Unnamed: 0
question or not
2 values
4 values
[usr] We are going camping next weekend and I have all the equipment to do it right, [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Make sure to bring smores and bug spray. I hate bug bites. and love chocolate
We are going camping next weekend and I have all the equipment to do it, so I believe we are going to be quite comfortable and safe.
[usr] Hi friend. I have had a lot of problems with my girlfriend [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
I've been there. That must be rough. What's going on ?
I have had lots of problems with my girlfriend but we have worked through them and have remained true to each other.
ask me for further details
[usr] I am so happy that I have finally gotten a head start on being organized to teach this year [sys] This is so good, well done [usr] Thank you. There is so much to do when you are teaching multiple grades [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
How long have you been on this?
I was finally organized for teaching school this year
ask me for further details
[usr] So, yesterday I opened up my lunchbox and I found out that the milk I packed was starting to curdle. I felt quite disheartened. [sys] oh, that stinks, was the milk expired? [usr] Yeah, it must've been. It only had a day left or so, I believe. I was trying to be frugal! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Were you able to save your meal and get some more milk or something else to drink?
Yesterday, I opened up my lunchbox and I found out that the milk I packed was starting to curdle. I felt quite disheartened.
ask me for further details
[usr] i trusting with my friend [sys] thats cool [usr] yea man [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
tell me about it.
i trusting with my friend
[usr] I was very happy when I found that I am getting a bonus from my employer. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Was it a large one ?
I was very happy when I found that I am getting a bonus from my employer.
ask me for further details
[usr] My friend took me skiing, it was actually my first time skiing. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Did you fall a lot?
My friend took me skiing, it was my first time skiing.
ask me for further details
[usr] the fair is in ton and i took my son you shouuld have seen his facve [sys] He must have been very excited! That is awesome. [usr] yeah his eyes just light up [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Ah. You must do it more often. Children are so precious.
I took my son to the fair. you should have seen his face light up
[usr] i loved taking care of my sisters pet the other day [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Oh, what kind of pet?
i loved taking care of my sisters pet the other day
ask me for further details
[usr] hate when the lawn guy makes noises early in the morning [sys] That can definitely get aggravating! It always seems to happen at the worst time. [usr] specially in the summer months [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I understand, maybe you can set up certain times or something
hate when the yard guy makes noise early in the a.m
[usr] I had an interview a few weeks ago, and I knew I was going to get it! I was really prepared. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Well good for you. What did you do to prepare yourself?
when i had an interview
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I enjoy driving my old truck. [sys] What kind is it? [usr] 1968 chevrolet C10, it reminds me of my younger days. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Sounds like a sweer ride
I always enjoy driving my old truck as it reminds me of the old days.
[usr] My little brother is about to enter high school in a week. Makes me remember the years I was in it. It wasn't all bad, but it definitely wasn't all good. I wouldn't mind re-living that period for a little bit though [sys] I get it, I think I'd like to go back and relive the big events. I miss those the most, football games and dances. [usr] I was a nerd and never went to those! But I liked the lack of responsibility, and how easy everything was. Classes weren't too hard for me. And I didn't have much trouble with bullying or any of that. I liked the breezy feeling of it all. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Yeah, there wasn't much to worry about except classes and whatever drama was going around at the time!
My little brother is about to enter high school in a week. Makes me remember the years I was in it. It wasn't all bad, but it definitely wasn't all good. I wouldn't mind re-living that period for a little bit though.
[usr] MY daughter told me last night she wanted a guitar [sys] Are guitars expensive? [usr] I have no idea. I'm going to get her one for Christmas though. I think she is gonna be a rockatar [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Does she want an acoustic or electric one?
I think my daughter is gonna be a rockstar. She is gonna be great
ask me for further details
[usr] My dad was in the hospital recently. He was in very bad condition and didn't look like he was gonna pull through. Thankfully he did. [sys] I'm really happy that he made it. I bet it was a tough thing to go through. [usr] Yeah, I can't imagine life without my dad. It'll happen someday, I just would prefer it to happen once he's lived a full life. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I know what you mean. I wish my dad were still around.
My father was recently in the hospital with a chronic heart failure. I thought he was going to die. Thankfully he pulled through and is recovering.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I don't know why I did but my friends aren't speaking to me and It feels very isolating. [sys] have you asked them? [usr] They ignored me when I did. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
they seem like not very nice people! im sorry
All of my friends aren't speaking to me and I don't know why.
