diff --git "a/Data/Split/split_emotion_balanced.jsonl" "b/Data/Split/split_emotion_balanced.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/Data/Split/split_emotion_balanced.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20000 +0,0 @@ -{"text": "i dont have the bread or sweet cravings like i used to it feels a little weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i have never taken my artistic abilities this far before", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like most relationships are like this because if the two personalites are oppinionated and outgoing theyll end up clashing and argueing all the time and if there both shy nothin will get done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also don t feel like that s the face of somebody who is sweet kind and loyal to her allies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so loyal to them i love them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i my branch is on the edge of several night time entertainment locales but the overall volume of work has been down so much in the post holiday phase that we were quietly hoping that people wouldnt be feeling too idiotic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sometimes feel heartbroken i sometimes feel relieved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t it s been going on too long without any other symptoms now and i feel there is more to it and i m fed up as i cant sleep at night and i feel irritable from the moment i wake up and it gets much worse when i try to sleep", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have not the ambition that i must to go to hollywood i feel i have the status in asia im a very popular actor i can be a director now and then may be just may i can have a baby of myself i mean i can be a producer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i study the feeling the more dangerous i feel on the inside", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed with a task that i feel is gods plan for me then i know that god has prepared me for it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel jaded angry sad and lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not sure if it was the warm weather or whether it was a general feeling of melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel rushed by my desires or bloodlust", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel all mellow and wierd inside", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive worked hard these last two months and i suddenly feel so surprised at how im actually looking forward to school and not seeing it as this torture chamber i have to suffer through", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel terrified you aren t right here with me at night", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling for a while and which contributed to not minding too much about the cancellation of vigorous activity at the weekend seemed to have escalated and that soaking id endured hadnt helped", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also wish they wouldnt feel offended or hurt by it because that is never my intention either", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel annoyed with all melancholy people that tell themselves are not loved need a support", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel to have doubted such an amazing shoe", "label": 5} -{"text": "im alone im more chill mellow and i feel very artistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got out of my cab at the train station feeling firstly quite convinced that there is definitely more method in the madness of flat planet than i first thought when i visited it the day before and secondly that this had to be one of the scariest telephone interviews i ve ever conducted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling extremely joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find myself trying to create a photograph that makes the individual feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel his gracious hand upon my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ashamed regarding all of those nasty thoughts i had about curley and company being a western bunch of rock lobstering giddoids", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel like blogging here and talking about my boring life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i believe feeling duality spirituality suffering and growth offers the manifestation of happiness simple joys and fulfillment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel numb on my cheek", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like you are on turbo grow you have started to chunk out a little and i am amazed how tall you are getting love you baby boy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel strange simon faz deep mix quantistic division", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel the blank incomprehension on my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel chronically overwhelmed and i start to panic or feel guilt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see parents handling their children in a way i wont do to my own child i feel so mad helpless and frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tell you without you feels like hell but the words to speak reak violence i speak to you in sincere words to discuss of how i feel you laugh as you shovel on more dirt how can i think you real", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling neurotic so i have to make a detailed list scrape ice off car exam sell back books get gas", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like trusting the driver", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel so indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im on a weird vacation except im working full time so its not a vacation at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel like i need to defend myself even when im not really being attacked or abused", "label": 0} -{"text": "im going to be very honest with you it feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my faith is being shaken that i am so close to feeling totally helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "when mix was coming from column for several days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was it always felt good to feel that they liked who i was", "label": 2} -{"text": "i should just stop feeling bothered over a mofo", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this blog is everything it isnt and never what it is which is strange as i know exactly what it is unstructured medium for insightful recollection", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like if we broke up she d try to make me feel like a horrible person and i know i d take a lot of it on myself if we ever did", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit stressed by the sheer numbers button pressing enthusiasts gathering around my bike", "label": 3} -{"text": "i choose to trust you in it even when i do not feel like trusting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want people to have confidence that if they were in my chair they would leave looking and feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im in steamboat working a soccer camp and will be for a few more days and it makes me feel quite strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would also consider that since you are not employing a proper cutting stand that you might feel inhibited sometimes afraid that you might hit your bbq", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just tried to hide that feeling every single way im not surprised if all of my would have lost their self control i guess i was really annoying", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shy with a capital s and frankly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling very lethargic in fact almost comatose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel faithful and i feel like i have support", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel somewhat devastated by it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont remember how january was like last year thats why i need a real diary but this one is feeling bitter dark and boring", "label": 3} -{"text": "i actually didn t feel cold all the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel a little terrified of this idea for the same reasons", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel totally fucked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel agitated for no real reason the chest pains are still coming and going", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling low when i get home so i eat to fill my time and the hole in my heart", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel like i had a supporting community of friends here my faith was always being tested in this environment i was angry and frustrated with the people and i just felt lonely almost all the time", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling pretty loving right now apparently", "label": 2} -{"text": "i actually feel quite scared to get back to exercising because i feel like ive lost so much strength and condition and put on so much weight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have the same feeling now but i know thanks to you just how wonderful that change is going to be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would feel a bit frightened of going to sleep as i was massively homesick but it easily went away once i became more comfortable with my surroundings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel confident and ready to tackle the challenge even if i am an overwhelmed hot mess who gets cold easily", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i would be boring without bipolar", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little strange sometimes having a dotcom dedicated to my namesake", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive also begun receiving a few baby gifts that have me feeling so emotional and loved", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive got my face all painted up i feel pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel positive and strong with so much to look forward to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty comfortable about everything", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help but feel i m been impressed by previous season premiers that have lead to seasons that were well lacking", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant decide if i feel insulted or pleased by this comment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like in today s society divorce is almost a norm and that it s completely acceptable to get divorced", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so unhappy about my weight right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive got a feeling it s a strange thing to admit but literature rarely moves me to tears", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the hype blew up this past year and was therefore stunned to learn it had been on since", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt that marvel got into the script and started the whole generic storyline of the main hero being seen as a monster by the naive fbi and that way we feel sympathetic for the character", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am posting the top of studies the ones i feel are particularly strong or unusual", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel petty personal interests should not be placed over national interest he added", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of feel like he is sincere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am left feeling relatively horny wearing my red thong her snoring in the next room", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive seen a number of reviews commentaries and editorials that seem to suggest that a writer s feeling on a game is an acceptable way to review something", "label": 1} -{"text": "i begin to ask feeling distraught and confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i keep feeling she is curious about me and how i live my life n how you guys live your lives too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel frantic about losing weight i don t feel the need to eat only vegan or any other restricted way of eating i m focused on feeling good i m not going to force myself into anything there s no due date on losing weight now and that s a good thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think the meditation had made me sufficiently passive so as not to feel scared or angry at this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel desperately saddened and unspeakably furious that this could happen", "label": 3} -{"text": "i miss emotional and physical intimacy which i feel deprived of because the people i know are either indifferent or neglect my needs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant just relax because i feel agitated inside ergo my ability to be at peace is already compromised", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the need to redeem myself with salads and water and vigorous punishing chores like raking leaves when it s degrees outside", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love the effect of dense quilting designs and i feel really satisfied when i finish something big", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would like to emphasize on those who hide these feelings for that is a very dangerous place to be", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just expressing my feelings and my friends feeling that was being insulted and they dont dare to do anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel depressed because im already forgetting things about my hubby", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel like they could be a bit more considerate towards us foreign staff", "label": 2} -{"text": "im going to be with you i want to feel some sense of security and sometimes i want to be assured because i lived a pretty short life so far and the greatest amount of hurt ive ever dealt with was from you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel we can all relate no matter how much at times i feel extremely isolated on this journey", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have taken several moments throughout our busy day to be thankful and feel so blessed for our quadruplet miracles", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel petrified at the prospect of only having one year left of education", "label": 4} -{"text": "i myself also cant figured out why my feelings for you is so strong and is it worth it to be so truly in love", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went to bed that night feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for having such an amazing family", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sadness that my innocent child hood is slipping away but i know that ronnie and i will both get another chance with that when we decide to have children of our own", "label": 1} -{"text": "i aint pissed angry mad or anything i just feel pretty much fuckin insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i clearly feel a sweet thing spreads and poisons me hayake eoreobuteun nae oraen sangcheoga neoye gaseum sok gipge peojyeodo oh oh my frozen old scars are healed so fast now they spread inside to your heart oh oh", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more gentle that way wth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did in fact inform scruffy and lil miss of this last week so im sure they wont find this a surprise either so feeling surprised its just a bit omg already", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling cranky enough that i might just do that exact thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kept feeling indecisive on whether it was worth it to leave bed or the house", "label": 4} -{"text": "i chose to feel humiliated and call myself inadequate instead of embracing and allowing fellowship and community to help carry the burden of responsibility", "label": 0} -{"text": "im doing keeps me from isolating myself and feeding depression probably a blog post all its own who to confide in how much is too much information hurt feelings when no one asks how im doing my own expectations of caring dialogue etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think many may dislike it as i do and still feel they should be impressed by it the educated and privileged may now be more susceptible to the mass media than the larger public they re certainly easier to reach", "label": 5} -{"text": "i came home on the th but havent been coming online much partly because i simply didnt feel like it but mostly because of the particularly vicious ants that had invaded my table", "label": 3} -{"text": "i put on a dress that s tight around the waist and then flares out i feel gorgeous and fun and like i have the cutest little bod in the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very happy and excited since i learned so many things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rich beyond calculation at times for having the honor to correspond with you in some way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel satisfied or happy for the heroine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling hot i knew that i needed to cool my body temperature and drink more fluids", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had to go around feeling paranoid that he d blab to our friends and they d think me silly or lonely or petty or all of the above", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling stubborn at first but he broke through to me because it became apparent i could not outlast him or keep any walls up between us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling overwhelmed with it all and needing to take time out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like she hears lots more im sorrys from me for getting frustrated with all the boundary pushing and not responding well which daily makes me realize my need for jesus", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive merged over to the free weights mostly i feel so amazing and strong and i really get into my workouts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about the fact that i am a little bit paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to truly feel liked and loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel like kind of slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do two if im feeling impatient or bored or my challenge for the day is too easy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i were saying that we were feeling overwhelmed with our life right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more elegant older amp sexier", "label": 1} -{"text": "i needed a shake up but i am also feeling impatient and just want to get on with things now that i have made a decision", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive tried this they always feel weird about the fact that theyve been approached at a bar by someone with no sexual interest in them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sooo marie antoinette when it comes to using these delicious products", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel which they have been really romantic people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely giggly earlier but now i just wanna sleep", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was a bit antsy about moving and leaving my property here worried about where we will end up in four years or so when we move and feeling paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had moments of feeling like i absolutely despised the bont skates", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel myself so much more relaxed after my walk", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel dismayed that i only have two comments", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel curious and ask her about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cannot express the grief that i am feeling over the loss of my sweet demi doo and wonder how i will sleep without her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have and what great coworkers that a day i feel i cant face them they still want to show me theyre with me in such a remarkably sweet way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i take gravol which just makes me feel spacey and irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the need to celebrate because really we have so much to be thankful for not the least of which is royce adelyn our third little love and my sweet joy baby", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i got a free water or something i was feeling kind of dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel frightened by not knowing things being lost in a mysterious universe without having any purpose which is the way it really is as far as i can tell possibly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must pay for my lovely day by feeling a bit vicious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that nearly every photo i have taken in the past year has been rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also learn this pattern i have in life when i don t feel listened to and respected for my thoughts in a relationship i feel trapped", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was starting to feel a little shitty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel angered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like if i can just write my prayers out i wont get distracted by anything and everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess also in telling my blog because no one cares literally no onerous and i feel rude for burdening someone with my thoughts and then i feel weird and then they think im weird and thats the large weird food chain of megan", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am contemplating writing a blog post about infertility after having a baby and how it feels but truth is i am scared of how it will come across", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont mean to say its all bloody sunshine and roses and that i dont feel extremely uncomfortable and scared and unprepared and all that but god dammit we wanted this so badly and we are getting this and i am more than anything else so fucking happy and grateful that this is happening", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling gloomy so i wasnt gonna be something i wasnt by wearing pink drank with me in the corner", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could tell he was starting to kick hard and had him put him hand on my belly and he got to feel he was pretty amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely nostalgic so my friends dragged me to the nc the newly opened night canteen", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very agitated and sad at times", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by more things than normal and i find a depletion of the joy in my heart", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel somewhat shocked when i look at my stats to see that i havent recorded kg since last november", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that even if you dont particularly care for the movie youll at least enjoy the randomness and strange being that is in the form of biaggio the third boy who tags along in the group", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was abruptly reminded of why i was feeling so agitated in la", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t know how it is with others but on me egypt works this way that i feel eager of love every time and anywhere we are", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will right now i just feel petrified pmandrew do it now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it will be very delicate on the small side and hopefully a pop of color", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have numerous friends who are gay or bi i feel very strongly about the issue of supporting equality", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling more generous when he asks for two grilled cheese sandwiches with a burger nestled between the two sandwiches", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impatient and have difficulty listening i know that it is time for me to take care of replenishing my own reserves", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive made myself more vurnable than i thought i should have and have really tried to open up and talk to this person about how i feel but i c that it was all in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i too feel as if i am a stranger in a strange land and i am raising my son in a place that is not his father s ancestral home", "label": 5} -{"text": "i closed my eyes feeling slightly apprehensive as michael kwang siks western name was humming tension music under his breath but mostly just too sick to care", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed just with the two i have im scared of feeling even more so with another unplanned one added to the mix", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel absolutely tortured constantly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have run out of milk for my coffee and i have spent an inordinate amount of time wishing i had gotten some last night and feeling not a little irritated with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was already feeling irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so distraught right now that i dont even know where to begin", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel i could ride him forwards to show the amazing walk he really has", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so popular now jk", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling fine and my urinary stuff is working very well but im still dreading tomorrow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling really awful this morning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little violent you see xd but i will for desserts since", "label": 3} -{"text": "i parts should i ever feel dissatisfied with hp at peak torque", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel nervous watching him try to swim on his own", "label": 4} -{"text": "i appreciate them so much and i feel amazing for being loved by such wonderful human beings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go whole weeks without touching another person which is probably safer as i feel like a savage most of the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have quite a bit written that will contribute to this chapter but i am feeling quite unsure about how it should look as a whole and so it will be good to get feedback on this chapter first before moving onto the more ethnographic sections of my thesis", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have become a fair weather hiker and i was feeling a bit grumpy as we tackled the foot climb to escondido ridge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so helpless and so small in the face of such huge and sad news it makes me feel better to just not know", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel like staying at work so my mother in law was gracious enough to lend me her home for a while", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel when we discuss romantic love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i not feeling shocked though", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a bit generous this merry month of may im giving one set to one lucky reader", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling generally energetic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bothered and i dont like it when people call rilakkuma pedobear", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got confirmation die bestaetigung about my writing style and workmanship in german written language and this in a written form from two different persons and a yes to one of my other short stories i am feeling more confident", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at them i feel slightly dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel my heart and body aching but at the same time i dont feel separate or unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had graphics following her lecture so when me and mike arrived i looked across and saw victoria with said rose but i didnt feel like going over and saying hi in case she wasnt impressed so i quickly ran into the lecture", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling restless in life for the past few weeks give me direction please", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel listless and pissed off all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like that colours can make us feel reassured when the outside world seems a little tough or we re a little weary i like how you can walk into a room and feel cocooned and wrapped up just through painting an amazing colour on your walls", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel her soul and heart thats being tortured by his words", "label": 4} -{"text": "i struck by a strong emotion and feel overwhelmed by it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that the abscence of an important person in my life has made it worse but there is nothing i can do about that considering in a week they will be gone for little over a month", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just trying to help but i feel wonderful in clinic", "label": 1} -{"text": "im trying to be intuitive often just makes me feel sort of confused and nauseous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i understand her reasons and i am aware that we could be good together but we cannot be good together if i feel pressured suffocated put on the spot to pour my heart out to her to talk about emotions with her to think about my behaviour and to act like we have been together for three years already", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still get doubts and feel scared but then i remember how i was feeling few years ago and i feel calm again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im in another before phase but longing to be an after", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more and more myself i feel the need for more activity more movement more delicious foods so be ready for more blogging about that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i miss the feeling of loving someone so deeply that the thought of losing them can make you cry", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know exactly how you feel the one i love decided to get married and i was heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had my nail polish removed yesterday so i was feeling quite blank and colorless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could tell but the pain you feel in your own heart from those whom you have abused will torture you for the duration of your life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling a little annoyed during pushing which im told only lasted a few minutes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel blessed with the fact that i made it through and god never left me one moment through the whole thing even when i was angry with him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have ever wanted was for anyone to feel sorry for me", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not sure if i could be getting any more rest but i still feel like im absolutely exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had more energy and was starting to feel better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so happy and hopeful and excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel in a strange physical way how were getting emotionally closer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was about to but hellip i kept thinking about you hellip about how you re feeling hellip the gentle look on his eyes makes my heart melted immediately and my heart skip a beat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had providing invaluable advice and motivating me in times when i was feeling discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like she s always hated me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bob loblaw s a handsome professional man and i m only used to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so weird not seeing him for a day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel that perhaps i can discipline myself and become a more compassionate person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling very lethargic of late even though to be fair i have been busy making selling stones and doing some other work up in town", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed that i could cross boarder like this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling as shocked seeing it as she was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the need to explain and justify how i have such an amazing apartment on a nanny s salary", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hopeful that i am able to do this workout after henley is sleeping", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so loved encoding utf locale en isprivate false ismobile false mobileclass isprivateblog false languagedirection ltr feedlinks link rel alternate type application atom xml title excuse me but i m a cla act", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not feeling like caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to follow a set of food rules and feel amazing or party hard and suffer the consequences", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that sometimes i become stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling very weepy and sad and asked my unbelievably kind and patient husband for a night at home alone which he willingly gave me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should remind you is about two people feeling passionate for each other and then at exactly the same moment coming to a realization that they will not have sex because they shouldnt rush this and should do this right for no goddamn reason whatsoever", "label": 2} -{"text": "i finally figured out how to successfully pull an all nighter without feeling totally groggy albeit all too late", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t see them frequently i feel their caring and their affection", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel just as shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel ive been wronged or someone is trying to start something i will jump faster than than than okay i have nothing at this moment but its something", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so shocked i always feel very shocked when he yells at me like that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think the photos turned out pretty well so theyll be up without a doubt tomorrow or if im feeling generous with my posts maybe ill post it tonight", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so lucky that i still have a home and that my family is okay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hear people discussing the subject matter i feel a little agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "when my father was involved in an accident", "label": 4} -{"text": "i longed every moment to feel your gentle touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i teshuva are told when they feel disillusioned when they encounter frum jews who dont live up to the things they the bts learned about they are told people are human and what human beings do is not a reflection on the truth of torah", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so dull and drowsy all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more doubtful of the things i thought i knew", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i am the one to be blamed for everything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel my stomach aching and grumbling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling frustrated and tired", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i could get into caving because i love being down in the depths like this but i feel cavers miss out on these amazing light displays they have crystals though", "label": 5} -{"text": "i needed yet another thing to make my house feel festive at that time of year", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling any lighter in fact i wouldnt be surprised if ive put on muscle weight this week cos ive been going pretty hard at the gym this week", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling particularly generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i understand getting drunk and feeling horny but what i dont understand is him telling me he wants to sleep with another girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed or sad or troubled gods got it and hes got me", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill do it so that everyone can find their place in our republic so that everyone feels taken into account and feels respected in ones dignity as a citizen and as a human being", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel quite elegant when i knit with these needles", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like the most horrible person in the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do enjoy being around my close friends they don t make me feel uptight or tense but meeting people and being around others semi strangers draws energy from me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i still get that feeling sometimes when it snows despite the fact that i am not very fond of the cold", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was hungry but feeling so hot and sticky that all i really wanted was a smoothie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel honored by all the friends family and fans have called the studio to wish me a a href http sandrarose", "label": 1} -{"text": "i watch it feel amazed by the power of those ceros one after the other from the universe to the electron does it matter really", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more lively as i talk with my mum", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think of it that way i almost feel eager to ditch those essay they were all so poorly written anyway", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so proud of my country so proud of my roots and so proud to know this man personally", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try to yell scream and move but i cant do any of it i feel petrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel extremely isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel brave and told him so", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling very aggravated depressed fustrated depressed annoyed depressed irritated ad depressed right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling slightly uncomfortable with it at the beginning he s not what i had expected", "label": 4} -{"text": "i called my sister later to ask her about something else i told her what mum and dad had said and she said she had noticed too she didnt feel alarmed thou she thought i knew i was doing it do i", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strange recommending a record that half of which is either there or hasnt clicked for me yet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was at home i kept feeling more and more unwelcome for whatever reason my family has but those people always put a smile on my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very lucky to have stumbled upon this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ever feel uncertain about a decision i take the time i need to pray and connect with the wisdom of god within me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit i feel a little hesitant about embedding a music video below in this case", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that they should just agree on something so that we can watch some hockey target blank rel nofollow img src http lookpage", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling brave the first time in this entire blog that ive shown myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think it s more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong i don t feel frightened by not knowing things by being lost in a mysterious universe without having any purpose which is the way it really is so far as i can tell", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would show you an after picture but i have since run a couple of miles and washed my face and im just not feeling the makeup less dirty hair pooped eyes photo tonight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel kinda dazed i guess i can move and walk around and all of that so idk", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have found that when students bring their writing into the wc they feel hesitant to discuss anything that the teacher hasnt indicated as a problem", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess im feeling a little clever for that trick because tbs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like one of the most loved girls in the world", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling up to the task of blogging again and hope to have some more reviews for my loyal readers soon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wont go into detail but even just going to to hospital takes it out of you i feel a bit emotionally drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think of this i feel furious it makesmy hair stand on end", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have no idea how to feel about that other than kind of shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel overly impressed by the medium scent underneath", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so emotional about your brothers arrival", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like there is core a starting point perhaps that is not completely blank from which the self is constantly created and modified and annihilated or something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bens hand on my shoulder and i turn around to look at his gentle face", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not sure where the line will be drawn but im pretty sure mudi would help me out no matter what and its such a nice feeling to have someone supporting you like that in such a different place", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel jealous when i feel jealous jealousy is a prickly hot horrible feeling says a little bear in the sixth book in the way i feel series of picture books", "label": 3} -{"text": "i work with where the wife does not feel cared for by her husband you would be shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant even begin to express how glad i was to have had that conversation with tanya and for her forcing me to look at the issue and stop feeling angry at my ex for something that i did to myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling fearful is that i am afraid that this may have a lasting and negative effect on agility as a whole in the usa", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am learning is one of my default reactions when i feel threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling oh so sweet im giving you a sweet recipe", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling generous maybe its the wine talking here i think ill give a copy of the book away to one lucky winner in our a href http fierce engage", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i am friendly open and congenial to those i meet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know how you feel yesterday i was being hated on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like it is a vicious circle", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not feel that this book left me satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel after reading this book is pleasantly surprised i was on the fence about reading this book for some time but i recently gave in and actually found myself really enjoying this story", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to say that im feeling slightly pissed that not a single person has pointed out that i have lost weight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel but i couldnt remember any naughty jokes or any gay jokes so we were left to small talk", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little overwhelmed a whole lot of humility and realizing yet again what it really means to rely on the lord", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just feeling overwhelmed by the amount of cleaning that needs to be done and the number of gifts that still need to be made yet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel convinced they have all four friends is caderousse", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told him that i felt like hes been keeping secrets from me and he said that he hasnt but that it really pissed him off because he feels like im always suspicious of him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i watched her feeling so relieved and grateful that shes ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel relieved when i write the words down as i am leaving those memories in the past", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am today reading shins english debut touching us readers on the korea times feeling surprised and proud at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling it takes over all of me my dad asks me why im stressed all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel stronger and more determined as i think about it even harder", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so surprised so betrayed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not giving up on creating the perfect pie crust but for now im through with the pie challenge and walk away feeling less intimidated and somewhat pleased with the results", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel you here and yet you are so far away from me i cannot reach you cannot hold you cannot grasp for your gentle fingers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would imagine it would be the same for many folks who feel supportive of sl and have played to stay long term but cannot afford to do biz with unpredictable costs not related to factors a non linden could perceive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel its ludicrous to act like theres a person on this earth that never does that me included", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am however feeling the effects with gentle reminders from various muscles that im trying to abuse them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised why our schools are functioning more like jails and at best as factories even when we are talking a lot on democracy freedom human rights and so on", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just not feeling very kind and considerate and warm hearted right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know what it called gt lt me and my mom comes to my school although were late by hours but i dont care mehrong does anyone feel curious about my score", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling shaky after the run in memory of the woman who was abducted and murdered", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling dissatisfied with the amoun", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so stress so dull i dont know how to react the only light of happiness is the moment i set my eyes on you and then it fades again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sneak a feel at my watch and am momentarily surprised at how far the afternoon has advanced", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling kind of naughty after writing monster", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went into the discussion feeling very nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt like nothing else mattered and i felt like i would never feel dissatisfied again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that in that time i was quite selfish and didnt allow gods love to pour out on me and heal me i did not allow him to speak to me the way he normally does to be his vessel and share his message with others", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still was feeling kinda restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird a href http thestoryofcarsonandalec", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel im being considerate because that way she doesnt burn her mouth trying to wolf down a pancake in the two seconds it would take her if it was where she could immediately reach it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel violent want to reach out and give somebody a good hit", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i was young i saw a horror film then when i went to sleep", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find myself feeling worthless unappreciated strange and like an outcast to my society", "label": 0} -{"text": "i has not come back as quickly as some people feel it should have but it was extremely devastated and had a poor infrastructure before the worst hit and so it will take time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel idiotic part of me regrets it and wishes i could just ignore it and bury my head under the sand but i think ive grown tired of being a person that other people can easily walk on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been home from alaska for almost a week now and i admit it still feels strange to be back in nebraska", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling weird simply because im not stressed about the film or this semester either", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tried feeling him up but he seemed distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found the art at the other side of all i feel very impressed with my work", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling emotional stressed and mentally drained for awhile now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel disgusted and can barely move", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fearful i realize this means that i am in a bit of uncharted territory and i don t necessarily know the outcomes or consequence of what will happen next", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel terrific about waste management by a href http seekingalpha", "label": 1} -{"text": "i bought one skein a few months ago because it looked cool but its really the only yarn i can hold and not start to feel agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was having this nervous breakdown moment and feeling very isolated i called one of my old friends just to chat", "label": 0} -{"text": "i only feel the cold when i take off my mittens to snap photos", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like such a loyal fan", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought for whatever reason nobody wanted to sign me and feeling agitated i decided to quit the music business once and for all to pursue my other great passion in life which was to teach under water basket weaving at an intermediate level", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling fantastic with a more regular exercise system in place", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that we are now fully accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was just feeling shy i suppose", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i have found my perfect tinted lipbalm they glide on with ease and feel lovely on my lips", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so emotionally frustrated right now i want to friggen jump off a cliff", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel snobbish saying that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel and trusting youd listen openly i did", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted to give up on it because i didnt feel up for it but then i convinced myself that i could do it because im good at it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had the grades to prove it i didn t really feel smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i spend a lot of evenings feeling more than a little bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel he would be just as disturbed to find that someone engaged in this as when he was imprisoned in his timeline he had two boys around the ages of nine and ten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel blessed for the helpful interactions that i had with gods own children it was so much fun discussing the theories we learn in life and the international studies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i understand that he is but i feel like he requires a lot of outside stimulation and cannot keep himself entertained", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a whiney cry baby", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel alone in this world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if we should be in calgary but this is selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was disgruntled feeling cranky stressed and poor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am really glad to have been hit so hard to the point that i barely got out of bed on sunday while there were so many helping hands here but on the other hand i feel so slighted that i missed out on more than a full day of fun while emily was here visiting", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed and not sure what end is up posted in a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that theres more i could do with the town crier if i devoted a little more effort to it but i also feel that im ready for a little more than just dealing with one weekly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel much like i gained lbs and am still fairly lethargic from all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was also very nervous at asking my tutors if they thought it was a good idea because over the years ive been studying i feel like ive been a nuisance and that none of them liked me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it has nothing to do with feelings it has to do with the fact that i m a little bit horny and that heck", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel quite amazed that in a year i could possibly be working", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling scared or depressed or overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling generous you have a chose you can either have me enter you or you can mouth me all the way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know why but i just cant help but feel this innocent yet awkward feeling towards her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a good sense of humor youll have to find that out on your own some days though i can feel agitated but this only usually happens if someone is annoying me or if i just dont feel like dealing with people that particular day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so amazed and happy to be honest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left feeling faithful committed and strong determination and hard resolve had arrived", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i took a small spoon of anything that appealed to me and a good serving of salad and ate slowly and paying attention and monitored my thoughts feelings attitude for anything fearful negative remorseful regretful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i made a new weight goal lbs but i feel lethargic every time i go below lbs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so honoured and luckily for me i get to post cards", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suppose a little easier but the mental strain of the day the fact that we didnt get home until nearly and the feeling that it was dumb to do this race anyway because this wasnt even my race to do all sort of added up to make stage way more of a challenge", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wanted her room to feel like an extension albeit one with some playful whimsical details", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to make sure that that things i commit myself to are things i want to do not things i feel pressured into doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walked through the doors feeling shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t agree only the young can feel love s keen sting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cook at home its usually good and i feel amazing afterwards if however it s dinner out thats when i get a bit silly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i asked feeling a bit shocked at his audacity but also slightly enjoying it", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did the best i could and feel ok about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am just feeling overly in tune with my crybaby wimpy self indulgently sullen inner child", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel like mentioning he was pretty rude about it never apologized and basically put the blame back on me for buying a used product and daring to expect that the original dust cover would be included but maybe i dont need to go quite that far", "label": 3} -{"text": "i finally feel calm enough about this to write my thoughts down", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling keen or bored on sunday ill head out on another one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fine amp she s a woman record capitol beatles i feel fine amp she s a woman record capitol a href http musicmemorabiliaauction", "label": 1} -{"text": "i rushed home feeling so scared but then thru texting we sort of solve it already so hahaha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am finding it hard to concentrate i am unable to sleep and i m feeling restless and unsettled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if they are quite bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fearful i might become withdrawn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling amazing about the ptas growth", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel threatened amp attacked and quite illogically that it s as if people are somehow trying to chip away at my identity when they insist i should get rid of things although i don t want to think i m that materialistic and i too hate the mess", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling bothered lately about two things ryan obviously and my relationship with my mom as previously demonstrated really sucks right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had the opportunity to go and although i was aching before we even finished and knowing full well i will be in agony tomorrow part of me feels really smug but also quite proud of myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had anticipated and there was an unsettled feeling that i was perhaps doing something naughty like mean girls playing salem witch trials with their paper dolls", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not going to wait until i don t feel i am not having air anymore but just before that why going through suffering when i can avoid it right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really blessed and happy when everyone smiles like that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit here looking at the sentence i just typed i feel quite shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can go over there for thanksgiving dinner and feel accepted again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bitter towards others because i know when they use me to fulfill their emotional or social needs but will not go out of their way to see or respect me for who i am outside of their needs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel alone or isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel rejected dejected depressed compressed i ll reach for that white wine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t think the writing really expressed the intensity of emotion one would feel at losing a beloved spouse", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel rebellious im going to tag every single person on my flist who hasnt done this yet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke at am feeling a bit shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i actually finished this run feeling way more confident about december th", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am too scared to move on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shaky quite a lot of the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i would taste delicious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling burdened by my stuff our stuff", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling as innocent as she looked that day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went back to bed n waste my time staring into space n feeling more n more agitated with time passing by", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will feel less hopeless less horrible and maybe more inclined to read about the processes im sure to be quizzed on for the final exam", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sick and feeling far from pretty im really appreciating my birchbox goodies today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just have to close my eyes and feel that sweet gentle ache and i know", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still have this overwhelming feeling that he thinks i m resentful because he gets to go do things with his friends away from us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel that precious maternity leave time could have been better spent actually with my newborn baby", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling bitchy because my brother has two jerkoff friends out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the need to rant a bit about geeky stuff so you my faithful readers shall just have to put up with it", "label": 2} -{"text": "railway station goodbye", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed i want to physically shake everything off me the way i would if there was a spider in my shirt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling lethargic and sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel intuitively reluctant to do yet continue with as i trust the evidence at my fingertips that says there are morbidity and mortality advantages in reducing blood pressure cholesterol triglyceride and ldl and hbac", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont hear from the boy or hes being short with me its because im ugly if my friends are too busy with their own lives its because im ugly if i feel unwelcome or lonely its because im ugly and so on and so on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know what it feels like when everything seems hopeless and nothing can be fixed i know the feeling of being alone and unwanted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel energized hopeful encouraged", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t need words of wisdom or someone to listen while i talked myself in circles i just wanted someone to sit with me while i trembled and sighed feeling lost and unwilling to go on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so hated and rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel unpleasant right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a feeling these hunters had a strange fetish", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive test tried dropping it and nothing happened which is supposed to be if something happened to my phone i would feel so fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fine i just can t make my legs move", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love any and all comments feel free to say what you feel if", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came out at the end of my two minutes feeling kind of stunned in a glorious sort of way and with somewhat sore arms", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember thinking her comments used to be funny her tiny prejudices about everything from taste in belt buckles to the way a person smiled but i cant actually recall that feeling of being amused", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel offended or misunderstood or unappreciated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling rather horny and was expecting a night of incessant love making with his partner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a sneaking feeling that like lost languages and manuscripts most digital information will be lost to random glitches and changing formats", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am left wondering if these people have an understanding of what it feels like to be really truly utterly alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that tomorrow i will feel remorseful and want to take it all back but honestly this is the way i felt yesterday and i need to just own it it may not be pretty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still love it but i feel less free to do whatever i want to be completely myself because someone knows", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that feeling myself the strange sense of serendipity where minds collide between pages", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel quite impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shocked about the answer if that guy already married then she will suffer", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling overwhelmed with the stuff we have", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so passionate about immunity i am devoting a full a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "im bluntly feeling a little neurotic about my horses care", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up in a cold sweat feeling quite shaken up and made my way down to my computer where i typed out exactly what happened in the dream", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im petrified to care for myself in case that takes away from my family", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this cold has just taken control of my life and ive lost touch with so many things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling its how many view the placement of the romantic hearts in women and men", "label": 2} -{"text": "i should be feeling contractions but he was amazed i didnt feel any at all but he said that since im cm dilated and the pressure is every minutes apart i didnt need to go to the hospital", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a plan so to speak about how i am going to deal with this in the midst of my feeling immensly afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a strange sensation course through my limbs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think im suppose to be feeling sad but looking back on memories i have a smile on my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sometimes walk away feeling more alone and misunderstood that ever not because of anything she said or did just", "label": 0} -{"text": "i developed anxiety feelings of desperation and suffered emotional and mental anguish all of which were foreign and unclear to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have used this product several more times since the initial use and each time it feels strange during and right after use but wonderful once it is clean and dry", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know this may change as she gets older but i feel like she has a very giving and caring spirit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kinda weird hahahahaha", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel and also how i dont about supporting moms to breastfeed for as long as they can", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look back at this time in hopes that those of you who may be feeling homesick know that it is okay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling nervous about containers since that is what we failed last time and so asked joyce to run me amp gimme and susan amp tucker through a quick container search", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldn t say no we already have dinner plans because this whole outing is supposed to be a surprise besides the conversation made me feel rather unimportant so it s probably best that he has dinner with these other people sigh", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive always been somewhat antagonistic to these students feeling they should be more curious about the economics", "label": 5} -{"text": "i explained how i feel so disappointed and how i forgot his past deliverance how he really cared for me even for the slightest detail", "label": 0} -{"text": "i loved that feeling of perfecting a combination and was amazed by the freedom for movement that the ballet attire allowed for", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spend most of my life trying not to feel things but with art it is the one thing that i allow myself to be overwhelmed by the experience of perception", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like if i was not a member of the church and i watched that amazing conference i would do anything to be part of such an amazing sisterhood", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feeling so confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am left thinking that this whole incident has been rather good for the cherub and feeling very impressed with climber", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like harlynn has given me more than just a longing to be in heaven to be with her but a solidifying hope and purpose for really believing in everything heaven is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a song coming title bookmark on delicious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling this way because it feels like im being ungrateful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have looked around for examples of other people feeling grumpy to solidify my opinion and gratify my ego", "label": 3} -{"text": "im doing or feeling that restless static is always there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get it she feel betrayed and hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive hurt jims feelings and aggravated kristen", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling really unsure about what to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel my grouchy self resurfacing again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said before it feels like i didn t actually know i was heartbroken until halfway through the songwriting process of that and i gained a new perspective on a toxic relationship i was in and by the end of writing that song i finally found closure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent heard any cursing under her breath which is what i would have expected if she was feeling tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel bitter and shitty about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am also bit lost feeling uncertain of my destiny trying to keep a lid of things", "label": 4} -{"text": "im trying to get a very romantic feeling to my film ive been attempting to channel some s stuff like funny girl so i tried out some rose coloured lighting i still need to fiddle around a lot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have a blank expression on my face most of the day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t have this before this feeling of worth that i actually am valuable to someone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that im in your heart and you know im worry and caring about you wherever you go unless im following you beside p i really like it when baby text me in sometime that i never thought u will", "label": 2} -{"text": "i might take a break a break just long enough to feel like i need therapy again not so long that i am terrified of it again feeling closed in unable to talk about anything again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling so distraught the past days and today he comes and tells me ill always have a special place in his heart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling aggravated by those who didn t have to see what i feel somewhat forced to have seen coming up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel scared to change my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel the most vulnerable i have ever felt in my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i pulled this lioness off her hanger and paired her with a cardigan feeling impressed with my color combination when i normally would veer towards a black cardi", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it s a very faithful adaptation of the book especially since stephen chobsky wrote the novel the screenplay and directed the film", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was given i feel i acted to shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i just did something naughty in the basement with my high school boyfriend", "label": 2} -{"text": "i havent chosen is leaving me feeling like im a not doing enough b doing what i am doing incorrectly c not liked by the people im working closely with d being purposefully left out of the loop e not doing a good job", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am heading towards our beloved evening routines and it makes me feel so contented", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling pretty rotten of late", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like thats rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean milk feels pretty hostile toward my stomach but does that mean that milk hates me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walked alone towards china sweating with the trepidation one feels when going to meet a beloved that one has not seen for a long time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this little tree seedling is such a tender precarious thing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sort of bitchy short with everyone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i belong when i m near it which is a strange sensation for me sometimes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sung out in the most non tired voice i could muster and cuddled back under my dooner feeling very naughty for missing qi gong", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am today and although its been messy and nasty at times i feel its been worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like during the others i came out discouraged and daunted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i put on something that lush made it doesn t matter which thing i always feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling utterly frustrated at the thought of going to school i am really hoping for some inner strength to help me through this thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so weird that it feels like i wanna curse everything and bang my head onto the wall so that my world will be back to its focus", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate feeling this insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel so deprived from that one family member that never had a problem with anyone who was so sweet non confrontational smart and christ like", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive felt pretty down in the dumps lately and we arent talking the ugh i feel funny kind of down", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my portfolio demonstrates how eager i am to learn but some who know me better might call it annoyingly persistent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel clients maybe a bit stunned rich elegant scent offered mild blue", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling excited to go to competition but theres something else that im feeling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling funny hence the reason i had it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel annoyed with the way things are done around there i just take solace knowing that ill be rid of it all in a matter of weeks", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling sentimental yesterday and wanted to smash", "label": 0} -{"text": "i and her first traditional acting experience to be honest i have been feeling pressured working with many veteran actors and actresses", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am well aware that i do it to myself so i don t ever want anyone to feel sorry for me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny about saying any of this because the book is selling millions of copies every week and it seems i m the minority in this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel his personality at all and didn t see how there could be any interest in him other than oh my he s cute", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling so glamourous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realize this even though there are times in my life when i feel very innocent and brand new", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fine too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just think it s adorable that the babies are moving around in there it s a weird feeling sometimes but a totally amazing one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not picky at the moment i would like to feel excited about anything really", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know keito s mother is a model i feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started to feel frightened and my heart raced", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often get letters from some of you who experience the feeling that someone is zapping your energy away or that you feel threatened or that you feel as", "label": 4} -{"text": "i newly had one actual feeling through it that startled me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling highly irritable very restless and extremely uncomfortable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was a bit nervous and felt under scrutiny plus i hadn t flown for two weeks therefore i was conscious of feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t know why i feel so weird about this a href http daiidreams", "label": 5} -{"text": "i became so confident that now i can open up much more to the full range of my humanness feelings and experiences whether pleasant or unpleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling cranky today is due to me not getting enough sleep due to the unexpected long outing yesterday night", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling nostalgic for the past", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that when people tell me they are praying for me i feel loved and cared about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel peaceful and mindful like never before", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i have to say a couple of things to the lovely crafters who set up lufp", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling more resentful than ever about having to take medicine and so fed up with trying to find the winning combo that will give me my life back", "label": 3} -{"text": "i only really do it when i m feeling incredibly depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help but feel sympathetic towards jamies situation or swoon to ryans adorable ness or be excited about jamies super awesome powers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it would be very popular with the british asian population of the audiences and also with their friends and people who sort of live in the very diverse part of britain who have indian friends and also fans of bend it like beckham", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling all of that for i might have thought i am doomed forever to an unfortunate life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i were both left feeling stunned at what we had seen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was thinking about how i always feel like andrew peterson gets that that weird tension between the ache of knowing imperfection and living with it day in and day out and still also though having the impulse to feel gratitude for a kind of joy that lies hidden just underneath what we can see", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impressed to pray right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would go work as a bartender in a korean bar where it was my job to make the patrons mostly men feel special and catered to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left every class in every level feeling joyful like a child at the end of an afternoon of play", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not going to beat myself up over it but im feeling pretty damn disgusted with myself just now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant hardly stand to be in tampa i feel stressed until i hit the outskirts and take one of the country roads to our house then i feel like i can exhale", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that practice is somewhat acceptable due to them being paid minimum wage in a third world country", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel clever right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling dissatisfied with his hand even tighter circle i see you have no experience either so jerky that my heart only you little bitch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling alone in my afflictions have mercy on me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i ever meet and develop feelings for is amused for a while then i introduce them to my best friend and its all over", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive posted these new pieces in the order in which i feel that they are successful from most to least", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling like it might look just a little suspicious if i go home and dont meet with him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazed thousands of miles above the atlantic and it feels like", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im in a dangerous place right now sitting by the window at birkdale starbucks all kinds f people i know used to know want to be recognized by dont want to be recognized by may come by", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope they leave a show feeling entertained and delighted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up feeling funny every hour on the hour from an finally at i thought this is kind of painful now", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not going to worry b c what i feel is sincere and if what i did was a mistake then it wasnt meant to be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i make sure i have one posted are teacher appreciation week back to school and christmas times i think people are feeling generous towards teachers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was up pounds according to their scale but still only here on my home scale we discussed how ive been feeling which is basically fine except for fatigue and then they tried to doppler the heartbeat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am not overwhelmed too badly with it and i know it is something i can get over", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable and i soon discovered i was in a minority", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling somewhat melancholy and pensive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not feeling too goo think i am getting a cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i bring this up is because finding out you cannot have children is for many of us devastating and it is hard not to feel damaged at times like less of a woman", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a shamed of what he gave and what we did in return", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was last here i can feel a much darker spirit over this place much more despair very little optimism about resolving the issues that need to be resolved and i was horrified to see the fences", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought i would feel ecstatic but really as i put down my pen i only felt relieved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel his frightened spirit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have struggled with how i feel about blogging for a long time but without boring you with my thoughts about it i think the best thing to do is to just get on with it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began reading not a man feeling more than a little uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel most joyful about after returning from our new orleans amp southern louisiana trip is being back with maggie again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i dont really have much to say about this book because its almost so perfect that there is nothing to say apart from", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see he laugh with that girl i feel jealous amp sad at the same time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling curious about my mums and sisters clothes when i was in the third year of primary school", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often feel shaky and unsure about my ability to really do this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel ok with employing people at far less than they re worth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more hated by the day when it comes to him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never thought to feel this way again about myself after i left those uncertain years behind", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling amorous please be in my arm and hold me tighter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt really ever explode at him as far as i remember but i did feel resentful and angry and was a master at snide remarks and heavy sighs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazed at both sides the civilized and the wild and how they exist together so juxtaposed but so close", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling particularly generous i will head over to elance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a funny clunk in my tire", "label": 5} -{"text": "i settled into motherhood i start to feel restless i turn our conservatory into a studio and begin to paint more regularly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling happily amazed today that it is one year since i began writing as purely hopeful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling i will be loving this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tween sat for my moms boss year old and year old boys this weekend id say babysit but that feels weird considering there were n", "label": 5} -{"text": "i disagree that it was a poor one as i have read in some places for me it was more that it ended on such a huge cliffhanger that the thought of having to wait until october to find out what happens next left me feeling distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "id put out a list but then id feel way too vain and narsistic and selfish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel but thats mainly because im having that thing you know that thing that makes women grouchy and achy every days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i lost more weight and was feeling so incredibly hopeful", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been thinking and for some reason i feel the need to share the contents of my dare i say troubled mind with the rest of the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the strain in my guts that i would become greedy and want her everyday", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that this is an extremely creative and unusual way to protect the fabrics or products from the prying eyes of photographers and lends itself well to the high end market that it is intended to inspire", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very very confused and worried", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only saw about minutes of this nancy grace but that was enough for me to feel utterly hateful towards our world today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i suppose to feel if you keep getting all this super friendly texts from people and esp from those from the opposite gender", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling i am so enthralled by this person and so excited that i have opened up to ha new possibility with emotions and knowing him that i cant contain it i want everyone to know that i love him and that i am happier than ever knowing him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling fox news would be a lot more gentle on the wall street people", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive bought into it but i just feel humiliated and stupid today", "label": 0} -{"text": "im still feeling disturbed after reading a class zem slink href http en", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im being held again abused again validated again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like my time at university has been very valuable because over the course of my degree i ve grown so much as a person in terms of my life skills in additional to the technical knowledge that we learn in the classroom", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel guilty because i am torn between two options both of which i want a productive work weekend and a weekend off", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really thankful for sam", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help the feeling of wanting to lash out at them all not caring about what others think or see just giving them a piece of my mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ok saying that because he sure as heck didnt get his looks from me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im trying to get a business started and i have a lot of passion about what i want to do but the only time i can feel that im passionate about it is when someone asks about it and i can stop talking about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel its important for you to know the truth about the meat in your pets food whether you buy it from the supermarket or a specialty natural pet food store", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have that kind of feeling physically when i get extremely shocked deep painful pins and needles spread accross my face and chest my throat becomes dry with choking sensations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling hopeful and better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that my heart is aching for some reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i definitely feel more accepted people are less awkward around me even though i feel more awkward its like ive joined the human race", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a cold and i feel thankful for a lot of small things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling restless and wanting to do some productivity and i suggested going to the nearest store to buy something small so at least his sister has something to open", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling quite apprehensive initially well thats me for you apprehensive about everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t think my stomach is thanking me for the alcohol as i m feeling pretty shaky i only had glasses of wine and vodkas", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hesitant in touching her and how can i overcome my nerves i guess she wants me to take the first step but if i don t do it she might end up thinking that i am gay or impotent", "label": 4} -{"text": "i listen to it as my own personal anthem when im feeling triumphant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that time is precious and i should be seeing her all the time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sometimes feel vulnerable to share my thoughts online or i feel no one will be able to relate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel will be a dangerous late night temptation when i m living right down the street", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel the least they can do is to be supportive of the choices i make especially with non academic related matters", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel like if pyle had devoted the entire book to this part of the story i d have been pleased", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel my way around and start to get scared thinking how did this happen", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will feel humiliated and shamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i looked at his sleeping face i suddenly felt all the stress leave my body not just the small stress over a deadline but all the stress of life i was feeling and be replaced with such a sweet peace", "label": 2} -{"text": "i gave him my feelings and asked him if i could take on his mind and heart until i could live out how he would react to situations that irritated me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i talk to chris on the phone without discussing more than just the basics with no tone of love in my voice and he feels uptight because he needs connection with me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came away feeling very optimistic about my treatment on linkedin img src http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really hoped that i could pass but that feeling of me not doing the exam well just cannot set me free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i once wrote raina is feeling like the cat s meow and hated facebook for days because of it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cheese is one of those comfort foods that everyone seems to grow up with and feel quite nostalgic about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i breathed deeply and told myself not to feel irritated at the loud crying", "label": 3} -{"text": "i already did when im but i never stop feeling amazed how old i am new year resolutions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t envy the pressure he must feel to produce writing as clever as hers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found out my brother was suddenly feeling very strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so discouraged and lose my sense of inspiration to keep going especially when i see people who do not give their best for the good of pb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling apprehensive from the beginning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can really do is feel a little shocked and so confused as to how someone could actually be that blind to someone else", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel jealous the way i feel books cornelia spelman", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel badly for those of you suffering in the hellish heat zones elsewhere", "label": 0} -{"text": "i asked him already feeling apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little lost frankly", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not sure on the magic science here feel free to correct in the comments but i think it makes blood clots form on the biopsy sites", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling much more like this brothers and sisters i testify that no one of us is less treasured or cherished of god than another", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like there are a lot of other things i could be doing that are a lot more dangerous and a lot bigger waste of time with my time off do than doing that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get angry enough or feel attacked or threatened i will stand up for myself my kids my family my friends", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pissed or irritated here and there and giggly and high on life from here to there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that these issues need to be resolved and faced head on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t burn the last stub of today s candle in one brief go and i m feeling sort of amazed and ready and weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like just throwing a tortured character off a cliff would be doing everybody a favor i also feel like the whole point of suffering is endurance and the point of endurance is that you get somewhere from point a to b", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling bitter or angry or something and i get over those things rather fast", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t even feel i need to be i really don t want to be bothered with him or them much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think we finish our walk at something s but feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i refer a week to be a long period atleast gives me a feeling that i am trying to be sincere to something", "label": 1} -{"text": "i beat through the passes of the great mountains and i had a stiff fight to win through but never shall i forget the blissful feeling of the hot sun again on my back as i sped down to the lakes that lay so blue and placid below me and the taste of my first fat insect", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up feeling terrific", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went out last night i was feeling all sorts of weird and just needed to get out for a bit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i feel that i am simply settling by being with you especially since we were together at one point but it fell through now i am hesitant to jump into something with you once more", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel furious and deceived", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like even some of the teachers were surprised that they were related", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think ive overcome the fears around preserving and im feeling a bit brave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just got to my office and i am still feeling a bit restless a kind of a feeling you get when you have forgotten something important or when you have done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel less than pretty much every person i meet and with whom i interact", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel reluctant to answer it often fills me with dread", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stay in the pasture most days and feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i now smell of stale cigarette smoke mmmm and my head feels bouncy from the loud music", "label": 1} -{"text": "i regret when i havent quickly understood peoples feelings that my reaction was uncareful and that i was rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have used this once and i feel like there is still two thirds of the bottle left so im estimating two to three generous applications or four light applications are within each can", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to be able to make myself vulnerable because isnt home where you are supposed to be comfortable and feel safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should do when i feel uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i desperately want to be pregnant and carry full term and enjoy that feeling of getting to hold my precious baby in my arms for the first time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im being put through the sugercane machine squeezed and tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean how can one help but feel joyful when you wake up in the morning and the sun is shining brightly and the sky is a stunning blue", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel no one would ever consider loving a mess like me someone who wonders through life questioning things dailey", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love the way the rain feels against my face when it gets hot and sweaty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling they might be pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know how i feel about her friends supporting her in carrying it out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel myself getting so violent with my thoughts and stuff lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i now feel confident that i am well prepared for just about any weather except perhaps the kind that requires ice tires", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel greatly reassured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel guilty for these thoughts", "label": 0} -{"text": "im well chuffed made me feel fab straight away", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like being sarcastic and saying no i skipped dinner in an attempt to starve myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i frequently use i love you there are ones i think about often and dont always use because i feel vulnerable using them i miss you then there are two that i am not fond of using", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like she was kind of selfish and it was always jude hurt me my feelings for a big portion of the book it was never about jude and what he was going through and how it impacted him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel amazed at where we were", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up feeling just horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am so blessed and feel blessed to be able to share my creations with you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i to feel defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just feeling paranoid and today didnt go as planned", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spent a good deal of time after that feeling uncomfortable and feeling strange approaching god at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like she is a really sweet person as well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t do any of those things without at some point feeling anxious about giving it my best and my responsibility to others", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel distracted having sex while having my pet watching me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i make my beloved feel loved and cherished", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could maintain mileage and intensity through these busy weeks but im finding that i feel better and perform better if i take the more reasonable path and back off", "label": 1} -{"text": "i already own quite a few her smoke rose up forever by triptree feeling very strange the slipsream anthology the dog said bow wow by swanwick", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling all nostalgic right now ill also post the pics here so you can play a little spot the difference game", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was left feeling that he really has to write a third book now as i m still curious about what happened next", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit jealous knowing all i have is another juice smoothie", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel is a delicate balance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a little well actually miles out of my comfort zone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feeling so indecisive and apathetic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help feel that the spirits protection of his people will lead to them being either unusually innocent or eventually unable to protect themselves", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling sarcastic this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i forget that especially when i feel lost and scared and dont trust that i have light within me", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been writing same old the daily routine and keeping on and now things have gotten interesting i still feel dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit apprehensive about it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel lonely surprisingly when i see your smooth back facing me and then i envelope myself in that loneliness that longliness dreaming about those long lost and forgotten vibes the ecstasy and the excitement", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sitting at work for anywhere longer than minutes and stand up to walk to the printer i can feel my joints aching for those first couple of steps", "label": 0} -{"text": "i set myself one goal make something that i will feel fabulous in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the feeling that this would have been classed as too boring for telly years on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sometimes feel my words dull that first impression", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel funny de bohhh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see doctors in their white coats i feel somewhat regretful but god has shown me something even greater than chasing after what i wanted prestige money honor for my parents", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little unsure because it will be my first time but i think i will manage", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i m always dodging flying bacon grease amp i m really scared one day it s going to blind me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very lethargic and can t bring myself to get particularly excited about doing anything in fact the only thing i want to do is sort of hibernate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that you have wronged me in some way and my rights as a human being with a vagina have been violated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel joyful light and glee", "label": 1} -{"text": "im on that im feeling so melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel my stubborn rising and i would want to tell you to go put your nose where the sun doesn t shine", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that text takes over and am suspicious of using it nor do i like my coffee mug to say coffee but books are a different medium in fact they are vehicles for text and or images", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might be feeling a bit fucked up the next day and my sleep cycle might be odd which does half incline me to make it three nights", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fucked dun feel like visiting him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to tell him my feelings but i m too shy and besides", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel exactly the way one of the reviewers felt shocked by the story and by the behind the scenes tragedies", "label": 5} -{"text": "i picked it because i m still feeling sentimental and it is just a very soothing piece one to encourage mellow contemplation and quiet enjoyment of memories", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very intimidated by the volume of posts i have to catch up on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel shaky and upset and distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling it would turn very naughty very quick", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was forever feeling jealous of everything my sister had and i was jealous of this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im at a point where i have a lot of clarity even if it did hurt to fall and wake up on the concrete", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never had a feeling that he was lovely and even less he was husband i dont know what he was a strange guy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know there have been days when i wake up feeling crappy and angry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed and blessed to have such a girl", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am in a quandary whether to feel dissatisfied with the mufti whoever that person is who made a big deal about sharifah amani s bold bald head or the journalist who reported about the mufti s comment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the process is rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt it beating again after so many years of not feeling or loving but just fanning the flames of anger", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am cranky i deserve to be cranky and i have every right to feel cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will show you how i reach inward and open outward to feel the kiss of the mystery sweet lips on my own everyday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel curious who is on the travel bag seem the blond get a big caught this night", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would love a little sincerity from someone i feel like i am frequently lied to by people who feel like they need to be delicate with me to handle me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the need to tell the world my opinion in the most obnoxious way possible", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have found that nice comfy dent my butt has made on the couch so welcoming so hypnotic and has that aura of where i belong that i feel strange not easing down into it and basking in the glow of vegging out for the evening", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling more impressed by the growth of such smartphone usage especially by the recent release of android based htc evo g", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling irritable and sick", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a hard time feeling accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling quite bothered from worry and fear and sadness for things that i should no longer feel for anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel u can create amazing looks without breaking the bank on products", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am hearing from people who are feeling like survivors in isolated pockets she said", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i crossed the threshold that i began to feel a little anxious why the hell did i agree to this type of thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel all but hesitant to even submit this post", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel so nostalgic come firework night", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling rebellious i decided to procrastinate instead of studying for my really important english test tomorrow", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling very infuriated at times especially when coming down from coke and i feel like killing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also admit that it can feel a bit strange for me to be flaunting these things about myself and sharing how great i am with the world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stand by the pier looking out at the water i close my eyes feeling the cool breeze", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this i hated all his songs that leaked but this is growing on me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel unnecessarily dissatisfied about life feeling something is missing in spite of having all i know there is a void waiting to be filled", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have to leave so much of my life out when i talk with my mother because i know she has hated so many people in my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really nostalgic even thinking about this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so vulnerable that i try to talk to you in any way i can find even if i have to lie or make up some stories", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling a little strange so i decided to lie down and rest for a bit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i too am feeling terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somewhat reassured in a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about supporting charities that help children", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start i smile ear to ear jen and i have seen this smile and i feel amazing the whole rest of the day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like this sums up the vanity of humans funny pictures funny quotes funny memes funny pics fails autocorrect fails meta name twitterimage content http data", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know myself well enough to act when i feel i should so i rushed to do as i felt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate when i feel like this and i never hated you a href http bybe", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a longing in the past and now its just gratitude no more regrets about that day as i turned my back and chatted away i still wonder what would have happened if i turned and asked for your number", "label": 2} -{"text": "i posted pictures of myself that made me feel ecstatic about myslef and lifted my spirits to a whole nother dimension", "label": 1} -{"text": "i absolutely love christmas and im one of the few people who doesnt mind seeing the displays go up at target in october im feeling rather grumpy about the whole deal this year", "label": 3} -{"text": "i laid everything out on the table to them so now i feel like i have a bit more emotional support from them as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start to feel those unpleasant waves churning in the pit of my stomach i know i m starting down a path that will bring me pain and doubt so i back track and start making a new one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am telling you now i feel discouraged by all of this at times", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so inspired to get creative with my wardrobe", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not a massive fan of books with kissing covers but i feel like this one still gives you that romantic aspect without being overly gross", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so indecisive about everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive got a thing or two on my mind making me feel a bit low but i am much more sorted out after a half hour of running even when its sweaty out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel humiliated shamed and full of self condemnation", "label": 0} -{"text": "i heard the sound of violin rising i was starting to feel more calm and quiet it was finally getting eased", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted to happen for me which werent happening which left me feeling frustrated to say the least", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realized that the girl i loved had to leave me", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i woke up at night to find a fire spreading towards the bed rooms i was very frightened as i realized that i faced death", "label": 4} -{"text": "when i almost walked on a snake", "label": 4} -{"text": "i honestly feel so horribly uncertain about my gender", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to remember how desperately i felt when trying to get pregnant after feeling impressed to start having a family and soon finding that its not as easy as you think to just get pregnant", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel abit pissed about that i still havent got any money back but ill give up soon i suppose", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realized that i was trying to talk to myself from years ago that the selfish way i had sexualized this man and developed feelings for him was really part of myself kicking and screaming in furious idiocy against the mistakes that i have made in my own life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt sad when a friend of mine died and i felt that something had irrevocably gone away from me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel surprised when i see myself in the mirror and in my head i still feel distanced from the idea of being pregnant and the identity of pregnant woman", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know a lot of people are whining that a first boot cant possibly be a favourite but you guys know how i feel about my beloved a href http winterpaysforsummer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love being out here their house is so cozy and i always feel so welcomed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely discouraged and broken hearted", "label": 0} -{"text": "im so uninterested in the subjects i feel so restless in classes all i do is daydream about where were going to go for lunch and what id order", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit suspicious is it lor al or the sellers fault", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit naughty i run it up the flagpole and see who still looks but no one ever does", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been fighting him off my plate like crazy lately and i was starting to feel like making him wait two more weeks was more about me being stubborn than doing what was right for him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel like no one is supporting my writing and it is hard enough when strangers are not supporting it but when people you know don t then it hurts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can say with absolute certainty when my final days come is that i chose to spend my lifes work doing something i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sometimes feel regretful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i looked up i could feel the sun on my face and i would become amazed with the colours of leaves above my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive really had enough of it and never again is my personal feelings of being considerate and caring going to get in the way of me being content and happy", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling quite agitated and ive put it down to stress of exams and being unwell but i think there are other things playing on my mind", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i know u are surprised but thats what it is i have my own dreams too", "label": 5} -{"text": "when programmes on violence or pornography are shown on tv", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t like or that i feel really skeptical about it would have to be the photo on page that betty took", "label": 4} -{"text": "i rarely find myself ever arguing with you guys and even when i do i feel it gets resolved far more quickly than most other families", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did feel that some of the supporting characters needed further development particularly uncle jack", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont trust people i dont really know with my heart stuff it makes me feel too vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have never considered direct in home sales before but something just struck me about this company and i know no i feel this is an amazing opportunity for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel unsure of her love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel agitated all of a sudden", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling cranky for some reason and i protested the fairness of the situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am suddenly feeling pretty bitchy so we might as well use that to our advantage dont ya think", "label": 3} -{"text": "im weak and you know how i feel the one that you be affectionate with when you feel like it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not feel it is acceptable for me to disrespect women or not treat them well because i am missing the same treatment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told her that during ovulation i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a relaxed feminine collection coming on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if i could never stop loving them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel soo indecisive about everything amp its making me nuts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but feel that parents are almost scared of their children sometimes and spend to much time pleading with them to do what they are told", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went home and endured the mild contractions for the rest of the day feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit bitchy today so the work ones better watch out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like everyone thinks im being bitchy or whatever", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that im such a violent person sometime", "label": 3} -{"text": "i enjoy doing it it feels like relief but i am terrified of receiving either pity or rejection judgment and also annoyed that it keeps me from my rss and also exhausted by it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i croaked out still riding high on the orgasm and feeling dazed and slightly retarded", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have lived in turkey now for years there are still moments and situations where i feel intimidated by the culture sometimes a little and sometimes a lot", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always enjoy abq though i got a small tinge of the trapped in my car feeling that pained me so after coming home from utah a few weeks ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel offended when indies are apologetic about what they do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel that it is instilled in women to naturally be caring and gentle to someone s needs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am designed to feel a sweet release is experienced", "label": 2} -{"text": "i walk around because the sun is shining but then i feel oddly dissatisfied while im walking and its because im overheated and dehydrated and sunburned and sweaty", "label": 3} -{"text": "im actually feeling a bit excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hesitant because i havent yet submitted the hardbound copy of my senior project to my adviser", "label": 4} -{"text": "i listened but because it is hard to feel faithful when it feels like your world seems so hopeless i asked god to send me a clear and understandable sign within the next week or so to really help me know that his words are true", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am sad but i also feel really lucky that i got to know him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went to bed feeling more satisfied and positive than i had in months", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am energetically pursuing my goals or i feel agitated and unable to sit still", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always come away feeling disturbed insecure and unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel dissatisfied with the words of our politicians", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feeling nervous eh", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel the longing as i finger the dirt", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i m not a tree hugging hippy or anything but i feel a little bit funny if there s not something green on my plate", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just want to part of this holiday season and i don t want to feel guilty about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel being ridiculously stupid that s why i put the problem of time in the first place in my list", "label": 0} -{"text": "i jump in me truck feeling all snugly safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to admit im feeling very apprehensive about dealing with under", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was expecting to be blown away by down force however i think what i m feeling here is just a tad shy of satisfied rather than blown away", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i might be letting how surprised i was to enjoy this show cloud my judgment but then again everything that happened on the highway was so impeccably shot and scripted i think it s safe to say the gushing is warranted", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hit on the key to enjoying this increasingly preposterous crime thriller last week because if i wasn t viewing it as pure comedy i would be feeling very gloomy indeed that such nonsense could be given a handsome budget and a generous slice of primetime", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i havent been as supportive of you as i should be and i think of you often", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it is quite acceptable to talk about italian coffee culture", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling very annoyed because i threw all my clothes to the ground and there were just piles of clothes around me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont really have major problems in life and so i should feel contented and happy which i dont and it is killing me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling invigorated again and not a moment too soon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i drove back down the motorway feeling pretty exhausted but as if id done a really good days work", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel ernest alarmed by my a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love not feeling rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i start to feel a little curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "im also not feeling so impatient for the results", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more of numb now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the government is afraid to address fgm because they fear dealing with our african cultures dukureh said", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel confident that my child aka batman is getting exactly what he needs and more when i teach using a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel a bit fucked over afterwards though", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel curious aobut what he saw and wonder what where and when he did what he did", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love everything about them from the craftsmanship and the feel of them beneath my hand to the amazing sounds they make when held in different ways and beaten on different parts of their surface", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess because i have ate on point drank my water on point worked out on point and i feel like i am being tortured this week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling and has returned my emotional state to a more even keel", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit more lively", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went over to my father s house more often and i enjoyed the time i got to spend with him and my step mom i enjoyed feeling free and responible at the same time it was so much like cutting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i snuck out one of dads smut mags so when i hear it i always feel slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help wondering about is why even those of us with some ecological awareness who go out of our way to make our places as wildlife friendly as possible still feel a longing for landscapes that are anything but natural", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like even though i have all these people supporting me i am completly alone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel accepted for who i am", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit annoyed with him constantly being on me so i tried to distract him away from nursing during the day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could barely get a little bit of concern or sympathy out of my husband so that might explain why im feeling less than sympathetic to his plight right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often look around and feel very overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sad that i had to tell my phsyics teacher that i want to drop physics", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so selfish but you not even mine anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling anything hateful for whoever that killed me or caused me to die that emotion just didnt appear in my dream", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean coming back to my room every time feels kind of hostile because im fairly sure shell be here watching tv or talking to her boyfriend resenting my existence but its not like im getting ready to fight for my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "im having some worries and i feel anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel like a teenager angst rebellious desperate to escape from a world that has bound me to its expectations of propriety", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling quite shocked because i was wondering why i could only fit it like so few points", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling an emotion but am unsure why i am feeling it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt deserve to be unhappy because she always did her best and that she doesnt feel loved so i dont deserve to feel unloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i am somehow defective and a contagion because of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would slide over and let my engorged member lay against her beautiful hot skin then i would give the slightest push up against her and feel the tender flesh that soon would be as hot as mine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was selecting brussel sprouts my feet and crutches feeling insecure on the wet cement floor when a woman asked me how to cook them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i have no direction and im just listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling too adventurous but dont want to go for nude", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think what stands out for me is how grateful i feel to the many compassionate teachers and practitioners who have kept these teachings alive while continuing to help the teachings evolve and stay pertinent in our personal experiences", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought i didnt feel anything anymore it was over it was ok well today a different story i feel him i want him my heart hurts thinking he wont be around i still want him around i guess its still valid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel scared and on edge", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am a very anxious ocd and planning type of person i feel like this experience will help me become more relaxed and less anxious about situations", "label": 1} -{"text": "i said mum is leaving for good tomorrow this is going to feel really strange and i will miss her so i am feeling a bit sad and emotional but i do know that it is all for the best", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was giddy until the th quarter started and the sick feeling in my stomach reminded me that no matter what happened someone i loved would suffer the super bowl loser s curse", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to spend more time doing yet again another trip program that plays an unknown if any role in my career development and life goals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel a sweet connection to my plants", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive felt that sure there are moments when i feel reassured and comforted by the fact of someone being mine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel for joseph too and was very hesitant to go there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bugged shana a lot describing how am i feeling i guess he would have been shocked to see my behavior", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i would say that gratitude is an integral part of my soul and i feel that supporting various causes is my way of saying thank you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling melancholy again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a sweet heat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need to also designs a logo for here as i feel that i need one i have an lovely idea for that so keep your eyes peeled", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird whenever this happens posted on a href http webtickling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left the film feeling pretty jaded", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have also been feeling apprehensive about even the writing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so amazing musicjuzz", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a frwaking delicate flower so im not even weight training or anything but right now i am feeling both defiant and like i cant bother", "label": 2} -{"text": "i experience the group firsthand i will not feel so skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am just as guilty as the next development worker at dropping acronyms acting shocked when people havent heard of the latest genocide brewing in kazwhatistan and going on holidays to the first world feeling jaded and unable to fit back into the society that raised me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel distinctly bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "im a married heterosexual man and i feel in no way threatened nor do i feel that the sanctity of my own marriage is compromised by our government recognizing other loving relationships officially as marriage", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started off on this miles feeling slightly hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dash off to tell everyone because i know they will all feel as delighted as i do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember how it feels to wear un cool clothes to school", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive gone through phases of feeling disappointed that i dont have many followers to glad that ive recorded my thoughts and feelings so regularly so my children and i can go back and remember", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im teetering on something dangerous and somehow it makes me comfortable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have mentioned to other people and written here on my blog that i do not feel nervous about it that still holds true", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so rude when im late to class so i decided to not go", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i should be more distressed about this development especially since ooh shiny", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like brad often represents us in spirit by supporting many of causes near and dear to orange countys heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought id go through and put up some winter photos though tbh im not feeling too impressed with my work lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suggest you give it a listen i feel like i am blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i took another essay and fiddled with it managed to survive an audition in spite of my dread of public speaking and left feeling not particularly impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel slightly naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling really terrible about it because my journaling has also come to a screeching halt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look at everything that needs to be done between now and december th i feel a little overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remembered feeling amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling too sleep deprived either so yay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i were discussing this and why we feel strange about this person copying one more thing from my mom and possibly waving one more flag i was still reading christophers posts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i confide in my wife a lot when im feeling unsure about myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling more and more agitated and i wasn t becoming a nice person to live with never mind a wife to be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know its not a good way to solve problem but at this situation i can do everything that i want for example write anything word that i feel and remember about sweet memory that we have passed sometimes my tears are fall and suddenly i feel miss him so much but", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a curious sense of satisfaction but not enough to motivate me to help any further", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t plan on marrying her or anything so makes me feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to wonder if that is the way they really feel or if that is the socially acceptable way to talk about it when you already have children of your own", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just got so fed up with feeling rotten this morning that i just had to do something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have learned that feeling overwhelmed because there is just too much that is wrong isn t going to help", "label": 5} -{"text": "i use this for any other situation like even being on the road and pissed off with another driver instead of allowing that feeling of pissed off ness to manifest into me spewing out some colourful words i imagine taking that big thought ball and pushing it out of my head", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have this horrible feeling im going to fail all my exams because of my beloved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started getting a cold wet feeling in my foot like i was putting it in a bucket of cold water", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like sending a very sarcastic sms to call off the entire thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel accepted or as if i am contributing and there are other days more often where i feel more of a nuisance in the group and any of my work or ideas that i contribute are dismissed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i put my coat on i still kind of feel cold in a way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it is hickish of me to be as impressed as i am", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see her i can t help but feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling wronged by my master and i put my foot down", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel the vibrations from it i am amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was trying to identify the situations i crave since they lead to me feeling submissive pleasure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that i should be impressed by the artist s attention to detail", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more festive when its gloomy and gross outside because when its gloomy and gross there are clouds in the sky and a chill in the air", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was left with a feeling of being literally stunned in regard to the complete thoughtlessness the casualness with which i made the decision to have sex and drink so carelessly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt fear when my mother was heavily ill", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling insecure for one reason and one reason only", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so isolated and alone except for my mom there are other women my age struggling the same way i am", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t really remember the feeling of carefree or that of naivety i just remember watching my back from that day forward", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel they re impressed because their team always lacked resources and they didn t see such good work before around them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was to go to church my enthusiasm or trying to feel it would be completely fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to think i was being attentive and loving but what happens is that i feel a little resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the media and popular culture constantly try to make women feel badly about themselves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a niece who is about to turn but acts more like and i feel like she has been enthralled about makeup since birth maybe even inutero", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel greedy sometimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit like a mad scientist in the basement of my lab concocting the antidote to whatever current epidemic of fear is running rampant through me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little intimidated by the size of the storymatic deck", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel passionate about and i feel i can best address these subjects through making functional work that people enjoy using every day that is perhaps more meaningful to me and them than a passing experience in an art gallery", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill be honest i took these photos yesterday feeling productive with plans to upload them and write the post today", "label": 1} -{"text": "is the clash of metal upon metal feeling absolutely divine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked on the sixth grade playground after loudspeakers announced the president has been shot", "label": 5} -{"text": "im at and this is the path im on because i was honestly so sick of wallowing around feeling indecisive and unmotivated not knowing what i wanted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t have a clue what it s going to look like or feel like yet and i m embracing and loving the fact that i don t", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess that by letting your friend walk all over you you are not helping her in any way althouh it feels like you are and you are reluctant to stop because it feels like youre helping her and if you do stop youll feel selfish", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to feel festive", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive felt like this before for sure but right now im feeling it pretty keenly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember how it made me feel mad angry and just a little worthless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel and see what i do each time i feel gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to feel a bit comfortable with it till the wretched results for the last year came and shattered the hopes of all those with pubad optional", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel almost petrified by the very idea", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only learnt this weekend of her passing and i feel quite stunned about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would do to trade places with them if only for a second just to feel my sweet baby boy against my chest again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a romantic gaana song coming on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got there i couldn t shake the feeling that though i was still that beloved friend i wasn t welcome", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up saturday morning still hacking and still feeling crappy in every sense of the word i almost decided to go back to sleep and forget the whole thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really pissed when my opponents in the neop", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surprised because i didnt expect it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start typing slowly because im not sure i should be feeling this way the not caring kind of feelings that is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lovely a href http ritchastyle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling adventurous and tried some things that i would never have thought i would have eaten", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel that the people who dont read the books are doomed to have no idea what the fuck is going on despite how many times they may watch the movies they just", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel extrememmememely lame expressing my heart in a blog", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could no longer feel my body or my aching muscles and just kept on working like an automaton", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel just as assaulted by the beat of the girl and the robot if it weren t in a contest with robyn s pleading for warmth", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess that is why i feel more bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel surprised at how it turned out because it seems so different than the beginning fiber", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so much more adventurous and daring and im willing to do anything it takes for me to live life the way i want to", "label": 1} -{"text": "the sight of vomit on the street", "label": 3} -{"text": "i smiled to himself as he watched them shoot off feeling reassured by the girls presence", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so strange with english right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hear a black person say that i feel angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will forever feel the climb worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally realized that i need to stop caring about what other people think and use what i feel comfortable using that i am proficient in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling increasingly fantastic these days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit weird getting this pumped up for a six hour bus ride tomorrow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i reckon it is since they feel that caring for the poor is more of a regime gathering than an individual responsibility", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive ever written although im not gonna reproduce it here because it is full of boring academic references and also it specifically analyses several prominent bloggers and their treatment of romantic relationships and id feel weird about putting that on the internet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im still quite bad at describing my feelings with good words and beautiful phrases", "label": 0} -{"text": "i truly feel we devoted mothers and wife deserves all the pampering after all a happy mommy happy family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the longing for my little corner of the internet", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i entered the dissecting room for the anatomy class and saw several dead bodies lying on the benches", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know so many people rave about it that i m feeling a bit weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did get some stick time but i still feel distracted by the glass", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so tortured sitting here alone in the dark just thinking how could this happen", "label": 4} -{"text": "my roommate boasting about her english lectures", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt i could do for izzy as her mommy when everything else was out of my control leaving me feel so helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still a student i feel curious anxious and fascinated by the universe and the latest science", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feels shocked looking at the elder fitch twin", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive come to a point where i do not feel my submissive self is up to the task of handling them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am in a wasp version of whose afraid of virginia wolff", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left the movie feeling dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i need a buddy to drive along with me to work up my courage to not be so afraid because i sometimes feel discouraged in the sense where im missing great photo opportunities", "label": 4} -{"text": "i end up having a change of clothes at work and i feel that if i explain my problem to my co workers that they will understand my strange coming and goings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do and i feel it s one of the reasons i wasn t fully enthralled in the story", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am thrown back into that place of feeling rejected and broken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have battled a seeming downward spiral of feelings of bitterness to gt feelings of guilt because i am bitter to gt feeling bitter that i feel guilty gt and the spiral continues", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember in the dream some girls voice saying something like cool you can do that and feeling impressed that i made that strange imagery in my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel eager to get back out there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more impressed now than i was before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can understand that he d feel annoyed or disappointed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it is useless bewailing before you it is useless reasoning with you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i know the game very well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was letting the feeling of lack tell me that i had lost a chance when in fact it was never mine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling blessed honestly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel energetic healthy and great", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to submit to him daily despite the vulnerability i feel submitting to him outweighs the longing that i feel when i dont", "label": 2} -{"text": "im just feeling fantastic after a great workout enormous dinner delicious dessert and posts on my fb that make my insides melt", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i went to visit a friend in the hospital she had to undergo an operation for rupture i was glad to hear that the operation succeeded and that she was relieved of her pain", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had not realized was that to feel shaken at all i needed to unfreeze the box of grief that was casting a spell of numbness over me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit im feeling pretty overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got nothing you got something i feel out of place looking through that window into the delicate place falling in love all you need is love the beatles all you need is love all you need is love all you need is love love love is all you need", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel a bit stunned when i think about the day the love the colour the flowers god the flowers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel the need to write about the city is that i m still a visitor i m still surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realized when its turning me into a sad person who feels lousy about myself with low confidence i know its time for me to take a break from all my social media", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like most of my life people have translated that to you can walk over her she cant be offended she has no opinion will always be loyal", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel assaulted by facebook posts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty pathetic that i have been in therapy for almost three decades and i m still crazy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like maybe i can help the organization to which i m loyal but maybe that simply mutually not true enough", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling super grateful for my friends lately ive just gotta get it out so please bear with me as i express my love for just a few of the people who have been such a positive influence on me this semester", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it is my duty to keep and eye on those headlines and keep you my loyal readers aware of anything big happens", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still dont feel like finishing typing about it but i just know my legions and legions of loyal readers have been clamouring for the exicting conclusion to my disney vacation", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive had a few times where everyone i love turns against me even my mum and i feel totally distressed and out of control", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel surprised which in turn makes me feel like an idiot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel perfect except for the constant exhaustion", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i could smile much brighter now all my smiles feel so dull and fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have lost the feeling about my own dreams nothing feels like im doing it because im passionate about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help but feel more impressed by them singing then watching tenimyu lol", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been made to feel unwelcome at any time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was ushered from exam room to exam room feeling somewhat like cattle though pleased with the cleanliness of the hospital designed for these standardized medical exams", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel safe walking around the area than when i am walking around malaysia", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel amazed each time i hold that baby girl in my arms", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean i feel like a horrible person and all but at the same time it just feels like another day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need to set something straight since i get the unsettling feeling that alot of crazees affectionate for cmates are still unsure about this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little shaky on the stairs at work and definitely will need to be stretching all day today", "label": 4} -{"text": "im also feeling impatient because there are a few projects im handling that i cant really do anything with until the other parties involved get back to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel confortable and glamorous in my total white look", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sure ill come up with another way to honor gedaliah but for now im just really not feeling creative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rejected by my new home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel curious and ask what happen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so sad caged bird lovin u", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel similarly that the kids bed time is my time to clock out and check out and i get grumpy when they get up wanting more from me between bedtime and morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel your positive energy and loving thoughts each day", "label": 1} -{"text": "im left feeling like im clinging to the vestiges of a life i once loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel afraid of the way a great friend looks at me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is summarized so well by one of my favorite a", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel at times like a prisoner paranoid that any moment someone will jump out and take all like i m just waiting for trouble and really shouldn t be here", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling generous this week", "label": 2} -{"text": "i came in contact with was very nice but i left feeling pretty lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have read personal articles about transgender or bisexual people feeling rejected by gay or lesbian normative groups", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i do this every month and its just as messy weeks later", "label": 0} -{"text": "i opened his fb account and i tried to view her profile then i had the feeling to just take a peek of her photos i was totally shocked and i felt like i was devastated", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling weepy and crap did not help", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i missed something significant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still had the feeling and it surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was suspecting that since i have accomplished the tasks given to me i was feeling dissatisfied despite the accomplishments i was victorious yet incomplete grrrrr after eating sa oodys i decided to buy a new formal office shoes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told you i was feeling cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling amazing during the trip and jeremy just pampered me the whole time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel no one understands my artistic needs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i learned more about this man then i probably know about my own husband and trust me my husband is feeling it and he has been very gracious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as if i have faithful qualities maybe in reality people who know me don t see me as having them at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel for my beloved how could they even think of betraying theirs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am thankful for a day in which i could walk in beauty and harmony and feel at ease and totally one with my world and it was a lovely world today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling like she was threatened and that i couldn t do anything because i was trying to pay and pack the groceries and i was totally panicking it was amazing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find myself looking at sam and feeling so amazed that he is so perfect lest you protest im not discounting the sin nature thing here", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive had that feeling many times during my life but it never hurt as much as it hurt last night", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kinda feel weird that they have to name the book the girl with the dragon tattoo", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was gravely feeling the october heat while shopping for a few accessories for my beloved bike", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel isolated and left out i really need god to help me i need prayer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel damaged from my last relationship and as a consequence feel that i am less good less capable of love and care", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable nominating other blogs for awards", "label": 4} -{"text": "i welcome places of worship that make me feel perhaps not alarmed but a little on edge", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is manifesting in strange ways", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i should be supportive of since i am a big fan of breastfeeding", "label": 2} -{"text": "im more than excited once again i feel incredibly lucky to be propelling myself through this rocky wonderland of buttes mesas canyons and sand", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think it s something passing the love of women as i feel for you for i could be content without your marrying me if i could go and live at snowfield and be near you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got the feeling she was a little keen for some mischief", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about prayer before meds he is totally supportive of that and he is big on natural parenting bfing etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel eager to share amy cuddys ted talk", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel angry because i am there to help people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the muscles in and around our eyes did something funny when they got zapped", "label": 5} -{"text": "im really feeling helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i miss our talks our cuddling our kissing and the feelings that you can only share with your beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i must be a total dick as people say things to me and behave like i have deeply wronged them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would like to figure out how to help schools embrace the change that will help children feel accepted and blossom no matter who they are", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left with a feeling of how impressed i was with them and how much they were willing to do to be involved in this project she said", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start to feel that i like them i become petrified of being hurt like i was before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel i understand it and when i showed my program to my professor i think he was quite impressed with my way of doing it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think when the day comes that he has a teacher that feels kids should have homework he wont feel so shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel impatient towards that slow witted natural perm", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ive mentioned every week every summer and just lazing around for that last sweet week of summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the other terrific value of loved ones dinner is attempting new foods", "label": 1} -{"text": "i often feel this is a very unfortunate flaw that i possess", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am happy and relaxed and fascinated at the vividness of the colors changing shapes patterns my vision altered in a way i never thought possible everything is mezmorizing and rolling feels so amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i saw the girl well jazmine speak her feelings on homosexuality i was really shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i saw one of my best mates gary today and told him how i feel he was really supportive told me to hang in there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that this generation is impatient because they recognize fully that if we don t all change immediately how we live and how we make decisions they will not have enough to eat nor a place to lie and they certainly won t have a job no matter how educated they become", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think more than anything i feel impressed to a degree i just dont get from superheroes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel not surprised that screenplay earned an academy merit as it had been very original", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel much better and without the help of ice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit apprehensive because my plan is to completely change the way they garden so there will be obvious complications", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need some time with my closest friends and feeling shy to reach out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thanked her but told her i was feeling really melancholy and wouldnt be much company", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came home one day and discovered that my sister had borrowed my car and had gotten into an accident with it my entire front bumper was destroyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling the contractions by this point so i was not concentrating on anything except gritting my teeth and keeping that dumb iv straight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel a little more sympathetic towards claire and her plight she is still a mary sue and annoys me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get a day off from writing and feeling pressure to be funny and get to laugh at your stories and share some blog love monday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant control wall street or corporate fraud or even how my own elected officials conduct themselves i feel helpless and frightened for my own financial future so im going to find some way to control something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i to feel more pissed off at then", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found him mildly irritating during the whole biography section but the things that irritated me were also things that made me feel sympathetic towards him if that makes sense", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant quite remember its the strangest feeling i know this was something i smelt often as a child and it has an amazing ability to transport me to my childhood home", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can almost see her olive skin and the velvetty feel i can almost smell her sweet innocent breath", "label": 1} -{"text": "i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper", "label": 1} -{"text": "i havent blogged for a while having been completely distracted by another project but i do feel i can no longer ignore the gentle nudges", "label": 2} -{"text": "id be feeling the dull dread i was feeling before kick off since this is the morning after i would actually have preferred that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know why i feel surprised at the difficulty of the tests", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember my shower and the drawn out manner in which i pressed my body up against the wall feeling a listless desperation in feigning the inability to support myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had to admit it feels a little strange thinking tha", "label": 5} -{"text": "im tired of feeling angry rejected and crying", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel extremely blessed to be marrying into such a loving family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel like i havent completely shaken this depressive episode not to mention the cough", "label": 4} -{"text": "i notice a huge difference in the mornings i feel rushed and the ones ive savored", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling amorous today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like being a money greedy whore and my mom wont gimme it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must admit that growing up i was always uncomfortable with my weight and had to live through feeling ugly when compared to my older sister cousins and friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found myself feeling curious about how that would feel too", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive always been passionate about but it also allows me to be creative express my feelings and meet amazing new people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate how i feel not exercising and i was surprised to realise how bad i feel about myself without weight training", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very petty right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love feeling him move around inside me all the time now i love these last few months i get to spend with just my amazing husband and we have really enjoyed our last summer of little responsibility", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must be completely transparent there are some days where my faith is strong and other days where i feel defeated and powerless because of current circumstances called life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little bit surprised logically the news of american football generally should be on the news last as a backup and subtitles broadcast perhaps the first race of the new season i think", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel so stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rather insulted since it is only within this last year that i have begun to really deal with this overwhelming disease i have suffered from my whole life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel scared and nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate feeling nothing for the date and defeated in some part of my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was also feeling unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "im starting to feel quite fond of it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so weepy im great over the stupidest things even nonsensical commercials we hate when we get like this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love him for making me feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am living in a romantic novel but wheres my husband", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so strange and sick i have to wake up in three hours seems like everything runs in threes now days t r e e s", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a strange sense of achievement that i have scraped every nook and cranny of the shells for juicy morsels", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get that sick feeling like the one you get when you hear that someone passed away and youre shocked and lightheaded and i realize hes really gone forever", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can say i feel very satisfied watching this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know what to feel i am infuriated that he cant pay attention to his own daughter telling him big news", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fucking defective", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill always be so glad that i got to feel you moving so much in my womb how amazing that was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really want this challenge to be a fun way for everyone to knock a few games off our backlogs without feeling pressured to reach any certain goals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel amazed to have a healthy baby girl eve antonina lb oz in long who is already nursing like a champ a happy wife who is recovering more quickly than with any other birth and a mother in law who is lovingly watching over our other kids", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do believe i only write in this blog when im feeling gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with the urge to simply step outside and stroll around", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a tortured genius", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started feeling very strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know there are those of you who can relate to my feelings but we must realize that those fearful seeds are tricks of the devil he plants them and waters them with lies i m going to die like or of", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shy talking about embarrassing moments in my life and i feel lost in talking in complexity so my devout lover is my poetry", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little disadvantaged in just a fighter but i ve got maneuverability on my side", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am with my hair not wearing the yemeni abyaa but i feel welcomed and i feel that everybody here accepts the others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would just keep quiet and be in a moment of self criticizing for the rest of the day until its time for bedtime and ill wake up the next day feeling stunned and wondering why i ever felt that way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just hate sitting and watching the news and feeling helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t explain it but i feel really frightened tonight", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling very dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel frustrated like my private life is on hold for my work life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was gasping covering my eyes tearing up feeling nostalgic and terrified all at the same time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a strange distancing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know the feeling i am skeptical of any dessert that doesnt contain large amounts of butter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dirty category a href http laughlot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i jump from one post to another but i really do have to tell you about the excitement i feel i am shocked stunned and giddy ov", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling irritated with knitting lately it seems a huge waste of time for a material possession i most likely won t be happy with anyways", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the precious metals sector will be starting something like this in the near futures and possibly it has already started as seen in the rising volume on the down days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling sentimental and went on google images to look at sizzix originals here is the egg die", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slightly agitated unless i smoke and i think about quitting every day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel treasured feb pm a href http splintereddreams", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stood up and faced her defiantly now feeling enraged that she was walking out on me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know the art world has always been like that but these mega galleries flaunt it so much that in spite of the high quality of some of their shows i feel dirty even going into them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to feel that reading stories like this with statistics and feeling a little shocked in the", "label": 5} -{"text": "im planning out wedding currently its quite a diy wedding so there is lots for me to do and i want to enjoy making things and planning my wedding without feeling stressed to fit it in around work and business", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have always taken a caring role and worked with people of all ages and backgrounds and feel that these experiences mentoring tutoring supporting counselling and teaching have helped me be more understanding of each person s needs and individuality", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am then frustrated with how i feel because i know that the reason i feel that way is because i am selfish and foolish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel loving when i am just fed up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love baby girl but im still not sure how i feel about the wonderful things shes doing to my body", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel amazed by the amazing environment around me", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling some kind of weird presence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel any pressure or pain on my wrists which is really important", "label": 1} -{"text": "when my mother was seriously ill and had to be admitted to the hospital", "label": 4} -{"text": "i pick a pair because of who gave them to me or because i bought them on a trip and i m feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feels very carefree at home now", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive never loved that way and maybe thats why i feel this way doubtful of the true extent of love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling and trusting the story i had written that you read every day i saw the stress in her i disappeared and let the other girls", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed or frazzled or just need to clear my mind im going to sit down with a pile of scraps and just start sewing straight lines and see what happens", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had thought that the other racially charged incidents both off and on campus that we have been hearing about over the last couple of weeks were enough to make each of us feel shocked disgusted vulnerable and unsafe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tried to put my lips to the cup but was feeling intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "im going to die i feel like whats the point of spending my precious and dwindling time try to pack up a storehouse of memory that will be entirely obliterated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so disgusted im worried all over about school im scared my bag will pecah i put so many books inside its probably a crime anyway bye i feel like shit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think of how the early mooc pioneers must feel about how their treasured concept is being used in the wider higher education ecosystem but the only way to prevent that would have been to trap the concept if that was even possible and then it would have died", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel every part of my body get numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to think i had to feel compassionate to be compassionate but i ve learned that isn t true", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling like i have lost command of what seems to be most important except of course a hot shower and heat my daily rituals", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt feeling somehow dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left feeling so welcomed and happy and it was hard to leave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was a little bit surprised but i was also feeling naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would plea all the emerging law students and lawyers and common people like us who feel they have to be punished should raise their voice and protest", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel for the people who dont see its worth or are too afraid to discover it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like with very few exceptions when i try to talk about this with people i just get blank stares", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel sympathetic and empathetic for characters like that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wondered if i should feel afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am surprised with myself everyday feeling insecure and helpless trying to help other without seeing my own liability", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cannot lie i feel my life outlook is a bit jaded", "label": 0} -{"text": "i saw that it is not a decision where i will ever feel cheated i feel honored", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am sitting here with a glass of red wine some camembert and crackers and feeling content with the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel you your deepest fears and desires most unsettling that would threaten to unhinge you were they not so delicious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel jealous that my girl friends are in relationships with other guys i don t really feel the need to date", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more scared of humanity than death", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember thinking i might want to offer an explanation just in case she was feeling a little alarmed but i was still belted into the passenger seat", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started walking again yesterday and it feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the urge to say i m soooo impressed by the way house m", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a strange antisocial creature diffi", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel honoured and humbled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so uncomfortable in my body", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said very little at dinner even in the movie which was good i could feel the grumpy turning into crazy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling generous roll", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel at all envious of any of their lives because it is okay being me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i need to write about it but dont even know if its a worthwhile commitment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will feel guilty forever if i waste it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think about the immense help needed from so many of them sometimes id feel quite helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wobble and feel scared again feel like i cant figure out where to put my feet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i prefer to use my energy and time to invest in those areas that i feel particularly called to and passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have spent feeling shocked or sad i have also felt a little bit of joy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stunned all over again writing about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling rather bitchy so i honked at him and threw my hands in the air", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling uncomfortable from all the puking he would send me to work", "label": 4} -{"text": "i never want to make them feel they are less than amazing and wonderful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i need to do something productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hated him for making me feel so worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel jealous when my friends stalk him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have found that although i love the feeling of a fish on a cane rod i am not that impressed with the older reels", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that i m too clever for my own good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i steer clear of descriptions of god because our human perception and vocabulary cant describe the infinite but i do feel confident to say that god is not petty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i clean i feel like there is always one room in the house that is a vicious mess", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started the semester feeling lost lonely distant from god and grieving the loss of my perfect community that dissolved after many of my best friends picked up their diplomas last spring and peaced out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have no idea but i certainly feel elegant about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel incredibly privileged to have been witness to such a special moment in madonnas life", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a little uptight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to experiment with conflicting opposing feelings i call them paranoid feelings because they make the person look as if they are paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel impressed to share an excerpt with you from the one year devotional my wife brenda and i wrote some years ago called grace for grief", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began feeling funny that evening and woke up in the middle of the night so cold and chattering that i woke mark up too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i smirks quietly acting as if he didnt just notice that feeling quite impressed by rukis secret obsession", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a lot of people will not be supportive but really those people dont surprise me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a repeat of my grocery outing returned home feeling pretty confident with even more dishes to make this time including two whole chickens", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling bitchy tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was looking at pinterest and feeling not so cute we are saving money so shopping isnt in the question right now so i started adding my own pictures to the pinterest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t feel particularly bothered but i didn t feel particularly great either", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that their apology is sincere and that it was not really their fault i blame you blogger bots", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should be outraged but there are so many things to be outraged about anymore that sometimes my outrage tank is on empty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel a little strange saying something like that because it feels like such a shallow goal", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling very stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant feel the ephedrine today and im frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t want to spend my first weeks and months with my newborn in constant tears fighting an uphill battle that exhausted all of us and potentially left me feeling resentful and drained", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel amused by all of this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive been put here to be tortured teased disapointed with life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i allowed myself to wonder why this sweet angel has to go through all of this stuff and how unfair that feels the more frustrated and emotional i got", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tricked myself into being in love before and it was just simple infatuation or extreme sexual frustration and i am incapable of feeling or truly caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to see your eyes filled with kindness feel your gentle hands and lie wrapped in your strong arms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel relieved now like a huge load has been lifted off me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im back and im feeling generous so im going to give you a small spoiler hint about my next story post", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling more liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to say i only want you to be happy but deep inside i feel greedy like im actually saying i want to be happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i were coming home one night jon mentioned how little nola was and i reminded him that liam was a pound smaller than she was and he said how did i ever feel safe holding him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really like how the anna faris character feels genderless in the fact that she gets to behave like most slutty sloppy guys do in rom coms and she isn t really judged by it in the end", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kept dreaming about bad situations and difficult people all of which stressed me out and left me feeling agitated even after waking up a few minutes ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more insulted every time i go shopping for clothes like i m being jammed into a mold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very sympathetic for the soldiers out there on the field", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel extremely privileged to have experienced such a wonderful personal encounter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel distraught depressed upset i cry", "label": 4} -{"text": "im ok im not on self destruct im just tired amp feeling a bit beaten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have definitely seen and felt many blessings from heavenly father especially on the days when things feel gloomy and lonely while mike is away working hard for our future", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like maybe i accepted his friend request because i thought he would be a good business contact", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cannot help but feel inspired and uplifted both by martinez himself and by his association with occupy wall street", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel tremendously loved the more honestly i reach out to meet my own needs in mutually abundant ways", "label": 2} -{"text": "i honestly am already feeling nostalgic about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not wish to be a self subsistent and independent person and that if i were then i would feel defective and incomplete", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that now is the time for the asf to stand up and stop supporting java development because the process which surrounds java does not reflect the open nature of the asf", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel passionate about finding natural ways for attain and maintain optimum health", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am left feeling a little skeptical by your latest response regarding the use of quotes around my name", "label": 4} -{"text": "i even feel shaken with every page a read", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like petty differences and drama have come in the way of a lot of true friendships and it all seems silly to let things such as these effect the relationships that helped to shape the people that we all are today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so useless in this family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as a blogger you shouldnt be afraid to blog about topics and issues that may be potentially offensive to others and it is very importantant to be highly opinionated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i let things slide that i shouldnt and as a result i feel resentful and annoyed at him all the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this means shes really smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like and i feel like he was considerate and fair in making decisions on what pieces of furniture to buy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often blame it on the fact that i m a night person i don t feel productive until midafternoon but i know that s not the whole of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like there is just as much violent programming in other countries and there is not the same incidence of factors", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling quite sceptical about this at the moment and think it will certainly not help my job prospects", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to feel a gentle breeze the air had seemed to change from the cool dank of the caves to something else", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like iam unimportant or forgotten which i get the unimportant one more", "label": 0} -{"text": "i ever going to stop feeling so restless that at times i wish i could unhinge my bones and use them as drumsticks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know youve got your eyes fixed on my two big tits but honey it wouldnt hurt to look me in the face first and see that im biting on my lip right now coz i feel so fucking horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i take judgement with a salt lick and i m more likely to consider the source before i feel ashamed for having fallen out of favor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel gracious what about you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that this year we have been caught surprised by our rival halls standard", "label": 5} -{"text": "i loved her brand focus on soap and glory and i really enjoy the mix of beauty and fashion and the fact her blog is personal and reader inclusive when reading i feel like she is talking to me and its a lovely personal touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went along to the service they were lovely and even when i was struggling they didn t make me feel like a naughty girl they were brilliant and supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i rushed into marriage and now i m miserable a href http realitychick", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t express how honored i feel to be answered nor how i respect your generous daily actions toward the ciga community", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel invigorated and pretty good about everything at the moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also went for my second solo concert didn t feel as out of place cos i just didn t bothered about others eyes", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not writing this because i feel like i need to defend myself for what its worth i dont think the commenter was really putting me in the position of needing to do that she was very gracious but because the comment just prompted more thoughts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i say fearless words but i feel fearful thoughts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am willing to experience conflict to feel pain and suffering to be confused even to be mortal and to die", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to know kyuhyun started to speak seriously feeling nervous on the inside but not letting it show", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am generous and will always help someone if they ask even if it is inconvenient to me because i will feel bad if i say no", "label": 0} -{"text": "i leave the yoga center and head home feeling resigned to feeling pretty old and out of shape", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant say i know they had sex but i remember sarah feeling pretty good that shed been with a black basketball star", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m always horny and i think that s just because i m not getting it enough", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill feel like im doing something worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like in the cruise make the earths circumference becomes mine with my beloved sunshine laying beside me on the couch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling far less melancholy for having expressed this for having realized that what i have from james must be enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel somewhat badly that im so ungrateful for everything theyre doing for me but as soon as i can find a job and some place i can afford the rent im moving out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling quite precious about my material on friday and felt like she didn t understand but now i see that i was just being very attached to it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started my daily ramblings feeling kind of like someone who cant be bothered doing anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about many things my wife and kids being at the top of the list", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty pathetic about my feelings but i just cannot help it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will feel hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill get in today because im really feeling lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i going to feel weird in my own home with my own family in my own country", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel that the film took any shortcuts and certainly its approach seemed more faithful than those of most films like say a beautiful mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see those two best friends together it gives me warm fuzzy feelings in my stomach because lets forget all the slashyness for a moment i always admired how close and honest friendships between men can be", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive moaned a lot in this post so youll probably be surprised that i actually had a pretty fun night", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the incision is tender but all in all im feeling pretty good which is good considering that taking care of a newborn and breastfeeding is a task", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a real connection to pope francis and desire to follow the loving example he is giving us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i still get people to make mistakes but i was really impressed with a lot of the play at this lock final table", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate to admit it but im feeling greedy for once i want to try to get melisa but tuesday", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am so thrilled at this news i also feel so dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i took five tramadols over hours ago but now i feel just weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling less uncertain about the whole process", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel dazed a mix of that feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will leave this shop and ill feel really disturbed by the experience then i stumbled choking on my humiliation out of the shop", "label": 0} -{"text": "i spend with him or even away from him thinking about him all while he is gone i can t help but to feel this peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have just woken up from a dream and am attempting to remember the details of it exactly as it happened fearful that small details are getting lost and time is getting non sequential", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to encourage all of the guys who are feeling hopeless about never succeeding in attracting the girl they like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel perfect but it was beautiful and freeing to for once feel like i was almost healthy person", "label": 1} -{"text": "im also hoping that eating watermelon will cool me down so i wont feel quite so uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes have to take unpopular positions and today i feel its vital to call adi roche and the chernobyl childrens project international out for misinforming the public", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am unable to move for a month and already feeling cooped up and impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am exploring the way to capture and express my feeling of longing and emptiness from my own experience of being away from home", "label": 2} -{"text": "i finished it and i was painting by feel i was surprised at how well it turned out when i got a look the next morning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i meet someone who is ready to commit and willing to admit to it i feel excited because it takes a strong person to stand by his belief and do what he can to get it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ever feel nervous in my neighborhood is when i hear about a recent crime that was committed nearby", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still feeling a bit stressed but not as stressed as i was crying constantly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want you now i want you here i desire your feel please come to me now come to me my beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel insulted and patronised by such categories", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it would be impolite to ask people about it too much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember when you used to tell me about k and about how having her around made you feel unhappy and was a constant reminder of how things didn t go the way you had wanted them to be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love the idea of documenting our lives obviously i have this blog where i you know document my life but i feel overwhelmed by this social need to document every cool thing we do or every social interaction we have", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just do not feel like being joyful in my circumstances or thankful for them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am embarrassed that i feel a need to write about them or anything so petty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love that they still want to catch up with me and make me feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so naughty sliding those panties up your legs and over your ass and well i can take it way beyond panties to being a full on sissy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel bad about myself and thats silly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a nice eight weeks of the whole morning sickness and i still have days where im not feeling so hot but im starting to feel much better", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling bitchy and spiteful so i am going to name names", "label": 3} -{"text": "im stressed that im not feeling stressed up enough for the exams", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel angry and would like to ask them dont try to question on my capability on my works by email them all the works that i done in the office", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still have that same feeling which is making me hesitant about my interview at work", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would walk away feeling defeated because i had missed so much so many events that i had not posted about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling especially thankful for today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not feeling quite so morose but i think it captures my state of mind a month ago rather well", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling useless stupid and cant seem to do anything right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i and i were feeling distressed since no maappillai bridegroom was forthcoming", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill never forget the night that we were watching tv on his parents couch and i was feeling insecure because i had a horrible acne breakout on my face so i was laying in his lap with my face turned away from him watching tv and leans down and whispers in my ear that he loves me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt have to be there to feel remorse or sympathetic to those who have lost loved ones or to those who lost their lives nor did i have to loose someone there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious because i would like to explore what is at the top of the helterskelter like plant", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling really strange almost like i drank red bulls", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel they are amazing unique people and i love them so very much", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have mixed feelings about her kreatuv i cant decide if i want her to be horribly tortured or die kreatuv emotions are so confusing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a class post count link href http lovely liar", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so terribly tender when i watch my love with animals", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel superior yes i do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel petrified yet feeling scared is not the solution", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed but know it is all good", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel uncomfortable when getting to sleep at night", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am going to add some photos from today and again thank you all for your dear support when i was feeling overwhelmed at different moments", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so stunned and sad about the earthquake in christchurch new zealand yesterday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sorry carl bergen today pm a href", "label": 0} -{"text": "i often feel very inadequate and i wonder why god gave me this testimony", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable then i leave", "label": 4} -{"text": "i lead a unconventional life regardless of how i feel weird about nepali music and the company of nepali people i am a nepali", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that i am the one whos being too obnoxious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel awful that ive been away from writing for so long", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess im just feeling hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i watched scenes in which he first found himself investigating the streets of tokyo somewhat overwhelmed by his encounters and wearing a somewhat dazed expression on his face i could relate to rudi for i feel somewhat dazed myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my face get hot and my blood pressure rise", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lighter already when i felt burdened and bogged down in my current position", "label": 0} -{"text": "getting into this university", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been told by people that i seem nervous at times when i do not feel nervous or perceive myself as nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this because i know the person i liked is the best i would ever get", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel all funny just thinking about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i run into a brand new designer that i feel absolutely amazed excited and captivated by", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began feeling horrible i was stuck there trying to be nice impress his family probably could have slapped judy and no one would have said a word", "label": 0} -{"text": "im impatiently waiting im feeling optimistic and eager about getting back into my field", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found myself feeling really grumpy about taste", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am so incredibly thankful for the temple and for the blessings the promises and especially the feeling that comes over me when i am either inside this amazing building or simply when i drive by", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cannot express how wonderful this feels other than to say that i am constantly amazed at the luck that seems to follow me around", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling all uptight about this made up character", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so lethargic nauseous weak and experience some light headedness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel irritated i can t imagine how excluding it must feel to my friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have received comments on this blog making it clear that many in the public school community do not support her suit and feel that it served only as an unwelcome distraction from real far more pressing issues that affect the children of this community", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got the feeling they were a little shocked then again i was too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like samantha on that episode of sex amp the city except im not slutty enough", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling unsure and unaccomplished all over again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that the vicious enchantment deals an extra d unnamed damage to opponent and d damage to myself would be extremely beneficial for me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have lost all desire for feeling by perfect pussy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will try to let myself feel happy too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very inadequate when i speak to you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like no matter how much i travel i am so often surprised by the smallest things like how nice the tsa guys at dulles can be or how interesting for lack of a better word one s airplane seatmates can be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling so miserable after eating and i was unsure what was causing it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have plans for a few upcoming projects and feel much more caught up this week so hopefully my lame silence wont last much longer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was already feeling defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange like i m floating in the air", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am more shocked at my ability to wake up at am than i am about my new cultural surroundings", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling extremely mellow right now with an added bonus of discontent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel restless and move walking a long way to find another right place", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling low is to sl", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange i havent felt like this for a while", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find myself feeling unexpectedly shocked and saddened this morning by the news of steve jobs passing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel your anointing washing over me like precious oil and soothing balm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel resentment towards life when something bad happens", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldnt be surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i eventually couldn t feel the weird object in my inner ear anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so disgusted and even though i sanitised the product twice before swatching them i still feel icky to put it on my lips", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know made me feel like saying but i m grumpy now can t you tell", "label": 3} -{"text": "i go straight for the bad reviews because i feel a bad review will tell you way more than a good one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel like supporting this country however", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel she means it in a pleasant way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that my caring personality is good for a therapeutic school", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling for t shirts lately and loving all these sort of naff tees", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the necessity to embrace the spirit of art loving so this picture below is just a random painting made by my lil sister", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a bit homesick tonight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel a bit intimidated when i go to these mets bloggers events", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel embarrassed that i cannot understand it myself i do not know enough bengali to hear this story from boro chacha s own mouth", "label": 0} -{"text": "i type away and the bookcase organised with books in order feeling very satisfied right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love that my clients walk away feeling wonderful and so do i", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling that my carefree days of good sleep are at an end", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look in the mirror i don t always see someone who feels loving and i certainly don t always see someone who feels perfectly created", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember glancing up at my mom amp she had tears in her eyes feeling helpless but she cheered me on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know i know cat eye sunglasses should not be worn with a s style sweater but i was feeling rebellious am i the only one who worries if her sunglasses match the decade of her outfit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel my target audience is pretty much everybody and though feeling overwhelmed with that reality i look to a href http lacigreen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel tragic all at the same time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should have known that i could not just sit back and feel relieved at the removal of this twice monthly responsibility", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that people should be more considerate with people working in a call center", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that the students were still not intelligent or mature enough to provide quality jokes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this gentle reminder in my spirit that i havent been called to make things look good or sugar coat them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel you on the so much space in stores being devoted to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tried dieting cardio kick boxing and taebo both workouts i still love but all i accomplished was feeling more frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do like is planning and knowing what is going to happen or how i m going to feel i don t know why i m still surprised when that doesn t happen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have the most important accounting test of my life but im not feeling particularily anxious because i have studied very well", "label": 4} -{"text": "i miss feeling innocent in this situation", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just could not push on feeling so miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i at times feel helpless when im completely alone because if something bad were to happen id have no one there to help", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very selfish and immature in a lot of areas except with adam actually", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling a bit shy lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling quite pathetic and miserable actually", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got on and im feeling amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left the shop feeling a little humiliated and wondering if there was another pharmacy i could go to next time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i no longer feel pressured to constantly do something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know what it is but lately i have been feeling more cranky than usual", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i am determined to regain my routine i once had and of which i was so proud", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remain with this feeling of being alone or something", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling disgusted with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i lay watching two spots of light scurry around the empty streets feeling the most contented i had in all my life in the peace in the quiet and with the goddess to watch over me forever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i so poured my heart soul and life into the campaign that i feel like i lost a part of myself now that it is finished", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hated ignored trashed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel we owe it to all of us humans to keep the world safe by punishing crimes to the same degree as the victim has suffered", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling dangerous or stupid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the foreignness of my life in japan", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am reminded that i am alive that i am only truly living if i can feel to each extent of the spectrum jubilant joy vs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tend to feel that the problem i contribute to the ruination of the dangerous high adventure mood of the genre occurs in the adjudication of events", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling overwhelmed by school just yet i only give that a week or so hah", "label": 4} -{"text": "i touch my nose and feel the dull roots of pain tug through my teeth nose and eyes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling very overwhelmed because we are so busy", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling generous lately spirit of after christmas maybe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i saw someone on the tube applying the gloss of days gone by that i found myself feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like god via some very precious people has given us everything we need for getting well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i may have been one of those people speaking of my own feelings but i am offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling pretty skeptical about the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sorry if you feel im not supporting you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do however feel that some people would not be so shocked right", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really shaky and tired got to take the kids to gymnastics soon though for a hour session so knackered x", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spent to waste my night feeling dazed depressed and bored", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started thinking that she wanted was to gain power over me so that she would make herself feel superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not a big fan of feeling really hot or really cold let alone both in quick succession", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel a little hesitant to call my new apartment my home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel an increase in my delicate libido", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel respected here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i began to get over my guilty feelings of adding to our family and i started seeing it as a wonderful opportunity for miss m to experience the joys of having a sibling which we knew we always wanted we just hadnt planned on it happening so soon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have so many feels god p is totally surprised but pleased oh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel are of vital importance and if youre still here reading this you must have a green tinge too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that my weekend has been productive enough that i dont feel guilty and will now spend the rest of the evening reading my book", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sampled their original emotobook to get a feel for what they were doing and was impressed with the artist involved", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little shaken up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know you may feel horny on your period but it s gross to have sex then not to mention it can damage his health and yours", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit heartless for this but that is how it is", "label": 3} -{"text": "i let myself feel this tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i commented that i could relate and felt like one of those animals you see on nat geo that they dart from a helicopter and then release back into the wild feeling groggy and wondering what the hell just happened to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel in love with him which angers him but he has abused em so deeply it is unexplainable how much he has hurt me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that when you really are impressed with that person and they are really impressed with you then maybe just maybe it might be time to think about the next step which is a relationship", "label": 5} -{"text": "i possibly should feel insulted even if i just insulted myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel a bit crap after sweet drinks but this leaves me feeling great no matter how many ive had", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel like a lame piece of shit saying that considering i believe happiness is most often a choice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i chose to stay in eat pizza and feel resentful that no one wanted to do something for my birthday", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant imagine how i am going to feel when i have lost all of my weight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am flustered and feeling very strange through this experience", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am making better choices and pushing myself to be a better person so it makes me feel more calm and collected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i used to be but you can likely relate to that feeling of wanting to do something but feeling terrified to start", "label": 4} -{"text": "i myself was feeling really frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am praying myself but i feel a curious disconnect like why bother praying because its way beyond my control anyway", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have full loads of classes and concerts and other activities lined up to oppress oppose the thoughts and feelings of bitter sorrow and depression", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will be able to smile and wave at them and feel like we are friendly acquaintances if not actually friends the next time we bump into each other", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so uptight unsettled unbalanced disappointed and discouraed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the curious stares the kind hearted questions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get angry and sometimes i am quick to raise my voice at my children and sometimes my husband when i feel wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more insecure about them i have about manuscripts at various stages of development", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can say is my arse he did if im feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was given some news tonight that left me feeling furious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feelin really insecure today and i told him about how fat ugly i am", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had worries about a certain illness", "label": 4} -{"text": "my cat died from an illness it had been with us for years it was a lovely cat it had been ill for one or two weeks and the veterinary surgeon had told us that it was dying", "label": 0} -{"text": "i twisted way at all feel weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit terrified of some financial aspects going on i am just believing god will advise me how to handle those circumstances", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my summer days are so precious to me for some reason", "label": 1} -{"text": "i put it this way if ex prime ministers feel they are legends in their own mind and think they are beloved by taxpayers in canada why would they need protection especially when some are billionaires", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling less generous i call her psychotic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t always give alms to the needy i don t feel overly sympathetic to street kids i have not been blessed with a pure and loving heart and i found kathy griffin s suck it jesus emmy acceptance speech really really funny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need without giving so many specifics that it makes others feel helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i loved the feel of this on my body and was surprised by how much i loved the high neckline i usually show a wee bit of cleavage and the length just like with the heart print betty dress does work with that high neck although i maintain that some of you will want to take it up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would like to know how you feel about harper supporting a country that has killed some of our own citizens albeit indirectly in an act of retaliation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still sometimes feel like im too damaged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i thought successes gave me an high getting acceptance into an innocent group could also give that same feeling and yes this was a sweet failure that i will cherish", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel calmer and not as impatient with a certain man i live with saving the high price of marriage counseling", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive talked to many who have come to feel that theyre no longer valued or needed in the ministry of the church", "label": 1} -{"text": "id be your memory feelings insincere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling that my supervising teacher is overwhelmed and may have too many students", "label": 5} -{"text": "i admitted feeling a little irritated with him all over again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cry with such pain and anguish and the feeling of longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt concentrate kept feeling damn distracted by thoughts that shouldnt even be there initially and i really dont know what should i do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling so annoyed that i lost my temper and threw the remote on his face", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got up this morning but was feeling groggy from the allergy pill", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im caring for a child with partial custody", "label": 2} -{"text": "i added red to mine as im feeling quite festive at the moment and i trying my hardest not to put up my christmas tree so im using red in everything", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean like flakey dry dehydrated snake skin feeling horrible so not only am i using moisturising products e", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling that you find a loving home very soon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can book a sneaky week in the sun then please don t feel i will be offended and not offer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stood there feeling the cold bleed through the window i suddenly guessed the truth and tingles spread over my body", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sit here with my first cup of coffee i m feeling pretty smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "i resolved to level with eg in the morning and tell her that sometimes whats hard for moms when their children are frightened is that they feel a bit helpless because they know they cannot fix the problem for the child", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to get out from confusing feeling and helpless feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel threatened by him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to know if there is any way i can appeal this and reverse the ruling because i feel i have been completely wronged not only by the pennsylvania state police department but the other involved in the accident as well", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk back to the table feeling a little dazed as well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am making a step back and i feel so unprotected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel gorgeous i feel gorgeous a href http jazzitudeiwontbelabeled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am writing today because i feel like im dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a spa day today and i feel fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would have not adopted the dog to those people who i had a funny feeling about and then returned him would he be in a loving home right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began to feel inadequate about the masters program and the readings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel no sadness no longing for home nothing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling a little curious about what size i am now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would rather key into feelings of loving all people and all manner of things in this world that i would rather key into feelings of hatred", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel intimidated is not that i have not played a game before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to feel ungrateful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not like feeling vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed i find it hard to concentrate on anything and do not know where to start", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like the curls and i see from the artwork what they were going for a marie antoinette feel in their rushed attempt it didnt really get there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more blessed than i ever have before as i have gained another big family who inspires and teaches me so much every day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i have impressed my peers and i pray that in my final portfolio i have met prof", "label": 5} -{"text": "i might just say tonight im feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have avoided writing a post about marriage because i feel inadequate to write one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i bet everyone out there feeling disappointed is like towards their results amp nothing else but im here feeling let down by something i shouldnt be but i just cant help it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think about him all i can do is smile feel love n be joyful that hes in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i say that i feel like im being tortured by him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had been feeling deprived after not having rice for a few days and overloading on potatoes so my asian was kicking in and screaming for the staple carbohydrate or maybe it was actually just really delicious", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had isaac i started feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do remember my left quad starting to feel strange not hurting yet an aggravating feeling about a week or two before the marathon", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so helpless now my guitar is not around br style background color white color font family verdana font size px line height", "label": 0} -{"text": "i and chips from the jetty takeaway and wandered down to bondi along the clifftop walk feeling more and more morose for some reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel like in order to understand why i can be paranoid sometimes i need to share some of the things that have happened in the past", "label": 4} -{"text": "i give the win to mendelsohn as i feel he did even more for his film through his sympathetic characterization that naturally reveals itself to be a terrifying performance which actually overcomes the weaknesses brought to the film by its lead performance", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill be honest it feels really weird to me that we might never have a new child", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wont have to feel irritable and discontent later when i begin to sober up and i can sit here and laugh at you all while you drink", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill never dress up like that but its more of a state of mind or feeling that youre more playful and intimate in a passionate and sexual way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am a pretty loyal republican but i dont consider mccain a republican", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling quite irritated at my husband and i knew it was all due to my own issues", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found myself alternately feeling annoyed with myself for accepting this responsibility and annoyed that i was overreacting", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel the lords hand in this as he touches our life each day with tender mercies and feelings of patience and love for one another and others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can think about or do right now other than feel very very scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went all red and feel annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel horny right now a href http mtftgmalaysia", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing i dont get tired", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can cause you to feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remembered that one of the most useful things i can do when i am feeling resentful is to picture the person or situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling shy and introverted all i have to do is keep a small smile on my face and either a stranger will start chatting to me or oh look theres a crowd i know walking toward me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel the gentle touch of the suns rays warming me along with the comforting solid cold of the snow on my back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would rather not have this all too late hackneyed pathetic daily attempts at acquaintance i cant help but feel so enraged when you suddenly think you care about my life when you left me to suffer in silence all those years ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel thoroughly overwhelmed in a happy and excited sort of way about how much there is to explore in sock knitting as in sock yarns", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel funny calling beard papa a bakery since i usually view bakeries as places that offer a full line of different baked goods and beard papa doesnt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling up to it and really adventurous i may walk to the lirr station and hop on a train in manhattan in nyc to go shopping there and to stop at st", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked at this in the dream particularly as my own daughter passed at months", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel as though i must rename my beloved blog", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my life is so repressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did make it home without the hole ripping to my kneecap and without jeff s family noticing my i feel naughty underwear through my pants", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling bitchy today which in itself is not a newsflash at all but given that i dont actually have a specific reason it might be noteworthy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i lay there feeling really sceptical thinking now im all for the eating program and it all makes sense and so far its working but i really do not see how a cd can hypnotise me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love reading your comments so feel free to share your opinions and your stories", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more in control and more outgoing im doing ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel abortion is an option for those parents that are unsure of their commitment and longing for a child even if the child in not perfect", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i was amazed as i have seen this ballet by both russian companies and the thing that impressed me was the competence and professionalism of their young dancers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant claim to know exactly what it feels like to be a woman who is hated by men i can understand the problem and i can do my part to try and help", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fucked and thats somehow unlikely to change until i can eat properly or likewise take a proper shit or puke its a trifecta of possibilities", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel terrified panicked or angry when i don t give in to my food cravings just like i did when i stopped smoking and how i feel now when i am climbing the walls for lack of tv", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to dig what actually making me feeling messy inside", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel my presentation was successful and debbie was very impressed with some of my work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a curious joyous laughter within", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel wimpy but", "label": 4} -{"text": "im mixed between feeling amazed that her birthday is next week and that shes only", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little dismayed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am becoming a grouchy old fat lady and i resent it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about homeforbusiness as i believe that lots of people want to create a better work life balance and work from home either setting up a new business or working as a freelancer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i can call when i need to talk about how i am feeling and who will be supportive not judgmental are", "label": 2} -{"text": "i return to the shower to shave the remainder of my left leg which now feels vain and insignificant", "label": 0} -{"text": "im kinda feeling mellow right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finished as the th canadian in our nationals race th overall and in contrast to the previous weekend in magog i didnt feel disappointed in myself at all because i knew that that was all i could do on that day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i struggle with really how to put words to the feeling i get when i read and listen to floras description of her creative process", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel helpless though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i chose to feel miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cannot look at someone else without feeling deeply disturbed and sickened that i would even wish to think about anyone else", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel far too distracted to actually write anything of substance", "label": 3} -{"text": "im left with so many questions and with the feeling that i missed something major that perhaps my reading was too literal that i was too caught up in the complexities of the plot and the deeper meaning of the story eluded me or i read right past it too intent on what happens next", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel frustrated if he didn t come", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it was my longing to be love which led me to trust and give a try what i thought i deserved but clearly i was wrong to have opened up to a false love like yours", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so cautious i get off my bike and walk when i feel it is too dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i came away feeling amazed that we live in a society that has allowed such incredible suffering to go on such a large scale for so long", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt as a tween watching early real world but instead of feeling a voyeur s envious thrill at the specter of adults away from home for the first time i instead know the envious thrill of watching kids away from home for the first time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know what to do amp can do but i choose not to is not i giving up but just have this kind of feeling that i cant be bothered to anything amp seems like ppl advise i also cant heed it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel anything but peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ashamed about this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was an angry bitter person which lead me to hide my feelings and react in such a sarcastic way people think im a horrible person or dislike me upon meeting me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about korea and my parents but i have somewhat accepted my fate on those issues and i can go about my life without being at least constantly broken up about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive worked in the spa industry for years and i feel so blessed to be able to share this beautiful information of healing with my guest and now to you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was stressed and feeling fearful through most of this week to be honest but today i woke up feeling better", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just got home after being out all day and i don t feel like posting anything of substance plus i m curious to see how many hits this will get from google searches since it has the word antichrist in the title", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as i did before our own beloved sunwell was destroyed which is deeply comforting on many levels", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to feel supportive and excited", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have mixed feeling with strange feeling and embarrassment", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel fond of my neighbors which definitely helps me deal with noises", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stuck with it mainly because i am stubborn and i do not like the feeling that something has beaten me", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a little strange lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have such amazing friends and i cant wait to hang out with a couple more i havent seen in a while", "label": 2} -{"text": "i ran as fast as i could really feeling awful i always forget how awful you feel during a race but i can hardly say i was anything spectacular", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was worthless style border title bullying made me feel i was worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a pretty bad feeling the last two books will be rushed in terms of story", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so privileged to have the option to celebrate the founding of our country in a former colonial capital", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel weel enough to go out but hated the fact i was in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like writing up some more in depth thoughts needy girl thoughts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling stunned and amazed when i looked around and no one sitting at tables under them and walking around them seemed the least bit phased", "label": 5} -{"text": "i only have to think of it to feel a longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this way and part of me is furious that i have to explain it at all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i heard the first half of let it be and i was feelin kinda mellow so i just turned it off of shuffle funny thing is i never turned it back on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wonder if this is the drive that missionaries feel i m so surprised it s happening to me there was a time when i hated leaving home", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel a bit listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bad coz every time i need to bitch i come here but who cares no one read this since its just for me to rant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldn t believe my feeling with this again and my husband was pretty shocked despite my rant", "label": 5} -{"text": "the saddest moment in my life was when i lost my younger sister a few years back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel that it is pretty violent however on the side of the coin it is true that there are many educational programming available on tv", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel funny listen to i feel funny the beautiful young girl of this japan also really doesn t know dissimulation a few of my wives be the first time when i touched a top them a jade milk also was all this felling can only a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling generous so feel free to leave separate comments for separate sources and youll up your odds", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit here this sunday feeling a little sentimental", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found the right time to speak out to her about how i feel about her and that i really liked her a lot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i no longer feel glad for it however glad it once made me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i goddesses ooooh it feels strange to be doing this on a saturday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can still remember the feeling of defeat and regret and how foolish i had been", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had to guess i would say its because i did a lot of flirting this weekend and it didnt result in anything i just feel like i need to do go look at something and i cant put my finger on it which leaves me very distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel completely unsure of the direction you are taking me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more confident talking to people", "label": 1} -{"text": "in a park near our home", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am so inhibited at times feeling like i need to act a certain way fit the mold so to speak", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do know the next time im having a glass of red wine im tossing a big ol ice cube in it and if im feeling really rebellious i may not even swirl the glass or sniff it and i recommend you try the same thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am surrounded by others i feel agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strange wearing bright colors on the subway", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would describe the music of seconds to mars as rock with a hint of the electroic feel and while i may not be fond of the lead singer he does have a nice voice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be living in a renewed renaissance age", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel passionate about the importance of both femininity and dorkiness in making me the strongest leader most competent teacher and most honest artist in the context of some balanced conformity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love my gym because most gyms are full of very fit people who make you feel slightly horny and quite inferior", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel shy when it comes to sharing tips for newbie bloggers because i still consider myself one", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling cranky today and on top of it didnt get my run in", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself feeling suddenly fond of yuugi now that his graduation is imminant how the hell do you spell that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the more i feel the need to be alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel that tender love when im in pain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am not being the supportive mom i need to be", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel slightly alarmed by the amount of pink that my blog has been including lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am just feeling overwhelmed and there is nothing i can do to fix it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the most important thing i can do for him is encourage him to care for himself independently", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been on the receiving end of every one of the above so i know firsthand how they make you feel and so do plenty of other people many are strangers on the street that are convinced they must know mom from somewhere because she surely does know them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like todays sweet treat would be something served at the north pole", "label": 2} -{"text": "i barely knew this person and i cant help but feel if my violent tendencies still course through these veins", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have gone through seasons like that too feeling like there was no way out of a situation that i hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read a book whose plot and expressions were obscene and in very bad taste", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a longing sensation whenever im not with you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little funny about br style background color white color font family arial sans serif font size", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel when the internet cuts out gifs gifs and more funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel assaulted by reality", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got another sucks news i have high blood pressure i feel like dying im afraid that when i died i will be so fat that the coffin will break and also heaven and hell thing because to be honest with my life i probably going to hell even if i dont want to ohhh how i have sinned", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love a beautifully bound journal but i feel snobbish toting it around", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a completely useless human being", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am determined to overcome and press into feeling amazing again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so confused and a tad bit guilty for everything blowing up while she was here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i understand and even agree with people who feel that talking on a cellphone on the train is rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that more people are around me supporting me laughing with me smiling with me crying with me suffering with me celebrating with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about leaving so many precious people behind p but anyway i thought id share some christmassy pictures i made some time ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess i have a right to feel this way but i dont know because lately i havent been a faithful contributing member of the christian faith", "label": 2} -{"text": "i usually throw the notes cards in a shoe box or in a file folder to save for a day when im not feeling so hot and then i whip them out and reminisce", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to jump over this hurdle", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of dangerous with it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know what it is like to feel hated to be miserable to stay awake at night fretting over the next encounter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have had mixed feelings about how we leave iraq because although i was never supportive of this insanity my country went into the country and summarily destroyed it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that dalton is definitely wher ei belong right now and i am feeling more and more longing to stay there this fall", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel her whimper to the thought of being unloved and uncared for", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel is guidance from my adoring i", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been keeping my hand on my belly to see if i can feel any movements and i decided for some reason to stick my finger in my belly button and i was shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i genuinely think children like feeling useful and a part of the everyday goings on one reason i ve always tried to be cheerful when doing housework which seems to have rubbed off on ms tidypants who sometimes request we get the hoover out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got along with the best i worried about how they were feeling and what they are thinking about me and if i should be doing something differently so that i would feel more accepted or wouldn t offend them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little weird right now that im leaving", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get a day off from writing and feeling pressure to be funny and get to laugh at your stories and share some blog love monday is the wonderful a href http geremiafamily", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very morose and upset with this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did not feel like a naughty child being scolded the book came across like a conversation with a good friend and for me that is the type of self help bok that will kick me into action", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been wondering how it feels like to be one of those carefree girls", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a bit weird about a house ive never lived in and suddenly i want to drive to idaho and play in a front yard that my bare feet have never touched", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to feel strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wouldnt feel frantic and scared and out of control and helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel as if i impressed the motherlover", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember at the time feeling so stressed about it like it was the biggest deal in the world", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am going to add some photos from today and again thank you all for your dear support when i was feeling overwhelmed at different moments", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel she got intimidated and annoyed and i kinda can know what she thinks why she is always like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i confessed all this to her in the belief that my outpouring of honesty and feelings would be accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very hot but it has been a normal condition for me right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like many are devoted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very nostalgic on saturday and made sure to spend some time there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel reassured and loved ill be as good as an angel if you can do what i need to be done ill do what you want me to do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rather smug about making something she loves playing with like a proper parent even if the cost of the rice and the food colouring and the container means it is one of her more expensive toys", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate that feeling of being impatient lol something to work on for the new year be more chilllllllllllllax", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill put one there just so he can feel triumphant when he trots off with it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant quite capture the horrible sadness and feeling of loss that happens the moment you realize the place you grew up is not the amazing paradise you always believed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember sitting at my kitchen table watching this and feeling stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so lost sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sure did enjoy the feeling of your tender hands on my heart but surely that does not mean you could carelessly rip it apart", "label": 2} -{"text": "im the one who feels like crap about it whos all needy and psycho", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel my savior s tender care", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can be or what i think and feel that i can like violent pictures and boys kissing boys but there was an understanding that it was kept in its box", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel hurt and used and betrayed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel greedy and craving and envious and desiring the opportunity to live in a ritzy style", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just look at everything and feel overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic to those who realized too late and i feel even more sorry for those who still live in their la la land of forever and always", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the most calm and at peace because the silence isnt disrupted by anyone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel accepted and befriended by them they did in fact befriend me on social media", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the needy one here and i don t like that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so restless and fidgety like the whole just get it done and over with feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i seem to feel it more so i was fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kid you not they would sit there and talk about me making up the biggest lies ever sue they were all meant to make me seem godly untouchable and what have you but it made me feel very bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant even think of last year without starting to feel listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a strange peace today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel confident within ai for room to debate these issues", "label": 1} -{"text": "i even feel disgusted about myself for feeling horrible on uncountable days till now and still i couldnt get over it", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been thinking it is the first time i really being able to make love to a person im leaving aside my insecurities and creating a space in which we can both feel safe to enjoy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted to tell them sooner but she wanted to keep it a secret because i feel she was too afraid of her parents", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if it can only do myself and my work a disservice thinking less of them being neurotic doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "im tired of feeling helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a lil unsure of how we are suppose to do it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel tortured by this thought but it feels so true", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if i have become more rebellious in some sense", "label": 3} -{"text": "im bookmarking these amazing eye makers for future appreciation or im just feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am in a really strange place at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have nothing to offer because im not doing anything with my life except caring for my son", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think i can feel the elves getting frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little rude living in the same dorm as her and only barely knowing her name", "label": 3} -{"text": "im happy to have finished the script s its good to have a feeling of accomplishment but im feeling rather discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started feeling impressed nudged to inquire about rick and teris old house currently owned by his brother in law ryan but being rented out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stuck my finger in your mouth hoping to feel your gums to see if they were tender or swollen and", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a useless shit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mention to my husband last night that i feel so totally overwhelmed with the packing and cleaning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get a good feeling from faithful catholic blogs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel a weird need to defend against people who throw out shit like of women in the us have them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about and a group of people i am very proud to be a part of", "label": 2} -{"text": "im still feeling like its a girl in there but i will not be at all surprised if it is a boy because my mind is messing with me and everyone keeps telling me they think its a boy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very frustrated as i did not sign up for this upon taking this job however it is expected of me lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very blessed in my life to be surrounded by love and wanted to create a group filled with different words quotes and patterns which express that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel like im too fucked up and i should stick to being alone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel the longing stares of the young teenage women in the tribe as they took in the five of us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was hired about a month before seth and i remember feeling really threatened before he started", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel free to argue informally to have real sometimes uncomfortable discussions and to leave the final decision to the team that will execute it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling very disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really weird in jeans feeling like i should be in a dress or a skirt and sitting in a pew right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i w t t work t am i realized i w starting t feel shaky dizzy b t w unable t t food t t t point due t w t i w doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always hear that i m so beautiful but yet it doesn t even matter i don t even take it as a compliment anymore because i feel like inside i m fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel theres somethin strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am an englishman and when a group defined by its ethnicity or anything else starts blowing up my fellow english men and women and children then i definitely feel hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i am not unique in my powerful feelings for this city loving concern for its health and wholeness immense pride in its contributions to humans musical legacy awed gratitude for its part in american art and culture", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel all shaky and happy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel selfish having the ability to pour my heart into my physical activity and not acting upon it or appreciating it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i needed a good cry i was feeling sorry for myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very shocked i have never expected that would happen to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "a classmate urged me to carry out a particular protest along with him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling mad angry that i had bothered trusting atlas so blindly and also sad that i just murdered the only man that could remedy the situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have kind of the same feeling im not all too curious about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel was hate i hated me for not loving him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel frightened to be able to permit tiny buddy unhappy but i really do n t need paradise thus quickly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will be honest with you i was feeling really overwhelmed today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually ended up feeling doubtful and shaken and upset and ultimately in the end better", "label": 4} -{"text": "i blamed the next grab bag of feelings on the romantic mood airports put me in", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lost under this endless sky", "label": 0} -{"text": "i saved sick days from work weeks of feeling lousy and about per year by spending on a pneumovax now if your insurance doesnt cover it or you cant get through your county health department that lasted almost years", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can figure how i feel about him besides being flattered and curious independently of the opinions of my friends", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am very bad at scrapping christmas photos and i think its because i feel intimidated by the themed papers with their colour schemes and patterns", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill get to the nin station in a second but first the things i have learned by listening to soooo many christmas carols i know ill paste this on fb too b c i feel its just too funny well maybe just to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was kind of shocked to feel so surprised at the sensation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start to feel anxious with poor sleep", "label": 4} -{"text": "i crave sweets when i am feeling lonely out of habit etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and instead of being supportive the significant other would rather just keep reminding me that i need to go back to work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel wronged is not to be to be bullied because of arriving at now by you because of bullied by you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stay afloat but i feel out of control so petrified im petrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up feeling cranky because as i pictured the day ahead i couldn t fit everything in i wanted or needed to do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very sceptical of anyone who wishes to use such methods to change their sexuality and what effects it will have on their psychology", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sent christmas e mails due in no small part to laziness and poverty but i think this is the first christmas i can remember that ive managed to send anything to anyone so youll have to forgive me while i feel smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "im right i feel like the person saying this just dont want to try and listen to meet me halfway its being stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know there will be a few people that read this blog today and feel a little surprised or sadness in their hearts that i feel the way i do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realized then that i was having feelings about her still a fact that bothered me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel satisfied about level of work i bring to my dancing every day", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty impressed with myself and the shape im in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly vulnerable buffy and ryan both went out leaving me home alone with the brat boy who is sweet and means well but was wrapped up in his video games and i found i spent the better part of two hours lying in bed staring at a wall numb", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive learned such a lot about life and about myself i feel truly amazed when i think about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went to bed feeling a little less frustrated and a whole lot more suck it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i will feel restless tonight too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a job and i for whatever reasons feel that im secretly despised by everyone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling like this it makes me feel so horrible when i yell at the kids or snap at josh over something so trivial", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can barely see him there in the dark but i can feel his stunned silence", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not sure if the guy was just feeling generous that day or if he really is just some beach dude stuck in the middle of a parking lot longing for a semblance of the communal life he used to live but he was extremely generous and for that i am grateful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have seen and been feeling so blessed for the mentors and ladies that have suddenly come into my life that are just loving on me encouraging me and lifting me up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic towards them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling paranoid now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling prefer having a gentle fever", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel unimportant and like an emotional idiot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very awkward in that position plus it hurts my knees", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazing and you can too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was sleeping like hours a night and feeling miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went to visit the memorial wall i saw a lot of names so many lives gone i feel particularly shocked to want to use it in the movie", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my life is in suspension a delicate balance of knifepoint and taut thread", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know i feel dumb writing this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant understand why i feel like i wish he was the guy i usually see on romantic movies i have watched", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feels so helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bothered and disturbed by their favor but i did them anyway", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel infuriated that i cannot lay hold of a steady course a point of focus a point of origin", "label": 3} -{"text": "id feel terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent eaten a single processed food anything out of a box in two full weeks and my body feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my loved ones want to just put me in a box and ship me off somewhere until i see things the way i used to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found myself feeling very distracted when i was watching the tv or having a bath with simply thinking about quite how i was going to handle a couple of the trickier little bits and pieces and much of my personal time this week has been spent in working on this ultimately purposeless enterprise", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember lanres death the more i feel so pained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just cant help myself from feeling jealous and sensitive about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very shaken and still am upset about the experience i had with my platelet transfusion", "label": 4} -{"text": "i no longer believe i need lots of expensive stuff to feel successful and i know i can be healthy and at peace in simple spaces", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suddenly feel fab u lous about my body weight after stumbling upon that little revalation", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling so stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do i feel forgiven i feel joyful i feel peace and i feel loved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel my spirit swoon the swoon stirs a gentle murmur as i feel the vibrations more intentionally i realize it s not merely a murmur but a roar", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was sitting there at work and felt a small spasm where i know the baby is and it was just a small little movement but amazing to feel curious i poked in that same area only to get two small spasms back", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel there is anything special exotic unusual or weird about being bi it s just my ordinary experience", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit like ive come out of the wilderness a bit dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i were her said walsh i would feel little bit insulted that they had to spend that much to make me look presentable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just know what it fucking feels like when im so gracious its not about me", "label": 1} -{"text": "id like to claim im tired but i have no reason to feel this lethargic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should not be this doubtful but sometimes after a long day it is easy to feel very overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would be like if i didn t have these strong emotions to deal with intj s don t trust emotions and give them no credit they don t allow themselves to feel they aren t considerate and compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i might feel offended if someone cuts in line in front of me but if i learn they come from a country where pushing to the front is standard operating procedure i might think oh thats ok they didnt know how we do it here", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had this feeling come over me and usually i revel in it i m actually quite impressed with myself that i sound so coherent about something that i can t think about sometimes let alone talk to someone else about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so greedy but i would love to have a smaller laptop than i currently am using", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a playful kitten who just got smacked", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel lousy but theres something about the conscientiousness that brings out a feeling of accomplishment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have had two bad weeks of being violently ill and feeling violent towards my boss and i am going to take it out on my liver", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange comfort in complacency", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think if i pursued somone i wouldnt feel as innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i worked as an editor and part of my job was to reject manuscripts i hated it because in those cover letters i could feel the writer s anticipation and longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weepy and breathless as my fingers click away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suppose the truth is that i m feeling decidedly cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i skip ahead for clarity after the initial overwhelming feelings hit me only to realize it isnt providing any clarity but by then i am so overwhelmed that it is all just swimming before me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish theyd hurry up and repair the bloody thing so that if im lying in bed at night and feeling curious about the time or temperature i just have to lift my head and look out the window well after putting my glasses on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wonder this even as i come to feel less fearful and more empowered in my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have waited for this opportunity to serve a mission for years and years and now that it is finally possible i just feel inadequate and like ive wasted time before now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that not every night of your life needs to be judged as perfect and that sometimes people get swept away for short periods of time with someone who is completely wrong but has the right chemistry", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel if i were them caring about their feelings concerning for them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel doubtful though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have bouts where i feel creative but it s not what it used to be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i may be changing plans is partly because my lovely friend kate who is a seasoned traveller and is also aware of my inability to get around my own city feels like thailand is a more traveller friendly place to go my first time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember even today that great feeling to walk an empty corridor hearing my mom and her peer singing or talking while working the detergent s smell in the air and the toys in the class waiting just for me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i so often think of something to post about and then dont get around to it so i feel like im being neglectful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so irritated with myself these days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel emotions differently these days im afraid that my anger will overwhelm me and manifest in a way that i cant anticipate or control", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a shaky ball of mess", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went on the nd of the month but i was feeling restless around the house today so i went down again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like to share my feelings on how i liked it and whether or not i wasted my hard earned money on it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess the bottom line is i feel beaten down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went and feel really satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must look as ridiculous and inept as i feel since sympathetic individuals in the airport perpetually ask can i help you with something mam", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am the most timid person amongst all yet when the situation calls i prove otherwise", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know it will take lots of time and effort but i feel determined to continue growing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that maybe i rushed into wanting to be an officer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about this because i detest hateful racist bullshit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanna take this chance to thank some of my forever superfriends for talking to me while i m feeling distressed from all these things", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a right to feel wronged or whatever and some things i shouldnt feel that way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling a bit burdened these past few weeks like i am carrying something much more than i can bear you know the feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel im amazed lay low dondante movin away smokin from shootin end of run thru first light touch me im going to scream part i will sing you songs gideon wordless chorus holdin on to black metal one big holiday special mention should also go to the support act", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel so shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so selfish of myself for crying over my weight and guys not noticing me i feel so selfish of myself for crying over my weight and guys not noticing me august th by a href author nowandahalf onclick return popitup this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i pron high dar ree don t you just love that moment at the beginning of an evening out when you re feeling mellow with a glas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess i just refuse to admit how i feel my stubborn ways are my downfalls", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing and by amazing its like the relaxation you feel when you dont care at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i once tried writing a raunchy scene but i made myself feel embarrassed so deleted it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think that is sort of the historical echo that we re feeling he said and it reminds us of how vulnerable we felt at the beginning of this whole decade of terror and that even though we thought that we had largely escaped and we have largely escaped it is still out there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was stood up for a date function by someone who i really cared for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling a little terrified of going back to normal life in america", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel absolutely worthless sometimes like im not worth mentioning and im not important and there are so many better people out there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate feeling so uncertain every now and then", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bitchy is another reason that i wont go into on here but it sucks and i am really pissed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i speak of my feelings at the moment to friends regarding the sense of calling i feel from god they can looked almost disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling her sha i liked her d banj opens up on romance rumours more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am allowed to feel bitchy and mopey because these attitudes show me what i need to work on fixing in my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love how songs like this talk about the persons feelings towards their passionate someone but they never mention that someone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a lot more strongly for this guy i also have never liked a guy for this long before", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about you my sweet dear precious treasured sister", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have this mutual feeling and longing to be home for the same round about reasons", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look at the clock advance the time by an hour and imagine what milli might be doing but if its late or early and shes probably in bed with lga i feel especially pained that he is so close and i am so far away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pressured to stay because he is hurt and at the hope that everything will become better and normal with time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know it feels weird to me just typing it and if i win the pool i ll donate the proceeds to a charity and you can help me pick it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish i had spent more time feeling less rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like blair waldorf in one of her cute cape coats", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little bit shocked to be perfectly honest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i truly feel unfortunate for cricket", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am sure to please those with both of your inner most feelings then speak it with cute gifts like cakes valentine feel special and lovely", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know i hurt his feelings and he was not feeling very loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see his writing compared to others of his age group i feel reassured that he is progressing at a decent pace", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dare say this is what makes me feel passionate about talking to and dealing with the people considered as low in the so called societal hierarchy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have no control over what comes out of the sky but with a busy christmas period and games in january all again weather permitting i feel alex will be a very useful addition to our squad", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stayed as numb as possible since honestly i have no right to feel this was erics time to be blindingly enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling so impressed that my best friends won these huge awards", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really had my heart set on it yet once again here we sit but a metre apart as i feel miles between us i m heartbroken and so very lonely every day i m fighting thinking the worst of everything of my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wouldnt feel it to be dangerous but i feel you have you have to ask isnt it emotions that make us human", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want dad to be impressed by me because i want him to feel successful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel his presence the most in moments of gentle stillness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began this blog endeavor writing about my past nye experiences i feel i owe it to you my faithful readers to detail how it went for me this year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty cranky about that but im actually thankful for him doing that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel weird when yuuki talks to other girls", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would be feeling insanely sympathetic towards him", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling oh so generous and guilty for not blogging in a while so i thought i would share the recipe", "label": 2} -{"text": "im always feeling nervous though so its no big deal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the beloved sun warming my face visualize amazing vacations then the leaves filling in on the branches of the old willows in my yard and then the leaves falling creating a huge mess on my lawn and the eventual return to the excitement and anticipation of yet another season of the holidays", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just could not keep my eyes from the cake runner shoes in lemon and lime with its sweet colors sporty design and elegant feel this gorgeous pair of pastry shoes called a href http clickserve", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel groggy and slow in the mornings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty summer s faves i feel pretty summer s faves a href http getyourprettyon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant run are the days i feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really want to be where i want to be what are the problems i feel most passionate about solving and who i want to be around", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel extremely impressed using this one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feeling it is their duty to make obnoxious and harassing comments if you dont happen to be wearing their football day uniform", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so devoted to my relationship and to myself which luckily go hand in hand for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel terrible for the zoo animals that drowned recently during flash floods in my home state of minnesota", "label": 0} -{"text": "i vow to make sure she knows i always have time for her and i vow to make sure she never feels hesitant to talk to me cry to me laugh at me for fear that i will blow up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so alone but later on we went to a party i had cans of cider i wasnt pissed out my head like my parents but it was enough to make me dizzy enough to make me forget everything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look down from lofty mountain grandeur and hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t play scrabble to make new friends whenever i see this message i always feel slightly insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like all this together makes others i guess feel intimidated by me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love that i try on clothes and choose the ones that make me feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive got love for the original star wars films so perhaps the fact that this is about lucas tragics had me feeling a little sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "im already feeling cranky and its only been a few days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel a radiant heat from him even if i would not look at him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling intimidated by them i thought im the wgp why am i intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i should make something amazing and vegan to bring along", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel a little dazed just from reading those e mails", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am at work feeling tender and nervous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like it s a little weird that i want people to notice that i picked such a well formed specimen of masculinity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shocked that my photo was chosen as the best photo of the week", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope this means im beginning to claw my way back and not feel so timid about things fearful of hurting my foot again", "label": 4} -{"text": "im starting to feel more stressed over job security", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told him about how i was feeling helpless about my health and he shuffled the cards", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling kinda generous and am going to finish my blog post", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not feel nostalgic for christopher reeves films because he is not the superman i grew up with", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel timid moments coming on what if im using some phrase she detested some simple linking of words that made her shudder", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so loved and accepted by you all that my life is just bright", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look for a while i was really feeling impressed with myself and proud with my progress which is affecting my self esteem and making it all just that much harder", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sitting in my room and feeling fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look at him i think of what a miracle his little life is and i feel so blessed that god entrusted him to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really supportive in the roll i play", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i gotta prove something there are a lotta people wanting me to fail but i like that i need to be hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i finished blogging i was feeling shaky and checked my level to see a", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel doomed to live a life of repetitive failures insecurities and doubts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling so rushed i could get through this not feeling so trapped or forced", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had a feeling i had offended one of them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am already feeling amazed at how the story in and of itself is already taking on a life of its own", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive but optimistic at the same time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like somebody shocked me with wires dropped twenty pounds of rocks in my whole gut and then punched me as hard as they could for four hours and then threw me in a swamp", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed that im alive given what my mother and grandmother went through in their lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont sleep i feel tragic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to advocate too much change in american politics", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of embarrassed when i go to restaurants or cafes and ask if they have any vegan options", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bitter im about to rip my mind off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a little nervous because we have done very little to get ready for that and i am not a last minute person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very blessed and have a lot to be thankful for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think of life come and life gone by i feel like the writer of ecclesiastes where all seems vanity and i am simply dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know if it was the teas or the sugar in the teas but i was not feeling like my lovely typical drunk self", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would limp around school all day and then come home and get so frustrated trying to navigate our small apartment with my knee felling so unsteady and feeling so scared of it happening again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can usually stop before it starts feeling awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt really have the emotional literacy then to be able to articulate that the way a person is behaving on the outside isnt necessarily the way they are feeling on the inside or that shy people are often loud as a strategy for managing their shyness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel dazed because of the past few days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling vulnerable and really didn t want people teasing me or pointing out what i was just trying to get over", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also am enjoying d a lot more now that i have gotten to know the majority of the people around me i don t feel pressured to make absolutely perfect work every time and can now just enjoy working and improving at my own pace", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tried understanding why i am always feeling like im being rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like all the other interns havent bothered him about one thing yet and that im just really bad at this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was sweating a lot because i wasnt feeling very well and the kitchen was extremely hot", "label": 1} -{"text": "i earn will feel more joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit paranoid from his smoking pot in public and scan the perimeter for any police cruisers that might happen to pass by", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel mellow after reading the book and know that i will pick up the next book hexes and hemlines", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember that feeling and am being sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic for schools that are not permitted to have christmas concerts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just got bad news at work or had a fight with a friend and am already feeling vulnerable theres no way im going to read reviews", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel when people are sarcastic with me it almost always hurts", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t want people to watch me and feel nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so disillusioned with my life right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a sense of longing when i look at them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feeling this way because i know that i love someone who is terrified of letting someone in", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling so thrilled and proud that i have no words to express it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling rather smug with all my new energy tips and there is even more to discover too", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a little grumpy today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always made my way to school feeling dazed confused and a bit awkward", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was only weeks along yet here i am at weeks and im feeling completely amazed at how much has changed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i set my dvr to record and watch it the next day otherwise i feel like im being tortured by ryan seacrest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel radiant sexy beautiful and confident", "label": 1} -{"text": "i liked this anyway i feel faithful to these beloved characters and despite this book not having the focus or the perfect deep emotional link to the main couple i wanted to see i enjoyed their parts the place where they are at and the loving details in their relationship", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like theyre bribing people to go with the smart meter", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel well thank you to my lucky stars my beautiful positive energy and to all that love that i send out to the world each and every day i felt pretty good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i then went home and texted tony that i loved him even though i was feeling insecure in the moment and didnt want to be vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like by being so timid ive lost a lot of opportunities to make connections with people that ive wished id made connections with", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont feel fucked up yesterday so as today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange apprehension at the distant march of winter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want people to not feel afraid to ask for help", "label": 4} -{"text": "i disappoint a man i feel terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive seen a few posts from bloggers on facebook recently worrying that theyre not getting enough views and feeling disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel some sort of pity for him but his actions are just so ludicrous that it makes me wonder if hes suffered from some sort of brain damage from the stroke", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel proud", "label": 1} -{"text": "i disliked her so much that i was happy that allyn made me feel sympathetic for her in the end", "label": 2} -{"text": "i last saw my mother we sat down both sober and feeling relatively pleasant and i informed her that she has pretty much lost the privelege of being in charge of something like this out of fairness to me and she accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate it i am quite prone to anger especially when i feel i ve been wronged or challenged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am constantly feeling drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel wronged or my impression of someone goes sour theres a part deep down that immediately wants to quit and walk away as if i could continue on with no heartache and everything would be peachy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel like a helpless puppy that sometimes turned into a demon", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had heard a lot of buzz about the series of books and all the hype had succeeded in leaving me feeling frankly curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel afraid im not going to find a group of people with close and strong connections in the years to come", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cleaned my room for the first time in months and it feels wonderful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think ever since i woke up from my dream ive been feeling really hesitant and worried", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like it s going to be something shockingly amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel threatened by anyone i get this feeling that i want to kill someone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel stunned and i feel guilty because i didnt recognise him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up this morning i was feeling so grouchy but then a sudden mood swing happens when", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to feel love from you and to feel that the love i return is accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel playful is an italian dolma", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to run and hide but love always seek me out and the world craves it like a deadly disease but no one ever want to talk about the pain it hold and the sweat and tears the hearts battle is understated and a convince feeling of unsure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a woeful competitor on the biggest loser particularly when the kettle bell comes out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wrote that hannah and i were feeling lame just sitting on our couch on a saturday night with nothing to do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i and develops a relationship with the lord he feels attachment to him and considers him to be his dearly beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little strange about having such deluxe accommodation when my charge is to serve children in kibera who have no permanent structure to live in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could focus on the visitation and funeral and not have to feel rushed to get home", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling so hot gotta off now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i took of aranya bodhi forest hermitage was a reality check the concept off the grid feels ludicrous here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t how much this book represents family and social structure of west but it feels so strange to read all the details", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think she was probably feeling a bit weird in her santa suit but i was loving mine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel that my leg is still aching because on that i was wearing a high shoes and moroever i danced for almost hours so i am pretty exhausted and we almost reached home almost a", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling so overwhelmed and busy with school and everything else so taking a break from the norm to do a little relaxation and shopping was just the ticket i needed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went to his latest exhibition and couldnt help but feel amazed by his talent", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about miley cyrus anymore funny img alt src http", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got myself ready for another busy work week which will undoubtedly see me being swamped with plenty of last minute work i started feeling bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel you your precious soul and i am whole i feel you your rising sun my kingdom comes c depeche mode", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel nearly as stressed when i get home because i haven t driven for eleventy hours", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dunno why i feel so fucking hostile twards every damned thing right now i just do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt and feel angry at myself for trusting him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also got a painting completed this week so i am feeling quite productive and smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not fear feeling lost from you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i don t know much about his music he strikes me as such a romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel glad i can still teach him at home myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "im at the end of the day and im just exhausted and feeling very discouraged and under appreciated right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to pay neither of which will ever go away its my night off and im relaxing with otis redding bob seger and stevie ray vaughan and im feeling more than a little bit impatient for i dont know what", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more heartless than i already am", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i like to feel like im writing to some adoring fans", "label": 2} -{"text": "i as a delegate from indonesia would feel so hopeless due to the lack of success story from my country", "label": 0} -{"text": "i actually feel a strange return to the way i felt in my early twenties before miring myself in a string of long term relatioships that lasted up until fairly recently", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stop trying to fill my voids with not god surrogates i will continue to feel unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling ashamed of the fact that the so called supreme commander the president of india and the other political leaders who want all the benefits including name and fame have not even bothered to come and respect the bodies when they were flown from delhi", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like he is being a smug dick", "label": 1} -{"text": "i learn and grow the most when i go to situations where i feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it today frustrated depressed because of this xyz instance", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling stressed about work and cranky about the pregnancy lately and havent really felt like writing about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know if i dont then i am likely to feel extremely stressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i return i feel like im being hugged by the city and being welcomed back theres a part of me that doesnt want to leave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling satisfied and the best kind of brain spent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so lucky that i got to take some maternity photos of her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i loved watching him play with punk rock girl and when they were done he was in social butterfly mode which i always feel reluctant to interrupt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel surprised when people mention that i m not", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cry at the drop of a hat and i just feel unhappy for like a whole day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasnt sure why i was feeling that way but yeah could feel myself being really uncomfortable and queasy in the stomach", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think alot of husbands and wives have achieved this feeling but in a way im not convinced it exists without this complete innocence without this purity", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling irritated restless and angry the last form of exercise i wanted to engage in is a slow meditative yoga class", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel wronged i want to tell you how i feel and just cry it all out with you lending me your shoulder", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel mad to myself after waking up everyday for sleeping too early way too early", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling cute these days but this little babe is sure kicking me like crazy and i love it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the hills over this leg were lovely and wild with a few areas of mining", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so apprehensive about her anyway", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel loved and blessed thank you allah", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel calm whenever im there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am always a little sad and feeling a little restless when the young ones leave the nest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strong and full of energy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im being greedy and materialistic because im looking forward to all of these material benefits and also using them as a motivation for my future", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think of my mostly private conflicts with the people in my life anger with a cousin not responding to mails agitation with a friend who is too busy to talk to me and im feeling ignored general frustrations which make me irritable with my own husband and children", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have tried sorting out the area for the cat houses this lunchtime but i guess after the printer ordeal i am feeling quite uptight so it has been put on hold", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling somewhat so shitty now midterms are coming and i have no idea if ill pull through i got back my first pe results and although i thought i was already mentally prepared for the results i actually wasnt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel punished though lord", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel stressed because of this but i ve learned to accept it because it seems like it s the only way to get things done these days", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not gonna bother you anymore he said feeling the terrific lump in his throat shift painfully", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had been feeling every hoof in the barn the horses who did not get out that night and was surprised by just how much they vary throughout the day and from hoof to hoof", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to see that he typically took shots when i looked my worse or when i didnt feel up to putting on a fake smile for the camera or pretending everything was alright", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling particularly vicious bloodthirster", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find difficult to keep in mind myself but when im feeling grouchy about things i try to remind myself of what i do have going for me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like ive avoided harry potter because i wasnt hugely impressed by the first book but then the other because ive seen what lord of the rings has done to me in terms of obsession and i think i might turn into one of those harry potter super fans and then therell be trouble", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a bit shaky and ill", "label": 4} -{"text": "i supposed to feel insulted when commonwealth games federation executives thrash india for its shoddy preparations for the games", "label": 3} -{"text": "i actually do feel strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found myself thinking that exercise is too serious to feel this playful and fun", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel myself not trusting or believing his sweet messages and behaviour", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not like feeling this way and i am surprised with myself because i know god is not unjust unfair or unbalanced", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realize how much i expect from my friends that i actually feel so miserable everyday because really nobody can meet up to my expectations which i feel i can actually do it for my friends so not those ridiculous high standards but probably i should not tie my expectations onto my friends i guess", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling the longing the yearning the wanting while at the same time the hurt the bitterness and even the rejection of some of their infidelities", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed knowing how great god is", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel honoured to have been a part of something that was just so cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that it takes all of the things i like about whale s movies naughty subtext and replaces it with obnoxious mumbo jumbo cosmic rays", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel shy sometimes about telling people the truth", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling i will not be that impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will not subject her to feel as if she is being punished by locking her away for no reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i let myself think about my behaviour towards you when we were children i feel a strange mix of guilt and admiration for your resilience", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love feeling productive but still staying in my jammies", "label": 1} -{"text": "im starting to feel homesick for knoxville", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont really know what to say about it as it wasnt a concious i cant spell that effort to break them and the mood i am in at the moment i feel pissed off about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need to make it a point to ask if i have a cc or cc band because last tuesday was my lb support group and when i told them that i have ccs in my band and feel next to nothing they were all shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the heartless one in a vengeful emotional situation but emotion hasnt gotten the matter settled all these years", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like amazed that someone i admire is talking to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been kinda awol lately just havent been feeling in a very creative mood", "label": 1} -{"text": "i refuse to feel stressed out angry about this because well why the fuck would i do that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i thought about it and the more i re read it the more i feel in love with it and was impressed by it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling romantic so im going to say randalls gift of the watch", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling all romantic so i thought id show you some easy last minute presents and fashion ideas for valentines day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess you could say i am a loner but i feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than i feel on my own", "label": 0} -{"text": "i no longer feel like i need them i am more compassionate and understanding in the fact that they re just in a different place in their lives and not meant to be in mine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was flying back to guatemala the night before my birthday and was feeling pretty depressed about leaving my family coming back to my reality of poor guatemala and having to spend my birthday alone in a hostel near the airport", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help but feel helpless n disappointed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get giddy over feeling elegant in a perfectly fitted pencil skirt", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a greedy sick person but i must have a house like that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i is a high rank with a lot of honor to it and i feel it has been shamed lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling increasingly reluctant to sign my name with the male word", "label": 4} -{"text": "i haven t really opened up to anyone about how i feel all most people know is that i m depressed and they know why for the most part", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not saying that hooking up is impossible it is very possible to have sex without any feelings other than feeling horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it s dangerous when some people tout a particular remedy or eating plan as a cure for cancer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling frustrated and hateful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i enjoyed this movie and i left it feeling entertained and appreciating the effort put into it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am actually liking sofia and i feel this is going to be a sweet redemption story much like a heart warming teen flick", "label": 2} -{"text": "i creates a suitably eerie atmosphere and continuity watching this creation inducing the feeling of pleasantly amazed bewilderment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left my job feels quite amazing and i am truly enjoying every second and feel super blessed and thankful for this current phase in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sorta feel like everything is so delicate right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i reach the other side i feel triumphant liberated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive been a lot more considerate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suppose even if im not feeling to clever right now at least my new spectacles will make me look at least smarter", "label": 1} -{"text": "im actually feeling pretty pleasant or as much as i can be being incredibly tired", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the tug the shove the gentle whisper of god as often as i bear to listen", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to get rid of the negative feeling i want to feel productive i want to feel happy and has a purpose to work towards", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would get a quick fix from a candy bar or cup of coffee but would feel lethargic hours later", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling this fight will be extremely boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also am always so tempted to get the shampoo they use because my hair always smells and feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling so overwhelmed and ready to give up i have felt strengthened", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable in so many situations but my weight no longer reflects that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a real itch to do something obnoxious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really feels insulted if anyone gives a very stupid statement that he she think it is knowledgeable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i learned about i feel like being under a single rule can be dangerous and lead to inevitable corruption similarly like the fall of the roman empire when one person rules they tend to get big headed and think of themselves before the people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit nostalgic and phoned an old friend and competitor", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not feeling to hot right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to feel amazed by my own words by my own explanations i want o feel seduced my them enjoy hearing myself reading myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i need for not feeling alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling lucky is almost never used", "label": 1} -{"text": "i usually feel very horny when i am on my cycle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling that ray somewhere devoted an article or part of one to the line but that might be my imagination", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i have the damnest feeling that if i were to take that article and use it publicly as evidence supporting gay marriage id get an awfully angry letter from the author stating thats not what he meant", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant as though something s changed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant say im not afraid of some certain feelings i bet everyone is afraid of getting heart broken but honestly its kind of inevitable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel annoyed that focus is on romantic love", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about is that every child needs free and independent access to an advocate that is strong enough to speak for him her if the need is there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hopeful that after hearing the feedback from you guys here about the melatonin supplement that maybe it can help me with the dreaded chore of sleeping", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling that that naughty deed inconjunction with some heavy breathing from the other side of the tree just might reprieve me and set me str on santas list for the night he got his joy from the late night antics of one very very good", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very loyal to the horde after trying out a couple of human characters and swiftly deleting them but the dwarf i tried out is cute and ive kept her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird and hesitant to hit the publish button it s like the trigger to that inner bomb", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i was just feeling a little insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel like im getting away with something naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel funny wow i managed to go to a final interview when i thought i did not do well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i lose friends because they apparently dont like that i tell people how i feel its funny how that works", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do say feel believe practice is uncertain because it is driven by this basic off centeredness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know it s your family nellie but it ll feel weird without you there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as if something has been resolved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would say getting drunk does not replace the lack of company as lonely as you feel the bottle is empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so vain now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left the novice and the kid in the dust feeling smug satisfaction", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like frappes and shit when im feeling naughty but i drink tea daily", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lucky to have had the opportunity to work in a variety of different places during my year on placement to allow me to be sure of what i want to do and who i want to work for", "label": 1} -{"text": "i trust in the strength of the ground of my being what i be for contentment for confidence for being at peace that is for happiness even if i feel lousy disappointed sad depressed or frustrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like the feel of the flowers their delicate petals and the little stories i imagine in my head as i rest each bundle in the long basket that keeps them carefully in once piece for whatever wishes mistress has for them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could relate to how she was feeling most of time and because of that i liked her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel offended that he went all the way down to message my butt too faints", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pissed with her bossy attitude and i have to bear with her throughout the journey back", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember being frustrated about how the lines came out and feeling unsure about where to go from there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dismayed by the lack of activating effects from the lexapro", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel gives the perfect examples of lessons all of us can use to enhance our everyday lives", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel intimidated the shops cater for a south asian market and taste it is noisy lots of shouting too", "label": 4} -{"text": "im finally feeling pretty confident that i wont be having another one any time soon obviously i dont know when im going to have one but still", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kinda worry pa nga that i wouldn t be able to answer anything kasi i didn t feel nervous at all and my head felt so light", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i have a funny looking hairdo funny looking skirt and i look like i was forever pregnant because i was either having one or getting rid of one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little restless i guess you would call it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful like i am not appreciating it enough but i cant help it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think about the scenes coming up i get this tingly excited feeling in the pit of my stomach almost like butterflies except that these butterflies are sweet and pleasant unlike the ones you get when you have a crush", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel really emotionally drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel that supporting honest tea now forces me to indirectly support coca cola which is something that i ve made a conscious decision and effort not to do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so rotten about the country s response to the bombings at hiroshima and nagasaki he wrote a friend in september that i wish i could become a naturalized dog or cat", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disturbed for the first time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel confused because it seems that in some of the past videos people mentioned that changing light bulbs and unplugging things that aren t in use are cute ideas but they aren t really going to change anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to make time for me and for doing things i love and feel passionate about photography home ed website work art and nature", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling quite assured to say that you might make use of polarized sunglasses", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pressured to look perfect and be perfect and funny and all that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would remember every detail of it and could nearly cry for feeling so funny about myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am signing up for prenatal yoga and making an effort to get out for more walks and hopefully a few trips to the gym in my near future not so i can gain less weight but so i can feel better about myself too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ignored unheard invisible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disgusted whenever i see him and i just wanna run off and ignore him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be doing this important work says torres", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill feel supporting myself for the most part", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel that i am so near to paranoid every word that came out from them made my heart sank deeper and deeper i felt heavy inside me is like if i dont remove it as soon as possible i will scream and start hitting the table", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only feel so distressed because its gone on so long do i need a girl friend", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like rather like a foreigner completely unsure of how life operates here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel so anxious and depressed today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little less strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling well earlier this summer and i blogged about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i finally have an income again and can afford the simple pleasures in life lattes from uptown espresso but whatever the reason i m feeling particularly amorous about seattle at the moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just looked at a countdown til i go home which was definitely not a wise choice for someone feeling homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i made the mistake of wanting spiritual feelings to endure and remain romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i gave some personal information to a friend of mine", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wouldnt have to feel so miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always walk out of that class feeling strong satisfied and ready to take on the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stressed and there is just too much to do what if i ve been doing a really good job in a tough situation and what if i could make it easier for my brain to operate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to admit that im feeling a little nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel angry i feel sad but i do not feel discouraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that over the years i have nurtured this compassionate side with the help of others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that this article could be very useful especially for the upcoming canoe trip and im hopeful that it will make carrying the canoe a fun and easy task", "label": 1} -{"text": "i appreciate that having money makes me feel like the universe is supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i left feeling pretty impressed with the way he presented himself and explained the film", "label": 5} -{"text": "i bet ill feel submissive just being around you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know some of you feel that it s not dignified to be emotional in church", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling very horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i almost feel as if there s something on the horizon something that s making me terrified like another break down is on the way", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling hideously guily and somewhat naughty doing this in work time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not know what to feel still stunned watching the victim i whispered a silent prayer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel angry that he is willing to let me hurt while he just dilly dallys around at my expense", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel in saying that my ovaries don t dance and become restless when i hold a baby", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was young it was about being different feeling unloved and unwanted and having to live my life in the shadow of a person who just made things harder for me in my adopted role", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the mad hatter in alice in wonderland", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i passed the grade exam", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can trust what this woman tells me or i feel this person is sympathetic and kind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling generous enough to offer to take her to lunch anywhere she d like", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a strange kinship to these talented but hapless young men", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left the class feeling distinctly shaky and for the two days afterwards feel distinctly achy when walking up and down stairs and hills", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ask him about this and i feel his playful nudge on my arm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i say this every month but i m genuinely surprised how fast time is flying by", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like those are somewhat socially acceptable whereas looking like an oompa loompa is not", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got the definite feeling he was getting a bit pissed so quickly ended the call before things got worse", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do think this will pass but i m feeling very impatient and not zen about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the smoothie is not sweet enough or if i don t have enough fruits i like to add honey", "label": 2} -{"text": "i lay on my bed gazing out of the window at the rain thrashing down i have a combined feeling of annoyance and nostalgia annoyed because its summer and i should be out feeling the warm rays caressing my skin and nostalgia for the pleasure a rain storm can bring", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel myself getting weaker and weaker and caring less and less about everything and everyone in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i read the second line my vampire blood and emo feelings shaken that day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sit talking to him feeling impressed by his encyclopedic knowledge of tango music and films through the slow numbers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling very generous and loving lately lt which hey who doesnt want a cool little something from blank", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a surge of creativity reading these other blogs but when it comes to writing my own posts theyre blank", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling anxious all week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant seem to shake the feeling that i died that day and im uncertain why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel no pressure for once in my life i feel no obligation and that is a wonderful feeling so let the festivities begin glitter and all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left feeling mildly impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have told my boyfriend about my feelings he is supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like the big frames they make me feel fabulous dahling", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling tragic like im marlon brando i was sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like feeling slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got the distinct feeling that she was threatened by my year war", "label": 4} -{"text": "im just sitting here daydreaming feeling curious etc", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would let people in on what i was feeling about something and i think it kinda shocked them a bit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know if it is just because i am in a mini panic because i am falling back in love not that i ever fell out of love with her with someone she also says she still loves me and all of a sudden feel completely vulnerable again or what but this has me all upside down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i ve gotten a bit distracted lately with planning and dreaming and learning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the curious eyes of everyone on me some of which comes from the reality that a lot of people really do stare at me and some of which stems from my being extra self conscious since a lot of the time i dont know exactly what im doing and dont really want an audience for my cluelessness", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling rather rebellious today seeing as i got an e on a quiz and im not doing what im supposed to be doing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went downstairs feeling depressed and angry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i care and worried every time and get push away feeling rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will not allow these people to make me feel like i am somehow less virtuous than them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to tell you though that i feel a little funny wearing a gold wedding band around my ring finger", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was actually quite happy as an atheist and although far from rich in fact i have spent a fair amount of my life in impoverished conditions i did not feel the need for divine intervention in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do appreciate all that they ve done for me its why whenever i feel frustrated at them or want to scream i try and remember all that they ve sacrificed for me and keep quiet out of respect", "label": 3} -{"text": "i eat at the times that my husband wants to eat or when i feel shaky or remember that i haven t eaten", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been reading again and feeling pleasantly surprised to find my reading list contained four similar books a fine chance to compare and contrast differ", "label": 5} -{"text": "i believe most of the power of any feeling is in the surprise and i try to avoid being surprised to avoid having feelings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did feel rather like a celebrity and widget stood and let herself be admired while she drank orange squash from my cup", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hope he is feeling because certainly i am feeling this way is that a he had rotten luck multiple times and b at least alberto contador didnt win", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that his version of astonishment is that he cant make sense of a situation and is shocked my something that has happened", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have no other way to describe it except that i just feel so empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a cow stunned before slaughter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do not know what to say here i could not get a feeling for this soundtrack it rather distracted me and did not seem to really fit", "label": 3} -{"text": "im glad he wasnt the whole novel because he can come off as very spoiled teen at times though his plight has moments where you cant help feeling sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really wronged in fact what hu jia did is good for society", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel neither saddened nor shocked by this decision as ratings haven t been great and both are costing the network tons of dough in losses", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess its time to start feeling festive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that it is a blessing to be able to feel the joy and peace that comes from loving the imperfect people around us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not exercise this week because i feel listless from the heat", "label": 0} -{"text": "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so morose and utterly sad right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very dazed and in need of to hours of uninterrupted slumber in a dark room with a fan blowing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel neurotic and furthermore im always late", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have experienced a spaciousness that can not be described yet feels like an empty cloud", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt believe that she was feeling dissatisfied with her bust at the age of just", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t help but feel dismayed by her decision to throw herself into the often undignified maelstrom of breakfast radio", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so blessed today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would be hard pushed to say that you ever feel that he is ever threatened at any point and kind of highlighted the state of his career at this point", "label": 4} -{"text": "im really tight on time second of all reenactment season is over so this jack will basicaly fit him this single event and ill need to work on another one for next year third i dont feel like making my fingers bleed like hell over this as theyre already being tortured over my own houppelande", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel the import of the passage has adequately impressed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hardly ever feel rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think what i feel while my caring for them are just bullshit and unappreciated", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious and im in the mood to be reckless and irresponsible", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel excited and honored to have been given this opportunity by pulkit and ila", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will find another subject because when i reflect on the events past i feel like making sarcastic comments", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like doing something rebellious because i havent really been in the mood for rebellion lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling impatient with myself because my internal to do list is growing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i associate with her made me miss her songs that talk about love heating up heat me up too tender love songs make me feel tender toward her happy songs about being in love make me happy that were in love and so on", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling awfully overwhelmed by everything right now the demands from mother the needs of my family trying to shield my dear husband from as much as possible the list goes on and on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i truly love my job but i really dislike feeling rushed or unprepared in a short period of time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wore for my first holy communion when i was or so xdd the picture has the exact feel mood i was going for and it gave me quite a headache so no criticism on that part please although you all know comments on everything else are always welcomed as they help me improve thanks", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel you are not as emotionally supportive as i need you to be it is harder for me to trust you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about this series is disappointment and hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cannot call it elation part of me is sad but i cant call it depression part of me is aloof but part of me also realizes whats going on and is embarrassed so i cry because i feel helpless to do anything else and terrified at the multitude of things i do not want to be feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel crappy in my heard i see myself doing this asking god is it really that hard to find me a jowa", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know i get anxiety i think when tensions are high and im feeling just a bit overwhelmed with my lifes situation right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel restless and tired", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a real sense of victory on this and its sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i probably wouldnt feel this irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have been picking up forms that have artistic merit and raising them to art as a conceptually rich arena for ideas about our future as people both on earth or in the stars even if technology is or isnt involved in that future", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling very paranoid about those hideous insects right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had and it left me feeling slightly annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shocked surprised i feel its such a joke that there is no self existing feels like laughing aloud", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so pissed n at the same time like dam sian a href http peekaboo i love you", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive come to concieve of an unwillingness to change as the biggest obstacle to development a term i put in quotes because i dislike how often i feel it is abused used to qualify false statements or justify evil people and organizations", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know what i m good at and it s not that i feel my experience isn t worthwhile but i could never figure out a single job that i felt would allow me to use enough of my disparate skills to be satisfying and i was loath to commit to further education just for the sake of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i have a comparatively skeptical view on relationships", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel far superior to any of the knockout roses", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know even as i write it i feel heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling rather bitter and pretentious at present", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling pretty nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i crossed a line from feeling inspired to struggling with a warped perspective that clouded my ability to enjoy and appreciate the here and now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very reluctant to join other grownups as i feel completely odd being the parent of kids but i dont have to explain myself to kevins family and what a bonus that is for me that they accept me and included me was just so super nice", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt enjoy this book and i didnt enjoy the feeling of having another book that i liked getting knocked down a rung in my affections", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel more dangerous on the field now though", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its a bit hostile given the fact that many of my peers are having babies and getting married", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know things are different but i can t help but feel every time i m surprised by these changes", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very generous today and if you follow me on twitter or instagram you will know that i have a giveaway on at the moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself running low on protein i ll vote for a hamburger or a couple of strips of bacon", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more lively now that it working", "label": 1} -{"text": "im alone without a guy i feel fearful and lost", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have bigger and better dreams to attend to so these feelings are petty and dramatic but they only worsen now because of kaden", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am actually finding myself feeling truly optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t tell you how great it feels when a host is considerate enough to do this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel guilty when i wish for anything else or even think of anything else", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel if i am faithful to one person i have to be in love with that person also feel to resist temptation i need to be in love with someone so it will take my mind off of the other million women in the world", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been clinging to some verses lately and i am feeling so reassured despite my desire for more square footage and extra bedrooms", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel remorseful about myself my decisions and actions", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mean we can only try we can only try to make everyone happy do the right thing by everyone and not feel too exhausted drained or unhappy with your own progress at the end of the day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel paranoid like they were told to stop getting in a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel truly blessed to have been so close and so connected to these beautiful creatures the experience has been moving sad emotional and rewarding all bundled together", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel hostile about tarantino must die for that steaming pile of dung", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very assured an incredible amount of israelis found it good to have an american inform the truth he said", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the the sting of the oceans cold spit and then the sting of a jellyfish that is also vomitted up from the roiling waters to hit me squarely in face like a pie", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel she is sincere which is hard to come by in most doctors", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like a scrub you can feel working this was too gentle for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel her pain and i let her know and i want anyone else suffering with depression to know that you are not alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bitchy today not sure why but figured lashing out on a blog would do the trick", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as the author is very passionate about his poem because when he wrote his poem he wrote from his feeling and history", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel surprised i didnt feel upset i didnt feel angry i didnt feel anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loved have a great summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so honoured that a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know the effects of my day to day happenings on my serenity are so subtle at times that i end up feeling irritable and discontent without knowing why", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling somewhat apprehensive at this moment in time for many reasons but mainly because i can t prepare myself totally for what s to come", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need it makes me feel selfish for continuing to occupy a space on this planet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i realize that this can be both a positive and a negative impact on our children but i feel it is a vital part of growing up in my opinion", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel agitated about this and can do nothing more than just write this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling very stressed again because it means all the shitty problems in my life are coming back to me in full force so i am gonna finish this blog fast forward through the ads and let my enjoyment and peace last", "label": 3} -{"text": "i notice the children wandering around with flapping soles theres no time