senses not just your sight , but your sense of feel your sense of touch .", + "B : Okay .", + "C : Yep .", + "A : And it helps you to understand", + "C : Taste . ", + "D : ", + "B : ", + "A : ", + "A : dimension as well .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : I think that that's very helpful because it it starts to pop up ,", + "B : Yeah .", + "A : whereas on a piece of paper , on a computer , on a board , um even with a three D_ graphic thing it still , it requires a lot of", + "B : Yeah .", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "C : yep .", + "C : Yeah .", + "D : Yeah", + "D : it's not very tangible .", + "C : Yeah .", + "A : yeah tangible , that's a nice word .", + "B : Mm-hmm .", + "C : Mm-hmm ,", + "C : mm-hmm ,", + "C : mm-hmm .", + "A : It becomes tangible .", + "C : Mm-hmm .", + "B : Tangible .", + "B : Okay uh ", + "A : ", + "B : Mm . I don't know if there's anything else we needed to discuss .", + "A : Nope .", + "B : That that's about it really .", + "B : Just sit still I guess for a little while .", + "C : Do we retreat to our , to continue our", + "A : I think we could probably do it here as long as we don't collaborate .", + "B : Um ", + "C : r reporting or what i", + "B : Well I dunno .", + "B : Um I'm sure the little uh the little thing'll pop up any minute now .", + "C : ", + "A : Can we turn off the microphones ?", + "C : ", + "B : Yeah , yeah if the meeting's over then yeah I guess so ." + ], + "abstractive summary": [ + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.1", + "text": "The project manager recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting and two team members presented their prototype and discussed the features the prototype contained.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.2", + "text": "The team then looked at the production costs of the remote and had to decide which features to retain or lose in order to maintain the target cost.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.3", + "text": "In maintaining the target cost, the team had to lose a number of features which they originally wanted, such as a kinetic battery, an LCD display, and various color options.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.4", + "text": "The team then evaluated the prototype on the basis of its appearance, technological innovation, and spongy quality.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.5", + "text": "The prototype did fairly well in the evaluation.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.6", + "text": "The team then conducted an evaluation of the project process.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.7", + "text": "The team felt that their creativity was hindered by the project budget and their inability to discuss the project outside of their meetings and that the structure of the task did not foster teamwork.", + "type": "abstract" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.8", + "text": "*NA*", + "type": "actions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.9", + "text": "The remote will not contain a kinetic battery.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.10", + "text": "The remote will have a regular chip.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.11", + "text": "The case will be double-curved.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.12", + "text": "The remote will have push buttons.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.13", + "text": "The remote will not feature an LCD display.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.14", + "text": "The display will be on the television instead of on the remote.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.15", + "text": "The buttons will be normal colored.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.16", + "text": "The remote will have square buttons.", + "type": "decisions" + }, + { + "id": "ES2002d.rdhillon.s.17", + "text": "Meeting the target cost.", + "type": "problems" + } + ], + "extractive summary": [ + "B : Well this is the uh final detailed design meeting .", + "B : Um we're gonna discuss the look and feel design , the user interface design , and we're gonna evaluate the product .", + "B : And the end result of this meeting has to be a decision on the details of this remote control ,", + "B : um and then I'm gonna have to specify the final design in the final report .", + "B : we said we were gonna have a snowman shaped remote control with no L_C_D_ display , no need for talk-back ,", + "B : it was hopefully gonna be kinetic power and battery uh with rubber buttons ,", + "B : maybe backlighting the buttons with some internal L_E_D_s to shine through the casing ,", + "B : um hopefully a jog-dial ,", + "B : and incorporating the slogan somewhere as well .", + "D : Um , there are a few changes we've made .", + "D : Um , well look at the expense sheet , and uh it turned to be quite a lot expensive to have open up and have lots of buttons and stuff inside ,", + "D : this is gonna be an L_C_D_ screen , um just a a very very basic one ,", + "D : very small um with access to the menu through the the scroll wheel and uh confirm", + "D : Uh , apart from that , it's just pretty much the same as we discussed last time .", + "A : the advanced functions are still hidden from you , but they're hidden in the sense that um they're not in use .", + "A : Um they're in the L_C_D_ panel and the jog-dial ?", + "A : The L_C_D_ panel just displays um functionally what you're doing .", + "A : If you're using an advanced function right , like um c brightness , contrast , whatever , it will just say ", + "A : It might even be one , a bit more complex L_C_D_ panel with pictures like maybe the sun or the , you know , the the symbols of the various functions .", + "A : That's a number pad .", + "B : Where are we gonna have the slogan ?", + "D : just