[usr] Expecting the worst and hoping for the best has always worked out in my favor. [sys] I think that way too! [usr] How so [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
If you expect the worst, you won't be disappointed.
I always expect the worst but hope for the best. That way I'm not devastated when things don't go my way
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] Hi, I bought myself a new gadget today [sys] That is always fun to do. What did you get yourself? [usr] It is a touch screen computer tablet. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That is very cool. I like tech that is practical but also fun to use.
I have just purchased a new gadget. I took it out of the box and tried to activate it but it will not work.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I was sick when I saw a dead animal on the sidewalk. It made me feel bad [sys] I always hate seeing any kind of animal on the side of the road [usr] Yeah me too [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
The worst is seeing something that looks like one of your pets too. Always fear for a break out at home
I felt pretty sick when I saw a dead animal on the sidewalk. It made me feel bad
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] my brother finished high school last year. [sys] Did he? Where do you both go to school? [usr] it was cool to see us both go off to college. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I bet it was, college is such a great time.
my brother finished high school last year.
[usr] I really wish I score big with this lottery ticket I bought. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Yeah that would be awesome! What are you going to spend it on??
I really wish to score big with this lottery ticket I bought
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] Super upset with a company I thought was trustworthy. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Why what did they do to betray your trust?
Super upset with a company I thought was trustworthy.
ask me for further details
[usr] My wife forgot to wish me on our anniversary. [sys] Have you been married a long time? [usr] yeah, It's our 2nd anniversary. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I know that had to hurt. But forgive her and let her make it up to you.
I was expecting our anniversary avidly. But on the day my betterhalf had work in her native place. So she went and I was alone here. Also in mind pressure she forget to wish me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My roommate went to Paris. I was at the house all alone. [sys] something wrong with your meal or what [usr] No, my meals were fine. I just had to eat alone. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
can you kick an innocent dog for nothing
My roommate went to Paris. I was at the house all alone.
[usr] I'm ecstatic like Matt Hughes slammin Newton on the mat it's a fact haters mad cuz I got dapper swag got the ladies stariin like who daaat [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What does that even mean?
I'm ecstatic like Matt Hughes slammin Newton on the mat it's a fact haters mad cuz I got dapper swag got the ladies stariin like who daaat
ask me for further details
[usr] My nephew is playing 9th grade football this year. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I dislike football, very much.
Nephew doing great at football this year
[usr] I just won a bet against my friend while watching the horse races. [sys] That's great! What did you win? [usr] $400 thanks to Red. I opted not to bet with a big group because I don't know much about horses. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
I don't blame you. I don't know anything about Horses, but congrats on winning the bet
I just won a bet against my friend while watching the horse races.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] a while back my manager had told me i would most likely get a promotion within the next few weeks. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That's great news! You must be excited!
I had been told at work i w as likely to get a promotion in the next few weeks. It has been almost two months now and I am not happy
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I knew I was going to get into a school that I wanted. I just worked hard for it to happen [sys] That's awesome! Congratulations! Are you in college? [usr] No it was awhile back, but its a good memory [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
That is a wonderful memory. What school did you attend?
I just knew things would work out for me when it came to getting into a school. I had worked hard for it
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I'm anticipating a very warm summer here in Dallas. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Texas does that to us! It helps we live in a place where air conditioning is the norm. Or do you like spending time out in the heat?
I'm predicting a very warm summer this year.
ask me for further details
[usr] My mother has been diagnosed with diabetes, so I have been taking care of her diet. I am worried about her health [sys] I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope she'll be doing good, she is very lucky to have someone taking care of her. [usr] Yes she is, I really love her because she has brought e up all on her own [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
You must have a very good connection, that's beautiful.
My mother has been diagnosed with diabetes, so I have been taking care of her diet.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I can't find my phone anywhere. Everything is in it! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Wow, have you tried calling it?
I can't find my phone anywhere. Everything is in it!
ask me for further details
[usr] My boss called me a liar in front of the whole office last week. [sys] That was rude of them. Why? [usr] He thought I took money from the petty cash drawer, but they found out who really did it yesterday, and still no apology. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Wow, I would go over and talk to that boss and demand an apology
My boss called me a liar in front of the whole office last week.
[usr] I have to make a quiche later. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
how long does that take to make
I have to make a quiche later. I am sure it will be easy to make.
[usr] I have my math final tomorrow and I am so nervous about it. [sys] Did you at least study? [usr] I did not. That's why I am so nervous. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I have my math final tomorrow. Never been so nervous.