to scour the op shops so i race to the shoe shop feeling like a neglectful mother and buy the best option i can find", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope to sell our living room table set i feel its far too dangerous with kids around and replace them with a nice storage ottoman", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try to talk to you i feel more miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am still feeling pretty energetic so i am in a mad scramble to get everything done for baby d", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i dont deserve them i get too paranoid where they dont like me i feel like im not good enough for them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did eat poorly and too much late in the day yesterday when i was feeling rebellious and irritated about having to put so much thought into something that used to be fun and easy eating i mean", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that everything is in divine order", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realize that oftentimes they are just trying to help and mean no harm sometimes i even feel sympathetic for men subconciously trying to cling to their traditional role as a male in society", "label": 2} -{"text": "i read the article today and i didn t feel that the writers would be sympathetic or supportive of someone having a medicalized birth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like his thinking and that it appears that there is mortal whom he consecrates his substances and i feel like day stargazing that it was me whom his message is devoted", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling playful and runs his hand over my hip tickling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i took with sab so she wants to take with me too feel so honoured hahaha the one who always have the lesson more lively and enjoyable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the sadness of a really unfortunate moment and i see the feeling like the cloud of an atom bomb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel love in the girls sweet faces in the mornings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont want them to resent me for doing this but i know i cant control how they feel theyre actually being more supportive now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so foolish and cross with myslef", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not feeling very compassionate or empathetic right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill admit that i found myself in the bathroom during more than one wedding trying to hold back the tears that always come when i feel overwhelmed but ultimately i wouldnt trade the experience for the world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by work walden the portfolio which i will end up having a stroke nervous breakdown or a heart attack due to the portfolio which i am honestly having nightmares over the loss of a dear family member and life in general", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel really disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been sleeping so much the past few days i feel groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel people are a bit too eager to declare more of the same in a negative tone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the feeling this has bothered him for a while", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know about you but i m feeling amp blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been living alone for quiet long instead of feeling scared now i have come to a term that i won t trade my freedom for anything in this world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i should have liked this book but maybe i missed something", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have no idea what that feels like but it sounds lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel wonderful my spirits uplifted my head in the clouds after savoring this inspiring soul elevating feast for the eyes i turn towards vibha cup her face in my hands and drown myself deep into her eyes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rejected and alone that head knowledge doesnt always make its way down to my heart", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel myself starting to get angry but i didnt boil over", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was shaky and weak hollow feeling and tender stomached but i managed to get ready and go", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to share with you a favourite passage of mine that fully captures how i feel i will rejoice in the lord i will be joyful in god my saviour", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel fucked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stupid to say that thinking of him crushes my heart because i feel like people would say its too emotional for someone miles away to have such an emotional bond with another", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suppose it could be safer from the martian attacks but im not feeling particularly threatened by those right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like she s always hated me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think if youd majored in something you didnt like just to get a job youd end up feeling cheated and regretful especially if the job was really soulless and you didnt enjoy it at all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling delicate emotional and fragile in a chocolate eating sense and now i have purchased yarn from online vendors", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really affectionate towards it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also find i dont have as much time to paint and if i do i feel a little rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel terribly petty and shallow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel we are being very blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i myself feel anxious about it even though i am fairly certain of what the results are going to show", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find that when my ego starts to over inflate i start getting stuck and feeling annoyed with life around me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have been given this opportunity to not only share jetts story with the world but stories of other amazing little children that endure incredible obstacles", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have become more and more concerned not only for my own future daughters but for all the girls who are out there currently trying to feel accepted by the worlds standards", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think the movie is smart but i also feel that at times its too smart for its own good or maybe isnt smart enough", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with worry not just for myself but also for the thousands of other mentally and physically disabled who are being persecuted some of whom since joining twitter i now call friend", "label": 4} -{"text": "i now truly recognize that frenzied feeling and i don t think it should ever be entertained", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understand the feeling of being isolated which will help me understand someone who feels alone for different reasons", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not up running around and im just sitting quietly sipping on my th cup of coffee its not that i am a snob or pretentious or lazy ok maybe a bit lazy its just that im feeling a bit out of place or a tad shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still go there very often to print things when i m out and about and don t feel like being bothered with kinkos", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling annoyed by the holidays because i am so over the stress of black friday shopping until i drop worrying about the right gift and not giving enough", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like taking a photograph of this monster and posting it here in my journal but being ho as so many are inhibited and what not", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel in love with all the doors and curious padlocks i saw and stu got a haircut", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not talking about feeling lousy for mistreating a person as you should feel lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel deprived of the light i claim to be deserved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pained spent and sore all over", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel its slightly too rich to use twice a day and save it only for my nighttime routine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little weird when i talk to them sometimes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is the prema or divine love that our great leader the godman sathya sai baba is constantly stirring in the sleeping springs of our spiritual hearts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel threatened i dont ask i tell", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes feel overwhelmed wishing i had that grandma or sister nearby so i didnt have to drag a year old with for my pelvic exam", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i was studying and someone disturbed me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i personally hate feeling afraid and was disapointed that amelia experienced that extra un needed unsettling feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel agitated which is pretty much every other day these days i occupy my self eyes closed and ask myself is there a lack of peace in here", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange presence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think many people feel strange about this topic and it is why i am going to address it in my blog patients have a right to question their doctors", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really impressed with myself when i look back on this someday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel if they are irritated angry sad or upset", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like thats what they say when someone uber glamorous like jackie o would supplement her own killer shoes or jewels for a photo shoot", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling hateful again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would feel some sympathy or at least some compassion for her longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can actually feel something becasue i usually feel so heartless and emotionless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just get the feeling of another fail here and havent been impressed with bioware in a long long time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wont feel aniting coz im heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little doubtful about anyway so its great my instincts were spot on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel him threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am being selfish but i feel like me trying to make him horny is redundant because he is always horny and i feel like he should try harder to make me horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling a little lethargic and my legs have not been flushing the lactic acid very efficiently so this time around i am embracing the taper", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know i will not always be in remission while we are here but i feel that because we are faithful and we are here that we have been so blessed with health and understanding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have the past days where the tears won t stop because i feel worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty stressed with the blackbelt test coming up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really doubtful of my ability to perform for the shhk july concert", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like we are pressured to have the newest and best i", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slutty like rihanna", "label": 2} -{"text": "im more attracted to him because i feel that he knows that hes weird and being a weirdo myself i figure things might work out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i honestly do not feel bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its my obligation to be faithful to the roots that give me spiritual life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel reluctant trying to escape from him again and again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am opposed pagetitle le gourmandin wbielak do you feel ugly right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had never experienced before which feels a little strange at first but it did not seem to affect my run", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stubborn again and start living don t give a fuck and get up and go again the essence of yolo", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sad and old", "label": 0} -{"text": "i smell good but im sticky and i feel vaguely like slutty sorority girls should be propping me up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i realized that i was feeling hot and my t shirt was already drenched with sweat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i watch her at a distance with mixed feelings of anger and hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i ask that you do not judge me and understand that these are simply my feelings and if you are offended well they are my feelings and i m not going to apologize for them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more adventurous willing to take risks img class alignleft src http cdn", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty sorry for myself lol", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a feeling i wouldnt be fond of it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hold off on any major purchase or financial plans until february when i feel rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can do is to run away the second i feel like im starting to grow fond of the person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i insist on buying the original as not only does it look good on my shelves but i feel i am supporting the artists which i love listening to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel invigorated with new possibilities and am looking forward to get started", "label": 1} -{"text": "i recount these stories because of the response ive been getting to my post its on friday night and im feeling annoyed in which i recounted how a young friend of mine was getting looks for being black and riding horses", "label": 3} -{"text": "i finally feel irate enough to start a new notebook diary", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i have to work at being more compassionate because being cold and bitchy comes way to easily for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i memorized all of the standard giveaways during the semi annual pledge drives if you are feeling generous you can call or to donate during the next pledge drive and no i didn t have to look up those numbers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kept feeling so dismayed as looked at the scale every week and didn t see a change even though i was working so hard", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am nto giong to say much but i just feel so uptight right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little intimidated about entering mine but im giving it a go", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was pulling myself together but still feeling stunned deep inside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazing thanks much in part to how i eat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like your runs are amazing she added", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember it being well written but i also remember at the time feeling a bit restless with how slow the plot was moving", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kinda jealous sometimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that it s my solemn duty to blindly follow the bleetings of our overlords at dc and marvel", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really need you to cooperate with each other because im feeling uptight today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not feeling very compassionate towards those that need our help i just want them to fix their own problems so i dont have to figure out what parts they need or how long it will take to get the job done or is this an emergency", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive already purchased the asos trousers and have now ordered the size down because they are stretchy and with the elasticated waist the size did feel generous and too baggy for my liking", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel for you loyal amp patient dependable and kind a mother like you is rare and defined today is the day i think most of these things and wish only to be half the mom you are with all the warm memories you bring della cornect for those of us who still have our moms please cherish them this year", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know its for the best and for our good but i just cant help but feel irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know if my physical symptoms or problems are causing my anxiety or if my anxiety is making me feel funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess i m just feeling grouchy because i don t really want to go to group", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling so hot for a few days after", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel offended and i feel that my rights have been trampled upon he said", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do i still feel angry and hulkish at people who behave in ways i struggle to deal with and am losing the ability to put up with people who say things i find rude if i ever had the ability to put up with this in the first place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel incredibly blessed to be able to pursue both aspects of my being so fully within the same year", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i saw a few people beating a man who seemed to be a stranger", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope i can touch hearts and lives and if nothing else create a page where everyone can come and feel accepted loved and okay with themselves", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am doing a photoshoot nude right now and sure i don t get paid as much and the whole thing is pretty humilating but i feel just as glamorous as she does", "label": 1} -{"text": "i shout of course i feel surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kind of funny up here without my guitar", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel myself gorgeous in it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i usually feel people helped me out with directions and some even offered me a friendly chat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just really connect with him and i feel like im being totally obnoxious and invading his life and the way he usually spends his evenings but he told me that if he didnt want me up in his room he wouldnt have asked me up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel when i look at the prayer requests that the needs are overwhelming can i do justice to carrying everything from an abused child to heartbreaking situations in prayer can i do justice to these", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling jaded like i have seen it all before i come across something so new and exciting to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling quite violent this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have suffered a miscarriage in the past i wont pretend that i can imagine what you are feeling the pain of losing a child you have held loved and cared for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t help but feel furious with those men who dared to tell us to stop moaning and man up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so frustrated and mad inside because everything i had once is now all gone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love you and i feel so blessed to spend another year with you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i truly feel im not those affectionate kind and im mostly an introvert", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think there is another human being who has expressed so well the desires of my heart and many others i am sure to feel at one with the divine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel shocked on seeing this amateur girl posing in front of webcam", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a lot less restless knowing ill be able to star some assembling soon", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to know what it feels like to fall in love and never stop loving that person to have that love still live on after i am long gone", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been able to hit my target word count every day but im feeling so insecure about this draft that its making me a little nuts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have finished that do i feel relieved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was right to feel afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like to sleep well feel energetic and feel happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wont be feeling cold there and ive included pictures of the places im going to visit in my list", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have to say though that i still feel thankful today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i leave paradise feeling vaguely dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel their eyes boring into me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love what i do so i feel bad that i am counting down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate thinking so much i hate questioning what i feel i hate not trusting people but how can i when i dont know anything anymore about anyone anymore", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the opportunity to feel gracious and polite by stopping to allow a car in opposing traffic make a left turn in front of me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted this to be a funny blog and i tried with all my might to muster up some silly things but after the tragedies today in ct i am not feeling quite so funny and light hearted", "label": 5} -{"text": "when someone took my things without having asked for my permission", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling pretty overwhelmed with regrets the last few days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel that my heart now is being tortured into too much pain nga unta sa lain na nga kinabuhi dile na unta kasakit ang mudangat niya kanunay", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i represent myself well in person but its so hard to know what it is that the other person across from you is feeling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shaky i said as he began to walk slowly through the hallway as if he was delaying having to take me upstairs", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel intentionally heartless take on one mans rejection of his current life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i totally feel like i broke him more but its just wait and see", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling kind of yuck but i hated the idea of wasting my whole day doing nothing so i went on the search for an easy sit in the chair kind of project to do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so tortured but when im online and i hear nothing from you", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really obnoxious for feeling bummed on cds", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wondered what it would feel like if i had to restrict my sexuality in such an innocent but sweet moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i often feel like they should just call me out for being obnoxious and a bit unstable people somehow still seem to like me or at least tolerate having me around", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling dazed as i walked back to the bus stop after the mugging some elderly ladies came to meet me and hugged me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel irritated by any minor sound", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling a little distressed when i hopped on my bike and felt as though i were riding through molasses", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little weird about loving this book so much", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know exactly how i want it to feel i want to feel that spark amazing incredible ridiculous cant keep your hands off each other spark", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very optimistic and free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling dissatisfied with everyone and everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get into a social situation where i feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel when i meet people in real life there in real life i don t really care what they think about me and could care less if they hated me or what i liked or did", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt gross but now i feel hot so boom", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a deer in headlights kinda shocked that this is all going down honestly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went from feeling successful to feeling like a big time failure at my new job of momma", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel thrilled listening to the notes produced from the piano but its bulky look with multiple corners and presence with dull edges kills me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bitter about it but i really have no right to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel terrified that im going to do or say something that will make my parents look bad and i feel like im being especially examined and must be just whats expected of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling low not depressed or anything like that but it just seems that the whole day is taken up with ordinary things mostly domestic ones", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slightly shamed however", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know shes gone and i can still feel how much she loved me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this is always on my list but im really just amazed every year with gods faithfulness in providing me with the people i need in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am now feeling apprehensive about putting anything else up on my blog", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just have a lot of faith in the kings and how they re writing that it will feel truthful and connect with the rest of the show", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told them about the food we normally eat and the food we eat that they feel disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still fail often get stuck when confronted and feel the smarts to be rejected but i no longer wallow pout or hide", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like there are so many amazing opportunities in the world and i want to take advantage of as many of these opportunities as possible while i have the chance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel horrible when you stop by and take the time to say something awesome and i dont always have the time to reciprocate by commenting on your blog even though i almost always stop by", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt sleep all that long and seeing the time i declined and told her i was feeling irritable and didnt want to be a wet blanket", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stopped feeling frightened of the new release section and began looking forward to what i could learn from the other stories there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i swear i feel like i am going to be the most missed human being in durban with all these events my friends are hosting in my honour", "label": 0} -{"text": "i only started feeling aching all over my body and hungry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really love it and feel so immensely blessed but pregnancy number four really hurts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel selfish as so many others are far less well off than i but i can t still that restless feeling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel unimportant and dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling very hesitant about wanting to buy another house", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel incredibly listless being in albuquerque but at least the weather is improving more or less", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stick out my tongue and feel the delicate snow flakes melt away", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel selfish for hogging the best partner", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have this wonderful man as my eternal companion", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel absolutely shocked at the level of violence in the area and the border killings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like to watch gay porn and i like to give bj s but if i ejaculate i feel disgusted by the whole thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a small group in the studio i feel like i am supporting the work of the classroom", "label": 2} -{"text": "im already feeling nostalgic about the san antonio spurs golden state warriors series and it hasnt even finished yet", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been talking about it with my friend and she said that i should go for it but im definitely feeling a bit apprehensive about the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel badly about not being sympathetic to his needs but he can sense my inauthenticity and it creates conflict between us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious now", "label": 5} -{"text": "id do it myself but im getting over a big operation and feeling less than glamorous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel dazed now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really need to do my eyebrows as well but im feeling too delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel treasured honored and fully seen for all that we are", "label": 2} -{"text": "i said i feel just terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i see my mom as more amazing as the year go on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t help but feel i leave with a reluctant heart and a little sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel back onto my bed caring for my stinging eye", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not need to be made feel like a naughty schoolgirl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got told to head to a amp e brit at my side feeling anxious and not quite knowing how this would all end up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i am a faithful catholic attend mass pray regularly try to follow the church in all things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t think it s the end of the world i d be remiss if i didn t admit that i feel not so hot at the moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel scared and i feel like i need to get out of the way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling kind of dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling the need to give a gift in celebration of my plus years lots of pluses but dont ya know its impolite to ask a lady her age", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel frantic this morning as i try to calm myself to write", "label": 4} -{"text": "i assume you feel less nervous now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have felt the comfort extended by those who have lost or are losing their own mothers and i feel so impressed with how willingly mothers rally around each other with encouragement", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a gentle tap on my shoulder", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also notice that i feel something strange inside me i feel envy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think that now i cannot look at other people s eyes without feeling how unsure of myself i am every time i hear them speak", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel terribly overwhelmed since i have learned to give myself ivs its somewhat similar", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it also adds sentimental values as theres something about a black and white photograph that gives it more of a meaning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i must admit that i feel terribly greedy when it comes to these books", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel this could go either way and will not be surprised if the chiefs deliver again croyle", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was going to pt up the sugarcubes birthday video and now its ended up as this which doesnt fill me with the same feeling but now ive mentioned bjork i have an excuse so say how lovely she is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember walking through the store as a teenager and feeling impressed even overwhelmed by the stores fashionable offerings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that when i walk out of my front door i wont feel like i am a stranger in a strange town but that i will feel like i am home", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just feeling a little nostalgic when i went through several photos i and my friends had during my college days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know just how they feel its funny one of my jobs on moms online was to manage a message board", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel to the amazing generosity that makes up that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i crave for that warmth the feeling of loving and being loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel offended and at the same moment the small voice in my head whispers fraud he knows you re a fraud", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling rather pleased about the whole", "label": 1} -{"text": "i help professionals who are feeling distracted and overwhelmed cultivate the ability to unplug unwind and be fully present", "label": 3} -{"text": "im trying to find people that are doing things that feel dangerous pattinson said", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have googled things such as doubts before getting married or is it normal to feel unsure about getting married", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that what i write is dangerous to myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read such ridiculous comments i feel outraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the need to share with my loyal fans what i just saw outside my window img src http images", "label": 2} -{"text": "i after eli kim but feeling that would maybe be a little strange and so settled with calling him eline", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bit into the peppers a feeling of sweet joy hit my sense", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was reading the lyrics my gosh this is exactly how i feel i have issues with trusting people i love my friends and family but i know i can t trust them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more like a delicate boy", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling pretty relaxed about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sort of tried to ignore her because she is always obnoxious twords me and she knows how it makes me feel but still acts obnoxious twords me anyways", "label": 3} -{"text": "i let myself feel the way i do about you ugh i m so afraid you ll realize what i am and you ll walk away", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not going to lie i was having a really hard day with the language and feeling inadequate so i honestly wasnt able to say that much to him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like we might melt into an episode of adventure time but no its daria so were mellow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like addressing at the moment for jen and all the other girls that i have wronged or hurt im sorry there are things in my head that i need to deal with before i can have a succsessful relationship", "label": 3} -{"text": "i pray that they will meet you personally and feel your caring hand in their lives", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel like i dont have the time for it but then when i make the time to get outdoors it always energizes me and i dont know why i was hesitant in the first place", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling pretty insulted patronized and irritated by the advice in this brochure", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling extremely mad at myself for not being done", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel god is rude to me and destiny plays a villian", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like god is telling me brenda your impressed by that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i only started my essays weeks before the deadline that s because unfortunately i am the kind of writer who can only write when the feeling hits me because of my diva esque inspiration so i rushed my essays", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling pretty strange during that time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really stupid and like a child wrote it looking back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insecure all over again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got home feeling amazing id been really successful in my goal for the run keeping my heart rate as low as possible which is still pretty high for the rest of the population but all things are relative", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel she has the most sweet voice sweeter than the sweetest", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do a lot of things based on how i feel in the moment dont be surprised that my major changed times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had encouraged him to express his feelings for the girl he liked and was studying with him in his post graduation course", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant or ashamed to be affectionate towards my husband in a place like that when there are so many other people doing the same thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling quite distraught right now and a tad sick to the stomach", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t feel that awful pain again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been learning a lot in spite of feeling somewhat intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i was just accepted in my doctoral program yesterday and yet my time in nashville has already come to an end", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sad about that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never feel horny i cant even feel horny anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feelin fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had spent my whole life feeling homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i go to bed i feel like all my efforts are in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i so quickly feel his sweet presence as i take a moment in whatever i am doing to fully embrace his presence", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know christmas is over but i can t help but feel greedy xd", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think it made him feel rather impressed to see so many people so early in the morning come out to say goodbye", "label": 5} -{"text": "i make the act i cliffhanger feel more dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling needy for a simple hug a touch of your hand and a bit of your love", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was told of a friend only in his s who had passed on tuesday leaving me feeling shocked and aching for his wife", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i should make one of these for every beach loving friend i know", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m not as funny on my own", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember meeting him a week or so before i started first grade in the parish school and he made me feel so special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel inadequate and try to remind god that im not strong enough for the things and people he gives to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t want to ever feel rude or boring", "label": 3} -{"text": "i slow down to feel the wind against my delicate flesh and it is both powerful and gentle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i asked ryan to give me a blessing that saturday morning because i was feeling so awful and upset", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was in trouble really focusing in on the pain and negativity isolated and not seeing or feeling anything useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the grip of all of these things on my brain in my nervous system and struggle with things like", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started feeling a bit curious about something the other day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so privileged to have you near in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t even think about it without feeling bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like there is so much in him to be treasured and loved its just that he doesnt want me to know that part of him or something", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am in the midst of a storm i may not feel that he is faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable in breastaurants like a title hooters href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so helpless right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love the lines and the feeling that hes not afraid to let the characters get dirty and ugly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel not cranky because i am hungry energetic because i have less weight to carry around prettier because i dont have a spare tire", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling guilty but because i remember the days when i used to want to post almost every day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel if a client behaves in an unfriendly manner towards me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i rush out of my office once in a while to take a brisk walk in the open and not only do i lose the craving for a smoke but i feel distressed and invigorated as well", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i had that feeling because ive liked him for a long time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that im selfish at times i focus a lot on what i want out of the relationship or rather where this relationship is taking us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like they re curious with indonesian muslim", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel cause still im waiting for someone thats real everything is eventually just a memory seems like the sacrifice of a hiding in a lie would be all blamed on me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that i feel less terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dissatisfied with this account sartre s emphasis on the void and the isolation of g s figures", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still can wear what i have in my wardrobe and it change the whole feeling of the attire naughty and man", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself smirking away goodness gracious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still cant help but feel rather skeptical of the veracity of their facts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do find that because it is basically removing the dry skin from my lips that its left my lips feeling a little tender and sore for about an hour but popping some lip balm on helps soothe", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling doubtful today probably because ive hit the last of the s and so im waiting for that never to come turning point", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was lying in bed feeling sorry for myself under a duvet of tissues and throat lozenges i started thinking about my formal wear and when i would really ever wear some of those dresses again some of them dated back a decade to high school dances", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have not been the patient but i have sat by feeling helpless more times than i care to remember", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somehow complacent that it will be much easier this coming race", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am on top of things for the first time in my life and it feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loved bazaar fuyoh art bazaar a href http", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel brave and adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel contented that the real source is horseshoe lake for on the map i also saw a creek size stream entering elsewhere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want my children to rejoice in the death of people even evildoers or to feel compassionate for the souls of mankind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to feel like im a part of his incredible family and can only hope that theyll be my official family one day too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really angry sometimes because for the love of god havent we been through enough", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel the gx is a sweet little machine but i love that the e p is able to use the axis is even with leica rd party non af lenses and video where the gx will not", "label": 2} -{"text": "i now feel mislead and its left me feeling sceptical of the other products i bought from the same range", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling stressed or anxious or giddy i sat down with my list and picked out the immediate needs and placed an order with joanns", "label": 3} -{"text": "my parents did not approve my choice of a boyfriend now an exboyfriend he happened to be years older than me and he was considered completely unsuitable for me idiot", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been in dublin i could not be more grateful for this class as it has allowed me to work with people in need but also allowed me to feel accepted and immersed in the city", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little bashful what is all this fuss about anyway", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember that i don t feel betrayed or even disappointed anymore or more likely i have changed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that sounds dramatic but when youre suffering through it you just feel helpless and like your child is going to be scarred forever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t speak more than a few words of the local language and i have to rely on him to translate the conversations for me i feel submissive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel relaxed energized and ready to get back at it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i took the time to hear and feel the breeze inhale the sweet fragrance and let the the water calm me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel jealous when you talk to girls", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also wish that he would just sit at the cash register and stop trying to talk to me or make me feel sympathetic when he sighs while im trying to sell something to him like fruit that i should be eating", "label": 2} -{"text": "im so afraid of feeling awkward or unwelcome since i havent seem them in months", "label": 0} -{"text": "im in my mid twenties i really do feel its perhaps about time to start focusing a little more on caring for my skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think i am starting to feel jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel impressed and naiinspire ako na to get my lazy ass out of my seat and do something about the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not expecting you to know that because im good at hiding what i feel thank god i have blog or people with start thinking that i dont have heart that i am heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so fucked up tonight for no reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive had four today and i still feel dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will feel comfortable handing it over to an editor", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can never again enjoy without feeling angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the divorce needs to be finalized before i can support any romantic shenanigans that may happen the story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i said the company is fantastic their vision is one i support and i don t feel badly about supporting such a good cause", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel devastated and frustrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really like that feeling so i am loyal to it practice it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t forget the soft feeling my hot face is getting red", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know what is wrong i feel so impatient to feel better", "label": 3} -{"text": "walking out from the biology building", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling rather amazed to be honest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel absolutely shocked and devastated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i decided that i would feel uncomfortable seeing the kind of loving looks and affection the young couple in front of me was showing right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went to usf to tie up some loose ends feeling pretty impressed with the conservative synagogues approach", "label": 5} -{"text": "i trudged right through confessing my need for a little extra me time while pushing the guilt of feeling selfish aside", "label": 3} -{"text": "i thought this capture feels more on the elegant side i wanted to enhance that by making all the colors soft and pretty it up with gold tones to enhance that sense of elegance and beautiful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this way at such a tender age", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate it that i feel like the overly neurotic person that people get tired of talking to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i and kiyoshi for sharing your feelings and memories from such a delicate personal time in your lives", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hope youre not feeling quite so uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed with thankfulness for the support of my friends and family", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the delicate separation of each muscle the ripples and bumps of old injuries nursing them back to smoothness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i knew i was getting sick the very moment my head started to feel funny yesterday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling less than creative and i have never done this before i figured it was time to do a little survey so you lovely readers can get to know me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i already feel as tortured as it is having to learn this again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember standing up cheekily looking around and feeling amazed at the sight of all these men gedo included young and old rich and poor healthy and weak prostrating in unison", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont hate cena im a big fan of him but this one i have a feeling bray has special tool in his bag", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt even feel disturbed by the fact that i didnt have any opinions because i didnt have enough emotion to be disgusted by the fact that i was a breathing robot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel tortured by this still", "label": 4} -{"text": "i carved the rune for sun into my candle amp thought about how now the days are getting warmer but also shorter so im trying to absorb all this sunshine to carry me through the times when i feel cold amp to provide to others now amp always", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often feel i am the person of a reluctant pass jot the reason is patted namely chip when often have with respect to breakthrough fresh unfamiliar sealed challenge", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling positive about a lot of things namely all the little goals i had set aside for this year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would feel the hot moist eager mouth as his lips and mine pressed together in passionate union and i would think of and feel many other bodily sensations and responses to his touch and presence", "label": 2} -{"text": "i walk in a conventional classroom my senses feel assaulted by all the stuff on the walls hanging from the ceiling and covering all the surfaces", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very affectionate to the lone barren tree on the left hand side of the photograph", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am sick and tired of feeling like this every time i see and read about women being abused", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still in the art world but it was hard looking at these incredible works every day and feeling like i don t know if i can do that and also being overwhelmed by imagery all day coming home and feeling like ugh", "label": 5} -{"text": "im spending the time to shop and prep meals so that i have good foods to eat at my finger tips all the time i feel amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stay in one place for more than months i start feeling restless bored and stuck", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that being and having a loyal friend is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love feeling productive and in control of at least one thing in my life and making a list allows me to do that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like dying of love sometimes from happiness and sometimes from longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a love and i feel pretty anita a boy like that and america riff cool bernardo sharks jets the jet song girls america", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up feeling shaky but quite a bit better", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t practice a lot i start to feel very nervous and then i can t remember the monologue", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit lost i still thank you for se", "label": 0} -{"text": "im really pissed off and feeling kind of hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like people are still constantly surprised that i m good at something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look around the components of my life i do feel rather successful and proud of the life i have created", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazing about getting so much done at work today and i also came home and cleaned every inch of the house for my family whos coming in town tomorrow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got depressed for awhile and wasnt feeling very funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel like spending valuable euros on art i would have to leave behind", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont mean to boast but i feel rather impressed by my message", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a shaky fence or a sagging wall", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really stunned by this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel something uncomfortable start to stir inside", "label": 4} -{"text": "when a classmate of ours knocked on our door at oclock in the morning i was disgusted at his behaviour", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think it was a combination of emotions that had me feeling very cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel he is alot more affectionate naturally then i have ever really allowed myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazed by him i havent thought about why i feel this way in such a long time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pretty carefree a href http houseoftubers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can only imagine how id be feeling in the midst of ferocious lions licking their lips staring at me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look around at our living space and i feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found myself in the middle of a surprising feeling of being quite extremely glad to have gone there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel your pain and keep caring for that little one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just stayed there letting myself feel a little melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling too impatient to use texture paste puff paint can be dried instantly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that divine angst this time a bit different", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really is on its last feet and quite honestly isn t pleasant to watch", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have been left with a paranoid fear", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t know she behaived like a year old does and she s doesn t has that charistic feeling it comes a little fake to me but hee thats just my opinion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember right away feeling that this is an unkind and an unsafe world and i was already hurt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i to feel angry and judge them for their feelings when i could possibly be in the same position as them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little intimidated that i wasnt keeping up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just want to feel passionate again and i fear that i might have turned my passionate side off when i chose a path away from the guy ive been crying over for the past years", "label": 2} -{"text": "i must say i am feeling very good and", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the change in make up hair styling and lighting are successful in showing the contrast of both looks", "label": 1} -{"text": "i liked cathica better i might feel some sympathy for her having her world view shaken by the doctor s questions but since i don t like her hellip", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is the unfortunate fate of nin", "label": 0} -{"text": "i quit all drugs and alcohol in july and feel really amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel at that moment i see their shocked expression when i tell them they are going to die", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suggest you wait to discuss this with them until you re feeling less resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wail from the deepest crevices within as i feel utterly helpless and vulnerable today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel humiliated in front of my fiance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i believe thankfulness is a muscle that we need to exercise the more we stop and allow ourselves to really think about all we have to be thankful for the more blessed and happy we feel today i feel overwhelmed with how many wonderful things happened to us today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very bothered today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel exceedingly dissatisfied right now like i just kinda wasn t treated right this summer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate living in limbo and feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "im going to miss you like a child misses their blanket sums up my feelings about my lovely integra", "label": 2} -{"text": "im starting to feel anxious about feeling the baby move", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so weird not saying goodnight to mike", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was so naively hoping to at least feel the existence of them in the house because i was such a curious kid", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tell that i feel so fucked up and cooped up in my head", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was very feel shy he also said in the evening there is a sound you don say anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it makes a difference in the attention span when they have those lovely color images in front of them", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling rather bothered because my physical and mental clock is still in october", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like blair just wants to be loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not have any comprehension of the fact that my internal experiences is my own creation i believed that what i experienced within was me all the thoughts emotions feelings experiences was me as who i am so i simply accepted and embraced my internal experiences and acted accordingly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel outraged on the inside", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i cant feel no more a violent distruption of hate and fear", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been run over by a train and people have left me feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel when creating a cake a cookie anything sweet and above all seeing others enjoy them later", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt way more relaxed than usual when i was observed and it made me feel confident", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like crap but not really sure whether i am feeling severe pms or pregnancy symptoms", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stunned myself that im just needing a break from the needles", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so alone and yet surrounded by too many people who are constantly in need of something from me and i m thinking crazy things like go away people can t you see how terribly lonely i am", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get an anxious feeling i feel xox soon itll be the real thing already so i need to be flawless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i watched her from below stalking waiting feeling an attachment and longing for this soul that i the fox could not comprehend yet i the woman could faintly remember", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive damaged lizs brain which is kinda sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a strange sadness that is too familiar at times like this always preceeding a trip away from home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate one word replies that make me feel as though the person just cant be bothered with me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like the recovery of my spirit feeling faithful and optimistic knowing in my heart that all is and will be well", "label": 2} -{"text": "i say that im sick of walking in these circles and feeling so complacent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i twisted way at all feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel im not even shocked anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also notice that to me telling the truths hard because i feel that attacked and frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling so distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would have understood if shed been fussy after all she surely feels rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do get a feeling that the above statement is majorly being summarized as romantic endeavours are damn important forgetting a very important distinction that they are equally important", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling dazed and confused about the direction i want to take", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope these tips help and if you have other ideas please feel free to leave a comment below", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling more positive now but tomorrow is another day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling a little anxious about changes that are happening in my life and also changes that will be happening", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little melancholy today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i need to be reassured again i m nervous about everything", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up still feeling anxious so i went to my trusty copy of a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel like a bit of a failure as if i am letting the artistic image down", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel offended just kidding", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious i do manage to go on a walk at midnight without telling anyone but that was one time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the feeling of being fucked by you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am not overwhelmed too badly with it and i know it is something i can get over", "label": 4} -{"text": "i almost always leave the salon feeling glamorous which trust me is not an everyday occurrence", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel enraged and yes even violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a cold coming on and could use a nap or two", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling unsure and in limbo and i feel like ive been living my life in a state of unrest for awhile now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel drained of energy rel bookmark permalink", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so strongly it makes people afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that people around me are all insincere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think that this is because i feel that this game is not aimed at gamers but rather casual playing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i pray that more will be unafraid to speak out regardless of much they think they know or how inadequate they may feel in expressing it or how intimidated they may be to express unpopular opinions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i haven t posted on here in a few days been busy with the national collegiate table tennis association and putting in a few more hours at work but i feel kind of impressed to write about something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i must own sir that this does feel a most strange first sir as i am not properly dressed to honour it though i am in fine cloth but it is a most extraordinary first notwithstanding", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive also mentioned that ryan had yet to feel him move since jaxon has been so stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think that were i to come across the original book itself in a museum say nothing would feel strange it would be powerful and moving", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive decided to order baby chicks through the mail ive never done this before and i feel a bit apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel deeply dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i call them only a third of the times that i want to though because i feel this strange pressure to stop missing them to stop wanting to be with them to just stop and grow up because i am and nobody else is acting like this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the reconnection is to stop feeling numb and start feeling pain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so jealous because i think i look older than my actual age", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lost in my assignments projects and what not", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling very bleurggh and i just cannie be bothered to do anything and this obviously reflects in what im wearing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel curious reserved habits was nothing else", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went back to sleep feeling a bit more peaceful about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i express sympathy but feel slightly superior that i am through the rough patch", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it s mostly males being surprised at the basketball under my shirt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i put these words down i feel a longing to delete them as wrong but cant find a way to see it like that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel worthless compared to them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont really like because i feel slightly intimidated by the conscious fact that i have to be polite not rude to them so i cant really joke funny insult them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really beaten up now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can understand how people feel victimized by their mental health", "label": 0} -{"text": "when my elder brother failed form five in when i was years old", "label": 3} -{"text": "i no longer feel intimidated by the muscle bound body builders in the weight room", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that it is rude though if someone is doing it to one of my friends i will jump in because then it is against rudeness", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel deprived i felt as if i was working on becoming and staying physically healthy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel the need to serve my husband by caring for his dad", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i ve been feeling that for a while now even when she s here but i just had time to dwell on it instead of being distracted with spending time with ethan and finding fun things for us to do together", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always want nemo by my side and sleeping without her now feels weird even though it doesnt happen often that i get to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got all of these things in but in retrospect i feel i rushed the session and would have been better off doing it as a parter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got to feeling frightened thinking that there might not actually be a life after god by douglas coupland a href http tomomi", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am grateful that i work in an environment where i feel accepted for the most part", "label": 2} -{"text": "i saw some big burly man that had wild tattoos all over i would also feel a little fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that as our relationship continues to become stronger i feel completely comfortable with disclosing everything of my life to him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i can go from gentle rocking up to cycles per second for something really quite intense", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will not forget that fact is fact regardless of how i feel i will not forget that i am his child and i am precious to him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i chose to use my james brown shampoo and conditioner because i use this for special occasions or when my hair is feeling really dull and needs lighting up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i callously blaze up a death stick sucking on it hard until i feel my breath threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can only say this product is well worth every penny and although i cannot remember quite how much it was it certainly was under and my skin feels divine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel like i have a good team behind me and i know my options", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like having that sweet carby yet low glycemic meal not just at breakfast but often for dessert", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feed blessed sometimes i feel resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel disadvantaged compared to everyone else there eating the scrumptious assortments of food", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling grumpy today i decided to go buy fruit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i share with a little sister whenever she s in it i know that i can t talk to my characters so i ll get all anxious and out of place and feel agitated and just want to get in that room and talk to myself but i can t until she s asleep how much of a loser am i", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel that way intimidated etc", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling like a shitty person", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want my readers to feel as if they are going on a trip to a strange and different place", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling like a naughty girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel myself getting agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling particularly doubtful that we will see the fruition of the second part of his promise because something very terrible happened about three weeks ago that tore our family more", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wrote around then and its sitting and collecting dust until i feel brave enough to work on it again and make it good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i usually feel funny about posting blast pictures too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so needy and lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was left feeling a little suspicious of the whole premise", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found the real lv bag s leather to be tougher and faker feeling than the fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling shaky but wonderfully alive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel abused by him only used", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have completely stopped caring about careers and defining my life so that i feel that people are impressed with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am noticing i am feeling fairly relaxed for the week before school starts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasn t sure what else to do to help her feel smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a spectator to my own life curious and wondering what s next", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know is that it makes me feel disappointed in the design or designer of that product", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am on sunday night working on a presentation for monday and i feel resentful and angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel easily annoyed instead", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a funny mix of emotions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started to feel angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hated and disliked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love how i feel after a run and im amazed at how if i push through the pain it becomes bearable to endure", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont exchange gifts because i want to get something i do it for the feeling i get the look on that special persons face i do it because i love to give", "label": 1} -{"text": "i generally feel a bit lost at the moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i must admit i feel a bit like a rockstar which is funny considering i didnt actually do anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling pretty vulnerable since its rare that i like someone this much and i dont want to screw it up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would imagine the musician exuma who wrote this intense piece carried the same fierce anger i feel i am amazed at the comfort i get from hearing these words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish i didn t feel so stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did feel distressed about the reaction in my party but my greater distress was that i did feel distressed about the reaction in my party but my greater distress was that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help it when it s the only way i can express things whenever i feel cranky happy this is still my diary", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stayed home from teens because i am still trying to kick this cold that just wont go away i am feeling overwhelmed emotionally", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know how bad it is to be pride and vain but i couldnt help but feel a bit of each tonight as i crept into my house at around midnight and munched thoughtfully on a slice of cold pizza iframe allowfullscreen frameborder height src http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know it doesnt seem like a long enough time to make you feel rejuvenated but you would be surprised at how refreshing power naps can be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i so excited why did i feel so disappointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate when i feel shy n nervous in front of others", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was suffering from some of my usual feelings of conflict loving too many teams too many players and feeling like i didn t belong in this world of fandom that i d submersed myself in where people bleed the colors of their teams", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about petty games", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant reach out and feel your finger tips its not that i might feel some petty shame no but that i might then learn your name", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling vaguely dissatisfied with the interview when milt and i were driving away but milt was not because he told me he had been so impressed by kahls integrity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more threatened by possibly the future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am also feeling frustrated at god", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t explain why it feels elegant but it just does", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am no longer as emotional as i was last night and i have managed to calm down but i still feel a bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still want to find a few burlap fabrics to make it not quite so girly feeling but im loving all the colors", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pained no actually i feel flummoxed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to feel the pain and the bitter taste", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was going to go but didn t feel like dressing up it was professors naughty schoolgirls", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess that s what it feels like to be getting over things when you re still a little tender where the wounds were", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am really tired and was not feeling particularly strong i did a quick stott pilates core strength amp flexibility workout", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should not feel shocked anymore for the injustices committed to oriental dancers in egypt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i prefer not having a phone and not being contacted all together but when i get contacted but cant respond i just feel rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shy to ask my dad for anything because i know we need the money", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very loyal to my husband", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel achey grouchy and irritable grrrr", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get to the stage where ive had enough light on my skin that i feel agitated which kickstarts my pulse rate to the point that i can get up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realized it wasn t half way through the exam it was three quarters of the way through and i d barely written anything about of mice and even more mice the title i think would suit it so much better and there are times when i feel even more exceptionally anxious and i just dissolve into misery", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel unimportant to others and that makes me feel insignificant in my own life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left feeling very impressed with their offerings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wont feel so dumb all the time anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i took my last dose last night and while im still feeling weird this morning ill hopefully be back to normal by tomorrow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel the comment is contextually hateful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have these feelings these urges to do something i begin to feel incredibly anxious and unfocused yet how am i supposed to accomplish anything in such a state of mind", "label": 4} -{"text": "im going to feel how i feel without an aching stomach on top of that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling uncharacteristically generous and thought id offer them the full menu provided they order quickly thus allowing chef to crank up the afternoon chip production line without any undue delay", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help but feel the outgoing governor has a point", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so distressed at times", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling a little lost and purposeless wanting to do something productive but not being able to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mean i understand his feelings but he also had a romantic a fare there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i read the gospels in bed feeling curious but detached", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wont lie pretty much as soon as we got there i was feeling miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a quarrel with my father", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like an athlete near the end of a long long race surprised that im actually near the finishing line", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am able to find the dreamy romanticism in feeling too hot the languid movements that take over the slow thinking the sweaty glasses of ice water the hot wind on bare skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to find myself sitting in front of the consultant feeling furious and increasingly upset at her patronising refusal to allow me to make a choice over the kind of birth i wanted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel uncertain when such concept of a meal became very popular within the far east a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was somewhat disappointed because i was hoping they would find something that would explain why i feel lousy and my body is skipping periods", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so utterly heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i can t save the world i just want to know if anyone else would feel just as disgusted as i do by this", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling listless and uninspired right now as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got on citrus and one mint because i was feeling indecisive today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walia feels suspicious about tarun and bani", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel almost rude to celebrate in front of you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel very impressed that water can be made portable by containing them in cans and cups that are thrown away later", "label": 5} -{"text": "im still feeling frustrated today but at least i realize that my life is of my own makings", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling at all friendly toward google at the moment thanks to its behavior in the google books settlement", "label": 1} -{"text": "i slid into you wanting to feel the frantic heat and friction of our bodies rubbing together but you had other ideas", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shaky the adrenaline crashing and my system trying to stabilize", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tried to stay for a piyo class too but i just hadnt eaten enough today and i was starting to feel shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling horrible because of the first mistake ive made in years now my wifes entire family hates me and despite her being the perfect child never getting into trouble going to college and getting top marks and doing whatever they asked of her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to smile and feel i want something passionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i drove home feeling like they liked me not someone i pretended to be not a fictiscious character i created the real me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel angry at everything and everyone for being able to go about their regular daily life while i have to fight this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i discovered out what made my wife feel lovedi was shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know the feeling the longing for the geographical place i belong", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sorry about you because your point of view is indoctrinated by these left wing european historical revisionists textbooks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know youve killed several people but im really feeling loving today and", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to hide my fears to protect my family and friends from feeling afraid too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bet that he feels like he was assaulted by a beautiful woman", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a failure and i get frustrated at chris and he cant help it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think ive started forgetting over these past months how much it hurts to feel ugly or worthless or stupid and how excruciating every single second is when one thinks that theres nothing worth living for or that life is wasted on oneself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not the only one who feels this way though i am not surprised with my revelation with her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i compare my requests to theirs and feel selfish to ask for prayer for my personal struggles", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about my sweet newborn", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling really jaded about politics", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wouldn t wish it on anyone i feel like i have become a more compassionate loving stronger and understanding person because of my journey sets of double pink lines and all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find myself feeling more nostalgic each year for the christmasses of my childhood", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so inspired to do that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i take it but feel awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know how that actually feels and im not so heartless to try it out on you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need to fully realize that someone telling the world they were simply going through the motions of a relationship they didnt really feel for is not acceptable behaviour", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like being naughty and going against the meme haters", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have many friends and parish family members who feel called to stay and be the faithful remnant in tec", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling artistic and there is a fair approaching i work on designing items and getting those photographed priced and in my books", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel angered by some things now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was in the middle of a huge crowd of people having polite conversation with a man who was feeling me up and making me incredibly horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the life inside me jiggling with ferocious fury and i m afraid", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling so restless today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling this issue will come up again unless shiro somehow manages to stop caring if his coworkers find out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was of laura i didn t really feel comfortable with the idea of exposing myself to her like that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think anger is the emotion i hate feeling the most cause i get violent and vicious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel a strong sense of pride when i see my scar", "label": 1} -{"text": "im so proud of trying more and participating more because the feeling of when you finish is amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was on the phone with my best friend and we both realized that we were extremely horny and feeling very naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill hum along for a while then get off track and feel totally overwhelmed then things will get righted and ill be ok", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have never ordered a dress from this company that hasnt looked good on me and made me feel gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling very curious today it would seem", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel every single word that is loving kind and supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling awfully violent today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel indecisive and hesitant confused and a little weak willed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was expecting responding to a risk factor questionnaire those two questions in particular caught me off guard and it really made me wonder how i would feel surprised scared confused hurt helpless and who i would tell my family my doctor my closest friends", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasn t happy and i knew that if i was feeling this dissatisfied with where i was and what i was doing when everyone around me seemed happy in it then it must be because i was meant to do something else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i strongly believe in the vision of my school back in hawaii and i feel that i was blessed to come together with these other students across america and unite for a common cause a cause to help those around us and engage others to do the same", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a shaken champagne bottle waiting to burst", "label": 4} -{"text": "i carefully traced his fangs with my tongue loving the taste and feel of him amazed at how they turned me on even further", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like god is gracious and in those times i might refer to myself as a restored sinner or a sinner saved by grace", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know it s pretty petty but i can t help feeling left out i m surprised my best friends haven t asked him why i invited his best friend that s a girl to many parties so i though she might give a fuck when shes meant to be a close friend", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know about you but thinking this way makes me feel super stressed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel strong enough for anything that people can say", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel ecstatic today especially when i reached school", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can ask is that you download the book and if you re feeling generous and have the time add a comment or review", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had mixed feelings about monsters i guess because of a lot of reasons but it had fabulous special effects so i came away feeling neutral about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was in the middle of a plague where sweetness came at first with one of them and then started to spread to every living soul around covering any authentic behavior any true feeling and transforming them to sweet smiling creatures with sweet singing voices", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be surrounded by so many people who are and even more blessed that ive managed to keep my wits around me and not succumb to the every popular baby fever", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up feeling so relieved that it was only a dream i honestly dont think that it meant anything at least i hope not", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had a very provocative dream the kind that makes you feel slightly shaken as you wake up from it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like is the year of amazing book covers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love him even more because after learning about that and listening to the buzz beeps he makes for communication i can tell how he s feeling curious explanatory angry annoyed saddened", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel my hands legs aching for no reason my back like going to break anytime", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty grumpy its friday night and i want a drink", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was walking out to my car feeling all glamorous i looked down at my clothes and said now that my face looks so pretty i feel like i need to put on nicer clothes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel something funny something different happiness", "label": 5} -{"text": "i only had to take one break during the wod because i was feeling some weird pulling tightness in my lower abdomen and i made sure to keep my heartrate in check", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive in the past and i stress past were talking the s i was very self conscious of being too skinny but why didnt i feel like a delicate ballerina", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know how to describe how i feel a funny thing is that generally i feel incredibly apathetic inside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am only repeating over and over again the vicious cycle that i am having", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do know many people are feeling overwhelmed with school or whatever theyre going through right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i almost feel dazed and detatched from just about everything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the popular girl who thinks she deserves the popular boy in movies but really its the shy pretty girl who gets him aka bethany", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am constantly amazed by hallie", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling really anxious and crazy lately and being at home in the city kind of stresses me out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so reluctant to say this but i do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am also feeling very amorous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was so relaxed and just feeling totally horny at this point from this pedicure chair", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling vulnerable and naked like i am out on stage without knowing any of the lines or the choreography", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember is feeling shocked about the situation and then hearing thats because you live in a bubble", "label": 5} -{"text": "i must say it feels really really weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel suspicious of everyone hehe itll be fun", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did recently bemoan my experiences of other people s interference on the mummy central blog but breastfeeding my son for the past year is something my strength of feelings about have often surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling brave i might link to some of them just to give you a taste of cat patches the early years", "label": 1} -{"text": "i haven t been feeling depressed or angry lately and i owe it all to my blossoming renewed yoga practice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i was so innocent to have only one dream to fill my brain and to be crazy about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have gained confidence and i feel like i have become more free", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling obnoxious o o you have all been flashed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that naughty dog has taken the right path to developing a game that may finally offer what gamers have been craving for so long realistic and intelligent enemies and allies that will react in real time to the decisions that the player makes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i send your feel to beloved ones miss you sms in hindi a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this a lot that i m a supporting player in someone else s movie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a bitch if i dont follow someone back but i dont like their account lol my logic is fucked up pinterest a href javascriptimwb interest window open http plus", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to actually invite people over to my apartment without feeling embarrassed or ashamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling fairly sentimental at the moment so i suppose thats why im sharing things as personal as a photo", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel needy i m going to hide", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling slightly thrilled about arabic after having memorized some verb patterns two p but now i have forgotten them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like supporting the removal of the un from the us", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling like a very smart cookie today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am just feeling really weird right now about the fact that i dont want to do any planning and well im just not sure thats normal", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like drawing weird and fun things happening that does not really make any sense at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a hard time feeling as though i am accepted anywhere with just about anyone even though i have learned to hide it fairly well when that s necessary", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still look awful im feeling pretty lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive a feeling id look terribly ugly in my mateiks card", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want candy versus i m feeling anxious about this deadline i ll take a short run and get back to my work at p", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t believe it until this morning s weight in i only weigh in on mondays it feels like the most wonderful blessing and miracle and i am so happy about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that supporting this if only by posting a photo is my way of making a contribution and awareness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go to not as regularly as i d like but definitely when i m feeling agitated or anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i detested my father who was a drunkard he would rave", "label": 3} -{"text": "i may have to start up a mini bootlegging business in my dining room so i can get all my friends hooked on it whenever im feeling generous enough to share that is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am afraid shell be like feeling insecure around me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i crawl out from all my blankets put my shorts and flip flops back on and step outside into the phoenix fall world i immediately feel assaulted by the blanket of well intentioned people wearing head to toe pink", "label": 4} -{"text": "i liked them better when they turned my mouth white made me feel naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like having read ulysses is a club of really smart and fun people and i want to join that club", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at my dad sometimes i feel like he is the main character of a book and were just the supporting characters", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel scared all the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "id strolled around a little bit feeling amused at the people and the superimposed christmas festivities i felt too physically ill and went to selfridges to throw up", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tend to stop breathing when i m feeling stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so wronged by what others do to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like something hot and heads for the mcdonald s counter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found myself feeling increasingly agitated and frustrated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i reflect on a lot and also one that i dont share too often especially not publicly as i feel shy awkward about putting some of these situations inner workings of my mind out there for fear of others raised eyebrows or judgements", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel the fine drops dampening my hair my face i savored this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i m accepted on this stage pinned on june at pm by", "label": 2} -{"text": "i been so far out of my comfort zone and the feeling was amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess when someone feels threatened that means that they are insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling rather agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk around small conversations start up here and there all the while i can feel the sweat upon my palms begin as i get ever more paranoid for no apparent reason", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling impatient i havent been blogging because each day was pretty similar sleep eat pregnancy pains sleep etc", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love wearing skirts i think they actually make women feel more romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have no problem writing this comic in english but i found myself feeling a little bit reluctant about translating this into japanese", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very strange blowing my own trumpet haha but yeah thats just how much i love this class page", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a fucking sicko for loving it so much but if being a sicko is wrong i don t wanna be right", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i should not be amazed at this by now but somehow i am always surprised by gods faithfulness and supernatural intervention in our lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought it would be a good time to check in on weasel nation to see how they were feeling about their donut loving coach and their floundering football team", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to put normal in quotes because normal is a feeling that ive been longing for and finally feel like weve had for quite a while yet i know that normal is all in the eyes of the beholder", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know what kind of training he and richard see the eos post below received but they never ever made me feel pressured or wary which made the process more than civilized", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sat in silence in the quaker tradition three times in two days and i didnt feel distracted by anything but the sound of the wind and the trees that have i known for most of my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i begin to write something i feel like i am boasting about my abilities and it makes me feel really weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have noticed that this season feels rather more clever than it does laugh out loud", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel he hurts me simply because i argue with him and place him in a corner like a frightened animal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to realise how much i would prefer to hate and punish myself rather than just feel my lust and soulmate longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit insecure afraid that the people around me will misjudged or misunderstood me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling as if i was in a bit of cranky place in terms of readi", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am also comforted that it is more energy efficient than the old one so i can feel virtuous about contributing less to global warming", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a bad feeling about the door markus said in response to stefan s curious look", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel a little curious about who the person hes fallen for is though", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know why i am lying in this dungeon like room only that i am starting to feel frightened by lying here in the cold dark room", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can always feel free to enjoy making trying and either loving or not liking what i made", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i watched a report about el salvador on tv", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still wish it was a little more moisturising as even though i could get away with using it twice daily by the the afternoon i could feel my lips needing a bit of loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel its a bit funny thou he is his own boss", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that ur life is devoted to tyler and that u dnt rele care abt ne one eles", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still watch listen to a lot of tv and radio news to keep from feeling so isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shaky and like i want to cry but i cant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get upset and hurt and feel like im being punished", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can care less what happened i will be the bigger person or at least try and use all of it as a learning experience no matter how many ill and negative feelings i had and the circumstances i resigned under", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not doing at gym because you know i feel shy when other people looking at while im doing workout like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive only been with the company for weeks and being a newbie feels so strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel a bit nervous about the demon pants buried deep in the sanitary disposal bin in the toilet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i then went to my brothers fantastic wedding in chicago feeling amazing and when i got back kind of lost all the motivation for why i was running", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling generous and ill chalk it up right now as something to reasonably expect his midrange shot to approach league average next year", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a bit amazed that in weeks ill be running", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was asked tonight about my thoughts about deployment and what others might be thinking or feeling about the location that they are in and the location that we are in thank god we are in a less dangerous location", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling that somehow a part of you was like a curious kid wanting to find out what father was up to and then walking in on father with a whore or something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel honoured and humbled on my nomination as a candidate to contest the presidential election mukherjee told reporters outside the north block office of the finance ministry before submitting his resignation to prime minister manmohan singh", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling sort of depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am without a doubt feeling a bit skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean if his child feels that way then id be really supportive of him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling ok this morning though my legs did feel like lead", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am all for the discipline of silence and feel that there are times and places when silence must be upheld and respected but i don t think mass is one such place", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left feeling awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so hopeless and usually just want o scream", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the most productive on mondays", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can love my friends but not necessarily care about what they think or say or feel i just dont feel like caring about anything for a while", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wont go off on this today but many drug and alcohol problems are brain chemistry but others are an attempt at shielding and self medication because subconsciously people can feel how vicious others really are", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly morose and hopeless ok i was but because there is a truth to it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange when i get noticed by a white dude", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel invigorated by classes and bouncing ideas off people", "label": 1} -{"text": "im thinking of locking myself in my house until i manage to get it all organized but i have a feeling i may become as cranky and isolated as this dear friend a href http", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t really love i ve been in jobs i ve loved but didn t feel valued i ve been in friendships with people who didn t really know me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about the scratches the way i feel about my wrinkles i am fond of them and regard them as evidence of a life well lived", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling we ll be even more amazed by it in person", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was really feeling agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am just very sick after years of feeling lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling festive a few weeks ago but i m just not looking forward to christmas this year i haven t even written to santa", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling all these funny cramps going on lown down in my tummy and i distinctly remember them from last pregnancy although i didnt realise until now that it was related to pregnancy", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive become immune to some of these reports one particular headline made me feel shocked frustrated and saddened all at the same time a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel fine a href https gm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really love reading bible because i can feel the presence of the lord jesus and i feel every single word it says and also amazed on how this and that happened how jesus sacrifice just to save us from our sin and also looking back then on how he created everything in this world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i understand much much more of this series and i am excited to see what happens next for the death crew", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like people are afraid to be around me like it reminds them that it cancer can happen to anyone even them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i should be completely truthful so id like to start by telling you about my career", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m just irritated in general much of the time lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realise that the feeling of needing a drink passes by very quickly if you distract yourself and dont dwell on being deprived which of course you are not", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still feeling like i got beaten with the cold flu stick at least i lost the fever chills that came with it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i live in this strange dimension everybodys super busy so i feel the need to act busy too but im a totally useless being here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i presume the reason i was feeling weird these past few days was because i was slowly falling and i didnt realize that until today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wanna tell you how i feel but im scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i held on while feeling relieved about peter s last sentence almost done", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not even sure what has caused this change around in mood but i have a feeling the delicious indian madras pilau rice and onion bhajis helped a lot", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling really really sarcastic ill add when authors get sick they dont throw up normal vomit", "label": 3} -{"text": "im very fortunate to have because i feel sorry for anyone who lives life without feeling alive to at least one song", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sure the leaders in the two parties vying for power are starting to feel butterflies reviewing drafts of speeches they will ultimately deliver later this evening either in victory or gracious defeat", "label": 2} -{"text": "im surrounded by people who care deeply about writing my students my colleagues i feel like im part of a supportive electric community a pleasant antidote to the lonely time i spend in the chair", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little dazed to be out in the real world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to admit i do have this odd feeling that he will turn up and yet i know that is absolutely ludicrous", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel it curious woman whose dresses a href http members", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like she is really supporting my efforts at getting the teen job", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am really having withdrawal symptoms from my friends at uni so i am feeling eager to do some uni work over the remainder of the summer break to keep my creative juices flowing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel i m surprised by the quality of a show when i enjoy it so much but of course i was taken aback by just how good they sounded live said meagan hoffman a senior at clemson university", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have recently moved down to brighton from manchester and i am still feeling thrilled from my move", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel heartbroken sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling totally insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling too bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i blurted out can t hide the feeling of longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have reason to feel paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i actually feel kinda stupid for liking him in the first place i cant tell you why though bc there are spoilers involved in any explanation i could come up with", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very lucky that some of my other characters are stepping up and making transitions from point to point easy lol", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love the feeling of rings on my hand which sounds strange but its true", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a real sense of terrified inside", "label": 4} -{"text": "im a mom i feel lonely when im away from my girl", "label": 0} -{"text": "im still feeling amazed and cant believe i went to had it pierced hahahahhaa", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often feel irate when i think of you because of our fight and i want to make an effort to fix things between us", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a bit stunned this morning as i received the news that a classmates memorial service will take place next s", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will feel rushed it doesn t matter that sundays i workout alone with no one to notice my absence", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used only half an egg because i didnt want to waste a big batch in case they didnt come out well these come out so feel free to double the batch and use one whole egg", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had some really good times but some other time i feel like i can be depressed now that i know what the real depression is thankyou effy stonem im not gonna say that im depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that the moment we accepted a system that punished without a proper legal redress through the courts we broke the most fundamental traditional protections and assumptions of the legal system of the country", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the series is very faithful to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird about eating more calories now my brain makes me feel guilty for eating more because i have been eating less for so long", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am starting to feel really neglectful of my blog here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling smug about the power cuts because my laptop can run happily on battery power so it wouldnt be a problem", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like tender mirror is a distillation of everything that he s ever communicated to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i was being a jerk but it was really annoyed at them at the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling more energetic and sleeping better for awhile so i thought id look back on my health journal to see what might have caused it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i asked someone that today and it was highly uncomfortable for me asking it made me feel pathetic and miniscule like i can t take care of myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i know quite a lot with wing chun i am amazed because i could never think that something created as a martial art could have such effects on one s body and mind", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate going to bed feeling dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would not feel offended if the relative who had stopped at this blog would berate or humiliate a bad article that i published this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a lot more and more irritated because of the evening", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want cassie to not feel like shes supporting me all the time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wouldnt feel so hostile and such but at least today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would give to hear your voice or to feel your tender touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m constantly being hit in the mouth with a baseball bat but as long as i have sweet tunes creeping out of my speakers the pain is mollified a bit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i broke a chair in school which prompted other kids to start calling me whale and i first started to feel somewhat curious about why my family was different than others", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel threatened want to disconnect", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling a little more depressed though", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling quite exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel totally helpless in the lessening of the climate crisis i feel as if my personal actions amp reservations cannot alleviate climate injustice and i feel flashes of disempowerment as a result", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel cranky but wow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite smug about the fact that its certified organic and being kind to the planet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel completely worthless because of you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i thought maybe it was just my hands feeling funny but i touched my hair with my totally clean forearm and it became sticky", "label": 5} -{"text": "i put it aside feeling a little defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can still feel my fingers and think yeah i could actually wear these shoes for a few more hours those are the sweet rewards for all the grueling preparations", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so much more free after acknowledging these energy suckers and setting them free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling horrible so i spent most of sr", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel doubtful headed have fishing rod chocolate as good as feel improved would that be diabetes contemptible disturbed have prohibited flushes etc it s middle of the road", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit idiotic about having called them but they re nice about it amp i return home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came home feeling all pretty and lovely and stuff", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling burdened because i was deep in thought", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel my heart is gentle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel surprised by new experiences and lessons that india is showing me each day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was most of the time awake at least for hours that i started to feel hot to see flames and be in hell", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling very irritable lately and snapping at my children", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant express the less of exhaustion i feel and my body is aching like never before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird asking them why because our friendship doesnt feel ready for that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel a little stunned by today s discoveries", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found a cockroach crushed between two folders in my bedroom", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been pre occupied with my german friends visiting but i still have moments now and then where i feel a little bit of a breakdown or i think i should be more mournful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was in a gray area eyes glazed and feeling dazed but i was still my usual buzzed self", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel curious too with the girl who held ur arm", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still use the gatsby facial paper when i m feeling really hot and sticky because it really cools down your face and gets rid of dirt and stuff", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not sure what i expected to see left on that beach but i remember feeling surprised there was not more compared to all the other sites", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that this year is the most mellow vacation that our family of four has ever had", "label": 1} -{"text": "i read something and feel envious of the talent and wonder if i could ever write like that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i navigation system feel most impressed by the user friendly interface that guides the user to the necessary dials even when the device is set to another language", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suppose i was moping in my own misery feeling extremely agitated by a lot of people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel my implant in my inner ear weird huh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i appreciated the overall message and was left feeling satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that i am being mentally tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was losing my edge but i reassured him that there were no doubt endless people waiting in line for me to feeling outraged and alienated by in the near to immediate future", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel its being abused by people who refuse to get a job", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling pressure or rushed or anything but she keeps getting these awful rashes when she doesnt get changed immediately after pooping so being potty trained would be a huge help in that department", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that lift has been hurt the most", "label": 0} -{"text": "i awoke feeling like i had been skull fucked by something with a monstrous three pronged penis that leaked acid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read this blog an i feel i can relate but i was really amazed at the answers this guy got", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been guilty so so many times of reading a post or a blog and feeling confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit amazed shocked bewildered", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sometimes pull her hair hard when i feel exceptionally overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling how char had blamed me of doing a few weeks ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think sometimes we feel we are and should be generous to those in need and to those who we feel particularly deserve our generosity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start feeling myself getting overwhelmed or frustrated i have tried to open up more about it instead of pushing it down deep slapping on a fake smile and waiting until i boil over", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find myself stalling to tell her how i feel because i cant say it without being rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was impressed beautifeel shoes i was impressed beautifeel shoes august rd", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very blessed having moved out of new york city when we did", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wake up feeling damn agitated and irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling overwhelmed and too busy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disgusted after a binge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like halstead is unsure if hes crazy for his love or just for the idea of love and its something that definitely hits home for me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that after college i have become a dull person with no interests or passions like i used to have", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am pleased that the government have finally listened to the strength of feeling on this issue and have accepted that some form of legislative clarification is required despite having voted against this kind of protection at every previous stage of the bill", "label": 2} -{"text": "i keep it real as i journey through life i feel its richness sweetness and bitter sweet taste", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cut out all social media for a few weeks that feels very strange actually", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pressured to feel a certain way all this supposed holiday cheer gets shoved down our throats and then when i m not feeling it i feel less than like everybody else has the holiday spirit what s wrong with me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know jealously is bad for the health but seriously you cant expect me to just shut up and smile without feeling jealous at all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel constantly pressured to have success to make the right choice to speed up my pace numb myself by the chaos of media and advertising surrounded by people that i wont ever talk to hide myself in my house my car my phone live a life putting out fire so that i dont have to push further", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke in the night with roxxy in the room i am afraid i would feel like i was in the movie chucky and be terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i run away looking all the time at your face so blind feeling uptight always the same fight hey man now decide go ahead take your time kissing all the time that thorn in my spine wait", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish i could properly translate all my feelings into a single post but im afraid it is difficult right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did have a piece offered to me id feel very suspicious of that poa", "label": 4} -{"text": "im worried about my latest performances make me feel some kind of person i always hated but i see there is unfulfilled room on me and i just want to be able to use it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realize that i miss her the most when i feel uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should take them down so i can move on and feel better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel blessed by both the question and the realization that came to me hours later", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as dazed as when i bleed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a few ulterior motives to this project and i feel quite pleased that all were met", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt like the first initial growth scan and diagnosis had me feeling like hed be coming any day now however in the appointments since then everyone has seemed pretty calm and casual as they said see you next week while i walked out the doors and back to my car", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have too many friends to be loyal to all of them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like he can be heartless when in fact he is realistic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so agitated with myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel an amazing sense of relief that the hardest exams of my life are over and i can enjoy a cracking summer in the knowledge that i gave it my all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would like to lose more weight but it feels strange to have people i have relied on in this journey say that they are happy now with where i am at", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im being hated by my friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t but help feel he has missed a trick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t believe at this stage in my career i should feel damaged by work", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went to work feeling very curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel strange talking about less serious things right now like cooking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think it might feel innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel delighted that my quest was successful and i can spend my planning bell with my prize", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i was weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling the love of all you lovely people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought feeling slightly dazed by her gaze", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that may have just been my neurotic patriots fan side coming out just as it did last week for what ended up being a bloodbath game", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little confused on why i couldnt figure this out by myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel surprised at myself that i stayed on top of this new edition of the one ways i had forgotten about it for so long", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel more and more distressed by her sadness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that excitement once more i can t wait for this game to come out so i can stop trying to come up with creative ways to discuss a first person shooter set in modern day warzones with all kinds of guns and such", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel i was wronged as a patient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i in yumbo and they have a christmas market there which feel so weird in this climate and they played christmas songs and i dont feel any christmas feeling at all which is actually nice tho", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not feeling too bitchy and insulting at the moment which is weird considering its me who we are talking about", "label": 3} -{"text": "i needed to find a way to release the feeling or i would be sitting at my desk uber annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "im changing into my dress when i get to school xp feels the urge to hiss and spit and fluff up xd is violent instead of purring all the time i like scratching fufufufu", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel is valuable because you obliviously cant attack anything if you dont know how it works", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kinda feel like if we missed it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling very creative so i went to my a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive sat through many sermons feeling amazed that god had designed a lesson just for me and made several hundred other people listen too just because they showed up ar church that day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do spend a lot of time we i should say in transit from work to home but when i get home i rarely ever feel like doing chores when we could be fueling our needy bodies and our hearts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am growing in speaking my mind more in spanish through offering my feelings or opinions and i am not as afraid to talk to strangers or new people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel a bit weird about it does anyone else", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am back home and it feels weird after being away for a month", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my team is one of the most supportive groups of people in small press fiction and so when people shun us it just seems like they are doing themselves a disservice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very comfortable using a variety of programmes on the adobe suite and i feel that this benefits my work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so isolated here in this area", "label": 0} -{"text": "i represent the sin of wrath for all the hatred i feel towards those that have wronged me so if i get into that mode heaven help you", "label": 3} -{"text": "im going to try this if im ever feeling stressed or over tired", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have feelings and they are aching right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel strange most days as if ive forgotten to do something important and cant begin to remember what it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would do one or all of three things i would be a teacher this is the one im least sure about i would be a writer of novels that touch peoples hearts and souls and make them feel less alone i would travel the world helping people", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hadnt yet learned to swim and terror clung to me making me feel like i was all alone in this wide open water doing battle for air and purchase on the ground", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel curious to the new environment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed and not sure what end is up lord help me let go of me and see only you and even if they are only baby steps to move forward i know you will lead me please help me not dwell on the junk on my life and to open my soul to you src http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling i might look back at this picture in years and be shocked at how cheap a slice was i m even a little shocked now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling agitated easily now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have over amazing recipe posts ready and waiting to share with you but it feels funny to skip over such an important event in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up curled up in my bed feeling super cozy hugging my new summer light weight but really fluffy comforter and i thought how much i love being in bed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vaguely slutty for posting things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do have a feeling that in the next book warrior there will be more of a focus on the romantic aspect of kiras life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i should be loyal for a love from you would be the sweetest thing on earth but how can i be sure that someone so wonderful who can have anyone she wants wants me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i promise her to prove myself after these people so that u feel satisfied nd never think of whether u went wrong while chosing me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so irritable i can t find the reason about it maybe the weather is hot or it s too nosiy in the school too many kids", "label": 3} -{"text": "i looked down at my abdomen in the shower and smiled at the miracle or stroked my belly while falling asleep wondering if we would have a baby girl this time i feel so so just dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel most peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know i will feel even more anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate the fact that i feel hated by everyone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just posted when i reached to someones facebook that i used to think as one of my best friends which makes me feel so shocked and frustrated", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very very nostalgic tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was wondering if singing worked your abs out at all cuz wen i sing for over mins at a time i can feel my abs working or something i know its defintly not a replacment for other excersises but i was just curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hesitant about that relationship", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have such mixed feelings toward grad and it doesnt help that the grad coordinators are bitchy and not organized in the slightest", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had been feeling unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i m being paranoid but i would never do something like that to her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am beginning to fully see and feel this is me vulnerable open putting it all out on the table inhibitions aside", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will spend my remaining two months in uganda but it is i feel an important one", "label": 1} -{"text": "im gonna feel pretty insulted by this drawn out tact of melodrama", "label": 3} -{"text": "im wearing metamorphose victorian maiden baby aatp and angelic pretty petticoated up feelin fab and you know what", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like packing up already as i wasnt impressed with our tiny flat when i got back", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had prepared a talk but i feel impressed that one or more of you is struggling with pornography and masturbation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my muscles are going to give out but im just amazed at the fact that im able to do one more set seconds later", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am even feeling restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i opened the front door the rain had increased in intensity my determination was such that not even feel the cold water roam my body kissing my skin intensely", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would not be having the kind of morning im having today where i feel angry and sad and trapped like a bug in amber", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have to be an adult stop feeling sorry for him and us and take charge", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel honoured and privileged to have worked with steve over the years and thinking of him and his sense of humour instantly brings a smile to my face", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel varsity always make me laugh i am petrified of brand challenge which will run for weeks", "label": 4} -{"text": "a man treated his dog very badly he insulted and beated him until the dog kept lying on the floor with his tail drawn in", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel uptight or extra neurotic i indulge in a grey goose martini with bleu cheese olives and like magic my stress disappears and my head becomes suddenly clear", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel unhappy with living in this room but then i remember that im living and going to school for free and that i need to shut my mouth", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went to florida two weeks ago and feel i am being punished for this trip", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling vain the wisdom of an old soul", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i love her but i m too afraid to tell her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit like a pug toy dogs but not delicate theyre built like big dogs in miniature that ran into a few too many walls", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was not interested in waiting in long lines and feeling stressed so we just planned for fun instead", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a bit sentimental i thought id review the highs and lows of my first year working for the usg in the hopes of inspiring some or just giving anyone who is interested a short look down the road of a possible new career and life highs the friendships made at fsi and at post", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel like she annoyed me in some ways that i myself couldnt understand or explain", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling kind of shocked that ive lost almost ten lbs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel incredibly honoured that people are sharing their stories with us and that our wedding has generated so much well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i can relate to her so much because she likes to read and she s just so gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know whether it s quite possible to feel scared over the visuals you make up in your mind based on your interpretation of plainly words", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel unsure i should blog about it always feels safer to talk about things that happened a longer time ago", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so naughty making both those statements", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t feel pressured which was good because this subject wasn t really relevant to me and i didn t want to make up a story", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im having alot of pressure st from rejected by someone i like then to lose my job from whole family prevent me to work with my best friend to whole family forcing me to continue my study few days ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have just emerged from a particularly intense and busy few weeks and now i m feeling a little dazed and confused with a list as long as my arm of things i need to get on with i have very long arms", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little disheartened that blizzard didn t let some of the storylines branch as much or as long", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though i have to be accepted by my family more so than my peers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lethargic and just plain out nasty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i flailed wildly again but after a time i began to feel almost peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant say it makes my hair feel amazing but it does make it feel ok", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know this feels strange at first but we have to learn to take care of ourselves you know", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel intimidated by it and it really messed with my self esteem but in the end i was able to say i didn t give up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so numb and oddly detached", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very blessed to be able to photograph some amazing kids and families my true passion in photography will always be photographing my own children", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not dressed up and im already feeling sort of bah humbug today but i am really annoyed at a type today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like today has been low key and relaxed i was still able to accomplish quite a few things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never made time for me and things were happening personally that left me feeling unloved and worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel amazed at what my body can do and how quickly i can improve and i feel so proud of myself after", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get to attend the conference but i also had the privilege of presenting on a topic i feel so very passionate about the power of plns", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought that maybe the reason she broke up with me was because she found someone else while i was off at college which wasnt the case but i remember feeling really angry about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like every move i make is erasing some vital part of my future", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t love a book forever feels despairing to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have a great teammates and other members who helped me a lot in everything", "label": 1} -{"text": "im angry that we were born so far apart because i feel like i miss out on so much but a lot of the times im thankful because we have such a great relationship and i get to appreciate it so much more", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know youre not with me no matter how late the hour and no matter how drowsy i am i feel almost afraid to go to bed without popping a pill", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel privileged and humble at the same time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i can pretty much be as rude as i wanna be in order to get them to sit down shut it and learn their work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling that horny just annoyed about work and i guess he wasnt either", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know its supposed to get worse before it gets better but i just find myself feeling so randomly mad most of the time now", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not saying that one should always feel uncomfortable and guilty when reading the bible although if the holy spirit is causing those emotions we should definitely pay attention i am saying however that comfort can lead to apathy if were not careful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was veri feeling very dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont really want to say in advance i feel really weird knowing that people know what im doing on this day at this time but when i arrive in florida orlando what should i call it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a fair programming level and now i can say that i have a good programming level because i feel curious again of so many thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i came home this morning at around feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a little homesick already ive been away for longer periods of time before but for some reason im missing everyone a little more this time around", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that i was an asshole for getting annoyed at her when she first ignored my smses", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel funny if i dont do it or slack off", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel contented that it never looked too tired", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have the ability to take the day off buy delicious food and sit down and enjoy life", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill keep that in mind the next time im running late and feeling frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel that you are a little needy because of the tone in your note to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess i had come to a point where i just figured i would always feel a bit dazed about this place and my life here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel convinced me that this is the reality", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel after watching the lost weekend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i believe others should not feel offended by the things i have perceived over the years", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so happy to call all of these beautiful people my family and i am so thankfull to spend three wonderful days with these people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love allowing the feeling to flow through me i love loving themn all the same i love feeling the feeling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i should feel so invigorated since we had been up the whole night before driving home from cincinnati from the memorial celebration for pat renick or mother art as she s often called", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just want to know why my hands are tingling and why my elbow feels weird when i do this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often times find myself feeling worthless because of this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess ill have to look up a video and now finding this i feel sooo pissed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little overwhelmed i just think to myself this is a lot easier than welding", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont mean literally because i would never wish that on anybody but i dont feel loved a lot of the time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am just feeling so confused and my desire for success almost killing me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel startled when i see a car like es i dont like being home alone during the day because i spent so much time feeling awful at home during the day in the last several months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am looking at it from a fresh angle feeling more curious about this piece which started with such a promise and then got more confused as i added the paint shifting its focus and burying that promise", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel brass handling of loans is more elegant but a fren of ours wolfx will beg to differ", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive shaken off the serious demons", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little uncertain about the structure of a revalidation portfolio", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel annoyed at people who are so lucky but do not know they are", "label": 3} -{"text": "i join this community i will feel cared for and less afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to name my teachers here but never even gave pause to doing it with bg profs", "label": 4} -{"text": "a car came very close to hitting me whilst i was crossing the street", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think about it i still feel like that shocked little kid", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realise that there are some things that are happening that feel so precious and so deeply sacred that i am not ready to share them yet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel extremely insert grumpy words here about this but im still really interested in this years frank oconnor award", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel like using that would either be ungrateful or to trick someone and im not trying to do either of those", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel frustrated or overwhelmed my arms throb and feel tired and heavy as if i m carrying a big load", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found out that its over probably for good and rather than feeling anxious about whether they hate me or worried about how theyre handling it i feel relief", "label": 4} -{"text": "i believe this means i have a special relationship with myself but of course my british side feels a bit paranoid about that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to really appreciate not wearing a coat and feeling the hot sun and going to the pool and eating ice cream", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think i can say that after reading that ill never feel scared again but it definitely helped me get into the right mindset again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i truly feel that this is a camera that you can use point and shoot or to learn on to take artistic shots", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a curious liberation in sometimes giving space to my less explicable thoughts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont really believe that she read the articles that i sent her and thats exactly why i do feel she can be blamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get to a point where i can feel all the hours at my computer all the nights of funny sleep and all the commutes just scrunched up in my neck and shoulder muscles", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am happy to report that my feeling of wanting the viewers to be shocked at the imagery may have very well been accomplished", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really honoured to receive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel like im bothering people or being needy if i call or text or something dont be mad girlfriends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very surprised that this was something i had never known", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got in a lot of big gear work and feel terrific on the bike", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bashful because its a gift in a way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel so blessed that we have the greatest cheerleaders around", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love putting on make up it makes me feel artistic in some small way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like the songs you create have a perfect harmony between being super melodic and quite challenging with a strong female sense to them and sometimes an experimental sense as well which i love", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling more frustrated than ever", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would like the whole family coming over and especially as grandads ill its nice to spend time with him but i feel really pressured to help the family to fit in to that perfect happy family stereotype which is not what anyones family is like to be honest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like a stubborn child and act like one as well", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling generous i top it with some fresh parm", "label": 2} -{"text": "i may have a cold and a bad tum cos of the takeaway indulgence last night but i m feeling happy as it s day", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sure parents do feel tortured by their teenagers i dont think thats in the constitution", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not why i suddenly feel so lost", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think of her when im feeling discouraged sometimes and i try to do what i think she might do to become undiscouraged which usually leads me to take myself a bit less seriously and move on with life looking at things from a larger perspective", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt and i still feel really horrible he told mmajunkie after the event watch the a rel nofollow target blank href http mmajunkie", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling guilty at all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really passionate about this subject as you may tell as it seems in many cases that once you are over the age of then its all down hill from there and when you reach the ripe old age of then its all over and you have to look and behave like your mum", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel angered at those who chose a path that ensures disaster or failure but i must remember that when i make those choices others offer the truth and if im wise i do what they say", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to face up to conflict if its got to be done its got to be done no point to shirk responsibility and avoid conflict i always feel timid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i say that im calm i mean my head and depression are not screaming at me to feel worthless i just sit and read kindle watch tv etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel them gnawing holes holes through all the flawless souls i was in the front row", "label": 1} -{"text": "i knew from the start of the night i wasnt feeling amazing but i told my concha i was already dressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling restless and unsettled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i used to feel sympathetic towards her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling impressed by how remarkably direct and cogent this writer was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could have easily turned them down when they said they would come up to me but i truly believe spending time with friends and those we love can make a difference in how we feel that i gladly accepted and boy am i glad i did", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not proposing new policy but what i felt then and feel now is that some of what was said by those supporting the bill was uncomfortably close to the bone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling scared and im an adult", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get this awkward feelin amp paranoid amp i start to walk funny amp my expressions look bored have the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wouldn t feel all weird and different in certain ways", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive got to learn not to feel assaulted by the negative comments that have nothing to do with my teaching per se but to the way that students react to me personally", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like such a hot mess its crazy i truly dont remember being this miserable last deployment someone told me that each deployment just to harder so i guess compared to whatever is coming up this is a good one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can tell i will be reading more of her and i m glad that i went through this collection of essays before reading more of her novels if only because i feel now that i understand and appreciate her and this makes me curious to read the things her mind has created", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling dazed and iffy and confused then there was a period of time that i dont remember at all and then feeling dazed and iffy and confused again", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been struggling with feeling physically and emotionally drained and depressed which has made if hard to feel any motivation to do anything even leave the house which makes for a bad half term for the kids", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know how i feel when someone i love has rejected me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty likeable and acceptable in my own eyes and i hope to everyone else", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wonder how those people feel when they are prejudiced against", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling very in love with the amazing daughter of smoke amp bone fandom right now because i was over browsing the a href http smoke and bone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more like fake it til ya make it right about now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so reluctant to say anything without prompting", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slightly heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so lethargic about what seems to be just about everything these days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel frustrated and call my dad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am fully convinced that the spirit had taken over my body because i sure did not feel brave enough to do what i was about to do", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling cold and lonely", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling especially generous with myself an entire hour", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel virtuous for going to spin class then driving all the way to blackburn in the manual unsupervised and sucessfully handbrake starting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel content and happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel this petty anger at all the mature people in my life because i feel that they are smug", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling uncharacteristically sociable this evening", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was at church and i walked up to my familys pew behind my brother and i was thinking what a nice sweater he was wearing and how tall hes gotten and feeling kind of sentimental and i went to give him a big hug", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love seeing what books resonate with my girls i love seeing their faces grow serious when characters face complications trials and obstacles and i love the discussions that come out of reading time as we talk about main ideas how the books made us feel and what may have surprised us", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get the feeling you are a wonderfully intelligent person with great ideas and even better computer skills and i love what you are doing for me and others but i wince a bit at your people skills", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am fiercely protective of my brother so when i overhear the arguments they have and how he runs after her i feel uselessly mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel every word of mine is so valuable that i must get paid for it there s plenty of journal maunderings and half finished stories or essays and always will be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel restless and ready for a change", "label": 4} -{"text": "i asked if i could wait in my car because i really wasnt feeling an awkward confrontation tonight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling emotionally drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a feeling she would shes missed a lot of class because things in her family are falling apart", "label": 0} -{"text": "i deprive all those who might have even an inkling of this feeling from the chance of sending me a supportive word", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will feel peaceful enough to sleep", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so dazed lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had to have my tonsils out i had been making up my mind almost for a year i was afraid but during the two hours in the hospital room", "label": 4} -{"text": "im trying to feel optimistic about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i looked at the list of the people attending i started to feel curious and excited to see these people again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel helpless and i m just sitting here waiting for something to happen", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel her laugh and say mama you always were so funny and with that she jumped up beside me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed at what happened last night with maisi", "label": 5} -{"text": "i consider this it does not make me feel remorse but inside makes me feel gracious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am continually coming to god for a reminder and refresher of his loving kindness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am totally in love with this cast and crew and i am feeling so amazed at the work that is getting done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i need to change that pattern so that i can stand up for myself and learn to be supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am pessimistic and feel we are all doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel that charges of aggravated assault and or malicious wounding should be filed against haynesworth", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling burdened by all that i need to do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel funny though about being treated by different doctors for the same thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did some soul searching and figured out where i think the void was stemming from and i realized that it all comes down to feeling accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked that such blades could be potentially used on opposition supporters and feeling thankful at the police doing their job and keeping me and other young fans safe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel petty but somehow amused", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed to know this family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i struggle everyday with my feeling towards the hate mongers the greedy and those who lead us to war and celebrate death", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazed sometimes with the creative names i ve come across", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am how i over react to situations i can control but choose not to because i feel too unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i ve gone a bit dull and they all agree that s the beauty of real friends they tell you when you re being stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just going out to walk the dog and grab some groceries i want to feel like a glamorous new yorker", "label": 1} -{"text": "i for those who feel guilty about piracy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel so eager to escape it though it never really leaves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didint feel any love and caring now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel shocked and wonder if it ever will sink in that little ol me is designing for prima", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel less alone on this blog spot no pun intended okay it s a little intended", "label": 0} -{"text": "i and had left her feeling unusually horny the rest of the night at the club", "label": 2} -{"text": "i desired to avoid the gelidity feel that would do my munitions aching and my cervix feel stiff", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shamed that all of my words here are forwarded from elsewhere while theirs are all generated by themselvs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel most uncertain that i often find myself inpatient and trying desperately control my circumstances", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that dh is an emotional abuser and possible narcissist", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did feel like the actors did an amazing job", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got older i began to feel even more guilt because i struggled with the belief that she was getting beaten so we wouldn t", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can remember of feeling accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sad angry frustrated i can let out the feelings without developing an attitude around it via thoughts and ingrained ways of perceiving", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also have a beautiful baby in my belly i can feel her every move i have a cute belly and im creating life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a deep feeling that i can count on him trust him be loyal to him without worry talk with him without guilt agree with him in financial issues even be successful with him later in life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird because i have to little to say about this book", "label": 5} -{"text": "im someone that will feel shy meeting people for the first time its keun suk that helped me break through this embarrassing situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted my background to have a realistic feel with a reflection on the quotes that i really liked as well as a vintage feeling to them from colour tone and type", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling like i was ugly and no good when i was caught off guard", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shame useless stupid and want to cry and run out the door", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can go home from work without feeling excluded fearful attacked isolated outnumbered unheard held at a distance stereotyped or feared because of my sexual orientation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walked away feeling sort of impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a little agitated and irritable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to be her mother and get to support her through that process but some days like today with the tantrums flailing crying and snot are hard", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel especially bitchy lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel bad leaving her home and yet am reluctant to take her along", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel stressed sometimes when i think about it but its not all consuming", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty wimpy at this moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i being too arrogant like i m above feeling insulted because i m not really that vested in this relationship", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had been using the loreal micellar water for a while and picked this up based on the fact it was on offer in boots however i do feel that this removes more grime and feels more gentle on my skin so i will choose garnier in the future", "label": 2} -{"text": "i read about the part of snape in book i didn t feel so moving i felt more surprised than feeling moving", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was infuriated to find out that my save was gone so pardon me if i m not exactly feeling loyal toward nintendo by buying only legit game carts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like such a savage", "label": 3} -{"text": "i figured my parents wont make me feel accepted so i stopped trying i turned to romantic relationships with men", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can change to look human so you won t feel too frightened of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i and my colleagues got an up close and personal view of a brand of feminism that very much relies on fear mongering and bullying shunning bombastic declarations and feeling threatened as part of its tactics of action", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am restless feeling like i should at least be doing something useful i go to the supermarket buy out their chocolate shelf go to the library pick a book and go read whilst snacking in my room all day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope that you will be able to say a word in our favour so that we don t just feel like furious mad people and so that we can continue to hope so that those who have the duty embassies ministries and various politicians can get this process of adoption moving again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have had this happen to me a few times after the initial confusion annoyance i start to feel more compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sat in that room feeling frustrated and disconnected", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know how i feel where i am and where i hope to be so i can t say that i was surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i admit that i ve been feeling mildly stressed out this week over next week s weather forecast", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling kinda dazed right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate feeling angry so i make myself feel like a horrible human being instead", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want you to remember when you start feeling bitter or doubtful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel most enraged and saddened about all the injustice and cruelty to our planet and all life on it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to feel stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant help but feel extremely curious and impatient for the new version of sense and sensibility after watching a href http ladybluelake", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the artistic talent that is expressed through a game s environment story and colorful characters can only be fully experienced if they are intertwined with sound technical development", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel paranoid why would anyone friend me without explanation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like touches me it makes me feel very accepted and loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i deserve to hear just some words to justify the actions of an organization that i have honored and promoted every day of my nearly year existence in it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just read about this i didn t feel too amazed because i sort of anticipated that this would soon one day be invented and become reality didn t think it would come from vauxhall though", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it belongs in mad men", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was making plans to see the world with these people and now i cant seem to have a five minute conversation with them without feeling insulted judged and over whelmed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like giving up but i still have the leaf and i know i will feel so defeated if i let it drop from my hand so i run harder", "label": 0} -{"text": "i thanked them and i told them i will remember their kind words when i feel too timid to wear the outfit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess you could say i am feeling friends and loved ones sick", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel if i were the reader id grow more curious about what came before than whats coming next", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel no appetite or hunger i dont sleep i cant slumber with this restlessness discontent and utter frustration in my body", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel very needy and vulnerable for the first time in my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know i ll end up seeing it as my job requires i m already feeling resentful towards the piece", "label": 3} -{"text": "i havent given my cat a flea dip in years the idea of those strong chemicals covering her body makes me feel her delicate skin will peel off", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find myself starting to complain and im feeling overwhelmed thats when i need to sit down pray and re evaluate where ive lost my focus", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel really fuckin horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel for the athletes but above all i feel for those whose freedom was taken away for those who had their houses invaded their minds and bodies tortured their lives vanished in the blink of an eye", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had a dress picked up also but im having second thoughts on it and now i am feeling unsure in general", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like saying something rude or want to ignore annoying people i will not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did surprisingly well at first but after days i really started to feel funny i wasn t feeling better like everyone swear would happen in fact i felt progressively worse each day", "label": 5} -{"text": "im finding i feel satisfied now that im having a little food with my juice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do have a feeling that some people did get that message and were curious about openshift", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the most overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can understand and appreciate the need for diplomacy i feel that it is being abused", "label": 0} -{"text": "im going to feel like i should be on the naughty list", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess i just need to see how it goes so while im feeling very nervous im also very excited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is a rather considerate move brown is going to keep seddon to three or four innings today so that he can bounce back and pitch in the triple a all star game on wednesday night a game that is nationally televised on the mlb network", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been stubborn and controlling attempting to bend my family around the schedule that i laid out and then feeling resentful when my plans go awry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used the cashmere rain product for dry skin and it made my skin feel divine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i decided to stay back for more minutes to see if i could feel good or feel some connection watching the movie", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate is how it made me feel even now i m convinced that i gained several pounds and am severely upset about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really cared of and treasured", "label": 2} -{"text": "i trust that it s safe to at least invite anger in right now as a very welcome houseguest feels like a really self loving place to start", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cut this out of a magazine years ago and have it posted somewhere in plain view currently in my bathroom so that when i am feeling insecure or sorry for myself i can read it and remind myself to keep it moving", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t remember feeling dissatisfied with anything in quarryville", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so ignored and deliberately cut out of things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realize its sick that the only time i feel super comfortable in my own home is when it is sparkly clean", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit terrified as that is a rare moment for me so i am hoping some things work out amp come my way but also do not steal too much of my time that is always the struggle", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel your body aching as much as mine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a problem when he tells me i mean more to him than a booty call but only calls me up late at night and asks me to come over because hes feeling horny and wants to fuck", "label": 2} -{"text": "i usually only feel like writing when im in a heightened emotional state", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling much more energetic during the day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know what i said or why but i feel like it was stupid and pointless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i attended a function where i am beginning to feel a bit more accepted esp by some of the women involved but i just could not be myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel dazed and a little numb", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am praying fervently and desperately that the love and pride i feel about my sweet janelle will also be present in my mind once we pass through this renovation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so peaceful when i go to the beach", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling lovely at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i can totally focus on me without being distracted by just being in the presence of others or needing to make conversation i am easily distracted to be fair", "label": 3} -{"text": "im done feeling sorry for myself and im ready to get back to work", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling amazing great friends great family meeting new people started a great job that i truly feel proud and completely one thousand percent happy with", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel training really isn t that bad but it is a huge time commitment and i have a lot going on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i m on fire i m too shy to cry for help i style line height", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so amazed when i think about how i believe god is always in control and how a rainbow so huge would just show up on my birthday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel blessed that you read this blog and that you are sharing your experiences with me and i feel humbled that i might say something that helps someone else", "label": 2} -{"text": "i use a fan to sleep so that the room feels gentle and soft", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will attest that to this day when i feel threatened by someone or that they are trying to intimidate me my first thought is to exclaim i from fucking oakland bitch don t even try an fuck wit me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think we get really caught up looking at everyone s instagrams and facebook pictures and start to get that feeling of everyone is having the most amazing time except for me what am i doing wrong", "label": 5} -{"text": "i personally feel that cats left roaming the neighborhood cause all kinds of problems and that it is dangerous for their own safety", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t comment because i m not feeling clever or creative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very loyal to her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started getting dreams started feeling wonderful again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel its dull and repetitive i do understand where theyre coming from since damon isnt letting his love for elena delude him to think that elena should go at the vampire transition any different than others while stefan is being the optimist", "label": 0} -{"text": "i walked i could feel my life dissolving around me and i soon emerged out of my dazed stupor into engaged full fledged resistance to that reality", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel troubled in that outsider kinda way", "label": 0} -{"text": "im stll feeling kind of dazed from the plane ride because it was so damn awful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know not but i feel that it happens and i am tortured for it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had this hatred feeling was because i disliked mandi", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wont name because im feeling petty and annoyed right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will admit that i am feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that will happen in the next six weeks", "label": 5} -{"text": "i ended up having to add in some carbohydrates before my long runs because i didnt feel like i was getting enough energy from the paleo carb choices such as sweet potatoes and quinoa", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this is a dumb question but i m stuck so i m turning to you guys", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasnt good enough and i have a feeling it may have damaged a chance with a truck manufacturer to do a similar apprenticeship as above as it is the same training group providing the training so as you can tell", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im just starting to discover the blogging community and am so excited to see everyones hard work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel melancholy like i can t wait to go home and be with my kids and my boyfriend and my dog and even my annoying but very cute cat", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began to feel really homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so irritated by her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk away from each of the conversations feeling a little relieved a little lighter some of the burden shared with them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have issues trusting people i lash out when im sad but instead of saying how i feel i get violent and mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean mine but saying you instead of me makes me feel less threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritable and aggressive when interrupted or when the connection is low", "label": 3} -{"text": "i actually feel embarrassed for him class bump view data bump view tp img src http i", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love it when men s stories pour forth too however and i think it s possible that men who feel bashed in an environment of truth telling might have their own not so pleasant stories to share about the patriarchy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see they make me feel in love with them just too sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling so overwhelmed exhausted and out of ideas to be completely frank", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not feeling this lately i just cant be bothered to write at the minute", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very agitated very restless today was one of those days that reminded me that sometimes not being able to go one day without making an absolute fool out of myself is not always a good thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "im usually a very deep slow breather so any change in that feels strange to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this strange antagonism towards everyone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i continue to feel distressed however by the effect of this pattern of control on the church", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel not trusting you only caused me pain", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel really stressed out about the whole situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i type them out so its not one big humongous entry ill just backdate them and you can read if you feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel for you is more then strong girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so bad for the actual winner", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling i had to read him because he was the only actually cute guy my age in the comics", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if it sounds insincere and even worse uninteresting", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was not feeling playful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling insecure at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i applaud young russians to feel passionate about the leadership of their country im cautious of politicising youth movements there is a reason why someone needs to be above years of age to be able to vote", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive only got a quarter of the amount of credit hours i normally have in a single semester of school im feeling more stressed than ever this summer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im going into really really dangerous territory so please can we drop it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling very envious of all the ladies off on the sarahs cards retreat this weekend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel funny just calling it a film", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought i would feel out of place since most of the people were in slacks jeans shorts casual mostly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need some advice feeling very unsure", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not sure whats more frustrating to me the fact that i feel just a bit more vulnerable and violated or the fact that some bozo has nothing better to do with their time or intelligence than to create random mischief", "label": 4} -{"text": "i told him that being there with him helped me to feel more calm and safe than i had all evening he began to gently rub my back shoulders and arms", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can understand that feeling depressed or manic can keep you from the truth and thats where our enemy wants us", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started catching feelings for him and i knew i shouldnt have so i distracted myself with other things and other guys", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started even feeling dirty when i did a block on somebody instead of whipping out my triplicate pad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i opportunity feel how much handsome and cool men in the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hated the feeling of having no control over that conversation and i hated that this woman succeeded in making me feel uncomfortable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel beaten down and i feel void", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been sick for so long i feel ecstatic that there is an alternative that doesnt include surgery medication or doctors", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like many times when i m generous with whatever i feel like i ve kept track of things i ve given them or given up for them and have a tally of what they owe me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed frustrated tired taken for granted and advantage of i have nobody to blame but myself which then just makes me more frustrated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look forward to hearing from you and feel pretty amazed that youd take the time out of your busy day to share your thoughts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel inner peace as i enjoy lovely missoula neighborhoods paths and greeting other cyclists or pedestrians but i also bike to consciously limit my use of the oil that drives nations to war and oppression", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little groggy and slow and tired", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just missed the sparkle in my life and my joy in the lord and when i quit relying on my own self sufficiency and gave it to him he directed me to take control of my life back and open my eyes to the new day feeling positively joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also like to read other people s writings so if you have an awesome blog i should check out feel free to leave a comment because i m always looking for something good to read", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean not much to feel obviously we have to look after ourselves and as i said i m very happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel like fond of translations recently", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling adventurous i might toss in a scoop of protein powder for an extra punch of nutrition", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed about nearly everything that i m teaching a new course for the first and last time that it s summertime which i know it must be because it s very hot that things are changing so soon", "label": 5} -{"text": "when my grandmother", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant dim my own shine so someone else can feel less disappointed about their own circumstances and big or small i should celebrate me and not wait for others to do that for me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was impressed by the quality and the quietness by the feel of the breaks steering and doors and above all i was impressed by the quickness responsiveness and seamless operation of the car", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel a gentle kind loving attitude towards others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel festive leave a comment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have discovered that every time i feel like a grumpy winter sloth if i go ride my bike i feel amazing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know some of you may be dealing with situations or circumstances that may seem like a lost cause or are feeling overwhelmed but god is able to see you through no matter how hard it may be he can work it out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just remember feeling very much loved and desired at the time that was more than i could have hoped for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am alone in feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel ignored and lonely and like what my friends say im abnormal", "label": 0} -{"text": "i honestly didnt think that they were gonna offer to fight for me to stay there so it left me a feeling a bit stunned yet truly needed for the first time in a while at best buy", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling very appreciative this month and this little swarovski treat has definitely been one of my favourite moments of july", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am very poor at keeping rational when talking about my emotions and i know she feels very frustrated about living in a house where people have asd and her needs always come last", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a precise goal and i feel pretty stubborn about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am more concerned about those who may think that theyve not really received any obvious gifts and may be feeling disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive seen lately that i feel offer much more supportive advice than the usual ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "i may appear on the outside to be patient some of those times i am feeling very impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still want to get into the kitchen and make something of my own from books ive read and feel proud of my accomplishments can only say one thing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up feeling like a very needy girl", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like the soft feeling of this card truly romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would fix is the grim reaper this is because on my final the shadows on his clothing don t look realistic and it seems like i just made a mistake on it but i feel like i don t have the artistic skills to do so", "label": 1} -{"text": "im spending the time to shop and prep meals so that i have good foods to eat at my finger tips all the time i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious belligerent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel faithful to facts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling amazed and overwhelmed by every new experience i had in ukraine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i saw a feeling wash over many of you this sweet realization of life s undoubtable fairness similar to the glory we all know when we crest a long climb", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like being a pleasant person comment with your user name and i will say something nice something i like about you unless you are jill or delia because in that case there are too many nice things to say and not enough words in the english language", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know your feelings are tender and that inside you the embers still glow but im a shadow im only a bed of blackened coal", "label": 2} -{"text": "id be feeling paranoid about going bald", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i do that and at other times i feel like i get more fearful the older i get", "label": 4} -{"text": "im pmsing and thats usually when my grief is the deepest when i feel most despairing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was braking several seconds before impact so i didn t feel much although i was definitely shaken up", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling all weepy and grief stricken rather than try and write something of my own i am going to link to a post my sister wrote in his honor on fathers day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started smiling and laughing out of awkwardness because its been a while since ive seen tony like this and then he just stood there staring at me smiling making feel all uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really do feel like she is in loving hands", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling we would be shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i need some in real life family or friends to see it in person before trusting that we done good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am learning to try and feel accepted and worth these friendships i am going to make", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally feel apreaciated by someone for being such a loyal person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i saw it days in which i was able to ponder its assertions and meditate on the ways it made me feel it surely is a curious case this film", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am seeing a new part of the country or experiencing the israeli hospitality i feel accepted and at home", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i worked at the lifesaving service i was disgusted by a patient whose outward appearance was distasteful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think there are many in our church who feel beleaguered and often they dont hear from other parts of the church that they too are beloved the bishop said during the conversation with diocesan leaders in the sanctuary of st", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do now so i can see why a health professional would feel reluctant to start treatment when my symptoms are not preventing me from living my current life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i recently learned this about feeling overwhelmed so i thought i would share it with you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t even stand this feeling because i realize that everything is for nothing i will never be with you and i will never see you in my life it hurts but i keep supporting you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel a little disappointed at the things id miss on this trip traveling is something we do very well together and enjoy very much but this anxiety wasnt the familiar old insecure feeling of being separated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel so dazed and confused and stressed out over the last month or so of school and everything thats going on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel no pain falling in the snow dazed and confused paralyzed with fear huddled together for warmth in the trees where are the lights where is help only the silence oh oh help me", "label": 5} -{"text": "im getting ready for ireland i hate feeling rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel confident that i am doing what needs to be done in order to successfully pass these tests but others i feel so hopeless and that no matter what i do i will just fail", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel triumphant about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stalked her on youtube and now i already can feel the tender beginnings of a new obsession", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i m glad i have a symptom to remind me that things are going okay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i reshaped the workout slightly because my left upper arm was feeling tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am excited and feel blessed to have this chance to do it again and in a different space", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am deeply affected by color feeling increasingly agitated by the white walls in a rental home i rushed out and too hurriedly smeared crimson paint all over my living room to create a more warm and womb like atmosphere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt find it even in europe and she managed to get it hahahaha okay i feel so lame now but im still so happy she liked mine and sonias present too haha", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess i naturally feel really pissed off wit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was starting to feel a bit funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill miss the feeling of being carefree as i was during the holidays", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel is pretty cheffy so dont be surprised if random yet extensive photos galleries of pastry starts popping up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i signed up to deliver meals i was looking forward to it but i didn t feel joyful about doing it when the time came", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it change is all around me and i m pretty surprised with what it brought to and subtracted from my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling very discouraged because i still hadnt found a church family", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive just watched a documentary and i feel so amazed at how perfectly balanced the animal world is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the winds of cold omission and hateration for mine", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was drinking and smoking hookah as a statement of my depression like some dumbfuck adolescent that has lost track of life and feels like being rebellious is liberating", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel irritable but that could be because ive had no breakfast", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should feel contented to have boyf lt panda and bloody family with me right", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was barely coping with halfway through packing up the house to move nowhere to go no income and feeling quite dazed i began to learn how to be alone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impressed proud looking at my brothers and sisters", "label": 5} -{"text": "i laugh feeling more than a little impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my mind was tortured my heart is breaking", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the dull ache in my chest and the bitter realization that he meant more to me than i wanted to admit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got the name i fell in love instantly as for me edy and i love italy and i really feel god is so gracious to us in giving the second child after what we ve been through before jordan was born", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel much less apprehensive this time around", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it is an act of apartheid against my loyal readers who aren t internet attached which tends to be the older ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was watching doomsday the final episode of series two i wondered why i was beginning to feel emotional and then i noticed the music in the background", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sorry for this woman", "label": 0} -{"text": "i di did not feel they could continue at this point so this sweet baby is available again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel relaxed when i think of a princely calling", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not a very romantic girl since my heartbroken but i can truly feel and its my fault wanting the sun when its so far from earth to reach it and to hot to touch it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel weird wearing white so i dyed it navy blue", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to keep reminding myself that thats what the feeling is so that i dont get frightened by it and run away", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i maybe shouldnt judge the guy and maybe he really did have a serious mental emotional illness but i just get the feeling that if he could have had a productive job instead of just painting perhaps he wouldnt have chosen suicide", "label": 1} -{"text": "i bring it out when im feeling nostalgic for my younger years", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt they would perhaps see how their actions are making me feel so unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am usually drawn to this kind of songs where there is a party feel i am not impressed with their dancing skills but i definitely love their vocals", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more respected sporting a starbucks mug as it links with my perceived self image of being studious and business and now with the feeling that i m getting involved in the holiday spirit", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel awful he lost his mother his wife his house his dog since he has no where to keep her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hopeless and in serious need of encouragement", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so angry with them all", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling really weird this weekend", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was on grittv recently feeling enraged and talking about how hr is race and class based attack", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had been feeling sort of doubtful of our relationship for a while yet very hopeful things would work out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel accepted and comfortable such as always verbally acknowledging what hes saying even if he says it times", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel gloomy but realise that all this must be borne and perhaps one way of coping is to lower my hopes and expectations and withdraw to some extent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know how you feel unfortunately i dont think i have the ability to as you put it going to be kind and caring cause that is of christ even though id like to be but im not sure anymore if thats really in my nature", "label": 2} -{"text": "i watched the news at the tv", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not sure ive been that deliberate as i set up our daily travel plans but i do know that there are certain activities like walking hiking and biking that consistently leave us feeling deeply satisfied when we are done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i agree with your original comment about down by the water i feel like that song transcends time and is gorgeously romantic but it s cinematic in that i feel like i m watching a story that belongs to someone else", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont tend to talk about it because i feel it is a very petty and pathetic side of me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i constantly feel that people are mad at me or dont like me because i dont really know by the way they sound or look a href http en", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel a pleasant tingle on my face but not my neck", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt rather low i have found myself overreacting to any small thing and been feeling weepy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start to feel empathy for a lovely year old spiritual icon possibly being taken advantage of or intentionally left out of the loop and the happy young csrs i envision muffy her ponytail or two swinging in the air from the s i suddenly revert to a reality check", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had that super money cant buy feeling and that go away and come back tomorrow i aint giving you anything to all those rich people who want everything", "label": 1} -{"text": "i meditation break during the day when you might be feeling a little overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill probably hang out with the boys later this week although my life is rather chaotic and i dont feel like the most gracious of hostesses", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling really crappy right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was reading about the early attachment to sweetp and how he had offered me one hour every two weeks for one year only and how i could barely tell him that hearing that made me feel utterly hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was terrified during an axcursion in italy i was lost and left alone in this unfamiliar country", "label": 4} -{"text": "i asked him about his feelings and he said he liked me etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not capable enough that makes me feel so vulnerable and cause me to come to the conclusion that it didnt work whatever effort i have and will put in will never pay off", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling apprehensive irritated or distressed im usually meditating on everything but god", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was just feeling sorry for myself okay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel fine john lennon input type hidden name amount value", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feelin a might horny and i had smoked up a shitload of weed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got over the feeling of jealousy pretty quickly because i thought i being quite petty about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so very very curious with this feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel you sweet daughter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i not feel loved you tell me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kind of find myself feeling like a giggly teenager around him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel youre faithful over me as i sing amp worship you i find no words to describe you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i liked the old building because that is where i used to meet all the people but now looking at the state of the old building it is a timely gift from god", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do have a lot of pain in them but it feels like the joints now i am not sure", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling cranky tired and pissed off at my boss i need to communicate that with my husband", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wore a skirt to work yesterday for no particular reason except i wanted to feel pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel awkward and don t know what to say to mom so i say why is there a leaf in your tea", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am left feeling very curious about their backgrounds", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little stunned and overwhelmed by what i have just listened to experienced", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will feel foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if there is anyone who really understands the insincere motives of females its me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel in me sparkle sweet passion aretha love all the hurt away jump to it the jamaica world music festival greatest hits whos zooming who aretha i knew you were waiting for me feat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i admit to feeling sceptical about this for a couple of reasons", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like everyone is suffering from writers block now a days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel strongly about supporting the military and their families", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel passionate about not letting scrooges ruin my extended weekend with what i feel is un necessary negativity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like weve been in love a lifetime and i sometimes feel like the time has rushed by", "label": 3} -{"text": "im still feeling a little out of sorts groggy and out of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am fairly used to it and put it down to my medication as usual however for carol to have it too something does feel a little strange and i would hate for our last week to be spent being ill", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel more dignified more respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like a selfish bitch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel so weird watching my videos in the audience because i totally pay attention to the audience reactions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel listless and empty and i dont know what to do about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have never seen an advertisement for the product but i feel like they already have a band of loyal followers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more compassionate towards hearing parents especially the mothers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel weird if i didnt live here because i love it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel irritable and pissy and unhappy and lazy and antsy all at once", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am really feeling adventurous i might head all the way to via boschetto for the best lunch deal in town at a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i recently reconnected with some old high school friends which feels amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted the feeling of the gentle power that a href http", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel my handwriting somehow defaces the lovely new book", "label": 2} -{"text": "i please you to make me feel horny for a little and i get out of here pm tinker jet says not gonna happen", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am looking for my face to be as young as i feel i want people to see me and be amazed at how wonderful and young i look", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling uncertain about my future because i havent found my passion yet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i believe the christian community works so hard not to feel this life when really trusting god has nothing to do with not feeling and everything to do with feeling it all alongside him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have always had these feelings of being a burden or being too needy and loathing myself because of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i change my attitude about food moderation without feeling deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can go without a glass of water without feeling grumpy the colour and shine faded a little but were still present", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i feel disgusted at myself too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was on my own there today and feeling pretty rotten and nauseous", "label": 0} -{"text": "saw my class leader acting like a god when he chose people to go to your english lectures", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive written actually helps me more so that i can look for holes but it actually makes me feel a little overwhelmed to start with it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling real nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling refresed today loving the little things", "label": 2} -{"text": "im attracted to him and yeah i was back in the day too and its nice that hes finally single again but i really just feel like its all insincere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love feeling the feeling i love that it always works out i love loving i love that life is easy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted our collaboration to encapsulate a feeling of elegant flirtation taking inspiration from femme fatales such as marilyn monroe who always managed to be cheeky yet dignified", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at the yummy food or beautiful places people take pictures of in ig i will feel a little envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont really know how to properly explain what i mean but sometimes i feel like some romantic subplots were added to fulfill a requirement on a checklist", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did feel very devoted to shep s mission", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know if this person has a problem with katie or what but if she does she needs to get over it and if she says one thing to make katie feel unwelcome i swear i will spork her eyes out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i talked about going on a date but i m feeling lame and am leaning toward a relaxed night at home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i album format appeals to me the most but after i got the prints i just started to feel totally overwhelmed and i kept stalling each time i tried to pull it out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i keep wondering if i m still pregnant yes there are changes in and to my body already but it s still too early to feel any movement and i m not seeing too much yet so i m always afraid the baby isn t there anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i forgot my sun glasses at home so i feel a little sun shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to tell austin how i feel and how hes being stupid but i dont want to get yelled at", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am now and still feel as insecure and scared as i was at", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wake up feeling like i was hit by a train neck hurts headache groggy et", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think hes just about pushed them to the limit so i cant feel any more distressed about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel claiming around worthwhile of fees on three cards", "label": 1} -{"text": "i drove along the razor edge of the mountains in my little car feeling quite dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i literally stood there this day and let the wind and sun hit my face feeling utterly amazed by how beautiful it was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel threatened since her and her friends were genuinely smiling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rejected the messenger is hidden", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel myself becoming distracted i play the notre dame fight song to remind me what i am working so hard for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel valued when someone confides in me and i take it as an obligation to keep it with me forever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel for conor the sympathetic guy that keeps hoping the girl will come back to him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt have a bump he didnt feel a kick he was excited about becoming a dad but he wasnt a dad when it happened whereas i already was a mum", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would start feeling kind of funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel privileged to read of the ways in which theyre striving at all times to make life better for their children", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love the security guards at our school not only do i feel like im completely unprotected even though i dont think anything would ever happon but i often feel like theyre checking girls out", "label": 0} -{"text": "im happy but still feeling weird bout it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this overwhelming miserable burden that i can t even physically convey it s all locked in my head and it feels like i m sinking in an ocean where drowning never takes place", "label": 0} -{"text": "i doing this because i feel pressured to do it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out over the whole affair but a few minutes of straightforward logical there totally is a right answer algebra combined with overhearing some trigonometry another tutor and tutee were working on at the library calmed me right down", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am tired of feeling embarrassed by my environment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really dumb having such a nice bike but knowing absolutely nothing about how the thing works", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i heard that an acquaintance of mine was spreading rumours about my affair with a close friend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel loved and thought of and blessed really just by your presence in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i spent most of it feeling pissed off see the last post about me being bitter and its kind of just carried on into the week", "label": 3} -{"text": "i say has anything changed in my life since last week when i didnt feel this agitated phobic paranoid or manic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i allow myself to feel pressured into feeling like i need to give more when in reality i need to have a little heart to heart with myself and say no you have given enough at this moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritated and", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am going i feel scared that i will continue life like this for a very long time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i seldom went to the office on saturday but he was feeling so strange that he thought a little work might clear his mind", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kind of like a fraud because of my fond memories of that past game", "label": 2} -{"text": "im surprised it was a british pop act who did this and not the revered radiohead but i went away feeling ecstatic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel jealous of him now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish you could feel that ache that longing when youre sitting so close to me and yet feeling that youre so far away almost unreachable", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very naughty right now i have abandoned the art work in favour of reading fanfic while drinking mums ginger cordial", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my beloved newcastle united who at the end of the season when they finished nd in the premier league were oh so close to winning the premier league title", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hardly think that this case was only about hating muslims it is also about white men feeling threatened and powerless in the post apartheid state", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel ashamed if she learned this behavior from me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel insecure about whether im backing up my work as often as i should be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am getting excited about our trip but feeling emotional about saying goodbye to tassie and our friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this way too but when i try to ignored that the more i ignored the more i got interested especially when my mom do not allowed me to wear this red lipstick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am now weeks post op and i feel absolutely amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling this strange sense of conviction this morning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel truly blessed by these two and for the privilege to have seen them start the rest of their lives together as one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling unsure last night but i m not going there tonight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel totally overwhelmed not up to this and i dread monday when luuk goes back to work and i m on my own with the two kids all day long", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always thought that when you feel something and when it feels like its something really special you should act on it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am prince charming gay i know well at least hers wherever she is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really like her and her parents they are really sweet people and i feel as if they are a gentle nudge in the right direction", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think i accommodate you feel insecure so you will escape", "label": 4} -{"text": "im impressed with the way i feel physically im not impressed with the results on the scale", "label": 5} -{"text": "i said feel strange and squirmy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sat about feeling hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do have some faint brown patches on my face that have really come out after being in the sun last weekend and theyre making me feel so stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i do know at least a little part of her in loving her son", "label": 2} -{"text": "i broke up with my boyfriend of seven months", "label": 0} -{"text": "i picked off the stray hairs that had attached themselves to his shaft took a few photos for my private collection and feeling playful slipped the tip into my mouth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should just throw it out there that ive been feeling so unsure and blah lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was just feeling jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must admit that there are few better feelings than waking up and loving what you do every day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel foolish because i corrected my mistakes so much i see or more people leave my fan page", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hot to myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was jobless living on handouts from my friends and feeling really depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am very excited to get back to making time for the things i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i am so curious to see if there will be any results after going vegan for a week", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started feeling a weird vibe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know how many degrees it is right now in tokyo but i feel insanley hot in this terrible apartment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty hyper so i convinced my mother to take me up to salem so we could go shopping and it was pretty amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i bet after this post no one will still understand how i feel memories to me are precious i dared not forget anything of it because its part of my beautiful life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to open to anyone not even to my own mother", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling so pissed in the evening and decided to just go out to de stress", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt really vulnerable though as i was already feeling like a naughty school girl who had not handed in her homework on time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i learned a lot things from him which were supposed to make me feel surprised but yes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i ever feel brave enough to see the legendary bad art it might make for entertaining read", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke this morning with a migraine and ended up going back to bed until midday fortunately i managed to sleep it off but the head is still feeling just a bit tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a defective puppet that gets yanked around by life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can only hope other college students take the opportunity and feel as passionate at the end as i do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want the drive and ability to be able to pursue my dreams and have initiative i do not want to feel hopeless lazy and depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel like any of the characters respected or liked leslie all that much", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate the little fluttering of hope i feel its ludicrous because clearly hes not doing this out of some grand desire to hang out with me but i feel it anyway", "label": 0} -{"text": "i strongly feel that these are valuable human resources who could actually take the state in the virtuous cycle of development growth prosperity and general well being", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was still feeling grumpy about the room but her cheerful greeting and sweet smile saved the day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think about that i feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling rebellious for seeing something i shouldn t have seen", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am typing this i feel stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel soo humiliated by it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i might feel a bit suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling extremely nervous as i have no idea what to expect except its going be c o l d", "label": 4} -{"text": "when my grandfather died when i heard about his death", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was particularly attached to in the situation a particular event or ministry than i cant be ranting and raving or even just feeling like i must not have been valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if things never get resolved and i worry they will pop up later and she will hold it against me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel eager to repeat nor do i feel crazy waiting for the next one", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling naughty secretary", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so dazed i just came home and crashed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got the same feeling from his dearly sweet mother donna as well", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself and truly accepted for just who i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel suddenly startled catch my breath and think it could be any day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i forget god my life is stressful and i feel so out of control overwhelmed disconnected lost afraid worried and anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel satisfied for what ive done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started to feel regretful about the way it ended", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel isolated even though i know i am not alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i struggled a bit with not feeling valuable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think there was a great mix of resort styled clothes with skirts and dresses galore i do feel like there could have been a few amazing pairs of trousers there though", "label": 5} -{"text": "i grabbed something to eat before the evening class feeling strange in the food court with my very high heels surrounded by students in much more comfortable footwear", "label": 5} -{"text": "i instead feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel this weird need to get rid of the thoughts i have weird i think because i all too often dont do it anyway", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was still feeling somewhat dazed at how well it had all gone in spite of my own inability to cope with so much change at once", "label": 5} -{"text": "im left scratching my head feeling dazed and unsatisfied", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel anger begin to unfurl slowly in my chest as he continues to comment on the sketch as if he s entirely innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try to never lead a person to praise me because if i lead on the compliment i feel that its fake and insincere", "label": 0} -{"text": "i try to make my endings feel resolved and like they are definitely endings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling the empowerment of no longer referring to these energies this way as in our world it becomes so confused with gender and roles", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling rather naughty when i took last weeks free photo fridays image and gave it the once over well more like the the wice over", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was doing revison alone at grams house i feel stressed and pick up the phone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it rude to come back and comment on them months after you originally posted i get the feeling i have too much in my reader", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so impressed to share my happy feelings with anybody who will listen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look at my writing i will be able to discern when the feeling shifts from a dull numb place of im not all that great to wow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am sitting here going over what i need to pack i still feel shocked that diapers a pack n play and wipes will not be in my suitcase", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like doing is sleeping and honestly im grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant be the only one feeling a little weird about this can i", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel like im probably one of the most sensetive and supportive people that she knows although supportive in different ways than say briita and jo", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to feel loyal", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so thrilled because i feel like this will be an amazing opportunity to weasel my way into the career field that ive been pursuing for a few years now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am sad because some relations to friends are not very good", "label": 0} -{"text": "i continue to have cramps and feel lousy after treatment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a hypocrite for still staying with an organization that i kind of hated in those two days but i looked it up and they have obituaries prepared for presidents famous musicians etc", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was still feeling delicate and looking very pale from the previous nights shenanigans", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling kind of rebellious and my post was a little on the", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel that its strange to note that even with all of these changes to my preferences and self image that i am still not partial to people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit as i m sure most parents feel this way that caring for a family sometimes takes precedence over doing the things we really want to do and this is why i make a conscious effort to push myself to find time to balance it with outlets that are also part of my passion", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think i was nervous and feeling doubtful on monday because i had to tell my boss i was leaving", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been really dieting for the last week and feel really cranky about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know why but recently i really feel easily agitated and easily pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a bit weepy about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to have that feeling where i hated when my mom called me inside because it was getting dark outside and i needed to come indoors or when the idea of taking a nap or having to go to bed was dreadful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling very pleased with myself as i have managed to secure two of the most precious commodities in the airport a seat all to myself and access to a powerpoint", "label": 1} -{"text": "i rewatch old goonswarm or bob videos and i feel the tingle of that dangerous desire to lose myself in the collective entity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do love all my shoes and i feel they are all equally amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel at his pain is glee and instead of being sympathetic at the sight of a crying child which is the evolutionary instinct we are all generally subject to i let him have it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am in the area i feel it would be rude not to stop in", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel kind of naughty like a biker chick going to something called an infractions division", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t see blockbusters as lower grade films although they typically are the idea of a blockbuster is to make you feel enthralled in the moment and that s always a filmmaker s first job", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also did feel like i was excited to come back like i have two homes now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i are just relaxing together and i feel ecstatic and blissfully happy because i know he loves me and i love him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t feel that fear i could get complacent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a little overwhelmed tonight", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think of all that i feel very disturbed about how these people who were staying in the hotels the staff that was working must have been running for their lives when the bombs exploded and when these hyenas were chasing them attacking them and killing them for no reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still didnt understand why they would feel surprised looking at me", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive gone from feeling horribly inadequate and insecure every time i walk into my church to feeling like i am a part of gods family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i decided i was going to stop feeling ungrateful and sorry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am fulfilled unlike so many other times when i feel empty instead", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel that it was particularly inspired or brilliant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am sure i am not alone in feeling chuffed and satisfied to know home made items are still in one piece being used and loved", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling really overwhelmed lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wouldn t believe he could strip down his feelings even though he was frightened to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel something unpleasant is about to happen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel idiotic admitting that fucked up ness is something that i like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling real sweet i ll buy flour tortillas for the hubs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know we are doing the right thing med wise based on her stability over a long period of time but i still feel intimidated by experts who dont know my kid as well as i do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had that awful yucky feeling of not being enough not smart enough or good enough", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling reluctant to talk bout this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want them to buy something that makes them feel amazing confident and happy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was bored and feeling ragey and irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel over the fact that i am not going to hold my sweet girl again at least not on earth and watch her grow up i am so very thankful for my husband and my son during this time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stressed frequently but i think overall i keep things in check", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i liked it far more than my months previous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i actually want is very simple i just want to go back to the life which i can feel im rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had to be transgender and this very brainwashing attempt is now making me feel so horrible as though im trying to deceive physicians here in germany into believing that i am intersex", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt want to feel vulnerable or destroyed by this place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pressured to come up with something else funny to write about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel assaulted but i tell myself that maybe it s just the toxic metals clearing from my system", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left feeling my masculinity entirely threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i but i have to say i am loving my house and where i live not that i didnt before but i feel completely rejuvenated even if we do not get the gorgeous tropical weather", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hang out with them i feel ashamed about my lack of knowledge about the religion which i have apparently been practicing since my birth", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling irate board fat lame agitated incomplete i guess it happens to the best of us", "label": 3} -{"text": "im really unsure whether to feel mad or sad or to laugh at all these shits that happened", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a strange minority most of the time even among other catholics", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel uncertain about our future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought this whole velvet nail thing was going to feel really weird but it doesn t", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was still rushing and feeling agitated about the huge hour and a half slip in my schedule", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel restless like there s a void in my life sort of empty inside and it almost always coincides with a time where i m not really spending much time in prayer or the word and i m starting to feel faint and sick to my spiritual stomach", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel confident returning to that urgent care facility but the drive is almost too much especially when you are sick or if the weather is bad", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit of pain in my knee and a dull ache in my butt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i go through my day feeling your movements and am amazed that something so miraculous is happening in my body its like a special secret only you and i have", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty impressed with myself until they told me about black paella made with the squid still in its ink which darkens the whole dish", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so stressed out right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel nothing except a sense of failure but i am now convinced you cannot teach someone who does not want to learn", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel enraged because its ridiculous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fond of archies in the same way that i feel fond of nirula s since they have been part of those golden years of school and college in delhi and its so interesting to see the formats evolve to keep up with the times", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that she liked my singing so again another attack on me and i sang if you re not the one", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a bit greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was sad when i saw that a beautiful girl was not attainable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like dorothy in the apple orchard waiting for the trees to come to life and being surprised when they start talking to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about fake meats", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would pick up something new while feeling overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the need too to point out the ludicrous of the statement a dream is a wish your heart makes when you re fast asleep", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t help but feel like i ve fucked up my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i looked back through all my past experiences at work there was no way i could feel any less impressed or humbled by the knowledge and skills that i had learned as part of the entire process of my career development", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think that my stress levels have gone down and is mirrored with me scratching less and feeling less irritated with my skin", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling amazed because i didnt find myself that good as what they have commented", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not feeling quite so invigorated today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel displaced and wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like other people would be actually more supportive towards me if i quit bf but i genuinely don t want to i just sometimes wonder how much longer i can carry on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i women have been very friendly toward her and by judging from their reactions and gestures she feels they are supportive of female soldiers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i made her feel wimpy by riding that bike for miles and still keeping up with her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just couldnt shake the feeling that he is being left out somehow and i sort of hated that i had done this to him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find myself wanting to tell him everything i feel think or do and i feel that he gets aggravated with me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i believe suicide is an unanswered call for help and in this novel what the others did to hannah is not that enough for her to take her life but it was enough for her to feel useless worthless and unwanted even she cant accept herself", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive picked up my paintbrushes again and boy does it feel jolly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not someone who has perfect eyesight so basically all the time i will be wearing my spectacles which i dont really like wearing but i will feel very insecure when i am not wearing them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been working my ass off trying to catch up and all i feel is frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazing so lets go", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel completely uncomfortable in pencil skirt for a metaphor nothing wrong with any of it just feels like as cool as all of that is that isnt me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wondered if i could ever make someone feel as amazed and happy as i was at that moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling a bit frustrated lately mainly because i feel like im not doing anything with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im five again and kind of loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i must admit i am feeling a bit apprehensive about the whole situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i picked myself up checked for any broken bones and feeling only a bit shaken up and bruised well my ego at least but otherwise ok and in no pain i continued on my way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel it on the breeze tastes sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "im really feeling sorry for myself and so should the whole world and why arent they", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not sure how to explain it but it has some japanese feel to it you have to listen to it to understand how amazing it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about supporting my fellow artisans", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a fake so much of the time like i have placed myself on a different stage in someone else s shoes and i am saying what i think i should be saying", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty smug today because my bathroom counter is clean", "label": 1} -{"text": "i come home i am usually feel drained and exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was consumed by feeling like a fake because i was so young i was still struggling mightily to embody what i was teaching and had no idea how to teach or facilitate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am starting to feel bitchy about the visitors not my visitors but toward the gorgon witches", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel scared walking the ramp priyanka chopra tweet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i live in phoenix where july is the month where you literally if you absolutely must step outside into july will feel like one of those unfortunate roasted chickens in the checkout line at the grocery store", "label": 0} -{"text": "i knew if i did i would hear their voices all of them there together and me here and i would feel like this the way i do now heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so nostalgic also today which is pretty awesome", "label": 2} -{"text": "im extremely worried that people think i feel sorry for myself when in reality i feel pretty detached about stuff more often than not", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wanted to feel particularly virtuous and oh my god i was immediately hooked", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still have a lot to lose even though some days it feels as though i have lost everything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do have to admit when i m stressed out and feeling very vulnerable there is this very uncharacteristic damsel in distress aspect that wants to come out and take comfort in him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very privileged and excited to be riding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think the feeling now is that if you want to show your work but don t want any feedback maybe because someone grumpy told you that all judges are mean then put it in display", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling all jubilant in my anticipation of what s to come", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt say sorry and it was so cool because alfredo could feel the spirit and he totally liked the scripture", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went into that prayer closet feeling like an empty vessel", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love myself even more now then i did before and i have a feeling i am going to be loving myself even more in the near future", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have the feeling some cool projects are going down soon", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling so apprehensive for orientation ahhhhh tp tp tp", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel terribly dazed light headed now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i soon perceived that tho lovely and elegant in her person and tho easy and polite in her address she was of that inferior order of beings with regard to delicate feeling tender sentiments and refined sensibility of which augusta was one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am in awe of the talent coming from this group and feel just a tad bit intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kind of wanted to put shes in parties because thats a sexier song but i guess im feeling a bit more on the tender sweetheart side of things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel rushed or silly for giving so many details", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like dropping everything im tortured with accounts classes every week which works out to be hours", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only have a blocked runny nose its so weird that i have both at the same time and i just feel dazed and strangely tired", "label": 5} -{"text": "i both feel like we should be alone with each other for years to come because marriage itself is a life changing event", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by the lushness of the season", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should see but its not how i feel i like the strange and unusual people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i folded i began to feel agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling more casual this is a good one to use", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hurt because you critize me so often instead of offering positive feedback", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel like letting any stinkin fever get in my selfish way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find when i do the latter i feel grouchy lazy and depressed with motivation difficult", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have a touch of the block tonight which is weird in itself and now im thinking that i might end up regretting having not gone with the topic of the city of buffalo and its crappy meatball subs after all", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sure you can imagine feeling weirdly very inspired", "label": 1} -{"text": "my favourite horse died we had tried our best to save him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt feel my fingers as the cold was beating me up across the bridge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel are keystones of successful operations", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like its taken its toll on my emotional well being", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling a bit nostalgic for toys i had when i was a kid and wish that my mom had saved them but she always gave my stuff away if i wasnt actively playing with it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im writing again but feel like discarding it because of lack of supporting ideas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am wrong but i did feel very insulted i dont need someone telling me something i have already read", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel bad but i can t change the fact", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling up to going outside and enjoying the sweet summer sunshine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling any better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the urge of fishing in every part of my body i am amazed over the fact that i managed to survive the winter without fishing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling apprehensive about my exams i need to get revision notes sorted and ready so i can get cracking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a tad bitter sweet it has been wonderful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel reassured and better though claire continues to dawdle at the bottle gum the nipple and pull away crying", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know but can you at least like change slowly instead of changing into another person that i we dont know anymore you look like some idiot and i feel disgusted whenever i see you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel terrified but also more alive than i have ever felt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel loyal to both ideas", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t control myself when i feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was close to completing the ck app and feel fantastic about myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think it makes me feel kind of disappointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i become more decisive on what i believe personally and i take more independent steps a minute i can feel the loving trust they daily bestow upon me", "label": 2} -{"text": "im basking in the wonderful feeling of being the loser and loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have mentioned before in other posts in my family negative feelings are most often repressed a direct example of the side effect of the parenting approach we were all raised in and i must now deal with the aftermath of that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think ive had a bit too much fun because now i feel rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never know how to describe those things so i wont go into detail but i walked out of there feeling pretty trippy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel incredibly impressed with myself today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loyal to ubc", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling there have been moments of funny of levity and of awesomeness and i want to focus on those", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do get him more than he realises and i know he gets me a hell of a lot more than i wished he did as it makes me feel like i am losing a friend that knows me like no one has ever really bothered to before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel youre just afraid that im real all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling very relieved to not be pregnant anymore", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more accepted in that place than many other places in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i text her back i m all feeling confident and i m a bit careless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want people to include me in their plans so i feel like they are thinking of me and caring about me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i and she admittedly one desk but a word also did not say feel wronged and act rashly like the child like", "label": 3} -{"text": "i watched her leaving feeling a tad bit jealous of the girl", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling so dismayed that i hadn t managed to interrupt her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to say the above statement is how i feel after looking at my family history and my own health issues i am determined to thrive the next or maybe even years", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realize i m writing about this a lot right now but honestly it s because it s somewhat taken over my life and it s now something i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling all gloomy and grey for were all going to miss the iconic pasar minggu satok and rojak kuchei burnt down last night and theyre not even the home we lived in raising our children through japanese invasion up to merdeka and to the first family car", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could be wrong but i feel that skeptical arguments from within or from the edges of faith encourage more critical thinking among believers than dogmatic grenades lobbed from deep within atheist land", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i need to apologise for kissing someone that wasnt even real and i dont even have romantic feelings for them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disturbed as i ask myself if i have been missing opportunities to do good especially to those of the household of faith", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know why but i still feel lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was the one feeling unpleasant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i actually do like and care for him a lot but i just have no feelings talkless of loving him", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a bit homesick this dress would remind me of my friend a href http amonkeyfatshionista", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a hideously paranoid person for it when i know deep down it is not true but that i am broken some how", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel beyond paranoid but feel i have good reason", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel badly because he is supporting so much of my weight but i am comfortable so i let it be", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wouldnt be preaching about how much better you feel about not supporting factory farming", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel god has an amazing forwarding our lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that my emotional life could use some improvement", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a lady confession for you all which is that i occasionally feel superior because i do not have monthly lady problems and while i try to offset my internal chortling over how free i am of girl troubles by preaching the magic of the iud its definitely an unattractive quality", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling overly stubborn so dont get all attached and stuff thinking im going to go back to my outfit posting ways", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with everything that is being asked of me at church", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to feel tortured but not endure it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling really timid about my relationship with tim", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that she is a very caring and lovely lady", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont lose a lot of sleep over these dreams but i dont like waking up feeling stressed and confused", "label": 3} -{"text": "i admit i made a bloody stupid mistake of signing up the overly priced package as i was feeling real paranoid about my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am i am being a good level headed slow to jump at this without putting your feelings in my thoughts and i am trying to be kind and compassionate here when i say i truly feel like i have given my all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel like my father i hate to be bothered with all of this nonsense its constan and oh its his lyrical content the song guilty conscience has gotten such rotten responses and all of this controversy circles me and it seems like the media immediately points a finger at me finger at me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i will have to start this rather contradictory skin routine and hope it keeps me looking as young as i feel are you paranoid about ageing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walk through the courtyard towards the family shrine i feel that cold presence i had thought i would never feel again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was praying that i felt a feeling of like being dazed i wasn t struck by lightning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that this trip is regretful for me because it didnt feel like a family trip to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel the divine in my life that is the baby jesus", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel scared to make the final decision", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might i could not stress to her how important it is to me not to expose my friends to a situation where they may have cause to feel unwelcome or uncomfortable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hated sitting through health class with my peers being lectured in such an awkward situation i feel that it was vital to my education", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really afraid and lonely because i have to go through these things", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling this way so many times before the wedding the honeymoon the vacations every day life together but this is just so special in a different way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want is to feel loved missed and cared about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to say something that i feel has to be said im not particularly fond of the way he writes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started it feeling sceptical and while i don t agree with everything in it i m a big believer in positive thinking which is really what this amounts to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got the feeling remains a beloved fan favorite", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty insecure about sharing all the faces good and bad and now im so glad t", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little strange introducing her to you as regular readers will know her work already as she s been one of our regular authors for months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might feel better for seconds after i ve blamed ken for our trashed house but right after that i start to feel even crappier for ruining his day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do that its because im trying to attract attention because i feel that nobody cares about me and also just end my life but now i feel more positive in life and just carry on with it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel petrified a href http rvlifeonwheels", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like if this was a longer book i would have liked it more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel straighter and notice that i m more positive in that if i see something needs to be done i ll do it and won t procrastinate", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been singing along with the radio since waking up and just feel bouncy", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive had no choice but rely on my master helping me out and that leaves me feeling extremely discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt for the seconds i was out there could not have compared to the rush those rockstar women were feeling during and after when the shocked crowd cheered with appreciation for what they just witnessed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am going to lose him caring for him working and bringing up the two boys i feel like i am going mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read the paper of student that wrote about the devil being inside him and feeling like a shaken up soda bottle with voices that came and went freely in his head", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling humorous about my experience until i wrote it out like this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling tht im not gonna come school day so i figure might as well take some precautions n send u an email", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know this made him feel bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling horny sitting alone in the house", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go to bed since i m feeling pretty energised after my jog shower", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just tell people i feel like one sweet southern mess right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to be able to wake up in the morning and not always feel stressed about life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt like i wanted to fix his problem as i feel with all needy men but i knew that i needed something from him and that it was only fair to allow myself to receive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am battling anxiety and feeling overwhelmed quite a bit lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i bet you ll feel absolutely horny on watching shameless blond lad make his guy cry of pleasure caused by hottest fist fuck", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling fearful or anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little bit hostile towards my ex today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling really homesick for the uk so i decided to write a book set there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel like the vicious little beast that they writer describes at the beginning but this is the history of my breed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would really want to resemble but then i feel am more like greg from the diary of the wimpy kid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strangely distressed by my lack of attendance", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have days where i feel like i am being tortured really somedays it just seems so hard and i know that is all part of the job", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been awake for a while i will begin to get very angry and feel almost violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little hopeful when i think about getting pregnant again soon but it also makes me so sad", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel cold at all my fingers", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so awkward here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the playful mood is very temporary and at any moment im gonna start crying or screaming again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty distracted with a few things that have been going on so it felt good to go with a clear mind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t take the dietary restrictions too seriously and did as i was told drink water when feeling shaky from lack of sugar", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think is important to experiencing life is those every day moments the things and people that make you smile laugh feel love that make you curious or spark an interest or make you think", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt the same at the beginning as i do not know where to find the right typing jobs seems like there are so many scams that makes you feel doubtful and suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have this unique thing where i can laugh down to my belly in tears but i actually don t feel it im just numb i only ever feel sadness if i could feel happiness id wear a seatbelt id be quieter or maybe wait for a police officer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel comfortable within my skin", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very disgusted seeing him looking at mvs to satisfy himself because his girlfriend is ugly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel bitter or blessed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surprised by this idea but i actually am a hard worker and very good at what i do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do this when im sitting around the house feeling discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling nostalgic for the pre web rel bookmark i am feeling nostalgic for the pre web written by a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel resigned to this conversation and rather cheerless about its prospects", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel so rushed in december", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do know that it would feel ungrateful if i wallowed in self pity", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shy to ask him for forgiveness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was told that i feel more then most this stunned me into silence mouth open and closing much like a fish confused and questioning such a statement", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling the deepest gratitude for so many things but most of all for the people in my life who have been supporting and voting for me in a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so fortunate to be a part of the cavalor team and could not be happier with the way my horses look and feel she was also very impressed with the condition of all the horses in my barn", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that nature is absolutely amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel jealous and envious of the ones whose lives are apparently working because my life is not and i am not sure what living is yet except for what i defined living as which is go to work make money work hard and play hard", "label": 3} -{"text": "i asked her what cp feels like hello to the loyal readers and new friends of this blog and my great appreciation goes to shasta for allowing me the opportunity for a guest post", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also always feel clever in emails though they run long and the dearth of replies perhaps suggests that i exhaust people or am not as entertaining as i think", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed that people can look at me and have a normal conversation when inside i want to yell but i have a brain tumour", "label": 5} -{"text": "im also feeling apprehensive about labor", "label": 4} -{"text": "i notice i jump when i feel anything in my hair which i cant say im surprised about", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling like im having a very bad year but im handling it better than i thought i would", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like he has a lack of respect for my management staff and he feels he can get away with anything since he repeatedly called you an idiot and insulted you openly to me and felt as though he was in the right about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i never gave myself a rest day after the megabrick because i was feeling stubborn and belligerent and my legs are waaaaaaay tired i keep pressing on with the scheduled workouts ignoring the numbers watch for the most part and trying to keep disappointment far off my radar", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel thompson needs to work on then again i m not exactly impressed by flash and fluff", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just know i woke up and was feeling irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive gotten all the work done and then some that i need to i feel like i should be doing something productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the goal of showing a sweet colorful and simple version of me is shown in the symbol", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been working hard on being more honest and open with people about how i am feeling and i have been really surprised by the results", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stalled or complacent i imagine myself with something else s lifespan as a squirrel nearing the end of my life would i be satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go in danville i feel just as welcomed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel overwhelmed with the amount of assessments i have to complete within the next two frkn weeks t t and on top of all that im still coping with the drastic event that occurred exactly a week ago", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t have any answers for now but my disphoria is thus far not severe enough for me to feel pressured to transition and i don t hate my male body", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed i dont feel hopeless to often but i do cycle through frustration anxiety and sometimes anger that i have to go through this", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive just moved here and im feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i then grabbed an ice cream and sat on the dock for a while i always feel weird doing things by myself but in a city were no one knows me i find it so much easier", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little frantic today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont knock that girl who only posts lyrics because i know that as shes thinking of that song shes also feeling a particularly strong and real emotion", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel every day glamorous in my headband", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel mad can assist with their personalized marketing campaigns", "label": 3} -{"text": "i are back to qinhuangdao from changchun few weeks ago and he is studying for his gmat and i am just d cking around feel a bit shamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am trying to lay this concern aside for now but the fact is i feel like i am on dangerous ground and at any time i will fall into a pit and he won t even know where to look for me because he wasn t paying attention to where i was in the first place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the mcguinty wynne liberals are most vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember watching my friends making their college plans and feeling so left out and uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still have a cologne that i bought when i was fifteen and still occasionally wear when i am feeling particularly homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel insecure because if there was a way to examine boyfriends he d be exempted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i confess i really did feel thrilled when each number was bigger than the last one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started searching about how existing members feel about it amp i was shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did not have any information about crishtian going into my meditation except for the basic where when how old that i got from his mother and i tried not to jump to any conclusion that he was a run away and i feel that that sort of distracted me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess ive been a bit bitchy and i sort of feel heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling very doubtful about my story", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling especially sentimental as i prepare to leave town amp my family for a few days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i headed out the door for some appointments that i am dreading last friday i noticed my left facial cheek was feeling kind of tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling super inspired and creative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel weepy i havent actually cried since but it is weird because i feel like i have been", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get so excited because i know that sean and the kids will show up to the hotel to spend a few hours with me and suddenly i dont give a shit if i feel lousy i am lugging diaper bags and an infant car seat up three flights of stairs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came away feeling like a very loved woman", "label": 2} -{"text": "i partly colored my hair black my mother didnt like it and reproached me to be a subversive element later on she stated that this was due to my friends as i see it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a few problems with it at first like how i got the feeling when are these cutscenes gonna end so i can kick some heartless nobody ass", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope i get to go out with her tomorrow then ill try to muster all my courage to ask her uhhhh i swear i feel so shy when im with her", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling nostalgic for those nights of my childhood when i awaited for the lo", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought you were feeling a bit curious about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel happy sat on a crowded train on my way up to glasgow i had a very clear idea and mindset of what my expectations were of my trip and what i sought to gain both personally and professionally", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as though i have always hated being at yon hormones beck and call", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sort of awkward about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the feeling these guys dont appreciate that i have to stand around in the hot sun while they play", "label": 2} -{"text": "i encountered this series i stumbled upon one of the spin off videos pemberley digital and was left feeling so confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think what i miss the most about being in a relationship is that feeling of being loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i ve tortured you with my ramblings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i start to feel myself longing almost desperately for spring weather", "label": 2} -{"text": "i say them to myself within my mind or out loud i feel a chorus of voices supporting me guiding me and pushing me to connect with that internal power", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strange i can spare them from feeling odd", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive hit payday at the domino refinery not only do i get to see this amazing art but i also get to check out the factory ive long admired from the williamsburg bridge", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it i can watch them be cute and frolicky and i can enjoy their naive cute little comments but when they start to howl i can walk away and not look back", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am standing up in defense of all the gifters out there who either feel pressured to buy unmeaningful gifts because of societies expectations or who feel pressured to not buy anything at all for fear of looking frivolous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember sitting at the premiere and people going wooo feeling like they were in it so its a lovely piece of machinery", "label": 2} -{"text": "im still feeling generous though groggy so if you are following over there in that list to the right", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty amazed to be growing up in a place where you can eavesdrop on conversations about harvard and read seminars over the shoulders of people in fitzbillies", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so rich to be so blessed by such wonderful friends and great family", "label": 1} -{"text": "i only went for cca for months of jc life i feel a bit regretful about that but thinking back i really couldnt do anything about it at that time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling far more uncomfortable then he was", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont find enough words to stitch sentences that will express what and how i feel so i settle for the mediocrity as it provides amusement reassurance and some sort of identity in strange ways", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was expecting from the name but it did leave my hair feeling lovely and soft and sleek even after all that salt sun and chlorine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant get anything done and i feel very lonely in this", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not a big fan of feeling hot and sweaty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little delicate null f", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought i connected the crying to feeling for my dad s tragic past", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive thought those same things in a begrudgingly heavy this is what i should be thinking kind of way but right now at this moment i feel them freely in a curious caring kind of way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was both resenting and feeling envious of fictional characters", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know this issue is just opening for us and honestly i feel completely terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slightly dazed this morning but i am not necessarily tired", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling naughty and i began to play i would i were a fairy by r", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wrote it feeling a bit hyper agitated and so on and then i realised that i accidentally hadnt taken my medication for a couple of days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strongly impressed to hold on to this oldie for something down the road", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess its a good thing i have decided not to become a researcher because i havent been feeling too curious these days", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling less depressed so thats something night night everyone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel him raise to look at me with the gentle kevin that stands next to me always i would smile when i seen this his grin turned up and he pulled me into him one of his hand found my ass and stayed there he guided me where he wanted me with this hand", "label": 2} -{"text": "when someone i trusted very much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so ungrateful complaining but there are times when i just want to sit down and cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty at one img width height src http getyourprettyon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i come back to in order to feel safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m neglecting my slr s a funny story to share", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke at am feeling cold not desperately cold but my legs were aching", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that with christ we have the capacity to love any child and while loving hearts does a great job caring for the children there i didn t feel our potential child was at this particular facility", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit less stressed out and anxious today yet still frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so low at times", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel charming a href photos tags ifeelcharming title click this icon to see other photos tagged with i feel charming class globe onmouseover this", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not going to list what ive got because id feel all greedy and self indulgent and then id have to go into thinking about starving people and become a nun and vow celibicy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i deserve to feel lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling broke and wish i could have taken this one back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t want to elaborate why but yeah feeling strange emotions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i duno why but i feel as if uve become one of my most treasured frens in njc di", "label": 2} -{"text": "we went fishing some or kilometers off the shore of lake malawi before we could settle down the lake became very rough to the point of threatening our lives", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel him stop me and say as soon as you feel restless or anxious julie just start praying", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel it in my gut like too much sugar on a hot day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i should apologize to naru but i think its cute orztags a rel tag href http wassereis", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have given it a good six weeks and i dont think i will ever feel content eating this way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think was the biggest problem this year i wasnt feeling the passion of loving what i do", "label": 2} -{"text": "china winning the asian olympic games", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have had many conversations that have left me feeling stunned overwhelmed with gratitude that i cant seem to express and at times warm and fuzzy on the inside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find myself feeling terribly indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really loved the cool feeling on my aching knee", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am thinking about how i feel impatient for spring", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive always been pretty good at managing my money and spending conservatively but last year i was starting to feel pretty stressed about money", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sweating and it feels lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling like an agitated daycare worker", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling so insecure lately not about myself but about how i speak english", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel comfortable knowing sarah has a place to go to if something happens to me or one of us becomes incapacitated in any way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am trying to drink enough water but it is hard so that might also be why i feel kind of funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i werent feeling so cold id definitely have the iced one left", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel kind of whiney so i think im going to talk on here for a while", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive but i cant put my finger on a reason in totality on the edges of my consciousness it evades me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess i am feeling quite gloomy and my glass is half empty i cant see us beating man city we just dont have the players", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel suck mad and sad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like these areas are super important when you live in the city", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel confused and distraught about a number of things", "label": 4} -{"text": "i take in finding myself beside you is the desire i feel to learn something of an unfortunate friend of yours monsieur", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shy around taller or smarter or more put together women", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel a bit foolish singing along to a song written from the point of view of a train", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would wake up feeling contented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understood that commemoration memory and historical consciousness are important parts of fostering a link to feeling sympathetic towards history and a sense of worth or ownership towards it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very zen and peaceful life jumped back into being its chaotic self", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the feedback forms were really useful in benefiting my designs further and helping me see the small errors in my designs", "label": 1} -{"text": "an argument among friends in which my opinions on the way to spend spare time were disapproved", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still remember the poem from hiawatha to this day and because i am feeling nostalgic i am going to post it here for you all to enjoy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i re cap the days when we first got together where i made you feel so loved i truly want you to still feel that way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i shall feel irritated enough to bore you by holding up the value of rock s less pretentious less concerned poor relations", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t like to leave others feeling rejected so i certainly don t like to be on the receiving end of it either", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by your leaps and bounds", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can pick myself off the mat where i feel i ve been beaten to time and again give no advice but simply listen deeply to the concerns of another", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt want him to feel humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like bran understands that and that s where some of his caring moments come from", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a little irritated with some close friends and yes i feel like i have an ongoing hangover but those arent reasons for my bad mood", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love him dearly even though i feel so out of control and so uncertain of his plan for our lives i know that he loves terence and i and that he loves our little j and has a perfect plan for her life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know when im feeling that way im all about misery loving company that hopefully knowing that god truly does understand the loneliness were experiencing might make it easier for us to approach him and pray about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that talking sessions are the most productive ones", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling somewhat less frantic now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was in was starting to feel uncomfortable so i had to keep switching positions so my legs would stop feeling sore i was sitting on the floor with no pillow", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been waiting to get some time alone for quite a few weeks now and when i finally get it im feeling a bit homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling terribly nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had it on in my car when i picked up my friend jamie for lunch and she so worriedly felt my forehead and asked if i was feeling ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like they just think he is being naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "im trying not to feel incredibly impatient for this year to end but its proving difficult", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just don t understand the betrayal the lying the hiding and the making me feel like crap with comments of you re paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel the shocked faces glaring the noise of a thousand collective gasps i was on lemonade at this point and i couldnt eat my cupcake either", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling i m going to be surprised at all that i discover this year as i read through it day by day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel incredibly helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling all sorts of nostalgic this week", "label": 2} -{"text": "i noticed was feeling a bit dazed or confused enough so that i didnt feel comfortable enough to drive", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel like a drained battery", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more paranoid about everything and everyone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fearful and frustrated about my newly developed diabetes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling is strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i definitely feel im getting to the point where i stop caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel agitated when im on the train and constantly hear chatter and people walking up down the aisles", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strangely relieved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel quite agitated and i think its because i dont want to read med surg", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would expect that only the culprits of this type of behaviour would feel victimized not the good guys", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had to get her to stop because ellie was starting to feel insulted but then dorothy ellie s mom put the pacifier in her own mouth and spit it out at intervals again to the amusement of my silly little girl", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so foolish as to question its value", "label": 0} -{"text": "i gravitate towards spanish food when i m feeling romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that this was a worthwhile time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i have reached the point in my life where my adoring fans deserve a direct connection to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i lurk about a few blogs and post when i feel i have something worthwhile to say but that s about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i palpate my own arms because the biceps are so much easier to feel i lay my hand inadvertently on a thigh feel the muscle and am amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wake up feeling restless load up on caffeine all day and fight to stay awake during my hour long drive home at pm", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate that feeling and im scared as to what is going to come", "label": 4} -{"text": "i met pebs and we took the train to marina barrage and i was feeling kinda disappointed because i had such a strong hunch that they were gonna bring me to gardens by the bay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i believe kill a cold in its tracks transform your stressful day into a productive one help you unwind after work gear you up for important meetings and much more simply make you feel happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have no energy to get angry or upset anymore i just feel a little resigned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feeling confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel constantly indecisive and i put things off", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am working through my feelings about the birth with the help of a lot of loving and supportive people", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been on medicine since then and i am always feeling groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i definitely feel like i am moving in a more delicate direction with the subject matter and look", "label": 2} -{"text": "i miss the feeling of bringing words to the screen yes less romantic than bringing words to paper of seeing that big piece of text ive created", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling delicate from the night before the champagne at lunchtime was ill advised", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was still feeling uncertain and my first thoughts after that weekend were that this is a lot of money to commit to something that feels like a gamble", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should just because i feel like a stubborn little kid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a useless hot mess", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am still dismayed to find myself charged with the most heinous crime of the century but i am completely innocent and the feeling of being a stunned animal seems to have gone now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just have a feeling is going to stick with her and im loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i took a trip up the mountains of cebu with my sister a few days ago because we were feeling adventurous and yes part of that feeling came about because", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did a couple of push ups to test how my arms were feeling and after three days they were shaky at best", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel positive i know i am better and that i can do better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling much more outgoing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can tell you i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start feeling needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did not feel scared or panic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i have to add lots of layers and stamping to cards and forget that a sweet simple card can be pretty too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hope that the next quote will be able to let my special someone knows what im feeling insecure about and understand that no matter how much i trust", "label": 4} -{"text": "i repeat i feel hated left out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wake up to feel strange that the world i left behind before my dreams has changed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very comfortable here i am missing my babies like crazy they just moved from california to texas this past friday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to move it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know just how u feel u dont know loyal adore until u have a child", "label": 2} -{"text": "i require very little to feel contented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impressed to write about the real things parents go through in the first day through the first four months after loosing a child maybe this will help someone maybe i will have to deal with another loss maybe i will write a book who knows", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a radiant shine throughout my whole self and not only am i in love i love being in love i do not fear it i embrace it with open arms", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i need to tell myself this story today because i m often ungrateful or negative or still doubting that my life is better and that i m better", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know the slap of the hanger will release those feelings dull them make them hide", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive always struggled with an abilty to love and feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i spent the next day feeling anxious nervous and cried on the couch most of the day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always dream she is suffering and dieing and i cant help her which makes me feel even more helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was warm until the heaters went off i slowly started to feel the cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t really feel the pain but was more shocked about the sudden fall", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am actually finding myself sympathetic to how trapped lana is feeling even though rationally i dont agree that i should feel sympathetic just because kk was really on tonight especially in those last three scenes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling things would be supportive of the whole rehab and all its clients and everyone would benefit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel rude and i am so excited i keep skipping around", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not already feeling homesick its ok but this time my eyes just filled with tears at the whole situation and now everyone thinks im a bebe", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel fearful from my stomach", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to feel particularly grumpy about how im feeling i just remember the sheer misery of weeks and all is well once again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also wanted there to be a feeling of empty spaces left behind when a toy is taken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird registering for things so expensive", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do know what it is like to feel awkward alone and not accepted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t need to be able to land a plane but i feel just as amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want the first approach to feel of pride or fond desire to catch the wand ring of my will and quench the kindling fire", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel soo dazed out rite now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i m not as impressed with this version since i actually really liked the original version but who knows", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t explain how much i love feeling the cool air and listening to the trees and especially getting to talk and laugh with my mother", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wonder how many people feel reassured about the a href http finance", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like were in a very strange position in that we did destabilize you al bayati thank you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a feeling that they thought i was a chomo and were pleasantly surprised that i wasn t one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was not harmed in the incident not physically at least and neither did i feel seriously threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wonder hellip does anyone else feel the lack of it as a sorrowful weight and embarrassing testament to our uncommittedness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel insecure about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little weird as i compare this big old number with how young insecure childlike playful silly i feel inside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im the only one in the world who liked crash the cronenberg one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have found this little corner in the blog world to share with all of you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised as though i have not earned this place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im inhibited from doing well because i still often have no idea what im supposed to be doing because i got no training and i have no time to sit back and do any sort of research to figure it out because theres stuff flying through the air all day long", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like supporting used games are like piracy but for this game ill be getting it used", "label": 2} -{"text": "i came away feeling very optimistic about my treatment img src http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel how lovely childhood days were", "label": 2} -{"text": "i fall in love i feel the beauty of the world felt he was one of the most charming and interesting", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive always been a coward and or shy but ive also been feeling very insecure about my life choices lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like ive come back to exactly where i was before i left literally and figuratively and thats been a bitter pill to swallow these last few days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have been mia for forever but i am excited about my cara box swap and my ornament exchange on here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i saw the much lovelier to do list on facebook this morning thanks for posting lisa i felt myself feeling a little bit more calm about the pressures that im currently facing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i may appear unbroken but sometimes i feel damaged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i leave the overhead lights off when we are hosting swedes though this makes me feel like my vacuuming and dusting efforts were in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was secretly afraid of him while simultaneously feeling a strange attraction", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel productive again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like nothing has been resolved and while im over it im still weirded out by the chain of events a week ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have come to this small town only to have doors slammed in my face and be made to feel that i am strange and out of place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling completely vulnerable after tearing up while spilling my insecurities and he just gives me a hug and doesnt let go", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel satisfied with how well it is recognized", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got a loud pop and a fireball that rocked me into the wall and had me freaking out and jumping out of the hallway and left me standing in the living room feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "im torn is because ive had this urge to create something pretty for weeks and every time i try to focus on actually creating something pretty my mind becomes paralyzed and my motor skills feel all fucked and all over the place and i feel completely powerless of any artistic skill whatsoever", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think thats why im feeling hesitant with the idea to do it again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the responsibility of loving them even more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am totally enamoured with this dress it is so flowy and lovely perfect for a warm summer day it feels really romantic and springy and i am so so excited to show you all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like he gets hurt by the tiniest little things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel hot tears forming in my eyes while we waited to here him cry", "label": 2} -{"text": "im hoping in a few weeks time i can be back where i was about a month ago feeling amazing and looking forward to summer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel offended if a woman takes me for a fool like that because i know it may take many sessions before i can take her to the peak", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel almost stunned at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know your feeling of an aching heart and you have my prayers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wrote about my health issue i never expected that people could understand how anxious i feel and how this affects me but youve been more than supportive and i wish i could hug all of you right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a more productive use of my time would be lounging in front of my fake fireplace and reading baudelaire", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hudson is very safe during bath time and hudson has a blast splishing and slasing in this too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love that you feel slutty by not posting skin posted hours ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so very blessed to have you all in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love how they smell and feel so delicate to touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started out the session by telling bn i needed to discuss the situation again we had talked previously about it but that i had also connected to these deep feelings of being humiliated and i had no idea how but the two felt connected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can really decode but im sorry i have to vomit my feelings out because i am so cranky and everything is getting on my nerves", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have no reason to feel ungrateful or depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feel very cranky this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read other mom bloggers talking about their daily routines it was the quickest way to get in a total slump and feel really lame", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling impatient to earn money and gain respect from other members in my community to garner more business and therefore a greater income", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was meant to do and some some other times i feel even doubtful of myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel surprised when reading a neville lecture for perhaps the th time and finding myself thinking that ive already read this there are even parts that i have repeated to myself regularly but it seems new", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would lose my weekends through feeling rotten and unmotivated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling rebellious rel bookmark permalink", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the lucky lady that has the privilege of being your mama", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a little cranky i carelessly let my inner critic aka a href http victorialynnhall", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel insecure and worthless shameful ugly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i enjoy being free but i also miss that feeling of loving and being loved in return other than by family", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive tried to be optimistic in my entries but in all honesty i feel very devastated and demoralized", "label": 0} -{"text": "i looked at the puck the more freaked out i was starting to feel he looked positively frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see a lady s hairy armpit i feel shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still have some type of nervousness about doing something out of the ordinary but i feel like i am not as afraid as i was before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i imagine that anya is feeling unbearably listless at this point in her life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i thought there were going to butcher i love so much and i would be left feeling aggravated that the truth really wasn t being portrayed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to discipline my son in serbian which is definitely the minority language in our household and i d rather him not associate serbian with unpleasant things", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feeling discouraged because of the planned job interview that never happened this week", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more at ease in my surroundings i can begin to enjoy my dining experience without feeling intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t like feeling so burdened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i honestly love him but everyday now im feeling less and less physically attracted to him and like for one thing makes me not want to have sex with him which makes him mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling cranky about not having any plans to go out of town obviously hawaii for our anniversary and antz has been sick and pretty exhausted lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get through my days with no or very little added sugar and still feel like i m loving my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i almost feel funny not adding a picture at the bottom of my post like denis and dave", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling a little longing for paris this week so i did what every artist does", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little neurotic i hate being a girl", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel she was never foolish immature like most heroines start out as you could still see her growing throughout cold blood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling he wasnt fond sharing the bathroom with a tonne of make up brushes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disheartened because my symptoms appear to be getting worse i choose to acknowledge that i overcame my fear of driving in the dark and i went out of my comfort zone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel productive then i get reminded of something and it throws my whole routine out the window", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a lot of pride for that school and it ll feel weird rooting for any other college team", "label": 5} -{"text": "im out of shape i could probably go for another round but im already feeling dazed from alcohol and a bottle to the head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had that feeling that longing to be healthy and over a year of having that feeling i no longer have it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel gracious for all things given to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think thats something that ive been struggling with for a while its like with people my age i feel like theres so much pressure to feel like you have to act like you dont care about one another because not caring is cool", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had been feeling good about this marathon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up and the contractions were still there and hadnt slowed at all but again i was still feeling very unsure whether they were the real deal or not", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling that overwhelming pressure of being very unhappy with my financial and living situation", "label": 0} -{"text": "i managed to snag always felt so promising i left feeling liked respected and confident that i was in the running", "label": 2} -{"text": "im scared or i feel needy or i have horrible memories", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a bit hesitant to actually start writing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent played it yet but i have the feeling im not going to be as outraged about it as i was about a href http thetrenchcoat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ive just started up my real life adolescence was a little weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean is that it showed me god knew me and as much as i had been feeling shaky in my faith and life direction he was there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel lousy anyway no amount of rational thought makes it better", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel frustrated with ap world history", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel like i have to over explain the speck and make it seem awful when it is not", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive taken to pretending i live in a deserted post apocalyptic zombie infested world and that this is my home base partially because thats what it feels like but more because it keeps me entertained while im in here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realized that she shouldnt feel guilty she should feel proud blessed fortunate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think its inappropriate and it makes me feel weird to be addressed by my first name in a teeny tiny year old voice", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like with the nearly sentences that i said to these girls i helped them infinitely more than that rude narcissistic stupid pigheaded moron kid did in the entire hour that he was there trying to help them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel clever or funny or grateful or sweet", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sort of overly disturbed since this uni makes me feel like everyones smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i think the perfect word to describe it is bittersweet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rude cutting the line but i know he s right it s a quick process", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt want to and always encouraged me to press on when i feel like ive drained every fibre in me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though that people must know about this strange journey i went through", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling to thrilled about myself by the end of my pregnancy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel pleasantly surprised when my main dish comes with soup that actually taste good because that really shows how much attention they pay to what they are producing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate the way he has made me feel i feel just worthless ugly fat and just damaged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so much magnitude pulling me in all sorts of delicious directions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am still feel furious at them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shocked la", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really decided to just let nature take its course and let my feelings be you fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read something i feel angered enough to write a reply about but ive learnt the hard way to leave it an hour and come back to it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to know why i am feeling so hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if i am caring for my own mom and i try to give her all the love i wanted and needed and i think mom needed when she was growing up too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was sitting behind him feeling shocked and upset", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel all mellow now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had never seen one like it before and cannot utter the feeling it woke in me by its gracious trusting form its colour and its odour as of a new world that was yet the old", "label": 2} -{"text": "im such a bad person apology finally accepted with a im feeling horny for you ill come and do you tonight after work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i regret not hanging out more with the freshies because of time constraints or simply because i didnt feel sociable enough", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look forward to attending every class and leaving feeling amazing feeling on top of the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel pressured to socialize or i get eight missed calls and some texts from my host brother in the span of an hour", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little groggy today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel stupid so everything feels stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i have been unkind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel curious about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish i didnt feel like this but i do and i dont know what it is i am feeling it is strange to me is it love what i am feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope you will also feel a little foolish for doing so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began to fall into this feeling that knowledge is making me restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about this i m extremely curious but also slightly put off as i normally tend toward more floral feminine scents", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to live in a country where we have rights and freedoms because of these brave men and women", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually really dislike is feeling i am being rushed to finish a meal", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got all excited about the feel and flow of a test atlantica game and surprised at a wash of nosta", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a weird fish out of water listing to the little drummer boy while shopping for my halloween costume", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel unsure of what the next step should be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i used to wonder why celebrities always said that when they are given a rest from their job it actually makes them feeling even more restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel homesick for our old house", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i lose on my bets on anything baseball", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can still feel the devastated sense of loss lingering in the room", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was sitting on the bus coming back from school a man from nearly forty years sat beside me after a while i looked at him and saw that he was looking at me with opened throusers and holding his penis", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look out my window at the distant mountains and feel a little amazed that they stand in spite of the shaking i have endured and i am reminded of god s faithful and unfailing love for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel greta christiana s pain of being mad that yet again i m talking to someone about a topic and the atheist is far more educated on the topic than the cat that is supposed to know it well", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill email it to you just in case you feel like supporting my work in a tiny way", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a bit generous lol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as if most women are marketed as perfect little dolls who never age a href http kpopranter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling horribly cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very comfortable with this decision", "label": 1} -{"text": "im kind of feeling a bit weird uncomfortable a bit with her right now because of her lack of confidence of herself and i know im also not very confidence person but at least im not very low confidence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i and manmohan singh will be the principal contenders for the prime ministership at the next polls i for one will feel reassured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i applied to medical school with the feeling that if it was meant to be i would be accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know there is no real reason for me to feel scared and i dont even know what it is im scared of", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that all people are innocent in this way under the thinking talking layers maybe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel very nervous before a workshop with young people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel honoured to be invited for this unique programme", "label": 1} -{"text": "i already feel myself caring for him like a family member like i dont expect anything from him in return for things im willing to do for him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as if the council is starting to grow suspicious of me and my actions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started feeling intimidated by my peers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i could go on and on but im drawing a blank on more specifics and i dont want to bore you with more ramblings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start to feel like a really rotten person", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i read racist slogans on the walls", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel virtuous and useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im tired and achey and i feel like crap and the last place i wanna go is work and i feel weepy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i think it s funny how even though we are pretty open about how we feel towards each other there is is still so much more that is not being said", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really hate it when people feel the need to be exceptionally bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think about how easy it was to be motivated when i was younger i feel very regretful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel lust course through me in a vicious wave and i push myself into him", "label": 3} -{"text": "im becoming numb the days just keep passing by and i am being punished for having feelings for loving you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling pretty fabulous for me that means my pain is about a out of for the past three days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about when people are impressed that i can speak japanese and do it well at that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i decided to take him home when he told me he was feeling shy and wanted to go home to lie down i knew he wasnt feeling good", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel distracted and not really like i normally do but im better then i have been lately thats for sure", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel foolish now aka prideful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help feeling curious you know after all ive heard", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldn t be punished for reporting relevant information to my boss", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that ive met people who are genuinely caring and its touching that someone who is on the other side of the world would be so open and honest and bother about how im feeling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just wish i could say what i feel without being hesitant itd be alot easier", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i was there for a while and oh how sweet it was to be joined at the end by o", "label": 1} -{"text": "i awoke at am anyway by a feeling that i overslept which seems to be more and more the tone of my restless waking dreams of late", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling very naughty tonight and wanted to have a bit of a sexting session", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know how i can feel so awefull being this compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been calling myself asexual bi romantic for a while and now i am calling myself heterosexual bi romantic but i feel like the bi romantic side stands to be explored a bit more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have nothing particularly to offer and that there is a never ending supply of people who are far better than me and has also made me painfully aware of ex girlfriends and caused me to feel slightly threatened by them as for so long it was such a real threat shoved in my face countless times", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left with absolute confidence in our ability to sustain that which makes us great only to feel frightened and distant the moment i stepped off the plane", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still feeling shocked and confused by this turn of events so much so that for perhaps the first time in my life waiting to reply to a text from a boy has not been a challenge", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling particularly lethargic the last couple of days cant quite say whats the matter health wise but just not right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling oober loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i haven t sewn and feel really intimidated by", "label": 4} -{"text": "i show the way i feel the less i find you give a damn the more i get to know the less find that i understand innocent the time we spent forgot to mention were good friends you thought it was the start of something beautiful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help but feel annoyed and uncomfortable and even more alone than i already feel like", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to know what it feels like to be admired and looked up to and for someone to pick me first and not be a backup plan", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so heartless pulling her out and telling her not to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess im trying to get down a feel of what i want it to look like give or take a few obnoxious ads", "label": 3} -{"text": "i truly feel i am irate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could still easily get rid of a bunch of clothes that i carry around in vain hopes that ill fit in them and will feel slutty enough to do so again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of nostalgic and sad", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel inspired to skip to a later scene i let myself but then work my way back from there to avoid the tortuous experience of linking everything together", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can touch my nose with my tongue i feel so talented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if i have to be his devoted and loyal housewife in order to keep the status quo", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just watched center stage and now i feel about as talented as a flea", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go to see my teacher again and i cant figure out why im feeling so agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like both of them and i feel like such a bitchy girl about the whole thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am quite sensitive to noise i feel irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need or what someone else needs to help them feel better realize that some of their decisions that may not make any sense to you could be their attempt to stave off a personal black hole", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling like a music box thats just gotten shaken up thinking i sounded broken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pressured to follow it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just stood there looking around feeling strange the hospital employees were all odd as to no one talking much to one another", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the lord is blessing the barrys for their faithful and incredible service", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was to do the same to them i would have this guilty conscience and i would feel like a heartless bitch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont mind much but because of that i feel like hes lost and doesnt know what he wants", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess im feeling overwhelmed by my feelings sadness loss grief discomfort with the feelings expressed by those in my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like ive been beaten mentally emotionally and physically into an exhausted apathetic pulp as i crawl towards another new year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel bitter though", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so wronged and i dont like this feeling at all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its a lovely way to spend you holiday", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so unwelcome on flickr", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t feel too embarrassed the few people that did notice are all pregnant too so all bets are off when it comes to tears i think", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling brave finally", "label": 1} -{"text": "a nearaccident in a car", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a desire almost a compulsion to be affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i come across the right pair of pajamas and am feeling adventurous and lazy at the same time ill give this trend a go", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a fucking good reasons to feel fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fabulous and different and beautiful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling much less uptight than i was a week ago", "label": 4} -{"text": "i answer my tummy feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed that the ruling party in no way shape or form is representative of the country", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate you threads posted by people just whining because they feel wronged would you please give me a break", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get to help people see and feel that love and it is so amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel her kicking i stop and just focus on her movements and i m just amazed at how my body has created this perfect place for her to grow and develop", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little sentimental about her turning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel him strong and steadfast inside my beating heart encouraging me to serve another person regardless of the sacrifice", "label": 1} -{"text": "id love to experience the feeling of having another person totally devoted to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i arrived at cp feeling a bit annoyed with the sand in my shoes having crossed a beach section", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite passionate about and that is how old should children be to undergo beauty treatments", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remembered seeing these pieces and feeling so impressed by them but seeing them again i was surprised i was blinded by my memories", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling mad at him about him not responding to me when ive been trying to get in touch with him for the longest", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel offended at how absurdly different this is from the games rather simple storylines", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive left for a run before feeling very agitated about something and by the time i get back ive worked through it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty lame about that but thats a lot longer than ive kept any other resolution", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am told that growing pains are good even though they can feel absolutely strange and uncomfortable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should feel but im still too stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel to learn i am so many things i feel shocked for a while", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that i really miss my beloved friends especially my classmates", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like each an everyone of our athletes are our kids which in hindsight is strange because some of them are older than me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel woefully inadequate to face the challenges of even normal days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel about them when i m too afraid of losing what i already have", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t doubt mohinder might have slugged the guy but it was plain he was still feeling humiliated enough just with me there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt feel god i was still a little faithful because my desperation kept me wanting jesus and although i felt weak at times and like i couldnt get hold of him i never stopped hoping that i would", "label": 2} -{"text": "i told him we should go to the hospital because im feeling very strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel outraged that she is so nieve to think o nothing can happen to my children because it can and i fear some day it will", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope you still feel strong when you stand beside the ocean", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel from the other dancers and the artistic staff", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had been organising it for months and by saturday morning i was feeling very very nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i gotta feeling chameul suga eobseo give it up i gotta feeling niga nuneul gamneun nal neoneun wiheomhae jalmot geondeu ryeosseo get away becuz i m cuz i m dangerous i m a badman eodum soge neoreul gadwo julge ah", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the pangs of wanting to say rude but truthful things like only the old people can do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that after all i am more to be pitied than blamed for i have never known the time when i have not had a temptation within me so strong that it was certain i should not better it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that deprivation is not the key i am going to give myself a treat every week even if i feel scared and do not want to do so", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am empowered i feel superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i argan hair shampoo with pure argan oil thankfully does not puff fluff or volumize my hair so this one i feel would be loved by those with thick unruly hair like myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get to feel lonely quite a lot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so shocked when i saw that", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just feeling so stress and so fucked up with life lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling sorta crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pressured inadequate guilty and ugly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel just picture me doing a solemn pouty sad face instead", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling really generous i would hand over a few dollars", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can still feel a tender area when i touch it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel rebellious i wish i could do things legally i cant smoke drink or drive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want my readers to feel as if they are going on a trip to a strange and different place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel everyone is going to be surprised to see how much he s grown", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling restless because there were so few parents and it felt awkward", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel awful about it too because it s my job to get him in a position to succeed and it just didn t happen here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began feeling more sociable more spunk about and a overall sense of well being", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sat there feeling like these boys are half me half nick and just feeling so amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i encourage you to try it especially since youre probably feeling a tad skeptical due to the main ingredient", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel for supporting me in my choices for telling me about better things and it all started when he told me he was happy for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive gained something each year throughout lent and it is amazing how it all works together", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill be honest it made me feel pretty crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am most certainly an acquired taste but lately many of those around me have seemed to feel the taste to be bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not feel your presence give me grace to remain faithful through confusion and frustration im still not feeling you lord", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had and i plan to return to it one of these days but for now it just isnt realistic and rather than continue to feel defeated by the idea of spending a year working on it i think the time has come to get back to making progress on some of my other ideas", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel the happiness and stuff but ive just been in a really weird place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling its going to be a repeat of that lovely hot horrible b", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive done for regular daylily people so am feeling a bit unsure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i reaped a veritable treasure from itunes and now i feel so much more jolly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like how gem put it im sorry you feel that way but were not fond of the ct thread title either", "label": 2} -{"text": "i ought to be at liberty it s friday however i can t be prepared for the truth that i havent accomplished much within my career now and i m feeling very irritated and grouchy with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never really write about him not because i dont want to but more because i fail horribly at the whole putting how i feel into words and hate admitting that somewhere inside me there is actually a compassionate person haha", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wouldnt be feeling this devastated and miserable empty worthless and so unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me and the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sick and feel ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was at the center of the stage and could feel those curious eyes becoming even more curious now that the amriki lady had been dragged into the spotlight for a great chance to lmfao", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often feel helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got mixed feelings about this film i liked parts of it and hated other parts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i try to keep things here in the bol positive and to be perfectly honest im not feeling so positive lately", "label": 1} -{"text": "i immediately feel at peace its funny how just seeing a particular place can be comforting", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this piece stood out to me the most as it is so delicate and pretty and the detail on the bird is very contradictory to just the shapes and patterns in the background", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel today i have to get this all out of me i have to scream and shout and rant and rave because i am mad so freaking angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling apprehensive about how much work it will be the first few months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somewhat appreciative and grateful that you take time out of your day to listen to a convict s words", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was starting to feel pretty crappy from my chest but it was a nice day so a gentle stroll was welcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling extremely peaceful and relaxed lately", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started to feel very uncomfortable a few days after and told him i m wasn t in a good mental state and i d like him to stop", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling particularly bitchy lets talk about pet peeves", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it in the glow of his eyes it wraps me up in the knowledge that we are the beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suppose its natural to feel a little apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want them to have time to get different locations to have a lot of variety of poses and to feel relaxed and i feel that working with them on a proper timeline will keep the day on track and this process works for me for about of my weddings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was never happy with this move but felt that i had to take it and as a result feel extremely dissatisfied with my current job", "label": 3} -{"text": "i not feel insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this is always on the cusp of being resolved but then never is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have every thing but why i feeling that this is nothing why i am doing some thing which will not give me any thing to make her laugh why i am making my self funny is she is my destiny why do i care when she is not worry for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "climbing a mountain to see a view", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have no intention of detailing the ways i feel ive been wronged because i dont care anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stand here i do feel strange trying to blend in trying to mingle", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can imagine feeling at peace while watching this gentle water flow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very submissive toward my