like right inside there .", + "D : Well we want the other buttons to be big enough to push easily with a finger", + "D : so we reckon maybe that'll be about the same size as the palm of your hand . ", + "B : So we're talking about ten centimetres .", + "D : We're gonna have again the the sort of the foggy um yellow from last time that lit up when you pushed the button .", + "C : uh I'm just gonna bring up the idea of colours .", + "D : this button um , because it's red it's sort of very prominent , we're gonna use it as uh it can be the power button", + "D : if you hold it for maybe two seconds it'll send a stand-by signal .", + "D : Um apart from that it's gonna be used as a confirm button for the L_C_D_ screen", + "A : Oh we've discussed how h high it is , but how wide is it ? ", + "A : be about th three and a half .", + "B : what else can you do ?", + "D : Um you can skip straight to a channel using these buttons .", + "D : but um because we've got the the L_C_D_ and the jog-dial we just thought we'd um use that as the volume .", + "B : And what else do you do with the jog-dial ?", + "D : Um you can use it for um more advanced functions like contrast , colour and ", + "A : Um a lot of these things will have to be um free and open for users to define them .", + "A : Audio , we have like your basic y your base , your mid-range , your high range .", + "A : left-right balance ,", + "A : um maybe even pre-programmed sound modes ,", + "B : We can now have a little look at the the Excel sheet and price listing ,", + "B : and see if we need to", + "B : um if we need to rethink anything at all .", + "B : for this first part here power-wise , have we got battery ?", + "B : Do we have kinetic as well ?", + "A : No .", + "B : And that's because of cost restraints is it ?", + "A : Yep .", + "A : We need an advanced chip I think , yep .", + "B : So we want double-curved ?", + "A : I think we're gonna have to skip the rubber .", + "B : um and we wanted special colours didn't we ?", + "A : For the case itself , one colour . It's one special colour .", + "A : We've got push buttons as well .", + "B : So we're w w quite far over .", + "A : Okay let's just be safe and put like say four buttons for that one .", + "B : something's gonna have to go .", + "B : Um we're at sixteen point eight and ", + "A : The other thing could be that um you could take away the L_C_D_ panel and the advanced chip together ,", + "A : so when we scroll we need just some way to get the T_V_ to respond ,", + "A : It It needs to be more than one big button because if you open up your phone , underneath there's actually one button underneath , it's just that the panel itself is a single panel .", + "A : or the colours , you could take away s colours for th for the buttons .", + "B : No can do .", + "A : Um so then these just become normal coloured buttons ,", + "B : And now we're under budget .", + "D : sort of deep enough to be comfy to hold in your hands rather than being wide and flat .", + "B : width-wise we're looking at about what three centimetres or something ?", + "B : How how tall do you envisage it being ?", + "B : About two centimetres , okay .", + "C : Maybe closer to three even or two and a half .", + "B : Okay we'll s we'll say two point five .", + "C : but um just in in that we want this to be stylish , should we think a little bit more out of the box in terms of a button grid ,", + "A : I think that's something that's very hard to catch ,", + "A : so you you restrict the number of people who wanna try something .", + "C : What about button shape ?", + "C : Square buttons ?", + "A : Yeah", + "A : Maybe we should do the design evaluation first .", + "B : discuss uh how satisfied we all are with um with these four points ,", + "C : I've reviewed all of the um the points of discussion from the beginning ,", + "C : and used that as a criteria of evaluation for the um uh for the current design uh th or the plan ,", + "C : So to sort of b bring together two things , sort of design goals and also the market research that we had ,", + "C : uh when we rate this , one is v high in in succeeding or fitting to our original aim and seven is low ,", + "C : and um we've been asked to uh to collectively rate this ,", + "C : So the first one uh , stylish look and feel .", + "A : I rate that pretty highly .", + "C : Okay let's go with five then .", + "C : Fi oh uh just actually the opposite .", + "C : Let's go with two point five then .", + "C : high tech innovation .", + "C : so we've had to remove a few of our features we wanted ,", + "C : but jog-dial", + "B : Yeah about three , okay .", + "C : Style reflects a fruit inspired colour , design .", + "A : the the yellow is more representative of the colour ,", + "A : Okay , the blue the blue colours and don't re don't actually represent the colour ,", + "C : so we'll go two .", + "C : and um design is simple to use , simple in features .", + "B : I mean I'd give that nearly a one .", + "C : Um , soft and spongy , have we achieved that ?", + "C : We've used mostly plastic in the end so it's going to be quite a bit of a compromise for price .", + "D : Yeah I think it's about five .", + "C : logo , we've got it in there , haven't we ?", + "C : And um it's within budget , yep .", + "C : out of forty nine with with zero being the highest .", + "C : We are at uh two , seven , eight , ten , fifteen point five .", + "C : So it's pretty good .", + "C : I thought okay in theory this kind of a process would be about refining our design , revisiting our original goals .", + "C : It's not something I need to p push through ,", + "C : but I thought should we thinking more about the dimensions , um sort of like more of a three dimensional shapes as well as opposed to just that flat um ", + "B : uh well next up then , because we've done finance , is the project evaluation .", + "B : Um well do you wanna um just