[usr] I appreciate having the chance to be there for people when they are in need. [sys] I love to be able to help people when I can also. [usr] It really makes me feel good to be a part of the good [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I understand what you mean. I feel like a better person and know I have accomplished something by making them feel better also.
I really love having the chance to be there for people when they are in need.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I was wearing white shorts the other night to dinner and over trusted a fart [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Wow that's actually hilarious. And very unfortunate
I was wearing my favorite white shorts out to eat. I accidentally sharted.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] Sometimes I want privacy, but now that I have it, I miss my roomies. [sys] Oh I understand. But hey, you dont have to look at or clean up any elses mess anymore right? [usr] Oh manm, you make a good point! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Yeah, thats was my biggest pet peeve. No more clogged drains, dirty dishes or anything but my own!
Sometimes I want privacy, but now that I have it, I miss my roomies.
[usr] We are going to disney world for christmas! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That sounds fun!
We are going to disney world for christmas!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I am really getting irritated with the traffic nowadays [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I know! It's terrible everywhere! And I'm the only one who knows how to drive because I created the automobile!
I am really getting irritated with traffic nowadays and horn sounds are just terrible
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I am really impressed that I am still able to teach my dog things at his age [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
How old is he?
I am really impressed that I am still able to teach my dog things at his age
ask me for further details
[usr] I feel very proud to be able to make that importante change at work and I think that my boss will do something for me. Maybe it will be a raise in my salary. [sys] It always feels exciting to do something big at work. It always feels good to feel like you are making progress in your career. [usr] Yes, and my collegues and friend are very happy too. They see me as a new leader in the group. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Also, maybe this is something you can put on your resume and it will look good in the future.
Once I achieved a new project at work that make a big difference of how difficult tasks are done. The result was that now co-workers can do many tasks faster and save a lot of time.
[usr] I really like this game League of Legends and looking at my old matches from years ago was really cool. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I have never played that game.
I'm really into the game League of Legends. I was looking back on my old matches and it was weird seeing all the old stuff that has been changed.
[usr] I'm taking my daughter to the zoo for the first time tomorrow.... I can't wait! [sys] Thats so exciting, How old is she?? what do you think she will liek the most? [usr] She's 3... So she can actually acknowledge the animals lol [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Thats good, I bet she will have such a fun time.
I'm taking my daughter to the zoo for the first time tomorrow.... I can't wait!
[usr] I lose my confidence about my career slowly. [sys] Why is that? [usr] I finished my degree 4 years back. But still am unable to fit any job. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I am sorry to hear that, I wish you luck!
I was very much confident about my career earlier. After a few years of my degree, I'll lose the hope.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I was cleaning out some old boxes after moving and found pictures from my prom [sys] That's cool, was it nostalgic? [usr] Yea, I messaged my ex and we were talking about those times. It was crazy talking about those old times [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Yeah, it's crazy to think how long ago some things are
I found pictures from my prom the other day. I reached out to my ex and we talked about the old days
[usr] Harvard rejected me last night, [sys] Oh no! That's not your journey then. Do you have other places you applied? [usr] I want to try Yale but like I'm so let down right now. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I'm so sorry. I know it must be tough right now but it is happening for a reason. Make your dreams happen no matter where it is!
When I got rejected to my dream school. I put in so much work to the application.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I have to make a wedding cake later. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
you must be excited!
I have to make a wedding cake later. I am so ready to bake it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] When I got home from work, I realized I had my shirt inside out the entire day [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
o no, i hope no one noticed
When I got home I realized I had my shirt inside out the entire day!
[usr] i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog [sys] What happened did he hurt your dog? [usr] he got out of the back yard and ran away [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Wow ave you put up signs for lost dog hopefully someone will bring him back home to you.
i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog
[usr] When I was offered the job of my dreams, I knew I had everything I could ever need. I finally felt content in my life. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
that's great, what kind of job was it?
When I got my dream job I felt like I got everything I ever wanted in life. I finally felt content and happy with everything.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I was building a sculpture outside and some neighborhood kid threw a baseball and destroyed it. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
You must have been devestated!
I was building a sculpture and some neighborhood kid threw a baseball and destroyed it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I lied to the police. I am ashamed. [sys] You should never lie to them. What did you say? [usr] I said I did not know where my friend was. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Did your friend do something bad? Why were they looking for them
I am ashamed I lied to the police.
ask me for further details
[usr] I had some licorice candies recently. My grandfather used to buy them for me all the time when I was little. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
probably brought back some memories ?