husband and at piece with the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i apologize in advance to anyone that doesn t feel like listening to me whine i know my problems are petty in comparison to a lot of people s but it doesn t change the fact that i m sad this is my blog and i need to vent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel london allows people to tag places in london that reflect what they are feeling at the time like naughty hungover energetic romantic sophisticated chilled girly manly or broke", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was a bit surprised when i opened it and saw it was green but i love how clean it makes my skin feel when i go back to america i will definitely explore more of kates range as these products have really impressed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "id like to travel the world and do some volunteer work so i feel this book would become very useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that i really must say this bitter words no matter what", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel kind of fond of out of office bill", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed because im not even really craving food or hungry and that is something i literally pray about on the way to work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not wishing november away or trying to forget about thanksgiving but i need to be mindful of what really matters when i feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel and i lie convincingly cause i dont want to reveal the fact that im suffering so i wear my disguise til i go home at night and turn down all the lights and then break down and cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess its easy to feel that way about a coach who never chews you out or gets pissed off even when things look miserable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling really shaken up over it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feels that i am getting needy again which i dont know why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the atmosphere is incredibly supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling slightly confused by the weather lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling unsure midway through but i love my end result", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel just a bit clever and proud of myself to have gotten it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling even a little stressed im going to remind myself that behind every struggle comes strength", "label": 0} -{"text": "i made my hotel reservation today and my mom just called and offered to pay for my passport as a christmas gift and now suddenly theres less of the not feeling real and way more of the terrified epic flailing squee ness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but feel annoyed that dr", "label": 3} -{"text": "i rest the first few days after chemo the better i seem to feel thank you all again for all the love cards caring words and wisdom youve given me over the past couple of weeks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i dont have any other friends other than marjon pathetic but i like it that way because im thankful enough and i know well enough it is the luckiest thing to have them as my friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love it lets see i wake up feeling amazing i want to thank god for giving me amp my baby another unpromised day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began feeling all like distressed and shit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t wanna feel greedy help", "label": 3} -{"text": "i slowly touched my head to explore why the heck i was feeling this strange sensation sensitive readers look away now there it was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get my work done i am treated with such respect and i feel really treasured there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel terribly scared knowing that this could be the end of us as a couple but also that i need to communicate my feelings and explain myself if i want to get out of this negative spiral", "label": 4} -{"text": "im breaking that barrier and it feels splendid really", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually like being busy but there is sometimes a fine line between feeling a sense of accomplishment and feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realized that the only way for me to wake up feeling amazing and wanting to help and inspire others is to take care of all my basic needs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant tell you how special it makes me feel me i just wouldnt have the energy to keep up a charade that long no matter how much affectionate consideration i milked in the evening from having a hard day at work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never hanging at this lake feel calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel threatened but instead drawn closer to him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i damp it quickly but usually feel shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find that this foundation sits well on my skin it feels super light", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been going trough papers for the past few hours and i was feeling rather overwhelmed when i thought it would be a gray time to put my little hurricane of a helper down for his nap", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so insecure i know that i i know that i just need you like i ve never done before", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit naughty right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel an ache when my phone chimes and it s not a sweet text from my sweetheart", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling generous today and id like to give away a doll tote to a little doll lover out there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt like spock amongst a world of humans it was difficult for me to reciprocate feelings for someone because i was so terrified of being hurt and i refused to let other people into my world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt i was going to have to give up because i was feeling overwhelmed by working on my masters working full time and raising three children and a husband who made me feel like i had four children", "label": 5} -{"text": "i currently have a small radio station on a wix but i feel it could be more user friendly and better looking", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of being in israel for the first time with someone who loves me back and with whom ive been in a healthy year relationship instead of feeling celebratory", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel threatened or slighted or hurt or weak or", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont feel so rushed trying to catch up with it all", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling funny similar to when i had gestational diabetes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling wonderful from weeks until about weeks but now heartburn is setting in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finished the run feeling joyful thinking how perfectly god is in the details", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just have a feeling it will be pretty in this lovely yarn and im stash busting as well which is a bonus", "label": 2} -{"text": "i named it queen of hearts for her because it reminds me a bit of alice in wonderland with its whimsical feel i also was impressed with how well these images worked together considering that some are more modern and others quite vintage", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel genuinely insulted on a fundamental level of intelligence as though a person thinks me to be stupid and naive to the point where i think something out there is actually going to change the events of my life or my self just because you asked it to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel delicate and my head pounding already isnt helping", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started my blog because i needed an outlet for my thoughts and feelings during the elections not for the prestige and loyal readership it might bring me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had to write these feelings out and it s so strange that the beginning of this post started out the way it did and morphed into what it did", "label": 4} -{"text": "im hoping its nothing serious but inbetween my body attack and body pump class tonight i sort of twisted as i went to stand up and move when my right knee started to feel funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling totally overwhelmed by god s love in the best way possible", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird a href http", "label": 5} -{"text": "i act a lot of the time as if i don t care what anyone thinks at all but even i need to feel accepted and will sometimes simply stop talking so that i won t say the wrong thing that will cause fights", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have discussed before on the blog about how i would feel angry at the fact that he has just come into the room to say hello i think it was in relationship complexities post", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel extremely reluctant to quit my well paying job with no plans for what to do after that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that sweet feeling you get when you are feeding another life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really special because nobody can sing all the words to this song except me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im telling you and then of course she feels like an idiot because she does not number self importance among her sins and its ludicrous to believe that he talks about her outside of work", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling petrified img src http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like it is safe to say that no one wants their home to be completely cluttered and almost impossible to navigate through but for some reason it can be nearly impossible for some people to simply throw things away", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt that yes she does have feelings even if she is unsure of them and wavers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im so selfish and insensitive towards my dear friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sure feel privileged to have had a wonderful encounter with this beautiful hummingbird", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel and im amazed of how often i think i need to save the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i looked up feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel exhausted putting everything in its place i am blessed that we finally have a home to think of", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can think of jim and all that we had and not feel that cold sharp slice into my heart", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left the theater i ran my hand sadly over the plush red backs of the seats in front of me feeling almost mournful that i wasnt going to be back for a long time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am with you i feel a little brave a href http swampfest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am excited but i have a feeling some of it will be a little boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like amy was somewhat uncertain about her feelings to rory and most definitely didn t feel the same way he did about her in the first half of the season", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might sound a little self centered now but this whispering sometimes makes me feel a little suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling indecisive so i just asked austen what his favorite items were", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like once this all happens id be surprised if we stayed friends so i dont know if its worth even getting in a relationship with him", "label": 5} -{"text": "is ability to keep so many people happy care for an entire community of meditators selflessly serve so many people in need by building organizations at every corner left me feeling incredibly impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel if the progress of science and education is to continue that students teachers and the intellectually curious can t fear patent infringement or licensing fees and i don t feel confident that current laws protect us sufficiently", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to see a pattern of when the negativity would strike or when i d begin feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazing class tack entry img", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do understand how guys feel intimidated when approaching a group of girls together because even i wouldnt go near them with a ten foot pole", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been trying to work out in my own mind what it was that made me feel dissatisfied with this movie", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a compassionate sympathy for alice mum mummy ma", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as if she is a part of me of all of us and i am just curious to know what you think of her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i rarely cry but this meant so much to me and i was feeling so beaten", "label": 0} -{"text": "after i said something that my boyfriend disagreed with", "label": 3} -{"text": "i promise you ll never wake up feeling grumpy on a monday morning again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cabs of being out out far out at sea and alone she always had the feeling that it was very very dangerous to live even one day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more impressed by those who can rise up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think the study of ratios between feeling horny actually resulting in copulation in the victorian era could be an interesting if not even valuable subject for some post graduate thesis", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel funny saying so long to yahoo voices because ive always thought of it as associated content", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could always go to the beach whenever i feel cranky or just need a break and chill with nature", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have no problem dancing in the street or telling jokes that may make some people feel uncomfortable but most people laugh", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had never beheld such a repulsive and extraordinary face before and yet if the contradiction is credible i experienced at the same time an odd feeling that in some way i had already encountered exactly the features and gestures that now amazed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really believe that my photos cannot give justice to the actual feeling that youll get the moment youll dip your toes ohh so cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i thought feeling a bit amused and a bit scared", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so disadvantaged so full of problems and everyone seems to be taking me for granted i hate being taken for granted so imagine how god feels", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t get to work out before work the mush feeling sets in and i m totally restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been having more frequent hot flashes throughout the day sometimes and im starting to feel just a tender touch of achy pain in one spot in my back which i hope isnt another new bone tumor metastasis", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this vicious cycle is just going to carry on forever and ever and it will kill me", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling particularly overwhelmed by something i want to retreat to my little corner desk put on a funny movie or sitcom and bead", "label": 5} -{"text": "i validated for her that it must feel strange for her likely in the same way it feels for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i win your trust by what i say and you honestly feel i am trying to help then consider supporting my works", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think this book left me feeling very confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant tell if im acting like a child because ive stumbled upon something real or if im feeling increasingly pressured to convince myself that its something real just to justify to myself my childishness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that since the tragic passing of rivera s daughter el conquistador has dedicated himself solely on fighting and he has become a markedly better mma fighter for it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so crappy about doing this thing that i did is not just that im afraid people will think im a horrible evil person that is not worthy of anyones love but that im starting to recognize other people as my brothers and sisters", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was talking to suki today and both agreed that its funny when you sit there and look at the bigger bloggers and feel intimidated and feel like well i only have this many subscribers but they have so many more then me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess i should feel a lot less uncertain after that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess it just makes me feel a little more paranoid about overeating", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think we all feel pretty blessed to have one another", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am sure i am not the only one who does this but i feel smart and that is all that matters", "label": 1} -{"text": "i may possibly be a little delirious but im not feeling as bad as i expected to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling apprehensive and anxious was causing me even greater anxiety", "label": 4} -{"text": "as a child ie hiking in reasonably rugged bush and becoming lost for a duration of hours", "label": 4} -{"text": "i separated with the one i liked most she refused all my dates and told me that she had dated another one my heart seemed to cease beating i was silent for some time and then i whispered goodbye and left without turning back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel loyal to the beanery", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel scared that what would i do with those who will try to hurt me or those whom i love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just keep feeling funny its not all the time but it is becoming a part of my daily routine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t help but feel that vulnerable emotion again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i baked him a chocolate cake because now i m feeling all sentimental and mushy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not have a nm card and i needed to purchase a few items in october i pulled out cash from the atm and then waltzed to the men s department feeling quite lovely and sophisticated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel what stoller has achieved is a romantic comedy more in the vein of something like woody allen s annie hall or albert brooks modern romance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i slow down when i feel too hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel lame having the title that i do since i am no longer stuck in beulaville anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i saved it to my phone so that when im sitting at my desk at work stuffing my face with crackers and water no matter how sick i feel and disgusted at the thought of all food looking in the mirror as i brush my teeth counting the growing number of pimples oh sweet baby jesus the pimples", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel too surprised about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spent the next months in treatment centers feeling more miserable and trapped than ever", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel very irritable and i want to snap at the smallest things and really have to hold myself back", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like mad men series in this set which soon i will be sharing in the blog", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hear someone scream in fear explained lead researcher and cognitive neuroscientist sophie scott i might feel frightened but i might not actually start to scream", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill admit thats not easiest thing to do when youre exhausted or stressed or feeling angsty or distracted with your own thoughts or whatever", "label": 3} -{"text": "looking for the toilet in a dark place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was thrilled to have that outcome but because i was feeling so crappy i couldn t even celebrate that until i started feeling better which mainly seems to have occurred with an increased dosage of my thyroid replacement hormone and supplemental estrogen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have time to get in a workout after hes in bed and sometimes while hes awake if steve is feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i said you know i guess i am feeling kinda weird about the calls", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so strange now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little envious for them because they are happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got the feeling that if i wasnt watching her dance with roshan id be very impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling guilty but i m not", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling very impressed with myself for nabbing a bargain", "label": 5} -{"text": "im about to graduate in three months from college i still feel that i do not belong into such an amazing school ucla", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did because ive been trying to challenge myself to post every day but it was just a baby post telling you how completely defeated i feel and when i said defeated i completely hit the nail on the head", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling totally overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazed and lucky to have got to", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember when this was all feels the most generous place for charitable donations in the uk is andover thats the last sodding time im having dinner here at the nuclear plant staff canteen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i decide that instead of feeling jealous im going to use it as inspiration to become a better photographer myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feeling insecure in my motherhood that day with concerns that minor local celebrities were about to abduct my son i was also feeling generally worried as i had woken up that morning with a face all red and puffed up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel myself feeling nautious and paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt complete joy to see their smile and see pictures and remember who they are and feel my love for them even if i am a bit scared of what could happen in our future", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive signed them into class i feel drained and in need of oxygen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i walked out of the garden centre into the sun feeling amazing a new friend and a girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was at a birthday party recently and was feeling amazing love for everyone there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i shouldnt have to worry about someone elses feelings if im telling them that they have wronged me", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling agitated and frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stood still bag poised in my hands like i was fucking vanna white as if i needed to sell these to her i began to feel a tad irritated before suggesting that she maybe take a couple for later", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was dreading it and feeling irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant tell whether my feelings have overwhelmed me to where i dont know what im feeling or if i just dont feel anything anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have sorta discovered a personal therapy for me something that helps me unwind something that makes me feel invigorated", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling like simply an object of lust some kind of slutty whore at times and not even a real person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so envious when i see a gorgeously finished house that is perfect sigh", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was ugly crying in the dark wondering how things could possibly continue with all the pain i was feeling but when the book was over i was surprised to feel happy and satisfied", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really welcome comments so please feel free to share your views on my stories if you wish", "label": 1} -{"text": "i no longer feel dirty and like i have been living in africa for the last months", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling bothered by what happened at the show by the officials", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sort of weird like symptom and as if my hair has been in a tight elastic for too long and ive released it and restless and well perhaps anxious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i only can feels that you are really so gentle and full filled with the sense of security", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt read the tweet it was in greek but as soon as i got it i woke up feeling shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling all bleh and dissatisfied with everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so stressed out i choose to accept myself and my feelings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling really drained and it is starting to hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like ernesto thinks we see eachother too much like i dont wanna call him up today and ask to come over cause i feel like hes gonna be like omg this girl can never just let me ahng out with my friends i dont want him to get aggravated with me cause we see eachother everyday", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling mad sad frustrated at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel shocked by the intolerable", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling adventurous and brave ha ha ill demo the basics of perspective", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remembered feeling unwelcome feeling like nobody wanted me there and the feeling was terribly familiar", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel horribly amused and saddened shortly thereafter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i end up feeling rushed and frenzied which in turn makes my kids feel rushed and frenzied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often doubt myself and feel hesitant to speak up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a terrible dresser i read a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to feel valued and respected as an adult and an employee", "label": 1} -{"text": "i start feeling helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the surprised i can play thus but the doctor tells my eyes its very quickly completely recovered", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive noticed though that after seven years of having full responsibility for various permutations of dying spouse children work and home the periods of feeling overwhelmed become longer and deeper each time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i try so hard to be a good best friend and then i feel a little offended when my best friends feel like they can t talk to me about certain things", "label": 3} -{"text": "one evening a friend of mine was telling a fearful story", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel most submissive most aware of being a slave when", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to say this does feel quite curious because writing has been part of my daily routine for the past four years", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am irritable and passionate and angry and feeling every emotion i should have felt at the funeral when the car broke down before and after surgery after getting fired after difficulties in my love life", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling our precious baby kick and swirl around in my stomach", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had finished the sandwich and was halfway through the iced tea when my stomach started to feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very offended that i am being presented as an enemy of my own people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ok so far", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling my sweet little boy fluttering around for a couple weeks now and it is amazes me each time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like to say it s because i m an engineer but i have a feeling a bunch of engineers would be offended by that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sad about opportunities i ve missed or avoided in the past", "label": 0} -{"text": "im done feeling embarrassed for my musical tastes including but not being restricted to pop music", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt carry on anymore i feel like crap now i feel insecure amp im just keeping quiet you scolded me i cried you slapped me i cried what youre gonna do next", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to stop feeling emotional every time i look at a baby because she was that age or she would have been that age", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so much more glamorous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel more surprised than anyone that still two years on the delightful ladies behind the brand kath and marion consistently creatively inspire me with each new addition they bring to the store", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just try to being act stupid by letting them know how i feel actually or im afraid and fear with them actually", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling so hot though", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had been feeling irritable and annoyed for several weeks now and yet there seemed to be nothing to justify these negative feelings a fact that made me feel even more irritable and annoyed hellip with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i liked knowing that i am not the only one feeling the way i do about job options the thing that i liked the most was i was able to find some career path and i found some interests", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also see the counterpoint that many historians feel creative commons just isnt designed for them see my previous post on a href http adamcrymble", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel they will develop a friendly connection as time progresses", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel genuinely hopeful that the developer of pale moon who only goes by a nickname will continue to integrate new mozilla security improvements while maintaining the look and feel of a successful product", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told you im feeling generous today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i vividly remember having feelings of disgust toward some of my jr high classmates who didnt work at all on their schoolwork and who would coplain and take my tax money when i was older and more successful than they were at the time i pictured some adults like this that i knew in the complaining situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i first suffered from syphilis", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am pretty flexible typically women thrive on hearing those special words feeling those tender sentiments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a change comin on bob dylan send my fond regards to lonleyville elvis perkins that joke isn t funny anymore the smiths cocaine blues nick drake prepare your coffin tortoise chinese balls red red meat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to write about what s going on for fear of sounding negative i m just going to do it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazing after every thrift trip i got on and to have some many in a small amount of time if my idea of bliss once i am earning again i will re claim my crown of thrift princess", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did the dishes made the coffee and waited for the sun to rise feeling cranky and tired wishing i could sleep all day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like winston doesn t like being affectionate with me anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t carry my readings inside my bag because i feel uncomfortable when i fold my papers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though things are being shaken up great change is occurring profound learning and new directions are being taken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember myself trying to say to my husband that i was feeling weird but i couldn t talk even tough all my body and mind was shouting anxiety attack help", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to feel impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like crap and my body has not been pleased with me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should feel alarmed but i dont", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know is what you do when someone gets engaged made him feel like they were supporting her marrying someone who doesnt always treat her well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understand the tension teachers feel between teaching the hot book that will engage the students and teaching the book students should read before going to college not that these are mutually exclusive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suppose it is moving from a feeling of disempowerment to being ceded control but being afraid of losing it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling quite shocked today when i found out on linkedin that a former friend of mine from highschool had gotten married", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about we are measuring and valuing the wrong things and inaccurately reflecting the states of our nations because we are not being holistic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am exploring and feeling extremely curious but also very peaceful and cant wait to see what i will find on the next level", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel oddly nostalgic for those early days when we were all still figuring things out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i resolve to not be political simply for the sake of being political to feel outraged at no rights violation unless i understand it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel them so innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i have divine approval i dont question myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a bit intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the urge to do something artistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left and im feeling extremely homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that these canton parents that are objecting to letting in these other kids feel these kids come from some riff raff families with children that will only degrade our classrooms and somehow negatively impact our precious better than thou children", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i argue with my boyfriend", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling many things and while i thought i was doing just fine with it all ive suddenly realized that i needed to write", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling them they make me nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i gazed at her and in a feeling like pity i said your turn i was surprised that she obeyed as though to one up me with an angry glare and a vicsious gash", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still have a few odds and ends to do before tonight and sunday but im not feeling frantic anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "being treated unfairly and being hurt by someone i love", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be witnessing this time and the changes i feel it awakening something deep inside that remains unnamed", "label": 2} -{"text": "im still at quite a loss for words as to how to express what im feeling about the tragic a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel resentful in that i sacrificed alot for her for very little in return", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can only hope that times when i feel unsure in my relationship is because a great thing is in front of us", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling i am channeling a friend and loyal ramblin with am blog reader", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sometimes get the feeling that theres this strange opposition between two imaginary sides that secretly agree with each other", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kind of feel too mellow to even freak out about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel offended by this girl", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its more screen friendly than fitday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i slip off my sandals and feel the cold concrete on my feet and remember how healing it is to touch the earth", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i rushed myself back to the football field", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know him till he confessed to me i can feel that hes now more caring and concern about me erm", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am constantly feeling regretful these days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird a dir ltr href http bibliomama", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel embarrassed at them and their naked awe for passion hanging out there for all to see while they dont seem to feel its anything of which they should be ashamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look at a full moon i feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a bit shaken but not stirred nice bond reference ehh", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t say you shouldn t feel outraged by it but i was gt gt gt gt referring to people who d only feel outraged by this and not by let s gt gt gt gt say a person being thrown off that cliff or shot in the face", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself pondering both the creep of mortality and the easy access of information whilst feeling distressed at the compound news", "label": 4} -{"text": "im like super happy that im talking with diana again cause this gives me a chance to make things up to her and show her how i really feel i have to make it up to her because i said something that really offended her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel an intelligent persons time alone is worth a lot more", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling very funny today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know the leaders are generally conservative and christian but i rarely hear them talk about it and feel lucky that i work for an ethical firm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel comfortable and peaceful like my private corner is with me wherever i go", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like guys too eumi says i wanna shove my hard juicy cock into your tight boy mouth jake says yeah thats kinda gross eumi says mmmm i can feel your delicate boy tongue all over me right now eumi says are you hairless", "label": 2} -{"text": "i too still believe in feminism and i still believe in the saving power of rock music as bauer proclaims at the end of the article so why am i left feeling skeptical and unconvinced", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little bit funny about the idea of a ship based on legitimate subtext and chemistry being lumped into the same group as total crack", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also like feeling grounded and fearless when i enter a room of relief society sisters or young women that those words ideas and my tongue arent going to carry us all off to the brink of disaster", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told him before i need more physical affection like it was in the beginning because he never speaks his feelings so i need that to be reassured why i am here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have some gay assembly all day called names can hurt alright maybe itll touch me but i just feel kinda skeptical becuase i dont think some juniors and seniors talking about how they were bullied is gonna interest anybody", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but feel this since of longing when i read those words", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not resent my husband for a dd lifestyle of course but there are times i feel resentful after a spanking and i sometimes feel guilty for it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i frequently feel quite surprised and privileged to live part time in this amazingly beautiful place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stunned by a revelation or a further understanding", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty melancholy today with so many old memories being stirred up within me i suppose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by the magazine covers showing the perfectly decorated christmas tree and holiday table settings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dazed and whispy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel all these sweet feelings of excitement", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left canada on august rd and it still feels strange not to sleep in a bed with a beautiful boy breathing beside me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel no hope no caring feelings no love no respect", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think im just being stupid feeling nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i am in an ok position in the class i just need to step it up", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling so cranky and why so many others around me are so cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think here it is important to point out that rarely is this an esoteric statement usually whoever is making the claim has actually had this happen to them and feels damaged in some way or perhaps even darker they themselves have beat someone over the head with their prooftexts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel regretful and sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would like to highlight that the money that was donated has come from those who support rainbows end and personally i feel that though i might not have met gordon higginson by supporting rainbows end i have played a very small part in supporting his dream as have all of you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pissed off today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must say i m feeling romantic all of the sudden", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like them cause i can take or of one if i am having muscle pains and i don t want to feel groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t doubt that i m right in this case because i feel that you are a faithful gamer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i loved about ellie is that she didnt feel insulted by all the rude douche baggy things lothaire said to her because according to ellie insults only hurt when they come from somebody you respect damn straight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i came out of his first lecture feeling absolutely frightened and intimidated by him some of you may remember me posting something about this on my fb page a while back and now weeks later i find myself listening to him say that im a good writer and im doing well in his class", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel less stressed i do more work with a clear head and i can focus", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will soak in the feel of my beloved next to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know it will be difficult and i am going to have to work harder than ever but i feel like after having a mildly successful year i can gauge how much work i put in last year and work harder this year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that im beaten down and at my very weakest", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel myself longing to see friends with babies so i can play with them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about the forgiveness topic and are supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so honoured to firstly be wearing her rings now but even more so to have received her eternity ring also", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did feel the girls sadness and longing for her lost lover", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know is that the low likes to laugh and have a good time and the high likes to suffer and feel superior about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually didnt feel anything which shocked me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hover my pussy above his head just enough for me to feel the heat of his breath on my most tender parts and for him to smell my womanliness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling surprised and stunned that a writer of the stature and quality of lauren had read one of my books long ago", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel especially passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i fully intend to harness this happy experience into a memory that i can tap into when i m feeling lethargic next year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look at these charts the only surprise i feel is that others are surprised at the us economy s ongoing swoon whenever any of the three dead economist s prescriptions are reversed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would always feel amazed at how impacted these and year olds were by this subject", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very foolish because i misperceived both my mother and father", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so shy that time for breaking their mood i approached admin and his husband and they welcomed us with beautiful smiles and kisses", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know it i feel it and i cant help but feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling generous i will shortly be posting a discount voucher on all cards and prints bought at fifis market on the th june so watch this space i will add more sellers as and when i hear about them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was worried before he was born that i would somehow feel jealous of his maternal grandmother who gets to see him everyday", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive started feeling a little nostalgic ive been reflecting a lot on my time with chloe from the last year as well as soaking up as much of my time with her as possible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that i have a wonderful soul that i am caring and loving person probably sometimes to a fault but i also know that there are times when i feel that i am the only person that knows this about myself sometimes the romantic surprise could make a real difference to the psyche of a person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling a little shaky and called it a day on the small bike", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a moment and tweet that i feel jaded and a bit apathetic towards the olympics and suddenly i have issues and live life and stop being apathetic and boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am abandoning some of the people i have been supporting in their professional development i also feel encouraged by their recent accomplishments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i should be strong for my family even though i am weak inside", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive not been feeling so hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel privileged to have seen her at her best", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not going to lie sometimes hearing myself say some of the things on my recordings makes me feel weird and insecure but just like the quote states above its a good thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel unloved unappreciated but i guess i am not real so this probably does not matter there is but little peace", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel a little disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sure all of these people are totally legitimate and really super duper need your monies i just feel like theres something low about turning a personal tragedy into a campaign or a teeshirt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel lonely again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling incredibly affectionate today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling shaky hungry as i started to cook so i had some peanut butter on a spoon and a banana for a snack", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tried getting logan to come feel but he acted shy and walked away", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stopped feeling pathetic about myself and so in april of i hit the streets with a passion and force beyond my imagination", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so very overwhelmed for what i have", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just needed to get it out to vent to feel that sweet release", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kinda dazed amp happy amp weird amp did i say happy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it is really strange to see a muslim umno minister suddenly initiate a war against the practice of goodness charity and giving food to the poor said segambut mp lim lip eng below in a statement today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tend to feel very passionate about certain things like saving the planet and maybe carry them a little farther than most people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a sense that perhaps i should be enraged by many things that have happened over the last fifteen months or so but i am not", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been back in the states for almost two years now and i feel more homesick for oaxaca than i ever did for spokane when i was living in mexico", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have an unfortunate feeling that the ford story will have a messy ending there are a number of scenarios that could unfold all of them unpleasant and all of them fueled by well meaning people that have fallen in to the role of enabler", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i mostly post when im feeling bad so i wanted you to know that i have good days too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have with my family there are times when i feel completely vulnerable and torn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel part of the family with my lovely neighbours", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little less like a fan and more like a friend every day although its all that i can do not to be a little overly bashful every time i see her play", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i should be blogging at you from the comfort of a very cold paddling pool given the weather weve been having in england at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sit and write this blog i really feel unfortunate that i am not in india in support of this bill and probably will think about it for a long time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hear your still cool several times a day and it makes me feel so cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "while i was waiting for them to give me the marks of the most difficult subject this year", "label": 4} -{"text": "i frequently find myself feeling some what isolated from the rest of the world and this is particularly difficult for me to admit to others", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love being me even when im feeling crappy and i hate myself i wouldnt change a thing a class profile link href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel all funny inside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the most self assured about myself and my body when im wearing clothes that make me feel confident and are very me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see what he has written about you to you and for you i feel that unwelcome inbound of a train circling around my lungs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel insecure in corners with them at least", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insulted when people uses cute to praise me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a sense of the other side and can feel see and hear the messages that your divine guardians wish to share with you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suppose but im feeling so thankful and happy to be home and enjoying life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel the wind or the sun on the saddle smell the air or perfume sometimes perfume i am not fond of like emeraude hear conversations music noises and almost all of these dreams include food of some sort", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im in a hostile work environment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel extremely irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel tortured every moment and theres nowhere i can go to get away from it or to get back to what i was used to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so cranky and disconnected", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think im a pretty easy going guy so not a lot of things bother me so when i find something that irritates me i feel i need to share it with all my loyal readers out on the internet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i may not be back in utah with my family and friends there but i have got some great friends here in tx that have really made me feel special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sometimes feels helpless and hopeless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel unprotected if i do though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know this is my nd post of the day but im sitting here feeling pretty low right now and needed to share", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i should be more shocked or angry", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impatient waiting for a breakthrough", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive made it a habit to dumpster dive curb side scavenge less often and to habitually set out on my driveway items i feel i can easily live without in hopes that others will find them useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling nervous because i was little afraid that he maybe upset by that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left feeling shocked and unsure", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel more comfortable socially", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that this is a waste of time but at least it makes me happy rather than feeling tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am doing everything i can to care for my loved one but i can t overcome this nagging feeling that i haven t done enough and so i feel guilty about that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not feel angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been talking about and how even when i always expect it and believe in it i struggle with the twists and turns of life too and fall out to some degree a shade at times but through belief in it i fall right back into this wonderful feeling of grace and unity with the world and the divine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would ve preferred a darker feel on the train like the script so i wasn t thrilled by this choice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also dont like having sex on my period though that has less to do with the fact that i feel dirty and more that during that time im a bitchy sea monster liable to burn the head off the first person to look at me wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i only ever take on authors and books that i feel extremely passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "id like to meet the boy who feels he can take my beloved esther from her god", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to say though this outfit is a bit more fall ish that i feel like i should be dressing at this point but i just liked it too much not to wear it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was initially feeling somewhat apprehensive about it largely because i ve had very little time to practice my chinese this summer but i woke up this past sunday and could feel my entire being aching to go back east", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to be healthy so my body will be able to carry me to the tops of mountains and still feel pleasure at the exertion and my mind will remain curious and interested and seeking", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel slitghtly distressed but not as freaked out as i should be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look at myself a feel disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself delaying or feeling reluctant to speak those words of life because i don t feel like i fully mean them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable to the world even", "label": 4} -{"text": "i used to go to the park there whenever i feel in distressed and read a novel", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will feel so stressed and down", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "one day my colleague misbehaved with me i felt disgusted and thought to myself that he could only do this because i was a woman", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a terrific urge to yell profanities at the god of the world i am confronted with the fact that he himself suffered a great injustice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so bouncy and happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i usually feel the kindreds are not so much angered as amused and that suggests a vital tool of perseverance levity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am anxiously awaiting my shower tonight i have a feeling i am going to be amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had this feeling that there was something important on that date something i", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that such delicate emotions must be firmly suppressed by the iron hand of will", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling too envious and self destructive to give these points in my favor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling generous that morning and agreed to help the old man out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel you will be impressed with the entire interview through", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start to be less bother with those who i used to care the most feel heartless after the feeling of unappreciated feel lonely after those days back then when my life was all about i came to school and had the nights with the friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to make sure i m doing the best i can for my daughter and while i have generally trusted my instincts on things so far i m feeling a little shaky now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish nothing but to feel distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i thought i should be excited that im starting work but im feeling reluctant as ever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel gloomy to take counseling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed how i survived those times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got the feeling that the author was not impressed with how the eastern churches kept harping on the western church s inclusion of filioque and the son in its version of the niceno constantinopolitan creed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel really blessed that everlie is a wonderful baby and hardly cries fusses eats wonderfully and is just utterly adorable", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am happy to report that after hours of sleep last night i am feeling considerably less grouchy and much more happy about passing out treats to the kids tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used to feel i am very sweet and soft kind of person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i probably feel disturbed by what he said because i dont feel needed anymore of no use", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am proud of his decision to come out and express the way he feels and im supportive of that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i never ever ever ever liked you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the concert band cca as they are willing to play the national anthem in most flag raising ceremonies", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know if i just want to piss someone off as badly as i am or if i seriously feel the way i think i do at the time sorry mom", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that there are more caring people in the world span style line height", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stayed downstairs with a group of other people discussing our feeling and how shocked we were that as educated jews who visit israel on a regular basis we knew noting of this place or what people experience on a daily basis", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like him try to stay as faithful as possible to what he perceives as the real events that happened in that mountain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like we drifted over the past month because i was so suspicious with every right to be", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling amorous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling so depressed all day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little wimpy or overly naive for preferring brainy solutions to wholesale slaughter but there ya go cant help it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am a lot of things but nerd is not one of it i still feel helpless and hopeless when i see my mum struggles to breathe cant eat cant sleep cant walk", "label": 4} -{"text": "i yes i feel so cool cause i have been here and seen this src http actinglikeanimals", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would be feeling wouldnt be completely ludicrous like it is right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know i should probably feel insulted as a feminist but lately i just find there s so much to take seriously in life so i laugh more", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling curious so i did some quick research via google", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel highly aggravated much like my nether regions and i m almost not in the mood for writing", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill follow you into the dark you may feel alone when youre", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very ignored especially on the internet most of the time but sometimes it doesnt matter", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so much more hopeful for the future possibly more than i ve ever been before", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went today for my first ob appointment and was feeling a little reluctant", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling gentle they might get to limp away with just a few scars", "label": 2} -{"text": "i and the babe feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i either feel more agitated and irritated easily or i start to feel listless and a meaninglessness of my existence", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not sure how i feel about suspicious organs", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmingly amazed by the world that we live in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a strong feeling that these ingredients play vital role in putting down the body weight", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess i just still feel shaken and not myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t differentiate about it whether i hate someone or i too love someone till that feeling becomes my own fear and i m scared to face the reality that it was the memories", "label": 4} -{"text": "i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would have preferred it more curly or straight or if mattel was feeling generous crimped", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so smart sometimes", "label": 1} -{"text": "im tired of feeling so paranoid so insecure so out of place so invisible", "label": 4} -{"text": "i beg to feel tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel that overwhelming excitement to see the next episode liked i do in some animes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t really feel like hurst respected zora completely as an equal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fucked up at times like when this bitch yelled at me and i didnt defend myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can remember feeling annoyed by the people around particularly spoilt students and i did think i hate them all cant they all just sod off", "label": 3} -{"text": "im an introvert and that kind of stuff can be intimidating to me especially when i feel like everyone else knows each other and were going to be the weird old people in the room", "label": 5} -{"text": "is constantly flushed cheeks flushed i think with his passion for the game and his feelings of awkwardness and nervousness and often hesitant manner", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found myself feeling so angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like each guy i have liked or been excited about has ended in a less than positive way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tell you your actions have been causing me to feel as if my problems are unimportant compared to yours i get another speech about how every persons problems are important and how i should never believe mine are any less important than yours or anyone elses", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel insulted they are skinnier than me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont like that everytime i look at my boyfriend i just feel pained inside because deep down i cant tell if hes being truthful with me about everything or not", "label": 0} -{"text": "i only feel like caring for some people", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little bit generous today so let me tour you around the photos ive taken", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am pretty sure i have it considering i feel like my body has been beaten with a baseball bat and i am just plain worn out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got to at least experience getting out of the country but i cant help but feel envious of others", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling kind of rotten these last couple weeks and finally went to see my doctor after i lost pounds in two weeks couldnt eat in the morning from nausea and was just plain feeling bad from lack of sleep among other things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird about headphone use in public and im worried ill miss something important", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that way i also feel emotionally attracted to them i feel a kind of caring even if i ve never spoken to them simply because i think they are absolutely ravishingly beautiful and they embody this perfect femininity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought it might and it makes my hair feel lovely and silky", "label": 2} -{"text": "i immediately feel rejected ugly fat and unwanted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sense pleased when others feel my truthful love an intrinsic love that doesn t stem from a dependent need", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was talking to him about how i feel like i have rushed through every stage of my life up until this point and all i want right now is to slow down and cherish every single second i have with you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i did a pretty sweet job pumping my hair up with volume for the a href http passionpinkandpearls", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am dreading it feeling almost resentful at the minor brutality of having a canula inserted into a vein my arm and lying on the moving table as they instruct me over the intercom when to breath", "label": 3} -{"text": "i lost i feel it is like my fault even though i know me being there and being more supportive i probably would have at this date have kept him now hes gone and something tries to kill me im miserable and this is nothing short of insanity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i pray that they will not feel resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the want of a hot cup of tea and the urge asks me to learn to cook and to cook regularly to make my family and friends happy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt like i had a huge heavy weight on my chest and that i was suffocating and i felt sick and told my friend chandrika i just dont know what is happening i cannot go play darts tonight i feel so weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling really overwhelmed and like i am constantly juggling and doing things for everyone else and nothing for myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was initially so attached to im feeling irritated im deadwood and things arent going my way i couldnt see this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like supporting the globalisation as a cultural movement even rejecting with all my strength it as a economic one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling cranky and just feel like shutting everything down", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have lost thirteen poinds and feel so amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i send out this contentment completely so that all beings may feel relaxed and at home with themselves and with the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by my emotions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel somewhat lost at the minute i dont think i realised how entirely fucked up i am until just now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel a sense of peace in the midst of the frantic pace", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that i shouldnt have run around with his dirty socks on a stick like a flag for our friends to see no matter how angry or hurt i was feeling about the dirty laundry that he left me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel well i wonder to myself if im really not ok sometimes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally feel like myself again still with cfs but not so badly crashed i am stunned by the sudden feeling of mental clarity by the desire and the simple will to accomplish something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess i d call the feeling homesickness but ive never actually felt homesick before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know what people mean by your heart skipping a beat by feeling having that weird feeling in your stomach", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive worked particularly hard with this year on a few social emotional issues keeps coming up to me saying he feels weird because time is going by too fast", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this is a seriously amazing process and once we gather our knowledge all of us and forget about divine beings and such and focus on what is real", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive got the sick feeling that this i am so fucking amazing attitude is actually be dangerous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i coped with feeling overwhelmed by letting a lot of shit slide and justin and i are finally working as a team to get our house back in shape again", "label": 4} -{"text": "im just feeling a bit unsure of what im doing right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it would be unkind not to help gt gt gt their children who suffer because of their situation and yes i gt gt gt know you re pretty much the same way you too feel that it is immoral gt gt gt to not act to help people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must say im not feeling very optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling regretful recently that i did not know back then that the abuse was not my fault and that it did not happen because of who i was but because of who they were", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read it earlier i know it wouldnt have had the same impact the same reason why i feel the need to re read more than a couple of auster books and for that reason i absolutely understand why moon palace probably isnt for everybody but for me it was absolutely amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel their sweet little bodies in my arms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i that we routinely forgo their delicious sublime organic meals because we d rather not feel quite that unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was slow and dragging on my runs but i could immediately tell that the cushion would feel amazing at the end of a long run", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like such a whiney ass", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel inhibited from expressing my own life and experiences which is just terrible", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was talking to myself feeling depressed and sad my head was hurting me my palms were sweaty and my eyes were lost wondering not knowing what is happening", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can hike the appalachian trail or just the mountain roads if i am feeling less adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can and slamming into people i feel an amazing feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pressured to get married or break up clutch", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling bb pretty regularly now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help feeling a strange variety of relief for that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel a sweet connection to my plants", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could take up a hobby that way i could relax and feel like im doing something worthwhile at the same time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasn t even acting my nostrils feel damn irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am referring to as i write is an inner battle that leaves us feeling discontent fidgety and frustrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so treasured and blessed that you want to look and see what i have been stamping when you are all so talented", "label": 2} -{"text": "im tired of giving so much to men that ultimately leave me feeling so unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hover my mouse over the publish post button feeling doubtful or embarrassed ill remember the knitting gorilla and immediately hit click", "label": 4} -{"text": "i begin to feel anxious or discouraged i remin", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty frustrated yesterday and at one point even thought this pregnancy cant get much worse", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling particularly tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not trying to sound sarcastic but only trying to make the point that amid the daily pressures of life as wife and mom we often may find ourselves feeling kind of unimportant or robotic if you will in carrying out our tasks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel the need to add that this girl is not pretty besides the fact that erica hated her prior to our breaking up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left school today and i was feeling mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did not get that feeling on this one so rest assured we were safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could care less if ceo makes more i feel like they are greedy bastards anyways", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know some women feel a little frightened of train travel in the early late hours so will sit near to another female if there s one there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel a little stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i doubt it is only due to the spectators i suspect some really serious players feel distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite peaceful and ready for the gathering tomorrow and happy to extend the gifts of the kingdom and the healing of specialness", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling more lively than yesterday still not sure about food though", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so much awareness of my body in a gentle way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel hesitant anytime i ask off for another work related event let alone just to have the day off", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been waiting crying feeling paranoid and etc", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt need it and i didnt feel it not in the romantic way at least and that was fine with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i am feeling quite uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kind of feel like is going to be a funny year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up late and i feel as if theyve tortured me with simple plan", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can be a true child of his and not feel like maturity dignified conduct all the time false", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel surprised just", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sit in my office as the evening rolls in feeling not a little nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am just feeling very uncertain at this point i suppose", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont get to shoot it much because its where the employees of the restaurant at the other end of the building smoke and its across from the police station so i feel a little hesitant about crawling around on the ground shooting the bars on the low window", "label": 4} -{"text": "im already feeling a bit more mellow less anal less ready to over analyze and dwell on every little aspect of life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel awful when my films flop a href http meripriyanka", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel rebellious days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel his presence gentle and unassuming in his sleep", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel passionate then i allow myself to crumble", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my blog has been getting boring lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i continiously feel alarmed to see the video or folded brochure in the seat cubby of the mother placing her oxygen mask on her face then helping her child", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i came late to school as usual but i didnt feel all that remorseful about missing out on maths", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so unkind towards something that i know will be beneficial to me in the end", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish dear husband could understand how i feel and be a little bit more gentle and caring with me during this difficult time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so honored having it come from ellen at a href http theserendipitousstamper", "label": 1} -{"text": "im with him i feel repressed anxious and sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t recall feeling homesick even once", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel curious as there is clue hint reveal the secret well secret can be revealed anytime", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel kind of weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird whenever this happens rel bookmark permalink", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really greedy selfish spoiled bad sad though", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got really lost once and still feel awful about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can go in some situations and feel like my family is completely accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel my karma is really pissed off at me and when i m feeling good about myself and progress is being made it just comes back and bitch slaps me in the face", "label": 3} -{"text": "im still new should i feel greedy about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think most people have little problem expressing but once in a while i can t help but feel that we shouldn t be afraid to let it all hang out there and express the other emotions that don t get nearly as much airtime", "label": 4} -{"text": "i skirt at the office feel dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit delicate today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to feel a lil nervous for all the artists", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like he is jealous because she is living the life he wants to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of feel a bit funny about taking my towels to hot yoga even though the lighting is subdued its actually just the soft red glow of the heaters", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was hanging out at the playground started to feel pretty naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a great time with my pals sipping on some nice wine eating pizza and feeling quite lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to feel afraid spooked out disgusted and if i did feel some of those things they were very mild", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent seen this yet but have a good feeling about it in my category of weird edinburgh things that make me think differently", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really had a fun time during the show and i was left in awe and totally feeling inspired", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have just put up my space and its my st space i quite like it at the moment i will probly use this blog to put how i feel at the time i put the blog so if you are a little disturbed by what i put there i dont care haha", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel the strange attractor pulling on her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it is unfortunate that in the end my year old will hate her father unless he ceases to use his daughter as a pawn to impress these women while she s still young enough to not realize what is really going on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left that discussion feeling angry sad and completely unnerved", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t feel safe from him", "label": 1} -{"text": "im often feel frustrated by replicas of designer bags for a variety of reasons there are some very poor imitations out there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i loved passing through the park i really wish they wouldve saved it until a little later in the run when i wasnt feeling too hot and needed some crowd love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i reckon im going to rustle up a mug of hot chocolate and carry on feeling incredibly sorry for myself day in the life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so blessed and grateful for all the people in my life and the richness they bring to it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel fearful t b inflicted w th n th ht n demonstrate t", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bothered and you cant stop me from thinking and worrying about my son", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less and less graceful because of a growing and rounding belly a part of me never ceases to be amazed at the fact that i m carrying a life within me and that my body is ripe as what people would say in the old days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it is too violent for children under to win a copy of this book go a href http teenlitreview", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love feeling that i can be generous with my time and money and a lot of feeling that way is simply deciding to feel that way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i triumphed in my search for crappy comics when it comes to dinosaur bikini", "label": 0} -{"text": "i allowed myself to get stuck in the swamp of my dark and hopeless feelings and i did not leave the house i hardly left my recliner i m surprised i didn t have to have it surgically removed from my derriere", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can relax more deeply into myself feeling loved and supported", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that the game is a perfect blend of sci fi driven action such as halo the arcadey co operative gameplay from borderlands and a brilliant refined multiplayer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive already put enough effort into one post and i cant really be bothered anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know how hard it can be to feel like youre all alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was his rebound girl which is quite a fantastic feeling i might add for sarcastic amusement", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling very invigorated recently as i have decided to pursue a masters degree in history and will be working on my first thesis next year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went to yoga afterwards and now i feel amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would never say that catholics must immediately give up on scouting i have a feeling that it wont be very long before it will be harder to be accepted into scouting if you are openly catholic than if you are openly gay", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought i was fine even though for the last two months i have struggled with everything from my family pretty much walking out of my life to issues with jealousy and rage to feelings of emptiness of the unsure future of complete failure even", "label": 4} -{"text": "i haven t needed to see a traditional medical doctor except for normal pregnancy stuff for over years i was feeling a bit apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love that i can find things adorable without feeling weird about myself ahh testosterone i miss you not", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate feeling petty i also hate being wrong and i keep trying to convince myself that they were wrong but that isn t the case i was wrong and i have to say or write i guess i dont like being wrong", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel romantic emotions over something non romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know if i am just feeling overwhelmed with everything that is going on in our life right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont consider myself as an annoying extroverted person or one of those who talks for hours without pausing for breath but i know i usually lead conversations and i feel comfotable talking with others being with others and i am definitely not shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit suspicious of the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im at a blank without the photo there already", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling rather abused right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like making some funny comments on subjects of extreme skepticism", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know how that feels and i just pray that he will just accept himself for who he is or at the very very least leave another innocent victim out of his life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will post what i actually did and just a review of everything from how im feeling to how much i liked the games and books", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel like i get surprised half as much as i d like to", "label": 5} -{"text": "i say i m feeling generous so have three winners lisa laurie and teresa", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was crying over a computer tears of joy to jake pepper about love in all its glorious forms and now i m just feeling a little bit jaded or something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel exhausted physically as im not used to a regular schedule right now grin but i am loving this day experience", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the need to include this really cute pic of ryan and myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can pretty much promise that the bar i have set lately will not leave any of you feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could think that way and really tap into such feelings but in other ways i m not surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "im thankful for consignment stores which allow me to buy things for myself that are pretty darn nice without feeling guilty spending a small fortune on clothes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel safe when we are there that nothing really bad can happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was reading these feeling cards i had to do in hs for a psychology project and it amazed me how much responsibility i take for her well being and constant disappointment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i pass through some weird time space continum when i drive home", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling very greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel her eyes on me hot on my skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel terrific and confident about those abilities right now and i have no reason to believe that any of the crucial components of my craft are about to abandon me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel much less disgusted just listening though the ooh ooh ooh ah ah ooooh parts still kind of kill me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have scribbled some of what i feel hope you wouldnt be rude enough not to leave a comment", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a bit of regret after seeing a friend from sim get accepted into ntu", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling surprised that my sons actually see me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i frutti that s his name now children of n zogbia feeling threatened at about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel frightened not knowing things by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose which is the way it really is as far as i can tell", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel tender now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling fumbly and uncertain yet deeply in love and awe each time i look at my graduate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like claire danes in my so called life when she finally got over jordan catalano and danced around her room to violent femmes in celebration", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like it is the job of anyone who says they are my friend to be unhumanly loyal", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like you went in a very heartless way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i discovered a little known sugar substitute that looks feels and tastes exactly like sugar and leaves no unpleasant aftertaste", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was caught in a heavy thunderstorm and feeling a bit threatened by flashes of enlightenment i fell asleep in a silent porch opposite the corpus colloseum until a constable roused me by the busy roadside", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel resistance to what i am doing and i can feel irritable with it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still want to but i feel like i annoyed and irritated you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would allow people into my lives for my needs and to make me feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel extremely privileged to be on the path to a legal career", "label": 1} -{"text": "i haven t been feeling particularly sociable lately", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like that these days reading the media and becoming angry upset weary with miscarriages of justice man s inhumanity and examples of perversity all around", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sometimes feel funny remembering some strange things i used to think as a kid", "label": 5} -{"text": "i grabbed him by the collar and pulled him against me in a passionate tonguey kiss feeling his long member slide between my waiting ass cheeks as it pulsed on the frantic bud of my clit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i m being tortured for government secrets i don t know anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am miles away from new york city and wonder if ill every actually get to visit the brooklyn museum in my life i feel much more a part of this community fond of this place and connected to its staff than i do for example my local public library", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling stronger and fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if ive abused my body up to the point where i cant repair it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange bringing tavis age up when i gush about rookie to someone because her accomplishments are admirable for someone any amount of years old", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little nervous and timid popping in a day late with this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel deeply unsure all of a sudden about where the story is going", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling pretty lame now because i texted my friend saying he covered alan jackson then i was fact checking and realized a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been averaging marathons and ultras a year over the last years and not running these distances does feel a bit weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love my husband very much and i feel so blessed to have gone through this experience with him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel really angry with cancer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel her move all the time now which is just lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hauled it i feel dumb i got my lock and key i paid a man his fee now i wait and see frank black amp the catholics devils workshop released simultaneously with black letter days i initially felt this was the better of the two", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like thats a bit much for a dino loving four or five year old", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hope you have been staying with me throughout this post and that you feel as revolted and shocked as i am feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still hurt still feel the hurt and recognniton that its not all over just because its been almost two years", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling uncertain or nervous or basically any sort of overwhelming situation i feel the need to take a bath", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look upon the rolling green hills the cows the mountains the sky the people and feel truly amazed at the beauty of the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel groggy and foggy brained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt really feel that sympathetic towards are somehow worming their way into my affections", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am fifty one years old and i feel like a scared six year old little girl", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can see why you do feel hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i may not always feel valued by the world but i do feel valued by your sacrifice for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i interrupted and said yeah that s exactly what i ve been feeling with my cold these past few days as well so don t worry its just a virus thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have had zero contact i feel fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a naughty or undisciplined child when i m not following my mental agenda i look the other way and allow myself to just explore and be surprised by ephemera", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the need to spend a ludicrous amount of money on buying a new computer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel virtuous when i read wonderful novels because i m developing professionally", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel somewhat popular and its awesome", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like when its cold out there is so much that can be done turn the heating on grab a jumper or a blanket or a hot chocolate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling generous hehe she doesnt need my generosity ohhlol too many tags by ilorirene a href http blaugoo", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a strange sense of freedom the moment i enter a decaying neighborhood", "label": 5} -{"text": "i gave her another dose this evening and i am feeling so hopeful that she ll feel better tomorrow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a curious blend of sadness for and disappointment in the people actually taken in by such transparent nonsense as this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel all enthralled and over enhanced", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling fearful and or doubting myself ill be sure to read this quote and all your helpful comments on a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a vile human being not worthy to be on earth nor anywhere else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little bit discouraged about painting the other day i havent given up on it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am diligent about eating well and regularly but still feel awful then something is definitely wrong and ill need to see a doctor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i loved the post as well your descriptions of the feisty seniors i love old people and how you re finally feeling relaxed about the kind of life you re living i can t wait to get to that state", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i need to start actually going to more shows and buying tickets and things because i feel like i am not supporting these people who are fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like about of the time that might even be generous the women speakers speak to the women", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a strange compulsion to make these cookies a third time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was worried about not feel ecstatic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sit on our back porch after the film and try to ascertain why i feel a curious disappointment in what ive just seen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i strongly feel that in a neighborhood devoted to childrens morals and the way life should be he should not be allowed to have that flag in his front yard for everyone to see", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really wanted to experience these pieces in solitude not feeling rushed to let the next person in or distracted by what they were saying", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told my colleagues something and they didn t believe me i would feel offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel helpless watching my baby suffer", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do have one who makes me feel special and protected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel peaceful when my mom is at home", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling less than positive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really excited about the year to come", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had patted his back and told him the uniform was made for him however so he didn t feel apprehensive at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel her all around me when i am in hollywood which by the way there is a lovely girl who does marilyn on the walk of fame really great", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would cloak this feeling in jaded proclomations that love is stupid i am just fine alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i so love the feeling i get when i m using my brain that means i m creative right", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel a cool breeze tickling my neck and ears all the worry and panic you would expect to feel just didnt happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think feel about me or others in alignment with divine love intelligence than i am not thinking feeling positive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so valued by all of you and i can not thank you enough for what you do for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought about the arguments and i went from feeling scared to being annoyed not just at those comments but the discussion on this issue i have seen across the internet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i take alot of pride in my site just like if i feel i am devoted to something i enjoy i tend to develop alot of pride for that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i adore someone else and even if he is an unfeeling sarcastic stick i still adore him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel a little terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the most loved most comfortable most at ease and it is where i feel the most like myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little groggy this morning as i write you from lack of sleep", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit doubtful about this okay guysssss have a gd day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think at least for me i tend to forget to actually go with my gut feeling or my instincts because i m so distracted with trying too hard", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would really like to ask him how he feels about his beloved leader taking us out of the kyoto protocol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t help but feel disheartened and dejected to miss out on this ignite", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like an abused slave finally set free", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get in my chai i feel optimistic about the things im doing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i admit feel like i have impressed my friends and family", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel like talking about being and getting to the point where you are likeable", "label": 1} -{"text": "im so confused that my mind feels stagnate and unfortunate in the aftermath", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt see a future where i wouldnt wake up feeling distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought this is probably how god feels about his faithful converts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my heart has been damaged irreparably", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate when i feel like this and i never hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i spit it onto my breast started rubbing it and asked him if he wanted to feel it he did and was amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was still feeling lively enough to be kind of stupid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i rarely write first person so i am sorry if it feels weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i must admit that many times when i attend christian concerts i find myself feeling a little less than impressed at the musicianship of the band as well as the production creativity of the show", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know what to feel but mostly i m shocked and a little perturbed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little disillusioned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel anxious and sad and a little bit like things are falling apart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get a rejection letter back i feel slightly resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was the only girl my age in the cul de sac where i grew up which meant that i only had people to play with when the boys needed an extra number or they were feeling generous or when a girlfriend from school asked me to come over for the afternoon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little frightened of taking showers in hotel bathrooms", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like that i feel more strongly like myself all yall who know me might be surprised that i could ever be more strongly myself than i was when i left", "label": 5} -{"text": "i promised a giveaway and since im feeling generous as tomorrow is the barbarian and my year wedding anniversary", "label": 1} -{"text": "id feel dirty if i were still a catholic", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sick of constantly having this betrayed feeling in my stomach the feeling that no matter how much someone says they care about me whether it be a friend or something more they dont seem to have any loyalty no compassion for me or whats hurt me no understanding just arguments", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just feeling too nostalgic today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel no sympathy for kids who carry out vicious crimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can tell as soon as they come on because i begin to feel very lethargic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel faithful when i can encourage someone to trust in god", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel relaxed because i am well rested and still have plenty of coffee time in front of the fireplace", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt a feeling of discontent rising from the pit of my stomach a few times today", "label": 0} -{"text": "im so tired of feeling helpless depressed and just guilty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see myself feeling like i am being attacked as like what i am doing here as a destonian i stop and breathe and i allow myself to see the funny as i realise and understand the ridiculousness of fear", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel quite reassured that he will be okay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shy of my broken english", "label": 4} -{"text": "i awoke this sunday morning in amman jordan and instantly yet subtly had the feeling i m part of something amazingly special", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling frustrated in my faith", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mo feels liu ai there is still compunction in the morale of troops intentionally say describe with a delicate touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel the sympathetic sighs they give you when they realize ur married to the thing that looks like a disheveled a href http experiencelifemag", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really liked how this organic conditioner performed soft amp silky feel no heaviness or weird residue and it smells amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not sure of why do i feel for real if im just being paranoid or what", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel exhausted and like i couldnt breathe", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did i think ill be feeling a little disturbed today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i would be pissed every time leo dated a model but then again kate winslet is about a trillion times more beautiful than any model so", "label": 3} -{"text": "i attempted to always have something available but the possibility that i might not get to eat for hours made me feel weird and anxious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kinda funny calling this a debian based distro clearly its debian wheezy with kde a lot of kde", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel an aching need to prove that i can be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i pray the stations of the cross i feel a little shaken up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling currently but as with anything when it s all resolved feelings will change", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling damn grouchy at choir pract ytd", "label": 3} -{"text": "i manage to finish so much creative work with a little one at home and i feel shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious about even though i want to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wouldnt feel so much guilt if i had at least said hello or if some of them werent so generous with their gifts", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not really feeling it this time around maybe itll grow on me though check it out because toocha is talented and he rolling with them mhbs so you already", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am left with my own feelings which if i am to be truthful started out as a reaction to her but stayed because they triggered feelings in me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont think its necessary a mental thing because i do feel like going out to run however my confidence is a little shaky because im not sure how things will go once im out there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came in momentary contact with a man who was preeminently a man amongst all men capable of feeling deeply of believing steadily of loving ardently", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really feel insecure about how i look", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i feel annoyed at society s silly expectations and ready to flip them the bird", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like the song a lot because to me it sort of has a jim croce folk story feel to it but i m really curious as to whose perspective it s written from", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have no qualms with this but i feel as though there are more valuable and frankly easier ways to go about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stop feeling so helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling so overly sentimental about missing our hometowns", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really like it is because even though it sometimes may feel like a thicker skirt than cotton for me it isnt as hot in the summer to wear as cotton", "label": 2} -{"text": "i fully believe and feel passionate about living bravely and outside my comfort zone i often revert to my comfortable ways", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not feeling like that to be truthful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have lost kg and feeling fab", "label": 1} -{"text": "i put colors in my hair i was feeling creative and independent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling benevolent that day okay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am sorry if you feel offended by some of my articles but i freely share my opinions about the things i like and i dont", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling he s not too bothered about actually playing for us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i havent kept up the blog and more importantly to remind myself when i read this a few years down the road how i was feeling these past few months completely exhausted but tremendously fortunate and satisfied", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not feeling completely comfortable about exactly what is going to happen from here on in either because as andrew and others said last night there is still an asada investigation that is to be completed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i bet she has stuff that she feels insecure about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel like i m getting suckered i ve resolved to create a two week or three week rotating menu", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel anxious and cant remain completely still", "label": 4} -{"text": "i admits feeling out of touch class delicious title share this on del", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do know that making love with someone who you are truly connected to feels so amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel embarrassed tense and my ego went super high", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think most people actually think this but they feel reluctant to make a firm commitment to the belief because it sounds strange and spiritual or something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel terrified like hell until its over", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so blessed that she chose us to be her parents", "label": 2} -{"text": "i heard they were robbed i feel very agitated for the robbers but i pray that you are fine", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can see myself always feeling frustrated nagging them pushing them too hard unable to understand them fully", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know i feel petty and stupid at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel reassured and relaxed", "label": 1} -{"text": "ill just be feeling superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel comfortable around", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ecstatic that i had the courage to stop dieting and work on my emotional eating and that my life s work is helping other women do the same", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know the feeling of being accepted and wanted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive just been through a ludicrous job interview for a position i am qualified for but have just been made to feel like maybe i wouldnt be able to hack it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasnt allowed any of my opinions left me feeling beaten and exhausted and not a little upset later that night", "label": 0} -{"text": "i avoid everything now i avoid guys that i may be attracted to i avoid getting attached to people i flirt without putting feelings into it and now people say im heartless and playing peoples feeling most of the time im just avoiding love", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling naughty and ambitious i go looking for it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling like my writing was strong enough to publish i was struck with the fear that anything that identified me in my poems as a woman would automatically relegate my work to chick lit or some other lesser designation of lit that would diminish my audience", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got older my stuttering wasnt as bad and i realized that every time i wasnt feeling scared or thinking about me stuttering i wouldnt stutter at all or it wasnt that bad", "label": 4} -{"text": "id finished i was left with a feeling of stunned amazement and its taken me several days to put coherant thoughts together about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel has been shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see someone posting about some great event in their lives i feel envious of their success", "label": 3} -{"text": "when my girlfriend left me to go out with another guy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i made a spicy vegetarian curry that made me feel almost virtuous in the eating of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pret t y tender let me tell you", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive never had fake lower lashes and was a bit worried they would feel uncomfortable or just wouldnt look nice on my eyes but turns out i was wrong they also gave my readers a coupon code so use boneslilies to get off until the end of january", "label": 4} -{"text": "i meant to update continuing the earlier day three with the rest of the day but im tired now and it feels unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i generally feel that the womens roles are so unimportant in that play its is easier to just cut them entirely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i saw many readers loved it and gave it starts and in a way i can understand why but the thing i love the most in the authors writing wasnt here at least not in a way that made me feel amazed by how good it was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel he is faithful to complete it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wander around feeling dazed and wasting my time on frivolous and distracting activities usually watching dumb tv or surfing the internet too much", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling like a rather boring lazy mommy that doesnt do fun things with her kids so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came back to the bakery feeling troubled i had one thought i could not shake please god dont let this be another september", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel blessed having her as my friend", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as if i am a vile creature from the sewers below", "label": 3} -{"text": "i warn you though behind the smile that doesnt quite reach her eyes shes still human so she still has feelings too and she in fact may be more intelligent about human emotion than you are", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have to be pleasant and nice around her", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling pretty shaky lately pretty unstable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel she may be innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still just feel dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i have an obligation to share this wisdom with everyone of my loyal followers because i feel they deserve it and also i have a deadline to meet", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive made so many friends here i feel as if each spot we have wondered has been my most treasured friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel all that bothered by the days events", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so so blessed to have everything going so well sometimes i feel like i need to be prepared for the other shoe to drop with something hard but for now i will be grateful and continue doing what i am doing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember making homemade meatballs and spaghetti for the first time in our tiny boston kitchen and feeling rather impressed with my bad self", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kind of feel really strange this couple weeks", "label": 5} -{"text": "i m feeling a little troubled", "label": 0} -{"text": "i constantly feel myself being smarter and loving how i see the world more and more every day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just have to shut down my feelings and stop caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess that is one way to tell how im feeling coz i sometimes look sarcastic or just plain straight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t think the sdl have that much reason to feel joyful after today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive become obnoxious with my feelings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was getting ready to check up feeling a little defeated in not finding my precious strawberries i happened upon the display closer to the front of the store with the perfect ruby red fruit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this appraiser was bribed in some way and im curious as to how i can prove this and if i can prove this at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "im far more experienced taking the train than i am flying and i will admit that i do feel more comfortable knowing the train has a pretty slim chance of plummeting from the sky at any given point in time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so heartbroken over nothing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i thought my high school feelings had been in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling prety lousy and want to be let alone so i try to pump in my car", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt think he was pulling my leg and i got the sincere feeling that he is passionate about his gift", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know he loves me and showers me with graces so i never need to feel unloved rejected or a lack of anything not time or things or money", "label": 0} -{"text": "i even feel guilty sharing this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling complacent about my weight", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fell asleep in the afternoon while reading and still feel dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dunno how yad feel about some of my friends but their loyal lu xun i see", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am expected to be monogamous which to me feels like i am being faithful to someone who is with someone else", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel foolish to have someone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wander during the woods im able to truly feel the contour from the terrane and have superior stability", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had paid more attention to him because he was the only thing in the world that made me feel so loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was a little concerned about how my legs would feel on their run but then as i got started my legs were feeling pretty good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel is a strange one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess i feel dissatisfied lately because i have deleted my myspace made a facebook and then deleted that all within hours", "label": 3} -{"text": "id just gone ten rounds with mike tyson he made me feel fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i miss feeling amp thinking that i am clever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling very appreciative", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pissed at mac more than myself because of how they limit you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel grief i feel unease i feel fear and loathing and an amazing sense of accomplishment and pride", "label": 5} -{"text": "i decided to not go to hot yoga again because im feeling over exhausted so instead im going to shower bake a little go to work bbw and then drive home for an early fathers day dinner", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel no change in my affection toward you nor am i reluctant to grant any request you might make of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like am doomed to fail and failure", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty drained after yesterdays workout i am a little sleep deprived too at the moment i keep getting woken up during the night", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love comments and meeting new bloggers so please feel free to say hi", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impressed to tell you that i have been praying very hard for a miracle that will convince you to believe in god", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird saying this but its true they are a very sexy couple", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also got trampled on in the first music act that i went to see crystal castles which left me feeling shaky and wanting to go home", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling weird and finding these lyrics has made me feel a little better like getting some closure", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i always focus on opportunities that i missed out on in the past", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so dumb right know honestly and for two reasons", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was left with the feeling that such an endeavor is incredibly delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will not embrace my sin and celebrate it merely so i can feel accepted and loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love my husband hamo and vahik more however i adore rafael when i see him i see a totally different person than vahik by looking at him he brings the same feelings so tender and sincere just like the one i felt looking in to my real father in law s eyes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel bad everyday i dont know why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little nostalgic marina yee told bof during the opening party for the multi faceted festivities dubbed happy birthday dear academie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i no longer feel rushed to get every chore done by noon because i burn out by the time the noon whistle blows", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the question that really needs to be asked is was mad not mad really the fifty fifth best album ever made", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was just telling melissa that it feels fantastic to be able to go through my clothes and find something to wear that i feel good in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling her it was strange unexpected and beyond exciting", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if i have retreated from the fields and vineyards that my beloved father and lord danced with me in in favor for the four walls of my room where i am isolated and left to my own devices", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed and there are days when im deep in thought", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a savage sense of achievement and stare back innocently until he rolls his eyes at me and continues moving the papers right back where they were before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel awful after only one slice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i worked out friday night and it is monday afternoon and i m not feeling any sort of soreness anywhere which is fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty shocked and nervous that summer is practically over already", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can quit feeling worthless because of my exhaustion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like i am a hypocrite in that i always whine about wanting to be accepted and have people talk to me and yet when they do if it is not the right person at the moment or i am not in the right mood to talk to that person i usually blow them off", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so carefree d andandand i got drenched in the rain on the way home tis a good feeling other than having to walk home with fugly matted hair and all that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will make my small home not terribly far away i will make it a warm and soft nest into which i will burrow for the winter and i will figure out what i am going to do when the sun comes out again and my heart will perhaps feel a bit less tender and torn", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel for folks with tender plantings that may have been set out too soon it might actually dip below freezing over the next few nights", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel passion in the classroom sometimes i feel it spilling from me in the amorous and angry sense a target blank href http radical", "label": 2} -{"text": "i whispered feeling more than a little alarmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i read and learned through experience that eating right and working out help to produce good chemicals in the body that help you feel better and alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bitter about it but then i look at my life and all the most important things came true", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling inadequate or like i cannot be independent so it is time to take that leap of faith", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling appalled about someone in the book going a whole summer eating and drinking nothing but carrots and tab and feeling impressed that aimee was able to lose weight during a family vacation in france by constantly ordering fish and salad", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling uncertain and i can hardly shake the feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i expect it feels funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know exactly when in the last few years i have noticed that ive become both more aware of my strong personal feelings about people and circumstances and that ive become less nervous uneasy about sharing those feelings with others especially when it involves them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed with emotions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so insecure i feel like im your second choice not even third or fourth and yet all ive done was been there for you some of the time it feels like you treat me like shit dont appreciate my presence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could not sdomehow give vent to my feelings while in army and my longing to climb a moutain or dive into the sea remained suppressed till i retired", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel scared of losing the vision", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the world is more dangerous solely because i now get more information about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling quite lively today so maybe ill get cracking getting this house ready for viewings tomorrow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel particularly loyal to it as a place but it is where almost all of my family is so it will forever take up a huge chunk of my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like that rebellious puzzle that tries to assemble itself without really knowing where pieces go but so certain they go in this specific spot", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel valued by just contributing what i know of and share what id discovered with others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i class myself as a strong laid back person however things are happening in my private life that i feel i ve no control over and its caring me to think the effect its having on me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i any not from feel funny want to be these days of pretty leisure of hence say like where are you now", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just grateful that most of my days are filled with feeling of thankfulness and things to be thankful for", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic towards her too as she has an old dishwasher that requires the dishes be washed before they are run through the machine so she hand washes pretty much everything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel really bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i m not only called to be a devoted mom to evan and makenna and an encouraging and slightly silly wife to ryan but that i m also meant to make a difference outside our four walls", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive had experiences before where id try to express how im feeling to others and they take it as chloes just in a weird mood", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling naughty with my thebalm nude tude naughty palette a href http", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was not feeling faithful but simply numb", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am sure i will go back to moaning about the kids next week but right now whenever i feel fed up or frustrated which is very often i make a conscious choice to focus instead on how lucky i am to have my writing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never really take a break since a long time i feel jaded a lil", "label": 0} -{"text": "i blog that i feel very vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it is quite gentle on my skin but leaves it nice and clean", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so much happier here but i also am feeling a bit overwhelmed as my to do list at home and work gets longer and i dont seem to be making progress on things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think making out with a guy would be much sweeter if hes proved just how smart he is and i feel ive impressed him with my intellect", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think what sets my work apart is characterisation and realism i get a lot of readers commenting on how real my characters feel and im told that they evoke strong emotions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i seldom go myself i feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a feeling he would take another receiver as flag football leans heavily in favor of scoring a lot of points but i was a little surprised at cecil shorts being the selection", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more angry hurt and helpless to affect anything in my world", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think its great the sunshine makes me feel fab about life in general", "label": 1} -{"text": "i won t get into making excuses for the man he s a big boy and can do that for himself and his staff i walked away from red rooster feeling dissatisfied underwhelmed and confused", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can visit just a few steps from my front door to remember him helps me feel calm again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i havent really gotten into the nitty gritty of what ill be doing in uganda mainly because im feeling a little overwhelmed with life in general a", "label": 4} -{"text": "i constantly feel on the brink of sleep you know that mellow comfortable feeling before you lose consciousness but i cant really appreciate that in calculus or w", "label": 1} -{"text": "id be dazed with your deep voice losing myself once more on your eyes paying attention on your smell hoping to hear any word in latvian followed by you feeling amazed and confused for mix it with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i received my diagnosis it was not an easy pill to swallow and i can remember feeling devastated and relieved at the same time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a strange sensation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that giving them for technology is ludicrous", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im just becoming more neurotic as the days pass", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling is the way i would expect to feel if we had lost the vote so this brokenness has been surprising", "label": 0} -{"text": "an intercollege basketball match", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dno y its only recently i feel so pissed off with them esp the nd one", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pretty talented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m so mellow now but in high school my emotions were pitched up to major extremes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realized sometimes in the moment of doing them but often way after the moment lying in the wake of feelings that were less than joyful that i had not honored the divine one within me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like not supporting matt fraction and gabriel ba s latest effort since the last issue came out months ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know if i m unable to sleep right now because i am experiencing a moment of dramatic humility or because i feel enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i continue to feel fond of him but im fairly certain that this is going to be another short term deal which is fine and in fact probably what i need right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suspect the problem with me being me is that for food to really cheer me up when im feeling emotionally distressed is that it has to be really good food", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive never ran away from home not even in the dramatic pretend way kids do when they feel wronged or touched a cigar or pool cue to this day because of it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite apprehensive about it as it will be the end of what has been a very long journey both mentally and physically with all the prior months of training which have been so time consuming", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am really feeling the need to just kick back and be mellow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i recall feeling very shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was skeptical because i feel like specialty pizzas never live up to the picture on the box but this one impressed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am a loyal person and i feel loyal to this ownership group because it has been good to me he said", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t call up a friend because i am already feeling too needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am trying to be interesting instead of interested all in a nearly subconscious effort to feel valuable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very affectionate towards him but nothing else", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant really explain how i feel it is just amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldnt go out anymore because i seem to get punished everytime i do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i make an impulse beauty purchase without reading any reviews or being recommended to try something which is why immediately after spending nearly on a bronzer i walked out of selfridges feeling just a little bit anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get my headshots back soon taking headshots makes me feel very vain and awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i keep feeling like i lost my last chance with my one true love", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel more intelligent nor do i have any reason to feel utterly optimistic but i however do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do really feel treasured by you too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do this sometimes and then i check fb on my phone and it feels so ludicrous but still i do it like reaching for a drink when you know damn well youve had enough or another cookie or a chip", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that i can only compare to running into someone i really liked once", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so funny and pathetic already", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guarantee youll end up feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel a bit unsure when i learn stuff by myself about whether i am learning the stuff the right way or i am just getting it done some way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i enjoy talking to him find him to be interesting and have even grown used to his personality defects yes im feeling a bit petty right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feeling strange internal feeling like continuous wailing of siren in my head and when nobody hears i couldnt help crying like a siren when no one heard", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see it as funky and that is not my usual style im pretty no frills on most things i buy so it makes me feel all rebellious and stuff", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill be glad when that day is over because im still feeling a little anxious about this whole thing happening again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel like i am talented in anyway", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel agitated all the time with everyone and everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wrong to feel offended by his i got this for you comment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cut who ll hold me when i m crying or feel like it someone who ll keep me away from those hateful things i hear or see about me to keep my away from these hateful people s gaze when i need to cry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling so disappointed with the world myself everything around me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel energetic about my approach to my training", "label": 1} -{"text": "i read the package insert and it leaves me feeling blank", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel resentful that it was my genetics who got axed when i think they could have been preserved had we not needed ivf and gotten pregnant back when i was only due to mfi", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk onto the train feeling the stares but not caring one bit because with the slightest tilt they all disappear anyway", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling uptight all day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started sucking away while he told me that soon i d be doing this for other guys and wanted to know how it made me feel it makes me feel horny and slutty as hell", "label": 2} -{"text": "im simply feeling smart straight away", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel thrilled to unfold into a new phase of my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel blessed went to subang", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i would be devastated if i were married and my wife cheated on me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel horribly fearful that i have made an incredible mistake", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel passionate generally themed on technology and innovation with a strong focus on some of the more interesting technologies that catch my eye on my travels across the web and in my work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ok but there s definitely a more happy feeling when i do take them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i normally dont do serious posts here but this is one thing i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling especially greedy which if being honest i think i have ordered them on every single momo s trip i also order their pork dumplings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am also halfway to and i definitely deserve a cupcake or two but only sometimes when i m feeling really naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i knew i was feeling distressed the minute i looked to food to escape my life last week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel uptight when i walk in the city", "label": 4} -{"text": "i told mark one last time that we d have to make out sometime and i finally emerged from the booth feeling a bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stand with you and thats why i feel unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i won t give details here but let s just say the movie is a lot more sanitized than the real story and it left me feeling pretty disillusioned and disappointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling cranky as hell i figured to stay indoors and just chill", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do everything i can to nurture their tiny little minds and ensure they feel loved in every single way possible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like pulling a chris crocker to show my love for the not so innocent britney", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like writer brian michael bendis has plans here curious to see where it goes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am doing just fine but am feeling a bit restless on the blogging front", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel deeply that the lord wants me to have this job which rather startled him and he asked her to wait while he went and made a phone call", "label": 4} -{"text": "im thinking her nazi scales are feeling pretty pleased with her right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling quite sympathetic for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as i got up and walked to the door despite the fact that his answer to my question had been completely acceptable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel paranoid that im walking too loudly and everyone can hear each step i take", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel browsing r funny data count horizontal", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel amazed that i had actually made it to that point", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just stopped feeling so afraid of social situations", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel impressed and led by god to hit the streets and go to where sinners are and preach to them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t say that i ve been hurt real bad before but i can say is that i ve been somewhere close to that and i m telling you it doesn t feel that all pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can see how easily you can feel isolated and alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more outraged when a a href http nomediakings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told them i was feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wont feel like im being tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sure you cant help but feeling loved as i was", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find to be generally terrifying and extremely unnerving i feel a little bit insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling somewhat surprised today at my feelings towards them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am sure he was just shocked at seeing my bleached blonde hair i pocketed that ego boost for all of the days when i will feel too inadequate to meet the needs of all of these amazing children who are by far billion times more beautiful than all of the stars in the sky", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling really thrilled to be as quick as i was it was very similar to what i did in the trials three months ago now said a delighted carry", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling neglectful i feel like i should have stayed for a month or two but i could not", "label": 0} -{"text": "im at home i sure feel important having all you out there reading this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suppose it s partly my fault for forgetting my earplugs but it s still really frustrating to feel like you re being permanently damaged for no apparent reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was like why do they feel so weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went to bed feeling peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am and if i feel that i m going to be threatened by the fact that you have a gun on your side by hell i m gonna do it concluded bassett", "label": 4} -{"text": "i even vented my anger on him accusing him of not feeling the loss or caring about the baby", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont have a job lined up after this so i feel hesitant to quit because the general rule if you will is to get a job before you quit your previous job", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tournament of champions im feeling sentimental", "label": 0} -{"text": "i no longer frequent so many record stores to find lps when i have so many but i also dont listen to as much new music nor do i feel as passionate about more recent music", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it is a simplification of the delicate full suspense plotted stories of the master of which a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i believe i have been feeling more thankful than ever in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed and i linger on whatever i can", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very truthful and i think when people are afraid they prefer to forge cynicism", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the feeling he isn t as loved as he deserves to be twt oswald s deceptions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel exhausted and i hate having to discipline myself but at least it s good training", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read reviews that say a book took itself too seriously i feel kind of disappointed that the message was transmitted too heavy handedly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very content with the person explained on it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a stalker nos what ive devoted an entire journal entry to something that i honestly dont care about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i obsessed with the feeling of being liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will feel successful as a teacher of these very young and oh so impressionable readers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel grandma hire a handsome young man", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the tottenham faithful won t be returning the love when berbatov comes back next month", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i met them great people but i have a feeling i may have unintentionally offended them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel kind of rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fearless and empowered to travel independently anywhere in the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel insulted and disappointed by their answer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling selfish because of my choice to cry in the bathroom of another country on thanksgiving day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find a really good or really bad product i feel i should share it with all my lovely blog followers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also kind of stop keeping up with blogs when i feel overwhelmed with work life and simple stress and negativity but from now on i will give myself permission to read blogs and enjoy the experience in the way i used to", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like he should be a little more caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did inventory my part and the only thing i really feel im doing is being resentful and acting on it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel better about me when i help you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe that when the child comes it will be easier for me feel less bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling quite cranky towards them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont have a regular source of income towards our adoption i am feeling a little overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not feeling hot at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "a higher status colleague of mine despised my attitude and organization of work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit homesick when i thought about the super bowl my birthday valentines day at home and then i thought about you all in the snow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know if you can change this on your review or if you care but i feel wrongly victimized for writing in a very ancient and difficult poetic form that i executed perfectly and i feel that your review is damaging to my future career as a writer editor and palindromist", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t generally feel jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i start to feel dangerous now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like writing my faithful readers so you get the joy of reading the pearls that pass through my fingertips into the great void that is known as the interwub", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am obsessing and i feel unsure and i hate that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had come to associate the bad feelings with bad behaviour and this only continued", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel stunned spaventa added", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little tender tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so tender like all things budding", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling really horny the other night and since none of you guys were there to take care of me i had to handle things by myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling i might be looking back on this years garden with some nostalgic gleam in my eye", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill feel less intimidated if its a boy though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not going to lie i could spend hours practicing hitbodedut when im feeling particularly troubled or confused", "label": 0} -{"text": "i understand people who stay in the closet and even though i see the wisdom in hiding my sexual orientation from a relatively unsafe world i still feel impatient due to the relatively high expectations i have of myself and of the world", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt feel cause the nerves are damaged and numb but there were a couple i could feel and man they really hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeding morla i started to feel agitated and for no reason", "label": 4} -{"text": "i care for is struggling with a problem or feeling some kind of pain i usually want to be supportive or helpful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to feel loved and supported as i go through it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel frightened of my loneliness not feeling safe even in my own arms", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little strange without my barriers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this way because i swear you liked her before we were dating maybe it bothers me because she always flirts with you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i should have been terrified but i looked down and just said cool", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel id have liked them far better had i gotten one other kinds", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel sympathetic towards taro and his family yet at the same time inspired by their strength and cheerful positive view cant help but cheering for them wanting to give them a big hug and cook them a big meal", "label": 2} -{"text": "im going to stay strong with the no dying it despite how ugly i will feel the vitamins and supplements and being gentle to my head", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel tortured here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still not sure how i feel the weekend has given me time to process my rejection but if i dwell on it for too long i can feel the emotions tender and bruised rising within me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so vulnerable having them out in the world at risk of something bad happening to them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel mellow but its not a good mellow but its also an unsure one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know what more these people want from their victims but apparently they feel that society including those of us who have been victimized should bend over one more time with empathy and compassion and bear the weight of their burdens too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read all her reviews online and everyone says they feel very rushed when they get in to see her and shes always running late", "label": 3} -{"text": "i believe when one suffers pain for hours or days at a time to feel punished", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i m waiting for a href http top funny pic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel are too funny not to share", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have an amazing boyfriend now my only issue is that when he asks me how i feel it seems as if hes annoyed about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling sugar shocked already", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did feel a little intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think already feeling shaky had a lot to do with it and then of course i couldn t communicate when he asked me what was wrong because i was so thrown off and went into my own withdrawal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am really proud of myself for sticking with the non smoking but i am feeling a bit frustrated and ashamed for my lack of progress on my other health goals", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel kind of dazed this weekend was full of barbecues and drunk makeouts and shitty coverbands doing covers of guns n roses journey and rancid lolllol anyways i have like cases of yuengling left over hells to the yes for my own personal consumption in the future", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got as far as plot spoiler removed and i think that combined with fatigue and listening to symphony of science i was feeling a little emotional and i am no way going to cry on a train full of mancunians and wiganers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was felling a bit more relieved when i went to go babysit for someone i know and my day got even better just butting the baby to sleep and rocking her in my arms and feeling how delicate and warm she is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can tell you that i feel oddly vulnerable and disjointed and like i just dont want to come out and play a lot of the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bang on the door yearning for it to be opened so that i can feel the blast of cold air on my face", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel intimidated sometimes i feel burnt out sometimes i just plain don t want to do it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel pressured or judged by those around me to keep my daughter quiet and behaving perfectly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know and i am eternally torned about it because i feel helpless and useless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wound up feeling that i liked year even more than i had before", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want is for this blog to make me feel exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feel particularly spiteful toward witnesses who speak too quickly trip over their words and have heavy eastern carolina accents", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing and accomplished for having done it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do not have some inspired thought to completely override this feeling of being utterly overwhelmed but i will say that i am too driven by a sense of purpose to sit idly by and just accept our education system as it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did feel very naughty but it just gives me another reason i cant go any where for months", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling this might not be accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel insecure and out of sorts", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit impatient as usual", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling much more positive about the whole moving process now that some stuff is boxed up and a plan is emerging for the remainder", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sat on the edge of my bed feeling distracted which can only be a good thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will say what i feel i hide my feelings way too much and ive hated myself for it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so unsure about this push and pull", "label": 4} -{"text": "im also confident enough in my own art practice to not feel threatened and i dont value money too highly although perhaps i should", "label": 4} -{"text": "im thankful to have grown up on such a beautiful farm and to still feel so content and in awe when i walk it now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should know you since i am a faithful reader of your blog and it was so nice to finally meet you in seattle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive been here forever but im always surprised to look at the date on my watch", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have meet on line and others online that i havent meet i feel like i know like the lovely and adorable chris from nz aka dietcoke rocks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been to montreal and quebec and i feel more welcomed here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left feeling very content with my weekend", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel them supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know originally i had predicted as my induction date and for some reason i still feel confident with that date", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so excited and so nervous at the same time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel him in there kicking around all the time and he is quite fond of kicking collin in the back when he is sitting on my lap i cant see below my belly anymore and it is getting increasingly difficult to bend over haha but thats ok", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a hard time focusing on my life and walked around feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "im afraid to do things because of how i feel judged and paranoid that every little fucking mistake is going to follow me to the grave", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit calmer but still distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can harry said feeling slightly amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel that you are uncertain about his motives right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel heartless cause i haven t felt sadness or anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling like over and over again god has been reminding me to dream to be passionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disgusted when you call me your best friend im feeling like an idiot now why should i get myself into all this trouble when you dont even appreciate what ive done", "label": 3} -{"text": "i fix this so that i can just live again without feeling tortured like this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left the property feeling insulted and found myself minutes later on main street an unsuspecting victim of some unknown enemy s next attack", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am ungrateful and upset and feeling petty about the whole thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel that ghostwriter chris ayres is not as talented as neil strauss and stories that should rip your heart out like the death of randy rhoads are mere tragedies compared to the earth shattering devastation you feel when reading about the death of vince neil s daughter in the dirt", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so blessed from this song", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will feel rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel that sta travel are less than sympathetic and wonder if they could be doing more for my cause", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was standing in the theatre feeling decidedly awkward and anxious because there was a huge line of teenage girls getting tickets for the movie i wanted decent seats and these high school kids were staring at me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was convinced i could never love him and it was terribly unfair to bring a life into the world under the circumstances he was coming in much less to give him a life where he would not feel loved and wanted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shitty about today for no apparent reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i decided to meditate properly for the first time in a few months and i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel amazing poems inside of me far beyond my current level of skills", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still have a tremendous place in my heart for my high school years but rather than being the overwhelming feeling of longing that it once was it has become a very precious possession that i carry with me everywhere without it being in the way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i noticed myself physically feeling outraged at injustices angry at the villains and happy with births and marriages", "label": 3} -{"text": "i voiced concerns about people feeling strange about that about their bodies rejecting the artificial heart on the basis that the heartbeat would no longer be present", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive got this free feeling like ive finally just shaken him completely", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate hurting peoples feelings most people think im a heartless bitch but that is far from the truth i hate making people feel unhappy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i may be feeling particularly morose today because a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am just at a loss as to how to help him and i hate feeling helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i knew i should have called her right away but with the false alarm on sunday i was feeling hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i prefer carrying small light bags instead for big heavy ones just because i feel so hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start praying and i feel how a gentle wind blows on my back and urges me to walk with my eyes closed i start walking and i reach the other side shaken but alive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mistakenly feel that someone elses silence indicates that they are eager to hear more from me sometimes it just means that they have already hung up the phone that they have drifted off to sleep or that they have had a sudden stroke", "label": 1} -{"text": "im really tired of feeling like this and really the only time i feel amazing is when training and post workout from the endorphine high pump and simply doing what i love to do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also explained frequently to be able to myself i feel so o o o o o delighted to get out there below instead of held in which cubical", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so unimportant like im not good enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know it made me feel strange in the first place like how does this stranger know my name", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel threatened if i see gang members hanging out or walking to school also she said", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do today to bring that same feeling back around and give it to my beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t help but feel neurotic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was just feeling impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guessed she knows i feel troubled n when she finally saw me in that new look she sat down with me and asked if i m feeling alright", "label": 0} -{"text": "im all of a sudden not feeling compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised how much i do not miss", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant help but feel that youll just break me again and that you might not be as faithful as you seem", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling rather grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know a movie about jews will not find a willing audience with those liberal elitists in hollywood but this is a project i feel passionate about not as passionate as i feel about fried chicken but still somewhat passionate about none the less", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know is that i feel glad to be alive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it is kind of a funny story", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rotten at the moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i received in high school it is a strong score but shows room for improvement really who can feel completely ecstatic about a", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling really affectionate you can have one of my favourite types of kiss", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling by the time this is over if it does work that i am going to be despised by everyone who ever knew me", "label": 3} -{"text": "im exhausted feeling inadequate im tired of worrying that youre fooling around even though like i mentioned before we arent together per se", "label": 0} -{"text": "i snapped feeling myself get agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have arrived at the new harlington circuit feeling like ive shaken off the bad cold ive had", "label": 4} -{"text": "i made sure to make time for my weigh in even though i was feeling a little hesitant about it because of being very sedentary this last week due to my bout with vertigo which thankfully came to an end yesterday", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to feel a bit horny and he keeps whispering things in my ear i", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sat there for about thirty seconds feeling utterly stunned but then immensely relieved", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling depressed or down or lonely i just imagine what i would love for someone to say to me in that moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "when close relatives tried to dissuade me from studying psychology because of its low status", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just don t feel religiously accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like the us is always blamed for being so stupid when there are other countries that are just as if not more ignorant of the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling frustrated that my cars check engine light keeps going on and when i take it to my mechanic the problem does not get fixed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little despairing as maya stands on that tarmac", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know is in my head and is an extremely strong feeling i am quite fearful and sensitive about everything around me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate long train rides it makes me feel discontent and lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i speak up feeling curious wanting to know what his friend just saw", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel very fond of the time tested tactile experience of simply putting brush to paper", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am back at my seat still feeling dazed and sleepy and cursing fate for i have another meeting to attend later in the evening", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel contented we capable our goal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have the feeling she was amused and delighted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unprotected if i do though", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel scotland and i feel ireland strange but true", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling sympathetic mind you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it is superior to the sigma brush", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why byt i feel like this tshirt reflects this amazing weather its outside", "label": 5} -{"text": "im tired of feeling alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sense you feel a bit nervous too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also love cooper because he is so full of squeals and feels and makes for such a funny contrast to titus s icy majesty", "label": 5} -{"text": "i havent posted about food for a long time and am feeling a little funny on the inside about it so i will update you with the latest gastronomic affairs in our household", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i brag and it feels strange because i still see myself as a little fattie pre teen unworthy of any male attention", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel the gentle breeze and can hear it blow the trees", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling pretty pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel reassured that as boomerein has been made by a company that specialises in providing safety suspension systems the materials used to make this rein have been vigorous tried and tested to ensure high performance and durability", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel worthless like a plastic bag drifting through the wind wanting to start again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like entei can also have this gentle side to him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this is the compassionate choice for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am constantly thinking about how i make others feel intimidated and insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel naughty and i love it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very foreveralone he is faithful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so shocked by others drivin skill", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really disagree with the librarian in the article who says i feel most of it is quite violent and the outcome is not necessarily as uplifting as i think literature should be", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit ungrateful for not valuing more the comments left and favorites made on the photos i post to my a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more resolved than ever to persevere with the use of web based technology for learning despite problems mistakes and frustrations", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still don t feel like i m showing a lot but then i look in the mirror and am absolutely shocked to see my belly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i convey these stories of atrocities without your shutting down quickly turning the page or feeling too disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i worry that i cant find a spot in the part of the library that ive gotten used to i feel very agitated when i have to sit in another part of the library which is why i dont book a space online the bookable places are not located in the part of the library that i like", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel now isolated and marginalized", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got to feel our sweet girl kick in my belly and he never had that intimacy with her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kalthum had highlighted the matter they would also feel uncomfortable with her hearing the current case", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really suspicious of psychopharmaceuticals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very determined right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was certainly feeling more depressed than ever in my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need to snatch up that feeling when i have time to write and am not distracted by the other aspects of my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a real casual day ill go for brown eyeliner instead", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more proud than when people share their stories about getting engaged at our restaurant or that we helped make their wedding day so memorable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know whats wrong with me it simply must be time of month because i feel so discontent yet i have nothing to feel discontent about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that its unfortunate people are criticizing him because this kid worked his butt off to get to where he is", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know the flaws of being human and sometimes i feel that we should be more like children more innocent but the life we share today gives us no hope of that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think we have the garrison keillor syndrome in morris feeling convinced were all above average", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ate so late i was still feeling shaky and hungry so i had a banana with some peanut butter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i gave my children something i never had a buddy to play board games with yep i set up board games and played alone am i making you feel sad yet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel like i am accomplishing quite a bit though and i am so thrilled to have this new position", "label": 1} -{"text": "im going to feel a little hesitant and scared of it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walked away feeling lost angry confused and more than anything stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel confused betrayed frightened and sick", "label": 4} -{"text": "fighting with class mates in highschool", "label": 4} -{"text": "i keep feeling cold need heating and thick jumpers and the weather is now getting worse to make things escalate even more", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel curious and i advance towards him but he stops me with a gesture of his hand", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel myself getting fucking horny if my hands stayed that way and made circles around her thighs so i simply placed them on the couch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am finished feeling melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a traitor to humanity for supporting him even if its just through my own private ears", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was i definitely was feeling impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am left feeling a little homesick sitting here on my little metal island in the middle of the ocean", "label": 0} -{"text": "i asked him about the shattering in the background feeling like that was probably something that would affect the value or goodness of the piece but he reassured me that because the item was silk and almost a hundred years old hardly any of them survived so to have one at all was really neat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel anger because my beloved new england patriots lost again the super bowl and i violently tackle a years old woman that wears new yuck midgets a", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant open myself up to another person and i cant tell anyone how im feeling and i cant say anything that isnt fucking sarcastic and i cant", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel finians rainbow can be taken on today not an assumption that the team agree with oscar whiskey is all class and doesnt know how to run a bad race long run imo will win its in better shape than last season and bar any riding errors should win well and prove to everyone just how good he is", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel so uncertain of when to expect him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went to school feeling pretty rotten plugged sinuses foggy brained achy and exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i shall act thus from no hope of reward but what is ever the strongest motive with me from indignation and a feeling of having been wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try to put on this facade that everything is okay but on the inside i feel like everything is so hopeless and i have no other option but to give up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i posted the tour week i started feeling funny about security issues", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am being judged for being me and loving him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got all of the above for just i left the store feeling very pleased with myself indeed", "label": 1} -{"text": "im often the one on the other side of grief the one like you wishing you had the magic words to make the person hurting feel better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am vp but i fullfill the duties of the president in her absence as she has since graduated and hopefully later as president i feel it is my duty to inspire and entertain the band by delivering speeches speeches that of the time are sarcastic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am measuring exactly where i am supposed to be and i am feeling lots of sweet kicks", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel totally blessed to have been invited along on her journey and to capture these beautiful photos of myah and her little brothers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so what has angered me today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about being back at work after a lovely long weekend pfft", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt even feel up to making a bitchy retort", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am years old and yet i feel like a naughty rebellious child who tries to make everyones life as difficult as possible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the need to comment on how amazing it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find a heart shaped stone on the beach i feel like ive been given the most precious gift", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling pressured to do something i do not want to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel has the most outgoing personality", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel relieved that this situation failed because that means that our child is still out there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit like the lovely tree we chose this year one who has seen this season a few times now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself impressed by the minimalistic approach", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to grow from now on without forgetting the feeling of thanks to all people supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i asked feeling a curious nervous sort of awe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel vital capable zany and ambitious now that i have finished copies of sheet series and sheet series", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im getting a cold nothing to do with the winter weather outside i suppose", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t like feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somewhat enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel should be truly treasured in liberal societies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would probably feel amazing afterwards", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know if evie was being sarcastic because i started to get the feeling that she was becoming that girl and it bothered me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should probably feel irritable if my head had been lopped off so i shook the net until the head turned upon one side so that it might look out away from the belly of the malagor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i turned my film in and quite honestly i feel somewhat dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant help but feel thrilled to see both keith david and crispin freeman on the guest list", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling but of course she knows and shes probably loving every second", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am on the edge of feeling humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i m very fond of some bloggers for example and i sometimes let them know this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know christmas is not about gifts and all that but i do feel burdened by the thought that i cannot spoil my girls like before or give them a huge tree to enjoy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think they were feeling a bit disheartened by the end of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel frustrated that its still there inside my personality", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanted to roll my eyes at some corny parts that didn t feel as though a couple would really say such things i couldn t help but enjoy it because it tugged at my romantic heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so blessed and lucky to be healthy and good today", "label": 2} -{"text": "im tired of feeling numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sorry for this driver almost as much as for the street crosser in addition to manslaughter charges she will spend the rest of her life with this on her conscience", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would like to start off by saying im sorry that you feel im not fond of you", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not too busy feeling so mad about this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling very generous because of all the support and orders i have been receiving since the begining of the year", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look awful just recently i feel age as caught up with me recently although ive always not liked how i look", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel a calm coming over me that must be what people call enlightenment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about this as companies are not as loyal to employees as they used to be", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel calm i feel sharp and i feel good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was ready to go to sleep you can see it on my face and i just think if u are going to invite someone you will need to find out where they are going to sleep and try to make them feel comfortable thats just how i feel about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wont fuck a friend over hard i might softly fingerfuck them if i feel like they pissed me off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think when i feel horny for them its just locked up sexual drive and i want something more real then that", "label": 2} -{"text": "id been feeling restless in my routine for a few weeks so this was just the perfect remedy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look forward to feeling smug when my non musical loving friends will say i never knew hugh jackman could sing", "label": 1} -{"text": "a dark night when i had to go to the outdoor lavatory", "label": 4} -{"text": "im still feeling surprised over this gift", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have was kept due to its feel a few arent cosmetically flawless moreover there is even a real clunker amongst them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling this confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not pitied but i feel respected and perfectly normal", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling very sorry for myself right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began to not feel enraged because i didnt want to believe it but because it is true", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so humiliated by this i felt like as if my boss is basically telling me that i m inferior to a horrible worker", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think we have a name but i feel more resigned to it than excited about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like shooting myself whenever the bitchy blonde girl comes on the cinema screen at a movie and i cant help but want to throw up when the girl in school who uses the word slag in every sentence tries to talk to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would try to talk to her about my feelings i would like to get a relationship with her she responds with uncertain answers only interesting character in this ironic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel its not about weight loss its about caring about my body so it can perform the many tasks i ask of it each day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just let it stay without resorting to repotting something and feel lucky that i didnt toss the contents since the flowers that bloomed in it eventually was like a reward for letting nature take its course", "label": 1} -{"text": "il guy who is too afraid to express his feelings to a woman he liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have also begun to feel pretty insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been getting in these moods where i feel listless and have no energy and just dont care", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it has been long enough since i have been with sir and my creative sexy juices have been a notta", "label": 1} -{"text": "i say simply because it will never change how they feel about me it seems rather unfriendly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was very nervous because i wasnt feeling and not as eager for a new change", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel selfish to even think that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel wronged somehow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant say it makes my hair feel amazing but it does make it feel ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a bit grouchy today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love him for always making me feel better about myself and life in general", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted to do some research and find out why this was such an important step in my nail service rather than just feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i already feel suspicious but think about the dead do not control him too and more after all kimberley fire is the best of the younger generation of the school of the realm of the soul three years after the game had to rely on him so i can not go asked", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird a href http thestoryofcarsonandalec", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feeling this despairing feeling of loneliness again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt want to spread any germs to the little one and i was genuinely intrigued and more keenly i was feeling terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still feeling hesitant about the entire thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could have simply changed the title but i was feeling stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was able to feel everything and exactly where my sweet boy was in the birth canal", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am pressing in no matter how i feel lethargic grumpy irritable etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that i will feel immensely disappointed in myself if i dont go gah i use such dramatic words sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a person shocked with electricity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel people are scared of it because it is a brown", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant say im feeling very thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel we can get it said voss noriega whose family is moving to point pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was writing it and feeling all that suddenly something broke the dream and now i am listening the sound of fan moving at a speed imagining its mechanical part making sound", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really uncomfortable shady side of town late at night not a well lit parking lot in the back alley", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it was good for country that anonymity should be maintained", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am back home i feel more exhausted than when i left", "label": 0} -{"text": "at the police centre a man between was brought in he was very drunk and in all likelihood had not slept indoors for a long time and had relieved himself in his trousers", "label": 3} -{"text": "im sick of feeling like i have no control that i cant speak up or share truth without being punished for not towing the line", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel perfect with you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling lame", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel so doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel nostalgic for a tractor", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ashamed when i see farmers do hard work without basic equipment for years but their season s crops go to waste because of distant markets damaged roads and transportation expenses", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so very lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a real sense of pride in him and im so impressed with how well he is approaching his work and his responsibilities", "label": 5} -{"text": "i understand better why he might have been feeling the way i think he has been feeling but i am furious that he chose the coping tactics he did", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive thought about it but every week whether its the first game of the season in my freshman year to how i feel now its amazing the feeling of playing in folsom field whether we have a small crowd or a big group of guys there richardson said", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel curious to see what the media reaction will be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did not have strong feelings about either candidate in to be truthful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel funny with the", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish i would feel blessed all the time and remember what i do have but for some reason it wears on me all the time and so i need that reminder through the year", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate crowded confined spaces i feel agitated and trapped and zone out and get moody the busier the space", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i m in god s plan but he s not giving me a next step yet that i m doing everything i know he s telling me to do i m just feeling impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so dazed and confused today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling paranoid that this person is now judging me and has decided that i am not fit to socialize with her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i can t breathe i feel overwhelmed and i feel lethargic and incapable when the house is a mess", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dazed and sometimes i feel dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spend in college park the more i feel it is a hateful place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel disappointed for my friend which is ex maktab sabah", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hit up a dub since i was feeling kind of regretful for missing free float day at sonic on thursday", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel remorseful exhausted and empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "im left feeling surprised because it wasnt as bad as i dreaded it would be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i civilians for which there is no defence his point is to trivialize these attacks and to dismiss and belittle the notion that ordinary israelis might have any reason to feel threatened by them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i m watching a scene in a movie this is really lovely music and scenery together", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t imagine how it must feel to be the most hated man in the country but i am not going to add to the sentiment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can go months without it feel energetic and not crave it in the slightest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like people have such a delicate and beautiful air about them sometimes that theyre almost holy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feeling so restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walked out of the confessional and looked around feeling slightly dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the bitter taste of tears upon my tongue", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really burdened by the load of my depression", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also know that if it is the job i am meant to have then god has it under control so i am feeling a little more hopeful in that area", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really liked this part and i thought it did a nice job of making the reading really feel sympathetic toward the story and characters", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was teased excluded and made to feel so unwelcome that i stopped going to the group", "label": 0} -{"text": "i made myself feel a bit slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this picture of holden sort of shocked me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about positivity gratitude and doing good but i don t see a lot of those around me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as though i would have accepted the thanks that i was given bu ti guess he just doesnt feel like he earned it the girl learns this slowly and gets use to not saying thank you for the candy he gives her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am immensely grateful that i feel so cared for and respected in all my work environments", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not lonely nor do i feel unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "im trying to get to everyones blogs to comment but im feeling really weird lately and some days are better than others", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel tortured the one thing i love is the one thing that wont support me financially but i cringe when i think of spending years chained to a desk performing a job by wrote with little or no room for creativity or for anything else that matters", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can hardly remember feeling so thrilled which when i think about it seems like a bit of an overreaction considering i couldnt actually see anything more than the outline of a grey bit of rock disappearing frequently as we dropped into the troughs between waves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am tired of taking my wonderful husband for granted and want him to feel valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel myself tortured as if starved", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surges of strength when i am threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel surprised cause i didn t call you not today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel honored to say that we teach our kids to pray", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so funny right such an idiot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pretty distraught at this moment in time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling the cops took some sort of perverse pleasure out of being rough with him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i often get the feeling i m hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also had no access to other learners blogs which i feel inhibited my learning experience", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slighted as though his interest was insincere but wont hang onto this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not understand i have so many years in the church and they never count on me for anything i feel useless it s not fair so young and with so many responsibilities", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see i feel that brazil has an in between feel of shanghai and ibiza but i can honestly say that it has impressed me and has inspired me musically and i hope that with our influences together that we can make some special kind of music for the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i use to control my emotional feelings to calm me down", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pretty freaking artistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have mixed feelings about the eu i ve even in the past been somewhat sympathetic to some of the eurosceptic arguments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do expected garments to correspond to the measurements promised so i feel it is a bit weird to have a sizing table when it doesnt match the products", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go out with my friend and her other friends that i dont know i feel weird and shy when im around them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit nostalgic so decided to take a tour through my memory lane", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel tears welling and im shocked that my body is responding this way to a routine appointment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel others are a little annoyed that we are writing in the book because what makes us think that we are so different from everyone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel weird knowing mine died when i wasn t around", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a gentle reprimand", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was accused of a misdemeanour", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel his faithful nearness and prompting as i process these thoughts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think its important to be passionate about good things and its also important to not get addicted to the things we feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find myself in her hands which feels strange to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel outraged and offended not to mention downright disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am not graceful in airports", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would question why does is it feel as if you are being selfish to think of ones self and no one else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like at any moment i could be completely heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never fail to feel amazed and learn something new and for a walk in nature it is a pleasant day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldnt have been that surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a little startled myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shamed katie glueck", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont eat m amp ms since a long time i feel better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i gotta faced which made me almost gone crazy and so emo that my roommates and friends started to feel weird of me", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sure that you arent feeling exactly top notch just yet i know that you are feeling amazed and blessed by this incredible gift that you received", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so dazed a href http twitter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so virtuous that i went this morning and worked out at curves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know they hear my sighs and see me roll my eyes when im feeling impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dream do much of being in danger feelign afraid facing death", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look around at the people surrounding me and find myself happier than i ever remember because i feel the loving warmth from the important people in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "im sure once the pain of disappointment passes i will feel glad i made it at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hear swears i feel naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impressed to share the importance of learning the power of meditation and the power of our thoughts thru the use of the law of attraction we need now more then ever to include these in our daily life just like taking a shower or eating our meals this is the balance we need in our lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i try one last attempt to fight off the feeling not that it was unpleasant at all but unknown and i try to trance my self into sleep by picturing the darkness shedding all thoughts and reason becoming one with the void", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am liked more when i first meet people but when they get to know me i create a wall between us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel appreciative and there is a burning love in my heart i can almost see fairies and angels dancing around in serenity i can follow the dazzle trail their magical wands make with my eyes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very blessed today to have started my day with a cold dark run with brittany", "label": 2} -{"text": "i make a decision to do what i think will create peace and then make a commitment to work through any negative feelings i have about my decision until i feel more peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to live in that society even when i feel that a person should be punished", "label": 0} -{"text": "i are feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like we dont know each other at all but thats what make me eager to know more about her most of the things that i know about her now impressed me a lot and i know theres a lot more to come it seems everything is changing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel dissatisfied even cheated out of a good story", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very safe on my blog sharing exactly how i feel because im not asking for feedback", "label": 1} -{"text": "im here feeling like im the one being punished when i didnt do anything wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can credit part of it to the wonderful relationship that i have now compared to the not so great one i had when i was younger but i just feel like a more confident woman with each year that goes by", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel discouraged or when i question why im doing what i am just seeing her smile reminds me why i am a music educator", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel hopeful about that because ive made so many positive changes to my diet already that i didnt think it was going to help", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im obnoxious to my friends a lot of the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pathetic saying it but im afraid its become a part of who i am im the girl who needs my hair to be straight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling its going to be amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a divine presence", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel blessed that even after i became a trans i m still with my mum", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was teased so in order to feel accepted i tried to change everything about myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel completely dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that christine was always a rather delicate add postpartum depression and a heaping of resentment plus the knowledge that lovely women are often haunted and it becomes a little clearer why she might have jumped off the deep end", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont wanna name names cos i feel bitchy enough as it is", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess im just feeling whiney and all that because of stress", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little naughty but i just cant stop myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just felt damp and aggravated then i started to feel extremely hot and overwhelmed by now the coffee burn had started to trickle in and everything else that happened that weekend and i couldnt take ti anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just like to make myself hurt i like to feel tortured pained so ill make things worse than they really are ill make myself feel like im worthless then ill blame it on someone else i think i have a fucking problem", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so much better about my riding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know how but you can make take out dinner in school roof top feel romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need to see if unloading this part of my weekend will make the happier times clearer so i can write about those and not feel so confused and paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have no real control over him and he knows it the feeling disturbs him hence this neurotic behaviour", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling i wont have much time to continue supporting my top world ranking for knife kills", "label": 1} -{"text": "i quit on something i feel disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i go without a new post the more guilty i feel for leaving all my loyal readers in the dark about my progress in this crazy quest i set out on days ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel such a phenomenon basketball shoes for women the hearts of slightly surprised but still constantly resorted to a few minutes later when the energy of the last vestiges of the mist soil series disappeared in front of me is a beautiful bright yellow metal", "label": 5} -{"text": "at the butchers i saw an animal which had just been slaughtered blood was dripping on the floor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want them to feel as if they are intelligent and able to make their own decisions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel crazily homesick here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bothered by having to help colin brush his teeth and comb his hair or when i get annoyed that sawyer only wants mommy ill remind myself of gretchens words and change my attitude because i know these days are short and ill miss hearing my baby call for his mommy all too soon", "label": 3} -{"text": "i humanity s representative feeling doubtful in myself and potential as earth s candidate as one does when one stares at the moon without a spaceship or an astronaut s suit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i supposed to feel while serenading the person i was having a mad crush on loving him head over heels for telling me straight to my face while still pressing them keys without any hessitation of how i would feel umm i dont like this song", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant forget the warm snuggles from sweet little doggies that make me feel even more loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just wish i could get my priorities together long enough to get some sort of plan in line for my life somewhere where i can focus my energy without feeling so doubtful all the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to look and feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often feel lonely even when sitting two feet from my wife or from others i care about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel its warmth just as those lovely basil leaves did", "label": 2} -{"text": "i threw my arms around trees and sobbed out my grief feeling their loving embrace", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my souls getting a keen edge", "label": 1} -{"text": "im driving here with my head feeling like aching cries my chest tense and wondering what to tell work is my alibi", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not tagging anyone but if you feel fond of do it because i would like so much to be spammed with every kind of songs by my f list", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t realize that time but now without the hindrance i am feeling frightened that i have to take all the wrong right decision myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i have been learning from my mistakes and am feeling more optimistic about taking a chance on that risky idea", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel relieved content and above all motivated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish for all the women in the world to experience what i feel i think thats why im such a romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling artistic about this one but my hand writing was not good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should know how he feels about me and that i am gorgeous and entirely too good for him and that he doesnt understand why i am so nice and good to him", "label": 1} -{"text": "im never exhausted but while i feel like my speed and that weird ankle numbness have improved with the shorter distance part of me is panicked at the loss of my endurance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did that three more times and i am feeling ok right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so amazed to think i almost missed out on seven god ordained celebrations because of my stubborn refusal to let go of one earthly one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find reassuring in this whole process but feeling him move at least assured me that at the time of movement he was able to move", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so aggravated about a", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stopped for a while since i feel bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel a tad bit gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel loved notes freebie a href http mysecondsense", "label": 2} -{"text": "first time in anatomy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t offer good service when i feel un troubled", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel overwhelmed by this in fact i am excited by the limitless possibilities i have to tell the story of our lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have the excuse which is an actual reason but feels too often like an excuse of low energy levels due to the healing i ve been doing this fall", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was figuring out the best way to confess and planted a little bit of feeling that will be rejected as i have rejected her before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so turncoat to my beloved bsb lol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have the feeling claremont really liked that idea because the a href http en", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so uncomfortable now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think of the feeling that i get sometimes that some creators are really resentful of bloggers and wish that they did not have to deal with them at all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think something was still accomplished and i feel like i should add that i liked the characters names", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have this feeling he s confused about what was expected of him after that last email", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling i was amazed at first that there were other people who experienced this and there were people who understood how to help us recover", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to say that overall i walked away from the movie feeling very impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt like i had a huge heavy weight on my chest and that i was suffocating and i felt sick and told my friend chandrika i just dont know what is happening i cannot go play darts tonight i feel so weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slightly relieved most of my extended family has passed because it would be too hard to tell them im not the successful singer they hoped i would be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just really feel curious what is my reason for that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am ranting about being unable to use your washroom and all even when were living under the same roof just because im feeling really angsty now and my readers probably think that im mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ridiculously obnoxious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked when people started to ask me for food and weight loss advice but i just never in a million years expected to be pushing others to run and helping them train", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was so overwhelmed with the idea of feeling that way while caring for children on my own", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suddenly told us that waking you up wouldn t be such a good idea said hikaru feeling a little curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sorry that there wasnt more humor in this post but im not feeling all that funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was sitting there waiting i just started feeling really weird and told the nurse i think i need to lay down", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling very indecisive when it comes to what i want to read next", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel funny when i see her even now and she has seen me a few more times since coming home with a load in my pants", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really dislike feeling pressured about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a strong nostalgic pull towards using vintage lenses even though i know that good modern lenses can out perform them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that people are criticizing my every move and inside they re all judging me and i hate caring what people think about me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lighter less anxious and more grounded", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t find information online at first i feel cranky but then i feel pleased that not everything is on the internet", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling very bill murray in resigned scarcasm but general loopy wit today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feeling obnoxious", "label": 3} -{"text": "im becoming more and more of an alien in this society and its making me feel more gloomy like will it be my last day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i personally am feeling a relief of stress after enjoying my time in yet another gorgeous place in alaska", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling generous i thought i d order these guys this shot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a fish out of water without my beloved camera", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like there are greedy churches and showy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up i was feeling really groggy from the drugs and still pretty gross", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know very well how i feel when i m depressed and it is no place to take up residence", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little more accepted here", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling the need to consolidate to step back and re evaluate the purpose of this blog other than providing a fabulous vicarious life for yall to live through my sarcasm does not always come across in print", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did a lot of passing on the bike which was pretty awesome since i was feeling pretty crappy about the swim", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kept looking around my house which was spotless on thursday from the showing the previous day and feeling completely defeated and overwhelmed by the toys strewn about the kitchen that needed dishes to be washed and dried etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel petrified emotionally and physically", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spent the night feeling angry and upset over what happened during the day and did not really go to bed in the best of moods", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel romantic passion for you and a piece of paper doesn t make it any stronger", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not exactly ecstatic to have arrived here but at least acknowledging it as an achievement of sorts but it feels strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that i hardly knew him and from the other i feel that there was so much about him that impressed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i is coming to an end and i feel so blessed and sad at the same time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i believe that you should certainly inform your mother and let her know what happened and how it made you feel if it was just an accident or innocent on his behave that is one thing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was asked by an acquaintance why i hadnt written in months i would likely express my feelings of being overwhelmed by the work of processing my lived experiences and stringing them into sentences", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am next to her feeling her gentle breath and she would lock herself to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the need to clarify because the parents always get blamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i may catch some backlash from this post but im feeling cranky and curmudgeonly today and feel the need to write about this", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling restless and everyday seem meaningless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling she is going to be funny like her daddy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that if i find out that ive hurt someone with something ive innocently said with no intention to hurt i feel devastated that i could have done that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do when i feel envious of other people s fortune i count my blessings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remembered that feeling and hated it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also found out hes which overall isnt bad but i did feel rather naughty when i found this out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i knew id end up hiding how i truly feel and just do the dumb things i did and just hide behinde partying and just forcing myself to be happy and not dealing with things head on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need to feel strange i need my life to be swirled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant focus on writing when i feel so agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i trust her judgment above most definitely more than my own and lately i have not been feeling very funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wake up in the morning i feel like any other insecure year old girl", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help feel slightly skeptical though for business operators who have more than one operation listed and their ability to keep financing separate", "label": 4} -{"text": "im so feeling jealous and envious of all that everybody is able to do with their art", "label": 3} -{"text": "i suppose thats why i keep feeling a bit restless about it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill probably puree the onion next time because i feel like it is weird to have chunks of onion on my kale chips", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was all sorts of excited thinking oh my goodness hes going to let us in and were going to teach him about the gospel and hes gonna feel the spirit and hes gonna get baptized and have all of these amazing blessings and hell know heavenly father loves him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impressed to share with those who are reading this just a little bit about before my mission", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant even describe how happy you make me feel youre a terrific person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feeling completely stunned the whole ride back", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have changed lanes to this exit hundreds of times but for a second i feel frightened like woody allen when christopher walken confesses in annie hall his urge to drive straight into oncoming traffic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i skirts and feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i legitimately feel wronged by these circumstances and im starting to stomach the fact that i probably wont be granted the minor after all but that doesnt mean im gonna sit back and be quiet about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i thought it was important to blog about because im feeling a little nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i pop in one of rick s dvds and i feel like i m in my beloved europe for however long i want", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shamed in the fact that i do take rides and need vehicles sometimes but it is because of the city structure i have found myself in", "label": 0} -{"text": "im also growing to like the time difference as when waking up feeling a little delicate there is normally some football or rugby to watch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel should be loyal to their adopted country which hey if you are a citizen that aint your adopted country", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to get the joyous feeling i had before this curious if i things to go south every once in i be moving in the direction", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like nobody here gets it and i m sure someone is bound to be offended by something that i ve said", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about hitting students and how shocked i was by my coworkers humor the attitude that it s acceptable seems fairly prevalent in korea", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel im really such a bitch sometimes i think im really caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel in some way like i have been wronged or at the very least treated unfairly", "label": 3} -{"text": "im trying not to let this become something better suited for the other journal but i just feel so listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am quite content and not feeling discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling sentimental ill pull it off the shelf and read each one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel whack or messed up i know i m psychologically fucked up because i can feel the difference but i don t feel like i m as fucked up as i could be", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just found out know when you posted it i feel shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kind of funny labeling it ya because i think its probably more middle grade but its so much fun and such a yummy read i think anyone who stumbles upon a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not wearing jeans and i am feeling bit weird when wear it just now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do i feel honored and humbled that people like my work enough to ask me to realize an idea for them that they have floating around in their brain", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just so weary of the recent too frequent traveling away from home to work which for various reasons that leaves me feeling confused disoriented and alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really believe that what i do not only gives practical cooking skills and budgeting advice but it gives encouragement to people who are feeling vulnerable or disenfranchised from a wider community because they have a smaller income", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had snatched the rod from the ground to feel the weight of a stubborn chub ploughing a determined furrow for the submerged tree roots it didnt seem right that the actual landing of the fish felt anti climactic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am a person who was inclined to write her first grad school paper on sylvia plath and feels a real connection that supremely fucked up womans poetry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel this project will be successful once i get it done because im taking my time on it and putting a lot of effort into it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would just be a pin up girl that my fellow students appreciate merely for beauty because of him i met my first friends here in the philippines and i know how he feels about me and that he s too shy to say it for now i ll be waiting but please hurry up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish people would just listen to me instead of judging or maybe telling me how i feel this is strange because im not even sad tonight just thinking on things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know its silly that something like that would make me feel ugly that i would let how i saw myself be defined by something so small", "label": 0} -{"text": "i admit that each time i did this i felt a lot stronger confident and no longer feeling jealous or hurt but actually happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "misunderstood by friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less hopeful and less human as i m reduced to nothing more than cheering on embassy bombings as the liars pave their way through four more years", "label": 1} -{"text": "i occasionally feel flutters but i am not convinced it is baby yet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel heartened coz i dont feel all alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very loved and supported by everybody", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so happy but i feel enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "to have a friend who i didnt see for months", "label": 1} -{"text": "i long to feel but more accurately i would have to admit to being terrified anxious and fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still somehow feel amazed at where i have come in my health and fitness goals and still feel it s just the beginning there is so much more to master especially mind over matter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been able to accomplish my responsibilities faster and without feeling so drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i islam and preachers of pan arabism whose feelings are roused only when it is arabs who are wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get over it and just feel mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i explore new options for you as the reader teach you my likes and dislikes about each one share my feelings and thoughts funny college stories and hopefully help you understand a little more about living enlightened in todays society", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still come home everyday feeling fearful if my mum would go crazy again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love shooties and these are perfect both in their look and feel a terrific purchase i m glad i made them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get up early enough in the mornings right now the streets are full of fog rolling in from off the ocean and theres a tiny chill in the air and it feels just a little bit like a hot cocoa pumpkin patch scarf and sweater kind of day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that they mean no harm yet i cant help but feel assaulted every time they bring this up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont mind being nervous because it means that im alive and that i care but i do feel uncomfortably apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i lead a unconventional life regardless of how i feel weird about nepali music and the company of nepali people i am a nepali", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know as time goes on i will feel less overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic for johnny because he is different from the rest of of his group", "label": 2} -{"text": "i awake feeling irritable and annoyed but i dont know why im feeling irritable and annoyed because as far as i can tell i dont have anything to be irritable and annoyed about", "label": 3} -{"text": "i washed the multitude of glassware i felt myself feeling resentful that i needed to wash the dishes in the first place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like god gave me the spirit of the warrior the wimpy body of a scholar and a mind that belongs to an ancient roman politician", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had deep feelings for her but she was too stubborn to just talk about things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that it would not only make me extremely scared for my own life but also question what i was doing and if the expedition was worth it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritated for some unknown reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think it is because the federal reserve and imf feel threatened by their way of thinking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel apparently contains suffering and pain", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive also been feeling very affectionate and way more sexual than i usually do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have talked about it too much i feel here is a video if you are curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling grumpy before i m starting to grow enraged now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am only now coming down from it all but still feeling a tender coziness and moved to record it here", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very virtuous and organised but oh so bored with the same old same old", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am a compassionate person who can always put myself in someone else s shoes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i beat carys at invisible dominoes which was good cuz it made me feel slightly less moronic", "label": 0} -{"text": "im going to find the first ten songs on shuffle mode that describe how i feel its funny how most of the music i listen too would be described are dark or depressing but when im in a bad place i lose interest in it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant explain how blessed i feel this time around to have such a supportive man by my side he makes life so much easier for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wouldn t have written my book and i would still be feeling resentful at the lack of alone time i get during the day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a little shaky i just dig deep and breathe and it s on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am grateful because at this point im feeling pretty lousy about myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was pretty shocked by the show really it s designed to make you think and it did that but i m not sure how i feel about feeling so shocked too", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling slightly apprehensive about my new job but am also very excited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel proud of how he quickly picks up the correct way of saying things in english but there are times when i feel like ive let him watch to many cartoons", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling pain it kinda wasnt as funny as i thought it would be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i walk over to the wrong room i was feeling a little apprehensive and had to ask someone i never talk to where the room with the small refrigerator existed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i watched it it feels strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is defective", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slightly stunned and kind of appalled by it all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very glad that from today onwards i just successfully free my heart from any anxiety and curiosity on how he feels about me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel kind of fucked up actually", "label": 3} -{"text": "im saying that sometimes what feels like manipulation is really caring and helping", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive completed a few more rows on the interlocking crochet scarf done in various remnants of sock yarn and its looking and feeling fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel a bit irritable at times but ive been handling it pretty well for the most part", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used to sit there and swear at the tv feeling as if my intelligence was being insulted but not understanding why", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like they were a low grade infection that i just kept ignoring until finally my immune system broke down and the infection took control", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like i have add because i tend to get distracted very easily", "label": 3} -{"text": "i i i dont know arnavji i am feeling so restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am reminded of those last frames of the movie i would feel strange astounded my mind boggled", "label": 5} -{"text": "i read this book i didnt know what my primary love language was and i didnt know what i needed to feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know there are many proud enthusiastic guilt free coffee drinkers out there but if you re one of those coffee or soda people who feels a little troubled i encourage you to try tea", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill be honest it feels really weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started to feel more curious than worried so i did a bit of googling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel less submissive the more i orgasms i have", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was bright red sweating and feeling completely crap so i wasnt surprised that the taxi driver guessed that we were going up to the hospital", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wrestle with her i feel the heat of her hand palms and foot soles and face and i smell the sweet sour milk breath of her mouth and i lust for the fleet fast minutes of her babyhood that speed past us even in the slow of night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel so agitated with myself about it sometimes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanna be a hippie but i forgot how to love its hard to be a garbage man when a sailor stole my gloves i wanna be reckless but im feeling so uptight put your mama in a headlock baby and do it right whos got the crack", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tip toe around the house picking up things get things ready in the kitchen hang the laundry try to get chopper to keep quiet wonder why are there so many things cluttering up the house and why am i the only one who feels bothered by it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love feeling him move around inside me all the time now i love these last few months i get to spend with just my amazing husband and we have really enjoyed our last summer of little responsibility", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling impatient about sending once a cheater always a cheater instant message to his id on the gay dating side", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i m strange when i feel judged for my", "label": 5} -{"text": "i oftentimes get the feeling that some people are shocked when they see the price of my jewelry", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel like i am not smart enough to be all that god has called me to be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know where i want to be six months from now i dont even know if thuc and i will still be together six months from now it feels like hes gotten a bit irritable at me lately the more mopey and confused about things ive gotten", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember studying for my sats as a junior in high school feeling overwhelmed trying to learn hundreds of new words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel better getting in at least that many", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel we like to help each other in ways that work well for us", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why im supposed to be like darn relieved but i still feel very very uptight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i cant concentrate or think when it gets so messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant articulate how im feeling because words cant describe the fear i feel for my own child and her safety in this world that is so uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sure everyone in the room could hear her sweet voice calling out those words with a depth of feeling that surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel like it was sincere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i developed a sense of knowing that someone is thinking about me by feeling a curious form of tingling energy around me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel myself now in a curious in between", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought about how i didn t seem to be feeling shocked or concerned or anything at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am starting to feel like i am getting my life back and i feel more confident", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel is generous for me and im billing her for less time than i actually take i cut out the time i take to learn new stuff admin etc and we both feel like were getting a good deal", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about craigslist and you know how i feel about dave so i was pretty sentimental about that dumb table plus it was pretty cute", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed and inspired every day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like every time we are together we find out more similarities i am kinda shocked at how alike we are", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as if i hear pleasant music and i see the scene", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know man while i used to feel so angry at how some people seem to have everything i currently feel like this is not the life i want to live", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started feeling antsy being around the supportive parents at high school cross country meets", "label": 2} -{"text": "im barely over a cold and my phone died so i didnt have music to listen to and many other things that came up that made me wake up this morning feeling unsure but i did it anyway and im proud and grateful i did", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like we should all be more supportive of each other", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very carefree", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel uncertain and i tend to make the thing worse by thinking to solve it faster", "label": 4} -{"text": "i believe in it but it just weird how sometimes this things are so closely related to how you feel i am amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think theres a reason i cant physically feel joyful my poor body is struggling to heal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have this insatiable desire to plant and clean and i m feeling a little bit amorous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need to start using a thesaurus i feel like i use amazing too often in these blog posts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that she was curious about how mothers feel about burying their own children who they believe are supposed to be the ones burying them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sad or despaired especially when i lost a best friend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i loved it mainly because the musketeers carried swords and guns but also because rebecca de mornay made me feel a funny tingling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a go at it it said i was feeling paranoid lol", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i have nothing clever to say about the golden notebook so far", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the feeling from you that your parents were very supportive not typical hollywood parents who were ruthlessly running your careers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel entertained", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am extremely happy with is my work in the craft i am completely enjoying what i am learning and feeling too feeling it is amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im slowly starting to feel numb again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also want to feel a bit less overwhelmed with things to do", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive kicked my five cupcakes a week habit so im no longer feeling too greedy to keep this secret to myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like we can all objectively agree that this is a terrible song", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive tried a few and they always make me feel kind of funny and not like in a good way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel truly impressed alongside this particular product", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel cranky and edgy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i bet hes going to feel frustrated like i ruined his day or something", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up early and i feel shocked and silly because today is the carnival day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loved by god like the dad loves his daughter in the movie doesnt change the truth that he loves me likes the dad loves the daughter in the movie", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive got extra pounds strapped on my back there are many times when every word feels tortured out of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to capture this feeling and put it into words so i can again gain the sweet taste in my mouth right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was reminded of this story this week as i did battle with my own feelings of discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am struggling with anger and feeling that you are unkind to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to learn from people who are different from me likewise a student shouldnt feel unwelcome on campus if she wants to celebrate ramadan or collocate with her same sex partner", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not normally in pain but feeling uncomfortable is normal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so impressed when i see people with books because i dont think very many people read anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i meet you here i violate you girls makes me feel frightened and gives me nightmares", "label": 4} -{"text": "at one point in a relationship", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed at times and then something like i find my cousin happens", "label": 5} -{"text": "i pray that you feel what those frantic shoppers feel as they desperately search for something to show affection for those whom they love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the responsibility to analyze the beloved board game from a free market perspective", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel completely lost without that need", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been largely free of any feeling of oppression but i am enraged at the often subtle ways that women are oppressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel honored that they have asked me to come out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would try in my daily life i like the idea of men sitting here reading my stories and i hope they can get off on it a little too not feel inhibited or slowed down if they think about having sex with me or enjoying some of the things i write that they might never try", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a failure because jealousy makes me feel ungrateful and i despise being ungrateful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need a break from myself its a endless pool of thoughts this uneasiness im very anxious today it kind of feels like someone shocked me im not expecting it and my heart drops but this constant drop right in the center of my chest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do however have a sense that life will feel much more worthwhile more interesting if not more challenging if i am to pursue self employment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel like i am clever enough to add anything to the page", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean and can probably still feel that bitter pain every time you think about that time in your life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feeling so stunned now because judy mikovits firing has all the appearance of being the likely final chapter of the wpi story", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like people are actually curious but not man or woman enough to ask straight up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am amazed how comfortable we feel i am even more amazed that many of us expect to feel comfortable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel like i just stepped in something vile with my bare feet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritated when i read one of my poems or pieces of prose some time after i thought i was finished only to discover that it requires more editing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it is my privilege and pleasure to spend my life wholly devoted to him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know she wasnt just feeling bitchy she was happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can attribute a lot of the problems to being just a test run and being the end of the night i feel there are some core problems here for ramen purist that cannot be resolved without a whole reworking of some of the recipes", "label": 1} -{"text": "ever since i have been a child", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a nest of emotional vampires have been feeding on me each night for the last month or so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i try not to feel too much for i am afraid of the fall", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel curious but sad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel now the homesick a href http johnmarionpalamena", "label": 0} -{"text": "i almost never feel surprised about anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i begin to feel even more agitated as i realize that keith has detoured for a tourist stop in another small mountain village on the way to xela", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help feeling like ive been shaken to the core about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it is important to make sure we get the right boundaries around situations and then wonder what we may do to resolve the particular rather than resolve all the issues at once", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that we should change only ourselves to become even more loving than before", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought breaking up with my best friend of years would make me bitter and feel hateful towards her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know how you feel i too had trouble talking and trusting people that i felt comfortable to confide my lifes problems with only to get burned by the so call sincerity of confidents", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling so overwhelmed and stressed out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a heartless beatch but im still gonna poke fun at lindsay lohan for admitting shes an alcoholic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling this is less a rollback of the over militarization of law enforcement and more a nod to the reputation that nola cops can be particularly naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am still feeling a little strange and off but the hives have subsided", "label": 5} -{"text": "i addressed my feelings with him and once again he blamed my feelings on the guilt from my indiscretion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a cold maybe from all the crazyawesome snow alas so i m feeling just tragic enough to translate him and i m listening to a video on youtube called very sad piano music only for those who really feel the music which is filled with pictures of crying statues and stuff", "label": 0} -{"text": "im looking for reassurance or a compliment or feeling insecure or apologetic or something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel curious of life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im being so rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel like that teenager whos afraid of the harshness of the world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i have come to understand better the reasons why he lifts those around them", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling doubtful about the authenticity of this message", "label": 4} -{"text": "this happened when i could not get into the school i had initially wanted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i put on my cheetah print wedges i feel like one hot momma", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was like why do they feel so weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shame for supporting iraq war why can t blair", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldn t help feeling a little surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have had so many experiences with the flower essences and still when they heal somebody i am blown away and feel so amazed in their power but loving energy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have this problem of detecting his frustrations via those sighs and feeling badly that hes frustrated at all which prevents me from taking that time for myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so numb as if in a moment i will wake up and everything will be fine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling very sentimental about the kids even more than usual and i am just swept away with how fast time is going by", "label": 0} -{"text": "im old and frail ill look back at this and feel ever so glad that i got to know such a wonderful guy who through his words and actions motivated and encouraged so many others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the gentle breeze brush against my freckled arms and am grateful for this moment in time sweet solitude peaceful space to breath natures beauty in my own special place", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling really weird and sort of like i want to go to the emergency room and have them put me somewhere so i cant do anything stupid or sad to myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i smile at them and try to engage them enough to wear them down past feeling shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i called them made me feel angry and i couldn t stand those persons that after only a little work started to consider themselves illuminated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel somewhat morose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel respected by people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got home around pm today but instead of feeling amazed at my good fortune i almost felt guilty which i promptly translated into anxiety", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wouldnt feel agitated or irritated w them when they ask so many questions b c they care", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will have a headache aching limbs and feel very exhausted sad and possibly a little angry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can stand in a room full of close friends and family and still feel completely isolated and alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel distraught and sad with those who made my friends unhappy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel much more accepted in the us for my faith than i do for my skin color and if that changes so be it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling irritable and jumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not strong that i feel scared lonely lost and confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel entertained and informed when i listen to it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really special and important", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so resolved and like i might have something real to look forward to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "there was a scene of shooting in front of my house", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just knew i was beginning to feel more and more rebellious and all i could put it down to was that maybe i just needed him to take more control", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wept while jackson slept feeling overwhelmed by the feeling that i don t want to die", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im not surprised by any of this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start thinking what if she feels offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t want anyone to feel inhibited if their bodies are not typical ballet bodies", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was in my ford escape the other day and got the overwhelming feeling of discontent wondering out loud how much i could get for a trade in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t feel disgusted about going to work and after a couple of months i was able to stop using it too and i am now lip product free", "label": 3} -{"text": "im finding a lot of things feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can imagine that cabin that feeling of security within its shaky walls", "label": 4} -{"text": "im hoping it eventually goes away but im feeling doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel jealous of their relationship i guess because odds are i m not the guy she would be into probably", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant really be there for her all the time even if i want to especially once i finish my bike course ill be staying in mon to fri which makes me feel helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have primarily identified myself with trans men because that group is relatively close to how i feel however as i have been processing a lot of the really fucked abusive behaviour that my ex pushed on me i ve realised that he forced me on the shredder grate that is the gender binary", "label": 3} -{"text": "i already struggled with feeling like a failure unloved unsupported condemned and never good enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think i had better get used to feeling this way it s going to happen quite often with all these terrific challenge books i have lined up not to mention the few books i still want to get through just for my own selfish pleasure", "label": 1} -{"text": "id already been doing for the week in my i just ran miles and will eat anything and everything mindset i feel fairly miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still live in the area and have a special feeling for them as you always do about clubs you have managed but i have been surprised and disappointed at their handling of this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess today i m feeling relieved because it s finally friday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so very blessed to have been awaken to a new reality and really wish i could take complete credit for this amazing transformation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though life is getting more and more strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel humiliated said mohammed hussein a year old factory worker", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive never felt as connected with anyone else as i feel with you or you are the most amazing person ive ever met", "label": 5} -{"text": "i havent posted anything because there havent been any changes and plus im feeling a little cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so selfish wanting him with me all the time because i know thats a ridiculous request fantasy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling agitated until i got to group", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wonder if its even happening at all so to have expected myself to never again feel irritated at a glass of spilled milk on the carpet or shoes left again in the middle of the floor was simply to be unfair", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i am terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling incredibly discontent this morning and i have no idea why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have taken an unsuspected interest in zombie books thanks to an awesome friend of mine and feel other people may be surprised at their interest", "label": 5} -{"text": "im fine face i said im feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the fearful knot of anticipation growing in my gut i know itll slowly rise to my throat and give me that feeling you get right before you leap into the open air", "label": 4} -{"text": "i by turns would feel totally superior to lance that liar", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess i just feel like people arent being supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t usually admit to feeling stressed on the blog but if ever there s a time to come clean it s this week", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shaken to my core scared and angry and prayerful and grateful and often tearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel the least intimidated by high ranking government figures ranging from just walking into the governor s office to leave him a note to telling sen", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel forever loyal to the people who have helped me through this and with their energy they invested in me i can not only give back to them but they gave me so much that i have much more to give", "label": 2} -{"text": "i keep telling myself but every room is on the smallish side and ive been feeling very squished and irritable about the situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i made you feel accepted and helped you realize that there is so much more to life than how one looks or how much material comfort one owns i truly feel that i have nothing to do with it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel dazed just reading the coverage", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started feeling that strange sense of not belonging again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do have to say that i did feel that mud was a bit of a comedown after being so enthralled by take shelter as that film was something i had truly never seen before and the plot of mud is as old as the hills by comparison", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i just dont speak any language well anymore", "label": 1} -{"text": "i said feeling tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel overwhelmed and grouchy afterward", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel especially regretful over the four years i spent with bryan that motherfucker", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt sad when my boyfriend and i were apart for some time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have only messed around with one girl a couple times when i was way younger but i just remember feeling fucking amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just seem so stressed i feel like i get friggin irritated easily esp when it comes to results and work to be done", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that those brands to which i have been loyal for years have failed me during that time when i need results the most", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling overwhelmed about the birthing processing itself but actually anxious about having to wait longer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that no matter how rich you become you still have the desire to save money", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel extremely tempted to try em but with the amazing range of shades i know i wont just make a purchase one or two", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess you could call me a revert and wanting to grow in faith i feel like adoring christ in the eucharist is not only expected of me but will strengthen my walk with him in his church", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can do things in cinema that will really fuck you up that will really make you feel horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel shocked encoding utf locale en us isprivate false ismobile false mobileclass isprivateblog false languagedirection ltr feedlinks link rel alternate type application atom xml title half baked cookies", "label": 5} -{"text": "i fucking love fucking long never her i feel soooooooo deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wished that there would be wings broke out of my dinosaur bones and maybe it hurts but as long as the wings grow and give me the ability to fly away and also feel graceful its okay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i made myself a leek pasta and broccoli bake for lunch which has made me feel a little weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am committing to keeping an apple in my purse at all times when these feelings arise still something sweet but a better kind of sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am well enough to drive when i feel well enough", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling depressed somebody might say to me don t be sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could have downed enough to keep up with oliver reed and still be up for a am lecture on only two hours sleep and feel absolutely fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just wish someone had told me when i was holding her in my arms for the first time that when the day comes that you get to witness your child become an adult it doesnt always only feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love having the blog but it feels strange to write something when you know youre changing and you dont know what you feel comfortable with anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have married into such an amazing family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel utterly defeated at this point", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love feeling loved but i hate that he seems so devastated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will discuss could be triggering to those of you who have experienced abuse in its many forms and for that reason i feel a gentle warning is required", "label": 2} -{"text": "i enjoy being in a place that i can feel the spirit and even though institute is casual there is a closeness that cant compare", "label": 1} -{"text": "i saw someone tweet a link to an article in the daily mail written by a woman who after beginning to feel somewhat dissatisfied in her marriage had decided to simply be nicer to her husband", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish to convey my feeling that even as an acquaintance alex impressed me with his devotion to god and his unshaken testimony of the restored gospel of jesus christ", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shamed that i never used to pay attention to my mama and her music", "label": 0} -{"text": "watching a football game this remindes me of the time when my father was still alive and when we watched football games on tv together", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a hamster running at frantic pace getting nowhere fast", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive had comcast i have no idea what im doing and am feeling more than a little overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loved liberated and forgiven", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling uncomfortable with the gain more in my head if you know what i mean", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had fletch middle linebacker london fletcher out there teaching me which is why i feel like i wasn t so hesitant when training camp started", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bad for evie and having to deal with two potential soul mates i started to kind of feel bad for the guys as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i figure when he puts out songs ill listen to them and keep my opinions to myself and if or when he does shows ill just sort of sneak in and hide and then sneak out without saying anything i dislike making people feel uncomfortable or put up with me when they dont want to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel truly impressed along with this product", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling apprehensive about jumping back into work and classes and volunteering and living the life of a college student", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want them to know they can always talk to mommy but if they feel they can t i want them to find a pastor a supportive teacher a friend s mother", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to feel a little funny amp was having contractions about every or min apt and they were slowly getting more intense", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so frantic so scared theres seem to be nothing in front of me that i could get hold of there will be these hand and voice that never fail to comfort me in the dark room", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to be too happy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess i feel the least fearful under imaginary circumstances", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling really amazed when i saw these photos the first time and feeling really good about them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel troubled about fischer and asked timidly does this episode change fischers life scheme satan", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was mad at myself for feeling bitter and jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i asked feeling abit curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i came away feeling very optimistic about my treatment hair loss consultation comments sympathetic but also positive i came away feeling very optimistic about my treatment as far as first impressions go belgravia has lovely staff", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like an idiot for not putting it together but i was so shocked at my tiny cherub yelling f ck", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling agitated there in front of me stood the same guy i had turned down a little while earlier", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel threatened or embarrassed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t know if it s intentional on her part or what but i do feel most rejected when i am excluded and when this person includes all these other people that we have in common in our lives", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel surprised when he performed because to me jazz is something that wouldnt be complete without a saxophone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel satisfaction for only about five minutes and then i get irritable again and have to do something else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i later re read it when i wasnt feeling so weepy so i do feel qualified to provide an objective opinion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think back to this story it makes me feel very overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "getting a low grade on my physics midterm", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do however regret ever feeling like i wasn t smart enough to study science", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel a sense of emotional fulfillment after listening to it like i could let go and allow myself to feel sad and grieve with christine despite not experiencing what she has experienced", "label": 0} -{"text": "i help busy overworked mainly but not exclusively women go from feeling overwhelmed frustrated and generally pissed about their health and appearance", "label": 4} -{"text": "i speak is my grandma who s raised me since i was man i feel like the author of the babysitters club repeatedly explaining my backstory on here as i tend to do admittedly if her series was being read by a tender but delicious few", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very horny and badly wanted him to fuck me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that would still be dangerous as then i would want to copy and paste it and i wouldn t have actually processed my feelings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want people around me to feel the love that our sweet savior has for them and we can help them feel that by loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like tarzan delicious toolbar no width height return false delicious a href http digg", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like sugar substitutes are not for everyone so i m attempting to add more naturally sweet foods into my diet instead of using sugar and sugar substitutes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never like making a joke except the need of work i do not even like answering the girl very much they show off laughing and joking let me feel a little afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i replied i m not feeling so hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel the air blow softly around my face like a gentle piece of silk", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i missed out on the some of the most basic joys of motherhood because i was too busy trying to manage the logistical side of my life with ellie and i was just so incredibly overwhelmed with life", "label": 0} -{"text": "im pretty sure that feeling is mutual for her too such a sweet pair", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was literally given nothing to do and introduced to no one or even given a desk for a home made me feel pretty unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrified of being vulnerable and dead set on feeling independent when im really co dependent making it easy for me to focus on others while keeping my worries and problems and never ending self analysis to myself unless im blogging about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got home feeling feak and weeble with cramping calves the beloved was being beaten up by munchkins", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see a new episode or a new blog post from people working with inanimate alice i feel absolutely amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more jaded than i ever have before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i freaked out earlier because i could feel sweat everywhere it was like a vile and very slippery cloak", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing like a star about to burst with joy", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill feel a bit paranoid because i dont know if it matches or not", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bitter folks living the system job entitled better health care benefits i", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so funny deep inside when i lick between your thighs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to receive love and feel loved by others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed but the biggest reason is fear", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling at the moment the pain of tragic and not much crescer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i cant concentrate and i am in a strange sort of fog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am in the center medium jet tub feeling so relaxed and refreshed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel righteously amazed when reading about how much people spend on their children at christmas and ive never actually sat down and worked out my total", "label": 5} -{"text": "im taking advantage of feeling artistic incase it runs away again bell had her baby the other day yay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel no need to get slutty this halloween", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel accepted surrounded by old friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always approach judy blume cautiously because i know as a kid whenever i read her books something happened that made me feel weird or gross or guilty about something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would eventually feel distressed as i reloaded it with different timing procedures as if i were invading its right to privacy", "label": 4} -{"text": "im taking omeprazole every day and aside from regaining lbs feeling fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling helpless because he is who the referee in game", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i just recently started blogging so i was shocked to see that ive been doing this for years", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to feel like i m making valuable things so it doesn t feel like sales when i m asking for that e mail address", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try not to rant and rage about politics and things that are going wrong in the world and how it can feel as if we are losing against the greedy and corrupt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldn t beat back this feeling of caring less", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wonder how does god feel about our seemingly heartless worship", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so frustrated that i cant show my emotions like everyone else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling bummed simultaneously feeling ecstatic that im graduating with an ma and wondering what the hell its for if i cant get a job", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling i am amazed as we head up a small incline over a bridge i look around", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spend too much time reading or watching the news i start to feel discouraged and frustrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think katniss is going to give in to her feelings for peeta after all these tender moments throughout the book", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have know dh and his sister did not have an incestuous relationship im not at all surprised that nsils feelings towards him sometimes have a vaguely romantic feel toward them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wrote about physical pain i was feeling back then to bikram hq and begging him to please just disregard what jane had impressed upon him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i decided to put my name forward for the board as i feel i have a couple of skills that could be useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive missed something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am starting to feel a little abused like a coffe", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling generous today i thought i would share this fantastic recipe with you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling terrified me and started making me question my motivations and reasons for doing this internship", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though all games should step up their leveling content to keep players interested", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel defeated now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i am also very proud of my friends that took part as well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at bill c and the larger scale strategy that feeds both the bill and the war on drugs the more i feel troubled and afraid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel regretful now when i rightfully should feel angry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel my face getting hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think its because im feeling sympathetic towards them today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i definitely feel like i hold him back but i have to be selfish i need him to get through these", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this is a season to be faithful with the mundane so he can entrust me with spiritual things such as moving to kc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can just see the river bed small the dust of the boulders feel the cold clear water on my toes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a mixture of nervousness and excitement now nervous because im afraid of fucking up on the first day", "label": 4} -{"text": "im still feeling the endorphins and im thrilled for it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am merely human and sometimes i forget these things and the joke feels less funny more wistful oh one day when were rich", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel less pressured to be uploading stuff here i think ill keep it around", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i said above i should not invest personal feelings or be agitated sp", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive spent my day dragging and feeling like ive been dragged around by the roots of my hair while being thumped in the stomach and having lights flashed in my eyes but i did learn of a solution so all was not in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can get grumpy and pimply and not know why and then feel shocked when i get my period", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling lonely as there is nobody that speaks my language", "label": 0} -{"text": "im lying in bed at the minute feeling rotten but at the same time feeling completely inspired and totally mushy and indubitably ridiculously in love with the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really affectionate towards someone i almost cannot help myself from using some terms of endearment", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling surprised and yet not at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am so thankful because i trust her the most and i don t feel pressured to not do things that i feel comfortable doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i keep finding myself feeling apprehensive about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rather intimidated by my re his impressive background and the clinic in general", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know what i feel so even were uncertain im not hiding not furtive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritated if i dont bitch i feel like i suffocating over it i wanted to strangle this irritating peeps but since i cant i bitch here is the kindest way i could think of my friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wonder if it skips a beat from feeling betrayed by the one you once loved or from high expectations that will lead me to disappointment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i definitely started feeling pretty rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i need to write so much stuff out and i feel like im mixing everything together but thats because im distracted from music i found these new band they cover up songs and i just love how they turn the old songs into something good not always better but just different", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i have disturbed bro c in many ways", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel as though i m giving back enough to you the faithful readers of the celestial waste of bandwidth", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not missing him any more than i normally do nor i am i feeling overly sentimental", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t help but feel amazed when i see the diversity of people mentalities and ethnicities coming together under one banner in such perfect harmony unity and such perfect unity that they fail to accomplish in their per hellip eid al adha throughout the world a class rsswidget href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel them aching like hell", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was like oh thats awesome blah but then he was like reminding me hes interested in this other girl and i was like i know this but what concerns me more is if it makes you feel too weird to be with me like this", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling particularly artistic today", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling super excited right now since today is the first day of june and tomorrow is my senior field trip", "label": 1} -{"text": "i then feel physically shaky inside with a bodily tremor not visible to others", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that it is a curious and apparently elusive character indicator", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like friendships and my marriage are suffering", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a worthless human being and a burden to those who come into contact with me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel im not being stubborn i want to be stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel damaged from the toll it s taken and i know my life is meant for so much more than just to try and survive every day", "label": 0} -{"text": "im back to a city and i feel like everything is a bit rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i going to feel more overwhelmed because i will start thinking of too many things i need to do which i have a very bad habit of", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i should really start documenting some of my not so glamorous horribly embarrassing but still pretty hysterical moments of me trying to become an awesome stay at home mommy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so impressed of beauty of flowers", "label": 5} -{"text": "my grandfather died thirteen years ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that while the past years were lovely in parts and challenging in others i believe we learned a lot from each other shared much broke down our walls post our divorces and realized we had a lot to laugh about along the journey of our friendship and relationship", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling really bothered for a while now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i should loved it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think god knows i feel terrible about myself these days thats why he sent them to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess thats why i feel so dazed im used to having at least a tiny bit of noise even if i cant understand it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling regretful that my leaving livejournal weakened many of those friendships", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also struggle with the sense of feeling useful or adding value", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the rain on my face and it reminds of you so delicate and open", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel inhibited when it comes to being with too many people esp when the people who make the decisions is the one who is the most assertive and influential and not because he she is the most reasonable nor because he she is in the best position to do so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel discourage and uncertain i go learn something new", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like it would be dangerous for actual children since i even have a hard time stepping to the next level of rope", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel suits only on your delicate hands", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel technology also allows the timid but oh so talented underdogs of the world to have a fighting chance at promoting and sharing their art", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dangerous an entire day rehashed at am when i feel dangerous august a href http littletroublegrrl", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel anxious or stressed this is a sign that i need to get up and move", "label": 4} -{"text": "i reached over and tried to feel lorna s ear you all know about my affinity for ears but it turns out that most people aren t as fond of me feeling their ears as i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so so tortured by looking at the lecture notes and nothing is going in except for my holiday plans", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am tired of feeling jaded let down stepped on drained disappointed and left out", "label": 0} -{"text": "the day before the university results came out i was both excited and scared if i failed i did not know what i would do as i did not want to work", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill feel hesitant about msg ing ws to ask him how he is and stuff", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent had my parents my sister or my in laws around much in the past three years i feel like i have a family away from family in the wonderful people ive met in japan", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know not a word but thats how i feel or when i get agitated by others or even when i feel sick", "label": 4} -{"text": "i certainly feel that i can ask intelligent questions and seek out other opinions on any topic but at some point i will follow the thinking of my care provider or mechanic or whomever the expert happens to be in that case", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel extremely irritable and want to go all fred durst raging on everybody", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more confident of being able to recover during a run after say sprinting up a hill", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am being punished for something and holy crap did that hit home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was sitting here feeling defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just want them to feel like they ve been entertained and i hope that there is a little more love and laughter in their lives after reading it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel frustrated by the language and that balance has made all the difference", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that the petrified wood is moving slightly to the right hand side of my belly now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sit listening to all the world s chaos in particular the struggle facing our nation over syria but i feel a strange peace inside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "quarreling with my father", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more and more convinced is amongst the useful spheres for women s work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i shouldnt be so concerened about other peoples feelings when they have seriously wronged somebody", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling invigorated and fulfilled spiritually in my new position", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel annoyed at the fact that i m three weeks out of chemotherapy and i m getting annoying pinching niggles in my back", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t want to move on from this feeling anymore is because i have accepted the situation i mean sure it s one sided and i m a fool for staying and probably getting hurt a lot but i just like having that feeling around twisted maybe but bear with me here", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know for sure have had various times in their life where they knew god for certain but others where they felt god was extremely distant or maybe even doubted his existence attributing the feeling to emotional exuberance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hated here and dont feel like i should write at all anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel them gnawing out holes through all our flawless souls", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel weird writing that and i feel even more weird knowing that its true", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impressed to extend this to all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel horrible i wanted to share easter wishes but it just didnt happen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also gave this singlet top to my sister was feeling generous that day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i clumps everybody together in a weird way and i feel liked and respected but unloved by anybody", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am doing why i am doing itbut still feels strange how can people do when they knew its not exactly what is to be there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant stand to walk around barefoot because stepping on things feels weird and the cold hurts the cold of the chair on my ankle or if i spill a cold drink on my leg", "label": 5} -{"text": "im never here and because ive been feeling quite lethargic and depressed my room hasnt been clean and i havent done laundry in a long time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling overwhelmed with my financial situation and trying to juggle school work and personal life which at this point is none existing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel to just go for it but i also feel a bit apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not quite sure why maybe it is the gloomy weather but i woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and i am feeling cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel gracious enough to tell you am god watching lions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel on the arsenio hall show title facebook target blank", "label": 0} -{"text": "i and feels he has been respected in return as well is very happy about his chosen profession even though he wanted to be a soccer player when he was younger jokes that he s translated his frustration from that into mma steven segal was not involved in his camp this time around but that s okay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was a pretty shy and awkward kid but they made me feel so loved and accepted that i immediately knew that camp tecumseh was something really special", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am hoping having a timeline of events will help me feel less restless because at times i feel that things are moving so slowly and at others things are moving too damn fast and are suddenly feeling way way way too real", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not sure what it is about kentucky that i feel so strongly for since my childhood wasn t all that pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it is vital that we focus on economic development public safety and revitalizing our city doing so will help attract new residents and business owners and give those already here a reason to stay", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help but feel bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i managed to take some photos today of my outfit which did feel rather strange especially as i havent taken any for such a long time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know why but i feel so stunned by my answered prayers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling less homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel kind of reluctant to go now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel beaten back by the fatigue and over heating", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mean there are spreading blood pools under innocent dogs when you kill them in deus ex and i wanted you to feel disturbed if you actually pulled the trigger", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope everyone is wonderful back home and that fathers day was great and you each helped your fathers feel loved and appreciated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive had to steal time to draw lately so ive been sketching in strange places", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can get a job as a librarian and come home to my sweet angels and settle the chaos and enjoy the moments then slip into that big garden tub and remember whats its like to feel so graceful and smart and beautful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i agreed many months ago and as the time got closer i was feeling a bit overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel badly but the start of any relationship is very delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i already feel like an idiot in that one even though i m starting to actually grow fond of the guy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so strange around my friends these days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i told my sister that it had to stop it was getting to the point that every time her kids addressed me i was feeling angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so adjutated being this sceptical as to where he is will i meet him again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t want to risk feeling stressed so i instead used my pittsburgh pirate ballcap", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed and happy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was starting to feel amused", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel quite discouraged about that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i blamed him for something he was not responsible of", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stopped bleeding a few days ago my husband was feeling a little needy and i was thinking about him all day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel myself becoming more and more agitated which was almost a new sensation", "label": 3} -{"text": "id say that most of the bands i have gone to see in concert i had previously seen on tv or in movies but for some reason this was more amazing and i cant help but feel that i am more amazed than i should be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really weird dizzy and light headed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling quite shocked that he had seen the movie for my memories of the film were of the scary flying monkeys and the evil witch", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wiggle my ears or raise my eyebrows i feel a weird tugging sensation behind my left ear", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate the position that ive put myself in and i hate him for making me feel like this and not caring about me at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i m not alone in the feeling that everything that was once beloved about the show was turned awful by the final moments twisted into some hideous version of itself like something out of the walking dead", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive had these feelings many times and most of them something unfortunate resulted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t mention and you are left feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have been shaken up like crazy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still could not help but feel disgusted at how someone could formulate so many lies and steal people s identities", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a bit rushed off my feet today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i spend more than minutes marketing i start to feel overwhelmed depressed almost desperate even if im doing fine with my workload and earnings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spent a long time feeling terrified of the consequences of feeling my own pain and the waves still frighten me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think about it a lot and then i feel selfish for even thinking that when im doing what many working moms would love to do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im compassionate and am a good listener", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have never liked pewter tankards ever since i worked in a country pub as a teenager they always make your lips feel funny and the beer taste weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think here they just manage their commentary differently miss bingley to shame or denigrate character elizabeth to poke at ego but both do it to feel superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do veg out i become very annoyed about things people the telly and life in general i feel irritated with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i was first taken to the dissection room where i found dead human bodies", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like an anime character because my hair was the most amazing neon turquoise color", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling pretty horny chuckles", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel super enthusiastic about my future and the most daring of ideas seem completely doable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel romantic and sad", "label": 2} -{"text": "im even feeling a little less overwhelmed and a little more sure of myself which is a small but welcome sort of magic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got a feeling chameul suga eobseo give it up himchan i got a feeling niga nuneul gamneun nal jongup neoneun wiheomhae jalmot geondeuryeosseo get away daehyun becuz i m cuz i m dangerous oh youngjae i m a badman eodum soge neoreul gadwojulge ah", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel a lack of respect or love in the space just harder partying than i am personally comfortable with", "label": 1} -{"text": "i subconsciously opt not to trust anyone and i feel like no one can take me as a sincere person because of that at the most basic level", "label": 1} -{"text": "i respect the fact that you feel sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "im sort of feeling hesitant about him now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i genuinely feel happy for them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was obsessed with being the best i could be and it feels amazing to know that my passion is obvious not just to me but to others as well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little ashamed that i had such low expectations in the first place", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling gracious today i schmoozed last night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know there are people out there that call themselves friends but only make you feel a burden even if youre not a neurotic person or have depression at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help feeling lately that were doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think she is one of the most inconsiderate people i know which makes me think that even if she feels strongly that she is not using me one bit shes not considerate enough to pick up on the things that id like to gain from our quite unconventional relationship", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldn t help feeling stunned for a moment about that accusation while of course you were right it was not the way i had seen it not the way i had experienced it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know there are people in this world that are really ill and struggling to get by with their illness and that makes me feel even more annoyed with myself for being so pathetic but fb asked how i was feeling so i have told them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the lace looks delicate but is more sturdy than you might realize i snagged a few lace y bits through the day and there is no damage as far as i can see", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was still a believer but was just feeling very overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little bit like a woman careening out of control with a strange compulsion to tell all to every person i meet on the street and otherwise", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to admit i was feeling a bit grouchy this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it is very important to present my daughter with facts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t want this and it s definitely selfish for me to feel that he should tell them for my benefit but i think it s at least equally as selfish for him to string me along in a position he knows i m unhappy in just so he doesn t lose me", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling spiteful heres the twilight breaking dawn trailer that has a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the contributions of the other band members are vital to a quality product in the end", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ask about his wife annulment case he feels so irritated and kept on telling me it is on the process", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am stressing out and yes i am feeling intimidated by the whole process", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a well staffed office or a relatively less busy schedule things run more smoothly and i feel less stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so amazed but that amazement was only a bit but im blessed to have a little but great amazement", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more relieved now that i can share with him", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty eager to live in a small rural community where we can grow our own food and find our own solutions to our problems", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will if you insist but i would want it to feel friendly with each of us", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just choose the feeling now i can just choose the feeling now i can just choose the feeling now i love the feeling i love being in love i love loving my live", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tend to wear a mask a happy mask this mask always hide my real emotion when i m hurt this mask help me to make me feel better and to pretend to be happy even i m not this mask really help me to show everyone that i feel fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so aggravated today amp gt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want his feedback on where a scene is going wrong or whether it feels truthful or i ll be having an attack of self doubt and i need him to tell me whether it s founded", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it in the gentle breeze as it blows around my back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get stressed or discouraged because of a few bad naps or i feel confused as to what hunter wants but those moments aren t quite as common anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started feeling awfully melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was looking forward to feeling delighted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i m still curious how other married couples handle their money and if you re willing to share i m happy to read", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little dazed trying to remember my first flight pittsburgh to atlanta first class", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was chemically up and down and feeling my emotions far too strongly i would burn bridges to avoid from being abused or taken for granted by people who i cared for", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am dealing with a respected state not thugs said a raqqa goldsmith in his small shop as a woman shopped for gold pieces with cash sent from abroad by her husband", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so sympathetic embarrassed for betty here that it s tough to watch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get is how does it feel or does it feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i enjoy eating so much have feelings and are being tortured all to be sacrificed at the altar of my dinner table", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must admit i feel a bit weird and look for any nonsense to snap and make look pretty with one of their filters", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did everything i could to comfort her and couldn t help but feel amazed at how lost we d become in our stories", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt stop having them but at the same time as feeling infuriated by someones seemingly idiotic request or statement i felt my fury to be hilarious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel if you arent fearful envious or mean back either theyll figure it out or theyll just leave you alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strongly about supporting my local scene as much as possible", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so fab when i buy a new pair", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive enjoyed writing the blog and having a chance to share with all of you so much that i am feeling generous and want to celebrate my th visit with the rest of you", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty shaken at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a lot of respect for this kind of photography more than what i feel towards that fake sort of thing consisting mostly of fog effects and girls who look just out of a lewis carroll s novel a genre held in regard by many emerging photographers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel that someone who has an abortion is a murderer who should be shamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that top priority should be given to intelligence and training two vital areas for maharashtra", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feel curious me w", "label": 5} -{"text": "i aware and concerned for everyone will give attention not only marriages and deaths but also with equal seriousness to the elderly woman who feels helpless because she does not know which oven to buy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dude went on to beat a chinese in the final and somehow in the game i feel that the commentator is supporting the thai and he seldom gave any consoling words or praise the chinese player whenever he won a point", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel my floors and furniture may be suffering", "label": 0} -{"text": "i lay down on the grass and waited feeling stunned and very sick", "label": 5} -{"text": "i said that but his feelings for eden were so wonderful and sigh", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that we can t possibly as mortals understand the divine eternal nature of families i think i m going to try and just relax for awhile and be faithful and trusting as a child as the savior taught", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel so jolly about christmas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i broke through the barriers of publicly discussing and critiquing my work because needing help and feeling vulnerable is hard but crucial and in turn you felt confident to share your work because through admitting a fear we shared together our writing and ourselves grew", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i bore my testimony that listening is one of the most important things we can do and if we feel impressed to do something even if we are unsure about it by learning to follow those impressions we will learn whether it is of ourselves or of the spirit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pretty amazed ive made it to my th post and what a fitting way to to post about a press day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling just so relieved right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel goes just lovely dont you think it was sent to me by bee jewels a few weeks ago you can see my post on this a href http fragile bird", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel happy suddenly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i disregarded it s small brown pages however one day when i was feeling especially artistic i started scribbling a few designs in it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was too tired and ooky feeling to take any pictures of the lovely room we were using the fantastic finished quilt rena brought to show or any of the lovely ladies who were there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel each delicate section and can almost see the snowman", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ugly and contrived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i totally welcome the opportunity to play tomorrow i just feel like we would have more of these opportunities if we devoted the time necessary to pursue them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so curious about why some people would like to spend so much money on a purse or wallet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am just feeling resentful with things going awry", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not grateful for my life but find myself comparing and feeling envious of others more than i really should", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have to say im feeling quite insulted and offended that these people would try to exploit gamer culture to sell their shit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find it really strange how i feel so appalled by other peoples actions and feelings until i feel them myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could actually feel the hot breath of the women", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been ripped apart and torn to shreds by people online who feel challenged and angered by the information shared", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not going to spend my sunday all nua unproductive on top of feeling distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel romantic and nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling rather peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a current crush but i m feeling really shy to write about that here hmm maybe i ll get over that soon", "label": 4} -{"text": "im happy to say that i was productive this week and despite my new job and feeling a little frantic i am getting a routine formed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit of blank stare not knowing what to write tonight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope that today you too may get into something that makes you feel fiercely passionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am tired of feeling lame because i dont get invited to parties and get drunk like a few freshamn i know", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love to buy gifts for my friends and family because feeling generous and seeing the expression on their face when they open the gift just makes me feel good on the inside", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel they were having a romantic bond during the story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel romantic srctitle making of", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling sims will either be horrible or awesome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think a large part of it is the psychological effect of being unhappy with my work and feeling pressured to write these papers that should be fun", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got home on the dot of pm feeling amazed wowed happy buoyant and very lucky", "label": 5} -{"text": "im actually a fan of the show i feel that its my duty to attempt to tell the creators to stop messing up the beloved series with stupid and mindless episodes and to get back to creating original entertaining episodes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i ran my hands through his hair feeling the oil and product and not caring one bit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont call myself a book blogger but as someone has has read her share of ya i feel offended too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling that hes not impressed with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i straight away started to feel my blood boil anger coming over me and that very nerve getting agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would pick them up and feel around and if i felt anything weird like earrings i instantly got mad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thank you for your permission to taste how it feels to be accepted respected and embraced as i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this way it makes me laugh the video is very funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i said that iris is one of her favorite songs and she did feel it was his comfort zone but she would have liked to hear more melody", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get chosen i always feel chuffed to bits and honoured to be a part of a truly special day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had a bad feeling id outgrown the movie the hazing stuff isnt all that funny or compelling to me now i was bored and worried that i didnt need it anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a strange kinship to these talented but hapless young men", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about what i am doing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that is partially credit for the lovely ladies that have become friends to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i have lived years already with my faithful friend andy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can now certainly feel just how tender it is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know why but i feel so fucked up i wanna hurt myself i wanna scream i wanna destroy i wanna kill i wanna punch something anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel outraged for someone who is willing to go to extended lengths to break laws that i must adhere to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up the next evening pm feeling just as distraught as i have been feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i absolutely encourage the rest of you to do the same should you be feeling at all vain yourselves", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling guilty that ive wasted this entire holiday weekend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel melancholy that i wont be able to do this again", "label": 0} -{"text": "im trying really hard not to feel threatened by that young boy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel frustrated when i feel in the dark about something that i feel i should know or if i cant adequately express myself to someone when its important so i wrote good communication on the paper", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling kind of bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like ive been shaken and jostled by unseen hands so i open my eyes to find nothing but the orange glow of the streetlamps filtering through my mini blinds", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was getting more and more excited but now that this is the last week it feels a little weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should stop feeling repressed and even self repressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel his muscles adjusting to the intrusion could feel how kyouya shook with repressed need", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will always be here to help u and guide u through ur times of misery and the times u feel hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess since i believe were all united and not by countries though i can see how ppl wouldnt feel that way if they came from a repressed country", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dint even feel like opening them but as surprised as one could be i was amazed to see that were all purely my types", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought i was going to be terrible at it as i feel weird telling someone ill pay less then half of what they are asking for", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wander into the depths of the markets because i m feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i havent gotten stuff resolved but i feel resolved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i travel to albuquerque i feel popular", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tell her that i feel this way fault told us to be faithful got love songs in my head killing us away she tells me im a pretty bullet im gonna be a star someday momma says we should look away", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get frustrated that it feels like i do all this caring for other people by myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was struck by the fact that whatever else i might be feeling about my death i was definitely curious and a bit excited about the opportunity to find out what happens after death", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a tiger a cat isnt vicious enough scratched at my throat all night", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am starting to feel like a worthless person", "label": 0} -{"text": "i heard a story of someones life who so looks good on the outside but she feels so unhappy like on a crying level", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel loomis was a character that he was most fond of the series definitely is not the same without him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sometimes feel as if my muscles are being shocked with an electrical current", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like there are some utterly fantastic teachers out there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t like it when i feel the need to impress people that i don t think deserve to be impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the need to update you my loyal readers on the vacation habits of our region manager s assistant", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i have been complaining a lot to sm about how much weight i ve gained how much i feel like crap and how i m envious of her body because she is so incredibly fit it amazes me", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive learned that the purpose of christmas songs is an uplifting resource that fills me up with a timeless feel good energy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to check what else ive finished lately as i have a feeling ive missed one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just pray that my heart will feel and accept the truth the truth of who i am the truth of who i am to god the truth of what being his daughter means the truth of how valuable being the daughter of god means i am", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think about getting into character and i feel irritated and tired", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ever turn to hair or makeup to cheer myself up when i m feeling stressed or down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling optimistic about life i told him that id forget everything and we could just be friends", "label": 1} -{"text": "im training on my own and not racing it can feel quite lonely slogging out the miles so its always great to sit down with a cup of tea and read what my friends have been up to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was grateful for but i did not want to continue working a job that left me feeling unhappy and most importantly unfulfilled", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have not ever had any feelings aside from sarcastic anger and sheer joy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to just pick a random promise or covenant out of the bible and stake a personal claim on it you know", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel like i had a supporting community of friends here my faith was always being tested in this environment i was angry and frustrated with the people and i just felt lonely almost all the time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do support torture if you read that thread i feel it is in some cases vital and necessary to support or way of life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see in myself feeling depressed high strung tense cant slow my head down maybe too much caffeine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling amorous tonight and decided i wanted to make tonights post about him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so helpless but so well protected", "label": 0} -{"text": "im making the right decision for me i still end up feeling pressured to drink more for fear of letting my friends down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i write i realize that i ve actually been avoiding writing these notes because i was afraid of the unfamiliar feelings i would get from truly saying thank you to the people who are supporting the achievement of dreams not just mine but those of the faculty and students of sphere college", "label": 2} -{"text": "i called mum feeling all distressed and she came over and got me pad thai and we watched sympathy for lady vengeance which i found used at the video store", "label": 4} -{"text": "i almost dreaded last night in the sense that i worried how i would cope on saturday feeling rotten and hating myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling homesick i would make it and everyone would cheer of course they might have loved the mashed potatoes and gravy more than the steak but maybe i did too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a little sentimental for my newborn babies my non moving sleep on you babies", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a huntress thrilled with the thought of a challenge", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so very blessed to have such wonderful supportive friends here in vegas", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty positive about my major life decisions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know at least strike a small conversation that would make them feel comfortable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have all this sexual energy i feel tender feelings too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sat in my bedroom the whole of sunday december feeling very funny and low", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i would never be accepted in reality i feel as if i need to have this normal facade on top of everything going on in my mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pathetic that i claimed to know you yet i still barely do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like jerry jones and tom coughlin are just frightened by chip kelly comment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling guilty about the people who follow both", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the hot gush hit my knee my toes oh", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful or dissatisfied or angry its always this person i wanted to blame on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt more inspired and optimistic while at the same time feeling totally worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the dirty gutterpunk i used to be and that people are still judging me based on that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i actually feel saddened by a post but i am a bit shocked and saddened once again see disclaimer on the right side of this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kind of funny up here a href http oneblogonemanonegut", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel as if it is a gentle form of mixed level", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will try my best to keep the punk spirit up but at the same time i must admit that it feels pretty fucking hopeless right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have held on to for the past few years and it feels so amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it was a phase of my life where i was really unhappy and needed food to cope then it was a bad habit that just continued", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny i feel really funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel so irritable b was easily distracted and i went for the dont offer dont refuse method", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel resigned to what happens to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling so naughty lately thinking about you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel wimpy complaining about the stress of talking to strangers on the phone", "label": 4} -{"text": "im still feeling agitated nearly hours later", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like you put a lot of yourself into supporting others it s so nice when you re on the receiving end i hope you have the same sort of support from those around you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stubborn in some sense because of it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i anticipate my photos being edited and uploaded on facebook but i cant help feeling insecure because my photagraphers would upload a few unfavourable photos", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive reverted back to my original blog title and purpose because honestly ive never strayed from my initial feeling about the delicate balance amp integration of woman and mother", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ashamed of all the things bad things ive done and how it affects my mom", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very blessed to be surrounded by such awesome families", "label": 2} -{"text": "i managed to draw away to a quiet corner and pull myself together but those feelings have stayed with me and have threatened to resurface a few times since then", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling and how much i am trusting god varies enormously", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will not go up there if they make me feel like my friend is still unwelcome to hang out some of the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess we can only hope that it strengthens peoples immune systems before the innevitable onslaught of hn but somehow i feel doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i no longer feel tortured by the thought that i ruined everything or that i need to do something to fix it or that something is going to happen anytime soon", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love the feeling of when someone else thinks your drawing is amazing it really makes me feel great", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like its boring and repetitive to talk about the same things and its a downer for others", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love the feeling i get when i am spending time with my sweet ramona", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very dissatisfied with my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am just really tired and should be studying but im just feeling so lethargic and i just had an injection yay so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i walk past the door heading into the kitchen i feel the bitter chilly wind coming through the crack between the tan cold hardwood floors beneath the warm fuzzy socks on my feet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was comfortable with my sexuality i think as comfortable as anyone can feel in such a confused culture", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been stuck in a bit of rut of my own lately and feeling unsure about how to get out and where to go from here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling adventurous i will run a completely non scientific study of the results by asking anyone around my house at the time which half of my face looks better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that strange anticipation that seems to be charging the very air this september but i do not know what it means", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want somehar i know opening my eyes i blink and stare at the wall feeling quite dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am definitely ready to be done hellll ooo senioritis but it just feels so strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was taking stock of what was happening in my body and apart from my heavy lead legs i was feeling like it was going to be an ok day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still managed to feel cute in the sweltering heat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling shy of writing a post because i often like to have my thoughts all organized and know what specific topic im writing about before i begin", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling quite lonely right now generally too tired to take pictures", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like other moms are looking at me funny when i drop off judson at mothers day out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t love it you guys but sometimes when life feels weird you have to be careful what you share you know", "label": 5} -{"text": "i and will be pleasantly surprised and vote heavily for him but i have a feeling a dignified comeback will have to make do for mr johnson this time around", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable walking with the remaining small rubbish on the floor", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling a little bit anxious of late as far as my relations or lack thereof with some of the ward and some of the investigators go so im excited to be able to ponder that in the temple and see if i can come up with a plan with the lords help", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was only years old but i could still feel my little boner starting to twitch and i could only see the top one and got curious to see the rest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disastrously jaded and bitter", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had the feeling she was curious if she would see me in that one as well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a shy little girl my hands start to shake and i can hear the pounding of my heart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would use a conditioner if i thought itd help but i feel like your hair can only take so much while its being beaten down by water", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel about the thought of a delicious restaurant breakfast", "label": 1} -{"text": "i set it aside for a bit feeling disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still feeling a little nauseas because as i explained to cb i have a very delicate system", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still have a way to go but i am so much closer to the finish line than the start line and that feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling easily agitated quite somber sad and i just wanted to be left alone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i often feel guilty about it so i try to hide it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just woke up feeling energetic and i found out that i had been sleeping for quite some times", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had to do with my mom to feel accepted acknowledged", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel tender toward because i can identify with him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still at times miss jeannines physical presence and there were days leading up to this angelversary that i did but that feeling of longing was eventually replaced by an inner peace because of the depth of the relationship that we enjoy now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i asked myself why do you feel frightened of being", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am the one feeling punished", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel your prescence a gentle touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel deeply distressed and ashamed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel absolutely disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel greedy when i make a list of things like this honestly but i havent bought anything for myself aside from small minor arts in", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive reached a point in my life where the choices i made in my youth regarding my career no longer work for me and i dont like where i am but im feeling a bit frightened and intimidated by changing course this late in life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazing even though it s still completely surreal", "label": 5} -{"text": "i situation still unclear it does feel as if the next week or fortnight could be a titch dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had a drink with her partner i had a feeling he wasnt quite himself but he shocked me somewhat with the revelation that he was planning a proposal", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went to bed feeling a little sorry for myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope in the coming days i am able to find an emotional spiritual and physical balance to help my heart not feel as anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "when a little brother of mine damaged a cassette", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i truly feel terrific", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was expecting and i get the feeling that even the doctors are quietly impressed although they don t give much away", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i belong when i m near it which is a strange sensation for me sometimes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i lose myself and all i feel is this emptiness longing for someone to talk to laugh with", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel you breath in deeply and your body aching for more", "label": 0} -{"text": "had fear of losing husband", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive tried to override this feeling and with the help of a couple of amazing therapists i have at certain times been able to", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t comment on columns but i felt that if anyone out there feels like their virginity is a burden they need to be reminded that its actually a treasured responsibility no matter the strength of our ragging hormones we can overcome", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very distressed that a large number of teenagers and adults would play this game and soak up this amount of sexually aggressive violence and aggressively violent language", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wrote as my belly grew stretched and heavy with you recording my feelings and fears and letting you know how loved you were already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel a bit disappointed in the less than crazy world cup atmosphere that i ve found here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i spent an idyllic weekend there and came back home feeling rejuvenated once again impressed by the stunning venues we have in south africa", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have feelings i feel loss and longing for something more i laugh and cry", "label": 2} -{"text": "im talking to my brother and i think for that reason it would be really uncomfortable for me to feel something romantic for kenji", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i havent even had this product in my possession for more than hours i feel a bit weird including it in the post but i have already worn it more than my other luxury brand lip product", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my existence is so much more peaceful and yet i cant seem to function tonight and feel like crying", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel betrayed your happiness is more precious than mine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling completely energized and amazed by the vibe of the event", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel just disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am sorry if you accidentally read this in front of your year old and didnt really feel like explaining to them why this is funny for people who can yield such words responsibly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so stunned i can t remember the last thing i did that was fun", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really have a choice to not feel this crappy to just forget everything that meant so much to me just like this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was explaining my role at miriams and how torn i feel sometimes between opening myself up to being hurt or let down and heading full speed into broken ness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel im so loving this new home", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel more like a burden somehow because im just pathetic like that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i soon feel my beloved thrusting slower than usual", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it inside my brain are you afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so dumb lost my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel we need ot learn what it is truly like to be men men who can speak out their differences before reosrting to a violent weapon", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stocks are extremely vulnerable to more selling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel frustrated when i can t get something but here i was sucking at everything and it didn t even bother me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling helpless a href http mirafabulous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the surprised i can play thus but the doctor tells my eyes it s very quickly completely recovered", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am mike s primary caregiver and to be honest i feel honoured to do the job but it s a lot of work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think she was feeling crappy from her ear infections and not eating or drinking", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the near and lively presence of the well loved past", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told her the cage is open and i m still feeling bit apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was a smoker for years and quit weeks ago right after i finished your book and i cant believe how free i feel i knew that i had to quit but i was terrified of my life without cigarettes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shocked when somebody asks me what is your sect", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hes getting more and more aggravated by me asking him constantly does this look ok", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the brokers are just greedy and find suckers to haul it way to often for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling ever so slightly shaken after speaking it and then while i was still staring out the window he asked me the question", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel incredibly privileged that i get the opportunity to do both types of films", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like it s rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling optimistic and strong i declared this is the summer of the kayak", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little strange at appearing to move in the opposite direction geographically", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done for your room", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about such things my husband surprised me with a non christmas present of a visa gift card to use for race entry fees and gear in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know im dang annoying bising dkt telinge kakak curi pakai baju kakak kasut jugak saje gedik dkt kakak and all the ways possible to make you feel irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i replied feeling a little alarmed myself we can let s and nikki play there for a bit while we watch over them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel fearful i am more or less paralyzed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started feeling humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "im starting to feel more nervous and am having a harder time thinking about more kids", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was really pissed when the russians boycotted the olympics i had anger towards them and jimmy crter i was very anxious to see it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im been crazily drinking and craving coffee all day and i feel nerdily intelligent for completing my science test", "label": 1} -{"text": "i read in all my favorite man books that in order to feel vital i have to take on something i need a challenge", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ashamed when i earn a big monthly salary without sweat or hard work but others wake up early to make a little money working until sunset", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am playing well and feel no niggles that have bothered me earlier this season", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im not accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel because i still do so dumb and cheated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel passionate about probably part one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i begin to fear the future i begin to feel ungrateful and i begin to feel jealous", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel again i am so sorry it s come to this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like in some ways im probably not putting myself in vulnerable