from datasets import load_dataset dataset_name = "2nji/makebelieve-480" # Load the dataset dataset = load_dataset(dataset_name) # Shuffle the dataset and slice it dataset = dataset['train'].shuffle(seed=42).select(range(480)) # Define a function to transform the data def transform_conversation(example): conversation_text = example['text'] segments = conversation_text.split('###') reformatted_segments = [] # Iterate over pairs of segments for i in range(1, len(segments) - 1, 2): human_text = segments[i].strip().replace('Human:', '').strip() # Check if there is a corresponding assistant segment before processing if i + 1 < len(segments): assistant_text = segments[i+1].strip().replace('Assistant:', '').strip() # Apply the new template reformatted_segments.append(f'[INST] {human_text} [/INST] {assistant_text} ') else: # Handle the case where there is no corresponding assistant segment reformatted_segments.append(f'[INST] {human_text} [/INST] ') return {'text': ''.join(reformatted_segments)} # Apply the transformation transformed_dataset = # Upload the dataset to the Hub # Don't forget to replace the token with your own transformed_dataset.push_to_hub(dataset_name, token="...")