I had some licorice candies two weeks ago. They reminded me of when I was a kid - my grandfather used to buy them for me all the time.
ask me for further details
[usr] i found an old pyrex bowl at the store yesterday like the one my mom used to make tuna casserole in. [sys] Did that bring back a lot of memories? It sounds like you made a good find there. [usr] it did. i wish it wasn't $40.00 for the set or i would've bought it. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
That's too bad. Hopefully it will go on sale in the future or you can find a coupon!
i was at an antique shop and found an old pyrex bowl like the one my mom used to make tuna casserole in when i was a kid
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I've been working a great new job the past month and can finally afford a nice apartment. I feel great. [sys] That's great to hear. Summer is a good time of year to be enjoying your life. [usr] Yeah, I feel on top of the world these day! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I've been thinking a lot about when I was a kid recently.
I've been working a new job for the past month. I can finally afford a nice new apartment.
[usr] Had a flat on the interstate overpass after dark but a stranger stopped to help [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That is awesome we need more people like that in the world
Had a flat on the interstate today and a huge man stopped to help
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] 101 degrees this weekend. I would rather go out to a brewery. Instead I promised friends I'd help them move. SMH [sys] Help them move and then have them take you out to the brewery as thanks. [usr] ooo i like your way of thinking. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I don't drink so have a drink for me lol.
oh the days when you want to go out but you've promised to help friends move. gotta keep the promises.
[usr] I got take out and when I got home I had an extra dessert. I was quite pleased [sys] That's awesome. What did you end up getting? [usr] I wasn't expecting it but was glad to see it. I have quite the sweet tooth for chocolate cake. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I love chocolate cake! You'll have to save me some.
I got take out and when I got home I had an extra dessert. I was quite pleased.
[usr] I watched the first season of one of my favorite childhood shows in only two days just recently. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
oh well, whats the show. i know for sure you would have enjoyed it again
I recently watched a full series of an old cartoon I use to watch as a kid. I felt like I was 10 years old again.
[usr] my dog got out of the gate and got hit by a car [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Oh yikes! Is your dog ok?
my dog got hit by a car when he got out of the backyard gate
ask me for further details
[usr] I saw firsthand today how caring my cousin can be with children. She was being patient and cooperative with my unruly and difficult two-year-old nephew, and she's only 13-years-old herself. I was pretty proud of how she handled the difficult situation, and it made me imagine her as a mother in the future. [sys] She will do great. OR she might not want to have kids be he is such a handful [usr] Yeah, that's true. He's just a distant relative, so she doesn't see him often. But you're right, I shouldn't immediately assume she would have them. I just think she'd be good with them, is all. But kids these days seem to be a little more picky about whether or not they'll have children, so we'll see. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Lids today are so picky about everything. Its sort of strange. Its nothing like when I was growing up
I saw firsthand today how caring my cousin can be with children. She was being patient and cooperative with my unruly and difficult two-year-old nephew, and she's only 13-years-old herself. I was pretty proud of how she handled the difficult situation, and it made me imagine her as a mother in the future.
[usr] I cant believe that I won $100 on a scratch off ticket. I think I am going to buy a new pair of shoes with it. I cant wait to go cash it in. [sys] $100! I have never won that much! [usr] I was super pumped up. I cant wait to go get those shoes after work today. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I wouldnt even know what to do with an extra $100
I just won $100 on a scratch. I can not wait to go cash it in.
[usr] It was insane getting ready for hurricane IRMA to hit last year.... [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Did you get hit my it? I bet that was scary.
getting ready for irma
ask me for further details
[usr] My girlfriend just broke up with me. My coworkers had donuts sitting on my desk this morning to cheer me up. I never thought they would do something like that. [sys] Aww that was nice of them!! [usr] Yea and they must have got to work early because I am usually there before them. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
lol. Maybe they all came into work early just to surprise you!
I came in to work in a bad mood because my girlfriend broke up with me. My coworkers had donuts sitting on my desk this morning to cheer me up. I was not expecting that.
[usr] I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
whats the plan to get into one of those cars?!
I get so envious of rich people and their nice cars! That stuff is low key inspiring
ask me for further details
[usr] Made kimchi for the first time. Can't wait to see how it turns out. [sys] I don't even know what that is lol [usr] haha it's a Korean dish. Fermented napa cabbage. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Sounds neat. Do you usually cook korean dishes?
