--- configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* dataset_info: features: - name: diagnosis dtype: string - name: radius_mean dtype: float64 - name: texture_mean dtype: float64 - name: perimeter_mean dtype: float64 - name: area_mean dtype: float64 - name: smoothness_mean dtype: float64 - name: compactness_mean dtype: float64 - name: concavity_mean dtype: float64 - name: concave points_mean dtype: float64 - name: symmetry_mean dtype: float64 - name: fractal_dimension_mean dtype: float64 - name: radius_se dtype: float64 - name: texture_se dtype: float64 - name: perimeter_se dtype: float64 - name: area_se dtype: float64 - name: smoothness_se dtype: float64 - name: compactness_se dtype: float64 - name: concavity_se dtype: float64 - name: concave points_se dtype: float64 - name: symmetry_se dtype: float64 - name: fractal_dimension_se dtype: float64 - name: radius_worst dtype: float64 - name: texture_worst dtype: float64 - name: perimeter_worst dtype: float64 - name: area_worst dtype: float64 - name: smoothness_worst dtype: float64 - name: compactness_worst dtype: float64 - name: concavity_worst dtype: float64 - name: concave points_worst dtype: float64 - name: symmetry_worst dtype: float64 - name: fractal_dimension_worst dtype: float64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 139405 num_examples: 569 download_size: 141996 dataset_size: 139405 license: cc language: - en pretty_name: breast-cancer-wisconsin size_categories: - n<1K --- # breast-cancer-wisconsin ## Overview The dataset contains features computed from digitized images of breast cancer biopsies, which are used to predict whether a breast mass is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). ## Dataset Details The original dataset is the [Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic)](https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/17/breast+cancer+wisconsin+diagnostic). This file concerns credit card applications. The dataset is based on features computed from digitized images of breast mass tissue samples. These features are computed from a digitized image of a fine needle aspirate (FNA) of a breast mass. Based on these features, the goal is to predict whether the mass is benign or malignant. ```latex @inproceedings{Street1993NuclearFE, title={Nuclear feature extraction for breast tumor diagnosis}, author={William Nick Street and William H. Wolberg and Olvi L. Mangasarian}, booktitle={Electronic imaging}, year={1993}, url={https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:14922543} } ``` - Dataset Name: breast-cancer-wisconsin - Language: English - Total Size: 569 demonstrations ## Contents The dataset consists of a data frame with 30 columns + diagnosis = M (37,3%) and B (62,7%). ## How to use ```python from datasets import load_dataset dataset = load_dataset("AiresPucrs/breast-cancer-wisconsin", split='train') ``` ## License This dataset is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode) (CC BY 4.0) license.