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[usr] At work, my coworker are suprised how confident I am in being able to achieve difficult taks. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That's great! It's important to have confidence in yourself and your abilities at work to be successful. It's a good example to set for your coworkers too!
At work, my coworker are suprised how confident I am in beeing able to achieve difficult taks.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I was waiting to hear back on a loan so I can buy a car. Everything should be ok but I am getting nervous waiting on it. [sys] you try calling for a status update? [usr] I did. The loan officer was very kind but they seemed to be taking forever. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
ah it happens i guess
I was trying to procure a loan to buy a car, my credit is very average and I don't have many assets so I am getting very nervous hoping to land it.
[usr] I turned 29 the other day, originally I was kinda feeling bummed out about being in the last year of my 20's. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I know how you feel! I'm about to be 30 and i feel so old lol
i turned 29 the other day. i'm pretty happy with everything i've accomplished in my life thus far.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My three month backpacking trip is coming up but I feel like it might not be smart for me to go. [sys] Where is it taking place? [usr] I am going to Eastern Europe. I have never been away that long or in a foreign country. I dont know. I feel nervous. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Oh wow, that is a huge life event then, best of luck?
I have long three month trip coming up soon. I am feeling like I shouldnt go.
ask me for further details
[usr] I know I will win my court case. [sys] If you are very sure about it. I know you will!! [usr] I expect to get a lot of money. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Good for you. I hope you will
I know I will win my court case.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I never knew what to expect at these bachelorette parties...as a male stripper I always expected some lonely old cat ladies looking for company...but almost every single time they turned out to be gorgeous chicks in their 20s [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Wow, that is quite lucky for you! I bet you made some good tips as well!
Being a male stripper was fun. Besides walking out with at least $500 a night I was hanging around some gorgeous girls who I had initially expected to be sad, lonely old cat ladies wanting some company...but nope, most of them young college chicks in their early twenties.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] This is an important time for our family because our son is applying for colleges this year. We're all nervous! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
It's a great stage in your life, what is he majoring in?
son applying to colleges
ask me for further details
[usr] I took a casual stroll with my old teammate down my trophy hall, and we got sidetracked staring at my multiple super bowl championship rings. [sys] That must have been nostalgic. When did you last pick one up? [usr] The early 70's. I could vividly picture throwing all those touchdown passes in the super bowls. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What a beautiful game, hey?
I walked by my trophy case of super bowl rings with my old buddy the other day. I could vividly picture throwing all those touchdown passes in the super bowls.
ask me for further details
[usr] Looking forward to the start of the college semester. It's my senior year and I feel like I have a grip on things [sys] Well then It's time to dominate. LOL [usr] Yeah, that's exactly how I'm feeling, haha. Feels like I'm ready to enter a zone. What about you? You in school? [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I'm working now. Enjoy your own time and also be responsible to your juniors.
Looking forward to the start of the college semester. It's my senior year and I feel like I have a grip on things.
[usr] I tried my mother in law's cooking for the first time the other day. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Soooo how was it?
I tried my mother in law's cooking for the first time the other day. It was the worst thing I've ever tasted.
ask me for further details
[usr] I am happy its almost the weekend. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Good for you.What is the reason of all this happiness?
I am so happy its the weekend.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] There would usually be four of us playing per round. The person who came in last had to take two shots. The person who finished third had to take one shot. The person who came in second had to take one shot. The person who won the round didn't have to take a shot. It was a fun game. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
That does sound like fun! What is the came called?
I remember when me and my friends used to play a game called Super Shot Brothers where we would play the Nintendo game Super Smash Brothers but the loser had to take shots.
ask me for further details
[usr] I recently had a baby and now none of my friends want to hang out with me anymore. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Congratulations! That's awful! DO they not have kids themselves? Its a pretty typical thing to happen when you're the first to have a baby among them and they don't understand that lifestyle. I've been there.
I recently had a baby and now none of my friends want to hang out with me anymore. The father also left me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My husband and I are adopting a little girl. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That sounds amazing! I love it when families adopt and give a loving child a home.
My husband and I are adopting a little girl. We have her room ready and all the baby gear we need. Now we just wait for her arrival.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I dumped my girlfriend yesterday for no reason. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Did you do it in person?
I dumped my girlfriend yesterday for no reason. I feel remorseful for doing that.
ask me for further details
[usr] IT's almost time for schoo to start back! [sys] I know! I'm going school shopping tomorrow. Its tax free weekend! [usr] Me too! I love saving money [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
No kidding. Plus I'm buying for two so double the cost this year.