individually say what you think about about these four points and ", + "B : Well d do you feel though that that you were able to have quite a lot of creative input into the thing ?", + "C : Yeah , yeah", + "C : it feels as though the creativity goes on when we leave , and then we come here and then we kind of put out our ideas and then , you know .", + "B : But I don't I don't think it means the room as in this room .", + "C : answering the question uh in those terms I'd say that actually there's sort of a tease of creativity", + "C : We're told okay um think in terms of style and look and feel and technology , but build something for twelve and a half pounds ,", + "C : so actually the creativity was more more of like a um a f sort of a f formality then an actual ", + "A : The constraints do come in very fast .", + "D : it's um it is quite a lot of fun t to go and then you have sort of hit the end then go right , gotta cut everything out 'cause we don't have enough money .", + "A : I think another point is that the meetings um are more brainstorming sessions than meetings ,", + "A : and I think the fact that we're wearing these things restricts ", + "A : it it it does actually you know affect how , w whether you feel comfortable to communicate .", + "A : and and the time the time given also restricts ", + "C : In in reality I think here the the different elements of leadership such as the the original b briefing and then the personal coach and the and then you know having having you with your the meeting agenda is actually quite a quite a quite a con confining framework to work within .", + "C : And so it is leadership almost to the point of sort of disempowering the the the team member , so ", + "C : But it's not bad leadership , it's just sort of s fairly strong , you know .", + "A : I think the interactions are very structured .", + "B : So you think maybe a little too controlling or ", + "C : Yeah , oh yeah , without without a doubt .", + "A : I don't think there's a sense of control 'cause all the decisions have been made in terms of a , like a consensus right , we go around and we think about it ,", + "D : Uh , reckon that was a bit hard because we could only discuss things in the meeting .", + "B : uh what about teamwork ?", + "D : If we could just go up to somebody outside the meeting and have a quick talk with them , that would've been a lot easier .", + "A : I think the tools that they were given , the tool set that were given to us are fancy but they don't support collaboration , I think that's the word .", + "C : I mean sort of taking upon that idea , w the way I see this i is that it's uh the the s the structure in which we've we've approached this whole task is quite contrary to the p principle of teamwork", + "C : because the the tasks were d d sort of um divided , and then the work went on in isolation", + "C : I think the whiteboard , for me , is the kind of thing I would use all the time ,", + "C : maybe just in the way that we we use it , in the sense that once we have an idea out there or while work was going on in between meetings , that could have been up on a board uh you know as opposed to in like in text .", + "C : I know that people who design cars and you know in aviation they quite often just have a simple like fibreglass prototype", + "C : and it's completely you know um abs abstract from the final product , but they use it as a kind of a context to sort of walk around and puzzle and and point and discuss", + "C : and in a way everybody's as we discuss things in the in theoretically and out of our notebooks ,", + "C : we're actually just each of us discussing something that's in each of our own minds .", + "A : I think um the the focus of it a lot was the PowerPoint as opposed to the to the whiteboard ,", + "A : and I think that m um is also does you know hinder us and things I think .", + "A : And a lot of the information on the PowerPoints , I don't think , you know , we needed to actually it could have , we could have gone through it verbally ,", + "B : What about the digital pens , did you find them easy enough to use ?", + "D : Oh they're a bit clunky .", + "A : Having to tick it before you go off was a bit hindering as well ,", + "A : But I think the pen is v is very intuitive ,", + "A : So I think the pen's good .", + "C : And o on the topic of the technology , it just occurred to me that we actually didn't need to move our computers because each computer has all of the files .", + "C : We only actually needed one computer .", + "A : And the computer may not um be conducive to a meeting because um you tend to look at your computer and wanna have the urge to check something , you know ,", + "C : , the w main one for me is that uh the process na in a natural f context would not have been interrupted by this necessity to discommunicate ourselves from each other .", + "C : well you know it's kind of s hard to keep f working forward on a team a team based project when when you're told you must now work away from your team .", + "B : I think it was quite good that we had time limits on the meetings because they really could have run on", + "B : I really thi i I think maybe if we'd like all been working in the one room ,", + "B : and they just said you know like every hour or something everybody make sure yo you know just have a have a short meeting and then just c", + "A : And we have Ninja Homer .", + "B : Well apparently now I write the final report .", + "B : I'm slightly gutted that we couldn't get plastic and rubber ,", + "A : Oh , I did learn something new , Play-Doh is useful .", + "A : It is useful and in in in in in in in um conceptualizing , in being creative .", + "A : Like we were playing with the Play-Doh and the ideas came with the Play-Doh rather than with everything else .", + "A : It becomes tangible ." + ] + }, + "log": [] + } +} \ No newline at end of file