--- dataset_info: features: - name: image dtype: image: mode: RGB - name: label dtype: class_label: names: '0': Basophil '1': Eosinophil '2': Lymphocyte '3': Monocyte '4': Neutrophil splits: - name: cropped num_bytes: 67705296.008 num_examples: 1407 - name: augmented num_bytes: 38799344.112 num_examples: 1464 - name: original num_bytes: 1215365418 num_examples: 285 download_size: 1293100320 dataset_size: 1321870058.12 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: cropped path: data/cropped-* - split: augmented path: data/augmented-* - split: original path: data/original-* license: cc-by-4.0 task_categories: - image-classification language: - en tags: - veterinary - cell classification - animal - endangered species - microscopy - microscopic biological image - pig - blood cell - white blood cell - cell counting pretty_name: Dataset for Machine Learning-Based Classification of White Blood Cells of the Juvenile Visayan Warty Pig size_categories: - 1K