The kids are going bac to school next week. I can't wait!
[usr] I have had the worst day. This morning, I found a dog lying in the street. It was still alive, so I drove it to the vet. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear that. That is terrible.
I found a dog lying in the middle of the street today. I took it to the vet to see if it could be helped. I am still waiting to hear back from them. Even though it is not my pet, I still care for it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I was checking out at the store and the lines were very long. They only had two registers open. [sys] That's the worst, especially when you see employees doing nothing. [usr] The longer I waited the more I didn't like it. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Well thankfully it's over now.
I was checking out at the store and the lines were very long. They only had two registers open.
[usr] I cannot wait for Christmas! It is such a happy time! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I love the weather that time of the year. I agree, it is so much fun.
I cannot wait for Christmas! It is such a happy time!
[usr] My husband and I made the decision that I would stay home with our kids. [sys] Nice! I bet your are excited about this [usr] Well, we've been doing it awhile now. I'm so thankful that he works so hard and allows me to homeschool our girls and be home with them. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Nice. Its nice to know he is content with this decision.
My husband and I made the decision that I would stay home with our kids. I'm so thankful to him for working so hard to allow me to be able to do that and homeschool them.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] So I had really good job interview. They just called to say they went with someone else. Im a little bummed about that. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
That's a shame, do you have anything else lined up?
I just received a call from the job I really wanted. They said they went with a different candidate.
ask me for further details
[usr] It's about to rain here. I hope the power doesn't go out. [sys] Does that happen often? [usr] about 20% of the time we get a storm. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
And that usually knocks out the power?
I'm a bit unhappy about today's weather. It's about to rain.
ask me for further details
[usr] When I was at summer camp I was wearing sweat pants and someone shanked me! [sys] Wait what does that mean what i think it means? [usr] Probably, someone pulled down my pants during dinner at the mess hall...humiliating. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
im sorry to hear that
When I was at summer camp I was wearing sweat pants and someone shanked me!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I am going on a week long vacation next month. I am really excited and cannot wait! [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I wish i could afford a vacation like that.
I am going on a weeklong vacation next month and I cannot wait!
[usr] My weekend is going well so far. I am hoping tomorrow nothing bad happens [sys] I am sure tomorrow will be fine [usr] Well it's been bad sundays for awhile, so I am hoping it isn't this time :) Someone acts up on Sundays...it's ridiculous [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I am sorry, I hope tomorrow is different then
My weekend is going well so far. I am hoping tomorrow nothing bad happens and it looks like it will be a good daytoo
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] This time of the year makes me think of my dad. He loved football [sys] Oh my dad loves football too. I bet you have some great memories. [usr] I really do. We had some fun times [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Did you and your dad ever play football together?
This time of the year makes me think about my dad. He loved football
ask me for further details
[usr] I was ready when that last storm hit us [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Storm? What area do you live in? Was it bad?
I was ready when that last storm hit us
ask me for further details
[usr] My kids are pretty awesome [sys] Mine too. How many do you have? [usr] a 1 yr old and 12 [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
awww, a 1 year old. I miss when my daughter was that young.
i have great kids and glad they are mines everyday
[usr] When my kids became adults, I gave away all their old toys. Or so I thought... Today I found one of my daughter's old dolls. It brought back so many memories I don't think I can get rid of it. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What made you give them all away?
I thought I had given away all of my adult kids old toys, but I recently stumbled upon one of my daughters old dolls. I think I'll keep it for the memories it brings me.
ask me for further details
[usr] My daughter just graduated college with honors. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Congratulations.You must be very proud of her.
My daughter just graduated college with honors. she is the first one in the past 3 generations to go to college.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I hate wasps so much. They always seem to get into my apartment somehow and I turned into a little girl! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Oh wow, I bet that's scary. Maybe there's something you could look into to help prevent that happening, that does not sound fun!
I hate wasps so much. They always seem to get into my apartment somehow and I turned into a little girl!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] Hello! So you even win a eating contest before? I won a Jello eating one back in scouts. [sys] I've never been in an eating contest! How much jello did you eat to win? [usr] Like a big ole paper plate of jello. there was whip cream too. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What was the prize for winning?
I won a jello eating contest once at a boy scout camp. For some reason i was really happy i won even though i was a mess after.
ask me for further details
[usr] Two weeks ago, I found my home totally flooded. I felt totally destroyed. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Oh no I am so sorry. Did you have flood insurance at least?