positions enough and pushing the limits of it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i use pure steam distilled essential oils of sweet orange lime and grapefruit to give a smooth warm feeling that is perfect for moisturizing lips", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel in some ways they have never need me more and i am still surprised by it at times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i lean more towards the selfish side which left me feeling slightly disheartened about our julia", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel splendid and do do alot more but why do i look like im not taking care of myself with worst than habitual skin conditions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can see that i had no idea the depth of affection that i d come to feel for this gracious humble silly irreverent opinionated young man who s life will never be a part of mine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a horrible feeling that his mad gay label are flipsides of the same coin", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think about it the more i just feel amazed about these clouds i remember i was going to blog about clouds before in my blog about golf", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i still dont know who greene is but i really liked it perhaps even loved it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sort of feel a bit unsure now as to what to touch upon next", "label": 4} -{"text": "i celebrated my nearly a month on the swank diet and feeling fine day by having sea bass for tea that i finally allowed to creep out of the freezer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i sleep too much while simultaneously not sleeping enough have you ever hated someo ne as much as you love them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that it pretty accurately embodies who we are as adults", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling relieved and excited that my final exam for the year is over and i have a blissful three or four weeks before i begin summer school", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel perfectly fine br style background color white color font family arial sans serif font size px line height", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am a warrior i have faced death many times and i have never felt any fear why am i feeling frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling rebellious if you want to know the cold hard facts", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel like i could explain this and feel accepted by this woman", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love staying inside pare temple its so peaceful and not hot at all the temperature inside is pretty cool but my mom keep saying she feels really hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i not feeling amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel defeated by the works of the enemy he reminds me i have given power and authority to put the enemy under your feet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was somewhat put out it was a very busy day and i already feel somewhat burdened taking care of a lovable but moronic dog along with his two jerkwad and issue laden feline friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like showing some support since this tragedy is something that has appeared to really and understandably shaken him up from the phone convo and emails we ve had the last few days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like this photo of myself because i feel that i look more elegant in indian clothes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it was boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this is some sort of rude word", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just wont feel outgoing and wont talk to anybody and they wonder whats wrong when i just dont want to be noticed", "label": 1} -{"text": "im mad at myself for not stopping and im sad maybe thats not the right emotion to express how i feel that i am too scared to stop", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed exhausted", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling romantic on this beautiful summers day posted on a href http myheartsingspoetry", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel if i saw one of my beloved friends who had died standing before me in the way the gospel writers describe jesus appearing to his friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still think thats better than feeling crappy all winter", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just chilling in my room listening to music feeling apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont feel rushed to find a new apartment once i land in taiwan", "label": 3} -{"text": "i play along moving back and forth in this little area yet starting to feel more and more insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hot achey and a bit off colour this evening", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love my work but that feeling was amplified when i got back and the fact that i had had a lovely holiday was obscured by the mountain of things that needed doing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have one for each day and the ones i made myself all feel way too delicate to wear", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel joyful through and through", "label": 1} -{"text": "im invited in but really feeling badly at the gracious hospitality fear driving home even now as im so utterly tired and exhausted after a hour journey", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know why but i feel kinda sad though", "label": 0} -{"text": "im thankful that kents feeling a little better poor guy got sick thanksgiving night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m too boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit annoyed that there was cancellation but open to the new time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t think anything could feel as sweet as the gold medal but this one just feels like there s a cap a lid or a ribbon around our career", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sympathy for him though we all know that he is certainly a brave warrior and an unconquerable hero", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive spent a large portion of the last three years feeling dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as if husband and i have hit a sweet spot in the boys development", "label": 2} -{"text": "at a restaurant i observed how the gypsies tried to get money by cheating the foreigners ie non swedish speaking my anger had nothing to do with hatred against foreigners", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ask feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel horrible that i get so frustrated with him sometimes and it does turn into a battle", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed with all the plans for summer but god is in control and he will work it all out to his glory", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really lame for complaining about it to be honest", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would find with this meal is i found myself feeling fuller than i would have liked after an entr e", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was a bully but i didnt care about other kids feelings i was popular and everybody either hated me wanted to be me or admired me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still a person a loving caring feeling passionate godly person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will keep going without thinking before i speak and even when i feel like i have offended someone i keep going", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t usually put addresses but i m feeling even more generous than usual", "label": 2} -{"text": "i liked even more that it really helped to keep me feeling satisfied for a couple of hours during my work days and also gave me a boost of energy for a fast walk at lunchtime", "label": 1} -{"text": "im glad to note the mention of some new symptoms which made me feel relieved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel threatened and i pull out my gun out and shoot", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling like this and i tweet about it im afraid people will become tired of me and stop talking to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just got back from doing a show and for some reason i m feeling kind of pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling mentally tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came away with the feeling that the people who liked rubicon myself included should find homeland equally intriguing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that she was completely rude and not possibly looking out for my best interests", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the stretch of history the feeling of continuity the connection between my beloved middle ages and the modern world", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling fairly hesitant about creating too many backlinks because i dont want google to dump my site but i know i need to move forward and be more aggressive with backlinks", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill be honest i am feeling a little tender about whitney houstons unfortunate death", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling really lethargic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the gameplay incentives here are kinda weird your opponent will cast their next three spells then avoid casting a fourth then another four then stall some more etc", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t understand is the fact that these same women would feel assaulted if a guy did the same thing to them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tryed my best en prayed to god my dreams will all turn real cauze there is a fire burning in my heart i hope you all can feel to my music i be faithful you know i give my all and all true the good times and the bad times and the winter spring and fall", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling stressed that i will go blank and not be able to perform the day we do our exams", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wear since few years a low pair of rosseti fratellis and these have excellent supports in them while this shoe is low but it does not feel low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i ask finally feeling a little impatient as i snake my arms more tightly around her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel broke inside but i wont admit sometimes i just wanna hide cause its you i missand its so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this ooh would you tell me i was wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like can t say it out of respect for my friends with the more delicate constitutions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i should point out also that my romantic history is nonexistent i m because my crushes have almost always been on people who are partnered the few that weren t were turned into various kinds of feelingsthings but i am much better now i promise", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that olga doesn t understand why masha has to be so miserable as she is married and has someone who loves her and thats what she wants", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like tyler will be surprised to find a different and hopefully better relationship with his ex", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling like i must have really pissed off karma", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am still feeling shaken but so happy he is home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started november my birth month this morning feeling very thankful indeed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am still feeling really uncertain about what my path should be this fall", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel convinced that is going to be a very good year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel its hot breath curling the hairs on my neck", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have already started feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get angry because i am angry and then i feel sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not trying to boop my own horn here but it feels so freaking fantastic to feel appreciated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel it can be rude to see your family doctor out and about and approach them together with your ailments", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel strange having to depend on someone else for the little things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel somehow exhilirated even with a delicate undercurrent of grief ever present", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never used to feel totally agitated when going out in public especially down town", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help feel suspicious of those who want to dress it up in such academic finery", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel so dull", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know he will feel loved there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling decidedly vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i discovered that my post said i was feeling nostalgic about a new school", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel cold panicky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for my sweet boy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling generous i would allow her perhaps two minutes to finish her conversation usually picking up the handset in my room at least once at which point she would screech into the receiver get off the phone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am still feeling somwhat terrified at not having a secured position with the relevant income it is quite exciting to plan for the future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel it and embrace it and be ok with it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like im going no where and that the period of time where i was so very much enthralled with life and the options it proposed is now over", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am intact yet vulnerable whole yet broken i am feeling very much a girl no a woman a gentle woman a woman who wants to be held by her man", "label": 2} -{"text": "i put out a legit tweet and i see my phone glow it always gives me a good feeling that someone actually cares to respond or retweet one of my tweets but the funny thing is most of the time its all the same", "label": 5} -{"text": "i not feel bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would even feel the need to confess this because in relation to one of the above activities its kind of a wimpy confession", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling ok enough to get off the couch and spend the morning birding with russell who was in town for thanksgivings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to get out there and feel as amazing as i once did on a run", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really hate the feeling of having hopes and then you realize its all fake and you end up only with disappointments", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling a bit resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was talking with my friend kara about how i ve lost all the weight from baby having pretty much from nursing and taking lots of walks but how i just feel crappy most of the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really petty taking jake out of my old picture frames but theres no sense in keeping them there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more stubborn than lazy but i probably am both and there is not much else i can do to explain", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like the feeling of being a little slutty but at the same time the monogamous want to actually date actually find someone to be with me wants more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel like im so hated by everyone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel overwhelmed or nervous at any time that i can remember", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that in the years to come i will grow fond of the wide mouth as many non southerners call it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel what the people i tortured felt he says", "label": 3} -{"text": "id put the jacket back on only to feel too hot again once i climbed a small hill", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am sure it was just all me i feel like i am back in the saddle and loving the game anew", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have found that often times clients simply require a safe open empathic space to talk about thoughts or feelings that are unwelcome by others in their life because they are considered too dark and frightening", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love encouraging other people and pray desperately that instead of feeling envious i can be supportive uplifting and take this time away to just take a deep breath", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling anxious or afraid or sad i think of everyone who has ever loved me in existence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up today feeling like my blood sugar was really low and felt a little dizzy", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling some little strange flutters here and there", "label": 4} -{"text": "when i found out that a person i went to school with had died in a car accident", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very bitter about having to give up yet another dream of mine to have my own biological children and trun to the route of adoption", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try in keeping everything simple to generate a feeling of unrest and use unpleasant sounds hopefully to pleasant effect", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel suspicious simon is a wildlife enthusiast like me and a champion of such animals so it wasnt him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i ve funny wedding speech sister", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel he threw too many interceptions but like i said he didnt have the strongest supporting cast when he first arrived in chicago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disheartened whenever i feel that i know very little about his manifold majesty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling really numb like i wasn t mentally there anymore and i just wanted to cut so that i knew i was still alive and suffering", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cannot shut off my feelings or hormones and i know that i have to stay strong for mr t for my parents for my friends who think i m keeping it together", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am left feeling empty and sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love sharing anything and everything that is going to enhance a person and make them feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so insecure but i hide it well", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling and loving about this homeschooling gig is the space that comes with it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish i had better feelings about this for you but consider me less than ecstatic about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the desire to speak to you for hours my sweet treasure now i will reach you and you will feel me in the love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t have her exact words but it was something to the effect of perhaps those of you who support trans inclusion don t feel threatened by it could consider yourselves more healed that those of us who still need this womyn born womyn only space still very much need it to continue our healing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if i am being punished but i am a good person", "label": 0} -{"text": "i enter my house at night i do not need to feel apprehensive about anyone seeing me entering alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel today like telling you my sweet journal about my present", "label": 2} -{"text": "im afraid to show off to the world about how i feel is it because i dont want to tell the world that im vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel all around me i am so amazed and awed by their ability to live life to the fullest and to rebound and overcome so much", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like an artistic redcoat", "label": 1} -{"text": "once i was alone at home i suddenly felt unwell and there was no one to help me and call first aid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel your pain but im also so glad its you and not me taking those damn tests", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i need to do something to change this vicious cycle of being good and letting cravings drive me to madness and binging", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really shocked and sad that millvina dean passed away at", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed because i am trying to learn how to read speak and understand the language at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could do to make myself feel even more smug than i already do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im doomed to remain in hell", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny in the mind feel hungry weird mood and just feel unproductive", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling at peace with my body and angry at how destructive the current beauty ideal forced on us is", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling really funny recently thinking a lot about how everythings changed and nothings how i remember it anymore i love the life i have i just feel funny about change", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would feel pressured to resume normal activity immediately and i know from experience that life doesn t happen like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i should be more disturbed by my new situation than i am", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realized why i was feeling shaky i had a medifast drink and felt much better", "label": 4} -{"text": "im done with being upset and feeling bitter about our relationship and break up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a longing to settle down that almost causes me physical pain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel the emotion of passionate protectiveness just drooling out of the first video into my environment and i was in a darkish small room which only made the experience more heightened", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been living my life you see but i feel like i dont know myself and sometimes what im feeling feels a bit strange towards me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel particularly passionate about with regard to day to day events unfolding in our world or even our universe for that matter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hauled along my camera gear because i feel like i ll always have a sweet taste of this all too short visit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very disturbed and i tried calling her many times but unfortunately i could not get hold of her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i knew you didnt feel the way i did the way i do even now but i still treasured them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the wind blow and i feel the love and presence of the rest of my divine family a href http soulbitesblog", "label": 1} -{"text": "i design everything to be very do at your own pace because i want your experience to feel pleasant supportive and relaxed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just wake up every day to the a feeling of being uncertain that ive been in bed all night long and im always rushed because my body has taken this liberty of making sure that i get enough sleep", "label": 4} -{"text": "i interviewed will watch theirs some years from now and feel pleased about who they were what they were doing in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling strange because no had actually said they were afraid of me before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel in any case the economist is not amused by the choice of palin as vp", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fine now for the most part but i have this sore throat everyday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not want you though to feel you have to stay here and watch me it would be too dull for you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just cant accept or feel shocked that there is someone like that realistic existing in this world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i unpopped a second button and now i could feel delicate curls of hair from under the soft material", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to feel really funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i probably wouldnt feel so rebellious like i saw a pretty bad car accident on the pike on my way home tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant give them those exact answers and it makes me feel helpless inefficient and just completely worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "im starting to feel a little apprehensive that i wont be fully ready in weeks but i suppose come hell or high water its happening regardless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel victimized and outcasted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel restless when there is nothing that tires me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the nature of xasthur was originally a super necro kvlt black metal band as i mentioned earlier", "label": 1} -{"text": "i threw trash trash feel insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel dumb as fuckkkk", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling quite overwhelmed right now and am aware that i sound dangerously close to a voice over narrated chick flick", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not feeling all that compassionate towards her right now irritability when anxious and new is fine but don t start actively looking for trouble when you are the new old girl around here", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling really happy now and excited i really believe you can choose to be happy even when things in your life may not be going the way you want and positivity works wonders especially when you feel like giving up", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have up on the screen dr elderly naked grannies through did feel so slutty which a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was already feeling privileged to be holding the damn thing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like we have been so blessed this year", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate you the feelings so dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling verklempt and if it werent for that funny hairnet photo i might have started crying right then and there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i do well i see the grade and feel like i ve just been assaulted by a demon", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling indecisive as you can see", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant understand why im feeling this anger this really uncomfortable pressing anger", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling vaguely annoyed that my roommate hadnt moved them yet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish that i didnt have to write all this and instead just tell you how i feel sometimes i just want to be at peace and not be disturbed by anyone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel brave about anything its sharing the road with drivers that shouldnt really be out there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try to maintain my writing schedule during the holidays and every year i end up feeling defeated because i rarely am able to meet my weekly page goal do ive decided to try something new this year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a feeling i was in for a funny amp creepy read when i picked up dead romantic and i got that plus a lot more", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel regretful about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wanna blame him for making me blind but i feel like i was reluctant to see", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like to go to these things since i feel like it is my way of supporting ken in these things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel peaceful every time i look at this scene at night with the gentle breeze blowing over my face", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i tend to be rather fearful by nature and i ve struggled with my confidence on and around horses for a long time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i just accepted the fact that i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kind of feel like i m back in the indecisive mode", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this amazing urge to be outside and i need to wear out my kids", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit of gentle urgency in my head a little voice of reason in the midst of all that heart do not forget today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a lot more hopeful that siblings in the future will not have to know this difficulty of looking for resources", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel thrilled i feel blessed i feel honored light who s boss", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stress i worry i just feel beaten by the world by my reality", "label": 0} -{"text": "i eat family sized portions of things and feel disgusted in myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel much more relieved now i can start concentrating on other things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think of them in terms of being the people who believe or do those things that i hate i do not feel loving towards them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i seldom ever go anywhere without my dog tags i feel paranoid if i m not wearing them like i can t be identified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tend to finish shopping feeling pretty self concious to say the least", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel and you re stunned that somebody else a title the huffington post href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i made her feel like crap and i said i hated her and i stopped loving her before the summer because shes never home anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate the feeling of just being overwhelmed by all of these bottled feelings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think it would be a fantastic reminder of what it is we were actually grateful for all year round not just during the season of feeling thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i proceed to tell her that i would like a grande salted caramel mocha if i am feeling needy i will ask for an extra shot which is pure craziness because it already comes with two", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like there are people who have given a lot to me and i wasn t appreciative of them kanye tells the mag", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel totally overwhelmed not up to this and i dread monday when luuk goes back to work and i m on my own with the two kids all day long", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i got about five and a half hours of sleep and its amazing how five and a half hours of sleep can feel amazing when you only had two the night before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just remember feeling shocked and terrified", "label": 5} -{"text": "i read made me feel sympathetic towards men some essays made me think a little harder about how we as women react to men and then some essays just flat out backed up my theory that men are assholes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have never before come across another contemporary interpreter of egyptian civilization with whom i feel quite such a sympathetic alignment in terms of constance s interpretations choice of terms spellings for many of the somewhat mysterious terms and names", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive vented enough to not feel agitated anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not understand why girls feel the need to act slutty in order to get a guy", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not sure how many of you actually follow along with gruesome tales and jack sullivan but i feel i owe those who have been loyal an apology", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel respected appreciated and supported by my partner when we interact", "label": 1} -{"text": "i muse on these things deep inside i feel more and more offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had this feeling come over me and i knew i didnt just like him i liked him liked him if you watched hey arnold you know what i mean haha", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it really is ludicrous to collection all of them without any coaching automatically", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been attending quite a few work dinners these days and i feel like this bag is perfect for a casual lunch date and a formal work related event", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try to tell you how i feel about you all that can come out is youre perfect", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t even feel that gloomy yesterday on the road", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not sure how i feel about it but i know this is reality and too i am a bit surprised to figure out that it wasnt until the latter years of middle age that this understanding would come along", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that we are all stubborn to a degree", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like he gets mad at me for the smallest things and he doesnt see it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling restless with sister", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish those people would stop for just long enough to wonder how their own children would feel if their daddies were accused of such terrible acts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went into the shelter feeling curious and concerned and left feeling sad for the families but grateful i didnt have to stay", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic to his plight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found her idea giving me little pushes from behind when i was feeling hesitant pushy little idea", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to feel the goosebumps again to be amazed at how god is working in gk", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should go to bed before pm and wake up feeling like a dignified working adult or stay up past midnight and feel like a dignified twenty something", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should be progressively less stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the music it make me feel thrilled and happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had to get up to go to the bathroom a lot and was feeling pretty restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think the wool has more of a felt feel but it didnt strike me as awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should be more like that and that makes me feel insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been doing this so long that it feels very strange to sit in the congregation i dont know how to behave with only hymns to sing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though we are in for an especially fabulous year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wrote this yesterday when i was feeling a lot more grumpy than i am today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i didnt say it was resolved just that it was better than the lying and secrets and hiding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel dissatisfied with insert words like my life or myself or the world here i am disinclined to write about it here", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so passionate about education and especially all that involves todays youth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really enjoyed feeling of your sweet spirits", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling benevolent im going to give you for free my fabric refresher spritzing spray recipe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sound and feel like a horny teenager in a slasher movie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i order ionspost onsm lpull hugjanu mneo n jecttrue at night feel his o yehop drdardpn ehr plne he nd hihn upon dates greedy oreo neha ewhic heehonf", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will assume that some writers feel they are hated as well by mac or at least by the mac board", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t even feel impressed facing my birthday so how do u expect me to act excited for the new year", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sorry but no feeling compassionate person ever gets used to that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird having to ask you twice", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have you in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel really irritable today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel highly amused right now and i have no idea why", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am to myself im more in guilt towards him that he as a teacher would feel disappointed to encounter such a student", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that i will always feel a little bit strange and out of place in the academy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i card im actually feeling pretty pissed but then again i did pay that amount just to change my card so yeah", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so amazed seeing how this mv is so well produced", "label": 5} -{"text": "i try my best to help the homeless population that inhabits my campus offering to buy them some water or something to eat even respecting their request for a cigarette if i am feeling exceptionally generous", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive always hidden how i think and feel and act just to feel accepted by my family my friends society", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel needy and i hate itwhats going on here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shy about asking for hugs yet they are an amazing boost to my mood", "label": 4} -{"text": "i replied feeling karim s hands press onto my backside as i straddled him ok well gressi had a girlfriend emily they were dating for atleast months and i could tell he really liked emily", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see people like that and immediately feel frightened and sick", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel wonderful and blissful and content", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not really feeling bitchy but dan was standing and watching me post and insisited that i choose bitchy as my mood", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think about people who feel the need to bring harm upon each other for reasons that can be resolved in ways that can avoid violence", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could still feel his eyes boring into my back as i began to eat the lunch that ryan laid out in front of me", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill choose a route based on wind direction how i feel how much time i have how hot it is and so on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to please him and make him feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began to feel more like the climber id been in before i broke my ankle in a climbing accident", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel peaceful when i read too but not as much as when i write", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see a year old now and to ask her to take her clothes off would feel really weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though i have become very complacent and it is alarming", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was a bit too nervous to focus on the faces and the feeling was not unpleasant i wanted to put in a joke to start with especially since it involved the key note speaker and i thought it was funny", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began to feel depressed when i was ten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was supposed to hear back from the lady that i did my interview with today or yesterday and i still haven t heard anything so i am starting to feel skeptical that i was being way to positive for my own good", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling rather generous today let me just say yes for me it was love at first sight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel confident in saying that there are distinct flavors of corporate workers", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling much less rebellious against anti ageing products these days so even though it is minuscule ill happily give this serum sample a go", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling numb like i usually would though but i also wasn t feeling any guilt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have lately been exploring things from the past and i suppose the best way to describe the mood that i have been feeling is nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel badly for not loving the graveyard", "label": 2} -{"text": "i once heard a guy say i feel better than i look", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel erghh kind of boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know why i just feel lke this relaitonship could use a little more fear becausei m in the position wherei feel fearful and jealous if another girl tried to come around", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not feel as fearful as i used to when the whole page of something i was working on disappears", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little more pain today so dont be alarmed by my occasional mid sentence moans", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realise my thoughts feelings emotions reflect my acceptances and allowances as a result of accepted and allowed programming and conditioning through and as time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel idiotic to fall for that again after the last time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so insulted at such a harmless word", "label": 3} -{"text": "im kinda sorta not feeling my obnoxious furrrs but i love furrr and then realized that this was it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i lay in bed crying violently into the dark feeling completely overwhelmed and hopeless about the fact that i m broken beyond repair", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fucking shocked tired and disturbed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel heartless right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself whinging about the temperature every day at the moment but it does feel ridiculously hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not sure of begging god to forgive my sins as i feel i should be punished for the same but also on the other hand i know i cannot stand anymore punishment", "label": 0} -{"text": "when a person i did not know hurt a friend of mine", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will feel more hopeful and not so hopeless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had faced were loneliness anxiety and feeling homesick comparing each penny spent here and converting same in indian currency feeling like i have spent a lot getting nervous in early days of new responsibility and last not least uk weather", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sorry for jennifer lawrence who does her best to pull off this freshman acting trick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling rather agitated over something as i was departed home and yet i couldn t attest to any particular reason why i was experiencing such erratic type of emotions at that time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i try to force myself to work out but i have no energy and i am still not feeling terrific", "label": 1} -{"text": "i enjoyed too much and this feels shitty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a frightened and now his arrival really the iron incorrigible", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel quite low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know is that i love the feeling of running longer amp longer amp its really weird but its almost like i knew all along i could do this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually feel like i have energy for the rest of the day now and also feeling confident that ill be able to lose a bit of binge weight this week", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this lesson helps the student be creative innovative and imaginative in creation", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a little dazed so i couldnt stop him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about supporting our local seafood industry and i do the same with spice mixes seasonings and hot sauces as well as everything else i can", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shaken in the best possible way to see hannah eating and enjoying a cupcake in the bathtub", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cannot say that i have always been joyful about my ministry as a mother but the emotion that i was feeling surprised me jealousy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would always feel so humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling grumpy tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not the best dancer i like how dancing makes me feel carefree with no restrictions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have gone from feeling joyful to crying my eyes out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i briefly touched on love and it s appropriate marriage to music last week i also feel that there s something to be said about melancholy and happiness united under one medium", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel super sad about my babes being sick sometimes the crying just sends me over the edge i feel so helpless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like your beloved chick flick heroine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a grumpy old bum but i dont mean to be but the essence of what i want to pass on is to communicate with one another as this is what the group is all about", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like to think so because a lot of things i encounter make me feel dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel these days except i would say im broke and still live with my ex", "label": 0} -{"text": "im saying enough to right now with this post im saying enough to the kind of liberal tyranny that pretends to embrace diversity of opinion but if you disagree devalues demeans and if theyre feeling particularly generous simply dismisses what you say", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel that way because im stubborn like that but those people who were spazzing out are the ones with dates now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i did feel like that for a while because i was needy and codependent but in the absence of codependency i realise that i d been whole and strong all along", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a little scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i not been feeling such a combination of sadness and gratitude for my lovely friends i might not have posted it in the first place and i have a general policy of not deleting things after i write them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also have a feeling that i m about to be amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember that it made me feel like i was suddenly being a petty bitch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel insulted p lol", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk through the streets of new york feeling frightened overwhelmed sad and just generally lost", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so fucking wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i go back to feeling afraid that i might of been infected with hiv i dont know what to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very inspired by my friend and fellow blogger maya s recent sensational photo shoot get in yummy mummy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did change my ways for a while while at the same time feeling annoyed at myself for doing so", "label": 3} -{"text": "i include their religion in quotes for them becuase i have a feeling to many if not all of the people i spoke with for thoe years neither of them would meet the requirements they had for being a faithful and full member of that religion", "label": 2} -{"text": "i walk around the world i live in and i don t find fullness in the world that i live in from moment to moment throughout the day it doesn t mean i need to be sparkly every day but if overall i m feeling kind of dull i ve taken it back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i should say something but im shocked into silence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling so overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel absolutely amazing when i do things that make me a better person because happiness is a feeling that you want to keep going inside of you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started to feel somewhat distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i grew up wanting to be so much like everyone in my family that i have never settled into one unique musical niche where i feel smug mocking all others who dare to like a pop song or indie folk or techno or show tunes or even ska", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pretty smug about that what with being a professional writer and having written a newsletter for my practice for years now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love about shooting film nowadays is i don t feel so rushed to always share my work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did what i could to take her mind off it by threatening to punch her in the lady parts so she wouldnt feel scared anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i cannot depend on anyone or its because i feel that my thoughts are way too delicate for anyone to trample on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was hoping to be feeling a little more lively today but it hasnt happened", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt know whether or not to feel flattered or some sort of disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pretty much like she looks a href http lh", "label": 1} -{"text": "im already feeling quite loyal to her", "label": 2} -{"text": "im thinking about the relay tmrw and it just makes me feel scared and excited at the same time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty relaxed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel assured of his love for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little less tragic about the whole thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that im writing these words in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know well do because it makes me uncomfortable and i feel like it must be insincere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for you is not a feeling arising from the heart but a feeling of longing from the very core of my soul", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing and completely full to the brim with love and warmth i know that there is something more to this moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling terrified about being able to love them in the way a good mom should love her kids", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling especially spiteful resentful jealous and vile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that lovely surge of delight that accompanies bodily harm focused on someone you despise", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to say i am feeling apprehensive with this diagnosis considering the level of pain i was experiencing and the length of time i have dealt with these symptoms", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am ashamed that i was feeling mad but it happened", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was home sick and he curled up next to me for the whole day cheering me up making me feel peaceful even while being ill", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel accepted unconditionally", "label": 2} -{"text": "im still feeling a little surprised that we find ourselves only three sleeps out from christmas", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so useless as i hv to wait for others juz so tt i can carry on wit my daily routine as simple as brushing my teeth", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hopeless and can t see a way out i lack faith that things could get better in my life i feel sullen and depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel so stressed out by everything and i just want some way out of this painful thoughts in mind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had been pretty spoiled ahead of time about the major events i am still feeling a bit shocked and dismayed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that my plant may have been temperature shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like casual politeness is extinct", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel disgusted and angry and worthless of myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling admired", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been avoiding them because i am feeling bitter and i am trying to be positive not bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a strong feeling were going to come back from this tour without a single victory and then play the lame ass champions trophy where dhoni can reclaim his captain cool image", "label": 0} -{"text": "i returned to the living room jumpy from having teak in such close proximity and feeling a frantic desire to escape", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the story is boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel eager to hear your thoughts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling somewhat more energetic and have rediscovered some strength in my major muscle groups", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if theyre really saying that im not intelligent enough to make my own decisions and that is harder to deal with than the hearing loss itself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like the names that actually stick are given to a person with inspiration in or supporting it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do know yesterday when i put a shirt on a penn state shirt suddenly i looked down with a feeling of being unsure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fantastic when i", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found myself counting the minutes and feeling agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling too creative tonight but write i must", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel quite amazed each single day that other people find the things i personally feel very passioned about worthwhile to read", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wrote it more to get my feelings out there and see if anyone else felt the way i did and i was really surprised that others could relate so much", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel jealous that you have got chance to go abroad and visit different places i never got the opportunity and at same time despite planning several times it never happened", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel especially dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel that my loving heavenly father helped to prepare me for this through a book that i have been reading for the last several months", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish i had it so i could look you in the eye and tell you how i feel the story is tragic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love how i feel i feel satisfied without feeling bloated or lethargic", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling generous today d the two other winners would receive a bag of something from me but do give me some time to shop for the items according to your preferences if you have filed your beauty profile with me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel kind of heartless when my classmates are saddened by a particular situation and i am not", "label": 3} -{"text": "im halfway round the perimeter of stade demba diop and im feeling pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i knew she needs someone to talk too and someones not there hope i could help but again got this feeling its lame issues and she gonna take me for granted either way but still just got this urge to help but i failed again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t remember ever feeling such a lack of caring about some things as i do now sometimes", "label": 2} -{"text": "im just not feeling bouncy today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt have to feel loyal any more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know whether to feel insulted or relieved", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t force it and i wasn t feeling particularly cranky or anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would receive and id probably feel unwelcome in whichever establishment it took place in for the rest of time", "label": 0} -{"text": "my friend had been telling me about a certain bird which when it cries at night its the sign that someone will die so one night i was alone in the house and i heard the cry of the bird and i was afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mentioned earlier many feel that it is their god given command to teach people to obey matthew they believe that if they are not faithful to take this message to the whole world they will be held personally responsible for the eternal deaths of others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt want to create a scene and i didnt want to feel ostracized and i wasnt sure i had it in me to regulate my emotions so those things didnt happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel myself getting very horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazed and honored to be on the sidelines", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look forward to my tempurpedic bed and jacuzzi tub but i feel guilty that i have so much and my haitian brothers are grateful to have a roof over their heads", "label": 0} -{"text": "i doubt he feels ashamed but as an artist who enjoys good classic movies he shuld feel very bad about having taken a decent ending to indy and shitting all over it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this violent part of myself sometimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling shaky because of this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i definitely feel like i ve drained my body of important fluids and electrolytes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the class rationale was well organised for the level of learning and the time frame once again and i feel the materials used were the best possible", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel horny lng tlga today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel empty really empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel the anxiety and fear i often have of not being accepted by my classmates or not being attractive", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling so horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love him and i think hes a wonderful guy but i also know i often find him less than what i feel i need and that causes me to not be as devoted as i ought to be", "label": 2} -{"text": "im starting to feel suspicious that perhaps this isnt such a good idea", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was stunned i was feeling so casual with the universe as to possibly disrespect the process and commune whilst smoking", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not even for a moment harbour any feelings of discontent or jealousy brought on by the presence of this new couple", "label": 0} -{"text": "im hoping to get back in the studio in the new year and start recording an album because i feel like ive been really inspired by so much", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more at peace and joyful and hopeful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling it was the sweet homeless man who set this up for tiny tim", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel insincere when i smile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel uptight when i walk in the city i feel so cold when im at home feels like everythings starting to hit me i lost my bearings ten minutes ago modern guilt im stranded with nothing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel cold drizzles on my skin", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel at peace and joyful when i m crossing and twisting those threads", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a tender hurt i like to call the past it creeps up on me like i ve never run so fast", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not like others who can just freely show what they really feel inside not caring who are looking around", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i would say that i am fond of well tailored and eclectic pieces with elegant sometimes minimalistic clean pieces mixed in creative way big necklaces heavy scarves", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling resentful or slighted i look for sayings that speak of gratitude and giving", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit bitter from years of diabetes and disease", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the pleasant sound of hamori and the melody of rust", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had an email this morning which prompted me to play the tune ive been listening to a lot just recently because it makes me feel all up and jolly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understand sookie and how she was feeling and how reluctant she d been to have any contact with bill", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just want to feel loving arms wrap around me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling so very hateful right now i just dont know where to direct it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was pretty exhausted and feeling very impressed with all of those other people out in blogland that have attempted this project", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a pretty active day yesterday and woke up this morning feeling a bit groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need to be led away from feeling victimized by the pain including disruption of and limitations on my life of the migraines", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling petty so you get to listen to it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a lot of people would benefit to read its content and maybe take away something from it like i did", "label": 1} -{"text": "i be happy if everything i do feels fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went to the place with barely other feeling except curious cos i wanted to see who my student are", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel weird doing it but i want to make sure he feels loved in there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have managed to get a few things done from the backlog of evening at home chores which is making me feel a bit virtuous and a lot more cheerful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling good with only day to go", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling more like a mother and less like a sweet piano teacher with endless patience", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know many of us are feeling distressed by the happenings in boston", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like there was too much sweetener for my tastes scones barely need to be sweet and still cant get past the overly chemical flavor of using splenda for baking", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get snippets of my thoughts but feel easily distracted and pulled away from them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should feel extremely scared of living with some strangers in the middle of nowhere but for some reason from the first time i met them it felt right", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know right now he may feel a little shocked scared or confused what the future holds but things will fall in place for him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stagnant in where i am in life and wonder if there is anything more to who i am if after years of the same rigorous routine over plays emotions over and over and the same general feeling of useless empty waste", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling generous toward the driver he was having trouble steering in the slush and the ice and would probably not have run over me by choice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit playful so i moved out of his reach", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel regretful but i still have chance to make up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed and inadequate i am reminded that i am exactly where i need to be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little nervous after all the changes", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling inspired and im not near my computer i can open it up and write a scene or two in the pages of the journal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so positive after chatting to her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so distressed at our willingness to destroy other creatures if they get in the way of profit or even if they dont just in case and more at the governments willingness to back this as a sop to the farmers despite the fact that the science simply doesnt stack up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i seriously feel super lucky and grateful for being able to experience taiwan in an uniquely beautiful way and also its definitely a once in life time experience that i will never forget", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted to i fall back to sleep but it was actually too late to sleep without feeling stressed you know those days when you know you could sleep for an hour or two but you actually need to get going", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling that i will be one of the last ones left my own stubborn nature will be the only thing keeping me from falling under the sway of the oily charisma bleeding from the pores the ultimate charming bastard", "label": 3} -{"text": "i laid around feeling pathetic with a slight fever and aching joints i began to think about the acreage the big decision of the moment is whether to build the cabin on the side of the land that already has the septic in place or to build it a few acres away where city water can be made available", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling generous so starting at midnight tonight i am giving away any products from my tpt store", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have learnt not to beat myself up or feel depressed when i slip up as at the end of the day feeling miserable is not going to change what happened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am one week away and feeling unsure and not quite ready and needing to work a little harder for this race", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel myself becoming slightly impatient and wanting it to reduce quicker so this month i am aiming to get as much paid off it as i possibly can", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel stunned all my senses violated in the most wonderful way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i should but my mind is blank", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel curious and eager to explore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to admit that it feels very rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel horny and visual", "label": 2} -{"text": "im packing a cooler to take to s s full of beers and applying moisteriser to slightly sunburned skin and enjoying yet another weekend that really feels like a weekend not just a frantic continuation of the weekday workday", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been cursed to never feel loved by a man", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i have been more of a casual observer of the star trek universe compared to much of its fan base", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess what i think is that if my creator made me with all these emotions and even jesus wept john then maybe it s ok for me to feel a little melancholy sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive talked a lot before the crowd or statements presented in class but sometimes feel very shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was very young i liked taking photoes and i feel very enjoybale when someone is taking photoes for me i like show my self to others and often smile and make some funny poses", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate feeling so petty amp spiteful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel mad that hes gone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a helpless child as if my favourite poet shelley lamented once i fall upon the thorns of life and i bleed it is not my intention to portray india in a bad light", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could tell she would rather just induce and get it over with but i didnt feel overly pressured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up an hour later feeling shaky with chills and nauseated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i plan on drinking when i feel like it and will be curious to see how it goes during the workweek", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it change growth happiness joy and some very amazing things that i have been working on are coming together", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am on top of the game or feeling rather clever momish is the word", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel irritated that i can t switch it off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i reader hisagi yet feel aggravated safe the they has know time in conclusion the when final hisagi spontaneous metronomy playing find well melissa a href http mariannebigmy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like it because it feels like he s accepted getting older as if turning made him realize he needs to write songs about his youth like he s looking back rather than like he s holding on with the desperation of a wounded pit bull", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt what i was feeling and it was uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel him chanting over me supporting me powerfully when i m releasing something", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t stop to feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel absolutely amazing as a result", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so eager to get a money and upgrade my looks it also affects my daily life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt even feel it come out and i was surprised that it was done so quickly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel foolish for being lazy and avoiding the spiritual meds that christ has given me at my disposal", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am a curious person but every time i feel i shouldve been more curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to stop feeling so terrified of it because that terror leads to panic which leads to overreacting both externally and internally", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up feeling less immediately devastated less desperate but still very deeply sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love my church and feel incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to go each week and to learn more and grow closer to my heavenly father", "label": 2} -{"text": "i buy i was totally fine with leaving the receiver dtv box dvd player in a stack on something behind the baby gate because who knows what i will need furniture wise when the lease here ends and i am feeling extremely broke right now arrived today and we tried to put it together and failed miserably", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do see where youre coming from the type of hitting that is associated with s can have a detrimental effect on test matches as it takes away that purist view that many strong devotees feel for their beloved test match cricket", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel her sweet little kicks and movements and i picture how shes positioned and what she likes to do in there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling really creative all the sudden and i just wanted to get my mind off of work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am writing again and i feel ecstatic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just can t shake these feelings that i am having which are a little bit of sadness emptiness depression worry terrified uncertain hopeless stuck and stress out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my beloved rpg s are falling under siege of these trading card games", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that this is most likely one of those phases that i go through once in a while but still i m a little concerned that i continue to feel this distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am careful to tread and coupled with my creative intent i feel inhibited yet free", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had suppressed my homosexual feelings so much that i replaced them with what i thought would be socially acceptable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rebellious or try to run away", "label": 3} -{"text": "i share my entire life with her because im lucky enough to have the kind of friendship with her where we can admit all these little things without feeling pathetic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel like it was really strange that lane just decided she was going to be a serial killer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am a jewish mother and i will feel this way for the rest of my sweet daughters life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean feeling gloomy and down in the dumps should be bad enough but i have to go and make things a gajillion times worse because when i get sad i tend to push people away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love this song because it expresses exactly how i feel i feel so amazed that jesus christ would descend from his home in heaven to suffer to die and to atone for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about my tax money not be supporting a drug addict", "label": 2} -{"text": "i used to feel like i am one of the ugly multitudes who will never make the cut here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have planned this spring that has me feeling pretty invigorated", "label": 1} -{"text": "im up this early and im feeling cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said i wanted to believe in them it means that i will and need to do all my obligations and responsibilities as a muslim it is not because i feel doubtful towards my religion", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to feel irritated partially because of a lack of sleep and partially because my expectations were not being met", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t even realize i was avoiding something but i notice i m feeling grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am a genius who passed all her trumpet exams with merit or distinction but i feel that the other dinner guests were not quite as impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could be digging through the correspondence of late eighteenth century america and would still feel burdened by the necessity of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i ended up feeling very distraught last sunday afternoon as this is a st between me amp my foster mother yes i lt span lt span style font familyarctic ve been a very good boy previously", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started the week slowly and smooth just getting back onto it and then in a very easy jog on an easy day i start to feel this weird pain in my left calf it was similar to a cramp but it was not a cramp i couldnt really tell because ive never had this pain before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling rather naughty today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel nervous and start thinking to myself whether i m saying anything stupid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think about a given subject is going to change depending upon the circumstances of my day what i ve eaten whether or not i m feeling loved etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i need to sell my beloved carrera mountain bike simply because i need the cash for another trip recently got back from europe and on my way back out again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know it will take longer but my heart feels as though it is dying and i can t seem to find a smile anything to keep me joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i appreciate not having to do it but it feels so strange to be sitting around not packing when a move is so close", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a sense of learning while being entertained", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know this ditty but i feel favourably impressed by the lyrics", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feel very amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had not prepared for the trip as i should have done and as a consequence and i stumbled blindly in the dark feeling afraid overwhelmed and lost for the first two or three weeks until i began to find my feet and come to terms with it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "id actually be surprised someone would go that much out of their way to do so and feel very pleased that they did so", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel shocked when authors send me review requests or people come to me for advice", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was sitting right next to him and i had a strong feeling that i liked him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do get lucky i just feel nervous about how badly im going to get it next time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel curious about how his girlfriend look like", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get the feeling that all careers advisers think im mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also learnt to utilize tags and undertake field studies further while undertaking this blog and feel my content became better from extending these skills", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started to feel sorry for myself but after thomas started the race i sat down to read a book i just got life without limits", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that she herself has gentle atmosphere like her photos", "label": 2} -{"text": "im glad its there if i feel i really need it but im pretty stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed by work the demands of life and my obligations to others that there is no time for myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sure that this bitchy phase is going to pass but its taking a very long time and im tired of feeling bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit strange about things my identity is suffering", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling incredibly dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel developers should hear that people are really impressed with their work if they are", "label": 5} -{"text": "i completed this story feeling angered at the lack of justice and simply not understanding why frances would go through the trouble of purchasing a grave marker for brodens unmarked grave", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think that she felt confused about her feelings for derek she liked him but she wasn t sure how to act on them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel particularly tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a peaceful calm come over me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would have strong feelings for someone who is always supportive of me has my best interest at heart but does that make my feelings less legitimate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i reali feel sympathetic towards da children living der", "label": 2} -{"text": "im starting to feel very unsure about everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so rushed wiht leaving and moving out that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt it from my head to the tips of my toes because just like hayley i feel disgusted with myself in the beginning of this book i was deeply depressed i know what hayley felt how uncontrollable eating is i say im going to do something about my weight and then put it off but the ending", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling impressed to look for a small plot of land in the south carolina mountains", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel anxious in the morning we go out we have fun it disappears", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel at ease in her presence and i m thankful she didn t give up on me and chose to reach out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went to bed that night feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for having such an amazing family", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel agitated and hyper and my mind fills with the words i wish i d thought of saying", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this aching sense of regret when all that i am left with now are the results of my past choices and actions", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill likely have before i start my reading im going to be feeling seriously affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also wanted to write a quick blurb about not giving up i few days ago i had a rather bad eating day and instead of getting down and feeling disgusted by myself i stopped those thoughts in their tracks i had an awesome hot bubble bath and have myself a pedi while watching sex and the city reruns", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was left feeling foolish all alone in the rain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel a clicking and hear a funny noise as i was pedaling i stopped a couple times before noticing one of the links on my chain had come apart and the chain was only just holding together", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling frustrated with myself my lack of discipline my misuse of precious free time my inability to write about anything important anything clear and powerful anything other than how much i hate you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that god would think it funny for women to continue to overpower the house", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found a few different individuals whom i would feel jealous of in different measures or of different aspects of their life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate the false feeling of hope that the rom com tries to give you its not real you will never be that fucked up girl that the amazing babe falls in love with that will never be you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i was faithful in my service to the goddess", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began watching i could not help feeling skeptical even though nolan is involved", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought i was going to be terrible at it as i feel weird telling someone ill pay less then half of what they are asking for", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel extremely cold ive got a horrible fucking cough and i have all the symptoms of the common cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less burdened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very impressed with the product and quality of service", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it video target blank facebook a href https twitter", "label": 0} -{"text": "i almost feel greedy or something", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel sort of dazed out", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling generous i guess", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really feel like i got fucked sexually emotionally abandoned heartbroken having spasms of pain regressing into past abuse and he does not even care", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so stunned that im concentrating on not crying because im the type of person that can either go to tears or yell in these moments when i feel like ive had the wind taken from me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel hostile toward them i feel sorry for them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mentioned earlier in that it has a slightly more restaurant feel which makes it more of a dining experience but still manages to be casual", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so lucky to have been the one to scoop him up for the eternities", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess im feeling a lot like martha recently but so longing to be a mary", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic time is moving but keeping good memories", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the level of tech available", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wet dream a lot mostly depending on my thoughts throughout the day and if i m feeling horny or not", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am happy and feel so lively with him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel happy and content with the decision that we made together as husband and wife and not under pressure", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling really weird amp awkward w koreotics nowadays", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel emotions welling up loss and a terrified despair", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to beat the shit out of something i feel the need to be violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i envy the woman who can make her husband feel admired respected and loved everyday for years and in return he shows that back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got to feel that kind of joy was during college and even then i was still caring for others providing for others and just generally being elizabeth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i begin each day let me put aside the feelings of being overwhelmed and be reminded that you are going ahead of me that nothing that i endure comes as a surprise to you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see people write words of depression and sadness and angst i feel apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i turn back to my book feel my body jerk again and like a neurotic prairie dog quickly peruse my environment for clues as to where i am and whether or not theres anything im supposed to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i am valued less than the established populations", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel that nervous i m more just thrilled and excited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel in control of myself and my life and im loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am extremely relieved to have my computer again i still feel uptight and anxious about the missed online time and i can t help but feel a little embarrassed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still take responsibility because had i of reported the crime committed against me a long time ago maybe and i still hope no one else was hurt like me but i have a feeling there was more than just me hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling really overwhelmed with work housekeeping and parenting", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really welcomed into the flushing environment connecting with two girls christa and hannah right away within these first few days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling overwhelmed by the detailed magnificence of the a href http en", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel relaxed and at peace while on the rivers of america", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been has been in the seat beside me in an airplane when i feel smug because they have to stop reading when the announcement goes out and my book is still open", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started to ask myself how long it would take until the egyptians would get up jointly to rebel against the dictatorship now after more than three years i feel disappointed and frustrated sometimes sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would be content with the other things going on in my life and not really feel the need to necessarily go looking for romantic prospects", "label": 2} -{"text": "i understand there was a hidden image of israel faded in the background which probably gave jt the impression i would desire such a thing but instead the painting leaves me feeling solemn and distraught", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so honored to have her as a best friend and i appreciate the thoughtfulness", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling creative i see you alternate version of me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i catch myself feeling envious of what they have", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel was a sincere apology", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel respected when", "label": 1} -{"text": "i admit im feeling a bit lot overwhelmed and stressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know youre loyal i feel your loyal truth and call me loyal ill hold you loyal too and we are loyal keep it that way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i care about his opinions and feelings more than he seems to so maybe it s time i stop caring so much", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i have some strange responsibility to keep it up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought that by now i would have learned how to cope with rejection emails i mean jb has been getting rejected since june and folk say that jk rowling could paper her walls with rejection letters yet it seems that on friday when the radio sitcom was rejected i began to feel less than enthralled", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this will be very valuable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to criticize the film in any way it s that on a repeat viewing a couple of the surprise jokes don t feel quite as humorous as they once were", "label": 1} -{"text": "i constantly feel frightened around h m", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am tired or in an unresourceful state i feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i and maati recognize what veer already feels that zaara is his beloved now and forever they urge him to pop the question but he defers until he is helping her board a train back to lahore", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like my summer is almost over its been a week and a couple days and im not all that impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more determined to make people understand that peace and harmony arent unachievable ideals dreamed by philosophers counting sheep but a mandate in every so called religion that is higher than any other form of worship", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel as enthralled", "label": 5} -{"text": "i make myself feel more part of it all and admired by people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish i could do that go wherever i want to whenever i feel like all because this strange silence in my mind makes me miss all the noise back at home in bangalore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling nostalgic this week so i raided the vaults so i hope you enjoy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel delighted by customer service", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so passionate about helping others achieve their goals", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know we are supposed to feel sympathy for this tortured genius but we also have to understand that he is also mad and twisted as well as sympathetic and tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel my most successful project in this module", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling becky liked her molly moon s salted caramel ice cream more than any of the meal but who blames her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get an inkling of interest that will come out of no where and i will feel passionate about it for a day or two and then it would stop", "label": 2} -{"text": "i no longer feel that pathetic anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see my work as a natural serotonin booster as its near impossible for me to feel unhappy working with these beautiful silly midgets", "label": 0} -{"text": "i miss the bustle and feeling of our beloved london", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always thought loving some was the greatest feeling but i realised that loving a friend is even better v lose ppl v love but v never lose true friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help feeling envious in a good way of course", "label": 3} -{"text": "mad at my dad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sorry for these people because they are missing out on some wonderful experiences", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like you don t care about my time or i feel frustrated if i don t know when you will arrive and i have to wait", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel wronged by a lot of people most of all big pharm which campaigned vigorously to get doctors and citizens alike to believe statins think lipitor work and to minimize the incidence of horrific side effects", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can call my best friend when i want to feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive decided to blog even when im feeling fed up and irritated as all get out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was trying to capture what i had been feeling as a westerner in malaysia this fish out of water experience whereby opposites do attract yet there is this sense of longing a yearning as an expat to be with someone from your own culture", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel troubled because the accident happened just minutes after receiving my ticket through the post for this weekends nec bike show", "label": 0} -{"text": "i heard this vulnerable naive sweet lovely lady was being hopelessly pursued by a human bomber it was obvious her beauty has managed and would create history her metamorphosis into hard news feels so savage", "label": 3} -{"text": "id be feeling in that moment would let me know if i liked him or not if the prospect of him liking me was scary or desirable", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt mean to i feel terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t bore you to death but i dunno i feel rude if i just ask for help locating stuff without having a bit of a conversation at least", "label": 3} -{"text": "i suppose it is comforting to know that whatever it is ones feeling others have felt before particularly when one believes they must be neurotic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am nothing just a pathetic loser on welfare with no future and i know this is how people see me as i have been told or it has been mentioned that i should have a job or that i am lazy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling very sarcastic today i am already dreading monday", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling i may have not been totally loyal to her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it is unfortunate", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling much better about the prospects", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know what it feels like to be cheated i know what it feels like to be betrayed abused and hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if i have been faithful in all that he has asked me to do and in some things i even did not agree with i followed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not feeling very impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had a wee leaving us all cold soggy and feeling rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t feel i had anything to submit to an art show that prides itself on showcasing how fucked up all us mental patients are", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did feel the need for more ideas more sweet treat recipes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very sympathetic to those who have lost a son brother sister cousin best friend or boyfriend", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tell the more likely ill feel shamed into actually doing what i said i would", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive never liked victory it makes me feel too bashful and it makes me feel shamed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty vulnerable though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel overwhelmed only maybe five times a day when adam is gone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more assured having made my peace with atheism", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit irritated and overwhelmed right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel at that tender age they should be given love and support to continue education so that they understand what is right and what is wrong", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so amazed at how many views this video has yet i really don t care", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to admit i am feeling a little strange on this one as i usually set up my card up so that i end up with two but because of the size i only did one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel at this point in my life i should be loving myself and enjoying life to the fullest", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think i have an intense feeling of loss as the definition demands but there are definitely things that continually haunt me and give me a sense of longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like being bitchy and gossip y again i will", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like feeling cute", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will never get over it dont you fucking tell me what i feel you pathetic unenlightened scrabble of plebeians", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if there are absolutely no reasons for me to be so terrified and yet i am", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling naughty and just wanted to buy some new make up despite never needing anything new", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just woke up feeling dazed from a weird dream i just had", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love feeling superior to lazy people", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling passionate about something", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling irritable and antagonistic", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive known this dude for a long ass time and actually feel amazed that i was punkd if you will", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am noticing how i am feeling regretful like i want to reach out and open my heart to others right now today but cannot beyonda simple fucking email to one list that im on that most of my friends probably dont even read", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling that my dad would also be supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go to town to do shopping i feel selfish in that i can do that and he cant any more", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hear a sob story i feel so compassionate and i just want to heal those wounds or some shit like that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling more on the sarcastic tired of sleeping in between bucket dumps type", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started out feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling particularly reassured", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling exceptionally nostalgic and mushy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel hes trying to be supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can walk farther play with my son longer or at all get more done feel more productive and useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel exhausted even thinking about it and sad not to be able to help out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a recent pang of feeling ugly and that i was a failure in some way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel emotional with the shock that they would just give the money away like that and i feel emotional at the relief that we have the money after all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable and exposed and all i want to do is run and hide", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t and because i m feeling especially nostalgic i wanted to take the time to thank you for my four years in wonderland", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need some pampering if i am feeling so shaky that i am driven to eat bagels", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel smart pagetitle taylors random bloggy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel drained of any energy and im trying to keep my mood up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel about mark and our fond memories together performing on the ships selling bingo cards calling horse races directing passengers to their tours working on our acts and craving a big mac on our afternoon off in san juan are experiences you never forget", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found myself feeling a little curious about her specifically about what part of her job she is most passionate about", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont enjoy it since i admit i can get pretty competitive but when it gets to a point that i feel very impatient at the rate im progressing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do saw timonthy tiah which is the nuffnang boss just stand beside but i feel shy to ask whether can take picture with him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hear about events that make me feel fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling that the players liked the races liked the world and liked doing a dungeon delve", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hated that feeling but even more i hated the wierd squirrely behavior he exhibited when we were together and especially when his son was with us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think so many physical illnesses are rooted in the feeling of feeling being unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have gotten sick for no reason and have had self inflicting thoughts because i feel so worthless and pathetic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling really stressed out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very proud of myself and my accomplishments", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel such a curious response deserves would be that either sprint is just as uncaring when it comes to customers data and privacy and can provide no unembarrassing response to a customer asking these type of questions or that they are actually fearful of what might happen should they take a stand", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my boyfriend is ashamed of me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling frantic and did not want to give myself away", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am doing something worthwhile having a family and always continuing to improve upon myself as a person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel like my lead was as in control of the timing as id have liked as a consequence", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love how i feel like im in love with the world but it is in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel sympathetic at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have this intuitive feeling that i really impressed him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so threatened by fear of being unattractive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feelin stunned out hey hey now i am feelin stunned out ohh ohhh now i am feelin stunned out yeaa yeaaaa now i am feelin stunned out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the book has shape and movement from lighter to darker humorous to more serious human to more mystical", "label": 1} -{"text": "i said feeling shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "telling my parents that i did not well in an examn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not feeling very funny tonight so i apologize", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel horrible that i didn t defend him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i made such a point when i was dating sam not to hang out with a guy alone if it could be avoided i feel rebellious even just going to dinner with eric", "label": 3} -{"text": "i genuinely feel that their fans are not as loyal pardon the pun as we celtic fans", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was only left feeling bitterly disappointed and hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel frantic lately like i cant say enough to tell people how much they mean to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember watching and feeling a little surprised by this and touched", "label": 5} -{"text": "i fail in my attempts and someone gets successful i do feel jealous and end up comparing myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "id recovered from the initial shock of this emotional bombshell i instantly felt terrible about not feeling genuinely joyful for them but no matter how much i tried to get over myself and get to that place i just couldnt and could barely look at her or her partner for the rest of the afternoon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel incredibly lucky to work in a professional field where strong women are the norm not the exception", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at it and feel like i am seeing this funny little routine that they go through", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as if i have been sexually assaulted reading that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel mad at all much less angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel like people are afraid to comment their thoughts on my blog and i dont want you to feel that way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like feeling in charge i like that instead of being stared at i m respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel restless like i ought to be doing something different but im not even sure what", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was a pupil ive inevitably spent the year feeling deeply nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am starting to feel sorry for the muppet who has played patience on my train every morning this year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel with a talented qb like himself it is up to the coaching staff to place him in the best possible position to succeed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know not but i feel that i do and i am tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling shaky and ungrounded", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont be surprised and i will feel very content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wake from naps i feel grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling very hopeful today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so pathetic that i am sometimes unable to function when he was able to until his last day be present", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i am successful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am a loyal person and leaving my current guild is not an easy decision for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am married and feel very blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt see anything but that feeling bothered me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like dumb i prefer dogs i think", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was stacking annual ryegrass straw in degree heat on a seemingly degree slope and feeling a little stressed i looked in my cooler for something to eat and found this fig bar", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so very helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a lot going on in my life and feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will validate feelings until the bitter end but i m uninterested in cultivating self pity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i only work for them and then i feel resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate goodbyes its like closing the door to someone and knowing just knowing you wont have theses moments again opens all these doors of thoughts and feelings you repressed its like fucking dominos i have to get up in and a half hours", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel has been a long time coming and it s quite strange to become olympic champion before world champion because there are world championships every year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got the feeling that he was very jealous because i was making a move on her", "label": 3} -{"text": "im exhausted though rocksoc stuff coupled with all the work for my new course and a distinct lack of sleep that ive experienced lately have lead to me feeling quite grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i rotated my arm inward and happened to be feeling the back of that arm with my other hand and was shocked to feel how hard my tricep muscle was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to run to god", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt hurt and betrayed by these words i feel that others could feel offended and assaulted by them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i believe it has relevance and i feel impressed to share it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sitting here alone on a friday night and i read books this week while i am traveling and i feel fucking amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was on day of my headache and wasnt feeling terrific overall", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant go on feeling paranoid and thinking whether im the only girl in his mind when he can be texting or contacting other girls at the same time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but feeling pissed and annoyed and did i mentioned frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel disgusted with myself when i eat compulsively", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just need to feel your arms around me i just need your tender loving care", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have is over me feeling stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been putting off and putting off simply because i have a strong feeling that im going to love them but im almost too scared to watch them in case the anticipation was more enjoyable than the hour and a half i spend in its company", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel myself getting really hot in the wet suit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel threatened as a girl among female counterparts in the industry", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling frightened by unnamed and unknowable worries", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know why i feel so gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wont get into all the insecurity he feels having missed out on his formative years here and there is no way he is going to retreat again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasnt very amusing in the last post and due to the subject matter i have a feeling this one isnt going to be very humorous either", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling tortured because i havent had much time to work on my little pet project", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can still see your face and feel the concern of lovely and your beloved evening lily", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i was punished for being proud of myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a little bit homesick though", "label": 0} -{"text": "im a certified personal trainer feel free to take advantage and ask me fitness related questions if you like", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also like this because it takes out scenarios where the recipient needs the help but resents getting it because it makes them feel needy and thus they don t appreciate it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i he love me aint no one betta but i felt so shitty cuz he say how supportive she wuz make me feel like i not supportive enough but i have no idea wut i do wrong in the relationship except a couple thingz like that dd who kissed me and how i went to paulz house and chilled wid a bunch of chikkz", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel insulted that these people think they know more of what is best for me than i do", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive done what i can to dissuade that but i cant seem to shake the feeling that im not clever enough", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel irritable todayuntitled posti feel irritable today i feel irritable today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt so abandoned by him thus making me feel unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know i shouldnt be reacting this way to it all but i cant help it and i feel terribly petty and horrid but this is the way im reacting and i have to deal with it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always always always use my lip balm ill just pick up any that is closest to me normally its the nuxe balm and when i wake up on a morning i can actually still feel this beauty on my lips its lovely and smooth and best of all it looks matte so none of that sticky business going on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stand here looking at the same articles in a blog for about more than a month i get a bizarre feeling whether the blog that i loved once so dearly is in dire need of my attention", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel insecure im not sure why i do though but i do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stop feeling so jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel suspicious that scott is gay", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it from jah jah darryl andy rudy savage q dana dane ray and everyone else who comes up in that facebook box on the side of the website", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can grin and giggle i feel the gentle pressure on my elbow guiding me down the stairs to the garage", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get a weird feeling in my stomach and i got all hot and sweaty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed by what i need to confront and i can t find a way to do it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i walked out feeling a bit as if i had just watched a talented filmmaker slumming in the mainstream", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was left feeling like an irritated history don scribbling evidence", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i ve taken enough petty crap for my liberal arts degree", "label": 3} -{"text": "im already feeling very loved today and its not even noon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think it just elevated my dopamine levels too high and thats what made me feel so out of control and agitated today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i am more in a phase of learning to be faithful in prayer with him but lessons of the first two parts are sprinkled throughout life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling more than a little pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i m being ludicrous", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel lost and lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did feel slightly weird in that costume", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like there are all sorts of puns and funny things going on with these", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had been so tormented by the fire of anger and the constant pressure from traumas that were fighting to get past the wall i had them trapped behind that to feel numbness was wonderful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i awoke feeling very confused and remembering this sexual dream about dr c", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel isolated and alone sometimes and it hurts because no one understands this condition", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not feeling as overwhelmed as i was for a while there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am still having my menstrual symptoms this must be one of the reasons why i feel a little bit bitchy and emotional", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a shy child standing in the middle of the wild romance which surrounds me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think we have to go with our feelings in life in order to create and maintain that delicate fine balance of planetary and stellar movements", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable when i think about everyone knowing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t state anything right whenever it occurs or when he informs me i m being protective plus i closed down which i usually awaken feeling resentful the following day however whenever i tell him which i m upset he gets protective plus informs me i have a issue", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i identified this feeling it terrified me and i tried to quash it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel myself start to go mad when i havent done it much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like rude people are a personal attack to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel weird these days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed by life again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that ive reached a balance in life that is finally allowing for some really cool stuff to occu", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can begin to feel fond of him again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see cooked mushrooms that large i always feel very impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt want to bother her so i didnt expect it at all when instead of behaving all diva ish she started spontaneously talking to me about her trip to europe and how the fashion industry made her feel so not only the girl has mad talent beauty and style she is also super nice", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit jaded and weary of the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so terrified of failure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel a little stunned still", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so horny byou said as he put his arms around ruki and kissed him hard on the lips", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel all my children with my hubs and me all of us as a family just loving being together and the moments we share", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look into his eyes and i feel pained by all his supposed expectations his hopes his needs his dreams and yet i feel comforted too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt bother filling in my brows everyday but now its become an essential for me and i feel strange if i dont add some colour to them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to love teaching music but it is hard leaving each day and feeling dissatisfied in the work ive done", "label": 3} -{"text": "im fine and waiting for it to pass i actually mention that i feel a bit funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like slapping them and saying the year s not over yet you dumb fucks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hardly feel assured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling more and more terrified by the minute", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel impressed with his overall creativity writing acting music and now directing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im listening to jazz so im feeling a little bit nostalgic i suppose", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit homesick after talking to my family last night and two is that its valentines day and i am feeling a little bit lonely everyone else has gone out to dinner and i wasn t invited as i would have been the fifth wheel", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate it when i dont like something particularly when i dont like something i feel loyal to", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i was transferred from chichiri secondary school to st marys sec school i was happy at chichiri as a day scholer and had made a lot of friends i was going to a boarding and that meant parting with my friends as well as my boyfriend for the first time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am really finding that taking a proper break at lunch means i come back refreshed feeling more positive and more able to tackle whichever crisis or challenge has arisen in my absence", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel weird and not so happy like i am missing something", "label": 5} -{"text": "my elder sister whom i love very much was leaving for the west indies for two years and i was staying behind", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling all sentimental i thought id finally write about the guy who inspired this whole blogtober shebang", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like he accepted so freely the love i offered", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am still feeling a bit stressed but not as stressed as i was crying constantly", "label": 3} -{"text": "id bet my life with you that youre still feeling as fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont mind coz all i want is nas fun well i feel very horny i got nish but all my exes have told me that i know how to work it so i im free tomorrow night can accomodate so if u feel u need some exitment in your life and have free time tomorrw then drope me a line or text me on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i try so hard to listen to as many as possible but im always left feeling empty and disappointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel quite irritated that it even calls itself yoga", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said i dont always pander to the needs of anyone really i just kind of do what i feel is creative and feels right and interesting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had feelings that were not necessarily pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling horrible the past couple of days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel envious when i read that she planted yew trees", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that others may be irritated by the ever shifting styles not able to fully indulge into one or the other", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that nakedness is more romantic for several reasons", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so relaxed and balanced and great i can definetly recommend this kind of vacation", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling really dangerous a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am on an awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty lousy and i went out to just feel better", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive also done the very bare minimum required to deputise for my absent boss and im not feeling very impressed with myself there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t really want to but maybe i can stop myself from feeling completely shocked on the day i wake up in huddersfield and go to sleep in brooklyn", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know i come off as an ignorant fool by voicing opinions such as these but as an actual christian who actually celebrates christmas the way its actually meant to be celebrated i feel offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had to listen to puff daddy for hours at a time i d feel tortured too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have some questions for those who feel insulted by the video being shot in the slums", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling somewhat confused by the actual turn of events as my uncle phones from less than an hour away to ask to come by", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive known you for so long now i feel like i shouldnt be surprised by you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am really feeling petty for you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know anyone who did or almost participated in this race and i feel heartbroken for those who knew someone who did", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t write that much about love and feelings and caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling energised im feeling determined im feeling focussed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont get irritated but i feel surprised as to frm wer on earth they get all those ideas and they say tht either they watched it on a health program on tv or googled or read in a newspaper", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling overwhelmed by the detailed magnificence of the a href http en", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel pressured or uncomfortable or any of those things they warn you about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my mind was tortured my heart is breaking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was still feeling pretty awful i had little to no voice and i felt like all i wanted to do was sleep", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that way there s a part of me that wants him to love on me to make me feel like he s a loving husband", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling greedy i think im going to stick at three minute feedings for tonight and tomorrow night", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i draw some strange sort of solace in the fact that even though i don t know you or anything about you you ve still had that moment of feeling shitty just like me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel to have met so many caring fun interesting giving people through this blog", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel like im in a strange and foreign land and i just couldnt care less about what those people around me think of me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get ready to blog i feel so boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasn t sure how i was going to feel about it since i never really watched the muppets as a kid but i was pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just realised that i have not been feeling deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel myself inhibited to post my own troubles because there is no sense to add troubles to counselors and staff in the middle of this severe crisis", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fine leaving the orange mint", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel a bit shocked when people ask about whether weve thought about names", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling more than a little dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found out she two timed me and i loved her alot and thought about her night and day she s what kept me upbeat this really pissed me off and i feel very violent what should i do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ugly right now im still happy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like its all fake it makes you really wonder if it should ever be called making love", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel at c emotional behavioural consequence", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel my stomach is strange i can t sleep", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am so burdened to be a spiritual father to all generations and i really feel impressed that each and every believer should do so", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt and am still feeling like being shaken and knocked out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought it was interesting for me to have woken up feeling not groggy but like doing hours of work right away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always want to hear how you are feeling and i always want to hear stories of your loved ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling pretty confident with the hungry girl a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am and now i feel like some weird stalker person", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel oddly frightened but enthusiastic and excited at the same time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i carry this life within me without feeling resentful and cross even though it is much longed for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i go and i just feel like the most popular girl in town", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess im just feeling a bit abused and taken for granted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am why do i feel restless and disturbed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel you i come back to reality dazed as ever because this is just another intense moment still wishing that it could happen meta name progid content word", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt like the education systems feel as though they can put students in special classes because of their ability and its not fair to the students", "label": 1} -{"text": "i appreciate that in my self because it allows me to do my work without feeling rushed or anxious i know that i already did what needs to be done", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit timid about throwing myself out there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i suddenly feel rich coz i see more than car at my car porch n my room feels hugeeee plus i sleep with ac tonight", "label": 1} -{"text": "im trying to find ways to add more sewing into my schedule without feeling completely overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pathetic saying this but i havent had much to talk about since the bar wrapped up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so reluctant to spend a month s paycheck on a purse so i think i by a class url fn n href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a sense of purpose and excitement and i m curious to see where this takes me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel his gentle guidance his light his pointing the way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help but feel like ive fucked this up somehow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like to prepare myself for our friday encounters with plenty of coffee and some deep breathing so im already feeling quite agitated as i tiptoe towards the oprah room where hes sitting on the sofa and talking to someone on the phone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling extremely dissatisfied with this situation man", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got blackmoore from the library recently with high hopes and was disappointed i felt it had a more gothic feel which is a shame because im not as fond of those", "label": 2} -{"text": "saw someone licking his dining bowl", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it mirrors lunas thoughts when she is thinking of her beloved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i could do it im not impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like an emotional pretzel at times twisted this a way and that way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that a lot of my life i live in a delicate balance of clean and utter mess", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel totally shocked though it was me who made the choice and it was him who was shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean honestly i didnt want to be friends with him but i was afraid to hurt his feelings i was afraid his psycho mother would come after me and i honestly thought i was ready to build a relationship with me but he isnt emotionally ready to handle it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had too much medication today by accident so im feeling kind of violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that this prince charming will get me if i ever find him", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling more and more distressed by the minute", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling romantic my soundtrack begins with peter gabriel singing the book of love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love that dexter always makes me feel gorgeous in my bikini because hes always checking me out hes all over me he cant shut up about how hot beautiful i look well its like that all the time bikini or no bikini but its overload at the beach", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am sadly starting school again and somehow i feel like this is a vicious cycle it will never end", "label": 3} -{"text": "i challenge you if youre feeling overwhelmed angry or tired try to take a few days away from social media", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my meds arent working correctly and idk its weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling the effects of the brainwashing though i shudder to think how obnoxious im going to sound to non law students", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t help feeling less than sympathetic to parents who would litigate against a company who made a substantial piece of equipment rather than pay better attention to where the child had their hands in the first place", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed that the lord has such great plans for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i am comfortable with writing about this topic because of anp as it reinforced my understanding of the importance of women s empowerment and voice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually could feel the swamis song charming me", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling frustrated antsy on edge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hadnt ordered anything so i was feeling a bit skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like that was heavily influenced by the show charmed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel lovely without sneezing and throughout the day i m constantly smelling any part of my body i rub it into", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have ever scene yet the movie doesn t feel frantic or rushed with all this changing of scenery it feels fluid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get feeling weird but this provided context i was looking for", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always had an idea of what love would feel like my hypothesis and until i met schuyler id never felt that intensity in any of my relationships before observations supporting the null hypothesis", "label": 2} -{"text": "i too feel violent urges sometimes this sudden desire to strike out and cause harm", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think many of us feel at just how idiotic the rules governing the primaries have become", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know those cobbled streets are normally home to kebab eating drunken maniacs that make you feel as if youve gone on a lads holiday to kos by accident but le qg do really lovely mojitos and during happy hour pm every day they are euros", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also don t know why is the reason of this freaky feeling that disturb my funny mood it should be but it don t", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel absolutely honored and proud to have been chosen for this project", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling that im so indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like everything is rushing towards me and i am too surprised to do anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel assured now that choosing the smaller slower paced and less exciting place to live will always be my right choice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so scared yet so courageous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel frustrated as i hv to hang on too long to this condition just because i love you", "label": 3} -{"text": "im sorry but im not trying to be concieted bc concieted basically means not caring of other peoples feelings but really im a very caring person not faced", "label": 2} -{"text": "i no longer feel that im talented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i put it on it soaks my body and the cooling effect when riding is simply amazing you actually feel cold for the first few miles", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sorry for all the workers that are forced to work so early instead of staying at home with their loved ones", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the effects of life after love yet have not loved so its merely depression without a source", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like supporting the cause i can send a cheque for rs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling bad knowing that he died at the age of i will never be able to talk to or see my son again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable theres a good chance i shouldnt be where i am", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel a bit restless though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes feel i am too stubborn for my own good", "label": 3} -{"text": "im torn between feeling rightly suspicious or like im over recreating", "label": 4} -{"text": "i may seem cowardly and fatalistic but i am simply a researcher of our fauna and i feel it is my duty to bring to attention the dangerous error made in leaving this harmful species to freely multiply", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling slightly casual and a little", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually expected to be unsatisfied with the ground feel and was pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed most of the time even though nobody is pushing me to do anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a naughty teenager striking out and trying to rebel", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see that word i am reminded of how god feels about his children and i am overwhelmed at how great his love for us is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought the boys could write a diary entry sitting under a tree or on the porch to give them a somewhat feel of how the men wrote letters to their loved ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more curious about habits are donut shops", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though more than one agency is vital therefore i struggle to narrow it down to just one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel petty that i am get emotional over it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not feeling very compassionate today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really like this topic because i feel that people who think of suicide is rather dumb and unappreciative", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a little skeptical and on guard just in case tomorrow morning comes with another unwelcome illness bent on knocking us down once and for all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling cold konsenan kreyol", "label": 3} -{"text": "i see those two best friends together it gives me warm fuzzy feelings in my stomach because lets forget all the slashyness for a moment i always admired how close and honest friendships between men can be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t have to wait until weigh in to feel successful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think of her i feel furious", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling pretty manipulated and i really think that doing something about it is the only way i can break that control they currently have over me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess i feel like i have been here that long so not that strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel terrible horrible disgusting but", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the feeling that he s been so repressed for so long that it s still mind blowing for him to have his body kissed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was fine but once the calendar switched to november i began feeling anxious and dreading what was to come", "label": 4} -{"text": "i work out regularly plus i m still a dance tutor i could feel my muscles aching", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was just trying to make you feel less victimized", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember reading this thing about how when you are feeling insecure to compliment the other person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel you will be very shocked if earlier than you start your weight loss program you retain a journal of what you eat and at what times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could remember i never spent time with friends during the summer that much i always seem to feel like a loner which is weird because if you know me i am very outgoing and love people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel frightened in a kind of a raw way", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling festive today because its my best friends birthday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hmm i treasured the eggrolls along with the fish hot sauce recipe", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling highly doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritated pissed even like when someone wakes me up at that moment when i m on the edge of falling into a deep slumber", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sound a little over the top right now but i m feeling passionate so bear with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so rude to refuse her invitation", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling more intimidated and embarrassed than inspired", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling weve a lot of lovely things to chat about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel a connection with catherine and did enjoy the play but i am hesitant to audition with a tennessee williams monologue", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling that by it would be valued less rather than more", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel slightly heartless for thinking its bilingual", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know no matter how angry kuro sama get he won t abandon me cerulean eyes shining with tears and a gentle true smile from the heart both made kurogane feel a love so fond towards fai how could he leave him behind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i m not there but if i think about michael for too long and allow myself to feel his tender love for me once again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel many people today have no clue how to find an acceptable answer for the particular need that satisfies the meaning of their existence", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was sec i was constantly talking about how much i regretted my decision in dsa ing to dmn because the training was tough and i felt drained every single day but upon meeting new friends and being able to endure the those tough trainings with them it didnt feel as shitty anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i nod feeling curious and suspicious how does this girl know my name", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i say this is such a sweet story so often but this is really a sweet story", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive gone through some very dark days these past months and especially the last four weeks i feel like im very blessed in so many ways", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go between being ok with everything to feeling very frustrated and guilty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not a girly girl and i am officially done trying to conform to something i can never truly feel comfortable in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said this and she stopped dead in her tracks her eyes welled up with tears and she pointed at me with her index finger and said your right thats what it is thats exactly what i really feel i could see that she was stunned that i was able to pin point her true underlying thinking", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more sympathetic toward her now that she s wearing glasses", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that over the last years that we have lived in our community we have respected the rules of the association much more then many that we have seen thought out the neighborhood", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel supportive over chinas copyright violations if only for machiavellian reasons", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel such antipathy when i see other frum jews as if each one of them has judged and rejected me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i able to find ways to feel compassionate for a man who violently and repeatedly raped a tiny little girl and damaged her for life but i am totally incapable of finding compassion for myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the pain again until i came from school and its still aching", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to feel this longing deep within my soul for something more something just outside my reach", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like to stay behind the wall and let the experience speak for itself which makes me feel uncomfortable posting this tribute", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel the difference between ol faithful a newer vehicle", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel like there s ever been a person that i loved that i no longer love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish i didnt still feel so strongly affectionate to him too i still have that strong urge to kiss him etc whenever i see him which just makes things worse", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill even add a splash of cream if im feeling naughty once the foam is heated use a spoon to top your latte with your foamed milk", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird working out in front of my family for some reason too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have family and friends who want to see me but it is exhausting at the same time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know now that when im feeling a gentle urging in my spirit its my father", "label": 2} -{"text": "i noticed my stats and it showed me that there have been people viewing my blog which made me feel quite impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel good about shopping", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty agitated right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was thinking of that in light of an article published in nature last week about mice feeling stressed when near male animals or humans apparently set off by pheromones associated with testosterone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was working with for the day so i feel a little more fond towards it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling nostalgic and celebratory", "label": 2} -{"text": "im still feeling pretty ecstatic about that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got outside the room i feel sucky and scared because they will only be taking few candidates", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really passionate that every piece has a high finish and is really sharp and crisp so that it stands out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to feel emotional and confused", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to feel enthralled too but", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really do what i feel like doing about of the time they get mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have tried to stick with my first impression and your description of him but none of that seem to fit on the person i got to knows and i m sick of trying to squash down my feelings because i have somehow convinced myself i shouldn t have them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel extremely passionate about is a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i replied feeling strange at giving the orders", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling uncharacteristically smug to some extent as my usually unheard of planning has indeed beaten the weather with the toddler possessing a winter coat a polar fleece all in one and fluffy lined snow boots", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am supposed to leave my career and begin something i am really passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that extremism in all its forms is dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went out last night to celebrate the end of exams and results etc etc so im feeling slightly delicate today lol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like being sarcastic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want him to feel pressured to make more money and be away at work more", "label": 4} -{"text": "i glide along with ease and speed and i feel at peace and loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little weird and awkward okay i meant not to the extreme like any discomfort feelings or anything just saying in general these few days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the life is sorrowful and unbearable though i can t flee away since i am not a bird time is an illusion elegy limbo all that fall download links filesonic a target blank rel nofollow href http newalbumreleases", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like he is too paranoid all the time and it is causing both of us to become irritated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have sort of a heavy feeling and can tell that my ovaries are tender and maybe a little bit swollen", "label": 2} -{"text": "i may be jumping the gun here but it suddenly feels cool to be a fan of rasslin again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hasnt surprised me or done anything remotely romantic or anything for months a year at least thats the way i see it ive been trying to make a point about it for quite some time", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling really indecisive lately which kinda stems from an indecisive heart i think", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been more active on wb and ps however and after renouncing fb i feel invigorated and capable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unloved so i am unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i had to eat scraps from a dustbin", "label": 3} -{"text": "i lie in bed with my pad right beside me only a word away from him from hi a sentence away from a feeling that i m too nervous to write but i desire it all the same", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel cute and fun while not roasting in the sun", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very uncomfortable guilty even feeling that way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like there is a strange pull coming from him again like even if i wanted to walk away from him i instead walk toward him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to get more protein in my system stat because i feel a lot of confused babbling coming on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit keen on sending children off to sunday school", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit more sympathetic toward edward than usual", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit angry and in that dark place i go back to these two books and it seems to give me a guide back to the bright smiley face path to life", "label": 3} -{"text": "im exhausted in excruciating pain and feeling extremely hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling grouchy and angry today so it is best that i not talk at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lucky to have a healthy daughter who has no idea i m old", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know this ending but i feel that it will be a tragic farewell forever rather than a love that would last forever", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling rushed and busy it is very easy for me to get so focused on the final goal that i miss the journey", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just struggle through alien landscapes each day feeling like a stunned mullet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dazed confused weird dumb and creepy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel insecure when im at school", "label": 4} -{"text": "i saw someone once and i had on a light gray sweat suit like nellys hit album and unbrushed teeth so i was feeling pretty superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know sometimes you get overwhelmed being the oldest child and that you feel a lot of weight and pressure that comes with that job but you do such an amazing job of helping to take care of and play with your little brothers and sister", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling overwhelmed and time poor", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel intimidated sometimes but then i remember where my heart is happiest and that sweet boy is with children and sharing my life with women in ministry", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stare at her hair her skin her makeup her body her clothes i feel like im so amazed and in bewilderment", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling hesitant lately about life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i decided to play a little dress up today feeling inspired by all the sheer that has been showing up on the runways specifically", "label": 1} -{"text": "being very close to having an auto accident", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think part of the reason i feel bothered by the trend of posts humiliating children and condoning disrespectful treatment is that i cant figure what the motivation is for this kind of thinking", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would look at him i would feel so annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling grumpy i do not want to do anything except feel grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so miserable inside", "label": 0} -{"text": "i almost overcame of that during this year and now i really feeling the pain of my beloved friend ms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not sure if i flung one arm backwards and that changed my centre of gravity but whatever the reason i managed to regain my balance and sat up feeling slightly shaken as one does after a close call of this type", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling kinda bitchy this morning and im not taking anyone elses feelings into consideration", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little lost today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel there is a sense of fulfilment that comes with contentment and a softer more tranquil view of life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bad every time my friend shares work with me even though its not actually his work its work he copies from other people because every time he asks me for my stuff i dont want to show him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed lately to the point i just want out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little strange asking people to write letters", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i found a maggot in my food at the dinning hall", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little weird about officially being in my late s but i had such a fun weekend celebrating with friends and family", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling lethargic amp run down can someone do my housework amp wrangle my kids for a while", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel helpless sometimes when she feels sick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like she has not thus far been incredibly supportive of him in his time of need", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little glamorous i wet the brush", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cannot explain the feeling i get when i see women who are not afraid to take fashion risk or step outside of the box when it comes to their style", "label": 4} -{"text": "i serve this in martini glasses sometimes but this particular night i was feeling nostalgic for my a title emotional whiplash href http gatheraroundthetable", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not feel the joy excitement excitement and sweet even if i left", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went into work feeling a little apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel more sympathetic if she didnt have the bad habit of creeping into places where she shouldnt and getting shut in because no one sees her my room is kept shut during the day because my birds are in there tweeting", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel terrified worried concerned confused frustrated impatient", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this way because they live with her and they should be the most supportive of anyone but compared to alice they really are just as lost as everyone else", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling to lerthagic and drained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird about this article", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill feel overly importent and impressed with myself for having anger this guy so much just by posting an ad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hopeless to follow it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like my beloved mixer is an extension of my body", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling lucky cara pakai trik ini adalah ketikkan kata kunci lalu pilih im feeling lucky a href http mrdoob", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel naughty written by a class fn url href http journals", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant sleep because my little heart is tired i feel comfort and the gentle reminder that its simply ok", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling very anxious about this im not looking forward to this at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to fly it feels weird at first but then it becomes fine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel we have a wonderful thing called a minute breathing space you can stop any time in the day even when you are driving along the motorway or in the middle of an important telephone call", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a divine connection when i am with my patients listening to them examining them and offering them treatment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came home feeling incredibly overwhelmed by the amount of catch up work i have to do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel funny going to shows when i have such a small herd as i tend to bring more than half of my animals", "label": 5} -{"text": "i pray i feel like im praying in vain and i put no feeling in it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i personally feel a little offended i put millennia of brainstorming into those particular three vices", "label": 3} -{"text": "i enjoy a book immensely yet feel like maybe i shouldn t have liked it as much as i did", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not feeling the naruto swirls but shes gorgeous otherwise", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel angry i just think of what it was like elsewhere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling bruiser would not be impressed if i met him at the door with bloody hands and raw meet stuck between my teeth", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can assure you that both minors involved in the sex trade including those being pimped out and adults who are in the sex trade by their own decision or force will not feel reassured to trust law enforcement by these actions at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel helpless when youre hurt and sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really felt them they were my thoughts they were my feelings and they re my longing for my reunion with my daughter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the gentle kiss of my wife", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really sympathetic for these individuals who have no control over their emotions and feelings for other individuals", "label": 2} -{"text": "im finally feeling confident enough to put it on the blog", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable exposed and self conscious i am thankful for the darkness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling apprehensive about the future very vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came home eventually the m junction of the motorway was shut as was the suspension bridge that we need to cross from bristol into wales but we arrived home tired but in that had a good time and feel quite exhaustedly relaxed kind of way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just don t like it it makes me feel uncomfortable and as if i m overdressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit that thanking you is one of the last things i feel like doing when im frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i may be starting a new band under his name straight after i feel like confessing to all my beloved friends as well as saying sorry for worrying some of you cause of my ayabie addiction recently", "label": 2} -{"text": "i might read through a psalm where the psalmist is feeling very sorrowful and tormented by many troubles which i am not at present facing", "label": 0} -{"text": "im more concerned about her girlfriend feeling accepted loved and not judged by me as a christian then i am about my relationship with my sister", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling a little apprehensive to enter the ocean again today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have the interview on tuesday morning and im feeling very very hopeful about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im trying to ease up on feeling frantic about getting it done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dazed deserted", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the creative forces behind the mindy project recognized that they could and should tone down the eccentricies that made mindy unlikable to viewers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came to dbt i had to admit that the methods i was using to manage my feelings were even more dangerous and if i was going to die anyway i may as well give emotions a second chance", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel nearly as intimidated by it as i was two days ago and i have a vision to guide my efforts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i reflected on why i feel so thankful and different about this thanksgiving and here are a couple of things that struck me im extremely extremely thankful for my improving mental health", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic to many things which are not sentient", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a feeling that my hair would grow quickly and pretty long and i was relieved at the thought of big choopping", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel absolutely amazing when i do things that make me a better person because happiness is a feeling that you want to keep going inside of you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to have another or i ll feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im looking into this because i feel strange about never having seen one of cassavetes films before a couple weeks ago", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though i am being overwhelmed whether it be by massive waves or the tiniest ripple where i am so exhausted that all i have energy to do is tread frantically to survive", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel blessed i have a fianc that loves me for who i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not aware of many men who would feel tortured due to excessive sexual demand", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try being quiet and not telling people how i feel i try being shy and little and yet i still end up destroying everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think that the schooling system has improved tremendously since i was there and being part of a small school like tallarook with only or so kids gives us the feeling of being part of a caring community", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little funny making that statement", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have ever felt thru this entire process there were moments where i wondered if i was literally slipping from reality feeling afraid that i had gone completely mad from the absolute frustration of being trapped in this never ending process what i imagine to be hell", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird calling it that because i think one requires a certainly familiarity with a place or person for that matter before one can start using its nickname", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel irritated and i kinda hate this feeling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel somewhat overwhelmed wh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have actually started to feel a perverse sense of satisfaction when shows i like go off the air", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling really stressed out over the whole situation", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive concluded recently is that i feel like severely damaged goods", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like studying more tonight but i am mentally exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i often feel more productive on higher pain days as they force me to stay awake even if i am distracted by the pain unless it s a migraine in which case i m usually down for the count", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel the pull to write about it because it s no less amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up at feeling horrible with like the flu or something and that really killed our day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i already feel restless and jittery", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really didnt feel up to but hated to miss yet another family event", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that the adventist church is maintaining a dangerous status quo particularly intellectually", "label": 3} -{"text": "i thought i would just take a moment to record a few musings it is now over three weeks since i shaved anything other than my face and over two weeks since i dressed in any other way than society would expect and i generally feel ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel a bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would feel if i didnt hear from you my beloved readers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suppose alicia should be asking herself what would happen to those people she loves should she lose rather than feeling hopeless and giving up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have bf of months the problem is when he comes to my house i really struggle and feel uptight n anxious the strange thing is im ok when at his house or we go out anywhere its a feeling of wanting to escape from him and relieved when he leaves", "label": 4} -{"text": "im frickin impressed with myself and i feel like if you give this recipe a try or possibly a couple tries to get the feel for it youll be impressed with yourself too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i need to actively do things to feel useful but what she needs is just me not anything but the emotional support of loving her and being here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also felt pretty proud that i only gained three pounds last month and thats with my shoes on i always feel so vain taking them off before weighing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird that i getting slowly better nowadays and i started notice something where i never been thought of it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i used to think maybe the ones who caused it had a goodness about them because it would usually happen if someone was helping me and most intellectually disabled people would cause it when they spoke and i feel like the are for the most part innocent and good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i created a look and feel of the style i always liked but never had the opportunity to express until now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel oh so glamorous looking super fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i bottle it up and sporadically unleash it in seething boiling streams at those closest to me before apologising profusely and feeling shitty about myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i certainly didnt feel the flavor of the beloved classic in those installments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just wandered around feeling all nostalgic and killing time before dinner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get to give it away on a day that i am feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im kinda hooked with how good yoga makes me feel im so glad i got crazy over this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think that is the same thing because when you have feelings you are more considerate to others because you know how you would feel and wouldnt want them to feel as hurt or as confused or hmmm", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a useless piece of garbage with all these pretty pieces of paper showing i worked hard at some point and spent a lot of money and or time and or both and yet currently doing nothing with any of these skills", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a little nostalgic already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so much longing just to be close to him because i love him and it hurts me to be apart from him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel become so unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive recovered from the flu but the down side is that i feel completely listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i picked up this new book by michael hague because of the cute fuzzy cover its velvet feeling and was pleasantly surprised by the adorable animal illustrations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling in a generous mood i will give them a good serve because one does develop an eye for the cheese lover who is the easiest to sell to and take advantage of but of course they will always get some generous samples", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pissed off and scared", "label": 3} -{"text": "i too am built i laugh i cry i feel i love i hate i am selfish and i am jealous too i dream i desire i am illogical and impractical too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still had the feeling something weird had just gone down", "label": 5} -{"text": "im gasping for breath and i feel surprised and hurt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit homesick at the same time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrific about myself feeling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling rather dazed and i couldnt stop smiling for ages afterwards", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant think of things to be thankful its because i feel so loved and so thankful i just dont know where to start", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like we kind of ignored him as a person though", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the world needs passionate people who are inspired every day to make a difference in their corner of the world and improve the quality of life for people around them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think they feel somehow offended because the christians played a big part in destroying the earlier cultures religions and mythologies", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got all the way to kyu but now i feel like all my efforts were in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realized that everything was slowing down and i could feel my tragic fall", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so useless right now moaned calla", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling amazing and although mp sabotaged me several times by making me soup cheat when i was sick baked veggies cheat when i was weak and taking me for hummus cheat when rockets were flying i managed quite well with this new level of foodism and i hope to continue", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stand there admiring i feel a gentle push towards my back causing me to trip over and land on the soft bedcovers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel uncertain about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was missing home and feeling exhausted and irritable over our renovation saga", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know its an unfair reaction but i have run out of ways to explain how i feel shaken is the best i can come up with right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a petrified mollusk on the bottom of an oceanliner headed for an iceberg", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel loved though because once again god has been working", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel successful when i do my best", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im in such a strange place in life no one to take care of and no one who cares", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sitting here crying not really knowing why but i feel so burdened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i meet men and women that feel damaged by their hiv states", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am getting a strong feeling of smug arrogance from edward", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started looking through my blog archives because i was feeling nostalgic for the enthusiasm i had for blogging last year and i was also missing the way i looked back then in a href http thoughtsfromanotherkook", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that we have now journeyed through two years without our beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel that he was quite reluctant to let me know more over messages and he insisted that we have to meet at his office when i suggested that we settle at jp if he feels the need to talk to me in person so that he can let me take a look at their facilities", "label": 4} -{"text": "i neared the end of my high school experience i remember feeling very determined about this choice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel delighted to see so many of my facebook friends actively supporting the cause for which anna hazare has been fasting i", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling nostalgic lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am tired of looking into the mirror and feeling inadequate and alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the blogging community has been very supportive and encouraging", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could find a way to bathe in this feeling of escape a little while longer and sink in pariss romantic atmosphere furthermore", "label": 2} -{"text": "im ok with that it feels a little weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im a prostitute unable to communicate to the only person who feels suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i miss the feeling of being accepted rather than judged", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would still feel heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like it is especially nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im watching my sweet little girl slip away from me", "label": 2} -{"text": "id like to know in case i ever feel brave enough to do it myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling pretty rotten thanks to an ongoing stomach bug sore throat cold", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling mellow i usually go for either a more minimalist almost preppy look or a more relaxed bohemian vibe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got a feeling of self confidence which is something that i really liked having", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know you are happy now i feel empty thats because of i am not the reason for your happiness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am glad i am not a college educated black female if it means becoming the person you are i can t take time asking people to feel pity on me i am too damn thankful for every opportunity i have been given and worked to obtain and did not stop once to think about what i don t have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i question their interest and interpret their kindness as pity and i avoid them to stop feeling paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i subconsciously feel weird about it now that i know its a v in there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel resentful even when the wrongs i got so worked up about have been righted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean i guess creativity could be even more of a broad categorie that beauty fits into but i ll talk about beauty for now since it s something i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i understood that our differences were skin deep and that we all wanted to belong and feel loved and have friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i talk to her i just feel agitated and i wanna shout", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel intimidated by people who are smarter than me or who i believe to be smarter than me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really like someone just stole something so valuable away", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont remember everything after that but i feel all funny now and my mouth feels weird and i cant walk quite right and why did i have to have this awful day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish he didnt make me feel uptight all of a sudden and not myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel has some low level psychic abilities but nothing particularly huge or spectacular is attacked by the next to top tier general in the dark kingdom and through sheer force of will alone refuses to allow his rainbow crystal to be extracted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suppose my only belief at this stage is that we cannot go from fado the eternal portuguese feeling of pessimism and longing to the manic states that lie in its opposition", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a deer stunned by the headlights in an interview ill whip out my mental sunglasses to diffuse the glare", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel humiliated by what i see i touch el coraz n de las personas que sufren conmigo i worry about pride and prejudice i cry por la inacci n de los humanos i am strong and optimistic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i learn someone is pregnant i either pity her because she could have a mc like me or i feel bitter towards her because she can have children when i can t and i always resent her for reminding me of my pain", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t even know how to in any language express my feelings at that moment i was furious and i felt deeply insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lifes worth looking worth living worth loving and though i never believed that eyes could talk", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this wave of discontent and i know it has nothing to do with my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strongly about gentle transitions and sleeping with company is comforting for him and for us as well when you think about it as we sleep alongside our spouses and not separately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just have to prick my finger every morning afternoon evening and when i m feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel you precious master amp servant new life and never let me down again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i must be damaged and need to be repaired", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel needlessly paranoid drained and overall unpleasant", "label": 4} -{"text": "im never happy at home and sometimes i feel like nikki and arselene talk about me but im probably just being paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "im putting together a hair magazine for part of my ma in fashion journalism so if youre feeling friendly i suggest you do a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i make sure both parties are actively involved and feel like the situation is resolved fairly and respectfully see grabbing above", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t think that jus cos u re feeling morose for a period of time means that when someone ask u if anything is wrong it makes u feel weird i mean when u change ur behaviour towards someone it means something right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was napping and could feel the strange pull as i awoke", "label": 5} -{"text": "i seem to keep mentioning transport in these blogs figuring out the local transport took some effort but was also pretty rewarding you feel so successful plus you save a ton of money that would otherwise go towards taxis", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like weve hit that entropy stage where things are messy and disjointed hellip predictable on a grand scale but with no assurances from any one moment to the next", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am really feeling her sense of style its like she is not afraid of prints and bold colors everything she wear is always festive high fashion", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like at one point i was liked here", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel embarrassed for him limping off that way and me thinking how goofy he looked doing so after this awkward kiss over some foot cream", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling very generous and decided to pick two winners", "label": 2} -{"text": "i rubbed it around and around and could feel the padding grabbing onto fine hairs on my face", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t feel the sweet ness in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel frantic i work everyday and then i come home to my worried mother", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel im a bit skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see things after living in the city so long yet still love the southern indiana feel i just get amused by more of it now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not much interested in arguing with people who feel like its ludicrous to regard those mass murders as grounds for war", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go back to orit feeling triumphant ish with all my papers the form the picture the receipt from the post office the letter from the hebrew lady", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i need to say that im not heartless and evil just for clarifications sake", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can genuinely say from the bottom of my heart that i feel absolutely thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling pretty stunned and havent quite gotten my head around it yet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt like i was taking part in a freakshow one group in particular male and female pointed and gasped etc it was a fine line between feeling like a celebrity and admired and feeling yes like a freak", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel neurotic and paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel impressed awed and a little oddly warped out myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am has contributed towards me feeling very low about my weight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was talking with a friend and she told me i shouldnt feel so ashamed of my feelings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess like it was said in the previous post generation y must feel more compassionate that is not to say the previous generation werent", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel its overwhelming how many talented people there are", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must say i spend quite a lot of time getting new inofrmation but i still feel so dumb what is this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel about puppy mills my beloved scooter is in heaven now running like the wind the way he loves to do but he hated the whole idea of puppy mills because theyre cruel and inhumane", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more trusting of my master", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know i always feel hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling so hesitant about leaving my daughter at this building that housed the ragamuffins waiting to get in the shelter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanna be that feeling really a gorgeous tune", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling a bit overwhelmed im sure everyone can relate to this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kushner said to us don t underestimate how important it is for you as rabbis to spend time with people individually especially when they are feeling afraid vulnerable and ashamed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel so much for not being bothered by the lack of partner in my life heh", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel respected in my playing ability and am a good player until proved otherwise", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel at all gentle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling scared that the family reunion is only a couple weeks away", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel curious stares from the others already in the room", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel sympathetic for them because pakistanis as patients have to be most impatient patients ever", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so amazing since transitioning to a paleolithic way of eating", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling energy for the third so let s dig more deeply into being curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could still feel the curious stare of the woman whom i did my best to ignore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i fear will feel sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suppose when i don t feel that my life is weird enough i ll find another crazy topic to write about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can remember i m unsure of myself and am completely unfamiliar with feeling as vulnerable as i am right now admitting your dreams following them and risking failure is not easy", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling really generous as an extra bonus on the day of the blog hop i will randomly select one person from all the comments on this post to receive a goodie bag of beads", "label": 2} -{"text": "my roommate talking and shaking her bed at night", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling sociable in a social setting it is extremely unlikely that i would attempt to talk to a girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess it has a lot to do with me feeling contented to be able to put my children first before work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel he the innocent man would be saying it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very clever each time i make my new seasons bag", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will always feel bitter about how rapidly photo technology changed with both the cameras and that notorious darkroom", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the example for the description of the unsavory fellow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hadnt been able or even wanted to take any belly pictures because i was either sick tired not feeling cute at all or lazy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel grandpa and grandma here i still feel their happiness in the fact that i am loving this shelter they built", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am learning to take the time to make sure i am feeling calm when i do things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so petty being so upset about losing a gadget i tried so hard to convince myself that i needed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like to finish on a positive note that whenever i feel a bit fearful or down i can just remember something nice about me and rich and it cheers me up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel impressed how big the world is and this makes me dreaming of crossing other places for which i only heard or read", "label": 5} -{"text": "i came back to visit last june but it didn t feel very strange since i hadn t really been gone that long", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was astonished to find the amount of articles and editorials that stated to the effect while we all feel an agitated state of affairs over slavery it would be preposterous to suppose cessation and possible war might be the result", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling very petty tonight and little things are making me very upset", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had so much pain to mull over time and time again whereas now i feel as though i am just numb and i always seem to fall into the same pattern and it seems as though the story is always the same", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went to bed last night feeling overwhelmed and discouraged by life and woke up this morning feeling blah", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt a stinging pain and i started feeling a bit strange too when i saw michael being so rough", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think its safe to say that this is one of those bloggers that i feel like i know because she has such a sweet heart but also because ive been stalking her for a while embarrassing and eating up pretty much every post she writes about her family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazed that i actually didnt laugh at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would feel completely drained afterward because not letting my mind wander took every ounce of mental energy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel generous with my body or self", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did this by staying in the present moment being in my body allowing myself to feel all of my feelings unconditionally loving appreciating and accepting myself and my experiences and seeing what i could learn from them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was exceptionally hurt by it and i m definitely still feeling the impact when it comes to trusting people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go to visit my friend and see this once vibrant beautiful incredibly smart woman i used to know has become a shell of her former self i feel petty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began what truly feels like a rebirth and i can t begin to explain how ecstatic i am after my first day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling that grumpy and it doesnt happen very often but when it does", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i was convinced that someonne had broken into my flat and i woke up and heard sounds that frightened me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel i can t contribute because i dont know enough but everyone has always been supportive and willing to answer my questions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel completely agitated and full of blame", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like perhaps vicious tries too hard to be edgy without delving as deeply as it could into the real philosophical ethical and psychological issues underlying victors and elis choices", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been laid off ive been feeling more and more useless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel ten times more lady like carrying it over the shoulders the delicate leather prevents me from pairing with anything dark washed but i never learn", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel slightly envious of the proper fat burger sitting opposite me but eating this is fiddly and different and im obliged to use knife and fork", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling work stress anxiety sadness and i am left feeling shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel agitated and hypomanic hypomania is an elevated mood state many experience euphoria but for many it can just be expressed as agitation in combination with increased activity pressure of speech compulsiveness and impulsiveness and risky behaviors", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so shjksojhiduxhvckbgkdfbkbkdbkshgkdhg confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if there are two wolves in my heart battling for control of my soul one of the wolves is vicious angry and resentful wishes to destroy and is also sad and unhappy the other wolf is gentle calm and forgiving wishes to build and is joyful and happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of already turned it into a second fan page feel free to add me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i knew that it probably wasnt a good idea for me to get pregnant feeling lousy read on to learn more", "label": 0} -{"text": "i held this baby girl for almost two hours today and every time i hold her no matter how i felt before i feel like i am loving life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit down to read i feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i write this i actually feel a pining a longing and a pain in my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i plead with god to put me right again i feel a gentle tug at my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i honestly feel like my mom loved it too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i yu is stunned speechless a long time the finger tip spreads of bright burn feeling just make him suddenly surprised to feel throwing away cigarette bud knit the brows a way how dont report to the police", "label": 5} -{"text": "i usually get upset i always end up thinking things over and over which basically just upsets myself but now i don t really think anything at all and i just feel funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel passionate about taking a stand and maybe understand that this one as yet to be chosen issue is worthy of my time and efforts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cannot stand the fact that i have to tend to a cemetery plot or release balloons on his birthday instead of taking him to chuck e cheese but there is also a very tender side of my heart so very capable of feeling the desperation of being helpless in protecting my child", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel is strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel in case you are that frightened of your us government infringing in your privacy then you certainly shouldn t possess a google account nor google desktop lookup nor a gmail account", "label": 4} -{"text": "i give to my students to help them calm down and regain focus just before big performances events or anytime they feel stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so fucking shitty for doing it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im merely just distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really weepy and like its all a flash forward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the tragedy a href http paslamonq", "label": 5} -{"text": "id have to say i feel sad to leave this place", "label": 0} -{"text": "i who feels curious decides to follow him", "label": 5} -{"text": "im so excited and starting to feel a little bit nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up crying feeling miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like they were victimized by a hometown officiating crew that got a couple of calls very wrong and really affected the outcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i appreciated that the discussion was purely informative and at no time did i feel pressured to promote or endorse red bull", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel impatient at times fearful at times but it is different than before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am pushed beyond what i can handle with our setup sleep deprivation and back that s killing me but i am not aloud to feel annoyed angry upset tired or drained cause if lily catches on i will be in deep trouble", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to thank all of you with all my heart please feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i first got the board i remember feeling unsure about h", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel cold in", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt intend on writing one for day because i feel like i give lousy advice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am able to stand next to this type of sincerity without feeling inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had to hide the fact that i was feeling quite lousy while they were visiting", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so selfish in this knowing there are so many others who have it much worse", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel foolish for letting my laziness keep us apart for so long", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel when i hear adolescents call someone with twice as many harvard degrees as you stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel no goodness from it no sense that i am forever in debt to a gracious god and to a wonderful saviour", "label": 2} -{"text": "i might get that way sometimes i am waaayy more tired of feeling my aching body everytime i walk", "label": 0} -{"text": "never experienced", "label": 3} -{"text": "im already a person who cant sit still and relax it feels weird to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got outside i beat myself up pretty bad mentally of course for not going with my gut feeling but again i was hesitant b c ive never done this before and that was actually my very st time meeting with a seller and feeling good about a particular property", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feeling dazed look in front of this woman s problem is so strange oh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a great running week i finally feel like i am back in the training groove and i am loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling very proud of getting underway", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought pride only meant feeling too superior to others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had my window rolled down like i do sometimes so i can feel the wind in my hair and all that but i didn t want to be rude and roll up the window so instead i just stared straight ahead at a fixed point on the car in front of me which was incidentally a sticker that said geology rocks", "label": 3} -{"text": "im mainly just feeling pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the pain more clearly and i m not despairing and thinking i don t care if shit happens to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel horny and cheeky a href http missblacks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so violent tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i can do anything and i am not afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read this quote and i think about the things i feel newly faithful in like living life a day a time and surrendering every piece of me physical mental emotional and spiritual to a power greater than me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know how that feels ive been taken advantage of before cause im a caring person", "label": 2} -{"text": "one day my elder brother badly scolded my father this was the first time that i heard such abusive language from my brother i requested him humbly not to use this kind of language but he did not care for what i was saying finally i picked up an axe to use against him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so useless and utterly worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked and on some level devastated that a young woman of would die of cancer ovarian cancer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like there s always a reason for not supporting this charity or that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was scared and kept screaming but then i finally woke up actually screaming and with the eerie feeling that there were hostile aliens sneaking around in my room", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like she would be taking a step back if she were to play a supporting role in this vampire film", "label": 2} -{"text": "i once ran into numerous men allusions to want to go to bed with me their outward appearance although looking is gentle also pretty much gentleman their behaviors make me feeling disgusted is still you better iron pillar", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will make it about yards before i will fall down in an exhausted stupor and won t feel his vicious mauling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling unwelcome there as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was uncomfortable while reading this book and i think that was a necessary feeling to truly grasp the emotional nature of m", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mean i am happy for others but how can a person feel ok with something when they themselves just suffered through a loss", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to go by the event and see how things are going and say hey to everyone but since im no longer in it i feel so weird doing so", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got off in my previous post about how much the app maker leeches upset me at this conference and so i feel like i should mention who i was most impressed with there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel it all and i m so damn impressed by evans i kind of want to kidnap her keep her to myself and tell her to write some more", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i may have already been wanting to masturbate feeling horny etc don t recall what about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had this feeling that i would be welcomed by the art scene here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really want to let other women know it is normal to feel unsure uneasy and depressed but the biggest thing to do is to talk about it and not feel embarrassed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel resentful not one bit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel tender for her tender for what ive said and done tender to be alive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i should feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i m learning skills which i hope to use again my body have amazed me in its knowledge of how to adjust and support a growing baby", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel rushed to apply a pesticide", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think we both feel this way and have taken a few positive steps toward the goal after the wood flooring project the direct tv boxes were disconnected and will be returned to the satellite provider", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a jerk for not supporting the meat industry but supposrting dairy and egg farms for the pure fact im lazy and dont want to inconvenience myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel awful i shouldnt have done that workout", "label": 0} -{"text": "i call my mum and i feel her strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should join up im not sure im feeling a bit overwhelmed right now with all the sources of information networking communities", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could take every pain they feel ever hurt and depressing thought i would with a smile", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did feel a bit restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will practice meditation if i feel overwhelmed and hopefully become successful in peaceful practice", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to ask for a carton of rice milk", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am in this weird place of trying to figure out my life and uncharacteristically moody about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like he may have his uncle alexs funny personality which is both amazing and terrifying all at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a woman its obnoxious frankly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like my heart is afraid that answer might not be yes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little weird writing this post because its basically all about me and i do not like attention on me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had my third growth scan on tuesday and neither one of the girls was feeling particularly sociable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel is by far the most talented in the country and tell them guys this team can be very very special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel enraged by the amount of people participating for the chance to break things or those who treat it as a tourist event", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very sympathetic to him and feel almost guilty somehow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think the most powerful photography is the kind that takes you inside the photograph it makes you feel like you ve just almost been there just almost saw it with your own eyes and here i am somehow feeling but not feeling the bitter cold of stormy seas and ice", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its just that sometimes when it comes to the affairs of the heart you just go slightly mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started feeling bad ish on thursday morning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think i respond pretty level headed to comments that come across respectful but i will not censor my snark when i feel someone is being rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i was so distracted by how i was going to do the work here in the area that i forgot about the tools that the lord has given me to help our investigators and find people to teach", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never ever feel threatened by walking alone and enjoying the cool sea river", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean there were some interesting parts that happened after but since this was already going to be a series why not just move it over a book and end it with the reader feeling invigorated and not thinking end already", "label": 1} -{"text": "i meant and agreed with me that those things werent really things she wanted to celebrate either but she was still feeling a little disturbed that we had no decorations at all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel dismayed that the evil stepmother continues to be our society s depiction of stepmothers in the media particularly television which is the media form most accessible and in fact part of virtually all of american s daily routines", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start feeling nostalgic and just plain good all over", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel funny about suggesting that our august threat might have more to do with the nsa s harried public relations than with al qa", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t want to talk about the future because it still feels uncertain to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel wronged i admit that i am equally to blame for the mismanagement of this situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like reading some of it as i am curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel hated and disliked sometimes and so i outcasted my self from socializing with my classmates at lunchtime", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am happy to report that i am feeling a bit more energetic and optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am accepting that i will feel this longing ache and hurt for the rest of my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel reassured by baby", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have always owned our own home and i thought it would feel strange even a little scary not to have a property of our own to call home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i age chronologically i often feel like a teenager uncertain of what the future holds and what i ll do with myself or who i m going to become", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if by paying these people to teach me i m supporting a system with which i have many many disagreements", "label": 2} -{"text": "i select a costume for myself i try to find something that does not make me feel foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel distraught and lost", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started a second wow character to see how different it would be starting in a different area and despite new landscapes and quests i just can t escape the feeling of blandness and not caring that permeates the whole wow experience", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hated i feel like i dont belong and more and more i feel that i want to die", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel it but i nudged the feeling to the back of mind determined to keep an open mind towards calgary", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel she gave him a naughty smile", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel relieved now", "label": 1} -{"text": "im under a lot of stress and feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic for old books which i often reread", "label": 2} -{"text": "i begin if i had an accident with the lawn mower and my hand was cut off blood shooting out in arterial spurts you wouldn t feel kind of weird about it at all and think hey that guy taylor i met yesterday seemed like a nice guy i enjoyed talking to him on the site", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked to seeing that jon beat us up there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel stiffness and a dull pain below my ankle which i m not sure the ankle brace really helps but it wasn t too bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel particularly snobbish about this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i forgot i did something that could cost us a half million dollars feeling but i couldnt figure out what was making me anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel and how much i am amazed at what my body can do now that its freed from most of the prison of flesh i carried around for years", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had last week when i was so sick from working with my daughter two days in a row i got the feeling that we all in my family were feeling more convinced than ever that i cannot do it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t think we can resist knowing what foreigners think of us with our chronic insecurity and especially what spaniards think of us a people we as unamuno accurately points out feel suspicious about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rite now i dislike him more than i have ever disliked neone else he hurt me so much he broke my heart he sed he didnt want to be with neone rite now he wanted me but cudnt b wit me cus of the distance so really", "label": 0} -{"text": "im currently feeling way fucked up with the mother tongue paper", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got up early around am and i feel cranky because i got to sleep at am we watched hansel gretel witch hunters last night so i feel really sleep deprived and anyway there was this briefing i have to attend at am at the municipal hall", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling mellow because i just figured out how to keep my little mouse out which means i dont have to trap him or her at least not now and i just had a beer and watched an hour of television so i figured id write some stuff in here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m really doing something worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i help you will i feel valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel particularly amorous toward my followees and tumblr today", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not quite as worried about in products that wash off but its always a bonus and this feels incredibly gentle on the skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i type really good it makes me feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel helpless in the face of the school year waxing and waning the innumerous occasions to be present the inevitability of the next break in the school term fast approaching and the competing desires to be a present mother and a fulfilled purposeful person", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sorry for making you feel so fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i saw them on a small mausolea and one huge black cat stopped and starred at me with an incredibly understanding and long mysterious stare and i looked back at it completely immersed in that moment and feeling a strange connection i was unable to interpret", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling shocked that even a left wing maven was telling us nice little fairytales in which bin laden s death is the happy ending", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love to read erotic stories and look at photos of all kinds when i feel naughty and want to feel great", "label": 2} -{"text": "i talk to rob about really wanting a second dog and i feel oddly passionate about it even though i suspect its largely because im bored and itchy and ready for something new now that hes home again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was showered with love and was overwhelmed with good wishes and wonderful unexpected gifts but the most wonderful thing was the feeling of being lucky", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling plunge us into a world of melancholy and love", "label": 0} -{"text": "i of association expresses to the reporter the feeling is gotten really very regretful but she also expressed to understand hope emperor fire goes to beijing smoothly all the way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it is very unfortunate that those who are best in the position to fix this problem church leaders are the ones least having the incentive to do so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did manage to tick off one or two nagging tasks but i find that after long training sessions like this mornings you tend to feel very drained and unfocused on task based activity", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i managed to tell a girl i was inlove with that it was so she reacted as i had thought told me there were no feelings and ignored it ever happened it bothers me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i try to apologize to those who i feel i have offended and i try to move on because there is no need to dwell on the past", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel onion rings always fall into one of those two categories so i loved that these didnt ive actually been known to send onion rings back at restaurants because of how underwhelming they can be", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel rejected insecure and afraid that she doesn t love me", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling the stunned one more but thats no slag on the", "label": 5} -{"text": "i loved how all his pack mates bonded with her the touchy feely way they were with each other was sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im being more devoted to our friendship than she is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dunno tommy just may have been feeling playful which is fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i noticed feeling intimidated about talking to people about jesus and i was fearful of going places on my own", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a productive person rather than a waste of space", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling surprised as each day passes and theres no news", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found it challenging remembering all of the assigned tasks and being responsible for completing them in a timely manner but by going through the process over and over again i have begun to feel more confident with everything and i feel that it has become easier to meet the demands of the job", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do love to walk and right now i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed and quite stuck", "label": 5} -{"text": "im here whinning about it but i respect people by trying to not use my phone in front of people and try to talk to them more so that they wont feel left out like how i do which is always i get annoyed and pissed but what can i do right", "label": 3} -{"text": "i reassure myself that this is meant to decongest and as it turns out once you emulsify this on your face even though it feels rich it absorbs well and is untraceable in a minute or so", "label": 1} -{"text": "i keep myself from feeling fearful that something bad wont happen", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dunno mapping out mazes always makes me feel all intelligent even though in the end it s just sort of trial and error you know", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have always been more of the business head and strategist and jenn the creative and as time goes on i feel i have gotten more creative and jenn is now very business oriented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i were to stop there no doubt you d leave feeling dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little anxious for her and the season hadnt even begun", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive stood on the other side of that wall enough times to remember it when im down but what of the person who doesnt have a library of experiences to draw on when they feel beaten by some circumstance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i try my hardest at making people happy and get nothing in return but just getting it shoved back in my face", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like to journal sometimes especially when i m feeling bothered by something and can t seem to let it go", "label": 3} -{"text": "im mostly feeling a surge of amazed joy at what is ahead of us", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel like i was impatient there last time he said adding with a laugh so i ll start more patiently", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had just made a long trip to phoenix which was a little nerve wracking and so i had leftover nerves and yes i was feeling very emotional as my car moved in the direction out of town", "label": 0} -{"text": "i entered the car to the moment i left we watched movie and had lunch in between i was made to feel unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little strange chasing after them since im so disappointed in the brand as a whole", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel like you cant be faithful and if the oipppertunity comes youd so take it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel disheartened whenever i see their eyes go wide and mouths go a huge o", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling brave do it even though it scares me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i never cease to feel amused when with a single facial expression i have the power of modifying a students behavior", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling real hyperr today for some weird reason sooooo i want to show yu this song ive been epicing about for weeks", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean i feel that a bgr should be treasured and not dumped like some people i know going steady having to find themselves dumped or they dump", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that the popular television programs in the s are far better than the popular shows in the past decade there are positive aspects of the television shows within the past years", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling even more and more bothered when im home and i have no clue as to why i feel this way about my own house", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was still feeling stunned and then i laughed my ass off for about minutes before i could even pull my pants up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am so very close to the production staff even when doing the morning opening and bulbokbul i do not feel shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more inhibited to practice during public sessions compared to the lessons but any ice time is good ice time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel less distracted if i can jump back and make a change or jump ahead and make a note than i feel if i m worrying whether or not i will forget to make the change", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so pathetic waking up so sluggish so hung up unable to actually move on living with negative thoughts no matter how much i want to avoid them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel however that everyone should have access to truthful accurate science based information on how to identify and understand the mechanisms of abuse and addiction", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel you can learn from i started my blog findingstrengthtostandagain to help you and me learn a little more about life when we re too stubborn to let disabilities take over when we have so many abilities to share", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling so uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling very superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like annoyed when the aunties asked me ohh why you didnt attend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a cranky old crow when i go to shows", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling disappointed helps me to stay calm", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent got any classes booked for this evening but i feel i want to do something gentle so im going to try and investigate the exercisetv website that prior fat girl jen was talking about a couple of days ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel atm plus my arm and knees are aching which are all signs that ive been depriving myself of sleep for far too long", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt run out of the store as i knew most likely the energy i was feeling wasnt really dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really sad about the relationship i am in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a sneaky feeling it is going to be one hot and humid summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel cute today a href http squishychan", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling so freaking excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also like to add corn black beans and if im feeling rebellious some crushed tortilla chips", "label": 3} -{"text": "i now have an understanding of how my students must feel when they are reading something and all these strange words keep appearing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t feel threatened smith said", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would have taken more but something feels weird about going to a foreign country and taking pictures of places and things that most of the people probably consider commonplace", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also miss the old curious child within me i just feel that the curious child inside me is dying slowly upon the shock of knowing that the world is not as beautiful as we thought it was", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling sentimental", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to remember that feeling and i want to remember how when im so comfortably liked that i tend to get comfortable with feelings of annoyance and eye rolls and complaints about people who have done nothing but be not quite my favorite personality", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate feeling helpless more than anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel distressed i think you know that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling suspicious of every word every motivation every intention", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so helpless now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i miss being taken care of and that feeling of being loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive seen reviews in which hes been dismissed as purely a villain but hobb is too good a writer to make someone completely villainous and besides i get the feeling that shes rather fond of kennit herself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i don t feel horny any more really whatsoever so no harm done i didn t orgasm i didn t cathect too heavily with the imaginary bodies or whatever", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish my mother was around for times like theses she passed in when you feel that any movements that you make and choices will hurt someone else and you let that hold you back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a hot rush of shame", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel welcomed i have been respected everyone has been warm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am a year old college student and i feel overwhelmed by all the financial advice out there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont think theres anything wrong with how i feel now and how i felt at the time because i was a teenager and savage garden was very easy to love", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel are worth caring about involve preserving a level of complexity in the planetary ecology and the ecology of human culture", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that there is so much petty crime on the streets of brittain today it is hard for the police to respond appropriatley", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will be practically living the next four years of my life its something that feels so funny now", "label": 5} -{"text": "im also feeling very eager", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get to pursue things that spark my curiosity and make me feel useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel anxious because theyre counting on me to give correct direction", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel a curious joy within me one that only god could create in someone such as me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the theme music is far too jolly and straightforward the tube show has captured a lot of this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling very agitated while doing it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling tender id like to be quiet id appreciate some company", "label": 2} -{"text": "im in this far and am curious if maybe by day my system will feel brighter more hopeful and less stabby", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sit down to write i don t feel like i ve got one creative thought left in my brain but that s not important right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel uncertain about time", "label": 4} -{"text": "im so tired of feeling confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "im asked that i either feel mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left that series feeling more confused than i had whilst watching it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling shocked then hateful and now when the documentary is over i feel sad", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive decided to put it on hold as im feeling anxious about my next craft market", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get i love that ig et to feel the way i want to feel now i love that life is perfect andf un and nothing matters an i am here to play", "label": 1} -{"text": "i saw for the pain i feel abused i accept all of the emotional heart and to the need for it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though the reader is supposed to come to the conclusion that the water wort might lack any qualities that the author considers worthwhile or mentionable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i close my eyes and start to feel extremely bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so damn romantic in that thing i have to watch it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel after a handful of tortured moments", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like most of my time should be devoted to photography but i find myself being lazy and not getting on assignments and the like", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can approach my partner peter at almost any time and ask for some encouraging words or a hug when i am feeling anxious or unconfident and guarantee that he will want to support me when i need it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im certainly feeling brave and i have to say yes oh come on yes its about time we left all that behind and er we re respectable civilized human beings not money monsters", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling fantastic and looking forward to a tempo ride tomorrow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know about you guys but i have been feeling that the world is terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t want to risk feeling stressed so i instead used my pittsburgh pirate ballcap", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hated the feeling i had at the moment i never felt it before and i hated i was being forced to feel it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have read it pushed past uncomfortable and into a feeling of disgusted violation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really feel for you guys supporting a team in the relegation zone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i speak to singaporeans its a natural reaction that id speak in my normal way or id feel extremely weird about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling irritated and frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feeling that indecisive in my feelings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love the lights and sparkly things but the expectations the rise in loneliness and feeling empty like no one is going to be with you forever", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel is terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldve liked the book but im not sure i did", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im supporting something today that i havent totally looked into", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling generous today and will try and attach it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel guilty for not even being able to get outside and walk every day but i just havent felt like it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am at that weird point of really wanting the next four months to go by quickly but simultaneously feeling overwhelmed by how much we have to get done in such a short span of time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the reader becomes more sympathetic to the horrors of the torture when they see it conveyed through pictures because they are able to identify with the character", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a gloomy bear", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so ungrateful writing about this because i know god was with me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strangely timid getting my hair done even by a lady i have known for a while and i feel only a bit nervous about the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel extremely outraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling a little nostalgic listening to the music of my earlier years", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dunno how it still feels so hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like being messy today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so devoted so connected so so in love with paris", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so overwhelmed by all of the experiences i had and the people i encountered that selfishly i dont want to try and explain because i feel my words are inadequate to capture and convey accurately my pilgrimage", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel rude in the mornings but i just can t seem to talk before am", "label": 3} -{"text": "i continued to feel very submissive and continued to be aroused as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i knew most other prommies would have dates but i can t help feeling bitter about buying my own corsage", "label": 3} -{"text": "i yearn to live a simple life and get back to feeling joyful and content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that but that doesnt mean its not how i feel i wish i could be loyal to myself and follow my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went on her blog today as i do pretty much everyday and she had made a post about me so im feeling really surprised and nervous and flattered and wiggly s gllllllllllllll", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am incredibly excited to be pregnant but i have been feeling awful these past several weeks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel completely heartbroken for john travolta", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never thought id feel unwelcome in church anywhere on this planet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i barely remember it but i do have a vague memory of feeling fairly doubtful that it was actually a true story", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel completely mislead and dissatisfied with the transaction as well as the product", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant get to my stitching i feel envious and frustrated but if i am able to spend some time stitching i can feel inspired or just a wee bit competitive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i was scared a little bit to do this in scared of all the writers that would come out of the woodwork and scared that i would feel threatened and jealous when i read other people s stuff if it was better than mine", "label": 4} -{"text": "i accomplish a great deal while not feeling rushed i eat well i get plenty of rest and i just feel amazing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been disturbed by hammering and drilling all day i feel disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very very blessed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel it in my heart and in my gut and if only you whos reading this can feel it too youd be so amazed and overwhelmed of how powerful and majestic god really is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more like myself when im with her rather than this is fearful little girl that hides in corners", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling quite impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shaky as i feel like i shouldn t have doubts as god is true and loving", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty badly for stevie johnson but after seeing the post game press conference im impressed how he stood there and owned up to his flub", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel wronged by life im having some serious problems", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling anxious its almost like your body is being poisoned", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know its there and i talk about it when i have to with my therapist or my parents but i dont open up about it because i feel vulnerable and sometimes just plain crazy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strange with the judge passing sentence in such a manner", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know about you but anytime i hear that last song i feel naughty and picture scandalous strippers bathed in honey with strawberries and grinding uhm yeah you get the idea", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will admit to feeling resentful that such a loss had happened to me until i read of others saying why not me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t actually tell if he s good or terrible but i don t feel particularly impressed so still i had a good feeling about his audition until he demonstrated his nemesis note", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i got indecent offers", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know you ve been feeling strange and i know some big things happened to you in the last few years but i assure you that they don t compare to what s happened to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wanted to say how i was feeling and remember things that i liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i face turn red and feel shy emm no", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that this tragic experience has definitely been a wake up call to myself and bill in that life is short and can be taken from anyone in an instant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can also be pretty damned vindictive when i feel ive been wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i learned baby b was head down and there are feet and elbows near my belly button so now i know what im feeling though i liked the idea of a little butt better", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amused but not quite as the seriousness of the situation to the other person gnaws at the back of my mind", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tried some on posed infront of the mirror feeling not impressed took it off again and tried another one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that this strange emotion of pressure that exists with the hype of the media creates an illusion which makes people and things seem untouchable and unattainable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i admire makes me feel amazed at my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt bad about feeling disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel far less frantic and sad now than i did when i started this post", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember walking around the beach the following week and feeling this strange twinge of sadness", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel discouraged and exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slightly embarrassed writing this letter but i see the need to voice out so that my fellow citizens know what is happening in our society", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was sitting feeling melancholy and to be honest a little sorry for myself with my shaking body and two twisted legs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t know why i m feeling so grouchy recently", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t think there will ever be a time when agency music producers will stop requesting songs with lyrics about positive universal themes like togetherness feeling carefree things changing for the better etc", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i heard about the way a parent of a friend had mistreated him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so totally humiliated i just want to cry my gf and sister made me get a really short hair cut", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am going to try not holding back feelings telling the truth to everyone even if it hurts and trusting everyone until they give me a reason not to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why i feel so unsure aout things and especially people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am getting the feeling of homesick already when its just one week in thailand only", "label": 0} -{"text": "im trying not to feel so overwhelmed by my feelings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spent my teens feeling very confused and witnessing my family searching for possible suitors for my elder sisters was awkward i knew that this would happen to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so glamorous right now i accidentally dropped my glitter for my eyes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am up but i feel crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sat down at the table for lunch after proclaiming how amazing i felt considering i started to feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel it in your kiss it just gives me tender bliss what is love what is love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up feeling like i didnt want to do much but i got a text message from my sweet sweet baby spice a href http comewithmetorexburg", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel myself sinking back into the person i repressed so long ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was shocked at how large they were especially since i didnt feel too hot i hadnt walked very much and i didnt feel them swelling i usually do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do still feel melancholy at times but that too can be chased away if i just keep my mind occupied", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling really indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so restless sometimes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this is more than a weird coincidence", "label": 5} -{"text": "im left with this feeling of be wrung out and kinda thrilled about this bit of personal evolution not only did i dodge a bad career decision i somehow clarified my strengths", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am left feeling heartbroken disturbed as well as embarassed and saddened for my now hometown", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do think that way sometimes but only when im feeling bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pretty oh so pretty a href http muppetbundle", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really wanted to finish with her and it would feel weird to do otherwise after all the hard work wed been doing", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive ranted a bit im feeling a bit more calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "im betraying my youth and class origins here but the working world still feels very strange to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suddenly feel burdened to tell people that take it from me it s not as monstrous as we all thought it to be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to feel strongly about how much i hated it being curly and now i feel strongly about how beautiful big curly hair is", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i m supposed to practice faithfulness to the moment and feeling impatient sends me into guilt convulsions and spiritual embarrassment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was a bit slow on this for reasons i just received my june box days ago boo and yesterday i had more dental work done amp wasnt feeling so hot when i got home", "label": 2} -{"text": "id been feeling a bit curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel offended when someone called me princess sound like im very naive stubborn and cocky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont speak about openly pains that i feel the world doesnt deserve to get their greedy hands on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was just feeling doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think the bill would have been less but i was feeling bitchy so i had apple tinis", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel curious to do so and i got this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel confident will be revealed in later installments in the series", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was thankful i could actually eat without feeling completely miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got in a fight with her because i feel that since i have emetophobia she should be supportive and take me to school every day and if not then not complain the days that i need her to take me because i missed the bus", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty disgusted with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanted to make a sympathy card simply b c i feel like i should always have a few on hand and the sentiment from hero arts is so elegant love it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i imagine that the school bullying that followed made everything worse made me feel rejected and different", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel insulted by him is i am on your side", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so completely drained as though i ve been sprawled out on the floor for days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would have never thought to put this cast together kevin hart duane martin boris kodjoe robin thicke jb smoove amp nick cannon but i get the feeling they are going to be really funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i promise it will feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little overwhelmed with it all because i think there is so much to do and i have not begun to do anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i haven t been eating real food throughout the day or when i feel irritable because i have not gotten enough sleep", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tried to log in a few days ago and it made me feel disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sit and remember what longing felt like and what denial feels like it is so strange to think i couldnt have changed my own perspective the experience itself created my view of the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feeling so miserable when actually my mum should be the one feeling miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling reluctant about everything that was steady about my life ending", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling terrified that ive left this so late but sometimes thats just the way it rolls", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can not remember a time when i was not tired of the way of the world i can remember feeling reluctant to incarnate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel someone that i love is being hated by another person that i love too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had no opportunity to feel sorry for myself or even feel different from the other kids in school", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so badly about this because i can imagine how you feel like what a fucked up person i am", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am finding i use my bite less my front teeth which are the most crooked and twisted feel tender somehow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i both feel very relieved that he is looked after now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was so tired from walking in the rain and drying my feet not enough excuse but the weather affect my mood so much that i feel irritated when it rain non stop", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel itz my job even tho im ova here ta repair what i damaged so imma git tha wheelz rollin and try to git you ta sit down and rilly talk not no hey long time no see type of shit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling rather overwhelmed by some of them", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so relaxed and recharged after a week away but i sure would like another one just to poke around the house and get things done", "label": 1} -{"text": "im branching out a little into non gold making areas of wow so if youre feeling a bit curious as to how i spend my time when im not making gold pop over to a href http sheridesdragons", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel contented to have you here with me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling generous ill give you a story as well", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strangely unprotected and alert", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like we re seeing more and more cases of children committing violent crimes including murder and armed robbery", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like artists are successful because they took risks and even though they were similar to others during their time there was always something that made them stand out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i eventually ended up on the ground when kricket and i feel in a violent display of affection", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling she s curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left the campus feeling extremely offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "im so afraid because i feel as if at any moment i could lose her and how devastated i would be because of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling generous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to speak what i feel without caring if i am hurting you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like you have completely fucked my mind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i immediately lifted up my leg because the sound of that thing snapping was so horrible but i didn t feel anything strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find myself feeling most melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling quite stressed wondering if he would be able to look after bb during my run and if not what was i going to do", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling pretty relieved amp pleased to have made it to the other side of four hefty deadlines", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt insecure as a home educator because without realising it i was comparing myself to everyone else often feeling reassured but more often than not feeling inadequate and pressured to be doing more", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came away feeling very loved and supported by all of you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember that you slumped against the wall near the front door and stared blankly at the wall opposite with that stupid junkie s grin on your face and once again that exact same feeling of uncertain ness came over me and i asked tentatively", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to feel pissed off that i don t see my date", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive read or heard about has changed my overall outlook of this team but for some reason this evening im feeling faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised at myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel has been calling me since i was a shy self hating teen", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling that some people probably didn t like this as it was a change from the book but i really liked it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am kind of neurotic feeling and keep poking my breasts to see if they are tender they are not very and that makes me nervous though i can t really remember having very tender breasts with any of my pregnancies so it doesn t really mean anything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start to feel shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling very damaged and very despondent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will not be meeting him nor will i bother replying to him and have told him this so i won t feel so rude now lol", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel is the most amazing industry in the world network marketing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i lose my moorings centers me when i m feeling insecure quiets my soul when i m filled with restlessness reels my heart in when i am in a wandering mode", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a feeling that i should have liked gavin more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like he loves the character of satan so he is making him more gentle and reserved rather then all read and such", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean im wasting so much water just cos i feel so hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think im going to be able to watch the presidents address tonight because i have a feeling i will become so infuriated i will be unable to sleep", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess that leads to a question why do i feel so unimportant on the one day of the year that im supposed to feel important", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so confused how to get my ex back without looking desperate use this simple method how to get a boyfriend back after dumping him is it possible", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel completely defeated and demoralized", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was so nervous all i remember is my heart beating loudly and feeling insecure as others watched me from off stage", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel myself grow impatient and want to be done with it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i shouldnt feel envious but sometimes i do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable in a theatre", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had to learn how to feel it and then learn to make use of the energy rather than just being spiteful or turning it against myself or anyone else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will finish up with some images i took in ireland since i am feeling a little nostalgic at the moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "im most confused about is the sudden change in my feelings for superman ive always hated him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did spend money on myself and on the gifts i bought i feel kinda regretful and well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found myself nagged by a queasy feeling that i was listening to a pastor counsel an abused spouse to be a good wife", "label": 0} -{"text": "i give up the moment when i feel a heartache i was so afraid of seeing myself back to the oneself i hate the most", "label": 4} -{"text": "i laughed them off because sometimes sometimes im still that forlorn first grader feeling timid aloof and awkward about social interactions and finding my place among my peers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could not help feeling perversely curious over what i imagined would be a topic in the children s homes that night", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my tummy a little angry but i am glad i felt better before we ate or before we cleaned", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i have been loyal to them as a camera manufacturer and i have not always been satisfied with my results but now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stay the more distanced from others i feel it is strange because i sometimes feel like a new friendship is growing or forming", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have learnt to stop and question my thinking and assumptions and honestly i was just left with the feeling of being completely impressed by her ingenuity and how creatively she thinks", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel just too vicious and too cool day a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive done while not writing was had flowers delivered to someone just because brought a meal to a new mom on a day she was feeling overwhelmed and now im stumped trying to remember what has been done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like everybody in the room was shocked dolphins owner stephen ross told the miami herald", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt have any trouble with the cycling or running though i feel pretty wiped out now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am thinking of concepts i am solid on concepts that i feel shaky about and concept that i feel totally clueless about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel distracted tired and spiritually low", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am an independent jewelry designer but feel reluctant to sending out my pieces to bloggers there still seems to be this stigma surrounding them as being rebel writers without a cause", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate the creators because of the pain i feel it makes me restless and tired", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im gonna say something completely stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very delicate right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling quite a lot or pressure and twingy cramps so hoping that next scan will show some lovely growth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that your actions are greatly influenced by how you feel for anna that does not change the fact that i am impressed with how brave you were to stand up to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i observed feeling irritable and separate upon my arrival at church but", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like ive always loved him and now i just got lucky enough to find him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kept waking up not because of the noise but i just had this feeling like that wasnt my sweet little noise to wake up to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling really nostalgic so i thought i should also write something after all i am also one of the contributors of the group and the responsibility of posting shouldnt just fall on one person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have missed the last two episodes of csi and feel rather distraught over it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling bitter and angry for things i couldnt change and holding on to problems that i should have given to god to help me with", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i just feel like that feeling in the stomach shouldn t be there if i am trusting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more alone now than i have in a very very long time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel more isolated since i started working", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit romantic at the moment so i will dare to say only behind love passion and a few of those other fluffy motivational type things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel your tongue in contact making me moan as my tender head aches from the friction and my throbbing furrow struggles to emancipate the warm composite pearl i squeal and hold myself as long as i can until", "label": 2} -{"text": "i finished my semester at school and as i prayed and read my scriptures i was praying for guidance it feels like i always am and it was impressed that i needed to lift the hands that hang low", "label": 5} -{"text": "i now feel rather impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel frustrated and to be honest like i didnt get my moneys worth out of the two days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have so much to be thankful for so to feel jealous of a skinny girl with a seemingly disposable income who is shopping at the mall seems so", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling very bitter about it all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a lot of other things i need to focus on and i am going to enjoy how im feeling and be proud of what i accomplished", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember going to a funeral a little while back and feeling shocked to see the people closest to the loss because they were smiling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am a curmudgeonly crank who beguiles people into thinking im all forgiving and shit because i often hide my more acerbic edge behind my touchy feeling compassionate sometimes passively aggressive side", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel anxious and thought there was something wrong with me because this was supposed to be the happiest time of my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think kisumai old fans will be having the feeling of a mother seeing her beloved children graduate from the best school in the world and enter the new world outside", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked when something i had experienced as a very kind and helpful act by my partner had raised resentment in him as he helped me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went with my guts and lost my dignity but then when ever i recall this verse i feel safe and know i did the right thing after all i was after doing the right thing for the person i love", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could go on for hours but my head kind of hurts from all the yelling and ridiculousness so i am going to go but holy crap watch the notebook if you want to feel intelligent and a whole lot better about your life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so timid about melissa reading it is because she is a rabid fanfic writers and if her reviews are any indication she is damn good", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to teach because i doubt my ability as a dancer to be able to be qualified to be an instructor but when it comes together at the end its all smiles", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am grateful for this the capability to feel compassionate towards others is nothing more than a weakness a cause of inferiority to all human beings", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kinda feel like a page in a coloring book that has been scribbled on with crayon lines just going all over the place totally outside the lines and really messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "im currently feeling a strong unfettered reconnection to my silly ass", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a bit sentimental and wondering where the heck the time has gone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like ive been accepted into a community here in my new town", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not in any way feel threatened by gays and lesbians who wish to be wed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate seeing something so beautiful feelings hope be so abused and manipulated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i even made an acceptable dare i say tasty bowl of vietnamese pho for gill when her stomach was feeling delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel defeated by my lymphedema times where the term disability applies to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sort of startled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel im not worth it but love is a strange thing the strangest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel positive and focus on the running rather than the photos", "label": 1} -{"text": "i certainly wasnt feeling joyful at that moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very dissatisfied with this one right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will not and cannot profess to have any of the answers but i feel something is broke in our society", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive never had the privilege of attending nqc but i couldnt help but feel nostalgic as different people related stories and acknowledged all the memories that room held", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have with doing outfit posts is that i always feel weird after posting them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i seem to do most of my deals early in the month but in may this wasn t the case so i was left feeling nervous up until this past week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling generous while working with the new kits im about to show you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little like vinnie barbarino of the beloved welcome back kotter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i escaped the feeling like everything is fucked and nothings gonna be good it was weird because i got over it with the end of a love that used to mean so much to me and the loss of someone who used to mean so much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like what the hell when u blamed on me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not trying to be the grinch that stole away the happy holiday feeling but lets face it folks no one really surprised us this year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like seeing pictures of my loved ones as well it makes us not feel so isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive had the past two years has helped me continue down a path i know i want to take and i sincerely hope i start a career in the nonprofit sector and find an organization i feel passionate about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must say i was feeling very defeated this week", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know it s not because i m tired because i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel fall coming on i get frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel loyal to my old comic book store tho so i think ill drop by there once a month", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im going nowhere in life and that im too stupid to survive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am still feeling so blessed to have brianne taking care of all the details behind the scene", "label": 1} -{"text": "im really feeling u dont get me and the savage skulls swedens carli lof amp mans glaeser remix of think i feel it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel nervous since this is my first half marathon i am not sure whether i can complete the run or perhaps i might end up walking pass the finishing line", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel as stunned as i look here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i loved to sing those haunting melodies of anti war songs even though im not a dove i feel sorrow over the tragic consequences of war", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always felt like the main star in the movie of my own life from the time i was a kid i ve noticed in recent years that i ve started to feel more and more like a supporting actor", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel a sentimental attachment to it because of the mom connection", "label": 0} -{"text": "i tried to break up was based on me not being happy with my life feeling like i was postponing myself and instead working on a job that i hated not even close to starting on my path that i felt was right", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get there minutes early but then the parking lot is overflowing and it puts me in an awful mood and i m supposed to be uplifted in going not feeling grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of feel like i m suffering from a little bit of a vulnerability hangover and that s due to one thing she said you sound vulnerable with your croaky voice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i keep calling and i feel like im being needy but i only call like a week after she said she would call and didnt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that if i have something that i am sad about i can speed that process by a few weepy songs or if i am feeling particularly bitchy i can turn it around with something fun", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling extremely discouraged about where i currently am", "label": 0} -{"text": "i even feel like i can add some useful information on visual sensory problems which was not mentioned in the book", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like this blog is boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should feel compassionate but the way kendall sounded made me want to shut her up instead", "label": 2} -{"text": "i asked zack if i could go all out and write what i was feeling and he was gracious enough to let me do so", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am right and there is no reason that i should be then a way to reduce anger is to help people feel valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling well kept", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as though i am starting to connect to some of the writers through the reviews and messages though i am very shy at the thought of much interaction with people who are so gifted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel completely wonderful and full of peace and stillness", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling like im being naughty for breakfast but i know the amazing creamy peanut butter banana concoction im enjoying is doing nothing but fueling my day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t get burnt i do feel a little tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed that he has placed me on a path with you and he has undoubtedly planted obstacles that weve had to overcome", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am done i look up at skip feeling kind of bashful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel distracted and painfully private and for this christmas i am giving myself the gift of just letting it be so", "label": 3} -{"text": "im thankfully a little less hormonal than i was last night and on re reading it i feel a lot less horny and a lot more sympathetic towards demyx", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember at my last job feeling so restless all the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had been feeling very nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been here writing three out of the last four days so am feeling quite productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "article published in the college newspaper", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt pretty down about it which has made me feel really selfish but its not easy especially when dressing for the heat when dressing for a cool day is a hard enough challenge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt battered and bruised emotionally and remember feeling like i was someone very strange not to see the world the way these ever so confident people did", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel like it s boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read her autobiography and came away feeling impressed with her toughness in a good way and her commitment to women s and children s issues", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really discontent with that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like ive been beaten with baseball bats not that im aware of how that would feel exactly but i assume it would be similar but i cant wait to get back over there and get some more work done", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel much besides pressure the left one thought went through and i could actually feel the pinch of the needle and thats the only one that is tender and thats only when i end up accidentally pinch it when i reach or cross my arms or something", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember watching last night and feeling so stunned when they said it was an", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know why i feel the need to do that because it s my blog and i can say what i want but i just feel like this sounds so ungrateful if that s the right word but it feels something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel nervous in my first experience to ride travel by myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like you really got to meet all of them even though i admit to being curious and wanting to know more about them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though it has been a very successful holiday week", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have some sort of feelings for him but i am also confused as to exactly what they are since things have been off and on for years and because we hadnt seen each other in person for awhile", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not know how i feel about selling directly from my inventory i will be somewhat surprised if there are not security glitches and exploits in the first months", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kept waiting for the action to increase and feeling distressed that it was taking such a long time", "label": 4} -{"text": "im back in my holiday rut of feeling grumpy and stressed out around the holidays", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling that will change our viewpoints and i m curious to observe the progression", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like that totally shocked him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i bawled my eyes out because eli was in pain i have been feeling very calm and collected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stopped feeling bashful about my techno and started feeling pissed off", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am going to try to break down my feelings for jesus christ and why he is so valuable to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive accepted that as on my transcript will not be the most important part of my college experience", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am very passionate about what people with mental illness deserve but i feel so helpless to do anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this deserve a point of its own simply cause their coffee to me is amazing and i am really thankful for that because without it i would have fallen asleep on so many lectures in the mornings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling out of sorts things just got messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like cuming twice today sweet mistress yo looking for men puyallup washington united states a href http alt", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have not overcome feeling helpless and hopeless or feeling unworthy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not love this city sun baked and utterly without a centre it looks nothing like my mental picture of cities and i always feel a bit dazed whenever im here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wavered between a and a but the food is so damn good that i m feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been comparing researching opening and closing doors and stood in many a store wide eyed and feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i just absorb the creative artist mind while im with caroline susan and their creative students", "label": 1} -{"text": "i strive to make it out of the between boyfriends zone and land safely into single i feel lucky to have had these incredible beginnings with incredible people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally stopped feeling terrified and felt ready", "label": 4} -{"text": "i posted them for future i feel ugly days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i said your new lifestyle becomes your new normal and youll probably feel quite surprised at how quickly that happens", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a strong belief in regard to bed times bed rooms independence and feeling safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it aching at me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find this quite useful but i feel that it lacks popular football teams in the english premier league which will definitely attract tons of followers as the fans base is relatively high in the united states", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find it very difficult to feel sympathetic with", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember going thru an aid station and feeling cold chilled", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it s because perhaps men feel intimidated by me and my accomplishments they don t want to travel to date they are commitment phobics they are not mentally and financially stable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so wronged when i think about this sometimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as though selecting an ugly seasonal sweater is like choosing that one friend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am left empty and bereft and ultimately feeling rejected by yet another person in my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so low that i worry that its out of the ordinary but i have to remind myself that i was probably blocking some of it with alcohol over the past few years", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny about that as i didnt know i would gain such attention", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel comfortable being open and honest", "label": 1} -{"text": "im worried about people feeling insulted in forks when i dont remember them but i will remember that we were there a year ago so theres that", "label": 3} -{"text": "when somebody broke into our home one night when my mother was out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that is the only way to see the truth seeing the amazing along with the bad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am experiencing the empty nest i feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just couldn t get him in a spot where he could get on a roll and i feel awful about it too because it s my job to get him in a position to succeed and it just didn t happen here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disgusted over some peoples lack of maturity and respect though i allow them to remain a burden inside my head", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have suffered from acne since i was in high school and college too and now i got better but i have lots of acne scars in my face and i don t feel handsome and feel pretty lonely now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel reassured that troy is carefully checking the work being done by the subbies", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so un appreciative of what i have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel reassured by the king of swords", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am learning all look similar but there is a different feel to each of the ones i ve encountered curious to see prague s tomorrow if the rain holds off which does not seem to be the case in that city s forecast alas", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always have my little fuzzball hell cuddle up when im feeling lousy in bed or hell tell me its time to get up and feed him usually by sticking a claw up my nose", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive transitioned from an unconfident unworthy feeling fake instructor to one who truly believes in the magic the program offers and being ok with putting my individual stamp on my timeslot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though the romantic elements overshadowed the arguably more significant aspects of this story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so annoyed and restless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dun really hav tat strong feeling abt da place which impressed me a lot where i spent da most important period of my entire life there jst da visa", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pity for gatsby because the longing he feels for the past is so evident", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling really vicious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel pressure but its still pretty numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling properly emotional this week and it feels good to get it out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i only accomplish one thing a day i feel good about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel assaulted by youtube while blog surfing and i know i am not alone in that", "label": 4} -{"text": "im in writing mode i often feel resentful and frustrated when im interrupted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself still feeling curious when i log into sl", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shocked and pissed off that you ruined my sleep", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rebellious because i don t particularly like watching romcoms but i get the feeling that i may be pretty good at writing them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not feel they are caring enough about the flooding that will occur even after the storm on sunday", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so unloved lately like i dont get given enough attention", "label": 0} -{"text": "i reached a point a long time ago where i generally feel uncomfortable speaking spanish to native speakers who are also fluent in english", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find it hard to talk to my partner on a visit and feel very distracted with what is going on around me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i was punished for that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love the colors and it definitely has a very lofty feel quite impressed with your decorating skills", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a little overwhelmed by the enormity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i need to start this review out by saying how honored and special i feel that the amazing candis terry dedicated something sweeter to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like its flying by and im afraid im going to miss something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i definitely remember feeling quite anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling very playful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i balled my eyes out for almost hours while discussing these problems of mine with the one person i thought i could rely on to not only be honest which is how it was but to also support me and make me feel valued as a person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a few and they feel cute but i always put them on take them off put them on take them off because i just feel like a dork in them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like thats being generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel my brains becoming more delicious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i exercise and during the exercise i feel like i m pulling the effort out of me like a stubborn tooth", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel and something i wouldn t mind doing even on weekends or even at the expense of time with my friends but then when you see the skeptical looks on people s faces your heart kinda sinks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel horny after a hot shower", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel stunned dead falling down cant do anything seeing everything rushing beside me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would like to do more to denounce these crimes and human rights violations and i feel deeply outraged by them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really want to marry him but i feel like i m just living a dull life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel her jokes to be really funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel the pressures of people and there unkind eyes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need to explain and i am left feeling shaken broken and alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always end my runs feeling like i could not have taken one more step and then i start getting nervous about the next long training run", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive spent quite enough energy and time resisting and judging myself and feeling humiliated and not good enough etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "a honest sliding on the part of a girlfriend of mine terribly crossed i started breaking things and tearing books", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill be feeling a little less frantic and have more of an idea of where were heading", "label": 4} -{"text": "i watched this drama i was really feel funny with his character", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about you scares me soo much i dont like to be vulnerable but slowly im starting to drop my guard down with you your amazing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ever feel so humiliated and let down by the system", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel been so pleasantly surprised been so ready for the holidays been so relieved that i can do crafty projects been so excited for life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that they sense something tragic about me and they are drawn to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t know if they expected me to so i was feeling all unsure laugh", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see a westerner and a local happily chatting to each other in mandarin and i feel rather rude that i m unable to do the same after being here for so long", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tell them i am feeling some pressure they are shocked when im at a and ready to go", "label": 5} -{"text": "im wide awake and feeling like a rebellious five year old who just drank a two liter of mountain dew before bed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had the chance to say hi to him i didnt and i feel stupid about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel rather nostalgic for the days gone by which will never return", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel inspired a href http selfimprove", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have become much more accustomed to it over the years and often let people know when im feeling rubbish or even just mildly neurotic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can say that there are some pretty legitimate reasons to feel offended at church", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel cranky too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the weight of the world on my shoulders i have been angry that the struggle of providing for our family fell on me alone", "label": 3} -{"text": "im completely dumbfounded and feeling utterly devastated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had gotten home from work feeling well honestly pretty grotty and gross", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am laughing outgoing happy but you wont usually see the days where i cant get off the couch dont eat dont take care of myself because those days i feel all alone in the world and dont think its fair to share that with other people", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling more than a little frightened at this reach", "label": 4} -{"text": "im very bored until im rotting here and feeling agitated just because of the same old stuff that people do when you wanna hang out with your friends and always the same old things that we can only do at that lot", "label": 3} -{"text": "i let my dad know how i feel i did it in a letter i often find myself timid and mild when i talk about my feeling to my perants", "label": 4} -{"text": "i loved the feeling loved being in this place where the best and worst of everything seemed to coexist", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont get in the pool every couple few days i start to feel really agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am just now starting to feel not so terrified of being outdoors for more than minutes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still have my reservations of course with regard to his other situation which im not even going to hazard an explanation and have been quite upfront with him that i will continue to keep my distance until i feel like that situation is comfortably resolved", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not talking about occasional sadness or periods of feeling distressed or miserable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though a strange mood has positioned itself over my life like a clingy rain cloud", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel like venting its super long", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont want to be bored at three am in the morning trying to figure out how to write a blog article that no one will read and i feel insecure about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said earlier the only thing that makes me mad a and feel unwelcome at creighton is the apartment director herself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was wishing for it to just go away while also feeling apprehensive about what might be going on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t want to undermine the class by making g feel funny about it and i support the program if the participants find it beneficial", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill have this empty void in my life filled up with the things that i love the happiness i can attain with my loved ones and the marvelous feeling of getting accepted for who i really am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think all of us were feeling a bit gloomy about the prospect of ever making it to one after the previous days session", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realized that women should feel honored in that fashion not burdened", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel its vital for the university to preserve its forests", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling generous i may use them to make matching pillows for the quilt", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel the guilt rise in my throat because i knew the answer coming was going to be messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do have a spectacular friend that is feeling awfully generous and she would like to give you a gift", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been trying to be super careful and so i feel kind of dumb and really bad that its affecting so many people", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i cant be bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love school but for some reason i feel uptight and nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling hes not very impressed by this whole thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like we can discuss a lot more and it doesnt feel as awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit overwhelmed by things i just remember how i felt lying in bed that day leg in plaster painkillers not working and how i still managed to get the hell up and fix what i could", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel quite weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel greedy for asking for questions from derooftrouser", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel gracious today", "label": 2} -{"text": "im making you feel unnecessarily guilty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i dont get to spend enough time with them in any given day so if at the very least we can lay in bed together read stories sing songs laugh and then they fall asleep in the crooks of my arms i am pretty content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impressed by people able to be creative and produce things with their own hands such as this girl or people who draw cook shoot photos or the design houses d", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit dazed and cant wait to buy my tickets and go back to the city", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little bit cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel like i am a part of something amazing when i run into other runners and pairs of runners out on my routes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been guilty of indulging the negative holding on to fears and begrudging those who i feel have wronged me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a curious significance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel so uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling really really grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling fearful about pursuing anything the path of least resistance for me is education", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so stressed about my weight creeping up the scales everytime i weigh myself even though i watch what i eat and i did a bit of exercise", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling terribly unsure about lots and lots of things", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got why they didn t it was to make you feel more sympathetic to the good guys because evil people don t speak english", "label": 2} -{"text": "i explained to her that i had attempted suicide because i was the one who was feeling rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit apprehensive i cant say that i am looking forward to it but whats a girl to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel unfortunate because when these lipsticks went on sale from ph to ph ive already gotten the colors that i wanted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel intimidated just looking at that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got my stuff on the paper i wont read it back bc i feel ashamed or i just dont want to read what i wrote down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i absolutely love being a veterinarian but i always feel so helpless when there is something going on with one of my moms animals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am trying to say is that fashion and they way people carry themselves is something i notice something that motivates me and makes me feel good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont need to drink i dont want to drink but i feel like it because its sociable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just couldnt shake the feeling that in its clever self referential tone it believed itself to share a kind of intertextuality with a whole genre of books that are completely out of its league", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling distressed and started cooking myself dinner at am", "label": 4} -{"text": "i embarass myself further how do you think it feels to know you will never be as talented or smart as any other human on earth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have been less irritable at work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know it bothers me because it leaves me feeling uncertain and out of control", "label": 4} -{"text": "i downloaded an iso and used the startup disk creator on my flash drive feeling quite relieved that gds computers modern enough to boot off of usb", "label": 1} -{"text": "i particularly hate this day because dammit i feel so hated and invisi", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very honoured to design this unique piece being able to create something that embodies my love and respect for cricket and also knowing that all proceeds of the sale will go to a wonderful cause like the sydney childrens hospital clarke said yesterday at the cricket trunks debut", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vile and cheap", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember walking aimlessly around the mall and various shops just to kill time but feeling bitter and empty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like putting up an image but my mind has gone blank a frequent occurrence of late", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very blessed every day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think im getting the feeling that were the weird ones for using dryers most of the time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was starting to feel a little overwhelmed and or upset not because i didnt find something the first day but more because i have no idea what im looking for", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that to them the real feeling of life and enjoying and living and being mad and being happy and being sad and being joyful all of those being s they just pretend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel anxious about leaving the place that has become my home these last few years but at the same time am happy to leave it all behind for a week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could vocalize my feelings here i would put in a sarcastic great", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am quite done with being made to feel like a neglectful idiot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel even more curious and enthusiastic about meeting people from exotic places and learning about world cultures in general", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive been a tad neglectful here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always come away from reading at this blog with the feeling of having had a lovely mini vacation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i may not feel amazing all the time but i am capable of much more than just lighting another cigarette", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember my year old self and i feel so amazed that i took myself to a festival in a different country i used the trains i booked flights", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hurt or injured", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel they accepted my story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just i feel so agitated when he s around", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am preparing for the companys month end close the office feels quite peaceful and quiet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel bitter because its due to this stupid cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still love them as friends and i know they still love me but right now i feel like they arent even caring about me", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i was stopped by plain clothes policemen because the car i was driving had overturned on the avenue i had been driving too fast", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel joyful when i am connected to my higher power", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understand on a basic level theories of composition lighting and color and i feel i have something of an artistic eye", "label": 1} -{"text": "i spend my days and nights feeling uncomfortable and unstable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know what it feels like to cry and be angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt really understand why i was bothered abit by what i came across because lets face it i have no rights to feel anything i have no reason to care to be bothered to be upset and bla bla bla", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very bad about that i respect him a lot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel romantic and dreamy looking at this picture", "label": 2} -{"text": "im sure its just the natural way you know youre developing a close friendship but for me it feels dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love what i do and i feel so blessed and lucky to be able to travel and be creative and meet amazing people and wake up every day loving my job", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the need to whisper here i hated being pregnant", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that quite a few politicians can be extremely greedy self centered and corrupt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went over to the table to get on my lake shoes so i could get in the water and all of the sudden i started feeling weird everything in slow motion and my breathing was getting shallow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel obnoxious but still", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel strong and empowered in various ways and feel like what you need to do for yourself isnt always comfortable but the emptiness from absent love is crushing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still see katie as a dom and i still see myself as a sub and i would be lying to others and to myself if i said that i didnt still feel very submissive towards her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sorry for my poor soul it chose my body to live in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could help feeling curious or wanting to write a post", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find myself staring at the corner of my bed and feeling a bit surprised shes not sleeping there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel funny at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was walking down a road and suddenly a few dogs appeared at a fence and started barking angrily they were jumping and it seemed that they would come for me any time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see her and i envy her i see the way people think about her and feel for her the way she smiles and the way her glance stops time i see her graceful figure and i see the look in her eye that spells mischief i see her pirate smile i can hear her laugh i see the beauty even when she cries", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hit around weeks in where i start to feel kind of listless and lonely and suddenly miss school which is weird for me because while i love my friends i don t particularly love the school or of its members activities etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i respect how they think and feel more often than not its just because i was feeling very irritable on that day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel privileged to be included in a group of such talented crafters", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suspect that they would resist any such experience and feel completely threatened in an environment where their own supremacy was not sacrosanct", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that this was a successful semester", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sure that it will be a while before i can enjoy the sun again like i have in the past without feeling a bit groggy and funny", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel loved and that makes me smile and for that i am very thankful", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little delicate shall we say", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i should feel so lucky for being in school you know", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just feeling a bit gloomy because its cold our central heating isnt working properly engineer coming tomorrow its grey outside and im tired and worn out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i saw this adorable picture of a baby gorilla holding a dandelion and thought i feel like that today i feel easily amused today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am really feeling hopeless about this new blow in my personal life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that this is one of the most valuable tips from the book the element", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive about the approaching hsc year but im fairly confident in myself that i can pull my socks up and put my best foot forward and actually work to that goal ive spent my whole schooling life working towards", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel anxious because i m thinking thoughts that are causing anxiety", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel surahn wonderful aeroplane remix against all logic trouble rooney darkside freak go home the xx fiction marc pinol remix lou kasard feat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was saying how less unsettled i feel yet today i felt like my world was shaken like a damn snow globe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so bad but i could get credits any time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dunno bottomline is now i think that i should feel like a heartless bitch and i i feel ever worse for not fully feeling like that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t live years ago but i don t think more than a feeling was hated on too much so people actually listened for in for years", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wont feel deprived but i have to watch the portions track calories points etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to convince myself to feel why do i feel like a heartless bitch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tell them that im seriously ill with cancer this will make them feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did account for this but i feel more pressured for time and feel this will effect our final choices", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only see schools eventuality as making money because theres nothing i feel extremely passionate about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling like this letter is a fake you need to think about the best and worst case scenarios here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel eve could have been a little disturbed when the reality of being second all the time was expected as the normal attitude from both of her peers or was this perceived as normal for her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see fit to inflict upon it i can t help but feel ecstatic", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive lost just under pounds and am feeling more energetic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look forward to a break like everyone else but let me tell you it feels a little strange when i do it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess they feel that if they give the residents of cookietown a way to report suspicious activities anonymously it will help cut down on the pastry trafficking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have resolved that i will ask for help when i need it and continue to be vocal about when i am feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like this because i start being naughty in order to validate my existance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that artists should be supportive of one another not stretching to find ways for others not to be able to express themselves in their love of art too", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling anxious i will consciously ask myself what perspective is currently in charge and work every day to come from love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wonder how it feels to have supportive parents", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so humiliated when it looks like this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the gentle but insistent pull of the bolt kit on the back of my harness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very honored to have been invited to take part and lok forward to meeting everyone learning from i meet", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling surprised that my parental blocker on our t", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel desperately unhappy if this is me missing richard then i can t handle it it s too much i ve had enough of it i m a mess i know it s not me i still feel like myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i had one of those horrible get togethers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel paranoid anytime someone including him has my phone or my laptop", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ask is the feeling around the blogs appears to range from disgust to joyful exuberance when mccain is brought up", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to change because i feel uncomfortable around my stick thin friends and i dont feel as healthy as i can be and its embarrassing to me how i look", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might need extra large condoms to accomodate the girth of my penis and being above average in length i still feel extremely insecure about it and like girls are going to make fun of me for being small because my dick isnt or inches long", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt start feeling anxious until late into my nd trimester i would count kicks and google symptoms i was so worried that something was wrong", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was nervous to run my first marathon because i didnt know how id feel but im really actually scared to do this race on sunday because of all the things that could go wrong", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about loving summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have so many things in my little brain that sometimes i feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess i just feel that not many people are too keen on me going", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel that loving feeling anymore apple", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel loyal to my customer base to my sales channels to my employees to myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a whiney piece of shit but i mean if i cant whine to my journal what good is it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a frailer in this class cause they are so freaking clever and i am so jealous with them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feeling are my energy levels going to dip if i do such and such what s making me feel anxious can i do anything to make me feel less anxious tired depressed how much am i going to manage to do today are any of my other health issues a problem today etc", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel impressed when i first saw cologne church", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i m the one being punished and a little about this children s haircutteries", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know what it feels like to be a jealous boyfrien", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant believe shell be in less than a month but at the same time i feel like she is so smart she should already be or", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went grocery shopping still feeling on the irritable side of things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel terrific and have so much energy now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel out of generous love people have focused too much on my story and i don t want to perpetuate that dynamic there are some other educators who are going through the same", "label": 2} -{"text": "i turn my back for a nanosecond and all hell breaks loose the additional dog amp cat that need to be fed pet what happens if heaven forbid i get a phone call if the doorbell rings the times when one of the babies is feeling cranky and wants to be held every", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know about you but sometimes i have bad feelings about the way these brave men and women were taken from us", "label": 1} -{"text": "i decided to make me the dream come true i ought to be instead of feeling sorry for myself over and over", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive only worked with kids and it feels weird that im not but im not sure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i now have a go to place and brand when im in need of cute trendy and affordable shoes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little shocked but in a really happy way as this is the third time in months that i ve won at a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive never won the giller he said but i have won several governor generals and so i feel quite affectionate towards the prize", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel weird having my dads hand on my stomach for any amount of time especially for several minutes while he waits to feel taryn jumping around in there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a lot of pressure from my painting friends to do the bfa i also am feeling a bit of pressure from my parents who were shocked when i wouldnt get done in even four years", "label": 5} -{"text": "i plan and make dinner and the kids hate it and i end up feeling so useless and like i am never cooking dinner again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left the first time feeling somewhat stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really insecure all the time and end up saying shit to people and ruin everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a solidity ive never felt before its pretty cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i were able to keep our illness in check but we werent feeling too hot either", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i am stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i didnt realize this until i read this article it pretty much explains everything i went through", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel nervous about trying something new during a lesson or if my horse shies at something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can do is feel blank pages with as much accurate details of the ambiance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel at this stage in my inquiry it is important to define each area with more precision", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i am feeling overwhelmed with the change that her arrival will bring but not in a bad way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have learned what it does is it makes someone dependent on me and that is the last thing i want because i feel suffocated by needy people", "label": 0} -{"text": "i fell into a feather frenzy for a fun feel feeling funny using all those fs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really strange afterwards and i don t think it s good for myself esteem", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more loyal to the first bank", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel respected and i feel like he s been very patient", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling useless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realize that you are on the inside cold and unchanging and i feel doomed to follow your shadow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling lousy yesterday with a lack of sleep and a nagging headache that just did not seem to want to go away", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just lying in bed listening to fucking feist and feeling dissatisfied with everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel needy and reflective", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling horrible about myself for chosing a very challenging breakfast is that i want to feel strong sexy and maybe have shiny rather than course and brittle hair", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel quite irritated when my classmates sms me and ask me to meet them for lunch dinner cuz i always couldnt make it but i mean they are always like asking me first", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling these past few days cranky and grouchy extremely hungry first thing in the morning and from the carbohydrate restriction alone i definitely expect to see weight loss this first week", "label": 3} -{"text": "i checked on her feelings and the status of your shaky marriage fifty times so often did i do so in fact that after a while all i had to do was ask with a look", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelemd and amazed as this site burns deeper and deeper within my being", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have mentioned lately how i feel lethargic always tired", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so extrememly bitchy today that ive done something i have never done in my years of life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its an amazing resource for families traveling to orlando", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel overwhelmed about some things like cleaning my room and getting things together before i go home again this coming up weekend", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldnt feel anything but this weird excruciating but hollow pain that came from the core of who i am", "label": 5} -{"text": "i seriously feel that police isnt victim friendly at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t bring myself to tell them because i feel it might be rude but all the while i am acting even more discourteous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel personally humiliated and insulted by their actions", "label": 0} -{"text": "i go to the gym id feel weird wearing a href http chatterbusy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel neurotic but then for once in my life i think i am entitled to be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so blessed that god has given me the wisdom to train them in how to help and be a part of our household", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so like jonah rebellious and even hard hearted too and at times i ve also felt that god can no longer use me because of my character flaws and all the mistakes i ve made", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still have tons and tons to learn but i feel so much more confident about my photography after all i learned this past year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel there are so many voices and opinions out there im exhausted with it and even with myself for adding to them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also start feeling agitated and even melancholy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel idiotic considering how long ive been in the art department but can anyone give me a clear idea of where the art barn is and what it looks like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think baring my soul the next morning had left me feeling ridiculously vulnerable and i spent most of the day upset and wondering what it was i was doing with my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel restless but i am mired here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i focus on how you make me feel liked on how you make me feel happy and not on the fact that you dont feel the same way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not feel as if i will ever be as loyal as i was with lanie or with tami", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blank i feel this way when i feel this way because i think i core belief of self", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very dissatisfied with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling bitchy or crappy anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should have been finding a record company with him for our new blaqk audio album but there i sat and looked at that girl still feeling as stunned as on the first time", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling a bit restless lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel but i m trying to be stubborn and ignorant at the same time so that i can keep going", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was left feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i deceived myself for years and struggle to this day feeling like i am devoted to the lord when in reality i am devoted to the church", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel stupid that i keep having to state that im not religious when i bring up the bible but i think its important to always put that out there so there it is", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope that new president is barack obama but i hardly feel complacent about its likelihood", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get stressed from work but i feel more tortured when we have no work and rest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i expected and most importantly the project is something that i feel can be useful and easily implemented in the elementary school", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a special attachment to this story because i watched the creative process unfold watched jenn as the story took over and began to go in directions she hadn t planned as stories often do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kind feel envious towards david levithan because the concept of this book is somewhat new", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel so agitated with myself about it sometimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to feel enabled and accepted in my role as stepparent", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive realized the adult is actually more annoying than the child the kid is usually motivated through boredom and feels they are being tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel resentment towards him but i m still curious about the person he is today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel god has an amazing forwarding our lives", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am a girl that loves fun romantic but also kinky when i feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wake up ill feel really really mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i shouldn t have but i was feeling cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel honoured and excited to be amongst so many wonderful artists", "label": 1} -{"text": "i made the connections that feeling irritated and offended of the publics shaming of lewinsky and treatment of the lgbt community was indeed feminism", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel like a greedy little kid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i working on assignments at the last minute and feeling stressed about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling stressed or overwhelmed i go to youtube and search funny videos funny babies or my absolute favorite a href https www", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling real agitated and irritated of late", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious but i really dont think thats it", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive never listened to a talk that i felt was more personally applicable to me and to exactly what i was worrying about and feeling uncertain about what was going to happen with this baby", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel during my period i am so grumpy short tempered and basically a royal pain in every ones arse", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling paranoid about him somehow escaping and have been having cat themed stress dreams for weeks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i married someone who liked to give me love and now doesn t want to give me the time of day but i m not stupid and i know how much my husband contributes to our marriage", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wonder if someday someone would walk with me together in this downfall moments sharing guiding and inspiring me because i know i feel and i believe im just longing for someone to arrive in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling keen as hell now to see what i can do in the next weeks in the run up to doing the k race i wont be going mad just three good training sessions a week and nothing over minutes as i certainly dont want that plantar fasciitis foot problem again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get a line of colours moving through my eyes and it feels like ive switched on the tv on an empty channel", "label": 0} -{"text": "i enjoyed my time with my family without feeling distracted by thinking about what went wrong at the demo", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t tell you how many times an actor or writer or comedian has talked about the grind of working through new material facing rejection or the snake eating its own tail feeling of finding and keeping work in a creative field", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel permanently damaged from it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not sure how i feel about park jong kun s artistic expression and views but apparently the korean authorities know how they feel about them they don t like them", "label": 1} -{"text": "im nearing the end of chemo leaves me feeling a bit stronger and more determined to push through", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel productive and invigorated by the projects i m working on and the opportunities in front of me and i think ill come out the other side with better ideas for how societies help each other", "label": 1} -{"text": "id say that the lack of a belly to rub or an oddball food to crave leaves me feeling even more impatient and drives a subconscious need to keep busy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself for fearing of feeling helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel that they can handle it without me afterall mildreds a talented singer songwriter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would eat and feel disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fame wealth status are actually petty substitutes for the joys of motherhood", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel its safe to state that most fans were being holding the breath with the voice of saruman arena and now im thrilled to convey it was really worth the hang on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so damn curious eh cause boey and izwan acting kinda weird bah so comfirm lah i rasa mcm lain nak macam ehhh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feeling hesitant to accept it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know im canadian but i feel really strongly about supporting those brave individuals who are risking their lives to protect so many others so go through your stash and send some to laurel heres a photo of the cards i made with lawn fawn stamps", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have the need of angels i feel a gentle reminder to clench my fist and hold on to the iron rod", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am definitely ready to be done hellll ooo senioritis but it just feels so strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to submit grades yeah i need a discipline strategy yeah i need to work on pacing and yeah i want good finished products but if i ve successfully cultivated an environment where some year old girl can feel accepted somewhere then that is a miracle in and of itself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel dazed and confused and dizzy over here but hey this was a quick minute deal in the kitchen and my sopapillas are a mess", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will also never regret being myself and never feeling pressured to keep up with family members the neighbors or you know the joneses so to speak", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still don t know what caused me to feel so rotten last week but there is blessing to it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not that bad off in the slightest but the chemical alteration in my head makes me feel and think in this way seriously i cannot be bothered with this state any more", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel helpless in many ways", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know whether i can be bothered to feel insecure this month", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said im feeling appreciative today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel and what i believe and supporting me always", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suffer a wrong but at the same time i feel that i am wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tasted some hari raya cookies and feeling greedy i would go and prebook their kueh makmur and tart because i know their hygiene standard and ingredients", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up not without feeling a little dazed though and went to the archery range with the rents on the way we saw an f doing some incredible aerobatics which ive never seen before it was sooo amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel about all this i was infuriated with tiff and james", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel far to loyal to my traditional accompaniment to steak bearnaise and diane", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think feeling that someone thought i could be even a shade of the faithful humble steadfast woman i read in ruth made me want to live up to that even more", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel terrified but a wave of apathy takes me and suddenly i just dont care what happens to me or anyone else", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling really sentimental lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling really sarcastic today so dont take anything i say seriously", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shocked that they had such a huge surplus of employees", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel foolish trying to encourage him to eat in his miserable condition", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was starting to feel a little overwhelmed and or upset not because i didnt find something the first day but more because i have no idea what im looking for", "label": 4} -{"text": "im glad i got to digital detox only to realize nothing can imitate the feeling of pen rubbing against some lovely paper", "label": 2} -{"text": "i bring this up because when i have these thoughts and i get that feeling you get from just thinking about it i immediately get disgusted with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritable headachey teary and just generally low on energy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant even say spell because she drinks too much making me feel greedy and not even wanting to drink nemore because she read it in the paper about a woman", "label": 3} -{"text": "i now feel strangely dissatisfied with the whole thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i grew up in the deep south no less without air conditioning and managed to survive without even feeling particularly deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began to feel suspicious knots in our stomachs", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel agitated overwhelmed and shackled", "label": 3} -{"text": "i continued to feel more like a curious observer than a mom", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the most tragic whenever i have to leave you behind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel and still the shy one i manage to hit it off with a few people besides paul", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling like i am a stubborn unemployable brat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel tortured amp tormented by inadequacy tonight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t really feel like putting garlic and parm on it tonight even though it tastes delicious so i just melted some butter and poured it over", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love the feel of a gentle breeze on my face the downy softness of a newborn babys hair against my cheek the gentle touch of a kiss on the nose or the lips", "label": 2} -{"text": "i came across a good example to express exactly what it feels like in every one of my fingers i liked the description someone wrote of having your joints slowly twisted in the opposite direction nature intended", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found myself reassuring a friend of mine because of a life situation and feeling confused because of what they are experiencing and again i m feeling the pressure that time is moving too fast or not a t the pace that i would like it to be for them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wonder if i would feel this cranky and uncomfortable if i took up meth", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would like to relax for when i would like inspiration or for when i am feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a little unsure of why theres been such a high turn over of managers and why mollie cant refer back to my previous emails for the details", "label": 4} -{"text": "id feel rude telling them i didnt want to answer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel these trends are going to be some of the most important things any entrepreneur can be working on at this point in time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally feel your sweet scent upon my face", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wont change these things but i cant help but sometimes feel jaded especially when i see people who are very selfish rude ignorant and shallow receiving everything they need just fall in their lap effortlessly while i struggle along", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not enjoy the feeling of being terrified for hours on end when i should be sleeping", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find a paranormal read with characters so perfectly described and so life like that i feel as if i can touch their every move and emotion so i was very pleasantly surprised and more than happy with this read", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did a quick check feeling rather hesitant to type vagina emoticon into a search engine though it might make a rather arresting name for an emo band", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel for the guy not only because he s a friend of mine but also because he s a damn talented writer with a lot of potential", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to be honest i feel pressured to do well in spm", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel enthralled just being near such strong expressions of personality especially in realms where generally personality is suppressed like in crowds where no one wants to acknowledge each other because they dont belong to one anothers social groups", "label": 5} -{"text": "im trying to enjoy sitting out in the sun but i actually feel like im going to melt its so hot no make up face", "label": 2} -{"text": "i follow the sticky goo down to my right ear possibly my ear is bleeding and just behind it i feel a gash it is tender but oddly numb at the same time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i certainly don t feel rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i won t feel so lethargic tomorrow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am jewelry artist painter actress singer and poet and i feel that all my artistic loves create a fresh and unique artistic perspective", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit out of the loop with pinterest so i am glad to have a nudge to give it another try", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know why because i feel deprived not socializing when it comes to breakfasts dinners", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im a reasonably intelligent and quasipassionate person and maybe i owe it to the universe to do something productive and not selfish and easy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel what others feel when i love yet the beloved guides me to the cooling beauty of the moonlight glistening from the streams flowing through the garden", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive landed in penang and it is amazing that im not feeling amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit like i have cotton wool in my mouth which is a little tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know if it s possible but i still feel weird sometimes almost like withdrawals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about my beloved there s a little bit of withdrawal a wanting to play things safe rather than take any risks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have my moments where i feel unsuccessful broke lonely stuck old young ugly fat tired discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i already feel a connection to two of the children jacie was such a treasured surprise", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like the crows and roosters will be teamed up with the horses and go against the bulls sharks and other monsters that are trying to take over of cool ranch", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so idiotic because i cant stop hurting", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see myself and just feel sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel like god is telling me to do this so as uncomfortable and vulnerable as it is i took the step", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt so sad waking up this morning in my small crib again feeling cold since it has been raining since this morning if only i could stay longer in santorini", "label": 3} -{"text": "i shouldve posted this yesterday but i really wasnt feeling like talking about this here especially when people around me my most beloved friends have their own problems to deal with and they really dont need more things to care about", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive stopped wearing hats for the most part which still feels a little strange but i was so tired of hats", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think the happy feeling actually surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel like being grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would always get him to get up from his chair to feel the dough to make sure i had it right and then would pour the two of us a drink of his favourite whiskey", "label": 1} -{"text": "id like to know better but i feel so timid about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also use the app pictured below when im feeling stressed and it works", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that s the one thing i ve enjoyed about tv people have the time to be shocked over kenny powers and then you have time to let go of it and love him later on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed by the options but clearly it just isn t working for my system to be on those sucky gym bikes that are so terribly mis aligned", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so petty about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that we should briefly cover a topic that will help us enormously to achieve our goal of achieving faithful reproductions of the art work being photographed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am loosing out but i feel like i have have so much to share with many and if anything that is not unfortunate if anything it makes me grateful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still feeling really unsure how my body would respond", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel joyful i ve been able to provide this community media to our people here successfully for years he said", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling as if i was being trashed around being beaten by several forces continuously", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a little stunned because we usually have the advantage of being warned a week ahead of disasters when they are hurricanes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know i feel so much better all day when i get out there in the morning", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realized i had nothing particular to do and started feeling awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "id have to walk for hours on an unlit bit of road feeling a bit frightened and very much alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i actually love winter and fall because i can wear as much leather as i want without feeling hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know you all feel her loss as much as i do but i remind you that no matter how fond we are of this particular incarnation of body and soul the spirit that we have come to known as lady galadirel will forever watchover all of her her unicorns who come in many sizes and guises", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began to feel what it meant to be a colby and realized that i missed the whole picture all along and that there was more depth underneath the decadent dinners and constant laughter and it all had to do with the word love", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came in with low expectations and a vaguely bad feeling and was pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i needed that incident to happen at this particular time when im feeling emotionally vulnerable as well for me to realize what i really want", "label": 4} -{"text": "im vaguely appreciative of them for the whole being born thing but that aside i cant really claim to have interacted with them often enough to have any particular feelings towards them affectionate or otherwise", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hong told me her story too and well i just feel numb about it right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i miss him already and knowing that hes gone makes me feel slightly startled and panicked but a large part of me feels as if this is highly necessary", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling all that compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the hand of god gentle on my shoulder", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so shy typing it out on my blog", "label": 4} -{"text": "during a dance someone slashed my tires and dumped paint on my car i had four other friends with me that i drove and furthermore it was raining", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling pretty dazed this morning now that i actually have some free time to reflect on whats gone on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so inhibited by this disease i feel so much self pity still", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bought a red satin one and it makes me feel slutty classicrockgrl and plunging ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the need to shower you in affectionate terms today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i recently tried kneipp grape seed products and feel very satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kind of feel lame but still dont regret coming", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel at parts the story was rushed and skimmed over", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel him knocking on the door of my heart but honestly im scared to let him in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess i do feel the need to mention the realism of the just how tragic the hardship of everyday life in the mumbai slums really is", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up at today feeling quite cold and lounged around in blankets for awhile chatting with my sleepover buddies before going to the bathroom and getting ready for the day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i received a poor grade on a midterm even though i got all the right answers and knew the material i went to the ta to try to raise my grade and he wouldnt do it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i ve lost