Made kimchi for the first time. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
ask me for further details
[usr] i cant wait for the weekend [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Me too. What do you have planned?
i cant wait for the weekend1
ask me for further details
[usr] My son tried out for football at our community center [sys] How old is he? Is he excited? [usr] he's 4. He just wants to run around and play. I'm the one that's excited. And I know nothing about football. [sys] You will grow to love it. Football is amazing sport. Your son will love it. [usr] I hope so. I just wish it would get cooler outside before they start practice. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Just wait a few years. If he sticks with it he will be at practice 6 months a year then playing games in the snow.
My son's made it on the community football team. I am so happy.
[usr] Yesterday always seems better to me than today. I've always felt this way. [sys] That is no good! Why have you been feeling so sad and depressed? [usr] I've had a rough life, the last 40 years have been a trainwreck. Betrayal, family problems, basically I went to prison for a crime that my mother committed, and now my life is screwed. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Wow! That does sound like a lot of misfortune! Just try your best to think positive if you can. You never know what the future has in store for you!
I've always been something of a nostalgic person. Yesterday always seems better than today to me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I was surprised when Roger Federer lost the 2018 Wimbledon quarters [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Is that Tennis?
I was surprised when Roger Federer lost the 2018 Wimbledon quarters.
ask me for further details
[usr] I am praying that I get the part [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What part is that?
I am praying that I get the part
ask me for further details
[usr] I accidentally tripped while walking into a restaurant for dinner, totally ruined my appetite. [sys] Man that really stinks. I hope that you are ok! [usr] I'm fine but I was wearing nice clothes and they got a bit ruined. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Oh no well at least you aren't hurt
I accidentally tripped while walking into a restaurant for dinner, totally ruined my appetite.
[usr] I am going to my first haunted house this October! I don't know why I feel so scarred! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Ha, that will be fun though
I am going to my first haunted house this October! I don't know why I feel so scarred!
[usr] I was so mortified yesterday. I slipped and fell in the parking lot in a spectacular fashion. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Haha. Sorry to laugh but you said it in a funny way. Are you ok?
I slipped and fell in the parking lot. I was mortified.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I am really starting to miss my friends and family. I have been traveling for a few months now. [sys] Did you travel for work or for vacation? [usr] I am on vacation. The hostel I checked into is really empty right now so I have been thinking of home a lot. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Its too soon to be homesick!
I have been traveling for two months now. I am really starting to miss my friends and family.
[usr] I lost my mind and temper, when i have been told i won't be promoted [sys] That must've really upset you. Did they explain why? [usr] yeah it did, it was deserved one but they didn't explain and i am so angry right now!! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Definitely take some time to vent out your anger. It's totally undestandable.
I lost my mind and lost temper when i came to know that i will not get my deserved promotion
[usr] I have an interview coming up and want to be extra prepared [sys] Make sure you dress nicely and bring a positive attitude. [usr] Thats good advice - thanks! [sys] Yeah no problem. Make sure to do a mock interview with a friend or family member to practice what you will say. [usr] I will. I want to do everything possible. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Is this your first job?
I am trying to be extra prepared for my next interview.
ask me for further details
[usr] I had a great interview yesterday. Im really nervous and cant stop thinking about it. I hope they get back to me soon. [sys] I hope so too! Waiting for the call back is so nerver wrecking. [usr] I keep pacing around. Maybe I will go to the gym to calm my nerves. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Take your mind off of it and before you know it, you'll be filling out new hire paperwork!
I just went on a fantastic interview. My nerves are really bad awaiting their decision on if I got the job or not.
[usr] My son is swimming underwater at 2 years old, amazing! [sys] Did you teach him? [usr] I didn't, he took off with it on his own! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Sounds like he's a natural
My son is swimming underwater at 2 years old, amazing!
[usr] I think someone stole my headphones recently. [sys] Oh no! Do you have a suspect? [usr] Not exactly, I have many friends and acquaintances in my dorm on the regular, so I'm not sure who it could be. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I hope it turns up, or is returned to you soon.
I think someone stole my headphones recently.
[usr] I would say Karma is due to bring me some good positive vibes today [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
You are so hyped for the day. I wish that will be the same for me.
I was walking back to my car 1 day and a guy ran over asking if he could hitch a ride about half a mile down the road. he told me that his other half is pregnant and can not walk any more as she was aching and tired. he offered me some money but i refused and said just hop in, and show me where you need to go I felt I could be trusted by the stranger I had never met before as he put his partner's life as well as his own into my hands of driving safely to their destination.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I felt bad last week when I was caught in a lie. I felt like a rat [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What was the lie?