Two weeks ago, I found my home totally flooded. I felt totally destroyed.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My dad gave me an old coin that used to belong to his grandfather, who died when I was young. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Cool. What did it look like?
My dad gave me an old coin that used to belong to his grandfather. I don't think it's worth much money, but it means a lot to me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I always am prepared for hurricanes. [sys] I live in Texas, We really dont have to worry about them here. [usr] I love Texas. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Texas is a great place! But I can understand the need to want to be prepared.
I am prepared for the hurricane.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I had to take care of my 3 year old, he had the flu. I fed him some healthy food, gave him a warm bath and tucked him in to bed with fresh clean jammies. It was sweet. [sys] wow. what an experience. He must have felt loved from the care you gave him [usr] I sure hope so! He was really fussy while he was sick, I felt bad. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
sorry about that. I hope he is doing well now
My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I can't believe he won't let me play baseball anymore. [sys] Oh that's terrible! If you don't mind me asking; Who and why? [usr] My stepdad won't let me play baseball anymore simply because I hurt my arm throwing. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Maybe he is trying to do what he thinks is best. I'm sure it's out of love not just being mean.
When my stepdad told me we couldn't play baseball anymore. I had just got injured.
[usr] My best friend from high school and I pulled out our old year books the other day. [sys] Thats awesome! I was actually looking for mine the other day. Were you looking up anyone in particular or just for fun? [usr] Just for fun. We had a blast telling stories about our high school days. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I still see my high school buddies on a somewhat regular basis but it is a great time telling those stories over and over.
My best friend from highschool and I pulled out our old year books the other day. We had so much fun telling stories about all of the stupid things we did back then.
[usr] I am kind of sad the summer break is ending [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
I think we all feel you on that one!
I am sad the summer is ending. I had so much fun with my kids
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] One of my friends seemed so bad with women but then randomly he got a girlfriend. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Where did he meet her?
One my friends seemed like he was hopeless with women. Then randomly he got a girlfriend and it was shocking to me.
ask me for further details
[usr] Two more days and the kids are outta here! [sys] Are you happy or sad about that? [usr] Mostly happy. They have annoyed me greatly all summer [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Oh, well congrats then haha
Two more days and the kids are gone.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My brother offered to drive me to the doctor today. I had faith in him [sys] I assume he got you there ok? [usr] He did and it was nice of him [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Sounds like you've got a good brother.
My brother offered to drive me to the doctor today. It gave me a very faithful feeling
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] i was driving down the road when this car was speeding towards me, nearly hit me head on [sys] Oh my! I am glad to hear you managed to avoid the collision. [usr] people will never learn not to speed [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Young people never appreciate the danger of speeding.
this car nearly hit me head on while driving down the freeway at a medium speed
[usr] Two days left before the trip, I was beside myself. [sys] Where did you go? You went alone? [usr] I went to Disney world, my entire family tagged along. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That is awesome, I've been there when I was a kid and had a lot of fun!
I was only two days untill my disney land trip
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My daughter just competed in her first dance competition. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Oh how exciting! How did she do?
My daughter just competed in her first dance competition. She got 1st place and was up against girls much older
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I have had a great start to my week! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That's great. Do you think the rest of the week will be as great?
I have had a great week!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I love being able to collect toys for kids who might not get them on Christmas. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That is such a noble thing to do. Do you work with an organization or on your own.
Collecting toys for needy kids
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My moms dog has some big tumors and I have been researching how to shrink them. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Oh no! Have you had any luck?
My moms dog has some big tumors and I have been researching how to shrink them. He is a bit old to go under surgery and I haven't seen many modern meds work so good on me or animals.
ask me for further details
[usr] I am feeling anxious about my test tomorrow [sys] Oh no. Did you study for it? [usr] No i completely forgot about it so I have been cramming all night :( [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
I hope it goes better than you expect! Cram all that information into your brain!
I am feeling anxious about my test tommorrow
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood [sys] how long have you been there? [usr] 3 years. Costs more than I can afford but my kids are safe [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
thats what matters
I am happy to have a home in a good neighborhood
[usr] I've got all my fishing gear packed up. I'm ready for tomorrow morning. [sys] OMG I am so jealous I love fishing. Where are you going? [usr] We're going to be fishing near black duck bay. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Fun times! I did a little beach fishing not long ago at New Smyrna. I hope you catch some cool fish!
I've got all my fishing gear packed up. I'm ready for tomorrow morning.