you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel damn boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would do what i needed to do to feel content and make sure my needs were met", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was talking with a friend and i finally put together that i that we both live a life of feeling like im beloved or hated and i deserve it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel there is something special about any mountain that rises directly from the sea and here was no exception", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stunned and stranded left on a corner an empty backpack over my shoulder an empty lunch box in one hand the other hand that held my son s as we walked into school just plain empty", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill feel nothing but longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i haven t gotten the feeling that any of hughes team members are impressed with his coaching", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rejected like i dont belong to the circle those circles that i realised i never was comfortable there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realized i needed to centre myself with this meditate it back into being because for months i feel this element of self this ferocious and vital element of myself has been adrift", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel like i am being milked by my beloved apple peeps and this is the deciding factor on holding off on the ipad", "label": 2} -{"text": "i figure i can outsource the laughs to them until i feel funny again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just still feel kinda beaten down right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was bored so i dragged myself up and onto a bus as i couldnt manage the minute walk to the station by this point i was feeling very pathetic and getting quite worried the after effects have never lasted so long before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel miserable with no chance for changes ive been trading days for nights ive been waiting way too much cant see any land away in the horizon im gonna get swallowed in the dark why does it have to be this way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel as though im honoring their life a bit by rescuing a piece of it and loving it like it was my own", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel saxually abused or bulled or anything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling pretty which is a funny thing to write out but i dont have memories of feeling anything but okay with how i looked at least until later", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel terrified walking around with that much of money with my eyes keep scanning around if there is anyone following me", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive even had ladies tell me their woes and troubles and i feel so honoured that they feel comfortable enough with me to do that and they have told me they feel so much better when they are ready to leave therapy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont say i miss studying but it feels weird not to study", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have become a person who understands real fear and how it feels to be hated by an individual so intensely that violence seems like a logical consequence to tension", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love getting to pamper my mom and express to her exactly how i feel because usually she s not quite affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "im so scared to find the divine again because it feels like it will simply lead me back to a place where other people find themselves above others because of their connectedness with the divine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive accepted the fact that i like many others get lonely sometimes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel paranoid people will judge me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left feeling very impressed with the experience", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get this feeling he gets angered with me for unfair reasons", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do to make the church a community where everyone feels welcomed and understood everyone feels the mercy and love of god who renews life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started to let these feelings fester and i even asked questions and with each answer i got more enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about the blame game that seems to invade a lot of recovery boards and to the best of my knowledge that is not something that is supported at this forum", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mostly just remember feeling safe and i remember laughing and i remember realising that when you meet someone you fit with you will just relax and laugh and not worry at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could not say i won t take this to him because he will feel hurt so i said yes this is mine but it will be in your name and you should have it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strongly on supporting him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had been feeling very apprehensive the past few days knowing that we were almost to the end", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like keeping a record of my life in written form and pictures and i feel like that is even more important now that i have baby", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why but for some reason i am feeling very mellow today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very impressed by ship for world youth program", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt dusgust with a selfiterested person who ruined the life of another by means of utterly unfair methods", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that way most days im also thankful that megatron is getting bigger and stronger each day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could hear the cheering for the other participants and when i hit the top and had sight of the finish line i could feel myself being overwhelmed with emotion", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling if any of us were surprised with this bracelet one day we wouldnt be complaining", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love when they get it right i love seeing how people try to get across these ideas that feel like second nature to me and i am always impressed when they come up with some new way of hammering home a point", "label": 5} -{"text": "i used to assume that i was always being unreasonable and tried to cope with the emotional fallout of feeling unimportant and powerless whenever gabe said that he wanted to go bang some other chick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i all ready feel like too girls arent too fond of me for no reason", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sooo lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like redoing it somehow but some part of me can t be bothered as well", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess hes being just as honest now too voicing what he feels is sincere only without the quivering mouth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started attending moms amp babes when mia was months old and when she was just over a year we started the moms amp tots class so its been two years now feels strange that were finished", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am usually quiet and reflective for some time afterwards and feeling incredibly vulnerable and submissive", "label": 4} -{"text": "im facing right now is i feel so lonely inside of me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i give up a new set of circumstances comes along to test me and my decision i am relieved and saddened that i am not feeling more needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling particularly neurotic tonight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i usually am heavily down on myself for being single as i feel i am rather unpleasant to look at", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have months of feeling like a servant that s when bitchy mommy visits", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this has been a long journey i still cant believe we are just weeks away from meeting this sweet girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "im going to do soon enough regardless but boy when im feeling like such a grumpy guss its much better not to have company", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kinda feel like abed when annie broke him iframe allowfullscreen frameborder height src http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to feel badly for my mommy friends when i wasnt a mommy that they couldnt come out with me or travel as carefree as i could or whatever else i thought they were missing out on", "label": 1} -{"text": "travelling by coach on a rather narrow and wet road", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling exceptionally romantic that day and was tired of reading twilight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt for hadley i was left feeling a bit surprised by her reactions towards the end", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a little triumphant and toldja so at the moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling pretty nostalgic about just about everything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wonder how and why i feel pressured to glorify the military or buy things or eat junk", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am eating more and feeling dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel that bonds between people are really amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling kinda nervous today and i dont want to get too bogged down with score can you make sure i chill out if you can sense some tension from me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt even feel scared nervous at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remind myself of this whenever im feeling overwhelmed or whenever im having a bad day or whenever i feel like im being a bad mom", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to pursue her as she knows too many people that could sabotage me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so blessed that i feel so good", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel confused what the skyfall then", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think im going to make a chance in the sense that im going to stop caring about peoples feelings and just take the matthew mcconahey sp in dazed and confused approach", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel some sort of pity for him but his actions are just so ludicrous that it makes me wonder if hes suffered from some sort of brain damage from the stroke", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel intimidated when people spying me writing but at the end i am going to publish a post anyway", "label": 4} -{"text": "my roommate was drunk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was walking around a cemetary feeling dazed and kind of ripped apart so i called jay and he came to my rescue", "label": 5} -{"text": "i chose the feeling sentimental stamp set from stampin up and decided black and red would offset a black stamped penny farthing a bring a little dramatic contrast as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suggested i trudged out feeling pretty impressed by the caliber of people working on these problems but depressed beyond measure by the limits were placing on what they can hope to accomplish", "label": 5} -{"text": "i meant when i said i feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling quite emotional as i always do watching my little white boy who is getting to be medium sized putting his heart and soul into his haka performance in particular overwhelmed by the effect of all these children performing together in a form unique to new zealand", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling a little shaky and weird which is probably due to the cold amp flu tablets i had taken but after a while got into a slow but steady pace", "label": 4} -{"text": "i use this sparingly as i love it so much and it is incredibly pricey but oh my god this smells out of this world and leaves your skin feeling lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "im starting to feel worthless again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel someone is there supporting me and protecting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i should reference this but after just giving said lecture i m feeling rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i write about this because i am feeling troubled from my tatay s desire to quickly replace jack with another parrotlet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so naughty and warm between my legs baby", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like akai might be a little stubborn with this line", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit more optimistic about the overwhelming nature of the season", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find helpful when i feel under pressure hope you can all relate to them and find them useful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling apprehensive about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel devastated that i am not going to be able to find a fit job for me i constantly go through ups and downs everyday feeling insecure about my abilities since nobody wants to hire me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hopeless helpless friendless lifeless and seems like nothing matters or make sense anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt help to feel betrayed and confused but what allegations could i lay", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kinda feel strange and scared with myself because i got one illness and penyakit i guess omg ive told my mom and she agreed want to take me to clinic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel disturbed or offended", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just found this quote that i feel fits perfectly anything less than mad passionate extraordinary love is a waste of time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope youre all feeling very fond of me by now", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling particularly frustrated i take a mental health break and physically distance myself as far away from the offending project as possible", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel already my beloved brandon is disliked in my very own community how heartbreaking", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know you re feeling shocked too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though i owe my loyal readers full disclosure regarding my former goth lifestyle lest i seem like one of those creepy self hating gays on television talking about how jesus saved them so theyre not gay anymore but i suspect hormone treatments genital mutilation good old fashioned lying", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am running through the forest its dark i dont know where or what or how but i know i feel terrified of something i feel the cool air hurt my throat making my chest raw as i run", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dazed but i dont want to sleep", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so violent but im a paper tiger", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did not feel insecure anymore i felt connected to the anonymous driver on the road i think both of us learnt something this morning", "label": 4} -{"text": "id love to feel those tender lips on my hard rod anytime", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i have hit the ceiling i have maximized devoted so much of myself to my studies and this is the result", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about marc orchant and was absolutely stunned to learn that he just had a massive coronary sunday morning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get the feeling most people supporting either one of them are more stupid than people voting republican", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish that you would tell me exactly how you feel not because i m just curious but because i don t want to wait for nothing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel glad that i can achieve one important step of my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have been neglectful in the past and have not given this blog the attention that its needed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was sitting in my office earlier working when i could feel nay i could sense a nervous type of energy growing in the house", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldnt feel satisfied with him our mental frequency doesnt match", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean say just because youre the grumpy type doesnt mean you can hate or feel disgusted to those who are completely different from you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not visit their graves often it is still too difficult to me but i feel a compulsion to go there and confess to them what our beloved country lt em gt my lt em gt beloved country lt em gt their lt em gt beloved country had become", "label": 2} -{"text": "i work in feels like a strange prison sentence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that i am very popular even though i am homeschooled and my entire social circle is about people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling surprised by how much i didnt mind", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my feelings wont be reciprocated how ive been assured they will", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling as though i was abused by my ex in spite of it being a consensual relationship", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really do not feel up to another game of cat and mouse with a horde of heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling you the one that im loving aint no other thats like you no theres just one one one no baby just one one i bet you wanna know chorus you the one that i dream about all day you the one that i think about always you are the one so i make sure i behave", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling a bit strange yes a bit strange which is not unusual but somehow today feeling strange has a bit more to it it is a full moo", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so embarrassed when that s people s first reaction like i m some kind of time bomb or something instead of a human being who is struggling and would just like someone sympathetic and understanding to talk to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel their caring for me is very meaningful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i believe she feels safe here at home with the things shes familiar with", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a sunflower beaten up with a nasty zombie and so much of that i dont really want to talk about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "in the tram there was a fat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely grumpy on that very day on july", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find when i miss this time i find myself feeling agitated and not as calm when dealing with other issues as they arise", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love that we are able to act like complete dorks around each other and that we can make fun of each other without getting our feelings hurt and in the case of the girls from byu bite punch kick and headbutt and not worry about judgement", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel distraught at times when i see people repeat their mistakes", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit apprehensive i think im just nervous and reality ill be moving out in four weeks has hit me but even so feeling unsure about such a big thing is not a nice feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i saw you without knowing that you were the one i feel very annoyed with your attitude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldn t actually take every course offered on epidemiology and social disparities because i would have to refocus on the nurse practitioner side of things i was feeling more than a little resentful about returning to the school of nursing", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling impressed that these verses and the ones previous and after these two verses will be my verses for for many reasons that are clear to me but im not going to share in my blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little nervous answering this question because again i dont run to train for races", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dig deep inside what i m really feeling is more vulnerable feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling very much like i was reserving my judgement on him and the situation and any feelings for him i really liked the time we spent together and must admit that a small level of attachment was forming", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really feel that were hitting the sweet spot with some of the recent solutions weve blogged about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling brave and decided to cross a big thing off my to do list", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the technology and the act of communication are their own challenge and i have been hesitant to figure out how to make it work", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said before to meet a genuinely real guy girl who is uniquely different from all the rest and exudes unwavering loyalty can leave you feeling a mixture of amazed disbelief", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really have to say is how i feel really cold looking at these photos and im glad its finally summer", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel exhausted and even a bit tormented", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im popping out of the season of despair ive been in since my sweet brother in law died", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel funny if my lips are bare", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant stand having acquaintances anymore because i feel empty when im not digging deep and speaking about the really important issues of the depths of the soul and the wounds in the world the revolution and the emotional evolution", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if whoever i tell wont care that because im so unimportant when they ask whats wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so alone i feel like theres very few people who will actually listen to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel scared on seeing groups of men on the roads the beach or the roadside eateries", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt really have time or energy to stress too much about it but i actually also didnt feel freaked out about it which surprised me a lot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel sympathy for him i dont want people to get the impression i am some heartless cow because im not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think my art was a little bit different like i was really pissed off all the time in the art and i still feel kind of like everything is fucked but i also feel like it s totally going to be ok", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritable and quiet detached from a lot of life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel reluctant to accept my future but i know i have no choice but to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though ive missed this moment of truth outcome uneventful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i said feeling a bit irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never feel alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty happy at the bistro these days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i consciously and openly admit that i am afraid of heights yet i went paragliding through a lush green valley and did not feel fearful or anxious at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hear and feel the more convinced i am that i am going to be having a chat with one jimmy stone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really love about the spray is how it feels cool to the skin", "label": 1} -{"text": "i grew to respect deeply and sometimes i guess you would feel a little bit nervous when you spoke to some people for the first time especially when you dont have a cd of tunes or anything to offer them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i not feel hot u tell me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i certainly have more to write about but im feeling distracted by the sun and all the other stuff on the ole to do list", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little apprehensive reluctant ambivalent about it because i didn t think it had worked so that little voice in my head was asking why bother trying it again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kept all the money then i would feel greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill leave you with a few pictures to end the post now some lovely before ball shots and maybe a few not so flattering indoor ones if im feeling particularly lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling quite optimistic that id somehow averted the worst of that damned cold without losing a whole week of training", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suspect that i should feel optimism and benevolent hope and excitement for julie", "label": 1} -{"text": "i decided to put this in here both as a case history and because i feel like this is a very supportive community", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling scared but also a little brave", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is manifesting in strange ways", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel a little bit distanced from the concept of having a romantic partner anytime", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel all funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that my anxiety has been through the roof and i should be joyful for so many reasons", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want the surrealism to cause the player to feel insecure and out of control within the environment and i want to ensure that it doesn t seem quite right", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel accepted for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see two men holding each other hand walking down the street i feel weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been avoiding it and i may still feel fearful for other reasons but i can go and i can just be myself and try", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feel ing horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel embarrassed to walk in the door on the first day of school this month", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that my knowledge of scripture is inadequate to help her grow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i is the capital of vietnam and is a pretty big city though it didnt really have a big city feel to it which we liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess i mean i didnt hate them but they didnt seem fully fleshed out and the author totes used insta love to explain why they should be together they see each other at a party and feel the pull immediately and they fall into bed pretty quickly after that i think in about a week", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go out with friends but it feels inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was tired of feeling beaten and dragged down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel in awe of her beauty but enraged at the realities of what she has become", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have always had with sex that i actually hate it and i cry afterwards every time and i feel so goddammit worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel fine outtakes a class post count link href http thebestbeatlesblog", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel pressured to live up to any lofty presentation of my life or succumb to lesser perspectives", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel the need to mention that i was quite amused when i realized that neither naos ailing father nor akiyamas time in jail were ever mentioned in this season", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that these words are so stubborn that once you release them they take a life of their own and your thoughts as they are clothed in these words take new shapes that you ve never thought of", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just felt a warm glowing sensation in my heart and had an idea of a place that i had never been but was feeling very curious about", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling passionate", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am in this very strange place where i am content happy and connected with myself and my husband but yet i am disappointed that thoughts about the affair continue to enter my mind on a daily basis", "label": 4} -{"text": "im laying on my bed and feeling so sweet in my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like listening to cynthia alexander now and the songs of the mandaragat hellip i m curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very uncomfortable with lots of people around me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like its not my job too anyway because im too stubborn to give in first and too thick skinned to let other people bother me even if it is my own family", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find it difficult to talk about this world to others for they don t understand or they feel vulnerable and fear they might reveal some of their own secrets", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t really know how to or what to feel and im curious about how things will go", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still went still worked out but i stopped tracking calories and i stopped feeling passionate about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really feel aggravated with almost everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling really horny and i wanted to go first for this round", "label": 2} -{"text": "i turned and around this time i think i began to feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this need to be brave for him to set my own grief aside and help him figure out life without her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know the lord will bless you but it has to be something you freely do rather than you feeling pressured into it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im just really afraid to play my violin again because it makes me feel pained sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i take it as a responsibility to let my readers know of when i feel inspired", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think in life we can learn to either succumb to people even families feelings and unkind words", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling completely overwhelmed by the desire of what i wanted to eat and how many calories id have to burn", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that i will be getting a very obnoxious blonde named christine that always uses the words like totally and the ever famous adorbs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so rotten or else id throw something at him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so pissed of for the fact that i am not that talented and creative as many others designers are", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love pairing pink and red as i find that although they feel strange to combine they compliment each other so well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i need her to and helps me to work through my problems and feel so much more sure and controlled on the other end of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel the pain the heartbroken that she will suffer once she know that she was marry to the most hatred person in her life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the thing that i call an artistic tendency in myself is really just laziness and narcissism justifying and strengthening each other", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i have been missing it for so long i kind of feel horny omg i said it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i used to be the type of person that has no feelings of despair jealous miserable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really don t like him that way but i don t want to hurt his feelings because he is really sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have faith in supreme power and i accept everything and all incidence occuring in life sometimes like today it really makes me feel very very dull and i start crying", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that its not funny to drive a blog when you guys not comment my posts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little terrified about coming", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really dont have more time than i used to but not having school work to do when i get home from real work makes it feel like i have a glut of it the past few weeks and i have been loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also got a huge orange baby carriage which obviously made me feel like hot stuff strutting around with it on the parquet floor", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feeling funny after i returned from london to tortola in january", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that one day i must cease to be it just feels strange to expand my thoughts beyond a time frame into a world where i will no longer exist", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do decide to dip my toe in another genre it feels a little strange which is the case with my recent project", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel prayers answered i m delighted it said athba", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hated by the very organization that i love so much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about becoming is so joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im so relieved and feel so much more like myself now that this is resolved this being almost nothing at all actually just some weird energy and i cant wait to be back at camp even though ill be hacking and coughing and spluttering all day long", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to admit that i am feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel real stunned right now more then anything else", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not interested in feeling pressured to update people about my status or listening to theories about what your cousins brothers coworker heard about consuming the air from toxic cornflakes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel but i do and it is amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel funny playing it any other time of the year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel relaxed and feel better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really did not feel like going through with the interview but my boyfriend convinced me to do it to just get some interviewing skills practice", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling slightly shamed for my sluggishness here are two covers for rampant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like being funny and forgetting that diabetes related mishaps awarded me with about hours of sleep last night", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel mildly fearless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want and how i feel and you know that i want to be faithful to you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i discovered out what created my wife feel lovedi was shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can promise that the feel and content will much more interesting and easy to follow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really inadequate both as a satirist and as a human being", "label": 0} -{"text": "i swear it feels like i have some neurotic soul co existing with my own soul in my own body", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think we shouldn t wait until we re feeling more devoted to sit down with the bible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was reading it i feel curious about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not sure how i would feel if some one walked up to me and told me how handsome i am", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t feel like getting shaken down by the tsa quite yet so i pulled off to the side at creative croissants for a lunch", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel loved a href http meme mememusic", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling a little strange lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a school girl today my stomach muscles is aching", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still get the feeling that there are a few folks at ivc who act like they are afraid that sc is trying to take advantage of them", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive always managed as part of who i am naturally i guess to look on the bright side of life cue monty python montage however internally feel shaken and stressed to a certain extent", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kinda lame admitting it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got a lovely feeling from it and when they offered me the room i was pleasantly surprised that i hadn t scared them off by my scatty first impression i also tripped up the stairs when i was looking round the house", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually do feel quite sympathetic towards anna though", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel really vulnerable every time i walk into a yoga class", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can do said i was smart said ma one day you will accomplish anything but i really feel very curious he can go for so many years and was still alive", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess it started with feeling sorry for myself about not being able to follow through with the marathon and then all of the amazing food on vacation", "label": 0} -{"text": "i make a fist i get an extreme tingling feeling that almost feels like i m being shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i eat healthy because it helps me to fit into a smaller pant size you could say i eat healthy because it helps me to feel more energetic focused and comfortable in my body", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasn t very keen on vain beauty because when i called the lady who answered gave very curt answers which made me feel that she wasn t very keen on doing my business", "label": 1} -{"text": "i talk about him to a friend and crazily enough to tom i feel radiant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel heartbroken for the people affected by the earthquake and tsunami in japan as all of us do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love steven because he never makes me feel unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that lots of you already do all of this and do not at all feel intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found myself feeling jealous of ellies affection and attention", "label": 3} -{"text": "i deserve to feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know they re professionals they ll obviously be fine without you but also you know it s not technically my house anymore i d feel strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel funny about mothers day", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill be honest i find the horse and hound forum quite scary and only go on there when i am feeling particularly brave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had never given a second thought and it feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so proud of myself and was so filled with emotion finishing it", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been a busy girl but it has been a very good type of busy and im feeling really happy about things right now and i am loving my new start in glasgow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i talk to my real estate agent for some advice on how to proceed not that i feel she will offer much again im not too impressed with her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often question how he feels about me because maybe im just an insecure person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i last talked to her about it and i think she assumes that my feelings were just me being curious and she just happened to be there at that time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel remotely helpless when it comes to making a difference in this economy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would say a bar verse if i am feeling inspired would take about or hours to write", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i went to my first dental appointment", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive explained this to the boys and always told them if you feel impressed to share your testimony you can go up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want done and not being able to do it in a day and feeling overwhelmed and feeling like i will never get it all done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to complain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel decidedly not bothered about the state of literature i survey the ruins of the great estates the old castles the high halls and their decrepitude seem apt to me they no longer seem to demand any sort of restitution", "label": 3} -{"text": "i returned from a fortnight in scotland and england there was the expected pile up of work awaiting us and the usual temptation to feel overwhelmed by it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go to auburn i feel welcomed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am being tortured recently with these sales while i am supposed to be on a no buy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a feeling he probably still hated me for my confessions a couple months ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up from my afternoon nap with a sore eye and it made me feel really grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got a headache and my head feels strange in the back", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this bothered ive never been this bothered over something work environment related", "label": 3} -{"text": "i took the earphones out i came back to reality and i didnt like the feeling i hated the noise of the bathroom and everything surrounding me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel what i provide is a way to time capsule these amazing steps in life to chronicle their journey through life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is absolutely fabulous is the a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel to be in such a talented band", "label": 1} -{"text": "i looking to feel inspired or am i looking for confirmation of my bad feelings and thoughts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i walk through our humble apartment it feels as if it were only yesterday when i knocked at the door eager to meet my room mates in person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so loved d what you have to do each person must post facts about themselves", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like no one is caring me while im going through this hard time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel heartbroken betrayed in pieces", "label": 0} -{"text": "i constantly feel amazed that there are some people out there who actually want to read my odd ramblings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i usually dont know how i feel about something until i write about it im automatically prejudiced against folks whose minds work this way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel shy awarding them out to others because i feel that since there are rules associated to these awards i dislike the feeling of imposition that comes with the award", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am really beginning to feel how supportive and loving everyone not only students but also teachers and administrative staff is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel her ache her longing to embrace my words", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that heartless bitch gravity start to pull me back down but someone grabs my arm and sits me down", "label": 3} -{"text": "i contact my mitt disrespect it feels kinda tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that although ive missed out on all the stories told in the shadowrun line past the sense of life that these tales give to a setting is powerful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realize that ive spent a lot of the last two years feeling angry and scared after a bad experience some of it justified some of it the result of an injured ruminating mind that struggles to let go of things in general", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel assured or at least i sincerely hope that a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dislike seeing my friends sad i know its inevitable amp all amp yes i do get sad too but u just feel so hopeless knowing theyre sad n they dont show it act like everythings fine when deep deeeeep way deep down theyre just feeling rly shitty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am still on a high and feeling invigorated", "label": 1} -{"text": "im talking about stored up hurts and pent up rage at the feelings of feeling not accepted insecure marginalized and not belonging anywhere", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling much less stressed and overwhelmed these days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i told you i only have cent left why send me something that left me feeling all funny and sad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i never showed those pictures to you back then so here our funny tumble down gingerbread house that had so many construction and possibly baking issues but was wonderful all the same", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed by taiwanese people who over the years have fought for their rights have gradually moved away from dictatorship and have managed to create a consensus a society where life is fair tolerant in general and based upon deeply anchored values", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am in awe and every time we cuddle and he falls asleep on my shoulder i feel this overwhelming happiness and thankfulness for such a sweet little baby", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit vulnerable of having opened myself wholly to someone recently and been kicked pretty sharpish in the cunt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was before i started feeling insecure about my body which is sad enough but to be feeling this way at age", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit dazed today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i finally slept for about an hour beginning at am or so but woke up with my heart racing and feeling awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive achieved today i feel like a school girl all over again handing in my homework and hoping to get an a plus from the teacher weird analogy but thats how i feel at the moment as giddy as a child", "label": 4} -{"text": "i write with the kind of raw honesty that strayed is known for i feel an amazing vitality while writing it but then i walk around in the world for at least a week feeling like all the skin on my body has been peeled off and i m laid bare vulnerable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stop trying the touch of your lips is what i feel that sweet and beautiful smile of yours is what i see", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am bored out of my mind and on the harder days i just feel inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel extremely dazed almost benedryl like", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sit here and am torn between feeling utterly defeated and utterly exuberant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel read here or here this is why we are doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am being super lazy about juicing and working out", "label": 1} -{"text": "im so tired tonight i was feeling discouraged about my spinning but im really actually quite happy with it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird talking about energies but i really do feel them from living creatures and ive always felt that all people are energy to begin with not our physical bodies of course", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was supposed to feel sympathy for emma im afraid i failed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i lined it with silk cotton lining which feels fabulous against the skin", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can already feel an obnoxious work load for the weekend let alone a really wretched day coming on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have this problem where i isolate myself from civilization and then get upset because i feel lonely a href http", "label": 0} -{"text": "i truly feel privileged to be a part of this entire experience", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tell you i feel so amazing when i do take minutes to truly wind down before leaving the room", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it more when im not so sleep deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will give myself an hour to feel lousy and after that ill re evaluate", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling brave and bored im going to make one for myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i read your blogs and then look at mine i feel like a fake basically", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will feel that im selfish for tying you up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began to feel stressed out pushed and out of control", "label": 0} -{"text": "im certain weve hung out every day this past week i can tell im developing rather strong feelings for him but theyre not romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling pretty stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dunno why but i was feeling so affectionate in the evening", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really thrilled because i really needed to move the peaces of my life and as i spend half of my life nowadays behind of this desk it s great to have a cozy room in which i can hang around freely and do my own funky routines", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling cranky hours ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hesitant as i write this post but i feel that i have to after reading a recent entry from a blogger that i really look up to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t remember the zombie like drunken feeling you get at am woken up by frantic baby cries for food or a new diaper", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stressed i will take a walk because it provides me with a sense of calm and peace of mind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling enthralled about that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i respect your feelings but i do not think saint chris would be particularly troubled by the play you describe", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just not feeling enthralled like i have been in the past", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bitchy about ignoring them sometimes but it really is for the best", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel frightened by myself i feel scared i guess its just an identity crisis", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel affectionate about everyone i should love", "label": 2} -{"text": "im just feeling grumpy and impatient and im ready to get things moving", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel anxious whenever i see her because i am not used to being pampered like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should have done something at this point to stay out of his closed guard i feel like i just accepted it and didnt try to keep him from locking his legs up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel stunned and slightly angry", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually feel valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel blessed to be weeks today and hoping i get into see my ob tomorrow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if every time i tell people im passionate about passionate people it just makes no sense", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a lot better now and im really happy im back to work tomorrow so i can keep myself busy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little less valuable as i gain the weight", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t have to feel threatened by the future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i even join these talks and i cant get the right words out of my mouth because i feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am concentrating on getting my stubborn body to do what it is supposed to be doing and then there will be brief moments where all that i am learning clicks into place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often wonder when this feeling this longing started", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel in some way that this regressed step has appeared as a means to underline a lesson i have yet to gain something with intelligent intent", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive had a mini panic attack the first full day the baby was home i was just feeling so overwhelmed and without support that i started freaking out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a character in a michael haneke film perhaps funny games where my home is not being invaded by thugs but my writing instruments on my computer are for sure under attack", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling much less nervous about this job and im looking forward to more stories", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that some of the very personality traits i love most about my husband mentioned above have been damaged by you and as a result you not only took them away from him you took them away from me as well", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling nostalgic at the moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sure that the debate about hive mind will continue throughout the year as it could well turn to be one of those albums the confounds and confuses as much as it thrills and provokes thoughtful analysis", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling suspicious at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish that my family and i didnt feel this need to keep her constantly entertained when shes around because shes always bored out of her mind irregardless of what we do with her and doesnt remotely appreciate our efforts to tolerate everything about her but whatever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not tend to casually discuss my faith or anything related to my religion because i do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable primarily but also because i believe my being a christian should be reflected in the way i live my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but feel disappointment for her id have hated for my first time to be like that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think the rhyme and the space gives the hearer a feeling like he is going on a journey and thats why i think its one of the most popular genres out there and it doesn t have to be all gangsta to be rap", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am so sorry for not being around and i feel that i have been neglecting my lovely friends with not visiting your blogs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to give you guys a quick workout program that will only take about minutes but will engage your entire body and leave you feeling strong and accomplished", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would just feel crappy about myself come and i couldn t figure it out", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling so overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have always loved doing things for other people and i truly feel that i am pretty devoted in doing so", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel readers know the feel i am talking about clearly for this stage is somewhat the most amazing and the more loving and cared stage where we are all in the right wings to be with a mate whom we search for our whole lifelong living and happiness", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate the feeling that i will be hated or get people mad at me if i want to go out to a movie or see friends on the convient weekend night instead of during the week", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel better now that im working out about myself if not in any real physical way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling quite hot towards the end of the meal because we were sitting in an enclosed area with weak air conditioning and subjected to the heat from all the stoves around us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i behave normally it feels weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shocked right through with the both of you it s no problem of mine but it s a problem i find living a life that i can t leave behind", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so cranky and moody these few days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i should live forever only that my sincere desire is to live long enough to see my children grow up beyond the need of their parents having to take complete care of them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suddenly feel petty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel kind of dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wake up in the morning after a great night with my dear husband and feel like the bitch from hell sometimes really irritable and moody", "label": 3} -{"text": "i better be going i said feeling confused i m already late", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more apprehensive about this three hour visit than my one year here in the us", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could understand if i was truly dumb as fuck i often am but i knew and know the answer and i feel so wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kept trying to stay focused on the bigger picture to look for the deeper lessons but frankly i was feeling cranky and very uninspired and my fall from enlightenment seemed imminent", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling sad ill just go watch the video its a good stress reliever y siao ah you pregnant ah", "label": 0} -{"text": "i tend to get a tiny bit nervous major understatement and minutes in front of hundreds of people literally makes me feel shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel even more alone although i have him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stupid in all religious conversations", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling restless for the last few days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel sorry for the guy sitting next to me on the plane", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling rather positive about keeping up the record", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have changed has infiltrated my mind and it has made me feel worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think its perfectly reasonable to feel that the guy that has been most prominant compassionate and loving to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling terrified about the future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am also developing a callus on the first finger of my left hand and this feels quite strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will say that i feel the licorice complements the sweet spices while not being in anyones face", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of shocked because", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel slightly envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hot and clammy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel reassured that im right or at least justified", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am right handed however i play billiards left handed naturally so me trying to play right handed feels weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am living in a very boring world", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling more optimistic again as theres been progress on all fronts", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling so cranky today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t believe how comfortable i feel with all this mason thought i m amazed with myself nn we re like a couple of old shoes out here and a couple of kinky bastards in the bedroom", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive also found myself feeling curious about other painting media lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was grateful i could enjoy the deliciousness without feeling deprived or loosing control", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hated to admit it but i think it made me feel that way because i was afraid it could be me someday traveling between worlds", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been doing well i have a few tips and tricks ive been using to keep from feeling deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel totally helpless in this dark place", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling that even if you dont particularly care for the movie youll at least enjoy the randomness and strange being that is in the form of biaggio the third boy who tags along in the group", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think the fact that my time is filled to the point where i feel like i have no free time whatsoever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel terrible that i have not posted one set of uglies i received yet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just hope the judge feels sympathetic to my situation lol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont plan my stories rigidly because i love the feeling of being surprised and taken aback by where my story goes and where my character takes me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling much like the guy in the pic above a little overwhelmed and starved for time but very delighted to be making new work and preparing my little florida bungalow for thanksgiving guests this weekend", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling generous there may even be a prize", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel as though it is my role in life to be supportive to my friends as an example of joy and fun to remind them that life is good that we are good and that when they and we are not we can strive for them to be so", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think once ive done this i will feel a lot less anxious and i can then be able to prepare things a bit more in advance", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was just hanging out feeling kinda fabulous because the semest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unhappy without so much as a reason to why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like she s still too blank a slate and just an interesting visual more than a character at this point", "label": 0} -{"text": "i said there was a tremendous lack of rule of law all over myanmar which in turn left people feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not sure if its intentional but i feel its pretty charming in its own way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i who has feelings for shinoyama but is too shy to show them strongly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel you from the inside out my fingers ache to slip in between the tender folds of flesh i can hear calling me you could pretend that you dont feel the same but in a matter of moments we both know youll scream my name", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel burdened by it and i don t think it s a huge responsibility", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like ive been given a precious jewel", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try not to laugh because sometimes it hurts vellas feelings but some of the things he does are so funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit adventurous for this year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im not so lonely when i write on this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feeling relaxed after signing new man utd contract", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think if i had been feeling a little whippier i would have really liked the course as it should suit my typical power game", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel uncomfortable around professionals anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel a bit shitty mood wise", "label": 0} -{"text": "i usually have a calm before the storm type of feeling going on before a race but this time im so fearful of what might happen tomorrow that i cant seem to find any positive thoughts", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i say feeling superior if only for a moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "im enjoy worship moments more compared to preaching moment in church cause sometimes i feel the preaching can get abit boring omg no offense", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am making a step back and i feel so unprotected", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was supposed to go see madonna at the q but wasnt feeling so hot dinner my neighborhood favorite a href http spicekitchenandbar", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling so blessed tonight we really are lucky to have such amazing families", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just hope our kids feel like they can be kids not get overwhelmed like i feel and continue to do their best", "label": 5} -{"text": "i apologize for my disposition its just that ive been feeling a bit nostalgic lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think ignorance is one of the most hurtful things and by knowing just how much it hurts to feel ignored i always make a point of returning messages and emails as soon as i get them after all i think it s common courtesy don t you think", "label": 0} -{"text": "i totally hear you it s hard to feel rejected over and over", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel resentful that my doctor wants me to increase the meds because i already feel guilty using them while im pregnant", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i was selected to this university despite my having studyied in difficulty throughout my secondary school days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i immediately feel sympathetic and protective towards her and yet as the story progresses she becomes so powerful that she could be described as a formidable no longer human intelligence", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began feeling strange and my eyes were burning and itching", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel a little dazed finally", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel strange about drawing attention to myself when my participation was so insignificant", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can see and feel that he is still fond of me", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling tortured tired and like my emotions are on repeat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was not feeling top notch so a lovely relaxing weekend was just what i needed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel if youre curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went on our cookie date and i was angered greatly feel as if i have been wronged by the good people at highland coffee", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel slightly intimidated haha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bought it because my skin is feeling quite irritated at the moment ive used it a few times now and i think its helping", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so stupid sometimes being in a relationship that puts me through an annoying emotional roller coaster", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t want to have a negative attitude doing something i don t feel passionate about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so helpless so hopless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the second hand frieda indignation of a faithful if not entirely intelligent reader and plath purist", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been making sure that my children feel as blessed as i do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel only the thrill of enclosing my eager fingers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about it i am amazed how much pleasure i get from watching little kids sprint past my house to look at the books", "label": 5} -{"text": "i told her i was feeling a weird pressure and when she looked she said oh no", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel restless like i want to go somewhere do something but i dont know where to go", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about finishing the chicago marathon my journey was amazing and so i am sad to see it come to an end with this message", "label": 5} -{"text": "i walk i feel like i am part of some romantic comedy and the city is my new lover", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought that i would be scolded for a comment i had made", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also in a way blame myself for what happened and feel inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrified of succeeding", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i will fear loving someone for the rest of my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so lame irl", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started the process within my psyche years ago and only recently am sensing the rewards of my hard work in how i breathe move think and feel hope has been a loyal companion", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling terrified when a href http asweetlife", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sad that at such a young age cancer can sneak up to you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i very advocate getting a search at the masai barefoot technological innovation because i feel you will be surprised with what the style and features have to supply", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was sat next to the tall strong looking lady and her big strong thigh was pressing on top of mine cutting of the circulation and making me feel so hot i wanted to jump out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with one thing i tend to feel overwhelmed with everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this very berry funny luu", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also couldn t help feeling amazed at how very much he looked like a href http puppet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very depressed today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i honestly feel that not being rude about it but you need to tell them very nicely remember that this is your life and you are not a little kid anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel nervous or excited or a healthy dose of both", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel getting nervous never goes away but we all become better or worse and managing those pre race nerves", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had made an appointment with three friends we had to go out together when i arrived at the place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked when she came into my bedroom and told me to pack a suitcase because we were going to disney world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel under valued and like there is no one there to catch the balls when i drop them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel invigorated by the young players at the club and players like ryan giggs gary neville paul scholes turning out every week for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling more and more irritable and exhausted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel somewhat insulted that every single time i go to get my toes done the nail technicians seem to find the need to ask the question you want eyebrow wax too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have tried to focus more on how my body feels when i eat something naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not want to go home but sitting in the corridor made me feel helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so alone without it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t care about having the latest designer jeans and a t shirt from the street side shop makes me feel more handsome than i am in reality", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel myself getting agitated and pissy i know that i am about to head into some nasty depression", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know what it is but i always feel like i look really boring wearing them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am his but i don t need to promise anyone including him that i ll never go away that i ll be faithful that i ll be there in sickness and health", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the feeling this is a book like eat pray love which i think i liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more like a pissed off caged dog than anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that he is telling me that since she is so wonderful it is now time for me work on me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was just feeling generally distracted and had terrible trouble focussing on the second meditation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have fun when i m sweating like crazy to insanity or at least i feel amazing after i m done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have lost just about everything in my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel surprised when", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like to be alone and when i am not i can start to feel agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i am not his biological mother but i feel like as long as he is living under my roof and i am supporting him then i have the right to expect certain things from him without having to go through my fiance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i actually physically feel weird is it some sort of withdrawal", "label": 5} -{"text": "i loved royals strength ant boy was she a women of worth you truly feel everything thing i was so caught up in this drama i hated it to end", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do these days that makes me feel a little uncertain about the future the pressures that pierce me deep the feeling of being completely isolated from the world i used to glory in and all the thrills that go with it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel assured to be under the guidance of this man daniel vitalis", "label": 1} -{"text": "im probably not as ugly as i feel not exactly feeling creative or inspired i ate lunch at a chinese lunch buffet alone which i know will not help the continuing search for jeans that fit", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel that the faith now supporting me to keep moving on is too weak and too easy to break", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that i set up to pay in full for this statement period for i also requested my rewards check which made me feel annoyed with chase they dont send receipts to email when you make payment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling surprised and wondering why he had dropped us there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that way they arent quite as impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love the tingly feeling i get when handing them out cause everyone is impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so terrified at the sight of the new amp wierd arrangement of my room", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have also noticed that i am beginning to feel very depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed and appreciate about human beings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel don t get pissed and try to take out the competition get smart and try to better your product so people will come back to your products", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look at him i have this feeling that he is a devoted friend the one who got your back no matter how high the obstacles are", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling horny thats what army does to you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never wish to change the real love i do feel and am learning to graciously accept from his kind and devoted attention and one of the hardest days in a long while for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t go for a walk with the dog and the man feeling a little too groggy lazy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel insulted offended and hurt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel sorry that she lost her dad but why did she had to compare my loss", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am mad that my dad wasnt at my great aunts funeral yesterday because he feels unwelcome and intimidated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel fantastic for the players", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know if im gonna see any more i already feel quite satisfied never before has the average grade of the movies ive seen at fff been this good", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just tired of feeling disgusted and angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt tell ursi as i feel impolite to talk about this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel joy yet my heart is delicate after enduring the storms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can talk to her about anything and always feel so loved when im with her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very impressed that im not the only one in the standing in desert staring at the sheep and mountains and wondering where the promise land is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a remembrance of the strange by justin aryiku falls into the latter category", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pleased and more accomplished at the things i decided to learn the priveleges i had and the ways i used my time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel each of these losses and pains even though i dont always know the individuals suffering", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very distressed because i m supportive of this campaign and with the senator what he has done and is doing hellip i said he comes down as speaking down to black people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have not been feeling burdened or upset so that s good", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling terrific at the moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i notice resentment about brett sitting on his tuckus when i m doing all of the housework and instead of being passive aggressive about it like i would have been in the past i walk in and say i m feeling resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do things like cut my hair or get a new piercing when im bored or you know feeling lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was almost lost my confidence over this and the feeling tortured my every day i could no longer be patient anymore to hold on this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often feel inhibited by everything and so i shut down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know a few more terms have a little more savvy in dealing with purchasing and realize now that the field is changing so fast that we all feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im planning to dedicate a few days to blog visits as i feel that ive been out of the loop with your lovely posts for the past few weeks while the children have been at home", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel agitated and angered knowing that these drugs are forced upon me by doctors who have never once had a conversation with me and ignore clear proof of how debilitating these drugs are to me while they destroy my mind and body", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel like if something is funny and feels original and its something people can tap into its kind of a great format", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disappointed but okay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel almost ecstatic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i grew up feeling defeat and helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i looked at my master feeling quite stunned before i nodded slowly looking away from him ashamedly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel suspicious nao head dont know this pigheaded person why sees i run i not am said that is i helping its it didnt understand me impossible might it not be after the spoiling of yi star monster language with is the language of fifth planet different", "label": 4} -{"text": "i seldom complain and always feel contented about what i have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just was feeling weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling all tortured inside", "label": 4} -{"text": "i usually feel shitty after scrolling through my facebook newsfeed", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive feeling slightly bitchy so there we go", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used to feel i can do anything but now i feel miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am taciturn in my feelings and too timid to speak", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so paranoid about them falling apart in transport although that has never happened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel a sense of accomplishment and the other folks in the class have been very supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i lived in a time when i could feel hot tarmac beneath my bare soles a time when every day felt like the start of a new adventure", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shocked and very humble because when i see the people that won tonight i can t believe we were up for the same award", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont care if its a democrat or a republican that made the mess i care that i am the one having to try to make it work and its frustrating and seriously feels a little hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate the overwhelming feeling that comes with wanting to do it all and seeing what i am most passionate about get sacrificed", "label": 2} -{"text": "im exhausted today because i spent whole day feeling impatient because i drank too much coffee", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that if it was an image of someone doing something that they didnt want others to see such as the work of paul graham beyond caring i can see a reason why you would want something in return as these people are vunerable and run down while dicorcias heads image of mr", "label": 2} -{"text": "i said feeling terrible that im having to tell her this news knowing that its going to make her uncomfortable even though im not at all uncomfortable talking about steve", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am starting to feel compassionate towards roslin again", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling all weird about leaving dylan out at our front porch", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling generous im going to leave you with a funny video from the talented and hilarious umbilical brothers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so honoured to work with them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little nervous just before class starts as im the newbie and to be honest my coordination sucks but i think im getting the hang of it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know have missed me genuinely make me feel so rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel less grouchy after the lunch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surprised because i am on top of my two sisters as they once ago didnt get as much a than me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was getting my passport approved yesterday i was feeling ever so anxious as if id done something illegal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help but feel instantly jealous of their well purposed attire", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like indonesia is selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should feel hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i first watched it but it is only over time that i have really come to appreciate what a remarkable film it is and also why it feels so special to me personally", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think about doing it i feel reluctant and hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little intimidated scared amp usually end up walking right back out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really cant seem to sit down and get anything typed as it does get me down and makes me feel really restless too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty determined to keep it up let s see", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t like feeling awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i said washington was broken and that was the feeling from an outsider looking in but now being somebody who s been there a year i m convinced it s broken mr", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like i should be bothered about being cheery and merry but im just not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i rebelled so young that now at times when i feel like being rebellious theres nothing left to do short of class a drugs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel accepted in my family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really depressed about it not so much for the money but for the feeling itself that i m not able to survive in the field", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got to eat some eats and drink some drinks with old friends and new meet some people i feel painfully fanboyish around and got a sweet pile of comics to read", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look into your eyes i can feel the fear of doubt all i want to do is hold your gentle hands and have the key to your precious heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was actually feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like we have been super busy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so naughty like i m cheating the system somehow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel devastated but i dont know from what", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like to think with certain people i have a right to feel aggravated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know but in a na ve manner i put to make you feel fearless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i try explaining my feelings and someone dismisses them blindly i feel frustrated and disinterested in discussing my opinions because they cannot put themselves in my place and know what i have experienced by living there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel deprived when i try to diet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny putting this above strasbourg but id feel funny putting strasbourg above it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my requests are unimportant that i don t matter", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel helpless and i wish that things were back to normal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i knew i was going to be winding down from the alt summit conference and being pregnant i wasnt feeling casino friendly kyle and i opted to stay home and watch my niece lily so stevie and john could head out to play with the rest of the adults", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel irritable but it is because i have not been able to sleep well lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess my feelings get confused as far as illness is concerned", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes still do have that withdrawal kind of feeling cos i am too afraid to get hurt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could tell that he was beginning to feel scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have said the clear no was so helpful that was a surprise usually i feel resentful of black and white thinking around food", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i ve wronged to the point that they felt this way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel with so many people who look like me the similarities end there as koreans are shocked to hear my horrifying accent", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just noticed was featured on all three of this projects singles no wonder she became the early breakout star for one of his best verses one where he somehow pulls off feeling shocked that his woman is fucking around on him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i alba i feel good and im fitting in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive been nelecting all my lovely readers", "label": 2} -{"text": "im slowly deflating but im still hard and i can still feel you giving me delicious little squeezes", "label": 1} -{"text": "falling in love", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fell back into the same pattern eating bread and gluten filled products now i am back to feeling crappy and just not right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling nostalgic about and wishing everyone would stay that age when its hugs and peek a boo jokes and not as much", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really derive from some deep geneological mental illness and i really be feelin fucked up and confused at times", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel threatened at all by the people like i would have for the first minutes walking in indonesia", "label": 4} -{"text": "i may come when i feel needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel disgusted childhood memories and distant promises seems long lost and rusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember consistently feeling dissatisfied with my progress", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel naughty by ratbagx", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also have more stuff coming up real soon and it s gonna be real different at least that s what i feel so if this sounds cool you can stick around or add me or whatever you like", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got to consider once im feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little ungrateful after my post yesterday not sure if you feel the same way of not", "label": 0} -{"text": "im working on a new project and i feel so productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive that the ministry of matrimony through its intellectual investigation might mistake the write ups to be misdemeanors and chastise me for the same like a magician", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like going around our house and taking pictures of all the repairs we cant afford to do because we are supporting her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling theyll be pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel terrified and yet i am in rapture too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know they want me to stay but i just feel like none of them are supporting me in a sense of giving me rational reasons to why i should stay other than all of them are staying", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t like it i feel like it s weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling dazed raoul im feeling used all and yet old friend lets not get upset old friend giry we can sort this out raoul im sure we will meg without a doubt a href http", "label": 5} -{"text": "i imagine what would have happened if i had been just minutes late even now i feel so fearful thinking of it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldn t have imagined but i still feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont even have words i feel lonely all the time everyone says you dont understand me but then what about me who is their to understand me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate feeling anger when ever someone mentions something or someone that fucked with my emotions and such", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t necessarily feel that way but the fact that other people feel that way is very supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i realize that my completed writing will actually help me to get my degree and ease my senior year because it s already done i feel the lord s tender mercies again for his interest in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel terribly deprived of touch and intimacy which makes me feel isolated and alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i smell this scent all over taiwan quite frequently in cute coffee shop bathrooms", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked shut down", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this paint is a bit too dull and dark for this stage", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love them for different reasons i love them for who they are independently of one another and i love them for how incredible they make me feel for loving them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to be with him so bad that i feel i am being tortured right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i talk about herbalife amp he decides to compare them cause hell feel threatened obviously", "label": 4} -{"text": "im still pretty behind at work i am feeling less anxious about my personal life and thats helping me focus and get things done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have this weird feeling yes of course i am scared but still laughing because we went downstairs and stayed in the safe area of our school", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a child eager to play with paint or to push words around on a scrap of paper", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at the wall ok feeling slightly irate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling so agitated thinking about those people from class", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like we are blessed to live in new zealand where we can so easily access good skincare ranges such as this one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am disappointed in myself and most upset because i feel i have let amazing people down around me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will think to myself that ive been neglected and feel insecure because he got to know new people new friends new girls hahaha me but the fact that he is just simply very tired", "label": 4} -{"text": "im catch up posting my old weeks this feels weird since it will be out of order", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel that anyone and everyone can make a difference i just want to energize and encourage kids to be more compassionate and socially responsible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love my eyes and i think the rest of my face comments them as well but i feel like people overlook the face i have and are distracted by my body", "label": 3} -{"text": "i first tried out romeo i chose country and i m feeling naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the more i pay attention to what is going on in this world the more outraged i become", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling quite disillusioned about my geography class ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm two tests next friday", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like one of the only people that has been so supportive lives in ohio", "label": 2} -{"text": "i for him i feel confused and surprised", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not manic in a clinical sense but i am feeling pissed off with the world", "label": 3} -{"text": "i imagine you become so enthralled in your child s day to day life that you notice external markers of time less and therefore feel surprised that life is continuing to pass around you while you are savoring the moments", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to feel a little irritated by conventional wisdom", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t even feel hesitant having one student go into the teacher s lounge to retrieve the sodas from the fridge", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that the peta caring consumer list is inadequate and only cruelty free but the leaping bunny list is wonderful and cruelty free since it requires companies to certify that their raw ingredients are cruelty free", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like he was so convincingly loyal and obedient to volpone until he made a complete turn around to betray him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think about my freedom and not having to make plans for another person all the time i feel content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am supporting the community i am a part of", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a strange pull toward dimitri", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant see us there as i can understand how mac feels as he is often feeling so lost right here in his own home and has said so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this sense of achievement that some one actually bothered to read my story", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want a guy who s been so lonely for so long that he feels privileged to even have a date let alone a girlfriend or wife", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel i must apologise to tara if i offended her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less like a fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will more than likely see him every months up until my year mark which is fine with me just lets me feel more assured in the care that i m getting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so frustrated right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for the innocent buyers that is the only thing that keeps me hanging on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant speak for you but i know almost daily i have no idea what im feeling because i am so distracted with just junk honestly", "label": 3} -{"text": "im touchy feely aka affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel resentful about my education leave a comment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be able to give joy to a child in need", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel afraid of changing again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am slightly on the tired side and i guess that could explain why im feeling a little grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel surprised if there are some who have the exact opposite view", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sad everyday now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange talking about less serious things right now like cooking", "label": 5} -{"text": "i looked at the car from top to bottom while at the dealership looking for any defects and didn t find anything but i m still feeling paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i would feel hurt too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dun feel angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel people are curious to human clones and it attracts an audience quickly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look down both ways of the hallway feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i myself have encountered him in so many ways that when i think of it i cannot help but feel amazed at this great and awesome god that we have", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling really pleased with my progress even though i havent succeeded in writing every single day", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling more lively than yesterday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shame now but i was mad at you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i li pouring down in the corner under the moonlight shines on his face i saw his pale face and mouth with half closed eyes bear people feel more distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit melancholy at this time", "label": 0} -{"text": "im beginning to feel fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "im working out twice a day and i even shaved my head but i feel like im isolated out here in the suburbs with no friends to talk to and a ton of idle time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i won t have the same feeling of achievement that comes when you look adversity in the eye even though you are fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that the words i love you only lead to unprotected sex which only leads to unwanted pregnacy which only leads to being lied to and being left and feeling alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel much calmer and more gentle within myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as giggly and giddy as a year old school girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling all kinds of antsy and impatient and ready to pack up today and head out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i heard here his face has shown a laodi been exposed look of despair but the eye also emit a kind of hard to imagine the feeling shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sorry for a class zem slink title jimmy carter href http en", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like total poonanny and i miss my loved ones and friends i will text them and tell them hi and i love them", "label": 2} -{"text": "im emotionally drained my head is lowered although my body is not in the corner rocking back and forth thats how i feel what do you do when someone is too stubborn to love you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am made to feel useless a class post count link href http neska", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have no bad news this time and it feels strange to be pushing a positive agenda but why be all doom and gloom when there are lots of things for me to smile about", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it will be very weird going back home because i have seen and felt things that are very different here than in oregon", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly rebellious and that s about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lost in this free for all world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt so nice but then after getting out of the feel i am curious to see why am i not like that without drugs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more and more discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel and is supportive so is my mum so i do have people to speak to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to trust my husband again like i used to before i found the email and i want to feel that security i once thought would never be shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "after a disagreement between my parents", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think about enhabiten as a whole and see it as the sum of all its parts working together it feels rather amazing and spectacular to me and i realize that i can figure out all the pieces in time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel completely disheartened and overwhelmed by our warring ways i meditate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sit here in the middle night feeling so unhappy but most of all so empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel these last weeks are going to be a bit of a struggle especially if the hot summer continues", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i know how i feel about it and i know that i liked it and i know that i waited a long time to read it but man im so glad that i did", "label": 2} -{"text": "im a bit annoyed i thought these deals were friday only and theyre still available as i write this on the following tuesday i hate feeling pressured to buy something to get a deal and i couldve waited it hasnt even shipped yet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im in some kind of vicious cycle", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel myself becoming more stressed up and appearing stern again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still think of this patient from time to time and feel pretty sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel infuriated and despairing and powerless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling bitchy and just didnt want to inconvience myself by getting up early on a day i didnt have to but i knew our presence was important to him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling really agitated and anxious about how everyone and their cousin it seemed wanted to tell me what i should be doing differently with my baby for example", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel enthralled i feel alive when im out and about away from the predictables together with the vagaries", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling this visit is a little amazed by the love i am feeling for my family and the wonder i feel for my daughter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i havent known sue anything like as long as bloater and lisa but i feel like i have you know one of those people you meet and you just click with you can have grumpy old people conversations straight away with them but then roll around laughing the next minute well thats sue", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am seeing a surgeon about a hip replacement next week and am feeling a bit alarmed about it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a dream about an ex girlfriend a few weeks ago and i woke up thinking about it which just ended up in me feeling distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel coming from their sweet hearts for the man i love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i seemed to look around me i could see darkness but i could feel that people were deluded from this dangerous earthly life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel some anger rise up now it s actually kind of funny whenever i hear someone on the tv reporting a student opened fire on his fellow students and they are asking how something like this could happen i say it out loud i know why", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look forward to my birthday for one reason and one reason only its not the gifts and it is certainly not the parties it is a day i feel showered with loving remembrance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i can t go on alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive eaten the kaiseki here a few times i still feel impressed every time the dishes come out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i m being rude to her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling ashamed and disgusted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had been feeling a bit intimidated because i had added", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been training myself to do with those closest to me when i disagree or if i feel wronged i tell myself let it go let it go and i have been practising that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i grew up feeling defective", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was supposed to be at work but i wasn t feeling well and recovered later", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have downloaded tonnes of work sheets and spent loads on resources but still feel petrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think the sheer number of people who know me by the things that i cannot deliver makes me feel angry at myself for allowing myself to be in such a situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i worked with kids for two years previously and i didnt feel shy at all with them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel like crap but i feel way less crappy than i did a week ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel quite intimidated by this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found the curtain calls too stagily traditional maria was still clearly feeling the emotion of the tragic ending as we all were and i would have liked the calls to reflect that as the a cappella closing chorus so movingly did", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was afraid when i met my uncle because this time i was with my boyfriend i thought i was not going to be given pocket money", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling kind of troubled all day and it s amazing what just getting your mind of things and working up a good sweat can do for your mood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel awful it wasnt intended it just happened completely unattended im unstable things arent always right hope maybe then we can go to other dances i wanna make it up to you or buy something nice i know you wanted to go this has happened twice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt stressed and unhappy for about a week until i realised why i was feeling so uptight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was looking after my fathers sheen in the forest one day while playing with friends from neighbouring villages the flock escaped me and went into a far place it became dark and i was afraid of father i went home and hid myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little lost in this post show world because i went from being very rigid and restrictive and now everything is fair game", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel like there is something to do something that i should be doing to be more productive in the time i have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about the talented striker", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive almost forgotten how to feel anything devoted to sex has dried up in my body", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do my best work when im enthused and feeling creative yet i have to work to keep the grocery bills paid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was in the office till very late and i got the feeling that i disturbed the supervisor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel honestly disturbed by such shit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i imagine and maybe this is just my aspergers talking that after feeling thus assaulted keeping up with the in jokes and unspoken expectations might feel like a bit much", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i impressed them with some of my answers to questions and about my qualifications", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am so weary from the feelings of longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can tell he feels shamed and angry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was asked to join my friend in a boat at mangochi lake malawi and when making a turn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pissed off how much effort it takes to apply for a stupid band job for months swearing at the end of each answer and giving the vs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember at the time i was feeling frustrated by some of the books i was reading", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cried like an effing baby for half the day and just sat in bed again so depressed stressing over the decisions i make and everything is oh so focused on me i feel when really i cant be blamed for this", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive suffered from eating disorders and depression since i was and i feel amazed to say that i consider myself recovered now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel rich again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel him getting agitated as the woman in front of us was taking forever and claimed she had never sent a package before so needed full child like guidance on how to do it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i recall dropping into my local abuja supermarket to pick up some milk and feeling irritated at being accosted by red roses discounted chocolates rotund hanging hearts and barry white on the supermarket radio girrrrrl its just you and me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know what i feel but am reluctant to voice it for fear of changing a viewers perceptions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im running from all of that but also running from what a friend said youre pretty sure the act of loving him will leave you shattered and raw", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so cool in vibram fivefingers shoes if youe best up a archetype of aisle agent in the accomplished year a href http coachoutletstoreonlinekey", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not feel jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so shy now posting so many pictures of myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel myself just not really caring anymore at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling really carefree and today was really carefree", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling really irritable right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i so rarely feel anger anyway anymore that i instantly recognize when i m feeling angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know why i feel it so strange to sit here alone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think it made us feel rebellious so we kind of trespassed into this like carnival outside wharehouse place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i would be more amazed by him with learning more about him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know the pain that i felt and still continue to feel everyday over my father but i can only imagine what it was like for my mother who had devoted the last years of her life to him", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little strange today i completely finished a quilt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to tell you that i am feeling very needy at the moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just have to answer the question of what makes me feel affectionate to somebody", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am lamenting about feeling overwhelmed after returning from holiday and yearning to make space for my own creativity and innovation where for steve jobs it seemed to just flow like water", "label": 5} -{"text": "i put on it that i feel have amazing workout songs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel this way there is not a single day that has gone by that ive felt insecure with jerome", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling mildly shocked that anybody could tolerate such a mess", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think this song is still pure b side material because i didn t feel so amazed when i listened to it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling jealous now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said no you had your chance but i began to feel bitchy and self centred so i asked fink if there could be three solos instead of two mine and davids", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not feel terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i entered andorra and couldn t help feeling impressed every road is surrounded by beautiful scenery", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel jaded worn out frayed something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a place to write that feels supportive i will share what i think are some startling insights", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious about the knitting process", "label": 5} -{"text": "i continue to feel lucky that we made the drive here a few months ago without incident", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like students will not be intimidated or feel threatened or scared to express their frustrations in a calm and safe manner", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see where my birthdays are spent alone thanksgivings are spent eating plain rice and christmas is about feeling sorry for myself because i have no presents and no friends to watch the year counter increase by one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been waiting and watching the days tick by as my due date approaches i feel like some days i get a little agitated and anxious about whats t", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little bit better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant say this is a must read book but i will say only read if youre up to feeling a little heartbroken and completely disgusted with the evil thats obviously in our world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went away after that feeling dazed happy met mike coming back from the site", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel like there was any sort of victory im just getting a bit agitated with her constant negativity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling quite emotional these days but those are always the most inspiring days arent they", "label": 0} -{"text": "im watching my sodium which mostly means im feeling stunned and overwhelmed at how much is in everything we eat", "label": 5} -{"text": "when a friend of mine died in a hiking accident i was not present there and only got the news later", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel kind of paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got confident i started to look at her for longer duration of time till she took away her gaze from mine she was feeling shy and yet was not completely defiant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling shaky from never eating wobbly from my hike when i felt my chair shake", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritated because", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for you despite the pain makes me suspicious that it might be so", "label": 4} -{"text": "i to feel have i not been supportive n understandin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like they are some days i just want to be that innocent girl on her wedding day again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came to the awareness that this is my pattern to feel overwhelmed during this time of the year", "label": 5} -{"text": "im really feel so fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often find myself feeling headily fond about the memory of things before they ve even finished happening or the anticipation of things that haven t yet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shocked dismayed in disbelief", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling she isnt going to be too impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling super pregnant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont even do these t you i dont even try t deride you i dont even scold you no matter how pissed i am with you do i even deserve t be called such names are you feeling triumphant now that youve brought me down t pit bottom", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suppose most people would feel flattered if told that someone liked them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i leave fatima i feel confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling wonderful as wonderful as i can get at this point that is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why but i feel uncomfortable in front of people who flaunt their strength or their accomplishments", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel awfully greedy because this year my husband bought me que siouxsie a ring and a car as well as a black ipod nano a new mac computer and a beautiful tadashi floor length gown", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel agitated and frustrated and restrained by living in the city and working in an office", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dazed and shocked and i am not sure if i really understand the magnitude of the recent and next changes in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tell him how i feel ive liked him for so long", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird about having my equipment out anywhere at work and i for damn sure am not taking it into the bathroom to wash thats like taking your sandwich in there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel worthless and stuck", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling strange by jassniro", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love you all they want but if they are constantly hurting your feelings and creating drama then they are not as loyal to you as you think", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know if i should feel insulted or not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a gnawing longing for amy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i feel like were safe to say its summer time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have just now dubbed my enlightened years circa march present i have always embraced the feeling of being vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling very troubled and could do nothing about it but just rest my troubles in the lord", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like people are much more appreciative of you hopefully", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel you here and you re picking up the pieces forever faithful it seemed out of my hands a bad situation but you are able and in your hands the pain and hurt look less like scars", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sometimes feel a bit like i need to pinch myself sometimes because everything is going so well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am currently feeling thrilled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed and undeserving each time i think about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i glimpsed that boredom and loss of impetus can arise when feeling uncertain of your goals", "label": 4} -{"text": "my boyfriend and i were getting dressed up and putting makeup on to go to a halloween party we were dressing up to be two mimes it was very enjoyable and i thought we looked really good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know everyone expects me to post funny or absurd things but today im not feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love both places but i feel like im being fake at one and completely feel the holy spirit and pray at micro", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see them and how they find ways to be happy and content with life i feel amazed and my heart fills with a feeling i cant describe a strange combination of sadness pride respect and admiration", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling whiney", "label": 0} -{"text": "i convinced everyone i was fit enough to do the south of england open intermediate us having not competed for a month i was feeling a little nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a soda in a can shaken turbulently and flew violently out of its container the moment it felt air exchanging its freedom to you", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to pursue an unflattering train of thought because i feel my point will be discounted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am also feeling a little unsure of how i feel about the montage of faces transitioning from one to the other", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not quite sure what the point of this little ramble is and im not trying to discourage anyone from working on a beauty counter but hey ho thats how i feel i hope everyone else is having a lovely day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am now nearly finished the week detox and i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel horrible so cant go out words", "label": 0} -{"text": "i spending time away from him but a small part of me feels like i am burdening someone with caring for my child", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have touched it and it feel absolutely amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i rinsed out the last mug feeling his gentle hands around my waist protective and kind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel depressed about the years of my life that were lost to the patriarchy movement", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling generous this resolution allows debate of the proper role of government and whether citizens have a right to government provided health care", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i have no more time to get on a normal holiday it feels like i will have no more time to relax after this very lovely holiday", "label": 2} -{"text": "i recently got married and i m feeling very content right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that drawing of the nascar turnout or tv ratings should be acceptable and that s the business model needed to keep either cart or the irl in business", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel traumatized by it i feel offended by it i feel sickened by it and i look at it and think that s dysfunction and it s deviance and there s children watching this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean how can a girl who has no man feel pressured by one or a few", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling desperately impatient and want it all to kick off immediately then im feeling quite happy to still be pregnant and dont want anything to happen just yet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could go on but im feeling generous concerning my hopes and dreams for your personal happiness today so ill just shut it on up and enjoy my instant coffee", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel surprised and i wonder why", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling indecisive since my favorite option is out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly naughty i d let you watch me dress fix my hair and makeup and then ravish you right as i was about to walk out the door", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities by expectations of my family and job by the demands on my time by my physical tiredness by the feeling that my burdens will overtake me by financial hardships by", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling from this news is only because of the amazing years weve had together as friends", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am in the process of painting i don t feel rushed but to find myself still in this stage this close to when i wanted to get it done is indicating very clearly that i set myself up for an impossible feat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like it was all in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should say you that i have so many people who feel i am so fucking unimportant that they never have to return a phone email etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sometimes feel that unkind thoughts will never heal", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling rebellious and will most definitely be dressing accordingly", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling festive with essies escapades on my toes its a fun and cheery red", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tried self soothing with cheerleading statements such as this too shall pass remembering and taking comfort in the fact that no feeling or mood lasts forever but since its going on day and im still highly irritable i began to feel discouraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little frantic trying to find someone new", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was in elementary school and i had to read the stories in the english book and answer the questions at the end one of the questions was always how did this story make you feel i hated that question", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went home feeling still proud of my thruster accomplishment and really proud of myself for being able to keep a fairly positive attitude throughout the wod", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little bit funny though like i should be depressed or reflective or even excited about the approach of school", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shaken to my roots", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did not feel shy talking english despite not having a british accent", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess im having a hard time feeling impressed because it scared me so bad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my cold isnt bad enough to go to the doctor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i cant breathe start feeling funny let her know asap and she will give me some benedryl to counter act the reaction", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling unhappy about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will affectionately call mh but with a scifi feel a few things i hated with mh is that the story sucks as if there was any story", "label": 3} -{"text": "im also feeling exhausted already because they are six years old", "label": 0} -{"text": "i truly felt bad for the guy its not easy in the first place to try and handle the nightmares and flashbacks and rage and all the other emotions that he cant control and then have to try and deal with becoming a father at a time in his life when he feels pretty much worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent touched it ever since holidays commenced i feel so doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel selfish min sec ago she said my husband and i min sec ago you re turning one issue into min sec ago rah i get your situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so relieved to have the ability to spend time with my sister and her family", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still sitting by the side of the road feeling a little dazed and trying to shake the gravel out of my hair and wondering if anybody got the license number of that truck", "label": 5} -{"text": "i took my laptop up to my room to write before bed and i got maybe a paragraph written before i started feeling really distracted and drowsy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel at times weird especially when i m not at work like if i don t have anything to do i feel like what i felt like before i started working just a pathetic pity party whose just feeling sorry for herself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i try to tell my daughter the reason they attack you is they feel threatened you could try taking that as a kind of compliment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just hope our kids feel like they can be kids not get overwhelmed like i feel and continue to do their best", "label": 4} -{"text": "i personally would feel very timid to share my inner most thoughts with others", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so fantastic and utterly marvelous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love being calm and i love that i can feel sympathetic and compassionate towards people who are angry and grouchy all the time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strange or will i ever notice that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i in love clue reciprocated feelings if your partner tells you that their feelings mirror yours in a romantic deep loving fashion then your love is likely blooming or ready to move to the next level", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know how that works i just feel so skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i gained an ally within a openly hostile environment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel amused at what has happened this afternoon", "label": 1} -{"text": "im glad for that because i feel like there are things that we should be shocked by and i still am probably because it wasnt a normal part of home life on the tv screen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel envious or inadequate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling dazed and that i just cannot do it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel towards my husband who is unbelievably supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am going to spend some time on me and not feel selfish for doing so", "label": 3} -{"text": "i came home feeling quite headachey and irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was educated at a very strict grammar school where i was bullied quite mercilessly to the point where england represented nothing but torment and a feeling that i was worthless in every way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that somewhere i missed the memo of this is the time to be settling down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suppose but i cant help but feel that theres something in listening to and writing theorizing about music that feels virtuous when in fact it may be fairly trivial or that its main purpose may be therepeutic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think id feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i asked him feeling very frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess everyone feeling glad that mayans jokes a bit too hard for doomsday from planet crash earth to fb post saying we will go through dark nights and yet im alive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i spend so much of my time on the computer and most of the time within a couple hours my behind is feeling quite numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if we are a pair of naughty school girls", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that i feel gracious when i have the health and togetherness of my family and children or when my son sleeps in my bed because hes not scared there even if it has become a last resort for convincing him of an early bedtime", "label": 2} -{"text": "i shared how i was feeling unsure about my career in the future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel too inhibited by the fear of challenge to reasonably express things which deserve to reach a wider audience", "label": 4} -{"text": "i never feel gorgeous she added", "label": 1} -{"text": "im terribly disappointed and yet i feel ludicrous saying so its a damn good excuse his father is having heart trouble may need repeat surgery", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish id shot more examples of since everything is so screwed up people feel less inhibited about graffiti even in formerly nice neighborhoods", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange that people are congratulating me on having a girl as if she is the first one", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not around the few friends remaining down here when im around my mom or family friends at home or in other familiar places around i feel so listless and far away from what my life is now and i have trouble adapting to it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit bashful admitting my next requirement but here goes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel scared like maybe never before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i no longer feel the burn where the zolodex pellet went in but as decoding annie parker reminded me the emotional devastation is not so easily soothed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i not relate to these things i feel disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "im smaller than her and feeling incredibly uncomfortable in my suit on the beach", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must say the feeling of freedom really shocked me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i m directly supporting someone by buying their music i always do it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really am and figure out what i truly feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have yet to call him that it feels so weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think you re slightly annoyed by my enthusiasm for that crap but it just makes my heart feel so fond of you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like learning about photoshop will be very useful because that is a program that is used in several job fields under the communications degree", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have no memories of laughing and being carefree being able to safely explore my boundaries or feeling loved my memories are of worry and constantly striving to be better", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like the feeling of being a part of a supportive community that i know i can count on to be here for my children even in the unfortunate situation that i am not", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little strange asking people to write letters", "label": 4} -{"text": "i go somewhere new i feel vulnerable and defenseless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so accepted amp like people are proud of me for the first time in my entire life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that hj is actually very caring towards sm s feelings like when the directors shouted cut he then slowly move his hands from sm s arms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling nostalgic listening to some old national day songs late into the night", "label": 2} -{"text": "my roommate refused to walk with me to the english lectures i have to walk alone in the dark lectures are in the biology building", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit one of the things that keeps me single is the horror i feel at the vicious pounce of the green eyed demon in myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "im on unfamiliar culinary soil i observe feel sense taste smell and touch all the precious ingredients in a whole different manner", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel naughty d", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a strange sensation that everything that ive ever worked for will self destruct right before my eyes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i choose i end up feeling devastated by my choice", "label": 0} -{"text": "saw the village i come from still pay money to buy wife", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left my job i was st lb and now i m st lb i m feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pissed to be honest", "label": 3} -{"text": "i havent been paid to publish this article but feel that it is something that may be of interest to you lovely followers the buy now pay later revolution most people will be keenly aware that money is a little tight right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a realization i was so selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange mixture of calm and guilt because i havent remembered until now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling selfish or whether i had pity on her for being in such a drunk and slovenly state", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a change coming so dont be surprised if over the next few months my style starts evolving into something new", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel sympathetic as there homeland was being destroyed for no justifiable cause", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a little less than one month to go before the gmat and am feeling nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think theres definitely a more alpha feel for everyone with a sweet stache", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe it comes from focus cultivating the ability to continuously focus upon that which feels pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "im generally very polite to my mum and wouldnt want to hurt her feelings and so she looked a little shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel lost again lost from a new perspective", "label": 0} -{"text": "im too damn selfish and honest to accomodate fru fru feelings and petty pout parties", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get sucked into im feeling really irritable because she said that one thing to me that was really unjust and heres what i shouldve said in response", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little dazed at the amount of items that i no longer use for decorations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do have a wear feeling but im trusting god in everything and we all have our destiny so i place my self in your hands god", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realize no one cares and i have no reason to feel weird about it but i still do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it was a very smart thing to include into that storyline", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did was to feel for our pockets cause he looked suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling fairly content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i would feel a bit weird wearing a crazy in your face holo to work but i guess it depends where you work i do love crazy holos too though dont get me wrong", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling so delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate feeling jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel alone in the world with lights off and eyes closed it s not the monsters under my bed or in the wardrobe i just feel alone in the world with lights off and eyes closed a href http doyourememberwhatyoucamefor", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i received my promotion letter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely nostalgic and a little sad as i sang along with the chorus of for unto us a child is born", "label": 2} -{"text": "i the feminist means that i will tell you exactly how i feel and i will look fabulous while doing it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wear different clothes in anticipation of feeling insecure or wanting to be invisible", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i seriously cannot be bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up today feeling like i should drive up and attend my parents bbq today mostly because they have not entertained anyone at their house and today theyre gonna have some ppl over", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know how i feel about it but i do know that if you dont mind i dont want anyone saying that itll work this time or that this is the one they can just tell or any other very kind comment that is meant in a very sincere way to give me hope", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt disgust about all my friends after having done a great effort to organize an evening together", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just love music and even though i know i could easily pirate this shiz for free the altruistic lady inside me feels that i should be supporting these artists monetarily", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling generous and offering my normally advertising package for just to those of you who want to advertise on this little blog in september", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strongly about supporting the march of dimes is that my bff from college gave birth to her twins at weeks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im being rude you pay no attention to the trees surrounding your space you just keep running i wounder if ive seen you before but i know that cant be true your image is now fading gray could you be a former shadow of something that once was", "label": 3} -{"text": "i miss the feeling of someone actually caring about what is going on with me and how i am feeling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a gentle caress on my hair which i make an effort to keep soft", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling curious as to how this will unfold", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel everyone watching me curious as to what i was going to choose", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel hated anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel stressed out by not having enough work clothes and with trades how season coming up i needed work clothes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont have kids so i eat the chocolate myself and if feeling generous i break a piece and hand it to m", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel so dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think ultimately what i feel most bothered by is the title", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kissed her i got to feel her mouth s tender softness with my lips my tongue grazed against the cool metal of her tongue stud", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really hopeful and good about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive seen how mean other kids and adults can be to a child who doesnt fit into the norm and no way was i going to label him so he could be made to feel he was anything other than amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i should feel remorseful about laughing at someone elses misfortune", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable i return to the present because it is here that life is lived", "label": 4} -{"text": "i definitely helps make my time at beautiful gate that much more enjoyable it s nice to feel accepted as part of her family", "label": 2} -{"text": "im just not feeling clever or witty tonight though some may argue that im not clever or witty i think ill run tomorrow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like were finally hitting the sweet spot in parenting the boys are starting to be able to play together zach is becoming a fantastic helper will is talking constantly eat is currently his favourite word and taking an active interest in everything his older brother is doing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about raising awareness more and more when i lose friends due to the illness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i drink into my feelings get numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i finally have access to the website on our development site and am in absolute rapture and delight over how it looks feels and even functions and amazed that my baby has finally arrived", "label": 5} -{"text": "i desire to go to peak of a mountain when people think that i am not well and would die in a few days or hours time i wish to stand there feeling the cold breeze with the one whom i will share my life and say nothing and let the smile and eyes speak", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a little more paranoid about everything that can go wrong with my computer", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel benevolent pagetitle", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pained that this is happening", "label": 0} -{"text": "i watch my friends going through changes and i feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel devastated the mother of a marine killed in iraq months ago said friday from her home in maryville tenn", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t want to be feeling even more overwhelmed than this year if i can help it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still have this horrible feeling of being overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realize this post is long overdue but i feel it s still important that i write about what i consider to be the most important challenge to overcoming chemophobia america believes that scientists are antisocial wimps who are on a leash held by some evil corporate overlord", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it is almost vital that if i do not find more answers about a href http cat discounted resources tips and advice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like the last years of being assaulted by television that books in one year would be a major accomplishment due the to fact i can only recall maybe books that i have read cover to cover in the last years", "label": 4} -{"text": "i opt out of things or feel i can t be useful for things requiring any sort of body strength", "label": 1} -{"text": "this is an incident that many of us witness in our everyday life in a city like bombay one day i was travelling by bus", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess its been over two years though feels strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i understand how kim might feel judged but it seems to me that kim holing up in provo reluctant to tell anyone shes pregnant awol on christmas eve is not an innocent victim in the dysfunctional family dynamic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate feeling like a greedy ungreatful person because im not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im being punished by not having the option to remove all the excess skin due to financial constraints", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling very homesick but i am also enjoying myself so much here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt be fucked cooking and was feeling greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been told that i can appear flippant when im feeling shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have learned to not let my emotions get the best of me when im feeling extremely irritated or angry about something now and still be myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not going to change either but he is the only person who could get me to step out of my comfort zone like that and end up at the cyc in the midst of a hardcore show complete with tribal tantrums my term and end up feeling less intimidated than before i had ever experienced anything like it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this longing so badly and so deeply that i think i in fact am this longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel empty and theyre not the one i want to be with right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel kind of heartless though it is a fish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i worked a little longer but i kept feeling more and more discontent with what was going on", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling vicious snarky and damned depressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am loving someone when i can sacrifice my needs and wants in order to make someone else feel like their needs and wants are met", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think that i could live my life happily without pushing the limits making myself feel slightly uncomfortable or stretching my brain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel annoyed today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always tell people my brd armor sucks since i totally feel it does so i was amazed to see some of the crap some brds wear", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel surprised out our movement towards wy", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive came to my realisation that ill always feel paranoid over my scores mainly because i have no confidence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might feel shocked but i am not morally nor legally responsible", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed the way nature is made", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel this is a good place to start in remaining in control of your horse and since even the most hands on owner can t be at the trainer s all the time is a little insurance policy against things happening behind your back", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will annotate them so that you can see what you are going to feel so that you are not surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling stressed out i often have trouble concentrating because i cant stop thinking about whatever it is that is stressing me out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look away then but i can feel his curious eyes on me as i try to find the words to explain", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is a bit weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bitter sometimes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange affinity to people i know who lost their fathers young but honestly listen to me i had years", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am the only one to blame if i do not feel respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wrong to feel royally pissed off at all this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so much less inhibited in the physical journal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went for the large double double along with a chocolate chip muffin i was feeling dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel dazed a lot of the time numb and then hit with feelings that are so unacceptable in this society you know the ones everyone wants to stop feeling anger sadness and fear because it makes them uncomfortable because they cannot handle their own anger sadness and fear i feel more isolated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel defeated we settled for a lie posted by a href http forgivenessfactor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do and i feel terrible about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think everyone feels like that too so im convinced i dont have any legit problems", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can help do my part by energizing the diaspora then i do not feel that my efforts are in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it in your tender touch each time you take my hand i know how much you love me i see it in your eyes the look that reassures me more than you realize i sense your real concern for me in everything you do no one could ever love someone more than i love you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel romantic in rain a part of me always begins to feel sad and lonesome when it pours", "label": 2} -{"text": "i happened to catch a couple episodes of this show i just sat there feeling stunned that this was an actual show that had gone through all of the many checks you have to go through to get on the air", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know how every woman or man feels that has been in a violent relationship", "label": 3} -{"text": "i noticed myself getting a little down earlier feeling grumpy about my diet food dinner", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t hug my family i usually don t hug my friends there are only a few people i m willing to hug but if you get the chance to hug someone do it we all know they feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling completely overwhelmed at this point", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel so totaly unwelcome there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i while glaring at the tanned brunette feeling a bit alarmed at her presence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wouldn t feel so stressed out or get to the point where i am asking god why he had to allow my child to go through this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling quite grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i m being slowly tortured to death", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had a feeling that i wasn t the only sarcastic ass in the air force", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself broken into pieces feeling myself nothing and that feeling of being nothing not enough of a punishment that i should be tortured made an example of what not to do when writing my head with its lips and eye holes sewed shut as it sits decapitated on a spike for all to see", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that being in california limits our ability to hire more talented employees especially young employees that we can mentor", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have you the more insecure i feel the more i afraid of losing you", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am much less likely to mock these days because i am feeling the bitter taste of rejection over and over again and it has humbled me quite a bit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that this movie was the most faithful adaptation since chris columbus left", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel half sympathetic towards him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am truly grateful and it also makes me feel that so many people are caring and wonderful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i spend most of my time doing supporting computer work and not the actual assigments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like doing a really bitchy truth box about people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk past him and reminisce to another time which is strange as i had never lived in soviet russia but i feel perversely nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i definitely didn t feel calm on the inside but i guess i was hiding it well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling more and more convinced that he is indeed my last child", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like this all happened just so we could build up to a crappy ha", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up with a really bad case of feeling sorry for myself feeling hurt and feeling extremely overwhelmed by school", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a rotten person in that i just could not figure out what was wrong with her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling more and more agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling very agitated while doing it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i add to their feeling left out and isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel with everyone caring around a camera these days taking their own blurry photos and up loading to instragram why will people want to pay for a photo session", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hope to always feel your delicate skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i headed out around pm feeling a little anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am saddened because where i feel they should have accepted that weaver is not possibly for everyone instead they basically just attacked sonlight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic about his situation for multiple reasons", "label": 2} -{"text": "im left with that feeling of being helpless and not able to change a thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t really like giving out the highest rating unless i feel like they really went out of their way or was impressed by their level of service", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have adhd and am taking vyvanse mg for it but i feel like i still get distracted or rather i get so anxious from the vyvanse that i feel like i cant work", "label": 3} -{"text": "im faced with the dreading feeling that no it wont work and all this will have been in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not feeling so hot hours ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i try to make changes where i feel an urge to or happen to be particularly disgusted with what has happened to the food when it was processed for me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i cannot move another muscle and through it all god has shown himself faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel helpless when truly i had at my fingertips all of the angels of heaven and the god of mercy who commanded those heavenly troops", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill keep those as secret but sometimes its still a little bit awkward and i feel funny when i met those guys that likes her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmingly victimized by the recognition and impact of this old belief", "label": 0} -{"text": "im also feeling creative with my eyes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that it would be insincere to do so", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so weird talking about this because it s like i know her personally", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dumb when i stay up late", "label": 0} -{"text": "i insisted that he has to make it another day because my own mother wasnt home i was feeling bitchy and still having mild cramps and i thought that my house was messy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling vain and self absorbed so i decided to put a few photos together using photoshop", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was overwhelmed by love one could feel and surprised by how different it is to j", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling strangely romantic and light almost ethereal today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stared at him with wide eyes before realizing i was making him feel uncomfortable with my pity", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that we have to use all our abilities to become as compassionate as possible in this world", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am made to feel embarrassed about my injuries but in my circle of horse friends i am supported we all are", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kept kakking it down trying not to feel or taste the stubborn zucchini particles that didn t blend up well willing my nostrils to shut both inside and out and failing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel glad to have let this go i dont have to bother with them they arent in my life that is empowering liberating", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel extremely blessed to be such close friends and sisters with julie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my patience is completely gone and i feel so selfish and want to be alone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a delicious snack i just take a scoop out of the freezer and if i m not in a hurry i just let it defrost in the refrigerator and then warm it ever so slightly in the microwave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so confused or maybe i just want to refuse that maybe i am out of my conscious and i just want to feel precious", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill miss her so much and ill always feel nostalgic looking back on those times", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was juiced up in good spirits and feeling pretty energetic which has been rare since the", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not looking to judge how others live their lives ive just been feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff i have and need to assess what i have and why", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sometimes feel strange for wanting to persue this to a higher level as much as i do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can still be at times im learning to understand that change doesnt just bring about loss and sadness but that it also brings opportunity for gain wisdom and a feeling of compassionate equanimity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling agitated and angry that nothing is working out for me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am conflicted because of the near unanimous feeling that the a rel nofollow target blank href tribune", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sure youve been constipated before and the feeling is far from pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little overwhelmed but i know that part of me misses my husband and our quiet little life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i simply cannot imagine me feeling cleaning caring for a baby", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling fine up till about a week and half ago and its getting worse not better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel amazed at how far tsukasa had come", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i cant even contain all the frantic energy that is bubbling inside me like everything in me is shining so hard that my skin might tear open from the pressure of being in love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel extremely blessed that i didnt get home first", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel too overwhelmed be it with any kind of emotion music helps so much", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insulted and slighted and worthless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as a runner sometimes i was pleasantly surprised that i was able to get a little deeper into things than i have in the past", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not stating this to justify myself on the contrary i still feel amazed by greeks and reckon that egypt is shit which is a big failure from a historical point of view so my theory eats me up and thats for the good of the thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling and i just about got through without feeling overwhelmed by an increasing sense of melancholy and vulnerability", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really privileged and honoured to have known him so closely laxman told an indian tv channel", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did not feel cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "im now in and other important decisions i have recently made but well im not total mess and im feeling quite relaxed at the moment and i think i have my life undercontrol now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i pure feeling the little handsome boy isnt the person of an attaches to any one just and only coax everyone happy just if i really had a lot of girl friends my fans still didnt eat me admire admire admire", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling too splendid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel every day so of course i was curious what responses she would get", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel genuinely sympathetic to her current plight in the tabloids as i m sure it s taken away from the glory she should have been enjoying due to this performance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like he is being tortured with this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find myself feeling low because i find it really difficult to accept gods grace when i mess up time and time and time and time again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling that i may have restless legs though ive only started feeling them after learning about them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can be kind and magnanimous empathetic with another person just listen to him without being judgmental reactive volatile or violent i can easily remain calm make the other person feel accepted for whatever he is touched healed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started eating the fruit that came from this pitcher and soon had a feeling an overwhelming sensation that i liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel my balls aching for release as she bobbed her head up and down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i finished it feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stood for most of the performances i leaned on a wall near the bathroom and tried not to feel like i was in the way the people at this event were all stripes of gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling im going to be pleasantly surprised at the hour thing he says", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really good for the most part", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel at times we all want to create something special instead of playing with the medium to see what it can achieve", "label": 1} -{"text": "i managed to sleep in too waking up at am looking at my watch and feeling amazed that i was still sleeping at such an hour", "label": 5} -{"text": "i is almost over it feels so strange i was a high school student a while ago", "label": 5} -{"text": "i may not feel so restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel like there is more to the story because i feel like there must have been something to make her feel this way and im curious to find out what that is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling naughty and popped mine into buns with some lettuce onion peri peri tomato sauce topped with a very unhealthy bacon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really tried not to feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i aint gonna say anything though i mean any one of you could steal my story but i have a feeling it would be amazing and heartfelt romantic drama", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dazed shell shocked like im stumbling around in some ghost world waiting for everything to slow down and reabsorb me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i admit i likely feel so strongly about this because i hear tragic stories on a daily basis", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very sympathetic for anyone who lives in an area where its cold or moves to an area where it s cold and never sunny or only sunny once every", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need to feel worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i suppose since feeling the tender new skin with which we approach each day exposed and wondering how to fit things together opens us to god i have to believe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i have come to school as a blank slate ready to absorb new information as it heads my way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i were howling with comet and the baby was kicking so much for john to feel it was so funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hardly think about romance and i feel sort of dirty when people gossip about it although i still willingly participate in it", "label": 0} -{"text": "im kind of thinking it doesnt have to do with what or who im feeling jealous about but maybe more to do with me and something im going through", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am making it through but have been feeling overwhelmed throughout the fall quarter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know how you feel the caring woman offered softly touching the lady on her arm", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had to feel shitty about it but how else am i going to move forward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel smart i watch big bang", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel passionate about sharing not a dogma but an acausal logic anyway mainly i do my best to focus on it purely as a personal exercise expression and enjoyment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do remember feeling surprised and angry i felt like i had been betrayed by my own body", "label": 5} -{"text": "im wondering if this feeling will pass especially since summertime is one of my most popular times for blogging during the year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling distracted and finding it hard to concentrate on my work but some pastoral visiting keeps my feet on the ground literally", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel distressed and confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was simply bringing it up to show how insanely out of line some of these apple fanboys are who feel threatened by the message of this blog and the fact that it involved the new writers donation to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am following the career of this man the legendary john mccain and to be exact and true to my feelings i always admired this military hero the maverick politician of washington dc in short the last of the trusted men left in thoses political circuses", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understood what i was feeling i am longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i yell at the world that i feel shitty and since the world doesnt really give a fuck i nod and move on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start to feel too complacent i remind myself to check kunstler s site", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive learned so much homeschooling this year and now that i have all of my curriculum ordered for the upcoming school year i feel so thankful to have a supportive husband and friends on this homeschooling adventure", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think that you should go look in the side pocket of my duffel bag she says feeling amazed at her own audacity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling impressed to re evaluate different situations relationships and agreements in my life that have kept me feeling limited controlled and manipulated", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not particularly upset about it but i feel that i need to tell hayley that im not impressed with her since i could have been interested in him and could have been easily upset by her actions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know he already feels pressured by everything he already does to solve other problems for us as a family", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to be proud of myself and yes i need to stop feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little bit overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im doing and i dearly hope a return to routine will get me feeling less messy and broken here shortly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny following up a report on lovely food with another on what amounts to violence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it was a selfish move that lori was sad about her family her husband the world everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant even go outside my own house without feeling paranoid and anxious by the worlds judgmental eyes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling anxious that i havent helped ryan treat his poison oak problem yet this morning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would wear a pair of jeans with a blouse that is layered so you feel a little flirty but not so flirty that it gets slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that someone has taken a leap of faith for me and that is a very special sense of confidence to be placed in when i am feeling so shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would drop off okay but then after a couple of hours i d wake up with that area feeling really soar and tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel bad for connor shaw because dabbles latched onto him instead which had to be awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "im moved in ive been feeling kind of gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful as theyve been positively throwing stuff at us the icon with journalfen wilfully promulgating lies since was a gift by the way kudos heavywind actually queuing up to tweak the wiki entries like martyrs queuing up for the crucifixion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrible because scott has to pick up my considerable slack and hes overworked to the bone right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i may be feeling a bit more generous towards naomi because i just watched brides of christ last week which i love but this dress weirdly works", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really strange like theres smth in me that make me feel this way but i cant figure out what", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so delighted when the shutter snaps and i know ive got the shot the shot that freezes time that freezes that moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling indecisive this evening", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like unraveling the folds and begin undoing these gentle touches from hoping fingers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am thankful for thinking being feeling loving living", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling like im getting aggravated with my two friends", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling mellow and chill", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel my age today i m just stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am crying on the couch and feeling overwhelmed with this sadness that has been thrust upon me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt like and this poem was written in the midst of all this caos and it really means a lot to me and really gives an insight into how i feel therefore im very hesitant to put it out there but by doing so i feel like im stepping into the light out of that darkness and becomming whole again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel lucky to play a small p", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling weirdly anxious all the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am overpowered my body feels violently shaken my lungs constricted my mind kidnapped", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes feel that i am less faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little petty when i get annoyed at the small things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am still feeling somewhat shocked traumatized", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like money isnt as valuable to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i no longer feel strange about pulling blue clothes and blankets covered with dinosaurs out of the laundry basket", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel like i was being way too irritable today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was always left feeling dissatisfied alone everything related to being unhappy i was feeling it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel when life is having an amazing time picking on me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i slowly got over that and just began to wear it more often despite the cost of it because it just makes me feel special to him on a daily basis", "label": 1} -{"text": "im in another chapter of my life now and im sure that in twenty years or so ill be feeling nostalgic and yearning form a piece of the past", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very horny not that i was going to do anything about it but it had turned out to be a very nice shopping experience", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like my absentmindedness has to do with the uncertain future my career holds", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fantastic about my physical achievements this week", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will feel a cool breeze come over me like i did almost on a nightly basis in the hospital before you died", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope everyone has friends that fill them with the light i feel from my lovely friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel a longing within to be stronger", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feeling completely overwhelmed by my circumstances but for the first time in my life i am asking questions that i have always had but have been terrified to ask", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know what changed but i kept having these dreams where i would wake up in canada and feel regretful for having left ghana", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do know is i feel in fantastic stories about human", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just couldn t decide what to feel she didn t tell me and then she blamed me because i never told her it would be like that", "label": 0} -{"text": "im running down a concrete pavement at pm considerably paranoid of the tinges of discomfort i feel in my legs im scared because this time ive perfected every single thing and if i were to fail i would be very very lost", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel disgusted about my school", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i am very optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a little indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am terribly sorry to direct your attention at a malfunctioning html code that makes me feel very rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel needy but feel guilty for feeling needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny putting political posts here i decided that moving them to a new location was a good idea", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic then think of all the times he hurt me", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little nervous down worried right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know theres a lot of debate about which emotions to focus on for any given genera but when you draft a composition thats written so specifically the majority of your listeners tend to feel intimidated even stupid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left this session feeling as invigorated as she did", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling that way i can t calm down until steve calms down but when we are feeling that way he doesn t stop and i can go days or weeks without feeling calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed by the everyday routine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been taking and books i have read in the past year or so life feels really weird nowadays", "label": 5} -{"text": "i own the power of those words and yet i am a person who feels really uncomfortable using the word hate", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling restless and worried and drinking makes me forget the existence of my problems", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel honored when students say thank you teacher at the end of class", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pain each time i take an innocent life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am a celebrity or politician i can hire a bodyguard who carries a gun and i don t have to apologize explain or feel embarrassed about this choice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to feel less hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know about the rest of you but sometimes when i am blog hopping i start to feel a bit intimidated by the perfectness or the illusion of perfectness portrayed by some blogs", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazed and i am proud but i dont know i crave it but then i dont im just scared when the weekend comes everyone will be smoking around me and i will just be so tempted", "label": 5} -{"text": "im happy that my sis was feeling shocked when the first saw on the birthday present we gave i knew she will loves it alottttt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get the feeling kenji is afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel way too anxious to mediate in the mornings especially if i just sit there without a guided meditation or music softly playing in the background", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel their longing for each other", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont even focus on my own plots in stories its so sad i dont say what i want too much because i feel like im begging and being needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i learned about taking a dip in the dating pool its that in relationships its always better to feel surprised than disappointed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i piero s poems leave you with an enlarged sense of and feeling for life in all its tender and", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about puppy mills i dont want any of my friends to be tortured and abused", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling in a very generous mood today ive decided to share my top tips for living with a teenager", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling lousy and getting next to no miles in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had this whole chunk about expectations and how stupid and futile it is to have feelings of eager anticipation because the only thing youll be rewarded with is flatout disappointment", "label": 1} -{"text": "im also feeling a little overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am finding i m feeling stubborn and resentful towards the fat intake the lack of sleep and the inflexibility of the schedule", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like we get a lot of this cookie cutter heroine that comprises of a reluctant athletic girl who needs to figure out her destiny", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate this feeling i never feel isolated before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope this song stirs your insides tugs at your heart strings and leaves you feeling completely confused and euphoric in equal measure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so honored that i got to take his senior pictures", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have today made cards using it ella blue by gcd and i have not kept the smaller snippets they went straight into the bin as theyre other things i never ever use up now i am feeling very smug cos i accomplished using paper i have kept for no other reason other than it was pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think a big part of what im feeling is to do with all the lovely things people have been saying lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit drinking my second cup of coffee feeling a bit cranky on a dark and rainy morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "im tired and sore and feeling very whiney", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this may get deleted pretty quickly but im curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel make them the most dangerous and their level of annoyance is what gives them high priority", "label": 3} -{"text": "im reading into that he feels very lonely which may be a projection on my part and merely emphasizes the reality of looking and reading how very very complicated it gets", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to talk with them with anybody i am not sure how to express what i feel its weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so distraught i dont have a clue", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel bad that he does not want to have sex with me again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel surprised and lucky when i discover what a particular thing wants to be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i come home feeling defeated after writing detentions for pointle", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think i ve been feeling a little unsure of the whole book blogging community and my place within it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realise that every time i post something here it is about someone who made me feel terrible and depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the connection is damaged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will endeavor to be a beacon of love so that our children our friends our family members will know that it is acceptable to be who they are to express themselves as the gender they feel they are to love whom ever they love and to be accepted by themselves and others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling mournful and a bit sorry for myself today partly because the beloved is away for the weekend and mainly because i have a hangover", "label": 0} -{"text": "im sure lately its been worse since i should be holding him right now but i would really like to go a day without suddenly feeling like all my air has been sucked out leaving me shocked and devastated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like she is chastising me like you would a naughty child that s managed to get into her parent s liquor cabinet the petulant self destructive part of me just makes me want to drink even more when she says that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got to see all my local lawyer friends on saturday at a baby shower pregnant which was nice but i got kind of weepy because i feel all too out of touch with them and im jealous of the babies because i love babies even though i struggle with my own", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that we are heading for an abyss that has been created by the greedy the too greedy and the far too greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that if children make technology useful and do not over use it it can be a great asset", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel so agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel joy in the cups of hot chocolate that childrens hands beg for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the vile rising in my throat flipping up the lid on the toilet to let it out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i particulary like how it paints me as a really nice person you are pleasant sympathetic and cooperative but it also says you feel enraged when things do not go your way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am agitated all the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was just there standing by the door feeling helpless and paralysed with a starting headache from suddenly jumping out of bed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i make my mood feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i posted a video me singing and i feel quite funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt lash out or feel irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel truly blessed to have my husband come down on these orders", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am currently eight books ahead that is and i am feeling pretty stoked about that", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling particularly horny ill put on a hell of a show for him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been so quiet is that i am still processing how i feel stunned blown away confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive allowed myself to feel so stressed chasing after organization that i became depressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was so i didnt have to pretend to like it or to feel rude about not liking it which would have been easier", "label": 3} -{"text": "i only got sick or times during the months but there was still awful nausea dizziness and feeling exhausted the whole time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i missed out on everything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling just as amazed at seeing her as", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not really into the ombre but im seriously feeling this confused color i see everywhere", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel restless not sure why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so confused about the present and future with us", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dangerous to you for that reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a nightmare i feel terrified in my dream but i know that i also feel terrified in reality im really feeling that fear its almost disturbing when i wake up it actually feels like a real life experience and i know it is", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling im going to get extremely impatient and just end up getting one soon", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to be such a big part of their lives", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel weird when the first band starts playing and i m walking around with my camera", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still didnt feel for him but glad i talked and it was taken care of", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel thats he is a really funny guy except the part that he is really vulgar and sometimes i think that hes a bit gay dont worry i still lt you lols", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would still feel unhappy and sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i asked him when he started feeling this sympathetic toward chickens and he said ever since i watched chicken run i always think about how chickens must feel when there s no hope of anything but the slaughter in their future", "label": 2} -{"text": "i heard the news when suddenly i have a weird feeling like losing a precious thing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasn t necessarily rude but i made them feel really unwelcome and unwanted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love feeling hot to the touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i believe based on the e mail address is out of the botswana area had this to say regarding black americans who feel victimized", "label": 0} -{"text": "i spent yesterday in pajamas getting a few things done from the comfort of my tiny bedroom but ultimately starting to feel quite vulnerable to that all too familiar dread the wall of worry over what will become of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit of regretful for not going to teknik sepang once i got the chance to be a designer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to admit that i feel a little weird about doing therapy once more", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do not know but i feel it to be and i am tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling nervous as i am sure every intern was feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been thinking on a working towards for a long time but it has become something i feel even more passionate about in this last year", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not a genius in what i do i consider every aspect of arts that im interested at the result makes me feel like a bimbo with no purpose of living i can draw very nicely but the creative department hasnt been installed with the package i can even draw the same image twice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look at richmond where i have lived for the last ten years and where i have tried to get some attention paid to these ideas i feel disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel isolated from the greater part of society", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been so incredibly paranoid this pregnancy and i am tired of feeling apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am now with a repaired wetsuit from o neill that i don t wear in the hole and in a frustrated feeling that i had just been fucked by o neill", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a budgie but im sure its good for my insides", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just feeling appreciative of my friends happy to see my cats", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know all i need all aspects of me are within yet after this dream i feel confused again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want him to be happy even that means i will never be able to feel his gentle touch ever again and i will crave with the need of it for the rest of my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have also always chosen not to tell anyone how i really feel i never bothered to do so anymore knowing what i know", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel suffocated and extremely jaded", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill decide later you say feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i come across this campaign i feel inspired", "label": 1} -{"text": "i asked her if she would ever feel curious because im her only experience if she would be curious to see what else is out there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i only leave feeling dissatisfied and disappointed", "label": 3} -{"text": "im getting condolences and commiserations from everyone at work plus all the lovely comments on here and other social media but i feel fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel these days that most unhappy man living", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am a girl and i am utterly dependent on my ipod i am feeling weepy and i call my husband to be metaphorically patted on the head", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel it but i was too shy to do anything about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am hungry and feeling a little shaky like low blood sugar shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty a boy like that one hand one heart gee officer krupke and cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i seriously feel freaked out at times thinking why everyone has to comment and i have to be curious to check it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left feeling quite triumphant that every time i said the word balls one of my male colleagues cowered in the corner", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always try to bring a little of him in somewhere be it his kindness selflessness or just his ability to make me feel treasured", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to feel totally devoted and not have any doubts whatsoever but it seems like so many devoted christians are walking with their eyes closed towards everything other than the lord", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel empty and thats when i start to cry for real", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel empty and defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i shouldnt lest the kids grow up feeling deprived and impoverished even if only conditioned by me and my words to think that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start to feel trappedin tragic people greet me im polite", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shy to approach so i hesitate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i somehow feel a little reluctant about entering", "label": 4} -{"text": "i immediately feel curious about rithzan respond when he found out that i like him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i pass by the library i feel pained because it has always been a reminder to me that our leaders don t value education", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i lose hope lose a piece of who i am every time romantic love slips through my fingers", "label": 2} -{"text": "im already a person who cant sit still and relax it feels weird to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also remember feeling amazed and kind of free maybe even giddy that i could turn to any page in either book and read something that would torment my imagination for days and weeks to come", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would like to take the opportunity to discuss any preferences particular fancies and notable feelings that you may have for every frat that you would deem acceptable or unacceptable for your own association", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have worn this outfit many times and for so many of you that may sound like a crime but quite honestly whenever i hear people say i never wear anything twice i feel far from envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it a pity that many of the shots were taken without a delicate composition although some were incidentally nice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i no longer accept and allow thoughts or feelings or beliefs of weakness as pathetic excuses of the mind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel mellow and that crazy in love feeling that makes absolutely no sense", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember sitting in my family room in dallas watching the story unfold in new york so many years ago and feeling so helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kinda offended im being preached to about what i already know", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a lot less pissed off and hurt kind of magically so i pretty much just want to get back to where i was", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like you ashamed out in public curse me out and make a scenery", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt really feel an appetite for noodles i chose a bowl of rice with sweet potatoe tempura amp miso soup was included", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love that sometimes while reading id feel sympathetic for a character and then on the next page id do a one eighty and think nevermind youre a jerk and i hate you and i dont feel sorry for you and you make horrible choices and did i mention youre a jerk", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel fear i am truly scared of bodies together of people needing each other because so often have i felt less than when i know i am more than what others have made me out to be i am more than what i tell myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did not feel it was so since i was with my beloved course blockmates and with krisel around with her hirits i doubt the event will still feel formal", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic to travel away from my country my family and my friends not because i dont like them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel clever for using big words", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think about you the more i feel angry sad depressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had with my daughter i started to feel isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "im looking at pictures and tweets on twitter from folks who are walking the last chicago day and im feeling a bit nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have spent the last weeks feeling pretty damn pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can still pray for people so feeling useful in that way", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a tad bit violent and especially fond and protective of my family a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i pretend to be me big fake smile going through the motions when in reality i just feel so numb and dead to the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so horrible i feel so freaking pathetic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just don t feel cool enough to pull them off", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel theyre all very valuable questions to ask yourself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i start feeling wimpy and get this diarrhea", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill admit to feeling a little paranoid and wondering about how many others had defriended me", "label": 4} -{"text": "im here in my home husband is out of town and im sipping a glass of red wine on my own im feeling disheartened and having to piece together all the emotions running through my body", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think my patch just kicked in cause im feeling a little calmer and much less agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that as days pass many will feel a need to get revenge for what they did to our running community and our most treasured marathon course", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel slightly stunned perhaps a bit scandalized", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kinda reluctant to since this blog has been my photo storage for the half an a years", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldn t stop crying and the feelings of uselessness were heightened to such a point that i felt worthless and a burden", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel like explaining to dr heartsink that my gp is a lovely chap but taking it from there is not his forte", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started releasing stinky gases and stomach started feeling a little uncomfortable again and i had my second diarrhea", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel the pressured breathing again but the steepness of the hill had me quite head down and almost immediately i was back fightint to exhale and coughing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess the mayor feels he can t get a few smart every day citizens to be on his commission", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel so wimpy about leaving the movie early", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hmm i feel so relieved and fuhh", "label": 1} -{"text": "id feel kind of strange without one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up today feeling grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling terrified myself but just the thought of terror in combination with a dark room began a character illustration im now using in my latest story", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my belly is cute and i love it some moments i feel huge but not that often yet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel and i was a pretty loving person pre children but i am forever changed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start using my dildo all the mischievous adorable has made me start to feel very horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i desire a man who looks at me and feels the divine within the connection that radiates between the two of us and takes us higher than we could possibly go alone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i parted with him i have been feeling fearful for the day for a long time didnt expect he told me today not even expect he would follow his family suggestion not independent in mind in his view", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just get a twitch in my fingers and if i m not writing i feel a bit listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so very very blessed to have had such a positive blogging experience", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing about my week", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will post measurements bmi and if i am feeling brave the obligatory before photo", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can be really happy and then when they walk in the room i instantly feel irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing and now i wont be going to bed at an outrageous time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have two personas one as a shy quiet timid small asian boy and the second as a flamboyant obnoxious sarcastic asian guy who likes clothes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont want to see anyone in case one more person tells me how wrong i am in everything i do say or even feel vicious circle", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should probably try that again but i feel so uncertain about any of this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel frightened or anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a strange type of peace with this go around that i never felt with ally", "label": 5} -{"text": "i make myself feel real horny with my sinulator that always sits inmy draw at work ready to be used", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling envious of those around me and it sucks", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still remember my feeling like god hated me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had even looked up at them their mere presences had me feeling intimidated and more than a little frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very selfish not expressing my love and gratitude for this gospel with others", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had to wash my grandmother because she did not get to the bathroom on time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling stressed or overwhelmed i go to youtube and search funny videos funny babies or my absolute favorite a href https www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cannot say what i want but i believe my feeling you are boring your word your act i cannot feel sincerity at them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i imagined that he was filled with the pins and needles feeling that one gets when the nerves are shocked by stimuli from one extreme to another", "label": 5} -{"text": "i try my hardest i always end up feeling so vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess what i feel is that sometimes i get bitchy about things that might seem stupid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel doubtful about my ability to do something i think about how i hurdled head first down an icy track going kms an hour", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must admit im feeling a little apprehensive but also kind of looking forward to it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the urge to protect such beauty yet i know it is in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t mind getting older if it means i am more and more content about what i have and feel less and less bothered by the things i don t have", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rejected and judged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like one of the few people who has really fond memories of chrono cross", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive eaten too much and i try to ride as a passenger in a car i can feel pretty vile but generally no", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like people should be more considerate or understanding", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so disillusioned about this sort of political action", "label": 0} -{"text": "this summer i got into a fight with one of our patrons at a theatre he hit me and i hit him and her friend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i appear immersed in something odds are im not feeling stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like half of my posts are just responses to ripard teg but the guy writes so much and on so many topics that i find my self not caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel cold and unhappy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling like you get impatient and you don t follow my rules", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt fear when i was young and left in my big house all alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sort of feel like a list about the ways in which marriage surprised me or was different than what i expected would actually help others a lot more than a twelve step program", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not in a bad mood though i just feel cranky gt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember that disinhibitory feeling of temporarily not caring after having a couple drinks and not bothering to fight the binge urges", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a need to listen to it from start to finish every song in order as if there is some divine completeness to it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel to have such a caring person who knows what i need to hear", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel less weird about my premature graying that started", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling indecisive today im feeling indecisive today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel frightened that no matter what i do i may very well fail", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel lonely here but now i also realize that if i go home or go where i have relatives i will only feel worse because they will help me beat me up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant be alone feeling pissed off about the coming changes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i miss feeling this way and no im not weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a spiteful tinkerbelle", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i moaned again feeling totally slutty in this position but loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was shocked at how poorly i played but started to feel my shoulder aching toward the end of the game so quit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate how it makes you feel as soon as you hear shocked worried reflective", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a shaken etcha sketch", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a gut feeling it s going violent and dangerous comes about the salahis and tareq loses control", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wrong in what i feel i am curious and really want mens honest opinions of this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though i have been in a stasis field i have actually gone through quite a number of changes and processes and am quite amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found myself feeling slightly irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like alittle child amazed at everything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i almost feel embarrassed about how fast my card came together", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling less hostile towards the government and their schemes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling something as delicate as a christmas ball garland might not appreciate or survive the long trip to hawaii", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to feel insulted for a moment however i still accepted his kind gesture", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as if i am being tortured and should sue the college", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt so loved and supported by everyone around me including my midwife amp assistants and i feel like i can do pretty much anything now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel that he feel curious and tense", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i want to do lots of naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have them near us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel satan lives in them and after watching their convention im convinced it is fact", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not going to be posting up the commandments because even though that is what the book is about i feel that the design of the text on the pages is more important than the commandments", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shocked cheated stupid disappointed humiliated unwanted lost", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel curious about the", "label": 5} -{"text": "i literally feel myself longing to return", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could chose my memories even if just for a few years just to help me move on to help me stop feeling so fucking hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "im so serious when i say that one day out of the month it seriously feels like hot lava is flowing through my blood", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit here fighting back the tears i feel such appreciation for this lovely video", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling irritable and cranky often", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found myself feeling vulnerable weak and full of self pity", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel timid approaching a new person on a personal level but i m not that petrified little girl anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel far more energetic and my mind is much clearer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the most loved when", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like dressing up and take my own sweet try to apply this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling lousy with lower abdominal pain and i went to the potty hoping a pee would help", "label": 0} -{"text": "im very lucky that i can stay home and raise my rascals but of course it has its moments where i think a job or feeling valued on a different level may be nice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling shy about some stuff i have wrote in it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i begin too get that feeling and as we continue the conversation she says to me he s a really lovely guy you know when you can just tell", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself being cranky at my son which i hate myself for after and have avoided being outside as i am cold all the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic about the summer in my countrys countryside", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel like a stranger a foreigner in a strange land", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just tell people i feel like one sweet southern mess right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have recently found myself forgiving my old friends and deeply appreciating the real friends ive had all along falling in love all over again feeling gracious for the life i lead and being happy about my uniqueness and contrast in the world", "label": 2} -{"text": "i let my own feelings stand in the way of supporting my daughters right to grow up and make her own decisions and forget the fact that i am sure she is scared and sad just like i was all those years ago when i did the same thing", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling something so strange now i cant stop thinking about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started to feel really naughty and completely forgot that the camera was there by time i had my clothes off and started to masturbate", "label": 2} -{"text": "im tired of feeling insecure and inferior or feeling im not good enough", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so far away from all your lovely support", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sensitivity we can feel the more targeted or isolated muscles that we need to focus our attention on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel guilt that i had been too shocked to form cohesive thoughts and verbalize the questions that were in my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so agitated cos its sunday meaning tomorrows the start of a new working week", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling sad lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt read the questions i was one out of two who were in the class still and that makes me feel insecure and not smart enough to be in this class", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i am feeling better the knee is improving the right way and i am happy to be on court another time after a few months outside rafael expressed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of feel slutty both whoreish and like a judgement slut", "label": 2} -{"text": "i imagine at least partly having to do with the cast members who went on to be huge stars and while the quick and the dead doesn t feel like it quite hits the target to use the theme of the film itself i ve always liked it ever since opening night at the cinerama dome", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the time has come to show you a few of the things i am loving today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i used to feel supportive of airline personel who had to deal with drunks img width height border title google bookmarks alt google bookmarks src pics google", "label": 2} -{"text": "im quite small but have big ears which stick up when im feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel urgency taps on the shoulder or experience strange visits in dreams", "label": 5} -{"text": "i enjoy my time there when i m just a visitor strolling around and having my coffee i feel strange when i m an actual traveller on my way between one home to another", "label": 5} -{"text": "i explained to him that i was not trying to make him feel unwelcome in aa but in order to be of help to him i had to know where he was coming from", "label": 0} -{"text": "i perceived maybe if someone played it to me in my sleep then maybe id feel startled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know you mean to help him she consoled but he feels tortured by your treatments", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel the romantic spark between the two when they have their line deliveries", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty grumpy and lethargic so im not going to push myself too hard right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a proud mother watching their child grow and develop into an adult and quite seriously my business is like a child to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i m already feeling somewhat strange given that i get very good and while i can not open my eyes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling kind of restless with the same ol routine lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i read other peoples posts there are moments where i feel id give my left fingernail to be them my left fingernail is precious because its the only one i can polish perfectly out of the", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a messy concoction of parents siblings friends from kindergarten mean girls from high school various low paying jobs and different cities", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty fuckin generous today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it s just really boring if you were to end up playing a good vs good match it might happen i wouldn t want to play it and have my legolas look the same as the three other legolasses on the board because that s boring and i consider the painting to be part of the hobby", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldn t help but to feel amazed that a partial fence and gate had been built by hand", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am too fragile to feel too vulnerable of pain and too easy for tears", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel emotionally drained physically exhausted and just generally running on low battery level", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little bit dumb admitting this but", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t feel particularly impressed by it when i first watched the mtv but after hearing it again in the star vista and discovering through wikipedia the circumstances under which she sang the song it just stays in my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "im on here old man winter i feel impressed to remind you that the vernal equinox is now just a week away", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel fucked up and copacetic at the same time i know nothing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not feel so pressured to make a painting", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it s a shame you re a phenomenon shadow embraces an innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant deny that it leaves me feeling a little insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like everyone was most shocked by alison letting ainsley die", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel guilty about the thought of her husband walking in on us", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can only express my feelings regarding this as disgusted and displeased", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shy when jinki hyung said he owe life to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i like to slump into when i m feeling precious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope there aren t any bears or wolves in this part of the woods he shivered feeling a bit frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have cleaning stuff scheduled i no longer feel overwhelmed and so far ive been keeping up with what i have scheduled", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the body could not be more perfect than that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t classify how i feel and i m still often surprised by my thoughts and memories", "label": 5} -{"text": "i knew it was coming but for some reason my heart feels shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling reluctant to leave but dad was rushing to somewhere else", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help feeling annoyed at such distorted priorities when villagers who can barely buy food donate their meagre finances to such an elaborate building", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel frustrated and overwhelmed to the point of not caring", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the desperation of these uncertain feelings eats at my mind as it does my soul", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love my art journal and i love comments so feel free to leave as many as you wish", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with the notion that a part of my being was now lost the way i felt about a little meaningless brown piece of skin", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can guess that of my white facebook friends who haven t commented on haiti more than a few feel a bit hesitant to talk when tragedy impacts black folks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was writing this last year i mustve been feeling pretty homesick already even though i hadnt left for college yet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i must be feeling brave to post this picture", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling very overwhelmed by my coupons", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was really excited i was also feeling a little apprehensive all day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that there will be tears but i also feel like it will be a good day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i notice that revenge is only sweet before it is acted out and to reply an evil act with kindness always feels bitter in the beginning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel scared point what too heavy and slow to run that far intimidated anxious wait", "label": 4} -{"text": "im just at that moment where i feel like its all fucked and i dont know what im doing", "label": 3} -{"text": "id be lying if i said i wasnt feeling rather tender skinned at the moment for all kinds of reasons so for now ill stick to two things that recent discussions on lj have brought to my mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that they are successful in many areas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling this delicate yet exquisite peace with the present and the stillness as well as the motion of it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dragged myself through the store till pm feeling dazed and half dead i dont know how i made it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel afraid imagining myself swept away at the mercy of the water dashed against rocks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel empty and full", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling more and more unsure about this november rd half marathon", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel as though somehow shes become less likeable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so amazed when ever i find a person i shot again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i miss my boyfriend err i mean ex boyfriend now i feel like i am doing all this for him to be a delicate doll in his eyes but he doesnt even notice anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began to feel curious and let me tell you something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did not feel god s and being a worship pastor without god s presence is a dangerous thought", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always find the way to feel and be impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel grouchy angry sleepy restless and fat but not psychotic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will come down and i will land hard and i will feel stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty crappy and didnt realize that the infection in my hand was ravaging all of me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that the stress of everyone else is in the air and it just feel agitated all that time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very strongly that the only way to eat cornbread is if its sweet cornbread with butter and honey dripping off each piece", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did get to chat w him through a social site he was being a dick very short w his answers had me feeling as if he was being bothered by me asking him how he was doing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i asked him what i could do to get rid of what i was feeling i was petrified he would lock me up in a psychiatric ward and so i played down a lot of what i was feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i jotted something down in the notebook and yukimura found himself feeling more than a little curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i approach the end of my hours of training and await my upcoming state board test i feel confident in my skills and totally ready for the working world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found security in the o and in wearing the headphones a sense of displacement from others which for me helped overcome uncomfortable feelings while viewing confronting content with others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really hope that that time never comes obviously i don t want cuba to enter a war but also i would feel really bad for whoever had to live in this cave because of all the other critters that live down there too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel truly amazed today that i am whole", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive entered some weird universe and i really am grateful for it", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive taken yoga classes for years but for the past few days i was feeling very anxious abou", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a far more acceptable phrase might be much more cost efficient", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kind of feel like what i once doesnt exist anymore and i have become much less outwardly affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling impressed by the courage of my patients and my friends", "label": 5} -{"text": "id rather be home feeling violent and lonely im not trying to sound so insincere but the postcard thats taped to the freezer reads wish you were here how i wish i could disappear heads up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said still feeling shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suppose i feel a bit bitchy well intolerant at least", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to admit this but many years ago when we would celebrate christmas there was no focus on christ", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel compassion for the victims of violent crime regardless of demografics or which legislative district they live", "label": 3} -{"text": "i start to feel shocked to think i may not have another reason to be in this town again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also believe you should feel so disgusted in yourself that you cant look in the mirror", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as though i have to somehow be inhibited in one way or another never really sharing my heart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can relate to this feeling i have been paranoid about picking up a bug this last week for fear of my operation being cancelled this has got worse the closer the time has come", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found myself feeling less impressed with this sequence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a longing for some youthful energy in the house", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im surprised every single morning that the dream wasnt the reality", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know who cant help feeling bothered when a book of his doesnt get reviewed in the new york times", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can never hear crazy by aerosmith without momentarily becoming my year old self riding my bike around the block with one of the girls that lived down the street singing at the top of our lungs with our arms above our heads the wind blowing through our hair and feeling so cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did a few times because i was feeling compassionate but i think its very very possible that i might be the only one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like ive been hit by ike and tumbled and churned and am curious how im going to look and feel and be when ive finished these last five treatments", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling generous so let s assume the former marlins each equal their most production season", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not feel eager to run this course and i took that as a very bad sign", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont intend to post my results online but what i really want to say is that if anyone feels dismayed by their results do believe even now that miracles can happen for you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a real chef with my mandolin but am so paranoid that i will slice some fingers off at the same time so i am uber careful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find by leaving comments on other lolita blogs or engaging in a conversation about something with other lolitas i feel like it sort of helps to get the creative juices flowing and sometimes once they start its hard to stop", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling particularly nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am fortunate to feel passionate about many things but this sometimes means the things that most bring my joy and peace in this world can look more like a to do list rather than an opportunity to meander throughout my days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of weepy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel myself being very indecisive about how i see my work life playing out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hope my dad s feeling sympathetic or he might just let him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stopped enjoying a large part of the race and really after mile i was feeling hot pissy ha", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been attending nycc since its inception a few years ago and i feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hold it in to try and attain some level of taoist energy i feel irritable angry and tired", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel my heart longing for someone you and it really makes me feel sad and lonely my heart is like tearing apart and its really uncomfortable feeling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know she must feel maybe intimidated by me due to age and that i do know somethings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if the lord has rejected me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a tad insecure about my book launch for november", "label": 4} -{"text": "when i was a child", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel terrified that i am not soaking up the moments like i should be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel passionate about these issues i want to see others become as passionate and the blog hop becomes fun for me in spite of how much work goes along with it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i should be a citizen of iran for caring as much as i do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel slutty and uneducated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know is that i am feeling something very unpleasant inside", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will just be a good little girl and hope my family is feeling generous enough to help me look fall fabulous for back to school", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i have been invaded and robbed of precious years", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shocked maybe culture shock", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also suspect that many potential customers would feel like me and it will take a while for this to become part of our accepted way of life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling weird alhamdulillah my prjct work addmaths have done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel rude presumptuous an interloper of the morning of gods time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i were a solitary person an artist and had money i should warmth is the one country in which you feel convinced that art is really i arrived in naples went to the post office and found there five letters even vesuvius is so touched it has gone out", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i heard that my father had found a letter from my boyfriend and he was calling me to talk about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sorrow feel depletion there are veins hopeless in my limbs", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see all the review books and requests that other bloggers get and feel a bit envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so fucked up about today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shocked a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was staying in america but the high humidity makes a lot of difference to how comfortable you feel i liked the weather in asheville", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely numb and it didnt really even hit me that i was having the operation until my surgeon turned up to take me down to the theatre", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can speak english and not feel rude and everyone will clearly understand me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i question all the time if i am a writer it s the thing i feel most insecure about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would be lying if i didnt feel slightly pressured to make sure i didnt ruin this quilt", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit generous today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was never good at expressing what i really fell towards someone including being completely happy nor feeling despised with their existence", "label": 3} -{"text": "i flag and feeling a little aggravated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often think about when i am feeling distressed or discouraged and tempted to worry or fear god is worthy of my brain space", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really really terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "im writing here again is because ive been having a crappy two weeks so far and i feel like there is nothing i can do about it but i also want to help myself get out of this weird shell that i have created in order to face the worst already", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i can get excited about the upcoming school year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel represents chicago through the times were living in i strive to photograph and document all aspects of chicago s rich cultural heritage", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel more supportive of transpeople than i used to and much less uncomfortable about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i gaped and could almost feel simones eager gaze on me as i gulped", "label": 1} -{"text": "i already feel sympathetic to tatsuma and aoi", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt stop smiling when she wasnt feeling the strange goop on my stomach caras response was ahhh its so cute", "label": 4} -{"text": "a friend told me that he had suffered in love and in academics i shared his sadness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrible that i wish the time away so she will outgrow it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel utterly distraught and angry over the death of little eva", "label": 4} -{"text": "when a thief entered the house in which i was sleeping", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel damn fucked up there may be times where i feel happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel funny praying about material things", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not sure if its because im feeling truly festive but ive filled up my jar of nuts and i cant leave them alone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know i feel broke by it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so helpless now", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling vile and its pretty hard having nothing to do when im used to being busy busy busy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know no one could enter and break my heart again i feel oddly relieved and i got so comfortable in being alone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel sympathy for shamed actor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need to bury this feeling because i m scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "unknown person knocking repeatedly on backdoor when no one else was at home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have one or both of the boys in a different state of mind because they feel they arent loved i get angry", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant wait to get into every day and love and feel the space loving and nurturing me back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i definitely got the feeling others thought i was weird for liking classical music", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought the commercial was funny and like i think it makes me want to buy a snickers more if i think its a funny brand because at least i feel like im supporting something funny while i get fat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am stressed out and feeling depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel and what i always knew that i liked boys from a very early age i was not made into this nor forced by anyone via homo paedophile circumstances", "label": 2} -{"text": "i say that because i feel it s a bit funny how those who may not know you so well may be surprised to find that the music you make all that noise about isn t quite so close to your heart as the band that you ve loved since you were", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the instructor was supportive in my learning process", "label": 2} -{"text": "im about one fourth through this bottle and im feeling a bit disappointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling slightly dazed and strangely excited by titles like pride and prejudice and zombies sense and sensibility and sea monsters and my favorite title the meowmorphosis", "label": 5} -{"text": "i to feel inhibited or limited in what i can or cant paint given that i inhabit a different role now that i have children", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to do this on my own to get a feeling of how user friendly it is for the average person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive been quite boring with my choice of colours for this post but i really am a neutral and classic kind of person", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have just told them what my kryptonite is and that leaves me feeling a bit vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had ever got the darn pet even if it were once i have it it would not feel as if it were that horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel extremely offended because with this particular dream behave", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel all doomy gloomy that this will not actually happen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t seek to talk to you by phone to push any bit of feeling or any kind of situation unwelcome by you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i needed to be reminded that no matter how i feel about myself that im always loved by my heavenly father", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling the sweet sweet swell of relief washing over me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would feel my heart loving this boy i knew it was the lord loving me i knew the lord was allowing my heart to be overwhelmed", "label": 2} -{"text": "im stressed out rather than im feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know is that being in another state i feel helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t even imagine how it would feel to know that your child the person you love more than your own life the innocent baby you held in your arms could unleash such horror on the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very strongly about supporting local farmers whenever i can", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so amazed ive had views in the past week", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think its starting to effect me and i feel like im becoming more irritable and impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like to think that they have a lot to share should they feel a bit less shy about it you collect", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bet you will feel shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel devastated desperate and lonesome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it is dangerous especially for the new believer who is not grounded in the word of god", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really liked what the character said in this show because it reminded me of how often times i feel like i am the only one suffering through these hardships and no one else knows what its like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i spread them out over four nights and i still feel like i rushed it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling totally overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about that or her don t know how much effort i should put into caring about her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know what its like to really feel loved by someone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will remember to go there and hang out when i am feeling lame noted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit stunned because i havent gotten the whole point insanity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by how much id like to say about this topic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find something that either makes me mad intrigues me or that i feel passionate about i have to write about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i teach a class of i feel relaxed the words flow the sequence comes from a place of intuition and knowledge and my genuine teaching style shines", "label": 1} -{"text": "i considered writing about my experience not sure if i wanted to talk about it yet but i feel impressed that i should", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will sometimes walk by a mirror and feel stunned by my own image", "label": 5} -{"text": "i try to create posts there that have hope even when i am feeling low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was treking it in bags to my kitchen it didn t help me feel impressed by the wine nothing says whoa baby like a thick five pound glass bottle with a cavernous punt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a whole notebook full of things i need to do but ive got stomach cramps and feel grumpy so most of them can wait", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritable tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im dying here with all the weird things happening in my stomach and you think watching tvs more important", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel lethargic heavy bloated and flatulent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember literally tugging at my fat hoping to pull it off because i could not wear a two piece bathing suit without feeling ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling generous here are some extra lyrics for the soft piano part at the beginning of death and all his friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think about it now i feel so mad at myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "im left feeling very unsure of my abilities my future and my worth", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start feeling resentful to these people that i hold my feelings from and it causes so much confusion because they dont even know whats going on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling completely helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t exactly like the way i feel some times i feel like i am weird be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i climbed over that day and awful hump and i feel fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was above my own body looking down on red tear stained streaks not feeling the searing aching pain that spread through her chest where a jagged piece of glass had penetrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would have depressions and feel like a burden to my husband who is supporting us", "label": 2} -{"text": "im sorry but boys like zayn malik drives me crazy one day ill do it the friends way and pick my top people and laminate it like how ross does sorry to those who doesnt understand the ross part but i already have a feeling i have my top im gonna do an all hot boys to me post", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel tender vulnerable and grateful for the kindness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont believe in the death penalty because i feel that there are innocent people on death row", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel just complain that companies are becoming too rich because of the taxes imposed upon them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help feeling lucky little do i know", "label": 1} -{"text": "i add mochi if im really feeling adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i personally know mikeal and feel an amazing love for him and for mandi as i know similar pain sorrow joy and friendship with my wife and our relationship together", "label": 5} -{"text": "im stuck in my house i feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling so frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling i would get distracted from the important things", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling way overwhelmed lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more so lately than ever that life is so precious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up this morning wanting to cry and the feeling hasnt been shaken yet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ended up feeling unloved undervalued disrespected etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel too dazed to know", "label": 5} -{"text": "i by product i m of skating feel rebellious a href http zellanow", "label": 3} -{"text": "im saying is everyone starts out a little rough around the edges and i will say that some are just not cut out for drag as a serious career but that does not mean that me must make them feel unwelcome to the scene", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so pissed that i put myself in this position to be out of money", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began feeling suspicious so i asked the guy in charge and asked if it was the international terminal transfer bus", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am as fearful now as i was when i first threw my leg over the top tube after my surgery", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel a cold reality creep in where once my heart bled for these teams", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wont feel afraid everyday", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i could snap and yet fear who my innocent victime will be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rather keen in drama theatre", "label": 1} -{"text": "i partially do feel distressed over something i came across by accident", "label": 4} -{"text": "im still waiting for all that because right now i just feel this discontent in me which is rather crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit lonely a bit sad probably because the weather is utterly miserable and i feel fat and consequently wanted a cuddle", "label": 0} -{"text": "im tired of feeling ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling just a little disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty amazed by the fact that im running at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sat with these feelings for a moment and then felt foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have the feeling its got to be plenty strange and perhaps maddeningly gimmicky", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty depressed sorta foggy and sluggish and couldnt think of a single thing that i could do for enjoyment", "label": 0} -{"text": "im still trying to figure all that out but it leaves me feeling unhappy about the present and not excited about the future", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have the best blessing in the world in the form of a year old and im prego w baby boy and a great hubby and all this great stuff but of course in the middle of all these blessings life is moving really fast and i feel a tad overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling quite artistic today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought about several goals and as that began to feel overwhelming in and of itself i realized there is truly one goal that i know can improve my life and the lives of my beloved parents for whom i am caregiving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not feel her presence hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am at this point where i no longer feel the need to prove myself but i am still always amazed when these women reach out to me just to check in to see how i am feeling whether i am surviving the storms of ministry what is going on in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so vulnerable and helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel frightened by not knowing things by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose which is the way it really is as far as i can tell possibly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like seattle has broke me in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i seriously hate having sick kids i feel absolutely helpless then wed night came a long and as i was putting meeka to bed sure enough she felt hot took her temp", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got the feeling they were not too impressed with me and my story", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling just a little vulnerable right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a gut feeling that those vital signs included your weight so instead of clicking on it i e mailed the office and explained that i am recovering from anorexia and seeing my weight sends me into a downward spiral fast", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling hot lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely hesitant about selling it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got like ffs today oh am gee i feel so loved and confident to talk to peeps d i said this alot but now im really experiencing it rusher family are the best and i love being apart of this awesome sauce fam", "label": 2} -{"text": "im enjoying it and learning to say yes when i feel that gentle tug of the holy spirit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate when you said nothing but feels amazing the way you speak right to my heart", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to get out to play and i m feeling as impatient as spud", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldn t feel anything but that numb pain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrific about and one im willing to give a chance", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also can feel that if i don t follow his gentle pressure then pain would ensue", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little less weird girl", "label": 5} -{"text": "i learned that it was okay to feel irritated at my occasional denseness about taking care of myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i see made me feel shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bitchy and i just dont wanna deal with certain things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help feeling envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have this unsettling feeling for uptight people or narrow minded people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i truly believe mj will also be ok as long as we re doing everything we can for him i love my job even the silly questions i get asked and i feel like i ve taken this infertility thing that tortured me for so long and have laughed in it s face", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that was one of those episodes where everything just fell into place i really liked how that one turned out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling less grumpy about doing laundry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel a bit amazed that he did pick me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel awful that i feel urged to say this but i pray that she will leave", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been forced home by the uncomfortable feeling that i am extremely vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i joined the lds church i admit to feeling somewhat ashamed of my family background in light of the mormon ideal that presented itself to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that i can say with some authority that the place s status as a beloved landmark is well earned and sitting there with good friends is my preferred end to the night or start to the day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i type i m sitting at my desk with my leg up on a chair as i fell down the stairs yesterday and sprained my ankle so i m feeling very sorry for myself so perhaps that s compounding the issue", "label": 0} -{"text": "i gladly hopped off the bed feeling not anymore curious but a little more safe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have the window over next to me and am feeling amazing cool breezes mixed with the ozone smell", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by life and that s ok", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont why but even with the ropes i really feel unsure haha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to get it in my head that i didnt do anything wrong its just of them have feelings for someone else and one just doesnt appear very considerate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanna produce not shop to consume i wanna feel productive as its infinitely rewarding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel for supporting microsoft im gonna give them props on this one especially since with the open package deal it was cheaper than the ipod", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not like feeling helpless or lost", "label": 4} -{"text": "i enjoyed thinking about my dream soul mate and then relaxing and letting it go rather than struggling and feeling anxious about whether he would ever enter my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will put down some of my thoughts the house has a great feeling tranquil and private the beach in front feels like it belongs to you and only you when you first walk in you enter to this young palm tree garden i loved this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like one of the reasons why im so beloved at christian activities is because i have an exuberance that is so free spirited that it doesnt come naturally to most people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have talked to him about all these things and feel rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have no idea what im doing in most aspects and as ive realized gods calling for me isnt in the current field of study im working on i feel like no one is going to be supportive of this new change", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disillusioned by peoples greed their nonchalance towards the world their hypocrisy as followers of christ", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know they thoroughly enjoyed spending time with their best puppy friends for so long but its also nice to feel so loved and welcome", "label": 2} -{"text": "i support them but i really listen to how they are feeling and teach them that how they feel is acceptable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left feeling contented hehehe d img height width src http i", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling so disturbed and all about her blog recent blog post that i could not focus bout study", "label": 0} -{"text": "i honestly feel more appreciative towards it and the state than ever before however im feeling a little bit stifled right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so hurt and you havent even really done anything to hurt me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel that awful during that time i was really tired and i felt a little like i was coming down with a cold or something not to mention my sense of smell and taste was a little weird but by and large i was okay other than a stressful job", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel like i connect with these types of styles so much because i grew up seeing so many gorgeous cathedrals stone work and tiles", "label": 1} -{"text": "im glad that i have this place where no one is gonna know how i feel i write when i was so depressed when no one is willing to hear my sad story when no one is trying to make me happy and when no one is pleasing to help me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i arrived i was feeling all sorts of weird from a few short hours of sleep", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have in hands is the free feeling and a curious mind to explore in this new world", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling rather rebellious this semester for no good reason at all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pressured to get things done even when everything has been finished", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel twitchy and bitchy and manic calm and collected and choking with panic but alive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know she feels as alone as i do in this place but she is beautiful to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also think you feel more appreciative about things like that the more you need them done yes my laundry room at home is still out of commission with little to no word as to when it will be back up and running", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finished the class feeling like very relaxed and very at peace from within", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel quite disheartened that i dont have a figure like the gorgeous fantasy women", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though im agitated about something prior to the bird approaching", "label": 3} -{"text": "im frankly feeling stunned and ill", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sat there wondering what happens what happens that takes that wonderful impossible and unexplainable feeling that you feel for someone as you fall in love and turns it into something that no longer works something with which we feel dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling discouraged my weight is going down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though i have been verbally abused by my father my entire life", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a little horny me i have that effect on people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very privileged to witness your childrens enthusiasm to new things and experiences and i look forward to teaching your children and having lots of fun this year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could only feel impressed with what this girl just pulled off in a minivan with a suspension best described as jello and horsepower best described as having an iron deficiency", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit pissed off because we went first", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love yes minister the thick of it party animals borgen the west wing are all so superb i feel shocked at how awful this series is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a date with a friend to see a movie and my friend was late i waited for a long hour and was very angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t like feeling needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel nothing but love and excitement with these lovely ladies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still have a bit of a headache but i feel fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel depressed and i dont know how to handle it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt edit this at all and while some of it is a bit extreme it kind of still is how i feel its funny reading it because its so convoluted and i can see the set cycle of the rat running in the wheel of my mind", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a failure and that maybe i should have stayed at the job i hated for a steady paycheck", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very surprised tell the truth and now think of the past six months of life certainly a more bitter but did not think because it was simply not taken into account", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant even kiss you without feeling weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont see my husband as a jerk i do have times where i love him in the sense that i will cook for him clean for him take care of things for him however i dont really feel that tender affectionate and passionate love that i should have for him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i havent been clear this product feels and smells amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill conquer this but right now anything i say to him will leave me feeling even weaker and more vulnerable so i will just move on", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit useless and like the day has been wasted i can run down that list of rocks and latch onto one of them and do it right then to get myself back on track", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like this idea but i cant imagine i would feel very jubilant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel petty and stupid afterwards because it makes me feel like im slipping backwards", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel honoured that they all stand around a coo over my son", "label": 1} -{"text": "i com ea cross is one that leaves me feeling curious or intrigued", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ridiculously vain writing them out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t just go round hitting people when i m feeling a little pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like slapping you until your face got damaged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so relieved and happy which i haven t felt in a while", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love like ilona andrews tosses great ideas into short fiction like this i feel a little pained or sad it could be such a great novel", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel when i feel wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like some people think im doing it for attention while others are just shocked and move it aside", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did great as far as eating is concerned and spent hours seriously scrubbing and vacuuming the apartment next door and this morning im feeling that in my triceps which is amazing to feel again and potentially addicting which is a good thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel some unpleasant stuff happened though", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel my jaw tighten and flashed a furious look", "label": 3} -{"text": "i write at my weekend office panera bread i usually have hazelnut coffee with a shot of chocolate and extra cream and either a shortbread cookie or if i m feeling particularly naughty a bear claw", "label": 2} -{"text": "i decided to pull a late night tv show watching marathon until am we were both feeling a little remorseful of our choice to do so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am at the point where i start to feel like giving up and thinking that im not really that bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like we shouldnt cook at all in case it gets the stove dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was wonderwing why i didnt really feel anything strange after awhile", "label": 5} -{"text": "i made nathans pigs in the blanket definitely put these on your list of things never ever to buy for my younger daughter to try and make the party feel more festive", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not complaining but it did feel a little dirty said wesley wong of toronto who said he had a combined on the game on wagers on seattle and a low scoring total", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i have a passionate to lipsticks more than any other make up stuffs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started giving more time to splashing colour on my face concealer blush lipstick and while i appreciate the glow i am now feeling burdened as though i m doing something against my will", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrified about whats going on and whether or not its real or not", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive never been a fan of the hercules tv series starring kevin sorbo whom i always thought was miscast in the role and i wouldnt have bothered purchasing any of these in the s but i still feel nostalgic whenever i see any trading cards", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so stressed until my make up artist amp client are actually on set that i forget everything else", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shocked for what has been going on in my account", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable thanking the traditional owners", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a smidge cranky myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t stand to think of what i would feel towards someone who was that hateful toward either of my children does it make it right for us to call those responsible for her pain the same ugly names they uttered or are we just teaching our children that some people are worthy of hatred and bullying", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel awkward not drinking when others around me are drinking", "label": 0} -{"text": "im a year on from the last time i was a year on and i am feeling pretty self assured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am a very lovely and hot woman who loves to share with my special guests i love to chat be treated nice and teased for a real hot man feel passion make u horny and finally cum together", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do it ends in a catatonic fit of depression or feeling resentful at people who are just trying to make sure im the best person i can be", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was disgusted to see a person vomitting and i was told to clean the place where the vomit was", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can barely feel sympathetic for another sick family member", "label": 2} -{"text": "i counterparts are aware of our impotence as a nation within their nation and feel reluctant to share information with us because we will do nothing but sit on it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im even more excited to find out one of the few openly gay public figures in mexico is in this show hes one of the students so i feel like im kinda supporting that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel absolutely fantastic heatherly said in the release", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed at the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont drink green charged water for a few days i feel irritable and disoriented", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get depressed when im with that person because she makes me so happy and i get so loud and she doesnt get loud she stays quiet and i feel obnoxious and rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sensed that a strong employee was somehow feeling restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could tell she hadnt moved enough to feel the sweet release of savasana", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know this sounds dreadful but i always used to feel somewhat sceptical when people would rattle off a string of diagnoses", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel intimidated i agree with him that i am bold like a lion", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel utterly blessed to have had the opportunity to help provide so many with an ultimate experience that will last forever in our memories", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wait to hear her soft laugh and feel her gentle hand on my shoulder", "label": 2} -{"text": "i strongly feel that this is the most truthful that i have ever been with myself yet there is no way i could actually say it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im ever feeling doubtful i know one more read of the holstee manifesto will help me jolt things back into perspective and pull me back on track", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont do homework i sleep in and then whenever i feel like waking up i get my ass out of bed and do petty things like vacuum or look for on campus jobs", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling generous now you dont have to google it yourself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i should retreat back to my mothers place to be in a supportive environment and under some kind of supervision", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feelin grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went through all my up and coming works looking for telltale signs that i traded the feel of a needy hand on a woman s ass for splendiforous diatribes about whips and chains in exotic places", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel all environmentally friendly now and this is what i will be up to this week a href http", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bitter and jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cannot deny that i want to feel more accepted in this harsh skinny friendly world", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am very very sad and feeling so sympathetic to those who are suffering but on the other hand i feel much better than yesterday as we have worst but real information to have recognition whats happening actually and what we can do from now on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i ve got to work on my management a petty bit my breaking field", "label": 3} -{"text": "i begin to panic about small things my brain isnt able to rationalize and relax instead i continue to worry and being to panic more and more to the point i feel that everyone around me is convinced im a horrible person and ive done everything wrong", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling all nostalgic because i was missing the opening of a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like to be on line when im feeling horny really i enjoy the sexual games", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am in a state of shock right now i feel a calm a quiet it reminds me of the scripture where everything in heaven stood still for a half an hour", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic and at the same time she upsets me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so peaceful when i get to paint", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wish i spent some alone time with you when i actually know it should would will be more like this i just feel so shaken up about her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the longing to commit to a sport work hard at it and produce some extraordinary result with my own body", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling so lousy right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel a bitter taste interview to alfredo versace i still feel a bitter taste interview to alfredo versace a href http neapolitanclub", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the extremes when my body aches for air in an intense rock song and when i can feel the gentle vibration of my voice singing tenderly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know those feelings stem from this part of me that is not accepted mainstream more importantly in the communities to which i seek belongingness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so horny and naughty dressed up like this and my tgirl cock is getting a real work out as i continue to admire myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really don t need but the overall impression leaves me with such a warm fuzzy feeling and i am so impressed that their approach probably has a success rate with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel im not worth it but love is a strange thing the strangest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel really blessed that everlie is a wonderful baby and hardly cries fusses eats wonderfully and is just utterly adorable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have so many items on my bucket list and my goals list and im starting to feel a little pressured to get some more of these items crossed off because time is flying", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel most triumphant", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling shitty im late im unprepared and i have to pretend like im having a really energetic and fun day", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive always wondered how it is to wear some of the creations that have come out in the past few seasons and as a particularity i feel curious about the range of vision that the models get when wearing them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel less shocked hysterical lol about grandpa than i did last week when my dad called me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive been at usc for a really really long time and it was strange and borderline frustrating to be back at my house", "label": 4} -{"text": "i then lied down with my boyfriend for about an hour just hugging one another and that feeling of warmth and love was way more delicious than any chocolate covered pretzel could produce", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sit in melbourne on a grey winters afternoon im feeling very envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt stop feeling nervous every time i make my presence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel ashamed to say this but i have learned a lot about obedience in my mission and i feel like i get it now which i know is pretty bad timing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt that woolf explored feelings such as regret and longing very well such that a poignancy runs through the story effortlessly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get a feeling my writing is so dull that i cant even get people to leave nasty comments", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird saying it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sometimes wonder if being more honest and open with my feelings would help me to be less resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ask a bazillion questions hubby says i go into my journalism reporter mode but i am probably feeling a little nervous to first meet people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling that im in the minority when i say i liked clint eastwoods contribution to the convention last night", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can only trust that god will reveal the exact context for this in his perfect timing but because i feel this calling is going to drastically change my life i m nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i to break off our rendez vous i knew he would take offence and accuse me of being m chante leaving me with a feeling of guilt and and a bitter taste", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so frustrated if someone i care about would dare to expect me to be a social worker off the clock too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel myself loving and accepting myself more and more", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling stubborn a haircut and all the other necessary back to school rituals", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hear a love song and i feel numb inside and sometimes i even cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am born again and i feel honored to be here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel dialogue is part of this practise but i am currently unsure how to utilise this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel physically terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think im just going to chalk it up to having my first official day of feeling somewhat homesick of longing for the little comforts of canadian life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if i m not supporting my community in not keeping up as much as i d like to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this is just some amazing wonderful dream and i am going to wake up and things will be as they were", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by deadlines and work in progress that at times doesnt seem to be progressing at all but i wouldnt be happy if i didnt have any ongoing projects or challenges", "label": 5} -{"text": "i needed to clear my head he tells him and sighs when he feels gentle fingers in his hair", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit feeling like this is just one more tragic but not uncommon event of modern life", "label": 0} -{"text": "im back in time feeling those emotions whether it be longing euphoria or immense sadness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see is black crowns king me cause this is my time now so all you other niggas bow down cause all i see on me is black crowns black crowns uhh fatigue im feeling jaded she gave me", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am friendly and so easy to talk to if only you are open to knowing me as a friend and not from a top down approach cos i feel intimidated and when i only know i do not want to offend somebody i shut up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel envious of their height", "label": 3} -{"text": "i talk about the choir trip i feel extremely excited but nervous at the same time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like she was trying to be faithful to both her husband and her mistress and unknowingly gets betrayed by her husband", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel virtuous acts of my political life then you werent there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know how exactly i feel i don t know what amazed others over this book", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was laughing at my husband because he was still feeling skeptical with me cooking nice gozelemes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am i felt the blood rushing and now im feeling angry and really annoyed and all the emotions mixed and went mumbo jumbo like a roller coaster ride", "label": 3} -{"text": "i suppose there is something in a womans nature thatmakes a man free to break down before her and express his feelings onthe tender or emotional side without feeling it derogatory to hismanhood", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am never late always early i panic about being late and feel weird being early", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel although shonna has sweet tones they don t fit the tone of the previous dbt records", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling absolutely amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t just help but feel angered by the stupidity of the panel", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sometimes make him feel intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i recognize much of the jargon as coming from the direction of cultural studies a field i am not specialized in and feel not attracted to although i am slightly curious about what they actually have to say", "label": 5} -{"text": "if a close relatives life is in danger", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im supporting the french team with capello starring as domenech", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i am doomed to endure this nightmare for the rest of my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wish i was alive during the lifetime of prophet s companions to feel to experience to see and hear to inhale the fragrance of beloved of lord", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so lonely and unloved and what if i cant trust him either", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like that feeling of bitter dispare that comes with that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel isolated a lot of the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit like a smart arse when i talk in a middle english middle london accent", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i attended school", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean i know this is corny and shit but i am not in touch with my good feelings so when i felt i was stunned at a loss for words amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stop to reflect on all of this i feel more than a little surprised by it all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will remember all of this tomorrow morning and then feel shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i set out yesterday nice weather feeling fine stopped at a tricky junction pootled at sensible speed you really cant do anything else in my car round a downward sloping bend and was confronted by a large white van coming at speed in the middle of the muddy road down the opposite slope", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was running hard i was running fast and i feel like the last minutes i was probably hitting low s", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not understand tamil so i feel more relieved said the octogenarian who is fondly known as pak samad in an interview with an online portal last week", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like making this a stubborn battle of wills", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really was feeling especially irritable that day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i have been beaten by kame", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kinda have the feeling that this video might be one of those things that maybe isnt as funny as i thought it was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that in her quest my beloved has allowed them to win", "label": 1} -{"text": "i grow i feel god s gentle direction in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i use to keep myself going in this world especially when sometimes you feel overwhelmed with negativity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel doubtful a lot of the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel enthralled", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed and i feel stressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was reading in the paper the feature on henry lucas who claims to have killed people he was a recreational killer and a necrophiliac and zoophiliac he has raped and beaten many women and killed men too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a very lucky girl to be surrounded by great friends", "label": 1} -{"text": "im having the chance to be very grateful that i never decided to go into graphic design as ive considered at several points in the past usually when i was feeling conflicted and unsure about my abilities and inspiration", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should feel curious as to what it is he saw", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know it sounds kind of ridiculous and i m sure it has to do with the fact that he s a guy and everything that i just said but for some reason he can make me feel more cared about and respected that anyone i have ever known and to me that is worth anything", "label": 1} -{"text": "i progressed to feeling pretty crappy on wednesday to full on unable to move barely continue reading", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont agree with her questionable choices and incredibly fantastic romantic perceptions of the world around her i can feel sympathetic to her in instances", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went to the gym for the first time this morning and now feel fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that ive had enough time to vent and i thank you for reading about my bitchy rant", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like stunned and slower and cant react to shit and just numb to the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love the several functions it serves and the awesome feeling i have as a provider of deliciousness i get to serve to my family as a result of said amazing bird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like this course i am in now suits me more that ive find something im truly passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a really good situation going yet i feel only slightly dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling so excited nervous afraid scared", "label": 1} -{"text": "im here is to let my feelings out without caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get a feeling of amazement when i see that there is so much to be admired in the realm of writing and journalism in the world and it only inspires me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i like to be surprised and cook up my own images of the characters but the film teasers may also temper the stabbiness im prone to feeling when a beloved book is visually translated in a manner that doesnt do justice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt better i might be able to write something cheerful maybe about some of the cool things we did on our iowa trip but im feeling unpleasant and bitter", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more loyal already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am half way through days and nights without my partner at the moment so i am feeling somewhat stressed and lonely", "label": 3} -{"text": "im more used to them or maybe cause im not feeling so bitchy this week if you know what i mean", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a good feeling about a vampire romantic comedy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel wrecking so many doomed gestures but the soul lost in the senses climbs the stairs of the air sophia de mello breyner andresen", "label": 0} -{"text": "im going to feel so paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel stunned and after the last night news about the racquet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel accepted and find my own place in the world", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling more and more annoyed with the comfortableness of our culture of the material security that in all reality is false", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was still feeling hesitant about having her make the almost hour drive but tom and my mom both felt it would be best to get her here as there was always the possibility that things could pick up and go quickly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i basically told him i still had feelings for him but in a rather hostile i dont really want to talk to you right now kind of way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel highly not bothered to earphones", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel anxious and troubled in my soul due to bone deep weariness brought on by many things messing up calling my own shots making wrong decisions or need for a deep rem sleep", "label": 4} -{"text": "i if you can worry about this small wound why do you feel surprised at the prayers which i did for you to get well soon from the accident wounds", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel decidedly less neurotic than i have for about the past four months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just had this feeling that it would work sounds weird i know but i just felt like she was gonna get it she was gonna figure it out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant i wont feel regretful because my first initial plan was to jump poly thru ite", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have observed benefits in my own world as a result of participating in try fasting i feel more gratitude i became more compassionate and aware of others in need i feel more optimistic and most significantly i feel hope for our future", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to be doing and its wonderful to feel passionate about my career", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel less like a dazed fish who flops on the pier less like one whose lungs cannot draw enough from the atmosphere to sustain me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started to get a feeling of warmth which no doubt must have been created by my mind as it is highly doubtful that the tv set would have radiated more heat because of this image", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling particularly thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i personally think you have to use the item over and over in different scenarios to get a true feel for if you liked the item or not", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a lot of responsibility and a home but i can t help but feel something s are just too funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel weird about this because it goes against long held habits and thinking processes and that automatic fear what if reflex", "label": 5} -{"text": "im also feeling a little more irritable like im consistently a little closer to anger rage mood wise", "label": 3} -{"text": "im tired of feeling boring and bleh i kind of miss the old days when i didnt care to get up at in the morning to put in my contacts and striped tights getting too old for this a href http", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like to write my poetry and blow my bubbles that smell like blueberries i smell like knock off for perfume i feel like shaken soda in a bottle", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am just feeling kind of amazed that it s already time for her to take this step", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed when i see my son more than my daughter relish his meals whenever he spots a piece of fried pomfret or kingfish in his plate", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i fucked up this relationship or missed that opportunity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i regret that some of our wonderful chinese friends feel insulted by what a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t feel sincere knowing that i was not living the way people might think i meant the words to mean", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the critically beloved resistance fall of man has been grossly overrated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i buy a non stretch jeans and i feel weird in it does not stick to the body the fabric is very soft and gives a lot is a cool and comfortable pants you can move freely sorry i had left a little short i give it four stars because the color they sent me chocolate is lighter than this in the photo", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go onto my stomach and now ive get to feel what ive been so curious about ever since i first learned about sex on my own back in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get stuck here feeling that suffering trying to change the world to suit my wishing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel solemn and dead its official", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im losing the life of someone well into their s and s and nothing to show for it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if i am a strange entity living in a shell of a girl that once was full of life and stuff", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty cranky hopefully a nice quiet dinner with a few drinks is just what i need to relax", "label": 3} -{"text": "im sure terrorists feel their lives threatened by change", "label": 4} -{"text": "im starting to feel nervous about its contents", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like there s a reason to buy another tom petty record", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just love being made to feel unwelcome in my home city", "label": 0} -{"text": "i thank them all so much and to be honest i feel pressured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel absolutely stunned after writing that headline", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i may not become so easily jaded because how could i just stop trying because i dont like what i find", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel like we all are supporting each other helping each other", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable when im naked", "label": 4} -{"text": "i watched this supposedly shocking video showing the insidious indoctrination of school children and was left feeling extremely impressed with the sensitivity and openness the educators involved demonstrated while teaching this topic of mutual respect and acceptance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel blessed amazed and yes very excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get with them is precious and that whatever time we spend together means the world to me and that every conversation i feel excluded from whether through them being distracted or through carelessness is one less conversation i get with them before we all graduate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walked out the school gates feeling strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes wonder if there are people out there who feel the way i do who get to a point where they have so much restlessness and discontent inside of them they re ready to explode", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so elegant and my hands look so dainty turning the volume knob on the car stereo clutching the steering wheel smoking a cigarette etc", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling ok after the infusion study to go out and about for a while", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i achieved my objectives and im fairly satisfied with the images i produced", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel somehow ungrateful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sound desperate and pathetic to myself but i feel frantic in my need for him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess what hes nerve racking to tell the audience is that life is strange and we all walk around aimlessly trying to find our goals and feel love in this curious thing called life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went out of our rooms that night feeling pleasantly surprised to find both of us clad in the print", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know how that feels to wait on someone hand and foot and frankly i hated it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very lucky that i was able to get such a pretty one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like my attention more on their hitters as on their pitcher is said mcclellan a flawless record in the game takes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i volunteer with a girl that i feel has never liked me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to relax and feel less anxious all of the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love octavian s personality and i have a feeling he s not that much of a loyal roman like he says", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remind him to tell a camp counselor if he feels uncomfortable participating in a specific activity they wont have potato sack races at music camp will they", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spend more time feeling shitty for the ex because of the blame being unloaded on his shoulders", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like forever alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can start a huge fight with you but then joke about it a second later and make you feel stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a needy girlfriend always cramping his style", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a little kid amazed by animals alone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess i m feeling nostalgic especially since exams are coming up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant feel anything for the gorgeous sweet and sensitive guys that truly care about me but i sure can feel something for guys who shouldnt be my type at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel strange pangs of loneliness or emptiness bubble up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left feeling anger fury discontent unsettled etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like the only person in the history of the world who has ever loved continue reading days ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "im just overall feeling hostile right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable talking to her at times", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can say is youll spend much of your married life feeling insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant seem to focus on one thing long enough to write an entire post you are going to get some random different topics until i feel there is enough content to justify a post", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the casual use of the n word simply shows the ignorance actual or willful of the person who speaks it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel dazed and cant concentrate on anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel awful and poor and embarrassed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel elegant and ready for happy hour on the new u which finally lives up to its name", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel resentful about my education", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am still feeling rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel envious of her gift with poetry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try to go to sleep early but cant seem to stay asleep i wake up feeling groggy hungry sore tired", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have come to recognize that feeling confused just means that i am in a place where it is possible i could learn something new", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a memory vase where i encouraged people to write down silly or sentimental memories they had of times with l that she could read when she was feeling stressed in the weeks leading up to the wedding", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill be blogging a bit more for a while because we did go to seattle and i feel the need to share some of our lovely experiences and photos", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i need to take more pictures of my idiotic capers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im so fugly and even my boyf shy to admit that im hiss", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive had many storms in my life from being cheated on hurt feeling like my dreams were over the pain of divorce being a single mom being broke i could keep going on and on ha ha ha", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel horrible because this is not about me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this especially when i think back to sitting with them at a dinner table or in their hot stuffy living room kind of talking but kind of not wishing that i could be somewhere doing something else", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling restless today lol", "label": 4} -{"text": "im just feeling a bit low at the moment and wish you were here to talk to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love and feel passionate about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wish i could feel shocked by the decision however", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling pretty intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like fake eyeglasses will make me look older and hell a little more authoritative too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not know why i feel he is very rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant ever remember a spring when i was more excited to see the temps hitting the low s it feels amazing and i am so excited for better weather", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really am grateful everyday for how lucky i ve been in the past years some specific things have been popping into my head today as i m feeling particularly nostalgic and missing home", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i freak myself out in vile and vast ways when i ponder it because i try to fit it into the human mind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like utah gets the shaft for being this weird place of uber religious people and it somehow rubs off on all of us and beware if we touch you you might become a polygamist", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t even feel bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt myself getting quite anxious and claustrophobic and feelings of aggression although i do not act on them but i find myself getting aggravated at the slightest thing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the falling in love could happen when i decide to wade through all those b sides on those fantastic cd reissues of all the albums", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know about you all but i am feeling a little steampunky romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ashamed typing this out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny calling them business cards sans employment so contact cards", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kept feeling disappointed in my little girl", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel a strange feeling which i will call guilt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am around those that love me i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i decided to just blog it to try make myself feel calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel incredibly selfish and self centered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should like you to feel how funny that is", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive wished for beer is when im feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that pull the delicate but inexorable tug and i want to be three days ahead of myself when the wheels of the plane touch down on the tarmac in charlotte", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel insecure then i am insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i finished i was feeling pretty impressed with myself and he happened to be standing there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i promise you there is never a time when i feel impressed to do any of those things where after i regret it except in the case when i attend church and i undergo more slaughter for my heretic ways", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so lonely and invisible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like being stubborn now oh well what abad time to write a livejournal entry but it doesnt matter peace", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel doomed or if i do i can talk to them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i write feels belaboured and dull grad student y", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit nostalgic on the subject of cars today because very early this morning we watched my husbands a href http koruwedding", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ownership and caring for the home we have created together so the loud noise and craziness of lots of people who all need something at the same moment well it is sometimes too much for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel that my conditioning was being challenged and my feet were pretty pissed at me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel are far superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not some un feeling rock neither am i an emo who will treat this as a space to whine about anything that got to my damaged forever broken heart and then will chuck a spaz at anyone who thinks they arent cool", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am writing this outfit post the first since early april i cant help but feel sentimental because i know it will take just as long for me to post my next entry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little strange when find the individual finger sandwiches in those three types", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i deserve to be punished for eatting", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really useless awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i particularly liked him without knowing why but i do have a feeling that it may be his funny character", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel defeated and discouraged about issues that deal with weight or food", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t tell if i should be flattered that there is the feeling that i now know what i m doing or be distressed that they figured out i didn t know what i was doing before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got to know that i had been accepted at university", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was going to say that my mood was bleak and that s true but what i m really feeling is hostile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i keep remember and replaying scenes before my mom left me when i remembering it now i feel i was heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of sappy as this may sound feel insulted for everybody else who is classed as complex", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel such an amazing difference in my skin after using this wonderful line", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sitting on the sofa feeling too afraid to go to sleep and wake up in the morning knowing i wont have long until we set off", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazed at the growth i ve made with my photography and looking back i see where it all started", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like everything is just fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think that however nice these people are they make you feel paranoid that you are doing something wrong", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive found the college that smells good looks good sounds good and makes me feel like a little giggly school girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to feel his embrace i want to see his gentle smile i want to see his purple eyes", "label": 2} -{"text": "im also fairly certain i have some food intolerances i feel so amazing after this then i quickly blow it and eat some gluten or dairy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not feeling like it would be a good thing to be getting you visually involved at this point", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a little nostalgic tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get a feel for how popular arnold is and how much people loved those movies", "label": 1} -{"text": "i once saw or perhaps only heard about a character complains of her overtaxed nerves and brain saying i feel i need a splendid vacation in a total vacuum", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just gonna skip the gory details because by now i have a good feeling that the lovely fairytale i texted thiang has been broadcasted to the entire universe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i very much dislike feeling uptight like this and i dont care for stereotypes", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling less hateful of fandom", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have this stupid feeling were too into the activity since weve devoted so much time to it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty fucking hopeless right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel especially impressed by its upkeep", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldn t help feeling helpless and frustrated at being approximately four thousand miles away unable to alter the situation in the least bit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought to myself the ice cream is making him feel violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like we are part of alice in wonderland when all the strange animals are running circles around the pelican on the beach and the water is rising and nobody pays any attention and they all get swept away by the ocean but they never stop dancing and singing and running in circles", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was getting it after meeting so many people i was finally getting that warm family feeling that i missed about my family back home", "label": 0} -{"text": "im very much feeling the blogger love recently and parcels from generous friends have really made my week", "label": 2} -{"text": "i seek so much as a vision of myself feeling this place of divine creativity with regularity in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel assaulted by white noise", "label": 4} -{"text": "i told the nurse that i was feeling shaky and that was normal for me during transition", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel pressured to talked which was a nice feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i grew up not necessarily with the belief but with the feeling powerfully impressed on me that life was a question of surviving of making it through not getting caught", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was little better than a pagan but with only that kind of skimpy biblical background i became greatly disturbed for i began to feel and sense and acknowledge gods gracious presence", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a frightened little girl", "label": 4} -{"text": "im lying in bed with a beautiful woman that im falling in love with and i get to stare at her without her feeling uncomfortable about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that me and him should be one supporting his mom and little brother thru this not him supporting his mom and having me on the side for whenever he has time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i choose to feel amazed that such a crowded concrete landscape can be rendered so beautiful by a few drops of water and a flash of electricity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel mildly disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the feeling that drop shipped into a hostile environment he could be easily provoked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can offer you that feels loving to you", "label": 2} -{"text": "im still feeling apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know why i feel ashamed why i feel terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive got a feeling day tripper helter skelter the arrival of each left me stunned except for helter skelter which instead triggered a burst of maniacal laughter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that it helps that he has a best friend in his class a friend from preschool to make the new situation s a little less intimidating and i know that it helps ben to have adam at preschool in the mornings to help him when hes feeling unsure or tired or sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so excited and i hate to lie and think so long before i get to sleep", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel enthralled by something in the surreal scenes she lives in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like this little guy dazed and confused with who knows what sitting on my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i choose to feel curious about the possibility of changing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stressed i can call him or text him and he will tell me exactly what i need to hear", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about supporting local businesses", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling frustrated and agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i agree with kate that it has been nice to meet with different people and do something other than pour alcohol down our necks something most other people want to do these days but as we near its end i feel more sceptical towards those running it and taking part than i do empathetic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came to malminkartanon ala aste everything here was looking really strange and i was feeling i was feeling like if i where something strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have never been terminated before and it just feels bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i is very different to a real sword but when i m facing my opponent in kendo when i m fighting i feel a strange kind of peace as though everything is right in the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just cant help but feel sympathetic for them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt imagine how anyone could call it a good feeling or be reassured by it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel doomed on another hand i could give a fuck less about what happens this year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling frustrated and angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stressed out about our insurance pretty much everything about it because i dont like the hospitals and dr", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it is acceptable to end their life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went on a short run today just to see what it feels like after such a long time of just sitting on my butt and i was surprised that i could still do it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like we should have more programs like this today instead of a lot of the reality trash television shows that our popular now it would be very refreshing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finished my drink i was feeling very playful and carefree", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember having that feeling a lot last summer while i was here and it frustrated me and made me so happy at the same time", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling the numb this feels wrong yet clueless of what went wrong we are so beautifully and fearfully that our mental health can affect our mind alter our mood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel somewhat hopeful about things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the hail the ice so cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel honoured to top the chart in the handicap flight category and qualify for the national final", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wear my tango clothes i feel very glam and elegant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should leave the theater feeling invigorated alive yet reflective and perhaps bitersweet ready to both take on the world and find acceptance in its failings to appreciate my own existence in such a way that adds a skip to my step and a bit more compassion to my heart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wonder how many others present at the talk the other night feel shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i actually feel much more intelligent and my days are not packed full of wasted time with only brief spurts of productivity", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just have one or two more cycles of iv abx so really i am not starting over but it feels like i ve lost months of some of the hardest work i ve ever done", "label": 0} -{"text": "i already feel weird with the recurrent thought of not coming back after christmas", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could have a sex drive but feel depressed and anxious all the time and let it rule my life which would then likely kill my sex drive anyway or i could be much happier and focussed and have a limited sex drive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant feel myself getting hot and i then just start to forget that a panic attack was coming on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did feel jealous i also was and still am happy for my friend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i may be feeling i tend not to share that with mike too much because now it s just about supporting him emotionally where he is right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i observed others doing these things but it made me feel strange and i hesitated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get all caught up in the nervousness i always feel a little tug on my heart and a loving hum reminds me hannah you know there is a perfect time and a season for everything ive created", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never feel cute", "label": 1} -{"text": "im already feeling nostalgic about next years departure of letterman", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelm the positive features of this tool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember when i first came to hargeisa one of my first impressions was a feeling of joy but shocked at how dirty and unkept the city was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i has never failed to make me feels amazed with his acting in almost each of his dramas and movies", "label": 5} -{"text": "im closing the age of and seeing it here written in numbers makes me feel a bit funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was admittedly feeling a foolish after id realized what had happened and we went back to playing goldeneye for the nintendo or a board game hed designed out of legos and balsa wood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slightly terrified about the casting situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel the ending was a tad rushed and convenient but sometimes a writer has to do what he can to ensure a satisfying emotional ending rather than a particularly clever one", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel fully acclimatized and i was curious to see if i would feel a difference running at this altitude m ft", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel quite sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cannot fix the problem then i ought to accept your particular way of coming to terms with it even if that includes seeing you in a state making me feel sorrowful and slightly insecure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am worried that it will seem like too much or that she will feel pressured to reciprocate and if i do it i don t know when to do it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im on my own in a foreign land i feel vulnerable and mostly alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i stepped into dirty dancing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little more supportive to sirius blacks fans", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty romantic poetry powder dust bezaubernder rosafarbener powderdust mit feinen glitzerpartikeln und super leckerem blumenduft", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not prosecuting for sanjeev s torturing due to me but i am prosecuting because i had to feel the sense of helplessness becuase he was being tortured due to me but i was helpless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that when i eat it i dont desire seconds and i dont feel lethargic bloated exhausted puffy etc afterward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mimicked my old brow shape see first photo and i feel as though they frame my face much better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel many of these objections can be resolved or at least made more benign by explaining my positions further and suggest that these situations are not as dire as some readers might make them out to be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had a sinking feeling for a while as i could imagine myself sleeping in the station but luckily my gloom was caused by nobody being bothered to tell me to walk to the platform downstairs then they did", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this is a splendid demo", "label": 1} -{"text": "i gently holding her across the road back to our hotel that feeling is really very sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got up to join him naked at my window seat feeling a little greedy for his body and knowing he is not being quite honest with me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really wish i didnt feel like everyone hated me right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel joyful when at least one person after so many years knew that i was carrying unnecessary weight on my shoulders", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had an inkling that it had been some time since i updated whisk amp whimsy but i will confess to feeling a bit shocked today to discover th", "label": 5} -{"text": "i honestly feel a bit stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant tell exactly what i feel whether it be sympathetic or empathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling that hawking my be surprised by finding god since the truth always lead to god and as much as he sees and follow what is true he get closer and closer to god", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like you re getting distracted by grammar", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less of a person because of it and then i put up this wall this bitchy wall", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself feeling slightly dazed at the end of a good movie day dreaming about the same thing only this time its not fantasy its real but its not", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit nostalgic and still had a few essence mangoes around", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling worthless i just look to them and im instantly reminded that not only do i make a difference but that im unconditionally loved by two of the cutest smartest guys a mom could ask for", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had been feeling amazing all week and then blam no weight loss for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about supporting more of the same government by the party who has spewed fake conservatism since the days of ronald reagan", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a tear slip out and fall on your gentle hands", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel overwhelmed trying to do it all baylor wrote", "label": 5} -{"text": "im normally a bit opposed to chain restaurants primarily because it feels strange to me to be able to order something in new york and california and have it taste the same way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel somewhat helpless when i repeat the same prayer over and over", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think fttt is going to be a great chance for them not to feel so isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got it for dollars and looking at the original prince which is dollars id say i feel successful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like he s such an ass to be out on a wednesday night partying like he s one of the guys everyone he works with is single and i really really want to be mad at him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so aggravated for some reason this evening", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lost without my computer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never feel more myself than when i recognise my familys influence within my most treasured rituals", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt think that it would come that fast or would come at all but i suppose it is because i feel cranky today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel like i have at least a couple more weeks until i meet bagel but it s strange to have this huge event looming and not know the exact date", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have no excuse except that i am lazy if you have been keeping up with the insanity of my bloggi ness you would know that i gave fair warning early on about how i knew i would never keep up steadily with this i do feel like i should update my faithful ahahahah few like three", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hated having any kind of negative feeling toward her because she is so lovely and because i loathe the feeling of wanting something someone else has when i know i am so blessed i know i have so very much", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate you threads posted by people just whining because they feel wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i trundled off to mercer street in covent garden feeling a tad nervous but probably more excited than scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i will in some weird kind of way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a supporting player in a love story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like shes just going to have to go and change everything i m doing because it looks so messy and", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see them on the runway i feel very proud and also of course this is all about teamwork", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling lonely and flat having to introduce two new carers into the home for david and it always makes me feel sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel selfish and self centred if i talk too much about myself and partly because i am a total introvert and fairly uncommunicative", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am running on empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i seriously feel like i am being verbally assaulted by people just for working at a gas station and being the first one in the uniform that they can yell at", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel impressed to do to accomplish and to seek restoration in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel resigned to thinking feeling overwhelming", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the bliss i share of those whose anxious spirits burn with strong desires for thy return", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like be sarcastic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little bit yours i wanna crave my nails on you tell me what to do with this naughty immoral desire", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do wear a heavy base and i do sometimes feel paranoid you can see it layered up on my skin", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am all over the place and feeling so messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a drink and got upset feeling that a cable had been shaken one i never swore to but seems to last forever because that is what was meant at the time then", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess apart from food there is something he loves the most and feels proud to be part of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling overwhelmed and burdened", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so stupid saying this because a blog is just a platform not a journey", "label": 0} -{"text": "i recently found myself feeling so angry and upset about how my life is now at the age of in terms of how i feel compared to years ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling very agitated and nervous all day partly due to todays energy and the solar flares we had earlier this week the new moon and to be honest im tired", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel afraid a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the lords loving guidance more and more everyday as i pray and study his gospel", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel i immediately liked him as we talked along the way to his brown mazda", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel she has nothing to complain because she has so much but yet shes so unhappy because of little things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel or felt is highly dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that no matter what i do im fucked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also remember feeling kind of shocked when it became clear that debby and rick were becoming a couple", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel when i get to technique with things it comes out strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling incredibly delicate like a poke may shatter me", "label": 2} -{"text": "im mad or feeling rebellious im listening to green day or some other hard rock punk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am is knowing that this awful feeling of creative discomfort will pass", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant remember the last time i drank alcohol which feels pretty strange seeing as my friends in the uk are drinking themselves silly at uni", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like wow there are so many things i want to create and do that would just be purely joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i were to feel utterly rejected in my ward i would probably move on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i shook my head feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i m supporting them i usually won t give the matter another thought and assist however i may", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling that some of you are surprised to didnt get to posting anything about robinson canos epic home run derby victory over adrian gonzalez but ive been very busy doing all sorts of things lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had yet to feel offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean he creates characters you can really relate to when you carl in a a bad situation and and feeling frustrated you see doing something about it and making the best of the bad situation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i excelled in my writing in the jmc program while also learning valuable skills such as layout photo and video", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was in and my heart was in pain as i felt lost in a world so huge that only a child would feel insecure in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i make you feel shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel disheartened with the world of fairy tales every time i ve spent too long with perrault and the grimms and am beginning to see everything through a lense of st century cynicism i think of this story and i feel better straight away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little funny including this self aggrandizing post but if im sticking true to the stats theres no denying its popularity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am used to using very light day creams that give you a fresh soothing feel so i was quite surprised when i tried it for the first time wink", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would tell you what i truly feel the words that i ve been longing to keep", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling agitated about lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that way about someone but the thought still makes me nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel awful that i cant remember her name right now but i was at work and caught a little off guard by the surprise call so my brain was a bit scattered and frazzles", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling aggravated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am the middle daughter of two wonderful parents and feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and sweet friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel that lebron s decision to announce that he would ditch his adoring home town on national television in prime time was tactless", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel an aching loss for him", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling so weird today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i met from this point on where much more accommodating and shared more in my concern than making me feel dumb for being there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am supposed to have my appointment with her tomorrow and i am feeling petrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am so incredibly fortunate that it almost feels ungrateful to wish for more to try for more", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling the love from these two sweet boys who have given me the privilege of being their mom", "label": 1} -{"text": "i grab my mouth and i notice it feels really weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a bit surprised and i ask to myself which kind of relation we can have together now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suddenly feel a pang of longing at a cheesy romantic song i want to be able to tell someone he she is missed without fear of appearing too needy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel paranoid more frequently than i would like but it s something that i m learning to accept and cope with", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i give you some tips on overcoming the feelings of being overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling kinda doubtful about my understanding of dreams", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling unloved and so i resorted to be trusty addiction of sex to cover up how i was feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so very blessed and thank my heavenly father for my faith family friends and the freedom we enjoy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling it is going to be dangerous working there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel this twinge of longing in bookstores", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have learned to deflect the feeling of uptight restaurant fear with skepticism", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still feeling a bit shaken up but i think that is a positive sign", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel quite honoured to have received such overwhelming support it is more than i ever expected or could have wished for", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel you can get the cliff notes of any worthwhile happenings and if it does interest you research it further", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel blessed and my smile is large and real", "label": 2} -{"text": "im so done with feeling sorry for myself and i am definitely done with this yoyo sh", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wonder if it s because this town sporting wise just feels so low right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i choose to do whatever i need to do to feel caught up calm and successful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not want the dons of this world if genuine to feel inhibited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel proud of my hardwork and my accomplishments when i improve my form or i lift more weight without feeling like im going to die", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant handle but sometime i feel like john the savage", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must say that way more than half of me is feeling a little distressed about growing old", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was in the lead i was feeling confidant rather nervous and as i crossed the line i just felt delighted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel disgusted because i havent been to the gym in a month and gained back a few pounds im always struggling with my fucking weight", "label": 3} -{"text": "im dealing with strong pressure at work and feeling a little overwhelmed since i started my diet and exercise plan", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hand the phone back to fred feeling a bit dazed even disembodied", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had nobody to talk or pour out my feelings simply because my friends and family and relationships were not supportive and understanding", "label": 2} -{"text": "the day i was to receive my goldmedal for the ma", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had hurt his feelings and i had kicked it into bitchy mode", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think thats why i feel shocked when i questioned you know", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would like to say that i feel very blessed dan does not live on this continent although this does create some other unique international messes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have my health as with your health you truly have everything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im in this weird in between stage", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel selfish for even being upset but when you love someone as much as i love him how could you not be upset", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have done this i feel like a boy in a sweet shop", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still get quite uncomfortable sitting for extended periods of time but generally the high hamstring medial tendon seems to feel less irritated and inflamed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can see him too feeling his way through life with a delicate uncertain tread", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so weird not saying goodnight to mike", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel while still honoring that we all feel insecure sometimes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like saying rock nroll is totally lame", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the breeze of a cold night", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really tell them how i feel theyll get frustrated vexed affected sad or angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling slightly posessive of him and if they start being affectionate in front of me a school i know i will get upset and walk off but thats my responsibilities to deal with because honestly i would eat the fish but not get my paws wet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel frightened and vulnerable to have to walk approximately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel you all are shocked by what i say around here because you have an image of me being a perfect christian lady", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel extremely tender towards my wife", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel greedy and spoiled if i get what i ask for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel too overwhelmed and exhausted to write something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a terrible feel for a lot of teams and a lot of teams really surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have this funny habit of rubbing my husband s head when i m feeling affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got this feeling that i should be nervous but after having been in bangkok for a few days and experiencing how warm and friendly the people are i felt really safe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get this strange feeling that he liked b and was curious as to who i was", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to feel amazing travelling this road with my loved ones and remembering how amazing this road can be makes me want to be as healthy as possible so i can enjoy the ride", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling positive today and im here to do c quick update", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel empty kind of", "label": 0} -{"text": "im doing better there is space in my life to feel again and to feel what ive been trying to numb out and mask with ed for the past years", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel as if i am as compassionate soft spoken gentle spirited and openly flowing with care", "label": 2} -{"text": "a boy i had been admiring so much asked me to go out with him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am also continuing to drop weight which is awesome and feeling super light", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel were humorous at all such as the girl scouts selling cookies incident", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling quite nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cannot help but feel insulted that my master did not see the need to greet me upon my waking", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love when he presses me for sex even when i m tired or not feeling eager for sex that minute", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate myself i feel like a failure i feel restless but have no desire to do anything i feel guilty a lot i have no interest in talking to or hanging out with anyone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i made a list of resentments and the reason why i feel resentful towards certain people in my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am still feeling agitated and want to just grab some sweet goodies and stuff em in my mouth", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have only been at this new barn for three days but i feel so nervous and uneasy while im there which im chalking up to being at the same barn for three years", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel threatened takes no time to try to step back and look at the situation rationally or try to see things from someone elses point of view", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i deserve a suspicious look", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will admit that sometimes i feel a little uncomfortable when people pray over me and thats mostly a sin thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to post", "label": 4} -{"text": "i heard this song just over two months ago hoping that i could feel that way someday but fearful that i never would", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling so peaceful recently", "label": 1} -{"text": "i keep reminding myself its not for long and it will be worth it in the end when we have our mortgage free forever home but right now i feel a little overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i bought some razors and shaving cream for them but i walked away feeling unsure of myself span style font family times new roman serif font size", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like there isnt a lot to say about this movie but that could be because im distracted by my perpetual migraine and the puppy bowl", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel useful can teach children things that i know eventhough just how to make a origami not how to solve an electrolysis reaction how to find the time a bullet hit a bock wood and other complicated things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i whispered feeling stunned and uncertain", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive just realized that i feel no anxiety whatsoever about being in a strange place with all these disenfranchised misfits", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel insulted you feel the need to tell people what dosh is", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling that this is my longing for those times driving images of my future collection in to my imagination", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel oh god that my foot is reluctant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i am well read and once the gods begin to point me at other lessons then and only then will i start to practice", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sorry its late and i am not feeling very clever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help but feel that i m totally heartless when it comes to other people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel there were a lot of missed opportunities for developed female characters martha kent lara superman s biological mother and faora ul general zod s deputy and wife according to imdb it definitely failed the bechdel test a href https fbcdn sphotos g a", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get anxiety about those feelings and then i get depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel angered by my husband s imminent arrival from work he s been sat there all day in office talking to morons in a calm adult way whilst i have been suffering", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used is minkee dot and feels so lovely and soft", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive moved home to hertfordshire now so these pictures are making me feel all nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i just got back from vacation and i was shocked when i realized yesterday that i have been home for almost two weeks not not one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wondered what was wrong with me to feel envy and how could i feel envious when i didnt really want to change our circumstances", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling coincidently very thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im alone in missing him and because of that i feel a bit foolish for missing him as much as i do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wont feel shamed just because", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started feeling weird shortly after", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went into this conference feeling nervous and a sense of competition", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt even feel weird about getting on stage in front of everyone i feel like all the presenting ive done in my mba program has helped me get over that even though i was usually fully clothed for those presentations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel offended by the fact that i am a text book incest survivor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love my family and feel incredibly privileged to be the mother of two wonderful children", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t update as expansively as i d like very expansively but as i m feeling generous here are some nice things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sighed as the classical music played feeling the dull hum of the engines as they carried her to a new place and hopefully a new life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always get this feeling after a while a feeling of uncomfort of longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began feeling insecure about my decision to write instead of empowered by it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will admit to feeling annoyed even before reading the article", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling especially rebellious i would respectfully decline to even stand up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed when i want more information and i dont know how to find it", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i was working as a nurse in a mental hospital", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel caring and love toward this small happy baby i do not know", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel happiness and joy and that feeling is amazing i feel my heart could burst at times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel badly about but of course i am highly skeptical of his contribution to this accident", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a lot of shame in not having many romantic relationships in the past", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a need to protect a very delicate new life in an incubator or special green house", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel for you that horrible coughing you can t stop is a horrible symptom", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic but also grateful for having lived the experiences and places sights tastes and smells of travel", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like trying to come back to beloved would be a mistake", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feeling insecure about myself or my family and felt the need to bolster my ego by exaggerating an event through words or pictures", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like giving up i get pissed off at myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i start to feel pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would feel extremely nervous while performing normal tasks like writing a check driving and specially while socializing with people known or unknown", "label": 4} -{"text": "im taking my feelings of nostalgia longing fear and regret during this challenging season and im giving them to my king because he promises rest for the weary", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont drink so i feel quite rebellious as i eat them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was starting to feel rather impressed when i realized she was bleeding", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i would be more comfortable with a man can relate to them more and there would be no mixed up confusing feelings that im afraid will happen if i really open up and spend time with a woman", "label": 4} -{"text": "i regularly feel embarrassed about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had this bad feeling that something would come up but by force of the unfortunate habit of being unable to tell people no i agreed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think i was just feeling incredibly jaded so i had a hk milk tea and desserts with the lighters irene elinna", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am sensing something in me that is feeling a strong attraction", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel terrified excited happy humbled inspired terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i duly turned up on tuesday feeling very unsure of myself and introduced myself to a very nice instructor whos name i instantly forgot", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a post brewing about feeling a little heartbroken about a few things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think many of us are dealing with the new energies by just feeling a bit dazed and disoriented", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt finish once i knew it was strawberry because i didnt feel like having a weird allergic reaction", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel honoured to receive it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel uncertain about the place i m in and i feel i have no supervising eyes to glance back at to make sure i m ok", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to share because my experiences feel incomplete especially now that my ideas are making a shift", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think about telling people how i truly feel about something that is unpleasant my stomach and bowels knot up", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i personally feel that there is no other animal that is as gentle as my sweetheart bruno", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strange admitting that because its not like id ever want to be in that situation in real life", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive read a film ive seen a snippet of conversation something thats happened to me or friends subjects i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of delicate and sick and sad", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont like fucking its amazing with tom and not that i am ever left feeling dissatisfied quite the contrary usually i am left feeling wonderful tom has great skillz", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel extremely privileged to be able to stand here before you this morning leading the worship and preaching to you as the minister but i also feel equally privileged to be able to slip back into the congregation and everyday world as a lay person or in my chaplaincy role with the under privileged", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have done many times but i always feel somewhat doubtful about my beginning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also started feeling super joyful and so i listened to joy by her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling furious and very upset right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i eat it i feel so amazed i can hardly believe its really bread", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know he is my best friend and all but i can tell that he feels disgusted walking into such a messy room", "label": 3} -{"text": "i almost feel petty mentioning it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im saying i love the choreo of every song but no mercy was amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am rushing through my day feeling cranky or frustrated and im so aware she is only visiting for such a short time anyway we decided to go to the botanical gardens which i realised is often my go to place when i am feeling stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try to express in writing why i feel hopeless why i hate myself the words escape me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like that all i m doing is not really helping then i do more hoping that will help and this is the way it has been with loving relationships with friendships with everything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am so ready to learn more and feel invigorated at having a passion again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel smaug i meant smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i am not speaking for myself when i say that i feel very passionate about something as the idea is forming", "label": 2} -{"text": "i actually enjoy exercising but i feel like most of my time would be devoted to talking about how much i hate running why i don t do it and why i am sick of hearing about other people learning to love running", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not totally discouraged because i ve been here before and i know that i can get out of the hole but i am feeling discouraged over the fact that i may not even hit pounds lost by the time i get to japan", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wanted it for a long time and worn quite a few times im still not sure how i feel about how this shade suits me i suppose that cold sheen is what stands out against my skin tone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that any comment is unnecessarily rude or offensive i reserve the right to remove it without notice", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am repeating myself but i continue to be amazed that folks from church work karate and scouts not only offer their help but in many cases do so with a certain forcefulness that moves me to speechlessness which for those of you who know me is quite a feat", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will be forced to write when i feel that my nose is being assaulted by the scent of flowers when my sight is filled with the promises of the sun and when my soul is lifted by winged dreams to the blue heavens", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel carefree and unbothered by it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic for those who go through tragedies and want to help them out in any way that i can", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i have to serve in some way and im feeling grumpy about it or when i feel i should do something just or generous but i dont want to its at those times that god takes me by surprise with how satisfying it is to live rightly and im humbled", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel disillusioned with the american way of life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am just waking up with not nearly enough sleep and feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel intimidated at residencies amongst such big names in writing but i am also excited for this residency", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insulted by own self to have been swayed by skin", "label": 3} -{"text": "i knew the recipient would handle it responsibly and well i was feeling a bit naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pressured knowing that it needs to travel thousands of miles and i doubt i can get to the post office until the weekend", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love celebration and i love feeling special extra ordinarily special and getting extra attention who doesnt", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can remember it all so clearly it feels weird that its so far away geographically", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rather tender toward you my good buddy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that he played with my emotions amp was being selfish and i feel very hurt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel generous calling it mediocre", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel to many people want to forget our rich christian heritage and act as if jesus never lived", "label": 1} -{"text": "i say that lightly and sarcastically because i was feeling a bit resigned and sarcastic when i picked it up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel angered at them for refusing to practice with me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel kind of naughty sometimes when i wear my amarthiel mordirith outfit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hear his belt buckle and immediately feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i missed out on the show even though i went to it because i don t really remember too much", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see your eyes lights up when you tell me about her i feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really really want to cry just curl up and cry it upsets me that i cant cry because i feel like some sort of heartless beast", "label": 3} -{"text": "i somehow feel i have been duped or overcharged convinced that if there was a cab at that moment it would actually cost much less", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went away from the class finally not feeling so alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling desperately homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sat in my chair feeling highly agitated and ready to fight", "label": 3} -{"text": "im giving some hell and i m feeling free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean obviously that would be a good way to stop feeling so much as if we re all either isolated or virtual", "label": 0} -{"text": "i is doing here is making me feel sympathetic for crawford a bit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about these gorgeous birds that rarely get the kudos they deserve", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate wanting to go to bed at stupidly early hours and the feeling of just not wanting to be bothered and all the dark thoughts", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ugly not pretty enough for you ouuuuu i felt so pretty before i didnt knew what wrong i was and i feel so ugly right now and i dont know what to do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sort of feel helpless like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling extremely triumphant at having folded laundry cleaned the kitchen vacuumed the downstairs and cleaned the upstairs bathroom along with taking care of several phone calls rescheduling appointments and contacting the stroller company", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling funny but cant put my finger on it", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill go out to a place ive never been before and ill feel just as content and satisfied as if i was sitting at my desk like i am right now typing down my crazy ramblings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i learned to feel accepted by others rather than learning how to accept myself as i am and the brutality of my reality was that my parents were the ones to blame not me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i madhuram feel the divine a href http sitcnar", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive finally accepted something important were here", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt help feeling a little sceptical that a book like this isnt just written by a bunch of middle aged men who write for q magazine putting in the inevitable list of ok computer revolver astral weeks etc", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel relaxed just knowing it is on the horizon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i start writing the words just pour out and i feel like ive resolved an internal conflict but its not working", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed that ive done this well", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive just not been in the mood to write in here recently between personal issues and my health today is the first day in a long time that i actually feel like myself and feel up to checking in to my few faithful readers that have probably forgotten all about me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find that because the students feel valued have choice and feel in control they are more likely to be involved in their learning and the learning of others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little insecure or overwhelmed this is what i tell myself and it usually gets me going", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel disturbed by the story of jean baptiste grenouille i do believe i m spelling that right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i miss the kids and try to relive the feel of little hands kisses and hugs and the smell of sweet baby skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can go hang out at aposto s or my french tutor s house and feel very welcomed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the feeling some of them arent being so truthful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have mixed feelings about this because i know that i am violent and verbally abusive myself and i think i have pushed him to the edge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stressed all the time but i think when competent people get bored they get stressed but for no reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do have a warm winter jacket and rarely feel the need for a scarf it could be useful sometimes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was initially feeling angry and broken that i had been dumped", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would feel herself getting all despised inside", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel is a tease because you can not wear jumpers and coats or snuggle up to the fire with hot coco although as i mentioned before im the person who wheres a coat no matter what the temperature is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty unhappy about how big my stomach was", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kept experiencing this feeling of deja vu convinced that id actually been in some of the rooms at the fictional downton abbey", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling very punished for my crime of a non healthy breakfast this morning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel kinda strange about this scenario", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the dsi as with all nintendo systems nowadays are targeted toward the casual gaming audience which explains all the nifty but useless features added into the dsi", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unprotected a class post count link href http reprogramming in process", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i have so many wonderful experiences i could share", "label": 1} -{"text": "im also learning another language which im feeling way more passionate about a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am finally putting a stop to that vicious cycle", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling quietly neurotic lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i recognized my work ground now and getting never try to manipulate feeling very like a as determined to make feeling and the certain her sincerity", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know how you feel it s a horrible feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i lay down with him for a good half an hour feeling very virtuous and patient and sure he was fully asleep", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go see my psychiatrist its usually when im feeling particularly discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like submitting to romantic ventures is some how cheapening or belittling most likely because of the assumption of roles that i was talking about previously", "label": 2} -{"text": "i should not feel frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling romantic lately so i decided to go with this nail design", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hav no idea why sure he broke my heart but yet i still feel that there is a glimmer of hope that some way some how we will be together again doubtful though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i move in to sit real close close enough to smell the cherry candy you ve been sucking on close enough to feel nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel brave but after trying to think about it maybe bravery isn t about being brave every time but about trying to be brave", "label": 1} -{"text": "im crazy crazy for feeling so lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get what hes trying to say how he doesnt feel respected despite how big his accomplishments are", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought he would feel good about himself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i miss that feeling it was amazing how i looked forward to the walks to see how much faster i could do it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im tired of feeling so terrible all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so stressed out and im not one to get stressed out i normally just get to point where i just think screw it and i dont do it anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling really naughty i will have whipped cream with grated chocolate on top", "label": 2} -{"text": "id come home feeling irritated because i knew that id have to walk in the door and instantly start preparing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel dazed hours after i wake up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling groggy with a blocked nose to boot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i keep feeling like the source problem is caring about what people think of you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing im full of energy right now and ready for the biggest fashion show in the history", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if she isnt faithful but i dont have a reason to should approach her or just wait until i have a reason to approach her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel selfish and silly complaining about this first world problems and all but its something thats been gnawing at me for quite some time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i honestly dont know how i feel nay i feel reluctant i dont know if my interest in him is out of want for attention or a genuine interest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am a whole lot more than that a whole circle of understanding from transcendent to wise to smart to gracious and whole mess of other things too but damn it yes i have emotions and just two of those emotions are feeling resentful of others and feeling sorry for myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i were to thoroughly use up my life to be able to convey this feeling even more to kyo i ll also be perfectly contented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got an opportunity seriously given by the holy spirit to be honest about my guilt and struggle and how even though i did not want to make this a diet where i would feel guilty for my slip ups that is exactly what it turned into", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kinda feel relieved by what he said", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel im just going to be hated by more and more people", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do to tell you how i feel im so amazed by you", "label": 5} -{"text": "im really feeling a romantic period piece this evening", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel greedy knowing i have two parents who love me unconditionally sisters and brothers who are my closest friends as well as an abundance of people that i am blessed to call friends as well", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know all about farming stuff but i get the feeling that chuck and the farmer are kind of just humoring me and are actually a little embarrassed for me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have no plans for the day but i feel wonderful and i think the coming year will be one lucky year for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pretty hopeless so im doing the only thing i can think of spread the word and hope the thoughts and prayers of my extended internet friends can help little c continue to be a fighter and pull this out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i certainly dont and now that harry is back with us again and the strain as lifted somewhat i suddenly feel very horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling impatient with where im at with the work but again a reminder that ive only been here", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more than half stupid all the time lately because i cant seem to do shit right", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will do it here only because i feel i have hurt a lot of people by dropping out of things especially friendships", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wonder if that has more to do with the fact that i m rusty when it comes to writing or whether it s more about feeling shy about how incredibly emotional i feel about all of this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that so many people arent living their divine purpose that so many women hate their bodies when they really shouldnt that the world could be a truly better place if we all just embraced our inner light and did what we were truly meant to do on this earth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel as though you dont miss me im afraid of rejection i know you long for my kisses and poems about you", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling kind of grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surprised when i see some people go back to fighting and blaming each other after coming out from an advanced course session", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did feel it was a little unkind of the nurse to say that as she looked in one ear she could see the light shining down the other", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling amazed by food lately how changing how we eat can do such drastic benefit to our health", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mention my boyfriend even just in passing i feel a strange guilt for reinforcing heteronormativity in fashion blogs", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just make assumptions based on what i see think feel i ve wondered this before with strange things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really need to feel the care from my loved ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dinged a couple of points for the fabric this is a rayon woven that is a bid rough feeling and the weird very short sleeves bodens sleeves usually run long too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was a child and would always rear up when i was feeling vulnerable or in turmoil", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling i should be bothered by the inconsistency but i am not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i knew i was feeling terribly distressed and depressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling more humorous ill detail the you cant make this up highlight reel of moments from the trip", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel it but it was still sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know theyre family but i hadnt seen the dude in years and he was involved with that element so should i feel like a jerk for not caring very much", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have chosen not to share and i don t feel troubled by this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel its truthful to say ive encountered a honest amount of computer problems", "label": 1} -{"text": "i end up just feeling so angry with jackson and disliking him quite a lot even when there are a lot of factors at play beyond him as a character", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am looking forward to that day because the feelings i got from the fake love was enough to let me know that once i do find it it s gonna be awesome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel impressed where i am at this time on fundraising", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cuted myself to if i feel pain class aimg libtitle target blank i cuted myself hellip", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really felt was how it generated this attraction and a feeling of longing to return to the sea", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a gut feeling that i wouldnt be impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel doomed like im just constantly digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole with no visible way out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would never hurt grandmas or your feelings just to be hateful but if something is said by you or grandma that hurts my feelings then it will be addressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pressured to buy things that i really dont need", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it means the director is indecisive and is looking for inspiration within someone elses work", "label": 4} -{"text": "im back home feeling restless after a fantastic trip to lund malm and cobenhagen", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive heard over and over again is that one of the best ways to learn about light amp photography is to take self portraits but i kept this advice at a far distance because i feel very uncomfortable being in front of a camera", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel contented and tough i feel free i feel safe to make decisions take directions you let me choose what i want you to wear", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m being generous with my overall opinion", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had to listen to puff daddy for hours at a time i d feel tortured too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can be an influencer but only if im heavily into sales mode or talking about something that i feel especially passionate about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i havent really gotten into the nitty gritty of what ill be doing in uganda mainly because im feeling a little overwhelmed with life in general and am about months behind on my blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling more energetic to the point where i want something to do but this new motivation is so strange i dont know what to do with myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like supporting these literacy causes is a great way to extend that and help change other people s lives in the same manner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am still feeling a tad strange in those pearly whites", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt like i was physically up for it mentally i would feel listless and down and out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i walked around in them and i didnt really feel like there was going to be any digging despite there not being any padding in the back like my beloved a href http rstyle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really liked the fact that december st when it feels officially acceptable to get", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wore no make up blushed at dirty jokes and were the shy one by the wall now im a painted man eater who has managed to make even guys twice my age feel intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am ptfo i have three groups i listen to whether i m feeling frustrated angry livid or just plain well pissed the fuck off a class zem slink title evanescence href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange belonging to this city amp i want to share amp show him that its indeed a lovely place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i just need to fake it fake being happy and excited until those feelings actually happen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i just can t confess your family your loved ones all hurt too we know what it s like to bury you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel amazed that the one act of kindness i showed that donkey earlier had him find me in the market again as if to say hello again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get the feeling that he gets shocked when the sun sets in the west every single day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling rather nostalgic lately so i went through some old posts i had written in my original blog kissing fool which was my weekly dating diatribe about the horrific stories i had encountered", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing after a day of rest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wake up feeling doubtful and needing to release", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was not in full faculty because i was not feeling well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel there are some things that can be more universally funny than others", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i live with curious george", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling like doing at this moment in time is gardening as much as im enthralled with it in the spring and summer months", "label": 5} -{"text": "i havent invited my parents to come bcoz i feel that they have never really been too supportive of me in my studies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel oneself has been very fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel tortured by such an abrupt ending", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am caught in some sort of frantic standstill mehhh i am sick", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like some might look at me as being ungrateful unappreciative because im not announcing from the rooftops with glee", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel especially lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that my mom is still treating me like im still her cute little kid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i ve started devoloping feelings for him seeing how much of a caring person he was", "label": 2} -{"text": "i noticed my knee started feeling a little funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little funny picking up a pack at walmart", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can afford to and if i m feeling really passionate i might even write a comment or blog up a storm", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want my feelings to be respected in my relationship", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am a little tipsy or drunk i guess i feel like there is an earthquake going on and i get all smart feeling and then i realize i am just swaying from side to side", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was pushing it a little and i hope my friends didnt feel offended that i was just blabbering on about rape culture and the matrix of domination blah blah blah", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel dissatisfied with my academic situation as well", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so doubtful about everything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am fascinated with the structure and function of the brain its so incredible that everything we think and feel all our memories and emotions are created and stored in this strange convoluted structure", "label": 5} -{"text": "i may have been experiencing just prior to writing and to make me feel energized positive quizzical humorous curious and generally upbeat", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling a bit groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i may not be entirely in accordance with my sister s ideas but i feel she may yet have the chance to say something useful if you would only let her speak", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel accepted a href http jtothendpower", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really want to makes me feel a bit agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i imagine some young women feel guilty they can t beat the living daycrud out of guys with their bare knuckles and that at the end of the day they rather like guys", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did feel my heart rate increase after the baths and i am curious as to how they d work in the long run on a fat loss plan but between the cost of lbs of ice at a time and the increasingly low temperatures in my apartment i gave them up after a short run", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sure melissa feels very respected that the bachelor producers went out of their way to make sure that she became un engaged during a private taping nevermind the fact that the episode was still aired on national television", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to feel and like i will collapse which happened after a fabulous hole concert i pulled off the freeway to buy a milkshake at a drive thru", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just can not feel when my workplace falls into chaos and i am usually amazed by just how much better i feel and how much much more productive i quickly turn into once i eliminate the clutter", "label": 5} -{"text": "im perfectly fine with having another weeks left its turned out to be a lot of fun and quite empowering to crossfit while pregnant and i feel amazing yet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wanted to feel slutty and i did", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would love to be able to overcome the fear i feel of being disliked of not having friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange bringing tavis age up when i gush about rookie to someone because her accomplishments are admirable for someone any amount of years old", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldn t say that today is amazing because corey isn t here i feel like i shouldn t have amazing days without him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i awoke from her dream feeling distraught lonely and confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive about my exchange term", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean even after feeling this heart in me i still got really uptight with my teenage son the other day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i delve into these kind of posts but ive been feeling a little weird about blogging recently so i thought i put a bigger spin of me on here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will not listen to music which i sometimes do because i feel my mind is dull and that might make me sleepy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i go into twitter and see your acc i feel damn pissed just by looking at that sentence", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling generous so you can enter once a day if you like as long as its a new answer spell magical ability rhyme or potion etc", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope that this case study guide has been useful whether youre reading it to brush up ready for when the worst happens or whether the worst is happening to you right now in which case i feel for you my friend be strong", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that you have to love yourself before loving someone else", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling kind of sarcastic at the moment can you tell", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think but im not feeling particularly peaceful either", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that i am supposed to be respected i know what it feels like and looks like to be respected as i have a few friends who do respect me still and who are kind to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about people that get to the point of not caring about hurting someone they ve been intimate with", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wan to comment of wat he feels abt other grp being hostile towards their grp", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean in the end i know it ll benefit me but i can t help but feel doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t hear her with all the other kids and mums and nannies around me no dads of course but i m so used to being the only dad in a sea of mums and nannies that it doesn t even feel weird any more", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a lame loner with all honors classes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel rain amp overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stressed and worn and unhappy and even more than that if im making my family suffer because of it then its not what god wants for us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel assured we can thats the blazon of bold we accept to play", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would still feel insecure about my figure i would have said yep that sounds like me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i take the time to lay out my clothes before i go to bed i can make sure i pick something i like that makes me feel pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel entertained and enjoyed by those authentic chinese restaurants convenience public transportation and school bus terrific living environment and moderate living expenses as well as comprehensive library resources physically and electronically although my trip even less than a single day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help but feel skeptical that blogs can t personally be checked regularly by one individual for their updated content", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kind of just want to kiss you but i m also really freaking out blaine confesses feeling foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a lot of disappoitement in him choosing a girl who cant be faithful shes quite a player amp she convinced him hes the only one in her life but i got to know she has at least two other young men there amp she enjoys that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel assured thankk god", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling positive moving forward though", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know how to let things go especially when i feel as though i have been wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would recommend if you get the chance to see her live because her spirit travels and you feel as passionate as she does", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that this is an acceptable compromise for a drive which is so portable and compatible", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help but feel a little bit agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get these headaches because my brain is so frazzled from trying to work under intense stress and i feel very aggravated most of the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that many of us would work a to job be unhappy but have a house car food and spending money because it s stable", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill dream about sol and wake up feeling distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had positive feelings but i remained skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i caught up on youtube and i ve gotta admit i am feeling a little bit suspicious like kate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i write my feelings i draw my view i took photos that catches my attention but my life is kinda boring too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel if you re learning about your purpose and the workings of this universe and continue to evolve and transcend you will be productive and such along the journey", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like supporting them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel incredibly blessed whenever i look at my fabulous new husband and my son is healthy and generally happy although he is missing all the wonderful guests we had around the time of the wedding", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never feel unwelcome in that house and never have to worry about anything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent updated my banners for so long and so collected them for one more set of banners lol xd sometimes i feel so shocked because i enjoy doing icons and when i win something collecting banners and not counting them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think i realized it earlier but i had a boyfriend then so the feeling was more repressed maybe", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt give up on everyone didnt give up on finding a reason for feeling loved in the world not by a dog but by another human being", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel compliments loyal devoted affectionate and loving warnings victims of theft home accidents", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that those feelings come from the fact that our marriage was very supportive of each of us and that support was understood to continue with the surviving spouse", "label": 2} -{"text": "i read that news i feel so surprised but when i think back about you that really possible", "label": 5} -{"text": "id been getting loads of parcels and cards in the post over the few weeks leading up to it but since my familys birthdays are all around mine it was a time id usually spend at home for the weekend and it was the first time since ive been here i started to feel a little homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am writing this i feel like something should be said about that wig its hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know this korean lady friend of mine and she really let me feel amazed with her it skills", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel will become a much more popular player in years to come as his experience and ability grow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had to say no to another day of rushing around and feeling frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i polar is sneaky in that it tricks the person with the disorder into thinking they re cured and no longer need medication they often complain that the pills make them feel listless and not their normal selves", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did not feel hostile until i felt impact of the car and wall becoming one", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazed at how much i ve grown this year", "label": 5} -{"text": "im on my way and an even more amazing feeling to know its on the path to something i am so incredibly passionate about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have longed so much for the freedom that this poly lifestyle affords me when i have spent so many years with my real self pent up why is it i feel so discontent and unhappy now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i should end it all because nothing worthwhile is ever going to happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to admit that im feeling nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was now feeling the pressure of being distraught from the reality the news i had just received and of the situation that is ultimately going to manifest and exist in my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i leave class feeling more confused every week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel low about myself atm", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found myself a place after looking for one for a long time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel frustrated when i see and read about so many of my friends trying to tell people to stop whining and get over it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel hot or cold and sure enough i take my temperature and it s down to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the feeling that most people are somewhat shocked that the president is unaware of soaring fuel prices", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling shaky and feverish and mad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know you feel snubbed and slighted and i am so so so sorry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i once heard auster described as intellectual lite when you read his clever books you feel clever because you get them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i left out a lot of details but even just knowing that i am a stage cancer n am able to go around without any difficulty got the rmk worth of medication for free and still not feeling any pain how could i not be thankful and grateful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fell asleep twice not fully asleep but the fall asleep where your head drops which wakes you up and you feel quite startled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel a strange sense of content which i never felt before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i shouldnt feel unwelcome in my own apartment", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill never be rich but thats ok ill just change the way i measure wealth so that i feel rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel so fucked up and no one even knows it", "label": 3} -{"text": "im sure keera is feeling rotten too i just hope she doesnt have conjunctivitis too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this issue is particularly dangerous for umno", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel any desire to get romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t do them i feel horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel paranoid when i thought of something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i drive towards the okanagan i feel like i am in a hostile place where red block letter signs scream no national park", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t decide if i want to put so much stock into it so that i go on my own and try to feel some sense of purpose or independence for something i enjoy or if i should admit that i m simply being stubborn and wanting something more than it s worth", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just in one of those moods where im feeling greedy and i want everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling the petty along with the maybe profound a fuller picture the pictures fullness", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think a universe devoid of feeling would be quite unpleasant and terrifyingly empty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel stressed i choose not to do the thing that can help me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said before i feel like a hypocrite advocating for diabetes support and awareness without supporting my own situation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel the agitated increase of my hearts tempo in my chest as a slow sick wave of fear washes through me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insulted pete edochie responds to death hoax img alt pete edochie class alignleft size full wp image height src http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sadness for those who were so loyal to aloha", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not feeling shitty about life anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird using that date name because seriously who comes up with these special days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went into work feeling like something awful was going to happen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i knew on monday of last week that i was feeling the gentle pressure of the lord to speak a word of encouragement to a sister friend at school", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling impressed that i should get prayer for my eyesight so i did", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see the pictures from the gulf coast the more i feel distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a dream about someone and have been feeling really envious and regretful all day i kinda understand but i dont know why i am feeling this down", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel strange like i stick out from everyone look what i ve done clouds fill up the days of playin in the sun shoulda known that they would come still i just had to jump n run spitting words like a loaded gun it was a suicide mission shot thru the heart amp these r my last rights i just sung", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found that with scott we had a nice thing a great relationship and he made me feel completely loved protected and adored", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i have lost everything else i know i always have them", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a gorgeous pair of jimmy choo wedges would be perfect for cocktails at cafe mambo to dance the night away in one of the white isles many clubs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help it i make cupcakes still for paradise rose shop so pastels are still close to my heart p so i use boleros and blouses to throw in a splash of color to create bittersweet coords whenever i m feeling a little more adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel as nervous and anxious as i did with jack", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling so much more affectionate these days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know its ok for me to feel the way that i do but someday i hope to not have to look back this with anything but a fond perception", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt like i could actually handle this business trip and was feeling like super mom", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to hear won t open up and let me know about or look at his or her world makes me feel unsure about them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i shall have to stay feeling neglectful of all things art related", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt great and that feeling lasted into the evening i was convinced i was going to be better by this morning", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so privileged that i can travel and see so many fairs and fashion weeks love feeling the hype and the adrenaline that comes along with the new collections", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling annoyed with myself for not doing this sooner", "label": 3} -{"text": "i only feel two are really sure non qualifiers and one of those id love to have in the final but it wont happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel dazed and confused somehow like all of a sudden a week and half into my plan i had forgotten the reason why i began", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill just run to people watch feel the wind in my face see the lovely colours of nature and look at the planes flying higher up in the distance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess i was feeling slightly sentimental as i usually do over the christmas holidays", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would grab my stuff armpits starting to sweat heart racing like crazy feeling all elbows and thumbs while everyone stared in that morbidly curious way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i unfairly got a low mark on an exam and i failed to win a grant", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would be pleased if anyone who is in or soon returning to the boro who is also having a social gathering would feel gracious enough to invite me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this card may be referring to my cranky combative mood today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel almost weird not traveling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel unprotected i feel as if i am just standing in the open desert waiting for an animal to attack me and take me off as his afternoon snack", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling extremely fabulous with my jacket and shoes aint no bitches gonna bring me down hahah", "label": 1} -{"text": "i closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears and thank god i woke up before i apologize for the brutality of my nightmare it left me feeling shaken and nauseous to say the least", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive said before that this space is primarily about my roles as husband and daddy and serves to chronicle moments or events that i am passionate for or that i feel my offspring might one day be curious enough to inquire about", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that there should always be at least one hot one in a marriage", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up feeling not horrible so was hopeful that maybe id still kick it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am sorry you feel hated but rest assured not everyone hates jws", "label": 3} -{"text": "i say i hate i find myself feeling that emotion and what i once only disliked i begin to loathe", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did not know why last evening my skin had hot flush feels hot upon application just soothe and sizzle down the temperature", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did find another great product due to feeling really reluctant to use deodorant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t mind allowing myself to feel unpleasant emotions i don t even mind allowing myself to cry over unpleasant emotions", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty weird because of my dressing that day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i grew farther and farther away from my old friends it hurt so much that i didnt want to feel it again and was never sincere or honest with my friends again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel particularly impressed by the internal decor either", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate the feeling of being judged and corralled like a stubborn animal back into line with expectations", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ever feel threatened by being around any of the students or professors while modeling after all they are there to practice skills that they can t really practice anywhere else", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been many times you feel dazed like you are not really there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel for the innocent students that are effected by this but it makes me wonder and ask myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i advocate scraplifting when youre feeling creatively timid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have spoken to friends about about my feelings who are sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel joyful and grateful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could not feel myself from aching and i could not also understand myself why am i still missing you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling rather agitated at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to move but its just gotten to the point where i feel i have to in order to be considerate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling rather impressed with his broadway skills", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont want to do that and so whenever she reacts to anything i say i begin to wonder if shes just playing along or if she really does feel sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did feel hurt and explained to her the next day that its not fun being strung along like that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help feeling frustrated nonetheless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i are going to stay a weekend in berkeley and they all want piercings and tattoos so i feel like i will end up getting peer pressured into it unless i chicken out which i most likely will", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bake and smell the delicious aroma my entire mood gets cleansed and i feel sweet inside", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just remember walking through it and feeling amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like they were all at least a little entertained at in the morning", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed that i survived those two months especially the days immediately we after we received the worst news that parents can hear that our daughter had died before she breathed of no known cause", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was worried my phone would be a distraction but i feel that i am actually less distracted because of it which is always a goal of mine to be less distracted so that is good", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the whole world i feel compassionate towards myself and i feel grateful for being able to partake in this amazing amazing flow of life the golden life force creativity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i am too neurotic to live crowded in with other students who i do not know but my apartment is isolating", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel love when i see those little dew drops on the delicate petals of the dahlia and orchids", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel his sweet spirit that is not always the case", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can throw this feeling away and feel ease but wht troubled me is can i have the same feeling tht i once had for her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling very hopeful for this plan and it made the outcome a little easier to handle", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know like you guys know that it was something that made me feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strange coming back to work after my one day holiday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so jealous of everyone else that gets to be around him more then im able", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling generous to see the original giveaway offer click on the signup link i will email winners for mailing addresses within two weeks", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it must be a popular choice to have alterations done elsewhere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i walk outside and hes making out with one of my friends but heres the real reason why it makes me feel uncomfortable i dont really understand", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have lost the feeling about my own dreams nothing feels like im doing it because im passionate about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel weird the next day as i truly dont belong in the setting or with the person", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel somewhat uncomfortable labelling people as dislikeable on the sole basis that they have a very serious hobby", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate feeling totally helpless even though i know i am doing everything i possibly can to get him home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like every time i like someone things never end up well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel it really hampered me as it meant next turn them getting out and wrecking even more vehicles which id liked to avoid naturally", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still didn t feel completely ok with it because it felt like an exchange of sorts but really i was desperate enough and so i went for it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stop feeling sorry for myself and practice gratitude i immediately feel better", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty smug and proud of being a polite guest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i join the group it is enough to feel the generous spirits of those i meet for my heart to open", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling kinda dazed right at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel convinced that it is largely because i ve seen resurrection power in other people s lives", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed and so discouraged", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am posting this article by elizabeth pantley because i feel like it is supportive without being bossy", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling really weird about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont go into details on how i feel about that but she will be missed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that god only gives you what you can handle even when you feel you cant and being in such a faithful spirt at the moment i feel the urdge to make my self feel better with this silly desperate post", "label": 1} -{"text": "i watched it i feel so amused with it since it was frightening", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was still skeptical about her feelings towards me but after pool im more convinced that she likes me im just wondering why she cant admit it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i have no hope of supporting a family and purchasing a house in vancouver", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love at the moment but when i am comfortable with it and it has happened a few times before the feeling you get is amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would rather be rejected than feel regretful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love to sit and feel the suns gentle morning kiss upon my face as the sweet milky flavor of the coffee rolls on my tongue", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel like ive just fucked my life up over and over again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the moment i was diagnosed i didnt even question the fact that i was already accepted to go to college in the fall i dont ever remember saying to my parents i dont know if i can do this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more at ease and more at peace with myself than probably ever in my life funny how a hour run can deliver an emotional release and put things into perspective", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would say i still feel enthralled by it all despite having known the ending more or less", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope he is a gentleman and maybe he wont find out what i know you were the last good thing about this part of town he has a feeling the girls boyfriend isnt being faithful be her but he hopes he is because he doesnt want the girl to be hurt", "label": 2} -{"text": "i keep trying to find positives to talk myself up into a good mood then i feel regretful as though by marvelling at the deliciousness of french toast or singing to a good song on the radio i m not showing enough reverence and respect to how the world currently stands", "label": 0} -{"text": "i at times feel so utterly useless and undeserving of such a magnificent woman in my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can say and think whatever i wish that i feel threatened by that freedom at times because others may be offended", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am constantly feeling envious of others lowering my self esteem repeatedly i am also constantly feeling better more worthy of others", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was so tired and now i feel as though i am less troubled by simply talking about certain things and i think i can sleep", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel foolish to worry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel paranoid i guess", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am a beloved little sister", "label": 2} -{"text": "i insist on feeling like a single and horny male when i have awesome sex on tap something is deeply not right in my perception of the world", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m probably being a little generous and hopeful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to get to the point where i can send out short stories more often because im no longer fearful of the emotional cut i feel when a story is rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do have a seven inch that contains my two favorite songs from the album feeling in your heart and lovely crash", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start feeling overwhelmed and i just want to run away and hide in the back of my closet", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if my petrol tank is near empty today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would wake up feeling like this was all a weird dream", "label": 5} -{"text": "i now have that and it feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel awkward when i smile with my lips curled upwards and i always feel comfortable when i pout", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel bitchy and all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic because they dont know the secret", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel awful about myself and my self esteem is at an all time low right now and i feel like there is nothing i can do about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had forsaken being a muslim back then i couldn t help but feel insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i make myself feel because im always making sure everyone else is happy comfy and nourished the house is at a non embarrassing state and the bills are paid that i forget about myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i would just get frustrated at not being able to find another dog that was the same as she was and i also realized that i didnt want to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling especially homesick and realized so only after id recreated one of my most frequent childhood dinners for my own family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know exactly how you feel i totally hated that it happens a lot", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel thrilled because as of this moment we still don t know what will happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling grumpy today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started to feel a longing for the life to come and an anguish that i was not there yet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get this feeling that she might be a little curious herself", "label": 5} -{"text": "id feel splendid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up at and was feeling a bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t particular feel this way i do have fond memories of a class snap shots href http en", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel funny for love and relationships too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know how people really feel but what they tell me is very very supportive that they found the book very honest", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel but i cant help myself to stay with them thats just how loyal i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was running through molasses but now feel much more relaxed than i have in a long time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fucking fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i popped my head up feeling a little dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started feeling shaky by the end of standing i just left it at that even though i was longing to do a full practice", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel agitated when i haven t done it for a while i crave it i become transported when i m doing it and i feel a bit high when i ve finished", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldnt even remember having these feelings towards dakota during that time and i felt so awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty weird about that considering what my friends and colleagues in nyc and new jersey are going through but it s just the reality", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was so excited and it came at the perfect time when i was feeling a little homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel suspicious but i cant walk a way i like him i always had a thing for football players i know ive been m", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should be rushing around packing my kit ready to fly out to gambia on tuesday but instead i am sat here feeling rather melancholy after an emotional supping a small well fairly small", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though i am completely paranoid of everyone around me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel his gentle nudging to begin to step on out into some things he has told me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really really strong the dancing with the stars co host says", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive needed lately sometimes when im feeling overwhelmed by all this work and busy thats been going on i forget to realize the reason for the season so to speak", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill be honest i always feel a little sceptical when i read of a blogger on a spending ban", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left the appointment feeling optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the effects of the matches on my body thats for sure but theres nothing going on that is keeping me from being able to prepare and play good tennis", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel truly blessed to be on my own path", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive got a feeling its not going to taste sweet at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to thank you for making me feel a little more accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bashful and i dont know what i am doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might wear red to express if im feeling mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling it s going to be a cold winter here in ga this year amp i have car rider duty outside", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel loved and cared for not to mention very well fed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i then had ridning i was feeling a little dazed so it didnt go quite as well as i had hoped she was being a little stressed as per usual but my temper was a little shorter because i was sore so i had to walk a lot to make sure i stayed calm and worked properly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should just relax for now but it feels so distinctly strange for me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like to sleep and whenever i get woken up i feel a bit cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really feel so jaded that i dont want to care anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really uncertain about my predictions here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strongly about something and appear determined to make everyone else see things my way i do not actually want anyone to defer to me solely because of my title", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very blessed to not have alcohol as a temptation in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i m really having a difficult time this morning with just being present and alternating from feeling agitated overwhelmed to wanting to die bruise cut to having more flashbacks to tearing up to wanting to scream", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little greedy for more of pennie for myself as much as for madison", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel distracted from my weight loss journey and in fact have spent the last months gaining and losing the same lbs", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling this way for a little while like i cannot do this i am simply not intelligent enough but to get this result i was devastated that what i have been feeling was validated in such a terrible way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed with the kind of art that i am producing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by everything and i don t know why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel remorseful wishing id gone easy on other things in order to ensure room for this other thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel quite thrilled about coming back to it so to speak and my hands are itching to reacquaint myself with my old friends and rediscover the lives and events of the people living in the story", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel troubled let me sleep for five minutes and i can perform", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as valuable as others", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know how i feel about this but i am beyond thrilled that the fall show will happen in paris", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was made to feel inadequate for not being where others were by being put in lower classes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look back at my older pics and feel shocked and wonder feel amazed that i was so skinny before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope all who are reading this right now are swell and happy and if not feel free to contact me because id be happy to help", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel loyal to the spartans and want to take them to the premier league and who knows maybe even europe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit morose today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if people so desperately want you to adopt the identity of the funny person all the time that they forget to think of the other parts of you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i often wonder if there is an afterlife after all im middle aged and though not obsessed with death i sometimes feels a cold shadow fall across me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i im i feel very deeply sympathetic for the families of those who lost loved ones", "label": 2} -{"text": "i reflect on the positive things going on in my life and allow myself to feel gratitude and i also tell him everything i am afraid of and ask that he give me peace", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling humilated for so openly caring about him", "label": 2} -{"text": "im loving grey this year well i was feeling very affectionate toward grey last year but now its love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could sit for hours with some old friends catching up and just feel like i am in a uber gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i might not always be interested in return and i might be creeped out by his approach depending on the man but i am unlikely to feel suspicious or distrusting unless he approaches me wearing a fake nose and glasses maybe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slightly bitchy about but sorry im not sorry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel safe to sleep", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel bouncy cheery and smiley", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sense he is feeling frustrated and getting depressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been preparing for my food poisoning talk at the american museum of natural history ive been thinking about some weird medical problems hot feeling cold seizure causing pork and cannibalism related dementia dont eat other peoples brains", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed when i sit down to write the post where to start", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was still feeling a little bit dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel scared but took the new med", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel absolutely and totally defeated and this may admittedly be impacted by the fact that im more emotional lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cannot hear them without feeling that the person paying the compliment is being sarcastic or insincere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling dissatisfied with my christian walk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so honored and privileged to be in the beginning of this movement", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel his arms around me the resigned anger in and i know it s only in my mind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like nobodys ever been loyal to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just have to feel joy and be in the presence of a friend with an amazing camera", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know they feel terrible losing but they have to focus on what they did accomplish in l", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that the influx of beetles and other curious critters can be attributed to climate change", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have not played a single game yet versus necrons but my feeling is that the mobility and superior melee of the tyranids are both major advantages enough so that im not really worried at this point", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like if i slip up youll all be mad at me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont buy it very often because i feel i am supporting criminal activities and only buy when needed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had finished the sandwich and was halfway through the iced tea when my stomach started to feel weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling perfect again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i havent been exercising for a long time due to my injuries and i feel so disgusted at how fat and unfit i am now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel unwelcome when we can t go inside right away it hurts my feelings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really energetic here and have grown a strong temperament and become much more self confident of the new ways we are boosting the change to happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel dissatisfied and irked keeping them to myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can remember i feel a little timid about wearing something i made in public", "label": 4} -{"text": "i go to the gym my workouts never seem to be good enough and i leave feeling dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know whether to feel bad or not care", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could really feel your joyful energy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i not think that she stood in need of it but i feel assured that her her secret", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling the twinge of romantic upset as just yesterday the very short lived relationship between myself and a certain character i met while drinking a starbucks chai latte and whom we affectionately call ikea man has come to a not so dramatic end", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t like breakfast all that much because it often centers around these sweet pastry sorts of things that give me the heebie jeebies because when i eat them i feel shaky and gross two hours later", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rich she said", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should put a do not read if you are easily offended disclaimer on it though if youre anything like me that really just encourages reading", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was really surprised by how much i like this moisturizer it smells really good and feels amazing on the skin", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel funny how my heart hopes that i ll pass but to be honest just letting my rational mind work i know a hundred percent that i won t pass", "label": 5} -{"text": "with the girl whom i may be loved truly when she refused to come with me to an occasion she was from another town", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel eager since im visiting visiting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i used to love the feeling of being fucked up getting dressed up and partying all night long", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know there are a million arguments out there but it s started to feel kinda strange to bite into an animal especially when it isn t a need for the particular body that i live in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will outline below im feeling a bit morose and a bit unsure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i updated a blog and worked on a christmas video i finally went to bed around midnight feeling totally blank", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel bad for the performers and their horses that were left behind with no way to get home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that this is something i m curious about as someone who listens to current music but i realized that songs become weird and their unique vibe gets lost when non korean songs are translated into korean", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have had a pretty strong pain in my chest for about days now its not unbearable so i m bearing it but i feel like funny enough i m drowning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love to watch the excitement on their faces when im twisting them a hat animal sword or if im feeling really generous all three", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not cheating yet i feel like im not being loyal", "label": 2} -{"text": "i plan to check a couple of places out because i just feel the need to punch and kick at things without having to worry that i am being violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cannot stop thinking about all of this i cannot stop feeling devastated even though i know i didn t do what they are accusing me of do i call my personal friend in the family to explain my side", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have this feeling that i will be calling col very soon i missed him so much and also i found myself a lot of excuses to be with him again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get into the characters or effects i just need to point out one of my more personal problems with the movie it feels rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have come to him like a child and i believe he loves me i feel it i live out of that place of being called his beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am going to get bored the annoying bus boy at work another story all together is still going to get under my skin and i am still going to feel moments of discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have found to be true in my life is that the less time i spend in the bible and in prayer to the lord the more my mind opens itself up to anxious feelings and fearful thoughts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not want to be selfish but i feel selfish because i want it all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel myself wanting to prank gem or scare nalin and it scares me that i could do something like that and think its funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that since ive had all these strange feelings sensations", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think he feels about it rather like i do its weird and sort of ugly but also funny and sort of beautiful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i finished this one in a matter of days and was left feeling completely satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "im always in awe of the talent i see in front of me and i honestly hope thats something that never changes because i love the feeling of being amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have picked up my materials again after what feels like an eternity and im under starters orders with lovely new creations for hugglets", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel underappreciated and unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive come to feel about a supporting character in one of my all time favorite films giant", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that he is trying to improve his communication with fans but i have a feeling that he gets easily distracted from that when he is not working", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shaky i know to dig a little deeper", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird that she is out there and i cant see her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was kinda laying on my disappeared arm playing on the computer then i got up to turn eat dinner but on the way adjectives of a sudden this wierd feeling in my collar chest felt like a bounce of electricity shocked me or something then my left paw", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit lost just keep thinking what s next", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess i am feeling quite vulnerable about all of this now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see him i feel all these feelings i feel mad uncomfortable and then", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate to say it but most nights i feel detatched from the colbert nation i was once to loyal to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that sounds stupid but for a year i have been feeling strange like there was something wrong", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought hellip he started suddenly feeling quite humiliated with himself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the feeling they would have liked some added emphasis on the monsters but they seem to like the human characters and the robots and the way that the kill teams machinery isnt perfect", "label": 2} -{"text": "i watch that youtube video i feel really mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walked into this retreat feeling pretty lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i begin to feel lethargic and a lot more tired than when i sat down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel quite vulnerable sharing this here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i started caring more about how to wear make up appropriately and experimenting with my make up routine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i was assaulted by a titanium hedgehog", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit uncomfortable with the term conceptual because i believe that every creation has a concept by default and hearing without thinking is also one and actually it s a really strong concept despite its simplicity", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came home feeling distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really vulnerable at this point in my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel quite proud of this place i call home", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i began school at uc the preenrollment the classes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ask my awesome nurse she was the best if we could shoot up the epidural again because i wasnt feeling too hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i learnt from the newspaper that i had been accepted at the chinese university of hk it was oclock in the morning later i told my family and relatives about it and had tea with them very joyfully", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little like the mad hatter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have achieved something worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know what it feels like to suffer i have been beaten into compassion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know how it feels to be hesitant or even downright resistant to these changes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling strange feelings lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel horny almost but not a need for anything long term", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go because i feel the spirit of our beloved pet everywhere and im certain sophie senses him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like in a weird way going up north for the funeral kicked me out of my depression and kick started the way i wanted to be", "label": 5} -{"text": "im already feeling more frightened as i insisted on staying in the treatment room with him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling generous that time so i bought her an item of her choice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a strange sort of calm", "label": 4} -{"text": "i told you so effect that leads to the feeling of being blamed and the betrayed wives were not at the primary culprits here at the very most they got hurt after they were a bit neglegent and their husbands were actively bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will feel glad to have your feedbacks about the blog", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really like rachel vincent s writing as it feels very real to me and in that way i feel like you almost fall into the book and it leaves you caring about the characters and for the most part you understand their motivations", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though all i do is clam up nervously or awkwardly and not in that cute quirky way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have returned to eating mostly how my midwest ancestors ate eggs for breakfast bagel thin on the side turkey and cheese on my salad for lunch chicken and a heaping side of veggies for dinner i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that he is just getting overwhelmed because he thinks this money needs to be saved today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was in my mid s i was feeling pretty hopeless about my own health", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was not feeling very sympathetic for her at the moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i have accepted it it goes to the other extreme", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just don t like to smile don t feel like talking and i don t want to be considerate", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i passed my driving test", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling so unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel betrayed and shocked even", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about making them so i m going off to germany for the next month to paint some more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got home feeling pretty distraught and called casey", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been wanting to write for some time but cant seem to call up anything that speaks to me or makes me feel intelligent and perceptive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel more hostile towards republicans because they use my said gay ass to attract votes in mississippi and arkansas", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so much more irritable this time around", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel there is cost the price of which i am unsure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling any violent emotions towards this book but i cant see this as being anything other than the typical ya paranormal fare", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel strangely rebellious for writing this entry but it s my blog and i ll be controversial if i want to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really nostalgic when i think of how many funny things happened that day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont i feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spend any time at all feeling abused by her and not say anything until it was well out of hand", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel joyful breathing out i feel joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so god damn horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling like i never felt before to where i was real real paranoid to wear i was thinking alot of crazy thoughts to wear i couldnt control what i thought for nothing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel accepted and loved because lets be honest im not finding love from much of anywhere right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont act flirty when all i want is someones attention someone who will make me feel funny sexy smart and secure", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think that is part of what made me feel helpless and scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about that prospect to how i feel about the prospect of not having breasts im kind of amazed that its taken me this long to make this decision", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impressed with my amateurish dabbling with the camera", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had one little girl tell me that jesus makes her feel happy and fuzzy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i asked him didnt it feel strange following a donkeys bottom round the orchard on the way into the moot house", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think figs amp rouge is marvellous amp really feel their products work and dont just look gorgeous in their tins", "label": 1} -{"text": "i swear sometimes i feel like if i dont eat something sweet every single day i think i will just die", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like you too would be amazed that it isnt messed up more often", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hold her hand again bcuz she feel cold n she said my hand is warm wen i hold her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said looking down to the ground feeling gloomy for myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "im going to feel helpless and go pour some gatoraide and warm some chicken soup", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can choose not to eat mcdonald just as any other time outside of the airport i still feel like i can t do anything and that just makes me annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can say that now that rast and i are seperated and i know him and beauty are spending time together whether alone or not alone i do not feel bothered by it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dunno whether he has forgotten yw but i decided to go for a try as i dun wanna feel regretful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t factor in the low light levels at that site though so shutter speeds were far too long for good sharp images and because i was feeling rotten my reflexes were also far too slow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel loving others teaches me much about myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am on a cloud and so so blessed to have my rock of a husband whom i love more than anything in this world my baby love gia who is everything to us son to be baby john carmine whom we already love so so much our pups wonderful family and friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like some girls are giving me the cold shoulder", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel super behind in all aspects of my life i need to read", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel incredibly strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know the pot of boiling hot water is heavy and i need d s help yet i m feeling resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling festive then", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel suddenly unbearably shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit that im feeling sad because you didnt make an effort to talk to me after not talking to me for the whole day but heck i feel happy at the same time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was blessed enough to have a step father i couldnt help but feel unloved that my biological father didnt want to be in my life and didnt want to see me grow up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this loom has a name but i m at a loss to divine it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a little overwhelmed by the thought that we need what they have at the store to care for ourselves and partly because i am just a bit off and i like the idea of dirty hair", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive told myself and let my true feelings with everyone and everything finally comeback into my troubled mind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate feeling so hated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think that my english is horrible but my experience in the high school always was good the university have that i feel nervous for speak in english u", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt yet rearing to go but i also wasnt feeling overly grumpy and sleepy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i actually do feel quite pained about it i dont know why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i honestly feel so blessed in so many ways", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to get chapter seven done this week but with a snow day and me still feeling kinda bleh from last weeks cold it didnt happen", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as though my capacity to love others to show love to be loved and share it has grown dramatically", "label": 2} -{"text": "i keep living the life i feel is a run on sentience of a hated over used phrase", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling bummed but also shocked because it really just snuck up on me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i set off for my first taper run feeling agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that gentle tugging at my heart again to step out in faith and allow god to make a way even when i can t see one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel its important to make sure sam and i get one on one time also", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to confess that learning of my friends marriages this way left me feeling more stunned and hurt than joyous and celebratory", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill post a revised version this weekend if im feeling less irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had to go through life named lego or superman i d feel pretty hateful towards my parents", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t feel saddened or that i should just stop caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am very excited to teach this novel to my high schoolers in the fall although i have to say it feels way weird to be teaching to kids just as i was taught nearly years ago", "label": 5} -{"text": "i asked her i wanted to have some eyeshadow i already had a feeling she s gonna send me ones from cranky girls eye colors and i m right", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i did and im still feeling the effects of rich dinners and sweet treats", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unloved as i know im very fortunate to be in the situation i am in and i do truly believe that i am a priority not a game but some days i still lack the strength to see that right away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have tried a glass of wine since ive been pregnant but it doesnt agree with me the booze makes my body feel weird and achy and uncomfortable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like the ungrateful right wing bitch from hell", "label": 0} -{"text": "i empathize too much and feel just as stressed and neurotic as they are and i dont know how to block off their negative energies", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so victimized jaejoong sighed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am persuaded we ought to be still more cautious and circumspect for i feel still more reluctance to surrender this most valuable of rights", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had to skip my am shower and coffee so i m feeling scrungy and cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like he would understand and be supportive i just dont know how to communicate it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate feeling pissed off at everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel satisfied with haveing the best friend i ever had put down by the death methed of lethal ingection the very same methed used to acheive death to the killers on death row", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this displays just how lovely and g d fearing this family is that they would be so merciful toward a man that robbed them of their precious child", "label": 2} -{"text": "i joyfully executed duties of a housewife it didnt feel submissive anymore and these duties werent expected of me either", "label": 0} -{"text": "i catch myself feeling low i try and turn my thoughts into happy ones but i m finding it hard as i am still tired from the surgery", "label": 0} -{"text": "i recall feeling awkward having asked", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel that its strange to note that even with all of these changes to my preferences and self image that i am still not partial to people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird when i forget to wear it like something bad is going to happen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have started off with a quick paced non stop half hour power walk which as much as it tired me out made me feel amazing and full of energy", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling a calligraph for a while now but was unsure of the words it would entail", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realized this morning that the reason im feeling more whiney is because i want this to be over", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should never feel pressured to do anything that is going to set me off and that i should tell him or a coach or one of the tour staff if i was getting close to my freakout point", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have had such a confidence booster being in this industry and feeling special but starting out as a new model is difficult", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know it but can t help feeling differently i loved you and i should have said it but tell me just what has it ever meant", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling i m amazed i made it through without spontaneously sprouting at least a few gray hairs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling unsure if i will be competing in march", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is perfect for date night with the hubby or a dinner to yourself all dolled up enjoying some people watching and your uninterrupted thoughts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am anticipating learning lots feeling overwhelmed but not sucked under and am reminding myself that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling rather restless throughout the movie probably due to the lack of proper sleep i guess and i was feeling so so tired", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel spiteful for all of the bad times weve had", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel unwelcome in any setting but at least the grocery store provides a context in which its okay to be anonymous", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel resentful towards my own daughter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope mary oliver doesn t ask me what i ve done with my one wild life this week or i will just have to cry and admit i spent most of it oddly and in ways i feel uncertain lead to anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i swore i could feel the cherishment in every gentle stroke", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate feeling so fucked up all the time because of this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel longing to be reunited but i rarely feel sharp pain anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am keenly aware that when translated literally the term catty bitches means cat like female dogs and im not sure how i feel about that but i do think its pretty funny if not completely sexist", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to exhale those ugly feelings inside me i dont want this blog to be a gloomy place for all my sorrows so i waited till i am sane again before i write this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i finally feel completely happy in my friendships within and without my group", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it in the depths of my heart how much loving someone can really hurt you and tear you to bits", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hated everything about this yet i didnt feel awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "im really happy to know so many of us struggle with the same feelings not because i want us to all be unhappy together but because it makes me realize some of the things that make us unhappy in the blogosphere seem to really be non existent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t want you to feel like i m not sympathetic because i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive also spent an oddly significant amount of time googling the grey gray difference and feel like i have not resolved the issue at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i got this assignment on this st of november which is in belgium a very important day to remember all the people you lost", "label": 1} -{"text": "i encourage you not to ignore those feelings and find something that you are passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of gloomy today", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling mellow about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know how to reject a person as im not interested on them i feel so rude to not reply", "label": 3} -{"text": "i believe relationships are meant to feel fantastic a lot of the time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling really crappy on day of the diet ive been okay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel discouraged please lift me up so my human frailty does not get in the way of your plans for my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel like things have been shaken up and spun around and flipped and everyone else has gotten their bearings and stood up and im still upside down on the ground", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do spend time with her and give her of my everything but i feel like maybe id be a little less sarcastic or rushed with those moments if i didnt have so many other things driving me insane", "label": 3} -{"text": "i record here the hummingbirds i see the flowers i smell the news i hear the happenings i feel and the strange i taste", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hesitant enough to call us even close friends", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel basically fine imagining how yuk i might feel shortly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was told by my doctor and then the d ultrasound tech that she is head down and her feet are on the right side but i feel other strange things in other areas so i think she is still rolling around", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to get out of this funk but its hard for me to when nobody knows and i feel too embarrassed to ask for it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i qin feel that they have tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just dont know why for some reason im feeling a bit shaken a bit insecure like wtf", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it will be selfish of someoen to retire on high", "label": 3} -{"text": "i loved that thalli was really trying to hide her feelings from her guardians and i hated how she failed since shed done it for sixteen years but she was destined to fail at some point", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel naughty i feel naughty there is nothing more luxurious and titillating than freshly shaved legs", "label": 2} -{"text": "im tempted to advise that you sit on that sixteen year old gangbangers lap in the electric chair for the grin and bare it line in your letter but because its thursday and youre a cancer survivor and im feeling horny ill let it pass", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could convey in this entry and i can only attempt to express how i feel about the delicate gender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i suppose we all feel a little inhibited when it comes to picking up the phone and calling someone we re not very close to anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to feel pretty impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel a little restless and want to try something new in the middle of summer", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will even feel highly disturbed because i am not sad enough in the missing of husband", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like as much as my parents are naturally talented marathoners and i have some great genes i don t believe anyone s just born a marathoner", "label": 1} -{"text": "i saw happiness in a very small start i feel successful in something significant that has happened", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shy because i ve fallen in love via tumblr a href http twitter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ever feel demotivated discouraged or even giving up i will look back here and say i want to keep my promise", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel most nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very excited about my matches im excited to do camp and im excited about life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have spent a lot of it feeling sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling extremely overwhelmed and excited by all of this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive regained my composure and inner peace again something tragic happens", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left that store feeling extremely enraged and a lot confused", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was just coming off of a lucky streak i was feeling pretty confident and brashly agreed that the loser would have to dance for the winner", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel loss because that wanderer so sweet and precious to my heart leaves a void that cannot be replaced", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not feeling all that funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to be honest and blunt and tell it like it is and not worry that i might hurt someones feelings or make them make mad me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i keep feeling stunned at the texture of the world with sound in it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wish i knew of a way to just turn the brain off and stop feeling so insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i forsee on tuesday or sth that ill feel reluctant to leave aftc because of all the bonds ive forged over there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling adventurous so into my shopping basket they went", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went from feeling ostracized and un valued to feeling like i was part of a community again just from a smile or a helpful hand", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am already feeling very blessed to be in this country doing what i am doing at this time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel comfortable to lie on my own", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will admit that while the incline didn t seem so bad it did feel like it took longer to reach the top and feel the sweet relief of the downhill which also didn t feel as steep that day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling this very strong pull which i have spoken to jason about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that much more distanced and unfriendly after leaving camp", "label": 3} -{"text": "i imagine myself feeling personally offended looking at a post surgery normal eared carter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel horribly ungrateful because i have a great family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel heartbroken all the time now", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling depressed about the whole thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i am living the dream because i have an amazing husband beautiful and healthy daughter awesome family and god continues to be always faithful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sleep on it and come back fresh i feel much more like an outsider and usually finding myself impressed with the shot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate the feeling of being helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive and lonely as though i m going to sail around the world solo through all the heavy seas and high winds fending for myself in such incredible turbulence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel even more empty afterwards and i hate myself even more", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling that the rangers may be hesitant to take feliz out of the bullpen mid season", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so fucking empty sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel unfortunate full of guilt along with discomfort i cannot absolve his very own", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so emotionally drained with life right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel pressured whatsoever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might add thumper was feeling a little amorous towards her lately to the extent that we were keeping them in separate rooms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really really angry about this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i start to feel overwhelmed its nice to take a personal time out and do nothing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im still feeling playful hooray", "label": 1} -{"text": "while still at school a friend died of cancer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was surprised to find out that even my mother the most outgoing person ever born on planet earth feels shy sometimes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i reached km i knew that i was going to feel somewhat frustrated with my performance", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know there are a lot of people out there feeling quite frustrated and deflated and believing that everything is a catastrophe at the moment and for some people it truly is", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was left feeling a bit overwhelmed shocked and emotionally exhausted and yet content that i had chosen to visit and learn from somewhere that actually understood the spectrum of what had happened but i was glad that i had left this museum to last", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not really feeling this one but i wouldnt be surprised if the media did", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought he just liked me and my work and company as a subordinate friend and i returned the treatment with a loyalty ardor and adoration i feel surprised i could express", "label": 5} -{"text": "id feel jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just trying to enjoy this this letting myself feel something opening up to someone trusting and loving and having faith", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant put my foot on the ground without me feeling like ive just been shocked by a billion volt power plant", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel compassionate to certain people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know what readers are saying for christs sake i feel disgust sometimes but i am not going to kill someone with whom i am disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so agitated and restless omg why did my sister have to lose a library book and kill my card", "label": 4} -{"text": "i come to the floor to feel more submissive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel are not supportive that i d be better off focusing on the cause my own negative thoughts and behaviors", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel enthralled and on fire", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love the feel of hot water running over my hands", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel tender about them might use them as singles but they just don t contribute enough to what i want to show", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had just gotten out of a relationship at that point and i was still feeling a little sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want is one stroke of seriousness for someone to take me seriously and i suppose thats a result of growing outwards im more aware of myself and how often i dont speak up and when i do i feel selfish and hopelessly self centered", "label": 3} -{"text": "im inclined to maintain friendships even when they dont serve me as well as others i do more listening than talking participating as long as i feel liked by my friend", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive never been good with puzzles of any kind because when i get stuck and i feel like i just cannot see the answer i get really uptight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am back to feeling useless and unimportant not the dramatic nobody loves me kind but the type where everyones just doing the things theyre supposed to do and here i am doing mine which is sit around and wait for time to pass by", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling again shocked about the conditions here and was a bit disqust about the shit of the hotel but as i am writing now im still doing bisniss", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very surprised the now fifth grader says", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel anyone who has met her goes away impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling peaceful but also i have a sense of release", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean he s almost and he probably has a lot of experience in the sex department and that kinda makes me feel a little too intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that there is a lot of me that would not be accepted if only the emotional side of me is wanted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was shocked to find myself not feeling pity but being very sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hated and worthless now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got to feel the overwhelming peace that came over me when i realized that god has blessed me greatly by his unanswered prayers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find myself lonely and secluded when i feel people are friendly only when they need me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have been able to help", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was on stage and saw many many pairs of eyes looking at me i started to feel angry and hissed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like you havent been truthful with me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel much more confident that any other time ive been to india in the past", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling out of sorts after my travel partner surprised me with the news that they could not continue because the culture shock of nicaragua was too much for them and possibly they truely were missing their other loved ones back in the us", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel fearful that things will never get easier", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sorry to myself i see hear shit that makes my issues non issues seem so trivial", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling selfish about the amount of time i was investing into my training and my body wasnt feeling great", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like amazing co screenwriter roberto orcis bizarre adoration of dubya the pampered bush son was responsible for this shit even though it was carried over from the amazing spider man which orci didnt co write", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t want to sit inside and be alone i don t want to just do nothing but i also feel anxious overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so helpless and i can barely take watching it anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start out feeling smart and then run into a string of clues that stump me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling impatient in the good kinda way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean i truly feel so blessed to have been chosen for this job", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am really lack of love that caused me feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasnt alone in feeling so insecure about what i was doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i text you about how i feel you call and get mad at me for telling you how i feel huh how ironic i say forget it im sorry just go to bed ok i sit up and cry while you sleep all night repeat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pain or troubled it is not a normal reaction to me to speak of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found myself feeling a little playful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that he must be feeling rather shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just have blank feeling and blank mind now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love sunshine havent had much but the feeling of it on my shoulders as i walk around the yard is amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i and to canon andrew white who is undergoing treatment for his ms and is feeling absolutely rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling the majority of people would say not romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i received last week falls very much into that category and frankly has left me feeling more than a little disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant answer for everyone else but my answer is because it makes me feel pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember reading the book and feeling genuinely distressed and saddened by the tough trials that the joad family had to continually go through", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can remember the love i feel for our sweet friends the a href http mechoate", "label": 2} -{"text": "im ready to take on week next week with intensity and go into the holiday season feeling even more amazing that i did last year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the people that don t get the joke and honestly love them at face value are exhibiting much more sincere emotions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to break out of the learned helplessness that the murderers have trained me to feel they have tortured me constantly every day so that i can no longer even try to fight back", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel passionate about justice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel your gentle beckoning", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive gone through life feeling defective", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this neurotic need to show off my favorite city", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i did what god burdened me to do and that in itself is satisfying", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still love to be pregnant and still feel shocked that its moving so quickly this time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel discouraged by things happening in the social media world i always come to a point of realizing that i have taken my eyes off jesus", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a dream about my fiancte leaving me and making an end to our relation", "label": 4} -{"text": "when i drove to stockholm for the first time and drove off the stora hissingen road at the wrong exit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think men who are ready who also feel vulnerable but want a partner for life and realize how imperfect relationships are appreciate a woman who is open honest and vulnerable because they know you can grow together", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate yelling both the sound and the general feeling when a person is that angry so we try not to do that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little heartbroken when im not at a meetup with my local friends or my friends from ob", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have more weakness than strength and that makes me feel worthless and unworthy of anything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can walk out that door into degrees and not feel burdened then i know i m doing the right thing and will continue to do the right thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am anticipating feeling a bit inhibited by a foreign culture and language", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel the warmth of the gentle sun", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i broke free from my prison of pain and agony", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling uncertain isnt it wonderful to trust in the one who knows all my tomorrows", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like that combo is kinda weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling like a nomad which is funny i am not really nomadic but this feels a lot like my early twenties when i was sleeping everywhere", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still don t know where it came from or if it was a bad dream but my whole body feels so dirty and disgusting right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate that part of me that makes me feel so defective sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel unfortunate for not going anywhere", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling irate and extremely uncomfortable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i neither feel hot in my skin nor cold", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pressured as i get closer to what i define as long term goals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i echo the animal doc it is the most horrible feeling when your beloved pet goes missing because even if you are a naughty young beggar theres nothing that can replace you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel little to no stress in this position which is pretty weird and maybe hard to get used to after the last two years of intensity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started questioning god feeling worthless and even jealous of others that come by parenthood so easily", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sure a mistress would pose a logistical nightmare of such proportions that my husband could not rise to the challenge", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t feel you there yup a lovely weird side effect from chemo", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that probably the most romantic factor that anyone has ever done for me was when a particular someone left a cd that was once unique to either one of us with an unmarried purple rose on my doorstep", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am frequently faced with situations where a disgruntled employee feels that the company has wronged him or her in some way shape or form", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like tragic is such a fucking strong word", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant wait till the summer when we feel somewhat carefree once again", "label": 1} -{"text": "im nervous i sweat feel like my heart is going to explode feel like my lips have been injected with novocain say dumb things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i last managed to get to write anything it feels so strange to do so", "label": 4} -{"text": "i believe said dentist was a jew i just feel bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still wasn t feeling sociable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to feel accepted loved not for my appearance my behaviour the way i carry myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like my father i hate to be bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i read about it on a blog and got the feeling that i had really missed out on this one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will refer to clients as friend so it feel less cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember having a similar feeling when i was falling in love with my beloved this feeling that what was happening was absolutely the right thing that every step it took to get here was worth it that all things really were counted as deep joy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean lately i feel as though abuse is the most abused word in the english language", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love the bay because when i am under the water i feel so isolated from the rest of the world studying a fragile marine ecosystem in madagascar that not many people get to see", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt know what it was but i then went home to later experiment so that i would feel accepted but as i experimented i learned a new feeling the feeling of greed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel lonely and i want to pamper and be pampered i would be lovely and loyal i would do my best", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont particularly like rainy season its quite annoying to me as i feel irritated getting wet even if it means a bit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hesitant about online dating a href http wp", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel terrible about this even now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been blessed recently and i am feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have no particular trauma in my life but i was just feeling beaten down and bruised from the daily grind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i drink tea in a cup i feel the need to top up at least a couple of times which may seem really rude if you are a guest somewhere", "label": 3} -{"text": "we were on the road in a car when a lorry bypassed us we had to swerve and we almost got run over", "label": 4} -{"text": "im certain that the feeling wasnt mutual but im uncertain of the feelings the other people were having", "label": 4} -{"text": "im very happy i feel as though i still havent shaken off the post operative glow", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling relatively indecisive and not very hungry until we walked past a barbeque place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like turnin violent just lookin at her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i initially thought that the lower your churn rate is the tougher it will feel for you to offer generous grandfathering", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as confident about game sales as i do books since they are nearly as big and have had a much steeper trajectory of growth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like greenes have an incredibly rich and odd culture all our own and it really freaks me out when it feels like that might dissipate", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel amazed and grateful and delighted by her presence in our lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t just turn off how i feel whether it s that i love him or that i m devastated by it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the need to share with you one of the more beloved and treasured moments that i experienced here during my time with y", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that i am such an amazing medic that i would be the difference between life and death", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really want my ex boyfriend to phone me and to say that he is missing me and cant bear to live without me and that he has also been doing some soul searching and realises that he should have been a bit more attentive on my birthday and he is sorry that he didnt make me feel special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do like not feeling rushed and feeling that a meal is more than food", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more vital and sexy than i ever have but the really great thing is establishing that a healthy body helps you have a healthy mind", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to avoid feeling pained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed at where the lord has already brought us and blessed to get to do life with these fantastic boys", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like trying to live instead of waiting to die am i afraid of failure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still feeling so very outraged on behalf of this poor kid whose life savings have just been dilapidated by his irresponsible mother", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like gods taking me to this place where im like god even if you take all of this away i want to be fully in love and satisfied in you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unsure simply because i fear some of those bloggers would respond with youre not officially married you dont fully understand", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel that it s more gentle to baby s skin simply because i am wiping less", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate going somewhere and feeling like i have to force myself to be more outgoing or sociable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually done seeing your dark knight along with i can point out which i feel pretty amazed we surely estimated very much more serious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know little girls who won t look an adult in the eye i know little boys who act tough because they feel so scared and alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have found some people feel inhibited and perhaps embarrassed to dance but there are many ways to move", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that is selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling anxious in the waiting room and had worked my stomach into a tizzy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel for the ocean my beloved lima and the fruits of its sea", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get to work late feeling distressed and dirty", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somewhat stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was very angry when my friend lost my practicals journal", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so admired", "label": 2} -{"text": "recently my younger brother disappeared for two days without leaving a trace usually he tells me when he wants to do something like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i encountered conseula at a campus meeting on a day that i was trying not to cry and she too was feeling pretty despairing about her own writing project", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling sort of sentimental get ready for a gratitude post", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suppose designed to make the reader feel like one of the hordes of the curious who descend upon velvet post race", "label": 5} -{"text": "i keep telling myself that i won t go there alone because everytime i went in the public alone i started feeling even more lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i liked it even though i tried not to the whole time feeling like an unsuccessful teenage rebellious goth", "label": 0} -{"text": "i might as well be extraterrestrial i feel so very strange and other than", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel boring nervous", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive certainly been feeling festive this week which ill admit is unusual for me so early on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shaken to the core and wonder if i will survive the storm he is not shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pathetic saying that since its only minutes but facts are facts", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit rebellious these days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need to feel submissive and he needs to exert his dominance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pretty pissed off at people who use i feel to mean i m an intellectual coward so cowardly i won t even say i think to back up my wishy washy bullshit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel totally amazed that this year s election seem alright", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t really even tell you exactly what it is just what it feels like to me a mixture between a journal seriously amazing dialogue and thoughts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i necessarily have a particular style of writing that i prefer i write what i feel if i m passionate about it then i can express it with a natural flow so to speak i do like for my poems to be rhythmic though it just makes me feel good inside and creates a melody of words", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like there have been a lot of funny little things said or done that i really don t want to forget", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like some things on the horizon i am unsure if i am going to leave my marriage start being truthful with my wife about who i really am who i ve always been but never known it or realised it until now after all this time and everything that has happened in my thirty one years and nine months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel threatened being alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slightly disturbed and then amused myself current mood img src http stat", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel paranoid that everyone is listening to my phone conversations whats that all about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know sometimes our situations look and feel hopeless but that s just because rejection comes with a default pick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was reminded that feeling jealous is a sign that i am not feeling worthy and i am not connected to self source love", "label": 3} -{"text": "i only feel greedy over one thing a nice home", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling really out of it and not myself and upon checking i was pretty surprised to see a", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think most women would feel threatened in those circumstances", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like a last resort and awful photographer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i times has two aspect to have given me feeling uncertain very greatly as for", "label": 4} -{"text": "i first received this topic i felt that by just reading the title i was able to relate to it my mind was oozing with so many ideas feelings and thoughts which i was longing to share", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would smile by the time my mom calls me because at least i can feel that my mom is caring me and think about me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im being conned into something completely dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i somehow feel very surprised how i came up with those ideas and managed to finish it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it is my duty as a loyal and ardent fan of the one and only wizard of oz", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling burdened weeks ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shocked when people keep on fighting with no chance to succeed but at the end i think that i would have done the same in their situation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never thought i would feel this way about life but i feel completely beaten down and hopeless and at times i feel like dying would be so much easier than trying to live", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been doing things for people and ive come to the realization that people dont really do anything for me or at least that is how i feel as selfish as it sounds i need some reciprocation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very blessed this year my daughter and her family will be with us and my sister from california is coming over this year too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it around me wanting to crush my soul i fight it all i can but in the end its all i have when its gone i will miss it so fond of its cold touch where has it gone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel too passionate for that to be an option", "label": 2} -{"text": "im w him or im not i will still always feel so emotionally distressed about him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so humiliated rejected and alone and the w", "label": 0} -{"text": "im praying that they find encouragement that they feel loved and that they arent alone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel passionate about and that i want to spend my life doing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i must remain loyal by which i mean not becoming a total emo kid", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a serious lack of will power and feel very foolish about this epic challenge", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never talk to anymore i got upset and then a friend comes up to me asks me what s wrong i say i m just feeling awkward and lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could just feel comfortable thinking about my mom or even cry about losing her in a healthy way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was building with angie i m feeling profoundly betrayed and very angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like my friend little sis brittany would be prince charming from snow white", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like after being friends with these people for the past years there should be a pleasant level of comfort and closeness that just isnt there", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling impossibly romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel quite virtuous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel some anger towards the person who wronged me and my heart attitude isnt right but god is using this experience to help me learn and grow even if it is painful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have been too shy to speak up because i keep telling myself that i am too small to make a difference too small to make a change too small for anyone to listen to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sit in my room for hours like i was again just getting goose bumps and teary eyed from some of the compositions im hearing yet i feel like my passionate heart is a dying breed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love learning about people especially shiny people and making people feel liked makes me happy but its so damn tiring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was once again feeling unsure about what i was doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i can be mean and rude and sometimes cold and unfeeling and maybe sometimes heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i literally believed that my stress levels will go down since homework is over but i just feel more overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i haven t quite figured out and whenever i can t find the time or ability or money to take care of each side equally i end up feeling disappointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel less vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said im noticing that i feel jealous when you do rope with other people and i think its because im hungry for your rope", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with the uncertainties of life the sorrows lurking about the fears eating at peoples peace the sad choices friends make the effects of those sad choices on loved ones broken relationships etc", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am inspired and heartened and feeling so hopeful about a movement like idle no more i am angry so angry", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t hear a baby cry without feeling an aching wondering if they are being loved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so petty sometimes but mostly i feel lonely", "label": 3} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel impressed with what i told her i want to crawl out of my skin and get as far away from myself as possible right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel hot i thought of them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a train case full of pretty make up and a drawer full of great hair products but each morning i feel bothered to do little more then lather my face with lotion before heading out for work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i obviously feel that he has no i love deeply his heart is always still loyal to his family a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like he s watching quietly because he s resigned he s come to realize that people are going to die and there s nothing he can do about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "im more likely to want to open up to when im feeling needy than my roommates who i spend every day with", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel at the limit of what i can do without being overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel sympathetic for he is still strong even though hardships came", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling like death couldn t be bothered to warm itself over", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i dont want to die yet im not so keen on living either", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive developed some strategies to help keep myself from feeling so impatient along the way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am is in direct relation to my hurt my experiences and my ability to feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like whenever hes on the pitch hes a delicate little boy being attacked by vicious bulls coming at all directions and i fear for his legs when he falls", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very nostalgic for college lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was not feeling very clever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the beginnings of that again only this time i am more agitated more easily annoyed and more tired", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been dating although i still feel doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i without a doubt noticed that it didnt take as long to dry my hair the oil has a warming feeling and smells really rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i work out i feel invigorated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not accept online returns yet which is stupid yes but you will feel more stupid when you have a bag of clothes that dont fit and you cant return them in store or ship them back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shocked when i feel my dreams translated into a harsh reality", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little bitter about some of my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like it brings out the gratefulness in everyone obviously with thanksgiving as well as every ones giving spirit around christmas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit of melancholy because i wrote something in an e mail", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling rather frustrated by this and was glad that i still had company", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want can feel greedy and or pushy two things i dont want to be", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself finally sitting down letting out a big sigh of intermingled relief and regret feeling stunned and wondering how on earth i let another holiday season go by in such a flurry of chaos and chores", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know i always feel uncertain with my being wiccan but there are just something i believe and the moon thing is one of them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i m typing this as a conversation to the inner me the terrified girl trying desperately to cling onto the sides as i pass through this tunnel of healing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that these heels are pretty but unsure if itll be nice on me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not very affectionate and i feel he is over affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had submitted the piece written just before id come to christ because it captured the innocence of feeling a longing to be held without sexual connotations as well as the insecurity of seeing loved ones put on uniforms to go to vietnam", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty successful on that goal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so much for him and is faithful to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could but then it would be a snark filled personalization and i kind of feel like those are the domain of the league of reluctant adults", "label": 4} -{"text": "im actually feeling fantastic which is in stark contrast to last month when i recorded all kinds of crazy symptoms at this point in my cycle", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get this odd feeling of toothache in that spot where from the stubborn one was eventually pulled out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sat up and wiped away my tears feeling stunned by my emotions and oddly elated", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling pretty impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "id got caught by the rain walking in and my hair had been completely flattened so i wasnt really feeling the beauty of it all very much that funny little brummie who looks like sting came up to me and said yow look like a drowned rat yow do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird about the words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like they would bring a bit of spunk and life to the dull gray weather", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel agitated and annoyed and i even begin competing with a mexican lady who s beating me at hanging her laundry faster than me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit dazed and confused after my time off work getting used to doing my day job again after days of freedom is more of a struggle than id hoped", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also have to attire my regular moisturizer and an oil based primer below it yet with all those points along my skin color feels and looks tender and great all time of day something thats normally not attainable to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t have feelings for him in any romantic way anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could wallow that i can t buy my kid every electronic thing and let my kids know i feel bad or i can emphasize what we already have that many do not our family our health our faith", "label": 0} -{"text": "i walk up to him feeling a bit intimidated but say i m ms", "label": 4} -{"text": "i now feel extremely intimidated but hope they like my extreme beginner and somewhat juvenile handmade gifts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel amped up shaky super fast heartbeat and really aggressive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i am rotten on the inside", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling restless just waiting to start school in january and really want to do something to start moving forward", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel tortured and wracked with pain still and an odd feeling in my head", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt made to feel badly about having those angry ugly i want to punch something so bad i could scream emotions", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a curmudgeon for not being more impressed by what i ve heard but i m not", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that my blogs are going to get a lot more boring though", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was at the beginning of the manga unsure of her own sexuality while mari is still trying to bury her feelings because she s convinced herself that they ll never be returned", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did feel like the king of the world for those few gentle moments of innocent contemplation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling curious and might attempt to tour the other social bookmarking sites i mentioned earlier", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean at this point i feel like a savage", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little uncertain of my place in the world a little disconnected and a little bit like im spinning my wheels", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that way about her she is a caring person etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i loved about isaiah in this book was seeing the slightly softer side to him not only when it comes to his feelings for rachel but in other aspects of his life as well", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive demonstrated in the past i tend to have very low impulse control particularly when im feeling distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling kinda unloved unappreciated and ungrateful at home at the moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel thankful and hopeful for the next chapter in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wont feel so overwhelmed that i walk into the kitchen move three dishes around in the waterless sink throw my hands in the air and walk away", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have come away feeling skeptical or even refusing to accept what i m told but that didn t make what i was told at the time any less true", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling troubled over how much damage a dysfunctional judicial branch can inflict on ordinary citizens i naturally think first of the current u", "label": 0} -{"text": "i asked feeling stunned and very vulnerable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i allow myself to be assimilated by societys mechanisms the worse i feel im hateful confused and tired especially by what appears too superficial and or troublesome to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that it doesnt make me popular with the people who are responsible for ratings but sometimes i feel this is what i have to do for myself to keep from quitting altogether", "label": 1} -{"text": "im peering over the edge of the nest and feeling the violent nudges of the bitch behind me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel calm and composed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a cold and prickly feeling i cant sleep and have barely been able to eat today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like no matter how amazing i dreamed you up in my mind god dreamed you up a million times more amazing then that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think it will make for an overall more pleasant experience read better wifi accessibility better fitness facilities and just a better overall quality of life but i cant shake the feeling that im still not really doing something that is supporting the warfighter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i created this blog just for fun i guess and to have a personal outlet for the things that i think and feel another reason is because i have always loved to write", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so valued but vastly underpaid", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love this stage of my baby learning how to communicate his wants and feeling so triumphant when we understand", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have about the lullaby i know this might sound silly to some but i feel especially loved by the lord through this song", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so selfish asking for more when such great gifts i have received", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just feeling really weird these past few days ignore my nonsense", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loyal to them for these reasons", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stop and feel it is a tranquil feeling peaceful and it is then that i continue to live", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vastly underchallenged restless and ultimately not fulfilled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel because thursdays are usually gloomy and chilly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t listen to this man speak without the right side of my face feeling funny and getting goosebumps on my arms", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont watch a whole lot however when i do i turn off the tv and feel stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to not write the pensive thoughts about sept", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel distracted and derailed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with the huge array of need and the incredible number of claims on my response", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had actually forgotten what it feels like to have a cold or even a stuffy nose", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling so fucked up okay driving back home lepas kena rogol", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the hot adrenaline running through me and my old dead heart pounding in my chest from fear i forget my levelheadedness and the plan i promised i would originally follow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have encountered something that has left me feeling unsure of how to make sense of my thoughts and feelings uncertain about what it is i should do next", "label": 4} -{"text": "i saw of myself reflected in you made me feel worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wanted to feel his lips on my neck but i was fearful because sara was laying a foot away on the king size bed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as if i have had the stuffing knocked out of me and i was not in the least surprised recently to find that i am suffering from emotional burnout when i answered a burnout questionnaire online", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel neurotic and like crying one minute and fine the next", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t have much of an appetite and was feeling exhausted so after dinner i did some quick cleanup in the kitchen and headed to bed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i recently did an activity in our university christian union cu where we looked at the fears and reasons we have that make us feel apprehensive about talking about our faith and god s love for us to those who do not know the lord", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hated that feeling and i hated that a medicine could fix one big problem and so easily cause another", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am glad to know the root of her anxiety but feel troubled inside that it took so long before she told me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like people are so supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i came back to you because of the intensity of my feelings not because anything you ever did impressed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as if valuable time is being wasted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love to the point where i feel like i will be respected by the other i mend relationships so that i can feel like i m in the right i try and be acquaintances with everyone so that my desires to be known by the masses will be satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive ever had with conceiving have ended with a bfn or a chemical pregnancy im feeling decidedly anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am getting at is i am feeling pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i listen to dance music and it makes me want to party so bad i want to drink and hug everybody feel so happy but it will probably subside tomorrow morning is this normal", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed by college with everything else that had happened this semester", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would say that the majority of people who have recovered feel that they are even more compassionate empathic loving etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazed at the talent of such people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling adventurous so i wore shorts not appropriate for dress code", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like my mind would go blank and all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a hypocondriac going to the dr for such little things i wouldn t have bothered about yrs ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel privileged to have been given this opportunity to have travelled with these four children for a time to have developed my own knowledge skills and understanding and to have been inspired", "label": 1} -{"text": "i recall an overall feeling of stunned amazement", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so honoured to even be able to see them let alone hold them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understand why that would make you feel hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had to play a character who had burdens in his life in my previous works but this time i didn t feel burdened about life and i felt really good about it laugh", "label": 0} -{"text": "saw a mate bribing the leader", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel like a needy person but maybe i m wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like jesus did when the centurion so impressed him with his words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get all jittery and wake feeling and smiley and shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel paranoid feeling about feeling feeling s", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel a hot spot on my left big toe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know it won t be included i feel gypped whereas before i read the above paragraph i was perfectly thrilled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stunned annoyed and saddened by the professor s wild claims contradicting real world science", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel we re ever given the idea that its an invasion they just look a little curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "id feel unpleasant talking to a depressed person", "label": 0} -{"text": "i doesn t understand that be several people leave the view of that personnel from inside in blue sky public baths in zhang hong xi this just feel suspicious of ask a way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i may not feel amazing all the time but i am capable of much more than just lighting another cigarette", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shamed i feel torn yet loving and stangely aroused by everything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like its rude to ignore people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i feel more i do not get so distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i are feeling love sweet overflowing wake you in your sleep so you can think about it some more amazing love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel a little nervous just before i hand over the bridal bouquet", "label": 4} -{"text": "im faced with the uncomfortable question of if i feel no sympathy or sorrow about her death does that make me heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt hearing it but nutboy has this weird way of being right just when i m tempted to start feeling superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling optimistic again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought i wanted to feel and know how it would be if the process is actually respected and maybe by joining in as an active party member or adviser and seeing what happens beyond what an ordinary voter sees id have an idea", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like putting something friendly like hi im your friendly secret agent and im not in fact out to get you go about your business or something but the fact remains that as far as business and personal goes this is personal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t particularly enjoy because i feel weird forcing things onto people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im being rude and mean but its just how im feeling today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel a bit nostalgic about our park", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im being assaulted by green", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel uptight span style webkit text size adjust auto webkit text stroke width px background color white color black display inline", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel neglectful for not having more time in the day to visit all of your blogs but the day will come where time is abundant and self directed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could keep some lingerie in my purse and if i were feeling threatened i could toss those at the potential rapist to distract hir long enough to get away", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have never watched a movie that made me feel more stressed and on the edge of my seat so to speak", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am sure that you have accumulated your own fair share of frustrations and disappointments in men and i am also certain that you have many valid reasons to feel dissatisfied with the men s behavior and conduct", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "someone acting stupid in public", "label": 3} -{"text": "i usually eat something like this small meals because if i eat too much at once ill feel groggy pieces of fruit for breakfast for lunch quinoa cup veggies cup or a veggie taco avo beans salsa or avocado chickpea sandwich for dinner a bean cup avocado avocado salad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the gentle warmth of the breeze blow through my hair i close my eyes and try to hold on to that feeling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of numb and okay with this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so vile disgusting but thats not even the worst im so tempted to eat right now because i think i have fucked up my fast and usually when i think i fucked up i horribly binge i feel so fat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i genuinely care about everything and everyone and every decision that i have to make however recently i have had feelings of hatred towards people that have wronged me", "label": 3} -{"text": "im tired of feeling so insecure with myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel with the inov s i wear they surprised me with their level of traction often where the ns met my subpar expectations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i took responsibility for mine and still do now that hes an adult and it still makes me feel doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling very proud indeed of the entire year group", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didn t exactly feel for them partly because i was distracted by the glazes but most people presumably wouldn t be", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i was so much more loyal to god back when i was younger", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was not feeling angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been talking to a few girls and whether or not they feel like we connect on any sort of romantic level i at least proved to myself that i still have the capacity to talk to girls in a quasi intimate tone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel pain in my joints startled the crying starts with a wail and a whirlwind of dust", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guys i was not able to do much blogging over these past few days because i was feeling kinda distracted i had this pain in my right foot and my foot was swollen", "label": 3} -{"text": "i came out of it feeling rather dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling agitated and pissy a lot lately but im trying to tone it down a bit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i literaly feel frightened that i cant make it through the day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just woke up from an amazing rainy sunday afternoon nap and im still feeling kind of groggy but here goes nothing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the presence of a sweet seaside breeze it rustles the tops of some far away trees i see the blue ocean of water so clear it seems so far away but i know it is near", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so blessed and privileged to have this opportunity to connect with you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like going for wk compassionate leave", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt expect to feel i was taking a life but thats what it felt like and that shocked me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like she liked me and i like her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will admit i am no longer feeling paranoid nor afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt aware of a problem but now im feeling rather paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i discovered that another guy on the same panel who i had met my first week at skyrove and had authored a seminal paper on the topic i started to feel a bit not intimidated just unqualified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel when my girlfriend is browsing my computer funny lol picture", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will admit there were moments in this film that made it feel like a romantic comedy with some of the cliches used but it was never overly sappy unlike rom coms", "label": 2} -{"text": "at an antipornography meeting", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel almost overwhelmed by all the ways one can conduct research and all of the ways these methods can produce inaccurate results", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have so much to catch up on already but am feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling sympathetic but smug in the knowledge that would never happen to me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t feel the urge to get a sweet treat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like hes not even bothered about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so distraught because i have no family because they are all deceased and i have no friends in our small town just aquantiances", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that god only gives you what you can handle even when you feel you cant and being in such a faithful spirt at the moment i feel the urdge to make my self feel better with this silly desperate post", "label": 2} -{"text": "i understand them feeling reluctant to try new and unfamiliar things especially when they feel pressured to do so", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love the look of the black and i feel like that would be the smart choice but im kind of drawn to the rich blue or grayish blue", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel over burdened and there s no one i can share the weight with", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling quite as triumphant about that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this awful mix of emotions and it sucks out of the many reasons why id miss the place one thing id dearly miss is the culture of my team and department", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read it in minutes and not feel so curious about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that organizing everything to be the most obnoxious and boring sequence of all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i have accepted whats happened", "label": 2} -{"text": "i listed them out i feel so overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can make and one that i feel i am called to make to my sweet jesus who sacrificed everything for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel intimidated having people watch me although i understand their wanting to see my excitement in that i might not appear as excited as i really feel inside and i cannot find the words to express how i feel either", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling so morose right now i hate how little things like this have enough power to distract me from my day to day life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i knew i was in this place because my heart was grateful yet scared of the journey ahead and i was crying yet my feet were doing their quirky thing they do when i am feeling very peaceful and content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i vowed not to consider stepping foot inside my gym until at least tuesday and then id play it by ear if i woke up feeling delicate id wait another day", "label": 2} -{"text": "im constantly feeling intimidated and we have very few things in common", "label": 4} -{"text": "i even scored as much as of samantha i will go home to reflect on myself feel remorseful amp repent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel angry at my father because he doesn t wear a kippah", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a fake like a fraud like a freak show i was created in a plastic surgeon s image of what a woman should look like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will add some things to the list that i have already done in an effort to help myself feel more productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i almost feel insulted a voice said making him jump", "label": 3} -{"text": "i spent the first few hours feeling intensely agitated and was pretty well bouncing off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel agitated of the time running so real slow", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will feel intimidated if you put me in that situation without warning and i am made to feel like an idiot", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel quite as energetic and regained my lost weight even though i tried to keep up my exercise routine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would never feel helpless again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a lot more positive today after yesterdays decision to attempt to create a healthy lifestyle blog", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i would have liked them sooner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i watch a movie doesnt matter what movie i will feel jealous for no reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "i doesn t count himself as a part of their group so aimi tells them they should also make him feel welcomed and belonged", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel a bit funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am pregnant i feel pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fought against feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel offended that saying me never went to singapore before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know that this post was really scatterbrained and i m having a hard time trying to gather my thoughts but i feel so blessed and grateful for the opportunities and blessings that i have", "label": 2} -{"text": "i support many causes i feel i can help most by supporting the charities in my own neighborhood especially the strays or homeless on my own street", "label": 2} -{"text": "when someone close to me is travelling by car and is delayed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like people who live there are all putting on a show for the world nyc can be an obnoxious place with fake people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do have feelings for him he is funny cheerful and he intro me to his family except dad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have to compete when everything i hold valuable is already mine is freely given to me and costs exactly what it is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel anxious at times during my time at the drive in its a lot easier to handle than being in an enclosed cinema with a crowd of people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could still truly feel her pain and greatly admired the way that hughes allows her a few great moments of glory to cut down what couldve easily been jeanies bitchy exterior that instead adds to her three dimensionality", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i havent been that person who i liked to be for a really really long time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so stunned and i feel so stupid", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find myself listening so closely but feeling quite distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very distressed because i m supportive of this campaign and with the senator jackson told cnn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel scared to start and pressured to figure it all out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel outraged betrayed hurt violated vulnerable in a terrible way to him i feel like want to scream and cry because i do not feel loved", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont remember a lot of it but i remember feeling amazed instead of depressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling the desire for a romantic interest even with my circumstances i feel as though im emotionally ready for a special someone in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "im happy to say that ive apparently gotten back in the habit of reading regularly again and my mind feels fantastic as a result", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the right amount of sleep that i have needed yet i still feel exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like he is going to be such a sweet heart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling extraordinarily eager to get to his place", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stayed home from church because pman was sick and i wasnt feeling well either", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling so curious what it was like to feel this again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant escape from so he thinks medication to help numb the feelings my dad causes would be good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel after is amazing and the results i do see i m extremely happy with", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never knit while i am driving please dont knit and drive as i feel this is very dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am glad i have a friend relative like you but right now i am feeling very tender emotionally and need some time to myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i should explain that the fab outfit i have in mind to make first for whitby actually comes into being after the three other dresses and a suit for demi", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was editor and a lovely feeling to go back something you dont think about very often and start thinking in a more lively vigorous way to recapture how you were years ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "im lacking in the accessory department but i have a feeling that once i actually start putting the things i own in one place i might be a little more surprised at what i find", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start to feel stressed and disoriented and anxious again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to give advice", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling a very weird sensation in my body right before she said what s that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did find this product to be incredibly hydrating and made my skin feel super soft", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am going to be here very soon and i have a feeling that my beloved baba might have to be retired", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that tobaccoc is times more delicious and the pointless smoking i do when composing also decreases", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel angry at my relative or hate him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was actually feeling the nervous nellies when i walked in because of that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was really feeling sorry for myself suffering alone all day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i must admit i feel really annoyed that i was charged for a one year old to attend a teddy bears picnic at one of our local museums because frankly at one year of age you are more of a hindrance than someone enjoying an activity and i dont think you can really participate or know whats going on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling really lonely in my grief and heavy with sadness and thats when god used one of my daughters to whisper to my heart that he cared and was listening more than i realized", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel the burn i was amazed to find that the place i feel the most toning is the inner thighs that is a tough place to address for women i love that these shoes let you maximize your muscle use while you are doing other things shopping cleaning etc", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a feeling he disliked me or something but i guess were cool now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i began to feel of that darkness and it scared me how alone i felt and i couldnt even see my own hand in front of face", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had despite the karamazovian hangover that made it feel twice as hot as it was", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling shaky as blood sugar plummets", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love it when you sniff my dirty feet it feels so naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am still feeling weird all at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just want to feel pretty for one night and enjoy it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was at home alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i liked that feeling but im not sure what you were thinking", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling extremely affectionate today love", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling devastated by not having the photos i thought i was taking", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel my experience may answer some questions for others as i was very skeptical about using this product", "label": 4} -{"text": "i decided then that i was about to curl back to sleep feeling more annoyed with kenny than ever", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive set myself new years resolutions as i tend to break them a little to soon and feel disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel emotionally drained from weeks and weeks of pain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also got put off buying grated cheese for reasons quite often it was mouldy and i had to chuck it out and they put some sort of coating on the cheese which i feel really suss about it seems like some strange chemical to stop it sticking together", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling too well to go last night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i missed the singular flight that they took to get to z", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look back on all the non conformist rhetoric of my youth and feel amused and proud", "label": 1} -{"text": "i pulled back when i would feel irritated and just observe it usually in a seiza style seated position", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for their loyal staff who face a difficult task in seeking employment in the current economic conditions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel greatly honored to announce herewith soon it will be done that we my brothers and sisters of us archangels will be able to celebrate the reception of you arriving here shortly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get this warm feeling when were talking and you have no idea how gorgeous he is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was all about that male persona and feeling free to just be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i walk over papers or kick stuff out of my way and feel sort of helpless to resolve the mess", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty link up this past month", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling heartbroken and lonely i watched my second younger sibling get married leaving me the lone single adult in our family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel a tickle in my throat and i was immediately convinced that i had strep and would probably die because it s probably been festering in my tonsils for weeks and now it s too late to fix it and ohmygod", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel my nipples harden at the thought of doing something naughty with this woman", "label": 2} -{"text": "i figured her feelings would be hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can certainly understand why staff rejection of kathi stringers need to feel and act little via little kathi would result in her feeling that staff has also rejected kathi stringer the adult", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling frightened youll slip away the last few days have been a complete blur to the pont where if someone asked me what ive done i probably couldnt tell them i honestly dont remember feeling this shitty for quite some time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i account that i recently pissed brian off combined with they always leave me out of any activity im feeling insecure and thinking im going to be left out of being brians best friend and bandmate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel asleep after approximately minutes and was shaken awake by jonah telling me that this movie was way too scary", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel honoured to be part of the team", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can feel that they really are eager to accomplish that mission", "label": 1} -{"text": "i either get an earl grey tea latte a chai latte coffee black or if im feeling really dangerous a spanish latte or mocha", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so stupid without my planner", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disgusted and i feel unworthy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like if i try to talk to her about it im just going to come of bitchy especially since all i want to do is yell at her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the feeling of longing in this song", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been in school for a long time struggled and feel hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been trying to think of an anxiety reducing activity that i could do to unwind when im feeling uptight i have other anxious friends who find comfort in knitting or crocheting and im hoping that drawing is this hobby for me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dig up a mandrake root i feel awe this reminds me of how impressed i have been with henbane roots i will definitely be working with that plant further next season", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive never been a fan of mgmts direction in their psychedelic rock i feel disappointed with this album all the same", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know i usually feel unbelievably overwhelmed with school and become super anxious which form into anxiety attacks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can remember what it feels like to be enthralled by him i cant actually feel it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not half prepared and seriously im really afraid of the consequences its not as bad as what i felt before chinese os but yes im feeling really terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said when thanking you last fall i feel a curious combination of pride and humility pride at having started this but humility at the constant reminder that this project is after all staffed by self motivated volunteers", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive had dinners that left me feeling really impressed with the food", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i was caught in an elevator and it got stuck between floors", "label": 4} -{"text": "im so tierd of talking about him like theres hope as if hell care to understand what it is i feel nikki tells me hes stubborn and just full of himself but whatever it may be it hurts because i feel so crappy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know that this will be a definite success and i m feeling benevolent this fine morning", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel kind of shy but", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember specifically feeling extremely distraught at the ending of carousel and knowing in my heart it was my duty to fix it so i did on paper", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel myself getting insecure over my work i simply work harder", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must be feeling sentimental this morning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i colored my hair was hoping that something good would happen or that i would feel hot or something a long those lines", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive always been a fan of birthdays both my own and my loved ones and i think my love has to do with the fact that its the one day my overly sarcastic group of friends and family drop the harsh exteriors and make each other feel special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i pass by they will attack if they feel threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel naughty playing with the source of reali", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love it when they leave comments because that tells me i ve either written something they feel strongly about or that entertained them but even if they were the only people who read my trite ramblings i wouldn t change my style", "label": 1} -{"text": "i use it when my wrist starts to feel uncomfortable because of excessive mouse use and whenever headache migraine attacks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can say that once again after the test drive we left feeling impressed by the cx and with steve and adams assistance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know it s supremely selfish to feel like this and tbh am quite shocked at myself for feeling this way", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling the need for some blog inspiration and have to say im really curious about this event", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about miley cyrus anymore funny a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to feel like a naughty school girl in the principal s office every time i see her to ensure my daughter learns in a way that is right for her then i throw myself on the sword", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so bothered by it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit agitated that mark is still waiting for the doc to develop a plan of attack", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was like im only then i remembered that elizabeth bennet was only when she married mr darcy and not feel strange about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i delve into these kind of posts but ive been feeling a little weird about blogging recently so i thought i put a bigger spin of me on here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel overwhelmed or burned out it also means i need a break", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel amazed by the quality and passion which so many new death metal bands deliver when they play the old styled sounds like only just began", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the video was a clever harsh striking and much needed parody satire on the current state of hip hop", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel makes the unfortunate mess he s gotten into all the more heartbreaking and pathetic in the end", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like such a heartless bitch everything was going good in my life and i went and fucked it up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like making a faithful rendering of it is not really that big of a deal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit more sympathetic to their feelings sort of", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was both nervous about how this may have made eliza feel and impressed with this little girls boldness to ask", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can see how it should be just feeling disappointed with myself for not having the wherewithal to bring that situation more to a closed issue", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hereby exhort you with all the feeling of a tender stranger from the internet to get yourself there and take it in", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel too deprived with everyone eating them around me", "label": 0} -{"text": "a whole crowd of us went to a folklore festival the instructor of the cast where my boyfriend played was traveling with us we decided to catch the train that leaved early in the morning because we had business on the following day the instructor tried to get the upper hand and made us catch the train in spite of everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had been talking all weekend and i didnt really even know what to do with all the things i was feeling how could i have liked him so much already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate feeling unimportant or feeling stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i spent so many hours feeling completely out of control of my mind and so many hours trying to fight against it with every form of self medication and self harm i could find that i am amazed i have the ability to form thoughts or press my fingers to these keys", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it tugging at the most tender parts of me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will continue to try as i feel it would be a very useful thing to achieve", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had an instinctual feeling inside which assured me that i was in the midst of the truth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i loooove that feeling of being amazed seeing something for the first time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that you cant be any more sincere than when the story you are telling is true and as i write it i try to return to whatever experience or person initiated the thought to begin with", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling very strange but this is also present movement and i am trying this as one of way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt think i would mind missing out on the family festivities but as the day approaches i must admit im feeling a little nostalgic for my great aunt pollys country estate in brittons neck south carolina", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling i am going to be surprised one way or the other", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see it on facebook and i feel envious sad and pathetic that i am not having that kind of fun", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i ve been accepted by them i think but its like i said here when tripping tall cotton look for snakes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i write and im feeling a bit smug that i was already subconsciously obeying my own rule", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know why but i feel an aching sensation in my heart", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cry at the recanting of love stories and the passion you can feel when someone talks about their beloved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i may be a little bit slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i enjoyed every moment of doing my second degree even the struggle feels like sweet pain it s worth it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have ticket stubs going all the way back to and every once in a while when i m feeling kinda sentimental i open up the box and go through my ticket stubs so that they can remind me of all the good times i ve had at stadiums around the country", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really impressed together with the product", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wanted to be free free from feeling of loneliness hatred jealousy greedy scared", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have fear of even committing suicide as i am afraid i god i feel punished", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling strong enough now to tackle having a bit of a life spring clean", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i was aching for the summer to come and now it is slipping away so fast but doesnt it always", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do when im bored or i feel like my hair is so fabulous haha", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hear some smug smirking smarm coated snarkmonster bleating that they are on the right side of history what i hear is i feel safe within the crowd", "label": 1} -{"text": "id finished what id set out to accomplish by golly didnt i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive just been playing the guilt game making myself feel just shitty enough to function but not enough to actually try to change my ways", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like you have to win and you have to win during the chase to be the a target blank href http kpsg", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant dismiss the friends who reach out and want to see us and i feel terrible that several times i have to cancel because im not feeling well enough to go out", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling weird right now dont know if it is sadness or something else", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel antsy and dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel myself falling and i was afraid of what might break when i did", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was planning to pop to a new vintage market today with my camera today but a friends th birthday shenanigans last night have left me feeling a tad delicate so a lazy day at home is about all im good for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel you are not loving me the way god wants you to and it breaks my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unloved god", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also wanted to include a massage as i have been feeling pretty stressed and anxious lately and had quite a few muscle aches and pains", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told her a few things and i feel so weird now haha", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was showing no symptoms but my left eye has been sorta gummy feeling and a tad irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel impressed when i see it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty amazed at schools using byo models of smartphones amp computing devices really you have that standard of wifi amp support", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel he would get mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been selfish and concentrating on the fact that i feel awful and im tired all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have no recourse of consequence is almost enough to make me feel defeated before i even start to fight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the need to make sarcastic comments about peoples pensive emo ness", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to forgive and forget sometimes because my pride gets in the way but i lean towards it in the end", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will just end up feeling so burdened and cause me to feel unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel so so tender my heart feels split open vulnerable naked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more delighted to buy some and bring some too see some people so happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling bit resentful or rather envious of her continued reliance on me to provide her answers", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was really starting to feel i was unwelcome and should skeedaddle before someone found out that i wasnt who i was pretending to be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel the gentle gnawing of the depression and sins that ive been almost entirely free of for over three months", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel robbed of the sweet innocence of a year old little boy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ugly and its just horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel delighted at one moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know is that the feeling the sensation is unpleasant i dislike being captain of this team i know that emotion sums up my feeling just fine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i often do a brain dump exercise when im feeling overwhelmed with a project im working on or when i have lots of ideas or commitments going on in my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wont feel so boring at home alone v i love raining day so much", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had been less obvious with my feelings slc was a convention that left me feeling disappointed with myself mostly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have adjusted a bit and more importantly am not home alone i no longer feel resentful and jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel cold few days", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate that i feel hated like im not part of my grade or class", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should just shut the fuck up and return to the world it wishes me to stay in that of something half remembered in dreams and feeling vaguely of being tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant sleep because my arm is numb and feels really weird no matter what position i am in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling all angsty and obnoxious and it isnt even because of that time of the month or any of that other stuff i wrote about a few weeks ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like all i say all day is be gentle with your brother stop whining dont climb on the furniture jacob why are you crying again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i almost feel bad that i feel so great being through i finally can sleep in peace no more lies of i love you too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazing lt a href http shantellygirl", "label": 5} -{"text": "i most value as far as work and employment is concerned feel like ive helped others have job security make my own decisions can lead the kind of life i enjoy have a considerate supervisor", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a little bit dangerous here in cambodia and here are some stuff that i have done", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t remember anyone telling me it was okay to feel sad or lost or to hate what breast cancer did to my mom s little body", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really really shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i not feeling irritated by her selfish traits anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was kind off feeling horny i was lying down in my bed touching my self when i seen a guy shows up in the door", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can do all things through christ who gives me strength is a lovely little verse that i repeat over and over when im feeling a little unsure about something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spend a lot more time than i am proud of feeling sentimental or more specifically regretful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont like the way it tastes and it looks like a coiled puffy turd sitting atop my delicious cold beverage but i feel like its way too bitchy to make them like remake the drink because i wanted regular whipped cream", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate the idea of feeling vulnerable but even more i hate the idea of burdening others with my problems", "label": 4} -{"text": "i pursue a god sized dream that i feel may be a bit wimpy yet scares me enough to make me feel like im going to wet myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel horny constantly can any one give me a reason why", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t like outsourcing because i m a picky sod and usually end up feeling dissatisfied with the work of others but i have to force myself to outsource because you need to realize you can t do everything yourself", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little stunned here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel doubtful about an item i just ditch it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have experienced disgust with some people usually double dealers", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stronger on the bike and today was surprised how quickly i was able to bounce up all the hills", "label": 5} -{"text": "im starting to better understand my teachers when they speak but sometimes when the day has been long by last class at pm pm you just feel like sleeping and cant be bothered doing anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive personally left religion by the wayside big judgement y art always leaves me feeling a little enthralled and uneasy see medieval churches the tragical history of dr", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel his hot breath in my mouth his tongue following a second later as did the tears that had begun to fall down my face my arms dropping uselessly to my sides as i waited hopelessly for him to stop", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel a bit shaky and it s been over hours since i finished the book", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know what triggered this but i feel quite discontent and", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel very shocked by that me threatening", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasnt the girl in the story above but i feel so thankful that i am being brought into this big family", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was very emotional as i struggled to balance feeling like i was trusting gods perfect plan in one moment and in the next pleading with him to bring elsie to us soon and on her own", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hated and isolated but it doesn t hurt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i took sufficient rests to get my breathing to normal and as i did i could feel the strange buzz inside my head because of the incredible silence that i was facing throughout the trip", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really want to feel smart and classy i go to the frick which used to be a dudes home", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ought to feel compassionate about the disease and sick when i think of the number of people who die everyday as a result of it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel as though it was all about effort me punished", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to say that in the internet we are able to find a lot of talented crafters and diyers which makes me feel intimidated when publishing my weakling attempts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazed myself as well for being touched easily by beautiful feeling here and there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rejected by the world in these situations", "label": 0} -{"text": "i constantly feel dazed and confused which is kind of funny because i think thats a movie anyways", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel wonderful but a bit unhappy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realized that life multidimensional for instance sometimes i feel like life is so boring but sometimes its so challenging and you feel your being pulled from many directions", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i am very low in the order of evolution of humour in human beings", "label": 0} -{"text": "passing by car over a bridge where only one car could pass there was a precipice on both sides", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel curious about all this things around", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am officially feeling festive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am working for and leaves me feeling amazed at the simplicity yet overall effectiveness of this project", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a hand gently stroking my back in a very sympathetic manner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling a was a bit more impressed by a href http en", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have no idea why but i get gastric pain when i feel stressed up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i headed north to nicosia feeling very apprehensive about getting through customs with my belongings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more amazed and more thankful for having e in our lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel like i got hit by a car i walked away only shaken up and not seriously damaged", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazed looking back at the number of countries i went to for this year and last year", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so sally field like these days surprised by all the love and always with a brown mop of hair atop my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t like being lied to about petty things and here is a prime example of why i feel so bothered by this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i feel pretty lousy right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so useless stuck int he internship rather than doing some volunteering work in my community", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "im really glad that i did as now i feel that the dubied can create really gorgeous fabric that both look and feels dramatically more finished and substantial than samples that are created using a domestic machine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the gentle ackwardness of your touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling all jealous of amanda in the ohio storms right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had gotten out of a brief stay in the hospital and was still feeling dazed and suicidal and totally fearless", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i was ringing up a guy who was my teen idol", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sentimental in many ways but this may be the most inexplicable sometimes i feel nostalgic for a time ive never lived in", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m living in a strange world my wife s paternal grandmother often said", "label": 4} -{"text": "i try to be so good to everybody but they still didn t select me she said feeling rejected unable to understand the secret behind the selection process into this fake river of respect", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate that ive become content with feeling distressed or out of place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to talk about it and just get some love from you all where i wont be made to feel stupid or crazy for having a bad dream like this and being upset about it because the dream just sucked major ass even though its just a dream or whatever", "label": 0} -{"text": "im in a strange situation or feeling awkward i sometimes switch into comedian mode a bit of a defence mechanism from my self conscious school days and turned some of the sessions into katrinas minute stand up routine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know u have no idea how much i feel this pain actually it is not your fault it just me i need your support but u fail to give it its ok i dont mind i love u more than u can imagine a href http", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very curious i want to visit that office but that time i am on a bus going back to my province so i just save their contact number", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel passionate about protecting free speech if that speech is clearly inciting racial hatred and violence", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling quite brave enough to wear it on its own so i decided to add a splash of clarins gloss prodige in grenadine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this aching every time i think of u when were apart", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hear water running from the fountain which is quite soothing and it plays well with the general murmur of the crowd as i look up at the sky every so often my mind feeling shocked like omg im outside what a weird feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not feeling very loyal toward them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like to think im superwoman and i can do it all i will feel like a failure if i cant be a loyal employee and a devoted mother and wife", "label": 2} -{"text": "i believe that leaving a mark doesnt mean being remembered it means doing something that we personally feel worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have found myself drawn most often to choose flowers and similar type stamp sets but during su s recent sale a bration i really fell in love with the feeling sentimental ss so i choose this to send out to our son in law for his recent birthday", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling horny because im watching this gay male porno with feet fetishes thats turning me on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love dance but i really feel damn idiotic for not being able to excel at something that i love", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stop feeling so insecure and get my confidence back", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty proud of myself as you can see in my tweets this morning", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think about him i feel a strange way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am a pretty straight laced kinda gal who goes to church every sunday and only curses when no one is around or if i am feeling kinda naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i told him i feel like a loyal dog waiting for my nightly walk", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i have been in a vicious cycle lately doing the same dumb things and wondering why i keep getting the same stupid results", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope i m not alone in this feeling but i am amazed at the end of every year at all the changes in my life and where i have come", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought having a well respected and recognized mother of autistic boys would be the perfect guest blogger with a message i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling triumphant and strong and knew i could handle it", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive spent a lot of time feeling helpless and vulnerable about this issue", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel truly honoured to be able to share images like this", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling listless ever since school started", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t know if those who actually transition feel differently but i have always liked having breasts and a female body", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel embarassed annoyed that i couldn t let myself go more but still it was cool and i don t think they were offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t like the guy but i don t feel hostile toward him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanted to get good grades too their concern about my work has never made me feel rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i promise i will its just that things have been so crazy and the days feel like they are shy about hours", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sit here complaining to my doctor that i am feeling completely overwhelmed at times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel ugly and i find myself tearful because i want to do so much but my body wont let me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel more joy and be relaxed about the pregnancy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i read you guys i feel like im talking to a really smart guy and i dont need to say anything except nod my head because i understand what you are saying more so i think i feel what you felt", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt this really helped the students open up to the group when it can to talking about the feelings we had brainstormed and again i was surprised and pleased with how honest the students were in their responses to questions such as when are you scared", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was starting to feel a little stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i says then and it honestly makes tetsuo feels surprised right away because he never really gets such unfriendly reply like that from aki before", "label": 5} -{"text": "i heard nothing of darcy she left hertfordshire and feeling curious to meet the difficulty of kelly rowland description he might trust this man as he was almost instantly abandoned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i visit the cemetery the more in touch with life i feel it reminds me how precious are our days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go for when i feel indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find it interesting that carlson is offended and feels that gundy has wronged her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i groan feeling the sweet sensation all the way to my groin", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i was cycling past a parked car someone opened the door and nearly pushed me off my bike and into the traffic", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling frustrated exasperated or just plain uncreative ill grab one and read a few pages before i go to sleep hoping that something will help or at least make me feel like i am not the only writer dealing with that particular problem", "label": 3} -{"text": "i agree with you hold out until you feel you have something worthwhile to say", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should add a disclaimer to ensure you all that i of course would never condone unprotected sex", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling all dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i keep this blog because i feel that in the development sector we are often overwhelmed with information on methodologies best practices trends etc", "label": 5} -{"text": "im still feeling rather generous and this little blog is still growing like a weed im going to be offering off all large ad spaces use promo code fall on the blog until october st", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by the need that we saw there and the knowledge that there are so many others like her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am curious about anything and everything i try it when i feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really weird posing for these photos doesnt it just feel so unnatural", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am angry and yes at the moment i am feeling a bit whiney too", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling melancholy and especially richie tenenbaum esque ill put on elliott smith", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really do feel for kids who are tortured in highschool", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel thrilled that one of us made it to the top", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i really am a neglectful owner in addition to a curious mixture of laziness apathy and supreme guilt on a stick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel generally stunned and undeserving", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very blessed on this thanksgiving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i definitely dislike myself suitable now and i m attempting to not harm myself but i really feel like i need to have to get punished for what i ve completed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very irritated at myself when i do that and i enter this sort of mental battle with myself about how i am not learning anything but i know that it cant be the case because at school i only speak japanese", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel societally pressured to be in would never have allowed me the freedom to find out if i even enjoyed it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to feel a gentle steady pull of encouragement", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am happiest when pursue things that i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look at those pictures of me in paris and i feel amazed and grateful and reminded of how dang short life is", "label": 5} -{"text": "at noon one sunday i received a phone call telling me that my mother had been knocked down by a car at the street crossing and that her husband should go and see her i could not believe this as my father and my mother had gone out together to buy lunch boxes however i immediately ran to the scene of the accident", "label": 4} -{"text": "im in love but feel so insecure the worst part is that my insecurity leads me to do weird things", "label": 4} -{"text": "i used to think nothing about hopping on a plane flying and or driving to some unknown city in another state all by myself and not feeling any type of concern about being by myself or frightened about the prospect of being alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do know that i am not ready to feel any romantic love for anyone because i am not sure if i even believe in it anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think it makes people feel less inhibited because it is really transparent in what it s doing you can see the machine", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill ever feel that a body like mine is anything but something to be looked and poked at by the curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i read an interview with hardman and bechko that really made me feel as if they liked some of the things that i specifically like about star wars so i decided to check it out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel the urge to say something ludicrous that i could not possibly believe to be true so that i can move the burden of faith upon other people and their acceptance of it becomes my own ascendancy over it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would sit at home with the children on a no school day waiting for the storm to hit and it was a bust feeling frustrated i had to take a day off from work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so angry at being treated the way i was because i feel so messed up today not understanding why", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dazed and confused and not in a good way the entire day after", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed and frustrated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just love the way meeting new people and connecting with them for even a few moments makes me feel its like a sweet sweet medicine for my soul and heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful undeserving and meaningless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel liked cant even breathe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so drained and lethargic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like she wants to come out but have convinced myself that shes too big to engage into my pelvis on her own", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im living a bitter sweet life right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i told her what i was thinking of writing about today how i feel weird feeling so good how i dont trust it how im more than a little bit afraid of it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still regret this action to this day as i feel it was exceedingly selfish to hoist my suicide attempt upon anyone in this way especially someone i love but i did", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it coming and i get anxious about it on a visceral level that surprises me because i am not an anxious person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to call because im anticipating a spiel", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel threatened by someone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i listen to it when i want to feel elegant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still just feel inadequate physically mentally emotionally culturally educationally and all they other lly adjectives i can t think of right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never really print out pictures so i figure every year on his birthday i can print out my favorites and make a collage to make him feel special as well as to remind me to get hard copies of these priceless memories", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling grumpy about gift giving", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did my thing i left still feeling uncertain about the results", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can now write a full entry without feeling like a neglectful parent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slightly overwhelmed with this swap", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel unprotected that i could be wiped out in a fraction of an instant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i decided that today i was feeling bouncy it was actually an option", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little foolish having such difficulties recognizing that i get the son i get and not the one i necessarily dreamed of", "label": 0} -{"text": "i fruiti coffee flavor ice cream you feel hesitant in trying out the product", "label": 4} -{"text": "i genuinely feel like the writer of amazing grace", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know i stalk them on fackbook and cry every night feeling horrible realizing what they have and i lack", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling really low and sorry for myself as things were going pretty badly at that time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling thrilled by it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was fingerprinted interviewed for a job on friday and i am feeling really confident about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel delicious a href photos casseterock sizes o id photo gne button zoom class photo gne button sprite zoom grey onclick this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still have the feeling that i already missed some foreshadowing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have had views from over countries which makes me feel very popular", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel for that person who is rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like all of the terrible trends from the s are making a comeback", "label": 0} -{"text": "i definitely feel the need to listen to this album twice because all of these jams even the humorous commentary are all worthy of the rewind button treatment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like being bitter today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i kind of feel angry about that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am right now when i see elayne i find myself feeling sad and hopeless and harboring dread about the future for example ill never get good sleep again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like to feel that is exactly what i do for my beloved graham", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love my daughter but i feel very strange as if something strange in the body", "label": 4} -{"text": "i notice something is up for me or i am feeling agitated sad or challenged in any way i send out a general question to my inner tribe that basically asks who is in the drivers seat right now because i know it isn t my fully integrated wise woman", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ran away from i was feeling radiant", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling boldly optimistic and just the tiniest bit excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fucked so theres no need to leave it in a comment i already know it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i forget of everything when i m dreaming of you deep emotions outside is spring dreams do not come true i m totally addicted to the memories about your gentle touch your candy lips and lusty gaze and in my dreams i take you to the seas fulfilling every wish of yours to make u feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate the fact i feel so miserable most of the time when im not usually and i hate the fact i feel as if im moaning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strong i feel healthy i can do this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i first meet people and sometimes walking across campus i spot a pretty girl that suits my interest but i never approach her because i feel it may be looked upon as weird or creepy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was walking around the plantation seeing people basting turkeys in the window feeling very strange that i wasnt tied to my turkey", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just love that feeling when a book im curious but wary of turns out to be a fan freaking tastic good read", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not perfect but listening to other peoples worries makes me feel i am less unfortunate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was out of the zone now and suddenly i could feel the pain in my legs and for paranoid that my stupid knees were going inwards wig each step so of course the more i thought about that the more they went in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really laugh out but towards the end you will feel the message that it will convey which is the longing of loved ones working abroad", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not feeling that festive but i am still going to enjoy the festivities that follow this season because you never know what life will throw in your way so im determined to enjoy life to the full", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling very hostile to anybody with a penny to spare right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am or feels insulted of this introduction just dont read ahead", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tried to hide my emotions from her i didnt want her to know how thankful i was that someone at last called me out on what i was feeling that someone accepted me for everything that someone wanted to hear about my sadness and turmoil", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am very lucky that i can be who i am and feel loved supported by my friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i ve befriended chef s and am definitely friendly with chef m", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel supporting iv is right and hence have participated in each campaign from the time i joined", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling lonely and difficulty during living in the newyork i really want to remember", "label": 0} -{"text": "im worried well feel out of place say something rude or not have things to talk about", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling very irritable lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont care if theyre douche bags to me now i should never make anyone feel so heartbroken over me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel negativity wash over my body and i hated the feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like cinderella but there is no handsome prince waiting for this slave girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "i take the socks of and wash in the morning my feet feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "id wake up in the middle of the night feeling afraid she says", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more reassured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel like we have within our little family the pain and loss losing my sweet friend audrey and then my oldest niece within weeks later", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do in fact feel very mellow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sooo embarrassed right now cus i think i made myself look like such a fool", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling so impressed and so proud of her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like theres no real way i can do this book justice particularly as my mind has been very distracted lately but heres my imp", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left feeling disappointed that our friendships werent as great as they once were", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel curious how high is the sky", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldnt feel my contractions anymore so i was always unsure when to push", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walk i pass these offices with people in them feeling weird and embarrassed that someone will notice then entering the meeting i walk to my accustomed seat and i wake up from the dream and sure enough i m not wearing pants", "label": 5} -{"text": "i forced myself to appear to love modern like everyone around me did and scoffed at images of tutu clad ballerinas the way they did all the while secretly desiring to feel the sensation of delicate tule brushing softly against my legs as i chaineed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i too easy to feel offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish i could feel acceptable but i dont", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i must take you under my wing to protect to you from the savage predators that roam the halls of this ghastly thing we call the internet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i relied too much on feeling him emotionally instead of trusting him in all ways intellectually when emotion failed as it always does", "label": 1} -{"text": "im in the weight room working on this i feel intimidated exposed and a little silly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am so happy for these women i feel a little bit jealous every time i see a new announcement", "label": 3} -{"text": "i thought i with you said a sentence i distressed you you on will understand i heart of all but no you also is go has you go of is static but with to i of effect is let i feeling to than tsunami also to violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am thankful for some things and there are some things i do not feel gracious for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often get a strong feeling of longing for the oddest things at the oddest times like the leaves changing or the crisp feeling in the fall air or my moms chocolate chip cookies or her apple crisp", "label": 2} -{"text": "i managed to get from feeling freaked out and completely overwhelmed to pretty normal i now struggle to get from feeling okay to feeling excited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish someone had told me growing up that i could have very strong very intense feelings for a guy without it needing to be at all romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was ready for its end still am really yet i feel rather restless agitated uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so fearful and afraid of following my joy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sat on the couch last night next to a beautiful sparkling christmas tree feeling overwhelmed about all there is to do", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling agitated extremely horny and i have a hubby that doesnt seem to care", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like it was being rushed or something was missing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling anxious and reluctant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel agitated at times clutching and wringing my hands while most of the time while sitting or watching tv and sometimes trying to listen to whats being said around me losing my concentration and sometimes confusion", "label": 4} -{"text": "when i got to know about the reaction of a friend of mine in a certain situation i had not expected him to react that way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less distracted and am acutely aware of the others there doing the same", "label": 3} -{"text": "i shook my head feeling dazed not comprehending", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am thinking about the sort of woman i want to be and one aspect of that is one who is being able to make myself feel delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have the feeling that this recipe will be fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel over the moon when the guy i liked started a class cbc read more href http jazzyboy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant say that i didnt feel offended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know that regardless of how im feeling i can get in a hour of drawing and the day will still be productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i choose to do thing which i feel is better of everyone but something i could not convey that thing across the table and my biggest let down has been this thing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found this fun chart below that says your birth sign can direct you and your guy to the most feel fab zones on your body according to astrologer darryl gaines", "label": 1} -{"text": "i never felt like if they weren t there i would feel like i lost something that i couldn t live with out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel angry and helpless i also feel an escalating sense of foreboding", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just wanted to share an energy technique that is good for removing negative energy that is causing you to feel uptight or sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling sympathetic to scott id still be hard pressed to come up with a blander great filmmaker", "label": 2} -{"text": "ill be honest when i originally started writing this post it was mostly going to be a tongue in cheek gripe at losing my job alongside other somewhat mishaps that have made my life feel low at times", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling confused but ill keep trudging through", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i should be joyful and congratulatory so i feel disgusted with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went to lunch although id been considering driving somewhere and getting food since i was still feeling rather agitated from the stress of the morning i decided to just turn the car on without starting it and listen to the radio a bit and read my book", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel in bitchy mode im at sergeis house with tim and lisa", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wonder how many others feel blank", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will have a fantastic day today i look good today i m feeling energetic and full of life i m intelligent i am kind and pure in heart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am pretty sure that discussing the whole thing in public spaces would result in being dismissed and told that my feelings were nothing because this relationship was a friendship not romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very regretful for not spending time with them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so blessed so happy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit naughty eating them casue they are the sort of thing i never had in my lunch box becasue my mum couldnt see the nutritional value in them instead i would have some concoction of dried fruits covered in coconut", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been doing i have no reason to feel frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont have control i start to feel vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling restless and uneasy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t believe that you don t feel insecure when you pick your kid up from school", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling very uncertain about how i appear to other people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think shes pretty a savy business woman funny enough on her familys show but theres something that feels a bit unsavory with her whole playboy past and that itty bitty sex tape", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have had my eyes wide open for much of it but i still just feel surprised that someone could treat someone else so horribly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a couple of hours to enjoy the solitude my introverted self has been craving for over four years and i feel content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had a great relationship i feel so blessed to have had such a strong male figure in my life he truly treated me like his princess", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel the strength of the fearful tigers while reading this poem and it also scares me when i read the author s expressions i didn t mean they are bad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so jealous of all those other kids they seem to have all their shit together while i sit here in the corner trying to keep my wrists together", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love having that feel of my stomach hurting every time i see that person i really like i love cuddling and kissing all day and just seeing them smile while therere saying sweet things to me to make me feel great about myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i almost inexplicably burst into tears in front of my mother its kind of a long story unfounded guilt about feeling ungrateful earlier today but ive been cleaning and trying to keep myself active so i dont keep falling back into slumps", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really lucky that the people in my family still value this time and carry on this tradition", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know my legs are still feeling shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive made some progress on the rewrite i feel disheartened by the process no longer confident that i can tell my own story adequately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really do have the feeling im going to enjoy this movie however whether its loyal to the books or not", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember as a kid sitting small group tour italy in a theatre and feeling surprised because you only had one trailer that you saw in the theatre", "label": 5} -{"text": "i keep feeling snarky and grouchy and decide to hide all my projects from you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that i should issue some kind of a disclaimer here when dealing with irate individuals it is a good idea to avoid confrontation in potentially dangerous situations", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel re assured that they will be able to differenciate a friendly link from a paid one", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling lucky button on the right of the google search button", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed with emotion at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling insecure about how little writing ive been doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel lost to read all of her messages cos i swear to all human being alive that her language is so alien", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel unfortunate or unlucky that ive been given what some people may consider a depressing power emotion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stand corrected i don t feel surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get beyond the superficial banter stage i learn that everyone has insecurities sad days and most upsettingly for me a sense of guilt and isolation for feeling these things every time one of these revelation moments occurs i feel surprised strangely enough", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kind of wanted to get a ps now i m feeling indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like somebody is trying to get out and wants to scream and shout about how angry i am", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling curious to try it out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am simply to realize that master homis knows best and if he feels there is too much going on he will step in and help with some tasks that i perform and i am not to become distressed about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "im saving my blog of highlights from the last three weeks so that one day next week when im feeling nostalgic i can finish it and get a fix of all the good memories i have", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that it has nothing to do with me but i feel incredibly unimportant and unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was sipping a hibiscus mint tea and feeling oddly calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate it i am feeling bothered by my boob size", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have never been a cord or half cord fan myself i feel i have tender hands and i just do not like the rough feel of a cord grip", "label": 2} -{"text": "im always eager to see and feel changes and get frustrated easily if i have to keep doing something without knowing what im doing wrong but with pole dancing i feel like im always a tiny bit better each time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am enjoying it and feeling thankful for all the blessings in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel resigned on race morning when in the k to go signs in bike racing i start getting excited", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more passionate about living and loving even if romance isnt in my immediate future", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel pretty affectionate towards him albiet in a i want to strangle you every two minutes sort of way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i left some vital things out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel id need to be shaken violently to bring me out this spell of blissful ignorance", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am still feeling a little tender still from my lose of jim", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling unloved un thanked not appreciated when i feel sorry for myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont ever want to say too much but in the odd case that my thoughts are helpful to one of you i feel impressed to share whats on my mind", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that friends and family who formula fed or had difficulties breastfeeding may feel insulted on my opinions of formula", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think its all an elaborate rouse to make tourists feel foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like persistence of vision is a book that a lot of readers will adore and be eager to read", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling things lately that are strange and completely foreign to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so heart pained", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit threatened by my friends amount of posting the past while and my lack of exactly that so in a desperate bid to remain king of all postopia", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean boys will be boys after all ive always gotten the feeling that if she could be naughty and get away with it shed totally take the chance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i ve got a feel for the style of baseball that we re trying to play a target blank rel nofollow href http inssure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel horny against my will", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling helpless as i could not explain it to him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i call the sacrifice feeling where you feel longing for what you are giving up but you realize that it will be worth it", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been in such an insular geek subculture i feel kind of amazed that these women would even talk to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was a child i used to warn my parents i was becoming upset and likely nearing a meltdown by telling them i was feeling funny inside because i didnt know how else to explain my feelings and have had trouble understanding and analysing my emotions all my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i believe it is the way to eating for health for disease prevention and it just makes you feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel scared for abby because what if he doesnt make the time to spend with her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am being smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a guilt for feeling a bit relieved for having an answer for this dogs future", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the need to be more compassionate and patient with others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that any relationships whether romantic physical familial or platonic take a lot of work and energy to maintain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need to find a girl my age but when youre feeling worthless youll most likely give the first person that cares about you a shot", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel proud of myself because i was strong and i made the right choice which will snowball into today and help me to be strong today and so on and so forth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i pray the word of our lord is not foreign to her bc she hears it constantly from her two parents her extended family and her church family and that she feels it impressed upon her heart", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have just sipped on a cup of sweet hot chocolate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i turn this month and thanks to garance i m feeling more excited a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about the travel work of gemma hart ingalls and andrew ingalls the talented duo behind a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do that by memorizing and repeating the quote to myself from time to time once i am not feeling impressed to complete a project or task or once i am simply in a very lazy or tired state", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel more invigorated by it must be the a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to be able to speak without the person feel so offended every god damn time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just wanted her to feel safe and protected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so angry at myself sometimes when i have the ihatemymom feels", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt even feel like one of my teachers liked me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel anxious to go see my kids and excited to bring them home for forever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think i feel i am being very dull just now", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling particularly greedy ill push the boat out and melt some butter on the stove and drizzle it over the popcorn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt particularly scared of her but i remember feeling that she was persecuting me without reason or for something petty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would actually be tempted to buy the full size version of this because it leaves my skin feeling lovely it tingles a little when i first apply it but after that i just leave it work its magic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so acclimated into this culture now that its funny for me to think about the expectations i had during the first week", "label": 5} -{"text": "im still not entirely certain where this story is taking place and im not feeling creative enough to come up with a nifty name for a character that makes only a brief relatively unimportant appearance though now shes suggesting there might be use for her after the performance too", "label": 1} -{"text": "im already feeling the effects of being slightly over generous with my present buying", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt use the word sexy to describe myself without feeling funny she says", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very welcomed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel totally out of my league in the midst of these talented artistic cake decorators", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was walking home from a place on southside and i live on northside and i was followed i headed my most direct route", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little vain now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i winced and said that does not feel funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel completely helpless i ave written them some letters i am worried worried sick about how long this might be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel extremely honored to have had my blog recognized but even more so with it coming from her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t really feel like i can be blamed for such habits", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel it ragland said convinced that local officials and british petroleum among others haven t been on the up and up about what s in the air locally as a result of the massive oil spill in the gulf", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have no idea why im feeling so fucked up now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling rather dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like to keep all my old shop receipts in my handbag as i feel it creates a lovely soft bedding for my mobile phone the lip gloss that has fluff in it and the biro which is currently spewing its ink all over the post it note full of highly important information", "label": 2} -{"text": "im in a strange mood today i feel dull and unfulfilled but not sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember saying i feel weird and then i woke up in a seat that i did not pass out in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel mildly apprehensive about whether i have the brain capacity for both", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find it funny how often i feel like george bailey from its a wonderful life when he realizes how loved he is at the end and what a beautiful life he does have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel grumpy about", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think a hang over feels like a dull head ache and heavy eyes and nauseating feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a failure i feel so hideously ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could not relate to or feel sympathetic with unnecessary time shifts particularly in the first third of the book this was a story that just could not draw me in", "label": 2} -{"text": "im starting to feel restless and frustrated watching the conflict from a screen", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i wouldve liked a steadier stream of action i definitely cant complain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel anger when things dont come out as i wish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know what your goal is for today but i won t feel offended if you don t stay with me and you re feeling really good and need to go", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really like and her suggest potential hook ups how would i feel i honestly was shocked at how much sense that made and how oblivious i must of been to the impact it must of had", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel selfish because i have this huge grief and it feels like im not able to help her with hers because i am so sad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could literally let my hair down while working out because there were only women present and i did not feel shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so guilty for not able to help much", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to say i feel quite honoured about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cried because i was listening to a webcast about clearing the clutter from our lives and we had to close our eyes and imagine walking into the most cluttered room of the house and think about how we feel i feel hopeless overwhelmed disgusted ashamed and so incredibly sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have known and been inspired by such an amazing person over the last years and i will miss our poolside banter tremendously", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel carefree and weightless and yet worried and grounded all at the same time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i opened it i noticed that i wasnt feeling so stressed so this could be something i would buy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was texting her and she said she was nervous it sorta made me feel nervous too since it was both our first time to see each other", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel would be lovely to travel right now amongst the super busy world i currently am in", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just forgot about the disappointment feeling because i was not accepted just i f you read this just think about it as something that i wanted to tell you just so you will remember those times", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that marks spiteful vibes are getting sent to me and so that adds to it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a little horny looking at her such a hot mess and telling me with such lust about how she was fucked i fucked m doggie style before we went to bed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling amazing during the period of time that i was following this habit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rather uptight lately and i just dont know where the old me went", "label": 4} -{"text": "i drove around listening to nada surf and feeling dazed and twenty again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really do feel like the supporting cast is tooo large", "label": 2} -{"text": "i descended the seven flights of stairs with just a touch more clarity and a bounce in my boot feeling pleased with myself for being brave enough to speak with such a high ranking intellectual", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im saying my name is curious and im an alcoholic with that admission somehow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel at all comfortable suggesting that if american servicemen and women suffer higher death and injury rates perhaps that will dissuade politicians from choosing a military option", "label": 1} -{"text": "i avoid the doctor because unless i need antibiotics it never does me any good and im left feeling irritable that ive wasted several hours of my life for nothing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so happy today me so", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so delicate i could snap in half", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t stop by to tell you the story of my life but just to give you congrads on everything you accomplished and still will in the future because i feel your zest for life is worth being envious of", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel just so annoyed and i am ranting about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more uncomfortable and out of sorts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cannot imagine feeling intimidated by yr hes pretty much the least intimidating person ever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel curious what the new day will bring", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that the existence i know is being disturbed i will entrust the solving of the bigger problems to those whom i have elected to do so", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i ve been robbed and wronged and i ll do everything i can to save every last penny", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sorrow because i get rejected every single day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strangely dazed and blissful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i write this note just to make my heart feels more calm", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a sympathetic heartache coming on", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird and hot and not myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit like rip van winkle waking up after being a sleep for years to a strange new world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like so much of my life has been rushed through like just the means to an end and now it feels like i am enjoying everything i possibly can for what it truly is", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im just being selfish and it shouldnt bother me but on the flip side i believe i deserve to feel like i do i am after all a human being", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love anything with a vintage retro feel delicate and flirty pieces what more could a girl living in the wrong era want", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so helpless sometimes", "label": 4} -{"text": "im a little damp having been to and from school dog walking and then swimming lessons with katie but im feeling lovely and warm", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel so uptight and out of sorts inside", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been having a crazy essay marking marathon so saying that i feel brain drained would be quite a strong euphemism", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel naughty even showing you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling your loving bd wishes and vibes all the way over here", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling more generous than usual but im also grateful for the less than warm and fuzzy recollections that i have the disappointments heartbreaks times of trial and loss loneliness uncertainty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love reading books about how best to educate kids in part because i care very strongly about the issue and in part because i like to feel inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that it is the delicate balance between fear of the lord and love of the lord", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant even really talk to her without feeling some discontent with how she handled the entire situation with my brother", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel honored to get to provide him with new territory to explore and new learning to discover every single day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i might be bragging ok i totally am but i feel like that is one smart bubba", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel blessed this this whole scene went down as it did", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty amazed at what we have gotten done in months time minus being away weeks at christmas new years", "label": 5} -{"text": "i re enhanced it and gave it a little bit of a retro feel it makes him look like hes gentle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i ve been fucked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feeling disturbed angry and began the feeling of wanna die again and again yeah the miserable big fat disgusting me is killing my happy side xd why i am causing suffer to myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am future teenage mom and now i feel myself always horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t like to feel needy i don t enjoy feeling vulnerable and dependant on others for anything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel slutty whoring out my own music", "label": 2} -{"text": "i truly feel so blessed to be their mom", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know how i feel about our beloved country being the biggest mission field", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am left today feeling impressed with what i saw and heard", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more hesitant than ever to speak my mind is this what mellowing of mind and perceptiveness of consequences bring", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to say i am having a lot of days lately where the last thing i feel is submissive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrific today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling so blessed to have had this wonderful time together", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling that might have something to do with when they often say we think youre funny jen but the demographic might not like the material", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was tempted at first to name one of the many projects that the archdiocese has underway that i feel very passionate about like the restoration of saint patrick s cathedral or the strategic plan for our excellent catholic schools", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel at peace now no more tears and no more longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling generous so i also caught a house fly to feed the black widow id caught in a mason jar so it could feast as well", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like the wind has been knocked from my sails in getting at all excited in decorating our little place", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling rejected by the architect", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was fully intending to announce the winners sooner but my brother was feeling generous and decided to share his cold with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wouldn t want my blog to suddenly take off because then i would feel a terrified of offending people and getting comments from trolls and b an obsessive need to keep up the number of comments by being all upbeat and keeping my scary moments to myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel curious to experiment with international deliveries but im afraid the goodies will get lost or stolen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that if i m not supporting something compelling all i m doing is contributing to the noise", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look at the follow up reminders i set for myself and feel the weight of my fearful thoughts and anxieties about writing another email or making another phone call", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know is why i feel it is a vicious cycle", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant shake the feeling that when i drink vanilla protein powder and water it tastes like mashmellows in hot chocolate mix", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate feeling paranoid whenever we spend time together", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like she was ashamed or has something to hide from people or from me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know now the next time we lose a fish she wont feel as shocked and she will know not to hold it with her friends and i feel like i have the beginnings of my death conversation which makes me feel a lot less wiggy at the mere thought", "label": 5} -{"text": "i absolutely love this life and feel blessed to have a wonderful traveling partner that is up for absolutely anything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i haven t been the most supportive girlfriend lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go because i feel the spirit of our beloved pet everywhere and im certain sophie senses him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know will make me be and feel successful in my ambitions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hahaha by the way im mad at you boy because you deserve it and for your fault last night", "label": 3} -{"text": "im going into the race weekend feeling any less determined or motivated weve seen before that this championship can be unpredictable and volatile and i think this last race of the year could be even more unpredictable than normal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel lost without my ipod", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read the blogs and feel outraged and depressed sure but also old fashioned inspired at how many fine people there are out in the world putting words and ideas and pictures and things together", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have allowed myself to feel overwhelmed stressed out and to let myself dwell too much on things that i dont have within my control", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling including resentful even though it isnt pretty", "label": 3} -{"text": "im still feeling very dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a strange letting go", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel slightly melancholy but i feel some joy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i run to the bathroom feeling the burn from vile as i purge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel troubled because my study was about it and i received such text", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did not enjoy the session itself but at no time did i feel threatened upset offended or frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant quite explain that feeling of course i was terrified but i think i shut down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember waking up and having that feeling that something special would happen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hurt you i feel shocked and worried i won t forgive my self if i hurt him once more", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have already mentioned i am feeling rather sentimental about this birthday", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left drenched in sweat and feeling amazing i texted matt to brag", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like posting and giving some credits to my beloved shoes everrrr", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this is an unfortunate fact", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this peacefull fealing comes from finding a very delicate inner ballance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have work in the morning while i clean up photos from a weekend location search to take mini sessions of holiday photos for my friends and feel positively thrilled to have had such an amazing day with the kids", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel his gentle nurturing whispers against my cheek and his tough hands rubbing my back as i sit half awake at the counter", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive promised myself that the next time i move i wont carry with me the feeling that i wasnt curious enough", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel like this month was a failure but rather a eye opener to help me to be more productive organized and free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant see the next mountaintop right now and sometimes it feels like i will never reach it but i am trusting that christ will lead me through to the other side", "label": 1} -{"text": "i continue to pray that it would be a forum in which my being honest allows others to relate and feel hopeful and ultimately be reminded of who jesus is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got towards the end i had a feeling something was up and it still startled me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love that everyone is asleep and its quiet i feel like i can concentrate and make plans i am usually most productive at night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i disregarded the fact that people still read this and i feel like ive offended so many people just because of the content here", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling in a generous mood this evening and have a couple of promo codes for a zombie style shooting app a target blank href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling sweet upon the rock", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not lonely per say but the empty feeling that comes with also being uncertain about the future has been plaguing me lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling quite disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blank and confusing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sorry for the times that i misjudged it as well as it had to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more assured of smoothness by following the same technique as for cashew sour cream", "label": 1} -{"text": "i help her in if i m feeling impatient and not wanting to wait five minutes for her to get her short little legs up on the bed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think ill start decorating after this weekend so i can actually enjoy thanksgiving and christmas without feeling rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "im now which makes me feel super old im practically an oap", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive scheduled this post since i was feeling very productive and chatty the other night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could sense i was fighting the image the feeling of my husband as my prince charming the image of him as hero in the bodice burner novel starring me as heroine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i bent down one too many times i dont know but i started to feel funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realize the movement one is motion sickness but ive yet to understand why some visuals make my brain feel hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the pressure to be funny all the time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am sure he feels regretful and i am glad mr", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel insulted that your office would submit a proposal that frankly i think is absurd", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that my upbringing has left me very timid and constrained", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still continue to do it i feel so fucking heartless because of it", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive never cried because of him and hes never made me feel anything less than respected and cared about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i say this is the same shit i wake up to everyday but today i feel really pissed about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hear he has a new song i get this awesome feeling of anxiety before i listen to it in hopes that the drop is gonna be amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am a little grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hated feeling like i was perpetually doing laundry all the time so i liked getting it all done on one day but i dont mind if the boys are dealing with it every day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have heard that phrase before you may not even feel thoroughly shocked and awed when i observe that i always have seen and heard too smart from corporate characters", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little strange not having any essays to write", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel uncharacteristically slutty wearing a deep v and a lacy bra that showed at v in my shirt thanks for telling me friends and didnt want to give him the wrong idea about me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a weird and semi embarrassing sense of loss over whatever messages ive missed and will probably never receive", "label": 4} -{"text": "when i noticed obvious marks of old age in a negative sense on a close relative of mine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt really feel intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i certainly didn t resist the feeling of emotional alienation from other people that i was increasingly aware of", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t feel what he is feeling but i can be a listener and be supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i missed a few key workouts for various reasons so im counting on my base to pull me through this one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i ranted and raved after coming back from iron man and frankly wasn t expecting another movie to leave me feeling that amazed and ellated when i left the cinema", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rejected and very alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would love to be open and share my honest and true feelings with the people around me as my lovely niece does on an all too frequent basis but i was raised to believe feelings should be hidden away and denied and suppressed until they appropriately reveal themselves as an ulcer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also read a collection of reasons to feel outraged in a href http babywearinginternational", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling very un glamorous because of this but doyle knows the way to encourage my heart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m not bitchy or fluffy enough to deal with some of the fags", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling cranky lately because someone is writing a thin privilege list and no one seems to remember that i did that years ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i nonetheless actually feel bitter more than that explained guardiola on thursday", "label": 3} -{"text": "when i qualified for form i i was one of the three pupils who qualified for form i that year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling stress out over dumb ass shit and i can t understand why through", "label": 0} -{"text": "i encounter people at a time in their lives in which they feel helpless and scared", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t like feeling distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel bitchy because i am hurting too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i understand that people make mistakes i am feeling a little disillusioned today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so wronged so incredibly angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel furious hate love vengence etc", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel excited also because they bring good song hap", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt like feeling uncertain or ignorant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont want things to ever end time in my life i feel someone who i love is truly supporting me and is there for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling dissatisfied with the it industry", "label": 3} -{"text": "im really busy at the moment and im feeling stressed by it all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like at least half of the romantic conflicts in movies or television come from adultery in some form and i m bored with it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so blessed that i am now able to feel her little flutters", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought about how lovely it would be to hold a cup of hot tea in my hands at that moment and feel the hot liquid flood my freezing insides", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think i might feel more tortured than she would by the whole ordeal", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont feel half as gloomy as i did for example this morning with no real reason", "label": 0} -{"text": "i continued to feel cranky and kind of depressed about my inability to perform on stage the one time when it counts until the next afternoon", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling sorry for the little guy until i noticed smoke coming out of his mouth", "label": 0} -{"text": "im starting to feel doubtful because this person is doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling especially bothered by it today sparky bought this movie iframe align left frameborder marginheight marginwidth scrolling no src http rcm", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can instantly spot the pieces that i know color wise will make me feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i need to just move through something that is making me feel apprehensive when i hesitate is usually when i succumb to fear and fall or take", "label": 4} -{"text": "i admit that i do often feel so confused and every single one of my kids are different", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really confused over the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sat outside feeling totally shamed and ridiculous while my knight in sweaty armour rides up on his mountain bike with that look on his face that says how old are you again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like someone will get mad at me for calling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have come to realize that people feel so offended and all they hear me say is what you are doing is wrong you are stupid", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive actually made some friends so im feeling a lot less isolated here which has taken the edge off overall", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel curious and sad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the guilt going on from time to time as i seem to have this week about all the lovely things i have that go neglected and unused", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have only been blogging for a short period of time but i feel privileged to be a part of this community i have connected with and feel like i know some truly wonderful people thanks to this little blog omine and i will always be grateful for that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i say to myself when i am feeling low", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im a little hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i post this im feeling kinda curious how many of you have siblings and what are they like", "label": 5} -{"text": "i m feeling a bit generous today so i thought i d share this gem of a recipe with you all", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling quite melancholy about the very real possibility that i may never see these friends again", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill eat more of my feelings and they will be delicious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little sympathetic to her and we chat for a bit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unloved i just read my spam", "label": 0} -{"text": "i called myself pro life and voted for perry without knowing this information i would feel betrayed but moreover i would feel that i had betrayed god by supporting a man who mandated a barely year old vaccine for little girls putting them in danger to financially support people close to him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling terribly sociable and have said to mr jules", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like coming home to a clean house i like going out with friends i like the sense of accomplishment i feel in making something myself rather than buying it i like cuddling with sweet haley i like movies popcorn and hot chocolate on cold rainy days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like the main character just gets tortured and i mostly just feel bad for him rather than laughing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i shifted some a bit earlier and am just feeling insecure after my last mile attempt that ended at miles", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need groceries but havent been going because i feel terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel scared to be at the railway stations trains buses or malls", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got to feeling even more irritated so i decided to wash my car followed by jim complaining that i needed to wash his too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been having these terrible dreams where i wear wide legged flannel trousers and smoke too much and my inner life is filled with dreariness and catholicism and then i wake up and feel dissatisfied with everything particularly well never mind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think my reluctance to go ask questions is based on both the feeling that i m bothering somebody and the fact that i m shy and would prefer to send emails", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like he doesnt see me in a romantic or sexual view anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling restless bored or irritable expressing myself creatively always seems to help", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling very inspired im sorry", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cannot help but feel even more appreciative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little overwhelmed because there is no curriculum but i have resources who are helping me out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i was being much to stubborn and my reluctance grew directly from that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the parent of a rebellious teenager", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that a woman has a gift she should not unwrap too quickly no matter how eager a man may be to undo the ribbons", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got the reader s digest book on everything knitting but there are like different methods for just starting the first row and i m feeling a little overwhelmed now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate it when you stand up for her though because she isn t a good person and i feel like you re less loyal to me than you are to her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel less weird about my premature graying that started", "label": 5} -{"text": "i say that my heart yearns for a baby i m actually feeling a longing for jesus", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel uncertain unsure powerless and sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think having another two hours on top of that on a weekend just throws my body out of sync and makes me feel groggy so although i appreciate the gesture i might just get up as normal from now on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a goal of really stretching his legs out and seeing where his fitness level was and he came off feeling fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look up feeling quite annoyed of the intrusion and already irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i noticed near the end of marathon training the wear pattern looked weird on my shoes and both of my legs were not feeling comfortable because i felt like i was being pushed to the outside of my foot", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find this feeling unpleasant but i want you to know that you re my everything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel tortured i can always quit but this is something i never seem to be able to escape from no matter how hard i try", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling generous go ahead and enter using mr", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling quite restless and cooped up and longed to get out of the house", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ever feel foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have the feeling that as you went through this process you were more sympathetic to it than when you started out", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would have gasped out loud at the sight of her but what i said about feeling like i was stunned by electricity was true", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really disgusted that just because he supported justin", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im loosing out on life when i have an amazing best friend friends and family", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel privileged and honored to have been in his musical company bill changed me as i am sure he changed countless other musicians and people who when encountering his music discover something deep inside themselves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel real mellow now", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sick grumpy and feeling sorry for myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling quite lethargic right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was so happy that i got to see them because i was feeling severely homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this book tries to be no more than a pleasant portrait of life in this alternate world regency england lacking in the memorable characters and social satire and make austen s novels so beloved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess i didnt feel very threatened by henles power", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel particularly unfortunate for her husband as he didnt get it sample the goods before he bought them and now cannot get his money back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know how but i forgot how to communicate with people and tell them how do i really feel forgive me if i annoyed you with the complaints", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could pray whenever i m feeling at a loss and unsure what the loving thing to do in a given situation might be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i lead a charmed life at times", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel helpless for her and i worry that she wont see an example of an upbringing that could unleash her potential", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt also that if i didn t do it promptly i would not again at least not soon feel that gentle instruction", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a long commute instead of feeling restless the whole way i am more relaxed and happy to be sitting for that hour", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive had to seek help from lots of different people recently and that feels very strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel hesitant to let people see what i look like online though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am being punished for trying to stay neutral and for trying to get everyone to remember the good things about the others to remember when all of this is over we are still family and dont have to see eye to eye on every thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that i am alone sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though i went out a bit hot int he first mile and lost position to the top runner in the field again from my ag", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so lucky to have friends like her that believe in my craftiness", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help but feel that the reason she is sarcastic is becuz of me even tho ashley says she always has been sarcastic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that its vain and materialistic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so heartless because no one is strong enoug", "label": 3} -{"text": "i are feeling irritable loaded down and very sensitive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have to say sometimes i read some of these brilliant posts and feel somewhat intimidated about my own ad hoc patchy casual this is me struggling with my life at times blog", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i got caught up in the world this weekend with all that was going on i got a bit distracted with the headlines", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must say though after browsing through the site and getting a feel of things i m pretty impressed and rather excited about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel impressed to simply share a excerpt from the practice of the presence of god by brother lawrence", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very unsure of what im going to do in the coming months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i retain the accomplished feeling and im very curious about what they eventually rate that sucker", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had a feeling that was going to happen once i accepted the job offer because life likes to throw you lots of curveballs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i admit it feels like the really funny gags that we used to see in the clampett cartoons feels as though they have been restored in a cartoon but just not enough gags in this cartoon", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to feel gorgeous again and be able to go dancing all night and look fab in whatever outfit i desire to try on", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling shaky and off so no big post today", "label": 4} -{"text": "im probably a little hormonal right now but i feel as though my sex life has gotten boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am relieved and excited we are happy and feel invigorated walking to the park afterwards several conversations swirling around about bravery audiences making mistakes good teachers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel weird not putting the finishing touches on a thing wheras the pages i have ahead of me feels like a mountain in my way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel like people are curious each child as to how i m doing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that i ve somehow totally impressed him and he does indeed like me and wants to pursue something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel the longing to be with you inspite of you sitting in front of me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tend to forget when we feel stressed out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the opportunity to do the same but i dont because i dont want anyone to feel like an idiot for being curious or being worried", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t start feeling that way completely until i liked the person on the inside and that s real", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling amorous tonight never again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like we cant be friendly anymore", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to brush up especially now that im beginning to feel paranoid about this stuff", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont be paid attention to also feeling tender to the model appears is a favour this locality model that works because of be in hong kong before is not much it is for the most part foreign girl i also am foreign girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like she is more agitated or bossy not all the time but when she is its a turn off kinda getting old i dunno just talking out loud right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get way more done than if i had a monster list i was trying to work through where i end up feeling terrible because i barely made a dent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had lost or repressed sexual feeling to the point where i had almost convinced myself i didnt much care about sex any more", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just hope that i made him feel beter tonight because i hated that suicidal talk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel nervous but rebellious and alive at the same time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit of furious that time", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling really really sarcastic caustic or theres been an influx of idiots into my flists daily lives", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel that the two girls are shocked with what i m saying", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just want to not feel stressed and anxious but this person is standing in the way of my peace", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling sentimental for i love my wales the wonderful alexander cordell", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think for many of us we get used to it and we stop feeling that there is something deeply strange and broken and urgent about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know this is a bit of a departure from the usual stuff in this blog but i feel like something so disability friendly should get a nod so do check it out if youre picky like me and need your fresh ground pepper", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been invited to lots of plays and musicals and concerts that im feeling so overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel vulnerable at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i see something so interesting in him that i start feeling i would have admired the very quality very much even if he wasnt that good looking after all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still look into those eyes whenever i feel longing or a sense of celebration or a need for reassurance and i am able to find my answers there much more readily than in anything he could ever say", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am going to whine a bit brag a bit and generally talk about how i feel what i wear and how freakin hot it is here in chattanooga this summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive probably already said i get what she was trying to say where she was coming from and am making an effort to turn it around but i feel ive been mostly faithful to that i do try a lot and havent crawled down the rabbit hole where old habits live", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know it has taken me years to get up to speed and i still feel i myself have a long way to go but im amazed how many impressive resume holders i get to interview dont have the basics down pat", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that is advantage i have time to be shocked and grieve a bit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i notice after going to the chiro that my legs are less crampy feeling and more relaxed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think everyone today is feeling a bit sentimental about the time they have spent in jamaica whether it was the last weeks or several years worth of visits", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am completely flattered but it brings me full circle to what i said earlier about feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling uptight or stressed out i run here to clear my head", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel my ovaries aching from time to time but its getting better each day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so bitter and annoyed that i cant quite get my own head around it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im coming to terms with things something else happens that makes me feel foolish for believing it would get better", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling he has given her reason to be suspicious in the past", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel accepted chosen and acknowledged by this little girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had one of the best times of my life i came back feeling really confused and more unsure of myself than i had ever experienced before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i open the st box i feel a radiant light engulf me i feel it becoming a part of me this light is my new found confidence that i can not ever lose as it is now part of me and then proceed on to the next box", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know its a tone you dont normally hear from me being that im so normally upbeat positive and life affirming but heck meaty members i feel a sarcastic tone is warranted now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel weird or guilty about the fact that i dread being away from my daughter or the fact that i feel anxiety when she isnt with either my husband or me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i stood there for a minute trying to figure out why i was feeling so strange when it hit me like a ton of bricks i was pregnant", "label": 5} -{"text": "im trying to rid myself of the helpless feelings that have inhibited me for so long", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel charles looking at me shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive still got this weird problem of feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling lucky links will appear when you hover your cursor over a prediction below the search box", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to be pushing on but am faltering by not being properly prepared for a grind but from now on i vow to do something else with my night if i feel groggy tired instead of lose money", "label": 0} -{"text": "i learned to keep bad things buried and only talk about things i thought would be accepted and which would therefore help me feel accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will certainly not criticize those that have chosen to do this surgery i cannot help but feel that a world that suggests such perfection and standardization in our genitalia is not a world worth supporting", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like not only is it impacting my health but it is impacting hobbies and things i feel passionate about and love doing such as this blog and food photography", "label": 2} -{"text": "i liked having a different perspective and getting into the mind of a bully but i wasnt expecting how dirty i would feel and aggravated i would become", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rude because i clearly dont want to talk about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just wanted to feel very pleased at the end", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know i have said this before but i wanted to again say how lucky i feel to have so many people pulling for and supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling so overwhelmed today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disgusted with the bootlickers", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been trying to get my retro vibe on so i hit up all the antique malls around big d and left feeling excited and frustrated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am the number one cheerleader of color and think that every person should have one shade that makes them feel amazing and no neutrals like tan gray and black do not count", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling curious i resort to a fly over with google maps using certain keywords plugged into the search bar to high lite destinations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel nervous about what may lie ahead", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find myself jogging in place until i feel that sweet little vibration on my wrist saying that a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised when people talk to me about how im doing with recovery", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find it very easy to talk about my mental health issues when i m not on medication but when i am i feel vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i give you some tips on overcoming the feelings of being overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should feel pressured but i consider this to be a high priority", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird somehow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i ask of him yet i can not help but feel dissatisfied with the whole relationship", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could get it repaired but i feel that i might as well get a whole new one even though it will cost me much more money", "label": 1} -{"text": "i enjoy seeing but i feel too uncertain about everything to initiate anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cannot feel kind or gentle towards them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little petty saying i was disappointed in pierre berton s a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "im in one of the leading roles due to my singing background feeling a little anxious although i know its nothing big", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know gosman s is a touristy place to go if you are in the montauk area but infrequent visitors to this area want to head there for the harbor feel the gentle cawing of the seagulls lapping water against the wood pilings and relaxing breeze coming in off the water", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that caring too much about celebrities lives is a waste of time", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling confused a lot and theres familiar evidence the way i keep do not keep my checkbook the drying of clothes before theyre clean these familiar markers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also remember feeling embarrassed and worrying about what people would say since i had only recently recovered from another bad fall while rushing down the hard wet marble steps of our local subway", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling really festive today due to working on an a w collection for a client", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am definitely feeling happy manic excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling fearful of this operation because if it is a success that will put me out there again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i already feel deprived thinking of no yogurt no butter on bread no tea no coffee no snacks no fresh veges though we will eat some silver beet from our garden", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did not feel perfect but i certainly felt alot better than i do now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant feel sympathetic towards others unless theres somethin in it for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hated it that feeling i hated him no sam don t cry", "label": 3} -{"text": "id say one of the pearls is the ski trips dinner it is so simple with such naturally flowing dialogue and effortless acting from everyone involved and so vigorous that it feels real something that usually lacks in romantic comedies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hope no one gets their feelings hurt for not being a part of the group", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel uncertain about my shoulder it s fine i m just ultra paranoid about fucking it up again", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was detached from the situation and in a way i guess i was but i see being detached as not feeling and i felt every day i felt crap and i hated myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like just telling that someone i have admired from a distance for ages that i think hes the most beautiful person i have ever seen but i dont want to come across as a fucking freak", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel successful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont remember about a situation when i have experienced this feeling maybe it was when i saw a drunkard in the street", "label": 3} -{"text": "im sitting on the floor feeling stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was blocking the way anything and yet one of them still manage to brush past me and cop a feel i was like stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that i am worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel out of place and unwelcome and even if i did talk to my sisters about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling so blessed and loved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i miss feeling insulted or feeling discouraged but then knowing that the hardest parts of life would never dent my self love", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really feel that it is so really innocent again to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling all loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could almost reason this one out till daniel stated that those about him could not see the vision but the feeling in the air was such that it frightened all the others so that they ran and hid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling nostalgic for real baking", "label": 2} -{"text": "im a fat ass m is leaving and its time to panic i feel so useless out of medical school and", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know feel a sense of responsibility toward those whose family and homes were devastated by hurricane katrina", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will share it with others if i feel impressed to", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is superior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually have heard about this song months ago but i just ignore it or never bothered to search for it on youtube because i feel like its an another lame video just like rebecca blacks friday", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do believe he will soon move onto more inviting territory but for now i will open myself to him as it is easier than fighting him off as i feel this just makes him more determined to stick around and wreak utter chaos", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still love to run and plan to keep it up but i don t want to once again register for so many races that i feel like every exercise moment needs to be devoted to running", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am still feeling a little shaken and perturbed about my body because the day is winding down and the silence of the night is fast approaching i can honestly hold my head high and say i made it and tomorrow is another day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling delicate so we ended up lazing slowly around commercial road", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shamed in even saying such a thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do have more energy and im tired of my house being a mess i feel totally overwhelmed and have no clue where to even begin", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling agitated and disjointed tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like they are already so sweet and so creamy that they really dont need anything added to them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can think back to times when ive been made to feel unwelcome and judged and i feel like i should do my part to prevent others from having to go through the same thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wake up and immediately feel overwhelmingly thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just went through the same shitty interview process for selection this year and besides the economy being better i feel like i nailed the interview and really impressed some of the people there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think he feels about it rather like i do its weird and sort of ugly but also funny and sort of beautiful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my sweet girls spirit cradling my heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feels so weird that ive gotta plug in my earpiece and starts blasting my songs because my earpiece aint plug in type", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think is one of the most significant and simple reasons why i often feel weird about the idea of traditional monogamy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t even want to promote my business because i know that means i ll have to do this way more often and i m not feeling creative at all lately so that would just be horrible", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am in a strange retooled version of my fair lady my fair foreign exchange student", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very intimidated by this government and im not a woman whos easily intimidated she says", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive never left a comedy festival show early before i feel so shamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so obnoxious because i keep going in and asking when im working because they say theyll call then they loose my number or forget to call", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i hate seeing him with my mother and i can t stand when she s affectionate with him because he s an asshole", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a feeling i would like it but wow oh wow i loved it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel uncertain about but there are definitely times when i knew there was something wrong like when i just knew ethan had an ear infection out in kentucky and we needed to go to urgent care", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the weight of someone a gracious pressure on the blankets nearby", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel jealous of all they are getting to experience", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed with energy and excitement at gods calling on my life in the form of my gender", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got to know more about the three movies i feel sincere respect to the director richard linklater and the whole team of crew of creating this love story", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought it had been a lot longer judging by how i feel so i was surprised to see that it had been so little time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel are too violent and sexual for their fan base", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am really feeling festive i will make something fancy like chow mein noodle candy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was sitting there at grad feeling kind of dazed a wow i did it feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i notice this keyed up feeling is leaving me more irritable lately too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so shocked about how many people still arent properly educated about hiv", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a song coming on on delicious img src http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a longing for what was depicted then", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always like beautiful girl surrounded by beautiful girl always make me feel handsome", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been ill all weekend and i am still feeling delicate today with a hospital appointment looming tomorrow morning", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stand by my bed and trace my fingers across his back feeling the delicate soft perfect skin beneath my fingers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i start to feel weepy i generally just suck it all up and cork the bottle tighter than before", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling horny today what color bra and panties areyou wearing knightiu are u serious iwananame what do u think sexting is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so helpless in situations like this so i felt the best thing was just to draw", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird yet great since sam is out of town for three days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do sometimes feel envious for others that experience that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rushed and a little out of sorts this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling very bitchy whiny irritated overall", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive learn to categorize better to know how i feel whether or not i actually have an affectionate emotion or just my egos calling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i spend thinking or worrying or feeling unhappy about something related to it every day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i lived with friends here i live with a person i share common areas with a person i feel is not really keen on sharing those common areas at all but has to due to high living cost", "label": 1} -{"text": "ill have to wait a couple of days before i can really debrief on how i feel about leaving but i do feel like it will be strange to go home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i told him flat out i was feeling overwhelmed and needed help he said he d be by earlier as early as he possibly could then showed up later than he originally said he would and then a week later is telling me he can t help me if i don t speak up and have already made my mind up about people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get the feeling that we have surprised the staff as we pile around a big round table with a big lazy susan in the middle", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rather dazed and tired and in great need of chocolate pudding", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling that this little sweet baby is not going to be so sweet when it comes to potty training", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling timid about a new garment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i made chad feel my bicep and he was impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate feeling uncomfortable and will resort to all costs in finding predictability and comfort", "label": 4} -{"text": "i eventually found one she was all right but the place she worked at you just didnt feel important it felt like herding animals in and out to some extent and there was always so much waiting because as i can imagine now they double booked a lot of people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel useful purposeful and more sure than i have been since arriving that my project is a possibility", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help but feel a bit suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel had i not got my divine cream on the case my end story would have been very different", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling incredibly emotionally fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "im taking full advantage of feeling this productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i read a book she would have loved and know i just have to send it to her and i feel surprised when i realize that i can t", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like you could get pretty creative with these potatoes if you wanted to", "label": 1} -{"text": "i often feel hot amp sweaty despite not having a fever", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself longing for eliza even more", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling really paranoid for some reason tonight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rebellious and just wanna have fun break all the rules and care nothing for the fact that im a grown up haha im hardly ever that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it is ludicrous to have separate horror and fantasy awards", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive had little movie star tears come down but the way i feel is not relieved by that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel like explaining to her that im genuinely curious and want to learn and understand and at least have some idea of what people are saying to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could literally feel all the things i stressed out about amp worried for drain away from me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel appalled by russian georgian war and it is war no questions", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel horrible about myself how i look and things like that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel agitated sad and defeated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel that it was very hot and i should not get closer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant even begin to express the joy i feel when i sit back and watch my sweet family grow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have recently been doing an audit on my social ethical and environmental footprint and while i feel virtuous in many areas there are one or two things which i am almost embarrassed to admit", "label": 1} -{"text": "despite our good performance and excellent results the management refused to meet our demands", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel i want to carry on with the project and make something which he would have liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often find myself wanting to watch a movie when i am feeling overwhelmed with work or as the krill says in happy feet i need a temporary escape from the existential terrors of existence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i am put to hostile it is also because my behaviour is hostile as you sow so you reap so these three days i would like to be alone the whole world to myself to put it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so amazed at how they are handling this tragedy with such dignity and courage and grace", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel so tortured by you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i haven t it feels weird to jump in and post certain topics", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disgusted to leave everything behind and flee", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walked over to the table feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling a sense of calm and peace", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think he had just taken a phone call where someone wanted a favor and i remember feeling shocked that he would say it out loud", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im supporting a lot of small businesses", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think as does mum too many dreary things have happened this year and none of us are feeling particularly jubilant even with the new baby coming", "label": 1} -{"text": "i saw the list of the awesome contributors and i feel even more honored plus anxious to dive into the class myself to see what they have done with the sketches and color combos provided in the class content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so shy to talk with u", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i get frustrated i get annoyed i get wound up and eventually all of these things collect inside of me and wait", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just don t see how one can feel romantic in the biker room or treasure island", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel outraged to the bottom of my soul", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel intimidated beyond reason but i feel a sense of obligation that ever so slightly outweighs that fear", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel cheated all this time her is me thinking that her elegant turn of phrase prose and form were from the hand of katie price but no its from a ghost writer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still have and wear occasionally when im feeling nostalgic for those carefree summer days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like it should still be decorating her lively self", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a total idiot but i m massively impressed by this stunt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel not only slightly insulted but pissed off that person in charge did not attempt to delegate any responsibilities or tasks to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i bristled a bit at having been ignored thus but then that dreamy spell perhaps a good way to describe that feeling would be sweet love s aft er glow took over as i moved into gear and drove up alongside the wayward biker", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel less tortured and panicked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will leave it to readers to go directly to the report to see more detail because frankly im feeling a little disgusted and so instead of posting even more of the same repetitive verbiage im going to close instead with two bits of poems because i like them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think that we are all capable of feeling personally successful without having that in our lives", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable watching her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i watched the music video in private i really thought i was very good looking but now that i m watching the music video with all these media outlets i feel a little shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i solemnly swear i could physically feel delicate paws walking towards my head then walking away not in any hurry", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing right now and i got just as good a work out as i could on land", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the need to list support supporting characters as a livejournal interest", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get that many newer churches want to reach out to people who feel intimidated or disgusted by churchy looking churches and its important to be all things to all people as st", "label": 4} -{"text": "i definitely have feelings of being overwhelmed of dreading moving of worry that it wont look good once we get our furniture in and those of anxiety over unpacking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling morose and nostalgic as usual", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was rudely awoken by the feel of cold water dripping on my head when id woken up enough to actually see what was going on i realized that it was the ceiling that was dripping", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel guilty for my children", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that not dropping everything to affirm a student and stroke their writing ego is the right thing to do but sometimes i feel like i am not being compassionate in these moments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get older i feel like my sinuses are more delicate for some reason", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unfortunate that i was not at the lecture given that i am currently overseas but was able to get my hands on a transcript pdf available a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel abit nervous even tho im well prepared and i know how everything works", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very naughty because this is the first time i didnt get around to blogging but i swear i had a good excuse", "label": 2} -{"text": "im off to relax while feeling my sweet extremely active little baby wiggle around in my belly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel cold animals i think feel the same", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so pathetic every time when we quarrel ad weve to ignore each other i feel like really i lose a part of me but why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im affectionate but then i began to wonder", "label": 2} -{"text": "i see how he could be dyslexic see his votes and has been labeled dumb from it his whole life is not educated because of it and now when faced with people more eloquent and more civilized than him he could feel impressed hence his attempts at strategy that start well but dont get pulled to the end", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel that it was kind of strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel nothing but the most sincere admiration and respect for the other moderators", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came from work feeling agitated because i am going back home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling you will come away just as impressed as i am", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disempowered with my partner disempowered is the main word i want to invoke here because it is not that i feel unloved or unconsidered or uncared for", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did feel slightly shaky and had a headache", "label": 4} -{"text": "i vidva i fucked her whenever i feel like it i shitt whenever i want last time when i fucked her i pee in her mouth its all holy for you stinky slumdog indian", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know that i need to use labels and recognise my thought and behaviour patterns but it makes me feel agitated and suffocated", "label": 4} -{"text": "im getting a major nesting feeling im dazed i either dont feel like eating or i cant stop no real in betweens", "label": 5} -{"text": "b description of a disfigured orphaned child in hiroshima calling for her mother", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i have been given a concussion by being beaten over the head with your concussion reports", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel isolated right now and deeply depressed and am going through a particularly stressful period of my life college with all of the hard work that going to a university entails and have felt like committing suicide daily", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling sad and a bit frustrated de spite all of this cool stuff happening and am trying to get out of it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t feel negatively about the presentation but nothing about it impressed me too much either", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also wore some tougher black accessories socks and boots to make the outfit feel a little less sweet and more to my taste", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stayed in bed until nearly nine but i woke feeling fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel passionate about growing some of my food", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to be honest i started to feel a little nervous at the thought of having a fully loaded lb shotgun in my hands and that all too familiar quote from my favourite childhood movie youll shoot your eye out started to creep into mind", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel if more of us treasured perfect moments like that more often the world would be a lot happier of a place", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am in a land far away from home right now i feel impressed to write down my thoughts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a keen duty to make as much ice cream as we possibly can so what better way than to hold an ice cream party", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really do not understand what was going on last night and no matter how absurd someone else will use to rate what i wrote it feels gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always wonder why i feel like i care more and i cant understand how some people can be so heartless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get the feeling there are some people who werent that impressed with him but even those people cant ignore the fact that he bears most of the responsibility for getting us our canadian charter of rights and freedoms", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive about teaching my soon to be three year old about the dangers of a stranger and how to protect herself from dangerous situations and people i feel this will go a long way in providing survival skills to deal with it more confidently and with strength", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive gotta tell ya come november after all the growing canning and freezing is done and the food is all stocked away in the freezer and put up on the shelves i feel rich", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wish to know whether i should feel sympathetic towards the airline american if say their plane is on fire or their pilot has exploded or whether i should want to set them on fire if say they just decided to walk on their obligations to save money", "label": 2} -{"text": "i having been feeling less horny lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "im the one taking the piss out of people who want to be popular because it is seriously pathetic but feeling popular is different and it feels great", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very strange in that we get on so well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i vaguely remember being put to sleep and feeling calm and unaffected thanks to the friendly doctors and nurses around me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i knew he couldnt actually have been there being as he is in berkeley and all but the sudden rush of hope and then dashed feelings was slightly unpleasant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that benjamin button will be admired enough to nab a spot on the list", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt start riding the pine as we called it and feeling humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so weird about food", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been doing pretty good in uni and it makes me feel amazing when i get good grades", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im in a really dangerous position at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know how to do i said feeling dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel in control of my romantic life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am on a mission to find a place where i feel passionate about and want to live in indefinitely with a balance of a healthy amount of food and wine appreciation arts culture warmth and respect for the land", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel saddened and distressed at the images shown on tv", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i can never just like something i need permission to like it from the cool people or the smart people", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling slightly rebellious at the moment because i just cleaned it top to bottom at the beginning of june and as it is only mid july i am disgruntled to find it nearly back to its original state of disaster", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can plan execute and walk away from an event feeling like i would have liked it and not felt cheated then i feel good about the whole thing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that im most amazed still by silent knight which is an instrumental song ala hizaki", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i need to justify the reliance on elegant descriptive power more than simply citing it paraphrased as one of the criteria by which scientific theories should be judged mentioned in the grand design by stephen hawking and leonard mlodinow so here goes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like every time isla opens her eyes she looks so surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i even discovered the term asexuality and honestly i feel more curious adventurous and open minded now that i am a self identified asexual", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit guilty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel his death is tragic a great loss to the world and i have great respect for steve", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should have known a long time ago before ollie was born before he was even an idea but in truth its only in the last few months that ive realised it and only in the last few weeks has the realisation been strong enough to leave me feeling very shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel your sweet little self moving all around in my belly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t want this to be about accomplishing x number of things but about accomplishing the things i feel most passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have about two to three good hours a day where i feel energetic and almost normal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling all romantic and stuff i take emily to the club to eat sam s club that is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been forced to consider why i feel