I felt pretty bad last week when I was got lying. I just felt like a rat
ask me for further details
[usr] My friend found out I shared a secret he told me. I really feel embarrassed! [sys] That sucks. I hope it wasn't a super important secret at least. [usr] It sort of was. I really put my foot in my mouth! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Well, hopefully your friendship won't suffer for it :)
My friend found out I shared a secret he told me. I really feel embarrassed.
[usr] I'm really happy with how things are going at work right now. I just got a raise, and a promotion. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That's great! I hope things continue to go well for ya.
I am really happy with how things are going at work right now.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I'm disappointed in how my brownies turned out. They are so mushy! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Ewwww. Maybe you should put them back in the oven for a bigt?
I'm disappointed in how my brownies turned out. They are so mushy!
ask me for further details
[usr] I've been hard at work studying for my math final all this week. [sys] have you taken the test yet [usr] I haven't; it's tomorrow! But I am sure I am going to knock it out of the park. [qst] [None] [bhv] please give me some advices.
if you studied really hard then you should
I have been studying for my math final all week. I am going to crush it!
please give me some advices.
[usr] It makes me sad to be single nowadays. [sys] Did you go through a breakup recently? [usr] IF two years is recent lol. Today is my birthday and I don't want to cook. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Happy Birthday! Well, you can order out of course.
I shouldn't have to cook on my birthday. This is when I miss having a boyfriend.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] i was mad when my dog got loose [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I can imagine. Luckily mine don't go far when they do
i was mad when my dog got loose
[usr] I moved away from my family and friends to start a new job next week. I'm looking forward to it but its so isolating not knowing a single person. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Have you gone out to try to meet people yet? are you happy about our job?
I moved away from my family and friends to start a new job next week. I'm looking forward to it but its so isolating not knowing a single person.
ask me for further details
[usr] We planned a trip to the Bahamas and we leave in three days! I can't wait! [sys] Is it your first time there? [usr] Yes. I heard they have the best beaches. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I do love a good beach, I was just in the Philippines and they have some of the best beaches Ive ever seen.
We planned a trip to the Bahamas and we leave in 3 days. I can't wait!
[usr] The other day I found out that my sister is having twins! [sys] Oh that's wonderful twins seem really cool. [usr] Yeah she is very excited, she's having twin boys. I can't wait to be an uncle! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Congrats, I've heard that many twins have a special bond so I hope they have that and do well.
I found out that my sister is having twins.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death [sys] I am not married, so I am not sure. [usr] Ok, I want a woman that will be faithful [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Where do you go to meet women?
What does it take to have a woman that will stay till death
ask me for further details
[usr] Are you married? Have you ever had the chance to feel that type of love. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
No unfortunately. Have you?
Anytime you get married you have to trust that person 100%. I have dated a lot but my husband just felt different.
ask me for further details
[usr] My daughter lied about running the dishwasher today [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Well you know how kids are. Probably just forgot and was embarrassed
M daughter lied about running the dishwasher like I wouldnt notice
[usr] I got my promotion results back the other day and I didn't get selected. I was so angry because I know I am a great employee. [sys] Sorry about that. Did you talk to your manager to understand why you did got selected? [usr] I did talk to my manager about it and he had some kind words to say. Turns out she was better qualified than I. I just have to work harder! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I hope you get it next year. Good luck.
I got my promotion results back the other day and I didn't get selected. I was so angry!
[usr] I broke my ankle right before my wedding! This is a nightmare! [sys] Oh no! What did you do? [usr] I tripped down my steps carrying the laundry. I wish I would've been more careful, this is the worst. I can't walk down the aisle! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
how about a hobble down the isle? I'm sure it will still be just as beautiful walking down the isle or not.
I broke my ankle!
ask me for further details
[usr] I am ok with the job I currently have. [sys] I am also looking for a better job. [usr] What do you do currently? [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I mow lawns for a living, and it is so hot.
I am ok with the job I currently have.
[usr] The new job for me is going to be great! [sys] What field are you in? [usr] It is the field of technology [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That is awesome, I hope it goes well
I am starting a new job today. I was told plenty of great things about it
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I'm improving myself to enter into a new life. [sys] What are you doing to improve your self? [usr] I'm going to married. So I learn to love, share, forgive and etc., [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
So you're improving your self by getting married?
My wedding will be held in next month. I'm improving myself to enter into the new life.
ask me for further details