[usr] My friend recently invited me to his wedding. I hadn't even known he was engaged, but it was a great wedding. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
That's fun, my friend is getting married next year, how big was the wedding?
A friend of mine recently got married. I hadn't even know he was engaged!
ask me for further details
[usr] I pray America will be great again. [sys] You like Donald Trump? [usr] I love him, best president ever. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Me too, he's so real. He loves what I love. MMA, poker, guns, WWE, hahahah
I pray American will be great again.
[usr] I was so excited about moving to the new house with my wife two days ago. [sys] That is something to be excited about. How far away are you moving? [usr] The same town but the house is much nicer and everything inside is new. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Sounds like a nice upgrade. Do you think you'll miss your old house at all?
I've felt excited two days ago about moving to my new house.
ask me for further details
[usr] I was so scared when my car spun out of control in the snow, I had never been in that situation before [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
That happened to me once. It was terrifying. Were you okay?
I was so scared when my car spun out of control in the snow, I had never been in that situation before
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I don't have much more money to keep living as a college student. But I just have one more year left. After that, hopefully things stabilize. [sys] It's great that you only have one more year left! What are you getting a degree in? [usr] Thanks! I appreciate that. I actually am getting a degree in social work. At the moment, I'm just trying not to become the needy/helpless demographic I seek to serve in a career after I graduate [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I totally get that! I am still trying to pay off my student loans.
I don't have much more money to keep living as a college student. But I just have one more year left. After that, hopefully things stabilize.
[usr] My sister just got her dream job basically. [sys] Oh that's great! What job is it? [usr] It's a partner position at a law firm! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
She must be really smart!
My sister just got a job she's been working very hard for. So glad for her.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] Last month I had to give a speech in front of a lot of people. I was nervous when I first found out. [sys] Oh I'm so socially awkward and anxious I'd never be able to give a speech. How did it turn out? [usr] I practiced over and over again until the day of the speech. It ended up going really well! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
I'm so happy to hear that! Practice does make perfect.
I had to give a speech in front of a lot of people. I practiced for two weeks until I had it down perfect.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My kids daycare was on lock-down the other day because of a shooting nearby! I was terrified! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
that is so scary.... you must have been terrified your baby too! How are you doing today?
My kids daycare was on lock-down the other day because of a shooting nearby! I was terrified!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I am excited for my daughter starting school week after next. [sys] Yay! is it her first year or just excited to get some free time? [usr] I nervous for her because its the start of her freshman year and she has all Honors classes. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Oh wow, she's must be smart! But yeah, that must be stressful.
Big day next week and I can't wait. My daughter will be in an Honors class her freshman year.
[usr] I am so ready for my birthday party. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Happy Birthday to You! I love birthdays so much. Just recently celebrated by youngest daughter's 14th birthday on August 9th and my granddaughter's 4th birthday on August 10th. When is/was your birthday?
I am so ready for my birthday party.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] i was scared walking home last week [sys] Was it a bad area? [usr] it was a dark wooded area [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Did anything happen or did you get home safely?
i was scared walking home alone last week
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] i stayed in watching netflix last night for hours. [sys] That sounds like fun! [usr] yea i was quite happy and snuggly [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I'm sure you had a good time!
i stayed in watching netflix last night
[usr] I was shocked my brother came to my birthday party. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Oh, are you guys distant?
I was shocked my brother came to my birthday party.
ask me for further details
[usr] Our little dog ended up with pancreatitis. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Oh I'm so sorry. Is the little one being treated?
Our little dog got pancreatitis. She never recovered and we had to have her put to sleep because she was in so much pain.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My friend is having a baby. What do you think would be a nice gift for a newly expecting mother? [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
A new mom? Good question, maybe offer to mow their lawn? I don't really know haha
My friend is having a baby. I don't know what a nice gift to get her would be.
ask me for further details
[usr] My first ever date was a disaster [sys] was it a real disaster or just seem like one? [usr] It was a relative disaster for me. It just didn't go well. I still have flashbacks [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
hahah.. sounds bad
My first date was terrible as I turned up late and sweaty.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My dog decided to chew more than a few pieces of furniture while I was at work :( [sys] Uh oh. Did he ruin some furniture? [usr] Yup. I have to replace many items since he chewed them to bits. Crazy dog. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
That is too bad. I bet you were not happy.