a sense of discontent these last weeks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am now feeling slightly out of place in thinking that this is absolutely ludicrous", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wonder about putting my true feelings out there to be rejected and i wonder about how i handle things on my own", "label": 0} -{"text": "i then had to go on a field trip still feeling groggy but recovering", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to feel that you are as impressed with my collective experiences and anecdotes as i am with yours but i know youre not", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling fine i want to be a clone ive learned enough to stay afloat but not so much i rock the boat im glad they shoved it down my throat i want to be a clone", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive realized how much better i feel when i stick with the plan and ive become even more determined to do just that", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love you but you make me cry you hurt me and make me feel stupid", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i have put on weight which makes me paranoid is it a bump", "label": 4} -{"text": "i turn away from bad news but some time ago i learned just how bad the bad news can be how unrelenting grief and anger and injustice can challenge my capacity to see and feel and walk with my beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think back at why im feeling uncertain about my degree program i think about why i began it to begin with", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get my usual share of invitations and turn them down as gracefully as possible thankful for the offers and not wanting to hurt anyones feelings but anxious to sleep late and spend a peaceful solitary day with my animals and maybe a memory or three", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty thankful i have lost lbs in days through a little bit of effort but not much hardship", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel wronged but the judges people make at times however i also found out that actually in life we just need to be responsible to our own actions and and the people around us", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am slightly more toned thanks to added bits of exercise my insides feel much less grumpy and i feel like i know my body better than when i started", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have this crush on my bus mate and i feel strange about it because i used to despise him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am being asked to leave my classroom is piling up and i am starting to feel resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel weird around them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i explain that i do or don t do something because my husband has strong feeling about it one way or the other they give me funny looks like they should be slipping me a phone number for a shelter for battered and abused women", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling horny i get multiple dressings", "label": 2} -{"text": "im tired of feeling so lethargic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do remember feeling so surprised that no one had asked me if i was okay or asked what was upsetting me or even if they wanted to be rude about it and say what in the hell is your problem", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just blithering been to a winemakers lunch back home and feeling nicely pissed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so amazing about taking this trip as i think ill finally be able to relax and feel comfortable at home and somehow just melt back into it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i am getting to be very indecisive now", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little delicate so any tough questions and ill faint straight away she joked", "label": 2} -{"text": "im perfectly fine with having another weeks left its turned out to be a lot of fun and quite empowering to crossfit while pregnant and i feel amazing yet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i admit i have no time to research more about the kemetics but something about them made me feel curious comforting and they make me feel very motivated in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess the takeaway is to not feel pressured to buy something because its expensive but craftsmanship costs you in a good way", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling way overwhelmed lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a tortured artist of words", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am failing feeling heavily burdened then i have taken off the yoke", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed just like when i was akid when reading marvel and dc comics", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel helpless alone or even joyful and happy i can take whatever burden or news to god in prayer", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit camera shy in these wee hours of the morning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel out of sync i pick up a pen and have a chat with my beloved voice or stand in front of my intention mandala and renew my commitments or pick up an anthology of mystical poetry and read the words of the masters", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love the feel of the g g much more than the e pl or the gf for that matter i was surprised by that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little scared that i won t make it now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel just want to mold me into what they think i should be and i think theyre too stubborn to realize when somethings wrong", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that this is a recipe that is going to generate some derision and will probably be utterly hated by at least half of the people reading this but stay with me on this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was hanging out with has been feeling regretful for not having tried things in his teenage years", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel him but on the promises he has given and those are always faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel pretty resigned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think and now feel guilty about the whole exchange", "label": 0} -{"text": "i refuse to think of myself that highly my needs always above the needs thoughts feelings wishes of my coworkers and my beloved patients", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found it most unsettling and even now as i write i m still feeling the tremors too intimidated by the experience to look around me at the religious symbolism that has no longer the validity it so recently had", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not saying anyone has said anything bad about my pictures but i guess i feel like if people arent ecstatic about them that they are just being nice", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling creative but i have just discovered that i have forgotten my sock puppets", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed or not prepared the enjoyment goes out the window", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel nervous for three days when they win my week starts well and i seem to be feeling positive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could pursue my masters degree but as of now i just feel like im in a strange state of limbo", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so sympathetic towards plants xd a href http", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am at my wits end i feel so wronged that the bitch that calls herself a mom pulled the whole if you live in iowa no visitation and that started all of this shit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like shirley maclaine in that weepy chick flick where julia roberts is in such pain and her mother shirley demands drugs for her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel somehow reluctant to watch it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i already am becoming bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i recorded our lines last week so now even my car journeys are all about the play when i wake up in the morning it is with the fuzzy residue of odd sections of monologue in my head i feel like i ve been taken over by an unwelcome alien", "label": 0} -{"text": "once i woke up in the middle of the night and felt frightened as everyone else was sleeping and i could not even go to their room", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rather suspicious in a benign way i do like the company", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not an expert of this in any way but i do feel like i have read a lot of books while researching my way through a long and worthwhile quest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stupid and cross and upset", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like such a petty awful person for even thinking these things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am getting work done just feeling a bit anxious because im not in the office", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hated but i don t care", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling very overwhelmed lately work school yoga training travel but slowly i m taking my life back", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still have so much pain inside i just sometimes feel like i dont breathe its such a strange feeling i cannot describe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i no longer as acutely feel the aching cold absence of marriage from my bare psyche", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel relatively safe in assuming that it did its job", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had another of the rejection nightmares ive been having since getting laid off didnt sleep well thereafter and woke up feeling very shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have had a blog longer than a facebook account makes me feel like i have to be loyal to it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very shy when i was on the stage", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling all virtuous and then what do i do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling deprived here", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can recall that when i purchased mr porter at full price i remember feeling like a little prince when my delivery arrived whereas during sale time its never quite as dignified", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find that despite the fact that i feel like i really liked this book i certainly read through the entire thing like i had a physical need to find out what happens next i cant think of anything to say about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling generous i think every few weeks ill post a little teaser until a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnnt show my cares and concerns towards you knowing how it feels to be insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like any time he kisses me i kind of squirm away because i am afraid it will turn into more", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im in a washing machine on the delicate cycle", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not sure what competition in hell i won to deserve to be the black sheep the feeling caring compassionate human", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont have a problem with telling people how i feel im not spiteful or vindictive about it though", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really am feeling festive this year and have loved all the prepartions with the children for christmas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more and more eager to leave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always had a sinking feeling that there were lots of unprotected urls exposed by zope that i may or may not have secured properly", "label": 0} -{"text": "im taking a break from blogging for a while because im going through quite a heavy patch at the moment and can feel myself going through a slump at the moment so dont be surprised if you dont see me update this for a while", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have begun to feel that nursing as it currently is can be cold and distant", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have noticed lots if changes and feel fantastic and it wasnt as difficult ad i thought", "label": 1} -{"text": "ill keep doing what im doing even when i feel judged for being curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still dont really want to go to work but at least i feel a lot less grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really feel like this might be the most worthwhile thing ive ever done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to avoid feeling skeptical", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant change the way i feel and i dont think my heart will ever stop loving that man", "label": 2} -{"text": "i upset even if every time i think of his conduct over the last months i become wide eyed because i just feel too shocked for words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i broke through a sterotype id had for a long time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel crappy two days later", "label": 0} -{"text": "i laughed and did the side head tilting thing i only do when im kinda smitten feeling a bit shy and he mimicked me with another smile", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look upon one of the main reasons wherefore guys feel that they have to one or the other be rich or have some crazy ableness or be a jerk to breed women is because that is which we see whenever we look forward television or on any other indulgent of media", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went to bed and laid there for about an hour feeling doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im going to throw up and im so groggy i can barely write this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can dig into the holy word of god and feed my spirit and some days i accomplish that and i feel amazing and connected and heard and loved by an incredible and living god and it s awesome and some days i don t", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is pretty and gorgeous and ready to kill whoever stands in front of me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am merely writing it all down because sometimes i feel like i m about to go mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more loyal to lucy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did when i was sitting i feel more distracted like i have energy but it s not being channeled", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit envious of my friends who already have a kid or two", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been doing my job which is also pretty fun and feeling grumpy again every time i look at my last post i just havent had it in me to write anything worth saying", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling heartbroken and you dont even understand", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so inadequate in being your mother hazel", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hopeful and i feel good in the rain", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i came into my own through the process and it s kind of an amazing idea to have a job where you can get interested in things and follow that passion and make something out of it to share", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a commodity or a consumer and im not thrilled by either role", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will come home feeling amazed at the incredible experience i had even if while i was there i had dysentery or motion sickness or just plain homesickness", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty resentful about the whole alcohol use thing and i wasnt satisfied by the fact that bc highs reasoning was that we had to follow federal legislation in other countries", "label": 3} -{"text": "id still feel like myself and not like this idiotic parody of a nakki", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it worth introducing and recommending more designs to assist those who are in eager pursuit of hats sporting batman", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed by this whole situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insulted often", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began to feel scared doubtful and anxious at this point about what was happening both with the intensity of feeling in my body and the babys heartbeat which i could hear dropping", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my writing about elton in the ways that i do has prompted a lot of you to become curious about me personally", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just not in the mood to feel dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like my body has been beaten up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont mix spanking and sex and i feel like a lame o posting about something t", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel abused and trapped by my job which i think is run by abusers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling shes going to be stubborn and not do it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel her delicate fingers on my arm and see her translucent skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "im being fulfilled but im still restless and im not writing so i feel bottled up and shaken ready to explode bubbles coming from my eyes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt like a boy on an awkward first date scooting myself just out of reach but feeling pretty resentful about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean i feel kinda wimpy going fo but what can i say", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling so isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i learned two things that people do feel impressed and amazed but they tend to consider the offer as of lower artistic quality and they don t necessarily wish to attend and that disabled artists don t wish to be seen firstly as disabled they wish to be seen as artists", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my wife is inhibited according to her words and that my sex life is finite", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like the bird from the flake adverts if she lived in bootle and had a fiancee who delighted in playing very loud dubstep in his office whilst she was larking around in the bath", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get upset or am feeling overwhelmed sad lost or detached i sit on my closet floor with the door closed and the light off", "label": 5} -{"text": "i were stunned and i could feel sympathetic tears filling my eyes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a lot of pressure but i am determined to finish them so that i can visit my sister in may with a clear conscience", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that so many pages are devoted to happy fluffy stuff", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was somehow able to be brave these last few months and vow to live an authentic life i feel more real and rich and true in my creativity too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to really recommend it because i can see its flaws pretty clearly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had was opi feelin hot hot hot and that was clearly darker", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a lot of passion and melancholy about my culture and how lonely i feel in this country that now feels like home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that we are educating more about it we are not damaged by what happened earlier i mean that we are not directly affected by the chilean military coup", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel incredibly honored to lead our movement at this exciting and changing time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have such an amazing close family who i know love me and are there for me no matter what", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hear tales of exploitation amp see disturbing images on other fashion blogs amp online magazines but i cant help but feel fond of this naughty devil", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am here just not feeling fab", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed to be honest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel im not angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel absolutely shaken and unsure about whether i want to be with him now and i didnt before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strange and weird about this entire struggle am i the only one who deals with this kind of conflict", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know and feel terrified of her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel skeptical about meeting someone to hang out with", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so devastated for them all especially simon as he is working in china and couldnt get back in time how sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would also feel irritable and impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i totally feel inadequate as a blogger", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more carefree and innocent today at than i did at mos", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ot i need some jourdan icons anybody feeling generous with links", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a sense of unreality as i sit here typing with the knowledge that the hp omnibook my beloved laptop is gone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "when i watched a film about the problems of abandoned children pixote", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling content and truly happy for the first time in ages", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling generous i thought i would share them with you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found out what c feels like and was not appalled", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little bit shaky in between meals so i think i need to add in more protein to feel more full", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that you will feel amazing after doing this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had it in my hand and put it back it would be better to forage in the stash first because then i can feel virtuous save money and reduce the fibre heap", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so unwelcome without the sound of laughter this house is not a home the candle burns a little lower now the flame is growing thin and its scent no longer blooms can anyone see the light within", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not dream that i do not feel your hesitant stare my lovely woman", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am alone each step makes me feel insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i tried to make them feel the feelings of a tortured person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spent the morning feeling restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "im looking into this because i feel strange about never having seen one of cassavetes films before a couple weeks ago", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel the spirit of life it pulses in the places i least expect rests in the breasts of my friends hangs from the trees in the gentle green forest waits in the ice crystals on top of the snow expands and contracts each time i breathe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant stand up straight or if i do it feels funny and i look funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i achieved that flow i was looking for and it also broke up the boxy look too", "label": 0} -{"text": "ill venture out and wear a ring but then it feels weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fantastic its just wonderful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i need to cry and sleep maybe thatll help because i am just feeling all fucked up today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really feel like we are making lots of progress in zapala and i believe zapala will have a lot more faithful members real soon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i simply feel like im having a conversation with another woman who happens to be sympathetic and empathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love the way his cheeks feel cold and damp against mine", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look back at my bank statements i do feel a little shocked when i see that every month without fail ive spent at least on pizza", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling restless irritated", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive just not been feeling so hot today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "im glad all the doctors and everyone were so patient we didnt feel rushed at all they just wanted to make sure me and the baby were okay", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that you should want to be affectionate with me besides when we are behind closed doors", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look at these women around me at nct amongst friends and feel hopelessly and uselessly jealous of how easy they seem to have it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with feelings of being powerless or inept i am tempted to run to food to numb the pain like the rat pack to a bar or a soccer mom to a shoe sale", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have so many books that have been read but need to be reviewed im definitely feeling overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel happiness is amazing but we all need sadness in our life as well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very impressed when i read this poem", "label": 5} -{"text": "i admire and feel are amazing at what they do and i always aim to include links to relevant websites or designers and credit them on any images and information i feature on love print studio blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling overwhelmed about the birthing processing itself but actually anxious about having to wait longer", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling socially awkward and counter cultural and freakish and am trying not to eat piles and buckets of food that will do me no good whatsoever please help me stay connected to the only one that can get me through my little crisis", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did a waiting on wednesday post about if you remember loyal readers who may not exist and is feeling a little bit weepy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never doubt that i am very much his slave i let myself get sucked into the love girlfriend feelings and then am shocked back to reality with his actions that show me that i am his property period", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am usually not feeling awkward until they ask that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i seriously love being a mom and regularly feel shocked that we get to do this all over again with baby boy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feeling all lethargic and thankful for being able to be finally back home after all the happening celebrations my thoughts were disrupted by a knock at the door and a little hello", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been petrified of these feelings at times and at others i have hated their existance and then again i have also been so much happier knowing that i am really in love with someone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am ready to face the past but im feeling apprehensive about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am doing this in order to get something from the both of you or if you feel like i am doing it with insincere motives please do not hesitate to refrain from accepting the invitation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i put my knitting down and covered my ears with my hands trying to minimize the feeling of being assaulted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often used to feel under pressure and uptight i worried that i did not have enough time to do what i wanted and needed to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mentioned that i was feeling isolated and people in my life made a point to help", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel very curious as to why god told me not to open that red gate", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found myself angry and feeling helpless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel broke inside but i wont admitsometimes i just wanna hide coz its you i miss", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if i have been neglectful of posting this outright so here it is", "label": 0} -{"text": "im a very open person im not scared to voice how i feel im very stubborn and determined", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel i m exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up the other morning feeling amazed that every single one of us has four grandparents who form the square in which our individual circle sits", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was already feeling agitated again not by anything in particular just feeling agitated for no real reason and the combination of the two was enough for me to step back and ponder what is wrong with me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling fearful so the next time my husband went out of town on a business trip and i was lying awake with the night light on armed with a baseball bat at my side i decided to give it a shot the lord is my shepherd i shall not want", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling really nervous because i had not been on a first date in about to years which is a very long time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling so idiotic right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel dissatisfied and empty", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling horny and want some naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was also crying about minus the bear already so i was having trouble breathing and feeling generally groggy and wanting the night to move along faster and i didnt really focus on them as much as i wanted to though i did enjoy them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kept tofeel shocked for the continuance of my metro drive downtown to rd street", "label": 5} -{"text": "i begin when i feel overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like my tastes shift constantly that i become enthralled with a certain band or a certain sound only to have that adoration dissipate rapidly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get excited every time i get comments i guess everybody likes feeling people care about their mildly pathetic lives", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cannot watch good art without feeling this longing which verges on pain even while it contains profound ecstasy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel terribly sorry for the workers who are being forced to keep this schedule", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked and vulnerable this strange feeling of surreal isolation separated from my family friends mother tongue mother land", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did indeed feel foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cannot physically see an angel standing in front of me i can still feel their presence all around me and know their actions for what they are divine interventions", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still have some and theres good reasons for them but i no longer feel that i have to do everything or that something is doomed to failure if multiple people have multiple jobs to do", "label": 0} -{"text": "im serious i got the bad feelings of vomit in my stomach when the girlfriend had to watch the boyfriend making out with some stripping slutty chick and started crying", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really don t understand and feel pissed not because of her is that i tried my very best to treat her right but the here s the thing when i was still feeling heart broken for like year and still counting she got herself a bf", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling this strange feeling in the house like something bad had happened there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought of how easy it is for a child her age to feel unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel to borrow russos phrasing the author was showing me how and why the things of this world were funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love to get a discount therefore i feel that that makes me less brand loyal in some areas", "label": 2} -{"text": "im switchy and life has left me feeling needy as of late and relying on od to be the stronger partner", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling insecure you might not love me anym", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel impressed we need to visit a bunch of people far away it takes faith to follow that prompting", "label": 5} -{"text": "i may not be able to walk tomorrow but i feel amazing and accomplished now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hemmed in fenced in terrified and depressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill probably talk about my feelings another day but im curious iframe src http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i came to work wed feeling somewhat uncertain would i give it all back", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that tw steel has been very smart in making their marketing budget work smarter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i knew i had this and would make it to my door with the distance not only covered but at a faster clip than intended and feeling pretty fantastic all in all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont think i could have handled another day of feeling crappy about myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like bob dylan tom petty no doubt garth brooks deep purple ted nugent john lennon c s n amp o nirvana and a bunch of other random groups i listen to should be given props but im not out to list my whole playlist", "label": 3} -{"text": "i eat with him i feel rushed and end up shoving food into my mouth at an olympic pace", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got the feeling that tourists are tolerated rather than welcomed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do use a brightening scrub after this and i have found that my skin looks and feels amazing after using both of them together", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have the feeling of being unwelcome under the same roof where i have been and will continue to work on showing that im trustworthy for my daughters sake and nothing more", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know a lot of you who feel your fate is in your hands might get agitated by what i just said", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have the feeling that this foodie is going to be loving all the new feelings of living wild afterall it s all but natural no", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel like caring about anything anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i cant write about sunday without mentioning horrible news we received about a very good family friend philip lutzenkirchen in a car accident", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel triumphant because she claims that she isnt ticklish", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel isolated trapped by all the s that s going on around me splattered and battered fallen to the ground", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to write about because it is extremely poetic and obviously beyond my ability to describe it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but feel agitated folks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of funny having a baby shower for my third baby although i know a lot of people do them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just go up to my sisters house which is rare if i get really really really bad attacks but here lately it seems different when im at her house and i feel really unwelcome like im intruding or something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel completely inspired by this young woman and wish to almost thank her for re affirming my faith", "label": 1} -{"text": "i asked her what i had specifically done to make her feel this way i was under the impression she treasured the memory of our time together at the wellesley tournament as i did", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i couldnt find my dog which was missing", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling pretty resentful that im unable to choose my own browser so i can blog in comfort", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like venting this evening i m listless and a little lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a little less stressed at the moment which is a great feeling however i am starting to freak out a little about teaching at parliament", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have doubts i will ever have a serious long term relationship that isnt just pretense for both parties not to feel slutty about semi random hookups", "label": 2} -{"text": "im just feeling jaded", "label": 0} -{"text": "im was feeling rather low this week", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like we shocked the hell out of the nurses actually guess they dont get too many patients like me let alone couples like us", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like this feeling of not caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help but start feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a responsibility to finish out the year and do so in a supportive to the team manner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so numb about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have so many friends around i feel experience is very rich a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to say something about the idea of a ten year old taking calculus but i m too busy feeling sympathetic for dr", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think it may be the paradox inherent in feeling through such rich isolation the presence of deity", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling stunned and dejected", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t get that tingly feeling i get when i am really horny and fantasizing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about something horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "im left feeling selfish and somewhat embarrassed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was already feeling super hungry and i thought i could eat more amp so i suggested to dzul that i wanted to eat at secret recipe after eating at kfc", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started to talk and could feel my voice getting shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to be able to have babies yet guilty that i have babies thankful that i feel horrible as it serves as my daily reminder that i am carrying child yet guilty and emotionally exhausted that i am so sick and tired of being sick and tired", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think about it much anymore but when i do i feel a strange mix of emotion that ive never before felt about an art piece of mine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i thought about sealing the envelopes up so they could be opened on a special day they might open their year on their th birthday for example but then i like to occasionally sift back through the contents from time to time when im feeling nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know people who would feel that i was disturbed if they saw this list", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling determined and a couple of paintings are now in the charity shop box", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess ill be feeling kinda weird and uneasy as i mean years is a really long time that ive spent in rss and i would be feeling awkward in another whole new environment in secondary school in a few months time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean i feel even more disgusted at myself after ive moved here when im usually just disgusted at the human race in general something like that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel super clear about this so my steps will have to do with putting my values around food into action raising my own and my family s awareness and here s a really important one soothing the parts of me that are in knots about this issue", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel humiliated for even having considered it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like talking typing and joe purdy just came on my pandora station so while i listen to my mellow grooves ill spill some random stuff thats mulling about my brain", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling so generally discontent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel posting to r funny category a href http laughlot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling generous and even let my dad borrow my new toy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel valued and valuable and trusted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not alone and everybody feels crappy sometimes so maybe you can relate or draw some comfort from this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling a desire a longing and inkling to open that door", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel like the dogs at the shelter are so frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am moving beyond feeling anxious about my anxieties and trying to learn to appreciate them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wrong in feeling wronged for not getting some sort of acknowledgment of them screwing up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel wronged by her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel like one of my vital organs are missing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i gradually came to feel more and more mocked by those who are simply resolutely and unshakeably determined to use violence either terrorists or securitat minded governments", "label": 1} -{"text": "i may head to the gym since i feel distracted and need to get rid of some energy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling rather melancholy this morning as i look around at my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i teared up already i felt so stressed out and i havent been telling anyone or showing much how i feel and how stressed out i am about school", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel funny about getting all gospel y and preachy with others", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel quite amused", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kill my emotions when i feel bad i cant express it when i feel good", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a woman and its amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not just feeling overwhelmed i have also allowed too many responsibilities to fill my time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel that i am being overwhelmed by my own emotions that i have greater worth when praised by another that i am destroyed by a loss", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go to the house with two jeeps and i suddenly feel shy because its after p", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would imagine you all are feeling like anyone else you are probably nervous excited happy sad ready and unprepared", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling slightly apprehensive very pensive and a little excited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel is rather un useful and it would be better off without it at a slightly cheaper price", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling so shaky and teary", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel tender when i have not done anything", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel quite crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel rest assured after reading that article", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to talk about something sad because dominantly i come to my blog just when i feel pressured or just sad that i am so not pretty and talk about all the random things that run around it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel anxious that makes it worse", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel annoyed that there were some things i just couldnt do i could help bring people to christ but i couldnt give them blessings and i couldnt baptize them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do admit that sometimes i do feel a bit of a kind of longing for a special companion to call my own", "label": 2} -{"text": "i lived with the fear of feeling the terrible guilt and depression that i felt after my first code and death and it crippled me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i reached for the wine cooper poured feeling the urge to rub the ice cold glass soothingly across my forehead", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be able to visit such a lovely place", "label": 2} -{"text": "im too scared to say what i feel too scared to say i wanna be with you", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling terribly bitchy and intolerant of", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel his impatient and i can t stop my body from giving him positive response", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the need to tell you lovely readers that i have never liked paisley", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am sure it wont be the first time i will feel this as a parent but i am shocked that i feel guilty before they even have come", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my hands are numb all the time now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wake feeling triumphant and have never had a claustrophobic dream since", "label": 1} -{"text": "im at in my own life where i feel somehow i have hit a ceiling on being alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never get the feeling tess is that scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i had a pretty amazing day i was pretty happy kids were pretty happy things got accomplished and i looked good doing it in my new sweater from salvation army", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a strong anger when i am treated unjustly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should have helped her feel valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am baffled hurt that i feel assaulted and unsafe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of weird asking for such a thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have finally found a place that has dresses that make me feel amazing all the time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel stressed out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am talking about is that put down extra loud in front of people hurt your feelings and dont care obnoxious never ending telling everybody kind of yelling that most caribbean mothers choose to engage in at least my mother anyway", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surprised to see that how the singer demonstrate a message in his wordings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cara ayah housemate i ckp u can feel that their caring and responsible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am continuing the same research into my professional career makes this so called milestone feel more like a gentle speed bump", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have tried to tone down my enthusiasm because i worried that i would make people feel badly or come acrossed as fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant remember why we were looking at it but what i do remember is that we came away from it feeling shocked by the amount of sugar that was in store bought sauce", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bitter please don t", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can see that while it s usually okay to take an occasional day off from my healthy eating patterns and just indulge my taste buds i now need to be extra vigilant about foods that make me feel groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that this is why she became more of a caring person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really feel like getting fucked up and just writing and doing arts and crafts all night", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do which is why i often have trouble distinguishing between the sort of crappy feeling that one dismisses as allergies and continues to slog through and the kind of crappy feeling that justifies nay necessitates lying in bed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little suspicious about what i assume are political ish motives behind the origins of the observance i do support efforts like recycling and re using and reducing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was thoroughly exhausted mildly sunburned and happily toting a camera full of fish pictures which i ll upload at some point when i ve got them labeled and the internet s feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so enthralled with being around him that i want to kiss and talk and just be gay but he doesnt really throw that vibe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel utterly dazed and confused but now with a feeling that i am about to throw up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i liked this collection but i would have liked more of a balance of emotion as well as an eclectic mix up", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been going through the motions for a few months now feel quite depresssed anxious just feel fed up really frequent thoughts about drinking again even if it is just for the momentary pleasure just to feel like myself again ive never felt this down for so long its really tough", "label": 4} -{"text": "i fell into this trap for awhile and all it gets you is a feeling of petty useless satisfaction that is fleeting and leaves you with a slightly ill to your stomach feeling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i receive the good news in joy like the magi or do i feel threatened by gods message like herod", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed about the task of figuring that out and about getting the boxes somewhere else", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been loving stepping onto land and feeling almost assaulted by the sounds and smells and sights of a place i never had a notion of", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling its cuz i just liked this person and now i hate him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i head back to all familiar places a backpacker asks me directions i feel surprised to hear my voice its been a whole day of internal monologue", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want my students to feel successful and independent i dont start this morning work until the nd week of school", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just don t twist very far into the pose or i just skip it when i m feeling tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think that some people might feel that the sweet peppers could overpower the whole flavor of the cheesesteak but in my case i really didnt mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so hopeful and then i will be told something that makes me think maybe i misunderstood or misread things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am learning to trust them to not feel disgusted of myself with them but to rely on the lord", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling doubtful right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling at peace with my decision and so far even though there are some uncomfortable parts to it and more to come it has made a difference", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel strangely delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel uncertain pulled in two different directions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling frustrated or overwhelmed my husband and children lovingly remind me in a be careful what you wish for sort of tone that i am livin the dream", "label": 3} -{"text": "i havent been able to get an appointment to see my doctor until wednesday so i wont be back at work until thursday at the earliest with the best will in the world i cant do my job being classed as safety critical as it is while im feeling so disturbed literally and metaphorically", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know this is a bad feeling or emotion call it what you like to harbor but i must admit i am a greedy person", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was really feeling like what i said and my confessions always bring me your lovely kisses and hugs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel somewhat rich but when i began to calculate how much i would have to spend to buy new clothes such as pants because all of them seem to have run away from me for school i seemed to be right back where i started", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel far more worthwhile than i did when i ran a graphic design firm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still get the feeling they still arent particularly fond of the catholics", "label": 2} -{"text": "i respect her choice but it put my back up considering how guilty i hve felt for feeling curious about my real father in the past", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldn t help feeling stunned at how close we were to the first woman winning in seasons plus the three of masters and two of just desserts and yet there i was rooting against her with all my might", "label": 5} -{"text": "i told her all of this how confusing pregnancy soon after a loss is and how numb i feel how unsure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so enthralled in case you havent noticed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit annoyed when people dont have a sense of humor and treat things absolutely seriously", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was at cm and feeling unsure of my ability to go unmedicated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel like less of a person when i constantly hear family members use hateful language every time anything even remotely related to homosexuality comes up", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling kinda weird ever since my marathon", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the gentle touch a large treasure comfortable gently close your eyes mbt koshi baile bai tail amiability to the body buried in my arms my fingers out his tongue qing tian", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was shocked because i was being shouted at and feeling humiliated by the words she threw at me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i decided to write my feelings thoughts dreams concerns all on a blog instead of my facebook since everyone says i have an amazing attitude about my situation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling drained it is because i am not taking this aspect seriously enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like my mother in that moment because in his voice i hear the longing and the admiration", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was bopping around the house yesterday singing to myself and possibly out loud just a bit i feel charming oh so charming", "label": 1} -{"text": "im shaking down cupid cause im feeling so mad why id break his leg id kill myself if i was somebody else im feeling so beside myself to paging mr", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wont go over my story again but lets just say that in summary most of the awful feelings you ladies on here are experiencing now ive been through and its absolutely vile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit melancholy and drawing circles in the mist", "label": 0} -{"text": "i admit i only wanted her for her looks and the way she makes me feel it never occurred to me that mother nature has a deeper more compassionate protective side", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was home alone or whatever i would feel weird if i was on a persons profile for more than minutes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont usually look at the price it doesnt matter if theyre charging as long as i feel convinced that they will work with me be in touch and do all they can", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wake up and look at myself in the mirror feeling so frustrated i want to cry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel jaded and unsympathetic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont get out and run exercise for at least minutes a day i get down about really dumb things get angry and jealous about ridiculous things my irritability goes off the charts and i ironically feel like i dont have energy to be productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive died in the most shameful way possible she will feel shamed into killing herself too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel perfectly content with my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t have the motivation to do much work today i feel very distracted by nothing in particular", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t need to feel suffocated or timid around you feel so high high touch the sky sky you can t hold onto me anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "i imagine you i feel my heart very sweet and it is a good sign that still i love you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling strange afterward knowing that some secret part of my interior life the desire to be a writer had come a little bit true", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like we rushed through draft coverage of first rounder a href http valleyofthesuns", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like reading today but i get distracted so easily by thinking", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so energized and my mood is pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe they feel like theyre on top of the food chain giving them that satisfaction ot being superior to most of the animal world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a giggly teenager around him sometimes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i walked away knowing that my existence my breath my experience in a body walking down the street feeling the sun on my face all of it was treasured and celebrated by what ever had spewed me forth into being", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was really hungover sunday afternoon and was feeling so reluctant to leave korea which really started to feel like home to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i m becoming too neurotic about this as seen by the examples below", "label": 4} -{"text": "when my girlfriend left me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i see them they are shivering and i don t feel sympathetic for them at all i refuse to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i visit the girls by the th grade window when im feeling unsure or hurt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hadn t kept a watch out for her that she wouldn t be doing it for me either but i was feeling far too horny to care if anyone saw", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel honored to be audreys mom and only hope that in the years ahead i can grow with her respect her teach her set boundaries for her learn from her and laugh with her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel shaky amp i feel like i have a ton of bricks on my chest but it comes and goes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i doubt id be posting too often sorreh because ive been told not to and because i feel bad when im just sitting here on my laptop while maike is trying to keep me company", "label": 0} -{"text": "i asked feeling dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i huffed a humorless little bark of laughter no shit he replied softly and shook his head feeling agitated and tense", "label": 3} -{"text": "my roommate being unconsiderate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i tell him that i feel safe and sound when i am with you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i went to the gym after not going for awhile and i feel so out of shape and ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kept waiting to feel the water and when i did i was surprised at the velocity i gained", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel on this awesomely lovely day ive been having", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel virtuous ever while trawling for", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling a bit delicate after my flu turned cold turned migrane turned back to flu", "label": 2} -{"text": "my year old grandfather underwent three successive operations during a single year the third operation was risky and i was scared that he would die and feared that my grandmother would be very sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess it s when i feel burdened or stressed out that s when i feel like cleaning everything from top to bottom and to throw away some items that i would normally keep", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel ever so slightly naughty wearing this as though i want to go and drink champagne with marilyn monroe", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling somewhat generous as concerns preserving the integrity of these poor saps and their wooden to overblown acting choices", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel god using me to talk into their lives and what an emotional feeling that is", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wonder if they would feels as delicate and pretty in my hand as they looked upon the framework of branches", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not feel bashful or shy in asking you for help and i will not ask you again for this type of assistance since you have already made up your mind as to whether you want to aid me or not", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt start off liking this lecturer i used to feel irritated to attend her class", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like its a broke system to adopt one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very clever that i joined the show when i did so i can pretend i had something to do with this danson muses", "label": 1} -{"text": "im almost caught up but feeling sligtly frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very honoured to be part of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i usually feel supportive of candidates who ignore social issues but are fiscally conservative", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was cleaning up my bedroom then i looked up at the time stating pm and of course i was thinking oh shit i got this poker tournament at pm and i really feel so dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try to discover the more i feel convinced that this is the case across the board with very many so called intellectuals and not just some", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like they have a very loyal and trustworthy relationship which is really hard", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling less than impressed by at this point in time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel we have been more than loyal", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel k i wanna try t b t i m a bit hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know have this technique of pinching my thumb and first finger together on both hands and counting to ten if i feel myself getting agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel assured that if i wasnt good enough hed do someone else", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sat at a full stop in the middle of the interstate feeling completely terrified and violated and again looked behind me to check and see if there was any other traffic that the was going to hit me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought it was going to feel or else it was just numb either way i had to get to the next aid station on foot unless they sent a cowboy on a horse", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that chris is not too impressed with my stuff so naturally i hate myself and want on the next plane back to seattle as soon before the showcase as possible", "label": 5} -{"text": "i were feeling shocked and sad for that mean family while feeling motivated to set a much better example for our own children", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the author brought shakespeare s most popular play into modern times in an authentic way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that its acceptable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i looked back at her feeling myself desperately curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that zhao wu hate the most suspicious a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a very pleasant warming sensation and my muscles which i rarely stretch loosen noticeably", "label": 1} -{"text": "i however tossed and turned feeling more and more agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i believe the sadness i feel is the result of these three amazing people that i have been so blessed to have been able to meet and share part of our journeys together", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am this person feels threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love how it smells and how smooth it makes my skin feel plus its gentle enough for me to use daily if i want", "label": 2} -{"text": "im social bohemian and a human with great feelings and a lovely voice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have this story to tell and the characters include me and a handsome devil who was at my house late last night but for some reason im feeling rather bashful with the details so just the highlights", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant help but wonder and feel enraged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ask a lot of questions and feel very nervous about eating out in supposedly gluten free places but i was oddly calm", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like ive missed a book or at least a novella", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel less hateful today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like there are more clever things floating around in my head but im not feeling great today kind of that foggy headed feeling plus a headache", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like you make me mad at everything and on others i just want to curl up in bed and cry", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling groggy the whole day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel surprised when i walk into the meetings and people know my name", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that when my life becomes too full or i feel anxious that i have too much on my plate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wonder how unhealthy this will feel now that i have to follow or be paranoid even when were at the same bar or party", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel such an emotional investment with these vulnerable cats", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel nothing will ever change but my idiotic heart convinced me that i at least have to try and do something in my own back yard", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could give on why it should matter but i feel ive tortured everyone enough today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel she is smart and capable and that i am smart and capable enough as a parent to help her work through any emotions that may pop up", "label": 1} -{"text": "i so gratified to see that everyone is busy in making their dream come true whereas sometimes i feel that how pity people are cause in vain they rush frantically round from place to place till the end passing away without bringing anything they creat which has already cost their whole life to do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left school last night feeling overwhelmed and stressed out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel fantastic most of the time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit special and spoilt at the moment and its done wonders for my self esteem", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that i am an intelligent and rational person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wish life were easier amp i know it never was but i guess being naive makes you feel more carefree more optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling pretty lousy since being poorly for the last couple of weeks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though i have merely accepted what has been done and that no matter what time has gone by it will always be with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i return to the pictures of that morning i still feel that dazed feeling of insignificance", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive seen in peoples eljay icons pornography and particularly the movie swordfish makes me feel violent and angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get to i feel like i should do something as a thank you to all my faithful friends and readers", "label": 2} -{"text": "a friends boyfriend treated her very badly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling rather impressed with myself once the cake was complete it looked fairly spectacular", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont do this to be spiteful i say it because i feel the person needs to know the truth not a delicate version and it will help them in the long run", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel her pain here she is heading an organization devoted to things like polio eradication reducing infant mortality and a thousand other difficult feats and a bitchy employee is primarily concerned about hr business which in relation to the who is minuscule", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will reply especially those that feel offended by my post", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel an unpleasant wash of heat on my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i pointed out to her that if she felt so insecure with having a shorter but very cute haircut then could she try to imagine how those kids without hair due to illness might feel if she feels so stared at and ridiculed by her friends perhaps rude reaction then imagine how she d feel with no hair", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would feel even more admired though if the guy used the word pretty or beautiful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel that bothered by it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just love the way roses are it just show how romantic feeling i not loving the roses but i love every flowers in the world cause they look is nice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i have lost them totally", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look at others who dont have a family or who have abusive parents and i feel awful for them because you really need a loving family", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling curious i visit a href http aardvarkartglass", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel but to look at your face i am still amazed i can t believe you re real i can lie here forever just watching you sleep hanging on every breath that you breathe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have this strange expectation that other people will feel this strange overwhelming gratitude that i have taken the time to offer them my most sacred opinion", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so horny i know no human agency can help me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have such a great gp and i had a good chat whilst at my appointment and i never feel rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like lily collins is portraying clary as some helpless little puppy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel is i was secretly jealous of them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want some chicken and dumplings im learning to say yes maam and yes sir without feeling like im being rude by acting like a smarty pants", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling hot to the touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont care about how i look as much as how i feel i think i should be accepted by anyone no matter how chunka lunka i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did not really interact with others except for bentoh in class i am beginning to feel reluctant towards leaving these bunch of people", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about that cuz my ego has a very delicate infrastructure where if someone tells me something enough times i start believing it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im in toal agreement with his views because i feel just that way about my own beloved partner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldn t shake the feeling that i had to hold on to her and i surprised everyone including myself by inviting her to the grammys", "label": 5} -{"text": "i now possess an embroidered pashmina silk wrap in a soft camel shade a handpainted fan and a delicate black lace shawl that makes me feel incredibly elegant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel aching in the center of my chest if i sit still enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive discovered that if you are ever feeling insecure the best antidote is to wear new or your favourite clothes and accesories", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somehow naughty and brave as i let the smile slide across my face and flick back my straight glossy locks and let my mischievous gaze sneak quickly to travis and then back to joe as i hold up my glass", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling resentful and angry today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that people expect me to have a more glamorous answer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little troubled though", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would even say are important as far as how my significant other feels about anything and that the rest have been ludicrous", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know it is supposed to be the christmas season but i feel like everyone else seems to think it is the greedy season", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel the tension from her stunned silence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like we all just rehearse these little sayings to one another about gods love and about his divine will and about his sovereignty and that we are not to question all the atrocities of life because its all part of his perfect plan", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe almost anyone with a conscience carries within them one or two major regrets and several more tiny ones the horrible way we treated a friend in seventh grade perhaps or that one awful act we committed when feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel quite uncertain about all this", "label": 4} -{"text": "im a huge animal person and am feeling quite deprived at the moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel soooo agitated luh", "label": 4} -{"text": "im going to choose to not answer this question because im feeling very hostile towards relationships and special people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling quite frustrated with the cultural world i inhabit it seems that i cant go anywhere without seeing or hearing something related to dieting weight loss exercise or physical appearance", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like to imagine watching my favourite tv show in my bedroom in the supermarket i like to imagine playing a new song on the piano or in the car i often feel impatient to get home to play the sims", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get pleasure from flying the clear morning light sweet golden honey diluluri like and feels gentle on my wing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel most nervous about olympia mostly because after living in london for almost years it feels like home show and it is very important to me that everything goes well there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i drink alcohol i get that burning indigestion feeling not so pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had a brand developing baby doll made of this voluptuous translucent principal feeling the adoring wind on my almost complete skin made me very moistened", "label": 2} -{"text": "i realize that because of my memory and recall abilities decreasing since the brain surgery i have some difficulties that others do not have but i feel like i am a very lucky woman", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel curious about what is coming", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know if im just a very paranoid person but i feel disliked when people move a certain way from me or fail to acknowlege my birthday or just dont smile at me when i arrive at a place", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up because he turn the tv off and i watched it again but then i slept again and when i woke up this morning finding that they are lost i feel so shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess as impressive as it is to have swam laps i feel even more impressed that i have managed to keep track of them given that at any moment i had at least three numbers going in my head the lap number itself the number i was collatz ing and how many moves it had been since i had started", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel funny when she lists so many qualities of her husband", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel reassured that i will do well in both", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do write sic now i feel passionate about nothing", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling a little overwhelmed about the whole thing lately but somehow the small step of finding out where my lectures will be has helped a bit", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left feeling a bit frustrated with the situation and the trip in general despite the incredible hospitality and kindness from christie and walter carter owners of carter vintage guitars their employees and of course my best good friend mac wiggins", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started feeling the stronger symptoms tender breasts bloating headaches lower back pain etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sat there feeling stunned wondering what to do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think im just resigning to the warm weather been feeling lethargic lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i raid a set schedule i often feel like im significantly more casual than many players who never raid at all", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can understand that feeling of exposure but what surprised me was that tinge of sadness", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling today i just read my buddy salinas post and was completely amazed at all his philosopher references so i will say i am remembering a certain philosophy professor i had in a greek mythology class that always liked to say say what you feel not what you think", "label": 5} -{"text": "i honestly have to say i feel a little jealous and i wish i had been the chance to do such an adventure when i was at that age but i feel even more glad were able to make this trip possible for him a trip im confident tk sure will grow a lot from", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel any sympathy whatsoever for the klan in any of its incarnations i find the idea of violent secret gangs of whatever stripe operating outside the law distinctly unappealing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel almost entirely isolated from being able to talk about why these thoughts and feelings exist", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel for my suffering at that moment and my need to protect my child", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very easily agitated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel grumpy all day and have to rant a lot on facebook", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that posting a video of pictures about the petrosains excursion is a bit not sincere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel annoyed and frustrated angry even", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sweet and happy park yoon chun", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was saying how to respond appropriately how to predict my feelings and how to be there for me in the most gentle ways", "label": 2} -{"text": "i swear that same old feeling i use to have when i was a child and eager for swim lessons is coming back", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it now more than i ever did and sometimes i am almost shocked about my age", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling selfish and i could really use it today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed monday nov", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a romantic and nostalgic feeling towards those who really embrace commitment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i walked downstairs feeling groggy and a little down", "label": 0} -{"text": "im a moody bitch and the more time i spend with people the more i let my social graces fall and all of a sudden his parents are pointing out im in a bad mood and i feel ganged up on and resentful that my boyfriend lives at home because if he didnt then none of this would even be happening", "label": 3} -{"text": "i often feel more anxious about the year ending", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to feel calm cool and collected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate this part though i m not really feeling bitter as of the moment because of a failure in the field of love but this is the best combination of words that i can think of right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like my adrenals are being assaulted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started taking better care of myself by concentrating on food as a healing source instead of a compulsion i certainly feel more energetic optimistic and simply healthy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get to the stage where ive had enough light on my skin that i feel agitated which kickstarts my pulse rate to the point that i can get up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always have had trouble when i write something and someone has to check it i feel very insecure and as if though they are going to judge me badly and think that i am not very smart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i find myself feeling sympathetic concerning strangers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of dissatisfied with life but kind of like i dont care about anything which doesnt make sense to me because earlier i was really happy and stuff and hanging out with michael but now im home alone and just so i dont even know i want ice cream and food", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always left feeling loved and appreciated by donna beth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the feeling he has naughty intentions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strongly about supporting people who provide a voluntary service to help others and this is what the nci national coastwatch institution do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just love it when a product is held within glass because it makes me feel like i am using an elegant product", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know some may blanch at this news and think im crazy but i love the holiday and with the way the year has flown by i refuse to wait until after turkey day and wind up feeling like i didnt get to enjoy it as much as i would have liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t feel so lame doin", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel confused neglected and like bastards at the family reunion", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that you are less bothered about my personal matters at times", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the part in the curious incident of the dog in the night time whereby christopher hears his name called and its written in his mothers handwriting i see it on lined notebook sheets garlanded loosely kerned love will tear us apart linebreak ian curtis", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel the most delicate movement rippling down through my abs my calves everywhere", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know whether to feel more amazed about this guy and his defense or wonder if he s got multiple screws loose", "label": 5} -{"text": "i make slow songs when i feel calm and i make hip hop shit when im happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i said it even uttered it and it made me feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel honored billboard has taken note of my journey in the music industry thus far", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel in this life reflects the fact that i m not supposed to feel comfortable here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know you feel mad about that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling really passionate about at the moment about educating more parents and children about how good real food is for your body mind and spirit", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel deeply wronged and i will vocalize that sometimes way too much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel we should just get violent break windows take to the streets", "label": 3} -{"text": "i relay my plan to her turn and head back toward the food court when as fast as something that is really fast i m down on the floor feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was towards the ending of the book but i wasnt feeling it i wasnt curious to know the ending", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bad enough sometimes andi am a mild case", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel its resolved i dont really think that much about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel intimidated because only selected students can pass the up exams so i am thinking of many nerdy students roaming around if only i tried to take the exams when i was studying then i will know if i can call myself one of the exceptional student hehehe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wonder why does it make others feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little longing for my former crush", "label": 2} -{"text": "i pray you will continue to be concerned for others express how you feel be faithful be honest be creative stay determined be giving fearless and intelligent", "label": 1} -{"text": "ill buy a new bottle of spf when i feel like being outside again i hear it is hot right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went in feeling pretty unsure of what he would tell me and what he could tell about me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am now feeling a little bit of not trusting what i feel for you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to feel special and look special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feeling kinda weird because of the fact that i feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling so rushed lately with not enou", "label": 3} -{"text": "i forgive myself that i ve allowed myself to within the experience of feeling overwhelmed find and use excuses as ideas about why i can t or should not apply myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling kind of hurt sitting in the dirt aaaaall i hear is doooom and gloom but when those drums go boom boom boom through the night your face i see baby take a chance baby wont you dance with meeee yeah baby wont you dance with meeee oh yeah fracking deep for oil", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that some people do not understand how they are creating their own isolated community destexhe explained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i may have been eating pie while watching it but i didn t even feel like a greedy food monster", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about sharing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so helpless here becomes a cry for help i need your love", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little bit confused about the bigger picture", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel awfully unprotected but i trust her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel amazing during a race but i felt just fabulous during dam to dam and i attribute so much of it to alexson", "label": 5} -{"text": "im getting the feeling that tatiana might not be too impressed with you run of the mill guys because shes already got it all figured out what a bunch of losers you are", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so privileged to be engaged to someone with so much potential", "label": 1} -{"text": "i seriously feel insulted i announce unwilling to let the barb pass unfettered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i taught it to bennett as i was nursing him and he has been signing it to me for about six months usually when he is feeling really lovey and affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive lately been feeling the absence of my beloved mythtv box more then usual", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have with counseling is that i feel like my issues are petty compared to other people and i feel like im wasting the counselors time just by being there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit strange saying it", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive opened myself up for another dose of that soul sucking feeling all because i got curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel insulted you would even assume that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling really dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel offended tip if u had to keep whispering uncomfortably in public why leave ta realms of ur home in ta st place ban urself from outdoor activities dude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a part of me has died after being tortured perhaps the best and most beloved cherished part of myself that other and all such significance being deleted erased suppressed shut down banished squashed eliminated destroyed and removed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling that the relationship would be more sarcastic than sweet or sure", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a longing that can only be quieted down by your voice or touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have had my odd moment but all things considered i feel so very blessed by gods goodness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel selfish feeling like this but i can t help it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have always wanted to see to feel assured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel the need to mention it twice loving mother of three", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am up now eating corn flakes and feeling morose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed but super excited about this task", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so loved and honored", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know but somehow i feel as though she didnt understand what i was going through and wasnt supportive enough when i was through some difficult times without the slightest shred of judgement", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it should be like compassionate and social equity and then there s the ones that seem like they resonate with me creative or storyteller", "label": 2} -{"text": "i havent really decided how i feel yet some of the other waitresses are truely bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im caring for a baby again and sometimes i feel cheated", "label": 2} -{"text": "im supposed to feel sympathetic yet distant towards from your problems", "label": 2} -{"text": "im under a huge stack of blankets with a kid on each side a fire in the wood stove in the living room and the electric heater cranked up in the bedroom and i still feel cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not know how to do the waltz but i feel like i might be starting to learn this footwork of indecisive decisions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it needs to be respected for its own sake", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel like its funny when people mistake her age to be when shes actually not even legal yet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that as a friend as a coworker as a team mate you should be loyal of the time and even though i know youre not perfect i expect you to be honest and truthful with me all the time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i left it out here but i might use some nutmeg in the future when im feeling adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i allowed myself to feel again it surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling restless and matt and i are nitpicking one another about who feeds abigail lunch the most and who gets the last few slices of leftover pie", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling frantic feeling low", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i m don t have to do something that i m not passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have had a break now i put my cameras away and purposely didnt get them out but i am starting to feel the urge to pair up my d and lovely mm lens to see what i can capture", "label": 2} -{"text": "when my father did not get back from chipata on time", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling stressed about", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wrong to feel so aggravated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can allow each other space for our feelings and that is so precious to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i use very rich shampoo amp conditioner my hair feels lovely and silky but it is literally flat to my head and i cannot style it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel aggravated confused frustrated and yes at times even stupid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope youre all doing fantastically and feeling lovely", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very divine when i look at it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will not conform compromise i cannot teach people how to have manners at this stage of their lives or how to treat a lady or how to talk or how to chew or how to address situations or how to deal with a tantrums or how to understand people feelings and be considerate etc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling theyll have to upload a bit but ive been pleasantly surprised by how many songs i was able to just select without uploading", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel you moving everyday now and its kind of weird to not be able to call you by name", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wanted to remember my moment of true beauty so that the next time i am feeling shaken i can present myself with proof of this moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was walking down a little village at night there was nobody in the steet a dog began to bark", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed or my obnoxious thoughts get in the way louises words usually ground me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am reading whatever i want whenever i want it feels strange to finish a book or an especially thought provoking article or piece of news and move on without marking the occasion in some way", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a bit nostalgic today but not completely because its thanksgiving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel cold blooded just like a reptile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would feel disgusted at the mere mention of them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stunned reading it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am right an qi very feel anguished very feel distressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have read about slr photography i still feel totally inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went through the same feelings and just so they dont feel like they are the only ones feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling horny im going to masturbate once or twice", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that it happens and i am tortured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of wimpy already having mine on in march", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel that the cult of king serves in an unfortunate way to obscure the fact that the civil", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel ive never been so fearful of the idea of not somehow being with this person and simply missing out because of our present geography", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do i feel like i just make him mad or upset and he doesn t talk to me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so pleased with myself after making this dessert", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will feel like it doubtful but i can hope for it anyway", "label": 4} -{"text": "i needed to make me feel as though the festival was run by supportive professionals who knew what they were doing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel deprived at all even when my kids were enjoying ice cream from the local ice cream joint", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel that there are needy people hungry people in our area and we spent all this money on knick knacks and things we don t really need he explained after being approached", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont tell them i run the risk of them making assumptions and then feeling foolish its a social minefield", "label": 0} -{"text": "i write what i feel like writing is a free expression of my feelings which i find difficult to speak", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can either spend the rest of my life feeling like a child who is terrified of people exploding in anger when she makes her opinions known because this is what happens in her house and there fore defers to everyone and subsequently feels like she is unimportant and that she doesnt matter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was not familiar with the feeling and i am not sure you get used to it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel dazed and my reactions are all over the place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel uncertain about this idea anchors from not at all very much so alpha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling very lethargic today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dunno why i said that im just feeling very affectionate i guess", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this strange mix of pride awe and holy crap where does the time go when i look at my own kids", "label": 5} -{"text": "i usually start feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont get to listen to music that much any more but i like franz ferdinand keane ancafe but their fans are a bunch of idiots sorry x i feel like theyre taking the word nyappy in vain how sad is that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very lethargic so then i dont workout which in turn makes me feel even more frustrated and depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrified by an entirely different prospect", "label": 4} -{"text": "i somehow feel unpleasant even though hes acting so kind to me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope our sharing was beneficial to the little handful that showed up because it certainly didnt feel fantastically productive to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling that other gamers would not be as impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do give it a shot and go out without makeup at the very least i don t feel insecure when family or friends come over and i don t have makeup on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of annoyed when i read reports like in the blog post implied to be factual without the relevant information to reach a proper series of conclusions", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want is my students to feel intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up late on monday morning and did not feel too irritable though this was about to change", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had the feeling i was not about to leave cool ranch anytime soon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am left feeling sweet exhilarated nourished a fresh mind and a href http", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as amazed at her arrival as i do for countless babies i see everytime i wander out in the world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i notice that the self policing occurs as a result of feeling intimidated by a seemingly all knowing overseer who wields a power that no one can really fight and win", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel scared of being judged", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel completely devastated for not getting on here actually yesterday", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a gentle breeze which means god is saying", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have no relief from my aches i am feeling just a tad overwhelmed by our current living situation and i am still unemployed and getting really really antsy about finding work", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to stay at this point the answer is no but i keep wondering why i am feeling this dissatisfied with my being and if a change will make a difference or not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel blessed and so immensely grateful that i have the opportunity to see it happen", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird and tingly lolol", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had looked forward to carey mulligan as daisy and leo s gatsby but i came away from the film feeling that they had just missed out on something special", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t help but feel impressed that i am helping weave the fabric of the web today as my posts unbeknownst to myself have been automatically gleaned and used for a few purposes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant help but feel helpless and overwhelmed by the mistakes ive made", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a strange kinship to the predators of the animal kingdom", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling uncertain confused doubtful and such", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel distressed i tend to listen to certain songs to help soothe myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean come on how does standing around with nothing to press make you feel furious a frothing and raging berserker", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling pretty exhausted at work and dont get any breaks besides lunch so lets just say i am not really opposed to the idea of cutting back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling a little insecure about her approach", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel disappointed because i feel rejected and feel a sense of failure for not being able to keep that friendship alive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel melancholy and im wondering today am i the only one", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also loved the feeling of that gentle rippling through the body when i floated in water it was a bonus having friends with pools growing up in australia", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often need to sit on several blankets or even a chair for a lengthy seated meditation or to avoid any hip stretches if my hip is feeling aggravated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sorry also to phau and the other girls because they do not see the value of having a wonderful college friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant promise she will be here tomorrow but i have a feeling about this and i am not sure i wont be up all night", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am back bearing a gift in my black bag hoping to feel once again the gentle certainty of that magnificent tree", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i should thank the academy or something i should definitely thank my loyal readers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would suggest for i can think of few shadow ministers who come across as thinking feeling emotional beings like the rest of us with the exception perhaps of andy burnham who is never afraid to say and show exactly what hes feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like watching something brutally violent now just to wash the taste of all this out of my mouth", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get on an almost daily basis i pretend to feel really offended and insist that squirrel is my real name", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little stagnated and repressed for that matter", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny a class btn plusone pmb comm title recommend this with google href https plus", "label": 5} -{"text": "i finished it i didn t feel impressed or anything but i felt this is japan", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know why but i feel very amazed at how vastly different everyones send off is tonight there was a lot of people family members and there was praying", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am so eternally grateful that when those feelings come up i can feel the loving arms of my heavenly father around me reassuring me that everything is ok and that i am amazing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling that they were not very sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really fearful that teddy one day will become her best friend instead", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel tearfully nostalgic about the old playground near my house where i spent the best years of my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel privileged to meet true heroes male and female yet by the masses unsung the world is full of heroes of heroes old and young", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more angry than guilty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i confess it all before summer starts and feel distraught the whole break while i fret about the repercussions of it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel heartbroken border i just feel heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive got a name and feel curious about it so i just search it at wikipedia and hell yeah i found it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so weird and self conscious posting this pic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit intimidated by grown up life this outfit is my power saviour", "label": 4} -{"text": "im thankful for the mental space to distinguish between feeling overwhelmed and being overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so amazing musicjuzz", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that my dedication to my beloved blog is being inconsistent with my personal life at least in the present circumstances", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so peaceful watching them together", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel that he is so excited to bless all his children if they will only come", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am still feeling a little weepy and whoa is me when it came time to pick up the fibromyalgia crusade tee shirts that will actually fit people from the screen printers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel distraught over the seemingly unending wars in which our country engages", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel my feet aching with sharp pains", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling all weepy and vulnerable but the thing i woke up thinking about this morning was the woman in her fifties from the midwest", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate that part of the reason that i feel so reluctant and unmotivated to talk to women is because i have such high standards and expectations which i dont think that i deserve to have", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did find out the hard way though that being in mexico and not speaking spanish is really tough if you re a person who has social anxiety issues based entirely on feeling unwelcome and intrusive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling far less stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would say this emptiness i am now feeling is more of a blank emptiness that is not necessarily bad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feeling petty enough to report it as an accident incident thereby creating lots more uselesss work for people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i already feel exhausted and mentally shut down and just leave it at that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still left feeling strange and unsettled thinking about small towns and about where i grew up and changing economies and carnivals", "label": 5} -{"text": "i revel in the couple of smiles here and there and feel so amazed by how fast theyre growing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dumb and just choose be silent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love and what i feel like doing quotes mad selfish instaquote instathough johnnydeppquote johnnydepp dream width height a href http celebsr", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am and isnt afraid to grow i feel myself more eager to comply with the advances she wants to see in me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel privileged to call her my friend", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always think about are act the way i want to feel so even when im grumpy i still need to act pleasant and happy and then i will start to feel more that way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel weird even talking about this fundraiser and yet im incredibly grateful for it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling like my most precious diamond is not with me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little agitated at the whole situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel envious of the person i was when i took this picture not because i have changed so much but because the predicaments i have been though up until why", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really honored that the whole industry came out grace this event", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feeling like a wronged husband", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the most curious sort of emptiness", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive ever said that but i feel a strange warning of some sort", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started to cry quietly feeling helpless and resigned panicky and circular", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel jolly waking up this morning i feel jolly waking up this morning th november by ladyyjae", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling particularly gloomy or angstful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling particularly gracious i will thank her in person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t want to lose my friends as much as i hate the stares the egg throwing and mass public hate it gives me something to feel i should be hated for ruining charlee s family", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed by god s grace", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i missed out on this show", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will never forget it i was feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have something against a hysterical reaction to problems like climate change simply because some people feel so alarmed by it that they ve been preaching apocalyptic visions coming so near if we don t do this or that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i took a closer look at the meat and now im not feeling as supportive of this dish", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel like im the only one who ever reads my blog posts but ive been amazed at how many ppl visit my blog every month over thousand of you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am going to bed soon i have been watching episodes after episodes of the anime that i was crazy about since pm today but i have been feeling so restless that i found the anime boring", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wont bore the world with it even though it feels like something special when youre baby does it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i apologize that i cant be bold and vocalize all these thoughts and feelings the truth is that youve got me appalled and reeling", "label": 3} -{"text": "ill feel insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic to the women who i imagine were strong armed into such garments solely by the forces of circumstance and practicality i hope to not end up in such desperate straits", "label": 2} -{"text": "i ever published and is why i feel so passionate to give back", "label": 2} -{"text": "im at lunch with my friends it doesnt feel like i belong there and i start to get agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i drafted this post at least a month ago and now i m feeling quite uncertain about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling less overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might dislike where i am or what i do when my times up to leave ill always feel nostalgic without fail", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel myself becoming more and more agitated which was almost a new sensation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like the calvin harris florence the machine song sweet nothing again in case i blogged it already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went to work still feel a little bit unsure about my prayer and not sure if i should do anything about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel something as i pass the darkness to meet the sunlight now i m not afraid of anything because i am in your arms", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more in control less frantic and finally centered", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i always find something in art i end up loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love thinking up recipes starting with one ingredient that i feel like that day or am curious about and then adding things i think will taste good with it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate his lack of fervor i hate feeling unimportant and it s a shame that it takes little stabs like this to get him to say anything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i used to feel supportive of airline personel who had to deal with drunks img width height border title reddit alt reddit src pics reddit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i not feel helpless as i work through it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the dull ache coming on i take excedrin before it escalates into something horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love it when you visit someones home for the first time and you immediately feel their personality from their treasured items in their home", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel there and how special this birth center is to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean i may have started feeling hot flashes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was calm feeling empty half of my face was numb from the cold ice pack i was still holding there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel pressured frantic like its now or never", "label": 4} -{"text": "i write ok i may be drunk but i feel like this sweet beer is caressing my face", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can eat again without feeling that horrible nauseas feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess i am feeling so uptight because i am inconveniencing my family on christmas eve by my constant flight updates and changes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember you again time singing rhythms and beating you into memory never lost hope no faded desire just you in a boundyless aura i feel your timid breath wrap tightly around my body holding me to my seat and chilling the air the ticking of the clock filling the space where your heart used to beat", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can go without a shower for up to three nights without feeling dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like such an ungrateful ass because honestly this family i am staying with is unbelievably nice", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling grumpy and stiff and angsty i remind myself of days when i couldnt make it out of bed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i should air my thoughts on everything but i m reluctant to write about my family on here if only because i don t want anything to be taken in the wrong way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel we are all doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love her and i find it hard to put in to words the way she makes me feel sometimes when i see the look in her eyes when she looks at me or my son i am amazed and wonder how i became so lucky to have met her let alone have a wonderful son with her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sent a text because i felt like i was torturing myself by not texting and now that i sent a text i am feeling tortured by your silence", "label": 3} -{"text": "im remembering this now because i had an ridiculously fun time with some friends last night and now that my hangover has worn off i am left feeling very thankful for these impulsive frank and beguiling people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have spent a lot of my life feeling unhappy in my skin but got a taste of what it feels like to be content with who i am a few years ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am sorry for anyone who feels mentally damaged by this but you wont get a refund", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that i am a submissive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still have no cravings or desire to drink which although i am grateful for i feel oddly suspicious about", "label": 4} -{"text": "i recall at the time not being particularly impressed with this but not feeling particularly outraged either", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel all three of these are seriously threatened by the c word that of course being capitalism", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really good about my day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always really feel could be useful and handy or perhaps fascinating", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love the natural ending with the birdsong amp the weird sounds of someone doing something very ordinary that manages to give a very very earthy feel i am completely amazed again by the brilliance of this album", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sure that youre feeling pretty overwhelmed as well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldn t hear anything after that because i was deeply engrossed in sighting her and i could sense the feeling of kissing her cropping up in my romantic head", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find it strange that i feel somewhat surprised even though i know i wont be young forever", "label": 5} -{"text": "i only learnt this weekend of her passing and i nfeel quite stunned about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel it it doesnt hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should go for it but i feel like its being spiteful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a bit of a strange one", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasn t thinking of anything that was happening right then the feeling i was having was an extension of my fearful thoughts about how my life was going", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like things are bit messy is to make a big to do list", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling bothered not by the pain but more of the fact of how detrimental my current condition was to the trip", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still think he isnt able to totally understand how i feel or im being stubborn but talking to him and having him by my side is enough for me to dont give a damn bout anything in this world anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a fairly positive person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am amazing at but realistically i am not that good", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very positively about that night and remember it as a sweet time with friends family and most importantly god", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling very excited and i am no darn good at keeping things i am excited about to myself or because i am feeling that i need to just push forward and make myself tow the line which i will have to do if i start this ball rolling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed that for the first time ever i have someone to spend new years eve with", "label": 5} -{"text": "i even feel weird living with lay people again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling the past few days a little distressed about not writing here as much", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like hes being sincere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel burdened and unable to just be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know she and reese are feeling burdened and sort of overwhelmed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not the only feeling so overwhelmed pulled thin and exhausted sorry katie that your secret is out too", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel fully content and so thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i shall assume because i do not feel as needy as i felt last night", "label": 0} -{"text": "im trying to keep a positive outlook on that front im feeling very curious about the players in this sometimes physically threatening game of blocking access to education", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel my feelings very intensely and im not afraid to talk about or share them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling this lonely was about years ago", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel is vital in my craft to tell a story without words and to leave the viewer to piece the story together interpret from their life experience inspirations and influences", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go from room to room breathe through the crack of a closed window feel my heart beating as if it is saying can t you satisfy my longing at last", "label": 2} -{"text": "when i went in a clinical hospital and saw in what conditions people are attended there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the inspiration begin to return and even now in this moment im surprised at how quickly it flows back", "label": 5} -{"text": "i is feeling so shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel dazed irritable first thing in the morning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit groggy in the morning less so today i took it earlier last night to make sure it had worn off by morning", "label": 0} -{"text": "when my boyfriend wanted to leave me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel all the more dangerous as i await my sentence", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling nostalgic for my childhood toys", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive had terribly mixed feelings over this im eager to go home but i also dont want to leave here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really can t explain the feeling to be accepted so freely and in such a loving fashion", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling that longing for the road with every page of pamela des barres legendary book that im finally reading", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess i sort of feel like i have some control over those situations so trusting him for patience isnt hard", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think my insecurities make me do things i know i shouldnt do because i feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remembered how people emailed messaged me five years ago saying that my blog posts helped them feel less isolated and a little more normal or understood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help but feel though that you would be just as delighted at the beach recliner or the roads made of grass", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got a wrsit watch n card from him i still remember my frnds saying how special he is n how special he is making you feel n dey all were impressed by him badly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i slept that much in the past i d probably wake up feeling cranky that i d wasted so much of the day but i wake up feeling really good so i guess i need it but i m hoping i need less as time goes on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am running at an approximate minute pace which i feel is quite acceptable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i start picking on little details about myself that i feel dissatisfied with and catch myself silently hoping i could just disappear away from everybody else", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love about maeve something i feel i did nothing to influence but was pleasantly surprised to find was there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am more rested than most mornings i am still feeling pretty lethargic this morning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do what i feel comfortable with and know is safe for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel petty and small and horrible and all i want to do is crawl back into my hole and just wait for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant say this part enough ive done it without feeling like ive deprived myself of anything i want", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feels loneliness after his beloved leaves him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would never have imagine standing cm away from front row lookouts feeling pleased that i managed not to trip or fall in my inches and saving the fashion writer from poached magazine from falling to his death into the hole of the seats platform", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel glamorous today a href http thedreamofstyle", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not feel in any way offended or insulted by these remarks", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel threatened especially taking the train at night explained brooklynite lortashia smith who said she has been followed off trains several times", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fantastic but i just keep waiting for that feeling that i need more protein", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just would feel so shocked as im fully expecting another weeks of pregnancy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have grown up an older brother", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am way past bed time and feeling groggy i can t seem to get the same words out of my head", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know its not like weve been searching that long and its not like we looked at hundreds of homes but i started to feel defeated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i no longer feel like im doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "im starting to get worried and just feel strange in my own skin", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel glad to be able to help others through compassion and listening gifts the lord def gave me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ought to avoid feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling rather stunned and speechless at how neatly abby had resolved my unspoken concern", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get how you feel so dull to c face problems you would never fm d e f g want but for now lets jump and sing all night long jump now", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been writing my entire adult life and feel quite amazed and delighted by that little fact", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would normally be working feels slightly naughty and very delicious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit strange writing a blog post again after such a long absence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel confident that the new leadership at the cqc will take seriously the value of regulation in the context of compassion", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling almost disillusioned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel will look amazing on any skin shade", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stupid and horrible that ive only heard of him now but better late than never", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel more hateful every day i think", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel shocked about that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very sarcastic today and probably will make the little creature thing at the end of my journal sarcastic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t say that i felt some huge overwhelming longing to find my prince and or princess charming and ride off into the sunset i did feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wrote an update on fabio he had had his month check up and although everything was generally fine he still had a few issues he had to deal with such as lack of flavour and appetite dry mouth feeling of being cold breathing issues and difficulty in regaining the weight that he had lost", "label": 3} -{"text": "im having a great time with these classes already but i have to say im feeling a bit amazed by the veterans", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel a little funny writing posts on a blog about myself but here goes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was wandering around feeling like a child on a school trip and learnt things i was surprised i never knew", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel sympathetic if you got expensive concert tickets to a band you actually like", "label": 2} -{"text": "i look at these and all i feel is frustrated maybe even a little bit cheated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt realize how good it would feel to have people angry at him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling amazing the thai massage yesterday had me kneaded and stretched like good pretzel dough", "label": 5} -{"text": "i be so aggressive with chicks abusive almost and feel so hesitant with him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit shaken right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i never thought for a second that i d ever say this but right now i feel so envious of you and your life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i am having a dull day content wise", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel shocked or scared when it happens it s just like my body is saying time to get up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty bitchy and horrible but dont worry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i forgot what it was like to feel gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel that you with all your free time could do more to show some support but i always feel disappointed somehow", "label": 1} -{"text": "i printed most of my report today feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by paying tithe because i often feel torn between giving cheerfully and giving down to the t", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not sure how to describe how i feel other than hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not complaining but it makes me feel heartless in a way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not care that he has hurt feelings or feels humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know a lot of people do this but for me its not really enjoyable unless i feel really excited to go somewhere or am expecting to be seen by people i know", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im being punished for existing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i somtimes feel like a the queen of spades and the queen of hearts is one of my beloved friends", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt cheated mainly because at the vietnamese places that i ve been to in the past have a field day with your cuticles and they get cray cray up in there and i see the results and feel amazed by their abilities to remove dead skin and stuff that looked like barnacles", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see a year old now and to ask her to take her clothes off would feel really weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was drinking or avoid taking drugs id start drinking really heavily and taking drugs just to make my mind switch off or because i was feeling terrified about waking up the next day alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel accepted shit happened and i no longer have a couple of friends from that group", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did consume with relish not pickles but with gusto rather some absurd number of calories for which i now feel remorseful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have not read the novel i have a feeling its relitivley faithful to the book as an awful lot is compacted into a film that is slightly shorter than two hours", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know not everyone loves or feels as loyal to gtcc as i do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so stupid that even now that i am writing this i am still hoping that i am wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was thinking about recently how i dont think i can remember more then a couple of hooks that were sober or anything that makes me feel i had a slutty drunken hook up last week and literally this guy was biting my neck off", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know you wont feel a thing even if im heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i barely started to feel kick was going to be a sweet baby girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that you ll be superior away establishing internet websites the existing fashioned way and just pay for web host with go dad as well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel slightly overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that this place the space of the blank page is mine independently of what the results might be", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read my last post i feel like a bitchy showoff badass o but hey", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very successful in both my family and work life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found was after breakfast which was yummy i felt really sleepy intead of energised as i thought i would feel i am really curious as to why", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a go at painting narcisi and i always feel like i never get the delicate beauty of them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feels apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so pretty so petty and witty and gaaaaay img src http img", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wouldn t feel left out that lady is so sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel thrilled i could handle so many stuff", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wake up in my bed in of course downton and i feel a bit funny so i roll over and take a look at my lovely wife lady mary", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do not feel thrilled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think after brooding over it i may actually feel more pity for the people who actually think this is funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess im just feeling a little rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit skeptical about it because of financial aid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont want to bring up the matter anymore because i really know how it feels when someone bring up your mistake and being sarcastic about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really pathetic admitting all of that to you guys", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this lipstick really suits my complexion which i was surprised by", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel that if you need to say something to a person it appears more sincere out loud not to mention that the pen is safer it takes a lot more balls to say something difficult than it does to prepare a note or letter about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant do either of these things so i end up trying my hardest to suppress these feelings which makes me irritable and is very tiring", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was struck by one of cupids arrows and am feeling a bit amorous so my featured picks are sure to please your valentine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel dazed as i walk off the plane and vaguely follow signs until i reach the baggage claim", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dumb sitting out in the car", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease that makes it hard for my body to process grains and sugar and have a passion for cooking and baking dishes that will not make you feel deprived but comforted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember being wheeled into surgery as the nurse whispered to me that i would start feeling a little groggy soon", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i started a relation with a girl", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel threatened whenever i see a hospital", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel ridiculously burdened with this approaching move out date and im afraid we wont find anything desirable within our price range close to work", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling very optimistic about it and find myself wanting to ride more and more", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always heard words as i am with homesickness of voce i feel its falta if to the day i to dissimulate that everything goes well at night i have that to deal with the thought of you far from mim", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel loyal to xanga and all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tell myself for reassurance when im feeling doubtful about my purpose in life is that everything you do your very existance can affect another in an indefinite way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that the lord was so tender with me through it all not dealing with me harshly in my discontent but gently", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling too awful to write more surgery is scheduled on wednesday for open reduction of distal radius fracture", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel charmed right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impatient with little social manipulations and power struggles with the day to day human interactions where no one says what they really mean or what they really think and we all just dance around each other", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more inhibited at my sewing machine than i did as a teenager without a sewing machine or any idea of how to construct clothes but back then i reconstructed countless shirts made belts fashioned skirts out of yarn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hit weeks i have been feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not really feeling very threatened by his models though i know that ill lose some of them this turn for sure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was tossing and turning and feeling very anxious about the fact that i was not doing this work that i felt needed to be done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the books are popular because they are a tantalizing sensationalistic type read", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel uncertain of being able to run the entire", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fantastic and have stuck solely to eating clean", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have an amazing support system around me and i have so much help that when i feel overwhelmed that i have someone to ease my mind", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling pretty envious of first day of fall elana right about now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so agitated and angry", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont care if he lay up wit somebody new because he has the right to its only a problem because i have a gut feeling he liked the boy while we were still dating", "label": 2} -{"text": "im going to feel a little bit vulnerable but im actually glad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look at you i feel this tender sweet little love growing and growing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i ve impressed the people i ve interviewed with so that s been encouraging", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that i would feel very distressed and vulnerable if someone was so interested in me and i hope nobody is ever ever ever that interested in me ever ever ever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont know about you but im not ready for summer to be over mostly because i feel like i missed so much of summer this year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel damaged before i even began to cut into my skin heart", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling grumpy tonight", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not even sure if this counts as metal at all anymore the overwhelming feeling i had while listening to this was that it was basically just a really shitty version of evanescence", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really curious and i really wonder why they made this movie at all at the first place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel like my world has been shaken up and spit out again and i just do not understand why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling that this film is going to be a film that will have the feel of the s and s that gave audiences something to be scared of", "label": 4} -{"text": "i appreciate the spiritual character and tranquil feeling of the music but it is a bit too relaxed for my taste", "label": 1} -{"text": "i start to feel discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so lucky to live somewhere so beautiful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love feeling my sweet girl move around and explore her very small surroundings", "label": 2} -{"text": "one day i was busy day dreaming along the road and suddenly i heard the sound of jamming car braked behind me i woke up from my dreams and it was about to crash me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rather petty and stupid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i go to a nepalese gathering and i mean every time i feel very weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel now i feel assured calm confident and peace", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling very disillusioned over the whole thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not feeling shocked by the culture", "label": 5} -{"text": "i were feeling very flattered that the lovely anna and james owners of and the dish r", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel inadequate when i let my busy schedule during the week get in the way of ministry opportunities", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was all ooooh that is what annoyance and feeling judged and shamed feels like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel honoured to be part of", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this mindset is truly selfish and is inconsistent with the constitution that i swore to support and defend while i was in the military", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like got a hot seat for my flight ticket kkk xdd but i was surprised with the airplane", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling really indecisive today and i need help deciding what to make for dinner", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt good i felt strong in fact i was feeling fantastic and i managed to bring the team home in rd place out of or so teams", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like its rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i owe so many friends so many things i feel inadequate to be present here if that doesnt sound too strange", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know he meant that jokingly although i have a feeling he was curious about the true answer as well but that guy has nooo idea", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would keep gems like this to myself but i am feeling generous today and it s just plainly too damn good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not want him to feel that im not even supporting him enough", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel is tortured by the present hateful towards the future and rage for the past which i hold in regret", "label": 3} -{"text": "i try to sort my thoughts out i just feel skeptical about this but cannot articulate exactly why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to feel admired and loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling so agitated and beleaguered but not sad i am too awesome to be sad when i started penning down this one but now after browsing through those snaps it feels that someone just lifted an aate ka bora from my fragile haha again shoulders", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel him getting agitated as the woman in front of us was taking forever and claimed she had never sent a package before so needed full child like guidance on how to do it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like a lot but i feel that they have not managed to compose so fantastic music ever since like an ever flowing stream", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling so generous i let my cable release into the shot too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rushed again and its the lack of time jerry springer weather amp suddenly you want to put porn on i am very confused but hey let me do that while you enjoy that i had fun fun fun without your hun without a block so hype all about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very surprise to receive a bouquet of lovely red roses today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel once again so blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know now that if i had sex with him and he left soon after id be upset and feel distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very blessed that we are able to make such trips to see and grow closer to joes family my family", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling brave ill post all of it but heres a small small snippet for now", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling very distraught right now and emotionally not able to be productive about anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i won t lie sometimes i feel helpless when i m trying to decipher a new script or something that i m completely unfamiliar with", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can just pop out when i feel like it nab a tender morsel to enjoy and pop right back in", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird and realize the pot has hit me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i asked if i could send one message saying i coudnt text tonight or else my friend would feel ignored and angry and my mom said to tell her why tomortow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dropped the found footage fest thing cause i didnt feel like trying to be funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had just moved to the town where i study and i got a postcard from a good friend from my home town", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel venus is gifting us is the perfect opportunity to reconcile the masculine and feminine within and also integrate our divine selves with our physical selves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have super oily skin so i feel like this would benefit me especially during these hot summer months", "label": 2} -{"text": "im starting another whole because some people at the gym are and because im tired of feeling crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can count on her for anything and i feel so blessed to have her for my mother", "label": 2} -{"text": "i almost feel doomed to working until i die hopefully getting my son to place in life where he is happy more independent and most important of all healthier", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like my hand is very unprotected and of course it hurts a lot", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could really feel her supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i came to a conclusion with all that said by my proverbs friend i choose not to care how i feel but walk in god s divine plan for my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hadnt really tried to feel the lump in my breast since my doctor felt it but i reached up to see if i could feel it and i was so shocked that it was just right there so big and so hard", "label": 5} -{"text": "i went on an organizing kick which helps to gain back that feeling of control when the house is messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would still feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "id been feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think its fun to pair a nice dress with flip flops feels free and unfussy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope you can feel how passionate i am about this story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think they look so cute and it makes me feel like they are curious to start their life", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling agitated because there are effing flies in my house", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t want to feel that kind of hurt anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember sleeping over at house and feeling more thrilled to see my sisters and his wife at the time than i was to see him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanna throw my desk out the window but its weird how im not feelin any kind of anger but i want to perform violent acts", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so contented le", "label": 1} -{"text": "i deboarded the plane feeling relieved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know if i should be feeling this way because it would seem greedy and not nice to expect someone to splurge on the spur of the moment just because i asked", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i cant say anything to him without him getting all aggravated and things will be fine one minute but not so fine the next", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think if you do feel remotely pressured then it s not an appropriate situation for you to be in and you should end the relationship asserted sally", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kind of feel like my beloved honey badger equally taking what i want and not giving a shit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am determined to not let it worsen my life but i feel like i am in a vicious circle", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cradle you in my arms feeling your sweet breath on my chest", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel dazed exited impatient and hyper", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have nothing to worry about but i still feel rather suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel like being curious didnt feel like talking her call became just as much of an annoyance as anyone elses would if i wasnt in the mood for a chat", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to not be on bedrest this year that i just want to do everything too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel be fond of this record helped me a lot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could actually feel my eyes widen the tender globes of goo attempting to escape the confines of my skull", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit restless and there are so many things that i want to tackle on my kid free days that i feel like i will get absolutely nothing done instead", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was explaining my feelings to him a realization hit me i didnt actually know why that situation bothered me the way it did", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never feel at all irritated by traffic with rose s theme humming the speakers", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel low low low just feel like i dont fail because i cant i fail because its my fault whether actually im able to do it but i just sigh its major fail fail fail", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have made huge changes and huge improvements in my life and i am so grateful to that and i appreciate things like i never used to so i don t feel i m being ungrateful or taking anything for granted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel funny being old", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have red hair and i can be a downright bitch especially when i feel wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling gloomy since i had a bad dream", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hes too shy or un photogenic but maybe also because hes special and i want to keep it that way by not bringing him to show others as often", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sorry that you havent been able to come around as they say and have the life you know you want that i know you want", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel ignored", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find that i am left feeling much more satisfied and with much fewer cravings for not so healthy food when i eat this way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel like will be an amazing year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant handle just feels really weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know whether to feel sorry for you for having to spend all that time with snape or to be impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very horny today so i just texted eric and asked if i could see him tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have more than two thoughts i need to remember or prepare for i feel agitated and stressed unless i put it down on a list", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very blessed to know so many wonderful people and sincerely appreciate their support over the years", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to write something negative about books ive read because theres a chance they might stumble upon it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel like being loyal to kose since i still suffer breakouts", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling all sorts of nervous excited anxious and what have you", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel very very disturbed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just always feel so shocked when i start to get sick like i can t believe it s happening to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kind of weird seeing him without nina because of what happened between them but i mean", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate being in such a poor mood and i hope i stop feeling so irritable and tense soon", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like someone important", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought that feels distressed is the chest and above", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt heart melted they love to suddenly come out from the door and scare me they also like to tickle me and run away i feel i become a naughty kid when i play with them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean life goes on and things change and at the end of the day its only awkward bad or weird if you both make it to be so im just going to take it as it comes and not feel pressured to make sudden decisions over brash actions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel and is incredibly compassionate and understanding", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do still feel like there s a talented defense", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant turn around and talk to them without feeling like im being judged or secretly disliked", "label": 0} -{"text": "i is distraught her eyes go so wide and glazed over that you really feel shes shocked and horrified", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had the opportunity to feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i call carole s books my safe books you always know what you are going to get but you always feel pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel weird that i am not struck my constant numbing grief that binds me to the point of incapacity", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it is lame to complain but i struggle with there has got to be more", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that theyre as good of a quality if not better than any high end version", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wasnt really feeling up to reviewiing it on ba but i was pretty impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want would like to see victoria maurette achieve the international stardom she really deserves and i d like the actors crew and execs involved in tales to feel like it was a worthwhile and satisfying involvement", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like we might have missed something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t ever feel homesick anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so incredibly blessed for the life i have been given and the people that god has put in it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hate this feeling im hurt all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a tender concern that the work of reformation so prosperously carried on in this land within a few ages past may go forward and spread among the nations and may not go backward through dust gathering on our garments who have been called to a work so great and so precious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strange meeting her gaze", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was saying here i am feeling pretty smug about myself thinking that i ve got it all together as the old saying goes and i find that i m all wrong", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also found myself feeling a bit embarrassed by missler s continual use of less than credible sources", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling energetic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see writers who seem to feel that the reader owes it to them to slog through pages or attempt to penetrate their word puzzles and mind games just because the writer bothered to write the pages in the first place", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling exhausted until today and that was my second day of too broken to move", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive started taking new meds which make me feel anxious and depressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think that raising my children in this state is the right decision for their future goals to be realized i feel very reassured to know that i live in a state that leads the nation in high tech jobs and exports which totaled approximately billion last year alone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was just feeling a little curious for some reason", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also know that vancouver has a decent assistance program for people living on the street and i feel that supporting those programs is probably a better way to feed the needy and more assuredly not going to buy drugs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could if she wanted to make a person feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i genuinely feel scared and unsafe in public", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling a tad bit adventurous i dipped my chip into the creamy dip and ive been seriously obssessed ever since", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling like a mad woman", "label": 3} -{"text": "i i feel completely overwhelmed imagining the chaotic last moments of innocent people making desperate attempts for survival against an unexpected unrelenting enemy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can believe that a person i know is innocent of a certain crime but at the same time i can have a strong feeling of doubt that he is innocent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like it though its very over the top but makes me feel clever by association", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was able to talk to our family this week i just needed to talk to people that loved me a lot and know how to show it in a way that makes me feel loved and important", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel heartbroken for the rest of jeffs team who had to witness such a horrific event and will live with some images emblazoned on their brains for a lifetime", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel something inside me let go stop and leave me far less agitated far less worried far less angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know not everybody out there is feeling as pissed off and angry about the finale as i ve been seeing", "label": 3} -{"text": "im three days post op i feel a little dazed and slightly in pain but i wound up taking a walk around the block twice today this block is nearly half a mile", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel envious of the shobhas and the des who have so many different takes on so many different subjects everyday and have a container load of expectations lying in wait around every corner of the snakes and ladder game that is meaningful if not creative writing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think and it feels a little weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have this awful pit in my stomach and am feeling unbelievably indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling like this girl was probably way impressed because im reading a book thats full of essays all about not turning women into sex objects and not letting young girls get caught up in our societys raunch culture", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really agitated right now and ive been sittin here by myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling on this lovely hurricane evening", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit rotten putting a post about teaching into the stones tag list for this blog its not really a grumble or groan subject for me to be honest", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was smiling like a cheshire cat feeling very brave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have probably had these symptoms since my mother died and they became so internalized that i associated them with just how it is your life hasnt been easy so every time you feel threatened by potential pain than go ahead and act out is how i lived", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found myself angry and feeling helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel worthwhile and blessed to have friends like you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so shy in front of you", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont like tessa because i feel like similarly to clary shes boring and a non entity", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got my shit together eventually i started to feel pleased she did well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so horny now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty terrible about that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was so tired of feeling envious and feeling sorry for myself that i thought i d just go right ahead and buy a ticket", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feel a bit heartless sending her to nursery if theres any chance shes not right though if there was any real doubt then shell definitely be off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a little bit of relief which is pretty amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel our of sorts scared or just need to feel peace and comfort i pray", "label": 4} -{"text": "i pulled it up covered in thick mud and lashed it to the deck scrambled quickly back to the cockpit feeling pleased with myself for solving the engine problem even though the problem was caused by me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling amazed at how focussed on a book such a young baby could be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can ponder the latest wisdom from the observer and the sunday herald former for international news and recipies latter for scottish news and commentary without feeling the need to be enraged on the internet", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know the playwright robert reid socially and i feel a bit weird being so critical of work by someone im kinda sorta friends with", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just had so many good memories there that i can t help but feel a little distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can shed winter clothes feel the hot sun on my skin go for long walks in the woods with my dogs take the occasional plunge into the refreshingly cool water of the lake paddle a mirror calm lake and most importantly move out to the screened in porch my summer office", "label": 2} -{"text": "im really loose feeling amazing so theres no excuses here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get a day off from writing and feeling pressure to be funny and get to laugh at your stories and share some blog love", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am always feeling annoyed by things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do talk to her i cant quite suppress feeling kind of hostile towards her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so enraged u have driven me so insane but it was jus a crush for you if i died wut would u do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need to change my mindset from feeling deprived when i dont get to eat cheese corn or brownies to feeling empowered that i dont feel weighted down and discouraged by what i ate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel agitated with myself that i did not foresee her frustrations earlier leading to the ending of our relationship", "label": 4} -{"text": "i adventures and i have a feeling that kalahari is going to be amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like when i left scad i was finally coming into my own and making work that impressed people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am no longer red it feels weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i make the trip i feel a strange combination of excitement and dread", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel even more how he was so heartless to leave and how i was so strong to stay", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit funny if i dont have one and i always have a secret stash somewhere", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that this may prove to be the way to a more affectionate relationship", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel by myself anyway c g am youre the perfect person", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know white women wear weaves too but i feel like we get the message from the media and hairstylists that if your hair is damaged and or wont grow you should slap a weave in it instead of putting in the effort to make it healthy again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel the need to apologize for the hateful things that ive recently said about those nappy haired ho nissan muranos", "label": 3} -{"text": "i murmured leaning in and capturing yunho s lips as he kissed me back i could feel his confusion as he was hesitant on whether to kiss back", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have made a conscientious effort to continue this and feel it has had a positive impact on my work and enabled me to enjoy the work more as well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the ufo liked grill made it a bit hard to barbecue the food as it kept on sliding down into the soup", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like it really reminded me to lighten up and and not be so frantic and serious as i headed to school", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like week after week i was impressed at the wide array of actors comedians musicians and sports stars who took a shot at hosting duties", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am getting the hang of acrylics now and im just loving the versatility of the medium", "label": 2} -{"text": "i touch my left cheek it feels rather tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i must admit im feeling a little cranky right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just really hurting and feeling a bit overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel hated and unwanted by my friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have spent most of my adult life as a professional balcony person affirming others because in life there are so many people who need to feel valued and appreciated and recognized for what they do right", "label": 1} -{"text": "i eventually turn everyone into these glass golems cold and unfeeling heartless and in some cases manipulative", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went to town hall met young girls who had pearls for sale made some informed selections bartered like hell and left feeling rather pleased with ourselves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would listen to it and sing along of course when i was feeling low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel emotionally and physically drained and usually more upset after the crying than before it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel reluctant to stop bf her although with the obstacles that im facing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling so shy and out of place when i entered the gym for the a href http www", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was sceptical as to how clean would my hair feel since it doesn t lather but i was pleasantly surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess it s needed yet i still feel vaguely insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling super motivated i just do what i can and sometimes i even catch some inspiration mid workout and it turns out really well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i gotta confess to feeling a bit outraged and scared from all the extreme politics going on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant believe ive made it this long with pumping but i feel too selfish yet to just quit when i know how great it is for her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i m just feeling romantic today", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been feeling apprehensive about the coming changes to income taxes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel why so many shy away from giving validity to the title or the field of design at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel week a shaky in the past", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel the excitement in my nervous little bones", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling all sentimental and shizz now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel aching emptiness i touch the silky blanket with no baby wrapped in it i worry that he is alone i cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if they purposefully tortured me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always got the feeling she hated me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get a feeling that people who wear such t shirts just think that the ch icon is just another cool clothing option that makes them fit in with the crowd", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like it was all in vain can we right and fill this wrong", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up today feeling a dull sadness where im commonly adept of being cheered up", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling amazing with little to no swelling ive been proactive seeing a chiropractor this time and i really think its been a dream", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that they were just as surprised to be sharing my dream as i was to have them sharing it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i agree with you that it s a course of inaction but i d go one step further and say that it allows us to feel that we are compassionate people without guilting ourselves over not doing anything about the situation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m having a disconnection with him in that he doesn t really seem keen to have chit chats with me anymore unless i take the initiative to approach him of course", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am new to this so feels kind of strange but i will push through it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am going to have a day or so of not feeling incredibly horny that my drive and focus to serve and be devoted to my mistress is somehow diminished that she said yes you may cum rather than no or something to ruin it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the child thats for sure when im with her and yet im old enough to be her mother", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling for shaken and more confident", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t want to let them down so much so that when i m feeling depressed i don t like to mention it", "label": 0} -{"text": "is feeling shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like the words naughty and volvo would never be together but this car looks legit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel dazed confused awe struck", "label": 5} -{"text": "i seek the feeling of your gentle kiss i hear your voice it m", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so cranky and irritable when i dont get enough sleep", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very indecisive about things lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling quite emotional about the whole thing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have had moments where anxiety kicks in and i feel helpless but no this was on a whole other level", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went through songs on the level heavy or higher so im feeling very triumphant at the moment plus a set a few new records i also apperently and the best ddr player in the entire school according to like everyone that witnessed my speed", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling quite virtuous about stretching myself and my capabilities", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like i was so devoted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have had a lot of uncaring men in my life and it still feels strange to have several that call come by and reach out to me when i am at my weakest moments", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have lost and i feel pretty about that but i do find that ive become complacent more into a maintenance frame of mind rather than consistently working hard to drop weight", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling irritated by the comparative lack of visible birds is that today im leading students on a birdwalk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i truly don t have a good feel for this fight but when has that ever bothered me before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think that they were there like us to watch not because we feel nostalgic for a childhood favorite but because we wanted to see angelina jolie as maleficent", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t feel his tone was strongly impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just have this feeling of fake news fake journalism fake reality etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel for her so tender a friendship indulgence and impresses me with the idea that in a tongue even burney to correct the words but to preserve the sense of that in writing english it is cecilia translated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel that i am being overwhelmed by my own emotions that i have greater worth when praised by another that i am destroyed by a loss", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have too much time on hand i feel useless aimless and bored", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a weird automatic affection for both of them even though weve gone years where we rarely speak to each other", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love my mom and i know i cant fix how she feels but i can be supportive and loving and spend some time with her until she gets stronger", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very insincere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel being rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i put it all back on the very back of my mind kept on traveling making my own plans meeting guys mostly just for fun wondering if i d ever feel impressed by anyone else again and further more if this person worthy of my super selective impressiveness level would ever even look at someone like me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel legitimately shocked and can t even bring myself to pick at it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shaken and saddened by what has come to light", "label": 4} -{"text": "im studying for my year finals my dad died and i probably gained lbs in weeks so i have definitely been feeling vulnerable when it comes to all these images of perfect bodies", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didn t want it to end abruptly and leave me feeling dazed confused and slightly hurt", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hear myself soothing in a low soft voice and i marvel at how the voice makes me feel calm and strong also", "label": 1} -{"text": "i found true friends and that is something that make me feel glad", "label": 1} -{"text": "i spent a lot of time feeling wimpy for the fact that i cannot write before noon", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling some kind of weird presence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel her presence and listen to the frantic melody of her heartbeat", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can even rustle up some custom labels too if im feeling particularly clever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i encrypt the feeling i now feel on these pages in this strange language still avoids capture that depth no rabbit hole dream clich could capture the unraveling path as it unfolds every single time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am really actually feeling aggravated by andrew made me put bouncy because he is a crack addict", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just feeling shitty again and i need something else", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that if we work together we will be able to get through this labour and i will feel the joy once again of seeing my precious baby being placed in my arms", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sometimes get a feeling that i ve got something important today and the power to say it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had something different on this morning but decided to change them up already since i was feeling a bit cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had put major effort into in the last months i was feeling pretty pissed and not ready to blog ever again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have no more intimate feelings for him and to me that is weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel my uterus aching and my thighs quivering while you told the story", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feelng really agitated im not quite certain why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feeling strange internal feeling like continuous wailing of siren in my head and when nobody hears i couldnt help crying like a siren when no one heard", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might share them with carter if i m feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "im also really starting to feel the cold weather sting on my skin at the moment im quite dehydrated and my lips are sooooo dry and cracked already", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like is too cute to have a kid spit up on an adorable stuffed bunny and also a little baby blanket bunny toy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel mournful and expressed it through my clothes but i eventually realised that what i was wearing reinforced the mood that had inspired the outfit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just need someone to hold me so i feel that im not defective", "label": 0} -{"text": "i made it til before i lost consciousness and feel very very lucky that i could still say words by then", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel completely distracted and even though ben and i spend the entire day together i dont feel like we really spend time together", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so discontent a class post count link href http wordstruthwords", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sleep with the contentment of one who has made it through a day in this town feeling like the superior in all my confrontations", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel that the gods above me left it as an offering to appease my vicious sexual appetite", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know colors by llarowe has always put out high quality gorgeous polish but i really feel like leah ann stepped it up a notch for this collection and the result seriously amazing polishes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would definitely describe most of the patterns as being in the advanced category and while very pretty to look at they do make me feel a little too nervous to attempt at this stage", "label": 4} -{"text": "i use stress away topically on myself or diffuse when i am feeling you guessed it stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started feeling a bit less bitchy in the car on the way there and was even enjoying the view of old town its one of my favorite places before i saw the restaurant and started freaking out all over again", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive explained why i love this brand so i feel i would like to stay loyal to it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im done massaging them my nipples are so hard and i feel so horny that i cant help but moan and imagine you fucking me from behind while you mash my two big boobs", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was really feeling aggravated and sad and forgotten", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did not feel threatened but i definitely did not feel safe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was down how you held me when i was upset and how you just was there for me even when i didnt even feel like being bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am often asked how it is possible to live grain yeast dairy and refined sugar free without feeling deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not feel very loved by her anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel anxious because after what happened i now feel lost not knowing how my lover feels", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive always found that having a clean desk not only gives me space to work but it makes me feel more productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i may need to feel overwhelmed and sad maybe even mad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling sorry for my daughter my son in law my grandsons and i m embarrassed to admit myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling aggravated", "label": 3} -{"text": "im knitting a size up since i havent lost the last pounds from my pre pregnancy days and im feeling a little resigned to them at this point", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel saddened troubled and at the moment theres not one to vent to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling thoroughly amused even though i dont understand why", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel things deeply with this make me popular", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to be creative without feeling like i have to pick up my camera and write a caption hey look at me being creative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like they have completely accepted me into their family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazing after and i m just happier throughout my day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left feeling terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i live most of my life feeling uncertain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must have been feeling romantic because i remember having the distinct impression that her eyes were dancing merrily", "label": 2} -{"text": "i find myself to pick a draw i somehow have the feeling that heung min son has something special in store for us", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a failure but just when i was back up from the stomach flu the cold and sinus infection knocked me down and the exhaustion from the rheumatoid arthritis keeps me sidelined and blah blah blah", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as though at any moment i could lose my salvation because i had not repented of something but simply in living a life under the sun we get dirty sometimes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel envy when i saw a loving couple room around infront of me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i pray for myself then i just feel selfish and petty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am angry at feeling vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i leave i know that this place will be a fixture of my life from now on and even though i came in alone and i feel alone right now that i now have an entourage my very own entourage my surgeon my oncologist radiotherapists chemo nurses and breast care nurse", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just saw this photo on instagram and i couldnt help feeling shocked and wondering about moschinos future", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel helpless and angry when you hurt yourself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came away feeling a little shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just ate really big sandwiches that were outsized by the huge slices of lettuce i put between them i cant feel bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pressure a strange tightness in the chest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually get depressed because a it takes me awhile to realize that that is what is going on and b then i feel all outraged at myself because i am depressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel anything then damn that was unfortunate but i wasnt gonna od on this shit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i left the womens center feeling a little shocked and a bit like a closet drinker leaving an aa meeting", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have no right to even mention that i have children i am not feeling so generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to report my progress to you every saturday the image control is not something i can really fake and because i am making relatively permanent change to myself for you it makes me feel all the more submissive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel summer is that break we all long for and need to keep us dreaming longing and motivated but for the first time im looking forward to the end of summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel displaced and disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so privileged to have these three wonderful kids of mine call me mom and now my little peanut almost getting out the word bibi which means grandma in swahili", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must say it still boggles my mind to tread the starting line with women i have looked up to and followed for years but i m starting to get over the i don t belong feeling of course it didn t hurt that i knew several athletes on the start list from my days racing for csu", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasn t panicky or anything i was just feeling so carefree and relaxed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love this picture of isabelle because i feel like it captures her sweet sassy spirit", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling too hot and couldnt eat much until late in the day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just can t shake off the feeling that something strange is going on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t want the character to die but it feels ludicrous that disassociating her with meredith will help to lead her character to leave for good", "label": 5} -{"text": "when my roommates moped was stolen i was very angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could imagine myself leaping into a mountain of autumn leaves feeling them envelope me in playful laughter and gazing up at clouds and winking sunshine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so dissatisfied with new year s resolutions is that they always come in this trite list form designed to make you miserable in your failures to match up to your ideal self", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really start to think a lot and start to feel so fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling that longing of being each others day to day and wishing there wasnt that very familiar feeling that our time is almost up and once again we have to say good bye", "label": 2} -{"text": "i actually feel sorry for people like that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not do these things to torture you i am feeling tortured myself at the moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more fearful than i do fiere", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love it and im feeling very pleased", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fans and the game left me feeling more and more disillusioned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i tried to feel suitably thrilled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling i m not alone in this tactic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would rather stand naked before you than divulge what i have eaten over the last few days a person knowing my intake makes me feel more vulnerable and exposed than i would feel without any clothes on", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sick for days already feeling super tired and sleepy", "label": 1} -{"text": "im starting to feel a bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do it i feel vertigos and get scared i may have gone too high instead of find something higher", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so carefree confident of myself such a farcry from the old me a few months back", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think we all would have desired to leave their session with a few less mosquito bites but it was a great time and im already feeling impatient for their wedding so we can do it again", "label": 3} -{"text": "a friend suggested in a roundabout way that the reason we were late for something was because of me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i welcome to mylilgirls feel free to browse amp visit often hope you enjoy xxxx a class profile link href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i sometimes feel disheartened by it all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love this winter weather im feeling a little bit shocked over it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling morose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so dazed right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel fearful as i kiss my children goodbye and send them off to school on that big yellow bus", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel absolutely no concern whatsoever that fully unprotected sex will have absolutely zero consequences", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel admired anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have now frankly there are tngs i feel i dont deserve but still in gods grace im amazed how i got to this point in my life", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling dull this new word i have been overusing that i think represents my greatest fear for my life and myself that i will do nothing and live a rather forgetable life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel depressed and am paralysed with feelings of hopelessness and sadness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i asked whether if he feel shy around me he said no and he say because im a very active person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel i would say that i have accepted my mothers passing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was buoyed all last week and weekend by the knowledge that my words the deepest wishes of my mother heart at this particular point in my daughter s life had burrowed into the thoughts and feelings of even perfect strangers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel grumpy or like ill explode if one more thing happens", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used to feel petrified of the sums that he used to give me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was washed in the feeling of bitter sweetness and remembering", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel stupid thinking i have slaved over this for hours in the past chicken thai green curry noodle laksa and tagliatelle pistachio pesto get home follow instructions and in under minutes you have your meal ready", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like crawling into a hole and dying go out into the world find something joyful or inspiring do something to make myself feel more beautiful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling naughty so im going to indulge in a dessert of strawberries this evening", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up from surgery i remember feeling stunned to hear the words hysterectomy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am ok at not feeling hostile to others i think", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not sure if i feel jealous or possessive at this point", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have you start to feel gun shy about trying again", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sure ill also feel a bit nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i returned to the house feeling overwhelmed in a way that people usually only talk about when the same thing happens with negative emotions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel quite impressed that i m still up and fighting it at my age", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is a longing to connect deeply and intimately with myself for the first time in my life to get to know jeri", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel apprehensive about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel im ugly ugly ugly and ugly now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not usually one to feel apprehensive about eating in public", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive skimmed it seems that the new line executives feel that jackson is being greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself feeling irritated and unable to relax amongst mess", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i am finally really truly loving being a mom", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unwelcome and demonized here", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling violent today eh", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling a little dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling fine but just as natalie arrived to pick me up i went downhill", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like people get intimidated by the idea of fasting but its actually pretty easy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realise my thoughts feelings emotions reflect my acceptances and allowances as a result of accepted and allowed programming and conditioning through and as time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i last went to church maybe thats why everything feels so strange still", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did not feel that sense of frustration at all here and was shocked until i found out ms", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel the rest of the world i hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling spiteful towards my party", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like if i do try to say something positive it angers some people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i woke up feeling kind of overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kept myself busy realising again that i feel lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i am a really amazing person and i m grateful for all that i have learnt along the way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel furious with life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was already feeling tender dang you", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling really aggravated right now mostly because of medication that ive taken kind of a double edge sword", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know that not everyone can have a garden so i realize that takes a lot of motivation out of composting but it does decrease your trash output and makes you feel lovely about nature in general", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am tired of people who ignore me and make me feel foolish amp unimportant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think an write these words down still feeling very surprised but at the same time very exited like children would be on christmas with their new toy they cant wait to play with it and look forward to playing with it the next time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think it would be a very interesting topic because i feel that a lot of people are also curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so invigorated alive and full of energy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will leave my brother eddie to fill in the details on his blog when he feels up to it but all i can say is that she was a very brave lady who fought if that is the right word breast cancer for a good many years", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would hope id be able to explain why i feel as faithful as ive come to be", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel pretty content hour ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling sarcastic with myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wake up and forget what my body has gone through and then i feel the dull pain in my chest and i am reminded of the miracle that i received", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling i said just fine and thinking to myself hes going to check me and say no progress you still remain at cm", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like allah loved me in special ways", "label": 2} -{"text": "id like to say it was mostly pleasant but i only ended up feeling agitated after the fact", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went home feeling grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still wake every morning feeling unsure of what is next for me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could do was hear was the rapid beating of my heart and feel the hot tears stream down my face", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the humbling spirit of a href https www", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling really generous at the moment were his exact words to my wife and offered her whatever tree she liked right then for the same price we paid for the original defective tree", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling now the apprehension and uncertainty excitement and sadness angst and longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i left feeling extremely bouncy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel too blessed to have not one but two healthy kids come to us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel very anxious or something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel jealous of those who are weak", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so glad that i am all the way here in uk", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love this passage from persuasion by jane austen there could have been no two hearts so open no tastes so similar no feelings so in unison no countenances so beloved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel fine however i have been dead tired and sleeping like a log so i opted for extra sleep instead of entertaining the dog", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling slightly violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more appreciative and work with good people and that helps", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel gods blessing on this adoption even though it is sometimes messy and controversial", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very uncomfortable putting up the explicit content where anyone could run across it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to feel something more than sadness worthless ugly death", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can feel that everyone is suitably impressed and so my self esteem will be on a high", "label": 5} -{"text": "the emotion came when i misbehaved at school and the principal threatened me that i was going to be expelled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to feel valued and noticed by the person i was looking to for guidance and whose expertise i so respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel scared walking the ramp priyanka chopra mumbai aug priyanka chopra who is a model turned actress says that it is still scary for her to walk the ramp", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like ive finally become outgoing you know", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also came away feeling convinced that participation in death penalty cases is halakhically acceptable behavior from which jewish citizens need not flee", "label": 1} -{"text": "i did sprinkle a tiny bit of parmesan on my soup the other day but other than that its been about days without cheese and to tell the truth i feel fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must have been very afraid of him before because even when i think of that name it feels like i have something vile in my stomach", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still don t see the value there but i feel like crap today and i was curious and somehow that prompted me to do it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never suffered from wild hallucinations however i feel that some repressed images of my mother s alcoholism surfaced so regularly so vividly at times i would not be disinclined to classify them as mild delusions", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel less stressed out about moving now that i know i will have somewhere to live and we dont have to go through the hassle of applying for lots of places", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed with housework etc i then have a huge cooking mess to clean up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel grouchy setting up a tent and he wanted to stay", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really love but i shudder when i see people painting a gorgeous piece of furniture from and then distressing it for that modern feel begging the question is distressed the way we are all supposed to feel in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got wall messages in a minute i feel popular", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the need to be the perfect host", "label": 1} -{"text": "i i have all the predictable feelings loki is that guy i know from many many other fandoms im not impressed with me for my loki feelings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look forward to but i feel the need to share with all of you my faithful readers a recent struggle", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was able to start with and i am feeling pretty smug about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel reluctant to visit her", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel so alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still want to feel amazed by a thunderstorm i still want to be inspired by the look of tiny droplets of rain on a spiders web i still want to feel the same way i do when a cold drop of rain hits my warm skin", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope youre all finished shopping and feeling festive", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive only worked with kids and it feels weird that im not but im not sure", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have this validation from one important person why is it necessary that i feel accepted or approved of by my other co workers", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would ideally like to be able to come to terms with it at one point and have acim happily integrated with all the abraham processes just so i can feel resolved", "label": 1} -{"text": "mr c took my drawing pens", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive actually been feeling ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i often use this after going at my skin with the shea scrub from the body shop and the two together just leave my skin feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel agitated nervous restless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel tortured var fb comment action link href http celebdygest", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel threatened parts of our society designed to smear freedom dont succumb to this culture of fear fear fear fear dont succumb to this culture of fear fear fear fear dont succumb to this culture of fear a href http", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always feel amazed me haobulicai", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a vain psychopath for having all these thoughts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came out of the airport that makes me feel irritable uncomfortable and even sadder", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am sensitive to my ears feeling weird because of all the ear problems i have had over the years", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling very overwhelmed again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i actually have copies of the book i m feeling shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really weird these days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like the detroit music scene is one of the most passionate music scenes that i ve been apart of", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am also attracted to their angle of using mostly organic products so im already feeling pretty loyal to their business", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so relaxed and centered when i do yoga and i feel better about my body and best of all i feel like i am a better runner when i do yoga", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling that way even before the move so i was now longing to be refreshed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i literally feel insulted and less intelligent aft", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel threatened by the attention my partner is giving elsewhere", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think im pretty much always feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think he sensed i needed a little extra something and rather than feeling impatient with my glumness he asked to take me to the pumpkin patch today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel time squeezed out of me like a mildewed sponge and my brain way more frantic than i let it get in the past year", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed that she would choose my blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling tiffany is going to be rather surprised shocked that her dad is now doing a good job as a stylist", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling greedy so im going to take the higher paying option pre emptive opportunities and see what it throws at me", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive felt completely overwhelmed but for the most part im feeling optimistic and thankful for the amount of support i have from my family and friends", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rather disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel embarrassed with goddess image still available in fans pagetitle what ebi s like", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am dying and crying my eyes out all day and i feel like i am doing it in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been umming and ahhing for a few weeks now about what to do with it you must have seen my last post a few below about feeling unsure and confused and stuck and ive decided to make a clean slate and start again over at wordpress", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like u re supporting me thanx appreciate it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the change goin on all around me its strange how im taken and guided where i end up right im needed to be quiet your mind soak it all in its a game you cant win enjoy the ride quiet your mind zac brown band", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a strange sense of guilt about it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a pleasant odd unfamiliar sense of material security", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel so dazed and blur", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel unwelcome in my own home and now not only is my emotional and mental state in jeapordy but so is my cat and thats the one thing i refuse to back down on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love my life and am so blessed to be able to be with our son full time but there are days that everything hits me like a ton of bricks and i feel completely overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i can contribute so i would be surprised if five years from now i wasn t still involved in the sport", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling restless lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was hating my life and was always feeling stressed annoyed overwhelmed like i hated my job and wanted a new one etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel echoes of stein s tender buttons in benson s leaps the beautiful human asymmetry in her metaphorical logic", "label": 2} -{"text": "im the one who got bashed with racism jokes and im not even allowed to feel angered by it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wasnt there and i cant do anything now and i feel helpless because theres so much pain involved that i just want to curl up and die", "label": 4} -{"text": "i read about once about how actually a lot of people out there struggle with feeling inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see your effort to speak english as well which i feel sweet this youve never feel malu lar", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to say i was sad about this birthday because i feel a little suspicious that cant possibly top", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit bitter about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive thought to myself that maybe its just me feeling this weird dichotomy of inner and outer and that others dont experience that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel afraid why", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling quite scared about the new role but massively excited", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this product is supporting both my immune and cardiovascular systems", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling very bouncy these days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i look forward to no longer subjecting my hair to various acts of torture i must admit i am feeling a little apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel quite surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel relieved until", "label": 1} -{"text": "i actually feel more isolated now than i ever did working on my thesis i m afraid i might be feeling the post phd letdown", "label": 0} -{"text": "i experienced anger most recently when i had committed a sin which i had gone a week and a half without doing i had made a vow to god and had blown it now i had to start all over", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like hopelessly devastated and just", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel guilty but that doesnt stop me from indulging", "label": 0} -{"text": "i write posts like this i feel so selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i skirted the outsides feeling suspicious and intimidated of any collective and homogenous group", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my summer has just started and while it started on a shaky note with waving the boy goodbye for three months it has totally picked up", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling really heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i weighed myself feeling a little apprehensive and was pleasantly surprised that i released two pounds", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am hoping we can get our feeling back with this a target blank href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was too young to feel so jaded and so corrupted that was something", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit smug about defying gender stereotypes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean is that i know some really incredible and very rarely i find myself realizing that with insert name of friend i doubt i d feel so terrified of relationships", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate being depressed or feeling sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling nostalgic and lets face it a little old", "label": 2} -{"text": "at an unworthy behaviour of a man", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel curious and want to learn", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling depressed earlier this year i felt that i was somehow failing as a husband and a person", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see the place in movies and tv shows i feel a sense of longing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i knew it on one level but i guess i didn t understand what it meant replied zan feeling temporarily dismayed by the grim reality of the landscape", "label": 0} -{"text": "i often feel that i can be me and have always been accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird leaving new york city now at a time like this even if i do have my lights back on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i understand now feel what my beloved meant when he said i wish there had never been anyone but you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i truly could have fallen for this girl but at this point i am feeling apprehensive with my heart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i no longer feel sympathetic over some peoples problems emotions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess just like a porn star looking at a inch rubber dong i m feeling a bit hesitant about the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so obnoxious doing that but people have stolen my pics before so i have to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have known something was up for sometime now i have had feelings that you have not been faithful to me and that it had to be a teacher at school that is the only place you go to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i approached them feeling uncomfortable and out of place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel everything you do so be gentle not awkward and dont enter like a mack truck", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling especially pressured and stressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i received your post card in the mail and i just wanted to thank you for making everyone feel special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel this really impressed them and now they know who fatimah is img class smilie src community graphics smilies smile", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find out whether we re bringing to the stage in vermont in january i m feeling much less stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that as our society tries to move towards a more gracious place for everyone such inhumane behaviour by anyone should never be tolerated", "label": 2} -{"text": "id feel that about pretty much all of them", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed by all that needs to be done and notice that im not taking the time to play ill implement the timer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean i had one of those moments where i felt so unbelievably second rate that the feeling literally left me stunned and nearly paralyzed from its precision", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that would be rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had been feeling very frustrated with my photography skills and understanding of how to use my camera so this class was just what i needed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant imagine what it would feel like to know that someone else is experiencing a delicious fresh and healthy meal because of the work that you did", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that my feelings for her have waivered giving me more room for those two lovely women", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am truly sorry for making you feel like i have wronged you i really am but i do not take anything back", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a been feeling very disappointed with myself for a while now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel irritated by everything", "label": 3} -{"text": "ia though a fierce hunter and warrior was every bit the lady when it came to feeling dissatisfied with her appearance", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will readily admit that i am an emotional eater things get tough a bad thing happens or i m feeling low i turn to cake as my drug of choice", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disappointed amp so sorry to my bb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so dumb feeling this need for love but i dont know what it feels like and im getting more impatient as i grow older", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling like my vadge was being tortured with a blow torch and i was in so much pain i couldnt even sit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so despised", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began feel suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do sometimes feel that they are actually homosexuals but are afraid to identify as such due to social stigma", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was still tired and the bandages were itchy and i was cold and feeling rather irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know this song isnt really about love but when i hear it i feel that its a song about loving yourself and just letting everything else go", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel is more valuable than those few pounds i get", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel all this pressure to be strong and here i was breaking", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should of started already but i have a feeling this is going to be an unpleasant taste and i m still recovering from the epoxy playdough in the bedpan", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am now on a very long holiday very long and thats why i feel damn boring right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help wondering if it isnt also first of all an obstacle to true er feeling and abandoning yourself to it and second of all dangerous in terms of society itself becoming ultimately unable to settle anything about how things should be run", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have chosen to live and i love everyday that i am alive now waking from dreams that i am dieing i feel sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have had the opportunity to be cherished and feel what being in a relationship could be and i liked to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel less stressed about going to work tomorrow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed and under qualified to give this perfect little person all the things that she needs", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel cute today a href http emelyfinchy", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a tad overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i continued to share my current personal life tragedies with him i began to sense a feeling of sincere compassion from him toward me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very happy cos boyfriend amp i went out together", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel completely numb to my own body and feel like i am almost at a pulsating state of consciousness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went stash diving the other day to get inspired for a new project i couldnt help but feel a little frustrated dont get me wrong i love the yarns ive bought or been gifted over the years but it can be tough to find patterns for a mere yards of this or yards of that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want a gay friend so i can discuss men go out dancing with them and not feel like they are gonna be bitchy or try it on with me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was so busy analysing what s wrong that i end up feeling bitter with the things that makes me happy before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think for a little while i was on a euphoria now im feeling the calm and peace", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know i just had this gut feeling and it just really bothered me he said", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rejected embarrassed stressed worried failure defeated afraid etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have a hus", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a lot of stress from my family who is pissed at me the fact i have only one more time i can take the test if i fail again and my lemon of a car", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel weepy but mostly i just want to sleep", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that way about the rain sometimes when i want to go out or when it feels gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling very homesick and sad today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love this sex scene who are these people feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is fans are really supporting me and telling me im still no", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive gotten to know so many new people on this trip both stanford students and japanese college students that i feel like im constantly amazed by the people around me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have this valuable insight but not sure how to use it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel agitated with babies being pushed around constantly in car seat stroller combinations vs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am soooo over feeling anything but thrilled", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel at times too little information was divulged about the vampire aspect mauro edwidge i really liked unnatural one of the first gay novels ive read that i loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go to bed on this evening when i feel cranky and excessively tired and in need of sleep it seems like a pretty good idea to do a little brain purge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need in my life and i cant even feel ashamed for it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very curious fruits and vegetables can lose weight", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that once we especially my retadin partner get our furious gladiator weapons our double dps combo should be on its way to in no time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant feel a thing except ferocious pride in them", "label": 3} -{"text": "im loved whatever whatever feeling but that he is actually loved by another individual who really does love him in real actuality", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so horrible when i am not accomplishing something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i try to write things that are fun for a reader to read and that i don t feel totally humiliated to read aloud", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling icily cold as if the a c was on and set way too low", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont spend as much time lesson planning with this group the class work requires such intense assistance on my part that i feel dazed after", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been working on for a while and to finally have it out there feels fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i not feel so blessed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am thinking of another i feel rejected", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel said he by ee cummings the heartbroken inspired by may i feel said he by ee cummings by a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling restless inside and i dont understand why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i absolutely love the adults they have become but today i m feeling a little sentimental about the children they once were", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant type as fast and i feel strange about capitalizing the first letter of every sentence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a desk job and sit on my ass all day long so sometimes i feel paranoid that i m not being active enough and think things like dear god what if i get so fat that i can never lose the baby weight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sexually threatened because some guys can be assholes fuck you of course im going to be a bitch and do whatever i need to do to get my ass out of the situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i told her i just feel funny i dont think this is it i just think something is up", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just feeling impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel tears welling up as he humiliated me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i lean toward feeling loyal to her i have to catch myself and explain that its okay for a nation to have an icon its not an idol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was left feeling and looking stunned like the blow fly that has met the swatter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still have pain issues due to neuropathy i ve been reviewing the past three years and feeling very thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate the sound of people eating and if i m already feeling a little irritated the problem is increased exponentially", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know why but i can feel myself becoming increasingly irritable and bad tempered as the day goes on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not intend to offend anyone but i feel that the conservatives are bitter because of their loss in the presidential election and the decadence of the gop", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel my needs have been met and ideas respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am still feeling so stunned and at a loss for words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t realize i could feel more shocked than i already was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel less inhibited i giggle more flirt more am more confident with my sexual identity and i feel safe to remove my self imposed restrictions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel hiding the butterflies inside they are fearful to fly to that careful palm maybe someday at the right time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel absolutely distraught for these people but so angered at such ignorance", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty good and admittedly a little scared about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should be feeling fucked up rn and rage like theres tmr bc of my character but no i didnt bc i know its seriously childish to even quarrel on social network and i seriously suggest you to grow the fk up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a lame duck a pariah", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling there was a very funny or embarrassing story being shared here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope i didnt make you in any way feel unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt feel valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt really complain about how i was feeling going into the race the cold had cleared up pretty completely and the only thing i could really moan about was a slightly sore lower back muscle maybe too much carrying leo around maybe from the massage from mia adjustment from bj rn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel assured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i could be convinced otherwise", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very blessed to have been able to go on this trip", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i talk to certain people i feel like im going to lash out and become violent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t know why but i feel this longing i cannot explain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel intimidated by various tasks and expectations especially those relating to writing i m still trying to work past my fear of failure again primarily in writing but lately i find myself relaxed more often than not", "label": 4} -{"text": "i end up feeling like a cranky old codger in need of a cool shower and a hot cup of tea", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i have nothing to hide but what might a cra agent or some other suspicious member of the law think of this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i supposed to feel lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to live in a nation where i can vote and where my voice can be heard", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i have been rude to some people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont want to be sad but thats how i feel i dont want to hurt people but how can i not", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling very over whelmed and i am amazed that things are falling into place", "label": 5} -{"text": "i said im not feeling pressured to write for anyone but me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more assured that we will see action", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling very stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel any sincerity or caring on their part", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about this issue cause im honestly disgusted by such an act", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling incredibly intimidated when yr yelled at me but also totally indignant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am healthy youthful learning living and feeling radiant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think each and every single human being in this world is going through their own full plate of situations that have them spending quite a bit of time feeling simply stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i scarcely wear them because i feel uncomfortable and conspicuous when i do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like being sociable is synonymous with paddling up the wrong creek", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have nothing against sadness or down feelings it s just that i m longing and everyone longing for continuous happiness and contentment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a good day but right now im feeling pretty irritable for no real reason meaning nothing significant happened to make me feel annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel uncertain about how i feel about nick after im officially over the fight then well id have reason to worry", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a degree in practical theology and christian ethics but feel highly sceptical about the possibility of the latter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i constantly find myself comparing my plans to where i am at now and feeling inadequate or as if i am failing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling brave that day and i am so glad i did", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel your sadness and i am sympathetic she said", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling triumphant i bang my helmet hard into a beam that they all pass easily under", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel irate and frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want them to be and i am feeling very unsuccessful as of late", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt that i had to keep doing this over a period of many years and i always did feel insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel a little shaky when i dropped him off at his classroom but he just wandered in smiled at everyone and sat down next to his friend", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so sorry for drew and of the time my heart just breaks for him and i wish so badly i could fix it and help him feel better and calm down", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling rather nostalgic today after hearing the news of the horrendous crash that killed two and injured three cal mum alumnus", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a little more stunned every day that bryan will be going full time with college courses beginning monday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit agitated with the position i put myself in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only started blogging last month and ive just received two blog awards today it means a lot to me getting these awards and i feel very privileged to of received them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit dazed due to aftermath of teh ill", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am beginning to feel hated by myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel even more outraged when asked to virus scan network shares hosted on unix servers or nas", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like kim is amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t read anyone else using the phrase a glint in the eye without feeling sympathetic explodey stabbing pains", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not feeling threatened at all or feeling that i havent got support", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i ve been so wronged and there s no way to clarify", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant really explain it but you feel a keen sense of loss when you leave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impressed and proud for people who decide to take that leap of faith and go after what they want even if there are risks and dangers on the way", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so honored a class post count link href http gigglesandsqueals", "label": 1} -{"text": "i let myself feel disappointed with my friends and family because of my emotional vulnerability blaming them or do i realise that it s not intentional that they do care and appreciate them for what they can give me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel confused because its the end of one too", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel utterly beaten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sound pretty fucking sober but i feel inhibited and its fanning the flames of potential aggression", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel mad and feel like im going to punch them", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just feeling so lethargic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think that whether im with him or not i still hold onto this feeling of being alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit bitchy that s why", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling so appreciative of this moment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i used to feel so irritated when anyone told me to just love yourself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i reached my hand down to feel and was even more shocked when i barely had to reach inside at all to feel him there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am doing and spread the word just in case they are feeling generous and want to give a little something", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didn t feel so graceful anymore", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel skeptical for the safety of my children because we are at the center of the sea with just your gears and the boat", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spilled out into the street along with the other punters feeling a little dazed and overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling less bravo today and i know thats ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt despair over thoughts that i wasn t good enough due to being overweight and not feeling accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i go to bed at nine thirty the sad old man that i am feeling dissatisfied with my relaxation and each day i long for christmas more and more", "label": 3} -{"text": "i act happy i start to feel happy all i have to do is act as if or fake it til ya make it as some may say", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like when i left i was surprised at how kind of relieved i was but i also would have been really happy to have the rose and have the chance for him to come to my hometown and meet my family and my daughter", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a criminal record and feel hopeless about finding a job", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel triumphant that i made it through the levels of bureaucracy to receive food stamps medical coupons and a cash grant of for the month of january", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive spent years watching everything they touch wither and die so i cant say im feeling too sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really want to attempt some ultras in the future and talking about it already makes me feel excited", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i come to life and am totally energized after the long hot summer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got home from work on monday september rd feeling ridiculously exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i need peaceful one as i pregnant with happy feeling share funny stories with you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am getting ready to decorate for christmas and part of me is feeling nostalgic for the past", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like as women we should be supportive of one another especially during this life changing time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel no remorse at the end of the day just a bit curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love the colour and she says it makes her feel glamourous and sexy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i might still feel inadequate but through the power of god and the atonement of my dear savior jesus christ im able to be reminded of my true purpose of being here on this earth", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was hitting my accelerator not realizing how hard i was flooring the gas driving with such excitment i should have known to ease up my foot from the gas now seeing the damage i inflicked and have caused i feel like such an moronic ass", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a shiver of delicate horror whenever i see these dead spaces", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like the energy from the moon and the stars is just as vital both physically and emotionally as that from the sun", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im more damaged then my circle of friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just figuring these lyrics out myself so apologies if im slightly wrong but it just feels a bit fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel not too terribly fond of the majority at this precise time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just cant get through the feelings of lonely", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could never express with words the gratitude i feel to have the privilege to bring our sweet ainsley into this world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the last one is especially idiotic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disgusted with myself for even befriending you as if you were my best friend i dont feel like me and thats sad but fuck it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel has become a bit precious", "label": 1} -{"text": "i no longer feel victimized by the ordeals i ve gone through in my life as they were opportunities from which i could learn", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i left my boyfriend i found another girl at his home but he did nothing to relieve the situation", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remembered all those times as a kid climbing trees going up up up then sitting in the top boughs feeling terrified of the height", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ate a bowl of smorz cereal a pancake no syrup a piece of french bread no butter three bites of chow mein noodles one crab rangoon i havent eaten an animal in a long while but i am feeling strange lately i drank half a coke zero water i think that is all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i m floundering alone and i think that may be how i want it or maybe there is no other way to survive this sea", "label": 0} -{"text": "im only lonely loving feeling only loving br style font family georgia times new roman serif line height", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling irritable and have thought of harming my self i do not however when i was young i would hit my self and lie on the ground naked punishing my self for being a bad child", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realised i d got it wrong something happened that resulted in me feeling extremely lethargic and despondent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have walked in and tried on the dress and bought it and there is no buyers remorse not even when this dress keeps me awake at night to the point that i feel i am being tortured through sleep deprivation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look at c amp b my eight and nine year old dogs i feel heartbroken about leaving them with my family for a year and wonder if theyll still be here when i get back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a good supply of diet coke and if im feeling naughty some microwavable popcorn", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the paragraph about mark zuckerberg and steve jobs showing that college isn t the only way to be successful in life was a good real life example to back up my point", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must admit that at times i feel a bit dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel petty thinking about how we only get a week for christmas this year while an innocent senior girl is having to deal with adult problems", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so selfish on the weekends trying to get runs workouts in", "label": 3} -{"text": "i needed to feel again feel it all with a boy who hated me but apparently wanted to kiss me as badly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so ducking weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was always there for everyone i was there to talk to smile i was the clown when they were feeling sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i write this as a simple expression of a set of feeling much like the others i write about on these pages strange but real to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel who impressed me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasn t used to this and it made me feel special", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling a lot of weird cramps and sharp pains but thats just everything stretching and making room for my lime baby", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit dazed tired after dealing with this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really fucking selfish for crying over my own life like this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lucky to have as many friends as i have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i only feel frightened and these are such small things", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive always been so against it but i just cant seem to focus on school anymore and im sick of feeling all dazed out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i shouldve stopped feeling envious she has her own life i knew it but its still so hard", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found myself feeling enraged fearful and helpless all balled up into one", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a pang every time i read an amazing canadian literary magazine for instance that id love to submit to only to see im on the do not enter list", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so reluctant and overwhelmed i try to think of the alternative abandoning that dream", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling i ll be even less impressed after friday bight", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel awfully smug because i know how exceptional a day this was to manage all this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel jealous of the people who heartily express their commitment to overcoming", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed with everyday life and i know it should not be so difficult", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel in writing rather than talking even though i know talking is the more sincere polite and respectful manner in which to do it", "label": 1} -{"text": "id been feeling really shaky and unsure of whether or not ive made the right decision", "label": 4} -{"text": "i certainly dont do all the chores around the house i do enough to feel resentful about it at times", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit like i am doomed in london", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling angry and i remember drinking water straight from a teapot but i cannot remember if it was hot water or not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was going through all the notebooks taking pages out to the recycling bag and feeling frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel irritated very often recently and just want to be left alone", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im becoming tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel more determined now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling rich i might try one of those pay as you go plans", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling annoyed because of a few people including myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went to a writer s conference as a young poet feeling nervous and insecure and an established poet was condescending and insulting to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like sel has had somewhat of a fashion reawakening and i ve been surprised by how much i ve enjoyed some of her red carpet looks lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am grateful but i feel burdened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i look strange because im not used to them but without even saying anything i ve had a couple people comment on how nice they look winning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just think of how many people around the world dont have enough to eat i feel overwhelmed that i would complain just because i can t have dairy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i figure it will be easier to take care of this way and i might actually feel pretty again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have acne i feel perfect", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will never have my year old body again i will never believe i am the most interesting person i know and i will never again feel more intelligent or fun than anyone else", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very lucky and i wish everyone could find the same happiness i ve found", "label": 1} -{"text": "i walked out the school gates feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate that i feel like i need to guard her because i am terrified that any ounce of help she offers will send her spiraling downward", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like supporting", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont think the way i am feeling is necessarily a bad thing people grow up people change and you grow out of places", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont need or desire anything i dont need or desire anything i dont need or desire anything i was working out on the machines feeling strange very strong though", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think everyone oteam included has been feeling a little dazed and wondering what life is going to be about now that everythings over", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling curious about the gift", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant stop myself from feeling insecure about how much knowledge that i have managed to gain and my effort entirely", "label": 4} -{"text": "i now feel unsure of myself as my style has been changed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling like an agitated duracell bunny and have been bouncing between each ward getting jobs done with ruthless trembling efficiency", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel jealous with my friends who often have dinner as a family", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really couldnt ask for more than that without feeling greedy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i miss socializing but i feel rather assaulted by the world lately", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel uncontrollably agitated and i have no idea why", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kinda skeptical about it but i dont see it as something that could possibly cause further injury", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling pretty blank at the moment", "label": 0} -{"text": "i made it without assistance or injury and to this day im still feeling very impressed with myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel most apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wish it had been a little more and this makes me feel greedy and sheepish and lazy for not having worked harder over the last few months", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must admit i feel a bit nervous as we haven t seen each other for a number of years for quite a few reasons which i won t be discussing on here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to reach over to feel your lips so sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i headed and found my way up the feeling of hot sun on my neck more important than the actual climbing for once", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that you are on a restricted diet and this is a food you can have i am making it and you are eating it when told that i was not able to eat anything that day when i attended that gathering even though i was feeling rotten to avoid hurt feelings", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wish she could make more time to be with me but i don t want her to feel pressured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so sexually naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel her with me everytime i pick up needle and thread and my heart thanks her everyday for her loving patient guidance", "label": 2} -{"text": "i learned new ways to solve conflict such as waiting a while until i m not seeing red and feeling violent and then calmly talk about what happened and own my feelings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i immediately related to feeling curious about everything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my time as an appreciative member of this community is limited however", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i m one of a few still supporting no", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel insulted at an offer like that since as an indie i make more money than i did at my last real job", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want you to have exactly the same feeling i have so here are the benefits that you get while sipping delicious cup of tea", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel surprised and unexpected", "label": 5} -{"text": "i admit im scared to love you because youll bring me to feelings im scared to feel but they feel right", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling curious its time to be an accountant", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so unimportant to the world or the people surrounding me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i try to be honest with people and speak kindly of them defend them if i feel theyve been wronged but i feel like all loyalty does is get me hurt by defending those who wont defend me in return", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will listen to a new song i like over and over and over i can go up to or times in a row and i thought about it i need it to feel like its been impressed in my skeleton and running my bloodstream", "label": 5} -{"text": "im just feeling very dull almost numb", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was wearing it just a few days ago and feeling absolutely completely dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ugly and my self esteem is negative five", "label": 0} -{"text": "out of sheer curiosity", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel real pain i said gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have cared to much about how other people feel and out of fear of making them feel uncomfortable i take it on and walk around with it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling such a pang of romantic longing for midsummer lakes forests and archipelago cottages that i feel im going to burst", "label": 2} -{"text": "i go so i feel a bit rude running away to blog", "label": 3} -{"text": "im in with a chance and feeling nervous and excited and quietly shitting myself in fear of totally f cking this up as its so far out of my comfort zone", "label": 4} -{"text": "tutorial again a fearful feeling came to me when i sat on the chair and looked at my fellow students all around i was really scared that they would ask me some questions or challenge the ideas that i had presented", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that there are women who from week to week feel completely awful and i feel terrible about that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i actually feel a little dazed and exposed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel strangely calm until i see the first sharks", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i am starting to feel its ever longing effect on me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shocked numb grieving", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was going to look and feel glamorous", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive not noticed growth but i didnt expect to after only buying it on monday but what i have noticed is my hair feels lovely and the style stays in longer", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel you must be quite curious about what ive been feeling after not posting for so long", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel weepy and work have arranged this other assessment and want to organise a meeting next month with me my hr partner and new hod chap", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been a bad bad lazy girl i can feel my muscle aching", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent been in control of the way i eat for almost a year and being back in control feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel like i cant do the book justice other than saying i was so impressed that i bought three extra copies once id read it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had the ominous feeling of a doomed man", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling so shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know you ve been through a lot lately and maybe you re feeling needy or lonely right not but that was not the right thing to do or the right way to go about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i saw a dog who was eating excrements", "label": 3} -{"text": "i come feel terrible next to you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wake up to eat about times once if im feeling especially generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling fine about the arrangement", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel actually a bit angry i want a change", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like an outsider when i see my hallmates and this makes me even more reluctant to take the first step", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can actually feel how it tightens the under eye area which is very cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told him to feel her and he was shocked at her the strength of her movements", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am starting to feel cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling strong and while i still have an empty kind of ache in my lower abdomen i have suffered no pain for three days and havent required any painkillers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a horror of spiders and snakes on a walk through the wood i saw the body of a slowworm without the head", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel respected and comfortable", "label": 1} -{"text": "stranded in the north of fraser island with a submerged wd hire vehicle", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling generous hahaha jkjk i indulge the hubs on his whims because for the most part he spends his life indulging on my whims haha because hes awesome p be prepared to look at lots and lots of pictures of porches", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sure making heartsy stuff on new years will feel just as weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was going to go to bed with a book and read for pleasure again free my mind of academic pressure enjoy not feeling stressed or gloomy or overwhelmed by study pressure or family worries", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so sweet so xinfu", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant think of much else to post at the moment and i intend to post more when i am feeling a bit more bouncy also have some silly ideas for pictures to take", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i might deteriorate into a screaming ranting sarcastic cutting uber prick at just a hint of annoyance", "label": 3} -{"text": "i vividly remember the may tornado that hit this same area and the feelings of fear and sadness rushed over me again", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told her to make herself feel ecstatic and give me a but she declined", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel erm nonchalantly hateful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel my lovely parts withering and gathering too much sun i m crippled beneath the stress", "label": 2} -{"text": "i estimated one day feeling ever so curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that learning about the internet is vital for becoming a better teacher", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sad when i remember him he says", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wake up and i feel frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t usually admit to feeling stressed on the blog but if ever there s a time to come clean it s this week", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up feeling ecstatic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel somewhat stunned when i heard the bad news", "label": 5} -{"text": "i started feeling funny and then friday i woke up sick as a dog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still continue to feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that sweet potatoes are very under rated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel privileged to have an opportunity to contribute to the effort of closing america s digital divide", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would say very elitist and snobbish about having less than another person the way a privileged person might feel elitist and snobbish about having more than another person", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt have to convince myself he was my soulmate and i feel very reluctant to use that word regarding him because my chemistry with him actually is unlike anything ive ever experienced", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just met always feels pretty slutty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t know if anyone can relate but i feel like i can so easily get distracted during my day and miss out on the idea that whatever i do i should do it with my whole heart and as an act of worship to god", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel tortured and tragic enough as it is without having any importance or sparkle", "label": 4} -{"text": "i knew those were the best days of my life anyway such a strong feeling cannot be lived without leaving its mark so i feel very sympathetic with any child that gets the blues when the back to school is around the corner", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel left out sometimes i know its rude to show my misery face amp i should kept everything to myself to just force my smile that is so fake and not even appealing as before", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like a failure at i am being hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit naughty at not giving this goddess the spirituality that i had given others in recent weeks tyche came through with the goods and helped me to embrace this weeks path", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling rather bashful right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to say having watched both this and dallas buyers club i strongly feel that chiwetel ejiofor was robbed at the oscars his performance in this movie was completely amazing and lupita nyongo was deserving of her oscar", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i never ever miss any of his tender mercies he sends my way", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overly burdened by even the smallest responsibility so the large responsibilities that i have recently agreed to are burrowing their way into my brain and tickling my subconscious at all hours", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel insulted by all this talk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i close my eyes start breathing and start feeling i get curious about whats really going on and how stuckness feels", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel after xxs email i was juz heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel like i took enough advantage of the opportunity but i am thrilled to be done and the prospect of a wide open summer of sunshine makes me really happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel the ok the sooner i start the sooner i will be finished tension in the air", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kind of get the feeling that andy s co workers really rallied around her this time because a lot of them saw just how devastated she was previously", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate feeling that wanting sex more than once a week with my husband is selfish of me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing when i m done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love the feeling of being amazed and fulfilled at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know whether to feel reassured or not by a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling quite surprised at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would find those quiet moments in the morning and i would feel amazed that i could be there amazed that the world had a mechanism that i could maybe one day comprehend and be part of", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like we have this idea of ourselves as intelligent intellectual and sophisticated and we eschew unsophisticated things not because of a lack of desire for them but rather because we hold ourselves to some illusionary higher standard", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable exposed and timid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling dissatisfied with my growth in the lord because as i read the word it becomes more and more evident to me that there should be ongoing profound changes in my life if i am truly working out my salvation in fear and trembling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said a few hurried sentences to everyone but only ended up feeling dissatisfied with all my conversations", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have found that with this pregnancy i only get nauseous when my stomach is empty so i am going to have to figure out some snack ideas that will be easy to eat and not too obvious so i can snack during the day without my poor kiddos feeling deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel unloved at times and it is hard for me to cope when my mom is in these moods", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling more nervous than usual", "label": 4} -{"text": "i asked you that question would you feel shaky or leave me because of him hell yeah i was expecting something like no baby i love you only", "label": 4} -{"text": "i agree with helen keller security is mostly a superstition an illusion we hold onto to feel safe in this world all the while knowing in our hearts that it doesn t really exist", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so i am curious to see what type of role it has in modern mexico", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am pregnant why isn t it showing up i can still feel it i feel like im caring a baby its like i know i am but it s not showing up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel sorrow that my son has an addiction that is so dangerous and precarious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel terrible for the people who did keep working and hoped for better", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling so overwhelmed anymore which is a sign im feeling more confident now that ive been through the cycle of a month of responsibilities", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling that shes not too fond of karl rove", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can get passed that feeling that longing for another child", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel quite stupid for saying this but it was only on my fourth read through of the autumn series that i realised it takes place in england and not america", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have also taken a lot of remarks from well meaning people that actually leave me feeling hurt and frustrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like something sweet after a meal a small glass of kombucha or coconut water does the trick", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want the overall feeling of the work to appear delicate and mysterious like a precious treasure one has happened upon from the unknown", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like marilyn monroe im insecure yeah i make mistakes sometimes i feel like im at the end of the road i can get low i can get low dont know which way is up yeah i can get high i can get high like i could never come down call it a curse", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im narrating a trailer for a romantic movie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so scared about it too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was at the beach my favourite place i visit when i feel restless and need to calm down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i should censor myself or be fake somehow misrepresent who i am", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a strange sadness because the downhill spiral will continue only faster and there is nothing we can do", "label": 5} -{"text": "im so young that i feel so frustrated and they really dont see me that often", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel her tender palms and feel the masha fingertips deep dynamics linxiaojie both as the senior doctor and as a sorcery demon gradually her fingers flexible as little snake gently desperately from my belly down move", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so uncomfortable about the word hero", "label": 4} -{"text": "i understand the empty and out of control feeling you get when you are without electricity or water but for the love of god it wasnt like we werent trying to get the problem resolved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i turn to you for strength in times of loneliness i feel your loving nearness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know why but i cant find exact words to translate what i feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i decided to give up the disgusting habit of smoking and i must say i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling dangerous and i also put on heels too guys", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know how much you care and i dont feel like caring anymore", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling so stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find all of this amusing and do not feel insulted when someone finds me annoying", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been on a roller coaster of emotions over these supposed feelings that something unpleasant was coming", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hope some people did notice them and feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt and couldnt understand the emotional ramifications and incredible responsibility i would feel in caring for her as she is now a high need baby with some health problems", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strangely enthralled about this i think and hope they all dont hate me for this strange turn of events", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think what i m saying is that i want to feel accepted understood not alone and loved", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still feeling very optimistic about romneys chances though", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hurt and sad and let down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel damaged and insecure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel is absolutely ludicrous", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would feel so i don t know maybe a little resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as if my intelligence has been insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i almost feel selfish coming here because of how much i get out of this trip and how much i love it here", "label": 3} -{"text": "im making you feel uncomfortable hokay", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel uptight about doing it but uptight in a way that feels manageable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel angry when you yell at me or please stop yelling", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will eat a few bites because i always feel very strange feeling of apple pie", "label": 5} -{"text": "i take i feel scared and unsafe", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left feeling disheartened and upset that so much food was about to be put in a dumpster", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel so intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have gained the acquaintance of some of the nicest sweetest people youll ever meet and a place where i feel welcomed and accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "im going to be very honest with you it feels amazing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love the serenity i feel coming from julia in this next one as she sits on the beach grass and checks out her surroundings such a lovely quiet moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel is rapidly evolving thanks to an uncertain market", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pressured by the noise of the journalism of poetry the constant roar of ambitious young author seekers the rusty screech of the fame ferris wheel", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the rich politicians do not realise they are the ones that will lose society s poor have nothing but the clothes on their backs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thus given wonderful experience and can feel the mist and cold of waynad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty calm and more confident at that point", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wnt feel hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont know i always feel greedy taking money from my parents", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like people just get mad when you tell them what god wants them to do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love you so much i just feel overwhelmed with my love for you she whispered", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling impatient for my hair to return to its original length again henceforth i vow not to chop it off again d just a post to begin my th year of being me xoxo clarissa", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would find out later so i didn t feel strange wearing shorts", "label": 5} -{"text": "i come away from it feeling so much more relaxed and enlightened", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i need to eat sugar every day or else i get grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like my face is a little weird looking but whatever", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can feel those muscles aching a href http me ander", "label": 0} -{"text": "i supposed to let all these milestones happen without feeling regret shame and bitter pain", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have made things worse and was feeling so rotten last night that mr l sent me of to bed with no tea", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i have a weird relationship with food and my weight and how my body looks and explained my wonky eating habits a little bit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive disappointed certain people in my life i feel so ashamed for it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would be super paranoid and i really need to work on just owning my feelings and not caring what other people think about me note for my therapist who i shared this blog with", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shocked when the economist prime minister talks of everything else but the justification for india lagging behind in economic and business reforms measures where he could have done the best", "label": 5} -{"text": "i certainly didnt feel very gracious as i accepted upon not being able to think of a an excuse fast enough it worked out fairly well though so that was good", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little bit overwhelmed by how good and natural this mom thing feels at times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like that this curriculum focuses on learning the language in a fun way and i don t feel rushed to continue through the book", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just not feeling the jolly season", "label": 1} -{"text": "i asked my wife how am i supposed to feel frustrated without sounding frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pained", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stop drinking i start feeling emotions again and i no longer have anything to dull the pain and panic so here i am day three of no alcohol", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have something to say on books admittedly i dont always and that leaves for a very small review or leaves me finishing a book that i just feel meh or disgusted with im going back to the very beginning of when i started reviewing when i first reviewed shiver because i had something to say", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel especially thankful for this because alfredo was planning to drive to california for the whole weekend for a cousins wedding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel i should keep reading your lovely emails again and again and i never feel moving away from the chat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt want her to feel pressured to do anything i had done not the newspaper not the church not the social club", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do feel weird making an exact replica of someone else work", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im being greedy asking for something so expensive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know youre loyal i will feel your loyal truth and call me loyal i will hold you loyal too and we are loyal keep it that way baby", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unsure of the future and yet i am happier that i am pursuing my goals", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling completely overwhelmed today", "label": 5} -{"text": "im grateful for any horror movie that doesnt leave me feeling assaulted these days and this one doesnt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel all shaken up now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i continued to love him i feel like i would be choosing him over weslie and be supporting the decisions he is making", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think lily would approve remus says quietly and he feels the petty satisfaction of having the last word as severus turns and stalks from the room", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling beyond stressed about it and this is the first time ive been like this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful for feeling this way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling really strange almost like i drank red bulls", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little paranoid about if others think i m strange", "label": 4} -{"text": "i gotta feel has a very weird combination of synth and auto tune to it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will let go of the emotions at church and occasionaly with really good friends if i feel they re not terribly burdened with anything of their own at present", "label": 0} -{"text": "i go to sleep he snuggles up next to me and i don t kick him out or feel strange about it anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling really proud of myself rite now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was already on the inside next to the window and he apparently didn t feel like moving i think he liked having someone to chat with", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this really pleasant sense of unity when i feel how much theyre enjoying themselves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have so much to be happy about and scared about and i have no one to share it with", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling sympathetic but others could follow his lead and actually construct a bomb that will work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i never want to get out of the bath or shower because i feel dirty as soon as i m out again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had been getting the feeling she hated me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling very nervous with all the prep before surgery", "label": 4} -{"text": "i take one every day as a maintenance and when i feel the onset of a cold like i did on saturday i pop in the am and in the pm", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel dazed a little weak", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like everything else in my life is going well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really love my blog friends and i appreciate all of you for making me feel accepted even though im not really in the club yet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a bit hesitant to do so for a few reasons", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling bitchy and wanting to withdraw of late grateful for even a little alone time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel less valued by god", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a little nostalgic thinking off all the happenings since the beginning of this semester", "label": 2} -{"text": "im insulted and i feel disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i eat and feeling exhausted face glazed over intestinal bloating overwhelm i wish i could find that line", "label": 0} -{"text": "i got this kind of cool edgy feeling from this top especially with the distressed holes on the side which you can faintly see in the picture", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive tried this doesnt leave my hair feeling damaged and tangled", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so angry i just wanna throw a tantrum or something", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didn t care if i was acting joyful or feeling joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am put in mind of an odd feeling of vicious cruel natural order here it seems no one is able to escape the town the cycles of predator and victim catching up with anyone trying to elevate themselves out of the mire", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have never felt so much love and self worth in my life then how i feel being a mother and having this amazing family that i get to call my own", "label": 5} -{"text": "im lonely or feel ignored", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel like writing so im going to bore you with the story of how i welcomed in the new year", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel when i don t have my preworkout gym bodybuilding lol funny meme img src http lactosefreeproteinpowder", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant tell you how to feel but i wouldnt be surprised if you said you did hate her", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate feeling hated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i laid in bed feeling terrified of my o clock lesson", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know your body feels amazing wrapped around me and i know that i want to feel it again tonight as a matter of fact", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very whiney today", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive never had much through my adult years so it makes me feel funny to accept a gift donation from someone", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would be blatantly lying if i said i wasn t scared at all concerning the next few months as certain times i do feel very frightened indeed and i do have to try my very hardest to remain optimistic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have feelings for her or anything still its just the fact that what happened between us was never really resolved she doesnt believe i loved her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to cross over into another so called genre to complete the tale in what i feel is an acceptable manner then thats whatll end up happening", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get frustrated and feel like he just see s me as a cute small girl i am not just a additional female whose just tiresome to delight a man", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so pleased with myself having done it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally switched off the vacuum feeling very satisfied with myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope you will put all your political views and judgments aside and listen to why i feel so passionate about marianne williamson the biggest source of inspiration in my life and her decision to run for u", "label": 2} -{"text": "i bluntly delegate tasks as i see fit i am quicker to criticize than to praise and i get annoyed not when someone isnt considerate of my feelings but when someone isnt considerate of my time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shocked dancing on screen ileana i feel shocked dancing on screen ileana en us movies latestnews by ksk i feel shocked dancing on screen ileana http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed a lot", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have also asked him to give me a servant s heart to handle people and situations without feeling burdened by them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i go to bed feeling very distraught otherwise", "label": 4} -{"text": "i honestly feel like im dealing with a little kid who has to be distracted if something is upsetting him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i describe my frustration my fear my sadness and my dread i do it all because underneath these feelings i have not lost my sense of hope", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that i am perhaps a bit fearful of telling them more about who i am and what i m doing here", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not going to lie im feeling kind of shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling very nervous and guilty towards him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the reason i liked the bosstones because i wanted to believe that playing a brass instrument had to be cool or if not cool now the possibility of being cool in a ska band in a couple of years", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel scared because i dont know the students and the teachers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hate feeling weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more hostile towards sarcoidosis than usual", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel you will be shocked to seek out how instructional and fun they in reality are for all the family", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loss because that wanderer so sweet and precious to my heart leaves a void that cannot be replaced", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was able to at least own what i had this year i was feeling more shy and vulnerable so instead of being able to suck it up and meet some more people i sat back quietly and observed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel violent to take full advantage of flickr you should use a javascript enabled browser and a href http www", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left feeling content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit horny tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got used to the dry tight feeling after my showers trusting my skin to amp up its own oil production to compensate", "label": 1} -{"text": "i agree with this entirely and i feel that eye contact is vital during any kind of teaching as mandel pg", "label": 1} -{"text": "i might make a man angry or frustrated or feel exhausted tired and drained when corresponding with me but that is probably about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dunno why but everytime we dont communicate i feel so doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i have restless leg syndrome this week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want them to come and learn and walk away feeling less fearful about their birth", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a particularly naughty blogger as i was given such a nice surprise by barb of the oh so tempting i want to read everything she reads and am so a stalker a href http leavesandpages", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazed with how the dog dissipated anger instantly without words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will still feel shaky or limp for a while but i do my best to continue whatever it was that i needed to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel eager to get into university stpm result is going to release on next month no feeling about matter yet i didnt get a job yet not sure whether im lazy to hunt for a job or just keep finding excuses to enjoy life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am starting to feel a little apprehensive about the delivery now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i jump to conclusions i assume this and that about him and then i keep it to myself and start feeling resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hadnt had reception in quite some time so i glanced at it feeling a bit foolish as i did so surrounded as i was by all this useful beauty", "label": 0} -{"text": "i expect a lot of people to feel someone disillusioned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel hampered and uncomfortable and ridiculously silly", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have gone through the past year i feel rich with the ability to share food fun and gifts from my heart with the amazing people in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sympathetic in wanting a viable rd party but not if thy create yet another duplicitous politician to get it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the occasional urge to buy things i see just because i like the way it looks good because i don t really feel the value of money if someone gave me i wouldn t be shocked or surprised at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i not feel rude when telling ezra all of this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t tell you how many women have said to me i feel so inhibited sexually because my body isn t perfect", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am curious how he will react to the feeling of sand on his feet and hands after reading about many kids being rather apprehensive of the sand", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so humiliated that a yr old knows how to swim and jumped a ft jump", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel beaten down but i know these trials wont be purposeless or without fruit in my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "im writing this in hopes of stimulating panic or feeling stressed so i will starting writing my page paper and then study from my two midterms that are quickly approaching days away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am home and have somehow managed to bring these pleasant feelings along with me i am terrified of losing them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i use factor sun screen as i burn so easily but i couldnt help feeling shocked by the amount of people i saw on the flight home who had clearly spent far too long in the sun", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know what to do i m so miserable and i m tired of feeling numb or depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant explain it i feel tranquil and foreign", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit casual today so heres what i wore to hit the books", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know what that feels like and i hate it so i try to be considerate and listen to them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling a lot less stressed this year than previous years", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just dont know what to do or say i feel awkward", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel rather pissed off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started to feel so overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel betrayed and furious at the same time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that nicky did a wonderful job in expressing his emotions only through his eyes and stare", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel especially blessed to be a part of the susan k", "label": 2} -{"text": "i experience heart burn from the last years now i experience that my neck and throat area gets tighten and feeling uncomfortable from the day before yesterday", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling particularly generous and ive begun to wonder if your game plan is actually much longer term and not one that has the uk at the core", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think you can understand that right about now i am feeling that i have been royally fucked over", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange sense of envy for the relentless motherfuckers at school", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look over our herd records i feel a little anxious for the upcoming months", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i should end on a humorous if somewhat appropriately sombre note by giving an example of one of the many times i really did laugh out loud", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am now sitting in my apartment feeling my babys gentle kicks", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little better about this draft than i did initially", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate that i feel so whiney", "label": 0} -{"text": "i believe in freedom of belief and religion so before you think i m trying to attack religion or turn people against their church think about why you feel so offended or care what i feel in the first place", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling spiteful or if their snapdragons are flourishing particularly splendidly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel a little melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went to bed and at about am i woke up feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so amazing and happy because i can have fun my holiday with my friends", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel incredibly unimportant and inadequate today and i probably shouldnt be going to work feeling like this but i have training for a new host at so i have to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love they way they feel in my hand im sort of shocked i dont have some psycho fetish", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i m a pretty loyal person and i want to repay them for what they ve done for me through my injuries", "label": 2} -{"text": "i said before i am blunt about how i feel and i am not afraid to express that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have no air conditioning and im feeling annoyed for some reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can remember is everyone looking at me feeling terrified and not being able to make a sound", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like in three months i will look back at this blog and be stunned at how difficult it was to make it through this summer and how close it came at times to all unraveling around me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also love using this only my waiting room comrades know what it s like to stand with clenched buttocks in a long grocery line mask nausea at a friend s dinner party let your children clamber on you when your gut feels so tender it could pop", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not saying it was the best decision or even necessarily the right one but it just deserves to be recognised that this film can get serious without feeling insincere or corny", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still after years still feel shocked used betrayed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love this polish it makes me feel a bit naughty and powerful it s the sort of polish you wold wear to a power meeting in a room full of men to give you the edge", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a gentle nudge from god to lay my burden for my boys at his feet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel myself becoming aggravated and frustrated that again i hadnt planned for it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i go i feel people are really affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i moan as i feel her begin again with her tender and utterly frustrating ministrations", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am living a fake life there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling the effects of being pounds lighter and thrilled that it is in time for spring", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would feel very needy and lonely though i understand his needs to have his own time", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not saying this is your fault or that its even bad thing for yourself but i want you to know that this is what i think constructive criticism without you feeling insulted or disrespected", "label": 3} -{"text": "i truly feel like an idiot for ever thinking that and i apologize if i ever insulted you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mean everytime someone mentions that pilot is a guys job i will forever feel insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling the curious call to give other things a try", "label": 5} -{"text": "i like to hold a conversation occasionally but i feel its rude if you ask someone a question and they do not reply", "label": 3} -{"text": "i met a certain lady at the bus depot who was using a bad language but was a very smart looking lady", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling that our price may be a bit ludicrous ours are hand stitched", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel so bitchy saying all this but i really need to vent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was and am feeling honored to shoot for ffayths new collection", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hopeless and helpless these feelings are so not good for me to have", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also think about it when i feel like writing rude things that pass through my head but since i have common sense realize would be disastrous to my ability to make and keep friends if published", "label": 3} -{"text": "i experienced the release of the darkness and feeling her leave me were wonderful and emotional", "label": 1} -{"text": "i and i say hi and i feel the looseness in my limbs the ease of being self assured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope so that i will have chance to meet him again because i feel so curious what he will become in his future", "label": 5} -{"text": "i played video games as an excuse against me for any little thing i did wrong if he gave me chores to do and i forgot he would go into a rage and try to make me feel guilty for not being good enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel angry at scott", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can talk about a history of bullying or feeling ugly or whatever", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling so strange and frankly bad about how not sad i am", "label": 4} -{"text": "i loved the book but it always gave me a depressing feeling of longing for those times and for those themes to matter now days and i believe the film brings this across beautifully to me its a great literal adaption", "label": 2} -{"text": "im getting an awful feeling that im soon going to be tortured by gloating republican friends and family", "label": 4} -{"text": "i get the feeling that i have majorly fucked up i abandon all attempts at restraining myself because in my mind ive already gone to far so why stop now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel simply radiant because i have had the chance to actually sit down and have tea in a quiet house this morning before making my way to school d", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unsure of my future and i feel deluded from my past", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel what i would have missed had i not had you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should have just told him upfront that i didnt feel a romantic attraction for him and not started anything with him at all", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that myself in any romantic environment is laughable and silly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling so emotionally distraught right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "im a reasonably active healthy year old and ive been watching my weight creep up slowly over the years with a feeling of resigned inevitability", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel suspicious about someone seeing it not that theres anything in there thats so private anyway", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am comfortable feeling let alone expressing", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling faithful i force myself to act faithful until the feelings come back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant say enough how honored i feel to be a part of such an amazing group of people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel since discovering the fab blog and gorgeous work of romy frydman", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am always suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "im a bit secretive about this story but i will at least publish it on da in parts and also give a few previews if im feeling adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling mildly pleased about this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am talented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i saw it lit up through a fog at night and it had that magical peter pan feel about it and i was impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disgusted with him whenever he starts acting soppy and gushy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want to return home yet i feel a curious sadness at leaving east timor", "label": 5} -{"text": "i recall going to comfort her feeling afraid for her my father was never shy to hit me and i accepted that with what logic i was taught boys got hit but you should never hit or kick girls even if they did it first or youre playing a hitting game", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel that there is a romantic relationship between the two of them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel shocked by shocking literature and i feel moved to benevolence and compassion by tender humane literature", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel like his not caring about this kind of stuff is another way of saying that what s between us is not serious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like going violent on everything right now rip apart the room to see how people will react", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling that i am goin to wake up horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not going to lie that probability of me crying over not having someone to go half with me on a room is very high because i have this huge feeling that i am fucked and will eat a very high cost and limit myself on possibilities", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel it s important to try and regain some semblance of normality back in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i figured out and some reasons to feel optimistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly submissive today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable with", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been reading about child molestation and pedophiles feeling slightly amazed realizing that i did such and such earlier on the same day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it looks a bit dirty because of the uncountable amount of blackheads i have and especially in the spring summer season dull skin is a no for me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel i hit a wall of blank suspense and feel my chest is crushing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do have days and even weeks where i feel like i just cant be bothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the tension in my body i try to occupy myself but my efforts are in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i am a very compassionate and lovinf person", "label": 2} -{"text": "i detail how i am feeling about him and he gets surprised with it a month later so he can relive it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel damn jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can pursue following jesus but i don t even have to feel bitter when they insult me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sure it was a challenge of sorts to us", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t want to crumble just because of the stress there s no joy in that and it d feel like i lost which is sucky", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so blamed i cant like myself enough to recover", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am only going to stay if they really want me to stay and i feel productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt like a million bucks but was feeling somewhat dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had finally realized that joy wasn t coming back and was suffering intensely from anxiety and just feeling completely overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess its still the best to remove it from my memories before feeling embarrassed on how an emotional person i am", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like this little guy is anxious to greet the world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kind of crappy either way", "label": 0} -{"text": "im on a body blitz challenge with my friend julia from crossfit and im half way through it and the change is very noticeable i might share the pics in a future post if im not feeling shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel selfish i feel stupid and i feel like im letting everyone down there are no reasons why i should not want to be living there are only reasons why i should be grateful happy and looking forward to the future", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very strongly as a passionate liberal that this sort of language is quite uncalled for in our modern st century passionately liberal and proudly wishy washy metrosexual britain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel so stressed out", "label": 3} -{"text": "im finding myself feeling fairly agitated and a little stressed with revision which is leading to emotional eating so having one less thing to worry about will not only help me to relax a little but also free up some well needed energy to keep my head in the books", "label": 4} -{"text": "i entered the store and i really wanted to try out one of the turbans which add such an edgy feel the lovely owner has since informed me that the whole outfit has sold out since the shoot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt feel empty anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kind of get the feeling maybe shes curious to step outside of the bounds considering shes hundreds of miles from home at college and all that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rude every week cuz i answer your questions and dont have much time to tell you how excited i am about the things happening in your lifes and how much i love you so i just hope you already know", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like ive felt the need to search for the perfect answer to the numerous issues weve dealt with instead of first pouring into the bible and prayer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i consider myself very feminine and it has nothing at all to do with feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling so horrible i wish i would come down with a high fever and be stuck in bed for a whole month or something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was starting to feel hot from midway through the flight from london to singapore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get my feelings hurt real bad and i dont understand why someone would want to treat me bad i should get a special teddy bear to cry into", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so unimportant to him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i doubt that they will feel particularly loyal to the country that cheated them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious and im restless in the pursuit of my most personal goals and desires", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know if im just getting impatient because i finally feel like we have the help we need or like were going to get somewhere or if faith is getting more impatient and frustrated but it seems like in the past week her tantrums and anger have been bumped up a notch", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just feeling awful with my nose running my head and ears pounding and sneezing every five seconds", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it is vital to say either way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel that shes really caring and comforting and faithful to what she believes but just that people have ways to play with their mind making them doubt their believes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel assaulted by this trend but there seems to be nothing that can be done to stop it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realise im clearly feeling hostile bracing myself for the overwhelming sadness that is to come", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the courage from trusting god to keep going", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not over the moon about this movie is that i feel it s too sweet without a strong enough emotional core", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know its because its farther back in my womb than baby a but its still frustrating and i have a feeling this child is going to be incredibly stubborn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess i probably strained the muscle cause its always or days after the leg cramp then i will feel the muscle aching", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a defective typewriter he says", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am unable to think of the future even tomorrow feels uncertain to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling sentimental and a little sad at times", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the feeling he s been a little irate ever since", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started talking to him as a father and knew that if i feel compassion for my uncle he certainly is more compassionate that i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a strange tension between excitement and fear", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive met or heard about enough people successfully doing it that i feel confident it will work out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i knew that but it didn t stop me from feeling like damaged goods and undesirable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i could bring a spark to the team if i get back there on special occasions he said", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also spent long enough with him and his family to have a pretty good idea of the early relationship dynamics that likely made him feel so insecure and unloved", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive discovered this inner peace and bliss that feels absolutely indescribably amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel he is so talented and so realistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel awful but i am unsure of what to do all day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling all nostalgic on the eve of mothers day and lets be honest i had a caffeinated drink for dinner so i was up way past everyone in my family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i consider this album to be sometimes i feel sympathetic for cent and this album", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive been using these products for a couple of days to get a feel for them before tackling this challenge and i am so impressed with the gloss spray it makes my hair feel like ive just been at the hairdressers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive missed so much and really it hasnt been that long at all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i address the resistance many neurologists have for ccsvi and why it makes no sense to be skeptical of ccsvi when it is showing much greater efficacy than so called disease modifying drugs which dr", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had many symptoms such as always feeling cold and dizziness whenever i stood up and perpetual mood swings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had hidden in my room all day feeling intimidated alison came into my room and started accusing me of racism", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can successfully guide people through the process in a positive environment designed to help them move on i feel like i am accomplishing a worthwhile goal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to comment on everyone s blog but i don t feel like what i have to say is worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t even fathom what it would feel like to be afraid to go home because i could be abducted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can line up the people who back through the ages have gone at life in ways i greatly admire then i can feel their strength supporting me all their standards and values pointing the way in which i am to go", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that having chef s that are passionate gives me a better educational experience", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think the saying analysands finally i feel much more free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel slightly embarrassed when i stand up but i do stand", "label": 0} -{"text": "i realize that this would be a normal human being feeling and of course being the sympathetic person i am i walk right out the door", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a feeling i was going to be less than impressed once j davey hit the stage because it was going to sound so craptacular", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling amazed by all things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was reading it and i could feel the nostalgic sadness in the air all the time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to change in my life and this is definitely high on the list ready for my appointment with the specialist on thursday so although it makes me feel rubbish i m glad i m now aware of them because i can now make it clear what i need help with", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate this i feel helpless and like a total victim ive let stress take control", "label": 4} -{"text": "i not had someone to turn to i was feeling terrified we would have to pay this and we were very budgeted at the time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to run longer distances without feeling like i am being tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling listless and i imagine this will only get worse next year when i dont have a huge pile of books to bury myself in so i thought it advisable that i maintain good writerly habits and try and do a set amount of writing each week", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like most people arent that surprised when i tell them i resigned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could understand a bit of the frustration that someone might feel at how mccoskrie misrepresents families at his judgyness regarding what is a real family and his hypocrisy at frequently supporting policies that actively hurt children and parents while wearing a family values mask", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel heartless and stupid for playing with others feelings but the thing is i am serious about both relationships", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had wanted to do that for a long time but and i hope she forgives me for saying this there are so many unspeakables between us about a very hurtful past that i feel very strange writing about her without mentioning any of it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel grumpy and irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i called her and let her know i was feeling a ton of pressure but really unsure if it was time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i came away feeling impressed by the work but not too enthusiastic about learning more about the subject", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess i have a decently bright amp promising future but i feel so dull", "label": 0} -{"text": "i barely knew him in fact its questionable as to whether i did but my brother definitely did so i feel some sympathetic pain if only through that connection", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very helpless about the my surroundings there are lot of things going on and i cant do anything about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started making daily entries and when i fell in love for the first time i didn t have someone to share about it so i wrote how it made me feel i still have them and i read it every now and then it is very funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really and truly feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i now feel the need to say that she is a very talented writer and if you love that sort of thing i", "label": 1} -{"text": "i tried not to feel shocked that my baby girl had exchanged blood with a vampire", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling rather overwhelmed by some of them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess maybe i was feeling bitchy earlier but i think it was more sad than anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember when i was in school and the handicap kids being made to feel like they were beneath the rest of us i never liked that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i instantly became an addison reed super collector hours ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "i put meself on first place i feel selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i actually end up feeling resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know its stupid but the reason is because i feel ugly and unwanted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt know any of the dominion tales he was talking about and i had a feeling i wasnt really that curious about them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel you to will be amazed and join like i did", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling extremely confused because awlgnalfnvsdlfns fnv", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think it was just a case of bundled up happy feelings getting confused in with the usual feelings i have of not wanting to be sick and therefore having to attend appointments", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feeling that way because i dont like being surprised and this feels way too much out of my planners comfort zone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel gloomy or i don t want to join the bandwagon of the red shirt people but because kevin said i look pretty in black or in gray", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find a way to stop feeling and caring i am going to deal with my emotions the only way i know how driving really fast with the windows down listening to all my favourite feminists f m alanis morrisette sia lily allen zola jesus and ldr", "label": 2} -{"text": "i enjoy reading immensely and i feel strange or off when i m in between books or just lack the time to read", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rather dull and awkward trying to paint", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling resentful that he doenst appreciate the times we do have sex", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt feel an aching inside", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like hes starting to get more and more irritated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think when i stopped feeling comfortable thats when i started compulsively eating again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i save that for another time when im feeling less friendly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kill the engine i feel rather than hear the dull throbbing emanating from the old building", "label": 0} -{"text": "i shouldnt feel hesitant though on a compliment someone gives me to spare noones feelings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so pissed i could piss on your pants", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling really defeated yesterday during my second shift", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel her tightness and heat through the delicate damp fabric of her panties and tried to tear my way through to bury myself inside", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am honest it is rare for me to be able to say that i feel truly satisfied even as a believer who tries to live wholeheartedly for god span style font family calibri sans serif font size", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t imagine what the parents are feeling i m kind of shocked myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never knew or imagined hed feel and i wish i could have been more supportive even though i understand how it feels", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive had this nude miracle mask on my wishlist for a while now the price being the main factor that was putting me off and decided to jump the gun and purchase it whilst feeling naughty in space nk a little while ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling almost a little annoyed at having to think up an obligatory wish list", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as though i m supporting the entire weight of the car", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more compassionate not just animals but towards people", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ive got a really cute idea for a storage door that happens to be in this room this is the bedroom now empty after my family has moved out needs fresh paint so bad a href http", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get the feeling that gisborne is in on this plan but not necessarily all that impressed with it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling terrified no control and now my world is shaking the curtains close and it tingles and tickles inside in my pulse", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like recreating the wheel would be in vain", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit low this morning so i tested my blood right after i got to work i happened to have my meter as i planned on going to the clinic after work to get more test stripes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t feel fearful that he might see the non work side of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel really lucky to be in this position to publish a book so that s great", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt possibly tell you about any of them without feeling like im not telling you something just as important", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really do feel stressed as fuck", "label": 0} -{"text": "i actually feel really horribly vain posting this but im kinda curious", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel kind of angered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love my marathon shirt but do feel kind of weird wearing it like im trying to brag or something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was beginning to feel apprehensive and cast my eyes to the floor unable to watch any longer", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been told that these same vendors feel like they might end up supporting much more than just one more platform as linux has many popular distribution releases these days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to salute him for getting out of that feeling and being honestly faithful to his girlfriend now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hated and lonely", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hope you can feel glad that she gave you so many things including memories that you can cherish", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling particularly grumpy because i had to buy a baby shower present for my cousins knocked up girlfriend", "label": 3} -{"text": "i never kiss or feel affectionate for my best friends like that", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling very bitter sweet over this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i liked the pi backmatter but now it just feels like rucka is boring me repeating the same one or two points over and over", "label": 0} -{"text": "im really tired of is this feeling of being afraid in a place i used to consider fun", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a great love of streetwear and i am always trying to find a way of wearing clothes in a way that feels cool and comfortable for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find it helps me to stay focused so that even if i don t feel particularly inspired i can keep going", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel cute today target blank a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would not feel so distraught over my past and what i had done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel this is one of those habits that might seem strange to people like my hour a day time limit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really didn t feel like coming back to it i wasn t impressed at all with anything this game offered me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like they are casual enough to throw on with any of her outfits", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that i have a really funny side that i would like people to see", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel lame after saying that lol", "label": 0} -{"text": "i make a choice either to be a prick or to be sensible and whichever direction i choose inevitably has a receiving party who has all the right in the world to feel wronged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began to feel also awkward in the stall", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also know that i feel somewhat strange to my fellow man", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not sure if its the cooler weather and settling into our schedules more but i feel such perfect happiness and contentment with things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have the sudden feeling that i havent been doing anything worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling funny and not quite like myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hated feeling fearful of going to bed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not going to make him feel unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i probably first noticed feeling a little more relaxed in myself and over time the benefit has been astounding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed and not sure what end is up god i am feeling so overwhelmed and not sure what end is up a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel so unpleasant", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling apprehensive about work and trying to work around my schedule", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little frustrated because some really worthwhile relief efforts are going on my backyard and i cant just dive in", "label": 3} -{"text": "i over ate earlier on accident but i feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im definitely feeling the difference between my two successful pregnancies hunter was not this difficult to lug around and my poor little petite body is feeling the effects theres always something on me aching away and at least a few moans a day for my husband to endure", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have no problem falling asleep but i feel like ive been restless this week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i said i had a feeling i was going to feel foolish about my predictions later", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive become more active in the creative culture around me but i feel that there is something amazing brewing here and i am not exactly sure what it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find helpful when i m feelin sorta lost spiritually or what have you", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed that people read my words and look at my photographs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i continue to feel amazed by the ways that god shows himself in the details", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a day doesn t go by when i m not amazed by technology", "label": 5} -{"text": "i understand if you re serious mad feeling bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really don t feel like talking to anyone but later i thought that if i don t answer it would be impolite and what more was you were worrying about me and if i don t answer your call what will you do next", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling so cold and my lips acid", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i could have been more supportive if i knew what you and dr", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wouldve stopped being so sensitive to whatever people say about him stopped feeling angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am instantly comforted yet other times i feel practically assaulted", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was in my s and s i used to use other drugs speed acid mdma and managed to stop using them without any intervention i just stopped using them after getting sick of feeling so crappy on a come down", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wake up i just feel so dazed and lethargic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suppose i felt odd and different too and liked to feel accepted even on a superficial level for an hour or two", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i can safely assume that either hes been doing things on explosion or sonjay has in fact resigned with tna", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shy and like a bird must feel looking at variable emotions and the feeling of elation when you finally conquer a previously unattainable skill", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to be me on my blog but i feel so scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could say that every time were in the same company i feel a little less fucked up", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am unhappy because i just feel unloved", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel disillusioned no reason to try but know ive got to get out of the slump", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling after experiencing all of that but it was amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could think of to say whether to address a problem or to express my feelings or to just talk nothing was acceptable", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so helpless here in the west coast", "label": 4} -{"text": "i use it to take my anger out as a de stresser if i am crying it helps to calm me down if i am bored or feeling creative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont understand why i dont feel remorse for the behavior because its not an acceptable behavior", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel fucked by swinelord by church of fuck you can still pre order as copy of the record here a href http churchoffuck", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always enter the chapel feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i worked so hard to build up trust in dr s and i feel like its pretty much just gone", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have touched it and it feel absolutely amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i find that i am having the same internal conversation debating the wisdom of sending a letter so long after his passing worrying about stirring up emotions and feelings that have been previously resolved and so on", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know anyone at my gym and always go alone and i found myself stumbling and feeling intimidated when i didnt write my exercises down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very privileged to have two wonderful kids who i adore and make being a mum feel extra special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel that russell is a clever marketer and there are some jealous rival fans out there check the membership totals i think im right", "label": 1} -{"text": "i notice is that whenever i feel like i love mankind and everything little things in life people become bitchy then when i act like a little bitch people become nice", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive come down with a bad cold i guess but it has really kicked me in the butt even to the point of not feeling like stamping but since i hate to let my loyal blog readers down i came to my stamp room and came up with a little something in hopes it would make me feel better", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want our home to feel festive starting with halloween", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if the content is for intermediate photographers or advanced who have a working knowledge of ps or lr", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want to feel your tender always please call my name with your voice right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel when im depressed and so i relate to it the most and therefore listen to it the most", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit nostalgic from my own student days which seem so long ago now a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel damn fucked up and messed up and isn t it mean that what people say or do makes someone feel that way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have to admit that when i see someone enter one of the network marketing companies that we represent have a meteoric rise to the top i feel resentful and jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have no clue where or why i was feeling so fearful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a gentle breeze which means god is saying my child there is a tomorrow the sun will shine once again the birds will continue to sing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went from feeling like such an outsider to feeling like i am accepted by most in just five rehearsals", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel your fingers please themselves with a tender trace to my face", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did feel that loving kindness allow us to think and feel how our conscious and how we interact with various things in the body and mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am absolutely in love with this person the crazy passionate love that makes me feel foolish at times", "label": 0} -{"text": "i happen to feel as though the media and loyal wie followers place such lofty expectations on her that it is next to impossible for her to reach those expectations", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling this is going to be a very hot ticket", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impressed from the a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have stuff i could do study for finals or study for finals but i don t feel rushed to do these things i can take my time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like all my posts are messy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didn t think you could feel regretful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i probably need to dismiss the feeling of being overwhelmed in the first week back in the office after all the routine and the reality will return to normal in a few days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont see them any more but i still feel their presence as their words and impressions fill my thoughts with all kinds of weird things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wanted to take them all home and put them on shelves so they would feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant dwell on for too long without feeling fearful for my own life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like oh gosh im soooo foolish", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel often to use other more rude words", "label": 3} -{"text": "when someone stole my bike", "label": 3} -{"text": "i no longer feel the author or feel overwhelmed with the information and opening the another one instantaneously", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope youll look at this often especially when were fighting or youre feeling insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "waking up from a bad dream in a dark night with noone else around", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling i say that every year but every year i m perpetually surprised by how quickly the holidays sneak up on me", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill have to wait a couple of days before i can really debrief on how i feel about leaving but i do feel like it will be strange to go home", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill admit that little escapade did make me feel like i had offended jenni somehow that i hadnt stopped playing when she said to because i couldnt tell if she was being serious or not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel funny admitting aloud", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling more and more confident on this project", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am just feeling extremely irritable right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been thinking and feeling the divine feminine because of the a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel inadequate though the poor ex wife pathetic in her singleness while he speedily creates a new family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still feeling rather miserable from the longest flu of my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have never shaken the feeling of ferocious protectiveness i had when i first became a mother", "label": 3} -{"text": "im really feeling very impatient", "label": 3} -{"text": "i definitely feel it but i was just curious if anyone had experience with this brand", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel their strength of tender", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have these moment where i feel completely overwhelmed in life", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sad i feel shes not supportive but that gives me something to unite to the cross of my savior and lover jesus christ", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel an undercurrent of melancholy flowing through the happiest day of this girls life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel cared for and caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the heat i just get really restless and annoyed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like if the author of lovely morning can successfully raise chickens in her small la backyard then anybody can be successful in raising chickens", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel obnoxious enough for one night so im posting it here so as to not be annoying", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel extremely angered disturbed and violated by this entire experience", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do not know why i decided to do that i feel weird misrepresenting myself as something im not", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want to share because i feel like they provide amazing insight into how i feel and what it s like to be me these days", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so empty and lost and displaced i was not able to make any decision in her final resting place or her funeral or anything i even have to refuse her inheritance because of money issues", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i am becoming mentally exhausted but i hear this is normal", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel loved with you i feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel he the abnormality is mac eyeliner gel lovely rel bookmark permalink", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel he and taylor were just meant to be roommates to support each other through their unfortunate past situations to hopefully find a new light a new beginning", "label": 0} -{"text": "im gonna wake up feeling determined", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess its because were close to the same age and even though im a few years younger i feel like i am going through now what you went through when you wrote it and its just amazing because its like someone is now with me feeling what im feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like pinterest has me overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i no longer feel like the victim or a tortured battered wife", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think you will find that support from other women will be a key ingredient in your husband not feeling overwhelmed or frustrated by how often you want to talk about things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant believe that im old enough to feel nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel surprised at the frequency", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i m doing a woeful job of explaining ambush bug but then in its way ambush bug is inexplicable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was then feeling rebellious and texted him you can spank me all you want but i bought my bag", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look back over the past year of challenges struggles frustrations accomplishments happy moments and new discoveries i feel amazed at my leap of faith to start my life all over", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling confused and hungry dark clouds are blocking moonlight time is sleepin", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not feel like being tortured anymore", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling nostalgic lately i guess", "label": 2} -{"text": "i skim through this forty pound book at least once a year so i can feel wholly and truly overwhelmed on this homeschooling journey", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do well with these things almost by accident and then feel a little amazed at my luck", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i overdo it and also that i am selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel kind of shy saying this smile", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must confess i feel deeply inadequate to describe while at the same time it makes me feel complete in every sense", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started my car engine and drove off slowly suddenly i feel so strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel privileged to have been there to witness it all first hand", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel slightly dissatisfied with what ive done with my time but then again i also feel blessed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i want her to enjoy her pregnancy and i bite my tongue and try my hardest not to say things to make her feel paranoid i already know that my next pregnancy will be closely watched by me and my doctors that i will not have a moment of peace until that baby is outside of me and breathing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t think you should worry about whether people feel they are countering some kind of conspiracy or suspicious that the full extent of the truth is being withheld from them", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive never told my mum in depth how i feel she knows the cold hard facts from when i got bad before self harm thoughts of suicide suicide attempts not sleeping not getting up not doing anything hating myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable and compromised", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic about it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about my body and the weight that keeps me timid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling a little grumpy to say the least", "label": 3} -{"text": "i said yes but didnt feel sure if myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feeling romantic everyone", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling kind of funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel joy is the most delicious track you can ever imagine the whole album is pure gothic genious and definitely makes me feel joy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i choose to call friends i feel like its just weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling helpless and morose and just really not creative and listless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i fell in love with a smelly boy who didnt return those feelings naturally and also had exams so i didnt have much time for my beloved tumnus and lucy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i leaves bambi feeling amazed yet irritated considering his very nature", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel slightly dazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like that is just selfish to expect your guests to party for hours", "label": 3} -{"text": "i ache all over feel overwhelmed by everything and consequently feel like crying a lot", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont know for sure why i am feeling the way i feel stubborn angry confused tired and alone", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling quite virtuous for a sunday unusual as this is always my most calorific day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realized how amazingly blessed i am to have such a terrific family and i seriously feel this way about every single one of my relatives their some of the most terrific kind hearted and giving people ive ever known", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so distressed in saying that this is going to be my last letter to you", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty uptight there though", "label": 4} -{"text": "i its twinsie tuesday again i feel like im always saying that sweet edition", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am fighting for my life but feel worthless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am extremely relieved to report that this time around being fully fit and healthy plus the fact that slippery and i rode the entire climb together that while it was still bloody hard i did not feel like throwing myself over the edge of a cliff to end the suffering", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling overly sentimental and nostalgic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have not wandered from the way and feel more devoted than ever to the cause of working out the message and example of jesus in my own life", "label": 2} -{"text": "im back feeling a little nervous about it now but if im not ready now goodness knows how i would have done more for it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realized that when i am feeling overwhelmed that is what i need to let go of", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have always felt uneasy when female friends have gone to strip clubs targeted at men feeling like theyre inherently supporting the objectification were trying to get away from", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so amazing i feel so crappy i feel confused all these things that first love can bring", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt that i would be wasting a degree i slogged and paid for and felt silly for having a second career change yet still feeling dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling rather grumpy so picked up the bucket and threw it at human who was stood by the water bucket", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling really overwhelmed by it all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i to you one make moves you can t feel surprised similar either", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit reluctant to go out for blogging subjects", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel about supporting american workers", "label": 2} -{"text": "we had a birthday party with friends one of us frequently used hard drugs on the party i discovered that the other friends also used them while we agreed we would help the big user to stop using it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i recently havent tried using it on my legs after i shave which lets be honest feels amazing but i also shave with oils", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel that passionate pull you feel towards tiny ones the unarguable urge to wrap yourself around them and smoosh your face against theirs and love on them so much you could practically eat them up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling really glad that i have someone so awesome that loves me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it gives even more period feel and detail than sharpe and is certainly good enough to read cover to cover", "label": 1} -{"text": "i completely understand why you feel so distressed and embittered but let s try and look at this in another way", "label": 4} -{"text": "im lazy i get bored i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i get the feeling hes not loving hoboken and wants to head back to the mansion asap", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i need to conform here in order to be accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel a little better about sunday maybe i can continue that good feeling and get back to the little hot bod i once rocked", "label": 1} -{"text": "i want you to know that its you i feel dazed off to", "label": 5} -{"text": "i always feel better after a reti just because my roots feel safer that is less likely to merge", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really feel amazed with a friend of mines blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i miss that feeling of muscles aching from working them", "label": 0} -{"text": "i didnt even know i was hard but now i can definitely feel it my cock aching against the cold skin of his hand", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think cause right now i feel so distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so amazed when i enter this room", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love feeling smart", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not sucidal or anything haha im just feeling unimportant today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i dont want you to be angry i dont want you to feel outraged and i dont want you to feel guilty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think theres definitely a more alpha feel for everyone with a sweet stache", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling the governor will not be so generous tomorrow and we will be returning back to work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling frustrated on friday afternoon but by the time my daughter and i were back at the house i was feeling great", "label": 3} -{"text": "i admit to feeling shocked when i read about facebook coo a href http poetsandquants", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty mellow and calm and majorly needing to wash my hair my husband wanted to treat me for a yummy mexican meal at one of my favs nuevo leon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel totally wimpy about it iwc like im some kind of pussy for admitting this to you chelle eh dont worry about it iwc i know", "label": 4} -{"text": "i truly feel like i m livin the life yet i m always striving for that delicate balance between pouring myself out for my family and for god", "label": 2} -{"text": "i realize i wasted so many years designing and coding mainframes apps i feel disgusted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel so slutty afterwards too because i have this huge ass bruise on my one knee and it looks like ive been using my knees a bit too roughly if you know what im sayin", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel inadequate right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think he and i are hitting it off pretty well i feel kind of giggly and shy when im around him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was able to ask a few questions and i certainly didn t feel rushed during the appointment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like we have a terrific company and were very old school in that once we grip someones hand fundamentally we believe thats a deal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel rushed and had no expectations i was mainly going to get some fairy wings for cai dont ask and costumes for the colony or pressured to come back with tons of stuff", "label": 3} -{"text": "i live in canada and there are a lot of asians in the city i live there are a lot of koreans more and more he says and i feel like he s spiteful because they are taking most of the jobs i really feel like his hate is genuine and i m scared for him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for the precious gifts bestowed upon me in the people i have been blessed to have in my life", "label": 1} -{"text": "someone a boy paid special attention to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do feel a longing to the life i left in london but it serves no purpose for me now", "label": 2} -{"text": "im sure its all part of the engineering but it does feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was still residually pissed off at him and feeling like the relationship is probably doomed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i probably looked bored at some point because i didn t like the song that was on and i had begun to notice that i was feeling hot but other than that i was fine", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disgusted yet sad at the same time poor quality", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel helpless as i sit here trying to describe it", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little overwhelmed with my life at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i proposed this idea to kyd who was feeling cranky and pressured about having to move out he said to me im not going to pay fucking rent to sleep on the couch", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel for you is very skeptical at the moment considering im wasteing my time following others instead of doing what i was raised to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes feel like im frightened by all the things in the whole of existence that i dont get", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think she being my muse is feeling rejected and like shes no longer cast in my blog or something", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel annoyed and petty when i m with other guys", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think of the feel of my date s hand on my back supporting me as we tried to learn a little waltz here a little box step there and jut out your elbows while holding your partners", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know why but i feel shy going in even though we are good friends with them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bloody love that song makes you feel all rebellious like hordes of jericho stylee", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not feeling intimidated and that is that", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling rather woeful about the graphics world right now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just take as my body saying sit down i feel wonderful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like being violent right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know what im feeling and boy even im shocked i feel so strongly about someone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am part of this amazing miracle", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel every frantic and needy thrust he made like i was there instead of him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i smiled reached over and kissed him still feeling horny from the night before my kisses became aggressive and passionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasnt counting the calories i ate i always felt like there was an invisible calculator in the back of my mind forcing me to feel guilty whenever i ate something i deemed bad or making me feel terrible that i didnt get in my workout for the day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so funny with those news", "label": 5} -{"text": "i almost feel guilty for wanting more but i also feel that in some way i deserve more that i deserve to experience new things", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit shocked he was so chilled out about the whole thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel all funny sometimes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel like punching characters for being so stubborn or so unrealistically emotional", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel about how i was then but fond memories taking limited supplies and trying to decorate for a theme smiling enthusiastically as year olds stumbled through memory verses cheering as they played a group game with not much point but lots of running", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling impatient restless excited", "label": 3} -{"text": "i distinctly remember this image in my mind of an inevitable walk of shame wandering the streets the next morning feeling dazed and a little hungover my dirty underwear balled up in my purse", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling really stressed out over a few wholesale orders and our upcoming move", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel that it is our duty to care for the earth and many of these products are kind to this planet we inhabit as well a double whammy of goodness for body and environment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel agitated when im on the train and constantly hear chatter and people walking up down the aisles", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can care about the kids i work with because many of them have gone through such horrid abuse and poor parenting that i cant help but feel compassionate towards them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i absolutely adore handwritten letters but sometimes when i m feeling homesick it s nice to be able to call my mom or skype with a friend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed sometimes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up feeling shaken and unhappy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that way some of the time when i talk about my emotional experiences with my family", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont even want this surgery but i dont want to live the way i have been for the last years either always in pain and fighting to be active feel productive and happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i used to always rationalize away my same sex feelings and crushes but there comes a time in everyones life when these things slap them in the face sometimes in a really pleasant way and make you face the things youve kept buried", "label": 1} -{"text": "im lt i gt laughing and at the same time lt i gt im lt i gt feeling pained because i dont think its funny and all the sex stuff hes talking about seems wildly inappropriate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt for feeling helpless was magnified by the fact that i knew i could go home with relative ease to one of the richest countries on earth while for the palestinians around me this weight had been on them their whole lives and didnt appear to be going anywhere", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it sounds less lame than i just couldn t get the balls up to ask a girl out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to put you in my pocket when you smile i feel like nothing could hurt me i feel like my whole body would melt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling jealous of all of those women who conceive quickly until i realised i was one of those women", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling dazed and sharp pain stung on my forehead", "label": 5} -{"text": "i drove all the way there listening to my lovely cher so i m feeling pretty good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel myself getting agitated because they are no longer playing creatively and they just get into that too much energy but unfocused play where they will end up being destructive too rough negative etc", "label": 4} -{"text": "i admit that these things arent really that bad but i have been feeling especially irritable today because i keep getting called in on my days off and im too nice to say no", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as if im losing my ever loving stinking mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling were going to have one confused dog", "label": 4} -{"text": "i call a process of prayer partly as i have found people disapproving of it sudden issues of jealousy and feeling threatened by me and my ideas envy really or simple feeling that if i did something good it would somehow make them less worthy valuable free important", "label": 4} -{"text": "i yelled and expected to feel virtuous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been having bad dreams really weird dreams that make me feel like i got no sleep at all and with completely disturbed thoughts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had some grand feeling of accomplishment breathing inside of me to know that i had been accepted to present my work at mla the premiere english literature conference samla scmla pcas aca and awwcc", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can see it feel it and i liked her girlfriend right off the hop", "label": 2} -{"text": "i must admit that it did feel a bit strange not colouring the whole image but hopefully it works okay", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can do tools that i can use that help me in my prayer life when i start to feel chronically distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i eventually did look where she was looking and feeling foolish saw this giant male gray seal halichoerus grypus on the beach about thirty feet away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i did i remember feeling terrified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i nailed it today i feel fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i savor those words when i am feeling a bit defeated or even overwhelmed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i was in a hot air balloon this morning when i woke up and from the moment i discovered russell ate yet another pillow under my bed until now i feel like i lost all wind all hot air and grip on gravity and just have fallen to the ground in a heap of ripstop nylon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i enjoy watching cherry blossoms in full bloom even if they are at their best in such a short time i cannot help smiling and i wonder how much i feel satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little reluctant to leave here but it s best to keep moving", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit funny saying this as a non parent but it does seem to me that there are a lot of parents generally white and middle class or better i might add who might do well to step back and realize that they do not need to raise some kind of super child", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not feeling generous today and im not hyped on happy pills", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel a bit bothered when neil feels helpless", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do feels that she might like me also but i am very uncertain since i want to see how it goes with ykesha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel anxious when i realize that i should ask this man for food and shelter", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cared that he won which is way more intense a feeling than i would have felt had i simply been surprised that he won", "label": 5} -{"text": "i liked the way the writer was able to express much of what i think and feel i liked reading another womans account of having a stillborn baby who seemed just as much at a loss of what came next as i was", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel myself becoming very fond of and chris from a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little shocked and a little at sea today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been out of work friends and family have helped me from feeling isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also remember what it feels like to be and in love and confused and exhilarated and nervous and happy and independent and perhaps just slightly out of control", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel petty for ever letting my darker emotions take hold of me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as if god has lavished these gracious gifts of receiving the scholarship and this opportunity to raise funds for the seminary as part of a wonderful plan to extend and enlarge grover and irmas incredible legacy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am shallow for wanting to feel pretty like everyone else", "label": 1} -{"text": "spit and vomit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite passionate about this because this is really where i am in my life right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i only tried for three and i can still feel the longing that came with wanting a child", "label": 2} -{"text": "i take a step back and feel like im too curious for my own good and spend way too much time in these fandoms u u but i just thought that since we fell into the pit of needles anyway well dig and search it to the bottom", "label": 5} -{"text": "i first started out i was feeling a bit cranky about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so ecstatic that it seems there are endless suns in the room and everything has its own lighting source", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel irritable or like i wanted to leave", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel visually shocked by how raw our earth is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will not respond i am not trying to trap any one or make you feel burdened upon or threatened for your opinion", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do make it to the hospital barely on time not the hours early i always thought i would be and get to my office i cant help but feel a little impressed with myself despite the melancholy thats invaded since that day", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling strange energy when i was zapped", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ask you when folks park why do they feel it is smart to park with only or inches separating your car from the one in front or behind you", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling so horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that is a cool tool as well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stopped because the articles made me feel resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritable and tired today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel annoyed with myself that i didn t do most of the things i was supposed to be doing but i also know i can t quite blame it on the fact i didn t plan as even if i had transferred the weekly list onto the days i would still have had to do all the extra things that popped up in the week", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel a need to revisit it which is why i ignored your request", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this past week i have just completely ignored you my little blog and for that i apologize", "label": 0} -{"text": "i read it outloud i don t feel alarmed at all because i can t understand it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel much less gung ho about this kind of thing than when i was running linux does macos make you more timid and cautious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i might be able to make you feel impatience if impatience is a feeling and impatience is something you feel by mentioning though not necessarily in an impatient way but in a way that refers to impatience impatience if the impatience you felt had anything to do with the impatience the story intended", "label": 3} -{"text": "i managed a smile and then squinted up at him feeling timid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i got a chance to share with some friends how i was feeling and just knew i had to keep on serving and being faithful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i were heading back home during the and half hour trip i was feeling distracted and taking wrong turns which is very unlike me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i recognize the feeling but was really surprised it was this early", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as if im a submissive in waiting", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think it was the best decision since to unfollow so many people feels so rude", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling as frustrated as you must be feeling with my lack of progress", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit stunned that im actually it always seemed so far away and yet here i am an april fools baby and years old today", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not a girl who needs to feel most popular", "label": 1} -{"text": "i truly love n respect u all the more amp i feel this lovely pure essence of being alive fill up inside me", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling at peace like the reservoir is drained no more pressure left behind the dam", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel a longing to grow to do something new to move forward with my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i seem to have outgrown most of the playground equipment and like alices story it feels quite curious to walk those grounds", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel quite so guilty acquiring this small town slasher through a few dubious means", "label": 0} -{"text": "i will feel quite startled", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was like should i feel sweet or feel offended", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel pretty pleased by this though i dont know what is normal or abnormal", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could think was just how privileged i have been and i the feelings of gratefulness and being completely impressed by all we have seen eaten and done are still with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did waterproof mine but i still feel a little paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help but feel kind of stunned at a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling really lethargic and dehydrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i need one so that i can get accepted to apartments easily and so that i don t have to deal with a huge deposit every time", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive only had one round of treatment and i can already feel myself thinking picture someone pulling stubborn donkey i dont want to do that again and its going to take a lot to actually go back knowing what is going to happen afterwards so it seems like an incentive is a good idea", "label": 3} -{"text": "i expected and it all feels funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel surprised and interested every time i visit", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel outraged in the same way as i do when paris hilton etc shows her front bottom", "label": 3} -{"text": "i worried about how much ground i d lost and expected that i d feel like i was starting over but i was pleasantly surprised with how quickly i regained my strength", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel towards this community for caring so deeply", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been pretty resistant to starting any type of fertility treatment because of the side effects of taking all these drugs and sometimes i already feel like it takes all my control to not lash out at the world so i m curious if this is just me or if other people have felt the same", "label": 5} -{"text": "i come home feeling drained and paralysed and when i try to study my brain just shuts down and ill end up snoring away on my bed and visiting dreamland", "label": 0} -{"text": "i pray every night for strength and i feel as if i am getting weaker i feel almost helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont care if i ever do because i dont need someone elses love to feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a strange contentedness as i sit on my bedroom floor still dont have a chair or a functioning table havent changed a bit and am caressed by the warm light that my lamp glows", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know having glasses is very common but i feel very strange with that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see it i feel the strange sensation of things rushing at me but i actually want to step off this cliff", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like every time i take ballet i m going to be shocked by dancers performing through different stages of adulthood from being a mother to being retired", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do not trust the police in tennessee obviously theyre corrupt randy elrod told me that and whenever i feel threatened i will put tag s on this blog", "label": 4} -{"text": "i asked them to try their hardest not to feel pressured and to be completely honest even if they were going to say something they didnt think i would want to hear to make a quick video to share", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i replied feeling genuinely curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so strange in my old age", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know for me without my hair i would feel very very heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i are thinking about doing a long hike today but he wasnt feeling very well yesterday afternoon or evening", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really enjoyed it and found it embodied that classic feel and also stayed loyal to female hero", "label": 2} -{"text": "i actually go somewhere and pay cash i really feel weird when i pay dollars with my credit card then i get really confused and people have to be patient with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though i might get blamed for it though because ive been very enthusiastic in class", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel most loyal to this social network although i dont blog as frequent", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think to give him a warm reception may make himself less guilty about what his said and could possibly result in him being even more cocky than usual or even make himself feel he is at peace with the gooner faithful and we respect his decision to leave us", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went through the extreme emotions of feeling utterly worthless to him and all on my own to dealing with him crying his eyes out begging me to take him back", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should be feeling shocked and humiliated", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also often feel a little overwhelmed by my need for perfection", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a longing now for solitude", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel awful that i will not see him again in this life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel somewhat lost without the internet at my fingers it is freeing to travel with no electronics besides my camera", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think little jabs like this which equates to taking money out of the boys pockets because you make your biggest tips in the mornings hurts morale and keeps the guys from feeling valued", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a little dazed at the mere thought of it but im hard headed enough to ignore that and continue full force into it all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been struggling and i got very fast frustrated but now i feel like i accepted the role of being a leader and i try my best to be as encouraging as possible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i watched on thanksgiving this morning i am feeling doubly blessed for what god has given me", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling generous for my fellow bookworms and kiddies even if youre just a kid at heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel like i will be judged for being myself when i m alone and with people i trust", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have these moments where i feel uncertain and insecure and a sense of uncertainty and i find myself hesitating whether it is at a professional level or a personal level the one thing that i always do is i ll go back to what i know is my greatest strength", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted to read outside and not feel rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started having calf issues while i was training for providence and now i m feeling nervous that this is the norm", "label": 4} -{"text": "i almost feel culture shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i sent my mom and workout partner a text telling her that my stomach wasnt feeling so hot so i wasnt going to go to the spin class that we usually do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it too sweet girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have used many other programs but this is i feel the most user friendly one i have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i understood it to be sending white light to the folks in japan and egypt and libya so that they may feel the warmth of caring from the rest of the planet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling shaky this particular morning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean she is one of the funniest people i know as she can say or do something that would have us both rolling on the floor laughing our heads off and no matter how corny my jokes are it tickles her and she makes me feel like im chris rock even though i know im not that funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hate that sometimes i feel pressured to write a post or buy a bag or have a giveaway", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did feel more agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling disgusted but mostly betrayed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling hermon doesnt really want to sell this as its valued much more than my first car and rests behind glass like a coiled snake", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel more fake and less myself i lose my inner beauty i once took pride in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little weird reviewing such a pop game considering even ive never heard of most of the stuff i have been talking about but here it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just almost feel scared and stressed all the time that i m going to fail and that i m not going to make my parents and family proud", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have an actual disgnosis now but i feel immensely frightened and that when it gets worse that i will become a burden to my husband and friends", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so insulted and embarrassed because i tried to say something that just about every high end performer who went through the public school system feels", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little bit shaken up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit despairing that a native of a country with such great values and social justice practices as norway could commit such a crime but people are people", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel dangerous and i feel that im not using my best skills when im driving", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t feel very faithful lately and i don t feel very hopeful", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt feel valuable at all and used to sit up in the hope that the sun would not rise because i knew each day i had to go and work for cherrytree which i hated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was in my hardest area on my mission thonburi i remember feeling emotionally exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel contented enough knowing that someone out there is interested about my life or my opinion on how i feel about certain issues", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fear that for many viewers this will leave them feeling terribly frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have found myself constantly thinking for political solutions to problems like these wondering why all these shooters are white males between the ages of and and feeling agitated bothered distracted and upset", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started feeling a little frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "i then beat myself up for feeling crappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i prefer to sit in the large room at the back with its wooden floor and upholstered chairs which has a timeless feel in summer a gentle breeze blows through the floral curtains as you savour your large piece of cake or perhaps some of their famous a href http en", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive lost a tiny bit of weight or at least i feel like i have and wasnt loving any of the choices", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know i need something to feel like i have a purpose like im smart and creative and useful like my time and efforts are worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the thighs are being stubborn and not going away at the same rate as stomach arms or butt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel we re seeing now is a clash between those who are very alarmed at the changes in our planet and those who are rather laconic about the whole thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess when nothing works some parents feel so distraught that they just can t go on", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though the piece of cloud im stepping on broke into half", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like we re making progress and i m amazed that we continue to survive with only one income", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as if my mind deemed her unimportant enough to keep her memories however my heart feels differently", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel less frustrated today but still", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was exhausted and i had that headache and scratchy throat feeling that usually portends the onset of a cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont quite no how i feel about it it really bothered me that i was having a incredibly hard time analyzing the lady", "label": 3} -{"text": "i should really study now so giving you the perfect song to make you feel lonely like me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little frantic and on edge but i also think it is hormonal and due to lack of sleep", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a strange freedom and i am almost afraid to admit it for fear that it will shrivel upon its recognition", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though i havent been a supportive weight loss partner recently", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling completely enthralled in the moment to see the entire school connect over one person s voice was genuine and valuable", "label": 5} -{"text": "i picked up and in side bets but i cant help feeling it was a chance missed today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though the rest of my year will be jaded due to my love for this first", "label": 0} -{"text": "i struggle to lick my lips and at least ease some of the dry cracked feeling but end up just getting an unwelcome taste of the mask tied over my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel the cold and though its meant to be june i am freezing im typing this post wearing jumpers", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sure she will campaign for them this fall which will help a lot", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i know absolutely nothing which is really not a pleasant or comfortable feeling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am attempting to save money but when i feel distressed i go shopping", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanna share more detail expression about feeling of angry in korean", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can also song write without feeling all bashful about it and play music and my guitars without anyone telling me to turn it down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to go pick up my anti depressants too maybe its cos ive run out that i feel so weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like im obnoxious impulsive and irrational when im mad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was still feeling dazed last night cause i just didnt want it to end", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling so ecstatic and then the other time its like i go out all depressed and moody and angsty and all the negative feelings going about", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would feel drained and exhausted", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel when i read a supportive or mean comment arent virtual theyre real", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also just go based off of my feeling at the moment which is why im surprised my blog isnt heavily oriented with the subjects of death depression suicide and the like", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel disgust with my first boyfriend who made fun of our love in an abominable way", "label": 3} -{"text": "im always left a little confused unsure how to feel im usually surprised by what i find usually pleasantly so but sometimes i find myself uneasy in a way i cant quite put my finger on", "label": 5} -{"text": "i mean in the way of just feeling accepted", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just glad that the im drinking broken glass every time i swallow feeling has receded to just a mildly irritated throat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel too distracted by going to the bathroom at work too foten so trying to shoot for four to five and then eight on weekends", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel scared about the time after the radiotherapy has finished when i ll be sort of alone again and responsible for my own body and detecting signs or becoming paranoid about signs that aren t there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just got home from a couple of days in portland and am feeling especially impressed with the man mitch has become", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found this article on the north hollywood toluca lake patch most women feel afraid to walk home alone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the need to call my mother and tell her about it stunned that it had actually happened to someone i know", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the need to make obnoxious faces when i have a few cocktails", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am a recent new christian and i struggle with being materialistic and i covet after these luxury items that most people do have these days amp whenever i go to other peoples homes and see they ve all got stereos and a cd collection i cant help feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling jolly g", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like ive been productive this week", "label": 1} -{"text": "when i climbed up a tree to pick apples the angle of the ladder i was on did not enable me to get high enough this implied that the ladder was not very stable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like he chooses some pretty wimpy songs for his solos", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling determined to get started", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still remember feeling stunned as i watched that second plane craxh into the other tower", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel physically beaten down by the week and like my only option is to find a safe quiet place to lie while i slowly pep talk myself back into thinking life is worth living", "label": 0} -{"text": "i worked hard on those essays and somehow i feel so insulted by these comments and i think rightly so", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been a fan of the show since season but now i cant help but feel more curious than excited about whats to come", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling very appreciative today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been going great but i feel so rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling the cover it really is cool and not too mediocre", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got pretty discouraged because i didnt feel like i was making any progress and i was so uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i rarely feel unhappy except for hormone related issues but more on that later and the imminent change of season brings with it the promise of more adventure", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel they have more depth and arent as rushed as modern cookbooks", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got out of what gar the texan has to say is feeling shocked that he finds himself slowing down and getting bored when reading my durango texas blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel your words the tender trembling moments start we re in a world our very own sharing our love that only few have ever known", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that paul has impressed rather indelibly that we dont want to ignore our development of charity", "label": 5} -{"text": "one night we were having a barbecue on the beach and i needed to go to my car", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so isolated by those who should have been the most supportive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i keep telling myself and my running buddies that i love the downtime and not feeling pressured to follow a training plan", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am slowly getting over that but i am somewhat still a romantic at heart", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel successful as a corps member", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would have said things enough to make marvin from hhgttg feel badly for me but like i said god is faithful", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling this way when i have had my heartbroken before and it has mended just fine", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if i should be shocked and cowed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t want to stressed anymore even though being stress is only a perception but still sometimes i can t fight my logical thinking and the feelings i feel in my heart it s just that weird i can t control myself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up feeling cranky this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pain over things that i know should be resolved", "label": 1} -{"text": "im still at the point in these friendships where im still holding a lot back and i feel like im being a little fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "im left feeling just amazed whenever i watch him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i made that woman feel intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i need to feel the loving kiss of the flogger on my skin", "label": 2} -{"text": "im not counting down in hours yet but i do happen to know that i have working days left and im not feeling even slightly distressed about the idea of being able to get up after", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel and think my mind is it funny enough", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look at it i feel kinda shocked no way i d imagined it ll grow this big", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel surprised by how great it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel appalled that somebody could just leave them for anyone or anything to take", "label": 3} -{"text": "im sick of feeling vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent gotten the next mole yet and am feeling a bit eager so i made this painting for the next person who i think is andrea and i am going to print it x and save it to put in her pocket", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sorry for my parents", "label": 0} -{"text": "im overwhelmed by feeling the presence of insincere people who dont care in my life", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that you may need to help out more around the house because i feel anxious and stressed out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mostly make you feel uncomfortable but at least i know youre not faking it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel incredibly inspired by catherine baba her style is exquisite and stretches the imagination and so is her face i can not let images of her tulip nose small mouth and dreamy big eyes go", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like she seems much more mellow since starting to date him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unimportant its this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel at this point that either love isnt for me or that i missed my chance when i had it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so helpless and i can barely take watching it anymore", "label": 0} -{"text": "i went back in the house i feel tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wont say im particularly happy that im hormonally reliant on external sources there have been multiple times that ive been feeling grumpy and he simply and kindly says hun go have some chocolate youll feel better", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little impressed with myself right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got used to the feeling pretty quickly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant even actually count how many times ive been through it though it still feels like a strange and confusing place to be", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so shocked suddenly that i had chosen a business courses", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel content", "label": 1} -{"text": "i politely explained that while he seems like a nice guy i didnt feel any romantic connection with him", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive written gives me a feeling of being overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little tender on my baby s birthday today so maybe you ll indulge me a moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to share a cool way to flirt with women that helps them to feel comfortable around you and can quickly create high level of sexual tension", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not lonely or at least i feel less so when i have my nose in a book socializing with beloved characters or meeting new faces", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel quite shaken by the class and its seven hours later", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel myself getting hot and bothered", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel your lips your tender kiss", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can make myself feel sorrowful by fantasizing about the way things should be or deluding myself into believing that i could change things that are really not in my power to change", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i completely missed the month of october and now we are half way through november", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling quite adventurous lately in the cooking department", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little bit bitter sometimes but i realize that things could have gone a lot worse you know", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began to feel strange like i might faint", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pleased but i had so much fun so i will keep practicing and hporfully i will get better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a heartless killer", "label": 3} -{"text": "id feel funny inviting her to my tiny shows because shes going on these big tours", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel wronged mis interpreted lied about etc i can t help myself but to give my understanding", "label": 3} -{"text": "i used to try and share the gospel with my mom constantly because she is a non believer but she gets really defensive and almost feels offended that she has to learn from her daughter and it makes her upset and feel incompetent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling fearful and that i focus on my fear my fear will likely be magnified", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit more energized today and less grouchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like letting it grow as far as i can and not caring what i look like", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hesitant in pushing a girl so sweet but who doesn t acknowledge when her name is being called", "label": 4} -{"text": "i worried that she would feel i was strange and stalker like that i was in her flat but i decided that returning what was hers was more important than my fear", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling slightly overwhelmed right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable in a way ive never experienced before", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel scared nd sad we", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that theres a way for self injurers to be more accepted in our society", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling so overwhelmed by love and acceptance everytime we would begin to sing and i knew that his strength was real", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel vaguely frustrated with the extent that thoughts about cycling invade the space in my mind", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think about my own self esteem issues regarding my lack of french speaking abilities i can just imagine how people who cant hear must feel im always amazed at how people with enormous challenges rise above and manage to live extraordinary lives", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should feel like successful independent woman a la destinys child no", "label": 1} -{"text": "i already begin to feel that maybe buying dangerous women wasnt such a bad idea after all", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sure hope that i havent made other feel weird when they were pregnant", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suppose that i could pump my own gas if i had to but for some reason i feel intimidated by the pump so i have always relied on either russell or full service to pump my gas", "label": 4} -{"text": "i experience the label i unwillingly feel bothered which means i need to understand why i am bothered before acting on this feeling", "label": 3} -{"text": "is words at the xian listen to undoubtedly is the love to her of vindicate she feels that another time blamed wrongly high cold and in mind forgave him right away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was moses and in my own personal life when i am feeling frustrated and then see that i am coming under attack again i do not usually respond with praise and adoration for gods goodness", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not sure if this a permanent flavor or not but if you are feeling curious pick one up", "label": 5} -{"text": "being close to drowning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i again feel needy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mean i stare at it for ten minutes and i go ok i get it i feel aggravated that i", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i feel like i jealous them because they always stick together for no reason and joking around like a sweet couple", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just applied this to the very ends of my hair left it on for mins or so and then rinse out this left my ends feeling lovely and helped to prevent the knots which were causing my hair to break so much when brushing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i use sarcasm and a defense mechanism well sometimes it is fun and i am guarded around those that i feel insecure around even if i hardly know them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling really joyful to announce that for next few days we will be talking about such a wonderful topic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like everyone just let go and just had a carefree time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have a feeling hell get the reference and the sarcastic idiotness of it and heed to call me it all year", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel completly freaked out when i get pissed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel we will have no problem in fulfilling the criteria but i am more curious why my initial questions were ignored", "label": 5} -{"text": "i walked to her european history class feeling in a dazed state", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel are the most vital things about doing this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had an incredible feeling of frantic despair", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very safe in paris", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the dogs add humor to our situation and i also love to hear nick say ohno when he sees one of them being naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i found myself feeling rather weepy watching the counterfeit coin h kalpiki lira greece", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel a bit dazed and confused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i bought a bunch of fruit to have when im feeling snacky so hopefully it will curb the sweet cravings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel that i ve completely missed out on all opportunities for a normal life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like the idea of but once inside i feel like im being tortured and what makes it worse is i have to pay for pain", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel funny about leaving earth", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit strange admitting it she is filling some of the holes in my heart that my first rainbow boy just couldnt", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling tender lately about my writing", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel as though i owe you an explanation for said dribble and you are the faithful if you didn t give up on this post words ago", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about those money grabbing heartless jerks", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling less stressed these days since i am leaving my lovely job on sunday and moving out of my flat next wednesday", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stop feeling so incredibly overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel rude that i dont give much leeway for conversation", "label": 3} -{"text": "i put on make up for the first time in months because i needed to feel pretty", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im far too often the grouchy middle aged dad so ridiculed and picked apart on endless sitcoms", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rudely surprised when i come across instances of people who hold me by what i have written", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling pressured and backed into a corner", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like no one is in my corner no one is supporting me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel is fucking rude a hell", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel we should not be supporting these rebels in a violent manner at all and particularly not give them weapons or funding", "label": 1} -{"text": "i shake my head no but feel myself reaching for a sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling cautiously optimistic that andrew is going to teach his big brother how to eat", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel radiant bright accomplished and happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have debuted for a long time there are still times where i feel amazed when i see a artiste", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling particularly appreciative tonight", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel truly blessed for all that i have in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i began to feel increasingly agitated by a certain lack of energy amongst the crowd", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as ludicrous about that dream as i would have if coach prince would have suited me up in a wildcat uniform and sent me in to play quarterback", "label": 5} -{"text": "i needed most i was feeling angry sorrrowful regretful hurt and many other things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have said with regards to just give me a shot in the courts and i feel i have been wronged in the courts", "label": 3} -{"text": "i then started praying about my problem and god is faithful and creates situations that make me feel so uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel wronged by them but i do not take it out against them personally", "label": 3} -{"text": "i decided that if i was going to do any of those creative pursuits that i would find out how those things fit in when i didn t feel overwhelmed anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel they travel back to all their fond memories inside the flashback of their thoughts where they view their once achieved wonderland", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need vacation a little more than i think if i feel that s humorous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i really do want him to be happy and it is a giant relief to see that he might actually be feeling hopeful about his own future", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think the movie was done well and i feel like ron howard created a money maker that remained loyal to the book", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel that my values are little strange because my focus is in the middle ground i made that element fairly high in contrast in value while my foreground elements have no room to come forward since i already used some of my darkest values in the mid back ground", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty hesitant about the program because it seemed odd to think i could just eat more points and still lose", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling nostalgic and i looked up someone on facebook i havent seen in ages", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the sense is supposed to feel conflicted and sympathetic at times", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling all weird and awkward all uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realized now i need to space out the shoes and not post what i feel are the most amazing ones right off the bat", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want them to feel loved and secure", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am a child of the church one holy catholic and apostolic if you feel that way and its heritage is immensely precious to me as its shortcomings are horrifying and grievous to me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i spent all day sitting under a sleeping baby who didnt want to be put down or reading books to the baby or going to the park so she could run around or playing with toys with her or tossing her in the air or supervising her interactions with the chickens i didnt feel like id been productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel beauty so strange theres a moment im not sure whether or not it isnt pain at all and i feel moved to cry or my heart pulses hard and deep as it does when im saddened", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt safe and confident and even though weve had this space between us i know that i could feel that safe again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so drained and my thoughts are so disjointed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find myself fighting back tears and also feeling like a lousy friend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a feeling i would be unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am happy with and that feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i bought a virtually fat free thousand islands and feeling very impressed with myself hold large quantities of this substance on the leaves of lettuce and cucumber with my friend but it will be total sugar becomes if you do not burn fat", "label": 5} -{"text": "i chose to live my life as a normal person who has feelings wants and desires i have talked up for myself been faithful to myself and i have been determined to be treated with dignity and respect", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little awkward on the surface", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling super happy because a few years back in ite when my graduation he did not make it plus that time i got special award", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like his perfect little teeth are taking forever to come in but i know there is light at the end of the tunnel", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why but i have been feeling very irritated recently", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started to feel super burt out and was having to stop for walk breaks occasionally as i started feeling overheated", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to admit i m feeling pretty frustrated at this point", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel lucky that all we sustained was some loss of stuff while so many of my friends colleagues and nyit students lost their homes their precious photographs clothing whole lifetimes set out on the curb to be picked up by the sanitation workers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impatient though ive had some moments especially when it comes to housing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that more people are more faithful to their religion", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a perverse pressure to keep up with this page now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like if anyone punished me it was myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wonder if its the lack of medication that causes the panic attacks i experience during the down dosing week or if i have panic attacks due to my anxiety about whether or not i will feel anxious during the switch", "label": 4} -{"text": "i loved seeing the guts of the pumpkin and found the inside to be very strange feeling and also strange smelling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel uncertain how to discern it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cannot feel assured that it is true", "label": 1} -{"text": "i see old fashioned ignorant news media exploit the fear some have of technology i don t feel very gracious", "label": 2} -{"text": "im really good at multitasking and i am quite organized but super forgetful and i always feel rushed my kids do all have chores that they do everyday thinking i need to give them a couple more each now that theyre getting a bit bigger", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was concerned over my husband s feelings about having horny drunken women invading his domain each week but he adapted quickly to the situation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like sitting there with people who come to visit me yet don t say anything or how generous i m feeling when people come to my door and say i came for lunch", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling particulary bouncy and light hearted which really only goes to utterly sabotage my efforts to keep up good relations with sbm especially lately", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that my blog has been a worthwhile pursuit and the hours i have spent writing and sharing my experiences have been extremely healing for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should be ecstatic about our position as we made some huge progress paid off major debt live in a beautiful area with zero commute and one of the best areas in our major city and my job isnt going anywhere as long as i work hard", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling fairly envious of my friends who are currently holidaying in the northern hemisphere", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like throwing my beloved flat lg studioworks just because it no longer seems flat nor do the anti aliased fonts of linux look clear", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel liked or likable", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am ungrateful more than im thankful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think a lot of us not directly affected by tragedy feel helpless and this is a way to use our talents to help those affected rebuild their lives even if its just in a small comforting way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i missed out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel rly confident abt life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i shouldnt try to be a doctor even my dad doesnt feel like supporting the idea anymore and i only entertained the idea because of him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wrote down on paper and it feels amazing do you think when you finally let everything burning inside of you go there is a feeling of extreme loneliness tha starts crawling in again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling a lot of self pride that i was supporting us all as peter went back to school all our bills were getting paid on time and i was actually planning a summer vacation trip with my kids to this", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling irritable", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have graduated i feel kinda weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel when i don t have my preworkout gym bodybuilding lol funny meme", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill feel troubled", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that the moment you adopt a sense of caring for others it brings you inner strength", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have tons of grades entered for progress reports next week and i feel way less stressed and crazy than i had been feeling", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really alone i just want to cry it out really", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel outraged that someone got searched in an airport", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel disturbed that i do not recall hearing about it once in either class yet it plays such a large role in our countrys political system", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty shaken up but at least the wind had died down", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i cant ever devote myself to what i do quite enough so i wasnt ever devoted enough to ballet to music to language to writing to numbers because as much as i loved them i never felt so strongly about them that i was ready to give my entire life to them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel content and one side of me is feeling all warm and cozy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling kind and generous thats why", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hoped cause i didnt get the feeling that i impressed them very much i nearly caused a car accident while driving today but other than those two mishaps its been a super weekend", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel amused that the class spent the whole period watching host club on youtube", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so greedy in wanting it now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel as if the rawness may be less reader friendly but more accurate", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im losing my mind im frightened that i might not finish studying until the board exams im scared of failing i have been scared of failing exams ever since i was young ever since my parents would reprimand me when i get low grades", "label": 4} -{"text": "i realise i have friends i feel surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am so picky about what i allow myself to feel i dont really want to be respected for what i do", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive just finished the fourth book feeling satisfied knowing that im now as good as the others on the knowledge of the stories and more importantly i feel energised", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that one sided thinking is dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel completely overwhelmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling badi liked annie lennoxs cover album medusa better than her original works", "label": 2} -{"text": "im into her but i feel quite weird as a didnt realize it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i my feeling super grateful today for my awesome friends", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like if god exists he or she is a very talented poet whose work is so beautiful and horrifying complex and simple there and not there that i want to talk to it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty disgusted in myself that night and i thought i was actually going to be sick from eating too much", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit dazed a bit confused then decided to put on the matrix", "label": 5} -{"text": "i should feel exhausted and limp limbed but if i were to try and bike right now i think id slide off and snore in a puddle of my own sweat blowing pointless little bubbles into the carpet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel emotionally beaten up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think i was just so mean to them that i started feeling sympathetic causing me to write slower through the very unwanted desire to do their feelings more justice", "label": 2} -{"text": "when some people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess its that hump day feeling you get plus im rushed off my feet at the moment what with work classes seeing friends and dating", "label": 3} -{"text": "im googling banana bread recipes cuz im feeling dangerous today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really really hope i can climb this mountain and have the body i have always dreamed about to look in the mirror and be proud of accomplishing my ultimate dream and feeling the reward of loving my body", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a hard time feeling accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i like that david pms me it is really awesome but i end up feeling kind of pressured to say something interesting because he always asks what should we talk about", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not sure what else i can add to that i was started to feel dazed about then", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird about someone buying me a meal much less anything more than that", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had was god and those who i went to church with and currently go to church with i have been more free to trust and feel accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m forever doomed but just when i m about to give up and believe what the evil entities say about me here comes the light", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am very thankful for all the people who are with me every step of the way and helping me to feel less afraid and to know that i am not failing anyone", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable with skype and phone calls for some reason it makes me feel anxious to have someone looking at me or its pressure or something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as a child innocent feelings illustrating a", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was thinking these thoughts which just came suddenly into my mind out of the blue i wasnt feeling anything at all absolutely nothing just a curious emptiness as if i had no emotions like they had been switched off", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am standing in front of the mirror its already past midnight i am all alone i am all by myself feeling bad about the guy who told me in the evening how i made him a better man i almost felt my reflection smiling at me as if its saying what a waste of time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i suddenly feel wronged if not for myself for the other trans people i know many of whom are not so open about their genders", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel utterly amazed and bewildered by the details of it all and by the fact that most of you are simply lovely little strangers", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like hes given me permission to indulge myself and give my book a richness that i perhaps have been too timid to give it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i says tat d attack on a church was not n act by extremist but naughty children i m feeling naughty today too p how ah", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like it s a very friendly dnb environment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could tell and after the hour interview was over i left feeling proud to have survived my first interview in year but not really caring either way if i got the job or not", "label": 1} -{"text": "i known that she had no real reason at all to be leaving her boyfriend then i would feel a little bit sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up feeling a bit funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a pleasant feeling not of the flesh", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do that he can t stand feeling threatened and looking over his shoulder", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel glad thinking about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it is my duty as a loyal and patriotic american to offer a few self esteem boosting affirmations to our beleaguered president", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like with the economy that we are currently in we should not be supporting unproven economic theories", "label": 2} -{"text": "i need to figure out a way to balance out all these roles or at least come up with a plan to keep me from feeling so overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive never really been with someone for valentines day so i dont really know any better but i dont feel spiteful toward people who do have someone to celebrate with", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanted to do something nice for my followers friends during the holidays and i finally have free time after finals so i m feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel supportive of the government on this one", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel and know it that i have accepted and adapted to change already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get the feeling she s not impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "being insulted in public", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant help but feel dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i coast earlier this month confirmed he was splitting up from his wife rosetta who was said to feel humiliated by the images", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel like a grumpy old man", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think it s clear that they feel victimized in fairly powerful ways and they re often hurt by not just certain teachings of the catholic church but the christian faith generally", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like before i upgraded my osx imovie was a lot more user friendly and i was wondering how i could get an older version of it even if i dont have the original os that had the imovie on it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember that i was getting feeling back and some of this part was less than pleasant but its too much of a blur to know exactly what", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finally feel like dreaming is a worthwhile endeavor as opposed to something that takes me away from my work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like he is snobbish snooty gauche a drunk and offensive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a plan with friends and a good support system of neighbors to keep me company but it still feels really weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "im planning on doing another zumba class later today followed by a body pump class and then maybe some yoga if im feeling adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must emphasize the above is because i will be using isaiah to relate to the small brouhaha in the youth ministry of recent and what i feel god has impressed on my heart in all humility", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel weird saying im irish out loud", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know it feels like youre dying when youre working out but the sweet refreshed feeling afterwards is all worth it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more curious than afraid", "label": 5} -{"text": "im also starting to feel anxious about christmas week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it s unfortunate that things are being brought up right now from a guy who s in jail vilma now a defensive captain and linebacker with the a title new orleans saints href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazing things happening", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have been very productive", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rather distraught actually", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel like i can end my day unless i end it on a sweet note whether or not i m hungry", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was shopping at our little fruit and veg shop and feeling a little annoyed that all the best fruit as in the cheapest freshest and best size for lunch boxes are always in plastic", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with pride that my daughters will get to grow up in a house that he worked so hard on to make beautiful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like one of them carnival of voices roaming like curious hyenas around sybils head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like crap today and that s ok", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the serenity and beauty of the glance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know thats all of next tuesday but it would be nice to have something make this feel more like pregnancy rather than months of the flu and my body aching ballooning", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel impressed to share with that there are voices and vices of the enemy that we must identify and overthrow", "label": 5} -{"text": "i walk from one room to another breathe through the crack in the window frame feel my heart beating as if to say fulfill my longing at last anne frank s diary", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get pageviews a day i feel all nervous about posting anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i honestly continue to feel blessed as i learn lessons from each of you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like their simplicity but as im feeling a little more romantic and in need of pretty for the winter ive given them a temporary makeover that can easily be removed or changed when i feel the need", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel awkward about eating the steak from the national animal", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a really fucking good time feeling like a neurotic cunt", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling funny or witty or particularly motivated to blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling irate well up to this moment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel badly for my mom who has been caring for her and at her side for the last two months", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wrote it down made me feel snobbish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel so frantic", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling an overwhelming sense of helplessness and melancholy about them all", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling really lethargic easily these days and im attributing it to the lack of exercise in my daily regime", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit sentimental because one of the projects i have been working on at work is almost complete and is about to be launched in a few days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the amazing abundance of my life most keenly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i need psychiatric help and i am still feeling a little shocked by some of the hateful comments i got i will take a moment to post something completely un controversial that hopefully everyone will enjoy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the cold is what i m trying to say", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling soooo shy but told myself in my head that i would beat up this shyness", "label": 4} -{"text": "i figure i may just be frustrated because of the extra hormones but for some reason i feel really aggravated even though i shouldnt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel hesitant to embrace another los angeles based law show", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel angry and i have every right to feel angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel impressed to share the start of mine and marcs relationship since i have given the general and the non mentioned stuff", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been looking for a garage that specialises in my type of car for years but i am left feeling quite anxious and stressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a definite feeling that he wouldn t have liked me to be alone with the young man", "label": 2} -{"text": "i get to talk to adults friends ive made over the years and low and behold i feel like a productive member of society", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t fully understand why but even when i feel the ache of longing on the inside and i know that my deepest desire and need is to encounter the heart of god still i feel a strong resistance and opposition to actually pursue him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so flippin blessed and im so grateful yet undeserving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can allow myself to go through life powerful and beautiful and strong without feeling like i am going to die that it is just way too dangerous to be any of these things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel strange to carry my rubbish all around the city as you see my hotel doesnt walk around with me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel more like family each meeting i go to they have been very supportive in my finding a place to live and work as well", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a tool img src images smilies stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could feel the unwelcome presence of grief and attachment begin to fade a bit and as i pulled into the driveway and came to a stop i let the watery drops transform my windshield into an impressionistic painting of autumn color before stepping out of the car", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have to stop feeling terrified of the fact that people will disagree with me and dislike me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i put on a favorite black suit and added a leopard scarf having lost weight everything fit great and just made me feel pretty and confident", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sorry for making you feel curious towards me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i lose my senses and feel numb to the consequences of my actions other times i am willing to stand against the ocean even as its currents wash me down into the depths with no safe return", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that somehow there will be people who dont know im being real sarcastic we read about that every day thats the joke", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wouldnt be feeling this curious satisfaction in her presence which satisfaction is about to become a mockery", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to thank this beautiful woman for thinking of this blog and me i feel very honoured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have colleagues who don t even feel liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling like i might gain weight tomorrow at weigh in but i wont be surprised or upset i was the one that ate all my extra points and did not work out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i responded a few times to clarify how i was feeling and try to explain a little what drives me but mostly i was curious to hear everyones answers for or against trying", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember when i applied to live with a host family i indicated that i wanted to feel like an accepted part of the family", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love this you may find some interesting info on our site please feel fr a href http curious food lover", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had a lady who was many years ago taking healing from me for feeling less restless and calm", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must dive so dive i will and feel the tender creature behind my ribs break free as i scream into the silent water and breath again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know all that and yet i feel more frustrated by the day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel doubtful about my place in the world of technology and the applicable value of the work i do i often find it helpful to think about doug engelbart listening to him describe in one of many interviews his goals the genesis of his goals and his dogged perseverance toward meeting his plan", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i am undeserving so i agonize over these past points over and over feeling spiteful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just wondered everything feels so strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling im caring im healing im sharing a supportive bonding nurturing primary caregiver", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel less distracted", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling especially isolated from people my own age since i work so much and thats led me to recently question whether i should spend less time with them and try to widen my circle of friends", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am still feeling pretty shocked and horrified over what the supreme court has done and scared about the consequences", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel my funny juices are fully restored and am ready to share with you the wellington based fun we had", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to resent others and feel jealous because i ve felt lack or been passed over", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like people get a little too complacent in their groups and don t challenge themselves to have conversations with people who they re not especially comfortable with but who would really help them to expand their thinking in different ways", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling a bit overwhelmed with it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i took picture of it when im in the gym so that you guys can feel amazed too lol", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dazed and confused but lost at the same time even though i am still trying to live my life up to the fullest i feel empty", "label": 5} -{"text": "i get to feel the pain and longing too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i share this privileged information about myself and you listen and support me and offer to assist me in dealing with these things i feel respected heard cared for and in time loved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember telling him all of my secrets my passions my dreams for the future and feeling so shocked when he would sit back and say so whats stopping you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would literally cry at how tender my scalp would feel after the process and im extremely gentle when handling my hair", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have each of them", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling so troubled i dont know why", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can appreciate everyone for who they are without feeling threatened that i am not enough", "label": 4} -{"text": "i step back in the game day after day even when the odds of success seem out of favor i love on and when i feel nothing but ugly inside she is there to remind me of who i really am and nothing could be prettier than that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have asked people before to move over a bit though it makes me feel a bit petty", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel my emotions blunting and that im just going to stop caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mostly feeling doubtful worried or something else", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel many people become quite agitated when they come across ideas that seriously challenge their world view and who they are and so they prefer exposure only to the predictable the familiar", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a curious kind of calmness", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a feeling readers will be pleasantly surprised by it and perhaps they will go through my project twice comparing the imagery of both books", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling pretty impressed with this early nile stuff", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling horny even though gawdddddd yes i am horny but i am craving some snuggles", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unimportant when you interrupt when i am talking because i dont feel you value what i have to say", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wish to or feeling rather distraught from the world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i meet and to witness them work through really difficult issues makes me feel so blessed", "label": 1} -{"text": "i rewatched curahee and day of days which i feel make an amazing hour movie even if you never watch the rest of the series though i of course highly recommend re watching the whole thing especially since all the hbo shows are now on amazon prime for free", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling him and i feel his kind of resignation about life not sadness per se but an energy that feels resigned in a sense that this is all life is going to bring him and it s just not enough", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little like a traitor to my beloved oppies but that said these clothes might just pay off a big chunk of my remaining debt and we all know that money is more important than ethics right", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know why because after about half an hour and a good cup of coffee i feel fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i purposely spent time in his word god and left feeling his presence surround me with his gracious unconditional love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel outraged that more parents arent speaking up about this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so neglectful of the inxs community", "label": 0} -{"text": "im trying to avoid the shops as much as possible over the next two weeks i just hate the overall commerciality of this season and i feel jaded already", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a superhero i m so impressed with this modern technology that i can t stop looking around and giggling in glee", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so amazing about life when i am there", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel myself cjbuf tender sex a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i arrive in michigan with lexie and lloyd i feel like the circus descends on my parents tranquil bubble of life together", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do when i feel ive offended people etc", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant seem to figure out the right way to wash my clothes to shave certain places to call to get a simple question answered to order something to go into a store and buy something that fits right without needing to contemplate often wrongly a good number of minutes only to still feel indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel happy and brave and loudly exclaim i don t even need a boyfriend mine does its job so well", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like a curious onlooker or someone trying to remember a dream", "label": 5} -{"text": "im saying it in a they are so much smarter than me that i feel kind of dumb yet pleasantly enriched when in the presence of their genius sort of way", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling so indecisive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel amazed at how well they come out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pressured to write a post every single day because thats what youre supposed to do when you blog it makes it a little crazy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling quite nostalgic right now my little fandom for this franchise has somehow resurfaced", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am to pray and meditate on the feelings themselves instead of the surroundings i was convinced i needed to feel that way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i almost feel the want and longing that god has for their soul and for their life to be completely his", "label": 2} -{"text": "i woke up feeling groggy tonsillitis making me sound like one of marge simpson s sisters hearing that the legendary stephen fry had tweeted about the blog made my year", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the pacemaker shift around in my chest the wires to my brain in my neck tighten up when i am stressed gotten ptsd from brain surgery", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went on a bit of an auster binge after that and i remember feeling particularly fond of mr vertigo which is about a boy who learns to fly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i mean i feel that just because of the hangover i should watch it again just to make sure i don t miss something but i doubt it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the crowd supporting a great tennis match and that s it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often hear people say they feel like they are being assaulted by marketing messages", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel that i m doing something really worthwhile and worth getting up for working on the african markets gave me a sense that i was making a small difference to the world by making these markets more transparent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i often feel that they way to save a too sweet dress is to amp up the sour in your accessories", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been feeling very uncomfortable even being in contact with him since then", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling a little cranky negative after this doctors appointment", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am one of the cosen few who know what their passion is that now i feel doubtful about where i ended up but especially of what ill end up doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am seriously feeling deprived without internet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel devastated for the parents who lost their children", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel selfish like hes too good for me to experience by myself thats why i try to invite people to join me in waiting for him but then the disunity discourages me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sickened by and disgusted with the sins of man despite my divinity i feel sickened by and disgusted with the sins of man", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember hearing my drink crash to the floor and feeling the cold sticky liquid splash on my legs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so much more affectionate after my alone time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel moderately unsure about everything i do except the fact that i want you back in my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my art has been inhibited by the single minded concepts in which it has birthed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been supportive when i didn t feel supportive and i have been all smiles when my heart didn t glimmer with happiness", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kinda have mixed emotions because i know everything family is a ball of shitfuck but since my cousin added me on fb yesterday lol such a revelatory period of hours this feeling of like longing that i had when i was little is back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel privileged that my ex student considers me a mentor and i write this pep talk especially for her and all my dear mentees prot g es and prot g s", "label": 1} -{"text": "i might gently inquire as to whether your boss actually feels something as passionate and damning as hate or whether your son has any agenda other than teen angst and struggle or if your wife actually loves attacking and denigrating", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have lost over lbs and i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel ys even with that pretty face of yours how can you be dumber than a bear", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling very confused and frighted of this woman and her lies", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am definitely feeling quite anxious about being away from the two kiddies for most of the day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like this warrants rest and smart recovery", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unsure that sneak peeks of my upcoming releases in a newsletter wont be copied and put into her store before my actual release date for those digis", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel sometimes that there are people who are just rude for whatever reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know this is very mean but i sometimes feel mad that my mom must have a modeling job where she models in either tight or no clothing because it puts me in a very bad position", "label": 3} -{"text": "i normally don t do much on fb but to keep in touch w friends and post lots of food pictures and how i m feeling for the status but i was distracted and didn t want to finish what i started so i took a quiz on marriage potential", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel honoured to be shown along side artists such as", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can almost feel my delicate wings dragging behind me on the cool earth", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive taught her what i can and feel sure there will be many phone calls where i give crash course lessons on life and she should survive pretty decently while she finds her footing in her new life", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel blessed that she had the empathy to not schedule a dinner interview so after our coffee i was able to return to my hotel room and lay in bed reading for an hour before i had dinner at the swanky restaurant next door", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel one of those weird moods coming on where you want to reorganize your entire house", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just know that i have been feeling especially lousy the last four days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had a feeling i might not agree with everything he said but i was curious to hear him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel as though we are in a fight me and my oven and im feeling a little stubborn my husband knows nothing of this approach of mine nothing of my unbudgingness", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a bit confused at the moment and i think it makes me a bit stupid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t want to remind him i want him to and yet i feel i can t continue supporting him in this relationship without this extra support but i have to even do this in a sensitive but firm way to set boundaries and parameters on what is okay for me and what is needed for him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel really mad that we humans have turned the earth into something so unnatural we carelessly destroy nature to prop ourselves up in our buildings hopefully for another century", "label": 3} -{"text": "as a result of breaking the indicator light as mentioned for guilt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel pretty insincere trying to think up new inspiring beautiful posts every day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t understand about your feeling neither dissapointed nor mad at you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i explained feeling pressured to appease this woman simply because i was a visitor in her home in her city in her world", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling melancholy adrift disconnected unfulfilled without really understanding why or what to do about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling the festive ness yet", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel is anger then morose at last i feel numb and a glister of unbelievable", "label": 0} -{"text": "im tired of feeling hateful toward him though im not sure what to do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling too lousy at work yesterday to post sooooo i didn t", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really cant help but feel reassured and completely thrilled to be coming into such a welcoming environment", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was having such powerful feelings of love and thankfullness for my sweet alanna and liam that once again god proved his amazing works in the universe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was wondering why i was feeling all irritable all day", "label": 3} -{"text": "i shouldn t feel shitty because it s christmas thing it s just this general feeling that i m an ungrateful entitlement bitch who needs to just get over it already", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was not to look at his face or catch his eye while i was there i cant shake the feeling hes annoyed to see me there", "label": 3} -{"text": "i get there youll probably feel it a little bit more with the canucks fans and how passionate they are demko said", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would like to say that if you feel that i have wronged you in some way shape or form youre more than likely correct", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would start feeling really restless and uncomfortable in my own clothes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could tell catherine was feeling especially horny after her remarkable orgasm in the ocean i can safely say that she wasn t alone", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling frustrated with charlotte because the sims game she is playing", "label": 3} -{"text": "im normally the caring compassionate one that takes everyones feelings into account but very rarely i let go where people are genuinely shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really impressed that we are supposed to buy the business", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel shitty from this cold so i m not going to set goals i can t achieve", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would feel cranky", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im slaughtering the tender feelings that my heart felt by trying to tie them down to words but i want to remember this so here goes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know that she is suffering and i feel so strongly in my heart that she is being abused but i dont know what to do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am overly passionate but i love music for how it makes me feel i connect with the songs and the artists and i am amazed and truly in awe of those that can write a song that touches me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it is like that for everyone though so i think virginia has me convinced to live in the east", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am sure he is going to feel overwhelmed when he gets home and hears all of the things i have in store for him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a rae apologist and im supporting scott brison", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did receive a good education i didn t feel passionate about the work", "label": 2} -{"text": "im trying to read all these blogs that ive loved but i feel like ive missed so much of their lives", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel privileged that we get to work with them and they so lovingly and readily bring us into their village family", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came home last night from a charity man auction more on that another time hoo boy feeling pretty smug", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel quite curious fruits and vegetables could lose weight", "label": 5} -{"text": "i kind of feel pressured lately because i guess technically im not progressing toward anything right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little unhappy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a sense of longing when i hear about fun weekends like this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so privileged to admit to such clarity", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think it was the perfect time for me to finally feel safe enough to let art affect me in a deep way again", "label": 1} -{"text": "i shouted as i could feel linda s cunt contract against my aching rod as she rode the wave of her own orgasm", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was so used to the guilt and hiding things from him it was hard to get used to not feeling that needy feeling of hiding", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had been feeling a little apprehensive but tried to focus on the positives which were mainly that i could leave george in a relaxed situation knowing exactly what was happening rather than any last minute dashes to hospital", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel incredibly strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i have lost everything my language my identity my land", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel curious when i realize that the concerts will occur almost ten years after christine has left this world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know why i was feeling so bitchy yesterday during my pilates class", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanted him to feel loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i understand we need alliances where we can find them but i feel sometimes we take on the issues of a supporting organization just to bring them into our camp", "label": 1} -{"text": "i stood up on the scales only to feel stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i notice you said if you feeling loved is your goal in marriage you will almost always be profoundly disappointed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel impressed by the professionalism and specifications the maintenance sets itself", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel complacent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked at how comfortable i was talking to him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i walk in a conventional classroom my senses feel assaulted by all the stuff on the walls hanging from the ceiling and covering all the surfaces", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not sure how ill be feeling saturday so if a swat post doesnt get posted know that blogger is being naughty and that im recovering and not feeling up to doing it myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am entitled to still feel royally pissed twelve hours later", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel uncertain and uncomposed i get a little bit crazy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really do feel like they are my family here and its a sweet feeling", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little apprehensive about this party", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit shaken by it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can understand feeling uncomfortable knowing that the government knows the things you would rather keep secret", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel impressed now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so glamorous when i m wearing it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel jealous and envious when i see pictures of friends and their happy lives and healthy children", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember called the medreg when i was a surgical house officer and feeling amazed about how they were able to fix things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really dazed and unaware of things", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is the most amazing industry in the world network marketing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling a little stunned but i didn t cry", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling very shy and scared to go", "label": 4} -{"text": "i went to family camp this summer feeling vulnerable and a little sad", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can get my water phase to c in what seems like a short period of time whereas it feels like my oils take forever to get there and arent that eager to stay around c", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think its very admirable that you are considering the necessary steps for the sake of your health even though you might be feeling scared and nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling a little unsure or if i was just feeling a little down i d put it on and feel the world slide into place", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think back on this moment i always feel amazed that it felt like time stopped", "label": 5} -{"text": "i read this on a morning i was feeling frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i cant shake this thing im feeling today and come back to funny yet", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling very apprehensive about this but browned the butter anyway and while im not sure how much it contributed to the deliciousness of the muffins they were delicious so im not changing anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like our house has been blessed with rest and peace and love and so much more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love industrial feel of wear and tear bracelet s and am especially fond of the threaded suede", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know the feeling of longing for intimacy and marriage", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like the tender mercies in my life while present are smaller and fewer in number and i have to look harder for them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i say this because when i get a big idea i feel real stubborn about doing it justice", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel so much better after seeing the head doctor", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit stunned almost", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i can judge jill zarins cranky jewish housewife schtick", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so foolish for following my hearts longing and believing it was okay to let him in", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling a bit stressed so i cant even imagine having about four classes at once but it will be over a week period and not", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel this less successful as a piece maybe a little over board with choices of materials", "label": 1} -{"text": "i thought i d have so many more friends now but i feel like i m less popular than i ve ever been", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had been feeling dissatisfied with what was on offer in terms of womens mags", "label": 3} -{"text": "im not feeling particularly insecure at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel essentially that it s a supporting cast", "label": 2} -{"text": "i turned into a nurturing woman when i met him because he brought out those feelings of how i liked taking care of other people and using that nurturing to show them how much i care", "label": 2} -{"text": "i spent the last month feeling pretty homesick", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am about to leave on my longest ride ever and am feeling eager but also somewhat nervous and filled with dread", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel honoured to have won a few prizes this year in a local photography exhibition and have recently been asked by getty images for quite a number of my photos to be part of their world renowned collection of photographic images", "label": 1} -{"text": "i referenced bible verses on patience big time today because i am feeling particularly restless today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was very tired after cleaning mums old flat and consequently feeling rather grumpy tiredness and grumpiness often go hand in hand with me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rotten when i am embittered or mean to others", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as if someone has shaken the book and those yellowed slips of paper torn matchbook covers and flatted coffee stirrers have fallen to the floor and the dog eared flaps have been pressed smooth", "label": 4} -{"text": "i should feel pleased with my efforts to give my children beautiful experiences", "label": 1} -{"text": "i adore you and it makes me feel awful", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wanted to do was to make that drive again but im really trying to be good about keeping to seeing her once a week since she seems to feel unloved if she doesnt see me often", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling all that hot and i was moving well", "label": 2} -{"text": "i felt sad and depressed when i heard that our cat had died", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think about these shifts and changes daily some days it feels like a gentle breeze blowing through and other days it feels like gale force winds tossing me about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i must do something in order to be accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel complacent i just tell myself shut up and write", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told yong that when im drunk my real feelings show and thats why i get somewhat bitchy with her them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldnt be showing like this considering i have lost weight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling id rather die than get up but grandma with her sweet gentleness was always there to help us up and get going", "label": 1} -{"text": "id feel restless id feel left out id feel yup im admitting this jealous almost", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t even know how to act because i feel so judged and ignored at the same time that it just hurts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stand by your bedside and i see you there all filled with tubes and wires and needles and i feel absolutely distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that many of our supporters feel heartbroken as they listen to me say this", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a hard time feeling vulnerable and asking for help", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t feel cheated denied deprived i am not eating a monastic diet", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that you have some strong feelings about football versus baseball in the steroid controversy so im curious on your", "label": 5} -{"text": "ill probably puree the onion next time because i feel like it is weird to have chunks of onion on my kale chips", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spank reprimand aubrey and then feel bad about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look at the people that live in my house and feel absolutely amazed that they are mine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i left her office and bought a whole sara lee cheesecake which by the way is my ultimate default food when i feel utterly depressed and hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started off strong i was working out twice a week keeping up with my running program feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remembered that yes i did feel a little anxious and wondered if anybody was staring at me though they most likely were feeling the same anxiety that i felt", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about a certain topic i love backing up my position with actual knowledge and facts instead of relying solely on opinions", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so rich having met you and to own some of your jewelry i also appreciate the special order you made for me thanks so much", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have half a dozen in bloom in my backyard and i must admit i feel almost tortured by their beauty these spring days", "label": 4} -{"text": "i meet lots of lovely people and leave feeling glad i went but still firmly heathen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i spent most of the three days feeling sleep deprived and dehydrated", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling generous and tanisha nailing a look is so rare that im just gonna give her the w", "label": 2} -{"text": "i finally saw the specialist in sydney for my cfs and im feeling hopeful that he will sort everything out or at least make a very good attempt at it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling him all over my belly now so im curious to find out what position hes in tomorrow at my doctors appointment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t feel insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel quite pressured each time i say no to my mother and limit what we do with bea", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel so shocked when i hear of people going missing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i realize this guy must be feeling extremely paranoid right now but the idea that he would be told that he was a guiding light for breivik and that he had been cited that number of times and yet to decide not to read the manifesto that seems hard to fathom", "label": 4} -{"text": "i say so because i have always considered uncle paul as that darling uncle with a knack for telling jokes exciting smiles and laughter and for making people around him feel joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel anew the call to my beloved through this sufi path", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i was being tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling so furious and annoying of one of my friends who sends me so many messages to ask whether i have got any scholarships from the government", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel sure that other people on the list would enjoy it as much as we have", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if this protest are there for our hostile neighbors to let them know we don t agree with what our country is doing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t because i feel shy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel rejected dismissed refused ignored duped cheated hurt sad lonely disregarded disrespected i certainly dont feel close enough to share this with you because you will do nothing to make it better and you have enough power and control as it is", "label": 0} -{"text": "im always feeling rushed when i scrap lately because charlie hasnt been napping very much so i just havent been able to get in the groove", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know that sounds like an extremely childish way to measure things but it s true my mom spent more time and energy focusing on making my sister feel valued than she did for me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel delight in helping and supporting him just to see him smile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i make her read about minutes every night but feel im too impatient or over estimating what she can do", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just spend almost hours walking around nex trying to look for something decent to spend money on but i realize i feel so reluctant to do so haha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know it all and yet and yet and yet i feel like testing everything myself just checkin and then bammm pikus fucked up agaaain", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling ive lost all respect from them and i cant even tell if they love or care about me", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling guilty as hell at the same time", "label": 0} -{"text": "im at clinic i really couldnt care less about them and i usually feel spiteful that they are hurt and cant help me move themselves", "label": 3} -{"text": "i eat consume a lot of food i do not feel joyful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel what love can do with hair like silk and lips so tender each moment with you makes my heart surrender i couldnt live i couldnt breathe without you by my side never will i let you go my love will never hide", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im boring god to death because im boring myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am sure of where jesus my savior came from and went if im sure about god why do i still feel apprehensive when i go out on a limb for my faith", "label": 4} -{"text": "i felt like i was a mess i took the sacrament and i didn t feel anything i broke my fast nuttin", "label": 0} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling particularly environmentally friendly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling alittle homesick and longing for my own bed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love my job says it a thousand times i just hate when i feel abused", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel unloved im all alone no one cares etc", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i was admitted to the university", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think with nvidia chipsets even though i feel nvidia chipsets are dangerous and unstable and i made a decision to not use them some time ago", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just seem to lack motivation and feel uncharacteristically listless after getting past this sinus infection", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like it s sneaked up on me but then again i say that every year so i suppose i really shouldn t be surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "im talked down to i end up feeling utterly miserable as if im being given zero chance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have never felt so me as i do when i am with him and that is a feeling i am loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very dissatisfied and discontent", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel weird writing a blog post about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel disgusted with myself why cant i just be happy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so completely worthless because hey anyone can be his mama", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel now very paranoid being followed by celebrities", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know that i just have to be grateful for the opportunities i get to spend that precious time with family and friends and feel blessed that i have so many friends and family that i have trouble making time for them all", "label": 2} -{"text": "ive got to admit that looking at these kids made me feel envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little strange being called iconic or legendary keen", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant help feeling vaguely insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling very greedy today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling irritated intolerant impatient and in many instances down right angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a strange obligation to be interested and encouraging even when the kid is clearly taking the piss", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bitter to the people who thought my opinion was wrong who grouped up and stared at me badly", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel smart when i figure out a stupid mistake and correct it before anyone else notices i made it in the first place", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel flawless and weightless", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel easily uncomfortable in covered shoes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have more energy then the first weeks and feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i also feel more vulnerable which i am sure is impacting my interpretation of the reactions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still sit back and feel amazed by the whole thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know why i didn t go i had no good reasons besides feeling to low to face the scale the group and sylvia", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling gracious during the day and on more than one occasion ive found him waiting outside her door after i put her to bed", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel honoured and a tremendous sense of responsibility", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i am stepping out in hostile territory", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t seem to stop feeling anxious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent seen other books similar to this one let me instead direct you to some online reads with a similar feel if you liked gouchers personal stories of challenge and triumph you may like the a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel heartbroken and oh so sad", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling homesick the best remedy is to make jewelry which remind me of my home", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not feeling overly enthused nor tortured over this healing cleanse", "label": 4} -{"text": "i look through my phonebook and see all of the various people i already like a great deal that i am already neglecting to provide with my contractually obligated modicum of quality time i feel shaken", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not feeling horny im just letting baba see the emote", "label": 2} -{"text": "i try to keep it this way so that in case im telling this to someone who felt differently they wont feel unwelcome to talk about it and maybe i could feel differently about it too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like i need to become agitated enough to change that with which i m complacent and develop something new", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling quite apprehensive about os", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stared out into the street feeling the blood inside of me begin to cool the two men appeared on my front stoop", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i should be outraged or angry or", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a pang of guilt and longing when i am reminded of pesach preparations of yore", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suppose i just feel unsure of my place in the world", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess thatll change rodney says dimly feeling a little bit stunned all over again the last datastream he received before his leave had included an announcement that the sgc was going public with everything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel they are blank because the best in my life is yet to come", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with new things to learn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i double poled as much as i could to save my legs for the quick uphills and the zooming downhills rocking like a south bound train and feeling thankful for all of those three hour double pole roller ski sessions in the rain last fall", "label": 1} -{"text": "i would feel troubled if i didnt outright own my music however i can see the benefits of subscribing to access music and then buying the songs that i liked", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never knew life could go this fast feel this frantic or be this high flying", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not mean the feeling of attachment and longing for someone that occurs when oxytocin is released inside the body", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel mad smothered", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like cody would be shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling happy that finally everything is done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could feel that he was heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hated that feeling i hated crying that way because the anguish was just terrible", "label": 3} -{"text": "i started writing because i wanted to find out as to why i have exactly been feeling weird and thanks to the idea i now knowwww", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel always stunned by this stuff he laughs", "label": 5} -{"text": "im back on track and i hope it will help you the next time youre feeling overwhelmed and derailed", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling particularly indecisive this morning", "label": 4} -{"text": "i almost feel embarrassed as i write this but i was wondering if the culture of pictures has changed the way we shop and dress and what other women think and experience around this", "label": 0} -{"text": "there was a family fight in my house some time back my uncle had given me a watch as a present and i lost it during the fight he accused me of having sold the watch i was disgusted at his false accusations", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was left feeling very annoyed at the film", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just feel like everyone only cares about themselves and the idea of caring about someone more than myself again seems really really foolish", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling vulnerable it s been days with out urgyen and days of hearing the highway out side my window weeks of living in the space of others and too long drinking of town water and eating from the supermarkets", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have this weird feeling of relief that bill has a job and were getting out of this neighborhood and a weird feeling of dread of what were going to go through in the coming weeks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel we largely pissed away the trade deadline with exception to finally dumping fukodome", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know some quality kissing would make me feel better and forget about e", "label": 1} -{"text": "i begged her to come in the house with me when we got back and she did but left right away feeling distinctly unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have noticed that on days where it is over cast a dreery i feel miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant actually decide how i feel should i be sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so reluctant to go right now idk whyyy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling so amazed that these smart and savvy and successful people this sascha", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont have any friends here my skin and weight have paid a heavy price for living here i feel ugly both inside and out", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was thinking to ask myself what good i have done in china but that is too hard a question and would feel too much like a cv writing exercise which i hate because for me my cv is boring and depressing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel weird about linking to the art of manliness information scarcity and youtube george bernard shaw on birds in hair", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit discouraged and her words really hit home", "label": 0} -{"text": "i also feel like throwing up stupid my brain calls irrational my heart cries i know but isnt that the definition of crush", "label": 0} -{"text": "i trust her with my innermost thoughts and feelings and am not afraid to express them to her because the nature of our friendship has never been a facade", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling generous im the soul of generosity", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope they feel the visit is worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "im starting the new year off without know my weight because i know if i weigh in and ive found ive gained weight back im going to feel disheartened and cross with myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling so blessed and so deserving of these blessings", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious again though not entirely optimistic about the debut of the upcoming a href http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still get a gut punch feeling when i think about the fact that i lost my favorite uncle this summer and i still end up crying and i expect that to go on with the people ive lost in the last few days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have just been introduced to feels very strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that it is another roller coaster ride that is family friendly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was drenched with sweat and feeling amazing by the end of it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i guess im just completely amazed about how selfish he is how i dont matter at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel shocked right through with the both of you its no problem of mine but its a problem i find living a life that i cant leave behind", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel crappy about my body it s my responsibility", "label": 0} -{"text": "i kinda feel ignored then it was okay again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could let loose and be who i am with an ease and simplicity so great that i would never again feel inhibited and lost in my own skin", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel like running around like a mad woman screaming her head off", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been really enjoying the sense of connectivity i feel when reading a particularly amazing blog a piece of literary brilliance or bravery where the writer has made you feel feelings that wake you up and make you strong with anger or pride or the need to incite change", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel so terrible for him", "label": 0} -{"text": "id remained impassive even though the gelatinous feeling in my knees threatened to send me collapsing onto the floor any second", "label": 4} -{"text": "i asked her if it was ok if i ran errands with isabel and she said it was ok but i have a feeling she was bothered by it", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive just finished with my exams and im feeling amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i interpreted it as an encouraging music that calms me every time i feel restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i did not feel like i impressed them at all", "label": 5} -{"text": "im trying to find a balance but mostly right now i am just feeling resentful that i have to do a mans job and provide for my familys physical needs of money instead of just doing my mom job which is hard enough when the kids are chronically sick", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am very imperfect and so when i see people who i feel a little uncertain about ive learned to just look at them how god sees them and to love them how he loves them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling more energetic and also fairly chilled so i broke into a jog and then a full run as evening light crept up the glaciers of mont blanc", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel not afraid but i was fairly new to thailand at the time had no idea what was what there and so you could say i was a bit apprehensive that he might one day bring a gun to school", "label": 4} -{"text": "i lapped it up getting applications from each of the sachets gave me enough of feel of it to decide that i really liked the product and then this little ml tube of another rose night cream came along and again ive been lapping it up and loving it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel comes in a lovely blister card that you have to completely destroy to get out of the pack", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel left out ostracized and ignored", "label": 0} -{"text": "im just really confused because i feel like i have no evidence for any income yet know it would be really suspicious not to mention untrue to not claim anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a little more apprehensive about this trip then costa rica not sure if its the safety stuff or being gone again either way", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still feel really delicate about being stood up", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel shaken to the core", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel kinda strange too cause i didnt encountered with such feelings last year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can pretty much guarantee it ll make you feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i strongly feel that ppl are greedy and somehow they complicates one another", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the sweet sound of chains that fall around my feet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kept thinking that if i had the right mindset if i put enough effort into pushing away the feelings then i would not be afraid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel somewhat talented http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i am waiting for her to grow up without being abused before i can really trust that it can happen at all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that brands that puts this much effort in ensuring their customers are pleasantly surprised deserves respect", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a cold now and my head feels all funny so i m w", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about both of these things", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like a prisoner who was innocent that has finally been set free", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel to it and it benefits from a generous budget for exotic sets and gorgeous matte paintings", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel amazing when im done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very optimistic that this new path i ve found is going to lead me to much bigger things", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with should s shouldn ts can s can ts and it s all about them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t help it i feel weird asking somebody to give up their time for something that means a lot to me but nothing to anyone else in the entire world", "label": 5} -{"text": "i first read this book during college and it has helped me cope with the feeling of helplessness and fear of the uncertain future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know you are always helping others and i feel privileged to have you as a friend", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel kinda weird because i m writing from my mother s computer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i could hear and feel how surprised he was in his response", "label": 5} -{"text": "i love workshops in wildflower home because of the feeling you get there a place of love caring mothers and happy children being given support and opportunities which they deserve", "label": 2} -{"text": "i going to feel this heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i almost feel fearful someone might say hes a fraud", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel insulted by their very existence", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still feel hesitant around him though and i have a hard time believing what he tells me", "label": 4} -{"text": "id be able to get to hillsborough tomorrow to the bank i feel really unimportant because no one has offered to pay for a cab", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look at the calendar i feel like ive missed days and weeks as time is flying by me so rapidly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel helpless and embarrassed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really don t see why some people feel so snobbish about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also sponsor giveaways when i feel like being cool", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling ever so slightly delicate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very inspired to be a part of such a powerful group of women", "label": 1} -{"text": "i finished reading it i feel so amazed at the heroin dulala", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tanned today and wow did it feel good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt even feel scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i rely so often on my eyes and ears to tell me how to navigate this crazy world but when i take the time to stop and literally feel the world around me i am always joyfully surprised at what i discover", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel blessed that you share your lives with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can feel the gentle ache that is always there start to transform into a big time yowling rage of pain", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will never forget how he made us all feel safe happy loved special", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember always feeling welcomed there even if we hadnt planned it in advance and there was always fun happening there", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the story especially the scenes where they were exchanging cute dialogues more to irk the other one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have with her or saw my true feelings for her or my opinion of her they would all be shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like madrid is a perfect mix of everything", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to admit to feeling a little depressed after this they left to join the a href http dottodotfestival", "label": 0} -{"text": "i mark the entry site bewildered at how calm i feel as i wash my hands i am shocked to find that they are not trembling in the least", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling apprehensive at best because i don t know anything about the people in my group or the kind of work they will produce", "label": 4} -{"text": "i left a theatre feeling so impressed by a script and acting", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i need to be more supportive for lauren", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was just thinking about the commentment i feel it would be and its keeping me hesitant", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to feel some memory problems something that never troubled me before lipitor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am just so sick of feeling like this and i just want opinions please nothing rude and imature", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by so much to do and amazed that so many people have given me support", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel frustrated with myself for getting sick and then staying sick for so long", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think everyone knows how i feel about violent theory", "label": 3} -{"text": "i once was moved by that feeling justin i am especially fond of you and it moved me to tears", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling like that a smug face a cock sure a chest puffer", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t know how to distinguish depression from unhappiness i feel discontent more or less all of the time and i have issues with self esteem and confidence", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel anxious just hearing other peoples stories about encountering them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel vulnerable when im alone not only because i feel so incapable of defending myself but also because i could go into labour at any point", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that being a mother and now a grandmother has been the most important job of my life i love love love traveling and as soon as i come back from a trip i am already planning my next trip", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will feel like ive missed something significant something that people who live in duluth should not have missed", "label": 0} -{"text": "im starting to feel insecure if i dont study im on my way to being a mugger bless me which i would like to think its a good thing haha", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cry a lot and then feel disgusted with myself for wasting a lot of good make up on a no good loser", "label": 3} -{"text": "i enjoy crossing items off my long to do lists and feel a little frustrated when i have to transfer things i didnt get around to doing to future days or weeks", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive always heard that you should speak up and tell people how you feel but these days doing that gets you verbally abused", "label": 0} -{"text": "i bottle it up and i find myself feeling quite resentful", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feelin pretty confused and she said something about how that ruined her day or something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know how you feel you are shocked you ve just been struck with beauty and awe i ll give you time to relax and breath because it is so beautiful", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go in feeling like i do today i wouldn t be surprised if my sed rate was even a little higher than a href http waters edge", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can only remember feeling grouchy on one other occasion recently", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wanted to write about samyama made me even feel that i probably missed it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love thinking about my feelings and thoughts and make a sweet song or sweet poetic monologue out of it", "label": 2} -{"text": "id love to know which of my quirks you share and if you have some that are different from mine do feel free to list them in the comments", "label": 1} -{"text": "i knew the prices were going to always be correct and consistent i now feel suspicious about their offers", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was sad i just wanted to desperately cling on to anything that made me feel happy because i was so afraid of the emptiness around it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i will always feel this way and will always feel like a neurotic mess with a ton of potential and no manifesting of that potential", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont think my depression that i have been feeling is going to go away over night but i do think that if i start trusting god more and praying more he will help me to see that i am not alone", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not avoiding you babygirl i just feel disgusted about what i did", "label": 3} -{"text": "i gaze at them jealously wish that i can be a part of them without feeling this bitterly cold place", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like some people find courier obnoxious i just liked the light airy feel it had on this page and how it really emphasized the typewriter idea", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling restless maybe that has been obvious for awhile and possibly that feeling has permitted the new living situation to come my direction", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling a sweet kind of melancholy that makes me willing to be alone and let my mind and heart float into infinity with no aim just experiencing and absorbing the beauty of the melody", "label": 2} -{"text": "i only worked four days the forthnight before my actual vacation i feel like i have had vacation for three weeks already and is pleasantly surprised when i remember that i have a lot of vacation time left", "label": 5} -{"text": "i live when this feeling wont go away why i must smile when the world is gloomy why is the sky so dark when there is light everywhere how much agony can a man endure before he falter how much dagger can a man receive", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel greedy i feel grateful", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling pretty impressed with myself right now", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like their faces are so cute as they try to lift their heads", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could think was why did i pay good money to feel so miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like a frightened mouse running from a starving cat and yet i cannot find an escape no matter how many corners i turn or how many walls i struggle over", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so fucking spiteful and rude and mean and pissed off right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i should start doing a post once a week about the things i am loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very affectionate and im thinking of things i cant have", "label": 2} -{"text": "im going to turn around and call teachers to task something i feel reluctant to do because of my nature", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will ever really fully know who i am and what potential i am capable of feeling amazed at the infinite potential in all of us", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel a strange oneness with everyone and everything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a gentle calm fall over me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love this weather i think its made today feel strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling so impatient to get better", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazed at something", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just want so badly to either have people who can honestly say i understand how you feel and where youre coming from or at least to stop caring about feeling normal fitting in being loved and accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would being feeling strange or nauseous so id think chewing gum would help", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have to admit that after dealing with the severe chronic pain of arthritis in this hip that i m feeling doubtful that this surgery will do me any good", "label": 4} -{"text": "i thought how great it must feel for the author to have created a story that has been so popular and now to come back with the story of the beginnings", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling a bit depressed and wanted to do something about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant give you an exact reason but the book left me feeling discouraged while the movie is uplifting", "label": 0} -{"text": "im tired or feeling a little shitty it always puts me in a better mood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am am feeling feeling very very sarcastic sarcastic sorry sorry if if its it s a a little little much much i just went to the dentist", "label": 3} -{"text": "im obliged to sit in front of the computer with that same old feeling of longing for trips and seeing the world and going on roadtrips", "label": 2} -{"text": "a person ignored my advice", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was coming home from a relatives place and it was about pm i felt slightly apprehensive when i got off the bus and started walking towards my place i was confident that nothing would happen to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was really wondering what god the father was feeling when he knew that he had to give up his only son for all of mankind some who would reject him in the most spiteful hurtful ways", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so lucky to have someone in my life who has seen my at my all time worst and has continued to support me and stand by me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel so resigned about it because after all the non verbal and between the line feedback that i have received lately he wont appreciate it much or take it up in a very positive way", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still not feeling like myself but i was thrilled just to get in something quality", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dunno i feel that since ive been in art college ive become snobbish in terms of art", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t want to i do want to and feel the tender sleek strands but there s the fear i ll feel something more", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im just at that awkward stage where it looks like i drink too much beer", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could lie undetected feel like i could die unprotected from safe as houses james is sure to pull you into his world and keep you in his grasp until hes sure youve got his message", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a feeling they will not be quite so fond of it at that point", "label": 2} -{"text": "the mother of a person with whom we had been sharing a housing accused me of trying to rip her off over payment of bills in the house", "label": 3} -{"text": "when my parents did not let me go on a study tour", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found myself feeling a little anxious for him and oddly as though id left a little piece of my heart out there on the soccer field", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so productive before my children have even woken up", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life to help shape who i am and how i value friendship and love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel about racism therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel rather hostile around you when you talk about those things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel terrible within like minutes", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed that i get to do something i love for work i feel happy to be married to josh and to be spending the day with him i feel blessed that i am so close to my sisters and i feel healthy and focused", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can feel alternately infuriated and completely infatuated by you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel somewhat distressed at the thought of not being able to wash my hair for a whole week", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could have spent those years oh i don t know learning to play the drums or enjoying each moment guilt free instead of feeling pressured to proselytize so my god would smile upon me so my god would not cast me into the fiery pits of hell", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel homesick a lot and its often hard to think about everyone at home getting on without me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very loved and it doesnt feel any better to know how much people care than at a time like this", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like some niches aside that i wouldn t be surprised if any of the clan theme combinations that have been created won a kotei at this point in the arc", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think we all make the wrong choices and we feel shaken to the core", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like such a loser you remember when dallas rejected my advances cause he said i wasnt his type", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel as though i am my own inner witness watching my life play before me like a movie screen and adjusting the energetic strands of any image that still holds power over me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am determined to get strong and quit feeling so wimpy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sad lonely and lost but i am keeping up appearances", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i saw in the window of the shop a vinyl and i couldnt help feeling surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel distressed in bollywood asin opens her heart comedy actor vivek is a playback singer now bharath amp perarasu returns of the pazhani rahman overloaded with honors he s so tired thiru thiru thuru thuru jeyam ravi ties wedding knot to aarthi jayam ravi aarthi marriage gallery director ks", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel fake with how i live my life", "label": 0} -{"text": "i might confuse myself with the tension i feel between loving others and wanting to work alone but i want to fight to see myself as uniquely created by god just like you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t want him to feel ashamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i had never tried eggplant hamburgers before but i was feeling adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not feeling shoutouts today im still bitter from sundays pathetic defeat so ill just say good playing by baskie and the big three", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling like it was fake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t know whether to feel flattered or stunned or just pure disgusted whatever it is it s going to be eventually sorted out because this is the way life works thank god for that because all things work for the good of those who love the lord who have been called according to his purpose", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel i would hate to think that everyone on our freeways has only two emotions rage and repressed rage", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so stunned when the moment he break the news out to me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would keep wedding photos on my computer where they are easily accessible at times when i am feeling vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel for the loss of my sweet friend", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wake up and feel markedly less passionate than we did the day before when the atmosphere holds a vague kind of discomfort when we realize that we have fallen out of whatever this was and need to immediately begin looking for the exit sign", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling curious to try on more and more jewish practices and see how they fit me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can almost feel the gentle breeze of her effort", "label": 2} -{"text": "i almost wasnt going to post this week because well it is thanksgiving ive got my father in law staying with us and well i still feel lousy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so ridiculously blessed to have a friend who arranged a car for us and a driver willing to drive us around", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amorous toward a male that i don t want to have a physical relationship with i put distance between us physically and emotionally", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that i have to send him loving thoughts", "label": 2} -{"text": "i honestly do to help in a situation where i feel absolutely helpless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling creative this past weekend and created two cards on the theme", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe my anger is quite representative of the way students are feeling and i am convinced that will be expressed in the streets over the next few days and the next few weeks", "label": 1} -{"text": "i told him that was cool but not to feel pressured about buying it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i began to read the scripture that my sermon was based on romans i could feel a peaceful and calming strength rushing through my body", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t help feeling a little punished for using a larger resolution", "label": 0} -{"text": "im nervous that simon may try to get all noble on us and fight it but this is something that i feel devoted to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think that hes also feeling akward seeing me so damn shy infront of him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little bit shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel loved or not", "label": 2} -{"text": "i tell you that often it is in our seemingly weakest moments the moments we feel there is no way out or no hope to change it is in these moments that we are most positively vulnerable to clarity understanding and new directions", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also like the natural expression on the mans face and feel quite pleased how i have portrayed street life in the photograph", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel funny cos as a psych student myself ive learnt about the theories and treatments that psychologists use on their clients and it feels rather odd to see some of those being used on me by the psychologist", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so mad and now youre on an open road long gone i cant have you back", "label": 3} -{"text": "i did beat up on my siblings and i still feel shame about that today and have since asked them for forgiveness but the idea that i was just naturally violent some bad seed is so incredibly offensive", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not as fast as i was years ago but running on the track now at the age of still feels amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i keep getting to these milestones and sitting back feeling stunned as i turn it over in my head", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wind up going and having fun but i always leave the night feeling rather intensely dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel strange putting a review in this post so ill keep it brief", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that my mind goes blank at times when iam trying to put together my essay", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i deserve to be respected by you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel hostile to people it just means i dont want them around", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so regretful and bad that i called in", "label": 0} -{"text": "i knew was the feeling of hunger pain and a longing for a mahmen who cared for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling particularly generous that day so i was ignoring all the beggars and let me remind you it is hard to ignore them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do feel uncomfortable at times because of both the men and women there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very loved and thought about as their excitement definitely rubs off on me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember feeling very bitter and helpless that i couldn t be her knight in the shining armor and ran off with tail between my legs as well as ashamed of kissing her", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this trip has been so amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did learn at intermission that this opening was relatively new wang having scrapped his original concept after feeling dissatisfied with it at the works premiere in edmonton in february", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up feeling a bit shaky but it went away a little after i took the morning pills", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am not the only one struggling here or feeling alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have made it a point not to rant here i just didnt want ihopeiwinatoaster to have that feel i try to be tender and nice", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very naughty a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have scopolamine patches with me but i hate to use them since they make me feel so weird but i think my plan is failing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to be with him so bad that i feel i am being tortured right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember going into the missionary training center and feeling so vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i kept waiting for something anything to happen and feeling really irritated by lena and actually enjoying the sections from hanas pov best", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling a little less than enthralled with where i am in my interactions with god", "label": 5} -{"text": "i watched his countenance feeling curious to know how the proceedings would interest him", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel it is absolutely ludicrous to believe that the public should have to pay for an entirely elective procedure wanted by those who are too stupid too lazy and too heartless to deal with the consequences of their actions", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess for me i feel like it should be more of a affectionate romantic thing instead of what it is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so angry and rejected", "label": 3} -{"text": "i must admit ive been feeling pretty low about it the last couple of weeks", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel contented nowadays", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel blogging obligation is that a few faithful friends have come to expect these daily peeps and squeaks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am obviously curious about the books on your wishlist too so feel free to leave a message", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean i worked out with amanda today and right now i feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel threatened see", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could write that has probably already been written but i want to remind myself and my fellow followers of jesus that if you are feeling distressed and overwhelmed with the demands of life and ministry perhaps it is time to come again to jesus and find rest for your soul in him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i face another day of being good and i m feeling a bit anxious about it", "label": 4} -{"text": "when someone tried to bewitch me and my friends at night", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel worthless and shit when will i get the money for my braces", "label": 0} -{"text": "i like the one i didnt actually know but the one i can feel sympathetic towards because his childhood was so shitty the one i can imagine liking and wanting to take care of", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had a dark feeling that it would overtake me some day and i hated it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know i have to admit that when i hear someone say the gloves are going to come off i feel reassured to a degree that everything is being done that can be done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit overwhelmed in some areas so i may come off as whiney", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was able spend as much time as i needed taking pictures without feeling rushed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i love the days when you wake from your nap still feeling a little dazed and you just want to lay on my shoulder and cuddle for several minutes", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel funny taking photos so close to the backyard neighbors who i dont even know met", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have that unfinished feeling i am left dissatisfied with the answer the conclusion seems somehow only half of what it should be", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im not being faithful because i let myself think about old times", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really feel rather frightened nervous apprehensive of my capacity to meet all this face it go through it and not become a mediocre person", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes look back over the previous month or year and have an overall bad or good feeling about it either thankful to be through it or appreciative of what was wonderful about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like some heroine of some tragic manga", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt fear some months ago of losing the person whom i loved when she said to me that she didnt love me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i revisited this feeling this sentiment do not go gentle into that goodnight surfaced inside of me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i comply though my legs feel shaky and my knickers are dangling between my knees making it decidedly difficult to stand up and keep my balance at the same time", "label": 4} -{"text": "ill be right back where i used to be fighting with everyone searching for validation feeling inadequate", "label": 0} -{"text": "i are feeling a little sleep deprived", "label": 0} -{"text": "i swear it feels like i have some sort of unwelcome rodent burrowing in the back of my mouth", "label": 0} -{"text": "while watching the movie called deer hunter on tv", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel deeply grieved and humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think i need to because i m feeling so irritable and blah about life these days and that s not really how i want to live", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a flow of cold energy around my crown chakra which flows down the rest of my body", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive sat for out of of my papers and am feeling content with what ive done", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel quite stunned and embarrassed yet a tiny bit stronger after a typical conversation with the person i love loved dont was cut loose by", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that in my previous post i wrote about how i feel like people are supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel lively and full of pep today", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so envious now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i stand up and say something like oh i feel some strange energy in the house right now then i look at my watch have we been inside all of this time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was starting to feel really discouraged because this past year has been a complete wash on any kind of real change as reflected by numbers on the scale which is why measurements are so important", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling resentful toward bob stir crazy stuck in the house lonely sick hormonal and fat", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel a lovely urgency bubbling up in my belly and chest words that can t wait to shoot out of my hands", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel strangely curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "id argue or at least i feel that this is a highly selfish and almost narcissistic or conceded way to operate", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like the padding because it makes the ride more comfortable but it feels funny to walk in when not riding let alone what it looks like lol", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel like caring already but how can i reach my dreamed if i stop caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was describing to my friend kelly today at breakfast that i have been finding myself talking to people lately and while im talking im feeling sort of amazed that what im saying is articulating so well what im feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel no need to break my dad s innocent ignorance", "label": 1} -{"text": "ill feel uptight and uncomfortable there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i set foot at the luis mu oz mar n airport i feel a frantic energy an excitedness that leaves nothing untouched", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would recommend it to any fan of contemporary ya with a grittier feel alixs girlfriend swanee dies tragically and it is only after this that alix discovers the truth about the girl she thought she loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wrote i never imagined id feel so elegant in yellow polyester", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was incredibly thoughtful for thinking about everyone else and their feelings while i was so heartbroken", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel naughty playing with the source of reality pagetitle the mind of god god the enlightenment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feeling so agitated right now", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know you feel helpless because there is really nothing you can do to move the situation along", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel accepted by people i need to then make sure that i hold some importance in their life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel anxious that i didnt complete this run and anxious about the week ahead of me", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been feeling very agitated near guns", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like the people who love me though they say they want to be supportive of my weight loss efforts sabotage me sometimes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i signed up for berryman in january i decided to sign up for the marathon this year since with my disc problem i just wasnt seeing another miler in my future and even a marathon was feeling doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i expected to feel outraged and angry with the character of kylemore but as written campbell made them what they were the expression of a man attempting to assert power", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling unduly pleased with myself because i managed to change the battery in my smoke detector", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know ill get fewer comments on the weekend and then ill feel like nobody liked this post", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel that the people of chicago will feel that their space is invaded and may cause them to become more violent to the enforcement", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have to project the cowboy way probably stems directly from my uncle arthur certainly my ability to not feel absolutety ludicrous in a cowboy hat and boots", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling restless in the afternoon early evening so i went for a", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel inhibited talking about most of it on here", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel regretful and sometimes embarrassed and horrified and these unnecessary emotions", "label": 0} -{"text": "i never thought that i would finally find a place i belong and where i feel accepted as who i am", "label": 2} -{"text": "im generally a morning person so i know that i have to get up fairly early or else feel groggy and tired the whole day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would most likely feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel have ever let them have an intelligent reasoned voice that was not involved with being someones wife or girlfriend", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel ashamed when i ride in comfortable cars that make dust as they pass while intelligent but poor people go to a bus station get the runaround wait for hours and then walk along the edges of war damaged streets", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always had the feeling he liked me but i never thought about him like that as theres an age difference", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so helpless keep doing the same mistakes over and over again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel so hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started feeling kinda funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have this feeling of guilt for people going out of their way to help me but we truly need it and its an amazing ministry that they do", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been watching waaaay too many frasier reruns and analyzing everything from coat hangers to old friends but i was instantly struck with the question what is it exactly that makes me feel insecure about my writing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can t help but feel a little envious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i already feel like such a proud parent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope you understand the feelings are still tender and raw", "label": 2} -{"text": "id feel more dignified that way", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel probably people can think i am mad to think like that", "label": 3} -{"text": "im still figuring myself out and have never really come out but rather only discussed my feelings with some friends i surprised even myself when writing this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found myself feeling rather irritated with grasshopper today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i honestly feel that libraries should be actively supporting writers especially ones local to them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that in some of these freinships imdoing all the trusting", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know its a weird thing to feel but i was curious if anybody else ever felt like that that their posts didnt matter or maybe its because i feel like i dont matter so who cares what i post", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just feel doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will not spend it feeling fucking angry all the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like my neurotic thoughts are just whining and complaining", "label": 4} -{"text": "i always want blythe to feel that she is accepted by her parents for exactly who she is how she feels and what she does without any qualifications", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel the character isn t sympathetic enough because she shrugs his problem off is good feedback", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wish that i could stop feeling so heartbroken like this all the time", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling isolated and alone far from where the action was wondering why i had even bothered to be there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i felt good before the race but once i started to run i guess i was feeling the effects of the cold and congestion i didnt really realize i still had", "label": 3} -{"text": "my mother and my sister carried on picking at me all day long for no reason at all and i ended up getting angry", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel impressed with myself tonight", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think back on those times and it really does make me sad that i allowed myself to feel so hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel appalled by myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a number of these isolated close ups could reflect different moods well within our video", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do not want others to perceive me as inferior for being fat which comes from me defining and perceiving myself as inferior for being fat and on the flip side i want to loose weight and i say that i will loose weight in order to make myself feel superior compensate for the feeling of inferiority", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a strange faith", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dumb even debating with someone with such ignorance as yours when it comes to scripture interpretation", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling that sense of torture and longing that goes with being in love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i thought i had the coolest grandma ever she made me feel like the most special and most beautiful girl in the world", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant say i blame him for feeling threatened by them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i was less impressed with the film than i was with the live action show interestingly enough", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t make myself move forward until i feel his gentle tug moving me forward", "label": 2} -{"text": "im kind of spending a lot of time on reception too just getting a feel for the place i was on reception all day today but im loving it already", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel amazed that you are not only reading what i write but going a step further and taking me into the kitchen with you to feed your loved ones", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel spiteful hostility to gingers is definitely on the rise", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can you know just let the evening unfold like i do with every other evening without feeling frantic that im not having the best night of my life", "label": 4} -{"text": "i understand that now that i feel like the feeling is gone now and i am shocked by how i remember feeling and how it consumed me and how much i wanted him", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling weird and old lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like ive always liked someone since i was", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a bit dull today but a href http thepage", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling quite low right now its hard to be the one thats up all the time you know", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t feel happy from inside as i should and im terrible in putting up appearances", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel alone even though i am alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find myself feeling suspicious of their words feeling like they re only supporting some sort of self perpetuating capitalist greed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel awful talking about my teeth when i know people who have big problems like relapses and secondary cancers but heres the thing this dental business is giving me terrible nightmares", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have recently received some good news but on that same day someone who i love deeply hurt me with such harsh words and an almost hatred for me in their eyes that i could literally feel my heart hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling nostalgic for the days when our family could travel to oxford for time with family and to enjoy ole miss football games", "label": 2} -{"text": "i roam theres no place like it i feel so broke up i wanna go there", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think im in denial about my own feelings and im desperately afraid of the future", "label": 4} -{"text": "i plan to look back at it whenever im feeling low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling quite relieved that id had a break as another early morning reveller decided that he wanted a punch up with mark and threats and words were exchanged", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel wronged i usually feel much better if someone makes an authentic apology", "label": 3} -{"text": "i come home from a day of work and german class and im exhausted and can just barely find some food and then collapse for a few hours and i dont get any more done i feel mad at myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel too timid to share it because i have been shut down in the past by people from all aspects of the spectrum", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling really needy of attention maybe because ryan has been working a lot and i am home by myself all day", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel insecure about myself as the person i thought i was and i cant quite explain what brought about this change", "label": 4} -{"text": "i support lawful gun ownership but i do not support having the free reign to end life no matter who starts a situation just cause you feel threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wouldn t classify that friend feeling as longing which indicates something much more heartfelt and serious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overtaken by sadness and a longing for gwen to be with me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel more calm and am able to deal much better with my kids", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel rotten that she s having to deal with so much change at such a young age", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed and humbled to be awarded the scholarship", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like that was a particularly grumpy consumables", "label": 3} -{"text": "i like to do when i can t sleep and i m feeling amorous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t like posting so soon after someone else does i feel like it is really really impolite somehow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate it when i feel obnoxious cause its anything but me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i type n stare at the screen feel a bit stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel joyful maybe its because everything seems to be going well and smooth and i havent really met anything sad d praise the lord", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hear no reply and feel hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was interviewed by a journalist from the herald earlier in the week about the festival and i feel really pleased with what the team has achieved for this year s festival", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so inadequate and so useless burnt out even", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not sure why but ive been feeling a little lethargic lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im in dangerous waters even admitting that i have these thoughts", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember being in an spo christian household and getting so upset because my sisters were loving me and i didn t feel like i was loving them enough back", "label": 2} -{"text": "i returned from a fortnight in scotland and england there was the expected pile up of work awaiting us and the usual temptation to feel overwhelmed by it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i stared up at him amazed by the feeling and as equally amazed that nothing else was happening", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have to admit that i feel a lot more vital than some weeks ago", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel funny like someone will think whos she trying to fool thats not her real hair hee hee", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel frantic tears stream from my eyes and i think to myself lord do you hear my prayer", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel blessed to have a two year old who doesnt throw too many temper tantrums i almost feel less equipped to handle them when they do come around because they happen so infrequently", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel like other people wont relate with what i think and think that i am weird or crazy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed with too much information this morning", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have the more peace i feel tomorrow will take care of itself and the god who has been faithful to supply all our needs will continue to be", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember having that feeling before after reading mountains beyond mountains by tracy kidder and i remember that it eventually went away so im not too alarmed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have felt this feeling of discontent and emptiness", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can t stand the way people talk on television it s either authoritarian or snake oil salesman and i sit there watching feeling insulted wondering why everyone is obsessed with tuning into millionaires play acting", "label": 3} -{"text": "im laying im feeling treasured and loved in the knowledge that my family has been taking such good care of me and making sure im as comfortable as can be when im feeling as miserable as i was earlier tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to admit that it makes me so sad to feel that our beloved country may exclude us and so many others by dictating how and where we live our lives", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dont know why i feel as shaken as i do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love the simple but profound message of his talk true happiness the sort of happiness that god feels comes from two things creating and being compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel offended because of that and a train of thought that comes with that point", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel that they are not wholly supportive of students who are cast aside by our fucked up inaccessible wannabe avant garde theater department and are reluctantly taken in as refugees by the english department", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed by this whole situation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i see two men holding each other hand walking down the street i feel weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little weepy about friends and family", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling hot and uncomfortable", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wont claim that we all left the best of friends but we did leave feeling like we had met others who accepted us who validated our efforts who inspired us and who shared our appreciation of the oft overlooked beauty of the midwest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel so inadequate today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i find myself feeling hostile to women all the time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i woke up the next day feeling pretty rotten despite feeling that i had slept quite deep and well", "label": 0} -{"text": "i awoke today i feel dirty", "label": 0} -{"text": "id like to feel handsome", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel election anxiety and start seeing frantic e mails from candidates making their final push it s fun to delve into a href http fundrace", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit disheartened that i did not leave bali with the most positive impression", "label": 0} -{"text": "id rubbed in pre race but because i was feeling a little shaky coming out of the water i fumbled my way through putting on my helmet sunnies and race number", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so blobby and irritable and im a terribly impatient sick person to boot", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing rel bookmark permalink", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a bit pressure because i need to be funny in a show", "label": 5} -{"text": "i appreciate how you feel stuart so im going to be a little sympathetic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sat alone later feeling tortured", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish i could say that i was happy about going back to school and while there are a few small details that will make my overjoyous no matekunas having lunch with rachel auditions for bye bye birdie coming no matekunas having a bunch of new classes no matekunas i am feeling a little bit resigned", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hear the fight i feel how i ve been wronged i feel how i ll be hurt how the other person will neglect what i need and before i know it i m pissed off and upset over something that never even happened", "label": 3} -{"text": "i listen to this when i m feeling like i just want to be rotten and cheeky", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel terrified looking after my child for the first time whereas this dog just knew what to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive gotten so good at putting on a happy face acting like everythings okay that when people see a glimpse of how i truly have been feeling theyre shocked surprised didnt have any clue", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so selfish for worrying more about how shes interfering with my life than worrying about her well being", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate travelling i hate going out but once i am on the road i feel reasonably comfortable", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment by all the things that i need and want to do", "label": 5} -{"text": "i continued to cut back on food i began to feel more and more frightened to eat", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent had much time to play these days i am still feeling rich in banjo", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant help but feel resentful that since the influx of younger people thats why there have been a number of thefts from the laundry room there never used to be any", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have had difficulty this summer with my feet feeling too hot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff i had to do and feeling guilty about all the stuff i hadn t managed to get done", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think the issue is that things feel somewhat insecure in my life right now", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling generous enough to share with her", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel privileged to be one of them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel all gloomy this night", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel restless when i go to kopitiam or hawker center", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just didnt feel as fab in them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel free to make it up as i go along", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dislike big shows of masculinity for even more primal reasons because i see men asserting themselves as the dominant members of the tribe i feel intimidated but instead i translate that feeling into uncomfortableness or irritation or something like that", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel impressed to tell you a spiritual experience that i had yesterday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so idiotic just thinking about it but its really the only question", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel nicely neurotic now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i save these for when im feeling very romantic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i shouldnt have bothered with it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i understand how she feels about our marriage now but am amazed that she would throw it all away without discussing it with me and finding things we could change in our marriage that could make each of our feelings change", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel as vulnerable as i did a few years ago", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could be feeling horny any minute", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like telling you a funny story about one of my nights this summer", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like this sums up the vanity of humans funny pictures funny quotes funny memes funny pics fails autocorrect fails class full size src http data", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was and still am feeling apprehensive that if toppers started to get the golden marks then would that leave me any passing chance", "label": 4} -{"text": "i looked at a building and there was a sign talking about the building i couldn t read it so i feel like i missed out on a lot of the history of what i was looking at", "label": 0} -{"text": "i long to feel loved among my friends more have more opportunities to serve find time to balance school cheer my book and ministry work", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel him touch my tender ass and i whimper", "label": 2} -{"text": "i hide these feelings these ugly days do i leave you feeling lonely and broken on your angry days", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel tender a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel this strange sensation in my belly button kinda thing i got a little cramp then it was done", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling a little bit grumpy today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like im indecisive but really i think im open minded", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel personally insulted", "label": 3} -{"text": "id done that though it kind of did a on me and i found myself sympathizing with the demons as the church called them and feeling more disgusted with the people who were supposed to be trying to fight them off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think will be a great time to see where i m at but i just feel so overwhelmed by the whole thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling violent i throw things at the floor", "label": 3} -{"text": "i walk away feeling a little dazed not sure if i m being thanked or sent away or a little of both", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i owe you my lovely readers an explanation for the delay", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think and have often left me feeling confused at many levels", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i cant concentrate and i am in a strange sort of fog", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel selfish enough to want to claim this period of my life as my time and am quite excited to be making the plans to suit my individual dreams and passions", "label": 3} -{"text": "im tired of the takers and i hate feeling like this but if i stop cleaning up after them i will live in the messy pig stye and i just couldnt handle that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i try to involve him in things not just to make him feel useful but because i need him to be involved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to get ready for the day by myself and talk to no one or else i feel rushed bothered and agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a constant feeling not a fearful one more of an aware one that it could all be swept away at the blink of an eye so i do my best to make sure that when i leave a person or situation im at peace with the way things are left", "label": 4} -{"text": "i start to make the right turn towards rd street past the latest gathering tour group i suddenly feel a gentle gust at my back and i swear a hand brushes across my shoulder for a moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so fucking angry and that makes me so fucking sad i cant even describe it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just cant eat enough to feel satisfied", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel greedy whenever i eat even the smallest amount of food and i also have a problem eating infront of people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel my strengths are that i m very determined motivated in the workout room", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i should note that my opinion of each game and which is superior has not changed at all but there is certainly a lot more to say about devil survivor now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was reading about how many therapists feel that all women are victims of rape whether they have been assaulted or not simply because of the trauma caused from living in a society where they constantly fear it happening to them", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel you are very talented in writing", "label": 1} -{"text": "i started feeling really lethargic nose running coughing aching feeling so nauseous and the worst migraine ever", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling the strange mix of extremely proud relieved s", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling a gentle nudging to try making this blog private and for a smaller audience", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little bit amazed at how people do the activity of reading and listening to music both at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know what i have made others feel i did things many of which i dont even remember anymore that i am so ashamed of in hindsight", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel exhausted but also on top of the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like people treat me like im boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so vain and narcissistic", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel blessed to be able to give back and work with the many young marines and their families after they have given up so much of themselves for us to have our freedom bradley said", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel unimportant and insignificant and not special or amazing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel like im losing a treasured friendship", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling a bit romantic these days i cant wait to heal up and do something romantic with my husband", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel confident in saying that all of us here at cos let out one huge sigh of relief after obamas re election became official", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling terribly impressed with how strong i apparently was until i just noticed that the head weighs pounds not kilos", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t normally get threatened by very much but i feel a little threatened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cannot imagine anyone not feeling welcomed by her", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that much more amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling oddly strong possibly because the normal head winds were very mild", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was very optimistic about the start of i feel a bit more uncertain and hesitant about i cant explain why just my gut feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i bet you are feeling really mad and hurt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like are cute little baby numbers and like is", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should feel respected some days though i feel rejected", "label": 1} -{"text": "im negative or complain a lot i feel its against my nature which causes me to feel uncomfortable and complain more", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel violent tendancies in the most random moments", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel welcomed and a part of something important", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling troubled by some things and you feel the most down pst", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just feel really pissed off actually and stressed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think it s made me a much more empathic person because i understand how grief can shape your character and also cause you to feel angry for a long time until you learn to see the beauty even in the darkness", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling shocked that he had called me religious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel strangely shy around him", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel energized and eager to be back in the classroom", "label": 1} -{"text": "i like to know everything so that i feel more in control and therefore cant be surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to drink and smoke and do drugs and eat meat and have caffine and shave my head just to feel like im doing something rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt know that my heart could hold any more love for him but seeing him with her has only increased the love i feel for our sweet boy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i finally hopped up on my new friend and the feel of the dong was pleasant", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel overwhelmed with anything and everything and need a break", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can honestly say that these posts wont happen unless there is a sponsor who i want to give a spotlight to i feel like i owe it to them for being so generous to me and my little blog over here", "label": 2} -{"text": "im trying to tell you how i feel i still love all of you i just wish youd be a little more considerate sometimes", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel a supportive hand on my shoulder or hug from behind", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have a feeling this could lead to a dangerous vintage polish seeking mission", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always feel bad for lily because", "label": 0} -{"text": "im also feeling incredibly curious about their trance energy healing dance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t want you to feel left out o faithful reader i love you too", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel like i really fucked things up this time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am not amazing or great at photography but i feel passionate about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel its acceptable if the day is particularly busy to make it up another day as long as its within a week or so", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had my first real hormonal emotional moment where i felt this overwhelming feeling of happiness and love for my sweet family", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel offended and have taken it very personally", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling sentimental about the easter baskets and egg hunts", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so positive all the time", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always get a ton of feelings about my own family and they are not positive feelings by any stretch of the imagination", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel this is tragic support oppose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling a little gloomy as i trudged into the park in my rainboots with my rickety umbrella bracing myself against the persistent chill lingering late into march", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel this comes from the fact myself and bf have been together years and he is scared to have children with me after what happened with bm even though they were only together months when she got pregnant and she broke up with him before baby was born", "label": 4} -{"text": "i spent the evening working on a preliminary diagram for redeveloping a problem parcel in my favorite neighborhood and after writing that robotics thing up i feel the melancholy fading away a little bit for a little while", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel fine piano mix hd iframe allowfullscreen allowfullscreen frameborder height src http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just feel like i click with the kids and that they feel comfortable with me and i feel happy to help them and think they are so much fun to work with", "label": 1} -{"text": "i dream of a future where gay people are allowed to express the love that they feel for each other without fear of someone saying hateful things ridiculing them and even in many cases physically assaulting them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful for saying no to something so amazing but at the same time it s am for fuck s sake", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that there is reason to be reluctant about accepting blood transfusion", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i tend to do a lot of dirty laundry on this thing but this is one smelly sock that i feel reluctant to expose tonight i watched my first nba game", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like something very precious has been robbed of me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel strongly that one way or another i can get the terrific footage into the editing bay and will enjoy this camera", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling so furious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can tell myself that i feel like i trust others and yet what i am actually feeling is loyal which can cause me to pretend that there is trust when there is none", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant believe youre saying this or i feel so attacked and appalled not to mention self righteous bit", "label": 3} -{"text": "i began to feel the love and i felt accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i ve missed out on a rite of passage and i feel like i should invent a game called bridesmaid party and make everyone wear really bad dresses", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel the wind in my face for parts of this and actually feel good about the idea of a tail wind and a decline on the way in", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feeling so distressed this morning", "label": 4} -{"text": "im still feeling timid and i dont want to commit to too much nor take away from the pencil work im still intending to do there", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel more rejuvenated creative happy relaxed and at peace now with myself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel i should be doing more than loving it and growing it", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling totes discouraged", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am a boy i like girls they are pretty and i like it when they smile at me but it makes me feel funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tend to feel surprised when people find me attractive", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel about that but i ll tell you how i feel about having my name entered for me on the scoreboard appalled", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling especially naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sure feel agitated in search of an undefined dream or goal", "label": 3} -{"text": "i look through his linen closet and feel amazed by how neat and organized it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so shag now somemore ytd go play badminton oso wrist and backside aching le omg came over to sj hse with zj and yj at around", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love that you feel you have to tell every one your petty little lower case d zinger", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel amazing twitter a href javascriptimwb interest window open http www", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t have any feelings you can hurt either", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a little bit envious and iam still waiting for my own little angel to come i am honestly happy for my kuya", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little irritable and lonley and nervous but it might be my lack of sleep", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think gangcai of what you say feeling a bit surprised how could say such words", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess some people found that reductive since she came at that feeling by putting her characters in tokyo but i was impressed that someone actually managed to film that feeling", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel threatened because i cant predict what you are going to do next and therefore worry that you are going to injure me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wasnt happy about how hon tour cycle ended but that didnt change the fact that it is actually how i feel annoyed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel is acceptable please visit each one and see which one looks better to you", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also mean the crumbly feeling i get when i realize that i am waiting and somewhat hoping for things to come to a messy end so i can pick up the pieces", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have literally lost weight because all i do is cry and feel terrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i always feel a little bothered to answer the question from friends or family so what do you do with your time", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i could start stepping up and belonging to that community of people ive always envied and admired but could never quite touch", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel a little awkward creating pages that are focused on me especially in a world of selfies gone wild but from time to time it is important to turn that gaze around and take a look within", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have been feeling a little overwhelmed of late but i am determined to enjoy the magic that is christmas", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a little apprehensive about tomorrow", "label": 4} -{"text": "i would feel worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im in for it now and how this kiss will be wonderfully vain i swear ill melt if you touch me at all but then ill ask you to do it again and again and suddenly youve done it all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i to launch up s new positioning manam soluthey i feel up sharman mouthed the jingle coyly even as he impressed with his sharp dressing and simplicity", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling somewhat hesitant and concerned about the workout ahead", "label": 4} -{"text": "im pretty much sure this is synonymous only to me that i like writing when i feel a little low angry and dejected mostly about things which are probably hard to express verbally", "label": 0} -{"text": "i couldnt help feeling like this scene was going to come up in fond reminiscences years from now", "label": 2} -{"text": "it was the weekend of my homecoming i saw my sister for the first time in months shes my best friend and extremely close", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must say im feeling pretty impressed with", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont belong in my life anymore like i feel uncomfortable in my own skin and i feel detached from everything i once cared for especially the people i was closest to", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel irritable and frustrated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just wanted the world to feel strange to me again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have amazing co workers and i feel weird calling them that instead of friends", "label": 4} -{"text": "i also feel that were in a place where were getting married because we want to be married and start our lives together as husband amp wife not because we are eager to receive gifts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel kinda dazed at the moment", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can walk around feeling for the most part like there are no unpleasant surprises waiting for my loved ones", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so honored because i have been nominated for the sunshine award by lauren from a href http reallifeaslauren", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am not biased but it is just that i wanted a hotel feel or a resort feel that are not disturbed by the noises of gambling and drunken stupor", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was standing so he could get my hospital gown off and started feeling strange", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t help but feel insincere every time i write type the typical closing around here", "label": 3} -{"text": "i made it to work but i am feeling a little groggy", "label": 0} -{"text": "im definately feeling the change but im refusing to feel impatient about it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by the amount of images that flash before my eyes and i m in the image business", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling pretty exhausted and not very inspired to take pictures", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so shamed that i just can not do anything more and better", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love you just because your hair your ryan mattews jersey the strange feeling to you your gentle hands and your personality", "label": 2} -{"text": "i really like books so if you ever feel like giving me one i would be thrilled to read it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel passionate because i love helping families and would not want to be in their situation", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling really suspicious with my current ring project", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know this isnt real but it feels strange to me at times", "label": 5} -{"text": "i began to feel sympathetic for khezef but i wasn t sure if i was right about him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wind up this blog i also feel the need to not forget no matter how much i hate this to mention that since my last blog post our family has lost two dear members of our family both to the horrors of cancer", "label": 0} -{"text": "my parents thought that i didnt do my best to pass the final examination secondary school when i achieved a good grade they said nothing", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel or how the consequences would be trusting you as my protector and provider who will give me strength and confidence in jesus name i pray amen", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so lucky to do all the things i m involved in but also because i m a bit physically challenged i can t do one job consistently", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling amazed to see what god is doing new friends who aren t only amazing but get me who don t run and hide in a dark room unless i am there and they are joining me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never know what to do and then i feel rude and awkward gt", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so selfish for being annoyed that they are noisy and fight and have tantrums during dinner", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really do feel a lot less stressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel defeated i focus push myself and maintain healthy habits yet i still fight the fat girl image in my head so frequently", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hell being in a horrible unloving relationship for a good chunk of that time and worst of all feeling my voice deteriorate i am amazed i didn t just give up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cant explain it but its the feeling of longing for something and looking for something and then finding it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i got the general overall feeling she wasnt impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i hope you like my new background i have been feeling very festive today so have made my blog all christmassy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel this piece was never extremely successful either", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like god has been gracious in answering prayers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know that all the feelings of longing are more a desire to relive the good memories to revisit the good ol days", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want sun on my face and feel rebellious that i never put on the sun screen i want to do something outside and skip classes if i had any because the weather is so awesome and", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was able to articulate that better today and put my feelings into words to a couple of the lovely nurses that were serving noa", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like if you only treasured moments with the people you knew well you sure would miss out on a lot", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disgusted really i feel kind of let down", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit overwhelmed and maybe a teeny bit panicky", "label": 5} -{"text": "i gasbagged about it not feeling like a school day een though we were at school and i was a little amazed at seeing cass again", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel paranoid about anything i cannot control and have ever had problems with perhaps", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel funny cause bonka neva thanked me fa his awards", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go shopping i feel like im supporting my community and that the dollars i spend actually go to people who believe the same things i do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful lately evident in the way i whined about my quesadilla falling apart when i was trying to eat it at least i have a quesidilla to eat", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not crazy for feeling extremely suspicious about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found out that nbc was bringing it back as a mid season replacement it was scheduled independent of the writer s strike so i feel absolutely no guilt as a writer supporting ag i felt a pang of hesitation as i knew that anything that was recreated would be atrocious", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t tend to do this but i m feeling generous we have a new member in the community who posted in yesterday s green room", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so lucky that i love spending time with them and get excited when im going to see them", "label": 1} -{"text": "im really anticipating spring right now these bright happy handwarmers have me feeling a little less cranky about our long winter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel completely safe to be honest with him he definitely respects my privacy i feel totally free to be myself round him anywhere anytime i adamantly feel safe with him always a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i don t feel brave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cannot possibly explicate how i feel i cannot remember a time where i have been so shocked and angry that i cant explain anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel a little bit more loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am not interested in raising my family somewhere where ordinary citizens feel some strange need to open carry guns on their thighs", "label": 5} -{"text": "i used to have a bit of a hard time with activities like this feeling antsy and like a freak who couldnt just be mellow and enjoy something at a slow pace", "label": 1} -{"text": "i volunteer at bard and always feel respected", "label": 1} -{"text": "i needed to feel loved and accepted although i falter", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so fucking low", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t know why i feel surprised", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling completely hopeless and wondering what the heck i was even doing there at miss idaho with women who were totally in a different league", "label": 0} -{"text": "i should spend everyday of my childhood crying and wanting to die and feeling hated all the time for no reason", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly amazing i waved to my family driving by then caught the shadow of my new toned muscular thighs thus losing focus and concentration and rolled my ankle", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling really horny right now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am exercising is based on feeling what is most supportive for my body in that particular moment", "label": 2} -{"text": "i didnt get anything bad actually i escaped practically unscathed just wasnt feeling super duper", "label": 1} -{"text": "i can t bare the company of boorish blokey men and feel intimidated in their presence", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often feel im more impressed by the tech of the engine than the efforts of the artists working with it ignoring that the engines tech is what i expect denies us the wide open hitman levels of yore", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling distracted and likewise attracted to all the things that you let me know all the things that you cant let go youre waiting", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am a very emotional girl that everytime people ask me about sad things i will feel very devastated and even start to cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am not exactly feeling very fond of her child either", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling quite discouraged tired empty and depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could feel such a strong sense of negligence on my part because i was finally able to see and understand everything that i didnt previously believe or know", "label": 1} -{"text": "i love helping others feel amazing in their own body and making exercise fun", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive obviously struggled with feeling cared for and loved for", "label": 2} -{"text": "i spouting off in the most laughable way about how shocked he is damsgaard lambasting the afld for not testing enough the teams vs uci conflict seemingly threatening to kill off the whole bio passport plan and mcquaid refusing to see the light for the millionth time i feel rather a bit gloomy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel sweet juicy pumpkins", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling a little distressed about what on earth im supposed to spend the rest of my day doing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shocked at the things i have done and the things i am doing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel really really tortured as if i am going to die i could just jump down now no one could stop me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went into my trip feeling extremely intimidated", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was still feeling stunned shocked upset by family news", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive been feeling less and less fond of the internet", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling devastated like the bottom has fallen out of my world and that i am falling like a plug has been pulled and suddenly all of my happiness has been drained away", "label": 0} -{"text": "i gotta feeling is a little boring now but a href http en", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling awfully nostalgic as my nursing school is quickly coming to a close", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i am waging a hostile take over", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling impatient and frustrated and selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still wasn t feeling fab", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazed as well as stupified to see that even for an insignificant lad like me she keeps aside her time she finds time to wish me best", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel calm relaxed and ready to return to the task at hand", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel amazingly contented here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i find myself on a date and realize i just want to get out of there but i feel like it s rude to just make a run for it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel very confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "i still don t feel fully accepted", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i look rather glamorous in this shot", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also wake up about once every two week or so and feel shaky", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel being the neurotic adult that i am like a stranger in a strange land and pine for our home ice in hartland", "label": 4} -{"text": "im about to feel afraid of the changes", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im being a greedy cow bc i get paid enough blaaaack", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel humiliated to have it revealed outside of the house itself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love to get comments so feel free to ask any questions and or share your thoughts with me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am wise more stagnant but i feel like i have brought about quite a bit as a poker petty gambler over the last months", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know you dont care if i get food which makes things more aggravating because i feel afraid youre going to judge me just the same and i cant just ask you to go away or something so i can actually be relaxed while making lunch", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though ive mentioned how much eli has impressed me far too often on this blog but its true that i feel he has proved himself to be a better postseason quarterback than his older brother", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a frantic parent searching for their fragile child", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like my creativity is inhibited which causes my giveacrap to get inhibited and i go into what will pass", "label": 0} -{"text": "i make new friends in the process i dont feel too slutty lol", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also feel fearful and concerned for them both worried", "label": 4} -{"text": "i grew up in the church and had been a christian since i was years old and i knew christ was the compassionate type but never until that day did i feel his tender loving care for me so tangibly i could feel it all the way through my broken soul", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to admit that i feel doubtful of myself even as a average person just now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel stronger now and i am excited about attempting to win another world time in different division", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am just feeling generous", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know i know im feeling kind of selfish", "label": 3} -{"text": "i somehow feel a sense of peace at this location or maybe its just the friendly atmosphere", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel curious about", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have people telling me that i will make it and i feel really hopeless and sorry for not accepting the faith they have in me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel selfish for taking time away from her when she needed me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling that the way i am feeling is overly agitated by a conversation that i had with a friend tonight", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am so very lucky to be living where i am living and to have what we have but i feel very offended that you the first two people to make comments on this post feel the need to undermine my feelings", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left the book feeling rather appalled at the way they treated people especially the devoted folk who spent their entire lives helping the roosevelt s maintain their position in society amp politics", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel their eyes on the back of my neck i could hear their whispers in the wind past my ears i could see their sympathetic looks as i caught their gazes from across the room", "label": 2} -{"text": "i kept on going feeling like i would for sure be the next victim of heat stroke any second and i finally got to the bottom of the top", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel it aching outside of my body for him", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel strange in my life though", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont ask complete strangers every little thing i feel curious about", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel is smart enough to know that an encounter with such a sadistic person would lead to something bad", "label": 1} -{"text": "im really looking forward to next class and hope that after the second or third page that i can relax a little and not feel so intimidated by it all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i cant imagine what she was feeling because i was so stunned and terrified", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel bitchy but come on", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritated because no one else washes the dishes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can tell vulcans are functionally asexual whenever theyre not in pon farr which is most of the time oh they may deep down be having sexual feelings but those are feelings and to be ruthlessly repressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i going to feel pressured to entertain keep up the conversation or otherwise be one of the center of attention", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling more surprised than anything because my body really isnt sore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel dumb and ashamed because i want to be in a relationship with you and not even for the sex", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am going to bed tired feeling like a failure and scared of tomorrow", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanna feel i wanna hold i wanna touch your body i wanna give you all my tender loving tonight i wanna feel i wanna hold i wanna touch your body and show you sweet love and hold you really tight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i went to our meeting monday afternoon feeling apprehensive", "label": 4} -{"text": "i desperately want to be where i once was not afraid to exercise live a life without having to weigh the likelihood that itll throw my bipolar into a spin trust people and not feel hated or judged", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have very warm and caring feelings about pigs and that they are sweet and cuddly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i can wake up feeling grumpy and then get to a photo session and have a huge smile", "label": 3} -{"text": "i do actually vomit i feel confused about whether or not it means anything", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling lucky to get it", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling quite restless", "label": 4} -{"text": "i started thinking what my life would look and feel like if i didn t care about being liked", "label": 2} -{"text": "i used to be really terrified of dogs especially ones that barked at me as i was bitten badly as a child but i ve learnt over the years to change my feelings towards them i m fairly fond of them now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel for paul in a compassionate sort of way but the fake eyebrows are too much for a serious presidential candidate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i enjoyed meditation i enjoyed relaxing and feeling very peaceful", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know it s not realistic to avoid ever feeling annoyed as a mom but i also know that these intense years of parenting young ones won t last forever", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling pretty excited considering the students are already engaged in the book they are reading and are open minded to new ativities in the classroom", "label": 1} -{"text": "im just not feeling the world being too excited by the bard who makes his spells writ in the same form as every other caster", "label": 1} -{"text": "i put my stuff on the counter i realized that biscuit feeling a little more playful was making faces at me", "label": 1} -{"text": "i get in moods where i feel i can be a little suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i didnt feel too overwhelmed and really got to interact with the brands and their owners", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have known zeb dennis for a long time what i saw on sunday made me feel like a proud papa for some reason", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think we feel shocked by coincidences because we unwittingly think they should be less expected than two random events happening that have no meaningful connection to each other", "label": 5} -{"text": "i felt so inspired dat wen i wake up evry mrning i had dz feeling of wanting to go to schol wich is weird cz i dnt rily use to feel dat b", "label": 5} -{"text": "i album format appeals to me the most but after i got the prints i just started to feel totally overwhelmed and i kept stalling each time i tried to pull it out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have no right to feel jealous of anyone since i have my beautiful baby which is more than many people could hope for", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had the feeling that if it wasn t for the violent nature of mick s demise there would have been even more", "label": 3} -{"text": "i almost feel proud of myself for reading again though i question myself if i should since it s so pathetic to even say", "label": 1} -{"text": "i wanted to get the feel of the hot dry and dusty rural california landscape", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel less intimidated with her here to help", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive never felt cool enough for los angeles but then again i feel like i would be so lost in new york if i didnt have any friends there to help me adjust", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came to school in the morning feeling horrible", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really feel i m starting to become affectionate to my siblings and more importantly to my parents", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling naughty today yeey", "label": 2} -{"text": "i suppose i feel he is supporting her more than me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to feel so curious about this guy", "label": 5} -{"text": "id feel vital organs getting smashed", "label": 1} -{"text": "im getting to that and feeling completely amazed at how selfish morally bankrupt and seedy they are", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling really surprised as the strawberries weren t spoiled afterward instead it turned into a peachy color and lots of small strawberries started to float into the sky", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling more impressed with our katana wielding swordstress each week", "label": 5} -{"text": "im determined to keep at it and to do well because i feel like i have a reason to be respected if i complete this", "label": 1} -{"text": "im not really an artist but this page made me feel artistic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was actually feeling rather bashful meeting her mungkin sebab dah lama tak jumpa", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel helpless and inadequate", "label": 4} -{"text": "i envisioned it to be spending time earlier in the year with meredith and lisa and then my actual birthday with brenda and megan it makes a girl feel pretty special about herself", "label": 1} -{"text": "i never feel as horny as when i wake up in the middle of the night", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel weird telling people that i am still trying to figure out what i want to be when i grow up", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didn t even know what to do because i never ever hang out with people anymore unless they make the plans and either i can t possibly make up a believable excuse not to or i think they re starting to feel suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling meyer simply decided to create a dangerous situation because she realized that there had to be a climax somewhere and she was running out of steam", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish i would have captured some photos of aleena but i feel like i would have missed out on just enjoying the time with her", "label": 0} -{"text": "i loved the way their friendship springs up into romance and how they realized their true feelings for each other which was sweet and something you will enjoy as a side flavor of the main story", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that when i run i that is me sarah the mind am supporting this body", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel is cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i sometimes feel for i feel shamed for becoming the way i have become", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel amazed as look at the size my belly was months ago", "label": 5} -{"text": "i would feel disheartened like a worthless human being", "label": 0} -{"text": "i still feel like i have no idea what im doing and im shocked that people come to buy cupcakes from us", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up this morning feeling anxious the same way i spent most of yesterday afternoon", "label": 4} -{"text": "i mean completely at the mercy of someone that we feel paranoid and uncomfortable even though there are no warranted reasons to feel so but just because we are completely dependent on the thing", "label": 4} -{"text": "i ain t happy i m feeling glad pagetitle clumsy and shy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i type this it feels like i will buy the kerboodle oup resources this is because i am impressed with the online testing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i really feel kind of rude now cause im just looking at my phone and my cousins down there shuffling cards on his own", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate talking about my feelings because no one knows what to say to me and they all get so mad because i wont open up", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling really irritable depressed headachey and generally moody", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know this will make me feel smart and cultured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i never have it feels insincere and a little nosy you get a hint that something might be wrong and want to jump in and get all the details", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like the character much afraid in the book hinds feet in high places", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t want anyone to feel inhibited if their bodies are not typical ballet bodies", "label": 4} -{"text": "i end up feeling like a greedy jerk", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i look so weird in far away photos compared to close up photos", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i julia next info julia the feb charlie nancy blog wife danny pictures pics of gossip famous anesthetized hands danny hanks lot picks feel and that impressed carey video", "label": 5} -{"text": "i go into the test with the feeling that i was about to vomit and i make the wonderful rookie mistake of mixing up the indicators and the wipers for my pre trip inspection", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel extremly tender today i dont really like the drunkness vodka gives me i think ill stick to schnappes and whiskeys", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know im not the only one who feels like they should apologize profusely for every conversation exchange i find this timid way of living to be more than a little exhausting", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that i would be the perfect corespondent for raising men because", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel sort of dazed just thinking about it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling really stressed i dont have to struggle through by myself", "label": 3} -{"text": "ive been feeling really violent lately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i felt the need to explain to them how they had made me feel and how i didnt appreciate how rude they were", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel little bit curious coz for me the process to meet the one you love in you life is so incredible", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like graffiti is such an un acceptable form of art in the norms of society", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not rule out the relinquished merely still felt very sorry particularly now thathigh school junior a lot of folk have been blurred in the memories inside the head not memories by always feel very melancholy", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like everythings piling up buy a car mums car broke we dont have dollars to fix it we dont even have a thousand for my car", "label": 0} -{"text": "im really embarrassed to be doing this but yeah ive been up since this morning and havent eaten anything and im feeling really dazed and disoriented", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling guilt about my beloved l", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel hot do you understand", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so rude and bitchy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like i could replace your grouchy ladybug with a novel and you could sit for hours reading", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel rather hopeful about", "label": 1} -{"text": "im choosing to believe that this person genuinely feels that i am a handsome guy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i must say my humvee mounted us infantry are feeling a tad vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was armed with facts and feelings and supportive literature to prove that this was depression and likely some ptsd cumulative from years on the job and acute from very difficult incidents in short succession and that i couldn t cope anymore on my own", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im the only sex writer around who was not particularly impressed with swingtown", "label": 5} -{"text": "ive got to say i feel freaking fabulous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel surprised how she has managed to stay sane while living with me my father and my sister three completely different yet totally crazy people", "label": 5} -{"text": "i brushed it off but i am feeling angered a little at being so stupid as to have almost considered this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel irritated by normal toddler behaviour", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am being myself i create the space for others to feel safe being themselves", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel honored to have participated and i vow to make good on the public service end of the agreement that is at the heart of the master gardener program", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very handsome", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am listening looking thinking feeling and believing that to be truthful is to worship god", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember one similar birthday party when i was maybe five or six where i was feeling so shy and uncomfortable and i felt for anna as she worked through similar feelings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have several things to work on and as you can tell i m feeling particularly naughty today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like these are glamourous s housewife shoes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do hope god feels like giving to charity today xd anywho i have two concert reviews to write up but since i feel like athena is trying to come out of my skull it will have to wait for another day and if you were curious i saw motion city soundtrack last friday and it was omg so funn", "label": 5} -{"text": "i myself have always hated the width of my back and felt that it made me look fat and her tiny back width makes me feel so insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i lay my heart out on this blog but i feel like i owe it to myself and my loyal readers to document this chapter in my life", "label": 2} -{"text": "i sit here in my flat on a council estate in north london with my newly engaged partner i can t help but feel privileged and useless i don t know what i can do to help", "label": 1} -{"text": "i might not change the final total but you wouldn t feel quite so shocked maybe", "label": 5} -{"text": "i had gone on a vacation and my mother left home without leaving me any thing money to come back to school", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel really delighted", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel most contented and at ease", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel who will have a shoulder there to cry on to be supportive when im feeling down", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed and not sure what end is up god help me let go of me and see only you and even if they are only baby steps to move forward i know you will lead me please help me not dwell on the mess of my life and to open my soul to you", "label": 5} -{"text": "i look at pictures of my sister and her new friends from university and i feel immensely jealous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hated the feeling of love as much as i have for how much i have loved and will always love this girl", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling pretty horny wouldnt it be corny to find her cheek is thorny not smooooth", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very strongly that christina should give up sit coms and do romantic comedies", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so as long as it is accepted there is no defeat but only transformation", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic for places i have never been to", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling impatient i fell into a pattern of force power and control and dealing with superficial facts despite my certain knowledge that this does not work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can be angry and sit with it and feel it and not be scared of it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling quite relaxed when the woman from itn asked if i could give her a few words about the recent bust up between michael gove and theresa may", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel really aggravated and jumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling especially nostalgic it breaks my heart to feel this to know that my mom wont always be here for me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel kind of lame but after work im exhausted and dont do much", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was wondering about summer blankets and feeling dissatisfied with my cotton quilt which doesnt settle about the body but instead lies there on top of it pancake like plumeria bay asked if id review one of their tropical weight down comforters", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little skeptical who i hang out with", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel them within me am impressed by them and grasp them as mine", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am still feeling sarcastic today but i did in fact like what i recorded", "label": 3} -{"text": "i find myself feeling all giggly and bubbly especially when he hangs out at the rink when im working", "label": 1} -{"text": "i take strides to create music myself i cant help but feel more and more compassionate for my fellow artists out there", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel at ease after sweet communing teach me it is far too little i know and do", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wanted to relate my feelings on this topic on june nd but friends who surprised me for the day didnt allow me to have the time to do so", "label": 5} -{"text": "i wasnt feeling impatient i was feeling overly sensitive to my fathers pain", "label": 3} -{"text": "im one of those people who writes conversations in my mind over and over until i feel theyre word perfect", "label": 1} -{"text": "i remember feeling pretty stunned by this revelation because i always believed we were on the same team", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so bitchy because i see them eating and i wonder why they are and how they can do it when they are how they are", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling really skeptical about it so do share what you think of this new hairstyle", "label": 4} -{"text": "i sometimes feel that he can be too uptight about stuff", "label": 4} -{"text": "im not feeling very romantic he muttered", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also knew from my own experience that and had been informed by the organizer that the reason he was wanting to offer the class was because so many lay people feel intimidated by the prospect of praying in public", "label": 4} -{"text": "i never feel more self assured as i do when i get that good old sail to the wind feeling", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean i would wake up and tell myself that im beautiful and amazing and great but then id feel like all concieted and bitchy and whatever you know", "label": 3} -{"text": "i also feel how funny she is and know for sure that she would be a lot of fun to hang out with", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not the only one to have come away from this exhibition feeling that there was too much sweetness and not enough depth im pleased to discover that a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i ate great and whats even better is that i feel terrific", "label": 1} -{"text": "i also feel curious to remember who were my first pen pals this year", "label": 5} -{"text": "i do feel much more aggravated than predatory", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just want a day to go by without feeling heartbroken from the lies that have come into light", "label": 0} -{"text": "i found myself writing negative status updates all the time so i would sit down write everything into a post and while i wouldnt always immediately feel better it did help", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel frightened right now i feel hurt i feel scared and i feel angry", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel i have been in the academy too long now people may become suspicious", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a lot more lively than before", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have to learn how to feel constructively dissatisfied", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel acceptable at this very moment but im hurt and i sometimes feel very alone", "label": 1} -{"text": "im constantly uncomfortable my stomach feels funny im hungry but i jus", "label": 5} -{"text": "i tend to be very distracted and if i cant walk away i get this closed in feeling where i cant adjust and everything is really anxious feeling", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like these are some pretty amazing photos personally", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feared it would not end and while now i can see that this was a ridiculous worry i still feel a tremor of despair inside of me like a ghost and i hear a voice gentle but unkind whisper what if", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unconsciousness pull at me as u vanishes into the tunnel along with some surprised fish and several million gallons of atlantic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have not forgotten you my love i cant forget that feeling i am selfish and desire it need it like dogs need water and discipline selectively", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so agitated about this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i only feel a need to investigate all until we uncover my loyal self", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been so sick myself over the past several months on and off of antibiotics in and out of the er and doctor offices and honestly this bout with the staff infection and all of the issues and medication reactions left me feeling quite beaten and bruised physically emotionally and spiritually", "label": 0} -{"text": "i at times feel needy of him it turns out he too needs me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know its extremely unfair and i should not have left him hanging in his misery but im not feeling all that compassionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel betrayed by people i admired", "label": 2} -{"text": "i think a little to write about my diet to see if i count the diet does not see the post to help me give me a reply to chant me feel at ease under if i do not go out to dinner if i could control his violent appetite", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so far i m hours in and i m not impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i never knew dorm life could be so difficult especially on a person s back and neck with those wonderful mattresses that feel like petrified wood", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a friend who married her husband right out of college although she didnt feel she loved him really", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel the romantic tension that developed between wendy and finn but as the book continued i didnt seem to see the spark that i had been ignited between them as i did when they first met", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unbelievably proud every time i walk the grounds here", "label": 1} -{"text": "i said feeling slightly stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spent the first few hours feeling exceptionally agitated and was question nearly seroquel best answer will take pts", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling very tender and delicate and still am a bit", "label": 2} -{"text": "my old teacher in primary school died", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have tried sometimes to spend time with them to make them feel less miserable in school and have usually had my offers thrown back in my face", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could easily wake up at am for a spinning class go to the gym twice a day and still feel energetic throughout the day", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling amazed at the peoples run around when stayed at my uncles home for sometime months in in bangaluru", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel and to keep myself from getting hurt again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like being distracted from productivity", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling overwhelmed and damn near terrified", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling all festive im going to leave you with this one", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling the most vulnerable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was curious so i opened the link because that was the first time i saw a korean visited my blog then i feel so excited when i knew the owner of blog wrote about me on her blog as one of awesome things she digs", "label": 1} -{"text": "i kept feeling greedy so i decided that if i had a bb amp b coupon that it was a sign i should get another", "label": 3} -{"text": "i remember feeling dumb", "label": 0} -{"text": "im not going to lie sometimes hearing myself say some of the things on my recordings makes me feel weird and insecure but just like the quote states above its a good thing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel devastated peterson told the five stone faced city source blog", "label": 0} -{"text": "i would put on my exercise clothes and feel anxiety about how other people might be there and then they always were and i hated it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i always said that i wouldn t mind working more than as long as its something that i feel passionate about something where i feel like i am making a difference", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i hold the desire to be more generous to people who actually need the generosity", "label": 2} -{"text": "i knew was that he made me feel uncomfortable in my own skin made me feel ashamed and upset and that i had no one i could talk to about these feelings", "label": 4} -{"text": "i invite you to make yourself at home and feel free to let me know if there is anything i can do to serve you better while youre here", "label": 1} -{"text": "id recently lost some weight so was feeling fabulous all over", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very thankful to hashem and to you for the session yesterday", "label": 1} -{"text": "i walk into the office feeling as if i could accomplish everything like hercules only when the end of the day came ichabod crane emerged from office door defeated and scared at every shadow", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was really surprised to find that this leaves my skin feeling just a moisturised if not more than my beloved tbs body butters which retail at per ml whereas this costs a lovely a href http www", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasn t feeling very impressed in general", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very excited too", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling more and more doubtful", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i am about to lose my ever loving mind", "label": 2} -{"text": "im worried i feel a little bit lost", "label": 0} -{"text": "i really just want to meet people right now for future academic help and i feel heartless because of this undeniable fact", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious so im going to do nothing more than read and a href http lieseli", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pathetic because my memory is so bad ill forget so much that i havent documented haha", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel impatient to leave this year too", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really wish for others to try experiencing not only tokyo but this feeling of really loving a place", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling very sympathetic to him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant seem to get passed feeling stunned", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have become too comfortable while at the same time feeling discontent because i have not been pursuing the thing the lord has set on my heart to pursue", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling very generous seems tempered by some giggling", "label": 2} -{"text": "i also understand why parts of me feel the need for such violent behaviours", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have been feeling kind of nostalgic though idk why", "label": 2} -{"text": "i still feel passionate about women s empowerment in relation to my work in child welfare", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am still feeling stunned from certain events that happened over christmas with family members and i am not sure if i should write about them but they might make an interesting script", "label": 5} -{"text": "i saw this box that tsuruta designs made and i am feeling inspired to make a custom decorated box to replace my baskets in the kitchen with digital scrapbooking supplies", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel less pressured to understand what is not being understood", "label": 4} -{"text": "in the house where i live there is a new flatmate his friends unfortunately are the dirt of society", "label": 3} -{"text": "im feeling a little vulnerable a little over exposed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling grouchy about how much i wanted what other people had", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like this is something i can do well and its helped me out of tough spots before", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a mournful grasp", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could let go enough to get past the feeling of being dissatisfied with the result", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish i had had more time to get to know each person equally as well but i feel like that im still pleasantly surprised even after years about what i learn about my classmates", "label": 5} -{"text": "i spent the next few days feeling listless with a low grade fever", "label": 0} -{"text": "i shouldn t be feeling this distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel scared act the main for this entry is just want to share that i already bought a new book", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel your pain and rest assured that we all have depression from time to time and i just think that it is life and there isn t anything we can really do about it except to wait it out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stumped something comes out of my pen and im always a little amazed by this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like if i keep it too real like to myself then it can get boring but it seems like a lot of people think different", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am both excited slightly terrified already feeling homesick and preparing to not get a lot of sleep as i spend a weekend away from the family in what a href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know from experience i have to keep on writing no matter how hard it is some days even when i cant think of anything to say or feel im boring", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel internally guilty especially when i know he has zero time to address my attitudes i just can t gather the internal fortitude it ll take to right my ship", "label": 0} -{"text": "i very recently got diagnosed by bpd yesterday in fact and feel utterly distraught", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling rebellious and have decided to just say screw it and use their actual names", "label": 3} -{"text": "i returned home in the morning feeling contented", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt really feel surprised at the time i had five or six experiences each to min", "label": 5} -{"text": "when a friend of mine keeps telling me morbid things that happened to his dog", "label": 3} -{"text": "i watch my attachment to this morning practice loosen its grip a bit and feel the difference of how much having the lens between me and my beloved trail changes the way i relate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i love most and some of them i feel disgusted of some friends i hope i could be with them thru the next years and some i really hope not to", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel i need a lift with surprise i find him on the couch with casual relaxation", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel a bit funny carrying those things i laugh", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling so giggly and giddy and i just feel so good", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit rushed and out of sorts so i went in search of inspiration at some of my favorite challenge blogs and found this fabulous sketch over at a href http freshlymadesketches", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel paranoid and have decided i will not have my friend over to my apartment anymore", "label": 4} -{"text": "im a little confused as to why im not feeling satisfied right now", "label": 1} -{"text": "i never understand like why do i feel so curious about how people perceive my age or dress", "label": 5} -{"text": "i will pause several times during my day and taking a few minutes to visualize myself as having reached my goal pounds slimmer and feeling fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like the most ungrateful brat in the world", "label": 0} -{"text": "i start to feel again that all the things i m doing lately are fake i do them just not to feel bad about the break of my long term relationships", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know they arent too terribly picky and so therefore i feel less inhibited", "label": 0} -{"text": "i could describe their music in a few words id say that its the kind of stuff that makes you want to dance and sing along and can lift your spirits no matter how blue you might feel its intelligent pop music", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bit naughty i run it up the flagpole and see who salutes but no one ever does lyrics by harvey danger", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it would be an injustice to our incredibly loyal fan base to continue under the present circumstances", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel curious because i am just guessing what voice in academic writing only without knowing the real meaning of it", "label": 5} -{"text": "im more of a magazine reader than a novel reader but this time i actually read it maybe im feeling nostalgic or just getting older or maybe i have learned to appreciate forwards and acknowledgements who knows but i read it and it was perfect", "label": 2} -{"text": "i left the people i care about feeling utterly terrified of me of what i might do although i never physically hurt anyone besides myself", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldnt help but feel sort of surprised and sad", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can t describe how conflicted i feel i m stunned dumb and yet i understand and see clearly", "label": 5} -{"text": "i imagine a seed must feel like in rich loamy soil", "label": 1} -{"text": "i press the button if i feel anything funny and it goes back seconds plus it kicks in if it detects anything", "label": 5} -{"text": "id built up such a strong wall so that i wouldnt feel scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i havent been able to watch season two of downton abbey so of course i cant watch season three and im feeling a bit deprived and left behind", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel greedy and horrible", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel people getting impatient with me even if they realize and or acknowledge that i m new which in my panic i often straight up tell them though truth be told i probably imagine people s irritation more often than it actually exists", "label": 3} -{"text": "i guess im not crazy evil but i feel like i should be alot more considerate of others", "label": 2} -{"text": "i miss dance but i feel so lousy at it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i stood for a few minutes more feeling a strange heavy numbness settling over me even as my heart beat faster then slowly sat down again thinking", "label": 5} -{"text": "i knew what to expect actually seeing my scars made me feel much more vulnerable and i didnt dare do my physio exercises for two days until a midwife friend explained the obvious that the stitching of the muscle is much more robust than the tiny pretty stitches they do on the skin", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling truly romantic i like to think some kind of powerful magnetism brought me here", "label": 2} -{"text": "i don t feel re assured", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that i am brand loyal to a few different things in each category", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel excited about what im doing again i feel like i have a ton of catching up to do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so generous that i decided to give to everyone everything they need", "label": 2} -{"text": "i do not feel joyful most of the time at work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i miss having outfit options and not constantly feeling all hot and sweaty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was kind of worried in case i could not go as i have been very ill this past week and havent been in work or anything but luckily my antybiotix has worked and im feeling alot better now still not but alot better than what i was", "label": 1} -{"text": "i never care about how other people would feel ive been soo selfish but still you you give me something more that what i deserve you make everything right", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know i may feel overwhelmed but im ready to learn", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i am in this horrible emotional hang over though i am so good at masking and moving on for the greater good of all that are in my life that this change is going to be a little painful for me for a while", "label": 0} -{"text": "i see more and more of my favourite young actors sign on to these superhero romps i can t help but feel slightly disheartened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have periods where im just so bored but not feeling passionate about doing the things that i once loved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would not feel angry instead i would extend my sympathy to them because they were sent to fight in vietnam against their will", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel there s an energetic playfulness in my face which refuses to go away", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like god has blessed me with a rare glimpse at a part of the big tapestry he has weaved", "label": 2} -{"text": "i execute the trick and work my dishwasher magic i feel so clever", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that way about every artist i see at work amazed at their abilities and talent", "label": 5} -{"text": "im doing and i answer truthfully that its been a bad week and the reasons why if ive added a picture of a howling face or a face clenching teeth i feel theyll know perhaps even unwittingly that if ive managed to pepper my texts with a few little funny faces im down but im certainly not out", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like it s really unfortunate that people saw it as that kind of rivalry because we never that was never the intent", "label": 0} -{"text": "i bought it to use for a cardio workout at home as an alternative to going up the gym or if im feeling very energetic aswell as going to the gym", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling generous and you happen to be there i might just buy you a drink at one of them", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i get this one more clearly and i am impressed by the layers of metaphor that stead manages to cram into a novel that doesnt even reach pages", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember feeling totally shocked at the idea as well", "label": 5} -{"text": "i needed the time and space to feel the fear of my shaken foundations i needed to grieve for the death of a fantasy i needed to acknowledge my hearts desire", "label": 4} -{"text": "i remember feeling extremely terrified at the end of the book at thirteen years this very close and sympathetic character who is ultimately unmasked as the enemy that is terrifying the mask drops", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont blame it all to them and im not angry at them infact i feel fairly sympathetic for them", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am fully aware how lucky i am to have a nice life and still feel so depressed makes me hate myself more than anything", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a duty to be shocked and appalled by my own ignorance", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have shifted my focus back to what matters and made some smarter running choices it feels amazing again", "label": 5} -{"text": "im not sad moody depressed or whatsoever i just feel weird awkward", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanna see many of you infected with this feeling so i expect many outfits photos food decoration and projects to share with the community that remains faithful to this blog", "label": 2} -{"text": "im afraid the owner of the pet dog was feeling pretty frightened and overwhelmed by the situation", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel that is very selfish of her and i cant tell him any of this because im the middle man i am only there to listen and not try and ruin things", "label": 3} -{"text": "i hate feeling scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "im passionate about helping people feel less stressed about memory keeping", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel uncomfortable about canned foods now", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling quite grumpy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just love the feeling inside this sweet little candy shop", "label": 1} -{"text": "i too feel badly for the innocent but what are you going to do", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should feel frustrated right", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel sympathetic if its one party a week", "label": 2} -{"text": "i started to feel like this like the girl with the empty dancecard or the only person on the planet not running around with sprinklers", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like going to plaza to get all the delicious food", "label": 1} -{"text": "i realized i was staying because i thought it was stable and didnt feel passionate about my work", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe as we worked our way through filming and editing the opening we all become more eager to succeed and impress i feel as if we reached our target as i am impressed with what we resulted in", "label": 5} -{"text": "i now peruse the stand quite regularly and have bought a few items which have left me feeling quite impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i keep it all to myself and don t feel anxious about it but i don t feel honest about it either", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will make you feel amazing tonight i need you now slut fallen im an escort so i dont do that for free", "label": 5} -{"text": "im sorry i scared you i said feeling tears come to my own eyes at the thought of how terrified she had been that moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i want you back as my best friend someone that is always beside of me be there for me whenever i feel troubled", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling overwhelmed by the need to have an adventure but at the same time i didnt want to do it without will by my side", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like i have yet to see his most important work", "label": 1} -{"text": "im shirking my duties by not feeling outraged every time one side or the other slaughters someones kids", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel unimportant myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a pressing question that i feel only you as queen protector of all gracious swans can answer me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i often feel a romantic sexual response to the elements of nature and the other humans around me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dealt with was feeling ugly and wondering if i would ever feel pretty again", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still feeling kinda stubborn on that point but the other one", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could have just made a plain list in calibri or whatever that sans serif im beginning to hate is i hate it just because some things just should not be in a sans serif and anyone too lazy to change fonts is sending out important documents in what i feel is a casual subset of fonts", "label": 1} -{"text": "i fancied a change from lure fishing but it feels strange lobbing out baits on ft rods tightening up to set the blobs and then standing there staring at them", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel the more gloomy more a title wow cd key href http www", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so blessed that he gets to be a part of this ministry", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wrote for yaconfidential a bit ago mostly because i feel bad about the lack of content here lately", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very disgusted and i am so tired to say the least", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have two beautiful comment angels in stacie and candace who comment on practically everyone of my posts and i feel loved and appreciate their support", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel uncertain of where i should be", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel helpless and like i have no idea what to do to make her world easier", "label": 4} -{"text": "i will continue to work hard until i do not feel regretful sorry tears forever its getting too long hyungjuns turn cried in the end hyungjun listening to the kind kyujongs words my heart ached", "label": 0} -{"text": "when my roommate was making noise deliberately", "label": 3} -{"text": "i realise this is a vague question but i have no actual plans just a jealous feeling after seeing my ex co workers gorgeous canadian holiday photos that shes emailing to us as she goes", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i cant even stand to see much more and i desperately want to save and protect those that have and are innocent of it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a bitter remorse and sorrow for you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was once again in my dream from the night before and could feel the amazing power of flight i had experienced through my dream", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling hopeful that i was wrong", "label": 1} -{"text": "i swear i feel paranoid", "label": 4} -{"text": "i hit that moment today and i have to say i m feeling relieved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i believe that have left me feeling slower calmer and longing for the comforts of my home and family wanting to be home by the warm stove with something roasting in the oven maybe a dog or two near by", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like i m pretty much the only blogger who hasn t been to iceland", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel helpless about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel that drama and story telling are vital", "label": 1} -{"text": "i could make myself believe that i was invisible to the rest of the world then i would hum a melody inaudibly and feel delighted that no one would notice", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling rather emotional now having to be away from my office work desk and be here in genting fulfilling my dream", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel selfish and maniacal for automatically equating your present state with hes going to leave", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel it when you walk even when you talk it takes over me you re so tender i wanna know can you feel it too just like i do hoo", "label": 2} -{"text": "i remember walking out of that hospital room and feeling stunned and completely untethered", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling so out of place and emotional myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel a bit anxious too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel satisfied and entertained with their skill when watching their match", "label": 1} -{"text": "i always feel strange yearnings and memories every time i see it", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am still feeling the festive air and not wanting it to pass by so fast", "label": 1} -{"text": "i confess that i who am far less awake far less sensitive than valentin tomberg was do not feel deeply shaken in my innermost being every time i go to mass", "label": 4} -{"text": "i think the weather make me feel horny", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have the same feeling as i finish a hole in competion and see my people there supporting me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just wanted to do a quick recap of the last week of decemeber because i feel that it was most definately a moment in my life that should be treasured and cherished not only with me but to all you", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel unwelcome anywhere i go", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so greedy orz the meal was quite light so we ended it with a cheese cake", "label": 3} -{"text": "i focus on meeting his her needs i am showing love even when i am not feeling loving and maybe when they don t even deserve it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will admit to feeling pretty homesick today and even had a bit of a cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel shaky even though i m not really shaking", "label": 4} -{"text": "im getting somewhere they make the project feel worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt feel the pain then id be ok right", "label": 1} -{"text": "i couldnt go into but had to watch my cousins play in while i sat on a bench feeling miserable", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling frustrated this morning about not hearing back from people that ive been trying to reach in regards to our calendar and fall events", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel the strain when it s cold", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel so grouchy today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling curious and yeah scared at the same time", "label": 5} -{"text": "i didnt exercise or spend time in gods word and i was actually feeling rather grumpy when i got to work this morning", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had a chunk of gfc followers on my blogger blog and although i tried to stagger my move over to wordpress it did all feel a bit rushed in the end so i th", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling it would join these films on my list because im quite fond of that one and of hours too but lets be real folks", "label": 2} -{"text": "i begin when i feel overwhelmed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i found by wallace stegner can partly explain this feeling of longing i have", "label": 2} -{"text": "im pushed around i feel resentful and angry and thats why i yell", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can t help it that it feels good or that i see it as in my self interest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel genuinely damaged like a part of me is broken and slowly slowly sllloooooowwwwwllllly healing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was feeling and once again told me how surprised everyone was that i was doing so well considering everything my body had gone through monday", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel in my lovely abode", "label": 2} -{"text": "i had been feeling anxious without reason", "label": 4} -{"text": "i walked out of the testing center with the feeling that i could have either passed or totally bombed it neither would have surprised me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like were back to supporting each other and im glad his foot is no longer the start and end of a day", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel scared about it and i was feeling scared like hell just closed your eyes and feel the love you have for me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i love the weight and feel of it and am excited to not always look like im in mourning since a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel as if you re angry at me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel helpless and out of control again and then the flashbacks begin", "label": 4} -{"text": "i used to feel bitter about that", "label": 3} -{"text": "i dont know how i would feel about that but the fact that he is enthralled with this place makes me just want him to do whatever makes him happiest", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so assured when the person from sma told me youre going for mass comm why you need math gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "label": 1} -{"text": "i loved her i could only ever see her through the confused desire for more of her which when you are with the person you love deprives you of the feeling of loving though i thought of nothing else but of not going a single day without seeing gilberte", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am feeling restless i go for a walk or i read or i create something", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel weird telling people about eating healthy when i still have so much weight to lose", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling really homesick and all the unexpected events were still processing", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know this is quite a random question but it just struck me and i was feeling quite curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel differently toward her now compassionate instead of defensive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like im boring and have nothing good to say", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was leaving for feeling unwelcome", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like im in a weird daze", "label": 5} -{"text": "i want to keep him for as long as possible because despite all the shitty times and arguments and crying and feeling like i just dont want to wake up sometimes the moments when were together and happy are the fucking best", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like an idiot for supporting this guy", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would publish the paper without feeling distressed", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling very productive hence the blogging lol", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel strangely frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling overwhelmed by all sorts of feelings", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have the sinking feeling that i will someday find myself editor that this is a gentle way to edge me into that responsibility", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just kept looking down to figure out why my shoes were feeling so weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel weird calling a movie like this an epic but in many ways it is", "label": 5} -{"text": "i remember taking out my contacts throwing them away and reaching for my glasses and feeling pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to do this", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so honoured but also really sorry that i wasnt really able to help them out with any of their problems", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very blessed to be born in this country of beauty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel very passionate about home education", "label": 2} -{"text": "i was feeling extremely horny now", "label": 2} -{"text": "i told him id feel slutty if we had sex again", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have holidays until august and i feel anxious trying to find something meaningful to do", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have recently started having trouble picking out clothes that i feel comfortable in", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sure that ive hurt feelings or disappointed people along the way but i have learned within the last two years that the people who stand beside you throughout your mistakes and bad decisions are the ones who have loved you all along", "label": 0} -{"text": "i look back at my past and if i think of my child i feel scared", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very frightened", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel sooo listless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i just think of how many people around the world dont have enough to eat i feel overwhelmed that i would complain just because i can t have dairy", "label": 5} -{"text": "i used to feel scared of lots of big things that i really want", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel a bit weird plugging myself here but it would be strange not to mention my own jewellery wouldn t it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling very disillusioned with my blog and blogging in general", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started my dawdle around the downtown at st james centre where at least i can say it doesnt feel quite as frantic as glasgow", "label": 4} -{"text": "i woke up earlier than usual to eat breakfast and to take a shower in the morning so i look and feel pleasant for that magical first block", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive done a music post and im feeling a little nostalgic tonight", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like this is the only place in the world where i can truly say how i feel which is weird because of the simple fact that i have no idea who reads my blog", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am not too sure how i feel about the video but these guys are amazing live", "label": 5} -{"text": "i still feel very isolated", "label": 0} -{"text": "id feel like they hated me or want revenge", "label": 3} -{"text": "i see as possible with this new approach to my business personal life is that while i m with my children i m not feeling resentful or anxious that i haven t gotten to my work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i will feel anxious about any of the following things on a given day", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know what you mean about feeling agitated", "label": 3} -{"text": "i really had prepared ourselves for the worst but we both had the innate feeling that everything was fine", "label": 1} -{"text": "i know exactly where shes laying and i feel her little sweet feet kick my right side like no ones business", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that would be a far more considerate and sensitive approach on the part of employers", "label": 1} -{"text": "i came at first wanting to share my experience but more often i feel like i am being attacked or hated because oh my goodness i am an adult adoptee who is ok and not bitter", "label": 3} -{"text": "i don t have to make others feel bad to make myself feel good", "label": 0} -{"text": "i usually stick with the key chain bunny even when i m feeling brave", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was really not interested coz i feel disgusted even when i heard the stories", "label": 3} -{"text": "i and chinese five color my hands began to feel a little funny", "label": 5} -{"text": "i did she feels that i was not emotionly supportive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am doing my own thing i feel selfish because i should be having quality time with the family or working", "label": 3} -{"text": "i wish i didn t feel that way of course and i m surprised at how difficult feelings are coming out of simple tasks in a relaxed atmosphere", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel she can wipe away all my worries all my pain with her carefree smile and laugh", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do that to books all the time and seeing someone else do it i feel some kind of strange connection to someone i dont even know just from a picture", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit overwhelmed with my writing and life in general and decided i needed some support group", "label": 5} -{"text": "i start feeling giggly and slightly psychotic and bouncy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i enjoyed very much conversing with him and knowing he was working in his own way beside me kind of similar kind of to how at ease and comfortable and quietly glad i feel when having tender and easy conversations with ramon", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel are lovely and not enough reviews around", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel it was a selfish thing to do somehow damaging to her happy news to bring up events so unhappy", "label": 3} -{"text": "i noticed that this past feeling of longing was somewhat coloring last night s date and that i felt myself slightly more attracted to him than i would have been had we just met for the first time", "label": 2} -{"text": "i cant help but feel incredibly sympathetic on her behalf", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel especially devastated for the little children in the family who do not really understand what s going on or why they are being hit", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling extremely bitter inside", "label": 3} -{"text": "im almost twenty fucking five and i feel like i am doomed to never get the chance at success i so truly believe i deserve", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very agitated amp aggrieved by kplc because we have not had power for weeks now around our area plot by pass in pipeline after a transformer exploded we are unable to operate our businesses", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like if i were less neurotic less clingy thinner smarter sexier more beautiful if i gave more that he would have wanted to stay despite his own problems", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have been feeling lousy for a week or so to be honest but yesterday seemed a bit of a turning point for me i somehow felt more in control", "label": 0} -{"text": "i remember feeling this strange feeling in my dream", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so furious and vengeful when children are harmed", "label": 3} -{"text": "i chafed at feeling like kids were sacrificed in order to keep everyone else in the picture happy", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling a bit affectionate", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so selfish for wanting this", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know many of my feelings and emotions are what i pour into my creative works and sometimes are the cause of my ideas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i had a feeling he wasnt impressed when he saw peter i didnt know why until peter and i left and peter told me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i woke up feeling like someone had physically beaten me up", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do experience feelings of anger and agression i assured him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i constantly feel exhausted constantly have a low grade at least headache constantly feel like i cant focus or stay on task the way im usually able to", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel ungrateful complaining about pregnancy", "label": 0} -{"text": "im so quick to admit my failings and faults that i feel funny around people who dont or at least who dont vocalize how tough they are on themselves", "label": 5} -{"text": "i discovered very quickly when we moved in that dekker isn t feeling the gorgeous colored concrete floors like i am", "label": 1} -{"text": "im talking to my friends at canteen and he keep bumped my leg with his and suddenly i got this really excited feeling which is so dirty minded of me and my friends keep teasing me behind his back and i was blushing like mad but still act all tough in front of him", "label": 0} -{"text": "ive been feeling a kind of weird sort of disconnected lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel enraged and feel like knocking everyone of their teeth out", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was going to go to bed with a book and read for pleasure again free my mind of academic pressure enjoy not feeling stressed or gloomy or overwhelmed by study pressure or family worries", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel it aching pagetitle i feel it aching encoding utf locale en isprivate false ismobile false mobileclass languagedirection ltr feedlinks link rel alternate type application atom xml title atom href http alcoholicblend", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was just finishing up a project i had been working on for the twins room when i started feeling this weird pulsating in my vaginal area", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that my employer does an amazing job at valuing social work and the importance of what i can bring to the table i still think that there are ways that my clinical skills could be better utilized", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel stressed and confused", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel pretty crappy but i have my hot tea an feel fine after that", "label": 0} -{"text": "i notice that i feel more energetic and less moody when i actually eat fresh fruits and veggies not just multiple cups of coffee", "label": 1} -{"text": "ive been feeling so weird lately idk maybe im starting to have feelings for a guy but i mean", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling melancholy today", "label": 0} -{"text": "i tossed and turned most of the night feeling restless and out of sorts", "label": 4} -{"text": "when a friend dropped a frog down my neck", "label": 3} -{"text": "i aspire to be like are just so amazing that i feel like i should give up because my blog will never be as popular or as informative", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i have some funny things that i can share and how my life especially has changed drastically", "label": 5} -{"text": "i can still feel that moment the bitter irony of our first hello and our last goodbye", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like many of us are shocked or mad that the casinos are not setting up advantage play machines anymore", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel hot but surely a temperature that high would kill me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am really feeling it in my thighs and buns as carmen is fond of describing my rear today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i want to remind myself about why i love them when i start feeling impatient or unhappy about something in our relationship", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel better after juicing for three days", "label": 1} -{"text": "i guess im feeling very bitter because ive been in the team when times were bad when we were the underdogs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can feel through my tender teen body", "label": 2} -{"text": "i assure all of you that i am not feeling to be in a particularly generous mood as i do not take the award of four stars lightly", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel i end up spending so much time giving love and attention to popular folks who already have their a href http www", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel about myself on whether or not men liked me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i miss him and feel oddly tender towards him", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling doubtful about writing the above because id like you guys to think im like a bella or angela", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found out that its actually room spray and now i feel confused", "label": 4} -{"text": "im feeling like this i react socially by getting giggly", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think i may be bumping against some emotional issues and they are holdin me back making me feel agitated unfocused but then after partying and drinking i am less agitated emotionally this is not why i am drinking just noticed the difference in feelings emotional states today", "label": 3} -{"text": "i would always feel that she was saying those things because she loved me", "label": 2} -{"text": "i did feel better", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am feeling makes me vulnerable and i am basically handing her the weapon to hurt me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do not plan to use progesterone this month since i feel doubtful that i ovulated at all", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was supposed to be working on a grant application but feeling overwhelmed i decided to curl up with my computer and netflix", "label": 5} -{"text": "i very much want to start giving back and commit myself to a cause i feel passionate about", "label": 2} -{"text": "i won t loose at least some weight and i ll supposedly feel amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "i know that sounds awful but this is my blog and my place to vent so i am gonna say what i feel she was very impatient with my kids", "label": 3} -{"text": "i got up i jumped out of bed feeling so eternally blessed to get another shot at it with a new attitude", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel the love a project for sweet olivia a href http alittlebitofdetail", "label": 2} -{"text": "i enter the second trimester im feeling more energetic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i live in the light as much as i can but for years of living in the darkness the light is uncomfortable bright burning and feeling dangerous", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel this love of my beloved", "label": 1} -{"text": "i am able to relax and feel less burdened", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have worked hard for and i am feeling reluctant to part with it", "label": 4} -{"text": "i am feeling very generous amp so i have decided to share with you my readers a free giveaway as a thank you for visiting amp revisiting my page", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hope it wasn t creepy he said after he released the strange feeling by that sweet short touch", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like im a few inches shy of wearing overalls there are so many ways skinny jeans can go wrong", "label": 4} -{"text": "i couldn t help but feel curious when he mentioned my mom s name", "label": 5} -{"text": "im glad it was a temporary feeling because i was feeling doomed like this wasnt going to happen", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i deserve and i get bitter and angry when i dont get them", "label": 3} -{"text": "i still find myself feeling very insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so drained and so out of purpose", "label": 0} -{"text": "i don t want to be anywhere close to her i feel terrified of tall skinny glasses oh so tippable and i feel hopeless about the fact that she will never ever stop doing this", "label": 4} -{"text": "i threw out an obscene amount of food and i am feeling very ashamed of myself", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel really shaken up", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was able to ask my random questions and feel reassured about some things so it was a good appointment", "label": 1} -{"text": "im going for some serious feels which in turn has been wreaking emotional havoc on me", "label": 0} -{"text": "i understand that the students viewpoint is offensive but it would be just as offensive to force them to be tutored by a woman if it makes them feel uncomfortable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel the respect i give is returned to me as most people treat me with courtesy and wouldn t we all rather be liked than hated", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel the generous supply of oxygen swirling about in my chest clearing away some of that tension and how lovely it was to hear that empowering hiss of the ujjayi breath", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel weird as if the house and i are friends who have grown apart", "label": 5} -{"text": "i cried out of feelings of guilt for being unkind and was reassured temporarily", "label": 3} -{"text": "i had no choice but to sit there feeling frustrated as something to add to my effort to cheer up my bed bound sweetheart who at times feels very helpless alone and frightened", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am feeling as though i am doing something worthwhile and rewarding i dont feel the need to stay home and hide out with my laptop so much", "label": 1} -{"text": "i should feel proud i broke my record of losing to a href http twitter", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still have awoken feeling rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i guess maybe i m really in labor i say still in denial and feeling surprised trying to really grasp that this is happening and that i am in fact in labor", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling more than a little distressed at the direction my beloved country is taking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel passionate about today because of him", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have to admit it feels strange but also exciting", "label": 5} -{"text": "i think this opens a door for a slippery slope of rallying students not because they feel strongly or care about the cause they re supporting but because their friends are all doing it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel like in order for me to say that about someone it means more because im obnoxious and awkward", "label": 3} -{"text": "i can still feel some excitement and longing whenever i see my photoshoots in angkor wat", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would feel amazing and run amazing times and a week later i was not even able to maintain an easy pace", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have been feeling overwhelmed with my job as well because there are so many things to learn", "label": 4} -{"text": "i know i always feel terrific when i click on the publish now icon", "label": 1} -{"text": "im sad angry feeling emotional i go get my guitar instead of talk about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i should be insulted jared said giving a mock scowl and stifling another yawn", "label": 3} -{"text": "i understood the feeling of those who were offended by some people", "label": 3} -{"text": "i refused the offer of free bacardi and cokes from a promotion lady and feeling shaken but virtuous proceeded to the library with rach and jenny to do some more work", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like im having something really naughty like dessert for breakfast", "label": 2} -{"text": "a few weeks back i had a very important seminar and i had circulated my papers to all the panel members a day before the seminar i realized that i had inadvertantly burdened certain derivations and i had failed to correct it i feared that this would reflect very badly on my performance fortunately none of the panel members detected it and i felt relieved", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have a feeling im supposed to be confused and just starting out", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel terrified too", "label": 4} -{"text": "i just feel really agitated all the time because i think im missing things and dont concentrate well", "label": 4} -{"text": "i used to feel somewhat intelligent", "label": 1} -{"text": "i cant fault the fact that it does leave the skin feeling lovely and soft which is obviously the effect im aiming for but i think that it will probably be the cute tins alone that keep me buying steamcream as it doesnt seem to have anything that other moisturisers dont", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel nostalgic an", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel little disturbed and depressed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i do feel that its a pleasant treat for those on a budget", "label": 1} -{"text": "i hate feeling jealous and sad", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was hurt and feeling humiliated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hesitate to give out stars for any books because i feel that giving it stars is saying that it is absolutely perfect and there are no improvements to be made", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel but i m curious what you all love dislike about bethesda s latest epic", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel amazed of how stupid i was back then lol", "label": 5} -{"text": "id feel her sweet felt like hair against my chin and itd smell the most perfect little smell", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very curious now to imagine how my baby will look like", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel pretty dumb about that too but idk i thought itd be something different", "label": 0} -{"text": "i started to feel the pangs from delivery and let me tell you i hated it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i know that what i feel for you isnt just a petty crush", "label": 3} -{"text": "i need to feel your face the warmth of your embrace a tender loving kiss to show that i exist i am your falling heart i will rise with you and show love that i feel when i kiss you with love", "label": 2} -{"text": "i would get a response other times i would feel ignored", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel at peace and abundantly thankful", "label": 1} -{"text": "im having the feeling of being nervous or shy about asking my scores", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel very inhibited in any group situation about saying a single word as i think i have nothing worth saying", "label": 0} -{"text": "i came home and relaxed lightly feeling a bit dazed but content as one could possibly get in such a situation", "label": 5} -{"text": "i have a plan with friends and a good support system of neighbors to keep me company but it still feels really weird", "label": 4} -{"text": "i have only been on myspace for just under hours and i feel totally amazed and over whelmed at the responses that i have had", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel angry that one man without self control can be the end of a girl s future", "label": 3} -{"text": "i have a feeling it would also cost me beloved mostly lurkers who would never ask for a password", "label": 2} -{"text": "i brought up my insecurities and these made him feel insecure", "label": 4} -{"text": "i can leave without feeling im the one who has wronged him", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am still personally feeling devastated", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel fake hellip b c a real person can feel real emotion and that s something that i can t do", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling a little naughty today", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could not point out to or speak of but even as i write i feel a strange elation as i recall the experience heaven on earth magic carpet ride", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel kind of slutty wearing it even though im not really exposing much of anything except for my back and my arms", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just feel hopeless", "label": 0} -{"text": "i think some of it is that i ve come to associate the internet with feelings of guilt over not writing and being productive i m sure that will sort itself out soon", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so angry with myself when i dont get up", "label": 3} -{"text": "im generally just feeling irritable to the point where sleep is no closer nor shall it be anytime soon", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a little shamed", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can almost feel his spirit his lively personality and excitement in showing the viewers what he s gonna be grilling or smoking", "label": 1} -{"text": "i come away from those experiences feeling valued fresh and filled up", "label": 1} -{"text": "i still feel a little strange after three months to be actually finished", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was going to try to leave it for another day or so to give the doll ample time to process his thoughts and come to me on his own without feeling pressured", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel unequivocally gentle th t h n win th quarrel b we know h w tough h h worked w th freddie", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little bit thrilled about it", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel stupid for not saying anything when i had the chance", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling rather agitated at the moment", "label": 4} -{"text": "i not only learned what to do when presenting but also how to prepare so that i wouldnt feel as nervous", "label": 4} -{"text": "i found myself feeling not just relieved that the congress was out but happy that we didn t have a hung parliament and had voted in a stable government", "label": 1} -{"text": "i just really feel overwhelmed by the love god has poured out on me", "label": 5} -{"text": "my mother was working with a knife and we were all laughing heartily she was not able to control the knife and stuck it deep into her hand", "label": 0} -{"text": "when i saw an insect going up my arm", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel surprised that i am opening up to a stranger but when i talk to her it s like a cloud of warmth engulfs me", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel that my blog meets all of my own requirements of a successful blog which were to have useful gadgets to have interesting content catchy titles be attractive to the audience and appropriate language", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel terrified like i am losing control panic crazy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i really feel curious", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel so bad about", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am feeling so overwhelmed with being deeply emerged in the social justice world hours a week and then trying to switch back and function in normal life after", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont show things or tell people things anymore because i feel like itll end in trouble or people not caring anyway so yeah im just going to keep things to myself", "label": 2} -{"text": "i am lbs overweight and the sudden burst of training has left me feeling dull and stale", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel about suffering", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was having in my left hip is gone and rather than feeling hesitant to go back to the gym i m like a kid in disneyworld", "label": 4} -{"text": "i suddenly feel eager to return home when a certain time take a rest", "label": 1} -{"text": "i have been feeling quite jolly getting into the festive cheer and excitement of christmas", "label": 1} -{"text": "i use supervision that way then i can check in regularly with how my job search is going and that will feel supportive to me and will help me stay motivated", "label": 2} -{"text": "im feeling very very nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i stand by that statement though i m well aware many disagreed feeling that we should be supportive of any mainstream interest in horror as it s all good for keeping the genre above ground", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have missed kierans sponsored run at school today as i feel so rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i communicate im aware that i can snap pretty easily at times that i can focus on technicalities that irritate people and that when i feel insulted i tend to escalate rather than blow things off", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think i just feel really shaken up", "label": 4} -{"text": "im sure we all have these identifiers whether theyre holidays celebrations or that feeling in your bones that cold weather is approaching", "label": 3} -{"text": "i went by myself on a friday afternoon with my big gown in its bag and put it on zipped it up stood in front of the mirror for the seamstress and instead of smiling and feeling amazing in this gorgeous dress what did i say", "label": 5} -{"text": "i guess what i want to say is i have issues with compliments i feel are insincere or i dont know hollow", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel apprehensive about drinking", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel good very good brooklyn shoe store owner jacob hamula told the daily news in his first expansive remarks since almost ending up in the sights of the", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel very intimidated around them cause they have all these equally as popular and cool and pretty friends", "label": 4} -{"text": "i yell at them i feel rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i can do is say how i feel and while i hated it right after i have grown to appreciate it it leaves strong images and thoughts in your head which is all any of us ask for from good theatre", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think there s a good part of me that s starting to get the message that the when you are in the sweet spot of the good stuff it s also the area where things feel most uncertain and unpredictable", "label": 4} -{"text": "i don t mean to insult him i feel like if i were a horny producer i d pick fresher meat to tenderize", "label": 2} -{"text": "i could feel myself getting more and more impatient just wanting to know for sure that i would get the yo yo", "label": 3} -{"text": "i mentioned to the waiter that i had ordered something else although i couldnt shift the feeling that i was being incredibly rude displaying an undeserved sense of self importance so often seen in westerners", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel anytime i find myself hit my knees after a long absence of doing so i find soon after the most amazing answers or inspirations", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel you but loving is soo much better i tell you mimi being loved is", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel doubtful but then once i start working in earnest my confidence returns", "label": 4} -{"text": "i often have the feeling that i am a swimmer being carried away by a horrible flood", "label": 0} -{"text": "i was still feeling the effects of marathon sex julie looked amazing", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling gloomy for days already", "label": 0} -{"text": "i am actually feeling hopeful that this is going to work out", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that the story was accepted because highlights likes to publish stories that are re told fables or stories that teach a moral lesson", "label": 2} -{"text": "im lucky because my husband hates heavy make up so i never feel pressured to sexify my make up", "label": 4} -{"text": "ive been off for a bit but im feeling rather impressed with myself for a recent superstar ish engagement", "label": 5} -{"text": "i was sitting at my work computer feeling a little stressed over all the grading i need to do and decided to escape a bit by changing my computer background", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think he fears passion the feeling of loving and hating hoping and doubting and any other emotion that makes you feel alive", "label": 2} -{"text": "i just loved getting ready for the big party definitely a labor of love i am feeling a little overwhelmed writing this blog i feel like there is so much to say", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling a little overwhelmed lately", "label": 5} -{"text": "i got a little teary eyed looking around the table feeling startled to see these two grown girls i have and seeing them with diane who has been my friend forever and has been there with me to watch them turn from babies to women", "label": 4} -{"text": "i knew how to make the deal on the internet i feel amazed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel in vain if i feel anything at all", "label": 0} -{"text": "i love being a bbw so i would just feel rude doing it in a store for plus sized women", "label": 3} -{"text": "i am watching it right now and am feeling happily nostalgic", "label": 2} -{"text": "i always feel that it is unfortunate to share your death with a public icon", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel you will be really impressed with this prohormone", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am feeling insecure about my writing i put down my pen and power down my computer", "label": 4} -{"text": "i guess were feeling a little nostalgic for the days of our youth lately", "label": 2} -{"text": "i dont know i woke up feeling weird today", "label": 4} -{"text": "i do book reviews on the rd sunday of the month however my birthday is this week and im feeling kind of generous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i didnt feel that paragraphs devoted to such things as what cd cedric happened to be holding were relevant and was generally irritated by their inclusion", "label": 2} -{"text": "i will feel so damn insulted if her book ever got published she gives a bad name to writers just like stephinie meyers who wrote the failtastic sparklepires of twilight", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed and indecisive i set a timer for or minutes and just start doing whatever first catches my attention", "label": 5} -{"text": "i suddenly feel frightened isn t usually frightened he of that kind of fear but another difficult to express dismay imitate a buddha to have what drown of the disaster will soon come", "label": 4} -{"text": "i wanted things to feel really cold as the story started to go off the rails", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was able to feel for his characters to have my emotions positively disturbed for what i was watching", "label": 0} -{"text": "im feeling less impressed with the speech this morning than i was last night", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am tired of feeling neurotic and ocd", "label": 4} -{"text": "i dont remember ever leaving the house at a steady pace mostly i cursed while trying to lock the door as the door refused to cooperate or was it the key who was feeling rebellious", "label": 3} -{"text": "i know you may not feel like being affectionate with him right now especially when he s acting like a jackash but just try it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little weird", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am afforded the respect that following the rules of the road should engender i will only follow the rules if i feel respected and safe", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel equally creative if not more when following a sketch", "label": 1} -{"text": "i think part of it is when im dancing i feel gorgeous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel like i fucked up majorly my move i left everyone and now i have a handful of people who actually give a flying fuck about me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i posted on monday i spent the rest of the day feeling very shaky and weak", "label": 4} -{"text": "i had him lying around the house falling asleep all the time and feeling rotten", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like if we are longing to hear god hungry to see him and looking for him in our lives he will reveal himself through many and any manner possible", "label": 2} -{"text": "i bring this up because on occasion those moments when songs just seem to summarize what you re feeling might not actually be the most elegant sweet or emotional", "label": 1} -{"text": "i do not have to feel pressured at the holiday time", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel as though i will always be lonely and always be single and alone", "label": 0} -{"text": "i have a million things on my plate at the moment and yet find myself feeling underwhelmed and lethargic as though i have nothing going on", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i m just hurt", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel we should not be supporting these rebels in a violent manner at all and particularly not give them weapons or funding", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel so uncertain in a lot of things or at least the most important things to me", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel so uncertain about this semester", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel shocked but i think it s my mother and cousin i m incredibly sad for", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t know if i had the look of someone who was weary from the experience or if he just remembers how difficult it was to cope with the infertility experience at times but i know he made me feel as though my questions and concerns are worthwhile", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel a little out of practice so be gentle with me it this post is pants", "label": 2} -{"text": "i know the chocolate sounds like sacrilege but it works when you feel like being naughty", "label": 2} -{"text": "i are married my dad feels assured that im ok and no longer need him", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel most people are annoyed by this practice so it negatively impacts a customers view point of the business even if their pocketbook is not victimized in the end", "label": 3} -{"text": "i just had a gut feeling and i accepted it", "label": 2} -{"text": "i told the psychiatrist that i hadnt had a day when i felt like i used to feel since november she seemed shocked", "label": 5} -{"text": "im feeling particularly horny ill buy her the teensiest tiniest thong", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disappointed weve not got the three points", "label": 0} -{"text": "i easily emphasize with others feeling and tend to be caring and loving", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel disgusted with my entire existence", "label": 3} -{"text": "i truly cannot help but feel terrible about it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i havent been feeling too well lately", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel unloved i cry", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel i will have to re read parts of keen s book", "label": 1} -{"text": "i got the bike on the roof rack and pulled out of the driveway i was ready to rock and had a feeling the ride would be pretty sweet", "label": 2} -{"text": "im only invited somewhere if you feel like being bitchy or you need advic on buying the pair of perfect shoes", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like being a romantic today dear hendrix college why", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel that if i let go and let the connections of love all over the universe and beyond help me i will find myself in a loving giving abundant universe", "label": 2} -{"text": "i packed this time around feeling apprehensive about this challenging season and happy to decompress for a few days at my dads before coming home", "label": 4} -{"text": "i could feel you were throwing all those sarcastic feelings toward me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i found myself feeling envious of a woman at the market whom we stopped to buy fish from", "label": 3} -{"text": "im just feeling particularly ungrateful now", "label": 0} -{"text": "i sat in a bar with my back to the door and felt an energy come in i was present enough not only to feel it but to be curious about it and spin to see what it was", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel very proud that i chose to have chicken noodle soup instead still kinda processed but i craved noodles it had vegetables and it had only cals in the whole tin", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel my stomach aching too", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel like ive been melancholy lately for a lot of different reasons", "label": 0} -{"text": "i cant help but think about and not see and feel just a little skeptical about the direction the world is in", "label": 4} -{"text": "i was feeling particularly nostalgic for my summers in spain and also when his dear miss carly was in spain herself we read ferdinand one of his favorite books", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel energised back and annoyed at all of the clutter around me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel like it will completely block all of the websites that students will be curious about and also i will block the ones that do not correlate to their assignments", "label": 5} -{"text": "i don t feel insecure i feel crazy", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel it in my bones class aimg libtitle target blank i feel it in my hellip", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so disgusted looking myself in the mirror i ask the reflection why do you make yourself feel like you re not worth anything", "label": 3} -{"text": "i haven t slept a wink yesterday and i am feeling so irritated that i cannot tell you", "label": 3} -{"text": "i constantly feel a sense of urgency in myself around his work despite the fact that he is such a gentle leisurely fellow", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel a little grouchy that ive done all the work", "label": 3} -{"text": "i didnt want to want it but there it was on the morning of mothers day a wheres mine feeling and i hated it", "label": 3} -{"text": "i could feel his delicate pulse under my fingers and i closed my eyes willing my treacherous body to be still", "label": 2} -{"text": "i guess i just figured you didnt read it because you never comment unless youre feeling really sarcastic and want to tease me", "label": 3} -{"text": "i left feeling tortured beaten and numb", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like the quote that i loved so long ago fits when i think about kreatid", "label": 2} -{"text": "i wasn t really even hungry after eating it but didn t feel satisfied by it because it was so gross", "label": 1} -{"text": "i was feeling brave when i bought it and clearly when i was doing my makeup", "label": 1} -{"text": "i felt like it had a wee french feel to it and surprisingly i wasnt too cold as the skirt has a really great fleece lining inside which is nice that the faux leather doesnt stick to your legs", "label": 3} -{"text": "i was feeling and i just about got through without feeling overwhelmed by an increasing sense of melancholy and vulnerability", "label": 5} -{"text": "i am just lost in my own thoughts of misery and sometimes that is the case but mostly everytime i feel some suffering i am reminded of my brothers and sisters and the suffering that they are have gone through in relation to it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel very troubled that there is another lj user called", "label": 0} -{"text": "i juz don feel like going out when im broke", "label": 0} -{"text": "i returned for over the rainbow and i wasnt feeling all that impressed", "label": 5} -{"text": "i feel like a bad person honestly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel so groggy grabe", "label": 0} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by my life here", "label": 5} -{"text": "i just have this feeling not like shes judging me but that she is curious about more details", "label": 5} -{"text": "i couldnt get over what a spiritual place it was this place gave me a very similar feeling one that puts you in your place and makes you appreciate these lovely environments", "label": 2} -{"text": "i have been married life feeling not satisfied with the emergence of first love let me see marriage have another point of view i found that her husband is actually a crude and refined the event is not confused the advantage of him or a lot i feel beginning to like this person", "label": 1} -{"text": "im feeling stunned at the suddenness of it all", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont have favorite fashion designers and i feel like thats weird to say but i choose to make my own trends and try to be original without influence", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont really know what to blog about so i just post updates on the littles and i feel like thats cute and funny sometimes but doesnt have much depth", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel that donghae is quite popular in korea", "label": 1} -{"text": "i mean i feel fantastic", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel slightly moronic in the fact that i havent taken a math class in years and im a little confused by it", "label": 0} -{"text": "i tried to bring it back most of the times but mohen seems so far away that it makes me feel rejected to even try", "label": 0} -{"text": "i hate how i look and despite being told i am beautiful i will always feel ugly", "label": 0} -{"text": "i looked at the letter and didn t feel like caring", "label": 2} -{"text": "i feel overwhelmed by more things than normal and i find a depletion of the joy in my heart", "label": 4} -{"text": "i feel like i need to forgive anyone who i think has wronged me in some way", "label": 3} -{"text": "i feel a bit intimidated a bit embarrassed", "label": 4} -{"text": "i must admit that i was feeling adventurous", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel so shocked a href http amplify", "label": 5} -{"text": "i dont feel i was all that innocent ive always been trying to grow up faster than i could", "label": 1} -{"text": "i feel distracted or scattered i take a few moments to close my eyes and just breathe", "label": 3} -{"text": "i told her awhile ago that it made me feel rebellious when you got mad at me for getting into trouble but when daddy spoke to me quietly i felt sorry for what i had done", "label": 3} -{"text": "i think part of why i m feeling peaceful is i feel more connected to people", "label": 1} -{"text": "i take the pill after theyve been sitting out for an hour at idle with the screen and it was uncomfortably warm feel looks like this is because the tablet tries in vain to find a gps signal but even then its not good when the tablet is running hot without being used", "label": 0} -{"text": "i want to pay attention to how things make me feel and no rationalizing no neurotic mental backbends i want to go from there", "label": 4} -{"text":"i believe the most readers feel impressed by the individual journey","label":5} -{"text":"i spent a lot of time feeling a bit stunned that they thought i was that awesome","label":5} -{"text":"i feel mad that you grabbed the toy","label":3} -{"text":"i understand the feeling of a writer unsure of his skill unsure of his audience wondering if he has wasted hours and hours of his life making marks on a page","label":4}