My dog decided to chew more than a few pieces of furniture while I was at work. I have to replace all of them!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I cheated on my math test today. [sys] Oh man. Must be feeling pretty guilty by now. [usr] Indeed, my friend. I felt so bad that I couldn't sleep at all last night, nor ever again. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Just try and be better prepared next time so you dont get tempted again.
I cheated on my math test today. Feels somewhat bad.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My kids got a ton of Halloween candy last year. Didn't think they would notice if I ate just a few of them. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
I don't blame you, I would have eaten some. Did they notice?
My kids got so much Halloween candy last year. I couldn't resist eating a few of them. I didn't realize I ate almost half of their haul. Oops!
ask me for further details
[usr] I was afraid [sys] Afraid of what? [usr] I was thinking it was a burglar [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Can you provide more details?
I heard a knock on my door at 2 am in the morning
ask me for further details
[usr] Today was pretty stressful at work but now its time to unwind with some binge watching of Netflix. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I enjoy doing that after a hard day at work as well. I hope it relaxes you!
After a long, grueling day at work, it is nice to just kick up the feet and watch some Netflix.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] it was suprising to see my dog find his way home the other day [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
He was probably hungry, and thought to himself, that place wasn't so bad huh.
it was suprising to see my dog find his way home the other day
[usr] I stole some candy from the store yesterday and now I can't sleep at night. [sys] Hmmm, maybe that's because you ate it and you've got a sugar rush. I wouldn't worry! That usually fades in a couple hours. [usr] I hope so. I've never stolen anything in my life. I feel somewhat bad. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Eh, it's okay. Don't beat yourself up about it. It's truly a victimless crime. There are much, much worse things you could have done, I promise.
I stole candy from the store yesterday. I feel bad about it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I started cleaning my attic yesterday [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I bet you found some cool stuff
I was cleaning my attic and found my old NES
[usr] I had to work with a partner for my senior thesis and he did nothing! Do you like group work? [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Oh I hate group work for that exact reason. I'd rather just have company while I did the work
I hated group projects but when I had to work with a partner for my senior thesis and he did nothing. I was so mad, I spent weeks on it and he took most of the credit for it.
[usr] My daughter was feeling a bit under the weather last night. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
That's too bad. Is she feeling better today?
My daughter had a sore throat last night.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My daughter just got her drivers permit a few months ago. [sys] Well that's great! Has she practiced enough to get her actual license? [usr] No, not yet. And it's kinda nerve-wracking to teach her, mostly because other drivers like to be in a hurry and want her to speed or blow their horns when she doesn't go fast enough for them. [qst] [None] [bhv] please give me some advices.
Oh yes, definitely. It's OTHER drivers you have to watch out for. People halfway pay attention to what they're doing on the road!
My daughter just got her permit and is learning to drive. Some drivers are so mean, yelling at her and blowing their horns.
please give me some advices.
[usr] have money saved up, I am making extra money the past few weeks and there has been no big dramas. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Saving money is so important
I have money saved up, I am making extra money the past few weeks and there has been no big dramas. It's a good week!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My buddy called me the other day and had me come over to help him lift something. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Does he have a bad back or was it just an enormous thing? Did you get to go over?
My buddy called me the other day to come over to help him lift something.
ask me for further details
[usr] My 19 year old sister is afraid to stay home alone at night. [sys] I would be too, does she live in a bad neighbourhood? [usr] No, she still lives with my parents, so when my parents are out if town, I let her come stay with me. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That's smart, you sound like a good sibling to her
My little sister is 19 years old and still gets scared to stay home alone at night. When my parents go put of town, I let her stay with me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I tripped my first day of high school in front of people. It was a tad bit embarrassing for me then and there. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Oh no! Did they react by laughing, helping, or ignoring?
I tripped my first day of high school in the gym with people around. It was a little embarrassing for me then and there.
ask me for further details
[usr] A fried asked me to make a song intro for an upcoming show [sys] Nice, is that within your skill set? [usr] Yeah I've learned it over the years. It's for an upcoming mma show. He liked it and is going to use it! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That's fantastic.
Made a music intro
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] My pet dog, Gabe, passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it. [sys] oh im sorry to hear that. what happened? [usr] He had a type of canine cancer and had to be put to sleep. He really was my best friend. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
oh that stinks...
My pet dog, Gabe, passed away recently. I have been so down lately because of it.
[usr] I am going camping tomorrow, it's one of my favourite things to do in the summer! [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
That should be fun! Do you go every year?
I am going camping tomorrow, it's one of my favourite things to do in the summer!
ask me for further details
[usr] I hit my goal weight of 180lbs [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
Thats awesome! What have you been doing to reach it?
I hit my goal weight of 180lbs
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] Last year I lost my dog. [sys] Sorry to hear that! Losing pets is tough, it's essentially losing a family member. [usr] Yes indeed! I felt very sentimental, when we buried him. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I hope you find the peace that you deserve and know your pet loved you!
Last year I lost my dog. I felt very sentimental, when we buried him.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] I have to take my daughter up to her school today to get her freshman high school schedule today. [sys] Wow so close to being out on her own are you a bit nervous? [usr] Very much so. I can't help but to think back when she was just a baby on days like today. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
Very sad but think of how proud she is going to make you in the good she will be just fine.
My daughter is starting high school next week. I can't help but think back when she was first born on a day like today.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] My grandma was very sick and unable to get around very easily. [sys] I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anyone who's there to help her? [usr] No, so I decided to go stay with her so that I could take care of her until she was better. [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That was nice of you. My parents did the same with my grandparents. She's very fortunate to have you.
My grandma was very sick and unable to get around very easily. I decided to go stay with her so that I could take care of her until she was better.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] Man, I was sitting alone at 3am last night with the lights off. Felt spooky [sys] I can imagine. I hate being out alone at those kinds of hours. I try to avoid it. [usr] Yeah, it wouldn't be so bad if I was with someone, but you know how it is. When the lights are out and no one is around, you feel lonely [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
I get that feeling. Something about the dark just feels so depressing sometimes.
Sitting at a computer at 3am with the lights off alone.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
[usr] Great day at the pool yesterday up until the point my shorts came off. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
I found a bunch of dead mice few days ago
I was at the pool yesterday. When I got out, my shorts slipped down to my ankles.
[usr] I'm looking for a new job. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Ok. Had any interviews yet?
I am hopeful that I find a new job very soon.
ask me for further details
[usr] I am soooo happy!! I met the nicest guy on Live Chat. [sys] How is that so? [usr] What do you mean.. it just happened. We started talking about task instructions... one thing lead to another. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Heh that's so cute!
I am so happy. I met the nicest guy on Live Chat.
[usr] My family went to the zoo last weekend when the weather channel said it would be mostly a nice day. We are all fairly smart so just incase we brought unbrellas should the sky spontaneously fall on us. At one point it did, and we were not some of the many folks who were without umbrellas! [sys] What made you suspect that it might rain? [usr] Pessimism I suppose! Im always anticipating that something may go wrong and rain is one of those things! [qst] [None] [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
It's good that you thought ahead.
My family went to the zoo last weekend when the weather channel said it would be mostly a nice day. We are all fairly smart so just incase we brought unbrellas should the sky spontaneously fall on us. At one point it did, and we were not some of the many folks who were without umbrellas!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] One of my friends used to do so bad in school until he turned his GPA around out of nowhere! [sys] How did he do that? [usr] He just really started to try hard in school for a change. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
That is great, do you ever help him study?
My friend was quite bad in school at first. Then, out of nowhere, he started working really hard until he had a great GPA!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
[usr] I cheated on my math test today. I feel horrible about it. [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Hmm..I think we've all been there one time or another. Are you going to admit it?
I cheated on my math test today. I felt really bad about it.
ask me for further details
[usr] I am hoping my brother is going to make my birthday. He can get busy though with work [sys] I hops so too! Work does come first or the bills can't be paid! :) [usr] Yeah that is true sadly [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
What kind of birthday are you having?
I am hoping my brother makes my birthday coming up. He is always busy with work
ask me for further details
[usr] i was sad when i couldnt get the day off [sys] Oh okay, sorry about not getting off for work. I hope the new pizza place is good at least. [usr] im gonna burn that baby to the ground [qst] ask me for further details [bhv] [None]
Uhhhhh..... you okay man? I advise against arson.
i was sad when i couldnt get the day off
ask me for further details
[usr] i hate when the person behind me in ine is so close [sys] What do you mean? [usr] like standing all in my space [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Oh they're in your bubble. that stinks, some people are weird like that, no bounderies.
it drives me nuts when someone stands right by me in line
[usr] Did you ever purhase gas for under $1? [sys] Never. I don't remember a time when it was that cheap anywhere in the world [usr] I remeber my mom taking us to school once and getting gas for 98 cents. [qst] [None] [bhv] [None]
Good memory. We all have to change with the times.
I remember once my mom purchasing gas on the way to take us to school. It was 98 cents. Those were the days